#it's like someone gushing about how great a cook you are
greyias · 2 years
Highlights from last night's stream (I swear, if I had the wherewithal I would actually do clips/highlights properly with Twitch's interface, but eh, effort):
Spending a good ten minutes or so to finish beating that stupid Ithorian at the spaceport so I could finally get the HK part I needed. As I finally beat him, and we cheered in chat, I realized: he had no HK droid parts. That was just being sold like normal by a different vendor a few meters away
Finding a room full of deactivated mute protocol droids, and without any reason whatsoever other than "chaos", activating them all at the exact same time, and cackling madly as they all bunched up and got caught in doorways as they tried to clank past one another to start their patrol routes
Baby Voice Padawan and Holly the Holocron -- most unlikely padawan/master duo
Not realizing the spider enemies somehow breathed fire until like, 45 minutes in of bonking them on the head
Running around for over an hour inside of the Enclave, progressing story bits, gaining light side and experience points, and in a moment of hubris-fueled chaos, decided to overload a computer terminal with a one second timer, insta-killing the entire party. I had not saved since setting foot inside. We had to do everything again
Mical. Just... Mical (being in the party .05 seconds before talking to the Exile like a stalker, "oh god I didn't mean to click on him! I was trying to talk to the turret!", "The Jedi Council convinced Revan to change her mind", *gives a guy some credits and tells him to stop breaking the law* "I've never seen a Jedi do anything nice ever! You're sooooo cool")
Running around Dantooine acting like a little missionary for the militia, asking every single soul on this godforsaken planet if they've heard the good news about Zherron and his gravelly faux Clint Eastwood Voice
And maybe my favorite moment, fueled by my own particular brand of blonde obliviousness, where I am completely and utterly lost trying to find a stupid cave, and talk to our favorite bald, old Jedi hater hanging out near our ship:
Me: [proceeds through passing all of the persuasion/charm checks, probably making bi-disaster finger guns to get Baldy to talk]
Old Bald Guy: You're right random stranger who gaslighted me last stream! [proceeds to give detailed strategic info about all of Dantooine's weak points]
Atton: Wow! You're as smooth as the barrel of a blaster. I like that. 🤩
Me: WHOA THERE, ATTON! Are you talking about that guy's head? THAT'S SO INSENSITIVE!
Atton, probably:
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Also Atton: [influence goes up], internally "My god she's so stupid. Why does that make me love her even more?"
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jyoongim · 7 months
May I please request some Alastor fluff where he and reader are married in Hell, but he later finds out reader was actually married in her life before and now he keeps asking about her old husband and keeps trying to out-do him even though reader never really compared the two before?
"Oh he brought you flowers? That's nice. *Magically poofs up a whole a garden behind the hotel* I can do better though."
Obviously burning with jealousy like how dare reader get married to someone else beside him. Like ye, he died about a whole century before reader was even born but that's beside the point.
Bonus if said husband shows up later in hotel and he and reader aren't really romantically involved anymore but are good friends but Al's eye still twitches in annoyance whenever he's around.
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Never mention that there was once another man in your life besides Alastor.
You were sitting in the lounge with Angel chatting. He had made a dirty joke on how you had ‘Mr. Fancy Talk’ wrapped around your finger. “What yer got a thing for older men toot?” He laughed. You glared playfully at him, admitting that you had been married to an older man when you were living. This led to you talking about your first husband.
”Wait so you tellin me that another guy got the goods before Fancypants? Ha!” You blushed, rolling your eyes. “No no I mean YES but it wasn’t a great marriage”
You gushed at how great of a husband Alastor, how attentive and caring he was towards your needs. Your first husband was a great man, but you were young when you married him and the only thing he was concerned about was you keeping the house clean, cooking, and work. 
Your decent to Hell was a result of your marriage. You had felt like you weren’t the best wife and your husband didn’t really spend time with you. It really took a toll on your emotional and mental being. But you held no ill will towards the man you once married.
With Alastor you THRIVED. He made you feel loved ironic ain’t it and tended to all of your needs. Alastor gave you anything you desired.
So you thought nothing of it when you woke up to flowers and breakfast. Alastor greeted you with a soft kiss as you rubbed the sleepiness out of your eyes. “Why good morning my dear! I do hope you had pleasant dreams” he beamed, setting the breakfast tray on your lap. You blinked in surprise and smiled “Oh Al you didn’t have to. I could have cooked breakfast” you said, happily opening your mouth as he fed you some fluffy pancakes.
Alastor hummed “Nonsense! You should be pampered my dear and as your HUSBAND it is my job to make sure you don’t work yourself to the bone”
You hadn’t thought anything of it.
Alastor was full of surprises and such a gentleman.
So you went about your week.
But you knew when something was bothering your husband.
”baby…what’s this?” You asked Alastor confused as you walked around your new studio. Your little nook that you dedicated to painting,writing, and other little hobbies was now a full room with a view of a newly placed garden.
Alastor just smiled “I thought you could use a bit more place. Isn’t this better? Now you can enjoy the scenery and not be crammed in a stuffy corner”
You still thought nothing of it.
until….a letter came for you in the mail.
Your ex-husband had seen an advertisement of the hotel. He saw that you were managing it and wanted to swing by to see how you were doing.
You were weary to tell Alastor, but when you told him, he just smiled at you ”Then we’ll just have to put on a good show then wont we dear?”
A show indeed.
A knock at the door reached your ears and you opened it to reveal your ex-husband. You gave him a smile and welcomed him inside.
He enveloped you into a hug, twirling you around “Well I be damned! Thought the papers were lyin’ how ya been doll?”
The lights flickered.
You laughed “Well better than the living haha. So what brings you by what have you been up too?” You ushered him to sit on the couch.
He filled you in on how he died and what he had been doing in Hell the last few decades.
You tried to catch your breathe from laughing. “So wait? You’re telling me that the whole thing was a scam? Hahahaha” 
He chuckled “Yea I should have known better. You would have slapped me straight”
You nodded in agreement still giggling. He looked around “sooo a hotel for redeeming souls….how you come up with that?”
You excitedly showed him around as you briefly explained that you were just a simple manager. Helping the Princess of Hell with her dream of helping sinners who wanted to see the pearly gates.
”Actually it was my husband’s idea” You smiled.
The man gawked “Y-Ya got married again?”
You nodded happily and taking a moment “He’s here actually i can introduce-” You bumped into something…someone.
You chirped happily “Ah Alastor! I was just coming to find you”
Alastor looked the sinner over.  He was NOT impressed at all.
THAT is what you were married to before? Oh honey
You definitely leveled up.
”Alastor this is *ex-husband name*” “*ex-husband name* this is Alastor”
Your ex-husband extended his hand “How’d ya do?”
Alastor gave him a sharp smile, taking his hand “Pleasure to meet you, quite a pleasure” he swiftly shook his hand and swiped his hand after on his jacket Alastor baby PLEASE
Your ex-husband swung a arm around your shoulders, grinning “doll face here was telling me about your fine establishment here. I am truly happy she has someone to take care of her. You truly found a gem here sir”
Alastor’s eye twitched.
In a smooth motion, Alastor grabbed your hand, pulling you to his side, looping your arm in his, giving a tight smile “I couldn’t agree more”
He walked you back into the lobby, you ex following.
”MY wife told me a lot about you. I must admit I am shocked at how much you lack” Alastor eyes narrowed on the man.
The man sweatdropped, laughing nervously “Yea I admit I wasn’t the best husband but I did care about her”
You cooed, happy your ex could admit his wrongs but still thought of you in a good light.
Alastor hummed “Surely not the best” he feigned looking at his claws.
You talked for a bit more before your ex stood up to leave.
”Well it was nice to see you but i should really get going doll”
You pouted “No its way too late, why don’t you stay we have plenty of room.”
Alastor was quick to object “now now my dear if the man NEEDS to go we shouldn’t try to stop him. He probably has better things to do” he narrowed his eyes at your ex.
Get out
”He right doll, But ill be sure to stop by again…it was nice seeing you again.”
You gave him a hug which made Alastor growled and waved him off. You closed the door and turned back to your husband with a smile. You were happy that he was on his best behavior. You had feared he would eat the man.
You sighed, wrapping your arms around his waist, giggling
”You know you’re the best man I’ve ever met right Al” you pressed a kiss to his lips.
He hummed, lanky arms wrapped around your waist, kissing you back
 “How about we head upstairs and I show you why I am the best”
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howtotrainabraincell · 2 months
Head Cannon bc I can - What kinds affectionate the different assassins would be - Part 1
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Ezio Auditore da Firenze - The Lover of Love. Family man very affectionate/grew up in a loving closely knit family/family oriented/notices little things/sweetheart with a side of spice/he reminds me of the hot tamale candy lol spicy AND sweet at the same time bc he can be a cinnamon roll one second and then become the oven that you PUT the cinnamon roll IN. He seems like he would play the lute for you the few chords that he learned when he was younger that is, and he MIGHT sing but don't count on it haha. Man wrote some real nice letters when he was older so I bet he would try his hand at love letters no matter which Ezio you prefer, and they would be sweet. Loves to give hand kisses whether they be sweet or steamy. Often comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you in a hug, and imo LOVES it when you rake your fingers through his hair gently scratching his scalp. Would instantly be down bad for someone who cooks Italian food for him because it makes him feel loved and cared for.
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Bayek of Siwa - The Kind Lover. Proud affection/"look at how awesome my partner is I worship the ground they walk on"/offers an arm for escort/is not afraid to hold your hand/great at letting people know where they stand and setting boundaries so no one will be confused about who he has feelings for. Very attentive and notices the little things/can kick ass and then some but is so gentle and sweet with the one he loves (no one touches a hair on their head or disturbs the air around them or so help him Anubis...) /great at communicating and is not afraid to talk about feelings. Have a feeling that he enjoys fresh baked bread and anything sweet he can get his hands on, and also loves to share them with his love. NO ONE can tell me that he doesn't take good care of the person he loves because man is a sweetheart protector and dang good provider. Forehead kisses are a big thing with him, where he gently cradles your head to do so, and lots of eye contact when he tells you that he loves you.
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Edward Kenway - The Cheeky Pirate. sexual tension/handsy and cheeky but will stop if you're uncomfy/he knows when to behave/won't hesitate to smooch you to the ninth realm and back if someone looks at you like they want you/ have a feeling that he is BIG TIME into holding his partner in front of him at the wheel and steering the Jackdaw (letting them drive but not really)/spoils his loved one rotten any chance he gets (even if it is stolen lol)/will probably make you his co-co-captain alongside Adewale.
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Ratonhnhake:ton/Connor Kenway- The Respectful Lover. Not really one for PDA but you'll know that you're loved by him/does gush about you to people from his tribe and everyone at the Homestead knows he's DOWN BAAADD (the tribe elders have predicted a wedding date lol bc they know that he'll marry you. Definitely teaches self-defense and fall in love 5,000 times harder if they made an attempt to learn Kanien'keha/if they love animals and nature, he again will worship the air they breathe. If you cook for him especially recipes from his tribe, he'll probably get emotional because they remind him of home, and he would be head over heels in love with someone who was open to learning about where he comes from and the ways of his people. If you defend him when someone is rude to him (despite being well able to defend himself as we all know) he will feel protected and loved, which he's rarely felt in his life since his mother.
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Jacob Ethan Frye - The Sweetheart. Makes his partner feel valued ESPECIALLY as a woman because he's not a typical 19th century man who's all "women's place is in the home having babies and cooking and cleaning". He WILL LISTEN TO YOU and also put great faith in your opinion/cheeky and very flirtatious/can get flustered if partner matches his energy though lol/ something tells me this man LOVES and is WHIPPED for domesticity he's had a crazy, dangerous life with too many near death experiences to count at only 21 years old and while he would still be the chaotic cinnamon roll you fell in love with the Rooks and fight club and all he would love to come home to peace and calmness. If you cook/bake for him he will literally turn into a bottomless pit he LOVES IT though it will sometimes start sibling squabbles between him and his older sister because she loves your cooking too haha. Also teaches self-defense but will get flirty with you real quick so it's probably best to learn from Evie lol. VERY genuine and he means every loving word he says and every touch he gives. Protective of you and will throw hands if someone disrespects you. He also loves to make you laugh and tell.me.WHY I am so dang sure that he LOVES it when you play with his hair especially if you scratch your fingers lightly against his jaw and the scratchy whiskers he has there.
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Desmond Miles - The Lonely One. Proud as well/total gentleman with sexy swagger lol/loves to take you out on his motorcycle/loves it when you come visit him at work because he'll be doing his job and look over to see you which makes him instantly happy/TOTALLY shows off his bartending skills and winks at you while doing it being a total flirt/ love language without a doubt is quality time and physical touch. Man is VERY affectionate imo because he's touched starved and most likely lonely (even with the Animus he still wants you because you comfort him). If you defend him from Shaun when he's being annoying or pushing him too much or clap back at the male half of his DNA, he will literally love you forever. Man is FERAL for a significant other that will defend him and care for him the way he wasn't all those years alone.
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Altair Ibn La'Ahad - The Reserved Soldier...who's Smitten. Doesn't do PDA most that might happen is an arm offered for an escort or a hand on the waist to push you behind him/will kiss you on the cheek before he goes off on missions the same way he does the rest of the members of the Brotherhood (even if you're not part of it) while saying to you in Arabic "Safety and Peace my darling". Shows affection by smirking at you when you're flustered and acting as your intimidating AF bodyguard/in private tho...he's very amorous and loves having physical contact with his partner. Totally the type to lie there and rest with them or lazily kiss and hug. Not averse to showing that he loves you in public or declaring his love because he does love you very much, he just wants to protect your honor and avoid anyone (read: MALIK) heckling/harassing the both of you about being lovers. You are for his eyes and his eyes only whether it be hand holding, kissing, or various other things that he often thinks about...
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Arno Victor Dorian - The Hopeless Romantic. Very affectionate also from being lonely and touch starved/not afraid to show his love for you in public. He DEFINITELY writes you love letters that are just - SIGH. He has a way with words and just pours everything into the letters he writes you, what he loves about you and why, how much you mean to him, how he would do anything for you. He's a hopeless romantic and when he falls in love he falls HARD and gives the one he loves everything (cue traumatic flashbacks of a certain ex-now deceased red haired lover of his). I think he would be SO in love with someone who noticed the little things about him and took care of those things. If he's sleep deprived? You let him sleep in and fix him breakfast in bed. If he's lonely while working? You sit with him wherever he is and read/ write/look out the window and watch Paris silently comforting him with just your presence. If he forgets to eat? You fixing him something delicious to eat and bringing it to him giving him a kiss and words of encouragement. Bringing him tea/water/coffee/hot chocolate while he's working. Would definitely spoil you with treats from the Cafe and if you work there, he'll drop by every so often to give you a sweet quick kiss. I think he would also show affection by helping you get ready in the morning and take this the way you wish...but he's really good with corset laces, buttons, and layers upon layers of fabric. He's thoughtful and sweet taking time to think about you (even though he barely thinks about himself). Will legit protect you with his life he refuses to lose you and will do anything to keep you safe. He loves to have slow relaxing days with you to have a moment away from his normally stressful life. You pulling him away from his work for distraction or holding him when the Council annoys him is always welcome. You will definitely know that he loves you with everything that he has.
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dvlboy · 1 year
milk madness
farmer! asahi, kuroo and bokuto with cow reader. the trio are portrayed in the mid 20s, reader is ~20
this is geared to be a three parter, but bokuto is mainly in this fic.
mdni — warning under cut
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WARNINGS: mentions of trafficking, reader is a hybrid with really fluffy hair and horns, starts off as hcs ends with smut, chest worship, size difference, body and cock worship, deepthroating, male lactation and harnesses
confidently all three could say that they were very attached to you. when they found you as a teen, with the cute stubby horns in the rain they really didn't know what to do with you, but they couldn't just leave you in the rain. at first, you barely spoke, opting to just shy away into the corner of their little abode. they couldn't help but gush at how handsome you were, and how cute you were while you napped.
then you slowly began to trust them, letting them comb your hair or stroke your horns, cooking meals for them. it was nice to see you soften up to the three men that saved you. the fukurodani village was small, and only housed a handful of farmers, so all the help you could give was greatly appreciated. once you were comfortable enough, you told your story on how you got lost.
turns out someone from another village had ordered a milking cow, and you escaped, running away from the people that took you until you landed in the rice fields of the fukurodani village. it was crazy thinking about how much you grew, as despite being a few years younger then them, their little cow was quickly maturing, growing in size, vigour and strength. the same kind personality never disappeared, even when your horns matured, as well as your body.
while they never considered you a "pet," they did ask (mainly asahi) for your permission to milk you, and had to actively hide the pump they bought from you as to not scare you away. asahi was always the best at looking out for you, and so you often rewarded him with cuddles much to the other twos dismay. they also wanted to cuddle on your pecs :(
and speaking of pecs, they were having troubles finding suitable clothing for you. the hand me downs that they gave you no longer fit since they were all collectively shorter then you, and much thinner. you had to wear bokuto's old shorts and shirt for weeks until kuroo finally caved and brought you down to the city. (it stressed him out greatly, you were their cow, and they didn't appreciate how many eyes you received) and now their little (big) cow was so much happier :) you wore a pair of overalls when you did farm work, or plowed the fields, plus some nicer clothes for when you could relax indoors.
the first time you needed to be milked was borderline very scary for them, since you were in tears from how much your chest hurt, and how you couldn't understand your own body. they never should have let it get so bad, but they've never understood the signs since you were their only (and most prized cow) but once they saw the stains on your shirt, they knew what the cause was, it was the first time you slept with all of them that night, exhausted from the worry of your body.
and now that you've fallen into constant production, they now have a schedule. every three days they take turns milking you, and can sell your milk! its been a great resource for them, and has been attracting a few people from other villages when they do sell. plus they found out a few things about you in the process, things that love about you.
it was bokutos turn to milk you, so therefore it was a great day for him! he always had a bit of fun with you before he milks you, claiming it helps ease the process when in reality he just really likes your body. the white haired man had a pep in his step, holding the supplies and the harness as he searched for a bulky body with a pair of curved horns.
he found you frolicking in a part of land they had yet to develop, leaning down to stare at the butterfly that fed off of the wildflowers with curious eyes. when he whistled you to call you, he couldn't help but feel a bit bad at disrupting such a cute scene.
your large body was trailing his as he led you to the small milking area near their house, a stool and some of your favourite flowers accompanied the harness and other tools bokuto placed down.
"hey big boy! you ready to get milked?" that nickname of his was a habit now, spurred on by the flustered eyes looking back at him, your fingers quickly unfastening the fabric strips of your overalls, letting your torso become exposed before bokutos hands stopped yours.
"theres no need to rush, baby. just let me take care of you, okay?" he looked at you, desires creeping through his knuckles at the look of your handsome face. your slow nod made him grin wider, albeit less innocent.
your chest was always plush and soft, despite the abundance of muscle to be found. it was mostly thanks to asahi massaging the muscles and applying lotion as an aftercare. his roughened hands couldn't help but stroke between the cleavage, before he roughly grabbed a handful of flesh, entranced by the soft muscles and how warm it was between his hands.
"not so rough bokuto.." breathless, and pretty. sometimes he thinks about how much strength you have. at your current height, bokuto went to your chest. no doubt you could destroy the entire village if you wished, yet here you were, looking at him with those obedient eyes. it made his pants tighten at all the potential sins he could make with you, when you were ready of course.
"can't help it, your tits are so fuckin' big, so full.. wait?" his lust filled eyes cleared up as he pulled out the chest harness, ushering you to stand up, "I almost forgot this bad boy! doesn't it make it easier?" bokuto was dangling the harness like a toy, before fastening the faux leather around your chest. the material wrapped around your chest snugly, and your pecs fit snugly in the central area.
once you sat down again, the torso of the overalls dangling and hitting the ground, bokuto squeezed your other pec, thumb moving in a circular motion around your nipple, liquid dribbling out. your arm covered your mouth, looking away while the white haired man played with your body, praying his eyes didn't manage to sneak down to your crotch.
"you're just so fuckin' big, aren't ya? our little bull, so full of milk~ you're gonna create a whole herd of people who want it.." golden eyes roamed the soft, unblemished skin before he lowered his head to lightly kiss the exterior of the flesh, his stubble tickling your skin as he sunk into it like a pillow. he could feel your warm breath tickle his skin as he lightly sucked on your nipple, fingers trailing your chest, the nail ghosting the shivering skin before it lowered, tracing the ridges in your abs, before he massaged your lower stomach, something of a moan coming from his mouth, before slipping his hand down into your overalls. bokutos eyes widened at the feeling of your semi hard cock, pulsing and throbbing. he pulled away from your swollen nipple, licking the tiny dribble of milk that leaked out. "you like getting your tits sucked? naughty bull.." he could feel you throb in his hands as you gasped at him, almost offended.
"they're not tits bokuto! they're pecs, and i'm sorry.. didn't want you to see.." his hands tugged your overalls lower, before your cock popped out, swinging side to side.
"that's okay, next time you get hard you let me know, alright? the milk can wait, i want to try another type.." before you could answer he got on his knees, diving into the base of your cock, licking the sweaty musk before slowly licking the veins until he reached the glans, feeling the sweaty warmth on his skin while his tongue graced the sides.
bokuto could feel some sort of sick satisfaction build up within him, knowing that he was the first to be able to do this. he knows that asahi and kuroo feel the same way, their self control and desires only being barely contained-- especially when you walk in all cute and innocent. sometimes you don't realize that after you bathe that clothes stick to you, and they can see everything. neither have had the opportunity to let their own sexual desires release, and the idea that he would be the first to ever be able to touch you would forever make some sick part of him gloat.
the white haired male pulled away, hands cupping and fondling your balls gently until your head lulled back, before he compared his forearm to your cock. heat built in his body seeing how big your cock was, especially in comparison to his arm. the tip was leaking profusely, precum dripping down the fat head and down the girth, glistening under the cool afternoon sun.
"you got a fat one, cutie." he mused, uncharacteristically horny and dominant, "i'm the only one that has seen you like this, yeah?" your nod was all he needed as he dived licking the tip and coaxing it with spit, before he slowly took a few inches, the hot rod hitting the back of his throat. the first few times he gagged, the tears building up in response, before he got the hang of it, slowly testing the limits and pushing the head down his throat. he could feel you rustle, and your hips tremble. what a good boy you were, resisting the urge to thrust into your farmers mouth. bokuto could feel the damp warmth of your cock as he continued to push his head deeper, carnal desire brewing within him. he would breath through his nose the best he could, but even at its best, his lips could only reach half way down, no matter how much adjusting he did.
his jaw was sore, and his lips were stretched so wide it hurt, but he didn't care. he wanted to taste you in every regard. his lips left your cock before he kissed your balls, letting your slimy cock fall onto his face, a lewd sound resulting from the contact with his slightly sweaty face. it covered his eye, and he tried his best to lick what he could, grabbing your fidgeting hands and placing the large hand on his head, urging you closer. he could feel your strong fingers intertwine in his sweaty white hair, before bokuto grabbed the base of your cock and kissed again, placing one of your large balls inside of his mouth and hallowing his cheeks, sucking lightly as the other hand felt them up. with how heavy they were, there was no doubt that you were pent up with the need to release.
"just a bit more, then you can cover me in cum all you want, okay?" he loved the way you nodded your head feverishly, hair blowing around from the wind and tickling your horns.
bokuto's hand sneaked down to his own panks, one hand gripping your thigh for support while he gave you head, the other jerking his own cock off, the heat in his core too unbearable. seeing his eyes stare at you while he took you into his mouth obscenely threw you off the edge, the only time you grabbed his head and pushed his deeper, the white haired man gagging while you throat fucked him. he could feel your hot, throbbing balls hit his chin and splash the drool around his face, before you grunted, body tensing and balls pulsing.
bokuto was edging the tip of his own cock until you shoved your cock as deep in his mouth as you could, the roughness making him groan. a weak load dribbled out of his tip while your iron grip held on his head and hair, large milky shots of cum rushing to pump his mouth full. the torrent rushed through his throat, pumping him with cum. your eyes, enjoying your long awaited orgasm before bokuto made a noise of protest, still stuck on your dick and desperately needing oxygen.
your cum was still shooting though, so when you pulled out of his mouth he was able to taste your cum. you stroked your cock lazily, aiming for his mouth but sometimes missing and painting his chin with your seed. he was surprised to find out your cum was sweeter than others.
but bokuto could also see the sun slowly start to set, to which he got up off his sore knees and placed the milking contraption onto a very blissed out bull, exclaiming an "oh man! how long did we take?? whose turn is it to make dinner? we still gotta milk you!"
the milking session was much less intense, and quite gentle as you two laid in the afterglow. but as the two of you were packing up and leaving, you seemed to have missed the translucent streaks of cum from the certain man that watched the whole ordeal
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ggidolsmuts · 1 year
Sin, Hormones, and the Starlet’s Boyfriend - Le Sserafim Yunjin, Somi
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A/N: Apologies for the shit gif, I can’t figure out how to do this properly.
Yunjin exits from the bathroom, sighing. It's shark week for her soon, she can already feel the telltale signs. Her usually exuberant nature has slightly floundered and flagged, becoming more quiet, and noticing things that were not quite going her way. The other members recognize it too, and thankfully they are accommodating to her, not being nearly as loud around her today.
"Hey girl!" Not Somi though, Somi has one setting and that setting is taped on "full power".
"Hey Somi!" Yunjin smiles and waves in return. "How are you doing?"
"Doing good, doing good, thanks for doing the challenge for me!"
"Of course, same here!"
"You know, maybe we should do a collab sometime, I love the songs you wrote!" Somi gushes.
"You do? Really?"
"Of course!"
"Yeah... I mean yeah of course, we should totally collab!"
"Great, you should come by!"
"Sure, how about tomorrow?" Yunjin doesn't even pay attention to what she just said until it's too late. Why tomorrow? Her inner introvert curses herself.
"Ooh that sounds good, drop by my home studio, we can work on it before we put it in front of a producer, bring your guitar okay?"
"Ah yeah, that sounds great, see you then!"
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Yunjin shows up the next day at Somi's place.
"Hey, come in, come in!"
"Whoa, nice place!"
"Thanks thanks, come, do you want some water?"
"Sure that works."
"Great, anyways, so I was thinking..." Somi talks animatedly, and Yunjin responds in kind—maybe this collab could really work! Before she knows it they've moved to Somi's room, playing around on her sound setup as Yunjin plays a few chords.
"Hey babe, dinner's ready— oh!" The two of them turn around to the unknown voice. "Hello?"
"Oh hey oppa, this is Yunjin."
"Yes, from Le Sserafim right? Nice to meet you."
"Ah yes, nice to meet you!" Yunjin quickly stands up to greet him. "And you are...?"
"Oh, just an oppa I know." Somi says casually, before putting a finger to her lips. Yunjin gets the gist immediately, and mouths "Boyfriend?" to Somi. But he answers for her.
"Yes I am her boyfriend."
"Yah we had plausible deniability!"
"Oh come on, she's not stupid. Ah yes, I am just the oppa who calls you 'babe'. Anyways dinner's ready, come out to eat."
"D-Dinner?" Yunjin checks her phone—time flew by a lot faster than she thought! "It's getting late, thanks for having me over Somi!"
"You should stay for dinner!"
"No no, I don't want to impose on you and your boyfriend."
"No it's fine, we like having company, we made more than enough, right oppa?" Somi shoots a look at him.
"I umm, I will, I guess?"
Somi drags Yunjin to the dinner table, where there are two prepared plates of delicious pasta waiting.
"Oh, he's already made it for you two, I really should—"
"No no, sit." Somi firmly pushes Yunjin into a chair. "He can make more."
"Yep, you two go ahead, I'll just be a sec."
"What does he do? I don't think I recognize him." Yunjin asks, noting his tightly fitted shirt.
"Yeah, he's not a celebrity, just an office worker at a chaebol, you know the type." In her opinion he could certainly pass for a celebrity—good looking and fit, where did Somi even find someone like that? And where's hers? Slowly Yunjin teases out the details of how Somi met him, and she envies Somi's luck.
"Hey Yunjin," he calls out to her. "Do you like penne or fettucine?" He holds out two bags of pasta for her to choose.
"Uhh, penne's good."
"Great, coming right up." He turns away from her, and she watches him roll up his sleeves—the simple act sends a sinful thrill through Yunjin's body. Fuck, no office worker looks like that. She turns back to find Somi typing away at her phone, and Yunjin gets on her phone, not really looking at it, just trying to distract herself from thoughts of him. He's good looking, he cooks, he has a stable job, his forearms are muscular, like he could really finger—
I wish for what's for—
Yunjin shakes her head vigorously. Stop! she tells herself. He's Somi's boyfriend!
"Why the fuck does he have to be so hot?"
"Sorry?" Yunjin's blood goes cold as she hears him right next to her, a plate of pasta in his hands. Oh god did she just say her thoughts out loud?
"Ah? Umm I, umm, just the weather I mean, it's been so hot the past few days."
"Oh yeah, tell me about it, I still have to dress up for work too, ugh. Here you go." He puts the plate in front of her, and it smells delicious. Damn it, not only does he cook, he cooks well!
"T-Thanks." Yunjin quickly digs into the pasta, her face flushed. She almost jumps out of the chair when she feels a foot tap her knee under the table. Somi has been sitting across from her the whole time, and now she's looking quizzically at Yunjin. Suddenly she feels the weight of guilt, of even thinking about Somi's boyfriend like that, what does she even say to Somi?
"I, I have to use the washroom! Be right back!" Yunjin yelps before quickly dashing for the toilet. A dread fills her as Somi gets up too.
"Sure, let me show you where it is." Somi grabs Yunjin by the elbow, steering her down the hallway and into her bedroom instead of the bathroom. "What was that?" she asks, and Yunjin knows there's no getting out of it.
"I'm so sorry Somi, I didn't mean it, it just came out!" Yunjin presses her hands together, begging for forgiveness. "I would never do a thing!"
"You think he's hot?" Yunjin turns red but stays silent, but Somi doesn’t let it slide. "Answer me."
"I... yes. I'm sorry Somi!"
"Why are you sorry? Hah I mean I think he's hot too, it's part of the package, and his package is—" Somi shakes her head. "Anyways, what's going on, where's this coming from?"
"Sorry, it's just one of those times, you know—"
"You are hormonal and you're horny." Yunjin's shocked at how simply Somi puts it, but she can't bring herself to deny it. "You're not seeing anyone?" Yunjin shakes her head. "Tch, of course not, you're in a new girl group."
"I'm so sorry, I'll leave right away after dinner, or if you want I can leave right now, I'll make something up."
"No, stay. Do you want to fuck him?"
"No Somi he's your boyfriend, I can't—"
"Not can't, do you want to? If you don't say no I'm treating that as a yes."
Yunjin opens her mouth, but no sounds come out other than some weird croak. Somi smirks, suppressing a laugh.
"That's settled then, stay after dinner, tell your members you'll be late home tonight. I'll make it happen." Yunjin lets herself get shown to the bathroom, and she sighs as she looks herself in the mirror. Is she really going to fuck Somi's boyfriend? That's not like her!
But you didn't say no. The little voice in her head tells her, and her abdomen is already getting warm. Somi was talking about his package, how big is it, and maybe his arms are muscular from carrying her around— Yunjin shakes her head to clear her fantasies, but no, it's too late, she's already getting wet. Yunjin groans and tries to focus on other thoughts—she sees two toothbrushes on the counter, guess he really does live here too, do they fuck in her bedroom, maybe in this bathroom too?
Oh my god! Yunjin shouts internally before splashing water on her face. She needed to cooldown, to just go out there and eat her fucking pasta.
And pray she doesn't soak through her panties.
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"Everything okay? You and Somi were gone for a long time." You ask as Yunjin returns from the bathroom, face slightly red and... wet? "You have some water on your face."
"Oh you know oppa, girl talk," Somi quips.
"Yeah, just tired, had to wake myself up." Yunjin corroborates. You offer to make her coffee, but she declines. You shrug and continue finishing your dinner. You can't help but wonder what went on as Somi tries to engage Yunjin in small talk, but her friend is strangely reticent.
"Thanks for the delicious dinner oppa, we'll be working in my room okay?" Somi pecks you on the cheek before pulling Yunjin from her seat.
"T-Thank you!" Yunjin bows deeply.
"Sure not at all, no need to be so polite." You chuckle and smile, but Yunjin only blushes deeper. You try to catch Somi's gaze, wanting to ask if Yunjin's okay, but your girlfriend ignores you, dragging her back to the room instead.
"S-Somi, are you really okay with this?"
"Yeah it's not a huge deal, better for me too, there are times when I can't keep up with him."
"What do you— Oh." Yunjin realizes what she means, and her desires that she managed to keep in check for the rest of dinner begin leaking out as she squirms.
"He's very... passionate, for lack of a better word. He comes back from work, and the first thing he does is jump me, do you know how many recordings I've had to delete because he just scoops me up and I can't even turn off the mic?"
"Oh, umm no..." No, Yunjin didn't know, but now she wishes Somi kept those recordings. "S-Sounds troublesome."
"Speaking of troublesome, the clean up, oh my god, he just explodes in you— Oops, sorry, I shouldn't tease you should I? Poor you, you must be so on edge." Somi stops, seeing Yunjin rubbing her thighs together.
"You don't have condoms, do you?"
"I think we do, but..." Somi checks her usual drawer. "Ah sorry, we must have used the last few over the weekend. Don't worry, he's good at pulling out, just tell him."
"O-Okay, that's fine." Yunjin answers quietly. The last few? Just how much sex do they have? And am I really doing this? She can still pull out— Yunjin shakes her head again, bad choice of words.
"I'll go talk to him then okay? Just give us a couple of minutes." Yunjin nods silently, not trusting herself to speak as Somi exits the room. Should she just get up and leave, just make up some excuse? She can just take care of herself back in the dorms.
I wish for what's— It's not forbidden if Somi allows it right? Right? Right?
Yunjin stays seated, silently pulling off her socks. Even that friction makes her wetter.
"Hey oppa, let me take over the dishes." You feel Somi's hands wrap around you from behind, and you dry your own hands on the towel before grabbing her own.
"Oh? You're going to do the dishes for once?"
"What do you mean for once! I always do the dishes!"
"Yes, when I have like one plate left you take over."
"Tsch fine, no, I was thinking you could do something else for me." Somi presses herself more tightly into your back, making sure you feel her generous chest properly. Her hand drifts from your waist to your slacks, undoing the button.
"Yah, isn't Yunjin still here? It's one thing to have the relationship found out, it's another to just be openly doing this while she's here!" you hiss as Somi snakes a hand into your boxers, stroking you slowly to stiffness. Despite your words you reach behind and easily find Somi's ass, squeezing her through her shorts.
"Mmm yes, squeeze it, it's gonna feel so good for Yunjin too." You squeeze Somi firmly before stopping.
"I think my new friend in the room needs some help with guys."
"I'm sure she can find someone, she's an idol."
"Oh I meant now, like within 5 minutes. She looks like she could use a good fuck, she's been on edge since she saw you." You resume squeezing Somi's ass from behind as you process her words and pretend to "clean" the last plate.
"I see, and you want me to do the honors?"
"Well, it's clear to me she wants you to do the honors, and I could do with a break tonight."
"You say that like you're not going to come watch, and then join in."
Unbeknownst to you and Somi, Yunjin has quietly opened the door, just to see what's going on. She sees Somi hugging you from behind, but with the faucet running she can't hear you and Somi talk. What she can tell is the content of your conversation, her eyes widening as your hand drifts to Somi's ass, firmly groping her.
"Fuck..." she breathes quietly. When was the last time she was grabbed like that, when has she ever been grabbed like that? Any second thoughts about leaving are dashed—she can't pretend to leave now, otherwise it would be "catching" them in the act and make things even more awkward. Her gaze is glued to his hand, finally letting go of Somi before turning off the running water, and hurriedly Yunjin sneaks back to the room. She hears some whispers, and then a small laugh, and then footsteps.
"Hey..." Yunjin stands up and greets you quietly. You spot her socks strewn on the floor.
"So... Somi wants me to do whatever you want."
"I..." She's distracted by you already unbuttoning your shirt, getting flustered. You leave your shirt open and place her hands on it—it is for Yunjin to take off. Her hands tremble in yours, but she doesn't shy away, pulling it down your shoulders and off your arms. Her eyes trail down your body, and they widen as they land on your taut slacks. Yunjin bites her lower lip, and then licks her bitemark.
"Would you like me to treat you like Somi?" Your words jolt Yunjin out of her trance. I wish for what's forbidden...
I am so going to hell.
Yunjin nods, and you immediately pull her in tightly. She lets out something between a whimper and moan as you grab her firm butt—now she's being treated like Somi!
"Oh shit, oh..." she gasps as pleasure floods her body, every knead of your hand seeming to turn her on even more. You leave measured nips on her neck—light enough to not leave a mark, firm enough to not be ignored. Yunjin turns to face you, and she lets you suck on her lower lip, tugging it before letting go and hungrily pressing your lips on hers instead. Yunjin jumps when her hands land on your skin, as if she forgot she had her own hands. She makes up for lost time, hungrily roaming your back and arms, feeling your muscles.
"Y-You do this with Somi?" she gasps as you bring her down to the bed.
"Oh I do a lot more with Somi." Yunjin exhales delightfully when she feels your hand slip under her top, brushing and admiring her abs, abs that she was proud of. But pride goes before the fall, and Yunjin let's out a soft mewl as your hand falls past her abs, teasing her and landing on a creamy thigh. Yunjin is toned and tight in all the right places, and you give her the most sinful of massages, pressing into her thighs, a firm thumb making it's way up her leg.
"M-More." Yunjin's surprised with herself—somehow she hasn't covered her thighs in slick yet with how hot she's feeling right now. At your nudging she takes off her top, and you kiss the slight dip in her petite chest, making her suck a breath in—fuck she needs this! Her hips push off the bed willingly as you slip a hand beneath her shorts. You play with Yunjin over her panties, letting her soak them. She whines and groans before eventually grabbing your arm. Just feeling your muscles makes her want it, and Yunjin begins to speak her desires.
"Finger me." She has no time to react or prepare herself, and a loud cry is the result. Yunjin immediately feels stuffed—that can't be just your finger! Her head spins as you wiggle and curl the finger inside her, her walls resisting your efforts to open her up. One more finger is added, and Yunjin's mouth drops open, much like you are opening her up below.
Fuck! Her thoughts shout as you begin moving, and Yunjin can almost feel your fingerprints in her, pressing against her tense muscles, massaging her from the inside. Her own fingers are nowhere near as thick, and you have two in her! You make sure you are a knuckledragger inside her, curling and pumping her slowly, multiple points of pleasure firing off in her brain as you twist and scissor and push. You turn Yunjin into a mouth-breathing knuckledragger—she's drooling onto the bed, her knuckles grinding on the sheets as she twists and grabs what she can.
"N-No more!" She begs when you touch her entrance with a third finger.
"You can do it." Her pupils are dilated, and her breathing hastens as you slowly push in. Yunjin's mind seems so far away from herself as the pressure inside her compresses her senses, slowing her thoughts down, shrinking the area of her body she needs to feel.
No it's too much, so big, so— "So fucking good!" Yunjin squeals her own disagreement with herself loudly. It is not too much, it is fucking perfect the way your three fingers fuck her—three sparks go down her spine with every push of your hand. She grabs your forearm, feeling the muscles flex as you start pumping them inside her over and over. Her legs spread even more lewdly for you, urging you to get deeper with every moan.
"D-Deeper, more! Please more!" I need this, I'm so close! You can hear Yunjin's thoughts from her pussy, each clench and squelch a prayer for you to make her cum. She moans and throws her head back when you add a fourth finger—not inside her, but on her clit.
"Fuuuuuuuuuck~" Somi's cheeks are red as she listens to Yunjin cry out from her bedroom. There's no doubt you're making her cum, and her hands drift down her body as she remembers what you like to do to her. She wonders if Yunjin can handle it.
"Fuck me! Fuck! Mmm... Oh yes!" Yunjin hushed moans fill the room as she buries her face in the covers, trying not to be embarrassingly loud—she's back to her exuberant self, voicing her pleasure freely. She jerks when you find her g-spot, pressing on it with each finger in sequence. It becomes too much, she's burning white hot, her vision going dark. 
"S-Stop, stop! Enough." All of the non-pleasurable sensations rush back at once when your fingers withdraw—stickiness between her legs, sweat on her hair, her legs suddenly sore from being taut for too long—all berating her.
Why the fuck did you tell him to stop?! Yunjin ignores her body's complaints, focusing on a deeper hunger. You already know what she wants as she kicks off her shorts and underwear, and you begin undoing your slacks, your eyes devouring Yunjin just like she's undressing you with her gaze.
"I want you to fuck me like Somi."
"The intimate way or the rough way?" You laugh at her confused expression, like you have truly stumped her.
"There's more than one way?"
"What did you have in mind?"
"I assumed you would just, you know, pound her into the bed, rail her from behind, pull on her hair—" Yunjin pauses when she realizes she's just telling you everything she imagines you and Somi do.
"Well, that's the rough way, I guess."
"What's the intimate way then?"
"Slower, I definitely don't pull her hair, more kisses, a longer session." Fuck yes! Yunjin's hormones rage through her—that's exactly what she wants right now.
"Let's go with that then."
"Sure." You toss off your slacks, and a thrill goes through Yunjin's body as she sees the much more defined outline of your shaft. She lets you roll her over, so that she's prone on the bed, and suddenly the room is dark.
"Mmph!" You're kissing her needily, and her entire body is hot again. She quickly realizes why—you've thrown the covers over both of them, like a couple enjoying a playful night together. She trembles, your hands running down her bare shoulders sending goosebumps up her neck. You leave her for a moment to remove your boxers, and already Yunjin misses your touch. She freezes when you're on top of her, when she realizes your shaft is rubbing at her pussy lips. She's secretly glad you put three fingers in her—there's no way she can take you otherwise! She also remembers something important.
"W-Wait, I'm not safe today. If you cum in me, I might get pregnant."
"You will," you mutter in her ear, and you swear your cock got slicker from rubbing against her pussy. Yunjin looks at you steadily, and you hold her gaze, waiting for her to tell you what she wants. Her expression wavers, your slight movements against her grinding away her common sense, and all she does is turn away from you, burying her face in the pillow. That's all you need from Yunjin.
"Ah..." you groan as you sink into unfamiliar territory, and it is mirrored by a loud muffled moan from Yunjin. She definitely feels a large part of why Somi likes you. "Fuck Yunjin, so tight." She once again can only manage a muffled whine. As she's adjusting around you Yunjin is thrown off by your soft laugh, and even that mere vibration sends sparks through her.
"Let's make sure we're equally naked hmm?" Yunjin turns red as she realizes what you mean—throughout all of this, she still had her bra on! You expertly unhook her bra and pull it off her.
"S-Sorry, I know it's not as big as Somi..." she mumbles, gasping as you reach around to fondle her.
"Don't be sorry, I'll let you in on a secret." Yunjin looks at you quizzically. Does he not like Somi's tits? Does he prefer mine? Even if they're smaller? Really? Really?! Unknowingly you dash Yunjin's hopes, but you don't think she minds.
"Guys won't care when they're balls deep in you." You thrust down sharply, burying yourself fully in Yunjin's prone body. You tighten your grip on Yunjin's chest, pulling her up towards you a little as you press your chest down on her back. You groan and grunt into her neck, reveling in her tight wetness, feeling Yunjin clench and gasp around you as your tip touches her cervix. 
"Fucking hell Yunjin, I'm right."
"W-What?" she says dreamily, suffocating under the pressure of your body on top of and inside her.
"If I cum in you, you will get pregnant." You whisper in her ear, driving the point home with another deep thrust into her creamy wetness. Yunjin was well aware, and now you know it too—she's ovulating and horny, her hips subtly pushing against you. Pinned and squirming beneath you, Yunjin has never been in a more vulnerable state, her idol career in a precarious position.
Yet she says nothing, choosing to shut you up with a needy kiss, her hand squeezing your hand on her breast, urging you to keep going. You do as she wants.
"Oh fuck!"
Somi sneaks into the room, finding no one immediately. But the moving lump under the covers is not fooling anyone, that and the muffled moans and grunts coming from it. She takes a seat opposite the bed, watching the two pairs of feet do the four feet tango. Just watching those feet is enough to get Somi to slide off her shorts—the smaller pair stay taut together, toes curling and uncurling as they lightly bounce on the bed. The larger pair of feet around them are more spread, pressed into the bed for leverage. Her fingers drift down between her legs, her lazy strokes mimicking the curl of Yunjin's toes—Somi wasn't looking to get herself off just yet.
"More, right there!" At Yunjin's prompting your legs clamp around her slender legs, lifting her feet under yours. Your hips slam against her toned butt, the light smacking sounds of flesh on flesh filling the covers. The smell of sweaty sex snuffs out all of Yunjin's coherent thoughts, your cock driving down on her g-spot sending wild signals through her body. The talkative and loud idol is reduced to a keening and groaning mess.
"Oh fuck..." Yunjin rasps before falling, dropping her head into the pillow before crying out loudly, each wave of pleasure forcing a wail from her. Her entire body is taut beneath you, small tits and toned cheeks shaking and quivering as she clenches around your cock. For a few brief moments Yunjin blanks out, her mind painted over with orgasmic bliss. And then it is over quickly, and she sags into the bed, her breathing labored and hoarse, like she's danced the hardest choreo in her life.
Things would get harder still, and Yunjin finds herself rolled on her side, a leg lifted as you press against her sweaty back. She shuts her eyes at the sudden brightness, blinded by you throwing the covers off—it was getting just a little too hot. You spot Somi at the foot of the bed, and she just does a shooing motion at you, mouthing "Keep going!" while the other hand does small slow circles between her legs. You raise Yunjin's leg just a little higher to give Somi a better view.
"Mmh! Shit! Fuck! Oh my god!" Yunjin's mouth spews foul curses as you literally fuck her sideways, plunging into her slick tightness and going deep on every thrust. You cup a breast, lightly pinching a nipple, and Yunjin croons to the sky. "Yes yes yes!"
I'm going to cum again, he's making me cum again already! Yunjin reels from the pleasure, her own hand drifting to her clit, just a little bit more, just one more touch...
"Nngh!" You grunt, pushing deep into Yunjin and holding yourself there. You throb like mad inside her, but Yunjin's ascent to climax is brought to an abrupt halt.
"D-Did you cum?" she asks confusedly. No, I was so close!
"Very close," you grit your teeth and try to ignore her clenching around you. "Last chance." Yunjin realizes what you mean—you could still pull out, cum on her thighs, or she could offer her face for you, or her mouth. As she looks down her body she finally sees Somi, but she's too aroused to be embarrassed about being watched. Rather, her thoughts go back to what Somi said earlier.
"Speaking of troublesome, oh my god he just explodes in you."
I wish for what's forbidden.
Yunjin hurries to grab your arm, feeling you begin to pull away from her.
"No don't. C-cum in me, do it in me, I want all of it." Her breath catches as a third leg rubs against her calf, teasing her.
"You heard her babe, go ahead and cum, let her feel what you make me feel." Somi's up on the bed beside you, and judging by how her breasts and stiff tips press delightfully against your back, she's naked as well. The angel and the devil—Who’s who? You wonder—are each in an ear, both urging you to sin, urging you to lead Yunjin into sin. 
You find Yunjin's neck, taking a harsh suck on her flawless skin—your bite of the forbidden fruit. Your hands go to her hips, and now you're pulling back on her, getting as deep as you can in her. You adjust your angle on every thrust, trying to find the perfect connection, you find it on the fourth try; that, or the pleasure simply becomes too great. Your tip presses against her cervix, and Yunjin seems to arch back a little, opening herself more, and the slight grip on your tip electrifies you.
I'm a—
The first explosion mess makes Yunjin gasp, the sudden warmth filling her womb. The second explosion mess makes her choke on her breath, the thickness and volume of your potent load overwhelming. The third explosion mess triggers her orgasm, as her body reacts primitively to the sensation, wanting to milk you for everything, to contain every fragment of the explosion inside her. Somi helps both of you out, a finger on Yunjin's clit and a hand on your balls, making sure you pour of it into her. She delights when her job is done correctly, a stream of cum leaking out of the connection and onto her thigh. Each rutting thrust from you makes a little more leak out, but you're still sending more into her.
Your grip weakens eventually, and you have to drop Yunjin's leg. But there's no hiding the mess between her legs—Yunjin's been properly mated. You let her roll on her back, and your load is a slow moving flood out of her. She covers her eyes with an arm, a mess and finally in de-stress.
"You okay?" Somi asks.
"Yeah, that was amazing, just... Just give me a moment." Yunjin's ferally satisfied lizard brain ponders what just happened; She just asked Somi to let you fuck her, then she had you cum in her, and she definitely needs a morning after pill now, but she doesn't regret anything at all—it was exactly what she needed.
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After all that, Yunjin still blushes when she uncovers her eyes again—Somi's cleaning your cock with her mouth.
"I knew you would want to join in." You quip, running your hand through Somi's hair.
"Hurry up and get hard again."
"Bend over and I will be."
"Typical." Somi fires you a glare, but she does as you say, getting on all fours next to Yunjin. "Was he good?"
"Yeah, it was great. Thanks. Do you want me to—" Yunjin makes to get up, as if to give you two privacy, but Somi stops her.
"No it's fine, besides, I already saw you two, only fair that you get to watch."
"Yeah, I can show you the rough way Yunjin," you offer with a smirk, punctuating it with a sharp thrust into Somi.
"Ah! Fucking give it to me oppa!" Yunjin's entranced by Somi's expression, her white teeth gleaming in a near-maniacal smile even as her brow furrows slightly on every thrust. You did not start off gentle with Somi at all, and if you were getting all the way deep with Yunjin, surely you're smashing into Somi right now? Part of her shudders at the thought of how that would feel; the other part of her gets aroused again. 
She's inches from Somi's face, watching the blonde's mouth drop open, moaning freely at your rough treatment. Somi's face slackens, then her eyes shut tight, her tense body not hiding the jiggle of her breasts as you continue to thump into her. In one instant Somi's eyes snap open, and Yunjin's gazing straight into her hazelnut eyes. In the next instant Somi grabs Yunjin and kisses her.
"Nnnghmmmmm!" Somi screams into Yunjin's mouth, her tongue thrashing inside Yunjin as you drive her to a pent-up orgasm. Yunjin feels the rawness of Somi's orgasm, and she leans into the kiss, a hand on her jaw, and soon she's lost in a makeout session, their teeth slightly knocking as you keep the pacing up, pumping Somi through her orgasm. Fresh from her climax Somi is extra into it, and she drifts her own fingers down Yunjin, plunging unhesitatingly into her creamy core.
"Mmm!" Yunjin squeals in surprise, and Somi stops to look at her, biting a lip to stifle her moan a little. Yunjin blushes and nods, and soon her nails are digging into the sheets, curling like Somi's long fingers are doing inside her.
"You can grab her, you know." You put a hand on Somi's scalp and tug, opening her throat to let out loud hearty cries. Yunjin whines when Somi cums again, the busty blonde's fingers quivering and jerking inside of her own pussy. She's a little envious as she watches Somi's tits bounce and jiggle, and without thinking Yunjin reaches out for one globe, squeezing it and marveling at the softness.
"Oh fuck, yes Yunjin, squeeze me!" Somi's lips find Yunjin again, and soon they are moaning against each other. Each thrust you put into Somi shoves her fingers deeper into Yunjin, who in return gropes Somi even harder, her fingers digging into Somi's soft flesh instead of the sheets.
"Fuck, he's so deep!" Somi groans, and Yunjin nods and kisses her again. She knows exactly what Somi means, having just felt that minutes ago, and she lets Somi whine and whimper into her. That is, until you pull on Somi's hair again.
"I can't hear you babe."
"You're too deep fuck! Are you trying to knock me up too? Ah! We only have one morning after pill left, are you going to— Fuck! Decide who's going to take it?" You lean over and grab Somi's other breast, squeezing it alongside Yunjin. It makes Somi whine even louder.
"Depends, which of you is going to cum first?"
Yunjin let's out a surprised moan as Somi starts moving her fingers actively, as if determined to make Yunjin peak first. But she recovers quickly and begins playing with Somi's nipples, pinching and twisting them to produce harsh gasps. You inevitably speed up as you near your own peak, and the ending is a real photo finish.
"Nooooo! Hnnngh!" Somi grunts, peaking when Yunjin scratches a nail across her clit, and the sudden increase in pressure pulls you over the line. Your load bursts from your tip and splatters inside Somi, and the sight of you bent over your girlfriend, growling and no doubt filling her just like you had filled her earlier sends Yunjin over the top, throwing her head back and trapping Somi's hand between her legs, contracting around the fingers mindlessly rubbing on her g-spot. The three of you collapse in a heap, and you quickly roll to the side, catching your breath after two vigorous rounds with the two beauties.
Yunjin finds herself face-to-face with a flushed and satisfied Somi, and tentatively she slips a finger into her friend, feeling how tight and creamy she is, filled with your load.
"Don't... My cum..." Somi sighs, and Yunjin pulls her fingers out just as Somi does the same from her. Their fingers are both coated in your cream, and their thoughts are on the same possessive post-coital wavelength.
My cum now. A soft sigh escapes both of them as they finger themselves, cleaning their digits with their slick. Of course, their juices don't clean it off fully, so when they proceed to finger each other again, trying to get more of your cum from one another, your seed just mixes inside them. They continue swapping cum from pussy to pussy, a collab of the filthiest kind, until the erotic haze of sex and sin finally dissipates, and you're left with two blushing idols. It's a miracle that you don't get a third wind, but you truly had nothing left to give.
"Wow, I... I can't believe I did that." Yunjin voices her thoughts out loud.
"Did it feel good?"
"Yeah, but—"
"That's all that matters then, sometimes you need to cut loose from being an idol, and take care of yourself. You're welcome to use the shower if you want."
"Right, thanks." Yunjin quickly shuffles off to the shower, leaving you to cuddle Somi in bed.
"So you did join us hmm?" You peck Somi on the nose, and she giggles and kisses your chin.
"I'm surprised you didn't get hard again, I don't know what that was at the end but fuck it was hot."
"It was, but I'm all tapped out."
"Yunjin drained you that much huh?"
"Don't get jealous on me now, you wanted me to fuck her. Something about you taking a break for tonight, hmm?" You appease Somi by grabbing her some tissue to help clean herself.
"Fine, you get off easy this time."
Yunjin gets out of the bathroom fully dressed, hair tousled and lightly made up. A pang of envy goes through her as she sees you two cuddling together—maybe she too could have that one day, but not right now.
"Thanks for letting me use your shower."
"Of course. Oh wait one sec." Somi jumps out from the covers, thankfully covered in your oversized shirt, and quickly ducks into the bathroom. She comes back with a pill for Yunjin. "Here, you should take it."
"Y-You said there was only one, won't you get... pregnant?"
"It was a joke,” Somi presents her own identical pill to Yunjin. She leans in to whisper. “It makes him go a little harder, he thinks I don't know it, but he gets off on that super hard."
"Oh... okay, thanks then." Yunjin blushes at Somi discussing your kink so freely. The two of them walk out of the bedroom arm in arm, and Somi gets each of them a glass of water before downing the pills.
"There, like nothing ever happened." Somi fires Yunjin a glance, her intention clear—this never happened.
"Right, yes." Yunjin pauses as she walks to the door. "What about the collab?"
"Well, we've already worked together on oppa, I guess we can work on a song too." Somi jokes crudely, but her smile is kind. "I'll let you know?"
"Sure, thanks Somi!"
Back at the dorm Yunjin dodges many questions, most of all why did she need to shower at Somi's place, but she manages to explain it away as a bad kimchi stew spill. As Yunjin sinks back into her bed though she can't help but think of what just happened. How she already wants it again.
I need what's forbidden... I am so fucked.
She turns her head into her pillow and moans.
A/N: Welp, that was a smut alright. I will say, surprisingly Le Sserafim’s song lyrics lend a lot to inspiring fics, I guess that’s a good thing? I tried to do a play on their title name for the title of this fic, but eh, not my best effort there. Anyways, I really like the song, especially when they had that first verse in their MMA show, that Hydra performance is sick. Thanks for reading!
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angxlofvenus · 1 year
Hiii so I wanted to ask if you could write some headcanons about how the brothers would react if MC suddenly turned into a toddler (due to some forbidden book or Solomons cooking or whatever you want) like ,how would they react ,how would they take care of my ?
I hope this request makes sense ! I really like your writing
When You Become A Toddler
Thank you so much for the request! This was so cute to write about, Have a great rest of your day/night! Genre: Fluff Ship: Platonic brothers x reader TW: mentions of hurting Solomon, killing Solomon, Pretty much just threats on Solo's life, minimal cursing, eating Solomon's cooking, Turning into a child, Child reader
You should've known better by now... When Solomon brought you a Tupperware claiming it was Simeon's cooking, You knew it was risky but the food looked good! You only realized how badly you messed up after only one bite...
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No. Not another one- He refuses
This man has pretty much raised 6 kids already, and while he may kill Solomon for this, He is the most experienced in helping you
He’s got this whole mom thing down to a T
Will probably just care for you like a normal Toddler
 It does get a teeny strenuous when he eventually needs to get back to work
No mc, you can not help him sign papers with your red Crayola crayon.
Once you’re back to normal, he’s mostly relieved, Though it was nice to reminisce on the good ol’ days when his brothers were still just young Cherubs
First thought is, “Oh shit!”
Second thought is, “Lucifer’s gonna kill me!”
He may strangle Solomon right then and there
He is the second oldest so he’s got some experience under his belt
Immediately is picking you up and coddling you
Will totally become the best babysitter ever (aka letting you do pretty much whatever you want)
Wanna go spend Lucifer’s money? Hell yeah! Wanna go to the park? Let’s go!
Once you’re back to normal, He’s gonna deny Caring for you as closely as he did but he secretly enjoyed having someone younger around who actually likes him for a while (Luke…)
Nope, He can’t do this!!
Yes, He technically has 4 younger brothers, yes he knows how to take care of kids but still-
His room isn’t for kids, All of his precious collectibles!!
Is cursing the sorcerer's name
Y’all will end up watching some kid-friendly anime and playing some of his easier games
Will let you win too
After you’re back to normal, He will let out a sigh of relief, You weren’t a bad kid but, He likes you better grown up and not so destructive
As he is technically the youngest in age, He won’t be the most experienced
But- This man has read a couple things about kids so he isn’t totally helpless
Will be one of the better caretakers, He will keep you happy and calm throughout the day
He’ll find some more age-appropriate books to read to you 
Afterwards, He is happy you’re back to normal safely but it was nice to act so domestic for a bit, He will being having a ‘talk’ With Solomon :)
Well, aren’t you cute!
Would also be a great babysitter in my opinion
Y’all will be having a fashion show, sorry I don’t make the rules
His phone is now full of pictures of just you and him being fashionistas 
Will 100% let you play with all his makeup and nail polish, Yes he’ll let you give him a makeover
No matter how bad the finished product looks, he will shower you in compliments on your skills
After you're back to normal, He’ll laugh about the situation with you and gush about how cute you were!
Now this guy is a family man so he’s immediately in protective mode
Will protect you with his life
Is maybe the best babysitter out of everyone
Will get everything you need, Blankets, coloring books, toys, You name it- He’s gonna get it for you
Will absolutely cook for you/ share his food if you ask nicely, He could never say no to that face!
Once you turn back, He is a little sad but overall just happy you’re healthy
He won’t let you anywhere near Solomon or his cooking for a while…
Get somebody else to do it-
In all seriousness, he isn’t really good with kids
Will probably take you to the park or something so you can get all your energy out while he naps on a bench
Once y’all get back, He’ll give you his phone and just let you go wild while he sleeps
Will be nice enough to let you cuddle with him/ steal his cow pillow
He’ll be so happy when you’re back to normal, Not that you weren’t cute and all but he likes you better when you can care for yourself
He will definitely be out for blood though, Solomon isn’t going to get off that easily
Best babysitter to worst:
Beel Satan Lucifer Mammon  Asmo Levi belphie
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
burn your life down | chef luca x fem!reader | chapter nine
summary: you catch up with an old friend and luca makes you dinner.
warnings: fluff, eventual angst not use of y/n, conversations about divorce, slow burn, baby, second person pov, swearing, danish inaccuracies, very little connection to the storyline of the bear.
word count: 3.3k
listen to: the official 'burn your life down' playlist (songs mentioned in chapter are in this playlist!)
a/n: i've always pictured mathilde & jesper as the chalamet siblings AND astrid is in fact played by rina sawayama i don't make the rules (i do). thank you for all comments, reblogs, and screaming at me because we are all obsessed. seriously, it's an honor and i'm just so excited that you all are just as excited as me. let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist.
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chapter eight | masterlist | chapter ten
You spend your first Sunday afternoon without Luca, for the first time in a few weeks, deep cleaning your home. Between your new relationship and your work at the restaurant, you’d found yourself falling behind on chores. But he’d worked the late shift last night, filling in for a cook who called out, which is how you’d ended up with a night and morning of divine alone time. 
With your headphones on, it’s easy to multitask, simultaneously folding clothes while you catch up with your friend, formerly-sister-in-law, over the phone. 
“Anyways, work’s kept me so damn busy that I’ve barely had a moment in my own home but… we are all doing quite alright over here,” she explains, after detailing her travels all across Europe. 
Being a buyer for Nordstrom UK keeps her on the road, or rather, in the sky, at a frequent rate. 
“Well I’m glad you called. It’s good to hear from you. And It’s really good to catch up, Astrid,” you say, smiling to yourself as you finish folding a pile of t-shirts. 
“Well, just because you and Joe didn’t work out doesn’t change anything. You’re still my sister,” she replies, with a small laugh. “We’re family, regardless of the fact that he couldn’t keep a good thing around.”
“Astrid! You know it wasn’t like that,” you protest, though you know it’s all in jest.
“I know,” she sighs, and you can practically hear her rolling her eyes from all the way to England. “Selfishly, I’m just feeling a bit contrary about it, is all. But enough about me. How are you? How’s everything at the restaurant?”
“It’s been great. I… can’t believe that I have a restaurant,” you answer as you shake your head in disbelief.
“God, I’ve gotta get out there soon. I haven’t stopped thinking about that lumache from my last visit – what was it – last November? Yeah, it’s been too long,” Astrid recalls lightheartedly. 
“Yeah, it really has. Just let me know. You know I’m always up for hosting you,” you agree, hopeful that she’ll come visit soon. 
“Besides work, what else’s new? And don’t tell me you’re still just burying yourself in the restaurant because I don’t want to hear it,” she asks, a curious tone in her voice as she segways from work to 
“Well um…” you trail off, treading lightly over the delicate subject. 
The thing you want to tell her about is Luca, because he is what’s new in your life. His presence in your life is evident – it’s in the pair of sweatpants he tossed in with your laundry that you’re folding now, the spare toothbrush you ‘lent’ him that sits right next to yours, and the way that thinking of him makes your heart race. 
You don’t want to lie to her… but you’re also not sure what the etiquette is either. 
It’s not like this is included in the divorcee handbook you never got in the first place. 
“I’m… sort of seeing someone,” you admit, hesitantly. 
“What?!” she gasps, instantly giddy with excitement. “Yeah, we uh…” you hesitate, testing the waters since she seems excited about it. “We’ve been dating for about a month now, maybe.”
“Shut up! That’s mega! How’d you meet? Tell me everything,” she gushes. 
“Well, he actually came into the restaurant. Kind of became a regular and uh…” you explain, and she can hear the smile in your voice as you do. “He’s great. You’ll love this story, actually. He’s also a chef – a pastry chef. One night after coming in, he left a box of croissants for my staff and a handwritten note inviting me to come to the restaurant he works at. It was very….”
“Romantic. Wow…” Astrid adds, too excited for you as she listens. “And a bold move. Knows what he wants. I like him already.”
“Yeah, he’s… he’s really incredible. I swear. He has the patience of a saint, especially as I’ve uh… you know, I’ve been trying to figure this whole… dating after you end your marriage kinda thing,” you continue, chuckling in response to the awkwardness of it all. 
“We were friends actually, for a while. Just friends, which, I know you’ll yell at me about when you see what he looks like. But I think it was good for us, for me, really – to be friends first.”
“Well, now you have to send me a picture,” she requests, even more intrigued as you fiddle with your phone, pulling up a photo you took of Luca the other day. 
You wait a beat. Then another, seeing that the photo has been delivered as Astrid shrieks in your ear. 
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me, mate?!” she practically screams. 
“I know,” you squeal. 
“You are absolutely unbelievable,” she shakes her head, staring at the gorgeous blonde on her screen. “How did you not jump right into bed?!”
“Trust me,” you reply, the room suddenly feeling 5 degrees hotter. “After we agreed to start seeing each other, we didn’t wait very long.”
”Sounds like you have a boyfriend,” Astrid comments smugly, as she waits for your reaction. You have expect yourself to panic, but you don’t as you the words tumble out of your mouth. 
“I… it does sound that way, doesn’t it?” you ask her, your voice soft as you reply. 
“Absolutely, my darling,” Astrid replies, before changing the subject. “Okay, so how’s the sex?!”
“Astrid!” you protest with a laugh. “Do you really want to-?”
“Of fucking bloody course I do! Now spill!” she demands. 
You pause, grinning as your cheeks blush. 
“It’s fucking incredible,” you admit, eliciting a giggle from your friend. 
“Shit, babe,” she sighs, contently. “I’m happy for you.”
“Thanks,” you say back, because you’re pretty damn happy too. “Astrid, will you keep this between us? It’s just that it’s all still so new and….” 
You pause. 
“I just don’t want Joe to hear it from anyone but me.” 
“Of course,” she replies, compassionately, in deep understanding.
“What else are sisters for?”
You showed up to Luca’s flat uncertain of what to expect, but then he’d pulled you into his home and kissed you like you’d been on his mind all day – and in his defense, you really had. 
“Why don’t you come over Sunday night, then? Let me cook you dinner for a change,” he had suggested as you were figuring out your schedules for the week. 
“You sure you’ll be up for that after working overtime this week?” you’d asked in response. 
“I’ll be alright, love,” he’d answered, like he had unlimited energy when it came to you. 
And even though you’d asked him if you should bring dessert – only to be met with a cheeky comment about you being dessert – you showed up anyway with a matcha basque cheesecake in hand and a deli container filled with a yuzu scented whipped cream to top it with. 
So this is how you find yourself perched on top of Luca’s kitchen island countertop, after having watched his exceptional knife skills for the last thirty. You spend your evening snacking on sliced sourdough bread you’re not sure how he had the time to make, and sip on your glass of red wine while watching him prepare a coq au vin. You swear you’ve got hearts in your eyes when you look at him, watching his muscular, inked forearms flex with how he grips his chef’s knife. As music plays softly in the background, a playlist you can only imagine is the entirety of Luca’s music library put on shuffle, you busy yourself, refilling your wine glass for your second glass of the night. 
“Want another, babe?” you ask him, noticing that he’s on his way to empty as well. 
“Sure. Thank you, my love,” he replies, scooping a handful of chopped carrots up from his cutting board with a bench scraper, depositing them into a small bowl. You watch as Luca picks up his glass of wine and makes his way over to you. 
He hands you the glass, then places a gentle kiss against your lips, a smile spreading across his lips. Luca takes a few steps away so that you can fill his glass again, making a few swift movements to turn the heat down on the gas burner. 
“How was your day?” he asks, while still moving around his kitchen. 
You fill him in on your productive day of chores and catching up with an old friend while Luca listens, busy with removing the pieces of chicken out from the heavy, enameled, cast-iron pot and onto a plate. By the time Luca’s added hot oil to the pot, followed by the chopped carrots and peeled, halved cipollini onions, you’ve caught him up on the long version of Jesper’s latest love-life updates, since he and Claudio have now decided to make it official. 
“So you used to make this with your mom?” you ask curiously, changing the subject as you watch Luca scrape the browned bits off the bottom of the pot. 
He nods in response, stealing a glance your way, his lips turned up into a half smile. 
“Yeah. Most coq au vins can take up to three to four hours, but my mum didn’t have the time,” Luca explains, as you watch him remove the pieces of chicken from out of the heavy, enameled, cast-iron pot and onto a plate. “But it was important for her… to cook for me… to share that ritual with me when she could.” 
The sound of the wine and cognac mixture hitting the hot pan sizzles throughout Luca’s home, your nose filling with the smell of deglazed caramelized bits. 
“And I spent a lot of time as a kid watching the cooking channel, so while we didn’t exactly spend all Sunday cooking a classic French coq au vin, Jamie Oliver’s did the job quite well,” Luca recalls, sharing a piece of his relationship with food with you. 
“Well, it smells incredible,” you say, as he approaches you once more, this time with a full glass of wine in your hands, ready for him. 
As Luca leans in again, the way he kisses you is much more languid, slow, like time is limitless. You breathe him in, completely enamored with the man that’s kissing you, and before anything too wild can happen, he pulls away, leaving you wanting more. Luca smirks, and you swear he knows the effect he has on you. He presses a quick peck to your lips this time, before taking the glass of wine from your hands and heading back to his post in front of the stovetop. 
“This all goes back in,” he continues, using tongs to add the chicken and pancetta bits back into the simmering pot. “Then we braise it in the oven for about… thirty, forty minutes maybe.” 
You raise your glass of wine to your lips, taking a quick sip of the beaujolais you’re using both for the coq au vin and to unwind, listening as the song changes in the background, instantly recognizing the drum pattern. The corners of your lips turn up into a smile as you close your eyes, enjoying the familiarity of the song as you say:
“God, I love this song.”
Luca smiles, “It’s a classic. Great song.” 
Show me, show me, show me how you do that trick
The one that makes me scream, she said
The one that makes me laugh, she said
Threw her arms around my neck
“You know, I saw them when I was in my early 20s. It was just me and a bunch of somebody’s dads,” you grin, in reference to The Cure. 
Luca chuckles at your comment, before asking, “Did you really?” 
“Yes. And when they came out on stage, smoke machine and all, I wept because it was the fulfillment of a childhood dream – to see them. I… was a bit of an angsty teen,” you answer, raising your wine glass to your lips once more. 
“Think we all had an angsty phase, more or less. Mine was less pining to The Cure and more stirrin’ up trouble,” Luca admits, lightheartedly. 
“Again, and I’m holding you to it. You promised me pictures,” you remind him with aplomb. 
“I did, yeah,” he chuckles, shyly, with a sigh of resignation. 
You focus on enjoying one of your favorite songs and sipping on your glass of wine, as you watch Luca put the enameled cast-iron plot, full of the ready-to-braise coq au vin, into the oven. 
Comfortable silences between you and Luca have become more frequent. There are days that all you want to do is stay up till the early hours of the morning talking and kissing and fucking, and there are others that you love leaning into the quiet intimacy that seems to be developing between you. It’s almost as if you’ve forgotten what this feels like – the excitement of something new where you’re learning so much about each other and everything feels like the first time. 
It’s thrilling and it’s also safe. 
Luca makes you feel safe, and you can’t imagine doing this with anyone else but him. 
For a first time relationship, post-divorce, you really hit the jackpot, you think to yourself. 
Luca continues moving around the kitchen, drinking his wine in between clean up tasks, as if he’s at work, hell bent on keeping his station clean. He’s much better than you are at that, you observe, as he does a few dishes that he’s used up, instead of leaving them in the sink for tomorrow. 
As he dries his hands on a dish towel, the song changes, and the opening notes of Beyonce’s Love On Top begin playing. You smile as you hear the undeniable: 
Bring the beat in!
“Alright, mate. Hear me out,” Luca proposes, spinning around with excitement. “And I don’t say this lightly. But this. This is one of the greatest songs of all time.” 
“I-I’m sorry,” you giggle as you watch Luca dance to the song in his kitchen with a smoothness that’s somehow simultaneously a little silly. 
“What? You don’t agree?” he asks, shooting you a look as he ball changes towards you, earning another laugh from you. 
“No, I do. I love this song,” you grin from ear to ear. “I’m just so tickled by the fact that you love this song.”
“It’s Beyonce,” he defends, in his best ‘well-duh’ kind of tone, gesturing wildly. “C’mon. Let’s dance.” 
“Wh-,” you begin to say, before Luca’s practically pulling you off of the counter to join him. “Luca!!”
But he’s not having any of your protests as he wraps his arms around you. You hang onto him, holding him close as he leads you in a silly uptempo kind of dance, spinning and turning you with him in a way that has you in a fit of giggles. The two of you stumble from his kitchen into the living space area as you move together, embracing how goofy and ridiculous you both feel. 
Luca sings along softly, something you get a better listen to as soon as he’s pulling you close to him. 
“What the fuck!” you practically shriek, your jaw practically on the floor. 
“Hmm?” he hums in response, unphased by your outburst. 
“You’re unfuckingreal,” you balk, as you listen to him hum along to the Beyonce song. “I mean. You-, like, you look like this, you’re great in bed, and you have a nice singing voice? How-, how’s a girl ever supposed to stand a chance?” 
He chuckles, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear, sending chills down your spine as he coos, teasingly, “I’m great in the sack, hmm?” 
Your heart skips a beat as you pull back, just enough to look into the eyes of your lover as you say, “Oh fuck off.”
He laughs again, this time, leaving a soft kiss against your ear, hugging you closer to him as you slow your dance down as the song begins to end. There’s a pause between this and the next song, providing the perfect opportunity for Luca to answer your earlier question. 
“You weren’t,” Luca replies, his voice quiet but sure. Supposed to stand a chance, he means. “I think we were supposed to meet. Supposed to be here.”
Supposed to fall in love. 
He leans down to kiss you as the next song begins, transitioning into a much bluesier sound. The crooning sounds of Etta James blast from Luca’s living room speakers, as you smile into the kiss. You groan, your heart aching in the best way as kiss him to:
I want a Sunday kind of love
A love to last past Saturday night
And I'd like to know it's more than love at first sight
And I want a Sunday kind of love, oh yeah, yeah
“My God. I think tonight’s shuffle is proof that you may just have the most versatile taste in music history,” you mumble, pulling away for a moment from the kiss. 
As you open your eyes, Luca’s just admiring you, an awestruck look on his face that steals your breath. No longer able to deflect with humor or anything else really, you lay your head on his chest, settling into the soft swaying motion of the dance that you and Luca have fallen into. Your arms go around his neck once more as Luca holds you close to him, making a mental note to remember this forever. 
“How did you know?” you ask Luca, softly. 
“What’s that, love?” he asks back. 
“You said that you thought we might be good at this. At… at an ‘us.’ When we talked about starting to see each other,” you begin, choosing your words carefully, underscored by the violins of the song. 
Luca takes a deep breath admitting that, “I didn’t.” 
“What do you mean?” you ask, looking up at him, your eyes full of adoration for the man that’s captured your heart.
“Babe, I-,” he starts, letting out a small laugh. “I knew we got on well. And that I liked you. And I thought… if we got on this well as friends and you felt the same, that we could give it a go. See what happens.” He takes a beat, choosing his words, before continuing with: 
“But, my love, I can’t predict the future. It could work out in the long run, it could not. But I wanted-, I want to see how far we can take it.”
You take a deep breath, because this conversation is deep-breath worthy. 
Notorious for wanting to read the last page of a book first, you know he’s right, that you can’t predict the future, and you, now just as much as he does, would like to see how far this could go. 
“Yeah it-, that makes complete sense,” you stammer, feeling incredibly vulnerable all of a sudden. You rest your head against his chest again, settling back into your slow sway to the beat. 
Like clockwork, the song ends, something a little more upbeat trickling in through the speakers. You and Luca remain in each others’ arms, content to stay here forever. You’re amazed at his confidence, at his fearlessness to take a chance on love, and you think to yourself, he might be teaching you some of that too. 
“Let’s take a trip together,” Luca suggests, the low resonance of his voice cutting through the quiet. “Maybe end of the month or something. An end of summer trip.” He chuckles, a hand coming up to stroke your hair as you enjoy the way his voice vibrates in his chest. 
“Fuck it. I could care less if we make it in time for the end of summer. Let’s just get out of the city together.” 
“That sounds spectacular,” you answer. 
And it’s there, in Luca’s arms after a dance party for two, that you think to yourself, you couldn’t be happier.
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avatar-anna · 2 years
Sugar & Spice
What if y/n was Harry's tour chef and harry has a huge ass crush on her so he would be like the first one seated for y/ns food and he would always compliment her
i was wondering if you could do one where the reader asked him to come over for comfort (maybe her bf cheated idk) and after she stops feeling so bad they have a moment and end up kissing and then their feelings get all confused??
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"Make something that would make someone fall in love with you."
Your heart still thundered at the words, the soft request that felt like a demand caressing your thoughts and sending chills down your spine. Pastel anticipation stirred within your belly as you kept an eye on the saucepan in front of you.
The apartment was rich with the smell of spices. Harry had asked for a dish, but you were about to serve him a full-course meal, all teeming with flavor and color, the smell of everything fusing together in your kitchen and leaking throughout the rest of the apartment in a cuisine symphony. Even the pan full of molten chocolate permeated the room, the hint of chili you added to it cutting through the richness.
An arm snaked around your waist, the other reaching to sneak a taste of the chocolate sauce in front of you, a searing kiss to the back of your neck trying to act as a distraction. But when you were in the kitchen, you had laser-sharp focus. You smacked the hand away playfully, but not without intention.
"How much longer?" Harry asked, nipping at your jaw.
The breath on your neck, the lips on your skin, the hand on your waist sent you leaning into him, but not without the aftershock of surprise.
You were his tour caterer, his employee, and while the two of you had grown quite close since Live on Tour began, you were just friends. Harry was always first in line when dinner was being served and sometimes helped clean up when he could. He joined you on small excursions to farmer's markets to buy fresh ingredients and listened to you go on and on about the value of farm-fresh, locally sourced produce.
Food, cooking, creating, they were all things that cultivated your passion, one you could talk about for ages, if given the chance. Not many did, even your boyfriend's eyes glazed over if you talked about a new way to prepare cauliflower for too long. But Harry was always willing to listen and even peppered you with questions that you were more than happy to answer.
You became fast friends. You cooked for him during the day and talked and laughed over a bottle of wine and bread and cheese at night after his shows, riding out his adrenaline until he eventually walked you back to your hotel room or tour bus, depending on where you were traveling. Harry was a good friend, a great one even, one you knew you would cherish far beyond this tour.
Until tonight, where the jury was still out on the status of said friendship.
Because tonight something...changed.
Harry's show was in your hometown, and as such, you invited your boyfriend to come to the show. Being on the road for long months on end didn't make maintaining a relationship easy, and things had become strained, but tonight was meant to be an olive branch. You were excited to see your boyfriend after being away from him for so long, had gushed to Harry about how you were going to make his favorite meal and sleep soundly in your bed instead of a hotel room or bus bunk.
But before any of that could happen, your boyfriend admitted to having cheated on you while you were gone.
You were a wreck. You knew things between you and your boyfriend weren't great, but you never imagined that he would cheat. His confession swept the ground out from beneath you, blindsiding you in a way that manifested in calm confusion as you told him things were over between the two of you. But when he left and you were alone in the tour venue's kitchen, you could feel the breakdown coming. So instead of going to Harry's show, as you normally did, you went straight to the apartment you hadn't seen in months. Harry came shortly after the concert was over.
Having been in a relationship, and never considering yourself the cheating type, you never saw Harry as anything more than a friend. He was lovely, and oh so sweet, and very, very handsome. He was interested in your work and made you laugh and enjoyed talking to you as much as you liked talking to him. But he was your boss, and a celebrity, and you had a boyfriend. It was pretty cut and dry.
When he arrived on your doorstep, you were wrapped in a blanket, only the center of your face poking out of it. Harry cuddled up next to you on the couch and let you cry and rant and cry some more. He kissed the top of your head and wiped your nose with the sleeve of his tour sweatshirt. And despite your red, puffy eyes, despite the tears hanging off the tips of your lashes, Harry leaned in, nudged his nose against yours in a way that had you leaning in too, and you let him kiss you.
It was startling. Not that Harry was a good kisser, that seemed like a given. No, what was startling was how much you enjoyed it, how tender the slide of his mouth against yours was. He was gentle, like he was trying to be respectful of the fact that you'd broken up with your boyfriend mere hours ago. But the flash of your boyfriend's face behind your eyelids had you pulling away from him in an instant.
You were single technically, but it still didn't feel right; no matter how much you might've liked the kiss, no matter how much Harry seemed to enjoy it as well. You hid from Harry in your room. Not because you were hung up on your boyfriend, but because it felt so right to kiss Harry. And that thought filled you with panic and guilt.
Harry was still there when you eventually stepped out of your room, willing to listen as he always was, but you didn't say anything, just walked over to the kitchen and asked if he was hungry.
There were words left unsaid between the two of you, but both of you seemed content to ignore them for now, though when Harry murmured, "Make a dish that you would use to seduce someone. Make them fall in love with you," it was clear how he felt. He put himself out there, waiting to see if you would accept the advances or reject them.
And now he was wrapped around you, kissing you like he'd been doing it for years.
"Mmm. The peach and burrata salad is done, the fried duck wings just need a glaze, the rice should be done any minute now, the chocolate needs just a little more—"
"Okay, so you need more time. Can I help you set the table, at least?" he said, huffing out a laugh.
You could only manage a nod and a quick murmur of where he could find what he needed. Your eyes stayed on the food cooking in front of you, but you heard every noise Harry made as he moved through your kitchen.
Somehow you ended up on Harry's lap, a homemade churro doused in cinnamon and sugar and dipped in chocolate poised toward his mouth. His eyes were heavy-lidded as he took a bite, the crunch a harsh sound as he closed his eyes and moaned at the taste.
The sound had you blushing. You knew it was because of the food, and if you looked past the bashfulness, you would be proud that your cooking skills elicited such a reaction.
You could've made something fancy, something that would've shown off your culinary skills in a way that catering to everyone on tour didn't give you the opportunity to do. But when you began rooting around the kitchen, your hands automatically went for the rice cooker, and things just kind of went from there.
The appetizers were unique, you supposed. Fried duck wings with a lemon glaze and a mixed green salad with burrata cheese, peach slices, and a number of other colorful things that brought it to life. But the main course was fairly simple, still full of flavor, but simple. Chicken and rice and beans, almost the exact same recipe you'd grown up with. Harry asked for something that would make someone fall in love with you, and you figured there was no better way to do that than the root, the catalyst, for your love of the kitchen.
Harry marveled at all of it, listening as he normally did when you talked about knife techniques, and cooking times, and flavor profiles. You talked, perhaps to cover up your nerves, as you plated and served everything, and when you went to sit across from him, Harry gently grabbed you by the waist, and now here you were.
Harry's fingers grazed your arm in lazy circles, over the tattoos inked on your skin. They were all over your arms and abdomen, a passion you had that was almost as strong as your love for cooking. It was the first commonality you shared with Harry when you said hello after serving him and the rest of the crew the first meal of the tour. Both of you were busy at the time and couldn't discuss tattoos at length the way both of you seemed to want to, but Harry stopped by during lunch the next day, and the two of you talked over shrimp fried rice you'd whipped up.
"This...This shouldn't be this good," Harry finally managed to say.
It took a moment to find your voice, Harry's voice low in a way that made you suppress a shiver. But you said despite your dry mouth, "I'm glad you like it."
"And—And is it spicy? The chocolate? It's subtle, but I swear it's there."
"Chili powder. Just a little," you said with a nod.
"Oh. Well, don't let me eat all of it. Here," he said, offering the dessert in his hand to you.
You eyed the plate on the table that had three more churros on it and a bowl filled nearly to the brim with chocolate sauce, then back to him with raised eyebrows. Harry had the decency to blush, but he didn't back away or lower his hand. So, with a confidence that you didn't know you had or knew where it came from, you took a bite, just like he had.
You could feel Harry's eyes on you, which was alarming seeing as there wasn't really a sexy way to eat something so messy. Not that you were trying to be sexy, but Harry's gaze practically lit you on fire. You didn't want to be unappealing in front of him. He didn't seem to notice or care, though, just kept his eyes on you.
"You have something on your—"
He finished his sentence by reaching up to brush something away from the corner of your mouth. At least that's what you thought he was trying to do. But when his thumb grazed your skin, something warm, warmer than the heat of his skin, smeared over your lips. Chocolate.
Eyes widened, you opened your mouth to ask what he was doing, but he spoke first.
"I'll get it."
But instead of using his hand, he slid his mouth over yours.
You became as molten as the chocolate you made to dip the churros in, the kiss heating you from the inside. The first kiss you shared earlier in the evening had been tentative, curious. This one was pure heat as Harry licked over your bottom lip, sweeping up the chocolate on it that he'd placed there, and when you opened up for him, it lingered on his tongue along with the wine you picked out to go with dinner.
Harry barely gave you any time to gasp. He kissed you like he was starved, his kiss bruising in a way that had you pulling him tighter rather than pulling back, taking those curls that were just as soft as you thought they would be and gripping them tight between your fingers. His hands were warm beneath the thin material of your t-shirt, tracing the tattoo just above your belly button that spanned across your abdomen with the pads of his fingers. Angel, it read in big, bold script. Some people found it appalling, others intriguing or striking. You never really cared what people thought of your tattoos. Until you felt Harry's stare burning into your stomach every time your shirt rode up tonight to reveal bits and pieces of it tonight, that is.
"What—What are we doing?" you managed to breathe.
One of his hands had grazed your neck, leaving a trail of chocolate sauce in their wake, and Harry was now doing his best to clean it with his tongue. His other hand rose dangerously close to just below your breast, the anticipation of his touch making you shudder, but it also made a seed of hesitation take root in your mind.
Harry paused and faced you again, though his nose nearly touched yours. "I...I don't know," he said, and while that only made the seed grow, you appreciated his honesty. "I like how I feel when I'm around you. And I know it's messy with the tour and your—with your ex-boyfriend and everything, but...I don't know. I don't like shying away from a good feeling."
That's exactly what it was. Messy. What happened if things progressed from here and didn't work out? You had a job to do, you worked for Harry. You might have been able to acknowledge that good feeling Harry was talking about—a complete understatement, "good" didn't seem to do whatever was forming between the two of you justice—but you weren't sure it was worth possibly losing your job or compromising your raw emotions over. He might've been able to chase his feelings, but you couldn't.
"I—I would never fire you, or anything like that," he said, seeming to read your thoughts as they flitted through your mind. "And I'll respect your decision, whatever it is. I won't even bring it up again if you don't want me to."
The sincerity in his voice told you that Harry was telling the truth, and you knew him well enough that you believed him. You didn't know if it was just the heat of the moment for him, or if he'd secretly been harboring feelings, or if it was something else, and you couldn't even begin to untangle everything getting jumbled up in your heart.
But you could see the promise in Harry's eyes, the green in them clear as you had this conversation. The promise that he would make it worth your while, should you decide to go through with...whatever it was he was proposing.
Your apartment was so quiet, you swore you could hear his heartbeat thumping in time with yours. With shallow breath and shaking hands, you cupped his cheek. Your hand was rough with calluses, cuts, and scars from your time as a chef. Knife technique that developed over time and oil that bubbled a little too excitedly in the fryer; some of the pads of your fingers were even a little numb from touching hot food with your bare hands.
Harry didn't shy away from the roughness, though. Not as you caressed his cheekbone with your thumb and stood up from where you'd been perched on his lap. For a moment, his eyes left yours to gaze downward at what he thought was rejection, but when he heard the soft thud of you clothes hitting the floor, he looked up, drinking in every inch of skin you offered to him.
In just a pair of plain cotton underwear—the thick sheaths of your hair covering your chest and revealing only tiny glimpses of your skin and the tattoos inked on it—you picked up the bowl of melted chocolate off the table. Your eyes never once left his as you backed away toward your bedroom, an invitation held in them.
From the look on his face as he took in your near-nakedness, you thought Harry might've crawled. But, almost as if in a trance, he stood from his seat and followed you, taking your face in his hands and kissing you for all you were worth as he shut the door to your room with a definitive slam.
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potol0ver · 1 year
Beel Relationship Headcannons SFW and NSFW
I think this giant love bugs love language is physical touch, I don’t know what but I just feel like it is-
So he’d always be hovering near you, holding hands with you, or carrying you around places. Of course showing physical attention when you’re comfortable with it if you’re not ok with certain PDA
He’d love snuggles- I just know it- holding you is his favorite, let it be spooning or you’re on top of him holding him like a teddy bear, he loves it.
He’s not one to be the best with his words but he wouldn’t shy away from it, so he’d say his feelings rather bluntly, and it’d be very cute at times.
Like imagine him coming up behind you while you’re busy and he says “I want snuggles” then he just grabs you and you’re off to the bedroom.
Even though he might not be a person to say his emotions in a long winded way, I feel like he’d appreciate a paragraph or two from you every once and awhile gushing about how much you love him
The next day suddenly you have all your favorite food cooked to perfection, your favorite movie/show playing, and a perfect set up on the couch for cuddles.
I feel like he’d love to see you act parent like, like if it was to an actual child (Luke) or to an animal, it would just make him warm and fuzzy inside.
When you have time to come to his sports games, and he hears you cheering for him, it’s like he gets a second wind and somehow does better on the field because of it (not like he needs it, I don’t doubt he’s like the best sports player)
And when he’s done with the game and he sees you wearing his jersey- his heart does backflips
Believe it or not I like to think he’s slightly possessive, he just pushes it down because he feels guilty for feeling that way. So when he sees you in his jersey, he feels relief because now everyone knows even more that you’re his.
NSFW (warning a little bit of monster fucking)
Speaking of being protective, he’d definitely make sure he’s the only thing in your mind during sex.
He’d be overpowering, but not in the rough way (unless you like to that way), he’d pleasure you in all the right ways until you start seeing stars, makes you feel so good you think “I can go for another round” all while your legs are practically numb.
Obviously it would take a while of learning your body for that, but if you have that patience he’d be over the moon to learn all of your weak points.
It’s quite obvious that he’s a munch, so if he needs a slight pick me up before a game or he sees you to antsy or worked up, he’s going to use his mouth on you.
Now- I see this man as someone who just wants his s/o to gain pleasure, if they’re in pleasure he is to. So with that being said,
✨ Beel is a switch ✨
He’d gladly just let you bounce on him or fuck him until you have your fill.
He’s a big guy, even for a demon, so when you’re on top of him or directing him it makes him feel smaller, and that was an unexpected turn on for him.
When he tops he grunts and give words of affirmation
But when he bottoms- he whines- A LOT- and his affirmations turn into mush as he just gets lost in pleasure.
He normally doesn’t know what to do with his hands while he bottoms so please direct the man where you want him.
It’d wouldn’t be possible but the idea of you marking him would be such a turn on for him- so since you cant bruise him since- well- he’s him- put on some lipstick and seeing it on his skin will send him into overdrive (and it’s a great way to get him in the mood)
He also loves marking you of course, just hickies and a nibble here and there, but when you’re done you’ll see bruises from his fingertips neither of you realized were forming under his hands
Now sadly, if you are more of the sadistic type- like impact play- you won’t go far with that- given he can even find a whip not even ticklish- so you’ll have to tease him- like tying him up in magical ropes as you edge him- or please yourself without letting him help- stuff like that
Ok hear me out on this; when he’s in his human form, his cum is quite thick and creamy, and there’d be a lot of it. BUT in his demon form- his cum has eggs in it (I’m sorry I looked for the proper word but couldn’t find it-)
His demon form would also have its own specialties;
His horns wouldn’t be the most sensitive, but he’d love it when he’s using his mouth on you and you use them like a handle bar
The base of his wings would probably be sensitive, just be careful to not hurt his actual wings though
Now hear me out- again- fly demon = long tongue with suction cup at the end- IMAGINE
A/N alright I need to stop here before I expose myself further-
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mysteriawrites · 11 months
Hey can you write about Luxiem having a crush on the reader who is also a nijisanji vtuber? I just can imagine how cute that will be
Of course I can dear requester (requestee?). Here you go!
Luxiem with a Vtuber S/O
An: I had my own idea for a vtuber wave that I’m gonna use for this but feel free to use your imagination
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You and your genmates are part of the royalty themed wave: REGALIA
Luca Kaneshiro
You were the bright and cheery royal of your wave. The stereotypical royal that brought a smile to everyone's face, was a friend to everyone, and shined bright like the sun just like our boss.
You and Luca are always goofing off during collabs. You guys usually play Minecraft and team up to prank the other members (and sometimes each other).
Luca also uses your collabs as an excuse to use his pickup lines on you so he can play them off as jokes as to not be embarrassed for being so cheesy.
You guys inevitably end up working on a cover together. Whether you work on the art, the animation, the mixing, or do vocals with him it ends up being a huge hit. Breaking 1 million views in less than 24 hours.
In group collabs you two proceed to be absolute menaces. No one is safe from your relentless trolling. Whether it's crab game, among us, Mario cart, or goose goose duck you'll have half of the branch in a fit of rage by the end. Truly a terrifying duo.
Shu Yamino
You were the mysterious royal of your wave. Your aura exuded power and beauty as well as danger.
You and Shu mainly play fighter games or fps games together. If you're good at these types of games then you make a formidable team that guarantees victory, but if not, Shu doesn't mind teaching you. He's just glad to have someone to share his favorite games with.
He also likes to play silly games with you like that bunny game. You guys are in perfect sync, and even when you're not you have so much fun laughing and talking that it doesn't matter if you beat the level or not.
I feel like you guys would have a Lego building handcam stream. No real reason it just seems right. You guys build the most intricate structure that it's honestly intimidating.
It's noticeable to everyone how much Shu loves streaming with you, because he laughs so much more. He's sillier goofier and more unhinged and having fun and the chat can feel the chemistry and positive energy a mile away.
Ike Eveland
You were the quiet, smart, and bookish royal. Always a book in hand with elegance and grace.
You and Ike partner up to play story games. If there is no in game voice acting, you two will take turns voicing different characters and putting on a whole performance for chat.
You guys also do covers together. If you don't feel confident about your singing ability, then Ike will coach you and help you build up your confidence. Man really wants to hear your voice.
You guys will also do watch a long streams of your favorite films or anime. Gushing about your favorite characters and scenes. He thinks it's it really cute when you're excited about your favorite character (and maybe just a little jealous).
At first Ike is more quiet and polite whenever you guys' stream together, but as time goes on, he becomes more mischievous and teasing. He won't admit it, but he thinks your reactions are cute (just like the rest of you) and it makes him want to tease you more.
Mysta Rias
You were the rowdy and rebellious royal. Always stirring up mischief and not letting anyone tell you what to do.
You are Mysta's emotional support when it comes to scary games. This can go one of two ways. Either you're good with horror games and you're actually helpful, or you're also bad with horror games and you're both screaming your heads off. At the end of the day though you both had fun either way (even if you can't sleep that night).
You're the voice of reason during cooking streams. Even if you're not a great cook you can't be bad as him. At the very least you manage to save yourselves from food poisoning.
You two also play silly co-op games like keep talking and nobody explodes. It's funnier when you both share a braincell and have to figure out how to work together to beat the game.
Mysta may not collab often, but you're his favorite person to collab with. You have plenty of misadventures in off collabs too.
Vox Akuma
You were the warrior royal. Always protecting others and standing up for what you believe in.
You and Vox would have cooking streams together. Whether you're good at cooking or absolute shit, you two will have fun goofing off in the kitchen and still make a meal that's at least edible.
You guys also have film discussion podcast like streams where you talk about the latest films. You discuss your thoughts and opinions about the film, but also deep things like symbolism and what the directors and actors were thinking.
You know how Vox is when it comes to Ike. Well, he's like that, but times 10 when it comes to you. Flirting with you at every chance and gushing about you every time you achieve something significant in your streaming career.
Sometimes his chat will make jokes about who he loves more you or Ike? He will answer cheekily "Why choose I have two hands~", but he always makes sure you know that he of course loves you more.
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coalswriting · 1 year
domestic / dating headcanons - shauna shipman
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(approx. 800 words)
you met shauna on your first day of school. you were a new student, and she was assigned to take care of you and show you around.
the two of you got along pretty well; conversations just went smoothly, and it genuinely seemed like she listened to everything you said, and in return, you listened to her. you could talk about super deep topics for hours; or at least until school ended for the day.
you gushed to your parents about her when you came home that night and they invited her over for dinner.
when you told her the next day, she was so happy!! she smiled so brightly at you that you instantly felt a new unfamiliar (but nice) feeling in your chest and stomach.
your parents loved her from the start. she was extremely polite and kind, but also witty when the time was right, and your parents found her extremely endearing. so did you. you couldn’t stop thinking of her that night as you tossed and turned in bed. you fell asleep that night cuddling your pillow, and in your dreams, it was her that you were cuddling.
shauna invited you to watch her train so that you could meet her teammates and maybe make more friends. she was so attractive, and you were glued to the way she played, flanking her teammates, and stealing the ball as if she didn’t even have to try.
you two started studying together after her practices because she was also extremely smart (seriously, how could someone be so good at everything?). you were failing history and shauna managed to make the subject seem so interesting to you whereas you would fall asleep in class. you passed that year with a high B.
eventually, shauna invited you to a sleepover with her teammates at her house. her house wasn’t massive but it was homely. you mostly spent the night sitting between shauna and natalie while you all gossiped, ate pizza, and played truth or dare.
everyone fell asleep once the movie came on; well, everyone but you and shauna. you decided to go to the kitchen so that you could talk without disturbing everyone since neither of you were awake.
one thing led to another, and you and shauna ended up kissing ‘to practice’. you stopped believing it was ‘practice’ after she kissed you the third time. things got heated fast, and the two of you became a casual thing.
going to the library with shauna to study turned into making out in the abandoned book aisles after you would get through a lot of work. watching her practice turned into her trying to impress you and make your heart flutter by her flirtatious mannerisms. sleepovers turned into an excuse to kiss and hold each other at night.
after a few weeks of this, you both decided to take the step towards commitment and began dating.
it’s hard to say that nobody saw it coming; literally everyone saw the chemistry between you two before you saw it.
sleepovers at each-others houses became more frequent. you never cooked together, but you always tried to bake at least one new thing every sleepover. peanut butter cookies? brownies? cheesecake? you’ve tried it all.
you both aren’t great at baking though, and half the time the food would be really bad.
“shauna, did you put baking soda in the batter instead of baking powder?? the cake tastes salty.”
“uhhh, oops?”
still, you both have fun baking together even if it sucks.
shauna is such a big spoon. like, no matter what you do or how you sleep, you will end up pressed against her chest, her arm draped around you. if you pull away from her in the middle of the night, she will literally wake you up to ask you if you’re mad at her.  
“no shauna… i’m just hot…”
“then take off your shirt, don’t leave me!!”
you and shauna don’t go on many dates because she doesn’t necessarily care about the experience as much as she does just spending time with you.
she might take you stargazing some night, or go to a restaurant or café with you, but you both agree that you don’t need anything extravagant.
you once brought home a little blue pig plushie for her because you thought it’d be cute, and she was so flattered that she keeps it in her car.
shauna isn’t huge on the kissing parts of pda but she will hold your hand or have her arm around your shoulders if you’re sitting together. she’s just casual like that, really. she likes to show that you’re hers without nauseating all of her friends and teammates.
a good example of this is that you’ll wear her letterman at parties or in school. everyone knows you’re hers because it literally says ‘S. SHIPMAN” on the back and across the sleeve.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
can a girl get some Hawthorne brother bonding as children hcs? <3
hawthorne brother bonding head canons
omg yessssss! i love the four brothers' dynamic. they're so fucking amazing (and hot). hope you like them<3.
nash would read them bedtime stories. they'd join him in his room, and they would take turns choosing which book nash would read to them
xander used to get all of them to join him in the pool bc he absolutely loved blowing bubbles in the water but didn't want to be alone.
this one happens when they're older but i found it funny so - xander, grayson, and nash would all drag jamie up to his room when he passed out form drinking too much.
they would tease xander about his school crushes (he was once crushing on the girl bc she had blown him a kiss, and he didn't stop talking about for the next week)
xander would find stray cats/dogs and give them to his brothers
grayson started learning how to cook at like 8, but he was really bad at it. his brothers used to pretend the food was delicious when in reality in tasted like dog shit (jamie didn't lie though, grayson appreciated it and became better bc of it)
xander had an obsession with whales and wanted his walls filled with them. nash, grayson, and jamie, got xander out of his room, and painted little whales on his walls (they're all great painters bc yk hawthornes)
they all had a shared insta account when xander was like 12 where they would post random shit (gray hated it but liked the idea of having smth special with his three brothers)
for nash's 10th birthday (i believe that means xander was like 3) the three younger brothers went out alone and bought him a new cowboy hat and cowboy boots.
they all go shopping with for the gfs together.
they'll sit together and ask each other relationship advice.
when jamie was younger, he had an obsession with helicopters, so nash, grayson, and xander got tobias to get someone to give him a helicopter ride.
they had sleepovers at least once a week when they were children
they didn't really have many real friends (people wanted to use them for their money) so at school they would just sit together at lunch (obviously nash wasn't really a part of if cause he's older)
skye usually forgot about their birthdays so they would all organize their own birthday parties.
xander used to loveee it when jamie gray and nash took turns reading the percy jackson series (like jamie as grover, gray as annabeth, nash as percy)
sometimes people pick at xander cause he's a sweet innocent little cinnamon bun who's kinda easy to bully so nash, grayson and jamie always defend him and make him regret everything he's ever said to their sweet little brother (they once stalked this guy. followed him home, sent him little threats. tobias got really mad and told them that they couldn't do that again)
they're always commenting on each others insta posts (and jamie's thirst traps)
they love going on road trips together (just the four of them). they do at least one road trip a year alone. the tradition started as soon as nash learned to drive.
xander organizes all of their closets (he's an organized king) or makes them little gadgets/grayson is always cooking everyone meals/jamie leaves little puzzles with gifts inside for them to find/nash is literally always teaching them new things
nash used to love to tuck them all in when they were all children.
sometimes they'd watch movies together and they'd all fall asleep except for nash. he'd carry them all up to their rooms. sometimes he also carried them all to his own room, and they'd have a sleepover.
they all like reading (some more that others) and sometimes they all huddle up in xander's room (cause he made this weird comfy revolutionary sofa thing that's really comfortable) and read.
they all gush about their girlfriends to each other. like they'll sit there and be like "omg you should've seen avery today, i think i fell even more in love with her" and then nash will go like "omg same libby made me cake today"
nash wears speedos to the beach and xander thought it was funny so he dared them all to do it too the next time they went to the beach. their gfs were traumatized and were considering breaking up with them. (@catapparently came up with this one)
xander published the book he mentioned writing at the beginning of tbh and it sold like crazy (i don't remember what it was called). xander saw how successful it was and made a book for nash and jamie too.
they love making candy salads and eating them in front of the tv while watching shows (grayson secretly loves candy smmm).
they were all on the cover of vogue (all individually, and once or twice all together)
grayson makes painting for all of them to put in their rooms.
grayson sometimes composes piano pieces for xander, jamie, and nash's birthdays.
jamie used to tear up when his brothers asked him to hang out with them bc tobias convinced him he wasn't good enough (fuck you tobias)
xander used to love to have tea parties when he was like 5, and he'd force everyone to come (he had a pink tea set).
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I know you're on hiatus So you don't have to answer this now if you don't want to. Take your time. But this idea just popped in my head and I gotta tell you before it forgot about it.
So sub yandere jisung who has a crush on you and has journal. He writes all of his fantasies about you in that journal because hes too shy to actually tell you how he feels. Many are very wholesome fantasies about you and him. Cooking/baking together, watching movies together, going on cute little dates. And then there are the "not so wholesome" fantasies, where he explains in great detail what he wants you to do to him. Pegging, bondage using toys on him and lots of other ✨️juicy✨️stuff. He hides his journal in his room hoping no one will find it, But one day he gets careless and leaves a it out in the open where you happen to find it. And when he discovers that you've found it and you read every single page of that journal he just crumbles.
i literally just finished writing the sub yandere jisung hcs and THEN I READ THIS
you would get complete whiplash reading that journal, the first page is just him gushing about how much he loves you and would do anything for you, a scenario where he confesses his undying love for you and imagines everything you could be,
the next page is ideas, notes about things you like and places you mentioned that interested you, like the museum or a restaurant you've wanted to try. it's filled with hearts and cute date ideas, a rating out of ten on how much he thinks you'd enjoy it,
and then the next page is straight up porn, damn boy would put us in shock with the filth he depicts on the page, imagining how it would feel for you to peg him, describing exactly how he would want it and the size dildo he wants (he's also ordered it, already all tied up in a pretty box in his closet, waiting for the day that you'll finally use it on him)
the next page is movies, date ideas with shows he thinks you'll like and one's that you've already said you like that he's planning to watch so he can talk to you about them<3
the next page is straight up sex toys he wishes you'd use on him. vibrators and dildos, cockrings and ropes, gags and lingerie (you don't really know if he wants you to wear it or him to, or even both of you to)
it goes back and forth, with each new page you'll never know what you'll get, the filthiest smut out there or the sweetest fluff. a scarily accurate recounting of how your body looks or a love song he's written for you
there's two options after you've read it really, put it back and pretend it never happened, act like you never found it and never ever bring it up to him
or confront him and fulfill some of the depraved perverted fantasies that he's written about...
his blush would be really cute if you did tell him, but he would either be absolutely mortified or maybe, secretly, deep down some part of him wanted you to find it, some part of him knew that leaving it out in the open would result in you finding it
and the same part of him would sing and gloat in pleasure as you make him act out just how he would ride your thigh like he wrote in the margins of his journal
anyway, yes, sub yandere jisung hc will probably be out soon and i dunno who i'll do next yet but we'll find out soon enough
(also isn't there a song where the singer talks about finding someone's journal at their house, something like, 'read those pages, you really love me baby?' or smth? idk, i could be tripping)
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lozchi · 7 months
Hello friend! Can I request Taehoon with a reader who loves to dance? (Not professionally but they’ll do it while they’re cooking or cleaning or something like that.) And one day Taehoon hears a song that reminds him of the reader and starts to do some of their moves. No pressure! I hope you have a great one!😁
A/N: Goodness, I love the idea. My self-shipping ass actually thought of this at some point. Sorry that this took so long! I've been pretty busy in life and I only finished reading Viral Hit today. @ryusuisloveinterest  Pairing: Taehoon Seong x GN!Reader Themes: Fluff, petnames, Taehoon being a wuss
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Taehoon finds it cute, really. It wasn't just that he found it cute; it was more like an electrifying sensation that coursed through his veins. Maybe it's just the way he's captivated by your movements, or perhaps it's just the way how your face lights up as you'd dance as if nobody were watching.
But honestly, the music choice could be better. Who in their right fucking mind listens to "phonk"? " It was as though someone had taken a blender to a cacophony of dissonant noises, mixed it with Snapper and Hobin’s yelling and called it music.
"Ughhhh- Make it stop."
Taehoon groans, rolling his eyes in discontentment.
"Nuh-uh. I ain't gonna."
As the pulsating bass throbs through the air, you find yourself swaying to the rhythm, your body moving confidently despite the mediocre music assaulting both of your ears. With each step, you defy the ear-bleeding tunes. Your eyes sparkle with an infectious joy as you twirl and spin, lost in a world where only your happiness matters.
The bass may be shit, but your energy soars above it, overshadowing the limitations of the melody. In your dance, there's a magic that makes Taehoon forget about the shitty song; Turning the ordinary into something extraordinary.
Fuck. You’ve got Taehoon smiling like an idiot. When he notices it, he quickly wipes it off, but it's not too late for you to catch his affectionate gaze.
”The fuck ya want?”
He scowls, only for you to return a smirk.
Dashing around the house, frantically searching through your drawers for something to wear, you disturb a very peaceful Taehoon (a rare sight, wow) engaged in a phone call with his dad. He might have overlooked your antics if he hadn't noticed you making a beeline for the door.
“Babe, I’m off to Rumi’s for a bit. Don’t forget to give Tiger his medication!”
Peppering kisses all over his face, he lets out a resigned sigh.
”At this hour? I don’t think so. Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
It's not as if Taehoon is in any position to lecture. His sleeping schedule is even more fucked up than yours. Yeah, he admits to himself that it may be hypocritical to tell you not to go out so late and possibly cause danger to yourself when he does it too. Which is why, without uttering a word, you lock eyes with him, and he relents.
”Just get back safely or call me, alright?”
And the master negotiator (without negotiating) wins again.
”Mhm, I’ll be back”
Before you leave, Taehoon kisses back (followed by a flick on the forehead, because he’s the bitchiest of all bitches). He could’ve sworn he heard Hansu chuckling through the other side of the phone. This old man can only gush about this very moment.
Tranquility, at last. No jarring phonk music assaulting his poor fucking ears, no impromptu silly dances disrupting the peace. But amidst this newfound calm, Taehoon finds himself missing it all. (It’s only been a minute-) Now he actually doesn’t mind the music you play. He could be calling Hobin to come over, play some video games, talk to his dad again but he’s probably too embarrassed to hear his father bring up how soft he was earlier.
”Come here, you lil’ rascal. It’s time for your meds”
He calls out to your cat, who dutifully obeys, padding over to Taehoon's side.
And it wasn’t long before Taehoon finds himself listening to your carefully curated phonk playlist on Spotify. The beats pulse through his earphones, he pictures you leaping around the room, your laughter filling the space as you lose yourself in the music's infectious energy. And suddenly, the absence of your hijinks feels like a void he hadn't realized was there.
”How does Y/N go about it again? Like this?”
Taehoon mutters to himself, attempting to mimic your dance moves.
If only your cat could talk, it would regale you with TEA of Taehoon's comical attempts to imitate your silly movements. Despite his status as a taekwondo prodigy, his body just doesn't seem to move in the same fluid way as yours. It's a sight to behold, watching him stumble and flail around the room, his efforts more resembling a worm sprinkled with salt than a seasoned dancer.
He hisses, now cringing to himself and glad you aren’t around to see how shit-
With a sheepish grin, you approach the door, your keys conspicuously absent from your hand.
”Gah, how could I forget my phone out of all things?! I hope Taehoon’s asleep by now, otherwise I’d have to deal with his bickering, and- Taehoooon?”
As you reach for the handle, you're met with an unexpected sight: Taehoon, in all his clumsy glory, attempting to replicate your dance moves with a level of finesse that could only be described as the equivalent of the Hobin Yoo Company's chaos. Caught off guard by the scene unfolding before you, you can't help but burst into laughter, momentarily forgetting the reason you needed to enter the room in the first place.
”Is this what you do when I’m not around?”
And then, just when you think it couldn't get any cringier, he manages to stub his toe on the corner of the coffee table.
Taehoon clears his throat, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment in your presence, a rare occurrence for someone usually so composed. But his embarrassment is momentarily overshadowed by his curiosity as to why you've returned so quickly.
"Anyway, why are you here already? Not that I don’t mind, but—"
You bashfully avert your gaze to the ground, a nervous chuckle escaping your lips.
"I forgot my phone…"
"Tsk! Do you really have to be this irresponsible sometimes?!? What could’ve happened if you didn’t get in contact with me?"
Taehoon pulls you into a tight hug, his worry palpable in the embrace. But amidst his concerns, you can't help but sense his underlying desire to distract you from the awkwardness of his recent dance attempt.
A part of you acknowledges his genuine concern, but another part recognizes this as one of his subtle ways to divert your attention from the potential blackmail material you just witnessed. Despite his attempt to shift the focus, his affectionate (but tsundere) nature somehow manages to shine through.
”Why were you-”
”We don’t talk about that.”
”Shush, or I won’t let you go back to Rumi’s.”
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moonlit-escape · 10 days
. ☠︎︎.˖⚝๋࣭⭑ֶָ֢♱ Gene Mystreet headcanons !!
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my third and final favourite mystreet character. he's so silly i need to beat his ass
bisexual (it runs in the family. their mom is bi too)
the eyebags aren't just bc he's has a god awful sleep schedule, they're actually hereditary (dante covers his with cucumbers and a skincare routine)
only speaks in spanish when he's losing his shit (arguing, panicking, tripped and scraped his knee on the sidewalk)
god can that boy dance
honestly just really loves cats
he went through a rough patch in uni and it sort of gave him a major wake up call as to just how he was doing and what kind of person he was and wanted to be
he, zenix, and sasha went their separate ways during uni, but tried to keep mostly in touch until eventually coming back together as roomies
god he would have just. the Worst depression meals. bro eats macaroni cheese dust in a glass with milk like it's a fucking nesquik packet. takes apart oreos and eats all the cream off, then puts pieces of ham in between them like theyre goddamn lunchable crackers. makes mayonnaise and jello sandwiches. takis and sweet relish. sasha and zenix have to make sure they come home on time and cook something before he puts whatever fucking concoction he makes into his body.
but he's actually a pretty damn good cook (when he's Not in a depressive episode)
learned to read fairly quickly, so he would always read dante to sleep
HARD gifted kid burnout like my man crashed and burned at 16
but now he's just a silly little nerd
favourite ninja turtle is donatello (mainly bc his fav color is purple)
he likes anime a lot, honestly. especially from 1990 to 2000s
plays mihoyo games. his mains are, respectively; cyno (genshin), jing yuan (hsr), and anton (zenless). This is a meta joke.
piercings,,, pirericngs,,,,, yesssss ,.
typa guy to use kaomoji and cat emoticons and send you cat videos off of youtube
the only social media he has is tumblr and reddit his punkass doesnt fw any other
he'd probably get a tattoo. maybe for his sweet girl, Apple, the poor thing
wants another cat, but he wants to give sasha and zenix no other choice but to let him take one in, so he's up Praying a stray will find him and follow him home
*opens his wallet and an entire roll of dante's baby pictures fall out* "UHM- UH- FWUH- I WAS HOLDING THESE FOR MY MOM-" dante, travis, and aph tear up on the spot
was never that mean to travis, since he was dante's best friend, but he was never careful around him either, so
him and garroth actually end up being great friends who just spend most of their conversations gushing about mutual interests (their baby brothers, cats, video games) or sassing each other off
no wait bc why would his taste in men absolutely be himbos. (or at least just very sweet, kind-hearted people)
he calls people by specific little terms of endearment, depending on the type of response. that doesnt make sense. let me elaborate.
uses "babe" or "honey" when someone is in distress or upset ("oh, honey,,")
uses "bucko" or "buddy" when someone mouths off at him ("oookay there, buddy." "alright then, bucko.")
you get it now
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dreamonseems · 1 year
Hi! Could you write some fluff about Erling, everything you want honestly! I looove your works!
Erling Haaland X Female Reader
Summary: Erling asks the reader to braid his hair for a match.
Short and sweet, I just love when erling gets his hair braided, and i thought this would be such a cute, fluffy idea 😭
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Erling was sitting on the edge of the bed, getting ready for the big match. He had his shirt on, shorts, and socks, but his hair was all over the place. He turned to Y/N, who was sitting at the foot of the bed, and asked her, "Can you braid my hair for me?"
Y/N smiled and nodded. "Of course, baby," she said, grabbing a brush and some elastics. She began combing through his hair, making sure to detangle any knots. Erling closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of her fingers running through his hair.
After a few minutes, Y/N finished the braids, pulling them tight and securing them with elastics. Erling stood up and looked in the mirror, admiring her handiwork. "Perfect," he said, grinning at her. "Thank you."
She stood up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Anything for my favorite football player," she said, laughing. Erling chuckled and put on his shoes, ready to head out to the game with his hair neatly braided thanks to Y/N's expert hands.
After the game, Erling was approached by a reporter who wanted to ask him about the match. As they were talking, the reporter noticed the two braids in Erling's hair and asked about them.
"Erling, congratulations on the win today. We noticed you had a different hairstyle for this game. Can you tell us about it?"
Erling smiles. "Thank you. Yes, my girlfriend Y/N braided my hair for the game today. It's something we've been doing lately, and I like how it keeps my hair out of my face during the game."
"It's definitely a unique look for you. Do you think you'll keep the braids for future games?" The reporter asks.
Erling chuckles and says, "Well, we'll see. It's more about function than fashion for me, but I do think they look pretty cool. So who knows, maybe I'll rock the braids more often."
The reporter nodded and then said, "I hear your girlfriend does a lot for you. Takes good care of you, huh?"
Erling's face lit up, and he couldn't help but gush about Y/N. "Oh yeah, she's amazing. She takes care of me in so many ways. She cooks for me, helps me pack my bags for away games, and is always there to support me no matter what. I'm really lucky to have her."
The reporter nodded again and then asked, "So, do you think having a supportive partner like Y/N has helped your game on the field?"
Erling thought for a moment and then said, "Absolutely. When you have someone in your life who believes in you and supports you, it gives you the confidence to go out there and play your best. And that's what Y/N does for me. She's my biggest cheerleader, and I couldn't do what I do without her."
The reporter nodded again, scribbling down notes. "Sounds like a great girlfriend. You're a lucky man."
He smiled at the reporter, "Yes, I definitely am lucky to have her. And one day, I hope to make her my wife."
The reporter raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Really? Are you thinking of proposing?"
Erling nodded confidently. "I am. Y/N is the one for me, and I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else."
The reporter smiled, "Well, I wish you the best of luck. I'm sure she'll say yes."
Erling grinned, feeling a rush of excitement at the thought of proposing to Y/N. "Thank you. I can't wait to make her mine forever."
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