#it's like we're squished in a bubble
goldenpinof · 2 years
European leg of the WE’RE ALL DOOMED tour
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rip to Iceland but i’m not remaking it
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ohproserpine · 8 months
iii. deer dolly
see all chapters here tags: fem! reader, reader is a performer in a speakeasy, jealousy, possessiveness, written before episode 7; may become inaccurate, gorey-ish descriptions of love, murder
The next night, Alastor returned in unusually high spirits. He practically dragged you onto the dance floor, twirling you around in dizzying circles for eight whole rounds. If you hadn't asked him to stop, you might have ended up collapsing from sheer exhaustion.
As it was a Saturday night and you weren't scheduled to perform, the trio of you settled in at the bar, enjoying drinks and each other's company as the night wore on.
"Come on, doll! Bottoms up!" Mimzy cheered, her laughter bubbling with infectious energy. The blonde pressed a crystal-clear glass against your lips, tilting it up and urging you to indulge further. The cool liquid burned as it slid down your throat, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. The room turned into a swirling blend of jazz melodies, clinking glasses, and loud, loud chatter.
After a few seconds, unable to endure the relentless flow of alcohol, you finally pushed her hand away with a sputter and a cough. The taste of the giggle water lingered on your lips as you slumped against Alastor's chest, your burning cheeks squished against the fabric of his coat.
"Had a bit too much, have we?" he smirked. The radio host smoothly wrapped an arm around your shoulder, the fine fabric of his suit brushing against your skin as he held you upright against him. You nestled against Alastor, swaying slightly to the music, the alcohol-induced haze casting a dreamy glow over your vision. "My, it looks as though the night's got its claws in you, cher."
"Not yet it hasn't," you grinned, your words slurring slightly as you shifted against him, a hand outstretched to grab your drink off the counter.
"Ah ah ah," Alastor chuckled as he took your glass from you, setting it aside with a careful motion. "Let's not push our luck, shall we?"
"Aw, don't be such a wet blanket!" Mimzy snorted, her curls bouncing as she plopped onto the seat beside you. "She's just having a good time! Ain't that right, doll?"
"Mhm!" you nodded your head eagerly before stopping, the ceaseless nodding causing a dull ache in your head.
"There's a good time, and then there's getting plastered. I'd hate to see the star of the show here end up on the floor. Ha ha!" Alastor boomed out with a laugh, catching you off guard. You would have stumbled off the seat if it weren't for his swift reflexes, his gloved hand wrapping around your arm to pull you back up.
"Such a klutz," Alastor tutted with a smirk as he steadied you. "See? What ever would happen to my favorite showgirl if I don't keep a watchful eye?" 
"Oh, please!" Mimzy snorted as she slid another cool glass of giggle water in front of you, leaving a glistening trail of water from the condensation. "She's handled worse than this. We're just getting started!”
"Mimzy, my dear, it seems my words didn't quite get into that thick skull of yours," Alastor enunciated with a tight-lipped smile. "Allow me to say it in much more simpler terms; she has had enough."
"Oh, come on—"
"Do you want all your patrons to witness yet another fiasco in this establishment?"Alastor smiled as he bore his gaze into the blonde's doe eyes. "Because it does sure seem like a night can't pass here without a fuckup!"
Mimzy's shoulders raised in surprise. She stayed silent for a while before forcing out a response through gritted teeth. "No."
Alastor leaned in, glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose, voice devoid of his usual eccentricity. "Then dry up. Understood?"
"Understood," Mimzy rolled her eyes, tucking her chin to her chest as she stared at her feet.
"Lovely." Alastor hummed before straightening himself. And just like that, the tension dissipated, replaced by an air of nonchalance.
"Well! This has been a delightful night, but I do believe it's time to escort this lovely lady home, don't you think?" Alastor's tone shifted back to its usual charm, as nothing had happened. He wrapped an arm around your waist, tugging your ditzy self out of the bar stool as he began to guide you out of the speakeasy.
"Best of luck, chums!"
"Can you believe it? That lousy, two-timing rat! You introduce him to the girl of his dreams, and what does he do? He high-tails it outta here with her, leaving us all high and dry!" Mimzy ranted, shaking her fist in frustration before pouring herself another drink. "Not a word for a whole week! I had to call in Nitwit Nancy to cover her Friday shifts! And you know that broad sounds like a screeching cat on a hot tin roof."
Beside her, Angel Dust was flabbergasted, his jaw hanging open with the champagne glass dangling loosely from his hands, its contents long spilled onto the counter, creating a shimmering puddle on the bar. Husk grumbled as he wiped the counter clean with a worn-out rag, eyes flickering between Mimzy and Angel.
The spider was staring at Mimzy as if the blonde had just sprouted a third tit, his eyes wide and struggling to process everything he had just been told.
“Why is you gawkin'?!” Mimzy leaned away from Angel, unsettled by the look on his face. “Aww. Is it 'cuz I'm adorable?”
"Fuckin' hell, toots," the spider coughed out a laugh. "I'm having difficulty understanding all that you just spat at me, blondie. What happened to you ‘keeping a secret’?"
Mimzy's body tensed, a sudden realization flashing across her face as she belatedly registered the fact that she had been running her mouth.
Shaking her head, she pulled herself back together with a huff. "Whatever, alright?! I doubt—"
Suddenly, a loud bang at the door echoed through the room, causing the two demons to startle in their seats. Mimzy's head snapped towards the source of the noise so swiftly she nearly gave herself whiplash. In growing horror, she watched as the hinges of the hotel's entrance door began to creak, the walls around them starting to crack and shed plaster.
"Mimzy! We know you're in there! You lousy bitch!"
"Oh, shit," she winced sinking into her seat.
"What the fuck—" Husk cursed, his words drowned out by the sudden explosion that violently rattled the lower windows. Shards of glass rained down onto the floor as dust and debris filled the air, choking their senses. Husk whipped his head around to glare at Mimzy when she vaulted over the bar counter, seeking refuge behind the sturdy wood.
"I fucking knew it. What shit have you brought to us this time?" Husk demanded, his grip tightening on her dress as he lifted her up. Another explosion echoed through the building, the shockwaves pulsing through the floor causing Husk to stumble and drop her. 
With a pained grunt, the blonde crashed to the floor, her bruised front absorbing the brunt of the impact. As she lifted her head, she met Husk's glare.
"Ahah... Well," Mimzy sheepishly smiled, her eyes darting nervously as she cowered on the floor. The banging on the door grew louder and more aggressive, echoing through the hotel lobby like a menacing drumbeat.
Angel Dust stood frozen by one of the living room walls, his hands pressed against it to anchor himself. Suddenly, he noticed the television set flickering with an eerie glow, emitting dissonant static noises that seemed to crawl under his fur. The crackling sound took on an unsettling pitch, and an odd pink electricity surged through the screen, casting a sickly hue across the room. "What the fuck...?!"
In that moment, Vaggie and Charlie stormed onto the scene, their eyes widening in disbelief as they absorbed the chaotic sight. The hotel lobby, once orderly and serene, now lay in ruins—furniture overturned, glass shattered, and the wallpaper charred.
"What's happening?!" Vaggie exclaimed, swiftly drawing her spear and slicing a chunk of concrete in half before it could reach her. The broken pieces ricocheted off the walls, adding to the destruction.
"We are under sssiege!" Sir Pentious screamed as he scrambled to get Nifty into his arms, slithering behind the toppled-over couch for cover. The banging on the door intensified, accompanied by muffled threats and angry shouts from outside. "It'sss all that harlot'sss fault!
"Harlot?" Vaggie questioned, her fiery gaze sweeping the room for a familiar mop of blonde hair. Upon spotting Mimzy, her eyes narrowed as her lips curled into a snarl. "Explain."
"I may or may not be in trouble with an overlord! Well, maybe a couple of 'em," Mimzy rushed out, her words tumbling over each other in a nervous babble. "And I may or may not have 'borrowed' one of their top showgirls. And, well, got that girl killed… but she had it coming!"
Vaggie's patience waned with each new sentence Mimzy added, and a low groan escaped her lips.
"Leave this to me," she hissed, red-hot fury flashing in her eyes as she tightened her grip on her spear. "Everyone, get somewhere safe."
"I'm afraid that will not be necessary, my dear."
A sudden crackling static, skin to the ominous hum of a radio, seeped through the room as Alastor emerged from the shadowed corners. The demon's grin twisted unnaturally, stretching up to his glowing crimson eyes, which emitted an eerie, hollow glow. Tendrils of inky shadow began to writhe and sprout from Alastor's back, emitting sickening cracking noises.
In the blink of an eye, he dashed outside, engaging in his unholy work, swiftly and effortlessly ridding the area of its assailants. The air outside carried echoes of screams and the sharp, metallic scent of blood.
Before everyone could fully comprehend the whirlwind of events that had just transpired, the screaming ceased. Shortly after, Alastor returned to his usual demeanor. Nonchalantly stepping back into the damaged lounge, he dusted off his suit, traces of blood marking his path on the floors.
"Alastor! Babyface! Good show!" Mimzy began clapping, seemingly unfazed by the gorey scene as she stepped out of her hiding spot. "Bravo! bravo!"
Upon hearing Mimzy's voice, Alastor's head fully twisted around with a loud, bone-chilling crack accompanying the movement. The radio demon moved toward her, his towering 7-foot form eclipsing her much smaller figure. He bared his sharp teeth in a menacing smile as his antlers began to grow in length, curling and twisting over his head—a display nothing short of terrifying.
"Alastor~" Charlie's voice quivered with forced cheerfulness, her hands wringing together anxiously. "Haha! Let's, uh, try to keep our cool here, okay? We really don't need any more messes, do we? Haha!"
The princess's attempt at forced cheerfulness made her look desperate, her manic expression surfacing as her pupils visibly shrank, darting around the room like startled prey.
Alastor closed his eyes, the tension in his form visible as he took a moment to regain composure. Gradually, his antlers reverted to their usual size. With an eerie calm settling over him, he reopened his eyes, though the strain was evident in his smile. "My apologies, chum. I'll be out of your hair in a bit."
He spared Charlie one more glance, his gaze piercing, before redirecting his attention to Mimzy. The intensity in his stare bore into her as he spoke, his voice low and measured. "Since you are so eager to catch up, why don't we have a talk? In private."
With that, the radio demon snapped his fingers, transporting both of them out of the lounge.
"Dumb bitch," Husk grumbled under his breath, covering his eyes with his paws and slamming his head onto the bar counter. "We're all fucked once he finds out."
"Find out what?" Walking up to him, Angel Dust shot Husk a confused look. The spider delicately brushed away the dust that clung to his grey fur, picking out the bigger pieces of cement and plaster. "I thought they were friends?"
Husk raised his head off the counter, mismatched eyes meeting Angel's own. "Not anymore."
Mimzy slowly opened her eyes, greeted by the surreal sight of a blood-red room surrounding her. It housed a radio station complete with an array of dials and a microphone, the very tools she knew Alastor utilized for his broadcasts.
'His broadcasting station?' she noted, curiously looking about the room.
Suddenly, Alastor's firm grip closed around her shoulder, causing her to whirl around with disorienting speed. His bloodied claws moved to cradle both of her rosy cheeks, their sharp edges looming dangerously close to breaking skin while he squeezed her face as though dealing with a disobedient child.
"I thought I made it very clear that you were to step nowhere near me," Alastor forced her to stare up at him. Despite the discomfort caused by Alastor's claws digging in, Mimzy maintained her confident demeanor and glared straight back up at him. "Did I not, dearest?"
"Oh, I just ran into a spot of trouble, and I thought, who better to lend a helping hand than you?" Mimzy rolled her eyes as she pulled herself away from his grasp, massaging the tender flesh of her cheeks. "You always love helping lil ole me."
"Enough. What is it you want?" Alastor snapped. "Should you persist in wasting more of my precious time, I will relish tearing you apart limb from limb, and the symphony of your sweet screams will be a broadcast for all of Hell to revel in."
Mimzy, unfazed, leaned in with a sly grin, her fingers playfully tracing the lapel of Alastor's coat. "Alright, tall, dark, and creepy. I know you aren't going to do shit."
"After all," she batted her lashes at him, "Hurting me would be hurting her, now wouldn't it?"
The blonde pressed her finger into his chest, poking him repeatedly. "That was in the contract~ You. Heartless. Son. Of. A. Bitch."
A low, guttural chuckle rumbled in the depths of Alastor's throat. "Oh, sweetheart," he drawled, catching her finger mid-poke. "You seem to be overlooking the delicate nature of contracts. It might be wise for you to tread more carefully, relying on such flimsy assurances."
"Flimsy?!" Mimzy scowled. "I got your girl on a leash!"
"Lets make this very clear," Alastor's voice deepened into a growl, eyes flashing red in warning. "This contract doesn't grant you a carte blanche to play games with my patience. If not for her plea to spare you, your fate would have been sealed by now."
As Alastor's grip moved to tighten around her throat, Mimzy's eyes nervously tracked the sharp edge of his claws, her breath catching in her throat.
"W-Whatevah! A contract is a contract," she retorted. Mimzy roughly pulled away from him, scrambling to gain the upper hand again. "Even if there ain't a soul exchange, it's still binding!"
"Yes, indeed! I am well aware of contractual obligations, dear," Alastor grinned, his cane tightening in his grip, claws leaving indents on the dark steel. Bending down to meet her gaze, he continued, "But you seem to have forgotten that time's almost up! The expiration for your contract is nearing. And when that happens, I do intend to reclaim what is rightfully mine – my wife. At that point, you will find yourself plunged into an abyssal world of unrelenting agony."
"Abyss, schmabyss. I've dealt with worse," Mimzy scoffed, her hand waving dismissively. "Now look, I got what I wanted outta you, and I don't have to take this."
With that, the blonde turned with a dramatic flair, her heels clicking against the floor as she stomped towards the door. She adjusted her hair and straightened her dress, a smug smirk dancing on her lips.
"Have fun with your little princess and your little project," she quipped.
Over her shoulder, she shot Alastor one last look, a sly glint in her eyes. "Because I sure am having fun with mine~"
Dry up - Shut up Giggle Water - Liquor Carte Blanche - Complete freedom to act as one wishes
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luvkyu · 3 months
babygirl ( kim mingyu )
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mingyu x male reader
gyu loves his bsf a little more than he should
content : 1.5k words, fluff, clingy!mingyu x oblivious!reader, best friends to lovers, reader calls gyu babygirl, light kissing
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"get off me."
mingyu frowned. his cheek was squished up against y/n's bicep while holding onto his arm.
"but i'm comfortable."
"well, i'm not," y/n complained.
mingyu sighed and lifted his head. his arm had been intertwined around y/n's, but he very slowly let it slip away, as if waiting for y/n to change his mind.
mingyu now pouted in his seat. y/n was busy reading the menu of the new restaurant their friends were checking out. mingyu continued to stare at him. it made him a little disappointed how unfazed y/n was.
"i'm gonna find the bathroom," mingyu announced while getting up from their table. everyone looked up when his chair scraped against the hardwood floor - everyone except y/n.
seungkwan was on one side of y/n, while junhui, soonyoung, and minghao sat across from them. they all looked at y/n in his oblivious little bubble.
y/n looked over to see seungkwan with a weary expression on his face.
"are you guys good?.." seungkwan asked, nodding toward mingyu as he disappeared to the restroom.
y/n took a quick glance in mingyu's direction before looking back to seungkwan in confusion.
"yeah? we're fine."
seungkwan wasn't sure what else he could say. he just nodded and began playing with the straw of his drink.
"mingyu doesn't seem fine," minghao intervened.
"..did i do something?" y/n asked. he set his menu down and contemplated following mingyu to talk. although he wasn't sure what they'd be talking about.
minghao sighed as he exchanged glances with the others.
"y/n," minghao got his friend's attention, "how do you feel about mingyu?"
y/n's brows furrowed. "uh.. he's my best friend?.. i'm not sure how else you want me to answer that."
"just your best friend?"
"..yeah?" y/n sighed, "what's going on?"
y/n scoffed lightly. he looked between junhui and soonyoung for some kind of answer from them instead.
"you're just pretty clueless sometimes, y/n," junhui chuckled.
"about mingyu?"
all of them nodded.
"have you ever thought about just how clingy mingyu is with you?" soonyoung asked. "and how he makes time for you and moves his plans around to line up with yours? and how he follows you like a puppy sometimes?"
y/n's heart began to race.
"what are you talking about?" he laughed it off and quickly took a sip of his drink.
soonyoung sat back in his seat when he saw mingyu returning from the restroom.
"just think about it, hm?"
y/n stared at him in a daze now. he'd never even thought about it, but his friends were right. mingyu was always around. always checking on y/n and staying close to him. mingyu craved affection, but almost never asked for it directly.
y/n looked over at the male as he sat back down. mingyu rolled up his sleeves and looked at his own menu, staying quiet.
"mingyu?" y/n spoke up.
"mm?" mingyu's eyes stayed down as he read the dinner options.
".." y/n didn't even know what he was trying to say.
mingyu finally looked over at him and met his gaze, waiting for him to finish. mingyu's eyes were tired, but beautiful. his pretty lips stood out more than usual for some reason.
"..your hair looks good today," y/n finally made something up.
mingyu's mouth quickly changed into a smile. he was about to thank the other, but he became speechless when y/n's hand reached over to play with his hair a little.
y/n had never really initiated much skinship or affection. it was always mingyu who started it. and even when y/n accepted it from him, mingyu sometimes felt like y/n didn't like it as much, or was taking it more platonically than mingyu intended.
y/n quickly retracted his hand and went back to his menu with a straight face. mingyu didn't know what to do. he couldn't seem to form words, let alone stop his jaw from hanging with shock.
the other boys all looked at each other again. mingyu was pretty adorable despite his intimidating stature and reputation. with his growing smile and increasingly red ears, he was quite literally just y/n's baby.
by the time they'd all finished their dinner, it was late and sleepiness was beginning to set in. mingyu's cheek was pressed against his closed fist. he was staring out of the window at y/n, who had just stepped out to take a phone call from work.
"i'm so full," soonyoung mumbled while resting his head against junhui.
"i think i'll go settle the bill and then we can go." minghao got up just as seungkwan tugged on his arm.
"get a receipt so we can pay you back."
minghao nodded and walked off to the other side of the restaurant.
as the others began getting up to leave their table, mingyu looked back out to see y/n now sitting on the curb. his phone was still against his ear, which made mingyu sigh.
"we're probably gonna go. you gonna get a ride with y/n?" seungkwan asked.
mingyu didn't answer, unsure whether y/n would want to give him a ride home.
"let me rephrase that," seungkwan spoke again, "y/n is giving you a ride. text me when you get home."
mingyu looked at seungkwan in shock as the male happily waved goodbye and adjusted his small bag over his shoulder. now sitting at the table alone, mingyu huffed and looked at y/n once again. he was finally off his phone and waving goodbye to the others as they shuffled into seungkwan's car.
mingyu slowly made his way outside and sat next to y/n on the curb of the parking lot.
"did you enjoy dinner?" y/n asked.
"yeah, it was fine."
y/n frowned at the bland reply. he leaned over playfully to look mingyu in the eyes.
"where'd my happy boy go?" y/n asked.
mingyu avoided his eyes, but couldn't stop the blush that rushed onto his face.
"i'm always happy with you," mingyu mumbled. he stared at the concrete beneath him with an idiotic smile.
"tsk.. you're so babygirl."
mingyu's head shot up. he looked at y/n with wide eyes.
"i'm what now??"
"babygirl. you're just a little princess in a six foot hunk's body."
mingyu was about to protest, but his words came short. y/n was completely right.
"shut up," mingyu muttered, still smiling.
"okay, babygirl." y/n chuckled and wrapped his arm around mingyu's shoulder, causing mingyu to look at him again. they were closer now, their faces a couple inches away from each other.
y/n's teasing smile slowly fell as his heartbeat picked up again. two hours ago, mingyu had just been his best friend. but now? now y/n could kiss him until his lips ached.
mingyu's gaze shifted from y/n's eyes to his lips. his gut was urging him to go for it, but his brain was yelling for him to pull away.
"mingyu.." y/n said quietly. his sentence was never finished as mingyu gently slid his hand up against y/n's cheek. he carefully pulled him in until their lips met.
y/n melted into the kiss sooner than mingyu would've thought. before he could process it, one of y/n's hands was holding mingyu's wrist, while the other hand went into his hair.
y/n was even surprised at himself. his stomach was exploding with butterflies as their lips moved together. it was like he'd been waiting for this without even knowing it. he'd been waiting for more with mingyu.
finally pulling apart to catch their breaths, their eyes stayed locked on each other.
"i hope you know this means i'm gonna be as clingy as i want from now on," mingyu warned with a small chuckle.
"whatever you say, babygirl," y/n joked.
mingyu rolled his eyes. "i hate you."
y/n stuck his tongue out before kissing him again.
"c'mon, i'll take you home," y/n said as he stood up.
"you could stay over if you want."
y/n looked at him, contemplating the offer.
"you mean like.. stay over stay over, or.. just stay over?"
mingyu chuckled at the way y/n's eyebrows raised. he took his hand as they walked to the car.
"whatever you want. i just wanna be with you."
y/n looked down. "damn you, kim mingyu."
"what??" mingyu laughed in confusion.
"earlier today, that wouldn't have done anything to me."
mingyu let out a girlish giggle and clung to y/n's arm.
"but now?"
"..now i can't resist it," y/n muttered.
mingyu laughed again. he kissed y/n's cheek before they separated and finally got into the car to go home.
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deadsnakey · 1 month
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ🐇་༘࿐fluff ೀ Headcanons. . .ᐟ 0.6k wordsᥫ᭡┈─★
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𝜗℘ It genuinely doesn't matter to them what your insecurity is, even if its something that looks fine to them or never seen, they'll still protest against it because they think you're perfect and a literal goddess dude.
𝜗℘ It's been a few months since you guys have been dating and it's been great, except it's a little difficult sometimes to hide an insecurity of yours, rather its more noticeable to others or not.
𝜗℘ When they find out, which i feel like they find out around the same time because they're both really observing. Theo because he’s an introvert and very intelligent and Mattheo because he really cares about you so he notices the smallest things most times.
𝜗℘ Anyways, when they do find out or have a big suspicion, they find a good time to ask you about it and their gentle and genuinely thoughtful about it and try their best to be gentle with their words.
𝜗℘ They really don't want to trigger you or anything.
𝜗℘ Even if you're good at lying, they'll be able to see right through you. Just tell 'em the truth girlie, there's no point in lying when they've already found out. I think it'll hurt them a little bit if you're so persistent because do you not trust them or sum?
𝜗℘ But if you do open up after a few tries, they'll give you the most comfort and be very understanding. Mattheo will have you between his legs with his arms wrapped around your waist, chin resting on your shoulder listening closely.
𝜗℘ Theo is beside you guys, petting your hair and giving you kisses every now and then, nodding along to what you're saying so you know he's listening and you have both of their full attention.
𝜗℘ Once you're done, they'd tell you how much they love and care about you, they cherish you and shower you with nothing but love. 
𝜗℘ They love all of your flaws and imperfections.
𝜗℘ “Hey, it's okay to feel this way. But, just know, we’re here for you, okay? I know it may be hard for you but please try your best to remember that we’ll be here for you, always. This is a safe place, Okay, sweet girl?” 
𝜗℘ “Even if you think it's not a big deal or you're overreacting, you're not. You're feelings are valid. We're going to try our best to..make you feel like you're beautiful and worthy of love, because you are, Tesoro. we love you.”
𝜗℘ Maybe theres tears, maybe there arent. Theo will wipe your tears with his thumbs if you do end up crying, kiss your eyes gently.
𝜗℘ If youre not crying, then theyd cuddle you for a little while before mattheo runs you a nice bat. Bubbles, your favorite scented candies lit on the sink with a bathbomb on the side for you in case you want to use it. 
𝜗℘ Theyll have everything out for you, theyll even wear the hello kitty matching pajamas you three have together if it makes you happy. (Theo’s keroppi, Mattheo is badz maru, and youre whoever u wanna be.)
𝜗℘ they'll order food of your choice, watch whatever you want and they'll squish you in the middle since you need the comfort tonight. (since mattheo prob sleeps in the middle; he's touch starved man, its bad. really cuddly while sleeping too.)
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the request right here!
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13as07 · 2 months
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I’m Not Clingy #2
(Itachi Uchiha Smut)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to minya1995]
Requested by: Anonymous
Word Count: 3,967
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Oral (Female Receiving)
Hair Pulling
Thigh Humping
Cock Warming
Titty Play
Attempted Fingering
Involuntary Voyeurism
     "Itachi?" Kisame yells, his voice throwing my soft whimpers and pants into the shadows. The only thing separating him from us is a closed closet door and maybe five steps further into the hallway.
"Love?" I slowly exhale, tugging on the strands of his hair I have caught in my fists. "You're going to be late." Itachi doesn't even glance up at me, his full focus on rolling the tip of his tongue over my clit as he softly sucks on it. "Baby, your mission?" I try again, attempting to peel him off of me.
His arms wrap tighter around my thighs, yanking them further apart to send his point home. "In a second," he grumbles, taking a deep inhale before twirling his tongue over me again.
My head tips backward, resting against the cooled wall of the utility closet. Wisps of trying to pull him off again slide through my mind, quickly drowned out by the slow climb of my next orgasm. "You're... you're going to be late," I manage to stumble out, trying to settle the roar of my lungs at work.
"So? Getting to taste you is more important," Itachi whispers, taking another quick breath break. "How else am I supposed to survive forty-eight hours without you?"
"Clingy much?" I tease, pressing my thighs against the sides of his face to enjoy the way his cheeks squish. I only let the moment last a beat before trying to tug him off of me again.
"I'm not clingy," Itachi huffs, snatching my wrist and trying to shake his hair loose from my fingers. "Besides, you're the only one getting to cum, shouldn't you be happy I'm going to be late?"
"Not when we live with terrorists, no."
He rolls his eyes, head burying against me again. I give in, partly because I'm too close to the edge to not be left frustrated if we stop and partly because I know Itachi won't stop. At least not with the pathetic excuse of being late for his mission debrief and departure.
My thighs tighten around his face again, this time involuntarily. The closer I get to finishing, the more they squeeze around him. He doesn't mind though, I know he doesn't. There's nothing Itachi favors more than falling to his knees to please me. Maybe it's not all bad having him be so clingy.
"Damn it, Itachi," I hiss, gripping his hair to yank on.
His eyes shoot up, rolling over my face. I take it back, Itachi favors watching my facial expression spiral with an orgasm more than he likes going down on me. The favoritism is emphasized when his eyes start to spin, his sharingans being flicked on for the simple reason of picking up every micro-movement he worked so hard to force out of me.
My teeth sink into my tongue as I stare down at him, the copper taste of my blood being the exchange for the whole hideout not hearing me fall apart on my lover's tongue. Itachi's eyes crinkle in the slightest, a hint of self-pride and contentment poking out around the design of his advanced sight.
"Beautiful," he mutters, finally inching away from my pussy, the word breezing over my exposure as he exhales it. "What a wonderful thing for me to hold on to while we're apart."
"Clingy," I utter, finally tearing my eyes away from him. Heat curls up my neck, quickly coating my cheeks as it continues to climb upward.
"I'm not clingy," Itachi repeats, jerking forward to bury himself in me. He doesn't stay buried for long, attaching himself long enough to thrust his tongue into me before pulling away again. "I simply wish to taste you before I leave and to be buried in you as soon as I get back."
"That's being clingy."
"No its - "
"Itachi!" Kisame's voice booms in the hallway again, anger bubbling in my lover's name a lot more than before.
     "I got to go," Itachi grumbles, the contentment washing off his face about as soon as it was present. He slowly climbs to his feet, pulling my clothing back up with him. "I'll be back in two days, no longer than forty-eight hours," he reminds me, fussing with the button of my pants. "Will you be alright?"
     "I'll be fine, though I'm sure you're going to struggle being away from me."
     "Always, Little Crow," he whispers, brushing his lips against mine. The kiss is light enough that it could be mistaken for a simple breeze. "I cannot help my withdrawals from you."
     "Cling-er," I mock, dragging out the word.
     Itachi lets out a deep sigh, covering my senses with the warmth of his breath and the slightly tanged scent of myself still coated on his taste buds. "I'm not clingy, Crow."
     The pet crow Itachi gifted me so long ago is trying his hardest to wake me up. The bell around his neck mixes with the sound of his lullaby cawing. His beak is nuzzled in my hair, softly tugging on it as he stomps around on my chest. "Kiko," I grumble, trying to shoo the bird away.
"He's just excited his Master is home," Itachi's voice rolls over me, his hands quickly joining the sea of calmness in my chest. His fingers carefully toy with my hair, working it loose from Kiko's beak before he picks the bird off of me.
     I relax back into the bed, turning on my side as I wait for my lover to join the bed. Itachi's presence is obvious in the room, even though he's trying to stay silent. Despite his return, I stay curled up and close-eyed in the bed, almost falling back to sleep from the soft sounds of him.
     "Hello, Little Crow," he whispers, the bed dipping behind me as he crawls under the sheets.
     "Hey Love," I return the greeting as Itachi slides an arm over my waist, the other digging between the mattress and my body to do the same. A pleased sigh spills from my lips, the presence being the source of it. "You weren't supposed to be back until the morning."
     "I told you, no more than forty-eight hours," he whispers against my neck, his lips sliding against it just as much as his words. "Forty-seven hours, fifty-eight minutes, and thirty-four seconds."
     "If I didn't know any better I'd think you're a stalker."
     "I'm not a stalker," he grumbles, shifting under the sheets again. Itachi bullies my knees apart, situating his leg between mine.
     "No, you're just clingy."
     "I'm not clingy," he hisses, jerking his leg so it slides against my panties that are barely hidden by the hem of his shirt. The same one I wore to bed last night.
     "Sure you're not," I hiss out, using my tone to hide the moan trying to sneak out.
     "I'm not," he repeats, punctuating the disagreement with a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss to the valley stretching my neck into my shoulder. Itachi's leg keeps moving, rubbing slowly but steadily against me. "Why won't you let me hear those sweet sounds? I've missed them. Let me hear them, Crow."
     A long exhale is released from my lungs before I give in. The night-painted walls of our room are coated in my whimpers and soft ohs, giving Itachi what he wants. In return, he rewards every noise with another sloppy kiss, making my skin raw and coated in a thin layer of his salvia.
     "I'm tired, Little Crow," he whispers in my ear, the arm on top of me melting down my body. "We can finish in the morning," Itachi continues, his fingertips ghosting over my slowly dampening panties. His fingers hook around them, tugging them to the side.
"I thought we were finishing in the morning."
"We are," he mutters, tugging his leg free from the grasp between mine. "But like I said before my trip, I wish to be buried in you as soon as I get back." His sentence is cut off by the slow movement of his dick sliding into me, the time apart making the stretch greater than usual.
I never remember how active Itachi and I are until he's away on a mission. More specifically, when he comes back and I'm filled by him again. Still, it's one of my favorite things in the world, being filled and re-worn by him.
His arms tighten around me and his head buries into my neck to muffle a long, deep groan ping-ponging in his vocal cords. "I missed you my Little Crow."
"I missed you too, my Little Clinger."
"I'm just horny and tired," he whispers, nuzzling his nose against my skin. Itachi's muscles finally relax against mine, the whole of him melting into the whole of me. "I'm not clingy."
I can feel Itachi's eyes on me, following every movement I make around the dining room. I filter around the different members, weaving between their voices as they discuss this week's missions, their results, and those to come in the next few days.
I'm barely paid any mind besides a few soft 'thank you's, most of which are given in the form of a grunt. I don't mind it; the services of cooking, cleaning, and serving breakfast, the barely there acknowledgment from the members, or the ignores of my presence as they ramble on about their doings in the world. It's peaceful in a way, pretending - actually being - just a nanny to all of them.
     Well, almost all of them. Once I'm within arms reach, Itachi's hand is resting on my hip, gripping it as he slowly pulls on me. I ignore him, focusing on topping Kisame's drink off. My mind is running through what I've already done and what still needs my attention, meals taking up my time and barely sparing any for the clingy bird.
     "Little Crow," Itachi hisses, maintaining the vicious clan killer persona the group expects from him. His movements are rough, ripping me away from his partner in crime - pun intended - to situate me between his legs.
     His free hand snakes up, tangling in my hair like it's a spider in a web. Once his hold is cemented, my head is snapped backward, a trickling pain already dripping across my neck. Pain that's slowly starting to waterfall down my spine from being curved too far into a bend. Despite the pain he's causing me, he still leaves my head resting on his shoulder for support.
     Itachi barely moves, exerting himself just enough to position his lips next to my ear. "Everyone but me has been served and you're still doting on the others. Sit the pitcher down, go fetch my plate, then slide your pretty self into my lap where you belong, understood?"
     Tingles twist around my spine, mixing with the pain as it slowly drips to my core. In private Itachi is sweet, soft, whiney, and downright clingy, but in public? In public he treats me as rough as the edges he shows the world. Lucky for me, occasionally that roughness dribbles into our sex life. It seems like that's the case today.
     "Understood," I peep out, pressing my thighs together as I try to focus on anything besides the fire licking at my core, besides the want to have Itachi licking at my core.
     I'm instantly released, my lover melting back into his nonchalant position. Bored eyes, a relaxed posture, and an arm propped up on his chair to hold his head up. He doesn't even spare me a glance as I scurry out of the room. Despite a lack of interest from Itachi, the incident caught the attention of a few men in the room, their lust-laced sights burning on my heels.
     Sexual-fueled adrenaline races through my veins as I set the pitcher on the counter, quickly trading it for the still steaming tray of rice, fish, and side dishes I made Itachi for breakfast. The dishes jingle as I make my way back into the dining room, my excitement from the incident and the fire twisting in my stomach making it difficult to stay steady.
     Itachi's attention is still barely on me, but he does spare me a side glance, the corner of his mouth deepening by an eighth because of my shaky hands. I carefully slide his breakfast tray in front of him, sparing a glance into his teacup. Instinctually, my hand wraps around the glass, ready to head back into the kitchen and fill it for him.
     His hand shoots forward, gripping my wrist and yanking my hand away from his drink. "Sit," Itachi hisses, his touch going soft when I release his cup. Our eyes stay locked on each other as I slowly slide into his lap, our chests close enough that if I breathed any deeper my breasts would rub against him. The thought is nice, almost nice enough to test him over.
     The look on my face must have given my thoughts away because before I know it, the slim and chilled feeling of Itachi's fingers are sliding across my throat like frostbite. His head tips up, eyes heated and hard as he stares up at me, an almost bored expression on his face to counter the urge in his eyes. "Little Crow."
     I can't help the shiver that races through my body and causes me to jerk forward, my chest successfully pressed against his now. His jaw clenches because of my movement, a heated sigh being forced out of his nose. Despite what it looks like, I know Itachi isn't mad. He's frustrated from the lack of attention he's received this morning, and possibly a bit sexually frustrated too.
     The hand not wrapped around my throat, gripping it tighter by the second, dances over my thigh. Fingertips toy with the hem of my dress, carefully pushing it further up so he has more skin to play with. "You are being inadequate," he husks out, his tone soft enough that I'm convinced Kisame didn't hear it.
     "I'm sorry," for not giving you the adequate amount of attention this morning, needy man. I leave off most of the sentence though, knowing I can't handle any more teasing from him today.
     Itachi softly hums, frozen fingers slowly circling their way down my inner thigh. His sight melts over me, a game of hot and cold being played by his fingertips and his eyes.
     When his eyes climb back up the curves of my body, I'm softly shushed, no actual sound coming out despite the actions being played out in front of me. Confusion costs my mind for a moment, quickly ran off by less oxygen being allowed into my lungs and Itachi's freezing touch tugging my panties to the side, just like he did last night.
     His eyes flicker down, pointing to the imprint of his hardened dick before most of his attention is pulled away from me again. Itachi easily slides back into the conversation, the only proof of his knowledge of me being his hand wrapped around my throat, squeezing hard enough that every breath has an underwire of a wheeze.
     Whines for his attention rest in my throat, unable to squeeze out because of the small gap I'm left to use to breathe. This is Itachi's payback for paying too much attention to his co-conspirators all morning. His way of reminding me he allows me to feel dominant in our relationship, but at the end of the day, he holds all the cards.
     My hands settle between us too, greedy but slowly pulling him out of his pants. This is hot, dangerous, stupid, but so fucking sexy. If Pain - or anyone for that matter - even had a flicker of a thought that we were disrespecting them in such a way, they wouldn't hesitate to kill us. Well... attempt to kill us. Despite all his flaws, I know Itachi would never put me in a position he couldn't keep me safe.
     My mouth snaps shut, jaw locked into place as I inch my way forward, teasing myself with the tip of Itachi's dick. I scream with my eyes for his attention, my hands gripping the hair on the nape of his neck once he's inched in far enough that he doesn't need my assistance to stay on track. My efforts are ignored, my lover is still focused on the conversation at the table.
     Tears prickle my eyes, partly from being ignored and partly from frustration. He's buried in me, his tip bullied as far in as possible. Even though I love being filled by Itachi, it's frustrating knowing that it's all I'm going to get. I'd give anything to rewind time and inch him into me again.
     Finally, my silent pleas are answered, even if the attention is minor. The thumb pressed to my neck slowly rubs back and forth across my skin, and the hand that was holding my panties to the side is back in my thigh, rubbing in time with the circles being traced into my neck. It's not a lot and definitely not enough. "Clinger," I hiss, keeping my voice soft. Despite my tone being gentle, my hands aren't, gripping his hair tighter before roughly yanking it.
     Itachi's eyes snap toward me, the fire from before ignited heater than ever. "I'm not clingy," he mutters back, matching the hiss of my words.
     "Says the man that couldn't wait another hour to use my - uh." My breathing is completely cut off. Outlines of Itachi's fingers promise to be left behind.
     "I," he starts, dragging out my slow suffocation. "Am." The fire constantly snuffed out by my breath quickly claws at my flesh, threatening to leave my throat raw. "Not." Fog fills my head, mixing with the tears in my eyes to muddy the sight of Itachi less than an inch away from me. "Clingy." He finally loosens his hold, oxygen being dragged into my lungs and washing down my throat like the first sip of water after trailing through a desert. "Understood?"
     "My Little Crow?" Itachi's voice softly filters into the yard, worn out by the distance between the back door and the clotheslines I'm standing in between. "Little Crow?" He calls again, his voice a bit louder and tinted in fear.
"Over here!" I call, the words coming out muffled and barely audible because of the clothespins I'm holding between my lips. Today is bedding wash day, meaning the sheets of the whole hideout needed cleaning and now need hanging. Sheets lull in the wind, flowing freely. The first line is full, the breeze and cloth mixing to wrap around me. It's a calming sight but makes it difficult to hand the cloth without getting it dirty again, even with both hands.
"Crow?" He yelps, the sound of his footsteps pounding against the ground following the repeated call for me.
A low sigh spills out as I pin the sheet to the line. Itachi is quick to worry with no automatic off switch once he's made up his mind about me being hurt or in the way of possible danger. How a muffled call-back and clothes-lining sheets set off alarm bells in his head is beyond me, but it's how my lover works.
"Crow?" He yaps again, jerking the bedding sheet out of the way.
Another sigh spills out, this one annoyed because of the sight of the sheet on the ground. "Thank you, 'Tachi, know I have to clean that sheet again."
"You're okay?" He asks, sharingans glowing as they snap around my frame, scanning for any signs of distress. "You're bruised," Itachi whispers, jerking forward to rub his fingers against my neck. "When did that happen? Who did that to you? Crow?"
"You. You happened, this morning, at breakfast."
"Oh," he whispers, his breath slowing down and the glow of his eyes slowly melting back to their natural color. "I didn't think we were apart long enough for bruises to set in. My apologies, Little Crow."
"You're fine, 'Tach. We've both been busy all morning, no biggie," I comfort him, adding a soft smile as extra support.
Itachi moves forward again, movements back to their usual elegant form instead of the panic jerks from a few moments ago. His arms wrap around me, staying out for barely a breath before balling up my dress. "I'm sorry about this morning," he whispers, gently pushing us to the side so the sheets cover the view of us from the building.
"Why? I thought it was hot as hell."
A small smile touches his lips, not reaching his eyes. Something about this morning is bothering him and if I had to guess, it's probably the bruises he left wrapped around my throat. "It won't be happening again. It was a lapse in judgment, irresponsible, rutted in my craving of you, in my withdrawal from my mission, as you like to call them." His ramble is chased by his hands yanking my dress up my body, inch by inch exposing more of my skin to the sun rays melting down to the Earth.
My chest slowly starts to pump faster, fueled by the lust not fully fulfilled after breakfast. "You make me irresponsible, Little Crow," he whispers, using one final smooth movement to pull my dress over my head.
The soft breeze rolls over my nipples left exposed from a lack of a bra, the chill instantly hardening them. The change doesn't go unnoticed by Itachi, his full attention on my breasts. Slowly, his fingertips slide over my hips and up my sides before trailing over to my tits.
Enjoyment pools in his eyes as he cups my boobs, gripping them in his hold. Itachi wastes no time, instantly fondling them. "I missed your chest. I haven't been able to enjoy them since getting back," he utters, leaning down to replace one of his hands with his mouth.
His eyes snap upward, watching my reaction to his tongue sliding over my nipple and the gentle tease of his teeth against my tit. My tongue slides out, pulling my bottom lip in and between my teeth. For a man insisting we were already reckless today, he doesn't seem to mind doing it again.
Itachi's newly freed hand trails back down its path, taking a detour over the band of my panties. Expert fingertips poke under the elastic, starting the groundwork for the foreplay he's going to gift me. As his fingers inch downward, he sucks in more of my tit, sucking on it now instead of just teasing my nipple.
As a fingertip slides through me, teasingly rimming my pussy, the silent space is filled with the pop of his mouth unlatching from my breast. "Little Crow - "
"Hey, Itachi?"
Fear and then anger flicker across my lover's face. His hands instantly jump to cling to my waist, jerking us around so he's between me and the voice, my body enveloped and covered by him as much as possible. Itachi's head is jerked away from me peering over his shoulder.
My hands grip his biceps as I lean forward to both cover myself and peak over his shoulder as well. An unmoving and unblinking Kisame stands behind Itachi, his hand still gripping the sheet he pulled up to look behind. "You're kidding, right?" He finally utters, his eyes strictly on his partner. "We get a break from the meeting and you couldn't survive that short time without your precious Crow Girl's titties."
"Breaks are our time. Pain doesn't care what we do with our time."
"World class clinger. Honestly Itachi. Fifteen minutes. You couldn't survive fifteen minutes without being attached to her tit. I don't know how she deals with you being clingy."
"I'm not clingy!"
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transpanda-1 · 4 months
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🪽 Falin and Marcille attempt to do the "face squish meme" circling around on twitter, but it looks like something got lost in translation...(or Marcille read another untrustworthy book)
(ID: A closeup of a plus sized Falin's torso, wearing her cleric robes and uniform. Grabbing the stomach is a shaking hand, bunching up the cloth of the shirt. A text bubble from a doubtful Falin reads: "Marcille, are you sure we're doing this right...? Your face is so red..." A text bubble from a furiously blushing Marcille reads: "O-OF COURSE! T-This is what the b-book said!" END ID)
No text bubble version and link to twitter meme base under cut:
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🪽 Honestly this has been an extremely fun exercise in learning how fabric folds and shapes on a body. Can you believe we still haven't hit double digits on digital art pieces??? (;; ︶v︶) - Falin
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cu7ie · 1 year
𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐝. | kaveh, al haitham
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˚✦ ៸៸ ₊˚ cw: HARD NON-CON. fear, manhandling. no penetrative sex. oral (pussy-licking). hybrid!kaveh and al haitham. my first time writing for GI. yandere themes. trusting reader. reader has a vagina. reader is referred to as an 'it' (by Al Haitham) and 'they' (Kaveh). forgive me for ooc-ness. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
˚✦ ៸៸ ₊˚ an: @187-mg i told you about this and i was just like fuck it let me uhhh write it first! listen at first this was a fun horny moment then i got too analytical i need critique 💀 i kinda love it though
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You happen upon these wolves, who don't seem interested in you at first pass. You're just a passerby looking to spend time with your grandma, a little ways off in the woods, nothing terribly interesting to the likes of them,
but then they start trailing slowly behind
asking more questions (Kaveh), demanding answers (Al Haitham).
They are talking among themselves in whispers you can t discern, too busy making sure the soup inside your basket doesn't spill and that mud doesn't clump up on your nice shoes !
It's getting dark quicker than you thought it would though. 
And you don't think you're anywhere near your grandmother's house (Kaveh, so gracious to offer help with directions) and when you think to call their names, you turn around and
You see the moonlight reflected in their eyes. They look solid. Alhaitham has extended to his full height, and only in the absence of light does it feel ominous. 
Kaveh's warm smile has faded away in the dark, but you can see the glint of Al Haitham's fangs and -
What's going on? The wind howls faintly and you clam up all the sudden, sweaty palms clasping tightly on your wicker basket as your boot squishes in mud.
"Ah… Well, thank- uh- thank you sirs. I think I can find my own way… now." And you immediately dart off into the woods. Your basket clinks a little noisily, and you're already impossible to miss because whatever's in there smells so good.
Not as good as you though, Al Haitham is sure to point out to Kaveh, so maybe that's why when you dart off, Al Haitham is already at your heels.
Kaveh was trying to tell him to be patient. Humans are afraid of things like thunder, sudden snapping twigs, so he can just imagine your reaction to hulking behemoths such as them, able to break you with the flick of a wrist-
"But that's what we're going to do. Break them. So I don't see why we should pretend we won't." Kaveh's ears flattened against his head and he didn't speak on it further, watching Alhaitham size you up in anticipation of your escape
and when you do, Alhaitham's just a blur on the edge of Kaveh's vision.
Kaveh is quicker to follow. You're yelling out his name in desperate fear, and he catches the tail end of Alhaitham flipping your skirt up and clawing your panties off, grazing your flesh and getting taken over by your delicious terror. The tip of his claw etches a reminder into your thigh, tears dripping down the side of your face.
Your basket is tossed on its side, contents carelessly spilled along the forest floor.
Your struggle renews somewhat as Kaveh comes close enough for you to see - he's behind Al haitham’s mass so for a second you don't - and you cry out for help again.
Kaveh has his own qualms about this - you're terrified and he's tired of feeling like a monster - but Al haitham operating on animal impulse makes him feel a distinct shame as well as a trickle of jealousy
Kaveh was willing to wait. He's known of you for longer, made it a habit to see you around the woods, tending to your garden, humming along with songbirds, your bubble of reality utterly endearing. He mentioned it once. Let it slip to Al Haitham. Telling him was a distinct inevitability. Also the biggest mistake of his life.
And he couldn’t have expected Al Haitham to take to you at all - what with his inclination to contentedness, Kaveh imagined you’d be a blip on his radar.
But he ends up just as taken by you. He starts asking for what Kaveh knows; and when that well of information goes dry, he makes plans to go straight to its source.
Not to say Kaveh didn't intend to - but there's the way humans do things and the way they do things. A right and wrong. Mating rituals dictate that upon breeding, a bond has been made. Bonds further strengthened by a mark.
Humans court, and give gifts, and have long talks, spend time together ...
Kaveh was willing to try. Al Haitham is too stubborn.
Al Haitham doesn’t understand pretending to be something he is not. Human tradition is just meandering fluff.
He'll breed you so good you'll never think about anything else. If Kaveh wants out, so be it.
But he can't leave you there, begging and pleading and crying for him as the head of Al Haitham’s cock prods at your folds. You're so small. Al Haitham might kill you if he's not careful - and then what? Kaveh steps forward again,
"Al Haitham. Don't be so rough, you're scaring them." Hunched over you like a vulture over carrion, Al Haitham eyes Kaveh, furiously ablaze and downright feral. "Don't tell me what to do. You’re anxious to act, and stall when opportunity reveals itself.
“If you don’t want any-” “No!”
Kaveh’s snarl doesn’t intimidate Al Haitham, but maybe the fangs poised at his neck make him hesitate. The gap between them is closed in but a moment, and Al Haitham jerks his head upwards to dislodge his friend’s grip in one firm shake. He is unsuccessful.
Kaveh’s intervention only seemed to exacerbate Al Haitham’s irritation, before his expression wanes into something more reasonable. Less blood lusty and more level headed, eyes darting off to something more pressing.
"Kaveh." Al Haitham huffs, relatively calmer as Kaveh withdraws from his neck. 
"It’s getting away."
You might have twisted your ankle when Al Haitham tackled you to the floor but you're able to make some distance when they squabble, desperately clawing bald patches of grass and getting dirt under your nails.
they are much faster, and they can make up proper after they figure out what to do with you.
"They're so small..." Kaveh chimes, his pupils dilated as his expression seems to glow.
They talk about you as if you're not right in front of them, trembling and terrified.
"Is that a problem? I thought you liked it tight."
Kaveh shoots him an irritated glare. "Al Haitham. Please." You're crying again.
"You have a nice mouth." When he's not being utterly insufferable. "Maybe show them what that's like?"
Al Haitham snorts like Kaveh’s said something funny. "I'm serious! Let's just do it right this time, okay?"
He blinks once at Kaveh, looking down at where he has your legs spread, moves his clawed hands slowly. Al Haitham huffs harshly, looking down at you with those predator eyes, like you offended his senses.
"Ass up, pup." His tail thumps against the floor, betraying the anger writ over his face. "P-please no! I -"
Whenever you don't move as fast as he wants you to, Al Haitham moves for you. You learn that quick as he flips you over, your tear streaked face now looking at the other, 'kinder' wolf. Kaveh is the worst.
He's trying to make it easier for you, yes. He cradles your face in his clawed hands and coos at you about how beautiful he thinks you are, and how Al Haitham’s not that bad once you get to meet him,
he's paying careful attention to every dip and divot, the taste of your cunt and clit, slow sensuality degrading into frantic wet slurping.
Then he stops suddenly. You feel pin-pricks dig into the flesh of your ass as he spreads it with his thumbs, your dripping cunt throbbing in anticipation, your heart pounding out of your chest.
Kaveh rolls your soft face in his hands, can feel your skin burn hot with every moan or whine Al Haitham urges out of you. You seem embarrassed. He finds human shame so .. intriguing. He licks some of the tears off your cheek. 
He mulls you over, the salt seeming sweet on his tongue.
"I think..." He makes a noise of surprise as you grab at his wrists tighter, pleading with your eyes for them to let you go. 
"I think they're ready."
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arminsumi · 1 year
hey if ur up for it could u write promt 8 of friends to lovers for armin.. but like the reader teaches him how to kiss bc she really wants an excuse to finally kiss him? hehe
𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍 — アルミン ⋅ fem reader
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8 — "I'll teach you to kiss."
NOTE: wheee!! i'm ngl this prompt was made with armin in mind hehe 💗
🍒 𝐉𝐚𝐲 ⋅ 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 !
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"Ah, yeah, I mean, kissing is a core part of romance for most people, right? But there's no way I can do that."
Armin's chatting with you in the living room of your parent's house, just like you've always done since you were kids.
"Why? Kissing is pretty fun." you look over at him, drifting from the interleading kitchen over to where he sits slacked on the couch.
He mutters a quick and sweetly Armin-esque thank you under his breath when you hand him a soda. Vanilla Cola, his all-time favorite; he's drank it since he was twelve and didn't intend to stop drinking it.
"But kissing is awkward... you know how my first kiss went." he grimaces at the memory. You let out a breathy laugh, he looks so cute, almost like a drawing of a cute boy rather than a real one.
"Personally, I wouldn't count that as a first kiss. You were, like, what? Thirteen?" you open your own soda with a pop. It fizzes loudly, the bubbles audibly popping.
He opens his own soda, but of course — he does it in such an Armin kind of way. Very delicately pulling the tab back with his very delicate fingertips, as if the metal hurt his sensitive skin. You know he had the worst acne phase out of all your friends, there are faded scars on his cheeks. Rather than mar his beauty, you think they add to it; of course he never believed you when you said that.
"I think I was fourteen. Didn't you have yours when you were — eighteen? Right?" he looks over at you, fingertip circling the soda can lid.
His eyes always get you. They're entrancing. Hypnotizing. Spellbinding. Armin's unaware of the effect he has on girls, but that just makes him even more attractive.
"I did, yes. No need to remind me." you grumble, taking another sip of your soda and coming to a kneel at the coffee table.
You two always sat like that; him lazily on the couch, you on the plush carpet by the coffee table. Always propping your elbow on it, squishing your cheek on one palm. In the middle of a conversation, Armin would mimic your pose just to get a laugh out of you.
"Eighteen isn't too old to have your first kiss. I've told you that before." he reassures.
"Yes it is! Some people have their first kiss when they're little kids."
"But those kisses don't mean anything. They're childish kisses." Armin says.
"What age d'you think people start having adult kisses?" you ask him curiously, setting your soda down on the table.
You watch as Armin looks up in thought for a moment, his hand swiftly wiping some residual soda liquid off his upper lip. How does he make everything so attractive? In fleeting moments like these, you felt a strong urge to kiss him.
I could kiss him. I just need a plan. We're on the subject of kissing already.
You plot your moves like you're playing chess. It really isn't that difficult, but to you it feels like an impossible match.
"I think, adult kisses — eh that's a weird way of saying it — good kisses are after you're eighteen. Or maybe when you've had enough practice? But never mind, I think all the kisses I'll ever have will always be slightly awkward because I don't know what to do." he says.
He glances at you. His heart pangs when you and him make electric eye contact and he looks away. "You know..." he begins, but you cut him off.
"Why don't I teach you to kiss a girl?" you blurt out. "I mean, we're friends. Why not. I mean if you want to. Just a thought..."
He cracks a shy smile, "Just a thought?" he chuckles, then sits up and sets his soda down after a brief moment of thought.
"Alright, teach me." he asks and pats the seat next to him.
You climb up on the couch and settle down into a comfy position next to him — oh, you're very close, he thinks. The proximity makes his heart pang again, he can feel it sharp in his chest. But why? I mean, like you said, you're friends.
Do friends sit on the couch practicing kissing?
"Don't look at me like that." you tease lightly.
He blinks at you, "Like what? Oh, sorry." he giggle and widens his eyes a little. You've scolded him for having bedroom eyes many times, and he's defended that it's not bedroom eyes but rather he just has naturally lidded, sultry eyes.
"So... question." he asks as you lean in. His breath fans your face, it makes your lips tingle. You can smell the Vanilla Cola.
"Where do I put my hands? Because that's something I've never really understood..."
"Oh... well you can put them anywhere you like."
"Can you guide me?" he asks.
You look at him for a moment. His heart goes wild when you take his hands in yours. Yes you and him have held hands, plenty of times in fact, when you walk around town or when you run down the school corridors or while you explore abandoned buildings.
"Personally... I would want your hands here." you tell him, placing them on your neck, "And if you'd cup the back of my neck like — yeah, like that..."
Was it getting stuffy in here? But there's a good breeze coming in through the open window. Yet you feel like you're choking up. It seems like he is, too.
Warm hands cupping the back of your neck, gentle fingers holding you like a trophy, two big blue eyes staring into your soul.
He pulls you in for a peck. A sweetly awkward one. Your noses bump. Well, now both of you can't stop smiling which makes it hard to do anything.
You lean in for a peck, but it lasts longer than his and — oh my god, he melts. It's history from there. Feeling his best friend's lips sent him to another dimension, as dramatic as that sounds.
He's levitating when you keep pressing teaching kisses to his lips. He loves that you take your time, like you're savoring the taste just like when you sip on your soda.
"Y-you can tilt your head, too, it makes it feel better..." you tell him, a little short of breath.
His head spins a bit at the sensation. His lips are tingly.
So he tilts his head into the kiss, and holds the back of your neck and slides one hand down and finds your hand. He holds it.
He breaks from the kiss, lips hovering hot over yours, and looks at you through his lashes. "Is this good?"
"Mhm. Really good. You're doing g-good." you assure him.
"Can I keep going?" he asks.
So he keeps kissing you, gliding his lips over yours slowly. If anything, he only gets slower. He's really trying to savor it. Like he savors the taste of Vanilla Cola.
Minutes go by, though time dissolved in your minds by now. It was just another meaningless concept. Did past and future exist? Well, did it matter while kissing? No. No it didn't.
You pull away. He blinks and sucks in a breath, bangs lightly ruffled from pressing so close to your forehead. He can taste you on his lips, on his tongue, you're pervading his whole system and he loves it.
"S-so... that's... yeah... any questions?" you laugh, regaining composure quicker than him.
"Huh? What — questions? Yeah... can we do that again?" he asks eagerly.
"I just meant... like... keep teaching me. I think I can learn a lot from those lips." he backtracks nervously, Addam's apple shifting a little when he swallows sharply.
"Oh, right... well... y-yeah. Let's keep going then. Why don't you try kissing me now — mmf."
He goes in for it without hesitation. He kisses with his whole body, you can feel a surge of his passion wash over you, and he can feel a surge of tingles across his brain.
There's a lot of serotonin to be farmed from your kisses.
Light smacking sounds, subtle saliva sounds, lips on lips. He's never enjoyed kissing like this. But it's just practice. You're just teaching him so he can kiss... who? Who does he want to kiss? He doesn't have anyone in mind other than you.
He gets lost in it, and without thinking much he nibbles your bottom lip and swipes his tongue across it. You let him poke his tongue in and — well both of you melt harder than before. It's so impossibly soft. No wonder people praised French kissing. But did they ever get French kissed by such a gentle sweetheart like Armin? You were the only one to have that honor.
"Hah... sorry." he pulls away, breathless.
You pant very lightly, " 's okay..." you smile, "I don't mind if you... use tongue. I like it a lot..."
"Okay..." he gulps and then goes right back in to continue.
Weren't you supposed to be teaching him? It feels like that's not necessary, since both of your lips mold together perfectly. You and him are two matching puzzles pieces.
"Y/n?" he breaks from the kiss and looks down at you, hands gently squeezing both your hands now.
"Can I ask you something?"
He slightly smirks, lips glistening with your saliva, "Did you really wanna educate me on kissing, or did you just wanna kiss me?" he asks. Damn that sharp intuition.
"If the latter, how would you feel about that...?" you ask tentatively.
His heart thumps. Throbs. Palpitates. Malfunctions. You look so sweet, he wants to kiss you again and again.
He doesn't answer with words, he just dives back in for a feathery kiss, tangling his body with yours. Hands cupping your cheeks, in a very indescribably Armin kind of way.
He speaks in between each smooch.
" 'shoulda — kissed me — sooner." he mutters, taking a deep inhale as he kisses you harder than before, leaning into your body, cupping your cheeks so comfortably.
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haesunflower · 1 year
what zb1 calls their s/o (and what you call them)
genre: fluff
pairing: reader (mostly gn) x all members of zerobaseone
about/tags: nicknames/petnames i think zb1 would use on a significant other and vise versa
suggestive for jiwoong only (afab), in gunwook there's the use of the word 'girlfriend', this is short lol, just brain rot, literally not requested i just think it's cute
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⠀⠀ kim jiwoong ⠀⠀
100% babe
can see him saying it at the start and end of every sentence
"babe, have you eaten yet?" or "we're running late let's go babe"
you also call him babe
one time you called him oppa because you thought he'd like it
oh he liked liked it
so you only use that on ~ special occasions ~
his phone contact for you: babe (photo is him squishing your cheeks)
your phone contact for him: babe (photo is one of the thirst traps he sends you...lol)
⠀⠀ zhang hao ⠀⠀
if you don't know what this means, it's basically the chinese equivalent of baby / aegi / babe / jagi (in a romantic way)
he definitely called you that a lot when you first started dating
eventually you were like btw hao what does that mean -_-
and he just laughs and explains it to you because he's wondering why you didn't ask sooner
you think it's so cute
you call him baobei back
the nickname has evolved to haobei (as in hao)
his phone contact for you: baobei (photo is you sleeping)
your phone contact for him: haobei (photo is him holding a little steamed bun next to his face)
⠀⠀ sung hanbin ⠀⠀
his favorite one to use on you is "love"
like "let me get that for you, love"
but when you first started dating he used everything
cutie, baby, sunshine, precious, darling (you name it, he's tried it)
but "love" really stuck
you call him a lot of those nicknames too
but your favorite is his response to being called handsome
whenever you say "hi, handsome" he blushes like mad crazy
100% of the time he responds with "you look beautiful today, love"
now you're blushing
his phone contact for you: y/n my love (photo is the prettiest picture of you)
your phone contact for him: my heart (photo is the prettiest picture of him)
btw you guys took each others' photos
⠀⠀ seok matthew ⠀⠀
you called each other bae ironically (you know...as a joke), then you both kinda just got used to it
literally "bae wya? wyd today?" typa texts
sometimes he'd use babe but that's so rare
most of the time he really just calls you by your name
if your name is more than 2 syllables, he calls you by whatever the first syllable is
similarly, you call him matt because saying "matthew" is too long
some members also started calling him matt because of you
when you're mad at him and start yelling matthew he goes
"who's matthew, this is woohyun" (in korean)
his phone contact for you: bae (photo is an ugly face of yours)
your phone contact for him: matt ☀︎♡ (photo is also an ugly face of his)
⠀⠀ kim taerae ⠀⠀
darling, 100% he calls you darling
sometimes he calls you angel
in a singsongy voice you're often calling him "taerae -yaaaa"
he thinks it's soooo cute, he gets all bubbly when you call him that
but other than that you don't really have a set nickname for him and you change it up to keep him guessing
one day you're like "hello to my stars, moon, and sky!!"
other days you're like "hi sweetie i missed you!"
but you're also "what's up loser what are we eating for dinner today"
like i said, you keep him guessing
his phone contact for you: darling angel baby (photo is a candid he took of you laughing)
when you saw the contact name for the first time you made fun of him
but he literally made this face 😏 when he remembered what yours was
the said phone contact: husband (photo is him in pajamas you bought him)
⠀⠀ ricky ⠀⠀
he calls you baby
he thinks it's so smooth
"hey baby"
lowkey you melt every time
but you rarely use nicknames on him
when you do it's because you need him to do something for you
"hi loml"
"what do you want? -_- "
"can we do this tiktok together? •ᴗ• hehe"
you usually just call him baby as well when you wanna get his attention
his phone contact for you: baby (photo is you pouting)
your phone contact for him: boss baby (photo is him bleaching his hair blonde in your bathroom)
⠀⠀ kim gyuvin ⠀⠀
you call each other cutie!!
"hi cutie, are you free today?"
you often get into "fights" where you argue who the cutest person on the planet is
when you're around other people tho you both get so shy
and then you revert back to your government names 🫡
you overhead him call you "his everything" once to gunwook and yujin
yujin would not stop laughing while gunwook was just like awww
his phone contact for you: #1 cutie (photo is the selfie you sent him for goodluck)
your phone contact for him: favorite cutie (photo is him mid bite into his burger)
⠀⠀ park gunwook ⠀⠀
gunwook 100% has a thing with possession
he's always saying stuff like "you're mine!"
and you're always like "yes baby boy, i'm yours"
it doesn't even matter if you're older or younger
you WILL be calling him baby boy because he likes it
he's so proud of you too when he tells stories to his friends he starts with "y/n, MY girlfriend"
and everyone responds with "yes gunwook, we know who your girlfriend is"
his phone contact for you: mine 😈❤️ (photo is the both of you holding hands)
your phone contact for him: my gunwookie (you guys have matching photos)
⠀⠀ han yujin ⠀⠀
he calls you noona
joke, he doesn't
you're the same age he just says it as a joke because he knows it annoys you
you really just call each other by your names 😎
ain't nothing wrong with that
when you wanna be cute tho you guys add "ah" and "iee" at the end
"hi yujinie can we watch a movie today?" or "y/n ah let's go to the park today"
his phone contact for you: y/n ❤️ (photo is mirror selfie with the both of you in school uniforms)
your phone contact for him: yujin ❤️ (photo is the same but selfie version)
A/N: brain.rot.
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
✎ mobile masterlist
✉︎ request
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an old friend, a new start part iii {r. lupin}
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plot: Fourteen years after graduating Hogwarts, you’re offered a job to be the new Muggle Music Professor. Funnily enough, your old friend, Remus Lupin, is also offered a new job at Hogwarts that year.
in this chapter: remus tries to make amends
character: remus lupin x female reader
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Days had passed since the full moon - since you had confided your feelings in Remus and he had rejected you - and you had been hiding away in your office for the last two days. To be perfectly truthful, you were hideously embarrassed. You had put your heart on the line and Remus had crushed it far too easily.
At first, you'd been angry. You'd been so angry, hating how cowardly he was, hating how Snape had been right about him, hating that he didn't mirror your feelings. Soon, that anger turned to shame. Then shame turned to sadness. Had you just lost your best friend? Had you just thrown your oldest friendship away? Sadness turned to quiet denial. Maybe Remus was right. Maybe you had let yourself get carried away in a childhood crush and being here, being back in Hogwarts with him... Maybe he was right.
You didn't really know where to go from here. You didn't know if you could show your face in front of Snape or even worse, Remus. What would you say? Oh hi Remus, yeah I'm just fantastic after I poured my heart out to you and you just tore up my heart like it was paper! I'm great. You wondered if he would even speak to you. The things he'd said... You'd put it down as false words but the more you repeated his words in your head the more you started to believe them.
"We are colleagues. Nothing more."
Was he right?
It was on Monday morning that you had to be a little bit braver, you had classes after all. You went down for breakfast at 6.30am on the dot. You'd even went so far as to bring a small basket. Not wanting to risk an awkward run in, you thought it best to fill your basket and take it back to your class to eat before lessons began.
You hadn't been counting on Remus already being in the Great Hall though.
Your heart skipped a beat. There were a few handfuls of students but as for adults it was just you and Remus. You avoided his gaze as you walked towards the teachers table, jaw clenched as you tried you absolute hardest to be nonchalant but from the way your eyes darted to him every few steps and your racing heart, it was obvious that you weren't doing as good a job as you wanted. No, he wasn't right and how dare he convince you that he was! You weren't just colleagues. Anger bubbled in your stomach as you drew closer and closer to him.
"Good morning, Professor Lupin," you said tightly with a forced smile as you began to pluck some breakfast pastries from the teacher's table and put them in your basket.
As much as you tried to hide it, he noticed the tremble of nervousness in your hand and the feathering in your clenched jaw. Lupin's heart ached, "(y/n)..." The sound of his voice made you tense up, frozen in place as your heart thudded in your chest, "I- We need to talk. I-" He swallowed, "I didn't mean what I said."
There was the anger again. You scoffed, "Well you said it, didn't you? Must've been some truth behind it."
Your anger was to be expected. Remus was actually surprised that you hadn't hexed him, "Please let me explain, come we'll take breakfast and go to my classroom and I'll explain. Please."
"Oh I hardly think that's appropriate for colleagues, Professor Lupin," your voice dripped with venom like a snake puncturing right through to his heart, "we wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong impression or have them think that we're acting like children, now would we?"
You didn't give him a chance to explain as you turned on your heels and sped away, the croissant in your hand squished and crumbling due to your anger. You shoved it in your basket then shoved right past Snape who had witnessed from afar your tense exchange with Remus. He had a smirk which screamed 'I told you so' but you pushed past and hurried back to your class.
Remus watched you go and released a long breath, "Oh, Prongs," he whispered hopelessly, "how do I fix this?" He knew that if James were here, he would've sorted him out but alone... Remus had no idea what to do. Would he really rather lose you completely as opposed to letting you in?
Severus breezed past him, "I see that went well," he muttered as he sat a few seats down from Remus who turned on him with narrowed eyes, "Your other half seems rather upset with you Remus... Something wrong?"
"What do you know?"
Severus shrugged but the smirk on his face said it all, "I know only that you are a coward. I told Professor (y/l/n) that too but obviously, she didn't heed my advice." Remus growled and without another word, he stood abruptly and stormed out of the Great Hall.
Severus smiled as he took a sip of his tea.
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For the next week, all you felt was anger. You were so unbelievably annoyed at him. You couldn't understand why or how he could say such horrible things to you. You were his best friend and all of a sudden because he got a little uncomfortable with adult feelings he had just pushed you away? It just didn't make sense to you.
Of course, you'd told Minerva all about over a cup of chamomile tea as she could tell you needed all the calming remedies you could get, "So how long has it been since you spoke to him?"
"A week."
"And you've not heard his side of the story?"
You frowned, "His side?!" You exclaimed, "Minerva, come on!"
Minerva rolled her eyes, "I think, my dear, what you need is some tough love." You blinked, "Yes, what he did was wrong and hurtful and your anger is certainly justified-"
"Thank you."
Minerva gave you a pointed look which you knew to be a warning to stop interrupting her, "But," she continued, "have you ever considered his perspective of things?" You were silent and she smirked slightly, "He lost everyone he cared about, including you when your friendship fizzled. He had no one after that. He barely got by and he didn't form any sort of relationship or friendship with anyone else. For twelve years, whilst you lived your life probably experienced love and lots of friendships am I right?-" you gave a small nod, "he didn't. So how hard do you think it would be for you if after twelve years of pure isolation you were thrust back together with a former friend? Despite how he feels, this is all so new again to him, it's a new and unnatural and..." She trailed off, expecting you to finish the sentence.
Your facial expression had softened significantly and McGonagall sat back in her chair taking a long sip of tea as she smiled triumphantly, "He's scared."
McGonagall hummed as she swallowed her tea, "Wouldn't you be?" Her voice was soft, "So yes, while he is indeed in the wrong for saying those things to you, it came from a place of fear not hatred. He's protecting himself and protecting you... I think he deserves to say his piece to you, do you not agree?"
You sighed, "Yeah... I... I hadn't thought about that." It was true, you'd been wrapped in your bubble of anger, furious that he did this but not trying to understand why, "You're right, Minerva. I need to go talk to him. Talk not shout."
As you left Minerva's office, your stomach flipped uncomfortably. You hated being wrong, you hated having to swallow your pride it just wasn't a pleasant experience. You checked your watch for the time and realised that Lupin would be teaching his third years soon so you hurried along and up various staircases to get to his classroom. You didn't know what you were going to say but you knew that you were going to listen.
Remus was inside his classroom shuffling through various essays his students had written him when you knocked on his door. He didn't hide his surprise at all, "(y/n)," he said, voice quiet, "What are you doing here?" He truly thought that you would never speak to him again.
"I wanted to apologise for-"
He cut you off, "You have nothing to apologise for. I was so out of order and so monstrous to you. I apologise. I am so deeply, truly sorry. I never meant it." He was being sincere, you could tell by his eyes, "I-" he had so much that he wanted to say but the clock chimed and he knew students would be arriving soon. He cursed which made you smile slightly, "I've got a lesson just now," he thought for a second then suggested, "why don't you stay for it? It's just my third years and we're just going to be fighting a Boggart." He gestured over to the wardrobe that stood in the middle of the class, "It shouldn't take too long. We can speak afterwards-" because I have so much I want to tell you, he thought.
You nodded, "Okay," you agreed quietly.
As students began to filter in, you smiled as various greeted you. Harry, Hermione and Ron all seemed positively happy that you were here. You let Remus tell his class what they'd be doing, teaching them how to use the Riddikulus spell to change the Boggart. You were perched on a stool to the side of the class, watching him with curious eyes. He was a natural at this. He was so good at teaching, at holding the attention of the young students. He was so clever and he was using that for good; to teach and help students learn. You caught yourself smiling like a schoolgirl at him and quickly forced yourself to remain straight faced but as you looked at the students you saw Hermione look at you with a knowing smile.
"Okay, ready and-" Remus opened the wardrobe door brandishing... Snape?
Your head whipped to who's Boggart it was and you understood. Poor Neville Longbottom. You'd heard first hand how cruel Snape could be to the quiet boy so his fear was understood. Neville used the Riddikulus to transform Snape's robes into his grandmother's clothing. It was you who gave the loudest laugh in that classroom. Neville grinned at you. Ron Weasley was up next turning a spider to a spider on skates. The class continued until it got to Harry and you stood up realising what his worst fear could be. Would it be Voldemort? If so, that wasn't something you wished the class would see. The Boggart twisted to become a large dark Dementor, floating towards him, its bony fingers extended to him. It truly was a wretched thing. Harry blanched and you moved forwards-
But Remus was quicker.
He slid in front of Harry with ease and the Dementor twisted and transformed into...
The whole class gasped.
It was you. You on the ground dead beneath a large white full moon. Your hand covered your mouth, breath trembling beneath them as your heart thudded in your chest. You dying was Remus's worst fear. You put the puzzle together Remus's true worst fear was killing you on a full moon. He did care for you.
Remus snapped a loud, "Riddikulus!" and the moon blew up like a balloon, your image fading from view, and then began to release all of the air from it, flying around the room until Remus used his wand to throw it back inside the wardrobe. You were still staring at the space where your body had been lying. Remus's cheeks were scarlet as he quickly muttered a dismissal to his students but they were unmoving and when you looked at them, you found them all staring back at you. They were all shocked minus one Hermione Granger who was smiling.
"I said class dismissed!" Remus exclaimed, "Out with you all, go!" There was a tenseness to his voice that rarely appeared so upon hearing it, the class scampered. The whispers and murmurs were loud as they all left and then, there was silence.
Remus had his back turned to you, breathing deeply, and you could see that his ears were still scarlet. For a moment, neither of you moved. It was you who broke the silence by stepping forwards and saying quietly, "We'll be the talk of the school now..." It was a pathetic attempt at a joke.
Remus swallowed, "I suppose you might believe that I truly didn't mean anything I said that night now."
"I always knew," you said, "I just didn't understand why you said then in the first place but I do now."
His shoulders sagged and he turned to you, cheeks still a rosy pink, "And what do you think?" He eyed you curiously.
"You're scared. I thought it before I entered this class and now I know it to be true. You're scared to let me in... You're scared in case you hurt me." He gave a barely noticeable nod. You were right, "I understand how isolated you've been over the last twelve years and I know that it's hard to trust other people and yourself. I know how difficult it is to open yourself up to the possibility of getting hurt or in your case, getting someone else hurt but... I trust you, Remus. I always have. Do you think you could trust yourself too?"
"It's not quite as easy as that, (y/n)."
"Remus..." You wanted so desperately to cry but that would achieve nothing so instead, you swallowed the lump in your throat and tried to tell him just how much you cared for him, "who was the one person you confided being a wolf to? The rest of the boys figured it out themselves but you... you told me. Why was that? Why for six months was I the only one who knew?"
"I have something to tell you; something that kills me every day of my life. I'm so ashamed of it and I swore to never tell anyone but- but I feel safe with you. I trust you and I trust that you won't judge me as harshly as others might. You're the one person I truly trust, (y/n)."
Remus faltered, "Because... You were and you remain the one person I trust so wholly and completely." It was the truth.
"You've noticed that I get sick every month. I disappear for a few days and come back a very pale, exhausted version of myself... You always ask why, always concerned about me and I brush it off. There's a reason for that. There's a reason for it all."
A small smile pulled your lips upwards, "You know I trust you the same, too. I've never thought for a moment that you were a monster." Remus looked down, "You have never been a monster and you never will be, despite your condition and flaws and all. You're Remus. You're my Remus." You stepped closed to him and gently, so gently, your fingertips traced the long scar over his face, "My beautiful, silly Remus."
"I'm a werewolf, (y/n)." He couldn't look at you and instead focused on his hands which were clenched together in his lap, "That's what the scars are. I was attacked when I was younger and... every month, I turn."
You could see his jaw clench, the muscles feathering, as he swallowed hard, "Why won't you let yourself be happy, Rem?" You whispered. The way you looked up at him, doe eyed and lips pink and plump.
His eyes were closed, his heart hammering in his chest, as he waited for you to say something but all he heard was a shuffling sound. His heart sank thinking that you'd gotten up and left but he gasped when he felt your hands slide over and into his, slowly prying his fists open to hold his trembling hands.
To be honest, he didn't actually know why this was a hurdle that he couldn't get over. He didn't know why he found it so impossible to let the one person he loved into his life. He had a good reason to but you were here, offering your love to him... so why did he not want it?
"I trust you, Remus Lupin. I trust you first and forever."
A pained expression flashed over Remus's face. He was torn. Despite not meaning any of what he said because you weren't just colleagues, you were more, you had always been more. Remus Lupin was in love with you and he always had been but was he ready to admit that to you? Was he ready to fully admit it to himself? He didn't trust himself, didn't trust his condition and Remus thought so lowly of himself that he didn't understand how someone, especially someone like you, could love him. For the last twelve years, he hadn't let anyone else in. He hadn't trusted anyone, not even himself. He had long since forgotten what it was like to let someone in - fully in - and it terrified him. Remus's mouth opened as though he were going to tell you and god, as he stared into your eyes he really wanted to tell you but there was something in the way. Himself.
"(y/n)..." The way he spoke, the tone alone told you the answer. Quickly, you straightened and stepped back as your own walls built right back up, "I... I don't know what to say."
You forced a smile, shaking your head, "You don't have to say anything, Rem. It's fine." Your voice was too light, too breezy for the heaviness of the conversation.
Remus stepped closer but you stepped away immediately. You were pulling away from him, "I'm just- I'm not ready." It was the truth, he simply just wasn't ready yet and it broke your heart.
"I know," you nodded, giving him another smile yet this one was sad, "it's okay, seriously. I- Just- do you believe me when I say that I trust you and when I tell you that I- that I love you?"
Remus blinked, "I... I know that you care and you trust me somewhat but I don't think you realise the full potential of my-"
"Can I have a go?" You asked, sweeping past him as you gestured to the wardrobe which held the Boggart. Remus gave a confused nod. You opened the door and stepped back, allowing the Boggart the space to transform into... Remus Lupin dead on the floor. Remus took a deep breath, "It's been my boggart since we were in fourth year," you told him as you stared at the lifeless image of him on the floor. You swallowed hard, "it was during your transformation that we had the lesson. I threatened to hex the boys if they dared to tell you... Riddikulus!" The Boggart was forced back into the wardrobe.
"Why... Why did you show me?" Remus's voice was small.
You cleared your throat, "Because I need you to know how deeply I care about you. I need you to know that there is still one person alive on this Earth who thinks the world of you and always has. I need you to know that there is hope still left for you despite the loneliness. I'm not begging you to be with me, that's your choice and I'll respect it... I just need you to know that I am here and I am all in if you are. I..." You couldn't find the words and you desperately needed to prove to him that you were speaking the truth so you did the only thing you could think to do.
You kissed him.
It was soft and only lasted a second or two but it got the message across. With trembling hands, you pulled back and straightened your robes. Judging from the way a red hue crept up Remus's neck to his face and ears, you presumed the message got across. You whispered a goodbye before you left the classroom, heart racing and head spinning. It was your last chance to prove to him that you loved him, that you cared enough to have him flaws and all.
Remus sank into a chair after you'd gone, eyes focused on the spot where the Boggart had transformed into his dead body as his fingertips brushed his lips gently.
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The handful of times that you'd seen Remus in the following week, the atmosphere was rather tense and awkward. Despite the two of you agreeing to just be friends, there always seemed to be an elephant in the room; unspoken words always on the tip of your tongue. So honestly, the two of you had been avoiding each other just a little bit.
That was, until, Harry Potter asked Remus if he could learn more about his parents again.
"Can I have another look at the photos you have, Professor?" Harry asked you as he sat forwards on his seat.
You already had it looked out, it was in your desk drawer so you pulled it out and handed it to him. For a few minutes, there was silence as Harry looked through the photo album. You evaded your eyes from the photo of you and Remus as Harry flicked by it. Remus glanced over at you, taking notice that your eyes were set on staring out of the window and not at anything that reminded you of him. His heart panged. It was all his fault and he just wanted to make everything okay again.
"What was he like?" Harry asked curiously.
"Your father was-"
The boy cut Remus off, "No, not my dad... Black. Sirius Black. What was he like before he went dark?"
It was you who answered. Remus was rather shocked by the question, unable to answer or even comprehend an answer, "Harry, I don't want to upset you or make you feel a certain type of way because when we were at Hogwarts, Sirius and your father were the absolute best of friends. I think hearing the good things about Sirius might upset you more than you realise."
Harry frowned, "I just..." He shook his head, "I don't understand how his supposed best friend could betray them, it just doesn't make sense to me."
"Nor us," Remus agreed softly, "Believe me, Harry, I've gone over it again and again in my head. I've thought of our seven years at Hogwarts searching for the slightest glimmer of darkness but... I've never found any."
Harry looked to you, hopeful that you could give him something but you shook your head, "For twelve years, Harry, I've been trying to figure it out."
Harry thought for a moment before sighing, "Well, what was he like anyway?" You asked if he was sure to which he nodded.
"He was the thing that kept us all together, I think. From the word 'go' him and James were the best of friends, thick as thieves. If there was trouble, oh you just knew it started with James and Sirius and ended with me and Remus cleaning up the pieces with Peter running behind us." Remus smiled slightly at your words, "I am so sorry that I can't give you the answer as to why he turned bad, Harry."
"Do you hate him?" Harry asked all of a sudden, "I hate him. I hate him for how he betrayed them. And all the while being my godfather!"
Your eyes widened, "Who told you that?"
Remus frowned at the boy who realised that he'd said too much and slunk back into his seat, "I overheard Professor McGonagall and Fudge talking about it." Harry admitted, "It's true then?"
Remus nodded, "Yes... Sirius Black is your godfather, Harry, and that's why Dementors are here and why Dumbledore's inflicted a strict curfew. They think Black's back to kill you, finish the Potter bloodline once and for all."
He repeated the question, eyes boring into yours for some reason, "Professor (y/n), do you hate him?"
Your stomach flipped uncomfortably. This was something you'd wrestled with for years, "I love the version of Sirius that I knew. The boy who could always make me laugh, who was fiercely protective of his friends - he hexed the first boy who broke my heart you know - the boy who would pull me up to dance around the Common Room. He was brilliant. I love those memories I have of him... But the Sirius Black that I knew would never do what he did to James, Lily, Peter and yourself. That's... That's not my Sirius Black. I don't know what happened to my - our Sirius," you gave Remus a look, "but I hate what he became. I hate that he did that to his best friends. I hate him for what he did, yes."
Harry seemed satisfied with your answer, "Can I hang onto this for a while?" He asked, referring to the photo album, "I don't have many photos or anything of them and it would be-"
"Of course," you said with a soft smile, "I heard what happened at your Quidditch match on Saturday, how are you feeling?" You hadn't attended the match but it was the talk of the school. There had been a Dementor on the Quidditch pitch and it had caused Harry to fall from his broom. Dumbledore had made sure he landed safely but it didn't mean he was completely unhurt.
Harry nodded, "I'm alright. I just... I don't know why Dementors affect me so much. I wish there was a way to stop them."
Remus opened his mouth and you looked to him with a smile, "Well, Harry, there is a spell that casts them away," Remus said softly, "and I would be more than happy to teach you it."
Harry beamed, "Really?"
"He's the best teacher for it," you said to Harry with a warm smile.
"It's not the easiest of spells to conjure so it will take a lot of practice." Harry agreed eagerly with everything Remus was telling him, "And I think it best to not tell anyone about learning it, you know how people can be, I think we keep it between us." Again, Harry nodded, "Why don't you come to my office tomorrow after your last class before dinner, we can practice then?"
"Thank you, Professor."
Harry asked a few more questions about parents, things that no one else would be able to tell him. What was my dad's favourite subject? Did my mum get good grades? What was the wedding like? Was my dad good at Quidditch? What did they want to work as? And after another twenty minutes, you bid goodnight to Harry who scampered off clutching the photo album with everything he had.
Remus hovered in your office as you washed the teacups in the kitchen next door. He noticed you had another photo album laying on the table. Curiously, he picked it up and started to flick through it. It was photos of your life after Hogwarts, after James and Lily's deaths, after Peter's death and Sirius's imprisonment... after him. There were various faces, none of which he knew or recognised, but he with every turn of the page his curiosity only grew larger. Photos of you posing at monuments, photos of you laughing with a dark haired woman and blonde woman, photos of you drinking Firewhisky and then he stopped turning when he hit the next section, photos of you with a dark haired very handsome man. There were lots of photos of you and him. Photos where he smiled at you, eyes full of love, photos of you laughing with him, head thrown back as you grinned at the sky, photos of the two of you dancing in the moonlight... a photo of you kissing him and pulling away to grin at the camera. It hurt him knowing how much of a good life you had that he wasn't a part of. He didn't know why it hurt so much to see you happy, to see you living; to see you in love. But my god, it felt like his insides were being torn out through his chest. He hadn't been a part of your life for so long and it hurt knowing that. It hurt knowing that for a decade, you had moved on. You had loved.
You walked through from the kitchen and back to your office where you saw him, photo album in his hands. You raised your eyebrows, surprised that he was going through it but not upset or annoyed. You walked over, seeing the photos he was on, "That was from a rather... odd time in my life."
Remus looked up slightly startled, "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"
You shook your head, sitting on the edge of the desk beside him, "That's Ren," you said, pointing at the man who you had seemed so happy with, "I met him through..." you flipped a few pages back and pointed at the dark haired girl in your photos, "Rei. I met her about two years after we lost contact. I had gone travelling around the world to try and force myself to forget about James and Lily. I met Rei and Grace the other girl in the photo. The three of us travelled together for a few months and then Ren joined us, he's Rei's twin brother. They were all Muggles, never knew anything about wizards or magic and I never told them."
Remus's jaw clenched. Somehow knowing his name, personifying him made him feel so much worse.
"Our relationship developed really quickly. He was going back home in two months so the two of us wanted to experience as much as we could together. It all happened very quickly, very heavy... He asked me to come back home with him, move with him, told me that he loved me, he wanted to marry me."
"And- And you didn't want to?"
You shook your head, "I was running from my past. I was caught up in this dream. When he told me that he loved me, the illusion shattered." Remus asked what you meant, "For two years, I jumped from thing to thing to distract myself from the loss of our friends and that's what I'd been doing. Travelling with barely any money, taking up odd jobs here and there to make enough to get me to a new city, making random friends and travelling with them for a while. When I met Ren, he was... fun. He was safe, you know? He made me feel good about myself but... I was using him to forget about everything else in my life. I had lied about everything, who I was, where I came from, what I did for a living... The only true thing I told him was my name. The next day, I came home. Moved back in with my parents. Got a job in a pub and tried to heal."
Remus's face softened.
"It took a while for me to save up enough to move out. I worked in the pub and did tutoring for all sorts of instruments on the side. Took years for me to have a decent night's sleep without dreaming about Sirius, James and Lily..." You plucked another photo album from your desk, "This album was the subsequent years until now." You flicked through it, "I tried to focus on finding joy again." You pointed to a picture, "Bought a shop, turned it into a music shop. Tutoring on the side still, offerings lessons in-shop as well."
Remus was fascinated. He wasn't jealous or angry now knowing the real story of what happened with Ren, now he was just curious.
"Built that up. Still have it, I have someone running it for me just now whilst I'm here. When I saw the advertisement for a Muggle Music teacher here... I jumped at the chance. I'm sure you did the same. I had removed myself from the Wizarding World pretty much because again it was all too painful but when I saw the job come back, I thought that coming back would be the final step in my healing journey."
"And has it been?"
You frowned, taking the two photo albums and tucking them away, "I don't think the healing process is ever truly done. Seeing you again, being back in Hogwarts with you again... it's done a lot of good for me, honestly but that doesn't mean it's been easy. Healing isn't linear... might not ever be done healing."
"Do you regret coming back?"
You shook your head, "Not at all. I reconnected with my best friend and I get to spend time with James's son... Absolutely no regrets."
Remus felt rather ashamed that he'd gotten so jealous over looking at your photos with a former lover. It hurt him in ways it shouldn't because you were here, you'd been offering him the chance of happiness and he had rejected you multiple times so truly, he had no right to be jealous over it.
"I..." He frowned, unsure where to start, "After James and Lily, I pulled away from you when I should've clung to you. I was scared, honestly. Scared of losing the last person I loved... I tried to slot into the Muggle world too but it wasn't too kind to me. I couldn't keep steady employment when you know of my condition. After a few months of me steadily phoning in sick for a week at a time every four weeks, I usually ended up being sacked. I barely had enough money for my rent and for food so I had no chance of making Wolfsbane to aid me... My mother had passed but I didn't dare go back home to my father despite how happy he was to see me. I couldn't endanger him so my only choice was to take odd jobs. Jobs that were far below my level of skill and expertise but I had to."
He clicked his tongue, "Sometimes I'd pop into Diagon Alley and would find some Wizards who needed help clearing out a Boggart or things like that so would do that but most of the time it was jobs like cleaning a pub, helping out at a farm, deliveries... Mostly that sort of thing... I had seen the Defence post being advertised each year and it was Dumbledore himself actually who sought me out this year. He convinced me to come... There were a lot of times where I hadn't enough money for the basic necessities. I still don't, as you can see by my clothes and belongings. Everything I own is second hand and in tatters." He felt ashamed again. Shame burned hot on his face and in the pit of his stomach. Poor, penniless Remus his mind taunted, "In twelve years, you seem to have accomplished a lot and I have accomplished very little." Remus continued, "That's part of the reason I cannot be with you. Aside from being a werewolf, I have nothing to my name. I'm poor and I can't give you the life you deserve... that and I could maul you at any full moon." The last part was said with some form of bitter humour.
Your heart ached for him, "Just because you have less that a person does not mean that you are less than them," you reminded him gently, taking his cold hand and grasping it tightly in your own, "Penniless or not, Rem, that's not why I care the way I do about you." For a moment, hope surged inside him warming the coldest cockles of his heart but quickly, he extinguished that hope, sliding his hand from yours. You tried not to let the action hurt you or - at the very lease - try not make it obvious that it did.
The two of you had experienced completely different experiences in the last twelve years. One had gone off, making a better life for themselves and in some respects had been rather successful and the other had suffered, barely skimming by. Yet neither of you were entirely different people. Yes, Remus's face was tired with more lines and a weary look in his eye. He wasn't as brave as he once was, he was isolated but you knew that your Remus was still in there, you would often catch glimpses of him every so often. You were just as outspoken as you once were though you were angrier, less happy. Remus noticed that when you concentrated on something you always frowned whereas before your eyebrows would raise in wonder. Different but not completely. Partly a stranger, partly familiar. It was a weird sort of limbo the two of you were caught in.
Remus swallowed and cleared his throat after a few minutes of silence, "I should go." You let him go and once he was gone, you found yourself closing your eyes, fingertips dancing over your other palm as you tried your hardest to retain the details of how his hand felt in yours.
Remus stood outside your classroom, heart beating like a drum. Remus had always been a very level-headed person, always listening to his head and never to his heart but tonight was different. His mind whirred with ideas, questions, thoughts and fantasies that he couldn't stamp down. The light tendrils of hope that he had thought he extinguished reached out wrapping themselves around his heart and squeezing until it was almost all covered. His head fell back against the door of your classroom as he squeezed his eyes shut as he tried to fight his own compulsion.
"Bugger it to all Hell."
And then in not Remus Lupin fashion, he threw open your classroom door and marched towards your office with determined stomps. He didn't hesitate.
"You hesitate, Moony," James said with a shake of the head, "Every time there's an opportunity to tell Ghost, you hesitate!"
"What's wrong with hesitating?"
"You hesitate and it means you think and your brain is its own worst enemy! Don't hesitate, don't think... just do."
Remus opened your office door and found you were still perched on the edge of the desk, staring intently down at your hands with an unreadable expression. It took until Remus was halfway to you to realise that he was there.
"Rem?" You asked confused as you looked up at him, "What are you-"
Just do.
His hands, steady and warm, planted themselves on your cheeks and you barely had time to register the fact he was holding your face when he was kissing you. It was a bold, brave kiss and fireworks seemed to explode in your stomach. He was here. Your Remus. You melded into his touch, hands finding themselves clasping his shirt, you could feel his chest beneath it, feel his heart beating wildly under your fingers. The kiss was deep and passionate and Remus's body moved into yours, his leg between yours but the need for air was too great and all too soon, Remus had detached his lips from yours leaving you both breathless and rather flushed. His forehead fell to yours, pressing against it gently as you panted and then he pulled away slightly. His pupils were dilated and his skin had a rather healthy rosiness to it.
He opened his mouth and then he... hesitated and he began to think, "Goodnight, (y/n)," he whispered, breath fanning over your face before he completely pulled himself away from you leaving your office and your classroom rather hurriedly. You stayed staring at the place where his face had been, happy and rosy, as your fingers moved to your lips feeling the ghost of his on yours as you tried to comprehend what had just happened.
Remus's face burned scarlet the whole walk two floors down to his classroom and when he got there, he cast the locking charm so that no one could bother him. He went straight to his office and through to the adjoining bedroom where he collapsed onto the bed, hands over his face as he tried to calm his drumming heart.
It took a long time for you to wrap your head around the events of the last few minutes with Remus. Yes, you had kissed him the previous week but this was different. This was Remus kissing you. This was Remus finally allowing himself to feel for you, letting his heart take over for a change. This was entirely different. Your hands shook with excitement as you got dressed for bed and when you finally settled beneath the duvet, your mind reeled with questions of what would be.
Remus stared at the ceiling, unable to sleep, as his mind berated him over and over. He felt stupid. He felt silly for letting his heart take over. With a loud groan, he stood up, dressing back into his outdoor clothes. A walk, he decided firmly, a walk to calm the nerves. Memories of ghosts past continued to creep up on him.
"Moony, you seriously have got to stop thinking!" Sirius hissed to him as he joined the two boys by the fireplace in the Common Room, "You just have to tell her how you feel."
"What if she doesn't feel the same?" Remus asked with a pointed look to James who threw himself back dramatically with his arms in the air in an exasperated show, "I'm-"
"I'll hex you if the next word to leave your mouth is 'dangerous' or 'a monster'," James snarled before his face softened, "Moony, we know for a fact she likes you."
"(y/n)'s bloody told us before you dolt!" Sirius scowled, "You're a Gryffindor, Moony, use some of that lion courage and tell her."
Remus's mind was made up and he slunk into the red armchair, "But I'm not a lion, am I? I'm a wolf."
His two best friends exchanged tired looks, "But if you never tell her, if you never take the chance... Will you ever be truly happy?" It was James who spoke, "Will she ever be truly happy if the boy she adores never makes a move?"
"No, I suppose you're right," Remus said softly, "but... she'd be safe."
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tag list: @foodpills@fairyy27@queen-of-disaster-222@moon-witchs-world@poppysavage11@wildtigerlili@lupinandtonks@eury-dice3@qweengigi@magical-spit@jennifer0305 CALLSIGNWIDOW SPIDERMANSOLOSURFAV ROARHAVENSEND RYOIII  CHAOSOFMANYFANDOMS  BONZA-BEAR FLUFFYBUNNYU REESEEVERHART FANBOYLUVR
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fairyhaos · 1 year
❍ the 2k event: jeonghan + jellyfish
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vote for this fic in the poll!
alternative title: down here in the deep blue sea
pairing: siren prince!jeonghan x selkie!gn!reader
genre: mythical au, siren au, friends to lovers
word count: 1130
warnings: none
event taglist (send ask to be added): @slytherinshua @rubywonu @pepperonijem @amxlia-stars @weird-bookworm @my-moarmy-heart @hannyoontify @suminsfav @minhui896 @haocovr @lockburn-castle @sweet-like-caramel @horanghae8 @graybaeismytae @karionice @hopetiger10
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The bottom of the ocean is dark and cold and unpleasant. There is little light, and the creatures that live here are fierce, hardened by the harsh environment they’ve evolved to survive in. Here in his palace, Jeonghan is shielded from the worst of it, but even he understands that the never-ending abyss that makes up his family’s kingdom is nothing like the glittering, lively seas that their distant mermaid cousins live in.
But it’s all that Jeonghan has ever known.
That is, until he met you.
“Jeonghan! Jeonghan, Jeonghan, I’m here!”
Jeonghan doesn't have time to look up before a selkie comes crashing into him, all sleek, soft fur and big eyes. He laughs, because he's used to this by now, and pushes away your head slightly so that you're not squishing your cheek against his. 
"Get away from me, you rascal, you're going to mess up my hair," he says, but he's smiling, and you beam at him in return, all twinkling irises and bubbling laughter. 
"Yeah, yeah, it's gonna get messed up anyway," you say, ruffling his hair just to prove your point. "Anyway. Ready to go?"
Jeonghan cocks his head, smiling. "Maybe. Where are we going this time?"
You tap your lips secretively. "It's a secret. You ready to come or not?"
He rolls his eyes, pretending to give a long-suffering sigh. "Alright. Let's go." He looks around the darkened sea garden, peering into the bushes. "Shua!"
Another siren pops his head up above a cluster of bioluminescent sea flowers. "Yes, sire?"
"I'm gonna leave," Jeonghan says, pointing to you. "Y/N's taking me hostage. Don't expect me back until at least supper time."
Joshua crosses his arms and swims towards where you and Jeonghan are sitting. "Jeonghan, I can't keep covering for you forever," he protests. "I think there are only so many times I can pretend you got lost in the Royal Seaweed Maze before someone realises I'm lying about the Crown Prince's whereabouts."
"Then just this one last time, Shuji," Jeonghan says easily, grinning. "I'll bring you along next time Y/N and I go somewhere. How about that?"
Joshua wrinkles his nose, the scales on his cheeks glowing neon pink in the light of the flowers. "Hmph. Just go. Tomorrow, I'm resigning as your personal guard."
"You do that," Jeonghan says with a smile,  because they both know that Joshua would never leave him. "See you tonight, Shua!"
"Yes!" you cheer. "Let's go!" You ruffle Joshua's hair in consolation before grabbing Jeonghan's hand, sending a bright grin over to the siren prince and then swimming upwards, up, up, away from the kingdom down in the abyss. 
———————————— 🪼
"Are you really not going to tell me where we're going?"
You look over at Jeonghan, whiskers twitching, and reply with a chirrup, bubbles escaping your mouth. 
He sighs at you, smiling, flicking his tail and swimming faster so he's beside you. You slap at him with a seal flipper when he attempts to poke your cheek, making more seal noises before he laughs and holds his hands up in surrender. 
"Okay, okay. But seriously, where are we going?"
You morph out of your seal form into one that's slightly more conversation-able, the faintest whiskers still on your cheeks and the sleekness of your selkie fur blending into something resembling human skin. You grin, and point upwards. "Not a where. A what."
Jeonghan looks up, and his eyes widen. 
You've led him so far away from the depths of the ocean, and with just a few miles of swimming he'd be able to break the surface of the water. But that's not what he's looking at. 
Above you both, there's a swarm of transparent, floaty things, tinted in pretty pinks and oranges with what looks like long, thin threads dancing in the movement of the sea. 
"We're here to see the jellyfish," you say, and he mouths the word to himself in wonder. 
He watches as the jellyfish bob around, following the movement of the current. They look almost like mysterious spirits, with elusive purposes and elusive aims and elusive goals. 
It's fascinating.
Their transparent bodies filter the rays of sunlight right through them, and it's a kind of glittering, crystalline wonder that Jeonghan has never been able to see before in the near-pitch black darkness of his kingdom. He finds himself awed, unable to take his eyes away even as you take his hand and draw him closer to the shoal. 
"Jellyfish have no brains, no hearts, bones, or eyes," you say. 
"Aw. That's actually really sad," Jeonghan says. "Imagine not having a heart." He pauses. "Oh, and no brain, too."
You smile. 
"They're actually mostly made of fluid and transparent muscles, which are the bell parts that you can see," you carry on, pointing to one jellyfish. "And these thin tentacles? They help the jellyfish catch their prey."
"How do they eat?" Jeonghan asks, confused. 
"They trap their prey in their tentacles, and then eat through the opening in the middle of their bell body," you say. "See? It's like their mouth is in the center."
"Do you wanna touch them? They're dangerous for humans, apparently, but I found out that they're pretty much harmless for us to touch."
Before you came into his life, Jeonghan lived almost entirely within the walls of his palace, surrounded by darkness, knowing and going no further than the surrounding cities. It was a miserable existence, to always be held on a leash, unable to stretch his fins and breathe in new water into his gills. 
But then came you. You stumbled into the palace gardens one day, all twitching whiskers and bright selkie eyes and a smile and an outstetched hand that promised new, bright, wonderful, fascinating. 
Jeonghan had grown up being told not to take risks, but taking your hand? 
That felt like coming home. 
You come to him randomly, with new facts and new adventures and every day he's with you feels like living a new life, witnessing the shimmer of aquamarine seas and vibrant coral reefs with his own eyes. It's exhilarating, makes the blood in Jeonghan's veins sing. And listening to your voice, filled with such eagerness and fondness, is more mesmerising than any siren song that even his father could conjure. 
"—not actually fish, you know? And they're pretty much harmless. Okay, maybe not totally harmless, but they don't bother you if you don't bother them."
You pause, then, because one jellyfish chooses that moment to bob upwards in a swirl of translucent jelly right into your face, and you scrunch your nose with a barking laugh. 
Jeonghan watches you, the smile widening on his face, before he pauses. 
He might be just a tiny bit in love with you. 
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persphonesorchid · 1 month
Minisode: Hoseok
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Notes: Here's Hobi 🥺
Minisode Masterlist
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"We'll get soaked standing here."
"We're soaked already."
Hoseok's holding your hand tightly as though you'd slip away and vanish if he doesn't. Standing under an awning that's barely that, rain water squelches in your sneakers and has your clothes sticking to your front.
Hoseok doesn't fair much better, his hair drying in curls, unprotected because he'd put his hat on your head the second he felt the rain. His cheeks a bit pink because you'd both ran your way here from the other end of the street, laughing and nearly choking on the rain that came harder. It blows at an angle that Hoseok turned his back to, sheilding you from getting any more wet than you already are.
"We won't make it in time with this rain..." You squint through your fingers, watching the rain swallow up the view of the rest of the street. "I'm sorry."
Hoseok looks at you, a furrow in his brow, "You can't change the weather, babe." He looks to his right, squinting, too. "Okay, we can either run through it to get there or run back home."
His voice is hopeful at the end, and you know he'd probably changed his mind halfway through running here. He was indecisive about going yesterday. You tug on his hand, pulling him the opposite way and he follows without question. You're both halfway out the not-awning, the rain pelting down like bullets, all chance to stay just a little dry dashed now.
Hoseok gives a count, giggles as he takes off and pulls you until you're running next to him; splashing through puddles. The rain isn't cold, but the clouds covered the sun and it's hard to see through the sheets. You follow Hoseok's lead. Back round the corner and down another street before you stop him, under an actual awning this time.
He's laughing, smile heart shaped, uselessly squeezing water from the ends of your hair that's not under his soaked hat.
"How did neither of us think to bring an umbrella?"
"We don't share that braincell."
"Make sense."
You share his laugh, lifting a hand to wipe at the water droplets with the wet sleeve of your denim jacket. Actually, the weather didn't say anything about rain, but it does paid to be prepared. Your toes squish uncomfortably in your shoes, and wiggling them makes water seep through the fabric in bubbles.
"We'll probably catch a cold." You say. The rain isn't letting up, and you're a good two blocks away from where you're heading back to.
"I'll take care of you anyway." Hoseok squeezes your hand softly in his, not holding as tight as he was earlier, he treads his fingers through yours. "So don't worry."
"You know you're miserable as fuck when you're sick. You always look like a Victorian child struck with the plague."
There's mirth in his eyes even when his mouth sets in a little triangle, "I'll take my hat back."
"What difference would that make? That's so petty."
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soulidarity · 7 months
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fluff, sfw | rafayel x mc
mc calls rafayels bluff on his bubble spitting powers
"can you actually spit bubbles?"
the man actoss from her did spit something, his tea. he grabbed a napkin and cleaned it up, a shocked expression on his face.
"i beg your pardon???"
"whenever i do the hand thing and squish your cheeks, you always threaten me with spitting bubbles. can you actually do it?"
ah, so this was what she was referring to. he chuckled and took a sip from whatever was left from the drink.
"but then the threat loses its mystery"
"or its effect. you can't do it, can you?"
"i can!"
"really?" she raised an eyebrow, calling his bluff
"well i mean i cant do it here, i cant make bubbles out of thin air. i dont have water inside me ready to spit out."
"sounds like excuses to me"
he sighed, stealing a piece of cake from her plate "next time we go swimming ill show you" he winked
"hey! i paid for that!"
"with the salary i pay you, so i paid for it"
"thats not how- ugh!" she frowned, but conti ued with her original train of thought "wait can you make bubbles out of the tea youre drinking?"
"uh... small ones probably, especially considering how little i have left"
"do it!"
"now?! we're in a cafe miss bodyguard, you want me to give away my identity just like that? youre not very good at your job"
"ah... youre right" she pouted and looked out the window, rolling his eyes the lemurian said "when we're back home I'll... try to do something"
"really?! thank you!"
im working on a yandere siren type story, ive seen some people discuss the idea and i found it interesting. but i wanna flesh it out (is that the expression??) more, like i want to be at least 1k words. so i scrapped this up to keep up my daily writing
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babybluebex · 2 years
𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬, 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞
another weird little blurb bc that's all i can manage to write recently 😭 but i couldn't let christmas go by without celebrating my best boy no cw! this is pure fluff
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the apartment is small, and has thin walls, and the pipes clank and clatter every time you turn on the sink in the kitchen, but you have never seen it look so beautiful. eddie had worked in secret while you were gone at work to turn your small indianapolis apartment into a christmas wonderland, and it had worked. blinking lights hang above the doorways and along the top of the walls, and a small plastic christmas tree sits in the corner, next to the window. there was not ornaments on the tree yet— upon your return home, eddie had said "i waited for you to help me" with a shit-eating grin. boy, did that kid love you.
eddie also somehow managed to acquire a bottle of champagne while you were at work. it is cheap and tastes like the bottle it comes in, and not to mention that you don't own champagne flutes or even wine glasses. but half of the fun is swigging it right from the bottle like a pirate.
eddie tickles your side as you reach to put a red plastic ball ornament on the tree, and you squeal. "eddie!" you chirp. "stop, you'll make me drop the ornament!"
"so what?" he asks. "it's plastic. it won't break."
"yeah but!" you start to protest, but eddie doesn't care for your protests. he tickles your side again, this time nestling his face in your neck, and you groan and turn your head in to squish his face. "eddie, you're gonna kill me one day."
"oh, whatever" eddie rolls his eyes. "you just hate how easily you fold for me."
"i did not fold for you" you say quickly. "folding would be dropping the ornament to kiss you."
"oh no" eddie says smoothly, slowly, sarcastically. "we don't want that, now, do we?"
"hand me the bottle" you tell him, and eddie skips over to small coffee table and hands you the bottle of champagne. you take a swig and place the ornament on the tree, and you tilt your head as you examine it. "i think it's done."
"ya think so?" eddie asks, and he comes to you, enveloping you in his arms. "it only has, like, a bazillion ornaments and lights."
"it's missing one thing," you say. "you wanna put the angel on top?"
"angel," eddie scoffs. "i bought a star."
"oh god, no," you sigh. "don't tell me you're one of those people who puts a star on their christmas tree."
"no, no, i'm not," eddie says. "but wayne and i always put an angel, and i knew that you always put an angel, so i bought a star so that we could start our own tradition." his eyes are big and wide as they reflect the sparkling lights, pricks of red and blue and green in the inky blackness of his eyes, and he presses his cheek to yours. "like real adults or whatever, ya know?"
your eyes heat with tears and you whisper "oh, eddie."
"just figured, y'know, we're adults in our adult apartment with our adult jobs and adult responsibilities," he says. "we can have adult traditions."
"say adult one more time" you tease, and eddie hums.
"adult" he says, and he smacks a quick kiss on your cheek. "k-mart only had silver stars, so i hope that's ok"
"that's fine" you tell him as he untangles himself from you, and he goes to the plastic shopping bags sitting on the couch. he extracts the silver tree topper and snaps the tag off of it, and he bounds back to the tree, standing on his tiptoes and sticking out his tongue as he stretches to place the star at the very top of the plastic tree.
that is the final touch, and eddie steps back to admire his work, dragging you into his arms. "that's a damn nice tree" he sighs. "merry christmas, sweetheart."
you look at him, his childlike excitement in his eyes, and you press your hand to his face, turning him into you to kiss his soft lips. he tastes like cheap bubbly and cigarettes, but it's the sweetest kiss you've ever had. "merry christmas, eddie."
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ticklygiggles · 1 year
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Day 7 - Ginny's birthday Extravaganza
(This fic is sfw, but there are some mentions of spiciness at the end!)
A/N: 🥳🥳 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEEEEAAARRRRR 🥳🥳 I love you so muuuch, I hope you enjoyed this lil event and I hope you enjoy the last day of this even! I decided to write Thomato since it is a pairing I don't write much!
I hope you have a wonderful day Ginny, and I'm sending all my love to yooouu! (@otomiya-tickles)
Summary: Ayato is back from a business trip and it seems he can't keep his hands to himself, (not that Thoma mind too much).
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"M-My Lord. I still h-have things to do."
"Hmm? Don't you want to stay with me, Thoma? If that's the case, then you are free to go."
Thoma bit his tongue to stop himself from whining. Never in a million years would he want to leave Ayato's side, but he really had to finish his chores that had been interrupted with Ayato's arrival. After being gone for almost two months, Ayato was back to the Kamisato Estate once again.
Seeing him safe and sound had been a tremendous relief to Thoma. The correspondence they sent to each other was not enough to calm the anxiety and worry squeezing his heart, but now Ayato was finally back and Thoma felt complete once again. 
He had missed him out of his mind and, if he dared to say it, Ayato had also missed him deeply. As soon as his master had seen Thoma, he rushed towards him and hugged him tightly, pressing him to his chest and planting kiss after kiss on his lips. Thoma's face had taken on an almost unhealthy reddish color and when he told Ayato that people were going to see them, he took him to his room, one that he had not seen in a long time. 
After closing the door behind them, Thoma found himself back into Ayato's arms, his face and neck being showered with tender kisses that had him blushing and shivering. Ayato must have really missed him all this time, could it be that something happened?
"W-Waka? Are you alright?" 
"Hmm?" Ayato hummed, pressing his lips against the pulse under Thoma's jawline. "Why do you ask? Is it so weird that I want to kiss my lover after not seeing him for so long?"
It wasn't weird. Thoma knew Ayato did show his affections for him often, with little gifts and kisses on his cheek here and there, but this time… maybe he really got homesick this time? It had been a long trip after all, but not as long as some other trips Ayato had made before. Well, it wasn't like Thoma hated the attention.
Thoma smiled and he wrapped his arms around Ayato's waist as his master cupped his face and moved it gently so he could still place kiss after kiss against his flushed skin. He really loved the attention, but he had also heard Ayato's stomach growling and Thoma hadn't even started preparing supper, so he really needed to leave that right that instant to make a snack for Ayato and prepare some tea as well; start dinner and finish his early duties.
"Waka… W-Waka we can do this later," Thoma said, pushing his head back when Ayato gently lifted his chin, a kiss to his throat made him moan softly. "Y-You need to rest, My Lord and also eat something, so let me go and quickly make something for- ehehehe!" 
Thoma quickly covered his mouth when a tirade of bubbly giggles escaped from between his lips. His shoulders scrunched up, squishing Ayato's face in the process as he nibbled at that tender spot underneath Thoma's ear. 
"W-Wahahaka," Thoma giggled, squirming softly. "H-Hohold on, plehehease! Y-You knohohow I'm tihicklish thehere!" 
"Of course I know that, and I know you like it when I tickle you," he whispered against the soft spot, brushing his lips against the warm skin to keep Thoma giggling. 
"W-Waka!" Thoma whined, covering his face with his hands. "Y-Yohohou sahahaid you w-wohohouldn't tehehell- ahahaha!" He was surprised when he suddenly felt fingers digging into his ribs, gently clawing at the sensitive bones.
Thoma took a step back, but Ayato followed him easily, tickling him softly. 
"I didn't tell anyone, did I? We're the only ones here, are we not?"
"Y-Yehehes, b-buhuhut- Wahahahakaha! Why ahahare you tihihicklihing mehehe?" 
"Because I can? Because I want to? Because I missed it and because you keep saying you want to leave?"
Thoma grabbed Ayato's arms and tried to push them away, but Ayato barely moved as he kept tickling his ribs. 
"It's nohohot thahat I wahahant to, I just, haah!" 
He wasn't sure how, but he suddenly was laying with his back against Ayato's bed. His master climbed on top of him as his fingers kept drawing out more of that laughter. Thoma squirmed, giggling and laughing and squealing whenever Ayato found an exceptionally sensitive spot. 
It had been a while since the last time he got tickled. Two months ago, to be exact, the night before Ayato left for his trip. That night, Ayato had said that he would miss tickling Thoma, especially more after learning that Thoma didn't mind being tickled and that he, in fact, liked it. 
Thoma had been a blushing mess that night, laughing until he begged for a break; he had had so much fun and he had felt so loved and indulged by Ayato, but right now he felt flustered. 
"Can't you forget about your duties right now?"
"Y-Yohohour stomahahach keeheheps grohohowling, Wahahaka- ahahaha! My Lohohohord! Plehehease!" 
He jerked when he felt fingers clawing against his tummy, he grabbed Ayato's wrists but barely did anything to stop him. His legs hanging from the edge of the bed kicked and jerked as Ayato tickled him more and more. 
"Wahahahakaha! At leheheahast- ahahaha!" 
"You cannot. I'll tell a servant to bring me something to eat so you don't have to leave."
"B-Buhuhut W-Wahahaka, I hahahave to- ahahaha plehehease not my rihihihibs agahahain!" 
Thoma arched his back when he felt Ayato's fingers pressing against his ribs one more time, clawing and vibrating against the muscles that jumped under his touch. Thoma's laughter increased in pitch and so increased his squirming. 
"You're moving too much, Thoma. Do you want to leave that bad?"
"N-Nohoho! It just tihihihickles too muhuhuch and- eek!" 
Thoma shrieked when he suddenly found his arms pinned above his head. He flushed to his ears and started to laugh nervously, shaking his head. 
"N-Nohoho, Wahahaka, plehehease not thehehere," he said, laughing and looking up at Ayato with bright eyes, his heart fluttering when he saw Ayato's fair cheeks dusted in pink. "Y-Yohou knohohow I'm very tihicklish thehere!" 
Aaaaah, that smirk was sending butterflies to Thoma' stomach. Ayato arched an eyebrow and he pushed Thoma' arms up a little higher. 
Thoma curled his toes and fingers. "Wahahaka, you knohohohow!" 
Of course he knew what was Thoma talking about, the night before his departure, Ayato had made sure to tickle Thoma' most ticklish spot until Thoma was seeing stars. Why was his Lord being so teasy right now?! 
"I think I forgot, in that case, you'll have to remind me," Ayato said, leaning closer to Thoma's face. "Where do you like being tickled the most, Thoma?"
"Wahahakahahaha!" Thoma whined, trying to hide his face away from his lover. 
"Where was it?" Ayato asked, holding both Thoma's wrists with one of his hands, the other lightly tracing Thoma's arm, making him giggle brightly. "If you don't tell me, then I guess I'll have to stop and- 
"Under my ahaharms!"
Ayato chuckled, "oh? Right here you mean?" 
Thoma shrieked with laughter when fingers suddenly descended against one of his armpits, fingers wiggling and diggind gently, causing Thoma to throw his head back with the loudest laughter ever. 
It felt like forever since he was tickled like this. He had missed it, laughing like this and feeling that maddening sensation that always made him feel so uncoordinated and out of control. He had missed having Ayato's hands all over him, vigorously trying to make him laugh his head off as he looked at him with tender love. He had missed being under his master's attention. He had simply missed Ayato. 
"AHAHAHAHA! Ayahahahato-sahahahama plehehease!" 
"What is the matter, Thoma? You want more? That is no problem."
"N-Nohoho, thahahat's nahahat- AHAHAHA! Oh, plehehease!" 
Ayato had let go of Thoma's wrists and quickly pushed his now free hand into Thoma's other underarm. Thoma pressed his arms tightly against his sides as he cackled in hysterics, unable to form coherent words between his loud laughs. 
"Ah, I think I am kind of remembering how ticklish you really are, Thoma," Ayato teased, nodding a little. "Especially under your arms, yes, but it is a good thing you love this, right?" 
Thoma shrieked with laughter, weakly grabbing Ayato's hips and giving them a squeeze. Ayato jumped, giggling softly. 
"Nohohow, Thoma. Are you trying to tickle me back right now? When you are at my mercy? That just won't do."
"AHAHAHAHA, My Lohohord, nohohoho!"
Thoma hiccuped between his laughter when Ayato leaned down to nibble at his neck and ears, causing tears of laughter to cling to his lashes and fall down the sides of his face. Thoma reached up and squeezed Ayato's sides, making him laugh against his neck. 
"Hehey! I am the one dohoing the ticklihing."
"Wahahaka plehehease! Juhuhust a momehehent!" 
Ayato laughed, "did you have enough for now?" Thoma nodded weakly. "Very well," he said and the tickling stopped and as Thoma tried to catch his breath and stop the residual laughter still making his body shake, Ayato quickly grabbed him and cuddled him, pressing kisses to his forehead.
"From one to ten, how much fun did you have right now?" 
Thoma giggled, looking at Ayato with droopy, sleepy eyes. "O-One huhuhundrehed." 
Ayato chuckled, "yes, me too." He hugged Thoma tighter and kissed his lips tenderly. "I missed you so much, Thoma. I wanted to drop everything and come right back to see you."
Thoma smiled brightly, his nose nuzzling against Ayato's. "I missed you too, Waka. Some days were harder than others and I wished to see you every single day. Welcome back home."
"It is good to be back, Thoma." 
A kiss here and a kiss there became a hand here and a hand there, a giggle and a laugh into moans and grunts. Thoma had missed his lover so much, he couldn't think of anything else now that he had him between his arms, jerking and flushing under his touch, sighing his name over and over. 
They had a lot to catch up on and Thoma thought that maybe they could both hold off their hunger for a bit, after all they would have plenty of time until Ayato's next trip. 
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Day 1 - Lunch, or Best Attempts At It
Happy Hauville Birthday, folks! Just a quick little something I wrote up. It started as an answer to the prompts, but kind of became it's own thing. Regardless, I hope you enjoy. You can find it on AO3 or
Felix swears as he nearly drops the cookbook in the pot, catching it in time to save anything more than the corner from dipping into the bubbling tomato sauce. "No, no, no, fuck," he murmurs, giving the cookbook a shake and splattering red across the counter and stove. It takes a mad scramble for the paper towels and shoving spice jars to the side before Felix can comfortably put the cookbook down and start dabbing up the mess from the pages. Julian is going to kill him if it stains. He's not convinced Julian owns a book with so much as a creased spine.
The oil in the pot at the back of the stove pops, spitting angrily as one of the papas rellenas cracks clean in half as it fries. "No!" Felix shouts at the offending ball of mashed potato. A raisin frees itself from the center filling, floating miserably to the top of the oil, as Felix fishes the ruined snack out of the oil with the long-handled strainer that Julian called a spider. He isn't sure why Julian had called it that. If anything, it looks more like a spiderweb than an actual spider.
He drops the papa rellena on the plate beside the stove, his brows furrowing as it rolls against the growing pile of destroyed potato and beef. "Okay, that's fine. That's fine." He turns his attention back to the cookbook resting on the only part of the counter that isn't entirely caked in egg and flour and tomato. As he reads, he runs his finger under the words like Julian always does, hoping that maybe it'll inexplicably reveal what he's doing wrong. "Yes, no, okay. Handful of potato, split it in half, indent, fill, stick back together, dip and roll, and fry."
The potatoes squish unpleasantly between his fingers as he scoops up a handful and Felix can't help but grimace. How does Julian - or anyone, really - eat this stuff? No, he can't get distracted. He's going to figure out how to do this or, at the very least, make a passable pair for Julian to have. He will not end this endeavor with nothing to show but burnt and broken papas rellenas.
A familiar clicking and gait sounds in the hallways and only just drops the most recent ball into the oil as he turns to look in horror. The footsteps stop before the door, a jingling of keys, metal scraping metal as the key is inserted and turned, and Felix manages a strained smile as Julian slowly shuts the door behind himself. He wrinkles his nose as Felix can only imagine the smell of hot oil and burnt food hits him.
"Hey, Jules," Felix stretches out the syllables as though that might distract Julian as he hesitantly approaches the kitchen. "I'm making lunch."
Julian's dark eyes scan over the mess, his lips twitching in that way that Felix has learned isn't actually frustration. Amusement, warm and soothing like a bubble bath, fills the air as Julian wets his lips. "Is that what we're calling this?" He asks, eyes finally wandering back to Felix's.
Felix's shoulders slump just a bit as he looks back at the plate of ruined food. "Well, I was trying to."
Julian hums in response, coming around to Felix's side to peer down at the cookbook. His brows furrow, but his lips don't press into a thin line like when he's upset. "You're trying to make papas rellenas." It isn't a question.
Felix rubs the back of his neck. "You said-" An acrid smell hits his nose and he swears as he jumps to fish the last one out of the oil and turn it off. It's the only one that didn't crack, even if it did get a bit too crispy. "You said they were your favorite."
Julian nods. "They're what I cooked the first night you stayed over." He smiles, leaning his forehead against Felix's. "Sweet of you, but these are really difficult to make." He leans in to steal a quick kiss, his glasses sliding down his nose to bump against Felix's. "If you'd asked, we could have made them together."
Felix wraps his arms around Julian's waist, pulling him closer. "I wanted to surprise you."
"You certainly did," Julian chuckles.
He closes his eyes and Felix follows suit, taking a deep breath of Julian's cologne and the faintest hint of his detergent. The click of his heart valve still demands the majority of his attention, but has since melted into the rhythm of his heartbeat. His clothes are soft in Felix's hands and the warmth of his skin could rival sunlight through a window on a summer day. Everything about him chases away the worries he'd had about this whole endeavor.
Slowly, Julian pulls back, running his hand across Felix's cheek one last time before looking over the kitchen. "Okay. Let's see what you've gotten up to."
Felix lets Julian go, reaching for the cabinets with the plates as Julian picks through the ruined scraps on the plate beside the stove. If the minor disaster bothers him, it doesn't show on his face. Felix finds himself smiling despite it all. Maybe the food didn't turn out, but that doesn't matter. So long as he can keep making Julian smile, it'll be a good day.
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