#transpanda art
transpandaart · 2 months
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??? HRT Part 3: Mixed Medications | First | Previous | Next
Panda comes back in excitement from a new reality only to be surprised her usual medications seem a little... off?
As usual, thank you all for supporting and liking our very first dive into making comics! We hope you like it!
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transpanda-1 · 4 months
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🪽Alternatively titled "I went into The Dungeon and all I got was this lousy T-shirt and an animal's soul permanently fused to mine."
(PHOTO ID: Izutsumi and a plus sized Falin (in her Chimera body) are wearing T-Shirts that say "Illegal Magic made me PLURAL". Izutsumi is tugging her shirt down and has a conflicted expression. Falin is smiling pleasantly. Thought bubbles come from each heads, showing the animal soul infused with them. Another Izutsumi head for Izutsumi, and the Red Dragon's head for Falin. END ID)
🪽 I'm a Falin introject and, not only is it sooo nice to draw how I feel in headspace (I look so pretty here! 🫀) But I also formed before the exploration of her sharing her soul with the Red Dragon!
We thought it was so interesting how Sissel seems to immediately make the dragon start fronting in Falin's body after she's resurrected. Read the manga when it happens, it comes off more across like a scared, abused animal getting reprimanded by it's master than it is one equally sharing with Falin.
We even noticed that the Red Dragon may have been starving. In a week's time it had only seemed to swallow Falin and two dogs. Nothing in it's stomach or it's intestines, not even bones. It's active against it's biological clock and in spaces uncomfortable for it, all because Sissel demands it. Overworked and underfed.
As a system, we really like the idea that the Red Dragon, intentionally or not, attempted to jump ship with Falin the moment it could. Perhaps, in many ways, Falin was the perfect headmate for it.
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echo-of-samus · 2 months
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I probably shouldn't tumblr when sleep deprived, but oh well. We're going full plaid here. the worm is taken from @shaveyoureyebrows Cactus girl is from @beedokart Dragon is from @transpandaart and @ayviedoesthings Please show them your love and support. I procured the female earthworm from Ivan Nikulin (https://ivannikulin.artstation.com/projects/xzJgqr) You should probably also check it out. They do good stuff.
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The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places to the Transpanda OC Tournament, drawn by the wonderful and amazing @ashenberry
In 1st place, we have both Maya St. Fleur, the ex-demolition psychic therapist who'll blow your mind, and Jilly Bean, the sweet and sour totally emotionless villain reformer.
In 2nd place, we have Pan Kokoro, the spunky one-off episode alter of the body swapping protag Pan Yu.
And in 3rd place, we have Yuni Yoshinaga (and Yuki Fujisaki), the caring delinquent that accidentally get an identity swap/transition speedrun.
The original results
Thank you so much to absolutely everyone who voted in our poll! You all helped a lot in making us address all the characters that worked and who didn't quite just yet. This has been a great exercise to show off a hint of our WIP series's and our creative ability with character design!
Thank you for voting, and thank you for existing!
Photo ID under the cut:
(PHOTO ID: Confetti rains down from the sky.
On a 1st place podium, Jilly Bean has red and yellow skin, and long pink hair. She's wearing a dark, gothic lolita dress and sunhat. She shows little emotion holding one handle of a gold 1st place trophy, the other handle being held by a purple psychic force.
Left to Jilly on the same podium is Maya St. Fleur, who is animated with closed eyes. A purple energy is around her hand. Maya has a safety helmet on that resembles a bomb, and her fire-like red orange hair peeks out from the fuse and around her neck. She wears a green shirt, pants, boots, and has triangular bone growths on her arms. Maya has dark skin and an orange inner mouth.
Left of Maya is Pan Kokoro, on a shorter 2nd place podium. She is wearing a white sleeveless shirt, purple athletic pants, black and white sneakers, and has a red and white jacket tied around her waist. The jacket's large sleeves have been tucked in and tied like a white and red striped tail. She is posing energetically with her silver 2nd place trophy, but water is spilling out onto her head, shocking her. Her white short hair stays the same, but the red hair buns are turning black from the water. An exclamation point is above her.
To the right of Jilly, on the 3rd place platform is Yuni Yoshinaga. Yuni is currently a pink, amorphous ghost being. She is wearing her jacket and gloves. She's smiling cockily and showing off how only one eye has a pupil (a pink pupil with a heart in it), one hand on her chin, and she poses with her bronze 3rd place trophy.
Underneath Yuni is Yuki Fujisaki, whose head is cracked like an egg to let Yuni's form out. Yuki is sitting on her butt, leaning back a little with both hands on the podium. She is looking up happily at Yuni, and showing off her single pupiled eye (a blue pupil with a heart in it). Yuki wears a purple jacket, yellow shirt and skirt-like shorts, blue socks, and purple shoes. On her medium length purple hair, Yuki wears two hairclips, one pink one blue. She is wearing a pink biker glove on one hand, but the other isn't seen. END ID.)
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ashe-hallows · 2 years
We have a few blorbo ideas! 8 Mia Fey (channeled by modern Maya), 6 Owen, or 3 Geiru nonclowny version!!! (ALSO WHY IS THE UNFOLLOW BUTTON SO CLOSE TO ASK AUGH)
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anameistoohard · 2 months
hello! I love your art!!! I have a quick question. how did you know you were a system? cuz I think I might be one, but its like, confusing. I have like different versions of me. like, little me, who's traumatized and kinda sad, but surviving. and we've got tough me, who's tough and angry and ready to fight, but shes gentle with little me. and we've got brilliant me, who made it out, and shes getting a college degree and learning. and then weve got me, who's like them but I'm all of them combined and I can calm all of them down if I need too. we've also got broken me, but she doesn't talk much. so. I'm kinda confused. I like to call myself the committee of [my name] cuz we've got different people, but they are all m to some extent. they talk to each other a lot, but I'm always in front. so. yes. thanks!
First of all, thank you. That’s very sweet of you 🥰
I don’t know that our system discovery would be all that helpful to you. We went from 100% oblivious to keenly aware in the span of a single morning, and lost any doubts after a couple weeks.
The long and short of it being I accidentally triggered someone really badly, forcing her into front. Then someone else stepped in to try and calm us both down. It was all very jarring and sudden.
We’re also all quite distinct from each other and have noticeable switches. But, like, that’s not necessary for being a system. You can absolutely have one person front and rarely if ever switch. And you can have headmates that feel like different versions of yourself.
I’d look into OSDD-1a and 1b, as well as median systems because what you’re talking about sounds a lot like those.
Though try not to bog yourself down with specific labels, if the general vibe is right then that’s good enough. You can always focus on specifics later.
I know @transpanda-1 has a test of like, saying to your potential headmates “thank you for existing” because a lot of the time alters haven’t really had the chance to be acknowledged as their own independent selves… or something to that effect. I’m sure she could explain it better.
But yeah, just remember there’s no harm or shame in identifying with something and being wrong. Like, it’s OK. If you feel like you could be a system great! If you try on the label and find it fits you great! If you decide that it doesn’t that’s also great because you still learned something about yourself!
I hope something in here was helpful. Good luck on your journey 💜
-Ember (she/they)
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stellae-concordiae · 2 months
Guide to the Stars:
Hello We are The Stellae Concordiae system, and this is our Tumblr.
We are a Plural system, we are all (to varying degrees) Trans-fem, neurodivergent (AuDHD), asexual, and lesbian.
You might know one or two of our head-mates. 🍎Eris @chaosapplesauce does art, and 🦊Alice @fancyfox42 has been on here the longest (ignore my blog age. I ended up restarting it because... reasons) and is interested in making music, so we may post some stuff on that blog. We are still very new at being a system, so we will likely update things as we figure ourselves out more.
Special thanks to @transpanda-1, and @welldrawnfish for helping us through our syscovery. You all are the best.
The Stellae Concordiae system members:
🦊= Alice she/her (Host)
🦎= Tilli she/her
🍎=Eris she/they (Co-Host)
🦋= Bug(little) she/they
👗= Etoile she/her
🪶 = Hal he/him
🌿= Styx They/them
🪽=Sky (little) she/her
🐦‍⬛= Violet she/her
🪨=Katie she/her
🍬= Caramel she/her/nya
🪹= Marcille she/her (Dunmeshi fictive)
🤣=Lyssa she/they
🧠=OLIM they/them
🌾= Demi She/Her
🕯= Tethers she/her
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professoruber · 9 months
Thoughts and speculation regarding Meridian before Birds of Prey (2023-) #5 drops!
Spoilers for Birds of Prey (2023-)
Please also keep in mind I am a novice when it comes to comics and their lore. I am also tired and writing this in my iPad, so please let me know if I am misremembering or overlooked any details.
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Maps Mizoguchi! Or rather, Meridian! A very surprising addition to the latest Birds of Prey series. As someone who is a fan of Gotham Academy, even sometime before I started really becoming interested in comics like I have been recently, this definitely caught my attention and has led me to following this series in interest.
However… currently I have a number of thoughts of Meridian which I would like to get off my chest now before #5 releases and either gives us more questions or (hopefully) more answers.
I suppose my big question thus far is… why Maps in particular? Especially given the fact that her constant departures due to the apparent limitations of her time travel tech means she subsequently has limited ‘screen time’ to justify her involvement. Why was it a time travelling future Maps who kicked off events and not anything else?
I like Maps, but I still have begin to find her role somewhat odd; perhaps in large part due to a simple question it raises….
Is Meridian Maps’ destined future hero persona (instead of Robin)?
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Maps wants to be Robin, it’s been a thing since Gotham Academy, and it’s a goal which has been given both some focus and some credit via both the main Batman run and also the non-canon Batman Black and White.
The goal of becoming Robin is one which she was shown to be still determined towards even after experiencing the dangers which would come with the job.
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So with this in mind, it seems kinda odd how they’ve also introduced the Meridian persona for Maps. While I do like the name well enough, the fact that it’s a geography term being a neat nod to her nickname, I can’t also help but notice that Meridian… doesn’t really seem to display any of the typical Robin or Bat-related skillsets?
She teleports around and shoots people with lighting, and I’m pretty sure that’s about it. She doesn’t appear to be notably tactical, nor does she display any martial arts (she just points her fist and shoots), which is honestly a tad disappointing. Maybe that’s just me, but I guess it just feels a bit odd.
Cresting such advanced technology also wasn’t exactly something I’d expect from Maps; but tbh she would’ve had plenty of time to learn science as she grew up so… hm.
Does this mean Maps is not going to become Meridian? Maybe?
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A very interesting observation and suggest by @transpanda-1 was that Meridian was not in fact Maps Mizoguchi, but rather Katherine Karlo (the blonde girl picture with Maps in the comic snippet a little higher up); the daughter of Clayface. This is based both on uncharacteristic behaviour from Maps herself as well as her departure being described as looking like she is “made of dirt”, a very specific and odd way of describing what would otherwise be assumed by readers to be her disappearing in a flurry of static or energy.
Of course; any oddities, as well as any differences in the behaviours and skillsets of Maps vs Meridian, could be easily justified by the fact Meridian apparently comes from a post apocalyptic future, plus the general effects of aging.
But even still, I do really like this theory and think it makes a decent amount of sense. Especially given the whole “dirt” descriptor.
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Katherine Karlo has displayed the ability to be at multiple places at once in the past, seemingly controlling multiple bodies with the same consciousness. She has also impersonated Maps in the past.
However, Katherine appears to be inspired by Annie, a character from BTAS who iirc was a ‘daughter’ Clayface who was created when part of him got separated from his main body and so developed a distinctive identity seperate from the main consciousness. I don’t think Katherine’s backstory has been delved into (correct me if I’m wrong) but I assume it was something similar. Therefore, if she is Meridian then perhaps the reason Meridian keeps disappearing is because maintaining control of a part of her so far away takes a significant amount of effort? Or maybe it is a time travelling Katherine instead?
Hard to say for sure. And also probably doesn’t exactly explain the lighting powers. But tbh I kinda would also kind of prefer this?
Would give Maps more of an opening/hope to still become Robin one day.
Motivations and Answers
This is the final bit of this rather long-ish post which may or may not get totally disproved by #5 tomorrow. But I’ve gotten this far so might as well cap off my thoughts.
If I remember correctly; Meridian is the reason for the general secrecy of this mission, not only from Diana and the other Amazons, but also from Barbara. I feel that big secrets from close allies, especially given Babs’ importance to the Birds of Prey, require big reasons. But from what I can recall we have yet to get any actual look into her reasons… or how she convinced Dinah for that matter (it’s not as if Maps Mizoguchi is some close confidant of hers, I doubt they’ve met before this).
If Meridian is a time traveler then perhaps she’s already attempted this mission via other methods which have failed, hence the reason for specific exclusions this time around?
Or maybe this is an evil future/alternate self kind of deal. I don’t think Meridian has acted overly suspicious apart from this secrecy but it’s still possible. At the very least, she may not have been entirely upfront with all her plans/motive/knowledge.
For all we know, maybe Barbara is involved and pulling the strings for whatever reason? Maybe not, but still.
I guess the reason I’m thinking on this is I feel excluding Barbara and causing a “hero vs hero” conflict seems like the kinds of things which require a very good reason for. And Dinah presumably found said reasoning quite convincing since she went along with it.
If Meridian isn’t from the future, then that just adds further mystery since it means for some reason Katherine Karlo (or someone pulling her strings) has posed as a future version of Maps to direct the Birds of Prey in a mission to rescue Sin. Why all this deception would be needed is another question (assuming she’s not from the future, anyway).
Let’s start wrapping things up. Despite my confusion/semi-complaints, I’ve generally enjoyed Birds of Prey so far and am looking forward to seeing how the story continues. I also am a fan of Maps and am curious at what kind of role she will have as this fort continues, and I also hope she gets her overall dream of becoming Robin one day.
Maps would make an awesome Robin.
For now I guess we shall see whether #5 provides any answers, and if it does then we’ll see if my random speculation and thoughts were off the mark or not,
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buncharandomstars · 6 years
I'd love one of Kisegawa from Ace Attorney as a trans woman!! And either edit or draw whatever u feel like!
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Here you go!
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z0mbievalentine · 2 years
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ho ho ho six fan arts thank u @mootouman @transpanda-1 @happy-radio @kebasirota also my little brother who loves Doom
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transpandaart · 4 months
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??? HRT Part 1: First visit | First | Previous | Next
Panda goes to the world famous clinic supplying animal HRT to patients... but seems distinctly unaware of that fact!
Sooo we've been sitting on these for a couple months, but we'd like to give a massive thanks to @ayviedoesthings (shown here in later stage Dragon form) for inspiring us to give drawing a shot. We wouldn't have started on this journey without you guys! Thank you for existing!
These are, quite literally, some of our first digital drawings we've done, excited to improve and keep learning! - Falin
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transpanda-1 · 4 months
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(🪽 First Falin is actually The Red Dragon in her body, if you can't tell)
ID under cut:
(PHOTO ID: A 4 panel comic all starring Dungeon Meshi characters. Falin has her post canon neck feathers in each depiction. The first is "Regular Couple" with The Red Dragon, fronting in Falin's body, and he's cuddling with a happy Marcille. Second is "Yaoi Couple" with Kabru and Laois kissing each other. Third is "Yuri Couple" with regular Falin holding up Marcille's face, both inches away from one another. Last is Falin giving a thumbs up to the camera, with the text "I See No Difference, I Am Nearsighted. END ID)
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Transpanda OC FINALS
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The rules of the tournament
Brief introduction to "Thank You For Existing"
Yuni Yoshinaga
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“My name is Yuni Yoshinaga, and I don’t really exist.”
Born a timid, sweet, and quiet boy, Yuni was quickly mistreated for his rare heart-shaped pupils. To avoid abuse, he donned the personality mask of “The Demon Delinquent”. Years later, a major accident occurred. Yuni was medically mistaken for Mizuki Fujisaki, a well-liked girl with the same eye condition. Feeling finally free, Yuni dubbed “his” true self as “The Girly Force” to those aware while stepping into the role. Yet Yuni couldn’t shake off the “Demon Delinquent” personality mask. Why? He doesn’t actually exist…right? Yuni is the main character of TYFE.
Primary Inspiration: Masashi Rando from Pretty Face (And Chihiro Fujisaki from DR)
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Art of Yuni Yoshinaga by: Sunnyside_Cakes
Pan Kokoro
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“I’m Non-Canon and I’m proud!”
Kokoro is your typical filler character; Never appeared in a single chapter of her source, and only a single episode of the show adaptation. The problem therein lies that the peppy girl exists inside the main character’s mind, Pan Yu. Brought to the front just a couple of weeks before the series’s canonical ending, Yu’s wedding, Kokoro is determined to find the space where she fits in best! Can she assert her existence with so many people insisting she’s just a delusional Yu, including Yu’s fiance Bow Botella? Whatever the case is, she’s surprisingly comfortable in both forms she has. Pan Kokoro is the main character of TYFE part 4: Filler Turf.
Primary Inspiration: “The Girl” from the anime of Ranma ½
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Art by @starredfishing, commission them!
Maya St. Fleur
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“I’m Maya St. Fleur, and I’m gonna blow your mind!”
An ex-demolition woman turned psychic therapist (and a zombie descendant), Maya is employed by a recap therapy organization. Despite this, she’s actually never faced her past grief of losing several close people, choosing to forget instead. Trouble strikes when she needs to attend her own recap therapy, due to an actual total memory loss accident caused by Yuni. With slightly different circumstances, will Maya finally build on her past events? Or simply continue to demolish what shaped her...? Maya is the main character of TYFE Part 1: That’s Life.
Primary Inspiration: Razputin Aquato from Psychonauts.
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Adjacent
Art of Maya St. Fleur by: Sunnyside_Cakes
Jilly Bean
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“I do not feel emotions. I hope that this does not cause you distress of any kind.”
Appearing quite emotionless at first glance, Jilly Bean is actually a severely self destructive individual focused on others first. Much of this stems from her assuming she fakes all of her emotions, when in reality she’s an undiagnosed system with one low emotion alter. She has a tendency of intervening with stories she feels demonizes someone unfairly. This need to be someone else’s anchor has led her into much trouble; the lemon coloring on her body is actually scar tissue for example. With the loss of one reformed villain turned friend, Shirley A. Gonna, Jilly’s low emotion alter gets front stuck, worsening her mindset. She is a recurring character in TYFE.
Primary Inspiration: Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural (Unaware)
Art of Jilly Bean by: ragingwoodcock
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ashe-hallows · 2 years
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fanquill dynamic compels and fascinates me im studying them under a microscope
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transpandaart · 3 months
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??? HRT Part 0: Initial Misunderstandings | Next Panda gets invited to the mysterious Hyper City for an HRT clinic, but is surprised to find there are for more furry matters to pay attention to when she gets there! Featuring @lycans-art-kingdom's, @entroart's, and Lynn Sempai's sonas!
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transpandaart · 3 months
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Comic: "Playing With Fire"
Ever since we got a chimera Falin introject, it feels like the Marcille from her exomemories has been clawing at the wall of our headspace. To celebrate "Draw a terrible comic day" we decided to draw that experience to share with all of you! Heehee!
The characters on the waiting list are: 1. Our Sona, 2. Our OC Gryph Alzee, and 3. Scythana from Skullgirls.
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