#it's not as good as I wanted to as well but Ah WELLLLLL
perelka-l · 1 year
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Natural conclusion of my thoughts. Supposed to be a warmup but I failed horribly.
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icarusredwings · 2 months
A scrapped scene from "The Man in the Attic" on Ao3.
Written Pre Suketh episodes, Pre Saxteen, depressed 14. Lots of mentions of charater death. They're in the garden talking about crushes.
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..So.. Hypothetically..
Oh bullocks-
Hear me out. You promised you'd awnser any of my questions.
And im starting to regret it.
Hypothetically- If you could pick anyone to marry who would it be?
(His nose scrunches as he grunts, whining)
Can't I pick 5?
You want 5 wives?
Well that's not fair having me pick one when I've been 14- No-15 different people now. I can't just choose one!
Alright if you could pick 5 people to see again, who would you pick?
(He goes silent as he stares at the clouds, his mind going through all of the flings and crushes he's ever had in his entire existence. And yet the name that popped into his head was neither.)
Do they have to be romantic?
Uh…I suppose not.
Susan (Without hesitation) I miss my granddaughter… You’d like Susan..
And the other 4?
Hold on a second! I have to think! sheesh.. just like your mother.. always rushing me..
(She giggles, now waiting and waited For awhile until begining to drift off)
I know my awnser.
(He says after almost 35 minutes of thinking, causing her to jump from a dozed state)
Huh? Oh- what?
Not what. Who. 4 of them. Just like you said. Susan, Sarah Jane, River, and Rose.
But that's only 4.
I can't decide on the last one. Its A tie between so many and it seems unfair to pick just one.. but I guess if I had to or else the earth would explode or something terrible… (A deep sigh) I want to see Patience again..at least.. tell her I haven't forgotten about her- After everything….Wait, why am I telling all this to you? You're a child.
Oi! I thought I was your favorite niece!?
Oh, right. That's why…
you really loved them all didn't you?
What do you mean?
(The look on his face indicates confusion as if wondering why he would have ever stopped in the first place)
You want to see your first wife after all these years. You must have really loved her.
Pssh! I better of! We had 13 kids together!
What can I say? Your uncle's handsome.
(He licks his fingers and playfully fixes his side burns and eyebrows as she shoves him)
Ew! Gross!
(He giggles before sighing as if talking about them did him some good)
Wouldn't mind seeing Jamie again either but ah well. Not changing my awnsers now... Speaking of which, Hypothetically-
Oh here we go.
You started it- Are they coming here or am I going there? Because I would love to see all of my kids again… But if that's the case I'm going to need you to make an exception and let me see 6 people then.
Forget another wife?
Nah... My daughter Jenny.
Well, there's Scarlette
Who's Scarlett??
Ill tell you when you're older
(He was not about to tell a 15 year old girl about the time he married a sex worker. Not that he was ashamed. He just thought it might be a bit inappropriate to try to explain the whole thing. He didn't want to be that kind of uncle.)
Couldn't you go see her and her mum at the same time?
Wellllll…. her mum is technically machine - or is it still me?
(He ponders for a bit as if this question put him into a spiral of questions)
And im her dad.. ssooo… Yeeeaah.. It's complicated.
You have 14 children…And you never get to see any of them again?
(He stares off into the distance for a while)
…How old are you again?
15. Almost 16. Why?
Right. So you're a big girl then… They're dead, Rose.
(She frowns) All of them?
(He nods,) All of them... as far as i'm aware anyway… I Held held in my arms while she died.. I only knew her 16 hours.. Oh my Jenny.. Im so sorry... your mother named her, you know. Technically, her name is Jane, but she liked Jenny better.
(Rose decided not to push any further, deciding it was for the best, assuming a case of SIDS took his daughter from him. Trying to explain her to anyone was a challenge. Somewhere, in his chest he felt a tiny pang.. Oh Jenny… He hoped he was wrong about her. He hoped she was out somewhere doing good… he'd be proud.)
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zillyeh · 1 year
Business Arrangements
Featuring: Castel, Voss, the he-queen of Delhon City Synopsis: The Castle bakery has been operating in south Delhon city without paying its Underground tax for a long time. Its owner, Castel, takes a little trip to fix that. In the least lethal way possible.
Closing the cafe was always a relief at the end of the night. As much as Castel loved to bake all day, flopping face first onto something soft was far more appealing right now. Gatsby had gone home ages ago- Cas needed to prep a few things for tomorrow- so the only company he had was the sound of his keys jingling as he locked up. Even the street was dead.
That was, of course, until the near silent vehicle pulled to a stop at his curbside. He didn’t notice until the sound of the door rolling open startled him.
“Mr. Baclef, I presume? Heard you was real tall,” called the troll who got out. He was armed unsubtly-two holsters at his chest- and freckled as Castel could ever hope to be. He was also a good two feet shorter, but that sort of thing often didn’t help Cas as much as it should. He wore a lazy, serene smile, and deeply tired looking eyes. They were green in all the places they weren’t teal, and looking in at Castel in a way that bordered on lecherous.
“Uh, C- I prefer Castel, but yes.” He stammered, foolishly shoving his keys into his pocket. “Can I… help you?” The tealblood rolled his neck, perhaps thinking of his answer for a bit longer than necessary.
“Wellllll, not me exactly,” he said, stepping in the direction Castel did, drawing one of his guns. “Y’see, an associate of mine, big blue guy, you know him? Yeah you know him- y’see he told me-” He blocked Castel again. “-that-” Once more. “-geeze, you’re awful rude to a guy with a gun aren’t you? Can you at least let me finish? There we go, atta boy. Now. I heard you said something to one of my associates, to the effect of “If your boss wants my business so bad he can talk to me in person”? That you, big guy?”
“I- I don’t recall.” Castel had a knife on his belt by Orphia’s insistence, but it felt more than useless right now.
“Mm, sure you don’t,” the tealblood hummed, haphazardly twirling his weapon in the air. “Well, I’m here to take you up on that. Name’s Voss.”
“You…” Castel cleared his throat a bit, straightening up. “You’re not what I expected.”
“Oh, no, no, no sugar pop, not me. Though I’m downright flattered.” Voss paced a bit closer, almost within touching range. “Uh, why don’t you think of me as say… your chauffeur. Mr. S don’t like to come out in person too much, y’see. Not for this, anyways.”
“I…” A rock sank to the pit of Castel’s stomach and lower. That van was certainly just big enough to fit him.
“Is this a kidnapping?” He asked, a deer in headlights, almost literally. Voss let out a laugh.
“Only if that’s your thing, Castel. Can I call you Cass? I like Cass, less syllables. Anyway. Get in the van please.” Cas tried as subtly as he could to twitch his fingers to his belt.
"And… if I don't?" It was a stall for time- if he could just-
"Oh the list of things that I'm allowed do…" Voss sighed, idly pointing his gun at Castel's sneaking hand. Finger ready on the trigger. "You definitely don’t wanna hear it. If you're half as smart as you are cute you'll go for a drive with us. Hour or two. Tops."
The van was more… comfortable than Castel thought it would be, given the circumstances. Even with his knees nearly folded up to his ears. Voss had bound his hands in front of him for “Safety purposes, y’see.” He also took his knife, just in case. Voss sat cross legged in the back of the van next to him on the floor. At some point after Cas was properly restrained, he’d produced a rubix cube from somewhere.
“So, like.,” he started, fiddling with it without even looking. “Big fan of your blueberry muffins.”
“Ah, you’re the one Dale picks them up for, then?” Castel watched his hands, one side already totally red. Focusing on his hands was perhaps a better idea than thinking too hard about the bumps in the road.
"Uh huh. Got a bad sweet tooth on me. Been tryin' to make a batch half as good, but there's something… missing."
“I use my own blueberries,” Castel sighed, wondering if all kidnappings were this… relaxed. “From my garden.” Sure he’d been threatened with some intense weaponry, but aside from that he’d hardly been touched. Or even yelled at. Maybe he was simply too much of a pushover to be worth that, though.
“Oooh that’ll do it,” Voss said with a nod, orange side done. “I’ll have to see if I can keep one of them bushes alive. Never been great at the whole gar-”
The van went over a bump that jostled the both of them hard. The seats had been removed just to fit all eight something feet of Castel in the back, so he shot up nearly to the roof. Voss just fell over.
“Watch where the FUCK you’re going you dumb asshole!” He shouted, banging on the black glass divider between them and the driver. “We got precious cargo back here! Not to mention our purpleblood buddy!” He sighed frustratedly, then turned back to Castel. “Amature drivers, amiright, Cass?”
“Uh… huh.”
The ride could have been long, could have been short. Anticipation made it feel like days. Every second they spent on the road smacked Castel in the face. He'd told no one to expect him- they know how long it takes him in the back sometimes. He wondered if they'd somehow known that when they sent Voss to pick him up.
"Where exactly-" 
A knock from the other side of the glass cut him off. He hadn’t even noticed that they stopped moving.
"'Bout fucking time," Voss grumbled crawling to Castel's side. He used the pink knife he'd taken off Castel to undo the several zip ties it took to properly restrain him.
"We both know you're smart enough not to try anything, don't we big guy?" Voss said to Cas' puzzled expression. Castel opened his mouth to say something, but lost it when the door rolled open again. He could see nothing past the massive head of the feline that appeared there.
"Oh, oh no, no no, absolutely not-" He started to scramble back further into the van. Voss rolled his eyes, yanking him back through the door with more strength than Cas was expecting. 
"Princess don't bite unless you scare her, Cass." 
Voss shoved him out into a surprisingly large courtyard, with an even more enormous mansion attached. It was not the sort of place that looked like it should fit within city limits, but their drive couldn't have been that long. Could it? 
Taking in his surroundings was low on his list of priorities at the moment. He could only have eyes for Voss and the big cat that was, at the very least, a lusus. The door slamming behind them again jumped Cas out of his thoughts. 
Princess let Voss push Castel past her, following dutifully behind them up the small ramp to the front door. On either side of the double doors was a massive olive and a bigger blueblood- the blue Castel recognized.
"Hey Cass," he said, more sheepishly than a door guard ought to be. "Uh. Sorry?"
"Don't talk to him," Voss said to either one or both of them. The olive pushed the door in for them. Princess brushed past Castel's long skinny legs, making him jump closer to Voss.
"Aw, skittish much?" Voss teased as they entered the manor. "Would holding my hand help?" Cas wrinkled his nose and said nothing. When his eyes properly adjusted to the inside he gasped.
For as big as his own home was, it wasn't this extravagant. There couldn't possibly be enough marble on Alternia to line those floors and walls, could there be? Certainly not anymore. The lavishly decorated foyer could have fit his bakery in it twenty times at least- not to mention that he could have stood on his own shoulders three times and barely brushed the ceiling. It made him feel… small. He wasn't sure anything ever had.
"Pretty, ain't it?" Voss grinned, pushing him forward. "Where's Mr. Smiles at, huh Princess?"
The tiger made some small noise in the back of her throat, seemingly as acknowledgement as she slinked forward, taking the lead in place of Voss. He held tight to Castel’s arm as he led him deeper into the manor. Dozens of paintings and statues lined the walls, but Cas couldn't absorb what any of them looked like.
What sort of person owned a hive like this? Who needed ceilings high enough to accommodate the tallest trolls on Alternia and then some? That lusus' eyes were an unnaturally bright emerald, but that didn't mean anything. Was he a mutant? Could he be? It would make the secrecy make more sense, as if it already didn't. 
Orphia had warned him once about doing business in the city. He wished he had listened to her- hadn't kept Dale's visits quiet so she didn't worry. Now he was deep in the lion's den with no one expecting him for… hours… 
The shock of being kidnapped was starting to wear off now. Cas wasn’t sure when he’d started shaking, or if it was ever going to stop, or if he’d live past the next twenty minutes, or if he’d ever see anyone again… “Ors” and “what ifs” started piling up in his mind, somewhere between Voss and the tiger. They threatened to topple him over, if his clumsy, jittery legs didn’t do it first. 
He had powers didn’t he? But what use was he like this- anxious, without practice and his actual eye? 
"Ay, Alternia to Castel," Voss said, snapping his fingers up in his face. They had reached a door near the other end of the mansion. Cas didn't realize they'd walked that much already. He swallowed nothing, mouth too dry to even form words.
“Aww, cat got your tongue, kid?” Voss teased. He and Princess swapped places so he could open the door.
The room might as well have been a closet compared to the rest of the hive. The ceiling was just high enough to to accommodate Castel's horns, and the room- office? had about as much space as his bakery's back room. The white walls were interrupted by dark panels of blue and expertly decorated shelves, making it feel like an airy prison.
It wasn't the room that made Castel's heart nearly burst out of his chest, but the jadeblood sitting at the dark wood desk. His horns were familiarly shaped, but far, far taller. Wrong shaped pieces of Salvad's face, weathered and wrinkled, looked at him with a polite smile. His old capped fangs glinted dangerously as he stood. Castel wondered if Salvad knew about him. If his insistence that he didn’t have any curiosity about ancestors and things like that was because he knew about him.
Because he wanted to keep him away from him.
"Mr. Baclef," said the troll with his friend’s beauty marks and moving fangs. “A pleasure to finally meet you. I’m sure you understand my inability to do this sort of thing entirely on your terms, hm?” He extended his hand over his desk. Castel stood frozen until Voschi nudged him in the room. 
“Y-you,” Castel stumbled forward, reaching for his hand as politeness took over his body before his brain. “You’re- I-” He whipped his head around for support or perhaps escape, but Voss stationed himself between him and the door. Smiles’ metal finger was cold against Castel’s clammy hands.
“You can call me Mr. Smiles. Take a seat,” he said, gesturing to a heavy leather chair facing his desk. “We have a couple things to talk about. Won’t take long.” Castel did as he was told, only half hearing him over the sound of his own pulse. He’d screwed up majorly. He should have listened to Orphia- he should have told her the second Dale had started showing up. The second he’d heard Smiles’ name. In his naïvete he’d almost certainly pushed Mr. Smiles to something drastic.
As he spoke, Castel tried to focus on something, anything about him to ground him. He sauntered around his desk, leaning up against it as he gave his pitch.
“I understand how difficult it is to start a business in Delhon, believe me I do.” His accent betrayed old Delhonian. The type of old only heard from the sitting Delhon heiress’ advisor. He had earrings dangling in the mane of his hair. Gold. Shaped like little suns. Eclipsed by black every time he moved his head.
“That section of the city is terribly dangerous, you know. Or it can be, if you’re unlucky. I feel like I’ve been very patient in waiting for the answer I want.”
His curls framed his face the way Salvad’s did on the rare occasions he left his hair down. Thin scars marred his arms, barely visible but very present. Even small in stature, the man was solid. Scarily so. He held himself up about ten feet taller than he looked with centuries of confident violence.
“I won’t let you leave without us coming to an agreement, Baclef.”
He had two guns at his back. Both of them were teal trimmed, but not exactly Voss’ color. Some part of Castel’s stomach churned, but he couldn’t interrogate why before Smiles shot:
“Your ancestor wasn’t this quiet.”
Castel’s attention fully snapped back to what he was saying. Smiles raised his eyebrows, almost amused.
“There you are, hello, welcome back to Alternia.” Smiles poked one of his horns, metal digit sending uncomfortable vibrations down to his scalp. “I was under the impression that La Corps was going to end the lineage of you terrible, terrible people. Unless you crawled out of one of my caverns? Tsk. Wonder if I still have Father Jortis’ number.”
“What do you want from me?” Castel’s mouth was too dry to make the words fully form, but Smiles’ big ears caught every frightened syllable. He flashed him a smile. Cas felt like his veins were full of ice. Perhaps lead, with how difficult fear made it to move.
“Only to keep you safe in Delhon, hon,” he said with a genuine air of concern in his voice. “I have a vested interest in small businesses started up in my territory.”
“I didn’t know,” Castel whispered weakly, head swimming with his ancestor’s journal entries. Was he there? He knew about Jortis, was Smiles hidden on those pages somewhere?
“No, of course not, but it’s an easily rectified situation, isn’t it?” The sweet of Smiles’ tone almost made Castel want to cry. “Give me half The Castle and I’ll keep it very very much not on fire. Maybe even keep your little… caverns breach a secret, hm?”
No! He wanted to yell and fight and tell him off, but Castel was weak. Weak and between four guns, and being threatened with the only thing his ancestor had ever been afraid of catching up to him. What Syraah had been reluctant to say she’d hid them both from when she brought them here so many sweeps ago.
Castel looked Smiles in the eyes for the first real time. Long lashes, deeply tired, feline pupils wide and black with a hate that his tone didn’t betray at all. Without them in little slits, they almost resembled his friend’s. He wasn’t capable of hate like this, though.
“Salvad,” was the word that came out of Castel’s mouth. Thinking of him put him on the tip of his tongue, made him slip. Perhaps he thought evoking him would make him pop out from behind the desk and save him.
To Castel’s surprise, Smiles’ ever present polite smile faltered to a frown. Voss stiffened at the door.
“Excuse me?” Smiles asked, pretense of sweetness entirely gone.
“I- I don’t know why I said that, I’m sorry, please don’t- he has nothing to do with this, if you know where he is leave him a-” 
Smiles pinched his fingers in front of him, and Castel immediately shut his lips. His eyes flicked back to Voss, who shrugged when Cass’ eyes followed. Smiles swore under his breath, something cracked in him from hearing Salvad’s name alone.
“Boss…” Voss’ voice was soft near the door. Almost… sweet? Smiles’ brow knitted together as he closed his eyes, biting his thumb in frustration.
“I know,” he said. “That doesn’t change this.”
Smiles put his mask back up as if he hadn’t been rattled. Leaned against his desk, relaxed. Gripping the edge like he was about to rip it off.
“Mr. Baclef,” he said, his voice dripping venomous sugar now, “You’re going to give me The Castle. You get to run it as you like, I’m just going to keep preventing bricks from flying through your windows.”  
Emboldened by his distress, Castel said:
The left handed open slap across the mouth made him wish he’d said anything else. The edges of Smiles’ finger cut under his bad eye, sending immediate rivulets of blood down his cheek. Castel gripped the arms of his chair, stunned that he hadn’t shot him first.
“Fine,” he snarled. “I’m sure your establishment could use some broken glass and scorch marks.” His angry eyes met Voss’. Castel could swear he heard growling outside the door. “Get him out of here. Don’t touch him either.”
“Yessir,” Voss said with a heavy sigh, opening the door again. “Up, kid.”
Castel wiped the blood from his cheek as he stood, neary stumbling his way into a concussion to boot. Voss led him back out- when had they gone upstairs?- past more furious looking orange big cats, past all of Smiles’ fancy things, past Dale again at the door. All of it was a blur, even the van ride back to the bakery. His shaking was too bad, his mind was racing too hard for him to notice anything. It almost felt like a dream- one that was only proven real by the cut on his cheekbone.
Once Castel had been dumped back outside the bakery, he collapsed to the sidewalk. Voss shouted something out after him that he didn’t catch before it drove off again. Sobs wracked him, reoriented him as he scrambled back against the building to ground himself. It was a a type of panic that made him feel like he was going to die. Right there. His heart would give out. None of his street neighbors would dare check on him. Not after tonight, he was certain.
Coming down off of it felt like he’d been punched in the chest a hundred times. Painful in every part of his aching body, but especially his eyes. The only thing he could think of was to pull out his phone. He had to tell. He needed someone. There was only one thing that could help him now, and he was certain she’d react similarly hearing what just happened.
Finding her contact was instant. Calling her made his teeth chatter.
“Cass?” She picked up almost immediately.
“Orphia,” he said, a dry sob interrupting him, “I messed up really, really badly.”
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celestialmango · 2 years
hey moony to you know sun and glitch give mango energy drinks! XD form ❤️‍🔥
🌙: They what? SUN!
☀️: uh oh, Moony it's not what you think.
🌙: You're helping them stay up late!
☀️: We are not, it's not healthy for them to sleep all the time and they need it to wake up in the morning because coffee makes them sick!
🌙: Then they can have tea. That tends to have more caffeine than coffee anyways.
☀️: But we don't have tea!
🌙: Then have Glitch order some.
☀️:But he's already buying energy drinks!
🌙: Make him stop!
☀️: uh uh*time to pull out his last resort* Eclipse said they could have them!
🌙:....*he walks over to the balcony and shouts* ECLIPSE, DID YOU APPROVE SUN AND GLITCH TO GIVE MANGO ENERGY DRINKS?!
🌑☀️:*his voice is clear but a bit faint seeing as he's on the other side of the daycare area right now* yes!
🌙:*Moon is stunned, energy drinks arn't health and Eclipse insists on Mango eating as healthy as they can* WHY WOULD YOU APPROVE OF THAT?!
🌑☀️: check the can!
🌑☀️:just do it!
☀️: *Sun hands Moon one of the cans to read*
🌙:*Moon mutters angrily while he reads it until* Caffeine from natural sources? How much? *Moon turns the can over*.....this has less caffeine than a cappuccino. Cappuccino's tend to have 130mg of caffeine per serving, energy drinks like monsters have more than that. How in the hell does an energy drink only have 70mg?!
☀️: We looked for one Eclipse would approve of! Most of the energy comes from the vitamins!
🌙: What sort of vitamin would-?.....oh, it b12. Why did none of you tell me about this?
☀️: wellllll, Eclipse kinda forgot because he was busy and glitch and I didn't want to tell you because we thought you would be angry.
🌙:....and you didn't think I would be angry about finding out you all kept this from me?
☀️: well um, we didn't tell Mango that you didn't know.
🌙:.....Mango if you had found out I hadn't been told about this would you have told me?
🥭: Well, yeah. Why wouldn't I? I thought you were getting on me because you thought I was drinking too much, I only have like, one can a day. Sometimes I don't have one at all. I had no idea they didn't tell you about it.
🌙: *Moon sighs* alright then you arn't in trouble because you didn't know. But Sun and Glitch certainly are! Get over here!
☀️: AH! *Sun runs away like his life depends on it* Glitch he knows!
👾💧: *faintly from the direction Sun ran* Fuck!
🌙: Just make sure to get plenty of sleep. Alright?
🥭: k, I'll even take naps.
🌙: Good Mango. *Moon jumps of the balcony to chase after his brother* DON'T THINK YOU CAN HIDE FROM ME YOU LITTLE SHITS!
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dear-happypills · 3 months
me: i thought id be happy
or at least happier than i was.
its not like i dont know that happiness is fleeting -- maybe even illusory.
its like, youre at point A, and you want to get to point B; point B will make you happy. but then when you reach point B, you just push off your next set of happiness to point C, and so on.
i mean... i already knew this...
i... know this.
and yet. here i am... ...
happypills: jeeeeezzohweez. show a little gratitude. seems like just yesterday about you bitching about not getting what you have today.
me: wellllll, technically... i dont have it yet. it was just an offer; the pay wont hit until next pay period. sooo...
happypills: -_-... *sarcastically OH, so maybe your point C is two weeks from now... hopeyoudontdieinthenexttwowweeks.
me: BLEHH, thats what im sayyingggg. its just.
it teases with me. and then when im there.... i tell myself something else, or the next thing, will make things more happy.... you know? and... now. imjusttired. ....
so tired.
happypills: yea ... i. .. i was being sarcastic.
me: well, then fuxx you. thats NOT encouraging at all.
happypills: i think... my presence... here with you... just showsssss how... you, quite literally, have happiness... bottled up, all UP Heeyaaa. *points to feet and head just be thankful for the things you do have brrrrroooooh.
me: .... uugghhh NOooooh. i kept you to remind myself how ... .....asinine happiness is... how ridiculous.... you are. how... im just delusional... to think that i could ever be happy...
happypills: -_-;;; okay now youre just being hurtful. happiness is in my blood yo.....
me: lol.
happypills: NO, SERIOUSLY. whether if its because of my chemistry. or mayyybee. MAIBEH.....
even my destiny.
i am, happiness.
its my nattureeeeee.
me: yea................................................................................................... this is exactly the kind of delusions im talking about...
dot, dot, dot. WTF.... who the hell does that???
happypills: *SCOFFS PWUH, why,... how..... like... why???? would you even doubt me??? just because YOU arent happy, DOESNT MEAN I AM TOO.
you know what? thats actually a good point. maybe you arent happy because of how selfish you are. you subjectify happiness as a reflection of your desires, but maybe thats the issue.
me: well,,... .YEA. no shix i subjectify happiness around my desires.... like NO SHIX. how the fuxx would you define happiness mr happypills.
happypills: ah NNOOhhhhHH.
what i mean is that... you, people, humans. YOU set scales to happiness. measurements. metrics.
going from point A to B to C. scheming to increase your current level of what is 'happy'-- seeking to be happier, to your current disposition. trying to control the derivatives and its inflection points; working toward events that trigger happiness or staying away from those that cause distress. desiring what you dont have.
its all just... numbers.
and i dont mean just with money. its just any variable: with someone, something, some place, some time.. just some quantities - of chemistry and the physics of this world - formulating some… finite thing..
… that you are trying to fit into an infinite soul…. …..
BU T thats the thing. with numbers...
the whole notion of happiness falls apart. ... since .. happiness is subjective. you know???
like, what is a number, but something to be greater and always less at the same time.
so yea, it makes sense to think happiness doesnt exist in those terms.
but as happypills... on authority of all happiness ... ....
me: ... wait... wait.. i dont think... id bank the authority of happiness, especially all happiness, to happypil.......
happypills: AHEMMMMMM... as I WAS SAYING.
as happypills, i sayeth that happiness is not the point...
.... ....
me: well,......... then what is the point???...... ...... how do i .... how can i stop feeling so miserable?.........
happypills: ...........i ummmmm.... i already told you.
show a little pilling gratitude. and you will find joy eternal.
me: …OHH OkAY. just like that huhhh? i mean, don’t mind that joy eternal is beyond what i am… in every capacity. in every conceivable way…
happypills: yupp. but you can still be with it — in all its divinity. it’s been done..
done so that happiness can last… amid all the burdens and toils of this world. it will endure.
so sayeth happypills, MwuHaahaa
me: -_-.. idk. i dont think you get happiness.
- happypills
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sagemusesoutloud · 3 years
Anti-Romantic, Part 1
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(credit to the original owner of the image)
Character | Jaehyun x reader Genre | nonidol!au, Mutual Pining, Slowburn, Fluff WordCount | 3.6 K Author'sNote | lmaoooo the fact that I intended this to be a oneshot type of thing oops. Wellllll, I tried. Most likely to be a two part series, but we'll see.
This is part of a series I intend to call "If Songs were Fics" and this particular one was loosely inspired by TXT's Anti-Romantic bc I'm obsessed. I hope you enjoy reading as much I enjoyed writing it!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
I don't know who loves me
And I don't care, It's a waste anyways
A romantic feeling, Kinda scares me
“Any plans for you birthday next week?”
Jaehyun shakes his head at you, “no, not yet, don’t you have that date with that barista?”
“I’m not sure, he’s been acting weird over text lately. Might not be worth it,” you shrug your shoulders. “Besides, it’s your birthday! You only get one of those a year, we should plan something.”
You were on your way to the gym, a ritual you and Jaehyun had ever since you both found out you worked for the same company. You had been childhood friends, but ended up losing touch since you went to separate universities.
It was a nice surprise to see a friendly face on the first day of orientation and throughout the duration of your training for the next six weeks. Although you were both from different departments, you enjoyed taking your lunch breaks together and sharing small gossip about your old class-mates.
“ugh, don’t remind me,” he let’s out a long sigh, “every year, it seems like my family won’t stop pestering me about starting a family.”
“What’s so wrong about that?”
“Nothing, just not for me. Or at least not yet. I don’t think I’m the type to settle down,” he shrugs again as if it were no big deal.
You gasp, “how could you say that? I’ve seen your insta account. It’s got your cousin’s kids all over it!” You stop to take a good look at him as he holds the door of the gym open for you. “Back in school too, you used to tutor those elementary kids for volunteering hours. Even when you didn’t need them. You’ve always liked kids.”
“That’s different…”
“Right. Totally different things. Got it,” you roll your eyes. This wasn’t the first time he mentioned not wanting to settle down. At first, you had thought it was because he liked ‘keeping his options open’ like back in high-school. Or, not that you knew for sure, but if the rumors were true then it meant he slept his way around. Apparently, he never slept with someone twice and despite the cold shoulder the other party would get, all you had ever heard were praises. Not that you paid that much attention or anything.
You and Jaehyun had the same circle of friends, but despite that, he had never made any advances towards you. You’d be lying if that didn’t bother you at least once or twice. You just assumed that he didn’t want to make the friendship awkward or mess with the friend dynamics of your group. Which was why your crush on him in junior high ended as soon as you got to high-school.
You ended up going on dates with other people, but nothing that kept your interest. Nothing that compared to how you felt around him. Not that he seemed to think the same, so you tried your best to stay the good friend you always have been. You didn’t want to push something he clearly didn’t want; not that it didn’t hurt any less. Throughout the years it’s become bearable, at least. Almost like a painful habit.
You check in and head to the locker rooms to change. His nonchalance about the subject had always puzzled you. You’d seen first hand how all the female coworkers seemed to sway their hips as they walked by him, how some would pop a blouse button more than usual when around him, and you swore no one else was getting that much help throughout training more than him. He was handsome and a gentleman, that much was painfully obvious.
You meet him outside by the water fountain, “ready for warm-up?” he guides your way to the treadmills.
“When’s the last time you dated?”
You would have laughed if you weren’t so shocked to see him trip from the corner of your eye. “why the sudden curiosity?” He finally responds.
“Not sudden, I’d always wondered.” You defended. “You’re good looking and you’re very…I mean, you live on your own and have your own car. You have good relations with your family AND you’re good with kids. So, what is it?” You hadn’t realized how troubling you thought it all was. But now that you started digging you couldn’t stop.
“I just—” you pause, “it doesn’t make sense.”
You hear him chuckle, “you might wanna slow down before you pull something.” You look down and realize that your pace had gone from a relaxed jog to a borderline run during your rant. Maybe this wasn’t the best time to psychoanalyze your only friend in the city.
“Well, I just don’t know how to let people in. It’s just that.” He finally responds. “I love kids, but I don’t know or think I’d be a good partner.” He slows down before stopping, ending the conversation. He waves you off with an easy smile as you stay running.
Huh, maybe you pushed him too far. Your eyes can’t help but follow him around the gym.
Sweet and bitter chocolate, The taste at the end is always the same
Like the saddest movies, Only tears in my eyes
Your hands were sweaty the entire morning, anticipating your lunch time. It was his birthday today, and while you hadn’t made any concrete plans you ended up agreeing to go over to his place after work. Your gym bag was ready with snacks and comfy clothes to stay over. You remembered him saying he was excited to watch that new Marvel movie that had recently come out so you had bought it online to stream it at his place as a surprise. But what had you nervous was the small heart shaped box sitting in your purse. You didn’t know what possessed you to buy it but you had immediately thought of Jae when you passed by it at the mall. You remember vaguely mentioning that it was a special occasion to the sales lady (as in, his birthday), but she must have thought it was your significant other rather than friend because she changed the box to the red velvet shaped one while giving you a wink. In her defense, you could have protested but…why didn’t you?
You hear a knock on your door, “hey little miss sunshine.” Ah, Nakamoto, this couldn’t be good news. He was only sickly sweet to you when he needed a favor.
“What do you want?” you deadpan. He only laughs as he makes himself comfortable in your office. “Well, nothing in particular. Can’t stop by and see how you’re doing?” he feigns hurt.
“Right—the last time you ‘came by’ you left me working over-time through the weekend,” You sigh, “so what is it this time? Missed meeting? Late proposal?” To be fair, your supervisor WAS overworked sometimes. And since you were the only worker under him, it was normal for him to sometimes share some of the load with you.
He smiles at you, “nope. Just have a proposal for you. I know you’ve been working hard these past few months and I’ve been really impressed by your work ethic.” He stands and moves closer to your desk, “And I thought some sort of reward was in order, as well as celebration.” Ok, now you’re confused. You were ok with the reward part, it usually came in the form of a gift card to your favorite coffee shop, but celebration?
“Why would we celebrate? Did I miss something?”
“Not yet, but I did recommend you to the partner position with me. And I wanted to be the first to tell you that the boss approved it earlier today. So, what do ya say? Dinner on me?” he extends his hand out to you and wiggles his eyebrows playfully.
Shit! You were hoping this would happen eventually, moving up from the entry-level position you had. But you had never thought it would be this fast. “Oh my gosh, are you serious?” You give him your hand and he shakes it in mock salute.
“Of course, some people will come by to move your computer to the office next to mine. You start Monday!” he winks, “So, wanna go to that new rooftop restaurant? This is a once in a life-time ticket, so you best say yes.”
But your dinner with Jae…He’ll understand, right? He has to. It’s not like he seemed that excited about it anyway. And you could always spend the day together tomorrow, too. It would be pretty rude to turn down Yuta after he pulled some strings for you…
You smile at him, “Thank you Mr. Nakamoto, I won’t let you down as a partner. Yeah, dinner sounds great. Wanna meet there?”
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You sit down on the small table, now nervous for other reasons.
Jae sits opposite of you, a small smile on his face. “Hey you,” he greets.
“hey…” you start, “I hate to change plans so suddenly, but…” crap, you feel really shitty. But you really were between a rock and a hard place.
“everything ok?”
“yeah, no. I actually just got promoted,” you start.
“You did? That’s awesome! So fast, too. Wow—but shouldn’t you be more enthusiastic about it?” he chuckles.
“I am, just—my old supervisor wanted to go to dinner to celebrate. And I don’t think I could say no after helping me out like that.”
“I mean, did you want to skip it or?” Now he’s confused.
“Well, he wanted to go out tonight since I start Monday and today’s Friday…I don’t think I can come over tonight,” you explain.
Realization crosses his features before he gives a small smile. “Don’t worry about it, you’re fine. And he’s treating you! You don’t know when the next time he offers might be,” he continues, “we can celebrate another day anyway.”
“Are you sure?” now you feel like shit.
“Of course I’m sure.”
For the rest of the lunch, a thick silence settles before he excuses himself back to work.
Jaehyun knew this was coming. Nothing ever went his way; it’s why he kept everyone at a distance from his heart. But he was weak when it came to you. This game of push and pull was bound to keep happening, and it only brought him that all familiar foul taste in his mouth.
I know, that sweet love song, Those words of promise
When you turn around, It's just an unfamiliar someone
It was why he decided to go else-where for university, instead of joining you and some of your friends to the one closest to home. He chose to go across the globe—far, far away from the curse of you.
It had started on a windy day, back when you were 4 and new to the town he grew up in. Jaehyun didn’t want to leave his mother’s arms, he didn’t like the thought of being with strangers until later in the day even if his mom promised that she would be back. A little girl with jean overalls like his came up to him and his mom, “why are you crying?”
“I am not!” he sniffed. He didn’t need to make new friends like his mom was trying to tell him. All he needed was to go back home. You took out something from your pocket and showed it to him, “look, my mom said I could give one to my first friend. She said it was sharing. Want one?”
In her little palm, were two kiss chocolates. “You’re not my friend,” he grumbled, “I don’t know your name.” At that, you giggled, “I’m Y/N!” you took his hand and placed a chocolate there, “there, now we’re officially friends.”
“See, Jae? You can spend some time with Y/N and have fun. Before you know it, I’ll be back,” she promised.
“Yeah, Jae! Come play blocks with me, and then we can try the coloring.” You held his hand as you led him deeper into the classroom. Just like that, Jae began to feel a little warmth in his chest. He didn’t mind that his favorite thing to do was play tag outside or that he wasn’t really good at coloring inside lines yet. But that didn’t matter to him. As long as he had this one friend around, he was content.
Sorry I'm an anti-romantic, I want to run far away
My heart that already chases after you, Blazes up as a small flame
Looking back at it now, it was a little funny. All it took to let you in back then was a simple chocolate kiss and your little sticky hand in his leading the way. You were always larger than life to him, sometimes he forgot that you were just as human as him.
As you two continued to grow, nothing seemed to change your friendship. But he knew that the depth of his feelings wasn’t mutual. It was in the way that you brought a lot different people together and decided to call it your family. Another of your friends, Jungwoo, liked to joke that you collected introverts for fun. To Jaehyun, it was more likely that you just didn’t see the fun in leaving people out. You were charming and passionate. Traits he wished he had. Your empathetic nature and gentle disposition were all that Jaehyun needed, even if he wasn’t the only recipient.
Once you guys started to hit puberty, things started to feel rocky. Jaehyun couldn’t help but physically distance himself from you, his ears were always red-hot. You had always been pretty to Jaehyun, but you were starting to become really beautiful. And if the boy’s locker rooms’ talk were anything to go by, then other people were definitely starting to realize “what a great catch” you were.
It really pissed him off. Who were they to say things as if all you were was a piece of meat? It disgusted him. But what disgusted him more was the fact that sometimes, he couldn’t help but also feel the way your body felt in his when you hugged in greeting. He hated the way his body reacted to everything you did.
He first messed around with a senior girl back when he was a sophomore, Sooyoung. She was leaving and he couldn’t take it anymore. Your boyfriend was a piece of trash and he was tired of hearing the way he would share what Jae considered to be intimate moments that had no business being public. But you seemed so happy… that next game, Jae stole the ball from him and scored on his own. Even if it cost him a three hour lecture from the coach, he would do it again. Fuck being a team, that guy was an asshole.
What he hadn’t planned on was liking messing around. He would never admit it, but the reason he couldn’t commit was because he couldn’t get rid of that small grain of hope that glowed in his chest every time you stared at him longer than would be deemed normal. It wasn’t often, but he knew he wasn’t seeing things. So, he succumbed to the cycle of push-and-pull that you guys had going on.
Jaehyun wasn’t blind, he knew that your work definitely spoke of your professionalism, but he’s also seen the way Nakamoto stared after you. Of the way his hand would often touch your waist when walking together. Even now, as he hears you apologize through the phone again as you get ready for your “date” with him he can’t help this heart feel heavy with anger. Anger at himself, for letting you slip away once more. He usually hopes for nothing but the best for you, but this time, he wishes you had an awful dinner.
Sorry I'm an anti-romantic, I don't believe in romance
I'm afraid that after burning my whole heart, It will only leave behind ashes
Throughout the entire dinner, you can’t seem to get Jae out of your mind. It keeps you from enjoying the delicious food, keeps you from keeping your usual banter with Nakamoto.
You’re about to call it a night and thank Nakamoto for inviting you out when he beats you to it, “damn, I was hoping this might be a good break from the usual overtime we do, but something tells me your mind has been elsewhere,” he offers good naturedly, “I know it’s valentine’s, so maybe this is why we feel so awkward, right?”.
You grimace a bit at that, “ah—I’m sorry. I really am grateful for the way you look after me in the company and I’m also thankful for this lovely dinner,” you stop a bit, afraid you might offend him, “I agreed to come out tonight, so no need to feel awkward.” You offer a smile.
“Alright then. I guess you already have your sights on someone?” he prods. Should you be honest? There was no rule against dating outside your department, and you were pretty sure your new boss’s wife also worked within the company. “…I do. But I’m pretty sure they don’t feel the same way. It’s been so long since we’ve known each other. Surely if something were to have happened, it would have by now.” You were loosening up, definitely the wine’s fault.
Nakamoto sighs at that, “damn, and here I thought I could woo you after this,” he winks jokingly but you laugh him off. You knew he didn’t care for you that way. “I really hope you’re talking about the guy you always eat lunch with. I swear everyone thought you guys were married when you were released from training.”
“What?! No, I—we’ve been friends since we were children—”
“Aha! So it was him then,” he smirks. “Good.”
You groan, “Please, no.”
“What, it’s not him? You sure about that?”
“I will neither confirm nor deny that statement,” you groan. Why were you discussing your love life? You push the wine away and take a sip of your water.
“Hmm. That’s too bad. Could have sworn that guy was after you.” He stands up. “But fine, I’ll stop prodding.”
You sigh in relief—“for now.” You groan. “What do you even mean by that? You don’t even know him. Or me, or at least personally at least.”
“Mmm, I don’t have to. Some things you just know. Like how he wishes I was six feet under every time we run across him at work,” he sobers up at that. “He seemed like a cool dude, but his glare isn’t too friendly. I don’t know how you fell for that.”
You scoff, “just because someone has a resting bitch face doesn’t mean they’re a bad person.”
You both make your way to the underground parking. “You’re right, it just makes them unapproachable. Is that why you won’t confess?” His genuine tone rubs you the wrong way, you don’t need be given false hope.
“Stop it, you said you would drop it,” you frown, “Anyways, thank you for the food boss—”
“—not your boss anymore. Just call me Yuta, we’re partners now.”
“Aren’t you two years older than me?”
You shrug at that, “well, thanks Yuta. For the food, not for the interrogation.” He chuckles at that, nodding while pulling out his car keys. “see you Monday!” he waves you off.
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You sigh as you get home. It wasn’t as late as you thought it was, only a few minutes past nine. You really wanted to see him. Would he be busy?
You fish out your phone and dial his number before chickening out.
“Jae! It’s me. Are you busy right now?” your heartbeat is pounding so loud, you’re scared he could hear it on the other end. “Right now?” you hear shuffling on the other end, “no, I was just reading that book Jungwoo sent me. Might have dozed off a bit into it but don’t tell him I said that,” he chuckles.
“Why, is everything ok? It’s still early, did you end dinner that fast?”
“Oh, Yuta and I called it a night pretty early. Too many couples were out and about and it got a bit awkward,” you explained.
“Ah, yes. Yuta Nakamoto, but now that we’re associates, he said it would be better to address him less formally.” You waive him off, “actually, I was wondering—if it’s not too late, can I still come over? If not, that’s cool. We can still hang out tomorrow, but your birthday is today and I thought—”
He laughs at your rambles, “of course you can come over, you know you don’t have to ask. How many times have I told you that?”
“Ok, ok. Just checking,” you still had your comfy change of clothes in your car, so you opt to save those for tomorrow and change into something causal for tonight.
“Do you want me to go get you? We can get ice cream on the way, hopefully they don’t close early.”
“Sounds like a plan then,” curse your heart for melting at everything he says.
“Alright, give me 15 and I’ll be there.” He hangs up.
You look at your bag, resting on your sofa and you sigh. The entire night, it’s almost as if you could feel the weight of his gift weighing it down. Yuta is known for being very observant, it’s why he was so good at his job. Closing deals and making contracts in advertisement. Would he be right about this? You know you desperately wish he was, but is it worth risking your best friend?
EndNote | Woooow, that was a longass ride. Let me know if you liked it or if there are other typos I missed! Or just to let me know what you thought, that would be much appreciated. I'm thinking of finishing it by Sunday 6/13, so hopefully the next part is up by then. Until then!
Here's Part 2!
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #971: Sunsets and Seeshells (Persona 5)
7:03 p.m. at the Smash Beach.........
Yusuke: Hmmm......(Drawing Something on his Sketch While Looking Back and Forth on it and the Sunset in Front of Him) I have structures of the sun and ocean on their respective sets....,('Sigh') Now if only I have my coloring pencils with me.....
Futuba: (Sits Down Next to Yusuke While Looking at the Drawing Yusuke Made) Whatcha drawing there, Inari?
Yusuke: I'm trying to see if I could make a visualization of this lovely sunset in front of us.
Futuba: (Looks Up at the Sunset) Huh. It does look pretty on the eyes. (Looks Back Down at the Drawing) And the art looks good.
Yusuke: Thank you. But it's far from completion unfortunately. There's a few more features to draw out and I don't have anything to color the sketch in.
Futuba: Wellllll, if you want, you could always ask Sojiro to let you borrow his crayons and color pencils.
Yusuke: Is that so? Does the Boss also draws and sketches in his freetime?
Futuba: Nah. He uses them to color in the coloring books he usually buys from the store. Says it helps pass the time or whatever.
Yusuke: I see. (Smiles Fondly) I remember coloring in my own sets of books in my youth....The simpler times where learning was more fun than stressful.
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly) Amen to that. And where all you have to think about is getting those yummy square pizzas on fridays~
Yusuke: Ah yes. Pizza fridays....How I missed those glorious days....
Futuba: Right!? That was childhood at it's finest right there! (Sighs While Placing her Head on the Palms of her Two Hands) Buuuuuut alas.....We have to keep living in the dumb present.
Yusuke: Well, our current lives have gotten a lot more interesting as of late. So.....there's that at least.
Futuba: Yeah......(Suddenly Realizes Something) Ooh! Before I forget....(Takes Something Out of her Jacket and Shows it to Yusuke) I gotcha a little something.
Yusuke: (Takes a Look at What Futuba Got for Him) A bracelet?
Futuba: (Grins at Yusuke) a Seashell Bracelet. Got it from the gift shop earlier. (Starts Rubbing The Back of Her Head Back and Forth While Looking Away and Slightly Blushing) I figured since you like something would look nice on you, you know? B-But I completely understand if it's not your style or-
Yusuke: Nonsense. (Smiles Softly) I think it looks absolutely fascinating.
Futuba: (Eyes Widened a Little in Genuine Surprise) A two dollar necklace actually looks fascinating to you?
Yusuke: Of course. (Picks Up his Gift) The design of seashells look more unique from one another. And the colors all on them have helps show off their uniqueness terrifically as well. I already can't decide which design alone is my most favorite.
Futuba: Huh. (Looks at the Bracelet Itself) Neither do I now that I think about it. They all look good. For a two dollar souvenir.
Yusuke: (Starts Putting the Bracelet on his Arm) Yes, but I will still cherish it all the same. I just wish I could give you something in return. Or rather a return a favor of some kind.
Futuba: Hey now. You don't have to do all of that. I just did it cause I wanted to. (A Smirk Starts Creeping Back into her Face) Buuuuuut if you really wanna do the latter, I may have a suggestion in mind~
Yusuke: (Raises an Eyebrow) Which is.....
Futuba: Yusuke Kitagawa.......(Points at Yusuke with a Confident Grin on her Face) I want you to binge watch anime with me!~
'Seagulls Squawking '
Yusuke: ('Sigh') Which one do you have in mind to watch?
Futuba: My Dress Up Darling. It's about a guy who helps a girl in his class, start her cosplaying career. There might be a possibility of these two having feelings for one another, but I digress.
Yusuke: Hmmm.....I suppose I could give this one a fair watch. So long as it's better than the last anime we watched.
Futuba: Oh come on. Boruto wasn't THAT bad.
Yusuke: True, but the show itself wasn't as endearing as it's predecessor, the main character himself is average at best, and the arcs themselves are dull at best and nonexistent at worst.
Futuba: (Starts Snickering) Geez, Inari. Since when did you became an anime critic?
Yusuke: Since the day you first introduced me into the genere. It seems your love in them has peeked my interest the more I watch them with you.
Futuba: So you DO like hanging out with me!
Yusuke: (Smiles Softly) Of course. You may be loud and full of yourself.
Futuba: (Pouts at Yusuke) Heyyyyy!
Yusuke: But at the end of the day, your company has never fails to put a smile on my face. And I am thankful for it.
Futuba: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) Inari, can I hug you?
Yusuke: I don't see why- (Grunts Once Futuba Hugs Him Tightly) Not...
Futuba: Thanks, Yusuke. I'm so glad I met you.
Yusuke: Hm. Call me delusional, but I think this is the first time I've ever heard you say my actually name.
Futuba: Yeah, well it's a once and a lifetime moment, buddy. So you better savor it while ya can.
Yusuke: (Scoffs While Smirking and Rolling his Eyes) Whatever you say, Futuba.
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Hey @stars-and-splendors! I was your secret santa for the kotlc fandom gift exchange. Sorry this is a little late- I meant to give it to you Christmas day or the day after, but the fic got away from me a little...I hope the wait will have been worth it! 
Without further ado, I present to you: 4.5k words of Keefe and Fitz trying to dance around their feelings for each other, feat. a few moments of shitty parents and some very tired friends/sisters. 
Title: to find what you’re looking for
The war is over. The Neverseen is defeated.
In the new, peaceful world, Keefe and Fitz are attending the Elite Towers, soon to graduate. Yet both of them feel like they're missing something. When Keefe comes up with a scheme to prank their parents, both of their worlds may change forever- with the help of a few exasperated friends and supportive elder gays, of course.
Wordcount: 4514
Warnings: homophobia, internalized homophobia, swearing.
AO3 Link
(Actual fic under the cut)
“Hey. Psst. Fitz.”
Fitz jumped, startled at the voice. “Keefe? Where are you?”
“Over here. Ditching class. Like usual.”
He followed Keefe’s voice to the secluded little hallway that the other boy used for ditching, finding Keefe sprawled out on the bench as usual. “What are you doing here?”
“Ditching class, like I said. What about you, handsome?” Keefe flashed a smirk, which Fitz knew meant he meant that in a joking way. Or, figured, at least.
“Also ditching class.”
“Seriously? That’s not like you, Fitzy.”
Fitz shrugged. “I’m feeling rebellious lately, I guess. It just seems like we’ve all been through so much and yet adults are still trying to tell us what’s good for us, like we weren’t the ones who defeated the Neverseen.”
“Fuck, yeah. That’s definitely. Yeah.” Keefe stared at the ground, suddenly serious. “Everyone’s been like that, huh?”
“Well, not everyone, I guess. Sir Tiergan’s not bad about it, but he fusses so much about me and Sophie.”
“Oh, right, you’re supposed to be in telepathy. Won’t Sophie notice you’re gone?”
“Yeah, but that’s why I’m out here. No one will find me.”
Keefe nodded and patted the bench next to him, straightening up a little. “Come on, there’s room for two.”
They sat in silence for a few moments, staring at the white walls of the Level Six wing.
“So,” Keefe said eventually.
“You wanna spill about what’s bugging you so much?”
Fitz could feel himself tense, but he forced his muscles to relax a little. Keefe just cared about him because they were friends. Yeah. “I don’t know. I just feel directionless. Like, we defeated the Neverseen and did this whole big thing, and now it’s over. It feels like- no, it is like- I’ve been fighting this war my whole life, Keefe.”
“Cause your dad-“
“Sent me to the Forbidden Cities when I was a child to search for Sophie.”
“Kinda a dick move of him, really.”
“N- Yeah. Yeah, it was a dick move of him.”
Keefe scooted a little closer, and Fitz’s breath caught just a tiny bit. “Hey, I know what it’s like. I mean, my dad never sent me to do illegal shit for him when I was a kid, yeah, but I mean….yeah. Mommy dearest and all. My parents are shit in a different way than your dad, but I get it. So I guess what I’m trying to say is…I’m here for you, and I know that sounds 100% cheesy but I really do mean it.”
“Oh. I mean, thank you. I should probably tell you I’m here for you too, since that really is true as well.” Fitz’s brain was not functioning, he decided.
“Ah, I knew that. You all told me so much back when mommy dearest was fucking up my life. Still, I appreciate it.”
“It’s always been true. Even when we were fighting over Sophie.”
Keefe snorted. “That was weird, honestly. Like, it was so obvious from the start that she wasn’t straight. Must’ve been pretty wild for you when she ended up with your sister, though.”
Fitz shrugged. “I had been over her for a while.” And questioning his sexuality, but he wasn’t going to tell Keefe that. Backers didn’t do that. Vackers weren’t gay- well, except Biana. But that was okay, Fitz knew she wasn’t any worse for it. Still, it wasn’t like he was gay.
“Fitzy boi, you with me?”
“Yeah sorry. Got lost in thought. What were you saying?”
Keefe grinned. “Well, I was saying that on the topic of shitty parents and gayness, I have an excellent way to piss off both our parents.”
“Go on?” Fitz was pretty sure Keefe’s plan would be ridiculously over the top and hilarious, but he was pretty ready to go along with whatever.
“Right, so, you know how there’s an end of year ball for Elite Tower students? Cause we have to be ready for the nobility and all? What if we went together?”
“Are you asking me out?” Fitz blurted.
“Ah, I wish. Nah, I’m asking if you’ll be my fake date to a ball so my dad will have a heart attack. If you’re okay with that, that is. Like, no pressure.” Keefe suddenly looked shy, and Fitz could hardly refuse that look. Besides, it would be fun to give his and Keefe’s dads a collective heart attack.
“Okay, I’m in.”
The next two weeks were spent plotting and planning as to how they would pull this off, with Sophie and Biana as their enthusiastic wingwomen.
“Okay, so, Biana’s already planning you guys’ outfits,” Sophie told Keefe as she walked back into her room at Havenfield, where Keefe was currently visiting.
“Tell her to make me look fabulous,” Keefe declared with a great deal of drama, doing his best to flop back onto the bed.
“I will, trust me. But I wanted to ask you about some other stuff related to this, since the Vackers are outfit shopping and you know I don’t do that.”
“Ok, fire away.”
“One, are you asking Fitz to this thing to piss off your dad or because you have a crush on him? Two, how dramatic should your prom-posal be?”
“As dramatic as possible.” Keefe hoped against hope Sophie would forget about her first question. “Like, we’ve got to be extra about it.”
“Ok. And about my first question?”
“I....I’m doing this for a lot of reasons. One, Fitzy boi needs to lighten up a bit. Two, I love him. Three, I would kill to see my dads expression when he finds out.”
“I kinda figured.”
“I’m that obvious? Guess I’ve upped my flirting game.” He shot a wink to Sophie, who just sighed.
“Keefe, you’re never as subtle as you think you are.”
“Yeah. Apparently your lack of subtly is only matched by my obliviousness.”
“Well, thankfully for me, Fitz is just as oblivious as you.”
Sophie sighed. “He’s going to find out someday. I did, you know.”
“Well I’ll make sure that day is far away, because he’s way out of my league.”
“Nopity nope nope. You two deserve each other, and I mean that in a good way.”
“Stop being so nice,” Keefe whined.
“No can do. Now let’s plan how you’re going to dramatically ask him to elf prom.”
The ‘promposal’, as Sophie had deemed it, took place in the atrium of the Gold Tower. They had agreed that Keefe would do the asking, since Sophie was far more interested in arranging a dramatic proposition, and Biana was far more interested in making sure that the two boys would look fantastic for the party. So all Fitz had to do was hang around and wait for his best friend to show up.
Thankfully, Keefe didn’t keep him waiting long, sweeping into the room like he owned the place. Maybe he did own Foxfire, really, the gorgeous boy who could charm people with a wink. He was certainly charming Fitz, not that Fitz was going to tell him that.
“Hello, my dearest Fitz!”
“Hey, Keefe.”
“I have a question of utmost importance for you.” By now, Keefe had come close enough that Fitz could see a hint of a blush staining the other’s pale cheeks.
“Oh, go on?”
“Wellllll.” Keefe dragged out the word, fidgeting with something behind his back, which he whipped out to reveal a gorgeous bouquet with flowers of silver, gold, and elegant teal. “Will you be my date to the end of year ball?”
This is staged. This is all staged. He’s not really interested in you, Fitz reminded himself. Still, he must have sounded a little breathless when he replied. “Yes, I would love to.”
“Well then I shall await you at the bottom of the staircase two weeks from now!” Keefe bowed dramatically and handed him the flower arrangement.
“I’ll be there,” Fitz promised quietly, flowers tickling his chin and Keefe’s grin making his cheeks heat.
“Oh, wonderful.” Keefe smirked again and practically danced away as the rest of the prodigies stared at the two of them.
“I hear you caused quite the scene today.”
Keefe jumped, looking around and then finally down to see who had said that. “Oh, hi, Councillor Grumpypants. What are you doing here?”
Bronte glared at him without much real anger. “Sophie and I’s session is in this tower, remember? I’m just waiting on this landing because someone’s using our classroom right now.”
“Right, gotcha.” Keefe fiddled with the hem of his tunic, trying not to seem too nervous. “Do you disapprove of scene-causing? Seems like a pretty old and grumpy thing to do.”
“Ha ha. I might have few qualms about distracting other prodigies, but I see no harm in you asking Fitz to the end of year ball. Honestly, it doesn’t seem all that surprising that you did.”
“Do I vibe as that gay?”
“I have no idea what you mean by vibe, but yes, I assumed you were queer.”
Keefe snorted. “Okay, so even the old people think I’m hopelessly in love with my best friend.”
“Well, not exactly all that,” Bronte said dryly, “But as the…how did Zarina put it? ‘Gayest motherfucker on the Council’, I know a baby queer when I see one.”
“Gayest motherfucker on the Council…that’s fabulous.”
“Indeed. Now I have a session to get to, and I’m sure you do too, but…good luck with your date.”
“I’m sure it will go well, and trust me, Leto will shut down anyone who tries to give you shit for it pretty damn quickly.”
“Good to know.” Keefe watched the older elf hurry away and up the stairs, muttering under his breath about ‘need to get an actual timepiece one of these days’. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all…
Fitz was pretty sure both Sophie and Sir Tiergan could tell he wasn’t actually concentrating that day in telepathy, too busy thinking about teal-and-silver flowers and Keefe’s little blush. Could Keefe really like him like that? Why did he even want Keefe to like him like that?
Sophie didn’t seem to mind, just sending him a few knowing looks, although Tiergan seemed vaguely worried. “Fitz, are you with us?”
“Oh, yeah! Sorry, Sir Tiergan.”
“There’s really no need to call me sir,” Tiergan sighed, for about the thousandth time since Sophie and Fitz had started telepathy sessions together. “Really. And no need to apologize either, you just seem a little distant today.”
“Probably got a lot on his mind,” Sophie spoke up, nudging Fitz gently. “I know I’d have a lot on my mind if someone brought me flowers and asked me to a ball.”
“Ah, yes. Do try to concentrate on your telepathy, but I can understand that.” Tiergan shot Fitz a gentle smile, and Fitz ducked his head and nodded. 
The session went by fast enough, and before Fitz knew it, the session was over and Tiergan was asking him to stay back. “Not for long, I don’t want to make you later, but I figured I’d check in.”
“O- okay.”
“See you, Fitz!” Sophie called. “I’m going to go tease our lovely friend about how blushy he gets around you!”
“Bye,” Fitz called, and Tiergan smiled again.
“I was actually going to talk to you about that ‘lovely friend’, assuming that’s Keefe?”
Fitz stared at the slightly shorter elf, debating what to say. “Yeah- yeah, that’s him.”
“I guessed so.” Tiergan fiddled with his sleeves for a moment, seeming uncharacteristically hesitant. “I wanted to tell you that you two are very brave for this- it’s not unheard of, but it will be a shock. That, and I hope it will be somewhat easier for you than it was for me when I was your age.”
“Have you seen the way I look at Leto?”
Fitz had to admit that was a fair point. “I guess I should have known earlier, but I didn’t want to assume.”
“Very polite of you, but I would find it more than fair to assume my queerness based off my general demeanor,” Tiergan said wryly. “Anyways, to bring us back around to our original topic of conversation, I also wanted to let you know that you have Leto and I’s full support. If anyone gives you shit for this, I want you to tell me and I will ensure they don’t get away with it.”
“Benefits of having the principal for a boyfriend,” Fitz muttered before he could think to stop himself, and then clapped a hand over his mouth. “I’m so sorry, I’ve been hanging out with Keefe too much.”
Tiergan flushed lightly. “No, no, you’re right. Though I will say, Leto has spent a long time trying to protect students who are cast out or fall through the cracks. Now that he’s in a position of power, neither of us have qualms about using it to help any student who could use it. So please, come to me or Leto if you need anything, or anyone bothers you. And I’m not saying that because I pity you or anything of the sort, but because I wish some adult had told me this when I was your age.”
The older elf smiled sadly. “Indeed. But now I get to make sure the next generation has it better than I did, and that’s something.”
Fitz nodded. “I think that’s a really kind thing.”
“Thank you. It’s really the bare minimum of what I could do, but…somehow I never find the time to help out as much as I would like.” Tiergan glanced at the clock. “Anyways, I’m making you late for your next session, so hurry on your way. You can tell your mentor I kept you late and to take it up with me if they’ve got a problem.”
“Okay!” Maybe this wasn’t such a terrible plan after all…
The end-of-year-ball was approaching quickly, and Keefe’s nerves grew as quickly as the days between now and then passed. Which was very quickly, what with finals coming up. Fitz and Keefe were studying for them together, of course, which made for a lot of late nights in each of their rooms in the Silver Tower, laughing, talking, and pretending to quiz each other on the material but not getting far without getting distracted. Fitz was always beautiful, Keefe thought, but perhaps the most lovely when he was sitting in the cozy room, laughing at some silly thing Keefe had said or brandishing flashcards mock-sternly. His eyes shone a little in the silvery lighting, and his hair fell across his face cutely, and Keefe might have been a tiny bit in love. Just a bit.
So they kept hanging out together, one night after another. Sometimes they talked about fun things like baking or pranking, sometimes they talked about serious things like the past or the Black Swan, and (rarely) they studied. And before they knew it, they had passed all their finals and it was time for a ball.
Fitz fiddled with the clasp of his cape one last time as Biana put the final touches on his hairstyle. “Are you sure this is good enough?”
“Please, I know good fashion when I see it.” His sister flipped her hair, and then shot him a reassuring smile. “Keefe will pass the fuck out, in a good way. And all the stuffy nobles will think you look fabulous right before you dance with one of their sons.”
“How do you pass out in a good way?”
“I mean that you’ll knock everyone dead. Boys. Honestly.”
Biana turned him around to look at himself in the mirror, and Fitz did have to admit that she’d done a good job. He was wearing an elegant tunic in a shade of medium blue, nearly cobalt, and a much darker jerkin over that which faded from green to blue with elegant silver embroidery over it. His cape followed a similar color scheme, and it fit perfectly, falling around his shoulders and down to the ground, where the hem was also embroidered with silver and tiny flecks of lumenite. Biana had styled his hair slightly asymmetrical, more so than he would usually wear it, and sprinkled tiny bits of silver across that too. He didn’t know if he was drop-dead gorgeous per se, but it was an outfit he could feel confident in.
“Okay, you did a good job,” Fitz admitted.
“Of course I did. Now get on down there and knock them dead.”
His nerves only increased as he descended the staircase, despite his endless repetitions of ‘it’s not a real date’. It didn’t matter how much he said that, the fluttery feeling in his stomach about Keefe seeing him all dressed up was not going away.
When he reached the bottom, Keefe was already standing there, and Fitz momentarily forgot how to breathe. The other boy’s equally intricate ice blue jerkin matched his eyes perfectly, and his blonde hair had little bits of pure gold braided into the parts that were long enough to do small braids on. The rest was artfully messed as ever, but in the sort of way that made you think Keefe had spent a long time getting it perfect. His silvery boots made a click click noise on the silver floor as he stepped to greet Fitz, and Fitz had to blink a few times to get his mouth to work again.
“Hey there, Fitzy boi.”
“Hey.” It was a pitiful greeting, but it was the best he could really manage at the particular moment. “You look…really incredible.”
“And you’re as stunning as ever.” Keefe’s grin seemed less confident than usual, a hint of genuine shyness behind it as Keefe ducked his head a little.
“Only the right level of flattery for you.” Keefe extended his arm. “Shall we go?”
Still barely breathing, Fitz took his arm as they headed for the Leapmaster.
Fitz was stunning. Beyond stunning. He was some entirely new level of gorgeous that Keefe would have to invent a word for when his brain started working again, which he doubted would be anytime soon given Fitz’s close proximity to him. Standing at the bottom of that staircase, all dressed up in his finery, he had truly looked like an heir to the Vacker Legacy, but he was so much more than that. Whether he’d been born a Vacker or into the least-well off Talentless family, Fitz would always have been kind, unique, handsome Fitz, and Keefe would have loved him just the same. Keefe doubted the courage and strength that Fitz always carried with him would be any different had he been born to a different family, doubted there was any universe in which Fitz wasn’t his gorgeous, fierce self.
He managed to concentrate enough to get them safely to the ballroom, although if he hadn’t, he had no doubt Fitz would have more than made up for it with his ridiculously strong concentration. Speaking of strength, Fitz was gripping Keefe’s hand tightly as they arrived, and Keefe squeezed back gently, staring over the crowded ballroom.
Tonight, nobles, parents, and Elite Tower students all mingled, a preparation for balls and parties that the Elite Tower students would likely attend later in life. It was a much looked-forward-to event. And Keefe and Fitz, two male prodigies, would be attending it together, which was an extremely rare occurrence. In fact, Keefe could already see people staring at them in their position on the landing.
He squeezed Fitz’s hand again. “Let’s go down to the dance floor, shall we?”
Fitz nodded shakily, and they descended the staircase arm in arm. The staring only increased, but if Keefe pretended that it was just girls staring at him in Level Four because they thought he was hot again, he could mostly ignore it.
What was harder to ignore were the furious parents sweeping over to them.
“Keefe, I can’t believe you would disgrace the family like this-“
“So good to see you with your friend, Fitz.” Alden looked like he was speaking through gritted teeth. Keefe would have liked to punch those teeth right out of his mouth.
“I know, Keefe is a wonderful boyfriend.” Fitz’s voice was calm, but electric blue spirals of fear drifted through Keefe’s emotional ‘vision’.
Before Alden had a chance to say anything further, Della lightly tugged his arm. “Let’s go say hi to the Glixina family, darling.” She shot them a tiny smile, prompting a wave of soft purple relief from Fitz as Alden allow himself to be dragged off.
Unfortunately for Keefe, Cassius was not so easily dissuaded. “Really, Keefe. Parading around with boys on your arm-“
“I make my own choices,” Keefe muttered.
“And is one of them this?”
Keefe forced himself to look up and smirk. “Nah, I didn’t choose to fall in love with him. Just to ask him out.”
Cassius sputtered more, but before he could gather the coherence to say anything, Tiergan had come sweeping over with all the frozen grace of a swan. “Excuse me, Lord Sencen. My dear friend Leto would like a word with you about your son. I’m sure you understand that some matters are very important.”
“Well, Sir Tiergan, I’m in the middle of speaking to said son currently.”
“This truly cannot wait. Please, follow me.” Tiergan swept away again, practically dragging Cassius in his wake.
Sorry about that, Tiergan’s voice echoed in Keefe’s head. Leto will thoroughly lecture him about all this, I promise. And you don’t have to talk to him anymore tonight if you don’t want to, we arranged the ball and we can keep him away from you.
Keefe startled, squeezing Fitz’s hand. “Fitz-“
“Can you transmit something to Tiergan? He just told me that he’d keep my dad away from us, I want to thank him.”
Fitz flashed a tiny, hesitant smile. “As you wish.” He closed his (stunning, lovely) eyes briefly, and then blinked them open again. “Sent. He says ‘of course, let me know if you need anything else’.”
“Thanks, Fitzy boi.” Keefe offered a grin of his own. “Now that the parents are out of the way…may I have this dance?”
“Of course.”
The dance steps were familiar, and that was lucky, since Keefe wasn’t exactly paying good attention to what he was doing. Not after everything that had just happened- and not when Fitz had a hand on his waist. Elven music wasn’t as good to lose yourself in as the human music Sophie had showed him, but Keefe found it pretty easy to get lost just focusing on Fitz. The music swirled around them, and the floor was steady under their feet, and even the stares of others weren’t so noticeable when it was just the two of them dancing together. One step. Another. Always in rhythm. Keefe wondered a little if this was what it was like for Cognates, if their minds synced the way dance partners who knew each other well did. He had to admit to a little jealousy that he would never know what the kind of bond felt like, but…hey. It was pretty okay to be an empath, especially since he could see Fitz’s bubbling pink-and-blue happiness float through the air. It might have been a difficult, nerve-wracking entrance, but Fitz was happy to be dancing with Keefe and that was all Keefe could really ask for. Although…Keefe frowned at the slight mist of green sorrow hanging around the other, tempering his joy and keeping the bubbles from floating as far as they should have.
“Hey, Fitz.”
“You good?”
“Yeah- yeah, I am.”
They took another few steps in silence.
“Hey, Keefe?”
Fitz sucked in a slow breath, and a few lines of tension pulled around his form. “When you told your dad that you had fallen in love with me…”
Shit. “Yeah?”
“Your heart didn’t skip any beats.”
It was Keefe’s turn to suck in a breath and try to find something, anything to say in reply to that. “Maybe- I mean, I was mostly trying to piss him off.” He could feel his treacherous heart skip one-two-three this time.
“I felt your heart skip that time.”
“Okay, so….maybe I liked you. A little. Or a lot. And maybe I think you’re handsome and brave and kind and all that, and maybe I asked you to the ball partially because my dad would be mad but partially because I just wanted to be with you but you’re Fitz fucking Vacker and I’ve never had a chance-“ Keefe forced himself to take a breath and a step back from Fitz, unable to bear feeling the other’s emotions as well as his own right now.
“Keefe, wait, I-“ Fitz reached out a hand, and then pulled it back. “I love you too. And I think you should know that because no matter how much better you think I am than you, or whatever, you’re always going to be the guy who pulled me out of my shy little shell as a kid and then kept doing it, over and over and over. You’re always going to be the guy who stuck with me even when I was a major jerk, the guy who helped pull me out of my shell again and realize I wasn’t as straight as everyone thought. And more than that, you’re Keefe. I know you think that’s a bad thing, but it’s not. It’s the highest compliment I could give.”
People were staring at them again.
Keefe barely noticed. “Give me your hand.”
“As you wish.” Fitz held out his hand, and Keefe pushed his empathy out to the other. A little hint of fear, of nervousness… lingering joy from the moments before, and beneath that, glowing golden hope. No guilt, no shame. Nothing to make him think Fitz was in any way lying even if what the other boy had just said seemed too good to be true.
“You really- you really love me like that?”
“Yeah.” Fitz laughed, a little sadly. “It took me forever to notice, but I should have known the day you asked if we could go to the ball together. Or before that, even.”
“Well I fucking love you too. Have since we were young, really, but Sophie fucked with my brain and I didn’t see it until you and Sophie broke up. I thought I was jealous of you, but...all this time, I’ve been jealous of her.”
Fitz’s smile was so, so gentle. “I’m sorry it took me so long to realize.”
“And I’m sorry I didn’t just ask you out the day I suggested this whole fake dating,” Keefe joked. “Seriously, you took your time, but…that’s okay. I was willing to wait.”
And the gorgeous teal-eyed boy who Keefe was starting to realize might be his reached out a hand to cup Keefe’s cheek. “Do you mind if I kiss you?”
“What a scandal it’ll be.” Keefe wasn’t sure he was actually breathing. “But no, I don’t mind.”
So Fitz kissed him in front of the entire goddamn ballroom, and Keefe couldn’t have been happier.
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Dialogue Prompts List
Pick up to three at once, a character, a gender, optional plot, and request! YOU DON’T HAVE TO USE THESE, YOU CAN REQUEST ANYTHING! (right to deny is reserved)
1. “Do you want me to leave? Will that make you happy?” 2. “Please don’t go! Please, don’t die! I love you ... no...” 3. “Why do you say that like you’re saying goodbye?” 4. “I just wanted to help.” 5. “Y/N, I’m sorry! Please!” 6. “Run! GET OUT OF HERE!” 7. “I’m not leaving you!” 8. “I can’t love you.” 9. “My greatest regret? Trusting you.” 10. “Save your tears, you wretch. It’s over.” 11. “Why didn’t I tell you I loved you before you left?” 12. “You promised! You promised me you would ... you know what? I’m over this. I’m done with you.” 13. “I never even got to say goodbye.” 14. “I know I’m not good enough, okay? Please, just stop hurting me.” 15. “It wasn’t your fault.” “But it was. And now ...” [person] begins to cry. 16. “[person] moved on. You should too.” 17. “I didn’t think it would hurt this much.” 18. “Please, tell me this is a joke. This is a trick, right?” 19. “I know [person] is dead. But everywhere I go ... he/she/they are there too. And every time I see them, it feels like an Orc-blade to the heart.” 20. “I’ve been forgotten...”
21. “Your hair is so soft ...” 22. “You’re so drunk right now, it’s hilarious.” 23. “WHO ATE THE LAST LEMBAS?!” “Y/N .. that was you.” “Oh, right. Fuck.” 24. “I want now to last forever.” 25. “All up, that went well. Right, Y/N?” “YOU’VE BEEN STABBED, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!” 26. “You look so cute when you laugh.” 27. “You’re amazing. Beautiful. Perfect. Hey, don’t cry! I could keep going, you know.” 28. “Everyone’s different. Everyone’s beautiful. You’re the most beautiful human I’ve met, and I’ve met myself!” 29. “Did you just kiss me?” “Was I not supposed to?” “I don’t know, but could you do it again?” 30. “For the love of God, stop flirting with Y/N!” “Why?” “Because that’s my job!” 31. “Mahal, are you alright?” “*groan* I will be ... in a few thousand years.” 32. “Remind me why I’m dating you. *trying not to laugh and failing*” 33. “This is the part where you ask me out and I say yes.” 34. “I may love you, but I will kick your ass if you tempt me to.” 35. “Are you two a thing?” “Pfft, no?” “But you’re standing really close together.” “And? Y/N is affectionate.” “You have an arm wrapped around Y/N’s waist.” “We’re close friends!” “Y/N, you literally have a hand on [person]’s ass” “... we’re very close friends.” 36. “That was meant to be a secret.” “You’re so bad at lying, honey, it was obvious as fuck.” 37. “I can’t imagine my life without you.” “Please don’t.” 38. “Who’s your OTP?” “Me and you. Us. Wait- fuck.” 39. "I think I'm in love with you." "Yeah, that's obvious." "What? It is?" "Yeah, but I love you too." 40. “I need a hug.”
41. “I know how this is going to end.” 42. “I would have died for you.” 43. *FOR BISEXUAL READER IN RELATIONSHIP WITH OPPOSITE GENDER* “Oh my God, that’s the hottest [same gender] I’ve ever seen.” “Hey!” “You’re hotter, but I mean ... damn.” 44. “Nothing lasts forever. Everyone knows that.” 45. “Where is Y/N? She was meant to be with you!” 46. “I want to fix you.” 47. “I don’t know how this is possible, but you’re better than the entire Mirkwood wine supply combined.” 48. “And it was at this moment, Y/N knew, he/she/they fucked up.” “Why are you narrating?” 49. “I’m sorry. I can’t forgive you.” 50. “I don’t want to do this.” 51. “I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t about to die. *faints*” 52. “Love you? All I EVER DID was love you!” 53. “You said you were okay!” 54. “Mahal, I can’t stand you.” 55. “Look me in the eyes, and tell me we won’t die.” 56. “You can hurt me, kill me, enslave me, but don’t touch Y/N.” 57. “Is that food? I LOVE YOU-” 58. “... please, tell me that’s not a dragon.” “Wellllll ...” “Y/N!” 59. “Please don’t look at me like that.” 60. “HEY! VALAR? CAN I GIVE YOU BACK MY LIFE?”
61. “Is that my hoodie?” 62. “Ah, fuck, I can’t believe you’ve done this.” “Y/N, for ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, stop quoting vines!” 63. “I need chocolate. Stat.” 64. “How am I meant to order pizza for several immortal beings?” 65. “You’re definitely only friends with me because of the dog.” 66. “My life is Romeo and Juliet, and I am Mercutio.” 67. “I guess we’re internet celebrities now?” 68. “I have a gun, and I will use it! Hands up!” “... that’s a nerf gun.” 69. “Wake up, we’re going on a roadtrip!” “It is three in the morning!” 70. “Shit, have I been daydreaming again? I’m so sorry my guy I didn’t mean to check out on you. Again.” 71. “Anyway, that sucks but I’m gay and thus immune.” 72. “I dare you to ...” 73. “There is romance in the air!” “All that’s in the air is the smell of overly-sugared coffee.” 74. “You’re the Mario Kart champ? Bitch, please. Move over.” 75. “My middle-finger says hello, I don’t give a fuck.” 76. “Yes, I know you’re angry at me.” “YOU TOOK MY PHONE! MY PHOTOS OF [fave celebrity] ARE GONE!” 77. “I’m too tired for your shit.” 78. “Were you singing Disney?” 79. “We need to get you to a doctor.” 80. “My OTP!” “I thought we were your OTP!”
That’s all for now!
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betheflame · 4 years
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Barely Even Friends, Then Somebody Bends
(Square: Only One Bed. Bonus Prompts: Enemies to Lovers, “Please tell me no one kissed me”, They were Roommates. 4 points)
For the @stevetonygames!
Tony ran his hand through his hair and stared as his frenemy/crush/roommate, who grimaced back at him. 
“I thought I was fixing it.” 
“Sure, I can see that by how the bed is in pieces all over the floor.” 
Steve - who, for the record, looked like the guy in the Gold’s Gym logo, much to Tony’s libido’s joy and simultaneous dismay - had the good grace to grimace. “I was using it as leverage for my tricep dips.”
“Steve,” Tony groaned. “This is particle board. It absolutely cannot sustain that kind of pressure when you don’t have counter balances. Do you really not understand simple physics?” 
“No,” Steve snapped. “Please continue to talk to me like I’m a moron.” 
Tony bit back a growl. “Did you really not have a box spring under that? You were on a mattress on slats?” 
Steve nodded. “Didn’t seem important.”
“Good Lord, Steve,” Tony gasped. “Aren’t you this paragon of fitness or whatever? Do you not understand spine health? Don’t answer that. I have a King and while you take up an obscene amount of room, you can sleep in there until we get you a new bed.” 
Steve gaped at him. “Why?”
Because I’m a masochist who is desperately attracted to you while also hating how fucking self righteous you are. 
“Because I’m a good guy, Rogers. I know that’s escaped your notice.” 
Steve didn’t say anything and gave a tight nod instead. “Thanks, Tony.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Steve Rogers was living in his literal worst nightmare. A: He was roommates with someone he loathed and yet wanted to fuck them desperately and could not square that circle. B: His bed - that he could barely afford in the first place, much less afford a replacement, broke literally out from underneath him while his roommate was home and therefore his roommate had to interfere which is what he did best and which is what drove Steve absolutely UP A WALL. C: He was now sharing a bed with the roommate - a glorious, soft yet firm, bed which placed lust object within grabable reach and… 
Tony was so very, very grabable. 
The bed Steve could afford was on back order - because OF COURSE IT WAS - and so he was on night four of sharing Tony’s bed and the problem with sharing a bed with someone was that it got harder and harder to hate them the harder and harder his dick got being around them. 
Especially when, at 2am, Tony started shouting in his sleep. 
“Tony,” Steve said tentatively, which Tony reacted to with a whimper. 
“Tony,” Steve said again, and Tony shouted and started writhing in the bed, as though he was in pain. 
“Anthony,” Steve said firmly, hoping the formal name would shake Tony out of the apparent nightmare. 
“Stop. Dad. I swear, I’ll be good, just stop.” Tony started to mutter and Steve ignored every part of his brain that told him he didn’t like this man and went to gather Tony in his arms. It was clear the man needed comfort, even if it was just his subconscious. 
“Tony, you’re safe, you’re your apartment and the only threat here is me since you hate me,” Steve murmured and noticed Tony had gotten quite sweaty in the process of the nightmare, and so he brushed Tony’s curls gently back from his forehead and took another moment to appreciate how beautiful his roommate was. 
A narcissistic, entitled pain in the ass, but so fucking beautiful. 
Who gave up his bed, which you know he’s picky about sleeping alone since he never brings dates home, to make you more comfortable, who lets you live here wellllll below asking rent because Bucky asked him to, who - Steve swatted his subconscious and focused back on Tony, who woke up with a start and scrambled himself out of Steve’s arms. 
“Ah! Please tell me no one kissed me.” 
“No,” Steve rolled his eyes. “You were having a nightmare and I was just trying to wake you up.”
“Oh,” Tony said, indignation deflating. “Well, thank you. I should have warned you.” 
“It’s no problem.”
Tony didn’t respond, but got up out of the bed. “I always get a snack after one of these. You want one?”
Steve nodded. “Why not.” 
A year later, when they were celebrating their engagement, their mutual friend Bucky - who worked with Tony and had grown up with Steve - made the toast that they were basically Beauty and the Beast. 
“Barely even friends,” Bucky sang, intentionally off-key, as everyone groaned. “Then somebody bends-”
“Like I bent over your cock that first time,” Tony muttered into Steve’s ear. 
“Definitely didn’t expect you to swallow the first time,” Steve murmured back. 
A snack on that first night had turned into a conversation, which had turned into a charged moment, which had turned into resolving the charged moment with frustration-fueled sex, which had turned into some begrudging confessions, which had turned into… 
Well, let’s just say Steve returned the bed to IKEA as soon as it eventually came.
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skamesptranslations · 5 years
E: I swear I can’t handle any more!
N: Of what?
E: History, dude! 
C: Ah, I thought you said cake.*
E: No, I can handle that.
N: “I can handle that”
E: How the hell am I gonna stick all of the fucking history of humanity into my head? Well, yeah, it’s the history of Spain, okay, but a lot of stuff happened. What do you think they’re gonna ask us about?
A: Adolfo Suárez** for sure.
E: My vote goes to Primito de Rivera***, I think. What a bore.
N: Fourth block.
A: Stop, please.
E: Stop what?
A: This tiki-tiki of the pen, I’m getting sick.
C: Viri, can I smoke here?
A: Here, I’ll give you mine, cause I’m… I’m not gonna be able to study.
E: Ay, no, you baby, I’m stopping now. You’re so picky.
C: No, not picky, girl, you were upsetting us.
E: It helps me focus.
C: Not to me. Well I’m… I’m not gonna focus either way. Hey, does anyone have a lighter?
N: Yeah.
E: No.
A: Here.
C: Yes?
N: Of course I have it.
C: Viri, I’m gonna smoke!
E: Uuuuuh. Wellllll...
N: Hello there.
C: Aaaaaaah! Please, I’m gonna faint.
N: What, are you going somewhere?
V: Yes. With Hugo.
A: Girl, is that dress from the thrift shop?
V: Yes. No. Actually, it’s from my mother’s friend's daughter. Sometimes she gives me the clothes she doesn’t use.
C: Fuck, yo, that’s a sweet deal. The amount of cash I would save…
A: And does your mother’s friend have stuff in my size…
E: No, better if it’s my size!
V: Okay, I’ll ask her, I’ll ask her.
E: (to Amira) I go first, you have a lot of clothes.
A: Frick.
V: I have to tell you something.
C: Oh my God, Viri is pregnant. Mini-Hugo is coming.
E: No, girl, get the morning-after pill or, instead, a thirty-day one. Don’t fuck with me, we don’t want more Hugos.
V: No, no, no, the thing is… I’ve decided that in the end I’m going to Mallorca.
A: Ah, well.
C: Anything we didn’t know?
E: Yeah.
N: Yeah.
E: We knew it.
V: But how did you guys know if I only decided yesterday?
N: Cause we knew that sooner or later you were gonna come. All in all, you are Mallorca, girl.
All: Awwww. (chanting) How cute, how cute****
A: My God, we are…
E: Focused.
A: I see, I see.
E: Doing what we have to do.
C: Super focused.
N: It’s my sister. I have Miquel blocked.
E: Obviously.
C: Better, to be honest. Let’s see if he gets the hint and… he stops being a pain in the ass.
V: Yeah, but…like… Nothing, nothing.
N: No, no, speak.
V: That…that girl, I don’t want to overwhelm you or anything like that, but… How do you know he deleted the photos?
N: No, no, you’re right. I can’t be 100% sure that he deleted the photos or that he isn’t going to share them, or that he isn’t going to come to school to get me. But well, what I do know is that if something like that happens, I’ll report him.
E: That’s what’s important. That you’re doing alright. How are you?
N: Well… I’ll be okay.
A: Hey, we should clean up and go, right? ‘Cause Viri gotta go and we shouldn’t stay like squatters or something. 
C: Girl, throw us out, say something, don’t be shy. I don’t know where I left my stuff.
A: Be careful.
E: Hey, you’re coming to tomorrow’s thing, right?
N: I don’t know, I’ll let you know.
E: Well, I’m telling you, if Viri is Mallorca, you are March 8th. What’s up, stupid? Now, are we gonna forget that the reason we’re going tomorrow is because of this lady over here?
C: I won’t disagree. Like, if last year we went because of you, this year you have to come, girl. 
🎵Don’t Just Sit There - Lucius 🎵
E: Hey sister! How are you?
N: Really good, you?
E: How’s it going? Really good, I’m not working, I’m totally yours, tell me.
N: Nothing, I… have to tell you something.
🎵I Am Woman. - Tribe 🎵
[Banner: 8M Together and Strong]*****
* Here, Cris is making fun of Eva, referring to her ravenously eating the cake instead of studying.
** The first president of Spain after Franco’s dictatorship, from 1976 to 1981.
*** Demeaning term for Primo de Rivera, who was a Spanish dictator from 1923 to 1930. “Primito” literally means “little cousin,” but the term indicates that he was a really shitty person and leader. The II Spanish Republic began after his death.
**** This is a saying that children chant when someone opens their presents at birthday parties.
***** "8M” is how we abbreviate March 8th. We do this style of abbreviation with all important dates.
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authenticcadence18 · 4 years
30 Questions About Me
THANKS FOR THE TAG @bugaboo-n-bananoir ILY!!!!
(Nick)name: Cadence
gender: cis female
Star sign: Pisces
Height: uhhhhh I am not sure, it’s taller than 5ft at least
Time: night! (Well I wrote most of this last night, but now it’s the evening of the next day!)
Birthday: well I’m a Pisces, so my birthday is between Feb 19th and march 20th!
Fave band/group: Pentatonix! Or For King and Country. Or the piano guys, the vitamin string quartet, Voctave.....also Phineas and the Ferbtones👌
Fave solo artists: I really like Lauren Daigle, and Jackie Evancho used to be my FAVE. Aaand idk if this counts but Michael Giacchino! love his scores, especially the score for Inside Out. There’s also this guy called Clay Kramer on YouTube who makes KK Slider covers of popular music, his stuff gives me so much seratonin😅
Song Stuck in my Head: Well I’m listening to music rn and “I’m Me” from Phineas and Ferb is on so I’ll say that! (I’ll revisit this one when I finish the list and update it with whatever song i’m listening to/is stuck in my head then) (ok the music has since been turned off and now I have “Status Quo” from High School Musical stuck in my head so! There ya go!) (now it is the next day, and I’ve got “when the party’s over” stuck in my head...i think these three songs are an accurate reflection of my taste in music🤣)
Last Movie: uhhhhh oh yeah, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice! It was SO GREAT because Jay Baruchel plays the main character (and the main character is super awkward), so I felt like I was watching Hiccup from the How To Train Your Dragon franchise learn magic and it was GLORIOUS. And also Nicholas Cage is great. And I liked the love interest in the movie as well!! She had a role to play in the story and felt authentic and genuine, which I appreciated!
Last Show: ok well the last show I watched by myself was Phineas and Ferb! Specifically, the episode with the Mardi Gras block party and then the one where Candace and Stacy compete in an obstacle course against Isabella and Ginger (omg wAIT ginger and Stacy are sisters and Isabella and Candace are GOING to be sisters mY HEART I—AH🥺). I hadn’t watched those episodes in forever, so they were really fun to revisit! I think the last actual show I watched was Kids Baking Championship or something, lol. (Those kids are AMAZING. So skilled!)
When i created this blog: November 2019! It was riiiight after the season 3 finale of miraculous aired and absolutely wrecked my emotions. I had some fanfic written that I’d never posted and had been thinking about making a tumblr/ao3 for awhile, and seeing the finale made me finally go, “.....you know what, yeah. The finale is aired, no more spoilers.....it’s time to make a blog.” So I did! And I posted my first fic! And I’m so happy i did :)
What Do I Post: a bunch of multi fandom stuff XD. This blog started off as 90% Miraculous, 10% other fandoms I like...but now it’s just kind of a hodgepoge of my favorite fandoms (with a focus on Phineas and Ferb, lol). I reblog a lot of posts, and then I post original stuff too! I write fanfic, nowadays for Phineas and Ferb but for Miraculous in the past (and probably in the future!), I draw art (mostly Phinabella art because I’ve been drawing them since i was 11 and it feels good to return to my roots), and OCCASIONALLY I will write an analysis post (I’ve got one in the works rn actually 👀), attempt to make a meme, or dip my toe into salt just SLIGHTLY before quickly backing away, lol. If I were to list the fandoms I post about in the order of how frequently I post about them, I’d probably say: Phineas and Ferb, Miraculous....and thennnnn everything else is pretty random and depends on the day, lol.
Last thing i googled: Jay Baruchel 😂. Couldn’t remember how to spell his last name!
Other blogs: this is my only blog! Sometimes I think about making a separate blog for my art and writing, but I am not sure if I should or not....maybe I will someday, but idk. I also have an AO3 for fanfic and an Instagram for art! All are under the name “authenticcadence18.”
Do I get asks: sometimes, yeah!! Sometimes I reblog ask games/prompts and get some asks for those (I’ve got so many prompts in my inbox I want to write/draw things for...ah it’s fine, I’ll get to it eventually😅), and sometimes lovely people will leave thoughts or nice messages in my inbox🥺💕. I’ve got a specific tag for all those nice messages so I can read back over them whenever I need a boost!
Why this url: it’s a music pun! When a song/section of a piece of music ends with a dominant chord resolving to a tonic chord (if you’ve read a certain fic of mine you should know allll about dominant and tonic chords👀🤣), it’s called an authentic cadence! There are different kinds of cadences, and authentic ones are my favorite. One example of this is “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” I also use this blog to be my authentic, fandom-loving self! So I like authentic cadences, and also, I’m Cadence and using this blog to be authentic! Woo! (And 18 is just my favorite number, lol) I’m glad I ended up choosing a name that doesn’t tie to a specific fandom becaaaaaause this ended up being a multi fandom blog!
Following: 232!!
Followers: 292!!! (THANKS SO MUCH Y’ALL ILY 💕)
Average amount of sleep: wellllll for the past week and a half I was sick so I was probably getting 9ish hours a night (because I would sleep in really late, lol). but NOW? In my immediate future? I suspect my average amount of sleep is going to go down because I’m really bad about staying up late even when I have to get up early😅. Hoping to be good about getting at least 7ish hours a night!
Lucky number: 18! But y’all probably already guessed that, lol.
Instruments: my voice, piano, ukulele, viola (but it’s been a HOT minute), aaaand i used to be able to play guitar but then I got a ukulele and forgot all the guitar chords. (I also dabble in songwriting! I primarily use voice and piano when writing music.)
What I’m wearing: my favorite sweatshirt (that was last night, rn I have on a tanktop), some leggings, and socks!
Dream job: I’m currently learning to be a teacher, and I LOVE teaching and working with kids so that is definitely a job I’m really excited about!!! I would also love to portray characters at Disney or something (well, maybe not at Disney because I hear they’re strict, but like....I want to be Rapunzel or Anna or something, that would be so fun). OR, I would LOVE to work in tv animation somehow, be it voice acting, writing scripts/music, and/or story boarding. basically if I could do what Dan and Swampy did for Phineas and Ferb/Milo Murphy’s Law, I would LOVE THAT. (Especially the writing music part. Getting to write music for established characters and get PAID for it would be SO COOL.!.!.!) Also I think it would be so fun to write Disney storybooks! Like, those books that are about Cinderella baking a cake or Ariel befriending a seahorse, stuff like that. Those brought me a ton of joy as a child!
Dream trip: I want to visit alllll the Disney parks someday😅. (Not right now because, ya know, Covid...but someday!)
Fave food: uhhh i really like pizza. And popcorn. Also hummus and guacamole!
nationality: American
Fave songs: “Times” by Tenth Avenue North; “Can’t Help Falling in Love” (I made an entire playlist of just this song when I first started writing my fic of the same name, so I like the original and a ton of covers of it!), “Show Yourself” from Frozen II, “What Might Have Been” from Phineas and Ferb (and lots of other songs from that show, i made a whole post about that once but I can’t find it, oof); “Rescue” by Lauren Daigle; “Thank You” by Pentatonix; “I See the Light” from Tangled; “Your Hands” by JJ Heller; “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran.....i like a loooot of songs so this is just the tip of the iceberg, but I think that’s good for now, LOL! (As soon as I post this I’m going to remember another song I love, lol)
last book: I got the book Unbirthday for Christmas! It’s basically Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, but if she’d never gone to wonderland and things went horribly wrong there. (I think, I’m not that far into it yet, lol)
Top 3 fictional universes I’d love to live in: 1. DANVILLE, PLS. Especially as a kid, I SO would’ve loved to hang out with Isabella and Phineas and the rest of the gang! Danville is so vibrant and unique and people are always randomly breaking into song there, that’s my kind of place! 2. Fairytopia (from the Barbie movies!) because I could be a fairy OR a mermaid OR BOTH and eat seeweed to breathe underwater even if I wasn’t a mermaid. Like, that’s the dream right there. (I’ve always loved mermaids and fairies, lol!) 3. Maybe San Fransokyo from Big Hero 6? All of the technology in that universe is really cool! And I would love to eat a noodle burger, lol .
Oh! That’s the last one! Wow! This was so FUN!!!!!!! Thanks again for the tag, Maddy!!!! :)
I’ll taaaag @sketchy-panda @macaronsforchat @simplynewyorkbound @inkjackets and anyone else who’d like to do this! (And pls don’t feel pressured to play at all, or answer all of the questions! I was definitely vague with a few of my answers, lol)
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crystu-cii · 4 years
XDD YESSS-- YEAH FOR FREE-- we weren't even gonna GET a pet in japan but they found a post about her and were like "...okay fine" and she is so sweet 💕💞❤️💖💞💕💞 oms XDD mood-- oh so what you're saying is you should get a dog with the same color hair as you so you can't tell the difference? XD you'd have no problem with a little extra shed fur-- w h e eze true some people hate loud animals-- I don't, but I do have sensitive ears, which I.. did not take into account when getting a pet ;w;; good luck with getting a pet in the future!!! Again.. I recommend doggos--
XDDD it is SO TASTY-- it's got sweet potato mashed and mixed with brown sugar, with more brown sugar and pecans over the top, then marshmallows on top of those :3c
WOWWW HOW-- THAT'S INSANEEEE-- DAMN THAT'S SOME ROTTEN LUCK-- yeah school budgets? What's that XD yeesh tho that's some awful luck crys-
It is SO AWESOME-- But cRYsSssSSs Portal 2 has a co-op mode!!! And the puzzles aren't too hard-- you even have an in-game polite guide!!! Also I saw a thing today saying "so we obviously can't please EVERYone with a game but I gotta tell you I ain't ever seen a mfer complain about Portal!" WHICH IS SO TRUE LIKE EVERYONE LOVES PORTAL--
Yesss!!!! YEAAAA GLADOS SAYS TRANS AND ENBY PEOPLE ROCK AND ARE VALID!!!!!! I'd like you to know, when I initially discovered it, I had been trying to fall asleep and Couldn't so my mind was wandering, and I was like "....is there a Glados says trans rights thing on the internet?" and I was gonna do it in the morning but I couldn't sleep anyways so I just. Looked it up. At like 2am. Because it was That Important that I couldn't sleep until I looked it up(and then I fell asleep pretty fast, so.. hm--) XDDD
Wellllll what are we supposed to do? Just move it to our dms? gestures vaguely to the length of theses posts You think discord can handle this?? It couldn't even handle me rambling about the cores with it's cowardly 2k character limit! /lh
aawhhh 😭💞💞💕💞💞
and PFTT that would be a lot more chaotic XDD literally right after i vaccum my floor in my room there many strands back on the floor anyway- gosh i have no clue whats up with my hair ;0;; and yeahh- my friend who used to be my neighbor had birds and they would ALWAYS make sound and im like "oh man-" xDD and the BIRDS WERENT EVEN FRIENDLY like- i was there when they first got the birds arrived to them and i was expecting the birbs to be nice but they legit repel from human contact- whenever i would stick my finger in the cage they would hang on the the opposite side of the cage xD so far i imagine they just let them live and dont interact with them at all- doesnt really sound fun to be honest ;w;;
and OOOO MAN that sounds so awesome :0 ooO i should also say how my dinner went yesterday, since it was kinda our belated thanksgiving- we got take out from a chinese restaurant! might sound a little sad that we didnt cook anything- but take out is a very common thing in our family xD and i FINALLY GOT MY CHEESECAKE I DESIRED YAAAAASSSS- and my bro also got cookies! (they were from a high quality place as well) and one of the flavors was pumpkin pie (the cookie even looked like a pie!) and i was happy cause that shall replace the actual pumpkin pie i also wanted xD and it was GOOD?? LIKE MOM- PUMPKIN PIE ISNT BAD xD so that was my night!
and LEGITTTT LIKE- oh my god i can LITERALLY go on and on about how horrible that year was from my previous year- and THEN THERES COVID TO TOP IT ALLLL OFF UGHHHHWUFOAJ
and WHHH IT DOES?? I thought that was a seperate game :OO and oHHH that sounds cool! and BAHHA- fACTSSS xDD and omggg i feel that- i would always search up random things of a fandom and see if they exist or not XDD IM SO GLAD A "TRANS RIGHTS" GLADOS EXISTS XDD i also actually do have a Portal instagram folder where i save portal related posts- OKAY AT THE MOMENT I AM WRITING THIS SENTENCE i looked back wt the folder (its the last one out of all my folders because i havent saved any posts in it for a LONG time) and there arent many posts as there are with my other franchise folders- BUT LITERALLY (ALMOST) ALL THE POSTS ARE WHEATLEY AND IM LIKE PFPFNTKAHFIANJD there were also some chell x human!wheatley there because the way people drew those two were in a very cute art style so i liked it- i hope me liking the ship doesnt sound too weird though- xD ;w;; bUt THATS my experience of being in the portal fandom(?) XDD
and oh yeaH YOURE RIGHT- i keep forgetting that discord has a character limit but at the same time it always gets me- whenever im trying to show my friends a fanfic i wrote discord is all like "IMMA STOP YOU RIGHT THERE" and its shitty- my friends dont even comment on my fanfics anyway- xDD
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yetanotherreader · 5 years
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Genre: College AU
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Y/N, a pinch of Lisa sprinkled in.
Summary: The school's most popular boy wants to be friends with Y/N, out of the blue. It definitely doesn't have anything to do with her hot best friend, though.
Word Count(for the chapter): 1,494
Warnings (for the chapter): Nothing as such. Slightest language?
Useful Masterlist
Good girls always fall for bad boys.
Now, did they? At least, that's how the legend went. All your life, it was exactly what you had read in those books you carried in your bag. And they were the reason you were starting to believe this pointless theory. Or was it your irresistible attraction towards that leather-jacketed classmate of yours? Obviously, the former. You weren't falling for him of all the guys. And you weren't exactly the good types, were you? 
"Y/N!" You heard your friend call from behind, "You up for tonight's party at Jo's?
"Jo? I thought you hated her?" You raised your brow in your friend's direction, continuing your walk down the hallway.
"Nooo, why would I hate that beautiful babe?" 
"Lisa," deadpanning, you continued, "Cut the crap."
Lisa smiled at you cheekily, squinting her eyes and you obviously got the sign.
"Boys" You said with the roll of your eyes, whilst she echoed simultaneously with an excited squeal. Shaking your head, you smiled at her excitement, whilst she continued to grin your way adorably. At least someone's looking forward to living their life.
You and Lisa were totally different, to the extent it got you thinking about how you were even friends in the first place. She was one of the most popular girls of the college, whilst you were a hidden hermit. She loved partying and drinking, whilst you made excuses to stay home and read one of those fanfictions they wrote. Not that you got a lot of invitations, but ever since you started hanging out with Lisa, they were more. It was uncomfortable at first, and quite frankly, it still was. You weren't used to it—the attention, so many people around you, people talking to you. Although before you met Lisa, you felt way lonelier than you'd ever like to admit, you still sometimes missed the calm in it. But again, you did you. You still ditched parties for books, still said no to drunk boys, still wore baggy hoodies and Potter glasses, and still ate street food. Uncool? Fair enough. Uncool it is, then.
"So, you coming?" She tugged at your backpack just as you were making your way into the class.
"Today's food on me"
"Yee!" She squealed and hugged you, locking your hands to your body, as you froze in your place. You really did like to maintain that reputation of the tough, unaffectionate girl you had among the few people you talked to.
"Yeah, yeah. It's the free food." With a fake scowl, you went in the lecture hall, as she made her way to hers.
It was a rather boring lecture, and you would sell your soul to bunk the other one scheduled after the break. All you did during the whole class was scroll down your Instagram feed, or Tumblr checking for another part of the fanfiction you were currently reading. Hunters. How cool was that! You lived to read such fantasies, or who knew if they existed in real life too.
"Didn't take you for the one to use your phone during the class." You looked up to see him, and tried your hardest not to gawk at his entire confident demeanor. Leather jacket, spiky short blonde-ish brown hair, green eyes and—were they...freckles?
You cleared your throat locking your phone, "Didn't take you for the one to talk to unpopular girls during the break, either." 
A smirk started to grace his lips as you quickly averted your gaze back to your phone, unlocking it and scrolling through the posts again.
"Ah! That hurt," he mocked hurt as you found yourself resisting a smile at his antics, "Did I see a smile there, and can I sit?" He smiled to himself.
"No," You said with a roll of your eyes shifting to the seat next to the wall, "So what brings you here, Winchester?"
"Low attendance," He chuckled to himself but it subsided soon, clearing his throat, as he heard no laugh from your side, "Sorry, wasn't funny." 
"No it was, I'm just trying not to laugh." You said, the bored expression not leaving your face, as you again turned back to your phone, just before it was snatched from your hands.
"First, it's very rude to use your phone when someone's talking to you," He smiled in return to the glare you threw his way, "And second, Y/N, I've come here to be friends with you.
Now that piqued your interest, as you raised your right brow at him, "No, I mean it. I'm buddies with everyone in the class but you. The only time we ever talked was back during the first year, and it didn't quite end well."
"Sweets. Tempting but no," You gave the freckled man in front of you a tight lipped smile, "Winchester, what kinda bet you at, this time?" You said nonchalantly, definitely not believing a word of what he was asking for.
"No bet, I promise! I genuinely want to know you." And he thought you'd believe him, didn't he? As if.
"Guess what, Dean?" You smiled at him sweetly, as he started to grin, "Buzz off, not before giving me my phone back."
His grin faltered midway as he sighed, "You really are a hardhead, are you not?" He handed you over the phone and walked out of the hall.
Well, wow.. that was weird.
Dean knew it wasn't going to be an easy task. She wasn't a soft nut to crack. Not that he had expected her to just believe him like that. He wasn't joking when he said that their first encounter wasn't the most pleasant one. A bet. That's what it was.
New to college, he knew he needed to make a reputation to survive those four years. He couldn't go down on his first day, after all. He wasn't going to. And as his seniors dared him to throw the next student out of the door into the pool, he did. He was very hesitant, he knew it was bullying and he sure wasn't in favor of that but he also knew that if he didn't, they'll make the next three years of his life hell. He had no other choice.
That's when she walked out of the class—baggy sweater, round glasses, reading a book, your typical nerd. Her appearance just made him more guilty for what he was about to do next, she was too innocent to be a part of any of this. Other bullies of the school would just make her college years a living hell after today, if he did that- when he did that. Although, he was determined he wouldn't let anyone near her after today, it did little to no good easing his guilt.
Next thing he knew was that she was scooped up in his arms, her book on the floor, deep Y/E/C wide orbs staring back into his apologetic ones and her arms tight around his neck as if to make sure she wouldn't fall down—oh boy, only if she knew—and splash!
It was all a matter of seconds when he realized she was struggling to keep up on the surface, "The bet's over, I won!" He yelled at the couple of boys and three girls laughing behind him as he jumped into the pool to save the tiny bean.
"Look I'm sorry, I know it was an ass move but you gotta believe me, I didn't mean any of it. It was a bet, I mea-" He looked at her still baffled expressions, as she tried to regulate her breathing, "Are you okay?"
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" His eyes all but widened at the unexpected not-just-an-outburst but a hard slap to his face.
Turns out, she didn't need all that saving after all.
He chuckled at the memory. It's been three years, and they were still not friends. Gosh, what did he not do after that. Passed her sorry notes, apologized to her in person, waited for her outside her classrooms and even sneaked into her dorm earning an earful from the warden. Oh, Y/N still didn't know about the dorm one, not that she ever would. Finally, after all those efforts she sure forgave him, but they decided that they won't talk ever again. 
And they didn't.
It wasn't that he never wanted to. He did, he really did. Y/N really intrigued him, to the point he found himself staring at her just to study her, in hopes to look past the mysterious aura she carried. If he didn't know better, he would have thought he had a crazy crush on the girl. 
Right then, though, he hoped she came to Jo's party that evening, and he sure as hell hoped he could get some help winning over the beautiful girl he had gotten a crush on.
Chapter 2
A/N: Wellllll. I tried my luck again. I don't know how it turned out but ah. So it will have more parts, so if anybody of you wanna get tagged, send me an ask or reblog it with your comment. Feedback is really appreciated, so I can know if I should continue or not. Love❤️
Tags: @bi-danvers0
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ffxivaltaholic · 4 years
Prompt #18: Panglossian
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“Seriously? You’re asking me?”  The boisterous voice belonged to a large Roe man, his laughter ringing out through the entire workshop. Rock had been working with the Miqo’te for years and not once had the man asked for personal advice before. Something was clearly different and the Roe was thrilled.
“Yes, well... It’s not that big of a deal it’s jus--” “Nonsense! This is fantastic! Look at you growing up and learning to ask for help!” The tone was a little patronizing, but the intent was pure.  Sitting on a large stool the roe rested an elbow on his leg and perched, grinning at the blonde Miqo’te across from him.  “Wellllll!  You’ve come to the right man! Ask away, I’m sure I can give you suitable advice. I have many years of experience in the world, perfectly suitable for this! So tell me, what do you need advice on?” It had taken every bit of composure for Jellal to visit the blacksmith due to the subject of conversation he wished to discuss, but already there was some regret. “Ah... Well...  I need some dating advice.” A low sigh and he reached to light up a cigarette, an attempt to deal with the stress of the moment. “I see, I see.”  The roe offered a sage-nod and combed his beard with his hand, thinking.  “You’re with the monk lass right? Iaella?”  Jellal’s nod confirmed that and he went back to pondering.  “And this relationship, it’s pretty new right?” “Somewhat...  We’ve been close for some time but, as she was spoken for I never crossed that line and admitted my interests out of respect.  Especially after all she had done for me, I didn’t want to ruin the friendship.”  He had been incredibly hesitant to pursue anything further while she was with another, and before the subject could even arise, she had disappeared for over a year.  With the war and everything, as well as no letter or notice of where she had gone or what she was doing, he had come to accept that she might have perished.   “But now I assume she aint with that guy anymore?”  Rock inquired, wanting to ensure that Jellal was acting respectfully. Another nod once again confirmed things and the Roe hummed a little as he pondered.  “So then what’s the problem? You’re together now?” “Yes...  But, I have no idea what to do.”  Jellal gave a low sigh and put out what remained of his cigarette. “In the bedroom???”  Cocking an eyebrow, Rock stared at him with concern, especially considering Jellal’s age, he assumed the man had some experience in the dirty dancing. “What!?!? NO!” The comment had caught the Seeker off guard and he nearly dropped the drink in his other hand.  “That is... Not an issue...  It is the actual date aspect of it. Going out and doing things together... I’ve only ever been on one date.”  A scowl had formed as he was still recovering from the Roe’s initial comments.  Overall this was not a subject Jellal would normally approach with anyone, but Iaella was special and he was desperate not to fuck things up. “Hmm...”  Rock continued to ponder, taking into account that he knew little to nothing about this woman, and that Jellal was generally antisocial and hated crowds.  “Yer a little limited unless you would be willing to go places that are loud and crowded.”  It was something Jellal had taken into consideration and he gave a small nod.  “Well, you both have been fighting for a long time, so take her somewhere to relax, something romantic but not over the top.  You both don’t seem like the type anyways.” At least Jellal didn’t, and he assumed the monk was similar in opinion. “Okay but where? Before her return I rarely left the workshop and when I did it was often to fight, I didn’t exactly take vacations and tourist trips....”  He could only recall a few times that he’d gone somewhere without the intent to work or fight and even then, never had it been a date.  “So what should I do? Dinner seems to simple, but she’s not the showy type either.”  It seemed the Miqo’te sought something romantic, but not flashy, which really narrowed things down a bit. “Take her to the beach!”  The overly positive demeanor of the Roe was nearly overwhelming but it wasn’t a terrible idea, except for the fact that Jellal was not fond of swimming, or parties, or crowds... “I used to go to Costa all the time, especially during their summer event! Take her there, you can have a romantic time without even doing that much, and I know for a fact you have more than enough gil to treat her!”  Rock wiggled a finger at him with a delighted grin.  Jellal contemplated the suggestion and while it was not something he would generally do, it wasn’t a terrible idea.  They could still have a quieter time if they picked a good spot and it would allow him to treat her to a nice view with a dinner. No matter how pessimistic and grumpy he could be, even Jellal liked sunsets.  “Alright, I’ll take her to Costa....” “Fantastic! It’ll go great! You’re always wound so tightly, so it’ll be a healthy trip too.  You know, at the end of the day, you gotta keep your health up.”  Shifting he flexed and showed off the muscles in his arms.  “See! Good and healthy! You’d think I was a young man!”  How the Roe stayed so constantly positive was beyond Jellal’s understanding, but even so, he managed a small chuckle and a smile. “Think you can hold down the workshop without me?” Of course it was meant more as a joke, as he knew all to well that Rock was capable on his own. “Go have fun before you forget and return to being a grumpy old cat.” Even though Jellal wasn’t that old, Rock knew the comment would annoy him, and that was to fun to pass up. With a huff of annoyance, Jellal stood up and finished his drink.  “You have enough optimism for all of us, so I have to be the grumpy one.”  Even so, he smiled and headed to the door. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome.”  Rock chimed and offered a big grin to the Miqo’te. “Don’t forget, sex on the beach is more than just a drinnnnnk!”  Rock called after the Seeker with laughter that echoed down the halls and seemed to follow Jellal until he exited the building.
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madebysimblr · 4 years
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Chimes Over an Intercom
Intercom: Students, the Commons will be closing in 10 minutes. 
Kelsi: Well, I guess that’s our cue.
Gwen: Mhmm.
Marcus: Ahhh, we have a pink sunset tonight.
Gwen: The best. 
Marcus: Mm. Still enjoying not living in that dorm?
Gwen: Good god, I never want to step foot in it AGAIN. And if I ever see my old roommate again, it’ll be too soon.
Marcus: -laughs- She left you alone towards the end there.
Gwen: Still... Speaking of roommates, we uhm... Might need to keep it down a little more at night.
Marcus: Ah, shit. Kelsi said something to you?
Gwen: Had she already talked to you!?!
Marcus: Wellllll. Yeah. 
Gwen: -mortified- Why didn’t you say something to me!? That’s so embarrassing that she’s been listening to us this whole time!!
Marcus: Nooo no no no, she has big headphones that she wears usually. It’s only when she goes downstairs to get food or something that she’ll hear anything. Promise. She doesn’t think anything of it, besides she knows we stream. She leaves a lurk.
Gwen: Wh-? Marcus I’m not talking about the stream I’m talking about when we have sex!
Marcus: ........ O H. 
Gwen: Oh my GOD. Marcus I don’t care if she hears us playing Skysim! Why would I care about that??
Marcus: I... am not bright.
Gwen: -laughs and kisses his cheek- I love you so much. 
Marcus: -blushes- Thanks. I love you too.
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