#it's not just a boulder... it's a rock! (eijirou)
pikabxi-blog · 5 years
riotlike replied to your post: “I’m so toast, bro…”
kiri ghost vc: hang in there bro
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selinakidreams · 3 years
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hello hello hello ! this is my comfort piece for @doinmybesthere ‘s mental health awareness month collab! and I’d just like to say a huge thank you to emme for creating such a wonderful collab and thank you for letting me be apart of it.
paring: kirishima eijirou (I’m talking 7ft big strongman vibes) x empathic quirk f!reader (established relationship)
word count: 3.7k +
genre: hurt/comfort + fluff
warnings: mentions of anxiety & toxic friendships, instigating with means to harm- please let me know if I missed anything!!
a/n: this I think,, was the best way to approach what has tormented me for years. it was a reoccurring thing for me but I never handled it properly, and just this year, someone important taught me that I deserve more than what I’ve been putting myself through. so here it is! I also think that once my schedule clears up, I’m gonna make a sister piece to this but idk !! let me know if you guys would be interested in that!
++ the absolute biggest thank you to my betas/flow checkers @doinmybesthere @lady-bakuhoe @keishinslove BIG kith
pss. the first person who can guess my love language based off this fic wins a prize
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Turning other’s confidence to despair, gloating to fear, persistence to tiredness, motivation into loss- but all you felt was drained. The overuse of your quirk left your head feeling full of cotton; Your chest heaving and vision slightly blurry. 
You arrived late to the fight because what started as a relaxing day off quickly turned into a rush to get to the streets. Thankfully Red Riot had been on the scene, waist-deep and stalling a full-fledged fight between two combat villains until backup came. 
His tired eyes met yours and you flashed him a hopeful smile until witnessing the villain get a short-termed upper hand. They landed a solid punch, which caused you to feel not only the repercussions of the shock-inducing impact but your building guilt of being a distraction.
Years of training reminded you not to let it get to your head, your hero instincts kicking in after emotionally experiencing that strike. Heart pumping with adrenaline, you began to focus your heart and mind, simultaneously tuning into what those around you were feeling, never forgetting to keep your eyes wide and alert. 
Confidence, eagerness, perseverance, exhaustion, determination. 
Taking a breath as you ease into a rhythm, you kept your sights on the two people who were attacking the boulder of a hero and finally, a steady grasp.
Quirk at work, the familiar mental image of loose strings flowing in the wind appeared, and you grabbed a hold of them, symbolizing that you had caught hold of their feelings and wasted no time on bending and contorting to your will. You watched as their actions became slower and less motivated, making it easier for Kirishima to handle. He must have realized what was happening, a new surge of elation pumped through him as he began to knock both of the villains down a peg. 
Seeing him fight had always been such a marvel to watch; it was so easy to be mesmerized by the sheer enthusiasm he had while trying to keep the balance and execute justice. Kirishima Eijirou was a hero in all senses of the word- and not just any hero, your hero- as cheesy as it sounded.
Secured under his weight and possibly unconscious, Red Riot looked around, a bit disheveled, until his gaze found yours. Expecting to be met with the warm sincere smile that always made your heart flutter, your heart sunk when you saw his eyes turn wide and frantic as he called out your hero name. 
On top of feeling a bit dizzy from honing into those particular subjects and manipulating two people at once, a wave of distress washed over you, adding to the unfavorable aftermath of pushing your quirk. 
You were quick to whip around, finding another villain was closing in closer than expected. You dropped all previous controls and focused solely on the person in front of you. 
“You had gotten better since the last time I saw you,” they sneered as they attempted to land a hard-hitting kick to your stomach. 
Missing by a hair, you pushed past the dreariness in your head and went straight into a defensive position.
The close-cut dodge wasn’t the only thing to throw you off; now you had realized why Kirishima looked at you like that; your traumatic past, the one you had divulged to him in the safety of your home, warbling with tears streaking your cheeks, was coming back to roughhouse with the intent of ending in a knockout. 
Fear twisted into gut-wrenching anxiety; the plummeting feeling hit the bottom of your stomach with a harsh thud.
In front of you stood the unmistakable frame of someone you had considered to be one of your closest friends for a time; someone that seemed so natural to be with, someone you divulged secrets and shared smiles with, someone that had made it seem like separation was not an option- now turned villain, sporting a suited evil smirk smeared on their face. 
It was hard not to let the tears collect on your waterline, thinking about the whirlwind of your relationship as your gaze met theirs for the first time in years. Months and months of triggered breakdowns, cold sweats from various nightmares, and countless tears have been shed as time progressed, the sinking feeling of long-lost fear that they had put you through now showing its ugly head; the thought you had convinced yourself for so long- that you ended up not even being worth their time starting to resurface. 
It had been hard to learn the lessons that were dealt and see the mistakes made on both parts- not just yours, to pick up all the shattered expectations of what a true friendship is, but you had. Now you were able to sort through the wrong sorts and had gotten emotionally and mentally stronger because of it; in many ways, the ending of the friendship helped you realize that there were ways you deserved to be treated, and like shit wasn’t one of them.
However, it almost seemed like all the progress you had made swirled down the drain now that they were in front of you. It was like you were experiencing the heartbreak of them ending the friendship all over again.
“Awww! The poor little hero is still heartbroken after I left her?” their tone patronizing as they jutted out their bottom lip to form an exaggerated pout. “Look at you! I can practically see the desperation on your face- desperate for me to come back? You’ve always been so fucking clingy. But you know, the news has you pinned as like... some kind of saint… no, no. You’re nothing but a selfish attention whore playing the good guy... so I just wanted to stop by and remind you of the truth.” they sneered, really aiming to trigger your trauma. 
You had opened up to them about all your fears; from the smallest to the all-consuming ones, so for them to be targeting you like this… they must have thought that you haven’t changed- and you fucking have. You worked damn hard to do so; You’ve grown and have started appreciating yourself more, started loving yourself more, started working on yourself more. The villain was only targeting your past worries, keyword, past.
Regardless, you were already feeling too much as is and the best thing you could do for yourself right now was to control yourself. 
The urge to take it personally was beyond tempting- to make them suffer as they had done to you, to watch them break right in front of you… But there was a specific way to handle this situation, one you’ve envisioned more than enough, the perfect high route. 
Quickly looking back to see how Kirishima was fairing, you were met with the rock hero in the process of cuffing the other two offenders, allowing you to feel a rush of relief. You turned around and mentally centered yourself. The convict seemed to put together what you were about to do, so without hesitation, they began charging only a second too late.
Taking a breath, the perfect feeling to muddle their prideful feeling down surged through you as you carefully knotted their violent stings together.
It was the feeling you faced when all was said and done after, the outcome you faced after you had gone through confronting all of the trauma that was built up by this person. 
All you felt was emptiness. 
When it hit them, you saw it in their eyes as they stopped in their tracks. No smugness, no pride, no cowardness. Nothing to egg them on and yet nothing to make them feel terrible. Blank. 
Before confusion slithered its way to their consciousness, you took the opportunity and roundhoused them- your efficient ankle sweep knocking their head to the floor, deeming them unconscious.
Crouching to the floor next to their body, you made sure they were breathing before cuffing them and standing back up, turning around you double-check on the scene behind you.
The police furthest from you were tucking the Red Riot’s villains in their cars while the others jogging towards you kept their eyes on the limp body behind you, Kirishima in tow. He looked incredibly tired but couldn’t seem to keep the smile off his face. He felt proud.
A weak smile graces your lips as you try to take a step, only to see your vision blur.
The last thing you saw was the panicked look in his eyes as his pace quickened to a run in attempts to catch you. You faded out to the sound of an urgent call of your actual name before your body hit the ground with a thud. 
The next few hours came in slow-paced blinks. 
The first time you opened your eyes post-fight, your body felt heavy… but you were moving. It didn’t take long to realize that you were being carried by the muscular arms that you wake up to every morning. Slowly peeling your eyes open, the sight of his signature spikey red hair reminded you that what had just happened. Your boyfriend, the one who was on the scene with you, had witnessed you overcome one of the people that truly had left damage on you. He wasn’t looking at you, but staring straight ahead; by the way, his fingers curled around your bicep and thighs, it had been tough for him to watch everything that had gone down. 
You tried to call out his name, but it sounded stifled, sounding more like a broken whisper than anything. After another try, he seemed to have heard you, his ears perking up even though all the commotion- or maybe it was just ironic timing. When his red eyes caught the beaming smile you attempted to comfort him with, he tried to mimic it, only you could make out the way his bottom lip quiver. Your eyelids became unbearably heavy and for the second time, unconsciousness took its hold over you.
The next time your eyes peeled open, you were being inspected by the all-to-familiar medical team. The inside of the ambulance was much brighter than it was outside, fluorescent lighting causing you to squint. Unnamable hands were touching your head and pulse points. When they noticed your eyes open, they tried to keep you awake as long as possible, the first step was sitting you up on the gurney. The first person you made eye contact with was your designated nurse- the one with the most comforting presence, was that part of her quirk? 
With a kind smile and knowing eyes, she jerked her head in the direction of the person she knew was first to come to mind. Following the movement, your gaze landed on Kirishima, who was standing off to the side and chewing on his nail, arms crossed against his chest. 
Had he already got checked out? Was he okay? 
When he noticed you were staring, he mustered up a small smile and in return, you slightly lifted both your hands to do a loose wave in attempts to warm up his smile. It worked.
“Okay c’mon, you know how these checkups go- you can go be with your boyfriend once we know you’re okay.” your nurse teased, knowing full well that a serious approach wasn’t going to work with you being this drowsy. 
You merely nodded in response, head and eyelids still heavy.
 The rest of the examination went by speedily, you being awake making everything go ten times smoother. After everything was checked and you were clear to go home, the nurses moved to talk to Kirishima as you moved to the edge of the ambulance, waiting for them to finish. 
“I’m so lucky that you’re not only my hero but also a registered caregiver. Well actually… both are pretty super...” You mumbled, trailing off with a lazy smile, lids finally starting to accept the losing battle of staying open. 
“Nooo, you’re lucky that it’s the overuse of your quirk that’s keeping you out of the hospital and not fatal injuries. It’s not manly to push yourself too hard.” he quipped back in a light playful tone; He didn’t miss how hard you were fighting to stay awake. “Baby, can you make it to the car or do you want me to carry you?” 
It was moments like this where you appreciated how comfortable Kirishima made you feel in your relationship; feeling no shame when you revert to a clingy pile of mush. Reaching out, you let your eyes close as you mimic grabby hands to your enormous boyfriend. 
You hear him sigh as he kneels in front of you, opening your eyes in time to catch his broad back muscles shifting, “c’mon love, you need to help me with this bit.”
You clumsily climb on his back and loosely wrap your arms around his neck, standing up with ease. He quickly adjusts you against him to get a better hold on your thighs. Once he begins walking, you let yourself subside back into unconsciousness.
You were jolted awake when you felt yourself falling, only for your behind to hit a familiar cushiony surface. Oh right, the car. Before you could fade out once again, you heard Kirishima say something about going to grab the paperwork so the both of you can file your reports later when you wake up. The last thought you were able to think was something along the lines of how incredibly lucky you were to have someone love you so deeply.
Waking up to the view of the city lights twinkling below your balcony and the energy of a healthy 8 hours of sleep, you stretch the rest of the drowsiness out of your body till you feel ready to accept the hefty amount of paperwork that’s waiting for you in the other room. 
The only light that illuminated your bedroom was the reflection of the living room lights on the hallway floors. Before getting up, you spared a glance at your nightstand, seeing a glass of water with a note underneath, as predicted; this happened more often than not after a battle. You reach out and take the glass in hand and take a steady sip before letting in more and more water, then reading the messy little note:
 in the livingroom <3 
You smiled at the little doodle he drew- two characters that seem a lot like the two of you, kissing, with a sparkly heart over their heads.
The need to recreate this drawing was growing at an incredible speed.
With newfound determination, you push yourself up from the bed and shuffle to the living room, squinting when the light becomes a little too harsh against your eyes.
Eyes fully closed when you get to the center of the living room, purposely facing the wrong way and trying to suppress a giggle, you try to use the most monotone voice you could muster.
“Kiri - where are you I can’t see.” 
“Your eyes are closed- babe, open your eyes.” 
“No it’s too bright but I saw this cute drawing on the nightstand done by this really talented artist and I must recreate it please recreate it with me.”
You heard a bit of shuffling before his voice came close to your left side.
“Was it a pretty manly drawing?” 
“I would like to think so.”
He was much closer at this point, shifted to somewhere close in front of you right before warm lips were on yours; as quick as the peck came, it was gone in a flash followed by the sound of him plopping down on the couch.
“Wait Eijirou-” you start to pout as you turn in the direction where the couch is, eyes now fully open and set on Kirishima until the shock of pain shot through your nerve endings. 
“Ah, shit! Fuck!…” you wince, lifting your leg to hug your newly stubbed toe.
Kirishima is back by your side in an instant, really trying to suppress his laugh but doing a terrible job.
“You’re such a jerk for laughing,” you pout, giving your best attempt of a proper shove… and he didn’t even budge. 
There was a moment of complete silence then the booming of your boyfriend’s boisterous laughs bouncing off the walls. Rolling your eyes, you limped over to the spot on the couch where he was previously sitting, and as the cushion beside you dips, you sigh. 
The sight in front of you was a disheveled mess. Scribbled on papers were thrown about- most were filled out but there were a few that were blank, pens and highlighters could be spotted under and over random reports.
“I did most of the reports… but I didn’t know if you wanted to fill out yours… because of who you were fighting.” he slowly stated, as if he were walking on eggshells. You could tell that he was holding back from hitting the main issue. 
Was this something you were ready to unbiasedly talk about? Kirishima knew most of the details, but he also realized that you probably wanted to talk about it more now that you’ve not only seen them after all this time but had to fight them. 
With another sigh, you let your head fall into your palms- your elbows digging into your thighs- and you roughly rub your eyes before coming up for a new breath of air. 
“My heart was pounding…” you started, attempting to prepare for the unwanted wave of grief, but as you trailed off, oddly enough, it never came. 
When reflecting on the fight, you remembered the range of emotions you felt, but now… you just felt… empty- which was ironic. No sadness, longing, anxiety… if anything, with your caring redhead staring at you with the roundest eyes, you felt at ease. 
“But honestly? I don’t really feel much right now. Like I can say that when looking back, I think I handled myself in the best way possible- they don’t deserve to have that satisfaction of creating a rise out of me, and quite frankly… I’m tired, Ei. I’m so tired of letting them have that hold on me. I don’t deserve that kind of pain. As much as I am a hero, I need to think about myself as a person and there’s only so much I can endure. My mental and emotional health comes first.” 
After saying all of that, there was a slight hint of relief that flooded your system; you already began to feel lighter.
“I’m so proud of you. I know that must have been really hard to face but you did it, and you were so good about it,” he whispered as he reached out for your thigh. 
Accepting his comfort, you sucked in another breath and smiled up at him. He held and returned your smile for a couple of seconds before slightly leaning in, his eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips. 
“Would it be alright if I.. kiss you?” it was such a heart-warming gesture, how he was making sure you weren’t pushing yourself. 
“More than alright,” you whisper, barely getting out the last word because of how quickly the gap between you two closed. The kiss was comfort in the rawest form; his pace was slow, his large hand cupping your jaw as his tongue invaded your mouth. You were following his pace, your eyes coming to a close, melting into a relaxed state for what seemed like the first time today. 
Keeping the kiss light, he pulled away shortly, but not before placing a lingering peck on your lips, then one on your forehead and whispering, “I made you a snack. You’re probably hungry right now so I prepared you a little something filling. And while you eat, I’m gonna run a bath with some Epsom salt and lavender oil, does that sound good?” 
Overwhelming gratitude washed over you. Words couldn’t possibly measure even the bare minimum of the love you have for Kirishima Eijirou, and yet you managed to string a soft, “You are the most wonderful person in the world, and I… Eijirou I love you so much.” 
His eyes became a little teary as he looked down at you, a wobbly smile in place before whispering a returning “I love you,” before heading into the bathroom to run the water in your massive tub. 
As the thundering sound of the water filling the tub echo through your apartment, you get up and rummage the fridge to find a plate of adorably cut red apples with a glob of peanut butter off to the side. 
“Baby do you want tea?” You call out just loud enough, “I’m gonna brew that green tea with the toasted rice!” 
He came into the kitchen looking big and confused, “what did you say, baby?”
“Green tea?”
“Oh yes, please,” he said, leaning in and planting a kiss to your temple before turning back to the bathroom. 
“Kiri? Can you put on the house shows on the tv? I forgot what channel they were on.”
You didn’t need to turn around to hear tv turn on; a shout of thanks was called out before you took a bite of your snack.
It felt all very domestic, something you never thought could happen to you. Your childhood was a montage of quirk abuse, being emotionally used, following the same types of toxic people, and never learning your lesson. It all flipped somewhere in your twenties- you began to realize the pattern after being shown the kindness the world could offer. No longer world you put up with bullshit like that. You knew better now and Eijirou always reminded you of that. 
You were halfway through one of your favorite flipping shows when Kirishima came in shirtless, letting you know the bath was ready, “Okay my love, it’s ready. Take your time, I‘ll be in the tub.”
You stripped on your way to the bathroom, leaving all your clothes on the bench in the bedroom before padding into the warm-tiled bathroom.
The view you stepped in on was delicious; your huge boyfriend taking up most of the tub, his head tilted back against the wall, eyes closed.
“Gee red, you’re so sexy.” you aimed to tease, but your words came out a bit strained. He chuckles before turning to face you and groaning your name, “hurry up and come in here.”
And it’s then when you’re submerged in all the heat and laying against your boyfriend’s warmth, do you remember that life is what you make it to be. Never accept anything less than the love and care you deserve.
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elzemayne · 4 years
Pairing: Eijirou Kirishima x Reader
Genre: Angst to Fluff
Warning: None
Word Count: 1,570
Summary: Kirishima gets injured in a fight leading to amnesia
As you heard a small groan come from the bed beside you, you quickly leaned over with wide, concerned eyes and grabbed your Kirishima’s hand tightly.
“Eiji?” you asked, as your boyfriend slowly regained consciousness. At the site of his scarlet eyes finally opening, you couldn’t hold back the tears that were already beginning to form. “Oh thank god,” you whispered as you leaned in as close to him as you possibly could.
“W…what happened?” he asked, his voice weak as he brought his hand up to his forehead, hissing in pain. He suddenly attempted to sit up and you quickly reached out to put your hands on his shoulders to support him.
“Please don’t push yourself too much,” you begged, as he fell back into the pillow below him. “You had a really bad villain attack and now you’re at the hospital,” you explained, rubbing small circles onto the back of his hand that you were holding.
“Oh…” Kirishima stated, slightly confused but mostly tired as he pulled his hand away from yours to rub his eyes. “I don’t really remember that…” he added, lowering his hand back down and finally turning to face you.
“It’s okay, the doctor said you might forget some things, but it’ll come back, so don’t worry, okay?” you said, with a warm smile, relieved that your boyfriend seemed to be doing well.
You reached out a hand to brush away some hair that was stuck to his forehead but were surprised when he flinched away from you. You froze there with your outstretched hand for a moment before quickly pulling it back.
“Sorry, Eiji, I didn’t mean to scare you,” you apologized, smiling once more.
Kirishima, however, frowned at your words.
“Thanks…but my name is Eijirou, not Eiji,” he stated, correcting you gently. You stared at him blankly as he turned away from you and fumbled around the bed.
“Hey, you’re the nurse, right? Do you know where they put my phone? Gotta text the agency and let them know where I am.
You froze in place once more as you stared down at your boyfriend of 5 years. The man you loved more than anyone else in the world. The man who you had shared countless precious moments with.
“Eiji…it’s me,” you managed to whisper softly, pointing to yourself.
You gazed at him with growing desperation in your eyes, praying that this was a prank or that he was just confused. But when he turned to you with a blank stare, you knew that your worst fear had come true. The doctors had said he might forget things, and the thought had crossed your mind but not like this. Never like this.
“Sorry…who are you?” Kirishima asked with a sheepish look on his face.
You kept your eyes on him as you let out a small noise that was halfway between a gasp and a pained squeal as you sat back in your seat. Hurriedly gripping onto the side of the chair in an attempt to ground yourself you shook your head. You tried to calm your breathing but you couldn’t stop your heart from beating wildly in your chest.
“I…” you began, slowly, feeling your throat constrict around your words. “No, Eiji, come on. It’s me! It’s Y/N!” you plead, trying to explain yourself but failing miserably. Kirishima looked at you with growing concern which only made you feel worse – you were supposed to be helping him heal, not hurting him even more.
“I’m really sorry, but I don’t know who you are,” Kirishima responded, this time a bit more sadly. He could tell that his words were having an effect on you, but he didn’t have the heart to lie to you.
You felt your hands begin to shake and you were about to try to explain yourself one more time when the door of the room burst open.
“Ah, Mr. Kirishima, you’re finally awake,” the doctor said as she walked into the room. You pressed your lips together and sank back even farther into your seat as Kirishima’s attention was turned away from you.
“Hey doc! Thanks for patching me up, sounds like I got into a bad fight,” Kirishima said, laughing a bit and regaining his energetic, friendly demeanor. “At least that’s what they said!” he added, pointing a finger over to you.
The doctor nodded went on for a bit, explaining what had happened to Kirishima, the procedure they had to undergo for him, how long he would need to be in the hospital, and all the medications and side effects that he might be feeling. When she discussed the amnesia, she made sure to emphasize that the memory loss would most likely be temporary but that it was possible some of it could be permanent.
You felt the hole in your chest deepen at her words as you licked your dry lips and pressed your eyes closed, willing the tears away. You had to be strong for Kirishima. He had always been your rock, your boulder, and now it was time for you to help him no matter what. You only hoped that he would remember you again soon.
You tried to keep up with the doctor’s words as she went on about treatments and medications, but when she got to visitation hours, but then she chuckled slightly.
“Although that doesn’t really apply to you. That one over there hasn’t left your side in days. You’re quite the lucky man if I do say so myself,” the doctor mused, jotting down something on a clipboard before asking if the two of you had any other questions.
When she was met with silence, shaking heads and muttered ‘thank yous’ she nodded and took her leave. As soon as she was gone, Kirishima turned to you with wide eyes.
“Wait, you’ve been here the whole time? Why?” he asked, suddenly intrigued. You fumbled with the bracelet on your hand that spelled out E.K. & Y.N. before giving him a small, sad smile. Your eyes were still watering, but you were slowly getting more of a handle on the tears before they threatened to spill more.
“Because I love you,” you stated weakly. “And because we’ve been dating for years and we live together,” you added, dryly chuckling a bit. You watched as realization came over Kirishima, his eyes widening even more if possible as his mouth parted open slightly.
“Wait, we’re dating?” he asked, suddenly. “Like dating dating?”
You nodded slowly as a small flicker of hope ignited in your stomach. Was it possible the memories were already coming back?
“Wow…but you’re so pretty!” he suddenly exclaimed, catching you off guard. “Why would someone like you be with me?”
His question made you laugh genuinely even as you sniffled a bit and shook your head.
“I should be asking myself that question,” you said, chuckling a bit and resisting the urge to throw your arms tightly around your boyfriend. “I don’t think there’s a minute that goes by when I’m not grateful to have you in my life, Eiji,” you said, with a smile on your face.
Kirishima’s eyes lit up at your words as he gave you a grin.
“Oh man, now I’m angry I don’t remember everything about you!” he exclaimed, bringing a hand onto yours and resting it there for a moment. You gazed down at your hands on top of each other before looking back at your boyfriend.
“You don’t have to say yes but…is it okay if I hug you?” you asked, slowly, not wanting to put pressure on Kirishima but wanting more than anything you cling to the man you loved.
You could try to be the bigger person and you could try to be his support, but all you wanted to do right now was hold him tightly and assure yourself that he was still here. That everything was going to be okay. Kirishima’s smile didn’t waver at all as he opened up his arms.
“Yea, of course you can! We’re dating after all, right?” he exclaimed, happily.
The familiar warmth and positivity that flowed from Kirishima made you immediately fall into him. You tried to be careful to avoid any of his bandages as you wrapped your arms around him tightly, allowing a few tears to fall from your eyes.
“Y/N…” you heard Kirishima whisper in a knowing voice and you smiled through your tears as you nodded into his neck. Pulling away from the hug, you wiped your eyes away and nodded towards him with resolve.
“Okay, we’re gonna work hard together and kick amnesia’s ass!” Kirishima exclaimed, lifting up his fist with renewed energy. You nodded and laughed, despite the tears still wet on your face, and Kirishima joined your laughter as he wiped your cheeks with his fingers.
“Maybe let’s just start by looking at some old photos to bring back some memories,” you suggested, reaching for you phone.
Kirishima agreed and as you began to show him all of the pictures you had of the two of you, you watched his eyes brighten. He asked questions and every now and again would remember a specific place or event, making you cheer lightly and give him a small hug.
It would be a long road, but you were determined to either bring back the Kirishima you loved, or fall in love with the new Kirishima while trying.
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Drunk Bakugou
Broke: He's angrier than usual and will fight anything that moves.
Woke: He gets all emotional and confesses his love for Kirishima.
Hyperwoke: He sobs hysterically the entire time while hugging Kirishima and crying, "He's not just a boulder! *Sniff* He's a rock!".
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1-800-imagine · 4 years
cheesy pick up line hcs
sero x reader, kirishima x reader, mina x reader
✎ nonsense: i'm considering making this a series, what do you think? part two is here!!
SERO HANTA: “are you a camera? because every time i look at you i smile.”
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this boy this very cheeky, and will take any opportunity to poke fun at you while at the same time flirting
therefore, stupid pick up lines are just his thing
it’s probably well into your relationship too, so you’re at least somewhat used to all his goofiness
anyways, the two of you are probably hanging around. swing in the hammock set up in his dorm. taking in some quality cuddle time. 
he’s just sitting there with you in his arms, when you look up to see the slightest little smirk appear on his face
“what’s up, hanta?” you sigh. just looking at the small grin on his face, you very well knew that your boyfriend had something up his sleeve. “oh, it’s nothing,” sero chuckles, watching your brows furrow and a scowl appear, “i swear, babe, don’t worry yourself with it.”
“there’s still tape on the ceiling of my dorm from the last time you told me ‘it’s nothing,’ and that i shouldn’t ‘worry myself about it.’” your voice stern with the intent that you will be getting to the bottom of this. even if it’s the last thing you do. sero lets out another chuckle, filling up the silence of the room. now you’ve had it; you have to know what’s on this boys mind. “spit it out, hanta.” you command, squirming around in his hold thus rocking the hammock. 
“ok ok, but don’t say i didn’t warn you,” sero starts, your face shifts back to its former state of confusion, “are you a camera? because every time i look at you i smile.” the once small grin once painted on your boyfriend’s face spreads into his signature, triangular smile. you feel yourself break out into a little giggle, but burry your face into sero’s chest to not give him any sort of satisfaction. 
KIRISHIMA EIJIROU: “i would ask you out, i’d just need to be a little boulder”
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someone convinced him that it was maximum levels of manly for a guy to confess to/ask out the person he likes this way. *cough* denki *cough*
while kirishima cherishes his friends, he likely confesses to you privately
and even though the two of you were probably hanging out with the rest of the bakusquad, kiri in his head was like ‘it’s nerf or nothing’  *cough* probably the doing of denki again *cough*
so he pulls you to the side, and gets straight to the point
but you best bet the rest of the bakusquad already knows what’s going on
"h-hey, (y/n), can we talk” kirishima stutters out. before you are able reply, he’s already grasped onto your wrist pulling you up off the couch. you notice how denki, sero, and mina are all trading looks with each other, while bakugo continues to give the actors on screen a death glare. 
kirishima rounds the corner into an empty hallway, and you follow suit. “what’s going on, eijiro? are you doing alright?” you cock your head to the side, taking in the dusting of light pink on kirishima’s ears. he can’t even look you in the eye properly; instead staring down at his feet, only catching the quick glance of your face. “this doesn’t so manly but, (y/n), i would ask you out, i’d just need to be a little boulder.” the red-headed boy confesses, his face flushing a similar color as his hair. 
all kirishima’s able to hear is your snickering, so he looks up in utter bewilderment. “you wanted to ask me out?” you question. kirishima nods profusely, his big puppy dog eyes bore into yours. “well, i’d love to go out with you kiri!” you exclaim, throwing yourself at the boy. kirishima catches you, wrapping his arms around you back. little did the two of you know, the rest of the bakusquad had been watching from afar the whole time. 
MINA ASHIDO: “are you from outer space? cause you look outta this world”
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unlike kiri, mina is a little boulder. i’ll let myself out, don’t worry.
ok but all jokes aside, mina rubs off of on me as the type who wouldn’t care who’s watching, or listening for that matter
she’ll definitely let this one slip with other people around
but she wouldn’t really care if they were there or not
like it’s either the before or after class, and she just nonchalantly sits down on top of your desk
though your head is laying down on your desk, you’re still able to notice the bright pink flesh sit atop of it. it’s pretty hard to miss. “hey mina, what’s up?” you grumble, picking your head up. your voice drowning into the sounds of the other students filtering in and chatting it up. mina pretty much gets straight to the point, “are you from outer space? cause you look outta this world.”
you look around, trying to read the room. nobody really seems to mind. with maybe the exception of denki, who’s still trying to take notes from mina. flirting between you and your girlfriend had always been a game, but now there’s an audience. how are you planning on topping her cheesy pick up line? simple really. with an even cheesier one. but now the question is: which one to choose?
“well? what is it (y/n)? cat got your tongue?” mina’s voice cuts right through your thought process. you glance up at her with a little smirk. “well. . . well, if you’re asking me,” you begin to stumble over some of your words, “i think your face is. . . it’s like the stars, cause it’s always shining.” unable to contain any of her excitement, mina jumps onto you, pushing both of you down to the floor. 
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catfe-overlord · 4 years
Part 3
Read part 1 here
Read part 2 here
::In which Kirishima is the best boyfriend ever, and Bakugou can’t say the words he desperately needs to get out before the end::
“Katsuki! Please, please, Katsuki. Wake up!”
Bakugou blinked. His mouth was so dry. His head hurt. Scratch that—everything hurt. What the hell?
“Kats! Oh, thank god. Hey, can you hear me?”
His vision was swimming but his hearing was back to normal, despite a faint ringing. He managed a nod.
“Okay, good. I need you to move for me. Can you do that?”
His voice sounded strained. Bakugou squinted, trying so hard to focus on him. There was light coming from somewhere, dull but nonetheless helpful. The flashlight, he realized, beaming from somewhere just out of reach.
“Katsuki, please. Just trust me. Please, babe, move.”
Kirishima was begging him. Shit. He had to move now, but could he? His arms were fucking broken, and he couldn’t pull himself away with them. He tried at his legs, sliding himself across the hard ground coated in sharp, jagged rocks that cut into his skin through his shredded coat.
“Good! Keep going! You’re almost there, love.”
He managed to get out from beneath Kirishima after seriously strenuous effort. His body felt so entirely broken, his muscles were screaming after so little movement, and the pure cold that bit into his skin on top of everything else was infuriating. He’d never felt so weak, completely unable to help as his boyfriend held up the massive amount of rocks and debris to protect him.
Kirishima let out a relieved sigh, but it cut off into a choked sob. “Okay,” he said, panting. “I’m going to try to roll out of the way now, so all these rocks above us are going to come down. Can you get any farther back?”
No. That was the simple answer. His body was shutting down. When he tried to tell Kirishima it was hopeless, all he could do was splutter. What the hell was wrong with him now? His tongue felt huge and his mouth tasted like… blood? Shit. Oh shit! He was struggling to breathe!
“Katsuki! Oh god, I’m coming! Just hold on.”
The rocks shifted above them, and a second later Kirishima was diving at him. He grabbed Bakugou by the waist and heaved him away from the crashing boulders.
Bakugou screamed, pain spiking in his spine as he was ungraciously tossed back. As soon as he rolled to a stop, he curled in on himself.
Kirishima was there, his hands all over Bakugou and trying to feel around for the worst injuries. He was crying—no, sobbing. Kirishima’s crocodile tears dripped onto Bakugou’s face, mixing with his own tears he could barely feel on his cold cheeks.
“They’ll—be here—soon!” Kirishima was saying through his sobs. “We’re gonna be—okay, Katsuki! I—I promise!”
Bakugou hacked up blood and spat it onto the ground. Son of a bitch, he must’ve punctured a lung and surely broken a few ribs. Coughing up blood was always a bad sign. They had a time limit now, and if the heroes didn’t reach them quick enough, Bakugou wasn’t getting out alive.
Kirishima knew this. It’s why he was sobbing helplessly. There was nothing he could do but wait it out and pray his boyfriend made it through.
Kirishima kissed him on the forehead for a long moment before he too laid down beside Bakugou, pulling the blond to his chest where it was the slightest bit warmer.
Bakugou tilted his head up, wanting to see Kirishima’s ruby eyes one more time, but it was too dark. He could hardly make out his face at all.
He curled into Kirishima, taking in his scent. It was so earthly, so manly. He loved Kirishima, to the fullest meaning of the word. He needed him more than he needed to be the number one hero. His life had been all about being the best for so long, when really he’s had the best in front of him this whole time. He’d been blind for so long.
If he made it out of here, he wasn’t going to let Kirishima down. He would let him know how much he fucking meant to Bakugou. He wanted to tell him now, but his mouth wouldn’t form the words. He wanted to say how beautiful he was, how strong, manly, and completely idiotically brave. He wanted to tell him he was fucking perfect, and that he would be okay if Bakugou didn’t make it. He needed to tell him to keep going, to become a great hero and find love with someone else. There’s an infinite world of possibilities out there, and Kirishima’s journey was only beginning. Keep moving forward, Red Riot. This is not the end.
They cried together, holding each other close. Bakugou wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, but he welcomed the numbness that crept into his body, stealing the pain away. He blissfully allowed sleep to swallow him whole, believing in his promise wholeheartedly that Kirishima would be okay.
Bakugou remembered seeing colors after that. Maybe faces. He couldn’t make them out. Everything was bleary and distorted.
He definitely heard Midoriya’s voice. Aizawa. Uraraka? He would later remember seeing her float rocks off of them. Someone else draped them in a blanket. Soon after, hands grabbed at them and pulled them apart, but they were too weak to fight them.
“—fat!” said a voice he didn’t recognize. “It will help get them warm!”
And suddenly all he could see was yellow, but it was so warm. He embraced it, trusting Kirishima was nearby and hopefully getting the same treatment.
Sleep pulled him down into its depths once more.
This time he awoke to white. Definitely a hospital room. Holy shit, he survived?!
He blinked the last bit of sleep out of his eyes, then whipped his head around in search of a certain red-haired idiot who was always there to greet him when he regained consciousness in the hospital.
His welcome party came in the form of pink, yellow and black. The three morons who proclaimed themselves as the official “Bakusquad” all stood once they realized he was awake.
“Blasty!” Ashido cheered, leaping onto his bedside and grabbing his hand. He tried to yank it out of her grasp, but he was still too weak. “You scared the shit out of us!”
“Dude, you’ve been asleep for four days!” Kaminari fumed. “You’ve had us so freaked out. I haven’t gotten any beauty sleep because of you!”
“Yeah, man,” Sero said simply, but he had a big smile on his face. “Not cool.”
Bakugou lifted his head to survey himself. Both his arms were wrapped in casts from shoulder to wrist, and he had a bunch of tubes and an IV attached to the backs of his hands. His chest was wrapped heavily in gauze, but he found it much easier to breathe than before. He realized there was an oxygen mask strapped to his face.
The three dorks were still talking to him, but he barely picked up on their words. They were explaining how they managed to find the boys, and all the Pros that came to assist in the search. The Pussycats and Thirteen and Fat Gum… Apparently Fat Gum probably saved their lives when he carried them to safety in his fat to help keep them warm. Bakugou was thankful, but he was glad he couldn’t remember it very clearly. He would’ve been crazy embarrassed if the whole class saw him like that.
His eyes flickered over to Ashido then, figuring she would be the most helpful. “Where’s Ei?”
She smiled sadly down at him. She nodded her head to the only other bed in the room. Bakugou could make out the form of a body beneath a layer of covers, but there was a curtain that blocked him from seeing his boyfriend’s face.
“He woke up for the first time a few hours ago,” she explained. “He was asking about you too. Fell asleep again right after he found out you were alive. He’s crazy about you, you know that? Well, I’m sure you do. We all know you are too.”
Bakugou felt the tears welling up in his eyes, but he was too tired and stressed and fucking emotional to give a shit. He was just so happy, he couldn’t help it. They still had a future together, and he couldn’t be more grateful.
“You broke him!” Sero yelled at Ashido. “Oh god, Bakugou doesn’t cry. What do we do?”
“CODE RED! CODE RED!” Kaminari wailed.
“Chill out, guys! I’m sure he’s just… feeling a lot?” Ashido said in the form of a question.
Bakugou lifted a casted arm to cover his face, but he nodded at her. He was feeling so much all at once, and it was just so foreign.
Bakugou caught his breath. He turned to look at Kirishima, but the curtain was still in his way. Kaminari realized this right away and jumped up to help alleviate the issue. He drew the curtain back all the way, revealing a bandaged, bruised, and utterly beautiful Kirishima Eijirou.
The idiot smiled, revealing his glistening shark teeth. He was pale and his head was wrapped up, but he looked otherwise okay. “Katsuki!” he beamed. “You’re okay!”
For some stupid reason he didn’t understand, this only made Bakugou cry harder. He twisted onto his side and curled in on himself, his chest suddenly so tight. He wanted Kirishima to wrap him up again like last time.
“Oh, Kats, no! Please don’t cry!”
“What do we do?” Sero asked, lost as ever.
“I know!” Ashido announced, jumping to her feet. She started moving machines and IV drips out of the way before making her way to the other side of Bakugou’s bed. “Sero, go push Kirishima this way and Kami can help me push Baku!”
The boys obliged and the three brought Kirishima and Bakugou’s beds together. Bakugou would have thanked them if he wasn’t still biting down on his lip to keep from crying more.
“We’ll just leave you two alone,” Ashido said with a wink before shoving the other two boys out of the room, giving the couple some much needed privacy.
Kirishima placed a hand under Bakugou’s chin, forcing his head up so they could meet each other’s eyes.
And there they were—those ruby eyes he’d begged to see one last time. Alive and well and looking back at him with fondness.
“I love you, Eijirou,” Bakugou said suddenly, pouring his heart into the simple phrase.
It caught Kirishima off guard, but his smile never faltered. “I love you too, Katsuki.”
His firm hands yanked Bakugou closer, and Bakugou fumbled with his casted arms to get the oxygen mask off of his face. After a moment of struggle and readjustment, the boys brought their lips to meet each other’s. Bakugou sank into the kiss, embracing the feeling of how warm Kirishima’s mouth was against his.
He promised himself he would never let Kirishima go. He needed him like he needed oxygen. It was obvious he couldn’t live without him.
Aaaaaand there we have it! Another complete KiriBaku fic. Hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did writing it! It might be a little sappy and out of character, but I’ll keep working on it! I have another fic just about ready to be posted... I can promise it’ll be up in the next few days for sure ! Thanks again ~
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Quiet Strength
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Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Katsuki Bakugo, Ochako Uraraka
Greetings, all~! Here is my next entry for the @bnhabookclub​’s Bingo Event, for the prompt “First Aid”! Kacchako stans, come get y’all food! \^u^/
Thundering howls of laughter rumbled from Katsuki’s throat as his gauntleted fist crashed through the solid boulder, sending pebbles and baseball-sized rocks sailing in every direction. Steam billowed from the magma seeping from the ultra-hot stone he had essentially liquified with the power of his explosion; the wispy white smoke kissed his sweaty, flushed face and tickled his tousled blonde locks before disappearing into the air. He yanked his fist from the crumbled rock, flexing his fingers experimentally, and hissed at the stinging pain that bloomed across his palm.
What had been the flame-retardant leather devised by the Support Course was now nothing more than a few tattered scraps barely clinging together. Dammit. Now I’ll have to submit for an upgrade. Who knows how long that crap’ll take? He scowled and shook his hand in the air. The bright pink skin wailed at the contact with the rushing wind, sending tendrils of fiery pain jolting up his arm and even into the junction of his shoulder. Katsuki ignored the sharp tingle, stepping over the destroyed piles of rocks to pick his way back down the slope to the floor of the gym.
“Wow, Bakugo!” Eijirou’s ruby eyes glittered in admiration. “You made short work of those boulders! Even in Unbreakable Mode, it took me a few hits!”
“Of course I did, dumbass,” Katsuki snorted and snatched his water bottle from the floor. He winced; in his lack of thought, he had grabbed the plastic container with his dominant hand- the burned one. The condensation littering the cold surface seeped into the singed flesh, making the raw meat there scream in agony. Katsuki only clenched his teeth and sucked down the water, then tossed the now-empty bottle into the garbage can in the corner.
“All right. You all have been at it for two hours,” Mr. Aizawa frowned while glancing at the screen of his smartphone. The gym echoed with exhausted gasps and reeked with the stench of exertion. “You’re done for the day.” Katsuki flexed his hand again, scowling as the pain rocketed through his nerves once more.
“Fuck!” Katsuki exclaimed as the water cascaded down onto his wounded palm. He hadn’t anticipated the burn would be so severe. The skin over his fingers and palm bubbled up in several blisters, already filled with fluid though it hadn’t been thirty minutes. The water, though only lukewarm, felt like lava streaming over the injured skin. Katsuki fumbled to wash his body and hair with his non-dominant hand, keeping the burning flesh well away from the shower’s thundering stream. He didn’t even use it to towel himself dry.
“God damn son of a bitch,” he grumbled under his breath as he clumsily fumbled into his sweatpants and a tee-shirt. Why couldn’t it have been his other hand? “Fuckfuckfuck!” he cried as he lost his balance and began hopping around on one foot, his leg half-caught in the thick fabric of the sweats. An angry roar burst from his throat as he slipped in a small puddle of water and fell hard right on his rump. His tailbone wailed protest, spasming the muscles in his lower back, and he unleashed every curse in the dictionary and then some as he writhed on the damp bathroom floor. The skin of his palm pulsed with its own heartbeat, sending fireworks of pain up his arm with every drum. “Fuck me.”
Somehow, he managed to get his clothes on, finally. However, now on top of the burn, his lower back was aching something terrible. He limped into the common room, ignoring the content chattering of his classmates on the sofas to instead hobble into the kitchen. He winced at the stretch as he reached up to begin rifling through cabinets for painkillers and burn cream. He was too invested in his search to see Ochako meander into the kitchen to pour herself a glass of milk.
“Oh, Katsuki!”
“Jesus Christ-! Fuck, shit, fuck, damn it, ahh!” he cursed as he jumped and slammed his burned palm on the underside of the counter. Holding his wrist, he leaned over the granite and wheezed out an exaggerated whine. “What?!” he snarled as the girl scampered over to him.
“Your hand! How did you get such a terrible burn?!” Katsuki ignored the question. Ochako’s brown eyebrows knitted together as she inspected the bubbly flesh of his palm and the clear, sticky liquid oozing from the blister that had just burst. Katsuki clicked his tongue at her simpering piteous expression.
“Stop lookin’ at me like that. I’m fine,” he huffed. He glanced into the cabinet and found that he had been groping around the Silvadene cream the entire time. With a snort, he plucked it from the cabinet and struggled to open it one-handed.
“L-let me!” Ochako insisted and snatched the short, squat bottle of medicine from him. Katsuki turned around to rest his back against the counter, watching with critical red eyes as she quickly removed the lid.
“I didn’t ask for your help, Uraraka.”
“No, you didn’t, but you’re getting it anyway,” she responded coolly, making the corner of his mouth twitch. She slathered a healthy chunk of the goopy liquid onto her first two fingers before gesturing with her chin. “Open up your hand and spread out your fingers.” Though he loathed the fact that he required aid, refusing her now wasn’t worth the energy. Silently, he did as bid. His shoulders twinged with the flexion of his burned fingers. Ochako slopped the bright white cream onto the middle of his palm, and he melted into the countertop with a shaky exhale.
“Fuck, that feels good,” he breathed. Ochako smiled sweetly and began spreading the paste across his palm and up onto the undersides of his fingers. A cooling numb spread over the inflamed cells, quieting the piercing pain that had been pulsing in his hand since training had ended. He watched her careful motions with lidded eyes.
“You should be careful, you know,” she chastised him gently. “Even you have your limits. I know you want to get stronger, but nothing will come of pushing yourself to the point that it’s destructive.” Katsuki clicked his teeth at her, cocking his head to the side in a vain gesture. Ochako only smiled and applied a second layer of burn cream to his hand.
“You’re one to talk, Cheeks. What was that whole business with tryin’ to drop the stadium on my head, ah?” The Sports Festival had been months ago, but Katsuki still remembered their fight vividly. The way her body wobbled and sagged to the side, how she struggled with trembling arms to even bear her own weight, the glaze in her chestnut eyes as she struggled to keep her consciousness… His eyelashes fluttered to banish the illusion of the scene as she spoke.
“I have the authority to speak on it because I’ve been there,” she sighed. She stopped her ministrations to hold Katsuki’s hand up with both her own, Silvadene-coated fingertips smearing the medicine over the top of his hand. “Sometimes… everyone else just seems so great in comparison that it feels like I’ll never catch up. In that fight, I was so desperate to prove that I belong here… but it was destructive. I will grow stronger, but with time and effort, not with leaps and bounds born from destroying my body.” Katsuki’s eyes widened as he looked at her. The truth rang hollowly in him. Begrudged as he was to admit it, she was totally right. She smiled warmly up at him and then flicked him in the forehead.
“Hey,” he warned, and she giggled cutely.
“I don’t need another Deku on my hands! It’s bad enough that he’s broken half the bones in his body before the age of sixteen!” She exhaled deeply and retrieved a swathe of bandages. She unpinned the tan, thick fabric, then gently began rolling it around the palm of his hand. “You’ll get stronger, and I will too. We just both need time.” Katsuki frowned and looked away from her, debating whether or not to acknowledge the fact that she was right out loud.
“… All right, all right, I get your point,” Katsuki admitted after several seconds of silence. Ochako pinned the bandages with a small safety clasp and lowered her hands. The fabric was cumbersome around his hand and wrist, and he couldn’t even close his fist entirely. Still, the pain had been reduced to a dull ache that he could easily ignore with distraction. “Hey,” he said as she turned to retrieve her glass of milk, which still lay untouched on the countertop. When she looked back at him with an inquiring look, he blushed and pawed at his gym shorts, not really sure why he had stopped her.
“I, ugh… Thanks,” Katsuki fumbled and raised his bandaged hand. Ochako blinked at him, taking a moment to realize his gesture of gratitude, before smiling sweetly. Before she could respond, he abruptly grabbed her by the head and pulled her into his chest. She squeaked his name with her hands flapping about, not sure where she should place them.
“Hey,” he said softly. Ochako relaxed, and her hands drifted down to rest on his biceps. “You be careful, too. You think I’m stupid? I see you walking home every day wobbling like a drunk, and you threw up four fucking times at training today.” He felt heat bloom across his pectorals as her face heated up. He dropped his mouth against her hair, inhaling her scent of vanilla shampoo. “You be careful, too, dumbass. Who else is gonna take care of me when I go too far?”
“Hehe, okay,” she acknowledged with an eager nod. She pulled away from Katsuki to beam up at him with those big brown eyes that made his heart melt. Snorting at his sappiness, he lightly pushed her away, but the gesture was laced with affection. “Drink your milk, Cheeks. I’m goin’ to bed.”
“Aw! But we’re playing charades tonight!”
“Now I’m definitely goin’ to bed.” As he whirled on his heel, Ochako scampered up to hug his arm and bat her eyelashes pleadingly at him. Katsuki grimaced, but she grinned victoriously as a rosy haze spread over his cheeks.
“Please, Bakugo? Just a few rounds! You should see Kaminari’s impression of a crab; it’s too funny!”
“Agh, whatever, as long as you stop climbin’ all over me like a spider monkey!” he cried and shook his arm emphatically. She stubbornly clung to him like glue, cackling mischievously. “Come on! Let go!” he whined and pushed on her head. Finally, she relented, releasing him from her grip. “Bah, what am I going to do with you?” he growled and ran a hand through his ash-blond hair.
“Aw, Bakugo, don’t pretend you don’t like me!” she said coyly and stuck out her tongue. She gasped in dismay when he snatched up her glass of milk and drained it to the last drop. “Hey! That was mine!” she pouted and snatched the empty glass from him. Katsuki sneered and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, eyes glittering playfully.
“That’s what you get for messin’ with me, Cheeks.”
“Ya big meanie!” she snorted, then smiled and nudged him in the ribs. She retrieved the gallon jug from the refrigerator and poured herself another, then skipped to the entryway. “Come on, let’s go!” she insisted and tugged the band of his watch. He allowed her to pull him along by jerking on the device. She smiled radiantly when they entered the common room, greeting their classmates and excitedly scampering over to the sofas to begin the game of charades. Bakugo leaned against the back of the couch, watching her with a tiny smile.
In his mind, Ochako really didn’t need to get stronger. She was plenty strong, but it was not the strength of a physical kind. It was a quiet strength of care and passion. Plenty strong for a reckless dumbass like me, he smirked in amusement. As she clapped happily to Eijirou’s comical rendition of a koala, she caught his eye and smiled warmly.
Plenty strong. Nothin’ frail about her.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
Tag List:  @sadistiks​ @wesparklebitch​ @deliathedork​ @simplybakugou​
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kaweeella · 3 years
Bonding Time, Kids
Chapter 5- We Need More Bandages
Word count- 1767
Description- More robot fighting.
Author note- Alright chapter three has been taken down to chunks. Makes my life easier, honestly. Whoo!
In the stands, Neito watches his classmates destroying robots and buildings. It’s hard to tell who’s doing what, but he just assumes which class does what.
He sees a robot fly a few kilometers through the street. After a minute or so, he sees that the robot starts flying again. Right towards him.
When he realizes it, he gets up to run out of the way. He feels something wrap around his midsection and pulls him.
“You alright, Monoma?” He hears Yosetsu say after he’s set down.
“Yeah, thank you.” He adjusts his jacket, finding it damp. Right. Frog.
Yosetsu watches him. He can’t read his expression, but seeing him pause when he touches his clothes tells him enough.
“Sorry. It’s the first thing that came to mind. Instincts or whatever.”
“It’s alright.” He says, removing his jacket.
Yosetsu sits behind Izuku and Shouto, all of them surrounded by mushrooms.
“Does he ever stop muttering?”
“No, not really.” Shouto answers.
Yosetsu stares at Neito, or he would if he could see him, as if saying “Don’t do it. Don’t fucking do it.”
Neito looks at his classmate, as if he’s about to say something when he pauses. “Why are you sitting like that?”
He’s less sitting and more squatting.
“I dunno. It’s just what's most comfortable.”
Neito shakes his head, not like anyone could tell, and shifts his focus back to the training ground.
“You think they’re holding up alright?”
“Of course I do. There’s nothing I don’t believe they can do.”
“Hey! Saisaku, Sukuidasu! How’re you doing?” The two jump a little as Setsuna sits by them, with Kouji and Kojirou behind her.
“Aren’t you guys supposed to be in the training ground?”
“We already got it figured out, so I’d figured we could come and watch.” She spots the robot. “Oh wow! Who did that?”
“Don’t know, but it nearly took out Monoma.”
“Wait, you said you guys figured out your quirks?”
“Oh, yeah! Watch!” She pumps her arm and a blade comes out of her elbow.
“I knew my classmates could rise to the occasion!”
Kouji shuffles awkwardly, hoping he’d forget they’re there.
“Oh!” Izuku turns around suddenly, he’s holding a notebook and covered in mushrooms. “Monoma! Do you feel any different? You know, now that you’re invisible?”
“Uhm, no, not really.”
“Can you still see properly? Since your eyes are invisible too, and people see because light is bouncing off of things and onto the eyes, but light goes through yours.”
“I can still see fine.”
“Then Hagakure might have a secondary quirk allowing her to see without light hitting her eyes. She has shown the ability to manipulate light itself, so maybe she changes the light so she can see but her eyes are still invisible…” He goes on, as he is one to do.
“Midoriya,” He places his hand on the boy’s face. “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t even realize I was muttering.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I was mostly just thinking out loud, sorry.”
“It’s not surprising to me that a 1a kid would forget the people around him.”
“Aw, come on, Saisaku! It’s not that bad. In fact, I like that he shares what’s on his mind.” She says that as if it’s a conscious decision he makes.
“O-oh, really?”
“Yeah!” She pauses for a moment. “Hana!”
“A nickname! See, I started at hanasu (speak), and I thought Hana (flower) would be cool!”
“Oh! Thank you! It’s much nicer than the last nickname I got.”
Back on the grounds, Tetsutetsu and Sen walk around.
“Jeez, what was that?” Tetsutetsu asks.
“It doesn’t seem to be nearby, so I don’t think we should be worried about it.”
“Right,” He sees a robot going past. “Then let’s do this!”
“We should have a pl…” Tetsutetsu runs towards it. “Okay.”
Sen follows behind him, watching the robot’s movements. He knows that they’re out of their depth, he knows that Tetsutetsu knows that they’re out of their depth, but he also knows that they aren’t going to know any more without acting. That doesn’t mean they should go in without a plan.
Tetsutetsu grabs it as though he’s trying to pick it up.
“Tetsutetsu, I don’t think that’s the best idea.”
“Right, right.” He cracks his fingers, and the robot shrinks. “Damn! I think I got Kodai’s quirk.”
“Seems so.”
He picks up the robot and crushes it between his fingers.
“Dude!” Looking over, they see Eijirou waving at them, specifically Tetsutetsu. They also see Ochako, Yuuga, Manga, and Hiryuu running behind him.
“Hey, man!” He notices something. “What’s with the belt?”
“I got Aoyama’s quirk, and he let me use his support belt! Pretty manly, if you ask me!” He punches said boy in the shoulder. It probably would’ve hurt if not for the armor.
“What about you guys?” Sen asks. “Have you figured out what quirks you have?”
“I have Kirishima’s.”
“I believe I have Fukidashi’s quirk.” Hiryuu answers.
“No… I can’t get it to activate.” Manga’s bubble has an angry face.
“Ne me fais pas admettre mes défauts…”
“I don’t understand French, sorry.”
“I haven’t, no.”
A robot steps behind them and grabs Sen.
“Kaibara!” Manga yells, reaching out to his classmate to no avail.
Sen struggles in the steel grip, he feels himself sweating and hears a sort of hissing, which he’s not entirely sure what’s making that noise. After a moment, he falls. He hears what he guesses it’s the destroying of a robot behind him.
He stands up and sees everyone staring at him, when Ochako quickly covers her face and looks away. Looking down, he sees his clothes practically melting off his body.
Yuuga takes off his cape and hands it to him. “Would you like to borrow this?”
He takes it. “Thank you.” He mumbles.
“C’est ce qu’il y a de mieux pour tout le monde.”
Katsuki sees the small crowd and tries to make his way around it.
“Bakugou!” Eijirou calls.
Damn it.
“What do you want, Shitty Hair?”
“Do you know your quirk yet?”
“No, no matter how hard I fucking try, it doesn’t work. Must be some shitty-ass quirk.”
“I have an idea,” Sen ties the cape around himself so he can stand up with only mild embarrassment. “If we figure out the quirks that everyone already knows, then we can figure out the ones who haven’t.”
The group walks through the streets, fighting robots when necessary.
“Hey guys!” Pony jumps down from atop a building with Momo climbing down behind her. “Why is Kaibara wearing a cape?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“How are you guys doing?” Momo asks when she reaches the ground. No one notices her fingertips covered in dust and blood.
“We’re doing good!” Eijirou answers. “We’re trying to figure some quirks out!”
“I got Tetsutetsu’s!”
“Wait you did?!” Tetsutetsu runs up to her.
“Yeah!” She demonstrates this by turning into steel
“Cool! Look, look!” He picks up a rock and throws it, he touches his fingertips together and the rock grows, slamming into a building.
Fumikage has not been having a good day. Since his parting with Togaru it has not been easier taking down robots, and now a boulder nearly slams into him.
“What a mad banquet of darkness…”
Looking towards where it came from, seeing people walking towards him.
“Tokoyami!” Momo yells and most of the group pick up the pace a bit. Katsuki continues to walk at his original speed, maybe a little slower.
“Oh, dude! My bad!” Tetsutetsu goes to his side to check for injuries. “Are you good?”
“There will always be worse things that fate can do to people.”
“That’s… good, right?”
“I am well, yes.”
“So Tokoyami, have you figured out what quirk you have?” Momo asks.
“I…” He pauses for a moment. “No.”
“Well then we’ll help you with it!” She claps her hands together.
“I do have an idea of what it might be but… why are you wearing Aoyama’s cape?”
“Please don’t-” His arms fall to his sides as he goes slack-jawed.
“As I thought.” He nods. “I have Shinsou’s quirk.”
Momo and Pony look at the frozen boy.
“How do you deactivate it?”
“I’m not sure. I’ve never been the target of it before so I’ve never experienced what it takes to make it stop… however…” He gives a tug on the boy’s arm. Nothing. “Apologies, I thought that would work like it had the first time.”
“Aoyama has been through it,” Momo says. “Maybe he knows how…” She turns around, not seeing him. For someone constantly covered in glitter and wearing a large suit of armor, he’s quite stealthy.
“I’ve got this!” Tetsutetsu steps up to him, grabs him by the shoulders, and begins shaking him violently.
“Tetsutetsu,” Sen says whilst the boy in question continues rattling him back and forth. “Tetsutetsu I’m fine now.”
When he stops, Sen stumbles to steady himself.
“I apologize for my actions, and I won’t ask you about something you don’t want to answer.” Fumikage says with a bow.
“Oh, uh, thank you.”
“Bakugou?!” Eijirou yells.
Katsuki lays unconscious on the ground. Momo runs to his side, placing a hand on his arm.
“He’s burning up.”
“So we should take him to Recovery Girl?”
“I’m not sure her quirk will be able to help him,” Hiryuu picks him up. “But anywhere is better for him than here.”
“Should some of us stay here? There’s no way we’d all be allowed, plus Fukidashi still has to figure out the quirk he got.” Pony says.
“Come on, don’t single me out!”
Momo thinks for a moment. “I’ll take him. As vice representative it is my job to ensure the safety of my classmates.”
“I’ll go, too. Since I’m already holding him.”
The two head off with Katsuki in tow.
“It’s a bust. No matter how much I try it doesn’t work.” Manga crosses his arms.
“Don’t think like that, Fukidashi!” Pony says, patting his back. “Here, I have an idea!”
She moves in front of him and turns steel. She then moves to punch him in the gut, but he moves out of the way.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m giving you an extra push!”
Back in the stands, Nemuri approaches the homeroom teachers.
“There are more kids in the nurse's office.”
Shouta sighs. “This isn’t working.”
“I’ll get Mic to call it off.” Sekijirou stands up. He feels a twinge in his chest, thinking back to the moment. He could have done more. He should have done more.
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
Main Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Koge Naegi (OC)
Featuring: Eijirou Kirishima
Story Rating: Teen
Genre: Fluff / Hurt / Comfort
Warnings: Cursing, Fighting, Arguments, Implied (Assumed) Controlling Nature, Suggestive Themes / Self Undressing (Characters are 18+)
Words: 5,132
**Referenced Story: Love Of My Life
Referenced Characters: Seijirou Eguchi (OC) and Nene Date (OC)
a/n: This is a little snippit from my small fic Memories that I had the urge to elaborate on recently. I also want to try to practice with doing more argumentative and difficult situations instead of just... fluff lol. 
Koge took in a deep breath as she stared at the door handle to her boyfriend's dorm room, gripping on tightly to the strap of her purse that hung on her shoulder. The nervous butterflies that ravaged her stomach were near making her sick, and for a moment, she thought about running off and pretending that she just hadn’t been able to come to visit him tonight. That would fall through, of course, considering the fact that his classmates had seen her come in and greeted her, so her presence would definitely reach his ears one way or another. She just needed to be brave, walk in there, and have a great time with him like she always did, even if she did have a very serious topic to discuss with him. 
He’d take it well. Right? Bakugou wouldn’t blow up and be upset. He just wouldn’t. He’d be excited and supportive and…
No, he was going to get pissed off, Koge already knew this. Bakugou was already so frustrated with the fact that she had graduated high school while he still had an entire year left before he finished, and if he had a chance to gripe about it, he did. But it had always been like this, even from childhood. Always, he had gotten incredibly frustrated any time Koge got to do something before him, just because of their age difference. Though it had gotten better over the years as he grew more mature, and they grew closer as a couple, Koge knew that it still upset him quite often. 
Even though she had just graduated only a couple of months ago, he had griped that he missed her being here, that he hated he couldn’t be with her as often as he had been before, and how he felt worried about her leaving from her new job so late at night. All in all, her having graduated had been amazing, but her relationship with Bakugou had taken quite a harsh blow. Still, she couldn’t just keep him in the dark about her plans, and she could only hope that he would accept them and not throw a hissy fit like she expected. 
After another quick, deep breath, Koge knocked lightly on the wooden door in her typical rhythm, waiting patiently for a response. Instead of the typical grunt that welcomed her to come in on her own, the door opened before her, revealing her casually dressed and visibly exhausted boyfriend. “Hey, Utsuro.” 
“Hey, Katsuki,” Koge smiled up at him softly, walking inside as he moved to let her in. “You look worn out.” 
After shutting the door behind him, Bakugou held her arms gently at the elbows as he leaned in to kiss her softly, to which Koge responded with her hands resting on his strong biceps and kiss in return. In his third year at UA, Bakugou’s body had changed and matured in a way that made Koge feel incredibly small beside him, but it wasn’t something that she hated. She didn’t mind having to push up on her tiptoes to reach his lips or hug him around the neck. In fact, his strong stature made her feel so safe, comfortable, and warm, and it was a struggle to not get to see him every day. 
“Today was fucking brutal. Honestly, all week was. I look forward to a lazy weekend with you.” He kissed her forehead before pulling her into a hug, resting his chin on the top of her head. “I’m glad you got off.” 
Nuzzling her face into his chest, Koge hugged his torso tightly, soaking in his presence for a moment. I wonder if I should just wait to tell him… Or if I should just rip off the Band-Aid and get it over with. I hate that I get so anxious just to tell him something. That… really isn’t a good thing… “Me too, love…” 
“Is something wrong?” 
Koge bit down on the inside of her cheek, silently cursing at herself for letting her voice waiver like it had. Bakugou was just too intuitive for her to get away with hiding anything, and though it was often the best thing for them relationship wise, there were times that she just wasn’t ready to talk to him about things. That included right that second, as she had wanted to just relax with him for a while before suddenly dropping this huge news on him like a boulder. 
“Nothing is wrong, I just…” Releasing him, Koge let her hands slide down his arms until she was holding his hands. “I just have something I wanted to talk to you about. And I really hope that you won’t get upset…” 
Furrowed brow and frown creasing his rarely calm features, Bakugou gave her hands a small squeeze, the skin of his palms growing warm with his silent concern. Rocking back and forth on her feet a bit, Koge took in and released a deep breath, avoiding his piercing gaze as she tried to gather her courage. 
“Utsuro… You don’t have to be scared to tell me stuff.” 
Feeling a bit of guilt tug at her heart, Koge glanced up at Bakugou as a frown crossed her lips. “Katsuki… I just… It’s something that always upsets you, that’s why I’m worried.” 
“It’s that serious?” 
“Yeah… It really is. But it’s not bad! It’s actually really exciting!” Koge stepped in a bit closer to him, taking a moment to let her purse fall off her shoulder and toss it out of the way against the wall. “At least, I’m really excited. Super hyped.” 
“Get on with it, then.” 
“Okay… I’m getting my own place.” 
The silence that fell upon them was deafening, Bakugou’s comfortable posture instantly stiffening. Immediately, Koge felt nothing but an extreme sense of fear for his reaction, holding her breath as she tightened her grip on his hands. As he seemed to try to understand what she had said in his exhausted mind, his brow furrowed deeper, his head even cocking to the side a bit in thought. 
“Uh… what?”
Koge shifted nervously on her feet, swallowing the lump that had grown in her throat. Eyes on Bakugou’s chest, she tried to get past the frustrated quiver of his voice, hating that he was already reacting that way. She had hoped this would go smoothly, that he would support her completely. Obviously, she was wrong.
“I said that I’m going to get my own place, Katsuki. I don't want to live with my dad anymore… I make enough money already. Is that… a bad thing?” Koge chanced a glance up at him, feeling the knot in her stomach grow tighter at the shock on his face. Heart dropping as he released her hands, she watched as Bakugou took a few steps back from her, shoving his hands into his sweatpants pockets. 
“Utsuro, you can’t be fucking serious.”
Sighing, Koge wrung her hands together, finally keeping her stern gaze locked with his. “I am serious. I don’t understand what the problem is…” 
Bakugou gave an angry scoff, turning his back to her as he began to pace about the room. “The whole idea is a problem! You just got on your feet after graduating, why would you want to go and be on your own like that?!”
His words weren’t making any sense to her. Koge knew that he was trying to convey his feelings, but whatever he wanted to say, it just wasn’t coming out right. “Because I want to. I want to be independent. You know I don’t get along with my dad… I was only living with him until I got a job, which I have. Mr. Eguchi is paying me really well and is working on helping me get my own studio to teach at. I thought that you would be proud and excited for me…” Koge had to stop as she felt a burning rise up at the back of her throat, trying to blink the tears away and stay strong.
I knew this was going to happen. 
Bakugou reached up and ruffled his hair roughly, leaning against his computer desk. “You’re just doing it again.” The change in his voice was staggering, becoming suddenly low and quiet as he hung his head. Frown crossing her lips, Koge fiddled a bit with the hem of her shirt, looking over his defeated posture. 
“I’m doing what…?”
“Leaving me behind! For fucks sake!” His glare finally turned towards her, sending a cold chill through her body at how visibly distraught he was. “You’re my girlfriend, damn it! I should be there to help keep us stable, to support you! How can I be okay with you doing it alone?!”
“I…” Koge struggled to find a response, reached up to wipe her cheeks as the tears finally found their escape. “Katsuki, please don’t think that way. I’m not leaving you behind. I love you, and you know that!” She took a step, making her way over to him. “I’m sorry that I’m a year older than you, but there’s nothing I can do about that! I’ve happily put so much of my life on hold waiting for you, and I will continue to do so until you’re graduated. But this… I have to do it.” She placed a hand on his arm gently, but it was instantly shrugged away.
“You don’t have to do shit, Utsuro. I don’t like it. I don’t want you to be struggling, alone, and fucking hours away from campus! What if you pick a bad area? That prissy Eguchi shithead already has you working from his main firm that is in one of the shittiest areas it could be in! I don’t want you living close to there! You get off late at night as it is.” Bakugou moved away from her, once again pacing around the room.
Here it was, the entire problem that Koge had worried about from the beginning. He was so protective of her that it boarded on being controlling in a way that she just couldn’t agree with. She wanted to be independent, to take this next step in her life with his support and wait for him to join her. But this attitude, this disgust in something that she wanted so badly was ripping at her heart and her confidence. Was it really that bad of an idea?
“Katsuki, don’t talk about him that way. He’s done so much for me, and he supports my decision. He would rather me live in a safer area. Besides, I can take care of myself!” Koge crossed her arms over her chest, fighting against the tears again as she grew angry. 
Bakugou gave a click of his tongue in annoyance, shooting a quick glare at her before keeping his back towards her. “Oh, so you told him first? Fucking fantastic, I’m glad that airhead gave you his worthless opinion. Probably influenced you into this bad decision in the first place.”
“He didn’t! He has nothing to do with this except he pays me for doing my job.” Koge flopped down to sit in his office chair, keeping her arms crossed. This just wasn’t fair. None of this was acceptable, from the way he belittled her relationship with her mentor, to his disgusted and resentful tone. “You’re being so ridiculous! Why can’t you just… Be a good boyfriend for once?!”
The instant the words left her mouth, she felt regret wash over her like a violent wave, the shocked look on his face dragging her heart into despair. What had she just said? It wasn’t true. This man, her lover and best friend, treated her with nothing but kindness and love that not a single other person in the universe would ever receive. Hot headed? Sure, but never awful. Never truly hurtful. Never. 
“Katsuki, I… I didn’t-”
“I think you should leave, Koge...” Bakugou spoke in a low growl, soft but so sharp Koge felt as if his words could cut her in half. Never in his life had he ever spoken to her like that, so vicious and purely mean. 
And she deserved it. 
“Shut up. I want you to leave. Now.” 
Now trembling from head to toe, Koge found herself frozen in the chair, hand over her mouth to try and control her sudden violent nausea. The tears were hot as they rushed down her cheeks, pouring from her eyes uncontrollably. Feeling lost, dejected, and full of regret, Koge somehow found her way to her feet. She didn’t want to leave. She wanted to talk this out, to apologize and find the common ground they had always been on before. But it was gone, shattered by an earthquake with an uncrossable crevasse between them. 
So, on legs that felt like lead, Koge slowly shifted her way backwards to the door, watching him at every second in anticipation that he would change his mind. By the time her hand was on the handle, he hadn’t moved another inch, nor did he bother to look at her. It was so incredibly painful, this rejection and dismissal, and just so completely foreign. They never fought. What was she supposed to do? 
Please look at me. Please. 
At the sound of her timid voice, Bakugou’s shoulders hunched up and his head bowed, but there was nothing else. His silence was more profound than any rage or screaming fit he could ever have, and with that silence, Koge knew what she had to do. 
She left. 
The nausea almost got the better of her as the door shut, forcing her to cover her mouth again to keep from puking in the hallway. In a daze, she ripped herself from the door slowly, unable to take her eyes off it, until a voice startled her so badly that she jumped. Teary gaze immediately landed on the person who startled her, the blurry image of a very confused Kirishima looking at her. Eyes wide with curiosity and a piece of pizza still half in his mouth, the redhead was quick to gain his composure, biting off the chunk of food and wiping his lips with the back of his hand. 
“Koge? Hey, are you okay?” 
Hiccuping as she tried to control her sobs, Koge nodded, taking a few steps backward. “Y-yeah… Fine. I’m… fine. Excuse me.” Turning, Koge somehow found the strength to move, jogging down the hallway and around the corner. In some type of haze, she rushed down the stairs and through the full common room until she was outside. If people had tried to say something to her, she didn’t notice, nor did she care. She didn’t deserve to be consoled or have her spirits lifted, not after what she had said to the man she cared about so deeply. 
When she finally stopped running, she was a few buildings down from class 3-A’s dorm, chest aching so badly that she just couldn’t go anymore. No, instead, she just stood there in the middle of the walkway, struggling to breathe. 
“What the hell did I do? My Katsuki…-” 
Again, the voice of her friend startled her, turning to face Kirishima as he jogged towards her, waving her down. “Koge, hey, what’s going on?” 
“Eijirou… You didn’t talk to him?” Crossing her arms over her chest, Koge shifted her weight uncomfortably on her feet, having difficulty looking Kirishima in the face.
“Him? Bakugou? No, he wouldn’t answer, and his door was locked. What happened, did you guys have a fight?” With a tender and comforting touch, Kirishima placed his hands on Koge’s shoulders, which only made more tears well up in her already sore eyes. “Do you want to talk about it? Want me to call Nene? Want to sit down?” 
As the questions began to overwhelm her, Koge couldn’t stop the barrage of tears and sobs that broke through, crying freely. “I want my Katsuki! Eijirou, I did something awful!” Stepping forward, Koge rested her forehead against his chest. “I called him a bad boyfriend! I love him so much, why would I do that?!” 
A bit hesitant, Kirishima gave a small cough to clear his throat, before gently putting his arms around her. “Shh, Koge, it’s okay. I’m sure he knows you didn’t mean it.” 
“I-I just wanted t-to tell him I got an a-a-apartment, or I-- I mean, I want to g-get one, b-but he got so - hic- u-upset and said he d-didn’t want me to - hic- and I g-got mad because I wanted him to b-b-be happy for me, s-so I called him a bad boyfriend!” Koge was barely comprehensible as she spilled the entire situation in less than a few seconds, a mix of her crying and face being shoved into his t-shirt making her a blubbering mess. “Why would I s-say that, I don’t m-mean it! I don’t!” 
“Koge, people say bad things sometimes when they’re upset, it happens. Bakugou’s done that a ton of times, with literally everyone he’s ever even looked at. You’ve had fights like this before haven’t you? How’d you talk it out then?” 
“No, we haven’t!” 
“Oooh. Damn… Uhm. Y’know, how about we sit down for a little bit so you can breathe.” 
After allowing Kirishima to lead her over to a bench along the walking path, the two sat together for a while in silence while Koge cried it out. Eventually, there weren't any more tears to shed, and once she gained better control of her breathing, she attempted to talk about it again. 
“I’m sorry, Eijirou. I shouldn’t drag you into this…” 
“Are you kidding? You’re not dragging me into anything, Koge, you’re one of my best friends, I’m not just gonna leave you hanging.” Kirishima gave her a comforting sharp toothed grin, one which could give anyone cavities just from how ridiculously sweet he was. With a heavy sigh, Koge ran her fingers through a lock of her hair, kicking her legs anxiously since they didn’t reach the ground. 
“I just… I felt like he was trying to control me. I get that he’s protective, and I love that about him, but it was just like… He wanted to be in control of the entire situation. And I… He’s never tried to control me like that.” 
“I don’t necessarily think that he was trying to control you. I mean, yeah, he’s the kind of guy that likes order and to be in charge, but he’s never really done that with you. I think he’s just scared, maybe? That you’re going to be so far out of his reach in a way that you’ve never been before. Not including when you were living with your mom forever ago.” 
“He can’t protect me from everything…” 
With a sigh, Kirishima leaned back, hands in his shorts pockets. “I think… Bakugou has a really different view on the world than most. He’s seen the dirty side of things and been forced into situations where he’s been really alone. I just don’t think he wants that to happen to you.” 
“I can take care of myself.” 
“He thought that, too… During summer camp our first year. What looks to you like over controlling is probably just… him being overly cautious and worried. ‘Cause he loves you. And you know he thinks about everything that could happen in a split second. That’s what makes him an awesome hero, but it also sets him back during things like this. I’m not saying that him blowing up on you is justified, I’m just trying to figure out why.” 
Pulling her feet up onto the bench, Koge wrapped her arms around her legs, hiding her face in them. “We both handled that really wrong… But I had no right to call him what I did… And he won’t take ‘sorry’ and just work with me to fix it.” 
Kirishima was silent for a moment, bouncing his leg up and down as he tried to think. “Hmmm… What would Bakugou respond to… Food?” 
“I can’t cook… and it’s too late to go get anything.” 
“A gift?” 
“I have nothing on me. And I… left my purse in his room.” 
“A fight? Like, a physical one?” 
“We can’t punch an apology out of each other.” 
Grumbling as he sunk down further into the bench, Kirishima straightened his legs out in front of him, heels dug into the sidewalk with toes pointed up at the sky. “You two are so complicated! You only understand each other, no one else gets the way you click.” 
Sitting up, Koge rubbed her sore eyes. “Maybe I should just go home… We’re both too upset to make a real decision right now anyway.” 
“But you can’t go home, ‘cause you don’t have your purse…” 
“No purse means no money and no way to get on the train.” With a frustrated groan, Koge lied her forehead on her legs again, struggling against the urge to start crying. “I hate this.” 
“Well, you can crash in my room if you want. I just changed my sheets and I’ll sleep on the floor.” 
“Thank you… Honestly, I’m super exhausted, and maybe a nap will help me think better.” 
The instantly Koge flopped to lay in the unfamiliar bed, she crashed, her entire body and mind worn down to the bone. It was a heavy sleep, one so deep that, when she opened her eyes, she couldn’t tell if she was actually awake or not. The darkness in the room told her that it was nighttime now, along with the deep and loud snoring coming from somewhere nearby on the floor. Eyes aching, Koge glanced around until her eyes landed on a digital clock, which told her that it was just after midnight. 
Damn, I really crashed… That nap was a good five hours… 
Sighing and feeling like she couldn’t sleep anymore, Koge pushed herself to sit up, rubbing her face. Although the room was warm, she felt incredibly cold and lonely, aching for the feeling of her lover’s arms around her. He was so close, just right on the other side of the wall. Was he asleep? Restless? Angry? Sad? Probably a confusing and jumbled mix of a million emotions, just like Koge was. 
I can’t just do nothing… I need to go back to him and try to get him to talk to me… Somehow. 
Once her eyes were decently adjusted to the dark, she stood, carefully and quietly stepping around the sprawled out Kirishima, who was mostly on the floor instead of his little pad he had made up out of blankets. Just as quietly, she was able to shut the door, doing everything she could to not draw attention to herself. 
Standing outside of Bakugou’s door now, she stared at it in hesitation, terrified to make that next move to try and open it. She knew that, at this point, there were two things that could happen. 
If the door was locked, then that meant he still didn’t want her presence, and she would have to return to bed with no resolution. 
But, if it was open, then she knew that it would be a silent plea for her to come back to him to work things out. 
How long she stood there gathering her courage, she wasn’t sure. When she did finally make the move to grip the door handle, it took another few minutes to finally push down on it. To her shock, there was no resistance, and the door opened with an incredibly soft click. 
Nausea returning, Koge silently slipped inside, closing the door just as softly as it had opened. With blackout curtains installed over the window, Bakugou’s room was pitch black, just as he had always preferred it. At first, she was unable to see anything at all, until the dull green glow of his digital alarm clock gave her something visual to grip onto. 
Against the light, she could see the figure of Bakugou in his bed, his back turned towards the room. It was impossible for her to tell if he was awake or not, since he didn’t snore quite as loudly as his redheaded friend next door, nor did his breathing seem heavy enough to move his shoulders. So, timidly, Koge made her way over to the bed, taking a moment to remove her jeans to leave her in just a t-shirt and underwear, as she normally slept. 
Could this go horribly wrong? Absolutely. He could get angry and shove her out of bed or start yelling and wake up the whole building. Or, he could just completely ignore her, which would be even worse. His silence was much more painful than getting something out of him. Even at least a grunt or huff would be enough to tell her that he at least recognized her presence. But silence? That meant everything would not be so easily healed, if it could be healed at all. 
After swallowing the lump that had grown in her throat, Koge carefully lifted his covers, slipping into bed behind him. His warmth instantly swallowing her, she couldn’t resist cuddling up into his back, nuzzling her nose into his t-shirt between his shoulder blades. There was no movement from him, not even a change in his breathing, and as Koge settled, she wondered if he really was deep in sleep. 
Blinking the new hoard of tears away, Koge let her arm slide around his torso, and to her surprise, Bakugou actually caressed her arm in return. 
There was no verbal answer, only a movement of his head as he turned his face more into his pillow. Biting down on her bottom lip to try and stop its trembling, Koge took in a deep breath, closing her eyes to try and keep focused. 
“I… I’m a shithead.” 
“You are. A fucking shithead.” 
“The worst.” 
“I know you didn’t mean it, Utsuro. I’m not stupid. I’m not a stranger to emotional angry outbursts… But that doesn’t stop me from wondering where that came from… What made you think that way…” 
“It’s not true. You’re a wonderful boyfriend… I just… I wanted your support so badly with this decision and your reaction to it was… so negative.” 
Bakugou gave a heavy sigh, softly rubbing the skin of Koge’s arm with his thumb. “Utsuro… It’s hard for me to accept. You’ve always been so close to me, never out of my reach, and I just… I want to protect you. Take care of you. And I fucking can’t.” 
“-- But I’m not trying to control you. I’m not trying to decide for you, but I’m sure it came off that way. I fucking love you, Koge. You know that. I don’t want to lose what we have.” 
“We wouldn’t. Katsuki,” With careful movements, Koge crawled over him, squeezing herself between him and the wall so they were facing each other. Bakugou didn’t open his arms to hold her just yet, though he did finally catch her gaze with his own. “I know it’s scary. I’m scared to do it. But… it’s something that I need to do for myself. And I know you can’t come with me yet, but… you will. Soon you’ll be out of here, getting a job, and taking your next step in life. No matter what, I will be there.” 
“It’s dangerous.” 
“Everything is dangerous, love. Remember that one time we went jogging and that guy had pulled me into an ally…** Even when you’re there, Katsuki, things can happen. But we can’t live our lives worrying about that. It’s okay to be worried for each other. I’m worried for you every day still trapped in this third-year hell.” With a tender touch, Koge placed her hand on his arm. “But we can’t stop each other from living… Besides… I never said that I wouldn’t be having you help me every step of the way. I’m an indecisive airhead, after all, I need my extra opinionated, honest, observant, and cute boyfriend to help me.” 
Bakugou rolled his eyes, giving an annoyed scoff as Koge batted her eyelashes at him innocently. “Yeah right. You’ll fall in love with the first place you see.” 
“Not true. I’m picky. And I want to pick somewhere we both like… You never know what might happen after you graduate. As long as you don’t hate me, now.” 
“I don’t hate you, stupid. I still don’t like it, either, but… You’re right. If it’s something you really want to do, I should support you. But you’d better bet your fucking ass that I will be pushing for good areas and won’t let anyone take advantage of you.” Finally, Bakugou opened his arms, pulling her in against his chest tightly, as if his embrace was a punishment. Feeling her emotions swell, Koge hugged him in return, burying her face into his chest. 
“Thank you so much, Katsuki. I’m… I’m really sorry for what I said. You’ve never been a bad boyfriend… You’re perfect.” 
“Both of us are far from perfect, Utsuro. But it’s alright. We’re shitheads together.” 
“You’re not a shithead. Just… cautious and protective. Worried, too. Eijirou helped talk me through it… Like you said, it seemed controlling in the moment, but it wasn’t like that at all, I just… had a bad reaction.” 
Bakugou gave a small scoff, prompting Koge to lift her head to look up at him. “Kirishima? What, you talked to him?” 
“He… caught me when I first left your room. I think he tried to talk to you, too, but you didn’t answer.” 
“No, I didn’t… I’m glad he went after you, though. I’ll need to thank him...” 
Feeling her cheeks flush, Koge couldn’t resist the small smile on her lips. “Why?” 
“Because if he didn’t, we would have ended up moping over this for days, probably. Knowing us… Stupid and stubborn.” Bakugou pressed his lips against hers softly, pulling her body in tight against him. “Mm… I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t have blown up like that at you.” 
Koge’s stomach tingled with butterflies as he continued to place soft kisses on her lips, lightly tracing circles along his back with her nails. “It’s okay. We’ll make it through this. Even if we have to video chat every night.” 
“We’re already doing that.” 
“We’ll have to keep doing it, then. I promise, Katsuki… I’ll never let us drift apart.” 
“Neither will I, Utsuro. Let’s just forget it for now… I want to spend the weekend with my girl, as lazy and fucking boring as possible.” 
“Sleep, make love, watch movies, cuddle, and eat bad food. What could be better?” 
“Add a massage to the mix and it sounds like fucking heaven.” 
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pikabxi-blog · 5 years
riotlike replied to your post ““ALL MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!””
kiri ghost vc: if it makes it any better, you can share my tree-
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“Bro...” sniff. “I’m honored.”
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pikabxi-blog · 5 years
obligatory tag dump!
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