#lowkey cute (ochako)
thatanimewriter · 27 days
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➳ synopsis: it's spring time and your bird-like tendencies are hitting at full force
➳ character/s: dan heng, jing yuan, dr ratio, aventurine, sunday, midoriya izuku, tokoyami fumikage, uraraka ochako, shinsou hitoshi, amajiki tamaki
➳ warnings: swearing, you got wings and you like nesting, very mildly suggestive (jing yuan, aventurine, sunday), spoilers for aven backstory
➳ notes: i'm back at it with bird!reader stuff because i think it's cute. will i ever do any other content with bnha that isn't birds (this is like, the 4th-), probably not LMAO
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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he's just come back from the luofu n is lowkey kinda stressed cause memories n stuff
so he chooses to go to your room on the express to get some cuddles in
but as soon as he walks in, he sees you on the bed, wings spread and a bunch of shirts and blankets around you
he gave a little 'aww' and removed his shoes and coat before slipping under your wing
you grunted quietly n he was lowkey like 0_0 cause he didn't wanna wake you
but you just shuffled a bit and returned to sleeping
if he doesn't fall asleep with you, he's probably slapping everything from the luofu onto the databank from his phone
he is also in vidyadhara nesting mode probably
so it's just a mess of clothes, blankets, wings and a tail in this strange huddle
maybe you can convince him to get out of the databank and ditch his futon on the floor
he loves being a little bit lazy, so he's probably come home earlier than he should be (don't tell fu xuan)
he's watching as you build your nest on his bed and he just chuckles and comes to help you set up PRIME abode
you have to convince him to do some of his work in the nest though, otherwise he'll just sleep under your wing
the birds that hide in his hair are living for the nest though, they all come out to have fun
the birds will preen you in your sleep ;v;
you'll be taking a nap and they're out doin whatever and then they start hoppin all over your wings and preening your wings
they don't let jing yuan do it for you, they nip him if he tries and that's the only time they'll be somewhat aggressive to him
this also sucks if you experience any form of heat or rut
all of his birds and his partner are going THROUGH it and you're all such a handful
he's gotta find a way to separate you from his birds so he can spend quality time with you
he also does all his work in your little nest if he isn't soaking in the bath (unlike jing yuan, he's willingly productive)
dude's a nerd, so he probably does know how to preen your wings for you if you let him
he might be reluctant to bathe WITH you if you bathe similarly to a literal bird though
thankfully he has a beeg bath though, so you have room to splash and flap the wings about
he might've gone out and bought the best blankets and pillows for you to make a nest
maybe even bought a circular bed for you both to fit so it's more nest-like
is also probably mildly annoying cause he's a smartass, so any angsty moment is kinda like guys askin if it's shark week
like a swear jar, he has a jar for how often you smack him with your wings
accident or not-
he's coping, but he loves you, so he'll stay with you in your nest and let you shove shiny things in his pockets
he lives for nesting season, this is his favourite time of year EVER, hands down
does call you baby bird all the time, but it's worse now that it's spring
sorta sad note, but he probably enjoys nesting season so much cause he feels a love and a warmth he never got as a kid-
wrapped in wings and you're a bit more possessive than you would normally be
comfy bed, naps (for you at least, he's got ipc work-)
he once went to work with a feather stuck in his clothes, but he ended up keeping it as an addition
maybe not in the original place, but definitely somewhere on his 'uniform'
would be annoying and keep saying he's very happy to satisfy any SPRINGTIME needs for you
to which you kick him out of your nest :))
he gets invited back in after a few hours, but he's got some groveling to do
he gets it, he sorta has it too
joint nest for the both of you with all your favourite blankets and pillows
obviously he doesn't have big wings like you do, but he helps preen your feathers and you get to do the same
if you nap together, he flaps his wings in your face to wake you up with a lil :3
he has all the blankets as part of the nest but his favourite blanket is your wings
kinda gatekeeps you a bit in spring, he doesn't want people he doesn't trust going near you
n he doesn't wanna leave you either, he wants to stay in the nest and cuddle and nap ;v;
probably sex as well, but-
he brings you shiny things daily, but it becomes a slight problem when you run out of shelf room
the wind power than generates from you flapping your wings in a fit is definitely more than his and he's a lil bit jealous ._.
he's got all your care instructions in his little quirk notebook, so he's all set to be by your side all spring
he will never say no to a nap in the nest, ever
when the dorm rooms come in, you've got a sunken circular bed for your nesting habits
he has a lot of photos of you tucked in, sleeping with your wings outstretched
a lot of sketches as well cause he thinks you look oh so adorable when you're hidden away in bed
highkey wishes you could permanently live in the same dorm just to have access to your nest
turns all your loose feathers into quills for fun
he brings you shiny things if he sees them when he's out and brings them to you
he thought he'd have to convince you to leave the dorms, but it's actually the opposite way around
he likes the warmth, he likes your company, why can't he stay >:((
he gets it pt. 2
his head is actually hair, not feathers (yeah i know right-), so you'd have to teach him how to preen your wings for you
BUT you have dark shadow as well, so tokoyami has one wing, dark shadow has the other
and you get your care done twice as fast
tokoyami nuzzles his beak into the crook of your neck when you nap
probably nibbles on your wings a little bit by accident to preen you, but you don't mind, you think it's funny
he will help you tidy and make your nest, but it might cause arguments sometimes over where pillows should go
it's a bit of a squashed bed situation if you did a sleepover
the dorm beds aren't super big for this stuff, so you can't curl up that much
but you make do with what you have
she loves spring time ;v;
the nice weather, the flowers, the warmth of your nest when you set it up
also, what a great excuse for a day in should she want one???
just say that her partner is having spring time blues and you need her with you to get through it
she brings the fluffiest blankets for you both to snuggle under, but she's still getting used to the sheer size of your nest
more squish than she thought there would be cause there's SO MANY pillows
turned some of your feathers into jewellery like earrings and probably a dream catcher tbh
she can float, so if you wanna do little flying sessions, she's so down to come
chilling in the nest with a hot chocolate and a movie or series is a great way to relax at the end of a day
she will also stroke your wings if you fall asleep before her, but she'll fall asleep soon after if you do-
listen, he'll take ANY reason to stay home that he can, and he will be so happy to spend his day in with you
he might be a little shit and tease you for how fussy you get about your nest and your grooming
but he will cuddle with you and he will help you tidy yourself if you want him to
probably for feathers nearer your back, cause you can't reach as easily
he has a lot of photos of you sleeping in his camera roll, and if you snatch his phone in spring, it's all you
lots of little butterfly kisses all over in the mornings when you're both waking up
he also tells people to fuck off if they want either of you for something when you're actively isolating from society
his bed hair is WILD though, so maybe you have to preen him more than you initially thought
it's already a mess, but it's even more of a nest
he made a joke that you could sleep in his hair once and he spent that night in his own bed ._.
he will combust n explode
you're so cute when you're nesting and snuggling into your bed, his heart can't take it
he thinks you're trying to kill him, but if you are, he'll die happy at least
sometimes will grow his own wings to get double wing action when you nap in the nest
he appreciates the domesticity of spring time for you and probably thinks about what this might be like when you graduate ua
but he blushes so hard thinking about a future (with you) that he hides under your wings and doesn't resurface until he has to
it's not him who has photos of you in your nest, instead it's mirio who has the photos
he permeates through the dorm walls to tell you guys things but you're usually sleeping in your free time in spring
he says it's for the inevitable wedding so he can do a presentation about how he's your no. 1 supporter
you're jealous of tamaki, cause he doesn't have to preen his wings, he just eats chicken and grows amazing wings ;v;
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siflshonen · 2 years
Character I first fell in love with: Oh. Katsuki Bakugo. This isn’t a secret.
A character I used to love/like, but now do not: Not applicable.
A ship that I used to love/like, but now do not: Not applicable. I like and dislike a lot of ships but I am hard to sway once I make up my mind.
My ultimate favorite character: Katsuki Bakugo!!!!! Honorable mention Neito Monoma and Himiko Toga.
Prettiest character: There’s so many. Ochako in the recent chapters may actually win this, but Katsuki is also undeniably beautiful even in death…
No, forget what I said. It’s gotta be Katsuki. It’s the red eyes.
My most hated character: …hmm. There’s characters I don’t necessarily like or think are, you know, villainous, but I enjoy them for their role in the story 99% of the time. Perhaps Mineta because he’s legitimately not that funny and that’s the greatest crime in a gag anime character. Slide n’ Go?
My OTP: Best Jeanistxdenim. Fatgumxtakoyaki.
BakuDeku. Honorable mentions TogaChako and EndHawks (or more precisely Hawks, or really any witness x The Todoroki Family Drama)
My NOTP: IzuOcha. Fuck me but I hate this pairing. Ochako deserves more and better.
Favorite episode: How about my favorite manga chapter? It’s the Todoroki family dinner.
Saddest death: After much consideration, I have to say Midnight. RIP Nemuri Kayama.
Favorite season: Um. Season 2? I have trouble with judging the anime in chunks like this.
Least favorite season: Season 5. Really a shame since I love the internship and I love My Villain Academia. But I just didn’t think it was paced well and I find the lack of novelty used in the color palette for mood lighting really disappointing.
Character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but I hate: Um. There’s not many I feel this way about, but several I am lukewarm about?
My “you’re a piece of trash, but still my favorite”: Endeavor, Dabi, Hawks, All for One!
My “beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this” favorite: almost everyone else in the cast. Toshinori. Katsuki. Tokoyami and Dark Shadow. BIG Shouto and Fuyumi Todoroki energy.
My “this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but I still love it” ship: EndHawks. Aizawa/Kurogiri. Beyond that (and including those), it’s more the high fucked up drama potential rather than any real potential romance, and how the power dynamic between the two parties would be completely and utterly twisted, especially in the public eye. Toga/Midnight; any student/Midnight (the real tragedy in both of these cases is that I believe Midnight would be the one with less power for this to happen and the most vulnerable from outside judgements looking at the situation); Toga/Vlad King. They’re not ships so much as they are horrible drama prompts that make you want to curl up and die. Arguably, I write BakuDeku this way.
My “they’re kind of cute, and I lowkey ship them, but I’m not too invested” ship: The best I’ve got is TodoMomo. Maybe KiriMina?
Thanks for the ask!
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Quick intro? Quick intro!
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My name is Cas, and this is my self ship blog! I've been self shipping for years but my last blog got deleted last year (because I thought tumblr was a working website that would only delete one side blog, not all my blogs).
Some quick rules:
I do not do discourse. I'll just unfollow you.
I will not support harassment, you will get blocked if I see any or any SUPPORT of harassing people. No ifs ands or buts.
No minors, I'm just not comfortable with them following this blog.
I don't have many rules, I just want to see people being nice!
About me
Irl, I'm a lesbian but I self ship with characters who are men because *insert reason here*. I'm also genderqueer, they/them pronouns only
I love making friends, so if we have f/os who are from the same source material PLEASE interact 🥺
I also am fine sharing f/os with people (I'm polyam irl and self shipping lol) so don't worry about any possessiveness or anything. Tbh I think it's a little silly since they aren't real anyway
And now....
My f/os!
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(These are my main ones, I have some f/os I won't post about a lot, too) some time I'll come up with tags for them but eh.
Dabi/Touya Todoroki (MHA) (I hate you. I love you. I hate you) (stinky garbage man) (tag: dabi 🔥)
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Dracula (many sources) (low key Bela Lugosi is the only man I love) (tag: dracula 🦇)
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Cardinal Copia/Papa Emeritus IV (the band Ghost) (my old man husband) (tag: copia 🐀)
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Mona Megistus (Genshin Impact) (I've been playing since launch and I still don't have her, mihoyo this is lesbophobia) (update: I HAVE MONA) (tag: Mona 🪞)
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Ochako Uraraka (MHA) (lowkey himiko toga too) (she's just so sweet and determined and so CUTE I have brain worms) (tags: ochako 🍵, himiko 🔪)
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Lucille Sharpe (Crimson Peak) (I can fix her. I could make her worse. I could love her as she is because I find the atrocities sexy) (tag: lucille 💍)
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Bakugo Katsuki (MHA) (oh I HATE him. *smooch*) (tag: bakugo🧨)
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class1akids · 3 years
surrounding deku's friendships with the other class A kids not taking up much of his relationship real estate, another minor detail that struck me as weird was deku's gift for ochako being an all might keychain. on one hand i understand that you need a way to have the audience obviously connect the gift to izuku (who we all know is an all might nerd) but on the other hand, I've never felt that ochako has any sort of special connection to all might beyond his status as ex-peace-symbol and teacher. it felt more like that gift was something deku would buy for himself (or when he didn't know what to get) than something he chose with ochako specifically in mind.
ig it's just kind of sad to think about, when ochako seems to value that gift specifically because it came from deku, while deku chose something so strangely impersonal (i know he might have given her other gifts or whatever but that particular gift is the one the narrative chose to represent them). it's frustrating because it feels more and more one-sided, which sucks when you consider that izuocha will 99% be the endgame pairing. but even as we near the end of the series, instead of setting up some mutual pinning, we get these small moments with implications that make you question if they're even best friends anymore, let alone mutually interested in each other romantically.
I don’t think Deku chose the gift specifically for Ochako. If you look at the panels of the Christmas party, everyone just put in random items (Iida brought glasses which ended up with Bakugou, Tokoyami brought a sword that Eri got, Mina got the weight Kirishima put in the pile, etc) that got distributed at random. 
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So Ochako picking the (very obviously from Deku present) All Might keychain, while Deku getting the equally impersonal (but very obviously from Ochako) mochi maybe is a proof for Ochako’s teenage romantic thought process - that her crush is more than just a distraction, that maybe her connection to Deku is fate, no matter how hard she tries to deny it. 
I’m not the biggest IzuOcha fan, but I think Ochako’s attachment to the keychain is realistic behaviour for a teenage girl with a crush (at least I know this is exactly how I would have probably behaved at 15-16, seeing signs and proof in things like that and treasuring it). 
It’s true that the keychain wasn’t chosen specifically for Ochako, but it still ended up with her, just as Deku ended up with her gift  -  and she can’t help but feel that the fact in itself is special. 
Ochako getting Deku’s gift is 1/20 chance (or 21 or 22, not sure if Eri and Aizawa brought stuff too). Them both getting each other’s is around 1/400 (also don’t quote me on the math, because I suck at probabilities, but like it’s much less likely). Improbable enough that it can feel like fate. 
As far as IzuOcha goes, it’s actually one of my favourite scenes. It’s lowkey and cute and they are BOTH equally flustered and try to pretend it’s not a big deal and just a coincidence. 
Now, it would have been better if Ochako’s gift is also something that Deku can hold near, so like I wasn’t fan of the follow-up of Ochako’s central scene in the war arc being fighting over the All Might doll with Toga, while Deku had absolutely no thought of her the whole time... but that’s another issue. 
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
BNHA Rewatch: Season 1 Episode 3 “Roaring Muscles”
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And now the big surprise bit! Deku gets OFA! Apparently the original plan was for Deku to Batman it through the series without a quirk and the editors asked Hori to change it. Which I’m cool with. I love it as that twist on the ‘chosen one’ idea. Deku is picked because he’s good, and then he gets to choose if he wants to do it or not. He could quit at any time, give OFA to someone else, so he’s not being forced into acting by ‘destiny’ or whatever. He wants this.
It also doesn’t automatically make Deku OP or instantly able to beat everyone up. He has to work at it! Cue training montage.
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This bit really got to me the first time I read it, because I was working cleaning up trash on a beach at the time, so I related. It helped me keep going through a tough job, just thinking about how, like Deku, I was doing it all to support my real dream. So this whole bit resonated with me, hard. Also All Might saying about how it’s good for genuine hero work. Made me feel good about what I was doing!
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Deku trying to figure out, while in class, how to work his way around his problems. Another moment I relate to him on a painful level.
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This scene is another one that just gets to me. Deku just…crawling in the dirt to make his dreams a reality, refusing to just coast, determined to actually do well…I hate to say the same phrase again, but I relate to this kid so hard.
And I love too that All Might made the plan on purpose so that Deku wouldn’t get over-worked! There are so many stories of this kind where it’s like ‘oh yeah, go ahead, destroy yourself, it’ll all pay off!’ and I always thought that was kind of dumb. All Might really started winning me over with moments like this.
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Ripped Deku! Deku 2.0! He goes through lots of look changes, doesn’t he? I guess I’ll start keeping score.
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OFA passes through DNA. I bet there are fanfics out there where Deku passes it on to someone else in a less…chaste manner. And the BNHA smash comic with this chapter brings up that idea, comedically of course. I have seen shows where people pass on superpowers with dramatic last kisses; it could happen.
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After a brief tsundere exchange with Kacchan, we meet Uraraka. I’ve got complicated feelings about Ochaco, which I’ll go into more later. Mostly in this scene I like how she’s sort of foiled with Bakugo here - she comes in with a smile and helps Deku after Bakugo’s snarling face, they both wear a big scarf over a short coat here, and Deku later compares saving them in the Entrance Exam. Foils! A foil trio.
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The Entrance Exam rules are kinda silly. I think they’re probably gonna change them up in the future, since they changed up the Final Exams. As they are, they’re the kinda system that rejects Shinso and takes in Mineta. Clearly this system has flaws (and yes I will take pot shots at Mineta when he shows up. Low hanging fruit, I know, but you gotta be honest.)
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Iida makes his debut! I think I disliked him the first time around, though my memory is kind of fuzzy of my first impressions of him and Uraraka. I love him now though. He’s so uptight; he reminds me of Hermione from HP. Like a boy version. He’s such a jerk to Deku here! Why are so many people mean to Deku when thy first meet him? He’s so cute, why you guys all gotta yell?
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Deku is so goddamn cute and relatable in this shot. I kept my Deku fangirling to a minimum this time! Waited until they very end. (I think this episode began my crush on him in earnest).
BKDK Corner:
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Look at that long focus on Kacchan not responding to Deku like the rest of the class! Progress!
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According to Deku, ever since the sludge villain incident, Kacchan ‘didn’t do anything to me’. This is probably why Deku is so blasé about Kacchan’s bullying; it basically stopped for ten months, so he just hasn’t had reason to think about it that much.
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I love that they just sit together, bad breakups be damned. And Deku refers to them as ‘friends’; making it so ‘friends can’t help each other’, the implication being that Kacchan is his friend. Aw! Kacchan ruins it by yakking about ‘crushing’ Deku...but even that is important to note since it’s part of how he sees Deku as a wall to surpass, an honor bestowed on few.
Best Girl of the Ep: Ochaco Uraraka!
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Ranking: Top 5 Favorite Quirks in BNHA
5. Earphone Jack (the first quirk hori thought of. Great versatility and awesome name)
4. One for All (duh. easily awesome, and with recent reveals, effectively unstoppable)
3. Zero Gravity (pretty OP if Uraraka gets a handle on it. Form of TK that’s almost unstoppable)
2. 1/2 cold 1/2 hot (I love elemental powers unconditionally and this is basically the ultimate combo)
1. Creation (can you imagine anything more versatile or useful?)
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ceabu · 5 years
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*draws ochamina*
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pikabxi-blog · 5 years
obligatory tag dump!
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wornoutmouse · 3 years
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Very Dominante Deku basically using you as a fleshlight for his anger. Deku with rings supremacy. Asshole Deku lowkey my man’s got his heart broke. Gaslighting(?) idk. Not a smoker but ik there are readers that are
One never truly notices things when they are from the inside looking out. It’s only when the feeling of unrest becomes gradual and inescapable that you have to smell the coffee and drink it. The familiar yet unknown smell covering his clothes when he came home, the way he would only touch you if you were the one that initiated it. All points led to one thing that you wish you could ignore. But you couldn’t.
“Hey, babe I’m going to work out with Deku, I’ll be back later.” Bakugou grabs his keys, kissing you on the cheek before heading to the front door. You make no move as you feel his lips against your cheek and still make no move as you hear the door shut. Calmly you take a sip of your green tea, tapping your box nails against the porcelain cup. With your other hand, you grab your phone. At one point it had a ground zero case over it but now lay barren.
“Hey Zuku, are you working out right now?”
“No why?”
“No reason I’ll call you back later.”
You hang up the phone and stand up. You calmly transfer your tea over into a tin while blankly looking at photos on your wall. It was various pictures of you and Katsuki on dates, Christmas, and high school graduations. Things you once looked at with affection but now disdain, decorating your walls unpleasantly.
You waited for Katsuki to pull off before following behind him in your own vehicle. You felt your heart hammering in your chest as youdrove. The anger riseing as you watch him clearly drive past his usual workout spot. Your car was silent, you were too upset to even turn on music, how silly would you have felt to play Streets by Doja as you witness your heart shatter.
After a while, Bakugou took back streets forcing you to lag behind until you were sure he either turned or was far enough to not notice you. Soon he pulls up to a park, one you’ve never seen due to his neighborhood location. You stay behind as he gets out and leans against his jeep SUV. The park is barren and empty all up until a familiar face walks from behind a building.
Arms cutely tucked behind her back, wearing short shorts and a flower-filled blouse comes Ochaco Uraraka. The two come closer and embrace, the very sight filling you with so much pain that you almost forget to take pictures. You take various ones, hands shaking as the same mouth that caressed your face moments ago now lay on the lips of another. The kiss gets more heated, Bakugou’s hands travel around Ochako’s waist pulling her closer towards him. You flinch as Bakugou’s car lights flash as he unlocks it and the two climb into the back seat. Using the last ounce of your patience you record the gradual rocking that the car begins to make before driving off.
You were going to kill him most definitely, but first, you have to cut the news to someone else. You turn your music on to distract your racing thoughts as you pull up to Deku’s condo. You wave at the receptionist and take the elevator up, patting your face and cracking your neck to relieve building stress. Izuku opens the door with raised eyebrows but lets you in nonetheless. It was clear he had just got out of the shower from the dewdrops dripping from his hair.
“What brings you over here Y/n?” You motion for him to sit down, face clearly showing discomfort as you pull out your phone. “You might want to sit down for this too.” Deku grabs a cup of water and drinks it as he sits down. You hand him your phone with silence and watch as he swipes. Izuku’s living room was bare in regards to decorations, opting for a simple black and grey color palette the only splashes of color being art given to him by fans. A crash is heard and glass is shattered at your feet.
Izuku is standing, walking around the living room, eyes closed and arms outstretched and flexing. You watch him pace, and you don’t know what would have been worse, him being outwardly angry or the silence that terrorized the room you were currently in. “Deku?” “Don’t talk please.” Deku walks out of the living room before coming back in with his phone texting. When his phone pings again, Deku busses out laughing. “Ain’t it funny how Uraraka is at the mall right now Y/n?”
More maniac laughing ensues but you can tell when Izuku reaches his breaking moment when angry tears roll down his face. You sit there silently, you had long since cried your tears and had none left to give. When Izuku finally calmed down, the sun had set and he stared into the dark, green eyes dark as hatred envelopes him. “Just when I think Kacha.... Bakugou had changed. When I thought we had reached some form of truce. He continues to take from me.”
From your peripheral, you could see Deku’s leg tap as his speech turned into low mutters and harsh curses. “I hate it, I want to get him back.” You listen to heavy metal fall to the ground and roll away. Small silver rings slowly go past your line of vision on the marble floors as Izuku removes them one by one. “Y/n, would it be selfish, to want to do the same to him?” You laughed dryly rubbing your face, “I was thinking the same thing as you and I don’t see a damn problem with it.” Both you and Izuku look at each other for a long while, almost a mutual agreement coming to pass as you stared through the darkness.
He stands and walks into his back room, you follow suit, being careful not to trip in the moonlit home. You move in silence, removing your clothes without lustful thoughts and instead with a goal of vengeance and reparations. Undressed you shamelessly open your legs for Deku who slots perfectly in between them, opening a condom while sandpaper-like hands lift your leg above his shoulder. “Are you sure you want to?” Deku’s concern sounded forced but still caring as he gave you an option to opt-out of the activities that were beginning to transpire.
As he expected, you shake your head so he continues putting the condom on. “You should help yourself out right now cause if I’m feeling honest right now, I’m not feeling nice right now.” You chuckle, shaking your head as you suck on your fingers, “You aren’t going to use your quirk on me are you?” Isuku flexes his biceps forcing green and black electrical currents to snap around his body, lighting the room neon. “Can’t make any promises.” You’re quiet after that because for the life of you it didn’t sound like the bastard was joking.
“You know something that I’ve always admired about Kachan?” You shake your head, focussing on getting and staying wet but simply hearing the name of the blond made you angry. “How he was able to take what he wanted and knew what he wanted.” Izuku grabs your leg and pulls it forward making you jump. “If only I realized that he had no concern with what he took or who he took from.” Gaining leverage with your legs, you wrap them around Izuku who carried you back through the house. “Maybe I should haven’t been so naive, we’re adults, not children.”
You can’t see but you hear a click and something sliding open before a chill goes through your body from the cool night air. “It’s not your fault Deku.” Your legs are dropped and you almost fall before regaining your step. Izuku pays no real mind as he maneuvers your around to lean on the balcony. Normally you’d be worried about the stability but it was solid concrete keeping you from falling 8 stories to your death.
The city lights of Masutafu take your breath away as they twinkle below you. Your legs are hiked up and your stomach gets painfully pressed into the gravel wall below you. “Wait we doing this outside?”
Deku’s dick presses unapologetically against your pussy, he uses his free hand to steady your lower back as he pushes forwards. The condom is slick with lubricant and eases the ever-present burn you feel as your pussy stretches around him. When he bottoms out, Midorya relaxes over your body, cupping your breasts in his large hands as he spoke, “I want you to be so fucking loud they can hear you from here, and if you arent, we won’t stop till you do. Trust me I’m known for my stamina.”
Internally you knew that wouldn’t be a problem from how his nimble fingers pinched and prodded your nipples till they were hard and sensitive, but his threats agitated you. “Fuck me already, and quit trying to intimidate me Deku.” Your teeth clatter together at his first strokes. His cock was long enough that he was able to ram into your warm cunt without needing him to pull out. The slow drag outwards felt as if they were made deliberately to cause pain as your cervix is kissed by the tip of his dick. “Ah shit.” Your fingers grip the edge of the concrete wall as you struggle to find your own sense of pleasure from the slow pace.
”You know, call me silly, but for some reason, I blame you for all this Y/n.” You didn’t even want to grace him with a response as his thrusts were constant and harsh. Your mouth remained open but no sound ever left it besides confused whines that no doubt have alerted the lower levels as to what was transpiring. The thought that Izuku may wake up to tabloids talking about his late-night sexscapades was all that encouraged you to finally moan out into the open air. “How the fuck is it my fault?” Deku’s fingers pressed down into your hips at your annoyed tone. He stopped to bend his legs, hitting your walls at an angle that finally gave some pleasure.
“I’m not sure yet, maybe you weren’t sleeping with him enough cause there is no way he’d abandon a pussy like yours..fuck!” The praise rings well in your ears and you reward Izuku by squeezing down around his cock. “Then what about you Deku? Your cock is big enough, maybe you just didn’t know how to use it?’ You hiss as your ass begins to burn from him spanking you. “You say that yet your legs are shaking right now.”
Indeed they were, with Izuku’s 7-foot frame, he held you higher than your feet could hold you so you hung limply, suspended only by his cock and his hands. A particularly hard thrust makes your grip on the brick wall slip and a feeling of dread goes through you as you gaze down at the ground below. “Deku be careful I almost fell!” Izuku shifted his feet in order to get a better grip on your body but made no move to pull you back up from the edge. His grip on your waste got softer as his thrusts became more rhythmic.
Your bodies rocked together under the moonlight. If Deku was in the mood for talking he would have commented that the sweat trickling down your back somewhat mirrored his freakles. Reaching over you, Deku loops his arm under your neck pulling you against him. His hips rolled fluidly up into your cunt. Messy sounds could be heard as your combined wetness collected at your opening before driping down your legs. “Right there Izuku, right there!” You squeezed your eyes shut, abdomen heated with fire as you tried to stop yourself from cumming so soon. “Right there?” Izuku hummed, focusing on the place you told him to. His rage had died down from hearing your sweet noises. The thought that he was pleasuring you, being useful, gave him euphoria greater than any orgasm.
His emotions shifted to the third stage of heartbreak which was simply mourning. Deku couldn’t fathom what had made Ochako cheat on him, hell he couldn’t fathom what made Bakugou cheat on you. He knew for a fact Mitsuki didn’t raise him that way so the explanation remained a mystery to him. Deku felt the tell tale signs of you coming as it became harder for him to penetrate you before coming to a complete stop. Your tiny hands gripped his forearm hard and your teeth pinched it’s flesh as you orgasmed. “Cum for me Y/n, that’s so good look at you, so pretty.”
Your moans died down into small sniffles as Deku gently fucked you to his orgasm. The condom you didn’t even know was on, left your body with a nasty feeling as Deku sat you on the ground again. He walked away to get him some water as you wandered back into his bedroom to get a cigarette. Back outside, you look at the starless sky that you filled with smoke. Crickets and Cicadas sung their songs to the open air for all to hear, bringing you calmness. Strong arms wrapped around your waist embracing you. “So what is this?”
You took a slow drag, before relaseing it. “Nothing. I’m not ready for a relationship and neither are you. It’s not good to build things on hurt feelings.” Izuku doesn’t respond but you could tell that wasn’t what he wanted to hear. He presses faint kisses on your shoulder blades, sucking the skin between his teeth before bitting down. You let him of course, not quite ready to shift the affection train off course yet. Faintly you both hear the front door opening, and heels clicking forwards. Of course good moments have to be ruined “Deku?”
Ochaco’s petite frame steps onto the patio, stopping when she see’s your naked form. “What the hell is this?” You look over at her, snuffing out the cig and tossing it over the wall, “You tell me bitch?” Ochaco has the audacity to look at Izuku for help. The larger man looks at the brunette with flickering heat behind his green eyes, shutting her up quickly. You take your leave, putting your clothes on and grabbing your shoes before heading to your car. Your phone was flooded with messages from Bakugou asking where you were, you ignored them till you got home.
The lights were on when you opened the door and you were approached as soon as you stepped inside. “Where the fuck where you all damn day?” You look at Bakugou with a bored expression, “Minding my business that where I was.” You try to walk past him but Bakugou pulls on your shirt stopping you. His eyes look down at your exposed skin and eyes the dark bruises Deku’s fingers left behind. “What the hell is this?” He looks up at you again before getting sidetracked by the many bites decorating your shoulder and neck from just an hour ago. “What the fuck is that Y/N!?”
You shrug his hands off you and walk towards your bedroom, your day hand already been long enough. “It’s nothing that concerns you Mr. Uraraka.”
How old ya'll think I am? I aint agon tell ya'll yet of course I'm just curious
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 324: Is There a Force Field Around Him??
Previously on BnHA: Flashback!Rat Principal was all “please tell Midoriya that I spent a concerningly small amount of money upgrading U.A. into a wacky physics-defying funtime grid so as to make the final battle much more confusing for everyone.” Present Day!Mic (or Present!Mic, if you will) and Jeanist were all “if only somebody could deescalate this dangerously unhinged mob, we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.” Ochako was all “LISTEN UP PEOPLE.” The mob was all, “god??” Ochako was all, “NO, IT’S ME, OCHAKO. I’M REALLY HIGH UP ON THIS BUILDING AND THE VISIBILITY IS LOW DUE TO THE RAIN, SO I CAN SEE HOW YOU MIGHT MAKE THAT MISTAKE. ANYWAYS, DEKU WAS OUT THERE RISKING HIS LIFE FOR YOU CLOWNS EVEN THOUGH HE’S JUST A KID, SO I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IF YOU COULD ALL REMEMBER HOW TO BE DECENT HUMAN BEINGS, THANKS.” Let’s see if her Big Scolding Energy has any impact.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “so I have this speech planned out, and it’s really good, but it also only really needs about 6 to 8 pages, but I’m gonna see if I can stretch it out to 17 pages so I can kill time before we get to the next volume cliffhanger two weeks from now.” Anyway but it really is a good speech though. There are feels, and tears, and more talk about how Deku is so in need of a shower that just looking at him requires a tetanus booster, and more feels, and more tears, and bonus ship drama, and an iconic callback to the very first chapter which reframes the entire series in a new context in a totally epic and moving way, and it’s all very good. Except that Horikoshi is determined to never let anyone actually give this kid a hug. Who hurt you, dude.
omg we are opening on a callback to chapter 212, a.k.a. the chapter with by far the cutest flashback that doesn’t involve any baby Todorokis
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baby Ochako is lethally cute. she could literally murder someone with her cuteness. I just want to scoop her up and play airplane with her until she accidentally activates her quirk while we’re spinning around and we both helicopter up into the air never to be seen again
“a child’s insistence” huh well that’s all well and good, but I sure hope this doesn’t mean we’re going to drag out the whole “sternly lecture the obnoxious citizens” plot for another whole chapter. no offense but I think we’re good
so page 2 is just continuing the whole happy/worried faces monologue, which of course is very important to Ochako’s character as it provides the context for why “who protects the heroes” ended up becoming her thing. and this is making me think we actually are in for a whole second chapter of this sob. when will my boy finally get to rest
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HORIKOSHI: [reaches for a box of tissues while tearfully penning an homage to his beloved Spider-Man 2, specifically the train scene where the crowd sees Peter without his mask and they suddenly realize just how young he is]
lol at this one guy who can feel the mood of the crowd shifting and is all “WAIT, NO, I WANTED TO KEEP BEING AN ASSHOLE DAMMIT”
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as many pointed out last week, this man is wearing an All Might shirt. that’s some fantastic irony there
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“LITTLE GIRL, I HOPE YOU’RE NOT SUGGESTING THAT WE SHOULD ALL BE WALKING AROUND DRESSED LIKE A SOVIET-ERA BUS STOP.” heh. last week I said I was ashamed of BnHA being my favorite manga. that was a lie, actually
(ETA: in the original Japanese Ochako’s next two lines are basically “the only ones covered in mud will be us heroes!” followed by “please give us some time to get rid of the mud”, with that second line basically being the single funniest thing I’ve ever read rdslkjl. Ochako thank you so much for supporting my running gags. “YEAH WE KNOW HE’S DIRTY. WE ARE GONNA TRY AND CLEAN HIM UP, BUT IT MAY TAKE A WHILE, I’M JUST SAYING. I MEAN LOOK AT HIM. HE LOOKS LIKE AN ASBESTOS COSPLAY.”)
doesn’t the megaphone kind of look ever so slightly like an axe that she’s wielding maniacally here
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easy there Lizzie Borden
also that’s a really bold claim to make there. and not one she necessarily should have to make, either. but as we all know, there’s nothing that shounen manga likes more than having its heroes bravely hoist heavy burdens of responsibility like good self-sacrificing citizens
p.s. lowkey loving how Kacchan is positioned here standing slightly behind Deku. not presuming to stand in front of him all overprotectively (because he would hate if anyone ever did that to him), and kind of being unobtrusive and letting others take center stage -- but still being close enough to Deku that he can catch him if he stumbles or passes out again
(ETA: or maybe not lmao.
DEKU: [falls to his knees]
KACCHAN: [glancing up from his phone a few minutes later] “someone just sent me the stupidest meme about milk crates -- oh. uh. you good...?”
really, son. “the burdens you can’t carry, we’ll carry them for you. ...later, I mean. right now it’s late, and we’re all cold and wet.”)
also lowkey loving this OchaTsu moment here
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I was going back and binging Ochako chapters this past week for reasons, and I gotta say it really stuck out to me just how often these two are paired with each other. they do everything together. it’s a really sweet friendship that often goes unappreciated but it’s very cute
meanwhile, not to be outdone by the OchaTsu, Iida is staring at Ochako with open admiration talking about how she’s fighting too. it’s been so long since we’ve had any IidaRaka you guys. I was starving and I didn’t even know it
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THE LIGHT IS BACK. he finally looks like him again. what a cathartic fucking moment omg
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BUT, jokes aside, truth be told this is the exact right approach to take imo, and something that’s long overdue. I’ve said this before, but this new generation of heroes is shaping up to be much more transparent than the All Might generation. they’re basically abandoning the almighty, untouchable Superman “heroes as gods” concept in favor of the more nuanced “heroes as people” concept instead. and that’s a good thing. seeing their heroes as humans, with human limitations and weaknesses and flaws, will hopefully not only lead to more scrutiny and accountability, but also more awareness of how hard some of them are working and how much they’re sacrificing. that’s something All Might never quite grasped back at the start of the series -- that the weak, vulnerable, injured him could be just as inspiring as the mighty, invincible him -- perhaps even more so. there’s a power in seeing otherwise ordinary people show extraordinary bravery and compassion. it inspires others to try and do the same
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so he was still back at the hospital this whole time?? smdh at this disrespect. that feeling when your sexy self-insert character’s powers of rationality are too strong, and so you have to nerf him so that he doesn’t ruin your Deku Angst arc twice over by (1) immediately talking some sense into Deku and making him come home Right This Instant Young Man, and (2) not allowing him to leave U.A. in the first fucking place. excuse me, you want to do WHAT now, Midoriya?? that’s it, go to your room
also living for Katsuki and Hawks’s soft expressions. Shouto’s too, although his is tinier and harder to see. and Jeanist’s 12-foot-long neck. imagine Jeanist’s head with Mic’s hair. maybe Jeanist had a mohawk back in the day and that’s why U.A.’s doors are so big now
speaking of soft faces, Enji’s is also excellent
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what could this random close-up possibly imply?? hell if I know. but Horikoshi truly fears no discourse and that’s what I love about him
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“smh my child is so dumb.” poor Ochadad. your child is cute af count your blessings
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I’m telling you guys. lethally, catastrophically cute
this speech is still ongoing lol. Horikoshi you’re doing so good but I think we get the point now my dude. you gotta learn how to transition out of these things
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“there we go” Horikoshi says, crossing off the last line on his list of Ochako ships. “that’s all of ‘em”
poor Ochako is just repeating the same “LET HIM REST, PLEASE, WITH EVERYONE’S COOPERATION, IF YOU DON’T MIND, WE APPRECIATE IT” talking points over and over again hoping someone will throw her a bone and acknowledge her already. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP HER
literally they’re all just staring up at her silently omg. work with me people!!
now she’s saying it for the 56th time but more dramatically all of a sudden
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they got so dramatic that for a minute I thought she had suddenly leaped off the building or something
look, not to rush you or anything Horikoshi, but I’m starting to get the feeling that this is yet another one of those “the volume is ending soon so I need to either hurry things up or slow things down in order to make sure we end it on my perfect cliffhanger ending” chapters where you go to ridiculous lengths to drag things out much to the exasperation of your week-to-week readers
(ETA: ftr, volume 31 ended on chapter 306, and I’m predicting that vol. 32 will end with chapter 316 (a.k.a. “you’re next!” [explodes]). I’m guessing vol. 33 will follow suit and likely end on chapter 326, so keep your eyes peeled for a big cliffhanger in two weeks’ time. Deku’s dad?? All Might in peril?? U.A. traitor at long fucking last?? we shall see.)
is Deku straight up falling in love with Ochako right on the spot lol what is happening
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I know I just said that I enjoy when Horikoshi gives zero fucks about discourse, but shipping discourse is a whole different beast lol. I hope he’s prepared
(ETA: and for the record, I have no interest in shipping discourse either, as always. and I think this scene can be interpreted as platonic, tbh, with the context being that Ochako was literally introduced as someone who was willing to help him so casually without a second thought, and now here she is saving him again.
I don’t think it really fully hit Deku until this moment how much he needed saving. like I said in another meta somewhere, selflessness is basically just selfishness on behalf of others. and Deku is selfless to a fault, but that’s okay, and it doesn’t mean he needs to change -- he just needs friends who are willing to be be selfish on his behalf in turn. and I think the full emotion of what it means to have friends like that just hit him at last. everything his friends have done for him, how much he needed it and didn’t even realize, and how grateful he is. anyways what a terrible day for rain.)
-- son of a --
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is he apologizing?? or pleading?? please tell me that’s not the case, because what the actual fuck. Deku you beautiful precious radiant selfless child, this is the exact opposite of how this should be. all these motherfuckers should be on their knees apologizing to you
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A KOUTA IS GOOD TOO!!! oh my god if Kouta hugs him I will seriously 100% straight up cry. go on and test me
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is this man expressly forbidden from drawing hugs in his contract or something. DO YOU DO IT JUST TO SPITE ME?? this is tyranny, sir
AND I KNOW, THIS PAGE ACTUALLY CHALLENGED THE VERY PREMISE OF THE SERIES ITSELF, AND HERE I AM COMPLAINING ABOUT HUGS, OR THE LACK THEREOF. “this is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes.” and just like that, he waves a polite middle finger at all of the Strongest Greatest Chosen One shounen protags of old, in favor of something much less conventional, much more interesting, and much more suited to Deku’s character. because if that one sentence doesn’t just sum up Deku to a T. he gladly relinquishes his Greatest Hero status in favor of acknowledging the hero in everyone. what a class act. that’s my protagonist
I love this kid so fucking much I swear. only just PLEASE. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. GIVE HIM HIS HUG
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cutemisto · 3 years
class 1A goes to pride
some 1A headcanons (plus some teachers lol) abt them going to pride and loving it !!
warning: longgggg post
·       Yagi is so awkward bc he doesn’t know what to do ???
·       Eventually he musters up the courage to buy himself a pan flag and wear it as a cape
·       Aizawa and Yamada go together and accidentally run into their students
·       Aizawa is dressed pretty lowkey
·       Meanwhile Yamada is in full pride regalia
·       Platforms, booty shorts, crop top, suspenders, more pins than strictly necessary
·       He’s living his best life
·       The whole of 1A is there except for Kouda and Tokoyami
·       The atmosphere of pride is a bit much for them so they stay at the dorms and eat the rainbow cupcakes Satou made
·       Mina does facetime them for a little bit so they can experience the festival from a safe distance
·       Ochako is texting them so many pictures
·       No cops at pride, only Shouji
·       Hitoshi and Kirishima have both been to pride before and are all about it
·       Of course erasermic would take their son are you kidding ???
·       And Kiri’s moms had this boy in a stroller as they walked around
·       It’s one of his earliest memories
·       Izuku is SO EXCITED
·       He’s got bi flags on his cheeks and one of those “be a nice human” shirts on
·       Todoroki bleached and dyed the red half of his hair rainbow
·       He is unironically wearing rainbow pants he found somewhere
·       Aoyama did his makeup
·       His scar is now a galaxy
·       He’s never been so happy with his appearance
·       Ochako wears her flag like a cape and high fives everyone else who does the same
·       (Yagi is so happy when he gets a high five, but also a bit sheepish)
·       She tried to get Iida to put confetti in his engines so they’d fire out glitter whenever they were on
·       He said no
·       Bummer
·       Iida does not have a label for his sexuality but he does wear his pronouns (he/him) on a pin to help with normalizing it and giving courage to his friends
·       He also brings water and snacks to make sure everyone stays healthy (Momo and Tsuyu do this too)
·       (Also Bakugou but he’ll deny it)
·       Tsu uses they/she pronouns interchangeably and wears them on her shirt like a badge of honor
·       She also has fashioned a lesbian flag into a skirt
·       Lesbian themed flower crown as well bc cottagecore vibesssss
·       She would bring her siblings if they asked
·       Anyways lol
·       Hagakure turns herself into modern art
·       She is the color spectrum
·       She’s also wearing so many glow sticks ???
·       Ojirou also has glow sticks around his tail and he’s got a crown of them
·       He wears white so he can have people sign/write messages on his clothes so he has a memorial of the event
·       Satou is chugging sodas and slushie’s and he’s cheering so loud at the parade
·       He’s singing along to all the songs and dancing way harder than he needs to but everyone is into it
·       He’s started so many dance circles on accident
·       Girls in tank tops and crop tops and booty shorts and gogo boots ???
·       Her brain is mush
·       Imagine her when she sees Momo, the most beautiful woman EVER, all dressed up for pride in her cute dress
·       She’s dead
·       She’s buried
·       Help her
·       Anyways lmao Jirou has turned the goth meter up to maximum
·       She really said Plus Ultra
·       She goes home with many phone numbers and several new friends!
·       She also plays some music with a street performer or two and it’s amazing
·       Kaminari wears a binder with the trans flag on it and no other shirt
·       Platform shoes? Platform shoes!
·       Sero has little space buns with NB-themed glitter in their hair (courtesy of Mina)
·       Sero is body glitter central
·       It’s not their body glitter, it’s Aoyama’s
·       (Aoyama is also body glitter central btw)
·       Them in heeled boots? Yes yes yes yes yes
·       Mina is the peak of alt fashion
·       She has a pan flag temporary tattooed onto her thigh
·       How are her heels that high? Girlboss powers bby
·       Kiri went on a speech about how manly it is to unapologetically live as your true self and got too excited and accidently ruined his shirt with his quirk so uh no more shirt lol
·       Baku is like the most lowkey dressed with only a rainbow bracelet bc he’s just like that lol
·       (if the bakusquad really wanted him to he would eventually give in and dress up)
·       I will make four companion posts to this:
·       One for the heroes
·       One for the bakusquad
·       One for the dekusquad
·       And one for my personal identity headcanons for a good chunk of the characters
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randoimago · 3 years
If I can, may I please request relationship headcanons for the girls from class 1-A in MHA? Also, I hope I'm not causing any trouble with too many requests, the rules didn't say anything on the subject but if I'm sending in too many I can stop.
You're good! It gives me stuff to do as well as a break from the other fandoms.
Mina is a wild child and so she wants to do everything with you. She’s going to have you try new foods with her, experience new fashion styles, even try out new dances.
Is definitely the type to burst into song while you’re doing the dishes and make you sing with her.
Probably has you sit down and help her study because she really wants to get better but also it’s difficult for her to focus. Having you around helps her a lot and she promises to make up for it by taking you on a cute date.
Honestly, you two end up having lots of cute dates and wild dates and just spontaneous dates. She loves to make everything that you two do into a date.
Constantly brags to the others in the Bakusquad about how she has the cutest S/O and they don’t.
Tsu is rather blunt when it comes to how she feels about you or compliments that she gives. If she thinks you look nice then she will tell you with no hesitation. The fact that it makes you happy is a plus to her.
Also isn’t hesitant when it comes to telling others about how she feels about you. If someone asks about her relationship then she’ll plainly tell them that she’s very happy and likes you a lot.
Of course she’s also quick to let you know if you did anything she doesn’t like. If something happened that made her uncomfortable or if you take her on a date that isn’t to her liking then she’ll let you know.
Likes to just take things one step at a time. If you two plan out a date then she’s good with just going along with the date as it leads instead of being super eager about doing anything specific.
Tsuyu is just super chill with everything and happy to just enjoy her time with you no matter what it is.
Toru’s constantly flustering you without realizing it. I mean she’s invisible and has been her whole life so she doesn’t realize what she’s doing if she gets changed in front of you. It’s not like you can see anything.
She’s super happy to hype you up for whatever. You’re going to do some training? You’re going to be amazing! Going to study? Knock those exams out of the park!
She loves to go out with you on dates all the time. Like just going for a walk or even going shopping. It’s just super fun and she loves it.
She’s usually always happy but with you, she’s extra happy and bubbly. Not even Mineta can get her in a bad mood when she’s by your side!
Probably uses Gacha machines constantly to get some small cute thing that she’ll give to you. Will try to get two of the same so you have matching cute things.
Kyoka prefers your relationship to be more of a private thing between you two. Like she’s okay if people know that you’re both dating but any details and whatnot, she’d like to keep between the both of you.
Jiro always gets flustered when you both are going on a date or it’s just you two alone because she likes you so much.
Also gets super flustered if anyone (probably Denki) teases her about your relationship. Will definitely send some insults or aggression their way though.
She enjoys you two just hanging out in her room while she plays some kind of instrument or has music playing in the background.
Honestly she just likes having quiet, lowkey dates with you. You two don’t have to go out and do anything. Just relaxing at home with a movie is perfect for her.
Ochako is really bubbly and so she probably makes it her goal to give you a compliment a day, just to let you know she appreciates you so much.
She freaks out if you ever give her a gift. No matter how small it is, she is freaking out because that’s so sweet of you! Also now she needs to return the favor but money.
Probably prefers the laid back dates where it’s just the two of you hanging out because she is so cautious about how much money you spend on a date. 
She does try to handmake you gifts though. They might not be in the best condition but she does her best because she wants to she her appreciation.
Probably really affectionate but gets super flustered about it. Like she loves hugging and hand holding but her face just goes cherry red when it happens.
Momo likes to plan things out to the letter. She’ll make a detailed schedule of days she’d like to have dates with you, but there are different types of dates. 
Of course, when you want to have a spontaneous date it’ll completely through her off rhythm and she’ll struggle to make a plan of what to do before throwing it out the window and just enjoying her time with you.
Constantly having study dates with you. The thing is she is having a difficult time studying because she wants to make sure you’re completely comfortable the whole time so she’ll get you snacks or a blanket or whatever.
You will definitely have to tell her that it’s okay to just relax. She just wants to make sure you’re happy and everything goes right and she needs to know that it’s okay if things don’t go right. It’s not the end of the world.
I can see her definitely losing confidence if things don’t go according to plan so she’ll need constant compliments and support. It makes her flustered too which is a win/win.
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shealolz · 3 years
warnings & notes: mentions of blood, stalking
genre: idk??? mainly fluff
Toga Himiko x Gender Neutral U.A Student Reader
- unlike how she found her crush on Izuku, Ochako, and Tsuyu she got hers on you by seeing you in a coffee shop a little after the sports festival with the pro you were interning with
- she immediately took a liking to you and would’ve probably killed you right in that coffee shop if you weren’t with a pro (she wasn’t rlly a full fledged villain yet yk)
- lowkey thinks your going to shiketsu or sum shit bc who tf wants to go to u.a??
- so imagine her surprise when she meets you properly at the training camp with two of the ppl she was assigned to capture
- mf probably tried flirting with you don’t lie
- and you just stood there and took it bc you were gonna fight her when she was obviously distracted that’s unfair (and maybe bc she was cute)
- “i want to see you covered in blood, (nick name)”
- now that was kinda creepy so you sort of just crept closer to Shoji who was like three feet behind you
- she’ll probably stalk you if she likes you enough too lmao
- you dont rlly have a friend group it’s more of a hangout with whoever’s free (which most of them time ends up being denki or mina) so she always finds you around someone
- if the police manage to capture her (even if it’s only for like an hour) they’ll probably find a lot of polaroid pictures of you
- toga gets deeply distracted if your fighting during a battle and your bleeding (“their just so pretty, dabi!!”
- back to the sports festival mf probably watches that shit on replay just for the tiny bits that has you in them
- toga makes plushies of all her crushes. so your added to the massive pile.
- one time you caught her watching you from your door window and she just stood there like “🧍‍♀️”
- forces dabi to bake little deserts that she can send to you under the pretense that their from ur mom
- corners you multiple times to try and stab you just for her to get caught and having to flee before the pro’s arrive
- the two of you never rlly fight because toga gets distracted and you kinda don’t want to fight your weirdly pretty stalker (it’s endearing)
- the realization toga has when she figures out this is more than just a crush and sometimes she finds you pretty without you being covered in blood
- it takes a long chat with magne for her to realize she actually wants to date you not kill you
- she doesn’t stop stalking you but the fantasies of seeing you covered in blood do lessen
- if you do end up catching feelings for her back and the two of you decide to date its heavily kept under wraps
- the only ppl who know other than you two are dabi and jin (bc “jin’s my bestfriend” and “dabi doesn’t care”)
- lots and lots of coffee dates bc according to toga it’s “nostalgic” (you don’t get it till she explains)
- having to reassure her that her quirk isn’t monstrous and cuddle sessions afterwards
- you, toga, jin, and sometimes dabi playing just dance in jin’s apartment living room
- the only reason dabi was there is because “you idiots are going to do something stupid if i don’t supervise” he just doesn’t want to admit you guys are fun to hang out with
- the two of you making disgusting tasting smoothies in jin’s apartment
- filming tiktoks that you never post bc toga happens to be a wanted criminal
- sadly your parents pay attention to the news and you have to sneak toga in your bedroom after midnight if you want to cuddle
- when your home alone the two of you are chaotic little shits and you blame the dog why the house is a mess when your parents get home
- bakugou is surprisingly sharp and figures it out when he finds a box of sweets in your dresser labeled “from himiko”
- yells at you a lot before awkwardly patting (smacking) your back and storming out your room
- he’s not that mad but he thinks there’s so many ppl you could’ve picked other than toga
- yandere tendencies?? yes. gets jealous if the librarians at the library help you pick out a book 😐
- convinced you to give her a little bit of your blood bc she wants to know what it’s like to walk around freely more often and who are you to say no to her?
- ppl probably think your twins
- lots of pet names such as “love”, “sweetheart”, “darling”, etc...
- helping toga with her buns in the morning if you guys have a sleepover
- lots of cheek and nose kisses, toga thinks they r cute lol
- anyways y’all are the cutest couple ever and nobody can disagree
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squishytenya · 4 years
S/O Crying HCs - Midoriya, Kirishima + Iida
Pairings: midoriya, kirishima, iida x gn!reader
Notes: please excuse the fact Kiri’s is so long I don’t get many requests for him and love him very much lots
Warnings: none really it’s all fluff
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Seriously if he catches you crying and you don’t notice he’s gonna shoot Ochako a text to ask what he’s supposed to do
But if you’re really crying he will just walk in and ask (delicately he doesn’t want to upset you further) what's wrong or what happened
Once you notice him and express to him you’re upset he actually becomes helpful
He shifts you so you’re being held in his arms, head in his neck or laying on his chest and will rub comforting, if not a little awkward, circles on your back
Only when you stop sobbing will he ask you in depth what happened 
Izuku will try to help you solve the problem if it’s something your stuck on, he will compliment you if it’s insecurity and if it’s caused by someone else he will ask if you want him to go and speak to them (or get Iida to lecture them)
He is someone that tries to help as much as he can with everything which can be annoying if you’re not looking for advice and you just want some cuddles
So you’re gonna have to be blunt with him if that's all you want
As soon as you ask though he gets it and will probably find some extra pillows and blankets to make you comfortable
And then he will scoop you up in his arms and wipe his hands across your cheeks to get off the tear tracks 
Then will spend the next hour talking to you about things he knows will cheer you up or just telling you things he loves about you
Doesn’t avidly try to make you laugh but you probably end up giggling from his awkward babbling anyway
He is lowkey good at comforting you though and the longer you date he gets more used to you being upset
Just trying his best ya know? And his best is pretty good all things considered
More awkward than Izuku to be honest
Will do his hand movements at first before noticing that it’s probably making you worse and then he will calm down
Probably ends up sitting on the floor with you and tilting your chin up to meet his eyes
Doesn’t really realise how soft he’s being but he’s just too scared to upset your further 
“My love, what’s wrong?”
If you’re not in a state to answer that he will just move you between his legs and let you hide your face in his chest until you calm down
Then he will repeat his question and sit there in uncharacteristic silence for as long as you need before talking 
And then, much like Izuku, he will try to give you as much advice as possible or as much mood lifting praise
But he does this while cuddling you so it’s fine and he is BIG so he gives some amazing cuddles, he has his arms wrapped around you like he’s keeping you safe from whatever made you upset
The thing is that he gives genuinely good advice on how to handle things especially if it’s something you need to do because he will offer help
If it’s just feeling bad about yourself or feeling bad in general then he will tell you how much he loves you even if it does cause him to go a little pink around the ears
“You mean the world to me Y/n, I hate seeing you upset” (the last part is mumbled cause he’s a little shy)
Whatever was troubling you is sorted the next day if it’s possible for him to do that
He knows he shouldn’t but if Aizawa just so happens to extend the homework deadline for a very worried Iida then that’s on him
Or if a note finds its way onto your mirror reminding you how much he loves you then oops I guess
Either way he’s going to try his best to make sure you’re never going to cry over it again
Can you see why I’m in love with him? Can you cause you should be able to
The comfort KING
Such a good boyfriend he knows you inside and out (not that the others don’t they’re just awkward as fuck)
Has your favourite snacks stocked up and runs to get them the moment he hears you’re upset
And grabs a bunch of pillows and blankets to make you a pillow fort like a true gentleman 
But this is immediately dumped in the corner of your room and saved for after you calm down
When i say he’s the expert I mean he’s the expert
He will sit you on his lap with you facing him, legs wrapped around his torso and draw patterns on your back while he waits for you to stop sobbing
Doesn’t talk much but makes those cute little shh-ing noises that should not be as comforting as they are
But it’s Kiri so it is
When you’re calmed down he won’t ask you about what happened, that's up to you to tell him when and where you want to
But he makes sure you know that’s why he’s not asking like when you first start dating so you don’t assume it’s cause he doesn’t care
Will probably tilt your chin up and say something like 
“There’s my beautiful s/o?”
Which will make you so flustered that you forget why you’re even crying for a minute cause he’s just that good in such a small amount of time
AND THEN COMES THE PILLOW FORTS he will sit with you and watch old cartoons or comedies he knows will make you happy
Then when he’s sitting and cuddling you till you’re both sleepy, he’ll lean down and whisper into the top of you head how lucky he is and how much he loves you
“Talk to me when you’re upset baby, I’ll always be here when you need me”
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Catch me crying cause i’m so in love with these soft boyssss
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tysumgi · 4 years
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
Characters : Katsuki Bakugo, Shouto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya
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Word count : 300+
G/N reader
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A/N : the title may sound weird but stick with me lmao, also, I apologize for not posting. I started school already and I've just been really busy 😔
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
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-This dude lowkey talks a lot about you, when youre not with him tho
-He won't admit that he talks about you with other people
-Mostly the bakusqaud
-Sometimes his parents too 🥺
-He talks about your best achievements
-He talks about what he most loves about you
-But when he's with kirishima all alone
-He tends to talk about his insecurities with him
-Kirishima usually has to remind him that you love him no matter what
-the manliest thing to do right?
-You actually heard from Mina that he talks a lot about you
-She continues to gush about how cute you guys are
-Overall, katsuki is soft for you
-PlEasE just lOve HiM
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-This boi talks about you all the time
-With his mom, his sister, his brother, the dekusqaud and probably Momo too
-(Not his dad 💀)
-Sometimes he just goes on talking about you without even realizing
-He mostly talks about your achievements
-He's just proud of you 🥺
-Sometimes he asks izuku or Momo if they have tips for his relationship
-He just feels like he's not good enough for you and he wants to improve
-He wants to understand loOoOove
-You have to reassure him that he's good enough
-Poor bby 😔✌️
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-This dude talks about you ALL THE TIME
-He could go on for an whole hour or so
-Since he has everything written down in his notebook about you 💀
-He talks about you by the Dekusqaud and Allmight
-Probably his mom too 🥺🥺🥺
-He talks about how strong you are, your achievements, how smart you are
-The list goes ON
-The dekusqaud just has to listen to him bc they know he's not gonna stop easily
-Sometimes Izuku asks Ochako what he could do for his relationship
-Like some tips, or the next date
-Something like that
-This boi just loves you so so much
-He believes you deserve the best
-And you do deserve the best 😌❤️
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
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spicyfoodboi · 4 years
Headcanons for Deku, Shinsou, and Bakugou where they see their crush outside of school and their outfits are kind of similar so it almost looks like a matching couples outfit while they're hanging out in public?
an accidental matchy-matchy
Genre: soft fluff
A hitoshi shinso, izuku midoriya, and katsuki bakugo x reader
a/n: hey guys! So it's been a while since I've been writing a haikyuu smau but I'm back with some requests! I had a lot of fun imagining the scenarios in my head hehe! So without further ado, let's do this!
 Hitoshi shinso
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He would be in a comfortable mood when denki suggested a movie night in the common room.
He threw on his purple hoodie with cat ears on the hood.
It was his favorite.
He went downstairs to see you rocking the same hoodie and sweats.
The whole class saw the cute scene unfold.
You guys made eye contact, taking In each other's outfit before blushing.
Everyone in that room melted and to this day, they remind you of that sweet moment.
After a couple of movies, he asked you out to the actual theater
He also told you to tell him what you plan to wear because he maybe wants to coordinate.
You guys went to the theater in matching black hoodies which made class 1-A swoon a second time.
 Izuku midoriya
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You know he loves his all might merch.
He decided to wear his all might bomber jacket with his normal "shirt" shirt when mina and the others suggested to go out to the mall.
When he went out to meet everyone in front of the dorm, he sees you talking to ochako.
He looked you up and down, looking at his outfit than to yours.
Then he started blushing.
The boys looked at the green-haired boy then followed his gaze.
They started to tease him.
You make eye contact and see the reason as to why he was blushing.
Lowkey, everyone became your wingmen and pushed the both of you to walk and stick together.
The class and both of you consider that as your first date.
 Katsuki bakugo
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The class suggested going to an amusement park.
Bakugo gruntingly agreed because the bakusquad would call him a coward if he says no.
Also, he could see you have fun so it was a good deal.
He could also force kiri, denki, and sero to get on the extreme and thrilling rides but that's just a bonus.
Anyways, he gets to the front of the amusement park where the others were waiting to see you In a black skull shirt and a black skirt.
He looked down to see he was wearing his skull shirt too.
He looked away and grumbled before the bakusquad could spot his blush.
The girls left you to bakugo the whole day.
He eventually confessed at the top of the biggest rollercoaster in the park.
Before you could reply though, you guys dropped.
So it ultimately decided to just grip onto the handlebars and yell out your ‘I love yous’.
He smiled, hearing every single I love you you yelled out, enjoying the day even more than he expected.
 Omg! I enjoyed writing this so much! Hopefully, you guys enjoyed reading this too! Thank you guys for reading! Love you guys 💕❤💖💞
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rex101111 · 3 years
The questions of a bored at work mind, which MHA-couple do you think are the best at double dating (whatever that means): IzuOcha, TodoMomo, KiriMina, KamiJirou, TokoTsuyu or BakuCamie?
I think they all get along quite well with each other more or less.
From best double dates to worst its:
1. Izuocha and Todomomo: Honestly it’s just a wonderful fucking time with these rays of sunshine. Todo and Deku geeking out over All Might and their girlfriends. Momo and Ochako talking about their studies over tea that is so expensive it nearly gave Ochako a heart attack. Passersby are blinded by the sheer purity of the gathered cuties.
2. Izuocha and Kamijirou: A bit less than the last combo but only because Denki’s an idiot and tries to drag them all into doing something that only sounds cool up until the last few seconds before you actually start doing it. Kyouka apologizes about her BF being a bad influence while Ochako tells her not to worry and beg her for another song.
3. Kamijirou and Kirimina: These guys get along like a house on fire and tend to cause just about as much collateral damage. The Bakusquad without Baku is like throwing a bag of live thermite into an oil drum, it’s utter chaos. Kyouka tries to be the voice of reason but the combined stupid of Mina and Denki along with Kirishima being ALL IN on literally any plan his bro comes up with means that attempt doesn’t last long. They still all have fun though.
4. Izuocha and Kirimina: Deku and Kiri are bros but Mina can’t help herself over teasing Ochako over every little cute thing she and Deku do. Deku has to hold her back from strangling Mina more than a few times. Mina manages to get Deku and Ochako locked in a tight space together literally every single time they go on a double date.
5. Todomomo and TokoTsuyu: Tend to go on walks in the park at night. The most chill combo in the bunch. Todo saw Toko reading Tsuyu poems once and tried to write some for Momo. She thought they were beautiful but Tokoyami doesn’t have the heart to tell him he’s godawful.
6. Todomomo and Kirimina: Kirishima drags Shouto along to do a bunch of cool shit while Momo and Mina try and keep pace. He convinces him to compete with him in a “who can carry their girlfriend on their shoulder the longest” contest. Todo forgets they’re competing after a while and just enjoys carrying Momo around for the rest of the night and is declared “the manliest winner” by a sobbing Kirishima.
7. Kamijirou and Tokotsuyu: it’s either perfectly chill or utter chaos, no in-between. Either they all go to a jazz club to unwind with some music or Denki makes a crack about Tokoyami’s fashion sense and it all goes to hell. Tsuyu shares the poems Toko writes for her with Kyouka who is a bit jealous that Denki doesn’t write her stuff like that...a complaint he overhears and bursts into an impromptu song number about how awesome his girlfriend is while Kyouka blushes like a tomato.
8. Izuocha and Tokotsuyu: They get along just fine actually, it’s just they don’t have much in common. Or at least Tokoyami and Deku don’t, they mostly just chill together while Tsuyu and Ochako hang out and be cute. “The mistresses of our hearts, captivating, aren’t they?” “uh...yes?”
9. Bakucamie and Kirimina: This is the closest you will ever see Bakugou Katsuki try and be social. Kirishima continues to amaze the world by being utterly immune to being shouted and Camie keeps teasing Baku by proxy by saying that it’s a miracle her “bakubea” managed to get a friend like him. Mina has the time of her fucking life with seeing Bakugou being semi soft and squirming whenever Camie gives him a compliment about his looks. Every double date is like Christmas, joyous but with a good chance of getting maimed.
10. Bakucamie and Kamijirou: Denki continues to amaze the world by making a habit of poking the bear who can blow his head off. Camie gets a companion in teasing Bakugou in Kyouka and he doesn’t get a single moment of peace. Denki challenges him to a DDR contest and they’re all still paying for the damages.
11. Bakucamie and Todomomo: Momo and Camie become BFFs almost instantly but Todoroki keeps saying things that piss Bakugou off accidentally on purpose. Baku keeps challenging Shouto to stupid contests and keeps getting pissed off that Shouto isn’t taking their “hot wings until you puke” contest seriously because he doesn’t want to get the shirt Momo got him dirty.
12. Bakucamie and Tokotsuyu: Bakugou and Toko try to out edge each other while Camie and Tsuyu talk shop about cute frog pics on instagram.
13. Kamijirou and Todomomo: You’d think it’d be fine but Denki is volatile stupid and Todoroki is oblivious stupid and the combination of those two types of stupid is very dangerous indeed. Denki doesn’t even have to try and get Todo to do something stupid with him he just suggest something casually and Shouto, wanting to hang out with his friend, is like “oh yeah sure” and need to get dragged back by Momo before Denki convinces him to freeze dry entire tree to see if he can punch it apart after.
14. Kirimina and Tokotsuyu: Oh god the mismatch. they have no where to go that one pair won’t think is either boring or too intense. In the end they just go to the park and lie in the grass. Lowkey but hey at least nothing is on fire this time.
15. Izuocha and Bakucamie: An unmitigated disaster, every single time. Bakugou says one thing even vaguely insulting about Deku and suddenly finds himself in a chokehold while Ochako very calmly tells him not to be rude. Deku tries to break up the ensuing fist fight (the score is 40-41 for Baku-oh never mind it’s tied up) with out much success while Camie takes pictures and tells the two to smile while blood is dripping down their noses.   
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