#lemme smash! (izuku)
Hi! I hope you're having a good day! Could you write hc's for Deku, Bakugou, and Kirishima when Mineta is basically being a creep to their s/o?
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I don’t normally write anything Mineta-related because I just don’t like the little dweeb but I’m happy to write this, lmao. Enjoy!
Characters: Midoriya Izuku/Deku, Katsuki Bakugou/DynaMight, Kirishima Eijirou/Red Riot
Contents: Mineta is his own warning tbh, vague mentions of his creepery, violence
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Midoriya Izuku/Deku
While Izuku has shown that he can get alone with Mineta and even be friendly with him at times, he’s always been grossed out by the guy’s perverted antics. And when those are aimed at his s/o? He’s not happy. 
Because it’s Deku, he’ll try to have a word with Mineta first about respecting your boundaries, but if (when) that doesn’t work, he figures the easiest way to deal with it is to grab Mineta by the scruff of the neck and carry him out like the trash. 
Izuku's shown he can have a bit of a temper when it comes to defending the people he loves, so if Mineta tries it again, he's likely to be on the receiving end of a Full Cowling boot to the ass.
Deku will hover around you afterwards, trying to make sure you're okay.
Bakugou Katsuki/Dynamight
It shows an extraordinary lack of foresight to try messing around with Bakugou Katsuki's s/o.
The second he finds out about it, little popcorn explosions are going off in Katsuki's palms, his expression turning demented as he cranks his head around to look at Mineta.
That little fucker better run.
And if he sees it happening with his own eyes, like Mineta going through your personal stuff, trying to peep at you, or making inappropriate comments, he's going to grab that grape-headed little punk and punt him out a window, with an explosion behind him to help his velocity.
Mineta's blasting off again!
If it's a repeat offence, he'll probably break the guy's nose.
Kirishima Eijirou/Red Riot
"Bro, what the fuck is wrong with you!?"
Kirishima drinks his Respect Juice and doesn't tolerate people crossing your boundaries or making you uncomfortable. It's not just because you're his s/o—he extends that to everyone around him. But if he's especially mad, it's because he's quite a protective boyfriend.
He'll confront him verbally first, maybe lay down a little speech about how it's super not manly to creep on people like that, and demands Mineta apologise to you.
When that probably doesn't work, he'll grab Mineta and drag him to Aizawa, the one person who can truly frighten Mineta and keep him in line.
When Kirishima comes back, he takes you out to get milkshakes or on some cute couple date so you can get away from everything for a while.
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the19thduckpotato · 6 months
Longer snippet of Toshinori recounting his younger training days.
Toshinori nodded in understanding at Izuku. "The world definitely isn't easy. But I know you're strong enough to meet the challenges out there, to grow stronger because of them. And at your strongest when you figure out the world isn't meant for solo play and you group up with friends for help."
Like I should have.
Like you did.
Still did.
Izuku wrinkled his nose. "Sometimes. Sometimes whatever I'm doing is so stupid friends DEFINITELY shouldn't be there."
And now Toshinori's brain flashed back to Kamino, Izuku n Co sailing right over All for One as they grabbed at young Bakugo.
Even these days, he still felt that burst of anger, that rush to protect them, the pride of a job that was done if not smartly then at least with a whole heap of luck.
His eyes crinkled shut as he laughed fondly. "Gran Torino would be more than willing to dredge up all my exploits, I'm sure. I'm no stranger to the dumb."
"I didn't say you didn't do crazy stuff!" The kid laughed. "But you lived, and that was enough... I'm pretty sure everybody's glad about that."
A soft grateful smile.
Then the blond held up one finger. "You say that but you haven't heard these stories yet!"
He started thinking back to Gran Torino's many reactions to said exploits:
"Boy, how'd you manage to do that?"
"Yagi, what the HELL??"
"Nana, I swear to the heavens, if you didn't need this kid--"
Toshi was suddenly lost to laughter.
Izu grinned. "I smell a story right now!"
"Just trying to pick which one!"
"The funniest one!!"
Toshi tapped his nose thoughtfully then gave a thumbs up. "All right, lemme tell you about the first time I learned to adjust my heroing to account for property damage.
"It was a routine call, incredibly simple, really. My master wanted to see how I would handle tackling a task not exactly suited to the Quirk I was training with. She had Float, as you may recall.
"Gran Torino wasn't impressed that we had been called out to rescue a cat stuck up a tree. But as Master had put it, every little bit helped. Being a hero wasn't a lucrative career option just yet. So she wanted to instill good will whenever she could.
"I remember it was the edge of town, by a road that led out to some lovely countryside. Master wasn't surprised that I started scaling the tree immediately, so eager was I to impress her. I may not have had Float or Jet, but I had the strength to climb and so I did. Problem was, I wasn't familiar to the cat I was saving. The higher I climbed, the higher it did as well."
His eyes shone with fond memory. "Beautiful tree. One of those tall firs. The view below was a painting worthy of a museum. Tilled fields to one side, the mountains rising on the horizon, and nearby, a flock of sheep clustering by their fence and watching me. I waved and kept going, either not registering or not caring that the branches were getting thinner, smaller, whippier. Master may have called up advice to me but Torino put a hand on her shoulder. I nodded in rare agreement with him, eager to prove myself.
"The cat arched its back as I reached for it. It growled and hissed and that was probably why I never heard the branches cracking until it was too late.
"Now, if you remember, All Might is a pretty hefty guy. And well, even young All Might was fairly thick. I forgot quite how much of the tree I pulled down with me but suffice to say, I left a mark." He grimaced. "And then it got worse."
"The sheep had a front row view and just managed to scatter as I smashed into their fence. I could only watch in dazed confusion as they investigated this new set of circumstances...then cheerfully began trotting out of their pasture. Master again looked like she wanted to do something and Torino again held her back.
"I finally snapped back to it when I heard a wail of despair. I jumped up and ran to the sound, finding a cart vendor by the side of the road. The sheep had found his produce, piles of cabbage, enthusiastically munching with no intent to pay. The poor man mumbled something about having 'left Ba Sing Se because of this nonsense' and only sobbed when I tried to offer to pay.
"Master and Torino chose to intervene at this point. While he rounded up the sheep, she soothed the cabbage vendor and retrieved what she could.
"And that's when the cat landed perfectly on my head, grooming sap and fir twigs from its paws."
"Master was laughing so hard at this point that she could barely say a word until Torino stormed up. With a bemused smile, she asked me how I could have done better. I admitted I wasn't sure, that I had tried my best since I didn't have Float or Jet.
"'Ah Sunburst,' she answered. 'So close and yet...'
"'You shoulda asked for our help,' Torino grumped.
"'But I thought the point was for me to do it,' I said.
"'I never said that,' Master said. 'Only that a cat needed rescue. Hey,' she added, tweaking one of my bangs (and at that, Toshi smiled softly) 'that was the point of the lesson. And you learned it.'
"One of the left over sheep ran past at this point, cabbage in its mouth.
"'And maybe a little less property damage next time?'"
Toshi laughed now, the memory good, the story better.
Izuku tried so hard not to laugh at the plight of the poor cabbage vendor, but gave up and CACKLED at the sheep "But-- but were you okay though??" He was beaming so wide, eyes sparkling.
"Iunno, kinda fell out of the heroing business after that," his dad deadpanned. "Took up insurance from that day forward."
"Fe-- fell out..." Izuku double facepalmed
His dad just replied with the hugest grin now.
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noirsvault · 8 months
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So apparently Shouto came here with Ochako and Tsuyu. This is so random lol I remember the girls' internship was in a different city back then? Were they even in the same Japanese region?? (ԾvԾ)
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And they were going with a very fine lady ohh (ʘ‿ʘ✿)
I did see her in the promoting posts for the event, and I assumed she was the outgoing/energetic type agdhfgj She seems to be very mature and elegant actually ;v;
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Nobody there even tried to stop him ugh alright ORZ
Uuuu I forgot to take screenshots of the battle goddamnit. But anyway they started the battle with Izuku in a really, really bad shape, like his little sprite was kneeling and sweating and all. But Lyria healed him quickly so thank you I guess (ọ﹏ọ)
The battle was designed in the way that you can have Izuku smashed the final blow <333 Again, I didn't have any screenshot of this fight whyyy, and they don't let me do it again either fml orz
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GRAWWWW!! ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ
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Oops sorry for the dust, I was trying to take a picture of my son's battle ending scene. Lemme try it again...
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Almost goddamn
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There you go sweetie~ You are doing great ♡(ŐωŐ人) Maybe not going into battle with a head injury next time though...
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comradekiwi · 1 year
new fic!! :)
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The thing with waking up in the cold is that winter has a way of creeping into Izuku’s skin, setting root and stiffening here and there, until his body creaked and groaned like a rusted metal joint. It is unpleasant, especially over scar tissue, which is tough to begin with, tougher after the cold sneakily beats into it while Izuku sleeps unaware.
The other thing with waking up in the cold is that Izuku doesn’t have to, anymore.
There is a sun in Izuku’s bed, mattress dipping in his gravity like spacetime, and the air around them is suffused in his warmth.
Izuku, himself, is cloaked in his heat, seeping in the pores of his skin and seeking out the chill, evaporating it.
There is a stupidly heavy arm weighing down his waist, and it’s in part from this that the warmth in Izuku originally emanated, like ink in water. The other part lies behind, Katsuki’s front plastered along his back, like their hearts decided they were too far apart and settled for smashing ribcages.
A rush of air tickles the back of Izuku’s neck, the arms around him tighten, and he giggles. Muffled grumbles are being shoved unceremoniously into his nape. Kacchan is waking up.
“N’Zuku,” Izuku can make out amidst the unintelligible rumbling.
“Morning, Kacchan,” Izuku whispers, words pulled wide with his smile. He tries to turn over, but his fiancé holds fast, squeezing him even closer. Izuku giggles at the way Kacchan hugs him stubbornly, face burrowed in his neck and curls.
“G’m’rnin’,” Kacchan mumbles, and Izuku settles for shoving himself further into Katsuki’s hold to get his fix. Their legs tangle further, one of Kacchan’s coming around to hook around his, until Izuku realizes he is practically laying on his front, wholly smothered in his Kacchan.
“Lemme up,” Izuku whines, unashamed to be childish in this bed with the man who had known him since he truly had been one. He wanted to hug his soon-to-be husband. Izuku wiggles under the oaf, fruitlessly.
Katsuki grumbles stubbornly in response, immovable.
Izuku flops down into the sheets, giving up. Then he hisses, having accidentally laid his weight weirdly on his cold, stiff, aching hands.
Katsuki freezes above him, letting up immediately and pulling Izuku along with him. Shuffles and pulls Izuku like a ragdoll with a muscled arm around his chest until they are situated like before, plastered along each other back-to-front like they are trying to pass for a single person.
Kacchan gives a concerned hum, is almost certainly eyeing the hands Izuku was letting lay limply on the sheets, chin hooked over his shoulder. Izuku has his eyes closed, enjoying Katsuki’s warmth and the rumble of his voice echoing through him and ignoring the pain. They’d been through this enough times that Izuku knows what Katsuki wants, anyway.
“C’n I help, baby,” Katsuki’s lips are warm on his ear, his morning rasp sending delicious shivers up Izuku’s spine, combined with the feel of him not really asking, “‘M’gonna help.”
Izuku gives less of a nod and more of a sigh-slash-let-his-head-roll-back-further-into-Katsuki’s-shoulders, which Kacchan knows to take as a yes anyway.
Hands unreasonably hot for the cold weather — they might’ve been incubated under the blanket, but by now Izuku knows they’re really just another part of Kacchan — slide up, up, dragging his sleep shirt as they travel lazily, like Katsuki is using this as another excuse to touch him more.
Not that he ever pretends to need excuses — Kacchan seems to take a particular joy in putting his (hot, hot) hands on him whenever he so pleases, to Izuku’s occasional embarrassment but shy mutual pleasure.
Up his hands go over his torso, his chest, too-hot through the cotton, teasing, just his fingertips with a ghost of a palm — playfully across his chest and collar, as if accompanying a fond memory — then to his arms, cupped from the underside almost at the armpit on both sides, so Izuku has the impression he was being held like a personal stuffed toy, hugged and enveloped like this by Kacchan.
Katsuki’s fingers can meet wrapped around Izuku’s mid-upper arm, not from a lack of muscle on Izuku’s part (he’s definitely not scrawny anymore, even if he’s not as clearly jacked as Kacchan or Kirishima, and he knows he’ll get bigger as they age), but because Kacchan’s hands are just that big in comparison. This is a fact both of them find themselves fixated on quite often.
Katsuki takes the time to wrap long fingers around Izuku’s arms and slide down to the point where his fingertips can touch, takes an indulgent moment to hold his hands there, marvel at how he holds Izuku so. Squeeze a little. Just a second, but Izuku knows.
That moment of slight pressure, of deepened warmth, like a brand on his skin from Katsuki, a ring that spells his name. Izuku wills his heart rate to slow.
Kacchan’s hands continue, reach his elbows and uncurl, fingers outstretched now as they smooth over Izuku’s forearms. His inner forearms, especially, where he is soft and vulnerable. Disgraceful, really, scandalous is this act, frankly improper. They are just hands on skin. They should not do so much to Izuku.
Yet Kacchan has a way of touching him that burns him from the inside out, and he yearns, and his skin bleeds. And Kacchan’s hands move achingly slow, almost taunting, as if he knows, he knows, how every centimeter shivering under his touch corresponds with another lurch in his stomach, another nerve path that sizzles silent in Izuku’s brain.
Izuku full-body shudders. Katsuki’s grin widens, and he noses Izuku’s curls, mouth warm on his neck. Presses a light kiss there. Izuku almost passes out.
Kacchan thumbs over his wristbone, and it feels delicate in his hand. The soft skin at his wrist, laid bare, stroked gently by a warm touch. Izuku is distantly aware of how vulnerable a place it is, thin skin stretched over vital arteries. Millimeters between living and bleeding out. Empty of armor, given gladly, gratefully, to the most dangerous hands in the world. To be held carefully in the cusp of combustion by the grace of trust, and little else.
Trust, above all, has Izuku giving himself over so freely, these most vulnerable, soft-bellied parts of him, to the man whose arms he is held within. Faith they’d be handled with care. Love has Izuku not minding if Katsuki ground them to dust beneath his feet, but trust has Izuku with his wrists wrapped in Katsuki’s warm fingers in their bed.
Katsuki’s hands slide up and now the backs of Izuku’s hands are glowing, even his fingers cupped in Kacchan’s, and he sighs from the utter relief in the backs of his knuckles. Their rings clink and sit together. It sends something warm and fluttery blooming in his chest. Kacchan’s hands fit over his completely, holds them loosely with his thumbs waiting in the air, until Izuku has relaxed fully. And then sweet, glorious Kacchan proceeds to bring down the act of an angel unto earth, and presses his hot thumbs into the flesh of Izuku’s hands, twin searing points of spine-melting relief.
Heat pours into Izuku’s palms, golden like honey in the sunlight, and he can’t help his relieved groan.
A grin presses into his neck, stretching there where Kacchan seems to think he won’t notice it, and it only adds to the warmth spreading through Izuku. Wrapped up in his love, letting him ease the ache; here, Izuku feels wholly still, completely enamored by the current moment. Safe and loved and warm.
In, and around, and around, and up, Katsuki slowly and carefully massages the delicate bones of Izuku’s hands with heated, slow fingers. He presses out the ache in his bones like the pain is ice to be melted, turned to water and dripping out between the gaps of his skeleton as Katsuki pushes heat into his joints with his thumbs.
His palms still cup the backs of Izuku’s, thumbs sometimes dipping to massage his wristbones too, and Izuku leans into this all-encompassing embrace, Kacchan fitting around him like a second skin.
Izuku shivers, from time to time. From the hand massage, and from the incessant kisses Kacchan keeps pressing into his neck the entire time, close-mouthed and open-mouthed and warm, warm, warm. Sucking and brushing and full of adoration Izuku still isn’t quite used to, yet, but by the gods does Kacchan seem insistent on getting him there. And every shiver gifts him an especially mind-melting kiss into his skin, hotter and rougher than the rest. Izuku can barely see anymore.
Kacchan finishes rubbing away the pain in Izuku’s hands and opts to just hold them in his. The simple movement does treacherous things to Izuku’s sanity.
Kacchan interlaces their fingers. Izuku’s heart leaps and bounds in his chest, even now.
Then Katsuki lifts their hands up to his lips, presses something soft and sweet and nonchalant on the back of Izuku’s, and Izuku reminds himself dizzily that he’s marrying this man, that he’s awake and this is real.
“Thank you, Kacchan,” Izuku whispers, adoration dripping from his voice like an overflowing bucket of sunshine. He glances at his fiancé over his shoulder. Katsuki has his eyes shut and jaw clenched, and when he opens them, Izuku gasps quietly at how dark his eyes have gone, the devotion and something else burning in them, something rather smug, as if on both of their behalfs’, steadfast and knowing.
How blessed he is, to wake and be loved.
The arms around him shift. “How’s your neck,” Katsuki mutters, and Izuku’s eyes roll back a little when Kacchan digs his fingers into the top of his spine. Just once, because Izuku goes so lax that Katsuki laughs and hauls him back like he weighs nothing at all, chuckling something under his breath about having nothing to work on.
“Better?” Katsuki prompts, nudging their heads together with the ghost of his laugh still gracing his face.
“Hmm,” Izuku sighs, smiling dopily. He feels loose as a happily plucked flower, with his slow-blink gaze a little unfocused and head lolling back onto Kacchan’s shoulder, and Katsuki suddenly takes him by the jaw and kisses him, long and hard.
Sudden but not surprising, because Izuku will often be doing something innocuous like smiling or laughing quietly or saying Kacchan’s name and promptly be swooped into a deep kiss unprepared.
As they break off, the very last of the chill leaves Izuku’s body in a gentle flutter, and he shivers against Kacchan’s solid form with its goodbye. Kacchan gathers him up even closer like he always does when Izuku shudders against him, exhaling out of his nose, pressing kisses along his hairline, the dip of his cheekbone.
“We should eat,” Izuku murmurs half-heartedly. His eyes are closed, and he’s basking in Katsuki like a cat in a patch of sun.
“Mmm.” Katsuki answers, head ducked into Izuku’s neck. He rolls his hips into Izuku’s backside, and, well— there’s that answer. He’s clearly very interested. Perhaps not in breakfast.
Izuku laughs delightedly, the joy in his chest bubbling up and out and spilling over his tongue, and he finally succeeds in flipping himself over and onto Katsuki, who goes easily, falls flat on his back with an Oof as Izuku lands on him.
Izuku lays on his fiancé like a flattened slug, smiles uncontrollably into his warm, solid chest, loose-limbed and giddy. A hand tucks under his chin and lifts his face from its hiding place, and Kacchan doesn’t say anything, just studies his smile with a softness in his eyes.
Kacchan is quiet in the mornings, and he seems to like silently looking at Izuku most of all.
Izuku basks in his gaze, warm in his sunlight.
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pikabxi-blog · 5 years
true-heroes liked for a starter!
“Midoriyaaaaaaaa!” a voice called out, heavy footsteps growing louder as they drew closer.
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“Dude, can I borrow your notes!? I forgot to write down my own and I really can’t afford to bomb this test! You understand, right? Please! I’ll be in your debt!” Kaminari babbled, making frantic hand gestures as he talked. He was really stressed over this.
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veenxys · 3 years
— exile.
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ft; bakugou x reader
genre; angst to fluff
wc; 5k
tw; gen! reader, mentions of drinking, cursing, fighting, blood, some suggestive content, midoriya being kinda... dick? idk. lemme know if i missed something!!!
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bakugou put his fingers in the collar of his tie and pulled; leaning against the edge of the bar, he did his best to ignore the conversations of the rich heroes as they circled around him, whispering to each other as they made eye contact with him. unconsciously, he gripped the rim of the glass, causing it to shatter to the side.
there was a time when he liked this kind of party; people's look of expectation and surprise at him was something that pleased him and, in a way, increased his ego and the expectation of returning home after meeting someone interesting and with clothes that were worth more than his salary thrown on the floor.
he wouldn't have come tonight if one of his agency heroes hadn't insisted he needed to improve his public image. it felt wrong to even wear the damn suit if you weren't holding his arm, whispering in his ear and stealing candy from the kitchen before dinner.
maybe that's why, seeing you walk into the ballroom in a dress you'd bought with his only gaze in mind. bakugou smashed what was left of the glass into his hand. he paid no attention to the whiskey spilled down his suit sleeve or the broken glass on the counter as he gazed at you in all your beauty.
he shifted uncomfortably from his position on the stool. he could still remember the leap in his heart when you gave him a glimpse of the dress hanging in your closet and joked about whether it would look any better on your bedroom floor.
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it wasn't the first time he's seen you since the breakup, but it was the first time he's seen you in another man's arms.
izuku midoriya entered the room at a pace a little too fast for his heels, the way he looked at you with a bright smile and a genuine smile on his lips made bakugou's stomach turn; because that's exactly how he looked at you.
bakugou kept his eyes on you as you gestured to your friends as if to say you would come to them later. you turned to midoriya, gently tugging the sleeve of your suit to encourage him to follow you, but his smile quickly faded as he mumbled something under his breath. bakugou felt the bile rise in his throat.
this was not how it was supposed to happen. you shouldn't end up with another hero, especially who bakugou always thought was his greatest rival. you should find someone normal, someone who can make you feel safe, someone kinder so you can live well; he didn't want you to be in more danger, not anymore. you should be free from the burden of being with a man under the threat of revenge and retaliation from his enemies.
bakugou broke your heart to keep you safe and midoriya threw himself like a fucking vulture to tear the pieces apart, to leave him bleeding on an open road in the blazing midday sun.
"you look like shit." denki suddenly appeared beside bakugou, his watchful eye noting the glint of whiskey spilled on the bar and the stench on the bakugou's sleeve.
bakugou knew better than to keep eyes on you with denki hovering over his shoulder, but there was something about the way midoriya was looking at you that bakugou couldn't justify anything less. the primal, surreal need to run to you just to protect you hadn't gone away the day he ended your relationship, any more than the hurtful tug in his chest didn't lessen each time you walked into the room.
he still loved you and everyone knew it
"what do you know about the two?" bakugou grumbled as your friends approached you. you glowed to see them, missing old friends you hadn't seen since the breakup, and midoriya looked a little uncomfortable as you threw your arms around todoroki's shoulders, hugging him tightly.
denki moaned. "don't do that, man. you broke up with them, remember? let them be."
"he's an idiot, denki," bakugou grated, barely able to contain himself, "he doesn't care about them. he is using them.. they deserve someone better than that piece of-"
denki scoffed. "someone like you?"
bakugou glared at him; he clenched his jaw. "i can't stay with them, you know that."
"no, not really," denki rolled his eyes. "you clearly still love them and—"
"you were on that mission, idiot," bakugou snapped. "you know damn well why i had to finish things."
bakugou would rather break your heart than hold it bloodied and broken in his arms. it was his only choice, and he hated it.
"i know you're trying to protect them," denki relaxed, softening as he followed bakugou's gaze to find you wiping the corner of midoriya's mouth before he leans over to kiss you. bakugou looked away, holding his breath.
denki sighed. “this is killing you, man. is it really better that they have midoriya? do you think he would give half of what you would to protect them?"
“it's dangerous,” bakugou emphasized, repeating the same words he told himself over and over again to justify what he had done.
"dangerous or not, you should have at least given them a chance to decide for themselves," denki said, taking the drink he ordered from the bartender and getting off from his seat. "instead, you made that stupid decision for them and now you're killing yourself while watching the person you love with another man"
"what do you want me to do?" bakugou pinched the bridge of his nose nervously. “i can't be selfish with their life. pretending my fucking enemies don't know what they mean to me…is not an option. i can't gamble with their life just because i miss them."
denki sighed, his shoulders slumping. the tension in bakugou's voice did not go unnoticed, nor did the quick clearing of his throat and the anger in his eyes. denki stepped forward, placing his hand on bakugou's shoulder and giving it a little comforting squeeze. there was nothing he could say and bakugou knew it. he appreciated the gesture, however.
then bakugou was alone again, surrounded by a dozen rich and petty heroes and their gossip as he drank another whiskey that would do little to touch the fire burning in his veins.
he kept his position in the shadows as he watched you smile at midoriya the way you used to smile at him, as you ran your hand along his arm to get his attention while leaning against him while laughing. you were beautiful, stunning; you were the most beautiful person he's ever seen and he bitterly regrets not making that clear to you while you two were together.
but bakugou also noticed midoriya. he felt his chest tighten as you leaned closer to midoriya's face and whispered something in his ear, he nodded and dropped a kiss on your cheek before you stood up. bakugou just drank the rest of the whiskey and followed you.
he knew it was a bad idea, that he had no right to you or your heart, but as you slipped through the guests and meandered around the tables, paying attention to the porch and the open view of the city skyline, bakugou couldn't avoid following in your wake.
the porch was empty when you came out and inhaled until you filled your lungs to the brim.
you leaned against the railing, hands gripping the edge as you looked up at the city lights. relief in loneliness; a comfort in an emptiness that you enjoyed immensely. you shivered as a breeze hit your shoulders.
bakugou took a careful step closer, his steps light and silent.
"he doesn't deserve you."
you turned at the sound of his voice, your hand squeezing your heart as you looked at him. your eyes widened and then narrowed, so unlike the kindness he was used to.
"that's not for you to decide." even in your anger, your voice remained so low as the first drops of rain. you held your ground, but you couldn't look him in the eye, almost as if you were afraid of what you might find beyond the storms that dwell in his gaze.
"...you're not happy with him," bakugou insisted, getting close enough to feel the heat of your breath. he wanted to pull you into his arms, smell your hair and press his lips to the top of your head in a light but loving kiss, but he had missed that a few months ago. "you are not happy. you're trying to be, but it's not working. i know you better than that. midoriya is using you, y/n. you have to see it. ”
you laughed bitterly, a glimpse of the anger you never allowed him to witness bubbling to the surface. not even in the misty darkness of his apartment living room, when he sat you on the couch and threw away two years of your lives together you didn't even show him that side.
"you have no idea what you're talking about," you snapped, pulling his hand away as he reached out to you in comfort. “you can't just come back to my life whenever you want.. you can't just throw me out of the blue and come back like nothing happened! do you want to get out of my life? so leave once and for all, katsuki!"
bakugou took a step back. it wasn't a household name in your language and it felt like you were putting a barrier between you two as wide as a mountain. calling him such a formal name, without the sugary sweet affection in your voice, made him flinch at the sound.
you shook your head, letting the anger drain quickly from your body as you walked back to look at the horizon. bakugou followed you, leaning his back against the railing as he gazed inward at the sea of ​​guests. the air was heavy between you two; bakugou held his breath.
"you can't do this to me, bakugou," you sighed, sniffling in the chill of the breeze. "you can't act like i'm still yours."
he knew. it didn't make it hurt any less as the knife plunged deep into his chest and writhed.
"you decided to leave, bakugou. you let me go and now... you..." you could barely get the words out. the pain lingered heavy in your voice. "you think so badly of him and yet he's the one i'm here with tonight."
bakugou clenched his jaw. you had every right to move on without his interference; that's what he wanted for you, wasn't it? he didn't have a say in who you chose to do it with, and yet, he couldn't stop the words from escaping his lips.
"he's not good enough for you."
you sighed, a terrible kind of sadness creeping across your features that threatened to break bakugou where he was. you nodded your head. "who is enough for me, bakugou? and why are you the one who decides this?"
bakugou blinked at you, a wave of panic quickly passing through him enough to make him drop his head and take a deep breath; trying to figure out if this was really real life or a nightmare he was eager to wake up to.
"y/n..." he called your name in a broken whisper, but you had already turned towards the doors.
he would have told you the whole truth if you had just stayed; if you had stopped while he called your name, but you kept walking. and he deserved it. you didn't even dare take one last look over your shoulder before disappearing back into the crowd.
bakugou spent the rest of the night longing for the days when the sweet burning of alcohol would leave him beyond the capacity of guilt and heartbreak, replacing his lust and jealousy with a dulled taste of comforting darkness. the whiskey barely touched him anymore and he remained drenched to the bone in regret as he watched from across the room as izuku midoriya stole you into his arms and take you onto the dance floor.
hours have passed since bakugou confronted you on the porch. occasionally, your gaze meet his while he was at the bar, alone, and the smile on your face would fade just enough to not touch your eyes. bakugou couldn't help the emptiness of sadness and shame that formed in his stomach in response.
only after you excused yourself to go to the bathroom, with midoriya right behind, that bakugou finally decided to go home. he could subject himself to watching you flirt with another man, to see his arms around your waist and his lips dangerously close to yours, but bakugou wasn't sure he would survive if he saw you come back to the dance floor with your hair messed up , your clothes also messed up while midoriya comes after you, straightening his suit.
bakugou didn't bother to say goodbye and quickly headed for the exit of the party. before leaving, he saw a young woman was looking at her phone behind the counter, waves of thick black hair falling into her face. bakugou cleared his throat.
she lifted her head, her bright red lipstick curling into a shy smile. she was beautiful, bakugou thought. but she is the kind of beauty that made him feel nothing, none of what he once felt with you. but maybe if his chest hadn't felt so tight, so ripped at the seams, that maybe he could have convinced himself to find distraction in a woman like her.
"leaving so early, pretty boy?" she spoke slowly, eyes blatantly roving over his body as she took the coat number out of his hands. bakugou didn't like the way she was looking at him, though.
he nodded and replied curtly "yes. i don't like these things." he says rudely.
bakugou paused as he heard the echo of midoriya's voice in the hallway. he frowned; the coat check girl raised an eyebrow at him, placing his overcoat on the table.
he looked at her one last time before turning to the hallway; he followed the sound of midoriya's voice down the hall with firm, nervous steps.
he turned down the hall to find his correct suspicions; bakugou clenched his fists.
"you're about to owe me a hundred dollars," midoriya chuckled softly, tapping the shoulder of a hero that bakugou had only seen in passing. the other hero rolls his eyes and takes his wallet out of his pocket, starting to take the money to give to midoriya.
"argh for god's sake…i think this was the easiest thing you've ever done. they're easy as hell, anyone could have them." his cocky smile as he passes the money to midoriya, who just chuckles and tucks the money into his back pocket.
"what are you going to do now?"
"to be honest i don't know…they're not worth my time." midoriya responds absently.
a blinding fury tore through bakugou; red in his vision and the blood suddenly boiling in his veins. rising to the surface and tearing at his nerves.
bakugou barely felt the fracture in his knuckles as he punched the hero in the face and went on his way to midoriya. wide eyes turned towards him and before midoriya could react, bakugou grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall. bakugou couldn't hear what he said himself, the rage possessing his being made him hear only his thundering heartbeat in his ears.
he throws midoriya to the ground; his jaw and blood splashed onto the rug as he fell to the ground beside the other frightened hero.
but bakugou still wasn't done with him.
“fuck you, man! get off me!”
midoriya screamed on the ground as bakugou crawled over him, holding him tightly, his right hand curled into a fist and ready to strike. midoriya's eyes widened.
“no! no! you got it wrong—” he pleaded, doing his best to shield his face, though of little use. “i'm sorry! you broke up with them! i thought they were free... fuck”
if bakugou had any control at that moment, he might have told the midoriya that you were not a prize to be won. he could have threatened every second of his life if he looks at you again. he may have told the midoriya that you believed him, that you trusted him enough to give your precious heart to him, and that he ruined his chance to do the only good thing that would ever happen in his sad and pathetic life.
but bakugou had no control, not when it came to you, and instead, his fist found midoriya's face over and over until midoriya no longer writhed under his grip, until a crowd began to form at the far end of the hall, even midoriya fell inert, until blood covered his hand, until he heard your voice calling to him over the ringing in his ears.
“bakugou! bakugou, stop!”
he froze, fist raised, as he turned to look for you.
he expected fear in your eyes, that you would be ashamed of him or afraid of the fresh blood flowing from his fingers. instead, you knelt beside him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. he melted into your touch, a familiar feeling as he returned to his body; his vision gradually focusing only on you, ignoring the rest of the world.
“come with me,” you said sadly, looking out over the sea of ​​guests that denki was trying to redirect back to the ballroom. muffled whispers grew louder as the flash from the cameras blinded him, prying eyes trying to catch a glimpse of the kid with anger issues they'd foolishly allowed him to be a hero, or rather, one of the best heroes. he looked up to find startled and surprised glances in his direction, but his gaze met midoriya; lying on the floor as he emitted a subtle moan - proof of life. denki exchanged a sympathetic look with you that bakugou couldn't read.
you tugged at his jacket sleeve, smiling sweetly at him like you used to when moonlight swept through his room and he couldn't remember exactly where he was. "it's alright, bakugou. let's go."
bakugou nodded, slowly rising to his feet. he tried not to concentrate when your arm entwined with his, when you took him out of the picture. his vision started to get a little clearer the further you pulled him away from the muffled whispers of the crowd. he could feel the pulse in his right hand, the sting of open wounds in his knuckles, the stab of adrenaline still vivid in the pit of his stomach.
you said nothing as you led him to the elevator, pressed the floor button, and waited. he took a deep breath and you shook his hand —a nervous habit you hadn't yet lost.
bakugou couldn't take his eyes off you. he knew he was looking; but you were here, holding his hand, and for the first time in months he felt like he was home again. he didn't have to ask where you were taking him; it was a route he was more than familiar with. after long and exhausting missions, he would go to his safe haven where you would take care of him, looking for injuries while you treat him sweetly, waiting for him to tell you every detail of the mission even though you had seen it all on tv. the superficial ones he could heal on his own, but he likes to help you. he could have done it himself or taken a few extra steps to the medical ward, but there was something about the way your hands danced over his skin, delicate as if you were handling something so, so precious.
you brought him to your house and closed the door behind you.
"sit down," you ordered, pointing to the couch and bakugou did so without question.
he heard you make your way to the bathroom, taking the first-aid kit still lying under the sink and dampening a washcloth in warm water. it was weird being back in this place with you, in such a familiar routine. he almost forgot the painful intervening months before you walked out of the bathroom with a frown on your face. you sighed as you sat down next to him; pulling him a little closer as if just a few inches between you were too much.
silently, you gestured to his hand and he placed it in yours; his hands were warm like he was gripping his fists tightly, but they were just as you remembered. they fit yours perfectly.
he paid no attention to the sharp pain of alcohol as you worked, concentrating entirely on the feel of your hands, on your fingertips, watching as a strand of hair fell across your face, no matter how many times you tucked it behind your ear.
“you didn't have to do this,” you said low, though you didn't look up to meet his eyes.
nakugou shook his head. “if you knew the things he said about you, would you...”
"i heard him." you pressed the warm cloth to his knuckles, bloodied as it stained the light blue color of the fabric. wiping the open sores, you chewed the inside of your lip. “i am not your problem anymore. you don't have to protect me, bakugou, especially from men like midoriya.”
you dropped the cloth and began to wrap his knuckles in bandages. they'd be clean in a few days, lying on untouched skin, but you never liked seeing him hurt. you would wrap every wound, bandage every cut, heal even faster.
“i would do anything for you,” bakugou muttered under his breath.
you calmed down, holding your breath as if your heart might have raced. bakugou watched you, sure what you expected, but when you clenched your jaw and shook your head, your whole body began to ache.
“you can't say these things to me, katsuki,” you turned your head in an effort to keep him from seeing the tears burning in your eyes. you put his hand back on his thigh, you got up from the couch.
“how am i going to move forward if you're hoping to knock out all the guys who try to hurt me? and how the hell do i stop loving you?”
“you do not need.” the words left his lips before he could stop them. it was selfish and perhaps cruel, but he begged. “please do not.”
bakugou stood up, closing the space between you two. tears wet your cheeks as you watched him; you made no effort to push him away when he lifted his hand to the side of your face, brushing along your cheekbones to wipe away the tears that had fallen.
“i'm sorry,” he whispered, his voice cracking with effort. “i'm so, so sorry my love.”
you shook your head, though you clung to him tighter, your hands gripping the fabric of his suit; bakugou leaned down and kissed your temple, then your cheek, your forehead, and pulled you close enough to rest against his chest.
a stone lodged in the back of his throat, threatening to choke him before consuming you completely. his guilt, his shame, his regret.
“please forgive me,” he muttered in a broken voice, nuzzling your hair, breathing in the comforting scent of your shampoo, something so familiar, so personal, it hurts. “i should have given you a choice…but i was so scared, y/n. if something happened to you…i don't…i never…”
you pulled back, just enough to meet his eyes. the warm touch of his hands rested gently against your cheeks as you searched his eyes, a flash of realization clicking. you sighed and watched as he roamed all over your body with his fingertips, exploring every little universe in you that he loved getting lost for hours.
“the enemies i have...” bakugou continued, “they could use you against me and... and i would do anything to keep you safe, y/n. anything”
“including breaking my heart,” you said, your thumb sliding over his bottom lip as he trembled. he nodded, tears streaming down his cheeks. he held it for so long that, with the mere touch of your hands on his face, he was coming apart completely. god, how he missed you.
his hands shook when you parted your lips. “do... do you still love me?”
bakugou drew back, surprised by the uncertainty in your voice. as he searched your face to find that your question was sincere, he exhaled a heavy sigh, pulling you back against him with a kiss on your forehead.
“i never stopped,” he confessed. “never.”
relief was evident in his body when you melted against him. he didn't know how long you were there with him, wrapped in his arms, his fingers dancing so lightly on your back. it was with your touch that he found himself back on solid ground, your arms crossed over his shoulders. he pressed his nose to your neck, inhaling your scent until his knees gave out.
“let me fix this,” he begged, his voice barely a whisper. he held you tighter, afraid to let go, afraid that your answer would be 'no'. "let me fix this honey. please. i made a mistake. i was wrong to have ended things between us. i was so terrified that they would hurt you to hit me and i couldn't take it. please, i promise i'll fix all this shit”
he couldn't lift his face from the crook of your neck and you didn't try to pull away. instead, he felt your fingers slide gently through his hair, sending shivers down his spine. your breath was warm in his ear as you treated him with the kind of care and love he hadn't known for so, so long.
“what about your enemies? what about the villains?”
he could feel your hesitation as you held your breath.
“i don’t know,” admitted bakugou, his voice wavering. “i’m still scared to death. i’m still terrified that it’s just me being selfish, that i could make you die just for loving you, but… i can’t do this anymore, y/n. i can’t be without you. i’ll do whatever it takes to protect you to keep you safe.. i’ll do anything, no matter what”
he felt the slight tug on his collar as you pulled him to look at you, putting just enough space between you to meet his eyes. your lower lip was swollen, as if you were chewing the edges, and there was a lingering hope reflected in the glow of your gaze.
“are you going to take the risk?” you asked.
“i would do anything for you, you know that.” bakugou clenched his jaw as a wave of nausea and guilt swept through him. “i love you katsuki and i would give the world to you if i could, but…it’s your life, honey. your choice.”
bakugou looked down, preparing himself. he tried to hold his breath but found his chest was too tight, like an anvil resting on his ribs. he hurt you too much to rescue you again without being sure that the same mistake could be repeated. even if you agreed, your consolation prize would be a life tied to a man with demons on his back, your safety constantly at risk. it was not an offer he would accept if he were in your shoes. his love, though loyal and unconditional to his bones, was not enough.
was all you said; bakugou frowned, not understanding.
then your lips curved at the edges-soft, almost too subtle to notice - and you were smiling at him. you pressed closer until your lips brushed his cheek, over the faded scars and the bristly shadow on his jaw.
“i’ll always choose you, katsuki bakugou,” you said with such certainty that his heart stopped in his chest. “i knew it was you when we met. i’ve never been blind to the danger of being with you, but... it’s worth it to me. you are worth the risk.”
bakugou swallowed hard; if he wasn’t holding you in his arms, he would wonder if he could float in space or sink beneath the surface of the earth. it didn’t seem possible that you could weigh all that danger, the baggage of being with him, and choose to love him anyway.
“promise me now that you won’t push me away like that again." you placed your hand on his cheek, guiding him to meet your eyes. “promise me that as long as you love me, you will be mine. because i am yours, bakugou. i have always been yours.”
“i promise.” it came out gasping and sore, but he meant it with all his heart.
when you kissed him again, it was like breathing for the first time after months underwater; sinking deeper and deeper through the currents, your lungs filled with saltwater, his skin cut by weeds, until he pulled it to the surface with the heat of the sun on his face.
he could feel the relief in the way your lips moved over his, how you craved that way he had for months. it was familiar and safe and exactly where he should be.
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purpelou · 7 years
why did I make this? Why is this something that I have decided to make? What is wrong with me?
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Horikoshi: This will probably not be super popular, but it’ll be fun!
Us: Oh, well that sounds nice!
Us, 290 chapters later: This Isn’t Fun Anymore Horikoshi
Horikoshi: :)
Anyways, welcome to the beginning of - hopefully - a long term and engaging project. I am basically aware of all of canon, and am up to date with the manga, but I haven’t actually read from the beginning of the series, and I’ve only watched the series up to the Deku v Todo fight in the sports festival. However, I’ve been curious as to how the manga portrays stuff that I’ve seen in anime gif form, and so I figured, hey, make this a project!
If you have questions or anything, the ask box is open for now. Meanwhile, I am going to head into the first chapter proper!
[No. 1 - Izuku Midoriya: Origin]
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Wow, you’d almost think this kid would grow up to be a villain or something, with that kind of attitude, huh? No way that this kind of attitude would ever come to bite him in the ass and force him to reevaluate his entire character and kickstart his character development.
(Before you say anything, I like Katsuki as a character, but DAMN did he have to do a lot of growing up. I suppose when one is at the bottom, the only way to go is up… unless you have a pickaxe.)
One thing I actually noticed right away, and I dunno how much it’s used in other manga (seeing as I currently am not reading any other manga and the last ones I read were… a long while ago…) is the shape of the text boxes in order to convey emotion! It’s actually hella neat and a little detail I wouldn’t think about adding if I were in his position (not that I can draw all that well, but that’s not my point). You can practically hear the warbling in Izuku’s tone and the rougher edges in Katsuki’s!
(Also, question for the English sub while we’re at it, why the fuck does Katsuki sound like he’s a goddamned adult when he’s fourteen. What the fuck.)
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Interesting little thing here, Katsuki not actually using his quirk here against Izuku; his hand is trailing smoke from his explosion, but it’s not a direct burn wound. Not that he should be doing this at all, but with the number of fics I see where Katsuki literally gives Izuku second or third degree burns, I think this is a reminder that canon Katsuki has some modicum of restraint, even this early.
Before I forget, hello winged kid who definitely has no plot significance whatsoever. No siree.
(If you are new to the manga/show and are reading this as among your first introductions to the fandom, first off, I am so sorry. Secondly, expect me to be… definitely making a lot of sarcastic quips to things in the future.)
Onto the second/third page, which is supposed to be a full spread, but is split up into two pages on the online reading site. RIP, but I will not complain about free access to the whole manga. 
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Lookit this green bean. I love him so much. I can’t wait for him to suffer.
Izuku: wait, what?
Anyways, a few things to note:
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Who the fuck is this guy? I looked into the wiki but he apparently doesn’t warrant a page or even a mention as one of the background faces of the series, but look at that fucking claw, man! And those boots and jets! He’s very obviously themed after a baseball catcher, so I’m going to guess that he has some kind of quirk that deals with either drawing projectiles to him, or perhaps in throwing projectiles… in either case, it’d be something like Snipe’s quirk, so maybe this is his less howdy-happy sibling.
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Oh right, the chapter. The other heroes we see on the scene in this two-page spread are Death Arms, Air Jet, and Kamui Woods. 
Also, something I want to point out that I’m sure others have but just struck me while looking at this spread - multiple people are recording / taking pictures of this. I wonder if part of the reason for the villain industry to be as strong as it is is because the villains, even if they know they’ll lose, still get their own sort of fame in being in the news? That… might explain a lot about how there can be enough villains to even run an entire damn industry.
(Well, that and a lot of sociopolitical commentary on BNHA society, but we don’t need to get into that now. Maybe wait two hundred or so chapters first.)
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Not gonna lie, I had to double take because I was like ‘wait, what is Ochako doing here?’ but then I realized it was just a random civilian; she doesn’t have those side bangs Ochako does. But now I almost wonder what sort of world we could have had, if they’d met a bit earlier.
Onto the fifth page (fourth is just a filler page, nothing on it), and we get treated to this gem:
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Tag yourself I’m the guy who’s slackjawed because his kid is fucking glowing.
The first four examples of quirks shown in this flashback are the luminescence, telekinesis, ice, and that flame-headed(?) mutation. Of them, we actually see hints to the fact that quirks have drawbacks, as the girl with ice is drawn with the same frostbite backlash as Shouto, while the flame-headed kid is… well, I have no idea, but they do not look to be happy.
Also, I love the nod Hori does to the heroes of our era as silhouettes! This is just more evidence to me, along with the fact that the first quirked kid is born and presented in a modern hospital, that this series takes place sometime in the future. I… even calculated the years it could technically be, based on information we get in a few chapters, but I’ll save that for then.
Onto the sixth page! A nice shot of Kamui Woods getting into position, and man is that giant quirk unnerving.
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What the fuck is with those feet, Hori. Those aren’t feet.
Next we see how the crowds are reacting, basically with no panic or concern. One guy is just casually letting his boss know he’ll be getting in late. And Backdraft! That is some serious water manipulation, but it seems like it has to be the water they’re in contact with? Also, is it just me or is that a portable pressure hose on their back?
And of course, Izuku being excited over hero stuff, as one does. He’s so babey faced, going back to current chapters after this is gonna be fucking wild.
Onto the seventh page, and here we are with the ‘you’re pure evil’ speech to someone who’s… just a robber. Seriously, dude? I get that you’re still fairly new to the scene (I think he might not be from a hero high school, but a late join program, but that’s another post), but like. You can’t just call random people ‘pure evil’ and correlate petty crime with like, actual mass murderers, or else people might start to see things in black and white and, you know, create the idea of ‘villainous people’ and so push even more innocents down the path of desperation and criminality.
Wait, sociopolitics later. Izuku being a hero fanboy now. Even able to utter Kamui’s attack call as he’s calling it out, with some seriously cool visual effects-
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And on the eighth page, we have Mt. Lady crash the scene. Literally. She just fucking shows up outta nowhere and fucking leaps up and delivers a kick right to the villain’s chin, throwing him back through the train bridge wall and sending debris down to the ground below. Sure hope there weren’t civilians there!
Also, hello to that random guy on the roof watching this. I think in Smash they made that guy her manager or something.
I love how Izuku and the other guy are like ‘what the fuck’ while the press just shows up out of nowhere and is like. Hyperfocused on her. (I’ve heard some issues with the portrayal of media/reporters in the series, but since I have no experience with that sort of thing, I can’t say much on it.)
The last panel of this page shows that, fortunately, there were no civilians on that part of the street (even though it being rush hour and the huge crowds on the other side of the bridge should have suggested otherwise… but what do I know?)
With page nine, we get to see our first case of villain apprehension, which to note does not include any sort of quirk suppressors. Because those don’t exist. Otherwise Aizawa and the Eight Precepts’ erasure bullets would not be such huge deals to everyone. I mean yikes, though, the guy is fucking muzzled. And you can see the damage done by Mt. Lady in the background, both physical and emotional. Not to mention…
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What the fuck is that face.
But yeah, this notes that performance in heroics determines not only what they’re paid by the government, but also how much fame they get. No way a system like this could backfire in any capacity, right? Right? (cough).
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I love how Hori uses Izuku’s muttering habit as the border for the text bubble when the kid zones into his little world. Also, gigantification is noted to be a common and strong quirk, so we really should see more OCs with size altering quirks in fics in the future, you hear me? Honestly, with it being common, I would almost expect there to be entire buildings, or maybe even neighborhoods / blocks dedicated to catering to size shifters… wonder what those places look like.
Also aww, the guy saying good luck on the heroics dream to Izuku and Izuku just sparkling. What a cutie. Can’t wait for him to suffer. :D
Izuku: No seriously, what-
Anyways, I’m cutting off here since we then transition into the next ‘scene’ and this is a long chapter - 55 pages! Besides, this has already surpassed 1700 words, I don’t need to ramble on too long in one post. 
Lemme know what you think, and I’ll be back with more soon!
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hello ^^ if you‘re still taking these— #9, #15 & #12 for bakugou and kirishima?
Yes, I’m still taking them! Thanks for sending this in!
Bakugou and Kirishima
9- What’s your favourite headcanon(s) for this character?
One of my faves I have for Bakugou is that he’s a nerd at heart 🧡like, I hc that he has a secret dorky, funny, goofy side that he doesn’t show very often because he’s afraid it’ll make him look bad or lame. He calls ppl, especially Deku, “nerd” so much maaayybe because…well, Deku is a nerd, BUT that’s not the POINT XD. Bakugou also calls Deku and others “nerd” because he’s projecting 😂. Another thing that I think may be partially canonical but I hc is that when Bakugou and Midoriya were little, they would bond over their love of All Might together, not just in the “one day I’m gonna be just like him or surpass him” kind of way, but they’d also bond by keeping up with the latest All Might merchandise together, and have a friendly rivalry about it like—
Little Bakugou: *runs into Midoriya’s room, grinning proudly* Hey, Izuku! Look at this new All Might action figure I just got!
Little Midoriya: *eyes wide and admiring* Whoooaah, Kacchan! Oh yeah, that reminds me! Look! You like my new All Might hoodie? *slips hoodie on*
Bakugou: *nearly gasps* Duuude, no way. How’d you get that one? I thought those were sold out!
Midoriya: Well, I dunno, my mom just got it for me before they did!
Bakugou: *happy for friend, but also pouts a little* Hmph... Well, my mom’s gettin’ me the new All Might California Smash sneakers this weekend for my birthday.
Midoriya: R-REALLY?? T-The California Smash ones??!
Bakugou: *smirks* uh-huh, that’s what I said.
Midoriya: COOL! Uuummm…hey, maybe lemme borrow them sometime…?
Bakugou: Hah! As if! I’m gonna be one of the only kids around wearing them!
Midoriya: *effortless puppy dog eyes* …I’ll let you borrow my limited edition All Might socks whenever you want…
Bakugou: *tempted because his dad said those socks were no longer available for purchase anywhere, and never would be again, and they are EPIC socks* Ugh. Fiiiine. But you're only wearin’ the shoes twice a week.
Midoriya: *smiles as big and bright as the sun* THANKS, KACCHAN!
Then for Kirishima… a hc I have for him is that he’s one of the most emotionally intuitive kids in class 1-A. He strikes me as someone that’s really in tune with other peoples’ emotions, kind of like an empath. I see Midoriya like that, too (an empath), but I definitely think Kirishima is a bit more open about it.
I think he’d be one of the first to realize when something’s bothering one of his classmates, even if it’s subtle, whether he’s closer to them as a friend or not, and he’ll approach them to see how he can be there for them. I also see him as the one who will match another person’s energy pretty well in a good way, by that I mean cry when that person’s crying, but he’d still be their shoulder to cry on, he’d get excited when another friend is excited, etc. He’s just so genuine, and a huge comfort for ppl in general. He gives off vibes that make ppl automatically feel more at ease around him, whether they know him well or not. ❤️
12- Have you read any fics about this character? (if it’s not an OC)? Can you recommend anything good?
Yes, I have for both of them! If you mean tickle fics, I know ppl like @intheticklecloset @made-by-jade-222 @kiyachi-tickles and @otomiya-tickles have made many great fics featuring these two, both separately and together!
15- Favourite line of theirs?
Okay, I couldn’t remember exactly what he said word for word, so I searched YouTube for it and found a clip (in English dub) and one of my favorite quotes from Bakugou is,
“If you keep looking down on everyone else, you’ll never be able to see your own weaknesses.”
That’s from episode 16 of season 4 (love that ep) and Bakugou says that to one of the kids he has to work with. Not only does that quote show some of Bakugou’s great character growth so far, it’s a quote that’s just…WISE. I love it.
But then there are things Bakugou’s said that are less than amazing, and this video I found months ago featuring some of his commentary when he takes over is just XD plz watch if you’ve not seen already 😂
Kiri’s said some great things, but I couldn’t think of anything exactly quote-wise for him, so I searched for some, and I like when he says,
“If I crack then I'll harden again! Stay strong! Protect others! Even if it means your life!”
Yeah, stressing the importance of pushing forward again even when we’re shaken or when we fall. I love it ❤️
My response was longer than I thought it’d be 😅 But thank you for the ask!
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the-mic-drop · 4 years
Class 1-A Cypher by Rustage
Lyrics below the cut
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Izuku Midoriya - Deku (Performed by Rustage)
Call me Deku, I’m starting out on this cypher
I was quirkless, but by working I’m deserving something higher
It’s my purpose, I’m versing my present, future, and my past
So I’m gonna rock the mic with a Detroit Smash
Taking a second, I’m breaking my limit
Hitting with everything, pain I can feel it
I’m straining my muscles, I tussle with enemies
Better be ready, I’m more than a critic
I spit it, exhibit it all night
I’m killing it, chilling with All-Might
A villain inhibited by my ability
in minutes you’re watching my school fight
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Fumikage Tokoyami - Tsukuyomi (Performed by Shwabadi)
When you cross this bird, you might get to see me wield the talons
So absurd how I’m applying subverse talents
Yes I’m cursed, carry a demon, I’m full of malice
Even worse for you when striking a bitter balance
Dark claws harming the vermin that are below me
Start wars, armed with determination and Oni
Get back, I’ve been endangering those who know me
Jet Black Hero, they’re calling me Tsukuyomi
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Ochaco Uraraka - Uravity (Performed by DaisyBanaisy)
I’ll make you float as I’m messing with zero gravity
Don’t mean to gloat when I’m calculating these strategies
Rapidly climbing casually, my quirk “lacks in lethality”
but actually your apathy will lead straight to your casualty
I’ll happily fight for justice, with all of my capacity
My motive’s money, thankfully that don’t define morality
Reality is I’m just helping others for my family
I’m saving all humanity, don’t you mess with Uravity!
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Tenya Iida - Ingenium (Performed by Dan Bull)
I’ve got many a twitch, that’s the Tenya itch
I’m like my test scores, I got plenty of tics
Academic, educated, but I never skip leg day
Still regretful of the day that I met Stain
Enraged, by what he did to my brother Tensei
I didn’t handle it the best way, I dare say
Left my hand damaged in remembrance of fair play
I’m representing Class 1-A, they’re my best mates
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Tsuyu Asui - Froppy (Performed by Sophia Dere)
Ribbit Ribbit, exhibit a hero’s spirit
I’m in it and so I’ll win it
When I’m swimming, yeah I won’t stop
This frog’s idyllic not a gimmick in a minute
I be launching in to kill it
Like a frog, I’m bringing mad hops
My tongue’s deadly, spitting and I take charge
and then I’m turning invisible with my camoflage
In the water, no villain can dare to stop me
You’re looking sloppy, now you’re facing Froppy
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Hanta Sero - Cellophane (Performed by VideoGameRapBattles)
Lucky 13 of the A-1 team
Kid I spit great mixtapes, stick your team
Wraps so clean,
and I’m sealing all the matches now that Cellophane will bring the pain all wrapped up in a package
Getting shipped with tons of damage, but there’s no send backs
Shut you up with my bind attacks
Get back, ‘cause you know that I’ll be winning
in this sticky situation, so I think you better stick it.
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Mezo Shoji - Tentacole (Performed by Dreaded Yasuke)
You can call me wall that have ears, door that have eyes
Meaning I’m cavalier when it comes to fighting just like a spy
In close combat, my dupli-arms is coming for the harm
and I’m laughing at you if you’re trying disarm
I’ll sacrifice for everybody exhausting my quirk
Even when I’m down for the count, I’m disguising my smirk
You can cut off all of my limbs, I’m still coming in a burst
Class 1-A will always come first
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Kyoka Jiro - Earphone Jack (Performed by Savvy Hyuga)
It’s ya edgy girl, Earphone Jack
Utilizing my quirk in both stealth and combat
I guess I can see how you think I fell flat
but lemme show you how I make up for that
with punk rock attacks
When my earlobes are growing
you know they whippin and probin
an’ now they got you tip-toeing
findin the range that my tone is
It’s not your typical motion n my moves don’t need compression
It’s just another jam session featuring my form of expression
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Denki Kaminari - Chargebolt (Performed by Dizzy Eight)
It’s time to put in work, I got this cypher on lock
I don’t need my quirk when this verse will leave you shocked
Like a battery, I got the juice, so they put me in a box
When my positive means negative, I’m like “so watt?”
You don’t want that static with me homie it’s fatal
I got so much energy, I’m plugged in without the cable
On the low, I’ll leave everybody on the scene disabled
I’m underrated, but in a flash, I’ll leave you endangered
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Shoto Todoroki - Shoto (Performed by None Like Joshua)
It’s Todoroki, I chose to be cold and lonely
Nobody can hold me with the inferno, I’m overloading
From a broken home to known hero I’m going up slowly but surely
and be better than Endeavor whether it’s hot or it’s snowing
Even if I’m behind, I’ll be sure to make Bakugo see
I do it for All of his Might or to stop killer Stain, forget any trophy
So now that you’re immobilized and then frozen in pain, no one can approach me
Put up a wall of my ice or a wall of my flames to build your enclosing
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Rikido Sato - Sugarman (Performed by GameboyJones)
Give me 10 grams of white, then I’m activated (um)
Wait, I’m talking ‘bout the sugar that I took
Got a sweet tooth for taking out these villains ‘cause they’re agitating
Plus the girlies like a guy that can cook
Call me Sato the Macho, I’m saving these streets
Yeah these nachos are not yours, I need me a treat
and this crime fighting’s hard work, it can leave me beat
but like candy and cakes, being me is real sweet
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Mina Ashido - Pinky (Performed by StarGirl)
The corrosive caped crusader, Pinky here to save the day
and end up taking center stage upon these lyrics that I lay up
Easygoing, I’m passionate in battle, I’m not passive
See it flowing I don’t spit fire, I spit acid
Hypnotic fashion sense, I leave you in a trance
I’m good at fighting, my other skills are in dance
Protect my friends, we’re going in on advance
Mina Ashido, you don’t even stand a chance
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Eijiro Kirishima - Red Riot (Performed by NerdOut)
Kirishima’s here, everybody stand down
I’mma activate a quirk and give your chest a hand pound
With these Red Gun Turrets yeah the target is locked
I’m a boulder with a boner, man I’m hard as a rock
I’m unbreakable, cannot penetrate this armor
and I don’t need a little blue pill to get harder
I’m full of energy, enemies looking dead tired
Blood running in the street, you can call it Red Riot
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Koji Koda - Anima (Performed by Connor Rapper)
I’m the quiet type, lying with the wildlife
When I’m on, you wouldn’t even need subtitle lines
Nervous around others, I’m the last one who would yell loud
But to be a hero, then I need to break the shell now
Yo it’s Koda bringing massive noise, flowing with that Ani-Voice
That timid kid with rabbit toys no longer acting coy
Drinking honey tea, facing my fear of bugs and bees
Get a bull stampeding with the words like I’m Douglby
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Yuga Aoyama - Can’t Stop Twinkling (Performed by Zach Boucher)
Never needed fame or money, I can get it later
Even though it hurts my tummy, when I use my navel laser
I have got finesse, snazzier than all the rest
I’m the best, nothing less
being honest, not a flex, I’m a threat
It’s getting harder to stomach, I’ve got the smarts and I love
I’m certainly perfect, it hurts just like the art of seduction
Heart of a Puma, get ready to lose
I’ll be spreading the truth
and y’all are stupid if you choose to fight against the Yuga
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Momo Yaoyorozu - Creati (Performed by HalaCG)
I’ve got the quirk creation and patience to work it
Balancing equations, don’t even need to research it
Sequencing elements, a testament to intelligence
You’d better watch out ‘cause I’m not feeling very benevolent
If a person’s in trouble, just wait and see what I’ll do
I can literally make anything. Overpowered, who?
Overpowered, who?
I meant I’ll overpower you
It’s true, sincerely Class 1-A’s Momo Yaoyorozu
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Minoru Mineta - Grape Juice (Performed by Nux Taku)
Where the ladies at? (ay)
Where the ladies at? (ay)
Mineta’s here to peek at women that I’m gazing at
People thinking that I’m weak, but you know what I say to that
Leave you in a sticky situation with my grape attacks
Underestimating me? You’re lacking information
Incapacitation, when you’re facing me, frustration
Master of flirtation, pretty much the top dog
You ain’t ever coming close when I pop off
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Ojiro Mashirao - Tailman (Performed by Rockit Gaming)
Ojiro, the Tailman, you get what you train for
Master martial artist, black belt on my waist though
Nobody even really understands me
Got intelligence, can’t predict any hit that I’m landing
Classmate you confide in with dignity
You can wear a costume, all I got on is a gi
Noble attitude, that’s my personality
Accept results that I earn with my own abilities
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Toru Hagakure - Invisible Girl (Performed by Outcast Rae)
Take you by surprise, yeah, I can do it easy
Miss me with your eyes, yeah, you can’t even see me
No matter what you try, yeah, you can never beat me
Feels a little cheesy, like a wish from a genie
When it comes to action, my quirk is in light refraction
so it has the side effect of never being a distraction
Sneak up on my enemies, let me be the best assassin
Toru Hagakure, you can feel my passion
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Katsuki Bakugo - Kacchan (Performed by DaddyPhatSnaps)
I don’t think you other heroes are even listenin’
Maybe I should focus your attention with some ‘glycerin
You don’t even get it, there’s really no competition
I’m lighting these rookies up, boi, I’m slaying on every mission
I’ll show them once and for all, little Deku won’t know what hit ‘im
I will get the recognition, exploding the opposition
I will be the greatest hero that ever took the position
So come at me little bitches, I’ll make you wish that you didn’t
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thatpinkbetch · 4 years
Izuku is probably like, A+ when it comes to pda-cuddling/hugging? ON that. Smooches? He can and WILL. Ruffling hair, leaning against the boo, holding his arm (because Kat's hands get,,,, very sweaty,,,)? He can do it! And Will do it! No problem whatsoever! Katsuki is endeared, mortified, Shooketh, dying and has about 4 years added to his lifespan, every single time
I like to think that at first, Midoriya has never really received a ton of pda except from his mom, and so even just having the UA students saying those nice things to him was kind of A Shock, BUT. After starting to feel comfortable around other people, knowing they won’t make fun of him or pity him, he is VERY open to pda, and once you get that hugging machine going, there is no stopping it. Those arms aren’t just good at breaking, lemme tell you that!
In regards to Bakugou Katsuki, the sacred chalice, the one thing he’s always wanted to reach out to, but could never be more untouchable. YES. Once he’s comfortable with his relationship with Kacchan, it is fucking ON. He loves that mother fucker and he loves pda - what do you do when you love two things at the same time? Smash them together. I think.
Bakugou has ALSO been averse to pda, but because of his own (and I put this lightly, coming from a place of understanding and relating) emotional constipation. He doesn’t really initiate, because it’s not his love language, but when he receives it? From DEKU? Well, that’s just not fair! He kind of wanted to make it through the day without his heart doing another damn set of jumping jacks! But yeah, those extra four years are appreciated, since it’s four more years of his childhood friend by his side :’)
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HCs or scenario: All Might giving Midoriya the sex talk because he’s reached the age where he wants to go all the way with his gf and Toshinori is the only father figure he has. Love you!
This is ridiculous. I hope you enjoy~
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Toshinori stared at his huge, skinny hands, clasped together between his knees. In this form his knuckles popped out against his skin like knotted tree roots.
How did I end up here?
As a Hero and a teacher he had a duty of care to his students. Most of all to young Midoriya, to whom he had passed both his Quirk and the torch of Symbol of Peace. But this?
'Um...All Might?'
Toshinori cleared his throat, swinging his great leonine head to look at Midoriya. Izuku looked like he was going to faint at any moment, his hands gripping his knees. Toshinori focused on the new bandage wrapping around Midoriya's knee, for something to ground himself with.
'How did that happen, my boy?'
Izuku looked down, as if just remembering it was there. 'Oh. Nothing, it's just where that porcupine villain got me with one his spines last week.' Izuku's signature red trainers dragged over the concrete as he shifted to face his mentor. 'You don't have to tell me this. It's just that...'
That Midoriya's own father was more absent than the boy's sense of self-preservation, and he had no-one else to give him this advice. Asking Aizawa wasn't an option. Oh, the man would try his best, but it would be like pulling teeth and Aizawa would probably quit teaching after to go live in a cave. No, it fell to All Might.
'You've had your um...ed classes, right?' he asked, looking anxiously at the boy.If he had to explain all the mechanics of the thing, he was going to die right here on the spot. What All For One had failed to do twice would happen through sheer mortification on a park bench.
Izuku's face was as red as a tomato, the similarity amplified by his shock of dark green hair. He nodded, visibly beginning to sweat. Toshinori blew out a huge sigh of relief.
'I-' He wrung his hands together. Courage, man! 'I don't know if I'm the best person for this, but I'm going to do it anyway. So...when a man and a woman love each other very much. Or a man and a man, or a woman and a woman. Um...or people who are neither-'
Izuku fought down a smile.
'They uh...' Toshinori wished he'd thought to write down what he wanted to say, but Midoriya had blindsided him with the request at the end of their training session. 'They have sex.'
Midoriya nodded. 'Yeah.'
'It's perfectly natural,' Toshinori said, nodding his head too. Like a pair of bobble head dashboard ornaments, they were. 'But you've gotta be sensible about it.'
Okay, this was good! No judgement, giving fatherly advice. Making the boy feel at ease.'So you should uh...use protection. And make sure the other person wants it, too. And don't do it while you're drunk. That's just a bad idea all around. Believe me-'
Midoriya made a choking noise, and Toshinori realised it was probably best not to use any anecdotes in this discussion with his lifelong number one superfan. Right.
'As long as you are ready, and they are ready, and you have all the...stuff you need, it should be fine. It might be awkward or clumsy or-'
He'd been about to say "over in three seconds", but he figured Midoriya didn't need that kind of performance anxiety.
Midoriya ducked his head, scruffing up the back of his ever-unruly hair with one scarred hand. He looked like he didn't know whether to laugh or have a mental breakdown.
'I think there might be a misunderstanding here,' he said.
Toshinori felt a bolt of cold shoot down his spine. 'Ah, you said you were ready to... So I thought...'
Midoriya snorted, shoulders shaking. 'I am, but I wasn't actually asking you for The Talk.'
All Might's jaw hung open. Midoriya put a hand on his shoulder.
'Not that I don't appreciate it! I do look up to you like, well, kind of like a father. But...I just wanted to ask if I needed to worry about One For All during, y'know.'
Toshinori lowered his face into his hands, not sure whether to be relieved or absolutely mortified.
'Young Midoriya...'
'You don't have to worry about One For All.'
'Oh! That's good to hear. Thanks!'
'Young Midoriya.'
'We will never speak of this again.'
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cryptidwriterdotcom · 4 years
Chimera AU? Fallen Angel AU? More like the bridge into my newest mega AU,
Chimaeram esse Silvam
Translation from Latin: chimera forest
Genre: Fantasy, Horror?,
Everyone is a chimera.
Kirishima is a lizard/porcupine
Bakugou is a pomeranian/hedgehog
Ochako is a sugar glider
Iida is a Jesus Lizard/Cheetah
Kaminari is a pigeon/squirrel
Sero is a tarantula
Asui is a frog/gecko
Koda is a hermit crab
Ojirou is a kangaroo rat/kinkajou
Shoji is an octopus/bat
Aizawa is a cat/burrowing owl
Hagakure is a cuttlefish/chameleon
Yamada is a cockatoo centaur
Mina is a viper/honey bee
Sato is a moose/bear
Tokoyami is a crow
Todoroki is a red fox/artic fox
Momo is a leamur
Aoyama is a fancy mouse
Nobody knows what the actual fuck Izuku is, not even Izuku.
Nezu is Nezu
All Might/Toshinori is a griffin(eagle/lion)
Jirou is a Shiba Inu/panther
M*neta is a sewer rat
Mirio is a lion
Tamaki is a squid/pangolin
Nejire is a bat/leopard seal
Shinsou is a clouded leopard
Nemuri is a skunk/chinchilla
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"... what if [...] they all were chimeras? They're all these unnatural creatures and maybe roam a deserted town? Like they're in the middle of a forest and have just rebuilt this old abandoned post apocalyptic looking town" - Literally me as I made this
Originally in the Chimera AU, Izuku was the only chimera. Then along came the inspiration for some designs for aus-that-shall-not-be-named that were later scrapped after @ink-twink had a falling out and made sure that the planned designs had been put on off-bounds and burned. So then I took over and went through the designs for Chimaeram esse Silvam with one of my favorite muses, @darkpuppymemes, who most likely has been internally bouncing off the walls every time we speak. Then along came the inspiration in the first place, the walking dead gave the inspiration for the setting, and everything just went on from there.
The reason they're there is because they've been outcasted from society. AFO had several groups kidnapped for testing on throughout the years, and while few escaped, class 1-A is definitely the largest group to escape in an all-out rush on the guards. Statistically class 1-A is by far the smallest group to be abducted, but also the only group to escape with the same amount of people that had been taken. When they had managed to return home to their families, they faced a lot of pressure from everyone else around them. One by one Aizawa found and saved the students of 1-A, whisking them away to under his protection and hiding away with them far off from civilization.
Nemuri takes dust baths, and whenever someone comments on her smell she's just like "That's my womanly musk, now go to sleep bitch boy :)" She also will whap people in the face with her tail, and likes reverse hot bottles. Her favorite season is blizzard.
Hizashi is like a budgie, he loves to climb and fly. All be it, he can't fly very well, so he climbs everywhere instead. He often gets feathers everywhere, and loves to splash around in water when he can. He smells like eggs when wet, it's terrible. He screams.
Aizawa is more laid back, although he likes to try and make burrows. Often times this means that he gets stuck in awkward positions, he's figured out to not try and dig a burrow outside though. 90% of the time he's covered in dirt and he smells like he's been rolling in whatever plants he can find.
Bakugou is angry, spiky, and screams like he's stepped on a cactus at all times. Does not shut up, ever. He be a loud boy. His favorite anything is spicy. Also he like to cronch on bugs, to Sero's horror. He ate a tarantula once.
Kirishima is living, spikey, rock baby. Do not touch. Ever. He will shoot his quills at you. Probably has a thing for angry screaming man who might've stepped on a cactus. He's like the lemme smash birds but with rocks. He likes rocks. He is one with rocks. He is rock. Rock.
Sero is a tarantula, fuzzy spooder. He likes to just chill, doesn't matter where, he's just chill. Like the marijuana spider. There's not much else to shit post about him.
Izuku is the most chimera-like because he didn't put up a much of a fight and was smaller and lighter than many of his classmates. He's pretty much a druid, aka the forest hippie of the dnd classes.
Iida is Sonic incarnate.
Idk how much else to shit post this au
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tori10rambles · 6 years
It is 10 pm i have to be up in 8 hours but i’m hyped on sugar and the bnha movie. literal stream of thought under the cut
lemme start this off by saying that izuku is fuck precious here in this opening
Moments of unanimous applause in theater:
Young Might
Izuku’s second place time
every smash
CLASS 1A CAMEOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shouro burns his top off bless
Melissa is a darling and i love her
College Dave's aethetic is a Mood, says the biochemical engineering major
I have v v strong DaveMight feels
The Ocha appearance was hilarious ngl. I hate the jealous girl trope but it was amusing.
The plot was fun.
Melissa being Quirkless and still wanting to be a hero by making support items A++
Dave and Sam,,,,,, jeez you two. Dave at least can blame his man crush. Sam's just a greedy asshole.
That villain was interesting, and who's surprised AfO took part somehow?
ngl the todobaku team up was p cool. but like,,,,, that kiribaku yall
It’s a v good thing that kiri is pretty,,,,,,,,,,
rip Denki, who sacrificed his brains for nothing.
rip Momo, who really needs larger fat stores.
Young All Might was a babe, but them eyes man.
That ending about the future. I love. Please. Please lemme see more Melissa Izuku team ups. Or better. Mei Melissa team ups. The world will Cower.
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pikabxi-blog · 5 years
obligatory tag dump!
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jadewing-realms · 6 years
“You should have seen it.”
Fictober 2018 - Day 18
Yeah you could be Someone special You've got bright in your brains and Lightning in your veins You'll go higher then they've ever gone In you I see Someone special You've got fire in your eyes and When you realize You'll go further then we've ever gone (look) Just turn it on
~ Miracles (Coldplay)
Sasuke has been in Izuku’s room a hundred times at this point. They’re thirteen now, they’ve been friends since second grade, and they basically live in each others’ houses by now. Everything in his house is familiar to Izuku, and everything in Izuku’s is familiar to him. Sasuke can always notice if something new appears, always asks about it or admires it out loud. That said, the Midoriya household is generally very constant—steadfast, predictable. Bargain interior decorations, as Mrs. Midoriya has scruples, and more practical items than anything else. With… the exception of Izuku’s room. Every long now and again, like today, Sasuke feels the need to stop in the doorway and let his gaze drift over the overwhelming amount of red, white, blue and yellow plastered in every available bit of wall or shelf space.
The sheer volume of All Might memorabilia sometimes hits him square between the eyes and makes him feel like he needs to blink, rapidly, for a minute or two. Or several.
Sasuke shakes the compulsion away and sets his backpack down next to Izuku’s yellow one. More yellow… I forget he uses the color so much. Izuku’s already on his way back out into the main living space, squeezing past Sasuke when both of them occupy the space in the doorframe for a brief second.
“We were almost late,” Izuku huffs with obvious relief. “We made it back just in time!” He scampers off down the hallway and calls, louder here than he ever is at school. “Ready, Mom!”
With a smirk that holds more fondness than Sasuke intends, he follows after his friend.
Whenever he comes over after a long school day, it’s become a tradition of sorts to help Mrs. Midoriya make dinner. Sasuke’s never minded; not when he’s adding to her work with his presence. It’s always seemed fair that he contribute for himself. Mrs. Midoriya turns on some music—usually oldies; her music tastes are charmingly outdated, and growing up with this musical influence made it rub off on Izuku—and then she’ll assign each of the boys a portion of the cooking. Usually something simple and straightforward, like chopping vegetables, or cooking the rice, boiling noodles. She always handles the more difficult tasks, and still finds time to give them guidance with their tasks.
Then, when they’re all finished and the food is steaming and ready to serve, they all sit around the table and Mrs. Midoriya asks them how their day was. About their classes, their favorite part of the day, anything special that happened. They fill her in, give her details, leave some out—mostly Izuku refrains from any mention of whatever torment he had to endure that day at the hands of the sheep-headed masses who follow the example set by the likes of Bakugou Katsuki. Yes, today goes by much the same way every other day does.
When they finish eating, as usual, they load up the dishwasher together and, once it’s running, the boys are free to retreat to Izuku’s room. Today’s a Friday; tomorrow is Saturday and Sasuke’s gotten permission to stay the night for the first time in a while, so long as they finish their homework. They had spent the whole of the walk home from school coming up with things they could do this time.
Usually, they study, they talk Heroes, they watch YouTube videos, they talk more Heroes. Izuku brainstorms his Hero costume, Sasuke brainstorms his tech.
Again, though, Sasuke finds himself pausing a minute to look over the posters on Izuku’s walls… the figurines on his shelf… the notebooks stacked on his desk. Then he looks to his friend, who’s nose is still buried in his textbook as he does what their mothers requested, and can’t help but think…
He doesn’t need a Quirk.
Nobody else seems willing to tell him that though. Izuku’s told him (and only him) of what his mother said to him the day they found out about his lack of powers. And Sasuke’s witnessed first hand the way he’s treated in class… sometimes by the teachers themselves.
It’s true, despite his somewhat mediocre existence here at home, Izuku’s not ‘normal,’ not by a long shot. He is... unique. Fun. Outstanding, even. So he doesn’t have this One Thing that eighty percent of the population does. Sasuke understands that, understands it’s uncommon. What he doesn’t understand is why, exactly, that’s looked at as a negative thing.
Izuku has plenty of other amazing things he can do, even things he’s better at than most people.
Like homework. Izuku tears through it like a starving man inhales a loaf of bread. Every time, too. He’s as fast as Sasuke, and his grades are just as good. Midoriya Izuku is smarter than the average person.
Once they finish their studies up like good students aiming for futures in Hero work, they dive to the computer. As per tradition, the first thing they watch is Izuku’s old favorite. The classic throwback, of one of All Might’s debut rescues.
After that, they get lost in suggested views, allowing themselves to spiral deep down the YouTube rabbit hole… for science. Izuku takes notes, as usual.
Except… it’s really not normal in a general sense, is it? Sasuke’s never met anyone as dedicated to Heroism as Izuku.
Even if the likes of Bakugou Katsuki would try to insist otherwise.
Nah, Bakugou Katsuki is basic. Average. The usual. Boring. Not to mention annoying as h***, and a narcissist to boot. Why does someone outstanding like Izuku waste his efforts on somebody like that? Sasuke just shakes his head.
“Hm?” Uh oh, Izuku notices. Wait, Sasuke actually shook his head? Whoops… “What’s wrong?”
Sasuke blinks against the glare of light from the screen. He… well, now he needs to think of something to actually say. Something useful, thought-provoking, since they only do this to better their instincts and understanding of their chosen craft…
“I feel like we’ve seen all these already,” he points out. And it’s true. Everything they’ve been watching, he’s almost positive they’ve watched at least once before, if not more often. He knows what’s going to happen before it does, and as much as he does like these Heroes and their escapades captured for all to see via some idiotic bystander’s camera phone, he can’t say he’s feeling ‘the usual’ so much tonight.
Not when he’s being hounded by constructs of society like some middle-aged philosopher during a full moon.
“Hmmm…” Izuku scrolls away from the video right when Death Arms is mid-uppercut, searching for… something. Anything, Sasuke supposes. Something they haven’t seen before. Then suddenly, he sits straight, face lighting up as a thought occurs. “Oh! Did you see what happened just the other day?”
Sasuke raises an eyebrow. “What other day?”
“Oh, I dunno… it was, like, last weekend? Over in Minato, All Might took down a crazy villain. I got to watch from the street corner!”
“I heard something about that from the gossips in class, but no, I haven’t seen anything.” Sasuke shifts in his seat, tucking one foot underneath him. “We were visiting my grandma. She doesn’t have internet.”
Izuku’s eyebrows jump. “No inter—gosh, how can you even function without—”
“Nobody knows.”
With a quick headshake, Izuku hunches over the keyboard and lets his fingers fly. “Lemme see if I can find some footage; there’s gotta be something up by now.”
Indeed, when he searches ‘all might minato fight’ a great selection of results come up. Several have high view counts but are from months past, but the top result is from just a few days ago. It’s title reads ‘CRAZY All Might battle vs ROCK MONSTER (actuall footage).’
“Ah, a grammarian,” Sasuke murmurs with a fair dose of sarcasm.
Izuku giggles, but abruptly silences himself as the video begins to play. A click and it fills the screen, expanding the blurry view of a city street, from the perspective of a phone that appears to be bouncing. From the wind and puffing sounds, not to mention the violent jerking of the footage, the person holding it is running, down the sidewalk, and comes upon a crowd of people at the corner. Several others have their phones out and over their heads.
Halfway down the block, visible once the camera’s jittering stills somewhat, a massive villain made of stone looms, swinging its arm like a giant mace at the spangley hero that’s currently launching himself through said villain’s personal space. The bystanders are all murmuring, some shouting, cheering, the guy behind the camera is uttering expletives of pure awe and wonder, and above it all, All Might’s raucous laughter booms over the rumble of heavy rock.
“IS THAT ALL YOU’VE GOT, BIG GUY!?” the hero trumpets just before he delivers a Washington Smash to the underside of the rock monster’s jaw. The crowd goes wild. Sasuke leans forward in his seat, trying to see through the camera blurs despite knowing there’s no way he’ll be able to get a better look at the action.
Then the moron drops his phone, there’s a harried curse and the crunch of plastic on concrete, the hushed fumble of fingers, and the video ends.
Izuku whimpers a little. “Dang it, that was so short…”
“You could probably describe what happened to me better than any video.” Easing out of his investment, Sasuke leans back in his chair and levels his friend with a steady, expectant stare.
Come on. Do your thing.
Izuku laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. “I dunno, probably not, but… I can try!”
With a sudden vigor belying his previous hesitation, he then launches into a detailed eye-witness account of a rock monster that tried to attack the Number One Hero’s agency building like a total idiot and of how that Number One Hero launched right out of said building to engage with the monster himself. He lays the scene out play by play, describing each of All Might’s moves and counter moves with a level of specificity that’s more than enough to convince Sasuke that it happened exactly as Izuku tells it.
“He had the thing ambling around in circles!” he says, hands splaying animatedly in his retelling. “He was so fast! The rock villain brought his arm down like a pile-driver and All Might just swung off his arm—not an ounce of fear! For every time the villain missed, All Might would land a hit like it was nothing. And he was laughing the whole time! The rock villain got so frustrated, he didn’t even know which way to look. Then All Might finished him off with a Texas Smash that threw him a whole block down the street! You should have seen it!”
Sasuke doubts Izuku notices that whenever he talks about All Might, he looks just as fearless. Whether that makes All Might a crutch… or just means Izuku’s that passionate and dedicated to this dream, Sasuke’s not sure but he’d like to believe it’s the latter. He’s used to being surrounded by… well, depression. Grim reality. That’ll happen when the brother you looked up to and idolized (much like how Izuku looks up to All Might, actually…) turns out to be a psycho killer and takes your Heroic father away from you and widows your mother.
But Izuku… it’s like, no matter what he’s been through, he can still smile and fanboy like this—without fear. Sure, he hasn’t been through quite what Sasuke has… but that’s good, he supposes. Better to be average in that area.
Izuku meets his gaze and stills his laughter, looking a bit confused at the fact that Sasuke, as he now realizes, is staring.
“What?” Izuku blinks. “What’s that look for?”
Sasuke snorts, and his answer comes a bit more easily this time. “You really like All Might, don’t you?”
“I… I mean…” Izuku glances around his room, at the computer screen, and finally at his lap, and a small smile creeps across his lips, milder and more hesitant than the grin that had beamed from his face just seconds before. “Well, yeah. He’s… he’s the reason I want to become a Hero in the first place. He’s why I keep… trying. Hoping. I just… I can only dream that maybe, some day… I can be even a fraction of the Hero he is. He’s… he’s extraordinary.”
“Hm…” Sasuke follows the path of Izuku’s previous glance. All Might’s smiling face surrounds them, to an almost unnerving degree, his presence radiating from the walls. And he thinks… that if Izuku has these in here not only as a shrine to his ultimate inspiration, but also as a ward to keep the poisonous barbs from the outside World of Mediocrity from sticking to him once he crosses the threshold of this space… that makes All Might cooler than any villain fight.
And it makes Izuku pretty d*** cool too.
“Yeah, I guess he is.” Sasuke returns his attention back to his friend, who’s staring now at the notebook he has on the desk top between them. He’s opened it to his sketch page, where his concept drawings for his Hero costume are. Sasuke taps the page. “He’d be cooler without the rabbit ears, though.”
Izuku gasps like Sasuke just uttered the bitterest of heresies and he needs a cross to shove in his face or something. “No, the ears are iconic!!”
“Izuku, the guy’s the definition of an icon, and I doubt he’d be any less of one if he nixxed the weird haircut.”
“Noooo, he needs the haircut. It makes him approachable.”
“Uh-huh. Well, in that case, don’t you think you’re bordering on plagiarism with your bunny hood, there?”
“What!? D-Do you really think—”
As Izuku launches to his own defense, Sasuke just smiles to himself. Partly in amusement, and with just a hint of fondness.
No, Izuku, I don’t really think that. I just think you’ll be fine being Just You.
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