#it's not that fucking hard not to ship a character goddamnit
unnamed-idi0t · 4 months
hey btw i don't really appreciate my identity being used as an excuse to ship aro/ace characters
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triskhellion · 4 months
Rated: Teen (2k)
Relationship: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Jackson Whittemore, Scott McCall, Alison Argent, Sheriff Stilinski
Tags: POV Stiles, Magical Stiles, Alpha Derek, Baking & Brewing, Accidental Secret Admirer/Assumed Creeper-Bad Guy, Scenting, Kissing, Hickeys, Getting Together
Stiles already knew that the secretive Alpha had a not-so-secret sweet tooth, but not about a favorite spice. He could do something with that.
The Stilinski men were only passable in the kitchen, but he figured he could learn to bake. Woo the guy of his literal and figurative dreams, experiment with finer magic control, and enjoy snacks as he went? Win-win-win.
For Noxnthea and Stiles Shipping Central Ficlet Exchange. Prompt #3, Secret Admirer:
Stiles didn’t mean to end up as [person’s] secret admirer. He’d fully intended to announce his intentions, okay? But then, well… then he accidentally did [insert mistake here], and now [person]’s convinced they’ve got some creepy dude stalking them and goddamnit, if this gets out, the pack is never gonna let Stiles live this down.
Wolf & Snow Moons - Snow prompts: 12, Ginger, Hidden
Stiles began working on his magic over the summer, but didn’t tell anyone because he wanted to have something impressive, or at least reliable, to show when he was inevitably asked to demonstrate. Struggling to light a candle in front of a skeptical audience? No thank you.
So he borrowed some books, started a herb garden, learned various grounding techniques, and eventually it wasn’t so hard to draw from that well of power inside him. Apparently, soon he wouldn’t even need anything except his own will, but for now he actually enjoyed the little rituals. He even got multiple sternum tattoos to aid with things like stealth, protection, and healing and to strengthen his connection to the land and elements. (They looked pretty fucking cool and he only fainted twice.) 
Stiles was practicing extending his senses while walking near the new Beta House one evening when he overheard Boyd telling Erica how he realized that whenever he had something gingery back at the loft — drinks, stir-fry, cookies from his grandma —  that some of it always disappeared. At first he’d thought it was Peter or maybe Jackson, but he eventually caught Derek red (or rather, yellowy brown-beige) handed. 
Interesting. Stiles already knew the secretive Alpha had a not-so-secret sweet tooth, but not about a favorite spice. He could do something with that. 
The Stilinski men were only passable in the kitchen, but he figured he could learn to bake. Woo the guy of his literal and figurative dreams, experiment with finer magic control, and enjoy snacks as he went? Win-win-win.
After numerous attempts ranging from “exploding goo turned charcoal” to “pretty good” his latest batches came out perfectly. Chewy triple ginger molasses cookies, crispy gingersnaps, and decadent dark chocolate gingerbread brownies. The power of three, baby!
He snagged some for himself (quality control) and saved two of each for his dad, but still had a dozen left of everything for Derek. On the way over, he stopped to buy some tea for good measure: chai and lemon ginger. Then it was showtime. 
But when Stiles knocked on the door there was no answer. How anticlimactic. 
He waited a few minutes and then enhanced his hearing to check for sure that Derek wasn’t home, but instead he heard Isaac, Erica, and Jackson approaching the elevator in the lobby — a.k.a. 3 of the 4 worst possible people to witness anything sincere and potentially embarrassing — so he set the bag at the door, quickly erased his scent. and ran down the stairs while hiding his presence.
The mystery gift was the first topic of discussion at the next pack meeting. Derek apparently enjoyed the goodies (yes!) and only gave the envious betas one of each before absconding with the rest. He assumed it was left as thanks by a half-fae waitress he’d helped the week before, but when he complimented her in passing a few days later she had no idea what he was talking about. None of the wolves could pick up a scent on the packaging and bemusement turned to fear (no!) 
There were any number of malicious spells or supernatural substances that could be activated through food, which would explain the lack of scent. And how did the sender find out about his penchant for ginger anyway? 
Having lost his nerve (he’d never live it down if they found out now,) Stiles sent an anonymous text the next afternoon to try to put Derek at ease, but that only made things worse. After receiving an angry voicemail on his burner phone he panicked and tossed it. 
Another pack meeting was held and they were worried enough to bring in Scott and Allison, though thankfully Chris at least wasn’t there. Allison swept the place for listening devices and Scott asked Deaton to strengthen the wards once the clinic closed. Everyone was now on high alert for what Erica dubbed the “Cookie Monster.”
If Lydia or Peter were around they probably would’ve been suspicious of him being unusually quiet, but she’d left early for MIT and their semi-resident zombie wolf (the 4th and final boss of jerkfaces) was off gallivanting who knows where. There was no evidence pointing in his direction. He just had to relax and keep his mouth shut.  
“Definitely sounds like some psycho stalker to me,” Jackson said, making the “screw loose” sign. 
“That lady on the second floor who’s always checking you out?” Boyd wondered.
“Ooh, what about that guy at the coffee shop that always gives us extra pastries if you pay for it? I bet he knows how to bake,” said Erica. 
“If it’s him, you should roll with it,” Isaac joked, earning a glare from Stiles. How dare he credit some skeevy barista.
“Yeah, maybe it’s just someone with a crush,” Scott said, ever the romantic.
“A creepy person,” Allison emphasized with a frown. Erica nodded.
“Yeah, and with his luck…” she muttered, wincing and turning to a silent Derek. “Sorry, big guy,” 
As the others continued speculating Derek only looked more and more irritable and withdrawn. Angry, yes, but even worse, sad. Stiles dreaded the embarrassment and hassling to come, but he hated seeing Derek upset even more.
“It was me, alright!” he shouted, shooting up from the couch.
Everyone paused and turned to stare at him. Scott tilted his head, his expression that of a confused puppy. 
“Dude, since when do you bake?”
Stiles shrugged awkwardly. “Since recently.”
“But why couldn’t we tell that it was you?” Erica asked.
“I, uh, might’ve done something with my magic? Surprise,” he said, making jazz hands.
He turned toward Boyd, who was looking him over as if to check for any changes. Glittery skin or a tail perhaps. Stiles was amused because he wasdifferent now, but only under his clothes were they — and his father — couldn’t see.
“Yeah,” he replied, grinning. “I’ve been learning for a while “
“You, magic?” Jackson scoffed, leaning against the wall. “The only—“
“Me, jackass” Stiles cut in, locating and drawing out streams of flour and black pepper from the pantry and dumping it on his head.
“Dude, that’s so awesome!” Scott exclaimed, coming over to fist bump him as Jackson coughed and sneezed, beating at his hair and clothes. Then Jackson stomped towards him so Stiles stopped him in his tracks just like he kept a pan of B- coffee cake from hitting the floor a week ago.
“Duuuude,” Scott said as Isaac and Erica laughed gleefully. Allison grinned, giving him a thumbs up.
Proud of his progress, he momentarily forgot the situation until he turned and saw Derek watching him with an intense, but unreadable expression. His stomach dropped, but he was still relieved that the subject had changed to his magic and he showed off a few more times, including cleaning up the mess he made. Even the now pristine and mobile Jackson was begrudgingly impressed.
He worked his way closer and closer to the door hoping that with a last good diversion he might even manage to escape (for now, anyway.) 
Then Isaac had to ruin it, raising an eyebrow and smirking before asking about his “sneaking around like a weirdo” and wondering why he made a bunch of desserts for Derek in the first place.
Stiles froze, face flushing as he rambled about training exercises and then made up some tradition of potential emissaries leaving gifts for Alphas. He caused the alarm on his phone go off and then silenced it, saying he had to go. 
Even with just his normal hearing the sound of laughter echoed as he fled.
When Stiles got home he distracted himself with a new game he hadn’t started yet, storming through the fantastical countryside and targeting particularly tall and smug-looking elves. A few hours later he saved his progress and took off his headphones, sighing and knocking his head against the couch cushions. He soon found himself back in the kitchen where he saw some texts and a bunch of group chat notifications when he took out his phone to check a recipe. He ignored the latter, but read the texts from Scott.
< r u okay? >
< do u likr derek?! >
< like >
< ?🤔🤯?! >
Groaning, he replied < can’t talk, abducted by aliens > as if he wasn’t thinking of a certain Sourwolf at that very moment. He added < (not really) > right after because this was Beacon Hills and then slid it back into his pocket.  
His dad came down an hour later in his uniform, yawning as he got a sandwich from the fridge. He was two days into a week of night shifts and was still adjusting to the schedule. 
“Hey, kiddo.”
Stiles saluted back and poured him the coffee he started when he heard movement upstairs. His dad thanked him, watching as he finely chopped a bunch of ginger and then added it and some sugar to a jar of water. 
“What’s that?”
“A ‘ginger bug’. It’ll be a starter for ginger beer in a few days,” he replied, stirring and covering it with cheesecloth.
He received the patented Sheriff’s Eyebrow and rolled his eyes, explaining that there was negligible alcohol content if you drank it soon-ish or refrigerated it, especially without using extra yeast. None if you just added carbonation instead of letting it ferment. 
“Like this one” he said, pointing to a bottle with seltzer and the lavender ginger syrup that he prepared already. His dad hummed dubiously. 
“So what inspired all of this?” he asked, gesturing with tonight’s allotted brownie. “And why does everything have ginger? Not that I’m complaining.”
Stiles once again made up some excuses as he cleaned, this time about trying new hobbies and how ginger was supposed to help with focus. 
“Uh-huh,” his dad said, giving him a knowing look and the “I’ve got my eye on you” motion. “Negligible.” 
His dad ruffled his hair and chuckled as he left. “Alright, I’m off. Be good!”
“I’ve got nothing better to do,” Stiles grumbled to himself. 
Or so he thought until he went upstairs and found Derek in room. 
“Heyyy, how's it going?” he asked after having a minor heart attack.
The look on Derek’s face could only be described as predatory and he swallowed, backing into the wall as 190 pounds of werewolf prowled towards him. Here it was, his somewhat deserved and unfairly attractive doom. 
But instead of mangling him warm fingers circled his wrist and slowly brought it millimeters away from stubbled cheekbones and parted lips. Derek inhaled deeply and sighed.
“You know, I’ve always loved that smell. My uncle, Daniel, used to make these elaborate gingerbread houses full of ‘gingerwere’ cookies in different stages of shifting,” he said, shaking his head with a bittersweet smile. “But I kind of forgot about how much until I came back here.” 
Derek let go, but stepped even closer, leaning in to nuzzle at his neck. Goosebumps rose in his wake and Stiles shivered when he spoke again, a now huskier voice pressed directly to his skin. 
“And then there was this troublesome brat everywhere, smelling of locker rooms and lust. Cheetos and body spray and the usual things…” Derek's chest vibrated against his when he laughed. “But underneath all of that, his scent was like ginger and honey.”
Stiles moaned as Derek licked his throat, clutching at muscular arms and letting his head fall back in offering.
"Mmm, delicious...just like what you made for me. And now I'm thinking that maybe it’s not just aimless, rampaging hormones with you. That maybe you actually want something more." Derek drew back just enough to meet his eyes with a darkened, red-ringed gaze. "Do you want...something more...from me?"
Stiles surged forward with a wordless cry to meet him, possessive mouth hot and spicy-sweet and even better than his dreams.
"Yes," he breathed, hips jerking and becoming speechless again when Derek switched to trailing bruises down his neck and below. 
It seemed like he was going to show off his tattoos after all.
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happi-tree · 1 year
hii!! idk if ur still doing the ask game but if u are maybe yeet and/or killa?? they're my kids i love them so much
Omg CEO of Yeet and Killa in my ask box 😳😳😳 I'm absolutely obsessed with your designs for them btw! Don't worry about it, lovebird, I gotchu :D
Buckle up, bc I have a feeling this one's gonna be pretty long!
Sexuality Headcanon: Queer. I'm sorry, Mr. Burch, but I just know him better! There is NO way that boy is straight. Repressed super-ally? Maybe. Straight? Absolutely not get out of my house
Gender Headcanon: Does not give a single shit about gender. He's too busy being the coolest guy alive to care about how people perceive his gender. Prefers he/him and they/them over she/her, but accepts all pronouns
A ship I have with said character: Weeps. Grant and Yeet would've been SO CUTE I'm in mourning every day.
A BROTP I have with said character: Yeet and Killa are the brother-sister duo of all time other sibling pairs WISH they looked this cool together. They always always have each other's back and they're so ride or die for each other in a world where everything is uncertain and either of them could die in the war games at any minute and- sorry sorry I'm just. They're so much!
A NOTP I have with said character: Honestly? N/A I think Yeet should get a little kissy and I don't really mind who he gets it from!!!
A random headcanon: Yeet and Killa end up kinda loaded by the end of s1 - they even have a house and everything! But I think transitioning to a life where they can just,,, be kids without having to fight to the death every day to put food on the table,,, is pretty difficult for the both of them. I think Yeet probably goes hunting for their food rather than buying it at the various markets around them - frugality is a habit at this point even if they're relatively well-off, and the satisfaction of having a successful hunt curbs his adrenaline cravings. How he manages to be stealthy with a skateboard for feet? Idk but I'll leave that up to your imagination.
General Opinion over said character: BELOVED. He is so cool and pretty,,, if I was a teen in the Forgotten Realms he would awaken the comphet in me I just know it.
Sexuality Headcanon: Shifts between aroallo and aroace for me depending on the day! Girl does not give a fuck about romance. Why would she when there is Killing and Maiming to be done
Gender Headcanon: She is soooooooo trans to me actually. Unbeatable tgirl swag nobody is doing it like her!!! She/they as well but with a heavy emphasis on the she.
A ship I have with said character: Don't really have one! She could pull anyone she wanted to though and I respect her so hard for that.
A BROTP I have with said character: I already said Yeet and Killa for Yeet's, so here, I think I'll go with Killa and Grant! I don't see them talked about a whole lot but I think their dynamic could be soooo interesting! Like you've been fighting for the majority of your life and all of a sudden this new kid gets shipped in and he's clearly not from anywhere you've ever been and he's wearing strange clothes but you can see the relief in his face when he spots you and your brother for the first time. And this kid is so clearly out of his depth and he's anxious and scared and he gets kinda sad sometimes but goddamnit, you want to see him get out of this alive. Even when his brain function seems to shut down around Yeet. Perhaps especially then, because it's nice to see someone besides you caring about your sibling for once.
A NOTP I have with said character: I'm pretty open to anything, but I definitely couldn't see Killa with any of the kiddads. Sorry!
A random headcanon: Killa is pretty good with hair! She always does Yeet's for him and helps him out on wash days - I imagine it's pretty hard to style your own hair without a mirror, so Killa and Yeet will help wash and style each other's. A small amount of Killa's portion of award money always goes toward hair products and cute little hair accessories like cuffs and beads and such - it's something that can remind them both that there's more to life than just the games. And, of course, it gives both of them a few more cool points, which is very important. Gotta slay while you slay, yk!
General Opinion over said character: CRIMINALLY underrated. I love her so much and I need to know more about her. Please please please bring her and Yeet back for s2 Anthony. Please it would be so cool,,,
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Mortal Kombat characters as shit I've wanted to say at work
Jus as a little disclaimer; I work as a server in the kitchen of a nursing home. So to address future comments I might get-
No, I cannot kick problematic people out or ban them from the dining room(s) (there are multiple). That is up to social services, (if a resident is being unruly) and the kitchen director/my boss (if a guest is being unruly)
I cannot refuse service to them unless it is for help with a medical thing, (i.e; going to the bathroom, administrating medicine, or feeding them) as I "legally", < (rule set by the old dining director and carried on by our current one, so I am questioning on if that is an actual law set by state concerning my job position, or just something added by the old director) am not allowed to do so.
The MK characters in these scenarios represent my thoughts/feelings about these situations, and not what I have said/done in these situations
Thank you, and enjoy
Cassie: hi, welcome to the Bloody Tavern, our cooks have gone home so please don't order anything on back line.
Jacqui: in fact, don't order anything at all. Please leave. I would like to go home.
Random person: hey, are you still open?
Sonya: It is 8:30! We are fucking closed for the evening! Please leave!
Johnny: ma'am! This is the third time you've complained that your coffee is cold! I can't keep reheating it for you!
Johnny: Maybe if you didn't sit under the fucking air vent, get a bunch of creamer with your coffee, and LEAVE IT SITTING THERE, YOUR COFFEE MIGHT BE HOT!
Johnny: *hands the customer a nuked super hot coffee* now drink your fucking cup!
Random person: I need my food now
Kung Jin: I just took your order. I have a bunch of other customers to serve. Wait a goddamn minute will ya!
Raiden: How hard is it to put your shit back?
Raiden: better question, why do I have places for thing anyway, if nobody FUCKING USES THEM FOR THEIR INTENDED PURPOSES!
Shao Kahn: Oh goddamnit! Not now! Shao Kahn: Not the bitch that takes forever to decide what she fucking wants!
Someone: Oh I can't have meat
Kung Lao: *eye twitch* but you ordered eggs?
Someone: and?
KL: they're meat!
Someone: my doctor says I can't have any
KL: did she mean red meat?
Someone: yeah!
KL: god fucking damn you
Someone: *snaps their fingers* excuse me
Sub Zero: do that again and I'll ship you out of here expeditiously!
Someone: my coffee's cold Scorpion: you're food's about to be cold if you don't shut the fuck up
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silverpelt3600 · 3 months
Halo 2x8 Spoilers!
It is time. It took me a WEEK to find the time to watch this goddamn finale.
Y’all know the drill, this is just stream of consciousness as I watch the episode. Whether it’s coherent or not, either way I’m losing my mind likely!
- pre-episode recap editing goes CRAZZYYY
- okay first scene who is he talking to I’m lost already
- the microscope view was so confusing for a second LMAO. Also this Jeanine girl is literally losing it.
- ALRIGHT YEAH SHE KILLED SOMEONE LMAO. Crazy virus thing? Also the happy music is killing me lol.
- Kai and her team yay! KAI AND HER TEAM OH GOD. Casual explosion that fucks it all up.
- “Master Chief, I speak for the entire UNSC when I say how happy I am to see you back with us” THIS BITCH.
- fuck I feel so bad for John. Totally torn, and the admiral’s little comment of “there’s nothing anyone can do for them” is just the cherry on top. She pisses me off so much lol
- Cortana my beloved really hoping she’s okay
- Lmao Kai “you ever fire a plasma rifle? You never forget your first”
- “What the hell is that?” THAT MY BOYYYYYYY YEAHHHHHH
- THE SLOMO WALK I’m crushing so hard
- oh god the people frozen in the hallways is so creepy…
- FOR FUCKS SAKE pulling the Halsey card is wild.
- ooh she’s helping him now. AND AGAIN WHO THE HELL IS HE TALKING TO.
- “you wouldn’t understand. She knows me” what if I cried. What if I started sobbing.
- “You don’t know everything” WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING SINCE WHEN COULD HE DO THAT. Is it because of the artifact’s in the ship?
- holy shit he’s on the Halo. And THE MUSIC. AND CORTANA MY BELOVED.
- “so nice to have you back” I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
- “do you think it’s been waiting all that time? For you?” Alright y’all are gonna stress me out there’s too much to comprehend.
- Holy shit Kai’s crazy. “How hard could it be” well YEAH but come on. “This is gonna hurt”. NO SHIT. Jesus Christ I can’t handle this much emotional strain.
- Alright SHITS HITTING THE FAN IN COMMAND. Oop but that solves the Admiral problem!
- EUGHH THERES SO MANY. Hold up. Hold the fuck UP. Kwan is having a moment. The “Cohesion” needs to FUCK OFF.
- GIRLY WHAT ARE YOU DOING GODDAMNIT. Ohhh. I see now. Goddamnit.
- OOOH SHIT CRAZY DUEL TIME NOW. Damn John getting his shit rocked before GETTING BACK UP LIKE A BADASS. “We’re not done” DAMN RIGHT!
- oh damn now I feel sad for the covenant homie.
- yooo okay cryofeezing Halsey that’s an idea.
- “that can’t be good” well yeah if I saw several spires shoot out of mountains I’d be pretty worried too.
- Again talking to this guy? And he apparently also talks to Makee? YOO WHAT THE FUCK ITS A LITTLE ROBOT????? And the crack in his visor! I’m so confused now have those conversations been in a different time or in John’s conscience or what??
- And then the episode ends, and with it so goes my sanity.
Alright y’all, end of the season! One hell of an episode fr. Without a doubt season 2 has been a fantastic season, developing so much of this storyline in a profound way. The finale sets up for a lot to be handled in Season 3, so here’s to hoping they get the green light to make it.
John has absolutely become a favorite character of mine, and this season has only reinforced that. So much of my emotions while watching have been in empathy for John, which makes these episodes land so much harder.
And shoutout everyone who’s stuck around just for these little posts I make. I started making them just for fun but I kept up with it since y’all seemed to like it, which is cool because now I have a little catalogue of what I was thinking during the episodes that I can look at in the future. And FOR THE RECORD I’m not gonna disappear until season 3 comes out. I still need to get caught up on the storyline in the games lol.
Alright that about sums everything up I think.
*bows to an applause while a single spotlight shines on me and flowers are thrown onto the stage.*
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least favorite warriors ship(s)?
no pressure!!
Oooh that's a difficult question!! I'm very late to answering this because I remember thinking way too hard about it for a few days and then ultimately forgetting due to my indecisiveness, super sorry about that 😭
I decided I didn't want to include obvious ships (if you can even call them that) such as Spottedleaf x Thistleclaw because... well, obviously I don't like that lol, nor did I want to include reasons such as incest because I feel like that's kind of boring? Like wow, shocker that someone wouldn't like incest or pedophilia or abuse or some kind of combination. /s
I'm going to say a ship I don't like for solely reasons that are personal and interesting 😈
Again I don't truly dislike any ships that aren't somehow morally reprehensible to be honest so it was kind of hard to choose! But! Here are the ships that aren't morally bad in any kind of way that I just Kind Of Don't Like!
For canon warriors ship, I'm going with Brook x Stormtail. This one I have no good reason for, I just?? I do not like it JKASFLJKAFJSK Something about it is just a no for me. I do not enjoy and I have no good reason why
For non-canon... I don't like any variation of ships between Nightcloud, Leafpool and Feathertail. It's some sort of,, I don't think revenge shipping is the word lol, but to me it feels like it's centered around the dislike of Crowfeather? Like, they are all his ex-girlfriends, and that's the thing they obviously have in common, so it always feels like the ship is somehow trying to "get back" at Crowfeather.
I'm not saying that's an inherently a bad thing to do, like go ahead bro you're very much allowed to give a fictional character the middle finger by making his exes all leave him for each other, but it's not really my cup of tea since I 1, do like Crowfeather and 2, admittedly do have a bit of a soft spot for Crow x Leaf (I know I'm horrible) (I have not read their "romance" in years and I am not planning to, I am very keen on clinging to the story of them I have made up in my head goddamnit!!!)
I also tend not to really care too much for ships between characters that don't really interact much if at all in canon, but I do have a lot of respect for people who see two characters who have never once spoken to each other and go "fuck yeah let those kitties kiss!!" anyways like you are cool!! That's not really me personally though
Again though I don't truly hate any ships that aren't blatantly just bad and I don't really care too much about shipping discourse. Sometimes I do enjoy content of these ships too in fact, and I might even join a MAP with these ships someday, who knows? Just not really my thing :-)
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im-smart-i-swear · 1 year
Do you think Shiro will ever meet the Funky Guys?? What would their reaction towards each other would be?
oh, they definetly meet eachother! i have a few ideas on how this happens(some more serious than others), but it definetly happens after the war is over(im not sure how excatly stuff goes down but galra lost and allura lives... and haggar is alive too cause Buddy and the others deserve to yell at her)
first im gonna quickly explain how they get off that planet: so basically Eenek(the galran kid)'s parent(dad?) thought they died in a "terrible accident" years ago, but after the war ended he went there in hopes he'll recover the body. he WAS NOT expecting to find his child alive and taken care of by a bunch of strange people who look susiciously like that black paladin guy.... but he agrees to take them all out of here and lets them live on his ship!(im skipping over so much stuff here) he knows who they are and doesnt give a shit cause they saved Eenek.
when Shiro and The Guys meet, theyve been living a relatively normal life for like a year or two already, hiding their origins and trying to assimilate into society. theyre doing great! ....... shiro isnt.
he feels out of place, hes been trough hell and really didnt expect to live trough it all, but he did and he has a long life ahead of him, so he should be happy, right? everyone else is moving on, his friends all have someone to lean on, but adam's dead and we never see shiros family(maybe they appear in the last two seasons? i havent watched them), so hes alone. hes stuck in the past, hes stuck as The Black Paladin Of Voltron, but no one needs voltron anymore except for parades and signing autographs.
and then, somehow, shiro meets these other versions of him, and they all moved on and made a new life for themselves..... he envies them, but he also wants to learn how they did it. he knows theyre not really him, and hes happy for them, he really is, they achieved something he cant - but its definetly bittersweet.
they all react diffrently to meeting shiro(oh god this is gonna be so long)
tashi feels like hes not living up to shiros greatness. he saved the universe, for fucks sake! if they have the same genes, then why cant he be such a good leader? what is wrong with him? is he broken?(he isnt!!! hes just fucking stupid sometimes) but he also sees how much shiro struggles and wants to help(maybe he sees him as family?)..... even if its awkward
soup knows exactly what shit shiro's been trough and she has a lot of respect for him. she treats him a bit like an old friend. shiro was a bit weary of her at first beacuse she can be very menacing, but its really comforting to both of them to finally have someone whos been trough the same hell. and of course she showed him her rock collection
buddy wants to hate shiro. he(they? ive been playing w/ the idea of buddy using they/he) spent years distancing themself from voltron as a whole and painstakingly building a new life, and now the manifestation of their past is just standing there- buddy doesnt really see shiro as a person(oh, the irony), just as a ghost, a shadow of what they used to be, and it feels awful.
i havent really talked about pal(placeholder name why is naming characters so hard) yet but he i think he feels similiar to both soup and buddy, since he remembers a lot from his time with the galra but also was an early 'prototype', so seeing the thing he was supposed to be makes him uneasy. hes overall shy and nervous so i think in the beggining he just silently stared at shiro for a really long time.
the fact taks(placeholder name, goddamnit) is trans makes her very uncomfortable with shiro. hes nice and friendly, especially to her and the other kids(taka, eenek and to a lesser extent pal, who is a lot younger than the other adults), but he is who she thought she was for a while(like buddy!) and its not great for her gender dysphoria. also, seeing someone so similiar to her family and yet so other doesnt help
taka(placeholder name-) grew up listening to buddys stories about voltron and he heavily idolises shiro. for him being a clone is cool - who wouldnt want to be related to the great Takashi Shirogane? shiro sees this 11 year old kid who has his whole life ahead of him and it reminds him why he became a paladin in the first place - so kids like taka will have happier lives, so they dont have to go trough what he had to. i think its safe to say taka aquired a cool new uncle that day
jesus fuck this was a lot, and im pretty sure theres more somewhere in my brain, but thats enough for now
thanks for the ask! you really opened pandora's box with this one!
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altosys · 1 month
people who ship character x creator scare me
like yes i understand we all love batim and ddlc. but for christ's sake. do not utter the words "circubritt real" and "i am mentally stable, dw" in the same sentence. those two directly contradict each other. like dude. i understand enfp x infj dynamics go hard. but why. of all fandoms, of all creators. you choose circubritt. listen if i make a series on my system, that's one thing. but i haven't done that yet. so why the fuck are you still here outside my house with a big-ass sign that says "circubritt real". please it's 3 in the morning i need to sleep goddamnit.
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csswarchive · 3 months
Dean & Eden
Eden POV
1,699 words
CW ⚠️ drug use, vomiting, suicidal ideation (???)
non-ship/platonic, drug use, addiction, descriptions of being under the influence, blood, vomiting, possibly hurt/comfort, relapses, non sexual undressing, trans male character, vampire ish
His body feels warm. Warm. Like normal human bodies are supposed to feel like.
“Eden? What's up, everything okay?”
“I need…. Help.”
“Shit, okay. Where are you?”
Eden rolls his head from one side to another. He notices the reflection of a neon sign…
“Eden! Where are you?”
Oh yeah.
“In an alley…”
He thinks he can hear the Impala roar to life in the background.
“You're so not being helpful. Just…” He swears, “just stay where you are. I'll be there.”
Eden laughs a little, from his spot sprawled out on the damp cement. Like he was going anywhere…
He isn't sure how long he lays there, waiting. But the stars in the sky eventually are drowned by the increasing blue, as the sun prepares to rise. Gradually, Eden's eyes droop. He barely cares about how much falling asleep right before dawn will hurt when he slips to unconsciousness….
He's being shaken.
“.....it! Eden, c'mon man!”
Red eyes crack open barely, “stop…” He croaks.
“Goddamnit, Eden. Do you know how hard it is to tell if you're dead! Or… dead dead.”
The relief is audible in Dean's voice.
Eden feels arms around him, and he thinks he should help in the effort to get himself on his feet… It doesn't change his status of rag doll, though.
Like a corpse.
Eden all but spills into the passenger seat of the Impala. Dean even buckles him into the seat before closing the door.
He can hear the drivers door slam shut.
“What happened.”
He's mad, Eden notes.
“Don't play dumb with me. You're a vampire covered in blood. If you don't tell me what the hell happened I'm gonna start making assumptions, Eden!”
The Impala rumbles, and rock briefly plays through the car. At least until it's roughly shut off.
Eden's head jerks slightly, an attempt to wake himself up.
“I didn't kill him.”
Dean scoffs.
“Yeah you didn't kill him, just snacked on him, huh? Real nice.”
Eden doesn't say anything.
“You know I've met vampires that feed on cattle. Shit like that. What, just not good enough for you? But sure, by all means. As long as they don't die it's fine.”
Now, Eden laughs. He doesn't mean to, and almost instantly he hears Dean's blood rush.
“You think this is funny?”
Eden hums.
“Mmm… no, but heroin deer is a funny thought…”
The anger in Dean's voice is gone, now. And Eden thinks he can feel eyes on him. The vampire doesn't do anything though, just stays how he is, eyes shut as he struggles to keep conscious.
To be honest, he's not even positive he didn't fall asleep by the time Dean speaks again.
“The father know about this?”
“Course he does…” Eden turns his head towards Dean, eyes opening just slightly. The man driving is just a blurry figure, to him…
“Don't take me back there…”
The blurry shape turns its head towards him.
“At least… lemme come down first…”
Dean sighs.
“Yeah, alright. I don't necessarily wanna see Christian have an aneurysm.”
Next time Eden comes to, it’s quiet. The Impala is off.
“C’mon, we’re at a motel.” The drivers door opens, and closes. Eden attempts to open the door, but it's eventually opened by Dean. Who also unbuckles the belt, something Eden had forgotten about anyways.
As he's being helped to his feet, a queasy feeling takes over like a wave.
Eden weakly pushes the man away just in time for him to hunch over as grossly slimey, room temperature blood rushes up his throat. Eden stumbles as he heaves. Dean’s hands finding his sides to stabilize him.
“Dude…” he can hear the grimace in the taller man’s voice.
“I dunno if you being a vampire makes that more fucked up or less.”
“It's not…” He coughs, “...mine. If that helps you decide…”
“It doesn't.”
Eden tries to stand up straight again, but it feels like a lot more effort than it's worth. But then arms are behind his knees, and he doesn't even try to fight being lifted.
“If you vomit blood on me I'm gonna be pissed.” Dean warns, Eden only mumbles in acknowledgement.
In the room, Dean sets Eden on the bathroom floor. Running a rag under the faucet then tossing it to him.
“Now c'mon. Spill it.”
Eden works on cleaning his face slowly. The cool water on his face makes him grimace. The warmth from fresh blood was gone, but he wasn't quite ready for the cold again.
“What? That I feed on users? The addiction didn't exactly die just because my body did.”
Staring down at the now-red rag, Eden's vision is much clearer. But he doesn't look up at the other.
In the absence of the high, all that's left is every other negative emotion he'd been trying to run from.
“So, it's…”
“Not new? No.” Eden holds up the rag, once Dean takes it he uses his dirty sleeve to wipe the rest of his face. He can still smell it, though.
“Some kinda fucked up joke, if you ask me. Can't escape the same thing that killed me in the first place.”
Head hung low, Eden closes his eyes. Honestly he could fall asleep sitting up like this.
“I never intentionally kill anyone. But gettin bit by a vampire is scary enough as is. Worse when you're high. And the vampire is too… ‘Sides. No one cares if you die on the streets.”
The statement hangs heavy in the air.
After a moment, Dean sighs.
“Hang here, I'll get you clothes.”
Eden lifts his head, but doesn't get a word in before Dean has walked off.
He doesn't react when there's a thump of cloth next to him.
“Can you do it yourself? Or do you want some help.”
“...you don't have to do this.” He glances at the hunter, then the clothes. They were Dean's.
“Bullshit. You called for help, didn't you? Now let me help.”
At first, Eden is quiet. But slowly, he unzips his hoodie and shrugs it off. Holding his arms up as best he can, which is only about halfway, he still refuses to look at Dean properly.
Dean's hands grab the bottom of the tank top Eden wears, and when it's halfway up his torso he speaks.
“...I'm not gonna look like what you expect.” He warns.
“Hey, I'm not here to judge.”
As the clean, dry, shirt is pulled over his head, Eden tries to cooperate to get his arms in the sleeves.
As he lifts his hips from the ground, Eden tries to ignore the familiarity he feels. His thoughts are interrupted when his pants, partially down his thighs, stops. Dean chuckles nervously.
“I-I uh… this okay?”
They make brief eye contact, that Dean is the first to break.
“I'm fine” Eden reassures. “I warned you.”
“I thought you meant your dick was weird! Or small! I dunno.” Despite his arguing, Dean does continue with the process of swapping the pants. Pointedly not looking between Eden's legs.
And despite everything… Eden smiles.
“Small… so you assumed I had a big dick?”
“What?” Dean looks up at him.
“Come on! Hell no. I wasn't thinking about your dick, you're the one who brought it up.”
Eden laughs lightly. The clothes bringing a warmth back to his body again… it was more comfortable than the soaked, bloody ones he was wearing before.
“Thanks, Dean…”
“Yeah, yeah…” He helps the vampire to his feet, leading him back to the beds.
“Sammy stays at the church when we're around. Don't need to worry about him barging in. When the sun goes down, I'll take you back there.”
Eden resists the urge to curl in on himself on the bed.
“I can't go back.”
“I thought you said Christian knew?” Dean points out, sitting on the opposite bed facing him.
“He does. It's why I'm there in the first place. Rehab isn't exactly accessible for vampires.”
“Christian doesn't really strike me as someone who'll kick you to the streets for a relapse.”
Eden rolls onto his side, back facing Dean now…
“You're right. He isn't. He hasn't kicked me out in the past, he probably won't this time… that's why I can't go back. He just… won't give up on me.”
Dean doesn't reply, Eden can tell he's listening, though.
“I don't get it. I don't deserve it. A literal monster that hurts people, yet he invites me into his life…”
Now he is curling on himself.
“You guys are hunters, why won't you just kill me?”
“Can thank Sammy for that. Christian too, really. Those two are a matching pair. See the good in anyone, and anything.” Dean chuckles. It's such an innocent little thing, but it fills Eden with a desperate anger. They move so fast, neither really know what's happening until they're both on the floor.
Eden on Dean, hands wrapped around the hunter's throat. Yet there's absolutely no force behind his grip.
“I'm not a good person!” He shouts.
“I don't deserve redemption! I didn't ask for this!”
Red eyes stare down into green. He doesn't see fear on Dean's face…
“How pathetic am I that even the Winchesters won't kill me?!”
Eden watches as Dean's eyebrows furrow. In a quick motion, their positions flip. Dean's hands pin Eden's wrists to the floor, yet he doesn't struggle.
“Knock it off!” Dean yells back, and Eden's eyes widen. Unable to use his hands to wipe them, tears drip from his eyes.
“Do you know what it's like when you're ready to die, but they won't let you? I don't want to live eternity like this…”
Eden's voice is soft, fragile, even. He watches the emotions Dean works through silently.
“I do, actually. That's just what happens when people care about you. If I can figure it out then you can too. That's why later I'll take you back to that church.”
Dean stares back at him hard…. Then finally releases the vampire's wrists. As he stands, he pulls Eden up with him.
“I think the father is too optimistic. I don't think he's wrong about you, though.”
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lovelyjasmari · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland Reaction Part 12 ~ Sallie Mae Made Jamil Overblot Edition + Announcement!
About the title...yeah...its in reference to an EXTREMELY stupid ass joke found in this post...you’ll see...
I must say, even though I already read all of book 4 on my own, it’s still a fun treat reading it in EN simply for all the meme-able content the official translations offer! Since it seems like there won’t be any story updates this month, I’ve decided to continue reading book 5 on my own this weekend. There is also another reason I’m going ahead: 
Over on my blog @jasmariswonderland I’m working on a mock event story with  my twst ocs! The story takes place during the events of book 5 and is sort of a side story showing that some of my characters are up to during. So of course I need to finish reading for context but that shouldn’t take long since I don’t have to worry abt battles, twistunes or overblots. 😅
In the meantime, let’s finish up book 4! Warning: pic heavy, some swearing, some personal projection/mentions of my past, meme-ing, yelling at the Tweels and thirsting for ya’ll-already-fucking-know-who. Let’s jump in!
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If we must, Jade. If we must...
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Heyyy! Shoutout to my namesake princess! Also off topic, but cyan is one of my personal favorite colors and I would love to cosplay Princess Jasmine one day when I’m thinner. 
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KALIM! Don’t do it! Runnnn!
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Goddamnit, now I have a new ship...😩👀💀
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“Forbidden lore”... whatever Azul! Tell that to all the wonderful artists over on twst twitter! 😭
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God as much as the Tweels amuse me, if I were around them as much as Azul, I’d probably have to sleep with one eye open. Doesn’t help that they’d probably eat Azul if they could. Such an odd dynamic, I love it! 💜
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Awwe his chibi is doing the glasses thing! 🥺🥺🥺
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Jokes aside, I REALLY wanna know Crowley’s secret. Like this man oozes with sus sauce, moreso than any of these beautiful bastards going to NRC. WHY isn’t he trying to find a way to send us home?! WHY does his school suck so hard compared to RSA?! WHY do the students hate each other?!  WHAT IS THIS FUCKING BIRD MAN DOING?! YES! DO IT JAMIL! EXPOSE CROWLEY! Yuulan would probably thank you!
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Orrrrr, ya’ll can just cancel him. That works too...NOT! 😤
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Thanks Azul, I hate it!
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Intellectuals tend to be dastardly too, you know! 😤
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Uhhhhh...that doesn’t look like a good sign Kalim...
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So...I was gonna retake this shot but I BARELY managed to defeat his first OB stage and the more I looked at this pic, the more it made me laugh for some twisted reason. To the point when I was debating weather to do his fight again just to retake it, my bf kept saying “looks like Sallie Mae made Jamil overblot...”
I know...we have an...odd sense of humor. 
Sallie Mae aside, another cool as hell overblot design. All these designs for the overblots are so cool and now I’m even more excited about seeing that Vil’s looks like. But also terrified cause I feel like his will probably be WAY more difficult than this one.
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What’s hilarious about these official translations is when they do speak clear english but the localization team still translates it into something else. It was especially noticeable during the culinary crucible event and its EXTREMELY obvious here! 😭😭😭
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And as always, Yuulan continues to be iconic...
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Poor Kalim, this really made me sad. I really feel like he didn’t mean anything malicious. He’s just too sweet and too good for this twisted (punch me) world. 
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Jesus fuck Jade! You’re charming but Jesus fuck! But seriously though, I respect it. With that smile, you can be certain no one would be able to find the body...
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THIS IS WHY I DON’T LIKE YOU NO MORE AZUL (joking, please don’t come for me Azul stans)! Jamils gonna fucking die soon if we don’t do something and all you’re thinking abt is exploiting developing nations for a quick buck! FOR SHAME!
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Aaaaand once again, we as the fans have been cheated of seeing Azul in his octopus form without having to overblot...😭
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All that’s missing from this scene is for the boys and Yuulan to be in sexy red harem outfits...👀
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If he can’t do it, GREAT!!!
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This face is particularly creepy tho. 😳
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Why am I not surprised this fucking bird man was willing to take bribes? This is probably why your school is so messed up (affectionately).
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Okay! Time to get personal for a moment! Up until this point, I’ve had a certain level of sympathy for all the overblot boys and Jamil is no different. But Jamil’s sad story hit me especially hard because I was recently forced to sever ties with a group of toxic friends who, for more than  decade, were the only friends I really had. And my relationship with them was a lot like what Jamil has with Kalim. Without going into much detail, I realize in hindsight that there was a lot of uncheckhed envy on everyone’s part but especially against me. I was made to defer to another friend who, for reasons, had to be better than me at everything. What made things worse was that our other friends were pressuring me to defer to them and yet actively compared me to them every chance they got. 
One of the reasons I’ve been hesitant to continue reading book 5 is because even though I’m only a third of the way in, I can already sense that Vil has a similar dynamic with Neige as I had with this friend of mine and the parallels are even more clear to me. I hate to use this word but it’s been extremely triggering to me because these friends left me in an extremely venerable position that has only fed into my obsession with perfection and my self hatred. I have no friends at this point in my life and my creative pursuits are what bring me joy these days but one thing I’ve really appreciated and loved about Twisted Wonderland is the writing and how layered the characters are. That I can see my traumas in this story makes me feel strangely validated. I know that’s a pathetic thing to say but it’s true.
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Floyd, sweetie, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but please shut up before I pull out my stick again... (affectionately) 
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OOF! That’s all I can say, hell, that’s all I COULD say when I first read this! 😂
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Daaaaammmnnnnnnnnn this is actually pretty awesome! And true.
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Awweeee, this is so sweet. You two have really grown on me since the first time we met in the prologue. We’re all officially besties and it’s awesome! Even if you two do act like airheads sometimes...
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But I’d love to know what public transportation is like in this world. Are there planes? Even though brooms are a thing. I’m sure boats are a thing since most of the land are isles, but yeah, I’m curious now. 
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Unlike Crowley, who DID...
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And yet, you’re smiling...❤❤❤
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Awwe, they were worried too! 
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Oh, hi Lilia. Fancy seeing you he...LILIA?!?!
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Please don’t, and for the love of god, PUT THOSE FUCKING FANGS AWAY!!! 👀
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Though I wish he hadn’t vanished so quickly, I would have happily invited Malleus to our feast, Lilia too! 💚
Also, I feel for Mal probably on his knees praying to the Great Seven that we wouldn’t figure out that M.D. stood for Malleus Draconia. Since he probably couldn’t sign the card Tsunotaro without Lilia interrogating him about it. Or worse, Sebek having a hissy fit abt someone daring to call Malleus such a name. 😭
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Oh God...OH FUCK! OHHHH FUCKKKKK! Does that mean...? Could that possibly mean?? 👀👀💙💙👀👀💙
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APPLE CHILD! My sweet apple child! His birthday is coming up soon too! 💙
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Where’s my stick...
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NOOOOO! Don’t cry, Epel! Please don’t cry! And the “dagnabbit” is adorably funny! I wasn’t gonna pull for Epel’s birthday card but I lowkey want to just to see how EN will translate that one part of his birthday story where he completely goes into his dialect.
Anywhoo, please don’t cry, Epel! Who would dare make my sweet apple child cry?! Cause the second I find them, me and my stick are gonna...
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...oh...oh...nevermind...I’ll just put this stick down and see myself out...*backs away slowly*
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Aaaannndddd, I’m back on my Rook-thirst bullshit again. Sorry Epel, you’re on your own for now. When Rook comes on screen, my better judgement leaves me out the opposite window! And with that, let me end this before I get too far in my Pomefiore flailing. Yeah...🤣🤣🤣
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tedturneriscrazy · 3 years
Okay, time for Hunting Palismen and a closer look at this Golden Guard fella! Unlike approximately 99% of the fandom I wasn't really taken with him right away. Will I change my mind with this episode? Only one way to find out!
Ah, the coven leaders are here! So are the Abomitons!
I see you, Rayne. You look...less than thrilled to be there.
Purification under the coven system, eh? Wonder if we'll learn more about how that's supposed to work.
Oh lawd time for the fandom to thirst over Handsome Sq-I mean the Abomination Coven head (who I've decided is totally Gavin's dad)
Utopia? Wow, this really is a cult, huh?
Kiki does not like GG
Nope, that transformation bit wasn't at all unsettling or terrifying. No sir.
Also, the way Belos was pounding on the pillars was quite...visceral.
How many of those masks does he go through on a regular basis?
Uncle? I knew they were related in some capacity!
A wild witch cursed Belos, I'm calling it
Hey, intro update for Eda, King, and Amity!
Echo mouse apparently does not give up all its secrets that easily
At least King isn't trying to eat it?
Loving Luz's face pressed up against the glass
Luz living up to her name at the mention of a magic staff, 'cause she's moving at light speed
Come, now, we all knew Amity wouldn't be in this one.
Yo, uh, Bump's kinda, uh...😳
So Frewin was Bump's palisman the whole time, huh?
There's the Bat Queen! Makes sense she would be involved in the palisman adoption process.
"Your loss!" Tell her, Willow!
Clover! Loving this already.
Boscha stans getting some juice today, I see
The way the students are reacting to finding their palismen is really setting up the inevitable gut punch when Luz doesn't match with one.
Reestablish contact with the giraffes? Oh, Gus.
(Makes you wonder what the deal with giraffes is. Then again, maybe it's just a running joke at this point)
Ah, here's the windup
Okay, we're going with full-on existential crisis, then. Poor Luz.
Connecticut? No wonder Luz doesn't fit in back home! She lives in friggin Connecticut, of all places!
Disclaimer: I have never been to Connecticut. I've heard plenty of people weigh in on it, though, and the general consensus seems to be that there isn't much to it.
Eda's up to something...
That cardinal really wants to go somewhere
That outfit being sleepwear makes sense, actually.
You'd think GG could leverage his position to requisition those palismen rather than go in for a heist, but bureaucracy doesn't make for a compelling story, I guess
Whistling the opening theme. Cute.
Okay, the whole fire glyph thing was funny
I did not expect this show to channel Looney Tunes as much as it has, but I'm okay with it.
Nice, Luz! Also, maybe that'll teach GG to keep his ship clean.
I think weird hand dragon might be sufficient to stop you, yes?
An assassination attempt? Oh, Kiki, you rascal.
Kiki really does not like GG
I'm convinced they specifically wrote that moment to be memed
Oh, they're giving off some real sibling energy, huh? I'm into it! Especially if it quashes the possibility of a love triangle.
This place seems a bit more rough and tumble than Bonesborough
I see that mlm date in the background! Very nice
GG may be older than Luz, but she is definitely the more mature one.
That said, he does have a point about her not always thinking things through.
Thus begins the Enemy Mine segment.
"Too slow" yup sibling energy intensifies
He seems quite interested in the glyphs
Okay, them nerding out over magic together is a) adorable, and b) a solid argument for his inevitable face turn
Wait, so is GG actually related to Belos, or was he a foundling? Somewhat ambiguous here, at least to me. Hopefully that's explored.
"At least you have your future figured out now." "At least you can figure out your own."
Cardinal's gonna be his palisman, isn't it?
Luz finds it cute despite herself
The whole sleep mist thing is a hell of a strategy to have in your back pocket. Luz being super smart yet again.
God help me if I'm ever at a point in my life where Luz tells me to my face that I'm not her friend. I don't think I could handle it.😢
Hunter? A little on the nose given the circumstances.
Also, goddamnit the episode title was foreshadowing his name the whole time
Oh hi, Kiki, still awake?
Ooh, well-animated fight sequence let's goooo
It's somehow reassuring that Luz is as weirded out by Hand Dragon as I am
Hand Dragon just follows the whistle? So much for loyalty.
Ah, there's Eda!
What did they get into?! Maybe supplemental materials could go into these offscreen adventures? Please, Disney?
Robbing a garden club to acquire some rare wood so your surrogate daughter can make her own staff? If that isn't love I don't know what is!
And loving the way Eda emphasizes that there's no rush on carving the palisman. Amazing family moment.
As a contrast: fuck you, Belos, you piece of shit
"Outbursts" riiiiight
Belos giving out some Shadow Weaver vibes with Hunter, ngl
Uh oh, Kiki suspects
Hope someone picks up that phone, because I called it!
(I know I write these after watching through once already, shh)
Well, considering the things that were revealed and developed, this was a surprisingly low-key episode! To be honest I kind of welcome that, considering how the previous episodes have been. That said, fairly solid overall, and I can see why Hunter is Dana's favorite. A less charitable summation of his character might be "What if Luz but white boy," but I think he has enough unique characteristics to stand out.
I'm also glad for the breather because I think Eda's Requiem is gonna hit pretty hard. Can't wait for that!
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acemapleeh · 2 years
Romano for the character meme?
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them: God he's just- he's very likable in the weirdest way. His entire attitude mixed with his style is just good shit. I also think his expressions just stand out a lot to me. When he feels something, he feels those emotions and it's a whirlwind. He's a dramatic bitch and I love it. He's also my fiancé's favorite character sooooo- he gets some bonus love points.
least favorite thing about them: I don't like we never see Grandpa Rome give him any attention or love. Lovino deserves love goddamnit. Like the man feels like he's in his little brother's shadow and people think he's careless and an idiot and he doesn't like being yelled at and fucking hell. I also really don't think he's as lazy as he's depicted. Like, he's got this long history with agriculture and I think he's a fucking hard worker and is very skilled at a lot of practical things. He's good at art, music, gardening, and cooking and he's passionate about it but we never see it >:(
favorite line: "This weatherman is predicting a 99% chance of shitstorm and it’s coming right at you!" It's a classic okay.
brOTP: Feliciano is too obvious. *sweats nervously* A-Alfred friendship nice.
OTP: I'm a simple bitch, love me Spamano
nOTP: I guess don't ship him with his brother? I feel like I'm saying this a lot. Um, I guess I don't 100% vibe with him and Prussia as a romantic thing.
random headcanon: He can drive well but not in the way you want him to. Let's say you need a quick getaway or he's running extra late for a date or something, this man can perfectly weave through traffic, find shortcuts cause he knows these cities like the back of his hand, and is not afraid to run lights and cut people off. He won't do anything too risky that puts his car's looks at risk. Gotta keep it looking sharp and scratch-free.
unpopular opinion: He can be a disaster child if he wants to be just don't make him lazy.
song i associate with them: Bella Ciao by Modena City Ramblers, Lonely Dance by Set It Off, Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High? by The Arctic Monkeys
favorite picture of them:
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surpriserose · 2 years
what if you assigned all the jojos rhcp songs
Vdyqqviehzosjs accidentally becoming a rhcp blog due to hating them but also oughhhh guilty pleasure </3
Just putting it under a cut because i mean...theres 8 of them its gonna be long especially if i explain myself because goddamnit i will make my stupid choices make sense
Jonathan - hard to concentrate?????
Its about marriage im letting Jonathan be happy he never died on the ship he married erina and speedwagon and they had a good time he found two things that were perfect and made them his family idk those are some of the lyrics
Also "so much muscle" i mean...have yoh seen Jonathan?????
Joseph - give it away???????????
Dude idk i dont think about Joseph zguzvwkznzsk but give it away is just fucking throwing nonsense at you the entire song and thats basically what battle tendency was :)
Jotaro - around the world
Who gives a shit about the lyrics rhcp dont, Jotaro literally went around the world thats good enough for me <3
Josuke - under the bridge
Literally it doesn't fit at all under the bridge is about drug use BUT part 4 is all about you know saving morioh, its as much about the town as any other character and under the bridge is also a song about the city witnessing you as you witness it if that makes...any sense like idk so basically josukes like damn i love morioh and we r ignoring everything else about under the bridge like most people <3
Giorno - snow(hey oh)?????
Its about drugs it literally doesnt fit giorno at all BUT IF WE IGNORE THAT "all my life to sacrifice" fits giornos stupid speeches about resolve and his dream <3
Or i mean giornos 15 hes like omg i love snow :) yippee a song about getting a snow day yayy!!
Jolyne - dani california
I cant not like!!!!!!! Jolynes in jail!!! Dani California is about a shitty fuckjng bank robber running from the cops or whatever which is basically the same as stopping pucci from ending the world :) also i mean.......you know 😔
Johnny - cant stop
I mean like idk not to say ppl have to put rhcp on their gyjo playlists but...there r so many lyrics about traveling and shit so boom steel ball run, "in time i want to be your best friend" and then maybe more????🤨😳 also idk theres lyrics about crying and like idk...talking about waves and the world im sorrh i am thinking about gyros death again. Basically if half the lyrics werent nonsense....gyjo
Also "gender of a generation" is literally johnny hes so gender <3
Gappy - higher group
I mean...the dude literally got a one up if anyone got to try again its him idk like idk fuck it i guess you could be like oh the chorus is the only thing that acknowledges theres a character this song is focused on everything is like x keep on doing x so boom there you go gappy special because hes a special little boy that got to try again to go to higher ground and get twice as many balls im sorry im sorry im so out of rhcp songs
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imalsoscarlet · 3 years
I'm in tears so here's a bunch more things I believe:
I believe the new Nein-Sided Tower doesn't have nine floors. But it has nine sides.
I believe the tower doesn't have an eight floor. Nor an ninth. But walk around the seventh floor, go to the end of the hallway and open a door that shouldn't be there; welcome to the Demiplane of Possibility.
I believe Essek's favorite room (besides Caleb's bedroom) is the library.
I believe Artagen checks in with Jester; it's a selfish thing to do but he doesn't want to break ties with her completely. He also, occasionally, brings Frumpkin along and checks in on Caleb.
I believe that Beauregard and Yasha live in peace; minus a few bar fights. It's Beauregard, she gets bored.
I believe that Veth takes a few more levels in wizard and it makes being a detective a blast.... sometimes literally.
I believe that Jester's parents don't marry but their love is there. Marion spends a night with him. The Gentleman spends a night with her. It's not what they had before, but it's still alive.
I believe Yussa volunteers to help Essek.
I believe Yussa teaches in Soltryce Academy; he teaches the art of precaution.
I believe Dagen meets up with Caleb and Essek in Aeor. He politely declines to guide them. No, it's not because of the danger. It's because of how they look. Like two wizards in love. So what if he was supposed to be capturing Essek and taking him back to the Dynasty? Wizards are hard to pin down.
I believe Yussa comes to have a role in the continued history of Wildemount
I believe Yasha finds a role being the champion of the Stormlord
I believe Caduceus joins Fjord's ship every now and then. The crew is happy to get a decent meal
I believe Allura checks in with the wizards and you know that scene with Kima and Yasha? That, but Allura and Caleb
I believe Allura finds the celebone and smiles. Damn wizard.
I believe Veth helps out the local goblins, and hey! They have neighbors! Who complain about fire!
I believe Yeza makes decent health potions, because have you met Veth?
I believe Caleb owns lots of cats, and one of them is Essek's familiar
I believe Beauregard makes a semen sea man joke at Fjord's wedding
I believe that Critical Role proves that love makes a difference
I believe in these nerdy ass voice actors
I believe in the tears in my eyes and the pain in my chest. I've never felt this strongly about fictional characters. Goddamnit Mercer!
Fuck, I believe in love. Isn't that what Critical Role is? Love?
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ispyspookymansion · 3 years
lawrence and cas thee el for the character ask thing!
How I feel about this character
he sucks <3 like fr okay heinous blond he sucks he cheated on his wife with one of his med students and he didnt even cheat on her he is gay and kind of shitty as a person just in general. i also love him deeply and think its fun to pull him apart in my brain
All the people I ship romantically with this character
adam…..they r a trainwreck and i love to watch that shit burn.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
amanda and lawrence in my MIND are family. but i talked abt that a little already so i’ll say that jill and lawrence are just two bitchy blond divorcees who hate hoffman together <4
My unpopular opinion about this character
when he shot adam, he was shooting to kill. that doesnt make his promises and comfort before he left any less genuine
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
i know it was because cary was suing but i do want to see more of lawrence’s descent into full religious fervor cult of jigsaw camp villain ❤️
How I feel about this character
CAS IS EVERYTHING hes literally just a little guy hes incredible he changed the story he is the only one who had free will and he INVENTED IT for gay love. he would give me the best hug of all time and go get boba with me
All the people I ship romantically with this character
dean <3 love story of all time
My non-romantic OTP for this character
once again sam and cas besties. but besides that cas and claire make me cry thats his sorr of daughter they are family he cares so much and he TRIES so hard he sends her emojis…..she cares about him so much too it just compels me
My unpopular opinion about this character
idk man hes a character of all time i dont know if i have any unpopular opinions
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
send me a character!
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kaydeefalls · 3 years
@andrea-lyn​ tagged me in this one, thank you! I needed a distraction today. :)
20 questions, writer’s edition!
How many works do you have on AO3?
205, which includes fic going back to, um, 2002. YIKES. That’s just about twenty solid years of my life in fic-and-vid form.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,193,124. I remember being privately psyched about hitting the 1 million mark last year, and now I’ve just...blown past it, by my standards. I have written a lot more words for TOG fandom in the past year and change than I have for anything else in quite a while.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Ah, let me see if I can do this math, because I also post vids on AO3 and I have a number of multifandom vids that skew my fandom totals significantly, and then there are the fandoms that wound up with multiple different tags (i.e. MCU vs. Captain America vs. Iron Man, etc). I think about 40 unique fandoms total? Or thereabouts. Enough that I’m not gonna list them all here, that’s for sure.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Logical Deduction (HP, Remus/Sirius, it will never not be hilarious that this is my most “popular” fic)
it's like one of us woke up (XMFC, Charles/Erik, still baffled by this one, too)
she's the one that they call old whatsername (Star Trek AOS, girl!Kirk, fuck yeah)
life is very long (TOG, Joe/Nicky + found family, luck of the timing in terms of posting)
ampersand (MCU, Steve/Bucky, this one pleases me)
I’m genuinely happy that my top five are in five different fandoms, that feels very representative of my fannish history.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes, always, unless I accidentally miss one. Just to thank them, if nothing else (and frequently I can’t think of anything else to say), because feedback really does mean the world to me and I appreciate every comment so, co much.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I was more into writing angst in my younger days. Lately I feel like the world is depressing enough, if I’m going to put a story out into it I’m at least gonna give it a hopeful ending. So, probably one of my Remus/Sirius fics - let’s go with The centre cannot hold. IDK. Not really willing to trawl through my oldest stuff to find something angstier.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most of them, honestly! I love happy endings. Picking The Pride Pact at random because it’s one of my most uncomplicatedly romantic/fluffy fics.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
WHY YES I DO. Mostly of the fusion sort rather than just randomly throwing characters from two different fandoms together to see what happens. “Crazy” is not my favorite term -- I don’t write crackfic, as a rule -- but most RANDOM on the outside is probably The Conspirator's Gift. X-Men fusion with the Brother Cadfael series, because...reasons. 
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not as such, and I’m incredibly lucky to have dodged that particular bullet so far. Harsh and not terribly constructive criticism, once or twice that I can remember, but I would not consider that hate.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Very, very, very rarely. My characters have sex, but not explicitly described onscreen for the most part. I don’t enjoy writing smut at ALL, it’s pretty much my least favorite thing to write (that I’m still willing to write at all, however vaguely).
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! It’s awesome.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope, never. I have no idea how people come together to cowrite fics, I’ve never had fannish friends quite like that. It seems like a really cool process! Maybe someday I’ll have the opportunity, it would be fun to give it a try.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
That’s not how I work. I may only OTP hard for one ship per fandom, but never ask me to rank my fandoms against each other, that’s not fair. Right now I’d say Joe/Nicky, of course, because that’s the fandom I’m most active in, but all time favorite? God only knows. 
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Don’t you come at me like this. Fortunately, I rarely post WIPs when they’re still, you know, in progress. And I WILL fucking finish the Finn/Poe fic, goddamnit.
What are your writing strengths?
Character voices. Coherent plots. Bit of romance. IDK, I feel like my fics are pretty consistent in terms of quality. Whether it’s a quality you like or not is purely subjective.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Smut. Action sequences in general -- I CAN write them, but they’re a slog and I hate every minute of it.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It really does depend on the context. If the character is mostly speaking one language but includes a single word or phrase in another, I lean toward writing it out. Otherwise, just indicating that a different language is being spoken is enough, if the POV character understands it then please translate for the reader. 
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
X-Files. I was very young then. Those fics are NOT on AO3.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I hate playing favorites! The answer to this will change at any given moment. For the moment, for TOG, let’s just say lessons exquisitely crafted and move on.
Tagging, um, @knoepfchen, @werebearbearbar, @turtletotem, @ladynox, @brendaonao3, @lindstrom2020, @lyricfulloflight, and anyone who wants to play!
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