#yeahhhh dont worry about it
im-smart-i-swear · 1 year
Do you think Shiro will ever meet the Funky Guys?? What would their reaction towards each other would be?
oh, they definetly meet eachother! i have a few ideas on how this happens(some more serious than others), but it definetly happens after the war is over(im not sure how excatly stuff goes down but galra lost and allura lives... and haggar is alive too cause Buddy and the others deserve to yell at her)
first im gonna quickly explain how they get off that planet: so basically Eenek(the galran kid)'s parent(dad?) thought they died in a "terrible accident" years ago, but after the war ended he went there in hopes he'll recover the body. he WAS NOT expecting to find his child alive and taken care of by a bunch of strange people who look susiciously like that black paladin guy.... but he agrees to take them all out of here and lets them live on his ship!(im skipping over so much stuff here) he knows who they are and doesnt give a shit cause they saved Eenek.
when Shiro and The Guys meet, theyve been living a relatively normal life for like a year or two already, hiding their origins and trying to assimilate into society. theyre doing great! ....... shiro isnt.
he feels out of place, hes been trough hell and really didnt expect to live trough it all, but he did and he has a long life ahead of him, so he should be happy, right? everyone else is moving on, his friends all have someone to lean on, but adam's dead and we never see shiros family(maybe they appear in the last two seasons? i havent watched them), so hes alone. hes stuck in the past, hes stuck as The Black Paladin Of Voltron, but no one needs voltron anymore except for parades and signing autographs.
and then, somehow, shiro meets these other versions of him, and they all moved on and made a new life for themselves..... he envies them, but he also wants to learn how they did it. he knows theyre not really him, and hes happy for them, he really is, they achieved something he cant - but its definetly bittersweet.
they all react diffrently to meeting shiro(oh god this is gonna be so long)
tashi feels like hes not living up to shiros greatness. he saved the universe, for fucks sake! if they have the same genes, then why cant he be such a good leader? what is wrong with him? is he broken?(he isnt!!! hes just fucking stupid sometimes) but he also sees how much shiro struggles and wants to help(maybe he sees him as family?)..... even if its awkward
soup knows exactly what shit shiro's been trough and she has a lot of respect for him. she treats him a bit like an old friend. shiro was a bit weary of her at first beacuse she can be very menacing, but its really comforting to both of them to finally have someone whos been trough the same hell. and of course she showed him her rock collection
buddy wants to hate shiro. he(they? ive been playing w/ the idea of buddy using they/he) spent years distancing themself from voltron as a whole and painstakingly building a new life, and now the manifestation of their past is just standing there- buddy doesnt really see shiro as a person(oh, the irony), just as a ghost, a shadow of what they used to be, and it feels awful.
i havent really talked about pal(placeholder name why is naming characters so hard) yet but he i think he feels similiar to both soup and buddy, since he remembers a lot from his time with the galra but also was an early 'prototype', so seeing the thing he was supposed to be makes him uneasy. hes overall shy and nervous so i think in the beggining he just silently stared at shiro for a really long time.
the fact taks(placeholder name, goddamnit) is trans makes her very uncomfortable with shiro. hes nice and friendly, especially to her and the other kids(taka, eenek and to a lesser extent pal, who is a lot younger than the other adults), but he is who she thought she was for a while(like buddy!) and its not great for her gender dysphoria. also, seeing someone so similiar to her family and yet so other doesnt help
taka(placeholder name-) grew up listening to buddys stories about voltron and he heavily idolises shiro. for him being a clone is cool - who wouldnt want to be related to the great Takashi Shirogane? shiro sees this 11 year old kid who has his whole life ahead of him and it reminds him why he became a paladin in the first place - so kids like taka will have happier lives, so they dont have to go trough what he had to. i think its safe to say taka aquired a cool new uncle that day
jesus fuck this was a lot, and im pretty sure theres more somewhere in my brain, but thats enough for now
thanks for the ask! you really opened pandora's box with this one!
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gnfthinkr · 1 year
today (july 2nd) is the nine🤰month anniversary of george meeting dream irl for the very first time and dream's face reveal!
dream team nine months! 🤰🤰🤰
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katetheworm · 1 year
... so I may or may not already have almost 4000 words written for a darkling x reader fic... and it's only chapter one... I'm planning on having five... tehehehehe
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springcatalyst · 2 years
What are their final thoughts in the dark silence of night before they sleep? How do they sleep?
How do they choose their clothes when purchasing and dressing?
What is a fear that they cannot pull themselves away from? They need it, and they hate it.
OMG HELLO HI HELLOOOOOOOO i am taking ur coat like a victorian gentleman and inviting u inside.  These are so specific and dramatic i love
Sleep, rather, the moments right before it, is when a person is at their truest.  You can’t really hide from it.  So those final thoughts are typically a lens into the basal forms that make up a character.
Liliana is a character that’s very true, very genuine, so her sleeping mind doesn’t show much that you wouldn’t expect, because there’s not a lot that she hides, at least not from herself.  She’s obsessive: stuck (though ‘stuck’ implies that she’s here by some force other than her own) in this quest that she’s been trailing for years, getting closer but not in any way that’s tangible.  She goes to sleep with ‘what next’ floating around in her skull, and dreams of a goal reached.  And she sleeps like the dead, but only because she puts it off for as long as she can.  Not that she avoids sleep itself, though, rather she stays up and works until she can’t stay upright anymore.  She is laser-focused, set on her task.  It can benefit her, in certain conditions, but mostly it leaves her running on so little sleep she has trouble functioning. Her being a satyr means her sleep schedule doesn’t quite align with a ‘typical’ one anyway, but she definitely fucks it more and also that’s not set in stone atm.
Julian, on the other hand, is a liar and he hides just about everything about himself, including from himself.  Julian and Liliana are similar in a lot of ways but this is not one of them.  So his unconscious truth doesn’t always align with what he appears to be.  It’s careful.  It’s somatic: a sort of ‘is the door locked is the knife within reach is the cane by the bed,’ but it’s also theoretical: more a ‘who here do I trust (in the most basic sense of the word) or who do I watch out for.’  He absolutely is the impulsive asshole he looks like, but the little bit of careful caution that remains beneath plays a role in his continued safety (relatively speaking).  Julian is also a pretty light sleeper, growing up with five siblings (lmao) there’s a good amount of noise in the mornings or if something is wrong at night, so he’s just kind of grown accustomed to waking up, even if it’s that barely-awake state, to evaluate the noise.  And he rises with the sun- mostly old habit, but it’s also convenient for guaranteeing some time unobserved, for safety or just for some quiet.
Brooke is different in that the thing that follows her into sleep isn’t as much a thought as it is a feeling.  Brooke spends a lot of time busy, not necessarily with the intent of keeping her mind securely in the present, but that’s the effect it has, no matter.  So when she isn’t doing something- following or fighting or helping or hurting -she gets that little moment of quiet calm and it’s occupied by guilt.  The weight of it kind of lingers above her, the knowledge of what she was a part of, the remembrance of what she’s constantly trying to undo.  Brooke lives in the shadow of a debt to repay, and it catches up to her when she has a moment of still.  She is an uneasy sleeper, heavy to the ongoings of the waking world, but she rarely sleeps straight through the night, nevertheless.  She doesn’t dream, just wakes with the feeling that she did, even as it evades her. 
I feel like this is already so long and that’s just the first thing but like, you gave me the opportunity so I’m taking it <3.  Choice of fashion is a little less dramatic but I’m sure I’ll find a way to make it anyway.  Clothing basically serves three functions: utility, expression, and comfort.  For the sake of character designs I usually focus on the first two unless it’s particularly relevant, which it isn’t for these three so much. 
Brooke is mostly utility.  She has casualwear, of course, but honestly I haven’t really designed much of it and usually just draw her in her armor.  Which is pretty obviously utile, but it’s also familiar.  She keeps this leather armor, embossed around the edges (that I’ll actually design and make mean something eventually but... not yet apparently) and either similar or just the same to the kind she wore with her family, their guild.  Familiar isn’t always a good thing, but it’s all she knows.  If I’m being real she’s still being developed, especially storyline specifics, so not a lot is decided.  I’ve thought about switching around the colors, the blue I typically give her can be a changed version, removed from its ties to before, which was maybe a gold or a purple, something more implicative of importance.  Or of having her rid herself of the armor completely, so caught up in breaking her bonds that she makes herself vulnerable... but I’m a little too attached to how the armor looks... basically, she’s just balancing the safety of utility with the unrest of something recognizably hunter. 
Liliana is mostly expression.  She doesn’t need anything particular from her clothes, so chooses what makes her feel good.  Nothing too extravagant, because she is still wrecking shit and needs to not be hindered by what she’s wearing, but she dresses to look good and be scary, when the need arises.  She wears dresses and skirts despite the fact that, as a satyr, she really doesn’t... need to?  Because satyrs, post-cataclysm, live closely tied with humans in particular, though fauns as well, depending on locale, and as such have absorbed some social elements of theirs- like clothing and gender norms.  She abides by those norms, gender in particular (to a certain degree), not because she has to but because she wants to- because, you know, trans.  She carries a good amount of things with her on average- swords and knives and lockpicks and money and various other whathaveyous -but rarely carries them all at once, taking them on or off her person whenever she thinks she may or may not need them, but her belt remains on no matter, because that’s what she needs to have any of them at all.  Her compass, too, stays on her at all times, but that’s more sentimentality than use. 
Julian is a bit of both, but with him, a lot of the expression melts over into utility.  The puffy shirts, while inherently pirate out-of-universe, are conveniently the opposite of form-fitting.  They make him look bigger than he is like a cat puffing out, but also hide, you know, trans.  Typically they’re white or otherwise lightly colored, because it’s cheap and function-over-form, but later era when he’s particularly full of himself he trends towards darker colors and black.  Black, as a dye, is expensive to make, so wearing it is a way of making it clear that he is either important or dangerous or both- he strives to command respect or fear and it doesn’t always matter which.  Julian, like Liliana, also carries some stuff with him, but the difference is that he has less, and so almost always has all of them.  The exception is his sword, which is bulky enough to always have that unless he for sure needs it, he’ll leave it in favor of a knife (or two, counting the one in his cane).  And because his right hand is typically occupied by his cane, his things are all strapped to his left, another reason he doesn’t always carry the sword- it gets in the way.  Finally, depending where storyline-wise he is, he wears a couple little gold earrings- mark of a pirate.  Been considering having it be a status thing, too: one for crewmate, two for first mate, three for captain, or something similar. 
Fear is a really interesting one.  I dig where you’re going with it, and I’m sure I’m about to exhibit some mental illness, but like, fear is possibly one of the most important things in a character, because it’s what’s really behind at least 90% of a characters’ motivations, isn’t it?
Gotta start with Julian for this one.  He is afraid of a thousand entwined things in a way he will never admit and might not even be aware of.  The way he is perceived is so important to him that he lives with the constant threat of what he’s built for himself being taken away.  He’s so... I can’t call him exactly fake, because it’s not all false... he’s so constructed.  Everything he is, is exaggerated.  He is angry, and impulsive, and fast and rude and detached, but the way those things are presented is curated to be viewed in the way that he wants it to be.  And because of that, because everything he is is built on a not-quite-lie not-quite-truth, he runs the risk of having it all crash down around him.  That’s what follows him: the fear of being seen past it all, because he thinks that with that, he’ll end up right back where he was before.  Not to be too insane but in my silly little character.doc that I have for fun there’s this segment that’s pretty much what I just said:
He is afraid of no longer being taken seriously
He is afraid of losing the image he has created
He is afraid of trust being broken and secrets getting out
He is afraid of being patronized or the subject of pity
He would have you believe he is afraid of nothing
Liliana, now that I’m thinking about it, is actually pretty similar to him.  I didn’t even do this one on purpose oops.  Her difference, though, is that what she is isn’t fake.  She has this legacy, this name, that she reigns- people know of her, she commands that same respect or fear that Julian has to try so hard to.  Part of that, though, is taken from her.  She has her... I don’t want to call it a birthright, because that sounds entitled, but she has her birthright, then it’s stolen from her, and she rebuilds it even as she is on a hunt to reclaim it.  And so her fear stems from the possibility of failure.  If she never reaches her goal, if she truly loses what should never have been taken in the first place, then it’s all been for nothing, not only her work, but her father’s.  And the longer she goes without reaching that finish line, the more she is afraid of ‘what if it’s too late’ and ‘maybe it’s already over.’  Because her failure is also his, what she’d lose is also his, and that’s worse than if she just failed herself, because she feels the need to honor what he built, what he left, and what he was, in his absence.
Brooke is afraid of exactly what you’d expect.  A thousand what you’ve done’s follow her.  She terrified of never making it right, of the possibility of her wrongs being something that she never can make right.  She made a vow and she intends with all her being to keep it, but there is no endgoal, there is no ‘finished.’  It’s constant, and as such the constant threat of failure, of breaking that promise, whether by action or inaction, stays with her.  She lives with it for so long that it begins to leech into her, more than it already was, so it becomes what drives her.  But also... it’s what’s always driven her.  For a long time, she’s driven more by what’s behind her than what’s before her, and all that does is make her steep in this guilt and fear, fighting for a repentance that she doesn’t even know if she deserves. 
Okay I’m done being insane now, I hope my fucked up little guys provide enrichment to your enclosure but either way you’ve given me the GIFT of LETTING ME BE ANNOYING so THANK U AGAIN BESTIE. KISSING U KISSING U KISSING U KISSING U K
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seancekitsch · 3 months
Hello! Here’s the fic idea I commented earlier, sorry if I sent it the wrong place the first time 😅.
This is my first time asking but what if you did a fic where Lucifer gets startled by the reader (if you do that sorta thing) while he’s working on a duck or smth and his wings pop out and the reader (again, idk if you do that, maybe another character?) teasingly touches his wings and he gets really flustered because ✨sensitive wing trope✨ and whatever happens after that is purely up to interpretation and yeahhhh, that’s my fic idea! :3
hey dont worry! i know im prone to losing track of things i just wanted to make sure i didnt lose it :)
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Curiosity has been killing you all day. It started with the chipper mood Lucifer had walked into his work shop with, and only increased when you started to hear the noise of tinkering tools. He’d cheerfully told you not to let anyone disturb him today, which, was a welcome change from the gloomy way he used to drag himself to this same workshop. With the way you’d have to drag him out to eat, the way you’d have to pretend you couldn’t hear him mumbling to himself through the door. It was easier for Lucifer if you pretended that you didn’t know about what he was going through, so you did just that, and he rewarded you with his loyalty and generosity, and dare you say it: his companionship.  Being his assistant for the past few years, you’d seen a change in him the more time he spent with his daughter. It was nice. This is the happiest you’ve seen him in a long time, and the curiosity is killing you. 
The sounds of a drill, the sounds of hammering, the sounds of clinking metal drift out from the door to where you’re sat, a plush lounger where you get to turn away any uninvited guests (thought there never are any). This isn’t the typical soundscape you hear when Lucifer has a new duck idea. You stop scrolling Sinstagram, throwing your phone onto the cushion as the nagging thought to check on him finally consumes you. 
You push open the door carefully, the sounds of tinkering growing louder. 
“Hello?” you ask, “Luce?”
No answer. Then you spot him, his coat haphazardly thrown to the side, working on the table near the window hunched over and in full focus.
“Hey?” you call again, your voice just loud enough to carry across the workshop space. 
Lucifer jerks up from the desk he’s hunched over, clearly having not heard your knocking before entering. He knocks his hip into the edge of it, jostling all of his tools, clanking together. Your calling out to him seems to start a chain reaction, one that ends with a carving tool hitting the ground and three sets of wings suddenly sprouting from already designated holes from your boss’ burgundy velvet waistcoat. 
Holy shit. You haven’t seen him like this since… well, extermination day. And sure, other demons have wings, but his are magnificent, in a way that even made you give pause to admire them amongst the bloodshed of that day. You shoulder slump, awestruck at the demon in front of you. Your feet seem to move of their own accord, crossing the space between you and your boss. 
“Oh! I’m sorry,” Lucifer’s shoulders sag, relaxing as he realizes its just you, “I didn’t hear you come in.”
You shake your head, a smile spreading across your lips. 
“I should have been louder,” you offer, and step closer, admiring his wings still not retracted. Lucifer relaxes too, smiling at the welcome intrusion. 
“So what brings you into workshop today, huh?” He asks, and then falters, “Not that uh— not that I’m not happy you’re in here it’s just uh— you know, you don’t usually…”
“I got curious,” you answer, cutting off any rambling he’s going to do. Lucifer has been rambling a lot more often lately. So unsure of himself, it’s sweet. 
You reach out, fingertips brushing against the tips of crimson red feathers.
“Haven’t seen these in a while,” you muse, rubbing your thumb across the top of one wing. They’re softer than you expected them to be, rich luxe down that you’d expect of the worlds most expensive pillow. Your eyes follow them to where they lead back into his waistcoat, connecting to his back. What would his bare back look like? 
A groan interrupts your thoughts, and glancing to Lucifer’s face, his teeth are bared. Oh shit. What a fucking mistake. 
“I’m sorry, Sir! I hope I didn’t hurt you I didn’t-” you yank your hand back as if its been burned, fear spreading like ice in your veins that you’d irreconcilably fucked this up and maybe now you’re out of a job and you’d never be able to see him again, stuck finding work with the Vees or even worse. 
Lucifer inhales sharply, and then sighs. 
“No, no please don’t be sorry,” he reaches out for you, as if he’s scared too. His gloved hands cradle your hand, the one that dared to touch his wing. 
“You didn’t hurt me,” he assures you, a sheepish smile spreading across his features, just alabaster cheeks growing red as he keeps talking, “My wings are, well, they’re… sensitive?”
His voice rises as if he’s questioning himself in his own explanation. It takes you a moment, searching the King of Hell’s face for an answer before it hits you, almost taking the wind out of your chest. Oh, you realize. That was not a groan of pain. Fuck, this is awkward. 
“Oh I’m,” you pause, are you sorry? “I’m sorry.”
Lucifer searches your face, his mouth falling into a frown. 
“No! Please, don’t be. Stop apologizing,” Luficer’s hands start pulling yours, beckoning you closer to him again. You comply, stepping back into his personal space. Lucifer places your hand back onto his wing, smiling again. 
“I liked it,” he tells you, smile starting to melt into a smirk. Your hand travels along the top of the wing, smoothing out any feathers out of their spot. Lucifer shudders as your hand moves, a sigh leaving his lips. 
Emboldened, you keep going, running your nails along them, down between feathers. 
Lucifer reacts… exquisitely. His hands shoot out to grip your hips, fingers digging into you. He starts panting, the blush growing across his skin. 
“Been a while since you’ve been touched like this, huh, Sir?” you ask, pushing your luck. Lucifer nods as he lets his forehead fall against your shoulder. He moans into the side of your neck as he wraps himself further around you. 
“What were you making?” you ask him, finally remembering what you even came in here for. Though, this seems better than the original reason; With you quickly feeling yourself go weak at the sound of the noices falling from Lucifer’s lips and the feeling of his hot breath fanning out along your neck. 
“Fuck,” he pants, “Gift for you.”
His hands start wandering, moving from your hips to your waist and back down, just short of coming around to cup your ass. You would let him if he did. 
“For little old me?” you tease him, though internally, you could scream. It touches deep inside of you that he’d think of you like that enough to make you something. 
“Mmm, of course,” he hums, nuzzling his face closer into your neck. His arms wrap around you, pulling you flush against him as your nails rake through his wing, the two of you pressed together in desperate intimacy. 
Your breath hitches when his knee knocks between your own. 
“Th- thank you, Sir,” you whisper, your voice airy and far away. 
Lucifer chuckles against your skin, his grasp on you tightening. 
“Don’t thank me just yet,” he says, “I’ve got another gift for you if you want it.”
You don’t need to be a genius to read between the lines of what he means. Hell, now you see it. What a charmer. 
“Oh yeah?” you challenge him, your free hand coming up to touch the buttons of his waistcoat. Lucifer pulls back, his pupils blown wide as he looks at you like a prize to be won.
"Get on the table and I'll show you," he says.
And then it's like you can't move fast enough.
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tan1shere · 7 months
heyyy i was wanting to request! where reader and ellie has a kid and its christmas night, yall are putting the presents up and yall can hear your kid moving around in their bed and yall run to yalls room to not get caught, just a silly fanfic really! 😊
Christmas Shenanigans
Ellie williams x fem reader!
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A/n: yes my anon ! At your service ! I don't particularly like this but I hope you guys do :)
My masterlist!
Warnings: none, just pure fluffyness, maybe some language but not much, just slightly flirtatious Ellie.
The warmth from the fireplace is one of the things keeping you happy and content. You were currently sipping some hot cocoa, sitting on the couch as Ellie approaches you. "She's finally out, we can start whenever." It was currently Christmas eve and Ellie had just put your daughter down for bed. "Little mites incredibly excited." She says with a smile etched onto her face, plopping down on the couch, next to you. You smile also leaning into her touch. "When should we get the presents out here?" You look over at the tree, you guys were waiting for Autumn to fall asleep. "We could do it now, speedily." You nod, going to get up. "What time are we going to see Joel in the morning?" You inquire. She also gets up. "Well we would probably be there at around mid day, he's putting on a lunch for the fam."
She goes to your guys room which was thankfully on the other end of your daughter's bedroom. You follow after her. "Sounds like a plan." You go into the closet getting the already wrapped presents. You grab a few and so does Ellie. Quietly making your way down. "This kid is spoiled." You laugh out. "Dont talk like thatt. Only the best for my little princess." You laugh at her. "What am I then? Chopped liver." She let's out her own laugh. "Dont worry, you'll get the best present later on in the evening." She winks at you, and you just roll your eyes. Always gotta be joking about something.
You had finished not too long ago the room was dark as you were ready to go up, but you suddenly hear the floorboards in your daughters room creak. You and Ellie both look at one another, quietly but at a fast pace, going into your guys shared bedroom. Ellie plops on the bed with you hugging your form and smiling like crazy. "Well Mrs claws I think thats a job well done." Ellie says with a small smirk. "Oh, so you're Santa?" She nods, proudly. "Why ofcourse, and you're my little hoe." That cocky grin on her face says it all. "You're trouble williams." You push her off getting onto your side of the bed. "Uh uh, that's Santa. To you." She smirks going to her side of the bed. "Night you." She smiles. "Night my lil helper."
"Mama, mommy!" You've been awoken. Watching as Ellie fully awakens. "Hey lil munchkin." She helps Autumn up onto the bed. "Its Christmas!" She beams with excitement. "I know! I think someone's paid you a lil visit down stairs. Why don't you go check it out and me and mommy will be down soon yeah?" She nods her lil head, letting Ellie set her down. You then roll over to look at her. "Merry Christmas baby." She leans down to kiss you when you reply. "Merry Christmas Els." You smile at her. "Better get up huh." You say, beginning to sit up. "Yes, or else the little monkey will bother us more." You laugh gently. "But she is very adorable."
Ellie nods heading down there with you. "When are we seeing grandpa, mama?" She looks up at Ellie. "Soon, but first! Let's open some presents." "Yeahhhh." Your daughter jumps with excitement. You go into the kitchen to prepare some hot cocoa for the three of you, bringing it out once you're done. "Thank you mommy." Autumn smiles at you. "That's alright love. Right let's get to opening presents."
You all had a fun filled morning opening presents, spending time with one another. You arrived at Joel's not too long ago. "Grandpa!" Your daughter squeals going to hug him. He picks her up. "Hiya kiddo!" He smiles, hugging back. He smiles at you and Ellie. "She wake ya up early?" You laugh at how he just knew. "Did she what." He looks at her gently setting her down but going to bend down to her level. "I got you a lil somethin princess." He smiles at her gently poking her tummy. She giggles. "Yayyy." You shake your head with a big smile. "Aren't you lucky!" She nods. "Thanks grandpa!" He stands back up going upstairs.
"Good manners." Ellie smiles at the small girl. Joel soon after comes back down with a pretty pink wrapped box. "Here you are." He hands it to her, her face lit up as she opens it. It was a cute little t-shirt saying 'grandad's girl' It was adorable and it was obvious she loved it. "Can I put it on now?" She smiles wide. "Can't say no to that." He then smiles. She goes into the bathroom to do so, coming down. "Tadaaa." She twirls. "That shirt is very true." He winks at her as she giggles. "Actually she's mama's princess." Ellie punches Joel's arm lightly. "I think I've won her heart more." He ruffles Ellies hair, walking away. "I'm her parent!" She huffs, you rub her arm. "You're crazy." She laughs putting her arm around your shoulder. "Yeah but you love me." "That i do."
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brambleghastblast · 3 months
i think a depressing truth of the internet ill always hate is that negativity is what leads to success
negativity, in forms of content creation, leads to comments of people arguing or saying "but i like that thing". comments lead to the algorithms of social media boosting said piece of comic. algorithm favoring your stuff leads to more views. views get you money
often times, i think most youtubers and tiktokers and people on twitter and whatnot actually force themselves to be negative out of necessity. because its the quickest and easiest way to get a post out there. and its really become a norm in social media thats made the internet suffocatingly bad lately
like.. take pokemon for example, youtubers and tiktokers and twitter users such talking about pokemon will complain to no end about graphics, taking the worst possible screenshots they can get or setting up elaborate glitches so they can take a picture, put it next to another game with the prettiest picture they can get, and then go "WOW CAN U BELIEVE GAMEFREAK MAKES STUFF LIKE THIS" which then starts arguments and spreads like a wildfire because people are pointing out "wow you really took the worst picture you could huh" but then random people desperate to argue go "UHHH GAMEFREAKS NOT GONNA MARRY U DUDE LOL" blah blah blah
or take some specific youtubers for instance, like videogamedunkey is a critic who usually lies about video games he dislikes, makes up stuff or complains about really little stuff, or tries to get glitches to happen to pretend the whole games like that. a reallyyy scummy youtuber but thats literally what he has to do to make money and that sucks! or like... alpharad whos kind of just an obnoxious jerk all the time and thats how he gets his attention because being a jerk gets you comments and comments get you views etc etc
the youtube channel gamexplain got exposed for not paying employees and fell off HARD.. but they made a full recovery and comeback. they used to post informative nintendo and other games news, but lately theyve just been posting negative memes or complaining about really little things or posting negative news with a clickbait title. like.. nintendos doing some reconstruction at their headquarters. so gamexplain posts this
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its... just reconstruction. but the big letters, the sad mario, it looks Worrying and causes clicks and comments. its literally just reconstruction. but oh wow with a thumbnail like this they can fearmonger and milk it
it stinks too because generally positive youtubers are... Rare. most positive youtubers fall really hard and barely get any views compared to the big bad youtubers out there, cause theres not a ton to comment on without negativity. and thats so.. sad. (bumping a youtuber i love a lot here; nekolacey is a really great and positive pokemon youtuber and i love her videos!!! but her videos dont really get a lot of views compared to other channels which i find so sad. shes awesome!!)
i think the only generally positive gaming youtuber i know of who actually had a big following was chuggaaconroy, and he was making videos on youtube for MANY MANYYY years to even just get 1 million subscribers.
and then he got cancelled because of... uh... a chatlog from 2009. and... uh...... some out of context discord messages from some youtuber whos been known to falsely accuse autistic people to get allegations on them. and.... apparently some randos named antdude and missfushigaming made up allegations to get some clout but they got proved false... uhh... and also chuggaaconroy went to therapy, apologized a ton, asked everyone to please not harass the accusers, and has been deeply working for years to work on himself because he did have a geniune falling out with masaeanela over him not following set boundaries.
but.... yeahhhh its. uh. when you point out "wow did anything bad happen beyond a falling out with masaeanela" you're kind of just quickly hushed by a bunch of random people and to accept it and quit. they can't afford for that positivity to change the way things are, they need negativity to thrive.
its.. the internet trying its hardest to push down one positive creator who made it so they can hype up a dozen negative ones.
i think the internet has always awarded negativity but it was never really bad. like.. many youtubers back in the day would make top 10s, listing something like "zelda bosses" or "gen 4 pokemon". these were great because they got to gush about something they like, BUT they'd get comments and arguments because of things like "well i would've put ths boss over that boss" or "why isnt crobat on this list!". it worked great because they got clout from comments, but they weren't being actively negative
or, talking about an internet show i LOVE, death battle! this is a fun show where they take two fictional characters and make them fight! and they research to see who wins and have really great animation!
it thrived because not only is it super good, but it causes arguments. most viewers dont care about the real reasoning and numbers, they just want their prefered character to win. so if there preference loses, even if its right, they will get mad and argue, causing comments which cause views which causes success.
unfortunately, the positive ways to get comments just... hardly last. its sad but in the modern internet, being mad and angry is literally how you succeed. its near impossible to make it online if you arent angry or doing stuff to upset people.
it sucks. so much.
and it sucks even more because people trying to make a living on the internet Have to be negative. thats how they make a living. they literally have to complain to make money and survive and it sucks!! so much!!!!!!!!!
i think overall success on the internet always depended on causing arguments and negativity, but its really become suffocating in recent time. everyone tries so hard to be mad they've geniunely become mad. positivity is rare and out of style, negativity is what everyone wants. its.... so....... miserable honestly
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Yeahhhh good to see TADC requests are back up! Hope you’re feeling a lot better with everything going on! Also belated Merry Christmas?
If it’s not much, could I request a scenario for Kinger? If I didn’t misread or anything, I don’t think it was written anywhere that I have to specify requests. Hopefully so cuz I don’t have something in mind other than angst. Also cuz you said that you sometimes have trouble coming up with ideas for certain characters, so u can imagine pretty much everything so it’s not restricting. If you want me to specify, tell me!
Thanks! ^^
General Kinger x Reader Angst stuff!
wooooo definitely weird sitting at my computer again; typing on it while i wait for the oven to preheat because admin craves pizza eheheheheheh uhuhuh!! hope this isnt too bad! its probably going to take a while to get back into the swing of answering requests + writing for TADC, even if its only been like a week most of this ended up being about kingers grief over queenie/queener LMAO was originally going to have this be multiple things but i got too sucked deep into the grief idea
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i think we should get the obvious out of the way, but kinger has a problem with zoning out and mixing things up; oftentimes leading to him becoming distressed or frightened. regardless of if youre his friend or partner, youre going to need to exercise a fair amount of patience, especially in the beginning if you want to build some level of trust between the two of you
as for romantic stuff, i dont think he ever truly will fall out of love with queenie/queener, its like how widows never truly stop loving their partners after theyve passed. you try not to think about the idea that he would still be with queenie if she hadnt abstracted... you try not to let it get to you but it still rears its head in, you know?
does notice that something is up with you but you wont open up about it because you feel so horrible about being jealous over a woman who isnt even around anymore in a way that she can likely never come back... which leads to kinger becoming more worried for you over time as you keep trying to shut everything down
imagine it leads to a blow up and you just break down or even lash out because you feel so disgusted with yourself and kinger is just standing there in shock unsure of what to do
very tricky situation, because theres so many factors to take into account. the abstraction, kingers grief, your wellbeing and self worth, things like that
as much as i want to say that kinger would be all over you trying to make it better, because he doesnt want you to abstract, i think that the best course of action would be for you guys to spend a few hours apart at the bare minimum.. whether thats what ends up happening is debatable
or even worse, you abstract in the process of your breakdown, leaving kinger with two lost partners
not totally related, but i like to think kinger leaves flowers and the like at queenies door.. as often as he can.. maybe sometimes he stays at her door talking about how his day went and how everyone else is doing... i think he would do the same for you if you abstracted, too, regardless of if you guys dated or not
unrelated to the reader but i like to think kinger and gangle have a grandpa/granddaughter relationship and he tells her about queenie and tells her about his abstracted wife and
he gets misty eyed
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roe-and-memory · 3 months
I dont wanna be annoying but I think (?) I sent in an ask a while ago. I think tumblr likes to eat my asks for some strange reason tho. So I'm sending it again
But I just feel the need to inform y'all that Kyle petty sings, and has a song about Richard petty called "Oh king Richard". He sings really well and all I can imagine is cal singing a song about strip on some silly little piston cup album
May this ask find you well 🏁
OH YEAHHHH i think i saw it?? but it disappeared from our inbox for some reason 😭😭 and dont ever worry about being annoying, we love asks!!
im just listening to it now, and hello?? why is it Shockingly good?? and cal would SO do this. i can imagine a younger cal making a silly song just to be annoying and strip is like Oh Lord.. he’d make something more serious when he was older (maybe after he retired) but i can imagine young cal was a little shit
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jar-of-maise · 10 months
what's up my dears or dearly detested, it's hc time
we're going to focus on love languages with my fav sibling trio today bc i said so
words of affirmation, physical touch
he has to be a words of affirmation guy fs
but tbh i feel like he'd also try to shy away from it? esp if he's serious (is that possible? well we'll never know) since he has lied...before...and we all know how well detail omission went
so probably acts of service, making you smile, uhhhhhh yeahhhh
probably fond of pet names
will be touchy
i can see him doing pda, not excessively but hes not against it
probably likes hugs? but like the more i think about it the more im not sure about him with physical touch (see Lynette's for more detail) but i think he'd be a cuddle bug
why's this the shortest
oh lyney my poor sweet dear
he gets tired of life, so you're a welcome escape
would lie on your lap
will hold hands with you
would dream of a happy future with you
dude roasts his little brother about still liking fairy tales and pulls this bs smh
honestly as insecure as freminet - just shows it differently
i think all three siblings are traumatised (who could've guessed?)
i feel like he'd pull some very obnoxious french jokes
he likes making you laugh, smile, happy
he's not sunshine he's a solar eclipse
and you my dear, are the stars that surround his entirety
like a planet orbiting him ceaselessly
i dont actually know what that means but apparently it's an actual thing
oh the inherent romanticism of celestial imagery
yeah that's also my tag what about it
i think, though, that lyney can use his charms to very aptly flirt with you
exhibit A: the rainbow rose (real simps know what i'm talking about)
gets lynette to vibe check you, and then her cats, and then freminet (pers honorary judge)
performs exclusive magic shows for you
uh you can let immagination decide what kind of exclusive and magic you want in those
acts of service, quality time
acts of service girlie fs
she's creepily observant in a good way but like, she also probably accidentally nearly oversteps some boundaries
"Hello Lynette!"
"Hi here's some things for you"
and she hands you a crap ton of stuff that you probably didn't even know you wanted yet
girl just wants the best for you
oh yeah if you're a physical touch person, you might not be overly pleased bc i headcanon her as physically repulsed by romantic gestures and gooey affection (fanfic writers, that's fuel for how she'd react to lyney being in a relationship)
and the reason i hc this is bc of her past, like you can't convince me lynette wasn't traumatised by that noble person
but while she isn't expressive with touch or words, she is a very good listener!
gl if you're allergic to cats too bc she'd def introduce you to them
(if you pass their vibe check you're all good, if not...uh...)
family is very important too so if you pass their vibe check well put that on a resume bc you are impressive
yes she's a gift giver
but i also think that she'd give you some...strange gifts
like you know those cats that bring like dead fish and mice back to their owners? yeah she'd probably do the same honestly...
hopefully not with mice corpses and whatnot
dont worry, she can magic them out of existence if you wish
just like she can to anyone who wrongs you-
shes the best though honestly, very supportive
bonus points if you join in and riff off her robot lingo though that'd honestly be green flag, marriage behaviour (maybe not that last bit but yk)
you probably encourage lyney to deep dive into his antics, much to lynette's fustration
she now babysits not one, two but three toddlers full time
but you probably also bring freminet out of his shell
she loves you for that so you're forgiven
the type to relentlessly tickle you
doesnt take anything serious but takes pillow fights seriously when it counts
she loves dessert and tea a bit more than you
but she's happy to share <3
quality time, gift giving
oh my god words cannot describe how excited i am for this particular hc
so yeah, he has a voiceline about making penguins for kids
totally gonna make your penguin twin with Pers tho
god thats so cute whys the standard so high
also he's another not-expressive-with-words person so uh, yeah expect muchas time spent together (or not...bc he's always deep sea diving) either way! it's always quality
he is (very obviously) insecure so give him plently of love and affection (or ELSE-)
im still crying over matching penguins, is that juts me
he'd fix your broken machines for you as a love language
bonus points if you like, can, or want to learn how diving tho it's probably a double edged sword right, bc like, on one hand yall can hang out underwater and who needs aquarium dates when you can BE in the sea
but on the other hand, you now have access to his vulnerable and safe space
yeah you better treat him right or else
he'd probably get carried away with his mechanical stuff and make you a crap ton of toys
maybe not the cuddly kind either so js be prepared for that
god hes such a bean tho
an anxiety bean
btw, he very much believes in fairy tales and what not, so do us all a favour and believe in the magic with him
ik i say that a lot
i feel like-
i dont actually know i forgot, someone messaged me and i lost my train of thought
just freminet being the softest, cutest boy
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Im always here fox
Just watchin
I know where you are
I know where you sleep :3
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((I dont know how to respond to someone missing me but i hope youve been ok HAHAHAH, i read some posts on your main blog in relation to the RP blog and i know anxiety can be stronger somtimes (and thats ok!! Take breaks when you need to!!) but your writing is great! Also, it doesnt matter if you do a “cringe” event or smth, this blog is for fun, and you shouldnt overly stress about what you doing on here <3 (as long as its not illegal HAHAHHA joking ofc)))
…Well that’s totally not disturbing.
((Ehhh could be better but! I’m leaving my shitty household in late July so I’m very excited for that XP. Yeahhhh I stress about a lot of things I do and I suspect its rooted in trauma from people in my past harshly critiquing both my writing AND my art as well. I was a teenager too 😵‍💫 I also am too selfless and subservient don’t let myself do things I fully enjoy in fear I’m being too “self indulgent” or let myself take breaks when needed. I’m working to fix that as its caused both mental AND physical harm to me and makes my partners (both rp and romantic) and others in my life worried about me.))
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away-ward · 2 months
remember when anon and you discussed about willemmy and pd really thought we're the ones who read their book wrong when really it's their writing was whack? A couple of hours ago, willemmy stans on twitter are so mad because these pd replies in facebook.
delete space bwteen / and i:
https://x.com/ indieivar/status/1781880481740464260?s=61
delete space btween / and d:
https://x.com/ dearreadrr/status/1782044429635006885?s=61
girl, they really did NOT respwct their readers, AT ALL. they treat us like we 're dumb 😭 ohmygod i really am so upset about this? Like? Idkek what to say anymore, because my biggest upset about your many discussions with anon about how PD liked to gaslight readers when they wrote about situation a but they told us no, it was b, was right all along? Wtf? No because they literally said we dont like willemmy because its reverse grumpy sunshine?? And not because its their fault for listening to fb moms about inserting alex into nightfall? what the fuck is this kind of delusion? Pd is really the kind of author thats so?.. ugh. Idk man, god. I'm just so disappointed. They could just say, hey i'm i was stuck in a pickle when i wrote nightfall or something but to just say these? Why are we being gaslighted? Wtf?
ohhhh but they had time to build damon and rika's arcs? Oh yeahhhh. Ughhhh and they even gave us bonuses about them. I hate it here. I'm so upset idk.
Actually @kathanislilbitch posted about these earlier and we talked about it a bit there. I'm not sure exactly which ask you're referencing. If you get the number, I'll be happy to look, but no worries. I just might have some statements I need to walk back😅
That being said, it's super frustrating to see. The op in the screenshots seemed to ask for a guy that wasn't a jerk, and PD was like "well, I tried and nobody liked it."
And part of the problem was Alex, as well as the other characters trampling all over willemmy's time together. But people also didn't like how Will treated Emory outside of Alex. PD seems to struggle with understanding what really makes their MLI seem like jerks.
Either way, they clearly don't want to talk about Alex and it's probably because they're not going to change their mind, so it's a conversation that won't go anywhere. That's fair for them. It's their right. But then don't ask, and don't act like you don't know and haven't heard the complaints before.
It's ashame they won't just say they liked the Alex arc and understand that people don't, but it is what they wrote and they won't apologize for it. At least that would be honest.
Sorry this hurts. I can't say I'm too emotional-tied to PDs opinions, so for the most part I can ignore them and move on. Still, I definitely get that for those who want to be heard this isn't easy. I'm not sure what else to say other than try to focus more on the community and less on PD.
I'm sorry I'm probably not much help or comfort! But thank you for bringing this up. I'm sure so many feel the same way.
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pinkcannibal · 10 months
kudos to that one anon for submitting a soft dom marilyn and reader first time request. because now i literally can’t stop thinking about it omg!:€;€(&? you just Know marilyn would be SO flattered and her ego would be so satisfied with knowing she’s the only one who’s ever done reader (she’s wildly possessive and we love her for it 😭) and most likely the only one who ever will… 💍👀💘 but yeahhhh i need it now idk what number it is on your request list but trust i will be there squealing the day, the VERY SECOND, it drops xxx 🙏
she would be!!! thats why im sooo into the prompt skdksd oh its up there dont worry!! its one of the two im working on <3
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penguin--person · 3 months
16 and 24 for Kozlov
31 for nastya
The characters are more suggestions!! Be free do what you want 🤩💥
ty for the ask!! ask game
16. What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head? everybody on the planet of earth ever 💥💥gabriela, probably? i don't think their relationship is Awesome No Worries.. so sad! but in general - people that think they know better than him, i guess .. or are just mean to him
24. Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it? i think this question is referencing something but im not sure what sorry .. i think he'd like cookies with fillings:) or those cookies that go with coffee
gonna put the nastya one under cut bc its big
31. When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it? Wowww you give kozlov easy questions but you want nastya to DIE!!!!! as it ought to be 🫡god i have to think a lot about this one.. killing me too generally she feels guilty for being a mutant, for bad grades, for not being good enough, that kinda stuff - but even then, its not really guilt? its more like shame.
with specific actions.. tbh i don't think she feels that much guilt outside of things concerning her? when she stabs dasha, she wont feel guilty bc, in her eyes, it was self defense and dasha deserved it. no reason to feel guilty. being mean to zhenya and those 'lesser than her' is fine because shes better than them, she can do whatever she wants. this is no reason to feel guilty. in the au where she grows into a scientist, she doesnt feel guilty much then either - just ! depressed. stupid. angry at her younger self for throwing herself at the facility. ashamed. not guilty because its not her fault. its 13 year old nastya's fault.
as to how she responds to guilt - like to any other emotions she deems negative, bottle that thang up!!!!!! express it through anger and frustration at those lesser than her and suck up to those better than her for love, for forgiveness!!!! yeahhhh!!! thats how she responds externally💥💥💥internally she's just.. idk man shes a freakkkk i dont know what you want me to say ... this is kinda explored in her nastyura fic !! how she reacts there is how she reacts at her worst.. its like, it depends a lot on how shes feeling in the moment. she Will blame you most of the time. she wont always try to stab you. she wont always yell at you, she might just go "Uhhh who cares?? Lol" or just laugh at you. shes just a goofff
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Yeah that's it :( not knowing when we will see them again is really terrifying. Not knowing anything. They don't even know. But that's life I guess. We'll be ok. This will be a chance to take care of our self fully and focus only ourself. Its good. ( i lie to myself lol )
Yeahhhh. And like Adam and Ross? They’ll probably disappear.
I’m not too worried about Matty. He’s a bit of an attention whore (affectionate) and he’s as parasocially obsessed with us as we are with him. So we’ll hear from him sometimes. Maybe Gabbriette will even post him.
Charli will probably show George occasionally.
But those other two? :( we won’t know a thing about them.
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capcavan · 10 months
dont worry too much about having out of the norm takes on canon material and stuff! i dont personally share all of your opinions and hcs but i think youre fun and creative :) aftg fandom needs more variety and hearing different perspectives makes fandom more interesting
dw i rarely expect anyone to share even part of them especially since i do mostly derivative work, i do what i do mainly for myself but i don't want to annoy anyone , which is silly considering there is many ways to curate experience on tumblr just bad case of 3am thoughts but yeahhhh i need more ppl to go unhinged come make side blogs and post your unhinged takes no more hiding (unless you wanna talk to me about how riko deserves no second chance in that case keep it to yourself/j ... or really j? nah j j )
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