#it's not the hell on earth that most people say it is
nipuni · 14 hours
A little life update!
I'm back from our latest trip and leaving again in a couple of days but! I can finally say we are officially moving! 😄
We've been looking for houses travelling back and forth from Galicia weekly these last few months. It was an ordeal in many ways, a logistical and bureaucratic nightmare honestly, we found and lost many houses and spent so much money, time and braincells in the process. But in the end we found the most amazing house so it was worth it!! In our favorite city, beautiful antique furniture, several floors, extra rooms for hobbies, enclosed balcony, a fireplace, a whole garden with a lemon tree!! and for the same rent price than what we are paying for our small apartment in Madrid now lmao, big city prices are nonsensical 😭
We met the neighbors over the garden fence one morning and they are so lovely, they have apple trees and offered some to us and we met their dog too and they told us the story of the house and the people who have lived in it and places and customs of the town and offered to take us to the farmers markets to teach us about the best choices 🥺
We also met our landlady's family and they are so nice and friendly too. They helped us out with furniture, all their children and husband helped too and we offered to invite them all for dinner sometime to thank them when we are settled and they said they would invite us instead because they are six and we are two lmao Ahhh I just can't believe this is all real, it feels like a dream.
The weather is also colder and way rainier and we can finally enjoy summer like the earth intended, I'm no longer a summer hater!! We have wildflowers and mushrooms and magpies in our garden!! and chestnuts!! and an attic!! and a stone grill!! and a big bright kitchen aaaaa I can't stop gushing about everything
Nicolas is so happy too, he has been teaching himself everything about gardening and house keeping and the animals and plant species of the area. We already told all our friends and family to plan their trips to visit us since now we can host them more comfortably and for longer stays!!
I can't wait to be done with the move and start our new town life close to the sea in a beautiful house with friendly people and peace and quiet what the hell!! I never thought I could ever have something like this in my life I'm so serious 😭
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pleasantspark · 2 days
What do you think of this potential 4chan leak that Lucifer is the one responsible for the hierarchy and that Sloth, Gluttony and Lust are considered good sins? https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/145383112/#145394767
> Lucifer created the terrible hierarchy of Hell as well as the Deadly Sins. He is described as a moral neutral sin.
Well, neutral is far cutting it, remember he caused nearly everything to happen in Hell. He's described as sexy, when the only sexy thing about him is his depression. No one pointed out that Lucifer was at fault for all the things to begin with, but no people are like "B-B-B-B-BUT, we needed a story to kick off Charlie!" I feel like it's stupid, also, I am a depressed person and whenever a character who is depressed does something bad, they always have to empthize on the "UWU Depressed shit" which is shit you'd see on r/gachalifecringe or r/gachaclubcringe (Which I am a moderator on, and let me tell you, the Gacha side of the Hazbin Fandom is fucked up.). I feel like most don't care because they'd much rather ship RadioApple then point out the absolute fuckery that is Lucifer himself.
>The good sins are Asmodeus, Bee, and Belphegor. The bad sins are Satan, Leviathan, and Mammon. Beelzebub actively hates the hierarchy and how it treats her hellhounds, but there isn't anything she can do about it.
Okay, first off all the sins are bad, they cannot just pick and choose. For FUCKS sake, you know who her favorite is, the funny thing is, I like Mammon, he's cute and his design/accent are great (But nothing comes greater then Jeice), so she failed at making villains scary when all they are is extremely comical people who suck at villianing and suck at life.
> Leviathan is female and a fashion queen. Alot of Envy will be focused on fashion.
Paint me green and call me a fucking pickle, more backlash would be fucking impossible. Remind me what the fuck does Fashion have to do with Envy?
Sure, people can be envious of others looks, but that ISN'T the only thing possible to be envious of.
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This is Leviathan from my Universe, he's a victim of abuse from his father. (Who by the way died because of the effect he has on people, later on.)
According to Levi's official description on the Wikia:
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Leviathan isn't actually Envious, rather the curse he has causes anyone nearby of him close or not to get envious of him as a person which is the main reason why Agatha is acting out.
This would've been better, but complicated storylines and things pulled from TVTropes isn't what Viz likes. Yes, Leviathan is meant to be Stolas from HB but better, and yes, I DO VOICE LEVI.
So what's the issue with Levi liking fashion? Well, it's obvious that she needs another Diva because at this rate Velvette isn't enough, and most of the fuckers in the Pride Ring seems to be fitted for other rings too.
I feel like she's trying to assign something to these character's to make them unique, but they aren't.
Lucifer is literally the Sin of Pride, and the only thing prideful about him is his fruitiness, so add that to the level of "Bible things that Viv added" he's far from prideful, and that's a fact.
Coming from someone whose gay myself.
Mammon, oh sweet sweet Mammon, is just the Greedlr, but a Fat Nickado Avocado Characters, minus the screaming and fits. And aussie. Because "oooo people with accents arre baad"
Beezlebub, is just, well a Bee, because "HAHAH FUNNI BEE-ZLEBUB" she wanted to relieve her golden years of AMVs and Animation Meme-Esque content, also so she can brush hands with Kesha-Senpai. I swear to fuck, she asskisses alot.
And I am BARELY getting started.
> Stella is a decent mom to Octavia. She doesn't have many powers and isn't summoned to Earth like Stolas is.
If she's such a great Mom, you so claim she is, Viv, then why not show and NOT FUCKING TELL. All we see of her, is the way to make the audience feel bad for a [N word, black POC here. Don't wanna say it.] that ain't shit, Doja Cat was right, he ain't shit.
This is ridiculous, this was seen with Jeffy in SML, he was a hated character, Logan tried every trick in the book to get the audience to feel bad for him (I.E. Giving him an emotional manipulative mom, losing his sister, WITNESSING HIS LITTLE SISTER GETTING MOLESTED, etc etc) but the problem with making an auidence feel bad for the character, it gives a in character excuse to let them continue being pricks without any character development.
In conclusion:
More pointless rep that will be thrown out as soon as it appears
More things to hype up, but ultimately fumble the bag
It sucks
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dr-spectre · 2 days
your most recent post reminds me how much I don't enjoy overtly negative octavio depictions and callie being treated as a "brainwashed hapless victim) due to how it feels like an oversimplification of the lore as well as translation cherry picking
(it's also why i can't get behind "morally good" cuttlefish like hi he canonically recruits children too consider he enlisted his own grandchildren into his literal secret operation + if we count the English translation as the all holy translation is behaviour towards marina is genuinely vile "I don't see species" DUDE???l
It gives a sense that when we see callie still caring about Dj Octavio, it comes from a sense that she gets him, as well as a more fanon interpretation on my end, that she feels like at least he reached out to her, he could've easily kicked her out of octo canyon but he let her stay
And that probably meant a lot to her, even if quite a bit of it was maybe manipulation, it was still more than what she got on the surface, because on the surface, all she was was an idol people could see and bombard with photos, a brand. And not a person.
It's like hell on nuanced earth 😭
Woopsies this is very long 💀💀💀💀
I don't have much to say about this. I've ranted about Callie and DJ Octavio for so fucking long man. And i ain't gonna stop until i can go on Inkipedia without groaning, or watch a YouTube video where some random guy doesn't just reads off a wiki page and nothing else. I'm getting really really tired.
Sometimes the Splatoon community really makes me upset and it's lack of giving a shit on what words they use. Brainwashing and Hypnosis are on opposite sides definition wise. STOP USING THEM INTERCHANGEABLY!!!!! I HAD ENOUGH!!!!! THIS APPLIES TO OTHER MEDIA TOO!!!!!!!!! ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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God. I would rather the Splatoon community push a "Callie and her second octopus grandpa" dynamic over the malicious takes people have said for over 7 years. Why do we want that shit for Callie and Octavio? Ugh... Oh well. I'll keep ranting over and over again, i don't care anymore. I don't care if i seem mean or pissed off. I am angry. (Plus i didn't get much sleep last night so i'm a bit bleh rn...)
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suncaptor · 7 months
nothing will make you sympathise with conspiracy theorist ideology more than having a seemingly rare reaction to a vaccine lmao.
#reading articles that try to falsify genuine incorrect information about the covid vaccines from 2021 is making me feel insane#'there's no way the covid vaccine can trigger an autoimmune disorder' uhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHH#factually extremely wrong!#they're soooo condescening too like why on EARTH do you think people who are genuinely sick or scared would believe you.#they'll be like there's no scientific evidence that anyone can be harmed by the covid vaccine <3 blatantly untrue.#I know that part of this is retrospect like obviously since more studies have come out and all#but it's infurirating bc they're from the time *I* was having those symptoms *and* telling doctors about it *and* being told the connection#to my other severe symptoms from the covid vaccine were Utterly Impossible (since proven false) and that if the symptoms WERE related#it meant i had a life threatening illness at worst and had a high chance of losing my vision at best#likeeeeeeeee#doctors still DO NOT know what the fuck they're doing do NOT trust anyone who gives ANY 100% answers#i don't know why i'm doing this i just said to stop obsessing but i'm just reading pages and articles on countering misinformation to make#sure i don't -- i want to know the conspiracy theories to recognise them immediately right#and then people are just saying bullshit to defend themselves#i mean most of the anti covid vacc people were also far right so i don't have too much sympathy for their vaccine ideology#but like. fucking hell what a way to push people into conspiracies.#you CAN'T counter misinformation by SPREADING MORE MISINFORMATION#just because it SOUNDS BETTER and MORE REASSURING to say there's not chance of harm doesn't mean you should#there's A LOW chance of harm THAT IS MUCH MUCH less high than the impacts of covid#god I'm pissed off. 2021 i was so fucking terrified of spreading this shit just by talking about my lived experiences.#to say i was not taking the pandemic seriously OR anti vax is so blatantly ridiculous considering who I am as a person but that doesn't mea#that the covid vaccine specifically didn't make me ill ://////#delete
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adriartts · 2 days
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plane sheep (sheep from the plane)
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beybladefanboy · 2 months
Any Beyblade character: I will never forgive you!!! You're completely irredeemable and beyond forgiveness!!!
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queers4years · 6 months
Indigenous Hawaiians really had a good system going: wake up reaaally early and do most of the days work while it's cool and by the time the sun was up and it got hot the work was done and you're free to surf and socialize. I wish the white people realized they themselves could work smarter and not harder and get time to relax. Instead of calling Hawaiians lazy (and being genocidal about it)
#Ik this happened in most if not all tropical regions that got colonized#they were so pissed that these 'lazy' people got all sorts of fruit and natural bounty 'handed to them'#when those indigenous people were just working before the colonizers woke up and felt no need to kill themselves in midday heat#Which is what's natural for an apex predator: lazing around#Like u see lions in big cuddle puddles during the hottest part of the day. And they have the privilege of laziness by being the top predato#Idk if lions have a specific time they hunt but ik they will hunt at night when people can't observe them#Also Europeans failed to recognize indigenous agriculture and the /purposeful / cultivation of helpful plants (done w/out clearing the land#And even if they were only foraging. Like. If you love the earth and care for it (and not clear it) the earth will love you back idk#Gah! It's just like we coulda eradicated capitalism in its cradle if Euroamericans werent so arrogant and sure their way of life was correc#Like what if they were explorers and not conquistadors and colonizers. And there was a true cultural exchange#Would it have been better if the Europeans never crossed the ocean (even if they weren't there to colonize)? yeah probably#Like while the disease thing wasn't on purpose (initially) Europeans did inadvertently kill a lot of people bc they had no immunity#But I also acknowledge the human desire to explore and see what's out there#But I wish it was like#Europeans: here's some horses and metal tools#Indigenous people: thanks. Here's a way of life more in harmony with nature and an understanding that we're part of the ecosystem#Europeans: oh cool let me bring these ideas back to Europe. Maybe we won't deforest all of England#(I say Europeans but eventually when Canada and America became independent entities they also were responsible for these things)#Capitalism#capitalism is hell#anti capitalism#Colonization#colonialism#colonial violence#Imperialism#conquistador#age of exploration#anti colonialism#anti colonization#hawaiʻi
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timeisacephalopod · 2 years
The pushback to the term "cultural Christianity" from atheists is real odd to me because, as someone who has been an atheist since 13, only ever went to church a handful of times never with my own family (made a note never to sleep over at that friends house on a Saturday again bc I HATED church it smelled like shit, was boring, pews are uncomfortable as fuck, and the religious people I knew were all wildly misogynistic and I've never been here for being told I was less of a person for being Born Like This), and generally had no actual connection to Christianity in a meaningful way but still only knows Christian mythology, has been steeped in Christian values I had to untangle, and my religious understandings are still deeply Christian.
Like Ive never paid attention to the bible, church, Jesus, Christian teachings, or whatever but if you asked me about any religion the one I'll reliably know the most about is Christianity. I don't know why atheists are offended by being called culturally Christian because they have bad blood with the religion because like sorry bruh that doesn't mean you're less indoctrinated by Christian values if the culture you grew up in is predominantly Christian. In fact I'd say that religion being this ubiquitous in the culture regardless of anyone's consent to exactly ONE religion being shoved down our throats is reason to team up with other religious folks who ALSO don't like being constantly evangelized to by the culture at large, not a reason to throw a fit because you don't like being tied to a religion that is so ingrained into the culture that shit like "oh my god" and "Jesus Christ" are common expressions of surprise regardless of how atheist you are. Like surely I'm not the only atheist to notice the shocking amount of cultural religious shit that works it's way into my life and speech despite having not set foot in a church since I was like 10, and I can't remember the last time I was in one before that.
Idk man cultural Christianity seems like a pretty damn useful term to describe my relationship with a religion I never fully bought into and then actively rejected as a child yet still hold weird connections to and knowledge of just because Christianity is so baked into the culture I grew up in like it or not. If you want to be mad, be mad at the Christians who stole your freedom from religion from you, not usually religious minorities who discuss cultural Christianity and how it damages them too.
#winters ramblings#like breh i HATE how much christian bullshit ive had to detangle from my life. like the idea of sin and punishment for example#id say a LOOOOOT of discussion regardless of religion leans towards a Christian understanding of the pridon system#prison is basically a recreation of hell on earth where youre supposed to go to burn off your sins in your 10x10 cell#now i gotta say not all Christians buy inti the styke of punishment and sin i know normal well adjusted Christians#but for the most part a HUGE portion of shit comes with a helping of cultural Christianity. but prison is probably the best example#hell any discussion of punishment relies on a distinctly christian flavor of 'atone for your sin or be doomed forever"#repubs bitch about so called cancel culture but thats just how Christians act towards sin lmao they do it too#except they choose shit you didnt ACTIVITY make a choice about like being gay to condem you to hell.#cant be mad that twitter cancels people for small shit like a crap joke if you actively subscribe to the same belief system#and are only mad bc that logic is applied to YOU now. anyway i could do without this logic in activist spaces#or ANY spaces being doomed forever over sin is only one way to do Christianity. like damn can the ones who like#rehabilitation and justice and helping the poor at least be the ones in charge??#regardless ive never been a Christian and barely have a meaningful connection to the religion. whuch is why i find it rather salient#that i still have this deep connection and knowledge of something i ACTIVELY REJECTED at 13#do you know HOW MUCH i had to have been indoctrinated into this shit with as LITTLE of a connection to organized religion as i do??#the fact i have ANY connection at all is kind if fucked honestly it shows you really REALLY do not get to choose#your religious leanings unless youre actively ANOTHER RELIGION BESIDES CHRISTIAN otherwise tough tiddy#you get to be Christian By Default and i don't like it either. but when i see jewish people talking about it#i know EXACTLY what they mean because i dont like my connection to a religion i never believed in and rejected at 13 either#i don't like that my choice to reject Christianity was stolen from me by such a ubiquitously christian culture#im not mad at jews for pointing this out im mad at christians for stealing my freedom of choice
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froggywritesstuff · 11 months
If it were up to you to write Helluva Boss how would make hell a place feel like hell? I kind of question Vivzie's writing around worldbuilding. Hell is supposed to be a terrible place not second earth.
I totally get what you mean with Vivzie’s version of hell, it’s always confused me. ‘Sinners’ are traditionally meant to be tortured by demons in hell. To an extent I do understand why Vivzie wrote hell the way she did, since the main characters are part of IMP and are probably too busy to torture ‘sinners’, and if that was the main idea how hell then idk how fun of a show that would be. If I were to write it, I’d write it similarly to Michael’s bad place/hell from The Good Place, where sinners are indirectly tortured by other sinners. With the characters and storyline’s already set, this works especially well with Angel Dust’s character, since the treatment he gets from Valentino could definitely be considered torture. even with Husk and Vaggie’s characters, i feel like they’re both in a constant state of frustration and get easily stressed (more so Vaggie than Husk) and pissed by the characters around them. But yeah if I had to rewrite Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel’s hell, I’d write it to be the characters hell that they bring on themselves, whether it’s by their own actions and choices they make in hell (this could be written easily with most ‘sinners’, since when they’d first realise they’re in hell and there’s no punishment from demons, they’d most likely do stupid shit) or the people they choose to surround themselves with (this is obviously a lesser form of torture but keep in mind you spend eternity in hell and being surrounded with people you hate gets really old really soon). Yeah and also I’d write that you can’t die in hell? Cause that makes no sense to me, where do they go once they die? I think the concept of the exterminations in hell to lessen the population is really interesting, but it feels poorly written to me and i think Vivzie needs to really go in depth with that whole concept cause I and I know a lot of people are confused by the fact that you can die in hell.
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ryebunny · 2 months
Vent in tags because I have nobody to talk to but need to get some feelings out. Sorry. Just ignore please ♡
#i feel like the most unwanted and unloved person on the face of the earth#I've been desperately trying to rekindle a friendship with the person I considered my best friend so I extended one final olive branch and#she just. she took that branch snapped it in half and set it on fire. literally. we were best friends all throughout high school but#at the beginning of this year she replaced me with someone she had just met like I never meant anything to her. and I just#I don't know what I've done wrong. I don't know why I'm so replaceable to people. I don't know I don't know I don't know but it really hurts#I'm nobody's favorite. nobody's first choice. hell probably not even anybody's second third or fourth choice#everybody ALWAYS leaves me eventually and I don't know why. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I don't know how to change it because nobody#ever tells me what I've done wrong. they just suddenly change attitudes or ghost me or abandon me without a care#I've lost literally every single non-familial connection I've ever had. every person I know irl has come and gone for reasons I genuinely#don't know. every online person either leaves me or isn't interested in forming more than a surface level connection. (which. I'm not saying#I'm forcing anyone to. I just crave a deep connection so badly and wish someone was willing to have one with me)#i really should be used to this by now. it's not the first time I've lost someone i thought would be in my life forever. but it really hurts#i need to get used to being alone. i need to stop bearing my entire heart to anyone willing to look at me. but i don't know how to#i just want to be loved#rye's cries#rye rambles
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seilon · 1 year
got another job interview tomorrow. pray 4 me
#it was originally for a busser or server job at a cocktail bar in a luxury hotel but the manager on the phone seemed like she wanted to#interview me for the position of host so. yeah#I’m a little intimidated by that role because I am not the most social person on earth to say the least but. I may be able to get used to it#and I will admit. I am kind of motivated by the pay and tips from being a host. cause holy hell it’s 18 bucks an hour plus tips#and that’s plus tips at a 4 star hotel. where the menu is pretty pricy and the people coming there Well Off.#I didn’t really consider that before but hhhhhhh……………that sure is enticing#hoo boy but anyway. a little nervous about this interview cause I’ve never done a host or server job before#but my conversation with the manager over the phone seemed to go pretty well i think so hey#kibumblabs#oh yeah I also cut my hair short last minute and i can’t tell if that was a horrible idea or not yet#it’s not nearly as finished as I’d want it to be but. here we are I guess#I havent legit cut my own hair (let alone this Much of it) in like. a couple years now I think#I think it looks fine but I’m just hoping I don’t regret it#I know it’ll grow out again eventually but idk#I did this kinda impulsively because of the job interview tomorrow. like I was kinda worried for such a nice place they’d be a little#picky with their appearance preferences and like. I didn’t want it to look like my hair was overgrown and unstyled like it was + most of#the bleached parts are cut off now so it looks a little more sophisticated I guess#but also I’ve been getting a little dysphoric lately because I haven’t been passing despite being almost 2 years on t and I think my hair#being longish wasn’t helping#now you can see my jawline and the haircut is more traditionally masculine and etc so. praying I am not called ma’am or anything at the#store or whatever anymore.
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pleasantspark · 2 days
Sorry but this quote from Viv...
I know Viv mentioned something about “reclaiming Hell for the LGBT”
Will ALWAYS baffle me to NO END. Cause she did tweet that and all I can really do is just...stare in disbelief.
...Reclaim it?....What?...
NO ONE should want to be in Hell, I don't see what this appeal is. Hell...is a place for suffering, to punish those who had done wrong, it's full of the most horrible people that had walked the Earth.
Why are you saying this Viv? Are you insane?
Hell isn't a place for any group, it's a place where the most vile of Humanity ends up because they did horrific things in their lives.
It almost sounds like she is implying that being LGBTQ+ is a Sin, reclaiming ONLY works for if you're trying to take back what's yours. Either she is trying to make the LGBTQ+ look bad or she doesn't know what she is saying to quote Lute: What are we even talking about?
I swear most of what her "mouthpieces" yes, MOUTHPIECES because most of her characters she likes are technically her opinions and what she believes to be true.
I feel like she's using these characters she creates as a self-insert to try and talk about her views rather than treat them as third party Characters with growth.
Remember when Lily Orchard accused Rebecca herself of fighting people with what the Diamonds should be like?
Maybe that wasd ViziePop, she's fighting over the writers depicting Stolas as a cozy wittle baby who can do no wrong.
Explains all the difference in this.
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The only way I can describe Viz and the Fandom as a whole, is summed up by this Gacha Life Pic.
They are THINKING what LGBTQ+ people are.
Can't escape the "Gay People written by Straight Females" allegaytions.
Can someone PLEASE tell me there's atleast ONE fucker on that right there that is apart of the LGBTQ+? Because HOLY fuck.
Down at Biblically Inaccurate / HeavenVerse we accept all apart of the LGBTQ+! Regardless!
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lady-lessobian · 9 months
Really starting to hate that genre of post that's just like "not to be pessimistic or defeatist but literally everything is bad and there's absolutely nothing you can do. And you're weak and morally bad if you let this stress you out person or get you down. I will offer no help or solution."
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vaugarde · 1 year
ive stopped paying attention, does the pokemon anime fandom still insist that the anime version of xy was far more mature and adult than the game version? bc that was funny. the anime couldnt even handle az’s plotline and had to write team flare without him being involved
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rackartyg · 2 years
what frustrates me with a lot of the takes on jod is that they keep trying to flatten him into just a remorseless megalomaniac, and it feels like such a … self-interested interpretation? because the point of jod is that he knows that, how, and why all the things he did were wrong, and the entire time he’s been jod, he’s felt the emotional turmoil of that — but he keeps making excuses for himself.
you don’t need to excuse an action you think is actually good and correct. he knows he’s done bad things, but he thinks he had good reasons or at least the circumstances were such that no one could blame him. and that’s what his nona chapters are — his confession. he saw himself in harrow, so he thinks she’ll agree with him, and he wants her to know what he did and then tell him ‘it’s okay, i understand why you did it, you did the best you could’ because he knows he’s done atrocious things and believes there can be no forgiveness.
all he can do under that belief is double down and hope to be excused, so of course that’s what he does. owning up to his own actions would involve admitting he did something wrong, and if forgiveness is impossible, then there’s no coming back from that, and even if nobody can impose external consequences or punishment on him, he’d feel it internally and punish himself with guilt. because his moral compass is actually working fine, he’s just convinced himself that it’s okay he isn’t actually going north because 10,000 years ago, someone made him so angry that all the needles looked red.
which, ime, tracks much better with how real people behave than the classic villain act. most people know what they’re doing is wrong on some level, they just feel like they have a good enough reason to flaunt that moral rule in that instance. they’re not right. they’re excused.
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dteamain · 2 years
i don't know what's funnier:
people not being able to fathom why sapnap, who is in la going to parties and working with an org is following la influencers
them not actually knowing who ricegum is and spreading the ricegum content cop as a source for how shitty he is as if idubbz, boyintheband and co aren't on the same level of problematic
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