#it's part of a bigger thing im doing for ari so it's going to take. ages. but i was just scribbling
ariquar · 11 months
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doing some experimenting with Ari's dad's colors for a family portrait type thing .... still unsure but I wanted to share him bc he's so ... Altmer
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zai-doodles · 3 months
Yeah!! Please rank the spirit dresses!
ok ok ill try to not ramble too much but this will def be long lol
im not perfect by any means and these r just my opinions so idk don't kill me ig, if u disagree u can say that but be polite
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ok put down ur pitch forks and let me talk-
its not a BAD design aesthetically or in concept, I've seen ppl say its kinda leaning into a like, spy vibe or something and I really like the sunglasses and horns!
BUT capricorn never read as a spy to me?? maybe its just me but he always came off as more of a butler parody especially w the tailcoat he gets in this screenshot
i think both capricorn and the stardress suffer from not having a very visually distinct concept so when put together its barely feels like they match at all, its its v clear that putting lucy in a skimpy dress took priority over making a cool design that connected to the story
i dont even love my redesign for this dress anymore bc I feel like I just need to redo Capricorn first to give him a stronger concept then deal w the dress later
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this is blasphemy i know but PLEASE HEAR ME OUT
this one is way more personal preferance so if u disagree that's so chill there's just too many things w this dress that bother me
I hate the hair, i really do like grown women w pigtails is already a pet peeve of mine bc its so male gazy to me but combining that with the bikini top and super short skirt just annoys me
and let me say again THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH LIKING THIS but in the larger context of this being the AQUARIUS dress it just doesn't read like her at all!! Sure she has a bikini but she also has v ling hair!
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where capricorn suffers from too little visual concept aquarius has so much of it!! The gold to me reads v fancy and royalty esque which makes sense for her personality, just changing the hair to something more like what aquarius has would do wonders I feel like
plus i hate the green-
my first redesign ever was this dress bc it annoyed me soooo much
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this fit is fine, just boring
but virgos design is also boring and the one interesting thing, her chains, NOT being part of the star dress or alluded to makes me angry
also pigtails so it loses points
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again its fine but its boring, mainly bc aries' design is also boring so-
idk i wish they went more bo peep with it cuz I feel like that could have been cute
also more fucking pigtails-
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if any fit deserved to have horns its this one TAURUS IS A BULL-
anyway this fits is also fine but damn they could have gone so much harder w the cowgirl thing
i do still stand by my redesign for this stardress bc I think it fits canon without redoing taurus
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she should have a nose ring its just facts-
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love the concept and idea! kinda meh execution
its fine ig but its also like gemini don't look anything like this? which makes this another one were I feel ud have to rework gemini to give them more visual cues u could take
the headdress specfically confuses me since the wiki says its a Kokoshnik but after looking at the wiki for that I found nothing in the history that makes that make sense for this fit?? like concept wise??
its only so high up bc i respect that they did something different and creative with this dress and the way they split the colors on the dress itself is cute, just wish they went more magician or even jester w it
the only pigtails im kinda ok w bc symmetry
(when i say more magician i did it this way:
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its cute, i wish the tail was bigger and I see v little reason for the fit to be skin tight when scorpio himself literally has a half skirt thing going on
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i still like this so here, as u can see I liked the idea with the hair and headband combo I just wish they had pushed it further
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again, cool concept, weird execution?
this one is the only one i feel that THRIVES from not taking any visual cues from the spirit bc honestly his design just sucks I'm sorry ik its supposed to be funny but its just stupid to me idk
however even if i like thaty they did something different AND gave her the bow and arrow, it annoys me still that nothing about the fit reads equestrian or archery? there's SO MANY historical fits they could have used as inspo for this and they just chose not to and that's lazy to me idk
also also i hate that for a while bc of the way the manga was colored it looked like she was fully just wearing underwear bc of the white fabric with nothing on her thighs like that's dumb he's a horse u WANT something there to protect that area when riding
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its cute, it matched loke design AND personality wise, wish there were more lion elements but overall v cute
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i already talked abt my thoughts on this dress here so yeits just good AND the pigtails r ok bc they r meant to mimic cancers silhouette which I really like
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yermes · 1 year
PAC: 🦈
Since my favorite thing ever is talking about myself let me tell y abt my week. 🩷 my birthday was Monday and was also the start of the hardest training block this summer so I was MIA and just dead all week. Then shark week started (my period) before we climbed the hardest climb in the state (12th hardest in the country) where I literally FELL OFF MY BIKE and had to jump back on at the steepist part and it was so steep for so long I couldn’t run up or down to a flat I had to free ball it. Literally the whole week was an absolute struggle and now we have an extra day off and im laying in bed abt to make a iced coffee but complaining rn is way more important 🩷. You may be at a steep part of your life and fallen off your bike but HERE ARE SOME WAYS YOU CAN GIDDY UP.
Pick a meme
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Pick a card
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Seven of Pents 🦑
Netzach, Lord of Success Unfulfilled
You had your hopes high and they fell to the floor and were crushed under foot. Any small gain had no lasting benefit. You wasted your time. You sit looking at how much you have to climb and your broken bike. But even still. You made it this far. You had some small goal and you accomplished that? Break things up into small segments. Firstly, get back on the bike. Second, get both of your feet strapped in the pedals. Thirdly, get your rhythm going again. Fourth, inch more and more ahead each time. Do not look back. Learn from failures and keep moving.
Prince of cups 🪼
21° lib 20° scorp, Air in the waters of Binah, Tiphareth
Use the combination of spirit and soul and lift others up to lift yourself up. Im sorry bitch but when you hit the ground like that and your head is swimming with cruelty at yourself fake it till you make it. Be positive and courageous till you can do it for real. Be bigger than your circumstances which I know is hard but put your game face on and fight through the emotional pain to feel that compassion and warmth at the end.
Four of wands (reversed) 🦞
Chesed, Lord of Perfected Work, Venus 3. in Aries, 20°–30°. Angels Nanael and Nithal
Girl you fell off your bike hard and now you are nervous. You feel rushed and anxious and backed into a corner. You feel like you need to make a rash decision. But calm down. It’s perfectly normal that once you fall you let out a scream and you are shaky getting back up. Once you gather your nerves look and see how you can actually get on and stay on. Don’t feel anxious just take the time you need do. Not. Be. Rash.
Princess of wands 🐅
Venus in the fire signs, Earth in the fires of Aziluth, Malkuth
Use the physical hurt as fuel for your fire and let that fire under your ass make you kick it into high gear. You have an unstable hunger to finish what you started do not let this physical set back stunt you mentally. Use this hiccup as fuel and fucking book it.
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netflix shadow and bone s1 e5 pt3: peak darklina
the first kiss scene Alina is so beautiful Her little smile as she picks up his kefta after he hears him call out for Ivan to get it like ooh I'm gonna play a little trick on Alek Her making him smile with a joke that's not even funny The tentativeness of it all, them tiptoeing around each other, testing the boundaries Him being taken aback by her offering to help him put on his kefta but still wanting her to and immediately resorting to business voice asking questions about official sun summoner stuff And putting on his serious business face him trying to explain away the gloves by calling them a safeguard, not a sign of him not trusting her abilities the face he makes after saying spectacle either depicting his distaste for the showiness of the event or depicting his embarrassment at how he phrased the sentence, like what the fuck did I just say (more likely the first one) Her quickly turning around and walking away after the eye contact makes her realise how close they are and him pulling a puzzled look as she does so Just. Just how adorable the energy is. Both of them making jokes to diffuse the tension, her gripping the table to maybe steady or calm herself, the looks they give to each other as if engaged in a delicate dance; god-like Him straight up just blinking and looking down and gulping as she says 'we can offer Grisha and Ravkans hope' (could be multiple things he's thinking at this point, and all of them interest me) 'That means a lot to me, Alina.' *her turning to look at his face* 'You mean a lot...' *her immediately lowering her gaze and tracing where her mal scar used to be lmao* 'to everyone' *her raising her gaze to him again* The music swelling as she walks up to him, her barely grazing her fingers against his collar, his eyes looking across hers as if in disbelief, her looking at his lips, and then her closing the gap between them. Him being a little stiff, indubitably from being shocked, and yet giving into it almost instinctively as if he can't help it. The violin coming in powerfully yet softly to emphasize the tenderness of it all. This thing has been made with so much love and I can't contain myself about it. Him opening his eyes half a second after Alina, almost as if waking up from a dream and then, following a relaxing of his facial muscles as he clearly regains his composure, immediately looking inscrutable. Her doubting herself, not losing eye contact as he stands up from the desk, but her sudden fear, regret, and embarrassment clear on her face. Her sides of her lips slowly rising giving way his own self mirroring her and breaking into smile and composing himself and breaking into smile again before saying 'Not many people surprise me, Miss Starkov'. Her now fully breaking out into a smile, her face a picture of unguarded joy, she looks down only to have his gaze follow her face. Both of them giddy in the other's presence and the audience can feel it. It feels like he is leaning in for another one when the sound of the door opening makes them spring apart, regaining their composures and standing at a respectable distance from each other. Her poorly suppressing a smile, him looking at her visibly, her mimicking him with a glance out of her periphery, causing her to give in to her smile completely. Him looking visibly distracted as he attempts to pay attention to whoever came into the room. the Jesper of it all Jesper the mega idiot not being able to control his face from doing a thing as he realises the person who caught him where he wasn't supposed to be is the same person he was making sexy eyes at before and yet regaining his composure in record time The poor stable hand actually being interested in Jesper and being adorable with Jesper just being like charm itself Can you believe looking at Jesper Llewellyn Fahey in the flesh and having him make sexy eyes at you and then forgetting about it? Because I simply cannot. The line about light role play? Felt a little not right. GO OFF STABLE HAND WHO PUSHED JESPER AGAINST A WALL AND KISSED HIM, HE LITERALLY SAID IM POPPING OFF AND
THEN HE DID Zoya Zoya saying fuck off to the random racist comment made by one of the guests, but she was racist to Alina herself? (I mean South Asian-East Asian hate is not uncommon so idk) David omg the cutie pie adjusting his hair at the fete HEARTRENDER FUCKING HUSBANDS Fedyor insisting on Ivan eating the sweet and Ivan's solemn head shake like no babe im on a diet and Fedyor being like heart eyes please eat the sweet my love and then Fedyor holding Ivan's face to make him nibble off a corner and Ivan's face splitting into a reluctant grin Kaz the actor Seeing Kaz the actor instead of Kaz the master of trickery and plans is an interesting thing Kanej being Kanej cute banter interaction, would recommend, 10/10 hints at Arken being sus The look Kaz gives Arken when Arken leaves, I really should have known, I was simply being a clown Darkling and the dumb royalty We love the Darkling suppressing his anger at these otkazat'sya rulers dissing the grisha and the little palace Alina's entrance The soft hum that we hear when Alina enters but we don't see her face Alina's adorable peeking The Darkling's expression changing despite being done af with these mfers and instantaneously on catching a glimpse of Alina, she really has that power huh He really made it look like his pupils dilated and who knows maybe they did Him trying to call her out for not following protocol but him melting and saying 'you look lovely, by the way' Her saying 'you look like you needed saving' I can't breathe you're so cool ballroom at the little palace I must confess I expected the ballroom of the winter fete to be bigger
GENYADAVID looking at each other and pretending not to look at each other, my fucking heart Kanej being Kanej Kaz implying they're gonna try to trick the people into thinking that the fake sun summoner is real and Inej being done with his shit Alina's demonstration HER NAME IS ALINA STARKOV yes mfer The way people back away as he steps, god the power of this man Inej looking at Kaz omfg Okay him clapping the darkness into the room was cool af I love the shadow summoning effects so fucking much The first bit of light that Alina summons lighting up the gold parts of her black kefta, absolute perfection Alina just enjoying her power and then looking to Alek, his lips parting when she does Aw Fedyor looking at Ivan in a I told you she could do it way Genya and Fedyor exchanging glances as Alina besties THE CROWD SAYING SANKTA ALINA INEJ SAYING SANKTA ALINA WITH HALF A TEAR IN HER EYE DAMN THIS IS POWERFUL Jesper and Dima IMMEDIATELY TRANSITIONING TO JESPER SAYING 'SAINTS' AS A NAKED STABLE BOY GETS OFF OF HIM AGAHSJSJSJKS I CAN'T IM CACKLING AT THE AUDACITY OF THIS SHOW HOW ARE THEY SO PERFECT (his name's dima btw) Poor fucking Dima getting frightening orders from his superior as his hookup sneaks out with horses that are definitely not his Arken the little shit Ah Arken why'd you have to go and do this I was actually amused by you before the malyen factor omg Mal's here and someone saw him getting here apparat and faith? The apparat literally jumping out of the palace walls at Alina lol man I do love the religion angle of this universe and it would have been so fucking cool if it were explored a bit better ew apparat that grab was very violent mal/darkling interaction the darkling's reaction at his recognition of mal was so funny ah yes my arch nemesis, the other angle of this teen immortal love triangle how utterly delightful someone explain the darkling's 'are you alright' to mal, is it because Alina was worried sick, is it mind games, is it curiosity, what is it Im still don't know how to feel with them attaching a literal symbol to the sun summoner, to Alina's dreams and to the stag itself 'not until I see Alina' THE LOYAL HIMBO ENERGY IN THIS ONE ISTFG I have never known nose acting until I saw Ben Barnes, he uses his nose in his acting and it is absolutely wonderful; case in point, the 'i beg your pardon' to mal with the rage making his voice shake okay but why is every mal darkling interaction like, everything the prompt answer our baby mal gives and the satisfaction it brings to his face, fucking amazing the darkling being literally struck by this, his mouth literally agape, king this is a 20 year old lmao Baghra! OMG WE GOT A GLIMPSE OF BAGHRA'S FIRE YES Genya supremacy Genya beating Arken up let's fucking go Marie's plot influence and Racism? Yellowface? again? hmm bardugo (then again, I have no authority over this, I'm south asian) Ive already talked about how I'm interested in knowing if and how changing Marie's time and place of death going to influence the plot much because in the books it caused a chain reaction doing a lot of stuff Alina, my love Alina just, laughing with other Grisha, feeling at home, ah be still my treacherous heart Mal's confrontation scene with Alina that was in the books being retconned to Mal calling out to her body double, hmm, probably to make Mal more likeable, I don't have any feelings about this particularly Nadia and Fedyor Okay the both of them, smiling and walking, hand in hand, cute mlm wlw solidarity moment that I missed during the first watch Kanej interacting with Alina Why is Alina literally so adorable The music picking up as the Inferni catches sight of the 'limping man' (what? it was funny when he said it) Blue Irises Alina's face showing a certain sense of calm when Alek shows up Alina's face after the Darkling says 'for you' and presents her with blue irises is something like gasp okay you've got game sexy shadow man mal fite time omg I thought she was taking mal to talk to Baghra or smth not to kill him 🤡 aren't oprichnikis like
otkazat'sya or am I missing smth? Because Baghra's spy is obvs a fabrikator THE DESK SCENE omg the scene hath arriveth the fact that Alina can't stop smiling gods, the flirting 'I don't recall this, being part of the schedule' him turning back and saying 'it isn't' her hiding her face through the cover of smelling the flowers and just how coy she acts, like the literal eyelid batting Ma'am how embarrassing for you to have feelings rn these two are my absolute favs of all time the camera moving as they move from their spots on which they had to stand on to get the shot of their shadows almost kissing her nodding and smiling at him saying 'she'll probably be alright' like okay I'm ready for smooches kiss me already and him going 'don't you think' trying to savour this moment IM SORRY BUT THE FUCKING SCORE AT THE MOMENT THEIR LIPS MEET YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I CANNOT COPE the way his hand is so big that he can almost hold her entire face in it the way she grips the back of his head I'm sorry I feel so disrespectful saying this but the sounds they make+I think that's a um titty grab or maybe it's just a holding someone and the placement was um unintended but I doubt it because everything in this fucking show is so intentional+ the lift up onto the desk+ the faces they make+ um god I'm going to hell for this but when they sort of grind into each other (I understand this is acting and they're just good at their job) but god does all of this make my heart race and also makes me happy I guess LITERAL GIGGLES I can't I'm soft 🥺🥺🥺 his little head shake at the knock on the door when he goes in for one last kiss before she gets off the desk and her eyes going all oy you, go get the door, I'm not going anywhere don't make whoever it is wait is so adorable and domestic her just standing there mouth agape to herself when he walks away HIM STILL FLUSHED AND BLUSHING AND HIS HAPPINESS CLEAR AS DAY ON HIS FACE WHEN HE OPENS THE DOOR his gaze flits to her when Ivan says Alina was the target 'I'll be waiting' love, I physically can't anymore Little cheek hold and walk away Her little smile to herself nearly fading before he jumps back in again to her surprise and to ours to hold her face with both his hands and kiss her one last time, and yes, he does kiss like he's being drafted for the war in the morning Her little mouth open and close and then her little smile to herself after he leaves I refuse to watch the rest of the episode right now because no let me steep in the darklina bliss
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thecipherlegacy · 3 years
12 and/or 21 for your choice? ~@dragonheart-swtor
I chose both with Arianness and Noshiir, hope you like it!
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Arianness had spent the day out doing smuggling runs non stop as she waited for Toovee to contact them about her boyfriend's recovery from their last run together. It wasn't life threatening that she knew of, but he had been knocked out for over two days after an escape gone wrong against pirates. He had gotten a hard hit on the noggin and a couple of scrapes after a rough jump into hyperspace and hadn't woken up since. Toovee got the poor man into a kolto tank, but the waiting was the worst part.
"Hey, pinky" chasaadia greeted her captain as she sat up front with her. "How are you holding up?"
"Im fine" the Twi'lek responded. "A little worry won't stop me from making credits. Also, Noshiirs skull is resilient. He'll come through. I know he will. That thick skulls gotta be good for somethin." The captain smiled at her friend, but that weak chuckle was less than convincing.
"You mask your concern with humor." The large nautolan crossed her arms and gave an unamused look. "And you keep your nerves in check by working."
Arianness scoffed "what in the galaxy makes you think that, Red? Suddenly a psychology expert, are ya?" Her curt reply got no answer, so she stayed silent as well. Her hands ran over the steering console and she sighed. At one point she would have been happy to be rid of the man, but so much had changed since then and she missed his stupid jokes and his silly smile. The ship was quiet without the sounds of his tinkering echoing throughout it.
"Talk to me, Ari." Chasaadia demanded in a sisterly tone once the silence became too much. "I'm not some meathead. I know you're upset."
The smaller woman's purple eyes glanced at Chasaadia, then back down at the console. "Do you think he'll be alright? He hit his head pretty hard." Was all she could think to ask. Realistically she knew her friend had the same knowledge of Noshiors condition as she did, but the reassurance was all she needed.
A numbing silence filled the ship, then the nautolan took a deep breath. "I gotta admit, he took a nasty spill, and there was a pretty gnarly amount of blood." This earned her a sharp look. "But, I trust my Toovee with my life, and I sure as hell trust him with Noshiirs. He's in good hands." Despite how her response began, her gentle smile comforted Arianness. The Bounty hunter never was good woth being gentle, so this was surely the best she was going to get.
"Thanks Chassy. I should really put more faith in Toovee. Hes patched us up in much worse circumstances. Im sure Noshiir will be okay... I just need to not think about it"
The other womans large hand pat Arianness's shoulder "Then let's go make some credits. Toovee will call when that bonehead wakes up."
With a nod, the captain jumped to hyperspace to go to their drop off on Tattooine. Right out of the spaceport there were Jawas swarming to try and trade, which the Captain denied and Chasaadia threatened if they got too close or too rowdy. Couldn't risk the shipment being stolen or damaged.
Both women kept some wraps over their heads to avoid the heat in any way they could until they made it to the Cantina, where they finally met up with their contact, who looked seedy, but had the credits.
"Alright so you can count it. All the blasters and stims you ordered are in there." Arianness said. As the man counted, her communicator began to go off. "Chasaadia, take over for a sec." She stated before getting up and answering the call. Toovee was a relief to see. "Oh thank the force- how is Noshiir?-"
"I am pleased to tell you that he is awake and functional. He still needs rest, but everything seems to be in order, so whenever you're ready to come home-"
"We'll see you soon!" Arianness grinned from ear to ear before hanging up "He's awake, Chassy! Lets go!" She called and rushed out of the cantina before getting any response.
"He hasn't paid!" The hunter argued and watched the younger woman leave with a grunt.
"Well, guess I dont gotta pay, then" the client smirked, but was quick to change his mind when a blaster was shoved against his nose.
By the time the Nautolan was back on the ship, her captain was already getting it started up and ready to go. "So,what happened to 'a little worry won't stop me from making credits'?" She asked with a frown. "You almost didn't get paid for that shipment."
"I lied. C'mon, red. You knew that" Arianness said woth a shrug. "Now strap in. We're going home."
"Im taking a bigger cut from this one, you idiot." Chasaadia sighed again and sat down beside her "and I mean that in the most loving way."
Those purple eyes looked at her playfully as they left the space station. "I know. And you deserve it, take what you want."
This surprised the hunter,but she decided not to mention it. Arianness used to care more about a missed score or being ripped off. Her love for the zabrak had changer her priorities for the better.
The ride home was relatively quiet as Arianness was so focused on getting there fast. The moment they entered the atmosphere of Alderaan she was practically buzzing with joy.
"I've never seen you like this" Chasaadia finally said. "So happy. Its nice."
The captains cheeks flushed bashfully "oh- thanks Chassy... I'm just relieved he's okay- I mean... aren't you excited to see Toovee?" She asked as the ship was brought in to land in their hangar.
"Of course I am." The other scoffed. "But you're like a little kid on life day."
Arianness huffed and shut off the engines "I'm just... going to be happy to see him walking around again, you know?... it was my carelessness that caused his injury. I could have lost him, kinda puts things into perspective. Helps me appreciate what we have even more."
There was a brief silence, then Chasaadia chuckled fondly and stood up. "Sap." Was all she said as she walked to the airlock.
"Hey!" Arianness frowned and followed her "shut up."
They stepped off the ship to see Toovee waiting for them. He was instantly fretting over Chasaadia, as he always did after their runs. The Twi'lek waved to him as she rushed up to the medical bay, where Noshiir was standing up on shaky legs.
She smiled at the sight, but also worried since she knew he probably shouldn't have been walking yet. "And what are you doing out of bed, mister?" Her tone was like a mothers as she approached him to look the poor man over. He had fresh bandages on his head and stomach and a few bruises on his red skin. His hair was up in a messy bun, leaving some of it hanging over the right side of his face. Despite it all, Noshiir looked up at her and gave her that million credit smile.
"Damn... youre a sight for sore eyes, Captain." He said. "When Toovee said y'all were coming home i thought I'd greet you but... uh... yeah I only made it this far."
She sighed and put his hands on her hips "Put your weight on me, can't have you falling and hitting your head again, you goof" Arianness chuckled a little and held his face in her palms softly. "Nice to see those blue eyes again..." she brushed the strands of hair from his face and curled it behind his ear. "Im so sorry you got so hurt... I should've been more careful."
His brows knotted "What? Darlin.... this wasn't your fault, shit happens. I'm just grateful to be up and looking at your pretty mug again" he argued. The captain frowned and her pink cheeks tinted red.
"You flatterer." Came yet another sigh. "I love you.... never scare me like that again"
His weight shifted so their foreheads touched. "I love you too, but no promises. You know I'm accident prone."
Arianness snickered. There was truth to his words. He was clumsy and definitely drew attention in a fight. She gently guided his head lower to kiss his brow. "Then lay back down, clutz. I'll get you some lunch, I'm sure you're famished"
He smiled and relaxed into her touch before doing as he was told "Once I'm all fed maybe you can just.. lay with me a while?" He asked. The twi'lek smiled back at him and gave a small nod.
"I'd love nothing more."
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snarkywrites · 4 years
April Horoscopes: Strength
April will be a month of learning and discovering hope considering the challenges that the world is currently facing with COVID-19. Aries Season represents Cardinal Fire, this is the shift from the rocky waters of Pisces that we have traversed and onto more methods of initiating. In Pisces, we saw the concerns with the Coronavirus and during the Virgo Full Moon, preventive action (In the United States) was being taken by many governments to contain the spread in March. Aries Season does not guarantee a drastic change, but it will enable more action to be done in order to make bigger changes for tomorrow. With Saturn entering the sign of Aquarius around the same time that the Spring Equinox begins, we can only look forward to a more positive change since these signs are moving from Earth and Water to Air and Fire. We all look forward to what Aries Season has to bring, it is the start of the new Season, where new life is birthed as well as hope. Most of us are practicing isolation and keeping touch with friends and family seems like a pertinent thing to do during this period to keep our spirits up. It is a period of learning as well and finding the strength to persist and continue to fight. We have to ensure to keep our spirits up, to not give up on hope because it can become our strongest ally and the greatest weapon of all against fear.
Aries – We finally make it to your sign, and we all look to it for a change. Ironically, while Aries likes to move and explore, we are mostly practicing isolation at this time. Where this would hold you down or take you steps back, you might feel a sense of confidence with Jupiter bringing tension to your Sun sign. It might give you a boost of over optimism or bring you crashing down to negativity. Make sure to strike a balance since this month will be a lesson plan for you, especially when Jupiter and Pluto connect closer to bring on the intensity. A sign of relief will come with the Full Moon in Libra, bringing some balance to the overwhelming path this month, making you tune into what you need and how others can help you achieve that. With Venus in the sign of Gemini, you will feel a boost of confidence and energy that will help keep you in good spirits towards the end of the month. Later this month, when the sun shift to Taurus, you will feel a little less pressure, allowing you to go back and focus on rebuilding yourself and putting the focus back on you, but from a calmer and more neutral ground.
Taurus – Later this month we enter your season and we are all looking forward to that. For now, the Sun is in Aries and it is making you more methodical and contemplative. This period of time can amp up your anxiety, but you have to remember to relax. Venus is still in your sign for the earlier parts of April, before it trapezes into the sign of Gemini, making you more prone to look at your finances and worth. Venus will be retrograding in this sign, so be careful not to practice the “treat yourself” mentality until later this year. With Pluto and Jupiter meeting up on April 4th, there will be a drive in you to explore and seek some truths about the world or something you might have been curious about for a while. Higher learning opportunities are possible at this time. The Full Moon in Libra will be a calming effect on you, since you are both Venus ruled signs. Being practical and planning will come with greater ease as you get more focused on achieving your goals and set your sights towards the future. Finally, when the Sun enters your sign on the 19th, you will feel that boost of energy you have longed for that will wake you up from that slumber.
Gemini – This is going to be a very interesting month for you. Venus will enter the sign of Gemini on the 3rd and it will remain there for a while. For those who have had troubles with love, this period will be an eye opening one for you. It will be a learning experience as you become more aware with your relationships in the past and present, giving you keys to think about the future. The Sun is in Aries for the first part of the month, bringing the connections with friends through social media. You thrive when it comes to communication and when Mercury enters Aries on the 11th, you will see just how good you can be. There could be some recognition since you will be more active on the social media platforms, potentially making new friends and connections. The Full Moon in Libra brings excitement to your life during this transit, it also sparks your creativity, pushing you to get to work and make more content (especially for those artists and writers out there). April begins a period of transformation and promises to show you the new journey to self-discovery.
Cancer – April promises to be interesting as well as a little frustrating, as you receive tensions from both Capricorn and Aries, but you will find a way to power through it all with your resilience. Working hard will be on your mind and it will feel like it might be nonstop. You will feel some pressures trying to recalibrate your schedule and with everything going on you might be overwhelmed. The Full Moon in Libra will bring some harmony and balance to your environment, halting the madness for a while and allowing for a nice breather. Venus in Gemini will also provide some relief and relaxation as the anxiety slowly starts to creep away bringing you back to a sense of temporary normalcy. When the Sun enters the sign of Taurus, you will be more receptive to what the season has to offer. Connecting with friends will be a huge theme this transit, and the New Moon might amp the focus for you, especially with most people practicing isolation. The Pluto and Jupiter conjunction will be a doozy for everyone, and this might be a period where you might need to meditate, so that you won’t crumble those close relationships to you.
Leo – This month will be a learning experience. Aries Season keeps you full of hope and some optimism, although it can feel fleeting. When Mercury enters Aries on the 1th, part of you will have a need to learn and dive more into topics that have been calling out to you for the last couple of months. With the Jupiter and Pluto conjunction making us all want to hide; you will feel more intrigued about uncovering truths while becoming fixated on making changes to your routines. Lots of fixed signs will be running for cover since Saturn is now in the sign of Aquarius, but you will feel confident enough to handle this energy. This is a point in time where you will feel the need to reflect and look more within. Saturn might point out some things you need to change and will most likely feel confident working on. Interpersonal relationships will be eye opening for you during this transit. The Full Moon in Libra on the 7th will make you sharper and more focused. More tools in your inventory to help you navigate those thoughts in your mind that will be sparked by Jupiter, which will put you on the path to organization and efficiency until the remainder of the year. You’ll be happy when the Sun enters Taurus because you will have your moment in the sun and will embrace it.
Virgo – The Sun in Aries this month will stir up some emotions from your past. The Jupiter and Pluto conjunction on the 4th will spark some memories riddled with pain, as you think back on the moments of happiness along with the thoughts of endings in certain relationships. There could have been someone that was a strong influence from your past who might stir up some memories of a distant past. Like most signs this year, you will have to battle with those memories in order to let go and move on. The Full Moon in Libra brings the focus back on you and where your comfort zones reside. You might be compelled to critique yourself for not managing finances the way you have dreamed, but a lot of us are dealing with unexpected events and turmoil with our income. Best to be patient and focus more on your wellbeing. Relax. A more favorable time begins when the Sun enters Taurus later on in the month, giving you the courage needed to take on a new path and you might even feel a little more optimistic about the changes that have been brought into your life in the last two months. These changes are drastic and upsetting, but you will become more acclimated as time goes on. After all, these are still a lot of lessons that we are learning along the way.
Libra – One of the biggest events this month will be the Full Moon in your sign on the 7th.  This will be an empowering moment for you, even if it does not feel like it is at the time. Full Moons serve to activate our own power within, a time of breaking down parts of ourselves and tackling our own vulnerabilities. The Sun in Aries this month will still ignite passion and excitement for you as well. If you have felt defeated by Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter this year, you will find a way to stabilize yourself after everything felt like it was slipping away. There will be a lot of release of energy and with Venus entering Gemini, you can find yourself transforming through a new spiritual path. Saturn’s ingress in Aquarius will be a breathing period for you since those Cardinal placements are coming apart (for now), giving you room to take a moment to relax as you plan for what comes next. The warrior within you is definitely out this month, even if it does not seem like it. You will feel more focused and more willing to take on the role of tactician. Finally, the shift to Taurus Season will be a little more relaxing for you as you focus on rebuilding while taking a step back from the world.
Scorpio – You are compelled and driven to work hard this month with the Sun finally in Aries. However, everything will feel like a frustrating halt given the world events happening now. Take a step back and decompress; this period of time can be a good way to figure out if your body needs a break or if you need to make some changes that will help improve your health. The Full Moon in Libra on the 7th will motivate you to take time to rest and rebuild.  If you have felt exhausted before or needed a break, now is your time to do it. This will be therapeutic and wonderful for you. But be prepared because with Venus entering the sign of Gemini, things might heat up and move extremely fast, maybe too fast for your liking. This will be an interesting period filled with exploration and lots of communication. This month adds even more fun and exciting moments when the Sun moves to Taurus which will bring to focus some potential partnerships (if you’re looking) or a way to solidify self love.
Sagittarius – It has been a long journey for you, but you this fire season will bring some excitement to your life. Aries Season will feel like a very surreal moment given the situation in the world, but you know how to make the best of the situation. The Jupiter and Pluto conjunction in Capricorn might feel like a dreaded moment which will force you to take a look at what you learned from your last Saturn transit in Sagittarius. That foundation, your base is going to be rocked, but you have endured, so keep strong and focused. If you have been putting off projects for months, prepare now for a burst of creative stimulation that will keep you occupied. With Venus entering the sign of Gemini on the 3rd, you will feel more in tune with art and romance. Lovely words might be spoken by you or someone will speak them to you. The Full Moon in Libra, you will feel connected to your social circle and might feel even more motivation from them which puts your inspiration on another level. The Sun enters Taurus on the 19th, making you more focused, bringing a sense of determination to get things done, efficiently. Continue kicking ass and enjoy this Venus transit in Gemini.
Capricorn – Mars and Saturn are finally out of your sign, bringing some much-needed relief on your end. However, Jupiter and Pluto are still there, rocking your world. On the 4th, they come closer in a conjunction to remind you that, you are still going through the transformative phase, so keep focused since Saturn will eventually come back to join them several months from now. You still need to work hard even now. It will feel stressful with the pandemic, but you have got this. Your efficiency and resourcefulness is what makes you someone that people admire. When you feel defeated, remember to think about the battles you have dealt with and won. Venus enters the sign of Gemini, adding more passion to your work, making you multi-task and prepare for more. You are ready. With the Full Moon in Libra, this can be an eye opener, as you notice where your work and accomplishments have led you, don’t get too caught up and expect to make drastic changes (yet). The Sun entering the sign of Taurus on the 19th promises to bring some fun and joy to your life (briefly) as you enjoy the happier moments before you get back into overdrive to get more shit done.
Aquarius – We can expect fellow air signs to be ecstatic with Venus entering Gemini on the 3rd, bringing you some enjoyable moments. Moments like these are needed, especially with the pandemic and everyone practicing isolation. Venus in Gemini will prompt you to reach out to others, to establish new connections and to find joys in unconventional ways that involve communication. On the 4th, Jupiter and Pluto are exact, making you ponder over the past and how to break way from those memories that might be holding you back in order to create a healthier and happier future. The Full Moon in Libra will give you the insights needed to make changes, to connect with your higher self and even seek a greater good through philosophy. It can be a moment where you feel more studious, wanting to embark on journeys through learning. The theme of connecting and staying connected will be prominent for everyone, but air signs will know how to navigate through these waters with ease. The Sun entering the sign of Taurus on the 19th brings a relaxing energy and the focus on grounding you from all of the air energy. You will get in touch with those closest to you and have a new appreciation for them.
Pisces – April will bring a lot of promise to you, but it requires patience. We are all learning how to handle being patient with the pandemic. This period of isolation will allow for you to focus on setting your goals, planning ahead and thinking about your stability as Sun and Mercury shift to Aries. Once Venus shifts into the sign of Gemini on April 3rd (and remains there for a several months), it will help resolve your need for grounding as well as the growing questions that continue to nag you. This Venus transit resonates with what the world is going through, you will reach out to loved ones or be surrounded by them. Focusing on security and stability will be major for you. With the Full Moon in Libra on April 7th, you might feel the fear and anger creep up on you, but you will manage because you are patient and diligent when you want to overcome. You have been on a journey for months, seeking answers, thinking about the past and the future. When the Sun moves into the sign of Taurus on the 19th, you will be more prepared to tackle on these questions, to find those answers aggressively and to express your needs and desires.  
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dankmeme-astrology · 4 years
IF ONLY [SIGN] were left on earth....
What would happen to our beloved planet?
Aries: the would be trying to organize their own kingdom where they are supreme leader. Their secret childhood dream of world domination is finally starting to take place but they are missing one thing: a loyal following. Most of the other Aries people dont want to follow each other and then things turn into a game of factions.
Taurus: are actually trying to bring civilized life back for the most part. The key word is 'trying'. They don't work too well with others and a lot of their time is wasted by trying to argue about whose idea is best
Gemini: they're trying to take over other inhabited buildings in hopes of being supreme leader of their small ass town. They read every YA dystopia novel to understand how to survive (they're alive, but they aren't leader. Yet.)
Cancer: is hiding their valuables and prized possessions so people wont steal them and they go to try and find others to form a bit of a gang
Leo: they are taking the time to raid literally every store. Their plan? Living in a Walmart and claiming it as their "mansion". However, they are one of the best at rationing out stuff in a way so that everyone gets food and a good place to live in
Virgo: takes 10 minutes to freak out, but then try to sustain their own life. Sure they interact with others but most of them are ignoring each other as they attempt to understand how to bring their own lives back into what they were once comfortable with
Libra: is taking things in a similar direction as Taurus but they're more likely to work with others because they can't go 5 seconds without being lonely oops did I say that?
Scorpio: nobody leaves their house unless there's an emergency, so the streets are pretty quiet. Sooner or later, though, they realize they need to come together in order to sustain their new lives. They begin to form groups and eventually start migrating to bigger or more wealthy areas.
Sagittarius: Graffiti EVERYWHERE plus they all eventually rally and storm Area 51 and Fort Knox. What did they find? I don't know, im not a Sagittarius, so go ask one. They're sort of nomadic and move when resources run out
Capricorns: are just thankful that they can sleep in but then they start to worry someone might break into their house so they build defenses to prevent that. Sooner or later their house becomes almost impenetrable
Aquarius: they are either making their shelter in a Barnes and Noble or a McDonald's and they have a war room where all they do is pretend to take over the world. They don't actually carry out their plans, but isn't it fun to imagine being a kid again?
Pisces: same as Sag but the graffiti is cool art designs instead of penises and bad puns, and instead of storming into secret buildings they try to come together in an attempt to create a perfect utopia
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txthots · 4 years
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An estimation and analysis of Beomgyu's chart
firstable....... beomgyu has so many sun aspects. and his big 3 (his sun, his moon, and his rising) are water signs. So by default, this means he’s most likely sun dominant, and water dominant. These feel like 2 totally opposite ends of a spectrum lol... so I’m assuming his emotions are really all over the place. But! Being sun dominant means he’s very bright and energetic as a person, very cheery, and just so <3. And water dominant ppl (in my opinion) make the best domestic lovers. Best at cheering up his partner in literally every aspect, and when he says “I’m txt’s energizer” he means that shit quite literally lol
-sun in pisces, moon in scorpio. I bet he can pick up on another person’s tastes very quickly, so he’s most likely going to know you and your body like the back of his hand through your body language. Both pisces and scorpios are pretty intuitive signs. He’s most likely placing a lot of emotion into it when he gets intimate, so he doesn’t just do it with anyone. That person’s gotta be special. He places a lot of emotional value and intimacy into sex. Also a major sub. probably into roleplaying and the thought of being /yours/ so whoever has him better mark him up good.
-cancer rising. Beomgyu is bout the prettiest and softest boy i done seen he gotta be a cancer rising. He’s so gentle and fairy like!! and he’s sweet and caring, too.  But cancer risings tend to be pretty hard on themselves and criticize themselves a lot, despite giving so much love to everyone. For example, do you guys remember when he hurt his ankle and cried during that showcase? All I can think about is how much he put himself down because he thought he screwed things up and it made me so sad :((( like he needs a hug and to be told that he’s doing a great job. With his venus square his ascendant, it’s probably super important for him to make good impressions. That being said, he needs a lot of praise and he probably has a praise kink. He most likely is really into being called baby boy, he probably lives for affection when you two get it on, and he reaalllyy appreciates a gentle voice just telling him what a good job he’s doing on someone. Also, again, major sub.
-Mercury in Aquarius in the 8th house. He thinks it’s important that you tell him if you find anything wrong with what he’s doing, and vice versa. When mercury is in an air sign, there’s a pretty logical communication pattern and he’s probably pretty emotionally mature once he’s comfortable with projecting his opinions. However, because his merc is square saturn he probably is a little scared to bring things up at first. He wouldn’t be as reluctant as Yeonjun would be to talk about things, all he really needs is a tad bit of coaxing. Is good at staying set on his goals so... when he says he’s gonna make you both cum hard that night best believe that he means it lol. His merc being in the 8th house makes him a little paranoid, so again, he needs a lot of reassurance. Like Soobin, he’s also the type of person to ask “Is this okay? Did you like that?” But it’t not out of responsibility like Soobin seeks to get. It’s just second nature for Beomgyu. He’ss genuinely so scared that he’ll do something wrong :(((( it’s so cute.  Kind of curious, so he’s willing to try new things.
-Venus retrograde in the 10th house in aries. Tbh..... will probably like spending money on toys klefEKGAEKJN but on a serious note he’s one to feel really deeply about things, and is a tad bit dramatic. A bit shy when it comes to doing it with his partner the first few times, and it’ll take a lot of reassurance and praise to get him comfortable. Self love is also an issue for him so make sure to tell him how nice he looks!!! Once he’s truly comfortable he will flirt a lot, and it’s quite charming tbh. and the art of making love is a very passionate and deep thing for him, it’s not just fucking to him. He wont ever have one night stands, thats for sure. He most likely gets jealous really easy because his moon is in scorpio and his venus is conjunct juno.
-Mars in sag in the 6th house. I know yall thinking about his size... He’s an average size. His mars is close to scorpio and his pluto but it’s completely opposite jupiter. Mars in sag makes him naturally athletic so the stamina is high. He’s really just a ball of energy omg :’) He’s also really spontaneous and is one of those guys who will surprise you. And dare i say we have another bratty bottom lol.... He’ll be the type to just say whatever to his partner just to rile them up just so he could get someone to put it down on him once he’s truly comfortable with a partner. an even bigger brat than soobin. demanding when he feels confident, but not in a mean way he probably just asks for you to do more to him. Expressive and a bit loud in bed, and he probably likes angry sex but not where he’s in a position of control. If you ask him to dom in that situation he wont be that harsh but he can sure look the part, if that makes any sense.
-Jupiter in gemini in 11th house. His jupiter is opposite his pallas. I’m gonna try and say this in the nicest way possible, but beomgyu is a bit of an airhead alfhanlska and he most likely doesnt get subtle hints. You’ll most likely have to be specific with him and explicitly tell him what you want. that’s probably why once he gets comfortable with someone, he takes communication seriously. He’s also a bit of a romantic!! that’s so cute :(( loves to be social.
-saturn in taurus in the 11th house. Not very impulsive at all. takes a lot of time making moves and if he brings something up that he likes/dislikes, he’s most likely thought about it through and through. Than being said, he probably really doesn’t like being judged about things and really doesn’t appreciate being kink shamed!! He’s also the type of person to be friends with you before he becomes your lover. 
-neptune in aquarius in the 8th house. very loyal and does not like to be controlled, so if anyone doms him they cant /dom/ him.... idk how else to put it. like you have to be very nice to him and make him feel safe, dont make him feel like a belonging, just like make him feel special. also i dont think he’s completely straight either given that neptune is in his 8th
-uranus in aquarius in the 8th house. again, just the type to take a lot of your feelings into consideration and makes sure youre good too. likes to go with the flow of things. I hate that i keep saying this but it really does take a lot for him to get completely comfortable lol, but when he does he’ll be truly happy because he’s the type to love freely and without boundaries. when he expresses something that he likes or dislikes to you, its a big weight off of his shoulders so please take him seriously!
-pluto in sag in the 6th house. Again, doesn’t like to feel constrained. now that im thinking about it, things like bdsm or any type of sense deprivation are probably a no for him. He wouldn’t be opposed to trying it, because he does like trying new things, but he probably wont really favorite it. 
in summary, beomgyu is soft subby babie
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ikevamp-shrine · 4 years
It’s a match up baby
Hi there love! I just say your post saying u do matchupz 😱😱❤❤❤ i got so excited so now im here requesting one❤🌈🔥hope u dont mind🥰 okay so... ❤🥰 i am a aries, infp, Hufflepuff female 🦊 i am shy and difficult to get to know (apparently it took me 2 months to start opening up to my friends, ooops), i tend to bottle up my emotions, my friends would likely describe me as incredibly stubborn, gentle, kind, over dramatic, goofy and fun loving. Okay ima do this in 3 asks hope ya dont mind❤ 1/3... ❤🥰  I am pretty aloof and blunt, i like i will 9/10 times tell you to your face how if feel about you if you ask 🙈once u are part of my inner circle i am playful, teasing, i am an extremely sarcastic person that makes snarky remarks under my breath and my kind of humor is a bit of dark and self deprecating. I will definitely be the person making jokes at inappropriate times and something about inappropriate things (its one of my coping mechanisms) 😂 2/3... I love my friends and family and will fight anyone how threatens them, although when it comes to me you can do or say anything to me and i wont do anything (I honestly cant stand up for myself). I swear like a sailor although i am trying to get that under control, however the road rage is real. I tend to blush easily which i hate 🙈 I am very go with the flow, and i never burn my bridges 🙈 i am very forgive and forget🦊, okay one more 3/3 + one more🔥🙌sorry if this is TMI...I enjoy my own alone time and i definitely dont like crowds and loud sounds (ie you will never find me in a club) i love cuddles although i look like someone that wouldn’t. Ive been told i come across as calm and confident, while in truth on the inside i am really scared and insecure.  I am incredibly awkward when it comes to boys and have been told my sarcastic comments are x100 when i talk to them (oops).🙈 Thanx so much dear ❤ Sorry if this is TMI🔥Cant wait to see who i get matched with 🌈🎀
Thank you for requesting @nad-zeta . I hope you enjoy and have a good rest of your day.
Napoleon Bonaparte
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Charming people and getting them to open up is one of his things he does ya know? So your difficulty in getting to know is no problem to him
Napoleon is also a very patient man so you being shy does not effect him since he is used to it from being around Isaac 
He honestly finds it absolutely adorable 
He would understand bottling up your emotions since he is so used to putting others before himself (including other’s emotions before his own) but he would do every trick in the book to get you to slowly open up to him and to get you to talk about your emotions, wants, and needs
He would find your stubbornness incredibly sexy as he loves a challenge from time to time you would keep him on his toes
Your gentleness and kindness would always bring a tender smile to his face and make his eyes soften with adoration
He would roll his eyes at your goofy, fun loving, and over dramatic side but would ten out of ten join you in your antics then tackle you to the ground all while having one of his famed laughing fits
He can’t help but feel pride well up in him at your bluntness and confidence when you tell someone how it is but at the same time would inch closer just- and only just- incase you need him
Napoleon can’t help but to get turned on by your teasing but if you go too far he will quickly turn it around on you and leave you like a puddle of goo
He always snickers at your sarcastic and snarky comments unless they are directed towards then he will once more leave you breathless and begging for more
The first time you made a self deprecating joke... he was a little taken back- why was such a strong, beautiful, amazing woman joking about herself in a self deprecating way? 
He figured out after a little that your way of joking was unique and soon found humor in it himself- though he will always kiss you hard and tell you how perfect you are if he feels as if you start believing the jokes you say about yourself
Napoleon finds your badly timed inappropriate jokes endearing though he will still give you “the look” as if telling you not right now even if he is laughing hysterically on the inside
When I tell you this man would be head over heals in love with you when he seeing your protectiveness I mean it
The first time he sees your protective side he feels as if the whole floor falls out from under him because how is this woman so perfect? Like damn girl get you some. Go off hun- he finds it extremely hot.
Don’t expect to walk the next day lol
he finds your inability to stand up for yourself confusing (since you’re so quick to protect others) but won’t question it cause you won’t need to defend yourself... after all he will protect you with everything he has
He would absolutely make you put a quarter in the swear jaw each time you say a naughty word though he would see how hard you work to keep your mouth under control so he would go easy on you time to time 
You blush easily? He is going to use that to his advantage (after all he thinks your blush is so cute so he loves seeing it)
He would appreciate your go-with-the-flow approach to things and your ability to forgive and forget so easily
He would respect your alone time aka leave you alone when you wanted him to- no questions asked
Dislike crowds but you both need to go out in public? You better believe this man already made a map of the least populated streets in the city and if you had to go in a bigger crowd he would snake his arm around you and put on his most imitating expression to make people part like the red sea around you both
He doesn’t like loud noises either- war and all- so when there happens to be a thunder storm, a holiday that people have fireworks with, or if it’s just too loud in the mansion that day he would pick you up, carry you to his room, and snuggle in the bed with a blanket over both of your heads to try and block out the sound
He will even cover your ears with his hands if the sounds get too much for you
He knows everyone has insecurities and fears, and that it’s normal, and he can’t just kiss them away or say a few pretty words and they will disappear, he knows that, but he would want nothing more than for you to feel good about yourself and for all your fears to disappear all at once
He would see himself in you when you showed your calm and confident side (remember children confidence is sexy- and if you're not confident fake it until you make it)
he would have to hold himself back or he would end up jumping you and taking you were you stood
Napoleon would also keep you so busy- inside the bedroom and out- that you wouldn’t have time to feel or be awkward, but if you happen to be at anytime he can’t help but pat your head at how adorable you are
Other Matches:...
Leonardo da Vinci
You two would definitely have your ups and downs but he would always respect your space. He would find your protectiveness attractive and wouldn’t make you open up to him- instead he would wait until you were ready to talk. You would probably find his clutter and sleep schedule annoying but would get over it or learn to work around it. His flirty side would defiantly frustrate you (mainly because you wouldn't stop blushing while you were around him). You two would butt heads with when it comes to stubbornness but Leonardo would find your persistence sexy. He doesn't mind your not so PG mouth.
He would join in on making self depreciating jokes, so both of you would end up spending a long time just going back and forth absolutely roasting each other/ yourselves. He would encourage you to stand up for yourself but will always be there when you need him. You want to cuddle? This personal heater is yours for only the small price of a kiss. And cue the awkward, blushing mess Leonardo fell in love with.
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Summary: You couldn’t stand Bucky Barnes, but as a part of the Avengers - You had no choice but to tolerate him. Until one day, mission gone ary - you realize that something else sparks between the two of you, in the most unexpected way.
Warnings: NSFW (18+), Swearing, Violence
Pairing: Reader (Y/N) x Bucky Barnes
You threw your head to the hard surface of the desk, feeling hopeless. Two days since the mission, and the rest of your team was being held in a high securing Hydra facility. You couldn’t just blindly go in, but now your cover had been compromised, and you had no resources. You were stuck with the one person you had little to no experience working with. As soon as it came to realization the were taken, Bucky led you out of the operation against your will. You felt guilty for leaving them behind, but you knew it was smarter to come up with a plan first, you couldnt just hand it to Hydra. But part of you just wanted to blaze in, and get your team back.
“Nice tatic.”
You turned to see Bucky in the doorway, his arms crossed. You rolled your eyes, trying your best to bite you tongue. You knew that fighting wouldn’t help the mess you’re in, and he was all you had as a partner.
“I say we just…go in. Just-…bring big guns.” You sighed heavily, pushing your self back up.
“You and I both know that won’t work. They’ve got guys lined up all around that place. We have no backup, do you want to get killed?” He walked in the room, without your permission.
You groaned out in frustration at his remarks. He sat across from you, pulling the map away from your vision. He knitted his brow, and began to mark all across it with a pen.
“What the hell are you doing?” You looked at him, as he wrote all across the paper.
“Well….maybe if we go through here, we can take the majority of them out. Just…hope we get them all.” Bucky said quietly.
“Like hell you are.” A woman spoke behind you.
You turned to see none other than Agent Maria Hill standing in the room. Bucky’s eyes looked her up and down, causing you to glare at him in disgust. Was he checking her out?
“I got in contact with Fury, mainly because if all of the Avengers are being held captive, its a bit of a problem.” She sighed walking to you.
“uh…you think?” You quipped.
“They’re going to be moving locations anyway, unfortunately. Flight leaves in about two hours. Cap and the rest of them will be getting on that plane as well.” She crossed her arms, looking to you.
“How the hell did we not know this? Steve said nothing about relocation.” Bucky sounded annoyed.
“None of us knew. But now we do, and they’re planning to make a trade off. The Avengers eminent death in exchange for highly illegal weaponry.” Hill huffed out, setting down a pile of files.
“Where are they going for this trade off?” You looked through the papers to find any other surprise information.
“Paris.” She sighed, pulling out the location file.
“How are we going to get them back? We have no resources.” you exasperated, feeling hopelessness wash over you again.
“You’re going to lead them in, agree to hand over the drive, and we’ll handle the rest. Fury set up a meeting already at the Raffles hotel. You leave in about an hour.” She raised a brow, waiting for our reaction.
“An hour, how the hell are we going to get ready for something like that?” Bucky’s eyes grew wide.
“Everything is taken care of. Just….get our heroes back.” Hill pursed her lips, then she was gone.
You looked to Bucky in astonishment. This one day mission was about to turn into something much more.
The private jet was fully stocked with everything you could possibly need, from your favorite gun to your favorite alcoholic beverage. You kept yourself during the flight, not exchanging many words with Bucky. It was an odd sense of being civill towards each other. You would look his direction ever so often, and notice random things. You realized that he hadn’t shaved in a while, leaving his jaws stubble filled. You noticed how he would tuck his hair behind his ears ever so often as if it was a nervous tick. Even sometimes you could hear his machinery of a left arm hum. When he was quiet, he wasn’t all that bad, you could actually tolerate him. Feeling brave after a few drinks, you made your way next to his seat. 
“Worried about them?” you quietly looked at his features.
“I used to worry about Steve, kid doesn’t know how to walk away from a fight. But he’s definitely been able to take care of himself.” Bucky half smiled to you, looking across your features as well. 
You noticed his eyes now, trying not to linger too long.They were crystal blue, and they looked nothing like the rest of him. They were almost genuine, soft, and caring. The rest of his demeanor was tough, large, and unbreakable. The two of you sat in silence for a moment, before you broke the gaze. You looked out the window, and you could still feel his eyes on you. You couldn’t believe this was all happening, on your way to Paris with Bucky Barnes, the man you hated, to save your friends.
About an hour after you landed, you were escorted to your room by mysterious people, cleary they worked for Fury. You walked into the room, slightly astonished at the large size. It was beyond beautiful. If you were here as someone else you could almost enjoy it. But what filled the suite was nothing but set up technology and weaponry.
“Its about time.” Fury approached the both of you, a quizzical look on his face.
“Where are they?” You got right to the point.
“Slow your roll, Y/N” Fury held his hands up, “They’re here. in the Hotel. The Gala tonight is the meet up. You two are taking the route unexpected. They’re in this bottom floor, underneath all this here. We’ve granted access to the air vents for the two of you to extract the team, we’ll handle the rest.”
You watched on as Fury explained the elaborate plan, The both you and Bucky would go below the hotel level to where the team was held, and take out any one in our way. Fury and his team will meet with the Hydra operatives as diversion. You watched as Bucky took in all of the information, his arms folded, he looked bigger than you had noticed before.
“Got it?” Fury looked to you, “By the way…I aint taking your bullshit. My agents work together, Im not going to have you fighting like damn five year olds.”
“Yes sir.” You nodded to him.
“Good, we’re understood.” He quipped, “Gear up.”
You and Bucky spilt directions, picking each weapon of choice.
You crawled carefully in the air duct, the space feeling like it began to close in on you. You began to dampen with nervousness. You looked behind to see Bucky effortlessly following you, cool and collected. You sighed in frustration as you moved forward, suddenly your head feeling light.
“Claustrophobic, Doll?” He nudged your ankle.
“Shut up, Barnes.” You hissed, moving forward
“You know, sweetheart, this isn’t a bad view, Your ass moving around like that.” He chuckled, nudging you again.
You ignored his comment, moving forward, stopping at the vent below you.
“Alright this is our stop, drop here, one room over.” You whispered lightly.
“How many we got, Doll?” Bucky began preparing his gun.
“5.” You began to ensemble yourself, roping the line in for you to drop.
“Ready?” Bucky cocked his gun.
Without saying anything you busted the vent, sliding down the rope effortlessly. The men rushed to you, as you fought off their hits, Bucky followed you down. Gun shots fired over you, as Bucky expertly took out the men before him. You threw skilled kicks and punches knocking out the men, and now you were alone again. You walked behind Bucky, his gun turned to you, lowering slowly. You started to walk forward, when suddenly Bucky shoved your body to the ground. Before you scream at him in confusion, his metal hand flew to your mouth. Two Hydra agents walked by the room, not noticing the 5 men out cold on the floor. As soon as you were clear, you pushed his hand away.
“Was that necessary?” You huffed out, now noticing his heavy frame on you.
“Had to shut you up somehow.” Bucky winked to you, causing you to shove him off.
You jumped to your feet, collecting yourself, but it wasn’t long until the men passed by again. This time they brought friends, around 12 of them. You sighed in frustration looking to Bucky, he tossed you his gun, then pulled out his knife. The two of you back at it again, fought hard against the men, every so often switching your weapons effortlessly. Down to the last man, he was on his knees, blood dripping from the after math of you skills.
“They are not here, you can look all you want, but Hydra will always prevail.” He hissed.
“Where the hell are they?” You practically screamed.
Before he could answer, frustration took over as the heel of your gun smashed to his face, knocking him out.
“How the hell are we going to find them, they can’t just do this, they need the drive so what the hell are we going to do, they’re going to kill them before we can reach them, this is bullshit-“ you rambled on, only to be stopped by Bucky gripping your chin.
“Would you shut up for five minutes and breathe?” His body was close to yours now.
The both of you stood in the basement, out of breath and spent. His eyes washed over you, his grip still on your chin. You were about to sneer at him, tell him he was an idiot for not being concerned about his friend. But something unexpected happened, his lips pressed so harshly to yours. 
Your eyes shot open at the action, and you almost slapped him away. But god, he tasted so good. Following his action, you pressed harshly back into his, biting roughly to his lip. A groan escaped his throat as he pushed you out of the room into the hallway against the hard, brick wall. Your body slammed against the concrete, a whimper leaving your lips. You both fought for dominance, never giving in to one another. It left you both hungrily tugging at each other. You could almost feel blood on your lip with how hard he was kissing you, but he broke away.
“Take your goddamn clothes off.” He breathed out, ripping off his combat accessories.
“You first.” You began to pull at his shirt.
“You’re so damn stubborn.” He smiled, his lips red and swollen.
His hands reached the front of your shirt, Ripping it roughly. You gasped quietly at the coldness of the air, and began to tug roughly at his jeans. He was grinning now, flipping a knife in his fingers, carefully ripping you out of uniform. Once his chest was bare you raked your nails across, biting his chest hungrily. 
Suddenly the two of you were exposed in the open, not caring if anyone saw you, he pushed you roughly to the ground, attacking every inch of your exposed skin. You could feel how hard he was every time he moved, his member pressing up against you. Each time you whimpered, silently cursing to yourself, God he was big, you knew it would cause you pain at first. He smirked at your reactions to him, knowing how much your body craved to have him inside of you. Finally giving in, he hooked his hands behind your knees, jerking your legs wide open. He positioned himself quickly, pushing in roughly. You cried out at first, not being able to adjust to him, thankfully he stayed still for a moment. Giving a light tap this shoulder he began to move. His thrusts were sharp and deep, snapping his hips to the back of your thighs, breathy moans filled the hallway, along with slapping skin. 
“Damnit your so tight” Bucky sighed into your ear, “So goddamn wet.”
It was hungry, and almost animalistic. But God, did it feel good. You could tell by the uneven pace that he was close, you gripped his hair for support as he slammed into you. 
“I..Its okay, Im be-..hind you.” You breathed out as best you could.
At those words, Bucky slipped out of you causing you to whimper loudly at the sudden emptiness.
“Like hell am I going to finish before you.” He breathed out, pushing his fingers to your core.
He worked quickly, as your finish began to rise. As soon as your body began to shake, he withdrew a second time.
“God damnit Buck-“
Before you could finish, he resumed his position, roughly giving you everything he had left in him. The tandem of groans and whimpers rised as the both of you reached the end, screwing your eyes shut you felt it all over your body, you trembled slightly. As he pulled out, he fell to the side, his leg splayed over yours.
Suddenly a low static rang in your ears.
“We have found the location of the Avengers.” Fury stated.
You waited a moment to catch your breath.
“We’ll be there in 5.” you huffed out.
Bucky panted in exhaustion, a smile crept to your face, throwing a playful punch to his jaw, causing him to laugh breathlessly.
Now what the hell were you going to return in, as your clothes laid shredded across the floor.
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olivenight17 · 5 years
Liv I feel like sending in a matchup!! Pls don't worry about rushing it!! Aside from things you already know about me, I'm bi, an aggressive 5''2 shorty, INFP with a 100% on the introvert, I'm lonely and can't make meaningful connections, short temper, can get distant, I seem cold but I can be a sweetheart, I put others before myself all the time, really insecure abt everything, the rare times I talk I want it to be meaningful, im a gemini and finally, I'm dead set on sth once I make it my goal!
Ahhhh, I’m so happy you decided to send one in! Firstly, you’re a mood because ooooof same, our only differences are I’m an aries and I tower over you at 5′8 lmao. Now, I could have gone with Keigo... but that’s the obvious choice and who would I really be if I made things easy for myself?
Also, remember sea anon? Twas me, I was really debating who to match you with and Sirius, for some reason, struck my mind. But then I went “Hey, she is one watery lady and would probably be the type to go all romantic walks on the beach or want to go sailing and not everyone likes water. I don’t know if Lily likes water, I know, I’ll just anonymously ask her cause I sneak!” And, for other reasons as well as the one that you’re not the biggest fan of water, I decided against matching you with her in the end anyways.
For now though, I give you... well actually your other favorite character lol and best girl Nejire!
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- Oh wow, opposites truly do attract, don’t they?
- While you’re 100% an introvert, she’s 100% an extrovert and I hope you can handle it!
- But in all seriousness, she gets that you’re an introvert and she’ll try her best not to rope you into extremely draining social situations. And she’s usually pretty good with it, the most you have to handle is just the big three all at once lol
- She saw you probably standing a bit away from the others and in her mind went “Wat. She’s too adorable to be standing alone like this, this needs to change.” And then went bouncing over to you, all friendly and smiles.
- Honestly, all of those negative things you think about yourself and how lonely you are? Straight up prepare to never feel that way ever again.
- She will be your personal cheerleader from this point forward and she won’t take self deprecation as an answer because she knows you and how wonderful of a person you are!
- You say you can’t make meaningful connections, well that’s about to be hecka false because Nejire is all about making those meaningful connections, so not only do you have one with her, you’re gonna have some with the rest of the big three and on top of that, Nejire’s just gonna help you make connections. The great thing about having a social girlfriend is that she can actually help you with social things! (And now I’m jealous because ah that’s what I need crap-)
- She can help you with the distance thing too, if it is a thing that you want help with. Just simply because she... won’t let you. She tends to keep the ones she loves close to the heart and it’s honestly really hard to shake her off. I mean, you’d have to go detective levels to be distant and remain distant because she just doesn’t let it happen.
- But if it’s a case of “I’m really drained socially please I need a break.” She’ll get you, and she’ll back off. Though she’ll text you every few hours to see if you’re still in charging mode, unless you specifically say that you’ll tell her when you’re feeling a bit better.
- And, while at first I thought Nejire might not be the best with short tempered people, I realized she’d probably handle it like a champ! She’s just such a bright person the anger doesn’t really affect her, so if you snap she just tilts her head like “Hey, you seem upset. Are you okay?” She’s more concerned than anything, unless you’re getting angry over something small like... I don’t know, losing at Mario Kart? That’s trivial enough I think lol, if it’s something like that she just laughs because she finds the anger hilarious
- Oh, oh, and you wanna know the best part about this matchup?
- She can’t technically make fun of you for being short!
- I mean granted, she is still two inches taller, but if she teases you for it, you can shoot right back because you’re both in the same boat. Also, I mean, more convenient for the both of you when you wanna kiss, no one needs a ladder, we’re good here. (okok, no more short themed sentences, I love you, and any of these kinda jokes are an example of my love!)
- Though Nejire is quite bubbly, she does know how to have a meaningful conversation, it’s usually when you’re both having quiet time somewhere and cuddling. The mood is just so relaxed you both can really get to talking. But let’s be honest, anything Nejire says, is what she means. If she didn’t believe in what she was saying, she wouldn’t be saying it, she’s too honest for that.
- Loves your determination to get things done! She’s quite the determined person herself, so really, you two make the greatest go-getter couple ever!
- Really, your INFP personality is kinda perfect for her.
- On one hand, your ability to focus and see the bigger picture is great, while she’s serious and focused with villains, it’s a bit harder for her to have that same focus with other aspects of life. You being her anchor is great and she’d really be appreciative of the fact you can keep her steady.
- On the flip side, she loves your caring personality. You genuinely like to help others and every time she sees you doing so her heart gets a little more soft because wow did she fall for one amazing and sweet person... even though you like to hide it at first. You’re both very loyal to each other and wouldn’t betray the other’s trust.
- Overall, you have a very well balanced, understanding, and just really loving relationship because you value the other so much and you would both honestly do anything for each other.
I hope you enjoyed, Lily!
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cowplant-pizza · 6 years
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the zodiac legacy challenge
this challenge spans over 5 generations but feel free to stop whenever you’d like or continue onto making your own gens with the left out signs 
ofc i’ve only used 5 signs so im sorry if yours is left out, it wasnt for any reason
some of the traits might seem a little “off” because i tried to not use the same trait twice and so went for something close but not exactly correct
i’ve planned another 5 gens to make the legacy a full 10-gen legacy but i’ll see how this is taken first! 
your sims can look however you like
all cheats are allowed apart from giving your household extra moneys (yes even free real estate, but ONLY when moving heirs or giving siblings/parents new houses, not in the middle of a generation for a bigger house)
each generation should be completed before moving your heir (or previous heirs) out 
gen 1: aries 
your sim has come from a wealthy family that lived in willow creek. they ran a factory that brought in heaps of money. however, after your father passed away, and your mother became ill, the business fell into bankrupcy. unable to work due to caring for your mother, and being an only child, you struggle imesnley with money. when your mother passes away, you miss her greatley, but also feel a massive weight lift from your shoulders. you can finally live your life again. you decide to start fresh in a new city and dream of living the luxurious life that your parents had.
traits: hot-headed, confident, snob aspiration: fabulously wealthy
make one (1) young adult sim, male or female
move them into the city into a tlc aparment: unfurnished!! 
use the cheat: testingcheats on, and then, money 5000 to set your household funds to 5,000 simoleans. these funds are your starting amount to decorate your house and give your sim their basic needs.*
your goal is to do anything and everything you can in order to make money... within reason
this includes your day job in the business career (either branch) up to level 10
you should have 1 enemy that is a co-worker 
you should marry a co-worker and be married as an adult
once you marry your co-worker you are allowed to swap their job
if they stay in the business career try to have them choose different branches
you have 2 children as an adult
you must reach level 10 handiness and charisma 
you must complete your aspiration
you must collect all snow globes 
you may not move out of san myshuno but you can change apartments 
*this took forever to work for me! i dont know what i did to make it work. i tried simply typing money 5000 so many times (which is what you’re supposed to do), then tried  sims.modify_funds-5000, which didnt work, then sims.modify_funds - "money amount" without the quotation marks and then FINALLY simply typing in money 5000 worked! so idk if theres a need for sims.modify_funds to be entered before typing in money 5000??? who knows.
gen 2: taurus
your parents were very work orientated and, althought they loved you, you would’ve prefered them to show it through nurturing instead of gifts and money. your dream isn’t to have lots of money, but to have a happy family
traits: family oriented, jealous, perfectionist aspiration: big happy family
move out of san myshuno to any other city 
date one (1) sim throughout your teenager years, thinking he/she is the one
break up as you age up (end of teen or start of young adult)
meet your future wife/husband in a bar while you’re still heartbroken
become best friends before entering a romantic relationship with them
marry almost straight away and get pregnant on the wedding night
have at least 4 children
always have a family dog
reach level 10 in parenting, cooking and baking 
complete your aspiration
your children must all be part of scouts
your children must all have good grades
always help with projects and homework
make your money by selling baking goods and occassional paintings and books. your spouse should be the breadwinner 
try to take the kids out to different venues over the weekends 
gen 3: cancer
your parents brought you up very very well. you’re polite and love to make others smile. however, you were slightly bubble wrapped as a child and so you are afraid of scary things in the big wild world. time to start your own adventure...
traits: creative, good, squeamish aspiration: friend of the world
you must have the polite and responsible traits from childhood 
keep up maxed out friendships with both parents 
you must stay at least good friends with all your siblings
voulenteer at least once a week with your family (or alone) or donate to charity
begin in the politics career (your choice of cause), reach level 5, then quit
passivley make money from painting art
reach level 10 painting and singing
go to the flea market every time it’s open and sell paintings 
vist them/invite them over once a week at least
reach level 10 of the artist career (either branch)
marry your first love 
your spouse must be in the entertainment career or arts career
have 1 child 
have your child and grandparents be very very close 
complete your aspiration
gen 4: gemini
your parents had a love of art, but you have a love of... love? and maybe too much of it... but secretley deep down, you just want to find “the one”.
traits: genius, non-commital, romantic aspiration: serial romantic then soul mate
you must complete the serial romantic aspiration and then complete the soul mate aspiration
achieve level 10 in logic and rocket building skills
reach level 10 in the scientist career
visit sixam at least twice
have at least one romatic relationship with an alien (and marry them if possible)
have two children from two seperate partners 
have bad relationships with both of the other parents
once the serial romantic aspiration is complete, you are free to choose who your sim marries
they must propose on a night out on a date (anywhere)
have one child with your married partner
gen 5: Leo
you never got to know your dad too well because your mum never seemed to like him. you trusted her judgement but it still upset you to grow up without a father figure. you became the class clown and dream of never growing up...
traits: cheerful, goofball, lazy aspiration: joke star
reach level 10 in the entertainment career (comedic branch obviously)
reach level 10 comedy and guitar
run a joke-telling/prankesters club
flunk off school whenever you are offered too (i.e, get the phone call to “go play hookie”)
don’t get a part time job or join scouts as a child 
have 5 cats as a young adult
meet your father - you decide what relationship they have
never pursue any romantic relationships until adulthood 
have a one night stand and get them pregnant (you can have more than one if the first does not result in pregnancy, however it MUST be with a different sim)
invite the mother and child to come and live with you 
have two more children with her
marry as elders 
part two coming soon...
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isakkxeven · 5 years
the signs as i know them part II
i’ve been wanting to make another post like this since the last I made which you can look at here. anyway! here are the signs as i know them part 2!
Aries: underrated. your strength is unmatched and your spirit is bigger than most give credit to. because of your sharp tongue and inability to hold back, people sometimes are rubbed the wrong way by you, but you have a huge heart. you are one of the most loyal signs, incredibly caring in weird ways. not overly affectionate, but shows their loves through their actions. some of the most determined people i’ve met are aries. so...so stubborn...but not a bad a thing, an absolute marvel of a thing, actually. your stubbornness and persistence is unlike anything. it’s your strength. Taurus: materialistic, but not in a bad way. they just love being taken care of and impressing others as well as family. they’re some pretty enigmatic people with unique personalities. carefree but they also care the most. they can be hot headed one minute then kind the next. they don’t always know how to handle their emotions, but they try to make up for anything erratic they may do. taurus, as i know them, harbor a lot of guilt and internal feelings that may often be met with self destruction. taurus don’t like to look weak, but they wear their heart on their shoulder more than they realize. kind, funny, insanely smart, SO SMART, clever, cunning. honestly, iconic. Gemini: ugh. gemini. you are the brunt of the sign, and while i may have not had the best experience with you guys, i still see you. i see the pain you have, because that pain is so yours that it’s all that matters in the moment you receive it. you can hold a grudge. you also complain...a lot. you feel like you have the whole world on your shoulders, but really, it’s just you and your mind. you’re such a switch there’s no telling when you might blow. you don’t talk about your emotions unless you have someone to blame for them. i feel like i’m giving gemini’s a hard time, but unfortunately i haven’t had the best luck with geminis. i will say this–as much as you guys are a bit wild, when you want something, you either totally squash the idea of it ever happening or you get it. your power is very much in your own hands. Cancer: shameless. have a hard time handling pressure. i don’t have a lot of experience with cancer’s, but the few i do often don’t give a shit one minute while the next minute their whole world may collapse. one thing cancer’s are good at is giving. they give a little too much, to the point where the shirt on their back becomes the skin. cancer’s don’t know when enough is enough and have a taste for the luxurious. wildly successful, capable, but doubtful of themselves because of scrutiny they may receive from others. they like to think they have a hard shell, but they’re easily cracked given the right (or wrong) words. they live by what is ideal and often not practical, but it’s what makes them so charismatic and likable even though they can turn around and talk shit the next minute. homebodies. very fearful of rejection. Leo: spitfire little bitch. omg. i love you though. you’re classic, you’re poised, but inside you’re a raging ball of disaster and you know it. your energy is know it all and your spirit is always high. you love to give, but not necessarily through material means, but through your strong emotional abilities. you’re supportive in a way that distracts and allows people to take a breath. you’re honest, but not like virgos who are more straight up, but in a supportive way that’s usually met with humor. you have a cheeky personality and you are often the jokester. prideful as you never ever show your struggles. resilient and strong, certainly a contender amongst the rest of the signs.  Virgo: i could go on and on about virgos. some of the most responsible, hard working, intelligent people. they can and WILL do anything. their own worst enemy is their own self and virgos i’ve known always tend to self sabotage. but, needless to say, they always somehow make a comeback no matter the mess they make in the moment. hot heads, judgmental, but funny as hell. they hold back with strangers, but once you get close enough, you realize just how vulgar they are. charismatic, honestly they just attract and manifest anything and everything because they really are that powerful. they often remind me to come back to reality and take care of the shit i need to. best friend material. the best ever.  Libra: stressed out little things. you guys are the epitome of stress and often bite off more than you can chew. but, you still manage to get it done cause that’s your thing. it’s funny that your sign is all about balance when the libras i’ve encountered are often very messy. i think the balance i see in libras comes from their abilities even if the results get a little messy. libra’s will do what they have to do, but not the point of a virgo who overworks themselves. libra’s are good at working hard and playing hard. they aren’t afraid to call people out, but may often feel guilty after doing so. i haven’t had a lot of libras in my life, but from those that i have, there’s nothing particular about the sign that rubs me the wrong way. Scorpio: oof. well. scorpio. you really just don’t give a shit what you say, do you? when you’ve had enough, you make it clear. you are a straight shooter and it’s terrifying. i honestly don’t know a lot about your scorpio, because you never really showed yourself. it’s like when you want to talk about your problems, you do, then act like they were never problems, just a topic of conversation. you have a tendency to mold yourself around others so much so that if they don’t conform to your way, then you have no reason to empathize with them. you can often seem heartless, but your emotions are more so in tune with your actions.
Sagittarius: mmMMMmmmm i mean??? i just don’t know. sagittarius, as i’ve known them, just seem confused. they seem stuck in the era most associated with their highest point. if a sag thrived in 2002, then by golly, they are their 2002 self. i don’t even know how to describe it. there’s something mystical about sagittarius to me and i really wish i knew more about sag’s to understand them more. they can be two faced, but not necessarily to be mean, but just to have the comfort of control and knowing that they’re on someone’s good side even at the expense of someone else. could probably do well in business as they are more cutthroat than they show. they’re unexpectedly funny, usually in a vulgar way, but they can also laugh at just about anything. 
Capricorn: you care so so much about how the world perceives you, but i don’t blame you. you have a lot of inner doubt and fear, and you try to compensate by being at the top of the pack. you were born to lead and be that bitch. you truly encompass balance, at least outward balance, but i know you’re messy and silly inside. you’re not the most serious, but you definitely known when it’s business time. you have a tendency to pass your fears off as jokes, but you’re not as transparent as you think. you’re very funny, very theatric, and overall an enjoyable person. even though i’ve grown apart from this person, i think i’ll always remember them and always check in with them. capricorn’s just make you want to care about them.  Aquarius: you just want to be loved. you literally do not know what to do with yourself and all you want is a freaking hug and someone to care. you are emotional and hot headed and you just don’t anything even when you know everything. you don’t really think twice, but when you do, you overanalyze everything. you love when people message you out of nowhere and knowing that you were on someone’s mind. you are super into affection even when you’re not the most affectionate person. you used to be my best friend, and i think of you often. you have a strange attachment to the past like you want to rekindle things you had before while still being true to your present self. you’re interesting, like a mix of pisces and virgo Pisces: it’s me bitch!!!! i’m a pisces, so of course, perfect, looks like linda evangelista, the whole thing. ok no but listen pisces are low-key monsters LOL i’m kidding but let’s be real we can be fucking psychotic sometimes pisces are manipulative, scary, and they will remember (if not anything else) what you were doing June 5th, 2017 at 9:45 p.m. fsldjfkjsd they really are so petty, but we are very selfless, almost to a fault. pisces always put others first, which is a pisces classic line, but it’s true. we’re just those dumb bitches. pisces are extremely witty (wow im big headed) they ingest knowledge just because and when they like something they become it. they will pick up lingo, intonations, jokes, etc. pisces are messy and emotional and they’re most likely always thinking about everything or nothing. there’s never an in between with pisces.
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vanllacreme1 · 5 years
it’s mac again ! i’m bringing over an old-ish oc that i hardly got to play but really loved ( which means that this intro is long bc i have a lot of thoughts about my son ) !! pls welcome my babiest baby boi, TEDDY LEUNG . 
☕ . ˚ ◝ ( lucas wong. cismale. he/him. ) theodore “teddy” leung is a twenty year old aries. the freelancer’s go-to order is vanilla creme frappe with two pumps of raspberry syrup and extra whip cream. they like to listen to ring ding dong by shinee while they wait for their order. the employees of the deja brew think they are meek but swear they’re totally optimistic as well. maybe that’s why a spray paint can, a velcro chain wallet, and earbuds remind me of them.  
mentions of ptsd. injury. 9/11. deafness. 
i. born and fostered out of love, teddy leung is the son of a first generation chinese american military officer and a thai lounge singer. having met while his father was stationed overseas, his parents fell in love but just before they could get their relationship could fully bloom, teddy’s father was sent back to america. regretfully, teddy’s parents parted ways but even with an ocean between them, the culmination of their short-lived romance grew into a new life.
ii. teddy was a surprise, to everyone involved, and in fear for his love and his child’s life in the hands of her traditionalist parents ( afterall she was young, unwed and pregnant ), teddy’s father sent for her, causing her to have to leave everything she knew behind for a man she knew for only eight months. but they were in love and they both felt as if their situation was the fates telling them to be together.
iii. teddy came into the world kicking and screaming, his little lungs gasping for air as his limbs stretched out of their confines for the first time. an explosive ball of energy that his mother ate up and his father smiled down on protectively. he was their special boy, golden and proof that all their hardships -- the arguments, the alienation of her family, the stress -- was all worth it in the end.
iv. and for the first few years, it was harmonious. all focus was on raising teddy and providing for him, his father training the battalion on fort irwin and his mother working as a music teacher for the kids in the area. then, in the aftermath of 9/11, teddy’s father was deployed for five years on active duty in afghanistan where he served until a hostile bombing left him injured.
v. returning home after all that time away was an adjustment for teddy’s father, having to cope with not only the strain of physical therapy and ptsd, but also with his 7-year-old son whom he hadn’t spent any real time with since the boy was three. but, teddy, with his big, wondering eyes and even bigger, tender heart, tried to connect with his father the way he was close with his mother.
vi. but even then, there was only so much that teddy and his father could see eye to eye on. art and music became a big part of teddy’s life, while sport and the sciences were his father’s interests. it alienated them both from each other, for the short while before teddy’s father accepted a recruitment job in san diego and became busy again.
vii. in san diego, teddy found a little more independence, enrolling in the local public school instead of the school on the army base. and things were fine, again, until they weren’t. by the time teddy was 11, he developed ménière’s in his left ear, causing him to become hard of hearing on top of bouts of vertigo and tinnitus. he fought a lot with his parents then, his angsty teenage bullshit hitting an absolute peak early on when his parents wanted him to get fitted for an aid and he wanted to just let nature take its course ( he still has his one good ear, he’d argue ).
viii. eventually, they came to an agreement, that teddy would go to counselling and learn asl in lieu of getting an aid, and that teddy wouldn’t complain when his family relocated again in the beginning of his freshman year of high school. moving, this time to colorado, drove a deeper wedge between teddy and his father. and as much as he loves the man, they just didn’t seem to click anymore.
ix. so teddy tried to be a good son for him, focused on school and behaved the best he could. it was only after teddy started applying for university, that he felt the spark of excitement again. the possibility of going back to the place he was the longest, to southern california, was all that he cared about. his college years were going to be the time he became more independent from his parents, finally gaining some semblance of his own person beyond what his parents tried to mold him into.
***DISCLAIMER: teddy is written by a hearing person and his condition may be written inaccurately. please know that i am not at all trying to offend anyone who is HoH and that i will do my best to research and be mindful of the portrayal of his hearing loss. that being said, if you are offended by the way i portray his hearing loss in any capacity, please message me privately so we can have a conversation and i can learn from my mistake.
quick fax  
- is an army brat so he moved around a lot growing up ; spent high school years elsewhere, but moved back to cali for university  - is studying accounting bc ,,, idk its stable and he’s never really had stability in his life until now - such a glass half full person but is that one ‘ everything is fine ’ meme  - will try anything once ; whether or not it sticks depends on how much he ends up enjoying it - would also stand up 2 someone but immediately regret it after - is hard of hearing in his left ear ( ménière’s disease ) so he will lean toward the noise to hear better aka im so sorry if he’s in ur bubble, he just cant hear what uR’E SAYING  - he’s ,,, ,v loud w/o realizing it  - bc of his meniere’s he can’t have caffeine ( lol ) but he likes the cafe culture and likes to go to deja brew to sketch - also has earbuds in like 24/7 ; gets nagged by his mom that he SHOULDN’T but like ,,,, he’s accepted that his hearing is gonna get worse anyway so LMAO - doesn’t wear an aid and hasn’t used sign language in a very long time but still remembers a lot of it - teddy vc: what ?  - does the graffiti on the weekends , pls dont tell his mom ; art is his “hobby” as his dad would say , v artistic and likes to go to moca on their free nights  - loves all kinds of music, esp mongolian throat singing ; impressionism is his favorite art movement ; thinks rupi kaur is a charlatan but she’s making money off white people so : / - has a tattoo on his right buttcheek bc why not , someone probably dared him to - naturally wakes up at 6 am, no matter how late he was up the night before ; goes on morning runs  - incidentally, he also takes a lot of naps during the day - is technically (f)unemployed ; answers craigslist ads for cash, nothing shady, just like cleans old ladies homes and helps people move furniture - owns a second hand bicycle with a woven basket in the front uwu ; may or may not have found it at a junk yard - will stop to pet a dog on the side of the street ; will also point out animals when he passes them   - think andy dwyer, john mulaney, jake peralta, miles morales, jason mendoza and others i cant care to look up rn but u get the idea i hope 
possible connections
roommates / housemates, classmates / schoolmates, friends, enemies ( tho he’d probably cry if u told him u didnt like him ), lovers / ex lovers, etc. whatever come yell at me if u want something. find me here or on discord ( 𝖎𝖈𝖊𝖉 𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖒𝖞 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙, 𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖈#3596 ) 
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gg-astrology · 6 years
Is there any stereotypes about signs that you don't particularly believe in? Like, my dominant sign is sagittarius but everytime someone mentions anything about the sign, I don't think it describes my personality or anything. Love your blog and posts by the way!
Yeah!!  💓 Gosh I get what you mean. I’m glad you asked cause there’s– alot we don’t get to talk about?? And also thank u for liking the blog/posts ;;  💓 💓
Here’s a list of things about the signs that might cheer them up a bit (low-key: how to care/appreciate the signs around you): 
*Note: These are for when you need a little cheering up, some people might already be confident/assured in their own signs and that’s great!! But if you want to know how to help/care for other signs around you, this might be helpful for those who might need a little bit more ‘pick me up’ 💕
Aries - 
Are very laid back, contrary to the belief (i.e. ppl thinking that they’re hard to get along with/hard to please). Most Aries don’t think they’re the shit. 
Unless they have something they’ve worked super hard on (and see it as something they can help others with) they won’t bother with pointing out something you can’t change/they can’t change– but will try to help you as much as they can (like, trouble-shooting, planning it out, suggesting things you can do to help yourself depending on what you want/feel comfortable with doing). 
They try very very hard to be there for others, even when their efforts aren’t appreciated enough sometimes. People think fire signs are energetic and crass with people’s feelings  — they’re not, they do care.
Taurus - 
Most of the time despite being Venus-ruled they might not even think they’re particularly beautiful or charming. What they do know is that they gotta do the things they can do, the things they want/have to do and that’s what they’re focused on. 
They can get high-key sus about compliments, and unless you truly mean something (and they can see where you’re coming from) it’ll be hard-press to make the compliment stick/up their ego because of it. 
Funny people, but wants to be heard/given acknowledgement. Doesn’t want to be complimented on just ‘one-side’ of their personality (usually their more ‘harmonious’ side) but wants to be loved for all their sides (even if they haven’t shown it yet).   
Gemini - 
They aren’t air heads. They really aren’t. They can joke around about it with friends like ‘opps!’ just to make fun of themselves but internally they don’t work like that. They contemplate a lot, and works through problems alone. 
Even if some may talk about their problems to another person, they come to conclusions within themselves and that needs to be respected. Not questioned by others  (like ‘why are you so wishy washy? you said this to me and now you’re doing another??’) – despite being a Mercurial sign, they often understand the situation better (internally) than how they’re communicating it (out-loud). Thus, when they make up their mind about something— trust them that they can do it.
They also aren’t ‘two-faced’ or whatever people call it. They have an internal process that suffers if they don’t know how to work with it healthily/balance it well (internal/external). But ‘two-faced’ was never a part of their personality.
Cancer - 
Whoever says they’re crybabies have never met a Cancer in public. And whoever said ‘Cancers are Mothers’ never had a mum who’s a Cancer in the first place. 
Cancer can be strength through sufferings, they’re vulnerable and hard. Cancers aren’t your mothers, within their own self they have their own problems to shift through (thus why, being a Cancer doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be great mothers– they have to go through the same trials/experience as everyone else– and sometimes, because they’re so stubborn, it might even be the most challenging thing to a Cancer native)
You’d think they’ll be emotional since they’re a water sign but they’re not (**at least not constantly) Some Cancers are less emotional than fire-signs. Respect that, respect their strength and charisma. Don’t ‘type’ them into a box and tell them what they want/don’t want in their life– let them make those choices themselves.
Leo -
Aren’t ‘natural’ leaders, most don’t even volunteer for leadership positions until they’re filled with personal pettiness/dissatisfaction about something they have to make the changes  (like use a platform to vent out their rage about it).
Again, some aren’t even extroverted. But they do what they gotta do and people think ‘oh they must enjoy this!!’ and keep piling them up on something when they’d rather be asked – who they are, what they want, what they like/dislike and be listened to instead of assumed about.
Taking care of a Leo isn’t just about listening to them, it’s about letting them have their own space. Letting them rest, be alone, play some games. It’s having security of their own time/what they want to be doing with said time that makes them truly Leo. 
Virgos - 
They’re not very good at telling people they care ‘no’, which is why they’re so so careful to say all their ‘nos’ to others (they aren’t close to yet) beforehand. 
The thing about Virgos being clean-freak? Only applicable to a handful of people (and only within certain contexts only). Cleaning is still a chore. Especially if they have mental/emotional depression to go through and they know they’re procrastinating those (in which case, it becomes an escape mechanism instead). Don’t use them as your maids, and don’t rely on them to be available to solving your problems/being in your service 24 hours either. Because if they care about you, they’re going to have a hard time saying no even if it’s really really pushing their limits already.  
Virgos have a lot of internal emotional distress to go through as well, and if they don’t process those they’re going to be in bad shape later. Think they’re un-emotional/super smart? Think again. They struggle daily with their internal emotions and working hard enough to pass their own expectations of themselves. Do people even know how hard it is to be in emotional distress at a drop of a pin sometimes? Waking up in cold sweat/not being able to sleep because you remembered something embarrassing 10 years ago? 
Libra - 
Not all Libras are romantically inclined. In fact, why do we think people are romantically inclined at all? 
Native Libras don’t have to say yes to those who asks them out. It’s not going to be like ‘ohhh!! I’m going make this the perfect relationship!!’. No! who even has that kind of energy?! (especially when you have to consider the other person pulling their part, can they do it? will they even do it?) 
Even if they’re interested, there’s a bigger narrative to think about and Libras aren’t fools to that. All those things about Libra being the watery-air sign? Maybe we should consider that Libras are also much more analytical than we realize sometime in 2k19 as well. (And give them their independence credit they deserve ffs, they manage to swerve this many suitors for how long?)   
Scorpio - 
Isn’t anyone’s sexual demon. They aren’t there for other’s fantasy of ‘an active sex life’. Scorpio’s are so much more than their sexual parts and maybe um?? they’re their own person??
The thing about Scorpio being mysterious is gonna be used against them one day to sexualize/objectify them to other people’s benefit. Why don’t you get to know one? Why don’t we ask what the hell they’re thinking sometimes? (and trust, a Scorpio would probably appreciate being asked/called out for it and being able to tell/talk to someone rather than –y know, being misunderstood all the time. If the confrontation is genuine and the other really do want to get to know the Scorpio’s side of the story/not going to cut them down half-way through just to invalidate them.) 
Scorpio’s not the one who has a problem, it’s others who has a problem with them. Do we just not trust the Scorpios?? Why the hell not?? Literally one of the most (if not the most) loyal, forth-coming and devoted signs out there. Why do we have a problem with people who can be genuinely good for us?  
Sagittarius - 
NOT ALL SAGITTARIUS ARE BUBBLY AND EXTROVERTED. Let’s just make that clear. Especially in the native signs, you think these bitches trust their inner-selves to others so easily??
Being friends with one DEFINITELY implies being able to take their snark/sass/sense of humor. It’s literally their main form of communication and the only criteria so far (before they ask about your political alignment, and unless they have other elements that points to different things). Do ya’ll think Sagittarius are just– infinite energy and ~adventure~ all the time??
They need to rest. Which is something most people talk about. They gotta hermit themselves– sometimes even become reclusive for a while to just do their own thing (maybe outside, maybe inside– just not with people they know around them). No Sag is going to have 100% energy to be with friends all the time, not unless they got some pretty strong fire/air in them that points to that ish (while the sag side ‘recovers’). 
Capricorn - 
Stop it with the ‘ohh they’re so ambitious’ talk all the time. They have no fucking clue what they’re doing. Most of the time, they’re just doing Their Best in order to get something out of the situation ya no. 
Honestly one of those people who Does Their Best but don’t know what the fuck they’re supposed to do after. They get anxious pretty fast pretty often sometimes and they’re like those ‘:) im ok’ when internally they’re just dying in pit of ice-cold flames. 
Humour is their biggest joy/connector to people impersonally. And did you know that– Capricorn likes to be adorable/be adored for some reason?? (no it’s not just about admiration, it’s also about adoration) All those things you think Gemini/Sagittarius would be— it’s actually just Capricorn trait in disguise (until you get to know them). 
Aquarius - 
Not so detached as you THINK they are. Honestly they’re one of the most caring people who would push for you when you can’t push for yourself??Literally angels on this earth, because even when they’re going through some seriously tough shit/personal injustice they work through it and recover like it’s nothing. (It’s not, but to others– wow, it’s so admirable)
The amount of things they do for other people– Virgo/Pisces has nothing on Aquarius in terms of caring/actually making it happen. Do you not think your local Aquarius is fond of praise/adoration? Because they are. They like being shown that they’re appreciated too– so please don’t think they can survive on their own without an ounce of love from others.
Think they’re going to leave you high and dry because they’re so “different” (what the hell is “different” anyways– Aquarius don’t even think it’s anything amazingly special it’s just a trait/thing they want to explore/work on) ? They won’t. They’re loyal as hell and they want pets sometimes. Honestly? They’re more puppy-like than you think. And that’s just– absolutely adorable. Let them run around, go out to eat with them, listen to their stories/let them be playful, show them you care. Let them care for you back. Listen to them, they’re doing their best to help you when you’re helping yourself too. 
Pisces - 
Suffer? Yes. But also, so much more in common with Capricorn than they realize. 
They wanna be there for others, but if they’re saying something and it’s being swerved all the time then what the hell are they doing there for you?
Being there for others but not having people realize/appreciate them for that sucks. And do you seriously expect them to have expendable energy for that bullshit all the time? Mate, they barely have enough energy for themselves sometimes. 
Don’t dismiss how their minds work for something ‘whacky’ – honestly its fine the first few times but it’s gonna make them think they shouldn’t try to communicate themselves in certain ways afterwards.
So much stronger than they realize they are, they aren’t weak-bitches these people have the ability to run two (even three) laps around your one lap so don’t ever pull them down to make them ‘understandable’ to you (it’s only going to make them ‘box’ themselves in and not express themselves in front of people).
Believe in their strength, believe that they can overcome their most troublesome worries. They’re going to prove you wrong anyways. Scorpio being about self-transformation? Pisces taught themselves how to overcome their own weaknesses in the stone ages.
Ending Ment:
Honestly even when I wrote all these out I realize that some of them might only apply to certain placement/context. But to those who gained something from this, I hope you remain strong! 💕Teach others how to take care/appreciate you better 💕 Sometimes, other people just need guidance on how to approach certain signs 💕 So please don’t dismiss someone just because of their placements ok? 💕 
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the-netchiman · 7 years
Stolen from gf @lionel-del-rey
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
smol cousin at some family function a while back.
2. Are you outgoing or shy? Neither? 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? My gf
4. Are you easy to get along with? Fuck no lmao
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? I have no doubt that they would try
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Funny, kind, down to earth people are cool
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? I’m about to purchase a plane ticket for my gf so I severely hope we’re together by then lmao
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? ur mum
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Only if it makes the person I’m talking to uncomfortable
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? My dad. I guess???
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “what the fuck do you want for chrimbus, you little bitch?”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Oh no I don’t know gonna pull these out my ass real quick Black Irish by The Devil Makes Three Almost Blue by Chet Baker Desperado by The Eagles Stillborn (acoustic) by Black Label Society 512 by Lamb of God
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? idk? 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Yes
15. What good thing happened this summer? I got to visit a friend in Texas. Other than that, my summer went by in a big shitty blur.
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Not for all the money in the world
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Ye
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? Nop
19. Do you like bubble baths? Ye
20. Do you like your neighbors? I don’t dislike them. I don’t speak spanish, so we haven’t talked much.
21. What are you bad habits? I stress myself out over little things too often
22. Where would you like to travel? Ireland would be cool, but I definitely could never go there. Outside of that, idk, anywhere is cool
23. Do you have trust issues? oh yes
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Eating
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My chest or my neck
26. What do you do when you wake up? Check my phone
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? I think its a fine how it is
28. Who are you most comfortable around? My friend Ari I guess
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? yes
30. Do you ever want to get married? wow what an awkward question to have on something my gf is for sure going to see (yes)
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? ye
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Oh, idk
33. Spell your name with your chin. dickhead
34. Do you play sports? What sports? Not any more, but I used to play Football (American) and boxing 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? Tv
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Nah. Well yeah, but they figured it out eventually lmao
37. What do you say during awkward silences? “wow this got awkward”
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Mark Ruffalo
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Nerd stores (y’know, where nerds gather to play cards and dnd and stuff, occasionally comics are also there) and music stores. I’d spend all day in guitar center if no one stopped me.
40. What do you want to do after high school? Already out, and lemme tell you I’m already not doing what I wanted to do
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Most people. A few people definitely deserve nothing less than a life time of suffering.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? Nothing, or something. I’m quiet most of the time.
43. Do you smile at strangers? I think I do but I have the resting bitch face big time so I mostly just look slightly less mad at people in public
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? The ocean would be fantastic
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Mr Socks won’t SHUT THE FUCK UP
46. What are you paranoid about? oh, y’know, most things
47. Have you ever been high? Oh yes
48. Have you ever been drunk? frequently 
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? yes, but not because i’m embarrassed, just don’t want to upset anyone
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Black
51. Ever wished you were someone else? Nah. Careful what you wish for, right? Don’t want to say that and then wake up to find I’m somehow an even bigger piece of shit.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? Wish I were in better shape, but I’m working on that so
53. Favourite makeup brand? Don’t wear it, so my favorite is whatever my gf asks for lmao
54. Favourite store? Guitar Center. lemme obnoxiously test pedals all day
55. Favourite blog? dunno
56. Favourite colour? Red. a certain shade of blue is pretty good too.
57. Favourite food? Anything featuring potatoes 
58. Last thing you ate? a fuckin 1/4 cup of cheese. my diet has been weird recently.
59. First thing you ate this morning? Nothing yet, but I have designs on some tacos
60. Ever won a competition? For what? ye, a few. i hate bragging so im not going to go into detail, but i used to actually be good at things.
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? Yep. suspended two or three times for getting into fights, one time for accidentally bringing a knife to school. weirdly, the girl that decided to pull the thing out of my pocket got in no trouble at all.
62. Been arrested? For what? No, but boi have i come close
63. Ever been in love? i am, at this moment, very in love
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? Not really much a story? It was an awkward childhood kiss.
65. Are you hungry right now? Yes, very. waiting on me uncle tho
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? don’t really have tumblr friends
67. Facebook or Twitter? Fb
68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr for art, twitter for memes
69. Are you watching tv right now? nah
70. Names of your bestfriends? Ari, zach, mr socks
71. Craving something? What? Oh y’know things
72. What colour are your towels? Got turquoise, black, blue, purple, white. 
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? two
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Nah
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? Got a few plush pokemon, i guess that counts?
75. Favourite animal? Really like bears
76. What colour is your underwear? N/A
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? oh, uh, cookie dough? oreo? orange sherbet? can’t decide.
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? N/A
80. What colour pants? look if the last two clothing questions didn’t tip you off, i’m naked. are you happy now?
81. Favourite tv show? oh, idk. haven’t really had the interest in shows since i got super depressed like a year ago lmao
82. Favourite movie? i guess kung pow?
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD EVER PICK 2? 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? Mean girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? that chick that made out with a hot dog that one time. big mood.
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? The stoner turtle
87. First person you talked to today? My gf
88. Last person you talked to today? My uncle
89. Name a person you hate? just one? nah.
90. Name a person you love? my gf (duh) all these friends i met on the internet, and some of my family i guess
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? so, so many people. 
92. In a fight with someone? like, currently? how would i be doing this?
93. How many sweatpants do you have? don’t wear sweats
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? a couple
95. Last movie you watched? uhhhhhhhhh something shitty on netflix, probs
96. Favourite actress? oof uh, idk. 
97. Favourite actor? also dunno
98. Do you tan a lot? got them irish genes, i burn
99. Have any pets? Mr. Socks, the best cat in the world and i will fight anyone who disagrees. 
100. How are you feeling? Cold
101. Do you type fast? Nope
102. Do you regret anything from your past? Not really. If they didn’t happen, i wouldn’t be where i am now
103. Can you spell well? dubya eee ell ell. fuck you.
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? kinda? define past.
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? ye
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? i would hope not, but maybe
107. Have you ever been on a horse? ye
108. What should you be doing? going to the store
109. Is something irritating you right now? always
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? YES
111. Do you have trust issues? Yes
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? an ex, probably
113. What was your childhood nickname? didn’t really have a nickname
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yep
115. Do you play the Wii? I have a wiiu, but i don’t really play it much. its mostly the netflix machine now
116. Are you listening to music right now? Autumn Leaves by Chet Baker
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? Fucking yes
118. do you like chinese food> YE BOI
119. Favourite book? don’t know
120. Are you afraid of the dark? Nah
121. Are you mean? I think so. others say different. its weird, man
122. Is cheating ever okay? in a relationship? no. in a video game to give your character a giant bobble head? absolutely.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? the trick is to not wear white shoes
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? No lmao
125. Do you believe in true love? as opposed to fake love? i guess???
126. Are you currently bored? ye
127. What makes you happy? knowing that others are happy
128. Would you change your name? nah
129. What your zodiac sign? taurus
130. Do you like subway? not compared to my other sub options
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? i don’t know. she’s married, so like...what the fuck how 
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? my dad, i guess
133. Favourite lyrics right now? I've held the hand of God and I've sang the Devil's song And when it comes my time no tears are gonna fall But some will light the fire and some will mourn the one Left longing for the ire of, of their departed son.
134. Can you count to one million? ain’t got that kinda time, fam
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? I don’t really lie? I think i just say dumb shit and people take me seriously 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? Closed
137. How tall are you? 5′5. I’m a manlet.
138. Curly or Straight hair? no preference
139. Brunette or Blonde? brunette
140. Summer or Winter? Winter
141. Night or Day? Night
142. Favourite month? idk, december i guess because i have a mandatory week off work,
143. Are you a vegetarian? I wish, I don’t have the willpower.
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Dark chocolate
145. Tea or Coffee? tea. coffee is more of a tool for me? gotta wake up, tea is just good.
146. Was today a good day? dunno yet
147. Mars or Snickers? Snickers
148. What’s your favourite quote? don’t really remember quotes
149. Do you believe in ghosts? Kinda
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“As I approached the northern cliffs where I’d find the Serpent’s Sanctum, I could see the soaring towers of Skyreach off to my right.”
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