#on my lunch break
ariquar · 11 months
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doing some experimenting with Ari's dad's colors for a family portrait type thing .... still unsure but I wanted to share him bc he's so ... Altmer
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will80sbyers · 1 year
I have an idea for a gifset but I'm at work 😡😡😡😡😡😡🤬😠🤬😠😤😤🤬😠😤🤬
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wistyxx · 8 months
I hope the old people sitting at the table next to me in the hospital cafeteria can see the yaoi on my dash rn.
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rhysnolastname · 8 months
i need to be turned into a human stress ball
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tobesolonely · 1 year
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sakuramom · 2 years
i miss my daughter
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alicentry · 2 years
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Ali.cent loved Vise.rys with her whole heart. Of course not in the way you typically love a husband or partner now a days, but he was her best friend after Rhae.nyra and her fell out. Watching his life slowly be taken from him in a way that was out of her hands killed her inside. Especially when it came to their children. She watched him in the early years of Aeg.on and Helae.na’s lives be extremely present, this can be seen during Aeg.on’s second name day celebrations. However as years and years went on and he became more bedridden, she tried to overcompensate with her children for the time he couldn’t give them.
Vis.erys was her closest ally even when she couldn’t get him to believe something that he already knew. He took care of her in a way that suited her gentle and fragile heart. Providing him children was a “duty” and “sacrifice”; marrying him was not. She even stopped biting her fingers after a year of being with him. He was a good husband to her and she would stand by how great of a father he was and would have been if not losing his health.
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calamitys-child · 7 months
What's everyone's favourite flowers that aren't like. The normal ones. Like everyone's a fan of roses and sunflowers what's a more niche one. One you don't get in gift sets. Mine's sweet peas
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yourfaveisamuppet · 3 months
i don't know who needs to hear this but sometimes the middle of an otherwise pretty decent shift is not the time to start litigating the world's problems
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thesumofallmyfears · 8 months
Today has flown by considering just how fucking cold in here it is today. Second week of no heat. It's barely been above freezing all week, -5c over nights. I'm not complaining about the weather, but it's absolutely typical work can't fix the heat when you need it. It's disappointingly, considerably warming up this coming week, so I'm expecting it to be sweltering in here next weekend lol.
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flamingpudding · 2 months
Little Snippets #1
"Father, please do not scare the children."
Alfred let out a sigh at the children's reaction as well as his own fathers sheepish laugh as the man scratched the back of his head. Once more he couldn't help but marvel at how young his own father looked. But then again the fact that his father was by now a timeless being and rule of an entire realm likely contributed to it. He glanced at the still shell shocked children and stoic Bruce, a part of him took a bit of pleasure in their shock.
"Master Bruce, may I introduce to you my father." Alfred hummed indicating to the floating man with blazing white hair and glowing green eyes in regal clothing, well aside from the damned jumpsuit his own mother had never refrained from complaining about.
"Daniel James Fenton." The butler continued eyes crinkling with a smile as he watched his charges. "Ruler of the Infinite Realms."
"Just Danny is fine. Honestly it must be your mothers influence with how formal you turned out Al..." The man, Danny added reaching a hand out to ruffle Alfred's hair that Alfred sidestepped. Not because he didn't like his fathers show of affection, no because he had appearance to uphold and he didn't need to shock the children any more than he already had.
"T-that must be a joke, right Alfie...?" Jason spoke up being the first one to regain his ability to speak coherently.
"I am afraid not Master Jason. This man is indeed my father." Alfred hummed amused, he would think that with their near daily dealings with villains, aliens, supernatural and other beings they would be less shocked. But as it seemed his family didn't seem able to warp their heads around this. Surely they must have suspected some sort of supernatural connection to him, after all how do they think he was able to keep the entire Manor as clean as it is? He had his pocketwatch from his grandfather as his secret weapon after all.
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pengillys · 1 year
hello from work 🫶🏻
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bedrock-to-buildheight · 11 months
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
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Edward Teach in the OFMD Season 2 Trailer [x]
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kathaynesart · 7 months
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The @tmntaucompetition is no place for a tiny tot to be left alone, especially with all these rowdy teens running amok. My heart just broke when I saw little Kid Leo crying, @angelpuns and @red-rover-au, and I knew Replica Leo's would too. Problem is they're probably going to be searching for a while cuz Replica Leo is looking for other unsupervised children. Oops.
This is in response to these couple of threads I've seen going around: COMIC 1 - COMIC 2 - COMIC 3 - COMIC 4 - COMIC 5
You kids need to all calm down!
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hyunpic · 2 months
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