#it's really on brand that i started this a week or two before christmas
augustinewrites · 1 year
@sunasbabie — for last year’s bday, christmas, and new years gift bcs ily or whatever 🙄
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suna used to have a really nice denim jacket.
it was made of black denim, bought from some american brand that cost him way more than he’d care to admit. he loved that jacket— he’d worn it over t-shirts in the summer and thick hoodies in the winter. he’d been wearing it on the day of onigiri miya’s grand opening and the day he’d signed with ejp.
he’d also happened to be wearing it the night he met you.
he remembers seeing you the night of atsumu’s new year’s eve party. remembers thinking that your dress was highly impractical because it was sequined and backless but damn— you looked good.
and no matter what osamu thinks he remembers, it did not take him so long to talk to you because he was feeling shy. he was just giving the other guys at the party a chance, is all. he’s nice like that.
atsumu, the drunken idiot that he was, had ended up dragging everyone up onto the roof of his apartment for the countdown. and you, idiot that you were, started shivering 15 seconds into the count, suna watching as you’d rubbed your arms for warmth and and suddenly turned to face, as if you’d felt him watching.
with 30 seconds to midnight and a shove from osamu, he’s closing the distance between you both to say hi. you have his jacket draped over your shoulders by midnight. just because he’s nice like that, not because he’s silently marking his territory and telling potential suitors to fuck off.
he even lets you leave with it, but not before exchanging numbers so you can return it as soon as possible. which you do, showing up at his place the next afternoon, his jacket washed and folded neatly in your arms, offering to buy him lunch as a thanks.
you’re the one wearing it, four months later, when he asks you to be his girlfriend. because ‘it’s just so windy out, rin. you don’t want my dress flying up, right?’
on cooler days, he’s almost sure you forego your own jacket just so you can steal his, and he lets you. you wear it draped over your shoulders when you walk back to his place after a movie. you use it as a blanket during longer car rides. there’s this fatal bug in suna’s system, and it doesn’t let him tell you ‘no.’
you’re wearing it the day you move in. he wasn’t going to make you unpack all your clothes just to find a jacket to wear to lunch.
you’d spent three years stealing that jacket. the denim is soft and well-worn, with a tear or two in the hem, but you love it. and he loves that it still smells like your perfume on the odd day he gets to wear it himself.
maybe that’s why it hurt so much, watching you brush your fingers over it as you pack away your clothes. you’d left every every t-shirt of his you’d slept in, every hoodie you’d claimed, in what was now his closet again.
but for this, you hesitate. a dull ache throbs between his ribs as he watches you hug the fabric to your chest, eyes fluttering shut.
“just take it,” he’d told you quietly from the doorway. “i don’t want it anymore.”
suna used to have a really nice denim jacket.
it’s almost six months later when you call him for the first time since the breakup.
suna has to do a double take when he sees your contact. mostly because three in the morning and no one should be awake at this hour, but also because he can’t believe it’s you.
his brain and his heart are at a crossroads. he shouldn’t answer. you probably hit the wrong contact. you have other friends in the city, surely you would call one of them if you needed something.
but there’s that flaw again, and suna hits accept.
“rin? rin! hi.”
he sits up in the darkness at the sound of your slurring. “are you drunk?”
“no,” you lie, even hiccuping a little. “i just…i really just wanted to tell you—”
you cut yourself short, sighing. “that you did really good during your game last week.”
he raises his brows slightly, chuckling. “you were watching?”
“no,” you say again, much too quickly. “i just…heard.”
“i know what you sound like when you’re lying,” he reminds you, sliding out of bed and pulling on a hoodie. “and i also know what you sound like when you’re drunk. stay where you are, i’m gonna pick you up.”
you send him your location right away, and he drives over. he calls you to let you know he’s there, because he’s sure you’re not gonna hear your text tone, and when you step out of the bar—
he sees that you’re wearing his jacket.
that damn black denim jacket, american label and all. it hangs off your shoulders loosely, and when suna gets out of the car, he grabs the collar, pulling you closer and pretending not to notice the way you inhale sharply. ignoring your wide-eyed stare as he adjusts the jacket, doing up the buttons because he knows you’re gonna complain about the night chill.
“c’mon,” he says, pulling open the passenger door. “get inside, dumbass.”
the cute pout that downturns your lips is just like suna remembers. he closes the door after you, rounding to the other side of the car.
“did you tell your friends you’re getting home safe?” he asks as he reaches across you to put on your belt. “how come none of them came to get you?”
“oh, uh, yeah i called them but they weren’t answering,” you tell him. “i’ll call them now, just in case.”
suna watches as you fumble with your phone, tapping back and forth through the phone app until he grabs it from your hands with a sigh. he has no idea which one of your friends you’d called, so he goes to your recents.
only to see that he’s the only one you’d called tonight.
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cemeteryangel725 · 5 months
My Good Omens fics
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Hi, I'm CemeteryAngel725, and I write Good Omens fanfiction, mostly smutty, and mostly human AU, although I do branch out from time to time. I also make weird little collages. You can find me on AO3 here.
My completed works (updated 5/24/2024):
Down to the River (E, 30,365 words, 8/8 chapters): Twenty-five years ago, Tony Crowley walked out of Azi’s life and broke both of their hearts. Since then, Azi has been living in suspended animation, working in the army/navy surplus booth he inherited from his dad and writing horror novels. Now Tony is back from the city, flush with success and wanting to catch up with Azi. Should Azi risk his heart and try to reclaim what they’ve lost? Or is it too late to start over?
Control (E, 2,142 words, 1/1 chapters): After a dismal opening weekend at their local Renaissance Faire, Crowley asks Aziraphale for some help with letting it all go. Aziraphale gives it to him in the best way he knows how.
Even Bound as We Are (E, 12,266 words, 2/2 chapters): Left on his own after the death of his mother, Aziraphale of Eastgate Hall is under the thumb of his cruel stepfather, Lord Gabriel. Alone in the forest one day, Aziraphale casts a spell to summon fae, taught to him by his mother. He’s not expecting it to work, but when a sarcastic, red-headed faery steps into the clearing before him, his life is changed forever.
Reviewing the Armies (E, 5,573 words, 1/1 chapters): It is May of 1865 and the war is over, or nearly over. Aziraphale has relocated to Washington, DC, and he is counting down the hours until he can be reunited with Anthony. When they meet again, sparks fly.
Folding the Laundry (E, 6,817 words, 1/1 chapters): Two single moms, one basket of laundry, and a bottle of wine. Azira and Toni have been best friends since middle school, but they’re about to find out that they don’t know every single thing about each other, at least not just yet.
After the Fight (E, 2,776 words, 1/1 chapters): In the wake of battle, Anthony returns to Aziraphale's tent completely distraught. Aziraphale is there to help him pick up the pieces.
Dough (E, 673 words, 1/1 chapters): Crowley and Aziraphale argue about how to knead pizza dough. Aziraphale shows Crowley how to do it properly.
Coming into Focus (E, 6,721 words, 1/1 chapters): It is the summer of 1864, and Aziraphale is an itinerant photographer set up behind Union lines outside Petersburg, Virginia. He’s no stranger to pleasure, but he has always protected his heart. But when the redheaded colonel of the 5th New Jersey walks into his tent, he begins to wonder whether it’s time to rethink his stance on love.
Of Fire and Falcons (E, 54,201 words, 15/15 chapters): Since they met at a Florida Renaissance faire a year and a half ago, fire spinner Crowley and falconer Aziraphale have been a great deal more than friends, but they've never quite admitted what they really feel about each other. Now Crowley has fallen in love, and he has five weeks at the Catskill Mountains Renaissance Faire during the most romantic season of the year to convince Aziraphale to see the light.
Hold the Lift (T, 5,621 words, 1/1 chapters): Crowley just wants to get to work on time, but when he gets stuck in a lift with new guy Aziraphale, he ends up with a lot more than he bargained for. See, Aziraphale has this list of 36 questions…
Beyond the Barricade (E, 29,854 words, 10/10 chapters): Az Eastgate and AJ Crowley are American college students in a production of Les Miserables. Will Az work up the courage to tell AJ how he feels about him?
Catching the Light (E, 3,994 words, 1/1 chapters): Azira Fell and Antoinette Crowley are American sculptors living their best lives in Rome in the 1860s. Toni has a commission to finish before Anathema’s wedding, and Azira offers to model for her.
Christmas is Definitely Not a Humbug (E, 3,071 words, 1/1 chapters): It is 1843, and Crowley brings home a brand-new copy of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol as a gift for Aziraphale. Aziraphale shows his gratitude in the best way he knows how.
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daughterofcain-67 · 6 months
𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝓈𝑜 ℒ𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒞𝒽𝓇𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓈
(Alec McDowell x Female Reader)
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𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝: Hi!! If you're still taking the Christmas requests, could I please ask for: Alec and "You didn't really think I would let you spend Christmas alone, did you?" ❤️ (Anonymous)
Hello love! Thank you so much for the request. I thought this was such a sweet idea and I’m so glad you asked me to write this! I hope you enjoy ❤️
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You’re beginning to grow accustomed to doing things by yourself now that you’ve moved away from family, but your friends at Jam Pony seem to forget that Christmases after moving to a brand new area can often result in being alone during the holiday season… and Alec won’t stand for it.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: platonic Alec but potential to be a romantic interest. Other than that, it’s just some fluffy Alec content..
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This Christmas was not at all what you expected it to be.
You were used to spending time with your family every year and sharing so many memorable moments with them. You remembered going with your mother to the walkway of lights, or helping your dad untangle the Christmas lights so he could hand them on the outside of the house. You remembered making gingerbread houses with your family and watching Christmas movies.
You knew you were going to miss those moments, but of course the past was in the past and now you’ve found yourself here in Seattle after a rather significant and unfortunate falling out with your family. A long story you preferred not to relive or talk about.
You had moved here three months ago and landed a job at the delivery service, Jam Pony.
You didn’t mind working here, it made paying bills at least somewhat easier and you were starting to make some friends. Max and Original Cindy took you under their wings at work and they showed you around the workplace.
Then there was Alec.
You didn’t know much about him since all you could see were things on the outside. From what you could tell, he was sarcastic, a smart mouth, as stubborn as Max, a little cocky, all about fast money since you’ve seen him and Sketchy playing poker or making bets, but he seemed to have some sort of fun side and a lot of people seemed to like him.
You two talked every once in a while but you’ve never had deep conversations with the guy. The both of you were friendly with each other, and if you were in a bit of a mood you’d jokingly play along whenever he would playfully flirt with you like he would do with the other girls at work. But there wasn’t really anything concrete between the two of you.
But anyway…
Your story was taking place on Christmas Eve.
Normal was having everyone work their typical shifts on Christmas Eve since they would all have Christmas Day off. But honestly, with the way your Christmas would be looking this year, you kind of wish that you were working. On the flipped side you supposed you could be glad that you could sleep in.
“Hey, Y/N! You look drained, you feeling okay?” Original Cindy asked.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah I’m good. Just ready for the holidays to be over so everything can go back to normal.” You laughed and Cindy smiled a little.
“I hear that. The rush can be a little too chaotic and the traffic sucks! But don’t worry. Just a couple more weeks then the new year will come around. But enjoy the Christmas cheer while it’s here! It doesn’t last long after all.” She reminded you and you grinned softly.
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” Although for you, it would be a situation easier said than done.
“Alright everybody! Daddy’s home!” You heard an all to familiar voice ring out, causing you to smile a little and roll your eyes before Max spoke.
“There’s Alec.” Cindy laughed and turned around while you were busy decoding the lock on your locker so you couple put your belongings inside.
“Really, Alec? Can’t you come to work and not be obnoxious with your entrance like any normal person?” Max asked like a frustrated older sister.
“Awe come on, if I wasn’t obnoxious at least some of the time then how else could I annoy you?” The sarcasm in Alec’s voice was pretty much expected at this point. Alec wouldn’t be Alec without it right?
“You wouldn’t. And that’s the beauty of it.” She retorted.
“Awe, Max! Don’t be so sour! It’s Christmas!” You could hear another voice call out. It was none other than Sketchy.
You grabbed what you needed and saw that the whole group seemed to be congregated at yours, Max and Cindy’s locker. It was pretty typical at this point but you didn’t mind.
“Well what are you guys doing tonight? I might do some last minute shopping after work. I’ve got some family coming into town tomorrow morning. Anyone want to come with?” Sketchy asked.
“Sure, I’ll go with you! I’ve gotta get some food for the house anyway since I’ve got people visiting and we all know where Max is gonna be.” Cindy smirked and nudged Max’s side, making the other girl roll her eyes and cross her arms defensively.
“Logan want’s me to meet his parents, that’s all. It’s no big deal.” She said in a matter-of-fact sort of tone.
“Well hey, it’s a positive thing that he wants you to go meet his family members. You did kind of sign up for this kind of thing when you started dating the guy. Of course this was going to come up.” You reminded, putting your hands in the pockets of your jeans.
“Yeah, I guess. Anyway, what are you gonna be doing, Y/N?” Max inquired.
“Yeah, I’m surprised you aren’t going home for the holidays.” Sketchy said since they all knew you moved here and your family was out of state.
“With the way Normal’s paying us? Yeah - I’m lucky if I’ll be able to visit early next year. It’s only been three months so it’ll be fine. I can always give them a phone call.” Which you wouldn’t be doing.
“Wait, you’re spending the night alone?” You could pick up a hint of shock in her voice which was a little rare for her.
“Eh, I don’t know yet. Maybe I’ll go to the bar or something. You guys act like it’s not a normal thing for people to spend Christmas alone sometimes. Especially when they’ve just moved to a new place. It’s more normal than you think, guys.” You laughed before you walked away from the group to start work. After all, you had a job to do and you didn’t exactly want Normal on your back.
Alec watched you walk off and his gaze lingered on you for a second.
He knew what it was like to spend Christmas alone. The first Christmas he had when he got out of Manticore was a bit rough. He understood what you were saying about it being normal for new people to have lonely Christmases. But that didn’t mean those first lonely Christmases didn’t suck. They do.
“I doubt she’ll go to a bar. She doesn’t seem the type. Unless she’s playing pool or something.” Sketchy said.
“If she doesn’t seem the type that goes to the bar, what makes you think she’s the type to play pool?” Alec asked when he shifted his attention somewhere else.
“Even I have to say he’s got a bit of a point.” Max shrugged.
“Well you never know. I mean we’ve only just met her. And we haven’t hung out with her after work. So maybe she does go to the bar and she’s one of those misleading book cover types.” Sketchy said.
“Misleading book cover type?” Cindy tilted her head in confusion.
“Yeah! You know.. Things not being all they seem, don’t judge a book by it’s cover, a person may be innocent but they’re into things you don’t expect. Ya know, like Ted Bundy. I mean the guy was going to law school and everybody that knew him said he was a good guy but they didn’t know he was a serial killer.” Sketchy rambled and Alec chuckled.
“I don’t think Y/N is a serial killer, buddy.” He said.
“Well I know that, but you get what I’m sayin.” Sketchy said and Alec chuckled before he nodded a little.
“Yeah yeah, Sketch. We get what you mean. Maybe she’ll get lucky if she goes to the bar.” Original Cindy smirked and Alec watched Max roll her eyes and smirk.
“Hey! Your day off is tomorrow! Get to work! We’ve got a lot of packages and mail to send off!” Normal hollered at the group and Alec groaned a little.
“Calm down, Normal. We’ll get to work.” Max said and with that, the group dispersed so they could get to their routes.
Still, Alec couldn’t help but wonder about you. There was no way you’d actually head out to the bar. Not with the amount of lunatics on the road this time of year and any of them could be drunk because they were alone too. He wasn’t going to let you take that risk if he could help it.
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The day was finally over and you’ve said your goodbyes to whatever work-friends you managed to see that were still at Jam Pony before you clocked out for the day. You were glad the day was finally over so you could just go home and get some sleep. Today felt much longer than the average day, maybe because it was Christmas Eve so everyone was in such a big rush, easily irritated because they decided to wait until the last minute, the list could go on.
Once you finally arrived at your apartment, you took a long shower to relax your muscles. Then you got dressed in some warm pajamas, for that night it was a black sweatshirt with a snowman on it and some red and black plaid pajama pants along with some fuzzy socks so your toes wouldn’t freeze. You were letting your hair air dry as you sat down on the couch.
You grabbed the remote for your tv so you could watch some movies. You noticed that several Christmas classics were playing that night so you ended up settling for A Christmas Story. Sure it was an old movie, like really old, but it was a good one nonetheless. Things seemed so much simpler back in the day.
While you were watching the movie, you started getting hungry so you got up as the beginning of the movie was starting so you weren’t necessarily missing a lot. Plus you had seen this movie several times so you knew what was going to happen anyways. You walked into the kitchen and started looking through your cabinets, trying to think of what exactly you were in the mood for.
For whatever reason, you decided to make some pasta. It was simple enough. You had some Alfredo instead of the regular spaghetti sauce so you supposed it would have to do. You started boiling the water and broke out one of those boxes of garlic bread that was technically already made and just needed to be heated up.
While the movie was playing, you heard a knock on your door.
“Who the Hell would that be?” You asked, of course to no one in particular since you were the only one in the apartment.
Despite the fact that company was the last thing you expected for that night, you walked over to the door and opened it up. That was when you saw a familiar coworker standing there.
“Alec? What are you doing here?” You asked him. Honestly, you were surprised that he was at your doorstep instead of at some sort of strip club finding company.
“I was bored. Didn’t have people over at the house either, strip club was too crowded.” Alec said, but a part of you wondered if that was completely true.
“So you pick my place to crash?” You chuckled but then you moved out of the way so he could come in, “If you’re hungry I’m making some Alfredo and I’ve got some garlic bread in the oven.”
“Oh so that’s what smells so good from outside.”
You grinned at the compliment even though it was just a simple sort of meal. Once Alec came inside the apartment, you shut the door behind him and told him to make himself at home.
Alec looked around the apartment since he had never actually been inside here before. He noticed the simplicity of your apartment, seeing the brown couch that had some throw blankets folded on the back of it. He saw that you did have some Christmas lights hung up around the entertainment center where your tv was with your dvds. He also noticed your cute little four foot tree that had some simple yet colorful ornaments on it and a little tree skirt.
“Nice little place you’ve got here.” He commented since the living room was really the only thing he was seeing at the moment.
“Oh, well thanks. At some point I might get some other chairs to put here in the living room in the event people like Max or Original Cindy come over. Or whatever other friends I’ll make along the way.” He heard you explain and he grinned a little.
“Speaking of other friends… how exactly did you know where I live?” You asked and Alec lifted a brow before he shrugged a little then he rubbed the back of his neck.
The truth was, he followed you home after work because he was curious to see if you were actually going to a bar or if you would head straight home instead. He just waited a while so it wouldn’t be suspicious if he knocked on your door just as soon as you got home yourself.
“Oh, well I just asked Max where you lived is all.” He replied.
“Max told you? Willingly?” He heard the amusement in your voice.
“I paged her. Maybe she was with either Logan or Original Cindy. Somebody that makes her a little less obnoxious.” Alec lied, but luckily for him, you laughed and he took it as some kind of positive sign that you believed him.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He heard you chuckle before he watched you leave to go to the kitchen.
He put his hands in the pockets of his jacket while he followed you into the kitchen and simply observed your actions. You were draining the noodles before you opened up the can of the Alfredo sauce.
“Dinner’s almost ready if you’re hungry.” He heard you say.
“Thanks. Do you need any help?” He asked.
“If you could just grab a couple of bowls, they’re up in that cabinet over there.” You motioned to the doors Alec needed to open up and he grabbed what you requested.
“The garlic still needs a few minutes I’m sure.” You said and he grinned.
“That’s fine.” He promised as you dished up everything. And with that, the two of you went to the living room and sat down on the couch beside one another.
The two of you were watching the Christmas Story, laughing at some of the scenes like when Ralphie’s friend got his tongue stuck to the flagpole, or the father’s reaction when he mispronounced “fragile” and had a French accent with it only to discover his leg lamp that would be an iconic staple for the movie. At least it was a staple for you when it came to this movie.
Alec honestly hadn’t had this much fun in a little while and it was nice to have some company that night and he hoped you were feeling the same.
Honestly, he knew that the both of you had sort of this weird, platonic, work friendship if you could put it simply. It was fun to flirt around with you since you would flirt back sometimes but he wondered if you only thought of it as just a joke. For Alec though, it wasn’t exactly a joke. Sure it was nonchalant and he knew that neither of you really knew each other. He couldn’t exactly say that he had a crush on you or anything certain like that, but he was definitely interested.
Maybe that was the reason he didn’t want you to spend the holiday alone. He hasn’t known you long, but Alec knew you deserved better than something like that.
While Alec was watching the movie at the part where Ralphie was fantasizing over the grade he would get for his essay, he could feel your head resting on his shoulder. The feeling made a sudden warmth shoot throughout his body. It was a pleasant feeling and he put his arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer to himself.
You felt the warmth of Alec’s arm surrounding your shoulders. The feeling was nice and comforting even. You hadn’t expected his touch to be so calming, and you were pretty content before Alec had come over anyway.
When you lifted your head, you noticed that Alec’s gaze was still transfixed on the television but you took a moment to observe his features. You’d never had a close look like this before and you had to admit, his profile was definitely a sight to behold. His features were pretty much, well, perfect if you had to think of a word for it. Your heart swelled when you heard him laugh and the smile he had was not only tugging on his lips but the smile was in his eyes too.
Of course, it would be a lie if you said you weren’t attracted to him. You can be attracted to someone and not necessarily be in love with them.
Although for the past couple of weeks, you were starting to grow infatuated with the man. Naturally you would never admit to it, especially since you didn’t want Max to lecture you on how Alec is all of the negative sort of things. If you explored your feelings, you wanted to learn how he was by yourself.
After all, as was mentioned before, you only knew Alec on the outside. You knew what he was like at work and not much beyond that.
“Enjoying the view?” Alec’s voice tore you from your thoughts, and you could hear the teasing sone with a hint of cockiness in his voice too.
You felt embarrassed that he had caught you staring, and your cheeks went pink as you looked back at the screen, “Sorry, just lost in thought.”
“You care to elaborate?”
You shrugged a little, knowing you didn’t want to be completely honest. But there was nothing wrong with a bit of a half truth, “Just thinking about how you and Max never really seem to get along.”
“Ahh don’t worry your head about that too much. It’s sort of like a sibling thing. She’s not so bad.” You heard Alec say, “Most siblings bicker a lot and tease each other and that’s fine with our chemistry. But also like most siblings, we have those moments that her few and far between where we care about each other.”
“Well that makes me feel a little better about it.” You chuckle and Alec grinned.
“She makes you sound like some arrogant, pain-in-the-ass man child that’s a little bit of a womanizer.” You admitted.
“That’s when I’m bored and like to get under her skin. I take pride in being her pain in the ass.” You couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“And the womanizer part?”
“Well if talking to girls makes me a womanizer, how else am I supposed to meet people? It’s not my fault that I may or may not be entertained in strip clubs. People are interesting there too.” Alec said, although his defense was a little questionable yet it wasn’t unexpected.
“I suppose you’re right, in your own little way.” Then you looked up at him once more.
“So… Mr. Pain in Max’s Ass Womanizer… Why did you actually come here? A crowded strip club wouldn’t be a real reason when there’s more than one in town.” You said and that was when Alec looked down at you.
You saw something change in his eyes. His gaze seemed to soften a little more now that he looked at you and he grinned a little, “You didn’t really think I would let you spend Christmas alone, did you? Let alone your first one.”
He came to your house… on Christmas Eve… just so you wouldn’t be alone that night? This was a new layer of Alec you didn’t know that you would be seeing that evening.
You softened against his touch before you looked back at the screen. The movie was still playing with adds in between, not that you were really paying attention to the movie at that point anyways. But you curled into his side and you felt his grip get a little tighter, more secure.
“Thank you.. for coming I mean. It was really sweet.” You whispered, “I’m glad that you came over. I’ve been having more fun than I thought that I would tonight.” You said, then you felt the warmth of his lips on your forehead - which caused your heart to skip a beat. An unexpected gesture to say the least, but it was sweet nonetheless.
“Hey, um… since it’s Christmas Eve and all, and traffic can be a little nuts… would you like to stay here tonight?” You asked. After all, you’d prefer to see your coworker alive and well on the next shift. People were always unnecessarily reckless around this time of year on the road.
“You know.. That doesn’t seem like a bad idea.” Alec smiled, but then the both of you started smelling something in the air.
“Is something burning?”
“Shit! The garlic bread!”
Alec laughed as you hopped up off the couch and ran towards the kitchen.
Other than the burnt garlic bread that could be mistaken for charcoal, it was a pretty good Christmas Eve. You knew it would more than likely be one of the most memorable holidays and that was because of Alec’s simple gesture of swinging by.
You couldn’t be more thankful for a guy like him, and you hoped that maybe because of this experience there would be a chance that the both of you could form a better friendship, or maybe something more in the future.
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Hey guys!! Sorry that it’s been so long since I’ve updated. Things have been a bit busy but thank you so much for your patience and support. I hope all of you are doing well this holiday season! Love you all~❤️
Tag List: @roseblue373 @deans-spinster-witch
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I can’t remember if Max and Oscar kissed in So Brittle it Shakes or not??? so ❤️ for them but if they did 💙 or 💜
they did NOT kiss anon, you're so right for remembering that.
i have always know where and when their first kiss would be, which means this is NOT a snippet it's a 1.3k scene lmao but... it's friday, baby, why not post a mini fic?!
Max chooses the other park near his house, the one he didn’t spend three weeks one summer drinking cider and disappearing into the bushes to get blowjobs from a girl who was a cousin of one of Theo’s mates.
Oscar brings the Pepperamis, and two big bottles of water, the kind that’s always 2 for £4.50 in the petrol station, whatever the oil lords at BP have decided to stick some money off this week. Highland Spring, thank god. Max might’ve been sick if it was Evian. Too French, for the occasion. 
“Whatever they’d done to the rear wing was a mess, I binned the car first corner and all the engineers did was shake their heads? As if I’d choose to do that or something.”
Max nods along to Oscar’s story about his factory day. It’s years since he’s been in a proper sim, one not hooked up to iRacing or the F1 game. The kind where you can feel every vibration, every grain of the imaginary track you’re driving. Once, Max had closed his eyes on a cool down lap, and if it wasn’t for the lack of wind and the stale smell of the factory, he’d have almost believed he was there, cruising up Raidillon. 
“You supposed to be telling me this?” Max asks, when Oscar finally takes a pause. He thinks Oscar might be a bit nervous, the kind of rambling story Max knows he only tells himself when he’s trying to impress someone. “What if I sell your secrets? Might still have an in at Alpine.”
Oscar snorts.
“Yeah, right. They delete your number before you’re even out the door, mate.”
Max closes his eyes briefly, pretending the sun is making him squint, holding a hand over his eyes.
He knows Oscar means it like, figuratively, or whatever. Borrowing from his own experiences at the hellscape diamond. Max can’t look a Clio in the eye, feels his skin crawl when he spots a Zoe. Stupid name for a car that. 
“Sorry,” Oscar says awkward, foot up on the trunk of a tree. He’s like a cross between boy and man, hanging off a branch like it’s a monkey bars with his shorts tight around his hairy things. It’s making Max feel like a bit of a nonce. “I meant me. Not exactly on Mia’s Christmas card list these days.”
”Shame that, always thought the French chocolate was pretty fit.”
Oscar hums, and pulls himself up into the tree properly, stupid McLaren brand K-Swiss catching on a knot in the wood to propel him up. Classic Oscar, Max thinks, retreating from the situation. 
Still, he hadn’t, had he? Last night.
Max has had a lot of time to ponder, to reflect, the way his therapist is always telling him to. This morning he’d stayed under the duvet, drinking cups of tea, until he was certain he couldn’t feel the ghost of Oscar’s hand on his cock anymore. Every time he let his mind wander back to the car, he’d feel himself chubbing up, which is a bit awkward when your Mum’s hovering, trying to ask how your birthday drinks were.
“You were back late,” she’d asked, using that airy voice she puts on when she’s acting like she doesn’t care, but actually really wants to know. “Who was the mate then? A girl?”
“Jesus, Mum,” he’d said, felt his cheeks get warm, a shivering sweat on the back of his neck, because she wasn’t wrong about why he was late back. It was exactly what she’s implying just… with Oscar. With a guy. “It wasn’t like that.”
“D’you remember,” Max starts, leaning back against the trunk, glancing into the branches and nearly getting an up skirt off of Oscar, his shorts billowing now he’s not straining to climb. “That time they made us fly out of fucking Luton to get to Barcelona? Put us on a fucking minibus from Enstone and Zhou puked ‘cos it smelt so bad?”
Oscar sticks his head out the tree, his stupid flop of a fringe falling over his eyes.
Max should’ve kissed him, last night. He’s been thinking about it all day, thumbing the corner of his mouth and wondering how Oscar’s bunny teeth might feel against his tongue. 
“Yeah?” Oscar asks, and Max forgot that his story was supposed to have a point, he’d just wanted to say something really, anything. 
“Fucking worst airport in the UK, Luton,” Max continues, and now he’s the one rambling, suddenly nervous ‘cos he’s leaning against a fucking tree in a secluded corner of a park, trying desperately to give off the vibes that he’s interested in a snog, even if their mouths do taste of curry flavouring. “Man’s might as well be flying from a train station, and not like King’s Cross or summin’, I mean like, fucking Henley station.”
Oscar lands on the ground next to him with a thump, standing up tall and throwing his head back, hair flicking like he’s a Disney prince, and Max doesn’t often think about fancying guys, beyond knowing he likes a rough palm on his dick, but Oscar.
Yeah, he fancies him. 
“Stansted’s pretty shit too, I reckon.”
Oscar’s breath ghosts over Max’s face as he starts comparing the pros and cons of “London’s” worst airports. Max hadn’t realised quite how close they’d ended up when Oscar had jumped out the tree. He’s stood with this strong stance, legs either side of Max’s crossed ones, and if he leant in, he could box him up against the trunk. His skin tingles with it.
“Are you going to kiss me then, or are we just chatting?” 
Max cringes a bit at his own voice. He doesn’t sound as confident as he wants to, and Oscar looks a bit startled, tripping over his complaint about the security scanners. It’s all a bit vulnerable, really, saying this kind of shit.
“Only, I’ve not got all evening, have I?”
It’s a lie, he’s got all week. All year.
Oscar doesn’t crowd into him like he thinks he might, like Max would if he was putting the moves on someone shorter than him. He rests a hand gently on the bark, and the other slides onto Max’s jaw, tilting his head up as Oscar leans in, a soft press of dry lips. When he pulls back, Max licks his, trying to make up for the snags, and then Oscar goes for it. Slips his tongue into Max’s parted mouth, and the hands Max had left hanging awkwardly at his sides take on a life of their own, sliding up the back of Oscar’s t-shirt, over the strong muscles that make his thighs weak. Across the park, there are noises of people going about their day, children screaming in the play area, dogs barking, the thwack of a football on the messy grass of the pitches. None of them know, Max thinks madly, about what’s happening so close by.
“Alright?” Oscar asks, pulling back, his eyes a bit wide, and Max remembers suddenly, all that shit Oscar had said about fancying him for years. It’s overwhelming, when you get something you want that much. Max remembers the first show run in the Renault, Christian and him bouncing off the walls, shitting themselves they’d fuck it on the roundabout. In the car, it had all melted away in the adrenaline, and it was only afterwards Max realised he hadn’t taken time to really appreciate how it felt.
He doesn’t want Oscar to feel like that.
“Should be me asking you that, shouldn’t it?” Max sees the way Oscar blinks, and he has a flash of discomfort in his stomach because oh, Oscar’s asking that because he thinks… the gay thing. Right.
Max doesn’t know how to say it, how to explain he’s done this before, and he’s wondered before, but he’s never looked at a boy like he’s looking at Oscar, calloused thumb against his jaw. A dawn of something new, like entering a new world in a game, stepping through a portal blinking at the light flooding the screen.
“Yeah, mate,” Max says, and when he looks inside himself, he’s surprised to find so little anxiety, for once. “I’m alright.”
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lumosandnoxwriting · 5 months
he loves me not || Fred Weasley
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Title: he loves me not Pairing: Fred x Reader Warnings: talking about periods/breast development. Fred is kind of a shit head.   Summary: my friends from home don’t know what to say A/N: here it is, the next part in the anthology!! Honestly i actually really love this one even though the structure of the storytelling changed as i wrote, i feel like this ended up just how i imagined it!
Fred is the last person she expected to be standing there when she walked into her favorite bar after the world’s longest day at work.
Y/N does a double take, her steps faltering as she watches him laugh. His head tips back, exposing a pale stretch of skin that she used to imagine pressing her lips to as she daydreamed about what her future might look like. Now it just makes her sick to think about. 
He notices her then, his hooded eyes opening wide as they stare at each other across the crowded room. His gaze keeps Y/N rooted to the ground, forcing the people coming in to step around her. Fred seems just as shocked to see her, and his friends start to nudge him, noticing the strange look on his face. 
Less than twenty feet separates Y/N from the person she used to know best in this world. The person she’d thought would always be by her side, who’d follow her no matter the path life steered them down. Her best friend in the entire world. 
Now they’re just two strangers, staring at each other in a bar. 
How the hell did they end up here?
Summertime always smells like freshly cut grass and the lemonade Mrs. Weasley seems to be constantly stirring up to refuel the brood of kids that flit in and out of her house all day - and there is no place in the world Y/N would rather be. 
She’s wading through the creek in the Weasley’s backyard, her brand new sneakers so thoroughly soaked and muddy she can practically hear the way her mum will yell when she gets home. But she doesn’t even care about the trouble she’s sure to be in, not when Fred is by her side, laughing wildly as they chase frogs and small fish through the shallow water. 
When the school year ended last month Y/N was afraid that this summer would be different than the others. Because when they started Year 8 in September she thought it would be like any other school year - but boy had she been wrong about that. 
It seemed overnight all of the girls in their year stopped looking at boys as friends and started to look at them as something more. Crushes is the word they’d used. In between lessons and during lunch girls would crowd around each other, watching the boys with rose tinted cheeks as they whispered about who they thought was cute and who would make the best boyfriend. 
Y/N sat with them more out of obligation than anything, since she’d much rather be goofing off with Fred and George and whatever other male classmates decided to join in their games. So instead of playing with her friends she’d sit there and nod along as they whispered about Fred’s eyes and George’s hair and Thomas’ smile, all while the only thing Y/N was thinking about was how things had changed. 
Year 8 also brought a lot of personal changes in Y/N’s life. 
Suddenly the elastic on the soft cotton training bras her Mum had purchased before Year 6 was digging into her sides hard enough to leave deep red marks on her skin, and at one point she could barely get them over her chest. She’d had to upgrade to an actual real bra before school even began, and by the Christmas holiday she’d already needed to change size twice. 
And that year Santa didn’t just bring her a few bras for her newly grown breasts, but it seems her period was packed away under the tree as well. What she thought was a stomach ache leading up to Christmas Day evidently turned out to be the arrival of her so called “womanhood” if the blood staining her Christmas PJs was any indication. 
She spent the week between Christmas and New Years carefully waddling around, afraid that too much movement would cause the pad stuck to her underwear to slip and she’d end up bleeding all over herself. 
When school started up again in January she no longer knew where she belonged. On one hand she still wanted to be out there with Fred, running amuck and causing trouble when the teacher wasn’t looking. But on the other hand she didn’t quite fit in with the girls in her class either - even if she agreed with Marci Joe that Fred is by far the cutest boy in their Year. 
So when school got out for the summer, Y/N had worried that things would be different. Worried that Fred would look at her like the other boys seem to now, that instead of seeing Y/N the girl they grew up playing with they’d see Y/N, the girl who’s boobs they like to stare at. (Even if deep down Y/N really did hope that Fred had noticed her boobs at least a little bit.)
And okay maybe things are a little different. 
Like how her cheeks heat up when Fred grabs her hand to help keep her balance as they jump from rock to rock through the creek. And how sometimes she can feel her tummy flip upside down when Fred laughs at something she’s said. And maybe, just maybe, her smile was a little bit too big and she felt a little too proud when Fred turned down Marci Jo’s invitation to the movies to grab some ice cream with Y/N instead. 
But none of that matters as long as Fred is still her very best friend. (Even if Y/N hopes in her little heart that someday he might be more than that too.)
Y/N’s head snaps up at the sound of his voice, and she prays the flush on her cheeks isn’t obvious as she slams her journal shut. She knows there’s no way Fred would be able to read what she’s writing from where he leans against the entrance to her room, but just the thought of him recognizing the scrawl of his name with little hearts doodled by it is embarrassing enough to have her shoving the book under her pillow for good measure. 
“What are you doing here?”
The smile that appears on his face causes a surge of butterflies to rock through Y/N’s stomach, and she practically holds her breath as he steps further into her room. 
“Is that any way to greet your best friend?” Fred teases. 
His easy going demeanor instantly soothes her nerves in a way that only Fred ever seems to be able to, and she rolls his eyes at him. 
“You know I didn’t mean it like that. Molly said you and George were spending the night at Thomas’ when I called earlier, I was just surprised to see you here, that’s all.”
Fred waggles his eyebrows at her as he takes a seat on the end of Y/N’s bed. “You called the house looking for me? Y/N I’m blushing.”
Y/N leans over to punch Fred on the arm, desperately trying to cover up the giddy feeling she gets from Fred being here in her room. 
Because of course Fred is her best friend in the entire world and he has been since they were four years old. But at some point in the last twelve years she’s started to look at Fred in a different way, and in the last few months she’s decided to stop lying to herself. 
Fred will always be her best friend, but she’s no longer afraid to admit that she wishes someday he’d be more than that too. 
She remembers thinking how it seemed like a switch flipped overnight when all the girls in their year stopped looking at boys as friends and started having crushes on them, and now it seems another switch has flipped and suddenly everyone now has boyfriends.
Well, everyone except Y/N.
And it’s not like boys haven’t been interested in her. There was Thomas and Lee, and even Danny in the Year above. Turns out once boys grow out of that immature phase where they call boobs flower buds and laugh as they jiggle awkwardly during gym class, they’ll do just about anything to sneak a peek at them. 
But when Thomas and Lee had asked, Y/N didn’t even hesitate when she shot them down - giving them both a generic excuse that they’d been friends for too long for her to see them any other way. She’d thought about saying yes to Danny, mainly because at sixteen she’s the only girl in her year who hasn’t been kissed outside of a round of truth or dare or spin the bottle. But then Fred had invited her over to watch a Star Wars marathon and by the time Y/N decided to circle back to the raincheck she’d asked Danny for, he was already dating a girl in his Year. 
And it’s not even as if she really wanted to date Danny. It just felt nice to have someone see her as more than just a friend. It felt nice to feel pretty and feminine. To be noticed. 
Even if she wasn’t noticed by the boy whose attention she really craves. 
“So you never answered my question,” Y/N starts after a few moments of silence. “What are you doing here?”
The wicked grin she gets as a response tells her everything she needs to know.
They’re at the party for an hour before Y/N loses Fred in the crowd. She’s feeling loose from the lukewarm beer and shots that tasted more like ethanol than vodka, and somewhere in the back of her mind she had the hope that tonight would be the night. 
Their night. 
Sober Y/N is not brave enough to take that next step to push them past the friendship stage, but drunk Y/N is ready, willing and eager to take one for the team. It doesn’t help that Fred had been so sweet and attentive since the moment they arrived at Thomas’. The party was already in full swing, and Fred had held her hand tight as they weaved through the crowd. Every drink she consumed had been given by Fred, each one handed off with a wink and a promise that he’d always take care of her. 
Like an idiot she’d let go of his hand, trying to shout over the music that she was going to run to the loo and Fred should wait right there. And to no one’s surprise when she finally found the spot where she left him twenty minutes later, Fred was nowhere to be found. She’d searched the ground floor and the first floor already, and as she stumbles down the stairs into the basement Y/N is sure she’ll find Fred hanging out on a couch ready with some stupid joke about how she finally found his hiding space. 
What she doesn’t expect to find is Fred sitting on a couch with Marci Jo, his arms around her waist as they attempt to suck each other’s faces off. She’s not sure if it’s the alcohol or the heartbreak that makes her stomach turn, but suddenly the only thought on her mind is getting the hell out of there as soon as possible. 
Turns out tonight was the night. Just not their night. 
Things haven’t been the same since the party. 
Fred had been everything to Y/N, and now she could barely stand to look at him. It wasn’t just that he’d broken her heart that night, it was that he completely changed after that night. It was no longer just Fred whenever they hung out, it was Fred and Marci Jo. She didn’t even know Fred gave a second thought about Marci Jo, and suddenly she was taking over every aspect of Fred’s life. 
Trips to the park, to get ice cream, movie nights at the Weasley’s - anything that Y/N and Fred used to do together now had to include Marci Jo. And Y/N wouldn’t mind her tagging along as much if they weren’t so absorbed in their own little bubble to notice her existence. Too many times she’d left their hangouts early, the two of them too busy making out or whispering to each other to even notice Y/N had gone home.
Losing Fred as a potential romantic partner had been sad, and she shed many tears over that lost possibility. But losing Fred as a best friend had been absolutely devastating. Fred had been the one constant in Y/N’s life, and suddenly without him there she had no idea what she was doing anymore. 
“Hey stranger.”
Y/N looks up from the fire, giving Fred a nod. “Fred.”
Today was their last day of college, and of course Thomas had to throw a huge party to celebrate. Y/N hadn’t even wanted to go, she’d planned on spending the night up in her room, writing until she finally felt exhausted enough to fall asleep. But this would probably be the last time all of them would be together, before University and adult life took over, and some yearning for the way things used to be coaxed her out of the house tonight. 
“That’s how you greet your best friend?” he teases, taking a seat next to Y/N on the bench. 
She laughs, but there’s no humor in it. “Okay, sure.”
They’re silent, both of them focused on the way the flames dance to avoid having to look at each other. It’s been a little over a year since they’ve been alone together, and Y/N feels a pang in her chest at how awkward it is to be sitting with Fred, when it used to be as natural as breathing.  
Fred is the one who breaks the silence. 
“I overheard my Mum talking with yours’ on the phone this morning. London, eh?”
Y/N shivers as he bumps their shoulders together. “Yeah. I leave for my summer program next week.”
“Wow, already?” he blows out a breath. “I can’t imagine this place without you, but I always knew if anyone could make it out of this shithole, it’d be you.”
“Oh fuck off,” she blurts out, shocking them both. Even with them drifting apart Y/N has never been anything but polite with Fred during their short interactions so the anger in her voice is a surprise. But she lets it build, too tired of pretending that she’s okay with what happened between them. 
“The only reason I ever thought about sticking around is you, you moron. You love this stupid shithole too much to ever even dream of doing something else with your life. And even though I never had the same dreams as you, my need to leave never outweighed my need to have you in my life. But now I can’t wait to get the hell out of here, and please don’t pretend that you’ll be shedding a tear over my absence.”
“Don’t do this,” Fred seethes, tearing his eyes away from the fire so he can look at the one brewing in Y/N’s eyes. “You’re the one who pulled away, don’t put this on me.”
“And you’re the one who kissed Marci Jo and blew everything up! My heart used to beat for you Fred Weasley, and everyone in this town knew it except, apparently, for you.” She stands up then, the yearning for nostalgia that brought her out tonight fading fast. “You prioritized getting your dick wet over our friendship, so do not blame me for pulling away. Have a nice life, Fred.”
Y/N ignores his calls of her name as she storms away, letting everything she’s lost go with every step away she takes.
Her editor told her not to do it. So did her agent. And her Mother. 
But as she stands in the middle of a busy bookstore, seeing her debut novel sitting on a shelf for the very first time, Y/N does not feel an ounce of regret as she takes a copy into her hand and flips to the dedication page.
Fuck you, Fred Weasley - you know what you did.
Y/N can tell the moment Fred decides he’s going to approach her. Even though it’s been years since they last spoke she can still read him like a book, and his thoughts are written across his face in the look he’s giving her.
Watching him take a step towards her breaks Y/N of whatever trance she’d been in, giving her the forethought to step out of the entryway and over to the wall. Whatever conversation she and Fred are about to have shouldn’t be taking place as people shove past them to enter or exit the pub. 
The smile on Fred’s face as he approaches is cautious, and Y/N silently wishes she’d at least had the chance to grab a drink before this confrontation. She has a feeling she’ll need it. 
“Hey stranger,” Fred greets, knuckles white from how hard he grips the bottle in his hand.
Y/N nods in greeting. “Fred.”
“That how you greet all of your best friends that you haven’t seen in a while?” he attempts to joke, a fleeting smile on his lips. When Y/N does nothing in response but quirk an eyebrow, he lets out a nervous chuckle. “What?”
“Nothing,” she says, shaking her head. “Just not sure I’d describe us as best friends.”
“Really?” Fred asks, but the tone in his voice suggests he’s anything but surprised at her rejection. 
Yes really, Y/N wants to spit back. There’s an anger bubbling in her stomach, a feeling she hasn’t felt in the longest time. A feeling she thought she’d gotten over in the years it’s been since she left her hometown and all of the people in it behind. But it roars back to life, so full of life that she thinks it may have never been dormant. 
She stopped thinking of Fred Weasley as her best friend a long time ago. 
“Guess I deserve that,” Fred admits after a moment of silence. “And I’m not really that surprised considering you dedicated your first book to telling me to fuck off in front of the entire world.”
Y/N snorts a laugh. “Yeah, well. You deserved that too.”
They both just stand there in silence, and while Y/N feels nothing she can tell Fred feels awkward. His jaw twitches, a telltale sign that he’s trying to figure out what to say next. She lets him struggle for another minute before giving him a brief nod. 
“Well then. It was,” she hesitates, not wanting to say that it was good to see him again. Because it wasn’t. Y/N could have gone the rest of her life, fully content with never seeing or hearing from Fred Weasley again. “Have a good rest of your night.”
Fred’s mouth opens as if he’s going to say something else, but after it hangs there for a few beats he snaps it shut again. With another curt nod Y/N joins the stream of people heading towards the bar, finding that walking away from Fred Weasley the second time is just as easy as it was the first time. 
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thelarriefics · 1 year
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WINTER FIC REC: Below you’ll find fics that take place during the winter season. 
📖 A Very Darling Christmas by @aquamarinedaffodil (133k)
It’s Harry’s first holiday season since he opened the little bakery at Astor Square and according to his best friend Zayn, he is hopelessly unprepared. With the start of the local Christmas market right around the corner and an already hectic schedule, Harry really can’t afford to get distracted.
Then again, neither can Louis, who is in the middle of directing rehearsals for a winter musical with his drama class and promised his colleague Niall that he’d focus all of his energy on the musical.
But you know what they say: promises are like pie crusts — made to be broken.
📖 like cranberries on a winter evening by @evilovesyou (57k)
Louis hates Christmas. With good reason, too. And no, he doesn’t want to talk about it.
When research for his next novel leads Louis to the website of a quirky little hotel in Northumberland, there is exactly one room available for the two weeks that Louis really wants to get away from his family.
Will the fairy lights, kind smiles, homemade pastries, and genuine friendships awaiting him in Harry Styles’ hotel be enough to cause Louis a change of heart?
📖 Baby, Won't You Look My Way? by @peachbootylouis (50k)
Or the where Louis’ routine centered life runs like clockwork until a chance hook up throws a wrench named Harry into it all. But as it may turn out a change in plans could be what Louis has needed all along.
📖 Cabin Fever by @germericangirl (46k)
One cabin, one bed, two ex-boyfriends. What could possibly go wrong?
📖 Take A Chance On Me by @peachypetalhazz (39k)
When Harry receives two tickets to see one of his favourite bands, he'd expected that his best mate would accompany him. However, it is soon learned that the intentions behind this so-called gift were far more wondrous than he initially thought.
📖 love drunk, waiting on a miracle by @hellolovers13 (30k)
Harry has a bit of a crush on a customer. Thankfully, the feeling is mutual.
These are their first 24 days together.
📖 California stars by @justanothershadeofblue (27k)
A month in the life (and diary) of one Harry Edward Styles, miner-become-farmer in the brand new state of California, and his hired hand, one Louis Tomlinson. AKA Harry goes to San Francisco for supplies, but ends up with more than he bargained for.
📖 One for the Books by @neondiamond (25k)
When Harry decides to move to London a few weeks before Christmas to pursue his dream and become the new owner of a bookshop after seeing an ad online, everyone he knows tells him he must be out of his mind. As he gets acquainted with his new life and meets a handful of incredible individuals—one of which he happens to grow particularly fond of—he slowly comes to the realisation that it may just be the best decision he's ever made.
Or the one where there’s a bookshop, a cat, OT5 friendship, a budding romance, and all the festive vibes.
📖 as in olden days by @scrunchyharry (18k)
Château Frontenac hotel, Christmas 1925 When his father insisted the entire family spend Christmas abroad in one of his new investments, Harry dreaded the prospect of being trapped for weeks in the biting Canadian cold, so far away from the roaring excitement of his London life. As he crossed half of the world to be buried under a thick blanket of snow, he never imagined he would meet a charming bellhop who would do his best to keep him warm.
📖 And winter came... by @noellehenryfics (16k)
A While you were sleeping AU.
📖 This Winter's Day by @becomeawendybird (14k)
Louis is Harry's stablemaster, and when he falls ill and his mother turns to Harry to help her try and find someone he can settle down with, it's only natural that Harry suggests himself.
📖 I Can Build Your Heart A Home by @loveislarryislove (10k)
Harry and Louis kind of secretly sort of dated in high school. Now it's two years later and they're both back in town for Christmas and it's awkward. Until it isn't.
📖 The Clock Strikes New Year by @jacaranda-bloom (9k)
Harry was homeless, but now he has Louis. Louis was lonely, but now he has Harry. And there’s more than one way to see fireworks on New Year’s Eve.
📖 All I know is I'm in trouble ('cause the atmosphere's so cold) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (8k)
While on a holiday with his best mate Zayn, Louis meets Harry, who seems to dislike him from the start. It's just his luck he ends up getting stuck on a ski lift with Harry. Except maybe the universe knows better and he really is lucky.
📖 Alpha Heater For Sale by @harryslonecurl (3k)
It read: Alpha heater for sale! Winter weather got you down? Call Harry for your warm, furnace-like needs!
📖 Rapture by @allwaswell16 (3k)
It was New Year's Eve in Victorian London, and a lonely vampire could no longer resist the stunning lamplighter he watched night after night.
Or, a vampire Harry fic because what says the holidays like Victorian vampires?
📖 a taste of bliss by @beckydoesthings (1k)
It's New Year's Eve, and Louis is working. As much as he hates it, there's a few benefits to working a holiday. One is the free champagne. The second may or may not come in the form of a curly haired sous chef named Harry.
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my-moo-moo · 2 years
more to grow (chapter 2/4)
When her due date had gone and passed without progression, she started to get a little worried. It wasn’t that she was impatient to get them out. She loved every inch of her belly even despite the aching pain of her spine and ankles. She was dreading losing this voluminous body of hers for sure. She was, however, afraid that she might really be pushing out two 11 pound babies out of her vagina if she was going to grow them any longer. She didn’t want a c-section because she was deathly afraid of going under knives. Both her boyfriend and her doctor were on the same page about that note. 
That was why she cornered her boyfriend the night before she turned 42 weeks pregnant. “Fuck me like you mean it,” she threatened, crossing her hands over her chest.  
“Baby… haven’t I been doing that all this time?”
“It clearly wasn’t good enough,” she huffed, waving over the ever present mass hidden poorly under her silk robes. The floral fabric curtained both sides of her protruding bump like it was the grand present on a Christmas morning. “You’ll fuck me into I go into labour. No exceptions.”
“You’ll regret saying that,” he growled, ripping her robes off her shoulders. The silk fell to the floor, revealing the brand set of red lace lingerie she bought for her new double D breasts. It had taken one week to arrive and by the time tried it on today her breasts were already spilling over the cups. He practically drooled at the sight, exactly like she had planned. 
He swept her off her feet into his arms with ease like she hadn’t gained 90 pounds. He carried her to their bedroom and plopped her down on their mattress, pushing her face down so her ass perked up into the air. 
His large calloused palm spanked the flesh poking out from the criss crossing harnesses of her garter. It jiggled like a soufflé pancake and she almost teared out for pure pride. She grew that all by herself. People paid big money for BBLs to get a butt like hers, but her’s is all natural. He moved her thong to the side and plunged his large member down to the hilt without warning. 
Her back arched in response to the shock. “Yes, that’s it.”
Balls slapped against her juicy ass and heavy belly against her thighs. Her babies were squirming and jostling inside at the disruption to their home. She felt a sharp kick to her diaphragm causing her to gasp out loud. She couldn’t complain, because that meant they were head down. She hoped they were getting into position to get out. 
Her boyfriend continued to slam his large dick deeper and deeper into her vagina at a relentless pace. Pain mixed with pleasure and her mind floated away to the heavens. Her entire lower half felt like it was on fire. She couldn’t even tell where the sharp pain originated from until she realized her pussy was pulsing against nothingness. She whined at the loss of contact. She was so close to reaching her peak. 
Axel had pulled out and said, “Mina darling. I think your water broke.”
She lifted her woozy head around to see a darkened spot in the sheets. They finally did it. 
He was already messaging her doctor. And within seconds he was carrying her to the car. “Doctor Jones said we need to get to the hospital immediately. There can be many complications with twin deliveries.”
Now that she wasn’t high from pleasure, she could feel the contractions’ real strength coursing through her abdomen. Her contractions were only minutes apart. Without checking down there, she had a feeling she was dialating very quickly. By the time they got to the hospital, she felt one of her babies’ heads heavy right against her cervix as she waddled to the front desk.
With how ripe she looked, she was able to bypass the waiting room. The moment the nurses saw her, they wheeled her into an examination room, separating her from her poor confused boyfriend. That wasn’t the biggest concern on her mind though. All she wanted was to get her babies out, but there seemed to be a delay in getting her to her delivery suite. The medical professionals around her kept talking and talking. All the while, her belly kept twisting and squeezing with increasing force. They told her not to push yet, and she obeyed despite the terribly instinctual urge to do so. However, she couldn’t help that the baby itself was pushing at her cervix against her will. 
Finally, her primary physician, Doctor Jones entered her room and she was wheeled to another room that she recognized for ultrasounds. “We need to have a quick ultrasound to check the positioning of your babies before we proceed,” she explained.
Mina grinded her teeth and nodded. She wasn’t one to object against authority figures who probably knew better. Time dragged on as she swiped the ultrasound wand across and back around her belly. It felt like she was taking her dandy time while she was wincing at each increasingly intense wave of contractions. She understood that the surface area was quite large, but it shouldn’t be taking that long! Her baby wasn’t going to wait for anyone.
Doctor Jones looked solemn yet perplexed watching the screen. She pursed her lips before announcing, “Hold on. I need to consult my colleagues on a matter. 
“No!” she screamed. “Don’t leave me. The baby— I feel them— they’re coming!”
“Do not push, Mina,” the doctor commanded. She turned to the nurses and said, “Hold her legs shut.”
She groaned loudly as the nurses forced her legs closed, completely against what Mother Nature was telling her to do. The large baby head now felt even more cramped up against her constricted walls. The only thing she could do was grip the bed railings tight and watch her belly physically constrict into a tight cone shape and relax rhythmically. Her moans dragged out with each pain-wracking contraction. 
Mina doesn’t know how long it has been, but every second dragged forever. Her bound legs were not completely stopping the baby from descending. The baby is so low now. It felt like her hips were being torn apart. Every fibre of her body was telling her to push and it was getting harder to ignore it. Release from the pressure would feel so good. Finally cracking from the insurmountable pain, she flailed her arms about trying to push the nurses away. “Ennngh. I need— I need to. So much pain.”
At this moment, Doctor Jones strided back over her bedside to pin her back down to the bed. “I said stop!” Mina’s arms scrambled against her, but she was too weak to fight back.  
“Nurses, hold the patient down,” she ordered and two nurses moved their hands to hold her down by the shoulders against the bed. 
The doctor spread her legs apart and the baby’s head practically slipped down her canal. Mina audibly moans, feeling the sweet relief of pressure at last. Without even pushing, her baby’s head was already halfway out her puffy lips. Their eyes were peeking back at the doctor. “Congratulations Ms. Park. Your baby is beautiful. They’re big, strong, and healthy… but you won’t be meeting them today.”
“What??” she asked aghast. Her answer came when she felt the head being forced back into her vagina. Doctor Jones had her palm on her baby’s head and was pushing them back into her. “What the hell are you doing?” she shrieked wildly. 
“Ms. Park. Please trust me as a trained doctor. This is the only option.” Mina screamed like she never had before. If crowning was painful, the feeling of her baby’s large head squeezing back through her narrow birth canal was many times worse. “If you relax a little, this process would be less painful,” the doctor tsked. 
Another wave of contractions swept through, her womb squeezing to push the baby out the direction it was meant to. Doctor Jones furrowed her brows and put more pressure on her end. Mina felt her baby thrashing wildly within her, caught between this tug of war. Pressure, she felt pressure from so many angles. She screamed bloody murder as her entire lower half of her body was on fire. 
With her limbs restrained, she could only lay in horror as the doctor’s fist slowly disappeared into her vagina. Doctor Jones leans her entire body weight into it and finally, the head popped back into her womb. Her thoroughly abused cervix continued to throb in the wake of events. 
Her belly felt full and taut again. Yet the doctor continued pushing until the baby was deep in the far back of her uterus. The baby gave a strong protesting kick to her diaphragm that knocked the breath out of her. She then stuck both of her hands in there to perfect the positioning before pulling away. 
Mina was at a loss of words after all the screaming. Screaming would not even come close to conveying the agony she went through. She could only lay panting and feel the aftermath of every single violation that was done to her— no pain medication at all. The doctor washed her hands that were sticky with all the membranes and fluid that expelled from her. Another nurse entered the room with a cart of supplies and IV drips. 
“We have to make sure you don’t go into premature labour again.” 
Premature? Mina would’ve scoffed if she had the energy. Her babies were two weeks overdue and were likely at least 10 pounds each. 
The nurses worked together to attach her with a multitude of tubes while the doctor returned her attention to her swollen lips down south. She couldn’t see what was happening past the mountain of belly obscuring her sight. All she felt was piercing stabs deep in her canal before she passed out from the craziness that happened to her that night. 
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howdy! i was wondering if you could rec some really tropey ineffable wives fics? i really liked the blesséd language of flowers by elfontheshelf!
Hello! Here are some delightfully tropey ineffable wives fics for you...
i was so tempted (i wouldn't dare) by rubyknowbys (T)
It’s a message delivered to the wrong number that brought Antonia J. Crowley and Aziraphale Fell together and, even in anonymity, a friendship inevitably made something deeper flourish amongst shared texts. Antonia started working at Medium’s Bookshop, they finally scheduled a date, and Aziraphale was thrilled to know that she’s going to meet the owner of the irresistible words, which made her fall in love so quickly. But the bookshop supervisor didn’t imagine that their new employee, who she detested even more each day, is the same woman who has been sending her those anonymous darling messages all along.
And when she found out, the information created a new dilemma inside her mind, while her most powerful impulse became to try to win Antonia’s heart smoothly: should Aziraphale tell her?
Just Like You Were Brand New by SilenceDogood117 (T)
There are two things Aziraphale Fell hates: 1) people checking out books from her library and 2) Christmas. Already gritting her teeth to get through the festive season, she is further alarmed to hear that Antonia Crowley has come back to town for the first time in 14 years.
Cue Christmas absurdities, reading contests, old memories, and the occasional duck.
Take the Monet and Run by SilenceDogood117 (M)
Convicted art thief Antoinette Crowley is fresh out of prison, fresh out of a marriage, and determined to settle an old score with one last heist. She’s certainly not going to be distracted by the reappearance of a face from the past. That would be entirely counterproductive.
I’m Your Landsailor by IneffableDoll (T)
In a small seaside town called Tadfield, one of the last places on Earth where humans and magic coexist, an exiled selkie and a human who ran away from her life accidentally get themselves married in the oldest, most binding sense. The two are forced to stay together until they can find a way to undo it and free the other from their accidental marriage. It sure would be complicated if they started to fall for each other in the process…
How To Fall (In Love with an Angel) by die_traumerei (M)
It's not a meet-cute, because they don't actually meet, and that's the worst part of Crowley seeing the most beautiful woman in the world, stumbling, and breaking her ankle. She gets the weeks in plaster, and none of the pretty lady -- at least at first.
In a village small enough that the Queer community is more like a family, it's no time at all before Crowley and Aziraphale meet, and set about courting each other. Secrets are shared, flirtation is had, and Crowley falls again; just this time, the local A&E isn't involved.
don't read too much into it by mllekurtz (M)
Discovering the identity of the guardian angel who sheltered her from the rain on a dreary Monday morning won’t be easy, but Crowley (beleaguered junior editor in a London publishing house and human disaster) can’t think of anything else.
And the one you mentioned...
The blesséd language of flowers by elf_on_the_shelf (E)
Crowley has given up on her life in the big city and decided to retire early to the lovely village of Tadfield. She expected a run-off-the-mill early retirement. Maybe playing bridge with a couple of old ladies and maybe taking a part in organising some of the village fetes. What she did not expect was actually competing against the woman she had developed a crush on in the village floral competitions and hence that particular woman instantly taking a dislike to her. She also did not expect that for the sake of the village's reputation they would have to band together and participate as a couple for nationals, because why not...
- Mod D
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Do you have any tips to take care of slightly wavy hair (2a I think ?) please ? And resources too. There’s so many information about wavy / curly / kinky hair and the CGM and the likes, I have not idea where to begin.
Sure! Okay, I'm guessing from this phrasing that you've already read me talking about CGM and are interested, but not sure where to start? So I'll answer along those lines.
First of all, don't listen to YouTubers. Those people are lunatics. They'll be like "Here is a simple video showing you how to do a CGM wash! So first we cowash with a special cleansing product, then we cowash with a conditioner, then we use a detangling spray, then we use a hair mask for three minutes and seventeen seconds before rinsing with coconut water, then we condition with an organic conditioner, then we use a curl cream, then we use a curl custard, then we use a mousse, then we use a gel, then we use a shine spray, and then we add a leave in conditioner! Next up, here's a fifty minute video about the drying process! Love your natural curls uwu like and subscribe" MA'AM WHAT IS NATURAL ABOUT THOSE CURLS
But they can really end up confusing you. So steer clear until you have a handle on the basics! Unless you're looking up a specific technique and need to see it to understand - that's the one time YouTube is useful here.
What I did was I found a Facebook group that was about CGM in the UK specifically. I did it because until I wrapped my head around product ingredients, I wanted to get a list of UK products I could use. As luck would have it, the group I found is run by CGM trained hairdressers who are friends with Lorraine Massey (the CGM founder) and therefore know all the up to date advice and guidance. Their albums are full of both instructions and lists of CG friendly products, so that was mega useful.
I also got the CGM handbook for Christmas. For the most part, that was good - it was especially useful for my sister and cousin, because there's a chapter on how to do the method on kids, and both of them have since birthed curly haired children while having straight hair themselves and as such neither knew wtf to do until I photographed the pages and sent those along. BUT I will freely admit that her styling recommendations in that handbook for wavy hair are absolute dogshit. So there's that.
But ultimately, the biggest advice as you start is KEEP IT SIMPLE. Buy one (1) conditioner, and one (1) styling product (a mousse or a gel). Remember that the first step is transitioning your hair anyway, and that will take probably a week or two, and possibly up to six. Be patient. Don't expect perfect results overnight. Part of this stage is getting used to what natural curls look like - there will be a little bit of frizz, but pictures of curls in the media are always of frizz free tonged curls, not natural ones, so you need to get your eye in, so to speak.
If you're in the UK, I'd recommend you start with Sainsbury's own brand apple conditioner, or Alberto Balsam silicone free raspberry conditioner. Use it to both cowash and condition, because cowashing literally just means 'wash with a conditioner instead of shampoo'. At this time of year, the weather is getting hot and dry, so I'd recommend a glycerin-free styler like Shockwaves Tuff Stuff (the mysteries and mayhem of glycerin and dew points and curls are fascinating, but too complicated if you're new and trying to unknot your brain, so I shan't explain them here.)
Recommended procedure:
Cowash by rubbing that conditioner onto your roots for a few minutes, thoroughly. It doesn't need to be hard, but it does need to be thorough. Rinse it all out.
Put conditioner onto the lengths and ends of your hair. Gently detangle - you can use your fingers. I use a wide toothed comb. The important thing is to be gentle, and let the conditioner lubricate the process. This step takes the longest, btw - the rest is actually very straight forward.
The longer your hair is, the more I recommend you flip your hair upside down for the rest of this process, to help with volume; but you don't have to. HMU if you want an explanation of root clipping instead.
Put your hair back under the water and gently scrunch it from end to root as the conditioner washes out. Pools of water with conditioner should collect in your hands as you do - keep scrunching it back up into your hair until it runs clear. This is a technique called 'squish to condish', often written as 's2c'. It helps encourage the curl, and hydrate the hair shaft.
Squeeze the excess water out of your hair using the same motion.
Get your gel or mousse. You don't need too much, especially when starting out. Get a lil blob and rub it between your hands, until it coats your palms. Then gently scrunch that in, squeezing the water out as you go.
Use either a microfiber towel or a supersoft cotton t-shirt to further gently scrunch the excess water out. There's an appallingly named technique called 'plopping', which is where you wrap the hair up in the towel/t-shirt without disturbing the curls, and that's worth looking up; it's the equivalent of wrapping straight hair into a towel turban to take it from wet to damp.
Diffuse or air-dry! If you don't own a diffuser, look up how to use a colander or sieve, they work in a pinch. Also look up hammock diffusing, which I swear by for longer hair if that's what you have. DON'T FIDDLE WITH IT WHILE IT'S DRYING. Try to touch as little as possible. You will make more frizz the more you disturb it.
And that's it. It sounds more than it actually is in practice. My hair is super long, and the washing takes half an hour, most of which is detangling. Drying does take a while, but I personally find the trade off is more than worth it, because I only need to do it once a week now, rather than every other day like I used to.
And lastly, accept that your hair will never look the same from day to day, and that's part of the fun! Enjoy the process. The more you do it, the easier it gets.
(Also it will grow like a weed now so be prepared for that)
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thewakingcloak · 5 months
The State of Things Past
this post is mirrored from the Studio Spacefarer Patreon! please consider supporting me, and you’ll get access to devlog posts, gifs, and other info before the public!
Like I mentioned in my previous post, The Waking Cloak has been in development for eight years.
ProtoDungeon: Episode III has itself been in development for a few years, pretty much since 2019 (oooof). I've gotten plenty of questions about how the project is coming, as well as the occasional question of whether The Waking Cloak / ProtoDungeon is even alive at all at this point. Thank you for asking this. It means people are still interested in these games.
Okay, but still, what happened? Why are things taking so long? Well, this post is the first in the Christmas Carol series, in which the ~Ghost of Spacefarer Past~ appears to explain things (wooo spooky explanation sounds).
Progress has been made, very slowly, on ProtoDungeon: Episode III. I'd love to have done more, but, well… in the time since I released Episode II, we continued adjusting to parenthood for our first kid, went through the pandemic, had a second baby (who is now almost 3yo), and survived through a series of really difficult events, which culminated in a move to a new house in a new town and the start of a new chapter (but that last bit we'll save that for the Ghost of Christmas Present so he feels useful).
But yeah, it's been a rough ride. My wife and I are intentionally open about what's been going on. At the same time, the internet is an extremely public place, and I don't want to overshare, or worse, trigger anything for anyone, so I'll try to keep this list brief:
Two miscarriages (the first one was late term, and absolutely, brutally devastating)
The loss of our faith community due to the pandemic
Loss of job for my wife due to the pandemic (the pandemic was unkind to teachers)
Loss of a dream job prospect for my wife (same issue)
The great Texas freeze and power outage (us huddling under blankets in shifts through the night with our newborn infant (he's fine now!))
Severe, life-threatening post-partum and post-natal depression
Family covid and two-week cabin-fever quarantines (twice, despite being vaccinated and careful)
The death of my grandma (we were not able to attend her memorial due to aforementioned covid and living on the other side of the country)
Multiple heart attacks for my father despite his active and healthy lifestyle
Autoimmune disease scare for my wife (may still be a thing, just dormant?)
etc., etc., ad infinitum.
A lot of people have had things significantly worse, so this is definitely not an attempt to "compare griefs" as it were. This is just context for, no matter how much I wanted it to be otherwise, the fact that I didn't have the mental or emotional (or temporal) space for creativity. It was one thing after another, and we were just trying to keep our heads above water.
Even when we'd mostly recovered from the hits that just kept comin', we moved away from what my wife lovingly refers to as the "trauma house", and she started a teaching job at a brand-new school. Both were good things, but they were pretty big transitions, and it takes time for the ol' brains to adjust. We love our new home now and have a bit more breathing room.
Okay but also I HAVE been working on ProtoDungeon. Dev was really sporadic, but it did happen. The next post will have more detail on the status of Episode III, but there were kind of two big things I worked on during the past three years, big shifts in the foundation of ProtoDungeon and The Waking Cloak.
First, I switched game perspective. I made a few posts about this a while back, but PD/TWC interiors were originally like Zelda interiors (where you see the insides of all four walls). There are good reasons to do this, but it was also kinda making me crazy. So I switched to a more natural front-perspective, keeping things consistent with the exteriors. It definitely was the right choice for the game I wanted to build, but it took time.
Second, and building on that, I made the game fully faux-3D. You can walk behind or in front of stuff--not something the old Zelda games did, and still pretty rare for 2D games. I was toying with the idea for a long time, but I played through an old PlayStation title, Alundra, and that convinced me it could be done. It's way harder than you might expect, and it was a massive block for me for literally years. I was able to slowly work my way past it and finally resolved it with a 3D z-tilting method, but dev slowed to a crawl.
And that's it for now! The ghost releases you from your vision of Spacefarer Past….
Thanks for reading :)
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canirove · 1 year
Nayef Aguerd Imagine | one
Author’s note: This is a request from Wattpad. They just wanted something as romantic as I could, but that isn’t my forte because I am not the most romantic person out there, so we’ll see if I managed it 😅 I got inspired by Kevin Trapp and what he usually does for his fiancée when she visits him in Germany. Flowers, candles... those things 😁 Hope you like it and thank you for  reading! 💜
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"Are you coming to pick me up from the airport?"
"I wish I could" Nayef sighs. "But I have training until late today."
"Oh, that sucks. After being away for two weeks, I really wanted your face to be the first thing I saw."
"You are seeing me right now" he chuckles.
"I meant in person" I say, sticking out my tongue. "Anyway, I have to hang up, my flight is leaving soon. See you tonight for dinner?"
"See you tonight" he smiles.
"Nayef?" I say, not believing my eyes.
"Hello" he replies with a big smile, a huge bouquet of flowers in his hand.
"What... What are you doing here? I thought you had training, that you couldn't come to pick me up!"
"That was a little lie. I wanted to surprise you."
"Well, you actually have" I laugh.
"Can I get a hug? Maybe a kiss?"
"You can get both" I say, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.
"Wait, don't call the lift yet."
"Why?" I ask.
"I need to make sure everything is ready upstairs for your next surprise" he says, typing on his phone.
"There is more?"
"While we wait, can I get any clue about what this surprise is?"
"Oh, c'mon" I pout.
"That face won't work today" Nayef chuckles. "And everything is ready. Let's go."
"Now what?" I ask when we make it to our flat's door.
"Open it" he says, giving me the key.
"Promise that I'm not going to get scared or anything like that?"
"It's a nice surprise, don't worry" he laughs.
"It better" I reply, threatening him with the key and making him laugh again. "Nayef!" I gasp when I open the door. The corridor of our flat is lit by candles, a little path made with red rose petals leading us inside.
"Let your second surprise begin" he says while hugging me from behind and kissing my cheek. "Follow the roses and try not to knock out a candle."
"I'm not that clumsy" I say, hitting his arm before starting to walk.
The little path leads me to the bathroom, a few photos from our last holiday in Paris stuck on the door.
"Remember how much we enjoyed the hotel we stayed in?" Nayef asks me.
"It was the best hotel ever. And that bathroom..." I say, touching a photo of myself on the bathtub while looking out the window, the Eiffel tower in the background.
"Our bathroom isn't that fancy or has those views, but I hope I've managed to make you feel the same. Open the door."
"Ok" I say, taking a deep breath. "Oh... my God. Nayef!" I gasp again, looking from the bathroom to him, my jaw on the floor.
"The candles are the same they had at the hotel, and here the petals are from peonies like the flowers we had in the room when we arrived" he explains. "For the bath I've used the same soap they had, and the towels also are from the same brand."
"Wait, you bought new towels?"
"And a bathrobe and a new set of pjs. They are the ones you wanted for Christmas but that were sold out."
"How... why... I..."
"Have I left you speechless? That's a first" he laughs.
"Shut up" I say, hitting him again. "But this is... This is too much. I don't deserve it."
"You deserve the world."
"Cheesy" I chuckle.
"Anyway, I'm gonna go put your luggage away and get everything ready for your third surprise while you have a bath. Take your time, relax. There is no rush. But you can't leave until I say so, ok?"
"I won't. I'll stay here forever blowing bubbles" I smirk.
"I understood that reference" he laughs. "Now enjoy" Nayef says, kissing me before leaving me alone in the bathroom, still in awe with how perfect everything is.
"Can I come in?" Nayef asks after knocking on the bathroom's door.
"You can" I reply. "I just finished getting ready. How do I look?" I ask, doing a twirl so he can see me on my new pjs.
"Gorgeous" he smiles. "Did you enjoy the bath?"
"It was the best bath ever. You should do it more often."
"Noted" he chuckles.
"What is that smell?" I ask.
"That, is your third surprise. Blow out the candles and come join me in the kitchen."
"Nayef!" I gasp once again when I walk into the kitchen. "What is this?"
"Your dinner, my lady."
"But this... This looks amazing! It actually looks like something from that restaurant we loved so much on our first trip together, the one to Italy."
"That was the plan" he smiles. "I've made you travel in time to our last trip together, and now to our first. Shall we?" he says, moving the chair so I can sit down.
"Thank you" I say, kissing his cheek before taking a seat. "Did you cook this or did you have any help?" I ask with a teasing smile.
"I cooked it all by myself."
"Sure" I snort.
"Ok, fine. Maybe your sister helped me a bit. With the bathroom too."
"Was she the one you were texting early?"
"Yep" Nayef smiles. "If I had filled the bath when I left to pick you up, the water would have been freezing cold."
"True" I laugh, my stomach rumbling. "Can we eat now?"
"We can" he chuckles, filling my plate. "And?"
"I fof u."
"You what?" he laughs.
"I love you" I say after swallowing my food.
"Because I'm an amazing cook?"
"An amazing cook and amazing boyfriend. Tonight has been perfect."
"Well, the night hasn't ended yet."
"Thef mof?"
"What?" he laughs again.
"I'm sorry, this is too good and I can't stop eating. There is more?"
"There is. If you don't choke while eating, of course."
"Meh meh meh" I say, rolling my eyes. "But it seriously is like going back to Italy."
"And did the bath take you back to Paris?"
"It did. I've been to France and Italy without leaving my apartment" I chuckle.
"Then my plan is working" he smiles.
"If itz" I reply, my mouth full of food while Nayef just laughs at me.
"Now what?" I ask as he leads me towards our living room.
"Movie night" Nayef smiles.
"You didn't make popcorn, did you? I can't eat anything else" I say, letting myself fall on the sofa.
"I didn't, no" he chuckles. "Though there is some ice-cream, they say it is digestive."
"I think I'll pass. What are we watching?"
"It's a surprise" he says, sitting down next to me.
"Of course it is" I reply, rolling my eyes but also smiling.
"I can tell you it is one of your favourites, tho."
"But one of my most favourites like one I've watched way too many times and I know the dialogues by heart, or just a favourite?"
"You tell me" he smiles as the movie starts playing.
"The Princess Diaries!" I scream.
"I believe this fits in the first category?" Nayef chuckles.
"It does. It definitely does. Remember when we first watched it together? Wait... is that why we are watching it again? To remember something?"
"Maybe" he shrugs.
"We are!" I say, sitting up. "We are watching it again because of something that happened that day. Something that is a fond memory like the trips to Italy and Paris are."
"Maybe" he shrugs again.
"Nayef!" I say, hitting his arm.
"I love you" he says with a shy smile.
"And I love you too but... oh. Oh!"
"Ouch!" he complains after I hit him again. "What did I do now?"
"Being too cute, that's what you did" I say, throwing myself at him to kiss him.
The first time we had watched "The Princess Diaries" together, it had been on that same sofa, the one he had on his old place. And after paying more attention to me repeating all the dialogues under my breath than to the movie, he had told me that he loved me for the first time. Just as he had recreated our most favourite trips together, he had now done it with one of the most important moments of our relationship so far.
"Wait, no" he says, stopping me before my lips touch his.
"Not yet."
"Not yet? What do you mean by not yet?"
"Movie first, kissing later."
"Just trust me, ok?"
"Fine" I sigh, sitting down and crossing my arms over my chest. "Your next surprise better be worth it."
"It hopefully will" Nayef says with a smile that makes me forget I want to be mad at him.
"The movie just ended."
"I know."
"Can we kiss now?" I ask.
"Two minutes" Nayef says, looking at his watch.
"Two minutes? Why do we have to wait?"
"Because if we kiss before midnight, it won't make sense."
"It won't... I don't understand."
"What day is tomorrow?" he asks me.
"11th of... oh. Oh!"
"Exactly" he smiles.
"So all this..." I say, tears coming to my eyes.
"I've had this idea for a while, and since I won't be home tomorrow because the team is traveling, and you were coming home today after being away for what felt like ages, I thought that today was the perfect day to finally do it. To take you on a little trip through some of our favourite and most important moments in our relationship, all leading to this. To your friend's birthday party where after dancing, singing and laughing together, we went outside with everyone else at midnight to watch the fireworks, kissing for the first time while everyone screamed and celebrated."
"Do you have fireworks ready too?" I chuckle.
"I don't think the neighbours would like that" he smiles, wiping away a tear.
"Yeah" I smile back. "This has been the best anniversary ever, you know? Even if it hasn't properly started yet."
"It actually has. It's been our anniversary for... two minutes. Almost three" he says, checking his watch.
"Does that mean that I can kiss you now?"
"It does. Happy anniversary, my love."
"Happy anniversary, Nayef" I say before (finally) kissing him.
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stars-of-kyber · 2 years
“I got you a present.” - Kanthony. Modern Au or Canon - I leave it up to you.
Look, I started with a short little idea on my head and it kind of… got away from me?
This is pure fluffy fluff.
Very early into her relationship with Anthony Bridgerton, or maybe even a bit before they’d actually been together, Kate realized that, although her now husband was very bad at expressing it, he was a person that loved very deeply. He was just truly terrible with words.
Anthony’s love language was not words of affirmation, nor physical touch. Actually, he was so touch starved that he looked awed every time Kate, who’s love language was physical touch, entwined their fingers as they walked or rested her hand on his tight when they sat down, a goofy, adorable smile lightening his entire face.
No, Anthony Bridgerton’s love language was acts of service and gift giving. He wouldn’t hesitate a moment to drop everything he was doing if anyone close to him needed him. Even before they moved together, Anthony always made sure to have his fridge stocked with her favorites, her shampoo and soap in his bathroom and he went so far as to change toothpastes when he realized she didn’t really like the one he used. He drove his siblings to their several extracurricular activities whenever he could, sometimes sitting to watch Hyacinth’s whatever her new hobby at the moment was. He offered to take Gregory to the mall when he noticed his brother was starting to outgrow his clothes. He made sure Francesca’s piano was always properly tuned every time she came home from Scotland on holidays.
But he was a little… excessive with the gift giving.
Greg wanted to go to EuroDisney on his birthday, so he took his brother to EuroDisney on his birthday. Violet had gotten expensive diamond earrings for Mother’s Day because they simply reminded him of her. Hyacinth had wanted riding lessons, so he just went and got her a pony. An actual, living breathing animal that now lived happily on Aubrey Hall’s stables.
She supposed one of the perks of having an exorbitant amount of money was that he could really splurge on his presents. And Kate, who spent her teen years managing a very tight family budget, had a bit of a hard time adjusting to it.
Every week since the beginning of their relationship, Anthony bought her a bouquet of tulips, because she made the mistake of once mentioning to him that nobody had ever given her flowers. She had eyed a pair of shoes in a shop, so he went in and got them for her. He gave her a new laptop for her first birthday as his girlfriend because hers was, admittedly, falling apart and she was too stubborn to get a new one herself. She once sighed because her work bag started to tear at the seam and two days later he showed up with a beautiful brand new leather bag for her that Kate had found out had cost more than her month’s rent. She made a rule of never checking the price of his gifts again after that.
Arguing with him over it didn’t work. He’d just tell her it was his money to do whatever he wanted with, completely unmoved to any argument she might have against spending his money on her. Refusing the gifts only led him to look very sad and dejected while he sighed “well, I chose it for you.” quite miserably and, really, Kate was not as immune to his sad pouts as she’d liked to pretend. So she learned how to quell her pride down and resign herself to his maniac, expensive gift giving.
So every time Anthony Bridgerton turned to her and said “I got you a present”, she’d steel herself to see whatever he’d done that time.
“Anthony, is this a car?” She watched as Anthony smiled happily by her side.
“Happy Christmas, love.” He replied shamelessly, kissing the hand where he’d placed an engagement ring just a month before and placing the car’s key on her open palm. She stared from his face, to the key, back to his face, her mouth agape.
“Babe, what the hell?” His smile dimmed as he tried to read her expression.
“You don’t like it? He ran his hand through his hair, shifting nervously on his feet. "If you’d like a different model, or another colour…”
“Anthony, it’s exactly the type of car I’d pick.” She sighed, her hand resting on his cheek. “But this is way too much.”
“You deserve that and so much more, Katie.” His lips pressed softly against her palm with a chuckle as she rolled her eyes at him.
“Hy and Greg helped me pick it out, so you can consider it their present as well.”
“Oh, now that makes it all better." Sarcasm dripped from her words, but he didn’t seem bothered by it.
“Honestly Kate, you needed a new car.” He had turned, walking back into the house they shared, dropping to the sofa next to a happy Newton with a pet to his head. “That thing you called a car is not coming back from the mechanics and you know it.”
“I was just going to take the tube like any normal carless person!” She crossed her arms in front of her chest stubbornly, looking down at her shameless fiancé and her treacherous dog.
“And now you don’t have to anymore.” He shrugged, unperturbed, making her groan. “Honestly, what’s the big deal?”
“It’s a bloody CAR Anthony!” He looked up at her for a moment, before tugging on her arm until she was tumbling into his lap.
“You can’t keep buying me ridiculously expensive things, love.” She sighed, the fight clearly lost. Anthony would most certainly not return the car. He would rather let it sit unused in the garage for the rest of his life than return it. And, even if she loathed to admit it, a car would make her life terribly easier.
“Sure I can.” His lips were trailing a path of kisses from the side of her face to her neck. “I’m pretty sure I did, actually.”
“You’re infuriating, did you know that?” Her eyes closed as he bit softly over her pulse point.
“You like to remind me of it everyday. How could I forget?”
“I’ve only got you a suitcase and some lingerie for you to unwrap from me.” She could feel him still behind her, his muscles tensing, his intake of breath at her words hot on her ear.
“Honestly, I’d say I’ve got the best presents from the two of us, apparently." Anthony pulled on her neckline, trying to glimpse under it, his other hand sneaking up her waist under her shirt. “Can I see it?”
“The suitcase?” She asked, batting her lashes innocently, making him groan.
“Come on, show me my new car, hotshot.”
“Anthony! You cannot see the bride on the wedding day!” Daphne’s voice rang around the suite from the closed door, her brother’s exasperated huff following it.
“But I got a present for Kate!” She rolled her eyes. Of course Anthony would a present for her. She wasn’t exactly sure why she hadn’t seen it coming. She was half expecting him to give her something the night before, when Edwina burst into their bedroom declaring Kate would be spending the night with her in her room, since it was unlucky for him to see his fiancée before the wedding. He had scoffed petulantly, a little bit like an annoyed child, which Kate knew she shouldn’t find so adorable, before pulling her into a kiss that left her legs shaking and allowing her sister to tug her from the room. She imagined he’d just give her something after the ceremony or during the reception.
There was some movement and rushed voices in the antechamber before the door connecting the two rooms opened and Anthony was pushed inside. Kate’s heart melted at the sight of him, his tie still loose around his neck, his blue waistcoat unbuttoned and his hair carefully styled. Around his eyes, his sister had tied the string of one of the bridesmaids’ silky robe, covering them. It was so adorable it sent Kate’s heart beating wildly on her chest, reality sinking in around her. She was going to spend the rest of her life with this hot, ridiculous, lovely man.
“I swear to God, Anthony, if you remove that blindfold, I will know.” Her pregnant sister-in-law threatened menacingly, before closing the door behind her, Edwina and Eloise’s laughter ringing behind it.
“Couldn’t wait to see me?” She asked with a glint of humor in her voice, stepping close enough to him so he could reach out and touch her.
“Yeah, had to make sure you weren’t going to run off on me.” He laughed, his hand finding her arm, his fingers trailing down until he had his hand wrapped around hers.
“I’m not going anywhere. You can’t get rid of me anymore, Mr. Bridgerton.” Kate used his loose tie to pull him closer, their chests touching, before she pressed her lips to his in a kiss that ended way too soon.
“Thank God.” He mumbled into her mouth, his smile almost blinding. “I got a present for you, actually.”
“I thought you said we weren’t doing the whole wedding presents thing.” She raised her eyebrows at him, even if he couldn’t see it.
“Honestly, I didn’t really expect you to believe it.” He shrugged, unabashed, twirling the velvet jewelry box in his hand before offering to her. “It’s not exactly a wedding present anyway. I’m just giving it to you now in case you might want to wear them now.”
“If it’s a set of wedding rings, you’re going to have to wait until…” Her voice died in her throat as she stared at the set of earrings and necklace in the open box in her hand. The delicate, intrinsic patterns of green and gold of the jewelry matched perfectly with the bangles carefully placed around her wrists. Her mother’s wedding bangles. One of the only possessions she still had of her birth mother. Her eyes filled with tears as she ran her fingers over the green gems.
“I know how much you love your mother’s bangles.” He explained coyly. “I thought you might like to make it a set. Maybe something you could pass down to our daughter one day.” It was too much. The gift, the way he spoke so casually of their future together, not a doubt in his mind they’d be blissfully happy. She jumped into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck as she kissed him soundly, pouring all her love into it.
“You are the most amazing man I’ve ever met.” She said, the words a bit choked by her tears, as she pressed her forehead to his, his content sigh filling her heart with so much joy she was half scared she might burst. “I’m so happy to be marrying you.”
“Not nearly as much as I am to be marrying you.” Anthony smiled, his arms wrapped carefully around her waist. “I’d offer to put them on you, but you know…” He gestured to his blindfolded eyes. “Unlucky and all.”
“Hum, we wouldn’t want that, would we?” She hummed, her nimble fingers pulling on the loose ends of his tie, tying it carefully as she used to do every morning before he left for work. “I actually got you a present as well.” She mumbled timidly.
“I thought we agreed on no wedding presents?” She could see his arched eyebrows under the satin sash, his lips curling in a silly, cocky smirk.
“You were right, I didn’t really believe you when you came up with that.” His laugh echoed around the walls and right into her heart. Kate watched as he traced his fingers over the silvery cufflinks on the box she had placed in his open palm, his smirk turning soft as he felt the little details on the circular silver links.
“Are these…?”
“Tulips. True love and all.” She hummed, pulling them from the box reverently. Kate had spent hours trying to come up with something to give her soon-to-be husband on their wedding. It was a bit difficult finding a gift for a man who had everything. But in the end she settled on something he could carry around on him, their flower, the ones he got her every week, the ones on her wedding bouquet, resting right over his pulsepoint. “I had our names engraved under them as well.”
She pulled his hands to her, carefully arranging the cufflinks in each of his sleeves with a smile. She had actually had her name engraved as Kate Bridgerton, which would come to be true in just a couple of hours anyway. She’d let him see that part for himself.
“I’m so happy sometimes I don’t really believe it.” He whispered, his lips pressing over hers tenderly.
“I know. I never knew I could be this happy before.” Her fingers trailed his cheek as she sighed joyfully. If, three years ago you’d tell Kathani Sharma she’d be marrying the love of her life, feeling that type of love she’d grown up admiring from her Appa and Mary, she might have laughed and told you that kind of thing wasn’t really for her. And yet, there they were.
She could barely wrap her mind around it.
“Time’s up lovebirds, the guests are starting to arrive and both of you still need to finish getting ready.” Edwina was by the door, her hand on her hips. “You’ll have the rest of your lives for cuddles, come on.”
“I’ll see you at the altar, I suppose.” He smirked, placing one last kiss on her cheek.
“I’ll be the one in white.” She laughed, as Ewdina started pulling him from her and outside the room.
“I can’t wait!” He called out, just before the door shut behind him.
And really, neither could she.
By the time they had been married for 10 months, Kate was mostly sure there was nothing Anthony could get her anymore, because she had absolutely everything she had ever wanted.
In hindsight, she shouldn’t have been so naive. He’d always find a way to surprise her, anyway.
Her husband had shuffled into their living room quietly, settling himself next to her and Newton on the sofa, something clutched tightly into his hand.
“I got you a present.” It wasn’t the usually lively sentence, full of confidence and excitement she was used to. This time it was nearly shy, his eyes darting a little nervously, the tip of his ears turning a bit red.
“From your day out with Hy?” She nested contently into his waiting arms, feeling the warmth of him envelope her.
“Hyacinth thought it would be fun if we took a knitting lesson together.” He scoffed, as if he’d ever refuse anything his littlest sister suggested to spend time together. “And I’ve made you this.” He pushed the thing he had been holding onto her hands, the blush taking over his entire face as he avoided her curious eyes. “They’re socks.”
“Socks?” In her hand, she had what would probably be the ugliest, most uneven pair of brown socks in existence. Anthony really wasn’t the most talented in the arts and crafts department.
“I was going to make them purple but Hy took the last bit of purple yarn they had.” He shrugged. “She knitted a pretty nice hat.”
“You made these for me?” She asked, her entire body flooding with affection for her embarrassed husband.
“Yeah. I know how your feet always get ridiculously cold at night, so I thought you might like them.” He shrugged, his voice so shy and unsure it only made the burning behind Kate’s eyes stronger. “They are not really great but…”
“They are the best gift I’ve ever got.” Her voice was raspy from the tears running down her cheeks. His eyes snapped to her face, surprised.
“Katie…” His hands immediately moved to her cheeks, pushing the wet tracks away. “They’re just…”
“No!” She snapped, pulling his free hand to her lap. “Anthony, you made these, actually created it from scratch, for me.” She pressed her lips to his fingers tenderly, fighting the fresh wave of tears pooling in her eyes. The idea of him, sitting in a class with his sister, thinking about her cold feet at night, putting an effort in a solution to it, was the most endearing thing she had ever heard. “I love them.”
“But they’re really ugly.” He mumbled lamely, motioning to the brown lump she had shoved up her feet.
“Do not shittalk my favorite pair of socks, Anthony Bridgerton!” She swung her feet happily, enjoying how actually pretty warm they were.
“Whatever you say, love.” He sighed with a chuckle, kissing her cheek, his hand caressing her hair softly, her back tucked tightly to his chest. He had learned long ago how useless it was to argue with her when she set her mind into things. If she wanted to love her hideous warm socks, he wasn’t the one to complain about it.
Watching the ugliest, most lovely pair of socks on her feet in the comfort of her husband’s arms, Kate couldn’t help but allow her mind to drift to the present she had made to him, the one hidden on a gift box between her sweaters in her side of the closet. To the cute little mug she had hand painted herself, the words Best Dad in the World painted in purple like a silly little cliche. She couldn’t help but imagine his reaction when he opened it, how his surprised face would light up beautifully as he read the words. Would his eyes fill with tears? Would his words be choked on his lips? Would he pick her up, spinning her around the room in joy?
Well, she would find out soon enough, she supposed.
She let her imagination fly free, conjuring a vision of the future, an image of a little baby with her curls and his smile, theirs. Of a little boy clutching her hand as they walked. Of Anthony with a little girl perched on his shoulders. The little family they’ve always talked about, always desperately wanted, so full of joy and love.
It was the best present she could have ever asked for.
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braveclementine · 1 month
Chapter 18
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (However they are very few so those under the age of 18 can still read a majority of this book. However please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕺𝖚𝖗 𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝕯.𝕬. meeting was only a few days before break started.
"Okay." Harry said. Hermione, Ron, Harry, and I were standing in our usual places in front of everybody. "I thought this evening we should just go over the things we've done so far, because it's the last meeting before the holidays and there's no point starting anything new right before a three-week break-"
"We're not doing anything new?" Zacharias asked. "If I'd known that, I wouldn't have come."
"We're all really sorry Harry didn't tell you, then." Fred said loudly. I laughed along with a bunch of other people.
"We can practice in pairs. We'll start with the Impediment Jinx, just for ten minutes, then we can get out the cushions and try Stunning again."
I set up Rose and Grace to work on a different charm and then practiced the Impediment Jinx with Heidi. After ten minutes, I checked on Rose and Grace and found that they were eager to try out the Impediment Jinx. Malcolm partnered with Heidi to practice stunning while I set up Rose and Grace to practice the Impediment jinx.
"Very, very difficult spell." I said. "Fourth-year spell so you're going to need to put a lot of force and willpower behind it, okay?"
But they were eager and they were both very willful and by the end of the D.A. performance, both of them had frozen the other for a brief period of time. I had taken some time out to practice Stunning with Heidi again.
At the end of the house, Harry called a halt.
"You're getting really good." He said, smiling around at everyone. "When we get back from the holidays we can start doing some of the big stuff- maybe even Patronuses."
The room cleared gradually in twos and threes, everyone wishing Harry a Merry Christmas. I said a cheerful Merry Christmas to Rose and Grace as they left and then headed straight for the bathroom. I must've scratched my right hand when I had been stunned because it was bleeding again.
I washed it off in the bathroom, watching the water turn from red back to clear as my hand finally stopped bleeding and then grabbed a towel and dried it off carefully. I stared at the back of it.
I'd had my last detention four days ago and it looked horrible. Instead of thin white or red scratches, it looked as though it had been freshly branded into my hand. They were still thin, thin as my handwriting had been, but they looked purple and black instead of red, like fresh scabs.
I wondered how I was going to hide this from dad. It definitely stood out, whenever I kept my hand at my side. The teachers and students were used to it but dad. . .
As a werewolf brat, I must learn to keep my mouth shut.
The words were going to torture him. I thought about what Severus had said two days ago. Was it too late to stay at Hogwarts? But Dad wasn't going to be at Grimmauld place I didn't think. . . I had a block right now on my visions. I didn't see to be able to see anything past the fact that Cho was probably kissing Harry right now. . .
I quickly hurried back to the Hufflepuff common room and pulled out some bandages I had in my bottom drawer. I wrapped my hand carefully and then put the bandages back, climbing into bed. Susan and Hannah were talking in exciting voices about todays D.A. meeting. Leanne and Megan were fast asleep.
I quickly climbed into bed and fell asleep.
I was dreaming about Cedric and I flying on the Quidditch pitch. It was a bright, sunny, afternoon. His brown, wavy hair was blowing back in the wind. Mine was blowing into my face as I was faced towards him, the wind at my back. My hair became hands that wrapped me to Cedric, kissing. Cedric became Severus Snape and then the Quidditch field was gone.
Now, I was floating by a ceiling. Below me was a black tiled floor with white lines in between the tiles, showing the tile placement. It looked like the hallway we'd been walking when we were going to Harry's trial.
There was a snake below me. It was a Reticulated Python. Reticulated Pythons were the world's largest snakes. They were spread all across the world. They were hunted for their skin and also because it could be used in medicine. It was among one of the few snakes that preyed on humans. Its jaws could open wide enough to swallow a human if it wanted to.
I watched as it slithered on the floor toward a door where a man was sitting on a wooden chair, dozing. The man was asleep, I realized, and completely unaware of the danger that he was in. I wanted to open my mouth and warn him but I couldn't.
It was Mr. Weasley, I could make our the red hair by the glow around my aurora. A silvery cloak fell from his legs as he jumped to his feet, his wand raised. The snack attacked, lunging at him three times, biting into his stomach.
Someone was slapping my face and I was startled awake. I gasped, sitting up in bed. Susan and Hannah were on one side of me, Leanne was standing near the door, and Megan was no where to be seen. I groaned, leaned over the side of my bed that Susan and Hannah weren't on, and vomited.
"What happened?" I asked shakily, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. There were tears on my face.
"You were screaming in your sleep, and thrashing around." Susan said, looking pale. "Like a nightmare."
I got out of bed, avoiding the vomit on the floor. Megan entered just then with Professor Sprout. "I need to see Dumbledore." I said immediately.
Without saying a word, Professor Sprout vanished my vomit on the floor and then led me out of the room. "What was it?" She asked in a hushed whisper.
"Someone's been attacked. Dumbledore needs to know as soon as possible." I whispered back. I wondered if Harry had had the dream yet, if I'd foreseen it, or if it had happened at the same time. That would mean Harry would be up in Dumbledore's office right now.
"Fizzing Whizbee." Professor Sprout said and the gargoyle sprang to life, leaping aside. The wall split into two, revealing the moving stairs and we stepped onto them, getting off at the landing. Professor Sprout knocked three times and the door opened of its own accord.
"Ah, Miss Kane." Dumbledore said. He was already on his feet and I looked to see that Ron, Harry, and Professor McGonagall were already in the room, sitting on wooden chairs. "Thank you Pomona."
Professor Sprout bowed her head a little and left the room.
"Miss Kane?" Dumbledore asked, barely looking at me.
"I had. . . well I think it was a vision but considering Harry's already here. . ." I drifted off, looking between Professor McGonagall and Harry.
"You had the same dream?" Harry asked quickly. "About the snake attacking Mr. Weasley."
"Yes." I said.
"How did you see this?" Dumbledore asked quickly. "Your position in the dream?"
"I was floating near the ceiling, looking down at the snake and Mr. Weasley." I said. "Like. . . like an angel almost. I had this white, glowing aurora around me."
At that point, a wizard from a portrait on the wall said, "Dumbledore!"
"What news?" Dumbledore asked. Professor McGonagall drew me up a chair and I sat down, feeling very tired all of a sudden.
"I yelled until someone came running, said I'd heard something moving downstairs- they weren't sure whether to believe me but went down to check- you know there are no portraits down there to watch from. Anyway, they carried him up a few minutes later. He doesn't look good, he's covered in blood, I ran along to Elfrida Cragg's portrait to get a good view as they left-" The Wizard said.
"Good." Dumbledore said, "I take it Dilys will have seen him arrive, then-"
A witch with silver ringlets appeared only seconds later and said, "Yes, they've taken him to St. Mungo's, Dumbledore.  . . They carried him past under my portrait. . . He looks bad. . ."
"Thank you. Minerva, I need you to go and wake the other Weasley children." Dumbledore said at once.
"Of course. . ." Professor McGonagall said, getting up and moving swiftly to the door and then paused and asked, "And Dumbledore- what about Molly?"
"That will be a job for Fawkes when he has finished keeping a lookout for anybody approaching. But she may already know. . . that excellent clock of hers. . ."
I felt my stomach twist. Would Mrs. Weasley even be up to see the clock? Maybe. . .she might've stayed up to wait for Mr. Weasley to get home.
Dumbledore rummaged in a cupboard for a moment and emerged with a black teakettle which he tapped and said "Portus". Then it glowed blue and then turned back to it's original hue.
"Miss Kane, did you see any of this before tonight?"
I shook my head and whispered, "No, I didn't see anything except er- Cho and um Harry, but nothing else. It was like I couldn't see past nine o'clock last night? Yesterday night? Either way, everything's a bit clearer now. I think he'll be fine." I mostly added this last part to reassure Ron. "I didn't want to press into the future last night because, for one thing, I didn't think anything bad would happen and I was obviously wrong, and two because I was afraid I might have a blackout again."
"Oh yes." Dumbledore said, his long fingers playing with the end of his beard. He looked lost in thought and I wondered- not for the first time- what he was thinking about. "Mad-Eye mentioned something of the sort first day of term."
Then Dumbledore turned to a portrait and said, "Phineas. Phineas."
Every portrait was awake except for the portrait that Dumbledore was obviously talking to. The other portraits started to call his name. "Phineas! Phineas! PHINEAS!"
He gave a theatrical jerk as though he'd really been asleep and then said, "Did someone call?"
"I need you to visit your other portrait again, Phineas." Dumbledore said.
"Visit my other portrait? Oh no, Dumbledore, I am too tired tonight. . ." He said, giving a wide yawn and I scoffed.
"Insubordination, sir! Dereliction of duty!" A red-nosed wizard shouted, brandishing his fists.
"We are honor-bound to give service to the present Headmaster of Hogwarts!" Armando Dippet said. "Shame on you, Phineas!"
"Shall I persuade him, Dumbledore?" A witch with an unusually thick wand asked from above him.
"Oh, very well, though he may well have destroyed my picture by now, he's done most of the family-"
"Sirius knows not to destroy your portrait. You are to give him the message that Arthur Weasley has been gravely injured and that his wife, children, Harry Potter, and Elizabeth Kane will be arriving at his house shortly. Do you understand?"
"Arthur Weasley, injured, wife and children and Harry Potter and Elizabeth Kane coming to stay." Phineas said in a bored voice,, "Yes, yes. . . very well. . ." He got up and disappeared from his portrait as the door opened behind us. Professor McGonagall led George, Fred, and Ginny into the room.
"Harry- Eliza- what's going on?" Ginny asked. "Professor McGonagall says you saw Dad hurt-"
"Your father has been injured in the course of his work for the Order of the Phoenix. He has been taken to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. I am sending you back to Sirius's house, which is much more convenient for the hospital than the Burrow. You will meet your mother there."
"How're we going?" Fred asked, looking so shaken that I got up from my chair and went over and hugged him. He put a tight arm around my shoulder. "Floo Powder?"
"No. Floo powder is not safe at the moment, the Network is being watched. You will be taking a Portkey. We are just waiting for Phineas Nigellus to report back. . . I wish to be sure that the coast is clear before sending you-" Dumbledore said.
There was a flash of flame in the very middle of the office and a single golden feather floated to the ground.
"It is Fawkes's warning. She must know you're out of your beds. . . Minerva, go and head her off- tell her any story-" Dumbledore said quickly and my heart gave a jolt when I realized that he was talking about Professor Umbridge. My heart thudded quickly. Professor McGonagall was gone immediately, the door closing behind her.
"He says he'll be delighted." Phineas said in a bored voice. "My great-great-grandson has always had odd taste in houseguests. . ."
"Come here, then." Dumbledore said to us. "And quickly, before anyone else joins us. . . You have all used a Portkey before?" Dumbledore asked and we all nodded. "Good. On the count of three then. . . one. . . two. . ." I put a hand on Harry's arm along with my other hand on the kettle. He looked at Dumbledore and then at me, a frightened expression on his face. "Three."
I felt a jerk and I fell forwards, my hand glued to the kettle. There was a swirl of colors and I could've sworn there was a slamming of a door but it could've been my imagination because the next thing I knew, I was standing in the middle of the kitchen. The others were laying on the ground.
"Back again, the werewolf brat and the blood traitor brats, is it true their father's dying. . .?" Kreacher asked.
"OUT!" roared a second voice.
"NO!" I shouted, panicking. "Sirius no, call him back."
"Come here Kreacher." Sirius said, exasperated.
Kreacher stopped from exiting the kitchen, his eyes glaring up at me hatefully.
"What's going on?" Sirius asked. The only light in the kitchen was the fireplace and a single candle that looked like it was going to go out. "Phineas Nigellus said Arthur's been badly injured-"
"Ask Harry." Fred said.
"Yeah, I want to hear this for myself." George said.
I noticed that Sirius was unshaven and though it was the middle of the night, he was still in day clothes. There was also a different smell about him- alcohol almost. I felt very sad, seeing Sirius like this.
Harry told them the story about the attack and then when it was over, Fred asked, "Is Mum here?"
"She probably doesn't even know what's happened yet. The important thing was to get you away before Umbridge could interfere. I expect Dumbledore's letting Molly know now." Sirius said.
"We've got to go to St. Mungo's." Ginny said in an urgent voice. "Sirius, can you lend us cloaks or something-"
"Hang on, you can't go tearing off to St. Mungo's!" Sirius exclaimed.
"'Course we can go to St. Mungo's if we want, he's our dad!" Fred said mulishly.
"And how are you going to explain how you knew Arthur was attacked before the hospital even let his wife know?" Sirius asked.
"What does that matter?" George asked hotly.
"It matters because we don't want to draw attention to the fact that Harry is having visions of things that are happening hundreds of miles away! Have you any idea what the Ministry would make of that information? It's bad enough Elizabeth can do it!" Sirius exclaimed.
"He's going to survive." I said, my eyes closed. "You'll see him tomorrow. Please, just stay here guys. It's going to be okay. We only have to stay put until your mum comes home, okay?"
"Fine." George said, sounding extremely angry.
They all sat around the kitchen table except for me. I remained standing, glaring at Kreacher. I didn't want to take my eyes off of him. If he escaped to the Malfoys. . .
"Elizabeth, sit down." Sirius said. I had been nodding off where I was standing. "You're going to fall asleep standing up."
"I'm alright." I muttered.
Sirius didn't say anything else about it. He had summoned butterbeers and had given one to me. It was in my hand, unopened as I tried looking into the future for Mr. Weasley. It looked as though he was going to be fine. That was strange, Reticulated Pythons weren't supposed to be venomous but there seemed to be some sort of venom in the bloodstream. . . that didn't make sense at all. Pythons weren't venomous period. Of course, Nagini was Voldemort's snake so I supposed that she could've been given venom anyways. A special weapon. . . perhaps?
I jumped as there was a burst of fire midair illuminating the dirty plates in front of them and everyone gave cries of shock. A roll of parchment fell on the table and there was a single feather to go along with it- golden.
"Fawkes!" Sirius said at once, snatching up the scroll. "That's not Dumbledore's writing- it must be a message from your mother- here-" He handed it to George who ripped it open in an instant.
"Dad is still alive. I am setting out for St. Mungo's now. Stay where you are. I will send news as soon as I can. Mum. Still alive. . . But that makes it sound. . ." George looked around the kitchen, "Elizabeth, you're sure that dad's going to make it?"
I simply nodded, practically asleep. Or maybe I was fainting from trying to look into the future?
"Bed." Sirius said gently as I slumped into his arms. The butterbeer fell to the ground but didn't break. The last thing I remembered was him tucking the blanket over me before I fell asleep.
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nancypullen · 5 months
A Monday in January
It's just a week before I start my new job at the library. I am cautiously optimistic. I know without a doubt that I can do the job and do it well, though I'm probably a bit rusty. My concern has been improving my wardrobe a bit. Lucky for me, the library has a very casual dress code, but I don't think they want me showing up in sweatshirts. That's been my uniform for far too long. I need one of those What Not to Wear interventions. Today I wore this sweatshirt, purchased from an Etsy shop.
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It's actually perfect for the library because it's a nod to Mr. Darcy's insult to Elizabeth Bennett in Pride and Prejudice. I mean, that's literature, folks. Still, they'd like for me to wear business casual so I've been attempting to add a few pieces here and there. When taking stock of my closet I realized that I'm apparently a collector of black pants. Straight legs, boot cut, leggings, ponte, denim - you name it, I've got 'em. I need a couple pairs of nice indigo/dark wash jeans, they look good with just about anything. I have enough tops and sweaters to rotate. I doubt anyone will really notice what I'm wearing. But, because I have Xmas money and gift cards I traveled to Easton today to shop at the Kohl's there. It was so frustrating. I found plenty of pretty things, but the whole store looked like it had been ransacked. If I found a sweater or top I liked, the color I wanted wasn't available in my size. I refuse to buy anything I don't truly like, so if I want the cobalt blue but they've only got my size in beige, I'm not getting it. I spent hours in the store and finally came out with two tops and a necklace. I found a pair of shoes I liked but again, no 6 or 6 1/2 in stock. I came home and found them on the Kohl's website and ordered them. So that's enough of a happy ending for me. I'll always be tidy and clean, I'll accessorize and then slap on some lipstick. Granny chic! I mentioned the sweatshirt I purchased on Etsy. I was gifted a very generous Etsy gift card for Christmas and I've had a ball spending it. Look at this treasure.
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I ordered a beautiful journal, and had a quote and my initials added. I'm filling it with my thoughts, my poetry, and sometimes my melancholy ramblings. If you love it as much as I do, you can order your own here:
Choose the color, your own quote or saying (whatever inspires you) and get to writing. Wouldn't this be a lovely gift? It's beautifully made and quite thick.
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I couldn't love it more. It's perfect for me during this season of my life. I am truly out looking for myself. The mister is upstairs on a Zoom photo club meeting, I think they have a guest speaker or something. I'm downstairs with both kitties enjoying the quiet. I just downloaded a couple of books from the library so I've got some good reading for the stormy day ahead.
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I'm okay with everything but a power outage. Let the storm rage, but I'm going to need to heat up my soup, ya' know? And speaking of books, I'm considering joining the Modern Prairie Book Club. Melissa Gilbert, who played Laura/Halfpint Ingalls on Little House on the Prairie has a company called Modern Prairie - I loooove all of it, the cookware, the home goods, the clothing, the recipes, everything.
I absolutely love the Modern Prairie Instagram account -
so of course I was intrigued by the book club. She mentioned revisiting old books that we all read once upon a time and discussing how we view them now, decades later. I laughed when I saw the first book choice.
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Then I got nostalgic (it's been more than fifty years for me!!) and then I became curious. I think I'll give it a whirl. What's the worst that can happen, I'll change my mind and go back to reading Lisa Jewell or Liane Moriarty? No big deal. Best case scenario is that I'm able to recapture some of that sweetness and simplicity. So that's where I'm at on this quiet Monday evening in January - optimistic about the new job, but yearning for the past at the same time. I suppose that's normal for most of us, isn't it? Looking forward with hope while trying to hang onto the best of what was. Sending out loads of love tonight. I hope it finds you and wraps you in a hug. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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randomlyexisting · 1 year
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Snow Angels
Modern/Christmas au
Crack & Fluff
For Christmas , the Targaryens decided to spend a week up at the family cabin. Aemond and Jace are the first to arrive , and the only ones too.
The snow storm prevents anyone from coming or leaving, making Aemond and Jace stuck in the big empty cabin all to themselves.
“There’s nothing to do.” Aemond put his hand on his hips and sighs, bored out of his mind. He gives Jace a once over and smirks .” Do you wanna fuck ?”
“No.” Jace frowns. “I want to make a snowman.” Jace said, annoyed. He was getting tired of repeating himself. They have been holed up in the cabin doing nothing, and he really wants to go outside and play with the snow.
“Staying in bed doesn’t sound fun?” Aemond ask, shamelessly.Jace looks seconds away from stomping his foot like a spoiled brat.
“Fine! Lets do this fucking stupid snowman.” Aemond grumbles.
Jace beams.
Aemond grabbed his gloves and followed behind Jace, who skipped all the way outside. To annoyed to bother to change.
Whoever had a good time in the snow were fucking crazy. Aemond could feel his fingers going numb and he is wearing gloves.Now he remembers why he hated coming to the cabin in the winter when he was younger. That or because Aegon always attacked him with snow while his nephews laughed. Maybe he should’ve changed into something more warmer. He shuffles closer to Jace.
“I have blue balls.” Aemond teeth chattered, it was freezing.
It felt like the minutes went by hours, His face felt frozen. Like a ice cube.
Aemond cups his groin, the heat from his palms warming him up downstairs. “Like literally, my cock might fall off.”
“Maybe you should’ve worn something more appropriate for the weather instead of wearing your stupid adidas sweatpants.” Jace wore a black winter coat that look two sizes bigger than his actual size, gloves that protected his fingers as he played with the snow and a beanie that hid his long curls.
Jace really is committed on building a perfect snowman. Another day, Aemond would cooed at the sight of Jace red nose and the adorableness of Jace drowning in layers of clothes but the weather was kinda pissing him off. It turns out making a snowman it’s a lot harder if it’s one person and the other it’s just standing like weirdo.
“You leave Adidas out of this.”Aemond huffs, not the first time hearing a comment about the brand. Jace just sticks out his tongue out. Real mature.
“Give me your hand.” Aemond hurriedly says, Jace without hesitation does so.
Jace didn’t even bother asking, distracted with his snowman and he thought Aemond just wanted to hold his hand.
Boy was he wrong , because Aemond shoved Jace hand down his pants and comes in contact with his cock. Aemond freezing cock.
He’s not wearing underwear.
“Why are you not wearing underwear?!”Jace yells, aghast .
“I thought we were going to stay inside and you know….” Aemond says, a little dumbly. It was easy access when they just randomly started making out, it was quicker to just shove his sweats and bam, he was ready.
“Let’s go inside before you dick or one of your balls falls off.”Jace snickers , giving it a tug, making Aemond wince.
“You can love me with one eye but not with one genital.” Aemond scoffs.
“Aemond, if you don’t shut up and get in, you won’t be needing this for tonight nor ever.” Jace squeeze his cock making Aemond hiss.
“Okay!” Aemond throws his hands up in surrender.
Aemond raise a brow at Jace when the guy doesn’t let go of his dick.The warmth of the gloved hand made his cock twitch. They stand their for a second in silence.We’re they going to…?
“ It’s small.” Jace explains, giggling.
“It’s the cold. Give me 5 minutes and I will gladly remind you how not small it is” Aemond snaps, face heating up, the paleness of his skin macking it visible.
Jace retracts his hand , giving a one last look at his unfinished snowman , he frowns and reluctantly follows behind Aemond , who walked funny.
Aemond heads up to take a hot shower after Jace refused to do any special favors to check if the downstairs department worked, being still upset he didn’t get to to finish his snowman.
Jace is sitting on the counter , swinging his legs , drinking hot chocolate when Aemond comes back to the kitchen. A piping hot cup just waiting for him , with extra marshmallows.
“Is Adidas sponsoring you ?” Jace ask, jokingly. The corners of his mouth lifting up.
“Haha, I just planned to be comfortable and had no plans whatsoever to go outside since I’m not a kid to play with the snow.” Aemond explained.
“We all have a inner child just wanting to break free.” Jace smiles sweetly .
“Not me.” Aemond says , flatly.“What’s that smile for?”
“Nothing.”Jace swings his legs innocently , back and forth.
“Okay.” Aemond takes a sip of his mug.He looks back at Jace , who tilts his head and pouts. If he ignores it , Jace will give up. He focuses his gaze somewhere else, but in the corner of his eye, he can see Jace legs still swinging.
Aemond is going to read a book in the cozy warm bed, maybe take a nap, make something to eat.Aemond doesn’t need company to have fun or even relax. He didn’t mind being alone. He does the mistake to look at Jace.
Aemond scowls, but doesn't have the heart to say no.“Let me go get my coat.”
If Jace were a puppy his tail would be wagging.
Aemond waste away precious time watching Jace gather snow to pack it in a shape of balls, deciding to start from scratch, Jace asked once in awhile how it was looking. Every time Aemond answer with a simple dry “Good”.
Jace molded the snowman’s head with a triumphed grin and handed it to Aemond to set on top.
“Oh,I forgot the nose!” Jace gasped. “And the scarf!”
“And the arms.” Aemond sniffs. “And the eyes.”
Jace takes his scarf off and wraps it on the snowman . “There we go.”
“I will go get the carrot.” Jace points a thumb behind him. “ Can you find some pebbles and some branches. Please.” Jace asks.
“Sure.” Aemond sighs, buries his hands on his pockets. He waits until Jace runs back inside to go in search for the missing parts of the snowman.
When he comes back, with two wonky branches and pebbles, he expects Jace waiting for him with a complaint ready to leave his lips. But he wasn’t here yet. Jace probably couldn’t find a carrot.
Aemond places a branch to each side. He starts to create the smile, and snorts at the irony when he’s only left with one rock , making the snowman one-eyed.
He takes a step back to look get a better view. He’s kind of impressed how it turned out. Aemond goes to fix the hand that looked uneven to the one in the right , when he loses his balance , slipping on the snow and landing on top of the snowman.
Aemond lays there for a second, shocked. He wanted to laugh until he hears hurried footsteps and winces when he hears Jace scream.
“You killed Alfie !” Jace gasped, dropping the carrot from his hand. Aemond feels guilty seeeing Jace devastated. He worked so hard just so he could ruin it in a matter of seconds.
Alfie ? He takes a guess Jace is referring to the snowman.
“I’m so sorry, Jace it was an accident!“ Aemond apologizes.
“I swear. I tripped.” Aemond hurriedly explains. He stands up and dust off the snow.Jace gives him a look that tells him he doesn’t believe him.
Aemond knows how it may look, all this time he didn’t offer Jace help and sulked the whole time as he made Alfie, Aemond could’ve did this out of spite. He won’t lie, he was planning to do so but not soon.
Jace bends down to pick the carrot up and throws it at Aemond, who ducks on time. Then gathers snow to make a snowball and throws it at Aemond. He repeats the action multiple times making Aemond do the same.
Soon their having a snowball fight.
Jace snowball hits directly at Aemond face , making them freeze for a second , it’s only when Aemond breaks out into a smile , Jace bends over, hands on his knees, and starts laughing hysterically.
“What’s so funny you little shit.” Aemond says before bursting out in laughter. He hurriedly makes the biggest snowball of the remains of the deceased Alfie . May he rest in peace in the North Pole.
“Aem….” Jace says in warning“Don’t you dare.”
Aemond moves towards him menacingly. Jace backs away, laughing, “ Aemond ”
Jace pleading just make Aemond smirk .“Daˈkogon.”
Jace take off in opposite directions quickly, his squeals of laughter are music to Aemond’s ear. Jace runs for his life but unfortunately Aemond is faster.
When Aemond catches Jace, he loses his balance ,causing them both to fall down in the snow. 
“Gotcha!” Aemond grins, gripping Jace wrists above his head.
“I yield!” Jace pants, a smile still tugging at his lips. “I yield.”
Aemond smirks before leaning down to press his frozen lips against his. He pulls away, grinning at Jace.
“Have I mention that I’m really, really, really happy that I’m stuck with you here.”Jace pulls his hands free from Aemond’s grasp ,brushing away the hair from his face.
“Even if I killed Alfie.” Aemond ask.
“So you admit it.” Jace says, exceptionally pleased that he was confessing.
“You’re so annoying.” Aemond shakes his head, amused at the accusation. “And cute.”
“Cute enough to make snow angels .”
Aemond rolls his eyes and drops himself to the side. Jace reached for Aemonds’s hand. They lay there on the snow-covered ground for some time, just lazily moving their arms and legs, fingers tightly intertwine.
The cheesiness just made him nauseas. But the highways are closed, trapped in the family cabin with nowhere else to go, just him and Jace, he’ll deal with it as long Jace kept smiling at him.
Jace stands up, careful not to mess up his work. He offers a hand to help him get up. Aemond snorts at the obvious difference of the two snow angels, tall and short.
“Shut up.”Jace crosses his arms, he didn’t think it was that obvious. He shoves at the snickering blonde, and flips him off.
Aemond just reaches out and pulls him into a tight hug. Jace buried his red nose in his neck, making him jump at the coldness. He guess that’s what Jace feels when their in bed and Aemond feet makes contact with his.
“Can we go in now?” Jace shivered. Aemond nods, he tightens his arms around Jace.
“I’m happy that I’m going to spend Christmas with you, baby” Aemond confesses. The pet name slips out, but Aemond doesn’t regret it.
Jace pulls away, face scarlett red , his doe eyes sparkling . Aemond calling him baby just made him get fucking butterflies .He gets on his tippy toes to kiss Aemond.
The kiss warms them up so much quicker than any hot chocolate or heater could.
Syrupy sweet , that’s what Jace mouth tasted like. Aemond never had a sweet tooth before but Jace might change that. After all , he’s been doing things he never did this whole week.
They let the kiss linger a little before drawing back.
“Let’s go in.” Jace shivers.
“No more snow angels.?”Aemond ask, looking at the snow angels they just did.
“Just one more.” Jace answers, bringing a finger up, scrunching his nose adorably. Aemond falls in love a little, like an idiot.
“Okay. One more.” Aemond kiss Jace forehead . Jace is running off to find the perfect spot, Aemond just picks us the forgotten scarf and catches up to Jace, hugging him from behind.
They walk , waddle like penguins, until they find a good spot. Aemond then uses the perfect opportunity to get his revenge, so he shoves Jace to the snow, payback for the snowball to his face. Aemond laughs, Jace flips him off and tugs him down with him.
Note: Happy Christmas Eve , Here’s a happy moodboard , I have been sick for 3 days now , stomach flu, and I tried to finish this as quick as possible lol. Hope you guys like it.
Rest in peace Alfie ☃️.
Aemond’s packing but Jace was being goofy lol🤪.
I had to write in the adidas .
Forgot to add the word means : run : or at least that’s what I think.
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three--rings · 1 year
2022 Video Game Wrapup
Video games are a very important part of my life and I felt like doing a year summary.  Feel free to copy the format if you want.
Games I Actually FINISHED This Year
Red Dead Redemption II - First playthough. I started it before the new year but spent almost six months on this.  Didn’t quite 100% it because some of the challenges were too damn hard for me.  But otherwise it was a very completionist run.  This immediately moved into one of my all-time top games, like IDK one of the top three spots.  So glad I gave it a shot after not thinking it was my thing.
AI: The Somnian Files - A game by Uchikoshi that I hadn’t played yet?   Yeah I devoured it.  What can I say, despite it’s weirdness and Uchikoshi quirks, I love it.
AI: The Somnian Files - The Nirvana Initiative - The sequel obviously.  Even more twisty than the first one, if not quite as full of loveable characters. 
80 Days - It’s sorta a game you can play as many times as you want, but I played it three-four times through and felt satisfied. 
Games I’m currently Playing:
Pokémon Violet - I’m trying to keep myself from stalling on this.  I need to go fight the Elite Four but I’m scared.  So I’m running around looking for missing low-level dudes.
Pentiment - Bought in the Steam Winter sale, started on Xmas eve.  I’m two acts in and really want to restart cause I’ve done everything wrong but I persist.  This game is very strange.  But medieval monk murder mystery how could I NOT play it?
Games I’m still playing, more or less:
Life Sims:
Stardew Valley - The eternal, basically.  I started a brand new game with Stardew Valley Extended and a light selection of about 30 mods when I had Covid and played it obsessively to get farther than I ever had before.  Got 100 golden walnuts, and basically was just working on making money to get True Perfection when I got tired and haven’t touched it for months.
Traveller’s Rest - A really great game in which you run a tavern.  I played it intensely when it first released, before they redid the whole thing.  Then didn’t touch it for a long time, played it a little around Halloween cause they did seasonal stuff and thought real hard about playing the Christmas content but didn’t. 
Dinkum: A fantastic one-man game that’s combo animal crossing and stardew in Australia.  Played it INTENSELY for a couple weeks before running out of stuff to do that compelled me.  I think there’s been several updates but nothing that had tempted me back.
Coral Island - I backed this on Kickstarter and so played this on early access release.  Really compelling and fun but I ran through the content quickly.  There’s been some major updates recently so I’ll get back to it soon.
The Planet Crafter - Played this intensely for a few days and after 10 hours ran out of new places to go and got bored.  I’ve tried to play it again a few times since then and last time I wanted to go further with it but the controls hurt my arthritis hands now.  So until they allow remapping controls, I think I’m out.
Wildermyth - A really fun little game where you follow characters through their adventuring careers.  Fun to make your own blorbo characters and see what happens to them.  Played it a LOT at the beginning of the year and nearly forgot to include it.  Could always pick it up again to return to my MXTX verse.
Games I’m MOSTLY done with but can’t make myself finish:
Bear and Breakfast - A weird game about inn management that starts chill but gets really annoying.  I got almost done with this game, but got to a point I needed to just make a lot of money to fully upgrade all my hotels to achieve things so the endgame would happen and by then I was annoyed.  I hear the ending is wild though so I kinda want to actually finish it since I went so far with it.  But I can’t work up the desire to get back.  
Persona 4 Golden - I’d never played a Persona game even though they are totally My Kinda Thing because I’m just not a playstation person.  Went through it quickly but then uh got stuck on one of the last bosses, maybe THE last, IDK I am still trying to avoid spoiling myself.  Even lowered the difficulty one notch and couldn’t beat it so either I needed to grind or lower it all the way.  And then I didn’t.
Disco Elysium - Yeah uh got to a point where either I need to move on to like the end of the story (ish?) or finish all these sidequests I’m stuck on and didn’t know what to do with.  And then I just didn’t go back.  Yes this is a problem for me.
Pokémon Legends: Arceus - I started this when Scarlet and Violet came out and I found it uh, conveniently online...and then I got stuck on the stupid Arcanine boss and then I found a Violet repack and yeah, that’s the story of that.  Not sure if I’ll go back to it or not at this point. 
Games I really need to make myself get back to but it’s been so long it’s embarrassing aka did I even play these this year, IDK?:
Great Ace Attorney Chronicles II - Uh, yeah, I need to finish this considering how long I waited for it.  Scheduled to travel with me in January.
Fire Emblem Three Houses - I finished it once and am like halfway through my second playthrough but got distracted.  Again, traveling with my Switch is my plan to make me finish this.
Danganronpa V3 - This I definitely haven’t touched in like a year and a half, so much that I have to restart from the beginning because I remember almost nothing.  I just finished rewatching the anime specifically to get me back to it.  I’m like 40 hours in and remember nothing if that tells you anything about me.
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion - Again, pretty sure this wasn’t this year but I got really far in a play of this on my Xbox, but like Skyrim how do you know when you’re FINISHED.  I want to play it on my laptop with mods next time.
Games I played but gave up on:
Interrogation: You Will Be Deceived - I actually bought this accidentally, thinking it was a different game about interrogation and detecting lies that I’d been recced.  This game ended up being just Police Brutality Simulator.  It’s just “illegally abuse this witness to get Vital Info that will Save the Day” the game.  I  think I lasted 20 minutes.
Strange Horticulture - I thought there would be more story to this game but it’s mostly just identifying plants and then trying to guess the right ingredients of potions.  Okay for a while but not compelling enough to keep me interested. 
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