#it's so important that the doctor models himself for her the second time around it's sooooo messy and interesting
variousqueerthings · 9 months
I think often about rose as a linchpin for the tenth doctor's Being from the doctor's perspective -- that is, you push away all the sorrow and ptsd and fucked up past, and live through someone else's joy and excitement, and that happens to be a mayfly, and you know it's a mayfly, and when that mayfly is gone, you fall to pieces even more spectacularly the second time around, and thus we get... the doctor's cycle in the first combined era of nu!who
but from rose's perspective that ending doesn't get explored in the text, because rose gets left behind (three times, the third for good)
take a young girl who's just about given in to an unexciting life in which she is considered unexceptional -- kind, honest, brash, brave, but none of that is important in this world -- who is swept up into something fantastic, has a magical being create itself -- and in some ways create the universe via the journeys it takes her on -- around her, and know that if she isn't there anymore this being may not be able to cope, and she has an inkling that this day will come, she has several very blunt reminders that this day will come, but she ignores it and how it will affect her and the being, and ignores (or forgets or exists with a cognitive dissonance about the fact) that this being isn't human and perceives reality in a way that is so materially different from her that it could (it has once before by changing its face, twice if you then count the sarah-jane narrative) twist her reality into an entirely different shape that she wouldn't be able to recognise, even become some version of self that perhaps isn't made for her anymore, that this is a blink of an eye for it...
how that changes a person, how it makes her feel special but only if this fragile reality that they inhabit is treated very very gently, how it could (if it had gone on for long enough) have made her something not-quite-human herself, how it was in the process of pulling her away from her family, from the values she once had, from even being able to perceive where she came from and what life is for most people, and she's spinning and spinning on and on so as not to see what's coming up around her, inevitably, and there are no words in the world that she possesses to frame all of this awe and terror and changing through other than "love" that must be the word, because how else can something so big be encompassed by her?
and then to have that stripped away in an instant, but with enough left over that she claws her way back, only to find that the being did it again -- it twisted reality into a new shape, and said "this version of me is even better and I am no longer able to be for you, but take this better me instead," without giving her time to consider, to make a real choice, to even be able to fully comprehend what the new reality is and what her choice would mean. and that's the end, except for the way she's a ghost to that being now, just a story
which is why I'm revolving rose tyler's narrative around in my head forever, like a fairytale with an ending that's eerie enough that you're not sure that and then they lived happily ever after is warranted
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roxannepolice · 1 year
hi! missy for the character asks? :)
Of course, but after putting threegado together it's only fair to also combine twissy for @lukifisk 😀
1: sexuality headcanon - after answering this question a couple of times, I think it is safe to say TL are what humans would call pansexual in the sense that their preferences aren't very directional (let's face it this is the most evolutionarily rational direction to take in a reproductive organs shifting species (the Master is generally Doctorsexual tho)) - what does differ across regenerations is libido level, as in how likely they are to get horny (and in the Doctor's case that usually increases when the Master's around); so in this context we have a fascinating set where Twelve is pretty much an ace while Missy is permanently horny - luckily, Twelve is not a sex averse asexual, and willing to perform for a romantic partner, so we probably have something of a pythonic scene of Missy (and let's be fair, Clara and River too) passionately riding and confessing most ardent affection for that old man while he tries to follow Neptunian equivalent of Kama Sutra (getting himself acquaintanced with it in the process)
2: otp - each other, of course; just let them have their much postponed French riviera honeymoon BBC
3: brotp - I mean. apart from the Doctor Missy interacted with an afterlife Zuckerberg, Clara, Nardole, passingly with some UNIT members and Bill, and her own past. that's not much to choose from. so I'll go with Clara, just because this is also what I go with for Twelve (also consider two characters who know the most about the Doctor; Rose and Sarah Jane having a giggle would be nothing condiered to what these two'd get up to): romantic elements I fully acknowledge aside, I think it must have been really refreshing for the Doctor to have a companion that was so much like them; and weird assumptions about straight corellation between age and skin collagen levels aside, his truthfulness with her was very powerful
4: notp - I don't really have one for Twelve, just because his asexuality is so obvious that I'd assume if he's shipped with someone there's a good reason for it? for Missy, the male presenting Masters all being horny for her specifically, yeah selfcest is a good metaphor for narcissism inherent in this character which is what I keep repeating to myself about season 10 finale, but when Masterful (which I LOVE srsly the Doctor could only dream of having such a good 50th birthday celebration) doubled down on it I just thought honey your attempts at heterosexuality are about as convincing as those sybil breasts slapped by Michelangelo on what's clearly boy models
5: first headcanon that pops into my head - I remember it well from Gigi is their song and Bill plays it on her smartphone each time they interact, BBC just muted it for copyright reasons
6: favorite line from this character - for Twelve, Human progress isn't measured by industry. It's measured by the value you place on a life. An unimportant life. A life without privilege. The boy who died on the river, that boy's value is your value. That's what defines an age. That's what defines a species. - wow. just wow. this is such growth from the Time Lord Victorious who'd evaluate individual life from it's Historic importance and the face that almost annihilated a civilization (for the second time!) for one person, also extratextually excellent way to measure the level of civilizational progress; for Missy Your version of good is not absolute. It's vain, arrogant and sentimental. If you're waiting for me to become all that, I'm going to be here for a long time yet. somewhat contradictory to the sentiment of the Twelve quote? yeah maybe but this marks the last time as of season 13 the Master represented a philosophy contradictory to the Doctor's (or, for that matter, anything more than a snivelling canine of a chorus to how awesome the Doctor is) that, despite the text denying it much right, has a respectable place in human ethics: deontology versus pragmatism, yes gimme the Doctor Master dialectic heading for recognition that nothing is simple anytime
7: one way in which I relate to this character - Twelve is... pretty much the Doctor I identify with the most? yeah man be this intellect before emotion bitch that shows how those two are nowhere near contradictory (trying to derive ethics from thinking and keeping contradictory or inconclusive evidence to yourself for the same reasons you don't tell people there's going to be a financial crisis: they will storm the banks and a crisis will in fact occur; they pound that into your brain in every Polish sociology class) and will raise hell if you cannot move heaven for the people you care for (just don't cut out people you haven't yet formed to your liking from the caring part); for Missy, I too aspire to express all my moods through piano and would have Peter Capaldi grab my boob within 2 minutes from meeting him not even for sex reasons just to see him flustered 🙃
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - for Twelve, informing newly met people Clark Kent is Superman: I get that it makes sense for plot development reasons, but man you don't just say these things! also consistently insulting John Simm's pretty squishy round catface while he's getting an obvious libido rise from the other's proximity; for Missy, not caring for her hairstyle while in prison, wtf gurl, demand an avocado and banana based hair mask in addition to the LHC and pony!!
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - look there's a lot I like about Moffat's writing, just as there's a lot I dislike about it, but putting the Doctor slightly further down the problematic fave side than the Master (while keeping them mostly in character) deserves proper appreciation; they're both on the problematic fave side of the spectrum though
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soap-lady · 2 years
Yes, I know I’m late again but in my defense, I’m exhausted.
Hey guys!
If you’re still reading WO, I’m incredibly impressed. This is the second month in a row that I’ve been late but I’m tired. Work is kicking my butt, there’s some real life problems with a friend’s dad and I’m planning a vacation. So it’s been hard to focus on fanfiction. Sorry, guys.
Thanks as always to @arylace
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Worthy Opponent Chapter Twenty-one
Nathalie was going to make a full recovery.
Adrien had heard it at least five times from various members of hospital staff. He’d heard it from a doctor, two nurses, and the paramedics who had brought her in. Adrien had insisted on going  with her to the hospital and no one bothered to object.
He sat in a white, uncomfortable plastic chair and waited for someone to tell him Nathalie could go home. Or…gone. Or she was going to be fine but needed to stay at the hospital for observation.
That scenario was the most likely but at least it wasn’t the worst case scenario.
He dearly wanted to fidget; move around, sneak something out of the snack machine or find a quiet bathroom and scream into the void. Of course, he couldn’t. He was Adrien Agreste, Face of The Brand. Well, at least Kagami was on set during modeling shoots to glare Lila away. Fortunately, he hadn’t had a shoot with her in over a month and he had plenty of cute shots of him and his girlfriend to post online. Now Lila couldn’t claim to be his girlfriend, especially if Father wanted to keep Mme.Tsurugi happy.
Father hadn’t even called. Adrien thought the woman who ran their lives deserved at least a call asking for a status update.
He had Nathalie’s phone and tablet with him. He knew how important schedules were to his father. Gabriel Agreste needed every minute planned for himself and his son. Heaven forbid something happened to him and the schedule was off by a nanosecond. Why, Father might not know where his son is for nearly thirty seconds! The horror! The scandal!
He almost laughed and then stopped himself. He knew why his father wanted him scheduled every minute of every day. It was because Mom went missing and Father was afraid his son would go missing too. Mom rarely if ever kept to a schedule; she chided Father when he tried and even their occasional disagreements were cute.  Mom was kind and sweet but she had a stubborn streak and a temper that would shut his father down.
A smart man, his father had told him once, knows how to say, “Yes, Dear” and shut his mouth. That is, if he wants to stay married.
He’d laughed at the time, but didn’t feel like laughing now.
Because Nathalie had the same condition, the exact same that Mom did; pale skin, lack of energy, and dizzy spells right before passing out. Was it communicable or had Father hired Nathalie so he could study her condition and find a cure for Mom?
His thoughts looped in on one another and around and around his brain, finding no solution. He wished Kagami could be there with him; either for comfort or to smack some sense into him. Mme. Tsurugi insisted that her daughter be home by dark and so Gorilla had driven her home while The Tsurugi’s self-drive car was unavailable. He was sure the large man would be back to drag him home any minute now.
Adrien sighed. He was sure his father would be angry that he’d failed yet again to reconcile with Felix. He didn’t understand why his relationship with his cousin was so important. Did Father want the two of them to model for the brand? Did he want to invest in Graham Films? He realized he was naive but he doubted Father would suddenly want to repair familial relationships out of the goodness of his heart.
He was so lost in thought he didn’t realize he wasn’t alone until he felt a cold smooth object touch the back of his neck.
“Gah!” he yelped, then looked around guiltily. No one seemed to be paying attention to him so he looked around to see who or what had touched him.
Chloe Bourgeois stood in front of him, wearing a black top with gold trim, black skinny jeans, and a white blazer. A new pair of sunglasses with a hawk motif perched on her head. She didn’t look fawning or hostile. Just…sympathetic. And watchful, as if she were unsure whether or not she would be welcome.
“Hello. Hello, Chloe,” he managed to stammer out.
“Hey, Adrien,” she said finally, tone serious. She held out a white bottle topped with a miniature crown. “I figured they wouldn’t have any designer water here so I brought you some Fillico. Just give me the crown top. I’ve started to collect them.” He didn’t need to know she saved them to give to the kwami. Milvii especially loved wearing them, even if Griff called her a “commoner”.
“Thanks, Chloe,” he took the bottle from her, cracked it open, and handed her the top. She put it in her bag then looked at him. “Make sure you take the crystals off before you recycle the bottle. You can give them to Marinette or whatever.”
“Um…okay.” He felt a little nervous, unsure what to make of this new Chloe. She wasn’t demanding anything from him, nor was she making a scene. Neither was she all over him or yelling at him. He had no idea how to deal with her. There was something different about the way she carried herself, as if she no longer needed her parents’ approval and had somehow found her self-worth on her own. It was refreshing, but confusing. A part of Adrien, a small part felt odd at that observation; as if the idea of change had his heart seized for a moment.
“Let’s have a seat,” Chloe made a show of taking out a handkerchief and dusting off the seat next to Adrien’s but she did sit down.
There were probably many heartfelt, diplomatic things he could have said but all that came out was, “I’m surprised to see you here, considering…”
She huffed a laugh. “Considering we’re hardly on speaking terms and I’ve been busy living my own life while you make puppy eyes at your ice maiden? Yeah, well…” her expression softened and her eyes became more sympathetic. “We’ve been here before, remember? With your mom.”
The words were said uncharacteristically gently by Chloe but they still hit him like a shot. “Yeah.” He sank in on himself and neither of them said anything for a few minutes. The only sounds were the footsteps of the nurses, the beeps of medical equipment, and the occasional sips of water taken by Adrien.
He looked over at Chloe. She fidgeted a bit and adjusted her sunglasses. Every now and then she’d check her phone. Finally with a low growl she shot up and pulled him to his feet. “Come on.” She grabbed his arm and began to tug him along. It reminded him so much of the old Chloe he actually smiled.
He shook his head. No. He wasn’t going to be led around anymore. Not by her, not by anyone. He stopped and resisted being pulled. “Wait. I’m not going anywhere until you tell me where you’re taking me.”
She looked incredibly offended, much like she would have months ago; she had always hated being questioned or thwarted. She must have realized how she acted because she faltered a step. Seeming to mull something or other before she let him go.
“I thought you might need to talk. I know how you feel about making a scene and drawing negative attention to yourself so I thought I’d take us somewhere more private, like the chapel.” She stopped and then whispered, “and there’s a high chance you’ll end up crying. We don’t need any paparazzi or wannabe paparazzi taking pictures at that. You have a brand to protect.”
The general ambience of the Chapelle de l'Hôpital Lariboisière was dark and funereal, but more importantly, empty and quiet. The perfect place for a private conversation. Adrien and Chloe dutifully lit candles for Nathalie’s full recovery and sat on a pew together. Both were careful not to perch too near the other. To anyone the eight centimeters seemed insignificant; but to Chloe and Adrien it felt chasmal.
Adrien opened his mouth to speak before the silence went on too long but as usual Chloe beat him to it. “Oh. Well, this isn’t awkward at all. You’d think after twelve years of friendship we’d have a conversation starter or two.”
He laughed. “Yeah. So..how have you been? How do you like being the official set photographer for Graham Films?”
She blinked, surprised at both the question and his genuine interest. “Love it. Getting lots of cool photo ops. It’s gonna be a great art book once the film is done.” She was quiet and then said. “You know, I’m thinking of going to school for cinematography. I think I’d be a good Director of Photography, probably minor in business to appease my parents.”
“That’s really cool,” Adrien replied, genuinely pleased. “I’m glad to see you’re finding something you love. It’s great that you have an idea about what you want to do with your life.”
“I know, right?” She couldn’t help but smile at his approval. She told herself she didn’t want or need it, but she enjoyed having it. “What about you?”
He shrugged. “Nothing really grabs me. I’ve thought about science, but I’m not passionate about it.” He faked a chuckle. “Maybe I should just marry Kagami. She can take care of me and I can be her househusband.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Sounds like something you’re qualified for. You already know how to do what you’re told.”
Adrien looked like he wanted to protest or deny her words but he just laughed. “True, but if you can grow beyond being a spoiled rich kid, why can’t I?”
Chloe sputtered for an answer then surrendered. “Yeah. I was a hard-ass bitch, wasn’t I?”
He hesitated. “I would have said bratty or egocentric, but-”
“Trust me, Adrikins. The correct word is ‘bitch’.” The old nickname slipped out and she covered it by asking, “So how's the lady who’s totally crushing on your dad?”
He cringed. “Gross, Chlo.” He exhaled slowly and then told her, “The doctors were still examining and running tests last I heard but supposedly she’s going to be okay. I’m just waiting to hear if she needs to stay overnight or if she can go home.”
Chloe looked over at his phone. “Do they know how to get a hold of you if they need to?”
Adrien also looked at his phone. “Yeah. They’ll text me an update when there is one.”
She nodded. “Okay. I’m glad I’m not taking you away if they need to stay in contact.”
Silence filled the chapel after that. Chloe was vigilant and alert, a stark contrast to Adrien’s doom and gloom. So many emotions warred in him. Trust Chloe? Be mistrustful of Chloe? A pendulum question that swung either which way and left him more and more confused each time he pondered it. The quiet was also something new, Chloe and Adrien tended to always fill their time together with noise. To be engaging, whether watching anime or arguing theories. Or Adrien being subjected to Chloe’s fashion critiques, she was actually not bad at those and would preen if he said she sounded like her mom. Quiet….quiet and Chloe plus Adrien was an anomaly. One he wasn’t sure how to broach until the quiet gnawed on him.
“Why are you really here, Chloe?” Adrien asked, catching the blonde heiress off guard. It was the second time he asked the question, but maybe in the silent and empty chapel he could gain true answers.
“You needed someone.” Chloe replied after a pregnant pause to focus on the window outside. No longer brave enough to look Adrien in the face. “You actually need someone who understands. Kagami won’t understand as much as she likes. There’s little experience in watching someone you love wither away like a dried flower that can be gained in the real world. In a strict household like hers? Ours? Non-existent. Your friends would be sympathetic….but you will spend the entire time focusing more on how you are perceived than getting actual support. They won’t understand.”
"They'd be here for me." Adrien tried to defend his friends, it sounded weak even to him.
"Oh please, if that was true you would've called one. I found you alone." Chloe remarked, hitting the nail on the head. Adrien pouted not wanting to admit Chloe was right.
"So who would be?" Adrien asked and Chloe had the gall to turn and look at him with an unamused snort and a raise of a perfect brow before turning away.
“Who’s going to be here for you? Your dad? Where is he, Adrien? Did you remember what happened last time? He isolates himself….has been isolating himself and you.” Chloe began to pick up bolder at every question she directed to Adrien. Still not actually looking at him, but the faint reflection of a mirror watching the dark sky. She saw how the truth hit him. How he hated it and probably her for voicing it. Too bad Chloe is used to scorn. Chloe quickly looked around to ensure that things were under control, they were talking with heavy emotions. Heavier than anything they ever did and she would be damned if an akuma came now.
“To be quite honest, there’s only three people you know who would understand you, and would stand by you. Aunt Amelie, Felix, and me. Aunty is busy trying to fulfill the last wishes of Uncle Geralt. Felix is too, and the bridge between you two is far more broken than ours. So I stay because I get it….and I promised I’d always be there for you. No matter what, best friends promise we pinkie swore and that's sacred.” Chloe huffed, hurt that Adrien continued to question her on her loyalty. The only true thing she’s ever been able to claim. It was that loyalty that had her go to the hospital when a large part of her wanted to disappear from Adrien and his judgmental eyes but she still came.“I know you don’t like this arrangement…but you need someone; and that someone is me. Because we were best friends once, and I won’t let you brave this again without me. So that’s why I’m here.”
Adrien was stunned, it was the first time Chloe had said so much. Not since pre Miracle Queen. That was the crux of it all, the brand of her rejection seared into his soul that at times all he saw was Miracle Queen. All he would associate with Chloe was Miracle Queen, and he hated her for it. Yet this floored him, he would have never known, never thought, never guessed the depths Chloe of all people would go for him. It was humbling and wrong to Adrien. He had been burned by her before, but in an identity she didn’t know; and in this hour he was grateful that Chloe was being like how he knew. Disregarding his initial no and doing it anyway…because it was nice not being alone.
“I’m….I…I heard some stuff—“ Adrien began weakly.
“A lot of people talk about me. A lot is true and a lot of it is bullshit. What was it?” Chloe asked.
“You….betrayed Ladybug and Chat Noir.” Adrien spoke the damming words and watched Chloe’s reflection this time. Saw how her jaw immediately clenched and her face crumpled. It was a surprise to Adrien to see defeat so clearly on her face as she crumbled into herself before tensing up again. It almost felt like regret…but Adrien wasn't sure.
“Did they say how?” Chloe asked softly. Sadness, regret, hatred collecting again in her veins but oppressing it because she wasn't here for herself. She was there for Adrien and if he wanted to peel off the festering scabs of her feelings and what she did. It would distract him enough to not think of the woman on a hospital bed so she'll endure because of her loyalty. Even if Adrien would never get how much it cost to voice stuff like that out.
“No…but they said that was why you couldn’t be a hero anymore.” Adrien lied through his teeth, and seeing Chloe hang her head he was glad they weren’t looking at each other. She could spot him lying easily…which is why he worked hard while Chat Noir around her. Then again a lot of the times it was during an Akuma scenario so she was distracted.
“I never had loyalty to them.” Chloe confessed which surprised Adrien, Chloe was a self-proclaimed Ladybug’s biggest fan.
“You were obsessed with them.” Adrien sputtered.
“I was enamored with the idea of them.” Chloe sighed. “I idolized them because our anime suddenly became true and they were special. Adrien, you’re like them in a lot of ways…Ladybug, Chat Noir, you. None of you will ever understand. You guys are like the sun, happy, warm, too nice for your own good that has you getting walked all over, and to a certain extent righteous. The sun will never understand why an ugly storm cloud would do anything to be seen and valued.”
“You’re not an ugly storm cloud Chloe.” Adrien spoke up, feeling that this was the only chance he might ever get to know why Chloe became Miracle Queen. It sounded like something Chloe would say, deflect or use metaphors instead of voice things herself. Chloe’s snorting dry laugh caught him off guard and had him blushing embarrassed and frustrated. “I’m being honest, you’re not.”
“Of course I am.” Chloe dismissed Adrien, looking at him with a pitying smile. “Little sunshine who was raised in warmth, doesn’t see how the world works.”
“Don’t condescend to me Chloe.” Adrien snarked, frustrated at her tone.
“I’m not, you just prove my point.” Chloe chuckled without humor. “Charismatic, charming people like you. Who were loved and attended to, down to the point it’s almost stalkerish and your dad needs a restraining order on you, honestly Adrien I can make an entire case for you—“
“Stop deflecting, Chloe.” Adrien remarked having heard that train of thought so many times in his earlier youth.
“That’s the thing. You waltz in with this golden retriever smile and instantly you’re cared for by everyone you meet. Always happened, as long as I can remember. Practically from when we were in diapers.” Chloe huffed. “The sun can never understand why the moon got tired of being a reflection. Of only being known and cared for as the sun’s reflection.”
She sighed at the look on his face and crossed her legs. “The sun just assumes the moon will forever be happy to be that odd reflection and shine when the sun wants it to. The sun will never really know the rejection storm clouds get, because rain and thunder destroy their happy mood. A song dedicated to banish the rain so the sun can come back. I wanted to be looked at….to be special. I thought playing the hero would be like when we would act out our favorite cartoon and anime heroes.”
“You wanted fame.” Adrien tried to meet her train of thought, the metaphor having him think about his cousin as the moon and Chloe as the storm cloud. At least that’s how she saw them in her mind. If more fame was what she wanted…  Bitterness wound itself into his throat. Chloe would be selfish enough. Famous Chloe would be even worse.
“No…I wanted to be seen and have my mom look at me and think for once in her stupid life: ‘Wow….Chloe…not Clarissa, or Casserole, or Claudette, Clare, Chlorine,,, or Kylie. Chloe’s special’. To have people who automatically discredit me as a rich brat have to swallow their words—“
“You are rich though.”
“A brat too, but when we say it…it’s not thrown at you like an offense; and then everyone wants to extort things from you,” Chloe huffed. “You didn’t spend ecole primaire with kids who tried to act like your friends only to get stuff from you; or parents who would try to make it seem you were a bad kid so they could complain to your dad and get something.
“Then I noticed that Daddy was never busy when I was in trouble; but he was too busy for dinner or to help me with my schoolwork. So I decided if that’s all I’ll be recognized for, so be it. All of them were beneath me, and by being a bitch I’d get attention. Win-win; they paint me as their bad girl, and I am recognized. Even if it's infamy, it made me unforgettable. You, sunshine boy, are different because you were put into the spotlight but also cared for so you didn’t become a brat. Heroes like Chat Noir and Ladybug are good but they also ride their own high horse and make judgements based off of rumors. Ladybug never liked me from the beginning, I still idolized her. It was how it worked, you give affection and get scorned.
"I was a good Queen Bee, bitch aside, revealing my identity for Paris aside. I was driven and wanted to prove myself so bad…I would have done anything they asked. Sure I'd make it a dramatic deal I have to. But they could have said we'd accept you only if you I don't know killed Hawkmoth or retrieved the miraculous by yourself and I'd do it. I would have walked to hell barefoot on hot coals and broken glass to be recognized. It didn't work out so they said I can’t be a hero anymore. Fine, it’s not like I was rejected again.
“Then my parents got akumatized….and at that point I still gave a damn about them. I wanted to help, because I knew I could do it and it was personal. But I was overlooked again…and then someone looked at me…and Hawkmoth presented the bee miraculous. Something I thought I'd never see again. I was angry and betrayed so I decided to do what the one person who looked at me said I’d be good for.” Chloe confessed, the second time in her life. The first being to Milvii, Griff, and Felix when they asked about Queen Bee.
“I’m sure they didn’t mean to make you feel like that Chloe.” Adrien spoke conflicted…the side of him that was Chat Noir that grew to sprout hatred for the girl he once called friend felt like her reasons were not good enough. Yet the side of him who was purely Adrien, the boy and not the hero, understood a bit. The way someone like Chloe would rationalize it, as he didn’t fully agree with her. She did incredibly wrong and many people suffered for it. Her confession did not absolve her of sin, but uncovered some of the questions that festered in his chest like a wound.
“Adrien…I learned the hard way that intent is shit in the face of how it gets interpreted by the world.” Chloe tsked lightly. “I’m atoning for what I did, and if I get a chance with Hawkmoth I’ll drop kick him to the next century over messing with Paris and me. But this isn’t about me, this is about you.”
The conversation died again with a Chloe patented dismissal. Vulnerability on her part was over and the tension rewound itself into them both. Adrien had a lot to consider over what Chloe said. How she deluded herself into thinking that Hawkmoth saw Chloe and that’s why he offered the miraculous to her. Chloe sat there for a few minutes in silence waiting for Adrien to talk about another topic, or break down crying. When he didn’t she knew it was yet again up to her to keep the chat going. Sure, people might say she had been a pushy bitch to him and Felix but how else was she supposed to keep their friendships going? They never did anything themselves.
Finally she couldn’t stand it. “Still, it’s weird that your dad’s assistant has the same medical condition your mom did.”
“Yeah, it is,” he sighed.
“Maybe it’s something environmental? Like old drywall that never got removed or your mansion was built over an old radiation deposit?” Chloe snorted. “It would totally be like Uncle Gabriel to try to keep you indoors at all times when it was your house itself making people sick. Lead poisoning like the tin man from Wizard of Oz.”
She laughed and he laughed with her. “It would explain a lot. Father’s pretty shortsighted and convinced he knows what’s best all the time, even if evidence to the contrary is staring him in the face.”
"Could they have gotten sick from sleeping with your dad?" Chloe thought to which Adrien made a face of disgust.
"Chloe, he's my dad."
"I know but listen….he sucks the joy out of everything, Adrien. It's sad beige hours with him. I used to think that was classy but it washes me out. What if his sad beige boring powers just….sucked the life force of youthful women?" Chloe conspired.
"My dad isn't a villain." Adrien snorted.
"He hasn't paid you years worth of wages for your model work. I can bring up a case if you'd let me talk to a lawyer, Adrien." Chloe snarked.
"Look, he's not that bad." Adrien sighed. "He's gotten better."
"I'm a box blonde and I love the color pink." Chloe deadpanned with a face that had Adrien start laughing at how incredulous Chloe’s thoughts were.
Their laughter died quickly and to her surprise, he scooted close and lay his head on her shoulder. He sighed and she braced herself for screaming and wailing.
“I can’t go through it again, Chlo,” he whispered. “I went through it with Mom. She got sick and wasted away and then disappeared. Like a cat. Cats know when their time is near so they slink off in private to die.”
“It’s different this time,” she tried to reassure him, “she’s not your mom. You can’t get any cool character development from one semi weird maternal figure, who’s most likely sleeping with your dad so like eww. You’re prepared because you’ve already been through this. You know what to expect. You’re not going into this situation blind.” Good, that was more assuring and less cold-hearted. Empathy was hard. “There are probably treatment options available now that weren’t a few years ago.”
He threw his arms around her, almost nuzzling her neck. “And if…worst case scenario…?”
Chloe leaned her head on his. “Then…you have something you didn’t have a few years ago. A support network. You know, me…your girlfriend…Nino, I guess.” She sighed. “And even though he’s pissed at you for not being there when his world went to shit, Felix would be there for you too.I’ll drag him myself kicking and screaming, I’ve been working out, I can take him. But he’d be here regardless so I’ll never get a chance to do that.”
“You really think so?” he mumbled against her throat.
“Yeah.” She petted his hair for a few minutes and smiled almost lovingly at him because she knew he couldn’t see it. Thankfully Felix wasn’t here either to rub it in.
They’d been through a lot together. He was one of the few people who’d noticed how sad and bereft she’d been when Audrey had abandoned her life and family to pursue her own dreams. She in turn had held him when he cried over his mom’s disappearance and his father changed overnight. She thought they’d always be friends. They’d even pinkie-swore on it. Even as they drifted apart and he learned of her shame, she still came like she promised before. When hands tightened around her and she heard the telltale sniffle of tears, and felt them soak into her outfit Chloe held him closer. Gentle and unlike herself, softening her angles to catch a boy who hurt her with his casual rejections but was still for many years a bright light for her and tried to comfort as he cried. Whispering an odd ‘it’s ok’ or ‘I got you’ here and there, just like she did years ago.
She allowed him to cry now in silence while she continued to pat him. She wished she was good with that sympathy crap like Allen. Or making people laugh like Claude. Allegra would have bopped some sense into him by now. All she could do was listen and hug. And order room service. After what felt like eternity of subdued silent tears, and quiet static like silence filled the room Chloe knew it was time to distract.
Chloe gently pushed him away. “Okay, okay. Jeez, quit slobbering on me.” He sat back up and gave her sad kitten eyes.
“Hey, Chloe?”
“Yeah…?” she answered hesitantly. She hoped he wasn’t about to ask her to bare her soul as well.
Adrien didn’t answer at first, just looked at her for a while. “Tell me about you. Your life right now. Nothing too personal!” He waved his hands as if fending off her objections. “Nothing confidential or about Felix. Or about anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. I just…” he raised a shoulder. “We don’t talk. I think we can work on fixing that. Tell me about your life. Anything you want.”
Chloe sighed and began to speak. She told him about Felix buying her a camera and learning about photography. How light and composition changed the feeling of a picture. There was an art to it beyond selfies or Instagram posts. She even told him a very condensed version of using her camera to diffuse an akuma situation on set. His face managed to look both proud and disappointed at the same time.
She didn’t feel like bringing up Lila or Dupain-Cheng. (She could call her that in her mind.) Instead, she talked about learning to play D&D with the Quantic Kids or how Mylene had come a long way since “Horrificator” in her acting. Adrien listened without interrupting until she finally ran out of things to say.
“Come on,” she stood up and reached for his hand. “Sharing feelings makes me hungry. Let’s see if the cafeteria has anything that won’t poison us. If it looks horrible, I know a place nearby that does delivery.”
Gorilla was waiting for them near the entrance of the hospital cafeteria. He didn’t speak but didn’t seem angry or hurried. Adrien drooped even lower until he saw the rectangular box in the man’s overly large hands
Adrien brightened, hands reaching out to take the object from his driver/bodyguard. “Is that a genuine bento box?”
The man nodded but didn’t give the boy the box.
“From Kagami?” Adrien’s hands went to the box but didn’t take it away from the man who’d guarded him nearly half his life.
The man nodded, then grunted and pointed at a nearby seat. He was drawing attention and preferred to fade into the background but the boy’s delight made it difficult.
“Ugh,” Chloe rolled her eyes and dragged his friend to the table. “Come on…he’s telling you to eat it here because your dad will take it away and force you to eat three leaves and an acorn.”
Gorilla nodded and gently nudged the boy along. “Okay, I’ll eat it now but I should FaceTime Kagami later to say thank you.”
“And you know…talk about your feelings or whatever,” Chloe put out a hand to stop him before he interrupted. “Yeah, I can’t believe these words are coming out of my mouth either but one of the cool things about having a boy or girlfriend is to have someone to confide in, right?”
Adrien just smiled, letting her know without words how much he appreciated her being there for him.
There was no way in hell she’d let him know she was touched. “Shut it, Agreste.”
Wednesday was clear and calm. With no reshoots to do, Marinette found herself with the rarest of gifts; free time. Her designs for the ball gowns were finished and turned into Mme. Jennings for pattern making. She’d learned all her lines and could rehearse with Luka, Felix, and Allan tomorrow. The bakery was closed for a week and her parents were away at a bed and breakfast. They had M. Haprele come by every day to check on her and Captain Anarka promised to let her come over during the day for “supervised” visits. Yes, there was an adult on board but Luka and Marinette would be mostly on their own.
“Ahoy, Liberty!” Marinette called out when she reached the dock. “Permission to come aboard! Lower the gangplank, if you please!”
She heard the patter of running shoes on a wooden floor when Luka appeared above deck, trying to look as if he hadn’t been running at all. Her eyebrows rose in appreciation. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a matching vest with shoes. There was an aqua blue shirt under the vest and his usual assortment of jewelry.
All he needs is a teal bracelet, she thought to herself and then sighed. Luka could never be Viperion again…but perhaps another sort of reptile?
Marinette imagined Luka dressed in the red and black of the Dragon Miraculous. He’d look incredibly handsome wielding a sword…and some cute little horns…
Luka saw her staring at him with unfocused, dilated eyes and grinned. “Do you like what you see?”
“Yessss,” she drooled and then snapped out of her fog. “Yes! You look great!” She looked him over with a critical designer’s eye and approved. “I like the new outfit.”
He struck a pose and winked at her. “Mom and I found a goldmine when we went thrifting last week.” He looked her up and down. “You look pretty great yourself.”
Marinette gave him a mock curtsy, pleased he’d noticed. She’d paired a high-waisted pair of jean shorts with a pink shirt with navy horizontal stripes and some old pink canvas shoes that had been her mother’s. She lifted her foot so he could see them. “Vintage nineties.”
He nodded in approval. “They suit you.” He lowered the gangplank. “Permission to come aboard granted.”
She boarded the ship and unslung her backpack from over her shoulder. “I brought some snacks from the bakery. And a few sketchbooks. You know, in case I get inspired.”
“I do the same thing with this guitar app on my phone. Just in case I’m ever caught somewhere without Euterpe.” Euterpe was the name of Luka’s acoustic guitar, the one he’d built himself.
“Ah, Euterpe,” she sighed. “All other women pale beside her. The love of your life.” She giggled and nudged his side. “Even when you get a girlfriend, the poor girl would still only be your side piece.”
Luka just smiled, unoffended. “Not at all. Anyone I end up in a relationship with would understand Euterpe’s place in my life and not feel jealous.”
Marinette paused for a second as she processed this information. “Anyone? Oh, ok. Well, as long as they’re treated as an equal partner, like Euterpe.”
He laughed. “At the thrift store I found a copy of Crocodile Heart on DVD. Wanna watch it?”
Her eyes lit up. “Does Fang have scales? Of course I do!” She grabbed on to him. “Is it the special edition? With Jagged’s commentary? Eeeee!” She wiggled with excitement at his nod. “I can’t wait!”
Luka shushed her gently. “Hey, my mom’s home. You know how she gets when she hears his name.”
Marinette quieted immediately, hands over her mouth. “Sorry! I mean…sorry,” she whispered. “It’s still awesome that she played in a band with him.”
“I know, right?”
"You are?.." "You are?.."
Marinette shifted as she considered the answer.  “Is it…’you are the popcorn of my life?’ “
Luka chuckled before throwing a piece of croissant at her.  “It’s…’you are the donut of my life.”
She caught it in her mouth and chewed it before swallowing. “Right! From his ‘Candy Apple’ album. Every song was related to food somehow. Next?”
They were lying together in a haphazard clump on Luka’s bed. Jagged Stone’s first movie was playing but both of them were too busy eating and asking each other trivia questions to watch it. It was a rather silly tale of a man and his crocodile traveling through the Australian rainforest in search of adventure and the last known copy of a pioneering rock star’s first record. Ordinarily Marinette would have pointed out that exposure to the kind of moisture rainforests are know for would ruin the album but the movie was fun and dumb and she knew it well enough to quote lines.
Luka sighed, content with Marinette snuggled up to him. He enjoyed filming and thought Felix and the others could all be friends after the movie but he preferred the peace of home. He could also admit to himself he was selfish enough to want Marinette all to himself. He blessed the day she came tripping into his life with her warmth and creativity and intelligence. He only regretted that she, Rose and Juleka had been too afraid or worn down by Chloe Bourgeois to become friends earlier. If she had met him before Adrien Agreste, would she have had a crush on Luka instead?
His better self insisted he was being greedy but he felt less guilty than he would have a year ago. Adrien was firmly in a relationship with Kagami, who was helping him grow a spine. Felix? Felix was smart, cunning, ruthless when he had to be but warm and loving to those who’d earned his loyalty. Felix reminded Luka of a cat while his cousin was more like a friendly golden retriever. Was there a Dog Miraculous? Adrien would be perfect.
“Here’s another one,” Luka said finally, ‘I gave up everything…’ “
“But my dreams!” Marinette answered happily.
“Another point to House Dupain-Cheng,” he smiled down at her. She smiled back.
Marinette was quiet and then said, “My turn. ‘My guitar…’ “
“ ‘...is my only family,” Luka interjected, “From his ‘Alone On the Road’ live concert. I love that song.”
She was clearly impressed. “Whoa, twenty to twelve, in favor of House Couffaine.” She booped him on the nose and handed him the last strawberry macaron. “You sir, are officially the world’s number one Jagged Stone fan.”
He accepted the macaron with all the poise of a gracious winner. “I accept your bribe and allow you one more question: ‘Under the moonlight, by the sea…’ “
She flailed as she thought about her answer. “ ‘Under the moonlight, by the sea’…I almost have it…it was his first song…’kiss me!’ ”
“Well, if you insist…”, he joked and leaned in closer.
She giggled and then her eyes flew wide open as she realized how close he was.
Luka had lovely eyes the color of the summer sea.
Marinette wondered what it would be like to kiss his soft pink lips and feel his heartbeat under her hand. She knew being a delivery boy kept him in shape. What would he look like without his shirt?
“G’day, Ruby! How is the most beautiful vet in all of Northern Australia?”
“Don’t try and act all sweet to me, you British git! What has that garbage disposal of a croc swallowed now?”
The two teens sprang apart, feeling embarrassed and strangely disappointed. “I forgot that the movie was on,” Marinette’s words sounded dumb and lame, even to her own ears but it was better than sitting in silence.
Luka almost wished he’d taken the initiative but didn’t want to rush her or do anything without her consent. “Me too. I wonder what happened to the woman who played Ruby?”
Marinette smiled at him gratefully. “I think she had a brief career as a pop star in Australia before making a few movies and then writing a series of young adult mysteries.”
“Good. For her.” Awkward silence descended again and he cleared his throat. “Uh…it’s getting stuffy down here. Let’s go up to the deck.”
“I’m so glad you finally agreed to try this.”
“I can’t believe I never thought of this before.”
“Well, maybe you just weren’t ready. Let me show you the position I like to use best.”
Luka sat on the deck then crossed his legs, one after the other. He straightened his spine and rested his hands on his knees, palms up and closed his eyes. “Now all you do is breathe.”
Marinette copied his pose and tried to focus on nothing but her breath. “Do I need to…focus on a thought?”
“Or a goal. Or nothing at all.”
She sat quietly and concentrated on inhaling and exhaling. She did her best to keep her mouth closed and breathed through her nose.
Thoughts swirled chaotically around her head; projects she wanted to try, skills she wanted to learn. The accident where she almost died. Mlle. Sancoeur collapsing. She imagined all of them turning into pieces of cloth. Then she folded them up and put them into individually labeled drawers to be dealt with one by one.
Now with her thoughts filed away she began to design her own gown, the only dress she hadn’t designed already because she put her “clients” first. Well, she’d design something amazing for herself this time. It was Felicity’s right as a main character and, if Marinette was honest, she just wanted to do something fancy for herself. At least this once.
She began to imagine a pink dress and first but shook her head. She wore pink so much it was practically her signature color. What would Felicity want?
Medium blue, like her eyes. Something soft, flowy and easy to move in in case of an emergency during the dance. Organza perhaps. Layers and layers with floral applique embellishments; like roses. Some climbing roses would look pretty, perhaps in cream and pink. Or silver and dark blue. Maybe all four. Then an off the shoulder neckline with short winged sleeves. Lacing on the back of the bodice would fit the Victorian aesthetic. She could wear low comfortable heels and…
Rebuild her hero team.
She thought about how they looked on Heroes Day when Chloe was still trying to become a true hero. She thought of Ryuuko standing up to her mother. Viperion and his determination to save his family. Or most of the team working together to defeat Party Crasher.
Just because Hawk Moth is taking the summer off doesn’t mean he’s gone. What are you doing to defeat him? What are you doing here?
Marinette gasped as her eyes popped open and she looked at Luka. For a moment Viperion’s mask was superimposed on his face. It almost made her want to cry. He’d been such a good hero. It wasn’t fair that he had to retire because of her negligence.
He must have felt her gaze on her because his eyes opened and looked at her. His eyebrows raised as looked over her with concern. “Is something wrong, or did you have one of those epiphanies of yours?”
“Something like that,” she demurred. His calm, patient gaze coaxed her into telling him her idea about her ball costume. “I know what I want to design for myself now! I’m thinking something soft and flowy, with rose embroidery and a full skirt. In organza.”
“What style?” he asked.
She couldn’t help but smile at him. One of the things she lov-liked about Luka was he didn’t just sit and nod politely when she talked about design. Even her parents did it. Luka always asked questions, even if he didn’t know much about fashion. He was willing to learn; maybe so he’d have something to talk to her about, or just to expand his own knowledge about the world.
“I bet it’s blue,” he grinned, “to match your eyes.”
Marinette was sure she was blushing. He could go from learning about her hobbies to flirting with her so effortlessly. Or, was he just being nice? She found herself hoping he was flirting. She felt her resolve to ask him out after the movie wrapped to be slipping. Would it hurt to ask him out now? Yes. She should wait a little longer to make sure she was over Adrien. Luka deserved that.
But did he have to have such pretty eyes and kissable lips? It just wasn’t fair.
She blinked and decided to distract herself from wishing she could kiss Luka.
What should she think about? The movie? Costumes?
Felix popped into her head for some reason. She was starting to like him, even if he acted like a creepy toolbag when they first met. Hell, he still acted like a toolbag sometimes but he had his good points too.
He was clever and creative. He had drive and ambition but didn’t feel the need to step on people to achieve his goals. To the contrary, he wanted to take those he considered talented with him. He was a loyal friend and son and had facets to his personality she never would have noticed before working with him.
But unfortunately he was also hot. Distractingly hot, with soft peach lips and sexy green eyes. Like his cousin.
Whoops! Time to think of something else!
“So…if you don’t mind me asking, why did  you take up meditation?” she asked her friend. “Was it because your mom is…kind of chaotic and you needed some calm?”
At first she thought she’d offended him but he chuckled and responded, “Kinda. Yeah. Mom’s great but she can be a little over the top.” He thought for a moment and then added, “kinda like Jagged. Maybe that’s why their relationship was so volatile and they stopped playing together.”
Marinette giggled and he continued. “But there’s more to it than just that.” He sighed and his face became more serious. “You see, I needed it.”
Her eyes widened as she looked at him. “But…you’re so calm and level-headed! I’ve only seen you mad-”
He nodded. “Silencer. Yeah.” He unfolded his legs and lay on the deck with his hands on his stomach. Marinette copied his new pose and lay beside him. She looked him in the eyes and nodded at him to show she was listening.
Luka went on. “See, when I was younger, I had a lot of anger issues and resentment.” She must have looked surprised because he laughed. “Yeah. I know. But it can happen to the best of us.”
She fought the urge to interrupt and ask questions. His eyes went unfocused as he recalled embarrassing memories.
“I never knew who my father was. I can remember occasional raised voices and glass breaking but other than slammed doors, nothing. Not even a name.” Marinette scooted a little closer and put her head on his shoulder to show support. He went on.
“It made me angry that she wouldn’t tell me something so important. Jules and I deserve to know who our dad is and why he left us, even if he doesn’t want to be part of our lives.” He sighed and looked at the sky.
“You can imagine some of the shit we heard in school. Kids can understand death and divorce but not even knowing who your dad is? People just assume your mom’s a slut and as the kids of a slut, you’re no better.”
“The people you went to ecole with were…assholes,” Marinette nearly tripped over the curse word.
Luka couldn’t help but smile, both at her defense and using a word that made her uncomfortable to make him feel better. “Yeah, they were.” He sighed. “So, I was angry. Not just at them, but at the man who abandoned us and the mom who was such an anarchist she moved us onto a boat to avoid property taxes she couldn’t afford and neighbors who gossiped about us.”
“Times were tough and we didn’t have a lot of stability back then. Sometimes,” it made him feel disloyal to admit it, “I was angry at Mom for not being a normal parent and taking care of us. I resented Juleka because it felt like I was raising her along with myself and I had too much responsibility for a kid my age.”
They laid there quietly for a few minutes then Marinette prompted, “so…what happened?”
He laughed but it became a sigh. “There was a big kid in our class. Hugo. What he lacked in smarts he made up for in fists. He picked on us and that was ok, we were used to that. But one day he decided he wanted the lunch I’d made for Juleka and he grabbed it out of her hands, then punched her in the face for threatening to tell the teacher. He made her bleed and almost knocked out one of her baby teeth. I…lost it.”
He seemed to be debating with himself whether or not to tell her the rest. She tried to console him. “You don’t have to say anything else if you don’t want-”
Luka nuzzled the top of her head. “It’s okay. I think I need to. To make a long story short, I punched him hard enough to knock him down. Then I knocked out two of his teeth and punched him in the ribs. It took a couple of teachers and a janitor to pull me off him.”
Marinette said nothing but the idea of a Luka angry enough to punch someone until they bled made her shiver a little.
She stole a glance at his face. He looked tired and ashamed. She could tell he hadn’t enjoyed beating up a bully; the kid could have had a crappy home life too. Still the boy had crossed a line when he hurt Juleka.  “You were just defending your sister,” she told him.
He laughed but it sounded bitter and cynical. “That might have been true at first but the truth is I think I was taking out all my aggression and resentment on him. Yeah, he messed with my sister,” he frowned, “but I crossed a line too.”
She lay her head on his shoulder and let him vent. She could sense he needed to get this all out. This was probably something no one outside his little family or the other people involved had ever heard. She was honored that he’d chosen to confide in her.
“Needless to say, his parents and the principal got involved. They’d wanted to have me expelled but the principal brought in Hugo’s file and showed them how many times their son had bullied other kids and they’d done nothing to correct his behavior. So, they backed off pretty quickly and both of us were sent to psychological counseling.”
His eyes softened a bit, remembering. “My counselor was this great lady named Doctor Smythe. I think it was the first time an adult listened to me and my problems. She didn’t judge or get angry with me but she suggested meditation as a way to cope. She told me I might not be able to control my environment or the world around me but I could control how I reacted.
He looked down at her. Marinette’s eyes glowed with interest and compassion. He was glad his story hadn’t chased her away. “I’m not proud of how I acted back then, but what I learned has helped me gain better control of myself.” He smiled into her eyes. “I think meditation could help you with your anxiety. Learning how to relax and not take on so much would help too,” he chided gently.
She couldn’t help but laugh. She’d give anything to be able to take some of the burdens off her shoulders, bring Master Fu back to be The Guardian, get more hero help. She smiled back at him. “Would you like to teach me?” Would you be my new Dragon? “Maybe that would help.”
Luka stared at her cerulean eyes, her full lush pink lips. He wanted more than anything to kiss her, hold her close to him, maybe feel her bare skin and put her hand on his chest so she could feel his beating heart…
No. Nope, Nuh-uh. He was rushing things and she was just barely over Adrien. Plus, she worked with Felix, who, despite becoming a friend, looked just like Adrien. It wasn’t time yet.
“Sure,” was all he said, “maybe after a nap.”
Anarka found her son and his future girlfriend (suck it, Amelie) cuddled together in sleep. She slipped pillows under their heads and took a picture before sneaking away.
Ah, lad. You could’ve stolen a kiss, at least.
Adrien checked the hallway leading to his father’s atelier. The man had been barricaded in there ever since Nathalie had been admitted to the hospital. He’d ignored his son even more than usual so the boy took advantage of his inattention to blow off his piano practice to FaceTime his girlfriend.
He dialed her number and was pleased to see her face appear after a few seconds. She was dressed casually in a pair of white capris and a red button-up with three-quarter sleeves. She smiled warmly at him; the smile that she saved for those closest to her. It made him pause and stare every time.
“Wow!” He exclaimed as he looked her up and down. He blinked to make sure he didn’t imagine seeing her in something besides her class uniform, fencing garb or that lovely kimono at the Miraculous premiere. “That looks amazing on you!”
She laughed and said, “Thank you, I know. Marinette made a Spinterest board full of outfit ideas for me. I bought this online and had it shipped along with some fencing equipment. Mother was none the wiser.” Her smile turned sly and, to Adrien’s mind, very very sexy. “Mother thinks I am practicing the violin at the moment. What about M. Agreste?”
“Oh. Father thinks I’m practicing the piano.” He winked at her. “Of course, with Nathalie away, he’s a lot more preoccupied than usual.” It hurt him a little to think of her all alone in the hospital but he didn’t know anything about her family so there was no one he could call. She’d called him that morning; she sounded weak but ok. For some reason she wanted him to be sure to tell his father she had all her personal effects with her except her tablet, which Adrien had given his father. She was being monitored around the clock and had little privacy but was well taken care of.  She assured him she’d be back in the morning but in the meantime he should remind his father to eat and not just live on coffee.
“How is Mlle. Sancoeur?” Kagami asked and he beamed at her in appreciation. His girlfriend might not be as outwardly expressive as someone like Rose or Alya but she was as kind and considerate as Marinette.
“She’s doing a lot better,” he assured her. “Her vitals were good, the doctor said, but she needs to work on managing her stress better. She’s also vitamin deficient and needs to stay hydrated.” He sighed and then confided, “Father works her too hard.”
Kagami nodded. She was familiar with stress and hard work but if the woman was not taking in enough nutrients then she clearly was neglecting her health. “Humans can be unreliable. I think that’s why Mother employs AI whenever possible.”
“Does that mean you also have a robot butler who brings you little drinks and snacks?” Adrien wanted to know.
She blinked once. “Of course,” she answered stoically. She then frowned seriously and asked, “Why? Don’t you?”
They stared at each other for a minute and then laughed.
Adrien sighed happily, feeling some of the tension of the past twenty-four hours slip away. “You are so funny!” He said. He smiled a bit wistfully at his girlfriend. “I wish all my friends knew how funny you are.”
“Well, comedy isn’t something I can force,” she replied thoughtfully. She didn’t want to tell him that most of his friends were predisposed to dislike her because they were upset she had torpedoed the “Adrienette ship” so thoroughly. “Although Marinette has said I’m funny as well.”
Marinette had morphed from a girl who was no more than a rival to be vanquished to a cherished friend. Kagami tried not to cringe when she remembered how she had so casually told Ladybug that even though she didn’t want to hurt Marinette, she had no trouble doing so if it meant winning Adrien. Her actions shamed her. She had always detested girls who would backstab their best friend if it meant the boy they liked chose them over said friend. Women had enough obstacles from men without the girls who should be their sisters competing with them too.
To learn that she was little better than some grasping, conniving schoolgirl who wanted senpai to notice them was humbling. She was very lucky Marinette was getting over Adrien on her own and moving on, perhaps to Luka. He seemed to notice and appreciate her friend and his calm steadiness balances Marinette’s manic frenzy.
Really, those two were perfect for each other. Two little blueberries in joyous harmony. Seeing Marinette and Luka interact so happily made her feel a little less guilty about taking Adrien for her own. True, Marinette had hesitated but it was also possible the girl had anxiety. Perhaps once Luka and Marinette were officially a couple she could put her remorse aside and move on.  She looked forward to the day she could whole-heartedly support “Lukanette.”
Kagami didn’t realize she’d been staring into space for fifteen seconds until Adrien spoke up. “What’s wrong, ‘Gami?”
She shook her head. “I don’t know what you mean. Why should anything be wrong?”
He frowned, making himself look like a concerned puppy. “Do you honestly think I don’t know you well enough by now?” He grinned and rubbed his forehead. “You get this little wrinkle in your forehead right above your nose when something’s bothering you. Come on,” he coaxed, “you’ve listened to me rant for hours about Father, Felix, having to model with someone I can’t stand, all that stuff.” Adrien’s smile was warm and comforting. “It’s my turn to be the confidant. Someone you can talk to and lean on when you need to. Now,” he sat back a bit and settled into his “listening pose”. “What’s on your mind?”
I feel as if I took advantage of another girl’s doubts and fears to win you for myself. She wasn’t my friend at first but now she is my best friend besides you. It’s made me feel incredibly guilty, like I behaved dishonorably. What should I do? Kagami hesitated, then said, “there are some things…I would like to share them with you but I’m…ashamed.” She looked down at her lap and couldn’t look at him in case he could see her guilt.
“Hey…it’s okay. Don’t share if you’re not ready,” he soothed. “But…if there’s something that I could help you with, even if it’s just to listen, you can. Or…you know…we could sit and stare at each other while we think about how cute we both are.”
She chuckled. It wasn’t a very funny joke, but he was trying. “Well, allow me to tell you about what I can talk about.”  She sat up a little straighter. “I think I mentioned Mother wanted me to study some traditional arts, like tea ceremony, flower arranging, and calligraphy.”
He nodded. “Yeah, I remember  you mentioning that.”
“Well,” she began and almost stopped. No, she would not allow herself to hesitate. Not even once. “I somewhat enjoy the tea ceremony. It’s rather meditative and the precision and care calligraphy requires is not unlike fencing. However…”
“But..the flower arranging?” Adrien prompted.
“Is…boring!” she burst out.
He started as did she, surprised at her own words. The proverbial dam had broken and she couldn’t stop if she wanted to. “I cannot stand flowers! And you have to be so careful because every color has significance. An uneven number of flowers is lucky while an even number is unlucky. Plus having thorns in the arrangement can have meaning, so can stems and leaves. Plus you have to be aware of symmetry and you basically sit quietly for hours doing nearly nothing while you contemplate the meaning of adding sticks. It’s just…a waste of time to me but Mother loves it and wants me to love it too.”
She slumped a bit, embarrassed at her show of emotion, of her boyfriend seeing her at less than her best. What must he think of her now?
“Hey, Kagami?” Adrien’s earnest face filled her phone’s screen. “Trust me, I understand. You're a woman of passion and action and your mom doesn’t understand you’re not just a perfect copy of her. It’s okay.” He smiled. “You’re amazing, just the way you are. It’s great that you’re trying things you don’t like to make her happy.”
She smiled, feeling reassured and happy and seen. She wasn’t a cold ice queen with no emotions, just a girl who struggled with self-expression after being sheltered all her life. She longed to break free and do what she wanted and be who she wanted without feeling as if she were letting her entire family line down. She looked at Adrien and judging by his sympathetic expression, he understood because he was under the same pressure of expectations.
“Would you…would you like to see what I really want to do?” Kagami asked shyly. She trusted him enough to be a little vulnerable now and then.
He nodded eagerly. “Yes, please!”
Adrien wondered what Kagami could possibly be passionate about. Did she want to be an acrobat like Cirque du Soleil? Did she secretly want to play basketball or be a dancer? He couldn’t wait to see it.
Kagami grinned, looking incredibly young and adorable to his eyes. She pulled out a hardcover sketchbook and held it up to her phone’s camera for him to see.
He gasped as she slowly turned the pages to show him her work as best she could. She’d drawn him! Not just him but Gorilla standing guard, face soft as he looked up kitten videos. There was also Nathalie looking irritated at something Bob Roth was saying. His father looking at their family portrait with such a look of raw longing for his mother Adrien could almost feel it.
As the pages turned he saw that girl Allegra and her boyfriend being sweet when they thought no one was looking. Ivan spun Mylene as they danced in a hallway on set. He saw Felix, several versions of him; furtive, angry. Amused, mischievous and then he saw him squaring up against Marinette. Both looked determined and strong, refusing to back down. They looked like opponents who were evenly matched. To his surprise, they looked good together.
Kagami turned again and on the last page was Marinette and Luka. She leaned against him and looked up, her gaze soft and trusting. Luka looked down at her as if she were the most important, the most precious thing in the world and he’d do anything to keep her safe.
They would make an amazing couple. He had always thought so, ever since that day at the ice rink.
Adrien looked up and saw Kagami staring at him, hopeful yet nervous.
“So…” she fidgeted a bit, which she rarely did. “What do you think?”
“It’s gorgeous!” He looked at her with awe. “You could be a professional.” He had the world’s most talented girlfriend and he wanted to brag to all of France about her. “Is there anything you can’t do?”
It seemed to be the wrong thing to say. Kagami shut her sketchbook and slumped a bit, looking defeated.
“According to Mother, Art,” she sighed. She sat up and looked at her boyfriend. “She says art might be an acceptable hobby depending on the form but not a career.” She shrugged. “I am a Tsurugi and though I am allowed to fence and play music one day I will take over the family business and I must prepare myself for that.” It was an old argument she’d had with her mother several times. “Being a Tsurgi means there is no time for personal dreams.”
“Didn’t your mother want to be an actress once?” Adrien reminded her.
“Yes.” She breathed in, then out slowly. “Yes, so you would think she would be a little more sympathetic towards my need to…”
“Rebel? Sneak away so you can be your true self?” He suggested.
She looked up at him with a smile, glad to see he understood and didn’t judge her for her little acts of disobedience. A kindred spirit.
Adrien grinned. Kagami was one of the few people in his life who understood him. It was both comforting and incredibly freeing. He just wanted to ask her something.
“You look great in red but how do you feel about teal?”
Marinette waited until her parents went to bed, waited another thirty minutes to make sure they were asleep and then turned to Ladybug before slipping out via her trapdoor and making her way to the Eiffel Tower.
To her surprise her partner was already there, sitting down and scrolling through images on his baton. She decided to play a little prank and tried to sneak up on him.
“Hey, Ladybug.”
She stopped trying to sneak and straightened up. It had been weeks since he stopped calling her “Bugaboo” or even “M’Lady”. She didn’t miss the stupid nicknames but she didn’t miss the easy banter they used to have.
Still, his civilian life seemed to be a bit better. He had a girlfriend, an actual girl and not just someone made up to make her jealous. He was happy and she was happy for him, even though every now and then she mourned the death of her crush. Still, it wasn’t healthy and she was nearly incapable of talking to him for the longest time. Besides, there was Luka.
She realized her partner was waiting for a response and stuttered out, “Oh. He-hey, Kitty! How’s your-” she broke off as she noticed his posture.
Chat Noir looked slumped, defeated. She sat beside him and put an arm around his shoulder and drew him into a sideways hug. He rested his head on her shoulder, seeking comfort. Neither spoke for a few minutes until she cajoled. “If you need to talk or take a break, we can try again tomorrow or the next day.”
“But we need new teammates,” he spoke into her collar bone.
Ladybug reached up and petted her partner’s head. “Not at the risk of our original team. Self-care, remember? You’re always telling me I need to take time for myself or have fun. Don’t push yourself if you’re not feeling it.”
He surprised her by pulling away from her hair-stroking and scooting away. “No,” he sighed. I need to get away from home for a few hours. Right now I need something to keep my mind occupied.”
Dozens of questions ran through her head but her reply was, “You got it, Kitty. Now, do you have someone in mind for the Snake? Is it someone you can trust? Don’t tell me who it is!” She held up her hand when he opened his mouth. “I trust you and if you trust them that’s good enough for me.”
He stood up and pulled her to her feet. He tried to smile but it fell flat. “Thanks, Ladybug.” His usually cocky demeanor was gone and she never thought she’d miss it so much. “It means a lot to me to have your trust.”
They shared a grin. He was irritating and went overboard on puns but he finally was growing up and getting over his entitlement. It was a long time coming and she hoped he wouldn’t revert if he and his girlfriend broke up. She already had a plan in place to deal with that.
He cleared his throat. “Okay, um…team bonding moment over.” He held out his hand. “If you don’t mind, may I have the Miraculous now? I want to have time to train my purr-fect candidate before twenty-one hundred.”
She rolled her eyes out of habit but spoiled it by smiling at him. She opened her yo-yo and pulled out the Snake bracelet. It changed from rose gold to silver as she handed it to him. “I’ll meet you and your new trainee back here at Twenty hundred hours. See ya later, Kitty!” She jumped off the deck of the Eiffel Tower.
Chat Noir grinned; a little in awe, a little ruefully. “No matter how many times I see her do that, it never gets old.” He deployed his baton and hopped away into the night.
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gashinabts · 3 years
hands-on learner| (m)
Word: 3.5k
Pairing: hentai voice actor!Seokjin x hentai voice actor!Reader
Genre: mature, smut, fluff
Summary: seokjin teaches you in unethical way on how to give your best hentai voice.
Warnings: hentai, public sex, DEGRADING, humiliation, dirty talk, rough sex, slut is used multiple times, fingering, overstimulation, choking, spitting, unprotected sex, ass & pussy slapping
a/n: just a quick one-shot for my babes. hope you enjoy this fic :) remember that your comments and support are what motivates me to write!
When you were little you always wanted to help people. The teacher would ask you what you want to be when you grow up, and you would reply to a doctor or a nurse somewhere in the lines of helping people. But when you came to the age of realizing that you live in a world where being the person you want to be came with a price such as starving yourself in order to pay for college classes you changed what you wanted to be. 
You are still helping people but not in a way that people would give a noble peace award for. As in right now you are reading a lewd script and fake orgasming. “ Y/N, reshoot. The words are off,” the director tells you. You look at the screen and watch as the hentai girl is getting pumped by an overload of semen, and you do a voiceover of a few high pitch moans and cries. “ Okay! Good,” the director gives you a thumbs up. 
You smile and gulp the water soothing your throat, you get out of the sound booth immediately bumping into Seokjin's chest. “ Watch and learn how a real pro does his work,” he tells you in a cocky tone. Seokjin is just wearing a hoodie and jeans yet he looks like a high class model, his light brown hair is pushed back and he looks hot but too bad he is an asshole.
Rolling your eyes you push his chest away, “ No thanks. All you have is a couple of weird cringey dialogue and a few grunts,” you hear him laugh as he enters the vocal booth. You sit down next to Yoongi who is part of the sound engineer making sure everything goes well. “ I hate him. He thinks he is all that, look at him,” you scoff.
“ Yeah, it also looks like you want to fuck him,” Yoongi lets out a chuckle. Okay, he is not wrong. You want to fuck Seokjin at least once to get all the sexual tension out of the way but somewhere in the back of the mind you think Seokjin likes to fuck in front of mirrors so he can watch himself the whole time. 
The director taps you on your shoulder and brings you outside in the hallway, “ The team and I were going through the comments from the previous work we have done…” Mr. Kim pulls out his ipad. Your eyes zoom in at some of the comments that make you see red.
@lolligirls- She sounds so fake
↳ @Y/N’sbitch- dumbass all of this is fake. no one is actually having sex in these hentai videos
@hentitties- Clearly this voice actor never had sex...lol
@hrny4animethighs- I couldn’t get past the five minutes, I had to go to a different video
@hentaiaddict- Seokjin is such a good voice actor, I nearly creamed my pants from him just saying hello
“ Thank you Y/N’sbitch, clearly this person knows how things work,” you roll your eyes. You give the ipad back not wanting to see it anymore, what do these people know about voice acting, you're the one getting paid and making them ejaculate in tissue in their gamer room. 
Mr. Kim clears his throat before speaking, “ There are more praises and positive comments for Seokjin’s voice so I asked him to give you some pointers. You guys will have to send me a voice memo of the script I’m going to send you tonight,” you make a sound a protest but he gives you a look, “ Or else you will just have a supporting role in the newest project.” He walks off to the other direction. The minute he’s out of earshot you kick the trash can which makes the trash fall out causing you to get more frustrated. You pick up the trash and toss it in the bin, muttering curse words to yourself. Now you have to see Seokjin’s cocky face all night giving you stupid tips that you don’t even need. 
You walk back inside the studio, Seokjin is out of the vocal booth and flirting with a woman, while Yoongi is going over the vocal track. “ I heard what happened, in all honesty you are my second favorite voice actor,” Yoongi tells you as you sit next to him.
You sigh, “ Who’s your first?” The chair makes a squeak as you adjust the seat height. Glancing over at Seokjin, he makes eye contact while giving you a smug smile then turning back to his conversation with the lady. Scoffing, you turn your attention to Yoongi as he fiddles with track volume.
Yoongi looks at you, his eyebags are dark “ Jimin,” he nonchalantly says. You aren’t even surprise, since they are fucking around. They are somewhere in the lines of friends to lovers but they are both too stubborn to admit they have deep feelings for eachother.
“ I would have never guessed...at least you are going to be here tonight,” you take a sip of the water down the ice coffee you bought earlier this morning. If Yoongi is here, you have nothing to worry about.
“ Actually it’s just going to be you and Seokjin. Told Mr. Kim I have an important date,” Yoongi’s ears turn red. At least someone is getting dick you think to yourself. “ Try not to kill each other,” he tells you. 
Everyone has left the studio and it’s just you and Seokjin. You are going through your lines, a corny script of a girl spending the night with her boyfriend’s best friend and they end up fucking, nothing out of the ordinary. “ Okay, I’m ready. I don’t want to be here all night,” you look at him casually scrolling on his phone. 
“ Aww, don’t be so mean. I know you are dying to be here with me,” Seokjin puts his phone away, coming closer to you after he presses the start button. He tosses his arm over your shoulder, “ Okay let’s get the show on the road princess,” Seokjin guides you to the vocal booth. Immediately you groan, pushing his arm away but your ears turn red at the pet name.
The script is placed right in front of you and you start to read it, going through the introduction of the characters. 
Seokjin looks at you more carefully when it gets to the saucy part, his finger on his chin as if he is really inspecting you. “ Mmm, it feels really good,” you whine at the end, making sure you sound as lewd as possible. 
Seokjin makes a sharp clap, making you halt from any other sound. “ It doesn’t sound like it feels good. You need to make it sound more real.” Seokjin shakes his head, there’s a small smirk. Your eye twitches wondering if he just wants to purposely get you irritated. “ Do it again, but this time make it sound like someone is actually fucking you,” he nods his head for you to continue. 
The last time you got fuck was a year ago, and it was a bad experience. You didn’t even orgasm and the guy came in less than five minutes. This time you repeat the line but with a whiny and sultry tone. Seokjin sighs, shaking his head in disappointment and you get frustrated. “ Well okay then teach me, because I think I sound fucking great,” you pull at the strand of your hair. 
“ No need to get mad, I can help you,” Seokjin laughs at your frustration. He comes closer to you and you can smell his faint masculine cologne, his body is close to you. “ I want you to imagine it as if I was fucking you,” he whispers darkly. 
You bite your cheek from cursing him off, but you should at least try it out. So you envision him fucking you from behind. The image of his manly hand wrapped around your head while the other is around your neck. He’s probably the type to fuck you like you don’t matter and you can’t help it that actually turns you on. “ Mmm, it feels really good,” you moan as if he is actually ramming his cock into you. You look at his approval and he nods, a small sense of victory comes over you. Until you feel his hand pushing your hair to the other side you leaving one side of your neck bare. He is closer to you, right behind you, his chest barely touching your body.
“ Is this okay?” He whispers into your ear. You whisper a yes and his plump lips kiss your neck leaving a trail of wet kisses that leaves your skin tingling. “ I’m barely touching you and you are so reactive,” he takes notice of your heavy breathing. He licks a small part of your neck, then blows on it watching you squirm at the sudden coldness. 
“ Someone can walk in,” you look at the door. You don’t remember locking it, and what if the janitor comes in. Maybe that makes it more tempting for you, being caught in Seokjin’s lust. “ Seokjin,” you whine as he bites on your earlobe. 
“ You would like that...to have someone see you getting fucked hard by me. Drooling because of my cock is hitting you in just the right spot,” his hand goes under your shirt just resting on bare waist. Then his fingers tracing up and down your stomach meeting the underside of your bra but then going back down. 
“ I-no,” you shake your head in defiance. He laughs and grabs your jaw forcing your neck to twist and look at him. His eyes are darker, and he gives you a pointed look making you change your answer. “ Yes, I’d like that,” you whimper, as his rough hand pats your cheek heavily as a reward.
“ See silly girl, lying won’t get you anywhere,” he taunts you. His body then pushes you forward so you now against the glass window, you place your hands on the cold glass. Seokjin takes his time taking off your clothes. You are the only one naked on the and the cold air from the ac makes your nipples hard and from the lustful stare Seokjin has. “ I should just leave you like this and call everyone here to look at you,” Seokjin has a sinister smile when you shake your head in fear. “ Why? You look like a perfect slut. I bet you are already wet from just me kissing your neck,” he pushes your chest so your back is now against the cold window. 
The degrading names are something new to you, and your thighs squeezed together try to relieve some pain. “ Then leave me here. I bet someone else can fuck me better than you,” you shrug your shoulders, hoping he’ll get mad. 
His jaw clenches, “ Spread your legs,” he forcefully helps you by slapping the inside of your thighs. “ Look at you so fucking wet,” he comments looking down at your drolling lips. His hand then comes to slap your cunt, you flinch but then feel the pain subside to pleasure. Your body coming forward falling into his chest but his hand pushes you back to the glass, “ Take it like a good slut,” he tsk at you shaking his head. The slaps come in intervals as he chuckles at your betweens of moaning and whimpering. A few slaps hitting your clit and you cry out his name to slap you more. By the time he is done your cunt feels numb and your legs shake, your hands fisting at his shirt. “ We just started and you are already giving up on me,” he massages your cunt soothingly, spreading your arousal and barely entering the tip of his finger in your entrance.
Shaking your head, you look up at him, “ Seokjin, please fuck me. I want to be your good slut,” you deliriously say in ecstasy. His lips lift up and his two fingers thrust quickly into you, with no warning. Your head falls forward onto his hard chest staring at his fingers thrusting deep and hard, the juices becoming more apparent on his hand. You have never been this wet in your whole life, is this what you have been missing? 
One of his hands pulls your hair back to you looking at him, “ Open wide,” you do as you are told and he spits in your mouth. The spit slides easy as you swallow it, opening your mouth for more as if it was fiji water. He spits again and purposely misses your mouth landing on your cheek, “ Oops,” he smirks then wiping his spit across your whole cheek. And you don’t care, just consumed in the pleasure of his fingers still fucking you open. Your eyes roll back when his fingers curl, your stomach feeling warm. “ Come on my fingers you dirty slut, make them smell like you,” he watches you unravel.
 One last thrust and you come all over his fingers, thighs shaking when he continues to thrust at fast pace not stopping when you try to pull away. He pushes you even more to the glass so you have no escape but to come again on his fingers, your body is confused to having back to back orgasms. Screaming his name in ecstasy, your cunt pulsates at the euphoric sensation. Body releasing everything you got, your chest is heavy and you finally feel him pull his fingers out, his fingers then shoving in your mouth. “ My fingers are dirty because of you,” he chastises you. Your eyes widen at the sudden intrusion of you tasting your own come for the first time, his intense gaze watches you suck the juices off his fingers. Moaning around his finger just like it was your favorite flavor lollipop. Sucking one last time, your lips smack as he pulls them out, “ Fuck me like you hate me,” your hand travel to his hard bulge lightly squeezing it. 
You close your eyes and pucker your lips when he leans down, only for him to whisper into your ear, “ I don’t wanna see your face if I fuck you,” he twist your body so your breast are flat against the window, side of your face pressed down on it too. You take a deep breath partially because you're nervous yet excited about what is about to come. The sound of his buckle is being undone and his pants, there’s no preparation as he thrust his cock into. Yelping at the sudden force, one of his hands holds against your throat and the other tight on your waist. His thrust are fast and rough, fucking you to his own pleasure and you don’t mind. “ I’m surprise you're tight,” he thrust harder and you cry out in pleasure, “you’re not fucking anyone, right?” Your mind is blank, only focusing on the thickness of his cock stretching you out painfully good. His hand occasionally squeezes your throat, letting your life be at his hands. He slaps your ass hard, you cry at the stinging sensation. “ Answer me slut,” he spanks your ass again harder.
Shaking your head the best you could you answer. “ No. There’s nobody,” your body jolts at his thrusts. You try your best staying still, your hands holding against the window, not providing much stability. “ Fuck Seokjin, it’s too much,” you whine. Not sure what is too much. The feeling is overwhelming, you think. Never had been fucked this good. 
His hand leaving your throat slides down to your clit, “ Shut up, you can handle it,” he chuckles, slapping your clit, shooting more sparking sensation in your core. “ I can’t stand your fucking mouth. Always talking shit about me, stupid slut. I can hear what you say about me to Yoongi. The voice booth is two way,” he pinches your clit.
Your eyes widen and you mentally want to slap yourself, but who cares the amazing sex is the consequent of your big mouth. Seokjin jackhammers into you, constantly hitting the spot that makes your eyes go cross eyed. The stars are evident when he rubs your clit hard, clawing at the window trying to grab onto anything you moan his name so lewdly as you orgasm harder than the previous two, it sounds like it came for a high-budget porno. 
Your thighs tremble at the aftermath of your orgasm yet you want him to use you more. “ Are you gonna take my come like a good slut?” Seokjin asks. His hand moving from your clit to the back of your hair pulling your head back. 
“ Mmm, yes I want you to fill me up,” you moan at the thought of his come covering your walls. Three more hard thrust he unravels, grunting your name and coming deep into you, holding your body tight to his. 
There’s the feeling of his shirt sticking to your sweaty back but you ignore the uncomfortable feeling. Your body falling limply into his arms as he carries your weight. Breathing is loud from both parties, he kisses your head and rubs your arms in a soothing manner. “ I’m going to get tissues real quick, okay?” You nod, your throat feeling sore from all the screaming. He presses a quick kiss to your cheek before running outside the vocal booth to get a tissue and water. You slide your body on the floor muscles strained from the rough sex, he comes back with a concerned look.
He sits down beside you, but then puts you on his lap laying the back of your head against his chest. He gently spreads your legs, and wets the tissue then uses it to clean the mess he made. Your eyes close, not used to feeling this kind of emotion, like you want to be comforted and swaddled. “ Open your mouth for me, baby,” Seokjin presses the water lightly on your lips. Parting your lips the nice cold liquid travels down your throat, relieving a small part of pain. “ Good girl,” he whispers, one hand caressing your cheek. “ My beautiful baby did a good job today,” he kisses the side of your forehead. You hum in delight at the compliment loving the feeling. He continues praising you, hands caressing every inch of skin and kissing your cheeks.
When you finally have the energy to get dressed, the room is silent because for once you guys aren’t bantering. You look at him and he is scrolling on his phone like he didn’t just fuck you to oblivion. And it kind of hurts that he’s not looking at you despite him giving all that aftercare. Maybe it’s your after sex hormones making you emotional. “ Imma just go,” your voice is hoarse. He looks up quickly showing you his sparkly eyes, “ I can’t really work like this,” you point to your throat, there’s a slight burn as you speak. 
“ Wait, I ordered us food,” Seokjin stands up showing you the receipt order of kimchi jjigae on his phone. “ But if you want to leave, that's fine,” he rubs his neck. “ Let me at least order you a taxi,” he goes on his phone.
“ No!” You embarrassingly say loudly. His eyes widened at the sudden outburst. You blush like an idiot, “ I mean, no I would like to stay and eat kimchi jjigae with you.” Seokjin smiles and you smile back.
You and Seokjin waste no time eating the food, taking less than fifteen minutes to finish the food. “ I’m too tired to do the voice memo. I’ll just take the supporting role,” you lay your head back in defeat. 
Seokjin is cleaning the mess and he shakes his head, “ I’ll tell him that you did a good job and that we forgot to record it,” he throws the food cartons in the trash can. 
“ Yeah but those stupid comments,” you groan loudly. ��� What if I do suck?” You ask yourself, thinking about @hrny4animethighs’ comment. 
“ Impossible. You are a talented voice actress, those comments are just trolls.” Seokjin sits down next to you. 
You face him, smiling at his nice comment. “ Really?” You get fuck by Seokjin once and now your head over heels for him. 
“ Yes.” Seokjin cutely rubs your head. “ But if you need any help, just imagine me fucking you,” he laughs as you groan pushing his hand away. “ You want to know I’m so good at hentai voice acting?” You nod at his question. “ Because I imagine you,” he likes the way your cheeks flush. 
He stares at your lips, “ Are you finally going to kiss me?” He doesn’t answer but kissing you softly something that you didn’t expect after the filthy sex you guys had earlier. His lips feel like soft pillows and you could feel yourself getting lost, your hands finally get to feel what his hair feels like. Soft and silky.
“ Go out with me,” he pulls a centimeter away. His breath hitting your lips.
The Kim Seokjin wants to go out with you? “ It’s only fair because you gave me some pointers,” you shrug. Seokjin chuckles and attacks you with kisses, wondering how he is falling quickly for you.
Do not repost, translate, or alternate my work in any way, onto any platform. I do not take plagiarism lightly.
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shreddedparchment · 4 years
A Wife for Thor Pt.18
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader          Word Count: 6,291
Warnings: angst, pregnancy, broken marriages, depression, abandonment, little bits of fluff, supportive Loki
A/N: After I finished the last chapter, I went right to work on this one because the mood was good and I’ve been wanting to get these chapters out since the very beginning. These are the moments that drive me to write fics. The point of contention when everything gets messy. I hope you enjoy it, thank you so much for your comments and reblogs. Since I posted this one so quickly after the one before I will be replying to the comments on this one instead of the one before. I hope you can forgive me! <3 Thanks for reblogging if you do, it seriously helps SO much. xoxo
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If you were ever in question as to whether you had a fight or flight instinct when faced with stressful situations, you now know that your instinct is to freeze.
You’re immobilized by the terror that’s tearing through you. Nothing feels real at this moment when your whole world has suddenly come crashing down.
Only seconds have passed but you quickly push your meltdown as deep within you as you can.
One hand placed on your belly in an absentminded caress of the baby growing inside, you reach for the door to go in and tell Thor you’re pregnant. It doesn’t matter that Jane is pregnant too.
You’re his wife. This little one inside you is the heir to the New Asgardian throne. And yet, your mind starts to add up the time that Jane might have become pregnant and her baby would come first.
Her child would be heir, not yours. Legitimate or not. These days, that stands for nothing.
So, despite knowing that you’ll have to deal with Jane for the rest of your life as she is the mother of your husband’s first child, it’s really not all that bad.
He loves you.
Thor loves you.
While you process this sudden revelation, the conversation on the other side of the door continues not waiting for you to come to get a grip.
“Are you certain?”
“Do you doubt her?” Thor demands, sounding frustrated and stressed.
“Yes,” Loki says passionately, “I would doubt anyone that I have not seen in several months.
“What reason would she have to lie?” Thor begs, genuinely looking for an excuse that will make this untrue. “She has never wanted the responsibility of the throne. She has always spoken of having children as a distant possibility. Not an assurance. The last thing Jane would want is a baby.”
“When did you even have the opportunity to bed her? Did you secretly make her your mistress?”
“No!” Thor gasps, as if the idea of cheating on you is ridiculous. “No, I-it was the day I went to end things with her when Y/N accepted my proposal.”
“So, you slept with Jane and then came back home and bedded your new fiance on the same day?”
“I’m not proud of that fact,” Thor admits.
“Regardless, even if you did sleep with her, you need to have her examined, Thor. You cannot take her on her word, not with so much on the line.”
“Fine,” Thor agrees, “But I’m certain that she isn’t lying. She’s been tired and sluggish since she arrived, her appetite strange, and this past week she’s been sick at every meeting, unable to hold down any of her lunch.”
A deep sigh from Loki tells you he’s resigned to Thor’s judgement. Jane is pregnant.
“What will you do?” Loki asks.
The quiet tone of their voices more dire than the passionate denial Thor’s voice had been just a moment ago.
You should go in now. You’ll tell him that you don’t care that Jane is pregnant. You’ll support him and assure him that if he wants them to move into the palace or maybe one of the houses on the palace grounds, you won’t mind! In fact, it will be better so that your babies can grow together as true siblings.
“Y/N is not pregnant yet,” Thor says slowly, his voice calculating.
He’s thinking hard.
“What is your point, brother?” Loki demands, sounding defensive.
“If-” Thor breathes in deep, but when he speaks, the words tumble out sure and decided. “If I am to do right by Jane’s and my child, if I am to legitimize my heir, I’ll-”
He hesitates, your heart thrumming so fast and hard that you can hear it’s beat in your ears as your brain throbs.
“I’ll get an annulment. The basis of which will be that Y/N has been unable to provide me with an heir. I’ll get sworn statements from her doctors that our-our bodies are not compatible and since Jane is already pregnant-”
You take a step as if to run but freeze because you know you can’t do this. No. You can’t face this. Not here. Not this close to him and her and all of this stupid royal bullshit that you never asked for but got anyway.
As you fracture from the inside, you paint a calm smile on your face and while you pull it off, you can’t disguise the exhaustion that pokes through. You take several feet back from the door, giving yourself a good length of hallway to walk.
You straighten up, stand as tall as you can, and move towards the parted door, “Thor?”
There’s a rush of movement from inside as you reach the war room and you try to keep your hand from trembling as you reach down and pull the door open.
Inside, Loki stands ramrod straight, hands behind his back and his face carefully devoid of any kind of expression other than his normal neutral.
Thor turns away from his desk, forcing a smile for you until he sees your face and his own falls quickly.
You know he doesn’t think you overheard him because you’d given yourself plenty of distance so that he and Loki could stop talking before you were close enough to hear anything.
But he knows something is wrong and he moves towards you, right hand extended to take hold of your arm.
Trying not to make it obvious, you meander towards one of the tall wooden chairs by the war table and sit down before Thor can touch you.
“What is it, cherub? Are you ill?” Thor wonders, moving towards you.
Feigning interest in the small models of the outposts that the Warriors Three occupy across the planet, you get up and move away from him again as you lean down to look at the one in the United States.
“I’m-to be honest, I am feeling a little under the weather,” you nod, sighing as you give him a quick pained smile.
You clear your throat, hoping that it sounds like you’ve got a tickle.
“I’ll send for the doctor,” Thor moves towards the cord by the door but you stand up straight quickly and shake your head.
“No, Thor, don’t. I think maybe I just need some rest?” you nod, smiling at him again but it still just looks painful. “I came to ask you if it would be okay for me to go stay at my house for a little while? Maybe a week or so? Just so that I can get some proper sleep and-and maybe find out if it’s really me getting sick or I’m just stressed out about this park project?”
“I thought the park was almost done?” Loki checks.
“And it is,” you nod at him. “But we’ve had so much trouble with the import of several of the plants that I’d wanted to have in the wildflower corner of the park and the fountains are still giving us trouble so, I-I just need a few days to get away from it.”
You turn back to Thor who isn’t looking at you anymore but has his hand pressed to his mouth as he loses himself in thought.
As you watch him contemplate and weigh his options, wondering if he should seize this very convenient opportunity you’ve intentionally given him to make up his mind on what to do about Jane and her baby, you very nearly break.
Your lip quivers and in your desire to hide it, you move back towards the door and feign a quick peek out as if looking for someone.
“Thor?” you prod, getting a hold of yourself and turn to fix him with your expectant gaze. “Is that okay? Can I take a few days to just rest up?”
He snaps out of his thoughts and his face softens. You see the Thor who’d just had you perched on his lap, arm around your waist.
“Of course, cherub, if you need some time then you should take it.”
The sadness that fills you is urged on by the knowledge that before Jane’s pregnancy was revealed, Thor would have insisted he come with you.
There is no way that he would have let you go off on your own.
As he moves towards you, this time you make sure not to budge as he places his hands gently on your arms.
He cups the left side of your face, stroking your cheek with his large thumb before he makes to lean in towards you.
Instead of pulling away or making it look too obvious, you press your face in against his chest and he strokes your back as you successfully juke his kiss.
“No, don’t kiss me. I-I threw up and I haven’t brushed my teeth,” you pretend to fuss.
“You know I don’t care, cherub,” Thor nudges you back a little.
“Well, I do.”
You shake your head at him, delving deep into your soul to scrounge up whatever pieces of it you can find and give him a small pout instead.
“Alright,” Thor gives in, but he still leans down and presses his lips to your cheek and then your forehead before you’re pulling away from him to edge towards the door.
“I should go if I want to catch the next flight out,” you tell him.
“Y/N,” he calls and you stop by the door to look back at him, wishing he’d just let you go so that you can fall apart alone and away from all the eyes of the palace.
Thor clenches his hand into a tight fist, gently tapping it against the war table as you wait.
“I love you.”
You blink, give him a quick forced smile, and sigh because despite the heartache you’re drowning in, “I love you too, Thor. So much.”
As you walk away, you know that nothing will ever be the same. In a week’s time, you might not even be Queen anymore. Wouldn’t that be something?
You’re given a bodyguard. Well, more like a friend who can kick serious ass. Hilde was happy to volunteer.
“Something’s up,” she observes as she escorts you into the airport gate.
Normally you’d have set up for a private plane, or Thor would have.
But he has other things on his mind.
“What do you mean?” you ask her, clearing your throat again for the fifth time since you left the palace in order to uphold the pretense of feeling sick.
“Your face is all wrong, you’re not saying something.”
“I have nothing to hide, Hilde. I’m just tired. I feel weak and beaten. I feel like I can’t catch my breath. Like I’ll crack if I’m not careful enough to hold myself together.”
All of this is true. You do feel like you’re about to crumble to pieces. Nothing you just said is a lie. You’re not hiding anything, just waiting. In a week’s time, you’ll know where you stand. And then you can tell Hilde everything.
“How long have you felt this way?” Hilde wonders, real concern painting her tone.
“Not long,” you tell her. “It just started today, actually. About two hours ago?”
“There’s something more,” she refuses to believe that you’re only sick. “It’s like you’re running from something.”
“What would I be running from, Hilde? My luxurious and comfortable life? My loving husband? My sweet and loyal people? My life is perfect. I don’t feel like I’m missing anything.
“I have a family. The only thing I’ve ever wanted. Why would I run from that? Unless of course, I’m being kicked out?”
Hilde fixes you with a look of complete confusion.
As you hand over your ticket to the man at the gate, you force a smile on your friend.
“If I were being kicked out, I’d run before they could get the chance to give me the boot. Then at least it was my choice and not someone forcing me to go away.”
“Why would anyone kick you out? It’s not possible, Your Majesty. You are Queen of New Asgard. Or did you forget?”
“I don’t think it’s possible for me to ever forget my time as Queen. I think I’ll remember it until the day I die.”
Hilde takes your arm, turning you to face her with subtle force, “Oi, what aren’t you telling me?”
You swallow hard, pushing your sorrow down until you can ignore it a little better.
“I’m-I’m not hiding anything, seriously. I’m just tired, Hilde. Being Queen is harder than I ever thought it could be and even though I love being married to Thor, the stresses of doing my job as Queen have reached a point where it’s boiling over.
“I just need a break...from everyone, Hilde. Even you.”
“What did I do?!” she demands, offended.
“Nothing. You’ve been one of the good parts of being Queen, but I just need a little break from Asgard as a whole. I spent my entire childhood and teenage years alone with no one to rely on me but me.
“I just need to be alone for a bit. One week. That’s all I want. So...I know that Thor won’t be happy about it but now that you’ve seen me onto the plane-”
“I am not leaving you alone,” Hilde frowns, almost angry at you for even asking.
“David is meeting me when the plane lands and then driving me home himself. I’ll be fine being alone for just the flight,” it’s a plea as much as it is a reassurance. “Please, Hilde. Please? Please?”
The higher your pitch gets, the more she breaks, turning sympathetic.
“Please, Hilde? Please?”
She growls and rolls her eyes, holding out your carryon bag--a large brown duffel bag stuffed with clothes--so that you can take it.
“Thor is going to be pissed at me,” she grumbles. “And it’s all your fault.”
You take your bag, hang it on your shoulder, and quickly pull her in to kiss her cheek.
“Thank you, Hilde. I’ll text you as soon as I land. I promise.”
“You’d better, or I’ll come find you and stick at your side like paste.”
A stewardess comes out to peek down at you and you hurry off before Hilde can change her mind.
In no time at all, you’re in your seat, the plane up and the air, and New Asgard--Thor and his annulment of your marriage--is fading fast behind you.
When you land, no one is there to meet you.
A necessary lie. You'll have to call David in the morning and let him know what's happening. He's your lawyer and if Thor goes through with his plan, you'll need to be legally ready.
You're hit with a stab of hurt that your previously loving marriage has taken such a shift.
Still, you feel bad for lying to Hilde, but when you’d said you needed your alone time, you’d meant it.
You rent a car with your own money, ignoring the shiny black credit card that Thor had given you during your honeymoon shopping trip. The last thing you need is them tracing your movements when you just want to be left alone.
The drive home is lengthy but the peace it brings you is welcome.
Four hours of no one but yourself, the music on your radio, and endless grassy hills and small town charms streaking past your windows like long lost friends.
After an hour of driving you stop at a roadside diner. You buy a bag full of fries, smear them in lines of ketchup, grab a lemonade to go, and text Hilde that you’re with David and on your way home.
After another hour, you stop again. This time at a decently sized convenience store, newly built. It's a truck stop really and you take the chance to use the bathroom then loiter by your car as you tap the screen of your phone with your thumb, waking it up over and over again. Unable to make up your mind.
Your wallpaper taunts you. A picture of you sitting between Thor’s legs on your massive bed, his arms wrapped around you as your left hand is placed to his cheek as he kisses yours, your other arm extended as you take the picture.
It’s difficult to find the courage to unlock your phone, scroll through your contacts, and press the little phone to dial Thor.
He doesn’t pick up right away.
Sadly your marriage already feels like a past life. It feels dead. Like a good dream you’ve woken up from and you just know if you try and go back to sleep to keep it going, it’ll only turn into a nightmare.
The phone rings and rings. It goes to voicemail.
It hurts. So much more than you expected it to hurt and your tears overflow leaving salty trails along your cheeks as you hiccup and try not to sob out loud.
You lean and cry against your car for the longest two minutes of your life before your phone is ringing and vibrating in your hand.
It’s Thor, and for a second, you consider not answering. You consider disappearing. Just fading into the wilderness. Abandoning your car right here. Never making it to your little house. It's so tempting in the moment to give up your throne, which will soon be taken away from you, and start your life again.
How long would they look for you? Would they eventually assume you're dead?
Still, you know that Dr. Wilson and Dr. Alric would spill the beans and if Thor knew...
You press your free hand to your stomach and know that you can’t just vanish. This life will follow you wherever you go and as painful as it is, you’re not sorry for the baby you’ve made.
You swallow your sobbing and with all of the other things you’re not allowed to feel right now or you’ll give yourself away, bury it deep down inside.
Gliding your finger across the screen, you answer the phone and press it to your ear.
“My love,” Thor gasps, sounding stressed or tired? Labored breathing.
Your mind goes to dark places and you chase away the nasty images your mind thinks up before you can let them hurt you more.
How can he still call me that?!
“I’m sorry I didn’t answer. Forgive me. I'd left my phone on my desk and I had my hands full of books.”
Your mouth won’t open. It won’t speak.
You realize all of a sudden that you don’t want to talk to Thor. You’re so angry at him. You’re hurt and betrayed and everything he’s ever told you is a lie.
“Y/N?” he sounds so confused.
“I’m here,” you manage.
“How are you feeling, cherub?”
Stop calling me that!
“I’m not great,” you sigh, sagging against the car. “I just wanted to call you to tell you that I’m with David and we’re on our way to my house. We stopped at the store to go to the bathroom, so I thought I’d call you.”
“Wait, David? Why is David with you? Where is Brunnhilde?” Thor asks, his heavy breathing still loud.
“I asked her to stay behind,” you explain. “Look, Thor I don’t really feel well enough for talking. I just didn’t want you to worry. I promised I’d call.”
“Why would she let you go alone?” Thor demands, shouting into whatever room he’s in. “Loki! Where is Brunnhilde? Get her up here!”
“I have to go, Thor. David’s waiting. I’ll call you later, okay?”
“Wait. Don’t hang up yet, cherub. Do you have a doctor to see you close to home?” Thor frets, and you can’t stand it.
“I’m coming, David!” you pretend to call, the convenience store clerk currently throwing the trash looks at you then turns his head back and forth as if searching for who you might be talking to. “Bye, Thor.”
“No, wait, love. Don’t hang-”
His voice is cut off and yet his deep tone still rings in your ears as if he were standing right beside you.
Your heart cries out for him. You wish he was there with you but then your brain reminds you that your time with Thor is already over.
The clerk is still looking at you and you give him a quick shake of your head.
“Sorry,” you start. “Bad breakup.”
He nods sympathetically as you get back in your care then gives you a wave as you drive off, setting back off into the night.
You’re not driving twenty minutes before your phone dings. A text.
Then again. And again. And again. Too many texts come through and you can’t stand it.
You reach over and completely shut it off.
It’s midnight when you finally get up from bed.
There’s no escaping Thor even here in your own home. Your honeymoon memories are everywhere here.
The bed. The shower. The closet--Thor was eager one morning. The kitchen. The backyard. Every room has a memory. Not all of them sex, but all of them just as poignant and meaningful.
Or so you’d thought.
You wander down the hall to your kitchen, flipping the switch as you enter and make a beeline for the vintage fridge.
“Shit-” you sigh, not even opening it as you remember that there will be no food until you go shopping for some.
You take a peek, just to confirm, and all that's inside is a half empty jar of pickles on the door.
Irritated, you move towards the pantry and grab the first box of cereal you see, pop it open and plunge your hand inside.
You scoop a bit into your mouth but just as you begin to crunch, your mouth falters at the sight of Loki sitting on one of your island stools where he clearly wasn't before, a gentle smile to compliment the knowing sharpness in his eyes.
“You heard us, didn’t you?”
You try not to react to his question, because it’s not a question. Just confirmation of what he clearly already guessed.
“You’re not really here, are you?” You finish chewing, taking more cereal into your mouth after you swallow.
You’re starving. You should have bought some burgers at that diner to reheat and eat tonight and tomorrow.
“No,” Loki confirms. “I'm...checking in. Thor doesn’t know. He’s pretty oblivious, actually. Other things on his mind.”
“Like pregnant ex-girlfriends whose baby will have a stronger claim over the Asgardian throne than mine?”
There’s a bitterness in your voice but you don’t feel sorry for it. You’re not going to hide how hurt you are.
Loki’s face finally breaks as he realizes what you mean. He gives you a small startled blink before he’s got control of his expression again.
“Don’t tell him, Loki.”
“He deserves to know.”
“Does he?” you demand, voice rising in your anger. “And I don’t deserve to know about Jane being pregnant?”
“He would have told you,” Loki assures you.
“When?” You demand, eyes stinging. “When he needed my signature on the annulment papers?”
“He’s not decided on anything yet.”
“Oh, my god! As if that even fucking matters!” you get up, throwing the box of cereal into the garbage.
They’re stale.
“The point is he thinks it’s a good idea. I married him. I thought he welcomed me into his family. I thought I belonged with him, and you and Hilde and Heimdall, but I’m just some fucking guest after all, aren’t I?”
“You’re overreacting,” Loki chastises you.
You pick up a nearby mug and chuck it at him. It goes through him and breaks against the wall behind him.
“Don’t tell me that I’m overreacting when my husband is thinking about legally erasing all traces of our marriage!
"I trusted him," you reach up and jab at your own chest somewhat painfully.
"I thought what we had was worth keeping and protecting. I was already making plans to move Jane and her baby into the palace so that our kids could grow up together, as a family but he doesn’t want that.
“He doesn’t want me in his life if he’s already got another heir lined up so why should I tell him? If he doesn’t want me without this baby then he has no right wanting me with it!”
Loki lets you shout, he lets you break down. He doesn’t judge you for it either, but he reads into it. Too much, and you hate him for it.
You don't want to be reasonable. This doesn't feel like the time for reason. You're shattered.
“He loves you, Y/N. His choice is made-”
“For the child, yes. I get that. That doesn’t make it hurt any less. And maybe I shouldn’t be angry for him doing right by his baby when I’m carrying one of my own, but I am angry. It hurts to know that in moments he was able to make the choice to end our marriage.
“He’s my husband and I am his wife. Does that seriously mean nothing?”
Loki shakes his head, “I’ve already told you that he hasn’t decided anything, yet.”
“You don’t get it, and I don’t know that you can understand what even considering the option of annulment means for us as a couple.”
Loki sighs, “I want you to listen to me very clearly, Y/N. I say this with as much love as a brother can feel for his sister. You need to understand and you need to accept that you and Thor are not a normal couple. Thor is, first and foremost, a king.
“He is beholden to his people and he needs to ensure our position on this planet because we don’t have a home anymore. We are refugees and this is our home now. It is Thor’s job to protect that on behalf of all of us by any means necessary. Choices like these are the reason that my brother resisted the throne for so long.
“As a King, all of the love in the world cannot keep him from making the choices that will benefit our people, even if the choice should hurt him in the process.”
You’re shaking with tears as Loki speaks, shaking your head as you press your hand against your tummy. Your thoughts are full of the baby growing within you and the helpless feeling that presses down on you.
“That’s why this baby changes things, Y/N. You must tell him that you’re pregnant if you are going to keep him for yourself. If you want your marriage to survive this, you can’t keep this from him.”
Shaking your head, you turn away from him to fill a small glass with water and take a small drink.
Yes, you need to tell Thor that you’re pregnant. As wounded as your pride is, you can’t keep him in the dark forever.
“My Queen?” Loki urges you, calling you by your title probably to remind you that like Thor, you have obligations even if you don’t like or want them.
“Fine,” you sigh. “I’ll tell him, but not yet. Just give me this week, Loki. Please.”
When you turn to look at him again, he’s softer with his gaze.
“You’re going to let him suffer for his idea of the annulment,” he guesses.
“No,” you shake your head. “This isn’t for Thor. This is for me. Just because I understand the reason he thought of an annulment doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt anymore.
“If I saw him right now, I couldn’t even talk to him, Loki. He might have betrayed me for good reasons, but he’s still betrayed me. He still accepted, even for a few moments, that giving me up was the best thing he could do.
“And maybe it’s because he’s the-the first person that I’ve ever loved, and maybe I’m still looking at our very arranged marriage with some girl’s view of romance but I can’t separate his duty from my hurt and I-I don’t know that I can ever forgive him.”
"I suppose that's fair," Loki sighs. “I won’t say anything, I promise. But I’m going to make sure that he’s here on Friday. From there, it’s your duty as mother to a future prince or princess of Asgard to tell Thor about your pregnancy.”
You move to sit next to him, giving the bits and pieces of the mug you’d thrown at him a look as you settle.
“I’m sorry I threw a cup at your head.".
Loki smirks, “Would you believe me when I tell you that it’s happened before?”
You almost smile, “Yes. I believe it.”
Loki chuckles but you can't return the sentiment. For you, the world is still ending.
“Can you do me a favor, sister?” Loki asks, his term of endearment warms you a little.
Even if Thor found it easily to cast you off, you’re happy that Loki sees you so permanently a part of his family.
“Something tells me I’m not going to be happy about it, but sure.”
“Turn on your phone,” he glances at the phone sitting at the center of the island only inches away from you where you’d left it to avoid temptation. “Thor won’t shut up about how you’re not replying. If you really want to cherish some time alone, it would be better if you answered him. If he’s worried, he can get here within the hour. I don't suppose you want that."
"No," you shudder..
"Oh, and make sure you use your black card. He’ll be checking to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself.”
You roll your eyes, the rift between you and Thor already so big you can’t see a way to fix it.
“This contradiction of Thor loving me so much he’s worried to death and his ability to decide on annulling our marriage is hard to swallow. What’s he going to do when we’re not married anymore and I’m living here and he’s married to Jane?”
“That will never happen, Y/N seeing as you’re going to tell him that you’re pregnant and he won’t go through with an annulment.” Loki insists.
“What if he does?” you wonder. “Jane’s baby was conceived first. They’ll be heir to the throne. Not mine. What if Thor decides that an annulment is still the best course of action?”
“Then I think I’ll have to reconsider my pledge to serve him as my King. But he won’t go through with it, I promise you. Trust me. I know him. Thor is too soft hearted to hurt you like that.”
“He already hurt me, Loki. It’s just the finality of a follow through that I’m waiting for.”
“You’re so eager to be abandoned,” Loki observes, frustrated with you.
“It just feels like I already have been. I’m sorry if that bothers you, but I can’t help how I feel. Haven’t you ever thought you belonged somewhere only to find out that you’re not as accepted as you thought?”
Loki thinks for a moment, his silence heavy with memory, “I have.”
“And how long did it take you to get over it?”
Loki grins, meeting your eyes with a bit of resignation.
“A long time,” he admits.
“And mine just happened today. You expect me to be over it already? Get bent, Loki.”
Loki chuckles.
“You have a point. I’m sorry, I’ve been looking at this through the lens of being my brother’s advisor. I’ll try and do better.”
His promise is genuine and it makes you feel better that you have at least one person on your side.
“Thank you, Loki,” you sigh. “I know this isn’t an easy spot for you to be in, between me and Thor. I appreciate you coming to check on me.”
“It’s my pleasure. Thor might not have noticed the way you refused to touch him when you left today but I was instantly sure that you’d heard everything. Does it bother you that he slept with her and you on the same day?”
“Not as much as I thought it would,” you admit. “Even without him explicitly saying it, I knew that he’d been with her. I knew that it was likely that he’d slept with her. They were in love. Maybe him more than her, but they didn’t break up because they wanted to. They broke up because he needed to get married and Jane wasn’t ready to do that.
“If Thor had made more of an attempt to delay our wedding, maybe Jane would have come to him sooner with her news and Thor and I would never have gotten married. I wouldn’t be pregnant, and this would all be much less messy.”
“I’m glad he didn’t wait. I’d rather have you as a sister than Jane. She’s nice but you’re much better suited to be Queen.”
“Until my King pisses me off and I run off for a week,” you tease.
“This is an exceptional situation,” Loki nods. “I don’t think if anyone else were in your shoes, they would be any less hurt than you by the news of Jane’s baby. If she is pregnant.”
You look at him, interest piqued.
“You said something like that before, that Jane should get tested to make sure she’s pregnant. What makes you think she might not be?”
“Nothing in particular. She might be. I just really don’t want her to be. I like you for Thor, Y/N. As far as I’m concerned, you’re Asgardian now.”
“I wish Thor thought like you do.”
“He does think it, Y/N. He’s just thrown off balance right now. Give him a little time and tell him about your child. His child, and it will clear up his mind. His judgement is compromised by the fact that he has an heir from the woman he once loved and the woman he now loves has had no luck in conceiving one. Or so he thinks.”
“I already told you that I’ll tell him, Loki. I just want some time.” you sigh.
“I know. We’re talking in circles. I’ll go, let you get some rest.”
You turn to watch him, slowly he begins to dissolve into slow moving golden swirls mixed with a tinge of green.
“Oh, and check your fridge again. I’ve left you a present.”
Just as quickly as he’d shown up, he’s gone.
With a heavy heart you remember the favor he asked of you and turn on your phone.
Twenty texts chime in and you quickly scroll through them.
They’re all from Thor, save for two from Hilde.
Hilde: Thanks. Be careful.
Hilde: Snitch!
All of Thor’s are variations of the same message.
Thor: Please reply, cherub.
Thor: Are you asleep?
Thor: I’m sorry if I’m waking you up.
Thor: Are you home yet?
Thor: Are you safe?
It isn’t until the last few messages that his frenzy of worry seems to change. More resigned to your lack of response. Probably believing that you are actually asleep.
Thor: I miss you already, cherub. I can’t tell you how strange it is to lay in our bed without you.
Thor: I don’t think there’s been a night since we married aside from my visit to the outposts that I have not had your perfect body pressed to mine.
Thor: My heart aches without you.
Thor: My body craves in your absence.
Thor: My soul is empty. You are my very essence now, my sweet cherub.
Thor: I hope you’re not very ill. I could not stand to lose you.
You sob, reading his texts through paints a drastic contrast between his deep voice crying for annulment and the loving, doting, sweet husband who sent you these messages.
His text voice is also so different from the way he talks. You can hear the way he might have talked to you if he hadn’t spent so much time with the Avengers and other humans here on Earth. Jane probably heard him speak like this out loud when they first met.
She’d been his first contact with this planet.
Wiping at your tears, you clutch the phone to your chest for a moment before focusing your blurry eyes on the screen again to keep reading.
Thor: I’ve never known how essential you are to my life until this moment. I need you at my side. I am most certain of it now.
Thor: I would give my life for you. I will keep you close from now on. I don’t know if I can last a week without you, my love. Don’t hate me if I come to you tomorrow.
Thor: Loki has just told me that he’s come to see that you’ve settled into your home safely. I really need him to teach me that trick. He says you need rest and that you already have a doctor coming by in the morning.
Thor: Please tell me what they say once they’ve seen you.
Thor: Loki keeps yelling at me to let you sleep.
Thor: Goodnight, cherub. I love you. More than my life.
Thor: Please text me in the morning.
Thor: It’s Loki. I’ve taken his phone. I’ll make sure he leaves you alone for the full week. Thank you for turning your phone on.
Y/N: I’m fine, Thor. Just very tired.
And because it’s true and if you don’t say it, he’ll get suspicious:
Y/N: I love you, too.
You sniffle and lock your phone.
“Jerk,” you grieve, and move to the fridge.
Opening it again, you’re surprised to find it fully stocked this time with all of your favorite foods and treats.
Loki is seriously the best brother-in-law in the universe.
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laurie-stark · 4 years
Unwanted-Peter Parker
Summary: Y/n Stark gets more than she bargains for when she joins her Pops, Captian America, for the civil war of the century.
Pairings: Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!Reader, Steve Rogers x Daughter!Reader, Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Warnings: swearing, fighting
A/N: Just so you don't get too confused, Y/n is Tony Stark's biological child, however, she was raised by the Avengers and refers to Natasha and Steve as Mama and Pops. Also I wrote this a year ago LOL. Enjoy x
Part Two
New York, 2016
This was bad. Very, very bad. I had seen the secretary come in the compound over the screen of the security monitors. He marched into my home, unannounced and unwelcome, holding himself with purpose. I followed him over the screens, tracking his movements. I watched as he was led through the building, up the elevator and into...the conference room? Oh this was bad. Very, very bad.
I raced as fast as I could. By the time I got the to conference room, the whole group was already sitting in front of the secretary. I saw Wanda first. Her back was to me, but I could see her rigid frame and I knew something was happening. My  father saw me approaching through the glass walls. He shot me a look that said "Don't do it. Don't come in here." I didn't obey.
The secretary stopped speaking abruptly when I walked through the doors. He gave me a quizzical look, did a once over and immediately looked at my father. Surely I don't look that much like Tony.
"Sorry I'm late, no one informed me about this team meeting," I gasped, short of breath from all the running. Of course, this was pushing it. As much as I wanted to be a part of the group, fighting was not my style, so I often got left out of important Avengers activities. I got to live with them, but that was it. Tony rose from his seat. He mumbled an apology to the secretary and gently ushered I out of the room. I would have fought back, but seeing the look on my father's face was enough to shut me up. And I never shut up. The secretary resumed his story. Something about golf and a heart attack.
My dad turned to face me. "Look kid, I get that you want to know what's going on, and you will, but today isn't the day."
"Okay," I said. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be, it's okay to be curious," he replied, walking back into the meeting. "Stay upstairs, okay hun?" I nodded and started the trek back up to my room. I shut the door and flopped onto my bed. Out of my long list of pet peeves, this was number one. Sure, I didn't want to fight, but come on family, I should at least get to be in on what's going on! Maybe I could help. I have powers for God sake. I am more than capable of helping the Avengers. But they always saw me as the little girl who needs protection.
"April, pull up security footage of the conference room please," I asked. April, the AI I built, that was modeled after Friday, projected the video surveillance from the ceiling. "Volume up." The group was in the same position as from when I left. The secretary was passing around the room. There was a thick white book being passed around the table.
"The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place," Steve said quietly. "I feel we've done that."
The secretary looked down at him. "Tell me Cap, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now?" What? You were so confused. Why did the secretary care where my uncles were? No one answered the secretary's question, so he kept talking. I racked your brain to find the answers on my own. "...this is the middle ground." The secretary pointed at the book, now lying untouched on the table.
"And if we come to a decision you don't like?" Natasha asked.
"The you retire," the secretary responded. With that, he left the room and I scurried back downstairs.
Everyone was in the living room. I sat in the stairwell, again being uninvited to this group discussion. I listened to them fight. I figured out what was going on. The United Nations were being ungrateful little bitches and hated that they didn't have control over my family. So they gave an ultimatum: give in or give up. From the sounds of it, Uncle Rhodes, Vision and two of my four parents were in agreement with the accords. Steve and Sam were against it. Wanda hadn't said a word. Tension was growing high, I could feel it. I heard my father conclude that he won and a thud of the accords being tossed on the coffee table. Someone got up and left. Before I had the chance to act, the door to the stairwell was torn open. Steve pushed through and nearly stepped on me.
"Eavesdropping?" He smiled.
"You kicked me out, what else am I supposed to do?" I retorted. I noticed the tears welling in Steve's eyes. "Pops, what's wrong?"
Steve's glance fluttered to the ground. "Peggy. She, um..." was all he said. All he had to say. I  was smart enough to read between the lines. I stepped forward and hugged Steve. He smiled, grateful that he had me. I knew how much Peggy meant to him. When I was little, he'd always tell me the story about how they met, how they never got that dance. And every time I would make him dance with me. He even took me to visit her once. I was ten and it was Christmas time. Steve told me that he wanted his favorite girl to meet his favorite niece. Now that was all but a memory. I held him tight before telling him to go. It was okay, I could handle the others. He left without a second glance.
Within days the team was scattered. Steve and Sam had gone to Peggy's funeral. Natasha was off to the signing of the Accords in Vienna. And then all hell broke loose when the bombs went off at the signing ceremony. As always, I  were left home. I had no idea what was going on. At first this break in the team was about the Accords, but somehow Steve's old pal Bucky got involved. I didn't know what to think. The next thing I knew, everyone left for Berlin to rescue Steve and Sam from jail, leaving myself, Wanda and Vision at home.
When night fell, I was in my room, sulking as one would say. I was spending my evening flipping through Tumblr. There was a new superhero everyone was talking about. He called himself Spider-Man. New York based, focused on small neighborhood crimes. By YouTube footage alone, it was obvious he was a rookie. Soon enough, though, I accidentally conducted a full fledged search on this guy. He seemed shady. Sure, he's helping old ladies cross the street and all, but he just has a vibe. I couldn't put my finger on it. April broke me out of my research when she told me that there was a security breach in the compound. I pulled up the security camera footage and saw Clint Barton in my living room with Wanda levitating a knife at his nose.
I rushed downstairs. When I got to the living room Vision was holding Clint by the neck. I watched in silence as Wanda used her powers on Vision. She made it look easy. Slowly, Vision sunk to his knees. Wanda pushed further and the floor gave way. Vision was pushed through all seventy-four thousand levels of the compound. Wanda and Clint were about to turn to run out when you revealed yourself.
"Now was that really necessary?" I smirked. "We just had the floors waxed."
"Y/n," Clint warned.
"I'm not sitting on my ass," I said. Clint smirked and nodded. He knew he couldn't stop me anyways.
One car ride, plane flight and van trip later, I was in Germany. As it turns out, Steve wanted Clint and Wanda on his side, along with some ant dude named Scott. Scott was cool. Him and I sat together on the plane ride and watched Die Hard. He was asleep in the van when we pulled over in the airport parking lot. Clint told me to stay in the van. For once, I listened. I heard voices belonging to Steve and Sam. Clint slid open the van doors abruptly, shaking Scott awake. I chuckled to myself as he fangirled over my Pops. A voice over the intercom said something in a language I didn't know. A voice I didn't recognize said that the airport was being evacuated.
"Stark." Sam muttered.
Scott looked puzzled. Clearly he hadn't been filled in either. "Stark?" he asked.
I step out of the van. "Yes?" Steve and Sam look at me with wide eyes. Clint gave Steve a sheepish shrug. Behind their little blue car stood Bucky Barnes. I knew who he was. I learned about him in school. I knew he was some evil super soldier that attacked Natasha and Steve. He looked scary. He looked exactly like the type of guy to hurt my Mama and Pops. I held his glance until Steve spoke up.
"Y/n, what are you doing here?" Steve whisper-shouted. His voice always got quiet when he 'yelled' at me.
"I hitchhiked." I replied, knowing that at this point Steve didn't have the time to argue with me. He shook his head in defeat and took a deep breath.
"Suit up."
The airport was huge. Our group got suited up and started for the runway. I didn't know how Steve knew where to find my dad, but I followed him anyways. Before I could get any closer, Bucky held me back.
"It's, uh, not gonna be safe. You should stay here and keep low," he said. I frowned. I did not come all this way to not fight. But even still, I nodded. Bucky scared me. He and Sam took off in another direction to find the getaway jet. I laughed. This whole thing was ridiculous. My attention turned to the sound of my father and Rhodey flying down from the sky.
"Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in," Tony started. "That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?"
"You're after the wrong guy," Steve replied nonchalantly.
"Your judgement is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday-"
"And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find 'em first Tony. I can't."
"Steve," Natasha approached him slowly. "You know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?"
I took this as my cue. "No, but I will," I said, emerging from my hiding spot. I looked at the faces of your family. My gaze fell on Tony and my smile dropped. He looked angry.
"You brought my daughter into this?" Tony yelled, turning to Steve.
"Technically, I brought myself," I said. "You really think you were gonna leave me out of all the fun?"
Tony pinched his brow. "Y/n, this is serious."
"No it's not," I objected. "No, this got personal the second you thought you were gonna loose Pops to Bucky." No one moved after I said that.
"Alright, I've run out of patience," my father finally spoke. He cupped his hands around his mouth. "Underoos!"
Before I had a chance to process, a red and black blur whipped past my head. It landed on top of a nearby van. It was Spider-Man. As in the Spider-Man. He had taken Cap's shield from him. I said nothing. My father could have recruited me, but instead he chose this little neighborhood nobody. That hurt a little. The Spider-thing and my father bantered for a minute. So he's never even been in a real fight before, I thought.
"You've been busy," Steve smirked.
Tony turned back to Steve. "And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint and Y/n, rescuing Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep-" he paused, sighing. "I'm trying to keep to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."
"You did that when you signed." Steve kept his cool. My father did not.
"Alright, we're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us, now, because it's us! Or squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction of being polite. Come on."
Everyone stood still, waiting. Steve put his web-cuffed hands in the air. Clint shot them free from a mile away. I saw Scott -or a tiny version of him. Spider-Man noticed too, right before Scott grew and kicked him in the face. My dad flew off to retrieve Wanda and Rhodey was ready to take on Cap.
"Hey Mr. Stark, what should I do?" Spider-Man asked. He sounded young.
"What we discussed, keep your distance, web 'em up!" My father barked, as he flew towards Clint and Wanda.
"Okay, copy that," Spider-Man replied. He shot a web at me first. It caught my arm and I got whipped to the ground. I glared at him.
"Really?" I hissed.
"Just following Mr. Stark's orders," He said before swinging off after Bucky. I was left on the ground once everyone dispersed. I tried pulling my hand out of the sticky material that was shot at me, but it was stronger than glue. I was forced to watch the action unfold and wait until Natasha ran past me.
"Mama, a little help here?" I called out to her.
She stopped for a second. "Sorry honey, I really don't want you getting hurt." She ran off and I groaned. No one ever wants me to get hurt. I suppose I should be grateful, but in a moment like this, gratitude is hard to find. I started toying with the web. I wondered if I could break down the molecules. Surely there had to be some sort of H2O compound in it somewhere.
My power surged through me, the current flowing to the hand webbed to the ground. I managed to manipulate the water out, just as I predicted I would. The substance melted off my hands. Gross, I thought. I wiped the remaining web on my pants and got up. The water from the webbing fell to the ground with a splash.
I stood up and examined my surroundings. Natasha was on the ground fighting Scott, who shrunk down and flipped her over her own head. The Black Panther was on the other side of the roof, battling Steve. I didn't move. As much as I wanted to be included, I couldn't bring myself to fight. Not now at least.
The two teams assembled, divided by a line on the pavement. How cinematic. I was on Cap's side. I never meant to fight against my father. If anything, I thought it was funny. I looked out at the team in front of me. They were all lined up, Rhodey, the cat, Tony, Nat, the Spider-brat. Vision hovered above them. A bead of sweat trickled down the back of my neck. I were scared. I wasn't made to fight.
"What do we do Cap?" Sam asked.
"We fight." Steve moved first. We followed in suit. My dad's team mimicked my team's actions and walked closer. We  broke into a jog and then a full out run. This was really about to happen. I hoped that my family would go easy on me. I knew what I was doing. I reassured myself of that. I have done a bunch of training, especially with Wanda. I could move the freaking elements with my mind and manipulate gravity! As if the Spider-Man could beat that. I am Y/n fricking Stark. I can do this.
I put a smile on your face, contrasting everyone else's bitter looks. "I call the spider!" I yelled, just as everyone began the battle. Spider-Man heard me and slowed down just a bit. I cocked an eyebrow. He resumed his pace and ran straight for me. I ran headfirst towards him. He threw out his arm to web me, but I was faster. With a swish of my hands, I changed his gravitational pull and made his feet flip out from under him. He landed on his back with a hard thud. As gently as I could, I morphed the pavement under him to trap his hands. "Careful there, Spider-boy. Don't wanna get stepped on." I walked away. I made it about ten steps before I heard the sound of concrete cracking. I turned around and saw that Spider-Man was breaking free of his restraints. I was shocked. He has super strength. Great. I should have moved out of his way because the second he got one hand free, I was webbed against a truck.
"For the record," he said, getting up in my face. "It's Spider-Man." He swung off into the airport through a glass window. I watched the glass rained onto the ground. Taking a deep breath, I quickly removed myself from the webs. I needed a plan. A strategy. I thought about at the opposing team. Everyone was scattered around the airport. I thought about who would be easiest to fight. But then I realized, the strategy wasn't about how they'd fight, but who. There was no way in hell that my parents or Uncle Rhodey would even think about fighting me. The Black Panther didn't know me, so he was a threat. The worst Vision could do was pick me up and fly away, so he was in thr safe zone. That left the spider. I smiled to myself. Rematch time.
By the time I found Spider-Man, he had already webbed Sam and Bucky to the floor. He was perched on top of a light post, saying something about impressing my father. Sam's mini falcon whizzed past me and grabbed Spider-Man by the web. He got pulled out a window, banging his side into the pane on the way out. I ran over to Sam and Bucky. Quickly, I destroyed the webbing and helped them up. They both gave me a quick "Thanks kid," before running back out. I followed them, staying loose on their trail.
Once I got outside my eyes scanned the area for the Spider. I saw Wanda piling cars on my father and Natasha fighting Clint. Then I spotted him, fighting Cap. He was underneath a jet bridge . Cap threw his shield at the support beams and the whole thing fell on top of Spider-Man. He caught it of course, but Cap ran away. I formed my plan.
"Hey!" I called out. I walked around the collapsing jet bridge. I stood in front of the struggling boy. Or man, I didn't know. "Remember me?"
"Heh, how could I forget such a pretty face," he grunted, starting to fold under the weight of the jet bridge. "You wanna give me a hand?" I glared at his face comment, but lifted the jet bridge anyway. He ran out and I let it fall. Both of us stopped for a minute, gasping for breath beside the rubble. He was close enough to hit. So I did. Without warning I threw a punch of air at him. It hit him right in the chest and he got blown back into the side of a van. "What the hell man?" He got up and shot a web at me. I dodged and threw another gust of wind. It shot him out of the air. He webbed at a pole and swung past my face. I redirected his gravitational pull, but not before he got a kick to my face. We both got thrown in different directions. I landed hard on the ground, pain shooting up my spine. I got up first, now angry. Forgetting about my powers, I lunged at him and threw a punch. I missed and he shot webs at my feet, holding me down. Immediately, I dissolved them and Spider-Man's eyes widened. Well, his mask's eye holes did anyway.
"How did you do that?" He yelled. "What kind of witchcraft-"
"Its not witchcraft," I spat. "It's called manipulation of the elements, look it up. I figured there had to be some water compound in this and I was right. All I had to do was remove it."
"That's so cool! And how did you do the foot thing earlier? Was that just the wind you do or do you have telekinesis too? Are you like the Scarlet Witch?" He rambled on. I took this to my advantage and caught him off guard. I used the van he'd hit earlier to become his gravitational pull and yanked. He went slamming into it and groaned. When he tried to get back up, I was already five steps ahead of him. Morphing the earth metals in the van, I contorted it into a shell that crushed Spider-Man until he was covered and stuck.
I heard Scott say that he was gonna tear himself in half over the earpiece. I got distracted from holding Spider-Man down and turned to see a giant Scott. Spider-Man broke free. He tore the shell off himself and threw it at me. I was wacked across the side and fell the the ground again.
"Holy shit!" he says, looking at Scott. His back was to me and I gave him one last wind push. He fell on his face and I laughed. "Oh come on, don't you have some dolls to play with or something?" I just scoffed and walked past him, stepping past his hand that was on the ground. He let out a yelp and you kept walking. Dolls, I thought. I'm thirteen I don't play with dolls. I watched as the rest of the battle went down. I wasn't quite sure what to do. I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
Natasha was standing just behind me. "Come with me." We started jogging off. It was natural for me to listen to her. I realized about five seconds in that technically she was my enemy right about now, but I shrugged it off. I ran through the fight, past the big Scott and towards a warehouse. I could see the outline of a jet get bigger as I approached it. Natasha stopped behind the entrance. She was waiting.
"So what do we do?" I asked.
"We wait to fight," She replied, not taking her eyes off the horizon. I came to realize this probably means I would be fighting her. Maybe she wanted to use me as a hostage or something. No, that's silly. Right?
Steve and Bucky got closer to the building I was in. They nearly made it until Vision laser beamed the shit out of a nearby communications tower. Wanda caught it before it fell, giving the two men time to race towards the jet. I stepped out to help Wanda. The both of us were able to hold the rubble long enough for Steve and Bucky to get through. I panted, proud of myself for getting this far.
A searing pain sliced through my brain. Both myself and Wanda fell to the ground, screaming. I could barely look up to see that Rhodey was sending some sort of wave through the air. The tower fell and Natasha was quick to haul me out of the way before I got crushed. I might be better than Spider-Man, but I definitely don't have his super strength.
Steve and Bucky still managed to get through the falling paces of metal and concrete. Natasha left my side and marched swiftly towards the two men. I couldn't hear them, but I could sense the tension from a mile away. Natasha lifted her arm, taser aimed and ready. Steve held his shield up in defense as Natasha shoots....the Black Panther? I guess she's on our side now? The jet started to take off and you watch an Natasha continues to battle the Panther. I fell to my side, wiped out.
My father flew into the warehouse just as the jet leaves. You thought maybe he was going to fight Natasha for betraying him. I was wrong. He was coming for me. He landed beside me and dropped to his knees. His helmet closed and I could see the worry plastered on his cut up face. He knelt beside me and gently held me up.
"Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded, not really able to make words. He looked over at Natasha, who was looking at us. She had an apologetic look, but I know she doesn't regret letting Cap go. My father let me go and charged off after the jet plane. I lied down, enjoying the feeling of cold concrete against your skin. I closed my eyes.
I paced around the living room, driving Nat crazy. I knew that the second my father got home I would be in deep shit. So when Friday alerted me that Tony was home my heart rate went up 29373%. The battle, this fight, it ended worse then I could have imagined. Natasha told me that my father could have died. Rhodey was paralyzed from the waist down. I had no idea if I'd ever see my Pops again. This was bad. Very, very bad.
I slowly walked down the main hall towards the front doors. I was scared. My hands and the back of my neck were sweating. I knew exactly what was coming. Every time I had asked my dad if I could be an honorary Avenger, I got the same lecture. That it was too dangerous, I didn't have the proper training and it's too much for his little girl to handle. Even when I asked to just be a part of the business side of the team, Tony laughed and said no. I've broken a lot of my father's rules, but this was the line. And I had gone so far over.
As I approached the front door, I could hear my father speaking. I heard another voice too. My heart dropped. It was Spider-Man. Why was Spider-Man here? I ducked behind a wall and listened in to the conversation.
"...outstanding job kid. Your fighting technique was on par. And, listen, I know we're not allowed to have kids on this team, but if we need you again, we'll call." I heard my father say.
"Thanks Mr. Stark. This was so cool," Spider-Man replied. I wondered if he had his suit on or not. I wanted to know who this guy was. I revealed myself from behind the wall. The two looked at me. I looked at my father first and fought the urge to burst into tears. He looked awful. His face was all cut up and the black eye he got was still a little swollen. I glanced at the figure beside him and frowned. Spider-Man was a kid. He looked like he was my age. He had a mop of curly brown hair and doe eyes. He was almost equally as beat up as my dad and I gracefully took credit for that.
"Y/n, this is Peter. He's, uh, one of my interns. Kid, this is Y/n," Tony said. My annoyance turned to anger. Now my father was lying to me?
"How old are you?" I asked, eyes narrowing. I knew that I sounded rude, but this kid had kicked me in the face twice. I didn't think he deserved my manners.
"I'm fourteen," Peter gulped. A year older than me. And I kicked his ass, I thought. "You gave me quite a fight back in Berlin."
"Yeah and I beat your ass doing it."
"Speaking of which," Tony spoke up, "I have to talk to Y/n about that. Happy will take you home Peter." Peter nodded and said goodbye to my father. He said goodbye to me, to which I didn't reply. Peter frowned at that as he walked out the door.
My dad turned to me when the door shut. "What," he began, "were you thinking?"
"Well I-"
"No. This is where you listen. Do you know how dangerous that mission was. Do you know how many people got hurt? You saw what happened to Rhodey, that could have been you!"
"But it wasn't" I retorted.
Tony's frown deepened. "That is not the point. You put yourself in serious danger, and for what? So you could feel a little more included? You could have died. This was my one rule, my one ask of you, and your broke it."
"Oh, come on now, I'm a Stark, it's in our blood to not listen to our fathers." My father gave me the coldest look and I shut down. I took a deep breath. "Look, I didn't know that it was gonna be this bad. You know me, daddy, I'm not a fighter, I'm not some hero. You think I would have gone if I knew it would turn out like this? I thought this was just gonna be another one your you and Pops' stupid fights. And yes, I could have gotten hurt, but I think I handled myself pretty well. You saw what I did you that little protege of yours. I beat him to the curb."
"Y/n you were reckless. Peter was prepared for this, he was ready."
"And I still beat him."
"Y/n you're not listening to me. This is why I chose Peter over you. I would have taken you if I knew you wouldn't do something stupid. But you did anyway." And with that he walked away, leaving me, teary-eyed in the front hall.
Tony came by my room later that night to apologize. He said that he was sorry for being harsh, that he just cared about me and I scared him. I knew he meant it and I forgave him, because that's what we do. Besides, it wasn't Tony I was angry with. This is why I chose Peter over you. Tony's words echoed through my head. I knew that he loved me more, I'm his daughter, he had to. But I were jealous. Jealous that stupid Peter Parker got the praise for the work I've wanted to hear for ages. And mad at that stupid spider for being stupid.
This is when I decided that I hate Peter Parker.
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starfleetbotanist · 3 years
Physician, Heal Thyself (But Not Always)
It had been stupid, even he would admit that. Academy students were typically supposed to avoid bar fights. But Cupcake had been talking smack, and he'd had a few too many, so he had allowed the inevitable to happen. What he hadn't expected was for six other cadets to decide to use him as a punching bag. More surprising, though, was Bones.
He'd vaguely heard Bones trying to reason with his assailants before the roar in his ears drowned him out, but a fist to the stomach is a much more pressing matter than a pacifist doctor trying to tell you logic you don't want to hear, so he'd more or less written him off. That is, until he saw a cadet fall at his feet and turned to see his friend wading- and punching- through the crowd towards him.
He leapt at one of Cupcakes cronies as he landed a solid punch to Bones' face, causing the man to stumble back, a protectiveness he hadn't felt since Tarsus rising in him. But Bones regained his footing and gave as good as he'd gotten, before finally reaching Jim. Then he grabbed him by the collar of his uniform and dragged him from the bar, much like a mama cat with her errant kitten.
He stared at him, stunned, the entire way back to their room, Bones loudly scolding him about safety and rules the whole way, wiping blood from his now evidently broken nose. A sick feeling overcame him. What happened now? Was Bones going to leave, like Sam had?
He found himself dumped on the couch in an ungraceful heap as Bones' angry footsteps carried him to the bathroom and back. He sat on the coffee table, and Jim was relieved to see his medkit resting on his knee. He was (mostly) a model patient as Bones scrubbed at his cuts with antiseptic before using the portable dermal regen.
"You've got too damn good a brain, Jim, to go and get it knocked around by fools like that, y'hear me?"
He blinked. No, he hadn't heard him. Upon realizing that, Bones rolled his eyes before reaching over and lightly slapping his head- a move too gentle to actually hurt, and which he immediately followed with an affectionate ruffle of Jim's hair.
"This, your brain. Use it."
With that, he got up and headed back to the bathroom. Jim followed on his heels.
"That's it? You're not... More angry?"
"Jim, I knew when I signed up to be your friend there'd be risks. If a bar fight's the most danger we get in together I'd be surprised."
"But you got hurt!"
"Yeah, and you owe me for that."
He stopped in front of the mirror, opening his case again and finding the regen and a hypo. He reached up and, with a grunt, popped his nose back into place. He swore as he turned the hypo on himself, eyes watering.
"Scratch that, you really owe me," he said through gritted teeth.
"Sorry," Jim replied. He meant it. He hated seeing Bones hurt.
"Just-- use your head next time. Okay?"
"Yeah-- yeah, okay, Bones. I promise."
"Good." He washed the blood on his face and hands before turning back to face him. "Then we can forget about it."
"Just like that?"
"Just like that."
"Okay. Thanks, Bones."
"Anytime, kid."
Nyota held her wrist to her chest, waiting in the academy clinic. She had hurt it in combat class that day, but thankfully not too badly. The clinic was understaffed that day, and she had told Christine she was fine waiting. It was just her and two other cadets in the waiting room, after all. Not everyone was quite so patient, though.
One of the others, a command cadet, was complaining loudly, drumming his fingers on the arm of his chair, and bouncing his leg in agitation.
"How much longer is this gonna take?" He asked when Christine opened the door to call another patient back.
"Doctor McCoy or Doctor M'Benga will be able to see you soon, sir," she answered. "We will get to you as soon as we can."
Nyota prided herself on her ability to read people, and what she saw from the other cadet was not encouraging. He jumped up to his feet, crossing over to Christine with surprising speed.
"You can't just come back here!" She said, positioning herself between the cadet and the door.
"Watch me!" He snapped, grabbing her shoulder and shoving her out of the way.
Nyota rose, but she didn't need to interfere. Just as he was stepping into the hallway, he ran face first into Doctor McCoy, summoned by Christine's shout.
"Didn't you hear the lady? She said you ain't gettin' in here!" He snapped, though Nyota could see him running a clinical eye over the cadet. "Easy now. Looks like you're in withdrawal. How many stims have you taken?"
"None of your business!" The man snapped, and before anyone could stop him, caught McCoy on the side of the head with a right cross.
Christine leapt in, then, getting him into a safe hold and grabbing his arm to pin behind him as McCoy called for M'Benga to bring a sedative.
"Dammit," he swore as the other doctor handed him the hypo. "Sucker punches harder than he looks."
Once he was sedated, security called, and a treatment plan discussed for the over-use of stims to get him through the command courses, the cadet was taken to Starfleet Medical for a proper detox.
"You okay, Chris?" McCoy asked. Nyota had come to Christine's side as the cadet was taken away. The two had been friends since their first year.
"Just fine," she promised. "Didn't even fall. What about you?"
"I'll be fine," he shrugged. "Happens sometimes. Nothin' the regen can't fix."
"You might want to get on that before it swells too much, Len" M'Benga said. "I can finish up here."
"It'll hold," McCoy insisted. "But you can take that patient we just called back. C'mon, Ny, I only need one eye to see the swelling in that wrist."
"Only if you fix your eye, too," she threatened, following him back to one of the rooms.
"Wrist first," he said, taking out his tricorder. She answered his questions, let him strap the regen unit to her, and stared him into submission until he began treating himself while they waited.
"Are you sure you're alright?" She asked once they had both finished.
"Ain't that my line? Any residual pain?"
"None, thank you. Now answer me."
"I'm okay," he promised. "Not my first rodeo with someone hyped up on stims, and it won't be my last."
"Can't say I envy you."
"Yeah, well, it happens. Now, you be careful in that combat class, okay? Stretch right, and be careful which moves you use on which partners."
"I will. Thanks, Len."
"Sure, Ny."
He looked up from the manual he was reading at the sound from the bathroom door.
"Ah, Doc! What can I do for you?"
"You can take a break from straining your eyes and come have some coffee."
He laughed, lowering the PADD he was reading from.
"Aye, that sounds good. What're you doin' up so early?"
He followed him into his room, where he could smell fresh coffee brewing. Like many things, McCoy seemed to prefer real coffee, and while Scotty tended to be more of a tea man, he never turned down real foods or drinks.
"Haven't been to bed yet- don't tell Jim or Spock."
He poured them both a cup, handing Scotty one of them and motioning to the sugar and creamer he'd set out.
"Aren't you the one always telling the crew the importance of a good sleep schedule?"
"Yeah, and that's why I'm askin' you not to tell on me," he grinned.
"Can you not sleep?"
"No, not really. I've been goin' over that last accident in Engineering. I've written up a few training proposals, and wanted you to read through them and tell me which you think'll work best before I submit them."
"Have you been working on this all day?"
"Since my shift ended, yeah."
Scotty saw him take two tiny pills from a bottle on his desk and take them before rubbing his eyes.
"Sorry, headache. Ibuprofen. Been at this a little too long, I think."
"Why push yourself like this, then?"
He scanned the proposals, an interdisciplinary first aid course specific to Engineering and the various injuries and accidents that could happen, a triage proposal to better prepare medical staff for what to expect when an accident is called in, and new safety guidelines and equipment inspection schedules.
"Well, every second counts, you know that. The sooner we get this smoothed out, the better. It could be life or death, and I'm not about to play games there."
"You never do," Scotty grinned, picking up a stylus and making a few notes. "I like this so far. I hope you made a lot of coffee, because I have a few ideas, too."
"I hoped you would," McCoy grinned, and the two sat down to begin work.
"You called me, Doc?"
"Mr Sulu, perfect timing!"
Doctor McCoy was standing by a selection of plants, studying them intensely.
"The botany department sent these up. They're medicinal. But the labels got mixed up, and we don't really know what's what."
"That's unusual," Sulu grinned, looking down at the selection. "She's usually more organized when making deliveries."
He began to catalogue the plants, calling to mind their uses.
"Fever few, plantain... Several of these are for stopping bleeding."
"Yeah, that's what we're hoping for. We're training our medics to learn other ways to heal in the field."
"Good idea," Sulu nodded, fixing the lables.
"Thank you for the help," McCoy grinned. "Oh, Lieutenant Lyle brought another plant, but I'm not sure what it does. It was bigger than the others, so I set it in the office. Little bastard scratched me, too."
Sulu laughed, plucking a plantain leaf and handing it to him.
"Chew on that for a minute and put it on the cut, that will help."
He heard McCoy's thanks as he went into the office. He gasped. On the desk was a rare Andorian Passionflower- spiked where its Earth counterpart was not, and blue instead of purple. In place of a label there was a note, and he recognized the handwriting.
"Surprise," McCoy said, stepping in. He had the chewed leaf against his finger. "We were asked not to tell you anything."
He opened the envelope. It was handwritten anniversary card. He smiled, warmth filling him.
"Happy anniversary, you two," McCoy said, patting him on the shoulder. "There's minutes on my computer for subspace communication. He's waiting for you to call."
"Thanks, Doc," he answered, wiping sudden tears from his eyes.
McCoy patted his back again before leaving him to his call.
"Why did you do it?"
McCoy looked at Chekov, who was eyeing wound on his arm with deep concern.
"Reflex," he lied, finishing ripping his uniform shirt into bandages. He turned his eyes away, focusing on tying off and tending the wound until the ion storm ended and they could contact the Enterprise.
"Captain Kirk is right. You are a terrible liar, sir."
He snorted, tying off his makeshift sling. He'd taken a rather severe cut from a spear from one of the inhabitants of this supposedly uninhabited planet. The spear had been aimed at Chekov, but he had managed to push the kid out of the way just in time.
"Captain Kirk can mind his own business."
McCoy sighed, leaning back against the cave wall. Chekov joined him, still looking at him with wide-eyed worry.
"You remind me of Joanna."
"I did it because you remind me of Joanna."
"Who is Joanna?"
"My daughter. My whole world. I don't get to see her often, but she's my pride and joy."
"And I remind you of her?"
"Yeah. Can't explain it. It's probably because you're so young, or some misplaced guilt about not being there to protect JoJo that makes me want to look out for you instead that the psychologist really doesn't wanna think too much about."
He shrugged, closing his eyes.
"That, and I'm a doctor, and your senior officer. Not gonna let you get hurt if I can help it."
Running for their lives had worn him out, it seems. Chekov studied him for a moment before placing his head on his shoulder.
"You are very much the papa I always wanted. My grandmother, she told me stories about him. He was a good man. If he was... If I had known him longer, I would have liked for him to be like you, Doctor."
He felt a strong hand ruffle his hair.
"Get some rest, kid. I'll keep watch."
Chekov smiled, allowing his own eyes to close. He fell asleep wondering if McCoy would laugh or be angry that he had become, as the captain said, a "mama bear."
Spock stood beside Captain Kirk's hospital bed, arms folded behind his back. He had come to check on the progress of McCoy's serum on their friend. But, also, he was here to check on McCoy. Nyota had expressed worry over him that morning after visiting.
"You want a seat, Spock?"
He turned as the doctor entered the room, a cup of coffee in one hand and a PADD in the other.
"No, thank you, Doctor."
McCoy set the coffee aside, moving to the bed to compare the data on the PADD to the biobed readings. As Spock watched him, he began to really notice the state the doctor was in. His eyes were bloodshot, ringed in dark circles, his hair sticking at odd angles, as though he had run his fingers through it many times. He hadn't shaved, and was looking rather gaunt.
"When did you last sleep, Leonard?"
"Does it matter, Spock?"
"I think it would matter to the captain. And... I admit to a concern, as well."
"May miracles never cease," McCoy muttered, and they both knew what miracle he was praying for.
"Doctor, you must rest. The captain's status is unlikely to change in the time it would take for you to eat and sleep."
"I can't, Spock. Not right now."
"Because he needs me."
"He needs all of you, Leonard. Not a shell of yourself."
McCoy's shoulders sagged at that.
"I don't want to leave him," he admitted. "I promised I wouldn't leave him."
"You do not have to leave him. You could bring a cot into this room, perhaps. Shower in the en suite, and eat the meals Nyota has been bringing you."
"When I try to sleep, Spock, all I can see is him in that chamber. In that damn body bag in my medbay. It... It hurts, Spock. In a very human way, it hurts. It- this grief, it's like a wound, Spock."
"As you so often tell me, Leonard, you are a doctor. You treat wounds, better than most. You are healing the captain. The best way to heal that grief is to continue to do so. But if you damage yourself with overwork, you will not be able to care for him to the best of your abilities."
McCoy was silent for a moment before nodding.
"You're right... Thank you, Spock."
"It is... My pleasure, Leonard."
When he visited again that night, he found McCoy asleep on a cot not far from Kirk's bed, PADD still in hand. He had showered and shaved. The plate Nyota had sent him was now empty, and someone, presumably nurse Chapel, had covered him with the knitted blanket that he usually kept on the couch in his office.
Spock allowed himself to feel relieved, and quietly retreated, turning down the lights as he did so. The next morning, Kirk woke up.
"He may be a little disoriented when he wakes up," M'Benga told the assembled officers. "It was touch and go there, and we nearly lost him a few times. But I do believe he will make a full recovery."
"You are sure?" Chekov asked, his face pale. Sulu had his hand on his back for support.
"Yes. He is stable. Now all he needs is rest."
"Thank you," Kirk spoke up, gripping one of McCoy's hands from his place beside his bed. "Bones couldn't have been in better hands."
"You remind him of that when he wakes up," M'Benga laughed quietly, his calm manner helping ease the tension in the crowd. "You can talk to him now, too. Even if he doesn't hear you, it'll help him to have friendly voices around."
Scotty coughed to hide a relieved sniffle, and patted Kirk's shoulder amiably.
"Why don't you start, Captain?"
Kirk nodded, thinking.
"Bones, you know we all love you, right? So you've gotta come back to us. It's not the same without you here yelling at me."
"Indeed, Doctor. Your colorful metaphors are... Missed." Spock looked down the line of visitors expectantly.
"Da, and you promised to let us talk to Joanna next time she called you!" Chekov watched the sleeping man eagerly.
"Yeah, she and Demora are going to space camp together," Sulu pitched in. "If you don't wake up soon, who's gonna tell them how dangerous it is?"
Nyota laughed at that, and everyone (save Spock) grinned.
"Aye, Len. And you're gonna have to be the one to tell Jaylah what happened, you know," Scotty said. "Otherwise the lassie's likely to steal a ship and come all the way from Earth to make sure you aren't still hurt."
"What about you, Uhura?" Kirk asked. "You know how he likes to hear you sing. Why don't you sing one of his favorites."
"Good idea," she nodded, thinking. "I know just the one."
Soon the medbay was filled with her soft, comforting voice.
"I'll keep you safe..."
🌹 This was a long one! Thank you for reading! This was based on a prompt by @hlabounty96 ! I hope you enjoyed! 🌹
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HASO “Dream Come True.”
Hope you guys enjoy, and hope you all have a great day!
Adam took a drink before setting the glass back down on the table. Across from him, Donovan Red took a pull on his whisky, drinking deeply before setting his glass down wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“I’m Sorry about your man….. I didn’t intend for things to go that way.” Adam said staring down at the amber liquid in the glass before him.
Donavan signed, “Not your fault. Sometimes pride gets the better of us, and it’s hard to admit that an outsider might be able to beat us at our own game.” he patted Adam on the shoulder, “But you saved my life, which means I am, and will forever be in your debt.” He smiled 
Adam tilted his head.
“That doesn’t seem to bother you too much.”
“I think there are much worse people to be indebted to. A least I know you won’t ask me to do something I don’t want to do. Not like other men I know.” He took another drink, the tattoos on his neck bobbing once and then twice as he swallowed, “So, tell me this favor that you are looking for. How can me and mine be of service.”
Adam sighed and slumped back in his seat. He felt like he should definitely be keeping quiet about what he wanted to tell the man, but it was hard keeping it to himself and the people on his ship.It would be nice if someone else knew what was going on.
And wasn’t that the point.
Isn’t that why he had come here.
“When I joined the UNSC, I never thought about politics. I was a fighter pilot and then a spaceship captain. I am no politician, but more and more I find myself having to do politics like things. People ask for my opinions on policy, and they encourage me to support one group over another. I have to manuver as a diplomat for the GA without trying to piss off the actual diplomat, who isn’t too happy that I sometimes get in the way of them doing their job.
I am the human representative to all of humanity, and I have to behave the right way, but, sometimes, in doing what I know is right people get mad at me for it. I am worried one day they are going to give me an order that I just can’t follow. Not to mention that I have suddenly become the figurehead for an entire political movement. Sometimes I have to make speeches now.” he threw up his hands, “I represent a coalition interested in cooperating with the GA and all her interests, but there is a very heavy isolationist mindset on earth that is mad that we ever even joined the UNSC. They have already attempted to assassinate me once, and I have no doubt that they are going to do it again.”
Donavan grunted and looked him over, “Yes, I remember hearing about that.” He looked Adam up and down slowly, “No offence, but you would make a shit politician.”
Adam sighed and nodded, “I know. The only reason that I have so much pull in the arena is based on what I represent, and how the GA feels about me, but now…. Now I am learning that there are factions of the GA that want me gone.”
Donavan rased an eyebrow in surprise, “The GA?”
Adam shrugged and sighed pushing his glass away from him, “Yes, some very powerful people are after me for something I never intended to do.”
“And who is this exactly?”
Adam shut his mouth forcing himself to think about it for a moment before finally making his decision.
He sighed and leaned back in his chair, “The chairwoman of the GA herself.”
Red almost choked on his drink, spewing some of it out onto the table before swallowing hard and setting his glass down very slowly.
“Adam nodded. I was chasing after some information, and infiltrated the pirate wing of the anti-alliance coalition as a man named captain Kell.”
Red held up a hand, “Hold on, YOU are Kell, no shit. I heard the guy was one badass pirate.”
Adam adjusted his eye-patch, “I AM one badass pirate, but either way, I used that cover to get to their leaders and saw a transmission being sent from the chairwoman of the GA that was ordering those men and women to kill me if they could manage it, and now I don’t know what to do. The chairwoman pretty much helped me get my job. As far as I can recall she was one of the most supportive when it came to my promotion to captain. Thought we were allies if not friends, and now I come to learn that she has been operating behind my back to stage my assasination.”
Red leaned up against the table, “Well no shit, that does suck.” He tapped his fingers together, “And of course you can’t tell anyone without proof, otherwise they aren’t going to believe you. If you are going to come up with allegations like those, then you are going to need hard evidence against her.
Adam nodded, “And I do have some evidence, the recording of what she said, but those sorts of things can be doctored. I need to expose her somehow. I don’t know how all of this fits in of course, but it is partially why I came to speak with you.”
Red waited and Adam continued.
“I can’t trust anyone within the GA, or even within the UNSC. My only option is to go outside the law like my enemies are doing. Fight fire with fire so to say. If they are using the criminal underbelly to try and kill me, then maybe I can use it to try and save me.”
Donavan was nodding slowly, “And you are hoping to fight fire with fire to speak?”
Adam sighed, “I don’t know what I am hoping , but I know for a fact you and your men have the most power in this system, enough that everyone knows but no one questions it. I know you can go deeper than I can ever attempt, and I was hoping that maybe you could keep an eye out for me, track the movements of the criminal underworld so to speak while I try and deal with those people who are pretending to do things legally.”
Red nodded slowly, ‘That is something I can do”
“But is it something you are willing to do?”
He tilted his head back thoughtfully to look up at the ceiling above, “I think it is. Not much different from things my men and I already do accept this time it is going to be for a worthy cause.”
He grinned, his gold capped teeth glittering in the dim light, “I-”
Just then, the implant in the side of his neck began to buzz. He held up a hand for Red to be silent, and the other man nodded leaning back in his seat to finish his drink as Adam answered the call.
“Madam president.” His tone of surprise roused red who raised an eyebrow.
“I have to say this is…. This is rather shocking. I didn’t know that you had this number.”
“I can have any number that interests me Admiral.”
“Yes of course.” He shifted nervously in his seat, “What can I do for you ma’am.”
“Do you know what important event happened on July 20th 1969, Admiral.”
He paused not entirely sure if this was a trick question.
“Go on. I know you of all people would know it.”
“The Apollo 11 moon landing ma’am.’
“More precisely, the 2051 anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. And it has been long in coming but   the Global Aeronautics Space Division has decided to celebrate the occasion by recreating Apollo 11 down to every historical accuracy. The calculations will be done partially by hand and partially by computer. The Ship design will be exactly that of Apollo 11, etc. etc.”
Despite the stress he had been under the last few days, he felt his heart skip a beat.
“Wait, are…. Are you serious! That is amazing!”
“Yes yes.” She said cutting him off.
“And they want…. Or all of us want you to pilot that ship and command the mission as Commander Neil Armstrong would have in his time.”
The only response he was able to manage was a squeak, and he could feel the fangirl in him coming on hard and fast. He tried to clear his throat and remain professional, his heart pounding, a wide grin setting off across his face.
“Yes Ma’am you can count me in.”
“How confident are you that you can pilot the rocket?”
“I can fly anything ma’am.”
“Even so, we would like you back on earth as soon as possible to prepare for the event. This is a big historical recreation, and we want it to go as well as possible.”
“yes ma’am.”
The line went dead and he was no longer able to fight back the grin on his face.
Red watched him before standing, “We will get to work Admiral, and we will keep in contact. It’s good to know that my men and women are going to have something useful to occupy their time instead of sitting around twiddling their thumbs.”
Adam stood as well and took the man’s hand, “It should be a pleasure working with you.”
Red snorted skeptically, “You are too kind. I doubt it will be so pleasant, but consider yourself as a man who has friends in very low places.”
The two of them nodded and Adam excused himself back to his ship, racing towards his rooms with the giddy excitement of a school boy. The clind in him had awoken. He stopped to sit on the edge of his bed staring at the tiny recreated model of the lunar module sitting on the shelf above his bed glowing blue in the neon light above.
How cool was this going to be.
How dangerous was this going to be?
Eris was pleased to learn that she was not lactose intolerant. They hadn’t been sure based on her half alien half human anatomy if she would be able to handle some of the more harsh foods of the planet, but everything seemed to be working properly, a fact she was forever thankful for as she polished off her second bowl of ice cream.
She found the treat novel and delectable.
Leave it to human to think of eating flavored snow, or at least frozen cream.
And she liked it when they put little bits of candy on top.
Martha Sat on the floor next to the couch, and her husband sat in his chair watching ‘the Game’. Eris wasn’t sure what the rules were, but she liked watching them crash into each other. She wasn’t a big fan of all the talking they seemed to do in between the crashing together.
Martha and Jim had invited her to stay over for as long as she wanted after she told them the more detailed story of her life. They had been shocked  but ultimately unsurprised to learn that she was less than three years old feeling sorry that she never got to have her childhood.
That’s why they were treating her like this, she knew.
They wanted to give her that little bit of her childhood.
She worried that they would be annoyed at her presence, but they seemed to have time with her sticking around indefinitely as far as she could tell . She wasn’t sure how long she was going to be staying, but for now, she was happy where she was.
Of course part of her being welcome had something to do with how Martha had no one to model clothes for her. Since her youngest son left the house she had been forced to model them herself, which made things difficult when she wanted to make alterations. But now that she had Eris, things were going much more smoothly,
At first Eris had been embarrassed to put on the clothing for her.
Once upon a time Eris hadn’t known better in thinking her body was weird. She had floated around without it using a gravity belt and no clothes, letting her long dark hair and ribbons cover what needed to be covered, but the more she learned about humans, the more self conscious she had grown, until hoodies and baggy pants were the only things she wore.
Martha did not approve of her wardrobe seeming to think Eris would look very striking in red or black.
Eris had tried on a few outfits for her nervousness at just how much of her alien otherness tended to show, with plunging backs and short skirts to show off her marble whie legs. Martha seemed to think the ribbons were pretty, and in everything she had Eris try on, they were on full display.
“Do they work like starborn ribbons?” Martha wondered, “I know they act sort of as solar sales, storing energy from the sun and using that to glide.”
Eris paused, “I don’t know. I was born on noctropolis where there is no sun, so I have never tried it.”
“I think you should.”
Eris shifted nervously, “But.”
Martha just smiled at her, “our backyard is fenced in, no one is going to see you.” Eris thoughts bout it for a moment and then set her bowl down to the side. She stood slowly and walked to the back sliding screen door and stepped out onto their back porch.
Technically it was only fenced in on two sides. The backside was open where the forest  met their lawn growing deep and black as it went further back in to the depths.
Nervously Eris reached up and pulled off her hoodie dropping iit to the ground.
The tank top she wore had been made by Martha to accommodate her ribbons.
Once upon a time her gravity belt had allowed those ribbons to wave and undulate, but here they sagged with gravity and flowed behind her in the occasional wind current.
She turned around so they were facing the sun and waited.
And waited.
She felt nothing happening and was abut to go inside when.
When something started to happen.
She felt more…. Energized. Her blood seemed to grow warm and a smile spread across her face. At  first she thought it was just all in her head, but then the warmth continued to blossom over her.
Her eyes went wide and she hummed softly feeling recharged from the sun like a battery.
She had her eyes closed and was just enjoying the radiation when she heard something ringing from the inside of the house followed by voices.
She was able to tear herself away from the warmth and stick her head inside.
“Adam, how are you doing.” Jim said and Eris could see Adam’s face projected on the TV.
She recognized a bit of herself in him. She had his nose, and his eyes shape.
“You are not going to believe who just called me.”
Martha smiled as she walked over to sit next to her husband, “Adam I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the president herself.”
Adam frowned some of the wind momentarily taken out of his sales, “Ok, yes it was the president, but.” e lit up almost immediately, “But you are not going to believe what she asked me to do.” He didn’t wait for them to guess, “She wants me to fly a recreated mission of the Apollo 11 moon landing. Historically accurate and everything!.” His grin was so wide it looked like he was going to split his face in half.
Martha’s eyes widened, “Really?”
Jim frowned, “That is great Adam, but…. Historically accurate?”
He nodded vigorously, “Yeah.”
“Son yu do realize the computer they used was less powerful than your mother’s automatic blow dryer.”
He waved a hand, “Yeah yeah, I know I know. Most of the math is probably going to be done by hand.”
Jim snorted and Martha grimaced, “Adam, sometimes I wish you had safer hobbies. I mean flying the omen is one thing, with those shields she could probably survive a meteor impact, but you understand the Apollo 11 mission flew in a rocket that  that parts no heavier duty than your average tin can.”
“yes , and that makes it even more awesome.”
“I think you are getting dangerous and awesome confused again, son.”
“Oh come on, this is like a dream come true for me. ‘
Finally Martha and Jim sighed and broke out into smiles, “There is no changing your mind as usual.”
Adam grinned, “Nope.”
He turned his head just then, seeming to look through the camera, his eyes falling on Eris. Shock spread across his face, “Eris, is that you?”
She smiled shyly and moved forward, “Yeah, It’s me.”
“What are you doing there, I thought you were working at the hybrid foundation taking care of Glados and the others.”
She shrugged guiltily, “I…. well glados and the others wanted to go back to the adapted planet, and after that others started getting adopted, but then I sort of burnt out and wanted to come here and meet…..” She paused not sure if she should say 
Martha put an arm around her, “She wanted to meet her grandparents and extended family.”
Adam looked surprised for a moment as if not having expected that before shrugging, “Just try to avoid mom’s side of the family if at all possible.”
“Adam.” Martha scolded, though she wasn’t actually mad.
He grinned, “I’ll be home in a few days.” he looked at eris, “Maybe I can show you around town when I get back….. If that’s something you’d be interested in?”
Eris shuffled her feet and quietly looked down, “Yeah,i’d like that.”
She wished she could read his thoughts in that moment. Was he only offering to be polite? She knew better than anyone that her birth had not been his fault. He had had his DNA stolen to  make her, but still she couldn’t help but feel an affinity towards him. One that she knew wasn’t fiar for her to feel.
He hadn’t chosen for her to be born after all.
Not like other people 
Did he just feel guilty?
Was she unwanted?
197 notes · View notes
purpletaecup · 4 years
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6 ☾ these echoes of laughter fade into a distant memory
note: fully written chapter again this time, with social media half chapters coming later this week! this chapter is mainly Yoongi and we see a little bit of his side and how he felt in the past and how he feels in the present. not edited, wanted to post this before the concert so we can all cry together!
rlly important note: i suggest you guys listen to nineteen by hayley williams because i basically base this whole story off that song (and some chinese webnovels i read lmfao). It’s one of my favorite songs ever and it hurts a whole lot. I wish i could experience how I felt when I listened to it for the first time again. As always, feel free to vent/rant and tell me your theories about how the story is going to go! let’s cry together :’)
final note: IM SORRYYY FOR THISSSS don’t hate me pleaseee 
word count: 2,523
That night, Yoongi slept in your hospital room. The emotional weight of everything that had happened had kept him nailed to the chair beside your bed. The smell of the air after the rain permeated into the room and reminded him of the day that his lawyer delivered the divorce papers to you, who was alone at home and probably waiting for him. Looking back at it, maybe it was an impulse decision that he made due to the frustration and exhaustion that your marriage caused him. He grew weary and waking up in the morning felt like a chore. You were distant, he was distant and both of you were living lives going in different directions. But you loved each other, and for a while, he thought that could be enough. Evidently, it wasn’t. He doesn’t regret the divorce because in the end, he thought he was doing what was best for the both of you. He knew how tired you were and how you felt being around the people in his life. He felt the same way with the people in yours. Everything about your lives clashed and he thought that divorce was the best solution for both of you to become happy again. He wasn’t getting any younger, but you were still very young and you could still find someone who could love and cherish you better than he could.
He didn’t regret it.
He didn’t.
Or at least that’s what he keeps telling himself. He didn’t regret it. He couldn’t regret it. But remembering how you looked when he came home that night breaks his heart to pieces. Your pale and shivering figure crying by the front door and the way your trembling hands shook him off when he tried to help you up. It was a sight that would remain ingrained in his mind and his heart forever. When you two finally made it inside your house to sit on the couch, he fully expected you to shout and scream and throw a tantrum about the divorce papers. He did not expect the quiet sobs that wracked your figure, or the broken “why are you doing this?” and finally the resignation in your voice when you told him you’d sign it. He remembered, at that moment, that he began crying too. He walked over and sat next to you and took you in his arms like you were his whole world even though he knew he had just ruined yours. With his head buried in your damp hair and neck, he whispered a million apologies. Sorry for breaking your heart. Sorry for wasting your time. Sorry for not knowing how to love you properly. Sorry for not trying.
These apologies meant nothing to you. They were nothing compared to the pain you had endured to be with him, to love him. He didn’t know that. For the last months of your relationship, he didn’t know who you were and that’s what pushed him to get the divorce. You were a shell of the woman you were when you two first met. Your smile didn’t make butterflies appear in his stomach anymore and your laugh didn’t make his heart flutter like it used to. It wasn’t the same anymore. You were both different people, changed people.
In the midst of this change, he was introduced to Yura by Jungkook. A model he worked with a couple times and a really nice woman. Beautiful, even. Almost as beautiful as you, he had thought when he first met her. Jungkook pushed and pushed for him to hang out with them and the rest of the guys and the more he saw Yura, the more he talked to her, the more he began to like her. She reminded him of you when he first met you.
You were 19 and he was 23 and you were modeling at the same set he was supposed to shoot at an hour later. He came early to help the staff prepare for his music video shoot and hopefully talk to the director but he had ended up watching your shoot for most of the time until it was his turn for the set. The people around you liked to say that Yoongi fell in love with you at first sight. He often refuted that it wasn’t at first sight because he wasn’t the type of person to fall in love because of how someone looks. In private, he told you that he fell in love with you at first smile, first laugh. The sight of you laughing genuinely in the middle of hydrangeas and baby’s-breath enchanted him so much that he remained rooted to the floor for the remainder of your shoot.
The laughs and the smiles were Yoongi’s favorite. You were the most beautiful person he’d ever met. You are still the most beautiful he’d ever met, but perhaps it was the exhaustion of life that wore the both of you down. What had started as a beautiful, youthful romance filled with picnics in meadows had ended with divorce papers on a rainy day in September.
These are the thoughts that followed Yoongi to sleep that night.
[nov. 10, 2020]
The same thoughts haunted him day in and day out ever since he left that next morning at the insistence of Jungkook and Taehyung. He spent 4 days on his own, working and living his life but only on the surface. Conservations with people, including his friends, remained minimal. He couldn’t stop thinking about your broken and bruised body laying in the hospital bed, and he was anxious for the news of you waking up but none had come. He received no calls from the hospital since he left, and Taehyung said that visiting was meaningless unless the doctor told him new information.
Yura told him, verbatim, “I understand that you’re worried about her safety, but the doctors said she would be fine. She’s your ex-wife, I get it, but she’s not your responsibility anymore.”
In a way, she was right. But he couldn’t help but feel sick at the thought of leaving you all alone there. He knew it was hard for Jin to come out because he was incredibly busy with work, and when he wasn’t traveling for his job, he lived too far from both of you to ever accompany you in the way that you needed. In addition to that, he had no idea what happened to you and your mom. The last he heard, which was when you were still married, you were on speaking terms with her and there wasn’t a problem between the two of you. At least not that he knew of. Namjoon was on a book tour and Jimin was constantly booked due to his dance career. In any case, you had no one here. Yoongi was all you had and that was evident in your unchanged emergency contact list.
After Yura had said that, he felt uneasy being around her so he told her that he truthfully couldn’t stand to just move on with his life while you were practically lifeless in the hospital, and if that was a problem with her then maybe they should just take a break from each other. He kept telling himself that he really liked Yura and he wanted what she could give him, but he couldn’t ignore the four years that you two spent building a life together. Especially not now that you were pregnant, a fact that he had kept hidden from Yura.
When he thought about the pregnancy, everything else seemed to melt away. Despite the circumstances, the news of your pregnancy made him happy. Extremely so, albeit a little scared as well. He wondered how long you had known, and if you were happy or scared.Or what if you didn’t know at all? As far as he could tell, you weren’t showing. There was no sign of a bump on your little belly, but the doctor’s words were irrefutable. There was a baby growing in there. A baby that was half you and half him and that thought of that made him smile like he hadn’t in a long, long time.
That night, he dreamt about a little girl with your eyes and your smile and a nose that resembled his. A laughter that reminded him of yours echoed in those dreams.
[nov. 11, 2020]
Pleasant dreams faded into a pleasant morning as Yoongi woke up much earlier than he was used to and felt better than he had in ages. He spent some time by himself before his phone was bombarded by phone calls and text messages from the group chat with the boys asking him when he was coming for work.
As he saw the sun take its place in the blue skies and white clouds, he decided that the day was too beautiful to waste on a day in the company. 5 days passed since your accident and he thought it was time to go back to the hospital and see how you were doing. Of course he wasn’t expecting any changes to your condition considering he hasn’t gotten any phone calls from the hospital yet, but he thought it might make him feel more at ease to sit next to you.
On his way to the hospital, he stopped by the flower shop you often went to, the one next to the park with the yellow flowers that you liked so much. The woman at the front, whose name was Yerin by the looks of her nametag, recognizes you immediately.
“Mr. Min Yoongi? How can we help you today?” She asks, immediately standing up straight at your intimidating presence.
“Just here to get some flowers.” He replies nonchalantly.
Yerin runs around the counter to stand in front of him.
“Is there anything specific you’re looking for?”
“No, not really—wait a second, that flower right there. Give me a bouquet of those.” He says, pointing to the bunches of purple flowers hiding behind Yerin.
She turns to see what he was pointing to. “Ah, purple lilacs. Okay, I’ll put it together for you really quick!”
He saw her go around the many shelves of flowers to what he assumed was the back inventory of the shop and didn’t see her come out until a couple of minutes later. In her hands was a beautiful bouquet of the purple lilacs with white baby's-breath. His eyes softened at the sight of the white flowers. The sight was familiar to him.
“That would be 25,830 won.” Yerin handed the bouquet to him and smiled.
He handed her 35,000 won, murmured his thanks and left. Once out of the shop, he was hit by the bright sunlight and couldn’t help looking over to the park. Kids were running around while their parents watched them on picnic blankets.
Warm and sunny days like this reminded him of you. Spending your days in the sun, laying on a picnic blanket and eating fruits, was your very existence.
He spends only a few moments admiring the scenery of people enjoying the weather before he makes his way back to his car and to the hospital. When he arrives at your room, nothing has changed except for the fact that your skin has regained a bit of its color and the bruises began the healing process.
Yoongi sets the flowers down on the table beside your bed. He moves the chair from the wall to the side of the bed so he could sit right next to you. His heart almost stops when he sees your face. It seems like the nurses changed the bandage on your head as the bandaging was noticeably lighter, but he could still see a bit of blood seeping through. The bruises on your arms and everywhere alarm him but he knows that you’re okay and you’re healing and that’s enough for him. It’s enough to know that you were alive and going to be fine.
His eyes trail down to your stomach and he lets it linger on them for a long time because he takes your hand in his and takes a deep breath. Two months ago he could have never imagined that this is where he would be right now. Two months ago, both of you had walked away from your marriage and Yoongi honestly thought that you two may never have crossed paths again despite his thoughts going to you more often than it should be. Now, two months later, you were divorced and pregnant with his child. His eyes continue to stare at your stomach, still flat and showing no signs of carrying a second life, and he resists the urge to caress it. You weren’t conscious and even if you were, would you allow your ex-husband to feel your stomach like that? No, probably not.
And that’s when he felt a twitch in his hand, not coming from his own. He looks down to see your fingers moving just barely. His first reaction was shock, then anxiety. He didn’t know what to do and the shock of your movement paralyzed him. It was only when he felt another movement, stronger this time, that he felt the need to press the call button to alarm the doctors and nurses. You were moving, which meant that you might be waking up.
The moments pass quickly and slowly at the same time. The doctors barely made it in time to see you flutter your eyes open and groan with a broken voice. Yoongi looked down at you, still holding your hand. You blinked your eyes multiple times. The light was too bright to take in all at once. He squeezed your hand at the relief he felt in seeing you wake up.
“Yn, how are you feeling baby?” He couldn’t help the pet name that came out of his mouth. You looked so vulnerable and fragile that it came out on instinct.
Yoongi waited for a reply for a little bit but heard none. The doctor came around to stand next to you.
“Miss Yn? Can you see us? Hear us?” he asked.
You nodded slowly, wincing at the pain in and on your head.
“Where m’I?” You attempt to speak out, but it comes out broken and croaky.
Yoongi is glad to hear your voice, to hear you talk for the first time in so long.
“You’re in the hospital right now, you were in a car accident but you’re okay now baby. How are you feeling?” He couldn’t help but ask.
You craned your head towards him, blinking furiously with your eyebrows furrowed. Confusion marred your features. Yoongi was scared that you finally realized he was here, with you, and would kick him out at any chance. He was scared that you were going to kick him out of you life before he could ever see the baby that you had made together, but this fear of his could have never prepared him for the next words to come out of your mouth.
“Who are you?”
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yodawgiherd · 4 years
Cabin at Nighttime
>>>Read on AO3<<<
Aaand there is the second part of modern cottagecore, more M-rated, so beware if that is not your cup of tea.
For Mikasa, it was like watching movie scenes unfolding in front of her eyes. It could happen anytime around the cabin, during any activity, if there was a pattern to it then she failed to see it. Yet while the images bled to reality, Mikasa always knew that is real and what isn’t - the underlying feeling of sadness and abandoned duty that followed these visions made them easy to identify. When she walked to the edge of the small forest, she saw dream Eren chopping wood, his hair in that unfamiliar undercut. She saw him carrying a huge fish, a proud smile pulling at his lips. She also witnessed a lot of intimate moments, hugs, and gentle kisses scattered all around the cabin, and if it wasn’t her as one of the actors Mikasa would feel like intruding. It was so precious, what the two of them had, but there was that sadness every time, the feel that it was just a utopia, a daydream. The dread wasn’t caused only by the mission they ran from to be together, but a new faint feeling tingled its way into Mikasa’s bones.
It was a few scenes. In one, Eren was coughing into a handkerchief, and when he pulled it away from his mouth it was tainted red. In the next, Mikasa was watching him struggle with a log, tears in her eyes before she quickly crossed the distance to help him. All these visions were drenched in that sad feeling, in the helplessness, it made her own eyes water. Not from the pain this time, but from the tragedy of it all.
“He was dying.”, she said out of nowhere, making Eren look up from the small fire he was cultivating.
He knew right away of who Mikasa spoke.
“Why? Was he sick?”
“Yes…” a tingle, “Or no, it was more like… a curse?”
“Yes, a curse that was killing him, and he didn’t have much time left.”
“Was there no cure?”
Mikasa shook her head, suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of hopelessness. Eren must have felt it because he abandoned the fire in favor of sitting next to her, wrapping her shivering form in a hug. Closing her eyes she pressed her body close to his.
“Poor guy,”, Eren stated, “Ran away to be with the love of his life and still got cursed to die young. Dude can’t catch a break.”
“Eren..”, she frowned at him but he kissed it away with an easy smile.
Mikasa had to remind herself that Eren didn’t feel the presence like she did. Sure, he was the understanding and supportive boyfriend who did everything in his power to make her feel better, but he didn’t have these nightmares, these visions. His mind wasn’t weighted down by the impending doom, creeping around the corners of the cabin.
So why stay, one could ask. Why stay in the place where Mikasa saw ghosts around the corners? The answer was simple – it was a gut feeling. Mikasa felt right here, almost as if she came home after years and years of being abroad. Yes, there was sadness and guilt but there was also joy and happiness and it all mixed in an addictive way. Most importantly, she knew that it was correct to be here, the universe demanded it.
To be completely honest, Eren had a tiny fear that he might be bored at the cabin, his brain hardwired to all the action living in a city brought. It turned out to be completely wrong because he was anything but. Instead of twiddling his thumbs, he was now fuzzing over Mikasa ever since her small collapse, making sure that she has everything she could ask for. As a doctor, he knew that these visions might be a symptom of a mental illness, but she wasn’t showing anything else apart from them. Mikasa wasn’t delusional, she didn’t confuse reality and her dreams, she could answer his questions clearly and correctly. For now, he kept it as an open topic, making a mental note to ask Hitch about it once they get back to the city. He could call her, but the situation wasn’t urgent and he would very much prefer to hear her opinion over a few drinks.
The place was something else, and if Mikasa didn’t like it so much he would probably call it a shack instead. At least it had running water, a fact that Eren was very grateful for. With technology and the hustle of the city far beyond them, they spent their time doing downright childish and primitive things. They swam, splashing around in the cold ocean water like careless kids. They hiked, taking in the natural beauty of the countryside. With Mikasa not having another one of her episodes, Eren even left her alone for a bit and tried fishing, only to discover that he is terrible at it. Staring at the bait, unmoving in the water, he couldn’t suppress a groan. Damn water creatures, they must be plotting against him. His evening got marginally better once he returned, seeing Mikasa preparing the outside table for dinner.
“What did you catch?”, she asked with a smile, obviously seeing that Eren wasn’t carrying any fish.
“My love for you.”, he replied before producing a small flower he picked, offering it as a gift.
Mikasa accepted it, putting it into her hair, and the hour spent being taunted by fishes just didn’t matter anymore. It was the 21st century, so they weren’t dependent on Eren’s ability, or rather inability, to fish - the food they brought would do. Cooking it over the small fire, they ate in relative silence, taking in the embrace of nature they found themselves in. After that, Eren produced a few more sweet treats from his bag and to Mikasa’s delight prepared hot chocolate and marshmallows. The shadows grew long and the evening steadily progressed into the night while they huddled on the bench, bundled in a blanket and with Mikasa once again shamelessly abusing the heat Eren’s body produced.
“Did you have any more visions?”, he asked cautiously, rubbing her shoulder.
“A few, but they were very faint.”, she snuggled closer into his embrace, “But I have this strange feeling while I’m here.”
“What’s that?”
“I think… I feel like Mikasa was pregnant.”
“Well damn, the brats were faster than us?”, Eren snickered, “Guess they didn’t have careers to focus on.”
“They did.”, Mikasa disagreed, “They had a whole mission of saving the world. They abandoned it to be together.”
“Romantic.”, with a gentle hand, Eren dragged his fingers through Mikasa’s hair, loving the silkiness of the natural black and the few artificially red strands, “Yet sad at the same time.”
“Very sad.”
“It does bring an interesting question.”, Eren continued,  “Would you abandon your career to be with me?”
Mikasa thought about it, deeply and carefully. She loved fighting, loved the freedom she had in the ring, loved working on herself and her body. Overcoming obstacles and winning against impossible odds made her feel strong, invincible. But despite all these facts, despite her loving MMA so much, she knew the answer.
“I would. Both fighting and modeling, for you I’d do it.”
“I think I would too, even if it would be tearing me up inside. If I couldn’t help people anymore, couldn’t set them free from their injuries…”, he took a deep breath, his chest expanding where Mikasa leaned on it, “Still, you are way too important for me. I would drop it all to be with you because living without Mikasa in my life is not worth it.”
Mikasa fell asleep out here, bundled up with Eren, but she woke when he carried her inside and put her to bed. Why? Because that old thing creaked terribly.
“Sorry…”, he murmured, making her snicker.
“Hardly your fault.”
“I’d prefer if you slept peacefully.”
“Is it because of the visions? I told you not to worry, only the first one was painful.”
She got up, stretched a bit, and went to change into her sleeping clothes. Eren mirrored her actions, and for a moment the only sounds in the cabin were the rustles of fabric.
“Would you look at that.”, he remarked once they were both changed, “There is only one bed.”
“Guess we will have to share.”, she plopped down on it, making the bed creak again, “I hope that you will not try to take advantage of the situation, good sir.”
“I wouldn’t dare ma’am.”
To her surprise, Eren did just that, lying down and pulling the covers over himself at a respectful distance from her.
“I wish you a good night, lady Mikasa.”
Eren’s back to her, Mikasa looked with a raised eyebrow as he did exactly nothing. When the silence stretched, she poked him in the shoulder.
“Hey Eren, you know that it was a joke right. I would very much prefer if you did something very inappropriate to me.”
He turned, the moon reflecting in his eyes.
“Are you sure?”
“What, are you scared that sex might bring back more of the memories?”
“I don’t rightly know.”, he confessed, “You had a headache from touching a bench, I have no idea what your triggers are.”
“Babe, stop worrying for a second,”, Mikasa grabbed a handful of his hair, tugging his face to hers, “And kiss me, you fool.”
He did so, and then it was the familiar dance. Clothing was torn and thrown away from their bodies, careless where it would land, littering the interior. Only once they were bare to each other did Mikasa roll on her back with Eren falling on top, their mouths not leaving one another for a second. She opened herself up to him, letting him have all the control when he pinned her hands above her head, their fingers entwining together on the aged sheets. There was no resistance from her when their groins touched, when Eren pressed his hardness against her heat, forcing her body to arch so beautifully. Their lips mashed together, hard and bruising, and soon the lack of air made them pant. Mikasa breathed with tiny soft moans that somehow tugged at his heart at the same time as his groin. His love and adoration for her were absolute, both physical and spiritual. That was until he felt something very cold rub against his legs. Despite his primal hunger for her, Eren tore himself away from Mikasa’s lips.
“Geez, your feet are freezing.”
Her response was a giggle and even more insistent cold rub.
“Then warm me up.”
Seeing her smile and hearing her laugh was intoxicating, making Mikasa happy was very high on Eren’s priority list. Angling his head he licked a long stripe, all the way from her collarbone to her pierced earlobe.
“All right.”
And then he was kissing her again because he loved her more than anything, even with her freezing feet. There was no one else he could even imagine doing this with because no one was like Mikasa. He knew her body, he knew it so well, yet Eren traced his touch all over it, letting his hands go down from the restricting hold on her wrists. She was pinned beneath his weight but Mikasa did not mind it at all. And exploring he went, down her face that put the sun to shame to the small yet perky breasts that were now heaving with her breathing. Groping the area shamelessly Eren indulged himself, playing with Mikasa’s chest until her breaths grew even more desperate. Her nipples were coming to life underneath his touch reacting wonderfully when he thumbed the nubs. Soon he had them fully erect, just as his cock was. The pinch he planted on the left one made Mikasa groan into the kiss, a sound that was so sexy that Eren forced her to do it again by pinching the other one. Down the plane of perfectly defined abs that belonged on a statue and not a living person, and down still. Smugly ghosting over the apex of her legs, Eren’s hands anchored on her thighs instead, caressing those beautiful muscular limbs. Mikasa could feel him smirk into the kiss, he knew that he was ignoring the place where she wanted him the most. Patient, compliant for now, she would let him keep the lead. He never let her down before.
Reversing his descent, Eren slid his hands upwards over the toned legs, taking in a handful of her ass. It fascinated him and it would never stop doing so, because Eren was a weak man and the thing that he was groping was the most perfect ass that there was, fueling his primal desires to no end. A thing to worship, caress and care for every single day.
And still they kissed, breathless and growing more and more aggressive. Her tongue traced his upper lip, prodding inside and sliding alongside his wet muscle. Then it was Eren attacking, pulling her bottom lip between his teeth. Raw and dangerous yet sweet at the same time, it was like kissing and being kissed by a wild animal sometimes. Mikasa was practically panting when Eren left her mouth to bite her neck, pressing his face into that silky skin he loved so much. The pale was now marked by him, imprints of teeth and reddening marks he sucked into it, definitive proof of his conquest.
Above him, Mikasa let out a breathy laugh at all that. Sure, the bites hurt but they were immediately soothed by Eren’s tongue and lips, leaving only a pleasurable tingle behind. He could be rough but he was always there to kiss the hurt away, to let her know how loved Mikasa was. Eren could hurt her but it was a beautiful pain.
A new sting originating from her chest let Mikasa know that he was now at her breasts, ravaging them. He nipped at the underside, knowing she’s ticklish there, mixing her breathing with airy giggles. The dark nipples were already hard from his previous actions, and they felt great in his mouth when Eren pulled them in, sucking Mikasa’s breasts. And then the bite came a clamp of his teeth against the super-sensitive bud that had her crying out and arching from the bed. A pinch and roll on the other and Mikasa was shaking beneath him, her mouth open in cries and pleas.
Down he went, kissing everywhere he could, making every inch of her flawless skin as his. Her stomach, her beautifully muscled stomach, her sharp hips, the lines that guided him to the place where the fire originated in. His lips were here and there, scrape of teeth against the hipbone and gone before Mikasa took full notice, everywhere and nowhere at the same time. To say that it was driving her crazy would be an understatement. Eren had the gall to call her a tease?
She was almost begging, she almost reached down to push him there when Eren’s mouth arrived at the apex of her muscular thighs, taking a handful of her cheeks and spreading them open for him. Mikasa assisted him more than willingly, biting her bottom lip to keep the excited noises in. Eren went down on her so many times but it was something she always looked forward to, the amazing pleasure he could provide with his mouth was an experience to be enjoyed a hundred, thousand times over. It would do her no good to squeal like a schoolgirl because Eren would surely tease her for it later, but it was hard to keep it inside. Brushing the midnight bangs from her eyes Mikasa looked down, wanting to see him because Eren pleasuring her was an incredible sight. Many times she was tempted to snap a picture, a quick photo of his mouth between her legs, but didn’t do it yet. Maybe one day.
It was oddly satisfying, watching Eren between her spread thighs. The tiny part of her recalled those hurtful memories, the “I’ve always hated you Mikasa”, that pain that belonged to someone else. It was her Eren’s perfect copy who said that but look at him now. Fully devoted to her, to Mikasa’s pleasure, ignoring himself just so he can make her feel better. Hate was miles apart from what Eren felt for her, judging from his actions.
“Something funny?”, he asked, hot breath blowing over her womanhood.
Mikasa must have been smiling, she realized, smiling because she got to have this, not hate and suffering.
“No, I’m simply appreciating how nice you are to me, how attentive.”
He grinned up at her, keeping eye contact while he stuck out his tongue, licking her sex in a single wide stroke, all the way from the bottom to the top.
“This? I’m doing this solely for myself.”, his next words were a sultry whisper spoken so close to her sex that it looked like he was talking to her pussy, not to Mikasa, “I adore how you taste.”
Maybe to prove his point, maybe because he did enjoy it Eren dipped his head down to lick at her again. It wasn’t a service, it was an exchange, because Eren was in turn blessed by the sight of Mikasa’s bare stomach, tense abdominal muscles contracting with every whine and breath falling from the raven’s lips. His actions were slow and languid, licking her outsides but not dipping in yet, getting her properly worked up first. There was no rush, was there.
The two fingers that appeared by Mikasa’s lips were not a surprise and she took them eagerly into her mouth, sucking them. Once properly wet, he pulled them out and repositioned his hand between her slightly trembling thighs. Pulling his head back, Eren pushed them in and they both disappeared into her with a wet sound, making Mikasa moan out loud. A beautiful sound, that.
Eren's fingers dutifully re-explored every inch of Mikasa's sopping wet sex, made so by both her juices and his mouth, gliding from one area to the next with ease that comes from years of practice. And as always it drove Mikasa insane, her hips shifting because that smug bastard wasn’t doing what she wanted. Knowing her ticks so well, Eren ignored Mikasa’s clit that was begging for his attention beneath its hood, not touching her there in the slightest. Why? Because he loved seeing her desperate.
“Please…”, it finally came from her trembling lips, music to his ears, “Please, Eren…”
“Please what?”
“Please… do it”, her chest contracted, “… do it properly.”
It would be shameful to admit that Mikasa’s pussy was throbbing at this point, her clit so poor and unattended, but it was the truth. Eren had a thing for driving her arousal high, much higher than necessary, before doing it right. She was begging now, in that small voice that he could never say no to, and he didn’t want to in the first place. But when he moved down to obey and his cheek touched her inner thigh, Mikasa groaned.
“You have a stubble.”, she accused him, “Scratchy stubble at that.”
“It would appear so…”, to tease, Eren rubbed his face against her sensitive skin making Mikasa yelp and frown at him.
“Shave. Tomorrow.”
“No buts.”, Mikasa reached down, grabbing his hair and angling Eren’s face back down, reminding him of his mission between Mikasa’s thighs.
“Now go on, please.”
Right. Spreading her open with his fingers, Eren dipped his tongue in, the tip of the wet muscle sliding inside her. She was scorching hot, faintly pulsing around his tongue and Eren knew that he can make these contractions much, much stronger. Delvin deeper he licked everywhere where he could reach, wiggling his tongue inside of her. At the same time his fingers attacked her clit, rubbing the tiny circles she liked, and Mikasa was finally being given the proper oral treatment. The insistent swirling of his tongue combined with the expert touches on her slowly stiffening nub as Eren was teasing it from under its hood. Letting her head fall on the bedding, she let her lover know just how much she appreciates him by moaning because that’s what he always wanted to hear. The sounds that Mikasa could make in her turned-on voice were better than any music.
He switched it up, sucked on her clit while fingering her, two digits moving in and out at a murderous tempo. The tip of his tongue stroked the bud languidly, teasing it from beneath the hood, and then his lips were wrapped around it again and he sucked. Hard. Mikasa lost control of both her voice and her hips and they were moving on their own, riding, fucking Eren’s face. Her thighs moved too, wrapping around his head and caging him in with no chance of escape.
Trapped, imprisoned by her muscular thighs, Eren had no other way out than to keep pleasuring her, but he would be lying if he said that he didn’t love when Mikasa got demanding. Surrendering to her, he crammed a third finger inside her tight pussy to join the two already there, feeling the stretch as she accommodated him. Mikasa was so incredibly hot like this, sweaty and moaning while her body shook and her beautiful face contorted in the intense pleasure he was giving her. This was heaven, this sight was paradise, and Eren was so incredibly blessed to be allowed to do this to her, to this goddess that was in his bed. He needed her to cum on his face, he needed to taste her and he needed it now.
Putting all of his experience and skill to action, Eren fingered her hard while abusing her clit with his mouth. And when he curled the fingers and pressed into that one special spot, when he let his teeth graze over her clit, Mikasa lost it. She came hard, mind-shattering orgasm ripping through her body as she drenched Eren’s face and he lapped at the sweetness, tip toying with her throbbing clit. Those strong legs squeezed him too and her hips lifted from the bed, beautiful muscles forced to contract by the waves of pleasure flying through her entire being. She was delicious and Eren made sure to lick everywhere where he could, even sucking her cum from his fingers. Yes, he adored the taste, but while he was so diligently pleasuring her through the orgasm, drawing it out and making it even better, Mikasa had another vision.
Normally, her sight went white while cumming, but now there was something else imprinted over the otherworldly nothingness. Eren’s face was hovering over her, but it was the one with short hair and not her version. His face was sweaty and a bit embarrassed when he spoke.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hold myself back.”, not-Eren said in an ethereal voice. “I finished so fast…”
“Don’t worry.”, a phantom hand reached out to caress his cheek, “I don’t mind, it felt nice.”
“Not good enough,”, the other Eren disagreed, “I promise that I’ll make it up to you. I’ll get better with practice.”
Mikasa felt herself blushing, not only in one reality but in the other too, while the other Eren dipped his head down to kiss her. And that’s when the vision broke. Eren must have noticed it, must have heard her speak to his other self because his head shot up from between her legs.
“Hey? What’s wrong?”, he asked, eyes widening in alarm, “Did I do something wrong?”
“No, I..”, she held unto him, tightening her legs around his form and preventing Eren from fully pulling back, keeping him in, “Another memory, that’s it.”
“I thought that this was a bad idea. Am I going to get blueballed by myself? That would be somewhat next-level play.”
Mikasa chuckled.
“It wasn’t a bad memory, just unexpected.”, she reached out to smooth her fingers over the bedding, “Let’s say that we aren’t the only ones who went to town in a very similar cabin.”
“You did say that Dreamkasa was pregnant, so it’s only logical.”
She frowned at him for using that stupid nickname, but Eren’s cheeky grin didn’t budge as he climbed up her body until they were face to face again. His was wet, she noticed, as Eren never did mind having her essence all over himself. Mikasa would never admit it out loud but it was pretty hot.
“It was super sweet, they were inexperienced and oh so careful with each other.”
“I’d call myself a lot of things, but inexperienced is not one of them. Not with you around.”
“It felt good, I’m sure of that.”
“Better than me?”
“Oh Eren,”, she giggled, hands coming up to circle his wide shoulders, “Are you getting jealous of yourself?”
“Just..”, he moved low, his hot breath ghosting over her neck as he punctured the word with a bite, beginning a slow journey upwards.
”Question. ”
And now he was at the top of her ears, teeth clicking against the piercings lodged into the goth’s vulnerable cartilage. He knew that the neck and ears were Mikasa’s weak points, and he abused the knowledge, fanning the fires of her just-orgasmed body.
“You! Of course that I prefer you.”, getting some self-control back, Mikasa pulled at his long hair to get Eren to face her, “I spent so long training you, what kind of teacher would I be if you sucked at sex.”
“Teacher? For a woman who almost died of shame after showing me her boobs for the first time, you have certainly grown. Miss possessive.”
“Of you? Always.”, she pecked him on the nose, “You’re mine.”
His hand went low, groping her naked ass.
“And you mine.”, he replied in a heated whisper, “All of you, even this ass. Did you know that it’s a perfect fit for the golden ratio?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Your ass is a Fibonacci perfection.”
For the sake of her mental health, Mikasa decided to ghost over that comment as Eren could be somewhat strange with his compliments. She knew he meant well, and that was good enough.
“Okay, it’s yours. Why don’t you stop stalling and make me feel good, hm?”, her voice was sultry now, eyes half-lidded, “Show me how much you have learned…”
A challenge.
“Didn’t you just come?”
“So?”, single fine raven eyebrow raised, “Can’t you do it again?”
“You’re insatiable.”
“Aah, but I believe that you will sate me,”, her divine hand went low, squeezing his cock between those strong and dexterous fingers, “Right?”
He breathed hard against her naked skin, thoughts clouding. How could Mikasa make him so desperate with a single touch, that was a question Eren could never answer. Maybe trying to take advantage of his weakened state, Mikasa hooked a leg over his waist and pulled, attempting to roll them over. When Eren resisted she stopped, not wanting to force herself on top. There was a time and place for measuring strength, and this old and creaky bed wasn’t it.
To get an explanation for his actions, Mikasa tugged at his hair, getting Eren to look at the question written on her face.
“There is no way I’m letting you be on top.”, he answered the unspoken query.
“What? Why?”
“Miki, if you don’t remember, let me refresh your memory.”, his touch was back, one hand tracing the outlines of her abs while the other squeezed her thigh, “You literally broke a bedframe by riding me, and it was a much firmer than this squeaky one that’s here.”
“But I…”
“I’m not sure about you, but I don’t want to spend the night on the floor.”
Mikasa sighed, ceasing her efforts to roll him over.
“Don’t you worry…”, Eren drawled out the words, kissing her neck again, “I’ll take good care of you.”
And he was inside her, pushing in with one sharp thrust that made her eyes roll back and mouth drop open. He abused that fact straight away, dropping his tongue between her lips and letting her taste herself. She was everywhere, in every crook of his mouth, every part of his face, every inch of his tongue, reminding Mikasa of how strongly he made her cum. Back and forth he fucked into her with determination, sliding in easily as her sex was drenched. Her black nails were at his back, carving into the skin, marking him with bloody wings over the tattooed ones. The sounds were wet, her moans thick, but Mikasa was Mikasa and she was a beast, impossible to tame and difficult to please.
“More…”, she half-moaned into the messy kiss. “Harder…”
With a groan and a primal need ignited in his lower belly, Eren pushed up into a kneeling position. If Mikasa wanted more, if she wanted to be fucked harder, then who was he to question his queen? Picking her legs up he put them on his shoulder, both on the left, creating a rather tight passage to squeeze through. Holding her ankles together with one of his hands, Eren anchored himself with the other and resumed the moves from earlier, picking up the pace.
Mikasa’s vision was beginning to swim. Her sounds were rising, her chest was heaving more and more, the way she panted for air was making Eren harder than diamonds. She wasn’t idle either, her hands moved, playing with her own breasts while he watched. It was arousing as hell to see, the way her slender fingers rolled the erect nipples between them, when she pinched and moaned out loud. Now it was Eren who wanted, no, needed more, overtaken by a desire to give Mikasa everything she deserves.
He needed to be closer to her heat, closer to that divine being that Mikasa was, so he pushed forward to do so. One of her legs back on the bedding, Eren kept a firm hold on the other as he spread her as wide as she could go. Mikasa groaned at the burn his move produced in her muscles, her legs being forced into a very wide angle, but it was a slight ache and easily forgotten in the heat of passion. Mikasa’s ankle was now practically resting above her own shoulder as she was half-doubled over, this position possible only because of how flexible she was. She was completely open to him, wanting nothing more than to be fucked senseless, and Eren did his best to deliver - truly rutting into her, his hips slapping into her ass again and again and again and…
She was going to have welts on her butt tomorrow.
Mikasa was moaning in sync with his thrusts, her Ah-Ah-Ah so much sweeter and better than whatever Eren’s foul mouth could produce. She was loud, no shame in how she let her pleasure vibrate out from her throat and that was music to Eren’s ears. After all, there was no need to keep silent as the animals were the only ones who could hear them. If they did mind the sounds of their lovemaking, they didn’t say so.
Intertwining their fingers, Eren marveled at how small Mikasa’s hand looked in his, how delicate. But when she squeezed and the strength reminded him that she is no helpless flower, very far from it.
It was wet and loud and powerful when he moved in and out of her, his cock soaked by them, by whatever they were doing together. The bed creaked beneath every time he thrusted, but they didn’t care. It felt like heaven to move inside Mikasa because she was so hot and so incredibly tight that Eren could never wish for more. Years, eternity, he could spend it all right at this moment when he is fucking her raw and throbbing pussy, repeating the moves over and over, disappearing and appearing out of her pulsing sex. He could spend eternity, but his physical form disagreed. It was getting too much to handle because it was so perfect, and Eren was not the only one on edge. He could feel it inside, how she pulsed more rapidly, how impossibly tighter she grew, so much that even pulling himself out to push in again was an exertion, a workout for his abdominals.
Eren didn’t understand her dreams, her visions, he didn’t understand why they happened. He didn’t have the faintest idea why he would ever, in any reality or timeline, want to hurt Mikasa. She gave him two things in her existence - undying love and devotion, and Eren could never reject these gifts. But then her muscled sheath squeezed all around his member, deep inside her, and he was reminded of one more gift that loving Mikasa brought.
The best and most intense sex one could ever ask for.
He needed help, anything to push her over first because the wave was approaching and Eren knew he can’t win. Dropping his hand low he located her clit and pressed against it, the effects almost immediate as that nub was more than sensitive at this point. Mikasa’s eyes shot open, a loud groan falling from her mouth when Eren rubbed her weak place at an almost feverish pace. The bed’s creaking was very loud too, the wooden headboard banging against the wall, almost as if the old furniture was protesting against being so shamelessly soiled. He could feel Mikasa’s wetness leaking, trickling down his shaft and down over his balls that kept slapping against her ass, and he knew that she’s right there on the edge.
If he wanted to edge her, if this was one of the nights where he tied her up and tortured her, now would be the time to stop. But tonight was not such a night, so Eren kept moving, stimulating all her weak points, and that was good enough. Her body arched beneath him into that perfect bridge, while she made that adorable face only orgasming Mikasa Ackerman can do when the second climax overtook her. One day, one day he will snap a picture of it in the perfect moment and that will be his gift to mankind.
Her moaning got louder as she came, most likely stirring a few animals from their sleep outside, but Eren loved it. He adored how loud Mikasa could get when she let herself go, when she stopped caring who heard and let her pleasure truly show. Normally she was the silent type, and it was quite a shame because her voice was beautiful and Mikasa could carry a tune perfectly. It took a long time before she was comfortable enough to sing for Eren, but when she did it was an amazing experience. The few times when they visited a karaoke bar were still lodged in his brain.
Now, Eren was making her sing quite a different tune, and it was an achievement for him knowing how good she was feeling, so good that her insecurities melted away and she was loud. But that was not all, as making Mikasa cum first was better for a multitude of reasons – it made him feel great mentally, it made her happy, but also for the selfish reason of being inside her while it happened. There is no way to describe how amazing it felt when she climaxed around him, as her body contracted and released, rapidly repeating that pattern, how her walls collapsed around his shaft and massaged, milking him. In short, it was like the most expensive sex toy in the world made specifically for his cock. Unable and not willing to resist Eren came inside her, filling her with several spurts. Way too much to fit, some of it dribbled out and down on the poor bed, making Eren smirk. They would have to change the sheets and maybe burn the ones that were here now. Filthy didn’t even begin to describe it.
For now though, he pulled out and collapsed on his back next to his sweaty lover, listening to her agitated breathing. The haze covered them both like a blanket, the pure euphoria that occurs after climaxing, nothing but unbridled happiness. Mikasa closed her eyes for a second and Eren wondered if there aren’t more visions going on in her brain, but he wouldn’t pry. If she wanted to share them with him, she would, but they were hers. With a rustle of sheets she turned towards the window, staring out into the darkness and stillness of a forest night, pondering something. At first, Eren wanted to speak up but then the moonlight shimmered over her porcelain skin and his eyes were drawn to the wings on her back. There was no better symbol for her - she was an angel, incredibly free, and when Eren was with her he felt like he could fly.
Mikasa felt his lips at her back, pressing gentle kisses against the skin before he picked up her wrist and did the same there, nuzzling it.
“What are you doing?”, she asked, not even bothering with looking away from the dark forest.
“Admiring your tattoos.”
“I’ll never stop doing it.”, another kiss to her wrist, “They are beautiful, just as you are.”
She giggled and rolled over to rest on his chest, shifting their position. Now they were cooling down from it all, Eren’s hand wrapped around her and gently caressed her hip.
“Hey Miki?”
“Hmmm?”, she hummed from his chest, not stopping the movement of her little finger that traced patterns into the skin.
“What if we bought this.”
“What, the bed?”
“No…”, he snickered, “The cabin. It would be nice to have a getaway from the city and the location is amazing.”
“I thought you didn’t like it.”
“Eh, I’m warming up to it.”, he squeezed her slightly, “Plus with you here, the cabin can be ugly as sin, you are the only beauty I need in the whole world.”
Mikasa snickered and kissed the underside of his jaw for that.
“Way too cheesy.”
Ha, like that would make him stop.
“Well, I am a firm believer in Mikasa supremacy. You could say that it’s my religion.”
Groaning, Mikasa hid her face in Eren’s neck to mask the crazy smile on her lips. Must have been her jittered hormones after the intense sex, the endorphin high always such a wild ride. Because yes, it was cheesy as hell but it felt great to see how much he adores her, about as much as she loved him back.
“Can you stop simping for me and tell me more about the sudden cabin-buyout plan?”
“I’ll never stop simping for you Miki, but I will tone it down if it will make my queen happy.”, squeezing her again, Eren continued with the original train of thought,  “We can rebuild it you know, upgrade it so it’s up to the living standard of the twenty-first century. It’s the location that’s amazing, this close to both mountains and the ocean and not that far away from the city.”
Mikasa pondered Eren’s proposal for a moment, but she knew the answer already.
“Sounds good. We could have gatherings here too, invite friends to take a breather with us.”
“While I’d prefer being here only with you, I guess that we can tone it down a bit if guests were over.”
When she didn’t understand what he was implying, Eren grinned down at her.
“You are quite loud during sex, and the walls are thin…”
The slap she planted on his chest was a loud one, but it did nothing to stop his laughter. Bickering back and forth over nothings, Mikasa didn’t even remember how they ended up kissing but here it was. Soon there was the familiar hardness poking her stomach and with her own embers smoldering, Mikasa was more than up for it.
She rolled on top, proving that if she wanted to Eren had no chance of stopping her. Staring up into her twinkling grey eyes, his smile turned into a small frown on the prospect of spending the rest of the night on the cabin floor. Eren loved Mikasa to death, but she was very bad at controlling her strength in the heat of their passionate lovemaking, and when that combined with how unnaturally strong she was furniture was bound to get destroyed. Or him, for that matter, if the pain in his neck and the scratches Eren could feel on his back were any proof.
“Miki please don’t, I beg…”
“Shh, I promise that I’ll be gentle. Somewhat.”
She leaned back, pulling Eren with her.
“Sit up,” she demanded.
Her desired position was with Eren sitting and her in his lap, bodies all entangled together. Mikasa loved the closeness it brought, like this she could feel every breath, every twitch from her lover. Bracing herself up on her knees, she reached blindly behind herself and found Eren’s length, easily identifiable by how he hissed when her fingertips brushed over it. Yet that hiss was nothing compared to the sound he made once she began angling him, because she let the tip pass over her pounded pussy and then he was close to the other opening, the realization making his eyes wide.
“You want to…?”
“Shut up.”
Mikasa could never do this if he wasn’t so wet, but Eren was drenched and she wasn’t much better, some of the wetness found its way down when she squirted before. Still, it made her grit her teeth when she began sinking, feeling her ass stretched to its limits by his invading girth. Anal was always more difficult, and now when there was no lube or plugs in beforehand it was hard to accommodate what Eren gave her. This was something else yet she kept impaling herself, unyielding. Huffs of breath through her nose, whole body clenching, she worked herself down on his shaft, penetrating her tight muscle ring inch by inch.
The muscles in his neck bulged and Mikasa knew that he’s fighting himself not to thrust up into her, into that tight heat that was sliding down in such a slow, torturous tempo. It didn’t help that he could feel some of his cum leak out of her other opening, now unattended, pushed out by how her inner muscles were forced to work again. Why did this filthiness turn him on so much, that was a question Eren didn’t want to answer.
Instead, he focused on her, on how she felt around him, sinking lower and lower, taking it like a champ. It was Mikasa’s show, Eren was more or less an observer right now, letting her do what she wanted. Yet he had to praise her because there was nothing else like this in the entire world, no one else could be this amazing.
“F-Fuck Miki… You feel too good.”
“S-Shut up…”, she repeated, having trouble speaking too, being stretched so much in that other place.
To stop herself from speaking and to shut Eren up too she mashed their faces together into a messy and wild kiss. And then finally, after several more up-and-down slides, she was fully sitting on his lap, his cock lodged deep inside her ass. It made her pant, the physical exertion, her abdominals fluttering. Watching those muscles move erratically, bathed in sweat as they were, that was a fucking beauty on its own. Eren didn’t even dare to move now, lest he disturbs the short rest Mikasa was taking, her head on his shoulder and the hot breath washing over his back. That was until she nudged his face with her nose, getting his attention.
“Help me…”, she moaned weakly.
“O-Okay... Okay…”, thinking was hard with her all around him, but Eren managed, “Let’s do this together.”
Mikasa nodded and braced herself on her knees while Eren grabbed her hips, lifting her. Together they moved, with Eren helping her along the ride. It was slow, way slower than how she rode him normally, but anal was always different. Mikasa circled her hips, rocked them back and forth, stretching herself more around his girth. Breathe in, breathe out, the unpleasant sting was fading and being replaced by pleasure as her butt got used to having Eren’s cock inside of it. Slow yet picking up speed, it was under Mikasa’s dictatorship with Eren playing the role of a helpful lackey. Willingly.
Her knees scrambled on the bedding and she was pushing herself up by the hands on Eren’s shoulders. Mikasa deemed herself ready for the next stage of her plan, which was finding a better purchase on the bed. Her feet finally found their place and she was squatting now, right on Eren’s lap. And then it was time to truly ride him.
Up and down she bounced, propelled by her powerful thighs, her ass sliding all over his cock, squelching it in its tight embrace. The repeated penetration finally convinced her muscles to give way, albeit just a tiny bit. It was igniting a primal need in her, the way he rubbed her insides, the tiredness burning away. Maybe it was because of her athletic body but Mikasa caught a second wind, spiraling down into a nearly animalistic state. The need for more was back, stronger than ever, so slapping her ass down onto Eren’s poor hips, she grinded into him hard.
“Come on, come on…”, it was coming through her gritted teeth, her gray eyes scorching Eren with the intensity.
“You keep saying how much you love my ass, right?.”, Mikasa practically growled the order, made wild by the overflowing feeling, “Show me.”
Normally, such words would never leave her lips but they were both far beyond normal. She was wild but Eren was no better, teeth clenched to match her. Bracing his feet against the bed he did as she asked, thrusting up to meet her descent half-way. He moved up, Mikasa moved down, their hips slapping into each other in the middle with a smack. Her ass sat down on him hard, crotch loudly protesting against being crushed like this. To help, to assist his feral goddess, Eren slipped his hand down to that squelching wet place. Spreading her open he toyed with her clit, and the multiple stimulations made Mikasa practically howl like a beast. She was an animal right now, an animal in heat reduced to its primal instincts, and Eren was fortunate, or unfortunate, enough to be her chosen mate.
Close, so close, the electricity was everywhere inside her, tickling her brain. Eren attacked with his mouth too, his teeth sinking into her neck before coming up to claim her lips. The kiss was bruising, the way she bounced on his lap too, and several things were nearing their breaking point. Mikasa, because Eren’s fingers at her clit were a godsend. Eren, because Mikasa kept grinding her ass down on him with fervor, her butt clenching so hard around his length that it hurt, reminding him how incredibly strong his lover was. And also the bed, because the old thing was not constructed to withstand this amount of wild pounding. It was a race, race on who would break first, and fortunately for all that was Mikasa.
With a last slam of her hips that pinned him and shook the bed so much that it nearly fell apart, Mikasa’s head tipped back, a wild scream tearing out of her throat as she squeezed him so hard that Eren swore out loud. It was the wild contraction of her muscles that pushed him over the edge to follow her, his cock spurting inside her with his second release, filling her ass with a smaller load. Done, finished and over, Mikasa slipped out of his hands and fell to her side, pulling herself away from his body. They laid there, side by side, catching their breath. The whole world seemed to take a breather, the animals outside wondering what kind of terrible duel took place in the usually peaceful cabin.
“God damn, Miki,”, Eren finally managed, “If I knew that a cabin would drive you this wild I would take you here ages ago.”
She chuckled, but a gust of wind from the opened window made her shiver. The sweat was cooling down and it was rather cold outside. Instinct at this point, she rolled back towards Eren’s heat, laying her hand on his chest, tangling their legs together and leeching shamelessly.
Mikasa was tired, tired from her performance and the long day, tired in the best possible way. She stilled completely and didn’t move, their bodies mashed together in one sweaty and dirty mess. Breathing hard, she could feel Eren’s chest contract beneath her, betraying that he too needed a small break from their intensive lovemaking. Yet resting while there is the mixture of your climaxes running down your thighs is hardly hygienic, so Eren stroked Mikasa’s back to get her attention, fingers tapping the bumps of her spine.
“C’mon, let’s abuse the running water and get cleaned up. This bed needs all its sheets changed or burned and I’m pretty sure that you shouldn’t be sleeping with a double creampie between your legs.”
She took a shuddering breath.
“Eren, I hate you and your dirty mouth so much.”
“Nonsense. Remember how hard you came when I ate you out?”
Done, Mikasa hid her face in Eren’s shoulder, ignoring how his body shook with the laughter.
The shower was surprisingly big, for a rundown shack like this, and it wouldn’t be Eren if he didn’t take advantage of the fact. Mikasa gasped a bit when his finger slid into her still-sensitive sex, looking at him over her shoulder.
“I told you to wash my back, not finger me.”
“I have to my sure that every part of you is clean.”, he leaned closer, “Before I make you filthy again.”
Closing her eyes, Mikasa decided not to fight her fate and let herself enjoy it. The feeling of Eren’s finger was soon joined by another one, and now there were two explorers inside her, poking and probing at the walls. Curling his hand Eren’s palm pressed against Mikasa’s clit, rubbing it slightly and getting her worked up properly. Her lover was right when he called her insatiable because Mikasa’s libido could be nigh bottomless. She blamed Eren – he knew her too well, knew her body better than his own at this point and all of her weak points were etched into his memory. He knew how to touch, how to stroke, where to press and rub and in what intervals. Mikasa’s body was a terrifying weapon, powerful and deadly in the ring, but Eren could turn it into a putty mush in his hands, all her lean muscles melting underneath his touch.
Okay, she could go again. She wanted it too because his fingers managed to re-ignite the fire between her thighs, stroking it higher and higher with every press against her clit. Reaching between her legs Mikasa tugged his hand out, turning to face Eren.
“Pick me up.”, she ordered him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Do I have to?”, he faked a pained expression, “You are so heavy.”
But Mikasa didn’t want jokes now.
“Eren, don’t.”
It was the tone in which she spoke those two words, her icy commander voice that would make him fall to his knees in the middle of a crowded street if ordered him to. It was the one that allowed no argument nor question, only blind obedience.
“Yes, my lady.”
With a grunt Eren picked her up, letting Mikasa wrap her strong legs around his waist. He was grateful for the assistance, as Mikasa’s body was heavy, but if there was one thing Eren could do after all that gym-going, it was holding up his girlfriend. The water beating down on their bodies, her eyes locked to his as she manipulated her hips blindly until his tip was resting against her folds.
A single nod being the answer, Eren eased his hold on her and let gravity assist them. Of course that Mikasa had to do something, wouldn’t be her if she didn’t. Bracing on Eren’s shoulders, she let herself go slow, super slow, torturing him with the tempo. In hopes of appeasing her, he dropped his head to her exposed breasts, tonguing the red marks he left behind earlier. Mikasa’s tits would be littered with bitemarks come morning, and she was silently very grateful that there were no swimwear photoshoots on her agenda anytime soon. Sure, the makeup artists could cover the marks Eren left on her and Mikasa’s neck often had to be worked on but having them tap their brushes against her chest was something else entirely.
This time around it was no wild pounding, they were both way too exhausted for that. It was slow lovemaking with Eren pulling her up and letting the gravity push her down on his cock, over and over, until the familiar heat awoke and slid into her whole body. Mikasa came with a gasp that she hid in Eren’s shoulder and he was quick to follow, the last bits of his essence squeezed and milked out of him by her inner muscles. And then it was time to truly get cleaned and rest, although Mikasa had a faint feeling that she might not be able to walk tomorrow.
And yes, the morning proved that she was right in that assessment, but Eren was no better. With how hard Mikasa rode him, he had bruises and welts all over his hips, and his neck looked like someone was trying to choke the life out of him. Well, Mikasa did, because her thighs moved on their own while she was cumming and squeezed the poor man between them hard, but Eren was used to it at this point. With both of them out of commission, the next day was spent doing nothing and lying around, giving their bodies time to heal. Still, it was totally worth it.
Two days later, everything was falling into place. Mikasa’s visions were less and less frequent until they stopped completely, letting her know that there was nothing more the cabin could show her right now. All she could do was wait, her visions would come when the time was right.
With the closeness of the mountains they went skiing too, Mikasa acing it as she did anything that is a physical sport. Eren had his issues, not nearly as perfect as she was, but after a few hours of training and guidance from her, he could hold his own on the treacherous devices strapped to his feet. Exhausted from the skiing, they practically collapsed as soon as they were back in the cabin in dire need of rest.
Eren was fast asleep when Mikasa woke, slipping from his embrace and out of the creaky bed. Making a cup of coffee for herself, she opened the door and watched as the sun slowly climbed from the horizon and up. It was so beautiful here, so peaceful, and she knew exactly what to do. Mikasa was meant to be here, this was the place where she would get her last dream, the last piece of the puzzle, the final chapter of the story. Here, she would know what happened to her other self, how she ended up. And taking a sip of the hot beverage, a tight smile spread over the raven’s lips.
Mikasa was looking forward to that.
A rustle of sheets behind her indicated that Eren was stirring about. It was like an instinct at this point – when he couldn’t feel Mikasa next to him his sleep was usually mediocre at best as if his mind is constantly checking if she’s there with him, safe and sound. Mikasa didn’t turn, keeping her eyes on the rising sun even when she heard his bare feet tapping against the wooden floor behind her. Soon she was enveloped in a warm hug from behind.
“Hi.”, he whispered into her ear, kissing her cheek after.
“Morning. There’s coffee if you want some.”
“Hmmm, later…”, he yawned behind her, “I’ll keep hugging you for a bit longer.”
With a smile Mikasa put her hand on his, intertwining their fingers. And feeling it, feeling the fingers splayed on her stomach reminded her of something, a faint feel of memory hitting her again. They stood like this, exactly like this, with Mikasa gazing out and Eren behind her, but there was one significant difference. There was a baby bump on her midriff, beneath their intertwined hands.
Mikasa took a sharp breath through the nose once she realized that, looking down. There was no baby, of course, her and Eren’s hands were nestled against her firm abdominals. But in her mind’s eye, she could see it, and to her surprise Mikasa liked that image. The implant in Mikasa’s arm burned for a second, reminding her of its presence and function.
Her mood was completely shattered when Eren rubbed his cheek against hers, his stubble scratching her and reminding Mikasa of the night before.
“Eren, the shaving?”, she reminded him gently yet didn’t pull away, enduring the feeling.
“I could shave you, you know.”
“That would be nice.”, he pressed a quick kiss to the side of her neck, “Thank you.”
“Could cut your hair too…”
“As long as you don’t give me an undercut.”
“Why’s that?”
“Miki I love you but I don’t want to be reminded of Levi every time I look in the mirror.”, he shuddered behind her, “When he sees us kissing my life flashes in front of my eyes.”
“You have to overcome the fear of my brother.”
“It’s not fear, it’s respect.”
“Oh? And why do you respect him that much then?”
“Because he is so similar to you! It’s like a shorter and much grumpier male version of you who doesn’t love me at all. And that is scary, because I know how much stronger than me you are, and I’d go as far as saying that your brother dislikes me.”
“Just stronger?”
“Well, way more beautiful too, but that doesn’t count with Levi.”
“You have it all figured out, huh.”
“For sure. You are stronger than me and Armin is smarter, so if we ever get into a real conflict I’ll argue with you and fight Armin.”
She laughed at that, marking Eren’s mission of making his angel happy as complete. With that he buried his face in Mikasa’s neck completely, filling his nose with the pleasant smell of her natural scent. She was giggling, the heavenly sound in his ears, and that was simply the best way to start a morning.
“All right then.”, she reached out to pat his cheek, scratching it gently, retaliation for the agony his beard caused her, “Just don’t shit your pants when Levi walks me down the aisle.”
His voice was muffled against her skin.
“You want him at our wedding? Ugh…”
“Eren, he is my brother. Behave.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Giving up on morning Yeager, Mikasa took hold of her coffee with both hands and took another long sip. Maybe roused by the sound Eren raised his head.
“Let me have a taste?”
“Sure, here…”, she almost handed him the cup before realizing what he meant, “Oh..”
With a grin Eren took a hold of her chin, angling her head so he could kiss her. It felt nice, especially when his tongue swept against the seam of her lips and she let him in, touching it with her own. And when he pulled back and smacked his lips, Mikasa smiled because of the raw happiness she felt.
“How is it?”
“Good, I feel like I need a cup myself.”
“Do you?”
“Maybe, let me have another taste to be sure.”
So Mikasa kissed him again and they stood there tangled together while the sun steadily climbed over the horizon. And everything felt right.
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sabraeal · 3 years
Traffic Lights Are Burnin’
[Read on AO3]
Written in honor of @nebluus‘s birthday! She asked for some WFB, and of the options I gave she chose the next part of our Six Flags saga...only the beginning scene of that chapter ended up ballooning out into this so...it ended up being less Amusement Park Shenanigans and more Wholesome Boys Will Be Boys Content. I’M SURE MADI WILL BE JUST FINE WITH THAT TOO 😂
“Are you making an omelette?”
English is not, functionally, Mitsuhide’s first language. Not that he thinks of it like that-- first or second, third or fourth; there’s no ranking in his life, no moment in which one language followed another. There was English with Mama and quebecois with Papa; a plan quickly scuttled by Mitsuhide being the fifth Lowen sibling. Refusing to be pigeonholed into a single language no matter how many times Mama repeated consistency is key, his brothers mostly spoke a tossed salad of both and assumed he’d understand the lettuce.
Coupled with the fact that all his cousins lived in Toronto anyway, Mitsuhide had hardly begun talking himself before it became outside quebecois and inside English. Unless they left the province, in which case it was a free-for-all that left his few monolingual aunts and uncles dizzy.
Which is to say, Mitsuhide only becomes aware of the precise inner ranking of his languages in moments like this, where gut immediately kicks out a dry ‘j’essaie.’ The translation is vetoed on the grounds that although in quebecois he’s never met a word he couldn’t steep in sarcasm and smuggle in a sacre, he prefers to keep his English so clean it squeaks.
You’ve got it all backwards, Kihal had told him as he sweltered under the San Juan sun, English is fake, you can be as much of an asshole as you want it in, it doesn’t count.
It’s true, there’s something that’s more real to him in French, that’s more real about him, but, well-- there were far fewer cousins to tattle on his potty mouth this way. And now that he knows Obi...
Well, if Kiki ever made good on her threats to teach him any of his “church swears,” he’d probably never sleep easy again. So instead, he scrolls through his mental rolodex of possible appropriate replies before settling on, “Would you like one?”
Zen glances up from his array of pamphlets, glossy paper glaring beneath the overhead lamp. It matches the way Zen is looking at him. “We don’t have time for that.”
Mitsuhide frowns, giving his eggs one last vigorous whisk before pouring them into the pan. “There’s always time for breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day.”
He glances over just in time to see Zen’s grimace. “Shirayuki really could be your sister.”
There’s really no reason he has to look so horrified by the idea. His brothers may all be broad shouldered, barrel-chested giants, but plenty of his cousins made pocket money in high school through catalogue modeling. And they’re all very nice girls.
He doesn’t mention it. A conversation never ends well if you have to whip out photos of female relatives to prove your point. “Would you like one?” he repeats instead, a safer tactic overall.
Zen’s nose wrinkles beneath some dubiously drawn eyebrows. “Are you putting spinach in there?”
“Kale,” he agrees. “And chicken.”
“In a breakfast omelette?” He clucks his tongue, just the way the Wisteria’s chef would when he attempted to cook at the estate. Quel dommage, he would say, sighing over the cutting board, why would you do that to perfectly good eggs? “Why would you do that?”
Because these muscles don’t come cheap; Mitsuhide chokes down a truly staggering amount of chicken in order to keep them. Roasted, of course-- boiled is technically better for protein, but even he has to draw the line somewhere. The eggs have less, but they are calorie efficient; he’d eat more of them if he could stomach the slimy, snake-like sensation of swallowing them down hard boiled.
But explaining his diet regime usually ended with glazed eyes, so he settles for, “I could always put something different in yours. There’s ham.”
Fancy ham, Obi calls it. It’s just from the deli counter, fresh sliced from whatever quality cut’s on sale, but considering how the first time Obi saw a charcuterie board, he shouted, Oh, Lunchables!--
Well, Mitsuhide can accept that maybe they have different benchmarks for fancy. And somehow just the simple act of calling it that does make it taste better. Or at least more satisfying when it’s shoved between a Hawaiian roll and deli cheese.
There’s a soft shuffle by the kitchen door, and a wild thatch of bristle peeps around the frame. Mitsuhide shakes his head with huff. That’s a new one-- just think the devil’s name and he appears.
Obi lopes into the kitchen, all long limbs and smooth movements, blurring right into the background without any effort at all. He’d gotten Mitsuhide a few times when he’d first moved in, popping up wherever it was sure to be the most inconvenient, grinning like a cat with feathers in its teeth. But once you knew the trick of it, well-- it’s no effort to keep the kid in his sights.
Which is why he has a full, uninterrupted view when Obi slips right up to Zen’s elbow, and asks, “Whatcha doing, chief?”
“Wah!” Pamphlets fly up, a glittering flock of wings swooping beneath the lamp. Zen slaps them down before they can skitter off the table’s edge. “Obi! Make noise for fuck’s sake!”
“Sorry,” he sing-songs, not a sincere note in it. Two long fingers pluck a pamphlet off the wood, twisting it between them. “What’s all this? They starting to put theme parks on exams now?”
“No.” Zen scowls, snatching it out of his hands. “I’m just making today’s itinerary.”
Mitsuhide slides his omelette onto a plate, turning just in time to catch the glance Obi sends him. It somehow says is he fucking with me while also implying I’ll hold him down if we gotta send him to the doctor. “An itinerary?”
He leans a hip against the island, fishing out a fork. What was it Obi always said? Dinner tastes better with a show. Time to find out whether it extends to breakfast too.
Zen fixes Obi with a look that could have had trenches with all its affront. “You can’t go to an amusement park without a plan. How else do you get on all the coasters?”
“It’s only Six Flags New England.” A week ago, the name alone made Obi flee like a cat from a bath, but now every syllable drips with derision, like a sommelier reviewing boxed wine. “They’ve got what? Superman?”
Mitsuhide shoves a corner of his omelette in his mouth. It’s not as good as a sausage, mushroom, and cheese, but, well, it’ll do. “Bizarro.”
“Bizarro.” Obi scoffs. “See? Nothing. Besides, I thought you were the kind of guy to spring for fast passes, boss.”
Zen’s always been sensitive; the sort of kid who tended to pop off when a situation came to a simmer instead of trying to turn down the heat. When Izana had been sitting president, he’s spent half his tenure fielding tense calls, sometimes even climbing into a towncar at a moment’s notice to be taken back east. The school, he’s always say, lifting a shoulder, my brother is proving to be a challenge, and my mother is...unreachable.
He’d thought this Zen kid must be like the ones he knew on the ice, punching first and asking questions later, complaining about being put in the box. All temper and no temperance, Mama used to say when she drove him home, can’t talk when you got plastic between your teeth.
But then he’d met him, undersized and stick-limbed, living in that house with people paid to be invisible. A kid with too much on his shoulders and too many eyes to watch him stumble under it. He’s come a long way from there.
So when Zen squirms in his chair, red already starting to lick up his neck, Mitsuhide doesn’t enjoy it. On the contrary, Zen’s discomfort is his discomfort, a failure of him to keep the watchful eye on him that Izana asked him to.
But it also doesn’t stop him from adding, “Shirayuki believes that waiting in line is part of the amusement park experience.”
Obi looks as though he’s just been told it’s his birthday and Christmas, all rolled into one. “Of course she does.” His mouth sharpens to a wicked grin. “So you’ll be lowering yourself to the peasant’s lines today, huh, Your Highness?”
“Don’t call me that,” he grumbles, swatting him away. “No one’s being lowered anywhere. We won’t be running into any of them so long as we get there early and hit the coasters in the right order.”
Obi coughs. Or at least, makes it sound like he is. “Uh-huh.”
“Where is Shirayuki anyway?” Zen glares at the empty doorway, brows heaving like thunderclouds over the bridge of his nose. “I thought you said you’d get her.”
“I did.” Obi twitches his shoulders; as good as a shrug, from him. “She’s getting ready.”
“It’s been fifteen minutes.” Zen’s glare changes target to him, thunder rolling in the tone of his voice. “Shirayuki doesn’t take this long to get ready.”
When Mitsuhide glances up, chewing around another stab of egg, kale, and chicken, Obi’s eyebrows are already there to meet him. His head tilts, just the barest degree; this is your show, big guy.
Mitsuhide coughs, trying to clear his throat of leaf bits. “Girls,” he starts, the ground sinking beneath him with each word, “like to look nice. Especially when they are on, uh, dates.”
“This isn’t a date,” Zen informs him, more than a little put out. “Obi’s going.”
The sound Obi makes can only be termed as distressed. “I didn’t want to.”
For exactly this reason, is what he doesn’t say. Doesn’t even show it on his face, though it has to be lurking beneath it, considering how he--
Well, considering nothing Mitsuhide knows for sure. But certainly a few things he reasonably suspects.
“Chief.” Obi flips the chair next to him, straddling it. “You know, I really thought it couldn’t be true. I really wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. But to hear you now--” he leans in, one narrow brow raising the same time his voice drops-- “you really do chicken out when it comes to getting chummy with Doc.”
Mitsuhide nearly chokes on his chicken.
Zen’s red all over, like someone pulled him from a boiling pot and put him on a plate. “You don’t know that.”
“Sure I do,” he says, so easy. “Doc told me.”
“She said that?” His skin’s so flushed Mitsuhide’s half afraid he’ll pass out, but instead he just collapses against the ladderback, head buried in his arms. “Shirayuki?” 
“Pretty much.” Obi sighs, hands braced on the table. “I mean, is it so hard to say she looks nice when she dresses up? Or that you like her hair, or--” he stumbles, shaking his head-- “no, not the hair. Too loaded. But you know, one of her floaty little numbers. Her freckles. Something.”
“I have!”
Obi lifts a dubiously narrow eyebrow. “Like when?”
“Ah...” Whatever the answer is, it’s not helping his blood flow problem. Mitsuhide nearly opens his mouth, searching for a good way to make himself a target-- “The Big E.”
Well, there goes that plan.
Obi’s inquisition crumples into confusion. “What? When did you--”
Every word ekes into the air with the utmost resistance. “When she was wearing your hoodie.”
“When she was wearing my--?” Gold eyes round to coins. “Chief.”
For a solid minute, that’s the only reaction-- wide-eyed disbelief, earned from two sides. But Obi coughs, mouth twitching, and it’s a snort, a smirk, and--
And then Obi launches himself away from the table, both hands still gripping the edge as he falls apart utterly. The chair’s back keeps him from putting his head between his knees, but spiritually he’s there, tears tracking down his cheeks as his laughs wheeze out of him
One hand finally slaps the table, like he’s asking for a time out. Zen frowns down at him, red finally fading to a painful pink. “It’s not that funny.”
“It is,” Obi squeaks, and Mitsuhide has to shove his last bite of omelette into his mouth to stifle his own noises. It’s no good-- Zen whips around and gives him the same glare he’s been saving for Obi.
“If you don’t cut it out,” he says loftily, “I’m going to let a freshman stay in your room.”
Well, that brings Obi up. “Fine,” he coughs, voice still ragged from laughing. “But still. My hoodie.”
“The sleeves hung over her hands! It was cute.” Zen huffs, folding his arms over his chest. “Fine, if I’m so bad, why don’t you two show me how it’s done?”
There’s a pause, long and loaded; enough that Mitsuhide glances up from his plate to see just what tomfoolery he should brace himself to break up--
Only to find Zen staring at him.
Intellectually, Mitsuhide is aware that Zen is a Wisteria. He met him through Izana, after all; he’s been over to the manor, he’s even met their prodigal mother on one of her rare stopovers between vacations. But when he thinks of the name, it’s Izana who springs to mind, the gears churning behind his eyes.
It’s not often that Zen reminds him of his brother; Cookie’s always said that Izana takes after their mother with that long and lean model build, while Zen has always been Kain’s child. But now, now--
He sees it, and it sends a shiver right through him.
With a quirk of his lips, Zen says, so like Izana that if he closed his eyes he wouldn’t know any different, “You first, Mitsuhide.”
Obi’s mouth curves into a leer. “Yeah, Big Guy. Show us the skills that got you Ms Kiki.”
This probably isn’t the time to tell them that it wasn’t him who got her; Mitsuhide hadn’t been trying to do anything more than be the friend she needed, to be a person she could confide in, could trust. People like that were thin on the ground for girls like her; heiress tended to make men see dollar signs instead of personality. But Kiki--
Well, she had other ideas. Ones he’d only cottoned onto when she climbed on top of him and shoved him against the couch cushions with her mouth.
“D-Don’t look at me!” he manages, trying to busy himself with anything. But there’s only a plate to be put in the sink, and a pan to be wiped. Not enough to fake a decent amount of responsibility. “I’m not--”
“Aw, c’mon, Big Man. Don’t leave us hanging.” Obi leans back, grin so wide it practically splits his face. “Lemme paint the scene. You’re single, Doc is adorable, and she’s waiting there--” he gestures to Zen, who flutters his eyelashes in precisely the way Shirayuki doesn’t-- “for you to make your move. Go!”
He could point out he’s not single, and that he doesn’t have any plans to change that anytime soon-- but that only ends in one way: a two-pronged mockery with additional ridicule provided by the impending arrival of his better half. He could also point out that of all the people in this room, he’s the only one who hasn’t wanted to date Shirayuki, but-- well, the problems with that one were obvious.
Instead, Mitsuhide takes in a deep breath, learns on the counter, and says, “Why, Shirayuki! You’re looking beautiful this morning. Those shorts really flatter your legs.”
There is a long silence, and then to everlasting embarrassment, they burst out laughing.
“Her shorts?” Zen’s hand is pressed to his chest, like he needs support to keep upright. “That’s all you can think of? Her shorts?”
“Well, Obi said not to do her hair,” he protests. “Complimenting her dress seemed like low hanging fruit. I was trying to be unique.”
Obi doesn’t even bother to remain horizontal, sprawling himself over the long forgotten maps. “So you went for her legs?”
“There’s nothing wrong with legs!”
“Oh, no, of course not,” Zen sputters out in an effort to keep his mouth straight. “Definitely a very neutral place to comment on.”
“Definitely not known for being attached to things like asses.” Obi’s mouth twitches, as much a sign for danger as thunder rolling in the distance. “Or puss--”
“I was not trying to comment on that.” He’d felt bad for Zen earlier, but the sentiment doesn’t seem mutual. “It’s not typical, sure, but Kiki never seems to mind when I compliment--”
“Kiki?” Zen squawks. “Kiki?”
“Well, I think we’re all learning a little too much about Big Guy today,” Obi wheezes. “Mainly that it’s Ms Kiki that chased him, and not the other way around.”
“Yeah.” Zen shakes his head, long and slow and solemn, like a doctor about to give a terminal diagnosis. “No game at all.”
Mitsuhide’s not a competitive man. Sure, he was forward on the ice, the kind of player that got sent to the box before the end of the first half and slid right into the captain spot when it was vacant. Aggression is part of the game, competition laced in every turn of his skate and lift of his stick, but that’s a different situation, a different language--
But it’s that part of him that surges beneath his skin right now, that makes him want to saunter over and put both hands on that rickety, painted wood until it creaks. That makes him want to take a full minute to bend down, showing off every centimeter of his one-ninety plus, and ask real low if either of them has made a girl beg on their cock lately, but--
He puts it in its place. That sort of talk always sounded better en français anyway.
Zen waves his hand, slipping his pamphlets out from under Obi. “Anyway, enough messing around. Are you still making omelettes, Mitsuhide?”
“Ohh, omelettes?” Obi spins to him with wide eyes. “Can I get mine with fancy ham?”
Mitsuhide blinks. “Wait, aren’t you going to do your take?”
Zen shrugs. “Joke’s over.”
“So I just did that for no reason--?”
“I wouldn’t say no reason,” Zen wheedles. “It was very educational.”
Obi grins. “Mainly about how Big Guy likes legs--”
“Oh,” drawls a voice that makes his body go cold and hot at the same time. When he turns, it’s Kiki leaning against the jamb, a single elegant brow raised, excusing amusement and menace in equal measure. “Am I to take it that the show is over?”
“K-kiki,” he stammers. “How long--?”
“Hm.” She saunters over to the counter, slipping onto a stool with a casual grace that still leaves his mouth dry. “Long enough. I have to admit, I was looking forward to seeing a display of Obi’s fabled moves.”
“Ms Kiki,” Obi simpers, pressing a hand to his chest. “I’d be happy to give you a personal demonstration anytime.”
Both her brows raise. “Did I say I was desperate?”
He’s saved from Obi’s answer by Shirayuki padding into the kitchen, flushed and breathless. “Oh, you were right Kiki! Everyone is already ready. Sorry to make you wait.”
There’s a hesitation in the air, and Mitsuhide can’t figure it out, not until he sees-- she’s wearing shorts.
Shirayuki blinks. “Is something wrong?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Kiki hums, sending him a gaze so wicked it should be illegal outside the bedroom. “Do you have anything to say to her, Mitsuhide?”
“No!” It comes out a little too harsh, a little too loud. “I mean, I, uh...like your sandals!”
“Sandals,” Obi snickers, a sound that’s only covered by Zen’s hushed, “Shut up.”
“Oh!” She blinks down. “Thank you. I got them at Payless. I, um, don’t think they make them in your size.”
“No,” he manages mildly. “I don’t imagine they would.”
“You do look real cute, Doc,” Obi chimes in, slinking out of his seat to circle around her. “Did you dress up for today?”
Zen makes a noise, somewhere between a choke and a gasp, but even with the pink brushing her cheeks, Shirayuki’s too used to his antics to do much more than sigh.
“Of course I did, Obi.” Her fists perch high on her hips, cocked as she talks to him. “It’s the last time we’re all going to be going out together, isn’t it? What could be more special than that?”
Mitsuhide may not be a competitive man, and especially isn’t a malicious one, but when Obi’s jaw goes slack, the tips of his ears darkening just the slightest bit, well-- he does indulge in the slightest bit of schadenfreude.
“Well,” Zen says, a little sharp. “Let’s get going.”
“Aw!” Obi whips around. “What about fancy ham?”
“I don’t think you need--”
“Oh, I haven’t had breakfast either!” Shirayuki adds, eyes wide. “Do we have time?”
Zen hesitates, and then with a sigh, relents. “We’ll stop at Dunkies.”
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magalidragon · 4 years
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Birthday Signs | a Silent Shadows drabble
HAPPY BELATED NAME DAY TO @aenarsnow !!! Here is your gift I hope you like it! A family fluff fic that totally spoils Silent Shadows but oh well we all knew where that fic was going! 🤣 This will be set between the soon to be posted chapters 14 and 15.
The familiar, early morning strobe light flashed behind Jon's closed eyelids, which fluttered up, taking in the sight of the phone on his nightstand, flashing next to a glass of water, his watch, a book, and a very new addition to the random detritus that scattered from his pockets when he emptied them out on the worn wooden stand.
A baby monitor.
He smiled at it and reached for the device, lifting it up to his ear. It was a very expensive model, one that Robb had purchased for them at the baby shower, which vibrated at the level of sound coming from the nursery. It did not help as much during the night, when he could not feel the vibrations from the nightstand, but he was very attuned to the shifting movement of the mattress and when he felt Dany move at his side, he was up immediately.
This morning it was silent, as was she, hugging Shadow against her chest, the great black wolf fast asleep between them, like a strange wiggling body pillow. He ruffled Shadow's ears and got up, shuffling around Ghost, who popped up quickly. He knelt at his companion's side, nuzzling his nose and stroking along his side, shivering at the feeling of the raised scar underneath the regrown white fur.
It was near a year ago, but he could have lost him. He signed to his wolf, speaking, his throat muscles constricting and vocal cords vibrating, attuning him to his spoken words even if he could not hear them. "You can't leave me, not yet," he said, smiling down at him. He kissed Ghost's head, coming up to his feet and lightly touching the middle of the wolf's back, Ghost walking beside him through the house and to the room across the hallway.
It was still somewhat dark outside, sun creeping up above the horizon, the sky a mottled purple, blue, and black as the light fought the dark back to sleep. The trees were dusted with a fresh layer of snow, courtesy from the storm the evening before. It was one of his favorite times of the year, just after a snowfall. It was a twisted sense of awareness, knowing that when people stepped out into the powder, everything was muffled, all sound smothered out. It was his entire life and for some reason made him oddly satisfied knowing others could sense the same thing he did.
He didn't know what the day would hold-- that depended on whether Dany would try to surprise him or not-- which he hoped definitely not. He hated surprises. Really saw no reason in having anything of the sort. All he wanted was to have his day to himself, as usual. Once morning was done in the house, he would go to his wolves. He was eager to see if Rifle and his pack had welcomed the new wolf who showed up a couple weeks ago, edging nervously into the territory. The wolf was certainly not an alpha contender, but could support the pack with hunting. He suspected they'd be fine, after he'd sat with the wolf for a time and then released him into Rifle's area, thinking they'd go on alright.
After that, there'd be some paperwork no doubt, and he'd stop at Winterfell to inspect Summer's eye infection. Gods only knew how he got that one. Summer tended to just fall into mishaps, just like his owner.
Until then, he would be with his favorite person in the entire world. Save Dany.
Although for all the love he held for Dany, she did not hold a candle to the love he felt for the wiggling little body in the crib, gazing up at him with wide eyes when he leaned over, greeting her with a tickle on her tummy. He signed to her, wanting her to learn as soon as possible, even at the tender age of ten months. "Good morning," he signed, smiling down. He leaned in and lifted her up, chuckling.
The baby did not react to his chuckle, instead squealing-- he felt her chest constrict against his-- she beat her fists on his shoulder and took a handful of his t-shirt, shoving it into her mouth. He nuzzled her head, eyes closing briefly, swaying from side to side. She rarely cried, but when she did, he might not be able to hear it, but it broke his heart. He savored these moments when it was just them, before the rest of the day started.
He carried her over to the changing table, resting her on it gently, smiling as she babbled to him, her fingers moving up. He nodded along, whatever she was saying was very important, he was sure, and he removed the hearing aids from their charger. She whined, not liking it when they first went in, obviously the plastic uncomfortable after an entire night being without, but she soon got used to them. It broke his heart, to see the heavy plastic behind her delicate ear, the tube and wire leading into her ear canal, but once it was in, once he flicked that little switch behind it, her eyes lit up, an entire world shut off to her in the night now at her disposal.
It was something he'd never know, so he was grateful her deafness could be rectified, at least for a time, and she would know the joy of her parents' voices-- such as his was he thought darkly-- the barks and howls of Ghost and Shadow and everything else the world could offer her.
Aly waved her hands again and very carefully, he moved her fingers into the sign, the fingers folded and the thumb out to the side and dragged it from her temple, down to her chin. "Daddy," he said, hoping she could understand.
She waved her hand again and he did it a few more times. She was very young, but anything they could do, the doctors and specialists said, would help her. Babies learned languages by doing. WSL was just another language. Same as Common Tongue or Valyrian, which Dany used with her.
Their baby would be trilingual by the time she was in preschool, Jon thought with a chuckle, lifting her up from the table once both her hearing aids were in and on. She'd quieted, her dark brow eyes wide, searching. Alysanne had almost black hair, but the largest green eyes, which he really loved. They tended to show her reaction before her face to anything.
Just like the day they first had her fitted for them, the audiologist warning that it might take some time, but when they came on, when Dany first said her name, the little girl freezing and then smiling, laughing at the sound of her mother's voice for the first time, Jon almost died there from sheer joy. Such an unfamiliar feeling for him.
He signed for her. "It's my birthday." He was thirty-five. He'd been (officially) with Dany going on three years now. Married for two. Parents for four months. How things had changed from the time when he thought he was fine, living alone in his house with his wolves, content to never speak to another human being again. Even with Arya, sometimes he never opened his mouth, preferring sign over trying to speak.
It was his first birthday as a father, he thought, nuzzling Aly's thick dark hair, carrying her out of her room and to the stairs, Ghost trotting behind them. She wiggled her fingers at Ghost,squealing. He licked her foot, walking ahead of them to lead their entry to the kitchen, where he stopped hard, catching Dany.
She must have been preoccupied, because she didn't turn around, fussing with something on the counter. Balloons wafted up near the ceiling and she'd draped streamers around the kitchen cabinets. He smiled, glancing at Ghost, who chuffed, continuing ahead to nose Dany. It didn't necessarily matter, because at the sight of her mother's silver hair and Shadow, Aly let out a squeal, waving her hands for her.
Dany whirled around, laughing and rushing to him, eyes a little foggy from sleep. "Happy Birthday!" she signed, reaching up to kiss him and grinned. She fell back on her feet and took Aly, nuzzling her. "And good morning!"
"What's this?" he signed, walking up to see that she had coffee set out and doughnuts. He chuckled, noting the wolf bun she must have asked specially from Hot Pie's Bakery. He picked up one of the couple presents sitting beside the pastries and coffee, setting it down to sign. "YOu didn't need to get me anything."
"Yes I did," she signed, adept now at keeping Aly hoisted on her elbow while she used her free hands to sign. She grinned, speaking now, because Aly was wiggling in her arms. "It is your birthday Jon."
He shrugged; it was just a day. He kissed her again, because Dany should be kissed often, in his opinion, and he was happy to oblige her. While she prepared Aly's breakfast, he sipped his coffee and wondered what his presents were. He really didn't need anything. Most all he wanted was for the sanctuary. He finished some of his coffee and signed to her, when she caught his attention. "Taking Ghost and Shadow out."
She nodded, focusing on Aly in the moment. Jon signaled for Shadow to follow, which he did, jumping up and running ahead and outside, the second the door opened to the yard. He pulled on one of the heavy parkas near the door and shoved his bare feet into boots, trudging into the snow to wait for the wolves to finish whatever it was they needed to do. It gave him a few minutes to clear his mind, inhale the cold air, and be in his preferred element.
Not being able to hear, he had heightened senses otherwise. Arya joked he had a super power. It was what he told the deaf children who came to the sanctuary to sit with the wolves. They had a superpower, they could see and smell, they could sense better than anyone else with hearing. He closed his eyes, smelling the pine and fresh snow, the smoke from the chimney. Even the wet wolves, both of them bounding around together. He rummaged in his pocket for the laser pointer, flicking it in front of Shadow, the wolf instantly turning and running up to the house, signalled to come in.
As it was still a regular day, he planned to finish up coffee and breakfast, dress, and head into the sanctuary. There were things to do. He stomped off snow once inside, found Dany feeding Aly, cutting up little pieces of a croissant for her. Somehow Aly already had jam all over her face. He signed, laughing. "Someone is having fun."
"Too much fun," Dany signed back. Jon studied them both, marveling at how things had changed again. He caught Dany's eye and she smiled, shrugging. She signed, "What is it?"
"Nothing," he signed. He shrugged, easily signing something that came so difficult for him before he met and realized that there was more out there, Dany helped him see it. He folded his fingers together. "I love you."
Her face wrinkled into a smile, brow furrowed to keep from crying. She reached for him, when he went over to her and hugged his arm, wrapping around her shoulders and chest from behind, and pressed a kiss to her temple. "I love you too," she mouthed, kissing his cheek.
Aly flung a piece of croissant at them, shouting. "Ah!"
"I love you," he signed to her, kissing her head. He waited a moment, lightly stroking her hair. This birthday was different, he felt that in his bones. Even when he'd come to an understanding regarding his feelings for Daenerys, struggling with his emotions and history and being a father, he didn't know until he held Aly in his arms. They could go through so many rounds of IVF, sitting in the doctor's office, crying in each other's arms with each negative pregnancy test, and exhausted mentally and physically. Their relationship suffered.
Then Aly came into their world. It didn't matter if the baby was from their blood, she needed them and she was their daughter. Just like Ned had been his father. He knew that it would be a struggle; Aly would have her own struggles with her deafness, as he did with his, but looking back on his initial thoughts-- he was mad. Aly would hear him-- she'd hear his laugh, his voice, and while it might not be like anyone else's, it was his and he was her father.
He kissed her again and went upstairs to change. Ghost came with him. HIs shadow. Just like Shadow was Aly's shadow. He couldn't help her from the same perspective that Ghost could, but she loved him and he helped her with what he could. Both of them being deaf, not always a great combination, ignoring everything but each other. Which could actually be pretty sweet.
When he finished dressing and came out of the bathroom, he was surprised to find Dany sitting in on eof the chairs by the fire, the embers glowing from the previous evening. They'd enjoyed themselves quite a bit last night, the fire merely providing ambiance-- they'd provided the heat. He sat down on the chair arm, kissing her head, signing. "What's wrong?"
"Open your gift."
"Where is Aly?"
"Over there." He glanced at the bed, seeing Aly caged in by Shadow, using him as a pillow while she played with one of her stuffed animals, ignoring them both. Dany poked him and handed him a small wrapped gift. "Open this please."
"I can open gifts later. I should get to the sanctuary."
She shook her head, chewing her bottom lip. "Please open this."
Jon didn't know what had her so nervous, or insistent, so he slipped into the chair, pulling her into his lap. Her legs slung over his knees, she watched him open the box. He thought maybe it was jewelry, which was weird because he only wore a watch and even then he often kept it in his pocket. He opened up the slim white box and pushed by tissue paper, staring, eyes widening in understanding.
It was a pregnancy test.
He was accustomed to those; he'd been at her side through four negative ones over the last couple years. Except this time, it wasn't negative. There was a very obvious plus sign. He turned to gaze down at her, silently questioning. She was already crying and nodded. "Yes," she said clearly. "I'm pregnant."
The only word he could croak out was: "How?"
She laughed, wiping quickly at her eyes and set the test down on the table next to them. Taking his hands, she pressed them under her sweater, to the swell he now felt in her lower abdomen, which he couldn't believe he didn't feel last night or notice before. So much for super senses. “The usual way," she laughed. She kept his hands on her warm belly and signed quickly. "Mel said it happens. Couples adopt and then get pregnant and there's no explanation. I was so scared something would happen that I waited. I am sorry, but I wanted to wait. I'm sixteen weeks."
That was four months. He knew that they weren't completely out of the woods, but the risk lessened now. He pressed his head to hers, removing his hands and cupping her face, bringing her to him for a long, slow kiss. His heart was so full, it threatened to strangle him. It was all silent; his heart racing in his head, his breath coming in deep gulps. More than once he wished he knew what she sounded like, wanted to hear her voice. He trusted it was as beautiful as her.
The sign worked too. It meant as much to him as the words in English would be.
They broke the kiss, Dany laughing again. "Happy birthday. Daddy."
He grinned. "Daddy," he said, the words hard for him to wrap his mind and his tongue around. It was foreign, the word not something he ever wanted to hear or say. He could no longer imagine a world where that was not a word in his vocabulary. It took a long way to get there; however, and he credited Dany for that. He signed for her, knowing hse understood. "Not without you."
The tears trickled down her face again. He kissed them away, holding her to him, and briefly thought to the first moment they met. That haughty look on her face, shouting at him, trying to touch Ghost-- who was just as amused at her as he was-- apologizing over herself. Then angry, for no apparent reason. He fucked with her on purpose then, because her reaction was so...different. He never intended to see her again.
And he did. Even trying as hard as he could to push her away, not get involved, there she was.
His shadow.
A shadow he could not hear, always at his side, in his way. Silent, silver shadow.
He could never be without her again, he thought, getting up long enough to get Aly, who was ripping at her stuffed animal. She looked up, when Dany said her name, and smiled. He kissed the shell of her ear, just beside the hard plastic aid. "You are going to have a brother or sister," he said to her. He didn't know if she understood him. It didn't matter, but she looked up and touched her fingers to his lips, smiling wide and began to babble.
Dany laughed again, tossing her hair over her shoulder, meeting his gaze again, pure love shining at him. She signed, fingers a blur. "Happy birthday my love, I hope you like your gift."
Not a gift, he thought, nodding and squeezing them both against him. Ghost and Shadow both flopped down together, black and white piles of fur. Jon closed his eyes and sighed, listening to his heart and feeling the other two under his hands. And maybe, just maybe, a third.
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matchasprouts · 3 years
Listen Closer - Chapter 14
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Garrett definitely noticed that Strahm refused to make eye contact with him when they got back to the precinct, and couldn’t help but feel very proud of himself for that, even if all he’d done was get caught after having sex.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go home? It’s going to take more than a day for you to make up for all that blood loss,” Mark spoke up beside him, snapping him back to attention.
“I’m sure. I want to make sure they don’t dig too much into Lawrence,” Garrett replied, shifting in his seat.
They were currently sitting in the room hidden from the interrogation room by the two way mirror, waiting for Strahm and Perez to go in and ask Lawrence where he had been for so long. He was one of the only Jigsaw victims they had known of, but had never been able to find after his trap.
Of course, they couldn’t know that he was healing up at the meat packing plant. So he came up with something else, something John approved of.
They didn’t have to wait much longer before the door of the interrogation room opened and the agents entered, Strahm hovering closer to the mirror while Perez sat down across from Lawrence.
“So, Dr. Gordon, you’ve been missing for over six months now. I’ll admit that we don’t know very much about your “game” other than the fact that your fellow captive, Adam Stanheight, is dead. You were presumed dead as well. Where have you been all this time?” Perez asked, resting her hands on the table between them.
“Hiding,” Lawrence answered simply. “I had to… kill Adam in order for my family to live. It wasn’t my best moment- or my best shot, because of the blood I was losing- but I couldn’t just let them die. Not because of my mistakes.”
Garrett knew that Lawrence’s ex-wife had gone to the police after escaping Zep, only because he had looked at the files as soon as Lawrence told him he was going to be questioned. The police knew about their part of the kidnapping, and they had told them that Zep told them the game was over, and that Lawrence had lost.
They had a way around this too.
“I- I know that my ex-wife probably told you that I lost the game, but it’s not true. Zep’s clock was wrong. I checked as soon as I could walk.” This was a complete lie, both of the clocks were perfectly set up.
However, knowing that one day something like this would happen, Zep’s clock turned off permanently when the game was done, so no one could ever check. The police didn’t know that, and they never would.
Apparently they hadn’t been expecting Lawrence to be so cooperative, because there was silence for a minute, before Perez spoke up again.
“You said you were hiding? Is that because you killed Adam? You were trapped, Dr. Gordon, and it was the only way to protect your family. You wouldn’t have been arrested for that,” she said, leaning back when he scoffed at her.
“Do you honestly think that I was thinking about that after sawing off my own foot and murdering someone?” he asked coldly, his gaze flicking to the mirror for a second before dropping back to the table. “I was afraid, ashamed, and bleeding out. That didn’t exactly make me very open to thinking logically.”
There was silence again, before they decided they were satisfied. “Thank you for your time, doctor,” Perez said as she stood up, offering him a weak smile. “We’re glad to see you’re alright. Take care.”
With that, she and Strahm left, leaving Lawrence in the room. Garrett had already been told earlier that he could take Lawrence home when they were done, so he wasted absolutely no time in doing so, only pausing to give Mark a goodbye kiss.
“So, do you think my acting was on par with yours?” Lawrence teased once they were in the car, gaining a chuckle from Garrett. “Be honest. It was pretty important.”
“Yeah, it was,” Garrett admitted. “You could put a little more into eye contact, but they definitely believed you.” Lawrence gave a quiet “whoop” next to him, which made him laugh hard and sudden enough that he had to slam on the brakes as pain shot through his face from his wound.
Lawrence was on him in seconds, tilting his head to the side to check the stitches. Luckily he hadn’t pulled any out, but it hurt like HELL. “I’m fine,” Garrett muttered, getting an incredulous look from his boyfriend before he was released.
Soon enough, they were back on the road, the only thing breaking the silence being the radio.
This was probably the most quiet car ride Garrett had ever been in.
Upon arriving back at the meat packing plant, Garrett almost immediately locked himself in his room, getting straight to work on the plans for his next trap.
There wouldn’t be many traps for the next few months or so, other than a few small ones that Amanda and Mark would be putting on. Only one of them would need Garrett’s touch- he was going to have to put one of them together piece by piece in a motel room.
He was looking forward to the challenge, but that required the trap before it to happen, and that wouldn’t be for at least a month.
So, he worked on his own trap instead.
Honestly, part of him thought it would make more sense for Mark to design and build a trap for Strahm, but he found it rather poetic that it was his job instead. Since they’d met, they had continuously been forced into situations together, one even bad enough that Garrett literally passed out in his arms.
Strahm was growing attached, and Garrett was planning his death.
Some people might call that love.
His focus turned entirely to his plans as he sat down at his desk, surrounded by pieces of scrap metal and small models of traps. Luckily, he already had a plan in mind and didn’t have to sit there and try to figure it out.
The trap was going to be a box that would be placed on his head and quickly fill up with water. Theoretically there should be no escape, which was why it wasn’t his most creative trap. He wasn’t even going to make a tape for him.
He was, however, going to spend as much time as possible on it, in order to ensure that there was no way for him to get out.
Theoretically, of course.
Once he had the plans sketched out and finalized with a design he liked, he got to work on the actual building. He knew he had several months to put it together, but he didn’t want to waste any time.
He knew his little found family got worried when he threw himself into his work like this, but they did the same damn thing so they never said anything. He was pretty sure they worried just because he was the only one that locked himself away when he worked.
Nar still came in on occasion to make sure he was hydrated and not accidentally starving himself, but it was mostly Lawrence checking in on him now that he could walk.
What finally brought him out of the hyperfocus was the sound of a folder hitting his desk, the sound making him flinch.
The perpetrator was Mark, who was now leaning against the desk. “What’s that?” Garrett asked, tilting his head to the side as Mark handed the folder to him.
“That, sweetheart, is the paperwork you need to fill out to become my official specialist, instead of one accepted on my word alone,” Mark explained, gesturing for him to open the file, which he did.
Most of it was already filled out by Mark, leaving only a few black spaces that Garrett needed to fill in. “Man, you wanna be around me that bad?” he joked, but he really did appreciate the work Mark was putting in to let him into crime scenes.
“Just fill out the forms,” Mark shot back, pressing a long kiss to Garrett’s head before leaving the room.
… Maybe a little break would be okay. These forms were probably more time sensitive than the water box, and he’d take any chance he could to get away from his bookstore job.
Besides, all he had to do was sign his name, explain why he was certified to be a specialist, and any criminal history, which he did not have.
The form was finished quickly, and he took the chance to get something to eat while he looked for Mark to return it to him. After that was done, he went right back to his room and got right back to work.
John had only given him two traps to work on, and by god was he going to work on them.
Besides, the faster he got the water box done, the faster he could put together the pieces needed for one of his favourite traps yet.
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staywritten · 4 years
A Love That Last│Bang Chan III
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A Love That Lasts │ Chapter ⅠⅠⅠ
Synopsis: You’ve spent the last two years, helping your very handsome next door neighbor raise his adorable daughter. The two of you fell into a routine before you knew it. And now you had this little family. You couldn’t help but fall for him.
Genre: Parent!Au, Dad!Bang Chan, Fluff, Nonidol!Au, smut in a later chapter
Word Count: 2.7k
Part I │Part II │ 
A night out did you some good. It wasn’t that you ever felt deprived of nights out over the past few years, you just never craved for them. Your way of de-stressing from work was hanging out with Chan and Minseo at a park, watching a movie, going to a cafe with your coworkers, but you haven’t let go and just drank to your heart's content, not since college. 
And sure, maybe your broken heart had something to do with, but they didn’t need to know that. As far as they were concerned you were just letting loose. 
“Another order of shots please~” you waived down the waiter, signaling for a round for the table. 
Minho steadied your swaying body, lowering your glass. “Maybe you should slow down” 
“Awww come on, I never drink” you pouted, before tossing back another glass. 
“All the more reason to slow down. What happened anyway?” he frowned. “I thought you were going to talk to Lover boy today”
You laughed, a little too loudly covering just how hurt you still were. “Well lover boy has a date tomorrow night Soooooo” you swayed before reaching for his beer, no longer satisfied with your empty glass. “I guess he wasn’t that into me”
“A date isn’t the end of the world you know…”
“He has a date with a young model, and Chris is perfect… he’s handsome and so kind and…” you sniffled as your frown deepened. “Too good for me”
Minho groaned before poring you another shot, rubbing your back gently. “But-”
“Hey what are you two talking about so secretly?” Woojin grinned bringing more shots.
“Nothing important” you gave him a half smile as he clanked his glass against yours. “Cheers” he threw back his shot. “You never drink, we gotta make up for lost times”
Minho watched him warily, but chose not to intervene, deciding that maybe a drunken night could at least distract you. 
After a few more hours, most of your co-workers had already tapped out, and you’d been trying to sober up for the past 40 minutes knowing you were going to be leaving soon. “You ready to go, Champ?” Minho reached his hand out to help you up, an had to steady you immediately seeing you stumble. “I told you to take it easy”
“Imightbedrunk~” you slurred, nursing a cup of water to your lips “Mmm...Room keeps spinning” you leaned against the wall.
“Drink all of this” Minho tilted the cup back forcing you to finish the drink. “You’re a mess”
“I can take her home” Woojin walked over to the two of you. “She lives closer to the Itaewon exit right? I pass her to get to my place”
Seungmin sighed holding a passed out Hyunjin on his shoulder. “I gotta get him home, Minho you live near Jihyo right? Can you make sure she and Naeyeon get home safe?”
“I- But...Sure” Minho’s eyes narrowed before poking Woojin’s chest. “You get her home safe and don’t you touch a hair on her head. She’s drunk”
“Minho, I’m a doctor, what do you take me for?”
“I see how you look at her, and I know that you think of her more than a co-worker. And if you so much as touch her, I won’t hesitate to risk my license and personally kick your ass.”
Woojin sighed, shaking his head. “I’ll text you the second she’s inside safe”
“I’ll be checking your location, and making sure you drop her off and take your ass back home” 
“I got it Minho.”
“I’m serious Woojin, she’s already going through a lot...and there’s someone she has feelings for so don’t try and confuse her.”
Woojin walked away and helped you up, walking you to his car. “You know I used to think you were a heavy drinker, but now I’m starting to think you’re actually a light weight, and it just hits you too late.”
You groaned leaning your head against the window of car. “Mmm...you might be right” laughing you looked over at him. “Sorry... I’m not usually like this...” You did drink pretty regularly, but it never extended past a glass of wine or a bottle of beer a night. You usually shied away from hard liquor. You suppose you thought a miracle would happen, and suddenly Chan wouldn’t have a date to go on...but here you were just as heartbroken but now with a headache.
He continued driving down the road, occasionally looking over to you. “What’s got you drinking this much? And don’t say it’s because you were excited to spend time with your co-workers” he smirked. 
“Heh you’re right, no offense to them” You played with the seatbelt over your chest, trying to fight off how heavy your lids felt. “Hmmm...I got rejected, and it hurts.”
“A beautiful woman like you? It’s their loss.”
“You’re sweet but-”
“No but. You’re seriously amazing. He’ll be kicking himself for rejecting you”
“You barely know me” you sighed, leaning your head against the window, the crash from your drunken buzz upon you.
“I’m pretty observant. You’re so dedicated, you work hard and follow through with your promises.” Your patients adore you... I can’t imagine anyone rejecting you...honestly I’d-” he risked glancing over at you again and chuckled seeing that you’d fallen asleep. 
After a few more blocks, he pulled onto your street. Admittedly he did take the scenic route just to extend his time with you. “Wake up Sleeping beauty…” he gently shook your shoulder “You’re home…” He called your name a few more times, but none of them loud enough to actually wake you. He walked over to the passenger side, unbuckling your seatbelt and lifting you in his arms. Luckily Minho did him give your apartment number so he didn’t need your directions. 
Woojin walked up the steps of the apartment, only to be met with Chan looking at the stars outside his door. “Is she ok?” his eyes widened in worry. Woojin eyed him warily. “I live right here, I can take her inside, She’s my friend”
“She’s fine, just a little drunk” his eyes narrowed. “And no offense, but I don’t know you and I’m not handing my coworker to some stranger”
“I don’t know you either and you’re holding my very intoxicated friend and I'm pretty sure you don’t have a key.” he crossed his arms over his chest. “And I don’t know how she’d feel about letting a stranger into her house”
Woojin scoffed “A stranger? I’m a colleague, Dr. Kim, maybe she’s mentioned me”
“Never heard of you, and trust me I spend every day with her”
You groaned in Woojin’s arms, shifting in your sleep just slightly. It was so subtle but it was enough to silence their little bickering. “Hmmm?” 
“Shh, it’s ok you’re almost home” Woojin cooed softly, rocking you. His grip tightened around your frame, holding you securely to keep you from falling.
“Chris...I’m home...” you mumbled, smiling happily in your sleep. Your hand falling over Woojin’s chest, gripping his shirt as you snuggled into him. “Nnn...Chris…warm...”
Chan gazed at you, his heart fluttering hearing the softness of your voice, the warmth of his name on your lips. 
“Whose Chris…?” Woojin looked over at Chan. 
“I am…”
Woojin shook his head before walking toward him and gently handing you over to him. “I was warned I was fighting a losing battle” he chuckled. “Just take care of her…”
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean” Before Woojin could even make it back to the car he was met with a fussy phone call by Minho yelling at him about taking too long to contact him. 
Chan cradled you against his chest before unlocking your door and walking you inside to your bedroom. He slipped off your shoes by the door before setting you on your plush duvet. He’d never seen you so done up before, bolder make up, tighter and sexier clothes. It was very new, but he couldn’t deny just how attractive it was. 
Over the past two years he’d seen many sides of you. The work you in light makeup and scrubs. Looking so beautiful as you saved lives. He’d seen the casual you on the weekends dressed lightly in jeans and sneakers when you’d spend time with him and his daughter in the park, running after her and making her laugh. His favorite form of you was domestic you, when you were cozy in pajamas, hair thrown up and out of your face. This was the you he’d come home to after a long day. The you that read stories to Minseo on bed, the you that’d remind him to turn on the stove. He loved that side of you the most.
But he was pretty sure this side of you was a close second.
“Since when do you drink this much?” He gently pushed your hair out of your face, smiling softly before running the make up remover pad over your eyes and cheeks, making sure to clean your face. “I wish I knew why you were crying earlier…” he whispered more so to himself than anything. “Could I be selfish and imagine that you just didn’t want me to go on this date…” you wrapped your hands around his in your sleep, turning on your side and cuddling into his arm. He returned your squeeze. “Tell me not to go...and I’d stay in a heartbeat…” he pressed his lips against your knuckles. 
You stirred in your sleep, whispering his name again. Your lips parting as you licked them softly. “Chris…” your eyes fluttered open, looking at him expectantly.
“Yes?” he smiled down at you, fondly. “Did you have fun tonight?” he chuckled seeing how drunk you’d gotten. 
“...Nnnn…’hadfun...” you tugged him down, pulling his face closer to yours. “Dream?”
He tried not to laugh, but you just looked so cute and pouty. “No, Sweetheart not a dream” he grinned. 
You pouted and nodded trying to understand the situation. Yawning you poked his cheek “‘leepy…” 
“You can sleep, I’ll see you in the morning” he smoothed down your hair, easing you back down. 
“Kiss…” you huffed holding his face, you leaned in closer to him, your eyes glazed over but pleading.
He wanted nothing more than to kiss you senseless right now. To hold your face between his hands, and to kiss you until he couldn’t breathe. But he couldn’t… Not yet, not when you were this drunk. “You’re drunk…”
“Please” your lower lip stuck out more as you leaned into him, but he steadied you. Pressing his forehead against yours he smiled. “Tell you what..”
“If you remember this...and you still want to kiss me just tell me”
“Promise” he chuckled when you stuck your pinky out to him. It was a habit he knew you’d picked up from Minseo and he couldn’t stop the smile forming on his lips.
He wrapped his pinky around yours and pressed his thumb against yours to complete the promise. “Please remember…” he kissed your forehead laying you back into bed, tucking you under the blanket. “Goodnight Sweet girl…” He ran his thumb against the softness of your cheeks one more time before heading out for the night, not wanting to leave Minseo alone for too long. 
As morning came and you were greeted with a throbbing headache, and you were very thankful that you didn’t have a morning shift. Technically it was supposed to be a day off but you’d pop in for a few hours just to check on your patience and make sure they’re recovering nicely. 
You rolled onto your side and caught a glance of you in the mirror, your top, and tight jeans evident of why you were so uncomfortable last night. You were surprised to see your face bare and your pillows and sheets not messed up from the eyeliner and mascara you put on last night. 
“Minho? Woojin?” you furrowed your brows trying to remember how you got home. Part of you tried to convince yourself that Chan was the last voice you heard. His soothing voice whispering to you. But that had to be your stupid crush acting up again. Trying to force memories you wished existed. “Ugh… dammit Chris…” you flopped back on to the bed, touching your lips softly. “Why can’t I let you go…”
You had a nice and easy morning, recovering from your hangover. Lazing around the house for a few hours before getting ready for work. And doing everything to try and forget that Chan had a date tonight. 
Meanwhile next door Chan was agonizing, rubbing his temples. “Felix you didn’t see her… she looked so..” he groaned. “And she kept saying my name… and she tried to kiss me and-”
“And yet you’re sitting here with me complaining to me instead of making a move on her”
“I couldn’t make a move last night, she was drunk”
“She’s probably pretty sober right now, and you know what they say drunk words are sober thoughts and all that.”
“Well I need her to tell me, out right and sober.”
“Why can’t you tell her again?”
“Because I don’t want to sound full of myself and think that she’s actually attracted to me” he sighed. “Do you know how embarrassing that’d be? I can’t accept a confession she didn’t give me… And what if I tell her that I’m into her and she says she’s only interested in helping Minseo...Like she was with a guy last night…”
“You’re literally so irritating. You both are so irritating” Felix groaned, slumping in his chair. “So let’s run through this one more time, you told her you had a date tonight and she suddenly left your apartment visibly upset, she gets drunk and some guy brings her home, but she kept saying your name?”
“Correct” Chan crossed his arms over his chest. 
“And you still don’t know if she likes you!?” he groaned, scratching his head in frustration. “You’ve actually lost it haven’t you? I don’t get how you can be so blind”
“Felix I don’t want to assume anything”
“You still seriously going on this date tonight? I can cancel it for you, I’ll just tell Yeji your spending time with your wife” he smirked
“She’s not my wife” he sighed, visibly defeated. “You went through the trouble of setting it up, the least I can do is go”
You opened the door, making your way to the fridge, pouring yourself a glass of orange juice. “Hey Chris, Hey Felix.” 
“No one knocks, I swear” Chan smiled it off. 
There was something about how he was looking at you. Almost expectantly, pleading even. Something that went beyond his morning banter. He was trying to read you to see if you remembered.
You furrowed your brows before drinking a cup of juice “Then learn to lock your door, it’s not like we don’t have keys” you smiled “Anyway I’m heading into work, I just wanted to confirm that I’m not picking up Minseo today right?”
“Right, Felix is getting her after school”
Your eyed him suspiciously “Don’t forget this time Kid”
“Oh come on guys give me a break, so I left her at school once! I never did it again”
“You did it twice” you and Chan chimed in unison.
“Relax Mom and Dad, I got this, I set an alarm and everything”
“You better” you eyed him. “Alright I’m off-”
“You look good today Doc, no scrubs?” Felix grinned checking you out, his eyes lingering on your bare legs a second too long.
“Nah, I don't’ have any surgeries scheduled, I’m just going to check on some patients and do some paperwork”
“Ya know...I’ve been feeling feverish lately, maybe I should make an appointment with the good doctor?” he leaned on the wall beside you, eyeing you. He gave you that cheesy smirk and a greasy wink. 
You rolled your eyes before smirking at him, you mirrored his sultry look whispering lowly between you two. “Felix… I’m a heart surgeon, you’re gonna need an appointment with a pediatrician” you giggle pushing him away shaking your head “See you guys later”
Chan scoffed, staring at Felix in mild offense “You tell me to make a move, but you flirt with her in front of me?”
“You ever think, that maybe I’m trying to encourage you?” he chuckled as Chan playfully smacked his arm. “You afraid of a little competition Bro” he teased before Chan wrapped his strong forearm around his neck putting him in a headlock. “Ow! Ow! C’mon I was just kidding” Felix tapped his arm, as Chan ruffled his hair laugh. “I was kidding!”
To be continued…
Chapter VI
Hey Friends! ヾ(^∇^)
I hope you enjoyed that update! This is what I like to call a guilty pleasure mini series, it appeals to everything that I love writing, admittedly I love having the little cameos in the background <3 
ps. it’s hard writing drunk dialogue because it just looked like I was misspelling things lmao 
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@minnieskz @thelustasylum
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𝔻𝕣𝕦𝕟𝕜 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤 (𝙳𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚍 𝟾 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
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Summary: After the discovery of the connection between humans and engineers through their DNA, the crew decides that it’d be best celebrated with a party. However, the reader has a low tolerance for alcohol, and ends up saying a little more than she intended to about the android on board.
Warning/s: Drunk reader, cursing
Original Request: I would like to have a request of David 8 x Reader! The crew members on Prometheus had decided to have a small party together, and everyone on the ship was having fun. Unfortunately, our reader is not really good at drinking. Being a bit tipsy, she starts to confess her feelings toward David as well as other lovely nonsense. Later on David send her to bed, and the day after, the reader suffers from a severe hangover. (p.s. Hope this can save you from self isolation, I love you!💕) You are one of the most lovely readers I have ever met, thank you so much for making this request it’s so adorable! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! @jenna-art​ 
(Side Note: Millburn and Fifield are alive and with the crew for this)
“We have come so far as simple people, and for that, I’d like to make a toast,” Elizabeth Shaw held up her glass of wine, while the crew that surrounded her held up a variety of different drinks, which had been served to them by the android on board, David, “To Prometheus.”
“To Prometheus!”
Everyone drank to the toast, at least half of their drinks before they all cheered and split off into different groups to enjoy the party. Why was there a party on a ship designed specifically for a scientific expedition? Because the occasion was of paramount importance. The crew of Prometheus had just come back from their first exploration with DNA from an engineer, that, when ran through texting, came back as a match to human DNA. This was a very big and significant step in history over all, even though they hadn’t found exactly what they were looking for yet. It was a proud moment for Dr Shaw and her partner, Charlie Holloway, and they saw that the occasion deserved a party. And with a lot of trying to convince Meredith Vickers, and back up from the rest of the eager crew, the Weyland Corporation representative finally agreed to allow them this bit of fun. 
The crew was separated into a few different groups on their own free wills. The captain, Janek, created a group with himself, the other pilots and Vickers, A biologist on board, Dr Millburn, was trying desperately to make conversation with the uninterested Geologist Fifield and some of his associates, Dr Ford seemed to float around the groups politely, and The two Head scientists, Shaw and Holloway sat with the robotic engineer of the ship, (Y/n) (L/n).
(Y/n) was a sweet little lady. She was stationed on Prometheus for the primary purpose of maintaining the android, David. He was the first of his model, and needed to have maintenance done every now and then along with the monthly check up. She wasn’t put into Cryosleep for this fact alone, and had grown rather fond of the synthetic. Perhaps...too fond. Although she wouldn’t admit it herself, there was something in that lovely heart of hers for the artificial man.
In her hand was a crystal cup filled with a bourbon-cola mix, a drink that didn’t do her too well in terms of intoxication, but it was supposed to be a good night, so she’d allow herself to become tipsy if that was the way to have a good time. Shaw and Holloway had different drinks to her. They had both settled for a fruity red wine, probably because they wanted to drink with class, but the fact that they had chosen differently to (Y/n) didn’t bother her, and would never have bothered her even if the entire ship chose to ‘drink with class’, she simply did what made her happy. 
While engaged in conversation about home with the two doctors, (Y/n) had managed to finish her drink, and from across the room did David spot her empty crystal cup as if he could sense when she required his presence. Ever since he had met the lady, he’d felt the urge, the need to follow her around like an obedient Labrador, coming to her every beck and call and over all ensuring she was always in a good mood. Her happiness had somehow become the synthetics priority, he wasn’t aware of how, but he knew that if she wasn’t happy then he wasn’t happy. Some sort of bond maybe, he wasn’t sure. But for now, his single motive was to give the lady a refill.
With a tray of various bottles of drink, David prodded on over like an obedient mutt, and found himself beside her, leaning in slightly so he could speak to her clearly.
“Another drink, Miss?” He asked politely, (Y/n) turning slightly with a small smile to face him.  “Just another bourbon, love,” She replied, holding her cup out slightly so he’d have a better access to it. Carefully, the man placed the tray down onto the table that the three humans were sat at before screwing the top of the bourbon-cola bottle off and pouring the lady a drink. “Thank you, David,” she thanked in her sweet voice, that very same voice that made David’s insides twist and turn.  “How are you enjoying tonight?” He asked as he screwed the lid back onto the bottle, then placing the bottle back onto the tray. “I’m enjoying tonight thoroughly. What about you, love?” (Y/n) asked, the man’s smile only growing as he got all giddy on the inside for the fact that his favorite person asked but a simple question. “I’m enjoying it as long as you are, Miss (Y/n),” He responded with a grin that made the lady’s tummy turn in a flustered way, “I shall return when you require another refill.”
With that, David walked off to serve the other members of the ship, (Y/n) watching him as he did so with a slight mist over her eyes. Holloway leaned over the table slightly, with a small arch in one of his brows, “Call me crazy, but...I think Pinocchio has a crush on you (L/n),” He pointed out with the smallest hint of confusion in his voice, (Y/n) shaking herself out of her small daze to face the man. “Don’t be silly Holloway, he’s a machine,” She had started the sentence with the intention to poke fun at what Holloway had said, laughing a little, but it quickly plunged to a sort of depressed tone as she began speaking again, “he can’t feel anything, he never will.” (Y/n) rested her cheek in one hand as she slumped over the table and sighed, seemingly staring at the wall behind Holloway and Shaw as the couple looked at each other confused and then looked at her.  “You don’t...” Shaw began, hoping that the question wasn’t at all weird, “You don’t happen to have feelings for him, do you (Y/n)?” When Elizabeth asked the question, (Y/n)’s eyes shot open from half lid and met Shaw’s. “What?” She asked, as if she hadn’t heard the question. But she heard it alright, she heard it loud and clear.  “I mean, I don’t mean to be intrusive, not at all! It’s just...” Shaw was at a loss of words to describe what her thoughts were, but (Y/n) knew what she was talking about. “Yeah, I know what you mean...” She sighed, looking over at the android as she took another sip of her drink, “I don’t know, he’s just...he’s so human that it’s hard not to feel anything towards him. Two years we spent alone together...he’s such a lovely man. A witty gentleman. It makes me wish they never put any skin on him so I wouldn’t have fallen victim to his looks either,” She leaned back in her chair with a loud sigh and covered her face with one hand, “I’m an absolute bloody mess.” Once again, Shaw and Holloway looked at each other and then looked back at (Y/n). While Charlie was at a complete loss for words, Elizabeth knew that she simply needed to comfort her female friend and take her mind off of her complicated love life.  “Naw, cheer up, would ya? We’re gonna have a good night (Y/n), and we’re gonna do that by drinking it right away, alright?”  When Shaw said that, (Y/n) uncovered her face and looked at the red-haired woman. Within a few seconds, her small frown turned up into a smile and she leaned forward once more. “Alright then.”
“A-and then what did ya do?” 
“I punched that wanker square in the fuckin’ nose!”
The now piss-drunk Elizabeth and (Y/n) were curled up close next to each other on one of the sofa chairs, telling home stories and laughing like their was no tomorrow with one of their arms around the other lady and the other holding their drinks. They were causing the most noise in that moment, with their loud cheery laughter, not that anyone but David seemed to care. Everyone else was either half as drunk as them or equally as drunk but much calmer. Charlie and Millburn were passed out at separate tables, Vickers and Janek were getting a little bit close, and everyone else was simply relaxing. The reason that David was worried was that he knew that (Y/n) didn’t have a very high tolerance to alcohol from a story she’d told him about a party she’d gone to as a teenager where she threw up everywhere after having one too many drinks. While it was told about her as a teenager, she’d also said that her tolerance seemed to remain the same all the way through to adulthood. He didn’t want her to have to experience that sensation again, but he also didn’t want to force her out of the good time she was having. So, he’d try to convince her.
With calm intentions, David approached the two ladies, and when (Y/n) saw him, her eyes seemed to light up. “David! I missed you!” She chirped on slurred words before taking another long sip of her drink.  This time she was holding a fireball cinnamon whiskey-apple cider mix, and if bourbon didn’t do her well then whiskey wasn’t going to be any better.  “Miss (Y/n), I hope that’s your last drink,” David said, looking at the crystal cup she’d been holding for the whole night. “Hey, don’t police me on my drinks,” She began, hiccuping mid sentence, “I’m here to have a good time.” “Of course, Miss, but do you not remember that your alcohol tolerance isn’t as high as most?” He said, taking the drink gently out of her hand before replacing it with his hand as he knelt down in front of her, “I only wish for you to get to bed safely.” (Y/n)’s face contorted into that of anger, and David was sure that she was going to demand for her drink back. But boy was he wrong.
“Why are you so goddamn beautiful?!” She nearly yelled, pinching both his cheeks with her hands. The android was very much taken a back, and had no idea what to say. Elizabeth simply giggled like a mad-man while David searched (Y/n)’s eyes. “I beg your pardon?” He asked, not being sure if he understood what was being asked of him.  “Why? Why are you so freaking beautiful?” She cupped both his cheeks and squished them together as she brought his face closer to hers, “Do you have any idea what you do to me just by existing David?? You drive me right up the wall! Crazy, Damn it! Crazy!”
David swore he felt his entire body shut down and restart. He didn’t know what to do or how to feel about the situation. Hearing Elizabeth begin to cackled louder would’ve made him blush if he were capable of, but instead, he simply took (Y/n)’s hands off of his face and held them in his own. She was very much drunk, and he knew he shouldn’t take advantage of the situation. 
“I think it’s best you go to bed now, Miss.” 
“No, c’mon just one more drink,” (Y/n) whined, pulling out of David’s grip and standing up, stumbling on over to the table that the tray of drinks was placed on. “Yeah, c’mon David, let the belle have one more,” Elizabeth agreed, her face flushed as red as (Y/n)’s as an indication that she was just as drunk. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Miss,” David said in a worried voice as he followed behind her. “Sure it is, I won’t even go too hard, just some tequila and I’ll go to bed,” she sighed, reaching the table and placing her cup onto it as she grabbed the bottle and began carelessly unscrewing the cap. “You’ll have exceeded your limit by doing that,” David tried convincing, standing behind her, “Please, Miss, I’d prefer that you went to bed now.” Once (Y/n) had poured her glass, she grabbed it and turned around, only to crash into David and spill the drink on both of their chests. David steadied her so she didn’t fall, and she seemed to have a look of sadness on her face. “Naw, see, look what you made me do,” She wined, attempting to turn around only to have the android grip her arms tightly to stop her, “You’re lucky I love you, or I would’ve taken you right the fuck out.” “I have a feeling that we could’ve avoided that mistake if you weren’t so intoxicated,” David sighed, the woman shaking one of her arms free as it wrapped around her body and grabbed the bottle behind her.  “I’m only human, David. And a lot of the time, I wish you were too,” she said before escaping his grip and stumbling back on over to the couch before plopping back on and curling up close next to Elizabeth.
David only stood their for a moment, thinking about what she’d said. There was so many meanings that that sentence could’ve had, but he seemed to stick to only one of the meanings. She had feelings for him. He wasn’t entirely sure how to process that, heck, he wasn’t even sure if he’d interpreted it correctly. But then he began to think of his own behavior. Maybe...maybe there was an excuse for his sudden need to come to her every beck and call. Maybe he...
There was a sudden smashing sound from behind him, David spinning around quickly to see that (Y/n) had dropped the bottle on the ground. There was no liquid however, indicating that she’d finished the bottle before she dropped it. That was something to worry over, considering it was half-full when she took it. 
“Oh dear...” David mumbled as he walked on over, just in time for (Y/n) to stand up and begin trying to pick up the many shards.  She crouched down and placed her hands onto the ground to steady herself, which resulted in a large glass shard jabbing into her palm. (Y/n) lifted her hand to look at it, but took no note as she began picking the pieces up. David crouched down beside her and tried to make her drop the pieces by grabbing her wrists.  “You’ve had enough for tonight, Miss, we’d best get you to bed,” He said, the girl dropping the glass shards and making an annoyed face. “No...n-no, I’m fine...” (Y/n) slurred with half lidded eyes as she tried picking up the glass shards once again. “Please, I’m only suggesting this for your safety,” He pressed on, only to have the woman shoulder shove him away weakly, dropping the glass she’d collected again. “I said I’m fi-”
Before she could finish her sentence, the many drinks that she had consumed that night came rushing up her throat and gushing out onto the floor in front of her. David had seen this coming, and only placed his hand on her back and patted it gently to encourage her to be sick until she felt better. The people who were a lot less intoxicated stared at her like she was a freak, which would’ve been more embarrassing to her if she had a clear mind. Her throw-up had lasted about 20 seconds before she stopped. As soon as she did, David knelt down on one knee and scooped her up into his arms bridal style, standing up once again. (Y/n) didn’t fight it, she only breathed heavily, allowing her head to rest on the android’s alcohol covered chest. David didn’t say anything as he stepped over the glass-vomit mix and began walking toward the lady’s sleeping quarters. 
It wasn’t that big of a walk, so within maybe a minute or two, the android arrived at (Y/n)’s room. He managed to open the door, awkwardly but successfully, before walking in and gently placing the woman onto her bed. He wasn’t sure if he was to change her clothing or not. Her pants would be fine to sleep in, but her uniform jacket and under-shirt were covered in tequila and spotted with a bit of her throw-up. David didn’t want to violate her while she slept, but also didn’t want to let her sleep in an uncomfortably wet shirt. (Y/n) was still awake, but barely, so he’d ask her.
“Miss, do you mind if I change your shirt?” He asked in a soft voice, the lady’s eyes opening a little more at the sound of another’s voice. “Huh?” She replied in a barely audible voice. “Your shirt, Miss, it’s covered in alcohol. Would you like me to change it for you?” He asked once more. “...yes please,” she exhaled, the android nodding as he walked over to her closet and opened it. After a bit of rummaging, he managed to find a large white shirt, one that looked very much comfortable to sleep in. So, he took it and walked back over to the bed, placing it to the side before he leaned over and tended to (Y/n). First, he unbuttoned her work jacket, moving her arms through the arm holes and taking it off of her before chucking it in the laundry basket near the door. He then instructed her to sit up, to which she did with a decent amount of struggle. Grabbing the bottom of her white under shirt, David lifted the clothing item up and over her head, doing what he did with the jacket and chucking it into the laundry basket. Now, he was left with her torso undergarment, a basic white bra. It, too was soaked in tequila, but he wasn’t sure if she was alright with him removing it. That was when he got a decent idea. 
In his same, soft voice, David instructed her to turn around, so she did, but with much struggle. Now, with her back facing him, he un-clipped her bra and threw it into the laundry basket. Then, he grabbed the large t-shirt, and asked for her to raise her arms. When she did, he slipped it over her head and adjusted it so that it was on properly. Now that she was dressed, he knelt with one knee on the bed while still standing up off of it and made her lay down properly on her bed. He then went to her feet and removed her boots and socks, placing them to the side of her bed. Once that was done, he approached her side once more, this time to help her to get under her covers. That took a few moments, but they managed. Soon enough she was comfortable, and when she was, David sat beside her on her bed and simply stared at her. Her eyes were shut now, which came to no surprise since she had certainly had a big night. But what she had said earlier came back to David’s mind, and he was once again puzzled. 
“I’m only human, David. And a lot of the time, I wish you were too.”
Part of those words kind of hurt him, made him feel like he wasn’t enough for her. But maybe she was hurting too, maybe she thought that their connection was nothing more than a waste. In his opinion, it certainly wasn’t. He enjoyed every second that they got to spend together, and was always thinking of her when she wasn’t around. He just wished that she’d see that he’s much more than a machine, that he was capable of wanting something, of caring for someone. Of loving. After all, the thing he was designed to be closest to is human. 
But David couldn’t let it get to him that night, he needed to let (Y/n) sleep. So, with a gentle kiss to the forehead, he got up and he left to go clean up her mess.
(Y/n) woke up with a loud groan and a splitting headache the next morning. The lady couldn’t help the ‘oh god’s she mumbled as she sat up under her sheets, taking in her surroundings. She was in her room, not that she remembered how she got their, but she assumed that she’d gotten a little too drunk and one of the crew members had to take her to her room. Her headache, however, was telling her that she’d gotten a lot more than a little too drunk though, but all she craved in that moment was water.
At the sound of her door opening, (Y/n) jumped, startled at the sudden movement. She was relieved when David was revealed from behind it, a cup of water and some panadol capsules in his hands. The synthetic walked up to the side of her bed and placed the cup of water on her bed-side table.
“How do you feel this morning, Miss?” He asked, (Y/n) rubbing her eyes as David handed her two panadol capsules. “Like shit. How drunk did I get? I don’t remember,” She sighed, taking the medicine before placing it in her mouth. “Very. You dropped an empty bottle of tequila and then threw up all over the broken glass,” He explained, handing her the water.  She took a sip and swallowed the pills before placing it back down on the bed-side table. “God, I’m so sorry David,” She apologised, flopping back onto her back, “I’m such a fucking loser.” “I beg to differ. You said some sweet things while you were under influence,” David contradicted, (Y/n) turning her head slightly to look at him. “Yeah? Like what?” She asked, very doubtful of what he was trying to say. “Well, you asked me why I was so beautiful, in a very angered tone,” he recounted, the lady’s face flushing red as her eyes widened, “interesting terminology, but I was still certainly flattered. And then you bumped into me with a full drink and it splashed on both of use. You said I was lucky that you loved me, or you would’ve started a fight with me. Other than that, you were your usual sweet self.” (Y/n)’s face was a dark beet red, and she didn’t know what to say. David saw this and couldn’t help but smirk. “Why so quiet, Miss? You were much more talkative last night,” He teased, the woman huffing as she turned to face away from him. “Shut it, you,” she grumbled, “who programmed you to be such a smart-ass anyways?” “You’re the one who said you loved me,” he continued, sitting on the bed next to her. “I was drunk David,” she pointed out, the man fake pouting as he laid down next to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning his face into her neck to which she felt her heart skip about a million beats as she stiffened up. “So you don’t love me?” He asked, (Y/n)’s breath hitching in her throat at the feeling of his breath against her neck. “...I never said that,” she countered, David chuckling quietly as he nestled in closer to her.  “You’re such a child,” He whispered, the lady huffing once more as she spun around in his arms and cuddled in closer to him. “Just shut up and cuddle me.” David chuckled once more before he closed his eyes and relaxed with her in his arms. “Yes ma’am.”
A/N: I hope you enjoyed! I wish I could’ve gotten this out sooner, but my shoulder was unfortunately dislocated last week, which has made it harder for me to write properly. But I’m now out of my sling, so all should be well! Don’t forget to check out my Character list and go make more requests! Feed my boredom damn it.
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thefactsofthematter · 4 years
we’ve all lost our way before
a bittersweet, jack-and-medda-centred prequel to this fic i wrote last year. no one requested this, i just felt like pouring out some emotions, so if you’d like to Feel Things with me, be my guest! this can be read as a standalone fic as well, if you haven’t read the original.
read this on ao3 if you want!
javid (sort of); 2.3k; modern au; warning for drug abuse, addiction, and overdose. 
Jack is nineteen when he overdoses for the first time.
The saddest part is that he sees it as a strange sort of victory. He's been playing with fire for four or five years now, but only just OD'd. No one— at least not anyone important to him— will know that he was hooked on drugs as a literal child... they'll think of this as a recent problem, that art school was the catalyst in turning him into a junkie. He thinks it might be less shameful this way.
Medda is there when he wakes up in the hospital. He knows exactly what's going on as soon as he comes to consciousness— the familiar ache in his joints tells him that a withdrawal is starting to hit, and the rhythmic beeping, in sync with his heartbeat, is enough to fill in the story of just what happened. He overdid it.
"Mama..." he groans, hardly able to open his eyes. He reaches weakly towards where he can see her sitting in a chair and typing on her phone, with a nervous scrunch to her eyebrows.
She looks up, and then she's there in an instant, right beside him to take his hand.
"Oh Jack..." she whispers, wrapping both her hands around one of his and squeezing. Her voice is wet, like she's been crying. "What've you done to yourself, baby?"
There's a lot he wants to say— that he's ruined his own life, and he's sorry, and he can't believe he's done this to her, and he probably should've just died from the overdose so she wouldn't have to deal with him anymore, and he's so so so sorry for everything. None of those words leave his mouth, though.
"I did something bad, didn't I?" he mumbles, feeling his fingers twitch between her hands, but not quite in control of the movement. The doctors must be medicating him somehow, because this isn't a normal comedown. Why is he so tired?
"You sure did," she sighs. She pauses and swallows, as if she's trying to figure out what to say. She finally shakes her head and continues. "You overdosed on heroin, Jack— I found you on the bathroom floor, and your lips and fingers were blue. I thought you were dead."
Jack feels a horrible, horrible little ball of shame start to twist in his gut. It's not regret, necessarily, but he feels bad that she had to see that. He feels bad that he scared her, and that he's making her deal with all this now. He's a horrible son.
"I'm sorry," he says, and his words shake and his fingers twitch again, the nervous jitter that comes with the drugs leaving his system. "I didn't mean to."
She closes her eyes for a second and then nods. He can tell she's trying to be empathetic, and that she's angry with him but she doesn't want to show him that.
"I know you didn't," she says. "I know, darling." She rubs her thumb in little circles on the back of his hand. "But did you even think for a second, when you decided to shoot up in there, that one of the boys could've found you?"
This is a point that she likes to drive home whenever he's in trouble. Jack is the oldest of four, and he needs to be responsible because his brothers look up to him. He was a teenager when she adopted him, and he knew that by joining the family, he was stepping up to be a role model for Crutchie, Race, and Albert. He'd been so honoured, and he really thought he could do it, at the time.
"No," he finally croaks, because of course he didn't consider it— he wasn't planning on overdosing. "I'm sorry."
The youngest, Albert, is only twelve— and even at that, he's awfully naive for his age. He probably doesn't even know what heroin is or what it can do, and now Medda's going to have to tell him that his brother almost died from it. Of course the boys are going to ask questions, and Jack knows Medda will answer them honestly. She's not a fan of keeping secrets.
"How long have you been doing this?" she asks, after a moment. She sounds so hurt, like the thought of Jack's addiction physically pains her. It makes him want to vomit. "The doctor said some of the needle marks on your arms look like they've been there for years. When did it start?"
Jack can't bring himself to answer. It's too embarrassing.
He was such a stupid, gullible fourteen year-old that he let the older boys in his last foster home before Medda's place do this to him— it was a group home where they were horribly abused in every way you can possibly think of, and everyone was searching for a way to cope. They told him drugs would make everything better, and they held his arm still while they injected him with the tiniest amount of heroin, and suddenly he wasn't scared or in pain anymore. He couldn't feel anything. It was the best he's ever felt, and he knew right then that this was going to become a problem. His parents had been addicts, he knew it ran in his blood, but he let himself fall into the trap anyways. It's horrible.
"I want to go to sleep now," is all he says, purposefully avoiding the question. His eyes feel droopy and heavy, and the ache of the withdrawal is growing stronger, and he knows that if he doesn't sleep now it'll only get worse.
"Please, Jack," Medda whispers, not giving it up. She's squeezing his hand almost desperately. "How long?"
He lets his eyes fall shut and weakly attempts to wrench his hand away from hers.
"I'm tired, Mama."
A heavy sigh.
She lets go of his hand and moves instead to pet his hair, even as he turns his face away from her and tries to roll onto his side in a pitiful attempt to show that he wants to be left alone. She hums softly as she does so, and it makes Jack's chest feel tight like he's going to cry. He finally has a mother who loves him, after all these years of wishing for one, and all he can do is disappoint her.
Medda is on the phone the next time he's awake.
"Did you know he was abusing drugs, David?" she asks, and her tone is almost accusatory, like she thinks Davey had something to do with this. "He overdosed on heroin last night."
Davey must panic on the other end of the call, because her tone suddenly goes much softer.
"No, no, he's okay. He's in the hospital, but he'll be alright." She pauses and sighs. "The doctor said it looks like he's been using for a couple years, at least. You didn't know?"
Jack decides not to open his eyes just yet— he's nauseous and his stomach aches. He's sure that if he were to force himself to vomit it might alleviate it somewhat, but he wants to hear what Medda and Davey might talk about, so he just doesn't move.
"Okay," Medda sighs. "I understand. I had no idea either— it's scary how well he hid it. He overdosed in the bathroom at home; he must've been using drugs in the house this whole time, and I never caught on."
Jack's awfully ashamed of that bit. He didn't used to do it at home— he only did it on occasion when he was younger, and he'd save it for when he was with friends, or if he had a really bad day. It's just the past few months that have gotten so bad... he can't go a day without it anymore. He gets dope sick, craves his next dose until he can finally shoot up, and it doesn't even really get him high. He needs heroin to feel normal these days. He's been at home, around his little brothers, with that god-awful drug coursing through his body. He hates himself so, so deeply for that.
He needs help. He knows he needs help. But he somehow doesn't want it— he knows it won't work. He'll end up checking himself out of rehab, or wherever Medda tries to send him, and he'll go right back to the drugs. Being sober is hard, and being high is easy. He likes that easy, relaxed feeling, and he knows that any amount of time he spends sober will just make the next high feel even better.
"I'm going to try to get him straight from the hospital into rehab," Medda says on the phone, which makes Jack feel horrible that he's already planning on refusing that idea. "You've got school, sweetheart, this isn't your responsibility. Come by for a visit if you'd like, but don't get to thinking you have to look after him or anything... oh, I know you love him. I know, dear. But you have to put yourself first, alright?"
Jack doesn't like listening to this anymore. Medda's going to convince Davey to break up with him, isn't she? She doesn't think Jack deserves to have a boyfriend as lovely as Davey, since he's such a disappointment— she's right, but it makes his chest ache anyways.
"Mama," he groans, finally letting her know he's awake. He feels like a helpless little kid as he reaches out for her yet again. "I feel sick. I'm gonna puke."
The light hurts his eyes as he opens them, and he barely registers Medda pressing a little paper bowl into his hands for him to vomit into. He leans forward and gags into it, squeezing his eyes shut to block out the sunlight while she rubs a hand gently up and down his back.
"I'll let you go, Davey," she sighs into the phone. "Text me when you get here, alright?"
Jack tries to ask if that means Davey is coming to see him, but it comes out a little garbled when he realizes he's not done throwing up. He interrupts himself to shove his face back in the little bowl and heave yet again. It takes until he's finished puking to realize that he began to cry somewhere in the middle of it, hot tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Mama, I'm so sorry," he finally says, once he's sure it's over. He leans his head back against the pillows and finally says the words he's been dreading. "I... If you don't want me anymore, I understand. It's okay."
This must catch Medda off-guard, because it takes her a second to process it. She's perfectly calm as she takes the little bowl from him and sets it somewhere for a nurse to take away, but then she turns back around to him with a confused frown.
"Hang on, what?" she asks. "Jack, baby, what are you talking about? Where did you get that idea from?"
Truthfully, the thought hasn't fully left his mind since the day they signed the adoption papers, a little over two years ago. He's always figured that she'd get sick of him at some point— he's even looked into how an adoption can be annulled, so that he's prepared for when the day eventually comes. She'll realize he's not worth all the trouble he causes, she'll see how messed up he is, and she'll get rid of him for good.
"I ruined everything," he mumbles, not quite able to look her in the eyes. He wipes pitifully at the tears on his cheeks and forces himself to keep talking. "If you want to, like, cancel out the adoption... that's alright. It's not fair that you have to deal with me when I'm so awful."
She's silent for a second, and Jack is sure that this is it. She'll undo the adoption, kick him out of the family, and he'll be all on his own again. He doesn't want that, of course, but he understands why she would do it.
"John Francis Kelly," she finally says, and she comes over to the bed to cup his cheeks and hold onto his face. "Look at me. Nothing you could ever say or do could make me even consider that. Not in a million years. Do you hear me? Nothing could ever, ever make me stop loving you."
This is where Jack finally breaks. She's too good to him— he can't understand what he's done in his fucked-up life to deserve to meet someone like her. He's done nothing to earn her love, but she gives it to him unconditionally anyways, and he simply can't comprehend it. He sobs, leaning forward into her arms; she hugs him tight and just holds him there.
"You're my son, Jack," she whispers, as his head rests in the crook of her neck and she rocks him back and forth. "Okay? It doesn't matter that I've only had you for a few years... that doesn't make it any less real. No matter how many mistakes you make— no matter what you do or where you are, I'll always be your mother. You're not getting rid of me." She gently combs her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck. "You got yourself into a tough spot, but we'll get you out, baby. You're gonna be okay."
"I'm sorry," Jack sobs, as if he hasn't said it enough today. "I didn't mean for this to happen."
"I know," Medda replies. "I know, baby. You made some mistakes, but it's not the end of the world. We're gonna fix it together, alright?"
Jack can do nothing more than cry at this point, so Medda just rubs his back and pets his hair. She shushes him softly, as if she's soothing an infant, and he simply clings onto her for dear life. He doesn't deserve how wonderful she is.
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