#it's still technically halloween
ween-kitchens · 11 months
happy halloween! this is an idea me and stiff were talking about last night and of course I forgot about it until the very last minute soo
“your costume is stupid, by the way.”
jimmy squawks in surprise, almost falling over his own feet as he stumbles backwards from the voice. he knows even before he looks that it’s joel—who else would go out of their way to let him know that his ‘costume’ is stupid. he can’t decide whether or not to be offended by this—after all, it isn’t even a costume. 
every halloween, jimmy has debated going as his true form- as a canary, and every halloween, jimmy has backed out and gone in one of the cheap costumes he found at the corner shop. after all, what if people found out that he is a canary? what would they think if they knew they had an omen of death in their house? maybe they’d connect the dots, just as jimmy has, and they’d realise that jimmy is more than just clumsy- than just unlucky. 
but this halloween, jimmy confessed about being unsure whether to wear his ‘costume’ or just use the same dracula one that still has pizza stains from last year. joel being joel, of course, told him that it’s no use getting het up about some silly old costume, and that he should wear what he wants. (joel also said he’d look dumb either way, but it was said with love and jimmy is choosing to ignore it.)
and so.. here he is. in all his canary glory. big ol’ omen of death, ready to bring all his friends to their graves. this was a very bad idea.
“I thought you said to wear what I wanted?” jimmy says, with a distinct lack of the indignation he was trying to muster.
“yeah but- canaries aren’t scary.” joel (who has come as a werewolf this year—tail, ears and everything) is grinning. there’s a distinct fondness to it that seems entirely unconscious, and jimmy can’t exactly take the attempted insult to heart.
“yes they are!” jimmy scowls. that kind of thinking is going to get joel killed someday. “besides, it’s not like youroutfit is scary either.”
joel splutters, and jimmy can’t help the snort at how offended he looks. “wh- i’m a wolf! i’m so scary!”
“you look more like a puppy.” jimmy teases. “you’re less scary and more.. cute.”
joel’s jaw drops and jimmy laughs. it’s been so long, he realises, since he’s been able to laugh so genuinely about something.
“okay, mr canary.” joel says, folding his arms. “at least dogs can actually hurt you.”
the nickname of ‘mr canary’ hits jimmy like a smack in the face. “canaries mean that death is coming. they’re dangerous- more dangerous than a dog.”
joel scoffs. “lad- canaries stop death. they actually prevent danger.”
it’s as if all the air has been knocked out of jimmy’s lungs. “they- they what?” he manages.
“they stop death.” joel repeats, gentler. he’s clearly confused as to why this elicited such a reaction from jimmy, but he keeps going. “y’know they- when they’re in the mines, they warn the miners of gas, so the miners can get out before they all die. canaries stop death.”
and- fuck. he had it so wrong all this time. all these years of fearing for the lives of his friends simply because he was with them, all these years of believing that his very existence was a curse to those around him, all these years of hating who he was..
it was all a lie.
canaries stop death.
“so see, your costume is-“
joel doesn’t manage to finish his sentence because jimmy is upon him, burying his face in joel’s hair, wrapping his arms around him, tears pouring down his face. all this time, all this time.
“thank you.” jimmy whispers through his grief.
“‘course dude.” joel whispers back, his own voice breaking a little. what a sap. “I, uh- it isn’t a costume, is it?”
“how could you tell?” jimmy laughs a little, and he’s still crying, but he’s so happy.
“just- just a hunch.” joel jokes back, squeezing him tighter. “do you- do you wanna go somewhere a little more private, or are you cool to sob in front of the punch bowl a bit more?”
jimmy snorts as he pulls back and wipes his eyes. “the punch should be left alone in this time of crisis.”
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thepenultimateword · 1 year
Spooktober Prompt #8
A stared at the the streaky message written in the condensation in the mirror.
“We’re not doing this again, B!” they called. “If you want space that’s fine, but I’m not leaving my own home every time you’re emotional.”
The bathroom lights flickered violently and the mirror shrieked as a set of invisible fingertips swiped the message away.
“Nuh uh. We talked about this. Either find a quiet space to calm down or talk to me face to face. None of this poltergeist tantrum nonsense.”
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nycticeivs · 10 months
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[[Haunted Doll p.4: BLACKxWHITE]]
OP: Atelier Pierrot Headbows: Baby The Stars Shine Bright OTKs: Moi Meme Moitie Coffin Necklace & Ring: Néant Glass
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nonokoko-draws · 11 months
ℌ𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔶 ℌ𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔬𝚠𝔢𝔢𝔫 !̴
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vacancy-virtues · 11 months
Please write about vampire Villian and a hero with a neck biting kink
Greetings Anon!
'Tis the season for some neck biting
I hope you enjoy and Happy Halloween!
#4- "Killing Without Consequence"
Hovels of houses, now barren of any life, stood as more of a headstone for the families who once resided there. They were almost tombs, except in a tomb, one would expect to find a body. Once inhabited and now desolate, Hero could only see a few homes with a fire in the hearth through slotted blinds of the windows.
Hero was told not of an illness wreaking havoc in the Southern town, but rather something more devastating. People were taken in their sleep and not by the merciful hands of death- never to be seen or heard from again. It was an all too familiar plight Hero heard from a handful of groveling townsfolk. While many would see the matter as the end of days, Hero saw it more of a matter of pest control.
There was a vampire nearby.
It only took a visit to the local bar and a skeptical look from the bartender before Hero was able to get the general area of the creatures residence. Miles out on the outskirts of end of town was a dilapidated shed nestled within the tree line. Despite the surrounding greenery, it seemed as though the very life was siphoned out of the foliage in the yard, leaving an abundance of deadened, dry grass and sickly trees within the fence line. The rotted door barely hung on its hinges as Hero slowly walked through the doorway, and was greeted with an affront to the nose of an overwhelming stench of bitter almonds and iron.
"My, not even a knock, or a nervous 'Hello?'" A voice casually cooed from in silence.
"I don't think I would have been invited in." Hero said cautiously, whipping around to find the source of what they heard.
The windows were boarded up, and various bits of cloth hung from the jagged boards. In the dark of the house, it was hard to make out any of the surroundings with the dim light from the doorway. Heros stomach turned as their eyes adjusted- they realized why the fabric looked so odd to them and why it stunk so badly.
"You're... using their clothes as curtains?" Hero hissed in clear disgust, a hand finding a way to their hip to take hold of their knife.
"Well, it's important to use everything from your kills, isn't that what you hunters say?"
The door behind them slammed, and Hero found themselves plunged in darkness. All they had to go off of was the cool and collected voice of the true hunter in the room with them. Their eyes strained in the dark, holding onto the faintest movement in the shadows when they could. Despite having done this so long, Hero still found the chase itself both utterly thrilling and utterly terrifying.
"But... you're not quite like other hunters, are you?" A floorboard creaked behind Hero, causing them to back up considerably in the other direction.
"No, because I fully intend on succeeding in killing you."
Everything happened in an instant. Hero swung immediately behind them. However, their momentum was halted upon the feel of an icy hand gripping their wrist. After years of experience with this sort, it was surprising the Vampire didn't shatter their wrist right then and there. Instead, they wrenched Heros wrist behind them, twisting their body so they were facing away from their captor, their other arm held tight at their side. The feel of their hands ran a chill so deep, Heros veins felt like they were being frosted from the inside out. Nails dug into the skin, puncturing the flesh like a ripened summer peach to let sweet juices flow.
"Mmm... so did the others, but that isn't what sets you apart, dear Hero."
"You-" The grip tightened, causing Heros jaw to set tightly. Their struggle persisted, much to the Vampires amusement. "Get on with your little speech so I can kill you."
The sudden closeness of the Vampire sent a chill down Heros spine as their breath snaked its way under their collar. No vampire before had ever gotten this close to them, and Hero wasn't about to let that change tonight. With a hammering heart in their chest, Hero shot their head back in a poor attempt of a headbutt. The footing was all wrong, and the grip on them didn't help with moment. The Vampire moved a hand to Heros shoulder, and guided their backwards momentum passed them and into one of the boarded up windows with a loud crash.
"I've lived many, many years... and I know what killing out of fear smells like. The many 'brave and fearless' hunters who come confidently clambering into my wake all absolutely wreak of it. Frankly, I think it even taints the blood. Makes it pungent and sour." The broken window permitted a bit of moonlight to stream in and illuminate the incoming figure.
Hero quickly got to their feet, using a nearby table as leverage off the floor. Before they could ready their knife properly, the Vampire had them pinned again in a instant. The Vampires nails threatened to dig into the established wounds. In the dim light, the well-defined features of their face seemed more belonging to that of a marble statue, and the texture of their skin was more akin to a porcelain doll.
"And I don't smell a drop of it on you." The Vampire raised Heros arm, and a long, forked tongue lapped over a stream of blood. "Or taste it."
"I am not some piece of food for you to play with." Hero snapped which only prompted the Vampire to yank their arm harshly.
There was a low chuckle as he proximity between them closed. With one arm holding Heros steadily, keeping the stake in a constant push back strain and the other bracing their wrist against the tables edge, it was almost too easy for the Vampire to find themselves back in that forbidden territory of Heros by their neck.
"Not that you would mind it if you had the choice, no?" They questioned, a slight purr in their voice as they lingered by their ear.
All Hero knew was this trade. Killing vampires in this day and age had become apart of the daily struggles in the world they lived in. No one had a choice in either killing, or getting killed. They could only survive. It was almost as if the Vampire could hear the Heros perplexity at the statement when Hero could feel a cold hand trailing up their arm, a smooth hum resonating through chest.
"What.. what do you mean.." Hero unsteadily said.
"You kill because you enjoy it... You enjoy the thrill of a good hunt, and the possibility of dying is what fuels it more so..." As they spoke, they made sure to sustain every pause, and draw out their words to keep Hero hooked. "Tell me I'm wrong, Hero."
This time, Heros words failed them, only giving them a shake of their head. They lodged in their throat, and they were sure the Vampire could hear the quickening beat of their heart against their rib cage. A sound, which Hero would assume, would be a delicious sound to the Vampires elegantly pointed ears. Hero didn't deny the claims, and merely held their breath as they felt their head lower closer to their neck.
"And you enjoy this..." Despite not really needing to breath, the Vampire sighed against Heros neck, causing their eyes to flutter in time with the familiar shiver for a second. "Do you not, Hero?"
Sharp fangs only barely hooked the skin. It was tender enough to make Hero writhe beneath the Vampires touch, yet not enough to draw blood. Every word, Hero could feel on their skin. There was no heartbeat to be felt under their palms, and no way to tell if they were as flushed as Hero was.
Hero was pissed off. Not for the fact they'd been captured and humiliated so easily for the first time in years, but for the fact the Vampire was right. Many vampires before were either too cocky and got themselves killed, others too far gone it would have been more similar to hunting a wild animal. Because of this grueling and gory life, it wasn't wise to make connections with people. Death was often a kinder mercy than living through the grief of losing someone, and Hero didn't want to pursue that kind of life.
"I saw how you looked at me," The vampire said, cold lips cooling the heated skin below them. "Why not lean into the thrill of it all? Have no fear of dying, and all the adrenaline of truly being alive. To give into the satisfaction of killing without consequence."
There was a haze coming over Hero with the words and sensations, and despite it, it almost sounded like the Vampires suggestion was more similar to a plea. From what they could tell about the norms most vampires held, they were leaders of minions, or near hermits who only come out to feed when they need to. It seemed odd to Hero for a vampire to want to turn someone else... just for the sake of it.
"Many say its a lonely life..." The Vampire placed a soft, lingering kiss on their jugular, before moving back up to their ear. "But it doesn't have to be."
"I ought to kill you for this..."
"You still can, but for what? Giving you an option? Or pointing out what you really enjoy?"
It wasn't until Hero felt two hands about their body, one resting on their arm and the other no longer pushing the knife in defense. The point sat just on the Vampires chest and the other hand rested just on their bicep. They didn't recall when they stopped pushing the knife towards the other, and they didn't find themselves driving it in now.
With another, cursed chuckle, the Vampire let go, leaving Hero to stagger against the table. They took a step back, and wore a satisfied grin at the state they left the other in, gasping, fevered and flustered. They smoothed out their shirt before gesturing to the door. It took Hero a moment to catch up and process what all just happened, before the Vampires voice pierced the silence again.
"You have a day to think about it: a choice in the matter. Visit me sooner if you decide, otherwise I will kill you just like the any other human if we cross paths again. Though, I hope it not be the case."
Before Hero could question any further, they staggered out the door, patting their neck for holes or puncture wounds. Their arm hurt, sure, but they weren't drained. As they left, the Vampire watched. With a soft chuckle, he pulled a folded up piece of paper from the pocket of a sweater hanging by the window, and unfolded it to read a news article of a notable vampire hunter on the rise.
"Funny, the picture really didn't do them justice."
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starlightwayfinder · 4 months
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I’m sure it’s been pointed out before, but isn’t it interesting that this KHUX avatar part draws inspiration from Nomura’s Catwoman design?
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chameliyun · 6 months
everyone clap pls I managed to overcome today's intense fear of being perceived and thrift shop for 4 pieces of my aziraphale cosplay
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rotisseries · 11 months
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it's still wednesday where I'm at if your clock is 30 minutes off so here's my wip wednesday post for my day 1 @bylerween2023 fic!! ghosts my beloved
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willczek-art · 11 months
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Andy and @bratniadusza's Ollie, ghoul-hunting on Halloween!
Who knows, maybe they will be lucky this year?
[Here's how the actual linocut turned out! :D]
(traditional original under the cut)
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vulchak · 1 year
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Day 13, Remembered Donald having a birthday on Friday the 13th, turns out in March but oh well
So let's just pretend they went camping for Donald's birthday and the moment he goes off to look for Dewey and Webby who mysteriously disappeared to hunt Bigfoot, he finds Jason Duckhees(I'm open to better pun name suggestions)
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puppyeared · 2 years
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Danse Macabre
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sketchy-tour · 1 year
Those little spiral flowers I draw sometimes on art are so silly but they make me so happy. Cause the spiral part is totally inspired by Wally and of course the flower itself is for Dandy so when I draw them it makes me kick my feet because "omg its them!"
My silly oc x canon shit just makes me too happy for words. Gee I wonder if thats why I draw it so much /lh
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shittywriterbrain · 3 days
guess who just put on his dad's old glasses for a costume and could suddenly read the slightly blurry writing on a toothpaste tube
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levinbolts · 2 years
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moved caem to a lil house in willow creek and gave him a baby feline friend that's all grown up now
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hootybal-lecter · 11 months
I bought red hair dye for my Crowley costume and I just applied it a few minutes ago. The package made it look like an orangey-red but when I put it in its FUCKING PINK!!!!! I'M GONNA BE CROWLEY WITH FUCKING PINK HAIR DYIDY CCTV HDYFOGDUTSIT FTC OTS
I'm gonna look like a cheap knockoff bootleg version of Crowley!
I'm officially gonna be Corely from Favorable Signs. That's my Halloween costume
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jadedresearcher · 1 year
newest sim drops
will post about it tomorrow, need to pass out
if you've ever seen my april fools stuff, think that, but a live event for the entire month of October, as part of a tie in to a discord event i got invited to collaborate on
before anyone asks, yes, obviously i added zampanio refs to the tie in site i made for it
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