#it's the intimacy 💕
dumbdomb · 2 years
READ MY PINNED before you interact! 18+ only.
what if it was raining and we were both in bed cuddling up so warm and cozy rn and the rain got heavier and there was some thunder and lightning and we were drifting in and out of our slumber all day
Read my pinned before you interact! 18+ only.
READ MY PINNED before you interact! 18+ only.
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k-wame · 2 years
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James Bligh & Henry Fox | A Place to Call Home 2016 ‧ 1950s ‧ Period Drama ‧ S04.E01
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natkhat-sa-shyam · 4 days
imagine we're making out when there is a thunderstorm outside, window is opened and during that passionate love, cold breeze and some rain drops falls on your body as our bed is near the window which makes you shudder. You let out a deep moan. the heavy rain and that sound of your deep moan along with your payal singing a divine song for me drives me more crazyyy..
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hisnamesdylan · 3 months
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[photo ID: Lockwood handing Lucy tea.
/End ID]
“Sorry, very long night. Please tell me there’s tea.” — Lockwood
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t0asty1 · 1 month
today feels like an excellent day to embarrass myself and make bad desicions that i will definitely regret, so i will text my crush that i haven’t talked to for months, and has also told me that he is not romantically interested in me, and tell him all the ways he is lovely and gorgeous
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mrsoharaa · 10 months
Nah, I don’t think I could hold eye contact for long with Miguel! I’d get too flustered wayyy too quickly! (Unless I’m beyonddd drunk and I have all the confidence in the world and my brattyness kicks in lmao) That man has such a firm, steady eye contact! Like, if you blink and abruptly turn your head (just like that one scene from atsv when he pinned miles down) he’d either immediately follow your change of direction or firmly clutches onto your chin to keep you still, facing him directly, just to maintain contact.
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vampsvitae · 3 months
random thinking thoughts but i love biting things and especially flesh (had a bad habit of biting myself really hard when i was younger, not so bad now but it is still a craving that nothing yet can satisfy) and i feel it makes me a bit of a Weirdo to say that.
like obviously i don't want to do it in the wilbur soot way but if i was given permission by my bf to bite him (NOT HARD) once. i would take the opportunity. same with the other way around. i would let him bite me if he truly wished to. idk i kinda view it as kissing a little bit but like. weirder. and scarier.
ALSO idk if this means anything specific about me but it's also a sensory thing too. are there like studies taken on this shit (needs to be studied) (made in a lab) (not a real person) (made in a lab.... 🧪🧫)
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dreamingticklee · 1 year
when someone cups the back of your head and gives it a comforting little scratch or massage 🥺
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becausethathappens · 1 year
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EB 336 / GMM 2329
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dumbdomb · 1 year
oh, you know, just squeezing my thighs together thinking about someone being so reassuring and delicate with me as they lovingly train me to use my mouth and throat better so i can be their dumb bimbo slut and makeout with their cock and maybe one day they could fuck my mouth while playing with my nipples ♡
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 8 months
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incredibly melancholy scene but
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sesamestreep · 8 months
what a wip list... what a collection of titles.. can i ask about hope springs eternal (that this draft will ever see the light of day)???
hope springs eternal (that this draft will ever see the light of day): well, you get bonus points for asking about the WIP that I was vagueing about in my previous post, haha! congratulations!! Anyway, I’m typical me fashion, this WIP started its life as a prompt fill that turned into its own thing (read: got waaay too long) and then I was like “what if it was just part 1 of a 5+1???” because I love those and I’ve never written one and I thought it would be fun! so this is a “5 times Matt borrowed Foggy’s clothes and 1 time he didn’t” type thing because I have a brand to maintain and, god willing, it will eventually see the light of day!!
Anyway, here’s an excerpt that has literally nothing to do with sharing clothes:
“There’s no way it’s that bad,” Matt says, quietly “What?” “The cut. I can feel it. It’s not that bad. I don’t know what you’re so panicked about.” “You are not allowed to lecture me on what constitutes a concerning injury or not,” Foggy grumbles, as he puts the cap back onto the bottle, and once again tries to rein in his pulse. “You base your pain and suffering threshold on the saints.” Matt smiles, wide and a little bit savage, especially with the split lip. “Whereas your medical degree is from…where again?” “The University of Common Fucking Sense, Matthew!” “Is that the one in Poughkeepsie, or am I thinking of something else?” Matt asks, with a remarkably straight face. Foggy rolls his eyes. “I don’t know where you get the energy to be such a smartass all the time.” “Just comes naturally to me.”
ask me about a wip title from this list and I’ll tell you what it is and maybe share an excerpt 💟
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natkhat-sa-shyam · 23 days
She: say those 3 magical words
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Me: चाय पीने चलें?
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satans-knitwear · 11 months
No but why am I so proud your dry spell ended!!!!!
For real i am so proud of my self as well tbh. Getting out of the house to even get to that point and allowing myself to have a good time is a big deal!! And its been so long!!
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loveofastarvingdog · 2 years
sometimes i like to think about the first time cas and dean start kissing more deliberately. not exactly in a sexually seeking way, though it is erotic. dean not even taking the briefest moment to just blink because making steady, deep eye contact with cas as he puts his hand in his hair… tugs his head back just a bit… begins kissing hot, heavy, searing kisses up cas’ neck…. is more important. seeing the way cas looks back, eyes sparking. feeling the way he breathes and stutters beneath his lips. the flush of his cheeks and the pink of his lips and the dart of tongue peeking out as cas’ mouth goes dry. fever gaze. the newness. the raw wound of it. their whole being covered in tandem electricity as they burn and blaze and kiss and breathe and discover this sparkling feeling together. finally being able to let the buzzing feeling swell up until it floods under their skin like the tang of a battery jolting at every nerve ending they’ve ever had.
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earl-grey-love · 8 months
I finished reading the manga yesterday. As a whole, it was really cute and fun to see the story from a new perspective. The visual novel style of the game is fun but quite limited in its POV. I especially liked how the demon forms + pact making were shown.
There were quite a few changes to how the story went, which was interesting. But considering it was standalone (plus the reveal in the last 3 pages), it was necessary to tell the story. It did make me feel far more sympathetic to Bel than the original game.
Obviously, my favourite parts all had Barbs in them. It was interesting to see how he was presented and introduced in that way. He's objectively terrifying. They all are to some degree but he's next level.
I just adore how silly the entire concept of the game is. Very cute and wholesome despite how in the pitch it shouldn't be.
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