#it's totally cool
the-real-sin · 2 years
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I'll be watching you...
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ekleipsi · 2 years
-- starter for @s4crificial​ ;;
---Fingers curled anxiously around the grip of the camera around her neck, fidgeting slightly with it and running her fingers along the buttons as some measure of comfort. Group projects tended to be nerve wracking, her own social struggles spiking whenever the professors spoke of pairing students together in some manner. Sky blues slipped around the room, flitting from one classmate to the next as if she would be able to determine who it was by sheer look alone. 
--- Throat cleared absently, dropping her eyes to the folder in front of her. Her portfolio, so to speak- at least if she wasn’t looking at everyone else, maybe she’d put herself at a little more ease? Cardstock was flipped open, digits gliding down the smooth surface and glossed photographs she’d taken; lovely stills in various places and of different people. Your work is beautiful, Teagan, but it’s missing something. That’s what the professor had said during her last assessment. 
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--- ‘ Ms. Hartley? ‘ a secondary call of her name, students now staring at her for the lack of initial response. She hadn’t even heard the first one. Surprise had a light dusting of color along the bridge of her nose when she’d perked up with a curious ‘ Huh? ‘ much to the amusement of her classmates and a gentle roll of teacher’s eyes. ‘ I said, your partner for this project will be Mr. Meyers. Good luck. ‘ words of encouragement, with a quick gesture before they were already moving on to the next pair. 
--- Mr. Meyers? Beck Meyers? She’d never exchanged but maybe a handful of words with him in the classroom itself, orbs lifting to seek his face out in the crowd before they settled upon dark head of hair. Fingers lifted absently to wave at him, to get his attention, before embarrassment burned upon features and she simply picked her things up with a sharp inhale. Half a beat was taken to close eyes and steady her breathing, steeling herself for the interaction before marching over to sit beside him. ‘ H-hi! I’m...Teagan. We h-haven’t really spoken much before, but I’m l-looking forward to working with you! ‘ she offered a smile, head tilted in polite introduction.
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jekyll-hatepage · 23 days
I will forever be obsessing over Laios imaging himself as a wolf (a dangerous animal, and one that is [albeit falsely] associated with loneliness) and Marcille imagining him as a cute dog. It shows how negatively he thinks of himself after his fight with Shuro, and how even if he worries now that he's a nuisance to people/can't fit in, NOBODY PERCEIVES HIM THIS WAY. HE'S JUST A SILLY GUY. MARCILLE ASSOCIATES HIM WITH THE DOG BECAUSE HE'S LOYAL AND LOVEABLE.
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chaospikes · 8 months
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emacrow · 13 days
Um.. Superman.. what that thing stuck on your cape?
Clark's brain short circuit for a moment as he just got back of flying at great speed in the middle of deep space to thrown one of Lex's giants bombs destroy the city and come back in record time.
He turn a bit to look at his cape to see a tiny humanoid starlight dust covered child with white hair, glowing full green that look like white specks stars were implanted themselves into his big ol eyes, nawing on a handful of stardust with inhumanly sharp itsy bitsy fangs.
A small yet floating crown that look similar to one of Nasa pictures of far out space.
Did he just accidentally abducted an royal alien child/teen?
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bigskyandthecoldgun · 8 months
steddie fake dating au that starts because robin’s mom keeps pushing for her and steve to get together and robin gets so fed up that she yells, “it’s not gonna happen because some people are gay, mom!”
and upon seeing the utter horror and fear on her face, steve swoops in and says he’s the one who’s gay. cue mr. and mrs. buckley, local hippies, attempting to show how supportive they are, and all the while steve gets eddie to agree to fake date to get the buckleys to prove they’re safe, so that robin will feel comfortable enough to come out to her parents.
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canisalbus · 2 months
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Real fan art is coming one day, but for now I really wanted to see if it was feasible to simplify their gradients into something that would fit a simple style like Bluey’s 😅
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blueaubrey · 2 months
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I actually did the thing and traveled to see the total eclipse today! 🌚
Click for higher quality - check out those solar flares!
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circuscountdowns · 4 months
uuuuuuh id love to see you draw shamura some more if thats an alright request? theyre my fave and i love seeing peoples' interpretations of them
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come get ur spider pls they are meddling.
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mobius-m-mobius · 5 months
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Tom on more of Owen's s2 improv (x)
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digitalsatyr23 · 1 year
Man, I feel so fired up! I wrote all of ch2 of my fanfic yesterday and it’s a little long so I may need to split it between a couple posts, so we’ll see. Recent Bleach and Chainsaw Man episodes have been really good too! Now if only all these bot accounts would stop following me!!!!!!
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“I wanna make art, but idk what people want to see from me—“ *GRABS YOU*
Do whatever you want. You have an idea? You plagued by visions? You got a special interest? You got daydreams about a oneshot you wanna write? Do it. “But how will I know what gets attention?” YOU WONT. THAT’S THE DEVIL TALKING. Say ‘fuck it’ and make whatever. I make art cuz ideas fill my brain & if I don’t see ‘em with my eyes I’ll DIE.
Make stuff cuz YOU wanna see it. If other people’s eyes see it that’s cool too.
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demonsandpieohmy · 10 months
Extremely cool of neil gaiman to give hozier early access to good omens season 2 so he could write an entire album about it
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essektheylyss · 2 years
it's unrealistic that barbarians drop rage just because they haven't attacked or been attacked by anyone in 6 seconds, I sat in 40 minutes worth of traffic caused by government negligence and it's gonna take me another 40 minutes just to stop feeling like I could throw a car through DOT's front window with my bare hands
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emberwritesinsight · 1 month
Every year Akio Ohtori loans his sister out to a bunch of teenagers, grooms said teenagers, makes all of them fight each other several times, does irreparable emotional damage, hopefully THOROUGHLY cleans the inside of his car because Christ alive.
And all of this, all these surreal, intricate rituals, are so he can lose a sword fight with a door.
This has happened multiple times. He doesn't even seem particularly upset about failing. Every year Akio Ohtori loses a sword fight with a door and somehow does not feel like an absolute clown. Could NOT be me, I would never try again. I would lie awake at night every night after the first attempt agonizing about how stupid I must have looked and how my sister absolutely would have laughed at me if all the organs she needed to do so weren't getting shish-kebabed six ways to Sunday.
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weaselmcdiesel · 2 months
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Hiking with the matesprit
(this was hugely inspired by @/erysium and their gorgeous natural scenes! particularly, this post)
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