#it's two days in and i'm already shipping
lint-beetle4 · 3 days
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Eclipse (ShadowPeach Smut)
For a popular ship, there is a lot of potential with how powerful both of these monkeys are that I haven't seen explored much. I hope you enjoy!
Smut below
Every day and night, the sky would be met by the enticing light of the moon and the sun. Glowing in their powerful aura, they danced together as they watched over their domain. Yet, every few years or so, they would grow lonely, craving more than the occasional dance steps that they would greet by.
During these moments, gentle touches and whispers would greet them, love shining through the penumbra of their embrace.
Macaque was a vicious fighter, agile and cruel. He knew how to throw dirty blows and tricks that would make his opponents stumble. His counterpart, Wukong however, was smart, cheeky, able to have his opponents drive themselves mad in order to land a hit on the sage. Wukong used emotions and his own words to strike while Macaque bared his claws and lashed out with precision. Together, they were unstoppable; against the other, they were at a stalemate.
Macaque panted as him and Wukong sparred, his strength fleeting. Wukong seemed tired too, his fur drenched in sweat. It didn't help that it was a particularly humid summer day, but that wouldn't deter either of the warriors, weather was only an inconvenience never a game-changer. Wukong's staff stood firmly in his grasp, the stone monkey's tail lashing in his excitement.
"What's wrong, Macaque?" The prideful monkey grinned. "Giving up, already?"
Macaque grinned, shaking his head as he charged at Wukong, shadows changing the land before the two as Wukong fell, Macaque's cudgel blocking the king from rising up.
"Nah, I'm just getting started." The shadow demon smirked, looking down at Wukong's fallen form with satisfaction. "It seems I've won though, huh? Do you concede, Wukong? You don't have much of a choice anyways?"
The air was still, Wukong's eyes strong, yielding no signs of surrender. Wukong chuckled lowly, his feet kicking up to off-balance Macaque, the darker monkey quickly retreating as Wukong stood to his feet.
"How about we actually get started then, Macaque. This warm-ups been fun and all, but I want to see your true power."
Macaque grinned toothily, a near snarl as he stood straight, his posture braced for the quick movements Wukong seemed to be itching to fight back. The heat of the sun couldn't match the intense glare of the two monkeys, both eager to win over the other.
It was Sandy's idea, interestingly enough, to have them spar as a form of bonding. While neither was opposed, the two definitely have gotten into quarrels through the mountain as they fought, calls of cheating or foul play. Eventually, they decided that a fair fight is one where the only limit is serious harm to the opponent or the land around them.
Thus, the two exchanged blow after blow, rounds of fighting that seemed to barely drain the other. The sun had lowered further, and Wukong’s clones had thoroughly pinned Macaque to the ground, hot breaths tickling the shadow demon as Macaque panted, nearly heaving to catch his breath.
Macaque groaned against the clones, trying to move his body against the clones. Wukong stepped over to Macaque, a pleased smirk as his hand trailed along Macaque’s face, lifting the angered celestial monkey’s chin to meet his eyes.
“You could give up now, peaches, or we could be here all night? How about it?”
Macaque spat on the ground, sharp teeth bared at Wukong as he growled with piercing eyes towards the sage. “Do your worst, Great Sage, I’m never conceding.”
Wukong lifted an eyebrow, face leaning closer to Macaque’s. “Colors?”
“Red for stop, Yellow for pause, Green to keep going.” Macaque rolled his eyes, his expression softening briefly at Wukong. 
Wukong tapped on Macaque’s cheek, smirk returning to him. “Good boy.”
“What’s this all about, Wukong?” Macaque quickly returned to character, weakly struggling against the clones that looked at the monkey underneath them with hungry eyes. 
One of Wukong’s clones brushed against Macaque’s tail, trailing the sensitive nerves that connected to it. Macaque shivered underneath its touch, his expression never wavering.
“You’ll lose one way or another, Six-Eared Macaque.” Wukong nearly spat, another clone lifting Macaque slightly, hands groping at Macaque’s chest. “Until I hear those words, I’ll just keep toying with you.”
Macaque glared hardening, a blushing forming on his face as the hands fondled his chest, lightly pinching at his clothed nipples. Macaque sighed, hiding his moans from Wukong’s piercing expression.
“I–I’m not falling to your tricks, Great Sage.”
Wukong smirked, “Have it your way. All you need to do is beg, and I’ll be right here to fill all those needs of yours.”
Macaque whimpered lightly as the hands stroked his stomach, sliding through his clothes and peeling them off slowly. One of the clones had marked Macaque’s neck with deep bite marks, pulsating and radiating with pleasure and pain. Macaque gasped, feeling his outer shift being stripped away and mouths latching onto his chest like hungry cubs.
Wukong’s voice whispered to Macaque, deep and rumbling in Macaque’s sensitive ears.
“Look at you, writhing and squirming against my clones…Color?”
“Green,” Macaque moaned, his body slowly going limp as the various touches along his body overwhelmed him. They pressed hot against his fur, kissing and suckling that trailing through body while Macaque weakly struggled against the arms that held him in place. 
One clone was brave enough to go lower, tongue trailing along Macaque’s stomach, pressing kisses and light nips against his hips while avoiding the growing hunger that built in Macaque’s pants. Yet, Wukong merely watched as clones continued to overwhelm the celestial monkey, eyes hungry, nearly devouring the sight of Macaque weak against the sensational torment of Wukong’s clones.
“Mng,” Macaque groaned, mouth covered by a clone fiercely smashing his lips into Macaque’s, moans muffled as drool trailed down Macaque’s face. 
“Just one word, Macaque, and I’m all yours.”
Wukong’s voice teased him again, and Macaque pulled away from the clone, glaring at Wukong. 
“Fuck. You.”
Wukong huffed, an amused grin on his face. Wukong sat back, pulling out a half-erect cock in front of Macaque’s face. “Have it your way.”
With a simple gesture, the sage’s clones continued further, more aggressively as blood dripped down the various bite marks that littered Macaque’s body. Hands reached down to paw at Macaque’s erection, pants sliding off painfully slow as Macaque’s breath hitched at the cool dusk air hitting his pussy.
“What’re you–” Macaque yelped, feeling a hand lightly stroke against Macaque’s now wet cunt, throbbing and twitching for more sensation as rough skin and light touches sent shivers down Macaque’s spine.
Whispers of the clones filled Macaque’s ears, sour words and bitter chuckles that had Macaque twitching and groaning as he mewed weakly against the single hand that stroked him, teased him with the way it never pressed hard enough nor moved fast enough.
“So weak, like putty in our hands.”
“Getting off to clones? How laughable.”
“Does our touch replicate his so well? Enough for you to start moaning like a whore to a wealthy man?”
Macaque stuttered, breathing heavily against the warm bodies that enveloped him. “I–I’m not–”
“Sure you are,” Wukong’s voice growled in his ear, closer than Macaque had thought. “Just lose yourself, concede and I’ll give everything to you.”
Macaque moaned, eyes shut in the painful ecstasy that flowed through his body.
“Wukong,” Macaque’s voice shook heavily, his breaths ragged as Wukong’s face betrayed no emotion. “Wukong–I–”
“Tell me, Macaque.” Wukong’s voice slid easily through Macaque’s ears, silky and light. “What do you want?”
“I need you.” Macaque answered honestly, his tone begging as Macaque shivered once more, feeling himself getting close despite his craving for more touch–deeper, deeper, Macaque just needed them to go deeper. “I need you to–to breed me. Inside of me–I need you inside of me.”
Wukong’s chuckle sent waves of anticipation through Macaque’s body as footsteps and shuffling sounded around him. A new body pressed against Macaque, breath tickling him as Wukong’s tongue licks the shell of Macaque’s ear, nipping it lightly.
“As you wish,” Wukong’s smirk never left his voice, his member pressing up against Macaque’s pussy. “Color?”
“Wukong, for fuck’s sake–” Macaque yelled, turning back to Wukong while pressing his ass closer to the stone monkey. “Green, just fuck me already!”
Without a second thought, Wukong’s cock entered Macaque, Macaque groaning at the sudden entry, tightening against the member. Wukong didn’t stop for a second, hips thrusting aggressively against Macaque, grinding against him as the clones began to disappear one by one, leaving final bite marks against the panting monkey.
“Fuck–Gah,” Macaque moaned, arms now bracing against the ground as Wukong’s fangs latched onto Macaque’s shoulders. “Mng–Wukong–”
Wukong growled, possessive and controlling. Macaque’s moans grew louder, his tongue sticking out of his mouth as Wukong’s cock buried deep into Macaque’s cunt. 
A building warmth filled Macaque’s core as Wukong continued to senselessly pound into Macaque, claws scratching at the darker monkey’s fur as Wukong’s growls and chuffs continued to fill Macaque’s ears. Macaque’s arms were weak, being held up by Wukong as Macaque’s body was practically limp against Wukong.
“Macaque–” Wukong’s voice rasped against Macaque. “I’m–ghh–close.”
Macaque whimpered, feeling the rough pads of Wukong’s fingers rubbing against his clit. “Hnng, Wukong–Fuck–Inside, fill me up–I need your pups in me, Wukong–”
Macaque felt something snap inside of him, hot streams of cum pouring into his burning, raw pussy as his groans were nearly in sync with Wukong’s. Macaque felt Wukong pulsating in him, going flacid as he slowly drew out his dick, spreading Macaque’s cheeks to admire his work. Macaque’s legs gave out, shaking and weak as he slumped against the ground.
“You’ve lost.” Wukong’s voice was hoarse, rough against the darker sky that slowly became night.
Macaque growled, his teeth biting against his lip dangerous as Macaque’s tail thud against the ground. With a weak, quivering voice, Macaque spoke. “Fine, you win, Great Sage. I concede.” Wukong hummed, satisfied and proud of his win. Lifting himself off of Macaque, Wukong helped him up, carrying the exhausted shadow demon back to his hut while brushing off any remaining dust from the both of them.
“How many wins is that for you again? Like 8?” Macaque asked, fixing his scuffed clothes with shadows that tiredly mended his clothing.
Wukong shrugged, walking into his hut as he took out some fruits for him and Macaque to share. “I’m pretty sure we’re almost even though. Last time, you took me out pretty quickly.”
“That’s because you got distracted by one of your subjects borderline harassing me,” Macaque chuckled, laying down still sore from the thorough beating his body had taken. Wukong’s only response was an amused chuckle, sitting by Macaque as Wukong cuddled into him, a slight apology for being rougher than he wanted to be.
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thenineofus · 2 years
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Which could mean nothing
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daipeanutsaiban · 1 year
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A Victorian couple. (Leyendecker redraw)
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kocch · 2 years
when I say that Will being canonically gay in stranger things is the biggest proof we need for byler it’s not simply because we know he is gay and that’s it - there is context that comes from being in fandoms for something like 12 yrs or more. 
first of all, I’ve started watching ST because of people talking about will and byler on twitter (in july), as a person who barely knew anything about it (I didn’t even know mike and el were a couple, so I was super surprised they decided to make it romantic in s1 when I didn’t really feel like it would happen). 
i was a sherlock fan who shipped sherlock/john. i’ve shipped non-canon couples for a long time (fandom spaces are queer spaces a lot of times). i know what it feels like to read things from a text that could imply things - a text that could be queercoded, depending on interpretation. i know what it feels like to have fun with fanon and ship things that are potentially there, but not textually canon (like steddie or ronance, imo). it’s fun and it’s mostly harmless, until the writers decide to use it as queerbait to make their fandom stay with them for a long time because they’re rooting for their queer ship (i think supernatural is the worst example of this, as they confirmed the one-sided love and then killed the queer character and sent him to hell LMAOOO). those are milking the fandoms, knowing the strongest core of a fandom is the hardcore ones (many queers) and not the casual public.
i’m a big fan of hannibal, yuuri!! on ice and she-ra, three shows that are mostly queercoded until they aren’t (and they confirm the queer ship to be canon). i swear, people CAN tell. you can see when there is a creator and writer and team who truly wants to tell a queer story/relationship, even when they can’t show it openly (like hannibal or yoi). as a person of the community myself, i’ve been able to tell it was canon. it’s different from fans just shipping things, or queerbaiting, there is care and intention and writing and parallels and romantic framing and so many things that make you see that it is there.
(now, for byler i hope it’s different. every straight couple in ST has at least one kiss and i think byler HAS to have at least one (dramatic, passionate, show-stopping) kiss because it would be totally unfair if they don’t. they have to be totally and utterly canon)
what is different about byler and stranger things, compared to sherlock or other shows for the straights? 
it’s will being canonically gay. bbc sherlock would never do that. bbc sherlock would mock feelings. he would laugh about love. he would probably be even a bit homophobic, just for the sake of it.
and it’s not just will being canonically gay, it’s his love for mike being canon. i’m sure other people have said it, but will’s love for mike is NOT JUST A CRUSH. it’s not ridiculed. sure, it’s used to forward a straight ship (that is sinking), but the story is not finished yet and i want to believe that byler is endgame and the writing in s4 was meant to 1) leave things uncomplete and unseattled between mike and will, between lies and non-confessed feelings; and will being in the middle of a relationship that is sinking. 2) mike responding to will’s feelings of love and to no one else, not even el begging for him to say he loves her. 3) making EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHERS feel sorry for will. cry for will. pity will. root for will. root for GAY WILL. (people who think he is straight and he loves el don’t count, those are morons) 
will’s love for mike is LOVE in capital letters. it is not a crush. it’s never treated as something to laugh about, or something like a one-sided crush like Dustin’s crush for Max or Steve’s crush for Robin, those feelings are clearly more superficial and you can see that they’re not gonna happen from miles away. will’s love is A LOVE THAT MOVES MOUNTAINS. it’s totally romantic. deeply rooted. it’s like those loves you can see between jancy or lumax or even more jopper in s4, a love that saves one another, that makes people do crazy things, a love that is inherently part of the character, that makes them FEEL and DO and LIVE and you can’t imagine them not being in love with that person. 
these writers know how to write that type of love. each canon ship they made (even s1/2 milkvan in some ways), i’ve loved it. they know what they’re doing, how to make it feel like it’s true love even without writing grand love confessions or making them kiss every other episode. it’s in THE NARRATIVE, the things the characters do and say and imply.
and even more, about byler... something i wrote in a fic i’ll never finish but imo it’s the biggest point we can take away from will’s love and confession in s4. WILL SEES MIKE. will sees mike for who he is and loves him anyways. he sees the best and worst in him and still loves him and knows him and grounds him to reality and tells Mike how he could be the best version of himself, pushing him to fight for it (you are the heart). will’s love is ancient and deep, it’s a love that we don’t even know when it started, it’s always been there, it’s always been part of will (and part of mike, because it IS MUTUAL). it’s like breathing. like the sun every morning, it’s just there. it’s not going away. it’s not even a choice, at this point, there is an helplessness in the love will feels - it’s too big and too much for him he would love to run away from it, but still he can’t deny his heart. 
and that’s why i think byler is endgame. because will is canonically gay, and he is in love, and no one is making fun of him for that. his love for mike is serious, profound, romantic, genuine. it makes you cry and root for him. it’s LOVE. the strongest of forces. and every byler scene is made with care. it’s never taken lightly, not even their fights, they always matter. there is no mocking in there. no sneer. it’s treated genuinely. almost like the creators are telling you: “look here, look at them, it matters. it matters to them and it should matter to you. there is something serious brewing here, and it is romantic love”
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ghcstcd · 2 years
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@st-danger suggested the following drawing prompt: Aether and Dew... A little post-practice hand rub for some tired hands?
Trusting someone with your hands as a musician is such an intimate gesture, in my opinion.
I took the opportunity to really experiment with coloring these two. I'm still trying to decide how I'd like to portray the ghouls, and how their different elements might alter their appearance. Due to Dewdrop going from a water ghoul to a fire, I really played around with cool tones under the warmer ones in his skin.
Essentially, I slapped Aether and said "Woe, tiefling be upon ye" because I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT TO DO WITH THIS BAD BOY. He's cute tho!
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everydaydenki · 3 months
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fredwardrawn · 6 months
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A Royal Blue, Malkuth wedding
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oilith · 2 months
Stuff i got from the first day of the event i went to!
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Raeda and lumity stickers. They are now truly my priced posessions, you can try prying them from my cold dead hands lmao
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Hazbinb (and this tiny stolas card)
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And ai cat and frieren charm! Also got the manga volume 2nd hand
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haven-of-dusk · 4 months
The thoughts nobody asked for on the much discussed 7x10 Tevan/Bucktommy/Bummy/whatever you wish to call them dinner date:
From a character perspective it's...fine. i really struggle to come up with an alternative word for it, because I struggle to have strong feelings at all about it. We've known since last season (at the latest, arguably sooner) that Buck has a kinky side. Now we know Tommy has one too. And they flirted about it. Neither of them were really acting out of character, and the scene was perfectly tolerable. But...that's sort of the problem.
From a writing standpoint, this scene is...kind of an abysmal failure. Or at least I presume it is, but it depends on what the writers wanted to accomplish with the scene.
If the goal was to solidify the Bucktommy relationship, bring more people on board, end the season strong, etc, then it failed. Miserably. Because in an episode full of story-essential moments, emotional beats, drama, and so forth, there's just this date scene doing...nothing. It doesn't push Buck or Tommy forward as characters, it does nothing meaningful to develop their relationship beyond the surface layer we've known it's had since their first episode together, and its only tie to the episode's main plot is a transition into a joke. They set Tommy up to finally develop his character, give some backstory, have him comiserate with Buck, build their rapport...and then we skip right to 'teehee, daddy issues.' It feels like the middle of the scene is missing.
Like...stay with me here, and don't jump away just because I'm bringing up Buddie, but the 3x9 kitchen scene is a prime example of what it seemed like the 7x10 date scene was going for. We start with a connection to the episode's plot, framed semi-light heartedly ("So she shoots him, and then takes him back?"), we transition into them having a serious, meaningful conversation, with Buck apologizing for his absence during the lawsuit arc and them discussing Eddie's boxing crisis, and then the scene ends on a lighthearted note with the infamous "wanna go for the title?"
So the issue with the 7x10 date is that the middle section, the emotions, the bulk of the conversation, just isn't there. It's like making a sandwich but ending up with just the pieces of bread. Yeah, you can still eat it, but it's not really the same thing, is it? It's lacking the SUBSTANCE.
And this ties into a larger problem with Tommy...he just never gets ANYTHING to do or say beyond surface level comments or observations. I hear the defense repeatedly that "it's a short season" "give them time to flesh him out more" "they didn't have space to include all the development, but they've got good seeds!", but this date scene is the very blatant counterpoint. This was a PRIME chance to do something with him, in an already story heavy episode, a season finale no less, and to tie his discussion of his trauma in with Buck's and have them bond over painful memories, give them a dynamic about HOW they approach those discussions, ANYTHING. But instead we skip past the development and end on a passable joke. This is a short, condensed season, yes. It's why I accepted them cutting most of the bachelor party because it was just fun and the episode needed to focus on development and story. But this date has no more story or character weight than the party did. They giftwrapped an oppurtunity for themselves, and then squandered it.
Which brings me to the question...do the writers even want me to root for Buck and Tommy's relationship? Because if so they are doing a TERRIBLE job of it. Tommy barely appears, and when he does they do nothing with him. They feel as though they are actively avoiding giving Bucktommy a dynamic or developing anything about why Tommy in particular is a good fit for Buck. Saying "he's good for you," doesn't cut it. Having them kiss twice, doesn't cut it. All of it leads me to wonder if they're just setting the couple up to break up cordially next season, Buck having learned more about himself, and Tommy...having a boyfriend for a few months I guess.
The daddy issues joke has caused a stir that overshadowed the real issue with the scene: Tommy still doesn't have a character, or a motive, or a dynamic with Buck, or anything. And it's starting to feel like he never will. And it's a bit frightening that I can't tell if it's intentional or not.
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supercantaloupe · 9 months
i just keep underestimating the amount of yarn i need for this damn project argh
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Okay guys I'm going to fully embrace the cringe don't hate me...
I think I ship my OC Hazard with Surge now 🙃
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maxanor · 1 year
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in honor of stucky losing to of/md have me and the besties genuine reactions to watching that kiss for the first time
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troublcmakcrs · 1 year
y'all: umm... whatcha got there?
me, with the oc i created solely to ship with tweek in his older verses: nothin, mind your fucking business
#misc :: ( ooc )#//originally i created her To Die#//to show the dangers of drugs or whatever#//just like tweek's older male love interest was created solely to be Kind Of An Asshole#//but now i'm a little attached to her :((((#//so it might be that in older verses where tweek is not being shipped with anyone he is married to her#//in verses where he is being shipped with other muses she can die a lil. as a treat :)#//tweek: AS A TREAT?! WHAT KINDA FUCKIN TREAT IS THAT???#//with his male love interest redd (who i named before learning there is already a sp character named red and may have to rename)#//tweek actually wasn't actually in love with him. it was a relationship of convenience. a roof over his head and good sex#//but with this one... who i am considering naming jenna/jenny or aurora/rory... he is hopelessly terribly grotesquely in love with her#//OH TO BE TWO METH ADDICTS ABSENTLY PETTING EACH OTHER WHILE MAKING FUTURE PLANS NEITHER ONE OF THEM IS SURE THEY'LL LIVE TO SEE#//in verses where she does die she gets murderalized by another addict#//tweek is passed out and doesn't learn of her death until the next day#//which is spicy and fun; we love a good dead gf trope in this house (sorry women)#//BUT ALSO I THINK THEY DESERVE TO BE SOBER AND MARRIED WITH KIDS :'(#//she is just such a ray of light and also wants to get off of meth and run away to somewhere warmer#//she's just got such a kind & giving heart and most people can't see past her addiction to get to it#//unlike redd who doesn't care and highkey enables tweek in his bad habits#//timeline-wise tweek is with redd around 20/21#//and meets the girl around 23/24#//or so i am thinking so far#//''vacation town'' by the front bottoms is a good song for verses where she dies and do got me fucked up
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
uuu aaaaaaAA
for question: what would the immediate aftermath of the bite be like? like generally in most aus where the bite incident happens-
(also just got on and new au?? you spoil me eheh)
long answer under the cut
I’m assuming you’re talking about My Brother My Wound, since this ask came in with all the other MBMW ones? If so, it’s funny that you’d call the au new; it’s actually my oldest au, I just haven’t talked about it on tumblr much for some reason
I hadn’t put much thought into what the immediate aftermath (as in, before Evan wakes up) would be, so thanks for the excuse to develop it more :) 
First, let me explain how the Bite goes down in the au: Gregory is late to Evan’s birthday party because he wanted to put finishing touches on Evan’s gift; he wanted the present to be extra perfect and special since Ev had to have his party somewhere that scares him. Liz is off with her friends somewhere off-screen, wanting to avoid Mike’s tormenting of Evan as much as possible so she can pretend she’s just hanging out with her friends having fun. Liz hears Evan crying as Mike drags him away, and as Gregory rushes forward in a (fruitless) attempt to save him, Elizabeth (not seeing what is happening) wishes both of her brothers would just disappear so they won’t embarrass her or remind her of how broken things are in their family anymore. Then, chomp. In the panic and confusion as William and Mike rush Evan to the hospital, Liz gets left behind at Fredbear’s. I might change this but I’m currently thinking that Freddy realizes she got left behind, and takes her with the rest of his family as they follow Evan to the hospital. 
So, immediate aftermath would go smth like this. 
Mike gets taken away from the Afton house for about a month while Evan is in his coma. You can probably come up with some kind of believable reason for why the authorities do this, but I’m just gonna come out and admit that it’s purely for plot reasons. Because with Michael gone, Liz is left alone in the Afton household for that month, alone with William and with the crushing guilt that both of her brothers are gone after she specifically wished that they would disappear. I shudder to think of her there alone, but Elizabeth just tries to duck her head and stay out of William’s radar, and William is busy dealing with fall out from the Bite on top of his normal workload. Even so, though, sometimes Liz can’t quite help but look to him for comfort. She asks him if Evan will be okay. She asks where Mike is. She asks if William is doing okay. She asks if they’ll all be okay, in the end. She mostly just gets clipped, insensitive answers (“Evan is a braindead vegetable who in all likelihood won’t be alive in a week” “Michael is out being an embarrassment, there’ll be hell to pay when he gets back” “don’t ask stupid questions, Elizabeth. Put it out of your mind and do not speak of it, not to me or, god forbid, anyone else.”). Liz has to go to her school “friends” for the comfort she isn’t getting at home, but unsurprisingly, her toxic friends don’t provide her with much comfort, either. Maybe teachers find her to be more clingy and desperate for approval than normal in this time period. 
Liz has pretty conflicting emotions when Mike finally gets dropped back off at home from whatever foster home or psych eval or juvie facility he was in. On one hand, her brother’s back; she’s not to blame for him being gone anymore. On the other hand, she listened to William go on a lot of rants where he called Mike and the place Mike was at all kinds of bad words, and in his anger, he made it seem like it was Mike’s fault that Mike left, like it was some kind of choice Mike had made to leave them and go be “a humiliation”. So, Liz holds some resentment toward Mike because William and his rants. And, Liz blames Mike for Evan being in a coma. She wouldn’t have lost both of her brothers like that if Mike wasn’t so stupid (it totally doesn’t have anything to do with Liz finding it easier to blame Mike than to blame herself for wishing them gone so much, it wasn’t her fault, it WASN’T, of course not)
Liz sort of wobbles back and forth between demanding (not asking) affection from Mike to make up for the time he was gone and pushing him away for what he did. Maybe it’s not until the “i think we’re both broken” conversation in BCOH that Liz fully forgives him, because she can finally admit to herself that she’s as broken as he is and has done stuff as awful as Mike himself has done, too. Before then, she tried shrugging the blame off on Mike a lot. 
Mike lashes out sometimes when the stress, guilt, and abuse get to be too much, but only when he completely loses control; when he has an ounce of self-control left in him, he’s too scared of hurting Elizabeth like he did Evan for that, and too certain that he deserves everything that’s happening to him. Mike doesn’t fight when Liz and William say awful things about him. He  said “I didn’t mean for that to happen” so many times during the month he was gone, when people were poking and prodding at him trying to figure out what happened at Evan’s party and if it’s safe for Mike to be around other kids, that the words have lost all meaning– and Mike has already learned from that month that it doesn’t matter how many times he says it, because no one will believe him. 
Despite how William is, I don’t think William would be physically violent with Mike when Mike gets returned. Not at first, at least. Because the thing is, as annoyed as William is with Mike for tarnishing the family name by forever associating the name “afton” with “tragedy of the Bite of ‘83” and by making it seem like William can’t take care of (re: control) his own kids, that’s not what REALLY makes William angry. What really makes him angry is that Mike showed signs that he was just like William (an angry killer), and yet, William can’t experiment on his son to see if it’s true/make Mike more like him because the authorities took away his property. When Mike is given back, William goes into overdrive with his experimenting and observations, trying to make up for lost time. What these experiments are, I dunno; let me know if you guys have any ideas. But as the experiments go on, William realizes that Mike isn’t all that like him; Mike killed (almost), but he didn’t enjoy it. It’s not until a month or two later when William can no longer deny that Mike didn’t enjoy it that he starts getting really bad with Mike, because “His youngest getting so severely hurt had been bad enough. At least if Michael had begun showing signs since then that he was similar to his father in more than just appearance, the incident would have meant something– would have given some kind of result. As it was, William had merely gotten from it one damaged son and an unending stream of problems” (Collection, ch 6). 
I’ve also been thinking about it, and like.., wouldn’t it be awful if during the time Ev was in a coma, William actually wanted to pull the plug on Evan’s life support, but the only thing that kept him from doing so was his own pride? If once the novelty of his genuine concern over Evan faded, he didn’t really care whether Evan lived or died anymore, and the only thing keeping him from pulling the plug was his fierce determination that he does NOT want the death of a child to permanently tarnish his life work (the PUBLIC death of a child, at least)? 
I can see it working two ways: 1) William sees Evan as “damaged” goods and genuinely doesn’t care whether he lives or dies, maybe even would prefer it if Evan died bc his son being dead is better than Evan being braindead or even waking up and being just as cognitively impaired as the doctors warn him Evan will be if he ever wakes, or. 2) William still sees Evan as “damaged goods,” which is why it unnerves him that he still seems to care whether his son survives; William doesn’t like how unpredictable and nonsensical this feeling (caring for Evan) is, doesn’t like how weak it makes him feel, so he wants to get rid of Evan (and his confusing feelings) entirely by pulling the plug. Either way, once Evan finally wakes up and starts getting better, William’s attachment/feelings/concern fades away once Evan isn’t in the danger zone anymore and William is certain he’s going to survive now. 
 Honestly, Evan is lucky that it was a Fredbear location where Mike hurt him so badly, because if William’s company wasn’t on the line, William probably would have pulled the plug. I wonder if Liz, Mike, and the Fazbears ever find out that William genuinely considered it…
As for the Fazbears, there is just. So much therapy. Ness and Greg and Freddy canonically regularly attend therapy in the au, and the three of them get sooo much more therapy post-Bite to help them all cope. My thoughts on their reactions are less developed, though. Gregory’s grades slip. Ness and Greg both start lashing out more to deal with stress (tho they ofc, like. Actually apologize and work through their feelings afterward, unlike Mike). Freddy tries not to let it get the best of him, but… he’s angry, too. 
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scare-ard--sleigh · 2 years
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kaluawoo · 2 years
Being on Tumblr is just like. Going into a fandom tag. Reading like 3 posts. Vowing to not go into that tag again.
Going back into it the next day.
#at least today was uhhhhh. less bad.#honestly kinda funny bc there were so many#''It's so obvious Ship A is canon and not Ship B because of these things.'' - ''Ship B is clearly canon Ship A is not''#One after another#As someone with low to no stakes in either it's just kinda like. lmao. chill.#Like yeah ship whatever and it's always nice to see things that imply your ship#(I still smile over ''Dig in there Mr Spock'' and ''Captain please. Not in front of the Klingons.'' :) )#But you don't need to like. argue against other ships.#Fandom is a playground and y'all are not gonna run out of sand lmao#But god yesterday or the day before was. Oof.#Though also a bit funny bc there were two posts right after another like#''Character A is NOT badly written y'all just suck'' - ''Gosh I wish Character A wasn't so badly written 😭''#from different people obviously but still skfjwkfj#But uhhh yeah I think I should stay out of the tag.#The fandom can be 1 mutual; 1 close friend I spam on Discord; and a few online pals in a Discord thread#... i plan on writing fanfic for it tho and i'm already. curious. whether that'll finally get me hit by fandom drama#I'm usually good at avoiding it but I do not trust this fandom in particular#Also a lotta people in this tag that go ''Their relationship can't be X because clearly no one in X relationship would act like that''#which just made very clear they have probably never experienced said type of relationship lmao#Had to add some tags but I'm done now. maybe this time I'll manage to stay out of the tag skfnskfns#I should before the Shipping Arguments make me dislike the ships I enjoyed or was at least neutral about lmao
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