#italy hand poke
mortalityplays · 3 months
talking about impenetrable accents/dialect just reminded me. when I was in Milan a couple of years back I was staying in this little rathole hotel and I had the biggest fucking migraine, so I was like non c'è problema I'll just go buy painkillers. of course every pharmacy on the map in a three block radius was closed, so my stupid ass just starts wandering around trying to figure out on the fly if you can get OTC from supermarkets in italy.
I walk into this little everything store (to my foreign eyes the kind of place that back home could sell you a bunch of carrots, a 6-pack of beer, pantyhose, bleach and a screwdriver set) and I see some household basics in the back but not what I need. with the confidence of a person who is only in the city for 3 days because he got bored and packed a bag and booked the cheapest flight available the week before (<= MENTAL ILLNESS), I was like no worries I know some italian, I can just ask.
I grab a bottle of water, walk up to the counter, and I'm like Ciao, hai il paracetamolo? And the guy is like che, and I'm like paracetamolo. Per la mia testa. And he's like che?
This is where I would have said 'aspirina' except I can't take aspirin for medical reasons, or 'antidolorifico' except I don't know that word and I've got no phone data for google translate and also I'm stupid. So in my fucked up leith-glasgow-italian accent I'm like paaa-ra-cetta-mollll-ooo. He's like ohhh bene, bene, and he calls another guy out of the back and asks him to go get something. Other guy then walks out of the store into the street, and before I can be like hey, che la fuck, he comes back and hands me a huge bundle of herbs.
At this point I'm like okay this entire interaction has been a bust, but these guys have been very nice and patient and they're both smiling happily at me because they've been of service, so I'm like ahh perfetto, grazie, pay them a couple of euros and leave.
EVENTUALLY I find a pharmacy that's open, and my head is fucking killing me, and my phone still isn't connecting, and now I have this small shrubbery poking out of my coat pocket, so I don't even bother looking around the shelves. I just walk straight to the counter and I'm like uhh ciao, scusi. And hearing my nightmare of an accent the guy answers in english and I'm like thank christ, do you please have paracetamol. Not aspirin, I can't take aspirin. And he's like yeah yeah hold on, goes into the back, comes out with what I need.
Only when he comes out he gives me this look, and then he starts laughing. And then he pretends he's not laughing and rings me up and I pay, and as I'm leaving I can see him losing it. But I don't care, my head is going to explode, I'm going back to the rathole to close the blinds and fall comatose for four hours.
When I get back to my hotel room I take off my coat and remember the huge bouquet of herbs in my pocket. They smell amazing, and I'm like I'm pretty sure this is parsley in which case I can just get some tomatoes and mozzarella later and make it work. but since I have no idea what that interaction was, I want to make sure. I bring out my phone to get a visual reference of what parsley leaves look like, and because I was using it for google translate earlier I put 'parsley' in the wrong box like a dope and translate it to italian.
I wish I could have been the pharmacist in the moment he looked at my tired pissed off anglophone ass, heard me say 'paracetamol' in my fucked up accent, and turned around saw what was in my pocket. I'd have lost my shit too.
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wileys-russo · 3 months
alessia “you’ve been hitting the gym” (inspired by her arms in that golf story)
a.russo II morning menace
you chuckled as you returned to the room to find the mess of blonde hair and tanned skin still curled up exactly where you'd left her around an hour ago.
"alessia!" you sung out softly, placing down the coffees and bag of pastries you'd ventured out into the warm morning sun to get, unable to lay down in bed much longer, limbs twitching to do something.
all you received was a tired groan, exactly the same as the one you'd gotten when you tried to convince her to get up and come with you before, when she'd agreed to at least get up and shower while you were gone.
"lessi. babe come on i've been gone for an hour and you haven't even moved!" you laughed, jumping up onto the bed and staring down at the back of her head, another tired grunt all you got in reply.
"svegliarsi! svegliarsi, svegliarsi, svegliarsi-" you chanted wake up in italian, starting to jump on the bed causing her body to bounce up and down. "oh my god!" your girlfriend groaned in annoyance, reaching out blindly for you as you dodged her hands which tried to pull you back down into bed.
"alessia its nearly eleven in the morning. we're in the middle of italy, its a beautiful gloriously sunny day, the water temperature is perfect and i booked us full spa treatments for this afternoon. get up!" you dropped your body down on top of her causing her to grunt.
"can i smell coffee?" the blonde mumbled tiredly as you rolled your eyes. "you might, and breakfast pastries..." you trailed off with a hum, poking at the back of her neck. "from that little bakery we walked past yesterday?" your girlfriend questioned as she stretched out beneath you with a cute noise.
"maybe. you'll have to get up and see for yourself grumpy!" you moved her hair out of her face and leaned down to kiss her flushed cheek a few times, yanking the covers off of her as you stood, smacking her on the ass and tossing them to the floor as you jumped down off the bed.
"you really are such a menace sometimes." the girl sighed as she rolled onto her back, stretching out again and sitting up, pushing her hair to one side of her head and squinting at you tiredly through puffy eyes.
"oh? well thats a shame. suddenly i think i'm so hungry from my walk i'll eat all these pastries!" you shrugged, hand dipping into the bag and grabbing one out, shaking off the excess icing sugar and taking a bite.
"so good!" you moaned out mid mouthful, goading your girlfriend enough that she finally got out of bed with a huff, only clad in an oversized t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up. "good morning baby." you cheered as she stopped in front of you, a head and a half taller and looking quite unimpressed.
"smile, we're on holiday." you poked her nose, spinning around to dodge her hand which reached for the bag. "nuh uh, i earned these." you tutted, finishing off the pastry in your hand and reaching for another.
"less!" you squealed as suddenly your feet weren't touching the soft carpet of the hotel room floor, your girlfriend hauling you over her shoulder effortlessly with one arm, grabbing her coffee with the other and carrying you out to the balcony.
"you've been hitting the gym." you squeezed her rock hard bicep still hung upside down and humming appreciatively. "you should know, all you do is sit on the bench and stare at me while i work out." your girlfriend chuckled as you scoffed and hit her back.
"i do not! i do my own work out." you defended, though really you knew most of your workout was for your eyes which flickered around the room following your professional athlete of a girlfriend around the hotel gym.
with a teasing mhm alessia carefully lowered you onto one of the chairs in the sun before taking a seat in the other, snatching the bag of pastries out of your hand and stretching out her legs so her feet settled in your lap.
"are you comfortable?" you scoffed, the blonde nodding and dropping a pair of sunglasses you didn't even see her grab down over her eyes. "foot massage please." the striker ordered, digging her heel into your thigh expectantly and sighing happily as she took the first sip of her coffee.
"you're the real menace in the mornings russo."
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theemporium · 10 days
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[2.7k] two weeks have passed since your life completely crumbled before your eyes. but life goes on for you and charles. it just so happens life brings an unlikely friend swooping in to help too.
series masterlist
It felt like an olive branch from the universe that Imola was cancelled.
Charles knew he should have been more upset about it, and to some extent he was. Racing was the first love of his life, it was the love he shared with his father and his brothers and his godfather. It was the love that took over his world, his dreams, his ambitions. It was the biggest constant in his life since the day he was born.
And racing in Italy was a kind of special that very few tracks could compete with. It was the heart of the Tifosi, of the fans who supported him for years and years. It was his home away from home, the country that held a part of his heart like Monaco did, along with Monza. 
But he couldn’t deny that a huge part of him was relieved that the race wouldn’t go ahead, that he wasn’t expected to go into the paddock with a smile on his face and be swarmed by fans and cameras and whatever else they would throw at Ferrari’s Golden Boy. 
He could just hide away in Monaco a bit longer. 
It was easy when he was with you, when he had someone who understood his suffering and pain in the same way. But it was also brutal. He didn’t like seeing you upset, seeing you cry or shut down. He didn’t like that he couldn’t take away your pain, and he guessed you most likely felt similarly to him.
Unfortunately for the both of you, there was very little you could do about the matter. The damage was done and now you both had to deal with the aftermath together. 
It had been over two weeks since Miami and he felt no better than he did then. On one hand, he was grateful that no one knew his pain beyond the people close to him. The world wasn’t preening or poking into his relationship, they had no idea. They were blissfully unaware like Charles wishes he was.
But on the other hand, it just made everything so much worse. Nobody knew he was suffering. No one knew he was just as broken as you were. No one knew why his smile didn’t seem as genuine when fans stopped him on the street, or why his eyes looked so red and dull, or why he hadn’t even touched his social media—not even to post about landing on the podium back in Miami. 
And the people around him who did know were understanding, but even his team were starting to lose their patience and Charles honestly couldn’t blame him.
“What’s this?” 
Charles lifted his head from the screen he had been blankly staring at for the last thirty minutes to see his mother enter the room, bags of groceries in each hand. He wordlessly took them from her, smiling a little when she pressed a kiss to his cheek before he began helping her put everything away. 
“Val’s plan,” Charles answered, his nose scrunched up in annoyance at your PR manager’s name. “She wants to make sure the whole thing doesn’t look badly on us, if we are seen together without—” 
“That’s ridiculous,” Pascale frowned. “She cannot expect you both to avoid each other, not during a time like this.” 
“They just want to protect us, maman,” Charles said with a heavy sigh, saying the same words he kept repeating to himself since he opened the email earlier. “The last thing she needs right now is for people to think she’s moved on from Pierre and using me and—”
“Oh, mon amour,” Pascale sighed as she closed the distance between them, wrapping her arms around her son and squeezing tightly until his head dropped to her shoulder. “You shouldn’t be worrying about things like this, not right now. You should be together, leaning on each other, planning on how to cut off that putain’s—”
“Maman,” he chastised but his lips were twitching at the protectiveness in her voice. It was comforting, in a weird way. Not that he ever thought his mother would be on Pierre’s side, not for a single second. But he had known him for just as long as Charles had, it eased something that she was just as angry as he was (even if he couldn’t quite show it just yet). 
“They shouldn’t be sending your fifty page documents on how to hide your relationship,” Pascale insisted, lifting her chin. “Relationships are human occurrences that require human reactions. Not whatever is in that file.”
Charles smiled sadly. “They just want to protect us, just like you do.”
“I’m your mother, I know best,” Pascale said, but the slightly teasing tilt in her words broke whatever serious facade she was trying to hold onto. 
“Of course, maman,” he hummed, pressing a kiss to her cheek. 
“And as your mother, I demand you stay for dinner,” Pascale said with a knowing look. “You’re getting thin.” 
“I am watching my weight—” But his mouth quickly snapped shut when his mother levelled him with a glare. “Fine, fine. I’ll stay.” 
“Good,” Pascale smiled, pleased with herself. “You both need a home cooked meal made with love. God knows she won’t be getting it from your cooking skills.”
Charles frowned. “Hey!”
“Like I said, mother knows best!” 
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You had initially found out from your doorman that Pierre had finally returned to your shared apartment in Monaco. 
Pablo was a kind and caring man, somewhere in his seventies and proud of the job he had in the apartment complex. He was sweet and talkative, always there to chat away with you on the days where you’d be returning to an empty home. He tended to look out for you, whether that was because he was genuinely a kind person or because your father had somewhat asked him to do so, but you always appreciated the man and the texts he would send you. 
He never used his phone often, and very rarely did he message you when you saw him almost daily. It was usually only reserved to message about a parcel or to relay a message to your boyfriends about the race. 
And you knew the man didn’t use social media. You knew he probably had no idea what happened between you, Charles and Pierre. But something about his message made you believe he caught on to something being wrong, that he seemed to realise something was different when you and Charles had yet to return home in the last few days despite being in the country, and Pierre showed up alone. 
The only issue was that despite knowing very well that Pierre was in the apartment and spending the last two weeks itching to finally see his face and give him a peace of your mind, you couldn’t even bring yourself to get out of your car. 
You had arrived over forty minutes ago, determination and anger fuelling you after you left the meeting with your team. And yet, the second you pulled into the parking spot across from the apartment complex, the fight completely left you and you were left staring at your steering wheel with a mixed look of apprehension and uneasiness. 
It was stupid. So fucking stupid. 
Once upon a time, Pierre Gasly was one of the few people in the world that you felt safe around. He saw you for you, he was the one who made you feel comfortable and accepted and loved. He was someone you saw yourself spending the rest of your life with. 
And now, the mere idea of coming face to face with him made your skin scrawl and your stomach twist to the point you were surprised you hadn’t brought up your lunch. 
A part of you wished Charles was with you. The other part of you was glad he wasn’t here.
You were so lost in your own thoughts, in your spiral about what the fuck he was doing up there that he hadn’t even tried to contact either of you, that you didn’t notice the person approaching your car until he was knocking on your window. 
You jumped as you let out a scream, your hand placed over your pounding heart as you turned to find Max Verstappen smiling sheepishly.
“Sorry,” he said through the window, looking genuinely embarrassed. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“It’s fine,” you smiled awkwardly before nodding towards the passenger seat. “Here, just—” 
Max seemed to accept your offer, rounding the car and slipping into the passenger seat with a warm smile. His eyes focused on your face, seeming to contemplate what he was about to say but you opened your mouth before he could. 
“If I look shit, lie to me,” you tried to joke but it fell flat.
“You don’t look shit,” Max said, his voice blunt and honest like it always was. “You just looked…lost.” 
Your lips twitched. “Lost?”
“Lost,” he said with a nod. “Monaco isn’t that big so I hardly imagine you need directions but I thought I would offer some help.”
You smiled a little at his offer before nodding towards the building across the street. “That’s my apartment.” 
“Oh,” Max said.
“The apartment I share with Pierre, who is currently upstairs and who hasn’t spoken a single word to me or Charles since Miami,” you blurted out before you could stop yourself.
“Oh,” Max repeated, but it sounded more understanding now. 
“Yeah,” you said because you couldn’t quite bring yourself to say anything else. 
“Were you going to talk to him?” Max questioned, genuinely just curious. The ‘alone’ part went unsaid. 
“I don’t know,” you confessed, letting out a heavy sigh. “I just drove and I thought I would know by the time I got here but…here we are.” 
Max hummed, nodding. 
You leaned your head back against your seat, a voice in the back of your head telling you to keep your mouth shut, to stop dumping your problems onto the boy next to you but you couldn’t seem to stop once you started. 
“He just went completely off the grid for two weeks and didn’t say a word. And now he’s here and he’s probably going to stay there until the next race and I don’t even know what the fuck I’m supposed to do because that was meant to be our place. But I don’t want to stay there and neither does Charles and Val doesn’t want us to publicly look for new places because of the fucking scandals and—”
“You can move in with me.”
The car fell silent.
“I just mean,” Max cleared his throat, a light blush painted over his cheeks. “If you need a place to stay and keep a low profile. My apartment building is pretty good at keeping annoying journalists away and it gives you time to find a new place. I think I know better than most how busy your schedules are.” 
You swallowed back the emotions thick in the back of your throat. “You’d really do that?” 
“Yeah,” Max smiled softly. “That’s what friends are for?” 
“We are friends?” You asked before you could stop yourself.
“Ouch,” he replied but his lips were twitching upwards. “I’ve known you for, what? Ten? Fifteen years? Don’t tell me I’m just a glorified stranger to you.”
“No, I–” You huffed out a laugh. “I’m just surprised, that’s all. You don’t owe us anything, let alone a place to stay. We could’ve stayed with my dad—”
“In Switzerland?” Max pointed out.
“Or Charles’ mother,” you said, pressing your lips to bite back your smile when Max gave you a knowing look. 
“It sucks to be cheated on,” he said, and you almost flinched at how bluntly he said it. How easily he said the words that you were still in denial over. “And I know how lonely it can be, even if there’s someone else. You’re both suffering and,” he paused as he shrugged. “I’ve known you both the longest in the paddock. I want to help. I wouldn’t have offered it if I didn’t mean it.” 
“Thank you, Max,” you whispered softly, reaching over to squeeze his hand. “It won’t be long. Probably just a week or two so we can get our stuff in storage and find a place after the Monaco Grand Prix because it will be too hectic—”
“Don’t worry about it,” Max smiled, squeezing your hand back. “Like I said, that’s what friends are for.”
“Friends,” you repeated with a smile.
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“That’s very nice of Max.” 
“That’s all you have to say?” 
“Did you want me to say it wasn’t nice of him to offer you and Charles to move in?” 
“I expected something more than five words,” you retorted, already able to imagine the smile on your father’s face even if you couldn’t see it right now. “He has no reason to do this for us. I’m just surprised.” 
“He’s your friend, no?” 
“Apparently everyone got that memo except me,” you murmured, your brows furrowing in concentration as you continued to attempt squishing your shoes into one box. “I think I have said a total of fifty words to him.”
“Are you okay, though? Moving in with Max? Moving out of your apartment?” 
You let out a sigh, the concern in your father’s voice was comforting and sweet. But you were tired of hearing the same question from so many people in your life, mostly because you didn’t know what the answer was. 
No, you weren’t okay that your boyfriend cheated on you. No, you weren’t okay at the fact you now had to move out of the place you called home for the last year or so. No, you weren’t okay with the fact that everything felt so unsure and unstable in your life right now. No, you weren’t okay at the fact Charles was hurting just as much as you were but he seemed adamant to hide how he felt, to act strong in front of you like you didn’t hear him crying in the shower or when he thought you had fallen asleep.
No, you weren’t okay.
But that wasn’t the answer people wanted to hear. And it wasn’t the answer you wanted to give people. You didn’t want more people worrying over you anymore than they already were.
“I’m okay,” you said to your father, the lie leaving an acidic taste in your mouth. “Plus, Max has cats. You never let me get one when I was younger.”
Sebastian snorted. “You loved the fish I got you though.”
“Until the cleaner accidentally flushed Mr Bubbles down the toilet,” you reminded, your lips twitching at the boisterous laugh your father let out at the memory. “May he rest in peace.”
“I am sure he is alive and well in the ocean somewhere.”
You shook your head in amusement.
“I was thinking of flying out for the next race,” Sebastian said, so casually like you didn’t know the implications behind his words. Like you didn’t know he had probably conspired with Pascale to fly out as soon as he could. “I miss the track.”
“Mhm,” you hummed knowingly. “You don’t have to—”
“I do,” he said, simply and bluntly. “I want to see you. Both of you. And I do miss the track.”
“Shouldn’t have retired, old man,” you murmured, but something in your chest warmed at the thought of having your father nearby again. You left Switzerland so quickly after the pictures dropped, even when a part of you desired to stay in the farmhouse, far away from everyone and everything for the rest of your life. “The track misses you too.”
“You’re going to make me do a Fernando and come out of retirement.”
You snorted. “The people would be thanking me.”
“Hm, we will see.”
“Charles will be happy to see you too,” you told your father. “I think he needs you here as much as I do.”
“I’m there for you both, always.” 
“I know,” you smiled softly, even if he couldn’t see it. “I still need to finish up these last few boxes before the moving van comes. But I’ll call you later, okay?” 
“I love you, honigbiene.”
“I love you too, Papa.” 
You were thankful the apartment was completely empty the second the call disconnected, sobs leaving your mouth before you could even stop yourself. You weren’t okay. Far from it. And you weren’t sure you would ever be properly okay again.
But you were a Vettel and you would persevere, even if it killed you a little bit inside. 
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sahkuna · 3 months
synopsis: [request] geto and reader meet each other while in vacation while in italy in a meet cute kind of scenario <3
content warning(s): fem! reader, 18+ content mdni, dry humping, very suggestive, no explicit smut but it's hinted bc i was already a few words over the maximum wc for the event good GOD
a/n: my dear @ariivyocean !!! i need a shot. final time repostin' cuz tumblr is hiding the posts from the tags... also ur ask DISAPPEARED?!?! ANYway tysm for sending something in and hugs&tickles for you <333 i hope i captured ur envisioned plot !!!
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Rome, the city of love.
… Or was that Paris? Man, how’d that phrase go again?
Geto watches you meander around his neat and spacious hotel room from the comfort of his bed. You poke your head in and out of each room, careful eyes sweeping over his meticulously organized belongings scattered across the area.
He could feel his mind blanking as his eyes slowly trail down your figure that was still clad in the summer outfit when picked you up from your place earlier that morning. The orange hue of the setting sun filters through the curtains and across the dimly lit room.
“Didn’t peg you as being quite the neat freak…” you comment, moseying on up to the bed toward Geto. Resolutely, you press your knee down onto the mattress in between his spread legs. With a playful smile dancing across your lips, you wrap your arms around his neck and seek his mouth with your own. 
Yeah… Rome. He thinks to himself. The city definitely had to have been Rome.
If Gojo were here— and thank God he wasn’t, otherwise he would’ve cockblocked this moment for him big time— he would’ve chided him on how fast things may have been moving between you two.
“Easier to find stuff that way,” he all but says in response against your soft lips.
His hands snake down to squeeze at your waist, eliciting a faint giggle from you. You swing your other leg across his lap and straddle him, the pads of your fingertips lovingly stroke the back of his nape.
It had been a week since Geto accidentally bumped into you at a local cafe in Rome, Italy while he was on a forced 2-week trip with Gojo and Shoko. Some may coin how you two ran into each other as a “meet cute”, but having your sugary, ice-cold drink trickle down the fabric of his dark blue collared button-up was anything but that. 
Had it not been for the way you babbled out your apologies a mile a second, your hands futilely patting at the ruined material, even going as far as to offer to pay for his clothing— which would’ve been impossible because that shirt alone cost about ¥150,000— Geto would’ve moved on with his day.
But alas, here you are a week later, canoodling and kissing in the privacy of his hotel room. 
“When are your friends supposed to be back?” The sound of your voice is sweet and light in his ear. It lulls him to slide his eyes closed for a moment, humming temporarily as he considers your question the best he can as you rock back and forth against his lap.
He bites back a harsh hiss when you particularly brush up against his clothed dick in a manner that’s all too titillating for him to handle.
“Dunno… They— Hah.” A dazed smirk tugs at his lips when the weight of you presses down on him a little harder, a little meaner so that the friction of you grinding against his growing erection could be felt more.
Your hands graze Geto’s chest, slipping underneath his unbuttoned top. Your nails gently brush against his nipple, and you relish in the way he instinctively jerks away from your touch, smiling at his clipped “Hey”. He must be sensitive there, you deduct. 
“They…?” You drawl, urging him to continue with his sentence
“They probably went to some dessert cafe… pretty sure.”
“Ah!” Your movements falter a bit before you stop altogether. “Like the one we met at?”
Had Geto been in the right headspace, he would’ve been a bit more abashed with how quickly his hips jerk up against you, prompting any form of contact with you so that it could relieve the intense blood flow shooting straight to his dick.
God, he wants you to keep going. 
An unsteady breath shudders out of Geto as he answers with a distant, “Probably.”
A small smile plays at the corners of your lips and a slow warmth curls in his stomach as he watches your hips rub languid, dizzying circles against his tented pants. Geto was willing to give you whatever answer you wanted to hear if it meant that you kept moving against him like that until it led to something more.
“I’m asking this so we don’t get walked in on, Suguru,” you murmur, nudging your nose against his, engaging in brief eye contact with the man before his eyes slide shut, brows pinched tightly together. “You said they have the key cards to this room!”
Ahhh, can’t you guys talk about his friends later?
Geto's breathing becomes more laboured, each inhale headier than the last.“Did I say that?” he asks, disbelieving that he would ever say such a thing. Especially since his own words momentarily stopped you from getting into his pants. 
Geto's hands cup the back of your knees, hiking you a bit higher onto his lap as his fingers inch their way up to the bottom of your ass, pinching the skin there and smiling to himself at the noise you make.
“Suguru…” you murmur when you feel him pop the button of your shorts with a versed hand. Anticipation and want licks at the pits of your lower belly.
“We’ll be done before they even come back. I’m sure of it,” he promises, peppering several warm kisses against your neck, toward your cheek, before he presses them on your lips. “Satoru’s stunted when it comes to directions anyway.”
But the universe seems to have other ideas and decides hey, maybe this one time, Satoru does manage to find his way around. Because 20 minutes later, it’s the sound of a squeaking mattress and one too many whimpers and groans that keep Gojo from slapping his key card against the door’s reader.
“You know what, maybe one more wrap around the streets of Rome wouldn’t hurt,” he mutters, his face paled in the slightest as he trots down the hallway with a snickering Shoko in tow.
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tumblr you will rue the day . ANYWAY: there are 3 spaces left for reqs
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thebearchives · 2 years
leclerc's type | CL16
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PAIRING: charles leclerc x fem!reader
REQUESTED: [X] yes [] no
SYNOPSIS: who would have thought that all three leclerc brothers had the same taste in women? 
WARNINGS: i have no idea how f3 works aside from the fact that there’s sprint and feature races so if there is any inaccurate information…close your eyes, some french and Italian + translations, arthur being a little shit
as always, don't be a ghost reader!
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charles and yourself had yet to expose your relationship to either of your families, so it was a surprise, really, when charles asked you to accompany him to arthur’s race in monza. 
with his arms wrapped around you, a pout painted on his lips, he whined out a small “pretty please?”
you cupped his puffed up cheeks, “you are such a baby, charles. i didn’t say no yet.”
“yet?” his pout intensified, “please, amour, i want you to meet my family and everyone is going to be there.”
“are you sure?” you caressed his cheek with your thumb, “we’ve never really talked about meeting the family yet. what sprung this on?”
“i just think we’re ready,” charles’ eyes were so soft as they gazed into yours, “when i think of my family, you’re included. even if everyone is going to be there in italy, without you, it wouldn’t feel complete to me.”
you couldn’t help it, using your hands that were cupped around his cheeks to pull him closer. you pushed up and connected your lips together in a sweet kiss.
when you pulled back, charles’ lips were still puckered slightly, his eyes shining with unspeakable amounts of love. you gave him a watery smile and he smiled back. 
“you can’t say those things unless you want me to cry,” you pulled a hand back to wipe your eyes before the unshed tears made their way down your face, “i’d love to meet your family, mon cher.” my dear.
charles’ nose crinkled as you poked it with your forefinger, “je t’adore, mon amour.” i adore you, my love.
“je t'aime plus que tout au monde,” you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him close, placing a kiss against the base of his neck. i love you more than anything else in the world.
the weeks leading up to the races in italy became increasingly more hectic. you had started with going to work like regular, while charles would leave to go to his own races, calling you as soon as he landed in whatever city he was to complain about how he wished he could be back in your arms. 
then, you asked for days off from work, and when the request was approved, you felt yourself starting to panic. it was happening. you would be meeting charles’ family for the first time. the calls between you and charles turned from soft ‘i miss you’s to ‘is this appropriate for when i meet your mom? should i go shopping? i have no clothes, charles, your mother is going to hate me’. 
charles had only smiled softly, wishing he could have been there in person to quell your fears, “mon amour, what you wear will have no effect on how my mother will perceive you. you could show up in a garbage bag for all she’d care.���
you had scowled at the camera and charles laughed before continuing, “i love you, chérie, and i know my mother will love you just as much as i do…okay, maybe a little less because no one can love you as much as me.”
you had sighed, flopping back on your bed which had been covered with clothes, “i’m sorry for acting this way. i’m just nervous.”
“you’ve nothing to apologize for,” he wished he could jump through the phone to reach you, “and nothing to be nervous for either, ange.”
you sat up abruptly, “what if your brothers hate me?”
charles had thrown his head back and laughed loudly, sobering up when you whined out his name, “this is serious, charles!”
“mon amour, they would be crazy not to like you. i’d be surprised if they didn’t like you as much as i did.”
and if only either of you had realized how right he would be.
you had flown in with charles at the start of the week, a bundle of nerves sparking in your chest that charles had quickly extinguished by telling you that his mother would be arriving later in the week. 
well, it was now later and the anxiety that you had been suppressing was bursting at the seams. 
you weren’t due to meet charles’ family officially until friday after free practices, with charles having planned an outing and dinner for his whole family before the races began for him and arthur. he had told you that he wanted to surprise his family, and as such, you had to avoid them as best as you could while on the paddock.
you couldn’t help but be thankful for charles’ idea, having been panicking the entire week leading up to the race at the idea of running into charles’ family without charles himself. 
and so, that led you to where you were now, walking around the paddock bright and early on media day, staying as far away from the ferrari garage as you could, to avoid any run-ins with the leclerc family, though life never seemed to work out in your favour ever.
you had finally caved, walking back towards the ferrari hospitality, in need of coffee and a place to escape the beaming sun. what you hadn’t accounted for was the tall man standing near the entrance, conversing with who you recognized to be charles’ manager. the two said a few words before the latter was off, no doubt making his way to charles.
the taller man turned around, and your eyes lightly widened as you realized you had been standing behind charles’ older brother. 
your eyes darted to the floor as his fell on your figure, “oh, i am so sorry. i’m totally blocking your way in.”
wow, he sounded a lot like charles. 
you realized, belatedly, that he had in fact been blocking the entrance, “oh, that’s okay! i only just got here.” you gave him a small smile.
it’s okay, you thought to yourself, he has no reason to think i’m charles’ girlfriend, he probably won’t even remember this interaction by later today. 
he moved over, hands gesturing to the door behind him, “after you.”
oh, fuck, he was coming in too. 
you nodded at him in gratitude, “thank you.”
you walked inside, mentally freaking out at how lorenzo was right behind you. you ignored him as best as you could, making a beeline towards the coffee station to the side. lorenzo had followed you.
“sorry,” he gave you a sheepish smile, starting on his own coffee on the station next to yours, “i hope you don’t think i’m following you.”
you were stuck. although not ideal for the plans you and charles had made, you had to play your cards right in this moment. first impressions would have to be really good if you were expecting a positive response from charles’ family.
you turned your gaze from the coffee machine to the eldest leclerc brother, “wouldn’t hold it entirely past you. for all i know, you could have been blocking the entrance just for this moment.”
ah, humour, your go-to route for any situation ever. worried? make a joke. sad? make a joke. overthinking? just make a joke!!!
lorenzo laughed lightly, “i promise, i wasn’t. i had just been on my way to grab a coffee when my brother’s manager had stopped me for a quick conversation and you came up just as he left.”
“don’t get too worked up,” you chuckled as the speed of his explanation. you could see where charles got some of his habits from, “i believe you. i’d been there to see todt walk off.”
from the corner of your eye, you could see him nod. as you busied yourself with making your coffee to your liking, you missed lorenzo’s calculating gaze as he gave you a once-over.
just as you threw away the used coffee pod, lorenzo spoke up again, “i’m lorenzo, by the way, charles’ brother.”
“i know,” you smiled at him. as worried as you had been, lorenzo had been very easy to talk to. 
“i’m y/n, charles’ not brother.”
your response had elicited a loud laugh from the older leclerc, “you’re quite the joker, aren’t you?”
you opted to shrug your shoulders with a small smile, blowing on your coffee before taking a sip. more sugar.
lorenzo made small talk, “do you work here at ferrari?” 
you shook your head, “no, no. would be amazing though, no? especially if i could travel the world as part of my job. charles is lucky.” 
fuck, you wanted to hit your head against the wall, why would you bring charles into the conversation. oh god, please let lorenzo just brush past that. 
he hummed in acknowledgement, “he is, indeed. but he’s also very deserving of it, you know? i don’t mean to sound biased but,”
“i know what you mean,” you continued, always ready to gush about your boyfriend, “he’s worked really hard to get to where he is. youngest driver for ferrari since 1961, that’s quite the achievement.”
the two of you chatted lightly for a few more minutes before lorenzo asked another question, “so then, what’s a pretty girl like you doing here alone?”
you tensed, cheeks reddening at his words. you opened your mouth and then closed it, repeating before you finally opened it to respond, “i–”
“lorenzo!” both of your heads turned to where the sound came from. your eyes caught sight of the figure waving his hands in the air, beckoning lorenzo over. it was arthur.
“sounds like someone needs your help,” thank god for arthur, huh?
“yeah, it seems i have to go now.” lorenzo looked back at you, “it was great meeting you, y/n.”
“likewise,” you nodded to him as you watched him leave, only one thought circulating your mind.
holy shit, your boyfriend’s older brother just tried to flirt with you.
luckily, the rest of media day had been rather uneventful and you were soon back in the hotel room you shared with charles, said driver gone to hang out with his brothers for a bit. 
friday morning had gone by smoothly, and with a little over an hour until the free practices, you were sitting in the ferrari hospitality, grabbing yourself a snack.
what you hadn’t noticed was the two men who had been looking at you from a distance away. lorenzo and arthur, with the former pointing you out discretely to the latter.
“n'est-elle pas jolie?” lorenzo nudged his youngest brother. isn’t she super pretty?
arthur nodded, “elle l'est. tu penses que j'ai une chance?” she is. do you think i have a chance?
lorenzo gaped at his younger brother, who laughed cheekily, “je l'ai vue en premier, arthur, n'y pense même pas.” i saw her first, arthur, don't even think about it.
the younger one shrugged, “oui, et tu as probablement ruiné tes chances avec elle. ton flirt est horrible.” yeah, and you probably ruined your chances with her. your flirting is horrible.
he pushed off from where he had been leaning, “watch and learn, mon frère. elle ne pourra pas résister à mon charme.” she won’t be able to resist my charm.
lorenzo watched in disbelief as his younger brother made his way to you, “du charme, mon cul. tout votre charme n'est qu'une copie de charles et moi.” charm, my ass. all of your charm is just a copy of charles and i.
a throat cleared behind you and you turned in your seat. the smiling face of the youngest leclerc was the first thing you saw, body freezing for a split second.
he pointed to the chair across from you, “is this seat taken?”
you took a look at the chair he pointed at before looking back at him, “not at all. do you nee-”
you watched as the boy sat down, hands coming up to rest on the table, “you don’t mind, right?”
your brows were furrowed in slight confusion as you tried to absorb what just happened, “uh, no. no, it’s alright.”
“i’m arthur,” he stuck his hand out.
you returned the handshake, “y/n.”
you couldn’t help but blush slightly, bewildered look on your face, as arthur brought your hand up and placed a kiss on the back of your hand. wow, he was laying it on thick.
“beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” unlike when lorenzo had called you pretty, you didn’t freeze up. instead, you found yourself giggling.
you pulled your hand out from arthur’s light hold, using it to cover your mouth, “oh, i am so sorry. i promise i’m not laughing at you. it’s just that you are very cute.”
arthur’s face dropped, “cute?”
god, his pout was just like charles’.
you nodded, a smile still lingering on your lips, “adorable, even.”
you didn’t know how it was possible but his face dropped even more, “adorable??”
you let out a loud laugh, “oh, mon dieu. you’re just like your brother.”
and you fumbled again. wow, you really couldn’t go a conversation without talking about your boyfriend, huh?
“lorenzo?” arthur asked, “wait, you speak french?”
you only smiled, letting him guess the answers to either question.
arthur took your smile as a yes to both questions, “listen, i am nothing like my brother. il est complètement idiot quand il s'agit de parler aux jolies filles. moi, d'un autre côté, je suis un naturel.” he's a total idiot when it comes to talking to pretty girls. me, on the other hand? i'm a natural. 
“ah, is that what this is? you being a natural?” you smirked, watching as his cheeks flushed slightly.
“well, sometimes, the really pretty girls make me a bit nervous.” arthur scratched the back of his head. ah, he was like a mini charles.
you smiled, “well, as honoured as i am to be considered a ‘really pretty girl’, i’m afraid i’m a bit too old for you, bud.”
arthur groaned, planting his head in his arms against the table, “this is going horribly for me.”
“i told you, your charm is non-existent,” another voice called out from behind you. it was lorenzo.
he came around the table and smacked the back of arthur’s head, “tu es vraiment un idiot.” you are such an idiot.
you laughed at arthur’s sorrowful expression, “oh, i think he’s got quite the charm. just not enough years under the belt.”
lorenzo smiled apologetically at you, “i am so sorry for whatever he has said to you in the past five minutes.”
you waved him off, “no worries, arthur is quite the company.”
you looked at the time, deciding it would be good to go back to the garage to see charles once before he started his practices, “well, boys. i’ve got to head out. it was great meeting you, arthur! and seeing you again today, lorenzo, i’m sure i’ll catch you guys again somewhere on the paddock.”
the two brothers returned your goodbye, waiting for you to leave before arguing about who had a more realistic shot with you.
you couldn’t help but laugh as you heard a few seconds of their conversation. if only charles had realized how right he would be about his brothers liking you as much as him. turns out, all the leclerc brothers had the same taste in girls.
although you had told them you would, you didn’t see the two leclerc brothers for the rest of your day on the paddock. you went home with charles soon after the free practices ended, both excited to get ready and have dinner with his family.
having already met and conversed with both of charles’ brothers, you couldn’t help but feel less nervous for the dinner. pascale had been the only one you hadn’t met yet, and objectively, she was the one to impress. but now that you knew all three of her boys, you were sure that she had to be nice to have raised such kind boys.
now, the pair of you were sat in charles’ ferrari, driving to the restaurant of his choosing. one of his hands rested on your thigh, rubbing circles against the skin.
“sei bellissima, amore.” you loved it when charles spoke in italian, something about the way he sounded just drove your head crazy. you look so beautiful, love.
“grazie, tesoro,” thanks, honey. you gave him a soft smile, “but please don’t say anything else in italian, you know i can’t understand it.”
“i’ll just have to teach you, then,” charles stopped at a stop light, the hand on your thigh turning around as if asking for your hand.
you placed your hand in his and he squeezed it, “you are less nervous today.”
you squeezed his hand back, playing with the watch that was on his wrist, “oui, i actually met your brothers yesterday and today.”
“oh, no. how are you recovering?” charles joked.
“they were quite the charmers, i will say that.” you sighed, looking at your boyfriend’s side profile, “you guys have a lot in common, actually.”
“only good things, i hope.”
“well, i know that you all have excellent taste.” at his confused expression, you waved him off, “story for the dinner, maybe.”
soon, charles had parked and you two were walking into the restaurant hand-in-hand. from afar, you could make out the rough figures of lorenzo and arthur at the table in the far left corner. as you got closer, you could see a woman sitting with them. pascale.
when you two got close enough to the table, you pulled your hand from charles’ grasp, instead clasping your own hands together at the front of your body. charles gave you a small smile filled with reassurance before taking the final step, garnering the attention of his whole family.
lorenzo’s eyes moved past charles and onto you, a confused look on his face, “y/n?”
arthur’s head shot up at the sound of your name, “y/n? she’s here?”
his frantic eyes zeroed into yours, before looking over at his brother confused.
charles smiled, reaching a hand out to wrap around your waist and pull you forward, “maman, boys, je vous présente ma petite amie, y/n.” i want you to meet my girlfriend,
you smiled, “bonjour! ravi de vous rencontrer tous,” your eyes went from pascale to the two boys in front of you, “officiellement cette fois.” hello! nice to meet you all…officially this time.
at charles’ announcement, both brothers felt their jaws drop.
“merde,” lorenzo breathed out, face growing redder as he looked at your wide smile. shit.
arthur closed his eyes, hands coming up to hide his face “oh mon dieu, on a flirté avec la petite amie de charles.” oh my god, we flirted with charles' girlfriend.
“tu as fait quoi?!” you did what?!
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adascore · 9 months
The Golden War
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pairings: alexia putellas x lyonnais!reader
warnings: swearing. for culers the ‘22 uwcl final ig. jona is kinda mean in this.
author’s note: this is the same reader from my ‘one for the money, two for the show’ fic of the lionesses!captain. reader is basically ada hegerberg lolsies :) will be turned into a series.
Turin, Italy - May, 2022
''The final has been dubbed as a duel between you and Alexia Putellas, do you experience it as that?''
The Lyon captain fought the urge to roll her eyes at the question, despite having expected it. ''It is a final between Barcelona and Lyon, nothing more than that.'' She answered, diplomatically- the way they had rehearsed it.
''Lyon is the underdog coming into this final- FC Barcelona has been unbeatable so far. What do you need to do in order to beat them tomorrow?'' Another reporter asked, a pen ready in his hand to take notes.
There was a slight change in her expression as the question left his lips, the man succeeding in poking through her stoic expression. ''Well, we have never lost to Barcelona- I don't know if you remember 3 years ago or even last year,''
Lyon had comfortably beaten the Spanish club in 2019. In that Champions League Final, Y/N had become the first player to score a hattrick in a UWCL final. Their last meeting had been in 2021, in the pre-season, where Lyon had won 3-2, the Lyon captain again putting one in the net.
''We have won this competition many times. There was football before Barcelona, and it was being played by us.''
Her last sentence of the quote had struck a nerve with the Barça captain.
''She acts like she has already won the whole thing.'' Alexia remarked as she read a transcript of the press conference.
Patri and Mapi glanced at one another, a knowing look in their eyes. ''Technically, there is nothing wrong about what she said, Ale. How many times has she won this competition now? 6? 7?'' The defender said, not having a problem with the opposition's words.
''She's just pissed that everyone is talking about us now.'' She ignored Mapi, continuing berating her opponent.
The rivalry between the captains of the two top teams had been something made up by the media, seeking a female counterpart to the famed Ronaldo-Messi rivalry. Both Alexia and Y/N led Europe's premier clubs, won the Champions League, captained their national teams, and earned the Ballon d'Or. This fueled incessant comparisons.
Alexia and Y/N hadn't given it much thought at first. There were also many differences between them; Alexia is a midfielder, while Y/N is a striker. Despite their similar ages, their careers took diverse paths. Alexia remained in the Spanish league, while Y/N gained experience across various countries.
Over time, an unexpected shift occurred. They began caring about each other's achievements. Yet, they knew the comparison wasn't fair.
Despite being younger, Y/N dominated women's football for longer, winning the Champions League seven times – twice with Wolfsburg and five times with Lyon. In contrast, Alexia secured one with Barcelona. Neither had won anything major with their national teams, though she had come close with England a few times. Furthermore, on the accolades side of things, Y/N led with a repertoire that most players could only dream of.
For a long time, it hadn't bothered Alexia. She had watched in admiration as the younger player became the first recipient of the Ballon d'Or, a huge step in women's football. Y/N's advocacy for the sport also didn't escape the Spanish player.
However, her admiration had turned into envy.
The turning point came in the 2019 final against Lyon. She had observed the way the English striker had celebrated with her entire team- how the Lyon squad immediately ran to her once the whistle blew and how Y/N bathed in all the (rightly deserved) glory. Alexia wanted that for herself. For years, Y/N had been the nail in Barcelona's coffin, scoring the goals that made sure they couldn't continue in the competition- in the captain's opinion, the striker had made a joke of her team for years, even if she didn't meant to do that.
Their interactions over the years were limited to polite handshakes before or after matches. Occasional encounters outside the pitch were rare and brief, seldom extending beyond a few sentences.
Alexia's surprise peaked when Y/N congratulated her on winning the Ballon d'Or through both private and public Instagram messages. Despite her reservations about comparisons and rivalry, receiving praise from someone she admired as one of the best in the game left Alexia with a positive feeling.
''No, I think she's just not a fan of being referred to as an underdog.'' Patri defended the Lyon striker.
This explanation didn't sit well with Alexia, evident from the displeasure on her face. ''Whatever,'' she retorted, looking forward to settling matters on the field that Saturday.
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Saturday, May 21, 2022
Excitement, adrenaline, nerves, and tension permeated the tunnel of Juventus Stadium as Alexia, tightly gripping her pennant, stood at the front of her lined-up team, awaiting the opposing captain.
The sudden hush among the Barcelona team signaled the arrival of their counterpart. Turning around, Alexia frowned at her teammates' fascination with the approaching striker.
This is not the time to be fangirling, she thought to herself, as she saw most of her players' eyes following the striker's figure.
As the two top players faced each other, uncertainty lingered about whether they should exchange greetings. Y/N broke the silence, deciding to offer some acknowledgment. ''Hey, you alright?'' Her charming English accent filled the air.
''Yeah, and you?'' Alexia almost cringed at her own quick response, not giving her brain time to think.
''I‘ll see in about 90 minutes.'' The younger one grinned.
I'll wipe that smirk off your fucking face, Alexia said in her mind, not a fan of the confidence the striker was oozing.
Ten minutes later, the referee blew the whistle, signaling the start of the highly-anticipated final.
Lyon applied intense pressure right from the start, managing to create two goal-scoring opportunities within the first three minutes of the match.
However, the audience were offered their first initial glimpse of the rivalry in the 6th minute of the game.
Y/N positioned herself strategically, eyes fixed on her teammate readying a precise pass to her. The ball zipped across the pitch, and in a heartbeat, both Y/N and Alexia were locked onto winning it for themselves.
The striker, a master of timing, surged forward. Simultaneously, the midfielder closed in on the target. The collision was inevitable.
Both players fell with a thud, groaning at the contact with the ground. Despite the force of the clash, they both showed resilience as they wanted to use the momentum to their advantage.
They were momentarily entangled, fighting for control of the ball. It was a brief display of the rivalry that had brewed between them.
Y/N rose swiftly from the turf, eyes filled with determination. The collision had only fueled her competitive fire. With the ball firmly at her feet, she accelerated away from the mess, leaving Alexia behind.
The crowd erupted in gasps and cheers as Y/N, now in open space, scanned the field. Seizing the opportunity, she unleashed a powerful strike from well outside the box.
Time seemed to slow as the ball sailed towards the goal. Panos's desperate dive was in vain as the ball found the back of the net. The roar of the crowd echoed through the stadium, a symphony of cheers and applause for a goal that showcased the skills and spirit of the Lyon captain.
A fleeting scowl crossed Alexia's face, frustrated at the missed opportunity.
Y/N turned on her heels as the net rippled, ready to embrace her teammates who were rushing to her.
''Vamos!'' She roared, the Spanish word escaping her lips like a battle cry.
Yet, she found herself face-to-face not with the familiar sight of Lyon jerseys but with the intensity of Alexia's determined gaze.
Her expression froze for a quick second, confusion adorning her features. Y/N's eyes widened in realization, and for a brief instant, the two captains locked eyes in an unspoken exchange.
The celebration continued around them, teammates engulfing Y/N as they screamed with delight at their captain's prolific opener. The air was filled with jubilation, but within the chaos, the tension lingered between the two captains, adding an intriguing layer to the unfolding drama on the pitch.
The match unfolded further, Barcelona grabbing a few opportunities of their own, but not being clinical enough to score an equalizer. The Spanish squad remained calm, showing no signs of panic in their play, despite being behind.
Selma and Melvine played a great one-two with each other, and the young defender shot a beautiful cross towards the box. Anticipating the trajectory of the ball, Y/N skillfully pulled away from Leon, who undoubtedly had the impossible task of marking the striker.
The ball connected with Y/N's forehead, falling perfectly into the mesh. The scoreboard illuminated with Lyon 2, Barcelona 0. The narrative had shifted as the favorites stomped the ground in frustration, while the ''underdogs'' celebrated another goal from their captain.
The first half flew by. Y/N managed to assist Catarina to make it 3-0, but Alexia found the back of the net to get one back.
The second half saw more scoring opportunities for Barcelona, but no one managed to finish the job.
After contact with Martens, Griedge cited experiencing a cramp and asked for treatment- a request that the Barcelona side was not having. Y/N, understanding the frustration of time-wasting, especially when behind in a match, stood aside.
However, the Lyon captain didn't appreciate the scolding she received from the opposition's coach. ''Tell your player to stop the comedy, what a shit job!'' Jonatan exclaimed to the English captain, who observed the scene from the sideline.
Y/N didn't budge, paying him no attention, knowing it was all tactics. She gave an unimpressed look toward the referee, who had been observing the one-sided interaction.
The official ran up to them, pulling a yellow card from her pocket and holding it in front of the manager. ''Step back, please. Don't talk to the opposition.'' she instructed him.
The match eventually resumed. In extra time, Paredes almost managed to pull off a header, but it went flying over the post.
In the last minute of the game, Y/N teamed up with Eugénie to score a last-minute beauty, but the volley slammed against the post.
The piercing sound of the referee's whistle resonated through the stadium, marking the conclusion of the final. Lyon emerged triumphant for a record-extending 8th time.
Overwhelmed by her own emotions, Y/N fell to the ground as the whistle echoed in her ears. It didn't take too long for her teammates to rush up to her, colliding in a chaos of hugs, kisses, and jubilant shouts.
They had done it again, proving once more why all the records were tied to their name.
''Y/N, you're a fucking legend!'' Lindsey yelled in her ear, kissing her cheek multiple times.
As her teammates slowly got up from their celebratory cuddle with the ground, they formed a protective circle around their captain. Hands reached out to help her rise from the grass, and she found herself enveloped in a symphony of gratitude.
Eventually, she shook off her glorious daze, a wide grin etched on her face.
Y/N turned her attention to the defeated Barcelona players, spread out across the field with tears and disappointment staining their cheeks. She approached them, offering a helping hand to those still on the ground and sharing comforting words. Acknowledging the effort they had brought, she assured them that they gave her team a greater fight than the scoreline implied.
Before the Lyon squad embarked on their victory lap to greet the traveling supporters, Y/N's gaze fell on a heartbreaking scene. Across the field, the Spanish captain, Alexia, was cradled in a comforting embrace by a Barcelona staff member as tears streamed down her face.
Y/N hesitated, caught in a ''should I or shouldn't I'' moment with herself.
She chose to make an attempt to resolve whatever tension had built up between them.
Tears glistened on Alexia's cheeks, a testament to the intensity of the match and the dreams left unfulfilled. The Barcelona staff member, offering solace in the face of defeat, glanced up as Y/N approached, and let go of her.
''Alexia,'' Y/N greeted her softly, putting her arm around the Spaniard, ''thank you for the great battle.'' She hadn't prepared what to say, because what do you say against someone you feel like you are supposed to hate? What do you say against someone you've been constantly compared to for over a year?
To the striker's surprise, Alexia reciprocated, feeling an arm on her lower-back. ''Congratulations, you deserved the win. You played phenomenal.'' The midfielder told her, a forced yet genuine small smile making a way onto her face.
''Don't let this hurt you. You are literally one of the best players I have played against- your team is amazing. Use this, like in 2019.'' Y/N advised her, not particularly caring if the opposing player would take it or not.
''We will. I hope we can play many more finals. You make me- you make us grow.'' Alexia stuttered.
Y/N nodded. ''I hope so too. It's been fascinating to see the growth you guys have made these last years.''
The stadium now bore witness to a quieter exchange between the two captains. Almost every camera lens and watchful eye fixated on them.
As Y/N and Alexia exchanged words of mutual respect, their moment of shared understanding was abruptly disrupted by the Barcelona coach.
''Congratulations on the win, Y/N.'' He acknowledged briskly, his gaze quickly turning toward Alexia. His extended hand to her seemed more like a formality, but Y/N accepted it.
Almost forcibly, he placed a hand on Alexia's shoulder, a non-verbal cue that spoke volumes. ''Come on.'' He declared, his tone leaving little room for negotiation and they were off to wherever he needed her to be.
Alexia casted an immediate glance back at Y/N, a mix of emotions played across her face- gratitude for the moment, and frustration at its abrupt end. She hadn't responded to her words yet.
As the Spaniard was led away, Y/N's eyes lingered on the departing figure, a tinge of melancholy in her gaze.
The brief encounter had sparked a momentary connection- a bridge attempting to break through the perceived rivalry and show praise for a strong opponent. However, Jonatan's swift intervention acted like a pair of scissors, cutting through the threads that held that connection.
In Y/N's mind, Alexia had seemed appreciative of the opportunity to have a genuine conversation. She figured there must have been a good reason for her to have been pulled away like that, especially by the head coach.
The Barcelona captain had reacted with a hint of irritation when her coach suggested to the Lyon player to remove her arm from Alexia's shoulder. She tried asking Jonatan why he had coaxed her away, but she didn't receive a proper answer.
The whole thing had left a bitter taste in her mouth. The potential for a more extended, sincere exchange was cut short, leaving Alexia with lingering frustration. There was a desire to understand Y/N beyond the competition, but it was cut short.
She hoped her last glance had worked as a silent acknowledgment of what could have been.
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887 notes · View notes
frenchkisstheabyss · 4 months
♡ Glad You Came ♡
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୨୧ Pairings: boyfriend!hongjoong x chubby!fem!reader
୨୧ Genre: smut/fluff
୨୧ Summary: On the first morning of your romantic beachside vacation, your boyfriend awakens to find you sunbathing by the pool in the tiniest bikini he's ever seen and can't resist showing you exactly what that body of yours makes him want to do to you.
୨୧ Word Count: 1.8k-ish
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୨୧ Warnings: unprotected sex, a lil rough sex, male masturbation if you squint, spanking, pervy bf Joong, references to prior & desired oral sex (m & f receiving), low key cum marking, pet names (baby, pretty girl, my love), free use, forced orgasm, body worship, and that's about it darlings
୨୧ A/N: This is a request for @ashleighland ♡ Thank you for dropping some spicy, fun summer vibes into my asks. I hope you like it!
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“Baby?” Hongjoong yawns, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His face scrunches adorably as he rustles through the blankets beside him searching for the warmth of your body. One of his favorite things about any vacation is waking up with you in his arms. It doesn’t matter where the two of you are—England, France, Ireland, the moon—he treasures all those tiny sentimental moments that his hectic schedule usually gets in the way of. 
This time the two of you are off in Italy and, with it being your birthday week, he had special plans to wake up first everyday to make you breakfast. He’d even set three alarms to make sure he wouldn't oversleep. At least he thought he did.
“Baby?” he repeats, sitting up to feel around for his phone. After mistaking the remote for it twice and nearly knocking over the lamp, he finally locates it on the nightstand. He tousles his messy hair, brushing it back to squint at the time, “Shit, no, no, no.” Not only did he sleep through his morning alarms, it’s well into the afternoon and you’re nearly late for your lunch reservations. 
Bolting out of bed, Hongjoong hurries around the rustic sunny villa in search of his love. “Baby, where are you?” he shouts, peeking into rooms and turning down hallways. He regrets now that he rented a place this huge but it’s gorgeous, everything you wanted, so it had to be done. He just wishes it came with a map or something.
Making his way to the living room, he spots some of your things by the side door and breathes a sigh of relief. “I’m sorry I overslept. I must’ve been jet lagged. I just…” he begins to explain, his thoughts derailed by what he catches a glimpse of in the corner of his eye.
Turning to face the glass double doors, he sees everything the pictures online told him he would. Clear blue skies hang over a lavish pool area overlooking the nearby beach. The surrounding architecture alone is breathtaking, almost unreal, but what truly has his attention is you.
You’ve been relaxing by the pool all morning and he’s arrived just in time to see you bending over to smooth a fresh layer of sunscreen down your soft thighs. With your plush ass poked in the air like this he can’t quite ignore the way it just eats the tiny bikini you have on.
You stand back up, hips shaking ever so slightly to the beat of the music playing in your headphones, and Hongjoong’s nearly licking the glass at how your curves fit into your bikini. It covers everything it’s supposed to but just barely. One tug at the strings and there’d be nothing there at all. Only your beautiful naked body and his hands massaging the plumpness of your figure. 
As you spread out on one of the loungers, thighs jiggling as you settle in on your belly, Hongjoong feels a slight breeze where he hadn’t before. Glancing down at himself he sees his cock poking out of the hole in his shorts. He’d felt himself getting hard—he always does when he thinks about your body—but he didn’t know you’d gotten to him this much.
Can you blame him though?  You’re just so curvy and soft, spilling out of that bikini like you don’t know how feral it makes him for you. Taking his cock into his hand, he flicks his wrist up and down his pulsing shaft. Maybe you did know what this would do to him. His hand comes to a stop at the tip of his cock, his thumb teasing the head.
Your hips are still rocking to the music as you scroll through your phone. The motion has his cock twitching in his hand, arousal wetting his fingers. He hisses at the relief of stroking his cock once more. It takes the edge off but not enough to satisfy him. He needs something more. He needs you. 
“Well, add that to the list of kinks I didn’t know I had” you say to yourself, devouring the next few lines of smut on your screen. This admittedly isn’t where you expected to find yourself on vacation, sunbathing and reading smut by the pool, but you had to do something to cope with how horny you’ve been all morning.
You’d unfortunately woken up much earlier than your boyfriend did and you weren’t about to shake him out of his sleep to fuck you. Though, now that you think about it, he probably would’ve done it happily. 
On vacation Hongjoong has a strict rule that you aren’t allowed to masturbate. You do it enough when he’s away for work so when you’re together it’s strictly forbidden. He’s the only one allowed to make you come and fuck is he good at getting the job done.
Your brain drifts away from the story on your screen, delighting in memories of the last time you rode his face. The wetness already soaking your bikini bottoms worsens the more you recall those pretty brown eyes staring up at you, his tongue deep enough inside of you to make your legs shake. 
You can almost feel Hongjoong’s arms locked around your thighs, refusing to let you get away until he decides he’s done with you. It has the tiny hairs on your arm standing up and your throat going dry. Reaching off to the side, you blindly feel around for your drink when suddenly it’s placed in your hand. Caught off guard, you turn to see who it is but you’re already pinned to the chair, gentle lips leaning in to kiss your neck.
“Hi, baby” Hongjoong says sweetly, kissing his way down your back. 
You slip your headphones off, giggling at how much it tickles. “Joongie, what are you…” is all you manage before you feel him push into you. All of him, every single inch, is buried inside of you, stretching you out in every possible way. The shock of it leaves you speechless, abandoning everything in your hands to grip the front of the chair. 
“So wet already, baby?” he teases, rolling his hips against you, “What were you doing out here?” 
“I was just, fuuuuck…” you moan, pushing back into him. He’s already deep enough, as deep as he can be, but your body wants more. Hongjoong slaps your ass and the vibrations have you both moaning in pleasure. "Damn, you feel so fucking good. I’ve missed this so much” he confesses, guiding you onto your knees.
He runs his fingers along the ties of your bikini, a light pull being all it takes to do away with the flimsy material. “Me, mmm, too” you whine, arching your back as you rotate your hips in a circle. His palms ride the curves of your sides, reaching around to grab the fluffiest part of your belly. Hongjoong's more than happy to let you take over for now, worshipping your body while you ride his cock.
“That’s it, baby. Use my fucking cock. It’s all yours” he moans, watching his length disappear into your dripping cunt. Each time you rock forward his cock’s more drenched than before, your deprived little pussy too needy to stop making a mess of herself. In the back of your mind you know he loves to see it. You can feel his cock throbbing inside of you when he sees those juices trickling from your slit, glinting like gold in the sunlight.
“Aaah, Joongie, needed this so bad” you say, your voice trembling as you angle your hips to work your sweet spot. The lounge chair creaks beneath you as your movements grow more frantic. More desperate.
“Oh, really?” he smiles, tilting his head to see the pretty faces you make. Your pussy glides along him like silk, every dip into you making his head spin. He wants to hold back a little longer, let you set the pace, but a girl like you is much too gorgeous not to get her brains fucked out. He grabs you by the arms, pinning your wrists behind your back, and thrusts into you as hard as he can. “Look at that body, shaking around my cock. Tell me how much you need it.”
“I need it so bad!” you cry, eyelashes wet and fluttering, “Needed, mmph, needed you to fuck me like this.” Surrendering yourself to him, you steady your knees and let him completely wreck you. There isn’t a single thrust of his cock that doesn’t have you whining and moaning, begging him for more.
Hongjoong slaps your ass harder this time, loving the way it makes you squeal. “I feel that pussy quivering for me. I know you wanna fucking come.” Snatching your arms away, you grab onto the front of the chair, tilting yourself away. You shake your head, not wanting to give up this feeling so soon, “Mmm not ready, Joongie. Wanna feel you more.” 
“Aww, my love, you’re so cute” Hongjoong pouts, lightly petting your back, “But I don’t care.” 
And just like that he’s fucking you so hard you feel it in every part of you. Your vision’s spotted with little technicolor dots, your lips parted in ecstasy. “Don’t hold back, baby. Show me you need it” he whispers like a snake charmer coaxing your body to do as he wishes. “Come for, mmmhhh, come for me. Just like that, fuck.”
Your legs give out from under you as you let yourself go, your body reduced to nothing but tremors, juices flowing around his cock. Hongjoong doesn’t let up, shifting his position to hit your g spot even as your body weakens. He sees you reach up to your mouth, nibbling at your finger as your broken moans escape supple lips, and wants that to be him so badly. In your pussy, in your mouth, anywhere he can feel you, he wants it.
Against his best efforts, his thrusts grow sloppy, the tightness in the pit of his stomach snapping. He pulls out, rocking into his own hand as he spills down the back of your thighs, droplets of come leaking onto the chair. “God, that was…” he pants, sitting at the foot of the chair, chasing the air that eludes him.
Rolling onto your back you see your boyfriend with your bikini top draped over him as if he’s wearing it. His expression is criminally cute for a man who just broke your back like a glowstick.
“I look cute in it, yeah?”
You kick your feet up on his lap, laughing to yourself, “Hot as fuck. I’d definitely ask for your number.”
Hongjoong crawls on top of you, kissing you so deeply and lovingly that by the time he pulls away you’re lightheaded. “I love you” he says, still sporting your bikini top.
You look down at it and then back up at this handsome man who utterly adores you. “I love you too, Joongie. Now give me my top back.”
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kytrisz · 1 year
Are you happy? | Matt Smith
| pairing. matt smith x reader  
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It's been a while since you and Matt, your boyfriend for quite some time now, spent time together. Due to his project, which has kept him gone for nearly 6 months, and your hectic schedule, the two of you have had little time for each other. So being together now is quite a new fresh air in the relationship.
Both of you book a stone house in Italy countryside to get away from everything else, as he said "everything felt too fast-paced", which you have the same sentiment with.
During your stay, you did a lot of activities together to compensate for the time being apart for so long. You went for a walk in the forest, had picnics in the backyard, gazed at the stars at night, and even rode your bikes down the street. Everything felt peaceful, everything is perfect, 
well almost...
You're currently laying on the couch after returning from dinner at a restaurant near the house that Matt reserved for you. It was a great spot, with delicious cuisine and beautiful scenery. Making your heart thump lightly when you realize how well Matt knows you.
You snuggled against his chest, listening to his breathing and the beat of his heart, while his fingers write things in your back you don't understand.
As you were about to slumber way to sleep, you felt him grumble as if he was saying something.
"...hmmm?" you asked, carefully placing your chin on his chest as you looked at him, more like catching him staring at you. Where his chocolate eyes are fixed on you and nothing else. Making you feel butterflies on the inside. He always never fails to make you feel special, as if you're a treasure he wants to keep.
"Did you say something?" you asked softly, staring at him with wonder.
It took a minute of silence and staring before Matt let out a chuckle, putting his hand on your head to caress it, "How long have we been together, love?"
"It's almost what, 3 years now I guess," you murmured, then realizing, "3 years... Matt!" you cried, surprised at how long you and Matt had been together. Startling him, who is below you.
"We've been together for 3 years! 3 years! I felt so old now," you chuckle.
"Shouldn't I be the one saying that?" Matt jokes, after all, you guys have quite a big age gap.  And it's no secret among the general public, who are constantly making comments about it.
Letting out a small chuckle you lay again to snuggle to his neck and mumbled "That's true", laughing alongside him.
A moment of silence enters again, only your breathing and his can be heard in the room along with the two hearts beating in sync.
As your breathing turns to shallow, and your eyelids begin to drop, you felt yourself detach from reality and began to fall asleep.
But just as your eyes were about to close, you heard Matt utter something that threw you off guard. 
"Are you happy to be with me, love?"
"... "
When you didn't answer, Matt glances down to give you a soothing smile. "You don't have to answer, my love," he sighed, but you can hear the shakiness in his voice.
Staring at his chocolate orbs as if looking for an answer, you finally replied "Sometimes..."
You watched him arch his brow, looking a bit confused but mostly bothered by your answer. He may not say it, but you know he always beat himself up for not being present in your relationship.
"Because you annoy me a lot," you said seriously but failed as he poked your sides and laughed.
"But seriously, I do." fixing your gaze on his "I'm glad I spent my last three years with you."
"Hmm, what do you mean why?" A bit confused by his question.
"Why are you happy being with me?"
You saw in his eyes filled with contemplation, bother if he should take back what he said.
Sighing, you pull yourself up and straddle his waist. "Well, I'm happy being with you because even though we're miles apart, you never fail to make me feel alone. You always try your best to call me and even text me when you don't need to. You even do things that you don't even like because you know it makes me happy! But do you know what truly makes me happy?"
"I'm happy because you love me," you grinned, leaning forward to touch his forehead and caress his cheeks, "and I'm happy because I love you"
And through your answer, Matt smiled at you with contentment, and all the worries you saw in his eyes finally washed away.
"I love you so much, Matt, more than you can imagine," you said solemnly.
Looking at you adoringly, he replied, "And I love you so," placing a hand on your head to lower you and plant his lips into yours.
At that moment, time appeared to stop and the world faded away, leaving just the two of you in your little universe with your hearts dancing to the rhythm of their symphony. 
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strawberrysainz · 1 year
secret garden. charles leclerc
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“ charles joining you on holiday was definitely not planned. you begin to have small revelations. is it the wine, or are you truly thinking about his lips on yours? ”
charles leclerc x reader
a warning— crude language, alcohol consumption, mentions of food, slightly mature. some shitty french, italian, spanish.
word count: 4.1k
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Your book seems to begin to blur as the lethargy of a Sunday at five o’clock tends to do what it does best; make you sleepy.
That, and your previous glass of wine seemed to be catching up to you.
The universe sends a saviour in the shape of your friend Lila: she pokes your stomach so you that look up through your sunglasses. You shut the book. It’s something about a twenty-something girl in the 1960s, who joins a hippie cult, and the facts make your head spin (you really couldn’t be arsed to focus while the wine makes you drowsy). You pause the playlist on your phone to look expectantly up at her. She’s a little bit drunk too; her hair is mussed up from laying down on the lounger. The Italian sun was perfect today, white wine flowing while you both tanned the day away. Lila had invited you to her fiancé’s (he worked for Ferrari) house in Tuscany for a week in the summer. It was picturesque and romantic, but he had to work for much of it and she wanted to spend the time with a person who was there constantly. With a getaway promised years ago, she finally followed through, and your second day was just as lovely as the first.
“Up for padel?”
“You mean… le sport?” You answer, giggling slightly. “The wine is in my head now, ma chérie.” You tease affectionately and she begins to tidy up her things to go inside. “Yes, le sport,” she mocks, “‘Tonio invited us to play.” “With who as the fourth?” You ask curiously; Antonio had lamented all day yesterday that he was ‘third wheeling, alone’. Lila pauses to focus on the question, delightfully tipsy, and her hand tries to fold the towel as she thinks. “He invited Charles to come stay too, they will train and plot for the season’s second half together. Now we will third wheel on them.”
You nod then, smiling, and pack up, giggling to yourself about the looks you’ll get from those two when you turn up fabulously drunk. “Is it a hazard to play padel with athletes when the wine makes me slow?”
Lila cackles, bumping her sunglasses back up on her face, sliding on her sundress. “Tonio might flip out on us for being useless, he’s so competitive against Charles. Charles is too nice to say anything. I hope I am his partner.” She snorts, and you laugh too.
“I hope Charles brought proper drinks too. Last time we had a party at Lando’s, that tequila he brought…” you sigh at the memory. “I hope he’s also on summer mode. No offence chérie, but your boy cannot switch off unless he has a friend.” You poke fun at the fact that he will only drink one glass of wine with supper and refuse to get drunk as fuck with the two of you. Lila hits you with the pillow.
You two Uber to the padel courts Antonio frequents in Italy, too scared to drive (rightfully so, you’re a bit shitfaced). You drink bottles and bottles of water, staring into each other’s eyes to try and sober up, but the dopey looks make you burst out laughing each time.
You end up napping for ten minutes, trying to sleep off the wine. Then you pat each other’s faces, blinking and blinking, but you end up giving up. Padel with two competitive men will be more fun not sober. When the driver drops you off, he tells you he is praying for whoever you speak to in the next minutes. You two end up in tears of laughter from God knows what. It ends with a hefty euro tip, some swear words and catching Lila from falling onto the street. Eventually you make it to the courts, picking up the two racquets the boys left for you on a bench, and you stare at Lila. “I hope we survive this.” You say seriously, and she salutes. You are in peals of laughter when you reach their court.
Charles stares at the two of you with amusement as you nearly trip over the entrance. “Avez-vous bu tous les deux?” He asks, and he receives just a wink from you, pointing at the small wine stain on Lila’s shirt.
He stifles a cackle as Lila goes to kiss Antonio sloppily, who kisses her reluctantly before gently scolding her in Italian. “Tonio, mon rêleuse, we apologise. We have only received your invitation when the wine was flowing. We also bring a level of entertainment.” You announce, brandishing the racquet. Your bluntness makes even Antonio smile. “Alright, alright. I was planning to put you two together, but maybe we’ll each pair with a drunkard, no?” He nods at Charles, who smiles.
“I’ll look after my girlfriend.” He adds, and Lila groans. “No! I wanted to play with Charles, he’s better at padel.” Antonio looks the most hurt you’ve ever seen a man be.
“Le spectacle de merde.” You whisper, at least you think it is a whisper, to Charles. “Ouais,” he giggles. You smack his arm affectionately. “Tu es tellement adorable,” you say, pursing your lips in a sweet way, and he hugs you with one arm, rubbing your back. “Laisse le vin continuer à parler, oui?”
The way in which you solidly keep hitting the ball on the wire makes him laugh.
Antonio cannot keep himself from raging at the two of you being useless, and tries to calm himself down; Lila falls on the court laughing at his aggressive muttering. You cry with laughter every time she misses the ball (which is more often than not) which leads Charles to request a glass of the wine you had been drinking. Padel has never been more fun, in your opinion: your grip gets looser and your shots stronger with every point. Charles carries your team, and you exchange a fist bump every time. Eventually you two win 11-10, and Lila jumps over the net clumsily to congratulate you both. Carlos settles for a reluctant high five. “Antonioooo…” you drag out his name, and the ridiculous grief of a tiny loss on his face makes you grin. “Can you make your tagliatelle?”
Lila clamours for it too, and he groans. “Whatever.” You two jump into each other’s arms; you end up getting another Uber back to shower and change so the boys can stop and grocery shop as well as buy you drinks, ‘not wine!’ under your instruction. When they get back, you’re slightly more sober, having showered and changed into a bikini (for a night swim) and a linen set over it.
Lila is asleep with her head on the kitchen counter while Charles pours you a rum and raspberry. You’re grateful for the different drink, the headache beginning to pound its way into your head. Antonio starts on the pasta, and you three talk about how their training was, how your poolside day went, the tourists in the city this week, paddock gossip and Charles’ new piano song, which he plays a recording of for you.
“That’s very good,” you compliment, and he blushes. Antonio is busy stirring the sauce while you have revelations. Charles clears his throat, locking the phone, and you set the table. “I’m making scones tonight,” you announce, and in the early stages of waking, Lila cheers with a yawn.
“With what?” Antonio challenges, and you wink. “I brought all the ingredients with. Jam and whipping cream. We can have some for breakfast tomorrow.” “Gotta train harder for that!” Lila jokes, flicking Charles’ arm, who giggles in that stupidly funny way.
Stomachs full and content, you and Lila float in the light of the pool. Occasionally you swat a mosquito out of your face, and your second R&R slowly slips away. “Still making the scones?” She asks, and you yawn. “Merde.”
You both laugh.
“Ti piace Cha?”
You stare at her.
“Sei pazzo? He’s most likely got some European model waiting for him in Monaco.”
“Ho visto come ti guardava.”
Your head hurts.
“Ma chérie, Cha could not look at me twice. There is nothing.” Lila makes a disapproving sound, and you splash her.
“Ho sempre pensato che non avrebbe mai potuto-“
Charles and Antonio, holding beers, make their way from the house to the pool. You shut up. You notice that they’ve also been drinking quite heavily, like you two- Charles is much too giggly, and Antonio has that drunken seriousness to him. They sit on the edge of the pool. “Where are those scones?” Antonio asks, and you roll your eyes. “Maybe I’ll make them fresh in the morning.” You yawn, making Charles do the same.
“Cazzata!” He replies, and you laugh with Lila. “Promise. I want to go horse riding tomorrow morning, the farm across the way said I could when we went with the dogs.” Lila shakes her head. “¡No puedo enfrentarme a un caballo, especialmente contigo!”
You snort. Antonio downs the beer. Charles is staring at the moon. “You okay?” You raise your eyebrows. “Just remembering last time I went riding.”
There is an awkward silence.
You can’t gauge his tone, and you make eye contact with Lila, frowning. “Well, if anyone wants to come, I would love to have them.” You clear your throat, and Antonio shakes his head. “Gym tomorrow.” Charles groans, putting down the beer. “Putain!” “You’ll have scones when you finish then,” you smile, and make to get out. “I’m going to bed if I want to get up at seven.”
Everyone wishes you a good night, and you make your way up to your room, still uneasy about Charles at the pool.
Your third day in Tuscany continues as you walk into the house; you are greeted by the dogs. The door was unlocked - a classic sign of Antonio leaving - so you knew the boys had left. You opened the large windows after taking off your boots, letting the fresh morning air in. You yawn as you put on a playlist, beginning to bake as the soft sounds of music accompany you to it.
About fifteen minutes later the scones are in the oven, and you set out some things to eat them with - as the plates clink, you hear Lila walking downstairs. “Hi,” she drags out the syllable - you smile at her ruffled brown hair - a dog is leaping up at her - and you wish her a good morning, making coffee for the both of you. She comes to sit on a bar stool, and you grimace at the remembrance of last night - where she slept for a moment or so - and she seems to recall the same. “How did you get up at seven?” She laughs. “My head was killing me.”
You laugh. “I have no clue.” “Wasn’t Charles weird last night? Or was I just drunk.” “No, he was so weird.” You are hungry to gossip (you had gone to bed before you could debrief.) “What the fuck was he on?”
Lila covers her mouth, laughing. Yet again, before you can gossip, the loud sound of the front door opening stops you. You groan and take the scones out of the oven. “Good morning!” Antonio says aloud, and you nod at the two walking in.
Lila kisses him on the cheek. “We have been hard at work.”
You grin. “How was neck day?” Charles rolls his eyes. “As incredible as you think it was.”
You laugh then, putting the hot scones on a plate. “Merde, did you do these from scratch? That’s so good.” “You burn eggs and toast, mate. Anything is so good in your eyes.” Antonio nudges Charles, who blushes furiously and smacks his arm.
You stare at Lila. She mouths some unfathomable sentence to you and you shrug as Antonio reaches for a scone. Your phone starts ringing, interrupting this strange situation, and you answer it. “Salut maman.” You answer.
“Ma chérie, comment est la Toscane? Les bons jours d'été avec toi me manquent, mon amour.”
You make a face that’s screwed up with childish embarrassment. “Tu me manques et la famille aussi, oui ? Je dois revenir en France pour visiter.”
“Papa t'envoie du champagne des cousins, et nous allons faire livrer des fleurs. Notre fille nous manque.”
“Pourquoi tant d'amour ?” You laugh.
“Sans raison.” She says innocently, and you stare at Lila, confused.
“Ton frère va se marier!”
“Quoi!” You shout, grasping your chest.
The news of your brother’s engagement leaves you still slightly concerned as Charles hands you some sort of cocktail. You take a sip and grimace at the ratio of rum to whatever else is in there. Charles laughs. “Haven’t they been together for a while?”
You shake your head, detailing that you’d met his fiancé - albeit a nice man - only once before. Antonio laughs. Lila smacks his arm. “You haven’t proposed yet, you cannot laugh.” Antonio’s face is a picture as you gasp for breath with laughter.
The sun sets on a slow evening as you laze by the pool with these people; you adore being in their company, you realise. You are still shaking your head with shock. “I can’t believe my brother is the first sibling to be married,” you grimace, and Charles laughs. “Which Leclerc will marry first, you think?” You ask him. “I don’t know. I think Lorenzo, because Arthur’s young. Definitely not me.” He emphasises with a face, and you laugh.
Hours later, you tell stories of your and Lila’s university days while the boys laugh, details of hookups and too much alcohol paint pictures of pure comedy. “Anyone want a scone?” You announce, going to make one in the kitchen. “I’ll come with,” Charles says politely, leaving the couple to themselves.
You end up pouring another R&R while you spread jam and cream, not eager to experience your hangover tomorrow morning. “Je suis un putain d’alcoolique.” Charles dismisses the thought. “S'il vous plaît, vous n'êtes pas spécial.”
You laugh. “It’s nice that you’re here. I always wanted to get to know you better.” You say off topic, switching to English, the languages getting mixed up in your slowed down mind. Charles laughs and pats your arm. “A drink makes you very emotional,” he jokes, and you make a face. “Be quiet.” “Let’s take a picture!” You switch up, mind spinning, and Charles is laughing as he takes pictures of you making scones with slow limbs, dancing, smiling, spinning.
You take a 0,5 of him in return, laughing at the weird expression on his face. You take selfies, air kissing, pulling faces, until your phone tells you you’re out of storage, and the moment is over, lipstick on his face. You laugh. He’s quiet.
“I can wipe it off,” you say quietly, trying not to ruin the comfortable energy in the kitchen. He lets you do it tenderly with a baby wipe, big expressive eyes staring into yours, wide with the relaxation of alcohol flowing through him. He leans in and you lurch back, shocked at the prospect of you two.
He pretends like he didn’t do anything, the little shit, and your eyes narrow as you pinch his ear. He cries out in pain, and tries to get you back, but you’re running with the scones in one hand and the drink in the other, cackling into the dark night, the comfort of the warmth.
The next morning is rough.
You’re woken up with a lurching stomach, violently hungover. You decide a swim under the Italian sun is going to help, and change, going to the pool. Antonio is there, swimming laps, and you hover awkwardly around the pool before getting in. He greets you softly, not wanting to disturb the birds chirping down at the vineyard and the peace of the morning. “There’s this song,” you say, dipping your head into the cool water, relishing this delightful feeling that comes with the activity of swimming like a child. “I used to listen to it every day of my last year of uni. It’s this song that makes me feel so great inside. And I realise that I feel that way when I’m with all of you. Thank you for inviting me.” Antonio looks touched, as much as a guy could at that revelation. “You’ve still got three days with me. That could change your mind.”
You laugh, diving underwater.
From the kitchen window, Lila and Charles are talking, unbeknownst to you. She grabs his arm aggressively as he moves to take the fresh cup of coffee. “Do you like her?” He jumps with fright. “Merde- she’s very nice?”
Lila raises her eyebrows.
He groans. “You aren’t going to ask me if I like like her as if I’m twelve.” “Charles!” She folds her arms, and he casts his gaze to you lazing in the pool.
“No.” He says stubbornly, and he might have convinced her but he hasn’t convinced himself. Lila lets out a huff as she turns back to the breakfast she’s making; he looks down at the floor.
Charles offers you wine. You nearly smack the bottle out of his hand. “No.”
The early afternoon is the precursor to your declaration of sobriety for the day; you and Lila take the dogs for another walk, getting dragged by their leashes as they leap and bound. You end up at the gym with her afterwards, sweating out your fatigue, and you try not to stare at Charles as he and Antonio walk in. Another game of padel is offered afterwards, and you two accept, playing away yet another lovely day and beginning of the evening. You’re much better at padel when you’re sober.
Then Antonio and Charles want to go clubbing, and you agree wearily, going back with them to change into some little strappy top and skirt. You have never decided your stance on clubbing - you love a night out somewhere, but the thought of it annoys you now, the prospect of a night in after a long bath sounding much better.
You and Lila pretend you’re back in your uni days, dark eyeshadow and dramatic makeup, perfume stinking up the room. You laugh at the two of you as you slip on some high heels, red lipstick everywhere, mascara accidentally smudging as you absentmindedly wipe your face.
You fix it before you’re running down to the car when you hear Antonio shouting about your tardiness. It’s a 4x4, and you slide chaotically into the middle seat next to Charles, Lila hopping in afterwards, your knee touching Charles’, skirt riding up. You let out a breath as Antonio has a bit of a nostalgic moment - he met Lila on a night just like this, with you two, at a club in Madrid.
“I feel nineteen again,” you laugh, seven years ago finding you again, the smell of Charles’ cologne rooting you back in the present. The driver is chattering on about Ferrari as you get Charles to take pictures of you and Lila, posing, then judging the pictures, high-fiving him for his great photography skills. You post one to your story, all wide eyes and pouty lips, and your followers begin to reply things about all those years ago.
You’re at the club twenty minutes later, a Khalid song sending you out of the car. You grab Lila’s arm and hug her, intensely nostalgic. Charles demands more pictures of you - Antonio agrees - you two must look good. He takes more, and then you’re all taking photos in the street light, and you’re handing your phone to some random girl who takes photos of all of you. She mumbles something in Italian and Charles thanks her very much before you’re all bundled into the club.
Charles comes to drape his arm over your shoulder an hour later, sweaty, and he’s got lip gloss on his lips. You point at your own lips pointedly and he exclaims something that’s lost in the noise. He lifts up his shirt to wipe his sticky lips and your gaze is caught on his abs as his hand brushes his chest. You look away hurriedly.
A dull ache propels you onto the dance floor, and some guy leans in to kiss you and you let him, annoyed and jealous. But his breath smells terrible, stale, and you’re pulling away, shuddering, and run to the bar for some water.
You’re still retching like a cat with a hairball ten minutes later when Charles finds you again, and he laughs with confusion. You roll your eyes. “I’m gonna go for a smoke,” you shout in his ear, and he follows you, a hand ghosting your back. You shiver and run out into the heat.
You pull out a box of cigarettes and a lighter out of your bag and you light one hurriedly, the taste of that guy still horrid in your mouth.
You offer the cig, lipstick-stained, and Charles hesitates before you shrug. “I didn’t know you smoked,” he said, and you shrugged. “Only when I’m out.”
He nods then; you lift up the cigarette to his lips. He takes a drag, eyes shining outside the fluorescent light of the club. You breathe, and you can see a teenager standing beside you instead of a man in his twenties, sneaking a smile and a smoke in secret.
It’s 2:26. You scroll on your phone as Charles talks lowly on the phone beside you (Leila and Antonio found some friends and decided to stay). You stare out at the moon, the light highlighting your face as you look back at Charles briefly. He’s already looking, and smiles slowly, bashful to have been caught. You can’t hide a smile.
His hand is laying tentatively on the middle seat, and your hand is on your knee. You both stare.
He’s pulling out a bottle of wine as you tumble into the house, the night welcoming you back to the villa. Your eyes are wide and his focussed on the glasses in his hand, walking carefully out onto the patio. You fall into a slightly uncomfortable metal chair and he pours a glass in the dark, squinting as you hear some crickets. You accept a glass with a quiet thanks and he sits down next to you clumsily, and the wine sloshes out onto his shirt and he curses quietly. You grin.
One of the dogs pad out onto the wood and the click of its nails makes your nose scrunch and it tries to jump on your lap; with a groan you attempt to shove it off and Charles gets up, laughing, pushing, and somehow he ends up staring into your eyes, bending down, and some force of nature propels you to capture his lips with yours. You let out a little sigh as he wraps a hand in your hair, and he’s pulling you up and the glass is forgotten and it’s twilight hours in the dark.
The trembling anticipation of a new lover ignites a new energy there outside. You wrap an arm around his neck and you both push forward against each other. It’s the kind of kiss where everything just works; your lips slot so perfectly, and his hair feels soft beneath your hazy movements.
The dog interrupts by licking your knee, and you move backward with a shudder. He’s moving in again, shoulders taut, and his arms are smooth as your hands grasp them, bodies moving sensually under the light of the crescent moon above.
Your watch beeps and you look down to see a notification from Lila. You ignore it. Charles is instead running fluid hands over your hips, liquid gold, and you’re melting, drowning in the heavy look in his eyes. It’s as if the puzzle piece has just slotted into place. A newfound frenzy causes you to pull him slowly into the house, bare feet meeting the dark wood below. You nearly crash into a glass window before you’re in the kitchen, and he’s bending your back slightly over a counter, finding your neck with his lips, nipping, sucking, and you’re parting your lips with delight, body moving with his.
His facial hair is scruffy, and the sensation causes you to arch a little and he slams you back down. You moan.
He grins.
A hand flits up your back, under the shirt, feeling the skin, and you shiver when he rubs a thumb over a piece of your spine, and he’s leaning back to study you, cheeks pink in the dark, and he goes back in for a kiss, smiling broadly.
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dreamauri · 1 year
hello!! can i request a carlos fic where reader is spending the summer break together with him for the first time. carlos and reader are in the beginning stages of their relationship but during the vacation they get closer and closer, the relationship gets more serious. thank you 🫶🏻
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♪ — 𝗦𝗔𝗬 𝗬𝗘𝗦 𝗧𝗢 𝗛𝗘𝗔𝗩𝗘𝗡 carlos sains jr. x itlian! baker! girlfriend reader (fluff) “. . . spending the summer with carlito for the first time.”
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( main master list | more of carlos sainz ) ( requests | taglist )
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It felt relaxing, the cool Mediterranean wind in your hair and your boyfriend's warm arm wrapped around your belly. You snuggled further into Carlos' chest, enjoying the contrast of his warmth and the cool waves of the sea.
"Ey, mi amor. You're squishing me." Carlos groans as he nuzzles his nose in your neck, his palms finding your bare stomach. You jolted, giggling as he tickled you, preventing you from pulling away.
The relationship was still in the honeymoon stage. With only a months and three weeks of being with one another, you'd describe the feelings as fresh and and sweet like sugar.
You were laying on the floor, squished under Carlos when he finally stopped. You caught your breath as he held your hand and kissed your palm softly. "Off, Mr. Sainz." You poked his chest gently, snuggling next to him in the sand.
He continued to graze and admire your fingers, leaving a kiss here in there. You couldn't help but giggle once he pulled you close to kiss and pamper your lips and cheeks. The look in his eyes made him too cute to push away.
"Carlos!" You tried to wriggle away, his long lashes tickling your cheeks. "Nooo, hermosa. Stay still. Let me worship you." He grumbled hugging you from behind as he kissed and admired your back and shoulders.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"Whoops." You winced as you purposefully wiped your cake frost full finger on Carlos' face. He paused with his cooking, giving you a look.
"I said whoops." You justified your actions, turning away before he could take his revenge. You saw him from the corner of his eye wipe and lick his cheek clean.
"It needs two more spoons of sugar." "Does it?" He held up a finger with frosting for you to taste. "Don't bite." He flinched when you licked on his finger, a little giggle falling from his lips.
"You're right." You nodded, pouring a little more and mixing the cake icing. His family was coming over to spend the night at the beach house.
So you decided you might as well make dessert. You haven't met his family before and Carlos has only been encouraging and comforting about the fact.
He picked your outfit despite your protests and did your hair. He was oddly good at it, but as expected ( he does have hair made from gold after all, he knows how to take care of it ).
Dinner went well. The sainz loved you. They thought you got along with Carlos and his sisters well ( they approved of you cake smashing Carlos ).
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
You lifted your eyes from the cake you were decorating, looking back to the window at the wall connecting the kitchen to the store part of the bakery.
A smile spread on your face once you saw your Spaniard boyfriend holding flowers. "Hello ma'am." He greeted your co-worker that came to greet him at the counter. "There's an angel I'm here to pick up." He nodded towards you.
You could help but hold in a smile and laugh, continuing with the cupcakes. How he made it through town without an army of tifosi running after him in Italy was a miracle.
You soon were able to exit the small bakery and hop in his red Ferrari. His hand found your thigh as he set the flowers on your lap before driving off. "Where we going, smooth operator?"
"We are going to—" He took a cupcake from the box you brang along. "I don't know, but I want more of these." You couldn't help but laugh. His mouth was full with frosting and crumbs on his lips.
"Don't laugh at me." He orderd but you couldn't help it, he looked and sounded ridiculous with his mouth full and lips + nose smeared with sugar.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"I didn't know you're allowed to eat ice-cream." "I'm not." You giggled as you took a spoonful from his cone and him from yours. It was the last night of vacation and you wanted to deeply savour it. The lake you were sitting at glistened with lights from the city and the moon, making a beautiful canvas.
"I was thinking, I saved up enough money for the Italian grand prix. Monza is not a long drive, and there's family I can stay with—" "Excuse me?" Carlos gave you an unimpressed look. You could only laugh at the exaggeration on his face, making him look funny.
"No girlfriend of mine pays to see me, her boyfriend, race. Or, not stay in the same hotel room as me, the boyfriend." You could only laugh harder as he told you in all seriousness. "Mi amor, I'm the driver. You don't think I can afford Paddock passes for you?"
"Exactly. I need to show my goddess off . . . plus Lando thinks your not real so . . .—OW! Hermosa! What was that for?!" "Signore, dammi la pazienza." [lord, give me patience]
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wileys-russo · 1 year
well we know how Alessia is clumsy right? Imagine if the reader is just as bad if not worse, the two of them are a right mess when near one another. And her and Alessia are both so oblivious to their feelings for each other that the team just have to deal with these two lovestruck clumsy idiots who tip toe around their feelings until eventually something pushes them to realise and confess
bambi II a.russo
"oh less is finally here." niamh nodded over your shoulder as you choked on your mouthful of cereal, maya smacking you on the back with a concerned look as you gasped to catch your breath.
"oh god not this again." your best friend groaned knowingly as you spat out the soggy mouthful of weetbix and downed your glass of juice. "and what's that supposed to mean?" you looked at her with a frown as niamh sighed dramatically.
"you become a walking hazard around that girl. you're clumsy enough on a regular day i don't need to be worrying about you falling down a flight of stairs and breaking your arm when she sends you a smile!" niamh rolled her eyes as you flipped her off.
"you've had a crush on her for years now, why don't you just ask her out bambi?" maya asked as she took a bite of toast and you shushed her, smacking at her shoulder for the nickname you had always detested.
"i do not! you're both deluded and i wish you'd drop this. you bring it up every camp, we've been friends for years. just friends!" you huffed in annoyance, grabbing your empty plate and standing to your feet.
however what you'd failed to notice was alessia and ella making their way over toward the table, and as you turned with the intention of a dramatic storm off you felt your body collide suddenly with someone else's.
with a grunt you fell on top of them, face flushing red with embarrassment as your eyes met those oh so familiar blue ones, alessia's own cheeks tinted pink. "hi less! i'm so sorry." you squeaked out and apologized, hastily rolling off of her and getting to your feet, helping the taller girl up.
"you know if i knew that you missed me so much i'd have come said hi sooner." alessia sent you a smile which you reciprocated, the blonde wrapping you in a tight hug hello before sitting down and greeting the rest of your friends.
ignoring niamh and maya's smirks you hurried off to get ready for training, the two girls covering up their laughs with their hands as you tripped over a chair leg and almost hit the deck again before mary hastily grabbed the back of your jumper, saving you from further embarrassment.
"let me guess, just saw alessia?" "oh shut up mary."
"i saw you went to italy over the break, how was it?" you asked with a soft smile as you walked back to the change rooms beside alessia, the two of you having been paired up for the last drill of the day.
"it was lovely thank you, and so sunny! i miss it already i can feel my tan slipping away with every second." the blonde groaned pulling back the sleeve of her jumper with a pout, poking at her still very tanned skin.
"yeah clearly you're looking like a vampire!" you rolled your eyes playfully, knocking your shoulder into hers gently. alessia attempted to bump you back but being just as clumsy as you of course she miscalculated.
alessia missed you entirely, suddenly falling sideways and onto the pitch with a grunt, grabbing out at you to steady herself but accidentally just taking you down with her.
"and there she goes! the bigger they are the harder they fall." ella clapped sarcastically as niamh hurried over to help you up and millie hoisted alessia to her feet, the blonde striker apologizing profusely before speed walking away with a shake of her head, ella racing off after her.
"do you think they'll ever realise they're in love with one another?" millie slung an arm over niamhs shoulder as the two watched you head off toward the change room, both girls playing with you at chelsea knew you better than you knew yourself it would seem.
"god i hope so. we need them both unbroken for the qualifiers next week and if they keep up this way they'll be getting together in an ambulance!"
"y/l/n you're up!" the training staff called for your turn for testing, one of the last of the day as the rest of the girls sat on the sidelines chugging their waters.
with a determined nod you zoned in, acing the first few activities without any issues. only when you glanced over to the side and noticed alessia watching you intently you panicked, miss stepping and slipping on the ball at your feet you fell to the floor mid run, taking down several mannequins with you as you squealed and landed on your back with a thud.
your cheeks burnt scarlet as you heard the laughter from the sidelines instantly at your blunder, burying your face in your hands with a sigh. "come on, up you get now." you peeked out from your fingers seeing your captains grinning face staring down at you as she extended her hand.
"now mate i've seen you do some impressive falls over the years but that one, that one took the cake." leah hauled you up to your feet and patted you on the back with a laugh as you groaned in embarrassment.
"don't remind me i'm never gonna live this down."
"less just tell her you like her man! i don't get it." ella whispered to alessia as the two stood in line awaiting their turn to grab lunch. "shut up tooney! i do not." alessia hissed, shoving the shorter girl as she glanced around frantically, sighing in relief not seeing you anywhere within earshot.
"whatever you sayyy." ella sung out with a tut, holding her plate out eagerly as the two of them chatted with the chefs. "god that smells good!" alessia dropped her plate with a loud smash as you appeared beside her, stumbling backwards into ella and knocking her own plate down to the ground as well with her elbow.
"aw less come on!" ella groaned loudly in annoyance dragging her hands down her face, the tips of the italians ears flushing bright red as she apologised over and over to the staff who hurried to clean everything up.
"good thing you're not a goalkeeper with those hands." you joked, nudging her lightly with a soft smile trying to ease her obvious embarassment, alessia mumbling something inaudible before running off to change out of her now food stained training kit.
entering the change room you swore as you slipped on someones stray boot, not paying attention to where you were going, only just catching yourself from falling as the teasings exploded around you.
"i think we need to wrap you in bubble wrap bambi." millie chuckled as you sat down beside her at your locker, ignoring the comment with a roll of your eyes as you started to change into your own boots.
taking your time most of the team had filtered out for training, and you were so zoned out of it you didn't even hear alessia sit down by you at her own locker focused on plaiting her hair.
you jumped a little as she dropped her brush and it cluttered to the floor beside you, knocking you out of your trance as you tied up your laces and reached out to grab her brush.
"here less-" you straightened as the blonde bent down to grab the brush herself, causing her forehead to smash into your nose quite suddenly.
you let out a groan of pain and clutched at your face, dropping alessia's brush to the ground again as the strikers features paled in concern, her hands settling themselves gently either side of your face.
"oh my god i am so so sorry! are you okay?" "yeah...but i think you broke my nose."
"i seem to see the two of you so often i'm considering naming one of the benches in your honour." richard the head doctor chuckled as he opened the door, your stomach fluttering as alessia guided you inside with her hand on the small of your back, not having left your side since everything happened.
"whats happened here then?" the man sighed, gesturing you take a seat up on the table as he grabbed out some wipes, starting to clean the dried blood from around your nose as you grimaced in pain, alessia's stomach lurching with guilt as you recounted what had happened.
her cheeks flushed red as you hastily reached out to grab her hand, squeezing tightly as richard gently poked and prodded at your tender nose.
the blonde shook her head trying to ignore the tingling sensation at your fingers being interlocked with yours.
"well the good news is it isn't broken! just a little swollen." richard explained with a smile as alessia let out a sigh of relief where she was stood beside you. "certainly feels like its broken." you pouted as you poked gingerly at your face.
"but it means no playing for two weeks, minimum. one bad knock and you'll break it properly, which would mean a minimum six weeks out." he announced and your body instantly deflated, knowing that meant you'd not be fit for squad selection for the upcoming national games.
"god i'm so sorry." alessia winced and you felt her gaze pierce into the side of your head but you couldn't bring yourself to meet it, nodding at richards words and sliding off the table, dropping the strikers hand.
"thanks rich, i'll go speak with sarina." you shot him a small smile and shuffled toward the door once he'd given you an icepack and some further instructions of aftercare, alessia following after you. she stayed by your side, head racing with thoughts but remaining silent, too overwhelmed to even voice what she was thinking.
"hey, you know i'm not mad at you right?" you paused, turning to look at her with a small but reassuring smile. "no you have every right to be, i'm so so sorry." the blonde stammered out, breath hitching as you grabbed her hands in yours and squeezed softly.
"but i'm not, it was an accident. they don't call me bambi for nothing, niamh's not wrong when she says im like a walking wet floor sign; always warning everyone of the hazard thats yet to come." you joked lightly, causing the taller girl to crack a small smile.
"don't blame yourself, please. just score a few goals and help us win to make it up to me!" you smiled before dropping her hands and veering right, intending to go and find your manager.
"what about i take you to dinner instead?"
your body froze at her words, alessia nervously fiddling with her hands, almost in shock at the words that had left her mouth.
"let me take you to dinner. please, to make up for it." the blonde steadied herself and spoke with much more confidence than she was really feeling.
"like a....date?" you asked cautiously, aware that these three words could make or break everything.
"yeah, exactly like a date."
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milk-tea-sakura · 1 month
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𝓒𝔀: 𝓑𝓯! 𝓗𝔂𝓾𝓷𝓳𝓲𝓷 𝔁 𝓕𝓮𝓶! 9𝓽𝓱 𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻! 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻, 𝓯𝓵𝓾𝓯𝓯, 𝓪𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓲𝓵𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰
𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽: 1401
𝓔𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮: 5 𝓶𝓲𝓷 29 𝓼𝓮𝓬
𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦: 𝘐 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘷𝘭𝘰𝘨. 𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘧𝘶𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘥𝘰 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯. 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘧 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘰 𝘴𝘰... 𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦. 𝘈𝘯𝘺𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘐 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺!
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Hyunjin and Y/n were strolling down a picturesque street in Milan, Italy, their arms linked together as they walked. They were in the city to film their upcoming Stay week, and they had decided to take an evening walk after their hectic schedules.
Hyunjin glanced over at Y/n as they walked, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "You look really beautiful tonight," he said, his voice soft and affectionate.
Y/n blushed at his compliment, a shy smile appearing on her face. "Thanks. You look pretty good yourself," she replied jokingly, reaching up to fix his hair. They continued walking, chatting about their day and taking in the sights of the foreign city.
"So, you want to become a dog in your next life?" Y/n jokes about what Hyunjin said at dinner with the group earlier.
Hyunjin chuckled, his hand tightening around hers. "Hey, being a dog wouldn't be bad," he said, playing along with the joke. "I could spend all day being pampered and getting belly rubs."
"Changbin wouldn't share his food with you, as we learned"
Hyunjin rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. "Yeah, Changbin's a jerk," he said, but his tone was playful. "I'd find a better owner, one who'd give me as much food as I wanted."
Y/n laughed at the image of Hyunjin as a pampered dog. "Right, because you definitely don't eat enough already," she teased. "You'd be the biggest dog ever if you could eat as much as you wanted."
Hyunjin feigned offense, bringing his free hand to his chest. "Hey, I work out a lot, I need the food to maintain my muscles, you know." He flexed his free arm, showing off his bicep.
Y/n couldn't help but admire the muscle for a moment. "Alright, fair enough," she conceded. "But if you were a dog, we'd have to make sure you didn't eat yourself into hibernation."
Hyunjin chuckled, his demeanor more relaxed now that they were just joking around. "You're right, you'd have to keep an eye on me," he joked. "No more midnight raids on the kitchen for food."
Y/n smiled, enjoying the easy banter between them. "Yeah, no more stuffing your face with leftover pizza when you're supposed to be sleeping," she said, poking him in the side.
Hyunjin let out a melodramatic sigh. "You're such a taskmaster," he teased, shaking his head. "Being your dog would be tough if I can't even sneak midnight snacks."
"How does Changbin feel about you sneaking midnight snacks, since he's your new roommate. Also, how come he's your wife before I am?" Y/n asks Hyunjin 
Hyunjin laughed at Y/n's question. "Changbin doesn't mind, as long as I don't eat his food," he explained. "As for the wife thing, I think it's just a joke among the other members. We were talking about how Changbin and I are the closest, and someone said we were like an old married couple."
Y/n raised an eyebrow at him, a mischievous glint in her eye. "And why aren't you considering me your wife instead?" she asked, a playful pout on her lips.
Hyunjin chuckled at her reaction. "Oh, don't worry," he said, pulling her closer and wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "You're my real wife, the other members just don't get it." He planted a chaste kiss on her forehead, his tone light but affectionate.
Y/n snuggled into his side, a contented smile on her face. "I'm glad you cleared that up," she said, her voice mock serious. "I was starting to worry that I had some competition."
Hyunjin chuckled again. "You have nothing to worry about," he reassured her, giving her a squeeze. "You're the only one for me." They continued walking down the cobblestone streets, the comfortable silence between them punctuated by the occasional comment or light banter.
"We should start to head back to the house before it gets too late," Y/n tells Hyunjin as they continue to walk.
Hyunjin nods in agreement, though he seems a bit reluctant to end their walk. "Yeah, you're right," he says with a sigh. "It's getting dark, and I'm sure the managers will start looking for us soon."
Y/n gives his hand a gentle squeeze. "We can always take another walk some other time," she says consolingly. "But for now, we should probably get back before we end up in trouble."
Hyunjin nods again, accepting that their evening stroll must come to an end. "You're right, we don't want to get chewed out by the managers," he says with a small chuckle. They turn around and begin walking back the way they came.
The return trip is quieter than the journey out, both of them lost in their own thoughts. Y/n steals occasional glances at Hyunjin, admiring his profile in the fading light. Every now and then, Hyunjin would catch her gaze and give her a small, affectionate smile.
Eventually, they make their way back to the house where they're staying. As they walk up the steps to the front door, Hyunjin turns to Y/n. "This was a nice walk," he says, his tone softer than before. "I always enjoy spending time alone with you."
"Yeah, especially since we are always practicing or around the other members, but I love them too. Just not as much as you." Y/n states.
Hyunjin smiles, his eyes warm as he looks at her. "I know what you mean," he says, opening the door for her. "The members are like family, but there's something special about the time we get to spend together, just the two of us."
They walk inside, greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of the house. A few of the members are in the living room, sprawled out on the couches watching TV. They look up as Hyunjin and Y/n enter, but they just give brief waves to each other, respecting the couple's quiet, private moment.
Hyunjin and Y/n head up the stairs, their footsteps are soft on the carpet. As they reach the hallway leading to their individual rooms, Hyunjin stops in front of Y/n's door.
"I had a great time tonight," he says, his voice low as if afraid to shatter the quiet aura between them.
Y/n smiles, her hand on the doorknob. "Me too," she says, her heart fluttering at his proximity. "Even though we didn't really do much, I enjoyed just spending time with you."
"Yeah, sometimes it's the simple things that make the best memories," Hyunjin agrees, his eyes not leaving hers. He reaches out and brushes a strand of hair back from her face, his touch tender.
Despite their exhaustion from the long day, neither of them seems to want the moment to end. Y/n finds herself leaning into his touch, her eyes fluttering closed at the feeling of his fingertips on her skin.
"I should probably go to sleep before I fall asleep here, standing up"
Hyunjin nods, reluctantly dropping his hand from her face. "Yeah, you're right," he says, his voice a bit reluctant. "We have filming in the morning, and we both need our beauty sleep."
Y/n chuckles at his words, then gives him one last smile. "Goodnight, Hyunjin," she says softly, her hand still on the doorknob.
"Goodnight, Y/n," Hyunjin replies, his voice just as soft as hers. He takes a step back, giving her the space to go into her room.
Y/n opens the door and steps inside, giving him one last glance over her shoulder, before disappearing into the room. Hyunjin stands outside her door for a few moments more, his expression thoughtful. Then, with a soft sigh, he turns and heads to his own room.
Hyunjin closed the door to his room, the quiet click echoing in the silence of the hallway. He leaned back against the door for a moment, his thoughts on the evening he had just spent with Y/n. He couldn't help the smile that spread across his face as he thought about her.
With a sigh, he pushed off the door and went to get ready for bed. Despite the late hour, he knew it would be a while before sleep would come, his mind still dwelling on the woman who had captured his heart.
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joonieskinks · 7 months
somewhere in italy, 2002
simon 'ghost' riley x reader | fluff, swearing, some small hints of past smut but mostly just a happy reunion inspired by cmbyn lol | 800-ish
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You could feel his eyes on you before you set yours on his. 
At first you believed he approached you due to the minimal seating available on the patio, hoping to steal a chair to rejoin his rather loud group of friends. But instead the masked man asked for a seat beside you. That's when you glanced up from your novel, taking the cigarette out of your mouth. 
“This seat taken, love?” He asked, his voice husky but softer than you imagined it would be at first glance of the man. 
“No, you’re welcome to it.” You boldly insist, eyes lingering on him briefly before disappearing back to the pages in front of you. 
He pulled the seat out from the table, angling the chair towards you, and there he sat. Searching for words, perhaps just enjoying your presence. You couldn’t quite decide.
After a few moments, you looked back up at him as you heard the rambunctious murmurs from his little group. “Go on, LT, go!”
You smiled, gesturing a hand over to the boys.
“You with them?” The man nodded, eyes never leaving your face, your figure, you.
“Yeah, but they mean well.” You could see a small smile under the mask form.
“This a dare?” You poke, but his smile dropped an instead sincerity followed.
“No, just haven’t seen you in a few years, thought I’d say hello.” His voice fell quiet at the end of his sentence, his gaze finally leaving you to twiddle with his hands.
Then it hit you-
From all those years ago. Italy.
A simple vacation where you were both young and needed some time to find yourself. Met on a night out, he charmed you within a minute and you were wrapped around his finger, his body. From then on, you two were inseparable, days out in the sun and nights under the sheets. A summer never passed by so fast. 
“Simon?” The name not having left your mouth since he had to depart, head home, pack and begin his life in the military. That was his decision, his calling, to go. Yet, here he is before you once more. 
“Hi, lovie. It’s nice to see you again.” His eyes met yours once more. You quickly close your book and put out your cigarette, pushing up from your chair and into his arms. He’s taken aback, but doesn’t hesitate to hold you tightly. Simon’s face lands in the crook of your neck and you can hear him slowly inhale and exhale in relief.
This is what home feels like, he thinks.
“My God, I didn’t even recognize you with that on! Simon, I’ve missed you!” You pull back, your hands cradling his face and searching his eyes. “How are you? Where have you been? What’re you doing here?” He only chuckled as he could see your mind race. 
“Hoping to run into you, of course.” His hands slide up and down your back, soothingly. It was like no time had passed at all. His first love, his only love, his last love. He decided here and now, he wants this till he dies.
“You never left.” Simon notes.
“And you came back.” You smile, pressing your forehead to his and your eyes fluttered shut. You haven’t felt this comfort in years, oh how you ached for this, for him.
His grip on you loosened and you feel his hand come towards his face. He pushes up the mask, just enough for his mouth to show. You look down at the sight, those lips, the ones you know and love, rightfully yours. Although the years have not been kind to them, not with the visible scars on and surrounding them. Your mind rushes to ask a thousand questions, yet you hold back. Another time.
I wouldn’t have let that happen under my watch, you think.
“Y/N…” He whispers and you feel your knees start to give out. Look how you’re still so needy for him after all this time. 
Your thumbs push the mask up to his nose and he presses his lips to yours. Running your hands down his shoulders, across his jaw, touching him just how you’ve wanted to for years. 
His hands find perch at your waist, pulling you in close to him and deepening the kiss. 
You only break as his boys behind him start whistling, hollering, shouting his name in both astonishment and utter confusion. 
"How the hell did he get her that fast...?"
You look back at them as you laugh, Simon only pulls you in closer. 
“This ones’ mine, lads. Piss off.” Your attention turns back to your lover, eyeing the lipstick that resonates lightly on his lips. 
“All yours.” You whisper into his ear, bringing him close to you once more. Simon holds your face sweetly in his hands, so delicately, his thumbs brushing against your cheeks.
“After all this time?”
306 notes · View notes
wososcripts · 9 months
I've Been Getting Lost in Translation (Part Two)
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(these kits are god awful but you didn't hear that from me)
stina blackstenius x reader; part one can be found here
Summary: You finally get to meet your girlfriend’s parents, but you aren’t sure they’re aware the two of you are more than just friends.
A/N: Here's part two finally! I hope it's worth the wait for you all lol, make sure you read the first part as well as that author's note for clarity! As usual, nothing I write is intended to speculate or infringe upon player's personal lives, it's all 100% fiction and done in good fun.
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings⚠️: very very slight mentions of anxiety and self-harm behaviors, but it really isn't featured here more than a passing mention
You could feel Stina's eyes on you as you came down the stairs and joined the group in getting ready to go, you felt them on you in the car, and once you got to the skating rink. She never seemed to not be looking at you, sending worried little glances your way that you just couldn't interact with right now if you wanted to keep it together. 
"Here are Linnéa's extra skates." Stina's mom held out a pair of ice skates for you to grab. "I'm not sure they'll fit, but Stina said you were around the same size as her sister… otherwise you can rent a pair here." 
She gave you a warm smile and left you to try them on, already lacing up her own and taking off on the ice. 
It was a beautiful day, sunny and cold with a thick layer of snow on the ground from a couple of days ago. And the rink was amazing. It was well maintained, but still had the feeling of a pond you'd have skated on as a child. 
Stina's sister came to sit down next to you, explaining some of the quirks with the skates. You had to pull the laces hard to get them to fit in the clasps at the top before you could tie them, she showed you, yanking on your ankle a little roughly for your liking.
"Linnéa, be careful with her foot!" You heard Stina call from the ice. 
Linnéa waved her off, turning to you.
"Does it hurt?" 
You shook your head.
"That ankle is just a bit sensitive. I broke it in June." 
"Well the laces being tight will make sure that doesn't happen again," she laughed, then glanced to make sure Stina wasn't looking at you two and said something lowly to you. "How is she doing in London? I mean she says everything is going well, but it's hard to know when we're not there to see her."
You smiled, genuinely for the first time in hours.
"She's doing great. Everyone loves her, she's been playing fantastic this season, she gets along well with the coach and the players. I really don't think there's anything for you to worry about." 
"It's good that she has you and Amanda there. She seems reserved but without a few good people around her I know she gets lonely."
"What are you two slow pokes waiting for?" Stina's father skated by, gesturing for you to come on. 
Linnéa followed him, starting a conversation with him in Swedish you could hardly grasp onto. How this family managed to speak so quickly, you were lost on.
You joined the rest of them on the ice, trying to ignore your poor mood from earlier. Moping around was no way to make a first impression. So you tried to suck it up and let the joy of the moment overtake you. You hadn't skated in years, having played in Italy for a bit before moving to London. There never seemed to be enough time, or good rinks close by. And when you were back in Germany you mostly wanted to see your family and Laura. 
You ended up skating with Stina’s nephew, a boy around seven. He was already impressively steady on his skates, something you would not have been able to say at his age. But still, he held your hand and talked your ear off in Swedish you only partially understood. 
"Did you come with aunt Stina?" He asked, to which you nodded. 
"We play for the same football team in England." You explained in your slow Swedish.
"Did you come here on a plane?" You nodded again, smiling. 
"We flew here yesterday, from London."
The boy considered you for a moment.
"You speak funny," he proclaimed, letting go of your hand, "watch what I can do!" 
And with that he skated in front of you, circling around you playfully as you stood still. You grinned at him, giving a round of applause when he was done.  
“Hey,” you heard Stina come up behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder as to not startle you. 
You gave her a smile which she softly returned. 
“What are you two up to?” 
“He’s showing me his incredible skating skills,” You replied.
Stina’s nephew nodded and twirled around again, clearly looking for more praise. 
Stina cheered him on, catching one of his hands and spinning him once more. 
“Very impressive,” she praised, “Unfortunately we’ve got to go eat some lunch. It’s getting dark out.” 
You looked up at the sky, having not realized that she was right, the sun was setting already. You checked your phone and saw it was barely one pm. 
Stina’s nephew nodded and shot forward ahead of you two, rushing back to where his parents were. 
“How are you doing?” Stina asked. 
You could tell she was still unsettled by what had happened earlier in the bathroom by how careful she was with you, how she treated each interaction tentatively. You felt badly for making her worry, for turning this visit with her family into yet another stressful situation rather than the relaxing break you both needed.
“I’m doing all right.” You gave the hand on your shoulder a squeeze and started to skate in the direction of the exit, a little further away from her than you would normally. 
You felt the distance seemingly in every stride you took, agonizing over your choice to move further from her. You were upset by the lack of any physical affection, and yet here you were removing even the chance that she might initiate it. It was self sabotage, you knew. Yet it was still difficult not to indulge in it. Whether she felt the distance as much as you did, you couldn’t know. 
“Why does Aunt Stina’s friend speak so funny?” You heard Stina’s nephew ask his mother, to which you couldn’t help but chuckle as she scolded him lightly. 
“She’s still learning Swedish, baby, she’s from Germany.”
“You’re from Germany?” The boy asked you once you were in front of him, skates in hand. He said it as if it were some far away land, not in the same continent. 
You nodded and ruffled his hair a bit, giving him a smile. You sat down on the bench, unlacing your skates and indulging the boy as he asked you several questions about Germany and what it was like there. You noticed Stina had a firm watch on you as you started to take your left skate off—the one that Linnéa had tugged on. It was aching a bit, that was true. But you simply massaged it for a moment and stood up like you couldn't feel a thing.
“Thanks again for lending me the skates,” You said to Stina’s mother, giving them back carefully. 
The eight of you decided to eat at a small restaurant not far from the rink. Sunset was already in full force, vibrant orange and pink staining the sky around you.
Stina had borrowed her sister's car that morning, preferring not to be squished in the back seat all day. The drive over gave you a bit of privacy, which you spent in relative quiet, Stina's playlist playing softly through the car speakers. Her hand was on your thigh innocently, and every once in a while she glanced over. Maybe she expected you to say something. But you knew if you started now, you wouldn't be able to stop.
You were thankful for your sturdy sneakers as you stepped out of the car, a twinge in your ankle rippling up your leg. It was more sore than you would've expected, but nothing you were overly worried about. The doctor had warned you that some days might give you more trouble than others, and that was normal. You would just have to take care to ice it this evening before you went to bed. 
And by the looks of it, Stina would be making sure you did anyway. 
She was robbed of her chance to ask if it was bothering you by her nephew, who seemed to have taken a real liking to you. He came barreling at you, arms open for you to lift him up. You weren't all that tall, and he certainly had inherited his family's height, so lifting him was a bit complicated. Eventually the two of you decided on a piggy back after some awkward maneuvering. 
"He likes you," Stina's brother commented, tickling his son lightly. "He's normally quite reserved around new adults."
You smiled at him, feeling your heart soar. This, this was what you wanted from the trip. You wanted Stina's family to love you, for her not to have to worry about you fitting in or being accepted. 
"She's going to sit next to me!" The boy announced once the waiter had shown you to your booth.
"Do I need to be worried?" Stina joked, to which her nephew stuck out his tongue. 
She returned the favor playfully.
"No need to fight, there's plenty of me to go around."
The booth wasn't all that big, which was how you explained Stina's closeness. Most of your right side was pressed right up against hers, something you initially tried to rectify, only to receive a strange look from her. You cursed yourself for how unsure you were being. You'd spent months like this before the two of you had started dating and it nearly drove you (and your teammates) crazy. 
You let Stina order for you since she had been here before and she knew what you liked. The tiredness was beginning to hit you. It was dark outside now, and between skating for a few hours, entertaining a seven year old, and worrying over your relationship, you'd had quite the day. Thankfully you had ibuprofen in your bag in case of one of your headaches. 
Whatever Stina had ordered you looked delicious when it came out. You dug in, realizing then how hungry you were. Usually you had a snack in between breakfast and lunch particularly on training days.  
You were surprised to feel a hand on your knee a little while later. You were listening to a story her nephew was intently explaining to you as he colored in one of the books his mother brought for him, and suddenly it was there. It was something so completely normal you couldn't believe how much it shocked you. If anything, that was proof of how much you had gotten in your own head. Back home it would be impossible to imagine sitting next to Stina without her hand resting lightly on you somewhere. It helped ground her, she said. 
But now, your thoughts were racing with every move she made. Stina's fingers drummed absentmindedly on your thigh, the rhythm of them distracting you slightly from her nephew. She didn't usually tap unless she was feeling fidgety, which meant she was anxious. Was Stina feeling something similar to what you were? Was it out of anxiety that she was keeping things secret? The idea of your relationship inspiring such emotions in your girlfriend made the lump in your throat that much bigger. Maybe she was picking up on your mood. Stina had always been very perceptive (because she spent so much time quietly watching, you often teased) and seemed to pick up on your moods without issue. But you’d been trying to hide this. 
You caught her eye and sent her a quick smile. A piece of hair had fallen into her eyes and you wanted desperately to push it behind her ear as you normally would. But the gesture seemed too intimate now. It was as if you were in a glass cage, every move observed with the chance of exposing your feelings. But what was the problem in that, you asked yourself. You loved Stina, openly. Why were you letting this affect you so much? 
Stina's sister declared that she wanted to do a bit of shopping after lunch, which the rest of the group was perfectly amicable to. It wasn’t all that late, and you’d get a chance to see the Christmas market all lit up. Stina's nephew certainly hadn't taken much convincing once Linnéa mentioned stopping at the toy store to look at something.
"Am I your favorite now?" Linnéa asked him, looking at you with a sly grin on her face.
"Yes!" The boy cried, smiling wide.
"You can't buy true connection, Linnéa," you teased, still helping to color.
"Can't buy connection." The boy repeated wisely. "I still like Stina's friend too."
You smiled and ruffled the boy's hair, suggesting quietly in his ear that you move to another page and make a drawing for Stina. 
Linnéa joined you and Stina in the car on the way back to their parent’s house, adding to the tension that had been building since the eight of you had gone shopping. Stina had stuck close to your side, and you’d done your best to act normally while keeping some distance. You needed to sort your head out, and being close to her wasn’t helping. Thankfully her nephew provided a good excuse to be tugged in all sorts of directions—he had decided you were his favorite once more, leaving Linnéa to hang behind with her siblings. 
Once you had reached the Christmas market, after a short detour in the toy store where you had agreed to get matching dragon plushies for you and the young boy, each of you wandered off on your own. You, Stina’s brother, and her nephew headed first for the big tree that had been decorated in the square while the rest went to get something hot to drink. You had managed to sneak off under the guise of having to find the toilet, Stina’s brother covering for you if you needed. You wanted to get a small gift for Stina, something in addition to what you’d already purchased. Most of it was back in London since bringing it all on the plane was a hassle. 
You’d found a perfect gift at a small stall tucked away near the edge of the market where an older woman was selling vintage jewelry. You picked through it slowly at first, not sure you would find anything. Most of it was too gaudy for Stina, and too impractical. But then you found a simple pendant with two stones in the middle—an amethyst and an opal, each of your birth stones, set in a complex circular pattern that reminded you a bit of some of the celtic designs Katie had shown you. You had purchased it immediately, no matter that it was overpriced. 
Now you were sat listening to Linnéa’s music quietly as the three of you drove, trying not to nod off. You were unsuccessful, because the next thing you remembered was being jolted awake by Linnéa’s door falling shut. You heard Stina chuckle next to you and put a hand on your shoulder, likely amused by how suddenly you had shot up. You chuckled along with her and patted her hand, putting your coat back on to brave the cold once more. 
“Is your ankle bothering you?” Stina asked you quietly as you all began to walk back to the house for dinner preparations. 
You thought that you had been hiding the slight limp in your walk well, certainly nobody else had noticed, but nothing escaped your girlfriend apparently. 
“Only a bit. I’ll ice it later and it’ll be fine tomorrow.”
“You should’ve said something if it was hurting, I told Linnea to be careful—” she was beginning to ramble, but you cut her off. 
“Stina, it’s fine. I said I’m fine. I know what I can and cannot handle.” 
It was a lie, and the both of you knew it. You were a stubborn bastard. Stina had been with you through your recovery, through every incident where you pushed yourself too hard only to have to face the consequences. She’d found you on the kitchen floor, comforted you after a physio session, seen you train with the team for the first time again. It was insulting to allege she didn’t know when too much was too much.
“Sorry,” You mumbled, already feeling bad for snapping at her. It wasn’t fair, she didn’t even know what was wrong and you were what? Punishing her? 
“I just don’t want to see you hurt again. Do you know how horrible that was? To see you in that much pain?” Stina’s eyes were glossy with just the memory. 
You weren’t sure what to say to that. You and Stina didn’t talk much about your injury and recovery. It was still too fresh, barely more than a couple months old. The crack of your ankle, the blood, her tears, her gentle shaking hands, it was all still at the front of your mind. 
You were saved from having to formulate a response by Stina’s mother calling her to the kitchen. She left you, only looking back once to give you a slight smile, showing that the two of you were okay. But you knew the time to confront what was going on needed to come quickly. 
You sat with Stina’s brother on the sofa and watched some Swedish Christmas program mindlessly. Mostly you were thinking about how to go about talking to Stina later. “Directness is key”, Laura's voice reminded you. You just had to say it, without blaming anyone. Just focus on yourself, your feelings.
It wasn't clear how long you sat there quietly before dozing off again, but Stina’s nephew was the one to wake you for dinner, doing so by climbing into your lap. 
"It's dinner time." He said, poking at your shoulder. 
You forced your eyes open, giving him a drowsy smile. 
“Okay, Prinzi” you replied, picking him up off your lap so you could stand. He managed to hang on to your side though, and you ended up lifting him onto your hip anyway. 
Fuck, you cursed silently as you noticed your ankle was even more tender than when you had fallen asleep. You’d have to check for bruising later and keep off it for the rest of the night. But still, you carried Stina’s nephew to the table with ease, setting him in his seat next to his mother who shot you a sheepish smile. 
“Tired, aren’t you?” You heard a voice behind you, and then a gentle hand at your back. 
It was Stina, who smelled of something sweet in the kitchen. You wanted to lean back into her and not move for the rest of the night. Instead you just nodded. 
“Sorry, I don’t know what’s gotten into me.”
“You’ve been playing babysitter all day, that might be part of it.” She smiled. 
You nodded in agreement, a smile on your face as well.
"You're so good with him," she whispered into your ear, "it's adorable."
You had caught her taking pictures of you with her nephew a couple times throughout the day, and now, as you briefly as her phone light up with notification, it seemed she had set one of them as her lockscreen.
"I try my best. He's a good kid."
"Well, he's in good hands."
Dinner was delicious, but relatively uneventful. After an entire day together everyone was happy to sit quietly and enjoy the food. Stina’s nephew joked with you a couple times, still wanting all of your attention, but even he seemed to be winding down for the night.
After the table was cleared and the dishes had been washed (a task delegated to Stina’s brother this time), the group splintered off. Linnéa was going out to meet with a few friends, Stina’s brother and his family had to go home before it got too late, and Stina’s parents had settled in the living room. The two of you were welcome to join, they offered, for a nightcap. But it was clear that maybe you and Stina needed some alone time. 
So you bid everyone good night, thanking them for a wonderful day, and giving Stina’s nephew a big hug goodbye (even though you would be seeing him the next day). You tried to prepare for what you knew was a difficult discussion coming your way. In and out, you tried to remind yourself.
“Go ahead, I’ll be in in a minute,” Stina told you when you reached the bedroom door.
You nodded, thankful for the extra minute to think. The room was quiet around you. You felt the quilt beneath your hands, taking another deep breath. You didn’t need to overthink this. It was simple. And Stina loved you, you reminded yourself. 
There was a knock at the door, after which Stina slowly opened it and slipped inside. She had a bag of ice in her hands, presumably for your ankle. Already you felt tears spring to your eyes.
“Here, for your foot.” 
She lifted your leg, grabbing a chair for you to prop it up on, and pressed the ice to it.  
“So,” Stina paused, still standing before you, “What’s wrong?” You opened your mouth, but were cut off before you could say anything. “And don’t say it’s nothing, I can tell it isn’t. And I want to know, I want you to tell me, whatever it is.” 
You chuckled internally at the similarity to Laura’s demand earlier. Stina knew you too well for you to hide from her either. That made your heart ache a little bit. 
Your lack of response seemed to signal to Stina that you needed more convincing because she knelt down in front of you, taking your hands in hers. 
“What were you doing in the bathroom earlier? Why did you look so upset? All day, I can see you trying to hide it, but I know you’re hiding something. It hurts me too, to see you like that. It’s like a thorn in my ribs.” 
Your lip trembled, and you bit down hard on your cheek until you could feel blood in your mouth. It rushed onto your tongue, the metallic taste distracting you from the urge to cry. Stina had caught your gaze, and you couldn’t bring yourself to look away.
“Do your parents know we’re together?” Your voice held steady as you asked. 
Whatever she had been expecting, it certainly wasn’t that. Stina let out an airy chuckle, looking relieved. You brought your gaze to the floor, eyes wetting rapidly, which Stina quickly noticed.
“Hey, hey, hey,” She brought a hand up to your face, brushing the hair away from it. She sat next to you, moving up from where she was kneeling, and pulled you into her. “Look at me.” She put a finger under your chin, drawing your gaze to hers. The sight of your eyes nearly broke her heart. She hadn’t seen your face crumple in on itself like this since you were injured. The idea that something she had done could have caused you pain like that made her feel indescribably awful. 
“Of course they know, of course they do.”
You let out a sigh of relief, putting your head in your hands. You felt a hand on the back of your neck, rubbing the skin there tenderly.
“Then why have you been so…distant all day? And yesterday? This morning at breakfast, I couldn’t even hold your hand. It seemed like you didn’t want your family to see us together. I thought maybe you… I don’t know, that you were unsure of us, or afraid, or—” 
“That’s not it, I promise,” she said, wiping a tear away that had fallen from your eye. Fuck, you hated crying this much. “It’s just odd for me to be affectionate in front of my parents. They never were very touchy with each other in front of us, so it just feels like some unspoken rule. And then when my brother married his wife, they were the same way. But I promise, tomorrow I’ll try—”
You shook your head. You could tell Stina was upset too now, and you didn't want that. That wasn't the point of this. Tears continued to stream from your eyes, and you continued to swipe harshly at them.
“No, no. It’s all right. I don’t need you to be affectionate in front of them, I understand. It just seemed strange when I didn’t know the reason. I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.”
Stina seemed at a loss for a moment, truly shocked. She pulled you into a kiss, pressing her lips firmly against yours once, twice, three times before pulling back.
“You’re in this house too. And we’re a team: you don’t just have to do things the way we do. I’m supposed to meet you in the middle, okay? We’re in a relationship—if something hurts you, or is important to you, I want to know.” 
You nodded, squeezing her hand as a small thanks. The taste of blood trickled through your mouth, reminding you of the wound. You did your best to swallow it down. 
“Come on, let’s get you into something more comfortable,” Stina said, helping you up. 
She opened the dresser, looking for some of the pants you had brought. When she turned around, in her hands were a pair of grey sweats and one of her long sleeve Swedish national team shirts. 
“Sit,” she requested, pointing at the bed. 
You followed, sitting and allowing her to help you undress. It was totally non-sexual, Stina was wholly concerned in caring for you. Once you were dressed in the casual clothes she had picked out, Stina returned to your side, your ankle in her lap as she massaged the skin gently. 
“Was that what made you think I hadn’t told them?”
“It seems silly… but I also overheard them talking to your aunt in the kitchen last night.” You took a breath, trying to banish the tears for good. “I know my Swedish isn’t that good, but I was doing my best to keep up, and they kept referring to me as your friend, your friend, Stina’s friend.” 
Stina looked at you, confused. 
“They did? What did they say?” 
You did your best to repeat the word, cringing at your own pronunciation. 
“Väninna?” She repeated, and you nodded. “Who told you that means friend?”
“Amanda.” you replied, “She said it was like a female friend.” 
Stina shook her head, laughing. 
“What?” You asked, a bit indignant. 
“It does mean that. But it also means girlfriend. I don’t think Amanda thought you’d ever run into the word. It’s a bit old fashioned.” Stina explained. 
“Oh…” you said, feeling very stupid, and very relieved. 
“Come here,” Stina said, leaning back against the headrest and gesturing for you to settle against her. She grabbed the bag of ice on your foot and shifted it to lie comfortably again. “I’m sorry you had to go through the day thinking I’d invited you here under friendly pretenses.” 
You could tell she was making fun of you, just a little, but that there was sincerity in her voice too. One of her hands crept under your shirt, resting comfortingly on your stomach. 
“I hope you don’t treat all your friends like you did yesterday morning.” You replied, snuggling closer to her. For the first time in days your head wasn’t full of doubts, and you could relax wholly. You just wanted to enjoy her warmth around you. You had faith that tomorrow would be great, that you could finally enjoy your time here the way you were meant to.
She chuckled, hugging you closer to her and pressing a kiss to your upward-turned lips. 
“No, definitely not. I usually have better decision making skills around most people.” 
“I guess I’m just special then, huh?”
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imaginaryf1shots · 1 year
My Girls (VI) | Max Verstappen
Words count: 3.7K
Driver!oc X Max Verstappen
Platonic!Driver!oc X the grid
Summery: Cecilia Hansson daughter of a Swedish billionaire, a race car driver, with a dream of making it big in Formula 1. However she has a few secrets that may hurt her as women are disliked in the sport.
Series Warnings: google translated french, dutch, cursing, child abandment, absent father, drinking, car accidents, Jos Verstappen, misogyny, Christian horner (tell me if i missed anything)
This is a secondary blog so I won't be able to respond but I'm adding you all to the taglist.
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Max Masterlist
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Cecilia, Lando and George were on a private plane from Italy to Germany, Cecilia said goodbye to her daughter at the airport, the girl was with Cecilia the last month travelling and spending time together, her dad was in Italy for work so on his way back to Monaco he took his granddaughter with him on his plane.
The three drivers were on the plane with a few Mclaren personnel, they had fun the three of them on the plane, Cecilia happily showed Geeorge some of the photos she took of Nattie in Italy. 
The moment the plane landed, and the airplane mode turned off, quite a few phones started buzzing with incoming texts, by a few, I mean every phone minus George.
“Whoa, is Mclaren having an emergency?” George commented, the plane hadn't even stopped when they all started turning the airplane mode off. 
“Fuck.” Lando mumbled, his eyes snapping up from his phone to Cecilia, Cecilia’s PR manager quickly picked up her phone and made some calls.
“What? What happened?” George looked at Cecilia’s phone, the female looked stunt, the only one that hasn’t moved since she opened her phone. “Oh Cece, I’m sorry.” George knew how much Cecilia tried to keep her daughter out of the public’s eyes. So many questions will rise and so many speculations will start, everything the female didn’t want, not mid season, not like this. She knew that one day she’ll announce her daughter to the world, but she wanted it to be on her terms. 
“Cecilia.” Lando said softly, he moved from his seat across from her, he placed his hand on her knee once he kneeled down. She looked up at him and he tried to not look surprised. She didn’t look sad like he expected, no, she looked mad, mother lion just came out to play. You don’t poke a bear if you’re not ready to face it. 
“I’m fine, it was bound to happen.” She says pushing her hair out of her face.
“Still doesn’t make it right.” George stated.
“No it doesn’t, but nothing is right and nothing in life is fair.” She shrugged and pursed her lips, she closed her phone and sighed, she looked at her manager. “Can we deal with this at the hotel?”
“Yeah, it’ll be better then.” 
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Once at the hotel, a couple PR managers and a few of Mclaren’s team were in Cecilia’s room, her suite had a living room and a bedroom, on call was the legal team, they were all talking about what to do, if they can sue, and all that. Cecilia was silent the whole time, her phone kept buzzing but she ignored it, so many people she hadn’t talked to in years were calling and texting, she shot a text to her family, Max and friends telling them she’s okay and to sit tight,
Cecilia was over this by the time they were an hour in and nothing was agreed on, she turned to her team principal who sat next to her.
“Can we just not sue anyone and just either not say anything or let me post a picture on instagram, and let us be done with it, it’s not like I did something wrong.” Cecilia asked in a low voice so the conversation could flow between the two of them alone.
“You wanted to keep her hidden.” Seidl said frowning, he was of the understanding that Cecilia wanted to keep her daughter out of the knowledge of people and out of the public eye, she’s always getting hate because of her gender, things have been better after she kept proving everyone that she’s a great driver, but the team suspected that it’ll take another year before most public scrutiny would at the minimum. 
“I did, but there’s nothing we can do now, if we start suing people, then it’ll look like I was hiding her because I’m ashamed, and I don’t want that, I don’t want her at 16 looking me up and seeing this, I’m not ashamed that I have a daughter.” Cecilia explained, he nodded in understanding, and thought about it for a moment.
“Alright, everyone!” Everyone shut up to look at Seidl and hear what he had to say. “Suing isn’t the answer here, let’s leave Cecilia to think this over and let her decide if we respond to this or not.”
“No buts, we’ve all had long flights, let's talk about this tomorrow, nothing will change from now to tomorrow.” Standing up, it was a sign for everyone to start packing and leaving, before he left he turned to his driver. “Think it over and tell us tomorrow… you didn’t ask me what I thought about it.”
“What do you think I should do?” 
“I think fuck them all, you’re not the only one on the grid with kids, so why should it matter that you’re a woman, it’s time the public learns to not take you for a weak person.” With a pat to her shoulder he left behind the team. Cecilia felt better knowing her boss felt that way, she didn’t want to find herself teamless at the end of the year.
Cecilia freshened up and changed into sweats with a plain shirt, she hears someone at the door as she’s pulling her hair up in a bun, opening the door, she sees Max. Quickly pulling him in, she sticks her head out looking left and right before she slammed the door shut.
“What are you doing here?” She asks her boyfriend, they always made sure that when they weren’t in the same hotel to always have a lockout and help sneaking in undetected, their friends always helped the couple out. 
“Don’t worry Lando helped me.” She should’ve guessed, Lando is literally in the next suite. Cecilia wrapped her arms in silence around Max, right around his middle, her way of showing him she wanted to be hugged tightly by him. Something that she did and he picked on, when she’d happy and in a good mood, her arms around his neck or in his hair, when she’s sad and just needs some love around his middle. His brain translates the latter to the need to protect. Max’s arms caged her in, across and down her back with one arm, the other across and up reaching the back of her head. Max kissed the side of her head a few times, and he didn’t try to pull away, he’d let her pull away first. Cecilia buried her head in his neck, she wanted to disappear and hide away from the world. The only reason Max knew she was crying is because he felt her tears touching his skin. “Oh schatje, please don’t cry.”
She pulled back just enough for Max to see her face and for her to be able to see him, this is the first time he’d seen her cry and he didn’t like it, it got his blood boiling. His strong girlfriend, she’s been facing so many hardships since she came into the sports. He moved the hand that was in hair to cup her face, and wipe the tears away. Cecilia tried to smile, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Max asked and Cecilia nodded, she pulled away from him lacing her fingers with his and led him to her bedroom(for the week). Cecilia sat with her back to the headboard, knees to her chest with her chin on her knee. “Do you know what you’re going to do?”
“No, not 100%.” Cecilia sniffed and turned her head so she could look Max in the eye. “Sdeil left it all to me, I get to decide what I and Mclaren do about this.”
“Then what options are you considering?” Max knew that the only thing he could do in this case is to support her and help Cecilia organise her thoughts, they aren’t out to the public and it would be the worst thing at the moment, it’ll bring her more hate and pressure. 
“We agreed on not suing, but other than that, Mclaren can release a statement saying it’s my private life and ask the public to give me privacy.” This is the least likely scenario she’d go with.
“That’ll do nothing.” Cecilia agreed with Max.
“They can confirm it, but that’ll feel weird, or deny it, even weirder, but I feel like it should come from me.” Cecilia said and her hand moved on the cover she sat on playing with it absentmindedly.
“Why is that?” He wasn't questioning her statement, he wanted to walk through her train of thought with her.
“Because anything else would feel like I’m ashamed of her, which I’m not, so why hide it when it’s already out and in the open.” Cecilia shrugged, she suddenly felt like maybe this isn’t the right decision.
“I get that, you should just post a picture on Instagram and say fuck you to all of them.” Max said and took her hand in his.
“Sdeil said to fuck them all, and just do whatever I want from now on.” Cecilia shared with Max who laughed and agreed with her team principal. “Are you staying the night?”
“Do you want me to?”
“Of course.” It’s been hard saying no to her, and as the time went on it became harder and harder. When Max was changed, shirtless and in a pair of shorts that she had in her bag, he left it once at her hotel and since then it’s been with her for times like this. Whenever she went to his hotel room she’s always in his clothes, Max liked that better.
“You know, I missed you.” 
“We saw each other two days ago.”
“I still missed you, and we saw each other almost everyday in lockdown.”
“I missed you too, schatje.” Cecilia leaned up and kissed his jaw, her hands fell on his shoulder feeling his muscles move as he pulled her closer. They were standing flush against each other, getting their fill of the other, this week will be a hard week and the possibilities of them seeing each other out of the eyes of the public seemed to be less and less. 
Before Cecilia fell asleep she sent a text to Sdeil, he replied with a thumbs up. 
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Next day was media day, Max left so early in the morning the sun was barely up. He slipped out of bed as silently as he could and got dressed, Cecilia only felt him when he leaned over to kiss her forehead in goodbye. 
“You’re leaving?” She mumbled, unable to open her eyes fully.
“Yeah, sleep, you still have an hour before you have to wake up.” Cecilia said something he couldn’t understand before she fell back asleep.
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Cecilia got in her Mclaren for the week, as she sat there about to get to the circuit she got her phone out, opened Instagram and set everything up before she closed it so she’d post it the moment she hit the circuit. 
The moment she parked, her PR manager and some staff members were by her car’s side, quickly pressing post, she opened the car door and stepped out. She was dressed to kill, gone the team kit.
Her PR manager grinned once she saw her, a new era for the female just began.
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Fans screamed once they saw her, cameras were flashing, she stopped and signed hats, cards and everything her fans wanted. But she didn’t answer any questions that were thrown her way, she’ll be asked enough when she gets inside. 
“Hot mama.” Someone said walking beside her, she turned and saw George grinning at her, she laughed and shook her head at his antics, the taller man threw an arm around her shoulders. “I didn’t know that it only took pissing you off for you to come ready to kill.”
“Fuck off George.” She jokingly pushed him away, the Williams’ hospitality was next to Mclaren’s for the week.
“Love the new attitude.” He joked and she shook her head.
“Ceciliaaaaa Haaaansson!” Their Aussie friend called as they passed him, she turned to look at him and laughed, he was giving her thumbs up with a big grin.
“Danieeeel Rrrrricciarddooooo!” She called back and he laughed and turned to what he was doing. 
When they reached their hospitalities she saw Seb and Lewis talking in front of Mercedes, Seb caught her eye and gestured for her to come over. Her and George joined the older drivers.
“How are you, Cecilia?” Seb asked concerned, always caring for the woman. 
“Could be better, but I’m armed and ready.” She said with a shrug, but she was smiling. After her crying session yesterday and talking to Max the rage she felt when saw the article came out once again, the fierceness she had on track is coming off track. 
“Looks like I’ll have to step up my fashion game.” Lewis jokes and gives her a wink.
“Don’t worry, no one can come near you, my style is too simple to match yours.” 
“Did you guys see her Instagram post?” George asked the men, he was eager to share the gossip.
“No.” “I don’t have instagram.” 
George took out his phone and once he got the post up he turned it to face them. 
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Liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 and  9,397,800 others
ceciliahansson15 On the 15th of June 2016 I was blessed with the greatest gift, my beautiful girl whom I love and hold closer to me than anyone else. I wished to shield her from the cruel world of the public eye, alas now I can share her with the world. So world, say hello to Cecilia Ella Hansson.
More comments
charles_leclerc I’m the favourite uncle!
landonorris Lies
pierregasley I agree with Lando, I’m the favourite
username so beautiful 
username she has her last name
username when you realise the meaning behind her number 🥹
username can you adopt me 🙏🧎‍♀️
“Everyone is going wild online.” George informed them. 
“What can I say, I bring the drama.” Cecilia chuckled and looked at her PR manager. “I have to go, see you guys later.”
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Cecilia was in her team shirt, that she tucked into her white pants she had on earlier. Her hair and makeup were like every other week.
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Cecilia was called for a briefing, she had a couple solo interviews today, along with the group conference and they were shooting something for Mclaren’s social media and just her luck she’ll be shooting with one of the RedBulls drivers as well.
She was told that the solo interviews questions were already checked and approved with the team, so she had nothing to worry about there. The solo interviews went by in a breeze, she was asked the same questions almost every week. She saw Lando and Pierre in the middle, the trio went and got something to drink, while they were on a break. They too teased her like Geroge did that morning. 
Some of the fan’s favourite moments at the conference.
I(interviewer): The question is for Cecilia, are the rumours about your daughter’s father true?
C: this isn’t a gossiping conference, do you have any questions to do with racing?... no? Okay then, next question please.
I: Daniel we know that some of the drivers knew about Cecilia’s daughter did you know too
The drivers rolled their eyes, Seb even chuckled in disbelief.
C: Can i answer this one
D: Go ahead
C: yeah, I don’t see where this concerns you
I: Cecilia if you could tell us about your daughter-
C: Come on now guys, I’m not the only person on the grid with kids, I don’t see you all asking them about their children, I’m not answering anything about her, so don’t ask me or the other drivers, they respect my privacy as should you.
I: I’m merely trying to understand
C: That’s fucking bullshit, what the fuck? The double standards you all seemed to have needs to stop, You need to understand jackshit, I gave you all more than you deserve this morning, that’s all, so don’t fucking ask anything more.
Cecilia was photographed having fun with her friends that day, no care in the world. Even though she saw a lot of her friends that day, she hadn’t come across her boyfriend, they were always at the opposite sides all day long. 
For her last obligation for the day, she was standing to the side with her manager. The interviewer was here and they were waiting for one of the RedBull drivers, so it was either Alex or Max. 
The door opened and in walked Max in his RedBull outfit. The two acted like they hadn't seen each other today, sharing a quick hug in greeting, before they settled in front of the camera on a small sofa. 
The female interviewer started with introducing the two, and got on with her questions. This is the first time they’d be interviewed just the two of them, it’s something new.
“Let me start with asking you two about your racing days before you started in formula! I heard you’re friends now, but it wasn’t always like that, is that right?”
“You want to answer that one?” Cecili askes Max knowing that she tried to befriend him when they were younger but he wouldn’t have it. 
“Yeah.” He laughs, hating his younger self, it makes him think how different it would’ve been if they grew up as friends. “To be completely honest, we weren’t the closest, I think we first raced against each other when I was 10?” Cecilia confirms, she was 9 at the time. “And she won our first race, you know as kids she’d win so much more than I did, and had the better car and everything.”
“The thing is at that age, you don’t always realise you can be rivals and not be enemies.” Cecilia added, now as she’s older she saw things in a different light. “Now the grid is filled with friendships from different teams, and given that it is a sport with a small number of people, drivers will be the only ones to understand other drivers, so we become close.”
“That’s very nicely put, at last week’s Grand Prix, there were some people online saying that Cecilia you tried pushing Max off the track.”
“People are saying all sorts of things, I lost grip for a moment and the car started sliding, but I got it back in control before anything could happen.” Cecilia explained the incident, nothing had happened and they both ended on the podium in the end.
“We heard Max cursing on the radio when that happened.” The interviewer added, Cecilia turned to look at Max, she heard the radio messages after the race.
“Yeah well on track you say all sorts of things, at the moment you’re racing you’re full of adrenaline, it’s physical, and if you put microphones on all athletes you’d hear a lot of things.” Max explained calmly.
“So no hard feelings?”
“None at all, we all curse, we all shout, most of the time you don’t even know who you’re cursing at, you just see a car and you know which team, but on the track you don’t think about a single person.” Cecilia added, ending any talk of bad blood between the two that rose online. They were asked a few more questions before the second part of the interview began, and the interviewer will be giving them two options and they’ll have to choose.
“Okay, first one, Cats or dogs?” 
“Cats.” “either.” Max and Cecilia responded at the same time.
“Really, you like cats more.” The interviewer was surprised by Max’s answer.
“Surprising, but he’s thinking of getting a cat.” Cecilia said with a laugh.
“Maybe after the season.” Max shrugged, Max talked to you about it during lockdown and he’s been thinking about it seriously since then, and once Nathalie caught wind of that she’s been begging you for a cat as well. Cecilia’s mum has a no pets policy in the house, she doesn’t like them or want any type of pets.
“Okay, next one, milk or juice with your breakfast?” The drivers laughed and shared a look before in one breath saying.
“You said that so fast, is there a story behind that?”
“Not really, we’ve just talked about it once.” Max shrugged answering the question.
“Winning your home race or Monaco?”
“Monaco is my home race.” Cecilia says and the interviewer seemed to register that. The questions are standardised for all drivers, so Cecilia didn’t feel offended.
“I’d choose the home race.”
The questions went on for a few more minutes, before they were done for the day.
As they were leaving the room, Max placed his hand on Cecilia's back leading her out, the duo forgot they’re in public for a second as they walked close together, before a pair or arms wrapped around them both.
“We’re in public.” Daniel told the two just loud enough for them to hear him, but had a big smile on his face. The place is littered with cameras and phones. 
“I really hate the public right now.” Cecilia huffed, crossing her arms, she did not look happy.
“It comes with the job.” Max reminded her.
“Doesn’t make it alright.” Cecilia countered back.
 “True.” Daniel agreed with her, being so under the public eye 24/7 for doing what you love isn’t so pleasant to say the least. “Come on, we’re eating at RedBull today.”
Was this Daniel’s way of making the couple be able to eat together? Yes. did they acknowledge this? No. but they were thankful nonetheless. They will be spending the night together so there’s always that. 
While the couple were still a secret from the public, so many pictures of them eating with one or two other drivers popped up on the internet, they’d always be sitting next to each other, but the fans from that angle never put two and two together, besides Cecilia has been shipped with all the drivers, the major ship the fans have is with Charles probably, but the fans also loved her friendship with Lando, her and Max aren’t on the top of the list, which meant they were doing a good job of hiding their relationship.
@luciaexcorvus . @vellicora . @tpwkstiles . @belennasif  . @eugene-emt-roe . @fanboyluvr . @fangirl125reader , @christianpulisic10 . @belennasif . @itsjustkhaos . @crashingwavesofeuphoria . @mynameisangeloflife . @mirrorball-6 .
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bon2bonn · 9 months
Driver profile : Y/N L/N
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Name : Y/N M/N M/L/N
Nicknames : N/N , bella , demon spawn, amour , love , sprout.
Nicknames by fans : Valkyrie, the unofficial official grid mom , Merc queen, red bull princess, angel, f2 grid mom , stargirl .
Age : I estimated her to be around 27 (it's not fixed so you can change it to whatever you like)
Birthday : 23 . October . (Same thing , you can put yours or any other date🤷🏻‍♀️)
Birthplace : Sydney, Australia
Blood type : B+
Languages : fluent in English, french + (language of choice) , basic Dutch , Spanish , and a little bit of Arabic.
Resident : between Monaco, London, New York and Sydney.
Personality : spitfire on track , a power that install fear in the hearts of every team and any driver she's up against , believes in actions and hard work rather than words spewed around , so if you have the balls and nerves to poke her , you better have the results to back you up or you won't see the end of it from her or her fans or the rest of the grid .
Known as The grid keeper/ no#1 mom who keeps them in line but could be found in the midst of chaos leading them with their antics and pranks . off track , she's an introverted small bean that can scare the daylight out of you if you rubbed her the wrong way, shy and closed off is the first impression that everyone gets when meeting her but once you get to know her she's the sweetest and most genuine/spontaneous person you'll ever meet , her RBF hides a gentle kind soul , that makes her the best person to give comfort and assurance even if she denies it. Protective bear of her loved ones and won't stop at anything till she make sure they're okay. She either acts like an old lady that complains about her back and knees , or like a little kid on a sugar rush , it's a normal day to find her around the grid at the most confusing places : climbing motorhomes just because/hiding behind tyres while everyone lose their minds trying to find her /sleeping in an ice tup cause she got too comfortable.
Habits: play with her hands when nervous, pout unconsciously when she's too focused on something, pick at her fingers when uncomfortable/stressed (if close , Charles would give her one of his rings to play with , or others would let her play with their fingers to distract her) , jumps whenever she gets exited, tilt her head when confused, clenches her fists/jaw when she gets irritated ( the guys knows when to interfere to stop her from beating someone), sings/humms absentmindedly through her day , do a little dance when happy, talks to herself in a quiet voice.
Occupation :
Former Formula 1 driver
Years of work : (2015-2022)
Racing biography 🏎️ :
*‌Toro Rosso :
2015 alongside : Max Verstappen #33.
2016 alongside : Carlos Sainz #55.
*‌Renault(alpine) : 2017 alongside : Nico Hülkenberg #27.
*‌Alpha Romeo(sauber) : 2018 alongside : Charles leclerc #16.
‌*Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 team : 2019 - July 2022 alongside : Lewis Hamilton #44.
• CEO/founder of Ingrid and willows brand (2018-now) .
• CEO and representative of L/N international corps (2022-now) .
•reserved driver for (RBR) Red Bull Racing (2023) .
Hobbies/skills : reading, playing piano, camping, hiking, cooking in general (loves backing) , painting specially with her youngest brother, singing, fast learner , have a very strong memory , is a pro at reading people and could tell their emotions and can almost alway tell when someone's lying , skilled stealthy prankster when provoked (by lando and max)..... .etc .
Family members :
‌father : f/N l/N .
‌mother : m/N M/l/N .
‌older brother: Edward l/N .
‌younger brother: Thomas l/N
Father :
Name : F/N M/N l/N
Occupation: CEO/founder of L/N international corps.
Social status: single father of (Edward , Y/N , Thomas l/N ).
Resident: London , UK.
Name : M/N M/l/N
Occupation: not found.
Social status: not found.
Status: alive .
Resident : Rome, Italy.
Name : Edward/Eddie M/N l/N
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Age : 30
Occupation: CEO/founder of wildonwall (a worldwide known professional architectural company that deals in designing/building and supervising projects around the world).
Social Status: married to ( Alison Graham ) , father of two (one boy : Marcus/Marc , one girl : Ingrid/gigi ).
Resident: London , UK.
Name : Thomas/Tommy/ben M/N l/N
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Age : 22
Occupation: student of fine arts , Oxford university.
Social status: a single Pringle who don't know how to mingle.
Resident: Monte Carlo , Monaco - London , UK.
Facts and background infos :
‌she's the only daughter of the L/N family , but chose to race with her grandmother's maiden name instead . She wanted to establish herself away from her father's name .
‌very independent , and mature beyond her age .‌
she's the backbone of her family, both her brothers and father own it to her for helping them through their lives .
‌she had a complicated relationship with her mother to say the least, she was the one who suffered the most when she left .
‌her parents split up when she was only 5 . her mom walked away leaving them with her baby brother who was barely months old .
‌her mother tried to forcefully take Eddie (the eldest) along with her while their father was out with Tommy, but he refused to part from his sister , resulting in a very traumatic day for the two kids.
‌she watched her dad as he struggled with taking care of them three , feeling like a failure who couldn't tend to his own children.
‌so she took it up on herself to help him take care, comfort and nurture her baby brother.
‌he tried to get her to live her age but she won't stop worrying about her brother and he won't settle unless she's close .
‌just hearing her voice got him from screaming his lungs out to cooing and giggling.
‌their bond only grew stronger as they grew up .
‌he was at his best behaviour when she's around, forgetting about the tantrums and wailing matches he had with his traumatized babysitter who quit the moment their father came back home .
‌her childhood wasn't the most ideal but she got her family with her and that was more than enough for her.
‌her dad was more than relieved when she finally had interest in something other than studying or taking care of them .
‌he watched as her love for racing grow untill he offered to take her to her first grand Prix.
‌she didn't sleep for days after .
‌daniel was her first friend in the sport .
‌they met through one of her uncles friends back in Australia , both didn't like eachother at all .
she was the quiet observing kid and he was the bouncing ball of energy , but they bonded through their love for racing .
‌she moved to Europe (between UK and France) with her dad where she found more suitable competitions to partake in, but she tried to keep in touch with him through the years , but they both got busy and lost connection.
‌she kept to herself and worked hard to build her skills.
Maintaining a healthy balance between her studies and racing .
‌untill she met some of the kids older/close to her age , most didn't take her seriously and even encouraged her to drop racing . But she also met little max .
Both acknowledged the other but kept their distance on the beginning.
‌the boy was blunt and she was unfazed.
‌they respected the other hard work and we're motivated to beat eachother at every race.
‌they surprisingly became best friends with time .
‌both acting too mature for their own good but unknowingly, they both got eachother to act their age as they grew closer .
‌they gave eachother tips and pointers as they sat away from the others before every race they were in together .
‌he'd talk her ears off after every race explaining every detail and every corner and she'd patiently listen to him , adding her own opinion here and there .
‌they were at eachother neck every race, but their friendship was as strong as it could be.
‌they celebrated the winner and encouraged the loser , both hated to lose , but they raced fairly.
‌she got discovered by Christian , and found her way to red bull academy program, Max a year after her .
‌and guess who's there ? Daniel Joseph Ricciardo.
‌they reunited after years , both inseparable even more when she got a seat at Toro rosso .
‌the team was on the brink of a collective breakdown, they already had Seb to worry about , now add those two with Max?
‌cue chaos and mischief , sirens going off with Seb laughing and Christian screaming in the background.
‌fernando saw her and declared war upon whoever dares to hurt this small bean .
Forming a small protection squad (more like him forcing Seb Kimi and Jenson to participate)
Kimi got robbed into it , he didn't even know until he found himself along with the others planning to slash a reporter tires for calling her slow and ignorant .
He thought they were getting coffee !?!! .
‌she was supposed to move to red bull in 2016 but Marko opposed, max was promoted instead, and she left to Renault the following season.
‌in 2018 she moved to alpha Romeo (saubar) alongside Charles leclerc .
Rookie Charles was low-key scared of her , he knew her from their carting days but still felt uneasy with her quiet personality and focused mentality.
The first time they met was a disaster at it's finest.
But she knew how tense and overwhelmed rookies could be in their first season so she tried her best to help him through it .
‌it was an exhausting season but they both survived .
Charles moved to Ferrari and her to Mercedes.
‌Toto offered her a Merc seat for 2019 .
‌lewis had his share of teammates and it didn't end well to say the least with his former friend/teammate (RIP brocedes) or valtteri after .
‌so when she first came in it didn't go well for her .
‌both her and Lewis are hardheaded and closed off, refusing to acknowledge the other Or give in to know eachother.
‌they stayed professional and moved out of the other's way, untill she came around, finding him in the back of his driver's room, sitting on the floor , his head on his hands after a shitty with a dnf .
‌she kept quiet and sat down with him letting him have his moment of silence but assuring he don't have to be alone .
‌after an hour or so, she took out her phone , showing him her family dog pics and videos , getting him to crack a smile and even few laughs before she let him talk about his own Roscoe, promising to let her meet him when they go to Silverstone.
‌the roles reversed when he found her in an empty office at the back of the garage , she got an earful from Toto and couldn't get a word in , her notes are always dismissed and her engineer wasted time until it's too late to listen.
‌he sat beside her, letting her lean on his shoulder in a way of comfort , letting her play with his rings to calm down.
‌they built a support system . and it resulted in building a solid foundation for a dynamic team.
But that won't mean she'll let her work go to waste because of the team's orders.
... : Y/N.
Y/N : yes?
James : Y/N, This is James, listen.....
Y/N : no James! You listen! Just because..........
Her radio messages never disappoint.
Yeah they give her a hard time , but they didn't know what was waiting for them .
She adapted quickly to the new team and their methods of work , it went as well as it could be up to 2021 .
Shit hit the fan and she almost die/quit .
But she stayed put , ending the season in 3d 🥉.
2022 things moved up a little, with her chances of getting the championship almost equalling Max's, him being ahead with only 24 point .
But Mercedes had their own plans.
Mid-season change in plans Leading to her leaving/getting replaced with George Russell , concluding her journey with Mercedes AMG team.
*Let me know if I missed something ✨
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