#itll probably be something along these lines though
hyp-fixator · 6 months
art ask game: do you have a favorite color palette, have you done a lot of collabs, and whats your creative process?
Oooh fun fun
Some of my favourite colour palletes are ones that have warm tones or high contrast!! I love the palletes that are kind of like a neon sign too, ykwim? Black background with slowly growing colours to a fully saturated end product- THEY ALWAYS LOOK SO EDIBLE... I can never accurately pull it off though
I've done a few of collabs! Not a lot, but the main one I remember doing was a few years ago, a small group of people including me in a discord server decided to design a demon! I think I got the colouring stage? It was fun! Otherwise it was kinda like those "draw the gang" type collabs, nothing too serious/fully rendered
hmmmm my creative process...? I guess I can chat a little about how I figure out the designs for the P! Gang! (This'll be a long part so I'll put it under the cut!)
The first thing I do, almost always, is figure out the vibe of the character
I then correlate the vibe to an animal that gives the same vibe (Aka skate and a golden retriever)
If theres a theme or aesthetic the character goes along with I'll usually grab references from the web and perhaps doodle some ideas down (like I'll do with vinestaff and japanese kimonos)
If there's technology involved, expect me to have come across some cool tech that happened in real life before, and to see me add that into the design (like rocket's prosthetics/hyperlaser's helmet)
if I'm having a really tough time figuring out how to make a character look decent, I'll usually take a few minutes before I go to bed to sketch out some ideas- I did this for Boombox's jelly limbs and Slingshot
Afterwards I usually start drawing! Finding out a pose at first is a tough one, considering it has to show off the character while presenting the design as well- if their arm or something is hiding their chest, there's probably not a lot going on there/it's already shown somewhere else
The lines were a tough part to the process before I figured out the sizes I was gonna use- 3px for the main details, 2px for the inbetween, and 1px for the tiny details. (This is why I'm gonna go back to Subspace- his lines are totally out of whack compared to the rest of the gang!!)
My colouring process is hard to explain because I tend to just- do it. But I can try! Usually I start by placing out the flat colours and rendering it out one layer at a time. I try to get the colours down, they don't have to be perfect cause I'll end up tweaking them later. I render one colour at a time, (they're usually the same material,) and just go through that during the whole process! Depending on the material I also choose a lighting angle
After the colour I go in and edit them with overlays, colour the lines occasionally, and that's it!
Pop on the signature across the design, post it on the discord servers, tumblr, etc
After I post it I usually take a small hiatus from drawing to think and regain some inspiration, reblogging a bunch of stuff and then starting the process again!
I take my time with things like this, so itll be unlikely for me to post two at a time! Scythe and Ban were a special case because I forgot to put her into the poll and ban was the next guy I was gonna draw! (I personally can also see the effects of this on Scythes design cause I drew her second- I'm not as satisfied with her as I could be, which is why I'm also redoing her.)
Uhhhh yeah that should be it!
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natsmagi · 6 months
hello !! yet another different anon, but just wanted to share this while we’re on the topic of self-criticism - hopefully this doesn’t come off as patronizing, it’s just smth i’ve found helps me as an artist and hopefully it’ll help u :D
i think it’s rlly important to view old art more from the perspective of the feelings u had making it rather than the actual content of the art itself. sure, ur artistic skills have improved a lot over the years, and maybe when ur looking back at ur older work u see a lot of flaws in it - weird anatomy, bad lighting, articles of clothing that don’t make sense, etc (not saying ur old art has any of these i’m just listing examples i’ve had in my own lol) - but u had fun making it !! it’s a drawing of something u loved and still love, and it served its purpose as an outlet to express that love. when people go back and like those old drawings, they’re not seeing it for its flaws - they’re seeing it for the love it represents, a love they probably feel themselves. while it’s good to critique ur own work to some extent for the sake of improvement, people liking ur old stuff is far from cringe-worthy! it’s just someone enjoying something u once enjoyed too, like an internet happiness hand-me-down :)
again, this sort of mindset has rlly helped me personally - i don’t feel as nervous about drawing or posting, bc im just having fun !! it’s ok if it’s kind of janky or has weird details, it was made with love and people can see and appreciate that. nobody ever stops improving or seeing flaws in their work, so its best to focus more on the joy it gave u and push urself towards improvement with the promise of even more joy rather than forcing urself to improve under the threat of feeling ashamed of ur creations
hopefully all of this makes sense i kind of have the shakes rn lol. sorry for the super long ask, i just dont rlly know how to explain all of this in a short way-
hope u are having a fantastic day full of pretty girls !!!!
omg no worries at all!! your message read as very sweet so please dont stress urself out over how u came across!!
AND I DEFINITELY AGREE!! tbh its a mindset i tend to have, but i think where ive lacked is definitely in applying the "im just doing it for fun" logic to past me. i tend to be someone who very much lives in the present and have a bit of a disconnect both from the past and the future, and this can cause me to totally disregard everything about my past self and past work LOL. so honestly having all this put into words has kinda been an "OHH RIGHT" moment for me KASJHFJAHSDKJ
theres also the factor of my audience being bigger now........ im not really someone who likes having alot of eyes on me for various reasons, which sometimes causes me to waver a bit AKJSHFKJH THOUGH ITS NOT THAT BAD. i think most of my shyness comes from having artists i really admire now see my art and im like "FUCK IC ANT HAVE IT LOOK BAD WHAT IF THEY SEE" which can cause me to overthink things But also i tend to forget that those people even follow me 80% of the time. tbh all of my "insecurities" in regards to my art are purely circumstantial and only really present themselves if im in a flustered state, but a large portion of the time im just chilling KJAHSFJKHK
i do also wanna say tho that i think the viewing all art as coming from a place of love sentiment is very sweet........ esp bc in the beginning one of the compliments i got the most was along the lines of "your love for the characters really shines through!!" so to think that, in spite of potential quality, that love is still visibly present makes me very happy.......... Perhaps if u have genuine love for what u do itll shine through no matter what
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lovedistrict · 2 years
I became mutuals with someone through Instagram. During lockdown I realised we had a mutual interest and through that, we became fast friends. We live in different timezones and I used to stay up till 5am talking to her and smile every time I saw her name. She quickly became my closest person. She comes from a difficult household, and a lot of things happening in her life sucks- I wanted to help her escape from that, so that we could have a future together, and I expressed this to her, asking her if she'd want to marry me someday- which she enthusiastically agreed to (no ring, just plans to spend out lives together).
Somewhere along the line, she met and befriended my brother- one of the most important people in my life- and they became quite good friends too.
They ended up falling out, due to fundamental differences, on her part, she was unsure what went wrong, but my brother was glad to no longer be in contact. I was absolutely devastated, though the incident made me see I have issues with trying to fix things for everyone (I tried to mediate before realising there was nothing I could do)
We still loved each other and continued our relationship, although I felt I could no longer talk about important aspects of my life in case I made her sad, we were happy.
Last September, I went to college, and during this time, I found the feelings I had for her starting to change- for example, feeling put down by teasing insults rather than playing along.
How I feel right now is that I'm no longer sure I want a future with her. I worry that I'd be making a mistake, because love takes time amd work, even when it's hard, right? But I've grown in the past year and I no longer think I'm ready to commit to any kind of relationship, at least without working on myself a Lot. Even on a fundamental level, I'm not sure how much our personalities align anymore.
How do I know if breaking up with her is the right thing? If I broke up with her, would I regret it or would I be resigning myself to what would be a miserable life? I don't want to hurt her or make her think she's the problem but I don't think I'm being fair on myself or her? Should we still try and be friends after? How do I tell the people in my life? I know by not telling her, I'm already hurting her, but also after I built up so much when I was really in love with her, I don't want to let her down or make her think she's the problem. How wrong would it be to break up over text? I'm not sure if even have the courage to tell her over call and it's our main form of communication anyway?
Thank you for your time, I'm feeling really stuck on this.
Ok. So first of all. I think you cannot not do something your heart tells you to because it’d maybe hurt someone. You have to always be true to yourself, not only to others. There’s no way of knowing for sure how your life will be, if you’ll ever meet someone like her, or not. Probably yes, you have your whole life ahead of you and there are many many people in the world.
Chances are you’ll hurt her, but hey, that’s life. People change. Feelings change. It’s better to be honest than to pretend to feel something you don’t. Yes, you can stay friends but only if that wouldn’t make things harder for one of you when moving on.
Itll be better not to end this over text of course. I know it’s hard, but this person has meant so much to you to have this breakup be over text.
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monotone-artist · 2 years
Tumblr media
concept thing for wildway, my silly gremlin escape artist. she’s a type of being made out of pure magic, she just takes the form of the skull she inhabits (which happens to be a dragon’s). i also kinda messed around with brushes here lol
[id: several sketches of my dragon oc, wildway. the sketches are uncolored, but she is very fluffy, with longer fur on the back of her neck, elbows, chest, and hind legs. her tail is also quite scruffy, and there is a spade at the tip of it. her head is a skull, with spiky horns, of which the left one is broken in half. there are darker striped markings all over her body at random spots. there is text that reads, “wildway, she/her”.
in the top left of the canvas are four bust shots of her: the first is of her looking upward to the right; the second of her looking straight at the viewer, her eyes dots; the third of her looking upward again at a 3/4ths angle; and the fourth her looking downward, her mouth slightly open. to the left, there are sketches of her eye, with the pupil in different shapes: big and round, a slit, an upward arc, and a downward arc. the text there reads, “eye is just a hole in skull so can’t move, but pupils can emote”.
there is a full body of her at the bottom of the canvas, her wing outstretched above her and her head slightly lowered. the text there says, “markings are asymmetrical (represents wounds that wildway’s skull’s old body recieved at death)”. a couple texts reading “spikes” points to a few spikes on her tail. end id]
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A Miraculous TikTok Account
Part 30
It wasn’t until she was at work that Ladybug had seen the video.
Sure, she’d felt the familiar buzz of her phone in her pocket. She assumed it was telling her that one of her housemates had uploaded a video to TikTok, but she hadn’t thought much of it. It was Chat’s usual upload time. And, yeah, she definitely intended to watch Chat’s video at some point. It was bound to be some cute animal. But she was at work, so...
Then, to her surprise, her phone continued to buzz. Nino, probably, she didn’t know many other people she still talked to consistently and he had no reservations about double texting (or triple texting, or quadruple texting, or --).
She needed to hold off until she was done with her meeting with the Tsurugis. They were choosing their outfits for some kind of gala that Gabriel Agreste was going to be holding for the holidays.
(She gave very few clients the option of choosing between multiple designs, really. They were only going to choose one so the others would likely be scrapped, so she usually did one and then either took their critiques or went back to the designing phase… but the Tsurugis honestly kind of scared her so...)
As the two looked over their choices, she began to get curious.
She asked if she could take a call and, once they said that it would be alright, she slipped outside. She made sure she was a little bit away before leaning against the wall and pulling out her phone.
Obviously she wasn’t ACTUALLY going to call, it’s not the dark ages, but she did check her texts.
As she suspected, it was Nino.
Ninomorepuns: hey
Ninomorepuns: hey
Ninomorepuns: poppet
Ninomorepuns: hey poppet
Ninomorepuns: hey
Poppet: WHAT
Ninomorepuns: oh shit it worked
Poppet: I was at work what the duck do you want
Poppet: *fuck
Ninomorepuns: duck
Poppet: stfu. just tell me what you want I’m still at work and I need to go back soon
Ninomorepuns: did you see the new tiktok chat noir uploaded
She clicked her tongue irritably. Really? This was about the TikTok account? Sure, she could expect this from someone like Rena, but Nino?
Ninomorepuns: i think youd be interested in it since it has your gf in it
When did she get a girlfriend? And why wasn’t she told --?
Oh, wait. Right. She’d told Nino that she had a crush on Ladybug once to explain why she was running towards akumas instead of away from them.
An embarrassed blush spread across her face at the memory. She should have thought of a better lie --.
Wait, fuck, SHE was Ladybug. Chat had uploaded something about her?!
She pulled up Chat’s account.
Her eyes narrowed in on the fact that the thumbnail for his newest video was a black screen instead of the usual still frame of the animal of the day. She clicked on it…
Chat’s breathing was heavy. The bright green captions on the black screen read “Thought someone was in the house :(!”
And then there was the flick of the lightswitch. The camera went pure white as it attempted to adjust to the sudden light… and then she saw herself. In her Totoro onesie. Eating the abomination that she was still regretting hours later.
She closed out of the app. She knew what had happened next, after all.
She swallowed thickly, tears prickling at the corners of her eyes despite her best attempts. Kwami, the internet was going to have a field day. The hard edges of her phone case dug into her hand.
She wanted, so badly, to just go back to the way things were. When she didn’t have to care about her image, when she didn’t have to think about how people would react to the smallest of mistakes. That few month gap between Paon and Hawkmoth hadn’t even been enough for her to appreciate it, and she’d only been around twelve at the time, but kwami did she miss it. When mistakes were just mistakes and she was just a kid...
A ragged gasp escaped her throat and she slowly slid down the wall.
She let her phone hit the ground and brought her hands to her hair, squeezing her eyes shut. How do you breathe again? Her throat was too clogged with tears for her to even remember what it was like to breathe normally.
She felt a tiny hand on her cheek and slowly creaked her eyes open. Tikki was hovering in front of her. The kwami was breathing (or at least making a sound similar to it). Ladybug matched the pace as best she could, forcing all thoughts that weren’t remembering how to breathe out of her head.
After a moment, she managed to bring her breathing to normal.
She gave the kwami a weak smile and nuzzled her face against her.
“Thanks, Tikki,” she murmured.
It sucked, but she couldn’t afford to be like this at the moment. As far as she knew, there hadn’t been an akuma yet that day so she needed to keep everything in check.
There would probably be an akuma by the time she got home, at least, so she could feel free to get mad or panic once that happened. Did she really know what she was going to do? Not really. She’d probably figure it out by then, though.
She looked back at her phone and then pulled up her chat with Nino again because, to him, she had just disappeared for no reason.
What would she normally say?
Poppet: wow. she’s an even bigger disaster than I am
Ninomorepuns: right lmao you might actually be the sensible one in the relationship
Poppet: stfu. I’ll kill you
Ninomorepuns: better not do it during an akuma or itll be fixed
Poppet: you right
Ninomorepuns: wait dont you still have work go away
She rolled her eyes a little and started typing a response along the lines of ‘you’re the one that distracted me from work in the first place’ but something pulled her attention away from her phone.
The doorknob jingled, there was a blur of black and red as Tikki dove to hide in her jacket pocket, and then Kagami was poking her head through.
“My mother and -- are you alright?”
Ladybug rubbed under her eyes to get rid of any stray tears. “Of course! Sorry, my friend just told a really good joke and I guess my laughter got away from me.” She pulled a bright smile to her face. “Are you and your mom done choosing?”
The woman in front of her didn’t seem to believe her, but she nodded shortly. She pushed herself to her feet, brushed herself off, and continued on with her day.
She pulled her mask on outside the door and the smile on her face was just a fraction too wide as she stepped inside.
“Rena,” she said, because she was the only person she saw in the living room.
She looked up from her phone and then tensed ever so slightly at the sight of a clearly pissed off Ladybug. “Bonjour,” she greeted carefully.
“Has anyone been akumatized yet today?”
“... yeah. It was the homeless guy on eighth and --.”
“Cool. Thanks.” She walked up a flight of stairs and raised her hand to knock on Chat’s door.
She stopped herself.
The conversation they’d had only yesterday rang in her ears.
One bad day away from akumatization. That’s what Master Fu had said. She pressed her lips together thinly. He’d been right, apparently, all it had taken for the emotional wall she’d built to crumble was for her persona to crack even slightly… sure, she had her reasons for why she was so upset that the public was now aware of the fact that she wasn’t who she said she was -- and the fact that it was because of Chat of all people didn’t help -- but she’d thought she was reasonably stable emotionally up until then...
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, resting her forehead against the cold wood of his door and trying her hardest to think.
The options were to suppress the emotions or address them. Suppressing them clearly wasn’t working as much anymore, but she only had about twelve to twenty-four hours to properly address them if she wanted to do that…
She hesitated.
Maybe if she addressed part of the feelings then she could suppress the rest. That would work, right?
She walked up to her room/attic and started making a plan.
By the end of the night, she’d finished writing it all out in the back of her sketchbook.
Ruin that perfect motherfucker’s perfect skin and perfect hair
Glitter Part 2 Electric Boogaloo
Lull him into a false sense of security
Make him think he’s going insane
M u r d e r
It wasn’t a lot, only six parts, but she felt like she would probably be fine after part six.
(She’d better be, you can’t really get revenge on a dead person.)
Her problems with the people of Paris would still be there, but at least her problems with Chat would be over with.
She smiled at the plan. Yes, it was all coming together now.
@nathleigh @sassakitty @th1s-1s-my-aesthet1c @blueslushgueen @woe-is-me0 @ladybug-182 @cas-and-their-refusal-to-write @trippingovermyfeet @melicmusicmagic @meimei3841 @roseliali
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memoriashell · 4 years
seashells and shores ( and something a bit more )
Characters /  Pairing: Fukawa Touko / Naegi Komaru, ensemble class 78; varyingly background / implied ships are sakuraoi / ishimondo / celeschi / naeleogami
crossposted on ao3
Notes: a very late day 3 for @tokomaruweek​. beach prompt! yesterday i was feeling a little burnt out so i decided to not write since i didn’t want to put out something half assed. hopefully this being a bit longer helps make up for it! ( and by a bit, i mean i basically doubled the word count compared to what i’ve done for this week so far lmao rip so much for hoping i’d catch up tonight )
rated t for touko's trauma. and also for junko having her tits out. thanks junko.
anyways tw for like trauma, the general self-depricating / self-concious stuff for toko but also like. her trauma w/ water is brought up since it's. beach? and also drowning doesn't actually happen but it is brought up. and touko mentions claustrophobia in relation to her trauma offhandedly once, and again, just generally feeling insecure.
also it's kinda implied that chihiro and celes are both trans thank you!!!
Summary:  going to the beach isn't exactly an exciting thought for her, given the fact she has no desire getting in the water.
komaru seems dead set on making sure she makes some memories anyways.
Do you want to come to the beach with us? That is the first text of the morning that she receives, courtesy of Makoto Naegi. Touko considers asking who he means by us, gathers that he probably means some assortment of their classmates, and ( while it is very tempting to say yes ) concludes that she can safely say no. And she intends to do exactly that, but she gets a set of texts that stops her from being able to do so.
ur coming with us, right?
you should come with us!
itll be fun!
So Komaru would be there too— their...friendship is odd, all things considered. Not that the knowledge of knowing she’d be there makes the offer any more tempting, but she bites her lip and considers what to say. Not that there’s really much of a question, just keep it blunt and to the point as per usual. No point in sugar coating things.
I’m busy. Maybe next time. She’s not that busy, current manuscript aside. Not that Touko intended on ever not being busy. It’s not her fault that Komaru is too dense to take a hint.
awww :(
if u don’t wanna get in the water, ill make sure they’ll leave you alone. im sure you won’t be the only one that doesnt want to!!
Ah. She might have to ( partially ) retract her statement on Komaru being dense. Had she figured out her reluctance without her even mentioning it, or had that just been a lucky guess? Maybe it was just Makoto’s luck rubbing off on her...
i understand if you don’t want to come
and i’ll leave u alone if u rlly dont wanna come.
but it wont be as much fun without you there :(
Urgh. Yeah, this girl doesn’t understand a thing, does she? She’s probably not even realized the impact her words have on her. Touko grumbles under her breath, but figures she should respond before Komaru sends another text begging trying to convince her.
I’m not going in the water, though.
If this goes horribly wrong, I’m blaming you.
That is a lie. Even if worst comes to worst and Syo feels the need to front for her, she won’t hold it against her. She’s the one who agreed, after all. It’s just one last attempt at offering her an out. To change her mind. Like she should. But Komaru is nothing if not stubborn, so she doesn’t really expect that offer to be taken up on. She starts making a mental checklist of what she probably needs to take with her, doesn’t get very far into that list because Komaru’s response is nearly instantaneous.
yayayayay tnk u touko-chan ily!!!!!! :D
we’ll pick u up k????
ur staying @ the place near the dorms right? see u soon!! ♡♡
Touko grimaces at the butchering of language that is Komaru’s texting ( and ignores her own fluttering heart upon seeing the casual hearts sprinkled in at the end ), and sends back, If you love me, fix your grammar.
The car ride over is mostly uneventful. In that she means she feels like she’s going to have a headache before they even get there and Makoto keeps giving her a sympathetic look. In other words, she’s learned that Komaru and both Asahina siblings should not be left to entertain themselves for the hour-long car ride, but the only silver lining here is that it was only an hour-long ride and hopefully they would be tired out for the ride back.
The highlight of the hour was that even if it’d been a tight squeeze in the backseat, that meant she’d been ( somewhat ) uncomfortably sandwiched between the door and Komaru herself. She’s a little surprised that it doesn’t set off her claustrophobia, but reckons that might just be because it’s too bright to remind her of being locked in a closet. And also because Komaru is generally distracting in close proximity, from the way she’d been halfway sitting on her lap, to the faint scent of what Touko figures to be her shampoo.
She also considers it a victory that she did not dissociate in the midst of that, but probably only because Komaru kept checking on her and apologizing for how close they are: she’d had to bite her tongue several times from saying something harsher than she’d really mean. She doesn't hate Syo, but probably counterintuitive to let them front today: whether they are aware of this, or simply just disinterested in trying to front right now, she is thankful. If nothing else, she would consider this some kind of learning moment. Maybe. Something to draw inspiration from?
Still, once she’s free from the confines of the car, she can actually relax a little— or does for all of two seconds before Komaru has grabbed onto her free hand and started dragging her towards the loud group that she recognizes as her class. Yuta and Aoi had bolted out of the car the moment they’d come to a stop to race to the waters ( she can’t imagine being that athletic and feels tired watching them ). Touko gazes back longingly at the confines of the car and the consideration that she might’ve been able to isolate herself there, but her grip’s pretty tight on her hand. Which is nice, and distracts her from thinking about escaping until it's way too late, and she’s forced to look at the group before her, and—
Slaps a hand over Komaru’s eyes with a groan. “Enoshima, wh-what the fuck, you—” She holds off on the ( derogatory ) word she wants to say, and just scowls at the sight before her. “This isn’t a...a nude beach? Are you t-t-trying to get us in trouble or something?” Granted she’s not technically completely nude, but also more revealing than she should be. Seriously, she would’ve figured that Ishimaru would’ve already told Enoshima off already because what else is he good for ( then again, he is single-handedly the only person who would probably take no real issue with it, or be naively convinced by her that it wasn’t really a problem, so maybe she really shouldn’t be that surprised ).
Enoshima cackles at her. “Don’t be a prude, Fukawa! Or are you jealous? I’m just trying to get a sick tan.” While she’s at it, where the hell is Ikusaba to keep her sister in check? Whatever, that’s not really important, and she refuses to dignify that with a response given that Enoshima probably only wants to get a rise out of her.
Instead, she makes sure to put a decent distance between them before removing her hand from over Komaru’s eyes with a huff. “Urgh, honestly...what on earth m-made her think that was a, a good idea?” She grumbles, glancing around now that she doesn’t have to stare directly at...that.
Actually, now that she looks around, the only seemingly responsible person from their class currently present was Oogami— and honestly, she seems too busy being in love with her girlfriend to count ( if it wasn’t kind of heartwarming, she’d probably be disgusted. Not in a homophobic way, in a general ew PDA sort of way ). As for any else viably responsible: Kirigiri being absent wasn’t a surprise, Fujisaki’s too soft to really keep people in check, Byakuya is...his own entirely separate category, and she would rather die than count Hagakure as responsible in any capacity. And Makoto might be a voice of reason, but she’s pretty sure he’s utterly useless here. Which is probably a horrible sign of things to come, but what else did she expect from anything involving her peers?
“You don’t want to go in the water, right?” Komaru’s voice cuts in through her thoughts, watching her closely before taking her hand to start pulling her along then. “We should set up somewhere to sit, then!”
We? She thinks, but instead attempts to free her hand from her grip and voices, “...Don’t you want to go in th-the water with the rest of them? You don’t have to, uh, to stay with me, you know. I’m not a k-k-kid.”
Her expression looks conflicted. “Well, yeah, of course I do want to! But only for a bit, probably? I mean, it’d be kind of rude to leave you alone since I asked you to come?”
She ignores the way her stomach twists at that, and purses her lips. “Technically s-speaking, Makoto asked first. You aren’t— it’s not rude of you to want...to want to have some fun without me. I know I’m n-n-not fun to stick around.” She knows she wouldn’t want to stick around herself if she had the choice. “It’s not like, like I wasn’t prepared for th-that.”
“Yeah, but— that’s the thing. You shouldn’t be! And I want to spend time with everyone, and that includes you too.” And now she’s sulking. God. Fukawa is about to growl back something she’ll probably regret saying, but is saved from doing so by a much calmer voice interrupting, having overheard their argument.
“Why don’t you go join your brother for a bit? Fukawa-san can join us if she would like to. We have an extra seat.”
Celes looks hot— and she means that in a very literal sense ( mostly ), decked out in one of her usual frilly black dresses. She looks out of place in the hot summer heat. Touko is also not sure where and how she managed to get a table out here ( and tea, apparently, and you know what she’s just not going to question it ), but Fujisaki is already pulling out the extra seat in offering, and she sighs reluctantly. Better this than feeling like she’s holding Komaru back.
“G-G-Go. Or...or I’ll let Syo toss you in the water.” Not really a threat - if anything, Syo would dive bomb into the water with her. Argh, maybe she should’ve just let them front today...
( No, no she shouldn’t have. The only person currently present that Syo would’ve mostly listened to would be Komaru— and maybe Makoto or Fujisaki if they were feeling generous— which is an entirely different set of issues she doesn’t want to linger on. Needless to say, she doesn’t particularly want Syo to cause chaos today )
Touko is saved from having to argue further with her on this because as Komaru opens her mouth to protest, Yuta comes to steal her away, blabbering on about something about a game they should play: and while he’s definitely as oblivious as his sister, she’ll consider that a good thing, just this once. The only words Komaru manages to get in is to ask Toko to keep her bag for her, which she would’ve done anyways, picking it up from where she’d dropped it. She watches them wander off ( and only looks away when Komaru starts discarding the clothes she’d been wearing over her swimsuit ) before trudging over to sit next to Fujisaki, who flashes her a small smile as she types away on her laptop.
“I am surprised you came, Fukawa-san. You do not seem like the type for these activities. You are usually quite disinterested in participating in these kinds of things, in fact. Did something change?” Ugh. This is why Touko hates being around Ludenberg. Because she’s observant, generally only bested by Kirigiri in that regard, and is generally good at picking people apart when it comes to lies and acts and fronts ( though Touko would argue this is from personal experience, and not from being a gambler ). And this fact would have irritated her, quite honestly, if she had not self-sabatoged herself by taking it as an insult, instead.
“I-I-I get it. No one really wants...wants me here. That’s what you meant, right...? You don’t have to r-remind me.” She grits her teeth. If nothing else, when she isn’t busy lying, Touko can appreciate her honesty. The tiny hand that wraps around her wrist stops her from saying anything further, even if it doesn’t take much to wrench her arm out of Fujisaki’s grasp: but she gets the feeling she is only able to do so because she isn’t actually trying to hold on too tightly.
“I’m sure th-that’s not what she meant, Fukawa-san...” Ever quick to play peacekeeper, she supposes. Touko simply grumbles at her and rolls her eyes. “...Especially since not everyone was available today, it’s nice that you were able to join us!”
���Yes, it is a shame. I would have liked for Yamada-kun to have been able to help with my tea, today.” Celes sighs as if disappointed— really? That’s what she’s on about?
Touko does a second look at who is not currently gathered, and denotes, “Is Maizono st-still out on tour...?” She thinks Komaru had mentioned something like that in passing.
“Yes! Maizono-san is on tour, Yamada-kun is at an important convention, Ikusaba-san, she’s...doing some kind of training...? I think Kirigiri-san is supposed to be on the tail end of a rough case, and...” Here Fujisaki pauses to giggle into her hand. “I sh-shouldn’t really laugh at this really, but Ishimaru-kun got sick. Oowada-kun had to force him to rest since he had been trying to work through it and made it worse for himself... or so that’s what I was told.”
Oh, so that’s the reason she hasn’t heard the loudmouths today? She might take back her sentiments on Ishimaru being useless, but he’s on thin fucking ice. Of course the overachiever would get sick during the summer holidays— apparently, she’s not alone in that thought.
“Only Ishimaru-kun would get sick during vacation and still manage to find a reason to not take a break.” Celes rolls her eyes, but Touko gets the feeling she’s amused too.
“So wh-what you’re saying is, uh, is that Oowada’s going to get sick next...right? I guess— we’ll find out if idiots get s-s-sick or not.” Touko quips— which earns a softer laugh from Fujisaki, so that’s pretty good.
Of course, it wouldn’t be like her if she didn’t put her foot in her mouth almost immediately afterwards by asking why they aren’t going in the water: she’s not really surprised because Celes rarely participates in gym ( and coming from Touko that says a lot ), but she was pretty sure Fujisaki wasn’t that self-conscious of herself. Not as much? Not that she really has any place to talk in that regard.
“Well, we already went to the beach at the start of the summer holidays! I’m not really missing out on anything, and it’s probably not my last opportunity to go during this break anyways.” And then, a little more sheepishly. “...Also I’m close to making a breakthrough on this code, I think. I wanted the fresh air, but I don’t really think I can afford to take much of a break right now.”
“She would have stayed on the train if I did not warn her we were approaching our stop, I believe. And not all of us can be like Enoshima. The brazenness of that woman is truly something else.” Touko is not sure if she says that from a place of respect or fear, and honestly she relates. And also doesn’t say any further on the subject because Celes gives her a dirty look.
Her gaze goes back out to their peers— she is pointedly avoiding needing to look at where Enoshima is— and spots Komaru and Yuta splashing around with Aoi and Oogami. Well, it looks like just splashing at least, from where she’s at. And Hagakure, who really just looks like an out-of-place sea cretin with the way his hair floats on the water’s surface, so. There’s that?
( No, she’s not at all envious of the fact that all of them get to have fun because they don’t have crippling fears: the ocean does not instill the same fear of confinement that a cramped bathtub does, but fear— there is still the fear that something will tug her down and her body will simply let herself dragged underneath out of instinct, a fear of something worse if she tries to fight for survival— )
Focus. She can feel the way her breath catches a little, the uneasy way her heart beats and concentrates on calming down. She doesn’t seem to have gotten Syo’s attention yet, nor anyone else’s, thankfully. She’ll just...watch Komaru for now, yeah. It takes a moment to relocate her, head breaching from underneath the water and surfacing like...like one of the sea’s legendary enchantresses. She means that in a wholly respectful way, of course, watching the way she shakes the water from her hair, mouth open in a wide grin while she laughs. Touko doesn’t need to hear her to know that on the sole basis of her appearance— the bright look in her eyes is enough to say she is happily enjoying herself without her.
On that note, hm. Maybe she can use some of that for the basis of her next novel— something about a siren and a lady visiting the sea? Tragic romances are always a hit, aren’t they? Okay maybe a tragic lesbian romance is more self-projection, but that's besides the point. No one has to know its self-projection if people eat it up like anything else that has her name on it.
Or maybe you need to talk to a therapist more often? Syo contributes helpfully, apparently having become more conscious at some point. Maybe her panic hadn’t gone as unnoticed as she thought. Not that they’re wrong, but talking to a therapist isn’t exactly going to help with her gay pining ( unfortunately, she wishes it were that simple ).
Yeah, that’s not something she really wants to linger on, and as if Celes can read her mind, says, “How do you ladies feel about a bet?”
“Pass.” Touko says immediately, because she is arguably far from a smart person, but she is smart enough to know to not take her chances against the ultimate gambler. Celes ignores her.
“You see, I would bet that Komaru—”
“No. We’re leaving h-her out of it.” Toko interrupts, and Fujisaki ( thankfully, like the god sent angel she is, even if she seems too good to be real ) nods her agreement.
“I don’t think Naegi-kun would be really happy if he heard us talking about his little sister like that...” Her reasoning is fair, if nothing else.
“Fine. Do you think Naegi-kun is going to interfere on Togami-kun’s behalf, or help Kuwata-kun?” A painted fingernail points out the trio by the sea. Kuwata seems pretty intent on forcing Togami into the sea, suit and all, much to his disdain. The duo is yelling, probably. On the other hand, Makoto just looks like he doesn’t know whose side he’s supposed to be on here.
In the end, it doesn’t matter because by some luck ( or lack thereof ) Togami manages to trip on a washed up stone and ends up taking the other two boys down with him. The heir doesn’t even look all that mad, really, as Kuwata dunks him back under the water in retaliation: she knows what his angry face is, and that is not it, even if it looks kind of like he’s swallowing a lemon.
Or maybe that’s just her and her sour mood feeling like she’s swallowed several lemons raw because Touko doesn’t know how to make lemonade out of all the citrus life has handed her.
“By the way Fukawa-san, about Komaru—” Celes starts, but is interrupted by Komaru’s sharp yelling, which is followed by the wet feeling of her arms wrapping around her. Touko frowns, pushing her away.
“You’re w-wet.” She states the obvious as she makes a face, not that that seems to stop her. “Are you...you're done going in the water f-f-for now?”
“Mhm! It’s too cold in the water, honestly. You’re nice and warm.” Komaru hums happily, and she grabs a towel from her bag to wrap her up in it before she ends up being the next sick kid. “I was thinking we could maybe spilt a snack...? And then we could make a sandcastle! Asahina-san was telling me about shells she saw earlier that we could use?” Touko bites back a small snort at how childish she sounds.
“Yeah, yeah— let go of me, s-so I can get up...” She agrees, ignoring the curious way Celes’ watches their interactions. She mutters something that passes for a thanks before she leaves ( not that she thinks Fujisaki notices at that point, full enraptured by her laptop screen ).
By snack, Touko realizes that this is more of a way of making sure she eats lunch— Syo had not so accidentally let it slip once that when she gets caught up on things, she has the tendency to skip meals. She bites her tongue on saying that it wasn’t necessary and instead pays for their meal because she can do that, she has the money to spare for that kind of thing: and she knows she doesn’t need to, but sometimes she feels like she needs to make it up to her before Komaru gets sick of their friendship.
And if it comes off like a date, that’s simply just coincidence.
When they return to the shore, Komaru drags her off to an area a little more secluded— she doesn’t really realize this at first, simply accepting her fate to follow along, but notices she can’t really hear anyone else. It helps her relax, feel like she doesn’t need to be so guarded.
( It doesn’t stop Touko from briefly complaining about how sandy she’s going to get because of this, which is annoying. And then immediately shuts up because Komaru offers to let her borrow her clothes, and she has nothing coherent that she can say to that. She eventually manages to spit out a no when it becomes obvious Komaru is waiting for her to say something )
“Well, okay then. You can always let me know if you change your mind.” She says, then, “Oooh, Touko-chan! It looks like there are tide pools over here!”
Komaru leaves her to pick out shells for them to use while she does the dirty work of constructing a sand castle. “So you won’t end up too sandy,” she explains. “And I trust your eyes to pick out nice shells.” She can’t really complain— although she almost makes a scathing comment about the fact that her eyes can't really be trusted when she wears glasses— and just keeps away from the waves for the most part. The water laps at her feet while she lingers around the tide pool, and then returns with the fruits of her search.
It’s...not an awfully constructed sand castle. Well, that’s probably more than a little generous to say. You know, if she was going to compare it to something kids made. As it stands ( or doesn’t, if Touko is being honest ), it’s probably not the most...concretely built and looks like part of the base might fall apart at any moment, but doesn’t say anything as she dumps an assortment of shells at her feet. And then pulls out a towel, so she can sit and watch her work. It feels like there’s another problem with this, but she can’t quite place what it is; it’s probably not important enough to point out.
Going back to the novel idea: maybe it’s not about a siren after all. Maybe it’s about a sea princess instead. A lonely girl drowning in the waters called home, in a lonely castle, and—
“Here you go!” Komaru plops a shell into her hand with no warning and beams at her. “It’s nice and pretty just like you, Touko-chan. So you should keep it!”
She definitely doesn’t almost tear up upon hearing that, swallowing thickly as she bites back a self-deprecating, Are you sure it’s not just ugly like me? Instead, she picks out a small shell from the pile and holds it out to her.
“...H-H-Here. Completely plain and, and average like you.” And cute, but that’s not important. Still, Komaru looks like she’s actually said something of worth as she throws her arms around her neck.
“Thank you! I’ll take good care of it.” She acts like she’s given her a houseplant or something of actual value, and not a shell.
Stiffly— because she still really doesn’t know how to respond in these kinds of moments, despite being friends for a few odd months now— Touko pats her back and mutters, “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“It is!” Komaru pouts at her. “It is to me. Isn’t that enough?”
She opens her mouth to point out that she’d really just been reciprocating a gesture, but the wave crashing over them interrupts the conversation— oh yeah, she thinks absently. That’d been the other problem that she’d noticed when Komaru had started building, but hadn’t thought it was a big enough issue to point out.
Once she processes that yes, that happens, her first thought is how cold she is now, soaked to the bone. Touko represses a shudder and tries to ignore the fact that she will need to shower later because salt water gets itchy. The second thing that occurs to her, in the midst of this, is that now Komaru is wailing into her shoulder.
“I should’ve been more careful, I’m sorry Touko-chan! You’re okay? You aren’t upset, are you? I thought th—” Touko leans forward to cut her off. Her lips taste like salt, and vaguely reminiscent of the sweet snack Komaru had coaxed her into splitting. She wants to bite down on her lip, a nervous habit, and pulls back before she can accidentally manage to bite the other’s lips instead. The implications of that are a lot more than she’s willing to handle right now, and averts her gaze as soon as she leans back, so she does not have to acknowledge her actions.
That doesn’t stop Komaru from throwing her arms around her a little too eagerly, a grunt at the impact of their bodies colliding. “Too m-much.” Touko manages to wheeze out, and before she can start apologizing again, follows with, “I’m not upset. I should probably just...just buy something overpriced from one of th-the nearby shops since our clothes are soaked now...”
She takes this in fairly good stride, jumping to her feet and pulling her up by her hands. “Can I pick out an outfit for you? It’ll be fun!”
Their ideas of fun are very different quite frankly, but considering Komaru won’t overthink her appearance like she does, thus meaning it’ll be more time efficient. And quite frankly, she’s tired, so she just agrees. On the condition they can just go take a nap in the car afterwards.
Touko doesn’t quite agree with Komaru’s fashion choices, but she picks out clothes that cover up everything that needs to be hidden, so she can’t exactly complain. Nor does she complain when they do less napping and more snuggling in the backseat. Which means on the ride back, Komaru ends up falling asleep on her shoulder. She thinks about how pretty she looks in the light of the sunset.
Maybe she can rethink her next novel being a romantic tragedy.
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yievie · 4 years
whew! what’s up everyone! my name is crissy and yes, i am the clown who sent my account ask on anonymous last night. luv that for me! I GOT A COOL FAMILY ICON IM CRYING!!! now this is yi eun hye, better known as evelyn yi or evie, paging dr. sexy md don’t call her that though, she’ll kill you omg the second eldest princess of the four neglected korean princess sisters aka the mom friend sister or the buzzkill responsible sister. 
~`click anywhere here for a link to my app ~
under the cut i’m gonna throw some important personality and background stuff along with maybe? half-formed plot ideas? if not i’ll make a follow up post later, but pls like this plot if you wish to plot, i’ll try to come bother u. my ims are open hmu anytime (also bc im anxious af to b first message bc im BABY) and I ALSO have a discord located at quarantine queen#2918 where i’m usually v v v active. (lmk if u cant add me shoot me a message on here and ill fix it) ok imma shut up here is cranky daughter! ITS LONG SRRY
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( pS: also if my blog is too hard to read just stick /mobile on the end of the url xx )
the empress and emperor of korea had 5 kids, 4 daughters, 1 pampered son and evie was the second oldest daughter after dianna but like, she’s bossy and high strung and acts like the oldest anywayS so it doesn’t matter!
woo! however, korean tradition is rooted deeply in patriarchy and other backwards thinking,  >:(((( so evie’s parents basically pretended like their son was the only kid they had and sent evie and her 3 sisters off to swedish boarding school to ROT as they each turned 10 and forgot abt them while they groomed their son for the throne! thx mom n dad! luv u too! sdjlaksjd
during her time at boarding school evie was expected to not learn much of anything, not do anything spectacular, she wasn’t expected very good grades or to be smart or successful or anything bc that was Men’s Work and so evie did . . . THE EXACT OPPOSITE.
evie EXCELLED in school, straight a’s, top of her class, honors, ap valedictorian, which meant all nighters, nose bleeds at 2am from studying too hard, looking dead walking through the hallways, eating ramen 25/8, falling asleep w her face in her textbooks, getting bullied a lot for being a nerd and Not looking like her sisters and like...the creature from the black lagoon.
her parents, understandably, were not very happy with this but it wasn’t until she wanted to go to medical school that her parents were like FURIOUS. to them, women, esp the princesses, were only supposed to get married, have kids, THAT WAS IT. so evie wanting to be a doctor enraged them. STAY MAD!
they tried to have her engaged SO. MANY. TIMES. but she has a really repellent personality, she’s very kat stratford from 10 things i hate about you. and is rude and states her very liberal very socialist opinions often, dresses sloppy and hurts mens feelings a lot just for fun so they all went rUNNING from those match appointments! her parents literally are losing their minds they don’t know what to do w her theyre like god why did we give birth to the aNTICHRIST!?!?!?
not wanting anything to do with her parents, evie got into college and medical student on scholarship based on her own merit and skill. evie went to the seoul national university for 4 years then did a 2 year residency at the country’s top hospital, becoming one of the best on call heart surgeons there.
the korean media likes to clown on her A LOT! bc shes scary and angry and cares very little abt her appreance is A DOCTOR and not a princess really for the opposite reason they clown on dianna but evie does not really care she doesn’t care abt impressing people, just saving lives and proving people wrong. finger guns
but yes! thats what u missed on glee. evie was a heart surgeon in korea before being shipped off to thailand! shes v salty by the way ... even more than usual.
fun facts?
evie wears massive grandma glasses to see bc shes BLIND when shes in line with her sister people do not think she’s related and are like “OMG OMG THE PRINCESSES!!! BUY WHATEVER U WANT ON THE HOUSE I--oh? maam? uh? can we help u, ahjumma?” HELP
very dry, mean, will call you out on ur shit and hurt ur feelings probably. doesn’t really know how to Chill or have fun, stays out of drama and parties for the most part literally that old man that tells u to get off their lawn
LOVES HER SISTERS!!!! LOVES THEM!!! moms them and nags the FUCK out of them tho abt everything. wear a sweater its cold, drink water, dONT DO THAT GET DOWN FROM THERE, i told u to eat before u drank all that soju pabo!!!! skhaslkfh BUT SHE LOVES THEM VERY MUCH HER WOOOORLD the only people shes kind of nice to
as stated, has tried to been matched up before but has basically scared away all her matches by being A Lot and not polite or dainty and burping probably
her mom calls her all the time to talk abt how shes having a heart attack bc her second daughter is an unmarried, childless, spinster with a cat who is embarrassing her by being a doctor and being loud and obnoxious and outspoken against the royal heirarchy and right wing politics. evie just puts her on mute and lets her keeping yelling at no one for the next hour
loves beer, loves fried chicken, very unladylike, wears oversized sweaters and her hair messy and watches love island australia and the bachelor just to make fun of the people being in love and stupid i think secretly she kind of wants it but...thinks shes unlovable and will die before she says that shh
bisexual legend! cue mr and mrs yi screaming somewhere
not that it matters bc she cares little abt romance and sex and always put work and school before everything so everything touchy like that she either ends abruptly or stays the hell away from
never parties or goes out but when she does get really drunk gets very cute and touchy and happy there is one video on the internet of her like on a table ashdkh yikes 
is soft deep down just like *shrek voice* donkey, orges are like onions they have layers and u gotta get past a lot of them for her to get past her level 4 tragic backstory and into the soft, vulnerable part of her personality its nice i promise she is SQUISHY
weird plots???
best friend? im sure she has one somewhere. or friends at all? people who arent scared of her who shes nice to....mostly
enemies woo! hate her its very easy to hate her so do it
u want to do a daredevil thing like when matt shows up bleeding and dying or after a fight or something and she patches u up
just anyone need a doctor bc paging dr sexy md~
past loves? boyfriend? girlfriend? weird flings? weird tension unresolved stuff WOOO
ANYONE who broke her heart for the angst and drama
hit on her itll b funny
anyone who she was previously matched w who she scared off
someone shes currently trying to be matched or betrothed to GOOD LUCK
someone she has a crush on YIKES or vice versa
any of the college kids need a tutor? 
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hardyimagines · 6 years
Part 1 - Intruder
Hi could would you be interested in writing a Bane fic were he and one or two of his men need to hideout, and they come across this home kinda of hidden away or in an isolated area and a girl lives there on her own. He decides to keep her alive and eventually they fall for each other. I'd also like him to to be kinda mean and dominant. + She has to stay in main room with bane so he can make sure she doesn't escape😉 I'm sensing a smutty imagine. I like my bane a Dom with choking of course. I don't ask for much do I 🤣🤣
Part 2
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The mountains were tall, overlooking the lit city. Lights lined the buildings for the Christmas season, various shades of red and green. Trees twinkled with applied lights and music played in the distance, tempting people to come to their establishments and enjoy the holiday season. Bane straightened on the cliff. The jacket he wore was bulky with a line of fur, but it wasn’t doing much to protect him from the cold air that whipped around him and his men. Beneath his boots, pebbles and stones bounced from the impact of his shoe and rolled off the side of the ledge, falling down, down, down until they met the ground. It was probably a seventy foot drop. Bane wasn’t on the run. He was never on the run, he didn’t have to worry about someone overpowering him, but he did need a place to sleep at night and because his home had been invaded by the scum of the earth, he couldn’t exactly return there.
“Boss.” The shorter one of his men spoke up. His name was Oscar. “Don’t see no lights on.” He informed his leader. They needed a place to stay for the night, it didn’t matter if it was cold as well and didn’t have any source of heat, at least there would be a roof over their head. This had been the perfect spot. It was high, up out of most people’s eye line and it looked worn and abandoned. The exterior needed a lot of work done and the man was sure that the interior was just the same, but he didn’t care. Not tonight. Tonight, he just needed a bed. Bane’s boots hit the floor loudly as he made his way up the rest of the path and toward the front door. It was silent, not even the wind dared to whistle. He extended his arm, hand curling around the rusted handle before he twisted it. The wood opened without much force and creaked due to the rusted, stiff hinges. He rubbed his lips together before looking around the room. It was dusty and dark, impossible to see anything. He set his hand on the wall, tracing the soft wallpaper until his pointer finger skimmed the light switch. He flicked it on and froze at the sight.
The sink was lined with dirty dishes and it was void of a faucet. Ants raced along the countertop, no doubt fighting to get speckles and crumbs from the remaining food on the plates. Cabinets were opened here and there and the floor looked as if it were in desperate need of a deep cleansing. But Bane wasn’t fussy about any of that, no, he was a little more worried about the girl fast asleep at the kitchen table.
Your hair fell across the surface in messy waves. Despite the filthy home, you didn’t look anywhere near as bad as the place did. He squinted toward you, inspecting your features. You looked just fine. Oscar exchanged a look with Larry, Bane’s other helper, before looking back toward you. He figured this was just a bonus. They had a hostage, something to play with while they waited for morning. But bane had no intentions of harming you — scaring you, maybe, but only so you’d comply. They needed to stay here at least for the night, so they’d be doing that. Whether you said yes or not.
Bane’s thigh bumped the table on accident and the wooden legs wobbled threateningly. The motion startled your slumbering form and scared you even further when your eyes fluttered open. Glistening pools of curiosity and fear latched on to the bald man’s blue eyes. His lips twitched before dragging upwards. He pasted a sickeningly sweet smile on his lips and set his large palm down on the dirty table. A hostage wasn’t a part of the plan, but he was to expect the unexpected. Running his tongue over his lips, his mouth parted as he readied himself to speak, but your sudden movement ceased his words. The chair you were sat in groaned out noisily as the legs scraped along the tile. You rose up hurriedly, breaths deep and shallow, causing your chest to rise and fall rapidly with your worried inhales and exhales. Bane watched you under a heated gaze. No fear danced in his orbs. Why would it? He wasn’t on his own. He didn’t have someone breaking in and waking him. You swallowed thickly, unable to get a single word of question or a believable threat out. Instead, you stood glued to the spot, fingers shaking as your body followed suit.
“Look at her, boss, she’s trembling.” Oscar spoke up. The man was smaller than the surrounding occupants of the room, but that didn’t stop him from being confident enough to approach. The black vest he wore matched his dark trousers. Around his waist, he had a holster and tucked away inside was no doubt a dangerous weapon. You quivered. The soles of your feet scraped the wooden floors as you backed up. He neared without hesitation. “Come here, darling, I don’t bite.”
Run. Your brain pleaded. Cry. Your mind screamed. Beg. Your brain warned. They were going to kill you. Why else were they here? The small bloke grabbed ahold of your wrist and twisted it painfully around your back. His strength didn’t match his stature so it took you by surprise. You weren’t a fighter though. You were quiet, kept to yourself. Obedient. Sweet. Gentle. Too pure for the pain and heartache that the world offered to the city below. That’s why you lived on your own in a dump. Nobody bothered you and you didn’t bother anybody — until now. Bane growled out softly.
“Easy.” He droned. The heavy thud of his boots was enough warning to silence the building cry in your throat. A painful tingle raced along the length of your arm, tearing at the nerves. “Let her go.” Bane demanded. Oscar did so without question. Your arm fell limply to your side. Rubbing the soreness to ease the pain would look weak and you knew that was the last thing that you needed to look right now. Bane crinkled his nose before stepping around the table and moving toward you. Fuzzy-minded and bleary-eyed from your sleep, you sniffled before looking toward him. “Do you speak?” He asked. It was then, as your brain began to register everything other than ‘intruders’, that you realized he wore a mask on his face. It embraced the lower half of him and created a loud hiss underneath his words. You had to strain your ears in order to comprehend him.
“Yes.” The tone of your voice was so soft. Soft enough to make bane want to take your tender throat in his palm and push you out the front door so you could be on your way. But that was too risky. He didn’t want the police showing up.
“Good.” He uttered. He didn’t look toward you further, he simply paced the length of the kitchen before coming to a stop at the counter. Photographs were laid out messily, some stained with unknown substances. He traced the corner of one with his finger before tonguing his cheek. “We need a place to stay.” He looked back toward you. “And we’ve chosen your house.”
“Lucky girl.” Larry chortled out. He sneered. A sickening smile resided on his lips and his eyes warned you to sleep with one eye open. Bane looked to Larry with a warning glare before moving his eyes back to you. Scaring you wasn’t going to do the trick. That was for when you disobeyed or acted like a brat. He inspected you closely. Faint freckles, gleaming hair, soft appearing skin and inviting eyes. He stepped toward you when you didn’t speak. What were you meant to say. ‘No’? A lot of good that would do you.
“It’ll just be for the night.” He assured you. There was no question in his tone. He wasn’t asking, he was telling. “Oscar and Larry.” He pointed toward the table. “Here’s your bed.” His eyes moved back to you. “And you, wherever your bed is, that’s my bed.” The fear in your eyes doubled, and the urge to grab a nearby knife was suffocatingly strong. But it would be so foolish. God knew what kind of weapon he had on him.
“I don’t..” Bane cocked a brow as you spoke up, testing you to deny him.
“Let me tell you something.” He stepped toward you. His hand lifted to your chin, fingers delicate as they traced your flesh. “It’ll do you no good to talk back or disagree. Comply and you’ll be alright.” He lowered his hand to the throat he’d wished to take ahold of earlier. “Bedroom.” He stated again. He felt your esophagus twitch beneath his palm as you swallowed. His grip wasn’t tight or hard so you drew back a step and swiftly stepped around him. He followed hot on your heels, blue eyes twinkling.
The living room was a wreck. Newspapers and old food sat in the place. Flies buzzed, flying from dish to dish to devour whatever was left behind and uneaten. Empty soda cans laid on their sides on the floor and coffee table and smoke poured from the fire place, a sign that the lit flame had died. You moved to the corridor and led him down the tan-painted hall to the bedroom at the end of the way. The door opened without so much as a creak. A bed resided in the center with a blue duvet. It wasn’t the biggest bed, but it would suffice. A window sat in the far right with a nearby vanity jammed pack with various knick-knacks. This was the cleanest room.
“It’s.. this is the only room.” You explained to him. “A.. apart from the bathroom which is just right there.” Pointing to the connected room which held a tub and a toilet, you folded your arms over your chest and slowly backed up.
“Itll do.” He told you quietly. He removed his weaponless holster and then his belt. Draping the accessories over the chair in the corner, he scratched the back of his head before looking toward you. “You can return to the dining room to sleep,” He ushered to the door with his pointer finger. “or stay here with me.” He licked his lips. “But you are to remain under someone’s watch at all times.” Your eyes flickered.
“You mean until morning?” Your question made bane frown.
“I mean.. until it’s safe to go.” His earlier words had been a brief comfort. Oscar and Larry were oblivious to the fact that they’d be hiding out here for a while. But Bane, he called they shots, so they wouldn’t complain. “You don’t get in my way and I won’t be in yours.” He pointed to the bed. “Now, you choose. Bed or table?” His hands moved along his stomach, rubbing the surface before he stepped toward the bed and climbed on to the comfy surface. You slowly followed after him. He didn’t seem to want to hurt you. Or touch you. But the other men.. you didnt trust them in the slightest. This one, you were sure, would’ve let them do as they pleaded and would’ve told you to ‘undress’ or ‘lay down’ if his intentions were to cause physical harm. But he didn’t. He laid down and shut his eyes. But you could tell he certainly wasn’t sleeping.
‘I don’t want to share a bed with you.’ ‘Get out.’ Stab him. Hit him. Run. Climb out the window. Scream as loud as possible. Your mind warned you to do this and that, urged you to get out and away, but you didn’t. Anxiety raced through your body and made you fidget. The quiet sound of your feet padding against the floor told Bane that you’d chosen to stay with him, and when the bed began to jiggle beneath your applied weight, it merely confirmed his initial assumption.
There wasn’t much space, but the two of you managed. He was slumped on his back and you were laid on your side, elbow folded beneath your head to act as an extra pillow. The duvet was crumpled beneath his body and the pillows were crookedly placed. You didn’t want to ask him to move though so you could curl up, so instead, you shivered at his side. So many questions filled your head. You wanted answers, but your throat was dry, tight, and it was impossible to get even a squeak of sound out. You squirmed slightly, legs accidentally skimming his own now and then. He didn’t say anything and you didn’t either. Little mumbled apologies were vacant and he didn’t offer to scoot over to give you more room.
He was so tired. He’d been on his feet all day. Bane knew it was rather foolish to fall asleep so quickly, leaving himself vulnerable to you, but there was no controlling the situation — and you, even if you had the courage to harm him, wouldn’t.
The embarrassment of the filthy home hit you in the morning. The sun was rising in the distance, it’s rays beginning to pour through open windows to wake the slumbering people, tucked away in their beds. You’d managed to leave the bedroom, undetected and had had about an hour to clean. The other two men who’d come along with the bald one in your bedroom were nowhere to be seen, so you’d taken advantage of their absence. The kitchen table was scrubbed clean and the dishes in the sink were halfway done. You knew it was foolish to worry about cleaning so the intruders didn’t find you repelling, but it was more than that. It was just the judgement that bothered you - it didn’t matter who it came from.
What a poor choice to leave the room without the man in the mask.
Their fingers were rough in your hair as they twisted and tugged, fighting over you. Your hipbones dug roughly into the counter you were learn against, Larry tugging you toward him as he shouted at Oscar. ‘I got first dibs, let her go’, he insisted. Oscar would then yank on you harder, bruising your scalp more so than Larry was. You winced. You pleaded. You moaned out. Internally, you begged for their boss to wake seeing as last night he didn’t seem like he was here to deal with any shenanigans. You moaned out again when Oscar lost his grip on your hair and your body was thrown into Larry’s. He didn’t have an amazing grip though either because the suddenness of your body against his made him topple over and to the floor.
Run. You did. Fool. To the bedroom. Why hadn’t you gone to the front door? Oscar was hot on your heels, sprinting along behind you to try and get to you before you could get to Bane. The door to your bedroom was thrown open roughly. The sound of it was enough to wake the man on the bed, but if it hadn’t of done it then your weight, slung on top of his own, would’ve. Bane woke with a straight face, but internally he was stunned. He sat up tiredly, eyes squinted and brows furrowed in confusion. He looked to you, curled up in a small ball at his side as a panting Oscar stood in the doorway with angry eyes and a fling of regret. And then revenge. You shifted, fearfully cowering away.
Bane sat up further, shielding you from the piercing gaze of Oscar.
“Out.” He ordered harshly. The man in the door obeyed. He twisted around and left the room without so much as an apology. The booming voices, belonging to Oscar and Larry were suddenly overlapping. Arguing. Fighting because they knew they were in trouble. Idiots. “Are you alright?” His question was dripping with concern, but it was genuine. He stood from the mattress, beginning to re-dress in the attire he’d removed the previous night.
“Your men..” You started before falling silent. This wouldn’t help. He was aware of what happened. He didn’t need a play-by-play. “I’m fine.” You whispered out. He nodded. Bane didn’t have time for this. Trouble was following and because he wasn’t a runner, he was a confronter, he needed to know what was happening at all times. Having to go down the hall and shout at grown men for trying to mess around with a younger, female hostage — it just pissed him off. It didn’t help in the slightest, it just slowed him down. He zipped the vest up before leaving the room to handle what has woken him. You curled up on your side and buried your face into your pillow before letting your eyes shut. Your fingers crossed slowly, a silent pray for the men in your dining room to leave today. What would you do if bane came back in and told you they had to stay for more time than he’d said last night. A day, okay. But any more than that.. you didn’t know what would happen.
It was then, in that moment that you realized you were on your own. You climbed off the bed hurriedly, bane’s words playing over and over in your head about how you would always be under someone’s watch. The doors to your closet opened with a loud creak. Your dainty fingers wrapped in a yellow blouse, yanking it out before you then grabbed a pair of jeans. Practically tearing your pajamas from your body, you struggled to move at a quick pace, clothing yourself in something much more appropriate before the return of Bane. And if you had time.. maybe you could get out the cracked window. It was only two stories high. Not too far of a jump. But the sudden sound of thudding boots in the hall made you freeze. Clad only in your underwear, blouse, and a pair of socks, you whimpered out in sudden anxiousness. The attempt to pull on your trousers while also watching the door was poor. Bane was seconds away from stumbling into the room to check on you and you.. well your jeans were only halfway on.
“Alright,” He spoke before he was even in the room. “I’m sorry about that, they’re both absolute idiots.” He continued to talk, his rough voice carrying down the length of the hall. “But you,” He turned the corner, just as you fastened the button on the front of your slacks. “are to tell me if they bother you again. I’ll ensure it doesn’t happen again.” It wasn’t going to anyway. Neither of them would even think about doing vile things to you after what he’d said to them. His tongue pushed against his cheek, hidden by the plastic mask on his face. “But, unfortunately for you,” He inhaled deeply, blue eyes locking on to your own as he stood in the doorway. “We are going to be here for at least a few more days.”
Your body ran hot. Skin on fire. Mouth run dry. The shiver that raced along your spine made you feel weak. No arguing, no complaining, no disagreeing. He wasn’t asking. He was telling. And all you could do was nod. You didn’t have a choice.
Tagged: @peakblogbecauseimweak @bsotstory @mollybegger-blog @morphoportis @ghost-of-student-sufferings @drippydownes2002 @ellar21 @sovereigngoth @willowick13 @xxxxxeroxxxxx @wheresthewater @anrm1 @pansexualginger @marvelgirl7 @evilspretty-dead @heyitscam99 @wow-he-cute @haroldpain @justrepostandlove @sparklyreaderx @emerald-bijou @multireality @innerpaperexpertcloud @giftofdreams @ihclipse @meer0rauschen @inkedfandom @thatsamegirl @doct0rstrange @jakechillenhaal @shanty-lol @centerhabit @clevertheoristpainter @jamierdr @favouritereadings @badmaax @thephuonganh @wewillfindourwaythere @uhhhemilyrose @scarrasco1325 @matoki-darkpanda @bignastyfan-nz
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star-captain · 5 years
"🌸 What’s a sentence that would make your OC’s day better? One that would make them laugh? One that would make their day worse? Why? What words would you have to say to them to completely ruin their day?"
Hmm this is a tough one. To make her day better, it would probably have to be something along the lines of either "I'm so glad we're friends" or "I have potatoes". Friends and food definitely make any day infinitely better.
She's hard to get to laugh, and most of what she does laugh about it more situational or physical comedy, but if Red makes a pun, it gets her to snicker.
Avon: We need to figure out who pushed us into the portal
Red: i have a few theories to run bayou.
Avon, holding back a laugh: Goddammit...what are they?
One word. Monster. Call her that and she's immediately in a worse mood. Tell her about how dangerous she is to her friends, how shes a bad protector and a horrible friend and itll completely destroy her (though shell probably punch you first).
Her past is filled with that word, and she truly feels shes a monster. Reminding her just brings back bad memories and dark thoughts.
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mugmyremarsh · 5 years
getting (back) into trading
have YOU just joined (or rejoined) animal jam? do u wanna get into trading? do you just know absolutely NOTHING about rares? cool. im gonna try help you to the best of my abilities :'D also for this ill be typing pretty damn normally just so that its legible so yea!
first things first tho! what do you know about rares? im talkin like. do u know what a long collar is. do you know what its worth.
your answer is PROBABLY at least a BIT. which is sick! good for you (*not sarcasm) but if your answer is smth along the lines of. absolutely fucking nothing to a little bit then may i suggest: reading up on the aj worth wiki. i only rlly recommend this if you dont know a whole lot. bcus the sites listed worths are not really the most accurate but they can be a good way to get a vague idea of the shit show!! id reccomend starting with rims n then working your way up cbs -> dbs -> (short wrists) -> long wrists (etc)
alright alright! next. do you know what things are worth? how many dbs should you trade for a good wrist? what shorts are fair for a green long? (lol idk why but that soundz kinda funnie)
if u dont think you know the answer to those questions then id recommend !!!! going on2 instagram unfortunately. the animal jam community is at its peak there i think (the animal jam amino can be kinda useful too).
what you wanna do there is just see what kinda trades ppl r accepting n stuff. the aj community there posts trades a LOT n theyll ask people to comment smth like o/f/u. o/f/u is outdated for some reason n they use something else. o/f/u stands for over/fair/under btw. jus checked- now theyre using g/f/l standing for good/fair/loss. so yea! most trades on the tag are for ajpw so :] i guess!
another way to learn is just through practise. what are people willing to accept and what are they declining? this one can be a bit tricky because some people are very picky with what they accept but overall? still pretty solid
btw the learning process can take about a week or so!! but also im slow.. at things. so hopefully itll be quicker for u!
finding people to trade with.
this shit is HARD. most jammers just go into aldan or wootmoos den. specific places in aldan are coral canyons, temple of zios, bradys lab (big boys only). ofc these places r only sometimes full of people. places which for sure have ppl is about any jamma township. trading parties are also popular!!
if u wanna be a cool kid u can post ur offers ~online~ main place id go to are the aj worth wikis and comment on either the item you are offering or that youre offering for ;w; makes sense right. you can also post your offers on instagram (tagged with animaljam) or the animal jam amino. i unno theyre both p good options.
actually getting shit 2 trade. well if ur gonna trade u need shit 2 trade ykno?
if youre a member, like every other person will say, i recommend the forgotten desert!! just host it or find sm1 else hosting it. it doesnt usually take very long for it to fill up. another thing- finding a group of people who will do it over and over again w you so you dont have to find new people every time.
if youre doing tfd (the forgotten desert) you wanna avoid doing the purple crystals. they waste time and u still get shit prizes from them. there were like. myths that youd get a headdress if you did them.. not true. jus do not bother w them. have your map open when you play tfd so you can see where youve already been n stuff, playing with audio helps cos youll hear a sound effect when youre able to collect a shard (useful for yellow 1z). its possible but unlikely that youll get a spike but i mean hey! i got my first spike from tfd!!! it was a yellow long! also be sure to pick up ground chests. there was a rumour that opening those would worsen your prizes which again. isnt true lol.
if youre a nm then i think people tend to recommend replaying the first adventure over and over again. i dont rlly have a lot to say abt this. its pretty simple.
and ofc :) the third way 2 get rare. the most... well i unno how to describe it but its something. ENTER GIVEAWAYS. you can find giveaways on instagram and youtube. honestly takes nothing to enter them and you have a chance of getting good stuff!!!
AAAND if youre artistic!!! enter art contestz!!! these dayz people barely enter art contests meaning that you have a higher chance of winning!!! and also! think about setting up animal jam commissions. post your art on the animal jam amino to get traction, people are more likely to see your commissions there!!! finding art contests is best on instagram though.
alright!! thats about all i have to say.. might add more in the future. but another thing. if youre trading then TRADE. offer for others peoples stuff. dont just sit in aldan and say unwanted on trd. alright. thats super not efficient!! also dont resort to scamming people? thats an asshole move.
next time! i wanna write abt how ppl subconsciously treat nms and unrare looking people while trading!!! ill link that here if i ever write it lol.
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diggersofgraves · 5 years
Let me get my feelings out.
I havent seen you in so long. Since the summer after high school. Yet, I've liked you since the beginning of high school. And those feelings never went away.
When we finally had something in the end. After everything. Idk, things just didnt line up. You were working through stuff. I was going away for college in a few months. It just didnt line up.
And it took time to get over you. A long time. I'd stay awake at night, thinking about where I'd be if I'd just been brave enough. Or maybe even drunk enough.
Finally, as I started my second year of college I thought, "hey. Maybe I'm over this. Maybe it's done for."
And a part of me was relieved. Another was sad. Bc I need to move on. And I thought I did.
And I'm 2/3rds done with my second year. And out of nowhere these stupid feelings come back. And I remember how it was.
Spending all of prom together, even though we never agreed to go together. And i wasnt even mad at you when you left halfway through the last dance, a slow song, to chase after someone else. I was just happy it happened.
And I remember when we went to Disney. With all our friends. Or rather, all my friends who you tagged along with. And through every ride, with no words, we agreed we'd go together. Through all of it.
And when we were both too scared to get on the same rides, there was almost something. Almost something. It was left unsaid though. And even when it finally seemed like it would be said, we were interrupted. Like in a stupid shitty teen movie.
When we video chatted while you were at the park with your soccer team. And it was just a continuous steams of 'almosts'.
I even remember way back in 9th grade. When stupid lovesick me asked you to marry me any time I saw you or enjoyed our time together too much.
And then in 12 grade when the roles were reversed. And something made me too shy to act normally in front of you. But you didnt care. You would shout across the hallways whenever you saw me, "hey beautiful, let's get married!" And it flustered me to no end. And then you'd asked, "why do you get so nervous in front of me? I havent changed, you know?"
And when we were at a volleyball game in the high school gym, watching our friends play. As we left the game a little early I cracked a stupid joke at a comment you made and you stopped, looked straight at me and said, "I really want a girlfriend just like you." And I didnt do anything about it. Just laughed.
And it seemed so dumb to others, probably. Two girls playing too intensely at fake love. I like to think it was real.
And really, its 2:30 a.m. now and 5 nights ago I had a dream where we squished together in my tiny twin bed and slept as one. My legs tangled in yours and your hands holding onto mine.
I know that wasnt what started this all over again though bc it was 3 weeks ago when my friend called me and you were with her. And the first thing you said to me, after more than a whole year, was "when is our wedding?"
And that wasnt fair, how quickly my stupid heart fell all over again.
Bc at this point you were probably joking.
And it seems so dumb to feel this intensely for someone who I havent seen in such a long time, but I do feel like this. I feel it so strongly, it hurts sometimes.
And I'm too scared to ask others how you are bc I'm scared it'll make me look pathetic. And lovesick. Which I am, but they dont have to know.
But I'm just happy hearing about you. Even if you're happy with someone else. Or content with just friends. And I think it makes me seem creepy.
I didnt say anything before college bc I was scared that with the distance included in my going to college, it would end up being just a simmer fling, but i thought you were too good to be a summer fling. Still think you are.
Still, I hope I see you this summer. With all my heart. If I have a wish for the summer, it's to see you.
Maybe itll make me feel more dumb, but hopefully it will also make me see that you're good as you are and I should be too.
It sometimes feel like I'll never feel this intensely about anyone else.
Bc I haven't before you and I havent after you.
I wish I would. Just so I could forget you properly.
At least forget how you make me feel.
Sometimes I wish this WAS a shitty teen movie. Bc if it was, I know I'd see you again, eventually. And we'll fall in love, properly. We'll spend the rest of our days together, talking about how we skirted around each other so long.
Damn it.
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beckzorz · 6 years
or, Adventures in Pursuit of a Seven-Year-Old Seer
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Words: 1662 Summary: It’s been over a year since you met Bucky, and you couldn’t be happier. If only you could figure out why your precognitive niece is burying you in abstract crayon art… A/N: Happy new year!
Part 1
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Your phone slips out of your hand and clatters on the ground at your feet. Blood rushes in your ears. You run to the front door, pull on your coat and boots, and yank open your door. Before you lock up, you remember your phone. You run back in and grab it. In another thirty seconds you’re in the street, trying to flag down a taxi. The freezing air stings your cheeks, your legs, but nothing compares to the terror flaring in your chest.
What the hell is happening? What was that call? Where is Gemma? Is Matt okay? What about Sarah?
Where is Gemma?
A taxi finally pulls over for you. You rattle off Matt’s address. “Hurry,” you add, voice catching. “It’s an emergency!”
The driver peels away from the curb. You can’t relax; you lean forward, breathing down your driver’s neck, not even buckled until he nervously asks you to sit back. Even then, you’re trembling, your blood pounding. You stuff your hands between your knees, but they’re shaking too.
Ten minutes never have never gone by by so slow.
The second he pulls up to Matt’s house, you open the door. You’re half out of the cab before you remember you need to pay. “Shit shit shit,” you mumble. Your purse is still hanging on its hook by the door back home.
You stare up at Gemma’s open window as you dig through your coat pockets. By some miracle, you find a twenty.
“Here, take it, keep the change,” you blurt, throwing the bill at the driver. You slam the car door shut and squeeze between the parked cars in front of Matt’s house.
The front door is unlocked. You burst inside, heart in your throat.
You freeze.
Half the stair runners are askew, and Gemma’s winter gear is strewn haphazardly across the living room. One of the couch pillows is in the kitchen doorway. You inch forward, barely breathing. The slow cooker is on the floor, and Sarah’s mulled cider is in a brown puddle across the floor, soaking into the pillow. A strangled sob escapes your throat.
You run upstairs to Gemma’s room. It’s empty, cold… The window is still open. Scribbled-upon papers litter the floor, covered in crayon and pen. Gemma’s bed isn’t made—but then again, it never is. You fall to your knees and press your hands to her bare sheets, willing them to reveal your niece. What’s happened to her? What’s happened to your brother?
In your pocket, your phone starts buzzing.
You flinch in surprise. Damn it, you should have called the cops by now! You pull your phone out and stare blankly at the screen before registering that it’s Bucky calling.
Thank god.
“Hey darlin’, how are y—”
“Matt and Gemma are missing!” you cry.
You collapse onto Gemma’s bed. “Matt called and he said Gemma was missing and then someone else was there and the line went dead and now they’re gone and—”
“Woah, woah, hey, calm down,” Bucky interrupts. “Where are you?”
“Their house.” You sniff. “I haven’t even called the police, I just… ran over.”
“Okay. Okay.” Bucky is quiet for a moment, but you can hear his breathing accelerating. “I’m on my way there now. I’m going to call Steve, okay? If this is about what I think it’s about, we’ll be able to do more than the police. Okay?”
You bite your lip to keep your crying quiet. Instincts from the days before Bucky—most of your life, really—all want you to hang up and call the police. But Bucky’s not wrong. The Winter Soldier and Captain America have more resources at the arsenal than every police force in America. Probably.
“Y-yeah. Okay,” you tell him. “When will you be here?”
“Soon,” he says. “Where’s Sarah?”
“I—I don’t know. Her cider’s all over the kitchen floor…”
“Can you call her?”
“Um, okay. Yeah.” You sit up slowly. Your head is spinning, but you nod. “I can do that.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Bucky promises. “Call Sarah, and I’ll be there before you know it.” He pauses. “We’ll figure it out. It’ll be okay, darlin’. I promise.”
You hang up. What else is there to say?
When you call Sarah’s phone, it rings from their bedroom next door. Your heart drops.
No one answers.
“Hello?” you call.
No one answers.
If Sarah is with her phone, why didn’t she answer it? Why would she ignore you?
She wouldn’t. She never has. The only options that come to mind are that she’s missing too—or she’s lying prone in her bedroom. Dead or unconscious.
You bolt to your feet and fly into the other bedroom.
An ounce of tension lifts from your shoulders. The bedroom’s empty; Sarah’s not here. At least she’s not dead—not that you can see. You still have no idea what’s going on, but at least you haven’t seen any dead bodies today.
You jump. It’s Bucky. “Up here!”
Two sets of footsteps pound up the stairs. Two? You spin to face Bucky, who buries you in his arms without preamble. Over his shoulder, you see Steve going straight into Gemma’s room, his face drawn and focused. You close your eyes and let yourself relax into Bucky’s hold, burying your face in his chest.
“I’ve got you,” he murmurs. His metal hand is secure across your back; the other is on your neck, warm and grounding.
“Oh god, thank god you’re here,” you whisper. You pull back. There are wet spot on Bucky’s shirt, and you lift your hands to your cheeks in surprise. Oh. You’re crying.
Bucky brushes your tears away, his eyes soft but his mouth set. “We’re going to find them. And then we’re going to make sure nothing like this every happens again.”
Bucky and Steve go through the upstairs one room at a time. You hover along behind them, trying not to get in their way, but the house isn’t big and those two aren’t exactly small. Every other minute, you’re in their way. But they never send you away. Bucky’s focused on studying the rooms, looking for clues, but he says nothing.
When they move downstairs, you linger in Gemma’s room. You kneel at her bedside again, tracing the empty indent on her pillow. God, what’s happened to her? Your sweet niece, with her happy laugh and her stubborn determination and her ominous certainty—
You put your head against the spot where she sleeps, wishing you could close your eyes and hear her breathing, hear her heartbeat, hear anything that would reassure you she’s alive.
Downstairs, Steve and Bucky start to talk. You sit up and listen hard.
“This has to be about her powers,” Bucky says.
“I agree.” Steve sighs. “What’s the plan?”
“What’re you askin’ me for?”
“She’s your… dammit, I’ve never even been here before, Buck! You know these people.”
A thump—did Bucky punch something? You hope he didn’t leave a dent.
“Keep it together, Buck,” Steve hisses. “Your girl’s upstairs!”
Before Steve finishes, you can hear Bucky stomping up to you. By the time he reaches you, you’re sitting on Gemma’s bed, your hands between your knees. You can’t imagine what you look like, what with the crying and the terror, but Bucky doesn’t comment. All he does is kneel at your feet and take your hands in his. He stares up at you with tender concern.
“How are you doing?” he murmurs. You shake your head, unable to meet his eyes.
“I don’t know. I keep wishing her damn bed would tell me where she is.” You force a laugh. “Crazy, right?”
Bucky joins you on the bed and pulls you into his arms. “No,” he says. “Not crazy.” He settles his chin on your head. “I’m sorry to do this, but can you tell me about the phone call?”
You tell him as much as you can. The phone call, your harried trip over, your exploration of the abandoned house. He listens in silence.
“—and to think, I was going to have a nice night,” you finish with a sniff, thinking of the unlit candles and the pie no doubt setting off fire alarms in your oven and the new lingerie. What was all of that against your brother, his wife, your niece? “God. That sounds so selfish.”
“Trust me,” Bucky says, pulling back, “it’s not.” He kisses away the tears clinging to your cheeks, then tugs you back against him for a last, brief hug. When he pulls back, the dismay is clear on his face. “I don’t want to leave you. But I—we, Steve and me, need to get to the bottom of this.”
“I’ll be okay,” you say. You’re pretty sure it’s a lie, but what does that matter? “Go. Find them. Save them, and then come home safe.”
Bucky squeezed your hands. He studies your face, his blue eyes intent as if he were memorizing you. “Yes, ma’am.”
After Bucky and Steve leave, you call the police as instructed. It’s easier to tell the story this time. Or maybe you’re just numb.
Either way, you let them take your statement. You let them root around your brother’s empty house. You let them bring you out of Gemma’s room, downstairs, outsi—
“Wait,” you blurt.
You turn and rush back inside, back upstairs, and into Gemma’s room.
“This is a crime scene!” one of the officers says, running after you. She tries to grab your arm, but misses as you kneel on the floor and pick up a piece of paper.
Your heart pounds. It’s one of Gemma’s drawings. All the other pages on the floor are pictures of people, of animals, of houses or rocks or flowers. This one, though?
This one is abstract.
You stare at the paper clutched in your hands as the officer leads you back outside. Her lecture goes in one ear and out the other.
Gemma, you think, what are you trying to say?
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Read Part 3 here!
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guild-guardian · 6 years
Spoiler Free review of “All or Nothing”
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After a cut because long post, many words, skritt math. 
The Story (No details)
Overall it's probably one of the best executed episodes worth of story that they’ve released in the last couple of Seasons. 
The Final Battle is more akin to the kind of scale you see in the Zorah Magdaros battle in Monster Hunter World than you’d expect to find in GW2, and that was a huge improvement compared to previous Elder Dragon battles. Having an active role in the battle, along with the NPCs not just “swinging their sword Oh look they swung it again” at trash mobs, and actually being useful- firing siege weapons, fighting mobs, picking you up if you get downed
So many call backs to minor named NPCs- some personal early personal story, and others from pact/priory/vigil etc It lead to a feeling of being surrounded by familiar faces as you lead the charge.  The short piece after the battle was also a well designed experience- the lack of UI and the “damage” lines that you felt when Balthazar killed you in PoF, further push the “oh fuck we’re pretty badly wounded”, along with the forced walk/limp and fall to our knees when we try to hop down along the uneven floor. The main character’s animation here was excellent and slow pace allowed Anet to sculpt a tightly designed experience that is as shocking as it is memorable. I won’t forget that last visual.
Brandon Bales and Debi Derryberry probably did the best voice work in this episode (imo- I haven't played it through on a non-sylvari male). It was extremely immersive and I totally bought what was happening as they expressed it.  I appreciated that the Zephyrites’ song/choir got further development, and how its relevant to the story just made it a really nice touch overall. 
I did think it felt very short- only 3 instances. It may be that they pushed the pacing to emphasise the commander rushing headlong and gambling dangerously on the first ideas that come to them, and they do love a cliffhanger at the end.  It ends on a flat note though, you can’t even interact with story NPCs after you finish it- nothing in the shiverpeaks map changes, no dialogue no “I’m just checking in” updates, nothing.  Final Note: WHERE ARE KASMEER AND MARJORY 
The Map
Huge! Ruins! Subterranean structures! Exploring! Absolutely nailed the Guild Wars 1 Shiverpeak atmosphere.but uh...not much to do past that. 
The Thunderhead Keep meta is fun- I love defense events that allow us to set traps, build barricades and ballistae. The Boss is TOO BRIGHT. It is impossible to see even with effects turned down and post processing off. Anet needs to reassess their priorities with visual telegraphing because right now you can’t see a thing, never mind reacting to the thing. 
Minor Quibble. UH WHERE DID THAT CLIFF AND PIT COME FROM? I’m pretty sure that the mountains just...continued north of the keep in GW1, and a little further north you’d come to the Mursaat teleporter to Hell’s Precipice. 
The dredge meta is...hard to get people to defend the 2nd and 3rd drills- I’ve yet to be successful on this one. 
The delay between meta active times feels a bit long, and perhaps its just the layout of this one, but there isn’t much notification if North or south meta is happening/how long until X etc. 
I don’t like that Map Completion can’t be soloed- Both metas are required. Unless you find a friendly mesmer or buy the Light of Deldrimor from the TP. 
Past the Metas, I’ve seen maybe 5 or 6 events tops on this huge environment. That is pretty woeful. I get that this was probably a high budget episode with two cutscenes, unique character animations and PvE environments built to scale with the GW1 counterparts (why did dwarves build so big anyway?), but the overall quiet map is a bit of a let down- considering the variety of content available in Jahai.
I adore the skritt/priory interactions, and an above ground village of Dredge being shown in in a positive light. Even if literally every member of the survivors has had to kill their friends and family with their own hands. 
The Mastery 
Heavily Situational and will take some getting used to. It doesn’t have that immediate “Good Feel” as mounting your griffon midair or while gliding. Being “animation locked” for most of the launch prevents you from gliding or re-mounting, so you just plummet for the most part and lose out on any air you might have hoped to gain from using it. 
At least we can be thankful it wasn’t required to complete the story or meta.
The Fractal
Dreams: Crushed Hopes: Sundered Orr: Ignored.  Instead of picking an interesting pirate/corsair character that could use a bit of story development, they go with the boisterous ghost from the Lion’s Arch Jumping Puzzle. 
This fractal is short (at T1- it’ll likely have more complexity as you go up) and very sparse on story. The music is good, and the environment is good. Dessa continues to be the shining star of most fractals with her responses to the situations she gets to observe.  Probably won't be the new Challenge mode fractal that people were hoping for, but the fight mechanics are fun and different. 
I’d appreciate it if Anet could relinquish their choke grip they’ve had on talk like a pirate day 2012 that seems to permeate all of their pirate related content- it always feels kind of like even the characters themselves don’t take themselves seriously. There's just something pretty wack with them.  (and I’m not talking about all the landlocked core game pirates just living in lakes barely big enough for their bases) That’s Enough. 
The Legendary
Probably one of the nicest they’ve done in a while. Initially I was put off by it- the official preview of it in the reveal trailer didn’t really show it off very well- not the steps, aura or on-draw effect. However on this video from someone who got it before release, they point out a few things about it that really sell it for me.
I love the scorch mark on draw, with the dubstep twangs the most. A little disappointed that Range LB 5 is unaffected- it could have been very pretty (ie spirit bow active visuals).   It's a very refined weapon that will certainly suit a lot more characters than Kudzu, and I’ll probably make it after I finish Ipos. In like a year.
The Music
Knocks itself out of the park in a home run touchdown or however sports works. The choral piece for Aurene is very beautiful, and I especially appreciate the tarir motif used towards to the end of the track.  Re-used GW1 themes in the map give a very nostalgic feel, and the fractal has a unique Shanty theme, along with what was used for this year’s Festival of the Four winds. 
The story is moving and immersive, the encounters well designed and well executed, however sparse event placement on the map kinda gets :/ from me. 
Fractals continuing a trend of “we can do anything in the history of tyria- but lets focus on the boring parts” is also disappointing. 
PS. The .5 comes from the Skritt writing and voice acting.  So pure and wholesome. 
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teddy-feathers · 6 years
About 530 i started working on some scenes for a story im working on. Just playing with how a convo would go because while I didn't know, pretending it was happening would prob let me get a general idea of the direction, mood, or just some frame work dialogue.
It wasn't great but that wasnt the point and it DID give me the idea of HOW the conversation happened - an established method that allows both characters to be bluntly honest without having to be direct giving them the best of BOTH worlds. A convention I'm really pleased to slowly build into their past conversations and work up into an actual convention by the time THIS conversation happens.
All well and good but... I'm at work. A serious full time job with one thirty min break and no natual lulls to just take this down on my phone.
Which was no loss because details arent really neccessary for this scene because it was just a... Faked run though and im sure when i sit down to actually write it ill come up with better lines discriptions instead of sketchy imaginings.
... However...
It faded into a slightly later scene for how despite not really being invovled the dynamic changed and yet stayed the same for all of these other characters.
But it wasnt me just pondering this was full on back and forth dialogue with clever tie ins that illustrated the point of the scene without having to say it and oooh banter and Holey socks itll end in this manner which will then lead into this additional continuance where they do this to prove that which is brilliant and then itll end with the main character running out and into this other character which makes this relevant and not a forgotten thing and allows me to headcannon some stuff for this side part thats only as much part of the plot as i make it but would feel good as a world buildy/ filling the story with stuff besides talking heads sort of deal.
Like if itd just been a handful of details of x then y then z happens i wouldve struggled to keep track but probably been fine managing but no
The dialogue my mind just sparked along naturally flowed through this scene so cleverly there was no need to manually make things connect. It was smoothly done. And i COULDNT write it down!!!!
I tried as best i could at lunch but its got an akward bit in the middle where ive obviously forgotten something because i basically had to have the character go SO ANYWAYS when before it was all one piece
I am tired and going to bed but the point of all this is just how frustraiting it is to actually have not only creative juice but to be really feeling it and it comes together perfectly and then its been idk 8 hours and you have pieces of it and some of them are missing.
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heroquills-a · 6 years
🏠 (i imagine it being all messy lmao)
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🏠 - What does their living space look like?
ooon the contrary, you’d be quite surprised. i did do a post about this in the past, i think, regarding what sonic’s place looks like. but some aspects have changed since then but it still generally has the same layout?
so sonic and tails live together in green hill zone. there’s this decent, big sturdy tree they found among several other trees that they decided to construct into a tree house of sorts with a bit of a modern twist to it. 
so imagine something like 
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just with a tropical setting instead of a cabin aesthetic. it’s more like a hut, kinda.
anyway it’s relatively cozy, especially the den/livingroom area- which is actually nestled inside a hollow part of the tree. it’s got a real nice, tropical rainforest feel to it. its small but spacious, and the general area is decently hidden unless you really know what to look for. tails also set up a security system just in case, but honestly it’s one of the safest places you could be.
in terms of living conditions, there really isn’t a whole lot in the place? in fact i’d say the messiest part of the house would actually be tails room/lab/workshop to be honest. and they have a tiny bot that tails built which is basically a modified roomba with the personality of one of those ali vector robots and it basically helps maintain the place while they are away (and kinda works as an assistant for tails.)
but,, yeah sonic’s room is honestly really tidy because he keeps most things in his closet and doesn’t really have much else to keep in his room besides a bed, a nightstand, a dresser and his guitar. there might be some clothes left on the floor but eventually either sonic takes care if buzzert doesn’t get to it first lmao. 
second messiest part of the house would probably be the den if only because thats usually where tails and sonic hang out if they’re just chilling & what not, playing videogames or watching tv or something lmao. but yeah.
this place kinda doubles as their base since tails set up so many systems and tricked the heck out of the place to make sure they’d be well protected and eggman wouldn’t discover them.
more under the cut + some diagrams to give a vague idea of what the layout is
so here’s the overall layout of the place (please excuse the shitty sketch lmao i am not an interior designer) 
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couple things to note; 
they use the balcony as their front door more often than not because tails can fly and sonic can run up walls/platforms and its easy to access if you have special powers so, yeah
which is funny because it’s not technically their front door, its just a balcony/platform. their front door is really that secret entrance you see but they like never use it honestly akfjhfgh. that’ll be the one a normal person would probably use
in the den there’s two couches that kinda face eachother and create this little lounging space and they have a big flat screen + rad gaming & movie set up in there which is the main source of entertainment if theyre hanging out. but there’s also some cupboards and stuff for various toiletries and housing items and what have you. 
tails’ workshop has two different levels. upstairs (which connects to the bridge to the rest of the place) is the lab for researching/programming/what have you, downstairs is the workshop for building stuff. 
secondly, here’s what sonic’s room looks like specifically in terms of layout
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his bed is a modified hammock. it rests at about waist level, like any other bed and is lined with a lot of plush padding & pillows and kinda gently slopes in towards the center (esp if he’s laying down in it). it’s actually really comfortable and ideal, almost like a little nest.
it sits next to a window that he typically leaves open because he loves feeling the breeze brush through his room and listening to the night sounds of green hill. its usually very peaceful. even during the day. (unless of course there’s a storm or something lmao.)
next to his bed is just a simple little night stand that has some discarded stuff on it, like a water bottle and maybe some snack wrappers or fliers he’s collected on his travels that advertise events around the world to check out. there’s also a lamp, and he usually sets his phone on it too.
the dresser is kinda where he stuffs what clothes he does have. there’s really not a whole lot in there but yeah there’s some things. whats more prominent is that there’s a few picture frames sitting ontop the dresser one of him and tails, one of him, tails, knuckles and amy, and then an older one of his family back on christmas island before jules passed away.
sonic keeps basically everything else in his closet. though recently he’s taken his guitar out and has it sitting out in the open now so that it’ll remind him to use it more often these days.
there’s definitely some plants in his room too, because he wanted to maintain that nature aesthetic. he’s got some flowers & vine plants growing in there, the vine plants’ pots hang from the ceiling and their tendrils grow along the ceiling and along the walls a little bit. 
yeah i think that’s basically it, if i think of any more things i’ll probably add it to this post later but yeah thats what sonic’s living conditions are like. besides, still having nomadic tendencies and sleeping in random spots where-ever when he’s not here.
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anvthemaeyes · 6 years
Picture Perfect Pt. 1/?
Trigger(s): Self-Harm- will begin and end with [**]-
Later chapters will include mature/explicit content - Happy readings :)
Josh Dun X Reader
2.3K Words
Today had been a good day… but It was your last class of the day and your brain was absolutely sick of cramming in useless information. Since this was also your favorite class you pushed yourself to stay awake. As of this moment your mind was in another place not caring for anything until you heard your name called. “Ms.Y/N.... you will be working with Joshua on this assignment”  Your eyes scanned the room to find your teacher, then Joshua’s recognizable mess of red dyed hair. He looked at you wearing nothing but a friendly smile on his face. You were glad you could work with him this time around since he usually aced his photography projects . Although he seemed to be an anxious, fidgety boy on the outside you knew you could really find out a lot if you took time to talk to him. While juggling thoughts you began to plan parts of the project in your head until your teacher abruptly announced something. “I have assigned partners based on the limited knowledge I have about each of you from this year. Being things i've noticed about your personality or past projects. These are people i think you all will work well together. So let your creativity run wild with this final photo set and have fun.” She ended her sentence with a nod and a smile as she quietly walked back to her desk. You soon moved over next to Josh so you both could begin to brainstorm ideas, stting quite close to him so you could look at each other's ideas  “So i kind of wanted to make the theme for this kind of about space and like our hopes and dreams and stuff and our future and x-files themed stuff ...if that’s alright” His voice was soft but quick. You could tell he was a bit nervous. “That sounds like a great idea. Maybe we can work on some stuff after school since my parents are on a business trip.We’ll  be able to have the house to ourselves” You gave him a small grin to comfort him. He nodded and tore a small piece of paper from your notebook. “ Here’s my snapchat i guess. Just text me everything later. I’ll be out with Tyler and Jenna until around 5 so expect me then.” His voice was a little shaky. “Well Jenna actually invited me earlier so we’ll be  seeing each other again later actually.” The bell rang so you waved goodbye to Josh and headed out.
You walked home and changed into a simple gray crop top, black leggings, and jean jacket seeing that you were feeling a bit more confident than you had previous days, so you wanted to take advantage. As you were pulling on your jacket your phone lit up on your dresser, it lit up with a snap from Jenna
Jenna: So it looks like we’ve got a double date tonight
Y/N: Oh hush, I just met Josh and it's not like Taco Bell is anything special
Jenna: I’m not the person to be talking to. Taco Bell was Tyler’s choice and itll be fun.See u in 5 :)
You walked outside just in time to see Jenna pulling in. You opened the door to see her smiling like a kid in a candy store. “What could you possibly want?” I said in an overly sarcastic tone. “Josh is gonna appreciate that outfit, now won't he” she couldn’t help but laugh after she said that. “ Tell me again why i decided to be friends with you”
Jenna found a parking spot and both of you soon got out. When you got out of the car you heard Tyler yell. “ How’s my favorite girl!?” You turned on you heel to them running into each other's arms. “ They’re so dramatic, it's only been a couple hours since school.” Josh laughed as he looked at the two love birds.
. Everyone sat for a few minutes as you began to feel a bit unsettled“ Hey Jen, I’m gonna head to the bathroom alright.” she gave a concerned look “ Alright. We’ll be right over here.”.You headed to the bathroom and locked the door even though it probably wasn’t the best decision for a public restroom
. You looked in the mirror and watched yourself as you took the jacket off, staring at your wrists that were lined with scars and more recent cuts that you tried to avoid making. The constant fear that you would get worse than your current state and Jenna would find out haunted you so you never knew why you continued with the habit you abhorred so much. You and Tyler were her first priority,and when she found out Tyler wasn’t doing great you saw the pain in her eyes. You couldn't put her through something like that again. You proceeded to fix your makeup and wipe away the tears that fell, making sure you looked presentable so no one would suspect a thing.
You turned the deadbolt on the door and walked out with a smile, spotting Tyler and Jenna sitting together so you could only assume your spot was next to Josh. Tyler was the first to speak up. “So what are you guys doing for the photography project in Smith” You glanced at Josh. “ Well we decided we wanted to something based on ‘I Want To Believe’-” Tyler cut you off “ Of course Josh chose something from the X-Files.” He rolled his eyes. “ Well what i was going to say was that we wanted to something based on like space but also ‘wanting to believe’ in like your hopes and dreams” Josh said it with a happy tone. You could tell how excited he was.“That sounds sick...So, it sounds a bit cliche but Me and Jen are doing one based on love and trust” You and Josh simultaneously fake gagged.
“So my house i guess?” you said looking down at your phone as you sat down in josh’s car. The inside was very nice and you noticed that he had some drumsticks had been thrown in the back. Surprisingly, sparking even more of your interest in the boy “Yeah. We can just stop by my house so we can get my camera and all my fancy lenses.” The singular comment created a more silent ride that only contained the radio playing various old rock songs that you recognized alongside the rain pouring down outside. You stared out the window until the car stopped at a large house that had a minivan parked in the driveway. “ On 3 we’ll run inside. 1...2..3!” You opened the door quick and grabbed his hand so he could pull you inside where there was a strong smell of coffee.You waved sheepishly at the woman leaning on the counter.. You assumed it was his mom. “ Oh, hi honey. Who is this lovely lady you brought with you?” a small blush appeared on his cheeks “ This is Y/N, I’m going to go work on a big photography project with her. I’m also going to her house to work on it, if that’s alright.” “ Of course just be careful out there. I don’t want you guys catching a cold” Once she finished her sentence Josh ran up the stairs. You followed him into his room where you saw a large drumset in the corner along with various posters. “ Hey do you want another jacket. That one looks a bit wet.” You looked down to see that you were practically dripping. Without thinking you took off your jacket and set it on a nearby desk.
“Oh my god” Josh’s tone became extremely concerned and you looked at him and his eyes looked like he just got shot in the heart. You swallowed hard realizing what he was witnessing. You froze and didn’t think to cover up. “Why? Just like Tyler. Why? Every time I meet a good person” Those words came out of his mouth with a sincerity and his head fell in his hands, with that a thousand responses came to mind but all you could do was fall apart. You sat down in the chair behind you and your face was in the palms of your hands as Josh knelt in front of you. “ We don’t know each other well but all I can say is that things will get better. You just have to believe that they will. Don’t let anything bring you to this point...please” You looked up at him and his eyes met yours. You saw his look of desperation and you could see he cared.
“Here, put on this jacket and let’s head to your house we’ll talk there.” you pulled the baby pink hoodie over your head,he gave you a soft smile and you both headed downstairs. “ Hey. Mom. I might be staying over at Y/N’s. I’ll let you know later tonight.”
As you finished rolling into the driveway you led Josh into your house and immediately switched the heater on so the house could be a bit more cozy. “Do you want to order some pizza or something before we get started with all of this?” “Yeah, i’m fine with whatever you get.” You snatched your phone from the counter and called the nearest place for delivery making sure they didn’t have to drive far in the rain. “Y/N I want you to know that if you need me i’m here. I know what it's like and i can help. Y-You’re too.. beautiful to be doing anything like that” The room stayed silent for a few seconds. The void being filled with the sound of  your shoes stepping on the hardwood floor. You sat next to him and grabbed his hand. “It’s an extraordinary feeling knowing that I’m not alone.” Your eyes faltered between his eyes and the window. Finally settling into his innocent eyes, the edges beading with tears like that of earlier. Although this time, they were of joy knowing that he was helping someone find a purpose. The “moment” between the two of you was interrupted by the abnormally fast delivery man. Josh quickly rose to his feet and answered the door, handing the guy a $20 “Thanks man.Keep the change” Josh speed walked over so he could set the pizza down. “ i was holding the bottom of the box...it got hot.” His cheeks turned a light shade of crimson with awkwardness as he grabbed your TV remote and flipped on a movie. “So I have some stuff that we can use for backdrops and lighting in my room. I’ll set that stuff out later
-later that night-
“So go ahead and place that galaxy fabric down on the floor. Make sure its pulled tight so it doesn't have too many wrinkles. And then lay down.. Like that.. And hold the ukulele in your arms. Turn your head a bit so your glitter reflects and okay perfect i’ll take a few shots.. And noooow done with that shot.” Josh directed with ease as he sat on the top of the small ladder so he could get some overhead shots. The ideas spilled out of him with an ardent passion. The two of you both loved music and that is what helped with all of the ideas Josh was suggesting. You just went along with it, knowing that they would turn out beautifully alongside the other photos you and him had taken . “Hey you look a bit spaced out” Josh said as he laughed at his corny dad joke. You were glad to see he was becoming more comfortable around you. “Oh I’m fine. Getting cozy down here.” Josh assisted you in getting up as you both started looking through the pictures.”Crap! You need to call your mom it’s 7:00. You need to give her a heads up if you're staying over” “Oh you’re right, i'll be on your porch.” you sat alone in the dining room thinking. Something inside of you wasn’t right. You were beginning to fall for Josh and it was a fast fall. He was a sweet boy that had so much passion for life while also being so scared of it. He was just intriguing and you wanted more. To know more..to feel more. You snapped out of your dreamland when the door shut. “Good news! My mom says I can stay over. I just need to go grab some clothes and stuff for the night.” “Alright. I’m super excited.”
Josh walked in with a duffel bag and small tupperware in his hand. “Hey my mom made us some brownies for the night.” he said while dropping them on the counter. “Sweet but we need to get that last photo done. I thinks it’s the one of the both of us right?” he agreed “Yeah, good thing you kept your makeup on….. Oh i need to hang up the black sheet!” his feet thumped on the ground as he ran to the living room to get it along with some small thumbtacks. You held the sheet in place while he shoved the tacks into the wall. As you adjusted it he grabbed his snapback and a pair of drumsticks to tie together the whole ‘Space & Music’  concept.  You knew this photo would turn out the best but would undoubtedly be the most awkward. “Okay Josh so were going to want to face each other and press our foreheads together..” He turned his body to you and put his face to yours. “Yeah like that and now just close your eyes  with your sticks crossed” you gulped as the situation got a bit as it got more intimate for the two of you. You pressed the control for the camera and a string of flashes began going off “Y/N you’re a stunning girl, I’ve liked you since freshman year and i've fallen in love with you ever since.” He grabbed your chin and brought it to his face, lips pressing against yours. A smile appeared and you stopped the camera. His arms slowly made his way around you.
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