#its a small ask
800-dick-pics · 1 year
F@r right incels harassing my gf!
Yesterday my partner was harassed off of twitter by far right incel trolls, threatening to doxx us. She had to delete/remake and private most socials and money apps. All of this has been really traumatizing for her and right now she does not feel safe being online or asking for support.
We are food insecure without access to refrigeration, so we only have shelf stable foods which are low nutritional density, dry, and cold.
With the things going on for my trans girlfriend I just wanna get her a hot meal with some veggies!
$0/$45 goal!
CA: $sleepyhen
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Hello, followers.
In front of you is a masterpost made by my husband, it was weeks of work and organising alongside a huge effort and determination to assist Argentinian artists.
You have one button to press, if you choose to press it you can stay but if you refrain i will slowly start filling the room with gas blocking you all.
You understand that i do not need to let you stay here as this was never a space for you.
I am so proud of him and the efforts he has put in and it takes only a moment for you to spread that, this is not only for him but an entire group of artists and creatives who deserve recognition and visibility. I know you see the post, i get notes as you scroll through liking posts meant to be shared with my husband.
You have 48 hours or until i get annoyed enough.
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bamsara · 25 days
As a writer who doesn't often read other fics because of personal preferences, but also to focus on my own and spend a lot of time writing something completely to my own exact tastes instead I gotta ask
(This is specifically about long-fics, but short fics can work too)
Personally, I have specific preferences/squicks that make it hard for me to read certain things and prefer to write what I like instead of looking for it in other places (That's not to say that it can't be found! I just find writing it to be a lot more satisfying)
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mcsiggy · 2 months
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saying it's 'goofy' of me to draw greek gods with a variety of skin tones is sure a take.
and by a take, i mean, a racist one.
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nocofamilyau · 1 month
How does Mike feel about having adopted siblings?
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I guess he'll never get as used to it as he thought he would...
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online2002 · 5 months
:33 < johndave pawst instant follow
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cubbihue · 10 days
Okay picture this: Peri, Dev, and Hazel singing "girls do what we like" from season 2 of gravity falls and Dev getting really into it
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Once Hazel managed to rope Dev into doing karaoke with her, when she found out his house had a surround sound system. They had fun! Peri is also singing too, but he's so small and the microphones so large, that it's rather hard to hear him.
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tryagainstarlight · 14 days
First Contact, a prologue
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hellsitegenetics · 2 months
I have a request: the first paragraph of Industrial Society and its Future, courtesy of https://besser.tsoa.nyu.edu/howard/Anarchism/Unabom/manifesto.html
"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the Iffe-expectancy of those of us who live in "advanced" countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human being to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in "advanced" countries."
String identified: T ta t a t cc a a at t a ac. T a gat ca t -ctac t "aac" ct, t t a ta ct, a a g, a ct a g t gt, a t a cgca g ( t T t ca g a ) a a ct aag t ata . T ct t tcg t tat. t cta ct a g t gat gt a ct gat aag t ata , t a a t gat ca t a cgca g, a t a a t ca ca g "aac" ct.
Closest match: Euplexia lucipara genome assembly, chromosome: 11 Common name: Small angle shades
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(image source)
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tangledinink · 9 months
absolutely obsessed with gemini Donnie's piercings! They suit him so much! and i bet theyre fun to draw too!
you also mentioned tattoos! what kind do you think he would get? like what kind of designs and where?
Ah thank you! ; w ; I just think they're fun <;3 he deserves piercings... And yeee he has quite a few tattoos as well that he builds up over the years--
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both his arms host meticulously planned, carefully considered, personal and meaningful full-sleeve pieces that were done professionally by sorrelshine's older sister, leafwhistle (she's the one who pierced donnie's eyebrow in that comic!)
his legs are where everything else goes. there are dozens of different pieces patchworked all over-- some done by leafwhistle, some by other artists, some by sorrelshine (who is not a professional, let it be known, but knows how to use a tattoo gun!), some even done by himself. he let leo do one once. mikey has done several. there's everything from stick-and-poke stars to little grayscale robots to brightly colored flowers down here, and he'll shove new things wherever they'll fit whenever he feels the urge.
[ gemini au ]
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world's most annoying man is not allowed outside due to his inability to shut up
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 months
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solargeist · 3 months
Could I request a cute moment between Aether and Grian?
hmm heres a cute moment i think !!
i imagine since Watchers can summon food, they don't rly cook or anything, but Grian likes cooking ! So here he is sharing whatever with his mum haha
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sometimes cooking tastes better than summoning
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deerspherestudios · 2 months
Can we count on something sweet between MC and Mychael on Day 3???👀👀
I hope y'all think so! There's a variety of ways you can interact with him after waking up, one of them leading up to a possible choice of a bad ending, but that's all I'll say for now! ::-)
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sketchy--akechi · 2 years
absolutely adore akechi's confidant and how my dude tries to establish a meaningful connection in order to manipulate akira but has absolutely no idea how to do that so he traumadumps all over the place. the bath house was an absolute disaster. "can i put my clothes back on" idk akira can you. and then instead of recognizing his desire for human connection akechi just goes and labels his feelings for akira as hatred. you did it goro you won
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clownsuu · 1 year
the way you draw howdy and Wally is so euphoric
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they make my brain go brrrrr
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Evenly distributed personality smhhhh
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