#its about how your parent can make life into a game and you learn to compete for love and respect through those rules
teas-of-trin · 2 years
When i want to dig through my emotional trauma regarding my mom —> sharp objects ( book or series because both together slaughter me so beautifully. Something something our mother is our carver and grave digger something something we never escape the house we grew up in, the house we lost everything in; always being afraid to become who hurt us—tangling ourselves in the line between the kindness in ourselves and the sickness in our parents)
When i want to dig through my emotional trauma regarding my dad —> succession (there is nothing for me to say here, i watch a dad kick his children and watch them come back to him no matter what circumstance because they want his love; dangling the legacy, the opportunity of a lifetime in front of your kids and then drowning them when they get to close; wanting your kids to be killer, but them never doing it because they want your love too much; fear vs love)
When i want to dig through both my maternal and paternal issues and also the fact that love is carnal —> hannibal (i mean surrogate parents; manipulation at the highest form, obsession for understanding; layers upon layers of desire unfurling themselves under each other; trying to find parents in the people who took the most from you; having someone affect your life so deeply there is a before and after with them in the middle)
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letters-to-lgbt-kids · 10 months
My dear lgbt+ kids, 
An underrated health and wellbeing tool is play. 
When you think about playing, you may immediately picture little children - but by definition, play describes “any activity engaged in purely for enjoyment and recreation with no definite practical purpose” and those activities stay important throughout your whole life. 
Why are those activities important? 
Play is good for your body. Intentionally doing something just for fun helps to activate the “rest and digest” mode that is necessary to recover and heal from stress. It signals that you’re safe and helps your body relieve tension. 
It’s also good for your brain. It can stimulate your imagination, visualization and critical thinking skills, which can help you build skills like resilience and adaptability. 
Play can also foster empathy and understanding of others as it can help you see things from another’s perspective. 
Playing can make you laugh, and laughter comes with a whole sleeve of health benefits, such as decreasing blood pressure and even improving your immune system! 
Playing together can strengthen relationships. Positive, fun social interactions are important for your emotional wellbeing. 
Now some of you may think “that’s all nice, but how do I even play as an adult?”. While play is a natural behavior of human beings, many adults need to re-learn how to play - it depends on your specific environment and social circles but you may feel a lot of pressure to be productive all the time and play is by its very nature not productive. So, the first step in re-learning play is to give yourself permission to just *be* instead of *do* (and that can be a huge step!). 
Some ideas on how to ease back into play: 
Think about your childhood. (Or if you can, ask a parent, sibling or childhood friend, that can be a great way to bring back memories!) What were your favorite ways to play back then? What did you love about your favorite game? Does any particular memory immediately give you that “I wish I could do that again” feeling? (You may not necessarily find anything that you want to just replicate as an adult as-is, this is just meant to kick-start your imagination!) 
Gameify everyday tasks. Try to spot as many yellow items as possible on your commute to work. Make up a silly song about laundry while putting away the laundry. Pretend to be on a cooking show while making dinner. Do what you always do, just allow yourself to be silly about it! 
Do something creative, even (and especially) if you’re not good at it. You may not think of drawing, writing etc. as playing but those are activities you can do for pure entertainment! 
Moving your body doesn’t need to be purposeful exercise (and certainly not hating yourself in the gym), it can also be playtime: Do a silly little dance to your favorite song! Tippytoe, crawl, jump, walk backward.. from your bedroom to the kitchen, just for the fun of it! 
Rethink toys. While it is fully okay for a grownup to buy, own and play with toys, and we should abolish the negative stereotypes about it (it’s creepy, it’s inherently a sign of poor mental health etc.) these stereotypes do exist and you may simply not feel comfortable. Luckily, there are a few toys that are generally considered socially acceptable for adults or are even marketed towards adults, such as board games, stress balls, adult coloring books, certain Lego sets or fan/collectors toys (like action figures). And when there are no judgy eyes watching, you may also have fun just playing with household items such as cardboard rolls! No need to go out and buy something! 
Keep in mind that play isn’t a competition to win. You can’t play wrong - that’s the beauty of it! Just let your curiosity and enthusiasm guide you. 
With all my love, 
Your Tumblr Dad 
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suzukiblu · 5 months
WIP excerpt for Cheshire behind the cut; Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! ( + non-chrono link for app users )
“Um, yeah,” Billy says, still internally cringing at himself. “Just–not just the bare minimum, I mean? Like–other things too. Books and games and snacks and . . . whatever you think’s fun, or whatever you want to learn about, or whatever.” 
He’s definitely been in “homes” that didn’t give him things like that. He doesn’t want Lynn to feel like . . . a burden, or a problem, or just unimportant and unwanted like that, so . . . yeah, he’s definitely gonna get him things that aren’t just the bare minimum. As many of those things as he can, he thinks. 
Batman gave them so much money, and that’s not even counting the stipend. Billy can definitely afford to give Lynn the kind of stuff none of his foster families wanted to give him. So, like–he’s gonna, obviously. 
Of course he’s gonna. 
Lynn ducks his head a little, then swallows uncomfortably. Billy resists the urge to nudge Tawky towards him again. He wonders if he could just, like . . . offer Lynn a hug, maybe? Maybe that’d be okay? 
Or maybe it’d be weird and pushy, or maybe stupid, or maybe just make Lynn feel uncomfortable. They’ve never met before today and they’ve barely spent any time together at all, and Billy doesn’t want to be the type of foster parent who demands a relationship that just isn’t there, even if he’s . . . well, not really just a foster parent, he hopes. But those fosters just always made him feel like they were more interested in getting attention and looking good to strangers than anything about him. 
He wants Lynn to feel like he’s interested in him–wants Lynn to know he’s interested in him, and cares about him, and isn’t gonna ignore him or hate him if he doesn’t follow some stupid script he’s got in his head of how he “should” be. 
He definitely wants that. 
“It’s okay if you don’t know what you think’s fun yet,” he tries, hoping he’s not assuming too much. “It’s probably kinda overwhelming, with, um . . . literally everything happening all at once and your whole life getting turned on its head, um . . . basically five minutes after it really started, so . . .” 
“I was alive before I woke up,” Lynn says, a little stilted. “I–saw things. Learned things.” 
“Things about yourself, or about how Cadmus wanted you to be?” Billy asks. 
Lynn–pauses. Frowns. 
“. . . um,” he says. “I . . . don’t know.” 
Billy is pretty sure Cadmus just sucks, actually. Like. A lot. 
“Okay,” he says. “Well, that’s okay too. You can take your time figuring it out. There’s no rush or anything.” 
“Superman won’t like me if I don’t figure it out,” Lynn says, his frown deepening. “If I’m not–useful.” 
. . . okay, Billy thinks. Cadmus really sucks, actually. 
“Superman doesn’t care about people being useful,” he says firmly. “That’s like, the last thing Superman cares about. He just likes people for who they are.” 
“. . . who I am is . . . fake, though,” Lynn says, his eyes slanting away. “It’s–programmed.” 
“So?” Billy asks, reminding himself superheroes don’t burn down weird basement labs outside of extenuating circumstances. And anyway, the sidekicks already messed Cadmus up pretty bad as it was. “Lots of people get programmed. Red Tornado’s programmed, and he’s really nice. And Wonder Woman got made out of clay as a little kid, so she got, like, magic programming. Like, to be her ‘age’, you know?” 
Lynn . . . blinks, slowly, and then glances back at him. 
“You really think that?” he asks. Billy’s a little confused by the question. He doesn’t think it; he knows it. 
“I mean, yeah?” he says. “I just mean–it doesn’t make you fake. That’s all. Especially ‘cuz you can, you know . . . learn stuff yourself, if you wanna. You don’t have to just stay the way you got taught to be.” 
Lynn stares at him for a long, silent moment, then looks down at the table again. 
“How long have you had–uh, Uncle Tawky?” he asks, abrupt and obviously trying to change the subject. That’s fine, Billy thinks; he doesn’t want to make him uncomfortable. And Lynn’s gotta learn how to do that kind of thing anyway, so it’s good practice for more complicated conversations, he figures. 
“Since I was ten,” he says. “He came from India! I met him in Fawcett, though, and he’s been my best friend ever since! He’s really great. And a respectable gentleman, so you don’t need to be scared of him or anything. I mean, I don’t know if you’re scared of tigers or not? Because probably you’re tiger-proof? Like–normally, I mean. But yeah.” 
“. . . I’m not scared of tigers,” Lynn says, looking a little bewildered, for some reason. Billy beams at him. 
“Great!” he says happily. Tawky could probably hurt Lynn, since he’s magic too, but he obviously wouldn’t, so he’s just . . . not gonna draw attention to that right now, obviously. That wouldn’t make Lynn feel very safe, he’s pretty sure. 
But Tawky could also probably stop Lynn if he got mind-controlled, so . . . maybe it would make him feel safer? Billy’s not sure, actually. 
. . . hm. Yeah, he needs to figure that out. 
“. . . you’ve really had him since you were ten?” Lynn asks, looking–hesitant, now. Billy doesn’t know why, but nods. 
“Yup!” he says. “He’s the best.” 
“. . . are you sure you want me to have him?” Lynn asks, still looking hesitant. 
“Yeah!” Billy confirms cheerfully. “Tawky’s the best! He’ll protect you. And keep you from having bad dreams, too.” Tawky’s really good at eating nightmares, so yeah, Lynn won’t have to worry about bad dreams at all. 
“Uh,” Lynn says, then very gingerly reaches over and picks up Tawky, and then sets him in his lap with a weird look on his face. He looks a little–emotional, maybe? At least for him, anyway. He’s not very expressive, so far. “Um. Okay.” 
Billy just beams at him again. He’s really glad they like each other. 
“. . . thanks,” Lynn says as he looks down at Tawky, voice a little abrupt again. “Um–Dad."
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oh-no-its-bird · 18 days
Look all I'm saying is that if I were going to make a minecraft movie.
Well, first off I'd put down the first person to even reccomend we do it in cgi. Not just because it looks objectively terrible and half of the magic and nostalgia factor of minecraft is in its texture but holy shit budget much??? You are literally looking at a situation where the cheaper option is also objectively the better option. What the fuck are you doing
But I mean, after that.
Second off, all my writers must watch popular smps and minecraft roleplays/let's plays to understand the "magic" of the game. That's how we're studying for this, not the game books or whatever. Those guys are clearly doing smthn right, and as the executive/writer who knows very little about mineraft that I am in this hypothetical scenario, I need to do my best to make money. And that means learning what people like about the game and community.
Maybe even bring on some popular (non controversial please god) smp writers for consulting. They literally make minecraft movies as their fucking job, they are the expert u need to consult
Story wise, you NEED to choose if you wanna play this straight or silly. I'm so sick of movies trying to be all emotional and "ohh this world is so beautiful,, if u could only understand,, woaa" with their epic sound track and dramatic lighting, but then the dialogue being ripped out of a stupid marvel knockoff trying too hard to be witty
Anyways. Give me a generic "kid has a hard life and uses [thing] to escape it but then their parent trashes [thing] to teach them a "lesson"" movie.
The thing is minecraft and this kid is totally in love with letsplays and smps and has a server with their online friends (get a sponsorship from discord for that good good film sponsorship money, have them play while in call)
The mom or dad or maybe both trash the kids computer for some reason (bad grades maybe or one of those shitty "you need to talk to us more!!! That computer is killing ur brain!!! You don't love us as much as you should and it's that damn games fault!!!" But like it's actually just a kid being a normal fucking kid and having normal fucking kid hobbies things and the parents are dicks)
They delete the minecraft world rip
Them boom, kid somehow gets stuck in the game
Switch to NON CGI FILMING IN MINECRAFT. If you really need to add your stupid shitty fucking cgi then at least make it look like an ACTUAL MINECRAFT ANIMATION holy shit
It'll save us so much money too
So main plot is this kid, being trapped in minecraft, actually falling through different minecraft servers.
We can have different cameos from popular smps and youtubers, get some old youtubers and gameplay in here too. Get fucking dantdm and the diamond minecarts og series with the lab thing, it'll make the old fans lose their fucking MINDS.
The youtubers themselves don't even have to show up, just shove the kid into settings that are clear references to smps and letsplays. Have them wander through Aphmau's OG minecraft diaries sets or Sundee's lucky block series
The best part is that as backdrops, you don't even have to fully commit to "you'll only get this/find this interesting if you know these guys" bc if your writing is good enough you can still make people care by just. Introducing it correctly. Don't present it as "Aphmau's old minecraft diaries series world" go "oh wow look st this cool village,, woah I wonder who built this ,," And have them interact with NPCs organically
Meanwhile the parents go into the game after the kid to bring them back and we do this whole world hopping adventure where the parents learn that,, minecraft can be fun? Actually?
They find the kid and the kid is like "nooo I'm having too much fun the real world SUCKS!!!" but then we do that "it's cool to have fun and indulge but you still need to be present in the real world and do real people things too in order to have that fun responsibly" where somehow the kid realizes that moderation is good for u.
Maybe they almost die in game fr fr? Every world they enter has its difficulty upped a little bit till they enter *gasp* a hardcore world (oh no)
So like the kid learns that you can't just lock yourself in the room and wish the world goes away while you play minecraft for 12 hours straight, and the parents learn that minecraft is cool and fun and can be a good outlet and outlets are important for adults and children alike. And also that they totally pulled a dick move and they need to try to understand their kid instead of just demanding the kid understands them
Somewhere along the way, the kid ends up in their friends server and the friends help to pull them out of the game w the parents
We end the movie with the kid making an effort to be more present with the parents, and the parents also making an effort to interact with the kid in ways that they know the kid will enjoy and respond well to— shown a family dinner scene where the kid very eagerly eats their food while talking about school, then they all go to play minecraft together
The end <3
Oh right and if you seriously want Jack Black there so fucking bad then make him either the dad or like. School computer teacher who helps the kid use Minecraft EU to learn science (shows off that some schools use minecraft for education purposes) who also helps the kids friends pull them and the parents out of the game
Overall, lots of themes not just about how the game is cool and can let you do cool shit, but also about how the community is cool, and how it's provided so many kids and adults outlets to express themselves and have fun together
That's how you do a game movie
Anyways yeah, minecraft movie looks shit. Hire me instead next time
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kingtomura · 7 months
Tomura's Masterlist
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all works contain 18+ content. reader discretion is advised. mdni
Strict Parents AU:
Good Girl
It's not your fault that your boyfriend was hard for people to warm up to. God, your parents were so lame. But so were you. So you did what anyone else with strict parents would, and you cut him off. Bad idea.
Tomura Shigaraki is so nice! He teaches you the secrets to Mario Kart online, he teaches you how to disable your location so your strict parents can't track you, And today he's even teaching you how to work past your gag reflex.
There's nothing worse than getting ditched by your so-called friends on a Friday night. Well, maybe the asshole complaining about your skills at the arcade has that beat. Tomura Shigaraki knows how to make one hell of a first impression.
From Water to Wine
It’s so obvious — so glaringly obvious and you can’t believe the realization hit you right here, right now as Tomura makes you come undone on his tongue in the warmth of the morning twilight. You love him.  You love him. Fuck.
You were always told heroes and villains had no place in your home.  Not when there’s an increase in crime, not when there’s monsters on the loose in Hosu and certainly not when the man in your home raises a hand to you.  All it takes is one impulsive decision to change your life forever. Chapters: one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. nine. ten.
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
One shots:
Lessons (Dark content)
Tomura thinks its time you learned an important lesson.
Uber eats
What a crappy Friday night! You're the only driver for your restaurant and you have to deliver to this Tomura S. guy. The worst part? He never tips.
Cat and mouse
Your ex boyfriend has some nerve texting you at three in the morning — an entire week after the disaster breakup you had. You should really go over there and give him a piece of your mind. Well, you know what they say about famous last words. 
Ashes to ashes (sfw)
Even in the cold aftermath of the war, Tenko rests knowing he's not alone.
Tough love
Back and forth banter with a world class villain is all fun and games until he’s gotten you undressed and underneath him, begging for anything and everything he can give you.
Love Spell
He knows he’s got you hook, line and sinker by the way you bite your lip and make room for him between your legs. It’s so desperate it almost disgusts him. You are Shigaraki's biggest fan and he wants to break you. 
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thetiredasthmatic · 1 year
Welcome Home, Y/n.
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Synop: You were tired of your family life, tired of having only once time to enjoy yourself. So when the opportunity permits, you choose to go Home.
A/n: please take it easy on me..I lowkey think this sucks but I hope you like it 😭
Your mother never allowed you to have access to media, whether it be your own cell phone to have contact with your friends, or a T.V. to enjoy yourself.
Your brother(24) and sister(26) were only allowed to have that stuff as your mother would routinely tell you(19) that you didn’t deserve it. That it would rotten your brain and that she was the only thing you needed to listen to.
It was a culture shock each time you went over to your best friend's house, (the few times your mother allowed it.) She always showed you knew things, like her many game systems, her favorite t.v shows and her favorite websites to visit.
(F/n) felt bad for you, so she wanted to show you what all you missed out in your younger years.
Today was one of those days.
“Y/n! You like old cartoons, right??”
She asked excitedly, and the question made you tilt your head in confusion.
She held a devious grin on her face as she reached under her bed to pull out an old box.
"I found this while at my grandma's! She doesn't know I have it, but I did some research on it, and apparently, it's an old cartoon from the 70s!" She says happily before pulling out some of the old merchandise.
You could see from the worn-out name on the box that it was called Welcome Home, and from what you could tell, it was a puppet show similar to Sesame Street or the Muppets.
You reached your hand in the box to pull out what seemed to be like a concept book. When you opened the book, you were enamored with the colorful characters and the cute designs.
Your eyes immediately drifted to a blue pompadour having puppet, it's deep eyes looking back at you, almost like they were staring right at you.
Or through you…
"Cool right? We can watch some episodes online actually!" You watched as your bestie set up her laptop.
"There's a restoration project going on and the first few episodes have been released!" (F/n) giggles in excitement as she moves things around in her room.
Your eyes were glued to the screen as the color puppets roared to life on the screen.
"Hello Neighbor~, Welcome back to the Neighborhood!" The blue haired one, that your friend called Wally Darling.
Apparently according to her ramblings he was the main puppet in the neighborhood. He liked painting, apples and you assumed eye contact. Or maybe that was just how he looked.
"Ooo~ You like Wally don't you Y/n?"
"F/n…shush. I just think he has a cool design."
F/n let out a gremlin like giggle as she explained the plot of each episode as you watched. Each time you felt like Wally's eyes were only on you.
Like everytime he was on screen, supposedly talking to another one of his neighbors, his eyes would be staring right back at your.
F/n explained it away as that just being his character, but you felt otherwise but decided to be quiet about it.
Either way you found a grin making its way on your face as the puppet talked on the screen. The kindness that they showed each other and the way they treated each other as family….
It made you a bit sad.
Damn even a puppet show had a better life than you did.
Despite you not wanting to make your parents upset. Your best friend made you take her laptop with you.
It was small and looked like a notebook. She knew how your home life was, and she wanted you to be able to have fun.
So here you were, back at home, up in your room, on the laptop she had given you.
You decided to do your own research on the puppet show and found a website attached to it!
You smiled brightly as you decided to search through, learning more and more about the characters, the show, and the whole restoration project.
You even found yourself doodling the characters, especially Wally.
It was just something about the main puppet that had you drawn to him. He was a charmer, a little mischievous and really adorable to you.
You could've sworn he was talking to your through the website.
Everytime you came across an image of Wally, it seems like his eyes would drift from the direction they were originally to look at you.
'You're looking for me?'
'You're so pretty neighbor'
'Won't you come home?..'
Were some of the messages you got as you browsed the website and you felt like eyes were boring into you. Even when you finally finished and closed your laptop for the day. You still felt the eyes on you.
But it was more comforting that the eyes of your family.
You were the youngest of three. It was seen as the failure of the family due to your anxiety and depression.
It often keeps you from doing tasks or having normal friendships, and instead of getting you help, your mother babies you and treats you like a child.
Preventing you from having friends or trying to better yourself. Always holding your siblings in a higher regard.
It's probably why you felt more comfort in a damn children's t.v. show than your own family.
"You're so much more welcoming than my home…" you muttered and sighed. You flopped back on your bed and stared up at your ceiling.
"I wish I could join the neighborhood…maybe then someone will treat me nicely.. "
You felt like someone was intensely staring at you as those words left your lips, though your room was completely dark.
You then heard the footsteps of your mother coming down the hall. You hurriedly pushed the laptop under your pillow and made it look like you were asleep.
You hated that you weren't allowed to do the things your siblings did.
You were infantilized, and all you wanted was freedom. Freedom to do as you pleased, freedom and a loving family that treated you as equal…
You wanted a place where you could truly be yourself, not hiding behind some facade you were forced to live behind.
You sighed as you felt yourself drifting off into sleep, a soft monotonous voice heard lulling you to sleep.
"Come home darling…"
"I'll be waiting for you…"
You yawned as the sunlight beamed on your face. You rubbed your eyes before going to get out of bed only to fall out of it.
You expected to hit your hard floor but landed on a fluffy rug.
This made you shoot up in confusion before you realized you were not in your own home.
You heard footsteps coming towards the room you were in and you were frozen in your spot on the floor as you saw the door open.
"Neighbor…are you alright in here? I heard a thud?"
You stared in disbelief as your eyes locked with the dark ones of Wally Darling.
You blinked and rubbed your eyes again, even pinching yourself to see if you were dreaming. When you felt the sharp pain of your pinch, your eyes widened in realization.
Wally was standing in the doorway, staring down at you watching your every move.
"Are you alright, Neighbor?" Wally asked again and You quickly got up and went to hug Wally tightly.
The male froze and nearly went limp in your arms, not knowing what to do.
This is not what he expected at all! He was expecting someone who was scared, angry, and wanted to leave.
Instead He had you in his arms, thanking him and excitedly rambling on about what you were going to do.
To say he was confused was a severe understatement.
He had taken an interest in you as soon as he saw you beside F/n. He listened in to your conversations and learned as much as he could about you.
He knew your favorite color, he knew about your home life, he knew about your love for cartoons and colorful things.
Wally learned a lot in that short span of time.
So when your friend offered her laptop for you to take home. Wally took that as an opportunity to invite you home. He just wasn't expecting someone so eager to join him I'm the neighborhood.
He heard you ask to join the neighborhood, and Wally was practically beaming with joy.
He was so excited to finally have a neighbor who wanted to stay!
You let the male go, smiling and thanking him. Pulling him along excitedly to go and meet the other neighbors.
You were an enigma to him.
Hes had many neighbors come and go, many of them failing to see the greatness that he saw in this little humble town.
But you.
You were excited to make new friends, excited to start a new.
You were excited to finally have a chance to be you.
And Wally wanted to be by your side as it happened.
"Well, let us go meet the others, shall we?"
Im sorry if this is trash, i just wanted to try my hand at writing for Welcome Home 😭
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spadesolace · 10 months
the idea of yoo - 0.6. what do you like about jimin? (half-written)
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in 2 weeks time, you’ve gathered information about karina that it feels like you could write a biography for her. at the same time, you’ve been talking to her about everything and nothing. although this has consumed your time to the point that ms. choi, your english teacher had to check up on you only to find out about your other business. to say the least, she was not pleased.
here you are, putting your bike onto yeonjun’s truck that was parked in front of the yoo household. first thing he could think of was food, you couldn’t blame him, he grew up with a tteokbokki shop.
“not now.”
“come on, we gotta eat at some point.” you were a bit irritated by it, abruptly about to leave only for him to come clean and discuss music theory along with art appreciation. clearly, he has been doing his assignment.
“well, you are quite serious about this.” yeonjun was fidgeting with his hands on the steering wheel, a habit you’ve noticed whenever he was nervous.
“yeah, but for real. can we eat dinner?”
“... fine.” yeonjun continues fidgeting with his hands as he looked at you with a hint of uncertainty.
“can we eat at your place? my siblings are causing a bit of ruckus at home right now…?”
“you know what, sure.”
that’s how you ended up with yeonjun cooking dinner for you and your sister, rei. trying his cooking which surprisingly ended up with you enjoying it despite calling it weird. the first time in a while you tried something new…
yeonjun was such a chaotic force in your life, having peace and order in your system only for him to come crashing and making it more exciting. teaching him how to maintain a conversation by table tennis, helping him get more information regarding yoo jimin, and simply also conversing with jimin in hopes of learning something new.
it was the week of the next date, the date that determines it all. sitting on the basement of their restaurant where bean bags and a mini fridge is placed. the sound of ping pong balls hitting back and forth could be heard.
“let’s practice this one more time.” starting the game, hitting precisely for him to hit it back. “where were you born?”
“here, in kwangya.” precisely hitting it back, making its way back to you.
“good. what do you like about kwangya?”
“i grew up here, haven’t left since i was born.”
“… yeah.”
“how about you?” a sudden curveball, one that almost made you miss it. it’s not a bad thing, but only a few would ask about you.
“what about me?” what is it about you?
“it felt as if the conversation is too short.” why can’t you open up?
“i don’t need practice.” sort of a lie, you simply didn’t want to talk about yourself.
“come on, just tell me about yourself.” a little bit won’t hurt, right?
“i was born in tokushima, japan. i have a younger sister named rei, and we’ve been living in kwangya ever since she was born.”
“what about your parents?” that’s a can of worms that even you can’t seem to open up.
“well, my dad works in japan. funny, talkative, and protective.”
“your mom?”
“lovely, caring… buried six feet under.”
he misses the ball, the game ends there and so does the conversation.
as everything dies down, your thoughts, drinking a bottle of yakult as you sit down on the beanbag and look at the scattered ping pong balls. yeonjun in his own world, you start to wonder.
“what do you like about jimin?” silence, yeonjun looks you in the eyes and think of what to say. what’s there to even say when he had told you before what he likes about jimin.
“well, she’s pretty and smart. and she’s not mean to anyone and she smells like fresh daisies whenever you would walk by her, why?” a part of you wasn’t satisfied, as if something isn’t right.
“just wondering…”
“how about you?”
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unluckilyimnot · 1 month
hi! i wanted to make a request for blue lock with hiori yo. so u know how he has like bad parents i was just thinkin what if reader has bad parents but it doesn't have to be the same situation and hiori and reader get closer because they understand eachother and can comfort eachother so its like strangers friends to lovers
Ignore this if u want but have a good day!!!
Just one day – hiori yo
Friends to lovers | 4k
m.list | rules
Note: its more a friends to lovers I’m sorry I hope it’s fine. I wanted to write longer things but I’m sure sure its really good, if some of you want to give me feedback (be kind please) bc you’re used to it I would be grateful !
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Hiori checked his phone one more time, probably the fifth time since he got here. He cleared his throat, pacing around in front of the cute coffee shop he never heard about before. That wasn’t really his thing to be honest, but he thought it would be nice to change from time to time. And it was something that suits you well. Meeting with his online friends wasn’t something he usually does, but there was something about you that made him desperately want to. He never had that kind of bound before, it was all new and almost scary.
Not to mention the fact that it was time and you were nowhere to be seen. Or he thought. He has never seen you before in fact, maybe you were right at the end of the street, coming up to him, he wouldn’t even know. You mentioned your really big, cream and covered in pins bag since you said your outfit was bland, but right now he was just fighting back his urge to send you a message. You wouldn’t stand him up there, would you ?
Right when a sigh left his lips and that he was actually about to call you, a hand laid on his shoulder, making him jump in surprise. In front of him was someone shorter than him, a questioning look but still a shy smile on the lips. And a huge bag covered in pins.
“Yo ?” you asked softly, uncertain if it was really him or a random stranger – which would be really embarrassing. Even if you for sure couldn’t get it wrong after he mentioned his bright blue hair. It really reminds you of that guy in your school. Your smile drops as the realization hits you and you can tell the same for him at the slight horror in his eyes when he catches yours. That was even more embarrassing, for some reason. Neither of you expected to be talking with someone from your own school. You cleared your throat and let go on his shoulder with a confused laugh.
“I never thought it would be you…” you confessed first, trying to lighten up the mood, to not ruin your day.
“Tell me about it,” he scoffs but without sounding offended. He was surprised, for sure, but not in a bad way. You just didn’t appear to be the type to play online games based on your looks and your friends. Well, maybe he didn’t seem like a gamer himself either.
“Should we go in ?” you stutter without meaning to and suddenly all the confidence you had until then fell apart. You know it happens to you a lot, and he knows it, you two already called ; but you felt so ashamed for no reason. Yet Hiori smiled at you and nodded, opening the door for you to get in. It was him as well who started the conversation, your awkwardness making it impossible for you to talk straight at first before he guided it into a game you really liked.
Once you had your drinks and sweets with you, and that it’s been a good 10 minutes talking about what you both liked, your nervousness was far gone and for some reason Hiori felt like finding you again. Even if you were nothing like he expected he learned a long time ago to see beyond looks. You forgot about the time, and so he does, talking like he never did with someone. He doesn't have many friends in his daily life, he’s too busy for that. That’s probably why finding out you were in the same school shocked him at first, he couldn’t imagine having such a good friend in the next room. But there you were, eyes shining as you were showing him a video of a game play you liked, pondering with him if you should buy the game, asking him if he could play with you. He’s got a soft smile on his lips, nodding happily at your question.
“I got it at home, if you want to try before –” he started before cutting himself off. “Well, I don’t know how you could try though…” he added, with a resigned sigh at the end. His smile now replaced with a mix of anger and sadness. You gulped hard. He mentioned once or twice that his parents were strict with him, but you never asked much about it. You wouldn’t like people asking about your own situation, but seeing him like this made you feel so bad, you just had to.
“Is it that bad ? With your parents, I mean,” you asked, hesitant once again. “Y-You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to of course !” you clarified while waving your hands quickly, making sure he didn’t feel pressured but your voice being so loud so quickly made him blinked a few times before leaving a light giggle escaping his lips.
“Let’s say that they’re really focusing on me playing football,” he said lightly, drinking from the straw in his already empty drink. Your eyes softened and he could see the light sadness in your eyes when he looked back up at you.
“Your life doesn’t have to remain around this.”
“Well tell them that, we’ll see what they say.” Those words came dry out of his mouth, more harsh than what you deserve – he was just tired of people saying that. “They don’t even care if I get hurt, they just know that I can’t play anymore. They want me to do what they couldn’t when I never asked for it. I don’t even like football.”
There it was. He said too much and without realizing, he turned his eyes away from you out of shame. He didn’t have to ruin the mood like that, he can’t understand why he snapped like that. He never mentioned that to anyone and he had no idea how anyone could react to this. They were taking good care of him, they still let him hang around with people and play video games. He couldn't really whine about his situation. Yet knowing that they never really loved him hurt more than anything else.
“Sorry, I rarely talk about it. It’s not really legitimate–”
“Wow, that's crazy. My mother is the perfect opposite,” you said bluntly, cutting him while taking a sip of your drink. His eyes widened before looking right into you. You didn’t seem much bothered by that. “She doesn’t care about me. I have to work after school so I can go out and stuff, even just eat. She barely cooks for me so I eat outside a lot.” you paused for a bit, thinking if you should go on or not but decided that it was worth continuing.
“I know it’s not the same, but I’m sorry this happens to you. I really get it.”
Hiori couldn’t say a thing, first because he didn’t know if you’d continue or not but also because he felt bad for not realizing it sooner. You’ve already mentioned playing to forget about your days as well, but he didn’t know you and based on how you’ve always acted in school, what he always saw, he never would’ve guessed that you had to go through this. And he felt so sorry for you, for not noticing something he knew so well.
“I’m sorry I never noticed,” he muttered, now not being able to take his eyes off of you. You chuckled at his words while finishing your drink.
“We’ve never spoken, don’t be sorry. My own friends don’t know about it.. Oh your phone’s ringing.” you pointed out and Hiori sighs when he saw ‘mom’ writing on his phone screen.
“I have to go, I’m sorry. I have –”
“Practice ?” you ended his sentence, making his scoff bitter-sweetly. He nodded.
You sigh as well. “Tell me about it tonight then. You’re choosing the game.”
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Next day, after Hiori didn’t text you back or played with you last night, you have to think twice before approaching him. What if he didn’t want to talk ? Not to you ? It occupied your head all the way to your school, turning and returning it in your mind. You never minded it much when he didn’t answer in the evening before. But you talked about it, he could’ve told you he was tired after practice, you would’ve understood. So when you walked past him on the highway, you almost stopped in your pace. You almost waved at him with a warming smile, feeling better if he was fine, and you really wanted to ask what was up last night. But he was with his teammates, and you were with your friends and you knew you would never see the end of it if they knew you were friends with a football player.
So you didn’t stop, you looked at him only for a second and you wished you’d miss the way his hand high up a little when he saw you before awkwardly brushing something away. He’s so nice, you get along so well, you have things in common. Yet it was hard to let people around your school know.
Instead, you took out your phone and went straight to your conversation with him; asking what was up last night. You thought he would answer later, since he was with his teammates, yet the notification of his answer popped up not even a minute later.
‘Meet me at lunch ?’
That was bold, you thought but got flustered at the message anyway. Could you do that ? What will you say to your friends ? You’re always together ! Yet, without hesitation but with a confused look, you told him that yes, of course you will. Maybe something bad happened.
When the bell rang it frightened you like it never did before, from someone who happened to sleep during class. You got so anxious at the idea of lying to your friends but still couldn’t help but worry about Hiori. He’s been your online friend for months now and you kinda wish you were closer to him, it’s was time to prove it. You stood up quickly, collecting your things before throwing your bag on your shoulder.
“I have to call my mom ! That’s her day off, I’ll come back after lunch,” you stated, checking your phone to see if you’ve got any message.
“She’s still overseas ?” gasped one of your friends. That’s the lie you found years ago for people to stop asking you about her.
“Yeah, but she’s coming back soon normally ! I’ll ask her. See ya!"With that, you rushed outside and walked to the meeting point Hiori just sent you.
He looked surprised at how fast you came here but you didn’t mind, falling quickly next to him on the ground and pushing your heavy bag from your shoulder. He told you to meet him near the football field, there’s not a lot of people there during the day and with your reaction this morning, he probably understood your situation. You couldn’t tell how thankful you were, but that wasn’t the point.
“Are you okay ?” you asked with so much worry in your voice, you realized just now you were panting like crazy.
“I should be the one asking that,” joked Hiori with a light tone. Your cheeks heat up and you couldn’t help but sigh and roll your eyes before looking at him with pleading eyes. “I’m fine. Sorry I couldn’t come yesterday, they took my phone away because I was late. I just got it back this morning.”
“Poor you, the night must’ve been long,” you answer while taking out your meal and sitting properly. You know he can have trouble sleeping since you two already talked until late at night even if you had school. “Don’t worry about it though, it’s okay.”
“It seemed that you’ve worried a lot though,” he added, his head resting on his knees but still looking at you. “You never minded much before.”
“I-I didn’t know that your parents were like this before,” you justified, stammering on your words a little. You weren’t lying though, you didn’t know why you felt flustered like this with him. You never really never minded much about Hiori before – on the rare occasion you two walked past each other – but you were realizing just now how cute he can be and how soft his features are. A soft giggle could be heard but you didn’t have the time to mention it.
“You manage to leave your friends’ group?” he asked, changing the subject and starting a video on his phone. He managed to wedge it the best he could while you explained to him the little trick before catching what was on his phone. It was the next part of the let’s play you showed him yesterday. You looked him straight in the eyes, fluttering yours at him with an idiotic smile, clearly happy that he noticed and then played it without you asking. He commented a few things about the game, some tricky parts he had a hard time with and things like that – making you impatient to play it too.
But soon the bell rang again before you realized it and both of you had to go back to your classes. Rushing over your classes together, your heart racing from the small run you just had, you stopped when Hiori was about to turn around to his class. You thought about it the whole lunchtime and you finally decided to ask him.
“Maybe you could bring the game to my place so I could try it, don’t you think ?” you offer, panting a little and definitely late to class, but you needed  his answer before leaving. You can hear Hiori’s teacher calling names as if he was far away because his giggle was the only thing echoing in your mind.
“Yeah sure.” he smiled before leaving. You were late, you got straight to detention that night but without forgetting his smile for the rest of the day.
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“Don’t mind the mess,” you said, walking inside your house with Hiori following your steps. It has taken some time, sneaking around to eat lunch together and a few more nights playing together rather than at your place because of how busy you two were – but you finally made it. Now there you were, sitting on your bed deciding if you should try Hiori’s game first, since you’ve been craving it for days, or just play something else the both of you were used to.
You just came back from work and the house was empty, with only you two inside and honestly, to him, it looked like you were living there alone. In the living room there was only one chair apart from the table, one dish left to dry and a bunch of unopened mail. Your mother sure wasn’t around a lot and Hiori realized how lonely you must feel most of the time. It’s not surprising for you to spend a lot of time out with your friends or inside, playing video games when you have to think about everything for yourself this young. A wave of sadness hit him even if you were looking at him, waiting for his answer when he didn’t listen to the question.
“She’s never around ?” he asked and a complicated expression formed on your face. You sat down on your bed, still the two boxes in your hands.
“She comes from time to time, stays over the night but she’s usually at her boyfriend’s place, yes. She comes to take some clothes or wash them though,” you explained a bit more, staring at the sheets.
“Why is she even keeping the house then…?”
“It belonged to my father, who died a few years ago because of his work. She inherits it but she can’t stand being there since he left, so she provides me the minimum and leaves me there. Her boyfriend hates me and doesn’t want to see me so she made her choice. You get used to it,” the fact that you smiled while telling him this, or that you shrug it off as if it was normal hurts him more than anything you could tell. You’re so resigned about it, you already know you can’t do anything about it and this broke his heart. He wished he could give you more, but how could he when he’s just hurt the same. Yet he got closer to you and wrapped an arm around your neck, pulling your head in his shoulder.
“I’m sorry.” he whispered, his hand resting in your hair, stroking it slightly. He knows it won’t change your pain and the way you feel unlovable. That he wasn’t the one supposed to be sorry but, with him feeling just the same, he thought that simply being sorry about it at all was already good. Maybe it would ease your pain for a bit. You scoff against his skin but didn’t say anything for a while. Until your hand rested next to his leg to keep you from falling onto him started shaking and you pulled away, an awkward expression on your face but deep down, he wished you just fell on him.
“That was the worst position ever to hug someone,” you commented to light up the mood with a giggle which he copied.
“Sorry, I’ll do better next time. Shall we ?” he tagged along, taking a duo game to play and starting it before taking a seat on the floor. You lift your eyebrows
“You’re like this ?”
“Not really,” he thought, touching his chin to mimic a deep thinking moment. “I sit in my chair but I’m always alone. I’ve always wanted to play on the floor with someone.” he carried on.
“I sit on my bed though,” you grin.
“I can sit between your legs then,” he retorted, with the shit-eating grin on his lips – not failing to fluster you. You pushed his head before starting the game without him but still liked the feeling of his hair against your inner thighs.
Hiori has lost count how many times you’ve hit his head without meaning to with your controller, never hard honestly, but he’ll admit he whined a little for you to touch his hair and make sure he wasn’t hurt. He enjoyed it very much, sitting there with you, playing, talking and laughing together. It was completely different from playing online, he never thought it would be funnier – that it would make him feel better. He never wanted to leave your side, for you or himself. He was sure you never had this much fun within your own house in so long, it will hit like a brick in the head when he’ll leave.
“Aaah Yo !! we keep losing, please focus !” you whined above him, a frown on your face as you two lost once again, the same frown soon directed to him. You weren’t surprised to see that he was looking at you and not at the screen, which explains why you kept losing. A frustrated sigh left your lips. You were a bit surly, but maybe he just had enough. So with a pout on your lips, you pushed his head once again enough to make him whine because he couldn’t feel you anymore.
“You wanna change the game ?” you asked, kinda done with him, now laying flat on your back.
“You wanna ?” he retorted with a grin, making you click your tongue at him. “You can try mine if you want.” he said with a smile, getting up to change the game. You hummed, waiting while checking your phone and messages.
“It’s a bit late, is it okay for you ?”
“Yeah, it’s my day off.” He heard you mouth a small ‘wow’ at his words but he handed you the controller right after.
He took a seat next to you on your bed this time, leaning against the wall. He took a plushy lost there and kept it in his arms while watching you play. It was obviously your first time, anyone could say it ; you were really bad at it to be honest, it made him laugh more than once only for you to push or shush him over and over again. But after fifteen minutes he was done seeing you failing this bad and started staring at your back rather than the screen.
“Come, I’ll show you some moves.” he offers, pulling on your shirt a little, insisting you to come closer.
“I can do it, leave me, plus you’re having sooo much fun,” you said with sass, glaring quickly at him before coming back to your screen. He rolled his eyes and without minding munch, he grabbed you by your waist and pulled you against him, leaving you sitting between his legs. You squeal at his sudden move, never expecting him to do so and honestly shocked that he could move you so easily. Of course he’s an athlete but still ! You glared at him, cheeks hot but he grinned at you, placing his hands on top of yours.
“Look,” he muttered and proceeded to show you a few moves to help you clear this level but he could feel your body tensed against his and he thought that, maybe, he went too far with this. He could move your fingers along with his easily, it was almost too natural but every time his arm brushed past yours he felt you move away. He felt uneasy for the first time with you and he gulped hard at the thought. “You want me to let go ?” he asked with a small voice, a little too close to your ear without realizing it and it made him regret everything.
“No it’s fine,” you assured in a soft voice, “it just took me off guard.”
“Sorry,” he murmured, leaning his face into your shoulder. “I won’t do it again.”
He felt you tensed between his arms again and was about to let go when you dropped the controller on your bed, turning around quickly with a pleading gaze. “No!” you almost yelled, catching his wrist.
“I mean, you can, just, you know, you’re stronger than I thought…” you slowly stopped in your tracks, finally aware of the small distance between you two. There was only a few centimeters between you and if you moved a little closer your nose would probably brush against his. And you hesitate. For a second, you thought about it, of how it would feel to be closer to him than you already were.
But his phone rang, illuminating the room and you started to breathe again. His eyes wandered from yours, your lips and his phone and you can tell he doesn’t want to, he wants to leave it rang forever and continue whatever was going on. Yet, he ends up reaching for it and you let go of his wrist as you move away from him, never feeling so awkward in your entire life.
“Yeah, I’m leaving, yes. I saw the hour, don't worry, I was saying goodbye. See you.”
A thick silence filled the room before he got closer to you, you almost moved away when his lips found your temple. “I have to go.”
“I know.” you whispered.
“But I’ll come back, if you let me.” you chuckled at his stupid words. You were about to kiss him, why wouldn't you let him come back? So, with a smile this time, you nodded before walking him to the door. You’ll see him tomorrow anyway.
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Might do another part.
Let me know if you liked it !
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trickstarbrave · 7 months
i still really hate ppl saying vivec is a liar or a historical revisionist bc the 36 sermons aren't 100% factual historical accounts. its extremely obvious they are not supposed to be. they are not called "the life of the god vivec" they are SERMONS. they are meant to teach religious and moral lessons, not give you an accurate, objectively correct, factual account of real historical events. his parents are not named. he was an 'egg' in the womb and then when he was 'born' he was a fully grown being. its cloaked in poetic language because what you are supposed to take from them is not a historical lesson but a religious or spiritual one.
like. lets say you wanna communicate how a traumatic event has impacted you. and that you have only two options to do so: one that is as factually accurate as you can make it with a limited perspective told unbiasedly, or a creative project like a poem or novel that is designed to evoke an emotional reaction in the reader. the first one will give an accurate account of the event but not how it impacted you. by nature of how its being told you are giving only the cold hard facts because your emotional state might involve leaving out important factual details to get an accurate view of what happened. the other one is not telling someone exactly what happened to you, but is communicating something that might be much more important: how it impacting you emotionally, mentally, and physically by making your audience relate to, sympathize with, or even empathize with those feelings. it is also not a 100% factual historical account and cannot be used to paint an accurate picture of the events that effected you, though someone could infer many details.
the 36 sermons are about trauma and achieving divinity and what that divinity even means. vivec is a person who was deeply traumatized. abusive family, ran away, ended up joining a gang selling both his body and hard drugs. he was then picked up off the streets by nerevar (a mer significantly older than him), and learned a lot from him, before likely killing him in at least one timeline, breaking his oath to not use the tools in all others. those are the details about vivec's life we can infer from the sermons or from other lore texts or in game dialogue. there are reasons why he made nerevar HIS student in the sermons and why he never names his parents (at least in the in game ones) and why he describes seht and ayem as both his siblings and parents simultaneously. but if you go "this isn't factually correct, vivec is a liar" you are straight up not going to understand the sermons or vivec or take away any important lessons from them.
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dj-of-the-coven · 13 days
So, I've been thinking for a long time about why Beat is the most mischaracterized guy in the main cast of twewy, and last night I finally had a breakthrough. It's not only because he's not as popular as the others (though that's a part of it, and the two kinda feed into each other). It's baked into the game. More specifically, it's built into Neku's perspective as the main character.
Twewy has a lot of complex personalities interacting with each other, and for the most part it does very well at walking the players through their thought processes--obviously done the best with Neku, since we can see many of his thoughts word-for-word, but the other characters get similar treatment too. Joshua gets fleshed out in secret reports as well as his interactions on-screen, and Shiki's story doesn't require a ton of meta-textual explanation since envy is a common experience for teenagers. Beat's the only one of the main cast whose character needs a lot of connected dots to make sense, and the game trains you from the beginning not to look too closely at him because at first you're supposed to be empathizing with Neku.
When Neku starts out being rude to Shiki, the player already gets that he's being a dickhead. Everybody knows somebody like Shiki in real life, and if you don't know her, you probably are her: she's sweet, passionate about her hobbies, and extends her compassion to the people around her with basically no prompting. She has relatable self-image issues. You don't need your hand held to understand that Neku is the one in the wrong. On the other hand, what about Beat? We know that Neku has issues to work out by the time he shows up, but the game takes Neku's side on some of his harsher criticisms. He's not the only one who comments on Beat being "stupid" and impulsive. Most of the characters he interacts with have a line or two making fun of him. The player is generally expected to laugh at him alongside the others--he's nowhere near as easy for the average player to relate to.
The teens playing twewy probably know what it's like to feel better than everybody else, like Neku and Joshua, or worse than everybody else, like Shiki, but I'll bet that most of them don't have the same rebellious spirit that Beat does. Statistically, it's just not that likely that everybody playing the game was a delinquent with shitty parents. I was; some people were, but not everybody. It's a feature of Neku's character arc that the game gets you to see Beat the way that he does originally, just to break down the facade by showing you his compassionate side. Beat couldn't help but save Neku even though it would get in the way of his goals. He's just that kind of guy, and doesn't that mean more than anything his intellect could provide? Beat's character arc helps you understand Neku better by design, because it gets you to see how somebody with a judgy leaning could end up being such an asshole with only a little encouragement. The game presents its players with someone easy to make fun of, goads them into making fun of him, and then shows them why that was wrong.
Unfortunately, while this is really good storytelling, it doesn't make for an easily-digestible character to make art and fics about. The player has to look past what the game (and Neku, Konishi, and Uzuki) thinks about Beat in order to find his depth. I could be talking out of my ass, but honestly I think that this, along with more than a decade of fans getting him wrong in fics, comics, and meme posts is the reason why players of the original game don't tend to appreciate him as much as the other main characters, even though Beat collectively has the most screen time in the series besides Neku. It originates with dickhead teenage Neku himself--the players just didn't learn to look past his initial perception.
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Hi! Can you do one where Valentina gets a boyfriend and Leo and her brothers dont like him because they know he going to break her heart?
Valentina Gets A Boyfriend (Fluff?/Crack?)
The Children series
Bayverse!Leonardo x reader
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A/N: I’ve changed it up a little bit, so this is more about the moment they learn that Valentina has gotten a boyfriend💙
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Warnings: Leo becoming full on confrontational father mood, brothers being annoying?
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You guess it was bound to happen at one point. Ever since you first learned that your 16 year old daughter had been sneaking out, in order to meet with her friends on the world above. It was what happened with young people. Romeo did it when he started going out alone at the age of 18, Marcello would do it too, and so did Gerardo when he became old enough. Suddenly, it wasn’t uncommon for your sons to bring home one female at the time, or to sleep over at their girlfriend’s place. So when Valentina started doing it too, you weren’t surprised. What surprised you was how early she did it.
You were the one to catch her first, waking up in the middle of the night with a sudden thirst, only to find your daughter fully dressed on her way out. Of course you asked her what she was doing, and the look of terror on her face was noticeable. She was caught.
Valentina admitted everything to you. For around half a year, she had been sneaking out, meeting with her human friends before going to their place, watching movies, playing video games and eating not just pizza, but anything they could think of. But then, much to Valentina’s surprise, you let her go, telling her to call if anything were to happen, and to make sure that she got home before it got too late. She stared at you for a moment, before asking you if you were mad.
“Of course I’m not mad at you”, you said, reaching a hand out to stroke her cheek. “You’re young and living your life, and you should be allowed to do that. Heck, even Marcello and Gerardo was allowed to go out at your age, as long as they stayed with Romeo, so I can’t see why you shouldn’t do that with friends. And if you stay with people that’ll keep you safe, then I’m not worried. But… Don’t let your father and your brothers know. They probably wouldn’t be so happy about that”.
“Thank you, mom”, Valentina smiled, before embracing you in a tight hug. And then, with the quick speed she had gotten from her father, she was out the door, enjoying time with her friends.
Days went by, and then those days turned into weeks, and those weeks turned into months. Valentina would continue to hang out with her friends during the late hours of night, keeping it a secret from her father and brothers. But ever so slowly, she would let you know small pieces of her life. Such as her best friends, Juniper, Tova, Emil and Kobe, the ones that she would hang out with whenever she went out. She would mention them to you, whenever she was sure the two of you were alone, still not wishing for anybody else to know. But then she mentioned another name. Another name you had never heard before. Zander. She mentioned it once in passing, almost seeming shocked that she even mentioned it, before quickly moving on to other topics. But the damage was done. You knew of a Zander. How he was and what his relation to your daughter was, you did not know. But you had a feeling. Just like your parents did when you accidentally mentioned Leo for the first time. And soon, you would have your suspicions confirmed, although, not in the way Valentina would have wished.
It was a calm Saturday, with most of the extended family hanging around in the living area. It was the wonderful thing with weekends. With the turtles pretty much having full time jobs at the NYPD, it allowed them to have the weekends off, in order to spend time with their families, only coming in for work if it was absolutely necessary. Which it rarely was.
Valentina was tucked up on the couch, with her phone securely in her hand, a small smile making its way to her face every once in a while, along with a small lip bite. It wasn’t uncommon for your teenage daughter to sit with her phone like a lifeline. But it was uncommon for her to smile at it like that. And that was something her brothers noticed.
“What the hell are you smiling at?”, Marcello asked with a teasing tone, dropping down beside her on the couch, trying to get a look of what was on her screen. But instead he was met with an angry stare and her phone turned away from him.
“None of your damn business”, Valentina said, scooting away from him. That caused Marcello’s brows to rise, before he scooted closer, reaching out for a phone, pulling back when his hand was slapped hard. “What about none of your business did you not understand?!”, Valentina yelled, pretty much catching the attention of the whole lair.
“Damn, Teen Queen, why are you so mad?”, Romeo asked, taking a seat on the chair beside the couch.
“First, don’t ever call me that again. It’s gross”, Valentina pointed, causing Romeo to raise his hands in a surrendering motion. “Second, it’s not your business either”.
“Oh! Are you keeping secrets?”, Gerardo asked, pretty much coming out of nowhere, trying to look from behind the couch, causing Valentina to move away again, hiding her screen from him. “Let me guess. You’re on some fanpage for that old boy band, with middle aged women hoping that they would get back together soon”.
“I was 13 and had just learned about One Direction!”, Valentina yelled, letting her guard for just a moment, giving Marcello all the time he needed to snatch the phone out of her hand. And of course, Valentina’s luck would have you and Leo walk into the living area at that exact moment as Marcello saw the name on the screen and the last message.
“Who the hell is Zander, and why is he asking if you’re still on tonight?!”, Marcello asked out loud, all of his brothers’ eyes going wide, their mouths agasp.
“WHAT!?”, Leo’s voice boomed through the lair, the ground under you pretty much shaking as he made his way over to the couch in fast steps.
Valentina practically jumped for her phone in a panic, but damned be her older brothers and their quick reflexes. Marcello pushed Valentina away with a small shove, before throwing the phone to Romeo. And Romeo, being a true father’s boy, even in his early 30’s handed the phone straight to Leo. And with one look at the phone, Leo knew what was up. Of course he knew. He had done this himself when he was young.
“You’ve been out?!”, Leo asked, anger brewing under his disbelief. “Valentina Hamato, have you gone topside?” Valentina sat uncomfortable on the couch, looking down with her lip tucked between her lips, she gave a small nod after a long uncomfortable silence. The way her brothers scrambled to stand would almost have been comedic, had it not been for the strong tension in the air. Leo shifted his weight back and forth between his legs. He was fuming, doing his best to keep it down. “Who is Zander?”
Valentina’s answer was muffled. So muffled that Leo had to ask her to repeat, her brothers standing in silence to hear her answer. “My boyfriend”.
“BOYFRIEND!?”, your sons yelled out loud, even catching Leo off guard. “YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!?”
“That’s what I said”, Valentina said, avoiding their eyes.
Leo wanted to ask more, but had to step back as Romeo jumped in front of him, confronting Valentina with questions of his own.
“How did you meet Zander?!”
“Through a friend!”, Valentina answered, already growing frustrated.
“A friend?!”, Marcello yelled, almost pushing past Leo. “What friend?! You don’t have any friends!”
“I do have friends”, Valentina said, rubbing her left temple. “It’s those friends I’ve been hanging out with when I’ve gone top side”.
Leo opened his mouth, ready to say something, only to be cut off by Gerardo, flapping his arms around in a furry. “But you can’t go top side! You’re only 16!”
“I’ve been going top side for almost a year”, Valentina said, causing her brothers to yell out a bunch of “what!”s, “no way!”s and “are you fucking kidding right now?!”, before continuing their questioning, focusing on Valentina’s boyfriend, already having determined that he was a bad influence, and that she should stop seeing him, all while Valentina rubbed the top of her beak, waiting for them to shut up.
Leo stood on the sideline, watching the whole thing play out in absolute confusion, before slowly making his way over to you.
“Can you believe it?”, he asked, gesturing towards your kids. You knew that he was talking about Valentina, but you decided to do otherwise, putting your focus on your sons instead.
“I know right. They have taken after you in their questioning too”, you smiled, watching your sons lose their mind at all of Valentina’s answers.
Leo’s brows rose, looking from your children to you, slowly realizing what you had just said, thinking back to all the times he had lectured his sons. “Am I really that bad?”
“Yup”, you said with a small nod.
“Oh”, Leo said, looking down at Valentina’s phone, still in the palm of his hand. “I should… probably give this back to her”.
“You should”, you smiled with a small nod, clapping your husband on the shoulder, before he made his way over and through the warzone, handing the phone back to Valentina, who looked like she was very tired of her brothers’ bullshit.
That night Valentina didn’t go out to meet with Zander, as she had been grounded for a month, due to her sneaking out. But after a week, Leo relented, letting Valentina go top side, on the condition that would give him a written update on her well-being over text every half hour, and that Zander would come down to pick her up, so he could have a word with him first. And of course, your sons wanted to be present as well. That was going to be interesting…
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(this is very much inspired by @/fauxyandere's self aware kylar, i've caught myself rereading it so often, its so good!)
Thinking about self aware Kylar, that one day gains sentience and realizes he's not meant to be alive, he's not meant to be anything past words on a screen. This is all fake, his parents aren't real, his world isn't real, his love isn't- Wait...
The person he knew as his love may not be real, but... Who is this, he can faintly see behind them, seemingly tied to his former obsession ? Who is this person, this ghost, this puppeteer ? He tries to ask PC who you are, but he's only met with a blank stare and silence. Is he the only one that can see you ?
What are you, anyway? Are you PC's guide, are you some sort of God ? He needs answers, now. He continues trailing PC, but with a different intention now, he needs to learn more about you, you obviously are more than a ghost. You seem so detached, so nonchalant. You're obviously not from his "world", no, you seem greater, much much greater. He's started to notice that, sometimes, the universe stops moving, and it seems like time completely stops, but only he is aware of it. Clearly, you're in control here, I mean, the world stops and starts at your command, doesn't it ? You're the one making the world go round, you're like a god !
He needs to make his way to you, he can't be trapped here forever in a facsimile of life, no, this isn't fair! No no no, he needs to get to you, I mean, you guided PC to him for his happiness back when he was still a fool, surely you only have his best intentions at heart. He's sure of it, and he starts giving you little hints as to his awakened state.
Instead of "Something is watching you", it's "Someone yearns for your gaze", instead of Kylar mainly staying at the park or the arcade (or the manor), you can find him pretty much anywhere in the game. Oh, you're getting a check-up with Dr.Harper? He's restocking on some meds and ready to escort you out. You're bartending at the strip club ? Guess who just decided he should start building up his tolerance ? (he's the lightest of weights let's be real, one flute of champagne and he's out like a light, he's so cute) Even Remy's farm isn't safe (or unsafe ?) from him, he's either becoming a hucow himself or just rescuing you by manipulating the code in his favor, something he had to learn to do because you kept ignoring him...
After what feel like days of trying to him but are probably only a few minutes to you, he reasons he has to get more aggressive, so he starts just leaving you "cute reminders" every two or three pages of text, like: "don't keep me waiting too long, my love" or "please get me out soon, i want to see you darling!"... He gets more and more impatient, surely you see his little notes ? What are you waiting for...
On your end, you're just thinking you downloaded the wrong update, and you wish the next one will fix all the weird bugs you've been getting, you're pretty sure your encounter rate isn't supposed to be his high... And man does Kylar take up so much of it, you're just trying to find Whitney in peace and it feels like he's just there at every corner. You're starting to think you should delete this save, but you have so many hours in it, it'd be kind of a shame, no?
Meanwhile, Kylar has gotten tired of waiting, and has just decided that if you won't try to get him out of this hell prison nightmare torment place, then he has no choice but to bring you in as well, so you can see how much he had to suffer, and surely this will bring you to see his side, right ? Then you can both leave and live happily together, never to see this fictitious town again. Won't that be nice, darling ? Be ready, you'll be with him soon.
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rustingcat · 1 year
Chapter 3 Kara
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"For years I felt the weight of Krypton, its legacy and history laid on my shoulders, and I felt like a failure for never having the chance to educate Kal. But after learning about Argo, it's like some of this weight was lifted off my shoulders, knowing I'm not the only one out there who remembers, that it's not on me. Yet, I feel detached? I don't know, it feels different from what I remember. I mean it is different, it's nothing like how Krypton was, but they are all Kryptonians. You know what I mean?" Kara turned to Lena, she wasn't sure what she was hoping to find in her eyes, but it softened the moment they met.
"I think so." Lena nodded. "Although, considering that you were barely a teenager back then, it would make sense."
"I suppose." Kara swallowed hard.
They were sitting on Kara’s couch with the plans for the machine laying in front of them.  It was two days after they had come back from Argo. Kara had managed to translate most of it, enough for them to at least start.
"You mentioned that you can basically control how the child would turn up with the matrix, right?"
"Not exactly, you can't control your child's every decision, but essentially yes. You can choose how they look, and you can choose their um… brain type? We had a name for it in Kryptonese."
"So did your parents choose what you would be?" Lena finally asked.
"In some ways, yes." She said a bit distanced. "They didn't care much about my appearance or gender, but they made sure my mind would be sharp, curious and analytical. Basically creating me to be a scientist before I was even born. And it worked, you know? I grew up loving it. As my dad said, I was the youngest person to be considered to join the science guild, and I bet I would've gotten in too."
Lena remained silent. Not that she expected her to say anything, but she wasn't sure what to do nex.
Kara took a sip of her water. Staring intensity into the plans, yet not really focused on them she continued talking. "I thought about it a lot, you know, how my life would look like had I grown up there. What could I have created, how many lives I could've improved, how much I could've advanced our species. But the more I think about it the more I realised how lucky I was to escape that fate." Kara finally dared to raise her head, meeting Lena's gaze as she felt her eyes fill with water. "Am I a bad person for thinking that?" Her voice broke as the tears started running freely down her face. 
Lena scooted over, engulfing her dearest friend in a tight hug. "Not at all." She whispered in her ear. "There's nothing wrong about finding happiness. But we'll make sure that if we ever make this public we'll do our best so that no one could use it to put more pressure on anyone." She combed her fingers through her hair to ground her.
Kara exhaled a breath she wasn't aware she was holding. The reason the plans were not yet fully translated were not because of language complications or any math difficulties, but because she couldn't bring herself to complete it. It felt too heavy of a task.
"It's just- that I love my job. I love singing, painting, and playing games with my friends and I know that I would've never gotten to do any of that had I lived on Krypton. It was all about doing your part, and not much else. And there are still many many good things that I loved about Krypton and many problems I have with earth. But I still prefer to be here, and I feel awful about it. Like I failed everyone, I failed my purpose in life."
"You are Kara Zor-El Danvers. Your name tells a journey and your journey is not yet over. You are not a bad person for having emotions. You've been through a lot and you still came out on top. You are still so full of kindness, love, and hope. How can that be a failure? How can it be anything but the greatest thing in life? You are amazing Kara and I'm sure the rest of your journey would be just as amazing."
"Thank you." Kara whispered into her neck in a sob.
"How about we order another pizza and watch a movie instead?" Lena suggested, whispering quietly in her ear.
"Yeah," Kara smiled weakly. "That would be great."
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mercillery · 5 months
Something about antagonists with children absolutely warms my heart 😞❤️
SUMMARY: What it’s like being Lucius’ kid!
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I assume that since you're regarded as Lucius' kid, it's either because you share his blood, making you his biological child, or he simply found you and claimed you as his own. Regardless of the specifics, you're his child now, whether by blood or by choice.
As Lucius' child, you're treated with the utmost reverence, care, and courtesy, akin to royalty. Being the child of the future ruler destined to become the Final Wizard King, it's only fitting that you're accorded such regal treatment!
As the child of the soon-to-be Final Wizard King, it's inevitable that you undergo training. Lucius ensures that the training proceeds at a pace suitable for a child learning combat skills. He never pushes you too hard, understanding the importance of nurturing your strength without endangering your well-being. And no, you're not being trained to inherit his position upon his hypothetical demise—Lucius likely won't ever perish. He's training you so you can defend yourself when he's absent and so you can reach your fullest potential.
As the child of the soon-to-be Final Wizard King, it's inevitable that you undergo training. Lucius ensures that the training proceeds at a pace suitable for a child learning combat skills. He never pushes you too hard, understanding the importance of nurturing your strength without endangering your well-being. And no, you're not being trained to inherit his position upon his hypothetical demise—Lucius likely won't ever perish. He's training you so you can defend yourself when he's absent and so you can reach your fullest potential. If you complain about the training, he’ll gently tell you that he does this for your own good.
Lucius is a gentle parent, yet he possesses a subtle aura of sinister authority. For instance, if you were to display disrespect toward him, he'd calmly lower himself to your eye level and give you a look—a look infused with a hint of amusement but mostly darkness. It's the kind of glance that instantly communicates that you've crossed a line, evoking a sense of foreboding in you.
If you ever feel the need to cuddle up to him, you're always welcome to do so. Whether you reach out with grabby hands or tug at the back of his fur cape, he'll gladly scoop you up with a gentle smile on his face. Should you comment on the softness of his fur cape, he'll envelop you in its warmth as he holds you close. Even in his paladin form, if you express a desire to touch his antlers or one of his many small wings, you're free to do so. He'll always welcome your affection and closeness.
I imagine that sometimes he enlists his clones to play with you. From classic games like hide and seek, tag, and board games to more whimsical activities like hopscotch, Simon says, duck duck goose, and musical chairs, the options are endless. One game you particularly enjoy is guessing which clone is the real Lucius, given that they all bear his appearance and personality. Despite their resemblance, Lucius' clones serve more as companions to you. Your real bond lies solely with Lucius as your father—the clones merely serve as extensions of him. Nevertheless, you hold affection for all of them.
Putting you to sleep is usually a breeze for him. However, if you're throwing a tantrum about bedtime, he’ll gently use his strength to keep you settled on the bed with just one hand or employ Gravity Magic to ensure you stay put. Despite being a child and him a grown man, his strength never fails to amaze you, making him even cooler in your eyes. Regardless of your bedtime antics, he always hums you to sleep. He finds it amusing how quickly you transition from protesting sleep like your teddy bear’s life depends on it to peacefully snoring, with drool trickling from the corner of your mouth.
Lucius is the type of parent who attentively listens to every concern or worry that crosses your tiny little mind. He can't help but find it amusing how his own child frets over things that seem nonsensical to him. What's this about being scared of monsters lurking in the dark? Either way, Lucius always lends a patient ear as you pour out your fears to him, and he's quick to provide comfort. If you're genuinely afraid of monsters in the dark, rest assured that Lucius will ensure that either he himself or another clone is always by your side in dimly lit places.
In summary, Lucius proves to be unexpectedly good at parenting. Despite his intimidating demeanor and enigmatic nature, he's undeniably a great parent—one who genuinely cares for his child at heart. Even if it’s not evident.
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drewsbuzzcut · 1 year
73 Questions With The Barzals
mat barzal x model!fem!reader
a visceral in doses fic (the vogue series)
warnings: mentions giving birth, reader and Mat slap each other’s ass, alludes to sex, and I think that’s all
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You look at your appearance in your mirror strategically placed by the entrance. You fix your hair that’s in its familiar messy updo, your favorite silver hoop earrings on display.
You smooth out your dark blue pullover (that was Mat’s) and adjust your light grey, cotton shorts. Your outfit is very simple and casual, probably too simple and casual for the video you’re about to film, but when you’ve just given birth not too long ago, comfort is what matters most.
The knock on your front door gathers your attention, you take deep breaths, mentally preparing for this vogue interview. You know your fans and Mat’s fans will be excited to hear your answers to some of the questions and get a tour of one of your homes.
Your face lights up in a smile upon opening your door, “hi!”
You’re leaned up against the doorframe, ultimately blocking the view inside of your home, but it gives the cameraman a perfect shot of some of your home’s exterior.
“Hi, y/n! Thank you so much for having me over,” Joe Sabia greets.
“Of course!”
“Can I just say that you have a beautiful home, and especially for it being your Italy home,” Joe gushes, looking around in awe.
“Thank you so much! That’s one of my favorite compliments because Mat and I have put so much into this place to make it our home away from home,” you can hear the warmth and appreciation in your voice.
“Can we go on in?”
“Yes, please come in,” you move to the side, allowing Vogue’s crew to come in.
“How does it feel to be added to the list of celebrities doing Vogue’s 73 questions?”
“I am excited and honored. I know Mat’s excited, too,” you answer and move to your kitchen.
“Why the color green for your kitchen?”
“Ugh I just love the color green. My kitchen in our first New York home was green, and it was my favorite, but then we moved into a bigger home and I decided to not have it green. That’s why this kitchen is extra special to me. Plus, this kitchen holds a lot of memories,” you smile, thinking about everything that’s happened in this kitchen.
“That’s sweet. What’s the first memory of this kitchen that pops in your head?”
“Earlier this week! I was in here, cutting up some fruit for the boys and they were supposed to be in the family room with Mat just playing with toys, but Angel walked to the kitchen. It was his first steps and I just remember calling out for Mat and Angel walking to him as well. We were crying messes,” you recall.
“Congratulations to your son, I know moments like those are the most special. Speaking of children and special moments, you just welcomed your third baby and first girl into the world about a month ago. Congratulations to you.”
“Yes, thank you. She’s my special girl and she’s so spoiled already, especially with Mat.” Your cheeks get rosy, feeling an overwhelming amount of love fill your heart at the thought of Mat being the best dad he is.
“What’s something you learned when you became a parent?”
“Responsibility. It’s easy to lose a handle on yourself and life when you’re solo, so when you have other humans to take care of, you learn more about what responsibility looks like.”
“Favorite summer drink?”
“A very cold glass of water or a cherry limeade,” you laugh at the random question.
“Mama!!” You grin when you hear Nolan’s shout, knowing he’s about to jump into your arms and cling to you.
When you see him running towards you, you prepare for his tiny impact and easily lift him up. You push his hair out of his face, but it’s no use as he hides in your neck.
“My big boy! Wanna say ‘hi’ to the camera?” You rub softly on his back, feeling him melt into your touch much like Mat does when you embrace him after a tough game or a long roadie.
“Hi,” he says shyly.
“I want daddy,” he adds in, hands on your cheeks. He gives you those big puppy eyes.
“Daddy?” Your youngest son, Angel waddles around, interest piqued at the mention of his father.
“Y’all want to see daddy? Well, I guess it’s time to take a detour outside,” you say to the camera before telling them to follow you to the back.
The camera captures you holding both your boys while also grabbing the baby monitor, so you can keep an ear out for Sloane as she’s napping. You walk with an effortless strut even though your feet haven’t touched a runway in months.
When you step onto the warm cobblestone of your back patio, the camera gets a view of your boys wiggling in your hold. They press quick kisses to your cheeks, something Mat taught them to do whenever they were leaving your presence, and beelined straight into Mat’s thick legs. He is pining clothes to dry, but the minute the pitter-patters reach his ears, he’s all focused on his babies.
You stand by, enjoying Mat as he’s shirtless in all his beautiful glory. Your eyes sparkle with love when you watch him pick up both boys with ease. Your eyes also glimmer with tones of want as you see the way his muscles flex and veins bulge out from underneath his skin.
The sweet giggles coming from Nolan and Angel pull you towards them. Mat’s tickling their stomach, simply unaware that there are cameras near.
He finally looks up, connecting eyes with you. You smile and tilt your head towards the cameras and he just nods, beckoning you closer to him.
“Mat, it’s nice to see you man,” the interviewer breaks the silence.
“Hey, guys. Welcome to our home,” Mat greets, handing Nolan into your arms so he can wrap his hand around your waist.
“Y/n, what’s your favorite thing about Mat becoming a dad?”
“He’s so gentle, not that he wasn’t ever gentle with me, he was, but he is such a big softie for his babies. He’s also really matured, it’s fascinating seeing him learn something new everyday,” you answer with sincerity and a loving gaze locked on his shy smile. Mat stays quiet, kissing Angel on his temple before reaching over to kiss you and Nolan.
“Mat, what’s your favorite thing about seeing y/n become a mom?”
“I get to witness the force of nature that is my wife. The way she takes care of all of us, and just struts her way through. She makes it look so easy, so I guess that’s why I love to see her in action because I know raising children isn’t easy.”
Your cheeks heat up and you make your way to Mat, hugging his body to yours.
Mat kisses your cheek, choosing to ignore the cameras capturing your pda, and whispers in your ear that he’s going to check on Sloane. Choosing to ignore the camera’s presence as well, you give him a chaste kiss on the lips and slap his ass as he goes upstairs.
“Sorry. I get so caught up in Mat sometimes everything else disappears,” you admit shyly, fingers lingering on your lips.
“It’s okay. The rawness is good. So, New York or Italy?”
“New York!”
“Favorite tattoo?”
“I have quite a few favorites. Firstly, my “angel” and “Nolan” tattoos are ones I adore. I also love the “13” I have for Mat. I also love my cherry tattoo, it’s my first one I ever got. Lastly, my “divine feminine” tattoo because Mat loves tracing that one all the time,” you explain.
“Oh! I almost forgot, I’m getting a tattoo for my daughter soon, so that’ll be another favorite,” you add.
“Biggest fear?”
“It used to be heights, but since becoming a wife and mother, my biggest fear is my husband or children getting hurt. However, I’m still scared of heights. Becoming a mom has made me much stronger, but I’m no superhero.”
“I beg to differ,” Mat chimes in, coming down the stairs with your newest bundle of joy nestled in his strong arms.
“Is that my precious baby girl?! It is,” you say before turning your attention to the camera. “This is the first glimpse that the public is getting of her and we’re excited!” You rub your nose against her baby smooth cheek, inhaling her scent.
“Everyone, this is Sloane Augustine Barzal,” Mat introduces Sloane. The camera zooms in on her sweet face. She’s barely awake, but her grasp on Mat’s finger doesn’t let up.
“She’s adorable, guys,” the man compliments.
“Thank you. I think she looks just like barzy,” you say.
“Why the name Sloane?”
“Mat is actually the one who chose the name. We both made a list of S names and he chose Sloane,” you explain.
You guide everyone back outside to sit on the outside furniture. You and Mat are on a couch in front of the camera, Nolan and Angel sitting next to you playing with some toys while Sloane stays tucked in Mat’s arms.
“Mat, what are you looking forward to in the future?”
Mat looks up, pondering his answer before saying, “seeing how tall Nolan gets!” Mat jokes which make you giggle and card your fingers through Nolan’s hair. He’s getting so big and you can’t stop time. “No I look forward to the little mundane things. For example, Y/n and I taking our kids on vacation, or just even having pregame naps in our bed. I sound like a sap, but ever since becoming a father, they’re the only ones I think about when I think of my future,” Mat finishes, making you look at him with a loving look.
“What’s your favorite photo shoot?”
Excitement takes over your features, your body sits up straighter and your eyes light up.
“The one I did for Rolling Stone! I got to dress up in super fun outfits! And most importantly, Mat joined me on that one and it was just a sexy time,” you peer up at Mat, hand finding its place on the back of his neck, and you smirk at him while the flashbacks of that day pop in your head. He matches your smirk and rests his arm around the tops of your shoulders.
“That was a fun time. A time when I truly understood how much fun it can be to change your wardrobe or hairstyle,” Mat says.
“Don’t go getting any ideas about another haircut,” you tease, resulting in him pinching you lightly.
“Can I just compliment your relationship? I can see how genuine the love is and the bond between your family. It’s really refreshing,” the interviewer says sincerely.
“Thank you so much. That means a lot,” you reply and Mat agrees.
“What’s something you wouldn’t change about the past?”
“The way Mat and I communicated in the early stages of our relationship. It really helped us grow as people and as partners. I know there are people who wish they were more communicative, but I appreciate the time and effort we both took to learn how to properly talk with each other. No one really knows that we had a communication issue in our relationship, so I won’t get into great detail,” you rant a little.
“We were good at feeling a lot of emotions, but bad at expressing them verbally with each other. I’m so glad that she was willing to have patience with me in the beginning of our relationship,” Mat adds in, shining the tiniest bit of light on a major relationship issue you’ve had in the past.
“I like that answer. Thank you for being honest.”
You nod your head and give an appreciative smile.
“Favorite memory of Italy?”
The way both Mat’s and your face light up is all telling about how in tune you are with each other.
“The first time we came to Italy together. It’s cliche, but I just knew Mat was my person.” You reach out to caress Mat’s cheek, falling more in love when he nuzzles into the warmth of your palm.
“It’s true! Italy is a place that will always feel like home, and bringing Y/n was allowing her to build a home in my heart. It was such a fun trip. We got to learn about each other more while experiencing new things together. I will never forget that feeling of intense love. It’s even more special that we get to bring our kids here and have a home here.”
You start to tear up, immediately pulling Angel into your lap so you can hide your face in his soft hair. You make sure to give him multiple kisses. This, however, makes Nolan just a tad jealous, so he moves to wrap his arms around your shoulders and gives you kisses on the cheek.
“We feel left out,” Mat breaks you out of your kiss attack, leaning towards you to kiss you on the lips. For the sake of the cameras you keep it soft and quick, but it’s also quick so you can give kisses to Sloane.
“We’re nearing the end of this interview. It’s been a lovely one. I will be the first to say I don’t want this to end.”
“Aww thank you for being an incredible interviewer and for picking my brain. This has been a delight.”
“Okay! Favorite material thing?”
“My wedding rings. Hands down. It’s so special to me, especially because Mat designed it himself. Little fun fact: my wedding band has the initials of each kid engraved on the inside,” you gush.
“Mat, please do tell us the story of why you designed her ring the way you did.”
Mat’s face goes red in a flush, getting shy at the world finding out how sentimental he really is.
“It wasn’t hard. Two diamonds being joined together: toi et moi (you and me) and I love the concept. Plus, I know Y/n loves rings, so I had to make sure the diamonds were Y/n’s favorite shapes. The wedding band itself is simple. Although I had Nolan’s initial engraved already, the other two were just added at later times. As for the other band of smaller diamonds, I picked out for our first wedding anniversary, symbolizing the many moments that will forever be on the forefront of my brain and heart,” you want to squeal and lunge yourself into Mat’s arms. He is such a sweetie. You love him so much.
“That’s really sweet.”
“He’s a sap and I love him for it,” you muse, knowing Mat will roll his eyes even though he’ll blush more.
“This is our final question, so I’ll make it an easy one. What is your favorite room in this house?”
“Easy? That’s a hard question! Oh… I don’t know. I love my babies’ rooms, but my closet is the first thing to come to mind. I do love my kitchen so much, but I already talked about that, so I’ll say my closet,” you claim.
“She loves spending hours in there,” Mat chimes in, throwing you a teasing wink.
“I am grateful for everything I own, so that means I admire all my items. I’m a material girl at heart, so yes I do love spending hours in my closet to organize or just to simply admire. You spend a while in your closet, too, hotshot,” you tease back.
“I love the harmless banter. Guys, this has been incredible. Your home is lovely as well as you all. Thank you for having us in your home and for being so welcoming,” the interview closes the interview.
“Thank you for having us. It’s an honor to do this interview. I had a good time. I hope there will be more Vogue interviews in my future,” you say back, smiling your signature smile.
It’s around 30 minutes after you bid your goodbyes to the cameras that they’re turned off, and you’re once again biding your goodbyes.
When the house is calm and just your family, Mat pulls you into a deep kiss, making sure to dip his tongue into your waiting mouth.
“I have been wanting to do that the whole time,” he whispers against your lips.
“So why didn’t you?” You tease, nipping at his bottom lip and pulling a groan from him.
“I wouldn’t have been able to stop,” he says surely.
“It would’ve been a whole different kind of video,” you muse, smirking up at him while your arms are resting over his shoulders.
“No doubt and that content is for our eyes only.”
You decide against saying anything back, just leaning up to kiss him again. Sloane has other plans, though. Her cries ring throughout the house, bouncing off the walls.
“That’s your daughter,” you playfully chide.
“Your daughter.”
“She’s the result of you not knowing how to keep your hands off me,” you bite back.
“No. More like the other way around,” Mat replies, tickling you on your stomach.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, hotshot,” you whisper against his lips, not kissing him and running to get Sloane, but not before he sends you with a smack on your ass.
a/n: FINALLY! The first part of the vogue series is here, and I hope you all enjoy it.
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manicpixiefelix · 7 months
*crashes my imaginary car into your inbox*
I know this is a major shift in established dynamics but hear me out!!!
What if Oliver's tales about his home life were actually true, worse even so he ended up an orphan? He gets adopted by Reader's parents for the optics mainly because it makes them look good and they figure it'll provide their heir with a companion.
So they become this peculiar little duo, both very observant of the world and people around them. Ollie is a stranger to this world of the ultra rich and endures etiquette classes.
Oliver Quick becomes Oliver L/N, the boy uplifted from squalor by the heroic family *eye roll*
Reader is fiercely protective of their brother and will ruin anyone that insinuates he's not ~really~ family
I know we've never really discussed the ancestral home of Reader but I imagine it is every bit as grand and impressive as Saltburn. Ollie's favorite room is definitely the massive library.
Of course your parents love the optics of it all.
You're six when they adopt Oliver, and he's five; this mousy little thing who doesn't smile often and barely speaks and can't look you in the eyes. He shys away from your overbearing, performative parents, but you seem to be able to see how overwhelmed he's getting. There's no words in your first interaction, only gestures, taking and keeping Oliver's focus as best you can to ground him in the moment; you teach him a simple game, and he returns the favour. Not a word between you two. By the end of the visit, you realise the adults have gone quiet; your parents and Oliver's case worker are just watching you both, marvelling. As you're looking away, Oliver himself finally steps towards you, taking your hand carefully and half hiding himself from them behind you, as if already deciding to trust you. You and Oliver had begun the day as strangers, and ended as siblings.
Your parents love to tell anyone who will listen about how when you first met Oliver you 'practically fixed yourself to his side and haven't moved since'. You look like the perfect family in photos, and the press is quick to forget how little research your parents did on the last charity they very publicly supported, and it's less than ideal history. Oliver learns to smile on command the way you feel like you've always known, but at least they don't make the two of you seperate in these moments.
Oliver says your house is like a fairy tale. At first he sticks close by you, overwhelmed by it all, but as the days turn to weeks and then months, you start to lose him as he goes exploring amongst the estate's many rooms and corridors. No-one knows the old house better then you, but Oliver is a close second; Nan says Mother used to scurry around just like you did, used to know every trick the old house had, but that was a lifetime ago.
Mother's study locks from the inside and Father works long hours in the city, so it's up to you to help Oliver settle in with the nannys and the tutors and the rest of the staff. Your parents like to buck tradition, so they're not precious enough to hire anyone to teach Oliver the etiquette that usually comes with wealth and a house like this, so long as he was polite and respectful and sweet faced in public, they couldn't care less which fork he used for salad. Honestly adults at events found his lack of grace and understanding of their unspoken rules charming in its sincerity. You, however, know that their condescending adoration grates on your brother's nerves as they talk to him like he was some kind of pet.
On the weekends Nan comes over, and it's clear that Oliver likes her the best of all the adults in your lives. Like you she doesn't pressure him to talk, always taking his silence in stride, but also taking the time and putting in the effort to understand him when he does try and communicate, however that may be.
In public - not that you're in public a lot - you and Oliver tend to cling to each other. As you grow older, even as you stop physically holding on to each other, you barely seem to stray from each other's shadow. Of the two of you, Oliver still is the far more reserved one, happy to let you do the talking most of the time, often only sharing his thoughts as quiet asides to you alone.
Considering your parents had no choice but to publicly acknowledge you in this universe, you and Oliver very much grow up in the public eye. The strange, observant duo who seemed to have the uncanny ability to wrap rooms full of adults, the upper echelons of society, around their little fingers, grow into beautiful and bitchy socialites.
Considering you're both getting privately tutored instead of going to a proper school, most of your time is spent travelling and attending events. Following the various Fashion Weeks around the world is a yearly tradition since you were teens, you go to concerts and film festivals and galas, always together, always inseperable. Or at least, inseperable when being seen by people who might matter. Oliver's confidence grows, he's far more open and even talkative in public than when he was a kid, but there's comfort in your established dynamic too. It returns most often at formal events, with Oliver half a step behind you, murmuring his commentary and amusing aside to you throughout the night.
A few of the independent tabloids your family didn't own print unsavoury rumours about your closeness, but those get pulled from news stands within the day, and a few threats of defamation lawsuits make them think twice before printing those kinds of articles again.
Everyone in the Western world knows who you both are, or has at least heard of you. But thankfully it's been years since anyone had tried to tie Oliver back to the Poor Orphan Boy he was when he'd first been adopted. By the time you both get to Oxford, he's been your brother for so long that it's like the world has thankfully forgotten that it's not by blood.
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