#its also two am and i have school tomorrow so yeah
oneirataxia-girl · 7 months
❝ i don't like most people, but you're an exception. ❞ for Mari pls!! (could even make it Midlaw, if you're feeling it, but anyone will do!)
ngl when I saw this I had the vision of the most devastating Mari moment during the timeskip - ‘twas a struggle to not write it out bc it’s a Character Development for her and therefore spoilers (and also bc I haven’t fleshed it out completely oop-). but here’s another place (not Midlaw tho 😔) I think this prompt would work
set sometime after Arlong Park, live-action friendly so psst opla girlies @auxiliarydetective, @starcrossedjedis, @xoteajays, @daughter-of-melpomene, I humbly present this offering to you (can you tell I'm sleep deprived asdjasldakj
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A groan escaped Kenji as he sat down. Even after months of training, he was still nowhere near beating Zoro. The guy could at least pretend to struggle when Kenji tried to hit him, but no, he just had to yawn lazily and slam his knee into Kenji’s stomach. Now, he wasn’t one for holding grudges, but Sanji was right to have one against the swordsman, Kenji should help him hide all the booze on the ship. And some of the meat, since Luffy just kept laughing while his poor body got pummeled by Zoro, some captain he was.
“You alright?”
“Gah!” His hand felt for the handle of his revolver, drawing it out to face – “Mari?”
She answered with a thump of something landing in his lap. Something lumpy and smelling vaguely of the herbs the Marines used to ease their muscles after training.
Kenji waited for his crewmate to elaborate on the package. Mari was silent. But it’s possible she just left after tossing the stuff at him, she’s quieter than Nami and even less chatty than their navigator when she’s trying to read a new map. Plus, Luffy didn’t even have the decency to get someone else to keep watch in place of him, so Mari probably just came to grab something or another and brought that along for him.
Come to think of it, she does do stuff for him a lot – not that she doesn’t do stuff for the other members of the crew, but Mari definitely looks out for him more. If it were Usopp wincing from injuries, Mari wouldn’t bring a weird-smelling pack of whatever’s-in-this to help him; plus, she helps him get out of chores all the time. This could only mean one thing.
“Do you want help?”
Oh, She’s still here.
“With this?” Kenji asked. Then remembered that she couldn’t see what he was referring to and added, “The stuff you gave me.”
Yeah, Mari would never offer to help Usopp apply medicine. Nor would she for anyone else, probably. Maybe Nami if she asked for help, but they seemed to be awkward around each other, so perhaps not.
So, who was he to turn down an offer possibly only he could get?
His crewmate was efficient in her day-to-day work; several weeks of being on the same boat taught Kenji that, but Mari was also pretty good at dealing with wounds. Apparently, Zoro’s injuries from Mihawk didn’t tear up halfway to Arlong Park because of her interventions, and after the fight there, she dealt with all the scrapes the crew acquired from kicking fishman butt and the ones the people of Coco Village, too. Kenji didn’t get to witness her abilities after that fight – thankfully – but feeling her hands applying a salve to his bruised knuckles, he had to admit, Mari was pretty good at avoiding more hurt when she pressed down to rub the ointment into his skin.
Which was good enough for him, he didn’t want to know if she could be gentle when she was cleaning cuts or snapping joints back in their places. He’d prefer it if bruises and burns and sprains were the only reason he had to ask Mari for medical assistance, thank you very much.
His non-bruised hand closed around a small bottle of something, “Apply a thin layer to anywhere you’ve been bruised, wraps are for the nasty ones.” Mari’s voice elaborated at his sound of confusion.
“What’s a nasty one?” Kenji chose to focus on that part instead of Mari leaving him to fend for himself, he could lament that later.
“Depends on you.”
That was not an answer, and Kenji told her so. Mari didn’t reply, so he counted that as a win for him.
“The ones swollen,” she said just as Kenji thought she left, “don’t wrap it too tight.”
“So the one on my stomach.”
Mari was silent, then said, “Sure.”
No help, absolutely none. Kenji was starting to doubt her proficiency in medicine.
“Is that everything?” He asked after a minute of silence.
Mari’s voice was a tad further away this time, “Any other injuries?”
“Yeah,” He began, wondering for a moment if it was smart to – “Can I ask you something, though?”
A beat.
“Sure.” That word was clearer, her face lit by a lantern as she stood with her arms crossed.
He didn’t get a lamp, or a candle, or anything when he settled down to keep watch.
“Where did you get that?” He couldn’t help himself as he pointed to the light in her hand.
She gestured at a wooden beam behind her. Kenji wasn’t sure if that meant the thing was there and she simply grabbed and lit it or something else. Come to think of it, when did she get it?
“Is that it?”
“Is what it?” Kenji repeated without thinking, then shook his head, “Nah, I’ve got another one.”
Mari’s head dipped slightly.
Bidding a goodbye to his preferential treatment, Kenji continued, “Why are you nicer to me?”
Mari’s head tilted to the side.
“Not that I don’t like it or anything, it’s just –” How could he say this without sounding like he was full of himself? “You’re definitely nicer to me than to Usopp or Nami or Luffy, is it because you like me or something?”
A line formed between her eyebrows, and Kenji was no master at reading faces, but was that… disgust on her face?
“No,” She shook her head, “Absolutely not.”
“I meant like in a friendly way…?” Kenji added, but it just sounded like a bad attempt at covering up, even to his ears.
At that, Mari’s face stopped looking like she was about to vomit at the thought of her liking him – seriously? He wasn’t that bad of a catch – and grew back into her normal expression. Which meant he had no idea what was going on in her mind, as usual.
“Maybe,” Came Mari’s answer after a while, during which Kenji contemplated whether he could hurl himself into the sea from his seat to avoid interacting with her ever again, “I don’t like most people, though.”
“But I’m the exception?” Kenji prodded further, then regretted it when she fixed him with the stare, the one that felt like she was looking through his mind.
Mari didn’t give him an answer for the next few minutes, just stared into his soul. Probably because she enjoys making people regret their decisions, who needs that long to decide if they liked somebody or not?
“Yeah,” She agreed, “But you’re the exception.”
Well, that proved it, Kenji was Mari’s favorite. He couldn’t wait to lord that over Sanji the next time the cook started to wax poetic over the two girls in their crew.
His new favorite crewmember strode forward, “I’ll do the rest of your watch,” Mari told him, lifting him to his feet with a flick of her wrist, “Go get some rest.”
And since he was only human, he obeyed easily and started to go towards his warm bed.
Kenji turned around at the mention of his surname.
“Don’t tell Blondie.”
So he still could brag about that to Usopp, got it.
“Or Usopp, or Nami.”
Ugh, at least he could tell Luffy –
“And especially not Luffy.”
“But I can tell Zoro?” Kenji couldn’t help but ask.
Mari finished lighting another lantern, “Peabrain only cares about being the captain’s favorite.”
Kenji shrugged. It did sound like Zoro, after all.
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give me a prompt + oc and I'll write a drabble!
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what's the fucking point
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baekuras · 2 years
nothing like leaving your broken shower curtain to be a problem for later/the next day because after almost flooding your bathroom you didn’t want to deal with that as well only to come back to it halfspread across the room at 3am after having completely forgotten about that disaster
#txts#this also might turn into a tuesday problem#bc aside from work i also need to buy so many things tomorrow#i didnt go shopping the entire week so my reserves are p low#not gone gone but some craving staples need to return#and they prob would be gone gone if i had actually eaten healthily aka enough but i digress#i was sick i get a pass shush#no1 reason as to why i actually get angry whenever i dont eat and watch that like a hawk#is my mother having been worried that i was definitely totally having an eating disorder in school#when all that was was 'i can only eat during those times and i am NOT making this backpack even heavier nor paying for more food'#combined with also not needing more bc....its school its not like i was doing much bc bleh but thats another brain bullshit#anyhow i refuse to have any eating bs simply out of spite#even though i do acknowledge it probably at least edges onto SOMETHING for some reason bc like#yeah its nice to have lost some weight#and i didnt NEED the lunch every day because i was fine#which are 2 thoughts i immediately slam down bc just awake in bed bc sick isnt 'fine' and it could be better than fine#also weight=fat/muscle distribution fits how i like it so who cares about a kilo or two#or 3 by now.....i should have cooked more pasta or smth...well or anything#ANYHOW this is your 3am rant of the day this went totally away from me but also made me remember to renew my shopping list#and i have to get ready for work in 4 hours but my sleep schedule is shot so...oops and goodnight
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tkingfisher · 1 year
I have had a WEEK.
First Hound got into some chocolate. Ok, this happens to dogs all the time, it’s not baking chocolate, and I know perfectly well that it is not INSTADEATH. Online calculators by weight are like “Yeah, that’s nothin’.” This dog has eaten rotten toads, hardback books, cigarettes…she is a canine garbage disposal. She has also never been sick a day in her life.
Then she starts eating grass. Except Hound does not know what grass is, so she is just in the garden tearing off Random Leaves. I end up chasing her around going “That’s an elm! That’s sticky germander! That’s a rare Himalayan salvia! What are you DOING?!”
Obviously this happens at one AM. Because of course it does.
Then finally she makes a noise like a murloc having an orgasm and all the plants come back up.
Fine, I think. That’s that. Nature takes its course.
Which just proves that I am, in fact, staggeringly naive. The next morning, Hound is breathing shallowly and lethargic. We drive her to the vet school ER an hour away. We explain about the plants and the chocolate and the murloc noises to a nice young vet with a manbun who looks about fifteen years old. They take Hound back, and discover Hound is having severe arrhythmia. Which is a chocolate toxicity symptom. Except we all agree that the quantity she got hold of absolute should not have done that, but hey, maybe she has developed an unexpected sensitivity. They keep her overnight. I leave a large deposit on my credit card. We drive an hour home.
The next day I come pick her up. A nice vet who actually looks old enough to drink gives me a list of symptoms to watch out for, including extreme lethargy. They give me back some of the deposit. Hound comes home.
The next morning, she is extremely lethargic and furthermore, Not Eating.
In a hound, loss of appetite generally happens several hours after all clinical signs of life are extinguished. I drive her an hour to the ER. A nice vet who appears twelve says her heart is working perfectly fine, and suggests pancreatitis. Let’s do an ultrasound. Err…in a few hours, they’re kind of slammed. I go to a coffee shop and attempt to work.
The ultrasound fails because they can’t see around Hound’s stomach, which is enormously swollen. They do an X-ray. There is something weird in there. Foreign body, it looks like. Not blocking anything, just sitting there. “Foamy mass” is the term being used. It has air bubbles. Chocolate wrapper? Weird mass of leaves? (Oh god, was she eating frog eggs out of the pond again?) The vet decides to induce vomiting to get the prize out of this particular canine Kinder Egg. I sit in the waiting room and attempt to work.
An hour and a half later, the vet comes out and says, in awestruck tones, that they have given Hound two doses of their strongest emetic and she will not vomit. “This dog has an iron stomach!” she says. I explain about the toad and the cigarettes. She asks if they were at the same time. (They were not.) Hound stays overnight. I leave a second, larger deposit on my credit card. I drive an hour home.
The next day, the vet calls me, says “So I wanted to give you an update—oh crap! STAT TRIAGE! I’ll call you back!” and hangs up. Some hours later, she calls me back. No, the foamy thing is still there. Stomach is less swollen, though. They’re still hoping she passes it. By the way, did I know Hound has erhlichiosis? I did not, but at this point, nothing surprises me. Hound stays overnight again.
The next day, Hound is transferred to Internal Medicine. Her protein levels are weird, but she is not retaining fluid. (Yay?) If the weird foamy mass is not gone, they will have to perform surgery tomorrow. I leave a third, even larger deposit over the phone. Hound stays overnight again.
The next day, a new vet, of indeterminate age, but with a strong desire to make sure that I understand every single aspect of every single test begins explaining to me about blood protein levels and that they need to do a targeted ultrasound to make sure she doesn’t have a GI bleed. I am so deep in the hole at this point that I’m just like “Yeah, whatever, do it.” Hound stays overnight again.
He calls the next day to say that she has no bleed and no pancreatitis. What about the foamy mass?
What foamy mass?
The…the one that was…I saw the X-rays…?
Well, there’s nothing there now. Maybe she passed whatever it was. No blockages anywhere. They went over her innards with a fine toothed comb. She’s eating like a horse, incidentally. Would I like to take her home tomorrow?
I drive an hour. I get Hound. The vet’s working theory is an erhlichiosis flare-up brought on by chocolate shock. She gets antibiotics, anti-nausea meds, and special bland food in case her appetite decreases. I receive a tiny amount back on my deposit. We drive an hour home.
Hound, cognizant of her delicate digestive state, immediately attempts to break into the litterbox and eat cat poop. I deliver a lengthy lecture on the evils of dumpster diving. Hound gazes at me with great earnestness, then belches gently in my face. Learning happens to other people, not Hound.
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The face of a canine garbage disposal who cost me more than my first car
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all444miles · 1 year
can you do miles with and earthy black girl! Like I can see him wanting her nose rings, and accessories but don’t get me started on how he SIMPS for her waist beads. He loves seeing her at school with her hair wrap and locs and her lavender and coco sent, she’s a calm person to!
thank you so much for your AMAZING work God bless❤️❤️❤️❤️
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— pairing: both miles' x black!earthy!fem!reader — genre: fluff — summary: what its like for both miles' to date an earthy girl ‹3 — a/n: quick note, the reader calls 1610 miles "bambi" as a nickname becuase he reminds her of a baby deer ‹3 (credits to my pookie for that !!) — a/n 2: I didn't know which miles you meant, so i just did both 😭 also pretend that brooklyn visions academy doesnt have a uniform.. i was tired writing this so im rlly rlly RLLLY sorry if this is bad but, i hope you like this, and enjoy !! ‹3
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Miles loves being in your room. the smell of burning coconut incense, the look of your fairy lights, the small plants, it felt so chill, so peaceful. he liked that.
he always knows which incense you've used, and will pick up if you've changed them. He'll buy you some if you need any more.
"You got rid of the coconut incense? Mami, that one was my favorite." "Baby, I only have one pack left." "Oh? Aight, i'll buy you some tomorrow."
he'll never tell you, but if he misses you, he'll listen to your favorite songs that you'd always hum to yourself when you two are alone.
does he like Erykah Badu? Yes, yes he does. he'll listen to Green Eyes on his missions with his uncle whenever he gets the chance.
his uncle caught him once; one of the most embarrassing moments of his life.
"Kid, you listenin' Erykah Badu? Ian know you into allat." "Yo chill, it's only cuz my girl like her." "Mhm. You sure you my nephew or am I trippin?" "Tio, let's just roll."
he's loves to cuddle with you, especially cause you always smell like lavender. he won't let you go either.
"Miles, I gotta get some food." "Nuh, in a minute." "Hun, you done said that 2 minutes ago." "Exactly, in a minute. I like being here."
absolutely in love with your waist beads. he loves the jewllery you were (you both have matching necklaces), but your waist beads? goes absolutely crazy whenever you wearing a crop top and you have them on.
one time you two were at a beach and you wore them with your bikini, he might as well have fell in love with you all over again. bro has his hands on your waist the whoooleee time.
"Princesa, never take off your waist beads." "Why? You like 'em?" "¿Gustarme? Chica, Dios mío, estoy enamorada de ellos." (Like them? Girl, my god, i'm in love with them.) "Miles!" "What? I'm just appreciating my queen n her style, ion see no problem."
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E-1610 MILES
Miles is obsessed, like, obsessed, with your style.
if you two live close, he'll style your locs and do your head wrap for you before school.
if not, he'll come to school excited to see your ootd. that is, as if you don't send them to him everyday before school.
"You look gorgeous in your outfit, amor." "Thank you Miles. You do know i already showed you it before school, right?" "So? It's always better to see my wife's outfits in person." "Bambi, you so corny."
he draws you, all the time. look through his sketchbook and you'll find drawings of his friends from the spider society, his uncle, and thousands of you.
Instead of doing what his twin does, when he misses you, he'll draw you. He misses you a lot.
"Baby, can I see your sketchbook?" "..Uhm, yeah! Sure." "You draw me? Awwe, that's so cute."
he loves how calm you are, he actually thinks of you as an angel the way you're so peaceful.
he thinks your nose rings are so gorgeous. if you let him pick which nose ring, he'll be so honored.
adores the fact you smell like lavender. he'll always lay his head into the crook of your neck because he loves your scent sm.
like his counterpart, he's so fascinated to your waist beads. like, he just thinks you look so beautiful with em. One time, you put his hands on your waist, he honestly didn't know what to do with himself.
"Mami, did you know I love your waist beads?" "Yes, bambi, i know." "Nah, but I loooovvveeeee them!" "Baby, i know!" "Like, I looooooooooooovvvvvvvveeeeee them!" "Love, please."
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© all444miles 2023. do not plagerize, copy, or repost my work in any way shape or form, without my permission.
likes, reblogs, comments and asks are always appreciated !
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1for5 · 5 months
yes im changing
paige bueckers x reader
(paige x uconn psychology student!reader)
synopsis: with y/n being in a new environment, still facing rejection, how can she bounce back?
chap 4
y/n pov:
okay scratch that. i would have to do all athletes. okay new research:
a comparative research on the academic resilience of students and students part of the basketball team in the university of connecticut.
much better. i can have more focus on the people in my research. and plus, the basketball teams are the most known in uconn, which could make them have different perspectives. but first.. i would have to ask their coach first. i may ask aubrey if she can bring me to their coach, his name is coach geno..?
after their training (and an hour of peyton giggling), i went up to aubrey and told her about my research.
“yeah! i could definitely ask coach geno, he’s in the other room though to get his stuff, but he’ll come back soon” aubrey replied with enthusiasm. “thats great! thanks aubrey. i would also have to ask the men’s basketball coach, but ill check tomorrow since its already late” i mentioned. aubrey and i got to talk a little bit more, aubrey asking me why i was even in their training the first place.
i said that peyton’s crush is in the team, which made aubrey laugh. when we both looked behind to peyton, we see her talking to azzi. smooth ass..
coach geno finally got out of the other room, and aubrey introduced me to him.
“oh coach! this is y/n, and she has a small favor to ask” aubrey says. “hello coach geno! i am a freshman taking psychology, and i wanted to ask if i could have your team to be part of my research” i smiled.
“what’s it about?”
“their resistancy in regards to their school work sir”
“will it hinder their skills?”
“no sir”
“how long will this take?”
“maximum of a month i believe, but it still depends”
“as long as the team says yes and it wont be a distraction, then im all for it. goodluck y/n, and welcome to uconn!” coach geno replied with a small smile. “thank you sir! it means a lot” i smiled back.
i went back to peyton, who was talking to azzi, and introduced me to her. azzi then introduced me to the other players— to nika, kk, paige, and caroline. i guess i still needed a formal greeting even with the event that happened yesterday.
i then proceeded to ask the whole team about my research idea, and they were all willing to help me. just needed to contact the men’s basketball team now.
after small talks, we all headed back to our dorms. i feel better with the team already, they’re all quite playful, just have to ignore that one blonde, paige. we haven’t talked a word to each other, and i won’t mind if we don’t talk at all.
when we arrived to the dorms area, we all bid our goodbyes to some of the members and the others headed to the same dorm building as me. turns out that everyone that has the same dorm as me lives on the same floor as me.. this will be fun. my “floormates” are nika, ashlynn, ice, kk, and paige. azzi along with caroline and the others were at another dorm building.
we all bid our goodnights, and aubrey and i went inside our dorm. we both were too tired, and got unready and head to our beds quick.
“goodnight y/n!”
“goodnight aubs”
the next week
the last days were great. men’s basketball team is on board with my research, and my introduction and rrl is surprisingly done.
today, i will start to interview the women’s basketball team, and i am thinking of doing observations with them as well— like having group study sessions and know their behavior and thoughts.
its now 2pm, two hours before the team’s training, which gives me enough time to interview some people. i text aubrey saying that im near their court, and was asking who i can interview first.
aubrey: paige is free
goddamn it.
oh well, let’s just get this over with. i open the court’s entrance, the team seeing me and greeting me.
“so, who can go first?” i ask the team, i really didn’t want paige, she will just give me negative energy for the rest of the day. she is always so.. negative towards me.
“i dont think we can.. coach wants us to do 25 laps as penalty! but since paige wasn’t there when the team was goofing around.. she’s free” azzi explained. “what did you guys even do that made coach geno be in fumes?” i asked.
“teased coach about paige dating on of his children.. they’re our age though” aubrey steps in. “oh id send you guys to 25 laps as well” i joked. “whatever!” azzi says.
i told paige to come with me the the bleachers, still being nonchalant.
“so where do we begin..” i hummed. i could feel that paige felt awkward
“name?” i started.
“paige bueckers”
“im a junior”
she’s 2 years older than me.
“current gpa?”
not bad.
“workloard in school?”
“atleast 5 worksheets and 2 tests per week”
“can you finish them on time?”
“what’s your hardest subject?”
“favorite subject?”
“okay that’s all for now. we still have more interviews in the future, and a possible group study session with the others. thank you!” i tell paige.
“thanks” paige coldly replies.
after an interview with aubrey, azzi, and the others, i wrapped it up, just in time for them to do their own preps before training. i was looking for a water dispenser as i was thirsty. i passed by the locker room and heard a voice.
“what is she even doing here? can’t she do her studies somewhere else? we don’t need her bro” the voice stated, which i think was pertaining to me.
“paige, just be kind. its a freshman’s research, you know how tough some professors are with the freshmans, they would have to give their best” another voice replied back.
“whatever, let’s just get to practice” paige scoffs. i rolled by eyes and realized that it was my signal to go, i didn’t want them to see me. i quickly got my water and got out of the court, thanking coach geno and the other members who were just sitting on the bleachers.
as i walk, i start to feel discouraged. i just want to do what’s best for me, and a person who doesn’t know me just talks bad about what im doing. i guess i just have to suck it up, i have no time for negativity anyways. just focus on being able to transfer to stanford.
uconn, your star is not-so shining to me.
- zo’s notes: hello, i hope everyone is enjoying reading my fic :)
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romancefranaticstay · 6 months
TᑌTOᖇ ᗰE
Category: ♥ Fluff, smut ♥
Teacher!Seungmin x fem!reade!student
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Another day, another time, it sucked. You were a student at the university of Seoul. You were doing great at almost every subject you choosed, exspect... math.
You didn't even know why math was one of your subjects. You never choosed it. You even sended a mail, but you couldn't change now. So you had to survive it this year. Your worst nightmare, you worst fear, *math*.
Your teacher didn't had time to tutor you, so he asked another math-teacher to help you. Today was the day to meet him, after school.
The entire day went very slowly, but atleast your friends were comique so it wasn't to boring. Your teachers were always gossiping about every student. And then they dare to say that we are horrible?! How?
After school you had to stay in your classroom. You were waiting and playing with your pencils. When he wasn't here yet for the past 5 minutes, you decided to walk around the classroom. Just walking and staring at the walls.
Suddenly the door opened and you saw an interesting man walking inside.
'Miss... I/N Y/N?" his eyes widened when he saw you. You were very beautifull, he could not deny.
'Yes, that is me, i am here for you tutoring lessons.'
'You can seat yourself next to me.'
You walked over and seated yourself. The chair hurted your butt, but that does every chair in this university.
'Could you tell me what you don't understand?'
'Everything is much.'
'Yeah i don't know much about math.'
He started with chapter six, because thats the most important chapter. His voice was very soft and it made you relaxed. You could quit understand a bit, but it was very difficult, because maybe this would sound weird... he was extremely hot. You could call him 'smexy'.
You were staring a bit to him. Not really focusing on this theorie of this chapter. His lips were cute, his nose also, but his eyes. You just could stare in them forever.
He saw you watching his face. He actually didn't mind it. You snapped out of you deep-stare.
'I am sorry, i was just wandering into my thoughts, mine apologies.'
'It is okay, this part is not very important.'
He was actually only supposed to teach you for 1 hour, but he taught you for 2 hours. You didn't watch the clock, you loved each other's presence. He could explain everything so well, his voice was so beautiful. For him, 2 hours feels like 10 minutes. Its beautiful; hands turned the page.
Suddenly your alarm went off, and everything was a little disrupted. Seungmin looked at his watch.
'Oops, it's already 8pm, my apologies. I'll give you some papers to work on at home. You have lessons from me every day, so finish these papers by tomorrow if possible.'
'That's probably possible, depending on what tasks I still have to complete from my other teachers. Thank you for this lesson.'
you stood up and started packing everything up.
'I'll see you again tomorrow. Have a nice day!'
He watched you leave the classroom. He never noticed what a beautiful figure you have. He had already seen you walking around, but of course he had never spoken to you. Of course he had never spoken to you before, you are a student and he is a teacher. It is not forbidden, but it is frowned upon. Still, some girls flirted with him, sometimes tried to touch him themselves, but always avoided them. If you flirted with him, he wouldn't avoid it. But you weren't really that romantic, you read a lot of novels, but even when you were little you realized that not everything in the books could be fulfilled.
You and your teacher started to grow a little closer together. You could say that you two formed a friendly bond. Sometimes you got jealous when some girls tried to twist Seungmin around their fingers. But yes, Seungmin also got jealous when boys came to you. You were very beautiful and intelligent, so boys took their chance, even sometimes girls tried to take their chance with you. You didn't always notice that. Your eyes were actually only focused on Seungmin.
You sat in your class and you followed the reading. You sometimes overheard some conversations that were happening in front of you. You were learning about Korean Culture when you suddenly heard Seungmin's name in front of you.
"He's so handsome, could he be that good in bed?" two girls giggled.
You straightened your back and started to lean a little closer.
"He could play with me."
You looked at them as if they were crazy. Seungmin isn't that type of guy. What are they thinking, talking about him like that, aren't they ashamed? Your brow furrowed as you heard their multiple conversations. Deep inside you were burning with jealousy, so many girls wanted to have him. So many girls, some were so beautiful in your eyes. You started to focus on your classes again, but what if... what if Seungmin enjoys all that attention? What if he likes one of those many girls? What if he's... a spicy teacher... if you know what I mean? No, that's not possible, no, Seungmin a spicy teacher? Maybe...
You were walking around the square with one of your friends, just chatting about boys and also the new Arcade. You went through the main hall when you saw a group of girls surrounding Seungmin. They all asked him questions and if he could tutor them. They gave him cookies and so much attention. It made you angry, even though there is absolutely nothing between you and Seungmin. He saw you looking from a distance, he saw anger in your eyes. He turned away from all the girls and came towards you. Why is he coming towards me, you thought. You panicked a bit, he looked so good today. His sleeves were rolled up, his blouse was very tight, his buttons could pop off at any moment. You looked in all directions, your girlfriend looked at you strangely, as if you were a mad dog. You dragged her with you to the girls' toilets.
Seungmin tried to speak to you but it was already too late. Of course he wasn't allowed in the girls' toilets.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lately you started to distance yourself from him. He didn't understand why. He tried to have a conversation with you outside of school, but you avoided him every time. The tutoring sessions were also filled with a kind of tension and not good tension. Sometimes he tried to sit close to you, just to give you some comfort.
He wanted to ask you about it, but he didn't want to bother you with all those questions. At some point he had enough, because he cared about you a lot. He wanted to love you and he would do anything to fix it.
Tutoring was over, and you started packing your things. You wanted to go to the door, but suddenly he blocked you.
“I can't take it anymore Y/N. What did I do wrong? Did I hurt your feelings? Did I accidentally hurt you?'
'What are you talking about?'
"Lately I feel like you're trying to avoid me, have I done something?"
You were quiet. You looked at the ground.
'No nothing.'
He lifted your chin with his index finger.
'Do not lie to me. You can tell me.' '
No, I can't do that.'
'Why not?'
“It's not your fault, it's just…”
you took a deep breath
“all the girls are hanging around you. Flirting with you and for some strange reason it makes me jealous and an-'
he interrupted you by kissing you on the lips. His tongue slid through your mouth. He placed his hand on the back of your head. You opened your mouth wide, giving him all the access. He slid his tongue out of your mouth.
"Does that answer?"
'Don't know.' you teased.
"Maybe you should be a little more clear?"
"Of course princess."
He brought you in for another kiss. This time he held your cheeks with both hands. He stroked it with his thumbs. He made you step back until you bumped into his desk. He opened your legs with his knee. From your mouth his tongue went to your neck. He started licking it like a puppy. You whined softly. You heard him laugh against your neck. His fingers slid into your underwear. He slid between your folds, which were very wet. 'Wet for me? I love that.' He began to gently caress your clit while still sucking on your neck.
You started to position yourself on his desk. He pulled your panties down so he could get a good view. You could see through his pants that he was already hard. You took off his belt and pulled his pants down enough so you could take out his member. He groaned when you started to gently pump his dick. Just to make sure it was hard enough. He positioned himself at your entrance, he began to quietly nestle himself into you.
He held you tight as he slowly started pumping into you. You felt safe with him, his warmth. You heard his heart beat faster. He whispered soft words into your ears, which actually made you more excited. The fact that he was only your tutor two months ago.
His rhythm quickened, so did his breath, his hands felt every part of your body, his hair got wet, his body sweaty, and this all happened in a boring classroom. Your legs were shaking with excitement. Your arms clung to his neck. Everything was perfect, even if you did it on his desk.
"I *kiss* love you so *kiss much, baby."
You brought your two heads closer together.
'You are my soulmate. You are my soul, ohh *kiss* Seungmin, *kiss* what would I do without *kiss* you?'
He kissed you with passion, he kissed you like it was the end, he made sure you knew how much he loved you.
When you both came, he still held you tightly. He looked at you and caressed your cheek.
'That I could love you, as I did just now, is what you call happiness.' 'I feel happy with you.'
Your lips met again, and you devoured each other. You couldn't keep your hands off each other. Everything was perfect at this moment, the atmosphere, the sounds and the one person who could make it all happen: Seungmin.
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lovelycassy · 2 years
Ok hear me out, a Lorenzo Berkshire imagine where him and the reader are dating and she gets hurt during a girl day with pansy 😌
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Summary: Ever since you and Lorenzo started dating a week ago, you noticed a certain slytherin who always seems to be glaring at you. It only took some time before they take action against you.
Pairing: Lorenzo/Enzo x fem!reader
House: any
Blood status: pureblood
Word count: 1,588
Warning(s) : some violence, a lil cursing, a kissing scene that’s barely there, pet names (love & darling), not proofread, lmk if I missed anything!
a/n: I am so sorry anon I didn't check my ask box for a rlly long time so I didn't notice that I already had requests 😭 I hope you didn’t wait that long but here it is though. btw this is my first fic so pls bear with me if its cringy I'm trying
Also forgive me if pansy, lorenzo and Daphne are not so in character these are just how I imagine their personalities are
It was a sunny friday afternoon and you were going to your last class of the day. You were thinking of what you were going to do the next day when you heard someone call your name from behind.
"Y/n!" they called. You turned around and saw your best friend Pansy running down the hallway.
"Yes?" You answered
Pansy caught her breath before she asked, "Do you have any plans for tomorrow afternoon?"
"not much, just going to stay in my dorm all day I guess, why?"
"I was thinking that we should have a girl's day, you know just the two of us, shopping at hogsmeade. Since our NEWTS are coming up and I know its gonna take a lot of our time, tomorrow is the perfect time for us to hang out before we have to stress about our exams. So, what do you say?" She said, with her eyes almost looking like she’s pleading for you to say yes.
You thought for a while. You didn't have anything else to do aside from sleeping and staying in your bed all day anyway. You also finished all your homework yesterday, you just need to hope that your last professor gives mercy on all of you students and lets you go without any homework.
"Okay sure, I need a break from school anyway." You finally answered.
"Great! Let's meet at the great hall at 9am, sound good?"
"Yep, see you tomorrow Pans!"
"Thank god we don't have any homework assigned today" you muttered as you entered the slytherin common room, heading to your boyfriend's dorm.
You knocked 3 times before you heard someone answer from inside;
"Who is it?“ Lorenzo shouted
"It's just me" you answered
"Oh alright, the door's open"
You entered and saw him sitting on his bed, reading a book. He already changed out of his robes and wore some comfy clothes.
He looked up from his book the second you entered the room.
"Hey darling, how's your day?" He asked
"Tiring, how's yours?" You said while taking off your robe and putting it on the coat rack
"It's alright, if you exclude the fact that seamus almost set the classroom and everyone in it on fire in potions."
"Wow, that bad?"
"Yeah, luckily snape was there. But of course he had to take points off Gryffindor because of the chaos Seamus created."
By now you had already changed into some comfortable clothes and was climbing in bed "But everyone was okay, right?"
"Of course, but enough about my day. Tell me what happened to yours?" He said, while cuddling you putting you on top of him
"Well pansy came to me a few hours ago, asking me to go on a girl's day with her tomorrow at hogsmeade. Since our exams are coming up she wants to hangout before we all get busy studying."
"And what did you answer her?"
"I said yes of course she's my best friend"
"I thought you said we're going to spend the whole day together tomorrow?" He looked down at you with a pouty face
"I said on sunday, love"
"No you definitely said Saturday"
"I'm pretty sure I said sunday"
"Fine you did"
"I promise you on sunday I'm all yours, okay? No one is going to disturb us."
"Alright fine"
Before you could say anything else he suddenly flipped both of you and he was on top of you
“Love what are you trying to do right now?”
“What I’ve wanted to do since classes ended”
Then you felt his lips on yours
You were roughly making out for about 5 minutes now when you both heard a knock on the door.
"You lovebirds done? Its nearly dinner already so stop making out and let's go to the great hall." Theo groaned from the other side of the door.
"Okay okay we're coming" you said fixing yourself up
"Cmon lets just stay behind they won't even mind" Enzo complained
"Sorry love but as a human being I also need food plus I'm starving" you were walking to the door when you turned around and saw him on the bed with a pouting like face
"We could continue after dinner." You said with a smirk
That made him run to the great hall.
*timeskip to the next day*
You and Pansy have been shopping for almost 2 hours now. You suggested you guys eat lunch first before continuing your shopping spree
Once you guys were finished, you were both deciding the next store you were going to when you saw a certain slytherin walking towards you with her gang. The one who has been rude to you since you and Lorenzo started dating, Daphne Greengrass. Let’s pretend she didn’t like theodore and liked lor
It was no secret to the whole school that she liked him. She practically did everything to make him notice her. Yet Lorenzo still chose you, and that made her blood boil.
"What's she doing here?" You whispered to Pansy
Pansy just shrugged
"Well well well, look who we have here, its lorenzo’s little girlfriend, L/n " Daphne said with a smirk (IM INTERNALLY CRINGING RN)
“Hello Greengrass, what brings you to hogsmeade on this lovely day?”
“Oh nothing, I just heard you and parkinson over there talking about how you’re going to spend your boyfriend’s money on a shopping spree. Does enzo even know you’re spending his money?” She said as she strode a little more closer to you
You can’t start a fight, or else some professor might pass by and punish you both by taking away house points that won’t be enough to win the house cup
You took a deep breath before answering her, “actually Greengrass, the money I’m spending right now is my monthly allowance from my parents. Now if you would excuse us, we would like to get back to our shopping.”
You tried to get past her before she blocked you and pansy’s way
“Not so fast l/n, that’s not what I came here for.”
“What is it then Greengrass?” You were starting to get annoyed
By now you were standing at arm’s length from her
“I came here because I wanted to remind you something.”
Suddenly she pushed you to the ground
“What the hell are you doing!” Pansy shouted, while trying to break free from Tracey Davis, one of Daphne’s closest friends
“Telling L/n here to stay away from what’s mine” daphne said, pointing her wand at you
Right now you were terrified of what might happen
“What the hell do you mean by staying away from what’s yours-“
“I meant staying away from Lorenzo you bitch!”
“We were friends since we were babies! We were meant for each other until you came and took him away from me!” She shouted
“So right now I’m going to take revenge on what you’ve done, stupefy!”
With that you flew and landed your back on a wall, you felt yourself getting dizzy with dark spots covering your vision. You heard Pansy run to you calling your name before everything went black
You woke up from a shine of light coming through your eyelids (does that make sense?), with a slight pounding in your head. You squinted your eyes a bit to get a better view to know where you were, it took a while before coming to a realization that you were in the hospital wing
You felt something or someone holding your hand, and you turned to see your boyfriend, Enzo, sleeping on a chair beside your bed holding your hand.
“Love, wake up,” you said, gently shaking the hand wrapped around yours.
You saw him fluttering his eyes a bit before looking at you with wide eyes.
“Oh my god you’re awake- hold on for a minute I need to get madam pomfrey.”
He rushed out of the hospital wing and returned with her not even 2 minutes later.
“Hello dear, how are you feeling?” Madam pomfrey asked with a gentle smile.
You looked at her and said, “my head hurts a bit, but may I ask what happened?”
“You must’ve forgotten because of how hard you hit your head yesterday.”
Hit your head? What happened? You thought for a while before all the events came back to your head. Daphne greengrass hexed you.
“Oh” was all you could say.
“Well dear once the pain in your head fades you are free to go anytime,” And with that madam pomfrey left.
You turned to look at your boyfriend and he looked at you with concerned eyes
“Um” he started “I heard from Blaise what Daphne has done to you, he was walking in hogsmeade when he saw Pansy trying to drag you back to the castle. I’m really sorry that-“
“It’s not your fault love” you cut him off
“No it partly is, I should’ve made it clear it Daphne that we weren’t going to work out if we ever got together. I guess I kind of led her on before I asked you out.”
“Well even if you say it is, you weren’t the one who hexed me.”
“Alright but I’m going to stay by your side all the time now, wherever you go I’m always gonna be there”
“Even during girl’s day??” you asked with a fake shocked face
“Even during girl’s day.” He said with a grin
“Just kidding love, but still just in case so you won’t end up in the hospital wing again.”
I’m not really satisfied with the ending, I might redo it once I think of a better one. But anyways I hope you guys enjoyed! :)
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pipsipey17 · 8 months
love and literature | chapter 3: bad kind of butterflies.
professor!natasha romanoff x college student!reader
series masterlist | main masterlist
summary: some unexpected news from your sister.
contains: just some tension ig
previous chapter | next chapter
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It has already been a month since you have been living with Natasha on the same roof and a lot of adjustments have been made, not only at home but also at school. Some of them were fine but the rest of them annoyed the hell out of you.
You hate her that was certain, but you have been feeling things for her whenever the two of you had interactions with each other. Whether they were good or bad. You knew it was wrong and weird but you fantasized about kissing her
“You coming Y/N?” Wanda asked as you were walking to your next class along with Pietro, Peter and Carol.
Pietro is Wanda’s twin brother and you have the same classes with him in almost every single subject except for Russian Literature that’s why you have been friends with him too.
Well for Peter, you and him have been lab partners since freshman year and he has been a huge help for you when it came to Science. He is definitely a Science geek but he means well.
As for Carol, apparently has had a thing for you since you started playing for the volleyball team of the university. She’s a beautiful blonde, has a bold yet great personality and is even the captain of the cheerleading team.
You decided to give it a shot, even though you already told her that you don’t take relationships that seriously. She agreed saying that she’s willing to risk it and that she might even change that for you. And now, you have just been letting the relationship take its course and see where it will take you.
“You know I can’t Wanda, ever since Natasha moved in I haven’t been able to go out after school because I apparently have to ride home with her.” You replied with a hint of disappointment and annoyance in your voice.
This was one of the adjustments that annoyed you, since Natasha brings her car to school everyday, your sister told you that you can just ride home with her. Except for the days that you have student council work to do or you have volleyball training cause you go home later than usual. You couldn’t even stay in one room together without you feeling a bit angry or annoyed at her, let alone a car ride home with her even though it’s only a 30 minute car ride.
“Oh come on baby, it’s the weekend tomorrow, why don’t you text your sister that you’re going out later and see how that goes.” Carol said as she placed her arm around your waist.
Wanda rubbed her temple and said, “I swear, Professor Romanoff isn’t even your sister and yet she acts like one more than Maria.”
“She’s more like a babysitter in my opinion.” Pietro snickered, making Wanda roll her eyes at her twin brother.
You started typing your text message to Maria and a few seconds later you hit send. Your sister immediately read the text message and replied with, “Alright, just don’t be home too late.”
“So?” Wanda asked as she heard the sound from your phone.
“She said yes.” You replied, making Wanda squeal with joy.
“Hell yeah! We’re getting drunk tonight.” Peter cheered.
You were now at the parking lot of the school on your way to find Natasha, a few moments later you finally saw Natasha and she was leaning against her car with a cigarette in hand, she was also already looking in your direction.
“Isn’t this a non-smoking area?” You asked with your arms crossed.
Natasha hummed, “Yes, but I am not a student like you.” She quipped.
You wanted to roll your eyes so badly at her response but you stopped yourself, “I’m not riding home with you today, I’ve got plans.” You said as you looked directly at her emerald green eyes.
“And by plans you mean?” She asked with her brow raised and a drag from her cigarette.
“I’m just going out with my friends.” You simply replied.
Natasha looked behind you and saw that Carol was waiting by the light post a few meters away from the both of you. “Right, friends.” she said with obvious sarcasm in her voice. She clicked her tongue and asked, “Does Maria know about this?”
“She does,” You replied and showed her your conversation with Maria earlier.
It wasn’t what she meant, she wanted to know if Maria knew about you dating the cheerleader but she would just ask you about that some other time.
“Fine, I’ll see you later.” She lastly said before she dropped her cigarette onto the ground and stepped on it, she then went into her car and drove off.
“Shall we go?” You suddenly heard Carol ask as she held your hand.
You nodded and said, “Yeah, let’s go and have some fun.”
A few drinks later, you decided to call it a night, it was getting late and you didn’t want an earful from your sister at an ungodly hour.
But what you didn’t expect was seeing a very familiar car waiting by the entrance. The window rolled down and you saw the very least person you wanted to see, Natasha.
“I didn’t ask for a chauffeur.” You said with annoyance.
“Your sister asked me to pick you up. She has an emergency at work if that's why you're wondering I'm the one picking you up instead of your sister.” Natasha plainly said to you with her piercing eyes almost as if she's going to eat you whole.
You were a bit scared with how she's looking at you but your anger and annoyance were dominating, “I'm not riding with you, I'm clearly not drunk so I don't need someone to bring me home. Plus, I'm going to walk Carol to her dorm.”
If Natasha was keeping her composure earlier, she’s sure as hell isn't now after you mentioned that girl.
What she did next is something you didn't expect at all, she got out of her car and grabbed both of your arms, placed them on your back then pushed you onto the wall and twisted one of your arms making you hiss and curse in pain.
“Ow! S-stop that!” you yelped.
Natasha leaned on your ear and whispered, “I'm going to stop once you step inside the car. So, I'll tell you this one more time, get. in.”
The way her voice husked in your ear definitely made you feel something but you still weren't going to easily fold, “Like hell I will.” you said making Natasha twisting your arm more making you scream in pain this time. After a few moments you finally gave up, “A-Alright, I-I'll get in.” you said, making Natasha chuckle and let go of your wrist, “Good, thought we're going to be here all night.”
Natasha then strutted back to her car as you continued to rub your wrist in pain later seeing a slight bruise forming as you entered the car.
“That's gonna teach you to listen to me, Y/N. I may be living rent free in your household but that doesn't mean you're allowed to disrespect me once we're outside campus.” Natasha said as she started to drive away.
You rolled your eyes and sat silent in your seat, until your phone rang, the caller ID revealing that your girlfriend was calling. "Hey babe. Yeah sorry, apparently, my sister told Natasha to pick me up." you heard Natasha click her tongue.
"I'll make it up to you tomorrow, I promise. Alright. Bye." you said then ended the call.
"Didn't say the 'L' word?" Natasha suddenly asked.
You scoffed, "No, we're not seriously dating. There's no need for that."
"Ah, so it's more on just sex then?" Natasha asked with a smirk on her face.
"What? N-no I mean… kind of, I mean…" you groan in frustration, "You know what, it's none of your business."
"Fine, I already got a clue anyway just from the answer alone." Natasha replied, her smirk not leaving her face.
"Whatever." you said while rolling your eyes.
Natasha suddenly grabbed your thigh and dug her nails into it making you hiss in pain, "Roll your eyes at me one more time, you're going to get it." she said as she continued driving and digging her nails into your thigh.
What she said and did made you remain still and silent in your seat, thankfully, you were already near your home.
Once you arrived, you immediately left the car and went inside to your bedroom, laying face planted onto the mattress and finally succumbed to sleep.
"I'm going on a business trip for a few weeks," Maria said as you ate breakfast.
"What? You're leaving me here?" You said in shock and disbelief.
"I wish you could come with me but you have school and plus, you have Natasha to stay here with you."
That was the issue, you didn't want to be left alone together with the woman you certainly despised with your whole being.
"When are you leaving?" Natasha asked as she got up from her seat and placed her dishes on the sink.
"Tonight, so that's why I won't be here once you guys get back." Maria replied as she also got up and placed her dishes on the sink.
You lastly got up and gathered all your dishes and placed them in the dishwasher. After that, you hugged your sister and said, "Take care big sis."
She hugged you back and replied, "Of course I will. I love you little sis."
You said I love you back and Natasha was just watching the whole scene unfold in front of her, it always made her smile when she would see you let all your guard down around your sister, it just meant that you really felt safe around her.
It reminded her of her sister, Yelena. Who is busy traveling the world and living her best life, making up for the lost time she had before because of their past.
Maria released her embrace. “Go wait for Natasha in her car, I have to talk to her about something first.” she said and you nodded in response then left the room with Natasha's car keys in hand.
Once they heard the door close, Maria took a deep breath and spoke, “You can… take care of her for me right? She tends to be reckless sometimes and I just want to make sure she's not going to be in some trouble while I'm gone.”
“You can count on me Maria, I mean, I already got a taste of that when I picked her up last night.”
What Natasha said made Maria raise a brow at her, “Really? What did she do?”
“She refused to get in the car with me, but it's fine, I managed.” Natasha replied with a slight smirk on her face.
“I see, well… I hope you won't experience more of that in the next few days. Well, anyway, you guys got to go, it's getting a bit late.” Maria lastly said before they hugged and Natasha left the kitchen.
Starting tonight, you'll be left with the woman you hate but at the same time feel certain things for. You're nervous but excited even to see what will happen the next few days of the two of you living together without your sister.
Natasha got in her car and started the engine. But before she starts to drive she looked you in the eyes and said, “Look, I know you don't like me and I can't blame you for that but we'll be living together for a few weeks and I want us to be friends even just for the time being for the sake of your sister.”
A smirk formed on your face, “Alright, if that's what you want then let's be friends.” you simply replied and Natasha did a simple nod in respone and started to drive you both to school.
Let the games begin.
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abilouwrites · 11 months
Mat Barzal x fem!oc
Series Masterlist
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I only like the bookstore during the night, when it’s slow and nobody’s around. The lights are flickering and the town suddenly goes quiet in contrast with the bustle of the busy mornings and heavy traffic of the day.
I only work here on the weekends for the closing shifts or the opening ones. Something to make a little more money to fall back on besides my adult corporate job. My parents are proud, more my father than my mother that I’ve begun my climb up the corporate ladder.
I don’t hate my job, far from it. Simply the long hours and bossy bosses that make me pull at my fingers and tug at my hair. Especially with my youth and admitted naivety, those at my job can be wary about me either in the break room or being hesitant to invite me out for drinks.
I’ve been told by my therapist that I rushed my childhood, skipping grades and taking collage classes while also taking highschool classes at the same time. I want to fight her on it, claim that I did have a childhood and had dreams but I know that I’m defending something I never had.
Two parents who were always fighting; hated eachother but swore to stay together because of their vows, “Hey Bella” I smile at the older lady standing at the counter as I tuck behind into the back room and set my purse onto the table and wrapping my apron around my body, “slow day?” I ask as I switch from heels to converse.
“Yeah, it’s the middle of the school season so all the kidlets are probably studying” she sighs out rubbing her tired eyes, “ok, I’m off. Be safe. Please” she reminds me as she pats my shoulder, “I’ll need you to come in a bit earlier tomorrow for the opening shift, we’re getting a new shipment of books for the month”
“Uhh, yeah yeah I can do that, so 5:30 instead of six?” I clarify, as I clock myself in on the timetable next to the register.
“Yes, thank you Emma. You’re a doll” She smiles and blows me a kiss exiting the building as the cold wind brushes against her; gently pulling at the greying blonde hair that’s always been tucked into a a little bun.
I turn on some music to keep my mind from straying as I walk around the store. Gently brushing my fingers against the creased spines and occasional leather covered book. Those nice collectors editions are always Romeo and Juliet, or Hamlet.
Personally I’ve thought Romeo and Juliet a bit childish and immature, but I’ve always been told I’m looking at it from a modern perspective. I believe that Romeo and Juliet is the way to not fall in love.
But then again, that’s coming from the girl who watched her parents try and fix an already broken marriage by having an abundance of kids and forcing themselves to stay together even though, everyone’s known they’d be better apart. Even their own kids.
I tidy up the reading corner, setting the old book. Princess and the pea back onto the shelf and searching for the one tomorrow.
My my fingers pull and push against the covers of the kids books, looking for something different. I don’t pay attention when the bell jingles and jangles while I hear a heavy step quickly become softer. I hear them physically relax as they walk the isles.
I eventually decide on a book with a unicorn and a blonde girl. Something I fondly remember of my own childhood.
I stretch up a little and let my hair down from its clip, it falls unevenly against my shoulders but I don’t mind or even care that much. This bookstore is my happy place; where I am safe and content within my own body. Here I will never care what I look like.
I view the man searching in the fiction section, something specific I can tell by his body language. If he needs help I’ll allow him to ask; yet I’m wary of going up to a man and guiding him to the book.
When he finally notices me watching him he turns around and asks, “do you know where I can find ‘The road’ it’s uh. Geez by I think by Cormac McCarthy?” He stumbles out; slowly dragging a hand across his face and brushing his shaggy brown hair out of his eyes.
His face is soft but sharp; his eyes evoke a warm bubbly feeling inside me. Eyes that make me feel comfortable being alone with him, “yes, I believe we only have a few left” I tell him, walking off to a different section of the store, “I know, our shop is set up weird” I explain.
“And why’s that?” He inquires, his pace isnt rushed or faster than mine. But relaxed and nonchalant. As if he has all the time in the world.
“The original owners, she has a special section called ‘Meine Leibe’ which I think translates to ‘My loves’ or ‘my life’ once she passed her daughter kept it the same so this little section would always be here for her. I find it endearing” I know I ramble on a bit but I’ve suddenly grown afraid of having a silence against the two of us
“It is, it’s just a little place with all her favorite books?” He keeps asking, as I turn into the cozy little corner. I thumb through the alphabetical order.
“Yeah, her favorite chair, pillows. Shannon was such a kind lady” I reminisce, “here is The Road, is there anything else I can help you with? Or will that be all for today?”
“Uhh, ha unless you have ‘The deal’ by Elle Kennedy then I’ll take that too” I think he’s being sarcastic but I can’t really tell.
“I think we do, are you a hockey fan?” I ask walking to the romance section.
“I guess you could say that, do you watch?” He asks, “do you need a hand?”
“I watch a bit, just the New Jersey Devils with my dad. Yeah it’s just above there” I point, even on my tip toes the store has ceiling high bookshelves. And because it’s night the ladders been locked up. I move to the side as he grabs the book.
“Are you from Jersey?”
“Yeah, I lived there before I came to New York for a work deal”
“I’m going to assume it’s not this job.. right?” As he makes his way to the register and I slink behind the counter
“Yeah, my uh big girl job as my mom likes to address it as” I hear the roll in my eyes as I scan the bar codes and ring him up, “will that be with cash or card?”
“Card” He pulls his wallet out of the front pocket of his jacket, “thank you”, he checks for my name eyes staring just above but also at my chest.
I poke my eyebrows up at him praying to god this man isn’t looking at my tits directly; not even with the slightest bit of discretion.
“I’m uh looking for your name to thank you— I swear I’m not looking at your uh. You know boobs” he almost whispers out the last bit before continuing, “not that they aren’t nice or anything but uh” the tips of his ears turn pink and his cheeks suddenly become flushed, “I will just pay now” he groans out softly; handing me his card and rubbing his eyes with his hands.
I ring him up and he puts his pin in, “thank you again, you never told me your name” he questions for that piece of information
“Thank you Emma, have a good evening” he purses his lips and grabs his books. Hands shaking as he smiles and starts to leave.
“You too, wait” I lean over the bar slightly, “you never told me your name?”
“Alright then, have a good evening Mat. Come back soon”
The door jingles as he leaves and I watch him through the window, I see him sigh and smack his books against his head. Though I don’t exactly hear what he says; noises muffled through the glass and the music.
“Huh. What a strange guy”
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sadie-bug345 · 6 months
Ok so can I maybe get greasers headcanons with an absolute academic weapon s/o (think Rory Gilmore/annabeth chase/Devi Vishwakumar) who’s parents like make them get all A’s and they are very Ivy League bound, always dressing in blazers/looking very sharp and corporate and super ambitious? (Probs academic rivals with pony lowkey 💀) Thanks so much lmao I think Dallys is going to be 🔥🔥
YESSS 🫶🫶 i myself am an academic weapon🧐(JK LMAO ap physics has made me lose my will to live) ANYWAYS
yall are actually so cute together ngl
like you guys study for tests together and do hw together
cause you guys are in the same honors classes and stuff
some days pony will get cocky and be like “i’m so much better than you at bio” or smth like that (🙄)
and then you guys get into competitions to see how many times you can get correct answers in class it’s actually crazy
everyone else in class is like 😟 LMAOO
soda is a little on the dumber side😭
im sorry i feel like its canon that he’s a lil slower
but he’ll try and watch you do hw and then get bored like instantly
that or confused
he always says “i was good at math til they added letters🤓☝️”
and you’re just like🥱
LMAO you guys are good for each other tho
cause you convince him to prioritize some form of learning
and he helps you let loose
he is honestly really sweet🫶
like understanding when you turn down hangouts cause you got final exams and you cram like crazy
but he also loooves just chilling in your room while you do homework
his catchphrase is “just ask the teacher tomorrow, man”
and you’re just like “🧍‍♀️ it’s a friday night”
anyways he’s just really supportive and proud when you come back with all As on your report card🙏😜🤩
he is real supportive
hes all abt that grind as we know PLUS he canonically gets on pony for his grades
so he’s glad that he don’t gotta worry at all abt that for you
he’s so proud and happy when you get a good score on a test you were worried about and yall go on a lil date night🫶🙏
he couldn’t care less i’m sorry😭🥱
hes secretly like super impressed and proud to have a smart asf s/o
but he gets butthurt when you blow him off cause you got a test tomorrow and you’re going to bed early
dal never really had the internal motivation to actually put stuff into school so he just doesn’t get it
whenever you try and include him w your studying/homework he tries to help w flashcards
and whenever you get the answer right and it’s super specific he’s just like 😟
and you’re like “right?” and he’s like “…yeah”
MY GUY IS SCARED cause he knows you could just totally destroy him intellectually🧐
also cause he’s scared you’ll realize you’re too good for him
but its okay 🫶🫶
he thinks school is boring like bruh is a total super duper senior just for the friends but the academics
meanwhile it’s like a major part of your life
hes really impressed
whenever you get some academic award he’s always like “WOOOOOO”
you guys have really funny fake arguments
which you destroy him in
youre just like “that’s a fallacy…and that’s a fallacy…bandwagon”
boom roasted asf
you tutor him kinda on yiur school subjects
yk the study method where you explain a concept to someone else to help you remember it?
you do that for him but he’s just like 😀🧍‍♂️
“and that’s pretty much what mitosis is!”
and hes like ”…i’m glad😀”
he’ll also try and teach you abt cars and car parts
which is just a bit of a struggle🤏😀
TYSM FOR REQUESTING🤩 my inbox is open! i’m really trying to get to everyone’s and some take more thought for me to plan than others so sorry if they take a while🥰🤪‼️
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mysticficti0n · 1 year
All my attention Part 8
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warnings- SMUT!!- MDI you have been warned- dom/sub!switch kinda, swearing, smutty to fluffy
words- 2.8k
If you'd like to read the previous parts → All my attention series
a/n- so if you're new here I am British and cannot speak any German, I speak a little French, Spanish and Italian but German- no. I also do not trust Google translate so this is gonna be like an avatar thing (if you've seen the newest one Jake says that their language just became normal or something along those lines) so in reality this is all in German, you as a reader know German but, its wrote in English... make sense? no... well, sorry this one is shorter than I'd like for it to be but I didn't want to go straight into the next storyline for the next part ♡
(hey guys I'm finally back! I'm so so sorry this has taken so fucking long but I've been beyond busy these past few days with school etc and I've had no time to even go on enjoy part 8 guys)
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backstory- you are the 5th member of Tokio Hotel and you always thought the love was equally platonic between you and a certain guitarist... but what if that all changed?
Tom's eyes became stern, even from below me he still had all the control, his hands bunched my skirt up around my waist as he pulled me down to his lips "don't be cocky with me alright?" he spoke to my skin "especially if you want to walk tomorrow Y/n" my heart jumped in my chest, I started to grind myself over his hardening in his jeans, his eyes fluttering shut when I hit the right spots, I pulled away from his grasp standing from the bed and sliding my skirt off leaving myself in just my thong, Tom watched me like a hawk his eyes not leaving any part of my body for a second. I turned back to him, his one arm bent under his head as his free hand lay over his bare stomach, I stood over him, my hands running against his thighs stopping at the top of he jeans
"can I?" he looked taken back at me asking, I waited until he nodded his head and I unbuttoned the denim pulling them down his legs revealing his hard on pressing against his boxers, I threw his jeans somewhere in my room and climbed back onto of him, his arm moved to toy with my thong strap
"you forgot to take off these" he grinned letting the material snap to my skin, with that I pushed myself up standing on my knees and looking to him
"I'm waiting" Tom moved quickly, his hands going to my side and ripped the material in two "thank you" I grinned as I kissed his forehead
"your gorgeous" I smirked letting myself lean back onto his clothed cock, the tent looking bigger than before, I let my hand run over him seeing him quiver under it "Y/n- take them off.." my eyes darted to him "please" I nodded, coming of his lap and going between his legs, I pulled the material down his dick sprung free hitting below his bellybutton, my eyes widen at his size, I walked away to my bookshelf, a small noise leaving him as he realised I wasn't near him, I could feel him watching me as I reached into a small pot and opened the lid
"so extra-small?" I teased pulling out a condom from my stash
"hell yeah" he answered, eyes watching my tits as I came back to him, I straddled his hips but faced away from him, his fingers drew shapes along my spine making me shake involuntary, I looked down to his dick, it was god-like, I grabbed it away from his stomach and let my hand swipe down until it reached his base, a noise left Tom as I did it again "f-v..fuck" he hummed. I ripped open the packet and pulled the condom free, I held it against his tip feeling his body tense I began rolling it down his length until my hand hit his skin again. I turned around to face him again, his chest falling slowly "I had a great view" he smiled holding my face
"aren't these better?" I asked as I pressed a kiss to his hand that he placed to my jaw, he nodded, using his hand he hooked it around my neck pulling me to him pressing kisses in a line from my lips to my ear
"now let's put your pretty little pussy to work hm?" he cooed
I bit my lip nodding excitedly siting back so his cock was between my thighs, I rose up onto my knees lining my self up with him, I held him in my hand, his tip grazing my heat. Tom held me gently as I began to sit back down, he fully pushed in and I couldn't stop the words leaving my mouth "holy- fuck Tom" I groaned until I met with his base "ah shit" I breathed, head rolling back
"you're okay Y/n- you can take it can't you?" I nodded, relaxing to his new shape "good girl, talk to me"
"mmh, just-so big" I spoke finally looking back at Tom who's face was softer than before
"just tell me the your ready" I took a deep breath and finally rose on my knees once more, slowly falling again "thats it" he smiled, I found a small pace, rising and falling quicker than before Tom each time threatening to push deeper, his hands clasped to me helping my movement
"Ah! feels so good" I called as his tip brushed my g-spot making my body shudder "Tom right there" I felt him hold me in place tightly as his hips slammed to mine destroying the pace we had before, every time he hit my spot he made my voice turn to pieces "Yes yes yes! God Tom yes!"
"shit- good girl, like that Y/n...so fucking tight" Tom's voice was deep, I watched his lip tuck between his teeth as he pushed me closer and closer to my fall "fuck this" before I knew it he pulled out switching our positions, he towered over me, his arms caging my head in, my legs tangled around his hips as he pushed in again "ugh, fuck you feel so perfect Y/n" I hummed as the knot in my stomach threatened to snap
"deep-deeper please" I squealed, hearing a low chuckle leave the boys lips as he bottomed out, my ass hitting his thighs "FUCK!" I yelled, Tom moved his hand hands to push my legs over his shoulders, pulling me to the edge of my bed, his pace never stopped even when he came off the bed
"you close baby?" I nodded shutting my eyes tightly "no-no I need to see you pretty girl, let me fucking see you" I forced my eyes back open to meet his dark ones "you gonna cum? hum gonna cum Y/n- come on doll cum for me" with his few words I felt a feeling I'd never felt before, legs shaking, heart pounding and my fingers dug into my sheets
"HOLY FUCK TOM" I screamed in pure ecstasy, my world turning blank and every sense in my body heightened all I could think about was the feeling of Tom inside my heat. I fell from my high seeing Tom pulling out and spread my thighs so he could reach my face
"you did so well baby- breathe you're okay alright" I breathed out agreeing with his words, his hand reach to my jaw and he pulled me softly toward him and he pressed kissed to every inch of my face
"that..that was the most I think I've ever came- fucking hell" I panted Tom's face turned proud as he pushed his forehead against mine "did you?" I motioned to his still hard cock and I already knew my answer- "sit on the bed" I demanded standing myself up trying to ignore that I could barley feel my legs
"Y/n it's fine you don't need to-" I pushed Tom down, his arms propping himself up
"shut up alright- you wanna cum?" I asked seeing his smirk turn to a 'O' shape "words Tom"
"yes Y/n" I smiled going to my knees, I was just tall enough to reach his cock, my fingers stroked lines down from the tip to the base curling under the rubber and pulling It off "slowly" he breathed pulling back from the sensitivity, I took the condom and threw it the bin near me and turned my attention back to the burning red tip on Tom. I leaned up more between his thighs and let my face fall inches away from his member, my breath hitting his tip "please- I need you Y/n" he begged making my heart flutter, I came forward pressing a kiss to the red, gently I took his tip into my mouth being careful not to suck yet "ughh" he grumbled, my head got lower and lower until my nose pressed against his abdomen and I came back up letting it go with a 'pop'
"taste so good Tommy" it came out more as a moan and his already hooded eyes narrowed more and without any more thoughts I took him back in my mouth finding an quick pace, his tip pressing the back of my throat making me croak around him, my tongue swirling around his length, Tom's hands dug into the blanket below and I could tell he was holding back so in a smooth movement I grabbed his right hand and placed it to knot into my hair which he didn't hesitate to do, his fingers scrunching my hair into a mess on the top of my head
"god Y/n I'm so close already" his voice was a high pitched whine making a tingle roll down my spine "so good to me- so perfect- fuck I love you so much... shit" I nodded while letting his hand make the pace he wanted, he pushed me down roughly but I couldn't care less, his noises were music to my ears "good girl- fuck princess.... shit you make me feel so good- don't fucking sto-" his hips jerked up meeting with my pumps making him go deeper than before "Y/n I'm gonna cum- Y/n fuck Y/n Y/n Y/n" he chanted in a hoarse tone until "Y/n!" my name fell from his lips as strings of his cum shot into my mouth, I gave him one last lick before pulling off and standing over him as he finally came down form his high, his eyes reopened watching me, teary and lighter, I leaned closer to him, our faces close and I swallowed his load, circling my lips with my finger to get any remaining drops and I sucked them off myself "you are the hottest thing I've ever seen"
"thank you" I pressed my lips to his knowing he'd taste the reminiscence of himself on my tongue "I could say the same" his hands pulled me onto his body, sheen of sweat coating his muscles
"I'm telling you now-" his mouth pressed roughly against my ear, the coldness of his lip ring sending a wave of cool across my skin "your mine understand? nobody will ever fuck you as good as me- and nobody will touch you alright because your mine" I nodded hungrily diving back for his lips
"I'm yours"
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me and Tom lay in bed still, our bodies intertwined underneath the sheets, his small snores filled the room but I couldn't sleep after that, I was still full of adrenaline. slowly I pealed myself from his grasp and walked still naked to the bathroom turning on the shower and waiting for the water to warm, I looked into the mirror seeing my body for the first time, small bruises pressed into my hips and a hicky under my ear, my hair was still messed from his grip before but I did look hot. I climbed into the shower and let the water run over my body, closing my eyes breathing out
"Y/n?" I groggy voice called
"shower" I called back and Tom walked back with his boxers hung loosely around his hips "wanna join?" I asked seeing his face light up, he pulled his remaining clothing off and hopped in next to me, my ass pressed against his legs, his hands went to my hip dips but a gasp left his lips "what?!"
"did I do these?" he asked rubbing the bruises
"yeah- it's okay, I like them" I grinned turning to face him "have you seen your neck?" I asked running my finger across the rather large purple spot
"its beautiful" I smirked pressing a wet kiss to his lips under the water "you know- nobody has ever made me talk to them or asked to take my stuff off before and I think that genuinely turned me on more " a small laugh escaped our mouths
"I'll be sure to ask again" he nodded pressing his lips to my wet hair, I wrapped my arms around his wet waist and just held him until he hummed into my skin
"aftercare then?" I furrowed my eyebrows to him "don't say you don't know what it is" I shook my head "wait you're not joking?"
"no what is it?" Toms face turned into a look of anger then relaxed again
"well... its when you look after the whom ever you just fucked after the fucking" I nodded listening to him explain all the different things about aftercare until he finally took a breather "so what happened after you a Brian... you know did it?"
"oh well usually he'd kiss me and say be back later, get changed and leave there was only once he actually did come back though..." I looked away from the boy and just grabbed my soap trying to ignore the memories of Brian that tried to push through
"pass me that" his voice was low but sweet "I'm not going to be like him Y/n- now pass me the bottle, let me show you what aftercare really is"
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we finished in the shower and I never felt safer than with Tom, he was so gentle and caring, asked me if I'd been hurt and if I was sore- he was so different to Brian and so different than the boy I imagined him being.
I was sat at my desk brushing through my now dry hair as Tom watched from a far, towel wrapped around his dreads and waist "how long does it take for your hair to dry?" I asked and he went into thought
"Ermmm like an hour or two but with a hairdryer 20 minuets and I'm done" I nodded standing from the seat and patting it for him to walk over and sit on "you don't have too"
"I'd rather all my pillows don't get damp to be honest Tom-" a cheerly smile appeared on his face, before he sat he pressed a kiss to my lips, not anything hungry or rough it was small and sweet "thank you" I grinned
"I like being able to kiss you- and tell you I love you without feeling like I'm going to get friend zoned" he laughed getting comfy as I pulled the towel from around his head. I watched his face in the mirror as I slowly parted the locks and dried them in bunches, never for one second did he not have a smile along his lips, he was looking at himself, watching me do his hair and he just looked so relaxed
"so are you okay with staying round tonight?" I spoke through the blasting of the hair dryer and Tom only hummed at me so I switched of the dryer and bent to his level "do you want to stay around tonight? I don't want you to feel like I'm holding you hostage" I joked
"well if were being honest here- if you kept me hostage I wouldn't complain, but anyways if you don't mind letting me stay but what if your mom and dad come home and see you in bed with me?" he seemed a slight bit worried so I rest my hand on his shoulder from behind giving him a reassuring squeeze
"they won't be back till 3pm tomorrow so I don't think there will me any issues with that" Tom breathed "so? staying?"
"of course" before I started to dry the last section of hair I quickly pecked a kiss to his cheek which a small blush painted his cheeks. His hair was done and we were both changed into new clothes, Tom had spares which my mom kept In the spare bedroom for some unknown reason, he came out in grey joggers and the shirt folded in hand "I'm to warm to wear this"
"I'm not complaining don't worry" Tom came over to me, looking down and wrapping his arms carefully around my hips, his eyes locked with mine and then his lips, the kiss was slow and romantic in the dull light of my room, my hands found themselves holding his waist and tugging him closer to me until we both fell back onto the bed, him over me but not in a scary way he gently ended the kiss pulling away and smiling to me below "I Love you Tom" are the only words I managed to say and his face turned to one of happiness
"I love you too" we shared one last kiss before climbing beneath the covers with each other, immediately his strong arms curled around me pulling himself closer until he was virtually on top, his head rested delicately in the crook of my neck where he kept pressing little kisses to making me giggle as his lips tickled my skin "today has been one of the craziest but best days I think I've ever lived" I agreed snuggling into his warmth "think I could take you on more dates?"
"I should think so" my free hand massaged his shoulder as I tried to keep my eyes from shutting, Tom looked up a smiling at my weakness to stay awake and pressed one last tender kiss to my lips then my world turned black but I knew I was okay wrapped up with Tom.
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peachmercury6 · 11 months
Electric (Din Djarin x Reader) Pt.1
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Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader
Summary: You, Grogu’s teacher, meet his father, Din, for the first time.
Words: 558
A|N: If you can guess the story ‘you’ are reading to the children, I will love you forever. HEHEHE... Also having issues with title, and it's is all I could come up with, lmao. I don't have luck with fanfics. If you have a better title, I am open to suggestions lol.
“There are many kinds of joy, but they all lead to one: the joy to be loved.” - from some children's book.
The school day is over, and you decide to read a book to the children before they leave. You usually read to them at this time, and so far, they've enjoyed the book in the past week or two. “Master made many other wishes and had many other amazing adventures before he finally returned to the ordinary world,” you say, watching the attentive children who are excited for more. You close the book. “But that’s… another story.” The young students beg for another story from the same book.
“I’m sorry, that’s the end.”
“But Miss, it sounds like there might be more,” a child says.
You shake your head incredulously. There may be another book in the series, but you haven’t seen or heard of it yet. “Perhaps one day, I will read it again but for now, the day has ended and I’m sure your parents are anxious for your return.” The children scatter, gathering their books, and saying goodbye to their teacher.
The school on Nevarro used to have a droid teaching the children, but it unexpectedly combusted. Greef Karga chose you for the replacement – at least for now. Many parents are concerned with the sudden replacement with a human, but Karga assured them it might be a nice change for the children.
You spot a small green alien named Grogu, glancing at you with its beady black eyes like he is a bit confused. All you know about him is that he has a father, and so far no mother to speak of. Grogu is a baby yet you can tell he is a lot smarter than he looks, always remaining quiet in class when it is in session, and staying attentive. “I’m sure he will be here soon,” you reassure him. Grogu coos, as you set him down on your desk.
Not a moment sooner does the door slide open and a man in silver, beskar armor appears before you. Grogu immediately reacts, jumping into the man’s arms. You recognize the armor as Mandalorian. You thought you heard rumors of a Mandalorian living in Nevarro but you were not quite sure how true those rumors were. “Hey, little guy, sorry I was late,” the Mandalorian says, holding the infant close. He looks from Grogu to you.
You nod at him, smiling. “You must be Grogu’s father.”
“I am,” he says. “You are the new teacher, I take it?”
“Yeah, Greef Karga hired me not too long ago,” you say, holding out your hand to shake his. The Mandalorian looks at your hand for a moment, as though he were contemplating what to do with it. Eventually, his gloved hand meets yours in a handshake. Through this, you cannot help but feel the electricity in his touch. “Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” he says, tilting his head in a nod.
As he turns to leave, you watch him hold Grogu tightly. You never thought you’d see a Mandalorian care for a child the way he does.
A few moments later of you catching your breath after meeting him, you realize Grogu forgot the handout you gave to every student before they left. It’s for a parent-teacher meeting, an idea you came up with before starting the job.
Will you travel to his or wait to give the handout tomorrow?
To be continued.....
Part 2
Feel free to send me asks. :)
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cupoftaae · 2 years
Heyy! Love your work💜 Could you maybe write something fluffy, where tae is y/n’s comfort and she goes to him after a bad day🫶🏻
Hello there! AW, thank you for reading!
Fluffy taehyung is my weakness, I hope you enjoy anon :)
warnings- mentions of weed, swearing. Soft taehyung needs his own warnings tbh. also this takes place as if they were both like, 19-20 ish ....KIND OF FRIENDS TO LOVERS LOWKEY
wanna build a pillow fort? -KTH drabble
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you werent sure how you had landed in this position in the first place, but here you were, sitting in the living room while your parents explained to you that...well...the college you had been praying to get into one day had declined you.
"are you sure?" you whispered, watching your dad show you the letter. You sighed, trying to hold back any signs of emotion. You had taken a gap year between graduating high school to now, just to grasp your bearings. You put all your energy into working and getting into school, but the universe had other plans.
"I know you wanted this so badly, y/n, im sorry" your mother sat down next to you. "What am I gonna do? I had no backup plan..." your face falls into your hands. "your so young, you have time. you can also sign up to take classes, you dont need to be a student" your mom adds.
"but I wanna be a student, thats the whole point."
"listen, I know this is stressful, but just go get some rest and maybe we can figure out a new plan tomorrow? ok?" your father stands up, looking at you sadly.
You shrugged, knowing that they were just trying to help, but there was no way out of this, you were fucking upset.
Once you had gotten into your room, slamming your door shut, you collapsed onto your bed and took 5 deep breathes, you didnt want to cry. You were a big girl now and crying over school was dumb. You just wanted to be with someone right now, and your best friend was 3 streets over, making things difficult.
You could invite him over, but your father wasnt too pleased to see him late at night the last time he was here. He had walked in and alerted your dog, making him bark until your parents came downstairs, freaked out. They also just dont like the idea of a boy being in your room, despite the fact you are 19, and have been friends with taehyung since you were little....there were absolutely no feelings like that showing up... at least thats what you chose to believe.
You quickly texted him just to see if he was even up to hang.
You: wyd
Tae: making ramen, wbu?
you smiled and chose to ignore his message, making the quick decision to grab your jacket and sneak out your window. Youve only done this one other time, and it was when you had covid and your friend Vanessa dropped off chipotle outside on your side of the house for you.
You prayed to God that your parents had no installed cameras, because one, you didnt want to get caught, and two, you fell on your ass on the way out. "Jesus christ" you scoff, getting up and making a dash to taehyungs house in the dark.
Taehyung was standing in the kitchen and dancing to music with his dog, making his little paws move according to the choreography. "Why are you making food so late?" Taehyungs mother spoke, coming into the room to fill up her tea. "because its friday.." he mumbled, mouth full of noodles.
"Okay" she laughed and shook her head, "just clean up, yeah? oh, an-"
his mother was cut off by the front door being knocked on, "who is here at this hour?" she whispered, walking over to look through the peep hole. She sarcastically looked back at taehyung, "why is y/n on my front step?" she smirked.
"she is??" he walked over to the door.
"you know if you wanted to plan a date, I could have made real food for you guys"
"mom stop" he shyly shushed her before opening the door.
"hello" you mumble, bowing at the presence of his mother.
"Hey, y/n...is everything alright?" he asks, his mother gently pulling you inside. "its almost 11 dear" she spoke.
"Im ok, Im just needing some time out of my house, I hope im not intruding?"
"oh no, no, sweetie youre good" she smiled and closed the door.
Taehyung hugged you and glanced at his mom
"i'll be upstairs if you need anything" she spoke, grabbing her tea and walking upstairs before yelling "Be good, just not too good"
He laughed and pulled away to look at you. "Not that I mind your presence, but...why are you here?"
you giggled as he took your coat and hung it up. "well....I uhm" you looked around before sitting on the edge of the couch. "I didnt get in" you shrugged, forced smile on your face.
"hm? what are you talking about?" he stands in front of you
"I received a letter in the mail today from HUFS, and it was declining my application" you speak softly, watching him frown.
"y/n...Im so sorry"
"its okay, its just a lot, but i'll be fine."
He kneeled in front of you and held your hands, "you know...its okay to be sad, right?" he whispers, "that was your dream school.."
you nodded, wanting to sink into the floor the moment you felt tears prickling your eyes. "I know, but...something new will come. I just really wanted to be like you, in school and working towards my degree already, you know?" you shrug.
he nods, "I know, but.." he squeezed your hands, "life isnt a competition, we all do things when the universe pulls us in that direction. Its ok this didnt work out, maybe it was for the best. I know you, y/n, and whatever you do in life is going to be fucking amazing, no doubt about it. So be sad, mourn what you will miss, but dont let it hold you back."
you nodded as tears escaped your eyes, small cries falling from your lips as he immediately held you up and wrapped you into his arms. "Its okay....I promise" he coo'd, hand brushing your hair as you finally let yourself feel upset.
"thank you" you sniff, wiping your eyes as you hold him.
"cmon, lets go eat junkfood and build a fort" he squeezed your waist, making you blush slightly as you followed him to the kitchen. "a fort?" you asked, eyes still wet.
"mhm, with like the pillows and stuff" he spoke, taking another bite of noodles.
you giggle, "ok"
You two sat under a giant pillow fort, with a blanket over the head for the roof. "I have to say, your pillow fort making skills have improved. Remember when we were little and it would always collapse on us?" you snorted, nudging him.
"I have improved and grown in many ways, trust the process of time" he joked, taking a bite of the chip in his hand.
He definitely had grown and improved, taking a moment to look over his face proves the fact that Taehyung had matured quite nicely at that.
"dont stare its rude" he teased, finding something to watch on youtube.
You shake your head, "sorry" you lean over to lay beside him so you can see the screen of his laptop.
"Your parents wont like...kill me...if they find out you spent the night, right?"
you giggle, "am I spending the night?"
"well, you dont have to, I just assumed because its already 1am and its not safe for you to be out and about"
you shook your head, "what? so I dont have what it takes to fight off street hagglers?"
"oh you do, Im keeping you off the street for their safety" he spoke seriously, making you laugh.
"mm, and no, my parents arent gonna do anything, I dont think....maybe.....you know what? I dont know"
"oh that makes me feel good" he fake pouts
"Im teasing, im 19 and they need to get over keeping me locked up all the time..." you play with the fabric of the blanket.
"I think your dad hates me, dude" he sighed, shutting his laptop and leaving you both to lay in the dark as you looked up at the green blanket roof.
"shut up, he does not"
"He told me that he didnt want me showing up there anymore"
"thats because it was 4am and you scared the dog, I told you to come in through the window you fucking dumbass" you joked, "he also caught you with weed, so there you go"
"hm, fair I guess" he sighed
"he doesnt hate you I promise" you turned on your side to face him, not realizing how close your faces were.
He turned his head, noses barley touching as you both looked over each others faces in the dark.
"are you feeling better?" he whispered
"yeah...yeah I am" you mumbled, wanting to pull away but also choosing to stay put.
"good" he smiled and turned his body so it was also laying on his side, facing you.
"Y/n?" he asked
"is it ok if I kiss you?"
you felt your hear stop in your chest, what did he just ask you?
"w-what?" you look at him, eyes wide
"I asked if I could kiss you?" he repeated, voice so soft and quiet. "its ok to say no" he added.
you took a breath, realizing that in moments like this, you really have to be honest with yourself and stop saying you aren't attracted to him, because here he is, in front of you, asking to kiss after taking his time to make you feel better. You can only hold on to your discipline so much before you fold.
"yeah...yeah you can kiss me, tae" you exhale, shocked the words even came from your mouth.
His large hand came up to hold your face delicately, thumb brushing your skin as you both leaned in slowly until each others lips clashed. The feeling felt a lot more natural than you anticipated, it wasn't weird, or awkward or cringe, it felt....right?
If tae's plan was to make you fully forget about that college letter, than goal achieved.
You knew you both would have to talk about this later, at some other time when your mouths weren't attached to each other, but for now all you wanted to do was be thankful for him.
you gently pulled back and giggled like a little girl, a blush creeping over your face as he pulled you against his chest. There were no words or jokes, you both simply laid together before eventually falling asleep in each others embrace.
Maybe he was right about better things coming, and maybe this was it.
A/N- this was so cute I was kicking my feet and giggling while writing, we all need our own taehyung.
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missingmark · 2 years
can’t wait for pt 3!!
― old habits die hard pt.3 (final part)
Picking up your sister from her own prom Matt takes the second chance he's been presented to tell you all the things he never said.
‧₊˚ matt x fem!reader
‧₊˚ warnings: reader has nails done again and makeup on! also not proofread bc im tired and its 2 am :c ill do it tomorrow tho (?)
‧₊˚ word count: 1.4k
‧₊˚ masterlist - part 1 | part 1.5 | part 2
‧₊˚ want to be on the taglist?
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Matt thought about holding your hand.
This has been a recurring urge for the past 3 years now but for the first time in weeks he couldn’t act upon it and it was really taking all of his self control to not reach for your fingers that were resting on top of your thigh, drumming a mindless pattern into the material of your pants as you looked out of the window.
His hand would sometimes inch a bit towards yours, but everytime they even so much as grazed your fingers you would suddenly reach for your water or for the phone to change the song.
All the signs were pointing towards the fact that you’re mad at him or that your feelings about him have changed in some sort of negative sense over the last few days.
He tried not to sigh too loudly but he was growing more and more frustrated and worried with how distant you seemed lately.
The call from your sister, asking you if you could maybe pick her up from prom was an opportunity for Matt to get some time alone with you, in the hopes of discussing this sudden tension that had formed seemingly out of nowhere between the two of you.
He parked somewhere in front of his old school, the familiar building seemed much different tonight, but in a whole other way than it did during his own prom night.
The music was still softly playing on the radio and every once in a while Matt would glance towards you, one of his hands resting on the steering wheel, the other on his thigh.
“I texted her we’re here, she says she’ll say goodbye to her friends and will be out in a minute,” you mumbled, your eyes trained on your phone, not once meeting Matt’s eyes.
He just hummed in acknowledgement, a silence that was so unusually awkward hung in the air and it physically pained him that for the first time in Matt’s life he didn’t feel as though you and him were even friends at all.
“I hate this,” he murmured, his head finally turning towards you, burning holes into the side of your head as he waited for you to reciprocate his stare.
“High school?” You questioned jokingly, knowing exactly what he was actually talking about but hoping that he wouldn’t start this conversation. “You know what I mean,” Matt murmured, this time he reached out for your hand, a sudden bravery overcoming him that he wasn’t aware he had.
Your eyes fell onto his hand, resting on top of yours, tracing mindless shapes into the back of your hand as he waited for you to speak.
“You wanna sit on the bleachers for a bit while we wait?” 
It wasn’t what Matt had expected you to say, but any words that were directed towards him with your full intent were cherished and appreciated by him at this point and so he hopped out of the car as quick as he possibly could, walking around to open your door and pulling you towards the familiar field with a hopeful smile on his face.
The bleachers looked just as strange and unfamiliar as they did two years ago, only this time there was some sense of melancholy mixed in between, it was weird seeing this place again after you had spent almost every day of your life for 4 years here.
“Isn’t it weird?” Matt began, “to be here again, I mean.”
You thought back to your high school self, how much effort and time you put into wearing your hair the way that Matt had complimented it once when the two of you were twelve, the way you did your Makeup and practised slow dancing over and over again just in case he might ask you that night. 
In more ways than one you were here again.
“Yeah, I guess so,” is the answer you ultimately settle on, your eyes staying on the floor as you tried to distract yourself from the fact every glance at his face made you want to kiss him.
“You called me pretty that night, for the first time after 3 years of friendship,” you spoke, no real emotion behind your words, you spoke it like a fact and there was a bittersweetness to the memory.
“I think that was the only time you called me pretty, actually.”
It was in this split second that Matt had realised something so crucial and life-changingly important, he was almost embarrassed he didn’t think about it sooner.
As the light from inside the building illuminated your face, that was just as beautiful now as it was then, in the same way that it had during your own prom night Matt noticed that this might be the second chance he had been wishing for ever since to say what he didn’t get to say the first time around.
“But you know I think you do,” he scooted a bit closer to you, his hand taking yours into his, “I always think you’re pretty.”
Matt has never seen you blush before, or at least he hadn't noticed, but the sight, even in this darkness, was one he couldn’t get enough of and he suddenly saw how good it feels to speak his mind.
Neither you nor him could have expected his next words.
“I should have kissed you that night.”
He scoots a little closer
“And every night after that.”
His voice softening.
“I should have asked you to dance and I should spend my time telling you how pretty you are instead of just thinking about it.”
Your heart had never beaten this fast and the more he spoke the more you were convinced you were dreaming all of this.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is that I should have told you I like you. Because I do, still and the thought of not being your friend, at the very least, has killed me the past few days.”
He waits for you to speak, clearly noticing you still needed some time to process all his words.
“I never knew…,” you began, leaning onto your hand to get even closer to Matt.
“I didn’t think you felt the same.”
“Wait…the same?” 
It was Matt’s turn to blush.
“Obviously, you goof.”
“I thought you were developing a crush on Chris.”
“My thoughts exactly,” he giggled along with you, your shoulders touching at this point as he glanced towards you again when your laughter died down.
“So…what now?”
Subconsciously his tongue darted out to slightly wet his lips and at this point Matt had already said too much to hide the blatant glance towards yours.
“I guess, you could make up for all those times you never kissed me,” you mumbled, your lips hovering over his before finally feeling the softness of mouth against yours, his hand finding its way to the side of your face as he kissed you so delicately you could barely even recognise him. Pulling away his eyes searched for yours, looking for permission to do it again, which you gladly gave.
The second kiss was much more passionate, eager in a way that made it really clear to the both of you just how long you had been waiting for this.
Your hands found their way into his hair and you thanked all your stars for this truly perfect-
“Gross,” the disgusted comment from your sister made the two of you jump apart, looking towards her in embarrassment.
“Once you two are done, can we go home?” She mumbled over her shoulder, walking towards the car. 
As much as you tried to hide your giddiness, the smile on your faces told your sister all she needed to know as the two of you followed after her.
“So, does that mean I get to hold your hand whenever I want to?” Matt mumbled, trying to hold back his smile.
“I guess it does.”
“Good, because I was honestly planning on biting my nails again just so you'd let me hold yours…speaking of, does that also mean I can bite your-”
“Don’t push it,” you mumbled back before slipping your hand into his.
“Fine, fine, I won’t.” 
He gave your hand a reassuring squeeze as he reached for the car keys with his other hand.
With a smile, you spoke.
“I’ll hold you to that.”
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@stxrniqlo @jvdethirlwall @yoongoboongo @maddymaddie @blondiexx1 @insane-fangirl @gingerbreadgodofhyperdeath @becicamina @l0v3r0fr0ck @f3ssss @taking-a-footnote-in-your-life
ill write 1 last side part this weekend but the story is done :)
thank you all for the kind feedback i really hope you enjoyed this! know that the series im working on rn is the one that i've been planning for a while and is the reason i made this blog in the first place!
i promise i wont disappoint you! :)) and it will be so much cooler than anything ive ever written! :D also ill try to upload that new series every second day, so i hope to prewrite it over the next few days :))
i hope you enjoyed, luv u soooo much<3
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brainyxbat · 3 months
Roronoa Venus- Hungry Days 1
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New Friends, and Past Humiliation
One day after school, Roronoa Zoro was pondering a thought over kendo practice. His fraternal twin sister, named Venus, was always lonely; not to mentioned bullied frequently. Other than him, and their parents, she had no one to fall back on. No one to hang out with her during lunch, or after school hours. It didn't help that she was almost cripplingly shy; she had been for as long as he can remember, so he always protected her. Bullies mockingly called him her bodyguard in times like this, but he couldn't care less.
He himself had friends; Franky, Robin, Brook, Nami, boy genius Chopper, Usopp, and the group leader Luffy. Plus Sanji, to an extent... he shook his head in irritation at the blond Casanova wannabe. He didn't know them for that long, but they were all good people... even if Sanji was overeager with every pretty girl in school. What if Venus could join their little circle? Surely they would accept her; and she would finally have friends.
Huffing in fatigue, he set the bamboo shinai on its hooks hung on his bedroom door, and walked down the upstairs hallway to the room next to his. After a minute of waiting, the music from her electric violin had slowed a stop, before he heard her set it down. "Venus?" He knocked on the black-painted door. "Can I talk to you about something?
"Sure, come on in." He opened up, and lingered at the doorway. "What's up?"
One thing to know about his sister: She was a Goth girl. A "Mall Goth", to be precise. They both had queen-size beds with storage drawers, and black exteriors, but hers had a black dress-like canopy hung above the cushioned headboard, over an arch-shaped decal featuring the night sky with a full moon, so it wasn't hidden by the black wall. The window seat, and the small black tent, which was printed with white bats, were littered with small pillows, and stuffies, as was her bed around where her head laid. There were large moon and star shaped lights dangling front of the window, and alongside various cosmetics, her vanity had 4 different jewelry holders, one for more than just earrings. There was also a black and purple jewelry box with multiple sections for rings, bracelets, chokers, and... tragus earrings.
Now, she didn't have either of them pierced, but she planned on having the left done on their 18th birthday. What possessed her to have such a crazy idea, he still couldn't comprehend, but he didn't want to stop her. After all, it was her decision, and their parents approved of the idea when it was first pitched. And he supposed it was better than her actual face; their parents would each have an aneurysm if she came home with a ring in her septum.
"Well, tomorrow after homework, my friends and I are going to the mall for... stuff."
She nodded, while sitting on her bed. "Okay, hope you have fun-"
"Wait," He cut her off, "Do you want to come, Venus?"
Her eyebrows raised in genuine surprise under her green, asymmetrical bangs. "Really? Me?"
"Is there anyone else here named Venus?" He smirked coyly, earning a playful eye roll from her. "There's two girls in my group; you can shop around with them, and you could find some friends in all of them. You did just get paid, didn't you? And you're off tomorrow?"
"Y-yeah," She replied, "I did, and I am." In the same mall, she worked at a shop specializing in the Goth lifestyle, mostly stuff that was wearable, but with the occasional home decor, and some items revolving around witchcraft such as crystals. Basically, it was her dream job, despite it being only part-time, and even with occasional rude customers, she loved it there. "You really want me to come?"
"Yeah, if you want."
"But... what if they won't like me?"
"They will. Trust me; you'll fit right in."
After a moment of silence, she nodded, as a smile grew. "I'd love to."
"Okay. You can meet them during lunch before we go."
"Deal. Do they already know I'm coming?"
"Yeah, I texted them earlier, in our group chat. They're all good with it, as long as you're wanting to come. And they're eager to meet you."
"Awesome; feeling's mutual."
The next day, as the hours ticked by, Venus felt excited, yet nervous at the same time. She was going to not only meet Zoro's friends, but also hang out with them! But... what if they actually didn't like her, despite his assurance? What if they thought she was too strange? Or quiet? She never fit in anywhere, especially here at school; despite the love she received, she felt like the black sheep even in her family.
Before long, lunchtime came. Time to meet the friends. As she walked to the cafeteria with Zoro, her heart beat faster in her chest. He noticed her troubled expression, and her hands being more fidgety than usual. "You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm... just nervous."
"You'll be fine. They'll like you; I know it." They joined the line in the room, him watching for any bullies on the prowl. His heart boiled with fury at a certain, lilac-haired boy waving tauntingly at her; Zoro wished he could whack that smug grin off his insufferable face, but him getting detention wouldn't help her. When his turn was up, he looked over the pre-watered Nissin Cup Noodles available, while grabbing a Smokey & Spicy Sio for himself. "Looks like there's no chicken ones here, V."
"Yeah, sorry hon," Carmen, the flamboyant cafeteria lady, frowned apologetically. She was also the school's dance instructor, and had some boys, and girls, drooling with her fiery reddish-pink hair, purple eyes, and overall gorgeous looks.
"It's okay," Venus assured, and looked over the selections, "Hmm... I'll try this one. Thanks." She grabbed one of the mild curry cups, along with a pair of chopsticks, before paying for her meal, and following Zoro to the tables.
"There they are," He gestured to a particular one occupied by a certain group, and she looked nervous again, "They'll like you." Keeping an arm around her shoulders, he led her around the other tables, saving her from being tripped when passing one of the bullies. He also saved her noodles from being spilled, and her chopsticks from being dropped. "Damn bastard," He grumbled in irritation, before approaching, and turning to the group he sought out. "Guys, this is my twin sister I told you about, Venus."
"H-hi," She stammered, mentally observing them all, as Zoro introduced them. They all had cup noodles like them, but for the most part, different flavors each. One of the girls, aptly named Robin, had black, shoulder-length hair with even bangs, and an olive skin tone, while the other, paler Nami, had an orange bob, and a pink sweater vest. Luffy had shaggy black hair, and along with his school uniform, wore a straw hat with a red band on his head, while Franky, who looked pretty buff, had light blue hair in a cowlick almost like Ace Ventura, a red Hawaiian shirt with green palm trees under his blazer, and a bandage across the bridge of his nose. Tall Brook had a puffy, black afro, round black shades, and seemed to be merely skin and bones. He seemed to be holding a violin case in his lap.
Sanji was... reaching towards her? "Well hello there, Venus." He took her free hand with a chivalrous look on his face, as she looked on awkwardly. "Who would've thought a twin of Marimo would be so lovely?"
"Uh-" She was about to respond, but Zoro pulled her hand back for her, before the blond could kiss it.
"Back off, curlybrow."
Sanji sneered at him, missing her smirk of awkward gratitude towards her brother. "We were having a moment there, kendo brain."
"Will you two stop already?" Nami scolded, before turning to Venus with a smile. "It's nice to finally meet you."
"Y-you guys too," She responded timidly.
"Anyway," Zoro gave Sanji one last sneer, before returning to the original topic for the final introduction, "And this here is Usopp."
"Hi, I-" Venus turned to him, just as he looked up to her from the table, and they made eye contact... and she couldn't turn away. "I, uh..." His mop of wavy, black curls; his tan complexion; his dark grey eyes; his cute, long nose. Blood rushed to her ivory cheeks, turning them pink; he was so handsome. Wait, what? "Um, I-I'm Venus. R-Roronoa Venus."
Usopp in turn, felt like he was looking at an angel, as he lowered his orange headphones to around his neck in a daze. What with her flowing, yet messy green hair, her ivory skin, and her dark green eye; she was beautiful. Her uniform stood out with her white shirt having a black bat collar, and her sweater vest being black with a small, white moon at the neckline. "N-nice to meet you. Um, please sit," He stammered, "Room for one more."
"Thanks." She sat down on the bench, directly across from him, with her brother next to her. She noticed his noodles cup, and giggled at its familiarity. "You got the curry too?"
"Oh yeah, it's my favorite. Yours?"
"Well um, I love the tasty chicken best, but they're out of it right now, so uh, I decided to try this one today." Through her reply, she stuck her chopsticks in, and began twirling some noodles.
"Well, you're going to love it."
Zoro glanced back and forth, as his sister exchanged smiles with one of his friends. What was going on here? Were they... in love with each other? That quickly? From what he remembered, last year, Venus vowed to never date again after a... humiliating incident. But it seemed she was now retracting that statement. "Mm!" Venus' hum of delight snapped him out of his thoughts. "It's great! I do love it!"
"It is, isn't it?" Usopp agreed. "The little kick really adds to it."
"Little kick?" She blinked in genuine confusion, surprising him.
He was also flustered on how her long lashes fluttered from the movements. "Y-yeah, there's a-"
"She has a high tolerance for spicy foods," Zoro explained after a bite of his lunch, "Sour foods too. If her meal came with a lemon slice, like to squeeze the juice out, after getting some on her fish or whatever, she'd eat it like it was an orange."
Nami couldn't help but stifle a laugh. She could imagine the shocked expressions from any witnesses around them during such a thing. Not to mention any waiters realizing the wedge was completely missing from their platter when cleaning up. "Really?"
"Y-yeah," Venus nodded after swallowing some noodles, " I've been able to for as long as I can remember."
"That's pretty impressive," Usopp complimented, "You do take the seeds out first, right?"
"Thanks," She smiled shyly, before hiding it with gulping from her soda bottle. "Oh yeah, I do. Y-you should've seen our parents' faces the first time," She snickered, and they all laughed after she demonstrated.
The rest of the period went smoothly; Venus fit in very well with Zoro's peer group, as she felt less and less nervous by the minute. Needless to say, she was definitely going out with them after school. And she couldn't wait! Once they were seated on the bus later, Venus started on her homework, with Zoro staying alert next to her. He helped her on occasion, and she was done just as their home was approaching.
"See you guys later!" Luffy waved, as the bus stopped at the Roronoa household first.
"See ya!" Venus waved back, blushing again when Usopp shot a smile at her. After smiling back, she went to follow Zoro out, only for another attempted tripping to be successful. She toppled face-down to the floor, with her violin case thumping on her back. "Oww!" Obnoxious rich brat Charlos laughed mockingly, bringing his leg back in front of his seat, as her knee lightly throbbed in pain.
"Hey, you bastard!" Usopp glared, as Zoro helped his sister to her feet. "You can't do that to her!"
"What'cha gonna do about it, Pinocchio?" Charlos taunted him in retortion without looking back, as his sister Shalria, equally horrible, laughed next to him.
"If I had a nickel every time I heard that one," An unfazed Usopp rolled his eyes, "I'd retire at 18. Now leave her alone!" He recoiled nervously with a squeak when the porky bully turned to him with an intimidating, challenging look, but kept his defiant glare, before relaxing when he looked ahead again.
Venus smiled at him again in silent gratitude, with him returning it, as she and Zoro exited the bus. Tera, the twins' mother, turned to them as they entered the house. "Hey, how was school?" She gasped lightly in concern, and rushed to her daughter, as they stepped out of their shoes. She had a scrape on her right knee above her black uniform sock, that was an angry red, and starting to bleed a little. "Oh, Venus. Shalria tripped you again?"
She shook her head. "Charlos, on the bus."
Tera sighed deeply. "When will the principal ever do anything? You better patch that up, dear, before you bleed out."
"I will," Venus nodded, "I'll do that right now. M-my homework's already done." She rushed to the upstairs bathroom.
Zoro watched her go, before huffing in exasperation, running his hand on his short, green hair. "That damn Rosward won't keep them in line, no matter how many complaints I send his way. They get no more than a slap on the wrist; not even detention."
"Unbelievable," Tera frowned, "Something needs to be done."
"Agreed." He glanced up at the stairwell, as he heard Venus go into her room, gingerly closing the door. It was soon followed by her violin music. "So, after homework, my friends and I are going to the mall. Venus hit it off with them at lunch, so she's coming with us."
"That's wonderful!" She smiled joyfully. "I bet you'll have a great time."
"Yeah, and uh, lunch went pretty... interestingly."
"What do you mean?"
"You remember Usopp? Long nose, black curls?"
"Yeah, I remember him. He's a nice boy; what about him?"
"Well... it seems like Venus now has a crush on him." Tera's eyebrows raised in surprise. "And he her; like, when they were first introduced."
"Really? Aww, love at first sight!" She gushed. "Is she going to date him?"
"It's hard to say. I mean last year, she said she'd never date again, but I guess we'll see how today goes. I trust Usopp with her; I just dread something happening, that breaks her heart."
"That's understandable, honey. You're a good brother, looking out for her."
"Thanks, Mom. I do my best." Zoro glanced at the stairwell again. "I'd better get my homework done, and some kendo practice in before we go."
"Alright. But don't push yourself too hard in kendo; just because you can't defeat that Mihawk fellow, doesn't mean you're not amazing at it."
"Thanks, will do." He walked upstairs without another word.
Tera sighed to herself, as she watched him go. She wished he wouldn't push himself so hard; he was hospitalized for exhaustion recently, and had to have his shinai hidden, in order to make him take it easy. Venus was frantic, even having the idea of hiding it, and did everything she could to help.
She didn't want anything like that happening again.
After some practicing, she set her violin down in its coffin-shaped case, and began searching through her vast amount of clothes for something to wear later. This was the first time in years, if not ever, that she had friends to hang out with; she wanted to make a good impression. Especially on... Usopp? Yeah, that was it. She smiled, as her mind wandered; through the short time she'd known him so far, he was so sweet. Not to mention fun to talk with.
After snapping out of it, she stripped out of her school uniform, and for a start, pulled on her black fishnet tights with moons and stars accented all over. She scoured through her dominantly dark-colored wardrobe, before deciding on a black sleeveless dress with a pleather batwing collar, ditching the plain black belt in favor of one with a silver dual-rose buckle. In her hair, she shifted a black thin headband lined with five bows, before adding in ghost flower earrings that dangled with a light, delightful clinking. Noticing the oncoming, beautiful gloominess outside, she grabbed, and pulled on a black hoodie printed with clouds, some having fangs and lightning bolts. Under her tights was a bandage shaped like a Goth Milk carton to cover her small wound.
"Oi, Venus! Are you ready yet?! It's been almost 10 minutes!"
"Yeah, I'm coming!" She grabbed her spiderweb heart purse, lavender shopper tote, and black and purple batwing umbrella, threw her door open, and ran downstairs, oblivious to him tensing up at the latter. "I'm ready!" Zoro waited by the door, as she slipped her feet in a pair of black flats with shiny leather pumpkin faces in a darker black. He himself was in his usual black pants and shoes, with a yellow zip-up t-shirt.
"Mom, we're leaving!" He called out.
"Okay! Have fun, you two! Text me when you're getting home, so I can start on dinner!"
"We will!" Venus promised, before following him out to the public bus. "I'm excited."
"That's good. I told you they would like you."
"Yeah," She snickered, "You did. They're all really nice; though Sanji's kinda strange."
Zoro snorted with an eyeroll. "Do not look behind that curtain, I'm warning you. I'm just glad you like Usopp instead of that dumbass."
"Huh? W-what're you-"
"Venus, we're siblings." He cut her off, not buying her oblivious façade. "Twins at that; I can practically read your mind. And I saw it in your face."
She giggled, and pushed his hand away when he prodded at the side of her head. "Yeah, but... yeah," She caved, and shyly fiddled with one of her earrings, "He's just so sweet, and handsome."
"Well, I trust him, but I'm saying this because you're my sister... just be careful. Remember what happened last year; I don't want you going through that again."
"I know," She nodded, "But I have a good feeling."
Before he could respond, the bus stopped outside the mall, prompting them to disembark. Zoro held his much-shorter-than-him twin's hand to help her off the step without falling on her face, before checking the most recent text from the group leader. "Luffy said they'll be just inside this entrance."
"'Kay." With that, they began walking. In her peripherals, she caught him mindlessly wandering away, and yanked him back on the right path with a stifled snicker. "Going somewhere?"
"Shut up."
She giggled, as they walked through the automatic doors. She may have less emotional maturity between the two of them, but she had always been better with directions.
Less than a minute after entering, they found the familiar group standing close by, waiting on them by a large, digital directory. "Hey, guys!" Luffy called out with an enthusiastic wave of his hand. "Over here!" Venus brightened up upon noticing them, and made a beeline.
Now that they were out of their school uniforms, their real styles showed, and they their personalities quite nicely. Luffy was in blue denim Bermuda shorts, a red tank top, and a pair of brown flip-flops, along with what seemed to be his signature hat. Sanji was in a dark blue t-shirt with the word "Gentlecook" in lighter blue font, black jeans, and black Vans shoes. Franky was in his red Hawaiian shirt from school, dark blue knee-length shorts, and grey sandals. Brook stood out in particular, with his light pink skinny jeans with studs along the front pockets, brown loafers, blue and white striped t-shirt with "Summer Body" along the front in darker blue, and a large, cotton candy tie dye sunhat over his afro.
Robin was in a white button-up shirt-dress accented with purple specks, black shiny knee-high boots, and a black pleather jacket. Nami wore dark blue Bermuda shorts, brown strappy sandals, and a green tank top with darker green flower silhouettes.
She blushed at Usopp, specifically; he was in a white t-shirt, blue jeans with a lighter-hued belt, and patches on the knees, brown combat boots, and a thin, light purple button-up over it all, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. "H-hi, Usopp," She stammered after walking up to him, avoiding eye contact. Crap, she was nervous again. Why did he have to be so cute?
"Hey, Venus," He greeted her in return, struggling to keep his composure himself, "Y-you look great." More than great; she looked adorable. But he was scared of being too straightforward, remembering how Zoro told all of them about her shyness.
"Thanks," Her cheeks flushed even deeper, "So do you."
Nami smiled widely to herself while watching them; something was definitely happening. "Okay, so where to first?" Robin asked around.
As they wandered, and shopped, Venus bonded even more with the group. At certain places, she stuck by Nami and Robin, while the boys did their own thing across from the shop. "So, Venus," Nami turned to the shorter girl, prompting her to look down at her hands browsing necklaces, "You and Usopp are getting pret-ty cozy there."
"You have a crush on Usopp."
"N-no," She fibbed.
Nami tilted her head with a look of skepticism. "Venus, I may have only met you today, but I can already tell; you're a terrible liar."
Venus was silent, as she moved on to hair accessories. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about," Robin assured, "You've had crushes before, right?"
She was briefly hesitant, thinking about the previous year. "Yeah, but this time feels... different. Although..." She trailed off.
"Although?" Robin repeated with motherly patience.
"I'm... scared to date again. Since last year; I don't want to talk about it."
"And you don't have to," The raven-haired girl said, "But Usopp is very sweet. He would never hurt anyone. And besides... he seems to be quite fond of you."
Venus looked up at her with surprise, though her gaze stayed downward after a split second of eye contact. "Really?"
"So, Usopp," Zoro approached his long-nosed friend, who was trying to pick out a game to try out next, "You seem to be getting quite close with Venus, huh?"
He was startled out of his internal debate by the sudden query. "Oh, uh... y-yeah?"
Zoro snorted at his wariness. "Chill out, I'm not gonna kill you."
"Oh good," He chuckled nervously, "Sorry, Zoro. It's just when I first saw her, standing in front of me... I couldn't look away." He sighed with a headshake. "She's so cute, and pretty. And very sweet."
"I'm glad you think so."
"Has she dated before?"
Zoro sighed in hesitation. "She has, and I won't go into details for her sake, but they were... never good."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Usopp's heart swelled with sympathy. Who would have the nerve to hurt someone as kind and meek as Venus? She seemed like she wouldn't hurt a fly. "I won't pry, but she doesn't deserve that treatment. And I promise I would never do that to her. I'd treat her the way she deserves; like a princess."
Zoro smiled just a little. "Thanks, man. I trust you."
"No prob," Usopp nodded with a returning smile, before turning back to the two games in his hands, and holding them up for him to see the covers. "Which of these should I get?"
"Found it!" Chopper cheered, holding up the newest Super Mario game in victory.
A few minutes later, the teens regrouped after finishing up. Venus walked straight to Usopp, while he also did for her; it didn't go unnoticed by the others, as they smiled to themselves, and each other. "Can we go down that way?" She pointed to the left-side walkway.
"Sure," Nami agreed, and they headed in said direction. Zoro smirked to himself; he knew the reason behind her request, but kept quiet, so she could explain it herself. "What's down here?"
Venus pointed to a sign straight ahead. It featured the shop's name in a stylized font in black, with a dark blue witch hat bearing constellations on the first M, while the last O was a crescent moon. "You uh, you guys see that shop there, Modern Majo?"
"Yeah," Robin nodded.
"That's where I work."
Nami's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Really?"
"Yep, part-time at least. It's independently owned too. At times, there's um, some rude people coming in like you'd expect, but my boss is amazing, as is the shop itself. Can we, uh-"
"Yeah, we can go in," Franky replied, "Seems like a bit of Robin's speed."
The shop was... quite interesting. Not only did it have apparel, jewelry (those for body piercings included), hair accessories, and home trinkets, all in a Gothic style, it also had items commonly associated with witchcraft. The table near the entrance had crystals, tarot cards, and cauldrons. Her boss, Toribia Hekate, was delighted that her kind-hearted, yet lonely and introverted worker had friends; and like them, saw how Usopp looked at the girl.
They witnessed her barking at a particularly ill-mannered customer, effectively scaring him off, and heard sad stories from both her and Venus, about the latter receiving verbal abuse. More often than not, they had happy endings, but their hearts ached for her; especially Usopp's, and Zoro's, although the latter had already heard them all.
They soon left with Robin carrying a small bag, while Venus had one much bigger. Not only was she a hard-working employee there, she may be its best customer as well. "So um, what'd you guys think?"
"Cool place," Robin replied with a smile.
"Yeah, it is," Nami agreed, "I mean, it's not my style, but it's definitely yours; and it's great that you work at a place you love like that."
Usopp was blushing, as he glanced around mindlessly; before they left, Hekate had pulled him aside by the fitting room, which had a huge, heavy curtain in place of two walls around two large mirrors, for a little, private chat. The short, yet intimidating old woman extracted a promise from him to be good to Venus, which he vowed to inact one day. She deserved all the love; and he wanted to give it to her.
When they passed by a quaint little bakery selling an extensive array of small desserts, he had an idea; he turned to Venus, hoping he won't make her nervous with his offer. "Um, can I buy you a little treat?"
She glanced over behind him, and nodded with a smile. "Sure, thanks!"
"Since you're buying-"
"No," Usopp cut Luffy off, "I only have enough for Venus, and me." With that little fib, he escorted her inside to the back of the short line. While it was just two of them, he couldn't help but notice; she was short. The top of her head had just barely touched the bottom of his chin. That just made her all the more adorable to him.
As a disappointed Luffy pouted, Zoro looked on in bafflement. "What's happening?"
"Oh, I'll tell you what's happening," Nami grinned widely, "They like each other!" She almost squealed.
"Like each other how?" Chopper asked innocently.
Robin patted his shoulder with a motherly smile. "You'll understand when you're older."
"Well yeah, but... th-that fast?" He stammered. "They only met just today."
"Dude, he's smoother with her than Sanji is with every girl in school," Franky laughed.
"Shut up!"
Zoro couldn't help but snicker at the embarrassed blond's expense. "Ah, keep sucking your candy." He turned his attention back to the others. "I don't know, I do trust him; I just don't want her to get hurt... again."
Robin frowned with sympathy. "We get it. You want to protect her; you're a good brother for that."
He smiled a little, as he remembered his mother telling him that same thing earlier that day. "Thanks. She hasn't had any good dating experience, so I worry every time." He didn't want to bring up the particular incident from last year; she could tell them when she was ready.
In the bakery, Usopp and Venus' turn in line came up. "What can I get you, young man?" The guy greeted.
"Hmm..." He looked over the individual cake slices, that almost made him drool, "I'll have the cookie dough kind."
"Mm." He smiled at Venus' hum of delight.
"And for the lady?"
"Um," She followed his lead, before perking up at spotting one of her favorite kinds. One she and Zoro commonly chose together. "T-the Oreo one, please."
"Coming right up." Venus licked her lips, as he promptly paid. "Name?"
"Alright, once they're ready, I'll call you lovebirds over."
They both blushed deeply at that, before they nodded. "We-we're uh, just friends," Usopp reluctantly stammered, and she nodded with a sheepish grin, "Thanks." After each grabbing a spoon, they had a seat at a vacant table to wait. 'I wish we were more, though,' He thought to himself. Little did he know, she was thinking the same, almost word by word.
"Um," He turned to Venus when she spoke up, "Zoro and I would come here with our parents whenever we had an accomplishment of some kind."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yep. Like if we aced a test, Zoro won a kendo tournament, or whatever. I've won a talent show or two, which also brings us here."
"Ah." He had actually never attended any of the shows himself. None of the group did; except Zoro, that is. "What's your talent?"
"I play an electric violin."
"Oh yeah, Zoro brought that up once or twice," He recalled, "That's really cool."
"Maybe someday, I can come over, and you can practice for me."
She smiled at the idea; that sounded great to her. "I'd like that." She hoped he wouldn't be put off by how her bedroom was decorated, and/or think of her as a weirdo.
He noticed her change of face, and frowned with concern. "You sure?" He must've been too forward there.
"Oh yeah, I'm sure," She replied, "I'm just worried you'll, um..." He waited patiently for her to find the proper wording. "You'll think I'm weird. 'Cause I'm a..."
"Goth?" He smiled warmly, making her blush deeper. "Yeah, Zoro mentioned that too. Plus I saw it in how you dress." His heart fluttered at her looking down at the table, fiddling with her hoodie drawstring. She was so cute; he wanted to hug her, but that would definitely be going too fast at the moment. "It's okay; I really like it on you."
"Oh, t-thanks." She gave a cheerful, teeth-baring grin. "You'll love my room, then," She giggled, and laughed with him.
"I bet I will."
"That's us." He stood back up, and as she followed his lead, he took her hand without thinking. She noticed just after she was on her feet; they blushed red, before they both drew back slowly with awkward grins. Little too soon. After getting their respective slices, they left the shop, and rejoined their friends. "We're back."
"We see that," Brook teased, "You treating your new girlfriend?" He laughed with a kind that sounded like a classic pirate, only more joyful.
Usopp rolled his eyes, as Venus giggled awkwardly, taking the clear top off her plastic platter. "I just met her earlier today, y'know. We all did, except Zoro."
Zoro looked over, and stifled a grin at Sanji's dark scowl. "Envy's not a good look on you."
"Shut up, Marimo."
"Mmm, so good!" Venus beamed, interrupting the tense moment. "Like always." She smiled up at Usopp, who began eating his own. "Um, thanks for buying."
"You're welcome."
Nami smirked at them, as they enjoyed their slices. "Trying to mock us there, huh?" She joked. "Treating her, and not the rest of us, Mr. Favorites-Player."
Usopp snickered. "Well forgive me for wanting to do something nice for a special girl," He retorted with a smirk.
Special girl? Venus felt like her cheeks were on fire, as she kept her gaze on her platter. He was so sweet; she wanted to tackle him in a big hug, but was much too timid for such a bold move. Not to mention his cake would wind up on the floor, and she certainly didn't want that.
Zoro raised a brow in her direction, before smirking at her flustered state. She's got it bad for his friend; wait until their parents hear about this.
Before long, the great day came to an inevitable end. "Um, t-thanks for letting me join you guys," Venus stammered, "This was really fun."
"You're welcome!" Luffy beamed. "You can hang out with us all the time! I like you!"
She giggled, as everyone agreed. "Thanks. I'd love that."
"Want me to drive you guys home?" Franky offered.
"You sure I'll fit?" Venus asked nervously.
"Oh yeah," He assured, "Room for one more, half-pint."
"Franky drives a vintage VW bus," Robin explained, "He fixed it up himself."
"Ah, cool!" Venus grinned. "Thanks, that sounds great!" She stepped inside to the back seats with Zoro, and admired the interior, as he shot a text to Tera. When Robin said Franky fixed it up, she wasn't kidding around; the seat was so comfortable, and it had the features of a modern vehicle, while appearing vintage on the outside. It was amazing.
"Go on, Usopp," Nami teased when he hesitated to follow his new crush's lead.
"Yeah, yeah," He snickered, "Don't nag me." After his jest, he climbed inside, and sat next to Venus, before he had to squeeze into her, so Chopper could fit by the window. She smiled up at him, as she held her shopping bags just above her feet.
Once everyone was inside, Franky started driving around the town, to drop them off at their respective homes. Nami was first; outside of her house was a tan-skinned young woman with short, light blue hair, standing by the front door to greet her. Chopper was next, with his adoptive mother, school nurse Kureha, waiting on him. When Sanji was about to leave, his attempt at a chivalrous farewell to Venus was interrupted by Zoro and Usopp, to her relief. "Thanks guys," She giggled.
Her heart sunk a little when Usopp unbuckled himself; she wasn't quite ready to depart just yet. "I-I'll see you in school," She stammered, so he stopped outside the bus.
"And I'll see you," He gave her a kind smile, before walking to his house, and entering.
Venus smiled dreamily, as she watched him leave. "Alright twins, should be you next," Franky announced, after he started driving again.
"'Kay," She nodded.
"You have fun today, kid?" He asked her.
"Absolutely," She replied, "I can't wait to hang out with you guys again. I like you all."
"Especially Usopp, right?"
She rolled her eyes with a smirk through his chuckles. "Yeah, I walked into that one." Before long, Franky stopped outside the familiar house. "Thanks for driving us," She almost stumbled out on the sidewalk, though stayed on her feet, with Zoro following more smoothly.
"No prob! See you guys tomorrow!"
"You too, Frank," Zoro called out, before heading to the door with her up ahead.
Later that evening, the day's events were brought up over an onigiri dinner. "Venus, did you have fun with Zoro's friends today?" Tera asked.
"I definitely did," She nodded after a bite, "They want me to hang out with them again."
"She fit right in," Zoro added.
"I'm glad to hear that," Arashi remarked.
"And Venus has more than a little crush now, on one of them," Zoro smirked, snickering at her blushing cheeks.
"Oh really?" Arashi said in surprise. "Which one?"
"U-Usopp," She shyly mumbled behind her water glass, before shaking it off, "And I heard that he likes me back. Or he could."
"That's great, dear, but please be careful," Tera gently warned, "We don't want you getting hurt again."
"I understand," Venus nodded, before sighing sadly, "I don't want to go through that again."
-Last Year-
"I got asked to the prom!" Venus announced the second she entered the house after school.
Zoro lowered his shintai, and exited his room in curiosity. "By who?"
"His name's Spandam! He said that he likes me, and wants to be my prom date! Of course, I said yes!"
"That's great, honey!" Tera beamed. "I'm sure you'll have a great time!"
Zoro squinted his eyes over the excitement, staying quiet. He couldn't help but feel suspicious; Spandam didn't exactly have the best reputation in the school. He decided to keep it to himself, in fear of ruining his sister's joy. Maybe it could work out...
If only he knew how wrong that preposition was.
After changing to look their best, the two headed for the school, with their parents driving. "Have fun, you two!" Tera called out when they exited the car.
"We will," Zoro called back, and they entered the building. He followed Venus along the decorated halls, until they reached the gymnasium, where the event was currently kicking off. "Want to wait for him here?"
"Yeah," She nodded, "I'll be alright on my own."
That didn't help his suspicions at all. "If you say so. I'll be with my friends."
"'Kay, have fun."
"You too." With that, he wandered off, and miraculously located his newfound friends by the punch bowl, where she happened to be out of their sights.
"Surprised you found us that fast, Moss-head," Sanji smirked.
"Shut up, moron," Zoro dismissed the annoying blond; he was more focused on keeping his ears open, for any sounds of distress from Venus.
Meanwhile, she lingered at the entrance, blissfully unaware of the devious plot she would soon be apart of, front and center. Behind her back hid her so-called "date", looking down at her with evil intentions, while gripping a large pot. Time to put the plan into action...
Venus stood with a small smile, looking for a familiar head of lavender hair, when... it happened. She gasped sharply with a shriek at a disgusting-smelling, off-white, curdled substance raining down on her from the ceiling, leaving her drenched. She panted heavily, tears welling up, and not just from the odor, as certain students broke out into laughter. The substance slid down her hair, arms, and legs, and stained her black dress nearly beyond recognition.
Zoro turned sharply at the commotion. "What happened?" Usopp went to look, but his vision was blocked by some large athletes around all of them. Even Brook and Franky couldn't see.
"I don't know," Zoro sneered behind his back. Though he had a feeling that he did know.
Spandam leaped over in front of her with great clumsiness, but quickly regained his composure, towering over her, as he laughed mockingly. "This is what you get, little freak! You really thought anyone would want to be your date anywhere, much less the prom?! Ha! Have fun stinking up the place!" With that, he joined the other bullies in enjoying her misery.
"That's an improvement!" A portly boy named Hordy Jones guffawed.
Zoro pushed past the burly athletes, and just barely saw Venus running out of the room with her face hidden by her hands. "Guys, I gotta go, now."
"But you just got here-"
"I gotta go!" He snapped, interrupting Luffy, before making a mad dash after her. "Venus!" 'What did that bastard do to her?!' He thought furiously. 'I'll kill him!' He saw her disappear into the girls' room, and quickly followed. "Venus?" He held his nose at the terrible smell, as she hid in the handicap stall, leaving it unlocked. The hell was that? She never had it before; unless... Spandam. "V?" He peeked in, and she was sitting on the toilet, sobbing into her hands. "You okay?" He knew it was a stupid question, but he didn't know what else to say. Her only response was a head shake, which sent some gross lumps sliding from her hair, and splattering on the floor. "What did that bastard do?"
He waited patiently for her to calm herself enough to answer. "He... d-dumped some... sour milk on me."
That certainly explained the smell. Her fancy dress had to have been permanently ruined; nothing would get the stains, or odor out of it. "Go rinse yourself off in the girls' locker room. And throw out your dress; here's my jacket." He stripped it off, so he was in his matching black pants, and navy blue button-up printed with whirlpools.
"O-okay, thanks." She took it when he handed it over, and ran off.
In the boys' locker room, Zoro scrubbed off his sister's heeled shoes for her, boiling with rage. Rosward was going to hear from him; Spandam wasn't his offspring, so he would hopefully be punished for this. While cleaning, he called Arashi; he and Tera had to have been home by now, but they needed to come back. No way were they staying at the prom; not after what had just happened. "Dad, you and Mom need to get back here, now."
"Why, what happened?" Arashi sounded worried.
"I'll explain later. Just get here as soon as you can; we're not staying."
"Okay son, we're on our way." With that, he hung up.
In the girls' shower, tears fell down Venus' face. She should've known it was a set-up; who would want to associate with her? No one, that's who. She was just going to die alone. After finishing up, and putting on her undergarments, she pulled on, and buttoned up her brother's jacket, which almost reached her knees, and shoved her pungent dress in the garbage bin. She never wanted to see it again.
Zoro came back less than a minute later, with her now clean shoes on hand. "You better now?"
"I guess," She almost whispered, "T-thanks."
"I called Dad. He and Mom are on our way here." He set her blocky kitten heels on the floor.
"'Kay, good. I just want to go home." After stepping into her shoes, she took his hand, and walked the halls with him. His heart broke at her sniffles, and shuddering breath; she didn't want to cry at risk of other students hearing, and making her feel worse.
After a minute of waiting outside, a familiar car pulled up, and parked close by. Arashi and Tera jumped out immediately, concerned at their daughter wearing their son's jacket instead of her dress, with her hair out of its former braid crown. "Venus?" The second Arashi knelt in front of her, she collapsed into him, and sobbed in his shoulder. "Oh, baby." He held her close, and stroked her damp hair, as Tera rubbed her back. "What's that smell?"
"Sour milk," Zoro replied, his hands clenched his fists, "That bastard dumped it on her."
Tera gasped in shock. "He what?!"
"She had to rinse off in the locker room, and throw her dress away."
"Come on, let's go home, so you can have a proper shower." After Arashi kissed Venus' forehead, they all piled into the car, and took off. Venus sobbed in Zoro's neck and shoulder during the whole drive.
Once they were inside the house, she made a beeline for the bathroom. "I'm never dating anyone again!" She cried while running up the stairs, and grabbing her bat-print bathrobe.
The moment she disappeared into the bathroom, and the shower turned on, Zoro let his rage out. "I knew it, I freakin' knew it!" He dropped to his knees, and his fists pounded the coffee table. "I knew Spandam was bad news! I didn't want to say anything, because she was so excited, but now I know I should have!" His forehead dropped down between his hands. "Now she's humiliated, all because I-!"
"Zoro, it wasn't your fault!" Arashi cut him off. "It was that brat who caused this, not you."
"Yeah, please don't blame yourself, honey," Tera added, "Venus doesn't, I know it."
"Tell Rosward on Monday," Arashi suggested, "Something has to be done about this."
"Gladly." After several minutes, Venus emerged from the bathroom, now smelling like her lemon shampoo/conditioner; she went straight to her room, and shut the door without a word. "I'm gonna-"
"I think she should be alone for a while," Tera stopped him.
"Okay," He nodded after some hesitation, and walked into his own room. He shut the door, grabbed his shintai, and turned to the dummy he always practiced on. Out of nowhere, he imagined Spandam's smug face on the head, laughing tauntingly; seething with rage, he tore into the dummy with loud grunts and shouting battle cries, almost totaling it in seconds. How could he just humiliate his sister?! And with no shame?! She never did anything to deserve it! She was one of the sweetest, most harmless girls in the whole school! "YOU FILTHY BASTARD!" He screamed with fury over her sobs close by. Along with sword slashes, punches and kicks were added in. "HOW DARE YOU HURT MY SISTER!" Venus sat curled up in the small tent, her face buried in her knees, as her shoulders shook.
Minutes later, the dummy was destroyed, now in shambles scattered about. Zoro panted heavily, tears streaming down his cheeks; he put his shintai away before any other damage was done, and sat on his bed to calm down, with his head in his hands. He wanted to check on her, but he couldn't if he was shaking like this.
Once he was chilled out enough, he walked to her room, surprised to notice the door slightly open, and peeked inside. Venus was still sitting in the tent, but was now silent. "Sis?" He cautiously entered the room, and knelt in front of her. "You doing okay?"
She sniffled, and raised her head up. Her cheeks were blotchy, and stained from the tears, and her eye was red. "I guess."
He pulled her into a hug, which she accepted immediately, her head resting on his chest. "I had a feeling there was something... not right regarding Spandam." He sighed deeply. "I didn't say anything, because you were so excited about having a prom date."
"It's not your fault."
"I know, but I still-"
"You couldn't have seen it coming," She raised her head to look at him, "Neither of us did. It's all on him, not you."
Zoro didn't know how to respond, as he simply kept her close. He felt responsible, no matter what, although it couldn't be fixed. It happened, and it was over. But Spandam was going down for this; he would make sure of it.
After a few minutes, she had fallen asleep from emotional exhaustion, still clutching his shirt. He picked her up from the floor, and laid her down in her bed with one of her many blankets; after loosening her grip, and adding a stuffie under her one arm draped over her chest, he left her be.
Venus sighed heavily at the memories, before shaking it off. "I'll be careful, I promise."
"Good," Tera nodded.
Later that night, now in her pajamas, Venus laid on her bed, lost in her thoughts. She surely didn't want a repeat of last year, but... Usopp was so different from Spandam. He was nothing like that jerk; he was so sweet, and a lot of fun to be around. Heck, he treated her to a slice of cake after they knew each other for only a few hours! And he was a lot cuter too. No way would he ever mistreat her... right?
No, right. He wouldn't. He'd never.
She soon drifted off to sleep, with her new crush on her mind.
Elsewhere, while laying in his own bed, Usopp was thinking hard as well. About Venus, in particular; she was the sweetest, cutest, and most lovely girl he had ever known.
Over dinner, he recalled the day's events to his mother, Banchina, while swooning over the short Goth. She was over the moon at her son having such strong feelings for someone, and her heart broke at hearing how she was bullied in school.
He smiled, as he recollected the day's events; he knew buying Venus a little treat was a good idea. She was so happy, and seemed to enjoy it. He wanted to give her heart a break; show her she deserved all the love in the world, by giving it to her.
He remembered their private chat in the bakery; he really wanted to hear her practice her violin for him one day, hanging out one-on-one. He was eager to learn more about her. And meanwhile, she felt the same about him.
Neither could wait to see each other again at school tomorrow.
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