#its driving me bonkers
infectois · 1 year
Maybe the floor symbols on his ego represent the traits that he lacks and needs to gain for his growth? Chapter 1 shows how he's unable to face Hermann who is responsible for his past suffering and failed to protect Yuri thus he lacks gebura (courage to protect), malkuth (will to stand straight), binah and hokma (eye facing fear, break cycle, and eye embracing past, build future)
hm maybe...
i was thinking maybe its because somehow, the place hermann works for is tied in with lobocorp/the library in some manner
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anarchistgumball · 1 year
I really need spongebob theorists/video essays to get an editor omg
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snailmug · 1 year
sensory issues like ive never seen
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tsunosagun · 8 months
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smoke and mirrors
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madtanuki · 2 years
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mr-payjay · 1 month
im actually going insane how are there so many people INSISTING pda does not have npd. pda has like the Most textbook npd i have ever seen on a character It's Okay for someone to have npd guys it doesn't make you Evil and Fucked Up
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mar-im-o · 4 months
Gonna ramble about syscourse for a moment
I really did start as someone who was strictly sysmed and anti endo
I mean I'm a psychologist. I've got a degree and everything! I studied psychopathology with a focus on trauma-based disorders!
And the more I've studied the less I've believed that plurality is so plain and simple as to be purely trauma based
Frankly, unless you're a researcher or insurance companies (both which are ultimately trying to sell things) the lines between disorders are so massively blurred. In actual practice when working with professionals and counselors and whatever you're treating the symptoms. Not the diagnosis.
Which is why, the more I actually study and interact with and exist in psychological spaces, the more stupid I think the endo vs trauma vs willo vs whatever argument is
It's just! It's nothing! The DSM-V says you need trauma to have this disorder. Yes. But the DSM-V is largely constructed by non-practicing researchers. NOT the people who actually treat or experience these disorders. People completely connected from it.
I'm not saying the DSM-V is wrong. It's not. It's research driven and an important resource.
But it's not a Bible. You can't treat its word as gospel.
People are experiencing plurality regardless of the source. Just exist. Live. Recognize the symptoms and the people and focus on THAT, yknow?
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kyoshi-lesbians · 16 days
video description: clips focused on sokka and his relationships with aang and katara in early book 1, set to Children's Work by Dessa.
pray that i finish this whole amv one day 🙏 here's the sokka sneak peak. ignore the abrupt ending pls and thank you <3
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horrorlesbians · 8 months
once i rewatch sharp objects there will be nothing stopping me from writing a very self indulgent little story of rust going down to wind gap around the same time camille does because he finds the story of the missing girl/murdered girl interesting (and because he needs something to focus on in life otherwise he will kill himself)
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mossmittens · 3 months
i'm actually desperate to know which castles ryoko kui used as references for the external view of melini castle. i have some guesses but it's driving me insane 👍
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swooningshadow · 2 months
this one's for the hard doms and subs—the ones who know what they are, what they're for, and the roles they play. doms who know their power and demand respect. subs who know their place and crave subjugation. we complete each other. we're meant for this. it's natural. it's beautiful. it's foundational.
it's unconditional love—redefined.
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greasydumbfuck · 3 months
also just for the record. no matter how much utterly stupid shit i say or draw about him, frank actually makes me so deeply sad. this old man should be picking up his grandkids but he cant. i think about him too much and im so sad
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seefasters · 1 year
the captain being the way he was in the beginning of the series makes so much sense now though. he died with stolen medals and a symbol of authority that did not belong to him, it's only right that he overcompensated in trying to prove he actually deserved them
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moki-dokie · 17 days
there are some days when i'm like "hey be nicer to the kids they're just being kids" and some days when i'm like "okay yeah you know what the kids are fucking dumb about this get their asses" and then there are some days like today where i'm just FUCK THEM KIDS and have a visceral need to punt a teenager across the room.
but i don't. but boy do i fucking want to
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ao3-deviance · 10 months
There was a lot unsaid between them. 
Some people said they could read each other's minds, but that wasn't quite it. If hard-pressed, Dazai wasn't completely sure he could describe it himself. His connection with Chuuya wasn't normal by any means, and it rivaled the complication of the Riemann hypothesis. But they still worked. Inexplicably. Undeniably. Unbreakably.
“I hate you.”
The words said between them most often, and yet Dazai couldn't say for sure if they were a lie or not. There was something tethering them, some emotional conglomeration woven stronger than steel, but to narrow it down to just one thing felt inadequate. 
When Chuuya touched him, Dazai burned, skin set aflame for hours later. When Chuuya looked at him, his chest contracted, lungs compressed, and Dazai found it difficult to look away. They avoided each other like a planet and its moon, caught in each other's gravity, never colliding but unable to break apart. Dazai had no delusions of which part he played, ever the moon paying worship to the planetary god made flesh that existed as Nakahara Chuuya. 
“Chuuya,” he called him, as if he ever held the right to speak a god's name. To own it with his teeth and tongue, to cry it out into the darkness when Chuuya took him like it was his right. 
(It was. There weren't many pieces of Dazai left, but most of what few there were had always and would always be Chuuya's. Dazai had been his from the moment he'd stood over Dazai with a foot at his throat and the sun at his back, eclipsing any other star Dazai might have followed.)
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spikemyballs · 5 months
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they put haikyuu on netflix so ya kno what that means ! (i rewatch the whole series and spiral back into my hyperfixation)
closeups under the cut :)
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