#its fine but sometimes im like wow i need to be kissed. and im gonna die
st4rshipr4nger · 3 months
okay so im the handlers daughter (she adopts me she is NOT my birth mother) and then she adopts lila but were the same age so anyway she like raises us and stuff cause shes mother and so she trains us and shit like she does in the show with lila and also me and lila kind of have the same powers ish because okay idk if youre familiar with xmen but i like have rogues powers so like power absorption and taking peoples energy and stuff so like if i touch someone skin to skin ill take their powers if they have any and their energy and i kind of get their memories too, and so she makes me wear these gloves because one time i accidentally touched her when i was a baby and took some of her energy and she almost passed out or something, anyways being the handlers daughter obviously comes with trauma so when im like ten im like mom i dont like this i dont wanna do this anymore and shes like well thats too damn bad and i tell lila im running away but we make a plan to like meet up in the future so i run and shit one night and i find the umbrella academy a few days after and Pogo answers the door and i tell him about my powers because ive seen the hargreeves on television and on billboards and im like can i just like stay here for a little while and hes like yes ofcourse but i need to talk to sir reginald and hes like wow youre weird and then i kind of become like his labrat because he wants to see exactly how my powers work but hes also like youre fucking dangerous, so he gets this serum that makes my powers go away for a limited amount of time and i have to get injected with it every morning but i meet the hargreeves and we all get along pretty quickly and they like accept me into the family and oh my god GRACE :(((( i love her so much me and ben obviously have like a LITTLE thing but none of us is gonna admit it until like later but yeah reg doesnt trust me going on missions at first but he lets me go on one which kind of ends bad so he doesnt let me go on anymore and i have to stay on the sidelines with viktor ALSO me klaus ben diego and vik are super close i get closer with everyone else too but like specifically them so like yeah!! me and ben kiss literally like three days before he yk and then i want to kms !!! but its fine he watches me as a ghost for the next 18 years!!!! but yeah its obviously hard for all of us to take and stuff
so when were all older we obviously go our seperate ways but i kind of stay in touch with diego klaus and viktor (allison never answers her damn phone and luthers on the moon) i read viktors book and i thought it was fine like i dont have an issue with it he was speaking facts that nobody else in the house wanted to admit and we were pretty much treated the same also after bens death i kind of like started doing drugs with klaus again because the serums were also just drugs like be fucking fr anyways klaus also never tells me that ben is looking over us and he feels bad about it but like klaus and i are really similar [in my dr everyones like oh hes just klaus but in another body] so im not like yk i cant like stay mad but trust in my dr i will be sorry buddy anyways i still talk to diego cause me and him are also bestfriends and i try to send messages up to the moon sometimes to luther cause he and diego were literally like i actually felt like family around them theyre like my brothers but obviously wtv
thats like kind of a backstory thing i left some things out but i love oversharing about some of the things in my drs its fun
let me know if you wanna hear more cause like eeeeeeeee
also im scripting that like i dont know klaus has ben on his shoulder and that stuff cause i like to make myself suffer a little bit
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crazyf0rswayze · 1 year
Ponyboy x Fem!Reader: Rough and Soft
A/N- really all of these oneshots were requested, but I actually feel the need to give background info on this one, so here's what was requested to me: "Heyyy!! So I was wondering if you could do Pony boy dating fem! Reader who's like really aggressive and rough to everyone else except him?"
"MAN SHUT UP" I yelled at Steve after teasing me about Ponyboy. 
"WHAT ITS TRUE" the boy yelled out
"IS NOT" I said playfully hitting his arm.
"What ever Y/n" Steve said jokingly rolling his eyes at me. 
"Oh don't you start Steve" I said warningly
And in a moment we were tumbling and wrestling on the floor. 
"Aarrggg" Steve groaned out as I pinned him
Two-bit played referee 
"ONE, TWO, THREE AND Y/N WINS!" Two-bit yelled out, holding my arm up in victory. 
"AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!" Darry yelled out. 
Ponyboy, Dallas, and Johnny just laughed a lot.
"Aw man you suck" Steve yelled out
"Oh I'm so scared Stevie boy" I said, walking to the kitchen to grab some water. 
"YOU WANT WATER STEVE?" I called out
"MAN, I WAS REALLY PLANING ON IT. NOW IM SAD" I called out as I filled up the two cups.
Ponyboy walked into the kitchen. 
"Hey cutie pie! How are you this fine evening?" I asked softly
"Good. How are you" My boyfriend asked, kissing my cheek.
"Mmmmhhmmm....good" I said.
"Can I ask you something my darling?" Pony asked
"Sure Pony...what is it?" I asked
"Why is it that you're so rough with everyone else...but so soft with me? I mean I love it so so much, but sometimes I wonder why" he explained
"I...I dunno. I've always been kinda rough...but I don't wanna break up if I get too rough with you. I'm just scared I guess" I answered
"Hey...it's ok! I like it, but we can rough house sometimes!...i-id like that"
"Hmmm...you would?" I said with a smirk
"N-not like THAT" Ponyboy said red as a strawberry 
"I'm joking my darling" I said kissing his cheek
We both walked back with the waters. I set Steve's down and I started to drink mine. I sat next to Ponyboy after setting my water down. I cuddled up with him as everyone around us talked. 
                                   NEXT DAY
"Mmmhhmmm..." I groaned as I woke up next to my boyfriend. We don't do anything...we just slept in the same bed and cuddled. 
"Good morning baby" Pony spoke
"Mornin'" I said, wrapping my arms around him, as I tilted my head up to kiss him. 
"Mmhhmmm" I moaned into the kiss 
We heard a knock on his door. 
"Come in!" Ponyboy yelled
"Breakfast in gonna be done soon, so get dressed and grab a drink" Darry said
"Ok, thanks Darry" Pony and I said.
We were quick to get up and get changed. We walked out the door hearing the boys whistle and cheer.
"Did ya get lucky Ponyboy!?" Dallas asked
"N-no. We just slept in the same bed that's all" Pony said
"Yea get your stupid head out of the gutter" I said playfully pushing Dally's head down.
"Ok ok gee" Dally said jokingly
"There is NO WAY I hit you THAT hard" I exclaimed
"Ya didn't I'm joking doll" Dally said
"I'm not YOUR doll...I'm HIS doll" I said pointing to Ponyboy 
"Wow ok" Dallas said, dead serious this time.
I ruffle his hair just to make him mad. 
"Oh you-" he says getting up and tackling me
We wrestled for a few minutes and he pinned me...but for only two counts. Two-bit played referee again
"AAARRGGGG" I yell as Dally pins me again for three counts
"Alright alright" Dally says as he extends his hand for me to get up. I hesitate, because he's the kind of person to let go as you're mid air, but I decide to take his hand. He pulls me up and pats my back. 
"Better luck next time Y/n" Dallas says, patting my back. 
"Oh shut it" I say, playfully hitting his chest.
I walk over to Darry and Ponyboy to help serve the food, and we all sit down for breakfast. 
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ssszlami · 2 years
Harry Potter characters as things my friends have said except there's way too many characters
Yes, we write down funny things we say, no that's not weird
Harry: “I wanna jump out a castle window but like not die” 
Hermione: “It’s feminine to write a paragraph”
Neville: “Lore update: I’m confused as hell.”
Luna: “Hey I can’t come to the party on Friday night, I just bought a bunch of cows and I gotta chill with them.”
Ginny: “I feel like you’re only dating me for my brother.”
Draco: “My chat is in it’s gaslight era”
Dean: “This is a lot like a cult for a Christian movie”
Seamus: “Agility: Setting things on fire and watching it explode... but in different directions.”
Dumbledore: “No one here has committed any crimes, and if you have, they were funny crimes, so it’s fine”
McGonagall: “When u get to the exam its not gonna be helpful that you spent your lessons drinking gatorade and eating donuts”
Snape: “If you’re going to traumatise children at least make it aesthetic”
Sirius: “I’m so alpha that the men around me change their sexuality to accomodate for me”
Remus: “I have four lines of self-hate for you”
Lily: “The milfs in my bag”
James: “No beta we die like parental figures”
Molly: “Goodnight offspring.”
Arthur: “How often a day do you reckon your car gets a boner?” 
Fred: “Love. Truth. Bodacious Booty.”
George: "In this world, it's either meme or be memed. In my case it's both."
Percy: “It is boring! But.....we like boring.”
Bill: “Sometimes you gotta ruin the vibe for the greater good”
Charlie: "Close your face nipples and think about dragons" 
Oliver: “I’m a white man, we always win! Except at sports….except at hockey”
Hagrid: “You can't say fuck you to the dog!”
Lavender: “Not all women want to kiss women. I know, that one was a hard pill for me to swallow”
Parvati: “There is no girl on earth who is so straight she wouldn’t love having another pair of boobs around”
Padma: “Nobody likes princesses!! They’re white bitches who weren’t loved enough as children”
Crabbe: “Pancake....buttplug……pancake…….buttplug”
Goyle: *grunt* “Yes I just farted.”
Cho: “I was like ‘whatever’. Wait no I was really sad”
Cedric: “I just thumbs-upped the roof down”
Krum: “*completely monotone voice* but wait there’s more”
Fleur: “Sexism is bad. Kill everyone.”
Tonks: “Gotta go to the bathroom to change my gender real quick”
Moody: “This is not a time for sassy comebacks, this is a time for SURVIVAL!”
Lockhart: “Because I look cute it’s all my fault. Thats how that works apparently.”
Umbridge: “Oh my god it’s me! Shiny trash!”
Voldemort: “Sorry I’m holding your parents hostage and killing you but your parents can’t hear your screams of terror because they can’t hear you right now”
Lucius: “Have you started another cult?”
Narcissa: “Your son is okay” *sobs and cries*
Kingsley: “I haven’t laughed since 1972.”
Peter: “So, you’re on the floor spooning the rat”
Slughorn: “*loud chewing noises* Wow I hate myself”
Mundungus: “My voice cracked on the crack and im on crack”
Dobby: “I took my ugg boots off for that.”
Winky: “Is she gonna kill me? I’m very excited.”
Kreacher: “It’s just war miss it’s not upsetting at all” 
Myrtle: “I went to the toilet and I see like the toilet seat around her neck”
Trelawney: “Teaching pigeons to be art connoisseurs” 
Filch: “He’s like a really sticky person!”
Dudley: “Screw you I just want stuff”
Petunia: “Is there a reason you’re interrupting me mid-soup?”
Vernon: “So he’s mad” “Yeah he’s cranky” “No like insane”
Pansy: “I don’t hurt them I just legally stab them”
Lee: “Bro that’s rather cringe”
Quirell: “I don’t need an exorcism” “That’s exactly what somebody who needs a exorcism would say”
Amos: “I’m one of the last old white boys”
Karkaroff: “Terrible behaviour…. ur in denial my guy” 
Greyback: “I… put my hand inside his chest…and ripped out his lungs” 
Cormac: “Closeted homophobic”
Blaise: “He’s more attractive in a suit.” “ALL MEN ARE!”
Regulus: “Lucy it’s my turn to drown!!”
Aberforth: “ME? A member of the TEN COMMANDMENTS??"
Nearly Headless Nick: “Well, if you have to execute me… ok”
Marietta: “You can’t slay if you vape”
Mrs Figg: “Old lady woman man and his dog”
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borathae · 7 months
their bickering please oof
sometimes they are my babies sometimes they are my parents
I’m a plank once I sleep WHOEVER WHO SAYS THAT, ARE DEFINITELY NOT PLANKS *source me bro. also my cousin said 'i sleep like a dead body' in a sleepover and her sister said nah you sleep like the body getting possessed and its been forever her nickname. 😭
Lies. We’re equal me and dad sharing chocolates or sweets be like
They contain silly and funny one liners which are exactly Jungkook’s humour. genz humor in a nutshell
there was one time where the fan stopped working due to power cut during a sleepover (5 in one bed💀) and guess what we did, we moved the smallest on to the table 😭😭 and 1 slept on the floor
wow to be in an amajin relationship where u dont continue bickering cuz its turning to argument, i wish i would be in one like that
You never know, sleep paralysis demons EXACTLY TELL HIM SIS
“I’m sure the demon is hot, so they can poke my hole if they want to.” I- understandable have a nice day
“Not even if you could watch? Imagine waking up to me getting railed by a sexy, hot demon.” oh no IDK WHAT TO DO NOW AAAH
“Aww sweetie, don’t be. It’s just my sleep paralysis demon.” yeah very normal shit what do u mean it doesnt happen everyday
“Mhm? Are you gonna manage to be quiet? MOMMY STOP AAH
but getting him to beg some more is way too much fun not to do it. He is so delicious when he is desperate.  AAAH HER MIND 🤩🤩🤩
you can’t deny him when he is hitting you with The Good Boy. THE POWER OF GOOD BOY™
His tits are pressing into your arm like this. dont know if its the flu dizzy or reading this dizzy BUT IM DIZZY AAAH
“And out”, he whispers, “get it? I WOULD HAVE FULL ON STARTED CACKLING * i mean night, the time where breathing is funny
You want to tease him for being loud? You dare to call him a whiny baby? AAAAH
he chooses his childhood bed. poor bed, its definitely the top g
“My good girl”, he whispers who is a dom? what is a dom? idk, USE ME DADDY
do the unthinkable crime of sliding your fingers between his buttocks just to rub his hole. UR GOING TO MAKE THE BABY LOSE IT HES GONNA BE TOO LOUD LOL
“See? Told you, someone gonna poke your hole tonight “ STOP
“Ah, ouchies my head.” I- at least its better than getting leg cramp while rubbing one out
and hits the headboard softly stop he is such a cutie pie STOP THEY WERE JUST SOO HOT AND DRIVING ME CRAZY NOW THEY ARE SO CUTE AAH
Okay fine, teamwork come on.” THE REAL SHIT GUYS
mystery of the universe, but you managed. FUCK I WANTED MY PLAYSIT TO PLAY MY UNIVERSE that i even cheated by going bathroom, so that next song plays & i can say omg my universe played when i read this BUT THAT THAT STARTED PLAYING I-
“There we go. Right where you’re supposed to be.” FFGFHGRRRRRAAWR M FERAL
his childhood bed croaking from the movement.  please tell its not their last night on it
No other words, no matter how nasty and dirty, could get his cock as hard and leaky as your confession of love could get him in those moments. dont know if i should cry from eyes or between the legs
He has such a pretty birthmark on it. You love to kiss it. HIS NECK MOLE KILLS ME LIKE I WANNA KISS IT SHUT UP
closes his mouth around your digits, sucking on them with pouty lips and big doe eyes. I NEED TO MEDITATE THIS IS KILLING AND RESURRECTING ME BACK TO LIFE
Tears run down his cheeks, he is arching his back even more. Yeah, you’ve really got him good.  THE DESCRIPTION IS SOO GOOD I NEED A PRINTER FOR MY BRAIN
“I kinda feel like your parents must have heard something.” “Please don’t say that, I’ll cringe to death.” THEY WERE PLAYING UM WRESTLING YEAH DOING YOGA NORMAL SHIT U KNOW?? DECIDED TO JAM TO SONGS ON BED
“Please ignore the noises, air sometimes has its own mind”, THANK U I WAS SHOOK ONE TIME WHEN I HEARD IT OUT OF MY OWN HUHA LIKE BRO U OK?? (ik why it happens but that was loud?? give a warning bruh)
we fucked in a motel only to realise we didn’t have tissues?” i will definitely have this haunting me everytime i listen to hotel motel pitbull
THE SMUT WAS GOBSMACKING AS USUAL and fucking delicious *insert that licking fingers tiktok audio
they were so in love they were my parents, my babies, i cried i lost all my uwus i also wanted to gobble them
good fucking night *shudders and sigh whistles
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“I’m sure the demon is hot, so they can poke my hole if they want to.” I- understandable have a nice day
FELT AGAIN FANDSFN lmaooaoa all your reactions to the smut parts are so funny I am living for them <3
He has such a pretty birthmark on it. You love to kiss it. HIS NECK MOLE KILLS ME LIKE I WANNA KISS IT SHUT UP
“Please ignore the noises, air sometimes has its own mind”, THANK U I WAS SHOOK ONE TIME WHEN I HEARD IT OUT OF MY OWN HUHA LIKE BRO U OK?? (ik why it happens but that was loud?? give a warning bruh)
GIRL YES OMFG and then you can't stop it like 😭 when I was with my ex it happened like one time and then I laughed and it got worse cuase the movement squeezed it out more like whY WOULD YOU DO THAT COOCHIE??? 😭😭 (he didn't even laugh he just stared weirdly like- fucking weirdo, that dude was so stiff)
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onlyswan · 1 year
Hiii Art!! How have you been and how's your work/studies whatever it is that you do. Good? Eh? Well mine's kinda on a dry and wet mode rn lol.
Mind if I rant here?
I have 2wk worth of exams coming up and I have no motivation to study. I honestly regret taking up the course im studying for. I mainly took it up because its lucrative and helpful in today's economy. But honestly I should have just pursued 14yo Lyfie's dream to become a nurse. It wouldve been so much more rewarding🥲🥲🥲.
Anyways despite that im just praying my gpa doesnt go down the drain, and im gulity right now because i wasted the whole day doing nothimg even though i told myself to go study. I couldnt do it. I just......well i knew what i was doing was bad but everytime i looked at my notes i felt as if i knew them all, and in the end achieved nothing. Sigh i hate myself for how repetitve this unhealthy cycle has become. Parental pressure isnt helping either. I try ranting and they say its just momentary tiredness and it would go away soon and then further guilt me into wasting time :((((.
Wow that became long. Im so sorry for litterally trauma dumping on you, especially if tou had a long day. It would be the last thing you'd wanna worry about 😂😂😂
Anyways i wanted to ask you about your writing, both as a fellow fic author and as loyal reader of yours. What inspires you to write?
(I.e set time aside to write your fics and even feel motivated to open up that document? I have so many plot bunnies, headcanons and fic ideas, but no matter how enticing, everytime i try opening up my google docs, that burst of excited energy saps away. Urgh its so frustrating!!😠)
And for your fics, we had possible teases of engagement btwn jk and oc and even f2l hopelessly pining jk and oc. So i was wondering will we ever get a confession scene 👀👀👀?
I rmbr when jk ssid somewhr in an interview where he would love to lift his partner up and kiss them and my mind went str to the in which couple lol knowing your writing and since its jk its gonna be so cute cheesy and gonna involve tears 😇.
Funny enough i also know that both oc and jk are heavy on respecting e/o be it space or privacy, and when i heard Twice MISAMO's Do Not Touch song which was about consent and it was potryaed beautifully compared to art masterpeices, it got me thinking about their initial stages of skin ship or how they got comfortable around e/o physically or even their first time. Idk im just so invested in this universe lol 😭😂
Hmmm, but thats it for now. I'll reach out to you soon!!! :D
hiii lyf <3 work is draining and some customers are rude but my co-workers are fun to be with so it’s alright 🥲 uni also started this week and it’s nerve wracking but also soooo exciting !! i’m just gonna need some time to adjust to this new life + schedule 😬
i’m so sorry to hear that beloved :( i’m sure with the given the circumstances that you chose what you thought would be best for you at that time and i think it’s important that you recognize that too !! 🫂 and yesyes studying is so freaking difficult especially when you don’t feel motivated >:( for me personally time management has been pretty helpful. i love schedules ^^ sometimes i do house chores first to get my brain into work mode too and i give myself little rewards during break times (which are sooo important) or after studying hehe like snacks or screen time !! please look after yourself and your health. 🥺
dw i’m mostly fine with you guys ranting about stuff like school !! because same !! but i’m just putting it out there that when it’s abt triggering stuff i have to restrain myself 🥲 i don’t reply to those because it really affects me badly mentally too :(
hmmm when it comes to inspiration to write 🤔 like i said i do love schedules hehe i open a draft every night before bed + in my notes i also save words/phrases/scenarios that pop in my mind throughout the day but couldn’t write yet :D but i don’t really get to write everyday bcs i’m too tired or nothing just comes out. sometimes i only write one sentence or one paragraph then pass out lol. on a good day i finish one scene and maybe start writing the next too !! a jungkook weverse live will always 100% give me a big rush of motivation tho 🤭
and i doooo want to explore the earlier stages of oc and jungkook’s relationship 🥹🥹🥹 i have many many plans !! but i just want them to be perfect so it might take me a while </3 this is still a long journey if y’all are up for it hehe thank you so much for being invested in our little iw universe !! 🥰 it truly means the world to me that i get to enjoy my passion like this :") ilysm lyf 🫂
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cometmystic · 2 years
-3 : Hisui Oshawott
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(dont look at the typing in the image)im giving myself a handicap for the least favourite list which is making it wayyyyyy harder (more on that later) so were starting weird spicy,,
the arceus folk were always going to struggle because mixing and matching starters is a dangerous game to play,, theres the very distinct feeling that these creatures dont go together, because they Dont; they have different philosophies informing their designs and you cant avoid that. taken away from their original context, decidueye and oshawott are a little too similar geometry wise in a way starter choices within a gen oft never are.
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but hey, ones a samurai, ones an archer, and the other can do the ghostie flames; they fit a little too well thematically for the region not to be picked. what can you do ? ...aside from shrine maiden fennekin line. or a momotarou bulbasaur line. ...thats not what im talking about
what knocks oshawott specifically here is the new final evos. cyndaquil and rowlett march steadily enough towards their final forms; rowletts colours already darken in its middle stage, so the autumn colouring is not a huge shift, and cyndaquil is still becoming upright with flames that envelop it more and more (which hisuian does actually better than vanilla here). oshawotts line is now even less cohesive. it doesnt address a problem with the original that its armour plating is just kind of,, there, haphazardly placed and making it look More naked, but now the drastic colour palette, with less contrast for ease of readability than the original, just make the oshawott line feel that much more unrelated to itself.
i think what kills thiese guys the most is that they stopped at a new final evo. a new second form or, hell, make them variants from the start and call them something else; then i think itd be way more fun
+3 : Snivy
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complete transparency here; this one is mostly personal bias. see the most fun time ive ever had with pokémon, which im becoming increasingly confident is gonna stay that way, was spearheaded by this guy. blowing a kiss at the clouds for drayano
but its not like these designs dont have anything going for them on their own !! the way this frilly, pompous jacket collar design it has grasually grows into a snakey cocoon that engulfs all of its limbs is first of all pretty bold of an idea and second of all really really fun !!
the consistent yellow highlights and eyeshadow elements the designs have do a really good job of communicating what a smug regal air this thing puts on, despite some of that not being quite as present as id like. i mean like the smugleaf jokes certainly didnt come outof nowhere yea ?
thanks for the good times, eden. sorry i never took you and the girls to post game
-2 : Fuecoco
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FUECOCO IS GOOD!! i need to get this out of the way because judging these as lines rather than individually means that sometimes good designs end up getting the short end of the stick. which super is whats going on here
the first thing that strikes me is that it feels like they design a perfectly fine and fun fire croco butremembered it was a spaniard animal, and decided to toss spanish things at it midway through. the use of different words there was deliberate
the second is that... wow where the hell is skeledirge coming from. like the progression from fuecoco to crocalor is perfectly reasonable, and it does its job as a jump to an awkward offputting midstage (compliment), but then,,, the entire head just suddenly crashes straight to a wall unceremoniously, with this unappealing strident geometry to it all, with a thermometer on its face and pencil sharpener on its torso that has Nothing to do with anything the previous evolutions were communicating. the cool things they had going for it were in fact completely abandoned; the silly lil chompy jaws and teeth turn into ugly skin formations, the overt roundness of the creature just becomes a regular crocos with a decreased polycount, and the cool fire headdressings just become this ugly, lampshaded absence. ...doesnt do anything good for me
+2 : Bulbasaur
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i think this ones just the platonic ideal for pokémon evolution. it does EXACTLY what it should do without missing a beat. to the point where im struggling to even talk about it
it starts cute and simple but interesting, cute huge bulb in its back, nice green patterns dotting its body, non standard friendly frog face,, and it grows into this huge, flowering beast with warts with a menacing, yet still cute (in a delightfully off way) face. half lidded eyes, sharp fangs in a wide mouth... and in pokémon stadium it does this
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it just.... i donno !!! its so creature !!!! it communicates itself well, offers something different but still cohesive from its contemporaries, and its like !!! really unique for their first go at a grass starter !!! like,, a poisonous plant dinosaur ? on their first go ?? yes girl !!!!!
the one thing that leaves me wanting about the line is the slight change in body colour; it feels too slight to communicate much to me and it ends up being a bit distracting ? but as you can see, its such a minor thing, and im just saying it to make it seem like i have more to say than i actually do
-1 : Galar
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yeah see theres the handicap i was talking about.
ugh theres just... so much going on here and i really dont want to elaborate much. first of all all the base forms feel so naked. scorbunny is the only one i feel is communicating something worth much with the sports tape designs, but thats so little to begin with,,
then the rest of the evo lines come in and. why does the sobble line go from naked sad lizard to naked spy lizard. why does socrbunny get a stupid ugly jacket and then lose it. why is grookey line so boring.
theres not a single hit here. 9 chances to make me feel anything other than uninspired and despondent and bored, and they missed Every single one. i hate them.
+1 : Popplio
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what id bet is a very surprising pick for anyone who Knows me because i dont think id ever ever ever pick popplio as my starter in lieu of incineroar. but thats incineroar. this is popplio, brionne, and primarina
so this is every principle from bulbasaur lines design executed with utmost elegance and at a higher scale. first of all, its an interesting idea executed in a novel and fun way. its a little seal !!! it goes bwark !!! it has very sillybab paws that dont let it walk right !!! and it evolves very naturally into a graceful otherworldly singer and performer, keeping your attention in how the colour palette enrichens and grows as it evolves, and reiterating every interesting design element it has with each iteration !!! little clown collar into a gorgeous frilly design, silly little ears into magical ethereal hair, stumpy tail into a majestic mermaids tail !!! ws all around !!!!
another strength it has is,, i think brionne is one of few starter midstages i like in its own merits ? often any attachment i have to midstages work more as,, appreciation of a blueprint. like... "wow i see where this is going to go and i cant wait to get there". i mean, by design, theyre supposed to be awkward, a little "incomplete". but brionne, like,,, baillerina !!! the ears are pigtails now !!! look at that earnest but lil weird smile its got !!!! dawww its my friend !!!!
the finally, it has a lot of strengths on a macro level worth pointing out. and these are compliments i extend to gens 6 and 7 as a whole.
firstly, each starter right off the bat offers something very different. different silhouettes, different vibes, completely different target demographics as soon as you get to look at them in the starter selection.
and secondly, theming. i really like how in gen 6 you have the rpg class and in gen 7 you have the circus performer thing going on; it all feels natural and fun, and ties with the previous point to really inform and shape your preference when you pick one of these creatures, while still having them fit together with each other. its what i wish pokémon had more of
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
Im backkkk i was so pleasantly surprised to see a new chapter its the best thing to wake up to. You already know this is gonna be long so apologies in advance and i’ll try keep it short (I probably won’t succeed)
Wanda’s therapy. Just wow. The way you wrote it felt like i was having a therapy session (but like a genuinely good one cos ive had 6 therapist who weren’t good and most of them took notes and I love how you specifically mentioned that). I also think the way wanda has changed in just a few chapters has shown so much maturity and personal growth I mentioned it after the last chapter but it shows here as well. I think she’s getting better at making peace with her decisions and becoming more comfortable with herself. I like how the therapist reassured her that one night doesn’t negate all her progress it’s something i wish mine told me but its very true and its important otherwise you end up in a vicious cycle. To sum that up i love her i love her growth and the way you’ve written her is just perfect.
When i read these quotes and sometimes song lyrics pop into my head a lot and two came to me through this part i may have quoted these before so sorry if i have 💀. The first goes “if you see yourself in the correct way you are all as much extraordinary phenomenon of nature as trees, clouds, the patterns in running water the flickering of fires, the arrangement of the stars and the form of the galaxy. You are all just like that and there is nothing wrong with you at all”. I think it sums up wanda quite well because if you really consider it we are extraordinary we are made from stars with features so unique to us like how no one has the same fingerprints and things like that really are crazy things caused by nature that are beautiful and amazing and if you see yourself in that way that imperfections aren’t something to be frowned upon that past decisions are learning experiences then it okay and you’re just fine. The other one basically says you should regard yourself as a cloud because no one looks at a cloud and says its the wrong shape or anything and by doing so you develop a new level of self confidence which i think is something wanda needs and thankfully is working towards.
Next Agatha. I adore her. She’s protective of wanda and really giving it to reader and im here for it. On one hand im glad she didn’t say what happened cos that would be betraying wanda but im so ready for reader to find out and shit to hit the fan. I just loved the conversation her sass and cryptic comments she was basically toying with reader and it was perfect chefs kiss nothing more to say.
Reader and wandas conversation I actually think wanda handled this better than reader did just in the sense if you were an outsider looking in on the conversation wanda seemed more put together than reader did which is a shift from before when wanda seemed like the lost puppy in conversation. Speaking of puppy i hope sparkys okay i love dogs and if anything happens to him it will be the saddest thing in the entire serious minus wandas overdose. Wanda reassuring reader about sparky was adorable
Im having to take breaks while writing this cos im in a waiting lobby for an appointment 💀
Finally yelena reader and kate. My first thought is reader’s reaction is totally out of proportion they slept together sure but its in the past and yelena clearly has no interest in kate anymore id understand if they were really close with a flirty relationship and there were feelings involved for both parties but its not and yelena has stayed with reader even when she arguably shouldn’t so there is nothing to worry about, but i do get the fact that reader has been cheated on before so that worry is there. Correct me if im wrong but i think reader is more upset yelena didnt tell her more than it happened, but in all honesty I don’t think they’ve really talked about their past in that way not to mention reader was sleeping with wanda so im not sure why they’re so mad. And to ruin yelenas night is a bit shitty not gonna lie. I genuinely don’t think kate meant to create a problem but as a proud member of team wanda i kinda like it 😂. Also thank you for having reader realise they don’t know yelena that well. I touched on it after the last chapter that both of them had changed since college and i said i felt yelena was more in love with who reader was then and the idea of them than who they are now and the fact they got away from her then. I think this chapter shows its also true for reader, its easy for them to fall into a relationship with yelena cos of the past but they don’t really know each other anymore. It just seems like they’re settling both of them too lost in thoughts of what could’ve been and its not right for either of them.
I still think reader needs therapy but i think that goes without saying now 😂
And i adore wanda #teamwanda
I'm gonna have to bullet point my replies lol
I'm glad my research paid off. The detail though about therapist just taking notes while you're talking.. that's a personal observation for me. I think it's quite rude. I think a good therapist's priority is to listen to you. I hope more and more will be just attentive, cause I think at the end of the day, we just want to feel like someone's really listening to how we feel.
i'm gonna bookmark just the whole thing about being made of stars. you should consider giving writing a try if you haven't :) and im on my way to googling those lyrics right now
Agatha-i wrote her to be thoroughly loyal to Wanda cause she needs that
Sparky will be okay and I swear I will never kill an animal in any of my fics :)
Correct me if im wrong but i think reader is more upset yelena didnt tell her more than it happened - Yup, you got that right.
genuinely don’t think kate meant to create a problem - correct once again. she's just clumsy and awkward. kinda like the kate bishop we know from Hawkeye
Also thank you for having reader realise they don’t know yelena that well - which is also a basis for her reaction when she found out about kate and yelena. and it's going to be explored more in the next chapter
Your insights are gold as always. I find myself nodding a lot to a lot of your observations. I'm glad that you always catch the little details i subtly include in the narrative. Well done.
Oh, Wanda. (yeah i adore her too)
thank you for reading the latest chapter and sharing your thoughts. love love love hearing from you as always
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cobrakaisb · 4 years
hi bestie! i’ve had this idea for a while, but i haven’t seen it. can you do like a head cannon of what miguel, robby, and eli/hawk would be like as an older brother? it can be totally based off what you think :) thank you <3
of course! sorry it took me a while but i needed to to be perfect. i also added two bonus boys at the end (hope you don’t mind). little note: i wrote this with a fem reader in mind because of the mentions of periods. 
Having the Cobra Kai boys as older brothers
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you and miguel are so close
the age difference does not affect him at all
he is very protective of you before cobra kai
but once he joins cobra kai that over protectiveness 📈📈📈
let’s just say that this kid is bothering you
miguel definitely notices and scares them off
you act annoyed about it, but you’re highkey grateful that he did that
“my brother is the all valley champ so back the fuck off”
you were so excited for him at the all valley
you wore one of his cobra kai shirts and everything
miguel is so supportive of whatever extra curricular you do
karate? yes he stans, theater? you bet he’s at all your shows, dance? you know he’s bringing you some flowers, another sport? he’s at every game cheering for you
miguel knows about periods, and he has no shame in buying you tampons/pads
“hey y/n, i noticed you were running low so i got you some more” 🥺🥺 
you wear his hoodies all the time
they are very big on you, but very comfy
you help him with sam
“i punched her in the face” “what why?”
“y/n what do you think about this?” “it looks great miguel. sam will love it”
when he dates tory you're a little on edge about it
“miguel, weren’t you like trying to win sam back two days ago?” “i like tory now” “okayy” 
johnny loves you as much as he loves miguel
y’all hang out together
his friends are your friends and vice versa
your friends definitely think that miguel is cute but “eww that’s my brother”
when miguel is in the coma you blame johnny
“he showed mercy because of you! you did this!”
but then you cry into his chest
when miguel wakes up you’re at school
you don’t find out until after school when carmen picks you up
you hug him so tight, rambling about how much you love him
“i love you too y/n now get off me”
you can’t keep up with his love life
“y/n i’m with sam again” “what?” 
overall your bond is amazing and you couldn’t ask for a better brother
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you and robby both live with your mother (because we aren’t basic here)
you’re the odd one out (your mom does drugs and robby sells them)
“you got caught with molly? i thought you and sara were hooking up?” “the drug y/n”
when robby starts being friends with those punk kids, the two of you start to drift
you actually go to school, unlike him
“just skip y/n” “no robby”
it isn’t until he gets back on track because of daniel that you two start getting close again
“i’m gonna get back on track y/n i promise” and you believe him
you go to the skatepark with him
he skates while you read or draw or skate (whatever you’re into tbh)
when you’re on your period robby will buy you stuff, but he doesn’t like to
he feels so awkward about it
“um are these the right ones?” “yes thank you”
robby gives the best hugs (idk why he just does)
i feel like robby is also really good at reading emotions
like he knows when you’ve had a bad day at school or when you’re stressed about something
he also knows how to cheer you up :)))
“i know you did not just eat cereal with water???” “and what about it?”
when your mom comes back after being gone for days robby pulls you behind him
because he really doesn’t want you to be exposed to that
you cry into robby’s chest once she leaves
“why can’t she just be our mom?”
when daniel asks robby to move in with him he denies
but quickly explains that he can’t leave you
daniel tells robby that you can come too
“thanks for helping my brother mr.larusso, i really appreciate it”
you definitely walk in on robby and sam making out at some point
“hey robby- oh my god i’m so sorry” slaps hand over eyes and immediately leaves the room
when robby pushes miguel off the balcony it's the first time you’re genuinely scared of him
you visit him in jail, but it takes awhile for you to go
“i’m sorry y/n” “i know robby”
you just understand each other
when robby joins cobra kai he tries to get you in too
you agree to one lesson, and know it’s not for you
you have many arguments about this
“he’s brainwashing you!” “he knows what’s best for me, for us!”
robby feels so betrayed when he finds out you’re staying with johnny
the two of you definitely drift after that, but you find your way back to each other, you always do
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okay so before he flips the script you defend eli, no matter what
you cry with him about the bullies and definitely try to fight kyler more than once
you wear his sweaters (fight me on it)
you encourage him to do karate
when he flips the script you’re very happy for him he finally feels confident in himself and you love that for him
now the roles are reversed
hawk protects you now
no one even dares to look at you because they are scared of him
i feel like he has a tattoo for you, whether that's your name or your favorite flower idk but he gets one for you
“um wow okay we’re doing that now” “do you like it or not?” “yeah but i wasn’t expecting it”
sometimes he’ll let you pick his hair color “how about purple” “maybe” 😉
he definitely flirts with your friends “hello ladies!” “hi hawk!” “get out!”
you’re the only one that is allowed to call him eli
“eli i need ten dollars?” “for what?” “a snack” *hands over the money*
“eli can i have your sweatshirt? i’m cold” “yeah take it”
“i can’t, me and eli are going to the movies today”
one day you’re sitting with him and his minions (you refuse to call them friends) at lunch
“so eli” -one of the cobra kais “shut the fuck up! you can’t call him that!” -you
hawk has a proud brother moment
anything that you do hawk is like “fuck yeah that’s my sibling!”
his friends are not allowed to look at you, talk to you, have a crush on you, or even think about you
“woah dude she’s hot” “that’s my fucking sister! stay away from her!”
“eli who’s your friend-” “NO!” 
as eli he will buy you period products but is very shy about it
as hawk he will not be caught dead in that isle of cvs
“eli i need them!” “i don’t care! i’ll drive you there and you can run in and get them”
when hawk breaks demetri’s arm you don't speak to him for weeks
you confront him about his new behavior
“this is who i am!” “no it’s not! you’re not my brother!” 
you’re crying and then storm off to your room
that breaks him
is highkey the start of his redemption
when he’s at the fight at the larusso house, and he sees demetri about to get his arm broken, he thinks of your words: “you're not my brother!”
literally motivates him to fix things
you see hawk and demitri and just know that your brother is back
you hug him so tight
“you were right y/n. i’m sorry” “of course i was. i’m always right” “gee thanks” “love you”  
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bonus demetri:
he is a nerd, you are a nerd
the two of you watch star wars, marvel, harry potter, etc. together 
“daddy anakin” “please shut the fuck up”
you want to punch him in the face because he is so sarcastic 
it gets on your nerves 
bust out laughing when johnny makes fun of his pi shirt 
“stop laughing” “if it’s funny i'm gonna laugh”
even though you’re a nerd you’re cool 
like you have a lot of friends in your grade 
“demetri if i don’t talk to you at the halloween party that’s why” gestures to his costume 
listen to his rants about how eli’s changed 
you try to give him advice, but it doesn’t work out
so proud of him when he joins miyagi-do
“i'm glad you’re stepping out of your comfort zone” 
demetri tries to get you to join miyagi-do
if you do join great more sibling bonding
if you don’t join no biggie y’all are still besties
y’all go to the comic book store together
its sibling bonding time
you threaten to fight hawk after the laser tag thing 
“hey asshole you leave my brother alone!” 
you sign his cast first
you definitely write some inside joke that only the two of you understand
you see him kissing yas and do a whole 🤮
“so you dating yas?” “idk why” “just checking”
very obvious about your distaste for her
when him and hawk become friends again you’re very wary
“he broke your arm” “he apologized” “he broke your arm!!!”
eventually you and hawk are on semi decent terms
“demetri forgave you and that’s fine but i’m still not over it”
your relationship = the perfect mix of love and teasing  
bonus bonus king bert 🙌🏻:
you are older than him by like a year
but you’re still besties for life 
you’re very proud of him when he joins cobra kai
“im joining a karate dojo” “period pop off”
you always ruffle his hair 
cheer for him at the all valley
“yeah bert!”
but also like you can’t watch 
when he gets eliminated you cringe 
he’s sad about it 
“i just wanted to impress you” “im very impressed bert, you did great” 
your opinion matters so much to him
he’s such a small cinnamon roll 🥺🥺
seeing him with the older cobra kai boys makes you soft
“y/n i’m going out with hawk and miguel can you drive me?” 
bert admires you a lot, like you are his hero
y’all are the best sibling duo and that’s on period
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
Fatgum As a Dad
This was inspired by a conversation I had on a discord server, we all have daddy issues and want Fatgum to adopt us so here’s all the shit we collected.
There are some serious themes in here, mostly regarding the biological parents of the kid, but it’s vague as possible. If anyone wants me to add a trigger warning please let me know.
It all started when he was a kid, when he learned what an orphanage was. One of the kids in his class mentioned being from one, so when he got home he asked his parents about it. 
“Mom, what’s an orphanage?”
“Well, Taishiro, it’s where children that don’t have parents go. Then people can come and adopt the children. Why do you ask.”
“A kid at school said he’s from one, when d’you think he’s gonna get adopted?”
“He might, not all children get adopted. Some of them stay in the orphanage until they’re adults.”
“Well, honey, life’s not fair. And not everyone gets a happy life. It’s how most villains are made, actually. They were hurt more than everyone else and couldn’t handle it anymore. Not all villains are like that but many are. I think you should stay away from that kid, Taishiro. He might turn out a villain.”
But he didn’t stay away. And he made it his mission to become a pro hero so he could make a ton of money and help as many people as he could. He’d help even villains, keep them from doing something dangerous and inspire hope in them.
Then, he’d adopt any kid who needed a father. All the orphanages and foster programs would be empty. Homeless children off the street and in his house, being fed and clothed. He’d care for each and every one of them, not wanting a single person to feel like they didn’t belong. 
He finds most of his kids at pride parades. He walks around with a shirt that says ‘FREE DAD HUGS’ and a box full of candy. He remembered one of the kids walking up to him slowly.
“Um.. are you Fatgum?” 
“Yes I am!”
“Can I have a hug?”
“Yes you can, Kiddo!” he got down, and the kid put his arms on his stomach (Fatgum’s too big for anyone to fully hug, the dude’s taller than Allmight!) he wrapped his arms around the kid before he heard sniffles. He looked down and saw that the kid was crying.
“M-my parents never hug me like this!” they exclaimed. “They haven’t since I came out. They want to kick me out when I turn thirteen!” 
“Can I have their number? I’m going to... talk to them.”
He ended up taking the kid’s family to court, and since the parents were going to just kick the kid out anyways, they let Fatgum adopt them, but they kept nagging him about how he was ‘going to be raising a little demon.’
“Then call me Lucifer.” he spat right back. Now, that kid’s grown up, has pride flags all around their walls, and doesn’t ever doubt that they’re loved.
Fatgum probably bakes with his kids. Helping them up onto the counter to mix ingredients and play with the dough. If they mess something up or break a glass, it’s fine. He doesn’t yell at them or sigh and shake his head, he just kissed the kid on the forehead and helps them clean up the mess. 
The food always turns out amazing, and Fatgum always tells the kids that. All of his kids are now Gordon Ramsay level chefs and have probably met Gordon Ramsay. 
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No matter what their body type is, Fatgum tells his kids their handsome/beautiful and are model worthy. If anyone comments of one of his kid’s body, whether it be negative or... ‘positive’ in a creepy way, you can expect that they’re getting slammed into the ground. No questions asked.
One of Fatgum’s kids is really good at make-up. Like, really good. So Fatgum did the only thing a rational father would do. 
Ask for a make-up job.
It didn’t end all that well...
“Hold still.. I gotta get the eyeliner on.”
“Gosh, Kiddo it’s making my eyes water.” 
“I know, just hold still... aaaand...... done! Now don’t touch it or it’ll smear!”
“Wow, that looks great! You’re really good at this!”
“Thanks, dad- you smeared it already didn’t you?”
Fatgum: I'm not gonna do it, it just seemed like a good option. 
Fatgum not even two seconds later after seeing a trans kid crying: now carrying said child on his shoulders while his spouse is chuckling in a corner after signing adoption papers I did it.
This man would get his kids almost anything they wanted. Especially kids with ADD/ADHD/Autism/Tourettes/Anxiety who need stim toys.
Kid: chewing on their nails.
Fatgum: here take this stim toy, and this one, you chew this one so that might help-
Kid ends up with more stim toys than they can count.
Fatgum: just doing his job 
The Daddy Issues Gang: Hi dad- oh shit wait- Hi- I- fuck- trauma ensues. crying
Fatgum: grabs the daddy issues gang we're going to the nearest courtroom say hello to your new father its me im the father ok lets go.
Kid: um, dad can I talk to you? 
 Fatgum, turning around quickly: yes? 
 Me: ‘he moved so quick, he's mad at me, I'm gonna get yelled at’ Sorry, sorry! 
Fatgum: uh, no. I'm getting you ice cream and a new stuffed animal no questions asked
He'd just know when something's wrong, and he’d be great at comforting.
His usual style of comfort is to let the kid sit on his stomach and tell him what’s wrong. His body is one giant pillow for his kids to lay on, he can fit at least eight of them if they cuddle in closely.
Once filmed a commercial dressed as the Cool-Aid man, and all of his kids were in the commercial.
Fatgum: Busts down wall  “OH YEAH!”
Director: “And CUT! Okay, try a little more aggressive-”
Fatgum, in tears: “I don’t wanna scare my kids.”
As stated before, if anyone makes his kids feel bad he’s punching them to the ground, but sometimes he’s not in a position where he can do that. Like if a Karen mom ever comes over.
"Linda stop bringing lemon squares if you're going to talk about my son that way because they're just as sour as your attitude."
Fatgum but he slaps the toxic members of your family and tells them to do better or he's taking you.
Then takes you anyway because you prefer him.
Fatgum with a sweater that says ‘mr dad guy on it’
Fatgum definitely watches ATLA, and quotes Uncle Iroh daily. When his kids are minding their own business they suddenly hear
“Leaves from the vine... falling so slow...” 
Fatgum agency cosplayed ATLA characters on Halloween.
Fatgum was Iroh.
Kirishima was Sokka.
Tamaki was either Momo or Appa.
Maybe get a couple others in on it too, Mirio could be Aang and if Kirishima convinces Todoroki to join for a while he’d totally be Zuko.
Fatgum lets his kids squish his face.
Fatgum used to work with a hero who was hard of hearing, so he learned sign language to help them, and he’s got the skill saved in case one of his kids might be deaf.
So one day, Kirishima invites Bakugou on patrol with him, and we all love that headcanon of Bakugou going deaf, so when he gets pissed at something, he starts insulting everyone around him in SL.
Fatgum notices and starts signing back to him.
Hey, now, let’s calm down and not call everyone motherfuckers.
Everyone thinks that they’re doing magic, because they’re making all these shapes with their hands and keep looking offended at each other.
Now, Fatgum tries his gosh darn hardest to keep up with the memes, so when his kids come home with good grades, he says “That’s so pog, Kiddo!”
All of his kids are embarrassed.
In the middle of a battle, he throws Kirishima at a villain and they both scream “YEET!” the villain afterwords forever lives in fear of the word ‘yeet’ because he thinks it’ll result in a human rock being thrown at his face.
Fatgum can’t text very well, because his fingers are just too damn big-
Translation: so his texts look like this
you learn to understand his texts
Someone better get him a large tablet instead of a phone
If he gets married after he adopts the kids, there’s going to be a huge competition over who does the rings and who does the flowers etc.
If any of his kid’s ever bring home a romantic partner, you can bet your ass he’ll be all over them.
“What’s your average grade?”
“E-eighty percent sir!”
“And do you take sports?”
“No sir, I wish to be a biologist.”
“I see, I see...”
“SORRY, KIDDO! I’LL LET THEM GO NOW! I’ve got my fucking eyes on you. Don’t screw this up.”
Hope y’all enjoy this, if y’all want I can write some headcanons for if Fatgum’s kid becomes a villain-
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
choir and kisses
a niki x reader school au, where there in choir together and have a project to work on. maybe they kiss? maybe
this baisically inspired my school au tbh
Niki sat in her choir class, exhausted from her previous class. The kids were just too much to be around and didn't have the mental strength to deal with them sometimes. She opened her choir folder, putting it on her stand.
“Yo niki, you good?'' Wilbur says, sitting down next to her. “I'm fine, but Wilbur, you're not in this class. I thought you were in orchestra.” she answers, looking at the tall man. “I am, I just don't have a class right now so I decided to visit you.” niki nodded. “Oh right, seniors have free hours sometimes.” he nodded at niki’s statement, opening his phone. “Texting sally?” niki asks, making Wilbur blush. “No no I'm not.” niki laughs, turning to the front of the room when the bell rings.
“Alright everyone, we will be doing a group project today! Your gonna do a presentation of a musical and then sing a duet together! Your partners are posted on google classroom.” niki opened her phone, seeing who she was partnered with. Wilbur just sighed, staring at niki. “Mind if i hang with you and your partner?” wilbur asks. Niki nodded. “Yeah its fine. Seems like I'm partnered with your sibling!” wilbur just started laughing. “What are you laughing at?” he calmed down slightly. “It's just that you have the biggest crush on them, it's gonna be so funny.” niki blushed. “I don't have a crush on them! We’re friends, I don't like them like that wilbur.” he just laughed at this. “Niki, your blushing!” niki huffed. 
“Wilbur leave Nikki alone, besides we need to do work!” niki turned to see (y/n) yelling at their brother. “I'm still pissed at you for leaving me to deal with techno and tommy.” Wilbur laughs nervously. “I'll do your chores if you don't tell dad.” “deal!” (y/n) sits in the empty seat next to nikki.
“So, what musical do you want to do for the project? Note that we do have to do a duet.” (y/n) says, setting their folder down. “Maybe we could maybe do into the woods? It takes two isn't that hard of a song to do.” niki suggests. “Yeah, we can do that!” niki and (y/n) started to work on their presentation, getting what they needed before they had to leave for class. Wilbur occasionally budded in, bored out of his mind. 
“Maybe you should have chosen a different class wilbs. Maybe bother tommy.” (y/n) says, listening to the song they were gonna do. “I dont wanna hang out with Tommy, he's always bothering me about my music.” he crosses his arms and sinks into his chair. “Oh calm down, he's just excited.” niki says, gathering information on her phone. “Niki, you don't have any siblings, shoosh.” niki just laughs. 
Things went on like this, right until the class was nearly over. “Oh, niki, you should come over tonight to finish the project. We could practice the song as well!” (y/n) says, moving their chair for the orchestra class that was next. “Yeah, that would be great! I could come over after school?” niki asks. “Yeah, we can walk home together! Gotta make sure to leave Wilbur behind though, he would constantly complain if he were to come along.`` We laugh together. The bell soon rings. “Alright, see you after class ends!” (y/n) says, picking up their stuff. “See you then!” niki puts away her stuff and leaves soon after.
Class went on, (y/n) very excited that niki would be coming over, yet also very nervous. They knew Wilbur would just say something. (y/n) turned to techno, who was in their english class. “Techno, did you read the book we were supposed to read?” technoblade turned to them. “(y/n), this is the second time you're taking this class and you didn't read the book? Again?” (y/n) just glares at him. “I don't like the book, okay! Anyway, did you read it?” techno just sighs, nodding. (y/n) smiled. “Oh thank god! Okay, help me with the essay then.” techno agrees, knowing if they didn't pass, he would get in trouble for not helping.
After a half hour, the bell rings, signalling that school has ended. (y/n) picks up their things, heading to their locker. They see niki waiting for them there. “Did you get out of class early?” (y/n) asked, unlocking the locker. “Yeah, I asked the teacher and she said it was fine!” (y/n) shoves their things into their bag. “Well that's nice of her! Anyways, we better get moving or one of my brothers would force us to ride home with them.” niki nodded, closing (y/n)’s locker for them. They walked down the stairs, heading out of one of the school's many doors.
They walked home, talking about random things as they went along. “You ever think about getting run over when your crossing the road?” niki stared at (y/n), concerned at their comment. “No? Are you okay?” (y/n) nodded. “Yeah im fine.”
After ten minutes, they reach the minecrafts home, noticing that they weren't home yet. “Oh thank god, i forgot they had to pick up tubbo as well.” (y/n) says, opening the door. They both walked inside the dark home. “Im gonna get us some food, just head up to my room!” (y/n) says, taking off their shows and heading to the kitchen. “Alright!” niki says, taking of her own shoes and heading upstairs. Niki spotted a door that had the progressive flag on it. “Oh thats new!” niki says, entering (y/n)’s room. “Wow, their rooms changed since I was last here.
(y/n)’s room was painted (f/c), and had drawings and posters all over the room. They had a desk, with their pc and art stuff atop it. Their bed was unmade, having stuffed animals all over the place. Niki spotted a whale plushie seated on their pillow. “Aww they kept it!” niki had given it to them years ago, so she found it sweet that it was still there.
(y/n) soon came up, holding a bunch of snakes and some cokes. “Sorry this is all we had, tommy wont let us buy anything else.” (y/n) says, handing niki the coke. “Oh, that's alright!” they sit down on (y/n)’s bed. (y/n) sat their snakes on their desk, so as not to spill them all over. 
“Okay, we need to actually put the presentation together. You have the notes right?” niki nodded, grabbing her phone while (y/n) sat at their pc, not too far from the pink haired girl. “Okay, so we have-” they did this for a while, niki reading the notes while (y/n) wrote them into the google slide. It soon got to the part where they had to sing their song. 
“Okay, so I'll be the baker, and you can be the other one.” (y/n) says, opening the song for them to sing. “Okay, i can do that!'' They started the song, getting ready to sing.
“(Y/N) ARE YOU WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND???” (y/n) stops the song. “I swear to god I will kill tommy. NO JACKASS, WE’RE NOT DATING!!” niki tries to stifle a laugh. “ARE YOU SURE????'' Tommy responds, still downstairs. (y/n) glares at the laughing niki. “Sorry sorry.” niki says, still laughing. “IM POSITIVE, NOW SHUT UP WE’RE TRYING TO DO SOMETHING!!'' Tommy responds immediately. “ARE YOU TWO HAVING SEX??” niki chokes on her own spit, while (y/n) blushes profusely. “OH THAT'S IT, COME HERE YOU LITTLE BITCH!!” (y/n) says, jumping out of their chair, running downstairs to attack the child. Niki leaves as well, wanting to see (y/n) beat up a child.
She comes down the stairs to see (y/n) putting Tommy in a choke hold while techno cheered them on. Niki stands next to techno.
"Apologize! I'll take your Cds if you don't!!!" "No no not my disks!!"
Niki turns towards techno. "Does this regularly happen?" Techno nodded as a response. Niki turned back, seeing Tommy try to bite (y/n). "OH STOP IT RACOON CHILD!!" philza soon comes In and breaks them apart. "Awwe my free entertainment.'' Techno says. "Oh calm down. Tommy, please stop annoying your sibling. This is why you get choked.” Tommy pouts. “Okay phil.” philza glares at the young child. “Also, (y/n), next time, just punch him in the throat. You've learned from techno.” “HEY!'' Tommy says, offended. (y/n) laughs, “okay, will do dadza. Oh, what time is it?” techno looked at his phone. “Its close to 9 pm.” (y/n) pouts, going over to niki and clinging onto her. “Noooo, it can't be her time to leave.” niki giggles, patting (y/n)’s head. “I have to leave. I'll come over soon, okay?” (y/n) nodds, letting go. 
They go upstairs together, grabbing nikkis stuff. They go back downstairs to the front door. (y/n) and niki hug each other. “Are you coming back tomorrow?” (y/n) asked, letting go. “Yeah, we did never got to actually practice the song! I'll be over at 4 pm, like always.” (y/n) nodds. “Okay, well, see you tomorrow?” niki nodded, leaning over and kissing (y/n) on the cheek, making them blush. “Yep! See ya, bye!” she says, opening the door and closing it, leaving (y/n) a mess.
“Yep…” they say to themself, smiling happily. “YES!!!! I TOLD YOU THEIR GIRLFRIENDS!! PUSSY DIDN'T EVEN KISS HER THEMSELF HAHA!!” (y/n) turned around, running towards tommy. “COME BACK HERE AND SAY IT TO MY FACE YOU LITTLE BITCH!”
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toxicbubblegum212 · 3 years
Maze runner ~ The girl that broke all the rules ~ Part 1
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~ Back story ~
You got lost in the maze a long time ago. You have no idea how long it been, you estimated around a couple years. It was very hard being cut off from all the people that you loved especially Alby. He was like your big brother when you first came up in the box.
You regret that day that you aimlessly ran into the maze. You were upset cause everyone doubted you and treat you like a nuisance. But this was your opportunity to change, to improve or die trying at least.
Everyone in the Glade gave up on you a long time ago. When you ran into the maze you were only 13.
~ In the Present ~
(your currently 16)
You were running around the maze as usually, enjoying the wind brushing against your cheeks and licking at loose strands of hair. You grew to like the Maze, sure you would never get out of it but why would you need to.
You arrived at a large crack in one particular wall, it was small enough to squeeze in a human but not any where near close enough for a griever which made your home perfect.
You make your way through feeling the cold cement press against your back. Once on the other side you met the marvellous wonder you called The heart of the maze. It was stunning, there were crystals scattered all over the cave, they glowed and shone bright like the stars in the sky. You found peace and comfort in the beauty of this cave. However that doesn't mean you still don't have times when you think back all those years ago. When you could remember Newt and Alby when you arrived in the box. How kind they were to you compared to all the other boys that slowly appeared. Sometimes you look a crystals and they remind you of them.
You look through your supplies, noticing that you might need to find or make new clothes. Food was never a worry, there were many exotic fruits that grew on the vines around your area. Once sorting through all your stuff you finally decided you might as well call it a day. You made your way over to your make shift bed, curled up and went to sleep.
(a couple hours later)
"Help ME MINHO!....MINHOOO shit!!!" you heard shouting echoing through out the maze. Sit up quietly sneaking your way over to the crack popping you head out. "THUD THUD THUD!" footsteps?..no its a Griever! You quickly start trying to locate where the commotion was coming from. You peak around a corner leading into section 3, you couldn't see anything till something caught your eye. Two eyes staring back at you from under some vines in a cut out hide away.
You head quickly starts whipping around looking left, right, up and down. Before you finally made your way over "Hey come on we can't stay here forever." you yank them out and start tugging what you now knew was a boy back to your hide out. "Wait please we must find my friend!", "He ditched you i don't see why you wanna go back for him" your voice was laced with venom. The boy looked a bit upset.."Fine but don't be surprised if i leave you behind." A smile appears as you follow him further into the maze. You did not like this idea one bit, Grievers where crawling all over these parts of the maze. But Surely enough you find the boys friend a muscular asian guy, he looks very tired and weary. "Alright follow me" you wave them over, "Wait who are you?" the buff boy asked "Thats can be answered later, if you wanna survive the night i suggest you focus..." he grew silent.
You successfully reached the wall crack without bumping into anymore Grievers. "After you" you gestured towards the entrance. The two looked at each other a bit sceptical. "Fine i'll go first!" you step through as the others closely followed behind.
"WOW this place is amazing!" The buff boy stated out loud and proud, "How could i have missed such a beautiful place?" both boys look astonished at the sight before them. "Do you live here?" one of them asked. "Why of course how else would i have survived this long" you chuckled flopping down on your bed of fur skins. "My names Thomas..whats yours...um if you don't mind me asking" the boy looked down shyly. "Y/N my names Y/N". The buff one's face looked shocked"..no way! Are you THE girl from the Glade! You name's engraved on our wall!!" the boy looked very very excited ecstatic even. "Sorry how rude of me my names Minho" he smiles softly. "Its fine and yes i was from the glade...thought it was a very long time ago." Both of them smile brightly at you. "We have heard stories about you Y/N" Thomas spoke. "The Glader's say that you ran into the maze when your only just 13, they said that it was your own stupidity that was your greatest down fall. And nobody even thought about the possibility the you could be alive." Thomas now looked a bit sad speaking such harsh words.
"Well you know what Thomas...there a bunch of assholes!" you huff. Minho chuckled in amusement "You could say that again". "Come with us back to the Glade Y/N!" Thomas pleaded. "NO!" "Why not?!?" Thomas questioned. "Cause...i don't want too! If i wanted to go back there i would have done so a long time a go!" you state sternly.
"I heard about how some of the boys treated you in the glade, and im truly sorry. But things have changed and im sure everyone would be happy to see you." Minho chimed. "How did you two even get stuck in here in the first place.?" Thomas laughs at Minho's sharp glare "It's cause this Greenie wanted to go sight seeing...in the maze!" he says sarcastically and a very annoyed tone.
"Well lets discuss it over some dinner shall we" you get up walking deeper into the cave to go retrieve some vegetables, meats and fruits.
The boys eyes lingered on you, "She is so important to the people of the glade and she doesn't even realise it ." Minho states "I agree, i think she gives us a good fighting chance to get out." Thomas responds.
You came back with some bowls of nice warm stew. The three of you sat eating, laughing and just genuinely enjoyed each others company. " Oh um feel free to sleep on my bed" you spoke. "What about you?" Thomas looked concerned. "Im not sure but ill be fine" you smiled. "No please stay it makes me feel bad" Thomas pleaded once more. "Fine" you were starting to think that Thomas is annoying but he means well. Which in return made you smile.
As the finished there meals you took there bowls and asked them to get comfortable on your stash of fur rugs. When you came back of course they made room for you and it had to be in the middle. Thomas pats the spot encouraging you. You made your way over and proceeded to start curling up in furs and trying to drift off to sleep.
10 minutes pass and Minho's sleep soundly. You could now see his features. You admit Minho was decently handsome and his personality was charming. "Hey..." you heard Thomas whisper grabbing you attention. You turnover towards him "Hey whats up Thomas?" Thomas eyes looked beautiful in that moment, you could see all the pretty colours around the cave reflecting. "I am the Greenie back at the glade, i ran into the maze too and im probably gonna get into a lot of trouble....my point is you and me are one in the same." you stay silent continuing to listen. Thomas leans closer resting his forehead on yours. "Y/N i just wanna hold you...i know that might sound strange but since you dragged me out of those vines i can't help but marvel at you." you smile a big wide genuine smile. "You look pretty when you do that" Thomas commented he slowly wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you closer to him. You didn't fight it, his chest was very warm and surprisingly strong. "This is your safe place, if you ever need it feel free to come find me" Thomas said finally looking back up into your eyes. To your surprise Thomas kisses your cheek, then he slowly goes for lips and starts progressing down wards. You can feel passion and love admitting from him. He kisses you softly along your jaw line, neck and collarbone. "All i want is you Y/N...."
Like for part 2
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azucanela · 4 years
Dating korra would include
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SUMMARY: life with korra from confession to marriage
WARNINGS: no major spoilers 
A/N: SOMEONE WITH T A S T E, i hope you don’t mind but i kinda just did the same thing i did for my zuko headcannons so feel free to scroll straight to the during the relationship bit if you just want dating korra h/c :D 
also i have 300 followers now what, i literally had 200 like yesterday hi everyone <3 um i really need to start pulling out all the stops
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she’s a simp.
that’s it. thats the headcannon. she has literally liked you since she met you and has said nothing, but you probably know since she’s so damn OBVIOUS ABOUT IT
korra is very in tuned with her emotions so when she realizes she likes you she’s pretty okay with it, a little more flustered during your interactions, but after a while her goal is to make you feel how she feel which is flustered.
she has no shame though, she knows she is hot and she wants you to know she thinks you are hot
lots of flirting on her end, so naturally you kinda begin to think she is joking and think nothing of it
this was not her intent, and now that you are desensitized to her flirting and not reacting flustered like you did when she first started she is frustrated™
you were not understanding that she very much likes you
she hasn’t said anything outright to you about it though, which is the main reason you are like lol this is a joke, my crush fake flirts with me i am okay
spoiler alert: you are not okay with this it hurts ow
so now shes getting ridiculously affectionate with you, which, tbh, she always was, but not its RIDICULOUS, korra is out here throwing an arm around your shoulder, randomly grabbing your hand, kissing your cheek
shes trying really hard to get her point across like really really hard
like painfully hard
if she likes you its probably because your fun, like you really spice up her life and introduce her to new things and go on really dumb adventures and really important missions with her and you put up with her and wow now korra is simping oops
you’re also probably forcing her to stay healthy, since i honestly think that despite having such an appetite, korra will forget to eat and take care of herself sometimes.
she is so bad at drinking water i swear to goD
there are two situations here
situation one is where korra finally realizes that you CANNOT READ SIGNALS AT ALL and decides she going to be upfront with you about her feelings
she’s either going to just flat out kiss you next time she sees you or spill all her emotions, of both in no particular order
you’re like reading in your room in the air temple, just vibing, and you see her coming towards you with a determined look on her face and you’re like ??? lol okay
you go back to reading only to have her hand reach under you jaw and she brings you into a kiss and now you’re like LOL OKAY
you honestly think that this is just another one of her stunts to get you flustered and means nothing
and then she pulls apart and just starts spilling her feelings and you’re like :O omg me too 
and she’s like, “great, we’re dating now.” and suddenly she’s kissing you again, and between kisses you’re like, “im sorry what?”
“you heard me. do you have a problem with that?”
you just kiss her again
situation two is where you get sick of her and realize woah she may or may not be in love with you and so you confront her, and now there is a lot of yelling because you are frustrated™ and like screw you korra
you honestly think she is either madly in love with you and just doing this as a joke, and you genuinely think the latter is more like so you lowkey start crying and korra immediately begins to panic
she’s like, “why would i ever joke about that! i’ve literally been trying to get that through your thick skull this whole time!”
this time you kiss her first and korra is throwing a party in her head but she also feels really bad for making you cry oops
okay so korra happens to be very much a simp
and you happen to be very much the mom friend™ it doesn’t matter if you are a boy girl or none of the above, that is your trademark my friend
she’s very affectionate and now that the two of you are dating she is at a whole new level.
important meeting? you are in her lap she does not care. war meeting? she is cuddling you as you explain the plans of attack and DAMN DO YOU LOOK GOOD DOING it
since being the avatar is MUCH more a political position now though, she does try to keep your relationship slightly on the down low, even before you were dating, you both had reporters constantly asking about your relationship and she doesn’t really like that
they are nosy and she does not approve. korra understands wanting to know about her avatar duties, but anything outside of that in regards to her personal life annoys her
loves kissing you, and when she does it tends to be intense and passionate. after a particularly tough day though, her kisses can either be slow and sensual because she just wants to have a nice soft and domestic day with you
they can be harsh and almost brutish, she will get rough with you because she is highkey pissed at everything that day and making out you with is her stress reliever
really likes cuddling and anything domestic in general. she’s really happy with you, and she kinda has all the love languages
she seeks validation when the press is particularly harsh since being the avatar is HARD and as much as she wants to, she cannot please anyone, so please tell her she is doing amazing
so many acts of service up in here, she will randomly do stuff for you, spontaneity is kinda her vibe ya know
very vocal and expressive about her feelings, communication is key with her
arguments aren’t a rarity tbh, but when they do happen they tend to be more of debates over little things like what’s better, pineapple pizza or no?
major fights tend to end poorly since she can be a little stubborn when it comes to such things, but she will admit she was wrong and apologize IF she was wrong
if she wasn’t wrong but the argument got out of hand, she’ll apologize for that but will affirm her correctness
kiss her scars, she has them, and she is proud of them but 
support her at her pro bending matches and she will DIE, so happy, literally sososososososo happy, hugs you, loves you, yes
treats you as an equal no matter what, even if people think that as the avatar she should see herself as something more than
very protective of you.
like if someone flirts with you, she is clingy x10. if someone hits on you despite your protests, she HITS them. if someone threatens to hurt you, she promises to end them. 
she’s gonna realize she wants to propose when she almost loses you, or in the middle of a battle. when the reality of potentially losing you hits her she is gonna realize she wants to live out the rest of her life by your side, protecting you
situation one is where she literally, in the MIDDLE OF BATTLE, without a ring, just proposes. you are being a baddie, bending if you are a bender, fighting the opposing enemy, looking MIGHTY FINE while doing it
“marry me.”
you falter, nearly getting hit as your head whips over to her and you’re like, “ARE YOU SERIOUS?”
and she throws a giant rock at the opposition, temporarily indisposing them, “yes?? why wouldn’t i be.”
Someone comes up behind you and you elbow them in the face and ram your foot into their knee, knocking them down, “RIGHT NOW?” 
she throws a whip of water in your direction and you dodge it, allowing her to take out the enemy behind you, and you throw a whole dagger at her to do the same. “that was close.” she narrows her eyes at you bc you lowkey look like you wanna kill her rn as you two hide behind a barricade for cover and an explosion washes over it, “you could’ve killed me.”
“you just about gave me a heart attack when you PROPOSED two minutes ago, need i remind you.”
korra raised a brow at you, “is that a no...?”
“do you even have a ring?”
korra gives you a look that gives you the answer and you groan, “i cannot believe you.”
“you really should’ve expected this.”
“i know.”
“i get to pick the ring then?”
“you’re probably going to plan the whole wedding.”
theres a boom from beyond the barricade you two have hidden behind as korra looks to you, “alright?”
“i’ll marry you.” you elaborate, giving her a bright smile.
situation two is more depressing lol
you have been SHOT oops, don’t die pls because korra CANNOT handle it after everything that has happened to her, so if you die she’s done
she’s kinda just sitting at your bed side and it hits her that you could die basically any day now, and she would have so many regrets
she wished she kissed you more, told you she loved you more, held you longer, spent more mornings with you and your bedhead, she wished she learnt to cook so that she could surprise you with a meal when you get home from a long day of work, she wishes she did a lot of things
she wishes you two were married.
korra is now having an existential crisis, and everyone is telling her that she has to go home, get some rest, you’ll wake up eventually, you’ll get better, but you don’t wanna wake up to korra being a mess
she knew they were right, you always scolded her for not taking care of herself, so she decided to follow some of their wishes
Korra cannot bring herself to go home, there are so many reminders of you that it hurts, and she kinda just decides she’ll stay in a hotel and wash up and such.
besides, you are her home.
after leaving the hotel, she ends up going the jeweler and buying the ring she believes screams you
when korra returns to the hospital, she contemplated proposing right then and there, before realizing that you’d probably yell at her for choosing such a ridiculous time and you already had a lot on your plate
once the two of you return home and you are in the midst of recovery, she did learn to cook, so you wouldn’t feel the need to do so, and given your situation she fears you’ll injure yourself further in the process.
you two are eating dinner and you’re babbling on about something you’d read, and she suddenly decides to get up and walk over to you, leaving you like ???
then she gets down on one knee and you are like :O
she’s like, “marry me.”
naturally, you start crying and nodding because wow this is such an intimate moment and just happiness
kissinggggg after that 
the wedding is, under NO CIRCUMSTANCE public, the most private and intimate wedding ever. korra hates reporters after her life as the avatar, she doesnt want strangers at her wedding.
any and everyone she has ever fought beside is there though, its wholesome and nice
definitely cries when she sees you at the altar
its a pretty basic wedding though, unless you prefer something over the top, the food is nice a mix of both your cultures and favorite things and there’s beautiful lighting
definitely done on air temple island, and tbh tenzin would probably walk you down the aisle because i said so
married life with her is even better, she lives for he domesticity of it all, especially lazy sunday mornings with the light filtering in and you just looking all pretty and having a lil fun
honeymoon in the spirit word lads
bolin is your number one supporter
life with korra is a 10/10 i do recommend it
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A/N: im kinda in love with korra lol this requests made me happy
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i8jisoo · 4 years
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 ⇉ skz with pregnant!reader 
changbin x reader | part three of dad!skz
↬ genre; fluff & angst for a lil bit woo
↬ warnings; talk of perinatal depression, cursing, n labor 
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u two had just freshly started an official, public relationship
ofc changbin was freaking out while he was chilling in the bathtub behind the curtain so u could pee on the test already
u two were looking at the line coming in, praying that there would be only o n e 😳
slowly the other line comes in, dark blue n clear alongside the other one
“holy fuck—“
“what do we do?” you asked, your voice wavering while setting the test back down
his hands cupped your face, giving u a soft kiss n hugging you
“we got this, we’re having a baby, baby!” he started to joke and yall burst out laughing while crying in the bathroom
the first few months were amazing
ur lil bump sprouted out n u two were so happy about it
changbin is just so attentive and excited about this pregnancy and his first born
u really couldn’t have been better with ur lil family that was starting to become realer with each day
u two r such bullies yall r like
“what happened? ur a softie now binnie!!”
n he’d say shit like, “well at least i don’t pee every hour on the clock!!”
he makes u cry one time n u use that against him everytime u want something bc he feels guilty >:)
cute lil things like asking the baby what they want to eat or talking to it before the bed
(changbin reads the baby goodnight moon one time and ur just so in love like wow 🥺)
he secretly talks to the baby when you sleep every night because hes waiting for when ur little bean will reply back with a kick or a hand
he is W H I P P E D for u n ur baby bump
nursery is already done at five months
he needs all of the boys to come over though to help him figure out the instructions 😳 these are co nfusi ngg
they notice how smiley n giggly he is when he talks about u two and looking at the finished crib hes just so proud
yall r so happy and content with ur baby that was an accident, but u guys are so happy this happened
but something changes within u
changbin notices your lack of interest in the pregnancy during ur sixth month
ur sleeping pattern was off n u would sleep for hours during the day and night
u were very irritable, not wanting changbin to cuddle with u or kiss u like he did everytime he came back from practice :(
u were always unhappy and always so moody, he just wanted u to be happy 🥺
he is so confused and worried ab u, some days ur not eating or some days u don’t even wake up in the mornings like u used to
sometimes— just sometimes he’d come back home to find u in the same spot, asleep
he’s so fucking scared when ur around seven months that he can’t hold it in anymore
“are—are you okay?” he questions u from the doorway, making u stop to look at him in the mirror
ur eyes were cold, setting down the towel u were drying ur hair with and leaving him by himself while heading into ur bedroom
“don’t you dare fucking walk away from me.”
ur s h oo k
he was really nice during the pregnancy everyday, super bubbly and kind so u were shocked to hear his upset tone
“i can and i will, i’ll just go sleep in another fuckin room.” u mumbled, changbin grabbing ur hands and turning u around to face him
u struggle for a bit while ur arguing with him and telling him to let go so u could go to sleep
“stop! i am your boyfriend, i am the only one who is going to care for you like this. i am the only one who is dying, seeing you like this. do you understand? we’ve been through seven months of this together, it was fine for awhile and now you’re fucking turning me away?”
hes shouting at this point, hes just so pissed after three months of not having answers and your attitudes and arguments, he cannot handle it
u start crying
hes quick to hold you, pulling u down to the bed so u don’t have to stand on ur tired feet anymore
“i don’t know what’s wrong with me.” 🥺🥺🥺
he insists u two will find out n u both will get thru this rough patch together
perinatal depression, they diagnosed u
changbin is so upset when he hears the doctors tell u
everything is making sense to him and he’s just so heartbroken he didn’t put two and two together earlier
he takes time off for the time being to make sure ur taking care of urself
hes watching u like a hawk but trying not to make it evident
the first time u ask him for a kiss, he gives u dozens
he hadn't been asked for kisses in so long he was so relieved 🥺
he’s constantly telling u how beautiful u r and talking to ur bump about how they have the best genes and their uncles
this man is a father already it seems
he is ur #1 face mask partner cause he buys the cute ones only because u deserve the cute ones that r ur favorite ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
cooking together is something that happens, not often but every once in awhile he will let u do small things
cut up some lettuce? sure! pour in the soup broth? of course u can! taste test his food? always.
he wants to make sure ur comfortable with him touching u or kissing u or what hes saying
“i love you.” he’s mumbling, quickly placing a kiss against the fabric of one of his own shirts that was worn by u and fit u like a dress still
he then goes up to ur cheek n presses a kiss to it, ur hand cupping his jaw and letting him kiss ur lips >.<
also u guys let out a quiet talk of pregnancy to the public, letting jyp release a notice on changbin’s absence from live-streams and posts with the boys
u two received a lot of positive feedback which changbin let u read the positive ones n loved when u smiled at each one
u were overdue by a week which was the worst, ur back hurt and u had migraines
u also were put on bed-rest for the next week before u could be inducted
u guys waited out the week and u got scheduled for an induction
the labor was really slow which sucked because u just wanted to hold ur baby already :(
rly intimate moments like chan just holding u n rocking u like a baby
u guys are given this position to move the baby down, your knees on the ground so u could kneel against the bed and changbin would hold ur hips n rock them
he just feels so bad he can’t do anything to help u with the pain 🥺
yall kinda vibing with the hospital food (idk bout yall but some food from hospitals smack chile)
“i just want to go home.” :(
u bet ur ass he scoots into ur hospital bed, holding ur hands n u just cry into his shoulder
he feels like his heart is being torn to pieces when he listens to u cry out of pain
his free hands holds your jaw, making u look up at him
“we’re almost done baby, okay? i know it hurts, if i could i would take your pain in a heartbeat. you are incredibly strong and i’m so proud of you. you just need to hang in here for a few more hours, yeah? you think you can do that?”
u give him the weakest smile ever but its better than nothing
u reach 10cm!!!
now the part that wasn’t fun was the pushing :/
u were hurting, u were tired, and u had been promised almost seven times that all u need was one more push but no matter what, it seemed like the baby wasnt budging
“the cord is wrapped around the neck, we need you to stop pushing. okay?”
ur too tired and stopping the pushing sounded good so u did as they said but when they told u they needed to actually reach in and unwrap it ur blood ran cold
u both were worried about how much u could take
u screamed, god it hurt and it felt like hours of them twisting but it was a mere minute
the labor progressed n there it was
“a girl!”
u two are like faucets or waterfalls
shes literally the perfect mixture of u both 🥺
he washed her hair n helped wrap her up in a blanket, giving her over to u for the first time
u both were just in love with her, she was absolutely perfect
he’s obsessed with her, taking in that baby scent, the scent of the light baby shampoo and the bit of baby powder that lingered throughout her onesie
her hair wooooww its so soft n fluffy
her little baby pout and her puffy cheeks
i can see him calling her bunny for awhile as a childhood nickname
he’ll just be like
“oh that’s my bunny!!”
weird look from u but ur heart melts while he bounces her in his arms n gives her some kissies and running his fingers thru her hair
he’s also rly soft, i don’t see him singing but i see him definitely whispering to her about how she’s gonna grow up and have the best life because thats his little girl
“ur gonna have eight uncles, they are crazy but it’s okay. u definitely lucked out on fathers though, i’m pretty good at lullaby's. u did get great genes too, u have a handsome daddy and a gorgeous mommy. we worked really hard on making u, please don’t hurt ur cute little face. u also have a storm coming, there’s a thing called stays, they are gonna adore you, i promise.”
omgomgomgomg jejejejeje im blushing at the thought of this i just adore dad changbin 
u guys may or may not be planning for another but it definitely would happen in a few years
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©️ maysdiors 2020 :: all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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doctapuella · 3 years
Ok now you have to (if you feel like it ❤) do top 5 or 10 SEXIEST boys.
im HYPERVENTILATING this is the most magical prompt. i'm just some dumbass online but somewhere within me is the soul of an academic, one who spent yesterday binging brian david gilbert videos, so obviously i have overthought every detail and must first define the terms and parameters of this project and its scope:
i don't want to make this just a list of "who are my fave music boy crushes" because then i'm gonna talk about emotions and emotions are disgusting (citation: i'm a capricorn). i also just don't want to end up with a list of the physical features that i'm most into (soft tummies, chest hair, smol fluffy boys in general) because then it's gonna get really repetitive. but there will still be overlap between this and the previous list. my personal (very biased and subjective) academic definition of "sexy", therefore, will be predominantly physical and based on the following three variables:
eyes & expressions made with said eyes (also contributes to point 3 on this list, but is important enough to consider as a variable on its own)
frontal impact, defined here as "nice chest and tummy area" because i refuse to ignore it completely
vibes, defined here as "the ability to make me, famously a person who cannot shut up, speechless"
and so, with that, onward:
1. bruno ravel: okay so maybe i made my list of parameters with this specific boy in mind, and i refuse to apologize for it. he's my all-time favorite boy for a reason. (for many reasons, but lots of them are emotional so we won't go there.) he's just??? my boy????? best smile, best vibes, best frontal impact, and wooooo boy his eyes i had a breakdown over his eyes once!!!!! at least once. can't be sure. my brain kinda blacks out a little. i almost didnt even include him bc i didn't think i'd be able to string together any words with actual content. i got plenty of words though!!!!!
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2. brad gillis: fucking breaks my mind??? normally i will rant and ramble about every detail about a boy but. brad. [also the rest of these boys have the blandest names im so sorry its so unfortunate.] i have such intense brad thoughts and i can put almost none of them into words. he's goofy as fuck, but then he can shift right to the intense eyes that stare into my soul and make me want to do literally anything he says. also like, physically? he's so ideal. somewhere on my phone is a screenshot from @shelickedthebeater sending me a pic of brad and said "hes very shape, i must say. rachels-perfect-boyfriend-shape" and she was so right to do so. AND this is prob true for most of them but it's so extra true for brad, that in 2022 he can absolutely still fucking get it.
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3. dave meniketti: this man's singing voice in the 70s hit me like a shot to the fucking brain and i've never been the same. he's so fascinating to me because sometimes i'll see a pic and be like "hmm yeah i guess i like him fine" but? pictures cannot do him justice, i tell you. when he is performing, ohhhhhhh my god i just wanna be on my knees in front of him. just trust me when i tell you he has the sluttiest vibes in the best possible way.
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4. eric carr: how can i even begin okay so, obviously, number one fluffy boy. he's not number one overall boy but he shot to the tops of my faves list real fucking fast. i'll admit i had a serious anti-kiss bias for absolutely no good reason, and i fought being into this boy for so long. i had a whole series of emotional breakdowns over it. and in the end, i like emotionally imprinted on him like i was a little baby duckling. but we aren't here for emotions, we're here for silly boys with intense drumming style and a body that i need to spend all of my free time licking.
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5. bruce springsteen: listen. all of the boys on this list are just some guy, and bruce is the most "just some guy" of them all. ok wow jeans and white tshirt, whatever. we've seen it. but oh my god something about his energy fucks me up so bad????? like i've heard his songs my whole life and then one day pinterest was like "can i offer u a bruce in these trying times" and my brain went "oh???? yes u may???" and here we are. he also has some quality to his voice that turns my insides to jello. but there's also a very, idk, normie aspect to him (his just-some-guyness) that makes me write tags like "boyfriend vibes".
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6. vivian campbell: i fully want to bang viv at all stages of his adult life but i would like to dedicate this spot on the post to the viv era that stopped me from being a phil girl (wow, that was a whole time in itself, huh). late 90s viv. the beginning of his shirtless era. specifically viv during the '99 concert in tokyo. i went from "idk he's not really on my dl radar" to "okay yeah he's very nearly the tops of my list" just from this one show. it opened my eyes to a whole new world of this boy. he starts off the show in a super tight black long sleeve shirt with mesh panels oh my god and then changes into a red leather shirt??? and by the end he is shirtless and sweaty as FUCK and alskdjfldsjflkjsdfsadf mesh time
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7. bobby blotzer: look i said i'm basing this on mostly physicality and i really like his physicality. i like the intense stare and goddddd he's got a great chest/tummy situation. he's like squishy and dumb and fuckkkk i love that. but like really i fuckin love watching him drum?? his drumming energy is so great and i want to harness the energy (just the energy, not the boy) for my own nefarious purposes. (i mean, i will use the boy for said purposes too, just not in a harness. (on his knees.))
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8. phil campbell: idk man i think this is another voice-related one for me. i took no notice of him until i heard his welsh accent and then my eyeballs widened and suddenly i was ready to be all over that. and!!! so glad i started looking!!!! this boy has peak soft tummy and i want to die kissing it oh my godddddd!!!!
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9. simon le bon: ok so half the time he's the dorkiest fuckin weirdo on the block. but the other half of the time sir please yes?? also also bearded simon just hits so nice wow. honestly, sometimes he's like too normie-attractive for me. like, a model? with discernable abs? hmm no not for me. but his empty-brain vibes and smile just fuck me up in the end, so he gets to be on the list.
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10. tom petersson: this whole band has the strongest BDE and tom is soooo pretty and idk?? he's kinda like simon in that he's almost too conventionally attractive for me to want to jump on, but he has enough of a goofy side to even it out. and he wears some suuuuper low unbuttoned shirts with his tight pants. and smiiiiile oh my god his smile. like, by virtue of status of being in one of the greatest and most influential bands ever, he absolutely earns the title of sexy.
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-I Only Need You- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
     A/N: My male reader flopped harder then my life, so imma stick to female lmao.
     Summary: It’s a regular trip to Hogsmeade when Draco comes across a girl he has never met before.
     Warning: Soft Draco and shitty friends, also a bit of cursing.
     House: Gryffindor
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     “Hurry up Y/n!” shouted Hermione from outside your door. You chuckle quietly and you pull your black knitted cardigan over your white turtleneck. You stare at your outfit one last time, hoping it would keep you warm enough against the harsh cold outside. “I’m coming out, hold your horses” you replied back with a soft laugh. Hermione was always so punctual. 
     You grab the handle of your door and twist it, pulling it open. You were greeted with the sight of Hermione crossing her arms as well as Harry and Ron standing a few feet behind her “Ready?” she asked and you nodded in reply. She smiles and turns to walk out the common room with the rest of the group.
     “Any minute more and i think she would of gone mental” Ron commented, making both you and Harry laugh. “You know how she is with our Hogsmeade trips” you shrug as you talk “Yeah because she loves Butterbeer” “You are right about that Ronald”
      “so what do you guys want to do first?” You asked, rubbing your hands together to create some warmth. The snow fell around you, as much as it was freezing you couldn’t deny that fact that it was beautiful. The snow laying on the ground like a thick white blanket was a sight to see. “We could go to Honeydukes and get some candy?” Ron suggested. 
     Hermione rolled her eyes in annoyance “We always go to Honeydukes. I think we should go to The Three Broomsticks and get-” “Butterbeer” you three said in unison. Hermione’s face heated up in embarrassment as the rest of you laughed. “Shut it!” she huffed and crossed her arms. You put a hand on her shoulder “Lets go get some Butterbeer” she had a pout on her face, but nodded nonetheless.
      As all of you walked into The Three Broomsticks, you looked around for a empty table. As you all made your way over Hermione was giggling with excitement. You smiled at her child like behaviour for a drink. You all sat down. You and Hermione sat next to each other as Ron and Harry sat across from you too. A waiter came over and Hermione spoke up “Can we have four Butterbeers please” the waiter nodded and left.
     “Hermione calm down, your shaking in your seat” Ron laughed. You smiled lightly as Hermione huffs like last time and looks away. After a couple minutes the waiter came out holding a silver tray with there drinks. They placed each drink in front of them and smiled “Enjoy” they said politely and left. Hermione instantly started to drink hers “It’s still so good” she hummed. 
     You smiled and took a sip of your butterbeer. She was right, it was still a good drink. As you all chatted away and drank Butterbeer you notice Harry stare out the window for a moment before turning to ron and Hermione “Padfoot” he says. You stare at him with a confused expression. Hermione and ron nods and stand up, as well as Harry “we’ll be back in a bit” Hermione said, gazing at you. 
     You go to stand up as well, but Harry shakes his head “Alone, you stay here” he says “What why?” you question. “Just stay here Y/n. okay?” Harry said in a rather harsh tone. Y/n’s smiles sadly and nods “Yeah sure” and soon enough they left.
     They always left you out of things. They went on the adventures and always left you behind. They were the golden trio and you were just a side character in there big story. You sigh and take another sip of your Butterbeer. You questioned if you were really there friend sometimes, like you were now. You looked up from your drink to gaze around the room when your eyes make contact with cold grey ones.
     You tensed up slightly as the eyes bore into yours like they were studying your soul and everything about it. You tear your eyes away soon after. Draco Malfoy. Why was he staring at you? Why did you stare back? You shake away your thoughts as you finish the rest of your Butterbeer.
     “Is this seat taken?” you heard a low voice speak, looking up you see the blond Slytherin staring down at you. You feel small under his gaze, he was indeed intimidating “Um no, not anymore.” he takes a seat across from you where Ron sat and shuffled a bit “I couldn’t help but hear your conversation with Potter” he started. You raise a brow Had he been watching you? “i just wanted to say sorry” he says, a genuine smile gracing his lips. You blink a couple times in shock.
      “Oh, its quite alright. I’m used to it” You replied, being casted out by your own friends had become a normal thing you no longer questioned. “How come i’ve never seen you before?” he asked. You shrug your shoulders “If your not part of the golden trio and going on dangerous adventures, you fade into the background at Hogwarts” bitterness laced your tone, which Draco could definitely hear. “That i agree with. Why don’t they ever take you with them?” 
     “I wish i knew as well. Maybe because i’m not like them?” You replied, not really sure of your own answer “What do you mean by that?” he asked, genuinely interested “I’m not smart like Hermione, i’m not brave like Harry, i’m not. I don’t know what Ron is actually” “Annoying?” Draco suggested, making you laugh slightly. He wasn’t totally wrong. Draco smiles as he hears your sweet laugh.
     “I think you should ditch them.” Draco suggested making you shuffle in your seat “I don’t know, i don’t want them to be angry with me” she frowns slightly. Draco reached over to grab your hand with his. You feel the cold metal of his rings on the skin of your hand. He rubs his thumb in circles on your hand in a soothing manner “You don’t deserve to be treated like that..i just realized i never asked for your name. How rude of me” Draco chuckles.
     You smile and shake your head “No its fine, Im Y/n” he smiles as you say your name “That’s a beautiful name” he says as his hand continues to hold yours “This is gonna sound strange, but do you want to go for a walk around Hogsmeade with me?” he asked, he looked slightly worried. Fearing rejection. You nod slowly “I’d like that very much”
    It had been months since that Hogsmeade trip. You and Draco continued to hang out, growing closer and closer. It was inevitable for you two to grow feelings for each other. You unfortunately had not listened to Draco when he said to drop the golden trio, you were to nice for that even if they had been ignoring you for two weeks now. Currently you were walking around with Draco, taking a stroll out the outskirts of the forbidden forest was something you two did often. 
     “Y/n!” you both heard from behind you. You turn around to see your ‘friends’ looking at you with a smile “Hey Y/n, we were wondering if you wanted to hang out?” Hermione asked, her eyes landed on Draco and she scowled “What’re doing with him” Draco rolled his eyes “We were having a nice stroll till you three came along” he snapped back. You put a hand on his arm. He visibly calmed at your touch.
     “You shouldn’t be around him Y/n he’s a dirty Slytherin. We’re your friends come on” Harry scoffed. You looked at them in disbelief “Friends?! You only hang out with me when it’s convenient for you! You leave me in the dust to go on adventures or some shit! Oh, but please tell me how i’m your friend?!” you shouted at them. The trio looked hurt at your words “We are your friends Y/n! There’s just some things we have to do alone” Hermione exclaimed back.
     “Oh cut the bullshit. If i really meant anything to any of you you would have told me a long time ago. I’m done with you three” You turned your back and began to walk anyway, wiping harshly at the tears that came down your face. “Y/n!” Draco shouts as he runs in front of you. He grabs your face, tilting it up to look at him “Hey, don’t cry” he cooed and and wiped a few stray tears with his thumb.
     “I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself” He smiles, you give him a quick smile and put your hands over his. “I really couldn’t have done it without you, Draco” You reply, making his face flush lightly. Your eyes gaze around his face, surprised to find yourself leaning in. Draco does the same. You close your eyes as his lips land on yours. He was soft yet forceful with the way he kissed you.
     Draco’s hands let go of your face and travel down your back, pulling you flush against his chest. You gasp in surprise and your hands land on his chest. He pulls away, leaving you breathless from his kiss “Wow” he muttered making you laugh “Yeah wow” you repeated. “I’m sorry about your friends Y/n” he says in a saddened tone. “It’s okay, want to know why?” “Why?” he asked. 
“Because, I only need you”
    A/N: That ending was kinda trash ngl. Anyway, make sure to check out my profile to request something for a Draco x reader
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moastays · 4 years
unlikely connection (f)
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summary: who ever thought the student council president and the schools most popular boy would end up together?
fluffy yeonjun x reader a/n: this is my first longer fic but i really like it i might write more of these 
you groaned as your alarm went off for the 50th time this morning. you stayed up all night trying to get ready for all the events in the coming weeks since fall was quickly approaching. as student council president you were in charge of all these things on top of maintaining your grades which was a toll on you. it took you another ten minutes to realize that your alarm was going off. you hopped up quickly checking the time to see that you were already an hour late to school. you jumped up anxiety running through you as you ran to get dressed.
‘stupid science project keeping me up past 12 and stupid fall events keeping me up past 1′ you thought to yourself as you put some makeup on and ran out the door. luckily the school wasn’t too far away from your house so it wouldnt take a lot for you to run there.
you finally made it to school, huffing and puffing because of how out of shape you were. you leaned against the front doors trying to regain your breath.
“someone needs to do some exercising” you heard a voice mumble. you looked up to see yeonjun, your schools most popular boy (and hearthrob) leaning against the wall opposite of where you were standing. you began to blush slightly embarrassed by someone else seeing you like this.
“someone also needs to be in class” you retorted back causing him to smirk.
“says you....miss student council president.” he said walking closer to you and booping your nose with his finger. he reached in his backpack and gave you a water almost as if he was feeling pity for your exhausted state.
“thanks” you mumbled back blushing like crazy while drinking the water. ever since middle school you had a crush on yeonjun. he was so charming and cute which is why everyone loved him. you knew it would never happen so you just ignored it and focused on your studies since you wanted boys to be the least of your concern.
“class is over in 20 minutes you know....there's no point of going now..lets skip” he said with a smirk grabbing your hand and dragging you around the school.
your eyes grew big after you let the boy lead you forgetting that this was real.
“wait wait wait wait.” you said causing him to stop moving.
“you don't even know me. and what if we get in trouble!” you shouted. yeonjun came up to you and cover your lips with his fingers in a hushing motions.
“well one, if you keep screaming like that we will get in trouble and two i dont have to know you because i want to get to know you.” he said with a wink as he went back to guiding you around the school.
at this point you continued and oblige; seeing no point in fighting. yeonjun brought you to your school’s garden and pulled up a stool for you to sit in. yeonjun then reached into his bag and gave you a honeybun to munch on assuming you were hungry since you rushed here. you took it with a defeated look and ate it happily which caused him to laugh. you talked for a while; simple introductions were giving and just a little small talk like as if you both were on a speed date.
“how did you know i was president?” you said quietly as yeonjun watered the flowers in the garden. even though he was a popular boy he also ran many clubs including, you guessed it the botanical garden club.
“well, why wouldn’t i? you have a big role in the school and you're hot so.” yeonjun said causing you to choke on the honeybun he had given you.
“w..what” you said quietly as he laughed looking over at you.
“you heard me” he said confidently.
you were about to respond when the bell for the next period rang. you stood up quickly and began to walk away, completely flustered by yeonjun’s actions.
“i um have to get to my next class cause you know school is important and education is great and you know the honeybun was great too and- im just gonna go see you a..around i guess bye” you rambled on causing you to run into multiple things while yeonjun laughed and sent you a quick wave.
“so he just said all that to you.” soobin, one of the members for student council said to you in disbelief. you shook your head quickly replaying what was happening over and over. he probably flirts with everyone but since you always found him attractive you were a little stunned by the actions. you and soobin sat down in the cafeteria for lunch. you, having a mental breakdown and him, laughing at your overdramatic nature.
“he probably does this with everyone though that's why im TRYING to ignore it but this is the first time a guy has talked to me like that since four years ago.” you mumbled loudly and put your head down on the table sighing.
“well its about to happen again.” soobin mumbled as you looked up to see yeonjun walking to you guys’ table.
“do you think if i stay completely still he wont see me?” you whispered to him causing him to laugh again.
“im not sure...im just glad i can live vicariously through you...wow God is good sometimes.” he said pulling out some papers for the council.
“hey y/n are you feeling better after your morning jog?” yeonjun said as you avoided eye contact with him. you were a little awkward to say the least.
“im fine thank you.” you sent him a sarcastic smile as he sat down next to you. your eyes widen at soobin in panic as he tried to hold in his laughter.
“is there something you need or...” you said quietly fidgeting with your fingers.
“oh? you dont want me around?” he said wiping fake tears.
“no its not that i want you to stay well i mean i don't have a problem- with you here i-i was just confused.” you rambled once again causing him to smile at you.
“lets hang out today like actually, not in the garden.” he said making eye contact with you.
“i think that's a GREAT idea!! y/n you have been saying how you wanted to go out more.” soobin said with a smirk causing you to kick his leg from under the table. he yelped in pain quieting down.
“you know what...sure” you said looking at yeonjun as his eyes twinkled at you.
“okay give me your phone.” he said putting his number in with the contact yeonjunnie before handing your phone back. “ill meet you after school” he said getting up and waving goodbye to you and soobin. soobin smirked at you saying how he had a feeling that this was gonna lead to something good.
and it did lead to something good. yeonjun had taken you to an arcade and it was a lot of fun. so you guys went out again, and again, and again. you started to really develop feelings for him but, you were sure it wouldn't work out because you guys are on totally different standings.
you were at home now sitting in your backyard with your feet in the pool. you sighed as you heard a knock on your backdoor and yeonjun came through. after three weeks of hanging out he had came over multiple times. your mom loved him already saying hes “the one.” you both did not really interact at school a lot just little conversation but nothing that would make people wonder.
yeonjun plopped next to you putting his feet in the pool as well as looking over at you. “what's wrong?” he said noticing your sad expression.
“its nothing..dont worry about it.” you said looking away from him. he caressed your face and made you look at him.
“no tell me y/n” he said looking at you with a look you have never seen before. it was hard to understand the look in his eye, it was like you were a prized possession to him.
“well im just scared...? i feel like i..“ you said pondering if you should tell him how you feel. how you feel about him.
“feel like what? you can tell me.” he said lovingly.
“i like you yeonjun. and i know you probably don't like me back because we are just so different and everyone would probably make fun of you because im not pop-“ you were stopped when yeonjun’s lips crashed into yours. you were shocked, eyes widened after he brought his other hand to hold your face but you felt yourself loving the kiss and closing your eyes. he kissed you softly, slowly and gently. it was delicate like he held back because he was afraid of hurting you.
he pulled away slowly opening his eyes and looking up at you. both of you guys feeling breathless after the kiss.
“i like you too y/n” he said looking at you. “i don't care about if you are popular or not or anything like that i think you are amazing” he said softly causing you to smile.
“and i want you to be mine. will you be mine?” he said looking up at you again and sliding a little bracelet on your hand. it was a simple chain with a small heart. you looked down at it smiling softly.
“yes i will.” you said happily as you brought him into a hug. he giggled to himself, yeonjun had not felt something like this in a long time. most of the people around him were superficial and only talked to him because he was popular but it was different with you. it felt real and he wanted to cherish that.
and with that you both started dating. you decided to keep it lowkey at school though, not wanting to disrupt the social hierarchy. yeonjun would meet you for lunch and sit with you and soobin and you guys would hang out after school either going out or at each other houses. you grew to really love yeonjun and couldn't imagine what would happen if he wasn't around.
you smiled to yourself thinking about everything that's been happening between you and yeonjun as you gathered your stuff from your locker between class changes. you felt someone come up next to you to see another well known boy at your school.
“hmm well, who knew miss president was cute.” he said to you while his friends behind him laughed. you gave an awkward smile and turned away hoping he’d just leave you alone.
“you hear me talking to you eh?” he said kind of forcefully as he closed your locker and came closer to you.
“um well thank you but i have a boyfriend so could you please..” you trailed off as he tucked some of your hair behind your ear.
“he doesn't need to know” he whispered as you began to feel uncomfortable. you then felt some arms wrap around your waist and pull you close to them. you could tell it was yeonjun by his smell and the way he held you .
“hey is there something you need.” yeonjun said protectively glaring at the boy. you had never seen him so angry before.
“chill its not like she's yours or anything we were just talking right baby.” he said trying to come closer but yeonjun put you behind him and pushed the guy away.
“well she doesn't wanna talk to you i can assure you that and she is mine so back off kay.” he said getting closer to the boy. a teacher came and broke it up. everyone around you guys were staring in shock. yeonjun stormed off grabbing your hand as he took you to an empty classroom.
“well everyone knows now” you said trying to lighten the mood as yeonjun let out a small laugh. he walked up to you and rested his forehead on yours.
“sorry for getting mad.” he mumbled. you smiled at him ruffling his hair.
“its okay thank you for protecting me my love.” you said looking up at him.
“your love?” he repeated back which you nodded at. you did love yeonjun. even though it only been a short period of time it was like he was your soul mate or your twin flame. everything made sense when he was around; he always made you happy.
yeonjun smiled back at you pulling you into a kiss which you quickly reacted to. this one was more intense. one his hands rested on the desk while the other one was on the small of your back. you melted in the kiss as it made you and yeonjun’s worries completely eradicate, you both only focusing on eachother. you held his face as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. your hand went into his hair causing him to hum. you pulled away slowly as he followed your lips for another kiss cause you to smile.
“okay okay yeonjun were in school.” you blushed pulling away as he kissed down your neck and felt him giggle into it.
“i love you too y/n” he said looking up at you causing you both to smile.
thinking back on it, you were glad you had been late to school that day. if you had not things would have never been the same and your life wouldn't have been changed forever.
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