#its gonna be a painful seasonal wait for anime onlys because that's gotta be the best between season cliffhanger ever
otakween · 11 months
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Digimon World 3 - First Impressions
Yaaay, so excited to be continuing this series! Well...can we even call it a series? I guess it's kind of like Final Fantasy where the games don't connect (sometimes). The numbers give me a sense of accomplishment anyways. Digimon World was bonkers and memorable for its weird mechanics, Digimon World 2 was kind of a flop, but enjoyable enough, not sure what the world's opinion on 3 is. Either way I'm ready for the long haul -cracks knuckles-
This is the first Digimon game I've played that feels like a riff on Pokemon. There's badges I'm supposed to earn, towns to explore with all the usual RPG buildings (inn, item store, etc.), people who challenge me to battles as I walk by them, and the only digimon that earns EXP in battles is the one at the front of my party. I see this as a win because I enjoy the Pokemon gameplay loop.
Already got two CG animated cutscenes (FMVs?) I think the animation looks good! It holds up more than some of the other games I've played anyways. The bear digimon especially looked really cute in the opening. The other cutscene that played when I entered the digital world was great for immersion.
Load screens are kind of annoying, but oh well. I guess I can fast forward if they get bad. The text scrolls very slowly as well, which maybe I can adjust.
So the main character "Junior" and his friends go into the Digital World or "Digimon Online." In this game's canon (so far anyways) the Digital World is a game. I found it kind of strange that they all logged in together and then immediately were like "kay let's split up, bye." If they were going to split up then why were Teddy and Ivy like "wait for us Junior!! You're going too fast!"
I suppose this game world is supposed to be an MMORPG because a lot of the human-looking characters I spoke to referenced playing the game and their real lives as well. Gotta love a game within a game. The map/world doesn't really have an MMORPG vibe to me, but oh well.
Since I accidentally chose the "hard mode" pack in the last digimon game, I decided to give myself a break this time and go with the "balanced" pack. The Maniac pack has the best digimon imo, but I ain't taking any chances.
I was just reading about the game and I guess it has around 20 game-original digimon? Excited to meet them all. I'm sure some of this game will also be a preview for the next anime season.
The sleepy digimon in the inn were really cute
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Love the sprites and how your digimon walk behind you. Too cute. It looks like they put a lot of effort into the background as well.
I've heard some stock sounds and music from past games already which is fun
I felt a little bit of dread when they mentioned the card game. I really like the digimon card game, but having to battle and play cards in one game kinda sounds like a pain. This is gonna be a long one...
When I played Pokemon when I was younger I would just level one Pokemon up and not give EXP to anyone else lol. I know that's not good strategy-wise, but because that one Pokemon would hog the EXP they'd be overleveled and it made the games easy. For the sake of "playing the game correctly" I'll try to do it right this time and move the digimon around.
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
3/3 ‘This hurts, this is really fucke- that’s a really nice shirt, do you think i could find something like that, i think id look good in it. Anyway *waves his hands at Brian* PAINFUL’ he is now bouncing up and down and standing with his hands clasped waiting for Mikey to get punched ‘cmon!! Who cares about some fucking forks?! SHOW ME WHAT IVE BEEN WANTING TO SEE SINCE THE PILOT! Whats gonna get him punched tho? I forgot what I thought earlier..OH the stay away. Oh Brian doesn’t look happy about that. *another pause while he towers over me with hands on waist and pointing at Brian*okay BUT remember when he told Justin in season 1 to fuck off out of his life or some shit like that and now he’s all ‘why would you tell him that?’ GROWTH! LOVE! CARE! *looks at Brian* my man! Now let’s get to punching! Okay, he did do SOMETHING..he cheated.. can Justin hear him? Is the selfish lil shit gonna get him punched? Cause if so…i wouldve gotten my ass handed to me by now, HE DIDNT USE BRIAN! brian is mad! Yes Michael be quiet! *huge gasp* HE SAID WHAT NOW?! *arms in the air* HELL YEAHHH PUNCHED IN COLOR!!! BUT HOLD UP *pauses just as mikey gets hit* haha nice. HE SAID WHAT?! HE FUCKING SAID WHAT?!?! He did not just say that he should’ve died?! He deserves to get kicked too! PLEASE TELL ME EVERYONE HEARD HIM! Oh of course nobody heard him. ANIMAL?! ANIMAL?! YOUR KID JUST WISHED DEATH ON SUNSHINE! OH BEN YOU BETTER NOT! HE JUST WISHED DEATH ON SOMEONE! PUNCH HIS BORING ASS TOO! OH FUCK YOU LINDSAY! FUCK YOU TOO MEL! ITS MICHAEL WHO SHOULD LEAVE! DID DEBBIE JUST SAY ASSHOLE? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?! JUSTIN PLEASE TELL ME YOU HEARD HIM!’ He paused the tv and with his arms opened wide went ‘am i the fucking only one who heard him say that?! HOW did nobody else hear it? *looks at me* please tell me everyone finds out what happened! Cause this shit is fucked up, i cant even appreciate the punch anymore cause I’m mad at everyone’ ‘NO BRIAN! Why are you here? You better not apologize! He needs to apologize! Oh boo fucking hoo little mikey is playing the victim again. YOU DESERVED TO GET HIT YOU LIL BITCH! Tell him Brian! Okay nevermind he knows he deserved it, EVEN MICHAEL KNOWS YOURE IN LOVE! So you didn’t believe in love when you met him, but you do now because now you know him. *looks at me* like how I didn’t believe in santa until i saw him at the mall…but then mom couldn’t explain why he was always different races so i guess that’s different. Makes sense to me tho *plays ep* HE WANTS THEM TO MAKE UP?! For the comic?!?! I AM…..i am having a lot of thoughts and feelings. HE HAS PLANS! THE LAST TIME HE SAID THAT TO MIKE JUSTIN WAS WAITING FOR HIM WITH THE DINNER!! REMEMBER?!?! Maybe Justin is waiting for him to talk to him about Mike!’ The hustler scene comes up *jumps up in the air* ‘AHHHHHHH!!!*pauses ep* I WAS FUCKING RIGHT!!! I CANT BELIEVE I WAS RIGHT! Not gonna lie, most of the time i just say shit and hope something sticks BUT I WAS ACTUALLY RIGHT! MY BLONDIE IS BACK!!! (The hustler is revealed) you’re not my blondie. What is this?! *hands over his mouth while he’s still standing* IS HE WHAT HES LOOKING FOR?! BRIAN LOOKED FOR A SEX WORKER THAT LOOKS LIKE JUSTIN?! (brian ignores the kiss) *literally has teary eyes and boy, do I wish this was a joke* he isn’t kissing him! He’s still following the rule! (brian plays with the guys hair) He misses him so much. Neither of us are okay with this storyline….how many condoms do you think he has..im surprised durex isn’t one of his account, he’d be perfect for their ads since they’re always funny anti kids ads. How many condoms do you think they went through while filming? hold up, I didn’t appreciate it enough *rewinds the fucking scene and once again has teary eyes while watching* it’s the music and Brian’s expression. I could literally write a short essay about Bri as a person at this point, that’s how well I know him! Oh this all hurt. I gotta go somewhere, literally anywhere just away from *points to tv*’ He is now outside talking to my neighbor and giving her a dramatic recap.
He wants Brian’s shirt? Aw!
GROWTH! LOVE! CARE! See!?! Yes! Brian grows over the course of the show! He cares! OMG. (Until it’s all erased in S5)
And here’s the heartache. Michael deserved to be punched and no one hears what he said so…again… everyone blames Brian. And Brian… apologizes. Because he would let himself get burned if it means everyone else is okay.
Ohhh the parallel “I have plans” yeah this time it’s a cheap imitation (cheap as in it’s not Justin, I’m sure the escort was not cheap)/
Teary eyes about Brian not kissing the Justin look-alike escort? And noting the playing with the hair? Could he be anymore in the fandom?!? Nope.
“I could literally write a short essay about Bri as a person at this point” ANON YOUR BROTHER IS A HALF STEP AWAY FROM WRITING FANFIC.
Your poor neighbor…
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erb23 · 2 years
Episode 12 is gonna lead to the introduction of the best boy! And then we’ll have to wait for season 2 before we get more. Absolutely genius 
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foreficfandom · 4 years
The Arcana - Cooking For MC (Headcanons)
-- Asra -- 
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Life as a street orphan makes cooks of us all. If he wasn’t a child desperately stealing fruit, he was a teenage magician earning coppers to buy scraps from the butcher and bartering for old, bruised squash. He quickly had to learn how to stretch his meager rations as far as he could, and cooking was the way to do it.
He’s come a long way from the one single pot he and Muriel would squat over while hiding away in the docks. Now, he and you happily enjoy a consistent diet of fresh groceries, sometimes he cooks and sometimes you do. 
All his cookery he learned in Vesuvia - pasta, lentils, chickpeas, tomatoes, cumin, basil, ocean seafood. The both of you don’t quite earn enough to splurge on the good cuts of beef, but you never have to worry about going hungry. 
And you don’t have to worry about bland, burnt food, either. Asra can reliably hold his own in the kitchen. He doesn’t exactly follow recipes, just tosses together stuff according to what feels right in his heart. A holdover from the days where he had to improvise all his food. 
There’s more holdovers; he hates tossing away uneaten food, or groceries that have gone bad. He’ll keep the chicken bones to make into a broth for tomorrow. He never peel potatoes or fruit ‘cause the skins contain valuable nutrients. He cringes at people who throw away the heads of fish. The leftover fat in the pan is made into gravy, or pastry frosting, or soap. Occasionally, he and you give away your leftovers to the urchins that hang around the neighborhood. 
When it’s his turn to cook, expect traditional Vesuvian cuisine like flatbreads, hummus, and vegetable soup. Herbs used in the shop are sometimes thrown into the dish, like thyme or myrtle leaves. Asra’s cooking regularly gets to grace your stomach, and it’s very lovely and nice uwu
-- Julian -- 
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Everybody who knows Julian holds vehemently that he can’t cook worth a damn. He’s not gonna poison you, but it’s true that he can’t do more than toss various things into a pot and pray that it comes out edible. 
So when he’s forced to cook, everything ends up tasting like the same sort of bland, unspiced mush. And it’s almost always boiled, never roasted or fried. He just seems incapable of not burning anything, so he avoids pancooking ingredients if he can avoid it. And even his soups tend to have burnt residue at the bottom.
Not only that, but traditional Nevevion cuisine ... can be an acquired taste in itself. Like pickled herring covered with beet mayonnaise, cold aspic on toast, and really, really salty fish roe. He grew up eating actually good food cooked by his adopted family, but it’s unfortunately easy to turn a cabbage and potato recipe into nasty gross mush, especially under Julian’s hands. 
He knows he’s shit at cooking, but sometimes it can’t be avoided. Ready-made takeout isn’t always available in their world, so if someone needs to eat, they usually gotta cook. Cue boiled chicken and carrots a-la Julian. At least he added some salt, this time. He blames his Nevevion heritage for lacking an affinity for spices.
With shitty cooking skills come an ability to eat anything. Julian doesn’t turn down a dish if he’s hungry, even if it’s some bullshit. Except for spicy stuff - it’s like the only pain he doesn’t get off on. Just a little jalapeno in his rice will turn his entire face red and give him hiccups.
So say you don’t have time to cook dinner for the both of them tonight, he’d much rather the two of you go eat at an inn than force your divine tongue to be sullied by his dreadful meals. However, he can be taught to cook if you two can find the time, and will eventually get the hang of it. You and Julian in the kitchen, warm and cozy, teaching him how to make a good macaroni? Now that’s an afternoon date in the making.
-- Nadia -- 
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Growing up royal meant Nadia never had to cook for herself. To some, it’d be very improper for someone of Nadia’s standing to ever cook, especially in the same kitchen as the servants. But in-between her piano lessons and fencing training and literacy/history/mathematic/public speaking tutoring, she also devoted some personal time in reading up on skills she wouldn’t have been taught - like gardening, jewelry craft, and also cooking and baking.
She had this stint of candy-making when she was a teen, after seeing sugarspun candies in the market that were shaped into different, multi-colored animals and flowers. She would sneak into the kitchen and, with the help of particular cook friend, make candied nuts, meringues, taffies, marzipan. And with the skills she learned making candies, she also learned how to bake and cook various things.
Rarely did she ever get to exercise her cooking skills beyond a mere pastime. She had no one to cook for, nor enough spare time. So very few people knew she bakes a mean butter cashew cake.
One day, she just kinda absentmindedly mentions that she knows how to cook a few things, so you insist she show you, which kinda takes her off-guard and she’s a little nervous, because it’s been a long time since she busted out the ol’ apron, and what if you don’t like what she makes??
She goes to the kitchens and almost bails out, even briefly entertains the thought of passing off the chef’s cooking for her own, but chases that thought from her mind. The palace servants gets to witness the Countess roll up her sleeves with a determined grunt and go ham on some pistachios. 
You wait patiently in the solar (as she instructed), and Nadia brings up a beautiful tray of brightly colored nut-flour sweets with tea. Nadia herself is a little worse for wear, with a dusty face and tangled hair. But she’s thrilled to see you enjoy her cakes. They taste wonderful, doubly so because of the love she put into them.        
-- Muriel -- 
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He almost always cooks for himself, ever since his street urchin childhood, and his skills have only improved while living in the woods. He’s no longer scraping mussels off of dock beams to boil in a thin cauldron, he’s hunting 8-feet-tall elk and using every inch of the animal, from boiling the hooves for aspic, to making sausages out of the intestines (the antlers are powdered for their magical properties).
It’s rarer that he ever wants for something he can’t produce himself. He boils his own sea salt, curdles his own cheese, presses his own oil. The problem is that he doesn’t make an effort to make delicious-tasting food. Unlike Julian, who cooks like shit but still enjoys the finer things in life, Muriel has access to super fresh and good-quality ingredients but is ruled by his practicality.
Living in the woods is tough. If the harvest was bad and all Muriel has is last autumn’s rice harvest, then its porridge for the next month. There’s nothing for it; hunting is unreliable even in an expert’s hands, fishing only a tad less so, and a simple wet season or early frost can ruin a garden quicker than a plague. 
Muriel may have said he didn’t need your help around the hut, but your help truly did make a difference when it came to food security. An extra set of hands made for less time and lighter work. Your influence also shined through his cooking; now, he actually does care if something tastes good, because you were eating it with him. Muriel could survive just fine on perpetual pottages, but you deserved better.
Hence, roasts that are actually seasoned, bread with jam and butter, and salt not just for preserving purposes. 
Cooking stopped becoming just a means, but a creative outlet for Muriel. He wanted to treat you, and in turn it became something special for himself, too. 
-- Portia --
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The Devorak siblings have one collective braincell, and Portia’s got dibs on it. So she’s got the cooking skills that seemed to have eluded Julian, and she’s very good; the best out of the six. 
As a hand-maiden, cooking isn’t part of her duties, but to even get hired she had to prove she could hold her own in the kitchen on par with royal cuisine. It’s beyond simply being able to replicate a recipe, she knows how to carve game into the right cuts, memorize the seasonal harvests, estimate temperatures by touch, and other complicated kitchen sciences. 
Portia spent her life traveling on ships, so she’s witness many a worldly cuisine and it’s influenced her skills. Nothing impresses a table more than introducing some ‘exotic’ spice and using it right. Her own personal favorites are from all corners of the land. Her dinner spread can consist of Hjalle shrimp pancakes, Galbradian green bean broth, Prakran flatbread, and lamb roasted in an underground oven like they do in Firent.  
Once she has the opportunity to cook (or bake) for you, be prepared for a storm. You’re never gonna have to want for good cuisine again, not if Portia has anything to say about it. Even the little things she makes, like her strawberry jam or workhouse-style bread, taste great. You ask her why she doesn’t pursue a career in cuisine, and she replies that cooking is an outlet for her, not a job. Plus, she’s far from a ‘truly skilled cook’, according to her. That honor’d go to Mazelinka. 
A lot of her budget she’ll happily relinquish to cooking, such as imported spices or the expensive cuts of game. She knows that the smallest difference in quality - such as in the salt, or vinegar, used - can make or break a dish. Her kitchen is always fully stocked with groceries and ingredients. One of her big splurges was investing in an icebox, and before she had you, a magician, in the picture, she was indeed buying ice to keep her meats fresh.
Whether its a wrapped lunch or weekend roast dinner, Portia will always want to spoil you in the best way she knows how; through your stomach. Your waistline might be less happy, but like heck Portia’d take pudge as a negative.
-- Lucio --
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He’s been Count for over two decades, but before that he was a rough-and-tumble mercenary. And before that, he grew up in the infamous Scourge Lands, where etching out a living was always a matter that teetered on the brink of a knife.
He had to learn how to live tough. The Scourge Lands are no lush forest like Muriel’s backyard, it’s a flat tundra with limited vegetation and even lesser animals that aren’t more likely to kill you before you kill them. The entire clan’s been living off of bitter turnips for weeks, but finally a family of boars are scouted. Now you just have to take down a bear-sized boar while circling around five others who all want to gore you. 
Even cooking can be a struggle. Life as a mercenary meant trying to strike fires on cold, damp wood in a freezing drizzle, and keeping it lit long enough to roast the skinny fish you managed to spear. It meant knowing which plants were edible and which caused three nights of stomach pains, and also being willing to resort to digging up grubs when you’re really on the brink of starvation.
So does he know how to cook? Yeah, he can roast meat over a fire and know when its safe from pathogens, but other than that he’s lost. He was so happy to finally have cooks and servants to serve him entire banquets. Never did he learn (nor want to learn) how to bake bread, or fry potatoes, nevermind suckling pig or creme brulee. 
If come a time where you and Lucio are away from the precious palace kitchens, he’ll rely on his wallet to buy the two of you a nice meal. If the two of you are lost in the wilderness, don’t worry, Lucio to the rescue and you can trust him to forage something, and grill it on a hot rock. No salt, though. Not even water to wash it down, if you’re really unlucky.
Still, it’s kinda a surprise to eat Lucio’s emergency field cooking, because it’s not awful. The best anyone can do in the circumstance, even. Make sure to tell him that, he’s always fishing for compliments. 
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punz4lyfe · 4 years
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Pokemon Journeys Episode 48. Let’s review:
1. I’m honestly confused on why Ash and Goh didn’t bring Dragonite and Greedent with them to Unova. Greedent was the mon responsible for getting them the all-you-can-eat pass and while Dragonite lost, they still helped out as much as they could, so where’s the credit?
2. That Pretty-Much Pikachu / Hikachu mech was Tails Doll level creepy in its inactive state. Eugh. And the fact that it can behave pretty sentiently when active honestly does not help matters.
3. This is an issue for the entire episode, but why is Cinderace trying so hard to be friends with Lucario? While it’s appreciated that he’s actually trying to bond with a Pokemon that isn’t smaller than two feet, with how much he’s putting into in making friends with Lucario, it just seems..... forced in order to establish the comedic theme for this episode. It especially doesn’t help that this is actually the first time Lucario and Cinderace have interacted in a non-battle manner, which makes this whole plot point come out of nowhere.
If they’re trying to establish the two as future rivals, then that shouldn’t work either because of their trainer’s different goals and the fact that if Cinderace ever tried to take on Lucario in a no-holds-barred battle with their trainers without any plot-induced stupidity, Cinderace would get absolutely bodied. Lucario has already done so much more impressive things than Cinderace, that in a fighting sense, it wouldn’t be a contest. Not to mention, Goh’s goal is about catching while Ash’s is about battling, but why set this up if Goh and his Pokemon are somehow just as strong as Ash? It doesn’t make sense and, like I said in an anon ask, it ruins the power balance of the show.
4. And here’s a problem I have specifically for Lucario: Why is he now suddenly acting like he’s too good for anything? Now only is this hinted in the new opening where Dragonite basically has to force him to appear on-screen, but in the episode proper, when Ash offers him a snack, he just coldly stares off. Ummm, why? He has no qualms following Ash’s directions in battle, they never had a previous spate to warrant this behavior from Lucario, Lucario showed no hesitation to cheer with his friends after defeating Eternatus, and he was completely loyal to Ash as a Riolu both inside and OUTSIDE of battles to the point he was basically a 2nd Pikachu.
If they’re trying to make him a stern and stoic type, that would be cliche because we’ve already had those Lucarios with Sir Aaron, Maylene, Ryley, and Korrina in the past. It wouldn’t be original or anything, it would be completely boring. Heck, as much as it pains me to say this, freaking CAMERON’s Lucario had more personality than this! Plus, the anime has established that baby Pokemon usually take more of their trainers after hatching, and since Lucario showcased more of that as a Riolu, it honestly feels like his character is taking a step back in development, it especially doesn’t help that we JUST had the whole “stoic-guy develops more” stuff with Raboot. Writers, DON’T reuse past elements. Try new things!
5. While the snacks Ash and Goh get do look good, it honestly would’ve been cooler if they got snacks pertaining more to the signature of Iris and Cilan as a little callback to the Best Wishes series, like maybe an Axew Chocolate figure or a Mint Pansage treat. The anime did one with Dawn and Brock with the Piplup and Croagunk episode, so why not here?
6. Also Goh only prefers plain vanilla and that’s just too relatable to me cause I love vanilla.
7. Another issue with the overall episode, but Unova just seems so dead. There are no additional people or Pokemon at the park nor at the city. This is a problem because, not only is it important to keep your worlds alive, but this is UNOVA we’re talking about, and it doesn’t help that the episode takes place in the Pokemon World equivalent of New York City.
8. And now Lucario hates getting his fur dirty? When and why??? He had no issue going his fur scorched a billion times over with Eternatus and Mewtwo and this is also a repeat of Lycanroc’s whole thing with getting messy. While I doubt this will become a big development thing that Lycanroc had, it’s just disappointing they’re reusing past gags for Pokemon instead of trying new ones.
9. Apparently Cinderace’s time as a Raboot never made it learn the value of personal space.
10. ANOTHER overall issue with the episode is how choppy the animation is. There are just some parts that look very poorly put together. Examples being Lucario and Cinderace flying around the city and Team Rocket blasting off. It literally just looks like a bunch of different frames grouped together without proper transitioning. C’mon animators, you’re better than that! Literally almost every battle scene we’ve received from this season alone so far is proof of that.
11. I do love the canine-esque sounds Lucario makes throughout the episode, something I don’t believe other Lucarios have done.
12. I really wish episodes like this where it’s the Pokemon with the most focus had either subtitles (like in OG’s Island of Giant Pokemone) or the narrator translating for them (like SM’s Pikachu’s Exciting Adventure). It would be a good way to know their characters more and help build connections. Heck, not even Meowth bothered to translate for TR when Lucario and Cinderace started arguing. Missed opportunity right there.
13. The gag where TR, Lucario, and Cinderace started swinging around the city right behind Ash, Pikachu, and Goh lasted WAY too long.
14. Nice touch of TR’s rental Pokemon of the day being Sawk and Throh.
15. Wait, so it was Cinderace, the lesser experienced of the two who’s owned by the catcher, who thought of the idea of using their glued-together palms to their advantage? Not Lucario, the one who’s been through more battles and owned by the battler? What the what?
16. Defeated by two mons who were on a basic handicap and didn’t had their trainers on their side. Further proof of how absolute jokes Team Rocket are.
17. I’ve said this for past regions, but plump Ash can either be really blessed or really cursed.
18. Hahaha Lucario got dirty again and he’s chasing Cinderace now. Can I please be done with this review now? I can? Cool.
Overall.... yeah this episode wasn’t good imo. Weird animation, forced and/or inconsistent character moments, an environment close to dead, and unfunny gags that lasted longer than they should have. Hecks, not ever TR made me laugh in this episode. I’m seriously hoping they aren’t trying to establish some kind of “ace rivalry” between Lucario and Cinderace. I’ve already discussed this issues and problems with that, so I’m not gonna repeat myself.
Sorry fellow fans, but I gotta score this episode a 3/10 for all the reasons above.
Looks like next episode will introduce us to Chloe’s leaked Eevee, so here’s hoping we can get some character development! Please please PLEASE some character development!!
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zaph1337 · 3 years
Monster Hunter Rating 26: Rathalos, the King of the Skies
Well, we’re finally here. I’m not gonna lie, I’m kinda worried that I won’t be able to do this monster justice. The only experience I have with it isn’t even a Monster Hunter game, and I don’t know how much I can count on the wiki not having any headcanons that a lot of MH fans would disagree with. Still, it’s gotta be done. The King of the Skies, the Charizard of Monster Hunter, the Flying Wyvern--ladies, gents, and enbies, please give a warm welcome to Rathalos!
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(How it appears in Monster Hunter 1)
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(How it appears in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
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(How it appears in Monster Hunter Rise)
Appearance: Rathalos may appear to be a standard wyvern, but it has a few neat touches. First, it has a black flame pattern on its wings, which is admittedly something I did notice until I saw the Rise render. Its tail is also interesting, as it ends with a wide, thorny tip that kind of reminds me of an armadillo lizard; in fact, Rathalos reminds me of an armadillo lizard in general, mostly thanks to its spiny scales. Okay, obviously armadillo lizards don’t have wings, have four legs, and aren’t 70 feet long, but the scales are similar! Rathalos also has a black, beak-like nose that you’d be forgiven for thinking of as an actual beak, as well as what appear to be pointy ears.
Sure, Rathalos may be pretty basic in spite of everything I just said, but that’s kind of the point. It’s meant to be easily recognizable and iconic, so not deviating too far from what a normal wyvern looks like helps with that. It’s still distinct and powerful-looking, though, which makes it a perfect mascot for the series. 8/10.
Behavior: Rathalos have a pretty wide range of habitats, but I guess that’s mostly because not even nature will tell them where they can and can’t be. They’re basically at the top of the food chain, and the only things that pose a threat to them are monsters that are just as feared as they are (and hunters, of course), and even then, Rathalos never go down without a fight. Well, okay, that’s if they get in a fight with those monsters; they’re not stupid enough to actively aggress anything that they recognize as a clear threat unless they feel like they have to. They do get more aggressive during mating season, though, and after they mate, they’ll fly over their territories in search of threats, which they will go after like a honey badger breaking into a beehive. Rathalos stalk their prey from above before making their move, and after they kill it, they’ll take it somewhere to eat where scavengers and other large monsters aren’t likely to find it and try to steal a meal.
And...that’s it. Look, I know these games aren’t going to make monster behavior and lore as complex as real animals are, so it’s natural that they’d focus on how dangerous a monster is above all else, especially in Rathalos’ case, but monsters like Plesioth and Basarios/Gravios had more to them than their hunting habits and reputation, so you’d think that the same treatment would be given to the series mascot. There is a reason why there’s not much said about Rathalos, though, but you’ll have to wait until the next review to hear about it (no I’m not good at subtle foreshadowing, how could you tell?). Until then, I’m giving Rathalos a 6/10.
Abilities: I can actually speak from experience here since I’ve fought Rathalos before...in SSBU. Look, you take what you can get. If the title “King of the Skies” didn’t clue you in, Rathalos are very good fliers, and they’re just as dangerous in the air as they are on the ground. This is thanks to their multiple flame sacs, which allow them to spit out fireballs with explosive force, and their poisonous claws, which they utilize with divebombs. Speaking of which, they can simply rush at you from the air or on the ground, combining their strength and weight with their speed to knock you on your butt. They also use their tail “club” (it doesn’t really look like one, but that’s what the wiki calls it) as a blunt beating object, or they can just bite you if they want to be simple.
Rathalos don’t exactly do anything crazy, but the poison claws are interesting, and it uses all of its abilities to great effect anyways. 7/10.
Equipment: As expected, Rathalos weapons look pretty freaking cool. Here’s a Sword and Shield from the first MH called the Red Saber:
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That sword looks RAD. It looks like a sword in the middle of the forging process that also happens to be made of lava, which is a concept that wouldn’t make any sense if you never saw this. The shield is also really cool, as it looks both tough and like it would cause some serious pain if you bashed something with it. Next is an Insect Glaive from MHRise called the Rathmaul:
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I usually don’t like to use Rise weapons in these reviews since the renders are pretty small, but I had to rep my main weapon class, okay? Now, as for the Rathmaul itself, I like how the butt-end looks like a Rathalos’ tail, though I don’t know what the green part is. The blade of the glaive also looks cool; it doesn’t quite have the same pizzazz the Red Saber had, but it still looks really hot to the touch. Finally, here’s the weird-looking weapon of the review, the Rathalos Dual Blades from MHO:
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Let’s skip the Hot Topic jokes and just agree that this is a really cool concept. From what I can remember, none of the monsters I’ve talked about so far have had Dual Blades that looked like claws, which is surprising to me. These also appeal to the Kid Icarus: Uprising fanboy in me, so that’s another plus. Now for the armor, I’ve got a couple armor sets from Monster Hunter Tri (yes, I know it’s the worst game in the series, but the wiki didn’t have any other renders I liked). Here’s the Blademaster armor:
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If this looks familiar to you, it’s because SSB4 and SSBU both have DLC Mii Costumes based off of this armor. You may have also noticed that it looks freaking awesome. It’s regal, dangerous, and intimidating, just like the monster it’s based off of. As for the Gunner armor:
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It’s still cool, but less so. Not enough spikes, plus the men’s helmet on the Blademaster set looks much better than the one here. Still, the set looks cool for both men and women, just like the Blademaster set does. The Rathalos equipment just looks powerful, and that’s exactly what your reward for killing such a powerful monster multiple times should look like. It’s almost demonic, which is interesting, since Rathalos itself doesn’t look that way (as far as dragons go, I mean. I’m aware that there are some people who think dragons in general are demonic). I can only imagine how enthralled people who started out with the first MH as kids were when they saw the kinda stuff they could make with Rathalos parts, especially since the monsters that you fought before it pale in comparison in basically every way. 8/10.
Final Thoughts and Tally: Well, of course Rathalos would get an above-average score! It’s the Main Monster, the one that’s been in every single MH game! You think it would have such staying power if it wasn’t impressive? I only hope I was able to adequately show off just why it’s the King. 7/10.
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medea10 · 3 years
My Review of Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni GOU
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(a.k.a. When They Cry Gou)
I know what you’re thinking. Why the heck am I reviewing this anime again? I’ve already written a review in 2009 and re-polished it in 2016. (Here it is BTW) I’ve made my point on who I like, hate, what ships are worthy, and poked fun at all the deaths that happened throughout the series. I think some time has passed that I should say some thoughts on this…um, story. After all, Higurashi is one of my favorite animes.
STORY: Ah shit, here we go again!
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Higurashi or When They Cry is about a boy named Keiichi Maebara who recently moved to a place called Hinamizawa. And ever since moving to this town, he’s found his days are filled with fun mischief with fellow friends Rena Ryuuguu, Satoko Hojo, Mion Sonozaki, and Rika Furude. But little does Keiichi know that there’s a little murder mystery that surrounds the town. During a town festival known as Watanagashi (or Cotton Drifting), there’s usually one or two people that go missing or turn up dead. And this year, Keiichi is next. So let’s relive the horrors that plague the town of Hinamizawa and…
One episode later.
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Wait, what the…?! It’s episode 2, why are we seeing Hanyuu? I don’t remember that in the manga. The visual! THE VISUAL! WHAT THE FUCK?! ISN’T THIS SUPPOSED TO BE A REBOOT? WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY IS THERE AN ADULT RIKA?! WAIT, IS THAT ADULT RIKA OR BERN? IS THIS GOING TO BE THE PARALLEL UNIVERSE TO THE WITCHES OF UMINEKO?! THE SHADOWS IN THE OPENING ARE TOO FAMILIAR FROM OTHER WORKS! Ryukishi07, you magnificent, fucking troll master for keeping this hidden until the second episode’s air date!
Many of us did not see this coming. When they announced a new Higurashi series that was going to be done by a different studio, many of us speculated whether this was going to be a reboot or a sequel. But then we got the PV trailers and it looked like we were going to get a reboot to correct the mistakes Studio Deen made years ago. Rika’s head doesn’t look like its gonna snap off because her body is so small in comparison. Improvements! I mean, they showed everything we were already used to like the yandere girls, the original soundtrack, the original freakin’ cast, and death by baseball bat. Hell, the first episode ended with an Eiko Shimamiya song! It was on track to being a reboot! A better looking reboot!
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Here in lies the sequel aspect! After episode one, we get a scene that isn’t usually seen until the Kai part of Higurashi (a good 4-5 arcs away). And they give away the secret that Rika Furude is repeating the timeline of June 1983 over and over because she keeps dying. And as the series progresses, you notice little things different from the original series. Many of the well-known storylines end much differently than what you remember. Instead of Keiichi killing Rena and Mion with a baseball bat, you’ve got Rena going psycho on Keiichi. And Rika’s fate is somehow worse than the stories of the original series. So let’s head back to Hinamizawa to hear the cicadas cry and watch a murder mystery unfold.
THE SUB: All the original voice actors have returned to voice their respected roles. Perfection in a nutshell!
LICENSING: You’ve gotta be shitting me!
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As I’ve mentioned years ago in my review, the original Higurashi anime went through a turbulent time being licensed in the states. It was originally licensed and dubbed by Geneon. But once Geneon collapsed, FUNimation licensed it and did absolutely fuck all with it. Geneon could only manage to squeak out one season. At this point, FUNimation was picking up titles that Geneon used to have before it fell under including Familiar of Zero, Kyou Kara Maou, and yes, Higurashi. All of these titles mentioned here were done absolutely nothing with despite having cult followings, second seasons, and OVA’s.
A year or two after licensing it, the license expired for Higurashi. For nearly six years, the only copies you could get were out of print and estimating at $500 at the very least for a full collection. Single DVD’s could be found in rare shops, but it would take like 13 years to complete the fucking collection if you did it that way. And that was only for the first season. Second season, the best all of us could do was bootleg DVD’s from Japan Town or fansubs with glaring errors for the best season to Higurashi. We had to deal with this shit until Sentai Filmworks licensed and released the first 2 seasons and the Rei OVA’s.
Where the shit was this love 10 years ago when we were asking politely to release Kai? People ignorantly blew Higurashi off for years because season two was never released in the states until 2016 because they thought the damn anime ended after Rena held up the school. I’m already irritated with FUNimation after the Interspecies Reviewers debacle and I’m still quite butt-hurt over them re-releasing Nichijou with a dub to make a quick buck. Licensing Higurashi just brings back old anger. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy Higurashi is legally licensed and can be seen on at the very least Hulu. It’s just that I hold grudges and this was a big one.
THE DUB: Holy…um, okay! This is a rather big gulp to take in. As I’ve repeatedly mentioned in past reviews, the Higurashi dub was a mixed bag of okay, bad, and oh gasperts kill it with fire. So, not great! The good folks at Geneon (before bankrupting in America) dubbed the first season with a good chunk of folks that put their fake names to the credits. Again, not great! To me, there were some aspects of Megan Hollingshed, Mela Lee, and Grant George’s performances of Mion, Rena, and Keiichi that were okay. SOME! John Snyder and Karen Strassmen as Ooishi and Takano were the best out of that dub. Everything else was just irredeemable! It needed a redub, an overhaul, and a spit-shine. For years, I’ve wondered who would be the dream cast. Sentai Filmworks unfortunately never dubbed the remaining seasons when they released them. Would Luci Christian be the heavenly voice to do Rika Furude? Could we get Hilary Haag to do Satoko? Okay, that never came to pass.
This dub is a breath of fresh air. Rika doesn’t sound like Mihoshi. Satoko doesn’t sound fake, Keiichi doesn’t sound like a weird Sonic the Hedgehog. It’s perfect. ESPECIALLY BRITTANY LAUDA AS SATOKO! I knew the second she was cast as Satoko that she was going to excel the fuck out of this role. And I was not disappointed! The only voice I’m still not quite used to is Michelle Rojas as the Sonozaki twins. Probably because I was somewhat okay with Megan Hollingshed’s voice in the 2006 version that it’ll take some time! And we FINALLY got a voice for Hanyuu. I am super excited that Xanthe Huynh is the voice and I know she’ll do great with this role! With all of that said, here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
*Keiichi is now played by Khoi Dao (known for Kiriyama on March Comes in Like a Lion, Murata on Demon Slayer, Chaka on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Pt. 3, and Iskhan on SAO: Alicization)
*Rena is now played by Emi Lo
*Mion/Shion is now played by Michelle Rojas (known for Shizu Delta on Overlord, Touka on Assassination Classroom, Minase on Psycho Pass, Kanan on Love Live Sunshine, and Kusakai on Keijo!!!!!!!!)
*Rika is now played by Apphia Yu (known for Rio on Assassination Classroom, Marie on Black Clover, You on Love Live Sunshine, Victorique on Gosick, Natsumi on Danganronpa 3, and Laki on Fairy Tail)
*Satoko is now played by Brittany Lauda (known for Riko on Made in Abyss, Meidri on Interspecies Reviewers, Lessar on Index III, and Ichigo on Darling in the FranXX)
*Hanyuu is played by Xanthe Huynh (known for Menma on Anohana, Haru on Persona 5, Hanayo on Love Live, Hidomi on FLCL: Progressive, PallaPalla on Sailor Moon Super S [redub], and Sachi on SAO)
Okay Medea, let-a-rip!
*inhales and exhales*
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Teppei Hojo is trash. He is ultimate trash. This fucker needs to be murdered in every timeline. He is a turd in a Glenn Quagmire shirt. Him and his wife are trash. And when this pile of trash is cheating on that pile of trash, he sleeps with peak trash named Ritsuko. Teppei Hojo needs to die in every timeline. Whenever Keiichi bashes this cum-burger’s head in with a blunt instrument, I scream at the top of my lungs, “DIE SCUM, DIE”! And nothing, I repeat, NOTHING will change my opinion of Teppei Hojo.
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Episode 23.
Oh, fuck you Higurashi Gou!
MUSIC: Okay, thank you for proving me wrong. I did not despise the opening theme. Having Higurashi with no Eiko Shimamiya is like having Pokemon with no Rika Matsumoto. Or Rozen Maiden with no ALI PROJECT. But this new opening is fine by my standards.
That’s right, get the niceness of the review before I get angry down below.
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THESE TIMELOOPS: Rika tries to find solutions to end her time-loop in June 1983. Much like the original series, we follow stories from the Onikakushi-hen, Watanagashi-hen, and Tatarigoroshi-hen arcs (the first three stories to Higurashi, although now these have different names). However, all of these arcs have different endings. And after a positive turnaround with Satoko escaping from her abusive uncle, shit goes south when Detective Ooishi, who up to this point has never suffered under the Hinamizawa Syndrome or died a painful death goes on a murderous rampage. Higurashi style! That means, he’s after Rika Furude, will slaughter anyone in his way, and scratching his neck because he sees maggots (part of the hallucination effect).
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What the shit? Ooishi for the most part has been a great guy. With the exception of the Tatarigoroshi-hen storyline, he was a nice guy! In the limbo with Hanyuu, Rika now remembers who has killed her. Every time Rika dies up to this point, she never remembers who was the cause of her demise. Hanyuu implanted that power to remember the deaths and a clue for Rika to use and then she disappears.
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Now seriously, imagine Rika’s plight here. She has been repeating the month of June 1983 for over a hundred years. And each of these times she repeats, she’s horribly murdered. Rika got the shit-end of the deal in the murder department in the original series, including being dissected on while alive. Then, leaving her bloody, naked corpse out in the open of the Oyashiro altar! She’s tired of this shit! She wants to live a happy life away from Hinamizawa. She wants to grow older, become a teenager, and have fun. And this series made it worse by having her die four times in one episode. Not just that, but murdered by the most unexpected people including Akasaka, Chief Kimiyoshi, Mion’s mother Akane, and Keiichi. Keiichi has never killed Rika in any of the timelines up to this point. He has killed Mion and Rena, but never Rika. Keiichi loves Rika! Welcome back to A Million Ways to Die in Hinamizawa.
I’ll just add decapitation, drowning in a lake, set on fire, drowning in a sewage pipe, and death by…um…
Alexa, play Chandelier by Sia.
ENDING: We all know by now that in the original series, Miyo Takano is the betrayer and the reason behind all the murders during the Cotton Drifting Festival. This time, it’s someone closer to Rika that’s causing Rika so much pain. After we watched the worst kinds of murders happen to Rika, the episode after gave us our answer. Satoko, Rika’s friend and confidant is not happy that Rika is turning her back on Oyashiro and Hinamizawa. All the while pulling out her intestines!
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Oh Higurashi, don’t stop being gory!
Yes, Satoko is aware of past timelines much like Rika and is almost on a god-like state. So what the hell happened to her? I know Satoko’s past has been a cluster-fuck of horror with her brother disappearing, her parents dying, and every form of abuse from her uncle. But she was able to prevail after all that. After surviving 1983, a lot has changed in Hinamizawa. The three big families of Hinamizawa put an end to the Cotton Drifting Festival and claiming there is no curse of Oyashiro. Mion and Shion moved on and are going to high school. And Rika decides she wants to move away from this village. By attending St. Lucia! And she wants to do this with Satoko.
Oh, if you don’t recall St. Lucia, Shion attended this academy until she escaped during the Meakashi-hen arc. It was also the same school that Ange from Umineko attended. But of course Ange attended it in the 90’s and we are clearly in the 80’s. Moving on!
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Rika and Satoko studied their butts off for years and their hard work paid off as both were admitted into St. Lucia. Now Rika was able to prevail and fit in with everyone. Satoko on the other hand couldn’t do the same as her grades took a dip, her manners are atrocious, and she doesn’t seem to fit in with anyone. And this caused a drift between Rika and Satoko! And so during a trip to Hinamizawa, Satoko went to the old shrine where she ended up getting sent to that limbo place Rika and Hanyuu were at many times before. There, she meets Eua (God, I hope that really isn’t her name). She’s much like Hanyuu except a lot more condescending. Oh, and she’s that mysterious shadow during the opening theme. She bestows the power to Satoko of reviving on death and returning to a certain point in time. In the hopes that Satoko is able to stop Rika from going to St. Lucia! But Rika is not going to budge. She wants out of Hinamizawa no matter what. And Satoko just wants to be with her friend no matter what. Satoko is even shown Rika’s past and still no dent in…Okay, this is bugging the fuck outta me. Pause the Ending portion!
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MY GRIPES WITH SATOKO: Satoko, girl, the fuck is wrong with you?! I know Rika is like your main chick and everything, but for fuck’s sake loosen the grip you have with Rika. This season has changed you and not for the better. You made a connection with ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS from Hinamizawa. Big connections! At least in the original series you did. Look at your moments with Keiichi and Shion. Are you just going to shove them off? And what really sets me off is that Satoko literally had the opportunity to learn about Rika’s hundred year’s loop of death. And feels nothing about it! Only that it’s a challenge to break her herself! God damn, at the end of season one, Keiichi learned the truth and he was remorseful. This bitch doesn’t care that her friends were murdered in such a way. And Rika’s been shot in the head, had a live dissection performed on her, and other forms of torture…AND IT DOESN’T FAZE SATOKO!
I know in my original Higurashi review, I felt sorry for Satoko as she did seem to get the short-end of the stick living in Hinamizawa. I mean, her parents died right in front of her, she suffered abuse from her uncle, abuse from her aunt, ostrisized by the town for years, and a myriad of all types of shit to befall her. But Higurashi Gou has ruined this character. Rika didn’t really do anything wrong to Satoko. She didn’t snitch on her when Satoko got in trouble. She offered help to Satoko when she thought her grades were slipping. Satoko just held onto this petty vendetta. Satoko acted like Rika sexually assaulted her and have two other people gang rape her while drugging her. Okay, that’s a call for revenge, not your petty shit.
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YOU SEE WHERE I’M AT WITH YOU SATOKO?! Your actions are so bad that you have me siding with the protagonist from Redo of Healer.
I’m done with you! Girl, bye! We now return you to my talk about the ending already in progress.
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BACK TO THE ENDING: Sorry, had to get that off my chest. Yeah, Satoko is leaving a bad impression on many of us who have been following the Higurashi story for years. And it just gets worse as she uses her new power for petty shit and abusing it at that. I mean, we saw Rika use her power in order to find a way to live past June 1983. Satoko is just using that shit to win some games and have things go her way. What else could this series bless us with? How about an epiphany from Teppei Hojo?
Teppei changes for the better.
Look, I admit that these moments with Teppei and Satoko were tame compared to the shit she’s pulled in the last several episodes. But this is Teppei Hojo! The same guy that used Satoko as his personal punching bag! The same guy who fleeced Rena’s father! The same guy many of us who cheer every time we see him on a moped because we know someone’s going to bash his head in with a baseball bat. Even my best friend knows how I am with this guy. When she gave me Higurashi free swag, I took everything except for Teppei. I don’t take trash. So seeing him so remorseful makes me…conflicted.
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So now Satoko’s got things turned around for her. Her uncle has…changed?! Add to that, her God-like power. Satoko decides to change the past for her own advantage. This includes changing one of the biggest stories in Higurashi Kai with the kids vs. Miyo Takano. If Rika doesn’t experience the pain in those timelines, she won’t think about leaving Hinamizawa. And if she doesn’t leave Hinamizawa, she’ll stay with Satoko forever.
Oh what a tangled web of crazy Higurashi Gou was! I gotta tell you, Higurashi got me excited all the way up until we learn it was Satoko. And then it went straight to Hell. They turned Satoko into a straight-up selfish monster. Totally unlike the Satoko we’ve all grown to love in the original series. Yes, Satoko had those moments where, yeah, you would want to throw a chair at her and beat her ass with it. But that was only temporary! You would always see the good in Satoko despite that mischievous laugh and those episodes in Higurashi Rei. And God help me, I was a shipper of Rika x Satoko 10 years ago. Not a big one, but a supporter of it. Now, I would rather support Amourshipping from Pokemon than root for this. And I despise the living fuck out of Amourshipping. That should tell you something!
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If original Satoko were bestowed the powers from Eua, I think things would be different. Satoko would probably use her powers to prevent all the bad stuff from happening to her friends and to her brother Satoshi. I mean, my goodness, not once did I see her think, hey maybe I should find a way to help my ailing brother. Change a few timelines, make him all better! And of course, feel sympathy for Rika’s plight. Do it for Rika’s sake, not your own selfish desires! Rika has died horrificly for hundreds of years. And I seriously just can’t get over Satoko’s reaction to that when she learned the truth. Instead, she wants to treat Rika like a caged bird. Best friend my ass!
Now can Higurashi SOTSU fix the hot mess of Satoko? Time will only tell! And good on them for having Higurashi air in the summertime. Summertime is for Higurashi! Autum is for Umineko. Speaking of, it’s been since 2009. Any chance you want to give Umineko the old reboot or sequel it sorely needs? Oh forget it! My likeness for this season is conflicted. I was annoyed by it, but I didn’t fully hate it. It’s just that last arc with Satoko really burned my beans. And I’m sure a lot of you all feel the same way.
Guys, if you want to watch Higurashi Gou, do yourselves a favor and watch the original series first. Let that swirl around your heads for a while. I know the creator tricked us at the beginning of this series thinking it was going to be an honest-to-God retelling. It is not! It is a sequel. And a sequel that isn’t based off a game or manga of all things. So fans are jumping into this with eyes closed! And if you’re a fan of Satoko Hojo, I’m sorry. I’m just sorry.
If you want to check out Higurashi Gou, it is available to watch on FUNimation and Hulu. But please, if you haven’t watched the original series, go to HI-DIVE now and watch “When They Cry” and “When They Cry Kai”. I think you can manage without watching any of the OVA’s.
I’d rather watch that Kira OVA where the fanservice is thin, you can practically lick off the whipped cream from the Sonozaki’s tit.
That should tell you something if I’m starting to say something nice about Higurashi Kira.
See you in a few months when Higurashi SOTSU comes out.
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 61 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 359 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here. 
RATE THE EPISODE 347 Responses
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While this episode wasn’t as big of a hit as episode 60, overall most viewers still enjoyed the content and are looking forward to more next week!
amazing amazing! I'm so delighted with this season so far!
Im so beyond pumped i love everything
Dissapointing but acceptable.
I’m like angry I loved it so much.
I just wish we didn't have to wait a week
It was amazing. We all gotta apologize to MAPPA for ever doubting them.
It's a huge stepdown from episode 1. At times the animation was straight up painful to watch. My expectations were low and yet I'm still disappointed :/
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Reiner-centric scenes were the highest on people’s radar, with 24.9% of respondents enjoying his reunion with the warrior cadets, and not far behind, 22.9% enjoyed Reiner bringing up the 104th at the dinner table. In third, with only 13.5%, was Pieck and Porco’s formal introduction to the audience. 
Hearing Zeke greet his grandparents with such happiness warmed my heart. I do believe that he loves them. 
They just had to add one last image of Ymir's broken face before she died, huh? :(
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Last week we forgot to include what your favorite scenes were. The scene from episode 60 that got the most favor was Reiner’s, “I’m sick and tired… of walls” with 33.6% of the vote. 16.7% most enjoyed Zeke’s titan transforming scream. 14.9% were hyped about Reiner and Porco wrecking Fort Slava.
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Overall, a total of 74.5% respondents have positive feelings about MAPPA’s use of rotoscope animation and camera panning. Some felt like it was akin to watching a movie, while others are just happy to have the dynamic movement. A smaller amount of respondents didn’t have feelings one way or another, and a minority (about 10.3%) really are not a fan of this type of animation style for the series.
It felt odd sometimes as they used it for long scenes (like Udo talking or Gabi telling the story to her family) but overall it was pretty great and I prefer it to WIT's stale animation during season 3
I liked the more dynamic movement during dialogue, but my roommate found it super awkward and off-model. So a fifty-fifty split in a sample size of two lol
It could have been animated better, but I like the extra dimension it gives to scenes
Enjoyed it a lot! However, there were a few scenes that felt a bit off, like some frames were missing. Specifically, when Udo was doing all those gestures while talking with the rest of the Warrior Candidates.
It felt dynamic to the point of looking unnatural - some gestures and expressions just moved wrong
i'm split, in some scenes it was great (like reiner waking up), but in the dialogue scenes the constant movement seemed kinda unnatural and distracting
It was amazing but at the same time I'd didn't look fluid enough, especially at Udo's mouvements which made the character look kind of...video game-ish in constant moving. 
I thought it looked great the rotoscoping,the movements all looked amazing
The animation during Urdu’s scene is so cool!  I was caught of guard at first though lol. It’s so realistic!
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So far, reception to the newer music is overall positive. 31.1% are really enjoying the music and think the songs are being used immaculately, and 40.4% really feel that the song choice compliments the scenes they’ve been used in. 13.1% think the songs are good, but miss having that sole Sawano feel to them. 10.8% just feel the music is “ok” and 2.6% aren’t a fan of the new OST tracks so far. 
I mean it sounds good, but we haven't gotten to important moments that require a memorable track, so we'll see!
First episode slapped because it really complemented the scene but it's more... generic. I didn't like how it was used in this episode, there wasn't enough of it and again, generic. I miss Sawano's unreal scores.
the animation absolutely blew me away, and i love the intense music that played during Reiners monologue 
The music is fine.
I've heard both new and old songs from the previous seasons. Still too soon to make an opinion as we need to hear more.
I am deaf, I can't hear no damn soundtracks 
That music guys when they came back to Liberio and reuniting with they parents, made me tear up but also because the scouts never had the chance to go back home with victory in the arms of their family, I wish I could have seen EMA like this.. It kinda felt unfair X) but I was happy for them nevertheless.
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Our first of probably too many crack questions in this poll, 32.7% thought the closeup of Zeke lighting his cigarette was cool looking. 21.4% are concerned about Zeke’s lung health. 19.1% are probably annoyed with us and simply don’t care (lol). 13.3% wouldn’t mind smooching Zeke, and 11% were just plain grossed out.
Does smoke even affect a titan shifter? Surely his lungs just heal themselves
ASMR for the eyes, right there. Aww yiss
It was awesome! Zeke is shown as relaxed person with a big drop of mystery. 
Smoking Bad but he is gonna die in a year anyway
It might've just been an artistic choice to include it in there, but i gotta say I'm oddly fascinated and idk why
I don’t remember it lol
I didn't even notice.
Zeke looks hotter than he has ever looked
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Most of the responses seemed to feel rather positively about Eldian asses, with almost 40% seeking out Zeke’s ass wiping technique. About 17% simply stated their appreciation for them, while almost 13% are just thirsty. In contrast, a little over 17% seemed confused to the question’s inclusion and about 10% were confused outright. 
More into Eldian thighs, really
I bet Levi’s is nice
If only Eren had one
zeke has the energy of a straight man who doesn't wash his ass
Only Shadis' ass
They are like normal, human asses. Do not turn them into some magical, special snowflakes, just because they belong to Eldians. 
Seek help
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A definitive majority, almost 59 percent, openly expressed enthusiasm for the prospect of a head pat from Reiner. However, a near 30% fraction of responders didn’t seem too happy about this recent chain of less than serious questions. We’re sorry about that. 😅. The rest either didn’t seem interested in said prospect or noted they wouldn’t care either way.
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It would appear that the majority of those who took our poll express cautious optimism at the prospect of seeing all (or the vast majority) of Reiner’s backstory being adapted into a single episode, with a near 47% supporting the move, thinking it could make the narrative “more coherent”. Almost 20% argue it would work better pacing wise. On the flipside, just over 17% state that they would rather have a more accurate adaptation to the manga. 11.6% simply say they have no opinion. There were also more than a few write-ins.
I do wish everything could be animated to full detail, but pacing and structure will benefit here
They've done a good job so far, so I'll reserve judgement until I actually watch it.
It will be difficult as they're chapters with loads of dialogue, but they can pull it off if unnecessary stuff gets cut out or changed in some type of way (like watching Marcel's death for the sixth time, them breaking through the wall or even Jean and Eren fighting) 
If they get the pacing right, then the rearrangement will be for the better.
Reiner flashbacks + Reiner suicide attempt + Falco meeting "Kruger" (more than 2,5 chapters) in a single episode? HELL NO! WTF MAPPA!  
Worried and cautiously optimistic.
At least it looks like they're going to stick to just one episode for the RBA flashback. It was mostly just filler anyway, so there was never any need to stretch it out and waste precious time getting back to the Paradis side of the story
I doubt that that's exactly how it is, but if so, then I don't think that that's a wise idea
It’s gonna be rushed as hell
Reiner flashback is very long and there is tons of dialogue, so I dont know how its going fit in only one episode, but if they can make it work then its fine for me
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This question gave us a somewhat evenly split pie chart, but Porco nonetheless managed to gain the bigger piece with just over 55%. Surely due to that bomber jacket and haircut. Nearly 45% picked Pieck (gottem) instead. Must have been the somewhat inconsistent nose.��
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On the flip side, 68.4% seemed to prefer Pieck’s soft voice. Porco with his (how the hell does Porco sound like… how can you describe his voice) managed to win the hearts of 31.6% of responses.
Pieck voice wtf? I imagined Pieck with a more Hanji-ish voice, not this sweet and high pitched.
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The debacle over Pieck’s POWERFUL nose gave us quite a colorful pie chart. Almost 39% of responses noted that Mappa was on point with Pieck’s nose for most of the episode. Afterwards, 26.7% stated that they thought that Mappa got it right only in some points of the episode. On the flip side, another 26.7% thought that Mappa was generally quite on point throughout the entire episode. A small minority (7.8%) thought that Mappa simply did a poor job. 
The animation is good, and while I don't want to complain, I have a small problem with the drawings themselves. I feel like they lack precision (like Pieck's nose, idk if that's clear).
I'm grateful for Pieck's nose. I always respected Isayama for drawing imperfect characters, because this way he has made them to look more realistic. Even though Pieck has so-called imperfect nose, she is still absolutely gorgeous. Her imperfections are part of what makes her beautiful and unique.
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A far less controversial debacle concerned Porco’s hair scheme. The folks supporting a Blond color scheme were universally content with his hair color (all 57.4% of team Blond). On the flip side, an almost universal approval was also present from team Redhead (13.6% of those supported his blond hair color). 27.5% of the responses seemed to care not about this issue at all, however.
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Porco inheriting the Armored Titan is a rather interesting what-if scenario. Perhaps of the most interesting as a whole, so it’s no surprise to see a rather divided opinion of those who took our poll. A little over 36% believe that Porco doing a better job than Reiner on Paradis is a definite possibility. Just over 24% believe it’s not likely Porco would have done better than Reiner. On the flip side, 21.6% think that is is likely Porco *would* have a more successful conduct on the island. 9.2% believe that Porco’s success is a given and in opposition to that, 8.9% think that Porco’s success would have been basically impossible.
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Much less division here, however. 70.5% of responders believe that Pieck’s possible trip to Paradis (in the initial attack) would have not have resulted in a given “mission success” for the Warriors, although she would have been a rather useful ally. Nearly a quarter, on the other hand, think that Pieck’s inclusion would have ended the story right then and there. The rather small minority of the other responders think that Pieck would not have been useful had she participated in the mission.
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64.6% of respondents overall have positive feelings toward Gabi as of right now, with 39.5% having already been enjoying her character throughout the manga. 25.1% now view her more positively with her being brought to life. 20.2% don’t really care about Gabi either way, and 11.7% feel very negatively toward Gabi, without the anime swaying their opinions. 
Gabi still sucks
Sakura ayane as gabi is probably the best thing to happen to me all year
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Overwhelmingly, the scenes that were most missed by manga readers were “Pieck walking on all fours/scaring Porco”, “Zeke mentioning the Ackerman Clan”, “Reiner’s smirk when his family talks about ‘Island Devils’”, and “The imagery of Eren and Armin wrecking ships”. Smaller character details, such as Reiner mentioning how he acted like Marcel on Paradis, Gabi wishing to understand Reiner’s feelings, Falco pointing out how Reiner almost had the Armor taken from him, were also very missed by manga readers, although just less so. 
General Calvi talking about Zeke’s loyalty, Gabi getting praise from her parents when they reunite, and Magath trashing the Marleyan navy, were moments that many respondents didn’t feel strongly about one way or another, or felt that these were details that weren’t really needed anyway. 
Cutting the scene where Falcon talks about why Reiner kept the AT was really bad.  Also the table scene could have been better. Some imagery when Reiner was describing the 104th and his smirk.
The cuts the anime has done made the spectators less informed about some story background stuff. This is in order to direct attention to the marley's eldians planning how to overcome the world's disparagement towards the power of the titans. 
I'm sad they cut the gate guards. They humanize the marleyans a bit. Hope they add their scenes next episode and do them justice.
I hope we will get the Gabi/Reiner talk about understanding each other through PATHS when she eats him next episode
Gimme crawling best giiiirl
MAPPA cut Pieck's ass so this episode wouldn't be so ass centered with Zeke's ass wiping technique. This is my theory lol
Great episode but U was so looking forward to the Reiner scene talking about Paradis “devils”. In the mange it was a powerful scene really adding to the duality of Reiner and the pain he has, and the animation did not do it justice. Plus some parts of his speech were probably hard to understand for a non mange reader without the flashback. (Like which one is referring to Jean for example).  I really wish it had been better delivered
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them into different scenes. Overall, the majority answered a big, fat, “maybe.” 15.8% are confident that what’s done has been done, and 12.6% are more optimistic that MAPPA will find a way.
Overall I was a bit disappointed. I feel like the amount of material cut from every conversation included really added up overall and gave it a very rushed feel to me. I really hope they add it all in later.
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The changes and additions that MAPPA made were overall viewed very favorably, with the scene of Porco and Pieck interacting with the warrior cadets being the most liked addition. This is followed closely by the overall character movement during dialogue scenes, the small detail about Pieck’s father being unwell, and Gabi shouting “Watashi!” on the train.
I loved the additional details made it very emotional
Sneakier Eren's a nice addition too
Porco my boiii I'm so happy he's here 💖💖💖💖 if mappa is adding some extra scenes then gimme more of gallirei 👀
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Unsurprisingly, 42% of respondents are hyped about Kenny’s brief return and Annie’s unlikely encounter with him in the Underground. 22.2% are eager to get that sweet Reiner angst as he is rejected by his Marleyan father. 17.8% are looking forward to Reiner’s training days.
great! it was inevitable they would cut stuff but it hasn't changed any major plot point or thing i would want to see desperately 
It was just really great to see the scenes animated, it adds another level of depth and understanding to the story I believe. 
Loved anime-onlies missing Eren completely. Some even thought it was him but then noticed the leg and thought against it
I think it was very well done. Just need a little getting used to with MAPPA on the reins now. I think MAPPA added some scenes to show how those Eldians over there are still just human after all and they have their own problems to deal with. 8/10 episode.
I feel like they took a lot of emotion way from reiner. made him seemed stoic and determined to go to the island even though in the make he looked scared about having to return. 
I thought the rotoscoping was really well done! I’m happy with the pacing, the fact that the episode felt like it went by fast is good considering it was dialogue based.
Incredible. The direction, the cinematic quality, we are feasting. MAPPA is elevating the story beyond anything I could have imagined! I'm beyond hyped for the rest!! But where is asshole Marley guards/Hobo!Eren's appearance as a favorite moment?!
Incredible, it adapts the source material very well while adding some touches that make it unique in it's own way. As a manga reader, I'm really glad that they're doing this because it feels like a completly different experience from reading it and makes me excited on what changes or directing choices they're going to make during the course of the season, great job so far MAPPA!
Such an amazing episode. Made 20mins feel like 5. MAPPA is doing fantastic. The characters have never felt more alive and the animation style is something I never knew I wanted until now. 
I can't believe they didn't cast Mads Mikkelsen to voice Mads Mikkelsen
The episode was good but the dinner scene didn't do justice to the manga. It didn't have the same feeling to it. I saw a lot of anime onlys thinking Reiner was just trying to talk shit about the 104th. I feel like the flashbacks during that part in the manga gave it a nostalgic feeling that helped convey what he truly felt about his time on the island. His facial expressions were not quite there either. Specially sad because it was the moment I was expecting the most this episode and because it's a big part of Reiner's character, maybe next episode can kind of fix this.
I haven't seen the anime only poll results, but given personal conversations with them I imagine quite a few could care less about the Warriors and are looking forward to the 104th showing up to stir shit up. Boy are those folks in for a treat :)
I knew I'd feel more attached to all of them once they got animated. I didn't expect getting real thirsty for Lainah.
I was so happy with how much detail MAPPA put into the background scenery. Also, I think that an underrated moment during this episode was the Marlian douchebag triggering the Eldian soldier’s PTSD. You could really feel their terror, and THEY KEPT THE HOBO EREN PART IM SO HAPPY!
Its consistently very pretty and well animated which is great of course, but I worry the team won’t be able to maintain this quality for some of the meatier scenes in the later episodes. The fast pace of the episode (compared to the manga) as well as the many cuts make it a bit harder for scenes to stick, I wish there was a bit more breathing room at times. This also makes the fancy animation and frequent rotoscoping cuts feel less impactful for me—with every scene being cut down to its core ingredients, and every scene having at least one cut with more motion and energy than we’re used to, I can’t help but feel it all kind of mashes together without sticking out as much, leaving less of an impact. (I feel really really weird actually complaining about good camerawork/animation, what the hell lol) Also hobo <3
Plenty of questions about ass but no questions about the full ED? Or how we thought the episode did at hiding Eren in plain sight?
rip Reiner's chocolate abs :'(
The episode wasn't as interesting as the first one. I was yawning from time to time. Yet, I think that Mappa did a great job, because it's hard to animate full of  dialogues chapters. I was disappointed of the fact that flashbacks from Paradis have been cut. I hoped to see Sasha, Connie, Ymir and Marco while Reiner was speaking about them. Without the flashbacks we just got the dry speech and this way hard to say what Reiner is really thinking about people he met on Paradis. We - as manga readers - already are aware of his feelings, but anime onlies may not know and see Reiner as cold hearted person. I'm not complaining over animations or the OST tracks because no studio is perfect and some small mistakes here and there won't destroy my fun. I just sit and enjoy the episode. 
Very good, with the exception of the dinner scene, in which the director missed the mark completely with the tone.
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Thank you again for participating! We’ll see you again next week!
22 notes · View notes
sapphiretsuki · 5 years
Road Trip Gone Right? <M>
Keeping my promise to myself here and writing. I am a heathen and start with a goal of like 1.5k max, but somehow I end at 4k. I’ll keep trying. T_T Also, in line with my self challenge I am again writing for a fandom outside my comfort zone. Loosely edited because its 1am and I’m tired :]  @channiesmixtape​ Thank you again for your undying support, ilysm <3
Pairing: Felix x Y/N
Warnings: Uhhhhh, smut, oral, voice kink if you squint, nothing major really. Condoms. (safe sex is good sex too)
cr. to google for the lovely pic 
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It was the dreaded season of traveling and for whatever reason your school had decided that they weren't going to allow anyone to stay on campus over break. It was your tradition to bask in the quiet whilst all the other students went home and to friends and on trips, but not this year apparently.  As if the universe were conspiring against you, your mother had also decided this was going to be the year that all the family, including by extension your best friends family, were all going to gather and celebrate the new year. Whatever. Why people wanted to celebrate that time was passing as it always did was beyond you, but that's how you found yourself in the front seat of your longtime friends car. Felix seemed just as dejected as you about the long drive and the mandatory mingling that was going to occur.
You and Felix had been quite the pair for as long as you could remember. You were about 7 when you met and you had saved him from some punk on the playground who thought being a little shithead was the way to be impressive. You kicked the little fucker in the shin and before you could follow through with a punch he was frantically scooting to run away. When you turned to check on what you thought was an adorable little girl you were met with a starry eyed Felix and he'd been your sidekick from that moment on. As fate would have it, he ended up being your next door neighbor.  Gazing at his profile now while he was driving it struck you that at some point he'd grown to be quite masculine and incredibly striking. He always had been beautiful to you, but these days there was something more and you just couldn't put your finger on what it was.
Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you reached out to turn on the radio. Maybe music would help whatever this feeling was. It was probably just anxiety over the long drive and the anticipation of being subjected to people you didn't get along with very well. You were unique and not quite the cookie cutter image of perfection that the rest of your cousins were and they never wasted an opportunity to let you know. As if sensing your thoughts, Felix's deep voice broke through the thoughts again, "Penny for your thoughts?" he asked. "Huh? Oh. It's nothing really. Just thinking about the cousins and wondering what brand of hell they'll try to subject me to. I haven't seen them since I started college you know."
His laughter rang out through the car and made you feel a bit better. "I'm sure that no matter what they try, you're still far smarter than them and a hell of a lot stronger too. Try not to worry Cheeks." At the mention of your special nickname you couldn't help but smile. A bit precocious growing up, and definitely the most vocal of the children, you'd earned the title of cheeky which had in turn affectionately turned into the nickname Cheeks. As much as you were dreading this visit, it made you feel infinitely better that Felix was going too. Not that he had any choice either. Just as you had become fast friends at a young age, your families had become some sort of hybrid family through strong friendship.
You must have finally relaxed enough to fall asleep at some point because you awoke with a bolt. There was a loud bang and Felix slammed on the breaks. "Shit, what the hell was that?" He put the car in park and turned the hazards on before turning to you and telling you to stay put. He pulled out his cellphone and turned on the flashlight before stepping out of the car. You anxiously watched him walk around the car and disappear as he squatted down. You were praying he hadn't hit some woodland creature because from the looks of it you were in the middle of nowhere and that was a very real possibility. You jumped as he tapped on your window. "Can you pop the trunk for me? We appear to have a flat." You nodded and unbuckled your belt and climbed over to the drivers side to hit the latch for the trunk. As you sunk back into your seat you could hear him digging around in the trunk. A flat wasn't so bad. Sure it wasn't ideal, but at least there would be no dead animals or screwed up undercarriages right?
Just as you were coming to terms with a small hiccup in the journey you heard another bang followed by a few expletives that made you quirk an eyebrow. That was unlike Felix. You were the one with the foul language problem. If he was cursing something must be terribly wrong. Curiosity getting the better of you, you snatched the keys out of the ignition and stepped out from the vehicle. "Whats going on short stack?" you called out as you approached the visibly frustrated man. "The spare has a crack in it. My roadside assistance doesn't have anyone that can help. They'll reimburse me, but we're going to have to call a tow and probably find somewhere to spend the night since I'm sure there isn't a garage open at this hour." Well shit. This was going to be a pain in the ass. "Okay, which part do you want me to start looking up? How about you figure out the tow situation and I'll see if theres a motel or something. Where are we even anyway?" you asked trying to laugh at the circumstance you found yourself in.
Two hours  and a ride on the struggle bus with cellular service later you found yourselves in the lobby of a motel that made you feel like the star of a horror film. You were in some backwood town with a population of almost no one and there were nothing but trees for days. The receptionist or owner or whoever she was seemed friendly enough, but she also reminded you of a walking corpse. Her bony hand deposited a key into your palm and with a toothless grin she rasped out your room number. You thanked her and went to collect Felix and your bags and hightail it to somewhere with a lock on the door. This whole evening had made you feel uncomfortable and all you wanted was to sleep so morning could come and you could be back on your way. Funny that there was something that made you feel worse than spending time at home, but here you were.
Juggling your bag and the room key you were having trouble making the key go into the lock. A warm hand stopped yours from shaking and suddenly closer than you remembered him being, Felix silently took the key from you and ran his fingers over the back of your hand before inserting the key into the lock and opening the door. He gestured for you to go in first and continued to hold the door open as you pulled yourself together and stepped into the room. Feeling around on the wall you found the switch and flipped it. As the light flickered on, yes flickered, because your life obviously needed to resemble a horror movie down to the last detail you let out a groan as you looked around. There was only one bed. It was rather small also. You weren't sure it even qualified to be called a full. There was absolutely no way that you were going to have either one of you taking the floor though. You'd definitely indicated two beds at the desk, but something told you this wasn't a problem with a solution. The place was so ancient they still used key locks, and the lady downstairs looked like she came from 1900 directly. You turned to Felix as he was dragging your suitcases in to break the news to him.
"Looks like we're going to be revisiting our childhood tonight shorty. Theres only one bed and like hell either one of us is sleeping on the floor." His head snapped up from what he was doing to shoot you an incredulous look. "Y/n, I'm far from short anymore compared to you and that," he says pointing in the direction of the bed, "is not a bed. That's fit for a large child at best." You wondered what had him so obviously upset, but you chalked it up to the frustration of the situations that seemed to keep arising. "Felix, believe me, I realize this is less than ideal, but it's what we've got. We both have a long day ahead of us tomorrow, you especially, so we're just gonna have to suck it up and do what we gotta." You said placing a hand on your hip and turning your other palm up towards the ceiling in a gesture of both sass and nonchalance. "I'll see if theres a pizza joint or something in this town, why don't you go take a shower first? It'll help take some of the tension off." He nodded and went towards the bathroom while you dove into trying to get a signal to see if you could figure out food.
Miraculously after the fight of the century with your service you were able to locate pizza. Even better was that they delivered. Downside of the size of the town you were in was that the person on the other end of the phone knew exactly who you were, and described you as 'that poor stranded couple'. Well whatever, food was becoming more necessary by the minute since you'd relaxed a marginal amount and your stomach felt like it would eat itself. You were giddy with excitement and digging through your purse for some cash when Felix reappeared. You didn't notice him at first but when you looked up and there he was in nothing but a pair of low slung sweats with a towel hanging around his neck you let out an audible gulp. He quirked an eyebrow at you, but before he could question what your problem was, you snatched up some clothes and stuffed some money in his hand. "I'm amazing and pizza should be here any minute. I'm gonna go shower now. You don't have to wait for me to eat." You said to him as you brushed past and quickly made your way into the safety of the bathroom.
Once you shut the door, you placed a hand on your chest to calm the beating of your heart. What was wrong with you today? Sure it had been a while since you'd seen Felix shirtless. And wet. But it had never affected you like this before ever. It was like you were discovering that he wasn't the person you'd known most of your life. Just when had he gotten so toned? His lithe body was beautiful and always had been, but when had it also been appropriate to describe him as manly? Stepping into the scalding spray of the shower you prayed that you were just hungry and tired and it was making you crazy. Washing with a speed you normally reserved for things you disliked, you scrubbed away the filth of the day. Wrapping a towel around yourself you rubbed some of the fog off the mirror and after toweling your hair out as much as you could, ran a brush through it. You rubbed your skin vigorously and put on your tank top and realized you'd forgotten your panties. Laughing at the luck you'd had today you just shook your head and pulled on your pajama pants.
When you returned to the room the soft light and sounds of the TV accompanied Felix and his pizza. Belatedly you realized there wasn't likely to have been any sort of plates or anything to use and cursed yourself for not asking. Oh well, things still could have been far worse today so you were gonna stuff your face and call it a night before the bad luck that seemed to be following you around could claim any more of your energy. You plopped unceremoniously on to the bed next to Felix and snatched up a piece of pizza. As you took a bite you let out a moan at how delicious it was. "Really y/n, sometimes I think you'd be happiest with food in your hands at all times." Felix said, chest rumbling with laughter. Your face suddenly felt like it was on fire and you were oddly embarrassed even though this exact scenario had played out many times before. "I just love food and am hungry enough to eat a cow right now short stuff." You huffed out indignantly. Still slightly laughing Felix reassured you that it was fine and he was only making an observation. You felt jittery and nervous still even though you'd checked off all the things you thought were the culprits so you decided to initiate bedtime.
"I think we should get some sleep, we have a lot to do tomorrow and we still have a lot of miles to cover." Felix seemed to mull over your statement before he nodded his agreement. He began to box up the remainder of the pizza and you went to brush your teeth. Making your way back to the room you heard Felix's phone chime and picked it up from the dresser it was sitting on to hand it to him. You weren't being nosy but you saw a name that made your blood boil a little bit. It was one of your catty cousins and now you were wondering what the fuck he was doing talking to her of all people. Unable to help yourself you spat out at him, "What are you doing talking to her?" As soon as the words were out you couldn't believe yourself and your hand flew up to cover your mouth in embarrassment. "You know what, I'm tired, never mind,  disregard my craziness, I'm just gonna lay down. "As he stared at you with wide eyes, he responded anyway. "They occasionally text me trying to snoop I think. I just stored the name so I'd know to ignore because I made the mistake of answering a message once before." Well now you were feeling a whole lot more awkward. Deciding that there was safety in silence you simply nodded and laid down in the bed.
Getting under the covers you scooted as far to the side as you could. You weren't sure how you were going to handle being that close to Felix's shirtless body with the maelstrom going on inside your head but you were just going to have to try. Sliding under the covers and in turn being closer to you than you thought was explicitly necessary he pulled the blanket up over you both and whispered to you, "Good night Cheeks." His deep voice laced with a tired rasp sent a shiver down your spine and it hit you then like a bolt of lightning. Holy shit, you were in love with your best friend. Your best friend turned you on. Holy shit, what the fuck. Sleep was probably going to be a problem with your heart hammering away in your chest. Staying as still as you could so as to not draw attention to yourself you mentally went over all the signs trying to figure out when the hell this had happened. You thought Felix was asleep and you turned to look at him. His breathing had evened out and his plush lips were slightly parted. The moonlight coming through the window cast a soft light and made the smattering of freckles on his cheeks and across the bridge of his nose look exceptionally gorgeous.
With his eyes still closed he shocked you when he began to speak. It was as if he could sense your restlessness even though you weren't moving at all. "I can feel your eyes y/n," he drawled and you went rigid. "Not to make things weird, or weirder, but I thought about you when I came last night." Now it was your turn to give the wide eyed stare. He cracked one eye and looked at you and slowly started to grin. "Y-you did?" you squeaked out. He turned to face you and it's not like you had anywhere to run, the bed was so tiny. You were close enough to feel his breath ghost over your face as he continued, "I thought I might have been imagining things but it seems you're just as affected by me Cheeks. You were calling me short stack still so I was a little unsure, but if you could have seen how hungry you looked earlier and I'm not talking about food." You should have known it was going to be a short lived secret but you were reeling that within such a short time of you realizing you had feelings and physical attraction he was calling you out on it. Felix had always known you better than you knew yourself sometimes.
What he didn't expect was that you wouldn't put up a fight about it. He was prepared to spell it out for your stubborn ass if need be, but you saved him the effort and planted your lips on his. You kissed him with all the hunger he described moments before and pulled away, chest heaving. "How long? How long have you known that we could have been doing this? How long have you been thinking about me when you cum?" You shoved him so he wasn't on his side anymore and climbed on top of him before he could do a thing about it. Looking at his face you were searching his eyes as if they held the answers. What you found instead was a look of lust so dark you couldn't do anything except seal your lips to his again. He didn't fight back and instead placed his hand on the back of your neck to turn your head slightly. He licked your bottom lip seeking entrance and you obliged. His plump lips felt so soft on yours and as his tongue swirled with yours you unintentionally found yourself grinding your hips into his as you let out a moan.
Felix also let out a groan at the friction and decided he'd had enough. He flipped you so your positions were switched and you found yourself again marveling at how manly was now how you'd describe him. Caged in between his arms he leaned down and nipped on your throat. Practically growling in your ear, his voice sent shivers down your spine. "I'll show you exactly what I was thinking about when I came if you want me to y/n." If you had been wearing underwear they would have been absolutely ruined. His voice was already one of your favorite sounds in the world, but right up in your ear making lewd suggestions had you feeling like you were coming unraveled. He placed open mouthed kisses along the column of your throat and reached to tug on your shirt. He pulled it up and helped you take it off only removing his mouth from your skin long enough to get it over your head. He continued down your chest and down to your hip where he hooked his fingers in the band of your pants. You lifted your hips so he could pull them down. "Well well, Cheeks, I never thought you'd go without panties, but that certainly makes things easier on me. He took a moment to appreciate your beauty and you found yourself feeling shy. He trailed a finger down your stomach and began to lightly tease your pussy until you were squirming with need. Just when you thought you couldn't take the teasing anymore he slid a finger into your slick folds and then into you.
"A-ah, Felix, more," you whined out. You were so turned on it was practically unbearable. He seemed pleased at your request and inserted another finger and started pumping in and out at a slow pace. He curled his fingers upward and began rubbing circles on your clit with his thumb as he picked up the pace. You began to feel the curling heat and tightening up in your stomach and knew you were going to cum. He could feel your walls clenching around his fingers as he brushed past your sweet spot with every pump. Just when you thought you were about to completely lose it he pulled out and immediately attached his lush lips to your clit and sucked on it. Your orgasm washed over you like a waterfall and he held your stuttering hips in place as he worked you through your high. Feeling like the personification of bliss you reached down and ran your fingers through his hair. He kissed his way back up your chest and you pulled his face to yours to taste him.
"We're not done just yet, y/n. I still haven't shown you everything I was thinking about when I came." You had just barely come down from your high but you felt as if you could cum all over again at his suggestion. He reached over to the nightstand and retrieved his wallet and pulled out a condom. As he went to tear the foil you placed a hand on his wrist, "Can I?" You asked. He allowed you to take the packet from him and he pulled off his sweats. As his cock sprang free you were absolutely stunned. He was so much bigger than you thought he'd be and now you were wondering where he hid that and how it was going to fit. You grabbed at his dick and gave it a squeeze before rolling the condom down his shaft. He moved to lay you back down and lined his cock up with your entrance. He slid the head through the slippery remnants of your earlier undoing and every time he brushed your clit you twitched with need. Finally, finally he started to slide his cock into your warmth. Slowly at first, giving you plenty of time to adjust, he inched inside until he was all the way in. Buried to the hilt he stilled so you could get used to his size and then began to pump in and out of you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he began to pick up the pace.
He set a brutal pace and you gasped and panted. Your erotic voice was making him impossibly more turned on. As he thrust into you your cries of pleasure spurred him on. He shifted slightly and pulled your legs up so they were over his shoulders. The change in position allowed him to go deeper and with every pump he fully dragged across your g-spot and you felt the familiar ache starting to build again. He continued to thrust and reached out to rub one of your nipples. "Ahhh y/n. You look so beautiful. Look and the way your pussy just devours my cock. This is exactly, ah, what i was thinking about while I got myself off." His voice, and the pure filth coming out of his mouth were enough to send you over the edge. Your walls clamped and spasmed around him and you came on a cry of his name. "Ah F-Felix, fuck." His rhythm became sloppy as you rode out your high and soon he was spilling his release with a loud groan.
You were both sweaty, panting messes. As he began to soften up he slipped out of you and removed the condom. Tying it off he tossed it in the direction of the garbage can before returning to you and the bed. He wrapped you up in his arms and kissed you on the forehead. Before you could even get a word out his phone was chiming again. You gave him a look that said he should check it and so he grabbed it. It was your cousin again and you were struck with a brilliant idea. You knew it was probably partly them snooping like he thought, but there was also the knowledge that they were jealous of your relationship with Felix. "Lemme see your phone," you said with a smirk. He shrugged and handed it to you. You opened the camera and snapped a selfie of the two of you. Her message was some ‘what are you doing’ type thing so you sent the picture and then powered his phone off with a satisfied smile. He let out a little laugh at your antics and from your position with your head on his chest it was the best sound in the world.
Waking up much later than you intended, and certainly more sore, you reached to check the time on your phone. You were met with the family group chat notification count being astronomical, and also  a notification from your favorite cousin. It read, 'I know that was you bitch'. With a smile you turned the phone towards Felix who was wondering what besides him had you so smiley this morning. You were rewarded with his eye smile and morning voice telling you, "You're something else Cheeks, but damn I love you."
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wildroseofarran · 4 years
Nice to Meet You || Gralloway, Abel, & Guildias
MJ: Just another quiet March midnight. Not surprised in the least that Peter left his window open. Just as he used to. Did he ever change? The Ravnos was less than graceful crawling through the small space and spilling onto the dining room floor.
He'd missed his usual intrusions. They'd been on his mind since crossing the state line days ago. The quaint little house on his mind talking to Callum, and Abel, and now giving his greetings to Midas. He'd missed this place.
Pete: Midas had been napping before sensing the new presence. He sat alert on top of his tree, ears perked for the tiniest sound.
But it wasn't a tiny sound. It was a big one. A familiar one.
He sniffed at the hand that reached out to him and, deeming the guest acceptable, positioned his head for pets.
His owner was nowhere in the immediate area, but an open back door indicated he was somewhere in the yard.
MJ: "Hey, lil king. Remember me? Tell me what I missed, hmm?" One more scritch, positioning himself for eye contact, open to any and all the little creature had to say. Actually seeing Peter could wait. Best to go forward with something.
Pete: 'I remember you. I've heard your name but haven't seen your face. Your scent is on the bed.'
MJ: "On the bed, huh? He don't clean his sheets?"
Pete: 'On the bed. Only his scent is in the bed.'
MJ: "Show me?"
Pete: Midas treated himself to a full, luxurious stretch before leaping down from his perch and leading the vampire up the stairs.
MJ would be able to see small changes to the house. Fresh paint, new plants, some new photos. Stickers on one of the bedroom doors signaled the presence of a child at some point.
The door to Pete's bedroom had been pulled even with the frame but not shut completely, allowing Midas to nudge it open.
What he'd meant would be plainly obvious:
Blue glass roses sat on Pete's beside table, and in the middle of the pillows on the bed, a stuffed pink elephant.
MJ: MJ paused in the doorway, still absorbing the short journey to the bedroom, only to be met with nostalgia, and a twinge of painful memory. Not so discomforting. Not as it used to be. Not with this new blended soul. There was now a fondness to that pink elephant. What a day that had been.
"I see what you mean now." He tapped at the foot of the bed, invitation to his host before doing a flop onto the mattress.
Pete: Midas jumped up, making himself comfortable not on the bed, but on MJ's abdomen.
'Your scent on the bed. His scent in the bed.'
MJ: "And now your scent on me. How 'bout that?"
Pete: Midas watched the vampire intently. 'Did you come for sadness?'
MJ: "Did I come for what?"
Pete: 'Did you come to make him sad?'
MJ: "Is that all I do?"
Pete: 'He's been too sad for too long. It was all he knew for a time.'
MJ: "You're a very mature kitten."
Pete: 'Cats are wise.'
MJ: "So ya know you're a cat."
Pete: 'That's what he says.'
MJ: "He says that ya know you're a cat?"
Pete: ‘He says cats are wise.’
MJ: "I'd say you're more sentient than most. What's your secret?"
Pete: 'He talks to me.'
MJ: "That's all it takes, huh?" How about some scritches under the chin?
Pete: Midas closed his eyes and purred.
MJ: "When was the last time ya had a big juicy piece of fish? Hmm? Ya deserve some."
Pete: "I don't know. A very long time."
Really it had only been a couple of weeks, but time meant nothing to a cat.
MJ: "Let's go get ya some, then."
MJ sat up and tapped at his shoulder. "Ya get t'go for a ride."
Pete: Midas climbed onto the vampire's shoulder and perched himself like a parrot with ease. He'd done this before.
'Where are we going?'
MJ: "T'the kitchen. We're gonna sneak ya some food."
Pete: 'He'll be able to scent you. He'll know you're here.'
MJ: "Oh yeah? His nose that good now?"
Pete: 'Bears have a strong sense of smell.'
MJ: "He a good bear?"
Pete: 'He guards the river and plants roses on the bank.'
MJ: "I've seen those," he said, a kind of faraway whimsy in his tone.
The fridge was opened for inspection. He made no effort to be quiet.
Pete: 'They have magic. He plants them for you.'
The fridge showed signs of being recently stocked. The containers were full and some had yet to be opened. The produce was fresh, as were the leftovers.
'My food is in the place with the red top.'
MJ: "I get conflicting answers. Can you see color?"
Pete: 'Yes, though not as much as a human.'
MJ: "Are you a familiar?"
Pete: 'I don't have magic.'
MJ: He had his suspicions. He'd never heard an animal speak so eloquently. Most rats had the translatable vocabulary of a child. He wondered if that was because they had been wild. Miss Swiss had been special. Oh well.
"Here, some salmon."
Pete: Midas chirped in approval. However eloquent, he was still a cat.
Meanwhile, outside, Pete had abruptly stopped in the middle of his prayers and was facing his house, frozen in place.
Hearing any sort of movement coming from inside would've been alarming on its own, but he could detect a hint of something--someone--in the breeze that was making his heart thunder in his chest.
Slowly, he stood.
MJ: The salmon was cut into strips on the cutting board. Some things didn't change. He still knew his way around the kitchen like the back of his hand. A single slice was then cut into cubes. A tiny portion given to his shoulder guest. He was aware of Peter's scent, aware this would come to a head, but calm just the same.
Pete: Pete didn't entirely know what he was going to find as he stepped inside. Would MJ just be sitting there? Would he be poking around? Would he be angry? Would the other man be there?
....No. None of those.
MJ was standing in his kitchen chopping--was that salmon?--for his cat.
MJ: A hundred comebacks. Jokes, greetings, offhanded remarks. A smile, a stutter, a loss of all senses. Anything, something. What MJ managed was staring. Staring, and allowing Midas to lick his fingers. He must have been the odd sight.
"I stole your fish," was what he landed on.
Pete: It was a night for the unexpected and Pete's mind was completely blank.
"Yes you did. Midas talk you into it?"
MJ: "Think I talked him into it."
Pete: "I doubt he needed much talking. He loves salmon."
Pete dared to step closer. The last time he'd seen MJ was in a dream. He'd woken with his arms aching from how much he longed to hold his vampire. Now here he was, feeding salmon to his cat.
"Is this another dream?"
MJ: "Are you awake?" Another cube of salmon for Midas. A parting gift before placing him on the floor.
Pete: "Pretty sure."
Midas rubbed against Pete's leg on his way back to his tree. It was time for a nap.
MJ: "Then you're not dreamin'." MJ looked to the salmon and back. "What was this supposed t'be?"
Pete: "Oh, uh...I'm not really sure. I didn't have a specific plan for it." Just like he didn't have a specific plan for this situation.
MJ: "No idea? Guess it's...sashimi now."
Pete: "Guess so," he said with a small smile. "How've you been?"
MJ: "I've been shitty, then kinda okay, then just been, then shitty, then better. You?"
Pete: "Sounds like a hell of a rollercoaster. I've just...been. Couple of bumps, but I think I'm no worse for wear."
MJ: "Kay, then." What to do now?
Pete: Pete took a deep breath. "I found a suit of armor."
MJ: For some reason, tension returned to his shoulders.
"Yeah? From where?"
Pete: "Theater department at the community college. And I found a white horse."
MJ: "Say what now?"
Pete: "Friend of a coworker of Ryan's. My brother-in-law."
MJ: "Ya got someone?"
Pete: "Yeah, the guy--Jacob--owns a dude ranch and he said he would let me borrow it in exchange for free beer."
MJ: "I... got no clue what we're talkin' 'bout now."
Pete: "I promised that I would do everything I could to win you back, starting with putting on a suit of armor and riding up on a white horse."
MJ: "And ya just said you're with someone n'somethin' about a theater. Look... I dunno what I expected comin' here, but we... we gotta talk plainly."
Pete: Pete's brow furrowed. "I--what? I'm not with anyone. Jacob is Ryan's coworker's friend who's letting me borrow his horse."
MJ: "Peter, ya got this... idea in your head or somethin' and I got no clue how ya have it anymore."
Pete: "You--you don't remember the dream?"
MJ: "Somewhat, but a lot of shit happened after."
Pete: "Stuff that's changed how you felt...?" Pete's voice had gotten progressively quieter and more deflated with each passing moment.
MJ: "I don't get what you're hangin' on to. What made any of this -"
Better restart. He hauled himself onto the counter. Arms on his knees.
"She's gone. MJ's gone."
Pete: "I'm hanging on to you. I'm hanging on to the love I have for you." The small bubble of hope that had lived in his chest since the night he'd had that dream threatened to burst. It had felt so real. MJ had felt so real. But maybe it had only felt real--been real--for him. Maybe--
Pete stilled. Stared. ".....What? What do you mean MJ's gone? You're MJ. I'm looking at you. Aren't I?"
MJ: "Sort of but no. That answer only works in this reality, I think? The one where two things become one thing. Then it's just a sort of but no."
Pete: It was only by the grace of knowing Guildias that any of that made sense.
"So you--you melded. She's gone because she's not her anymore, she's part of you now."
MJ: "You're good at this. Seasoned pro. S'like ya got some druid friend or somethin'." A small smile.
Pete: Pete returned the smile, but there was no denying the knot that had formed in his stomach. He would've given anything to be able to tear that horrible woman away from the man he loved, or better, to have gone back in time and stopped the soul eating from happening in the first place.
"How much of you is you?"
MJ: "That's what everyone asks me. That means so much, don't it? Is there a percentage you're lookin' for of the old guy?"
Pete: "We all change all the time. I'm not the same old guy, and even without having melded you wouldn't be either." He shrugged. "I just wanna know if there's any part of the you I know still in there somewhere."
MJ: "I wouldn't be here if there wasn't somethin'. I wanna know ya, who ya are like new. S'half of why I came from Cali."
Pete: "You really wanna get to know me again?"
MJ: "D'ya wanna know me?"
Pete: Pete nodded. "Yeah, I do."
MJ: "I wanna ask why."
Pete: "Earlier you asked what I was hanging on to, and I said I was hanging on to you. I am, MJ. I love you. I miss you. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I promised you in a dream that I would do whatever it took to make up for all the hurt I've caused you, to win you back, and even if you don't remember that dream like I do, I intend to keep that promise. I want to get to know you again. I want you to get to know me again."
MJ: "Look, I feel like..." No. He shook his head and tried again. "We gotta start from a place that ain't love. I dunno how else t'explain I'm not MJ...like...that, anymore. I don't feel the same 'bout shit. Like... I left. I left like shit. I wanted t'be by myself. I wanted t'deal with what happened in my own way. I came back after ya did shit with someone else. That's..." He shrugged. "It is what it is."
Pete: Pete fell into thoughtful silence. MJ was right, of course. He'd melded with Victoria; he wasn't the same person anymore. Not all of the same person anymore. He had her perspective now too. Her personality, her thought process, her gut feelings. As much as he looked the same and sounded the same, this was a different person standing in front of him, and he was kind of a different person to MJ too.
They had to start from a place that wasn't love.
After a few moments, Pete stuck his hand out. Not to hold, but to shake. "Hi. I'm Peter and I'm a werebear. Most people call me Pete. I speak French, do gladiator training, and I really love cats."
MJ: MJ waited and watched, quietly. He waited for Peter to say no; that he couldn't believe anything had changed. Some romantic gesture... but there was his hand. And he took it. And he smiled.
"I think I like Peter more, but that opens the door t'ya callin' me Mayhew. I'm a vampire. I do things like take your watch while talkin' t'ya."
Peter's watch was spun around his finger. "I really love rats."
Pete: He shook MJ's hand, looking momentarily stunned to see his watch on MJ's finger before laughing. So much better than a snake on the bar.
"It's nice to meet you, Mayhew. You can call me Peter. But I'd prefer calling you MJ. That fluffy spoiled boy over there is my son. He likes salmon and looking out the window. You've won his undying affection."
MJ: Better than he expected. He should have given Peter more credit. He smiled, offering back the watch.
"Think fluffers would eat my rats?"
Pete: Back it went on his wrist. "Nah. He got used to seeing rats and mice when we lived in France, he doesn't mind them. Now crickets? He will hunt a cricket to the ends of the earth."
MJ: "People eatin' rats still?"
Pete: "Just snails," he chuckled. "Rats and mice are just a part of farm life, fighting like hell to get into grain stores."
MJ: "Just doin' their thing. Them n'roaches'll be here 'til the end of time."
Pete: "Probably, yeah. Safe from the apocalypse and safe from Midas. Do you have a little pet rat right now?"
MJ: "I got one in Cali. Gonna get another for the road."
Pete: "There's a new pet shop in town. They have all sorts of little animals. Ferrets, lizards, mice, rats."
MJ: "They open late?"
Pete: "Later than most places around here."
MJ: "Ya wantin' somethin' else?"
Pete: "Yeah, but not for me. Been wanting to get a pet for Luke."
MJ: "Get him a... mouse."
Pete: “They have such short little lives. He’s in a bad way, I’d hate for him to lose someone else he loves.”
MJ: "Then get him a bird. A parrot."
Pete: “Huh. That’s not a bad idea. They live like sixty years, don’t they?”
MJ: "Gotta put em in your will. My aunt had one. Outlived her."
Pete: "Our nephew can inherit his. Or our niece."
MJ: "Now you're thinkin'."
Pete: "Parrot it is. He can teach it lawyer speak."
MJ: "N'I'll teach it t'cuss."
Pete: "Perfect. This is gonna be such a well-spoken parrot."
MJ: "'Twenty t'life, fucker!'" he laughed.
Pete: Pete laughed and shook his head. "I'm excited for this bird and I don't even know what kind I'm getting him."
MJ: "He still in the city?"
Pete: "For now, yeah. There's a good chance he'll be moving back here."
MJ: "What the hell for?"
Pete: “He’s had a rough couple years. Living alone has taken a toll.”
MJ: "Think it'd be the other way around."
Pete: “He was fine living in Raleigh until his boyfriend died. That changed things.”
MJ: "They livin' together?"
Pete: Pete shook his head. "No, boyfriend was living here. But I think the fact that they never found his body or any real answers is messing with his head. He never got any closure." He had yet to determine if the haunting counted as closure.
MJ: He thought of Kenna, and what she would want in that circumstance.
"He gonna be livin' here?"
Pete: “Either here or with our parents. Maybe with his best friend. She was the boyfriend’s sister and she’s been having a rough time too.”
MJ: "That's the thing 'bout death. Only fucks with the ones still livin'."
Pete: “Yeah,” he sighed. “I hope being back here helps. At the very least he won’t have to come home to an empty condo.”
MJ: "I guess. If that helps."
Pete: "It won't magically solve everything but it's a good start." Kind of like this situation with them, he supposed.
MJ: Well, enough about a brother he barley knew or even saw.
"What d'ya wanna do now?"
Pete: "Wanna take Midas for a walk with me?"
MJ: "He's a cat."
Pete: "Yep. A leash trained cat who likes to go on walks."
MJ: "You're a weird one, Peter."
Pete: He smiled. "It's been said before. So what do you say?"
MJ: "I know I'm an animal lover n'all, but that's... yeah. No," he laughed.
Pete: Pete chuckled and looked over at Midas, who was busy grooming himself. "If you hadn't given him salmon he'd probably be very offended. Wanna go for a walk with just me?"
MJ: "Ya not bothered by a night walk?"
Pete: "I'm a Fera. The night and I are good friends."
MJ: "Get your keys, then."
Pete: "All right. Here, floof." He arranged the salmon in Midas' dish and grabbed him from his tree. "Dinner. Don't do anything weird while we're gone and don't think you're getting the good life tomorrow."
Now for keys and his jacket.
MJ: "Good life is only once a week," he nodded, totally serious but absolutely not. This all felt... surreal, and he wondered if Peter felt the same.
Pete: It was enough to make Pete chuckle. He was in the exact same boat as MJ; this all felt like another dream. He was getting ready to go on a walk with a newly melded vampire he'd once dated and had just agreed to get to know again. What could be more surreal?
"Okay," he said once they were outside. "Left or right?"
MJ: "Ummm..." MJ twisted his finger, as though the decision was too difficult, he squeezed his eyes shut.
"Which way has the dive bar? That ugly buildin' with the black door?"
Pete: "O'Charlie's? This way." He led them to the left. "You're in for a real treat. Dwight talked Charlie into steam cleaning the carpet last month."
MJ: A gasp. "But smelly floor is half of what makes a dive bar a dive bar!"
Pete: "Give it a week or two, it'll be right back where it was. The tables are still vaguely sticky I'm told."
MJ: "That's comfortin'." At least to MJ, now and before.
Pete: "Charlie is his same old self. Lately the conspiracy mood has been MK Ultra."
MJ: "S'been what now?"
Pete: "MK Ultra. Basically, back in the 50s and 60s the CIA was pumping people full of LSD to study mind control. And unlike most things, this one isn't in Charlie's head. It was declassified."
MJ: "Is anything surprisin' anymore? Anything after the Spanish Inquisition?"
Pete: "Not really, but sometimes something comes along that throws you for a loop."
MJ: "I think I'm done with surprises."
Pete: "You're preaching to the choir. I'll be good if I don't have to deal with another surprise again in my life."
MJ: "Well, I mean, bein' a bear... bad surprise?"
Pete: "Jury's still out on whether the end result is bad, but the process sure was."
MJ: "Does it hurt? Changin'?"
Pete: "Less so now. The first time was horrible. I was sick for days and days leading up to the full moon."
MJ: "D'ya feel everything? D'ya remember how it feels?"
Pete: Pete nodded. "Yep. It's--feeling your bones and body parts move around and reform is the weirdest damn feeling. Painful too but the pain doesn't last."
MJ: "My teeth itch. That is a thing, n'it happens all the time."
Pete: "Oh, man." He tried to imagine the sensation and made a face. "Does it drive you crazy?"
MJ: "When I'm already hungry, yeah. Goes from a mild annoyance t'pissed off."
Pete: "Only your fangs or all your teeth?"
MJ: "Just fangs."
Pete: "I wonder if that's worse than having the itch be spread out to all your teeth." He took a second to check for cars and led them across the street.
"I had an itch too before my first full moon. Covered in hives, sweaty from the fever. Everyone thought I was dying."
MJ: "Ya didn't know shit 'fore it happened? Nothin' at all? Which parent is it?"
Pete: "Nope," he said with a shake of his head. "Stella and Luke aren't like me and neither is my mom, so it was probably the other guy."
MJ: "Feel for him. He probably don't know ya exist."
Pete: "He doesn't. My mom never told him and never plans to."
MJ: "Don't matter what she wants. What d'ya want?"
Pete: "I already have a dad. I have no inner turmoil or questions. I'm at peace."
MJ: "Really? That's what you're gonna go with?"
Pete: Pete shrugged. "It's the truth. I was curious for a while, thought about grilling my mom until she told me and going to confront the guy but at the end of the day, what would that accomplish? I already have my dad. I'm already a bear. Nothing would change and nothing would be added to my life."
MJ: "Ya'd have the man that made ya what ya are n'get answers ya might have 'bout your new life. Ya can't pretend nothin's changed. 'Sides, he's got a right t'know."
Pete: "A lot has, but not as much as you'd think. I'm a bear who didn't know he was a bear who was then taught to be a bear by Druids. If he has a right to know, shouldn't my mom be the one to tell him? For all I know he's got a whole life with no room for anyone else."
MJ: MJ shook his head. "You're his blood. What she shoulda done she didn't, so she don't get a fuckin' say. Ya don't get in the way of someone's bloodline like that."
Pete: “She did lots of things she shouldn’t have, and didn’t say anything when she should’ve. That’s how I ended up having a doctor tell me I’m not my dad’s biological son.”
MJ: "They even allowed t'do that?"
Pete: “He thought I knew. I tried to donate blood and mine didn’t match. He thought I was adopted.”
MJ: "Huh." That still didn't feel right, but whatever. Doctors were the last thing he expected to be ethical.
"You're not done. Havin' him would add somethin'. More than what some druid can teach. They aren't what he is."
Pete: “I just...” Pete sighed. “Is it horrible to say that I just don’t...care to have him in my life? Like you’d think I would feel a hole there or something missing but it doesn’t feel like there is. It would be nice to meet someone else that’s like me and that can help me make sense of it all but I would almost rather it be literally anyone else. He doesn’t represent something good for me and that’s not all his fault, I know that. But...I don’t know.”
MJ: "You're sayin' this, but it'll eat at ya. Like a needle prick right now, but it'll get bigger. Shit like that always does."
Pete: "Yeah, maybe. And maybe if it does, I'll feel differently. But for now, my life feels full and complete and peaceful. I'm gonna have a new baby niece soon. My business is doing great. We're getting to know each other again."
MJ: "Your life is always rosy, ain't it?" Or at least, that's what Peter wanted it to be, so that was what he projected. He couldn't tell. He never could. The man had seemed so different since his trip to Montana. Having to chase him down in order to speak with him, to spare him Victoria Harrak. For Callum to dismiss him. This all seemed so tainted and strange, and yet hopelessly normal.
Pete: "Not always," he said softly. "There's a lot that wasn't rosy for a long time and still isn't. There's a lot between us that's far from rosy."
MJ: "I dunno ya. We're brand new." He had to remember that, or let the past repeat itself.
Pete: “You’re right,” Pete said with a nod. “We are. Is there anything from the old us that you want to hash out? That the old you always wanted to hash out?”
MJ: Deep, wasted breath. Years now, and that was a can of worms. Not nearly as gnawing post merge, but still, those thoughts existed.
"How 'bout ya go first."
Pete: "Well." A sigh. "At this point I think it's no secret that the way you left wasn't the best way or even a good way and that it had a pretty severe effect on me. And on the flip side, the way I handled it wasn't the best, or even good either."
MJ: "How did ya handle it?"
Pete: "I betrayed your trust. I hurt you. I up and left without telling anyone where I was going. When you called me I hung up on you. I didn't step in when Callum banished you."
MJ: "We were done when I left. Everything else was just me bein' selfish, so there's that. Ya did up n'leave like a dick nozzle. What happened in the woods... happened, n'it wasn't your fault. I shoulda left ya alone."
Pete: "But you weren't just being selfish. You left but there was a relationship between us, at least for me. There was trust and love and rather than make a clean break, I cheated on you and betrayed all that. It wasn't just you being selfish, you had and have every right in the world to be upset and angry at me. I would completely understand if after what I did you never wanted to see me again. And in a lot of ways, that's why a big part of me believed that I deserved what happened in the woods that night."
MJ: "Well, ya didn't, so shut up about that. Don't be a broken record. N'ya know, ya shoulda given him a try. Like, for real. If ya wanna fuck someone else, ya should be with em, otherwise ya...ya wouldn't have t'start with."
He wondered if that logic applied to him in some measure. Brett Parker, Rohan Dalca... Rohan certainly deserved better, and that was part of the reason he left. A clean slate between both men had been the purpose of the trip. To reacquaint with fresh eyes.
Pete: Another sigh. "I had feelings for him for a big part of my life. The dynamic between us wasn't great even when we were younger and a lot of different things contributed to that, it wasn't all on me or all on him. For the part that was on me, well...I have a long, long history of not dealing with things the way I should. Maybe it was never in the cards or maybe it had been at some point and never came to be.
"But then I met you. And from the moment I met you, you got under my skin and you never really left it. You were under my skin when you were making snakes appear on my bar and when you won me a stuffed elephant at a carnival and when I was in Montana and when you left and when I left."
MJ: "Is that love, though, or is that just... obsession? I dunno either, so it's more just..." His fingers flew up. Something in the ether. Just rhetorical questions that maybe they could answer.
Pete: Pete shrugged. "I don't know. I just know that I care about you. That I want you to be happy. This new person you are? I want to get to know this person. I want to learn this person, independently of anything else."
MJ: "You're still walkin' with me, thinkin' about love. This ain't gonna work if you're just thinkin' that."
Pete: "I'm not though, that's the thing. I like talking to you. This you, not just the old you. I'm already seeing the distinction between the person I knew and the person you are now."
MJ: "Yeah? What's that?"
Pete: "I'm not really sure, it's like...I don't know if the old you would've been okay with saying as much as you're saying? Or not even that, just being okay with saying what you feel and what's on your mind. Which I want you to be able to do."
MJ: "Hmm." MJ shrugged. What was now a collective mind could not notice what had always existed for itself. Surprised to hear about any changes.
"The other me was pissed n'selfish n'panicked. It is what it is."
Pete: "Do you miss yourself at all? However new this is for everyone you know, I imagine it's even moreso for you."
MJ: A thought considered for less than thirty seconds. "No. I don't miss anything. That bother ya?"
Pete: Pete shook his head. "No, just curious. Trying to imagine what it would be like to not completely be me anymore."
MJ: "You can't miss it. I don't think, because there's... nothin' to miss?" A sigh escaped him, needless, but worthy of expression. "I'll never be able t'explain this."
Pete: "Makes sense in a way, at least to my limited understanding. You can't miss you if you're still you."
MJ: "...Yeah. Somethin' like that. I have his memories. I got...some of her. I woke up feelin' reborn but like I always was...but...how two always were."
Pete: "And the people you've been living with? They've been helpful and supportive?"
MJ: "Well... some kickin' n'screamin' along the way."
Pete: "From them or you?"
MJ: "A bit of both. Had t'be chased down n'my RV invaded t'get t'this point."
Pete: Pete blinked. "Seriously? Jesus. That sounds...intense."
MJ: "Ya know what I do. I run."
Pete: "Sounds like they didn't let you."
MJ: "Nope. Damn stubborn like that."
Pete: "Speaking of stubborn." He nodded up ahead, where the bar had come into view. "We've arrived at Charlie's kingdom."
MJ: MJ threw his arms wide. "The only king I'll kneel to!"
Pete: Pete chuckled and held the door open for MJ. "Don't tell him that, he'll get a swelled head." If such a thing was even possible when one's kingdom was a sketchy bar with a sticky floor.
MJ: "I wanna see that now. Especially with havin' ya in his bar."
Pete/Charlie: "He's gotten used to having me here the past few weeks. Ain't that right, Charlie?" he added in a shout to the man himself.
Charlie saluted him with his cigarette, fully intending to go back to his newspaper when he spotted MJ.
"Well, shit," he laughed. "Look what the cat dragged in!"
MJ: "That there cancer stick is illegal in these parts, stranger! The fuck ya doin'?" A greeting for all intents and purposes. His hand came swinging over the counter for a grasping hand.
Charlie: The hand was shaken with vigor. "Bah, it ain't a real cancer stick! It's got menthol in. Refined, that's what that is. How the hell are ya, kid? What we do to be graced with your presence?"
MJ: "I've been t'Mordor n'back t'the Shire. Just needed t'go on an adventure. Ya know, that thing ya should do."
Peter was given a wink.
Pete/Charlie: Pete just smiled and ordered a beer from Dwight while Charlie belly laughed.
"Who says I don't go adventurin'? I was over there at that booth 'bout ten minutes ago and now I'm here. There's your adventure."
MJ: "Was there a battle in between? Someone lose an eye?"
Charlie: "Hell yes there was. Almost tripped over Jose's long fuckin' legs."
MJ: "Shit. I've missed so much." MJ made himself at home near Peter, splayed over a seat in cat-like fashion.
Charlie: "Damn right you have. Goin' to Walmart ain't the same without ya."
MJ: "Florida mom still thirsty for ya?"
Charlie: Charlie snorted. "Boy howdy, you don't know the half of it. Past few months she's been tryin' to march me down the aisle."
MJ: "I wanna hear all about it. What are we drinkin', Peter?"
Pete/Charlie: "We're drinking Blue Moon and wondering why Charlie won't marry Ann."
"I'll tell ya why, Petey boy," Charlie said with a squint, gesturing with his cigarette. "She still believes in the lone gunman."
MJ: "Please, educate Peter," MJ laughed. He leaned towards the werebear with a grin. "Not a Coors? With an umbrella?"
Pete/Charlie: Fondness and humor lit Pete's expression as he made a dramatic face. It warmed him to know that MJ remembered. It gave him hope.
"Never ever. I'd rather take a nap on Charlie's carpet."
"Hey now! Don't go knockin' my carpet, Dwight cleaned it."
"Tell that to Jose, there's a sea of muddy footprints around his chair."
Charles looked over and scowled. "Dammit, Jose!"
MJ: The exchanged look between two grumpy old men was priceless. The vampire couldn't help but snort. Playing human wasn't all bad; expressive if anything.
"Ya need t'fuck off with the carpet, Charl. It's older than me."
Charlie: "Whole world is older than you, kiddo, you're still just a baby. Carpet's fine for this crowd. Hasn't been a crime scene on it or nothing since at least the 80s."
MJ: "Ya hear that? At least the 80s. S'all love at O'Charlie’s."
Pete/Charlie: Pete threw his head back and laughed. "Bullshit, remember that couple who used to live over by Tristan Seger's house? Wife came in and tried to shoot her husband's dick off, remember?"
"Ohhhh, yeah, my bad." Charlie nodded. "Hasn't been a crime scene since at least 2005."
MJ: "Ah. See, that was a lifetime ago. At least get a fresh one. There are some questionable stains. Can't blame em all on Jose."
Pete/Charlie: "MJ's right. I'm almost positive some of those stains are because of you and Ann."
Charlie laughed.
MJ: Another stretch. Eyes focused on the ceiling as he leaned back. A small crack, there. Another strange stain.
"Ya always drink orange beer?"
Pete: Pete shook his head. "Nah, not always. Sometimes I drink Guinness."
MJ: "Just drink t'relax?"
Pete: "Every now and then. If I'm feeling real fancy I'll have a glass of wine."
MJ: "But not anything else?"
Pete: “Relaxing wise or drinking wise?”
MJ: "Wino type shit."
Pete: Pete laughed. “What all falls under ‘wino type shit’?”
MJ: "Drink their sorrows away."
Pete: “Yeah, no. I’m not about the wino life.”
MJ: "Didn't think ya were. Had t'make sure."
Pete: He just smiled. “What about you? What do you do to relax?”
MJ: "Games. Practice vampy things. Learn from a dog." Convoluted as shit, with a shit-eating grin to boot.
Pete: "You--a dog?" Pete laughed. With that grin he couldn't tell if MJ was kidding or not. "Does the dog teach you how to dog?"
MJ: "The dog teaches me magic. I teach him how to shoot 360 no scope."
Pete: "So he's a magic dog...?"
MJ: "Heard of familiars?"
Pete: "I have," Pete said with a nod. "Is he yours?"
MJ: "Ha! Nah. Not mine, but I mean, sort of? He's a friend."
Pete: "Gotcha. Can vampires have familiars? Are there rules for familiars?"
MJ: "They pick ya, not the other way around."
Pete: Another nod. That made sense. "So I guess species doesn't matter then."
MJ: A shrug. "Have t'ask him. He's around somewhere."
Pete: "Oh, he came with you?"
MJ: "Mhm. You'll probably see him 'fore long."
Pete: "He exploring?"
MJ: "Yeah. Or scarin' lil kids in his devil costume." His brow wrinkled. "Or makin' em laugh? I dunno."
Pete: "Man, this just gets wilder and wilder."
MJ: "What's your life been like? More France?"
Pete: “Pretty quiet on my end. No trips to France recently. My sister’s pregnant and I’ve been helping her out with my nephew a lot so she can rest.”
MJ: "What's the husband doin'?"
Pete: "They put him on the night shift."
MJ: "The fuck is he doin'?"
Pete: "He took a second job as a security guard at the mall."
MJ: "Times that hard?"
Pete: “Babies are expensive.”
MJ: "Ain't just one good job out there?"
Pete: "I think his main job is pretty decent, but I guess a little extra money never hurt anyone."
MJ: That logic was reason he never saw his father. Not one he could approve of, but this was none of his business. Something in this thoughts questioned a father's role at all. A rare moment in his new life, knowing exactly which thoughts belonged to which former soul.
"So, tell me somethin' that ain't vague."
Pete: “Umm....” Pete sipped his beer and thought for a moment. “June talked me into starting a karaoke night at the pub every week.”
MJ: MJ bit into the inside of his cheek. A failed attempt at hiding his smile. "About you, flathead."
Pete: “I’m excited to meet my niece.”
MJ: "Were ya always a family man? Ya should settle down with a nice whoever n'adopt or make some babies."
Pete: Pete ignored the pang in chest that accompanied a little voice in his head that said he’d always dreamed of doing that with MJ.
Instead he said, “We’ve always been close, yeah. But my dad’s accident brought us that much closer. Scares me how close I came to losing him.”
MJ: "Has it made everyone write a will? Hell, I think my family has that kinda thing, too. More like a keep what cha kill kinda shit, but still stands."
Pete: He nodded. "Yep. Parents already had one but now we all do, too. We'll update them when the baby's born."
MJ: "'I give my seventy-inch TV to my brand new niece upon my death.'"
Pete: "I'll hand over the whole deed to her tiny hands."
MJ: "But who are ya really givin' it to?"
Pete: "If I ever have a kid, to them. If not, to the baby and Graham and Luke's kids if he has any."
MJ: "What, they all fight over it? Who the fuck gets it if ya drop dead right now?"
Pete: "Luke. And they won't have to fight. It'll be both of theirs, equally."
MJ: "Ya sure are generous, Peter."
Pete: He shrugged. "Can't take it with me, right? It's a good house. Only right that it should go to family. They can sell it or live in it or rent it if they want to."
MJ: "Generous is thinkin' ya can give one thing to this many fingers n'think it'll all work out."
Pete: "It's not just any fingers. Those fingers are being raised by two good, sensible, compassionate people. Call me an optimist."
MJ: "Alright, optimist, let's chug some beer I'll regret."
Pete: "Wanna regret some Blue Moon or would you rather regret another brand?"
MJ: "I'll regret the Blue Moon with ya." It would all return to sender before dawn; this was about time with Peter. Whatever this time meant.
Pete/Dwight: Pete nodded and glanced toward the other end of the bar. "Another round, Dwight, when you can?"
"For both of ya'll?"
"Yes, please."
"You got it."
MJ: "Don't 'yes please' the enemy," MJ snorted. "Bein' so nice t'the rival. How dare."
Pete/Charlie: His responding laugh sounded suspiciously like a giggle. Almost.
"Ah, come on. Dwight's a pal, he can have a please. Not Charlie though."
"I heard that."
MJ: That sure was a nice laugh. He remembered that laugh.
"We’re behind enemy lines. Can't make friends with Dwight except Christmas."
Pete/Dwight: "Well then, Dwight, I formally retract my please until Christmas," he said as the bartender brought over their beers.
Dwight just smiled in his subtle way. "Looking forward to it."
"Thanks though."
MJ: MJ stared. Dwight and their surroundings were faraway realities. Blatantly staring at those lips, trying to remember exactly what they tasted like. Wondering how warm Pete's skin felt now as Fera. Did they have a specific name? Did he know it?
Why did Peter love him so much? Or had. Still.
He wondered about Rohan, what he was doing right this moment. If Xavier was occupying his time.
His focus subconsciously fell to the table.
Pete: Pete could practically feel MJ's eyes boring into him, not that MJ seemed to be making much effort to hide it. Or any effort at all.
What was running through that newly melded mind of his? Was he thinking about their history? Their present situation? Something else entirely? Pete didn't dare ask.
"Rethinking regretting the beer?" he said instead, voice softer than he intended.
MJ: "I dunno what I like. I know I'll drink anything, but..." MJ laughed, fangs unashamedly present. "Thinkin' about parsnip wine."
Fingers tapped to his temple. He didn't have to explain why.
Pete: At the sight of those fangs, Pete cast a quick glance around to make sure Dwight and Charlie's attention was elsewhere. Thankfully they were both busy.
"There's such a thing as parsnip wine?" he chuckled.
MJ: Made it before. Two hundred and something years ago. "Mhm. More beer than wine." He could practically taste it. A first in this new life. Fucking interesting. He closed his eyes, allowed the memory to saturate his thoughts.
"A wagon, campfire. Cold knees. Sex. Wine on my tongue." And breasts. Someone beneath him. Where they belonged.
His eyes opened, his smile returning. "Blue Moon is better."
Pete: Pete squinted. One word stood out above all the rest. "A wagon? Like a covered wagon?" Had Victoria Harrak been a pioneer blowing people for whatever the hell parsnip wine was?
"I'm gonna go ahead and say that yes, it absolutely is." He smiled around a sip. "Everyone knows oranges are better than parsnips."
MJ: "I like the company more," he said without thinking.
Pete: The smile grew before he could do anything to stop it.
"Right back at you." He lifted his beer in a toast. "To our health and to Charlie's questionable carpet."
MJ: "To fucked up stains on the floor." He clinked their glasses and laughed.
Pete/Charlie: "I hear ya'll over there casting aspersions!" came Charlie's voice from down the bar.
"We love you, too, Charles."
MJ: "Wonder how good them ears really are."
Pete: "Charlie's got ears like a fruit bat," said Pete. "He hears all. Must be the conspiracy theorist in him."
MJ: "I'm a vampire. You're a werebear. Charles is a skunk."
Pete: He laughed. "Are wereskunks a thing? Because he'd totally be one."
MJ: "He is one. Or a black lab. Maybe a rottweiler. Weredogs a thing?" Still waiting for Charles to chime in again.
Pete: Charlie had moved even further way; if he heard them, he gave no indication of it.
"Probably not? I think werewolves fill that role."
MJ: "Huh. I guess. I swear there's somethin'. I can see it." Oh well. Probably another one of those memories-not-memories.
Pete: “Maybe it’s some other type of creature, not necessarily a Fera. Like a demon dog or something.”
MJ: "D'y like what ya are?" A question asked softly, sotto voce, giving an ounce of real privacy.
Pete: “I didn’t really at first. It’s weird to suddenly be a bear, you know? It’s overwhelming to wake up one day and not know yourself. I’ve come around to it though.”
MJ: "Sounds the same, then. Heard some of em eat their own." MJ casually glanced around the bar, breathed in deeply. No, Charles' wasn't anything but a man in need of a shower.
Pete: Pete blinked. “Seriously? Yikes. I really hope that’s not true.”
MJ: "It is. I mean, not you but it is what it is. D'ya feel more... feral?" He expected the answer to be no, given that Peter, as far as they were aware, was born human.
Pete: "Not feral, per se. Just feel more...bear like. I swear the whole winter I was exhausted. I went to bed every night at like 8:30 like an old man."
MJ: "Ha!" So fucking neat. "Ya wanna eat everything in your fridge, too?"
Pete: "I did. I had the mealtimes of a hobbit."
MJ: "Holy fuck. I wanna see that."
Pete: Pete laughed. "You wanna see me eat twenty million times a day?"
MJ: "Yeah, actually. I wanna see ya bear out."
Pete: "Wanna hang out with me next full moon?"
MJ: "Should be here. If ya want me here."
Pete: He smiled over his beer. “I’d like that. You’re officially invited.”
MJ: "How long is that? Ya just know, or gotta look it up?"
Pete: “In a few days. I have full moons marked on my phone’s calendar.”
MJ: "How soon ‘fore ya feel different?"
Pete: “The closer the full moon gets the more bear like I feel. It’s not too much yet but it will be here pretty soon.”
MJ: "So it's both, I guess?"
Pete: “Kinda, yeah. I don’t know if I pay more attention to my bear feelings because I know the full moon is coming or if I’d feel them even if I didn’t know.”
MJ: "Should see. Never know, ya know?"
MJ stared down the barrel of his glass, let his thoughts swim for a moment in nothingness before his next sip.
Pete: Pete nodded thoughtfully. "Guess it wouldn't hurt to experiment one of these months."
He gestured toward the beer. "Any enjoyment at all in that or are you just thinking about having to throw it up later?"
MJ: "Ya remembered that?"
Pete: Another nod. "Yep. One of them vampire facts that sticks in the mind."
MJ: "Guess so. What else ya remember?"
Pete: He made a face. "The butt teeth."
MJ: "Excuse me what?"
Pete: “Guildias gave me a book that talked about this one clan who likes to experiment with body horror shit and scarred me for life.”
MJ: "Uh," MJ laughed. "Okay, I meant me. Let's leave butt teeth with the snake charmer."
Pete: “Speaking of snakes, make any appear on bars lately?”
MJ: "Look here, that was just a joke."
Pete: Pete chuckled. “A lot funnier after the fact. Thing looked so damn real.”
MJ: "Hey, I don't know ya. We're supposed t'start over."
Pete: “Right, of course.” He smiled. “Tell me about your magic dog travel buddy.”
MJ: "Mm. Well, Abel's a familiar. Not mine, but," shrug. "Gorgeous face; free to admire. He's a little terror. Insatiable. Probably'll show up 'fore dawn."
Pete: "Insatiable for food?" He hoped?
MJ: "Food n'everything else." MJ returned his gaze and squinted. He knew what Peter was getting at.
Pete: Getting at? He was getting at nothing.
“You should bring him by the pub. Bobby’s doing a lot of comfort food lately.”
MJ: "Up to him. Ya wanna meet him?"
Pete: "Sure. Always interesting to meet someone with magic."
MJ: "D'ya really wanna meet em, or ya just sayin' that?"
Pete: "I wouldn't say it if I didn't wanna meet him."
MJ: "I dunno that."
Pete: He smiled. "Fair enough. I really would like to meet him."
MJ: "How much of what ya say is 'cause of the past?"
Pete: "I'm trying not to, promise."
MJ: "What have ya said, though?"
Pete: "The snake on the bar thing."
MJ: Gasp! "It didn't look real?!"
Pete: Pete laughed. "No, it totally did."
MJ: "What else?"
Pete: "That's all, scout's honor. I really do want us to start fresh."
MJ: MJ leaned forward, elbows on the table, chin in hand. Another squint.
Pete: The squint would be met with an earnest smile.
MJ: "Don't love me, Peter."
Pete: To Pete's credit, the smile never faltered.
"We're just getting to know each other over beers that one of us will throw up later."
MJ: "Wow. Ya went there."
Pete: He chuckled. "I can't stop thinking about it. I feel bad that you have to."
MJ: "Don't want ya t'drink alone."
Pete: "Thanks, I appreciate it." He thought for a moment. "Would you still have to if whatever you were drinking was mixed with blood?"
MJ: "Depends on how much it is, I think. Probably eventually."
Pete: "My mentor's grandson told me about the neighboring prince drinking wine mixed with virgin blood, but I could never quite tell if he was serious or if he was just fucking with me."
MJ: "Probably meant it. If they're older than me - prince - then m'not surprised."
Pete: "I think he said she was a couple hundred years old at least."
MJ: "Yep." MJ stretched his arms and sank deeper into his seat. All but melting.
"Ya figured out how long ya got?"
Pete: "Over a hundred but possibly under two? That's my best guesstimate."
MJ: Without something to say, Peter was left with a smile, simple albeit genuine.
Pete: That was more than enough as far as Pete was concerned. This place they were in was fresh and new but it was good. This was good.
“Had enough of this A+ ambiance or wanna stay for another round?”
MJ: "We just got here! Regale me with stories of the pub. I pick next round. I think it's time ya had some cinnamon schnapps."
Pete: "Oh man," he laughed. "I haven't had that since I was...fifteen maybe? Snuck a bottle from the pub and my friends and I took it down to the beach and passed it around."
MJ: "Jesus. Yeah. Regale me with freckle-faced you when the world was young and excitin'," laughed MJ.
Pete: "Well, in a shock to no one, we got super plastered. It was nearly one in the morning when we stumbled home and the second my mom opened the door ready to tear me a new one for breaking curfew, I puked all over the porch."
MJ: MJ feigned disapproval, shaking his head. "How could she ever love ya after that?"
Pete: "Right? The shame of it all. I was grounded for three weeks and my dad made me bus tables to pay for the bottle we took."
MJ: "What a good boy ya are." And a wink to follow.
Pete: Another laugh. "Oh yeah, a Goldschlager-stealing teenage paragon of virtue."
MJ: "Nothin' wrong with stealin', if ya don't get caught."
Pete: "Or if you don't throw your guts up on your front porch and also your mom."
MJ: "She's never forgiven ya. She mighta said it, but she didn't. Her feet'll never forgive ya."
Pete: "It's definitely not in her Top Mothering Moments highlight reel. She tells that story literally every time she makes something with cinnamon in it and I happen to be around."
MJ: "Forever punishin'. That's a -" MJ watched the door. The couple walking in, talking passionately about something. Politics, maybe. There was laughter, so he doubted.
"That's a mom. Don't think ours would get along."
Pete: Pete briefly followed MJ's gaze, turning away again upon not recognizing the couple.
"Oh yeah? Why's that?"
MJ: "'Cause my mama woulda rubbed your back n'left it at that."
Pete: "She wouldn't have grounded me?"
MJ: "She woulda asked if ya learned anything from it."
Pete: "I did, in fact. I learned a very valuable lesson that day."
MJ: "S'all matters t'her."
Pete: "My mom liked to drive home the 'you done fucked up' point. My dad was more like your mom. If you broke something you had to fix or replace but he was a lesson guy above all."
MJ: MJ just smiled, thoughts filled with Kenna and all the lessons she had to discover herself. Lessons he'd had the shock of learning himself. Ones he refused to intervene in her coming of age. Too damn stubborn to listen, anyways. Pick and choose the battles. You only get one hill to die on, his mother said.
"How many times were ya grounded?"
Pete: "During my entire childhood? Oh, man," he chuckled. "Too many to count. Most weren't that big a deal, the Goldschlager incident was one of the big ones. Probably the biggest."
MJ: "Why'd ya do it?"
Pete: "Curiosity, dumb teenage judgment. I remember being very impressed with the gold flakes in the bottle."
MJ: "That's it? Just 'cause ya could?"
Pete: "Pretty much. Boredom probably played a part, too. It was during the summer."
MJ: "Look at chu. Thought ya woulda had t'have some kinda excuse. Maybe somethin' angsty."
Pete: Pete just smiled and finished off his beer. “Nah, I was just fifteen and dumb. Being grounded during the summer by the way? The worst.”
MJ: "You're just old enough iPads didn't rot your brain. We were spared."
Pete: “Right? Being bored was an integral part of growing up.”
MJ: "I was never bored." Said like a challenge.
Pete: “Spoken like a man that never broke a window with a soccer ball.”
MJ: "Your mama punished accidents?"
Pete: “I’m sure she would’ve done something, but my dad standing beside her dying laughing kinda ruined her plans.”
MJ: "Kinda dig ruined plans these days."
Pete: “She barely got the middle names out when my dad just started wheeze-laughing.”
MJ: "I only got the middle name once."
Pete: "Only once? Impressive. What caused it?"
MJ: "Gettin' kicked outta college."
Pete: He nodded. "Yep, that'll do it."
MJ: "More like gettin' caught with my hand in the cookie jar." He shrugged. "But you. You're a bad boy. Gettin' caught all the time."
Pete: "The soccer ball incident was all Luke. That's why he's a goalie, he can't aim for shit."
MJ: "His center of gravity is better than ours. He should be the best."
Pete: "You'd think so," Pete chuckled. "But nope, he can't aim. He played goalie in school and for a while for our weekly game but his true calling is being ref."
MJ: "Knew a guy that every game hit someone's car."
Pete: "Accidentally? Or on purpose?"
MJ: "Baseball wasn't his game."
Pete: "Damn. He ever break any windows?"
MJ: "Fuck. Mike broke many fuckin' windows. Sent one flyin' into Jock's fuckin' shoulder. Hit a teacher's car. Hit his mama's car. It was fuckin' great."
Pete: Pete laughed and shook his head. "Jesus Christ. Mike, my guy, you should've cut and run after like the second window."
MJ: "Mike's a father now. He teaches his kid how t'play."
Pete: "Did the kid inherit his skills?"
MJ: "No idea." He gestured to his body. "Don't keep in touch anymore."
Pete: "I kinda hope the kid broke one of his car windows."
MJ: "Same. Probably will. That whole family is klutz."
Pete: "Bless their hearts. I feel like breaking windows is a rite of passage for kids. Even June and her siblings broke one."
MJ: "June?" Oh! He snapped his fingers. "The lil fake blonde!"
Pete: "Thankfully the fake blonde days are long since past. She's stayed brunette and boxes now."
MJ: "Punched her boyfriend out?"
Pete: "No but I hope she goes back and does it someday. She's bartending now. Waitress days are long gone too."
MJ: "She a strong independent Latina now."
Pete: "She is. She's a cat mom, too. Her cat is my cat's brother."
MJ: "...Ah." The damn cat again. That link to a man he intended to visit. One of these nights. Maybe.
"Ready for that second round?"
Pete: "Yep. Let's relive my youth, minus the puking and grounding."
MJ: "Well. One of us is gonna do it. I'll take the bullet." Dwight was waved down and given their order. A leap from Blue Moon to say the least.
Pete: "You're a real trooper, and I mean that."
Dwight had no reaction to the order beyond a nod but Charlie, who was back at their end of the bar, couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head.
MJ: MJ just smiled. A tricky subject to broach, but he wanted to.
"So. How's your love life? Any hook ups?"
Pete: Pete shook his head. "Nope, none. Love life is pretty much non-existent."
MJ: "What a perfect waste of a good beard."
Pete: He snorted. "You sound like Sylvain."
MJ: "Which one is that?"
Pete: "My mentor's grandson. The one who told me about the virgin blood wine."
MJ: "See, this why I think ya need t'find your dad."
Pete: "...Because I'm not hooking up?"
MJ: "'Cause your mentor ain't a bear."
Pete: "Gaetan being my mentor pre-dated me finding out I'm a bear. It's just another thing he helped me through, I didn't seek him out specifically because of it."
MJ: "How'd ya find him?"
Pete: "By pure chance," Pete said softly, something quietly awed in his voice. "In a marketplace."
MJ: "He just took ya home with him?"
Pete: "Not quite." He nodded his thanks to Dwight as their drinks were placed in front of them.
Once he was sure no one was listening, he continued. "I'd been in St. Malo a couple of days and went to the marketplace after a local told me about it. I go, look around, have some breakfast, pretty standard. But then as I'm walking around, I start to feel like someone is staring at me. You know that feeling when all the little hairs on your neck stand up? That but more...I don't know, intense? So I stop and look around to see if I can spot who it is when I see this old, old man sitting at a little table beside a produce stand. He looked about ninety-something and he's staring right at me, like he's trying to see through me. We make eye contact and he just smiles and beckons me over."
MJ: "Your mentor is in his 90s?" Was all MJ had taken from the story so far. He imagined some frail old bastard with a beard down to his knees. Eyebrows untamed bushes, ridiculous and forgotten. A man to use his walking stick to smack sense into idiot children.
Pete: Pete smiled. "Patience, grasshopper. So he's beckoning me over and I'm standing there wondering if I should move closer or turn and walk in the other direction. For god knows what reason, I move closer. He points at the chair in front of him, I sit. Then he pulls out this little leather pouch and asks me what my name is in heavily accented but perfect English, which caught me off guard since a lot of the older people I met couldn't speak English that well. Anyway, I tell him and he dumps out the little pouch--which had runes in it--and proceeds to cast them for me to tell me my fortune."
MJ: Patience, then. He was hungry for more. That which he'd been ignorant to during their relationship. Things he no longer had the energy to wish for. In regards to Peter and to Rohan, he felt numb. Victoria's doing, no doubt.
"A hot piece of ass in your future. A great fortune n'a bigger cock."
Pete: He snorted and shook his head. "Not quite. I don't even know if I can call it telling me my fortune. He just told me stuff about me. How I was feeling, where I'd been, what path I was on. Very spiritual. And unsettling. Mostly unsettling if we're being completely honest, but also intriguing? I don't know if that's the right word for it but it made me want to keep sitting there talking to him. He had this energy about him that felt familiar and not familiar at the same time. I felt like..." He squinted, trying to find the right words.
"You know that feeling you get in dreams, where the people you're interacting with are completely real to you in that moment but some part of you knows it's not?"
MJ: "I don't dream much anymore, but I know what ya mean. I think. Things bein' real n'not real is kinda my schtick. So then what happened?"
Pete: "Actually yeah, it's kinda like the snake on the bar. Not to keep bringing it up or anything but as I was looking at him I felt the same way I did that day. That split second of believing the snake was completely real before my brain remembered it was an illusion. Something about this mysterious old man seemed like an illusion as I was sitting there with him, even though I knew he was completely real. The woman running the stall talked to him, a few people that passed said hello to him. He was definitely real and he could definitely tell I was having this internal debate, I'm sure I looked confused as hell. It amused him enough to invite me to his house for lunch. Well, their house I should say, because it turned out the woman running the stall was his daughter. And once again, for god only knows what reason, I accepted the invitation and went to their place for lunch. I say house but really it's a villa."
MJ: A simple sentence in that statement tightened MJ's brows. Restricted his attention to the rest of the story. A story of an illusionary man was intrigue enough, but that damn statement wouldn't leave him be.
"Remembered it was an illusion?"
Pete: "Maybe I didn't phrase that right." He thought for a moment. "You ever see footage of like...supposed hauntings or UFOs or something and there's that initial mental gasp before something kicks in that tells you that what you're seeing isn't real?"
MJ: "Is that a challenge?"
Pete: "Definitely not," Pete chuckled. "Not here at least. Maybe you can test me when you come along on the full moon."
MJ: "Was it 'cause it didn't move?"
Pete: "Partially. It was insanely realistic though."
MJ: "Did things all the time. Ya just didn't -" That's not what this was meant to be. He couldn't break his own rule. "Drink your schnapps."
Pete: Pete took an obedient sip, and almost instantly a smile broke out across his face.
"Tastes like being a dumb teenager."
MJ: "So, like begin' sick?" Being sick, verses what he really wanted to say. Polite-ish company and all.
Pete: "Nah, everything that came before. It was fun before the being sick and getting grounded."
MJ: "Bein' grounded didn't do shit. Ya badass kid."
Pete: That got a laugh. "No one has ever called me that, ever. It didn't stop me from being dumb but it sure ruined my life for three weeks."
MJ: "Shit's slower as a kid. Of course it was for-fuckin-ever." A thought which had him looking down the bottom of his glass. "They say it gets like that after two hundred. Ya know. Them."
Pete: He nodded as he took another sip. "Gaetan says that, too."
MJ: "After how long?"
Pete: "I doubt you'll believe me if I tell you."
MJ: "Guess ya really did have your own adventure."
Pete: “It was an adventure and a half. I really hope I’m not boring you, I know it’s a lot.”
MJ: "Boring me? The fuck ya think you're talkin' to?"
Pete: "Just making sure! Not everyone likes hearing long-winded things."
MJ: "Well, lucky for ya, I happen t'like em."
Pete: "I'm glad," he said with a smile. "You and Gaetan would get along."
MJ: "Why's that?"
Pete: "He likes long-winded stories, messing with people, going on adventures. He's been to space."
MJ: "Long winded makes em sound shitty." A finger raised. "Space?"
Pete: “Space!"
MJ: "Elaborate!" he laughed.
Pete: "Should I pick up where I left off or tell you the space part?"
MJ: "I think we need t'digress right quick."
Pete: "He's always been really fascinated by space and astronomy so as soon as being an astronaut became a thing that people could do, he became one. He worked on the very first American space station in the 70s."
MJ: "He's a fuckin' astronaut? Name in the books n'everything? How'd he get away with that?" He knew how Kindred could. Information a now simple subconscious existence. It hadn't occurred to him to consider outside of his circle.
Pete: Pete just smiled again as he took another sip of schnapps. "The same way I thought he was a ninety year-old man."
MJ: "Ya can't just glamour a fuckin' background check!"
A quick glance around. Ignore the yelling biker.
Pete/Charlie: Everyone mostly did, except for one Charles Brandt.
He squinted at MJ. "The hell ya'll talking about over there?"
MJ: "Lion tamin'!"
Charlie: "Pffft, sure, and Marilyn OD'ed."
MJ: "What? Ain't seen Tiger King?"
Charlie: "Who's the tiger king?"
MJ: "Bless ya."
Charlie: "Don't patronize me, ankle biter."
MJ: "I mean it! Saved precious hours of your life!"
Charlie: "Oh. Well that's all right then."
MJ: MJ returned his rescuing smile back to Peter.
Pete: "Nice save," Pete said under his breath.
MJ: "Baby, m'all about saves."
Pete: "You really friggin' are. And to answer your question, he's not currently an astronaut but he's thinking about giving it another go soon. He fabricates identities fairly regularly."
MJ: "So, guess the older ya get the more perfect ya are."
Pete: "He's had a loooong time to get the process down pat."
MJ: "I don't trust anything that sounds perfect."
Pete: "I don't know if I'd describe him as perfect. He's perfected a lot of things just because he's so goddamn old but the man himself? Human as human can be."
MJ: "Hmm. Don't trust anything that old with humanity."
Pete: Pete chuckled. "That the vampire in you speaking or just you?"
MJ: "Maybe both. Don't judge me."
Pete: "Oh no, I don't. I can completely see why someone wouldn't trust him, I don't blame you."
MJ: "But ya did."
Pete: "I did, yeah. Feels like he stitched me back together. Not just him, though. Being there, the whole experience."
MJ: "Mm. I can't say shit on the matter."
Pete: "Sounds like you had your own similar experience, only in a different setting."
MJ: "What, runnin' away from shit?"
Pete: "With your demon friend."
MJ: "Apples n'oranges."
Pete: "True. But they're both still fruits at the end of the day."
MJ: His mouth opened - closed. "Nah. M'thinkin' a tomatoes."
Pete: "Tomatoes?"
MJ: "Fruit."
Pete: "Well, it might not go in a fruit salad but it's still a fruit, too. That's all life is. One big salad."
MJ: "Dude, you're a fuckin' hippie."
Pete: Well he was just all smiles now, the corners of his eyes crinkling in delight as he finished off his glass. "Yep, 'fraid so."
MJ: "I miss the man that would throw punches." He didn't mean to say that out loud, but too late. He would mirror finishing his own glass to shut his mouth.
Pete: Pete tried to temper his expression. It was comforting to know he wasn't the only one to have a slip on this new leaf of theirs.
"If it makes you feel any better, he threw one a couple weeks ago."
MJ: Like a dog with perked ears. "Who deserved it?"
Pete: "Creepy old perv that cornered a kid at the park."
MJ: "The fuck? How many times did ya punch him?"
Pete: "Twice. Cal and I had gone to the soccer field one evening just for fun and when we first arrived at the park there was this group of kids hanging out by the swings. Oldest one looked about fourteen. When we were leaving we passed by the playground again and there was only one of the kids left and this mouth-breathing cockbag had him pressed against one of the poles."
MJ: "The fuck did he - Did ya tell Bre..." Oh. Right. That can of half-dead worms. MJ looked away, arms coming in to cross and rest on his stomach. "The sheriff woulda taken care of him."
Pete: "He did. Cal called him while I tried not to commit murder."
MJ: The vampire's lips slowly thinned. "How is he?"
Pete: "Regrettably still alive, but in the county jail."
MJ: "Nanana - the uh, the sheriff."
Pete: "Oh! He's fine. Also had to resist the urge to commit murder. Actually the second time he had to resist, and for the exact same reason."
MJ: "Thought this was gonna be a meth town. I'd rather a meth town. Whatever." With that, he was on his feet, fishing for his wallet.
Pete: "The only comfort--if it can even be called that--is that the cockbag doesn't live here. Fucking tourists."
He quickly shook his head and reached for his own wallet. "No no no, you don't have to do that. I'll get it."
MJ: "Why? Did ya win the lottery?"
Pete: He just smiled and placed a few bills on the bar. "Let your new friend buy your drinks, wouldya please?"
MJ: "New friend tryin'ta get in my pants?"
Pete: "New friend who will hold your metaphorical hair while you're sick."
MJ: "Tisk. Aw jeez. What a pal." A five was tossed out of friendly spite.
Pete/Charlie: Pete just laughed and waved goodbye to Dwight and Charles. "Good seeing you, Charlie."
"You, too, kid. Ya'll come back now."
MJ: "Ya go treat yourself t'the spa! On me, Charl." The door was allowed to close with its own weight behind him.
Pete/Charlie: "There are cheaper ways to get a happy ending!" Charles called after them.
Pete shook his head as the door closed. "Ol' Charl never changes. He's gonna outlive us all."
MJ: "If he's anything he hides it like a pro."
Pete: "He's probably just some kind of super human powered by stubbornness and whiskey sours."
MJ: "My uncle lived on canned beans and bacon. Anything's possible."
Pete: "Some people just have that gene I guess. So. Where to now?"
MJ: "Need t'find some kinda spell t'push this town closer t'the city."
Pete: "And have them city slickers ruining the place? Never."
MJ: "Nothin' t'do 'round here. How did I - mm." A hand clasped firmly to his stomach.
Pete: Uh oh.
He looked around for a suitable bush. "Over there. Easy does it now."
MJ: "'Easy does it'? Did ya gain fifty years while I was gone?" To the bush, then.
Pete: "I've got a pregnant sister I've been saying it to a lot. Need anything to make this easier?"
MJ: Peter was waved off. "Fuck off for a minute." No one needed to see vomit and blood and hear the retched sound.
Pete: "Yep, can do." Pete was just gonna step a safe distance away and turn around while MJ did what he needed to do.
MJ: The unmistakable sound would reach Peter's ears within moments. Spit and curses following. All for the sake of company and some shred of domesticity.
"Where to now? My place. I need some fuckin' Listerine."
Pete: Pete winced. Not because of the sound, he'd heard worse. He just wanted MJ to feel comfortable.
"Sure thing. Need a napkin or anything?"
MJ: "Don't fuckin' baby me. I got it."
Pete: "All right, all right. Lead the way then."
MJ: Miles to the mobile home park. To the same lot which had been his years ago. The same people, the same attitudes. Not so late in the night for silence. A herd of children were being rounded up by two men armed with water guns.
Leslie Issott waved with his free hand, saying nothing in his passing. Yellow and pink squirt gun still aimed at his neighbor's son.
Pete: It had been ages since Pete had walked down this way, or walked this much on a non-full moon night. Something to remedy now that the weather was starting to warm up.
Pete smiled at Leslie as they passed, returning the wave.
"Place always looks exactly the same," he said absently. "Or it seems to, anyway."
MJ: "S'real people. Kind m'not interested in - in that way, ya know?"
Pete: He nodded. "Yeah, I can understand that. Any of them roll out the welcome wagon for you?"
MJ: "Just got here." Tunnel vision for this meeting, MJ hadn't lingered long enough for anyone to say hello.
Pete: Another nod. "Bet someone does before long."
Pete's eyes narrowed as they approached MJ's house. "Does your RV look...newer?"
MJ: "Uh... yeah. Other one kinda... broke."
Pete: "Really? Huh. Well, an upgrade is always nice."
MJ: "I guess. Shit happens."
Yes, it was his RV, but he was going to knock for Abel's sake.
Abel: Abel was sitting upside down watching something on his phone when the scent of MJ registered a moment before he heard the knock at the door.
"I'm not naked!" he called. Although at this point, did it really matter? They'd been living in the same space for ages, what was a bare ass between friends.
MJ: A statement which put a smile on MJ's face. A wink to Peter before opening the door.
"Good, 'cause I got innocent eyes here that don't need t'see your dangly bits."
Pete/Abel: Pete's brow furrowed in confused amusement at the shouted greeting.
"Is he usually naked?" he asked before they stepped inside.
Abel turned toward MJ and their surprise guest. He gasped. "Did you make a friend? In less than twenty-four hours?! I'm so proud!"
MJ: "Shaddup. This is Peter. Remember Peter? " Said casually, of course, but the look in his eye was one which said "be nice" in all capital letters above his head. If only he could manage that without Peter noticing.
Pete/Abel: Whether Pete noticed or not, he was going to pretend he didn't.
Abel did though. "Oh! Yeah, I do!" He righted himself and got to his feet. "Hi, Peter, I'm Abel. I promise not to show you my dangly bits."
Pete laughed and reached out to shake his hand. "I appreciate that. You can call me Pete, by the way."
MJ: This felt awkward. Hours and hours and miles and miles leading up to this moment, and he wanted to turn his ass around and pull Peter by the collar.
And yet, in contrast, why care? What was the point?
"Gonna swish." Abel was given another look. "I did the thing."
Abel: Abel made a face. "Ew, gross. Forget swishing, go whole hog and brush your teeth. I'll entertain Pete with some jokes and an improvised dance number."
MJ: "I need t'put on some cabaret?" He'd certainly hum some on the way to the bathroom.
Pete/Abel: “Every little thing helps!” Abel called after him, swaying along with the tune until it faded.
He turned back to Pete and smiled. “All right. I’m gonna bounce. I owe you some jokes.”
“Oh no, you don’t have t—“
“I don’t but I do so I’m gonna. Good to meet you, Pete.”
“Abel, really—“
“Nope, trust me, you both need this.”
And just like that, he was gone.
MJ: He did a thing, now Abel did a thing. He could feel it in the silence. What side was the damn familiar on?
"It got quiet," gargled from behind the bathroom door.
Pete: “Uh...yeah, it did. Your friend decided to make himself scarce.”
MJ: "What did he think, we gonna fuck?"
Pete: “Does he? You know him better than I do.”
MJ: "Askin' if he said that or somethin'."
Pete: “He just said we both needed this.”
MJ: The door was carefully kicked open while he swished. Words in neon orange above his head, struggling to remain visible.
'You agree?'
Pete: Impossible not to smile. A small bit of magic perhaps but incredibly impressive. Sure beat the hell out of pantomiming.
"Maybe, yeah. Do you?"
MJ: He didn't want to just dismiss the idea. Abel was meant to be some sort of buffer. Part of the reason he'd been brought across country. Abel must have known that.
The neon changed color, faded to yellow question marks.
Pete: "He could've felt like he'd be intruding by staying. Or he didn't wanna make it weird."
MJ: Time to spit. "Was it weird?"
Pete: Pete shrugged. "Not at Charlie's, but that was more familiar. Meeting someone new is always a little weird. Even for normal people."
MJ: "Familiars eat that shit up. Least that one does." The door was shut behind him. Jacket tossed over the nearest seat.
Pete: "Maybe he just wanted to give you some privacy." He smiled. "You know, like friends do."
MJ: "Maybe he thinks we'll fuck."
Pete: Another shrug. "A logical assumption, I guess. Anyone would think the same."
MJ: "Anyone? 'Cause we had a wild year t'gether?"
Pete: "People assume far more about people who've known each other for far less."
MJ: MJ leaned his shoulder against the nearest bit of wall, picked at his less-than-perfect fingernails.
"Ya remember what ya said t'me, once, 'bout how I didn't give ya enough attention?"
Pete: Pete nodded and looked down at his hands. He remembered every excruciating moment alongside the good ones.
"I do."
MJ: "What was it?"
Pete: "I said..." A sigh. "I said that I felt like I had to share you with everyone, that you seemed to have time for everyone but me."
MJ: "I didn't vamp into this." He gestured around the RV. "I was raised in one of these until Kenna was born. Daddy got us a brick n'mortar, but I still lived in the RV. Never had a curfew. No questions but if I had a good time, if I got caught. If we wanted t'get up n'go, we got up n'went. M'not used t'this." Pointed between them.
"I left Rohan, too. Just got that itch. Wasn't safe, it said. Then I got chased. Everything screamin' at me t'save myself. Like bein' backed in a corner." More picking at his nails, looking up to continue.
"I loved Rohan. I loved you. Still do, but that's just love. That ain't... enough reason t'do anything more than say I love ya."
Pete: They'd had such different upbringings. Not quite polar opposite, but still different. He tried to imagine his own parents taking that approach, tried to imagine how he would be and how his siblings would be if they had.
A dull, familiar ache pulsed in his chest as he offered MJ a small smile. "I don't have any illusions or expectations of anything more. I didn't even have illusions or expectations of that. Hope, sure, but not any expectations. I just want you to be happy and okay."
MJ: "But ya wanted me here. I get wantin' texts or somethin'. I get that now. Back then, that was too much, but that's on me."
Pete: "I probably was, too. Too needy, too emotional, asking too much. If I was, at any point, I'm sorry."
MJ: "Ya wanted the picture. I ain't ever been the picture, Peter."
Pete: "Well, it's like the Stones say, you don't always get what you want. It was unfair of me to try to fit you into some ideal. Some mold. You deserve better than that from someone who loves you."
MJ: "N'ya deserve someone that's around. M'not gonna always be around. Ya deserve what ya always wanted."
Pete: "The rest of that lyric is 'if you try sometimes, you get what you need'."
MJ was given another smile. "You know what I really want? Something real. Not the ideal or the mold or the thing that looks like what everyone thinks it should look like. I just want something real."
MJ: "How m'I supposed t'know what ya really mean n'what you'll say t'get what ya want?" Spoken carefully and clearly despite his accent, words as delicate as the situation.
Pete: Pete gave a small shrug. "I think this is something where actions speak louder than words. I can tell you all day but that won't make you believe me. I have to prove it to you."
MJ: Fingernails were beginning to warm from constant picking. Too good of a distraction.
Pete: "So I guess my question is, what can I do to prove it to you?"
MJ: "I don't have the answer, either. Thought about it the whole way here. Only thing I came up with was pretendin' we never met."
Pete: "Well..." He offered up smile. "We've made our introductions, new friend. The rest is in the lap of the gods."
MJ: "Ya believe in that stuff?"
Pete: "In gods?"
MJ: "Mhm."
Pete: "I don't think I'm a capital 'B' believer, but I do, yeah. I pray my Druid prayers every day. It comforts me."
MJ: "Callum, I guess?"
Pete: Pete shook his head. "Madeleine. Gaetan's current eldest daughter."
MJ: "Current eldest?"
Pete: "His family tree is pure chaos. Took me a long time to get it straight. He's had countless children in his life, countless daughters. Madeleine is his eldest at the moment and she looks like she could be his mother."
MJ: "He just lets em all die?"
Pete: "He gives them a choice."
MJ: "Sure." He didn't know enough to have an opinion, outside of the wary of druids and their strange magic.
Pete: Pete didn't understand it much either, but it was one of those things he hadn't felt comfortable inquiring on further.
"Yeah, so. Madeleine was the one who suggested I join her during her evening prayer and eventually taught them to me. She said people derive comfort from their prayers. She must've thought I looked like I needed comfort."
MJ: "What were ya like 'fore I came here? The guy I met at the bar, I only knew him for a little 'fore ya became this."
Pete: "I'm not all that different. From my perspective anyway. Just less angry, not in as much inner turmoil, or that weird feeling of limbo I didn't realize I had."
MJ: "Maybe what ya fell in love with in me ain't here anymore."
Pete: "I could say the same to you. You may very well decide I'm insufferable and not want anything to do with me." Pete shrugged. "We won't know until we get to know each other."
MJ: "How d'ya wanna get t'know me? Ya got somethin' in mind? Ya thought about this, didn't ya?"
Pete: He just smiled. "Only thing I had in mind was to take you with me on a full moon. Or invite you at least. Maybe go for a swim, catch some fish."
MJ: "I'll come with ya. Yeah. But what ya wanna do until then?"
Pete: "Right this minute? We could watch something or go down to the pub with Abel."
MJ: "We just left a bar!" MJ laughed.
Pete: "We don't have to drink! We can just be there and people watch or bother Bobby. Watching something is also an option at the pub, I put a TV in my office."
MJ: "You're a workaholic."
Pete: “I put it up there precisely so I could have a little break from work. And the cats really like it.”
MJ: "Catsssss?"
Pete: “June brings Socks with her so he can hang out with his brother.”
MJ: "N'people think I'm a nut."
Pete: “You got nothing on us crazy cat people,” Pete said with a grin.
MJ: "I mean, rat person. Totally different breed."
Pete: “Midas is a rat person, too. Only hunts bugs and sticks.”
MJ: "I don't trust a face that beautiful."
Pete: “That beautiful little face once watched a field mouse eat his food and just meowed and looked sad.”
MJ: "The mouse will always come back now."
Pete: "He definitely did a couple times before we came back to the States."
MJ: "Alright, so ya want outta the RV?"
Pete: "Unless you wanna watch something here or just keep talking. I don't much mind where we go."
MJ: His mind was pulled in two directions. One simple and safe, one convoluted and certainly unsafe. Maybe a test. One which pushed leadership into Peter's hands as he stepped closer, less than the appropriate distance of acquaintanceship. His scent had not changed. Leather, gasoline, nature. The same cinnamon toothpaste. MJ took a breath, wanting to breathe in nostalgia.
Pete: Pete went very still as MJ approached, watching him with quiet curiosity and perhaps just a hint of caution.
He did smell exactly the same, reminded Pete of exactly the same things. Of his motorcycle and the forest. He wondered if he did, too. He still wore the same cologne, still smelled vaguely of smoke, still used the same soap.
So many things had remained the same and once upon a time, Pete would've just leaned forward to kiss MJ, easy as anything. But not everything was the same; there were things that had changed. They had changed.
All Pete could think to do was smile and say, "Let's go walk on the beach."
MJ: Well, there were some of their answers. Not the expected reaction of the man he'd once fallen to pieces over. Maybe that spontaneity had aged; maybe that new scent brought with it a composure his Peter hadn't possessed. Either way, he couldn't expect change and what had been his sweetheart to remain the same.
'You're gettin' hazed when ya get home. Ya in my head, pup?'
Anyway, a new shirt, same jacket. "Lead the way."
Pete/Abel: Spontaneity had given way to caution, at least for now. He wanted to kiss MJ. To hug him and cling to him and have everything be exactly as it had once been, as easy as it had once been.
But if he gave in to those wants, he risked losing MJ entirely. MJ could take it as proof that Pete wasn't really prepared to start at square one or that he was too hung up on who MJ had been to accept who he was now. And kissing MJ once right now wasn't worth potentially losing him. As ready as Pete was to fight for him and as willing as he was to start over, he wasn't willing to take that risk.
Pete smiled. "All right. I can show you the two-headed turtle."
'I made myself scarce! It's polite to make yourself scarce when your roommate brings his ex home!' Abel thought back.
MJ: The voice in his head, feminine and ripe with wisdom reminded him that this was for the best. Nothing lasted forever, not even immortals. Why should love be any different? A human lifetime was gone in a snap. Fera fell right behind them. Where were druids? These were not hills to die upon.
But he loved them both. He loved the memory of one, and the purity of the other. Hills.
'He's not a - doesn't matter! I needed a buffer ya dick!'
Peter was shooed from the door, locking the RV behind him. Not a barrier for the familiar. 'Go get laid or somethin'.'
Abel: 'Well then you should've said so! Communication, MJ. Remember that whole conversation we had about sharing our feelings with that homeless guy in Nebraska?'
But if it was buffer MJ wanted, then buffer he would get.
Within moments, Abel would come barreling out of the darkness with a tennis ball in his mouth, once more in dog form.
MJ: Fucking goddamn!
"Didn't wanna go get laid, huh?" The ball was grabbed from his mouth, thrown further down the dirt road.
Pete/Abel: Pete's brow furrowed as he scented the air. "...Abel?"
A confirming bark before the familiar went racing after the ball.
MJ: "Did ya just sniff the fuckin' air?"
Pete: "Oh, yeah," he chuckled. "I do that now. I also scratch my back on trees."
MJ: "Like, in both forms?"
Pete: "Nah, tree bark hurts in human form. I use door frames in human form."
MJ: "My fuckin' god, dude. How do they feel? Morphin'."
Pete: "Like becoming a human rubik's cube, or clay. I don't know what giving birth is like but I imagine it's kind of like that."
MJ: "Hurts like bein' squeezed outta a three-inch tube, or does it feel good... eventually?"
Pete: "A three-inch tube, yes, that's exactly it. But when it's done, there's just relief. Which is how my sister described childbirth."
MJ: "Yeah, some chemical shit makes ya forget." His smile reignited. "Childbirth. That's funny as shit. Givin' birth to yourself, I guess."
Pete/Abel: Pete laughed. "Yep, that's me. Giving birth to myself once a month."
Abel ran back towards them, ball in mouth.
MJ: "Toss it for him. He's really a dog like this."
Pete/Abel: "It's like when I'm a bear." Pete took the ball from Abel and tossed it, chuckling as the dog went racing after it again.
MJ: "Ya completely gone under the fur?"
Pete: He shook his head. "Not completely. The first few times I blacked out but now I'm fairly aware when I transform."
MJ: "But I mean, ya have... a bear brain, I guess?"
Pete: "Yep, along with everything else. I'm exhausted the whole winter, eat a ton leading up to it. And I now have actual chest hair."
MJ: "I dunno how to ask; my rats have linear thoughts n'great memory. Super simple. S'what I me - wait what?"
Pete: "Chest hair. I've got some now. A good bit actually, teenage me would be thrilled."
MJ: "Lemme see."
Pete: Pete tugged down the collar of his shirt just enough to expose some of his new crop of chest hair. It wasn't at the most extreme end of the hairy chest spectrum but it held its own.
MJ: "Shit, ya got more than me now," he laughed.
Pete/Abel: "It's them bear genes," Pete said with a grin.
And once more out of the darkness came Abel. It was MJ's turn to toss the tennis ball and the familiar showed no signs of getting tired. It had been a while since he'd played fetch.
MJ: The ball was taken and bounced between hands. He threw! but no he didn't. The ball held behind his back.
"I think about... things we didn't do."
Pete/Abel: "You mean other than playing fetch with a magical dog?"
Abel fell for it. Completely. His current doggie brain didn't realize MJ hadn't thrown the ball until he got about 20 feet ahead of them.
MJ: "Wow that really works." The ball was thrown in truth down their path.
He waited for those ears to get far enough away.
"People assume shit, with how I look. Big dudes like big dude things."
Pete: Ah. Those things. A sudden vision of the dream he was convinced he'd shared with MJ came into his head.
"Yeah. I'm familiar with that particular assumption. I made it of you, didn't I?"
MJ: "Don't blame ya. I didn't open my fuckin' mouth."
Pete: "I didn't ask and I should've. That was an important conversation to have."
MJ: "We talk with our bodies. I gave ya all sorts of conversation. I loved all of it. I'm also a liar."
Pete: "There was plenty to love. And for the record? Makes no difference to me."
MJ: "You're a fuckin' bottom if there ever was one," MJ grinned.
Pete: Pete laughed. "Can't argue with that, I guess. But I've flipped that coin before. I am technically bi, you know."
MJ: "So am I. Most people are, they just don't say shit. S'what I think."
Pete: “Yeah, maybe. Point is, I have no objection or...aversion to coin flipping.”
MJ: "I guess I don't, but like, m'still dead."
Pete: "And I'm a forest creature."
MJ: "Ya don't cum blood."
Pete: “We can’t help what form our bodily fluids come in.”
MJ: Peter was given a look. A long stare of scrutiny as they walked.
Pete: He just gave MJ an earnest smile and took his turn throwing the ball when Abel came back with it.
"I've had a lot of time to think about it."
MJ: "About my bodily fluids?"
Pete: "About all of it. Conversations, feelings, everything."
MJ: "Wanna spill?"
Pete: "Told you about that dream I had, right? About us?"
MJ: That had been one hell of a night. He squinted in the darkness. "Sounds... familiar."
Pete: "Well, we were in this dream version of my living room or somewhere and we were...like we used to be. You were in my lap and it felt so normal and we had one of those silent body conversations and it was so clear that...well, that the coin should've been flipped. I don't know how I didn't see it."
MJ: "Didn't want ya to, I guess." Abel was lifted under his arm, tennis ball bounced for the sake of teasing.
"Breakin' our rules left n'right."
Pete/Abel: Abel made a couple of half-hearted attempts to snatch the ball but all that running had worn him out. Better to catch his breath.
Pete smiled. "Yeah, we are. I should be asking how the cross-country drive was."
MJ: "About as fun as roamin' France, probably."
Pete: “Did ya’ll do a straight shot on highways only or have a proper road trip?”
MJ: "Dirt roads. Largest ball of yarn, corn fields in Nebraska, that kinda thing. Walked the streets of Chicago. Met a girl." He swiveled his hand. "Long trip here."
Pete: Mention of a girl would be ignored. For now. "Sounds like it. You know there's cryptids in those cornfields. My grandpa used to tell us stories about them."
MJ: "Nothin' surprises me anymore. Not about what exists. Tell me ya got abducted by aliens, maybe that'll get me."
Pete: “Not me, but by all accounts Grandpop Hiram did.”
MJ: MJ slowly turned his head to face his old boyfriend.
Pete: “No shit,” he chuckled. “He told me, right hand to god, that he got abducted while driving down a country road in the middle of the night and they didn’t return him until the next morning.”
MJ: "Now that'll take me a minute. Coulda been a fake memory."
Pete: "It could've, except that he didn't get returned in the same place. He woke up on his front lawn, truck nowhere to be found. The old sheriff found it abandoned in the middle of the road, keys still in it and everything, except no Hiram. Luke and I asked Peabody to see if there was still a report on file and there was, just like grandpop said. Abandoned truck in the middle of the road, lights still on, keys in the ignition."
MJ: "N'he don't remember jack shit? 'Sides bein' taken." A vampire, and even he felt that sting of doubt. Like what he imagined delirium to be like for kine.
Pete: "No, he did. He remembered laying on a cold surface and bright lights and shadowy figures standing over him."
MJ: "Ah. See, nah. That's too 50s."
Pete: "It was in the 50s."
MJ: "See?! No way, man. He's why we got movies like Close Encounters."
Pete: “Orrrrrr there just isn’t that much variation to how alien surgery is performed. Anyway, grandpop had that thing where his eyes were different colors and he said that after that incident, the colors were switched.”
MJ: "Heterochromia," a word smooth from his tongue, of course, having such eyes, though not quite the same.
"I don't think a little green man is gonna travel lifetime after lifetime after lifetime just to poke some flesh n'set it free."
Pete/Abel: "Yes, that word. And judging from what everyone says, that's exactly what the little green men do. Right, Abel? Back me up."
Abel barked once before thinking, 'Yeah, he's totally right,' to MJ.
MJ: "Ya ain't seen no goddamn aliens, Abe."
Abel: 'Hey, I could've seen aliens, you don't know. We spent a long time in Nebraska with Kenny the homeless guy. Ooh! I bet Kenny's seen aliens.'
MJ: "Of course Kenny's seen aliens. Guy had a mullet n'worked with corn in the 70s."
Pete: "Who's Kenny?" asked Pete.
MJ: "Some homeless dude we met in Nebraska. Had a thousand tales. Probably half true."
Pete/Abel: "And Kenny has a mullet, worked with corn, and has seen aliens, huh?"
'If anyone has, it's definitely--wait he can't hear me. MJ, if I switch back so I can talk will you still carry me?'
MJ: "Sure, piggy-back." Abel was placed on the ground between their feet.
"Yeah, all that Kenny stuff."
Pete/Abel: Once on the ground again, Abel gave himself a good shake and switched back to his human form, which was a far more streamlined process than Pete was used to. And Abel even got to keep his clothes on.
"Hi again!" the familiar said brightly. "Up, please!"
MJ: MJ bent his knee, waiting for that familiar weight of the familiar before returning to pace. This was completely normal.
"So yeah, Nebraska."
Pete/Abel: “Sounds like a hoot,” said Pete, smiling as Abel scrambled up on MJ’s back and clung to him like a koala. “Were any of Kenny’s maybe true stories about aliens?”
Abel shook his head. “No but he had a lot to say about drones and the pesticides they use on the corn.”
MJ: "He was on the same tree, not the right branch. Ya believe that shit?"
Pete: “The drones or the pesticides?”
MJ: "Both."
Pete: “The pesticides are fact. The drones, I’m not so sure. At least on a Big Brother kind of level. All those YouTube kids have drones.”
MJ: "If I had it my way there'd be no security cameras ever, but I'm fuckin' biased, and kinda fuckin' dead."
Pete: “I don’t think there’s any escaping them now. You can escape the YouTube kids though.”
MJ: "Gets easier n'harder at the same time."
Pete: “That’s progress, I guess. Keep an eye out for a rock with a turtle painted on it.”
MJ: "This metaphorical or literal?"
Pete: “Literal. It’s the marker for where the two-headed turtle lives.”
MJ: "The fuck are we doin' again? The beach?"
Pete: “Yes, and we’re also visiting the two-headed turtle.”
MJ: "Alright. Two-headed turtle it is. Wanna see a two-headed turtle, Abe?"
Abel: “Do you even have to ask? I’d go anywhere to see a turtle, especially if it has two heads.”
MJ: "I sure love not bein' the only weirdo."
Abel: “Turtles aren’t weird!”
MJ: "No. They're slow speech and wise. You. You're weird."
Abel: “For loving turtles?” Abel scoffed. “Nuh-uh. You’re weird, you like cowboy music.”
MJ: "What's wrong with Garth Brooks?"
Abel: “All his songs sound the same.”
MJ: "N'Reba?"
Abel: “Isn’t that a sitcom?”
MJ: "I'mma drop your ass."
Abel: Abel laughed. “You wouldn’t, Pete would think you’re a meanie.”
MJ: "I am a meanie. How d'ya not know Fancy? Or uh, The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia?"
Abel: “And here I thought Fallout Boy had long song titles. Why is all country music about the south? The north has countryside and cows too.”
MJ: "Folk, bluegrass, country, southern rock, country rock, hillbilly, blues, bluegrass; s'all countryside."
Abel: “Aren’t you Hungarian? How does a nice Hungarian boy develop a taste for the banjo and ballads about trucks?”
MJ: "I was born here, believe it or not. My old man just happens t'like that shit."
Pete/Abel: “Ah, well, we all need a guilty pleasure. Right, Pete?”
Pete smiled and nodded. “Right. Also we’ve arrived.” He pointed at a rock with a turtle painted on it. “Callum warded his home so some piece of shit kid didn’t kill it or kidnap it.”
MJ: "How's that work? Kill the kid instead?"
Pete: “What, no. It just keeps them from getting too close. He read a story about some little assholes killing a swan’s babies and it upset him so much he started warding every nest he found.”
MJ: "Ol' Callum's magic. Ya might like em, Abe. I see X in him. They'd hate each other or love each other."
The familiar was placed back on his own feet.
"N'I'm more than just Hungarian. Ya know that."
Pete/Abel: “They’ve met,” Pete sighed. “Cal’s not a fan.”
“He’s not alone in that.” Abel stretched. “Xavier is an acquired taste. Like kombucha.”
MJ: "See? Love or hate. Here's my thing: they're alike. Can't tell ya how. I ain't that articulate. They just are."
Pete: “Well, whatever you do, don’t ever say that to Callum,” Pete chuckled. “Have you talked to him since you’ve been here?”
MJ: "Have I?" He looked to Abel and laughed.
Abel: Abel grinned. “Xavier? He pops into our heads every now and then. Or to the RV. I think he misses us.”
MJ: "Think he means Cal."
Abel: “Oh! Yeah you definitely have. I haven’t.”
MJ: "Yeah, see. Definitely have."
Pete: “How did it go?” asked Pete.
MJ: "M'still alive. Hallelujah," MJ smiled.
Pete: Pete smiled back. “Yes you are. And he didn’t chase you around with a broom or sic the dog on you?”
MJ: "Not tonight. Maybe later. I'd probably deserve it."
Pete: He shook his head. “No, you don’t. He knows that, deep down.”
MJ: "Sure." His go-to when he had nothing to add, he realized. Wondered if that had always been the case, and too lazy to change it.
Pete/Abel: Pete just smiled and led MJ and Abel over to where the turtle liked to spend its time.
Sure enough, at their approach, two little heads poked out from the brush.
“Turtles!” Abel went in for a closer look, crouching so he was closer to the turtles’ level.
MJ: "Are they sayin' anything, Abe? They some hive mind, or they hate each other?"
MJ took to crouching by the familiar's side.
Abel: “I dunno, I can’t talk to them without that spell. Maybe you can talk to them.” He wasn’t sure if turtles greeted by sniffing but he offered them a finger anyway. “Hey there little guys!”
MJ: He'd take to the ground, then, chin against folded arms. Did turtles even make sounds? He waited patiently for eye contact, his only means of establishing a connection.
"Hey there, uglies."
Pete/Abel: “MJ!” Abel and Pete said in unison.
Being closer, Abel would be the one to give his friend a light smack on the shoulder. “Don’t be rude. They’re so cute! Don’t listen to him, fellas. You’re fantastic.”
One the heads seemed determined to stare anywhere but at the two beings before it. The other showed a bit more interest.
MJ: "I bet ya want your own body, huh?" Only one mind to speak with. Interested in all things. This existence was the only existence; he couldn't miss what he'd never had. Not the way humans lamented. His brother, not so much. More aware, perhaps.
"Y'all hungry?"
Pete: “I take it you mean the turtles,” said Pete, looking around for something the little reptiles could eat. “Ask them if they like snails and worms.”
MJ: "Can't go wrong with strawberries. Abe, got any? Or some snail 'bout to meet their end?"
Pete/Abel: “On me? Nope. There miiiight be some in the fridge? Can’t say what state they’re in though.”
Pete, meanwhile, was already on a snail and worm hunt. He couldn’t hear them in his human form as well as he could in his bear form but he liked to think he could a little bit. At least we’ll enough to find a snack for a two-headed turtle.
MJ: "What ya think, uglies?" They couldn't argue; this was free food either way.
Meanwhile, MJ would lay on his stomach in front of them, having their own private conversation.
Abel: Another smack to the shoulder courtesy of Abel. “They’re not ugly! Think of a cuter nickname for them. They’re special, they need a cute nickname.”
MJ: "What's wrong with bein' ugly?!"
Pete: “Absolutely nothing but they’re not ugly, they’re adorable. Ask them what their names are.”
MJ: "Fine! Fine." He searched for the brother's eyes, urging contact and a conversation to follow.
"They ain't got names. Most things don't. Just feelin. Like... this one's left n'this one's right. My other half, kinda thing. Alright. Larry n'Todd."
Pete/Abel: Abel’s face lit up. “Perfect! Larry and Todd, I love it. They look like a Larry and a Todd.”
“Soup’s on.” Pete returned with a couple of slugs and a worm.
MJ: "Hey, that is inappropriate wordin' 'round turtles."
Pete/Abel: “Oop, you’re right. Sorry, boys.”
“Larry and Todd!” Abel said cheerfully.
“Ah. Sorry, Larry and Todd.” He placed a slug in front of each head.
MJ: "I think they share a stomach. We'll find out in a minute." And away they went, chowing down on their little feast in what shadow they could find.
Pete: “They probably do since they share all their other parts. I think. They’re the only two-headed anything I’ve ever seen.” Pete offered the worm as well and left the little turtles to eat.
MJ: "Some share the same brain. Saw it on YouTube. Mama would show a picture to one head n'the other would know the color."
Pete: “That’s incredible. Must be difficult to adjust to life attached to another person but when it works, it’s incredible. I’m guessing they weren’t able to safely separate the people in the video?”
MJ: "Hell no. Same brain! Or part of brain, but yeah. Like those guys from the Circus way back when. Just an inch of skin kept em together, but they shared a liver."
Pete: “Oh! Um...dangit what were their names...Chang and Eng!”
MJ: "There's a reason I love ya."
Pete: Pete tried and failed to hide his smile. “My recall ability for names?”
MJ: "Ya know your freaks."
Pete: “I do what I can. Didn’t Chang and Eng have like a dozen kids?”
MJ: "Think so, yeah. Ain't gonna let an inch of skin stop em."
Pete: “An inch of skin and a liver.” He shook his head in awe. “Fucking incredible. I wonder if being conjoined gave them any abilities. Seems like the kinda thing that would.”
MJ: "Abilities? What, like you?"
Pete: “Not necessarily. Something non-Fera related. Something...I don’t know, magical. Possibly psychic.”
MJ: "Ya got an imagination on ya. That's for sure."
Pete: “I blame Graham’s books,” he chuckled. “Been reading a lot of them.”
MJ: "Graham?"
Pete: “My nephew.”
MJ: "Ah. Graham Graham. Of course."
Pete: “Yeah. He loves him a bedtime story. Can’t tell you how many times we’ve read Alice in Wonderland.”
MJ: "Ya know, I get I fit the description of people that'd like it, but nah."
Pete: “Mad hatters and hares and magic potions not your thing?”
MJ: "Vampire ruined it for me."
Pete: “First time Stella read it to Graham he painted all their roses red. She was horrified, Callum was tickled pink.”
MJ: "Ha." Reminded him of Brett. Left a taste in his mouth.
"What cha wanna do now?"
Pete: “I picked the walk and the turtle. Your turn. Or Abel’s if he wants to take one.”
MJ: "What cha wanna do, Abe?"
Abel: “Hmmm....” Abel thought for a moment. “I need a snack. And a cherry coke. And possibly some rainbow sherbet.”
MJ: "So we raid the Walmart?"
Abel: “Yes!” Abel said brightly. “I love Walmart!”
MJ: "That's about the most trash thing ya ever said. Don't ever let X hear ya say that."
Abel: “He loves Walmart, too, he owns a crap ton of stock.”
MJ: "That ain't the same as love. Trust me."
Abel: “Walmart keeps our Xavier in the Armani suits and it keeps us in cherry coke and rainbow sherbet. And chips.”
MJ: That reminded him, he should check on his own stock before sunrise. Another one of X's bits of advice. Same as his father. A truck driver with more stock than he knew what to do with. He wondered how his old man was.
"Walmart can keep ya in the chips without the stock, I promise ya that."
Abel: “Yeah, you’re probably right. This whole country loves it. So are we going?”
MJ: You have no idea what I mean and that's cute.
"Yeppers." He looked to Peter with a smile. "Comin'?"
Pete: Pete smiled and nodded. “Sure! I could go for a cherry coke. How are we getting there?”
MJ: "I dunno how to fly a broom yet, so..."
Abel: “I can take us!” Abel piped in. “I already know where it is, I saw it one day when I was exploring. Everyone take a hand.”
MJ: "Careful with Peter; he's a delicate honey bear."
Pete: “I’ve teleported before,” Pete said as he took Abel’s hand. “Feels like getting squeezed through a straw on a tilt-a-whirl.”
MJ: "More druid stuff?"
Pete: “Another familiar.”
MJ: "How many familiars ya know?"
Pete: “Just one other. Callum’s cousin has one.”
MJ: "Huh." Abel's hand was given a squeeze. "So why ain't Callum got - why were ya flyin' around?"
Pete/Abel: “I needed to take a trip to New Orleans to visit someone.”
Abel squeezed both their hands. “Okay, you two, enough chit chat. I need sherbet! Ready?”
MJ: "Ready." He wasn't taking his breath. What would be the point? "What friend in - I didn't know ya had people there."
Pete/Abel: “Ready,” Pete echoed.
“All rightie. MJ, hold that thought. Petey, deep breath.” Abel held their hands to his chest and transported them across town to the Walmart. This time of night, there would be no one around to notice three men appearing out of thin air.
MJ: Still, MJ looked around. A hand came to rest on Peter's chest as though to steady him.
"Gonna puke?"
Pete: Pete, whose eyes were squeezed shut, held up a finger. He was trying to take deep even breaths to settle his body.
MJ: "Boy I'm sure glad I don't have to deal with that shit." Abel was given an appreciative smack to his shoulder.
"A trucker's feast, huh? Let's get ya some chips."
Pete/Abel: A few more moments and Pete finally opened his eyes.
“All right, I’m good. Let’s get junk food.”
Abel didn’t have to be told twice. He practically skipped into the store and led them first to the frozen section for sherbet.
MJ: MJ waited for Peter to fall into step with. His arm draped over his wide shoulders and squeezed.
"So back to New Orleans. Talk."
Pete: “Oh, right. Well, I don’t exactly have family there. Callum’s cousin is there and she’s my friend but mostly I went to visit the grave of my previous incarnation. Clarke.”
MJ: "Goddamn every single time ya speak ya got some sorta life changin' adventure. What the fuck did ya just say to me?"
Pete: Pete couldn’t help but laugh. “I guess I do, huh? I found my previous incarnation in Paris. In a photo, obviously, not in person.”
MJ: "How did ya chain them events together?"
Pete: “I didn’t at first. Took a few weeks before the chaining really got going.”
MJ: "Gonna explain in detail?"
Pete: “I don’t have to if you don’t want to. I know this is the kinda thing no one but me cares about.”
MJ: "I mean, sure. I'm more curious 'bout how ya found it. Sounds like a huge coincidence."
Pete: “It kinda was. Coincidence or fate, if you wanna look at it that way. I was in the exact right place at the exact right time. Walked by a frame shop right as the owner was placing a frame with his photo in the window.”
MJ: MJ looked ahead for Abel, stumbled a bit on his own feet, pushing into Peter. "And ya knew who it was?"
Pete: Pete immediately reached out to steady him. “Not then. All I knew was that something about the photo struck a chord and drew me in. So I bought it and after asking the owner if she had more photos of him, I bought those too.”
MJ: "Why she have a bunch of old photos? People buy that shit?" His mouth bunched to one side. "I dunno 'bout fate. Just seems too specific." He shrugged. "Anyway go on."
Pete: “It was a frame shop, she has a lot of random photos. She thought it was a shame for them to be in a box somewhere so she used them for her displays. She knew him, you see. Her brother had taken the photographs and she’d gotten them after he passed.”
MJ: MJ's brows began to knit. "Fuckin' how old was your past self? When was this shit?"
Pete: “Clarke died in 1981. He was thirty-one.”
MJ: "...Well, ya lived longer this time."
Pete: Pete nodded. “Yeah. Feel some kinda way about that.”
MJ: "What, worry or somethin'?"
Pete: “He was too damn young to die.”
MJ: Peter guided them for a row of bagged chips and processed dips, jerkies and candy bars, while MJ stared at him.
Pete: He forced a smile and brought himself back to the moment.
“Yeah, so. That’s how I found my reincarnation.”
MJ: "You're one of them people that loves themself."
Pete: “Not in a romantic way. Or a ‘gee, I’m so great’ way. Finding him was like finding a friend I’d lost. Made me feel less lonely.”
MJ: "I think I know what ya mean, but," he shrugged. "Guess I'd have to meet a me to know. That me don't exist."
Pete: “Reading his journals is the closest I’ll get to meeting him.”
MJ: "Maybe not. There's magick for everything. Depends what you're willin' to pay."
Pete: He shook his head. “This is the way it is. He died and now I’m here and someday I’ll go and there will be another link in the chain. Journals and some memories are more than so many people get of their past lives.”
MJ: "So, what, ya gonna start writin' journals for your future self?"
Pete: “I already have.”
MJ: MJ looked around for Abel. Nodded to him. "What ya think of that? Would ya love yourself?"
Pete/Abel: Abel had found a basket and was already busy filling it with gloriously unhealthy things.
“If I was a decent person then sure, I don’t see why not,” he said with a nod and a shrug. “Pete’s right, most people don’t get to learn about their past incarnations. It’s rare.”
MJ: "Fuckin' 'if'? You're an 'if'?" He laughed. Abel was about as chaotic as himself, but the admission, intentional or otherwise, tickled him.
"Ya 'bout done?"
Abel: “Hey, you never know. Past me could’ve been a dick.”
Abel looked down at his basket. “Just about. Still need cherry coke.”
MJ: "Next aisle." Memory from his previous employment. Felt like yesterday since he'd worn that stupid fucking vest.
Better to work for and with Xavier. For himself.
"Why ya feel like ya needed him? You're him. Was it like... findin' yourself?"
Pete/Abel: Abel moved away under the pretext of the soda and left them to talk.
Pete sighed. “I was going through a rough time when I learned about Clarke. Couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, felt the worst about myself that I ever have. He gave me hope. Comfort.”
MJ: "Rough because of that night?"
Pete: “It was a lot of things. Too many things all at once.”
MJ: "Sounds too easy."
Pete: “What does?”
MJ: "That answer. I dunno. Don't really like vague answers with close people. Strangers, not close."
Pete: “Well, that night happened. My dad nearly died. Found out he wasn’t really my dad after I tried to donate blood to keep him from dying. Had my private business out in the open for several weeks and was constantly bombarded with it. That specific enough?”
MJ: MJ watched, patiently. "Ya angry?"
Pete: Pete sighed. “No. But me saying it was a lot of things all at once wasn’t a cop-out. It’s me not wanting to give that whole spill of misery.”
MJ: "S'misery I wanna hear. S'misery I helped make. S'you. Talk for hours. Yell for hours. I don't give a fuck. It's you."
Pete: He didn’t quite know how to feel about that. There weren’t many people in his life that had ever given him carte blanche to yell or express his feelings with abandon. It was as foreign as it was touching.
“...Thanks. Walmart probably isn’t the ideal place for that kind of conversation though. Suffice it to say, I was having a really shitty time mentally and emotionally and learning about Clarke made it less shitty.”
MJ: "Ah shit, we've heard worse here. We're like Olive Garden. 'When you're here, your family.' N'shit."
MJ bumped into Peter's shoulder again. Something to pull him away. He stretched his shoulders and looked around the neighboring aisle for the familiar.
"Wanna see somethin'?"
Pete: “I’m positive that’s true but the aforementioned having my private business out there situation has made me a little more careful with where I have those conversations.”
Pete smiled and pointed out Abel, who’d made his way to the cracker aisle. “Sure. What kinda something?”
MJ: "Somethin' fun. Learned t'fuck with Abel over the years." Years. He'd never said that out loud before. What had been of their relationship was a toddler's age. People changed. His transformation was not much different than the man beside him. A beast in a man. A beast of a man.
"Watch him." A laser line of red whizzed past Abel's feet and over the nearby box of Ritz. The line returned from under the shelving and split off into three.
Abel: Abel, blissfully unaware of MJ's schemes, was on a single-minded hunt for Goldfish.
Well. Relatively single-minded was probably more accurate, because the sudden appearance of red light had his attention immediately. No matter how many times this gag was pulled on him, it was impossible to resist. He had to find and hunt down the lasers!
MJ: MJ bit against his cheek, helping conceal his laughter all of three seconds before bursting with a pfft and a snort.
Pete: Pete wasn't far behind; it was impossible not to laugh. "He really is a dog, isn't he?"
MJ: "Yep. Down to wantin' scratches behind his ear n'his leg kickin'."
The red lasers disappeared under the fat dairy fridges.
Pete/Abel: "Is he allergic to chocolate too? Or does his having a human form cancel that out?" He shook his head. "The whole having a human and animal form thing is still new to me. Not looking forward to being exhausted all winter."
Abel was helpless to follow the lasers as far as he could. It was a good thing the store was deserted this time of night because a grown man peering under the fridges definitely would've raised some questions.
MJ: The camera was brought out. Making a short video for the Atlas staff and family to enjoy. Priceless.
"Abe! Have I seen ya eat chocolate 'fore?"
Abel: Abel looked up like he'd been caught with a hand in the cookie jar. "Huh? Chocolate--what?"
MJ: "Will it kill ya?"
Abel: "Chocolate? Only in dog form."
MJ: "Well, there ya go. Let's get a chocolate pretzel. Lemme live vicariously."
Pete/Abel: “Okay!” He took one last look under the fridges—just in case—and got to his feet. “They’re usually with the candy and nuts.”
“They are,” Pete confirmed.
MJ: Peter's shoulder was given a gentle nudge. "Ya gettin' somethin'?"
Pete/Abel: “My cherry coke aaaaand....Goldfish. And hot fries.”
“I got us Goldfish!” Abel called over his shoulder. “Knew you seemed like a Goldfish kinda guy.”
MJ: "The fuck are hot fries?"
Pete: "The far superior sibling of hot cheetos."
MJ: "I... was a cheese puffs kid. Nah. Take that back. Bugles."
Pete: "Well then let's find some Bugles so you can live even more vicariously."
MJ: "I already up chucked once tonight."
Pete: "Once is enough. I'll bravely eat them for you."
MJ: "Smellin' em is enough. I need candles of my old faves."
Pete: "I know someone who makes candles, if that's a serious request. I'm sure she could do something."
MJ: "She make candles smell like root beer and Bugles?"
Pete: "I don't think anyone's ever made a Bugle candle, but if anyone can, it's her."
MJ: "Druid?"
Pete: Pete nodded. "Yep. Callum's cousin Bronwyn. She owns a shop, sells candles and trinkets and witchy things."
MJ: "For real witchy or tourist witchy?"
Pete: "Tourist witchy on the surface, real witchy if you know what to look for. Gotta fly under the radar."
MJ: "Wanna take a look at that later, Abe?"
Abel: "Yeah!" As their snack haul had officially outgrown their basket, Abel divided the overflow between MJ and Pete's arms. "Did you want vicarious root beer, too, MJ? Or just the Bugles?"
MJ: "I can swish that shit and spit it out. Let's just go with Bugles."
Abel: Abel made a face. "Yeah, you definitely need a root beer candle. That's just wrong."
MJ: "What's wrong is that leech in Chicago chewin' tobacco."
Abel: "Ugh, god, the spitting can. Why not just vape like everyone else?"
MJ: "I love that you're offended."
Abel: "Spitting. Can. Spitting can, MJ."
MJ: "Angry puppers."
Abel: "I'd rather have to breathe in a cloud of cigarette reek than watch a grown ass man with ugly teeth spit into a Budweiser can."
MJ: "Have ya seen them motherfuckers vapin'? The look on their fuckin' millennial-Z faces?"
Abel: "At least they're not spitting into cans. I'll take them over that."
MJ: "Tryin'a think of worse. Can't think of anything but them people that ate mummies."
Pete: "Okay, all right, enough spit and mummies," said Pete, making a face himself. "Only snack talk allowed. Let's go get the cokes."
MJ: "But mummies were snacks," MJ grinned.
Pete: "Not for us, they're not."
MJ: "Bet Guildias did it once."
Pete: "Now you're just being a troll."
MJ: "What? Think he wouldn't?"
Abel: "Moratorium on mummies, please," said Abel. "We're having such a nice day, I'd rather not have any more cursed images in my head."
MJ: "Any more? What else ya got in there?"
Abel: "Spitting. Can."
MJ: "In all your forty years, that's the worst?"
Abel: "It's up there."
MJ: "What's the worst?"
Abel: "Very drunk middle-aged lady answering the call of nature in a very gross men's bathroom in Berlin. Except she wasn't using the toilet."
MJ: "How d'ya find this shit?" A certain word in that question had him biting his cheeks.
Abel: “Xavier was meeting a guy about a certain cursed artifact.” That last said in a whisper.
MJ: "Hope it wasn't her."
Abel: “God, no. She just happened to be there at the same time.”
MJ: "I think Peter needs a dangerous night with us. Soon."
Pete: "What does a dangerous night with the two of you entail?" Pete asked, squinting.
MJ: "Goin' wherever we want, take whatever we want. Robin Hood or Punisher."
Pete: "Sounds like a barrel of laughs. I'm sure the two of you don't want a wet blanket like me tagging along."
MJ: "What would a wet blanket do?"
Pete: "Request that you don't take whatever you want because...the law."
MJ: "Did ya forget ya dated a thief?"
Pete: "No, I didn't forget. I also never went with you, or I would've requested that you don't take whatever you want because the law."
MJ: "Just a paladin ya are."
Pete: "A what now?"
MJ: Peter was given a look.
Pete: "What?"
MJ: "Ya hang with druids... and don't know what word?"
Pete: "Can't remember hearing it from them. This something that I should add to my notebook?"
MJ: "I mean, I got it from a video game."
Pete: Pete shrugged. "Video games use real things all the time, they just don't know it. Maybe some do."
MJ: "Ya seriously never heard the word 'paladin'?"
Pete: He shook his head. "I don't think so, no. What does it mean?"
MJ: "Ya know, the heroic knight that doesn't budge from his noble cause!"
Pete: "Ah, so the modern-day wet blanket," he chuckled.
MJ: The smile MJ gave was private. Something for the two of them as they lagged behind.
"Ya just ain't punk anymore. That I see. Prove me wrong."
Pete: Pete snorted. "Was I ever punk? Doubt it."
MJ: "Of course ya were. Ya punched people out. Ya shouted. Ya locked me out the bar with fuckin' garlic. We made scenes in the bar with Budweiser n'lil umbrellas."
Pete: "Every single one of the people I punched had it coming." He smiled. "Locking you out with garlic counts as punk?"
MJ: "About the most punk bitch thing ya did to me."
Pete: Pete laughed. "I ever tell you Peabody sat me down and lectured me about how I handle trouble at the pub? I tell you, if he ever has kids, his dad voice is gonna be legendary."
MJ: "Didn't think he'd give a shit."
Pete: "Only when the people I punched went to tell on me."
MJ: "So what he say?"
Pete: "Don't break the tourists, use your words, did I wanna get sued, stop making paperwork for him."
MJ: "Fuckin' pussies," he muttered under his breath.
Pete: “Some people have no business drinking in public. Or even being in public.”
MJ: "Some people don't deserve the things they got. S'what I'm for," he smiled.
Pete: Pete chuckled. "The vampiric Robin Hood, dispensing karma to the arrogant."
MJ: "Goddamn right."
Pete: "What is your latest heroic act, Robin Hood?"
MJ: "Heroic?" MJ glanced to Abel.
Pete: Pete grinned. “Robin Hood was a hero, kinda. Depending on who you ask.”
MJ: "Still give t'Kenna. Gave to a uh, no-kill shelter. Well, Abe gave to em. Daylight hours."
Pete: “Both worthy causes,” he said with a nod.
MJ: "I don't even remember mentionin' her."
Pete/Abel: "It was a long, long time ago."
Abel, for his part, was busy grinning to himself and picking up any snacks that seemed interesting as they walked. This had been such a good idea, they were going to eat great. Not healthy at all, but great.
"Are we ready to check out?" he asked them. "Do we need anything at home?"
MJ: "Uh, nah. I don't need... anything." Still trying to remember his mention of his sister, as well as a sudden urge to extract that information from Peter. The not knowing suddenly mattered. Ah. Of course. He understood now.
"What I say about her?"
Pete: Pete shrugged. "Just that you had a sister and that her name was Kenna, like Callum's aunt. Nothing beyond that. You really don't remember?"
MJ: "Nah. My memory ain't that perfect. I remember every time we swam, though."
Pete: He ducked his head and smiled. "Yeah, I remember that, too. I'm an even better swimmer now. Good fisher too."
MJ: "Better fuckin' be. Ya got no excuses now," he smiled.
The cashier lady was someone new. Another little reminder of how long it had been since working here. Never again.
Cash was pulled from pocket, intent on paying for both.
Pete/Abel: Abel gently smacked MJ's hand away. "No no no, put that back where it came from. I got this."
Pete's hand would be given similar treatment when it ventured to reach for his wallet.
MJ: "The fuck ya smackin' me for? It all comes from the same place!"
Abel: "It's the principle!" He pulled out his shiny new credit card and put it in the chip reader before he could be stopped.
MJ: "Cards. Pfft." Abel's hair was given a rough tangling.
Abel: "Heyyyyy!" Abel tried and failed to squirm away. "X said we have to use it every now and then."
MJ: "S'how he keeps tabs on ya."
Abel: "He can do that anyway."
MJ: "The man doesn't put all his eggs in one basket."
Abel: "He has a zillion baskets. Thanks!" he added to the cashier, taking the card back and splitting the shopping bags between the three of them.
MJ: MJ looked into his appointed bag and frowned. "Food don't smell the same. Don't taste the same. I don't wanna look at gazpacho n'grilled cheese again. It'll be fucked."
Abel: Abel patted MJ’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, buddy. I won’t let those get ruined for you.”
MJ: The vampire scoffed. "Least X don't like paella. Ain't had that fucked."
Abel: “Nope, he’s a fancy ham kinda guy. We’re not though! Where are we going to eat our feast of champions?”
MJ: "I know some docks we can borrow." Seemed too late at night for a certain someone to be awake.
Abel: “Cool. Think of the place, everyone grab an arm.”
MJ: MJ linked an arm with Peter's. He was warm tonight, as though recently fed.
What he had in mind was Callum MacGillivray's dock. Private enough, with the exception of a druid that might or might not be home. Might or might not be asleep. More besides, Peter could feel safe here, as a kind of home turf.
Pete: It didn't go unnoticed by Pete. For a brief moment, he forgot entirely that MJ was a vampire and attributed his warmth simply to him.
Letting MJ guide him, Abel transported them to what he'd initially thought was one of the docks by all the other docks, but this looked like someone liv--
"Callum's house?" Pete asked once they'd arrived and he managed to open his eyes.
MJ: "What he won't know what hurt him." MJ winked, heading out to the very edge of the dock.
Pete: Pete chuckled and shook his head. “He’s asleep anyway. Always goes to bed early when he’s working on an event.”
MJ: "What's the event now?"
Pete: "Some charity dinner thing."
MJ: Away with the black sneakers, removed with his feet as he walked, left behind as he reached the edge and took a seat.
"Some charity thing ya believe in?"
Pete: "I don't even remember what it is. I wanna say it was something school related? Or maybe book related?"
He joined MJ and began looking through the bags for his hot fries.
MJ: Away with the leather jacket. March be damned, he was preparing for a swim. Socks followed, tossed over his shoulder.
"They do that winter gala thing this year?"
Pete: "They did, yeah," Pete opened his bag of chips and took a handful. "It was a big hit as usual."
MJ: "They need, like, a summer cocktail party... thing."
Pete: "There's the fireworks and stuff for the Fourth of July."
MJ: "Not the same as a little black dress."
Abel: "A little black dress goes against the spirit of summer!" Abel said around a huge mouthful of rainbow sherbet.
MJ: "A red, white, n'blue dress with bitchin' heels."
Pete/Abel: "They can throw a beach party for the Fourth of July!"
"They kinda do," said Pete.
MJ: "I just got put into a suit. Chicago. I actually have a suit now."
Pete: Pete grinned. "Yeah? Can't picture you in a suit."
MJ: "Looks like I'm goin' to a funeral."
Abel: "It does not! Don't let him fool you, Pete." Abel gestured with his plastic spoon. "He looks all respectable like."
MJ: "I didn't even try! Just let X pick it out."
Abel: "You let the man with a closet full of fancy bespoke suits pick a suit for you." He gestured again. "You were going to look fancy and respectable no matter what."
MJ: "Still ready for a funeral. Didn't even wear the tie."
Away with the shirt, now.
Abel: "The tie makes you look like an investment banker," Abel giggled. "Or a hedge fund manager."
MJ: "Don't put that shit on me. Just cause I got money don't mean I gotta dress like the dead."
Abel: "Investment bankers and hedge fund managers are alive!"
MJ: "Not on the inside. Their blood is shit, too."
Pete: "Have you ever fed from one?" Pete asked.
MJ: "Just one. Before Edenton."
Pete: "And they tasted....bad?"
MJ: A nod. "He was also fat, and I couldn't find a vein for shit. She had to do it."
Abel: Abel took another enormous bite of ice cream. "Stick to the athletes, man. Gotta get your vitamins."
MJ: "Vitamins and veins." With that in mind, a backwards fall into the quiet water.
Pete: Pete glanced back toward the house, half expecting Callum to have sensed their presence and woken up.
There was no need for concern; the windows remained dark.
"How's the water?" he asked.
MJ: Dark hair had immediately matted in his face, curtained his eyes. "Good enough for a swim. For the dead. Dip a toe in."
Pete: "Eh, why not." Pete put his chips aside and set about taking his shoes off and rolling up his jeans.
This time of year the water was still fairly cold, but he didn't mind. He'd gone swimming in the dead of winter before.
MJ: "Fuck yeah. Hop in, Abe! I'll throw ya a stick!"
Abel: Abel stuck his hand in the water and pulled it out immediately. "It's freezing!"
MJ: "You're a dog!"
Abel: "Dogs still feel the cold!"
MJ: "Tell that to a Saint Bernard!"
Abel: "They're huge!"
MJ: MJ opened his mouth, ready for a dirty throwback before thinking better of it, sinking into the water instead.
Abel: Abel squinted. "I see your mind going in the gutter there," he called as MJ slipped beneath the surface. "I see it!"
MJ: A middle finger emerged from the depths.
Pete/Abel: “Wow, rude. And in front of Pete.” He leaned closer to Pete and whispered, “Do you think he can hear us down there?”
Pete chuckled and whispered back, “We probably sound a little muffled.”
MJ: MJ watched from below, sinking further to the bottom. The instinctual fear felt back in 2010 nothing but memory. A little unspoken merit to unlife he'd never seen in film, nor read in his favorite comics.
Abel: Abel squinted and moved closer to the water. "MJ, can you hear me?" he whisper yelled.
MJ: Nope. Just muffled of what he assumed was a conversation between them. He began to feel at the bottom, looking for anything Callum might have lost over the years.
Pete: There would be more than one interesting find beneath Callum's deck.
A travel mug that had been knocked off his sailboat when the water had been particularly choppy one day. A spoon he had dropped while enjoying his morning tea on the deck. And last but not least, a dog's collar and a whistle.
MJ: All of which collected no different than a man combing the beach for shells. The items were returned to the surface and brought other deck.
"Thought y'all were gettin' in; the fuck?"
Abel: "Pete is, I'm not," said Abel. "We were testing to see if you could hear us."
MJ: "Sounds like bein' underwater." The little trinkets were pushed further from the edge.
"Get the hell in here."
Pete/Abel: Pete would resume getting undressed, but Abel remained staunch in his refusal.
He shook his head. "Nuh-uh. I'm staying up here and eating my ice cream."
MJ: "Lemme have a lick." He kept going back despite flavors being nothing from memory. Thinking, maybe this time.
Pete/Abel: Abel scooped up some sherbet and offered MJ the spoon while Pete finally dove into the river.
MJ: Just a small taste. Something he could spit out without concern.
"Mm. Nope." River water could wash that out.
Now to find Peter and pull his leg. Literally.
Pete/Abel: "Aw. That makes me sad. I'll finish the whole pint in your honor."
Pete was floating on his back and looking up at the stars, feeling utterly peaceful until a certain someone came along and gave him a yank.
"Oy!" he laughed.
MJ: "What? What happened?" he laughed.
Pete: "I see you over there playing Jaws."
MJ: "What? We gotta lot in common." Hardly a current to take them. Hard to believe this attached to the ocean eventually.
"Race ya across."
Pete: "What does the winner get?"
MJ: "What does the loser want?"
Pete: "You tell me, all I can think about is food."
MJ: "What, lemme take a bite outta ya?"
Pete: "I meant I can't think of anything the winner or loser gets because all I can think about is food."
MJ: "Don't want a bite?"
Pete: “That would be a very intimate prize,” he said carefully.
MJ: "Can be. Could be. If you're so hungry, go back to the dock. I'll declare victory."
Pete: "And forfeit the race? Hell no."
MJ: "What's Abe doin'?" And he was off! Giving his full body towards the other side of the river. No need to breathe had its advantages.
Pete/Abel: "What--hey!" Laughing, Pete slipped beneath the surface and propelled himself forward. His lung capacity was better than it had been pre-bear but he still lost time coming up for air.
Abel sat on the deck and shook his head. "Not sportsman like."
MJ/Guildias: MJ and Peter were quicky becoming specks towards the other end of the wide river.
A new scent had been taken by the breeze. An ozonic, woody, softly musk cologne reached the docks seconds before the towering figure. Long healthy-looking hair, darker than the shadows, covered each shoulder. The man squatted next to Abel in proper form, cigarette between fingers. Arms straight on his knees.
"What the trickster do this time?" asked the stranger, voice silky, local, with a hint of German.
Abel: Abel paused with the spoon halfway to his mouth and slowly lowered it.
He scented something on the air a moment before he felt the new presence, and with no time to do anything about it, all he could do was startle.
"Noth--he's--uh, hi? Hi. We're not breaking and entering!"
Guildias: "That would require breaking and entering," he replied. "Of which you've not broken, nor entered."
Abel: "Right, yes. Hi. Again. It was MJ's idea to come here, I'm just the messenger. Or...teleporter."
Guildias: "A teleporter? He's come up in the world with friends."
He watched the two in the distance, the ever-learning and the ever-running. They seemed happy.
Abel: “Well I don’t know about that, but we are friends.”
Abel took a second to study the stranger. He smelled like MJ, so definitely a vampire. A tall one, if the length of his legs was anything to go by.
Talk about tall, dark, and handsome.
“So this is your house, huh?”
Guildias: "No. The person inside asleep is mine."
Another intake of cigarette, leaning himself an inch to Abel. "Still asleep.  No harm done."
Abel: "Yeah, Pete said he would be. So you must be Callum's boyfriend or...husssband?" He didn't want to presume.
Guildias: "I am a label, yes," he smiled politely.
Abel: "Not big on those?"
Guildias: "They mean everything and nothing."
Abel: "You're not wrong." He went back to his sherbet. The scent of the smoke reminded him of his dad, which in turn was making him more than a little nostalgic.
"I'm Abel by the way."
Guildias: "Hello, Abel." Two fingers to the chest. "Guildias."
Pete: "Nice to meet you! I'd offer you some of the mountain of junk food we got, but...you know."
Guildias: "I don't feel like cleaning a mess tonight."
Abel: "Is there anything you'd like to sniff? Which is a very weird question but there you go."
MJ/Guildias: "He's not your first, is he?"
MJ shook his head like a dog, splashing water over Peter in the process. Wiped his hand down his face.
Pete/Abel: "MJ? He's the first one of you guys that I've been friends with, yeah."
Pete intended to come up to take a breath only to be immediately splashed with water.
"Hey!" he chuckled.
MJ/Guildias: "So, you're young?"
"He ain't been givin' ya trouble?" asked MJ, staring off in the direction of the docks. The new long dark figure.
Pete/Abel: "Technically I'm middle-aged, I just don't look it. Although I guess compared to someone like you I'm young."
Pete glanced back toward the docks and shook his head. "Nope, none. We're not bosom buddies or anything but we get along okay."
MJ/Guildias: "Some would consider me young." A small smile. "Young is relative."
MJ just stared for a moment. He could feel his old self, that place between distaste and envy. That man was gone, but his ghost still lingered.
"You're stronger now."
Pete/Abe;: "Yeah, I guess so. Sure you wouldn't like to sniff anything? Anything your person doesn't have in his pantry, I mean."
Another glance toward Guildias. Their relationship hadn't changed too much since Pete had returned from France, but he wasn't sure how much his being a fully bloomed werebear had to do with it.
"I am, but that's incidental. Not like I'm gonna fight him or anything."
MJ/Guildias: "I've learned long ago not to indulge. Jolly Ranchers and Bazooka gum were my sweets. Something to end this," the twirled cigarette. "Didn't pan out."
MJ arched a brow, allowed the pathetic current to pull him closer. "But ya could," he smiled.
Pete/Abel: Abel smiled at the cigarette. "At least it can't hurt you anymore. What brand are those?"
Pete just smiled and shook his head. "In theory. Only fight I've been in recently is with a raccoon."
MJ/Guildias: "Camel." A brand which he had not strayed since mortality. "Certainly disturbs my clothes, according to my person."
A raccoon? The image which conjured was of a great bear pawing at a small relentless jackass of an animal. An image which had him laughing openly at his own mind.
Pete/Abel: His expression softened. "I actually liked the smell of Camels. They're the kind my father used to smoke."
"Whatever you're imagining is probably close to exactly what happened." Pete frowned. "Little asshole stole my fish."
MJ/Guildias: Guildias looked to the man at his side, head barely moving with the effort.
The cigarette was offered.
"Oh my fuckin' god!" MJ lulled his body back to float, laughter rippling the water around him.
Pete/Abel: Abel accepted it but didn't take a drag. He just wafted the smoke and felt nostalgia slam into him like an asteroid.
"Thanks," he said after a moment, giving it back.
Only the echo of raucous laughter coming from the other side of the river could pull him back.
"Sounds like they're having a ball over there," he chuckled.
Meanwhile, Pete was grinning like a lunatic. "I almost wish I was joking."
MJ/Guildias: "MJ has that power over people." The cigarette was returned to his mouth. A long slow drag of what remained, before putting out the end on the bottom of the dock; many tiny burns scattered throughout the years.
"I wonder," MJ managed after a time, "ya know, raccoon people. Or like, snake people. Or somethin'."
Pete/Abel: Abel just grinned. "He sure does. He's a good guy."
"There are definitely snake people. Not sure if there are raccoon people but I wouldn't be surprised. I think the raccoon I fought was normal, though. A normal fish thief."
MJ: "My people." If MJ were to be anyone, other than kin to the late Miss Swiss.
"How ya know about snake people?"
Pete: "Gaetan told me about all the types of Fera he knows of. There are also shark people and gator people, which is fucking insane."
MJ: "Gator people, so like..." Give him a second to consider his words. "They're the oldest? I mean... sounds right."
Pete: "I...guess? Have gators been around longer than sharks?"
MJ: "Have bugs been around longer than sharks? Wait are bugs a thing?"
Pete: "Probablyyyy? I feel like bugs maybe came first, then sharks? Who knows, man."
MJ: "Wow. You're suddenly low on that totem pole."
Pete: "On the evolutionary scale, yeah. But I'm slightly higher than I was pre-bear."
MJ: "Slightly, like a mile behind?"
Pete: "It's not much, but it's something."
MJ: "Not much between a human and a Fera? Ya kiddin' me?"
Pete: "Again, evolution scale. You ever watch Cosmos?"
MJ: "What's that?"
Pete: "A docuseries about the universe and spacetime."
MJ: "And how's that about ya bein' a bear?"
Pete: "In the whole grand scheme of time and evolution, there's not that big a leap between Fera and humans. Fera are superior, but again, not by much when you consider the whole of existence."
MJ: "What lil I fuckin' know, didn't a god make ya?"
Pete: "I think so? Who really knows. How'd we get here?" he laughed.
MJ: "A raccoon got us here."
Pete: "Oh yeah. Thieving little asshole."
MJ: "N'ya want me to see ya? Like that?"
Pete: "Getting got by a raccoon?"
MJ: "Gettin' got by a raccoon. I'll have a talk with em."
Pete: He chuckled. "My hero. But yeah, I want to share that with you. Me being a bear, the whole full moon routine."
MJ: "How long we got 'til then?"
Pete: "A few days. Full moon is on the 9th."
MJ: "Right, right." Hadn't he asked already? He just wanted to hear Peter speak. He didn't want that swim back to Guildias and the interview he knew was coming. He belonged here as much as that snake. More, now.
"Who fuckin' won this shit?" The reason for being on the other side of the river.
Pete: "Pretty sure you did," said Pete, going back to floating. "All that having to breathe slowed me down."
MJ: "Should see what the sky looks like from the bottom of the ocean. Or Lake Michigan. Walked around Lake Michigan before I got here."
Pete: "Isn't Lake Michigan also like, freezing and windy and as choppy as the ocean?"
MJ: "Fuckin' huge." The river was a great excuse to gently bump into Peter's chest.
Pete: "Isn't it also full of wrecked ships and bodies?"
MJ: "Yep. Wish ya could see."
Pete: "I think I'd avoid the bodies if I had the ability to go down there without scuba gear."
MJ: "Didn't see one. Thought I saw ... somethin' outta Swamp Thing."
Pete: "Now that does not surprise me at all."
MJ: "N'you're in this river why?"
Pete: "There are no river monsters in it. I check every month."
MJ: "Nothin'? Not even a gator thing?"
Pete: "You start getting bigger fish and things once you get out into the sound, but the river proper only has the usual things in it."
MJ: "Man, ya really should see your old man."
Pete: "He hasn't found any river monsters either as far as I know. And believe me, he would've told me. He loves shit like that."
MJ: "Wrong old man."
Pete: "Oh. My old man is Pete Graham, Sr. The other guy is just a bear sperm donor."
MJ: "C'mon, man. I still stand by what I said."
Pete: "And I stand by what I said. I've already got a dad."
MJ: "That's only a portion of your life now. Gotta expand t'somethin' that's actually you."
Taking his own advice, he started back towards the shore.
Pete: "I guess." Although, he fully considered his life and his family something that was actually him. Being a bear hadn't changed that.
But they'd already had that discussion and he didn't want to rehash it.
He'd just swim alongside MJ.
Guildias: Guildias only rose to his feet with the first splash of droplets to his arm. Bowing his back long enough to offer his hand to Peter, all but lifting the Fera wholesale from the water.
Pete/Abel: Pete offered a smile in greeting, thanking Guildias as he helped--lifted--him out of the river. He didn't see that strength often but when he did, it always caught him off guard.
"So who won the race?" Abel asked.
"MJ did."
Guildias: "Are you a betting man?" Guildias asked Peter. "You could have won, had your opponent not been an athlete in his former life."
Pete/Abel: “I’m an athlete now,” he chuckled. “I just have to breathe.”
Abel nodded sagely. “Breathing will get you every time.”
MJ/Guildias: "I mean to say, you might have stood a chance against a one of those other clans."
MJ just laughed, arms folded over the dock, still floating at the current's mercy.
"I've seen a fat Rav."
Abel: “You have?” Abel’s face lit with interest. The whole clan thing was fascinating. “When?”
MJ: "With Simon. The step-sire...asshole."
Abel: Abel made a face. He didn't know much about MJ's step-sire, but what he did know was enough to make him dislike him.
"Ugh. What was the other Ravnos like? Could you beat him up?"
MJ: "Looked like an old Romanian biker with a gimp in his basement. Hell fuckin' no."
Abel: He threw his head back and laughed. "You could've taken him! You're squirrely!"
MJ: "The fuck ya just say to me?"
Abel: "You're squirrely! Wiley! Like the coyote, only more successful!"
Guildias: Peter was given a look from Guildias. This was your choice? The man threatening to pounce and "put the pup in his place", was it?
Pete/Abel: Pete didn't notice; he was too busy grinning and laughing at Abel and MJ.
Yes, this was absolutely his choice.
"It was a compliment!" Abel laughed, scooching out of grabbing range.
MJ/Guildias: "I'm going to kick you in and end all of this if you don't quiet down." A threat and promise which put a smile on MJ's face.
"I sure missed your broodin' face, Aloysius."
"Ah, there you are, Victoria."
Abel: Abel's brow furrowed. "Aloysius? I thought your name was Guildias."
MJ/Guildias: "First names and surnames."
"Can't you tell he's prior military?"
Abel: "All we talked about is junk food and being old."
MJ: "How can ya say that? You're practically a baby."
Abel: "Pfft, I'm older than everyone here except Guildias."
MJ/Guildias: Guildias simply smiled. "Seniority has its perks. I suppose you're not really in your thirties anymore. What was the Victorian age like?"
"I danced scandalously with your grandmother."
Abel: "Wasn't everything scandalous back then?" Abel set the ice cream aside in favor of some chips.
MJ: "Like ya wouldn't believe," scoffed MJ.
Abel: “Now nothing is scandalous. We’ve seen so many billboards for strip clubs on our road trip.”
MJ/Guildias: "Some things. Some circles. Even our circle."
MJ shook his head, splayed out over the dock to stare up at the stairs, fists to his forehead.
Guildias crouched once more, lower back leaned against the pillar.
Abel: "Not as...nitpicky though. Things that are scandalous now are actually scandalous and sometimes kinda fucked up. The Victorians wouldn't let people show ankles."
MJ/Guildias: "It was nuance. What else do ya show? Ya represent your family. No internet but way better magnifyin' glass."
"What do you recall?" Guildias watched the fledgling. Or was this now a neonate?
"Honestly?" Hands dropped to his stomach.
"Morocco. London. Matheus going by Frederick. New York."
Pete/Abel: Pete wasn't sure he liked this conversation, but that was more than likely lingering distaste for the woman that had assaulted him and thrown his best friend off a balcony.
He was as glad that MJ was okay as he was irked that she hadn't died completely.
"Who's Matheus?" Abel asked. He on the other hand, was fascinated.
MJ: "Mm - Victoria's partner. Ya hear them stories about Jack the Ripper? He was the detective on the case. Had visions of murders. Already insane before a Malkavian sunk their teeth in."
Abel: His eyes went wide. "Wait, did he know who it was?"
MJ: MJ smiled. A smile of a man with an answer. A smile that would not have been before the merge.
"History's got it wrong. All the assumptions."
Abel: "So it wasn't someone with medical training?"
MJ: Another smile. Two personalities with a love of secrets and mystery. There would be no budging.
MJ: "Stew in it, baby."
Abel: "I feel vindicated."
MJ: "I didn't say shit!"
Abel: "Ah, but you did!"
MJ: "Ya think I did."
Abel: "You totally did and you can't take it back now."
MJ/Guildias: "What ya think I did?"
"There's the old trickster," Guildias smiled to himself.
Abel: "You said history's got all the assumptions wrong, the most popular of which is that someone with medical knowledge killed those women. As such, people assumed it had to have been a doctor."
MJ: "Ya can think it's Lewis Carroll or a butcher. Ya won't be spot on."
Abel: “I don’t know who it was. My best guess is either some psycho or some supernatural psycho.”
MJ: "Human."
Abel: “Figures. It’s something a human psycho would do.”
MJ: "I'll let ya stew in it." Peter was given a wink.
Abel: “No stewing here!” Abel said cheerfully, going for some Goldfish. “Only vindication.”
MJ: "Tell Peter what happens to his missin' socks n'let him feel vindicated."
Pete/Abel: “Sock goblins,” Abel said to Pete.
MJ: "There's more."
Pete: “More sock goblins?” Pete asked.
MJ: "More reasons!"
Pete: "What reasons do the sock goblins have?"
MJ: "Nanana. I mean more than sock goblins."
Pete: "Oh! There's more reasons socks disappear?"
MJ: "Yes! Lots of shit loves socks. It ain't you."
Pete: "Feels like it's me. So why do the goblins and other things steal socks?"
MJ: "Abe's the expert, not me."
Pete/Abel: "They don't steal--well, the goblins do," said Abel. "But sometimes there are portals and things like loose change and lost socks fall into them and disappear into the Umbra."
Pete blinked. "...Portals."
"Magic portals!"
MJ/Guildias: "Into the Umbra."
"That's too advanced for Peter," Guildias frowned.
"It ain't your call. He's a big ol' bear. Can learn what he wants."
Pete/Abel: Pete was looking at all of them with a furrowed brow. "So you're telling me...that the reason my socks disappear...is because they're stolen by goblins and sometimes fall into magic portals to the Umbra."
Abel nodded. "Yeah! Do you feel magic in your house?"
"Not really?"
"Then it's probably goblins."
MJ: MJ nodded sagely. There you have it.
"Heard about that one kid in Raleigh. Playin' hide-n-seek with his sister. Always hides in the dryer. One day they were playin', then he's just gone. Could be other shit, but what ya wanna bet he's on the other side?"
Pete: "So portals can just appear anywhere and take a whole child?!"
MJ: "Been on my mind. The kid. I think we can do somethin' about it. I wanna do somethin' about it."
Pete: "Is it possible to do something? Can people come back from the Umbra?"
MJ: "Why not? How rare is a one-way door? What ya wanna bet it ain't goblins givin' back socks."
Pete: Pete turned to Guildias. "Ever heard of someone going to the Umbra and coming back?"
Guildias: "You really want to know?"
Pete: "I'd like to have realistic expectations for finding this kid and whether or not he'd be okay when we found him."
Guildias: "Would you rather his parents bury an empty casket?"
Pete: "I'd rather his parents have him back, I just don't want to go in blind."
Guildias: "Blind is the Umbra, but not those within. The other side is more than a single realm. It's inconceivable... but penetrable. Especially to your people. So go the tales."
Pete: "So it's theoretically possible to go in, find this kid, and bring him home to his parents?"
Guildias: "I'm not going to say yes or no. It doesn't work that way."
Pete: "How does it work?"
Guildias: "Schrodinger's cat."
Pete: "Oh good," he sighed. "....Is it possible to get someone out of the Umbra from outside the Umbra?"
MJ/Guildias: "Can you pull something out water without touching it by any means?"
"What d'ya know, Abe?"
Abel: Abel answered for Pete. "Sure you can. With a fishing pole or a net or a scoop of some kind. I haven't ever looked into it, but that's where I'd lay my bets. Magical scoop. Or rather magic as a scoop."
Guildias: "'By any means'," the vampire chuckled. While normally disinterested in those outside of his circle, familiars were within the exception.
"If you're serious about your rescue operation, you should speak with Gertrude Draegan."
Pete/Abel: "Well now, there's a difference between touching the water or getting into the water and just getting wet. Nuance is key here."
Pete shook his head. "Absolutely I am not going to do that."
MJ: "I'll do it," said MJ. "I owe her a visit."
Pete: "Why does she have to be involved at all?"
MJ: "Manners. Gotta do that manners thing, babe."
Pete: "The manners thing can be done without bringing up our magical Umbra scooping venture."
Guildias: "Then the Malkavian?" Guildias suggested with two fingers.
Pete: Pete pointed at Abel. "We've got Abel, we're sorted as Callum says."
Guildias: "My knowledge is limited but not barren. If I don't assist, Callum will not be forgiving."
Pete: "You and Abel then. And Callum. Sorted."
Guildias: "Dawn, dusk, full moons and moonless nights are preferable. I'm not fireproof, and neither is that one. The sooner the better, if Schrodinger's cat has any chance."
Pete: “How long ago did the kid disappear?” Pete asked MJ.
MJ: "Two-ish days ago."
Pete/Abel: “How soon can you find a magical scoop?” he asked Abel.
“I won’t know until I get into it but I have a deep well to draw from.”
MJ/Guildias: "Let's get started, then. Humans got, what, a month before they starve? Less if he - does it matter on the other side? I've only seen people grab shit from it. Gertrude, actually."
"She operates on a different aspect, if you hadn't noticed."
Abel: "Time doesn't work the same way in the Umbra," said Abel. "It's a lot more fluid and abstract, but sooner is still definitely better."
MJ: "Mmkay." MJ got to his feet, snatched up his clothes. "Ya said Cal, both of ya. We addin' him?"
Pete: “Maybe?” said Pete. “He might know about some magic that could help. Or his cousin might.”
Guildias: "A party of five. How could this go wrong?" Guildias smirked.
Abel: Abel gestured with his spoon. “Positive thoughts, my guy.”
Guildias: "We'll best be a party of four; Callum's schedule is otherwise occupied."
Pete: “He’ll be upset if we don’t at least tell him about it. And I really think he might know something that could help,” Pete added.
Guildias: "Yes, but not to bring."
Pete/Abel: "All right, fair enough." That was really Callum's call but he'd let it be for now. They didn't even have anywhere to bring anyone yet.
Abel took another bite of ice cream and put the carton away. "We should get back. Scooby Dooby Do, we've got some work to do now."
MJ/Guildias: "That is perhaps the most untactful declaration of rescue I've ever heard."
MJ simply smiled. "I mean, he's a dog. That's like his thing."
Abel: “Hey! My declaration of rescue will be very tactful! This is my declaration of research.”
MJ/Guildias: "On that eccentric note, I will return. I know where to find you."
The tall Setite was saluted. A wink for good measure.
"Tomorrow night," MJ called to the back of Guildias' raised hand.
Abel: "It was nice to meet you!" Abel called after him, and interestingly enough, he meant it.
Once the three of them were alone again he said, "He seems nice for a vampire."
MJ: MJ looked over to Peter, raised a brow. "What ya think of that statement?"
Pete: Pete shrugged. "He has his moments."
MJ: "We'll leave it there." Time to hop on his feet while lacing his shoes.
Abel: "I sense a story there but we'll leave that for another time." He paused for a beat. "Should we call X?"
MJ: "This gonna be a whole coterie thing, or just us? Already got that back there with us."
Abel: "Maybe not a whole coterie thing, but can you think of any other person who might know how to scoop someone out of the Umbra?"
MJ: "Peter done said no. Simon, maybe. More than maybe. The maybe is me. What ya wanna bet Cal knows some witches?"
Pete/Abel: "Peter is still firm on the demon front," Pete chimed in. "And yeah, I think Cal does."
Abel nodded. "All right, no X. Oh! What about Ramsay? He knows all kinds of shit."
MJ: "No X, no Cal, no Gertrude, no Matheus - your makin' that list short."
Pete: "Hey, Guildias said no Cal, not me. I think it's Cal's call but that's just me."
MJ: "I mean, if I told ya no I hope ya listen."
Pete: "It's been suggested that I'm dangerously reckless and stubborn."
MJ: "One of the worst. Cal takes the cake."
Pete: "He's Scottish, it's congenital."
MJ: "I mean, that's like sayin' I get a pass flirtin' for bein' Spanish."
Abel: "Are the Spanish known for flirting?" asked Abel.
MJ: "You're older than me. And lived a piss stream away."
Abel: "Bergen is more than a piss stream away from Spain."
MJ: "Closer than America." And this is how conversation went between the two of them. All across America and it was this. Some subject with bickering. Some subject with many tangents. It was a wonder they knew so much of each other.
Pete/Abel: Pete just couldn't help but smile at the pair of them and their banter. He imagined this is how people felt listening to him and Callum, witnessing that bond and seeing all the little signs that pointed at the hard as diamonds foundation of trust.
"Everything is close together if you measure by the America ruler," Abel said with a snort. "This country is ginormous."
MJ: "Ginormous and likes to keep everyone at umbrella length." He demonstrated with the item of mention, long and orange and just suddenly in his hand.
Pete/Abel: Abel laughed. "It's the American way!"
Pete didn't quite startle, but he did give a bit of a start. "Never gonna be used to how quickly you can magic things out of thin air."
MJ: "This ain't nothin'. Not anymore. Watch this shit," he commanded, promptly smacking Abel in the ass with the umbrella before it disappeared.
Pete/Abel: Pete laughed as Abel cried out a rather undignified "Ahhh!"
"You really are getting good. Of course, you were good before." He still remembered that snake on the bar in vivid detail.
MJ: "Only gets better. Don't ya have magic of your own?"
Pete: “It’s very nature oriented and I don’t have a lot of it, but yeah. I can suddenly keep plants alive without Cal.”
MJ: "Ain't he jealous," the Ravnos grinned.
Pete: "The opposite actually," Pete chuckled. "I am now trusted with the real versions of my nice fake plants. The cat safe ones anyway."
MJ: "No more glass roses, huh?"
Pete: "Those live on my bedside table."
MJ: "Still?"
Pete: Pete smiled and nodded. "Still. Was thinking about making a little box or something for them. Midas does this thing where he knocks shit over when he wants attention and I don't want him to get my roses."
MJ: He had missed that smile. "Could talk to him, if ya want."
Pete: "That's riiiiiight, I forgot you could do that! Would you? I really don't want him to break them."
MJ: "I ain't gonna bark orders." Although he could. "We'll negotiate."
Pete: "He can be bribed with salmon and chicken."
MJ: "What's his opinion of dogs?"
Pete: "Depends on the dog. He likes the really big fluffy ones that just kinda lay around because then he can sleep on them. Smaller dogs are judged on a case by case basis."
MJ: "We headin' back? I got an idea. All mafioso."
Pete: "Yeah, sure. Is the mafioso idea for convincing Midas not to break my sentimental things or for rescuing the kid from the Umbra?"
MJ: "Cat first, kid tomorrow night."
Pete/Abel: "Does it involve Abel?"
"Yeah, does it involve me?" Abel asked. "I wanna make a good impression on Midas."
MJ: "You'll see." One more vigorous shake of his head, fingers combed through the wet mess of black.
Abel: "We need to towel off your hair." Abel gathered up all their snacks. "Ready to go, boys?"
MJ: "Ain't gonna catch a cold." So often did he forget Abel's age until he said something like that. Then it was just glaring.
Abel: "No but you might get frost in your hair. Are we going to the RV or to Pete's house?"
MJ: "Pete's." He looked to the sky, though. "When ya usually go t'bed?"
Pete/Abel: "Varies," said Pete. "You know me, I'm on the pub owner sleep schedule. We're all good."
"Good!" Abel adjusted the bags on one arm and held out a hand to each of them. "Now Pete, I need you to visualize your house so I can take us there."
MJ: "It's March, man. We can walk." But still he took that hand, if only to straighten himself.
Pete/Abel: "This is faster! Why walk when you can teleport?"
"Hard to argue with that," said Pete, taking Abel's hand and forming as clear an image of his house as he could in his mind.
And off they went through time and space.
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danwhobrowses · 5 years
Valentines 2020: A Celebration of My Ships
So it’s valentine’s day again, and...yeah it’s not too great when you’re single is it? Considering that I’ve already gone through a tub of ice cream...
But, it doesn’t mean I’m a cynic, quite the opposite. Most of my fandoms involves a ship in some shape or form, hell I shipped before I even knew what shipping was, so I’m gonna talk about some of them...the ones that still make me happy and didn’t crash and burn in heartbreaking and frankly insulting fashion (looking at you Homestuck ¬_¬), gotta mention that these are not all the ships I ship, they’re just some of the ones I’m quite consistently high on
New Entries So with new fandoms come new ships...as is the usual formula anyway, though my pattern of watching things is usually with some delay, I only watched Rurouni Kenshin and started My Hero Academia in 2019, I still hold off on Attack on Titan and My Hero Season 4 because if I get in, I get IN. So these fandoms may not be new, but they are new to me Steven Universe is very new to me, I’ve been aware of how good it is and their concepts like Fusion. I like it, particularly Lapis Lazuli I really relate to her, but ship wise the two I really like are the obvious ones; Steven x Connie and Ruby x Sapphire (Garnet)
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Garnet is badass and chill at the same time, but when she unfuses we see the stuff that makes me smile, the pda between Ruby and Sapphire is adorable, the little pecks and whatnot softens me up like no man’s business. Steven and Connie also have the mushy dynamic with both of them deeply into each other but still being strong individuals. The love for each other is equally platonic as it is romantic as they gel together, both being strong willed in different ways. The laughter probably gets me the most with both of them, the genuine laughter is so sweet and so realistic it’s hard not to love. My Hero Academia seems to be our next wave of shonen anime and for good reason, it does high notes so well and the cast of characters are vibrant and exciting. I haven’t hit Season 4 yet since I’m waiting till it’s all done to binge so I may be a little behind on some stuff (sadly it’s hard to avoid spoilers, I know about Infinity and Unbreakable). While I do like Deku x Uraraka, Tetsutetsu x Kendo and Eraserjoke but the two that I find most enjoyable are Todomomo and Kamijirou
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(artist nonoko135 btw, bit tough to find a single image with both ships) Fairly popular ships in their own right, Todomomo doesn’t get many hints but they are sweet, naive rich kids with their own confidence issues, it also feels like they look out for each other especially after the final exam they did together. With Kamijirou though it’s probably one I favour if I had to choose between the two, simply because it’s a dynamic I really like; she busts on him so hard to mask her enjoyment of his company and he takes it because he feels at ease around her, the best part is when Kaminari goes 0 volts, he makes her laugh and that’s kinda big for Jirou given how self-conscious and stoic she can be. Rurouni Kenshin was always on my list, I have often heard about the Swordsman with a blade that cuts no-one. The anime is a bit up and down, after Shishio it’s just filler, but as documented in my Redemption Arc post it is at its core a great story of redemption for the main character, and the driving force for Kenshin’s redemption is his love for Kaoru
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While Sano and Megumi have a unique dynamic hinted to be romantic at times, nothing can really beat Kenshin and Kaoru, she literally became Kenshin’s conscience, a representation of his hope to be a good man away from the shadow of Battousai the Manslayer. It may be your traditional romance of the two wanting to be by each other’s side in danger but it works so well given the kind of danger Kenshin is often in. Kaoru still strives to protect herself and aid Kenshin in a way that doesn’t make her continuously wonder about being a burden and Kenshin does everything in his power to keep Kaoru from pain, physical and emotional, even if it meant leaving to keep her safe. The main part of what makes this lovely is the fact that not only did Kaoru’s influence make Kenshin value his own life once more but after continual torment in his past she still saw him as the person he wanted to be, and welcomed in a new home, a new family he was able to live a life he never imagined he could deserve. The Regulars Our Regulars are the ships I still consistently ship, they’re not very old but they’re still pretty great and they still stand the test of time. Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has quite a few ships over its 6 (coming up 7) season lifespan, being the longest surviving MCU tv series and one of the most consistently great shows MCU offered - especially Season 4, some of the best TV was on Season 4. But while Philinda is close, Mack and Yoyo or even Piper and Davis (don’t, I don’t care if you believe she’s a lesbian with the hots for May these are my ships) there is one one ship in Shield you can all rally behind, Fitzsimmons
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Even when canon it is a consistent emotional rollercoaster. One of those ships where the writers know you love it and decide to put you through as much pain and emotional torment as humanely possible. But you endure it, because these two smart kids are worth it. They have sweet moments, badass moments, emotional moments and even though they get brought apart time and time again, they still find each other, the universe cannot stop them - and it better end happily for them come next season. Overwatch was a phenomenon when it came out a few years ago, Blizzard may have caused it to have some heavily bad rep but I still look forward to its sequel coming out. Given its large roster and most of the characters’ sexuality and relationship status up in the air, it leaves a lot of room for shipping. I do still love Anahardt, Mercy76 kinda falling due to 76 being gay but I like Gency too, my rarepairs include McPharah and Symmzo but my favourite is actually Meihem.
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Now I know, Mei’s only voice lines towards Junkrat are cold, they have differing views in terms of omnics and...due process of the law. But there’s a lot they do have in common; both are quite intelligent engineers having made their weapons by hand, both endured trauma and both love their puns. But even the stuff that make them different can compliment one another. You don’t have to like it, but I do, I enjoy the dynamic of Jamison being so head over heels that he embarrasses himself to try and get Mei’s attention, while Mei softens to the fact that his very nature is warped by his lawless upbringing and that deep down he is an exciting and in his own way sweet guy.  Back to anime, because what else do I do with my day, getting into One Piece was always going to be a long effort, keeping tabs on the Manga does make it easier and I’ve been able to catch up quickly. Ships are shaky territory with One Piece because Oda does make a point of not having romance happen a lot, not to existing living characters at least. But I still have the ones I like; Shanks x Makino, Sabo x Koala, Franky x Robin, Sanji x Pudding, Rebecca x Koby, the list goes on, but my favourite has to be Zoro x Tashigi
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May not be up there with the ‘big ships’ of One Piece but I do enjoy them the most. Individually the two are characters I have deep interest in; Zoro is well Roronoa Fucking Zoro, santoryu swordsman extraordinaire, master of nothing happening and will cut you 8 ways to Sunday, but Tashigi is a character I like because she also tries, unlike Zoro she isn’t blessed with 2 years training with Mihawk and she’s at constant arms with this self doubt that as a Woman she won’t be as strong (and probably whoever of influence to her made her believe such a thing), people may get on her back for never winning a fight but she fights strong people without a second thought. But back to the pairing, they have an interesting dynamic; two very similar people on different sides of the law, I don’t think Tashigi continues to chase him simply because he refused to cut her in their fight and I don’t think it’s just her former resemblance to Kuina that gets Zoro so riled up about her, I mean Zoro is usually so chill to side characters to the point where he’s ready to throw down but with Tashigi, it’s different, they bicker but he also came to her aid. I still continue to hope that Tashigi shows in Wano for more Zoro interaction, and to prove herself to fans and to Zoro that she is strong and capable. One of my favourite anime of all time is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, a combination of laughter, tears and deep philosophical character journeys in a 20th century world with the alchemy fantasy element drawn from actual legit alchemical sources. It just hits all the right notes for me, and ships hit right too; I love most of the ships from EdWin, AlMay and LingFan, but like Fitzsimmons there is one ship that stands above even the main characters, Royai.
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Mustang and Hawkeye right from the bat have that connection that needs no dancing around, they care for each other but they work together. Like the rest of the ships they banter, argue but always have each other’s backs, to the point that they go into an insane rage at even the threat of the other being hurt. I don’t think anyone can not ship these two, that’s how strong their chemistry is, even if they can’t officially label it as a relationship because of their jobs it’s that line in the sand that everyone knows it, because it’s impossible to ignore. The Old Guard So we get to the oldest ships in my catalogue, the fact that they could stand the test of time is for a long time what shaped me as a shipper. I still ship these to this day so I ship them pretty hardcore Comics is probably the hardest place to ship something, because different writers will try different pairings at the drop of a hat. Even consistent pairings like Spiderman and Mary Jane, Batman and Catwoman, Beat Boy and Raven, Superman and Lois and more can end up being split in favour of Cindy Moon (I do love Silk), Wonder Woman and others. But I can’t ignore the fact that I’ve always loved Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon
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I may’ve liked Teen Titans, but I was never on Team Starfire, it’s fine if you are but to me I have always been in with Dick and Babs. Not only do they have excellent banter but they gel well on and off of crime fighting, no matter how many times DC break them apart (like seriously, how many times do you have to try Bruce and Barbara until you realise that it creeps people out?) they always find each other again someway down the line, they are one of DC’s best couples and while they may never get a definitive ending because of the nature of comics, I still love that there’s a relationship of two strong individuals who can stand as equals and continue to keep their charm and wit after years of being together. When I was young, decades ago as it pains me to type, Digimon was the prime competitor against Pokémon’s tidal wave. Its anime had an awesome opening, more characters with some deeper themes and a quicker pacing. While many could quickly connect to Tai or Matt for their leaderlike attitude or Joe and Izzy for their intelligence or Mimi and Sora for their determination, I gravitated towards TK, a child who had room to grow and the greatest of potential, so when the Dark Masters came in we saw one of my oldest ships take form, Takari
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TK and Kari’s pairing was popular that it managed to carry on into Adventure 02 and we got plenty of lovely moments in TRI (though they shorthanded both by having Ophanimon quickly fused and Seraphimon - one of the strongest Digimon - digivolve as backup in a Sora episode). 02′s epilogue is of course a sore spot we can hope Kizuna retcons because these two have been through thick and thin and their bond is clear. Even as they reach their late teens and TK has become master of hats and joined Matt’s band, they still hang out, banter and tease but they still are comfortable to hold each other’s hand and be vulnerable with one another too. Digimon may’ve been a contender, but Pokémon was still the clear winner, even to this day it is one of the most popular franchises in the world. The anime may be an up and down slope (current series seems a tad boring, 10 episodes before Ash caught a Pokémon, plus I don’t like that Ash won in Alola and now thinks he doesn’t have to try) but you can never take away the nostalgia, or the ships. I’ve shipped many in Pokémon in various media; Mallow x Lillie and Jessie x James in the anime, Ruby x Sapphire in the Manga, Looker x Anabel in the games (with Emma being their adoptive daughter dammit Looker you could’ve taken her with) among others and from Pokémon comes the oldest ship I’ve ever shipped, Pokéshipping
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Before I even knew what Shipping was I shipped this, Misty may also be mostly the reason for my attraction to redheads but that’s neither here nor there. People may not like it, may prefer some of the softer spoken female (or male) companions Ash has had or feel they’ve grown out of it, but not me. I loved Misty’s feistiness and determination but also the fact that she could reign Ash in (sometimes) to make him think things through, as much as Misty was a companion to Ash she was a rival, a teacher and a supporter of his goal, but she also had her own goals which she fought for as well. They may bicker but they have also had tender moments as well and even with Misty’s return in the excellent Sun and Moon episodes they had their chemistry is palpable. To me, Ash and Misty were kindred spirits and the feeling has never changed since. So with another year of Valentine’s Day going the way it usually does, I’d like a moment to thank these ships, and all my other ships I didn’t have the space to mention, for being something that brings out happiness and a soft joy deep within my being, and for all the fanartists and fanfic writers that bring that love to life Happy Valentine’s Day
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crystalelemental · 4 years
Voting is complete.  Now to wait a week for results that will be utterly predictable, in which no major shifts in popularity occur at all, and not a single one of the new characters, who all seem really cool, will break top 20 because god forbid the fandom collectively stops sucking EoSD’s dick for one year.
Anyway, my picks for everything’s under the cut.
Okina.  I really love Okina.  I don’t get how she’s so (relatively) unpopular.  Like I really don’t.  She’s so much fun!  Like, every time she’s in the spotlight, you’re constantly caught between what she’s telling you and what you think her hidden motivations are.  And oftentimes, I think both are true.  I also just like how she operates.  She’s drawn to ambition and willpower.  It’s why she likes Marisa so much and is determined to get Marisa to work for her, and why she’s so insistent that Aya take pride in beating her, even when she was holding back.  It’s why she helps Sumireko in Violet Detector despite having nothing to gain from it.  She love ambitious, strong-willed people, and seems to motivate those qualities in others.  She wants to see people overcome hardship on their own merits, which, after the reveal in Visionary Fairies that she is disabled and sometimes needs a wheelchair to get around, adds a great new layer of context to this aspect of her character.  Okina is a fantastic character, and my only wish for future works is to see her play a bigger role.
Keiki.  Surprisingly, I adore Keiki too, despite not having played WBaWC.  Keiki just...hits right, you know?  You have this world where everything’s fucked, and humans are used more as resources than as people by the powerful beast youkai in charge.  Keiki’s spawned into existence by their desperation, but all she can think to do is fulfill her role and turn everything static.  I honestly enjoy how she’s super well-intentioned, but her actions are questionable over whether they’re effective or the right thing to do.  Plus she was adorable in the Komachi manga.
Kanako.  Look, we all know I’m a Mountain of Faith person at heart, and especially love the Moriya Shrine, so I’m not gonna waste too much time here.  Kanako’s awesome, she’s the lowest ranked of the three, this had to happen.
Mamizou.  How a character who’s so routinely important to the stories and plays her role this well is so low ranked is beyond me.  Mamizou is such an interesting character.  She’s like this sweet old grandmotherly figure up until she reveals her master plan and desire for power.  She’s like an active version of Yukari and Okina, out in the open and pulling off her grand schemes, and it’s a ton of fun to watch.
Doremy.  My blood pact to vote for her aside, Doremy does sustain as one of my favorites.  She’s just...I don’t know how else to describe it but “unique.”  She’s different from a lot of the cast, in that she’s overall just really nice.  Like she genuinely seems to care about people, and her dream people especially.  She’s got her job to do and will carry it out, but mostly stays out of the way otherwise.  She’s a bit mischievous, but this is Touhou.
Junko.  I like Junko.  Vengeance mom who won over a part of Hell by swearing to bring chaos to the Lunarians.  I don’t have a ton to say, because unfortunately she doesn’t get much play.  I wish she did.  Maybe in the next Fairy-focused manga.  Everyone goes for a sleepover at Clownpiece’s mom’s place, and has to travel into hell and Junko’s just around.  That’s all I really need.
Sumireko.  While Sumireko’s fallen a bit as a favorite, and is almost certainly going to continue falling, I do like the kid.  She’s a bit of an obnoxious dingus at times, but I find her antics funny.  The way she sometimes just goes off on a ranting tangent that’s spot-on is just...it’s very in line for a super smart teen who’s just disillusioned with everything.  I dunno, I just enjoy her a lot.
Concealed Four Seasons.  Turns out, Okina’s not just a great character, but has a kickass theme song.  I love this battle theme, I think it’s my favorite.  It’s got such a good energy to it.
Desire Drive.  Best stage theme in the series.  It’s so catchy.
Lullaby of Deserted Hell.  I love this one entirely because it’s this soft, gentle music that plays as you’re traveling through hell.  And I mean that in the literal sense of it was once physically hell, and also this stage is a fucking disaster and I love it.  It’s like why the sixth stratum theme from Etrian Odyssey 2 is good.  Nightmare land with the most calming theme imaginable.
Heartfelt Fancy.  Listen, SA did good music.  I actually like the stage theme more than Satori’s boss theme.
Lost Emotion.  Kokoro’s theme is great, and one of exactly two themes I remember from the fighting games (the other is the Yorigami sisters’).  Fight game music tends to not be very good, in my opinion, but Lost Emotion hits all the right notes with me.
Shining Needle Castle.  Fun fact!  I don’t like DDC.  At all.  I think the cast is pretty boring, especially in the second half.  I don’t like the collection system.  The only cool thing visually, for me, was fighting music-themed enemies in a thunderstorm, which is cool as shit.  But goddamn this song is good.  It’s one of the few highlights of the game for me.
Dream Palace of the Great Mausoleum.  I really like just how grand it sounds.  Like it sounds awe-inspiring, and fits the area you’re in well.  I like the track on its own, but I really like when a track syncs up with the atmosphere of a place.
Fires of Hokkai.  Speaking of, good god this song.  This is probably the single best establishment of atmosphere in the series.  After everything else in the game, and all the craziness of the last stage, you hit the final destination and it starts out with a quiet heartbeat sound.  Then it just builds and builds into this powerful, driving theme that loops perfectly back to near silence as you encounter Byakuren herself.  Stage 6 is so fucking good, shame I suck at this game too much to ever get there.
Beast Metropolis.  This is purely off sound, since I haven’t played the game.  But you may notice that, thematically, it fits in with a lot of my favorite tracks.  Softer vibe, stage theme setting the mood of an area that you’d expect to be crazy but turns out to be eerily...not that.
Faith is for the Transient People.  This was a toss-up, with a lot of options I was considering, but Sanae’s theme won out.  I do like it a lot, and I didn’t vote for Sanae in characters despite her being one of my long-standing favorites, so she got this one.
Hidden Star in Four Seasons.  Okay listen.  I get that this game is not popular among fans.  I do not get why.  Are you seriously going to look me in the eye and tell me this game wasn’t a relief to play?  After the last four games had bullshit collection systems for resources, having a game that just played lives based off score again isn’t a good thing?  Yes, it was easier.  Good.  Did you miss how bullshit LoLK was?  Sometimes you gotta backpedal, right into the range of things I can actually play.  I know some people don’t like the cast at all, some nonsense about “Why are they so familiar with characters if I’ve never seen them” or something.  But the cast is spectacular.  Eternity Larva’s a fun new fairy to add to the group, and her short-lived stint in VFiS was great, proving that she’s the only fairy who has her own reserve of braincells.  Aunn is precious and wonderful.  Okina.  OKINA.  This was easily my favorite cast since Subterranean Animism, and that was a strong cast.  I just do not get the dislike of this game at all.
Mountain of Faith.  Hey, look at that, I like the games that are simple and fun for me to play.  What a surprise.  MoF was the first game I beat, because Suwako was the first character I encountered and I had to one day git gud enough to beat her.  So I did.  After like three weeks.  That was an adventure.  Anyway, I think MoF holds as one of the best in the series.  Aside from simple gameplay that’s actually fun instead of painful, it had a great cast of characters, and honestly the best environments.  Like, this game just looks good.  Maybe that’s personal bias because autumn theme and autumn is the best season, but I loved the backgrounds in this game.
Forbidden Scrollery.  Hey, it’s the thing that got me into the written works!  Yeah, I really like Forbidden Scrollery.  It’s a fun exploration of things from within the human village, from the perspective of a human who lives there.  Plus we got some of the more interesting lore bits for the series from this work, which is valuable.  And of course...human disguise Mamizou.  10/10.
Visionary Fairies in Shrine.  While there are many fairy-focused manga, this one’s my personal favorite.  Because it’s got Clownpiece.  No really, that’s it.  I like the general fairy shenanigans that the trio gets in to, but I really enjoyed how this one almost focused on Clownpiece’s integration into Gensokyo.  I think it’s a lot more compelling to have that sort of arc for the character, and it really endeared Clownpiece to me as a whole.  My only complaint with it is that Eternity Larva didn’t stick around too.  I know she had less to contribute and that Clownpiece is the central focus of this one, but it would’ve been nice to have Larva stick around and get a bit of development herself.  Maybe next manga, eh?
Subterranean Animism.   I debated this and Cage in Lunatic Runagate.  I actually regret my choice.  Subterranean Animism won out based on my enjoyment of the music and characters in the game, and (if you can believe it) my enjoyment of the gameplay.  Yeah, it turns out when the game rewards just surviving, even if resources are more scarce, I do like 10x better than when resources are only obtained through flying headlong into a storm of bullshit like the next four games demanded.  FUCKING IMAGINE THAT.  Anyway, CiLR was a serious contender that, again, I kinda regret not picking.  Bougetsushou in general was a strong compilation, but CiLR is the one that made it really stand out.  SSiB was a fun silly story, and Inaba was hilarious, but CiLR was by far the most serious and poignant of the works.  It focused really strongly on the characters, something Touhou...hadn’t really done at the time, and still doesn’t always do, and expanded them beautifully.  We get a lot more insight into Kaguya and what her life is like, we get the backstory for the new Reisen, we get background on the Watatsuki sisters, we get the Mokou chapter, arguably the best character development in the entire series.  So it really comes down to a game that I like because I can play it, or a written work that also did a lot for the characters in it.  Both excellent but I locked myself into one or the other.
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phemonoi · 5 years
tarot cards as foster the people lyrics 🌿✨
*based on the waite tarot deck
I've wanted to do this to better understand the relation of the cards with one another and I thought it'd be a good idea to post it here!
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i. aces, the magician & justice
“rise above, gonna start the war!” / “well, and eye for an eye, and an ‘f’ for a fight” / “well, you got what you want and what you never knew, perfect gift from me to you” / “focus on your ability, then they can’t get what they want to steal”
the aces have an aura of beginning, the spark of an idea, oportunity, birth. however, the magician is the “trigger” of that change, he controls it, activates it. he’s the architect and alchemist that has the ability to make use of each suit as he pleases. with justice, as we see, this power comes with a responsability. you get back what you give. and because the magician is also an illusionist, a liar and a thief, justice needs to be there as a reminder of what happens when you abuse magic. 
ii. twos, high priestess & the hanged man
“you’re a secret, that’s worth keeping, and now i’m keeping my mouth shut” / “well, i’ve been sleeping waiting for something, but to feel nothing at all, avoid the call” / “when i’m alone, there’s a ghost the keeps talking, and i know there’s gotta be more, for sure”
the twos are a symbol of alchemy, and this can be clearly seen in the cups with the caduceus of hermes on the background. the high priestess is the master of occult knowledge, she channels cosmic knowledge through intuition, thus creating a bond, an exchange of energy within her and the universe. the hanged man needs meditation and contemplation in order to decide what’s next, what’s real from what’s an illusion. he urges stillness in order to recover, much like the two of swords.
iii. threes, the empress & death
—fire escape
“my spine is made of iron, my heart pumps out old red paint” / “I see the seasons change, all the young faces come and replace the dying ones” / “i’ve watched the dreamers find their legs, and i’ve seen the ones that come get reduced to bones and rags”
this procesion of cards illustrates the importance of cycles. the threes combine pain, sorrow (swords) with recovery, harmony (cups), planning (pentacles) with action (wands), conveying the message that one simply can’t exist without the other, for the presence of the other is what gives one its importance, its core definition. they’re light and shadow, much like birth (empress) and death. 
iv. fours, the emperor & temperance
—coming of age
“you know i try to live without regrets, i’m always moving forward and not looking back, but i tend to leave a trail of dead while moving ahead” / “just like an animal, i protect my pride, when i’m too bruised to fight, and even when i’m wrong i tend to think i’m right. well, i’m bored of the game, and too tired to rage”
the emperor is the giver of stability, as we can see in four of pentacles and four of wands. he provides a stable foundation to build a home, he’s a father. meanwhile, the four of cups and four of swords portray temperance; they’re about patience, balance, and meditation. the emperor, as a leader, needs to balance the responsability of his power out with temperance, or else he will become a tyrant, ruled by fire.
v. fives, the hierophant & the devil 
—pay the man
“say what you love, it’s alright don’t be afraid to find your light, embrace the day, at night we’re here to fight, we all go wild again” / “climbing up my own tree, hoping it can hold all the things i’ve seen but i’ve chosen to ignore. well, i said, well i believe i’ve been well fed but the wolf’s not dead” / “lift up your name, seasons change, you know that it'll never be the same, we'll see the sun again, and before it fades, i just wanna say that i love you”
this procesion is very deep. it speaks of the spirit on a level that no other procesion of cards does in the entire deck. because the hierophant is combined with the devil, i feel like it unites opposite religious concepts: heaven with hell, purity with dirt, wisdom with madness. this alchemy of the soul is pretty much a product of dionysos, and that’s why he’s often identified with both major arcanas. the fives, now, are the middle point of each suit; they mark a transcendental point in the path of the fool. they speak of poverty, sadness, confusion and conflict. this is the event that leads to the tower; the failure, the longing for illumination, the unmasking of the lies and illusions that have ruled one’s life until now. the unity of darkness and light, the highest power, thrice-born and divine, with the lowest impulses of nature, the satyrs and maenads that lure you into their orgy. the devil here demands to be payed back, he wants retribuition, while the hierophant presents himself as the saviour, the guide, that happens to also be incredibly biased. i think it’s very useful to view this procesion as a representation of dionysos, he who initiates us into the journey of self-discovery through mysteries and shadows. 
vi. sixes, the lovers & the tower 
—the truth
“well i’ve been trying to relearn my name, it feels like a thousand years that i’ve been out of frame and i surrender, the truth is what it’s what i’ve needed from you, cause i’ve been floating within your walls of opinion, and i’m tired. i only want the truth” / “a blinding call to prayer has touched my feet, like the call of the prophets, a purpose is needed before you know that you know, to never wonder what you are, and not forget where you’ve come from” / “is it really love you’ve been speaking of?”
the lovers and the tower have a closer relation than what i thought at first, and the verses of this song really show it. the lovers is, finally, the resolution of the devil and the hierophant: it is the unification of duality, the yin and yang, and its lust is still present in the devil; the impetus and dichotomy of human emotion. but the tower and the hierophant are both events of immense spiritual enlightment. they represent freedom. the sixes are about charity, change, escape, and victory. 
vii. sevens, the chariot & the star 
—doing it for the money
“just close your eyes, we’re gonna run this blind, we live our lives, we’re not wasting time, maybe we lost our minds, we’re gonna get what we can” / “i said it doesn’t matter where i go, i am calling all the poets into battle, i am shouting to the world let them know that we won’t be afraid to step into the fight when we can’t see the light” / “there’s no retreat and no escape if we keep dreaming while we’re wide awake”
dreams, hope, courage and art. this is a creative procesion of cards. after the breakdown of the sixth procesion, the seventh brings bravery forthward. there’s no time to waste and we’re now purified, convinced of our worth and what we need to do in order to achieve what is needed. we’ve accepted the situation, the nature of our uncontrolling emotions and the will of fate. the sevens take action, a bit impulsively, but still they trigger a necessary change after the depression seen with the lovers and the tower. 
viii. eights, strength & the moon
—a beginner’s guide to destroying the moon
“and now i’m staring at the moon wondering why the bottom fell out, been searching for answers and there’s questions i’ve found” / “we’ve been crying for a leader to speak like the old prophets, the blood of the forgotten wasn’t spilled without a purpose, or was it?” / “you’ll never be whole until you lose control, and think freely to smash the wall of apathy, stop your self-importance and lift the weight off somebody else”
there’s a very pretty picture on the eight of cups in the ethereal visions illuminated tarot deck, because the moon is full, shining enormously over a deep blue landscape, and that perfectly illustrates the relation of this card to the major arcana of the moon. this procesion for me is about confidence. change is never easy, even when we’ve finally surrendered to the fate of circumstances, even when we were the ones to trigger it. eight of swords and eight of cups are not easy cards to gaze at, but we must remember that the moon is a mother, it is nurturing, it reminds us of the quality of nature to be cyclical, that things are always moving and flowing, and emotions don’t last forever. it’s also a card of illusions; it yells at us to remove the blindfold from our eyes and rediscover our worth. strength is about taming the beast, keeping on working, effort and struggle. so this tells me; no matter how much it hurts, keep going, be a leader, be the lion, make the blood you shed worth it. 
xix. nines, the hermit & the sun
—pseudologia fantastica
“don’t be afraid of the knife, sometimes you gotta cut the limb to survive” / “you got to love the madness of the feeling, don’t have to rush the freshness of beginning, you got to get back up and face your demons, don’t ever be afraid of starting over”
the nines follow the archetype of the hermit and continue their path through the sun. when we’ve worked hard enough, when we’ve compromised to facing our shadow self, when we’ve retired to truly know ourselves, admiting what we’ve done, what we’re worth, and retreated into silence, then there’s a comeback filled with joy, music, light. the nine of swords is a necessary dark night of the soul leading to a definitive awakening. 
xx. the tens, wheel of fortune & judgement 
“and i wont be afraid, it’s true we’ll never know, when the night will come and take us home, and people change, we fade from youth, and evolve into eternal life” / “wake the sleeping from their dreaming, we all want more, we all want more saints will sing and hearts are beating, saying we all want more, we all want more”
there’s still much to learn in the ten of swords already, but because life is an ouroboros and our purpose is to return to having full control of all the suits and making use of that power faithfully and wisely, it doesn’t matter. in the tens, we admit that we can affect certain situations but there’s always something that escapes our sight; fortune acts alone. wheels turn again, endlessly, for eternity. we want more; the ten of cups portrays a couple with kids new life, new paths, a new story that is, again, yet to be unfold. ten of pentacles passes down its knowledge and experience to the youth; ten of wands continues with its struggle, in the conviction that the nine will come back. ten of swords, however, looks defeated. it ain’t. it’s finally the death of the past self. ten of swords is, actually, the scene of the moment the knight defeated his adversaries. it is a card of victory; but the knight is yet to become a king. 
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, EP. 5
Let us continue.
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Miku wakes up to see her wife has run off yet again. This is the part of the Sam Reimi’s Spiderman franchise phase where the Mary Jane (not weed) begins having a rockier relationship with Peter Parker (not slang for penis) due to lack of availability.
It’s contrived.
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It’s almost impressive that she left a note and had time to draw a tiny Hibiki saying something in a bubble. Glad to see you have your priorities straight, Hibiki.
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“you know she might have had a better time in the local art school that doodle aint half bad”
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Hibiki is motherfucking Rocky all up in this.
She’s going to kick some ass and nobody’s getting in the way.
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I wasn’t joking when I said she’s not fucking around anymore. Did you think I was joking? I can see how you can get the impression given the first few episodes, but I really can’t emphasize the thoroughness of the ass kicking she is going to be capable of.
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That’s totally not ominous in the slightest.
Meanwhile, in the middle of an unnamed McMansion in the middle of who knows where...
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Gratuitously spoken English is heard. To be fair, it’s actually really impressive pronunciation coming from people whose native language are systemically different to ours. Most shows would just settle for “this dude is actually speaking english but everything is said in japanese for better interpretation” but not Symphogear! No siree!
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Relic business is afoot.
We have a random blonde lady shooting random Noise from the thing The Gremlin had in her hands.
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She’s really trying her best with her accent. She’s also casually shooting Noise because let’s face it, would we not do the same if it were in our hands?
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“i do whatever i want with my big stiff rod pal”
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Also, she’s a nudist. To also be fair, if you lived in a fuckoff rich McMansion with weapons beyond your comprehension, you likely couldn’t help but walk around naked doing whatever the fuck you want.
The people she’s talking to are the Americans, which we explained before are portrayed strictly in an antagonistic light. They want some relics, and this lady clearly deals them like like some sort of glorified drug dealer.
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Suffice it to say, she’s not a very nice person.
Also, the subs don’t match what they’re saying in English in the slightest.
The name of this woman... is Fine (pronounced fi-neh). And she is the main antagonist of this series.
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Fucking identical.
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And here is the most unpleasant scene in the entire season.
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The person we’ve repeatedly alluded to as The Gremlin is called Yukine Chris. She serves Fine in whatever the hell they’re up to right now. In this case, it’s using the Nehushtan armor to run around with Solomon’s Cane to throw Noise around the city.
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“shits gonna get real abusive, pal”
Fine is a narcissistic sociopath. She’s manipulated Chris into servitude by believing she is the only one that can pave humanity into salvation.
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“i dont like that smile”
Chris thinks Fine can secure her deepest wish. Ironically? It’s world peace.
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“yeah! yeah yeah, world peace, yeah, totally. just treat me like jesus and we’re gucci”
Anyway, she proceeds to thoroughly shock Chris.
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The lore behind this is that this is helping her resistance with dealing with the physical demands of the Nehushtan armor, as well as deal with the pieces of Nehushtan that may be still inside. Let’s be real, though. Fine’s a sadist, and just likes hurting people willy nilly.
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“fuck... that hurt like shit... hey wait... wouldnt some of the electrical arcs hit you and shock you too, given you’re so naked and close to all this...?”
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“ya nevermind that food looks real nice and i want a piece of that fuckin turkey”
It’s a real creepy scene, and it cements Fine’s horribleness really well. One of the most pivotal things to take note is that Fine says that people can only communicate with each other universally through pain. Strong, terrible BDSM overtones notwithstanding, this will be a common (though varying in quality) motif of the entire series.
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“i was gonna invite her to the circus with the rest of the class ‘cause i felt bad about how i treated her but i guess she’s not here”
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“the only clown im interested in is hibiki, in the carnival tent of my own bedroom”
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“isn’t being a part of /fit/ great, hibiki? can you just feel the gains?”
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“yeah who needs doting wife based significant others when you have your gym bros, right newly acquired father figure?”
Hibiki, having acquired a new brain cell during her training, asks the million dollar question:
“Why the fuck are we relying on schoolgirls to deal with all this stuff?”
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“anime just be that way, hibiki. i’m just the wrong protagonist in the wrong show.”
Japan is super big on keeping the Symphogear a secret because they are strong and the world really, really wants a slice of the Symphogear pie. These people are basically walking super-weapons. Tsubasa literally dropped a sword the size of a skyscraper. It’s like the premise of the series of Iron Man films.
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“do i get like a superhero name too or”
Something to wrap your head around. This was released around 2012, and while the setting seems to be slightly more futuristic, the world it was made in at the time had not been through the era of social media/smartphones we have right now. It was on the cusp of doing so, which means the idea of decent (yet vertical) amateur footage of things happening wasn’t something in the mainstream yet. Why do I say this?
Because in Symphogear, the fact that Symphogear exist is the biggest open secret in this unidentified city ever. NDAs are passed like hotcakes to keep people’s mouths shut on seeing monster-fighting singing superheroes. And they sing, too! Symphogears as an entity are the most high-profile fighting agents out there. Bright colors, no masks, constant singing, fighting in broad daylight in populated areas. Everybody knows, but no one says a word.
Which means every politician on the face of Japan hates these idiots, but they’re stuck with them out of sheer necessity.
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“i swear to god if you bring up sam reimi’s spiderman one more goddamned time”
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“look it’s the truth, all anime comes back to sam reimi’s spiderman. fate zero did it. uhhh, fucking...baccano, probably? now us. face it. its pretty much the bible.”
It’s also pointed out that the very concept of a Symphogear is born from a science that didn’t exist, and it probably contributes to political frustration as well.
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“im going to microwave all your sam reimi spiderman dvds. im gonna do it. you try me, motherfucker. i didnt go into acting and get into this position to hear lectures about a decades old film franchise nobody cares about anymore.”
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“can we stop fighting about the validity of sam reimi’s spiderman for five seconds and get back to helping me thing of a dope as hell superhero name? now, lemme lay one on you: Mister Fister”
Hibiki asks where Code Ryoko is.
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“any answer besides Not Here works”
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“oh, she left to talk to the americans, why?”
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“huh, shes sorta late, actually”
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In the mother of all Mom Vans, no less.
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Tsubasa has reached the sea floor of the water metaphor dimension surrounded by water, which is her feelings, which are very gay. Imagine the Mariana Trench but like, deeper. Way deeper. That’s where Tsubasa is.
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Leave it to Kazanari “I am literally a sword” Tsubasa to successfully spin the very act of surviving a suicidal move during combat as a failure. That’s a special kind of self loathing right there.
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“the sheer force of my love for big ladies is keeping me alive”
Tsubasa asks about the point of Kanade’s sacrifice. Why’d she do it? Why was she so hungry at the end?
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She personally shows up to answer that question, because that’s Kanade for you.
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“being badass is cool, but you know whats cooler? caring.”
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“sharing the sauce... you... you shared the sauce...”
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“thats right, tsubasa. i wanted to protect the sauce, but... ultimately... sharing it was better. it wasn��t my sauce, tsubasa. it was everyone’s...”
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“im gonna suck on a ketchup packet in your memory, tsubasa”
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Kanade’s spirit pulls her out of the dimension of water metaphors as she is slowly undrowning from her emotions.
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Tsubasa, like Kanade, was lost in the sauce. But now, after Kanade’s touching peptalk, Tsubasa is lost no longer.
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“will i ever see you again in my dreams, kanade...?”
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“where there’s a sauce. i’ll be there.”
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“ill eat taco bell every day just to see you again kanade”
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“and i dont even like taco bell... im more of a chipotle girl...”
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After accepting Taco Bell as her lord and savior, she is immediately pulled out of the metaphor zone.
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And wakes the fuck up.
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“b..... b..... b............”
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“Baja Blast....”
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Ok ok ok I gotta get my voltron s6 feelings out so I can go to bed before I implode
So first off I’m gonna start off with saying:
This was a really fucking good season. This might be the best season. This shit was fucking great. 
But let me detail
The writing is so tight my dudes, but in a way that feels fast and exciting. Not like it’s rushed. We ended the season and FOR ONCE I had no burning disappointment or questions. I was just like “hell yeah”
The plot all works? And moves together coherently? This is really the first season where the twists and turns are fun and not “wow that fucking came out of left field”
BUT SPEAKING OF LEFT FIELD: the reveal of Lotor’s true motivations and what he had done was really astounding. In the first few episodes when we see Allura helping him, I was like “Oh yeah, he’s totally using her to make his ships his own powerful voltron thing” and I knew he was gonna betray them and it was all a ruse to get access to more quintessence, but holy shit, holy shit.... the reveal that he saved Alteans and had been draining their life force??? Truly horrific. I’m shocked that Voltron went so dark. It’s the most truly evil thing I’ve seen in a long time.... it was fucking excellent.
When we learn that, Lotor becomes IRREDEEMABLE. There’s no way this will come back. And it hits Allura where it hurts the most: her people. So there’s no way this fuck boy was ever going to be forgiven. Lotor transforms into a truly terrifying villain, and his descent at the end is enthralling though tragic to watch. 
Keith’s whole backstory (oh yes, oh my god voltron finally brought the food) is really wonderful. Its.... exactly what all the fanfic said it would be. I won’t lie. But i fucking gasped when I saw that Shiro’s original vest is Keith’s dad’s. That gripped me by the heart. 
I...wanted....to....die when Keith and Shiro were fighting. The animation was sublime and the emotions gripped me by the asshole. I think you have to be pretty detached if that “Shiro! You’re my brother!... I love you.” Didn’t make you whimper.
Shiro is a dork who loves DND. I love him. 
I’m a SHiro and Lance stan. This season was fucking painful. 
Coran got to do a lot! Yeah baby! I love you, bitch.
Loved the continued Hunk and Pidge focus throughout. They’re definitely a solid duo and I liked how they always got shit done. Watching Pidge anguish over Shiro’s viruses was heartbreaking, especially when she admitted she made a plan in case this ever happened. 
They use the word “embiggen” in the DnD episode (a desperately needed comedic break this season) and that is a fucking Simpson’s reference you NERDS. 
The killing of the castle was.... poignant. It marks a new chapter in the show and feels like a graduation of sorts. The paladins have grown up now. They’ve moved out. Oh how many fanfics have I read set in that place! i will mourn thee!
I’m fucking PUMPED for earth
Some cons.... and they’re not cons? Let me explain
Hey yeah, they’re pushing allurance it feels like
This doesn’t make me mad. I promise. If you asked me WAY BACK in season 1 who i thought was gonna end up together i would have said “Oh allura and Lance, surely” and klance was kind of like.... a crack ship for me? Like I LIKED it, but i never hoped it would be a THING. But then Allura and keith interacted more in season 2, and then of course we got a LOT of klance in s3, so i was like....shit maybe klance?
Allurance does not bother me at all. It really does not, i promise. It makes perfect sense. Lance has had a crush on allura FOREVER and thinks she’s wonderful and amazing, and I think this season was really hinting that Allura is starting to see how mature Lance has become and how much he supports her. It nice.
BUT! I just.... reeeeaaalllly want some LGBT rep in voltron. And not a side character. Like a main one. And Lance always felt like the character who would fit best in something like that? Like he’s the one who’s most relationship oriented, so it would make sense. Also there’s only like.... 3 dudes around the same age so I was like “it’s gotta be two out of the three of you, because Pidge and Allura would never be a thing. And Keith and Lance have the most hints at being that so..... gotta be you two boys I guess.”
I’m not saying that if Allurance happens then Lance CANNOT be confirmed as LGBT and have some kind of arc, but I think it would be a bit harder to work in.... narratively speaking. Like I’m trying to think of a scenario where Lance and Allura are together and he just goes “Anyway, so I like dudes too!”.
Maybe the writers will find a way to give that LGBT representation that I have not thought of? Possibly? But i don’t want it to be some throwaway thing. Like Shiro just goes:
“Man I can’t wait to see my boyfriend again. ANYWAY!”
Allurance becoming canon by NO MEANS makes LGBT rep impossible, but I guess it would be from a source I would not expect. (Heith becomes canon and we are all FOOLS)
Lance did not get to do much this season
I’ve seen this going around a bit and it’s Mmmmmm debatable. I feel like his arc was really tied to Allura’s this season. So he didn’t get so much his own moments, but small moments that all kind of intermingled between Allura’s and Lotor’s. A LOT happened this season. I understand why he did not get as much screen time. But he was still there more than in season 2!
The only actual real con
“It’s been two years. We can finally continue our mission.”
What. What? This is stupid. I guffawed at this line. Why did the writer’s do this? You could have just been like “It’s been 6 months” why 2 years? That seems dramatic. Did they just want an excuse to write Keith as more mature and leaderly without having to do more development? Did they just wanna draw him bigger? Were they looking for a quick “Keith and Krolia are fine with each other now” excuse? Just have it be a few months! I’d buy that! Did the animators really just need a reason to give him longer beautiful shojo hair? WHAT? WHAT IS IT? I DON’T UNDERSTAND! THIS WAS STUPID. I dunno I feel like there’s a disparity between Keith and the paladins now. Like before it was “Keith and his school friends” and now it’s like “Keith is the young, hot, leader.... and here’s the teens he takes with him.”
I dunno. Mmmmmm not thrilled? Really just wanna know the motivation behind it. 
Anyway tl:dr boss ass season. The best writing in a long time. klance crops? Not watered.
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trade-baby-blues · 6 years
Scruffle Shuffle
Pairing: McKirk 
Word Count: 1196
Warnings: none! Super fluffy!
A/N: This is a modern-AU based on the prompt “Character A is desperate to find a particular item (book/toy/etc.) as a present for someone, but it’s been sold out everywhere. Character B helps” requested by @horaetio​. I definitely misread the prompt the first 20 times i read it and thought they were supposed to be fighting over the gift somehow so...that’s embarassing...but I hope you like it!! I wasn’t sure if you wanted it to be like...romance-y or friendship so it can be read as both!
Bones approached Jim Kirk’s door with the resignation of a man who’d exhausted all other options. He knew he shouldn't have waited so long to get Jo’s present, but then Jim had snagged a huge client and Bones was forced to clock more hours in the office.
“Hell of a lotta good that did me,” he grumbled as he knocked. There was no answer. Slowly, Bones opened the door and poked his head in, spotting Jim with his feet up on the desk, fast asleep. Bones stared for a few seconds and wondered how Jim ever managed to become the VP.
“Jim.” Bones called, entering the office. No answer but a soft snore. Bones reached over the desk and shoved Jim’s feet off.
He shot up and announced: “I don't like asparagus.” Jim looked around, clearly still half asleep.
Bones raised an eyebrow, having given up trying to figure out how Jim’s mind worked long ago. “I won't put any in the Christmas basket, then.”
“Bones! You, uh, you..you're here. I wasn't sleeping.”
“Course not,” Bones said as he settled into the leather chair in front of Jim’s desk.
“So,” Jim smoothed down the front of his suit jacket, “what can I do ya for?”
“I need the afternoon off.”
“Mmm, you know I love you Bones, but we’ve got a client coming this afternoon.”
“I know, I know, it’s just….there’s something I’ve gotta do.”
Jim frowned as he tried to balance a pen on his top lip. “What “something” is that?”
Bones sighed, running a hand through his already messy hair. “I forgot to buy Joanna’s Christmas present.” Jim’s dramatic gasp was cut short by Leonard’s glare. “I only forgot because you’ve been working me to the damn bone.”
“I have, haven't I?” Jim rubbed the back of his neck, feeling suddenly guilty. “Tell you what. I’ll clear my schedule and take you to lunch. Then we can go looking together.”
“Oh no, you don't-” Bones started, rising from the chair, but Jim already had his phone in his hands.
“Yes, Mr. Spock. I’m heading out early today. Can you handle the meeting with the Romulan Trading Company this afternoon? That’s why you're the best,” Jim smiled, hanging up the phone. “God, I love being in charge.”
Bones glared at him. “You really didn't have to.”
Bones had to admit, lunch with Jim wasn't the worst thing that could've happened. He had a quick wit and damn fine taste in steakhouses. Even the whiskey tasted sweeter, but maybe that's because Jim was paying.
“Where to first,” Jim asked, holding the car door open for Bones to slide in.
“I dunno. Figured probably Toys ‘R’ Us.”
Jim stared at Bones, door still ajar. “Are you serious? Is he serious right now, Sulu,” Jim asked his driver.
Mr. Sulu looked up in the rear view mirror. “Seems serious to me, boss.”
“Where have you been for the last year, Bones? Toys ‘R’ Us closed.” Jim shut the door as he said it, and Bones probably would have rolled his eyes at the dramatics of it all if he wasn't currently up to his blue turtleneck in panic.
“What the hell do you mean it’s closed?”
“Went bankrupt. They closed all the stores. Did you really not hear about it?”
“Where the hell am I supposed to buy kids toys now,” Bones snapped, throwing his arms up only to smack his hands against the roof of the car. He hissed in pain and Jim tried his best to cover a laugh with a cough.
“Sulu, you have a daughter, right,” Jim asked. “Where do you get her toys?”
“Best shop in town,” he said, cranking up the engine.
“This is the worst toy shop in town,” Bones grumbled, leaving the store empty-handed. “They've barely got anything on the shelves.”
“Yeah, because it's like two days before Christmas,” Jim said. He held the door open for Bones again before holding his phone out to Sulu, who nodded and started the car.
This pattern repeated for nearly two hours. Bones was sure they’d hit every toy shop in the city and, while Jim care out with an armful of toys (some for himself) each time, Bones kept coming out with nothing. His feet ached. His back ached. Muscles in his neck that he didn't know he had ached.
“It's hopeless,” he said, dropping onto a bench outside the shopping center. He cradled his head in his hands, trying with every cell in his body to think of anything besides the disappointment on Jo’s face when she opened her presents Christmas morning and didn't find the one thing she’d asked him for. He could practically hear his ex-wife’s voice telling him “It’s no wonder our marriage fell apart. You're married to your job. Couldn't even find time to get a gift for your daughter.”
“Cheer up, Bones,” Jim said, rubbing his hand up Bones’ back and stopping at the nape of his neck. Jim massaged the muscles there gently, and Bones felt a modicum of relief. “We still have time to hit the stores in the town over.
“They're not gonna have it either. It's the most popular toy of the season. I should've bought it months ago.”
“You don't know they don't have it until we look.” Bones dropped his hands between his knees, watching the people pass by. “What exactly is it we’re looking for again?”
“A Scruffling.”
“Bless you,” Jim said.
Bones leaned back so he could scowl at Jim. “Shut up. It's a toy, and Jo wanted one and now they're all sold out, and Jocelyn’s never gonna let me hear the end of it.”
“Hm. Probably.” Jim stayed solemn for all of two seconds before he cracked another grin at his friend. “Oh come on, I’m just kidding. Jo loves you to death, even if you don't manage to find whatever the Scruffle thing is. What is it anyway?”
“I don't know. Some kind of animal rescue thing. You wash ‘em and comb ‘em out and it turns into some kinda animal.”
“Oh, a Sruff-a-Luv,” Jim said as realization hit him.
“You've heard of it?” Despite his best efforts, hope had found its way back into Bones’ voice.
“Yeah, dude, I bought some at the second shop we visitied.” Jim stood as he spoke, walking over to the car parked. He popped the trunk as Bones walked up, revealing the spoils of today’s adventures.
“But I asked at every shop we went to.”
Jim laughed. “Yeah, you asked for a Scruffling. It's a Scruff-a-Luv. They probably said no because they had no idea what you were talking about.”
“But you have some?”
“Yeah,” Jim said, rifling through the bags. He pulled out three packages. “I've got the dog, the bunny, and the bear. You can take your pick.”
“How much were they,” Boned asked as he reached for his wallet. Jim put his hand on Bones’ arm to stop him.
“Consider it a Christmas bonus.”
Bones laughed too. He couldn't believe his luck. “I could kiss you.”
“Save it for the office party, big guy,” Jim said with a wink, slamming the trunk shut.
@outside-the-government​ @martinawalker​ @thevalesofanduin​ @goingknowherewastaken​ @thefanficfaerie​ @slither-in-a-half​ @cuddlememerrick​ @reading-in-moonlight​​ @resistance-is-futile81​
Also this is a Scruff-A-Luv: 
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