#its honestly so sad and bewildering
illusioncanthurtme · 8 months
Ai bootlickers need to go back to preschool, or kindergarten, and they need to be handed some construction paper, and some elmer's glue, and some fucking crayons, and figure out what it feels like to fucking make something. I'm so sick and tired of hearing from people who have no clue what it means, or what it feels like, to be creative.
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foldingfittedsheets · 8 months
I feel like I told this tale previously but I cannot find any record of it and so here is the story told once again of the time my betrothed lost sight of their humanity.
I joke sometimes that my betrothed is really a superhuman hiding their secret identity. It honestly tracks based on how often they forget how strong regular people are. They accidentally hurt me just moving around and often overdo acts of strength. I’ve always been pretty waify so it’s bewildering to me.
On this occasion I was sitting calmly on our couch. Our kitchen has a cutout counter so you can see from the kitchen to the sliding glass door on the far side of the room. Between those two points, I lounged on the couch.
“Hey,” they said to me from the kitchen. I looked up.
They held up a mandarin orange, a small inoffensive fruit that didn’t deserve the fate what was about to befall it.
Now, a gentle underhanded toss could have easily brought the orange to me from where they stood in the kitchen. It could have plopped gently onto my lap if I failed to catch it.
But I think you know that’s not what happened.
Instead, they cocked their arm back for an overhand throw and launched the orange toward me with enough force that I heard it whistle past me. It flew in a blur at high enough velocity that it exploded into a mess of juice and dismay against the glass door.
Not only had they launched the orange fully across the room but there was no conceivable universe that they were even aiming at me, as it’s trajectory was easily two feet away from my placid couch body.
I stared in shock at the wrecked fruit and slowly turned to stare at my betrothed, who was equally stunned. I looked back at the orange juice dripping down the glass, the sad husk of its corpse laying burst and spent on the ground.
“Wh-…. Why?”
They couldn’t say. They had no idea what happened. They honestly thought they were doing a nice toss to me before they committed citrus crimes. But I know they just forgot to put on their human disguise and revealed their superpowers.
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rachalixie · 1 year
a/n: tiny little minho fluff sprinkled with a bit of hurt/comfort idk what this is honestly
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it’s when you just get home from your third time trying and failing to adopt a kitten from the animal shelter that you see it.
the plant you’ve been trying so hard to take care of is wilted beyond repair, brittle leaves either hanging on by a thread or fallen to the soil in the pot to decay. their sad appearance matches the feeling in your heart right now.
you drop to your knees by the pot, hands hovering over it trying to decide if you should help the limp stems stand back up again or water it or what even should you do right now?
“i think it’s dead,” minho pans from where he’s standing behind you, leaning over your body to peer at the sad excuse of a plant.
“i think you’re dead,” you bite back, gritting your teeth when it comes out wobbly from how tight your throat feels.
“that doesn’t even make sense,” he says, sounding a bit shocked when he kneels next to you and sees the beginning of tears brimming under your lashes. you try and hold them back, letting out a scoff, but one dribbles it’s way down your cheek anyways. “hey, baby it’s okay, we can get a new plant.”
“but i want this plant!” you almost wail, letting him gather you up in his arms as you let your control of your emotions go completely. you know you’re being a bit childish right now, crying over a cheap plant you bought from ikea, but it was a test. that you failed.
his eyes are a bit bewildered as he rubs a hand up and down your back, the other pressing your face into his chest, but he doesn’t say anything. he lets you get it out, let’s you tangle your hands into the back of his jacket that he’ll have to iron out later, let’s your saltwater tears dot his collar.
“it’s not the plant,” you mumble into his shirt once you’re all but wiped out, slumped half into him and half into the hardwood floor.
“i know,” his voice is soft even as it’s trickled with amusement, and you let out a huff of laughter. you can’t see his responding smile but you know it’s there. you know him.
“it’s just,” you start, leaning back and swiping the back of your hand across your face to clean it up. he holds your wrist back after a moment and resumes with his own hand, his sleeve covering his skin as he dabs at yours. “i can’t even keep a plant alive. how am i going to take care of a kitten?”
blunt realization crosses his face at your words, and he immediately shushes you.
“that’s completely different, and i know you know that. a plant can’t meow at you to tell you that it’s hungry, or scratch you when it’s upset. it can’t curl up on your lap when it wants attention.” you can see him almost lose himself in the metaphor before pulling himself back. complete cat boy. “and you’re not alone in this, okay? i’m going to be there the whole time. any gaps you leave, i’ll fill in for you. and you’ll fill in my gaps too, yeah?”
“yeah,” you can only respond, leaning forward again until your forehead thunks into his chest. “i was being ridiculous, wasn’t i?”
“maybe a little,” he teases, his hand resuming its precious trek up and down your spine. “but isn’t that better than not caring at all?”
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Imagine GER just finding darling and bringging them to Giorno out of nowhere (as a first meeting, Giorno not knowing darling beforehand)
My stand brought in a stranger and I end up obsessed with them?! That’s a wild thought for Giorno honestly.
Also don’t ask me how this devolved into a weird mix of headcanon/scenario either
I’m seeing somehow, some way, GER anticipated Giorno’s potentially developing feelings for you. He’d be so bewildered his own stand brought him a person, it’s so unexpected that the two of you end being confused not quite sure what to do at first. Since Giorno is the head of the mafia now, he has all sort of potential issues that could arise in it, thus leading you into danger.
There’s really no time in being upset at his stand, there really isn’t a point either. The blond decides to profusely apologize firstly, and he’s not quite sure how you got here. He puts on the gentlest smile he can muster deciding to guide you through this confusing situation. Ironically all of this worrying about you, probably leads to an obsession.
He of course has Mista help him through this, and to no surprise his jaw is wide open when Giorno straight tells him his stand brought you there.
You are eventually taken home, with seeing little of the estate Giorno was staying on. He distracts you as much as possible with casual conversation, he even rides home with you, knowing that’s still a compromising position on both his and your end. He’s certain you’ve accepted what happened and will likely keep it to yourself. The blond could likely leave it be, if he drops it now everything would be fine…
He doesn’t end up dropping it however, it starts off slow, with him keeping an eye out for any increase in crime in your area. Small little excuses that Giorno tells himself needs to be addressed. He ends up figuring out where you work, maybe stages a few people around other local businesses. Unbeknownst to you, you were now under the protection of the mafia.
Any criminal issues, or even abusive behavior is abruptly addressed and taken care of, it’s almost frightening how quick it happens. You’re rather unnerved at how some people look the other way when you walk by. Especially those you might have had a hard time with. There’s a few times you feel like you’re followed, but nothing comes of it. But hey that little garden you had bloomed to life so much, it looked like something out of a fantasy.
You had a feeling who was responsible for all of this, aside from the garden. (You had no clue Giorno was behind helping that flourish). What were you supposed to say? You couldn’t exactly call the police? And you knew people would just tell you to keep your head down. Did you do something wrong?
Ah your heart was starting to palpitate from panicking, one of your coworkers asked if you were alright. You tell them you think you need to go lie down, luckily they were understanding and happy to cover the rest of your shift. Leaving you to walk home shortly after lunch, your eyes casted down on the ground.
Nothing would happen…it would be okay. Yeah, just breathe….
Getting home your hands tremble while putting your key into the keyhole. A click and turn later you rushed inside, until you spot something in your kitchen. It wasn’t there this morning, at least not in the state and type of flowers that were there.
A vase that you usually put cut flowers in, which before you were left for work were in a sad, wilting state, and needed to be composted or thrown out, were replaced by a gorgeous bouquet. There was even a butterfly on one of the petals, slowly opening and closing its wings. You couldn’t really keep your eyes off it either…
It was beautiful, but it sent a sense of dread through you rather than comfort they usually would. Who ended up placing those there? They seemed to know what they had been doing with how they were cut.
Poor butterfly, did it accidentally get trapped in here too? You could at least relate to the feeling of being trapped. Free to roam but enclosed in a strange space at the same time? Was that really freedom?
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blossoms-phan · 26 days
Isn't is crazy how 2 people can watch the same video and come to 2 such vastly different conclusions? The unbelievable contrast between the "they know exactly what they are doing to us by posting this but look how happy and open dnp are being, they are not even trying to hide anymore" vs "they look so uncomfortable, it was hard for me to watch and it's sad they had to keep reinforcing how they were playing as friends throughout to stop people getting the wrong idea. It is wrong that they have been forced by their sponsors to play this couples game when the company knows how much they want to distance themselves from any of the false relationship narrative."
Aside from the fact that the idea that rich adult men with established careers were being forced to do anything by a board game company is utterly bewildering, it is mad that there seems to be such a clear divide in opinion about anything that could be perceived as dnp "relationship" content. People seem to have very strong and unwavering opinions, even when their views clearly make no sense.
Sorry, this is already too long, but whilst i am ranting anyway, some people still massively underestimate the power dnp have. They don't need to do anything anymore. Big Boardgame Ltd probably would have forced an end to the hiatus long ago if they did. It is just such an insult to dnp to consider not only their brand, but also their own self worth weak enough at this point in their life/career to think they would be forced to do anything for a paycheck. These are not naive, broke little boys, these are smart, savy businessmen and some people really need to start respecting that more imo.
yeah i mean i agree with you anon, sorry im late to these and keep rehashing the same discussion (twt has probably already had like 3 discourses since then its their favourite thing to do) but i really don't get where people were getting the latter view from. im not gonna say anyone is wrong for having their own opinion but genuinely at this point if you don't recognize that dnp know what they're doing and their entire relationship with us and what they say about their personal relationship is based on control now and has been for years than idk what to tell you. like you said they don't have to do anything they don't want to anymore, they've made it so clear how they do things differently now and say no more often and the thought of them being "forced" to do this is so crazy lmfao like i promise that's not and will never be the case. they are pretty damn smart and aware of what they're doing, they know we'll eat up anything they give us but they're just more comfortable being themselves in general now and playing a "date night" game in their own way is honestly not the craziest thing and pretty on par with the way we've been steamrolling the past couple of months. they don't have to say We Are Dating, just playing the game and acknowledging how well they know each other is enough and literally anyone can conclude those are life partners. plus i always say this but they're not technically wrong in saying friend or buddy so what's the harm in toying a little with the narrative (that once again they've been in control of for years now)
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shortcakecuties · 2 months
HxH squad with a Madoka Kaname!reader 💫
Hii yall!! Its my first hcs!!! Might be ooc ^^; all of these are platonic btw!!
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Gon ☆
He finds a portal to a labyrinth somehow and he was curious enough to go through it...
When he found his way to the actual witch and saw you fighting for your life, he was amazed at your skills and without nen?!
Hes literally mesmerised but he knew he had to help you!
He tries to help you with his own nen and eventually both of u are literally friends!!
He invites you to the friend group and you meet the rest of them that way.
When you tell him the truth of your job as a magical girl, hes disturbed and denied it by promising he wont ever let you turn into a witch!!! Spoiler alert: he failed...
Doesnt think your wish was in vain!
Trains with you constantly due to a fear of you turning into a witch.
He finds your kindness admirable even in your harsh circumstances and wishes he was like that too.
Brings you out on adventures with him and killua! He wants to be with you as much as possible and show you the wonders of the world
He cares a lot about you especially knowing you dont have much time left to live.
Killua ☆
Was with gon in the labyrinth and thought if he was in another world.
Was lowkey against making friends with a random person fighting in a strange place but hes met worse somehow
Amazed at your strength without nen because he had yet to meet a magical girl and found them a little stupid but here we are...
He dislikes the fact that you're only strong because of a wish, but finds your transformation silly and strange.
Plays around with your bow a lot and whenever you have it, sometimes it will be snatched by him
When you tell him about your wish, he doesnt seem very pleased, however he wont pick at it too much since you're sacrificing your life for it
He finds impressive that you were just a normal person before this yet you tried to be brave and help others
Hes a little confused of your hospitality because you have a lot of stuff on your plate already
Not the best at showing his emotions especially knowing that you're not going to be around a lot, he tries to be a little reserved
Feels bad about your fate as a magical girl and will try to help and be a better friend
You change him a lot and hes definitely more grateful for you!!
Likes to tease you about your kindness and naivety...smh.
Honestly being with him is either fun or a little annoying but nonetheless, him and gon just really brighten up your life >v<
Kurapika ☆
Met you through gon and killua!
Hes a little bewildered that magical girls actually exist
When you overhear about his line of work and goals you have a great idea to help him!!
Immediately he rejects because he doesnt want to drag a child with him to hunt down for the eyes, plus it's a personal problem !!
However if he did accept help (somehow) hes a little skeptical since your so naive and doubts you're going to help
Fortunately he was proved wrong!! You helped him track down the target and slow them down by shooting them with your arrows
Works with you for a while and gains your trust so you decide to tell the truth
Any wish? Just to kill witches? There has to be a catch. He was a little disappointed you fell for it but nonetheless once you tell him, he helps you hunt down witches with his limited power
Has a pang of guilt and sadness everytime he remembers your contract, because one of these days hes going to be all alone again without you accompanying him with his missions
Appreciates you more and gives you little gifts since he cant offer you a lot of time due to his job
Even though it's looking grim, he does not lose all hope. He doesnt want to lose another loved one.
Leorio ☆
He cant believe it like for real??? You're a magical girl???
Met you through gon and killua too! You're a little suspicious of him considering the stories killua told you...
Although you two grow close due to his want to care for others and you relate cuz you protect basically the world and universe!!!
You two are an iconic duo tbh...
Not surprised if he becomes a magical dude because of you
When he first saw a witch, he was lowkey terrified like wtf is that hello??? You're a kid how are you fighting those crazy monsters???
Says he'll protect you cuz hes older and stronger!!! That is a lie, you end up protecting him instead 😭
Even though hes quite terrified he tries to help here and there!!
Definitely nurses you back to good health if you got damaged badly in a battle
Gets really emotional when he finds out your fate and tries so hard to find at least something to always purify your soul gem at all times without a grief seed
Misses you when he has to go back and focus on his studies and not go on crazy adventures to hunt down witches
Probably calls you daily just to know what you're doing and sends those like good morning stickers Facebook moms use
Congrats leorio is now your older brother!!!
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- Serenity 💫
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httplilyyy · 2 years
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pairing: katie mccabe x reader, arsenal x reader
request(s): ‘could you possibly write something with katie mccabe x reader? maybe katie being a hard ass on the pitch and being a softie with reader, perhaps fans shipping them and then katie confesses to reader after a game?’ & ‘katie mccabe x oblivious reader where katie gets jealous and reader finds it hot but is confused’
summary: an oblivious reader and a jealous mccabe, what could go wrong? (nothing really).
warnings: nothing but fluff other than the occasional swear word and my god awful writing
word count: 3.1k
a/n: this is my first time writing for katie mccabe so i hope its up to standards and is somewhat alright. i also realised i didn’t really focus on the requests and got a little sidetracked but it follows the same concept :)
woso masterlist
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It was clear to everyone that Katie had her eye on someone and that someone happened to be you. Yet, you were the only one who couldn't see it.
It bewildered everyone, hint after hint you still didn’t catch onto Katie’s antics only thinking she was being friendly.
Although Katie really liked you, it was slowly getting to a point where she was starting to lose hope. Desperately trying not to be weighed down by not making any progress.
Deciding to graft extra hard, Katie made it her mission to let you know how she felt and if that didn't work, she wouldn't know what to do.
“Hey, y/l/n.” Katie smiled, walking up to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“Hey, McCabe.” You chuckled, leaning into the woman beside you as the two of you made your way to the coach where the rest of the team was waiting for you.
“Ready to make North London red?”
“Of course.” You smiled.
“Here come the love birds.” Jen teased, watching as you and Katie approached the team.
“Shush, Beattie. We’re just friends.” You replied, shaking your head and letting out a laugh.
At the little harmless comment you made about being ‘just friends’ Katie dropped her arm from your shoulder and let a stoic expression take form on her face.
You turned your head, wondering why Katie put some distance between the two of you, raising an eyebrow in question.
The Irish woman just shook her head a little, looking down at the floor as she found a seat for herself on the coach.
“What was that about?” You asked, looking back and forth between Jen and the door to the coach.
Jen didn't say anything, instead she just let out a small sigh, sending you a smile before walking onto the coach herself, leaving you even more confused than you were before.
Following Jen, you made your way onto the coach and went to find a place to sit. Walking further down the coach you placed your bag over head and sat yourself down with Katie.
“What was that all about?” You questioned in a hushed tone.
“What was what about?” Katie replied, trying to act like she didn’t know what you were talking about.
“Outside and now, you look sad.” You said, turning your body so you were facing Katie more.
“I’m fine, honestly. Just got the jitters, I guess.”
“McCabe getting the jitters? Wow, something must be wrong.” You teased earning a small chuckle from the woman beside you.
“Ha ha, very funny.” Kate said, trying not to let a smile slip past her lips.
“Of course, I am hilarious.”
“And humble.” Katie said sarcastically.
“Hey!” You said, smacking the Irish woman gently on the arm.
The two of you continued to converse for the rest of the journey to Tottenham’s stadium. The teasing not letting up from either of you, causing you both to laugh harder and harder each time, earning knowing looks from your teammates.
Once you had arrived at the stadium, everyone began to pile out of the coach. You and Katie, however, decided to take your time leading to the two of you being the last ones off the coach.
The girls “ooh’d” as you were followed by Katie coming down the stairs of the coach. You waved them off with a smile, once again saying that nothing would happen between the two of you.
“What were you two up to?” Lotte said, a certain tone underlying her voice.
“Not what you are thinking about.” You replied with a chuckle.
“Yeah, y/l/n here can only dream.” Katie said with a smile trying to hide the painful feeling in her heart.
“Come on girls!” Jonas called out.
You and your teammates eased up on your conversations and followed behind Jonas, walking into the stadium and to the locker room.
Changing your clothes and into your kit, you put on a jumper over the top, ready for the warm up.
The warm up went by quickly and before you knew it you were standing behind Leah in the tunnel waiting to walk out onto the pitch.
Shaking the oppositions hands you had a little team talk before going to stand in your position, waiting for the ref to blow their whistle and for the game to start.
You had won the coin toss and it was chosen that Arsenal was to kick off. Standing with the ball at your feet you took a look at your teammates, determination etched onto your face.
Once the ref blew their whistle, you passed the ball to Beth and the game was underway. The game was gruelling from the start, each team putting in their all from the get go.
Arsenal had a few chances and Tottenham even less. Tackles were being made left, right and centre, each of them becoming harder than the last.
You could feel the fans wince every time someone went down, noticeable grimaces on their faces.
After one particular foul from Ashleigh Neville on Lia, you were prepared to get a yellow whether that's from a tackle or for sticking up for your teammates.
It got to the thirty-sixth minute when Arsenal had a chance. Beth was running down the wing and sent in a weighted ball straight to your feet.
Not having the chance to control the ball due to having two defenders surrounding you, you hit the ball first time, smashing your laces through the ball, you watched as it soared through the air just out of the keepers reach and into the top corner.
The stadium erupted into cheers, the ground practically shaking. You felt someone jump on your back whilst some other girls ran over to celebrate.
The game started up again and it was as if Arsenal had found a new fire from within. For the rest of the first half, Tottenham struggled to keep the ball and found it hard to get it out of their own half.
As a result of this, Sozua managed to get a goal from a corner. The header slotting perfectly in the bottom left corner.
Once the ref blew their whistle for half time you, along with your teammates, made your way back to the locker room with an extra skip in your step.
“Hey, nice goal.” Katie smiled as she sat beside you near your locker.
“Thanks.” You replied, taking a sip from your drink.
The two of you sat in a comfortable silence but you were soon to catch onto Katies nervous fidgeting. Leg bouncing up and down, restless fingers drumming on her thigh.
You gently placed a hand on Katie's thigh, taking her hand into yours and resting it in her lap. You raised an eyebrow in question and silently asked if she was alright.
Getting a small smile in return you were about to pull your hand away when you felt Katie grip onto it harder.
“Are you doing anything later?” The woman asked, nervousness settling back in.
“I think the girls want to go out, whether we win or not and I was thinking of going, why?”
“No reason.” Katie said, sending you a smile albeit it seemed sad.
“I’d like it if you were there.” You said, nudging your shoulder into hers.
“Mhm, if you dont go then I won't.”
“Okay, I guess I'll see you and everyone else later.”
You and your teammates were soon called back out and the game started back up again.
The second half went much quicker than the first and, much to your dismay, the tackles never ceased. Arsenal managed to score a third before you were subbed off for Viv, where you sat on the bench next to Katie.
As the match continued, Katie was subbed on and rather than concentrating on the game you couldn’t steer your eyes away from a certain Irish woman. After Beth got subbed off, the two of you made little comments about certain plays here and there as well as shouting when a player went down.
Expecting no less, Katie was being brutal when it came to her tackles, earning herself a yellow after only being on the pitch for twenty minutes.
Unbeknownst to you, after every tackle, pass and shot taken by Katie she would discreetly look at you. Hoping that you were watching her in some way, smiling to herself once she sees any sign of you looking at her.
When the final whistle blew everyone let out a sigh of relief, thankful for no more tackles coming their way. The game ended with a four-nil victory and it was safe to say everyone was going to go out.
You walked onto the pitch and went around shaking the opposition's hand once again before walking around the stadium to speak to the fans that came to watch.
After many selfies, signatures and short conversations you had managed to get around to almost everyone as well as giving your shirt away in the process.
“You're drooling.” Manu teased as she came up beside Katie, nudging her as she stared at you.
“Shut up.” Katie mumbled, unable to tear her eyes away from your frame, watching as your eyes lit up talking to the fans and smiling after getting praised for the way you played.
“You gonna make a move yet?” Manu asked, sending a knowing glance at the woman beside her.
“She doesn’t feel the same way.” Katie said sadly, finally taking her eyes off of you.
“You don’t know that.” Manu said supportively. “Try and talk to her at the club and if you're lucky you might get to take them home.”
Katie let out a huffed chuckle at the wink the goalkeeper sent her way before walking off and back to the locker room.
“Y/l/n.” Jonas called out to you, making your head turn towards him. “You’re needed for an interview.”
Taking one last photo with someone you sent a smile to the fans before making your way to the interviewer.
“Hey.” You smiled as you approached the woman who was going to interview you.
Throughout the interview a common theme was occurring. The woman in front of you couldn't seem to keep her hands off you.
Trying to laugh her advances off you looked to the side multiple times silently begging for someone to come and save you. What made matters worse was you didn't pick up a coat or a spare top before going into the interview.
You stood in front of a camera and a very handsy interviewer with only your sports bra and shorts on.
It was as if God had answered your prayers once you saw Katie making her way towards you, a coat in hand and a not so happy look on her face.
“You must be very strong to keep those defenders off you when scoring that goal.” The interviewer said as she placed her hand on your bicep and gave it a little squeeze before moving her hand down your arm and onto your stomach, brushing her fingers over your abdomen.
“Okay, that’s enough of this interview.” Katie said as she stood behind you, wrapping the coat around your shoulders, covering your front.
“But we were just getting started.” The lady replied, sending a wink your way and an ugly expression towards Katie.
“That’s a shame, but I really don’t give a shit so bye.” Katie deadpanned, sending a fake smile before walking off and pulling you along with her.
“Thanks for that.” You said appreciatively.
“She should be fired.” Katie muttered, shaking her head, steam practicalling coming out of her ears.
“Hey, it’s okay.” You said, stopping causing Katie to pause as well. You placed your hands on either side of her face, thumbs gently brushing past her cheek bones.
“It’s not, she touched you inappropriately.” Katie huffed, closing her eyes trying to calm herself down.
“How about we forget about it and go celebrate our win?” You suggested.
“Yeah, okay. I could use a drink.”
“You and me both.” You chucked.
It was a couple of hours later and you were with all your teammates in some random club in London. Cheap booze and sweat lingering in the air along with drunken bodies swarming the dance floor.
Making your way over to the bar with a couple of your teammates, ordering for yourselves and the ones trying to find a table for you all.
After spending a little too much on drinks you took as many as you could in your hands and made your way to the others.
After many drinks, shots and poor choices you stumbled over to the bar, choosing to go for a water so you won't be dying of a terrible hangover in the morning.
You swirled the straw in your glass, watching as your teammates did some questionable dance moves. Letting out a soft laugh you turned back to the bar, asking for another water.
“Questionable drink of choice.” Someone said as they sat beside you. “Water at a club, not seen that before.”
“Yeah,” you chuckled, taking another sip, “I prefer not to be half way down the toilet.”
“Very true.” They laughed. “I’m surprised you haven’t recognised me yet.”
“Wait- oh my god!”
“What are you doing here?”
“Wanted to see an old friend.” They shrugged with a smile.
As you continued to converse with your friend beside you, the looks by your teammates went unnoticed by you.
They saw the way you would laugh at something your friend said, hand touching their arm before going back to your drink. Your body position completely focused on the person sitting beside you.
“What do they have that I don't?” Katie asked, completely misreading the situation.
“Oh, Katie.” Leah said softly.
“It’s not fair.” Katie mumbled, her grip tightening on her drink.
“Why don’t you go over there?” Jordan questioned.
“I can’t.” Katie said dejectedly. “They look too happy.”
“Maybe y/n’s just being friendly?” Beth piped up.
“Yeah right.” The Irish woman scoffed, taking a big gulp of her drink before placing the glass back on to the table. “I’m going home.”
“Wait Katie-” The girls tried but it was no use as the Irish woman had already made a beeline for the doors, walking out and onto the streets of London.
It wasn’t long after when you decided to end the conversation with your friend and head back to your teammates. After a quick hug goodbye and an exchange of numbers you walked back over to the girls.
“Hey, where's McCabe gone?” You questioned as you stood looking at everyone.
“She went home,” Jen replied, “how’s your new girlfriend?”
“Huh?” You said, confused.
“You were chatting someone up by the bar.”
“Oh, God no. That was just an old friend.” You chuckled.
When the girls didn’t laugh or send you a smile you were quickly put into a state of utter confusion.
“Wait, do you think I was cracking on with them?” You asked.
“I mean, that's what it looked like from over here.” Lia said, shrugging her shoulders.
“Oh, God.” You muttered, slumping your shoulders and hanging your head, looking at the floor.
“You might want to go see Katie.” Leah suggested.
“Wait, why?” You questioned, lifting your head up from your gaze on the ground.
“Why do you think? She loves you.”
“She loves me?” You repeated softly.
“Yes, now go!” The girls said together.
“Oh. Oh. OH.” You said frantically. “Okay, do you think I should get her something or-”
“Just go.”
“Alright, I'm going.” You said raising your hands in defence and walking backwards before turning around to make your way out of the club.
As you made your way towards Katie’s place the heavens had decided to open up, causing you to become soaked by the rain. Speeding up your pace, you spotted a little shop and you quickly made your way inside.
Searching through the tiny shop you brought some flowers before heading back out into the rain.
You finally arrived at Katie’s place, knocking on her door as you stood on her doorstep, drenched from the downpour you had just walked through.
To say Katie was surprised to see you standing in front of her when she opened her door was an understatement.
“Hey.” You smiled, clutching onto the flowers that you held close to your body.
“Hi.” Katie smiled back, although it wasn’t near enough as big as yours.
“I got these for you.” You said, holding the flowers for Katie to take but now looking at them they looked very worse for wear, water dripping off them as they sagged around your hand.
“Y/n.” Katie chuckled softly.
“They looked better when I brought them, I promise.” You internally groaned as you tried to hide your face in them.
“No, no, I love them.” Katie said, gently taking them out of your hands.
“I’m sorry.” You smiled weakly, looking down, toeing the ground.
“What for?”
“For being oblivious.” You said.
“Yeah, oh.” You mumbled. “If I knew you liked me before then I would’ve made a move.”
“You like me?” Katie asked cautiously.
“Yeah, loads and this isn’t really how I wanted to confess said feelings but it's better late than never and with you being jealous and all-”
“Oh shut up,” Katie mumbled, grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you in for a searing kiss.
You took a hold of Katie’s waist and pulled her into you, smiling into the kiss. Stepping forward, you turned and pushed Katie against her front door.
Katie let out a small whine at the action, desperately tugging at the collar of your top, trying to bring you closer.
Trailing down Katie’s neck, you left open kisses from her jaw to her collarbone. Sucking partially hard on a certain spot, Katie let a whine escape from her lips.
You pulled away, smiling at the expression painted on Katie’s face. Lips bruised, hair dishevelled, chest rising and falling rapidly but still looked like the most beautiful person on the planet.
“I- that was- wow.” You said, struggling to find what to say.
“Such a way with words.” Katie chuckled.
“I really like you and I really don’t want to mess this up.” you admitted, pointing between the two of you.
“I really like you too.” Katie smiled. “But you already knew that.”
“Well, not really.” You said sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck.
“I'll let you off.”
“It’s ‘cause you love me.” you teased dragging out the ‘o’ in love.
“Not there yet,” Katie smiled, “but how about you come inside and we can finish off what we started.”
“No need to tell me twice.” You rushed out, being pulled by Katie as you kicked the door closed.
It was safe to say you were very thankful for jealous Katie that night, unlike the neighbours.
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floralseokjin · 1 year
⤑ 9 months to fall in love 24.
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It seems like everyone around you is either already in love, or in the process of falling, and while normally you couldn’t give a damn, finding out the co-worker you’ve had a teensy crush on is dating someone else at the office seems to sucker punch you right in the gut. It’s stupid, and you’re irritated at yourself, but you can’t seem to shake out of the funk you’ve fallen face first in.
Feeling lonely and heartsore, and mad for no reason, during drinks with your best friend you spot a man at the bar. Tequila confident, you make your way over to the stranger, and successfully one thing leads to another. The next morning you leave before he’s woken up, feeling satisfied in one way, but still as discontented as ever. Telling yourself it was an inebriated mistake, you quickly try to forget about it.
Only, three weeks later that night comes back to haunt you – in a very unescapable way…
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pairing; kim seokjin x f reader au/genre; unplanned pregnancy, strangers to lovers, slow burn, romance (dare I say romcom in places), smut, angst, (melo)drama, dual pov words; 4,073
warnings/includes (!) honestly nothing but happiness 
⟶ ao3 link
*inspired by the manhwa ‘Positively Yours.’
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↪︎ series index
SEASON THREE ⇤ previous | epilogue ⇥
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As soon as you held your daughter, you forgot the last twelve hours. The relief of no more pain, not another urge to push, no awful burning sensation – was immediate. But what was even stronger, was the relief that she was finally here. In your arms. Warm and soft. Small and fragile. Your vision blurred, but you blinked the tears away. Your heart felt like it was expending against your ribs. The love you already had for her impossibly doubling in strength. You couldn’t put a word on this feeling – you’d never felt it before. All you knew was that it was overwhelming in the best possible way. 
You held her to you as gently as possible, not wanting to let her go, studying her as if this was your only chance. As if someone was going to come and take her away from you. Her mop of black hair, her squished, beautiful face. Eyes open, large and dark as she gazed blankly at her new, bewildering surroundings. She had no clue what was happening right now but that was okay. She had you to look after her. You brushed over her cute button nose, carefully skimmed her full rosebud lips – definitely taking after her dad there. 
With that thought, you abruptly remembered where you were. It had only been a few moments since she’d been placed on your chest, but they had been enough to blank out everything and everyone. Seokjin. You looked up, seeing all of his attention on your daughter, gaze mystified. When you noticed a tear track down his cheek, you froze, momentarily caught off guard. You’d seen him sad, angry and overcome with emotion, but you’d never seen his tears. You reached for him with the arm that wasn’t supporting Sarang’s head and wiped the tear clinging to his chin. He blinked, your touch pulling him out of the trance he was under. Sniffing, a small, bashful smile appeared on his face as he wiped at his eyes. But he had nothing to be embarrassed about. He leaned in closer, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and kissed your clammy temple. 
You were a mess. Your hair had fallen out of its ponytail, tendrils plastered to your face with sweat. Thinking about it now, you were exhausted – quite possibly delirious with it. You could barely recall giving birth but your aching body could.  
“She’s here,” you whispered to him, watching as he ever so carefully stroked a thumb over Sarang’s round forehead, heart clenching. 
“She is,” he whispered back, marvelling when she peered at him with fuzzy eyes. She might not be able to take things in right now, but she could hear his voice. Could she recognise it? “Hello, Sarang,” he said softly, stroking a finger over her chin. 
“She’s perfect.” Your voice trembled with emotion and exhaustion. 
“She’s beautiful,” he smiled, “just like you.” 
Cradling Sarang’s tiny body with both hands, you moved forward as Seokjin leaned in to kiss your mouth, a hand holding the back of your head, the other touching your baby. “I love you,” you said.
He pressed a kiss to your nose while stroking your ear. “I love you. You’re amazing.”   
The next couple of hours went by in a whirlwind. 
You were encouraged to try breastfeeding immediately while Sarang was awake and alert, and delightfully, she took almost straight away. It didn’t last very long but she seemed content, her large eyes blinking slowly, already sleepy. From there, you passed the placenta and the umbilical cord was cut and clamped. They performed a physical on Sarang, (having her leave your arms was torture) and measured and weighed her. She was a pudding (an adorable one) at 8 pounds and 12 ounces – bigger than her father as a newborn by nearly half a pound! Still, it could have been worse. You didn’t need stiches! (“You have a sturdy vagina,” Yeonja would tell you a few hours later…) 
After that, and while Sarang was clothed and asleep, you were checked over and afterwards your midwife helped you wash and freshen up while the bed covers were changed. Then, you and Seokjin were left in private, which meant you both just watched wondrously over Sarang’s cot. That was until you got tired, able to get an hour or two in before she woke and wanted to try feeding again. In that time, Seokjin shared the good news with everyone, showing them pictures he’d already started snapping. 
It wasn’t until mid-afternoon did you feel like having visitors. You didn’t exactly feel human again, but it was as good as it was going to get for now, and you had two sets of very eager parents, as well as a brother and sister who desperately wanted to see their baby niece before they had to take the train back for school tomorrow. And a Yuna. Don’t forget you had a Yuna. She didn’t know who to fuss over first – you or Sarang. 
It was lovely to see everyone, but you found it hard to concentrate, most of your attention stolen by the beautiful daughter in your arms. And besides, you already preferred it just being you, Seokjin and your baby… In your own tiny, happy bubble. After months of waiting, you were finally a family. 
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The next morning, Seokjin left early (and reluctantly) to retrieve the car seat from the house. While he was there, he was going to take a shower too, so you were surprised when half hour later there was a knock at the door. Not only was it impossible for him to be back so quickly, but he also probably wouldn’t knock to come in. 
It turned out to be your father. He and Yeonja had stayed an extra night at the hotel but needed to head back home earlier than expected today for work. Yeonja was grabbing them breakfast a couple of streets down, but she’d be here soon to say goodbye. He immediately made a beeline for Sarang’s cot and it was almost strange to see such a look of pure, unabashed affection on your father’s face as he gazed down at his granddaughter. Not in a bad way, it actually made you feel quite emotional – but then again so were most things right now. You’d almost cried when Seokjin kissed you goodbye. 
“She’s beautiful just like her mom,” your dad said, smiling down at a sleeping Sarang. 
You’d only just put her down after giving her a feed. Your first night as a mom hadn’t been so bad. Yes, you’d barely gotten any sleep, Sarang waking up every couple of hours for some tasty colostrum. But you liked it that way, finding yourself reassured everything was okay and that she was healthy. Plus, Seokjin was there to keep you company, looking on raptly as if he didn’t want to miss one single moment. You’d already started picking up on her cues, knowing she wanted to feed when she started sucking on her tiny fist and making soft murmuring noises that made your heart clench. That, or she’d let out fragile little cries until you reached for her. 
“That’s what Seokjin said,” you laughed. 
Your dad looked over at you, his smile turning lopsided. “The man’s smitten.” 
You didn’t know whether he meant smitten with you or Sarang. Probably both, you told yourself, making you smile too. “You can hold her if you want,” you told him. 
He shook his head. “She’s sleeping.” 
“That’s okay. Go ahead.” By your estimations, she wouldn’t be for very long anyway. 
Ever so carefully, your dad reached down, gathering Sarang up and making sure to support her head. Your daughter slept on peacefully. You were silent for a moment, watching him gaze down at her and realising this was his first time. Your murky brain recalled he hadn’t held her yesterday, letting everyone else get their fill while he watched on with a small smile on his face. Now, he was leaning in, pressing his nose against her soft black hair, taking in that baby smell you couldn’t get enough of. 
“I remember when you were born,” he said eventually, voice more or less a whisper in case he woke Sarang. “I was too scared to touch you—to pick you up. You cried the hospital down the first time, which didn’t help. Hyesoo said I was just being silly. Well,” he chuckled, shaking his head, “that’s putting it nicely.” 
You snorted softly. Knowing your mom, she wouldn’t have used the word ‘silly’ where your father was concerned. It was probably something a lot meaner. You didn’t know how to feel about that. Trying to imagine you and Seokjin having a relationship like your parents once had was impossible. 
But mentioning your mom only made you miss her. She might not have been a perfect person, nobody was, but she was your mother and she had been perfect to you. She had loved you and you’d loved her. You still did, a love like that didn’t go away just because they had. 
“I wish she was here right now,” you murmured, your throat dry. You wished she was here, period. 
“I know, ____,” you father said sombrely. Then his mouth quirked into a slight smile. “She would be in her element. Your mom was a natural. She was born to be a mother.” He swallowed, staring down at Sarang hard. “I know it sounds corny, but she just… She loved you so fiercely.” 
Becoming a mother made you understand that feeling completely. You already loved Sarang so much it felt like you might burst when you looked at her. When you thought of her. What you felt for her was a little intimidating. Maternal love was powerful. You swiped a tear from under your eye as your dad placed Sarang back in the cot, gazing at her still. 
After a moment, he spoke again. “I’m so sorry.” 
You knew what he was apologising for, and you didn’t want to hear it anymore. “It’s okay. Things are different now.” 
“They are,” he agreed, looking over at you, giving you a small, determined nod. “I’m going to be there for Sarang always. Even if she says she doesn’t want it. Even if she doesn’t need it.” 
“She’ll always need you, you’re her granddaddy.” 
He stared at you, silent understanding passing between you both. He knew what you meant, what you were trying to tell him, just like you understood him. This was your second chance. He walked over and kissed the top of your head, surprising you. “Love you, kid.” 
Those three words made you grin. He used to tell you that when you were young. You’d cherished them until they’d turned into something that had caused you inexplicable hurt. Now, they only felt good. They felt safe and warm and as truthful as he’d always meant them. 
“I’m so proud of you, always have been,” he continued, voice thick with emotion. 
“I love you too, dad.” 
Once upon a time it had been hard to express your love to the people around you, but not anymore. It was getting easier each time. 
As you waited for Yeonja to arrive, you realised something. Your father had been the first person to break your heart. All this time you’d thought it was Taehyung, but before that it had been your dad. He had left and you had blamed him, despite realising it was the right thing to do with age. Mistakes had been made on both ends, but now you had Sarang, and it was because of her you and your father could try again. For real this time. It was all you could ask for. 
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Sarang’s second night was nothing like her first. Maybe it was the change in setting, or maybe she was more aware of her surroundings by now, but it felt like she was up the entire night. When you tried to feed her, she started to struggle with latching on. Exhausted, you could feel yourself becoming more and more anxious, worried that there was something wrong because she’d been feeding well at the birth centre but now she seemed fussier. Seokjin tried to be your voice of reason, but you could tell he was concerned too. Being first time parents, you felt out of your depth. You tried to recall everything you’d learned at breast feeding class, but all you could really concentrate on were Sarang’s cries, the sounds distressing you to tears. 
At 4am, at your wits’ end, you tried one more time and miraculously, after a few moments, you felt the gentle tugging sensation that told you she was feeding. So relieved, you stared down at her for the entire time, stroking her cheek and nose with the pad of your finger. When she was sated, you passed her over to Seokjin to burp, while you went to pee (and have a slight moment in the bathroom). When you came back, the sight that greeted you made you smile – even if it was an exhausted and emotional one. Seokjin had Sarang lying face down across his lap as he rubbed her back, supporting her chin with his hand, just like he’d been shown in one of the classes you’d attended. When he saw you, he shot you a proud, if not slightly scared, smile, as if to silently say: Look I’m doing it right – I think. 
When you got back into bed, you held her to your chest again, the feel of your skin and body warmth lulling her to sleep. Seokjin was the one who placed her back inside her crib, because you had fallen half asleep, and thankfully, after that, you both managed to get a couple of hours in before Sarang woke hungry again. 
The following nights were mostly a repeat of that, except Sarang no longer struggled with latching on. By then, your milk had started coming in and your breasts were fuller. Gradually Sarang was getting into a pattern, and you loved seeing her adorable little fist clutch on to you as she fed, her eyes drooping drowsily as she slowly fell asleep. 
Your days weren’t filled with much difference. At first, you found it pointless getting out of bed, especially when you were trying to nap every time Sarang was, but you knew you couldn’t keep doing that. You needed some form of routine. But that was easier said than done when you felt as though you were in the middle of the world’s longest period and suffering from afterpains. To top it all off, a blood test confirmed that you were anaemic again, but gratefully, Seokjin made sure you were eating iron-rich foods regularly. He wasn’t just there for you physically, but emotionally too, offering you encouragement and reassurance every time you needed it. You really wouldn’t know what to do without him, and you made sure to tell him that often. 
And not just him, but everyone else in your life helped in any way they could. Both sets of parents lived a short distance away, but they made sure to visit when they could, and one of Sarang’s first outings was to Seokjin’s parents’ home, where she met her uncle and aunt for the first time, as well as her very excitable cousins. Seeing Taeoh so happy to hold her, and with such care, made you tear up. If you thought being no longer pregnant would curb your emotions, you were wrong. If anything, you now cried even easier. Gone were the days when you seemed to only cry once a year. The floodgates were long broken. 
Your friends were great too. Yuna was always popping around when she had the time, fussing over her ‘adorable, beautiful niece’ and spoiling her something rotten even though she was barely weeks old. Although, if you were being honest, you thought your daughter preferred Jimin. She was always so content when he held her – not that you would say that to Yuna! Hoseok and Kang were equally as smitten. As were Namjoon and Yeeun, and everyone else who visited from work. 
Jungkook was the one who had fallen in love though. He was always calling himself Uncle Jungkook, and talking to her in one of those baby voices you were also guilty of doing. Only, when he did it, it made Haram practically swoon. One evening when he was visiting, Sarang let out the loudest fart in his arms. 
“Kim Sarang,” he gasped, thoroughly scandalised. 
“She gets that from her mother,” Seokjin said, sat next to Jungkook. He winced, then laughed when you whacked his arm. 
“Does not!” 
Another fart followed, only this one sounded wet and dangerous. 
“Let me,” Seokjin said, stretching his arms out for her because Jungkook was looking more disgusted by the second. “I’ll go change her.” 
“My pleasure,” Jungkook replied, looking as if he wanted to plug his nose. 
As Seokjin made his way upstairs, you watched him with a smile. A) Rather him than you. Sarang might be small and cute, but her waste was not, but B) Watching him dote on Sarang was beautiful. He was a natural, truly. Just yesterday, you’d caught him singing some nonsense song to her complete with its own choreography. It would be a while until she started laughing, but once she did, you had no doubts Seokjin would be a pro at making her do so. 
“Wanna stick around?” you asked Jungkook, taking the moment to sink back into the couch and let it try to absorb you. “You can witness a bath time? Sarang’s, not mine,” you added, earning a snot from him. “I think we’re ordering take out, too.” 
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Sarang’s cries jolted you from your sleep. You didn’t need to look at the clock to know it was 2am. Time for her second feed of the night. More than three hours of sleep in a row was now an unknown concept. You got out of bed with the ease of an expert, padding towards her cot. You’d swapped it for the wicker crib just last week. You wanted Sarang with you for a few months, not weeks like you’d previously thought. Your father’s hard work needed to be appreciated – and she needed to get used to it. Only thing was, she looked so tiny in just a giant thing, but that was a good thing, you reminded yourself. 
It already felt like she was growing so fast, time soaring by; it made you emotional. (What didn’t?) Seeing her small in her cot reminded you she wasn’t even a month old. You had so much time left. But a little longer would be better. Always. 
As soon as you took her in your arms, her cries quieted. Instead, she raised her tiny, wobbly fist to her mouth and began to suck hungrily. Okay, hint taken. You got into bed carefully, not wanting to rouse Seokjin. He had a habit of waking up with you, unless he was truly knocked out. You appreciated it, but he couldn’t keep it up. He would be back at work again soon. The realisation made you sad each time. You’d gotten used to being together day in day out, a unit that had made parenthood its bitch. You knew it couldn’t be the case forever, but it was yet another reminder that time was going too quick. 
As if your thoughts had stirred him, Seokjin reached over to flick the lamp on just as Sarang latched on. He rolled on to his back and rubbed his eyes before stretching. 
“Don’t,” you protested. “I didn’t want to wake you.” 
“I needed the bathroom anyway,” he answered sleepily, getting out of bed. 
When he came back a few minutes later, Sarang was mid-feed. “She’s really going to town,” he commented, climbing back in and sliding into the centre of the bed. 
“Best milk in the neighbourhood,” you joked, mouth quirking into a sleepy smirk. 
He chuckled, stroking through Sarang’s thick mop of hair, then along one chubby finger as her hand bobbed against your boob. You both sleepily watched her until she was finished, and even though most times she was back asleep in seconds once you’d burped her, tonight she was wide awake – eyes alert, looking around curiously as if she’d never seen this time of night before. 
“Sarang, are you going to be difficult tonight?” you murmured, but there was no annoyance in your voice, just fatigue. 
“Leave her here for a bit,” Seokjin suggested, moving over so you could place her between you. 
You didn’t want to encourage this – gone two in the morning was not a time to be awake – but what could you do? If you put her back inside her cot now she’d only start to fuss and cry. Maybe some tummy rubs would lull her. Placing her down, she made a happy babbling noise, her arms moving up and down as if she was excited. Impossible…maybe. Or you could have one of the cleverest babies to exist…
“Just because you’re cute, doesn’t mean you can get your own way all the time,” you told her, brushing her cheek. 
She was all softness and moreish smells. Seokjin pointed out a few days ago that she kind of smelled like fresh bread. You’d laughed at him at first, but thinking about it now, he wasn’t totally crazy. For you, it was more a sweet scent, milky. Definitely intoxicating. 
She was addicting. 
You’d never really contemplated motherhood, but now that Sarang was here, you couldn’t imagine life without her. Of course, it wasn’t always going to be this easy – it often wasn’t already – but you felt oddly prepared for anything. She gave you strength, made you feel invincible. Just for her. You wouldn’t let anybody hurt her, and if they did happen to slip past your defences, there’d be hell to pay. Seokjin was gazing at her as if he was thinking the exact same thing. 
You felt a pang in your chest, an aching love. Sometimes you had these moments; the ones where you couldn’t believe that she was yours. You and Seokjin had made her. She was here because of you both. A fortuitous encounter that’d had lasting results. 
You didn’t believe in kismet, had never given it much thought, but you did think you met Seokjin at just the right time, because Sarang was supposed to exist. You didn’t come together in the usual way people met and started a relationship, but that’s what made it special in your eyes. It was all down to Sarang that you were here now. She’d connected two people who might never have met again. Two people who were good for one another if given the opportunity to try. You were glad you’d both tried, because imagining a Seokjin-free life was impossible. 
Feeling you close, Sarang bounced her chubby limbs again, making another noise as she turned her head and stared at you. These days her attention span seemed to last longer, and she took you in for multiple seconds. It was exciting, and even though you had mixed feelings about her growing too fast, you couldn’t wait until she could fully take in her surroundings, couldn’t wait until you could make her smile and laugh. 
When Seokjin run his fingers over her round belly and then rubbed gently with the palm of his hand, her eyes scrunched up and she yawned, the slight rocking motion doing its job expertly. 
“Should I sing you a lullaby,” he whispered, leaning in close to press a kiss to her hair. Hearing his voice and feeling his touch, she jerked her head towards him, giving him his own wide-eyed stare. “Mm? Would you like that, Sarang?” 
“Please don’t,” you mock-groaned, letting your head fall on to your pillow. Your eyes closed momentarily, desperate for sleep. 
“Hey.” Offended, but grinning, Seokjin reached over to stroke hair from your face. Your eyes fluttered closed again, eyelids too heavy to keep them open, and you felt him cup your cheek. “Go to sleep, ____. I’ll put her back down once she drops off.”  
“You sure?” you mumbled. 
Caressing your hair again, he pulled away. You sensed him take Sarang into his arms, and hearing her soft, content noises was like your very own lullaby. Happy and thankful, and feeling lucky, you were out before you knew it. 
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Written 2022 - 2023. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2023
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moodywyrm · 1 year
hiii!! its 🧩!! first off, dont worry ab "taking too long" to answer the asks, answer them as you please!! and second. the blurb you wrote from my last ask was SO CUTE i ab had a heartattack.
anyways ... heres smth else for u to mayb write :
i think it would be so cute if abby came home from patrol or smth and the reader didn't hear her come in which ends up with abby scaring the absolute shit out of the reader. lol. which of course abby finds hilarious but also can't help but have a tinge of guilt. and i could totally see reader trying to get back at abby for weeks but fails every time because abby does not scare easily.
ahhh this made me cry honey!! I feel so bad bc I have like a backlog of almost 50 asks n y'all send me so many good ones n so many are basketball abby x chubby reader n I want to write them all I just don't have time :(
and omg. ok. I imagine that living in the Fungal Apocalypse where ur chances of survival hinge on ur ability to be quiet has made everyone, but especially abby, pretty silent walkers? and a lot of the time she doesn't even realize she's doing it. it's honestly kinda funny bc she's so big n bulky but she can be very very quiet when she walks. like just imagine she gets back to the base from patrol, exhausted, and she knows ur still in the library bc you told her your shift wouldn't end until after her patrol </3
and she's just like. fuck it. I wanna see my girl. so she makes her way up to the library, eepy as all hell, excited to see you!! and u have ur back turned to the entrance to the library, ur pretty much the only one up at the front bc everyone else either went home or are in the back. so ur like ducked under the big counter, searching for some snacks u n the others stashed in there a while back. n when u pop back up abby is just. there. standing at the counter like 🧍. and you Yell bc what the fuck man???
and she jumps! bc she thought u knew she was there, not realizing she was walking all silent </3 so ur both staring at each other, bewildered, and ur like. "abby. baby. what the fuck." n she's like???? what did I do???
"baby, I didn't here you come in, you did it again :( gotta attach cat bells to u or something :(" this is absolutely not the first time it's happened. and she's so sad bc she scared you :( she didn't mean too :( but she did :(
literally spends the rest of the day (aka the next four hours before she passes out) trying to make it up to you, attaching herself to your side, helping you out around the library until you can get away. falls asleep with her arms around u, still saying sorry for scaring u baby it ain't that serious pls
u trying to get back at her? fails miserably. abby and her wicked sixth sense for knowing where u are, u never even get a chance to sneak up on her! and even then, ur not a soldier, u don't patrol, so ur not as adept at being silent when u walk. every single time she catches u trying to scare her she's like hi baby :] how r u :] and ur like!!! u bastard!!! let me scare u!!!
jokes on u, nothing about u could ever scare her, unless u like go insane on an infected or something </3 ur her sweet baby!!
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(Persona 5) Ann, Makoto, Haru, Futaba, and Sumire and their S/O playing a scary game
No one requested this, I just watched playthroughs of Dead Space: Extraction and Dead Space: Severed, and I am sad now. I miss that series.
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Ann doesn't mind horror games, but she can get unnerved pretty quickly if the game is particularly scary.
She gets jumped very easily but quickly laughs it off.
(Ann) "AGH SON OF A-! Hah, come on that was such a cheap scare!"
It's not her cup of tea, but if its with her S/O or friends, then it'll be fun.
She brings snacks for the game night.
Ann will laugh at S/O for being scared, but the moment she takes control, she's just as scared as them.
(Ann) "Oooh no, I can't play! I gotta eat this food, you do it!"
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Makoto doesn't play games in general, with the sole exception of the Like A Dragon series, thanks to Futaba and S/O.
But she is so easy to frighten, especially if her and S/O are playing the game in the dark.
Makoto jumps at the slightest sound and has an iron grip on S/O as they play.
So of course she screams when a jumpscare happens.
(Makoto) "C-Can we at least turn on the lights? WAIT! I SAW SOMETHING!"
Don't give her the controller, she might crush it in her hands with how tense she is. That, and she'll refuse.
(Makoto) "Next time if we play...c-can we not do a scary game?"
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Haru enjoys horror movies greatly, but being able to play one?
Now THIS is where it's at!
She watches her S/O play with great enthusiasm as she takes in the atmosphere of the game.
Haru is completely immune to jumpscares and just laughs at their feeble attempts to scare her.
(Haru) "Hm, the scares in this game are a bit lazy. I prefer when they're more subtle!"
Even though she's not great with technology, Haru absolutely will play when S/O gives her the controller. It takes a moment for her to adjust, but she'll be playing like a pro.
Funnily enough, it's only horror games where she plays well.
(Haru) "Oooh, maybe there should be a game where we play as the monster! Do you have anything like that?"
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Futaba turns off the lights as she and S/O huddle on the couch.
She can get scared but laughs it off like Ann. Futaba quickly recovers from cheap scares and finds them more annoying than anything.
90% of the time, Futaba is the one who picks the games. She does pick modern choices for horror games, but she has taste, going for the classic games like Silent Hill or Resident Evil.
Stuffing her face with chips with one hand and staring at the screen, she is fully immersed for a spooky play session.
(Futaba) "Oh man, there's no way I'd have played this alone. So have fun with the controls!"
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Sumire doesn't really play games or watch movies, so she's a bit new to this.
But she's willing to give it a go for her S/O.
She didn't realize how tense she would be watching the TV as she holds onto her S/O.
(Sumire) "People play games like these willingly...?"
Sumire is honestly a bit more bewildered than anything but it doesn't take much to scare her.
Overall she likes the experience solely because S/O is there and it's a way for them to bond. But she probably wouldn't play of her own volition.
At least games that don't make her heart leap to her throat.
(Sumire) "OH MY GOODNESS!"
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zoeysdamn · 2 years
Terrible thing - Prologue | Morpheus x reader x Hob
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The wind was harsh that day. Nobody really knew how the weather of the Dreaming was affected by its ruler’s mood, but you knew by then, how the Dream Lord’s feelings could turn the tides. You were used to it, to the changing breezes and sudden storms, yet something didn’t feel right that day.
Hands clamped together on the front of a long dark blue dress, you wandered through the Dreaming in search of the King of dreams and nightmares. The ruler of the realm. Dream of the Endless. Your husband, as the lack of weight on your ring finger surprisingly reminded you. He never gave you a ring, it seemed that you never needed one. You had just…been always here by his side. But that day, oh how much you had wished for a ring or any sign that you were his. That he was bound to you by laws and by hearts. 
Some dreams and nightmares whispered in your trail as you passed by them. Holding your head higher you tried to ignore them and the lump in your throat. The snorts and occasional giggles were the hardest to brush away. Usually you would have glared at them, should have they dare to disrespect you in such a way. Mocking you. The mere thought of your husband's wrath upon them would have been enough to refrain from their snickering behavior. But you were all alone in this. The pit of dread growing in your stomach felt heavier at each step you took, adding up to the weight of your growing anger as you replayed your earlier discussion with some dreams. 
"It's a mourning day, my queen." they have said when you had asked them what was going on, seeing a group of dreams with sad faces and lighting candles on a small memorial. 
"For whose memory?" you had asked surprised, unaware that either someone had passed away, or that your husband's creations were celebrating funeral rituals. 
The dreams had looked up at you with eyes wide in surprise. As they had gaped at you, you had recognized some of them as dreams designed for poets and artists mostly. 
"It is the decade anniversary of Orpheus' death, my queen." one of them explained. 
You had nodded your head while recalling the tragic passing of one of the muses' sons. It would have been a short and simple encounter, nothing special, if one of the dreams hadn't continued:
"It is important to honor the memory of the Dream Lord's son after all." 
Those words. That simple sentence had been able to freeze you on the spot as you stared at the mourning dreams, eyes wide open and blood run cold in your veins. You had been unable to move a muscle or uttering the simplest word, the force of the shock feeling like a slap on the face. You had barely even registered the bewildered "What?..." you had breathed out to the dreams that were looking at you curiously. But the few seconds of shock before you recomposed yourself and the look of surprise and betrayal on your face had been enough for them. You hadn't known. 
And just like that, your world had crumbled on itself.
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A/N: heyyy new fic here!! I honestly wasn't so sure about it but at the same time there's a lot of things I want to write! Note that I have absolutely no idea of what I'm doing and how it'll evolve lmao I hope I'll don't be disappointing too many people on this peculiar ship 😭 (honestly I'm dying for the dreamling ship, I promise there will be some at a point). You know me, it'll be full angst all the way baby
Also I've tried a different way of writing this reader insert, using "you" instead of "she", idk why but let's give it a shot
Also yeah, Dream will still be a prick for quite a time, sorry about that (I'm not)
And oh, the title is from the song 'Terrible thing' from AG!
Love upon all of you, take care of yourselves ❤️
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audible--silence · 1 year
Heard abroad…
Whatever the question, the market is the answer
“Too many white people not enough markets”
“I mean i still didn’t understand any of it but i understood it was nice”
Pedophile and a dead aunt. You love to see it!
I exist to do the dumb thing and subsequently encourage everyone else to also do the dumb thing
“At least it isn’t Kevin”
“Home is the place where you keep ending up and you don’t really know why”
“Home is where you keep going back to your abuser”
Death is good business but without the repeat customers
As long as you have enough to buy linch on your first day, you have enough to figure it out
“Fucking cyrus man…” on cocktails and cacao ceremonies
It feels like im looking at the relic of a golden age that doesn’t know its past its best before date
Lots of people breeds competition in both capitalism and creativity. Capitalism also breeds racism.
Nobody gives one fuck about you here which is both amazing and kinda isolating
Its like if every city ive ever been to merged into one and did a bunch of drugs
I have fewer ideas but i have a lot of resolution so when i want one to work i just throw everything at it till it does
luck favors those who need it/rely on it in good faith
I was busy being sad and shit so I wasn’t in the mood for a heart attack
How lucky we are, to know that as long as we have charge on our phone or an internet connection, we’ll never go without
Going nowhere the long way
“Fuck you”
“I was talking to the aircon”
Calories dont work on Mondays
Chicken is made by man, duck is made by god
Thats why i pay the rent
The only case there is is a quesadilla
It’s strangely captivating.
A city of nine million perfect strangers and nine million deranged fucking maniacs.
Everyone fits in. Because theres no such thing as “too different” out here.
Milk that mfer for every lil drop of lactation in it’s scary asymmetrical titty
Everybody be skipping to the calm down phase of life without ever experiencing the youthful fuckaround stage
The lifeline on my hand seems to doing fine.
The other two, I cant quite remember what they’re supposed to mean. Something about happiness or love.
They’re looking a little worse for wear lately.
“Look Ill extend him an olive branch but only so i can whack him over the head with it”
“After all, the universe continues to surprise, bewilder, and enchant, irrespective of our inquiries. As the tale concludes, may it inspire a subtle nod toward the dance of untamed contemplations—a dance best performed with an enigmatic grin.”
Thinking is for Jerry's (2023) - Professor Longwang
I feel glad to have an end date but miserable to end it
Scared of old reality but excited to confirm or deny it
Confused about my choices here and whether my feelings were made from genuine feelings
“How was the quality of your call?” Asks the messenger app.
To which I cannot reply.
Because to reply honestly would not do justice to the quality of the app, and instead be a comment on my experience of it.
The feeling in my gut when she said she met someone.
The thoughts back to all the times where I wanted to tell you i was yours.
All at once.
With a vengeance
Stabbing in the chest
What am i doing here
Accidentally drunk off a Manhattan i didnt want and a quarter pint of Guinness
In New York
In the rain
Trying desperately to find a job
In a field im hardly good at
It seems to me that it boils down.
When you look at the root of it all
What do you want
What do i want
How you utilize the two to make a life that brings you joy
Kill me, im french
Traveling is honestly comparable to hard drugs at this point: intense, euphoric, lands you in sketchy circumstances and often leads to living in very questionable scenarios. It also has a tendency to leave you broke as fuck and wondering where the last six months went
It do be a lil comedic,
A city of 12 million mother fuckers buzzing around packed in like a hive, and I’ve hardly made a friend.
0 notes
malamelodies · 1 year
Hello Precious
oh sweetheart,
what a weird whirlwind this life has been. I am presently in San Diego, finding myself constantly looking around thinking, how the fuck did I get here? what lead me to this moment, and I have moments where I;m fucking scared I won't be able to leave. that I will somehow be stuck here for a time too long. that in my 'prime' I'm actually wasting away my life.
I had this thought today: the two times I had the most money I've ever had: I was with Jedidiah, and I immediately spent it all. I spent it all. and the moments it was spent on was beautiful, but it was fleeting. I didn't invest. I understand that I was leaning into it. over 100% and the way I thought I was never going to get over greg... and I haven't in ways... I'm terrified that Jedidiah has cost me my ability to love whole heartedly.
Yes ross should have been a rebound... but I really really loved the way we spoke to each other. and when it was good, it was really really sweet. I loved laying in bed with him and just laughing. and enjoying each other.
I just know that I want monetary abundance. a family and to be in a place that is close to the ocean and its a place that I love absolutely love. in all aspects and beyond.
right now I'm waking up looking around asking how I got here in a bewildered and sad state. I'm excited to wake up and look around and think 'holy fuck how did I get here?!' with such excitement and love and appreciation.
now in the mean time, how do I gain that perspective where I'm at?
I think the first thing is routine. physical routine.
I need to not think about what has happened in the past or the future for the matter and just be here. in this moment. if font of public square. finding my flow. what can my flow be.
Monday: therapy, bike, yoga (work trade)
Tuesday: run with Moki. Gym.
Wednesday: Bike ride with Moki. Gym. Work at coffee house.
Thursday: Mom/swim. Open Gym Aerial. Yoga. (dance?)
Friday: Morning run with Moki. work (dance?)
Saturday: Work (maybe bring bike?)
Sunday: If I'm working in the evening, I think it would be really nice to go to the farmers market.
and then there is community outreach as well as finding another job that is easy is cash flow. I would like to find a restaurant and honestly, any that are in this area could be pretty sweet. Maybe look around in La Mesa or Lemon Grove or Normal Heights. Something a little more funky. I fell into Coasterra thinking that the view would ensure things. and it did. but being in kitchen. meh. and this is where I need to stop and listen. Universe. How do you want me to show up in this world at this time? Give me guidance to how I can best serve you.
Its funny... on the way over to wherever I was going to write this, I was thinking that I was going to write about what has happened the last 2... no 3 years of my life.
Starting April 19, 2020. I'm pretty sure I left for Maui sometime in May. and up until that moment. I remember being with Cary and thinking 'fuck this is the end of a chapter and its fucking beautiful'. but I was also craving to be on island. it was calling to me SO LOUDLY. then the money that was given to me through the government. and how active we were. there was literally nothing else we could do but work out. and garden. and be naked and spend more time with the environment around us.
and now. here. let it be a challenge. I know there are awesome people out here. I see it. I see moments of it. and I also see how my eyes get wider looking at different non profits.
I fucking hate jamul. my god. its so dry and hot and rattle snakes are real. I don't want them around. I don't like them.
so things for future online therapy of Tumblr.... 1. saga of 2020 to present.
2. find that job. maybe Carter, just maybe, you were brought here for a reason. and rather than trying to rush out or itch at the discomfort. remember that this is a beautiful place and there is hope to find that thriving community and purpose that I look for anywhere and everywhere I go.
I don't know if it's because things are more spaced out here, but I just want to ground into one neighborhood and really lean into it.
not to mention today is eclipse day. how to womynifest the things I desire and adore. and the kind ways of genuine connection with all types of people is something that I love. people do seem a little more normal and interesting. maybe la mesa is the starting point of normalcy. I fucking hate jamul. its so silly. more so I dont hate jamul, because actually going inland with all the feed places; I'm actually wondering how I missed out. there is a whole journey of farm life, and I was just far enough away.
I literally get disgusted when I think about how my parents live. EVERY TIME I eat with my parents, or more so, my parents food; I get sick. I genuinely get sick. I feel weird in my tummy and it just isn't fun.
so, baby girl. lets take it one step at a time. literally now and into the evening.
play by play.. because I find that my mind gets a little too whirly so lets write it down. even when I had a moment last night right before bed and I thought 'oh yeah I didn't do those things I thought about' and I didn't do those things because I'm not writing it down. they need to be written down in order for the tiniest chance they will be remembered and executed.
so now, as we wrap up this journal reflection, I would like to take out the envelopes and see what I need to schedule.
lets actually take a moment and do it right meow.
breast exam: presently on hold for
Dermatology: on the 24th I think it's at 1?
I need blood test, which I'm not seeing so I will need to drive down there (maybe tomorrow) (or Friday) to sign papers. so fucking stupid.
I think the best thing is to call them tomorrow.
then I'm going to go pee and put away my things and kindly walk up and down this street. maybe change, actually. and do I want to go down to kava? I think it could be fun. then come home. love up and have some bone broth and hangs out with parents for a moment.
THEN. upstairs music. candle. intention. <3
okay I like this.
0 notes
dragginage · 5 years
not to be like “i’m a cool mom” but honestly if my child told me they were trans/not straight/nb i would be so cool about it like hell yeah i struggled with gender/sexuality when i was your age!! (which was like every age until like 21 lmao) i got told a lot when i was younger “oh but when you have your own kids you’ll understand how heartbreaking it is” okay well i’ve got the kid now and it would still make my heart soar to have my child trust me so much and be able to support them.
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seancekitsch · 2 years
omg is there any possibility you are still writing for hughie from “the boys”? IF SO, I WOULD LOVE TO SEND IN A REQUEST :)) i see not nearly enough hughie x reader content on this app and it hurts my soul 😭
if i could request a fluff request with the prompt “cry, yell, whatever - i’m not gonna leave your side.” OR “come taste this” tell me if i need to add anything." that would be so amazing :,) i’ll they are both very different, but that’s because i got them from a prompt list LMAOO
hi i hope this is cute
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“Why do you think I can’t do this?” Hughie doesn’t yell, but the exasperation in his voice comes close to it. Asking to come with him when he was supposed to go solo was a sore spot, and you knew it would be. What you didn’t want, however, was to upset him the way you currently were. 
“That’s not it,” you whisper, trying to keep Butcher or MM from checking up on you. You shuffle closer to him, until you’re almost leaning your cheek on his bicep. He’s cleaning off a gun, ready to conceal it on his person as you and the rest of the boys go on a reconnaissance. against him you can feel his biceps tense and the muscles shift with his movements. It isn’t lost on you how Hughie’s filled out since getting off of Temp-V. Whether that be a side effect of it, or him working out, you don’t know. He’s still lanky and a bit awkward in his frame, but he’s defining lean muscle under his worn Hall and Oates tee shirts and his lived-in flannel shirts. 
“I know Annie and Butcher are overprotective of me, but why can’t you believe in me like the others do?” He sighs putting the gun down on the table in front of him and pointedly turning away from you. 
But thats just the thing, you do believe in him, so much so. You watched him run head first into danger for years now and hold his own. And honestly? He’s pretty good with a gun, maybe even a better shot than Frenchie on a good day. You trust him in the field and with your life. 
“I do!” You insist, but his shoulders sag.
“Doesn’t feel like it,” he counters, and turns around to lean his ass against the table to sit. He looks defeated. You know the past year has been hard on him, and you’ve been with him for most of it, by his side and ready to do whatever he needs. Sure, Butcher called it ‘desperate and sad’ but Kimiko and MM both thought you were being a good friend, and would reassure you whenever Butcher rattled your cage. 
A good friend is a weird fucking thing to call it though, when really you’ve been love with him for years and it seems obvious to everyone but him. sure, if this is all you can get, you’re more than happy to settle for good friend. You’d fall in love with the role of good friend if that what Hughie needed you to be. 
You huff, and sigh as you move his pistol, jumping up onto the edge of the table next to him. 
“Hughie, Look at me,” he complies with your pleading, “Its not that… I do believe in you. You’re great with guns! You’re pretty solid at improvising…”
“Theres a ‘but’ coming in there, isn’t there?” he deadpans, and annoyance flashes behind your eyes. 
“Just let me talk!” you exclaim, maybe a little harshly because he pulls back.
“You are great, and there is a ‘but’, but it isn’t the ‘but’ you’re thinking of. I’m saying you’re great, but I would not live with myself if something happened to you and I wasn’t there to try to help you. And if something were to happen to me, you’re literally the only person I want… need by my side. I want to be there for you, but I need you to be there for me if shit goes sideways.”
It’s now that you look away from him, realizing immediately the grave error of your words. If this were a poker game, you’ve just flashed your entire hand to the table. 
“You need me?” he asks, as if this is the first time he’s ever noticed this. Hughie is bewildered. He always looks cute like this, the way his eyebrow quirks upwards.
“Always have. So… cry, yell, whatever. I’m not like the rest of them. I’m not gonna leave your side. I know you’re strong, but I need you.”
Hughie looks at you like this is is first time seeing you, really looking you over with a sharp eye, taking in every detail. You try to shrink away.
“No! Please keep looking at me. Please. I- yeah I want you to be my partner for this,” he nods as he talks, trying to convince you as he processes everything you’ve thrown at him. 
“Okay,” you whisper, more meek than you intended. 
“I-“ he pauses, “Fuck!”
And then he surges forward, his hands coming up to grab your cheeks just half a second before his lips capture your own. Your lips move against his in rhythm, pushing and pulling like the tides against each other. One of his hands moves to cup the back of your head, and your arms reach out to wrap themselves around his neck. His tongue licks at the seam of your lips, and you happily part your lips, moaning gently as you do so.
He pulls back, just as suddenly as he started this, and quickly you fall back to earth. 
Fuck, what if this was a mistake? What if this was him just getting out pent up tension? I mean… Hughie’s not the the type but maybe…
“I’ve been waiting so long to do that,” he sighs, and completely tramples your train of thought. 
“You have?”
He laughs.
“You mean Butcher teasing the fuck out of both of us didn’t alert you to my crush?”
“I thought he was just picking on me!”
Hughie laughs again as he wraps his arm around your shoulders and brings you in again, pressing endless kisses on the crown of your head. 
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zukuist · 3 years
i was on tiktok and there was this video of a girl pranking her boyfriend by adding “mmm” at the end of every sentence. theres a video of trisha paytas adding that to her sentences unintentionally , like its kinda subtle but still noticeable lmao(just search up trisha paytas ethan klein mm) . so can you do that where reader pranks bakugo, shouto and deku by doing the same thing?
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“they’re wondering why you’re mumbling.. that at the end of each sentence.”
FANDOM/S: 僕のヘロアカデミア // boku no hero academia [bnha]
INCLUDES: k. bakugō, s. todoroki, i. midoriya
your name is shortened to y/n, gender neutral!
ANYTHING TO BE CAUTIOUS ABOUT?: crack, but still lots of fluff so there’s nothing 2 be worried about
SIDE NOTE: lets pretend it hasn’t been like. . 18 days since i’ve posted something. yeah, i know i’ve received this a while back, so i am so, so sorry for the long wait also i know by the time i’ve posted this, the drama going on with frenemies rn is over but regardless💀 its still kinda sad
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so this wasn’t something trisha paytas did on purpose, but you still found it hilarious
to the point that you wanted to pull this ‘stunt’ on katsuki just to fuck with him 💀
and i placed quotation marks because this isn’t really the biggest stunt that exists out here, compared to the other shenanigans you’ve pulled on your boyfriend
like.. how you did that ‘hit your s/o with your bag’ prank on him, and didn’t see, or speak to him for four whole days 🧍
he was really mad at you
after setting up the camera, and making sure he isn’t aware of what’s going on, you begin
anyways, he highkey lowkey has grandpa ears, can’t say it’s his fault it’s partially a side effect of his quirk
so, of course he’s not going to notice the first time
then, you do it for the second time “katsuki, you trained a lot today mmmh.”
he hears the mmmh this time. he honestly doesn’t think too much of it (though he’s kinda like ‘???’ internally.)
“of course. i have to train a lot if i wanna be #1.”
“i knew you’d say that, but you still have to take care of yourself mmmh.”
he falls silent for a few seconds. and, he’s staring at you with that bewildered look, like 🤨
👹 “the hell was that?”
“what? what did i do?” you act oblivious to his question, and he’s still staring like 😟🤨❔
now the blond’s thinking ‘okay, i probably heard that shit wrong.’ and he drops the question, going back to the conversation
it makes him sharply snap his head right back at you, staring at you with the same muddled look.
you’re just surprised that he doesn’t have any whiplash, and how his neck is even. . okay.
but he’s absolutely certain that the sound was indeed, not a figment of his semi-horrible hearing, that’s can be blamed on his explosions “can you like.. stop that shit??”
“stop what, katsuki mmmh??”
his eye visibly twitches, and for the umpteenth time, you dig your nails into your palm to prevent yourself from breaking the scene
due to laughter
“you know EXACTLY what i mean.” and he’s growing agitated because why oh why are you making that sound 😭
a part of him thinks, and knows he’ll regret mimicking the obscure sound.
but seeing that you won’t really get what he’s saying UNLESS he directly addresses it, katsuki does it anyway “you know- the ‘mMmMh’ thing! you are definitely doing something!”
“katsuki, what thing are you talking about mmmh?” if it weren’t for the fact that you had this 😼 stupid grin on your face
it would’ve convinced him that he was delirious
“mMhmH!” he mocks, eyes going skywards
“you’re fucking with me. i just know you are.” and he was right, because you laughed like an absolute maniac💀
he had this revolted look on his face the day after you posted the prank online (he didn’t stop you, because of the fact that this is just live proof that you’re taken)
and he just hopes that (at the very least anyway,) it’d only reach his friends’ algorithm
and though he wouldn’t want his friends to see that, it’s better than having a ton of strangers see it.
i’d hate to break it to you katsuki but.. 😸
luck is apparently not on his side, and a lot of people saw the video, much to his dismay 🙎‍♀️👩‍🔧😾 how you make it up to him is up for discussion
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you’re aware that his reactions are indeed. . something else. in a good way though.
so you just wanted to know, would he call you out on it? would he even notice at all? you’ll find out in a second :]
you chose to ignore the possibility of him having a blank slate of a reaction
like the time you stuck your hand out to him, and all he did was wordlessly stare at it; before resting his head against your palm (it was vv cute, but definitely not what you were exactly hoping for)
and the other time you decided to ambush him with your bag, and all he did was stare at you blankly, before pulling you in for a hug and asking mysteriously for forgiveness 😟
after a little preparation, you sit yourself down and wait for the opportunity to spark up a conversation with your boyfriend
anyway, shōto’s highly attentive to your speech pattern, and offers you the highest quality of attention you deserve ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
but despite that, he.. might not say or notice anything extremely special at first, it’s to be expected. say it again for the second time however? hm.. maybe he’ll start to pay close attention to it.
“love, for our next date, where do you want to go? i heard you wanted to go to that amusement park so..”
you smile, petting his silky bicolored locks. it is all falling into place. “i thought you didn’t like amusement parks, especially rollercoasters mmmh.”
you scan for a reaction, and it doesn’t seem like he wanted to say anything in particular about the mumble.
heck, it only made him show off that small, but genuine smile of his. the reason behind this was because he passed it off as you humming, due to the relaxation of petting his hair ☠️
which is a reasonable assumption tbh. anyone could get K.O. from extensively petting his locks.
“no, i don’t dislike it. if you enjoy it, then i do too. so, what do you say?”
“we can go whenever’s possible mmmh”
okay, so shōto has definitely noticed. it evident in the way he blinks slowly, and tilts his head in interest.
he doesn’t make a verbal comment however, and decides to proceed with the conversation, just to see if you’d do it again
“i think i could go next week, since next saturday in particular’s a rest day. don’t worry about the prices, because i’m paying.” he reaches up to cup your cheek, this making you almost forget about the prank. almost.
“shōto, you really don’t have to pay for all of it, i don’t want to do that to you mmmh.”
i think he’s more curious than confused, really. you really did just convince shōto that this was a new speech pattern trend. so what does he do? he copies you.
“it’s okay, love. i like paying for you mmmh.” shōto says, with the most UNREADABLE, STRAIGHT FACED expression that is very classic of him.
“i still don’t like the idea of you paying for the expenses i should be paying though mmmh.”
“i’ve covered for our expenses during our past dates though, so i don’t see an issue mmmh. just let me pay, okay? mmmh.”
this ultimately makes you break out of character, causing laughter to spill from your mouth. you fall forward, tears from laughter pricking the corners of your eyes.
he tilts his head, unintentionally mimicking a confused, and very lost puppy “what’s wrong mmmh? am i doing things wrong mmmh?”
this only makes you laugh HARDER, and in between bits of laughter,
you explain that it was a prank, something you’ve seen from a clip of a podcast, but it was mostly just because you wanted to see his reaction
it’s all clear as day now.
“so, it’s not a new speech pattern mmmh?”
“yes. sorry to break it to you, shō” you pat his bad when he looks down at your hands, a small little ‘oh’ leaving his lips
“well.. it’s okay mmmh”
in general, he’s just that enamoured by you. frankly, he’ll copy anything you do.
“shōto if you don’t quit it, my lungs are seriously gonna burst from laughter”
he then takes you seriously, and stops 😟 are we surprised? (nah, he literally took mt. lady’s words to HEART. man was mortified)
you had to tell it straight to him that it was an exaggeration
oh, and yes. the tiktok went viral. mina sent you a billion of comment section screenshots
mostly consisting of “awww, so fun! *blocks*” and “the way he mimicked the sound was just too cute”
which has made mina firmly decide that she’d be sending you shenanigan ideas (for future use 😎)
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his reactions to pranks are either over the top, or the entire thing backfires, and he misses the point
like that one time where you called him “midoriya” as a prank, and he looked INCREDIBLY hurt, and you ended up taking back what you said
besides that, it was a common thing to watch frenemies with izuku. it was just oddly interesting to watch for him (you wouldn’t have guessed, tbh no one else wouldn’t have.)
and his fascination obviously shows, from the way he makes frenemies references ☠️
“izuku, did you also get 12.4 for number 18?”
plus, the two of you are heavily invested in all of the seemingly never ending drama with ms trisha paytas (though, if it happened to izuku, he’d be TIRED; EXHAUSTED.)
anyhow 😍 besides the fact that you watched frenemies with izuku, you also wanted to test his observation skills, because why not?
you’re just in a silly goofy mood 😎 plus, testing your boyfriend out of nowhere is fun.
after a few adjustments and setting up the scene, you wait for izuku to arrive at your dorm, blindly walking into the scenario you’ve set up
and then he does, “y/n !” he calls out, “something interesting happened just now, it was just. . wow !”
you smile at the way he makes himself confortable, and unknowingly; places himself near the camera. “and you decided to tell me first mmmh? that is very sweet of yoummmh”
he halts, “did you say something?”
“hmm, nommmh.”
izuku, who was about to go off in telling the story, pauses buffers like 😃➡️😀? ‘nom??’
out of all of them, he’s the first one to notice the ominous sound. and that’s not very surprising
if there’s anything you’re aware about, it’s izuku’s astute observations. he’s probably the most observant guy in your class, literally. no sugar coating. and that says something
man carries a notebook and pen around, and has a makeshift one if he forgot to bring it with him 😟
and guess what? he’s even more observant with his s/o. some may say it’s just boyfriend duties, but he’s observant because he wants to catch all the details that are there.
he’ll take literally any information crumb you were to throw them at him
not 100% convinced, he takes a mental note of the sound, face slightly scrunching in confusion.
but, because of your encouragement to tell his story, he proceeds like normal
“all might said he loved this move, LOVED ! he never uses that term before, so this is progress”
“and you said you thought of that in your sleep? mmmh”
he goes silent for a second, confusion slowly coming back to his face. “. . . and uh. . yeah? yes.”
and you’re just internally DYING; like damn 😃 only you could have such mental strength🕴
“y/n. . are you sure you didn’t say anything?”
“like what?mmmh”
would probably see no reason as to why you’d lie to him about it, and has totally convinced himself that he went insane and he’s now hearing stuff
this time, he’s listens CAREFULLY. as CAREFULLY as he could“. . . and i thought. . ‘hey! i should consider developing the moves i make in my sleep.’”
then, the familiar noise and realisation slams into him.
it literally looks like a lightbulb popped up from his head
“oh!! i see! was that. . from frenemies 😀??”
“what mmmh?”
“y/n. . please say yes. it’s the sound that trisha paytas made, yes?, please confirm, or i might just tear up 😀😟”
and yes! he was correct. you explained to him that it was a prank, based off that frenemies clip.
which was a HUGE sigh of relief to him. the undetermined sound would’ve confused him all WEEK
oh and if he didn’t know it was a frenemies, or if you didn’t confirm anything, he would’ve just wrote it down on his notes 🕴
and by the way, when you posted the tiktok,
most; if not, all of the comments were talking about the fact that izuku midoriya has seen frenemies before ☠️
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©️ zukuist 2021, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei, do not repost, plagiarise, or steal ❕
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