#its horror/mystery to them but to me its comedy
can-of-w0rmz · 7 months
Me when so many people think Les Misérables is just a dense pretentious brick but it’s actually genuinely the most top tier action/comedy/romance/historical fiction/thriller/mystery/horror/satire ever written full of the silliest most in-depth interesting varied characters ever written and the funniest jokes I’ve ever read and the most profound shit ever written that I think about daily:
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makeste · 10 months
BnHA Chapter 407: Wait Why Are You Running Away
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan figured out how to control his quirk upgrade and was totally chill and normal about it. Definitely not terrifying at all. He actually spent the entire chapter smiling and laughing like the wholesome little boy he is. I don’t know why Kid For One is so freaked out about it. He even politely introduced himself using his childhood nickname. Clearly he just wants to be friends with you, KFO!
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “sorry to keep you waiting, here’s the AFO and Yoichi flashback you ordered at long last” and proceeds to serve a nightmarish stew of HUMAN MISERY and RATS and STABBING and CARNAGE and SO MUCH MURDER and THE SINGLE MOST FUCKED-UP CASE OF CODEPENDENCY ANYONE HAS EVER WRITTEN. I was not even remotely prepared for any of this, and if anyone else claims that they were, I will call you a liar to your face. If this chapter had a mouth it would scream. Or just sob, ceaselessly and uncontrollably. I’m really glad Horikoshi is on break next week because that man needs to take a fucking nap. My god.
okay WOW
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anyone else read the first two words and just immediately say to themselves, “oh okay, so it’s gonna be one of those chapters”? I mean, I guess we were due for a darker chapter after last week’s Kacchan Comedy Tour. but idk, I just wasn’t expecting “homeless sick prostitute with a drinking problem” levels of dark
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what exactly is this manga rated again? doesn’t this backstory seem just a little bit raw for the impressionable kiddos??
has anyone actually checked in on Horikoshi recently? you know, just to make sure he is okay??
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what a fun and wholesome manga this is
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the lil baby arm covered in blood with the AFO hole on the palm. lying next to the dead mom hand. what an image to sear into our minds. I guess it’s been a while since he killed any dogs. gotta keep us on our toes somehow
also wasn’t expecting AFO and Yoichi to be twins! that puts an interesting spin on their relationship, because it’s usually a closer bond than even regular siblings. especially with all of that delightful shared trauma from a young age!!
yes, exactly
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ohhhh this chapter is gonna hurt me, isn’t it. okay. ooooooookay. let’s do this
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Horikoshi my dude. you do realize that their mom dying in childbirth and the two of them just barely surviving and growing up as street orphans would have already been MORE than tragic enough, backstory-wise. you did not have to turn this into a freaking horror show with RATS TRYING TO EAT THEIR NEWBORN SELVES jesus christ
and THAT’S where you chose to put a one year timeskip?!
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what the fuck am I reading here, you guys. no please tell me, I am actually desperate to understand
so the narrator is saying that some of the quirks manifested later in life, in “pubescent and pre-pubescent stages”, which is interesting because it’s the first time I can recall hearing about someone actually manifesting a quirk that late. maybe Deku’s old OFA cover story was more plausible than I realized
anyway so eventually it occurred to everyone that they should maybe freaking study this shit, idk. and eventually the researchers concluded that the superpowers came from a new gene that apparently isn’t human. and upon hearing that, society apparently lost its freaking mind. which is fascinating to me because it implies that the turning point wasn’t actually the superpowers themselves, but the realization of what it meant
like, so they were apparently fine with it when they thought it was a “mysterious disease”, but somehow it hit different when they learned it wasn’t actually a sickness at all, but instead the Next Step in Evolution. and it became an “us vs them” thing, as opposed to a “we have to cure these poor people” thing. damn
anyway so now Japan is a dystopia and we’re cutting to a big crowd of merc-looking dudes who are getting ready to attack some “meta freaks”, how lovely
but who is this figure in the shadows
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I ask politely, as if it wasn’t already beyond obvious that this is AFO about to wreck some people’s shit
ohhhhh my god lmao
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hopefully Katsuki and Deku can take the present day AFO out before he winds up looking like this. because this little fella is clearly demonic and idk if anyone can stop him
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you all don’t understand. you need to run the fuck away right now
oh shit it’s already too late for them
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it’s too late for any of us. it’s over. it’s all fucking over
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AFO I am putting the manga down. I am backing away slowly with my hands in the air. I mean you no harm. please for the love of god have mercy
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“you see, we told you he wasn’t human” okay Scientific Research Group, you know what?? you win this round I guess
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HE WAS BORN AN ARROGANT BABY is literally the most terrifying sentence I have ever read
what the entire fuck
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it’s a gorgeous sunny mid-November afternoon outside my window. but no matter how hard it tries, the light cannot reach this place
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what kind of moron would throw a can of soda at him. officially the stupidest person we have ever seen in this manga
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(ETA: how come baby Yoichi has clothes that fit him perfectly but baby AFO is just stomping around wearing a tablecloth.)
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small and weak, but also so, so cute. all of the cuteness genes went straight to him. no wonder AFO was jealous
(ETA: just want to press pause for a second to speculate about what type of twins AFO and Yoichi are, since it has some relevance to the story, and especially to the OFA/AFO quirk lore. so! at first glance the two of them would appear to be fraternal twins, just based on the fact that they have very different appearances, and also the fact that Yoichi doesn’t have the AFO quirk – no holes in his hands, etc. identical twins are born from the same fertilized egg, so in theory they would both have the same sequence of DNA, which means Yoichi would have had the same quirk as AFO. but that doesn’t appear to be the case. so all of that points to them being fraternal, not identical.
on the other hand, there is one piece of evidence in this chapter that does support them being identical twins, and that’s the fact that per the narration, AFO absorbed most of the nutrients from their mother. a few minutes of google fu informed me that this condition is relatively rare, and only happens in cases where two twins share a placenta, which typically is only the case for identical twins. HOWEVER, for what it’s worth, there have also been rare instances where two fraternal twin placentas fuse together and become a single placenta. AND this apparently also increases the chances of one of the twins gaining more of the nutrients and causing the other twin to have a lower birth weight.
so based on the evidence here, my conclusion is that the two of them are most likely fraternal twins with a case of placental fusion. besides, you can’t tell me that stealing his baby brother’s placenta while the two of them are literally still in the womb doesn’t sound like exactly the type of BS that fetus!AFO would pull, lol.)
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okay?!?!?! well to be fair he did throw that soda at him
oh my god this is so fucked up. in like the best and worst way possible
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I genuinely couldn’t ask for a better AFO backstory. it’s so incredibly twisted, and you actually do feel sorry for him. or at least I do. but it’s also beyond clear that this kid was FUCKED UP BEYOND ALL REASON right from the get go. zero goodness in him. literally doesn’t see other people as people. sees them as possessions only. things to rule over. not other thinking, feeling human beings. and that includes his own little brother
but. even if it’s not actually what I would call love, there’s still... attachment, there. it’s the closest he can get to actually caring about someone. guh. just, somehow they have both managed to humanize him, and at the same time made him less human than ever. this manga, man. this fucking manga, though
lmao and here we go. Captain Hero
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you know, all those times that I made fun of AFO for not knowing how to read, I never suspected that the twist in his backstory would be that he LITERALLY DIDN’T KNOW HOW TO READ dfksjdlfkjslkdf
but seriously though. because Yoichi appears to be self-taught, and I can’t see AFO having the patience for that, and CLEARLY no one else was around to teach him, sooooo...
oh my goodness it’s actually getting wholesome up in here
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what a good fucking boy. poor AFO. fuck me, I can’t help it. it’s not your fault you’re the world’s greatest monster you poor bastard
now we’re cutting to THREE YEARS LATER. okay
is he going to declare war on the glowing baby
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typical teenager concerned about nothing but likes and view counts. AFO you would be so much happier if you stopped worrying about all of that and just focused on your own growth
oh, lol. well that was quick
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(ETA: r.i.p. Damien.)
“this guy had more instagram followers than me. so I killed him” honey. sweetie pie. you need therapy
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all this time I was wondering who AFO’s middle school lit teacher was who had failed so spectacularly at teaching him reading comprehension. and it was YOICHI ALL ALONG. omg
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“and, presumably, that’s how it always was and always will be.” dude. can you imagine listening to AFO’s oral book report on A Tale of Two Cities. “ahem. it was the Best of Times. the end” buddy noooooooo
it was at that moment when Yoichi knew, etc. etc.
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oh my GOD I scrolled down to the next panel right after this one and I just IMMEDIATELY DIED LAUGHING
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“WAS IT SOMETHING I SAID” ffffffffffffffff I fucking can’t omfg
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oh my god the hands. so wait, is this just the standard symbolic BnHA handholding, or are there More Levels To This. when exactly did Yoichi pass OFA on to Kudou. like is that why the sudden close-up and all that? omg
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oh my god. and break next week too. this is what you guys have been dealing with this entire time huh. I understand your feelings now. godfuckingdammit lmao
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velvet-vox · 5 months
Why Doll perfectly exemplifies all of the strengths and flaws of Murder Drones as a series.
From the amount of posts present on my blog about the specific individual, it is rather obvious to assume that Doll Yurikova (I'm still convinced the fandom made up this surname) is my favourite character from Murder Drones and you wouldn't be wrong.
She just simply tickles my needy scratch for weird, cool complex villainess characters.
However, eventually I also realised that she more than any other character embodies everything that makes murder drones a great show and everything that detracts the show from being genuinely amazing.
Let's start off with the good, anything I say applies to the both of them:
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Doll/Murder drones are generally cool, unconventionally attractive, have great potential (this point will be elaborated upon) and are very complex in both the themes that they bring to the table and the philosophical standpoints discussed.
Coolness factor is mostly subjective, but I am sure any Murder drones fan will tell you that the sci-fi/horror/mystery/romance/comedy show about sentient cannibalistic robots who fight against eldritch atrocities with Portal 2-esque music is an absolute blast conceptually and visually. In the same way the russian robo vampire who was previously a cheerleader before deciding to commit cannibalism to avenge her dead parents has swarms of fans simping for her.
Unconventionally attractive is determined by unconventional people, said people also have rewatched the show seventeen different times.
Now, regarding the great potential, although I've also elaborated the previous points, this is one that will carry over when discussing the negatives of both the character and the show, but as for positive, you can just feel that Murder Drones is so much different from anything else you have ever watched, it truly gives me haunted Ghibli vibes in the way the story plays out. It could really be amazing. As for Doll, every time I watch her in the show up to her death I just get really sad thinking about what could have been if she had a redemption arc or just a better life in general.
Murder drones has abuse as his main theme and how it circulates into destructive chains and Doll is definitely one of the more interesting examples of said theme, being part of the abused and mauled drone designation that became an abuser herself. I say one of the more interesting examples because her story is fleshed out better than someone else's, say Tessa or Alice.
And now for the negatives, we need to bring out the big elephant in the room:
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The show is only 8 episodes long and they are writing the season one finale in the same way you would write a series finale since making Murder drones costs Glitch a crap ton of money when they could just lower the animation quality and allow the story more time to breathe (mind you this is also Liam Vickers fault). I just hate the 8 episodes 20 minute long formula, it has, in my opinion, destroyed modern show telling and I honestly can't bear it any longer.
Besides that, 8 episodes of 20 minutes means that Doll's arc has to be paced quickly in order to get all the other characters (particularly the main ones) and elements to shine and that unfortunately leads to the fact that both Doll and Murder drones lack the one thing that separates Doll from being a human being and Murder Drones from being an amazing show, and that thing is (drum rolls) the tissue.
To explain, they have the (exo)skeleton, the organs, the mandibles and all the things that would make a piece of fiction feel truly human, but without the connective tissue, the skin, they both end up just short of those standards and as a result I can't confidently say that they are truly evocative individuals. Tissue of course is a metaphor for quote on quote "filler" in regards to the show and "villain at rest" moments in regards to Doll and her arc. And let's talk about the ending of said arc because of its possibility of paralleling the conclusion of the show;
You can say a lot of things about Doll's death but one thing that's impossible to deny is the impact of her death in your mind, everything about its execution is just so brutal that it leaves you a lasting feeling in your body; in a similar manner, the show could end with an absolute gut punch that remains impressed in your mind for months to come.
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arataka-reigen · 1 year
hello!! i saw the tags on your pinned post abt how shoujo wasn't just romance and it got me curious bc i've read some nice shoujo but really dislike romance-heavy plots. are there any shoujos you like that don't have much or any romance in them? ty and i hope you have a good day! 💛
Oh, there are lots of mangas that are classified as shoujo and don't have romance!!
I am just now beginning my journey through shoujo as well, so I don't have a lot of recommendations for stuff I actually read, but the ones I did read or watch so far are:
Natsume Yuujinchou and basically anything else by its author, Yuki Midorikawa. Sometimes, her works do include romance, but the focus is almost always in the interpersonal relationships and the difficulties her characters go through in life. NatsuYuu is about an orphan boy who can see yokai, and for that reason he acts in "weird" ways and his foster families dislike him, so he keeps going from family to family. The story is about how he finds a good family who accepts and loves him, makes friends, and learns to make friends even with yokais.
There are currently 6 anime seasons out, and a 7th season is on its way, so you can either read the manga or watch the anime.
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Akatsuki no Yona - i mean, this one does include romance, but i'll still put it on the list because as far as the anime went the focus is heavy on Yona's actual journey to gather the dragons of legend to be able to recover the kingdom that was stolen from her. It shows how Yona goes from a sheltered spoiled girl to a person befitting the title of dragon king.
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My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom - this one is the og villainess isekai and it truly deserves the hype. It is about a girl who wakes up in the child body of the villainess of her favorite otome game. She remembers that the villainess' fate in the game was always either death or exile, so she tries her hardest to change her fate. This one is classified as a reverse harem, but the main character is pretty oblivious and worries more about farming and eating sweets and generally being the best girl ever than actually worrying about romance. Aro ace queen tbh. And her harem is just happy to be with her and be dragged along for her stupid adventures. Plus, the female members of her harem are taken seriously as well, Mary is a raging lesbian and it is not subtext. I mean, it is a shoujo, so of course the female characters would be important lol.
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Usagi Drop - listen to me. You will absolutely not look for anything related to this manga. If you like the premise you can watch the anime. But, please, do not look for the manga. You will only be extremely disappointed by it. That being said, I recommend the anime. It is about a man who returns home for his grandfather's funeral and then finds out his grandfather had an illegitimate daughter who has now become an orphan. He ends up having to take care of her because the rest of the family considers her a shame to the family.
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Now, for the stuff I havent seen yet, I'll just write some that are on my "plan to read" list and put their genres next to their names so you can check it out if you think the genre's sound interesting:
7 Seeds (drama, horror, psychological, sci fi, survival)
Requiem of the Rose King (drama, historical, supernatural, gender identity)
Basara (drama, fantasy, adventure) (i think this one has romance, but from what i've heard, the main character's story is a lot deeper as she takes her brother's identity in order to fight against the king who killed her brother, it is pretty famous and considered a classic)
Ghost Hunt (horror, mystery, psychological, supernatural)
Helter Skelter (horror, psychological)
My Stepmother and Stepsisters aren't Wicked (comedy, historical, slice of life)
Ikoku Nikki (drama) (this one is the one i'm currently most interested on, i hear it's about a distant woman who's never had a good relationship with her sister and now has to take care of her teenage niece because her sister died)
Itsuwari no Freya (crossdressing, historical)
Limit (drama, psychological, school) (this one sounds incredible tbh, on a field trip their bus gets into an accident and only 5 girls remain, having to learn to survive and trying to assert themselves over one another because they hate each other.)
Machida-kun no sekai (school)
Mitarai-ke, Enjou suru (drama) (the main character wants to infiltrate the household of the family who blamed her mother for a fire, in order to prove her mother's innocence)
Smoking Behind the Supermarket with You (comedy)
Uramichi Oniisan (comedy, showbiz, workplace)
Usotoki Rhetoric (mystery, historical)
Don't Call It Mystery (mystery)
If anyone has more things to recommend I would also love to hear about it!!
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Top 5 movies set in the present and top 5 period films :)
Hi!!! I got this ask and forgot every movie I have ever loved (and will probably remember them all as soon as I hit post). It also reminded me painfully of how inadequate my cinephile culture is; there are so many classics that I'm almost certain I will love if I watch them and that would deserve the spotlight so much!
So let's make these lists about interesting movies that I think are good as movies, and not think much if they are truly The BestTM. I'm also omitting Austen and other adaptations I already talk too much about.
"Contemporary films" (set in the present is a complicated concept. I'm picking them as "the narrative happens sometime contemporary to the movie's original release date"):
5. Music & Lyrics (2007):
This is technically a romantic comedy, but its strength relies on its love for music, its humor about the music industry, and a take on 80s nostalgia that is neither surrendered idealization nor complete mockery. It's one of the few movies where I actually like Hugh Grant, and the score is so well done! My one gripe really is that I think the movie would have been so much better if the leads have remained platonic? Sometimes I like to pretend they did.
4. Dead Man Walking (1995):
This is one of those serious, controversial movies professors pick for university discussions, in this case, the one about the death penalty. The movie tries (and I believe succeeds) to address without "solving" or dismissing the relationship between our horror at heinous crimes, justice for the victims and their pain, and the value of all human lives. Susan Sarandon is as always majestic in this one.
3. National Treasure (2004):
Tumblr loves National Treasure, but I love it specifically because to me it somehow captures the thrill, the exotic mystery (without gross Orientalization!) AND the nonsense of a classic Jules Verne novel -and Verne was one of the staples of my childhood- in a way that no Verne movie adaptation I have ever watched manages to capture.
2. State of Play (2009):
This one is mostly an excuse to cheat, because while the movie is a very solid political thriller (you know, one of those "you might enjoy even if you are not a fan of the genre), the original British TV series it is adapting is better. And both have great casts (Russell Crowe is probably more solid than Cal Macaffrey on the same role, but David Morrissey does a much better job than Ben Affleck. So, it goes both ways, you see).
Hot Fuzz (2007):
I have heard this one being called "the most intelligent stupid comedy ever made", and honestly, fitting description. I have joked before about this being my comfort movie and how funny that is because it is the gory story of a police officer being kicked out of his beloved job and sent into a town where everyone mocks and gaslights him and then the back end of the movie is a non-stop action sequence... but, listen, it is funny, it is, somehow, heart warming, you can tell everyone is having a ball, the editing is amazing, the pacing is just right, so many set ups and they all pay off, the story is satisfying, the characters -specially the main lead- are likeable, and their arcs also satisfying.
Period films:
5. Oscar (1991):
This is a very silly comedy set in the 30s, adapted from a play and you can tell, but it is a riot, and in my opinion one of the best Stallone roles ever. It makes me wish he had done more comedies in this style. It also has the always charming Marisa Tomei and the always welcome Tim Curry.
4. The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain (1995)
Another instance of a movie where Hugh Grant does not annoy me, it's basically what says in the tin and the right kind of thing if you enjoy the typical British period drama of beautiful landscape, small town shenanigans and restrained romance.
3. The Mask of Zorro (1998):
Much of what I said about National Treasure applies here, except that it is not at all silly, and it has many moments of great pathos besides being a really good adventure/superhero movie.
2. To Walk Invisible (2016):
This is a biopic of the Brontë sisters, just covering their peak years of authorial activity, to trace a portrait of their personalities and life situation. While my knowledge of Bronteana is not super extensive, from the little I have read of them in general, plus Elizabeth Gaskell's The Life of Charlotte Brontë, I feel like this was carefully and lovingly done, without heavy editorializing or overdramatization (I'm staring at you, Emily (2022)), or pitting the sisters against each other. There's a scene of Emily reciting her poetry to Anne in the moors that just got me in the feels.
Master and Commander: the Far Side of the World (2003)
There are few genres I'm as disinterested in as war epics, and few movies I love as much as I love Master and Commander.
It was harmed by coming out the same year as The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, but it is, and what I'm going to say will sound blasphemous to some, the better movie of the two. It is a war epic, and a slice of life film. It's the story of a friendship between two very different men and the tensions their personalities and job at sea bring. The cast is top notch, down to child actors. Some of the production details are insane. They made rope specifically for this film because the way modern rope is turned doesn't fit well with old rigging techniques. The cast spent many days together at sea learning the basics of how to manage the ship and work in their ranks and the way sailors and officers would relate to each other. The immersion this all creates is also insane. The sound design was marvelous as well, and the score truly inspired (I want to kiss the person who picked Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis as one of the main features of a 2000s movie adapting a 20th century novel about the Napoleonic Wars, the same way 19th-20th century Ralph Vaughan Williams picked up a tune by a 16th century composer to do his thing, to establish this thematic connection between past and present and the ways we look at and make History).
If you watch only one movie on this list, watch this one. It's worth it.
Ask me my top5/top10 anything!
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primojade · 2 years
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 | you were a simple insomniac college student who could see ghosts and dead souls after a certain incident in your past. just as you were already sick of the souls haunting you every night, you decided to establish the paranormal club in teyvat university together with your four best friends where you were tasked to help the ghosts fulfill their last wishes so you could finally find your most awaited sleep.
...though that was easier said than done. especially when your said friends mostly operates based logic...and already so full of your bullshit and shenanigans since childhood.
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 | gn!reader, albedo, cyno, tighnari and scaramouche. But almost all of the genshin characters will appear, too!
𝐂𝐖 / 𝐓𝐖 | genshin social media au with a lot of written fics; college au with a dash of childhood friends au; cursing; possible graphic depiction of violence and death/murder (but not the characters); possible murder and ghost cases solving; reverse harem-esque(?); no proofread so expect grammar mistakes; inspired by the k-drama master's sun!
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 | supernatural, romantic comedy, friendship, mystery/thriller, a bit horror, found family.
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒 | on going
paranormal enthusiasts (profile below!)
teyvat university's student council.
teyvat university's news publication.
scene 01 : we need a new member.
scene 02 : who is our new target, now?
scene 03 : the plan to make him ours.
scene 04 : the dumb, the dumber, the dumbest and the very dumbest.
scene 05 : the paranormal club.
scene 06 : our first mission, commence!
scene 07 : ... --- ...
scene 08 : -
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[NAME] : a college student who likes keeping their course a secret even to their friends just for the fun of it. After a certain incident in their childhood that allows them to see the souls of the dead, they become insomniac and paranoid—most of the time. With the help of their childhood best friends in solving and helping souls to fulfill their last wishes, will they finally felt at peace once more?
CYNO : a second year political science student, and one of your childhood best friend. He was probably the only one among your circle of friends that have shown a slightest bit of interest in the paranormal club. Perhaps its his way of allevating his past...guilt?
TIGHNARI : a second year botany student and the one of your childhood best friends along with Cyno. Although he always appears so exhausted and exasperated dealing with your bullshit, he will always be the first one who offers his help when you can't sleep. But why does he seem so adamant at keeping you away from the past?
ALBEDO : a second year majoring in chemistry with a minor in fine arts. Unlike Cyno and Tighnari who had been with you since you were in diapers, you met Albedo during your high school years. Quickly drawn to his calm and reliable persona, you've been friends since then, and was the person who you constantly ask for help in regards to academics. Though he seems to know a lot than he lets on...?
SCARAMOUCHE : A new friend added to your circle of friends and club—or rather, was forced to. He was a transfer student from another country, a second year student majoring in business management. Mysterious and rude to a degree, that didn't stop you from recruiting him into your club! But would it be really that easy in dealing with him? Especially when he was hiding a deep, dark secret?
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This is my first smau and I'm very excited to share this will you all!! ^^ since I've posted this on my birthday, consider this a gift from me and my thank you for the 500 followers we have ueueue. This, along with the Fallacies of Love series, will have sporadic update Aas usual though I swear to my love albedo that I will update this soon!
Also, if you wanted to be added to the taglist, feel free to dm or send me an ask! Thank you for reading and have a nice day!! (I will edit this later hahaha).
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edens-passing-if · 1 year
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Eden's Passing is a 16+ game made in Twine by me, Doc, and is my first attempt at making an interactive fiction game!
Genre: Primarily Fantasy and Comedy focused with a smidge of Mystery and Horror elements. Do tell me if a separate catagory fits, please!
Warnings: Trauma, Bodily Injury without feeling it, Body Horror in general (more will be added as time goes on, these are what I'm currently certain off)
Demo: In the works!
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Alone in a land you can't recall and stuck at the bottom of a seemingly endless ravine, the start of your journey isn't a pleasant one. Body slowly crumbling away, memory missing, and seemingly stuck with a stranger intent on calling you a name you can't remember, your attempts to leave seem fruitless until they finally offer a helping hand. Hopefully with no strings attached.
Set in the world of Nyr, you're just a lost soul trying to figure out who you are and what happened to you.
Features, added or intended:
☆ Fully customizable MC (name, hair, skin color, personality, etc.)
☆ Romantic or Platonic routes, Poly included.
☆ Long Crocodile. You'll see. ♡
☆ Learn more about the world and maybe save it, maybe launch a salamander at someone.
☆ Diverse cast of characters, ethnicities, religions, etc! (Please do tell me if anything's not accurate enough, it's fantasy, yes, but I am using some real-life ethnicities and such as basis!)
☆ A lot of lore. A lot. I made a map. I will do more than just a map. It's inevitable.
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Eden's Passing isn't romance focused but, those inclined towards it, does have multiple routes with it.
Zacharie, M, 36(RO)
A 4'11" man with spiky green hair and red tinted glasses. Adventurers clothing, torn at the edges and taped to his body on his limbs, cover most of his skin. What you can see of his skin, primarily his face, has stitches spanning the length and width. No one is allowed to touch them. Beyond that, he seems nice, even when he mutters insults at passing plants or argues with books. But his skittishness towards others is concerning, especially the glint of pure terror he sometimes shows. It's typical to see him hovering around Cassian, primarily either hiding behind him or riding his shoulders.
Solo OR Poly route with Cassian or Florian.
Cassian, M, 29 (RO)
At 6'6, he's the tallest of the group. Long black hair drapes down well past his hips, sometimes being used to hide his eyes from others. Old yet well cared for armor is his ordinary choice of clothing, no matter the situation. Quiet and melancholic, it's hard to catch him smiling at much of anything. Despite that, he's the first to jump into a fight to protect his friends. One of the few people to understand Zacharie, he keeps a firm eye on anyone that might pose a threat to the smaller man. A bit of an enabler, he will turn a blind eye to the more playful deeds his companions wish to take.
Solo OR Poly route with Zacharie.
Florian, Gender Selectable (M/F/NB), 25 (RO)
At 5'3", they're the second shortest of the group. Blond curly and short hair, styled like an odd pixie cut, clashes against the bright red coat they drap over themself. Two antennae stick out from their scalp, twitching at any stimulus. A butterfly bow, which sometimes flaps on its own when Florians distressed, keeps it from falling off. When they're not being pestered by Zacharie or Wynn, they're actually the most sensible of the group. A bit of a motherhen, they do their best to prevent the others from getting into trouble. It's a thankless job, and they aren't even getting paid for it.
Solo OR Poly routes with Wynn or Zacharie.
Wynn, Gender Selectable (M/F/NB), 23 (RO)
A 5'9" elf that's joined the group alongside Florian. Long, pointed, and pierced ears flick every so often, parting their short, light purple hair. Clad in a cape that trails in the air and an outfit that shows off a concerning amount of chest, they aren't the shyest with showing skin. Long pants that hide even their boots cover their legs, yet never get dirty as they drag across the ground. A bit of a flirt, they aren't the type to take much seriously. It's common to see them, Zacharie, and Twig up to no good, typically with Wynn at the lead. A natural born leader, one might be confused why they follow MC's lead, even they seem at odds with that fact.
Solo OR Poly route with Florian.
Twig, NB, 26 (RO)
Looming over at 6'4", they tend to forget just how tall they are. Long purple hair ends as their tail begins, the fluff at the end matching their hair. Thick and curly when short, it covers up their eyes from the view of others. 5 horns sprout up from their scalp, imitating a crown of sorts, and range in size from a few inches to just two. Clad in purple and blue robes that are breathable yet skin-tight, they've had Zacharie modify it to properly accommodate their tail. Out of the group, they remain the friendliest even in the face of adversity. It's... hard for others to tell whether they're simply naive or just too forgiving, but regardless of that, they remain the first to lend their hand when others need it. A bit of a goofball as well, it's easy to catch them trying to pick the funnest option first. Quick to trust and quicker to befriend, one might wish to spare them from the cruelty of the world.
Solo route
???, NB, ??? (RO?)
A figure that stands at 5'10, they're your savior from the pit you woke up in. Long hair, starting black and quickly fading to a bright red, flows from their scalp like tendrils. It flows as if hit by a breeze constantly, regardless of airflow. Clad in only a white robe tied shut at the waist by a sash, it's easy to notice the gaps in their skin. They never answer when it's brought up, leaving you wondering just what has saved you from the ravine. Quick to anger, you'd almost think they're unpredictable if not for the consistent causes and phrases. Regardless of who you are, they insist your name is Eden. Regardless of their affection towards you, they refuse to tell you who they are. They insist you'll figure it out.
Solo route.
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tentative-wanderer · 1 month
Recently read these manga and manhwa with gay relationships:
☀️ The Summer Hikaru Died: liked it lots, wish it were complete. The creepy art style took some getting used to, I didn’t like how unnerving even normal people looked at first but I ended up loving how the art fits its genre. Mystery + horror + a sort of love I like, occupying the twilight zone between platonic, romantic and goodness knows what*. The theme of grief is executed well, very moving, and thumbs up for the other complicated feelings the characters wrestle with. From the Chinese words/kanji, I can tell that the title is “The Summer the Light Died”, which makes me go ahhhhh. I’d like to have the reassurance that there will be a happy ending, because I feel like there could be a melancholy one.
* I like amorphous kinds of love. Qijiu from the danmei book SVSSS has that too (don’t look this pair up if you haven’t read SVSSS, it’s spoilery). The phrase that comes to mind is 犹抱琵琶半遮面, ie, (a musician) “covering half their face with the pipa in their arms”. The beauty of things only semi-revealed.
🎥 Twilight Out of Focus and its sister series: enjoyed them. My favourite character is the film director with semi-long hair who’s capable, strong-willed, outspoken, and competitive, tempered by a softer side (the thing he’s loud and passionate about besides filmmaking is BL, of all things. But I didn’t know he swung that way until he got his own manga series. Should have seen that coming). That tends to be a winning combination of physical and personality attributes in my book, I always fall for this type of character, but I’d be on edge if I had to deal with such people in real life because their cut-throat attitude would be, well, cutting.
🧼 Ten Count: can relate to the mysophobia. Interesting premise! Enjoyed it. But I feel like it was dragged down a little by the smut. I have mixed feelings about saying that, because on one hand, smut is always welcome, but on the other hand, I wish there was a greater focus on the process of overcoming the ten mysophobic points beyond the romance and smut. Another downside is pretty-boy same-face syndrome.
🪞 The Black Mirror: there are a number of imperfections but I was hooked because I like mystery.
If anyone has recommendations, I’m all ears! BL manga is new to me (previously, I think I’ve only read the comedy about the guy who realised he’s stuck in a BL world, haha).
(Not BL)
Read a number of chapters of Liar Game. I don’t know why the author is drawing manga instead of messing with the stock market or committing fraud or financial world domination. Big-brained stuff. I tend to read comics fast/skim-read so I found it challenging to think deeply about the strategies; even following along is tough. (Edited to add: the ending was really, really bad.)
Caught up with the more recent chapters of Spy x Family and Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan. Loved both. Regarding Spy x Family, I thought I couldn’t love it more but it turns out I could; the recent arc about the old female soldier is wonderful, overturns some gender norms to an extent hardly seen in media. Also, I really like Yuri and Fiona; they’re both capable, good-looking, and—importantly—very funny. Fiona is amazing in the anime, her voice actress adds a special spark of life to the duality of her character.
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greatyme · 4 months
i'd be interested in your recent movie list - it's nice to hear what people are watching 🥰
OOOHHH thank you for asking!!! This gives me the perfect excuse 2 talk abt some of my favs ty hehe <3 The genres, years, countries, etc. might be wildly different and there’s no particular order to what I’m gonna list but here we go:
1. The Spook Who Sat by the Door
Ivan Dixon; action/political drama; America; 1973
EVERYONE needs to watch this honestly… it’s probably my favorite film I’ve seen this year. The movie’s about the first Black man, Dan Freeman, to be trained by the CIA, who then quits and takes the techniques he’s learned to create a team of Black youths to fight for freedom and against racism. Even though it’s a fictional plot, the real FBI pulled it from theaters for being too radical, and it has indeed been described as “the only true Black radical movie ever made.” I seriously can’t recommend it enough
2. Medicine for Melancholy
Barry Jenkins; romance/drama; America; 2008
If you’re familiar with Moonlight, you already know this filmmaker. Medicine for Melancholy is Barry Jenkins’ first film, about the romance between Jo and Micah after a one night stand that takes place in San Francisco. Some things I like about it are the ways the city and its racial issues so heavily influence the characters’ relationship so much so that it essentially becomes a character in itself. Since this is Jenkins’ first film, the budget was smaller ($15k) and it has a different feel from his newer movies which I personally really liked
3. They Cloned Tyrone
Juel Taylor; sci-fi/mystery; America; 2023
This movie was released on barbenheimer day and was WAY BETTER THAN BOTH OF THEM!!!! When Fontaine, a drug dealer played by John Boyega, seemingly gets shot and killed, Slick, a pimp, is shocked to see him walking around the next day as if nothing happened. Together, Slick, Fontaine, and Yo-Yo, a sex worker, work to uncover what actually happened and find that it’s much bigger than they could’ve imagined. This is a FANTASTIC sci-fi film with some fantastic writing (a lot of great one-liners lmao) and all the actors do amazingly. Also, the title goes hard!
4. Bad Genius
Baz Nattuwat; thriller; Thailand; 2017
I literally watched this last night (happy birthday Nonkul!) lol. In this movie the character Lynn gets paid to work with her friends to help other high school students cheat on tests. When I tell you this had me SWEATING from stress. It was very entertaining, I really liked the way it was shot and how it consistently kept the tension up
5. Do the Right Thing
Spike Lee; drama/comedy; America; 1989
Taking place on an unbearably hot summer day, racial tensions rise between the Black civilians and the Italian owners of a pizzeria in Brooklyn. This is a v famous movie, directed by Spike Lee, and honestly many of the themes still ring true today
6. Sorry to Bother You
Boots Riley; sci-fi/comedy; America; 2018
Set in the Oakland, Cassius Green becomes a telemarketer and uses a “white voice” to do better at his job. But when his coworkers form a union, he decides to take a promotion instead, leading to unexpected consequences. I don’t want to spoil anything, and this is another famous movie that many people have probably already seen and have probably been spoiled BUT. there is a crazy twist. I really enjoyed the messages and craziness this movie had to offer
7. Marry My Dead Body
Cheng Wei Hao; comedy/mystery; Taiwan; 2022
I saw this with my friend on my birthday and honestly it could not have been a better way to watch it. A homophobic cop accidentally gets into an arranged marriage with a dead gay ghost. Is that not one of the best plot descriptions u have ever heard. It’s horror, it’s comedy, it’s gay, it’s a romance (TO ME! And like everyone else who watched it)… WHAT MORE COULD U WANT!! It gave me a similar feeling as Secrets in the Hot Spring & Pee Mak, two movies that somehow seem to cover So Many Genres & that I love sooo much (the former is my fav movie ever). I literally laughed so hard I almost peed myself at times <3
Other than that some other movies I watched & enjoyed this year are: Love Lies Bleeding (2024), Claudine (1974), Eve’s Bayou (1997), and Bottoms (2023). I don’t wanna make this too long so I’ll stop it here but I hope you enjoy these films too if you decide to watch any!!
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raayllum · 1 year
it’s high key really annoying the attention toh gets on this website while no one acknowledges tdp exists
Yeah, sometimes I wish TDP got more recognition and appreciation in a fandom space for its storytelling (the parallels, the worldbuilding, the mature theme explorations) simply because we haven't had a western kids' show go this hard since TLOK (even if I think Korra stumbles in a lot of ways) and arguably ATLA in its explorations of war and morality, two things that TDP is obsessed with, as well as a sometimes overwhelming discussion of Grief.
However, to be frank, while many teen and adult fans of kids cartoons say that they want darker themes and storylines, what that usually means, I think, is more akin to something like TOH or She Ra, in which you know 1) your favourite characters will always typically survive with maybe one or two minor parental or villainous exceptions, and 2) one or two characters in an otherwise fairly cookie cutter 'good guy' cast will have a redemption arc or be quirky morally dubious in a way that's played for comedy, and there will be a handful of significantly "Oh Shit!" darker or creepier moments. The characters are mostly teenagers, the heavier plot stuff is regulated to a few standout episodes, with most of the other conflicts being things like figuring out how to make friends or struggling with not fitting in or deciding what you want to do with your life. And those are all good explorations, and it's not as though TDP doesn't touch on some of that (Callum is finding his place in the world, Rayla is 'changing careers', Ez struggles with his new responsibilities and not fitting in, Soren - like Hunter - leaves an emotionally abusive relationship with a parental figure).
But I think it's TDP's attachment of all of those things to morality that makes the emotional stakes higher and less comforting and/or comfortable for people who are, likely, going to fiction for escapism rather than exploration. (To be clear: one is not better than the other, I just know what my personal preferences are.) Rayla's 'career/schooling' change is whether she's going to kill people for a living; Callum deciding what sort of mage he's going to be is rooted in deciding how much he's willing to either slowly destroy himself or take on the impossible, both with some dire consequences; Ezran not fitting is is also tied to having mysterious, unknown magical powers the story still hasn't fully explained the root cause of. Yes, the three main kids are typically good people who want to do the right thing, but that's much easier said than done (Ezran burning the monster soldiers, Callum's ruthlessness, Rayla's self sacrificial tendencies manifesting in destructive ways). TDP is never going to have an episode of "I lied to my friends because I wanted them to think I was cool or not a nerd" or "I'm scared of them preferring someone else over me" or "I need to learn how to be a good friend" (hi TOH with like 5 episodes and She Ra).
Like Rayla lies to the boys, but that's because she isn't sure how to tell them that her father murdered theirs and made them orphans, and she's worried it will accordingly be a wedge between them.
Like, there's hardly any episodes of TDP that don't talk about grief or death or both in some manner. The show consistently explores unreliable narrators across all sides of its ethical spectrum(s). S4 has a subplot regarding religious traditions and the ethics of the death penalty. Most of Arc 1 and now into Arc 2 sees good people with good intentions or understandable motivations doing pretty terrible things to either themselves, the people around them, or both. The death and body horror imagery aren't one offs, but consistent series defining elements that are always treated seriously. Villains aren't people who don't love their families (or anyone) and good guys aren't good because they're good friends to one another. It's more complicated than that, from the body swap and discussions of the soul in S1, to the cycle of violence laid out explicitly in S2, to explorations of punishment and exile in S3.
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Overall, I'm fine with the success and appreciation that TDP gets; some of my students watch it, actually, which makes it useful in some of our lesson discussions. Because TDP is a good show for kids, yes, but it certainly never pulls its punches in forcing all of its ensemble cast through the wringer.
TLDR; due to age demographics and tonal differences, particularly in character conflicts, themes, and amount of Lore, I'm not surprised at all that TDP is pretty underrated on tumblr. Again, doesn't mean these elements of 'maturity' make it Better (although I do think it's written more cohesively than She Ra and more consistently than TOH in its set up and payoff), I just know where my (and many other's) preferences lay accordingly, and am not surprised at the split.
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kiok0r0 · 5 months
Give me your blorbo thoughts about the westward au that I know you’re super normal about.
Like, thoughts in general. What’s happening in that brain.
Okay so this is going to be long
The Westward AU is a fusion of farmtale, western, pirates, samurai, and a bit of mafia with mixes of steampunk and supernatural stuff all set in a modern world. Really inspired by Gravity Falls, Infinity Train, The Owl House, Oxenfree, and Night in the Woods or anything that's got mystery involved. Like trying to connect the real life struggles you're having to the mystery as well and having the mysteries be the things that help you grow as a person, you know?
Now, I know what you're thinking "that's a lot of AUs mixed together" but here me out: various groups around the world have been trying to find a treasure containing ultimate power and have finally found its location in a sleepy town called Angel's Haven.
Here's what I have so far as like a summary:
The Dreemur family recently adopts Frisk into the family, a quiet but compassionate child whose origins remain unknown. The family consists of divorced parents Toriel and Asgore, and teenage delinquents Chara, Kris and Asriel. Another set of newcomers is skeleton brothers Comic and Pyrus who have just showed up one day and made their presence known. Comic has turned part of a previously abandoned barn into a store of intricacies and mysteries of the world. A sightseeing attraction, really. Pyrus meanwhile is a rancher/cowboy of the farm they own. They own horses, rocks (yes, rocks) and various mystical and mythical creatures. The town is welcoming to these new individuals and warns them that strange things have been occurring around town. Missing people, missing objects and pets, and suddenly, internet and radio signals have periods of being out of sorts. As more visitors from outside enter the town, Frisk, the brothers, and along with several residents and strangers, embark on a quest to find the source of these strange occurrences and see that there's more than just treasure that lies in the town.
The AU combines everything that I love seeing in these sorts of stories: supernatural, adventure, mystery, and tasty worldbuilding. But also comedy because something has to balance out the creepy and suspicious.
As much as I hate like horror, I love mysteries and I love trying to solve it and answering questions that I start out with or soon start having as the mystery unravels. So this is a little love letter to all the mysterious, creepy, thriller adventure stories out there.
This one's gotten long and wordy rn, so I'll maybe write another post with the characters in it and what occupation they have ^^
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adrianicsea · 3 months
what do you like about nightmare on elm street? (genuine question, I respect your views and would love to know your opinion)
OH MAN thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to talk about it!!! i’ve always had a huge soft spot for the elm street series as it’s what got me introduced to/hooked on horror, and imo there’s a lot to love about it and a lot that sets it apart from its contemporaries.
for starters, while it IS a slasher series, it was the first big one to really foreground/mix in the paranormal and even some elements of the fantasy genre. while jason voorhees and michael myers are both supernatural in origin, they continue to occupy the physical world and are thus constrained by mundane laws when it comes to their kills; not ONLY is freddy supernatural in origin, but he continues to occupy the realm of dreams and use supernatural powers in his kills. this sets the series apart by adding a greater element of mystery to the events, and it ALSO opens up the series for a variety of creative and memorable nightmare/kill sequences that wouldn’t be possible if freddy had to play by the rules of the real world. (this is also notable bc the slasher cycle had begun to feel a bit tired when nightmare 1 released— elm street is credited for jump starting the slasher for a NEW cycle in the 80s, partially by virtue of introducing a greater fantasy angle to it!!)
freddy himself is just SUCH a fun and creative character. prior to nightmare, the majority of slasher villains didn’t have much of a personality and didn’t talk a lot, but there’s always (imo) been something so fun about freddy WITHOUT compromising how genuinely menacing he can be. robert englund is a fantastic actor, and i think the series was also able to maintain more integrity (such as it is) by keeping englund as freddy throughout the entirety of the series. even after the series crosses the threshold and becomes Not Scary And Kind Of Bad, freddy still provides a lot of camp fun in his jokes and creative kills.
wes craven’s horror movies almost always have elements of anti-authoritarianism or other types of political critique to them, in a way that feels more deliberate and purposeful than a lot of other 80s slashers (which, on a surface level, tended to be either apolitical or outright regressive compared to the 70s horror films that came before). in nightmare, this first manifests as a combination of police ineptitude, a critique of white suburban parenthood and of parents not listening to their children, AND a critique/commentary on the disastrous fallout of vigilante justice. that is a frankly impressive amount of ground to cover in an 80s slasher, and the second and third movies only up the ante by looking at the horror of realizing you’re gay during the peak of the AIDS crisis (in nightmare 2) and of the ways that the mental health institution preys upon and fails to meaningfully help institutionalized patients (in nightmare 3). after that, the series kind of loses its vision and starts to feel more generic and less pointed, but the original trilogy at least is a SHOCKINGLY cogent body of work for the decade and subgenre that they occupy.
the movies can also be very funny! the original trilogy has a lot of tongue-in-cheek or darkly humorous moments without compromising the moments of horror, and the latter films are still funny in a more camp sort of way. i’ve always personally found the scream series to be TOO glib and too meta, so the type of comedy/humor used in the elm street series is more my speed.
speaking of scream, i feel like i HAVE to talk about the last film in the original series, Wes Craven’s New Nightmare (yes that is its full title). it feels like the prototype for scream in a lot of ways— it’s ALSO a meta-horror horror movie, but here the story is ABOUT the actress from the first and third movies coming back to the series to make a new one. but things keep going fatally wrong on set, robert englund is acting strange, and a mysterious stalker keeps leaving threatening phone calls for langenkamp’s son. i think this movie is SOOOOO ahead of its time for its investigation of fandom and its raising the question of “what do we do with these modern monsters we’ve created?” i always get so smad that this movie has been so overlooked in comparison to scream, bc they’re a lot more similar than people realize, and i think that scream wouldn’t have happened the way it did if not for New Nightmare.
this is more of an ancillary thing and something i didn’t come to appreciate until much later in life, but craven’s body of work was a HUGE influence on james wan and leigh whannell— lawrence gordon of the saw series partially owes his name to a main character from nightmare 3!!! there’s a lot of other neat little connections between the elm street series and saw, which i particularly enjoy as those are two of my absolute favorite horror series.
any movie where j*hnny d*pp dies badly is worth celebrating imo!!
as a final note, i’ll acknowledge that a lot of my love for the elm street movies IS because they were my first horror movies, and so i have a very nostalgic emotional attachment to them. which is to say i’m a bit biased!
i can see a lot of the common criticisms of the series— for some people, the core fantasy element of “he kills you in your dreams” makes it too unrealistic and therefore not scary for some people, and while freddy was very purposely changed to be “just” a child murderer due to high-profile cases of CSA around the time of the film’s release, he still carries a VERY predatory subtext, which can be offputting for some viewers. i also feel like the things that made the elm street series such a standout— the fantasy element, the talkative and funny slasher villain— were then imitated by SO many other 80s slashers that it can be hard to recognize elm street’s originality today. but the franchise wasn’t just a member of the pack, it CREATED those tropes!!
if anyone reading this hasn’t seen the elm street movies (and is so inclined), i definitely encourage you to check them out— and for people who have historically disliked the series, i hope this post was informative, even if it doesn’t change your mind :)
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sunnnfish · 2 months
Sunnnfish, my local tashiro expert! This is a question out of left field but you have a deeper understanding of our dear gon-chan so I'd highly value your opinion. What do you think Tashiro likes as far as movie genres? Any in particular he might like? It's for a good cause ☺️
this is a lot of spitballing and its all highly hindered by the fact that i do not know many movies or genres. 👍 there are in fact many Not Movies in here. but im going for vibes/genre mainly.
if you want the tldr, my For Sure Likes list is as follows: •tokusatsu shows/movies (like power rangers/kamen rider) •similarly, magical girl shows/movies (sailor moon/puella magi madoka magica) •kaiju movies (Godzilla) •zombie movies •romcoms (like if lovely complex was a movie) •whatever movies old Japanese folks would recommend to him
explanations and more under the cut!! its mostly kinda stream of thought so just. bear with me
he would sooooo love tokusatsu and also action style shows/movies. this is the most sure thing i know. power rangers and kamen rider etc etc. I think power rangers/equivalent is the thing he has the most merch of because its the thing that everybody knows he likes so he always gets merch as gifts. watched it as a kid, dressed up as them for halloween, etc etc. side note: i dont think he ever asks for/buys things for himself. due to constantly feeling like hes not Into It enough. not a Real Fan like everybody else. love & passion issues.
In a similar vein he soooo likes magical girl anime. secretly though. guilty pleasure and all that. he only watches them with shirahama. his ass was forever changed by puella magi madoka magica. we all know this is because of transgenderism reasons. #gon-chan
importantly! i think he has a taste for older movies because of the old folks at the bathhouse !
just feel like he'd like kaiju movies. Godzilla Mothra etc etc. big monsters go raaahhh
i think horror would be a bit of a guilty pleasure. nobody knows he likes horror movies. maybe advertises liking zombie movies but nobody knows he likes those freaky psychological ones. guy who is morbidly curious about blood and guts and haunting. guy whos probably played until dawn. he doesn't seek them out very often because the impact of just one will stick with him for a While.
think he would like romcoms. if lovely complex (manga/anime) was a movie he'd like it. but i dont think he actually reads/watches shoujo stuff often. I think normal dramatic romance rubs him the wrong way. he doesn't like all the miscommunication shenanigans. sweet fluffy romance is like Fine to him. he'll like it if he watches it but it wont like change his life.
kinda feel like he'd like reality tv ? maybe ? has crazy intuition about what the people are actually thinking. would like the show survivor. yknow who definitely DOES watch reality. hanzawa. dont question me. his ass loves to psychoanalyze people on purpose. Tashiro psychoanalyzes people on accident.
i dont think hes as into anime as shirahama. but shirahama will show him fantasy anime shows/movies and he'll get into it just cause shirahama's into it.
i think the one popular anime hes into is one piece. but like. very casually.
hmmm other genres. think he'd like comedy a normal amount. probably would like dramas but only if he watches them with someone else. don't think he cares for sci-fi…? i honestly dont know enough about sci-fi to have an opinion on this front… would like mystery but not enough to like. seek it out. i think most of it boils down to He likes most genres just fine he just doesn't necessarily seek them out/rewatch them. only thing i think he dislikes is those dramatic ones with tons of miscommunication.
anyways. ive been thinking about this for a couple hours now. hope its somewhat comprehensible. 👍 peace and love on planet tashiro
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loveherdeerly · 1 month
ׂ╰┈➤ twenty-five, she/they, semi-lit to advanced ฅ^._.^ฅ
about me
i’m deer! i’m a bisexual cat mom that works full time. i have been writing and roleplaying for around eighteen years now. i take pride in being a diverse writer that can try my hand at any age, race, gender, or genre. i can write short and casual, or long and detailed, though i usually prefer something in between. i love to craft new characters and universes. i enjoy writing romance, but i also value friend and family connections for my characters even more sometimes. i am always happy to make friends, plot, draw, create pinterest boards, and chat ooc for hours!
what you can expect from me:
: ̗̀➛ daily to weekly replies (depending on general reply length & muse; novella will take me longer)
: ̗̀➛ a diverse cast of characters and eagerness to do multimuse
: ̗̀➛ energy matching & plotting
: ̗̀➛ very few triggers
: ̗̀➛ nsfw & some dead dove topics
: ̗̀➛ ooc chatting, pinterest, spotify, maybe even fanart!
what i won’t do:
જ⁀➴ super detailed gore, cat abuse, bathroom kinks, incest or csa (mentions are okay)
જ⁀➴ mxf or ocxcanon without doubling (unless i like your ad.)
જ⁀➴ rp with anyone under 20 (go do your homework)
જ⁀➴ writing samples (every rp is different, and my writing style changes accordingly. i match my partner’s vibe so i don’t believe writing samples can adequately exhibit my abilities. its fine if that’s a dealbreaker for you. good luck in your searching!)
જ⁀➴ do all the plot work by myself (please contribute so we can keep our interest!)
genres / tropes / plots
bold for what i like the most!
·˚ ༘₊·꒰➳: ̗̀➛ scifi, slice of life, family, found family, spooky, horror, pregnancy, angst, drama, adventure, action, superhero, romance, crime, mafia/cartel/gangster, espionage, fantasy, anime, realism, right person wrong time, historical fiction, college, soulmates, aliens, interracial relationships, queer relationships, mystery, war, disaster, comedy, heist, mxm, fxf, mxf, nbxm, nbxf, trans characters, opposites attract, blended families, dystopian/apocalyptic, modern, high school, big families, affairs, arranged marriage, supernatural, serial killer, royalty, retrofuturism, athletes, space opera, western, southern gothic, ancient, small town, chosen one, military, witches, celebrities, steampunk, ccxcc, ocxoc, ocxcc… and more!
for shipping or plots based off of them. bold for what i like the most!
·˚ ༘₊·꒰➳: ̗̀➛ criminal minds, top gun, my hero academia, bridgerton, twisters, harry potter, the outsiders, marvel, dc, stranger things, kingsman, bullet train, the hunger games, atla, star trek, star wars, the walking dead, disney, gravity falls, alien, bg3, mlp, encanto, a quiet place, wonka, mission impossible, scream, john wick, enola holmes, james bond, ghostbusters, the purge, men in black, transformers, jurassic world, maze runner, pirates of the caribbean, ocean’s 8, the mummy, winter’s orbit, designated survivor
if you’re interested or i liked one of your searches, feel free to shoot me a dm! ♡
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I'm ALMOST watching dorohedoro bcs of you 🥹🥹🥹🥹 is it really that good? Bcs I'm kinda scared to start watching it bcs I'm not used to the artstyle
- 🦈🦈
ok im ngl it is literally my favorite manga of all time.
like ive read it front to back several times. its one of those pieces of media where the story is so good that i literally have no complaints like its genuinely a perfect work of art imo. it is absolutely that good.
Its definitely weird and not for everybody, I wouldn't recommend it if you're squeamish about violence because it's very violent and bloody and can get pretty gross. but its also super unserious and its actually really funny. the characters are lovable and without spoiling one of my favorite things about it is that there isn't really a good vs bad in it bc all the characters fall somewhere in between. they all have their own motivations and their stories are all intertwined and compelling.
the story is simultaneously sprawling, involving many different characters and their complicated motive, while also being tightly contained in the world it exists in. the world building is also some of the best i've ever seen its truly excellent. everything matters to everything else in the story and it is so well done.
idk if i can relate it to many other works because it kind of exists in its own genre. ive seen people call it seinen which i get because its mature in themes and storytelling, shonen which is definitely wrong??? i was confused af when i saw somebody call it that lmao, horror-comedy which i think is pretty close? its a mystery but it doesnt always feel like a mystery, theres no detective although its plot is driven by mystery. honestly idk. its really unique and i dont think that any other popular media matches its freak tbh.
it might be too weird to become super mainstream, even though its well known and loved. its plot is winding and weird, the main character has a lizard head, its set in an intentionally grimy world and actually looks like it. the characters arent cutesyfied, theyre mostly huge and bulky and gritty but they are so lovably human.
personally i love the art style i think it perfectly fits the world that it is meant to portray. the anime also does a fantastic job adapting it, though it did take me a minute to get used to the 3d models, it is a gorgeous anime like genuinely it is so beautiful like they cooked so hard.
ok holy shit this is so long sorry! i just really love it that much lmao. as for whether or not you should watch it - YES! (if it wasnt obvious) but don't sweat it if its not your cup of tea. i recommend it to all my friends and some of them couldnt get through it because of the violence, the art, or because its just too weird/not their thing. while i think theyre totally missing out, i understand that not everyone is like me and instantly loved it from the first chapter because the 1st tim i read it literally read the first 80 chapters in a day i was so crazy about it and finished it like 2 days later (the whole thing is like ~180 chapters i think? idk the exact count)
also if you're worried about the anime's art... you like blue lock and if you were able to get thru the s1 animation you will be fine. its way way better animated trust me.
ok gonna end it there bcs this is a whole ass essay
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susandsnell · 16 days
What are your top five horror movies?
<3 thanks so much for sending this Mira! while some of my answers may appear a bit obvious in hindsight, narrowing it down to my top 5 was a lot more challenging than I thought!
Top Five Horror Movies!
Under the cut because I can be a wordy bastard!
5. Noroi: The Curse (2005), dir. Kōji Shiraishi: Ultimately, it came down to Noroi for me over Blair Witch because the mockumentary style lends it a lot more cohesion as a narrative and a very polished feel. Some cheesy effects notwithstanding, Noroi hits the platonic ideal of found footage in that it utilizes its multimedia elements and medium to craft a classic ghost story grounded and entrenched in modernity. I'm obsessed with the role of the archivist/the use of documentation in horror (as I've talked about many times, and as is the appeal of Dracula and countless other works), and that's on full display here with the pieces of the mystery coming together through reality television clips, talking head interviews, and a video-within-a-video archiving a ritual gone very wrong. The storytelling is methodical, spreading out the scares sparingly yet threading them together with such a crushing sense of dread. Like other works of Japanese horror, the thematic battle between the mythic and modernity, the consequences of modern alienation over the collective, and urbanization encroaching on the natural are at the forefront of the film, but the found footage conventions imbue it with such a subtlety you're too focused on the characters and their plight to even catch onto this on first viewing. (Should the spiritual be trifled with? Should the natural world give way to modern development? Should the outcast or the outstanding be made a spectacle of by those more integrated into society?) On that note, you grow an attachment to every single one of the characters and are right there with them trying to solve the mystery and hoping against hope they will prevail. And the atmosphere makes this one an absolute must for October watches; shades of analog horror used sparingly and delightfully, all the wanderings of Blair Witch, the supernatural desperation of Ringu/The Ring, and something that's just all its own. Some argue that found footage horror is stylistically limiting, but Noroi showcases what it can be at its best - that is, the bare-bones terror of stumbling on something horrific in broad daylight, and catching it on tape.
4. American Psycho (2000), dir. Mary Harron: The best horror comedy out there to date! This satirical send-up of yuppie culture and consumerism's lending itself to the desensitization and dehumanization of oneself and others in the quest for meaning in a society where it all comes down to capital is beloved with good reason. Genuinely hysterical kills and endlessly quotable scenes aside, the use of music in this piece is a masterstroke that many other films utilizing needle drops have only barely tried to imitate, and it remains one of the most effective presentations/deconstructions of misogyny put to film. Christian Bale is at his best here, leading a whole cast who's at the top of their game; each scare is played to perfection, and I even love the ambiguity of the controversial ending - it serves to drive home the futility and meaninglessness the whole film slowly but surely draws back the curtain on as the underbelly of the life of the hyper-successful during the era. The final conversation being about Reagan drives it all home in a way that plays as a bit on the nose today, but like with the more provocative or controversial moments, is so delightfully so you can't help but dance along to Huey Lewis. 3. The Fly (1986), dir. David Cronenberg: Cronenberg's masterpiece! A guttingly romantic Kafkaesque tale of illness horror, reflective of the time's anxieties around the AIDS crisis but also classic horror themes of scientific hubris and shades of Faust and of course, Cronenberg's preoccupation with abjection of the body, this film is truly one-of-a-kind. The fear of intimacy and fear of illness, the destruction of your lover (all contextualized with deeper tragedy by the era in which the film was made) are woven together so deftly in a film that uses classic B-movie conventions to strike upon deeper truths while also remaining hilariously funny. Cronenberg is by no means subtle, but in an age where every horror film feels the need to not only be About Something but announce it's About Something and hamfistedness is the name of the game, I really do appreciate the elegance in the commentary on gender politics, relying on symbolism and the characters' relationship dynamics to convey ideas of toxic masculinity and female autonomy and queerness and alienation. It's sexy, it's wrenchingly sad, it's the absolute best.
2. Hereditary (2018), dir. Ari Aster: Aster's nearly-instant popularity has lent all his films greater scrutiny, but this film blew me away the first time I saw it. Toni Colette gives a tour de force (and frankly, Oscar-snubbed) lead performance as a disturbed grieving mother seemingly unable to escape the patterns of fear and abuse that make the 'family curse' that is the subject of this film take on dimensions all its own. The portrayal of grief as horror is something that speaks to me very personally, and this gorgeously shot work presents this concept at its most poignant. Everyone and their mother (please imagine Toni Colette barking the word with pure venom) has talked about the end of the first act 'twist', but the execution rocked me to my core upon first viewing. I will never forget the way the pit of my stomach dropped out watching the lingering shot of Peter's empty, frozen face drag out for over a full minute. Gore and jumpscares abound as is an Ari Aster mainstay, but they're used effectively here; what takes centre stage is the characters and their relationships, performed to pitch perfection by every single actor. Alex Wolff deserves a particular shout-out, balancing teenage ne'er-do-well impassiveness with the warmth of a genuinely caring big brother until the great tragedy and the slow, encroaching terrors of its aftermath slowly but surely push him into a regressive, childlike state of terror. It's about grief, it's about the family curse and family secrets, it's about becoming your parent, your grandparent, your sibling, it's about mental illness (and how it's not taken seriously in women), but mostly it's about the joys of a nice family dinner.
1. Carrie (1976), dir. Brian de Palma: You all knew this one was coming, but I can never run out of good things to say about it. While there are perhaps films that boast greater spectacles, feats of special effects, tighter editing, more profound themes or more abstract/debatable symbolism, Brian de Palma's Carrie is the horror film I will always rank as my favourite. Stephen King's inverted Cinderella storyof the hellscape that is adolescence is granted operatic tragedy grandeur by a perfect cast, an unforgettable score, mind-blowing setpieces and imagery that I am happy to say will stay burned in my brain forever. The use of tension and buildup through the entire Prom sequence needs to be taught in schools, particularly with how it leaves you laughing one moment, moved to tears the next, then gripping the edge of your seat. Each scene is given either a dreamy or nightmarish tone that makes it instantly iconic. The sensuality of blossoming sexual awakening contrasted with the gutting mundane horrors of bullying and abuse played relentlessly set up perfectly for the tonal shifts later in the story between the romantic haze of prom and the hellscape made by Carrie's act of vengeance. The camp moments of the film heighten the jarring scares of the final act, and the forays into 70s teen comedy (yes, even with the goofy split-screens and fast-forwards) ground it in a relatability that makes it the horror classic. Every adaptational change from the book is either for the better for storytelling flow, or is at least impossible to imagine the film without. (As sad as I am that we don't get the book ending with this Carrie and Sue having their moment of connection, there's something so shatteringly tragic of Carrie in her final moments sheltering in the prayer closet that was her prison, clinging to the body of the mother who tormented her for comfort, and the cutting to the angry painted eyes of Saint Sebastian is an instantly unforgettable horror image). The denomination/sect of Christianity followed by the White family is unclear from the book, but the choice of de Palma to make them offshoot Catholics allows for so much integration of art history and its frightening images -- the use of the Last Supper behind Carrie and Margaret's dinner scene! don't know if it's the absolute first horror film to employ the Final Jumpscare, but certainly, it's one of the earliest and most memorable examples. Sissy Spacek in the titular role is an absolute revelation and maybe my favourite performance in all of horror media. Much has been said about her study of Catholic martyr art to end every scene in the pose of a person being stoned to death, but she runs the full gamut of emotion, of teenage suffering, of victimhood and villainy, and you are with her for the entire ride. The Catholic martyr art is apt, because her expressions evoke Falconetti as Joan of Arc, and Carrie is nothing if not a subverted Joan. Many say she's far too conventionally beautiful to play Carrie, and while it's true Hollywood is going to Hollywood, no actress has so successfully embodied the aching sweetness, the haunting disturbance, the yearning for love and the burning divine retribution that make her at once one of horror's most memorable monsters and one of its tragic heroines. Piper Laurie is terrifying and campy and hilarious as Margaret White, our villain for the evening, Nancy Allen is delightfully loathsome as Chris, Betty Buckley gives Ms. Collins some real good-natured toughness (questionable methods of handling teens notwithstanding), and Amy Irving lends Sue the exact groundedness and good intent you get from her book counterpart. Carrie has been the refuge for many a queer and/or outcast teenager, and it will likely remain that way for years to come. Thanks so much for this!!
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