#its just. i do not ! have the energy to keep playing anymore!
sentientgolfball · 3 days
Same Old, Same Old
if you couldn't tell I've been possessed by these two recently
Read here or on Ao3
Pairing: Zephrit
Word Count: 3730
Tags: pup as a nickname, Zeph is kinda(?) mean...a little?, so much nipple
Summary: Ifrit takes a trip down memory lane by playing dress up with his old uniform. Zephyr catches him and makes the most out of it.
A bored ghoul never meant anything good. Ifrit had been sitting in his room all day, bored out of his mind. No chores to help with, no Siblings looking for him, no call to action. He laid in bed for an unreasonable amount of time, alternating between texting Zephyr and scrolling on his phone. Another hour passed before he huffed and tossed it on the bed next to him. There were only so many cat videos he could take. 
He heaved a sigh before standing, stretching with a pop in his shoulders. He figured a walk will do him some good, anything to get his blood pumping. Fire was an element of energy and Ifrit could not stand the thought of staying still any longer. Maybe he would even find something to do while he was out and about. Even if he did not, at least he would not be laying around anymore. 
He thinks about where he will go as he changes out of his pajamas. His phone buzzes, another text from Zephyr. From what Ifrit could tell, they have been having a day. They have been helping a new Sibling tasked with sorting through the older books in the library which is not a problem on its own, it is a certain Sister. Sister Gracie. She has been the problem in all of Zephyr’s workday stories recently. She checks out hoards of books and keeps them well past their due date. On multiple occasions, Zephyr has had to go directly to her and ask for them back. They were at their wit's end for today though. Apparently, she actually returned the stack she checked out on time, but when Zephyr went to collect them from the bin they had been damaged. All of them were either soaked or had some mystery stain on the pages. So all day it has been running between helping the new Sibling, talking with Imperator and Sister Gracie, and trying to salvage the books. 
Another ping from Ifrit’s phone. 
If I see her in here ever again after this I will be more than tempted to break that stupid human rule they can send me back to Hell it’ll be worth it to claw her eyes out
He stares at the message and quickly decides he will make the library his destination for his walk. It was on the opposite end of the Ministry from the ghoul den, so surely it will be enough to get some energy out. Plus seeing Zeph right about now sounds nice, for both their sakes. He sends them a quick text telling them he is stopping by before lacing up his boots and leaving the den. 
The halls aren’t as filled as they usually are, he passes a few pockets of Siblings and ghouls filtering about but that’s it. He greets them all with enthusiasm, a bright fang filled smile. It seems to be a lazy day for the entire Ministry, though the heat from the late spring sun might have something to do with that. 
He decides to take the longest way possible to the library, taking every twist and turn he can. He can feel his fire crackling just under his skin. Now that he’s finally moving around he feels ready to burst. When he passes the doors to the practice room he pauses though. He stares at the metal doors, out of place against the stone architecture of the ancient building. It’s been a long time since he’s gone inside, since he’s been on this wing of the Ministry. He hasn’t needed to, when Dew changed guitars Ifrit took the fantomen to keep in his room. When he gets that itch to play all he has to do is take it off the wall. 
He opens the door just to peek inside. When he sees the room is empty he figures a quick trip down memory lane won’t take too much of his time. He steps in, lights and air conditioning coming to life when the sensors pick up movement. He takes a deep breath, it smells of artificial cold and polish. Underneath all that though, the dull scents of various ghouls filter through. Quintessence and fire smell the strongest. Ifrit briefly wonders which combination decided to lock themselves in here for a few hours. Omega and Alpha? Dew and Aether? Phantom and Dew? Or maybe it was Swiss? The multi ghoul’s scent was always hard to pinpoint unless it was fresh. 
Ifrit shrugs, not too concerned with the details. He bounces around the mini rehearsal stage; eyes closed to let muscle memory take over. He bends backwards, throwing a hand into the air to show off to a ghostly crowd. If he’s quiet he can almost hear the cheering. He misses the energy of performing, misses the pleasant ache in his body after a ritual. Even so, he would not go back. Nothing would stop him from being where Zephyr is. Nobody had asked him to leave, but when Zephyr said they couldn’t  handle it anymore it wasn’t even a question. Reliving the memories is enough as long as Zephyr is with him. 
Oh shit Zephyr!
He pulls himself back to the present with a shake of his head. He already took too much time by stopping, Zephyr is probably waiting for him outside the library doors. He jumps off the mini stage, bounding towards the exit when a light catches his eye. One of the soundproof practice rooms has a light on. He thought he was alone. He can’t help it when he turns, heading down the short hallway. He peers into the window when he’s close enough only to find it empty. Well not empty, all of the spare practice rooms were being used as storage while the band wasn’t actively preparing for a tour, but there was no one inside. 
He goes to open the door, but it hadn’t been closed all the way. He pushes it open and steps inside, surveying the space for any signs of who the mystery ghoul may have been. Whoever they are, they left in a hurry. Uniform bags are open, a mask box sitting on one of the few chairs in the room. Ifrit moves to clean up the small mess, but seeing the glint of the mask has him stopping. It’s not one of the helmets like he was expecting. Its silver, no opening for a mouth, curling horns, and sculpted hair. Empty eyes stare up at him. His eyes. His mask. 
He doesn’t think as he takes it out of the box, bringing it up to his face to look into the eye holes. It’s surreal to hold it again. The only one who stills wears this version is Omega; feeling the cool metal feels wrong but almost right in a strange way. This was his face for his first few months Topside and now it just sits in a box. 
An idea crosses his mind. One that would surely get him in trouble if he was caught. Whoever was in here before him clearly thought the same thing, only Ifrit didn’t stop. He put the mask back into the box, closing the lid and picking it up before his conscious could catch up to him. His eyes quickly scan over the rack of costume bags until he finds the right size. If he was going to steal pieces of Ministry history he needed to do it quickly before someone else wandered in. 
He shuts off all the lights in the practice room before slinking out of the metal doors. He figures if he goes the short way back to the den he’ll make it to his room before running into trouble. The library is all but forgetting as he scurries back with his contraband. He won’t have it for long, just the evening. He’ll return it first thing in the morning before anyone notices it’s missing. It’s been a long time since he’s seen this uniform, he just wants to taste it again. 
He makes it back to his room in the den with no trouble, suddenly very thankful for the slow, lazy day. He has the uniform out of the bag; still on the hanger but laid across his bed. He stares at it. 
“What the fuck am I doing?” He runs a hand through his hair. 
Despite his conscious finally catching up to him, he shrugs his leather jacket off before pulling his shirt over his head and dropping it to the floor. He discards his pants next, adding to the pile of clothes next to the bed. He stares at this old uniform in nothing but his underwear for a moment long before grabbing it. He puts the pants on first. It’s a little tighter than he remembers, meeting a bit of resistance as he pulls them over his thighs. After a bit of tugging he gets them all the way up to sit around his hips. The waistband slightly digs into his skin. The top comes next. He unbuttons it with practiced ease before sliding it onto his shoulders. 
“Oh shit,” he says with a mix of surprise and panic. 
It’s already tight around his shoulders and he hasn’t even rebuttoned it yet. He turns to look at the floor length mirror that sits in the corner of the room. The fabric is pulled taut and he briefly worries about the seams bursting if he moves too fast. He didn’t risk stealing this for nothing though. He begins to close the buttons one by one. It becomes a struggle once he’s halfway up his abdomen. He has to suck in deep breaths of air just to be able to pull the edges close enough to slip the button in. It’s a fight once he gets over his chest. No matter how he moves he can’t close it. He breathes, he relaxes his shoulders, he hunches forward, yet nothing gets him closer to his goal. Did he really get that much bigger since his summoning? 
He stares at his reflection, the uniform so close to being all the way on. If he could just get the buttons over his chest closed. He ponders any possible solution, so lost in thought he doesn’t hear the door open. 
“So, this is what you did instead of coming to see me?” Zephyr leans against the doorframe with their arms crossed. 
Ifrit whips around, a slight flush to his cheeks as he tries to stammer out an explanation, “Zeph! No you see I was coming to see you, swear on the Lords, but I…well you see it’s funny really—“ 
“Save it,” Zephyr holds up a hand “I can see you’re having lots of fun playing dress up. Please, don’t let me stop you.” 
They watch him, waiting for him to continue. Yellow eyes look him up and down expectantly. Ifrit almost flinches under the intensity. 
“I can’t.” He bows his head, looking at his feet. 
“What? Too shy now that you’ve got an audience? Come now Ifrit, I thought you loved the spotlight.” 
He shakes his head. “No that’s not…I can’t Zeph.” 
He tries to pull the buttons over his chest once more, showing Zephyr what he means. They watch him struggle for just a moment before it clicks. Their eyes scan over his figure again, only this time they notice how tight the uniform is on him. It's clinging to him, no wrinkles or extra space in sight. The way his chest bulges out of the unbuttoned front. They can see the outline of his nipple piercings. They can see everything. When the silence stretches on for too long, Ifrit lifts his head to look at them, guilt and shame written all over his face with how deep that blush has gotten. Suddenly Zephyr couldn’t care less about having to walk back to the den all by themselves. 
“Poor little pup can’t fit into his old uniform?” Zephyr pushes off the doorframe, stepping into the room and closing the door behind them. 
Ifrit’s eyebrows shoot to his hairline at the tone of their voice. Zephyr stalks over to him, running their hand over his shoulder and down his arm. They can feel the muscle ripple under the featherlight touch. They can’t help but squeeze his bicep, feeling the solidness through the fabric. Ifrit shudders, watching a small grin appear on their face. They meet each other's eye for a moment before Zephyr slips one of their hands into the opening of the uniform to grab at one of his pecs. 
“Why bother trying to button this thing? Leave it open so everyone can see your perfect tits.” 
Ifrit chokes on air when Zephyr pinches one of his pierced nipples harder than what could be considered pleasurable. 
“This is certainly an improvement. Could never touch you like this backstage.” They fondle his chest, squeezing as much of him as they can with one hand. 
Ifrit allows himself to be pushed until his back hits the dresser, hand shooting out behind him to keep his balance. Zephyr presses themselves tight against him, standing in between his legs to cage him in. He stares down at them as they start to mouth over his chest. The whiplash of Zephyr catching him to having that cool tongue gliding over heated skin makes his head spin. He isn’t sure if he should stop them, telling them to wait so he can take it off lest he rips it, or let them continue to grope his sensitive tits. 
When he feels them bite close to his nipple his brain shuts off, hand flying up to stop the whimper that catches in his throat. Zephyr does it again. And again, and again, and again until his chest is covered in purple. His hips grind forward against them when their other hand tweaks his nipple at the same time they suck the other into their mouth. They squeeze their tail around his waist to stop the movement of his hips. 
“Not yet pup, I want to take my time with you while you’re like this. Don’t want it to end too early.”  
“Zeph, Birdie. Come on, we…you’re going to rip it,” he struggles to form a coherent thought with the way they’re rolling that sensitive bud between their teeth. 
Zephyr pulls off of him slowly. They stand from their hunched position to stare at him, hands still roaming over his chest. “Are you telling me no?” 
“‘No!” He says in a hurry “, that’s not what—“ 
“Then shut your mouth. You’re the one who wanted to play dress up, so let’s play.” 
Zephyr steps away from him before reaching up to wrap their hand around one of his horns. They drag him to the bed, tugging and pulling at him to get him to lay flat on his back. Ifrit’s helpless to it, he allows them to move him however they want with nothing but the grip on his horn. When he’s down, Zephyr straddles his hips. Ifrit stares up at them with wide eyes, waiting for them to make a move so he can figure out how to not burst every seam on the uniform while they use him. 
They tilt their head smiling at him; something sweet and simple before spitting directly onto his tits. Everything moves quickly after that; they unzip their pants just enough to pull their cock out, jacking themselves a few times before sliding up farther on Ifrit’s abdomen. They reach into the uniform to squeeze his chest together, moving their hands in quick circles to smear the salvia around before letting up on the tension just enough to shove their cock between them. 
They squish his tits together until they’re hissing with satisfaction before slowly rocking their hips. He itches to replace their hands with his, do something other than stare slack jawed up at Zephyr, but every thought dies when he sees the tip of their dick peek out from his cleavage. His hips twitch up searching for friction when he watches a bead of pre drip so close to his chin he could lick it up if he craned his neck just a bit more. 
Zephyr laughs at the hazy look in his eyes, at the way he’s just staring at the way their tip glides closer and closer to his face with each roll of their hips. The laugh is cut off when his brain finally catches up and he flicks his tongue out to swipe over the slit, drinking down the pre pearling at the tip. Zephyr shudders with a groan, hips bucking forward to get closer to the heat of his mouth. 
“Not as dumb as I thought you were.” They huff, resuming a more rhythmic grind albeit it faster than before. 
Ifrit is craning his neck to keep his tongue out, licking over their cock as they fuck his tits. He can feel the drool running down the side of  his mouth, dripping onto his collarbones only to slide down and pool in his cleavage. 
“Making a mess of yourself pup,” Zephyr groans. 
Ifrit doesn’t respond, doesn’t have the brain power to. His senses are flooded with the taste of them, with the sight of their flushed cock, with the breathy little sighs that fall from their lips each time Ifrit flicks his tongue. He wants to get them in his mouth, properly suck them off until they cum down his throat. He moves without thinking, trying to grab their hands and surge forward to flip their positions. He doesn’t get that far. The moment he lifts his shoulders a deafening pop accompanies the sound of skin gliding on skin. Ifrit is slammed back into his body when the tension around his shoulders suddenly feels lighter, less constricted. 
“Birdie shit wait. Stop, I think it ripped.” He panics, squeezing Zephyr’s wrists. 
“How is that my problem? You stole it now you’ll live with the consequences.” They huff, doubling down. They squeeze his chest tighter, rocking their hips faster. 
Ifrit could easily throw them off, truly ask them to stop, but he can’t find it in himself to move. He’s paralyzed by the realization he damaged the uniform, but also by the ache between his legs and the weight of Zephyr on his chest. Caught between his want to stop and his need to continue. 
His mind is made up for him when a particularly hard thrust from Zephyr pushes the tip of their cock against his lips. His hands fly to their hips, urging them to do it again. They oblige, pressing closer to his face. Ifrit shifts just enough to be able to wrap his lips around the head, sucking and licking over it. Zephyr’s head falls forward, cursing under their breath. Their thrusts turn into quick little grinds, shoving more of their cock into that hot, wet mouth. 
Ifrit lets the weight of it rest on his tongue as drool runs down his chin. The awkward angle makes it difficult to take more than an inch of them, but he doesn’t care. He’s content to run his tongue over them, licking at their slit and the sensitive spot on the underside. Ifrit sucks, working his lips around them and Zephyr is unable to stop their talons from digging into the meat of his chest. Ifrit moans, eyes fluttering and hips bucking into the air from the prick of pain. 
Ifrit does it again. Instead of talons tearing tendering flesh he feels Zephyr go rigid. They cum without warning, coating the inside of his mouth. He instinctively swallows around them and they shudder as another glob squirts over his tongue. Ifrit suckles on his dick until it’s too much and they’re pulling away from him in overstimulation. They’re both panting, staring at each other with flushed cheeks while they catch their breath. When Ifrit runs a hand through the mess on the chest Zephyr groans. 
“Get out of that thing before I ruin it.” Zephyr slides off of him, knees cracking when they stand. 
Ifrit sits up to sit on the edge of the bed, turned to stare at his reflection in the mirror. He runs his hands over the deep marks littering his chest. His brain supplies him with memories from backstage closets and hotel rooms as his eyes rake over the disheveled uniform. That is, before he remembers where he’s at. Why he has the costume to begin with. His head snaps to Zephyr who’s just smiling at him. 
“Don’t worry I’ll fix it before someone has your horns.” 
Ifrit sighs a breath of relief. “Thank you birdie.” 
“It wouldn’t be the first time and I certainly hope it isn’t the last,” they press a kiss to his temple ,” now strip.” 
He stands, taking off the top as carefully as possible to not make the tear worse. The seam on his right shoulder is ripped down to the armpit. He cringes at the sight, handing it over to Zephyr before shucking the pants. Zephyr nearly doubles over at the sizable wet patch on the front of his boxers. The fabric clings to him, outline the shape of his now soft cock. They palm at him, squeezing him through his underwear and smearing the mess around. Ifrit shudders at the feeling. 
“Filthy,” Zephyr muses. 
“You’re one to talk,” Ifrit huffs a laugh. 
They shrug, gathering the discarded uniform and folding it neatly before putting it on the desk to work on later. 
“You’re the one who put it on. I’m not to blame for my actions.” 
“Hm,” he thinks for a moment, “maybe next time I’ll wear the mask.” 
“Oh so suddenly you have no reservations about stealing Ministry relics?” They eye him with a grin, something dangerous glinting in their eyes. 
He grins back, “Not when it makes you like this, birdie.” 
They hum, pressing kisses along his jawline “Good.” 
There’s a moment of silence before Ifrit feels their hand wrap around his throat, “But if you ever leave me waiting like that again I’ll make sure you suffocate, understood?” 
Ifrit swallows and nods. He shifts the weight on his feet, feeling his cock try to kick back to life. Zephyr grins at him. With the uniform gone he had no protection from their talons. He almost hopes they’re still upset with him. 
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oscill4te · 5 months
cleaning the bathroom is like the most physical chore ever (moreso the shower, really)
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finalhaunts · 2 years
It had to be done.
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wileys-russo · 5 months
put a ring on it II l.williamson x reader
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lil LW6 fic based on this request put a ring on it II l.williamson x reader
"here she is!" you sung out as you launched yourself onto your friends back, alessia stumbling slightly but finding her footing with a laugh. "player of the match! player of the match!" you continued to cheer as alessia hoisted you up properly carrying you round on her back as you did your laps.
"the penalty was perfect less, see i told you they weren't cursed!" you grinned, pulling her into a tight hug as she placed you back down on your feet. "doesn't mean i'll be putting my hand up to take anymore!" the blonde shook her head, though neither of you were unable to keep the smile off her face with a 4-1 win over chelsea.
"i see now why the two of you are so perfect for each other." the taller girl laughed as you both clapped and waved to the fans, nodding toward your girlfriend who was getting a piggyback of her own off manu.
"leah's got an excuse though you're just lazy!" alessia teased, often having you demanding she piggyback you around on national duty and now you played for the same club team.
"you're one to talk! who carries all the bags when we go shopping?" you laughed shoving her, waving at a small group of girls who called out your name. "who buys the most and therefore has the most bags to carry!" the blonde countered bumping her shoulder into yours.
"thats definitely you babe, because its me who carries all the bag when we go shopping!" suddenly your girlfriend appeared, wedging her way in between the two of you with her arms slung over both yours and alessia's shoulders.
"i earn and spend my money the way i want, why all this hate!" you tutted with a playful roll of your eyes, the three of you falling into conversation as you continued on your lap round the emirates.
"heard you've got some competition for your girls hand leah!" kyra zoomed past with a cheeky grin, leah frowning in confusion but unable to ask for any further context as kyra sprinted off chased by vic.
"i didn't know your relationship was open williamson. can i have a crack?" katie was next, playfully kissing your cheek with a wink as now both you and leah looked on in confusion.
your relationship with leah could be described as private but not secret. for years now you'd posted pictures with and of one another, but paid no mind to the spamming of comments asking if you were together.
you lost no sleep to the rumours of what you two were and made no move to placate or deny them, rather just happily existing together and focusing your energy on your relationship rather than what people thought about it or assumed it to be.
however it was most certainly not open.
"what the hell is everyone on about?" leah huffed, annoyance replacing confusion as you squeezed her bicep to try and gain her attention seeing she was becoming upset. "um, i might have an idea." alessia chuckled beside you, clearly trying to cover up her amusement but failing miserably.
nudging the two of you she tried to subtly point something out in the crowd, and it didn't take very long for leah to follow along. "oh you are taking the piss mate." came the scoff and grumble as you tried to catch on, alessia rolling her eyes and moving your head so you finally spotted it.
"ohh." you sighed in realisation, your girlfriends mumblings beside you and closed off body language now making a lot more sense. "do they think thats going to work?" you laughed, which was cleary the wrong thing to say as leah scoffed again and stormed off before you could say another word.
"will you be saying i do then?" you grunted as the tables turned and kyra reappeared, jumping onto your back and wrapping her legs around your waist, vic and teyah not far behind her.
the teasing in question was all due to a large sign reading 'marry me y/n?' held up by a grinning girl who definitely looked too young for you whose eye contact you avoided as you turned away from the sign.
"someone will be sleeping with the dogs tonight!" vic roared with laughter as leah shot you a look over her shoulder and followed into the tunnel after beth.
"i didn't even do anything! this is all of your faults for pointing out that stupid sign and winding her up." you huffed and promptly dropped kyra, who swore after you as teyah helped her up and you hurried off toward where your girlfriend had dissapeared.
though before you could go after her there was a small group of fans calling your name and you diverted, spending a little while alongside laia and alessia signing and chatting things before finally breaking away and heading inside.
returning to the change rooms everyone seemed to be in good spirits and celebrations were in full swing. music was pumping and you couldn't help but laugh at some of your friends and team mates dance moves which were more than questionable.
"having fun wally?" you grinned at the poor swiss woman who was desperately trying to count heads for how many people to include in a dinner booking at one of the teams favorite pubs later tonight, with very little success.
"lee and i will be there." you laughed at her pleading eyes, kissing her cheek and searching the room for the blonde in question. "hey have you seen leah?" you asked beth who finally sat down to take her boots off and stopped singing (yelling) for five seconds at vivs pleading.
"maybe that way somewhere." beth jerked her thumb over her shoulder toward the rest of the team as you rolled your eyes. "yeah thanks beffy." you chuckled, quickly changing out of your socks and boots, a twenty minute warning given for the bus leaving you scrambled toward the showers just beating stina into the last free one.
knowing there was a line of inpatient girls waiting their turn who were only growing rowdier now someone had popped a bottle of champagne, you were fast with your shower and the way you changed into clean dry clothes in record time.
you'd think with the way the team was carrying on you'd all won the conti cup again though amusing as the celebrations were a frown was very much present on your face seeing leah was still nowhere to be seen.
you tried calling her as you grabbed your bag and filed out of the change rooms but huffed as it rang out and went to voicemail. "she's probably driving, she drove herself and laura right?" alessia tried to reassure you as your eyes roamed the carpark, leahs car nowhere in sight at all.
"yeah maybe." you mumbled, following the taller girl up and into the bus, loading your bags and settling into your seat. "ah ah no anti social behaviour we're celebrating!" you groaned as beth snatched your headphones from your hands, hanging them around her neck with a wink as jen ruffled your hair and steph smiled apologetically.
much as you did worry about leah a half hour later you couldn't help but laugh and try not to let your overthinking consume your mind too much as karaoke was in full swing and you'd almost arrived back to colney.
"macca please, give our ears a break!" alessia groaned playfully beside you, her head falling to your shoulder as the two of you plugged your ears and the older girl scoffed, making a point to saunter over closer and yell mr brightside even louder, vic belting it out from the other end of the bus.
you continued to check your phone, having still tried to call around to leah and sending her a few messages all of which had gone unanswered. "hey, get out of your head." alessia tapped at your forehead sensing the worried nervous energy pouring out of you.
"why would she be mad at you? you didn't make that sign, you didn't interact with the fan who made it, you didn't encourage anything." the girl rubbed your back comfortingly as she drew you in for a hug and the bus parked up, everyone hurrying off and agreeing to meet for dinner at seven sharp.
"text me yeah?" alessia encouraged as you nodded and sent her a grateful smile before slipping into your car and flicking through your playlists, needing the right sort of music to try and pull yourself from your thoughts as you drove home.
a small sense of relief flooded through you seeing leahs car was indeed in the driveway once you arrived, meaning at least she was home. quickly parking and shutting off your engine you grabbed your bag from the back and headed toward the front door.
though before you could even get a hand on the door it swung open taking you off guard, though the state of your girlfriend caught you even more so by surprise. "why are you-" you started, your girlfriend dressed up in a beige two piece suit with her hair done and light makeup apparent on her features.
"we're going out." leah announced, ushering you inside and grabbing your bag for you. "for dinner with the girls? i didn't think we were meeting until seven and we were just going to the local." you wandered in with a confused frown as leah shook her head.
"no, just you and i. i already called lia and let her know!" your girlfriend answered the question before you could even ask it. "but-" you started cut off by a shake of the blondes head.
"no more questions. our reservations at five and i already laid out something for you to wear. go change please darling!" leahs hands landed on your shoulders, turning and gently pushing you toward your shared bedroom. "you're being very weird williamson." you stated glancing at her over your shoulder as she waved you off and started to unpack your bag for you.
"come on babe it's nearly five!" leah groaned, still refusing to answer any of your questions as you finished doing your hair, nodding happily with the final product and grabbing your bag.
"hey thats not the bag i chose or the shoes!" leah huffed with a frown at your changes. "as sweet as it is that you wanted to dress me love, i get final say." you smiled pecking her lips and silencing any further protests.
"isn't it nearly five?" you reminded as she attempted to argue again, the blonde nodding and taking your hand, locking up after you and hurrying to open your door as you slid inside. "such a gentlewoman." you teased, the defender grinning and stealing a kiss before shutting your door and rushing around to her own side.
"will you tell me where we're going now?" you asked as leah pulled out of the driveway with a shake of her head, nodding for you to select some music. "you're an incredibly frustrating individual sometimes i leah catherine." you sighed but grabbed her phone none the less since it connected first.
"you still love me but." leah smirked teasingly, eyes focused on the road as she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel in time with the music. "lee. why did you run off today?" you questioned after a comfortable silence had fallen between you, unable to ignore the topic any longer.
"i didn't, just had to drop laura home." leah shrugged it off as you gave up trying to work out where you were going as she turned the opposite way that you expected her to.
"right. only after we saw that silly sign you seemed-" you continuned softly, cut off as leah turned up the current song and started to loudly sing along, wordlessly sending the message she didn't want to answer.
dropping it for now not wanting to spoil the blondes seemingly improved mood before a meal together you sang along with her as she drove. "oh we've not been here before." you perked up as leah finally turned in and parked, not recognizing where you were.
"some of the girls recommended it awhile back, i think dean took steph here for their anniversary if my memory serves correct?" leah commented, parking up and clicking her tongue at you as you went to open your door.
"you really are something else." you smiled as she appeared in front of you swinging the door open. "i will open doors any day for you my pretty lady." leah bowed as you smacked her shoulder and the defender stood up straight with a grin, grabbing your hand and placing a gentle kiss to your interlocked fingers.
the two of you fell into step as another comfortable silence fell between you, the sun starting to set bathing you in a warm golden glow, the dark clouds from earlier today now long gone.
"williamson." leah spoke with a smile to the hostess at the front who nodded, grabbing two menus and leading the two of you through the resteraunt. "its beautiful in here lee." you squeezed your girlfriends hand with an awestruck smile at the interior.
floor to roof there were old stone pillars, painted to look washed out as plants hung from the tops and vines spiraled around them, gold edged finishing on the dark mid century wooden furniture.
"wait till you see outside." leah murmered, kissing your cheek with a smile as the two of you were lead outside, your eyes lighting up seeing a small fire pit. "here?" you asked as the waitress gestured for the two of you to take a seat, the semi circle bench with an in built table a little sunk into the ground creating a cosy but private atmosphere.
there was a live band playing on a small stage and the soft chatter from your fellow diners just added to the cosy atmosphere as you thanked the hostess and sat down, leah making sure you were comfortable before taking a seat herself.
"like it?" leah raised an eyebrow but curiously and a little nervously, the two of you were creatures of habit and seldom tried new places, rather preferring the guaranteed satisfaction of what you knew wouldn't disappoint you.
"it's perfect leah. but why?" you laughed quietly, leaning in to kiss her properly and pulling away, neither of you overly large fans of pda given your shared 'famous' status and the risk of prying eyes or phone cameras.
"do i now need a reason to take my beautiful wonderful gorgeous girlfriend out for a nice meal?" leah smiled charmingly, resting her chin on her hand. "mm no but its much less suspicious when you do have one." you retorted, knocking your knee against hers as someone arrived to take your order.
not even having glanced at the menu yet you both smiled apologetically and ordered drinks, busying yourselves deciding what to eat and ordering food once your drinks arrived.
"so this lovely spontaneous meal would have nothing to do with that sign today then would it love?" you asked with a quirk of your eyebrow, sipping on your drink as leah rolled her eyes.
"no it would not!" "you do realise i've known you for years now williamson and you are a terrible liar."
"alright maybe the sign had me a little tiny teeny weeny bit jealous. but mostly i realised we'd not had a proper date night in far too long!" she grinned at the last part of her answer, hoping you'd skip over the first bit.
"jealous i might marry a wee stranger with a sign were we? thats a bit rom com cliche for me my love." you chuckled as your girlfriend playfully smacked your leg and finished her drink, setting the empty glass down as within seconds it was whisked away by someone.
"dunno i bet if i turned up outside your window with a big speaker and confessed my undying love for you you'd be swooning quite hard darling." leah smiled, eyes ablaze with nothing but sheer adoration for you.
"that would have certainly been much more romantic." you teased, leahs cheeks flushing pink at the memory. "stop! i was young and nervous and....sweaty." the defender cringed, having practically cornered you in the showers sweating bullets with nerves and practically yelling at you to go on a date with her.
"now babe how did it go again?" you pondered as leah groaned and hid her face in her hands. "go on a date with me tomorrow!" you mocked her accent and hummed. "no that wasn't it." you stroked your chin thoughtfully as your girlfriend groaned louder and smacked your knee, hiding her face in her hands.
"date tomorrow me please really like you!" you again mocked her accent and nervous stutter with a wolfish grin as the blonde was saved any further embarrassment as your food arrived.
the two of you grew up together on the football pitch in your teen years, both growing quite close through the arsenal academy leah made her senior team debut just a season before you and you couldn't be prouder.
though the distance between you now as you stayed training with the b team meant she realised she wanted to be more than friends and harboured quite unfriendly feelings.
feelings she made the mistake of confessing to her new teammates who'd at first teased her relentlessly and then came the ongoing pushing to tell you how she felt.
leah finally cracked once you signed your own contract and were finally training by her side again, the teasing growing worse for a very clearly flustered leah, a side you weren't used to having known her to be occasionally over confident.
you'd chalked it down to nerves for the talks of her impending senior national team call up, everyone else chalked it up to her being disgustingly head over heels for you and surprisingly too scared to let you know.
this meant six agonisingly slow months passed where leah continued to be given shit for the pining looks sent your way when you weren't looking, until one day something snapped and she decided no more would she hide the truth away.
it may have coincidentally also been the day she heard rumours of you allegedly being dragged along speed dating later that night with some of the other older girls 'for a laugh'.
so swallowing every single doubt which screamed at her this was a terrible idea leah had tried time and time again that day to speak with you, but something or someone seemed to pop up and get in the way every time.
which had been what lead to the abrupt and incredibly awkward shower room incident, though really as much as leah was horrifically mortified you'd found it endearingly cute.
given you still teased her for it this day and the two of you had been dating for years and years now as leah got older the regret of how she'd gone about asking you out had begun to melt away.
"ready to go baby girl?" leah asked as your plates were cleared, the two of you practically now sitting on top of one another as you relished in the welcome warmth both from the fire pit and one anothers bodies.
"did you want one more drink?" you turned your head to question, quite comfortable in your current position. "nah, one of us has to be sober enough to drive home." leah teased, ducking her head to press her lips to yours, pulling away far sooner than you'd have liked as she squeezed your hips indicating you stand up.
making your way hand in hand through the restaurant, now both well fed and a tiny bit tipsy in your case you both cared less about the displays of affection, having been papped together many times over the years anyway but just never directly addressing anything.
thanking the hostess leah was quick to grab the door for you, your cheeks flushing bright red as she lightly patted your bum as she walked out after you, causing you to shoot her a playful glare over your shoulder.
the blonde was even quicker to pull off her suit jacket, draping it over your bare shoulders and silencing your protests that now she would be cold with several kisses, mumbling about how she was warming herself up with them causing you to laugh against her lips.
many sweet kisses and cheesy compliments exchanged during the walk back to the car you shrugged off leahs arm and darted to her door, pulling it open for her for once as she raised an eyebrow in surprise.
"must be the jacket." you teased as she rolled her eyes but slid into the car, making a point to lean over the console to push open your own door for you anyway.
finally pulling into your driveway with a firm look from your girlfriend you waited patiently for her to make her own way to your door, gasping in mock surprise as she pulled it open and once again bowed.
"sap!" you teased shoving her as you grabbed her hand and stood, leah closing the door and locking her car up after you. "okay before we go inside." your girlfriend started halting you in your tracks by the front door, causing a suspicious frown to grow on your face.
"i need you to trust me please." the taller girl took your hands in hers with a gentle squeeze as you slowly nodded. "i do."
"okay good. now please put this on then, no questions." leah reached into the pocket of her trousers and pulled out a blindfold as you raised an eyebrow but begrudgingly did as she asked, flinching as her hands fell to your shoulders once you'd heard her unlock the front door.
"i got you." she chuckled, pressing a kiss to your shoulder and carefully guiding you inside, murmering when steps were coming or there was obstacles.
you heard the back door sliding open and felt your girlfriend carefully help you down the back steps as she asked you kick off your shoes and your feet sunk into the soft grass of the backyard.
eventually you felt yourself step onto something rougher causing your eyebrows to furrow curiously as leahs hands fell from your body and you heard some shuffling around but you knew there wasn't a point to you asking anything as she would just not answer.
"okay, you can take it off now love."
it took a few moments for your eyes to adjust once you'd pulled off the cloth blindfold but once they did your hand flew to your mouth and your body locked up, your reaction clearly amusing the blonde knelt down in front of you.
the roughness beneath you was a large aztec blanket, with two beanbags and cushions scattered all around as lanterns and fairy lights hung from the trees and on each corner of the blanket around you illuminating your backyard in a soft golden glow.
"leah..." you trailed off, shaking your head unable to find words as she sent you a soft smile and held up her hand to silence you.
"now you know why i was so pissed off with that stupid bloody sign today. i've had this planned out for weeks and of course the day i choose to do it, which i promise was long pre planned, some other randoms got a sign asking for your hand and making me look like some jealous numpty whose concocted a last minute proposal just to spite some teenage fangirl!" leah scoffed with a shake of her head making you let out a half laugh half sob as her features softened.
"you're such an idiot." you managed to get out making her grin and shuffle forward a little, reaching into her other trouser pocket as your heart rate accelerated even faster if that was humanely possible.
"jesus christ." you exhaled shakily as she pulled out a small velvet box and popped it open, the ring inside glinting back at you. "not my name love but i'll take it." leah grinned boyishly as you again let out a laugh, hand still covering your mouth in shock.
"my beautiful girl. i've loved you for as long as i've known you and though it took me a little bit to realise i think i might've been in love with you that entire time too." leah started as your knees felt like buckling.
"you are the most warm, caring, kind, attentive, empathetic, passionate and selfless person i've ever had the utter pleasure of having in my life let alone the absolute honor of calling my partner in life. you've always been the one whose better with words between us but i'm going to do my very best to remember all of-" as excitement shot through your body you couldn't help but interrupt.
"yes!" you cried out suddenly, taking leah off guard as she faltered mid speech and your face blushed bright red. "yes?" leah asked wide eyed as you nodded furiously. "yes, yes, yes, a million times yes." you laughed as another sob wracked your body.
the blonde was up and on her feet within seconds and hoisting you off the ground, spinning you around as tears of joy spilt over from her own eyes and you wasted no time smashing your lips to hers.
"i had a whole lovely long heartfelt speech planned out about how much i love and adore you dickhead. i've proposed to laura, lia and beth about three thousand times now for practice!" leah laughed against your lips as she carefully settled you back down on your feet and pressed her forehead to yours.
"save it for your vows?" you smiled guiltily, biting down on your bottom lip as leah let out a pelt of laughter, letting go of you to wipe away her tears before very gently wiping away your own with the pad of her thumb, tugging you into yet another kiss.
"wait! at least let me-" she pulled away and dropped down onto one knee again, carefully pulling out the ring and placing the box down by her side.
"may i please be your wife?" leah asked, eyes once more welling up with tears as you nodded and she grabbed your hand, sliding the ring onto your finger as you pulled her up to her feet.
"you know i also had this to get to, you really are so inpatient!" leah threw her head back with a laugh, stepping back and lifting one of the beanbags pulling out a bundle of red.
as she dropped it open you let out a laugh of your own, seeing it was an arsenal jersey with williamson on the back but with your own number, clearly an indicator of the future to come.
"mm mrs williamson has such a perfect ring to it my girl, i can't wait to be your wife." "i love you so so very much, fiance." "i bet that girl is gonna feel proper stupid now." "leah!" "what? she beat me to the punch but i got the final knockout." "you're forever and always the winner in my eyes baby."
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unluckilyimnot · 3 months
fixing the other's hairstyle to let their hands run through their partner's hair
Characters : isagi, reo, karasu, yukimiya, hiori, sae, rin, kunigami, nagi
m.list || rules
Note: Charles being friends with shidou is really no surprise 😭 they're both menaces
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is a smiley little pookie
never do your hair ‘cause he’s gonna ruin it and he doesn’t even intend to and he's SO sorry when he does
he wants to touch your hair all the time, brushing it away, make sure you don’t get it or eat it
he’s so oblivious about the fact that he KEEPS touching your hair
it’s always some “wait I’ll help you out” when you want to tie it (if you can), or “wait” and he brushed it away from your eyes
All. The. Damn. Time.
If your hair is long/shoulder length, he wants to brush it for you on windy day so you’re all pretty again
I see him as a gentleman who tease a little
so I think he tends to play with it a lot, twirling it around his fingers and then say it was to fix the strand
even more if you have curly hair or curl it yourself, it was losing its bounce a little, he helped :)
he doesn’t do it much outside, but when it’s just the two of you he likes it
ruffling it, putting a falling strand behind your ear/out of your view
he just loves the softness
it’s easy, he’s taller than you so it’s his favorite part and he doesn’t even try to find any excuses
he just touch it, even pet your head as if your a damn cat
he loves it if you have long hair, he can play with the end easily when he’s out of energy for the day
he can lay his head on top of yours and that’s generally, if needed, his excuse to touch your hair – inside, all alone or outside with people
he’s the type to brush your hair away of your face if it bothers him and he can’t see your eyes
his best excuse is that he knows how to style hair thanks to his sisters so he can help effectively
he does your hair for you, I don’t make the rules
that’s his favorite part of getting ready, doesn’t matter where you’re going or if you stay at home
he LOVES breaking the curl when he just done it to make them look loose – plus you look amazing
tie your hair for you just to feel it between his fingers
and always has a hair tie to do so
he’s the best, he can do anything and if not : he’ll learn to
everything to see you smile
he’s too serious for his own good when he’s in public, you like to mess with him
he freshly cut his hair and you can’t help but want to run your hands through it all day, it’s all soft and nice and he smells as good as always and –
he had to glare at you for you to stop your move, rolling your eyes, you left to get a drink
a hand find it’s way on your smaller back again and you roll your eyes
“Stop that would you”
“Cut your hair after next time” it’s his time to roll his eyes
“You’re impossible” and you returned him the compliment, this time ruffling his hair for good before fixing it and smiling
“I love you though” he narrows his eyes at you, taking a look around him before leaving a peck on your cheek
“Me too”
you like to fix his bangs to bother him
putting it a little on the side to get a better sight of his eyes even if he hated it
or ruffling it until he can’t see anymore
annoying Rin is your favorite job on earth
this end up in a fight half of the time – and he always win, be for real
but deep down, he loves it a lot
this boy is touch starved, so you playing and touching his hair a lot make him feel better and loved
he’s a tidy man, he knows what he’s doing and big gathering, brands and companies or not ; he just has to be perfect
and he’s glad to have someone around him ready to fix his look if needed
but you two haven’t left yet that you already fixed his hair a few time
“You can’t act like that tonight you know that ?” he chuckled as you, very cautiously, fix it once again
“I will if needed.”
“Was it needed all the time for the past half and hour ?” he asked in a smirk, tilting his head to the side
you blush at his comment and pout. “Maybe not…”
he doesn’t mind tho, you’re sweet and you love him sm you can’t help it
he feels the same, don’t you worry
casual date but he’s always making sure he looks cute for his pretty s/o
you two leave when the time is still clear and warm yet knowing that’s a windy day
by the time you arrive at your destination, a cute cat café that opens recently, your hair is a mess and you can’t help but whine
he’s quick to help you out, brushing his fingers through it to ease it before his own hair – not that it moved much
yet you brushed your fingers through his as well, giggling when you’re done and him thanking you, not knowing it wasn’t needed at all
his hair is so soft, you can’t help but push it away gently or hold it before a strand falls in his mouth while he’s eating.
“What’s up today ?”
“Nothing, I just don’t want you to eat your hair !”
you attend an official thing, like regarding commercials he worked in with some brand
he’s : on fleek, hair perfectly done, makeup on top, he looks handsome and that’s your man ? Damn
you have to be serious the whole, contain yourself, smile a lot but you really can’t help yourself, from time to time, to make sure that his outfit and hairstyle stay perfect
that’s your job right ?
It’s like the ninth time your hand keeps a stand of hair out of his sight, or to make sure it stays put together, it makes him giggle.
“Done ?” he asked in a whisper in your ear, his smile so easy to imagine on his face.
“What ? It’s in your face. I’m helping out.”
“You’re not. You’re clingy,” he pecked your temple. “but it’s fine.”
yes, he knows you just can’t keep your hand for yourself but he still finds it cute and endearing
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lost-and-ephemeral · 2 months
helloooo, can i req cuddling with love and deepspace boys? :))
Imagine: Loving Embrace (ft. main trio)
Pairing: Xavier x reader, Zayne x reader, Rafayel x reader (seperate)
Tags: pure fluff
A/N: i'm still feeling pretty bad mentally because too many things happened and i'm no longer taking antidepressants, but this little cute request was hard to resist ♡ I decided to focus on different situations instead of writing simple hcs for cuddles
-`♡´- MASTERLIST -`♡´- 
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Rafayel: Cuddles for Inspiration
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"Come here, I can't find my inspiration without you."
At least that's what Rafayel always says when he can't find the right balance between painting and wanting to spend time with you. So why not combine both!
Yes, he's covered in paint and, yes, its smell completely soaked his clothes, but you never say no to him. How could anyone resist his cute pouty face when he's asking for something like this?
The moment Rafayel pulls you by the waist and sits you on his lap, be prepared to spend a very, very long time like this. Especially if he's really inspired by your closeness.
And he just can't let go of his muse in the middle of the creative process, right?
Rafayel holds you firmly but gently by your waist while his chin rests on your shoulder. His eyes are either closed as he thinks about something or focused on the canvas.
Sometimes his fingers draw invisible abstract shapes on your waist. He does it instinctively, without thinking. Or he plays with your own fingers while he draws details with his other hand.
"See? Without you, this painting wouldn't be complete."
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Zayne: Cuddles for Productivity
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"I need some cuddles to promote the production of oxytocin."
Zayne… Always remains Zayne, covering up his own desire to be closer to you with various medical terms and researches. It is cute in it's own way, actually.
He loves it when you hold him in your arms and he can completely relax for a while, resting his head on your chest and listening to your heartbeat. He'll definetely call it a way to check your heath too.
Zayne loves to cuddle before or after work most of the time, but he won't refuse to be there for you during his break at work.
He needs to find the energy to keep working, after all.
He probably prefers to keep quiet during yor cuddling session, but if you want to tell him something, go ahead, Zayne won't say a word against it.
In fact, he even enjoys hearing your stories. Just make sure they don't contain things about your work that might alarm him. Otherwise, he might go back into strict doctor mode. But it's still only because of his love and care for you.
"Have you heard that hugs or any other show of affection can have health benefits, including reducing fear, stress, and pain? So it is good for both of us."
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Xavier: Cuddles for Sleep
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"My internal battery is completely drained."
And with these words Xavier will make himself comfortable in your arms while you're lying on the couch or bed and scrolling on social media.
And that's not even a joke, he's actually completely exhausted after spending the last couple days on missions without proper rest. You know Xavier, he either works non-stop or goes into hibernation after that. It'll take some time to change his habits.
In this state, he's more like a big plush toy, and you can do whatever you want with him. But the best idea is to play with his hair. This action always relaxes him.
After all, only in your hands he can find such a desired comfort.
Xavier will tell you about how his last mission went while you cuddle. Well, he will try to do it before sleep finally consumes him. And you'll be able to hear perfectly how his voice grows quieter and quieter with each word.
He's so cute when he's sleepy, isn't he? You can even tell him that to get a quiet chuckle in return. Xavier doesn't mind your little teasing.
"It's so warm in your arms, I swear I… I can't stay awake anymore…"
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m0llygunn · 7 months
had a cute thought: reader speaking softly to eddie as he’s asleep. reader does this occasionally and they whisper sweet nothings to eddie or tells eddie about their day (he doesn’t know this since he’s passed out) though, this time he’s pretending to be asleep. not for any reason, he just didn’t move or anything when reader entered his room and sat next to him in bed. would eddie stay pretending to be asleep as the reader whispers to him or would he surprise and embarrass them by responding? 💕
anyway it’s not much to go off of i apologize, but i hope to get ur input on it! have a good day x
this is sooooo cute!!! don't even apologize omg i love this so much! i personally think that eddie is an act first, think later kind of guy, so embarrassing you would be nothing but an afterthought; however, he'd also be intrigued to hear what you had to say and would continue pretending until you were done (or until his lovey dovey heart couldn't take it anymore hehe). then once he got his fill of sweet nothings, he'd absolutely be surprising you and littering you with kisses and his own sweet nothings! I wrote a quick little something-something inspired by this bc i love it!! but i changed your idea a teensy tiny bit (hope its okay!)
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Eddie loves you dearly— so, so, so dearly. You know that, he knows that, and he’s pretty sure that every person in the country knows that.
He loves you so much, but he would oh-so-dearly love to go to sleep right now. 
The only issue is you’ve got what he likes to call the ‘zoomies’. Yes— like puppies get when they’re all full of energy and excitement, and just have to have everyone’s attention. You’re being silly, and giggly, and prodding at him to entertain yourself— which he loves and finds so endearing, but after a full day of work, band practice, and then doing all the chores that just won’t leave him alone, he’s wiped clean.
So when you continue giggling, making yourself laugh by doing things like squeezing his cheeks together, and playing with his hair by putting it in all different directions that you think is just so funny, he ‘falls asleep’.
At first you don’t buy it.
“Eddie, I know you’re faking,” you said, still giggly as ever. 
Eddie responded in a grumbled and sleepy ‘huh’, that had you second guessing. 
“Are you really falling asleep?” 
Eddie hummed quietly, sealing the deal. 
“No fun,” you pouted quietly, leaning into him. 
Under the weight of your shoulder pushing against his chest, he pretended to rouse the slightest bit, quietly murmuring your name, putting on the best performance of his life. You made a quiet little sound, like a sighed defeat.
He felt bad making his poor baby upset like this, all pouty and huffy, but it’s late and you should be going to sleep anyway (or maybe he’s just tired and trying to justify this one teeny tiny little white lie).
As the seconds on the clock ticked by, you seemed to accept that he was asleep. Giggly-no-more, you settle into his side, laying close to him, both of you cozied under the blankets together. Despite the warmth and calmness that now encapsulates the room, Eddie was so wrapped up in selling the idea that he was asleep that he forgot to actually fall asleep. 
Just as he had begun to nod, you placed a flat hand to his chest, stirring him back awake.
“Just keep sleeping, Eddie. Okay?” you had whispered. It was an odd tone that you used, and an even odder phrase, seeming almost like you were up to something. He kept his eyes closed as you paused, keeping your hand pressed to his chest. It felt like a trap to him, like somehow you knew he was faking. In a quick decision, he decided to stick to his guns and continue his facade. 
“Eddie?” you had said not long after, voice raising the slightest bit louder. 
With a quiet hum from your lips, he felt your hand move from his chest, fingertips gravitating upwards, brushing over his bangs, pushing them back with a gentle lightness that was almost tickle inducing.
Voice honeyed and sugary sweet, “I love you,” whispered from your lungs, making his chest squeeze. 
Your fingers brushed against his forehead again, grazing so softly down to his cheek, and he questioned whether or not he had actually fallen asleep. With the edge of your nail coasting across his chin, he decided he was still very much awake, he’s not dreaming just yet. 
Only now he was faced with a dilemma. Does he do what he so desperately wants to do? Give up his act just to kiss you? Or does he continue pretending to be asleep, keeping you blissfully unaware of how he’s deceiving you?
“Thank you for loving me,” you whispered even more quietly than before, pulling Eddie from his internal debate. “I never could have imagined finding someone who is as kind as you are.” You let out a quiet breath, gathering your thoughts. “And for you to love me… I’m the luckiest person in the world,” you continued. 
With every word, you took shallow breaths that fueled your whispers. Eddie felt his whole chest squeeze all at a once. His heart pitter-pattered happily in his chest and his lower lip threatened to jet out, revealing all of his ever-growing big emotions, but you continued, forcing him to pause and listen. 
“‘Cause you’re so nice, and funny— and I love that you let me squeeze your cheeks and poke your bum and make your bangs all messy,” you giggled softly to yourself, and Eddie was a melted puddle of a man at your side. 
He let you continue, selfishly wanting to hear more. 
“And I love that you are so good at being yourself and… I don’t know…” you trailed off. “I guess, being around you has helped me be myself too. Thank you for loving me,” you sighed. You’re starting to sound tired, no doubt getting closer and closer to the cusp of sleep, but you push forward, voice turning into the cadence of a groggy ramble. “I love you so much, Eddie, and I hope you’re having really good dreams right now because I love you and you deserve them.”
Such a powerful ability you have, to be able to reduce him to a love-stricken mess of a man. All it took were a few sweet nothings whispered in your gooey, syrupy sweet voice and he was melting. A mess of a man that suddenly had the slightest threatening sting behind his eyelids as his soul swooned for you. 
The final straw; when your lips connected to his chest in a loving, drawn out kiss, his fate was set. He couldn’t not kiss you. Without even blinking his eyes open, he was pushing himself over you just enough to press kisses wherever he could land them. 
“Eddie!” you exclaimed in true shock. He pressed kisses across your cheek and down your jaw. 
“I fucking love you,” he rasped through his tired voice. 
“You— you’re sleeping,” you huffed. “Eddie,” you drew out in a whine. 
“Thank you for loving me,” he said with all the conviction in the world. He truly was a lucky guy to get to call you his.
His kisses expand down to your neck, just dainty things, light presses of his lips that he hopes translate the way his heart soars for you. Gentle, chaste kisses, one after the other, all the way down to over your heart. He presses a matching kiss to the one you had given him, drawing it out, adding all of his love and adoration into it, just for you.
“I love you,” he promised, lifting his head to catch your gaze. A cross of embarrassment and smitten affection spans across your face, and he moves in for the kill— a kiss straight to your lips. 
“You were pretending,” you pouted, furrowing your brows at him. 
“Never,” he lied.
“You were.”
“But you’ll forgive me because you love me, right?” he smiled as big as he could, doing his best to butter you up. He watches the way your coy smile breaks and he considers it a win.
You didn’t dignify him with a response, you merely rolled your eyes before pushing yourself into his chest, cuddling close enough to hide your face and your growing smile. 
“I’m going to sleep,” you huffed against his skin. 
“I love you,” he replied proudly, both smug and happy. 
“Love you,” you mumbled back, and he swore that even if you were mad at him in the morning, it was all worth it. 
Maybe he ought to pretend to be asleep more often. 
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i hope you liked it! sorry if there were any spelling mistakes! thank you and hope you're having a good day as well! <3
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neptunes-sol-angel · 9 days
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Just a little reminder that everyone has a feminine and masculine side, so don't hesitate to read the messages for your masculine side too.
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Pile One 🕺
Right away, I’m detecting that this pile is trying to work through some bitterness and that’s ok. I get the gist that this collective is aware of this and are either accepting of it or in denial of it because of the assumption that it’s embarrassing or demeaning to feel that way. I always want to remind people that it’s okay to feel negative emotions. Having them is not what defines you but how you choose to express them is how it truly characterizes you. It feels like this brooding energy is like a seesaw or a visual representation of tug of war, because it’s happening in two different directions. This pile could be in limbo with trying to reach the other side of realizing your self-worth. There’s bitterness split into two directions. Acerbic agony over “why not me?” in terms of finding people who accept and match the love that you give to others and “why me?” when it comes to jealousy and vitriol that makes you afraid of your own potential for success and dim your light. What your feminine side is asking of you is to stop watering yourself down because you feel it’s safer that way to be under others. Take note of the vibe that you get from this channeled song because it’s time to get “cozy” with who you are and take some initiative in the lessons that you’ve been through by talking your shit. You sat with your pain long enough to know its beginning but to finally decide how YOU want to create its end. If you’re in a funk where it’s making you feel meek and want to self-sabotage, reach deep inside yourself to know that the answer isn’t to revert back to old patterns and lies that people told you to keep you stuck because they don’t want to see you grow. Get cozy with yourself because you must understand that every step of the way isn’t going to be comfortable all of the time but I feel that a lot of you are at a point where things are getting worse before they get better. It could be something external going on, but I feel that it’s mostly mental. You’re going to come out of this even stronger than before and you’re going to move differently and choose differently but also get an upgrade relating to speech. How you talk to yourself will improve, you’ll speak with more confidence, and your words will match exactly with your feelings when it comes to communicating with others. The main thing that I am seeing here is no longer trying to make accommodations that make you suffer in the end just to protect another person’s ego.
Pile Two 🕺
I’m sensing a lot of completion with this pile. If you’re not in this new energy yet, prepare for people making a lot of misconceptions about you. You could be accused of being aloof or have people nitpicking or trying to diagnose you based on little to no evidence. It doesn’t have to be this exact situation but what I first would like to point out is that it’s like, you’re floating down this river, unphased, and just flowing with the currents. Or that you’re water itself, becoming mutable with your form but regardless of what changes are made, you’re still water. If you’ve experienced intense feelings over people ghosting you or just not prioritizing you in the past, I’m seeing that you’ll be at a stage where you understand that what those people did wasn’t at all right and you’re no longer internalizing it with your thoughts and actions, but in other words, you’re not going to be that person anymore that’s waiting for a text. You’re not going to wait for people to act right, wait for other people’s approval, or postpone your life for people who like to play with your time. I’m getting the message that you shouldn’t stop yourself from doing whatever it is that you think about doing because “they will talk about you either way”. This could apply to promoting yourself in some way, maybe for a new job opportunity, or just taking a chance to improve your health. You may have anxiety of thinking that maybe there’s no point in trying to see what you can do for your body because you’ve been stagnant for years because of circumstances that weren’t really in your control, like finances or being dependent on a toxic parent. This could also be something else, but either way it’s like you’re afraid of what you could hear, possibly something negative or even just a “no”, but I’m hearing you can’t make that judgment without trying, because you might actually receive a yes, assistance in getting back on your feet again, or good news about your timing in getting something done before you could miss out on what’s important.
Pile Three 🕺
A rebirth is needed for this pile. There’s a lot of indulgence that feels mindless and endless because you’re seeking to satiate a need or needs but there are people who are already aware of this but are in need of confirmation for which way is the right direction to go. It’s about experiencing everything for the first time all over again. Not in a dreadful way to make you suffer, but to soothe any worries over not finding happiness if you don’t have that “one thing”. If you’ve been tested recently on remaining brave in your decision to part ways with someone but are having second doubts or the fear that you’re going to miss out, maybe that “need” that you have can be replenished by just being around your family to remind yourself that you aren’t lacking love and support around you. If you’re feeling “sexual”, maybe it isn’t sex that you necessarily need and that it’s just your soul telling you to create. If you’ve been used to seeking answers through spiritual measures but are still left confused, then maybe that’s a sign that it’s time to step back and take a break from the unseen and to come back and relearn how to go through life from just being instead of trying to know everything. Even if it isn’t those specific scenarios previously mentioned, you’re on a journey of wisdom of learning that a lot of the things that you’ve considered as losses haunting your everyday life, were not really losses, because they can be replaced by something else that’s going to lead you into falling more in love with yourself.
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httplilyyy · 9 months
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pairing: alessia russo x reader
summary: the world seemed to be falling apart at your fingertips.
warnings: swearing, hurt / comfort (i think?)
word count: 2.3k
a/n: listened to some sad songs (specifically sign of the times) and this was the outcome. it's a bit of a shambles but oh well.
woso masterlist
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The final whistle blew and you felt yourself crumble to the ground. Laying on your back, you hid your face in your hands as the Spanish players celebrated around you.
It all came crashing down at once. You no longer held the high of being in a world cup final, only feeling sadness and remorse.
You soon felt a pat on your stomach causing you to remove your hands from your face. Your eyes met Mary’s, the goalkeeper looking down at you with dejection.
She managed to pull you to your feet and without any words uttered between each other, you knew how badly this loss hurt.
Scanning the pitch, your eyes struggled to find one particular person. But once your eyes locked with hers, you saw the tears streaming down her cheeks as she desperately tried to stop them falling.
As if your mind was in a world of its own, your legs carried you towards her. Your arms wrapped around her waist as she hid her face in your neck.
You held onto the striker with all your might, whispering comforting words in her ear as she sobbed uncontrollably into your shoulder.
Resting your chin on the top of her head, you looked at your teammates, each of them coping with the loss in different ways but you don’t think they could be feeling as bad as you did.
Your body went numb from the pain, you felt like you didn't have any more tears to cry. You didn't have the energy to do so anyway.
If you didn’t let yourself get distracted for one second, then you wouldn't have lost the ball in your own half leading to Spain's goal.
All you wanted to do was crawl into a hole and disappear. Even the sympathetic gazes felt judgmental. You could practically hear the news screaming at you for being the reason why England lost the world cup.
But despite how you were feeling, you made sure that Alessia was alright, all the way up until you were back in your hotel room.
Swiping the key card on the door, your heart started to feel just that bit more heavier. Walking into your shared room with Alessia you sat on the edge of your bed, your head finding its place back in your hands.
You hadn’t spoken a word to your girlfriend since the two of you were on the pitch and you could feel the tension. You hated it.
Before you could realise what you were doing, it was like the both of you were on autopilot. The two of you getting ready for bed but not daring to look each other in the eyes.
It pained you that Alessia felt as if she couldn’t confide in you anymore. You could hear her silent sniffles as the blonde tried her hardest to keep herself together.
“Less?” You tried, looking up from your bag.
“Yeah?” Alessia said hoarsely, her voice betraying her leading her to clear her throat.
“You know you can talk to me, right?” You said softly, nervously waiting for her response.
“Of course.” She replied but still not daring to look at you.
“Do you want to talk about anything?” You asked, walking over to her.
Placing your hands on her waist, you turned her around so she was facing you. Although, she kept her gaze on the floor.
“It’s all my fault.” Alessia said, the back of her throat burning from the unshed tears.
“Less, it’s not your fault.” You said, reaching for her hands but she moved them away.
“It is, if I played better then I wouldn't have been taken off and if-”
“Baby, its not-”
“What, ‘it’s not my fault’? Just stop! What else do you want me to say? Huh? That it's your fault instead?” Alessia snapped, throwing her hands up in the air and stepping out of your hold, finally looking at you in the eyes.
“If it makes you feel better, yes!” You said, taking a step forward only for Alessia to move two paces back.
“Fine! It’s all your fault! You were the defender, you made the mistake. It's. All. Your. Fault.”
“I know and I'm sorry.” You replied, eyes brimming with tears.
“Sorry isn’t going to change anything!”
“I know, I just-”
“You just what, huh?” Alessia questioned rhetorically.
“I should’ve tried harder.”
“You should try harder in a lot of things.” Alessia said dryly.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You stopped, taken back by her comment.
“Don’t act like we aren't falling apart.” Alessia stressed, her hands coming up to wipe away her tears.
“Couples fight, Less.”
“But that’s all we’ve been doing. We don’t spend any time together. It’s like we're not even a couple anymore.”
“Is that really what you think?”
“I don’t know what to think anymore. You’re barely home, always out doing god knows what.”
“I’m out training.”
“All the time? Seriously?”
“Well, not all the time but-”
“I can’t do this anymore, y/n.”
“What do you mean, you can’t do this?” You questioned, your heart jumping to your throat.
“This, whatever this is.” Alessia said, pointing between the two of you. “Us.”
“Are you breaking up with me?” You wondered, your voice a lot quieter than it was.
“I dont know.” Alessia huffed, the palms of her hands digging into her eyes. “Maybe a break would be best for us."
“If that’s what you really want?”
“You’re not going to fight for us or anything?”
“Jesus Less, what do you want me to say?”
“Anything! Something to show me that you still love me!”
“Fuck! Of course I love you! There isn’t anyone else in the world who I love more than you!”
You don’t know where it all went wrong. One moment it was about the world cup and the next it was about your relationship. Or rather what was your relationship.
The two of you looked at each other, chests rising up and down rapidly as you tried to calm down.
“Where’s this all coming from Less?” You questioned softly.
“I don’t- I uh, I’m just going to go to bed.” Alessia said, dismissing you as she climbed under her covers.
“Oh, well, good night then.” You said, smiling sadly to yourself.
Making your way to the other bed in the hotel room, you got under the covers yourself and pulled the duvet up to your chin. You could feel the tears falling down your face but you paid them no mind as you stared up at the ceiling, your mind slowly drifting off to sleep.
You don't know how long you were asleep for but you were woken up by the sound of shuffling and sniffles. From the corner of your eye, you could see the silhouette of Alessia moving around in her bed.
A loud huff filled the silence of the room and just when you were about to go back to sleep, Alessia spoke up.
“Y/n?” She questioned quietly, voice breaking as she tried not to cry again.
“Yeah?” You replied, resting an arm behind your head as the other laid on your waist.
“Can I- never mind.” Alessia said, rolling over onto her side.
“What’s up?” You asked, tilting your head to look at her, only to be met with her back.
“Nothing, just go back to sleep.”
You huffed to yourself, contemplating what you were going to do for a while before you pushed back the covers and made your way over to Alessia’s bed.
“Budge up.” You said, tapping Alessia’s back gently.
“What?” Alessia questioned, tilting her head to look up at you.
“C’mon, scooch.”
Alessia did as she was told and moved so you could slip into bed behind her. You wrapped an arm around her waist, placing your head on the pillow.
The striker immediately melted at your touch and for the first time that night, carried a small smile on her face.
“Get some sleep, my love.” You whispered, placing a kiss behind her ear.
“Nope, we can talk in the morning.” You cut her off, pulling the duvet up for the both of you.
It didn’t take you long before you were asleep and many hours passed before you were woken up again. This time you were awoken by the sun peaking through the blinds and beaming down on you.
It was still the early hours of the morning, but you decided to get up. Just as you were about to, you felt a body start to shake beside you. Your arm, caught under the pillow, being held down by Alessia’s head.
You could see how, with every sob, Alessia’s body would shake. A hand covered her mouth, desperate for you not to hear her but it was no use.
“Less?” You questioned tiredly.
Not getting a response, you used your free hand to pull on Alessia’s shoulder, forcing her to turn towards you. She looked at you, her bright blue eyes showing her pain as she tried not to crumble at your touch.
She fully turned into you, her hands gripping onto your t-shirt, afraid that you’d go somewhere. burying her head in your chest, you wrapped your arms around her, rubbing a soothing hand up and down her back whilst the other ran its fingers through her hair.
With each movement you made, Alessia clutched onto you harder. She was getting more and more worked up, your top now completely soaked with her tears. Seeing her like this made your heart twist painfully.
“I- I-” Alessia said, trying to get a word out, her voice breaking as she spoke.
“Hey, you’re okay.” You said, pulling her head to rest just above your heart. “Focus on my heartbeat.”
After a little while Alessia’s sobs ceased and her grip on your shirt lessened. You kept her close to your chest as she calmed down. Once she pulled away you finally got a look at her face.
Her eyes were bloodshot and red, her cheeks were all blotchy and her eyes no longer seemed to hold the illuminous blue that they always do. Her throat kept bobbing up and down as she tried to keep the tears at bay.
You reached a hand to cup her cheek, brushing away the stray tears. She leaned into your palm, giving it a kiss.
“You okay?” You asked, voice cracking as you were so quiet.
Alessia went to speak but opted for a small nod instead. You let out a small chuckle and pulled her back into your embrace.
You rested your cheek on the top of her head, inhaling the scent of her shampoo.
“Want to tell me what’s got you so worked up?” You tried again.
“You.” Alessia sniffled, her response coming out muffled as she nestled in your neck.
“Me?” You parroted.
“About last night.”
“I took the loss out on you and I'm so sorry.”
“It’s okay, promise.” You assured her, “and I know I’ve not been the best partner recently.”
“Why is that?”
“I wanted to surprise you with something but it fell through and I didn't want to take my stress out on you.”
“Oh.” Alessia mumbled.
“I uh I just thought you didn’t love me anymore.”
A lump forms in your throat and you feel tears prickling the back of your eyes. You swallow the emotion and try again but it doesn't work.
“God, Less I'm so sorry.” You said, feeling the back of your throat burn. “For everything.”
“Maybe we need to work on some things.” Alessia said with a small shrug..
“Definitely, maybe my defending a bit more.” You said jokingly.
“Oh one-hundred percent.” Alessia laughed.
“But seriously,” Alessia said, sitting up so she was facing you, “if you want us to work, you need to talk to me and not shut me out.”
“I’ll work on that, I promise. I never want to make you feel like that again.”
“I know.” Alessia smiled but it soon turned into a frown. “I kind of don’t want to go home.”
“Why not?” You wonder, sitting up too.
“I know we made history by getting into the final it's just-”
“-Not the same.”
“I’m not sure i can say the same.”
“Yeah, as much as I am heartbroken over the loss and I’ll be beating myself up about it for the rest of my life, I can’t wait to get back home and finally just have some me and you time.”
“That does sound nice.”
“I won't miss the spiders, that's for sure.”
“I’ll bring one back just for you.” Alessia teased.
“Oh really?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow to test her.
“God, I love you.” You said, flopping back onto the bed and looking at the ceiling.
“Yeah, yeah. I love you too.” Alessia smiled, leaning over and pressing a hand to your chest so she could place a kiss on your lips.
When she pulled away you chased after her but she pushed you back onto the mattress.
“That’s all you’re getting for now.”
“For now, hmm?” You said, wiggling your eyebrows.
Alessia rolled her eyes but leaned in for another kiss. You gently cupped her cheek, pulling away from the kiss to look in her eyes. You leaned forward once more peppering kisses to her forehead, then to her nose, to her cheek, jaw, all over her face.
You felt Alessia’s cheeks pull up into a smile causing you to stop and look at her once again. Not saying anything you fell back on the bed, bringing Alessia with you.
She rested her head on your chest, intertwining your fingers and resting them on your stomach before you both drifted back off to sleep. The two of you smiling despite the outcome of yesterday's match and argument.
There wasn’t anything that could pull you apart.
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lvckyyz · 2 months
headcanons abt how each cabin behaves at dinner time in the dining pavilion (bc I think each one has its own table) would be an amazing concept! love ur blog
dinner time
an average dinner at camp half-blood
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⚡️⋆.ೃ࿔* zeus cabin
are usually the last cabin to get to the dining pavilion so they can make a dramatic entrance
would eventually get mad at cabin 5 for making fun of them for being too extravagant and start an argument with half of the cabins who tried to calm them down.
🦚⋆.ೃ࿔* hera cabin
cabin 2’s table was originally placed next to cabin 1’s one but mr. d moved it to the opposite side of the pavilion to avoid conflicts between these two cabins during dinner.
they’d spend most of the time chatting with cabin 10 and the rest of their dinner would be basically them complaining about the food.
🌊⋆.ೃ࿔* poseidon cabin
they don’t catch so much attention when arriving at the dining pavilion. most of the time they’re too tired to even talk between themselves during dinner because of their training sessions.
just give them 30 seconds to be full of energy again and teaming up with cabin 11 to throw water at mr. d.
💐⋆.ೃ࿔* demeter cabin
they are always the first ones to get there. demeter’s kids like to take flowers to decor the tables and sometimes a few of them bake/cook something to share with their friends.
they are really polite and calm, just trying to eat their dinner in peace and go back to what they were doing.
⚔️⋆.ೃ࿔* ares cabin
they’re usually really loud, especially if they had just won capture the flag, and would make sure to bump into cabin 6’s table and tease them for losing.
i think they’d have childish eating habits, like not liking vegetables and salad. they are the most likely to start a food war at some point too.
🦉⋆.ೃ࿔* athena cabin
the quiet ones who just wants to eat and go back to what they were doing before. is really common for them to take books and notebooks to the dinning pavilion because they “can’t lose time”
chiron don’t let them study in the dinning pavilion anymore because they’d stop eating when their food gets cold because of them getting distracted by their books
🌞⋆.ೃ࿔* apollo cabin
they usually arrive together with another cabin, mostly cabin 11 and 18, laughing and singing.
don’t really care about the rule of not seating in another’s cabin table, and they’d go around all the tables so they can eat with all their friends.
🌙⋆.ೃ࿔* hunters of artemis
when the hunters are in camp half-blood, they are the first ones to arrive and the first ones to leave, rare exceptions.
don’t usually interact with other cabins, and just talk between themselves.
🛠️⋆.ೃ࿔* hephaestus cabin
cabin 9 only go to the dining pavilion to get food to spend the night working and occasionally talk to some of their friends too.
they eat a lot though, and sometimes don’t manage to sneak out of the pavilion without getting caught when they are trying to take some food to their cabin
💘⋆.ೃ࿔* aphrodite cabin
some of them are usually late because they spend too much time getting ready for dinner, but others like talking to cabin 4 while they decor the tables.
they pretend to eat only healthy food but are addicted to desserts and won’t leave without eating something sweet.
📨⋆.ೃ࿔* hermes cabin
the other demigods always try to get to the dining pavilion before cabin 11 because they know that hermes’s children like playing pranks on who is late to dinner.
they also eat a lot because they need a lot of energy to keep up with their training schedule
🍷⋆.ೃ࿔* dionysus cabin
mr d. go to their cabin to check if they getting ready to dinner and then waits until all of his kids arrive to the dining pavilion to start eating.
always try to order wine from that magic cups but they never manage to do it. they get scolded by chiron really often because of that but at some point mr d. transformed him into a frog so he’d stop bothering his kids
☠️⋆.ೃ࿔* hades cabin
i feel like they don’t often have dinner with the others, but sometimes will eat in the dinning pavilion just so everyone knows they’re still there.
when they are not feeling like going to the dinning pavilion, their friends would bring some food for them in cabin 13 and they’d probably have a sleepover after that.
🌈⋆.ೃ࿔* iris cabin
they’re pretty quiet, just go there to say hello to everybody, eat and get some snacks to spend the night or to share with some friends later.
they like playing with the colors of the foods, like changing the food’s color or making it shine.
💤⋆.ೃ࿔* hypnos cabin
they might be a bit lazy but are never going to deny food. when arriving at the dinning pavilion they’d go straight to their friends table to talk a little before the food is served.
they’d never eat their whole meal because they would get tired of chewing at some point.
⚖️⋆.ೃ࿔* nemesis cabin
they have an habit of being the last ones to start eating because they think it’s unfair to have a meal while others are hungry.
would get so mad at people wasting food, or starting silly arguments (cabin 1 x cabin 5)
🏆⋆.ೃ࿔* nike cabin
they’d be either too tired while eating because of the training or would create dumb competitions
they have weird eating habits. i don’t really know how to explain but they eat weird food.
🧸⋆.ೃ࿔* hebe cabin
they are often scolded by cabin 16 for playing with their food or for speaking too loudly.
they’re just want the dessert, nothing else. (chiron won’t let them eat only sweet though)
🍀⋆.ೃ࿔* tyche cabin
never had to face situations like ordering something they don’t like or their food getting cold, because of their luck.
cabin 11 still tries to throw a pie on their faces but it just never works.
🔮⋆.ೃ࿔* hecate cabin
they put potions on the other cabins food sometimes, just to see the effect it’d have in people.
they take some food to the satyrs who live in the woods in exchange for magic ingredients for their studies.
⤷ author’s note:
that’s probably the longest hc i’ve ever written, but i hope you guys enjoy it🫶
(ps: before someone says anything about cabin 2 being here, i just want to say that i decided to include them here because i already made other hc about hera’s children so i thought it was fair to have them here)
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demonbanger · 1 year
𝔇𝔬𝔫’𝔱 𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔱 𝔭𝔯𝔢𝔠𝔦𝔬𝔲𝔰 ℑ’𝔪 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 |
ft. sex demon ! 𝗘𝗨𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗦𝗦 𝗞𝗜𝗗 | 🌶 🔞 MDI
“𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙖𝙣’𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙩, 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙩𝙮 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡.” — E. Kid, to you
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synopsis: on a lonely night you decide to get a bit buzzed and think, fuck it, why not try to summon a sex demon? Turns out to be either the biggest blessing, or biggest mistake you’ve made in a while.
♫: click for inspo song
pairing: Incubus! Kid x Fem! Reader (no physical description of reader, except hair that can be pulled)
cw: *inhales* demon summoning, bully Eustass, brat taming, blood + pain play, cunnilingus, drinking mention, predator x prey, breeding, dacryphilia, dumbification, belly bulge, overstimulation, praise + degradation, size kink af with our 6’7 king, use of pet names, insane stamina, gets softer at the end
tags: @goshitshardtohaveagoodname @nikos-a-clown @pinkcrystal-rose
© Writing & Imagery in this is my intellectual property. Do not plagiarize or repost to other platforms without my permission. Love, DemonBanger
You stuff your fingers in your dribbling pussy, but just could not get yourself full enough. You felt like such a horny bastard tonight, with so much sexual desperation, and finally decided you wanted to start masturbating again. But nothing worked like when you first started; you’ve just been single for too long and miss the feeling of real cock.
Even a dildo couldn’t do the trick anymore. You needed the real thing, with pumping veins and harsh thrusts, attached to a heavy man that pressed you into the mattress, with low grunts and dirty words moaned lowly into your ear.
You sigh in frustration and set the toys down, taking a swig out of some whiskey to let it take over more of your senses. The liquor burns so beautifully going down your throat…too bad there wasn’t another hot liquid also sinking down your oral cavity.
The familiar floaty headspace seeps in like an old friend that you keep away at arm’s length, as your heartbeat drums in your warm chest. Buzzed you feels like a dragon waking from a slumber, with old runes in the form of dumb ideas filling your brain.
“Might as well fucking summon a sex demon at this point,” you mutter. The idea rolls over in your head for a few minutes, and the curiosity of trying something crazy and reckless like this gets more and more appealing to your buzzed brain, until eventually you think: Wait. Fuck it, what if I tried it at least? You laugh to yourself.
What would you have to lose anyways? Just your soul? You don’t even feel like you have one these days until you drink good old caffeine.
You tap the safari icon on your phone, to research how one would even go about summoning an incubus, and take another swig to invite the madness more.
A few forums say the same thing. People asking if you actually want to invite such a thing into your life, some dude talking about how his wife cheated on him with one of those entities and was never the same after that. Hahah…cuck.
You scoff. You have existential crises every day, no sex demon can fuck your life up like you feel you can. Demons, where you at? It’s ya boi. You think about the meme and cackle way too hard for something so unfunny and possibly life-threatening.
Then you scroll over a comment that is long with a lot of upvotes on it. It looks serious. Seems legitimate. There are no comments underneath, but it reads like a serious spell book.
Eh, why not? You laugh again. The comment warned against masturbating beforehand to make sure your sexual energy was at its peak to really invite any sexual spirits. Welp, already fucked that up, so if this doesn’t work at least you could have something fun to do and then tire yourself out and call it a night.
Then you read how it involves extracting blood from a few…sources such as the tongue and pussy and you wonder if there’s a better way. A paper cut on any of those things sounds gross. Eek.
You look over YouTube and find the first video that pops up. The speaker sounds experienced, and says that it’s much simpler than any methods. Just make a request to the demon Asmodeus by reaching a meditative state, and adamantly focusing on his name.
Simple enough. You try and make sure your room is a little tidy, burn a couple of cutesy candles, and dress in a black spiked collar and a cute, lacey red lingerie set you got yourself a little while back. Scarlet garters hold up soft thigh highs that bring out your thighs and make your lower body look extra luscious. You take in this moment of feminine confidence. What are you? You’re a bad bitch. And what are you about do? Get fucked.
You sit prettily on your bed, take another swig of the burning drink, shake your hips in excitement, close your eyes, and make the signature meditation pose. You even put the sigil of Asmodeus on your laptop to better reach him. Look at you, doing the most. Then, you bite your lip in concentration and your buzzed brain is slow enough to focus on one thing slowly.
Asmodeus. Asmodeus. Asmodeus, are you with me? You think with intention.
Just as you thought. No answer. You continue.
Asmodeus, I know I never spoke to you in my life. I’m Y/n, I know this is silly but I don’t mind giving up some of my energy to get fucked voraciously by a demon boy. An incubus please. Is that ok?
You wait for an answer, peep at the candles. They’re just flickering normally. You try not to psych yourself into micro analyzing the movement of the little flames. Drunk you could do that all night. But you need to keep focused. Then you continue.
Hopefully it is ok, Mr. Asmodeus. I don’t know if I need to give up my blood n shit. I’m just a little drunk girl and honestly I’ve given up so much life energy to toxic exes at this point, you don’t need to warn me,, I know I’m rambling, but uh, yeah. I don’t give a fuck. But also, respectfully, make sure he wants me too. That shit’s hot. Do you even hear me at this point?
A chill up your spine stops you from thinking further. It’s such a chill that you shiver. It’s the same sensation in your nerves that you’d feel if someone ran a finger along your entire sensitive spine. Your window isn’t open.
There’s no way.
Good talk, you think. Don’t know what the fuck that was.
You sigh, keeping yourself open for answers. Maybe he’s thinking? Who knows. For a second you almost feel a little silly for getting all dressed and stuff.
Then you feel a chill up your spine, only more intense. Your hairs stand on end. It’s kind of spooky. You’re drunk though so you’re in more of a relaxed, “oh no!!! anyways” sort of mindset. But none of your windows are open and you haven’t turned on the AC all day.
You take another swig out of the bottle and your face burns. You’re sure your eyes are a bit bloodshot, face flushed. You think about what a male demon would say if he saw you. Probably something like—Put the bottle down, sweetheart.
You cackle in your mind. Sorry about that, daddy, gotta have fun.
Keep calling me that, I like it, the thought says a bit louder in your mind, purring more sexily than you’ve ever imagined a man sounding. Wait, did you make that up or are you tripping?
You open your eyes again. So that was your imagination…or was it? There’s a little bit of doubt in your mind. Either way your imagination is vivid and you crack yourself up.
Damn it, you play too much, now your drunk ass can’t even tell what’s someone telepathically communicating to you and what’s you imagining someone telepathically communicating to you.
You clear your throat a little.
“Oi, am I wasting my time? Am I making this up? Give me a sign or show yourself , but don’t like scare me, or else I’m just going to sleep.” You try to speak clearly and confidently.
Your head whips around to the wall at something suddenly in your peripheral, and you notice a little area starts to glow, brighter and brighter. It’s a sigil. The same one you put on your computer moments ago. It’s very slow. Your heart feels like it’s in your fucking throat as you blink extra hard. Nope, still there. Holy fuck??
You swallow, slightly nervous besides your sense of fear being dulled down.
A gasp leaves your throat at a sudden tapping noise coming straight from the sigil. A fist punches through your wall, except not actually punching through its material. The glowing sigl must be some sort of portal. You let out a shocked squeal as the fist shakes around the air of your room. The clawed hand opens and the body attached steps out.
“The fuck was that?”
Oh lord. He’s huge. And above all else, irresistibly sexy.
The demon stands before you, towering over most of your room proudly, a wild crown of red hot hair adorning his head. The candlelight flickers wildly as he looks directly at you. His handsome features complete with sharp eyes like glowing amber surrounded by darkness, almost dragon-like. Is that…lipstick? And guyliner. Another shiver runs through you at how attracted you are to this creature from hell. You must’ve made Asmodeus laugh and scored the jackpot in return. That sharp nose.. with the pretty bumps on the side…you wonder how it would feel riding it.
He’s wearing a coat trimmed with maroon fur, that still leaves little to the imagination as his entire muscular, giant torso is bare with a sheen that accentuates carved abs, perhaps sweat because hell is hot. Black pants with chains hang low on his hips. You don’t see visible wings but are sure he can make them appear if he wanted.
Just, holy shit.
Dark maroon lips smirk. His voice is raspy, a little tired, a little indifferent, but the look in his eyes says otherwise. “So…you gonna just keep staring at me all night and get off that way, or?”
You bite your lip. He’s so fucking smug. Your pussy starts pooling more wetness than already built up.
“I-well, yeah, you just appeared through my fucking wall,” you roll your eyes, not submitting so easily. “The hell did you expect?”
The demon flashes a mouth full of beautiful, dangerous teeth.
“Pretty little minx, and a smart mouth on ya too. I guess he was right it’d be worth bothering the admiral of the legions, can’t wait to fuck the brattiness out of you.”
Black, ornate trousers that appear punk and shredded to bits sway as he steps closer to your bed.
“Oh, Careful—” you warn but one of his beautiful, tall, twisty horns hits your ceiling fan, and you find it comical how a 7 foot tall demon is cursing at hitting his left horn in your room.
His eyes squint at you. “Fucking brat. Laughing at me, not even telling me your name. I could drag a rude little mortal like you to hell and eat you alive for lack of manners,” he drawls, little to no venom in his words, his voice so deep and rich you almost get lost in it for a moment. Little does he know you want him to eat you alive.
“Oh—, I mean you’re right, sorry sir,” you spit out the sorry as sarcastically as possible, “I’m Y/n, what’s your name?”
He eyes your thighs clenching together and a mocking chuckle bubbles in his chest. “Name’s Kid. But you, little thing, can call me Eustass for tonight when I’m impaling you on my cock.”
A little whimper is forced out of you at how dirtily he spoke, like he made an incantation to turn you on instantly. “Eustass,” you try out, making precum drip out of him more than he’d like to admit. Your eyes flit down to his cock that he mentioned, then back up. He knows you were staring. And he’s so damn smug about it too, because the big guy’s bulge looks absolutely huge.
He looks over at the toys on your bed and scoffs, picking up your dildo, and eyeing it snarkily. Your face burns in indignation at his wolfish, leering smirk.
“Oh princess. Might as well throw these—“ he locates your trash bin, “right here. Because I’m gonna fucking ruin them for you. And you can kiss any man’s dick goodbye.” He drops your sex toys into the trash like a mic drop.
And you’re not even mad. Your thighs shift against the fabric of your bodysuit to gain any sort of friction, so turned on from imagining what’s to come.
“Yeah? You like that? I can just smell how much that turned you on. Such a pathetic, needy, desperate slut. You in heat or something?”
You can only nod your head.
He makes his way back to the bed, walking like he has all the time in the world, and you eye him for how beautiful and dangerous he is, oozing sex appeal. He also eyes you hungrily, like a starved carnivore eyeing its new living meal. Heat from hell radiates off of him, and he smells otherworldly; almost sweet; with notes of pure musk, steel, blood, leather, sweat, and desire.
(You don’t know that the pheromones you’re releasing have a similar effect on him, but he wants to make you beg and whimper; mewl, cry, break).
You take in shaky breaths, not because those fangs could rip chunks out of you if he wanted to…well, that’s hot too.
Kid grabs your bottle of whiskey from your mattress, eyeing you with pure hunger as he gets so close to you, and sets it on the floor. “That’s gonna break if it stays on your bed.” He dips his head closer to you, inhales again to smell your arousal, and his eyes roll shut.
“A-are we gonna have a safeword? I’m not paying any hospital bills if you break my body,” you finally speak up, voice pitch heightened from horniness.
He scoffs. “How fucking adorable, such a needy stupid baby, you didn’t even think before making a contract with someone who could do whatever he wants with you no?” the redhead strokes your thigh as he sounds so mean and condescending, large clawed hand gripping your upper leg, squeezing your supple flesh. His breathing is heavy. Fiery eyes peer down into your soul as he pauses.
“Spikes.” He feels your collar, humming in approval. “But just know, you signed up to be fucked. And drained.” His blackened thumb traces over your bottom lip as he holds your chin. “If you can’t handle the heat, you should know better than to booty call hell.”
“Mhmm,” you say, nodding in his hold, tongue darting out to caress his finger. Kid snarls.
Just like that, a large palm presses on your sternum and shoves you down onto the bed. He yanks you by the hips to the edge of the mattress with a bruising grip, and bucks his clothed hips into yours sharply, trouser-covered bulge slapping your pussy roughly, eliciting a whine from your throat.
“Gonna keep your neighbors up with us all night just like this,” he growls, bucking onto you, hands tracing your hips, fingers dipping under your bodysuit to caress your soaking core.
“Wet kitty, so fucking sinful.” He pulls out his fingers, separating them and admiring how your slick strings up and drips down his hand. Then, glowing eyes gaze into yours as a long, sharp, forked tongue licks your essence up, cleaning them in one stroke. You throb. He tosses his trench coat to the floor and you admire his giant, muscular body. Thick neck you want to scratch up. Giant muscles carved of porcelain and littered with scars that you want to bite and paint even prettier. A fallen angel of vermillion, ready to stab you in the dark, drag you down in lust and weeping to your personal circle of heavenly hell.
Without another word, he dips his head down and snaps the crotch of your bodysuit open leaving you with no room to think. He flattens his large, forked tongue and licks a broad, wet stripe over your sopping cunt.
“ ‘s cunny’s mine,” he breathes, and begins his attack on you with his mouth, squeezing your thighs, large tongue teasing into you.
“Yes it’s all—, ohhhh~” He pulls out and shoves two huge fingers with painted fingernails into your entrance, stretching you out and making you arch your back from the sudden stimulation, pussy smushing into his face further. He growls again, feral in nature, the vibrations going straight to your clit as he intently watches your reactions. Wide tongue lapping at your clit, swirling, making you speak in tongues and whimper at how full you are. You do not regret summoning a demon at all.
He adds a third impossibly thick finger and scissors them in and out of you, then impatiently thrusts his tongue back in to fuck you, massaging every little nook and cranny of your textured walls. Swirling up, and up, and up until your brain rots inside your skull and you’re roughly grabbing handfuls of his hair.
You hear him groan a prideful, muffled “Good girl,” as his nose bumps into your clit so snugly. Your eyes roll back at the praise. It’s too much, all of it is too much. And yet, you need more, more, more, please, please, please. His tongue hits a tender spot that makes you jolt and begins to attack it in a full-fledged assault, causing you to snap your gaze back to him and buck your hips greedily into him.
Greedy. He likes that. He likes how greedy your cunt is, because he’s just as greedy for you. Your thighs clench around his head when he shakes his face, soaked in your juices, side to side to rub your clit with his nose pressed tightly to you. “E-Eustass!” you call out for him, all strangled, and a purr rumbles in his thick chest.
In response, he only clenches your thighs tighter around his face, continuing to torture you with his pink tongue that’s long and mobile like a fucking tentacle.
You cry out as talonesque nails dig into your thighs and little pricks of blood come out, but he doesn’t care. And neither do you. You grind on him, head swimming in lust, probably only worsening the pinprick wounds. He leans back with you and completely sits down on the floor beneath, holding the entire weight of your body on top of his face with the strength of a powerful war demon.
He slides you up and down, and you tremble, spots of white flecking your vision as you ride his face, smearing your never ending slick to his insatiable delight.
His amber eyes glare at you, urging you to let go and come undone on top of him. Yet mocking you for needing to cum so soon.
And that’s what you do, shaking violently, curling over him, death grip on his scarlet tresses, as he groans at how delicious you taste. The orgasm washes over you so hard you almost fall slack, almost, as your moans fall silent from your circuits sparking. He drinks up all the essence you have to offer, lips smacking at how delicious you are, deep “Mmmhfuck” causing your nipples to perk.
He stands back up and sets you back down on the bed, unzipping his pants.
You’re lightheaded from the most amazing orgasm of your entire life, gazing at the ceiling as static fills your brain in ocean waves of dumbified pleasure.
Then your mouth gapes open at the sight in front of you. Beautifully red pubes trail right over his giant hand, fisting the biggest cock you’ve seen.
“Ngh, t-too big,” you whimper.
“Oh, I’m shocked you can speak,” he laughs darkly.
“Barely,” you try to prop yourself up on your elbows, but it’s so difficult and you fall back down.
He laughs at you, humiliating you in his stare. “Such a weak kitten,” the demon mocks you in faux sympathy.
You feel as though you nutting just now made you so insanely tired.
“Just lay back, dollface, you’re giving daddy life energy as a snack. Gonna make you even prettier, so dumb you can’t even speak.”
Before you can protest, he’s spearing you with his cockhead, ripping a loud moan from your throat.
He’s merciless, as no god has shown him, a fallen angel, any mercy. So why should he, an incubus leeching off of your sexual energy, show any mercy to a cunt that’s all his and swallows him in just right.
He continues to sink into you, and your nails pay him back by digging into him now, in his meaty forearms.
Kid’s tongue darts out over his crimson lips.
“Keep,” he thrusts out slightly, admiring the way you grip him, “fucking,” he thrusts back in all the way, making you shriek, “taking it.” The pain is so much, too much, the stretch fucking burns at how large of a cock is intruding you, but he hammers into you without regards to your comfort or pleasure. He’s the one using you, fucking you like you’re his breathing flesh light, like you’re the one working for him though he’s the escort demon. Ramming in, threatening to fuck right into your cervix, overload. You’re clamping down, your walls are rejecting him. It makes him curse loudly at how hard it is for him to move, but he’s stronger than a mere human, so ever the sadist, Kid pumps in regardless.
The pain of his unrelenting, selfish thrusts starts to turn slowly into pleasure, and the fullness and overwhelming stretch feels delicious. Your mind turns dumb and you start to whine.
“M-more,” you moan, and he grabs your tit harshly, twisting your nipple painfully, making tears rush to your eyes. He does so to the other tit, then slaps them roughly. You whimper his name, back arching like an exorcism in progress. Except exiting you, this demon is not.
“Yeah? You need some more, you selfish brat?” He growls, pace deepening and quickening. “Don’t you worry, I’m not going anywhere, not until the sun is up.” His hips snap against yours, and his nails rake down your body to fold your thighs against your chest, his crushing weight pinning you to the bed. Your mattress hitting the wall. You struggle to catch the breath that’s knocked out of you in this position.
“Fucking look at me,” he suddenly jibes, and you obediently make eye contact with him. “Now don’t you dare fucking look away or quiet those pretty noises. I want to make you scream.”
He’s going at an inhuman speed, and so fucking deep in this mating press, and hits the spot that made you cum before. His balls slapping against your ass, making you scream.
“Eustass! Eustass! Please, please, please, yes, Nnnn! Please!” You beg him to keep going, as he growls, “fuck yes, beg, princess, beg for this fucking cock,” his thrusts getting sloppier as your cunt tightens around him. Your eyes roll back a little, as he’s fucking you dumb.
“Ah!!!” You yelp, as he roughly slaps your ass.
“What did I fucking tell you?” Eustass snarls, and you bite your lip, face flushed as he glowers at you.
“T-to, to uh, look at you,” you say dumbly, gasping for air.
“That’s a smart girl,” he rubs your clit, making you squirm, and he condescendingly coos down at you, “so why don’t you look at me as I wreck you, hmm?”
His body is so big, so hot, he’s so heavy and wide as your poor legs stretch to accommodate his wide shoulders while he opens you like a flower and pounds into you. He smells so fucking good, you think, and you want him to cum inside of you and claim you as his, and you struggle but do your best to keep looking into his wild eyes. He’s absolutely feral, so intimidating, and your body rocks at his severity so you grasp the base of his horns. A little moan leaves him, and if he wasn’t pressed up so close to you, flooding up all of your thoughts and walls and senses, it would have gone undetected.
A darkness takes over his eyes. “Now you’ve fucking done it,” his voice drops ever lower, and he pulls out. Flips you over onto your hands and knees, pulls your hips to face the ceiling, and bottoms back in in one thrust. The new angle has you screaming and moaning his name, “EU—fuck!!!!” You whimper loudly, and he pushes your head down into the covers.
“Yeah—this pussy—is all—fucking mine—you hear that?” he rumbles in between thrusts, slapping your ass again as he arches your back impossibly, balls slapping your cunt. You’re too dumb to understand what he’s saying and he knows that. Your slick is everywhere between the two of you and it’s making him absolutely drunk and feral.
You’re unable to speak real words, you’re babbling and you claw the sheets as he batters your insides over and over like a battering ram. Tears and drool are soaking the covers beneath you, as you moan while you let him use you. He kneads and slaps your ass again. “Look at me.” He reminds you harshly.
You weakly turn your head to look back at him, blubbering, and his pointy, evil grin sends a jolt straight to your core again.
“You’re my fucking pet, and any man you let have this,” he makes a slicing movement with his finger over his throat. “Got it?”
You’re so gorgeous, hair plastered to your forehead and all wild, face flushed and teary, eyelashes fluttering up at him, gasping, as you whimper, “y-yes, Eustass, I belong to you,” and his deep thrusts slow luxuriously.
“Good girl,” he grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls you up until your back meets his sweaty inferno of a chest. He rubs more circles on your puffy, abused clit and you squirm from the buzzing overstimulation of another impending orgasm. He eats up how you clench around him, and as your head spins dizzily from him still thrusting up into you deeply, he sinks his teeth into your right shoulder, claiming you.
You cry out weakly from the pain, and spasm around him like a voodoo victim and he lazily fucks you through your second orgasm, enjoying how you make a mess all over his hand.
“Oh, that’s so sexy,” he groans, lapping at the blood on your shoulder, as you squirt all over his arm, and his cock is absolutely drenched, dripping down to his balls. He moans and with a few more thrusts, stills. He fills you up with hot cum.
The giant incubus turns you both around, you still out of breath, dumb, on his cock. “Look here.” He says, like Virgil from Dante’s Inferno showing the writer the lustful circle of hell.
You peer at your reflection in the mirror. You, so fucked out, almost unrecognizable, crying, glowing, lips plump from biting them. A huge bite mark on your shoulder. Bruised hips. Both of you scratched up with a little bit of blood. Legs shaking as you’re sitting pretty on his cock, a bulge evident in your tummy. His huge hands encircling you, him, possessively overshadowing you. He’s so much bigger than you, his width eclipsing you in the reflection.
You lean your head back tiredly. He whispers lowly into your ear. “ ‘M only just getting started with you, but look at how pretty you are as my pet, yeah? This is what I’m gonna see every single night, aren’t you excited?”
You tiredly turn your head to smoosh into his pillowy chest, his smell overpowering your senses, and you look up to him. “This is all I need,” you whisper back.
He sets you down on wobbly legs and holds you up a little. He cups your jaw in his giant hand, and the white of his canines shines. His lipstick is slightly smeared. He looks gorgeous, sinister, a glowing star of red, black, amber, and pale skin.
Then he kisses you, in a way that’s startlingly soft and passionate, in his ferocious way because Eustass is, well, Eustass. He pulls away, eyes glittering darkly.
“That’s the right response, darling.”
TO BE CONTINUED 🏴‍☠️ -> part 2!
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axeoverblade · 11 months
Hello 👋🏻 your writting is so amazing! if its not too much to ask, would i be able to request a earth 42 miles thats slightly aggressive and a bit of a delusional yandere with the phrases 15 & 16. Totally fine if not! 👍🏻
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Earth 42! Miles x fem! reader
Synopsis! As much as you loved Miles, you couldn’t be stuck in the house any longer.
Genre: Angst(?), toxic! Miles, yandere activities.
Warnings: mentions of manipulation and lowkey abusive behavior, nothing crazy. Foul language
Word count: .9k
Authors comment: Toxic is cute on paper not irl. Blurb.
Do not copy! All rights reserved to ©axeoverblade
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The room was silent. The tension felt thicker than the blood coming from your lip you bit too hard in attempt to compose yourself.
“I’m not playing with you ma. You need’a relax on allat’”, Miles spat, not sparing you a glance as he sat in his desk chair lacing up the Jordan’s he sported for his prowler “job”. You rolled your eyes, upset with how he was responding to you. He had been talking to you like this a lot lately, dismissing you without a second thought. And frankly, you were tired of it. “You can’t keep me here” you seethed, standing up from where you sat his bed. He furrowed eyebrows finishing the double not of his lace, standing up to match your energy. “Oh for real? How much you wanna’ bet?” He cocked his head at you, tone stern.
All you wanted was one night out. One single night.
The number of occasions your friends had invited you out only for you to say “Oh I can’t tonight” knowing good and well you had nothing planned had become exhausting. But Miles thought it was safer for you in the room than outside.
“Siéntate mami, Im not playin witchu’ today.” He said swiping his hand over the lower portion of his face stressed, letting out a deep exhale. His eyes unwavering in his gaze.
You don’t know how it got to this.
It used to be different, you used to enjoy your time with Miles. It wasn’t that you didn’t love Miles anymore, you don’t think you were ever capable of stopping loving Miles. But the longer you were in a relationship with the boy you had grown so fond of, the more overbearing he became.
The amount of friends who would tell you how dangerous Miles was, who you ignored or just randomly stopped hearing from had become too many. You should’ve listened. You really should’ve.
You should’ve seen the signs. The signs to leave as soon as possible, to run without looking back. But being the stupid love struck teen you were you saw the things he did as endearing, only fueling your attraction to him.
It started with him becoming over protective, asking for the logins to your social media and knowing your phone password, having his face ID linked to your phone.
Then your male friends became a problem. He made you drop them, saying it was “them or him since you want em’ so damn bad.”.
He stopped letting you wear certain things, saying too many guys would see and you were for his eyes only.
Then he stopped letting you go to functions alone, convincing you Brooklyn was “too dangerous for you to be out by yourself”. And after being on duty as the prowler seeing you go to the store by yourself for a quick snack, where he ended up having to kill a guy who tried to mug you, he stopped letting you go out at all together.
“Miles you can’t keep doing this” your voice was strong, trying your best to sound as confident as possible under his intense gaze. “Stop doing what? Keeping you safe? You're crazy if you think that’s happening.” He stepped closer to you. “So just sit down-” “I’m not sitting down Miles. So stop suggestin’ it.” You raised your voice standing your ground. Miles chuckled and cocked his head back, but you both knew there was nothing funny about what was going on. “It wasn’t a suggestion. Sit yo’ ass down before I make you.” You looked at him like he grew three heads,“Who are you my father? What you gon’ do?” You mocked, cocking your head to the side.
Before you had time to think, his hands grabbed at the small of your waist and forcefully sat you on the bed. “Ion know why you think I’m joking right now.” He scoffed, hands still on your waist. “You’re gettin’ on my last nerve right now and I gotta go and handle business”. You scoffed, “You mean the prowler business with your uncle? The one where you go out and slaughter people in your free time?” You remarked snidely, throwing his hands off your waist. Though much of stretch, you figured it would get under his skin. “ don’t do that. You know if we aren’t helping the community no one will.” He paused angrily. “ You know I do this for you Y/n!” He yelled as he stood up fully looking down at you. “For you and mi mama. Eres mi corazón, you keep me alive. I make sure the streets are safe so nothing bad happens for you! I protect you the both of you every damn day, don’t act like you don’t see that.” He pointed his finger accusingly at you, his voice becoming louder the more he talked.
You looked away from him and shook your head, “I never asked you to do that. Don’t blame me for this” your voice ran quiet, barely audible. “I’m not-” he paused and sighed, putting his finger under your chin firmly, guiding you head to look at him. “I ain’ blaming this on you ángel, I’m trying to explain to you since you wanna’ act dumb.” His face was scrunched together, clearly fed up with the argument at hand. “Miles, you think it’s healthy to stay inside for three weeks straight? What am I supposed to do huh?” You scoffed, throwing your arms around. “It’s better than being dead.” He replied letting go of your chin harshly, walking over to the window not even trying to understand from your perspective.
He opened the window, the cool breeze from the night washing in over the room. He looked at you and sighed, “Listen. I know you fed up ma, but you need to understand something.” He paused, climbing out the window. He stuck his head back in and looked at your sitting figure on his bed before closing the window.
“You ain’ goin anywhere.”
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reverie-starlight · 9 months
fluffy hawks drabble-turned-mini-fic because i love him. if you think the feather necklace trope is overused, this is probably not the place for you. also important to note: let’s say for the sake of my sanity that this takes place before seasons 5/6, okay? I know what's up in the manga, I'm just ignoring it to be happy :)
fem!reader, no physical descriptions aside from wearing dresses + enjoying it and reader could be perceived as chubby, but no explicit mentions of body type!! shopping for clothes is just hard and it’s briefly reflected on in this. lots of soft fluff. pet names (baby, sweetheart, pretty girl, etc) I just got a bunch of cute dresses and now I'm gonna make it hawks' problem. this is like. disgustingly soft and so incredibly self indulgent avert your eyes. please. very smiley and giggly. a bit suggestive at the end bc I have no self-control.
soft laughter and the sound of rustling sheets were the only noises heard in your shared bedroom that afternoon. surprisingly enough for both of you, keigo had finished his patrol early and caught you on the way up to your apartment. almost immediately after walking in and getting your shoes and coats off, he had grabbed you and sped off to your room, dropping you on the bed and launching an attack.
you were both so happy to have some extra time together that it boosted your energy immensely, resulting in a impromptu play fight. it wasn't very often that you got to be so playful anymore with things picking up for him at work. you were both still young, so when you got the chance to act like it, you definitely took it.
"keigo!" you shrieked as he pressed a slew of quick, light kisses over your face and down your neck. a ticklish sensation was left in their wake, even more so because of his facial hair. he just chuckled and rubbed his face against your skin to draw out more laughter. feathers flew around and brushed against your cheeks and other places he couldn't focus his attention on.
his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist to limit your movements, but you still squirmed around to try and get the upper hand. eventually, after a few more kisses to your chest and stomach, he loosened his grip to give you a fighting chance and you flipped on top of him, making sure not to hurt his wings, which ruffled in excitement.
"so what are you gonna do with me now, sweetheart?" he grinned up at you, eyes positively glowing with mirth.
you felt your own gaze go soft and cupped his face with your hands, rubbing your thumbs over the apples of his cheeks. "I dunno," you murmured, keeping your voice low in volume and sweet in its delivery.
your eyes wandered over his features, admiring him in the golden rays of sun coming from your window. "you're so pretty, keigo..."
he went a little red but smiled softly. "that's my line, angel," and then he leaned up to steal another kiss from you.
eventually you both settled down, laying in bed together and talking about your days. keigo told you about having to chase down a bank robber and some purse snatchers, and how a little old lady asked for help getting her cat down from a tree. you snickered at the thought.
the atmosphere turned serene as you both laid there. you were close enough that your breaths mixed and your foreheads touched, his hands absentmindedly running over your soft skin and the curves of your body. "so how was your day?" he whispered.
"it was okay. I had a shorter day at work, so I went shopping and I got some new clothes..." you sat up and walked over to where the bags were discarded before he tossed you on the bed. "want to see them?"
he whined a little when you walked away but quickly sat up as well, nodding his head at the second part. "I'd never pass up the chance to see you trying on clothes, baby, who exactly do you take me for?"
you smiled and shook your head fondly. "alright, alright. sit tight, I'll be back," you said and headed to the connecting bathroom, ignoring his grumbling about how you were depriving him of getting to see the best part.
and when you came back out, in a pretty little sundress, twirling so he could get the full effect, he stared at you in awe.
he knew from past shopping trips and many teary conversations with you that finding clothes you actually felt confident in could be… difficult. of course he thought you looked amazing in everything, and if he had it his way, he’d buy every single outfit you even glanced at, but there was just something so alluring about seeing you happy and proud in clothes you felt good in.
“such a pretty girl…” he murmured to no one in particular. it looked a bit like he was in a trance as he took in your figure. attempting to hold back a shy smile from forming at his words, you looked down at the ground to keep yourself from getting too flustered.
he grinned and held his hand out for you once your eyes met his again. taking it, he gently pulled you towards him to stand in between his legs and rested his chin on your sternum, not once breaking eye contact. his hands moved to toy with the hem of your dress.
“I mean it, you’re absolutely stunning. the prettiest girl I’ve ever laid eyes on... my pretty girl.”
you couldn’t hold back your smile this time and he adored the way your lips curled upwards, how your eyes flitted around the room, staring at anything but him, clearly affected by his words.
he sent a feather out to tilt your chin back towards him and he was suddenly reminded of something.
“ah right- I have something for you,” he dug something out of his pocket and proudly presented you with what looked like a thin brown faux leather string…
with a bright red feather attached to it.
you gasped and took the item into your hands, closely inspecting it. you treated it with the utmost care, as if it were your most prized possession. it very well might’ve been.
the string had a clasp at the back to make it easier to put on and remove, and it looped around the... stem? bone? (you made a mental note to clarify with keigo later) of the feather multiple times. it was secured with a thin silver wire to ensure it wouldn’t slip out before the rope continued on to the other end of the hook.
he actually had one of his feathers turned into a necklace for you.
“keigo, I… this is incredible, oh my goodness!” you beamed at him and leaned down to properly hug him.
he was incredibly perceptive. of course he knew that all those times you had jokingly asked him about keeping one of his feathers with you were actually silent requests. even if you’d never outright ask him, he could tell you longed to have a piece of him with you. especially when he had to wipe your tears before a long mission and you stared longingly at his wings. he took pride in the fact that you found comfort in them.
who was he to deny the love of his life? what’s one feather from his arsenal gone, anyway? it was going towards the cause of making you happy, and most importantly, there was the added bonus of keeping you safe.
“here, let me put it on for you,” he said, gesturing for you to sit on his lap and hand him the necklace.
you got settled and he happily clasped the ends of the string together at the back of your neck. the bottom of the feather rested just above the neckline of your dress and you touched it gingerly.
as soon as it rested against your skin, he took control of it and ran it across your cheek, making you giggle and pull away a bit.
“thank you, keigo, I love it.” you turned around on his lap to face him and pressed your lips against his.
he hummed into the kiss and pulled away with a sly smile. “of course, baby. besides,” he toyed with one of the straps on your shoulder. “it goes with your new dress, don’t you think?”
you put your arms around his shoulders, gently stroking the arches of his wings and nodded in agreement. he placed his hands on the tops of your thighs and gently squeezed. “wanna see if it goes with my other dresses, too?”
“oh, absolutely. but..." he shifted a bit and pulled you closer, so that you were fully pressed against him. "I don't think I've appreciated this one enough... what do you think?" he slowly trailed his eyes up from your legs to meet yours.
you tilted your neck forward to rest your forehead against his. "I think that you'll find some of the other things I bought more interesting than a sundress, keigo."
his sly smile turned into something more eager and you laughed when he dramatically flopped backwards on the bed with a groan. "you're too good for me, angel, seriously. what did I ever do to deserve you?"
you offered him a shrug and a tiny smile of your own. "exist."
his eyes widened a fraction and you could tell that your words deeply affected him from the way they welled up. he cleared his throat to cover up any emotion in his voice and sat up again to cup your cheek, murmuring "sweet girl, you'd better hurry up and try on those other dresses, because if you're not off my lap in three seconds, I'm gonna pounce, and we're not leaving this room 'til we're both spent."
butterflies erupted within you and he watched fondly as you gasped and ran off to keep your little fashion show up and running.
the following days after receiving his gift were... not surprising in the slightest.
you always knew when keigo was taking a break or in his office doing paperwork because he took every opportunity to bug you with his (your) feather.
every. single. one.
and you also knew before he even had the necklace made that if he were to ever give you one, this would likely happen. he was a menace, after all. part of his charm, he always said.
at first it was a bit embarrassing having to fight with a feather in front of your coworkers (who weren't aware you were dating a pro hero, so they probably thought you were some fangirl who bought faulty, cheap merch of his), but it very quickly became endearing.
cause yeah, if he knew you were going to be around people he'd make life difficult for you and then take all of your whines and complaints with a mischievous grin when he walked through the door, clearly lying when he said he'd take it down a notch.
but when he knew you were alone? or having a particularly stressful day? all you had to do was lightly tug on the necklace. upon your signal, he'd immediately take control of the feather and bring it up to caress your cheek, run along your neck or tap your nose.
honestly, you wouldn't have it any other way. you adored his playful side, and he knew he could get away with most things via feather necklace. even if it was only because you were too flustered to scold him for anything anymore by time he got back. complaints soon turned into requests for cuddles and wanting to return all the affection you received.
the feather necklace was a gift for you, sure, but it definitely benefitted him as well.
I edited this super quickly, so apologies if there's any mistakes! I'll find them eventually when I look back at this fic and end up contemplating my choices to post without properly editing :')
hope you enjoyed!! <3
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blueberryarchive · 7 months
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The Evergreen Game
The white pawn moves to E4.
"Pawn. E4." Jungkook swallows, sweat pooling on his temples and Cupid's bow.
"Pawn to E5." You murmur in a hiss, your legs trying to move, but Jungkook leans forward to move your chess piece. Your nails grab the hair at the back of his neck as you reposition yourself in his lap.
Jeon grabs your waist with his forearm so you won't fall, although he also feels that his body is going to betray him at any moment.
"Knight F3." Jungkook played after taking a breath, his cock feeling hot and completely covered in the viscous, milky liquid. He hadn't taken his cock out in an hour, and his dress pants, boots, and the floor were covered in his cum. Nasty, cold, and drying with the fall breeze. The scene was indecent.
"Knight to C6." You responded, holding your boyfriend's sweaty head so you could stand up.
"No, I'm not done yet. I have to win."
"It hurts, Kook. I can't anymore." As you moved further the liquid fell thickly onto the floor, making an obscene sound as you moaned. Your puffy lips were swollen from fucking too much, your insides reddened. But every time you moved ever-so-lightly it felt like scratching an itch, painful pleasure. "Let's play again later-"
"Bishop to C4." He interrupted, lifting your listless and tired body. You put your feet on tiptoe and moved on top of him again, the hair on his thighs sweating under your ass and your nipples gnawing at Jungkook's cashmere sweater.
You thought about your next move while he used you as a simple glove or toy.
"Hurry up or I'll go harder."
"You don't need to win."
"I do. Hurry up or I'll go harder." He repeated firmly.
Jungkook's mind wanted to focus on this round, he had an important game tomorrow; he could earn good money to pay for the apartment. But you offered him some gummies to which he just opened his mouth to chew them without thinking much.
Bad decision. In the first fifteen minutes, he felt his body warm up. Fifteen minutes later, you appeared completely naked in front of him.
An hour and a half and you no longer know how to count the times he has filled you until you were dripping wet and overflowing.
Half an hour ago, you asked for mercy, like a hypocrite. The fact that you thought it was going to end without your pussy being abused was just foolish.
"Bishop to C4?"
Jungkook left his painted hand on your right asscheek. You purred, biting your lips with delight, and curling your toes. 
"Think, pet. I need you to concentrate."
"C5, I- C5" You begged, moving with a little more energy, the cum lubricating your pain, pure bliss.
"Mhm. Keep moving like that. I'll let you go after this round.." Liar, you said to yourself while you hugged his neck. He held you tighter while he moved your black bishop.
"Pawn B4."
This game sounded familiar.
"Bishop to B4." You said, lifting your body even higher. The white pawn out.
"Pawn C3."
Jungkook didn't resist and kissed your neck for the umpteenth time that autumn afternoon. Your sweaty back under his hand moved, trembled, rose, and fell in short moans.
"Bishop A5."
"Bishop D4."
"Pawn to D4." Jungkook's index finger pushes the pawn to its new position, with that, you begin to groan as you shake the pieces with your hand on the table.
"Are we playing the Evergreen game?" You laughed breathlessly when you noticed how fast the game was going.
"Looks like we are." He smiled, revealing his dark eyes beneath the wet strands of his forehead. "You know what that means."
"You win at the end."
Jungkook growled before lifting you up and completely destroying the board until he placed your body on the table. Your breasts bounced with every hit and crash of him inside you.
"Koo, please, slow down. It hurts."
But he just couldn't. God, he wished he could because it hurt him too. But those pretty little cries that came out of your drooled and swollen lips didn't want him to stop filling you up.
"One more time."
"It'll burst out."
"I don't care, love. My floor and boots are already a fucking mess because of you."
You laughed through your tears. You loved seeing him so desperate.
Jungkook grabbed the queen and bishop between his fists before feeling how he filled you to abounding again.
And yet, after feeling himself almost faint and his legs spasming, he felt like he could win another round.
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callmelola111 · 1 year
guilty conscience ☆ part three
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 ← part 1 , part 2 ⭑ part 4 , part 5 →
synopsis: it’s your first year at college and you’re 1,500 miles away from home. you’d feel completely alone if it wasn't for your attractive roommate ellie. will this attraction complicate the already uncharted territory? or will she be the answer to all your problems?
      |✯| pairing & wc: college!ellie williams x roommate!reader. wc: 2.7k
      |✯| cw (by part): 18+ themes (MDNI), fem reader, modern au!ellie, HEAVY ANGST, some swearing, heavy on sexual themes, cat lol, reader throws up, drinking, smoking, ellie acting like a piece of shit, almost kinda cheating
a/n: lots of character development in this part. looking forward to the next one though cause it will be getting sick, twisted, and hot. yes everyone, its true, expect some smut!!!! anyways hope you like all this crazy angst. thanks for all the support on previous parts, it means so much to me fr ♡
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That night you went home early, never seeing Ellie’s band play. You don’t even have the energy to take off the makeup you had done special for that evening. You quickly changed to your pajamas, then slipped right into bed, all while maintaining a steady flow of tears.
You attempted to go to sleep, in fact, that’s all you really wanted to do. You didn’t want to feel the hurt of Ellie anymore. Unfortunately, sleep wasn’t in your near future. The night continued to play on a loop in your mind driving you insane. You questioned why you ever thought she would feel the same way about you as you did her. You felt stupid. 
Ellie arrived home later that night. Not ready to face her just yet, you turned towards the wall and pretended to sleep. She would’ve fell for it too, but the hitch in your breath as you tried to swallow your sobs gave you away.
“Hey… uh, are you alright?” she gently inquired. Ellie was perplexed, still not understanding why you had stormed out on her and never came back. Has she done something to you? Or maybe you were jealous of Cat? She wanted to hear you say the words.
 “If you think I’m crying over you, I-I’m not. I’m fine.” you finally muttered, putting all your defenses up. You felt embarrassed for feeling so strongly about her. This answer broke Ellie’s heart and she wasn’t quite sure why. She wished you would’ve stayed for her show, it was important, but it seemed like you could care less how your actions affected her. You humbled her in the worst way possible and it made her, in a way, resentful. Resentful enough that she wouldn’t open her eyes to the obvious fact that the two of you were more than just roommates. 
Ellie responded, impulsive and pissed off, “Well fine, I’m glad. I- I really like Cat, and I don’t need you screwing this up for me.”
“Me??? Mess it up for you??? Don’t worry Ellie, you can do that all on your own, believe me.” You cringed hearing yourself be so cruel to the girl you love. You didn’t mean it.
That night neither of you slept and it was like that for the rest of the week. You hung around Dina as much as you could to avoid Ellie's presence. Being around her was like torture. Even more like torture was the fact that you were keeping it all a secret from Dina. You felt like a fool for getting into such a stupid situation. You’d just get embarrassed and start tearing up if you tried to tell her. But that didn’t stop Dina from asking. The other day, the two of you were hanging out and she brought up Cat, or as she liked to call her “the cunt from class”, never bothering to learn her real name. 
“What ever happened with that cunt from class being at Ellie’s show the other night?”
“Oh Cat? Yeah, I guess she just happened to see a flyer and showed up. I don’t really know.” you replied trying not to sound too suspicious.
“Cat? You guys are on a first name basis now?” She chuckled, noticing your sudden unusual behavior, and questioning how you knew her name. You laughed along with her trying to play it off. Dina didn’t wanna pry though, she knew you’d tell her when you were ready. You loved how patient she was with you. You never had those kinds of friends back home. Dina saw your eyes soften as you admired the friendship the two of you shared. 
“What?” she teased.
“I just love you Dina, that's all.” you said matter-of-factly and leaned in for a big embrace. She grabbed the sides of your face and leaned in to plant a kiss on the top of your head. Whatever was going on, she knew you needed the love.
“Love you too y/n.” she smiled back at you. 
Taking advantage of the tender moment Dina mentioned, “by the way, there’s this party happening Friday and I think we should go.”
“I don’t know about a party…” you said reluctantly. You had been so down lately that you didn’t feel like partying, but that’s exactly why Dina insisted you go.
“Pleaseeee Y/n!!! A party would do you some good, You’ve been such a sad sack lately.” She was practically begging, so you gave up and agreed to go.
Meanwhile Ellie was being dragged around by Cat. It’s not that Cat was all bad news. There were some times where Ellie really liked hanging around her but it was mostly when the two of them were alone. Anytime other people came around, Cat’s attitude shifted and she became defensive and insecure. It’s like the presence of others presented this possibility that she could be abandoned by Ellie. Everyone felt like a threat.
Ellie disliked that side of her, but she could also sympathize. She knew what it felt like to be rejected and forgotten about, I mean, you were doing that to her right now. You were barely around anymore, always with that Dina girl. Maybe that was the real reason Ellie kept Cat around;
She knew she would never leave her. And if one day she did, deep down, Ellie knew she wouldn’t really care. Not like how she cares about you.
On Friday you headed over to Dina’s place and the two of you got ready for the party together. Dina did your makeup for you, she even put glitter under your eyes for a special touch. 
“You look so hot bro. The sparkles are adorable, you’re like a little fairy” Dina exclaimed, proud of her work. You looked in the mirror and smiled. You haven't felt this good in a while. Once you guys arrived at the party you went straight to the backyard of the frathouse to smoke. No way you’d be here sober.
You lit the end of the pink joint and said, “I hate to admit it but… I think you were right D. I really did need this.” You took a hit and then passed it over to her.
“What? The joint? Or some quality time with your best friend?” she teased.
“Honestly, both.” The two of you burst into laughter at your blunt response, beginning to feel the high. Even after you finished smoking, you remained outside sitting on the steps. You had gotten so wrapped into conversation with each other that you almost forgot you were at a party. With the sudden realization you were still outside and the sound of Come Get Her playing on the speakers inside, you and Dina finally decided to get up and party.
That is, until Dina gets a call from her sister and has to step aside. You wait for her, leaning on the doorframe. As she talks there’s a serious look on her face. She finally finishes her conversation and looks to you to break the news.
“Y/n I’m really sorry, but I’ve gotta go. A family emergency came up and I gotta go help out my sister like right now.” You could tell by her tone that it was urgent and she genuinely felt bad for having to ditch you. 
She continued, “but you, please stay. I think I just saw Ellie inside and I’m sure she’d be happy to party with you.” Not wanting to reveal your current situation with Ellie, you went along with it. You know Dina was only trying to help.
“Don't even worry about it D. I completely get it, family first. I love you.” you replied, bringing her in for a hug.
“Okay good, thank you for understanding babe. Byeee.” And with that, Dina was gone, and you were left to face this party alone. You couldn’t help but wonder if it was really Ellie that Dina had seen, or if she was just a little too high. Ellie didn’t seem like the frat party type, but honestly, neither did you. Even though you weren’t necessarily on speaking terms with her, you decided to go inside and look anyway.
That’s when you spot her with none other than Cat the cunt. She was hanging all over Ellie, it was almost gross. The sight left you sick and you straight-lined it to the alcohol to take a couple shots. Those couple of shots led to a couple more, and then a couple more as you watched Ellie and Cat practically suck each other’s faces off. You couldn’t stop staring though, it was almost sadistic.
Busy chaperoning the obnoxious couple, you managed to lose track of the amount of alcohol you were consuming. The nausea hit you like a truck and you stumbled to a dirty couch trying to deep breath through the churning of your stomach. A familiar voice interrupts your attempt at self-soothing.
“Y/n?” You look up at the sound of your name coming from your favorite person's mouth. As you opened yours to greet her, all that came out were chunks. Ellie jumped back, just missing the splash zone. Your throw up now soaked the frat house couch and the floor surrounding. And in front of Ellie? How embarrassing. While you were busy cursing yourself in your head for making such a scene, Ellie was cursing herself for not finding you sooner.
The idea of you drunk and all alone at a frat party scared her, and she was your protector. With that scenario flashing through her mind she scooped you into her arms and rushed you to the bathroom. The whole world was spinning as Ellie plopped you onto the floor in front of the toilet. She held back your hair and rubbed your back as you continued to vomit. You were already beginning to sober up as your body rid you of the intoxicating liquid. Ellie pushed at your baby hairs and wiped at the sweat collecting on your temples from the heaving. Despite everything, Ellie really did care for you. She couldn’t stand to see you in pain. And she couldn’t stand the thought of someone hurting you either. 
“Come back to my bandmates with me. Please?” Ellie finally spoke.
Feeling the nausea dissipate, you responded, “thanks for your help but I think I’ll be fine just walking back to the dorm.”
“A drunk girl walking 20 minutes across campus, in the dark, alone??? That’s like the stupidest idea you’ve ever had.” Ellie hated how stubborn you were.
“I’m not even that drunk anymore,” you paused for a beat, “but fine. I’ll go with you.” Ellie sighed in relief. She put you under her arm and started leading you to the door. She was so warm and you felt so safe. As she walks outside, Ellie spots Cat and knows she’s in trouble. Ellie gently sits you down on the curb so she can go deal.
“Els, what the fuck is she doing here?” Cat spits as soon as Ellie is in listening distance. 
“Listen Cat, I don’t know, but she’s really messed up and I can’t just leave her here.”
Cat raises her voice, louder this time, “what do you mean?? Are you really picking her over me?”
“I didn’t know I had to pick. Shes my fucking friend Cat.” 
“But- but… I’m your girlfriend” she says, voice trembling with insecurity. 
Ellie turns to leave the exhausted conversation, “it doesn’t work like that. I- I’ve gotta go now, we’ll talk about this later. I'm sorry.”
The next thing you know you’re sitting in a strangers kitchen and Ellie is force feeding you crackers and water, trying to sober you up. Just being there with her is already making you feel so much better. You talk and giggle through the night like you guys had never even fought. A sleeve of Saltines, 3 glasses of water, and 2 Advil later you’re beginning to feel a little more like your normal self.
This doesn’t stop Ellie from coddling you like a little baby for the rest of the night. She took off your makeup for you and even let you borrow the extra T-shirt she had brought in her backpack. You slipped into the bathroom to change into your makeshift pajamas. You stared back at your reflection in the mirror and couldn’t help but smile seeing yourself in nothing but Ellie’s baggy shirt. It was just like in your dreams; except now you were in her clothes for a different reason, not because you guys just finished having mind blowing sex. How unfortunate. You went back out into the living room and stood in front of Ellie.
“So uh, where should I sleep?” you asked with an awkward smile. Your shoulders shrunk in and you fidgeted with your charm bracelet as you waited for a response. The silence continued to drag out because Ellie was too busy imagining her own fantasies. Her heart fluttered as you stood there all coy in her shirt. She pictured you in the same exact outfit making pancakes for the both of you in the kitchen of your shared apartment. She imagined sneaking up behind you to feel your figure through the baggy clothes. She’d plant kisses all over your neck until you would finally turn around from your cooking to give her a real ki-
Your words managed to drag her out of the fake scenario, “shit yeah um. This is a pull out couch so we can set you up there.” Ellie gestured to the couch in the middle of the room and then got up to pull it out. She fixed it up with sheets and a pillow provided by her generous bandmate who was in her bedroom just down the hall. You climbed into the covers and sat as you waited for Ellie to join you. Instead she set up on the floor next to you. 
Confused with her behavior you stated, “you can sleep up here with me. You know that right?”
“I guess I kinda thought you wouldn’t want me to.” Ellie confessed, tilting her head down in shame.
“Of course I want you to Els.” She missed hearing you call her that, how could she refuse? Ellie climbed right into bed and there was an immediate increase in tension. The thought of you right beside her with just a shirt and panties drove Ellie wild. She felt like such a piece of shit for even thinking like that, but part of her wondered if you also felt the rising tension. You both lay on your sides, backs facing each other, when you finally disturb the loud silence. 
“I missed you.”
“What do you mean? We live together.” Ellie wasn’t stupid though. 
“You know what I mean Els.” you answered, voice breaking slightly. Ellie felt so guilty knowing that a lot of this mess was her own fault. She then shifted to face your back and tugged your hips into the space between her thighs and torso. 
“I missed you too…” Ellie said against your neck, sending chills down your spine. Her arm reached past your waist and raised your T-shirt right below the start of your breasts. She took that same tattooed arm and wrapped it around your now bare tummy, pulling you in even closer. Her touch made you gasp.
Ellie was a pretty skinny girl but she was strong, you could see it in her arms, the way they flexed when she played guitar or lifted something. But, when you visualized her touch, you had never imagined it being this soft. You practically melted feeling her skin brush against yours. An ache was radiating between your legs as you clenched your thighs together in agony. You wanted her hands in places other than your plush stomach. Ellie did too, but you were coming down from being completely wasted, and she was still with Cat. It just wasn’t right.
The rest of the night you remained in the same position in fear of losing each other’s touch, but aware that nothing more would happen. Then, that morning, you woke to no touch. Ellie was already gone, and your heart broke all over again. Her guilt had taken over after Cat sent a string of texts expressing her insecurity in the relationship. She explained to Ellie that she didn’t feel loved or important because of her favoring towards you. And Cat was right, Ellie did favor you. She was trying so hard to be “good” and ignore her feelings, trying not to be a cheater, but she was hurting you (the one she truly loves) in the process. Why couldn’t she just let go of Cat? Would you ever experience a night like that with her again?
← masterlist ⭑ part 4 →
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taglist ☆...
@gold-dustwomxn @robinismywifee @kitty356sworld
(P.S: for future reference, if you'd like to be tagged in the next part plz make sure you have your age visible somewhere on your profile. my blog and writing contains 18+ content and minors should not be anywhere near it. obviously there's only so much i can do but checking accounts who interact is the one thing in my control so yeah. much love-- lola ♡
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hufflefluff-stuff · 1 year
could you write HL characters reacting to MC passing out due to exhaustion?
Thanks for being the first to request!! :D
Notes: MC has established relationships with the characters (individually). And I only did three bc I had good ideas for these ones specifically
Characters: Ominis, Poppy, Amit
Ominis Gaunt
In the days following Sebastian casting Crucio on you in the scriptorium, it left lingering effects on your physical body.
You felt sharp aches and pains in your hands at random, which made your wand movements rather jerky.
You really should've been resting, but you've been receiving lots of owls lately, finding yourself being pulled in several different directions and (mistakenly) deciding that sleep wasn't important right now.
But the exhaustion catches up fast, as Ominis finds you passed out in the Undercroft, immediately panicking and thinking you got attacked.
After you're floo'd to the hospital wing, Madam Blainey looks after you while he tries to explain how he found you without exposing the secret hideaway.
She noted seeing "unusual" red sparks coming from your body, and for a moment his heart drops...and he forces himself to choke back tears upon realizing what's actually going on with you:
You're still feeling the aftereffects of Crucio..and never told him.
Merlin, he wishes you never took the full brunt of the curse. Why did it have to be you?
Somehow he managed to fall asleep, but when you wake up the next day, see your boyfriend, and gently squeeze his hand, he's wide awake too, relieved to no longer detect those sparks.
You claimed to be extremely tired from all the errands you've been running....but when he asks you if "it" still hurts, you realize there's no playing dumb this time.
So you relent and explain the aches and pains, quickly reassuring him they're gone.
Yet nothing you could say in that moment mattered, as it didn't stop him from silently breaking down, laying his head in your lap as tears spilled from his glazed eyes.
This is extremely unlike him, but he can't help it...knowing that the same curse which traumatized him all those years ago was now hurting the one he loved most.
Not to mention you're giving more and more of yourself away to people you hardly knew without considering putting your own well-being first.
He never sees you anymore, and it hurts him.
"Don't you get it? You're killing yourself, MC, and...i-it's killing me, too." He sounds completely shattered. "Is this what it takes for you to finally understand?"
"No, no..you're right. This never should've happened. I'm sorry, love." Frowning in guilt, you pet his hair comfortingly, realizing how much you've neglected him. "You have every right to be angry."
"..I'm not angry. I just...I-I wish we never went down there. I should've stopped Sebastian from-"
"He's not to blame. Don't go yelling at him now." You chuckle softly, before promising him a date to Three Broomsticks as an apology..
Along with you swearing to stop doing favors for strangers.
He calms down after that, still vowing to yell at Sebastian later on.
But he's looking forward to that date.
Poppy Sweeting
You were both venturing through the Forbidden Forest, on a mission to rescue an injured golden unicorn that was supposedly spotted.
Apparently someone noticed it limping around, sporting a deep gash in its leg and leaving a bloody trail.
Poppy figured it narrowly escaped a trap, which was confirmed after you stumbled upon a mechanism tainted in blood.
Time was now of the essence, as some poacher could capture it first, or worse...it could die from its injury.
Despite the sun having set long ago, you insisted on searching even if it took you both all night long.
While Poppy could keep up with you (even tho she worried about the curfew), your energy was nearly spent as you've been out raiding poacher camps and freeing caged beasts all day long, not having returned to the castle once to rest nor eat.
You had plenty of wiggenweld potions, but unfortunately they didn't cure exhaustion.
Obviously you weren't gonna tell your girlfriend that, so you continued tracking down the golden unicorn.
And eventually you discovered it peacefully grazing in a foggy meadow, with Poppy gazing in awe.
"How majestic!" She whispers excitedly. "Now to catch it...we can try Leviosa, but it might panic. Glacius could work, too...though it seems cruel to freeze a unicorn. Hmm, what do you think......MC??"
She turns to you and sees you on the ground, not moving.
At first she freaks out, until she realized you still have a pulse, but she knew you had to get back to the castle ASAP. The forest was no place for a nap!
Fortunately, Highwing was in your nab-sack, so you both got back there in one piece, where you recuperated in the hospital wing.
Madam Blainey noted sleep deprivation, and while Poppy's upset that you didn't listen to her, she can't be entirely angry with you.
She knows you've been stretching yourself thin, saving all these beasts on top of your other escapades.
That being said, she literally had to push you back into bed so you didn't bolt out of it after remembering what happened before you passed out.
"But the golden unicorn..!" You panic. "He was right there! Now we'll never find out where-!"
"It's okay, MC! I saved him. He's safe and sound in the vivarium." She hastily reassures you, showing you a few strands of golden unicorn hair as proof. "We'll go once you feel better."
You calm down after seeing the strands, before you smile and embrace her tightly. "I'm so lucky to have you, Poppy."
"I am, too,love...I'm glad you value the health and well-being of beasts, but that shouldn't take priority over your own. We can't help them if we don't help ourselves first."
"..you're right, I'm sorry. I'll try to remember that."
Amit Thakkar
All of your escapades inside and outside the castle had you drained and exhausted. You wish you had more time for yourself nowadays.
But people needed you: friends, students from your house, professors, townsfolks, goblinkind....you couldn't just ignore their requests for help.
Who else but you had such bravery and ancient magic skills? Nobody. It had to be you.
You've kept your missions secret from your boyfriend, claiming you're only out all the time to look for astronomy tables...which is partially true.
After what happened in the goblin mine, Amit was left shaken for a few days, and you felt guilty for practically dragging him into that mess just because you needed him to translate some things.
So when he sent you an owl asking you to come by an astronomy table located in a field of grass without explanation, you abandoned your current mission and headed there straight away, anxious about what he wanted to discuss.
As it turns out, he knew you were doing more than just observing constellations...but he wasn't mad at you for keeping secrets.
Rather, he knew you needed a break and invited you out here to get away from everything.
He had a blanket that you two laid on together, watching the stars; not for any assignment in particular, but just because the sky was especially clearer and pretty tonight and he didn't want you to miss that.
"I like coming here when I feel like there's too much weighing down on me all at once. My studies, my responsibilities...they can get overwhelming." He sighs, turning to you. "I'm certain you feel the same way, my dear."
"Amit, this is lovely..and...I appreciate it more than you know. But Lodgok needs me to-"
"He can wait." His voice is firm, unusual for the typically calm and passionate Ravenclaw. But his gestures are the opposite as he wraps his arm around you. "Let's stay here a while, MC..and just...forget about the world. At least for tonight. I guarantee you will feel much better...and you'll shine twice as bright tomorrow."
You agree to stay, but only because you're weak to his sappy and poetic remarks.
And you close your eyes, listening to his soft ramblings of the moon's current phase and what it all meant.
While his fascination with the cosmos keeps him wide awake for some time, he sees you passed out on the blanket minutes later and smiles lightly, relieved that he helped you find some peace.
You promised to protect him down in the mines...now it's his turn to protect you as you slept, ensuring no person nor beast bothers you.
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