#its midnight and im very very tired
sorry if u been asked this b4 but how did u come up with able's markings in Ur desigm?? gq
very intricate n cool(?) lookiing.. n do u have more arts of her
i dont normally respond to asks because im an anxious bastard sometimes but this ones simple enough not to fuck over iiiii think
anyways, her markings r based on (bridal) mehndi! little side by side
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its definitely more obvious here, but yeah! i just wanted it to look more decorative than tribal.
i had a moose design w mehndi too which was the catalyst for this i think? idk i just figured I didn't want her skin to be so bare considering how much of it is exposed,
and errr sorry to disappoint but i dont draw much of her outside of the stuff i sell but here's pirate au cain n able as kids that counts right
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!!!! transgender siblings !!!!!!
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stupidusernamepolicy · 7 months
sometimes wish i could like. kms temporarily like kenny southpark. like i just press a button and explode and then wake up the next day with all my stats replenished to 50% like "well got that out of my system time to face the day"
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what-aboutno · 10 months
The idea of romantic chiluc is great honestly but qpr chiluc hits different. Having such a unique relationship dynamic only they understand,,,
They both learn to understand each other. Move past the titles and the names they've known each other as. It's no longer Tartaglia the tsaritsas vanguard but just Ajax. And it's no longer Diluc Ragnvindr of Mondstadt, just Diluc.
They don't have the same pressure when they're with each other because there's that understanding they have. They're both 'different' both been through a lot, but they care for each other.
Maybe the care looks different to everyone else, more romantic than intended but as long as they understand it doesn't matter. Because no one but then need to understand
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miss-midnightt · 6 months
i shouldnt have posted my writing, not sure if im sick or if its just really really bad imposter syndrome but i feel nauseous, i think its the latter
goddammit why am i like this
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chamaleonsoul · 8 months
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rosebe11y · 2 years
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click for better quality!
there will be choices you can't reason with
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realkilljoyhoursnow · 2 years
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a little cowboy comic based on a friend's dream (my pen broke halfway through the second page ;-;)
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toasterfriend · 2 years
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gay puppets lol
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thetimelordbatgirl · 3 months
Welp...the new DW episodes airing at midnight means there goes being able to watch the episodes with my dad...
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daily-mao-isara · 5 months
Day 418 : Trickstar in the office!
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"I wonder if there's any tips for club captains..
Ahaha ,if there is, I'd like to know too"
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
Midnight Mass Supercorp AU where Lena is the adult daughter of the island's preacher and Kara is the daughter who went to the mainland in search of something more to life. When Kara comes back, everything is just like she left it, Lena seemingly included.
Kara's lost her faith during her time on the mainland, not that she ever really believed in the first place. It was just something she did, before she met Lena and it became a way to see her crush and best friend. But not all is as it seems.
Kara's sister Alex, the island's doctor, has come out as gay in the time since Kara's been gone, and seeing the way the town ostracized her only made Lena retreat further into the closet at the time, unwilling to face the backlash of admitting her true self to her family and congregation. But she always makes a point to be friendly to Alex, and they actually become decent friends with Kara. But as Kara soon discovers, Lena no longer believes.
Lena's not sure she ever did. She always had more faith in her books and knowledge than she did in a higher spirit, and she's always seen flaws in her father's rhetoric when he turns to the bottle as often as he does, when he gets mean, yet presents a picture perfect family image to the rest of the town.
And when her father preached against Alex's nature, Lena certainly couldn't put her faith in a higher power that would hate her for loving someone. But despite her doubts, she remains in her family's house, unable or unwilling to cut ties with her father, mother, and brother, even as her life creeps into adulthood.
When Kara returns home, it's simple for them to return to old habits-- walks along the shoreline, morning and night; knees touching during mass; sharing easy smiles and truths they'd never share with anyone else.
Lionel warns Lena away from Kara, citing that even though she's adopted, she's tainted by association. That sister of hers, after all... But soon they have bigger fish to fry when Lex returns home from a pilgrimage overseas with an unexpected guest.
When Lionel discovers Lex's "angel", he correctly likens it more to a devil, and begins aggressively quoting scripture at his son. It's not enough to protect him. When Lionel mysteriously disappears, Lex fills in as preacher, and the services take an unusual turn.
Miracles start happening, yada yada, and while Lex assures the folks that Lionel has simply gone for some benign reason (his own pilgrimage, perhaps, or maybe a fall prompting a hospitalization on the mainland), Lena tells Kara furtively one night that it's all bullshit. Her dad didn't leave, he didn't fall, he just-- didn't come home one night.
The rest of the series is Lena and Kara coming together to fight an inhuman predator and its all-too-human facilitator. With the help of their friends, will they succeed in saving their island home? Or will it all descend into blood and death?
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arolesbianism · 8 months
Having Wickerbottom thoughts... She's so silly
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margottrek · 8 months
thinking abt zarabeth. she deserved so much better it makes me so upset why didn't they go back for herrr
like theyre very good at this point at going back in time don't tell me they couldn't do a little slingshot around the sun to save her it would've been so easy. they did it for shits and giggles historical research in assignment earth
and there's no one around to catch them who's gonna be influenced by them changing the past? alien mammoths or whatever prehistoric beast she was eating? who give a shit
she should've been brought to the future and dropped at a starbase or something idk she just deserved better
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flovverworks · 1 year
(in bed) one more nonsense post. did i talk about this....for the produce au im still weighing between taking more stuff from the school april fools, cuz putting more ppl on the behind-the-scenes (like chloes fashion designer ways...rustica songwriting.....the list goes on) makes..sense...?? + i think makes things more varied too for me in interactions.....rather than having akira life the tru imas-p life of a billion units<3
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wolfram-but-art · 1 year
I love your Polish Spy headcanon so much. There is next to no mutual intelligibility between Polish and Russian, so Heavy would be just as confused as everyone else, but at least it would explain why Spy takes off his shoes indoors or something. Anyway, https://youtu.be/jaMcIbIWt_4 consider this video
i thought it was funny to include Mundy asking Heavy to translate because Polish is very commonly mistaken for Russian... they're not even that similar...
and YES!!! i didn't even think about the shoes part but that's so true
also Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz is Spy's real name but nobody believes him, so they just pretend/ choose to believe he has no name/ hasn't told them his real name
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I put him in the microwave >:)
none of you are prepared for the power of me and free editing software.
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