#its one of the parts of the english translation that makes me laugh
rosenbergi · 1 year
I will never accept the localisation team changing "Kokichi Ouma" to "Kokichi Oma" because I'm German and refuse to call him my grandma.
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selineram3421 · 3 months
Courting Pursuit
Part 2
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Part 1
Alastor X Deer Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ gender neutral (gn) reader, mule deer reader, assuming Alastor is a marsh deer, Spanish translated, stalking-Vox, cussing, implied/suggestive, italics=thoughts, ha..watch out for the end ⚠
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You continued to act affectionate towards him.
Even the others noticed and most of them would often ask you to do their work if it was related to him.
Niffty doesn't care and does her work as usual.
The thing is, you don't mind one bit and take up the work.
"Hola Alastor.", you'd greet him every time.
Today you were helping someone else, Husk to be exact, putting away some bottles in storage.
And then he heard that obnoxious voice of the sad excuse of an entertainment performer through his radio next to the television shop, Vox.
"Top of the hour! Today I have a special little treat for you, though the image is sadly glitched out, you can still see what is going on in the photo.", he says. "It's the Radio Demon, receiving an affectionate peck on the forehead from another deer!"
What a creeper. Alastor rolled his eyes and waited for the perfect moment to jump in and make the flat headed piece of tech look like a complete fool.
"From the looks of things, Alastor has a fuck buddy.", the TV demon grinned. "Wouldn't be surprised if he was taking it from behind.", he laughed and continued to rant on about innuendos like an idiot.
Turning a few knobs and flipping some switches, the Radio Demon was live.
"Salutations!", he greeted his listeners. "What an interesting start to the day! An overly cocky man acting like a news anchor when he doesn't have all the facts!", his smile widens. "For a demon asking his viewers to trust him, it's quite bold that he so blatantly lies to their faces."
"That's bullshit! I only provide the best-"
"Vox is so insecure and craving for attention from a powerful Overlord like myself, it's obvious that he's jealous.", Alastor laughed.
"Am fucking not you old timey prick-!"
"Why would he make such an announcement if not for that? Its clear to me that he wants someone to focus on him all the time.", he chuckles. "No wonder he always something new on his screens. But they lack so much that he has to resort to childish news broadcasts to seem important."
"As for the demon in the photo, that is a hotel guest and they do not understand English that much. There was a misunderstanding in translation and well..I'm not allowed to kill hotel guests.", then his voice switches. "This does not mean that I will let such an action pass, I will do something mμc# ₩θrs€ than death."
"You lying piece of shit! Tell me them the truth!"
"I should announce that the Hazbin Hotel has its doors open for all sinners who want a shot at redemption! Try to climb your way out of this fiery inferno, some might try to drag you back down, or you'll have trouble all on your own trying to redeem yourself! Anything is possible!", he put in his two bits for advertising the hotel. "And with that my wonderful listeners, I shall bid you all adieu~"
He switched on some jazz, not wanting to hear anymore of Vox's whining.
Something still irked him however..
Perhaps I should pay Rosie another visit. He thought. This time without them knowing.
As soon as he walked through the door of the emporium, his friend waved him over and pointed to her office, letting him know that she'd be there soon.
Once entering the office, he sighed and sat on the couch, already tired of what else would happen later in the day. He didn't want any other unnecessary conversations.
Rosie entered the office not too long after, setting her hat aside as she closed the door.
"You won't believe the gossip I've stumbled across today. Betty, the one with the pooch, not the one with the scar. She-", the woman started but then took notice of his mood. "What's wrong? You look worn out already."
"I don't know what to do with them. Vox, that piece of shit tech, has already made comments but I already put him in his place.", he sighed and ran a hand down his face.
"I heard.", Rosie let out a short laugh.
"The deer is still doing things, not as bold as the first time but I don't want them near me. It's-", he growled and made a choking motion with his hands.
"If it's bothering you that much, you know you can tell them to stop.", she says.
He looks up at her with a wide eyed stare.
She dead pans.
"Alastor. You know you can tell them to stop. Right?"
"The thought hadn't crossed my mind.", he simply says.
"Oh for crying out loud-!", she tosses a pillow at him. "You are unbelievable! Go and speak your mind! You've never had a problem with it before!"
She was right. Why had he been so bothered about something like this?
He should have spoken up about it from the start.
It was late when he returned to the hotel. The lobby was empty and he could only assume that everyone had long been asleep. Walking to the dining room, he spots the kitchen light on.
Angel is probably making an abomination of a hangover cure- He thought and opened the door, only to find the mule deer leaning against the counter half asleep.
You perk up when noticing him.
"Bienvenido. Hice la cena y te guardé un plato.", you wave and smile. (Welcome back. I made dinner and saved you a plate.)
"What are you doing up at this hour? Granted, it is Hell and there are barely any rules around here, sleep is still important.", he says as you pick up a plate covered with tin foil.
Taking off the foil, you give him a plate of food.
Your fingers brush against his, making him flinch back and drop the plate, causing it to shatter on the floor with a loud crash.
Instead of focusing on the mess, you looked at him with worry.
"¿Estás bien? No estás herido, ¿verdad-?", you reach out to him but he smacks your hand away. (Are you alright? You're not hurt, are you-?)
"Don't touch me.", he hisses out. "I am not comfortable with your advances, so I advise you to stop NOW before I tear you apart and make you into tomorrow's dinner."
With that you took a step back.
"No quería incomodarte. Me detendré. Perdóname por no tener en cuenta tus sentimientos.", you muttered and looked away. (I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I will stop. Forgive me for not taking your feelings into account.)
Alastor didn't bother trying to translate your response in his head, just walking around you and to the door.
"Lo siento.." (I'm sorry..)
He heard you whisper as he walked out of the kitchen, leaving you alone.
With a sigh, you kneeled down and began to clean the mess.
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Sad times means cookies.
~Seline, the person.
Part 3
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @nonetheartist @gallantys @i-3at-kidz @luxky-aish @ceafighter @xalygatorx @xangel-8 @sleep-7372 @wat4r @lustylita @xdolls-crownx @lonelysimp18 @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @dap11 @al1fers-haven @futureittomainn @random-3455 @+?
ML II Alastor🎙 | CP ChL🦌
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darlingmbappe · 1 year
When We’re Ready [2] | Kylian Mbappé x Fem Reader
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[Part One] [Part Two]
Summary: After months of not getting pregnant, your mental health takes a big hit.
Warnings: SMUT! Minors, leave. Mentions of depression, slight angst, penetrative sex, oral (male receiving), brief self pleasure, cussing, google translated French, badly spell checked. Let me know if I missed anything! — English is not my first language —
The days were colder and the last snow of winter was sure to come any day now. Every morning, Kylian would leave bundled up and ready to train, and you’d stay home – left to your own devices with the same bitter thoughts you've collected over the past seven months. 
Getting laid off in early November seemed like a blessing in disguise, but sitting here in the chill of late February with nothing to do but wonder what the hell was wrong with your body made you realize it was more of a curse than a godsend. Maybe the universe was preparing your schedule for motherhood, you thought – needing time to ready the home for a newborn – time that you couldn't find with a job. But, still you remain jobless and without a child. Alone for most of the day, and sometimes days when Kylian went away.
Seven months seems like it’s too soon to feel this type of dreadful disappointment, especially since you’ve read it takes couples upwards of a year to get pregnant… but when you’ve prayed night after night, thoughts consumed with nothing but babies, listened to your husband raving about when the day finally comes, getting your hopes up just be let down once more… for seven months… it takes its toll. 
You were surprised when you heard a key jam into the front door, a mug full of lukewarm tea clung onto your chest as you watched trash TV in the living room, pajamas buried under the comforter you dragged directly from the downstairs guest room. You watched as Ky walked toward you with furrowed brows. 
“Hey.” His voice was gentle.
 “Hi.” You smile forcefully. “You’re home early.”
He hums and sits next to you on the couch. “Not really… It’s past six.”
When he said this to you, even with his tender tone, he hated how your face dropped with confusion, wondering how you spent your day cooped up in here. Of course he’d noticed your deteriorating emotional strength. He wasn’t so sure how to deal with all of this, also strained from having to pretend to be strong for the both of you. 
He kissed your cheek upon seeing your tears well up, pulling you into his body while you tried to hide your emotion. You laughed a little. “I’m sorry. I don’t know where that came from.”
He rubbed your back in an attempt to sooth you. “Don’t be sorry. It’s okay, mon coeur.”
You pulled yourself together surprisingly quickly, the veil of embarrassment not unnoticed by your perceptive husband, but doing his best to not bring it up and make you more aware of his knowledge. 
He ordered take out while you took a steaming shower, satisfied at the dinner table with a mouth full of chicken fried rice. Conversations flowed innocently, but your heart faltered a bit when you got that notification on your phone from your period tracking app – you were ovulating!
The distinct chime made your food so dry in your mouth, having difficulty swallowing it. You put your phone face down on the table, pretending you didn't both see and hear it. 
He stares at you for a bit. You’re looking down at your plate, saying nothing, not meeting his gaze – though you felt it. He puts his hand on yours. “Bebe…”
“Stop.” You grumble, avoiding his eye contact. “I’m not in the mood.”
He sighs, clanging his fork a little louder than he intended to in the twinge of frustration. He understood, but he just wished you wouldn’t be so hard on yourself. 
In December, you both had visited a fertility clinic to make sure all the gears were working correctly – and they were. It was amazing news that gave you both a fresh drive after months of let downs, but two months and four negative tests harshly dampened that high. You had been pretty hard on yourself, even if Doctor Laclairc said you had a pristine uterus and it just takes longer for some people. 
The noise clattering on his plate caused you to look up, annoyed. Kylian rubbed his temples with his head in his hands, biting the inside of his cheek. 
“What?” You barked. He pursed his lips and shook his head. He was holding back, you could tell. “Just say it, Kylian.”
“What do you want me to say?” He hissed from across that table.
“Whatever you’re not saying right now!”
He takes in a deep breath of air, trying his best to keep his head level. You pointedly stare at him, waiting for something to leave his mouth. He wiped his face with a napkin, tossing it back on the table. “You’re not the only one hurting.” He placed it softly, but you can hear the deep exasperation, emotionally exhausted. It shook you a little, having seen Kylian as a steady rock through all of this. His optimism had carried you through, letting yourself cry in his arms to find comfort. Sure, you knew he felt sad, but he hasn't let you see his devastation in full swing. “Do you think I’m in the mood? I’m not. It’s exhausting.” His eyes were slightly glossy as he expressed himself, voice loud but so unsure. You stare at him, silent. “But, we have to keep trying. I want this. You want this – I know how bad you want this. So, please. Give us a chance.”
His voice was so gentle at the end, emotions soaking every word that left his chest. You dipped your head down, knowing how you'd let your thinned patience steer your words and actions. Kylian never deserved the misguided anger that you let seep through. He’d been nothing but an anchor through these tolling seasons, putting your stability in front of his own.
He gets up out of his chair and slowly walks to yours, kneeling at your side where you sat and stared up at your teary eyes. 
With your hand now taken in his, he places a gentle thumb on your cheek, guiding you to look at him. “It’ll all be worth it.” He confirms, kissing the back of your hand. 
You sniffled, nodding as you turned your body toward him. Your arms wrapped so tightly around his neck and his around your middle. You both breathed in at first contact, some tears falling into the fabric of each other's shirts. The way he grasped you was allconsuming. It was a true embrace that you returned. He just felt like home.
You kiss his cheek, smooching the area until you place one on his lips. Now, holding his face and gazing into him, the strong wall he had built was knocked down. You saw the pain and urgency swirl in his irises. He pecks your lips, letting his hands roam slowly on your back.
You sigh as your lips quivered. All he did was run a thumb over your bottom lip, holding back his own exploding emotions. 
He stood and your eyes followed him now hovering over you, both his hands cradling your face – then the pair of you found yourselves under the covers in your shared bed once more. 
It’s funny. When you first started dating, the infatuation was supernatural. You wondered at the time how you could possibly ever be upset while he had his cock buried inside of you, stare bearing down into your soul with eyes that were made of magma, fingers so curious and ready to please as they got to know the terrain of your body. 
You hadn’t felt the same way about sex in months. It felt like a chore. An obligation demanded by a stupid, inconsequential chime from the app that cost you €2.99 a month. Kylian would have to work himself up half the time and you were just a hole until he filled you up. Aftercare rituals now only consisted of laying still on your back with your feet in the air. An orgasm felt selfish for reasons you couldn’t explain. It’s like you didn’t dare give yourself that primal pleasure because you had convinced your body didn’t deserve it, having failed you over and over again. 
This time, Kylian wanted to wash away the notion that your recent string of bad luck wasn’t caused by one individual or the other. Through his achingly slow actions, he showed you that you weren't just two separate people trying to accomplish a goal; not like when he jerks himself in the bathroom and puts his dick inside of you right before he came. You were together on this. A unified front. Bound to each other for life. 
He praised your weary body, working you up like he used to. Moving at a snail pace, taking his time, dragging his fingers everywhere on your skin. The ‘I love you’’s and the expressions of devotion he mumbled against you flooded your senses. The drag of his member that squeezed against your walls, the inexpressible and constant eye contact, the lost kisses and marks left behind… It was purely and literally making love. He made love to you. You made love to him.
A fortnight passed once more and it was time for your bi-weekly personal hell. Kylian grabbed one of the many pregnancy test boxes from the cabinet in your shared bathroom, opening it for you and setting it next to the toilet – the usual routine. 
He kissed your forehead. “I have a good feeling about this one.” Kylian mentioned with a grin on his face.
“I hate when you say stuff like that.” You mumble walking toward the small toilet room to leave Kylian alone by the his-and-hers sinks. 
He stops you with a hand on your arm. The look on his face was exasperated. “Come on.” He pleads. “Amour, you have to have a little bit of hope. This isn’t how we thought it was going to be like, and I know that. I feel that. But, can you please just… fake it? For me?”
You sigh with a hand on your forehead, then churning out a grin for your husband. “I have a good feeling about this one!” It was a little too enthusiastic. 
He chuckled slightly at how forced your words sounded, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “That was a really good try.” Kiss. “And I appreciate the effort.”
You shake your head with a breathy laugh, but the knot in your stomach stays put, even with the tiny little grin that found its way onto your face without permission.
You’d found the easiest and cleanest way to pee on that stick after doing it so many times. It was generally quick and you didn’t find it gross at all anymore. You set the capped test on the back of the toilet seat and grab some toilet paper. When you stood up, you looked into the bowl before flushing, and the knot in your stomach intensified. 
Kylian leaned against the marble with his arms crossed, looking up at you when you opened the door. “I’ll set the timer.”
You pressed your foot on the trash can pedal and threw the plastic stick inside. “Don’t bother.” You mutter, walking back into the bedroom and throwing yourself on the mattress, body turned opposite of Kylian.
He runs a hand over his scalp, feeling the anger simmering at the surface, letting his feet guide him out of the tiled room. He sees you laying on your side, staring at the wall.
“I don’t know what else to say to you!” He cries out, staring at your back as you curl further into the pillow. “We’re both doing our part. Everyone said it would take time. We knew this would take time! Not everything is going to go our way, but we cannot stop trying. I really need you to start believing we can do this. We can!”
“I can’t, Kylian!” You sob, letting yourself breakdown. This anguish was brutal and completely unforgiving. “I can’t do it.” Your words barely make a sound; calling it a squeak would even be generous. 
His heart breaks and it softens him up a little. He didn’t mean to shout, but everything has just been building and building up inside of him. “Hey…” He coos, crawling on the bed over to your side, holding you apprehensively while you cry into your pillow. He pressed you close to his body when he felt the shaking of your weeps, spooning your figure that jolted in tandem with your cries. “Shh, shh… I know it hurts, amour. I know.”
“Something’s wrong with my body, Kylian. I don’t care what Doctor Laclairc said. She got it wrong. I know she did. I’m so sorry.” 
“No, no, bebe. Nothing is wrong with you.” He squeezes you tighter. “Nothing is wrong with your body. Even if we find out that this isn’t part of our journey, I will never stop loving you. Okay?” His assurance only made you turn into him, burying your face in his shirt, leaving a wet stain in your wake. 
You took a couple of deep breaths in an attempt to calm yourself, only succeeding in halting your wails of sadness, but the tears still fell freely. “I just got my period.” You confess, feeling a wave of shame and guilt once more about your failure to conceive. The bloody toilet paper was a haunting image in your mind. Kylian shuts his eyes and just squeezes you, trying his hardest to make you see that it was okay. “I can’t take this anymore, Kylian, I can’t. I’m so sorry.”
He shakes his head, absolutely wrecked by the sight of your broken down persona. He’d catch you staring off into space, a depressing dullness surrounding what used to be an incredibly compelling aura. You were a shell of yourself for months now; going through the motions of daily life with a dark vail behind your eyes, losing interest in the things that used to make you happy. 
He silently cried, but you felt the drops on top of your head. “It’s okay.” He murmurs in a shaky voice. “We can start trying again in the future. Maybe it wasn’t time for us yet.”
You sob again. “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. You’re okay. We’re okay, amour.”
You continue to cry, Kylian finally allowing his tough-guy front drop in this moment of vulnerability. For better, for worse, in sickness, in health, ‘till death parts you from one anothers soothing embrace, you are together through it all.
The months leading up to that next summer were mundane. You’d found another job after coming to the realization that you weren't cut out to be the cute stay-at-home wife, but instead craved some sort of responsibility of your own. Kylian felt like you shouldn’t even have one because he could easily take care of you. Being married, his money was your money, but it was never about the money for you. You needed to dig yourself out of your depression hole sooner rather than later, and a consistent schedule was sure to be a nice addition to the rebuild of your mental health. Thank god for time off, though. Your bosses were huge Mbappé fans (like huge), and you weren’t past milking that for whenever you needed a couple days. You never took advantage of their generosity, but it was nice to know you could. 
Summer in Paris this year had been nice, but Greece had won your heart. Kylian’s cousin’s destination wedding had been planned on a secluded portion of Corfu. The resort was huge and the pair of you were able to sneak away from your usual work duties for two days to attend. The private jet made for an easy travel plan and really any excuse to use it was sufficient enough. 
The last time you’d seen most of Kylian’s family was a year ago – that night you couldn’t keep it in your pants. You had spiraled when you got to thinking about seeing them again a couple weeks ago, pleading with the gods that none of them asked about you and Ky having children. It’s been a little over five months since you decided to put the thought of babies on the back burner. Closing in on half a year and it is still painful. Mentally, you both were prepared to welcome a bundle of joy. The pregnancy books Kylian had picked up were buried deep in drawers you never thought about opening. You’d finally gotten your sex drive back in these months, having to re-learn to separate the pleasurable act with the tedious work of baby making. 
Sometimes you guys used condoms, sometimes you didn’t. Still, your period came and went like clockwork. You still hadn’t erased that little habit of resenting your shedding uterus every month, but you definitely felt like you were making progress. 
“This is nice.” You compliment the outdoor beachfront venue, walking hand in hand with your husband into the reception. 
He looks around. “Yeah, makes me rethink our wedding.”
You scoff. “Shut up! Our wedding was awesome.”
He laughs. “Relax! Jokes, jokes…” He goofily defends, walking you both over to the open bar and ordering you a drink. “Martini?” He double checks. 
He nods, ordering himself a whiskey coke, leaving the young bartender a tip that made his eyes almost pop out of his head.
For most of the night, you had to keep biting your tongue at the waves of people that came up to Kylian and asked for pictures. Sure, they were nice about it, but he was just trying to enjoy himself – and Kylian didn’t like telling people no. Especially not his cousin's friends. Him being whisked away left you clinging onto Ethans side most of the night, finding that Wilfried and Fayza were preoccupied with spending time with the family they didn’t get to see very often.
But, oh, the wandering eyes of a sixteen year old boy threatened to leave you on your own when he spotted a young girl about his age scrolling on her phone with the most bored look on her face. 
“Ethan, no!” You whined as he brushed his suit of any pieces of lint, ready to get up and greet her. “Don’t leave me, please.”
He laughs. “Dude, you can’t keep a lion in its cage.”
You made a stank face at his bad metaphor. “That doesn't even make sense.”
“Ya-huh.” He enunciated back, typical sibling tone. “Me – Ethan – is the lion. Mystery hot girl,” he points, “a gazelle. You – sister in law– cage.”
You roll your eyes, noting to have a conversation with Kylian about his little brother's ego. “This is a family wedding, Ethan.”
“So, what if she’s like a distant cousin.”
He makes a grossed out face. “Why would you say that? She is not my cousin.”
“You don’t know that, little man.”
“Don’t call me little man.”
“Aw, is little man embarrassed?” You coo, teasing grin plastered on your face.
“No, shut up!”
“But, you’re an adorable wittle man.” You baby-talk, reaching over and pinching his cheek. He swats your hand away as you laugh at him.
“Stop!” He stands up and smooths out wrinkles. “I’m taller than your husband.” He reminds you. “Little man, my ass.” He scoffs, giving you the middle finger teasingly and secretively in case his family saw the obscene gesture. You discreetly give one back as he walks toward the girl, a flirty pep in his step while approaching her. 
You sigh to yourself, looking around and noticing that you didn’t actually know where Ky was. Last time you checked, the groomsmen had bombarded him with selfies by the DJ booth while he tried to have a conversion with his great auntie. You grab your martini and get up from the fountain ledge you sat on, a little tipsier than you thought you were. You stopped and looked around for him.
“Cute, right?”
You look to your left to wherever that feminine voice came from. A blonde middle aged woman in a red dress stands next to you holding a glass of champagne. 
“Sorry?” You ask, unsure if she was talking to you or not.
The lady points to a table a few yards away – and there he was. Kylian sat talking to some people, a toddler resting on his lap. He had a huge smile on his face, poking at the little girl's cheek to get her to giggle. You grinned at the sight, loving seeing him so happy.
You turn back to the woman to respond when you look down at her dress. She was pregnant. Very pregnant. She tips back her champagne. “Don’t worry. It’s ginger ale.” You nod at her, chuckling a bit. “Kylian’s your boyfriend, isn’t he?”
You turn your attention back to him just as the little girl stuck her whole fist in his whiskey, taking a piece of ice and trying to put it in her mouth. You laugh out loud when he frantically tries to pry her little hand open. Successful, he meets your eye and his smile was radiant and full of life, shaking his head. 
“He’s my husband, actually.”
She looks down at the empty martini glass in your hand. “No kids yet.” Her British accent was thick and assertive. 
You shake your head at the stranger and set the empty glass down on the empty table next to you. You felt a little awkward having this conversation with someone you don’t even know the name of. She must be some extended family or the wife of a distant cousin. She seems kind, but you weren’t big on sharing your personal life with anyone you didn't trust, much less know. Especially since you’ve been with Kylian, what you say affects him. He’s in the under bright spotlight and scrutiny of the public, and if you’ve learned anything while being with a global star, it is that some people will stop at nothing to get a story.
The woman tips back the rest of her ginger ale and sets her glass down next to yours. “Are you guys trying?”
She has an audacious look now that she stands in front of you and it makes you feel unsettled. “I’m sorry?”
The lady laughs a little. “I just wondered if you and Kylian planned on starting a family any time soon.”
You couldn’t stop the bewildered look that now took over your features. “Uh…” was all you could really say. You don’t know this woman, she doesn’t know you. It’s a loaded question and frankly quite bold of her to come up to you and ask. “What?”
“Kids.” She repeated, apparently not caring about the uncomfortable shift in mood. 
You opened your mouth, but had no idea what to say. You stuttered and tried to calm down with a forced chuckle. “What did you say your name was?”
She discreetly huffed.“Scheana Kingsley.” 
Definitely familiar, but you just couldn’t place your finger on it. “Right.” 
She waits. “So… any comment?”
“Hello.” Thank god. Fayza. She put a warm hand on your shoulder, perceptive to how tense you looked with this woman. “Scheana.” Fayza sighed. “Laurence is over by the cheese platters.” You loved how politely she just dismissed her.
The Scheana lady forced a smile at her. “Oh. Thank you.” She waved a hand goodbye with a disappointed breath. “Good talking to you.”
Your mother in law turned to you with a much clearer show of annoyance. You laugh lightly in disbelief. “Scheana Kingsley… should I know her?”
“You probably know about her. She writes for some news-gossip-pop-culture magazine.” She informs you. “Well, calling it news is charitable.”
“Unbelievable.” You scoff, crossing your arms at the revelation. “Who let her in here?”
“She’s married to Laurence over there. We try to keep our distance from them.”
From across the patio, Kylian turns his stare at you and his mother talking. You looked annoyed and frustrated, which made him so nervous. He excused himself from the small talk and speed walked over, thinking he might have to diffuse the situation – or maybe even get a scolding from his mother and his wife. God, he really hopes you two weren’t talking about him.
“My beautiful ladies.” He greets, kissing his mothers cheek then yours. “Everything okay?”
You smile at him. “You been having fun?”
“Yeah. Lot’s of fun.” He looks between the two of you. “You two are good, though?”
“Oh, no, we're fine.” You laugh it off.
“I saved your wife here from a conversation with Scheana Kingsley.” Fayza mentioned.
He shakes his head, scoffing a bit. “That woman… She has ambition, that’s for sure.” Now you remember why she sounded so familiar. Kylian had complained about his thrice removed family member’s new girlfriend a few years back and how she was a pushy reporter for The Paris Culture Magazine. “I’m surprised Laurence has kept her around for this long. What’d she say to you?”
They both turned their attention to you, waiting for you to say something. You shrug, but Kylian noticed the trepidation in your stare. “Nothing, really. Just some weird questions… I don't know.”
Thankfully, Fayza didn’t push it further, but you knew Kylian’s assuring hand on your waist meant that he knew something was up. You hadn’t asked Kylian if he’d shared with his parents that you were trying to get pregnant, but you doubted it. You would have noticed her demeanor change around you, given you saw her quite frequently. Besides, he would have checked with you before sharing that information with anybody.
There seemed to be a pattern occurring with you and Kylian leaving family events early, but the two of you were not only exhausted, but just not having a good time. The drunker the bridal party got, the more confident they felt hounding Kylian for selfies and videos. As for your mood, it was in a steady downward spiral ever since your interaction with Scheana. Just locking eyes, you both understood that it was time to surrender back into your suite. 
He held your hand out of the elevator, swinging your arm back and forth. The pair of you had an overly tipsy pep in your step from the drinks you’d forgotten to count through the night.
“You look gorgeous tonight.” He kissed your cheek, a smirk overtaking his face.
You giggle shyly as he unlocks the door to your room, letting you walk in first. You went directly to the bathroom, your bladder begging for some relief. Kylian wandered in to brush his teeth as you turned the shower on, taking your jewelry off as you let the water warm up. 
Kylian looked at your reflection in the mirror, shirt buttons completely undone. You were dazed. Quiet. He hated that look. He’d seen it take over you for months and finally, you were getting better. 
He spit the toothpaste in the sink. “What’s wrong, bébé?”
“Huh? Oh. Nothing. I’m fine.” You turn your back to him. “Will you unzip me?”
He turns, slowly pulling the tiny zipper all the way down. He kissed the skin where your neck met your shoulder. “Did Scheana say something to make you upset?”
You shrug, taking the dress off and neatly hanging it on the towel rack. “She couldn’t have known. I don’t think she meant any harm.” You hop in the shower, shutting the foggy glass door and let the hot water run over you.
Kylians blurry figure leaned against the other side to continue talking to you. “What’d she say?”
“Just asking questions.”
A big sigh leaves you. “Us, I guess.” Kylian listens, knowing you have more to say but are just keeping it bottled up. There was always a clear guide of communication between you two, especially because you were really good at letting things eat you up from the inside. You fiddle with your wet hair and Kylians frame behind the foggy glass stayed put. “She just… It was just weird. She wanted to know if we had plans to have kids anytime soon.” You chuckled, hiding your dejection with the sound. “I didn’t know what to say.”
“That’s not okay.” He indicates. “I’m sorry she badgered you tonight, cherie. She crossed a line.” He sounded a little angry.
“Don’t worry about it, baby. It’s fine.” He opens the shower door, causing you to jolt a little. He steps in, raking his eyes over your naked wet body quickly, and you his. “Yeah, sure, you can join me.” You joke as he reaches for the soap bar.
“It’s not fine.” He discards your dismissiveness, rubbing your shoulders with the foam. “I’m gonna talk to Laurence about that.”
You melt into his touch. “No, really, you don’t have to–”
“I’m going to.” He whispers, kissing your cheek. “No one makes my wife upset and gets away with it.” His hands roamed down your arms. “My hot wife.” His breath tickled your ear. “My sexy wife.” He presses his body to yours, nudging your cheek with his nose until you turn your face, kissing you feverishly. 
You hum involuntarily into his mouth when his tongue decides to poke its way in, hand now feeling you up, tits squished between his fingers.
“Someone’s eager.” You laugh as he forces you to turn around, the hot water beating your back. 
He bites the side of your neck dramatically and you laugh harder, pushing him away playfully – but he pulls you back into his chest, smiling dotingly with you safe between his arms.
“You wanna?” He wiggles his eyebrows.
You made a pensive face, pretending to really think about it. “I could be convinced.”
“Maybe.” You smirk as he bites his grinning lips, hands lowering and squeezing your ass harshly. 
“Do you know how hot you looked in your dress tonight?” He continued feeling you up, dick pressed against your thigh, slowly getting harder by the second. “I swear, I was so close to sneaking off to some empty part of the beach and bending you over. Driving me crazy.”
Your hands ran down the rigid muscles on his chest, feeling electric under his burning stare, hot at the thought of him fucking you out of impulse. “Do I make you feel all hot and bothered?” You ask, his stare is so dark. So needy. You lean in only a little, teasing a kiss on his lips, but never truly meeting their plush touch. “Do you start thinking about what you would do to me? Thinking about touching me? Fucking me?” He growls at your words, tilting his face forward to try and steal a kiss. “Show me.”
He grips the flesh of your ass and pulls you even closer to him, frantically showing you his desire for you with a hungry kiss. Your arms wrap around his neck and he moves his hands upward and begins pawing at your exposed breasts. The steaming water dripping down your entwined bodies made everything slick, slippery, conditions that caused you both to grip to each other's bodies for security.
You reach a hand down and grab his growing cock, pumping it loosely, trying to get him fully erect. A moan vibrates out of his throat as your movements focus on his sensitive tip, thumbing the slit, feeling him grow and stiffen in the palm of your hand.
You kiss down his neck, then move to whisper to him, sultry as ever. “Am I doing something like this when you fantasize?”
He nods under your spell, eyes drooping in pure lust. “Uh-huh. Just like that.”
Gaining control over him, you waddle your bodies back until his back hits the wall. He shivers at the cold tile in the steamy shower, but forgets all memories of the chill when you kiss down his neck, lowering your body on your knees, hands trailing down so slowly, mouth inches from his swinging member. His hips jut forward and it hits your cheek. You follow it with your mouth, letting it graze your lips in passing. The blinking stare and batting lashes almost drew blood on his lower lip from how hard he bit it. 
“Open up, ange.” Angel, he called you, but you were so sinful. On his knees in front of him. Droplets reflecting off your skin from the harsh light. His eyes felt undeserving of seeing you so ready to praise him. It made him feel so mortal, so lucky. He thanked the higher power that brought you to him, feeling an intense desire to take care of you – tend to your every wish.
You took hold of him with a sure fist, darting your tongue out and licking one long strip from his base to his mushroom head, letting your lips wrap around him and sucking to hear his moan. His face scrunched. His skull lulled into the wall.
You took him in your mouth a little over halfway, moving your mouth in tandem with your hand, enjoying the way his cock nudged against the back of your throat continuously to your rhythm.
“Oui, dieu.” God, yes. He fisted the back of your sopping wet hair, pulling you off of him and forcing you to look up at him. “Touch yourself for me, baby.”
You shut your mouth and swallowed harshly. He ran his thumb against your lips, hooking it on your bottom row of teeth, opening you up once more. Your tongue licked the pad of his finger, dipping your hand between your legs and quickly finding your clit. Your brows furrowed and your eyes widened. As the moan slipped from your throat, he placed your face directly back to his throbbing cock. Now, he had control of your movements, using your hair as a handle for his intentions, guiding your mouth up and down his shaft in quick movements. You gagged when he began thrusting concurrently to the tempo he stuffed you into his pelvis, heavy heaves and grunts erupting from his chest.
You gargled and gagged on your own spit and moans of pleasure from your own fingers, tasting the salty precum that dripped from your chin as you harshly sucked off your loving husband. You kept your vision from squinting together as you met his eyes through teary eyelashes. He fucked your face like you hadn’t had sex in years, rough with his actions and getting off on the way you were taking it. 
His dick disappeared inside your mouth swiftly and urgently until he couldn't resist. He stopped thrusting, looking deep into your eyes – mouth still stuffed with him. He pushed his hand, demanding you take every inch of him down your open throat. You choked on him, the muffle of your gagging making him see stars.
You hit his thigh after a few seconds and he pulled his hand away. You gasped for air, noticing for the first time how sore your knees were against the hard tile. He let out a long hiss at the loss of your mouth, watching through heavy blinks as you sat against the opposite wall in the small area – knees red and patterned with the lines from the floor. Your chest moved with your big breaths, smiling and commending yourself for the avidity in Kylian’s eyes. 
With your knees pulled to your chest, you slowly opened your legs, fingers playing with yourself as you made a show of how good you were making yourself feel. His pupils dilated at the way you ran your free hand across your thigh then up your chest, pitching a pulling your nipple with your lip tucked between your teeth. 
He whined – a desperate noise that came up naturally. He reached down to touch himself to the sight of you, pumping a slow fist against himself. His long strokes teased his tip until he shuddered, eye contact non-negotiable. You couldn’t look away if you tried. Your swirling moans echoed in the small chamber – his eyes glued to the way your own fingers stretched and spread your pussy. Your own were attentive to the tug at the nape of his base. Though, you both looked up at the same time, hypnotized by your partners mutual ogling. He steps forward, hand still on himself. You reach for his hand and he helps you up, immediately pulling you by the small of your back into his lips, tongue lapping yours, absolutely famished. 
He had clocked the little ledge in the corner from the second he walked into the intimate shower. He put his hand out behind you so the edge wouldn't hurt you, then used his strength to hoist your slippery skin up onto it. He placed himself between your legs, your back pressed to the wall, the shelf only fitting half of your rear — but it was the perfect height for him to fuck you like he wanted to. 
He lined himself up quickly and desperately spreading your pussy wide open for him, pushing in and dragging out. One long moan came straight from your throat, clinging onto his neck to keep yourself in that same position. 
“Fuck.” He grumbled. “You feel so good.” His pace was deadly, tip poking and poking that spot. It made your eyes cross, resting your damp head on the wall. “Been wanting to do this all night. Merde. Les choses que tu me fais, tu me rends fou.” Shit. The things you do to me. You make me fucking crazy.
You moaned in response, too focused on the way his neatly trimmed pelvis rubbed against your clit every time he pushed inside of you. It felt euphoric. Magical. Goddamn perfect. The only words you could muster out made him giggle through his heaves. “Please don’t slip.”
Your arm knocked over a few shampoo bottles when he buried himself deeply inside of you and stopped – making you borderline scream from how deep he actually was, and this position made everything feel… more.
He groaned so loudly, his mouth in the shape of an ‘O’, and you understood why when you felt him cumming inside of you, hot spurts surely dripping out. You didn't notice him biting your forearm until he let go of it, keeping his mouth against you before turning to look into your eyes. A slightly apologetic look turned cocky when one hand reached for your sensitive nub, rubbing just the way you like it, still inside of you.
“Oh, shit…” You breathed, eyes connected to the way he pleased you. “I’m fucking close.”
“Vulgar tonight, are we?” He teased your language, a tired smirk on his face.
“You just…” you begin, but he shuts you up with a small unprecedented thrust. “Fuck!”
He hisses, not really being able to take the overstimulation, but continuing to push into you sporadically – purly for your pleasure. Thankfully, it didn’t take you long to reach your climax. 
He didn’t need the warning upon feeling your legs give out slightly, pressing against you to keep you on the shelf. They started shaking as your eyes closed, a fierce moan exploding from your wet parted lips. He moved his hips with a contorted face until he felt you calm down, now whining and whispering to the touch of his fingers as they slowed down, pressing down harder on you before disappearing altogether. 
You pat his back lazily and he pulled out of you carefully, setting your wobbly legs on the slippery floor. You’d completely forgotten the shower was on as you watched it drain down. Kylian held your waist steadily, both breathing heavy. He lands two gentle taps on your bum. “Let's not waste anymore water, yeah?” 
The vacation, though brief, was absolutely refreshing. It gave time that you and Kylian needed to feel closer. The offseason couldn’t come soon enough. You didn’t have to revolve around his schedule during those weeks because he was just home already. To you, there was nothing better than coming downstairs at 2pm on a Tuesday and seeing Ky there, drinking orange juice straight from the bottle, or being able to binge a series with him much quicker because he had time for more than just two episodes. By all means, being married to him shouldn’t be easy, and it’s not necessarily that simple… but it should be way harder. Maybe you were just more patient, but you’re almost certain it has everything to do with him. He made time. He made an effort. He tries his damn hardest. How could you possibly hold that against him?
You didn’t notice the way you were staring at him, chin in the palm of your hand, daydreaming about your entire history with Kylian Mbappé – a man with no time to spare, but he damn well made sure you fit in his schedule. 
“Why are you staring at me like that?” He grins, setting down his coffee across the table from you in your shared Parisian home. 
You blink, smiling in embarrassment. “No reason.”
You push some eggs around on your plate. He leans forward. “What were you thinking about?”
You shrug at him, still smiling. “Greece.”
His laugh gave away his fondest memory of that trip. “We gotta do that trip again soon, amour.”
“Yeah, like they’d give you that kind of time off twice within two months.”
His head shakes, snickering at that complete impossibility. “I think they’d send me a fee for even asking.” He looks at the time on his phone. “I should probably get going, though.” He gets up and collects his things.
“Drink lots of water today, okay? It’s supposed to get really hot around noon.”
“Yes, dear.” He drones jokingly, smirking as he makes his way over to you, pecking you quickly. “Love you.”
You squeeze his hand quickly. “Love you, too.”
Now, your separate days begin – his a little earlier than yours, but you still just wanted to envelope yourself back inside the covers. You were thinking about calling out sick, which wouldn't be a complete lie. The scrambled eggs were not sitting right this morning, or maybe it was the Thai restaurant you ate at last night. Either way, you couldn’t remember where you put the Pepto-bismol. The empty space in the medicine cabinet left you wondering if Kylian had drunk up the last bit and hadn’t bought a new one yet.
You maintain your breathing steady to keep yourself from throwing up as you shuffle through the drawers. Praying it was in the last one, you pull it open desperately, but only facing three boxes of pregnancy tests. The rush of everything fell still, the air much quieter as you got flashbacks from last year.
You didn’t let yourself think about it much, but you never really got over not getting pregnant. Mentally and emotionally, you were still there. The pain and devastation got easier to mask, but they stayed with you.
It was time you got over it, or at least lost the fear of not being able to have children... the fear of not being able to provide Kylian with a child. If you kept on being bitter about this whole ordeal, you don't know if you'd ever be in the right headspace to try for a baby ever again.
You stare at the tests and shake your head. “Fuck it.” 
You snatch one from the drawer and beeline to the bathroom, peeing on the stick and thinking about how dumb it was that you had let this trivial little test ruin your for months. This time, you wouldn’t feel the dread collect inside your stomach. It would be okay. It wouldn’t hold power over you anymore.
Immediately walking out, you press down on the pedal of the trashcan and you watch it fall into the bin, feeling proud of yourself for not caring about that little plastic stick or what it had to say about your body. You weren't pregnant right now… and that's okay. 
You sigh, a proud feeling swirling with sadness was still progress. 
“Oh, no.” You mumble, feeling your stomach churn and running back toward the toilet, puking horrifically. It was a bad one. Maybe calling out sick was for the best. Who knows, it could be a stomach bug and contagious… but, unfortunately, you felt a lot better afterwards. 
It was probably best if you went to work. There’s a promotion you’ve been chasing and you had just taken those days off for the wedding last month. Trudingly, you got ready to leave the house, rushing a bit since you hadn't realized how late in the morning it was. 
Thank god you went. It was a hectic day; some project deadline wasn’t met and, for some reason, people turned to you for the solution. You were still relatively new at the company, but today, you really felt like you were doing something right. You left the office with a pat on the back from your big boss. That felt amazing. Kickin’ ass and taking names.
You were late coming home, texting Ky to let him know that you wouldn't be there when he got back. He texted back a simple:
Ky: :(
To which you responded with:
You: Bad day?
Ky: Just miss you. You were on my mind a lot today
You frown while walking to your car, wanting to get home quickly and hug him tightly.
You: Baby :( I’m on my way home now. 
You: I have a big kiss just for you <3
The second you walked through the door about half an hour later, Kylian embraced you tightly, taking you by surprise but you easily fell into his arms. You could feel his stress radiating from his body as he followed at your foot around the house. He was quiet in asking if you wanted to take a shower, but his eyes were loud in telling you he just needed to be close to you tonight. 
It was an innocent shower, his silent begging for a back rub and skin-to-skin contact was obvious as he kept his hand warmly on you at all times.
“You okay, hun?” You ask gently, tracing the frown line between his eyebrows after turning the water off.
He nods, eyes sleepy even though it was only eight o'clock at night. “Have you eaten?” He changes the topic, opening the shower door and wrapping you in a towel.
You shrug. “I haven't really been hungry today.” Ever since you threw up this morning, the thought of eating made you grimace. “Did you feel weird after last night's Thai?”
“I felt fine. Why? Is your stomach bothering you?”
You shake your head no as you shuffle through your drawers. “Just a little queasy this morning.”
You both get dressed quickly and lazily, surprised at how early you were deciding to turn in. Kylian was quite a bit needy tonight, pawing and tugging you close to him while he put on Pretty Little Liars… He would deny it to anyone, but he was obsessed with that show. 
“What the hell is she wearing?” He tusks at the screen, apparently not approving of Spencer's outfit for the Prom. 
You giggle into his chest, shaking your head slightly. “I’m gonna go pee.” You pat his bare chest and leave his side, hopping over to the ensuite. 
You wanted to be quick about it, your feet cold from the chilly tile and lack of socks. Kylian had opened a new toothpaste packet and left the empty box on the counter. You roll your eyes. He’s notorious for leaving things that should be trash anywhere but the trash can – an unfortunate side effect of having someone pick up after you as a professional athlete. You bitterly grab the cardboard box and press your foot down on the petal of the trashcan, but freeze when you spot the pregnancy test you took that morning. You wanted to look at it.
Is it worth looking at it? You hadn't even thought about it all day, which is a huge step for you. Only a few months ago, you would have been debilitated at work – and you sure as hell wouldn't have been able to step up like you did. You would have been crying quietly in your cubicle, taking far too many bathroom breaks. 
But… it was winking at you. Calling your name. Taunting you face down in the plastic liner. 
With a gulp and a deep breath in, you shook your head disapprovingly at yourself. It’s gonna be negative, you think, preparing yourself for disappointment as you fish it out of the bin. You gave a deep sigh before letting your eyes trail down to your hand where the thing burned a hole on your skin. 
The gasp that came from your mouth was severe, loud, alarming. 
Two lines. Pregnant. 
“Oh my god.” You mumble, much too quietly for Kylain to hear you behind the closed door. You begin laughing as it settles in what you’re seeing. “Oh my god! Kylian!” You desperately call. “Kylian!”
“What happened?” Kylian shoots out from under the covers and your current brain functions were a little crossed as you gaped at the test. The positive test. “Babe?” He comes into the bathroom with a furrowed and concerned look. “Are you okay?”
You respond with a look he was unfamiliar with. Immediately noticing the tears that had collected on your lash line, he reached for you. You couldn't tear your eyes away from him, seeing him for the first time as the father of the child inside your stomach. “Kylain.” He had never heard his name come from your lips with as much affection as it did right now.
He gladly took the hug you attacked him with, but the mood inside the bathroom was a little bewildering. 
“What’s going on, amour?” He coos, but you can only sob joyfully into his shoulder, holding the test behind his back as you embrace him – staring at the double lines like it would suddenly turn in one and you'd realize that this was never real. But it was. The results were right there in the palm of your hand. He mistook your cries for sadness, placing an assuring hand on the back of your head. “Tell me what’s wrong.” His voice was so soft.
“I love you so much.” You smile, pulling back and planting a long, wet kiss on his unexpecting lips. 
He’s so confused. “I love you too…” He raises an eyebrow when your hand meets his, an object placed in his palm. “What is this?” He asks before looking at it.
It takes a second for it to process, and you find yourself wishing you had a photographic memory, wanting to see his first face of realization again and again for the rest of your life. His eyes might as well have fallen out of his head with how wide his eyes went. 
“Wha…” He stutters, completely transfixed on the test. “Is this real?!” He finally looks at you, excitement would be the biggest understatement of the century.
“Of course it is.” You squeak, still clinging onto your husband as you both look at the stick. “I’m pregnant.”
“You’re pregnant.”
“I’m pregnant.” You both take a big breath in, crying simultaneously, absolutely elated. 
Kylian stares at the stick with a squinty and wrinkly smile before he looks at you — eyes tender and grateful. He drops the stick in the sink basin, grabbing your face with his two large hands, forehead pressed to yours to let the moment really register. He kisses you as best he could with the smile that engulfed his features, wrapping you up in his arms, truly holding you. 
“I love you.” He whispers from his chest, an earth shattering smile finding a permanent home on his face. “We’re having a baby.”
A/N: Okay, I don't hate it, but it's not my fav. It's finals in uni and I'm a wee bit preoccupied with those responsibilities. Still though, I think I had some good parts in here! It's mostly just the ending that's bugging me. Also, I know nothing about pregnancies and all that jazz so this is pure Google info so I apologize for any inaccuracies!
Taglist: @trentione @mentalbaddie @neymarsrealgf @akiraquote @mrswhitethornbelikov @kymb-10 @formula101x @photmath @marcelineslove @tsikik @iheartkyky @freshfraise @jokertbh @germanapples @urfuturesoccerwife @nightlockcornucopia @laylaynaynay130 @starlight8374 @depressoesssspresso @mbappesbae @ maddyperrezz @gigiboss @xanjoy @lovekm @jkkiks @vvbasmavv-blog @suzysface @ lolarmy72 @lizzz2967 @kylians-world @footballfeverr @superswaggycooch @shashla @mehrmonga @abayo222 @missmo79 @tties24-7 @gurleenkl @drewstarkeysbae @ vibinwkay @ctn26 @ippid @i0veless @abayo222 @b-bradshaw @http-isabela @zoeeeruiz @mitruscity @kenanlotus0 @mbapbaesluvr @alwaysclassyeagle @nhatquynh @philipetchebest @ricsaigaslec @dfswfvf @urfav-tz @kylianswag @fanatica2023 @alexisquinnlee-bc @megannandrewss @christianpulisic10 @pleasantducktimetravel @forevernightmaree @sachaa-ff @neymarloverxxx @4nn4rchive @lunamelona
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ethereallocs · 1 year
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Jorrāeliarza Mēre (Dear One) Part 1.
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x Velaryon Fem Reader
Content: 18 PLUS 🔞, Incest, Age-Gap, Sibling Rivalry,Angst.
Word Count: 2,080
Summary: House Velaryon has come to King’s Landing to celebrate the betrothal of Ser Laenor Velaryon and Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. You are the youngest sister of Laenor and Laena. Your sister, now being of age to be married, has set her sights on your cousin the Rogue Prince, himself Prince Daemon. You could care less about being married off just yet, but Daemon has other plans for you.
Authors’s Notes: There will be translations in High Valyrian and it just might suck (their English translation will be in italics next to them.)I’m doing a lot of research to make it as authentic as possible, so bare with me and feedback is always welcome. Thank you and I hope you ENJOY!
Your family's boat has just docked at King’s Landing, the bells of the city bells tolling to greet you, foreshadowing the celebration to come. You and your family have finally arrived at the Red Keep. Being announced to the king and all other patrons, your entourage enters gracefully dressed in gold with your heads held high.
Not too soon after you all have taken your places at the table, the Rogue Prince struts in behind you even after being exiled by the King, but as the Kingdom knows, Daemon listens to no one, not even his own brother. Your sister Laena notices him and somewhat swoons while a servant made a seat for him next to the King’s Hand, Ser Lyonel Strong. “Is he not handsome?” You, on the other hand, were not so easily impressed by his arrogance, but he did have a pretty face.
  “If that is what piques your interest, dear sister, who am I to deny you of it?” Little did you know he spotted you from the moment he walked past and hasn’t taken an eye off you since. King Viserys stood at his feet to welcome his guests and speak before the festivities commenced. “Be welcome, as we join together in celebration. Tonight, is only its beginning. We honor the crown's oldest and fiercest ally, House Velaryon. Reaching back to the days of Old Valyria and the Age of Dragons. With House Targaryen and...”
The King being quickly interrupted by Alicent’s rather late entrance wearing the House of Hightower’s colors for all to see. Her lack of respect for the king did not go unnoticed by him or the entire court, but appearances needed to be kept. Taking her seat beside her husband, she turned to Rhaenyra, “Congratulations, stepdaughter. What a blessing this is for you.” Viserys could sense the chill behind her words and only sighed to turn back to his subjects to finish his speech. After the applause, Laenor and Rhaenyra took to the floor to begin with the first dance of the night. Your family knew of your brother’s true preference, though your father would rather deny it. You couldn’t help but notice how out of place he looked, and it saddened you a bit.
You think to yourself, "If being forced to marry someone other than for love is the only way. Then to hell with it." You were the youngest daughter after all, it honestly didn’t matter what you wanted anyway. Once the dance of the dragons was over, everyone else joined them on the dance floor. Daemon had decided to take his niece from her betrothed for a dance. Your sister watched closely and after a while she sprung to her feet and took your hand, practically dragging you along. “Gods, Laena! Are you trying to pull my arm out of the socket!?”
She laughed, “Sorry, Y/N. I don’t want to miss this dance with him.” Being within a few feet from him he noticed you, first noting the annoyance on your face, but his attention had swiftly turned to your sister who eagerly waited for him to notice her.“Hello, my Prince.”, She beamed the brightest smile he could and while she was beautiful, he couldn’t help but want to center his gaze upon you. “Hello, Laena..Y/N. How you both have grown to be such beautiful young ladies.”
His voice quite captivating. You took this time to find a glass of wine to hold onto while your sister was occupied with trying to court him. You slipped away into the crowd hoping no one noticed your absence, but he did. After his dance with your sister, he went looking for you and that wasn’t too hard of a task. You were tucked away into a corner sipping a goblet of wine smiling at your brother and sister dancing together until you noticed someone standing over you.
 “Lilagon lēda nyke gevie.” “Dance with me, beautiful.”  Holding a hand out to you and you hesitantly took hold of it as he led you to the dance floor. You both bowed slightly, and he made the first move, coming around you slowly, his eyes burning into you. You were nervous. No boy nor man has ever looked at you in such a way, but you refused to let him see you in such a state.
 “Issa sȳz naejot ūndegon ao qȳbranna.” “It is good to see you, cousin.” You tried to seem uninterested, but his gaze made you feel dizzy while his hands met your waist. He smiled, seeing the red rush to your cheeks.  He leaned into whisper in your ear. “It is good to see you too, Jorrāeliarza mēre.” “Dear one.”
What was he doing? He hadn’t really seen much of you since you were but a babe. There is no way he could be interested in you. You were seven and ten and your sister was practically throwing herself at him. She looked confused and a bit flustered at the sudden attention she was receiving.
 “I have a question, little cousin. Have you had any suitors offer to wed you yet?” She was stumped for a response. The honest answer? No, not at all. She wasn’t the type for arranged marriages and every chance she had she’d sabotage the match.
 “No, my Prince, but my sister has. In fact, I think she’s rather interested in you, unlike myself.” She gave a smug smile which caused him to chuckle before leaning into whisper in her ear again. “Well, from the blush on your face, ñuha byka rūklon, you seem very interested but maybe my knowledge of body language has become a bit blurred.” “My little flower.”
 Laena had been watching you two and a hint of jealousy washed over her. He hadn’t been that open with her the entire dance and she was more than open about her obvious interest in him. Meanwhile, you were practically running from him as he inhaled your scent. You smelled of honey and you were so intoxicating to him.
 Such a gesture made her cheeks warm and the butterflies in her stomach fluttered ever so slightly. “Excuse me, cousin. I need to get some fresh air.” Bowing quickly, she practically sprinted away, finding herself out in the courtyard where the Godswood stood.
 Your heart was beating out of your chest when the sound of approaching footsteps approached you and the voice of your unhappy sister filled the silence. “Since when did you start having feelings for, Daemon dear sister?” Confusion furrowed on her brows. “Laena…You couldn’t possibly think I have any kind of feelings for him. Sister, I would never betray you like that.”
Of course, that was what she was telling her sister and even herself, but the way his hand held onto the curves of her hips, the intensity in his eyes started a fire within her that she hadn’t yet realized. Laena fiddled with her fingers feeling her insecurities may have gotten the best of her. She saw the way he looked at you and jumped to conclusions of your true intentions with him.
You held a hand out for her to grasp so that you two might sit under the Godswood tree and talk about anything other than The Rogue Prince. And of course, your sister did the opposite of that, so you just sat there leaning against the bark of the tree listening. Letting your mind wander you closed your eyes. You could hear his voice echoing about your mind.
“Ñuha jorrāelagon mēre.” “My dear one.” Feeling someone nudge you, your eyes open quickly to see Laena staring at you. “What were you dreaming about, little sister?” Gaining your composure, you managed to get your sister to go back inside while you continue hiding. Once she was out of sight, Daemon appeared from the shadows. “Skoro syt gaomagon ao ruaragon hen nyke byka rūklon?” “Why do you hide from me, little flower?”  
You moved away from where you were seated with your hands behind you back to go back inside. “Oh..Prince Daemon. My sister was just going inside to look for you. Would you like for me to go get her for you?” A sly smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. “If I knew any better Y/N I’d think you’re trying to avoid me. Are you?” He grabbed your arm pulling you into the shadows of a dark hallway pressing your back against the cool wall.
“Cousin..this looks rather inappropriate and my sister wouldn’t appreciate us in such a compromising position.” He laughed softly burying his face into your neck to inhale your scent again. “I rather like this position, Y/N. And please call me Daemon. You and your sister act as if I already belong to her. I haven’t asked for her hand yet and I can see she’s very interested in me, but unfortunately for her my eyes haver wandered elsewhere.”
“Please Daemon, someone will see us.” You struggled to get from between the wall and him, it only made him press his chest against yours harder. “Dōna mēre, I know you want me..but I’ll let you go..for now.” “Sweet one.” He pulled away from you slowly, your breathing was erratic. Why was he doing this? Surely his advances would cause a divide in her own home. Why couldn’t he just be happy with Laena? She would be an amazing wife to him.
You waited in the hall for a moment more before going into your chambers for the night to sleep off whatever had happened tonight. Maybe your sister could catch his attention while you were gone. You closed your eyes seeing him the moment they shut. He took over your every thought even finding his way into your dreams. The feel of his calloused hand caressing your skin, him leaving heated kisses against your skin it felt all too real. You toss and turn, waking up in a cold sweat. This was to be a long night and an even longer week.
The morning light shined through your windows waking you before you handmaidens came inside to do so. You and your family were to have breakfast with the King this morning. After a short bath your maids helped you find something to wear. You decided to wear a seafoam-colored dress with white flowers embroidered along the bodice of the dress. The corset pushed your chest up causing the area to be rather accentuated.
Your platinum hair flowed over your shoulders and down your back while two braids were tied in the back. Taking one more look in the mirror you left your chambers only to be greeted by the man you were trying to avoid. “Sȳz ñāqes, dōna riña. Geron lēda nyke?” “Good morning, sweet girl. Walk with me?” Extending his arm to you, you reluctantly wrapped her arms in his. “Did you sleep well? You look exhausted. But, still so beautiful.” You yawned and quickly covered your mouth. “Forgive me, my Prince…Nightmares...” He smiled, “It’s quite alright, dōna riña. So, what if you ended up being betrothed to someone? How would you feel? “
You were in silence thinking of how to respond. “Well, it seems like I wouldn’t have a choice so I’d do what is asked of me, but I don’t think I would be too happy about it. But, if he’s a good husband then maybe I could be happy.” He listened so intently and reveled in the fact that you were so close to him. His eyes still so intense while he watched the way your lips fell when you spoke. How he wished to feel the soft flesh against his own. He slowed the walk trying to ready you for the surprise that awaited you at breakfast.
Finally, the both of you made it to the hall. All of your family was seated along with King Viserys, Queen Alicent, and Princess Rhaenyra. “Ahh brother I see you’ve found your bride to-be. Come sit I want to make a toast for another wonderful union that further binds our houses together.” You froze in your tracks your eyes searching the room to find your sister sulking in her seat burning a hole into your head. You were in shock and couldn’t believe no one informed you of this until today. “So, when the fuck were you going to tell me about this, Cousin? And you father, mother?” You storm off with your betrothed following behind you seething at your behavior.
To Be Continued….
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mysticficti0n · 1 year
all my attention part 1
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warnings- swearing, smoking, fights (mention of blood), gets a bit sad toward the end
words: 4.8k (im sorry)
If you'd like to read the previous parts → All my attention series
a/n- so I am British and cannot speak any German, I speak a little French, Spanish and Italian but German- no. I also do not trust Google translate so this is gonna be like an avatar thing (if you've seen the newest one Jake says that their language just became normal or something along those lines) so in reality this is all in German, you as a reader know German but, its wrote in English... make sense? no... well. anyways enjoy its my first Kaultiz fic so maybe a little everywhere but please read and enjoy 🤍
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backstory- you are the 5th member of Tokio Hotel and you always thought the love was equally platonic between you and a certain guitarist... but what if that all changed?
I sat backstage messing around with my mic waiting to do sound check, I love my job and I'm lucky to be doing this at 17 but I do miss laying in bed all morning and not having to worry about what I look like constantly "Y/n we need you now!" our stage directer called to me pulling me from my thoughts, I stood fixing my sweatpants around my hips and carried myself to stage were Gustav was sat taping away at his drums "okay just need to go through where you'll stand in schrei" I nodded waiting for the man to decide "go top left" I complied and made my way to the corner near to the blonde boy
"does my snare sound normal to you?" I herd Gustav ask then a loud hit on the skin of the drum, it was lower sounding then usual
"no.. maybe tighten it again" he nodded and began playing with the bolts at the side
"Y/n can you speak into your mic" he asked sitting on one of the plastic chairs in the pit
"hellllooooo" I spoke getting a laugh from the drummer
"perfect...okay your done can you send Georg out" I nodded walking back out wiping my eyes as I made my way into our backstage room, 'quickest sound check ever' I thought to myself
"Georg they need you" he huffed rolling his eyes and grabbing his bass
"its way to early for all this" I agreed "its half fucking six!" he grumbled leaving the room, my attention turned to the only other person in the room, Tom, he was slouched on the sofa with his dreads freely sat on his head, we near enough had the same outfit on except he was wearing no shirt, as usual
"how did it go?" he spoke looking up to me to which I shrugged "oh Bill wont be back till like 12 he has meetings and vocal shit to do"
"I thought, anyways how was yours?" I spoke referring to the soundcheck
"well my guitar wouldn't come through the speaker, then the mic cut and I tripped so, perfect" I laughed at his words "anyways wanna smoke?"
"yeah" I hummed seeing him stand and grab his cigarettes from my bag I brought with me, we pushed the exit doors open and walked into the warm morning air that was finally in Germany, it felt like it had been winter for ages but finally It was warming up "I don't know whether I feel like performing tonight" I sighed as he handed me a cigarette, I brought it to my lips and he lit it for me
"why not? you love it" he was right but today just felt like... not a good day to do anything "you'll be fine when we get out there, I know you will"
"I just.. I don't know" I hummed breathing white smoke from my lips
"is it because of Brian?" Tom spoke making my head snap to him
"Brian! no of course not, me and him were done weeks ago I don't fucking care about him" I defended
"because you know he's gonna be their tonight Y/n. look I'm not the one to usually say this but nobody else is saying it- you broke up only two weeks ago and you've ignored what your feeling"
"fuck Kaulitz you're going soft" he laughed taking a drag "and I don't have a 'feeling'"
"I don't give a shit.. wait no I give a shit about you, not him, but honestly are you okay?" he spoke placing an arm over my shoulder to which I sighed again resting my head on him
"i...no, but I don't wanna think of it uno, he made me believe he loved me and that he was the one but all I saw was him hitting it off with a stupid bimbo" Tom's grip tightened comforting me "am I that bad?" I asked laughing solemnly
"I mean.. I" Tom began with a sly smile
"fuck off" I laughed shoving the dreaded man
"hey! I'm joking" he rolled his eyes at my childishness
"but I am sexy as fuck, I have piercings, fuck I dye my hair and yet I'm not better than a skanky, badly blonde haired big lipped whore" Tom shook his head stamping out his cigarette to which I followed
"well tonight play like the git isn't there and if anything find a fan pull them up and kiss their god-damn lips" Tom was a bastard for revenge, when his last girlfriend broke up with him (many years ago) he slept with 5 girls and sent her a picture with the caption 'pussy4ever' I looked back to the boy as he began to speak again "or kiss me?" he smiled wriggling his eyebrows
"yeah sure I will Thomas" we both laughed, in fairness we always found ourselves subtly flirting with one another but never really meant it, the little jokes, touchiness, it was all good fun. We walked back inside and watched as Gustav came off stage swirling drum sticks around his fingers and Georg with a grumpy look across his face
"whats wrong with you sunshine?" Tom spoke holding the backstage room door open for me which I whispered a 'thank you' and sat onto the brown, cold, leather sofa
"fucking bass wouldn't link!" he groaned going to the fridge in the corner and pulled out a water "every time we kept trying and in the end it was the wrong line" Georg slammed against the wall and hit his head
"dude calm down its fixed now" Gustav spoke looking at the bassist who was in no need of being told to 'calm down' Tom sat himself next to me and rested an arm around the back of the sofa occasionally tapping my shoulder and laughing every time I looked to see who it was, we all sat in a comfortable silence all In our own worlds- I was worried for tonight, seeing Brian again is making feel like I need to be sick, I just hoped I wouldn't mess up my parts.
we were all quickly pulled from our heads and turned to the door where Felix our stage director was stood "we need you all, don't bring your stuff" he spoke in a hurry and running back to who knows where, we all sighed internally and stood up. Being closest to the door I held it open for the other 3 but they all waited
"just go-"
"Y/n we have this argument all the time" Gustav pushed me through the door before I could even argue back and they followed out laughing as I shoved the drummer back with a yelp leaving his mouth. We made it to the stage and walked to the middle, the feeling in my stomach got considerably worse as for the first time I realised how big the show was going to be my eyes curled around the room I couldn't even see the end of the building
"what are we doing?" Tom asked coming to stand next to me and resting his arm on my shoulder as for him I was 'perfect arm height'
"well I need to explain lights to you-" we all gave a small look to one another, nobody want to stand and listen to how the lights will be during the set but we also all knew we had no choice "so when you-" I acted like I was listening but I faded away, I stared right threw Felix and I imagined Brian instead, those fucking dark blue eyes, curly brown hair and that emotionless face he pulled when he said 'we're over' it's been 2 weeks since it happened and Tom was right I didn't really show that I was upset in front of anyone or how the moment haunts me, but they don't see what happens behind closed doors...
"Y/n" I herd a whisper into my ear and I looked to the boy beside me, his eyes looked worried "we need a few minuets" Tom's voice cracked through what Felix was saying and before the older man could interject I was pulled away back behind the curtain "you need tissue" he spoke, my forearm still in his hand as he dragged me into the bathroom next to our backstage room
"Tom I'm fine" he shook his head pulling toilet roll off and folding Into a square
"so do please tell me why you're crying?" I sighed, I knew he wouldn't stop till he got an answer or something from me
"strobes make me emotional" I spoke looking to the floor but he wasn't playing around
"look at me" he commanded but my head wouldn't let me, and I just stared to my shoes "please" at that it was like a release button was pressed and my head snapped up, our eyes met straight away but vision became watery "talk to me-"
"what did I do Tom? I tried everything, he had everything he said he wanted, and he's the only fucking one who's ever wanted me for me, not because of you four guys, not because of my work or money, he wanted me!" I sobbed as for the first time I finally told someone how I really felt "I haven't said a thing but to know he'll be here tonight makes me feel like shit- I can't look at him Tom, after everything we did and for him... for him to say its over and the same night fuck a girl kills me every day! I loved him and this is what I got-" I called in an almost scream, I leant against the wall and slid down until I could feel the tile on my legs and I just held my head, crying into my palms
"I know, and I know its going to be hard babe I know" he spoke and I felt his hand stroke my head "and he wont be the only one to ever want you, so many people will, I promise, you can find someone so much better- fuck sake you're Y/n Y/l/n!. and tonight we'll play the best we ever have just to show him, and I swear to fuck he tries anything on you, he'll be dead" I nodded finally lifting my head and looking towards the boy who just opened his arms for me while crouching, quickly I jumped to him which for the first time in a while- I felt at peace
"yeah..yeah we will" I breathed hiding my face in his neck
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6:00pm (one hour before the show)
"HELLO!" a voice rung into the room followed by a spiky haired boy who walked through the door "fuck me its dull in here" he laughed coming over to sit on his make-up chair
"where the fuck were you!" Tom called to his twin In a angry tone
"meetings and voice stuff" the other brother came back with
"you said you'd be back by 12!" Tom shouted
"I got caught up alright get over it I'm here!" Bill rolled his eyes and slipped of his shirt and began changing for the show, I decided it'll be best if I did the same, the other 3 were ready anyways
"I'll be back" I spoke getting up and going to my bag pulling my outfit out and walking to the bathroom. I locked the door and stared at myself in the mirror, my hair really needed a re-dye, the Y/H/C was really starting to fade, moving on I took off my vest and bra and pulled a lacy black one out and slipped it over me so I didn't have to unclip it, I saw a glimmer of light in the bag and pulled it out seeing a matching thong 'Fucking Clair' I smiled to myself and quickly slipped it on, I did look good I couldn't lie, I posed in the mirror and fixed my hair around my head- I needed a photo "CAN SOMEONE GRAB MY PHONE!" I called waiting to hear a knock as I combed through my hair with my nails
"here- woah" I herd a voice behind me say and I quickly turned seeing Tom looking me up and down with a smirk appearing on his face "who's that for?" he asked leaning against the door frame, his eyes set on my body
"well first of all- how did you get in I locked it, secondly its not for you Kaulitz so don't get you're hopes up" I spoke facing him and his eyes only widened "get out Tom" I laughed seeing him raise his hands in defence
"hey! don't blame me" he smiled placing the phone on the side and walking out and shutting the door which I promptly locked smiling at the idiocy of the boy "dudes she is in a thong!" I herd Tom telling the rest to which they all 'ooo'ed at
"CREEPS" I shouted hearing an up roar of laughter, I rolled my eyes and carried on pulling the phone up and snapping a few pictures of myself, then I grabbed the skirt which just about covered anything and a white top which usually matched Tom's as we decided we'd being doing that for the next few shows. I left the bathroom holding my old clothes and phone and saw all their heads spin to the door "god you guys need to get some pussy or something" I grinned seeing them all blush
"do a twirl Y/n" Bill spoke re-directing the conversation and so I did and he clapped when I bowed
"don't do that on stage if you're facing the crowd" Gustav smirked "I just saw your ass and I don't think your mother would be impressed if that happened"
"good call, someone write- don't bend at audience!" Georg spoke settling in his seat, we all sat and could hear the faint chats of the audience that was arriving, I began pacing around the room humming my lyrics to myself over and over
"smoke?" Tom asked to which I passed him out the door and waited for him outside, the cool night air hitting my skin "here- you need to calm the fuck down" I nodded taking the cig out the box
"I just don't wanna mess up" he smiled at me, lighting the end of the tobacco and then his own "what if they boo me or leave?"
"babe they won't" his hand wrapped around my waist and held me gently "everyone loves you out there, I've seen at least 100 people in your shirts, you've got it" I looked up to him and our eyes connected instantly "if anything look to me I'll do something alright?"
"like trip up or was that only for soundcheck?" he fake laughed rolling his eyes again making me smile, the distance seemed to shorten, we do have our moments but those are funny- this felt real...? tension building around us, eyes locked and ash falling by our feet
"you know-" he began
"TOM Y/N COME ON!" Bill crashed threw the door, hair standing on end and dressed in black (new for him) we quickly broke apart and took one last drag from our smokes before kicking them out and walking inside, people crowded us giving us mics, drum sticks, picks, guitars, sprays, you name it we probably had it
"WELCOME.... TOKIO HOTEL" the speakers sounded and the twins swagged onto the stage followed by me and Georg and Gustav last going to his kit
"GOOD EVENING TRIER" Bill called and the crowd erupted "how we all doing?" and the screams made us smile, it was such a familiar feeling but seeing everyone happy helped, Bill looked to me and gestured for me to come over so I brought myself to the front of stage passing Tom who winked to me getting a 'ooo' from the people in the room who saw, the black haired boy placed his arm around my head and the sea of people snapped pictures and screamed my name
"I think I know what the people want" I spoke with a smile, jokingly the boy 'leaned in' and screams of anticipation filled the building "no not that" I called as we pulled away and the boys behind got the cue to start playing schrei and I ran back to my place hearing the cheer only get louder as Bill began to sing- we loved destroying the imaginations of our fans, its thrilling there was always rumours, usually around me and that I am 'fucking them all' but it's defiantly not the case.
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It was time, I saw the boys look towards me and with a breath I joined the lead singer up front, being a backing singer I wasn't needed much but I was showing something tonight "so you all see my gorgeous girl Y/n here?" Bill spoke pulling me to the front of the stage, hands spiked up everywhere scratching to touch just a thread of our clothing "she has some news!" with a toothy smile Bill past me his mic and backed away back to the group behind- I wasn't used to being centre stage but it was crazy, I could see everything (ish) smiles and tear stained faces
"so you all know we haven't had new music in a few months right?" they all shouted incoherent words "well- you seem like a crowd who'd wanna see some new material!?" I looked back to the boys who were all dopily smiling at me as the people infront blew up in shouts "okay okay so, I wrote this song when I was at not an amazing time in my life.. I felt like giving up but instead, with the help of these, I wrote my feeling into a song, usually this would be preformed by our lovely Bill but.. just got tonight, I'll be singing" I hyped and the band got into places to start playing don't jump
I began singing the words and walking around the tip of the stage holding the hands of as many as I could 'On top of the roof The air is so cold and so calm I say your name in silence' until my eyes landed on him- the words seemed to be pulled from my mouth, everything went silent and he knew what he'd done to me... the song was partially made because of what he did before we broke up, my mind switched as I herd the strum of Tom's guitar- remembering his words 'and tonight we'll play the best we ever have just to show him, and I swear to fuck he tries anything on you, he'll be dead' with a breath I carried on stomping my way back up stage to the rest of the band Bill was off the other side by Georg and I went to my place by Tom, a smile smothered his face as I stood facing him 'hi' he mouthed, I let my free hand reach for his face and held his jaw getting a roar from the fans, Tom placed a kiss to my palm and I soon let go trying to hide a very big blush from swamping my face and our next move came to play- we both turned back to back as his strummed his guitar, I leant against him spilling my lyrics until the beat jumped again 'I scream into the night for you Don't make it true Don't jump The lights will not guide you through They're deceiving you Don't jump' I walked back to mid stage being followed by Georg first who smiled at me and banged his head, then by Tom who only smirked sending me a wink. I got to the edge of the stage and hands reached to me and I tried to hold them all 'And if all that can't hold you back I'll jump for you' the song ended and the building blew up, cheers, screams, claps it was a rush, I blew kisses to them all, my mind forgot about what I was thinking before. Bill and Gustav joined us at the front and we all did a joint bow getting a laugh from us all, the others let go but Toms arm still stayed around my shoulder pulling me close
"see told you they'd love it" he whispered I smiled looking to him, he was sweaty and panting slightly as when he concentrates to much he forgets to breath, his arm pulled me even closer and he planted a kiss to my forehead before the lights turned off- our queue to get off stage the 5 of us were ushered off and as I stepped over to be in the backstage area someones arms scooped me into a hug though I couldn't see because the whole place was pitch black "Ugh you did so well" it was Tom's voice, calming me instantly "they loved the song!" he spoke settling me down but still had me close "told you they would" I looked back to the sweaty guitar player and he pulled my head to his as he pressed a kiss to my forehead again
"get room!" Gustav poked erring a laugh from he rest "nobody wants to see a softy Kaulitz!"
"eh what do ya mean- he aint soft" Tom quipped eyeing his friend up
"gross" Gustav laughed walking his way back to our room, me and the other boy followed and walked in to see Bill lay on the sofa with his makeup nearly rolling down his face due to being so hot
"Y/n I can't get over the audience" the black haired man spoke "god... that was one of my fave ever shows"
"I can't get over it" i went to my bag and pulled my cigarettes out and the boys all seemed to perk up again "coming?" I joked seeing them all get up as we went to the outside, it was dark with only the security lights illuminating the floor, I handed them all a ciggy and pulled my lighter out and burning the end "I saw Brian, he was just kinda stood there" they hummed "I'm over it- he can fuck who ever he fucking wants because none will ever be as good as me" I groaned feeling the hot smoke going out my mouth
"I saw him and he just looked sad, he misses you, I can tell" Bill spoke getting a shove from Gustav "what? I doesn't matter. All I was saying is that he looked sad probably because Y/n/n was happy unlike when he last saw her" I laughed, we stood in a silence finishing our cigs, stepping them out and walked into a runner calling all our names
"BILL!...GEORG!?" he looked out off breath "Finally- we need you all, meet n' greet" we all had the realisation and practically sprinted to our room and began to spray any aftershave or perfume we could find as after running round and singing you sweat, meaning we don't smell the best, me and Bill fixed our eyes and hair and then we all walked out like we hadn't just shit ourselves and made our way to the front of the building to see a line of (mostly) fan girls crying out
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"thank you so much I loved the show and the new song! holy shit it was amazing" a girl named Bethany spoke hugging us all one last time, we were told not many more people so we fixed ourselves up and waiting for the next person
"I love the flowers" I spoke looking at the roses a girl called Alicia brought me "is their anyone else-" as I spoke the door opened with Erik (our runner) holding it for the next fan, we all looked up and saw a brunette boy.... blue eyes "what the fuck do you think you're doing?... seriously!" Brians eyes were red and face tear stained, I felt myself tense up at the sight, all the boys stood scarily still
"I want to talk to you babe" his voice shook, those eyes staring into mine, its like he didn't realise he was in a room of people who really did not like him "please its me... baby please"
"don't call her baby" Tom grumbled " she doesn't have to do shit for you" I looked toward the boy, his hands in a ball already he moved quickly, towering over Brian
"Tom" Bill warned but no remorse went to his twin, we all watched as Tom stared down at Brian saying words to fast to even work out, Brain looked like he was about to break down nodding his head
"and I'm not fucking lying- you ever touch her, talk to her, anything... I wont fucking stop until you can't move and my hands are red- understand?" I looked toward the others, I wasn't scared for Brian but more worried that something would happen, Georg got the memo and walked to the guitarist placing a hand on his shoulder, I saw Tom relax and walk back to us leaving my ex standing with shock on his face, he looked back to me
"please" he pleaded 'shit' is all I thought as I saw Tom's face drop, his knuckles white he stormed back to Brian "...dude-" he squealed before the guitarist had him up the door slamming him back and forth, I watched as my ex's face became red trying to shove Tom back but him being a lot shorter- he had no chance, perfect "GET THE FUCK OFF ME DICK!" he shouted and Bill grabbed his brothers shoulder and pulled him off
"leave I-" the singer couldn't finish as a fist flew into his shoulder "WHAT THE FUCK" Bil'ls hand collided with Brians face sending him back quickly followed by Tom punching down at the boy, nobody touches the other twin without the other one getting involved. The fight continued until a scream cut the room, blood was on Toms arm and he stepped back, Gustav was keeping me back by our picture wall and Georg stood next to him and seized looking over
"damn-" Gustav hummed, I looked over to see Brian holding his nose and Tom proudly standing above
"this is your fucking fault Y/n... I should've dated you-" his words stung "this would have never bloody happened if I had just left you earlier!" my heart ached "fuck" he grumbled standing against the door, I looked to his eyes- black and blue. He took a step forward, stumbling slightly but he quickly found his feet again and came at me "YOU DID THIS!" I turned back waiting for my pain- a punch, a slap, a kick but I never felt it THUD I opened my eyes to see Georg on the floor slamming his fist into the boy again- he was really getting the works tonight
"BA-ST-ARD" he chanted before the door burst open to two runners with astonished faces who quickly grabbed their walkie-talkies and spoke some words I couldn't work out, within seconds security rammed in pulling Georg off of Brian who looked even worse and we were all taken back out "fucking dick what did he think he was doing!" and the five of us were pushed out the room
"arsehole" Tom stormed "hope he's in fucking pain for ages-"
"I can't believe he tried to punch me, ME!" Bill shook his head going through to our room I walked with Gustav giving him a 'look' to which he only nodded at "he's a dick" the boys all sat and I just stared into the mirror- those 5 minuets felt more like hours and I just didn't have any words
"this is your fucking fault Y/n... I should've dated you-"
"this would have never bloody happened if I had just left you earlier!"
those sentences flying around my head, I couldn't pull myself away from it, I just looked at myself, I just felt- wrong
"what the hell! why did I just have to see security drag a bloody nosed kid out that room!" Our stage manger burst in "you lot are a world famous band we don't need stunts like that being pulled! 16 people have had to miss a meet n greet because of it!" he shouted but I couldn't hear him really- I wasn't there "Y/n!" he shouted snapping me back
"I'm sorry" I spoke turning to face him
"it's not her fault" Gustav spoke "he was fucking deranged" I laughed slightly looking back at him with a smile
"I don't care! its not a funny matter, its disappointing" we all nodded as he walked out, I turned to the boys and looked to the twins, Tom had blood over him still and Bill just looked pissed off
"I think I'm going to go to the hotel..." I spoke grabbing my bag off the side and hanging it over my shoulder and pulling my skirt lower to feel more covered "bye-"
"wait-" someone spoke "I'll come lemme clean myself up first- five mins" it was Tom, I nodded and settled myself onto my make up chair watching him run to the bathroom
"we're not annoyed at you Y/n, its not your fault" Georg spoke coming over stroking my shoulder "he's a prick"
"I know- I just feel bad, you all basically got hurt because of him and the whole thing was so pathetic I doesn't even seem real like.."
"yeah I get it- its fine, just sleep it off alright" I agreed and watched through the mirror Tom come back in
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ghoulette-knell · 7 months
In the Name of Research
Copia x Fem!Reader
You’re Copia’s personal assistant, and the two of you get onto a very interesting conversation regarding the most intriguing sin.
TW: Power Play; Friends to Lovers; Marking; Cunnilingus; Dirty Talk; Rough Dom!Copia (kinda???); Cum Swap; Vaginal Penetration.
Word Count: 3,133
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You were Copia’s assistant, mainly dealing with his paperwork and helping him translate any newly-obtained Satanic texts into English for all of the Siblings of Sin. It was a very important part of the job that remained mainly forgotten. You didn’t mind though. You had a good and healthy friendship with the newest anti-pope.
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You sat on his office floor as he walked in. As Copia wandered in, he sat at his desk, “How’s the work going?” he asked with an amused smirk at the sight of you on the floor.
“Long. It’s been very long,” you commented while shuffling through another pile of endless text, “The ghouls brought all of this in. Apparently an anonymous source gifted them with these papers. I was sceptical about its legitimacy… but it seems real now that I start reading them. It’s nothing we didn’t already know that’s to our bible, but the more records we have of such texts, the better.”
Copia was looking through some notes; getting onto the floor beside you to investigate, “An anonymous source? That’s interesting.” he said in thought as you gave your input, “It’s a bit disheartening that we already know everything in the texts, but I agree, cara— the more proof we have of Satan, the better.”
He stretched out a bit, “What do the texts say?” he asked you, curiosity getting the better of him. Copia was never one to waste time.
“It’s concerning one of the seven deadly sins. Lust, to be exact,” you grumbled while watching Copia go through his side of notes; reading them to basically sum it up as quickly as possible.
“It emphasizes the importance of ritualistic sex. Ritualistic sex pleases the Dark One, which we already knew.”
Copia nodded, “Not exactly groundbreaking information. It makes me wonder if this unknown source has any more than this.” he said in thought, “What other texts are in this pile?”
Copia picked up the other texts from the piles on the floor to look through, “Lust has always fascinated me, though.” he added, shooting you a short, intrigued look, “I think it’s the one that the Dark One loves most. What do you think?”
“It’s definitely the sin Lucifer treasures the most,” you nodded in agreement, very slightly catching Copia’s suggestive look, “The Catholic bible, because it praises abstinence, makes lust very fickle, even for the most loyal Catholics. That is how the Old One gets his most followers.”
Copia nodded, “Lust tends to be a powerful force and Satan certainly uses it to his advantage.” he said slowly, his multi-coloured eyes lingering on your face once more.
“I can certainly see why it’s the most alluring of the seven sins.”
He smirked at you, “What about you? Do you think you’d be susceptible to the lures of lust?”
You chuckled lightly, a slight blush dusting your cheeks as you placed the texts on the carpeted floor in front of you. “Who wouldn’t be? There’s a reason lust is Satan’s most reliable sin. I’m not powerful against lust, Copia, just as no one else is.”
Copia smirked at you, his eyes following your flushed cheeks. Copia, still on the floor across from you, scooted over on his butt, getting closer to you. “That’s an honest answer.” he said, “How much I’d like to test that…”
The anti-pope finally scooted all the way next to you, “All in the name of research, of course.” he said with a grin. He leaned in closer to you.
Your face flushed an even deeper shade of red at this. In the name of research…
Yeah right, Copia.
You cleared my throat in an attempt to help your obvious blush disappear, and shot him an amused look, “Papa, I’m surprised at how forward you’re being.”
Copia laughed at your words, “Does that surprise you?” he asked, “The Old One has a reputation for being a tease, no? And he lives through me.”
You could help but chuckle, tilting your head slightly so you could look into his multi-coloured eyes. You’d always been intrigued by the Papa, but it had always been limited. Your contact with Copia was always professional, so this was a very unorthodox conversation.
You didn’t mind, though.
Copia looked into your eyes, “Is there something wrong with that?” he asked, playing innocent. He couldn’t help but notice your silence.
He began to lean in close.
He smirked, “Or would you rather me back off?” he asked, his voice low and husky.
“I don’t think I want you to back off, Papa,” you replied while shifting your weight so you were sitting while facing him, “I believe Lucifer would be very disappointed in me if I didn’t accept this research project. He sent us these texts on purpose so we could experience lust, hands on.”
Copia’s smirk grew wider, “Then let’s not disappoint him.” he said, his voice low. Papa leaned in closer to you, “For Lucifer.” he murmured.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you even closer to him. He pulled you into a kiss. It was slow at first but soon grew more passionate. Copia’s kiss was firm and his hands squeezed your waist.
Copia was sitting cross legged on the carpet. As your lips grazed his and slowly began to melt into something much more passionate, you slowly made your way onto his lap. You grinded down lightly, little moans leaving your lips as the two of you made out.
You would occasionally open your eyes and notice how Copia’s face paint on his lips was beginning to grow smudged from your saliva coming together through the heated kisses.
With every shift in weight, there was a loud creak from the floorboards. Copia looked around the office briefly before turning back to you, his hands sliding up your upper body.
This wasn't just research after all. He needed this.
He needed you. You needed him.
Copia’s gloved hands squeezed your waist roughly again; his arms quickly beginning to guide you to grind against his clothed dick. You could feel the hardening of it beneath his pants, which just made you grow wet with anticipation.
His tongue moved with your every kiss, pressing on your tongue, slowly exploring it. Copia’s hands held you tight as his body was growing warmer by the second. Copia was growing more and more tempted to remove your articles of clothing, one by one.
Copia tasted absolutely amazing. You could taste his morning coffee on his tongue… his toothpaste as an after taste. He smelled amazing too, likely being fresh out of the shower.
The anti-pope’s gloved hands began to creep up your shirt, and you felt a pulse beginning to hammer in your core. You continued to grind against his hardening member from beneath his pants. You needed the friction against your swelling clit or else you might die.
Copia’s hands continued to explore your body, his hands squeezing and pressing different parts, as he pulled up your shirt, leaving you in a tank top. He lovingly kissed the exposed parts of your neck, leaving little marks. He couldn’t hold back his moans of delight as he saw your bruising neck, proving his ownership.
Somehow, Copia knew hickeys were your weakness. Getting marked… showing everyone else that you’re spoken for… you wanted nothing else but for Papa to suck every part of your exposed skin, leaving hickey after hickey to show everyone how he made you feel.
How he made you groan and writhe as he took his time with you. All in the name of research, of course.
Copia’s hands gripped tight around your loose tank top as he moaned, before he bit your neck, kissing all over it. Without any warning, Papa shifted the weight you both shared.
The anti-pope wrapped his arms around your torso and pushed you to the carpeted floor below. His body was on top of yours, his weight making you squirm slightly.
“P-Papa!” you moaned in surprise as Copia took the reigns, forcing you off his lap and onto the floor below him. You felt his hips forcing yours to the floor, which caused your eyes to roll into the back of your head from the sheer pleasure… the sheer idea of Copia dominating you on this dirty floor…
Copia’s lips had moved down to your neck, where he bit and kissed you all over. He had successfully identified your sweet spot on your neck; enacting little squeaks and mewls of pleasure as his tongue did laps around it. Copia’s moans grew louder as he bit your neck, kissing and teasing you.
Copia was breathing heavily, his body pressing against yours. The anti-pope began to kiss lower down your body, exploring every inch of your skin. His grip on you was firm and it kept you from squirming away. His other hand moved under you, beginning to unbutton your pants.
Your hands immediately tangled into Copia’s hair as he rushed in unclasping your pants. You were so aroused right now that you were certain Copia could smell it if he placed his face close enough.
“Oh, Satan. You’re driving me crazy, Papa!” you whispered as you writhed underneath his chest and hips.
Copia’s hands expertly undid your pants and he began to pull them down, revealing your underwear. He chuckled while eyeing you in amusement. You were wearing lacy black panties, which made the anti-pope stop to laugh a bit.
“It’s like you were prepared for me to fuck you today, no? Did Lucifer himself come into your dreams and tell you what I would be doing to you, mio tesoro?”
You squealed and hid your face in embarrassment over Copia’s words and movements. You were easily flustered, so the anti-pope was likely having a good time watching you writhe and squirm under him.
Copia chuckled, “I love the way you squirm. The way you’re so hot for me is driving me insane, cara,” he said in a low, teasing voice. He continued to hold you by the waist as he moved his hands down, undoing his own pants.
“These need a little help.” he whispered to you, “Care to help me with that, my little assistant?”
Copia was breathing deeply now, his body shaking slightly as he was more than excited for what would happen next.
“Yes, of course, Papa,” you sputtered while removing your hands from your face to help the man unbuckle his pants. Your hands shook from being so flustered, which caused another amused chuckle to leave Copia’s throat.
Of course he didn’t need help pulling his pants down. All he wanted was to see your blushing face as he relentlessly teased you through the night.
Once Copia’s pants were undone and he pulled them down, he was revealing himself in all of his glory. He was around 7 inches long and quite thick. His tip was swollen; a bit of precum glistening against the low office lighting. Your mouth watered at the sight.
“Like what you see?” Copia asked, his voice low and quiet. Copia’s hands were holding your legs down, occasionally giving your thighs squeezes. as he began to kiss them, marking them with hickeys as he had done to your neck.
You moaned and groaned in anticipation as Copia kissed and licked your thighs. You couldn’t help yourself in this moment.
Your fingers trailed down to your panties, which still remained on your body. Your ring finger began to rub and massage your sensitive nub as Copia left his ruined face paint on your thighs.
Copia enjoyed the reactions you gave as he kissed and licked your thighs, “It seems someone is very needy.” he said with glee, as he kissed you again, “Perhaps I should reward you for your obedient behavior?”
Copia’s hands moved to your panties as he pushed your fingers aside, “Let your Papa do it for you.”
Papa slowly began to remove your panties. It was agonizingly slow. Every touch of his finger as he removed them drove you crazy. Little moans of anticipation left your mouth as he fully stripped you naked, “Please touch me, Papa,” you groaned; your pussy already dripping from just his kisses and subtle touches.
Copia smirked down at you.
“I think it’s time I reward you.” he said in a low voice.
All of a sudden, you felt something wet and warm slide up your cunt, trailing to your swollen clit. Your back arched immediately, a choked groan leaving your mouth.
It was undoubtedly Copia’s tongue.
Copia gave a smirk, “You like that, cara?” he asked low and sultry, “Or should I do this instead?”
He shifted slightly and moved his fingers to your entrance. He slowly inserted his gloved finger into your soaking pussy, conjuring another strangled moan from your throat.
All in the name of research...
Then, he began to lick and suck at your clit, as well as fingering your clenching hole that was begging to be filled with something.
“F-Fuck, Copia!” you hissed as your hips involuntarily bucked into his fingers and his mouth as he continued pleasuring you. This brought out chuckles from the man.
Occasionally, Papa would lift his face up from your cunt to shoot you a seductive look, and you couldn’t help but moan as you saw your juices coating his lips and nose; smearing his face paint on the inside of your thighs.
His gloved hands held down your thighs as you thrusted up to meet his mouth.
“So eager, no? It’s precious to see how much you want my tongue, (Y/N). It’s borderline pathetic how wet you are, how my every touch has you screaming.”
“Less talking, more w-working!” you breathily commanded, ignoring his jab at how wet you were, “I’m close, P-Papa!”
An amused and almost sadistic laugh left his mouth as he dived right back in. You could help but shriek as his swollen lips wrapped their way around your clit; sucking as hard as he could.
Your lower half was screaming for release as his tongue slurped up the rest of your juices. “Oh, fuck!” you screamed while attempting to wrap your legs around Copia’s head… but unfortunately, he continued to hold you down, “Please -fuck- just stop the teasing!”
Your teeth grinded together as Copia chuckled into your heat; the vibrations just being enough to put you over the edge and summon your first orgasm of the night.
Your legs stiffened up as the muscles began to contract. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head, and Copia could only chuckle again as your juices coated his face. Your stomach filled with pleasurable pressure as Copia slurped up your cum.
“You taste so good for your Papa, hmm?” he hummed while carefully crawling up your body and planting his lips against yours.
You could taste yourself on his lips, and that reignited your arousal. Without hesitation, your hand wrapped around his cock; a squeak leaving his lips as you began to pump his length in your palm.
“I see Lucifer isn’t done with you yet.”
You didn’t tease him for very long. You were very horny. You needed him inside of you now! You quickly lined his dick up with your entrance; mewls of desire flooding through your lips as his leaking head rubbed against your sore clit.
Copia roughly grabbed your torso and flipped you over so you were on your hands and knees in front of him. You obediently arched your back, causing your face to fall to the floor and your ass to rise into the air.
“Mi cara~,” the anti-pope groaned as he slowly pushed into your soaking hole, “You take your Papa so well, sí? Ah. -fuck-.”
He bit at your ear as he fully mounted your backside. Your back arched into his chest as he began pumping in and out of you at an agonizingly-slow pace. It made you groan with a increasingly desire for him to pick up the pace, “Papa, please!” you squeaked like a cock-hungry whore, “P-please go faster!”
Copia purred and dug his gloved hands into your hips, speeding up slightly, “You want your Papa to speed up? I was going slow for your comfort, sweet girl.”
“Trust me, Copia. I am more than ready for you to move faster,” you hissed in annoyance while thrusting your hips backwards to meet his as he began to angle his dick to hit just the right spot during his thrusts, “If you don’t start moving, I am going to push you onto your back and take over this whole thing.”
“I’m not gonna say no to that,” the anti-pope growled while eagerly speeding up his thrusts.
You groaned and mewled as his dick began to gingerly slam into your g-spot, causing your eyes to roll into the back of your head. Your legs and arms shook violently with each thrust, as they were already weak from Copia’s mouth making love to your pussy only a few moments before.
“You take me so well,” he whispered while biting your ear as he swivelled his hips into yours, “Goddamn it, (Y/N). You feel so good, -fuck- you drive me crazy!”
“P-Papa!” you groaned while meeting his thrusts; your juice streaming down your legs as the anti-pope pulverized your sensitive pussy, “I’m gonna c-cum!”
You could hear Copia chuckling in your ears as he hooked his arms around your waist, holding you in place as he continued to rut into your pussy.
“Cum for me, sweetheart. Vieni per me, tesoro.”
You growled as your orgasm wracked your body violently. You absolutely adored when Copia spoke in Italian. Just his words alone could push an orgasm onto your body. He could be calling you a cock-hungry stupid slut and you’d still come completely undone for his words.
Copia came in sync as your pussy clenched around his cock; the most beautiful noises of pleasure leaving his lips. As his moans subsided, he had no choice but to remain attached to you; his cock still buried deeply into your pussy.
You panted and groaned as your head grew fuzzy from the intense orgasm. You slowly rolled onto your back as Copia collapsed onto your chest. As you wiped the sweat from your brow, Copia leaned forward and softly kissed your lips.
“You took me so good, bella. You’re such a good girl for your Papa,” Copia purred while leaning his forehead against yours; his eyes fluttering shut.
You chuckled lightly in exhaustion and cupped his perfect face into your hands; lovingly stroking away the remainder of his face paint with your thumbs, “Do you think Lucifer is pleased with our research?”
“Oh definitely,” Copia laughed in amusement; little creases appearing at the sides of his eyes, signifying his smile and laughter was legit, “All in the name of research, eh? NemA.”
“NemA, Papa.”
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stxrvel · 5 months
i don't wanna live forever (5)
summary: the time had come to destroy HYDRA and collect for all that had been taken from them...
pairing: bucky barnes x f!reader
words: 6k
warnings: descriptions of: blood, wounds, fights and weapons. probably gonna wake a lot of sadness since the begining. mentiones of suicide thoughts. heartbreak. stubborn characters. mentions of character deaths (canon). remember i'm not that good at writing action scenes and that English is not my first language!
note: hi guys! i didn't rest today at work. instead, i wrote 6k words for my actual hyperfixation and i'm actually exhausted. sometimes i write first in spanish and then in english, when my head is not up for the double translate, and leave the conversion to future me. this is future me talking and i hate myself for that. but i'm kind of proud how this one came out, so i hope you guys like it the same! feedback and reactions are always appreciated! see u guys next time &lt;3
part 1
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It was already getting dark when the small cellar you were in with your friends filled with applause and singing, a joy bouncing off the walls as you walked in Steve's direction with a grin from ear to ear. Your blond friend watched the small cake Peggy had gotten him that afternoon head towards him between your hands, setting it down on an upturned wooden barrel, a little damp, that they would use as a table.
Peggy and Bucky were off to the side, their faces matching your excitement as Steve reached down and shook his head.
“I don't even want to imagine how you got that cake in,” was the first thing Steve said when the happy birthday song ended, shooting you a grateful look. His eyes sparkled like you hadn't seen in many days and you felt Peggy's squeeze on your forearm as she came over to form a little circle just like Bucky.
“Trust me, you don't want to know,” Peggy shook her head, her smile matching the blond's.
You watched Steve split a piece of the cake with a spoon you had no idea where Peggy had gotten it from, your friend bursting out laughing when Steve raised his head and she smeared white cream all over his nose. At that moment you felt Bucky's body heat behind you, all your senses turning on at once.
“No candle, but you can make a wish before you take the first bite.”
Steve shared a look with his friend, still with that twinkle in his eye and the most relaxed expression he'd had in days. He was still wearing his uniform, having caught him by surprise to bring him into the warehouse after a long day of planning strategies for the next mission against HYDRA. You and Peggy had been thinking for several days about doing something, and being that it was rather difficult to throw a small party in the camp you were in, you decided to opt for something a little more ordinary and familiar. You couldn't say, however, that Steve didn't like it, not when you saw him smiling at everyone so openly, shoulders down and spreading laughter to everyone around him.
With the spoon halfway to his mouth, Steve closed his eyes and made a wish.
You smiled indulgently, watching two of your friends share a small moment as Steve took some more cake to give Peggy. With your hands behind your back, you suddenly felt Bucky's left hand make its way through your fingers, intertwining your hands very carefully.
“How's the taste?”
Steve shook his head nodding at your words, his brow furrowing in pleasure as he enjoyed the large bites he was taking of the cake. At that moment, all you could think about was how much you would sacrifice to stay in that bubble forever, even without knowing what was coming next.
“Are you okay?”
You heard his footsteps before you saw him, his body leaning against the second to last step where you had sat and turned away from the others. The routine you had had to get used to over the past few months, after believing you were going to change the world, had become a constant burden that was hard to shake off. Still, you took and cherished moments like those when you could go out and sit and just watch the vast sky stretching for miles. The stars shone so brightly there, in the middle of the forest, that they seemed like little beacons seeking to guide you to a better future; perhaps to a future that you did deserve. Steve also sometimes accompanied you in silence, having learned that he couldn't always argue with you about the meaning of life and the purpose for which you two had to carry out the unjust orders of superiors. You once saw one of his drawings, a woman sitting at the top of a flight of stairs and a starry night giving her a message of hope. Maybe he saw it the same way too after a while.
“Yeah,” you replied to Bucky with a tight-lipped little smile.
Bucky didn't know much about you now. As the weeks went by you realized it was true what he had once told you, when the America's couple shows and his platoon's stay coincided for the first time in months. You had changed a lot since the serum injection. And, well, who wouldn't, after all? That's why when you were together after so long he spent time very close to you, very aware of you, checking with his excellent senses that nothing was out of place. That you were okay.
You didn't know if he had believed you, by the way his face remained expressionless, barely a slight twitch of his eyebrows, but he didn't repeat the question.
“Do you think there's anything else for us, besides this?”
Bucky turned his gaze to look at the sky and you watched his profile, the curve of his eyelashes and his half-opened lips. Situations like that had become commonplace, too. Since you no longer spent so much time together and you had changed so much because somehow you had to adapt to the harsh reality against which you had crashed, Bucky constantly wondered many things about life that ended up being his own fears materialized in existential crises. For him his world was shaking. Since you told him that you had been invited to the Super Soldier project with Steve, everything had become uncertainty for him. Uncertainty about his life, about your life, about the life you wanted to have together, uncertainty about the future, uncertainty about life.
You had the conception that Bucky could never fully adapt to the abrupt change that meant his two best friends were involved in a private experiment that gave them heightened senses and more strength and speed than an average human. Now he seemed to looked at himself like the mere mortal who walked shoulder to shoulder with two gods. He seemed to feel that death would knock faster at his door and it drove him mad.
“Yeah, I don't think this is it,” you shook your head in assent, watching out of the corner of your eye as Bucky rested his forearms on his knees and leaned forward a bit. His hands interlocked and parted, his fingertips met and parted, his fists opened and closed.
“But you'll outlive me,” Bucky looked down, his blue eyes glittering focused on yours under the moonlight. You could barely hear movement in the back of the hold where Peggy and Steve were still talking. Your heart flipped at the vulnerability you saw through his eyes, lately more common than you'd like. You didn't like not being able to quell those thoughts that dominated his head; the insecurities and fears that made him doubt so many things in the middle of the night.
“We'd live the same amount of time,” you assured him shaking your head, your own mind refusing to accept that Bucky's fears could take more power over him. Whatever you could do to calm him, you would do, always.
“You have the serum. You and Steve will live for many more years. Hell, maybe you'll even be immortals,” Bucky tried to smile, but a grimace settled on his face and made his words bitter. He was subtly trying to untwist his shoulders, barely moving to your side trying not to show too much that he was kind of nervous.
“Why are you telling me that now?” you shifted on the wooden step, moving a little closer towards him. Bucky tensed visibly, not because of the closeness, but because he knew the moment was coming when you would stop following his lead and start asking him what was really plaguing his mind. For some reason, Bucky couldn't approach those topics of conversation naturally, letting his mind and words wander a bit before daring to take his fears by the horns.
“I don't know… I guess. It's a truth I have to accept,” he confessed, his voice so fragile and soft that had it not been for the extreme hearing the serum had granted you, you surely wouldn't have understood him. You felt your heart crumple and moved your hand from your lap to cradle his hands that he still could not let still.
“But it is a truth that is still a long way from being fulfilled.”
“And first we have to get through the war,” Bucky turned his hands to lace them with yours, his fingers intertwining with yours and giving them a squeeze.
“We will. I have no doubt about it. In fact, I have a plan to persuade Phillips,” you smiled at him trying to lighten the weight on his shoulders a bit.
Little surprised, Bucky let out a laugh, his free shoulders shaking in sync with his chest. A beautiful smile spread across his face, and you would've enjoyed it except you could still notice his tired eyes and the dark traces beneath them. It seemed that the moonlight intensified the reality of his emotions.
“You always have a plan for everything.”
“What can I say? I'm an optimist,” you lifted your shoulders, leaning against Bucky's side. His head dropped to rest on the crown of your head, his breathing synchronizing with yours for a moment.
“Between the two of us, you definitely are,” he murmured, taking a deep breath, enjoying the moment for several seconds. “Sorry for… coming to bring up those topics of conversation.”
“No, it's okay. I like to listen. And you tend to do that sometimes,” you shook your head over his shoulder trying to dispel the topic, Bucky's hands tightening around yours.
“You suddenly talk about things you don't want to tell me too much about and then put a little light-hearted attitude on it so it doesn't sound so serious.”
Bucky lifted his head, causing you to move in time to meet his surprised expression as well. His lips were trying to twitch into a smile, but he didn't seem to know if he wanted to laugh or frown.
“Do I really do it that often?”
“A little, yes.”
“Ah, I'm pretty bad at dissembling I guess,” Bucky looked up, finally succumbing to the smile. The gesture satisfied you enough to delve into the emotion with him, taking a moment to further enjoy that scenario you could no longer be a part of lately; to enjoy those everyday moments where you could feel love materially spark around you, as if it was a novel written solely to satisfy human romantic desires and whims.
You shook your head, returning to the subject.
“But you don't have to worry about my supposed immortality. I know we'll live the same,” you assured him once more, your arms wrapping around his right arm and squeezing it securely, hugging him, trying to send him some of the confidence you felt inside.
“How are you so sure?”
The truth was, you weren't, but you couldn't let him know that, much less let him know that you didn't expect his life expectancy to be as extensive as yours was now either. But how were you going to tell him that? He must've been martyred enough by his own thoughts during every moment of the day when they drowned him, and it wasn't as if you expected too much of a life after him either. You could have immortality served on a silver platter, but what would be the point if you had to spend it on your own? Bucky was thinking about not wanting to leave you alone, and you were thinking about the impossibility of finding a reason to live after him.
“Because I know I don't want to live forever if I'm not with you.”
Bucky stopped his light, ghost-like caresses on your fingers. He turned his face to look at you, his nostalgic expression disappearing in a matter of seconds. His blue eyes looked contrite, as if there was a storm inside them. You had never hesitated in your answer, no matter when he had asked. And yet you seemed to have taken him by surprise; it seemed that such a thing would never have crossed his mind even by accident.
“I'd be living in vain. Stolen time,” you shook your head, averting your gaze from the depths of his, an unknown kind of longing or fear furrowing across his features that you couldn't bear to see a second longer. You were there at that moment and you would see each other again later, why did you have to think about it too much?
Bucky sighed. Only when you felt his body relax against your side did you know he understood that it would do no good for him to try to antagonize you.
“Still, you deserve a life like this. After all you've been through,” his voice was barely a whisper that tore through the silent chill that surrounded you, but the implication of his words furrowed against your chest like a dagger. You shook your head before the memories could reach you.
“We all deserve it, especially in this world consumed by the greed of power and hatred.”
You saw him nod out of the corner of your eye, his hands wrapping around one of your hands, the one closest to his side and bringing it up to his lips to kiss your knuckles. His eyes were fixed on your profile, you could feel it, but you were afraid to turn to look at him and allow your emotions to come out. You were too sweet to succumb to strong feelings when you were with Bucky.
“Hey!” was Steve's voice, like a beacon in the middle of the ocean, making you both turn at the same time. “Peggy's just leaving.”
“Want a ride, Barnes?”
“Ah, it would be my pleasure, Agent Carter.”
Peggy moved, after saying goodbye to Steve and you, and walked in the direction of the huge forest that stretched into the distance where she had parked her car. Or Howard's car, you couldn't quite make out through the darkness.
“See you later, Miss I-don't-want-to-live-forever,” Bucky approached you with a half smile, having said goodbye to Steve, meeting him halfway to melt you in his arms. The tension in your shoulders eased considerably, a sigh making its way into your chest.
“Take care, Bucky,” you squeezed his waist, because you weren't tall enough to reach his shoulders in a hug, and he squeezed you back in response.
“Sure thing. I got to see my girl again, after all.”
You laughed between the hollow of his neck and shoulder, feeling your cheeks burn. Bucky broke away just barely to look at you with his own huge grin.
“Don't overdo it, Barnes.”
“Come on!” Peggy insisted, glancing at the watch on her wrist.
You broke away from Bucky, trying to push him to get into the car with his affianced friend, but he had other plans. In the midst of your struggle to push him away, he grabbed one of your wrists, using very little force to pull you close to his chest, his lips crashing against yours in a fleeting action, but not at all rough, barely a brush. Before you knew what happened he had already pulled away from you.
“When I get back, we have a lot to talk about.”
He never came back. He left in the next couple of days for the mission on the train and all you got back was a shattered Steve, his face dirty and sticky from all the tears he'd shed, his pleading eyes crystallizing on you the moment he had to tell you that Bucky had died. You could still remember how his voice cracked as he begged your forgiveness, repeating it over and over as if it would ease the burden he felt on his shoulders, the guilt for not being able to get him in time. You never blamed Steve for what happened, but it seemed like he did for a long time.
Reliving those memories was always a constant martyrdom. After Bucky's funeral you didn't think you could move on, but carrying all his pain in a sack of rocks, Steve assured you that they would avenge the reason Bucky had died. HYDRA. So you did and were able to carry on for a while until Steve was also declared KIA.
Peggy and Howard were a great help when you realized that you couldn't die on your own, because you healed faster than normal and could spend more time than humanly possible underwater. To say that you didn't try to leave the earthly world would be a lie, but your friends tried to help you in every way they could until you had to leave the United States. When you thought you would have to spend years hiding in Europe, Howard told you that wasn't necessary. Just staying under the radar and out of the feds' jurisdiction would be fine and he would take care of it. And one day, after spending a week in the apartment you were renting without getting out of bed for almost any reason, a knock on the door startled you.
“Correspondence,” rang through the silence of the apartment.
You only got up because you knew the mailman was wrong. You had given your address to absolutely no one and there was no way any person knew of your existence in that country. You thought you took pity on the man, when he handed you the letter and it did indeed have your name on it.
It was an acceptance letter from some university. Apparently you had enrolled to study mathematics.
You had a suspicion of what was going on, but something in your chest asked you to ignore it. The letter asked for an interview before classes started in exactly three days, and after that interview you received a letter from Peggy.
When Howard died you knew you couldn't go back to Europe. Largely because you had to find out who his killer was, but also because you wanted to watch over Peggy's life as you couldn't do for your other three friends. You were often terrified for your friend's life, especially having the job she had and dealing with all those powerful people who wouldn't hesitate for the blink of an eye to order her death.
Steve was right. You stayed with Peggy to investigate Howard's death. But you also stayed because she was the only thing you had left and you had to take care of her; you had to preserve her, to do everything you could to prevent another tragic and unnecessary death. You would've sacrificed anything in life just to allow Peggy to have the life she deserved. And so you did. You cared for her for many years, you were so attentive to her that her children called you aunt and then her grandchildren called you grandma; you were at all her family gatherings, giving gifts to her children at Christmas and celebrating each new year as you watched time pass through her eyes. Every January 1st you saw it as a win, a whole year in which so much sacrifice had been worth it.
Now… well, now everything was a bit more complicated.
Natasha had left the abandoned dam first after going over the plan one last time. You were supposed to go with Steve and Sam, even though Steve was reluctant to have you near the Winter Soldier again, as if you didn't have the same strength and agility as he did. Of course, his fear was rooted in something completely different than that, something he and Natasha had discovered with Zola.
“HYDRA spent years searching for you to recreate the super-soldier serum after the war. If not for the excellent work Peggy and Howard did, they probably would've found you more easily.”
Now, having such a palpable possibility of destroying HYDRA, you didn't think there was the slightest chance that they were still thinking about it, although Natasha stressed that it seemed to be that the soldier had two different missions when he found them in the middle of the city, one of them being that he was to keep you alive. Zhivoy, you recalled bitterly. Alive.
Steve didn't want to risk finding something else waiting for them when they reached the helicarriers, something that might lead you away from him. And yes, you understood his concern because it was the same one you'd felt for years and was more latent recently since Steve returned. But you weren't going to stand by like a fucking statue while they did all the work. You would take it upon yourself to destroy HYDRA completely and deprive them of any chance they might have to get close to Steve, you or Bucky again. Whatever you had to do, you'd do it.
“He's not the same,” you had told Steve, as you walked to the Triskelion in the company of Sam and Maria.
“But he'll remember us,” Steve assured, his hand tightly gripping the strap with which he held the shield. Steve had been repeating that to himself all day, even in front of Sam. You couldn't believe you were the one trying to maintain an objective demeanor in that situation.
“Yeah, maybe at some point. But right now it's not him, Steve,” you turned to look at him, his face fixed on the expanse of water surrounding the large building he used to work for. “He's not the Bucky we knew.”
Steve looked back at you, pausing for a moment. You knew he was mindful of it, you knew Steve was aware of how dangerous he was now; that there was a good chance he really didn't remember them and you wanted to make sure that wouldn't cloud his judgment; that he would still fight for his life.
But the resolve in his eyes didn't convince you. His lack of response fanned a hollow in your chest, your hands breaking out in a cold sweat as you stared at the empty space he left in front of you.
Steve was willing to bring him back and you were afraid of losing him.
For some reason, you felt it had to be different.
You heard Steve's voice over the speakers, running so you could find the helicarriers exit before they took off. Steve and Sam were supposed to meet you halfway, but you were already halfway there, fighting off a few agents, and you still didn't hear them nearby. Your breath caught in your throat as one of the STRIKE agents grabbed you by the throat while another plunged an electric baton into your side, the sensation of volts coursing through your entire nervous system sending you into a momentary state of shock.
You dropped your hands to stop struggling with the agent behind you and grabbed the wrist holding the baton with an overly strong grip, snapping the bone in place and jerking your head to strike the face of the man behind you as his grip wobbled for a second. Both agents fell to the ground, two bones broken in less than a minute. You grabbed the baton before departing, hitting them both in the head barely using half your strength, knocking them unconscious instantly.
As you exited the Triskelion facility to meet the gap you would have to jump over to intercept the first helicarrier, you heard Steve and Sam's voices closer. Oh, right, you forgot to use the communicator.
“Where were you?” Steve exclaimed, running alongside Sam closer to the chasm.
“You've got blood on your neck,” Sam pointed out, before spreading his metal wings and flying off into the sky.
“Put on your communicator,” Steve asked you just before you both jumped at the same time, a feeling of emptiness planting itself in the pit of your stomach.
You landed with your legs bent and leaned forward for a spin before getting up and continuing to run alongside Steve. You rummaged in one of your pants pockets, praying that the small devices hadn't been shattered during the fights you had inside the Triskelion.
Only one was spared.
Steve barely sent you a reproachful glance, shaking his head, as you approached a horde of HYDRA agents. You barely finished putting the small communicator to your ear when the hail of bullets came in their direction. Steve grabbed your arm to pull you behind his shield until he managed to hide behind two large containers. The fight was immediate.
The group of agents split up and you jumped right in front of two of them, sliding on the ground to use the baton from below to disarm them. You knocked one of them out with the high volts of the baton and the other tried to stab you from behind, but you stopped his hand midway and flipped his arm over, a shriek of pain escaping him as his shoulder dislocated. The man fell to his knees and, lifting one leg, you half-turned to strike his face with your full tibia.
“Cap, I found the bad guys you were talking about,” you heard Sam's voice, noting that, although that communicator was working, the voice you perceived sounded distant.
“Are you okay?” you heard Steve, as he came closer and you stepped on the handle of the staff, lifting it in a single stroke so that it landed in your hand.
“Not dead yet.”
Steve nodded, though he knew Sam couldn't see him and gave you a questioning look.
“Works?” he pointed to your ear, starting to pace.
“A little bruised, but does the job.”
Your friend shook his head, starting to run inside the helicarrier.
“Cap?” you smirked.
“Don't start,” the blond spoke through his teeth, moving toward his target. “Report location.”
You nodded in his direction, heading for the first agents who appeared to obstruct his path, clearing Steve's way in the direction of the helicarrier hub.
When you were done with the agents and Steve was finally able to enter the control center, you turned your attention to the voices ringing through the communicator.
“Ah, shit,” was Sam's voice, and the next thing you heard was gunfire around the helicarrier next to it.
“Fine, but you're going with me. I don't want to let you out of my sight,” Steve had said a few hours before they left the dam, leaving no room for argument in his haughty voice.
“That's unnecessary, Steve. We'd waste too much time,” you shook your head, trying to match his stoic, stern expression.
“She's right,” Maria nodded in your direction. “There are three helicarriers and three of you.”
“No,” Steve began to rise, your eyes following the movement of his body and his blue eyes fixed on yours. “Fury delegated orders to me, and that's an order.”
You indulged Steve until you lost sight of him, understanding he had said that out of pent-up fear. You grabbed one of the weapons that had been left on the ground and passed the strap over your head. The third helicarrier was a considerable distance away at a jump. You had to pick up too much speed to even make it to the tip, but you weren't going to stand there waiting for Steve when you could be doing something more; something necessary.
So that's what you did. Steve still hadn't reported state when you started running from tip to tip, your steps getting bigger with every second until you reached the gap and picked up momentum at the tip. That was insane. You felt the emptiness in your stomach again and out of the corner of your eye you could see a couple of explosions occurring in the harbor where the helicarriers had departed from. You stretched your arms out, counting on having propelled your body far enough, fearing a deadly fall as the other edge began to look higher and higher.
“Y/N, status,” you heard Hill, your heart in your mouth.
Your mind went blank for a second, when in the midst of the adrenaline you almost didn't even feel the moment when your left hand gripped the edge of the helicarrier tightly, the aircraft moving a little farther with each passing second. You had jumped at just the right moment.
Breathing hard, you propelled yourself upward until you could plant your feet back on the runway floor and replied to Maria, “Waiting.”
Steve must've thought you were still on the helicarrier with him.
As you ran, Sam reported that he had intercepted the second helicarrier after Steve, barely recognizing their voices amidst the tussle you were having with the agents who had appeared before you could reach the control room door.
“Y/N, where are you?” the voice of Steve came over the comm, a few minutes after you took down the last agent, moving in the direction of the metal door. You felt heavily for the programming card you had taken from Steve when he had pulled you close to get behind his shield, as you heard him ask Sam if he could see you.
You were about to reach the door when the scenery abruptly changed, a body appearing out of nowhere colliding into your left side sending you crashing to the ground hard.
You ignored Steve's voice, moving to push off the heavy body on top of yours. Amidst the struggle you crawled away across the floor, a hand clutching at your ankle before you could move any further.
You recognized him by the coldness that ran through your body at the contact. You could almost be sure it had burned you.
This time he wasn't wearing the mask, those blue eyes boring deep into your head, the angry expression very different from how you had seen him last time. Although you would've liked to stay longer just watching, after spending so many years suffering his death, you pulled the leg he had held captive and tried to hit him in the face, his metal arm moving faster neutralizing the hit.
At that moment you stood up arching your back, planting your feet hard and running towards the soldier before he could catch you off guard.
You tried to strike his face, but he nimbly dodged every blow, just as you dodged his. He let out a grunt of frustration as you sent him to the ground with a kick to the chest, pulling a weapon from his side that he didn't hesitate a second to point in your direction. Feeling the air caught in your throat, you moved quickly on the ground, trying to escape his bullets while managing to find a place to hide.
You heard his footsteps approaching, as you hid behind a container, stopping just on the other side, and you moved to the right side of the container when you knew he was going to jump out and surprise you from above.
His body froze for a second, which you took advantage of to jump over the dumpster and grab him from behind, the baton you had on your belt wrapped around his neck, cutting off his breathing. You tried to hold him tight as he tried to push away your grip with his metal arm, almost as strong as your push to keep him in place.
The soldier began to slow his movements, but if you hadn't been so torn between he's the Winter Soldier and he's Bucky, you would've noticed one of his hands move over his vest, grabbing the handle of a knife and burying it in your right leg hard, all the way in, causing you to gasp.
Clearly your grip wobbled, the soldier taking possession of your staff and turning around as he pulled the blade out of your leg to direct his foot towards your chest, pushing you back to the ground where you fell with a loud thud.
The wound was deep. You could feel and hear the blood pouring out of it, but you didn't just stand there as you saw him leap down from the container, raising his arms to parry his attack as he directed the knife towards your face. His face contorted and scrunched up in concentration was all you could focus on, remembering that you couldn't let him win, but you also couldn't hurt him like he wanted to hurt you. You had to be objective, yes, but the thought of hurting him once more was heartbreaking.
You struggled with his hand until he let go of the knife, using your strength and trying to ignore the sharp pain in your leg from the effort to push him to the ground beside you with your hand on his neck and your leg around his waist, lying on top of him with one leg on each side.
At that moment, as you tried to keep your arm over his neck and he tried to weaken you by hitting your sides, you heard Steve and Sam's voices again. A small panic ran through your body which was enough for the soldier to push your arm away, grabbing you by the neck with his metal arm and bringing a gun close to your face as he rose up, taking you with him, until he slammed you into a wall with great force.
You raised your hand between your bodies to move the tip of the gun, the shot falling a short distance above your head, your exorbitant eyes watching his furious expression. His metal hand closed tighter and tighter around your neck, your breath hitching, but you didn't relinquish your grip on the hand still holding the gun.
In the midst of the struggle, you brought your knee up to strike his crotch. The soldier jerked away, a whimper dying in his mouth as you moved toward him again, pushing his arm away as he pointed the gun at you again and the shot landed somewhere behind you again.
You hit him in the face with your own head, one of your hands holding his right arm with the gun and the other trying to keep his metal arm that held the knife dripping with your blood at bay. You hit him full in the nose again, but even though the blood was starting to drip down, the soldier didn't budge one bit.
“Go!” you shouted to Steve and Sam, the soldier averting his attention for a tiny moment before struggling against your grip again.
You had to break free somehow to get the card to Steve. Your body began to give way with the soldier's thrust, your boots sliding on the floor like it was marble. The soldier began to close his arms and you tried to match his strength, but the blood leaking from the wound in your leg was slowly weakening you. And it was a vibranium knife again.
Suddenly you noticed Steve running towards you, the fleeting glance costing you restraint, as the soldier raised your arms and turned you roughly, his back crashing against your chest and his metal hand burying in your chest the knife hard, moving it from side to side as he did that cold night in Siberia.
In the midst of the pain and weakness from the blood loss, you laid your head on his shoulder, the adrenaline slowly draining from your body.
“Bucky,” you whispered like a prayer, your strangled voice barely making its way out of your mouth and the soldier tensing behind you. The struggling stopped for a second.
Then his body heat disappeared. Steve must've reached and tackled the soldier without missing a beat.
“Hey, hey,” you heard Sam approaching you, kneeling beside you and taking your hand that wanted to pull the knife out of your chest. Right through the center, near the heart. That pain was no match for the disappointment that was tearing you apart inside. Maybe that time you could actually die. “Don't touch that.”
“Give the card to Steve…” you barely muttered breathlessly, one of your hands moving to pull the card out of one of your lower pants pockets. “Run.”
Sam hesitated for a few seconds, looking between your knife and the fight that was still picking up steam in the background, until he clicked his tongue and stood up.
“Don't take that knife out!”
You saw him run in the direction of Steve and the soldier, his metal wings rising in the midst of the struggle. Steve and Sam began to get the upper hand, and at some point, Steve took off in the direction of the helicarrier control center.
You dropped to the ground, watching helplessly as the soldier overpowered Sam, dislodging his wings with the force of his metal arm. The pain was too much, but Sam was completely helpless. No matter how much training he might've had, fighting the Winter Soldier was disproportionate.
So in a matter of seconds you stood up, grasping between gasps the handle of the knife and pulling it out of your chest without a second thought.
The electric current of pain that coursed through your body was unbearable, feeling as if the hollowness you constantly felt in your chest from emotions had suddenly materialized, a constant pang that coursed through you from head to toe at every microsecond, with every movement. Sam didn't even have time to react when you grabbed the soldier by the throat, burying the knife in his leg and trying to wave him off.
You could consider yourself well served if at that moment that was your death.
The soldier grabbed the arm around your neck and leaned forward, lifting you up and flipping you over onto your back, falling hard and painfully to the ground. You looked at the knife in his leg before looking at his face again. He had a couple of cuts, his expression still angry, but he seemed to hesitate as he pulled the knife out like it was nothing and watched you lying on the ground, completely at his mercy.
His hesitation brought unease to your chest.
“Bucky,” you called again, tears welling in your eyes.
The soldier only frowned, his anger momentarily fading until he seemed to remember something.
He turned to look at the control center. Before running off, he sent you another disgruntled look, just like that time on the road.
Whatever had happened after that, death or not, was extremely painful.
tag: @samodivaa @rubyxx16
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gracejh08 · 15 days
Breaking the media
Chapter 9- the media can be scary
You woke to the sound of your name being shouted along the corridor from alexia, so you picked up your phone and walked to the kitchen to find alexia had made breakfast for the two of yous. You opened your phone, and you looked as every single social media of yours had blown up, and the news was all on you. The comments of the next england star girl takes stage at Barcelona at just 16. You almost couldn't believe it. Your transfer had already gotten some attention from the media, but this. This was collosal in less that 24hrs you had gained over 100k followers on Instagram, you couldn't really believe it. Since you had played at arsenal you had been under a watchful eye by the media yet it never phased you but this was different there was alot more news on you and the pressure started to weigh on your shoulders.
Alexia had snapped you out of your thoughts by telling you to hurry up to go to training. You had arrived sharply on time for a match debrief "ohh heres the famous y/n watch out" mapi joked with you "oh shut it mapi you're just jealous that im all over the news and you're not" you responded to her laughing lightly. You had sat on the end of the row hoping to get some peace as everyone sat next to their respective friends, and then it was lucy who came to sit next to you. "You okay?" you asked her "yeah yeah its just a calf pull its not anything to worry about, the only thing i should be worried about is you taking my spot" she responded laughing at the last part of the sentence "oh god no i could never take your spot but in a a year or so cant garentee that one" you responded to her while being told to sushh by your teamates as the meeting started. The meeting was boring you spent more time playing with the strings on your shorts then paying attention as the whole presentation was in spanish and although alexia had been helping you learn to speak spanish it wasn't going on the easiest of paths. However, you did understand one bit when lucy translated that you were going to do media with ona alexia and ingrid for the next hour or so.
"Media really this isn't going to go well, why not someone else" you asked begging to be swapped "no can do, you're the one with all the hype around you the club has to capitalise of it" alexia said putting her arm around your shoulders and dragging you to the media room. You and alexia had been set with the first set of press while ingrid and ona did interviews then yous would swap."bon dia alexia y y/n tengo algunas preguntas sobre el juego" the man continued alexia waited till he was finished when she translated the conversation to you "he said he had a few questions about the game" she whispered to you. The man had asked you how you felt with all the media stories and before you started you decided to make the conversation potentially easier "ermm no hablo espanol sorry i haven't gotten round to mastering the spanish language but i think the media can be positive influencing to motivate me but too much of it can be pressuring especially the ones bringing in national teams" you responded trying to be as professional as possible. After 15 minutes later of questions you and alexia were promptly moved out of the room and to interviews you were each given a list of places to go to luckily yours had been to the English media where alexia had the spanish media. The interviews went okay there was a few questions which were definitely different than usual but one sparked your thoughts "so y/n how do you feel about the increasing number of comments on your post of people commenting on your looks" the reporter asked "if im being honest i haven't looked at the comments but i am 16 so depending on the nature of the comment would depend my response as im open to compliments but i dont think its appropriate to sexualise a teenager or any player as a matter of fact i want to be known for being a good player not for looking good" you replied.
As soon as the media had ended you clicked on your recent post and went straight to the comment section and god it was not a sight you wanted to see it was a mixture of positive comments some wierd over sexulising remark or a hate comment about how you didn't deserve to play on the team or you only played because it would bring attention to the club. You wished you never opened them as a swirling pit of guilt formed were you just there to bring attention to the club? Did you deserve to even be at Barcelona? The thoughts clung to you like a dark web clouding your mind and it was showing. Training followed and you were playing sloppy missing easy tackles and making bad passes this just made your thoughts spiral so when yous were instructed to take a break it was alexia who decided to ask what was wrong as she could tell not just by your preformance but by the way your eyes were dulled and your eyebrows ever so slightly knitted together she knew something was bothering you.
"Hey pequeña what wrong your not playing like you normally do whats on your mind" she said looking at you the minute she asked this tears welled in your eyes it was pathetic you thought to yourself "i.. erm i dont know i guess i just paid too much attention to what everyone was saying and its not very nice" you said dropping your head in defeat "oh come here, do not believe what they say okay whatever it is its wrong i promise you" she said wrapping you in a hug as you pulled back you grabbed your phone out of your bag and showed alexia the comments and the dms of people "trust me y/n they're wrong you are good enough to play for this team and ignore those creeps because unfortunately we cant do much to make it stop but we can move on as if they never existed" she said standing back up to train again. And yet again alexia knew what to tell you how to remove that cloud that sat in your thoughts weighing you down you now just felt lighter.
Alexia had become a solution to your problems one you could rely on. One who cared for you it was unusual but nice the last time you had felt this loved by a person was your foster family back in London who looked after you while you were at arsenal. She had drove yous home and had began to cook dinner for both of you when she casually slipped into conversation "you know jona is thinking about starting you next game due to lucy and jana being injured" "what, you're joking right" you responded "no no of course not but you need to put in the work tomorrow to make sure he will" she replied as she put the pasta on the boil. You had ate your dinner together and watched tv before going to sleep and the thought of starting lingered in your head it was like you had gone to sleep with a smile on your face at the thought of starting.
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doxypsychlean · 2 years
is there a part 2 to Strong maybe bit of smut
Strong pt.2
Aegon ii Targaryen x Strong!Reader
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Previous chapter: Strong pt.1
Warnings: Targcest, Explicit language, NSFW content, Blood, Aegon beats up Aemond(not that bad, I swear)
Thou shan't repost/copy/ translate any of my work or I'll sneak into your home late at night and bite your nose off!
English isn't my first language. I don't proofread. I slap commas wherever I feel they're needed.
Additional info: Instead of Rhaenyra escorting the Strong fellas back to Dragonstone, they all stay in the Red Keep(just imagine it for a sec that Alicent begged her ass off and got Rhaenyra to stay, cs she wants to spend more time w her(this is my fkn world and in it, these two make up idc)
A/N: Ooop, here it fkn issss!!! Ngl, I was cackling like a middleschooler while writing the spicy part of this one. Welp... Cheers, you horny bastards!!!
P.S. I fkn lied, this is nowhere near close to the req. Sorry, dear Anon.
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A choked up sob came out of the Prince's mouth as he rubbed the linen washcloth over the bitemarks on his neck. Tears welled up in his eyes, but Aegon was quick to blink them away, before the woman could see.
She was sat across him, on the edge of the bed, watching him as Aegon dabbed away the blood. She was already dressed, in a long, bell-sleeved green gown that showed off every curve of hers. Aegon sneaked a glance at her deep neckline, then quickly averted his eyes.
The woman noticed it immediately, eyes never leaving his face. She ran a soft hand over her shoulder and pushed her long, dark hair out of the way, so it could trail down her back.
"Our mothers, along with your sister, Baela and Rhaena are in the gardens." She said, voice gone back to its usual cushiness. "They invited me to join them. I trust you will behave?"
The silver haired man flinched at her question. His hands dropped down to his lap, pulling at the washcloth as his eyes looked down at the dirty sheets.
Behave. Behave. Behave.
"Love?" Her eyes narrowed, word coming out rough and low.
Aegon flinched again. He looked up at her, head shaking up and down violently. She let out an amused hum, then got up on her feet.
"Good." She was now standing next to him, one hand reaching up to his face. She took in the angry bruise she'd awarded him with the night before. Then the faint imprints of her hand that covered his face, neck and chest. The rest staying hidden from her eyes by the sheet Aegon had covered his lower half with. "You're so good."
Aegon whined, the pathetic sound reverberating in his head. Before he had time to curse himself out for it, her fingers hooked under his chin. He turned to face her, hands clutching and pulling at the washcloth.
"My brothers are with Aemond and Ser Criston, in the training grounds." She said, thumb running over his bottom lip. "You'll join them."
It wasn't a question, but an order. One he wasn't brave enough to not follow. Not after the things his sweet,sweet wife had done to him throughout the previous night.
"That's it." The woman laughed out as she bent forward, lips meeting with those of Aegon. "I must go, my love. Get ready, then head down. You'll find clothes on the chair over there."
His pale eyes shot open, following to where her hand was pointing at. He nodded once more, head falling down after. The Prince put the washcloth on the nightstand as he got up.
Although he was a few good inches taller than her, Aegon felt incredibly small. Weak. Worthless. Undeserving.
He hissed as her hands wrapped around his wrists, successfully getting her to pull away. For a bit. Then she grabbed him again, this time much more gently, and brought them up so she could take a closer look.
The porcelain skin was now red and swollen. The ropes had left behind thin, angry traces where they'd cut in, marring the blank canvas Aegon was.
"I am sorry, my dragon." She whispered as she peppered his inner wrists with soft, apologetic kisses.
"It's fine." The Prince finally spoke out, his voice hoarse and trembling. He was smiling down at her, trying to bite back another hiss. "I...enjoyed it."
The brunette looked up at him, plump lips meeting with the red skin for the last time before she let go. Her arms wrapped around his neck, body pressing close to his.
Aegon rubbed his bruised cheek against hers, melting in her hands.
"My dragon..." She trailed off, pulling him impossibly close to herself. "I love you."
Aegon whined again, the tears now falling freely from his eyes. His hands reached for her hips, nails digging into the green silk of the gown that covered them.
"Say it again..." He was falling apart, body shaking with the intensity of the sobs that left his mouth. "Please."
The woman kept quiet. The fingers that were rubbing small circles on the back of his head, stopped moving.
"Please." Aegon needed to hear it. Especially after the cruel words she'd punished him with the night before. "Tell me you love me. Please."
Love me. Love me. Love me.
But she didn't say it. Instead, she unwrapped her arms from around him. The Prince almost fell to his knees at the loss of contact.
"Get dressed." She turned around, walking towards the doors of their chambers.
Aegon became painfully aware of the pitiful state he was in- naked, crying and begging, covered in endless amount of bruises, scratches and marks. He tried to put himself back together, to wipe the broken expression off his face. But there was no point.
In just a few hours, she'd completely destroyed whatever it was, that was left of the Prince. He had no ground to stand on. Not anymore. He could yell in her face, break her to pieces, even kill her. But she'd die, knowing she won. Knowing that she'd broken him in, taken him down to being this sad, miserable excuse of a person.
"I love you." Her voice reached Aegon's ears. "I truly do."
Then she was gone.
"What happened to you?" Aemond asked as his brother approached him. He lowered his sword, signaling to Criston he'd take a break.
The knight offered a small nod, then turned his attention to the younger boys who were standing off to the side.
"Got into some trouble last night?" The one-eyed prince teased.
Aegon's head shot up, eyes staring up at his younger brother in shock. How did he find out, he heard his trembling voice inside his head. His legs almost gave out at the thought of Aemond knowing what she'd done to him. His brother already looked down on him, what must he be thinking now, that he knew his big brother was used like a whore.
"Told you that you shouldn't be going out into the city alone..." Prince Aemond said, hand reaching for Aegon's shoulder.
Aegon bit down a groan as his brother's hand came down on one of the bitemarks. He shook his head, his usual smug grin coming back on his face to cover the pain.
"It was nothing, don't worry about it." A relieved breath escaped through Aegon's words. Fortunately, Aemond didn't notice it.
The long-haired man lowered his hand, eyeing Aegon up and down suspiciously. There was nothing out of the ordinary. His brother looked a bit tired, a bit disheveled. Nothing he hadn't seen before.
He looked away for a second, then his eye came back to Aegon.
"What in the Seven Hells are you wearing?"
Aegon was sporting a high-collared black doublet, black pants and leather boots. That's not what shocked Aemond. It was the red shirt that showed underneath the doublet. The red cord it was embroidered with. The three-headed dragon pin on his chest.
Then his eye trained on Aegon's hands. The ridiculously large gold ring was resting on his little finger of his right hand. On his left thumb, however, was a simple steel band ring. One that had the sigil of House Strong on it.
Aegon turned red as he noticed the way his brother was inspecting him.
"Leave it be." He whispered, eyes going back to their nephews, who were now swinging at Ser Criston. "It doesn't concern you."
Aemond wrapped one gand around the back of Aegon's neck, eliciting a pained growl from his brother.
"You didn't get that nasty bruise out in the streets, did you?" Aemond teased, eye darting to his brother now and then. "No shame, brother. I honestly expected for your Strong lady to put you in your place way sooner."
Aegon didn't dare say a word. He stood there, allowing his baby brother to make his cruel joke.
"Prince Aegon, Prince Aemond..." Criston's voice rang out. "Would you join us? We have to even the odds."
Aemond turned nodded, then took a step forward. He turned suddenly, spinning on one heel.
"Would anyone blame me if that little bastard lost an eye whilst sparring?" He said with that smirk of his. "Do you think your Strong lady will come after me, do to me what she did to you?"
And there it was, the straw that broke the camel's back. Aegon's back.
He lunged at his brother, knocking him to the ground. With his newfound strength, it only took a few blows to the face for Aemond to pass out, his head bouncing up and down with every hit.
Ser Criston, Luke and Jace reached them in no time. They tried to pull Aegon off, but the Prince simply refused to let go. The rage had blinded him, all he could see was his brother's bloodied face.
But it wasn't the cruel jokes. Nor was it Aemond threatening to take their nephew's eye out. It was him, suggesting that the Princess would put her hands on Aemond the way she'd done to Aegon.
That was for him. The pain, the humiliation,the punishment. All his. No one else's. His alone.
And just like that, Prince Aegon let go. He allowed for Criston to pull him to his feet and away from Aemond.
All his. No one else's. His alone.
He shook off Cole's hands, then turned to stare at her. Waiting. For her to storm over to him, and show everyone where his place was. To show to his mother, his sisters, his cousins, his nephews.
But nothing came. She stood there, at the top of the steps, staring down at him. One hand extended out towards Aegon. Drawing him, guiding him.
He didn't notice how Alicent ran past him, nor did he see how she dropped to her knees, next to Aemond's unconscious body. He didn't notice the scared and confused looks on his nephews faces or the way his half-sister, Rhaenyra, looked from her daughter to him with a smug grin.
All he could see was her.
Aegon followed the woman into the Red Keep and up the steps, towards their chambers.
"Why?" She asked, flopping down on the bed.
He didn't respond. Aegon was too busy trying to undo the clasps of his doublet to notice she'd said something.
"Come here..." She murmured, hand reaching out for him just like it had out there.
He heard her this time. Without wasting any time he strode over, only stopping when he had to look down to get a good look of her face.
They stood there like that for a bit, neither saying a word.
Then she spread her legs slowly, making room for him.
"Closer, I can't reach you."
The Prince took another step forward, now standing between her legs.
"I asked you a question." She said softly, fingers quickly undoing the clasps, then the buttons of his shirt. "Why did you do it?"
"He threatened to take your brother's eye out."
"I don't like it when you lie to me, Aegon." Her whole demeanor changed in the blink of an eye. There was no gentleness to her anymore. She tugged at the strings of his breeches, untying them with one swift move. "So why? I want the truth."
Aegon Targaryen had never shied away from a woman's touch the way he did when his wife's fingers ran down his happy trail. He sucked in a breath.
"He..." The Prince turned to look out the opened windows.
"What did he do?" She looked up at him, two fingers hooking at the front of his pants and tugging down.
"He asked if you'd do what you did to me, if he were to take his eye out." Aegon admitted, shaking his clothes of his body.
"And that made you knock Aemond out cold because..." The woman almost laughed at her own words. Aegon got him good, she couldn't deny it.
She watched as his breeches fell to the ground, freeing Aegon from the tight grasp they had on him. He let out a hiss as the cold air touched him, his already hard cock slapping against his lower abdomen.
Aegon looked away again, too ashamed of how much effect she had on him.
Two hungry eyes were staring down at the head of his cock, deep shade of pink and already leaking.
"Because...?" She teased, hand wrapping around him.
Aegon let out a deep moan, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. His pale face was turning red, making the purple bruise on his cheek stand out even more.
He hissed as she dragged her hand up and down the length of his cock at a painfully slow pace. The soreness of the night before still lingered, making every inch of his body scream in agony. Still, he found himself coming to love the feeling. The pain. The humiliation. The punishment.
"Because I don't want you to touch anyone else the..." His breath hitched as the brunette bent down a bit and licked a long stripe up the underside of his cock.
She felt him twitch slightly, making her let out an amused huff. A shiver ran down Aegon's back when he felt her warm breath hit him. His hand came to rest at the back of her head, gently massaging the skin underneath his fingers.
The sensation of her wet tongue dissappeared once she reached the tip, leaving the man to thrust his hips into the air. Then her full lips wrapped around the head, her tongue circling around it. She let out a low hum, the sound reverberating throughout his whole body.
"I don't want you to do what you did to me last night to anyone else!" He cried out, almost toppling over at the feeling of her tongue rubbing over the slit of his cock. "Just me..."
Her lips left him with a loud pop, the woman laughing softly at it. She wiped away the mixture of precum and saliva from her lips as she looked up at him.
"Just you, my dragon." She said as her hands wrapped around his wrists gently, guiding them towards her shoulders. "Help me get it off."
Aegon looked at her with a dumbstruck look on his face. His confusion didn't prevent him from sliding down the garment past her shoulders.
"You're not angry at me?" He asked.
"Quite the opposite..." The brunette said as she got up, leaving barely any space between their faces. "I'm proud of you, my brave dragon."
Another whine escaped Aegon as he slid his hands down her body, ridding her of her green gown. He pulled her close, their chest pressing against together.
He hid his face in the crook of her neck, planting wet, needy kisses on the skin there. Aegon lifted her up, the woman wrapping her legs around his waist quickly. He climbed on the bed while still holding her.
"I'm so sorry..." He said as he pulled away to look at her. "About yesterday. I didn't mean it, I just wanted to get a reaction from..."
She cut him short, pushing him off of her and then climbing on top of Aegon. On hand reached up to cover his mouth, the other going to his throat.
"I know." The Princess said, grinding down on him.
Aegon moaned from behind her hand, thrusting up. The grip she had on his throat got stronger. He stilled, his breathing did too.
The hand on his face turned, until her thumb was pressing down on his lips. He opened his mouth, tongue swirling around the single digit, cheeks hollowing as he sucked in.
"So good..." She whispered, her other hand sliding down his body and dissappearing between them. "So fucking good. For me."
Aegon's eyes fluttered shut as she wrapped her fingers around his cock, head shaking up and down with a choked moan.
"So brave..." The woman raised up slightly as she guided his cock to her, rubbing it over her slick cunt. "My brave dragon."
He bit down on her thumb as the tip of his cock entered her. The woman hissed, but didn't pull away. Instead, she hooked her other fingers under his chin, then shook slowly.
"Try not to bite it off or I'll have to return the favor." She joked, eyes darting from him to where their bodies met.
Both let out a chuckle, the sound soon getting replaced by Aegon's whines.
"Move." He unwrapped his lips from around her thumb, teeth still holding it in place. "Please."
"As my Prince commands..." Her breath hitched as she slammed down on him.
Her free hand trailed back up and then down again, nails digging in. Soon his porcelain skin turned to an angry shade of red, blood prickling.
Aegon couldn't hold back anymore. His hips snapped up, meeting with hers. Her palm collided with his face. He bit down on the digit in his mouth again with another hard thrust.
Another slap. His cheek was staring to sting. Then he did it again.
"You're enjoying it, aren't you?" She hissed out as she bounced up and down.
Aegon hummed, tongue rubbing against the pad of her thumb.
She pulled her hand away from his face, his teeth dragging over.
"I want to hear you." She said as she dropped down to his chest, legs giving out. "Say it."
Aegon mumbled a few incoherent sentences before wrapping his arms around her waist tight. He set up a painfully fast speed, skin hitting skin as he chased his own high.
Her mind went blank at the first thrust, hands pushing up as she tried to pull away from his grasp. She almost slipped away, but Aegon was quick to follow her. His head dipped down, lips wrapping around one of her nipples. He bit down and then sucked in, just as she'd done to him the night before.
A hiss came from the woman. One of her hands sneaked over his shoulder, then pulled his head back by his hair.
A thin string of saliva trailed from his mouth and down to her bruised nipple. He offered a toothy, devilish grin before licking his lips clean.
"I'm close." She stuttered, eyes shutting tight.
Aegon laughed out as his bruised cheek came to rest on her chest, his eyes closing. He kept the same pace, the sweet aching in his hips coming once more.
"Princess, the feast..." The doors flew open, one of her maids barging in. "Oh, Gods!"
The girl left just as quickly, blush creeping up on her face.
"Don't stop!" She moaned out as Aegon's thrust stuttered. "Don't!"
He laughed again, hips snapping. Then he stopped completely.
"It would seem I still don't know my place, wife." He craned his neck up as his mouth left behind a hot, blazing trail from her collarbones to her jaw.
"You'll learn..." The woman looked down at him, hand going back to wrap around his throat. "...husband."
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I wore the new coat you gave me every day, until it wasnt new any more. When the collar wore out, i had it replaced. When the elbows tore, i had them patched. by the end of it, the bottom of the coat had been re-hemmed so many times, rolled up upon itself again and again, that it became as short as an undershirt. My Third Brother saw it once, and teased me mercilessly for being such an unfashionable miser. I just laughed along. I couldn't explain. I didn't want to. You were always better at words than I was.
Here at our barracks, we have a custom of passing on our old clothes to the junior officers. Over the course of several years, favorite coats would slowly make its way down the ranks, and if it was fortunate enough to avoid getting lost or destroyed at the end of its distinguished service, the men would split it among themselves to make scarves, turbans, and kerchiefs. (once those small pieces were too far gone, they would be turned into cleaning rags). The old, green battle-coat that my Elder Brother gave me now decorates the brows of my fellow men. It gives me the same warm feeling of contentment to see it on them, as i had once felt wearing it.
I never parted with the new coat you gave me. I wore it until it was no longer new, and kept wearing it long after. If the men noticed, they made no comment. I kept it on under the clothes my Liege Lord and Elder Brother gave me. It started out as the most beautiful thing I’ve ever owned, but strangely enough, I only grew fond of it after it became an unsightly mess of patchwork. More darn than silk. If you saw it now, you would have laughed, like you did last time. You might have tried to give me a replacement, and gone away looking so hurt and confused when i refused. You should know by now that i do not take gifts lightly.
One morning, several years after the day we last parted, the coat tore in my hands as i was putting it on. The fabric had become so thin. I folded it up, and kept it safe in my chest until evening. When the stars came out, I brought it out and laid it over the campfire, where the flames ate it up and the winds scattered the ashes far and wide.
Oh boy, it is officially 1 AM and I am having many, many thoughts and feelings tonight about cao cao and guan yu. Notes under the cut.
So the story is inspired by something my mom told me once about clothes recycling in 70s China. She would get hand-me-down clothes from her big sister, once those were worn out, they would go to her little brother, after that, it would be used to patch other clothes, and once those wore out they would be used for rags. Quite a lifecycle. For much of human history, producing textiles was a expensive and time-consuming process, and it made me think about what people do with their old clothes doing the Han Dynasty. In the novel it’s mentioned several times that people would get rewarded old clothes from their superiors, so there is some precedence to this.
Cao cao: oh, woe is me, the most miserable man in existence! My love is totally unrequited. Yunchang cares naught for me!
Guan yu: ^
I use the translation “coat“ for 袍, there isn’t really a one to one English word, (although it’s often called a “heavy robe”). I’ve decided to go with “coat” to keep it more localized, and because I think “heavy robe” is clunky. Idk how to really explain it, the word robe denotes this very specific style of dress from outsiders perspective, in a way that doesn’t come naturally if you are a native speaker talking about your normal clothes. Vibes vs accuracy, FIGHT!
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AITA for not outing myself at my internship?
(some quoted things are paraphrased because my native language isnt english and i had to translate the things im quoting first.)
I (20+, trans nb) recently got a four week internship at a local radio station. I dont take any HRT yet and dont own a binder, so while i do try to dress in a way that feels comfortable to me, i dont really consider myself to be passing. So I applied to the internship as my deadname (which is also still my legal name) and introduced myself as a girl and with that name too. I was going in with the mindset that its kinda my own personal thing to consider, and since its only temporary and involves 'official' stuff (documents, articles being credited etc) + i never know how people would react to it/treat me, i dont necessarily have to tell everyone i meet. the internship went over kinda fast and everyone there was really nice and i had a feeling they'd also be accepting and use my right pronouns and name if i told them, but at that part i didnt have much time left and didnt want them to suddenly treat me differently and make a big thing out of it.
During the last few days of the internship, i got sick and couldn't go to work, which in itself was fine. But what happened was that my grandpa, who sometimes does volunteering at the same radio station, had an appointment to record something on one of the days i was sick and thought it'd be nice to surprise visit me. I, being sick and at home, obviously wasn't there but when he tried to find me he called out my new name and not my deadname, and when they got confused and asked him who he meant he apparently kind of laughed at them for not knowing that that name is me.
The next day, when i called in again to tell them I'd have to stay home for the next two days (till weekend) too, i immediately got asked why he was calling me [new name] instead of [deadname]. I got kinda uncomfortable since its like, either forcing me to lie or to out myself. I ended up telling them the truth, that im actually trans and prefer that name and that my family & friends use it for me, but that i didnt feel like outing myself at their workplace since it was only a short term official thing. The woman on the phone then went along the lines of "ah, i figured it was that already. you wouldnt have been the first trans intern we had, we would have been happy to use your new name for you. I also didn't like/appreciate your grandfather laughing at me for not knowing about it". I didnt really comment on that more than saying 'thanks' because i didnt want to have to defend me not outing myself? And we had a few other official things to discuss regarding the internship ending anyway.
A few days later i got mail from them, which had the documents i needed to prove i was an intern there (and they were nice and sent two copies, one with my deadname and she/her and one with my new name and he/him). There was another smaller piece of paper in the envelope which read "kind regards from everyone in the team. and sorry we weren't sensitive/understanding/empathetic enough for you to tell us".
And it sounds nice, but to me the message + the conversation i had where i was kind of forced to out myself earlier reads kind of passive aggressive. or as indirectly telling me i should have just outed myself and they're hurt by me not trusting them enough to tell them and making them look dumb to my grandfather for not knowing.
What are these acronyms?
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thefandomdirtymind · 7 months
Yoo casual is so good please tell me you’ll do a part 3 🥺🥺
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A/N IMPORTANT:  Hi there ! It's will be the last part for Casual so I hope you will like it ! Thank you to squirrelbait02 and imhenritz for the many ideas it had help me a lot ! Since it's the last part It's kinda long, I hope you will like it !
Casual Part 3 NSFW
Part 1 - Part 2 NSFW
OPLA - Sanji
Sanji / OPLA Masterlist and Coming Soon
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.
Your hand pressed against your mouth, counseling your cry as the tears were running down your cheeks. The luminosity of the small lightbulb flashing above your head, it seemed to you as if all the air of the tiny food pantry was instantly gone. 
Pushing your fingers further into Sanji's soft hair tugging gently on them, trying to not moan. You gave a glance at the perfect view you have of him, on his knees in front of you, one of your legs resting on his shoulder, as his face was buried against your warm core. His hungry mouth letting you no respite, others that muffle your scream and enjoy the ride. 
Panting heavily against the side of your tight, his chin wet with your arousal, as his fingers massaging that special spot inside of you. Your secret boyfriend gently sucked your clits between his lips, his tongue playing with the little ball of nerves until he felt your hips buckle and your orgasm struck you like a lightning. 
Fucking in the confined space wasn’t your idea, even if you should have been suspicious, the blond had lead you there under false pretense and you hadn’t been able to resonate him, or even yourself, that it was an bad idea. 
“ Fuck, Sanji please, please stop i’m too sensitive” You pleaded, his hot breath playing on your sweaty skin sending shivers trough your spine. 
“I only follow the needs of your pussy, look at it still so greedy for me mon amour” He chuckles leaving a hickey on your inner thighs. “ Would be a true shame to disappoint the body of * ma déesse” He whispered as he stood, pinning you to the shelves with his body,lifting your leg around his waist, his tips already brushing your folds. * my Goddess  
But the laundry room was your idea, and what an idea it had been. Not only for all the comfort of the fresh sheets and towels, but also the immense joy of making Sanji lose his English, making him whine in French as you found a new sensitive spot.
“Bordel, Merde, tu est si chaude, si douce. Continue n'arrête pas s’il te plait. Oui, comme ça, tu es magnifique. Arrête de rire de..bordel, mon changement de langue, ça resserre ta chatte et tu va me faire jouir trop tôt “ *
* “ Fuck, Shit you’re so warm so soft. Keep going, don't stop please, yes like that, you’re so beautiful. Stop laughing of, Fuck, my language switch, it squeeze your pussy and you will make me cum too soon “ 
Due to many years of hearing and talking with him, catching words here and there. You have developed a not so bad understanding of French, but still, for pure mischief purposes, you intentionally often lose words in translation.  
“ You want me to keep going and squeeze my pussy ?” You smirked, your hands steading yourself on his chest as your hips rolled faster, making his hands handle your ass more firmly, leaving fingers bruised as his eyes closed in ecstasy. 
Still,because of your brilliant idea. You had to try at all costs, for at least the last week, to not drop something on the floor due to the pain of your friction bruised knees. 
Being in love with Sanji was easy, like breathing or boiling water. Keeping your hand and mouth from each other was more difficult. Since your confession, in a moment of passion and his favorable reaction, turning your life in a more vivid shade of colors. A thought way less joyfull was still stopping you from enjoying the situation to its fullness. The revelation of your relationship to your father, dangling like the Damocles swords above your heads.  
Zeff wasn’t a bad man, even if his pirate reputation would push others to think otherwise. Yes, his boots were bloody as his reputation, and yes you will receive some kick if he found eggshell in your crème brulée. But your father was also the man who’s have save a young boy and lost his leg for him just because they share the same dream, a retired pirate who’s had open that restaurant in the goal of feed the sailor in need of food,even if it had grown to become a business a poor pirate without berries couldn’t afford, you knew your dad and lover would never let an human famish.He had also welcome you with kindness and a softness you wouldn’t deduce he possess when he had learn the dead of your mother. 
Sure, you had some resentment against him for a while, for impregnating your mother before coming back to his pirate life and never came back, even after she had written him a letter. But, your abandonment syndrome has now fully healed after years of being treated as not just his cherished daughter but also after finding him, late at night, a bottle of liquor in hand,his eyes full of tears, talking to your deceased mother, telling him how sorry he was and how wonderful you were.
And now his amazing daughter was preparing himself to strike him with the dagger of betrayal, because her and his little proteger, was in love and fucking in every hidden corner of his fish building. What could be worse ? 
Opening your eyes, the light of the rising sun filtered by your curtains, you could feel the sad and cold absence of Sanji by your side, as well as a strange sensation of heavy limbs and a slight nausea. A small discomfort who quickly became stronger as you tried to get out of your bed. It didn’t take you long, but not without some falls in the way, to reach the bathroom and empty your stomach. 
Downstairs, as Sanji was pushing the kitchen door, the feeling of your warmth still clinging to his chest and the faint smell of your lovely scent in his nose, the blond cook met the side gaze of his mentor, a strange smirk floating on his lips. 
“ You took some fresh air little eggplant ? “
“ I didn’t, but it seems it will rain. I can see gray clouds from the window, why old man ?” Sanji asked, taking a mixing bowl from one of the main kitchen islands.
“ Do you think you’re so smart that I can see the sign, little eggplant? “ The old man continu, cutting his portions of vegetables. 
Stopping his hand a few inches from the eggs,trying to think of the best strategy to adopt, the blond cook slowly takes the ingredient and joins the retired pirate on the counter.
“ What are you talking about ?” He innocently asked, trying to stay out of the trajectory of the long knife the father of his lover was holding. 
“ Did you think I didn’t notice that your room is empty most nights or I didn’t see you came back to it a wee hours only with your pants on ? I’m old Sanji, I'm not stupid.” Zeff said, putting aside the freshly cut julienne carrots, to take the mushrooms. 
“ Zeff... I…I can explain, I swear it wasn't intentional...we…it’s just happen” The younger cook confesses, stepping slowly away, vision of his future death by a butcher knives or deadly kick, way to close in his mind. 
“ Little eggplant, didn’t I teach nothing, that's how love works, it just happens ! So, hm, in which ship is she ? “ His mentor grumbled, misunderstanding the reaction of his sous-chef for an annoyance toward his out of character playful teasing. 
“ Ship…” Sanji processed, suddenly comprehending the misunderstanding. “ She hm…” 
But for once, sadly not for long, Sanji was happy to see Patty rushing in the kitchen, a concerned expression on his face. 
“ Boss Man, Y/N seems not right, we can hear her throwing up from the corridor upstairs.” The blue haired cook said
“ What ?! “ Both men asked, letting go immediately of their occupation. 
“ Sanji, send a waiter to the docked ships for an inboard doctor, Patty take in charge the brunch prep “ Zeff ordered, already in motion to go upstairs, his tone leaving no place to object. 
“ Yes “ Sanji replied, refraining his urge to be at your side, his mind flooded with concern, trying to see if he could have missed a clue of your illness this morning. But all he could remember was that you were peacefully asleep when he had left you,nothing apparently troubling your sleep.“ Beaulieu,Y/N is sick, go ask if one of the ships has a doctor and make it as quick as you can ! “ 
Nodding of the head, the trusted waiter takes his leave, almost running, the feeling that his slow walk could earn him some kicks not only by his boss but by the blond man too. 
Laying in your bed, cold sweat running down your spine,your mood darken by the strict restriction of your father to doing anything, you lift your gaze to the doctor.
The man, probably in his mid-forty you largely guess, was wearing square glasses and a brown suit who’s seem to have seen better days. If somebody had asked you, you would have assumed that he didn’t enroll voluntarily in the pirate life but had been snatched in it when an morally gray captain needed a doctor on board. 
“ Well Miss, I will only have some question before starting” 
“ Of course, but Doctor, isn't consultation supposed to be private ? ” You asked, shooting at Zeff, standing in the corner of the room, his arm crossed on his chest, a nervous look.
“ Well indeed it is usually the case…” The medical man confirmed, before shutting his mouth under the dark gaze of your father. 
“ I won’t let my sick daughter with a man I don’t know, doctor or not,” Zeff said. 
Knowing that you will never win this battle, you sigh and sign to the doctor to ask his question,trying to reply as best as you can. 
“ Now in a more personal topic I'm afraid but are you sexually active “ The doctor asked, glancing nervously at Zeff.
“ Of course not “ Your father starts to say, a chuckles on his lips, like if the question was about impossible things or myth.  
“ Yes…” You confessed, trying to avoid the shocked gaze of the old pirate as the man in the brown suit babbled about the possibility of pregnancy and tests.
You could swear that the next moment was the most embarrassing and worst moment of your life. Sit on your bed, vulnerable in your sickness and your pajamas, you had to endure Zeff interrogation. Trying to stay silent or opening your mouth to deny that your lover was a customer or that it was non consensual, preventing the chef from ruining his restaurant reputation. You stubbornly stayed mute as your father furiously exits your room forgetting all his big principles.   
“ WHICH OF YOU SAD WORM, WARM SHRIMP, FROZEN MEAT HAD TOUCH MY DAUGHTER ! “  Zeff shouted, passing the double door leading to the kitchen.
In an instant, the usually noisy kitchen, full of cooks and waiters preparing everything to start the day, felt silent, every eye fixed on their angry boss. 
Froze in place, mute like the others. Sanji was watching his mentor traveling the kitchen, his cold gaze scrutinizing each and every male member of his staff, finishing by him before taking a place in front of them. 
“ Nobody ? Then we will do that the hard way. Until I have a name your day will start with the rise of the sun. You had energy to have sex with my daughter, not anymore. Every morning we will do 25 to 30 laps around the restaurant, followed by push-ups and jumping Jack. If we still have time before the opening, lifting those potato sacks and barrels would be enough to make you want to confess. Then we will prepare and open that damn place ! Is that clear !?“
“ Boss man, it is not fair to punish the staff for the mistake of a stupid man “ Patty exclaimed, followed by the agreement of the other men. 
“ Then confess Patty or find me that failed soufflé of a man. Every complaint or protest will meet my kick or the cold water outside. Now get back to work ! “ 
Returning to their occupation, mumbling of discontent floating like swaps of bees in his guilty ears. Sanji makes his way to Zeff, his need of telling the truth burning his tongue. 
“ Zeff…” The blond advances, nervousness twisting his stomach. 
“ She will be okay, little eggplant.” The old man said, putting his rough hand on his shoulder“ the doctor was talking about doing some tests and coming back with them in a few days. I can’t say the same when I catch that slimy eel not good enough to make a pie“
“Test, what kind of test ?” Sanji asked, trying to stay in control of himself when stress was slowly eating him alive and desire to run as fast as he could upstairs made him feel as if he had stepped on a nest of ants.  
“ I’m not a doctor, little eggplant “ The old pirate replied, mistaking his little proteger concern for a kind of brotherly worries. “ But she’s a strong girl, it's not a few drops of blood or few tests who will wear her off. Now go back to your station, those orders will not prepare themselves and no creativity dishes or what you call them today, I already have enough problems like it is !” 
If you were strong enough to endure the necessary tests, Sanji couldn’t say the same about all the poor male staff members of the Baratie who had to suffer the rigorous military training of Zeff the next morning. Many, after a few laps around the platform, had fallen in the water or just collapsed after their second push up. It was true that growing under Zeff's umbrella, following from a young age his training to learn his kick technique, had given the blond a certain advantage. However, as he lifted his upper body for the fifteen time, sweat ran freely on his skin. The noise of another body falling behind him, making the wood vibrate under his hands, permit Sanji to briefly steal a glance to your windows, seeing your shadow play in the curtain. 
The previous day had been sort of challenging. Between trying to cook properly when all he was about to think was you but also secretly trying to sneak into your room, before having to quickly escape at the sight of Zeff guarding your door. His brain hadn’t stopped a minute to find a wait to finally see you. 
It takes two more days before an opportunity presents itself.
A heavy barrel on his shoulder, jogging between the kitchen and the outside. Sanji finally had his moment when Zeff, distracted by the spill of a sack of potatoes on the platform, finally stopped to look at them like a hawk to focus on the poor man who made the mistake.
Leaving the barrel among the others, Sanji sprints up the stairs, his already tired muscles burning. But, as he reached your door, entering as fast as he could before closing the door behind him, nothing could have stopped him. 
“ Sanji ! “ He heard you exclaim before feeling the mass of your body pushing him against the door and your lips covering his. 
Your time, stuck in your own room without being able to see him, hasn't either been easy for you. The nausea, more present than ever, didn't seem to stop soon and your constant fight with Zeff trying to at the same time protect and interrogate you usually leave you with a headache, making the situation all for the worst. 
“ I missed you so much” You whispered against his mouth, stealing kiss after kiss, only taking small breaks to take some air.
“ I missed you too,” Sanji said, wrapping his arms around you, kissing your forehead. “ Zeff had talked about some tests, are you okay ? “ 
Color slightly spreading on your cheeks, you slowly nod off the head against his chest. 
“ The doctor seems to think of a possible pregnancy “ You inform him, unsure of his reaction. 
You had taken some precaution of course, taking your pills religiously. But as the doctor informed you of the slim chance you still could have ended up pregnant, your mind had returned to the memory of your single mother, abandoned on his island. 
Yet, as you felt his arms tighten around your waist, you didn’t expect the pure expression of joy and adoration on Sanji's face.
“ Are you sure mon amour ? “ He softly asked, his thumbs making a slow circle on your lower back. 
“ It seems the most plausible thing for the doctor. But he wasn’t completely sure, it still could be some other things “ You replied, still unsure of how you felt about the situation. A baby was some really big responsibility and a full life changing experience you didn’t know if you were ready for.  
“ Imagine how adorable our baby would be,” Sanji dreamily said “ and the cooking talent he would inherit, I hope he will have your smile, I love your smile“ 
“ Sanji ,nothing is sure yet” You tried to resonate with him, still amused to see him already so invested in such an unsure situation. “ And we still hadn’t talked to my father, I would like to not mourn you before knowing the reason of my illness “ 
“Zeff will be such a grumpy grandpa, but I'm sure the baby will just have to look at him to melt his old heart” Your lover continu, lost in his fantasy. 
“ Sanji please” You laugh, your own heart melting to see him so happy. “ If my dad heard you before we talk to him I kill you myself “ 
“ We indeed need to find a way to tell him before he wears off the staff to death with his morning training. The waiter already had some difficulties carrying many plates at once or had to take off because of exhaustion. Yesterday one of the cooks had failed to lift a pot full of soup and had flooded the kitchen floor. But we have to prepare our words or the baby will probably not have sibling due to their father missing a precious part “
“ Losing that precious part isn’t indeed not negotiable” You joked your mouth finding once again his way to his. “ I love you, even if right now you reek of sweat” 
“ You never complained before” He chuckles against your lips.’ I love you too”  
“ Y/N I bring you your breakfast ! “ You heard the voice of Zeff tell from somewhere behind the door, making you both freeze in place. “ Come open the door please ! “ 
Acting quickly, trying to find a place to hide Sanji, you helped him to slide under the bed while you vaguely replied to Zeff. 
Once your breakfast tray is put on your bed, your father is clearly trying to make you feel better by cooking himself your favorite morning meal, and a small talk you fastly cut faking nausea. You slowly let go of the breath you didn’t notice you were keeping before noticing Sanji that he could get out. 
“ We really need to talk to him…” He said , getting up off the floor. “ I should leave before he notice I’m missing “ 
“ So it was you Little Eggplant” You both heard as the door slowly opened. “ Would you think I didn’t notice you never came back with the barrel ?“ 
“Zeff, i’m sorry, but we can explain” Sanji advances. 
“ Explain, explain ? How does that simply happen ? Love happens, little eggplants, but why does it have to be my daughter ?! Zeff asked, anger lighting his features as he stopped at only a few inches of the blond. “ Dad, we were about to talk to you I swear” You tried. 
“ Because Y/N is wonderful, kind, smart, beautiful and I love her, that’s why old man ! Sanji replied, anger coloring his tone. “ If you hadn’t send that man hunt disguise as an Marine training, we would probably tell you soon” 
Bursting in laughter, Zeff shakes his head. 
“ Why do you think I make all my men sweat like pigs, Sanji? I knew the smell would betray them one day or another and the only thing I would do then was follow them ! “ The old chef said, touching his nose “ But I should know it was you, I'm almost glad it’s you little eggplant…”
Taken aback, Sanji looked as his mentor then you, unsure if he had heard him right. 
“ What ? He asked. 
“ I’m almost glad it was you, you're a good man and you will be good for her. But don’t make my mistake. She will be the best thing in your life, even better than the All Blue” Zeff replied, any trace of anger gone. 
Your eyes fill with tears, wishing your mother would be able to hear him, you simply take Sanji's hand. 
“ Now I need you in the kitchen. Let her eat her breakfast in peace. The doctor is supposed to come back today for the result and I haven't decided yet if I still kick your ass for that” Zed simply said before exiting the room.   
You indeed heard about your test later in the day as the nervous doctor, his brown suit even more wrinkled than a few days earlier. Sit in your room with Sanji and Zeff, you carefully watch him pull out colorful vials, explaining to you their utility. 
“ Then, as you can see, the pregnancy vial hadn’t changed colors, so Miss Y/N isn’t pregnant. An overdose of stress or a radical change of habit could also be the reason for his nausea.” 
Nodding of the head, you thank the doctor, staying silent for a minute. 
“ Should I be sorry ?” You softly asked Sanji, knowing that the idea of your pregnancy had filled him with joy. 
“ Pourquoi mon amour ? “* He asked you, as Zeff coughed in the corner of the room. “ Why, My love? “ * 
“ You seem happy at the idea that maybe I was pregnant, but I'm not…” You replied, yourself  unsure of how you feel about the news.
Taking your hand in his, Sanji softly smiles, kissing the side of your head. 
“ It just means that when it will be time, we will have to try harder to bring that cute baby to life” He smiled ,chuckling with you as Zeff's cough became louder. 
“ I definitely should be back in the kitchen and forget I heard that” He said as he got up off his chair, letting you some privacy. “ Sanji, don’t make me kick your ass” 
It takes some time for Zeff and the staff to be accommodated as your love. Of course, Sanji had received some cold shoulder about the Marine training. But, after a few weeks, the staff had started to smile while you shared even a crumble of affection or whistle when he caught you kissing.
Life in the restaurant ship wasn’t easy when he came to privacy, even if Sanji had moved his stuff in your room at the first chance he got. But, often, late at night or between two shifts, you still find a way to make beautiful memories in the most unusual of place. 
“ Love, where does that bruise on your shoulder ? “ Sanji asked one night, kissing your shoulder as you tried unsuccessfully to put on your pajamas,as your lover try for his part to  ruined your effort. 
“ I don’t know, maybe the dinner room alcove? You know when you had to bite my shoulder to stay quiet “ You joked. “ Or maybe the coat hanger yesterday ? I remember I had bumped against it when I came.”
Laughing at the memory, you shared a slow kiss, remembering that all this had started with a night of festivity and the idea of keeping it casual. As you lay in bed with Sanji, you knew that now that you had found that happiness, you knew you will followed him however he goes.
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
Ik you’ve got most the hp charecters with an Indian reader, but what about yan. Blaise zabini with an Indian reader lol?
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If this offended anyone I apologize in advance, my intention was not to offend you and if you feel offended by it, I'll take it down
He was supposed to hate you and loathe every single part of you, he hated the way you sounded so melodious when you spoke in your native language with someone or when he saw you in those beautiful Ghagra cholis and sarees and lehangas. He hated the way his heart grew soft and warm when it came to you and yet he finds himself getting drawn towards you. He's appalled at himself for taking an interest in you and yet he despises seeing you hanging around those gits from Gryffindor and his eyes narrow to slits whenever he sees you laughing at something that blood traitor Weasley said. It infuriates him even more when you speak to other people about your culture except for him, it's like you're indirectly telling him that he's not good enough for you. How dare you give your attention to someone else other than him? He doesn't really make an issue and a scene about it though, he just broods with a stoic yet seething rage bubbling inside him whenever you interact with someone that's not him
One day during the Potions class, you got berated by Snape for messing up the potion and your eyes prickled with tears as you huffed under your breath. "Vedhava...gadidha mokhamoda(Translation from Telugu to English: Donkey faced fool) '' you grumbled to yourself under your breath and Blaise was intrigued by what you said. Of course, part of him felt slightly bad and somewhat sympathetic when he saw your eyes prickle with tears but his feelings of sympathy was thrown out the damn window when he spotted one of your pesky friends telling you that he'd tutor you later in Potions. After a somewhat polite yet life threatening chat which involved Blaise threatening to use the unforgivable curses on your annoying friend after slamming him against the wall, he found you in the library reading as he smirked to himself, feeling proud that he was finally able to have his moment with you
However he managed to compose himself and maintained his usual stoic demeanor and approached you as he pulled a chair next to you and sat next to you coming up with an instant excuse for his actions. "Professor Snape asked me to tutor you in Potions since you're absolutely deplorable at it'' he replied as you rolled your eyes but sighed as you accepted your fate. You expected him to be condescending and rude because of the way he was with the other people but with you, he was surprisingly patient. His eyes would often trail towards your hands which was covered in Mehendi designs to your arms and he couldn't help but think that your hands looked stunning with those intricate floral patterns on your hands. "What's that on your hand?" he asked you and you told him about your cousin's wedding that you attend a month ago and he seemed quite interested in listening to more about your culture and traditions
At the end of the tutoring session, he asked you what exactly you'd muttered during the Potions class and when you told him about it, his lips tugged upwards into an amused grin and let out a soft chuckle. You definitely were an interesting one in his eyes. As a way of thanking him for tutoring you, you decided to treat him to some of your favorite Darjeeling tea and he watched your beautiful mehendi designed hands prepare some Darjeeling tea for him. He took one sip and was instantly impressed with the enriching taste and flavor and let out a quiet approving hum of contentment while the two of you sat in comfortable silence drinking Darjeeling tea. You told him you'd visited Darjeeling when you were a kid and spoke of the lush greenery there and how it's mainly known for its tea and the scenic breathtaking views of especially the Kanchenjunga mountains. He listened to your every word with rapt attention and his mind started wandering and thinking about scenarios of the two of you heading to Darjeeling one day. There was no denying it anymore, he was growing infatuated with you
He adores seeing how flustered you get when he picks up speaking in Hindi just to see your embarrassed expressions. He'll pick up speaking those romantic quotes called Shayaris to see you blush and he finds it endearing how you're at a loss for words. He has a smirk on his face as he caresses your cheek and spouts out a Shayari like "Gulmohar, Harisinghar aur Palash ke phool jis mausam mein din raat barsenge, barrish ki tarah main milunga tumse...(Translation from Hindi to English: Like the flowers of the Gulmohar, the Harisinghar and the palash that shower on you day and night, the same way my love for you never fades away just like the continuous rains of the monsoon. Taken from the TV show Prithvi Vallabh which is one of my FAVORITE shows of all time in Indian TV shows). You just stare at him and he loves the way you look so surprised and caught off guard
He's very interested in knowing more about your culture and traditions and will do some research and read books to know more and is pleasantly surprised when you can even speak in Hindi as well. He's very fascinated with the Indian epics such as the Mahabharata and the Ramayana and tales of Indian gods and goddesses as well. He likes to hear about Arundhati and Vashishta as the perfect couple and thinks very highly of the pure spiritual love Lord Krishna and Radha have for each other. You've introduced him to Indian delicacies such as Chole Bhature(It is a combination of fried bread called Bhatura and spicy chickpeas which are called chole), Dosas(A dosa is a thin, savory crepe in South Indian cuisine made from a fermented batter of ground white gram and rice. Dosas are served hot, often with chutney and sambar), Vada Pavs(A vegetarian fast food dish native to the Indian state of Maharashtra. The dish consists of a deep fried potato dumpling placed inside a bread bun sliced almost in half through the middle. It is generally accompanied with one or more chutneys and a green chili pepper) and such but his favorite would have to be the Aloo Parathas(North Indian whole wheat flabreads with a spiced potato filling), he loves the way the spices blend together and likes the savory taste of the cold curd to go along with it
He can understand why Chai(Tea) is an emotion for you, he looks forward to having garam masala chai with you during the evenings especially when it rains, while the two of you listen to songs of popular singers such as Arjith Singh, Armaan Malik, Sid Sriram and Anirudh Ravichander while there's only the light of the Diya(An Oil lamp) to illuminate the room to make it more romantic and serene
He's somewhat amused with you complaining about the lack of logic in Indian movies sometimes but likes watching them with you. He likes the detail and cinematography that goes into making such films, especially RRR and Padmaavat. As much as he'd never admit it to you out loud for the sake of his ego, he actually likes movies which have sentimental meanings behind them such as Taare Zameen Par, 12th Fail, Chhichhore and 3 Idiots and such. There are Indian TV shows he likes watching with you as well such as Yeh Un Dino Ki baat hai, which he thinks is quite a nice love story between Naina and Sameer, Operation MBBS, Kota Factory and such. The two of you like making fun of the illogical scenes that take place in TV shows that defy the laws of physics and humanity like a lady literally falling into a suitcase, someone literally picking off a piece of the moon and such which amuse him greatly but likes to listen to you rant about it while he has an amused smile on his face. He also thinks it's quite adorable and cute whenever you switch to cussing in Hindi
When you tell him about the burden you've faced as a kid from your parents and relatives and how they always expected you to be the so called golden child of the family, he could sense your sadness which made him infuriated with your family. His expression instantly soured when you told him about your struggles regarding your education before you arrived at Hogwarts and his jaw clenched slightly in anger. He simply held your hand and traced gentle patterns on the back of your hand while you both sat in comfortable silence. He didn't like the way your parents compared you to other people, frankly he thought they were quite blind and silly not to realize how talented and precious you were. His heart truly does go out for you when he hears about how you've questioned your self worth plenty of times just because you got horrible scores before which fuels his obsession to protect you and keep you safe from such nonsense and toxicity
Of course, there are times when he does get insanely possessive as well and for a completely IRRATIONAL reason too. He heard you play the Veena and the flute and he felt himself getting lost in the magic of your melodious tunes, it was like you played the songs of the gods. He had a soft smile on his face, reserved solely for you when he saw your face etched in concentration while you created the most soulful music he'd ever heard. His mind started thinking of other people hearing your music which filled his heart with a cold fury. No one else deserved to hear your melody, it was meant and reserved only for him, the rest were all undeserving scumbags and prats in his opinion. The first time he saw you in a Bharatnatyam or Kuchipudi dance getup, he swore to Merlin his heart almost stopped beating. You looked like a goddess or an apsara who descended from the heavens above as you looked ethereal and had that radiant glow on you with your jewelry, your dress, your makeup and the jasmine flowers adorning your silky smooth hair. He couldn't take his eyes off you as his eyes followed your every movement when you danced, you were truly an Indian goddess, the way your eye movements coordinated with your leg movements and the Mudras when you performed your dance with the sound of the anklets resonating around you...you looked divine. After your dance was done, he told you that you did a wonderful dance and complimented you for it. If you're struggling to remove your anklets he'll put your foot on his lap and smirk in amusement at your bashful expression while he helps you take off your anklets
You'll invite him to one of your cousin's weddings at some point and he's very intrigued by everything that happens there. He'll be dressed in a gold and green kurta while you're dressed in a green Ghagra choli or a green saree with intricate gold borders and your body would be adorned with gold jewelry and you'd have the traditional maang tikka(An ornament worn on the forehead) and he'd just stare at you unable to say anything for a few seconds as he drinks in your elegance and radiant divine beauty. While your cousin is dressed in the red bridal saree, he can't wait for you to be dressed in a red bridal saree as well getting married to him. He pays close attention to detail and all the traditional customs and rituals, he likes the way the bride and the groom go around the holy Yagnam 7 times, he thinks it's a nice way of offering vows in the presence of the fire to unite the couple. After the wedding ceremony was finished, you and Blaise were at the banquet hall for the dinner and you mentioned that you were heading to the food counters to get some desserts. No sooner had you gone there, some guy snuck his arm around your waist and started hitting on you with all sorts of cheesy pick up lines. Blaise spotted this and his eyes narrowed to slits as he strode towards you and the guy and twisted his hand. If you think he'd be spared, you thought wrong. He'd personally deal with the bloody git who dared to touch you by cornering him in a secluded area away from the guests and use the Sectumsempra spell on him and feels sadistic pleasure course through his veins as the guy is now convulsing and twitching on the ground losing liters of blood while you remain blissfully unaware of his dark twisted tendencies he terms as love for you
If someone decides to ever make fun of your culture or hurt you in any way, they better hope and PRAY that lord Shani is in a decent mood because Blaise will NOT take such things lightly. He won't give them the satisfaction of a quick death, he'll make it slow and agonizing as possible taking his own sweet time while he has a sadistic grin etched on his face, relishing in the screams of agony of the schmuck who made the mistake of tormenting you. After light of the world finally leaves their eyes, he'll be satisfied and to cheer you up, he'll bring a box of your favorite assortment of sweets such as the Kaju Burfi, the coconut laddoos, the kalakands and a few packets of your favorite snacks such as the iconic Haldirams mixture packets and such where the two of you would spend time in each other's company listening to your favorite Indian songs
It was only a matter of time before he would 'save you' from all the darkness of society in the Wizarding World by taking you for himself and having a traditional Indian wedding to marry you, even if he has to stain his hands with more blood to ensure this dream of his turns into a reality...
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mah-t-wordblog · 2 months
hello! I am such a fan of your work, its all so cute and fluffy! 🫧 I have a bit of a big request for you, if thats okay 🙈 Can I ask for a ler!hashira and lee!Muichiro please? It could be before a hashira meeting, and the hashira are all present except Muichiro... Once Muichiro does arrive, they all decide to attack him because he's looking like such a sad and indifferent little puppy. They say that he was late, so thats why he's getting tickled but they really just want to make him laugh because he's the youngest and he's in need of some laughter! You dont have to include all the hashira, some can just be spectators if you'd like or maybe they can take turns? please decline if you want, there's no pressure to accept ☺️ take care!
Thanks 💛💛 someone have already asked me this fic and I was writing this when you requested 😂, there it is
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The day Muichiro died
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Lee: Muichiro Tokito
Ler: Gyomei (verbal), Sanemi, Obanai, Mitsuri, Kyojuro, Shinobu, Tengen and Gyuu
Ships: NONE
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, if you don’t like it, just scroll down
This fanfic is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
The master asked the hashiras to wait a little longer
“We are almost all here, my children”
“Who is missing, my master?” Gyomei who asked
“Don’t you miss anyone?” The master continued “look around”
The hashiras observed who was next to them
In fact, from left to right they were:
Gyomei Himejima, the rock hashira
Sanemi Shinazugawa, the wind hashira
Obanai Igoru, the serpent hashira
Mitsuri Kanroji, the love hashira
Kyojuro Rengoku, the flame hashira
Shinobu Kocho, the insect hashira
Tengen Uzui, the sound hashira
And finally, Gyuu Tomioka, the water hashira
But that all added up to just 8 hashiras
“Muichiro…” Gyuu spoke softly
“Where is Tokito?” Tengen turned to the master “do you want us to look for him sir?”
The master nodded
“Come on” Shinobu stood up and asked the other hashiras to do the same
Everyone walked to the entrance of the master's mansion, coincidentally, the missing hashira was there
“Good morning” the boy said indifferently
“We were worried, young man, where were you?” Kyojuro asked, always cheerful
“Because you’re late for the master’s meeting” Sanemi rolled his eyes “what a lack of commitment”
Muichiro sighed and continued walking, simply ignoring everyone else.
"Boy! Don’t be rude!” Obanai screamed, but Mitsuri held his arm.
“Don’t be rude to him, Obi, we’ll work it out” she smiled “can we work it out?”
Mitsuri looked at Tengen and Kyojuro, these three were always the ones who started everything
“Let’s settle this now” Uzui said, snapping his fingers “where’s the boy?!”
“Young Tokito!!!” Kyojuro ran towards the child
When Muichiro turned around, he fell to the ground, with Kyojuro on top of him.
He got scared
Mitsuri and Tengen quickly arrived as well.
"What are you doing?!"
“From the tone of voice, it seems like Tokito is scared” Sanemi said laughing and patting Tomioka on the shoulder “haha!”
“What exactly is going on?” Obanai asked.
“They will make Muichiro smile, of course” Shinobu smiled
Kyojuro started squeezing the boy's body, more specifically his sides
"What? Whyhyhyhyhy?”
“Because you were late!” It was Mitsuri's turn to squeeze under the boy's arms.
Tengen did his part by tickling Muichiro's feet, even though the little boy kicked a lot.
Muichiro was very strong, even though he didn't look like it, so someone needed to hold that little boy down
"Hey!!! He's kicking too much! Someone stop this boy!” Tengen exclaimed.
“Now that’s it, he got me off the hook, hold on to that boy and I’ll finish him off!”
Said and done, Mitsuri abandoned her position and held Muichiro's arms, Kyojuro also abandoned his position and held Muichiro's legs
Uzui went straight for the little boy's ribs
“Friends, I also want to try!” Shinobu came close and took over the position Uzui was in before, attacking the boy's feet again.
“Obanai! Come here!" Mitsuri called out “help me!”
The girl's beloved approached, somewhat resentfully attacking right under the little boy's vulnerable arms.
Tomioka, Sanemi and Gyomei were the only ones left just looking
"You there! Come! All that’s missing is you!” Kyojuro called the remaining three
Gyomei politely declined, he sure loved just hearing his tsuguko's laugh
“Okay” Sanemi approached, the boy’s knees and stomach remained, he went to his legs
Gyuu approached, he asked Tengen to move a little away from the region on top of Muichiro
“Do you think you can tickle better than me?” The sound hashira said offended
"Yes, definitely"
Uzui walked away very angry
“Why is Tokito so afraid of Tomioka?” Shinobu asked, stopping her part of the tickling.
“Hmm? I don't know” Mitsuri replied
Gyuu filled his lungs and checkmated the poor little boy, with a raspberry in what was known to be his weakest spot, on his belly.
Gyuu smiled
“Guys, he’s already crying” Gyomei warned the others
In fact Muichiro had tears in his eyes
Gyomei, the only one who hadn't tortured the little boy with tickles, came close to him and held him in his lap.
"Are you ok?" He asked
“Yep” Muichiro said softly “I- I- liked it”
“You are very cute Mui!” Mitsuri said, patting his head a few times.
All the hashiras smiled at the boy
Upon arriving close to the master again, Muichiro was very tired.
“What did you do to him?” Kagaya said laughing
“Tickling, of course” Tengen smiled
“He is very sensitive” Sanemi laughed
“Thank you for taking care of him, my children”
“You’re welcome sir” Shinobu, who was known for always being able to speak to the master first than the others, thanked him first
Everyone bowed
“But… how are we going to hold the meeting with Muichiro like this?”
The master pointed to the child who was sleeping on Gyomei's lap.
The Hashiras laughed
Muichiro needed this
Thanks for reading 💛💛 I loved writing his fic 🥹
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rosedominatesyou · 10 months
Bedtime Stories w/ Rose
ੈ✩‧˚ Turkish Coffee ‧˚ੈ✩
(Bedtime Story #3)
Good evening my pretty puppies. I’ve got another interesting tale for you. You all voted pretty heavily for this one, probably thinking you’ll hear about me in a little maid outfit ;3 Remember to keep this story in your likes until you are all cozy and ready for bed.
Before reading: Everything I’m about to say is real and actually happened. I’ve withheld things like certain locations and last names to be respectful to the people in the story.
This time in my life I’m about to describe 100% shaped me as a person. I wouldn’t be who I am today if it didn’t all happen. I kept an extensive journal the whole time and have written hundreds of pages already about my experience, hoping that one day I might publish my story. Though there’s so much I could say, I will try to summarize it within a 20 minute read.
Please look up the song, “So Wie Du Bist” by MoTrip. A song I heard on the radio while on public transit in Germany, its title translates into, “Just The Way You Are.”
I went through a pretty intense existential crisis my senior year of high school. Everything felt so bleak. I felt like nothing really mattered anymore.
My whole life, my parents were preparing me for college. One day at the dinner table in grade 12, I asked them if they would help me send in some applications. They laughed at me, and told me there was no way they could afford to send me to a university. I felt like they had lied to me my whole upbringing. What was the point of all the pressure if I wasn’t going to be anything anyway? How could they laugh like that?
My sister had just gotten back from an au pairship in Germany that was organized through a family friend, and during this same dinner conversation, my parents asked me if I was interested in doing that as well.
With no real goals anymore and spending my days sitting on the couch talking to my online friends on Xbox Live, I said fuck it, why not? I signed the paperwork and I would be sent out at the end of July. I didn’t know any German, but I was told that the point of being an au pair was to do a cultural exchange, where they’d teach me German and I’d expose them to regular English.
The contract I signed laid out two distinct parts of my job: to help the two children I’d be living with with their homework, and to be a live-in maid for the household. The plan for my days was always the same: get up at 8am and do any housework that the mom, Mrs. K, assigned to me, and then be ready to tutor the kids once they got home from school.
Things don’t ever turn out like we expect. We have all these ideas and hopes for how it’ll be, but we never really know. We can only guess and wait and see.
The family I was living with wasn’t German, they were a Turkish family and exclusively spoke their own language in their household. One of the first Turkish words I learned was “Anne”, meaning ‘Mom’. The second was “Yok”, which means ‘No’. The blue Turkish ‘Evil Eye’ will always make me think of them, as it was very important to their culture and had to be able to be seen no matter where you were in the house; they were everywhere, above every door frame, and in every room.
Mr. K was a dentist, and their family lived a very well-off life because of it. They owned two Porsche’s and their home was gorgeously modern: 4-stories tall with one level being a fully furnished basement. The color pallet of the home was white, with the outside being red brick. The walls on the ground floor that made up the kitchen and living room were essentially just massive windows, floor to ceiling all around the house, with huge zombie-esk shields that could be raised to cover the windows at night.
I was their little American trophy, and they loved to bring me to their friend’s homes for dinner to show me off. “Say word!” they’d encourage me.
The children I took care of were the most monstrous spoiled little brats I had ever met. The girl (I’ll call her D) was 12 years old at the time, and the boy (I’ll call him C) was 14. Two very hormonal ages for a kid and they had to suddenly spend half of their time at home with me. Originally, they were very insecure about their English, but they were both actually pretty smart, and could speak it very well. Our homework time was called ‘learning’ and they would always fight with eachother over who would have to go first.
The girl would throw tantrums regularly. If she didn’t get exactly what she wanted, she’d start stomping her feet and screaming her head off. One time when we went into town, she wanted to buy an umbrella from the store, and her mom said no. “Yok!” She was on the floor, kicking and screaming in front of everyone about how she never gets what she wants.
She was such a silly girl with me sometimes though, always wanting to laugh and poke-fun instead of learning. We’d be trying to do her vocabulary and she’d be asking me all sorts of things that had nothing to do with school.
“She messes with me by asking me random questions that throw me off. We spent the last 10 minutes laughing about how her cardigan made her look like a bat when she spread her arms out.”
The boy was devilishly smart, but his parents expected too much of him which caused him to slink away a lot. He would say some pretty racist things to me at times, things that would make me use google translate to try to show him how horrible his words were. He was well aware. The boy also had a silly side though, and would get so distracted during our learning time with questions just like his sister. They hated it when I said that they were very alike.
“C spent the first 8 minutes very eager to kill the fly stuck in the room. Once I got him to finally sit down, I had to stop teaching every six words because C wanted to talk to me about Destiny.”
My room was basically an apartment, located in “level 0” as I called it in my journal in the basement of the house. It had its own entranceway to outside, as well as my own kitchen and bathroom. It was pretty cool, and things were going really well until about a month into my stay.
The family planed a trip for all of us to go to the nearby city of Köln, or better known to most with the French spelling as Cologne. The Köln Dom is a very famous cathedral in the city, and we climbed all the way to the top to see the view, spending the day walking around and eating local food. It was wundershön. Towards the end of the day, when we were at a restaurant having dinner, one of the daughters of the family friends we knew invited me out to a night club later that evening.
I asked Mr. and Mrs. K if I could go, and much to my surprise, they said yes.
It was close to 9pm when N and her brother came and picked me up. We went to one of their friend’s house first to pregame. We sipped mixed drinks while we watched some of them play FIFA. It made me feel so cool. I was only 18, but the drinking laws were much different in Germany than they were in the states, so even though I wouldn’t be able to legally drink for another 3 years back home, I was of age here.
The club was exactly what I hoped from the underground German-club scene. The U I think it was called, we all piled together in an elevator that was crammed full of 30+ people that took us to the top of a skyscraper. The bouncer gave me the craziest look when I showed him my California ID. One of the boys we were there with snuck in a whole bottle of vodka that we all took turns drinking from as we danced. It was my first time in a club, and also the first time a random stranger started grinding on me.
Things were going great, until they weren’t. No one knew they needed to take care of me. I didn’t know either until my legs stopped working. I had never had that much freedom to drink alcohol in public, but the laws in Germany start at age 14 for supervised drinking, so all of them assumed I had been used to alcohol for years. We were leaving when my legs gave out. I don’t remember much after that. We were suddenly in the car and N was handing me a water bottle. Then they were telling me I was home, and to get out. They asked me if I was going to be okay, and I confidently waved at them and wished them goodnight.
I woke myself up by vomiting everywhere in bed. There was no time to run to the bathroom, it just happened before my eyes were open.
One of the rules in the house was no closed doors. The kids had to leave their’s open at all times (which made me really sad for their developmental needs), but that also went for me as well. I shut my door and went upstairs to have breakfast with the family. I forgot and started working on my cleaning duties when D came running up to me, saying that Anne was very upset. She saw my door closed and went in to check, seeing the throw up on the sheets.
This moment unfortunately changed everything. I was a good girl. I worked very hard. I never wanted to do a better job in my life. But now I was labeled as irresponsible, and lost my privileges to sleep in the apartment room. They made space for me at the other side of the basement, in a cold, windowless room that didn’t have any furniture, just boxes and the kids old toys meant for storage.
“It’s a strange feeling to wake up reaching for your stuffed animal and to remember that you’re not home. It’s even stranger when it’s in a bed that’s not even a bed. One that I woke up in this morning, sprawled out across two couches in the abandoned toy room of my host family’s basement.”
The days got bleaker from there. I had to keep track of any work that I did, writing down the exact amount of minutes in a calendar to make sure I did enough work. Some days, Mrs. K wouldn’t give me anything to do, and I would be standing there in front of her begging to assign me a task. She’d wave her hands and go back to watching her soaps, leaving me to just go sit somewhere and wait. There were days I only did 2 hours of work, when I had to get 6 done each day. It started to become a real burden to me. They would make me write down the hours I didn’t complete, even on days that they blatantly told me that they didn’t have anything.
The negative hours were adding up. At the end of it all, I had 14.3 hours they expected me to somehow fulfill. There were days where I worked 10 hours of just cleaning trying to make up the time.
“What am I supposed to do? How is that fair? How can they tell me that when I’m standing there asking for work and they say no? I’m more stressed out than I have ever been. I hope this is one of those things where if you face the storm and just keep moving then everything will clear and it’ll be okay.”
However terrible I felt, I did start to get used to our routine. Once the kids were done with their homework, it was my free time, and I eventually started taking the spare house key and announcing I was headed out. I knew they couldn’t stop me. I would walk around the neighborhood until it started to get too dark and I’d sluggishly take myself back home.
A river went through their backyard, and on the other side was a large city-owned cemetery. I would walk about 15 minutes down the road to the entrance, always making my way to a specific bench that faced one of the gravestones. I loved talking to her. It felt good to say so many things in English. People would see me and I just hoped they assumed I was grieving; they always let me be, which I truly appreciated so much.
The last straw was sometime in November. The plan was that I was supposed to be there through Christmas, and I had already experienced an Oktoberfest which was really very exciting, but I ended up filing for breach of contract and leaving early.
Their house was always under construction. There were workmen there doing something every single day, hammering or drilling or doing some kind of panelling. They didn’t like when they accidentally hired German workers - Mr. K only wanted them to be Turkish. A German boy named Ray struck up a conversation with me one day he was there doing landscaping at the house, but he was never invited back. I had dreams about running away with him, having him save me from the life I was living.
I was sitting in the kitchen one morning when Mrs. K pointed at the backyard for me to look. A dump truck was coming into their large yard and unloading dozens of uncut logs. I watched them for a moment and then asked, “Workers?” Mrs. K looked frustrated and said, “No workers. You!”
I wasn’t as strong as I am now, but even still, it was too much work for a single person to do. Winter was coming, and it snowed heavily in Germany so the family needed lots of firewood for the next several months. She had me hauling and stacking the logs in the shed behind the house all by hand. I wasn’t even halfway through the mountain of wood before I started to feel dizzy, my vision was fading and I was afraid that i’d pass out on top of the pile if I didn’t go inside.
I made the mistake of calling my mom. She freaked out, and when I woke up from my exhaustion nap, the damage was done. She called everyone involved, and had already bought me a plane ticket home. There was no changing it now.
D used to text me constantly after I got home, sending me videos of herself asking me over and over again, “When are you coming back?”
There’s so many things I regret about what happened in Germany. So many things I wish I could have handled differently. But there’s also so many amazing things that I was so happy to go see and do.
I loved Mrs. K’s cooking. I would do a little dance everytime we sat down to eat and it would make her smile so much. No one ever said thank you to her, so I always made sure to thank her for the meals she made. Her authentic Turkish cooking was to die for. Lamb and rice with dill and her brown lentil soup were my favorite.
I earned 1 vacation day every month I was there, so I eventually was able to save up 3 vacation days, and also used my 1 day off during a specific week to take a bus to London. It drove all through the night and then got on the ferry to cross the English Channel.
The whole experience living with this family made me very good at understanding people without English. It was incredibly difficult at first, of course, but I work with a lot of vendors at my current job where English is not their first language, and no matter what they speak, I will not have a hard time talking to them.
Even when things were rough between me and the K’s, we all still had lots of good moments. Just like any family. I know that they think about me just as much as I think about them.
“It’s amazing to not speak the same language, but still be able to understand a person’s emotions and body language. It really shows how we are all the same species, and all humans are very much the same. All of our laughs say the same thing too, and I think that’s really beautiful.” That’s the end of our story my sweet angels. I know it probably wasn’t what you were expecting, but I still hope you enjoyed it. Mommy got very good at cleaning windows because of these days in her life. Thank you again for reading, and I hope to hear what you think. ❤️
Sleep well babies xoxo
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mysticficti0n · 1 year
All my Attention part 2
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warnings- swearing, fluffy/sext Tom, mentions of being cat called, romance (😏)
words- 2.7k
If you'd like to read the previous parts → All my attention series
a/n- so I am British and cannot speak any German, I speak a little French, Spanish and Italian but German- no. I also do not trust Google translate so this is gonna be like an avatar thing (if you've seen the newest one Jake says that their language just became normal or something along those lines) so in reality this is all in German, you as a reader know German but, its wrote in English... make sense? no... well. also thank you all so much for the response to the first part! I couldn't believe I woke up and saw that many likes, I was shocked, love you all 🤍
(p.s also sorry this is quite short! but I will right more soon because I am loving this so far ★)
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backstory- you are the 5th member of Tokio Hotel and you always thought the love was equally platonic between you and a certain guitarist... but what if that all changed?
"yeah" I spoke again getting up and waving to the rest of the band, Tom with his newly cleaned hands held the door for me and a small smile pressed onto his face, he followed me behind and directed us out the building to the now mostly empty streets as it was around 9:30pm and not many people hung out in this area of town anyways, the feeling of night air whipping at my skin calmed me, it washed me of all my thoughts for a few seconds, we began to walk to our hotel it was around a twenty minuet walk and all on flat ground so if anything we'd make it in shorter time
"can I have a smoke?" Tom asked breaking the silence for the first time, I stopped walking to grab the packet out my bag and hand him one and get one for myself, I knew I shouldn't have really had another one but after the day I had, it was necessary "thanks" he spoke letting me light it
"no problem" we began our walk again under the flickering streetlights that pierced the night, a few cars ran by and lonely workers who were leaving the offices that surrounded the streets passed us by, my eyes found the profile of the boy next to me, still in his performance clothes and his hair tied in a cap, I was on the side where I couldn't see the lip piercing and without it he looked like a baby
"doing alright there?" his voice snatched me back as he followed his words by laugh
"I'm fine" I spoke back trying to look now anywhere but him "are you doing alright?" I spoke back
"of course, never been better!" a sarcastic tone laced his voice but I knew it wasn't intended at me "you know... I will always look out for you Y/n, especially from him- its cliche but" his steps halted, I turned myself to look at him again, our eyes locked together
"its not fair that you had to do it though Tom thats the point" i spoke, removing myself from his gaze with a serious expression "I am grateful, I am, but none of it should've happened! its bullshit" i felt myself getting angrier by the second but I couldn't stop myself
"but it's not your fault, its nobodies fault but his Y/n" Tom began following me as I picked up my pace "and plus were fine, we aren't the ones who have a broken nose and maybe a rib- who knows" I ignored his quips and kept going focusing on the mismatched patterns on the street "Y/n!" he called "slow down I can't go that fast" I stopped still not facing him, I felt if I looked at him all my emotions would spill out and it couldn't happen again. I felt Tom's hand press the small of my back and I turned around to face him, fighting back tears as I saw the look in his eyes that threatened to break me "please don't be upset"
"how can I not be upset, not fucking only did I have to see my ex in the audience but...his fucking face- and why the fuck did he look sad! . then you, Bill and Georg fucked him up and...and what if Felix is right- what if it gets out 'Tokio Hotel beats fan' and what story will he fucking tell?! and it is my fault- I should've never got with him, i don't know what to fucking do with myself. the media still think me and him are together, daily I get tagged or sent pictures of me and him saying 'Y/n and Brian are so cute' or 'Y/n and Brian are so that' and it kills me! I want to scream and yes you were right Tom, I do hide my feelings and that little fucking pathetic cry I had earlier was only fucking some of it!" my voice shook as I only got louder, Tom watched, eyes analysing everything I did
"Y/n you cannot blame this all on yourself! you didn't cause it, yes you did date Brian but that isn't your fault that dick came tonight!" Toms voice matched mine "you can't seriously think that-"
"You don't fucking understand Tom! fuck you get different girls every god damn night- fuck them and leave them and you're seen as this sexy guy! you haven't been in a relationship since Savour and that didn't go well did it? so you don't get it! You'll never understand the shit I feel right now!" I screamed shoving his body away from me, he looked shocked, eyes narrowing
"And what?! yes I fuck girls but I'm fucking looking out for you and trying to understand its not my fault you are to much of a fucking bitch to actually talk to us about it!" his words caught me off guard "I want you to be okay! but all you're doing is smoking like a fucking chimney and shoving me away literally!" with that I spun on my heal and walked away from him again, I couldn't get my head straight "don't fucking walk away!" I flipped him off and herd him groan "Y/n come on!"
after that I never looked back- keeping my head down and ignored the comments random people said on the streets about my clothes and my 'pretty little face'. I finally saw the flashy lights of our hotel and pushed the door open to a friendly looking desk women clicking away at a computer
"hiya darling what can I do you for?" she spoke glaring up at me with green glasses perched near the end of her nose
"I have a room under the name Y/l/n" she nodded and typed along the keyboard
"mhm.. okay yes your luggage was dropped earlier by a huge bus with like hundreds of other stuff..." she trailed off " here is your key number 486 on the 4th floor and if you need anything don't be afraid to give us a call" the ginger lady spoke passing me my key
"thank you..." I went to walk to the lift before I saw the door open again and a panting Tom fell through "fuck" I hummed going into the metal doors of the lift
"Y/n come on... shit" he growled "hold the door" I saw him jog toward me and I stuck my arm out before the doors could close "thanks" and all I did was raise my eyebrows, the ride up to the 4th floor felt like an eternity, stood in silence besides the slight clipping of the metal shaft
'floor number 4' the intercom spoke revealing a long corridor barren bar a few plants potted by doors, I walked out closely followed by Tom who had just caught his breath, I looked at the numbers passing by until I finally saw mine near the end, I slipped my key into the hole and turned it open, the room was small but large enough to keep me for the night, one double bed, a tv, small make up desk and a bathroom with a huge mirror
"you can go now" I spoke to Tom who was standing outside my room hands in his pockets staring at me
"no" is all he answered with "we need to talk, and I mean properly talk" I shook my head
"not tonight" I saw his face soften "I just... I can't Tom"
"okay... tomorrow?"
"maybe" I spoke back to which he breathed and opened his arms calling me in for a hug- even if we had the worst argument, wanted to murder each other, we'd always hug each other it was just one of those. I walked into his arms and they curled around my hip pulling me tightly, my forehead landed into his neck to which he rested his head on top
"I love you" Tom whispered pressing a light kiss to the top of my head
"love you too"
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my heart stopped hearing my phone go off next to me in bed, I squinted trying to avoid the bright light that was now illuminating my room 'Mom' I sighed happily and picked the phone up holding it to my ear "hello" my voice was groggy and full of sleep but I tried to sound as awake as I could for 5:25am
"hi sunshine! how are you?" she spoke and I could feel the smile through the phone
"I'm okay, tired but all good here, how about you?"
"well we're missing you, your sister has been asking when her big sister will be home, oh darling- how are the boys? they doing good to I hope" hearing the mention of my sister warmed me, my mini me, my little Stella, she was only 2 and was just the best thing in the whole wide world to me, her cute little blonde curls that decorated her head and her bright green eyes, she was gorgeous
"ah I miss her so much, tell her soon I only have one more show and its a day show so I could try be home today to see her, and the guys are good, me and Tom walked back last night from the show- but nothing really interesting has happened since- how's home?"
"well, I've been spending a lot of my days cleaning, playing dress up with Stella and cooking dinner so not at all fun compared to what you're doing sweetie... but I did call you to ask something" her voice went serious, she never had these sorts of conversations with me unless something bad happened "so I was speaking to Tom last night-"
"Tom who?" my heart dropped "Kaulitz or not?"
"mhm, Kaulitz and he said to me-" my stomach dropped she doesn't know yet, I didn't have the mind to say to her that me and Brian broke up, she admired him... "well he asked if me, your father, Stella, his family, Georg and Gustav's family would like to come see your show today as it being a day show we can bring Stella and I think she'll love it, I mean you remember when she sat in the practise studio and clapped when you and Bill gave her the show of a life time" thank fuck
"OH! Oh my god yes that would be amazing! yes do come" I called, my sleepiness soon going into adrenaline realising I get to see my family again after a month "and of course I remember performing for Stella, she loved it, oh but please mom come" I herd her laugh and shift herself in whatever seat she was in
"okay darling we will- I'll best leave you for now and I'll see you tonight, love you sunshine!"
"love you mom see you later" the line ended and I did a lying down happy dance, I was ready to preform that second, I couldn't contain my excitement, I quickly got up running from my room to go to the room of the guitarist, my knuckles going red from hitting so hard
"fuck I'm coming my god-" as the door opened I ran into his arms "woah what the fuck!"
"thank you so much!" I chanted squeezing him tightly, I pulled away and his face went from looking scared shitless to a shy grin
"shit I thought you were a crazy fan or something Y/n, and why are you thanking me?" he wrapped his arms around me relaxing
"inviting mom and dad and Stella and everyone else, just... ahh I can't wait!" we pulled apart and I started jumping around "I get to see my Stella!"
"Oh no problem, I thought she'd love to see our show as were her favourites, obviously" he smiled, scratching his head- for the first time I actually looked at Tom properly, I realised he was in his boxers which fit in all the right places according to him and nothing else besides the necklace he wore every day... thats also when I realised I was still in my little black number with a sheer mesh top just about reaching my thighs
"I can't get over it!" I laughed perching myself on his bed
"scuff what I said yesterday, tonight will be the best show we ever do" he walked over to the other side of his bed and lay back down, one arm resting on his stomach and the other went behind my back and held my hip giving me a feeling I'd never had before from Tom- butterflies.
"oh absolutely" i huffed "I am like completely awake now"
"good, well I mean we've gotta go in like an hour ish for rehearsal" I nodded relaxing more into the spongy mattress, we sat there in comfortable silence, his hand still holding me ".....im sorry for last night- not for the fight- the way I spoke to you.. It wasn't right, I was so close to just knocking on your door and saying this all but I had a feeling you would beat me up if I tried" he laughed looking up to me causing me to do the same
"so you take back calling me a 'fucking bitch'?" he nodded
"yep- all of it. I think I was just... worried for you, you know how much I care about you and seeing you looking upset all day was just... ugh I don't even know"
"I know... I'm sorry I know you were trying but I am just.. a twat really" he rolled his eyes "what?"
"you've only just realised?" he spoke sarcastically, lifting his head from the pillow to look properly at me
"hey!" I shoved him and he nearly fell from the end of the bed, quickly I moved to grab him before he slipped and panic shot though his body
"Y/N!" he called reaching out for me before his body slammed into the floor with a thud "ow"
"Oh- Oh my god! are you okay!? I'm... fuck... I'm sorry" I spoke through stifled laughter as I held my chest, Tom sat back up and rubbed his back, I have no clue what made be laugh harder but I fell stomach first on to the bed and belted out another cackle hearing Tom join it with me
"you are such a fucking idiot!" he called scruffing my hair, I got back up leaning up on my elbows, he still on the floor, when we sat like this our faces were only a few inches away and the room fell quiet, smiles still spread across our faces. I watched his eyes, those brown eyes there is something bewitching about them. They can be warm and inviting, or mysterious and brooding, they flickered between my Y/C/E eyes and my lips giving me a nervous ache through my body "I meant what I said before that all though Y/n" my name coming from his pierced lips made me feel different then any other time "I care about you so fucking much it's crazy-" the tension between us grew, he leaned in closer to me, my heart racing with excitement. the only source of light emanating from a small lamp on the bedside table which just about illuminated his face but i could see the meaning in his movements as his hand reached to cup my jaw, he drew me closer, our foreheads knocking together "I want to kiss you right now" he spoke in a whisper, it was just loud enough for me to hear, our eyes flicked back together and though no words left me, he knew exactly what I wanted to say
As he pulled me closer, my heart was beating so quickly, it felt as if it could leap out of my chest at any moment. Our eyes met for a brief moment again before he leaned in and pressed his lips gently to mine. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as I melted into his touch. Every inch of my body was on fire, my mind could only think of Tom, Tom fucking Kaulitz.... who knew I need it so badly. Without breaking the kiss he stood back up and brought me to my knees, his hand holding my face to his, I tangled my arms around his neck trying to get him closer and closer "fuck" I spoke and it came more as a whimper as he tugged gently on my hair, I felt a smirk appear to his face. We pulled away and immediately I felt coldness but I soon melted as he brought my gaze to him
"you don't understand how long I've wanted to kiss you Y/n"
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