#its pretty annoying. like please be normal about the way people speak for once pls
tiredmaster · 2 years
Always funny/weird to me when Americans carry on about how media made in certain places is 'so inseparable from its culture.' Usually British media and how it's "so engrained in British culture you can't remove that fact from the text." Like. Yeah? Obviously? American media is almost always like that too. Like they're always filled with American's values and culture that separating it from American culture would be impossible.
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oikawasass · 5 years
IM A BAKUHOE CAN U PLS DO 74 OR 76 WITH BLASTY ASS 🥺🥺🥺 - midoriya anon
hi I did both cause they were cute.
also new posting format baby lets goooo 😎
its also like almost 3am and this is half-ass edited so forgive me but I hope its alright
prompt 74 : “You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
prompt 76 : “I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
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‣ pairing : bakugo x fem reader.
‣ oneshot.
‣ synopsis : bakugo finally confronts his girlfriend on why she’s been so distant.
‣ wordcount : 2.1k
‣ warnings : swearing, angst if you squint.
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a series of heavy knocks could be heard on the other side of her door, immediately alerting her of who exactly it was. there was only one boy in the u.a dorms who could knock like he was about to punch straight through the wooden panel, and that was, of course, bakugo katsuki.
(name) shut off her phone and pulled her pillow over her head, dreading the conversation she knew would come about if she let him inside. so naturally, she ignored the knocks in hopes that the blonde who was about to start throwing down with her door would go away.
but we all know katsuki is far too stubborn for that.
another series of much louder knocks erupted from the doorway, as bakugo grew more and more impatient from the lack of response.
“oi, open up already dumbass, I know you’re in there.”
truth is, (name) had found herself in a bit of a rut, and had been feeling rather insecure for the past few weeks. the first little while she’d been begun feeling that way, she was able to bite the bullet and keep going about her life, pushing most of her negative thoughts aside as best she could. but now, for the past 5 or so days she’s been completely cut off.
talking to her boyfriend about things wasn’t hard for her. she trusted him and didn’t find it too difficult to open up when something was bothering her, but this was different.
insecurity was something bakugo typically didn’t acknowledge and quite frankly, looked down on most of the time. (name) didn’t wanna find herself bothering him with something she knew he most likely would think is annoying, hence the multiple weeks she had kept quiet about it, hoping it would go away on its own or she’d be able to figure it out herself.
unfortunately for her, things didn’t go quite according to plan when she continued to spiral downwards.
she’d been quiet in her classes, noticeably dodging bakugo and her friends, not sticking around for lunch or after training like she normally would, and everyone noticed she was off. everyone including katsuki.
he wanted to give her space to ‘sort her shit out’ before he began pestering and questioning her, as normally he’d want the same thing, but now it was coming up on a week and they’d hardly spoken. a few mutters of (name) saying “cant, homework.” or “sorry, I’m tired.” was all that had been said that week.
so naturally, bakugo got tired of all the silence and went to do what he did best. confront her. he wanted to know what the hell was going on, he was tired of pulling his hair out trying to figure out what he did wrong.
(name) didn’t answer the door once more. she knew she had fucked up pretty bad by ignoring him, but she didn’t know what else to do. and now she had to confront whatever problem she may have caused, which only made her want to curl up and hide more.
alas, when she heard a much softer, much quieter,
coming from the hallway, she broke.
standing up with a heavy sigh, the (colour) haired girl stood up from her bed, rubbing her eyes and walking over to unlock the door, immediately going and flopping down into her mattress afterwards.
katsuki walked inside, shutting the door behind him and shoving his hands into the pockets of his black sweats. scanning over her figure, he took note of her tired eye bags, messy thrown up hair, and these fuzzy black penguin patterned pyjama pants which he knew she only wore when she was upset. paired with one of his hoodies she had stolen, of course.
“you look like shit.” bakugo grumbled, going and sitting down on the end of her bed, sinking into the soft (colour) duvet on top.
“good to see you too, babe.” (name) replied sarcastically, turning and shoving her face into a pile of her pillows.
there was an uncomfortable silence hanging over the room for a moment as katsuki figured out what he wanted to say, and it was obvious that (name) wasn’t gonna say anything first. with a heavy sigh, the blonde ran a hand through his thick, spiky hair and spoke up.
“did I- did I do something or whatever the fuck?” he asked, his words a bit harsh but his much quieter tone helping to deliver them much easier.
(name) bit the inside of her cheek gently, keeping her face hidden in the pile of sheets and freshly washed pillows.
“what makes you think that?” her response was mumbled by the fabric practically eating her face.
“don’t play dumb, shithead. you’ve been dodging me all week. you’re normally all- all clingy and shit and you never cancel plans.”
clingy. that one stung a bit.
“so if I did something to piss you off just- just fucking tell me already cause I’m getting really damn tired of-“
“you didn’t do anything, alright? chill out.” (name) cut him off, rolling onto her back so now the couple was making eye contact once more.
bakugo tsked, throwing his hands in the air a bit and letting them fall onto his lap.
“so then why the hell have you been blowing me off all week, huh?”
(name) sighed heavily, rubbing her eyes and sliding her hands down her face as she struggled with how exactly to articulate that she’d been feeling incredibly insecure and didn’t wanna be a nuisance to him without sounding like an absolute moron.
“I just- I’ve just been feeling shitty lately and I didn’t wanna bug you with it while I sort things out, okay?” she explained vaguely, nervously fidgeting with her fingers while she avoided his gaze.
when she mentioned she hadn’t been feeling well, bakugo softened up a little bit. he knew sometimes she got like this, having periods of time where she just wasn’t herself, but normally she came to him herself and told him what was up. so he couldn’t quite understand why this time was different.
bakugo sighed and stood up to go lay beside her, propping himself up on his elbow while resting his cheek in the palm of his hand.
“well why did you just say that in the first place, dumbass?”
he wasn’t a great advice giver, and he wasn’t great at comforting, but when it came to things like this he was a pretty good listener, so he always offered up his ears when (name) was feeling down.
“what’s got you down, huh? talk to me already.”
the girl beside him continued to fidget and play with her fingers, debating on whether she actually wanted to explain to him her feelings, or just shrug him off and do her best to convince the blonde it was something else.
she was ping-ponging back and forth. lie and most likely not get away with it but still not sound stupid, or tell the truth and have your boyfriend think you’re an idiot. a wide variety of lovely choices she had to choose from.
yet, in the end, she decided it would be best to be honest with him. oftentimes, nothing good came out of lying in these types of scenarios, and she surely didn’t want to fuck up more than she already might have. sure, katsuki wasn’t mad for the time being, but that boy’s temper can switch on and off like a light sometimes. so she still approached the situation cautiously.
“I feel just- annoying and like I’m a bother to you with this shit all the time so I didn’t wanna throw all my problems or whatever into you again, alright?
you’re practically this idol student who’s so damn cocky and confident in himself, so when….”
she sighed, trying to find the words once more.
“when I start feeling gross and insecure, or when I’m starting to completely flop in some of my classes, I just- i feel like I just become this huge weight on your back and..” she swallowed, slowing herself down as she felt herself begin to rant.
“…and it’s embarrassing! you shouldn’t have to deal with me feeling like an idiot, you have enough on your plate as it is and- and I should be able to deal with this kind of shit on my own, not immediately run to you whenever I feel-”
(name’s) midoriya-muttering speed ranting was cut off when a familiar pair of plush lips were pressed up against her own, immediately shoving all her worries into the back of her mind. she hadn’t realized how much she missed something as simple as a kiss from her boyfriend in the week she’d been distancing herself from him.
after a moment or so, when bakugo was sure she would be shut up enough for him to speak, he pulled away.
rolling onto his back, bakugo waved her over to him, using his other hand to prop up his head from behind.
“come here, just be quiet and listen for a sec will ya?”
(name) was not hesitant to cuddle right up into his side, tangling her legs in with his and resting her head atop his toned chest. after wrapping an arm tightly around her shoulders, rubbing her back slowly, the boy began to speak.
“it’s my job to be here for you, okay idiot? as sappy as it sounds, when you’re upset, I’m upset too. I don’t like seeing you down, it makes me feel like a shitty boyfriend for not bein’ able to help.” he leaned down to kiss the top of her head.
“you shouldn’t be embarrassed to tell me shit, doesn’t matter how stupid you think it is.
nobody’s perfect, alright? get that through your head.” bakugo said, flicking her forehead gently. (name) chuckled quietly.
“even you?”
“only sometimes, but that doesn’t leave this room.” bakugo answered, smirking to himself.
“listen, I know you’re a badass, and you can get through shit on your own. you’re strong as hell.
but that doesn’t mean you can’t take it. speaking from experience, sometimes it’s better to just bite your tongue and accept the help from people that care about you.”
(name) listened to every word that he said very carefully, letting them sink in as she processed them. it was rare that bakugo got like this, but when he did, it was rather impressive how easy he was able to make her feel better. his advice sucked half the time, sure, considering “blasting the fuckers to hell” isn’t always an option, but this kind of advice was something she’d keep with her always.
“you’re damn special, you know that? you’ve done somethin’ even better than getting a decent grade on your stupid chemistry test.”
bakugo stated, leaning his head back so his gaze was fixated on the ceiling, closing his eyes with a sigh. (name) furrowed her eyebrows together slightly, tilting her head up to look at her boyfriend.
“wait, but what did I do exactly?” she asked, curiosity lacing her tone. bakugo placed a hand on top of her head, ruffling her hair a bit.
“you’ve shown me what love can feel like. somethin’ I thought i’d never know or go through. so to do that, you’ve gotta be pretty fuckin’ incredible.”
(name) smiled up at him and leaned up a bit more to kiss his jaw, returning to her comfy spot on his chest right after.
“I’m sorry that I get like this. I’ll work on it, ‘kay?” (name) said quietly, still feeling a bit bad that bakugo had to go and tell her all this, though she can’t deny that it made her extremely happy to hear.
“shut up with that already, will you? you know I wouldn’t change a damn thing about you.”
and that was enough to reassure (name) almost completely, that her negative feelings and emotions weren’t as bad as she had been painting them out to be.
with a soft smile, and a slow close of her eyes, (name) nuzzled closer up into bakugo, her cheek squished up against his chest.
“I love you, you big softie.”
“yeah yeah, whatever. I love you too.”
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dovechim · 5 years
a remedy for mondays 02 (m)
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➾ 12.6k
➾ please read part 01 first!! 
➾ summary: all you wanted was just one day off work. but for that to happen, you need to invent a plausible reason. and then somehow, somewhere along the way, things get out of hand, and now people think you’re having a baby with your co-worker Park Jimin after a one-night stand. confused? join the club.
➾ warnings: SMUT, risky unprotected sex (pls be safe!), one night stand, oral sex (m&f), cum fetish/ cum eating (m), creampies, public bj, impregnation kink, baby making dirty talk, switch jimin. 
➾ a/n: happy monday (at least for me)!!!! the smut is finally here u guys... i feel like im making up for lost time lmaooo ok but real talk there’s a lot more to come in the future. once again, i wanna express my undying love for @jimlingss. without her, half of what's in this fic would not exist c: 
love you guys. have a good week ahead 💓
The notifications are pouring in like crazy. Before this you didn’t even realise you had this many friends, but it seems like now everyone wants a piece of the congratulations-pie, everyone wants to share in on your good news.
Your sister has been calling and texting you non-stop to ask when your next checkup is, and if she can come along to see the ultrasound. Your mother has been leaving long, weepy voicemails begging you to call her back.
It’s all just too much, and its Monday again.
“Your performance has been awfully sub-par lately,” your manager sighs as she flips through your report. “I thought we went over this the last time we met? Where’s the analysis for the datasets I gave you last week?”
“I’m sorry, I’ll work harder,” you mumble under your breath, swallowing back the unfairness that tastes bitter in the back of your throat. Even though you’d spent what was remaining of your weekend churning out all the reports, it’s still not enough. Nothing will ever be enough for your slave driver of a manager.
“See that you do. You may go for now,” she dismisses you, and you leave her office.
You plop down at your desk with a heavy sigh, looking at your emails with no real motivation to do anything. Between the pressure at work and the whole mounting scandal of your supposed pregnancy, you are caught between a rock and a hard place. There’s no real solution to any of this. All you have to blame is yourself.
No, actually, your asshole boss is to blame. She sent you a set of painfully incomplete datasets last week, expecting you to get a full analysis out of them. When you wrote back to her that some data was missing, hence making it difficult for you to analyse, she just ignored your email.
Feeling your anger surge through our entire body, you pick up your mug and shove yourself out of your chair, muttering under your breath.
“What the fuck does she want me to do, magic the data out of thin air? Pull the data out of my ass?” Luckily everyone around you is too absorbed in their work to notice that you’re walking around and talking angrily to yourself.
You wash your cup with more vigour than necessary, scrubbing extra hard as you imagine that the surface of your cup is your boss’s face. You get back to your seat and set your cup down, breathing hard both from the exertion and the annoyance.
“I hit 200 mentions this morning,” Park Jimin remarks casually as he drops his briefcase on his desk and sinks into his chair. “I’ve never had this many notifications before.”
You shoot him an annoyed glare. “Not here!”
Gesturing for him to follow you, you scope out an empty meeting room and close the door.  He comes in and sits on the desk with his arms crossed.
“So what are we going to-“
“Let’s have a baby.”
Park Jimin gapes at you, and if the situation weren’t this dire, you’d laugh about how someone so handsome can get caught off guard too. You run your eyes over his body, from the way his thighs look thicker as he perches on the edge of the desk, his slim biceps that show through his white dress shirt, and his dashing good looks. Why nothave a baby with Park Jimin? At this point, it wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen to you.
“You’re not thinking straight are you?” Jimin cautions with his hands up, as if trying to ward off a raging, charging bull. “What happened? Did your manager give you hell again? You’re always cranky on Mondays.”
“I’m cranky, am I?” Your voice has a slight edge to it. “I’ll tell you why I’m cranky alright. My sister is texting me every two seconds asking if I’ve set up an appointment with the doctor yet. My mother is calling me every four seconds to tell me what she thinks our baby’s name should be-“
“Wait- really? But you haven’t gotten a single call in the whole time that you’ve been here…”
“I’m not getting a moment’s peace,” you whirl around on him with a slightly manic look on your face, and Park Jimin’s eyes widen even more, and he gulps in fear. “Let’s just have this fucking baby already.”
Jimin knows well enough not to engage someone when they’re in full on panic mode, so he lets you take a few deep breaths before speaking. Over the past few months, he’s grown pretty familiar with what your likes and dislikes are, particularly your preference for drowning your sorrows in alcohol. So maybe the next thing that he suggests is not the most rational, but fuck it, at this point, does it even matter anymore?
“You know what? Let’s ditch work early today and go for drinks.” Jimin watches your expression change immediately, and his heart seizes in relief.
But then a frown crosses your face. “Oh but I can’t, I have that fucking dataset to analyse…”
“Fuck it.” You’re shocked when the expletive leaves his lips; the normally reserved Park Jimin who always does all his work and makes sure to cross his ‘t’s and dot his ‘i’s. “It’s Monday. Who wants to work on a Monday?”
It feels like the two of you are doing something illegal when you lean to the side and catch Park Jimin’s eye at exactly 5pm on the dot. You already decided that leaving at the same time from your seats would be far too inconspicuous, so the plan is for you to pretend to go to the ladies’ washroom, which is in one direction, and for him to leave for the men’s about 10 minutes later, then meet at the taxi stand and hail a cab to get the hell out of this place.
It’s a whole rendezvous, and since you left earlier, you reach the taxi stand first; panting even though you haven’t done that much physical exercise to justify it at all. The minutes are ticking by; any time now any one of your coworkers could walk by and see you waiting for a taxi and immediately know that you’re leaving work early. But it’s even worse still if they happen to catch you and Park Jimin hopping into a cab together, so you only pray that your brainless coworkers are tied to their desks.
Not a second later, Park Jimin appears, his hair ruffled and his eyes shining behind his glasses with mirth. His lips are quirked into an excited smile as he waves down a cab, opens the door for you and gestures you in. The simple act of his, done without much thought at all, actually makes your heart skip a beat as you get in.
You can’t help but obsessively check over your shoulder to see if any of your co-workers just so happen to be around. It’s only when you clear the near vicinity of your workplace that your shoulders sag with relief, and even more so when the cab screeches to a stop, signalling that you’ve arrived. Jimin pays the driver without a word, refusing to accept your money as you clamber out of the cab after him.
It’s not the typical scene you would have found yourself at in your younger days. This bar is a lot more lowkey, the lighting is dim despite the fact that they haven’t even reached happy hour yet. It’s hard to make out anyone’s face inside, and you nearly lose sight of Jimin were it not for the fact that his hand is tightly grasping yours.
“What would you like to start off?” Jimin asks as you reach the bar. He turns to see you struggling to get on the high chair in your skirt and heels, and he reaches to steady the back of the chair so that it doesn’t tip over.
“Shots.” You declare. “I need to get wasted, and fast.”
Giving you a raised eyebrow, but not protesting in the least, Jimin turns to order and in that moment, gives you a really nice glimpse of his side profile. Somewhere along the taxi ride he had taken off his glasses and pushed his hair back, and unbuttoned his dress shirt a little more. You have to tear your eyes away from him when the bartender presents you with a tray of tequila shots with salt decorating the rim, and some finger food to go along with it.
You grab one and he follows suit.
“What should we toast to?” Park Jimin asks.
“To our baby,” you say with a slight laugh, and though you can feel the slightly weird look that the bartender gives you, you don’t really give a fuck. All that matters is that the only other person in here who knows the truth is Park Jimin, and he gives you a shared smile as you clink glasses.
The alcohol burns as it slides down your throat, and you immediately reach for another to chase it down. The tray clears out pretty quickly as Jimin matches you shot for shot, and every time you put down your glass, reality gets further and further away, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“So tell me,” Jimin says as he reaches for the ketchup bottle and uncaps it, pulling the bowl of truffle fries closer to him. “Was this always your dream?”
You stop him as he’s about to pour ketchup all over the top of the fries like a savage instead of doing it the normal way, on the side. “Dude, order your own fries if you’re gonna ruin them like that!”
“What, how is that weird? I’ve always done that!”
“You belong in a mental institution,” you fix him with a glare. “Anyway, was whatalways my dream?”
Jimin just shrugs and gives in as he takes a few fries from the bowl to dip, like a civilized person. “This job.”
“Was working at a desk job for 9 hours straight always my dream? Uh, I think not,” you chew on your fries. “Which child ever had a dream like that? Did youhave a dream like that?”
“Me? I wanted to be a policeman,” Jimin grins as he raises his clenched fists. “You know all that idealistic shit children believe in. Making a difference in the world. Catching all the bad guys. Things like that.”
“So you don’t believe in those things anymore?”
“No, I still believe in them,” he raises another shot to his lips and downs it with a grimace. “I just realised that things aren’t so black and white. There are bad guys everywhere, but sometimes you just can’t catch them. Sometimes they’re the ones in positions of power over you and you gotta live like that.”
You reach for another shot, but the tray is empty. Jimin signals the bartender to bring you a second round of drinks; a gin and tonic for you and a coke with vodka for him. The alcohol has your senses buzzing pleasantly, it feels like there’s a disconnect between your brain and your mouth, but you don’t actively object to it either. It feels nice to be able to tell someone things like this.
“I gave up on having a dream long ago. Not everyone is lucky enough to do what they like in life, and I already accepted that I’m not one of those people. And it’s okay.” You turn in your chair so that you are facing Jimin directly, though you have a bit of trouble because it seems like your body is disconnected from your brain.
Jimin helps you with a hand on your thigh that sends shockwaves through your entire body. His daring touch makes your heart speed up, and when he positions your chair so that his thighs are on the outside of yours, you can barely breathe as you look him in the eye. And then he leans forward, slowly, bit by bit, until you think he’s going to kiss you, but then he only takes a whiff of your alcohol laden breath.
“Come on. I should see you home. We still have work tomorrow.” His words brook no resistance as he helps you off the chair with an arm around your waist, and the alcohol seems to have taken effect on you faster than usual today, because you’re only capable of sinking into him, feeling his firm body against yours.
A cab pulls up to the entrance of the bar, and Jimin shields your head as you get into the car, barely having control over your limbs. You mutter your address to the driver, and over the ride home, the bumps and turns actually help you to sober up a little, but then you begin to notice the little things like how Park Jimin’s thighs are actually pretty thick.
And when he stretches forward to pay the driver again, you notice how nice his biceps are.
When he walks in front of you leading you with one hand, you notice how tight his ass looks in his pants.
As he waits for you to unlock your door, you feel his breath on the nape of your neck, and just the feeling of having his body this close to yours is just-
“So um, goodnight, it was fun, I guess,” Park Jimin is stuttering and stumbling over his words as he scratches the back of his neck. “We should do it again sometime. Ditch work, I mean.”
Oh fuck it all to hell, you think to yourself as you grab Park Jimin by the collar and pull him into you, your lips meeting and immediately, you taste the sweetness of the coke on his tongue. Park Jimin lets out an adorable little grunt of surprise, but his hands still wrap around you anyway, one around your waist and the other inching down towards your hip.
“We- shouldn’t be doing this,” Park Jimin pants in between kisses as you bite his lips roughly, and watching them become swollen with your kisses gives you a strange satisfaction that you’ve never experienced with anyone else.
But his rationality is impeded by the alcohol rushing through his bloodstream, but even more so than that, the feel of your soft body against him. So Park Jimin forgets what he was going to say next as you make him walk backwards in the direction of your bedroom.
“But we’re doing it anyway,” you tell him with flushed cheeks, and his hands agree with you as they climb up your body, reaching for the zipper on the side of your skirt.
He pulls your skirt off impatiently, but you won’t let him get away with it so easily as you fiddle with the buttons of his dress shirt, finally prising them apart to get a good look at his sleek chest muscles and his toned abdomen.
“Shit,” you swear under your breath. “When the fuck did you get those?”
Park Jimin looks smug as he pushes his shirt off his body, feeling his abs tense as you straddle his lap. “What do you mean? I’ve always had these.”
“I thought you were just some skimpy little nerd,” you huff at him in slight annoyance. It’s almost a little rude of him to spring it on you like this, suddenly turning from the computer geek nerd into a hot walking sex god.
“A nerd hot enough for you to have a one-night stand with,” Jimin throws back at you with a proud smirk, and irritated with his sudden overconfidence, you shut him up by grinding against the bulge in the front of his now too tight dress pants.
“That doesn’t count, I was panicking,” you try to defend yourself weakly, but Jimin ignores you in favour of mouthing against your neck, kissing his way down to your bra cups, which he pulls down with his teeth. As if to prove his point that you are having a one-night stand with him right now.
Jimin is fumbling with your bra at the same time you are trying to undo the button of his pants, and the whole affair is desperate; the two of you are half-sober and everything is a blur. All you know is, the next thing his pants are off, his cock is leaking on his stomach, and the desire to take him in your mouth is undeniable.
Your hand grasps him at his base, and he bucks his hips into you immediately, curses falling from his swollen lips. A few good strokes, and then you can’t wait anymore, your lips close around his head and the saltiness of him spreads across your tongue.
“Ahhh, fuck,” Jimin’s hands tangle themselves in your hair. “I- gu-ess we’re not co-workers anymore?”
Your mouth is too full of cock to respond as you sink down on him deeper, loosening your throat as your tongue teases the underside of him. Saliva is already dripping from the corners of your mouth to run down your chin, and you belatedly realise that your bra is still on; Jimin hadn’t managed to get it off. With one hand you reach behind you and undo the clasp, shrugging the bra off in a single movement as Jimin swears as if he just witnessed a miracle (he’s never actually seen any of the girls he’s been with do this.)
You pull yourself off his cock for a moment to give yourself a breather, resting the head of him against your chin as you look up at him. “Just ask yourself, Park. Would a co-worker be sucking your dick like this?”
And then your mouth is back on him; you feel his hands in your hair and his thighs trembling beneath you. His cock is leaking in your mouth, it is thick in your throat as you bob up and down, the sounds of you choking around his cock are filthy and wet.
“Stop!” Jimin sounds out with a gasp, his abs trembling from the amount of effort it takes him not to blow his load. “It- it’s been a while. I don’t wanna cum yet, please.”
His pleading, whiny voice that’s filled with desperation makes you reconsider. Maybe he isn’t a sex god after all; he just happens to have a good body. You pull away from his cock and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, and Jimin pulls you forward to sit on his lap. His cock brushes against your stomach, and he can’t seem to keep his eyes off your breasts.
“Have you even done this before?” You mean it as a joke, but Park Jimin’s eyes widen in panic.
“What?! Of course I have!” He says defensively. “Let me eat you out and I’ll show you.”
He reaches for the waistband of your underwear, but you swat him away impatiently. “That’ll take too long. Just let me ride you and we can both cum.”
You push down your underwear in a single movement, not missing the way his eyes are drawn to how your arousal clings to the material. He helps you situate yourself on him with his hands around your waist, and you grab the base of his cock to start to guide him into you. But then, Park Jimin stops you.
“Make sure you’re wet enough?” He asks as he runs his fingers against your slit, though he pretty much already knows the answer just from seeing how soaked your panties were. He just wants to feel the evidence of your arousal for himself. His fingers come away sticky and soaked.
While Park Jimin is busy marvelling at how wet you are just from sucking his cock, you position the head of his cock at your entrance, and then you sink down slowly onto him. The stretch of him against your walls makes you dig your fingers into his shoulders, and likewise, Park Jimin’s fingers dig themselves into your waist as he moans out your name.
“F-fuck, you’re tight,” Jimin barely manages to get out as you stop with a few more inches to go. “You didn’t answer my question earlier on.”
“What is it?” You grit your teeth as you position yourself on your knees, trying to work yourself into taking his entire cock. It had been a while since you last had dick, let alone one as thick as Park Jimin’s, but you aren’t a quitter by any means.
“We- we aren’t co-workers anymore, huh?” Jimin groans again as you squeeze his cock with your walls.
“For fuck’s sake, Park,” you growl at him as you start bouncing on his cock, each slap satisfying as he bottoms out inside you. “We stopped being co-workers the minute I publicised our one-night stand.”
Your hands are on his chest for better leverage as your hips grind on his cock to get him as deep as possible, alternating between up and down movements and side to side movements. Park Jimin has his hands on your hips to help guide you, but he realises you don’t need guidance, so he just sits back to let himself enjoy the visual spectacle that’s unfolding in front of him. You, with your cheeks flushed and breasts loose and bouncing because of his cock, riding him as if your life depends on it. Jimin looks down to where his cock disappears inside you, where your sweet thighs are flexing and working to get the both of you off. But it’s not quite enough.
“Turn around,” he begs. “Wanna see your ass too.”
“God, you’re so fucking weird, Park,” but you do it anyway, letting his cock slide out of you as you turn around and fold your knees under you so that your back faces him.
Jimin spreads his thighs just enough so that they frame your ass perfectly, his hand pressing against your lower back so that you arch and press your ass against him even more. Then he spreads your cheeks with one hand and guides his cock back into your warm depths with the other, groaning when you push back onto him and sit on his cock fully. Now every time you bounce on his cock, your ass jiggles deliciously, and as an ass man, Jimin appreciates this view so much that he tries his best to take a mental picture of this whole view with his mind.
His cock sliding into your pussy so easily since you’re so wet, the fleshy globes of your ass against his thighs as you fuck yourself back onto his cock.
“I-I’m gonna cum,” he warns you with his cheeks hot and abs tensing.
“Just cum already,” you huff in impatience as you turn your head to catch a glimpse of his already fucked out look, lips swollen and his hands on your ass as his cock twitches inside you.
With your permission, Jimin lets himself go as he feels his balls tense, cock releasing inside your sweet, warm pussy and filling you up all the way with his cum. He continues to watch your ass bounce on his cock to milk him dry of every drop, his hips thrusting upwards in an effort to prolong his pleasure. Once he can feel that he’s given you every drop of cum in his body, he places his hands on your ass and pushes you forward with cheeks spread so he can see how well he filled your pussy.
His softening cock starts to slide out from you, and Jimin can see his cum start to leak from your pussy almost immediately. To your benefit, you are giving him the fucking show of his life as you arch your back and lean forward, guided by his hands as you lower your upper body to the bed.
“Shit, oh fuck it,” Jimin mutters to himself as he pushes himself into a sitting position, then with both hands grasping the back of your thighs, he flips you over till you are on your ass, then pulls you with legs spread closer to him. The sight of your cream filled pussy is just too tempting to resist, and Jimin licks through your soaked folds as he savours your taste mixed with his.
He barely hears you squeak out his name in surprise as he continues to devour your creamed pussy, tongue around your clit in circles and fingers dipping into your cunt to tease out more of his cum from your depths. To his pleasure, his cum leaks from you in an ever steady stream as he eats you out; your thighs are shaking around his head as you cry out your pleasure till you lose track.
When you beg him to stop, thighs quivering from overstimulation and clit raw and abused, he raises his head and gives you a quick kiss to your inner thigh, collapsing onto the bed in pure exhaustion. Post high, you are both wiped out, and that’s how the two of you, who are most certainly notco-workers anymore, fall asleep.
Everything is too bright. And everything hurts, your throat is dry and again, everything hurts. You forget that you aren’t in your prime time anymore; that drinking is a night of fun followed by a morning of regret.
Though this morning, you have a lot more to regret than just alcohol.
You wake up with an alien arm around your waist, and frustrated by the unwanted physical contact, you toss it away with an annoyed grunt. Your elbow strikes out in the same direction, only to hit a solid, warm body beside you, and then your eyes shoot open as you sit straight up in bed.
Only to find a very naked, very passed out Park Jimin sleeping beside you.
“Holy fucking shit,” the realisation of exactly what happened last night hits you, and dread punches you in the stomach.
“Is it morning already?” Park Jimin buries his face into your sheets, his blonde hair sticks out in every direction. “Five more minutes, mom.”
Irritated that he’s yet to come to his senses, you kick his stupid, bubble butt, and he jerks awake, opening his eyes blearily. Once he takes in your expression, he closes them immediately.
“Can’t say that’s the best thing to wake up to in the morning,” Jimin says with his face buried in the sheets again, his voice muffled. “Nothing kills my morning wood faster than-“
“Get the fuck up, Park,” you hiss at him, clutching the sheets to your chest. “Come to your fucking senses!”
At the tone of urgency in your voice, Park Jimin finally shakes himself awake; he blinks slowly until he takes in the whole situation: you and him, supposedly co-workers, waking up together in the same bed, naked.
“Holy fuck, did we just…” Park Jimin glances down at his cock that lies limp against the side of his thigh, and the sticky, dried essence left behind. “Oh my god. We fucked.”
“We arefucked,” you correct him.
It seems as if whoever is running things up in the divine realm really has it out for you. Nursing a hangover as you walk into work, you try your best not to make eye contact with Park Jimin, which is easier said than done considering that he sits right opposite you.
So this is how it feels when two colleagues actuallyhave a one-night stand.
You run a hand through your hair in frustration, unable to focus on any of your tasks this morning.
“Hey, _____- whoa, are you feeling okay?” Kim Taehyung does a double take as he passes by your desk. “You look a little, um… under the weather. You feeling alright? Is it… how’s the baby? How many months are you again?”
Your face only pales even further as he brings up the non-existent baby, and with that, a realisation that the both of you didn’t use protection last night. Park Jimin seems to have arrived at the same realisation, because he makes eye contact with you for the first time that morning as he peeks out the side of his computer.
“I’m- I’m alright,” you manage a forced smile, wanting nothing more than for him to just fuck off already so that you can begin to process all this in peace and figure out exactly how screwed over you are.
“Well, if you say so,” Kim Taehyung says with a doubtful frown. “You know, _____, we actually have really great benefits for mothers. Even unwed mothers. I’d love to sit down and go through them with you one day if you could spare me the time. Wait actually, can I see your baby bump? I always thought they were the cutest-“
“I have to throw up,” you say without hesitation, and you stand up and push past him on your way to the restroom.
It’s not entirely a lie, since you do spend a good ten minutes praying at the porcelain altar, but no one has to know it was because of alcohol intoxication. When you finally flush and then rinse out your mouth at the sink, you open the door of the restroom to find Park Jimin waiting with a worried look on his face.
“Are you okay?” He starts, but then Jeongguk walks by you and shoots you both an admiring look.
“Lovebirds alert!” He sings out in that highly irritating voice of his as he dances down the aisle.
“No, I want to fucking die,” you mutter under your breath as you stare daggers into Jeongguk’s back.
“I need to ask you something,” Park Jimin says urgently as he glances around for any eavesdropping ears. He grasps your hand and tugs you into the nearest meeting room, and once he makes sure that the doors are locked securely, he turns to you again. “We used a condom last night right? We are responsible, working adults. We wouldn’t forget something as basic as that.”
You sink down onto a chair with a glum look on your face. “Impossible. We couldn’t have used a condom. I don’t have any condoms in my house.”
Park Jimin makes a strangled sound in the back of his throat. “Well… then, you’re on birth control right?”
“It makes me gain weight like crazy. The only reason why I’m not a balloon right now is because I went off the pill years ago.”
There is a beat of silence as Park Jimin stares at you as if you’re pulling his leg. Then a random thought occurs to you that you could very well still end up being a balloon precisely becauseyou’re not on birth control right now.
“What about Plan B?” Jimin lights up, literally jumping out of his chair as he suggests it. “You could get it right now. I’ll drive you. We can say we’re going to the doctor’s for an appointment or something.”
The sobering reality sets in as you sit there in silence, and Park Jimin is still looking at you, waiting for your response. Only, you don’t quite know how to respond. The rational part of you should be jumping to your feet now and making him rush you to the nearest pharmacy, but then there’s a tiny voice in the back of your head that you can’t ignore.
This would solve all your problems.
Park Jimin is still waiting for your response, growing more and more antsy as the minutes tick by.
“Do you know how many people know about this baby?” You finally say.
Those were not the words Park Jimin was expecting to hear, and he does a double take. “Wh- what? What are you talking about?”
“Approximately 265 people,” you continue on, ignoring his cautious look. “Your family, my family, the whole company, my friends, my ex-boyfriend and his new wife-“
“You counted? Why would you do that?” Jimin groans as he runs his hands through his hair. “You didn’t have to remind me of how fucked we are and how many people we have to answer to. My Granny dug out my baby clothes from some godforsaken corner in the house and gave them to me last night.”
The mention of Jimin’s Granny fills you with guilt once more, and it makes the tiny voice grow a little louder, and you try to swallow back the awful feeling.
“Exactly. So why don’t we just… leave this up to chance. Just this once.” You keep glancing at Jimin to gauge his reaction, but the blonde haired man only stares back at you with the same serious expression on his face. “Plan B wouldn’t have worked anyway. I already ovulated this month.”
“Shit,” Jimin sighs as he collapses down into a chair. “So there’s an actual chance? That you could be pregnant right now? But I… I ate you out. Maybe I got most of it out from you.”
The both of you know that Jimin is simply grasping at straws now.
You just shrug silently as Jimin takes some time to let the reality of the situation sink in. Just then, your phone buzzes and you open the text from your sister who’s asking if she can accompany you to your ultrasounds. You groan audibly, and Jimin takes a peek over at your phone screen.
“Just this once,” he says, as if he’s really considering it as he watches the messages from your sister flood your screen. “But… will you be okay? If it really does happen, I mean. Are you okay with that?”
“I mean, I hate kids and all, if that’s what you’re asking.” You lock your phone and put it face down on the desk just so you don’t have to deal with that for a hot second. “But that aside, if it’s a cute kid, I guess I don’t mind. I mean… if the kid looked like you. I guess I don’t mind.”
You don’t know why it’s taking you so long to say what you really mean. It’s not like you to beat around the bushes like this, nor is it like you to be tripping over your own words like an idiot. But the gist of it still gets through anyway, by the look on Park Jimin’s face.
“I… I guess I wouldn’t mind either. Kids are cute.” Jimin says hesitantly, eyes constantly darting away from yours. “I mean, I’mcute. Obviously my kids would be cute.”
“Um. Okay then,” you say awkwardly, getting up and skirting around him to get to the door. “I guess… um… so… I’ll let you know. If anything happens.”
Jimin gets up with a resolute look on his face as he follows you to the door. “Yeah. Sure.”
The next Monday, everyone is off work for the afternoon because it’s the quarterly Healthy Lifestyle Day, where a poll is sent out to everyone to vote for the healthy bonding activity that their team should engage in. In actual fact, the poll is a scam since bowling wins every time, all because it’s well known that Bae Joohyun’s favourite pastime is bowling.
You endure the awful scents of sweat as you squeeze into your awful rented bowling shoes, grimace as you cram your fingers into the holes on the bowling ball, try not too hard to embarrass yourself as you bowl gutter after gutter. Your back is aching, face is sweaty and you are straight up not having a good time.
Bae Joohyun, on the other hand, is nailing strike after strike in her own lane, with her team of personal cheerleaders making a huge fuss every time she finishes her round. Those are the very group of people who are aiming for a promotion that year; the rest of you are just kind of milling about the other lanes and pretending to enjoy yourself.
You finish your round and plop down on the seat with a sigh, watching as Jeon Jeongguk takes his turn after you with a flourish as he launches his ball down the alley. It’s no secret that he too loves bowling, and he’s pretty good at it too, until Seokjin, one of those vying for a promotion, had to come over and tell him to tone down lest he beat Bae Joohyun’s score.
God forbid if that should happen.
Jeon Jeongguk is trying very hard to do his worst, and it’s actually kind of hilarious because you can literally see the veins in his neck as he strains, his body tensing as he shifts his posture so that his ball rolls into the gutter. The utter disappointment on his face as he strolls back, looking as if he’s about to cry.
“Better luck next time, Jeon,” you call out, feeling a little sorry for the boy with the bunny smile since it seems as if he really does enjoy bowling.
“Yeah, better luck next time!” Kim Taehyung yells out as he takes his time choosing his ball. He holds it in front of him and glances at you with a strange look on his face that immediately warns you to be on guard. “Hey, _____...”
“Yes?” Your voice is raised in suspicion, already not loving where this is going.
“I wanted to ask you this last week, but where is your bump?” Taehyung strokes the bowling ball with a reverence that makes you want to roll your eyes. Why the fuck do you work with weirdos? Taehyung eyes the bowling ball he’s carrying before he looks at you again. “Shouldn’t you be around this far along by now?”
You glance nervously at Jimin, who is in the other lane paired up with the Parenting team, laughing and smiling with this other girl who has long wavy hair that comes down to the middle of her back. But he’s currently too occupied with making her laugh, even helping her out with her bowling posture, to help you out of this hole, so you have to deal with this one yourself.
“The doctor said it’s a small baby,” you shrug as nonchalantly as you can, secretly marvelling at your own genius. “Some people don’t show until the 8thor 9thmonth, you know. It’s perfectly normal. Every pregnancy is different.”
You even sound knowledgeable to your own ears. Taehyung looks convinced by your story, but then he decides to put the bowling ball under his shirt for some inane reason, drawing more attention to himself as your coworkers start to notice.
“Hey Park! Look, I’m your girlfriend!” Taehyung yells and you stand up in horror.
“What the fuck, are you fucking high?” You hiss at him, trying to get him to take the ball out without dropping it on his own foot. “Stop fucking around! Bae Joohyun is here!”
Her name gets him to sober up a little, though it’s already too late because Namjoon from HR is strolling over with an amused look on his face, having sat out the bowling because of his injured finger (he’s always injuring some part of his body because of his clumsiness).
“Hey _____, how’s the baby? Don’t mind if I feel the bump? Is the baby kicking yet?” He says with an excited look on his face. “My sister felt her kicks early. It was the most magical thing.”
“Uh… no, not yet,” you laugh weakly and wave his hand away. “It’s a very small baby for now, so…”
“Oh come on, I’m sure there’s been a flutter or two here and there!” Namjoon insists with his eyes bright, and Taehyung nods vigorously.
“C’mon, just let us feel the bump?” Taehyung begs with his hands clasped together, and you glance around furtively. The two of them won’t seem to stop going on and on about this baby, but if you just let them touch your stomach maybe they’ll be satisfied. It can’t hurt, it’s not like they have ultrasounds for hands.
“Fine,” you sigh as you tense your stomach a little. You don’t have the flattest stomach, but it’s certainly not as pronounced as it should be this far into pregnancy. But it’s harmless, they won’t be able to feel anything, and-
“Oh my god, I think the baby just kicked!” Namjoon exclaims with his hand on your lower abdomen, and you frown in distress. “There! Right there! I felt it! Taehyung, did you feel it too?”
Namjoon removes his hand and urges Taehyung to take his place, which the latter does without hesitation. You’re just about to protest that this touchy feely session has gone on for a tad too long, but then Taehyung’s face lights up.
“You’re right! I felt it too! Oh my god ______, your baby kicked!”
He says this last sentence with a booming voice that echoes throughout the bowling alley, and you wish the ground would just open up and swallow you whole. More and more people are turning to look at you now, including total strangers not from your company, and even Jimin and the pretty girl he’s with are turning to you.
Namjoon and Taehyung are absolutely wrecking you today. Luckily Jeon Jeongguk doesn’t seem to be in the mood to join in, seeing as he’s seated on the far end of the sofa soaking up his own misery.
Your cheeks are burning as you feel the burrito from lunch announcing its presence, but you paste on a shaky smile and add on to your credibility with a nervous laugh. “Oh wow… um, that’s the baby, y-yeah it is! The kicks have been so tiny I barely noticed!”
Namjoon is literally clapping his hands with glee. “Where’s Park? He needs to witness this moment! He’s your baby daddy!”
Taehyung glances around till he catches a glimpse of Jimin and the pretty girl with the wavy hair, and then he grimaces. “Woah, looks like you got some competition huh? Better up your game, if you know what I mean. I saw them getting pretty up close and personal just now. Park was teaching her how to hold a bowling ball. I mean, who the fuck needs to learn that?”
“She can hold my balls if she wants,” Namjoon snickers, but then his face straightens when you glare at him. “It was a joke. Sorry. Please don’t report me to HR for sexual harassment.”
Sometimes you just want to quit your job. Not because of Bae Joohyun, but because of your fucking idiotic coworkers.
“Namjoon, you areHR,” you hiss at him with barely concealed patience.
Taehyung continues as if you’d asked for advice on your sex life with your non-existent baby daddy. “A little pregnancy sex never hurt anyone.”
You can’t quite concentrate on what he’s saying as you glance over at Jimin and his new girl turning their attention back to bowling, him picking out a ball and handing it to her, their hands brushing and the girl giggling. Your attention is focused on them, how Jimin stands behind her as she gets ready to bowl, the way she bends over and practically flashes the whole alley in her short skirt.
Meanwhile, Taehyung is still going on as if you’d asked about his sexual preferences. “Some men find it hot. I, in fact, would love to knock a chick up and then keep fucking her after. Something about that primal instinct, you know?”
When the girl hits five pins, she turns to Jimin with a squeal and raises her hands for a high five. Jimin returns it with a happy grin, but then somehow the whole affair escalates into a hug, and you frown.
“Shut up, Taehyung,” you are taking out your anger on him, but this stupid punk sure as hell deserves it anyway.
Taehyung holds up two hands at your sudden burst of anger. “Woah, I was only giving suggestions. Trying to help here.”
You leave him, still fuming and wanting nothing more than to get out of these fucking uncomfortable shoes. In actual fact, you have no idea why you’re this worked up. It’s not like you and Park Jimin have this exclusive agreement together. He’s free to flirt with anyone he likes.
But really, her? With the flippy hair and obnoxious voice? And while you’re supposed to be pregnant with his baby too? He’s practically cheating on you openly!! Never mind that you aren’t actually knocked up with his kid. It’s the principle of it all.
By the time you reach the counter to exchange your token for your locker key, your expression must have evolved into something truly frightening, because the poor girl manning the counter squeaks at you in fear when you bark out your locker number at her.
When you’re done changing your shoes, you head into the washroom for a bit to splash some water on your face so that you can cool down, and also to check if your period is here, but it’s not. A few minutes later when you leave, you find Park Jimin waiting outside, still in his bowling shoes, his cheeks flushed with exertion and his hair ruffled out of place.
“Are you okay?” He asks, then clears his throat. “I mean; did anything happen? While you were in there? Did your period come?”
You feel the urge to brush past him in annoyance. The whole of last week, the two of you had avoided each other; on one hand you were completely swamped with work, but on the other hand, there is also this awkwardness in between you that hadn’t existed before that fateful night. You still hadn’t directly addressed it yet, only skirted around the topic in hems and haws.
“No it didn’t,” you say, your voice small all of a sudden. “Who’s that girl in your lane?”
“Oh, Seulgi from Divorce Support,” Jimin says. “I was just teaching her how to bowl.”
There’s another awkward silence as the two of you avoid eye contact, and then you hear Seulgi’s high pitched voice calling Jimin’s name, asking him to come back and help her score another strike. Jimin is just about to respond back to her, but then you grab his collar and pull him into the secluded space just behind the female toilets, shutting him up with your lips on his.
His protests soon turn to muffled moans against you, and his hands come to circle your waist somewhat hesitantly, but the intention alone is enough for you. Breaking apart for air, you finally get a glimpse of how sinful Park Jimin looks, and flashbacks from that night revisit you once more. Plush, swollen lips parted mid gasp, cheeks red and flushed and his eyes that can’t stop devouring you whole.
“You should be teaching mehow to bowl,” you push him up against the wall for added emphasis. “I’m the one you knocked up, not her.”
Jimin gulps nervously as he feels your body press against him, and all the blood rushing down south that will soon make itself known against your lower belly. He tries to put a little bit of space in between your bodies so that he won’t embarrass himself, but you are relentless, pressing your breasts into his chest as your hand makes its way to the front of his pants.
“Yo-you aren’t really knocked up,” Jimin tries to protest weakly as you grab a handful of him, and he hardens immediately.
“I could be,” you shoot back. Aware that you don’t have much time, you pull down the zipper on his dress pants and reach inside to grope him lewdly over his underwear. “You knocked me up with your cock right here. Came inside me and filled me up so good.”
“Shit,” Jimin is panting harshly against your neck now, his hips twitching involuntarily as he feels himself soak the front of his underwear. “Wh-what’s got into you?”
“Your cum,” you say simply, watching his eyes widen again as you sink down to your knees, pulling his underwear the rest of the way down to expose the leaking head of his cock. In your previous one-night stand (the actual one), you regrettably didn’t have a chance to admire him properly, but now you’re going to make up for it.
His cock is thick from base to tip, the head of it already red and angry. You can feel your jaw ache just with the thought of deepthroating him all the way, yet you don’t even care if it’d make Park Jimin feel good.
Pushing his cock to lie flat on his belly, you give the underside a long, salacious lick that has Jimin gasping and sobbing already. You start from the bottom again and maintain eye contact as you kitten lick your way to his head again, and then you take him whole into your warm mouth, suckling him as his hands find their way into your hair.
“We- we can’t do this, we’re at work,” Jimin pants, his actions contradictory as his hip surge forward to chase the warmth of your mouth. All it does is showcase his less than ideal willpower when it comes to you.
“What would your Granny say? If she saw you flirting with another girl while the one you knocked up watches?” You squeeze his cock hard, causing Jimin to buck his hips with a groan.
“Pl-please don’t talk about my Granny when you’re sucking my cock,” Jimin protests as he pushes your head further down on his cock.
You let him push his cock down your throat, relaxing and breathing through your nose as you take him for a few seconds. Then you pull back with a wet, sloppy sound, his cock covered in your saliva and precum that drips onto your blouse as you swallow and breathe. “We aren’t at work right now. We’re at a bowling alley.”
And then your mouth is back on his cock, bobbing up and down as you give him the suck of his life, his taste salty on your tongue. One hand wraps around his girthy base as you suck the rest of him, and the other hand comes up to play with his balls. Jimin is all curses and breathy pants above you, his thick thighs trembling with pleasure as he struggles not to lose his balance, nor his load.
“Like it when I play with your balls like this, hmmm?” You pull yourself off his cock to watch the effect your words have on him, tugging on his balls that feel tight and heavy as you jerk him off with the other hand. “When was the last time you came, Minnie?”
The pretty column of his neck is drenched with sweat as he throws his head back against the wall, cock twitching in your grasp as Jimin struggles not to cum. The nickname makes his knees go weak and his voice is lost somewhere in his chest.
When he still doesn’t answer you, you turn and sink your teeth into his fleshy inner thigh, causing him to whine sharply.
“I’m waiting for an answer, Minnie.”
“L-last week,” he gasps out. “Wi-with you.”
“Someone’s been a good boy,” you resume your strokes of his cock as you lick his balls, causing his thighs to clench in response. “Are you sure you haven’t cum since? Didn’t stroke your cock like a dirty pervert and make a mess of yourself with your cum?”
“I-I promise, I didn’t!” Jimin peers down at you in the haze of his desperation and lust, only to see his precum coating your chin, red lipstick smeared all over, but yet you’ve never looked prettier.
Satisfied with his answer, and also how fucked out he looks within such a short span of you getting your mouth on his cock, you wrap your lips around his head again as you jerk the rest of him off, still cradling his balls with your other hand.
“I’m gonna cum,” comes Jimin’s half plea, half warning.
You double your efforts at jerking him off, opening your mouth to show him the head of his cock as it rests heavy on your tongue. That’s all it takes for Jimin to lose his load, his balls pulsing under your grasp as pretty white ropes of cum shoot decorate your tongue. Jimin can’t quite keep his eyes off the way your mouth fills with his seed, and the way you swallow down every drop of him, licking and cleaning his cock as if to make sure you get all of his cum.
When you make sure he’s clean, you press a light kiss to his oversensitive head. “Just remember. I was the one who sucked your cock and swallowed your cum today. Not Seulgi.”
Jimin reaches to tuck himself back into his pants, hands shaky and thighs still trembling. When you stand up and start to walk off without another word, he reaches for your waist to pull you back into him, wanting a taste of your lips after you swallowed his cum.
It’s bitter and sweet at the same time, and Jimin’s sinful moans only make your thighs clench together harder. When you pull apart, Jimin doesn’t let go of his arms around your waist.
“You have a thing for cum?” You raise an eyebrow at him, remembering him eating you out after he came inside you the last time as well. Most guys you’d been with in the past had no problem kissing you after eating you out, but turn it the other way around and they’d be utterly disgusted.
“It’s hot,” Jimin mutters as his eyes slide away from yours.
Recognizing the telltale signs of his embarrassment, you place your thumb on his chin to stop him from looking away. “It’s hot when you do it.”
Hearing you validate him makes him visibly relax in your arms. “What are we? I don’t think we’re coworkers anymore.”
There’s a brief pause as you are aware of how intimate this is, feeling the arousal still pooling in your underwear and feeling Park Jimin’s body warm against yours. There’s something about being in his arms like this that makes the rest of the world disappear.
“No, we aren’t,” you admit. “We… we could be something more. If you want.”
It’s your turn to be nervous now and you can feel your heart racing in your chest, already anticipating for the handsome golden boy to turn you down. Why would he want to be something more with you after all, when there are so many other pretty girls in the office for him to fuck around with?
“I want to. Be something more, that is.” Jimin smiles back, a cute little shy smile that makes your heart skip a million beats.
“_____! It’s been so long since I last saw you!” Granny welcomes you with a wide grin and comforting arms as she bundles you into her embrace. “You look so pretty! Glowing, as usual. Has our Jiminnie been treating you right? Hmmmm?”
Her tone rises into a slight warning as she glares over at her grandson, who is currently struggling with both your luggage a few feet behind.
“He’s been good, Granny,” you reassure her with a relaxed smile.
Granny invited the both of you to spend the long weekend at Jimin’s childhood home in the countryside which also now serves as a sort of vacation home for the Parks. You can’t even remember the last time you had a vacation, had the chance to pull out your flowy summer dresses and really let your hair down. Though this time, there’s another reason altogether for you to wear loose and flowy clothing.
You are ushered into the house to meet the rest of Jimin’s family; his parents and his brother welcome you as if you are already part of the family. They invite you to spectate a game of Wii Tennis, and it’s then that you realise that Jimin’s family are a bunch of heathens because they don’t wear the Wii remote strap while playing.
Jimin is paired up with his father, against his mother and brother. You are more than content to watch from the sides, nestled in beside Granny who feels as soft and comforting as your own mother. Her words, not so much, as she urges the Jimin and his brother to do better, why, if she joined the game she’d beat all their asses!!!
When Jimin’s side wins, the whole family claps and cheers as his mother stands up to give his father a kiss, and when they’re done, the whole family turns expectantly to you and Jimin.
“A kiss for the winner, that’s the prize!” Jimin’s mother says with a mischievous grin on her face.
Jimin fidgets on the spot, tips of his ears growing red as he protests. “Ma…”
“Oh come on, don’t be such prudes!” Granny chides the both of you. “You already did the nasty with each other. How else did my grandchild come into this world?”
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” Jimin’s brother begins to chant with a shit eating grin on his face that reminds you of a certain co-worker.
Jimin is getting more and more embarrassed trying to fend his family off, but for you, it’s no big deal. It’s not like you and Jimin haven’t said or done more lewd things to each other. In a sense, Jimin’s Granny is right. The both of you already fucked. What is one tiny little kiss?
So with that, you pull a protesting, flustered Jimin closer to you and tiptoe to reach his lips, arms around him as you kiss him deeply, putting on a show for his family. Whoops and cheers celebrate the two of you, and though Jimin is stunned for a moment, he kisses you back just as passionately, letting his tongue meet your own as he tastes you.
When the two of you part for air, Jimin’s brother lets out a loud whoop, and Granny is still clapping. But poor little Jimin is as red as a tomato, and he tugs on your hand, mumbling something about showing you his room and retiring for the night.
You are still laughing and giggling over how embarrassed he is when Jimin closes his door behind the both of you, giving you a cute pout as he crosses his arms in indignance. But he’s too cute too pass up on, and you pinch his cheeks, squishing his face.
“Was my baby Jimin embarrassed?” You coo at him in a baby voice, grin lighting up your face as it gets him even more annoyed at you. Unfortunately for Jimin, (but luckily for you) he’s just that kind of person who gets even cuter when they are angry or upset.
“I’ve never kissed a girl in front of my Granny you know,” he turns his cheek at you as he goes to sit on his bed to continue sulking. “She’s seen me in my underpants when I was a kid!”
“So? I saw you in your underpants too,” you grin lewdly at him, laughing when he throws an arm over his face and groans in embarrassment.
When he hears your laughter, Jimin peeks out from behind his arm to see your face glowing and radiant, hair loose in waves around your face and looking… happy for the first time. Not stressed or worried about work, or in tears because Bae Joohyun humiliated you.
Just happy.
“You look really pretty like this,” Jimin admits in a small, shy voice.
You stop mid laugh to look at him properly. “Like what?”
“When you’re happy,” he clarifies. “When you laugh like that.”
“It’s when you make me laugh like this,” you look down at the pattern on his bedspread, tracing along it with your fingers. “I haven’t laughed like this in a long while. But ever since you came in, I… I don’t know. Mondays haven’t been so bad for me lately.”
The two of you are shy suddenly, and Jimin feels like he’s a teenager again, confessing to his crush in his childhood bedroom. Back then he always dreamed of bringing a girl back to his house and confessing to her, maybe even making out with her behind his parents’ back, but of course back then he wasn’t nearly cool enough to do any of that.
But seeing you look so soft and pretty in your dress that dips down at your neckline, giving him a good view of your cleavage, seeing you beside him on his bed, your attention focused on him solely makes him glad that all his childhood fantasies never happened, because he feels like they’re going to be fulfilled right now.
“Can I kiss you?” Jimin asks.
“Not shy anymore?” You tease him one last time before you lean in and capture your lips with his, and then Jimin is switching positions with you so that your hair fans out over his pillow, he is on top of you in between your legs.
“I want to do it properly,” Jimin scatters kisses down your neck and chest, one hand pinching your nipple through your thin dress. “The last time was rushed. And we were drunk. And we were still co-workers back then.”
Your strap slides off your shoulder sinfully as Jimin pleases himself by worshipping your breasts, kneading them and sucking your nipple through the material.
“I- I told you… we were never co-workers. From day one,” you retaliate against his teasing by pinching his nipple through his shirt with a devious smirk on your face.
“You mean we were fucked from day one?” Jimin grins back as he takes off his shirt in one smooth motion, baring his toned chest and slim abs for your viewing pleasure. Your hands are on him immediately, stroking his firm muscles and running your fingers over every inch of his beautiful skin.
Jimin hikes up your skirt, kissing his way up your thighs till he reaches your underwear. The scent of you is driving him insane, he can already see a wet spot on your panties even though he’s barely touched you. The thought of you getting so wet for him makes him even more eager to pleasure you, so he hooks his fingers into the side of your underwear, pulling it down to expose you to his gaze.
“I still owe you from the bowling alley,” he says when you tug at his hair impatiently, wanting to see his face, kiss his lips. With that as explanation, Jimin gives your core a sloppy lick before he seals his lips to you, French kissing your pussy and making sure he gets your clit with every stroke of tongue.
Your cries and moans are music to his ears; at this point he doesn’t even care if his family hears you anymore. Pulling your dress up to your waist so that you can see in between your thighs, the sight nearly sends you over the edge as you witness Park Jimin eating your pussy like a man starved, his chin glazed with your arousal as he laps everything up. His hands are on your inner thighs, opening you up for him even though your muscles spasm from the pleasure.
“Jimin- fuck! Please,” you are already begging as he assaults your clit with his tongue, circling it relentlessly. “Want your fingers. Please.”
“Want to feel me stretch you for my cock?” Jimin gives in with one finger first, slowly inserting it into you with care until you whine and thrash under his grasp in protest. “My baby wants more? What a greedy pussy you have.”
He embellishes this with a sharp spank on your clit, and your thighs twitch again as you cry out. Jimin gives you two fingers now, and the burn feels so good as he pumps in and out, his tongue occasionally flicking at your clit. Your arousal coats his fingers and his palm messily, starting to drip down onto his sheets, but Jimin figures that the both of you are going to get a lot messier before the night ends.
As you watch Jimin pleasure you with his fingers and tongue, all traces of the shy boy who was embarrassed to kiss you in front of his family are gone. The submissive side of him that gave in to your demands so easily at the bowling alley is also gone, in its place is a gentle but firm dominant who takes charge of your pleasure, and you love that he can switch between the two.
“Cum for me, let me see my baby cum on my fingers,” Jimin coaxes you as he speeds up his fingers, curling them to try and find that one rough spot inside you. “You made such a mess already.”
You can feel the edge right there, the knot so tight in your lower belly and just ready to burst. But words escape you, and all you can do is whine Jimin’s name. In response he wraps his thick plush lips around your clit, maintaining eye contact with you as he sucks,and then you come undone, legs going boneless as your back arches, clenching hard around his fingers as you ride out your orgasm.
Jimin helps you to calm down as he withdraws from your pussy, stroking your legs gently as he admires the glow on your face, your fucked out expression as you breathe deeply. His own cock is straining against his jeans, and he is dying to feel your pussy wrapped around him.
When you finally regain your senses and open your eyes, you see the uncomfortable looking tent in Jimin’s jeans, reaching for it immediately to give him his own release. Jimin shifts his body so that his thighs can fall open, and you pull his jeans off, revealing his thick thigh muscles that you straddle as you get his cock out of his soaked boxers.
“Wait,” Jimin stops you with a hand on your waist. “We need a condom. We still don’t know if… if you’re pregnant. From last time.”
Your cheeks heat up as you swallow back the guilt. After bowling, when you went home that night, your period had come, just one day late, but you didn’t tell Jimin. Upon the sight of blood staining your underwear, there was a strange sense of disappointment that bloomed in your chest, and it confused you so much that you didn’t have the bandwidth to even think about telling Jimin what this meant. You had to take time to process both the consequence of not being pregnant, as well as the unprecedented feelings of disappointment that came with it.
“Um… actually, my period came last week.” You say after taking a deep breath.
Jimin raises an eyebrow as he takes in the news. “So it means… you’re not pregnant.”
“I’m not,” you agree with him, and you want to keep going, but the words are just stuck in your chest.
“The first time we were risking it, but I was just thinking…” Jimin picks up on your hesitation, his own words coming out slowly. “If we should… if we should start trying. For real.”
Jimin is completely serious as he returns your gaze, biting his lip in uncertainty.
“You mean… try to get pregnant? Intentionally?” You’re aware that you’re just repeating his words, but some part of you needs to confirm it.
“Yeah,” Jimin says as he strokes your waist, and you’re fully aware of his cock twitching as he says his next words. “I want to have a baby with you.”
Your breath is sucked out of your chest as the impact of his words hit you, and arousal aside, you feel your stomach fill with butterflies.
“That is… if you want to as well,” Jimin scratches the back of his neck nervously. “I mean, I don’t want to pressure you into anything-“
“I want to,” you interrupt him, reassuring him with a grind of your hips. “I want to have your baby. We’re about three months late, but I think if we start trying real hard now, this baby will get made and we won’t be too far behind.”
Jimin’s cock twitches again, giving away how aroused he is, but he doesn’t give a fuck anymore. Hearing you say that has awakened a fantasy in him that he didn’t even know existed. No longer is he going for the low hanging fruit of just kissing a girl in his childhood bedroom. No, he’s going to make a baby in his childhood bedroom.
You pump him with a few strokes, watching the precum bubble up from his head and run down his girthy length, admiring how hard he is for you. His length feels so heavy in your palm, and your mouth waters as you remember how much better he felt in your mouth, how salty and thick his cum was as he released down your throat.
Just as you bend down to give yourself a repeat ride, Jimin stops you with a hand on your cheek, his own cheeks rosy and embarrassment creeping back in as he says, “You’ll get a mouthful of cum if you do that. As much as I want you to swallow my cum, you’re not getting pregnant that way.”
And then he’s back in charge as he flips you over, spreading your legs wide and resting them on his shoulders as your pussy leaks your arousal. Jimin uses the head of his cock to collect all your juices, teasing your clit before he prods at your entrance. The blunt head of him nudges in slowly, and the stretch makes the both of you moan.
Your legs are trembling, hands reaching out for something to hold on to as Jimin bottoms out inside you. You don’t remember him feeling so big inside you, stretching you out so good and going so deep that you can feel him at the base of your lower abdomen. When you look down, you realise that there is a small bump there, and Jimin is watching that exact spot as well.
“Feel so good and tight, my baby was made to take my cock,” he praises as he intertwines his hands with yours, forcing them above your head as he begins to thrust. His cock slides in and out of your drenched pussy easily, and your walls grip him so tightly that Jimin never wants this moment to end.
Jimin leans forward so that your thighs are pushed to your chest, making the fit even tighter around his cock. Your pussy is already clenching around him, and your breasts are bouncing, cheeks flushed red and lips swollen and shiny from his precum and saliva.
“Harder, fuck me harder Jimin,” you groan as he punishes you with his thrusts, every slap of his thighs against yours reminds you that the both of you are fucking to make a baby. Just watching the sweat drip off his chest, his abs tense and feeling his ass flex as he fucks into your pussy with the full intention of giving you a baby, hisbaby, makes your pussy cream uncontrollably around his cock.
“Does my baby like this?” Jimin gives a harsh thrust and bends your legs back till he can feel your cervix. “Fuck, you’re driving me fucking crazy. Wanna give you a baby so bad. You’re fucking asking for it, asking to get filled with cum.”
“I want it, Jimin,” you gasp as you feel him against the entrance of your womb; Jimin is giving you no mercy as he continues to aim his thrusts deep as he can go. “Want your baby. It’s all I ever wanted.”
Jimin lets your legs fall off his shoulders as he wraps his arms around your waist to pull you into him, as his thrusts increase in power and speed. Your legs wrap around him tightly as if to keep him from pulling out, so all Jimin can do his grind the head of his cock against your cervix, feeling himself twitch as his orgasm draws near.
“I’m not gonna last, cum with me please,” he begs, mouth open and kissing your neck as he buries his face in the crook of your shoulder.
“I’m close, just a little more, fuck,” you loosen your thighs a little so that Jimin can thrust a little more, and the movement of him brushing against your clit sends you into an orgasm, clenching hard around him as you cry out his name and your walls milk him dry for every drop.
Jimin groans as he feels his balls tighten up, filling you up with cum as he thrusts to get every drop right where it should be. “Take it all, take my cum and give me a baby. That’s what my girl wants right?”
“Yes, yes!” You whine as you feel the warmth of his cum in your pussy, his frenzied thrusts as he rides out the last of his orgasm, making sure he gives you everything he has.
Jimin’s face is still buried in your neck as his hips continue to fuck his cum into you, hearing the filthy squelch as he tilts your hips up so that not a single drop can escape. The leisurely thrusts feel intimate as you hug him close to you, feeling his soft breaths against your skin as your legs wrap around his waist, feeling him finally still with his cock still deep inside you. Everything is warm and sticky, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
A few minutes pass before you realise that Jimin is perfectly content to have his cock plug your pussy up with cum, and while the thought kind of turns you on, he’s heavy, and you nudge him off you with your knee. Jimin pouts as he settles beside you, still drawing you closer to him as he lifts one of your thighs to get a better look at the mess he made of you.
“It’s all coming out,” he says in a disappointed whine as his fingers scoop out the frothy white cum that spilled out of you because of his fucking, gently pushing it back into you. But he can’t resist a little taste, bringing his fingers to his lips for a second.
“Jimin! Stop stealing my baby batter,” you grab his wrist to stop him, shoving it back toward your thighs.
“That’s the least sexy word for cum I’ve ever heard,” he frowns disapprovingly at you. “Stay there, don’t move. You need to keep your hips up.”
Jimin pushes a pillow under your hips, and whilst you’re rendered immobile, he takes the chance to sneakily lap at your inner thighs, cleaning up some of the cum that he didn’t manage to push into you. You glare at him, reaching down to tug at his hair, but then-
“Stay safe, kids!” It’s his father’s voice from down the hallway.
“Why do they need to stay safe? She’s already having his kid!” You hear Granny’s voice a second later, and your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. “No need to stay safe, Puppy! You heard me? It’s good for the baby!”
You glare at Jimin, then push your chin toward his door, expecting him to answer his Granny.
Jimin mouths a ‘what’ at you in exasperation, his lust filled brain unable to think of a single appropriate response for this situation. Finally, he forces a cheery tone as he shouts back, “we will, Granny! Night Granny!”
Your head falls back into the pillow with a groan at how lame he is.
You’re most definitely not looking forward to breakfast tomorrow.
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space-------kid · 5 years
Anime/Manga: Kimetsu no Yaiba Pairing: Genya/fem!Reader Additional characters: mentions of Sanemi and the rest of the Shinazugawa family Warning: Is Genya being adorably shy and flustered considered as one? Additional tag: Modern day AU, adult!Genya and Reader (you’re both 20-something *wink* *wonk*) A/N: I should be working on my Garou/fem!Reader story + acad stuff but this one just won’t leave me be (and it’s been stuck in my head for days aaaaAAAAAHHHH)! It’s another dream-based fic - and it was really cute (to me, anyway *chuckles* *shrugs*)! Pls enjoy--
She was always singing that one song from a particular band whenever he passes by. Maybe it was just coincidence; Genya really didn’t know. But two things were for certain: He would never stop tossing any spare change he had in his pocket on her guitar case, nor would he cease passing by this street she chose to play at.
Man, if only he was brave enough to ask for your name (and hopefully your number).
You beat Genya to his goals, and he was more than shocked. Also exceedingly pleased (and flustered).
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“but i'm in so deep    you know i'm such a fool for you       you've got me wrapped around your finger          do you have to let it linger?             do you have to,                 do you have to,                    do you have to let it linger?”
                                                         linger/the cranberries
       “But I'm in so deep        You know I'm such a fool for you        You've got me wrapped around your finger        Do you have to let it linger?        Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?”
     Of course you were singing it again.
     Every single afternoon he would pass by Wisteria Avenue, Genya would find you standing in your little corner in front of a fountain, guitar in hand and its case on the pavement on your feet, a charming smile on your face while you serenade the passing crowd with your sweet, lilting voice. If he would be honest with himself, Genya would say that you were just one of the faces he had to ignore as he pushed his way past people, some street singer who was just trying to make a name for herself and wasn’t worth that much time listening to. But then he had to go and actually took just a little time to hear what made the crowd drop notes and coins in your guitar case, only to get absolutely floored by your talent he once so callously dismissed.
     It was shame for inwardly and thoughtlessly thinking a little low of you that made Genya shove a hand in his pockets and toss whatever amount of money he had in them, but more so out of awe at how lovely your voice were (you were also very good at playing your guitar, but could you blame him for being enthralled with your singing?).
     Guess he was really lucky that the fastest way to reach the apartment complex he lived in with Sanemi was Wisteria Avenue, huh?
     Because finally, after a long day at work and being annoyed by the throng of people he had to share the streets with, Genya found one good reason not to lose his temper whenever he had to reduce the speed of his usually swift pace because of slow walkers or - the most annoying of them all - couples getting all mushy together and walking as if they were traipsing on the surface of the moon.
     Genya wasn’t a fan of girl songs, but he made an exception for that one song you usually played and sang whenever he passed by - it was that song called “Linger” by The Cranberries (he listened to the lyrics and honest to god Googled what you were singing because he had no idea at the time). He wouldn’t go as far as to searching the internet what the song meant, but judging from what he heard he thought that it was about this one girl who fell in love with some jackass who wouldn’t even take her and their relationship seriously.
     What a jerk.
     But the way you sang it was just-
     Damn, he couldn’t even find a proper word to describe it. Was it nice? Was that the influence you had over the lyrics? That you make it sound so playful and innocent at the same time, as if it wasn’t about a hopeless girl and a dipshit who won’t take love seriously?
     Genya’s head hurt with how much he had thought about it, so he simply settled with listening to you sing and show his appreciation by giving you any spare change he could fish out from his pockets.
     Okay, this was increasingly becoming too dodgy to be considered an occurring coincidences.
     It was as if you were actively seeking him out from the hustle and bustle of people passing Wisteria Avenue, but Genya could swear that you would start playing “Linger” once you saw him so you would already be singing the chorus by the time he made it in front of you.
     Every afternoon the scenario would always be the same. And every afternoon he would be left feeling really shy and utterly flustered because you would smile sweetly at him while you sing - most especially on every chorus - and tilt your head to the side like an adorably cute puppy as thanks while he awkwardly searched his pockets for spare change to toss in your guitar case.
        “And I'm in so deep          You know I'm such a fool for you          You've got me wrapped around your finger          Do you have to let it linger?          Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?”
     Oh, dear merciful god above. Why did you have to be so cute, so pretty, and so angelic while you sing? Why did your voice have to be so fucking beautiful it sent pleasant shivers down Genya’s spine whenever you made eye contact with him as your lips formed the words of the song?
     And why did it always have to be THAT song with him?
     You made Genya feel as if he’s the lovestruck, hopeless girl in the song, goddamn it!
     (Not that he saw you as the jerkface in the song, though, Please don’t get him wrong.)
     Face bright red he could almost hear his younger siblings calling him a tomato, Genya hurriedly grabbed some coins and three crumpled notes, pulled them out of his pockets, and nearly hurled them in your guitar case in his hasty attempt to leave before you could finish the song and before he could say anything stupid.
     Oh, god. Why hadn’t he outgrown this stupid nervousness around girls that he had developed when he hit puberty? He was in his twenty-something now, a freaking adult! Why, god, why?
     “Thank you~!”
     Fuck on a fucking stick. Even your normal speaking voice was too darn cute! Impossibly so!
     Genya only managed an awkwardly shy wave before he practically ran through the oncoming mass of pedestrians to cross the street and increase the distance between the two of you.
     Tomorrow. Tomorrow he won’t chicken out and ask your name. Maybe even get your number.
     Maybe Sanemi could give him some tips on how to approach a girl.
     (Genya ditched the plan in getting his older brother’s help. Stupid ‘Nemi for laughing at him when he figured out judging from how red Genya’s face went before he could get a word in.)
     It’s official. Some of your usual listeners have already established that you would only sing “Linger” whenever that tall, muscular, mohawked guy with a scar on his face came within your field of vision.
    An elderly couple would look on knowingly as the young man seemed to shrink gingerly under your appreciative stare, his face red and filled with wonder and nervousness as he watched and listened to your performance. They had been on that awkward stage once, the elderly couple, and could instantly recognize something blooming between two people when they see one.
     A group of teenage girls, although intimidated by the height and facial features of the mohawked guy, couldn’t stop muffling their adoring giggles at how cute he looked as he watched you like a shy puppy. Disappointed ‘aawww’s would slip past their lips whenever mohawk guy hurriedly left the scene, sometimes not bothering to finish your song. The two of you have no idea that they have already began shipping the two of you. Hard.
     The rest of your listeners weren’t surprised at all that you would not play that one song whenever mohawk guy was absent for the day.
     None of them intervened between you and mohawk guy, however. But, man, they just wished that he would soon act on whatever his obvious intentions were. They knew for sure that he was getting - or already had - a crush on you.
     Might as well act on it, right? Before someone else could snag you-
     Alright. This afternoon, he would finally do it.
     Genya couldn’t believe how much he was stressing out with regards to asking your name (and number, fingers crossed). It was just simple, right? All he had to do was to be polite, be nice and most certainly not creepy nor intimidating towards you, and compliment you for your wonderful performances and ask for your name (and number!). What’s so difficult about it?
     Feeling uncharacteristically confident, Genya breezed past the crowd and smiled when he reached Wisteria Avenue. He immediately headed to your spot, only to stop on his tracks when he realized something.
     You weren’t playing his song.
     You were singing a different one.
     Genya’s brows furrowed with worry. Didn’t you see him approaching? Were you taking song requests now?
     He stopped behind the small crowd of your usual listeners, looking rather expectant. He unconsciously pursed and bit his lips when you looked at him and smiled, his face turning beet red faster than he could say ‘fuck’. Genya was unaware of the looks he had been receiving from the people as his attention remained focused at you and his not-song you were singing.
     Why weren’t you singing “Linger”? Did you change your playlist? Were you getting tired of it?
     Genya breathed a sigh of relief, mentally kicking himself for worrying too much and being a paranoid when you finished the song and began strumming the familiar introductory chords to The Cranberries’ song.
     Compliment her when she’s done, ask her name, and don’t forget her number, too, Genya told himself repeatedly as he watched you, trying to maintain his brain functions when you kept on looking and smiling at him while you sang. He couldn’t help but feel as if only the two of you existed in the avenue, the rest of the people reduced to nothing but cardboard cutouts that separated him from you. But he kept his ground, never wanting to disrupt your performance.
      Compliment her when she’s done, ask her name, and don’t forget her number, too.
      Compliment her when she’s done, ask her name, and don’t forget her number, too.
     Compliment her.
     Ask her name.
     Get her number-
     “Excuse me, what’s your name?”
     Genya had to snap himself back to awareness when he heard your question. He looked around, trying to find who made you stop halfway from singing to ask for their name, eyes widening in surprise when he saw the rest of the audience - all of them - were looking at him.
     He looked at you, dazed, and dumbly pointed a finger at himself to make sure if his hunch was right.
     You chuckled sweetly (Oh, mercy, mercy, god above!) at him and nodded your head.
     “Yeah, you, sweetheart. What’s your name?”
     If it was possible, Genya’s heart would be out of his chest right now with how fast and hard it was beating at the moment. You just called him sweetheart for fuck’s sake-
     “G-Genya,” he helplessly blurted out, face torn between despair and joy. He planned to ask you your name, not for you to ask his!
     With a grateful nod of your head, you repeated where you cut yourself off.
        “And I'm in so deep          You know I'm such a fool for you, Genya~          You've got me wrapped around your finger          Do you have to let it linger?          Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?”
     For the love of all that was blessed and holy. Did you just insert his name seamlessly in the lyrics?
     What the fuck kind of a power move was that?!
        “You know I'm such a fool for you          You've got me wrapped around your finger, Genya~          Do you have to let it linger?          Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?”
     That’s it. There’s possibly no way he’s not gonna be able to get your name and number now.
     And Genya was so glad that he did. Not only did you let him have your name and number, he even lucked out when he snagged a date with you.
     (Sanemi could only gape in disbelief at how his shy and nervous little brother managed to ask a girl out. Well, shit. Looked like he got to catch up.)
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inkshro0m · 4 years
Logan's Secret Emotion - A Platonic LAMP Oneshot
cba to get rid of the big gaps so.... sorry bout that😅
Logan found it very hard to express his emotions. He kept them all to himself in his big brain, the one that's stuffed with knowledge and facts. Or that's what Virgil, Roman and Patton thought...
Patton felt as though Logan found him annoying. The nerd seemed to ignore him or he just had an annoyed expression etched out on his face. Patton always tried to make him feel loved and cared for, and only wanted to express his friendship! Maybe he shouldn't be so bubbly and friendly all the time...?
Roman felt as if he was too... him for Logan. Said man usually rolled his eyes whenever the prince-like man would sing his sentences out, enthusically commenting on the weather, or something like that. Honestly, Roman could be who he is. If who he is is a man who is so extra he could become chewing gum (extra?? the chewing gum???...yeh, that metaphor was wEiRd- hi, future kat here.... pls ignore this =_=) and is just... loud, then too bad for Logan, he wasn't changing.
Virgil felt like Logan just hated him. He was probably too edgy and too emo. The smart guy probably thought he was too anxious for his own well-being and needed to stop, and maybe he just found him too annoying because he was in his way. Then again, Virgil thought that everyone feels that way about him.
One Wednesday morning, Logan received a notification, which is quite rare for him. He usually only got notifications from the news or something.
He was currently solving questions in his favourite problem solving book, 'The Ultimate Trivial Pursuit', smothered in his favourite unicorn onesie, with a coffee sitting out in front of him, slowly cooling down. He rested the book on the table and picked up his phone, opening it up to display one of his best friend- Patton -'s name, along with some tumblr notifications which he just swiped away. He read the text with slightly intrigued eyes following the words displayed before him.
Hey Lo! Sorry to bother
you, but I was just wondering
whether you would like to
join me, Ro, and Virge at
Sanders' Cafe at 12pm?
You don't have to of course,
just wondering! xx
Hmm... did he want to go? Who was he kidding, of course he wanted to go! He loved his friends with all his heart! And yes, he had a heart.
Salutations, Patton. You are
not bothering me. I would
appreciate the oppertunity,
thank you.
What Logan didn't know was that that single message caused an excited squeal to errupt from his beloved friend's mouth upon seeing it.
Three beady eyes had been eagerly watching the three dots slowly bouncing up and down, anticipating for a response. They all felt as though they needed to hang out with Logan more, it felt like he was growing apart from them. Leaving the nest.
Logan had started to get ready as soon as he'd replied, leaving his favourite book and coffee to go cold. His friends were more valuable.
Quickly slipping into his black polo and blue jeans and messily tying his tie around his neck, he was stumbling around the room, way more excited to see his friends than an ordinary person would be. He picked up his comb and brushed his bird nest of hair... how it got this tangled, he didn't know the answer to (which is quite rare). Then, he cleaned his teeth for 2 minutes because body maintenance is important.
Meanwhile, the other three were slightly nervous (even though it is just their friend). What if he was bored or didn't actually want to be there. Roman was the least worried; he didn't really care about what Logan was thinking. Patton just wanted Logan to have a fun time, and Virgil was just his anxious self. What if he was just going because he felt he had to?
Logan was already rushing out of the door and almost tripped down the three steps at his porch... oops. That was just enough to remind him that there are probably people watching... so he just carried on being as fast as he could because why should he have to wait any longer? He tugged at the car door, only to remember that he left his car keys on his bedside table when the door refused to open... dammit!
Sprinting back into his two-story house and up the staircase, he snatched up his keys and went back out to lock the front door (which he'd stupidly forgotten to do the first time). He, more orderly than last time, got into the car and started it.
To check that there where no cars coming, he looked out the window to find a little boy sitting on his bike, wide-eyed. Oh... so there was someone watching...
The embarrassed man just gave him a small smile, just to assure the boy that he was fine. Logan was well known for his stoic manner and teacher-like personality in his neighbourhood, so this must have been pretty weird for the boy... oh well. He can't go back now (both of them can't).
The boy's eyes followed Logan as the car rolled down his driveway. This was awkward. Once the man was sure there were no cars coming to stop him from seeing his friends, Logan pulled out onto the road and sped off towards the cafe the 4 friends where supposed to meet at. Wait... what if they were pranking him? What if they weren't going to come at all? No. Patton wouldn't do that. Neither would Virgil. Roman? maybe, but not Patton nor Virgil.
With anxiety in his eyes, Logan stepped out of the vehicle once he'd parked it and walked, normal pace, into the cafe. His glasses-shielded eyes darted around the room, looking for 3 familiar heads... Bingo! Phew, they weren't pranking him. A tiny smile (you could hardly even see it) made it's may onto Logan's face, all anxiety washed away. He was going to see his 3 favourite people! Those people's heads turned his way when he made it to the table they were sitting at.
Patton's eyes widened upon seeing the necktie-wearing man, despite expecting him. "Hey Lo! I'm so happy you came!", he excitedly greeted, genuinely meaning what he said. The bubbly one hasn't seen the other in over 2 weeks, and that's a long time for him!
Still with a smile that was unnoticable, the formal one slipped into the booth beside Virgil and nodded, "Salutations, I appreciate being able to see you too". He looked around, secretly happy to be with these people again.
Virgil was on his phone, but he'd nodded at Logan because he doesn't want to be rude and be hated even more. Also, speaking wasn't his strong point.
Roman waved, "Greetings, pocket watch! How have you been doing? We haven't seen you in so long". There was slight sarcasm in his tone, obviously a little annoyed that Logan didn't spend more time with them but it wasn't really his fault, they'd need to invite him first. 'Pocket watch' ignored the nickname and the tone, he was used to this sort of thing from the flamboyant man. "Adequate, thank you. What about you? Have you all been doing well?", he looked around the table.
The usual answers came: A grunt from the emo, a "Great!" from the bubbly man, and a "Very well" from the actor.
Logan let his lips twitch upwards to show he cares at least a bit.
"Well, shall we order our drinks? Or are we going to just sit here in awkward silence?", Roman suggested, chuckling a bit after the end of that sentence.
Patton stood up, quite quickly may I add, "Oh yeah! I'll pay for it all; my treat!", he giggled. Everyone reluctantly agreed, knowing there was no point arguing as the dad figure would always win.
Three of them stood up, Virgil staying behind because he doesn't like doing things in groups, he'd go after they'd figured out what they wanted. The emo noticed that Logan's phone had fallen out of his pocket as he'd gotten up, so he picked it up and set it on the table for the teacher-like man to pick up once he comes back. The phone's screen lit up upon contact, revealing several notifications from tumblr. Huh... Logan has tumblr? 'Didn't expect that', Virgil thought. Maybe he'll follow him, his posts must be interesting - seeing as he's very intellectual and smart. He checked the username: '@logical-crofters'. 'Man... he's really obsessed with that jam, isn't he?', Virgil snorted. The darkly-dressed man opened up his own phone and quickly followed him, before the others called him over to choose what he wanted.
Slipping his phone into his pocket and leaving Logan's on the seat, he rushed over to the others to pick a hot chocolate. He'll read his posts later.
Once everything was ordered and everyone was sat down, Logan noticed his phone, causing a confused expression to make its way onto his face. Virgil noticed this, "It fell out your pocket", he simply stated. A nod came from Logan, letting him know he understood.
About 5 minutes later, everyones drinks got delivered to their table. Patton sighed, relaxed, as he smelled the lovely scent of his sweet hot chocolate, which had whipped cream and marshmallows mounted on top of it. Mmmmmm...
Roman happily sipped on his iced tea; it was so refreshing!
While Logan drank his black coffee, Virgil quietly tried to start up conversation, which was a rare sight to see. "So... Logan, I didn't know you had tumblr", this caused the addressed man to almost spit his mouthful of coffee all over Patton, but luckily he's not that careless.
He looked over to the man who'd spoken, "You saw that?". The anxiety that had gone away a while ago had come back, making him fear what the other thought.
"Yeah. When I picked up your phone, I saw the notifications. I haven't read any of your posts yet but I've followed you", he stated, letting him know the details.
Logan let out a squeak that sounded like an 'oh'. 'Please don't read them, please don't- What if he reads them? What if he shows the others? What will they think of me?!'
"Hey, is everything okay?" Patton layed his hand on the almost-panicking man's forearm, bringing him out of his over-working mind. Logan's eyes had been dialating, telling the others that something wrong was obviously going on.
Logan's eyes finally went still, focusing onto the man who was currently comforting him. "Yes, yes. I am fine. Just, Virgil-", he looked at the man he'd addressed, "please do not read my posts..."
Virgil wore a look of confusion. 'Why wouldn't he want me to see them?', he queried.
"Why?", Roman, who'd been quiet this whole time, spoke Virgil's thoughts.
What was he supposed to say? Logan didn't want to let them know why, or his secret would be out! "Just...", he sighed, causing the other three to raise their eyebrows, even Patton. The necktie-wearing man was bright pink, wondering whether he should let the others know what he'd been hiding.
Too late. Virgil was already getting his phone out and clicking on '@logical-crofters' on tumblr. The owner of that account hadn't noticed until a small gasp came from beside him, causing everyone else at the table to whip their heads towards the sound. 'Great', Logan gave up. Virgil knew... he'd definietly tell the others.
Virgil's thumb wouldn't stop scrolling. These posts... they were so sweet! Oh my goodness, Logan, you are so adorable!
Some of the posts read:
"My three best friends: Virgil, Roman and Patton, are the best people in the whole galaxy. I'll bet on it. Virgil is so considerate of other people and is an interesting person over all, he is also fascinated by space, as am I. Patton is, though I don't like to admit it, very funny and adorable... in a friend way. He cares about others so much and does his best to make everyone feel alright. Roman is very creative and a great guy to be around. He is so dramatic, but in a fun way. He tries to agrue with me, which is funny because we all know that I'll win, but he tries his best."
"Patton is so loving and it warms my heart :')"
"I had a long talk with Virgil today and I have found out that he is interested in space!"
"Roman was great at performing as 'Evan Hansen' from 'Dear Evan Hansen' today. The musical was so moving."
Patton and Roman had scrambled their way under the table between them and Virgil to look at his phone with wide eyes, excited to know what Logan was holding from them. Their beady eyes watched the emo's thumb slowly scroll through the posts, reading the compliments and sweet messages talking about them so passionately.
Meanwhile, Logan groaned and stuffed his face into his arms, not before taking his glasses off because... we wouldn't want smashed glasses now, would we?
About 3 minutes had gone by and Logan was contemplating whether he should just leave because this was just way too embarrassing. Suddenly, a pair of arms were thrown around him and squeal sounded, way too close to his ear. Ouch. "Oh my gosh, Logan! I didn't know you felt this way about us, I thought you didn't like us or something but this just proves me wrong!", what it sounded like to be Patton practically shouted into the embarrassed one's ear.
"So you did like the performance! I knew it!", Roman exclaimed. Logan could just see the dramatic pose that man was doing.
There was silence from the darkly-dressed man, which caused Logan to slowly lift his head up, put his glasses back on, and look around. His eyes landed on the silent one. Were... were those tears?
"I- no one's ever said anything like that about me. So... nice", he finally spoke, eyes watering from joy and happiness. He looked up at Logan, a smile creeping up onto his lips. "Thank you, Lo"
This definitely wasn't the reaction he was expecting. "Uh- I... I was just speaking my thoughts. You all mean a lot to me... I know it doesn't show but... it's true", Logan was so suprised he could hardly even speaking in an orderly manner!
All three beloved friends shared a look, one that Logan didn't understand. Oh no...
They all looked back at him..."No thank you. Please-" He was cut short because there were 3 pairs of arms squeezing the usually serious one so hard he was sure that his eyes would pop out, and that's pretty hard to do. "Guys, I can't... breathe...", Logan was pleading now.
They all let go after one more squeeze from Patton, allowing Logan to breathe once more. The dad giggled, "You're so amazing, Lo".
To this, Logan adjusted his glasses and regretfully said, "I believe the correct phrase for this is: 'no you'".
Virgil snorted and Roman burst out laughing. Patton just couldn't resist another hug and Logan was fully smiling. This was very unexpected, but he loved it. They all knew how much he loved them. No more awkward conversing. No more secret emotion...
originally written on wattpad
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akiscribbles-blog · 6 years
I Hate Him
Pairing: Choi Minho x Reader
Genre: Humor, Fluff
Request: “ okay after talking about it I couldn't help but request it, I'm sorry, fuck me up with that drunk confession fluff with Minho pls “ - smol anon.
Word Count: 3597
A/N: So, the reader gets really drunk and confesses, just to be clear.
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You tried to deny it, from him, from your friend, even from yourself. But it was clear as day; you had feelings for Choi Minho. You didn’t know why all of a sudden you saw him in that light. When you met him for the first time, you thought he was annoying and obnoxious, but the more you saw him, the more you thought he was cute and lovable.
   “I hate him”, you said out loud as you even thought about him. But the fact that you thought about him so much, really told the truth.
   “Sure, you do”, your friend replied. “Because it’s totally normal to think about someone you hate twenty-four-seven.”
   “Shut up”, you spat out, glaring at your friend.
   You two were on the way to a party and as much as you denied it, you only joined, because Minho would be there apparently.
   You had taken a taxi, and it suddenly stopped to a place you had never seen before. It was a club of some sort. The location was farther away from the center of the city, in its own peace. You and your friend got out of the car and walked closer to the building. You could already hear the loud music coming from the inside.
   As you got inside the place where the party was held, you felt a little uneasy. It was full of people that you had never seen before. Your eyes tried to look for Minho, but you couldn’t see him yet. And he was pretty easy for you to spot, usually. You didn’t notice the frown that appeared on your lips. However, your friend did.
   “He’s probably somewhere hiding.”
   You looked at your friend with a glare again. “I’m not looking for Minho!”
   You were responded with a chuckle. “And when did I say I meant Minho?”
   “I…” you tried to think for a good response but failed, and the annoying person simply smirked proudly.
   “He is not here yet, you are early.”
   Your attention was caught by a familiar voice just by the door. As you looked over there, you were met with a pair of familiar eyes and a mischievous smirk. By the door, stood the man with the plan, Key.
   “Oh look, it’s the annoying Kim Kibum”, your friend said jokingly.
   Key ignored the comment, and looked at the person, his expression never changing. “Jinki hyung is by the bar.”
   Your friend’s brows rose, and eyes widened. You let out a chuckle that earned a glare from your annoyed friend.
   “Shut up.” Then there was a moment of silence. “…I’m gonna get a drink.”
   Key looked proud of himself as your friend turned around, walking to the bar to where you could see Onew by himself.
   You looked at Key, hope in your eyes. “So, Minho’s coming?”
   “Of course”, Key nodded his head and took a few steps to you. “Are you waiting for him?”
   You huffed. “No. I hate him. He is a meanie.”
   Your eyes shut wide open like a lightning and your brows sunk down. “Hey! Don’t talk like that about him”, you said and lifted your fists up as if you were going to fight. “Fight me!”
   “You sure you hate him?” Key raised his brow, that damn smirk appearing on his lips again.
   You froze for a second. You almost choked on your words as you tried to speak. “Y-yes! He is a big meanie!”
   Key shook his head. “Whatever you say.”
   Then the door opened, and in walked a tall man with a grin on his handsome face. Key glanced at the direction.
   “Speaking of the devil.” He waved at Minho who smiled as he noticed you two.
   Your eyes widened once more and before Minho could get too close to you, you quickly blurred out, “I’m going to go order a drink!”
   And so, you turned and walked, well nearly ran, to the bar. Your friend was still there sitting with a drink.
   “Oh, it’s you. I guess Minho is here.”
   “Shut up you evil person”, you said and tried to get the bartender’s attention. “A shot of, something, please.”
   And that’s where it started.
After a few shots, you were already tipsy. But you didn’t want to drink too much that night, not in front of all those people. That plan would soon be ruined, you noticed, as the man with the mischievous grin appeared next to you.
   “More drinks here”, Key ordered the bartender.
   You looked at him with your eyes narrowed. You didn’t trust him.
   He raised his brow. “What?”
   “You are plotting, I know it”, you said.
   “What would I be plotting?” he asked. It sounded so innocent, but you knew better.
   Key shook his head and took the two glasses the bartender had made and gave the other one to you. “Come on, loosen up.”
   You sighed but grabbed the glass from him. He held his own glass to you and you gently hit it with yours.
   “To… something”, Key said and took a sip of his drink. You didn’t say anything and took a longer sip of yours. The drink was surprisingly strong, so you coughed a little and Key smirked at you again.
   “This will be a good night.”
A few more drinks after, you were already quite drunk. Still not drunk enough to not know what you were doing, but by now, you were very vocal.
   “I hate Minho!” you explained to Key, who was nowhere near as drunk as you. “He is so… mean!”
   “What has he even done to you?” Key asked.
   You tried to think. “He is... so tall and… looks so good!”
   Key grinned again. “You hate Minho because he is tall and looks good?”
   He looked at the big space, trying to look for something or someone. You didn’t really care as you took a sip of your new drink.
   “Ayooo, why don’t we check what’s going on there?” Key suddenly said and grabbed you by the arm, dragging you to a pool table.
   You were a bit confused on why he suddenly dragged you there. Did he want to play? As you tried to walk next to Key, you bumped into someone. Someone much taller than you.
   “Oh look, it’s Minho!” Key spoke. You looked up at the person you bumped into, and to your horror, it was Choi Minho. You turned to face Key.
   “Minho? I don’t want to talk to him!” you talked as if the man in question wasn’t right there next to you.
   “What?” Minho was confused. “Why not?”
   “Because he is a big- no, a giant meanie!” you again spoke but still looking at Key.
   Minho looked over at the other man, a questioning look on his face. Key placed his hand on his face and pushed you away from a little, saying something like “hold on”, to Minho.
   He pushed you back to the bar. You landed on the counter, trying to keep your balance.
   “Why did you dooo that?” you asked Key as you leaned against the counter. “I don’t want to talk to Minho!”
   Key sighed. “Sorry. Let me get you a drink as an apology.”
   “Yay more drinks!” you cheered.
   He looked slightly worried but still bought you a new drink. At this point, you didn’t even really notice how strong it was as you took a long sip.
   “Okay calm down”, he warned you as you gulped the drink halfway through.
   “Pfff, you want me to drink”, you said and hiccupped. “So, I will drink.”
   Key closed his eyes and spoke to himself. “Maybe this is a bad idea.”
   “Hm?” you raised your brow, the glass pretty much glued to your mouth.
   “Ugh I need help”, he said, looking at everywhere. “Where is hyung when you need him?”
   You shrugged, looking at your glass. Onew had disappeared somewhere it seemed.
   “And where’s the devil?” he asked again, referring to your friend, looking all over. “I could need some help.”
   “I don’t know”, you blurred out.
   “I swear if they-“ Key stopped himself and sighed. “I guess I have to do this myself…”
   “Do what??” you raised your voice. “I knew it, you were plotting something!”
   Key smiled innocently at you. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”
  You tried to glare at him, but then just chuckled, drinking the rest of the liquid in your glass. Key shook his head, looking over at where Minho had been.
   “Do you really not want to talk to Minho?” Key suddenly asked.
   “Hm?” you were a bit surprised by that question.
   “I mean, I know how you really feel”, he said. “Why wouldn’t you want to talk to him?”
   You narrowed your eyes. “I hate him!”
   “No, you don’t”, Key shook his head. “Or… if you do, why don’t you tell it to him?”
   You blinked a few times as you thought. Should you talk to Minho? What’s the worst that could happen?
   After a good few minutes of thinking, you inhaled. You were strong and you were going to show him. You nodded your head to Key with determination.
   “Okay! I will tell him!” you raised your voice in your drunkenness.
   Key grinned, looking at you. “Then, come with me.”
   You stared at the man, raising your brow. You didn’t really have much choice or time to change your mind anyway as Key grabbed your hand and dragged you with him across the room.
   He soon stopped, pulling you in front of him. He was looking at someone.
   “Hey, take care of this”, Key spoke. You glanced at the other person, and again, it was non-other than Choi Minho. The man who could make you blush with nothing but a look, but not this time. This time you were strong.
   “What?” Minho asked puzzled.
   “You… giant meanie”, you narrowed your eyes and poked Minho on his chest. “Giant meanies aren’t supposed to look this good.”
   The tall man raised his brow, but soon his confused expression turned into an amused grin. He looked you straight into your eyes, and damn, he could still make your knees weak even in your drunken state.
   “Oh, so you think I look good?” he asked, his grin never fading.
   You kept staring at him, though you probably were red like a tomato at this point. No, you were strong. “You look too good”, you spoke. “It’s rude.”
   An adoring laugh left Minho’s mouth and his grin turned more affectionate. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
   Key next to you watched carefully.
   “You’re so annoying”, you told Minho. “Why do I even like you?”
   Minho’s eyes widened as wide as they could open. Key’s eyes did the same. They both stared at you for a moment and at your drunken state, you didn’t understand why they were staring at you.
   “What??” you nearly shouted.
   “You like me?” Minho asked quickly.
   “Well yeah, duh”. You rolled your eyes. “Isn’t it obvious?”
   “But you just called me a…” he tapped his chin a few times with his finger as he thought. “A.. ‘giant meanie’?”
   “Yeah! Because you are!” You pointed at him dramatically. “But you are a lovable meanie and I like you… No, I love you.”
   “Yess!” Key cheered quietly. Neither you nor Minho really took notice.
   “You, love, me?” Minho repeated your words slowly.
   “Mmmaybe”, you slurred out. The alcohol was really taking it’s toll on you now.
   “Yo Minho”, Key tapped his friend’s shoulder. “I’m pretty tired. I think I’ll leave now.” He looked at the drunk you with a smirk. “I’m sure you’ll take good care of her.”
   Before Minho could protest or say anything, Key slipped away and out of sight in a second. Minho scratched the back of his neck, then looked over at you. You wobbled a little as you stood. The hangover was going to be a bitch.
   “Hey, do you want to go home?” Minho asked you with a worried tone.
   “Home? But the party just started!” you lifted your both arms up and then clapped them together.
   “It’s late and you are drunk”, Minho noted. “I think it’s better that you left.”
   “Pff, with you?” you chuckled. “Sure, handsome.”
   Minho smiled at your comment but quickly cleared his throat as he grabbed you by your waist to keep you steady. You immediately clung to him, pressing your head against his chest. He didn’t seem to mind as he pulled you with him. Soon you felt the cool air hit your face as he had taken you outside.
   “Taxi!” Minho tried to call for a vehicle.
   You looked up at him with hooded eyes, your sight focusing on his jawline and his neck. He looked so handsome. Everything about him was amazing.
   “Whoa!” you gasped. Minho looked at you with a brow raised. “You have a very pretty neck”, you continued.
   Minho furrowed his brows for a second. “Thanks?” It was more of a question than a statement. He quickly brushed it off as a taxi finally stopped in front of you two. Minho opened the back seat door and gently guided you to sit. He pushed you gently to sit further and then sat next to you, closing the car door. He told an address to the driver, but you couldn’t really hear what he said. Then, you closed your eyes and leaned against his shoulder.
   From there on, everything was blurry.
It was the next morning, and you knew this by waking up and seeing a bright light that nearly blinded you. You groaned, holding your hand in front of your eyes to shield yourself. You stood on your elbows on the big bed that you laid on. And then it hit you, the headache. Great.
   After your eyes had adjusted to the bright light, you looked around the room you were in. Wait. You did not recognize it. The dresser, the pile of clothes, the walls, it wasn’t your bedroom. You panicked slightly from the inside. Did you go with a stranger? Then you quickly checked under the sheets. Some of your clothes were off. Now you full on panicked as you harshly brought the blanket to cover your chest. Then.
   “Oh, you’re awake?”
   Your attention went to the door of the bedroom. Your eyes shot wide open when you saw him. Choi Minho.
   He was standing there, wearing a sleeves shirt and some boxers, smiling like it wasn’t weird at all for you to be there, in what now seemed, his bed.
   You let out a scream and threw the nearest thing at him you could find, which was a pillow. He dodged it pretty well.
   “Why would you do that??” he asked.
   “What did you do to me??” you shouted back.
   “What? Nothing!” he yelled, sounding offended. “I just took off some of your clothes last night, so you’d be more comfortable and laid you to rest.”
   “And where were you??” you shouted again.
   “Sleeping on the couch!”
   You narrowed your eyes, looking at him with suspicion. He was still leaning down, holding his other hand to cover himself and holding something else in his other. You looked at his right hand, noticing a bowl. Your curiosity took over you and you almost forgot everything else that was happening.
   “What is that?” you asked, pointing at his right hand.
   “This?” Minho stood carefully, holding the bowl more at you. “I made you hot soup. Kibum said it’ll help with your hangover.”
   Your expression changed. Soup? For you? Minho made soup, for your hangover? Suddenly you felt your shock and anger fade away.
   “Okay…” you spoke softly, waiting for him to walk over to you. He reached his hand to give you the bowl that was perfectly warm. You took the spoon that was in there and had a taste of the soup. Minho had crouched down next to the bed, looking at you with big eyes eagerly.
   “It’s good”, you said as you had taken a taste. Minho smiled wide, cheering a little to himself. You shook your head, but inside, you were smiling too. How could this man be so perfect?
   “So”, he finally spoke. “Do you remember what you said to me last night?”
   You furrowed your brows, looking at him with confusion. You were staring at nothing as you tried to remember. First, you had drinks, no, shots, then drinks. Your friend was there, but then disappeared and then there was Key. He took you with him to Minho, and then back for more drinks. Then back to Minho. What did you say?
   Your eyes widened. Oh no.
   “N-no I don’t” you lied to him. You were embarrassed, your cheeks heating up. It probably showed on your skin as Minho smirked at your reaction.
   “Really?” he spoke with an amused tone. “Because I clearly remember that you said I looked good, that you liked me, no, you loved me.”
   You froze. “Y-you must remember wrong.”
   Minho shook his head. “I could ask Kibum. He was there, right next to us.”
   Of course, Key. Now you remembered. He was plotting. A man with the plan. There was no use in pretending. He was there, and he would for sure tell everyone if you now lied to Minho.
   “I…” you couldn’t speak properly. What would you even say in that situation?
   “I like you too”, Minho suddenly said. Your head shot up at him.
   “I like you”, he repeated. “Ever since I met you, I’ve got my eyes on you. But you’ve always been so distant so I thought you didn’t like me back. But, Kibum told me to try. I feel like he knew that you felt the same about me.”
   “Of course, he did…” you mumbled to yourself.
   “Hm?” Minho raised his brow.
   “Nothing. So you… you like me?” you spoke carefully, placing the soup next to you to the nightstand. “As in, like like me?”
   “Well yes”, he spoke as if it was obvious.
   “Oh…” you covered your face with your hands. “I didn’t know…”
   “It’s okay.” You could feel the bed move as Minho sat on it, next to you. He carefully grabbed your wrists and pulled your hands aside, to see your face. He stared at you intensely. You felt your cheeks heat up even more than before.
   “You look like a tomato”, he said and grinned.
   “Oh my god”, you hit him on his arm lightly. “I hate you.”
   “Sure you do”, he said, his grin still there.
   “And I hate your stupid grin!” you added.
   “Hey! I have flaming charisma.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
   You squeezed your eyes together and stared as if you were trying to see something really hard. “I don’t see it.”
   Minho seemed a little taken aback, but very quickly returned to his smile. “But still, you love me~.”
   “I don’t!” you spoke fast. “I was very drunk!”
   “Ah, you know what they say”, he began. “Drunk people tell the truth.”
   You crossed your arms together. You weren’t sure if the headache you had was because of the hangover or because of him, but, what you knew was, that it was there.
   “My head hurts…” you whined softly, pressing your finger to your forehead and rubbed it on light circles.
   Minho’s grin seemed to faint a little. He gazed at you, tilting his head to the side. “Maybe this will help?”
   Before you could ask what he meant, he had leaned in closer to you. It took you off guard as his face was right there, only inches away from yours. He waited for few seconds as if he was expecting you to do something. Maybe slap him, push him or just yell. But you didn’t want to do any of that, no, you wanted him to do what he was about to do. And he did. He closed the gap between you two, pressing his lips to yours. The kiss was gentle, almost careful. It lasted only a few seconds, but it felt much longer and so tender.
   Still, too soon, he pulled away and right when he opened his eyes, he gazed into yours. You had opened your eyes at the same time. Suddenly, you weren’t as nervous or embarrassed anymore. Everything seemed to fall into places. Minho brought his hand to wraps some of your hair behind your ear.
   “Well?” he asked.
   “What?” you were confused.
   “Did that make you feel better?” And there it was again, that grin.
   You glared at him, huffing and looking away. “No. I need a painkiller, you idiot.”
   Minho let out a laugh, standing up. “Then that is what I shall get you”, he said. “Also, better eat that soup or it gets cold.”
   “Oh right, my soup!” you almost fell as you fast reached out to get the bowl from the nightstand.
   Minho started laughing loudly. You ignored him, grabbing your soup and taking a few spoonsful of it.
   “You are adorable”, he said.
   You froze again, your eyes trying to fix up to him, but he was already walking out of the room, probably grinning from ear to ear. You huffed to yourself.
   “Stupid Minho”, you said. “I hate him.”
   “I heard that!” Minho shouted.
   You let out a silent chuckle, shaking your head. You thought back to the night, the party, what happened and who was there. That cursed Key. He had planned this all along.
   You smirked to yourself. You would make sure to kick him and thank him when you’ll see him next.
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cow3survivor · 4 years
Ep. 14: “Cheers To Hopefully Winning” - Jones
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idol used on me?? JUMP
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNYwAoPKvd0&feature=youtu.be also wanna talk ab how shane and lindsay both said to me "my life in the game is in your hands" over call after i literally blindsided them and have been on the opposite side of them all gameslkfjs
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-5ZGznrUGez01WIV7mmhxIb42Fzb3Zrv Video is uploading!
nobodys talking to me today except lindsay so im definitely like super nervous and stuff.... idk what to do we’ve been talking about what would happen longterm in the game and weighing out pros and cons and shes admitted that shes super close to shane so ive v nervous in this chiles tonight
(a little later)
holy shit that could have not went better than it did im-
(after washing their buff)
i think the fact that they think mikey and jake are weak is so naive and so annoying. i also hate how entitled jones, shane, and lindsay were. how is jake a snake for doing things yall both did? and when i call u on out on it as a rebuttal now its “*giggles* im such a hypocrite” like pls its so fucking cringe... i also like recognize that i made jones cry but am i responsible for making a somebody  feel bad about something that made me feel bad? dont tink so
(after taking the camera again)
just did the comp in 1 hour and 30 minutes or something pretty sure i flopped it but i enjoyed it lmaooooo hoping jake or mikey did even better than, i even want jones to win immunity, everybody but shane
(uhhh guys? we can’t find jennet)
jones apologized for targetting me all game/ letting me get targeted and tbf im not responding to that, wtf am i supposed to say?? im not going to accept an apology bc somebody feels bad. normalize not having to accept apologies
(seriously where are they)
mikey winning immunity is literally so perfect for me. jake is the target for them so if they win idols i wont get idolled out. tbf if jones won it wouldve been super spicy but honestly im fine either way tmr night is gonna be soooooo goood and jones comp flopping is great bc once shane is gone then we take jones to f4, she doesnt win final immunity and then she gets voted out 3-1
(jennet if you’re reading this bring the camera back please)
im trying not to be too excited about this bc every time i get confident and i can taste the win, i somehow fuck up but im literally jumping for joy pls....
It’s uploading, but if this is my last confessional thank you for the opportunity to play, you all did an amazing job and I’m so thankful cuz this made the end of my year so much better <3 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-6-R-iFj8hyzv3By1Huqw73Rs3eYjyZS
just realized that last vote the two women fought to keep the man and meanwhile two men fought to keep me... pls why does this always happen :cry: my first fast game (stan brother: new blood) the women had an alliance without me even tho i played the game not nomming any women help-
(a little later)
shane said im playing for 4th place but told mikey hes playing for 3rd.. whatever the f that means like pls i hope theyre lighting him up in jury right now bc thats so sick and not him leaving me out of his speech at the end like hello... wheres MYY attention
(jennet you always have my attention xoxo)
also pls these people are so condescending and entitled the way that they speak to mikey and jake is very weird to me and yeah idk everybody keeps saying they'll still be cool and besties at the end of this but my besties would never call me spineless and weak and say im a snake and yell at me all bc of a game i dont think i'll ever speak to oomfs again after this save for jake, mikey, ethan, madison, and sammy.........
(jennet please give the camera back!)
worst case scenario...
(after sitting pretty in jury)
im still a warrior tho, methinks i can beat jones and mikey...
https://youtu.be/L-KiB9lE_8k WAHHHH
(a little later)
https://youtu.be/uj5H4YKP-Mk holy shit holy shit HOLY SHIT
(after staring into the sunset)
Idk why I’m doing this and I was debating on sharing it or not but I just need to put things out there idk so here’s this lmaooo https://youtu.be/fuc0RiSSY7Y
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In Dire Need of a Tutor (Peter Parker Imagine)
request: nope just an idea i had off the dome last week
short summary: you need a tutor for AP Physics…Peter Parker is your boy for the job. stuff happens from there LOL
word count: 1.8k
warnings: a little swearing but idk if people got a problem w that *shrugs*
A/N: lowkey not sure if anyone will like this lmao but this is going to be a 3 or 4 part series, so this first part is primarily to set the stage for the next part, which will have a larger focus on peter himself. if you’d liked to be tagged in future parts or my works in general pls lmk!
“Jesus Christ, Flash, you’re so full of yourself!” you exclaimed as you quickly gathered your notebook and shoved it in your backpack. You were beyond frustrated and infuriated.
AP Physics wasn’t your strong suit, but you’d be damned if you didn’t ace both the class and its subsequent AP exam. The more you worked, the more hopeless your quest to find a tutor seemed to become. Your friend MJ tried first and it didn’t work out. Then you had tried Flash when he had offered. He wasn’t exactly the ideal person you had in mind, but you were desperate. Too desperate.
“At least I’m not as hopeless as you, how do you not understand the most basic of formulas? You’ll need a goddamn miracle to pass this exam,” he replied arrogantly. You simply showed him the finger and exited the empty classroom he’d been tutoring you in. There were still a good 5 minutes left of lunch and you were in dire need of some junk food from one of the vending machines.
As you opened the door, you collided with another person, with the contents of your backpack flying everywhere. Textbooks, notebooks, pens, everything.
“Shit,” you both exclaimed simultaneously. “This day could not get any worse,” you muttered to yourself with a humorless laugh as you bent over to collect your things.
“I-I’m really sorry,” said the boy you’d run into. He knelt down next to you and was hurriedly gathering your things. Taking a quick glance up at him, you recognized him from somewhere, but couldn’t place which class.
“No, it was my fault,” you replied softly. “You don’t have to help me, it’s totally fine—“ you stopped mid-sentence as he handed you your latest Physics test that had fallen out of your bag, a big fat D+ adorning the upper right corner of the paper.  You felt your cheeks redden as you slowly took it back.
The two of you worked in silence until all of your things were gathered off of the linoleum floor of the hallway. Getting up and brushing your knees off, you were still slightly embarrassed he’d seen the test that you’d bombed.
“Thank you, uhm,” you paused, not really know his name.
“Peter…Parker. Peter Parker,” he introduced quietly, not quite meeting your eyes. They were looking down at the floor actually.
“Right..well thank you Peter. I’m Y/N Y/L/N,” you held out your hand for him to shake.
“I know, we have AP Physics together,” Peter stated. His cheeks reddened and his eyes widened as he continued, “I think, I mean I don’t know for sure.” He then quickly took your outstretched hand to shake.
You looked him over for a brief moment. Messy dark hair, but kind brown eyes. His t-shirt was a physics joke that, of course, you didn’t understand. But recognition slowly made its way into your features as your eyes widened.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, we do have physics together,” you exclaimed sheepishly. He shrugged it off nervously.
“It’s okay, I’m kind of invisible,” Peter replied quietly. After a few more brief moments he extracted his hand from yours and handed you your backpack. As you were about to shuffle away awkwardly he grabbed your arm.
“I could maybe…tutor you in Physics if you want? I kind of overheard your situation with Flash and it looks like you need help.” You could tell he was referencing the abomination of a test he had seen while helping you clean up. His eyes widened again. “Not that you’re stupid or anything, quite the opposite, I just, uh,” he stammered. You smiled at him.
“No I completely get it, I’m desperate for help honestly. Would you mind tutoring me, Peter?” you asked sweetly. If you recalled correctly, he was quite smart, and never got an answer wrong when the teacher would call on him in class.
“Sure, okay,” he said, sounding a bit breathless. You thanked the Gods above and prayed that he would be able to help you pass.
Before you could give a response, the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. Quickly grabbing a pen from your backpack and Peter’s arm, you scrawled your number on his arm. Students started to fill up the hallways, walking towards their next classes.
“Text and let me know what times work best for you, I’m pretty much free all the time, bye Peter!” you called as you scurried off to your next class, leaving him staring at his arm with a dumbfounded look on his face.
~2 weeks later~
Peter had been tutoring you late in the evenings after his Stark Internship, which worked out since you two lived in the same building, him being two floors up from your apartment. And, you were actually starting to understand physics. There was another test tomorrow, and tonight Peter was supposed to help you do some last minute cramming.
You couldn’t help but notice how nervous he seemed every time you were over at his apartment, or how often he would blush when you’d scoot closer to him to get a better look at a problem or concept. Any time that your shoulders would brush you’d see him visibly stiffen or jump a little bit. You considered questioning him on it, but thought that maybe he’d quit tutoring you if you did. And lord knows you couldn’t afford for that to happen.
He’d told you in school earlier that day he might be a bit late, but you still made your way up to his apartment anyway and knocked on the door. His Aunt May opened the door and smiled when she saw it was you.
“Y/N! Is Peter expecting you?” she inquired as she gestured you in. Every time you were over in the past few weeks she was nothing but warm and nice to you, and unbeknownst to you shooting Peter suggestive glances every time he led you to his room for a tutoring session.
“Yeah, we have a test tomorrow, so we’re planning on some last minute cramming so I can actually retain this information,” you joked lightly. May gave you a reassuring pat on the back.
“With Peter’s help I’m sure you’ll definitely ace it. That boy’s as smart as they come, and cute too,” she replied with a wink. You blushed.
“Definitely true.” You didn’t specify which of her statements you were agreeing with, and she didn’t ask. Instead, she mentioned you were free to wait for Peter in his room and to help yourself to anything in the kitchen before retreating to her own bedroom.  
You opted to just take a glass of water and made your way to Peter’s room, taking a seat on his bed and pulling out some study materials. Though, about 20 minutes later while deep into a multi-step pendulum problem, the window slowly started creeping open. You froze, not knowing what to do or how to react to the situation and waited to see what would unfold.
A figure slowly came in and started climbing on the ceiling…climbing on the ceiling!! You threw your hand over your mouth when realizing that none other than Spider-Man was crawling on the fucking ceiling. His mask was off and your heart raced with anticipation as you craned your neck to get a clear look at the face.
As the figure looked down and outstretched their arm to slowly close the slightly open door, it hit you like a truck: it was Peter Parker, Peter fucking Parker was the Spider-Man. In shock with a million questions running through your head, Peter finally saw you as he made his descent to the floor, shock painting his features perfectly. After 30 seconds of silence you were the first to speak.
“What the fuck, you’re Spider-Man? How do you? Why do you?” your mouth kept opening and closing as more and more questions popped into your head. You got up off of his bed and started pacing around the room, slightly annoyed and extremely confused. “Do you even have anything to say or are you just going to stand there and ignore my questions?” you all but yelled. Peter finally sprung into action throwing a hand over your mouth, realizing the severity of the situation.
“Y/N please calm down, don’t hate me just let me explain, okay, just hear me out? Please?” he begged. He started making some hardcore puppy dog eyes at you and your annoyance began to falter. You removed his hand from your mouth and once again sat on his bed, taking a deep breath. “Fine, you have 60 seconds before I start freaking out again,” you said dramatically.
Honestly inside you knew that there was no reason for you to be this worked up, you’d only known Peter almost two weeks now. But you were just…scared for him. You brushed it off as normal human compassion as he took off his Spider-Man suit.
As he changed into some normal clothes it took everything in you to look away as he revealed his rock hard abs, you wouldn’t be surprised if your cheeks were insanely red. Heaving a sigh he sat next to you on his bed, his knee bouncing up and down nervously.
“I am…Spider-Man,” he started slowly. Yeah no shit Sherlock, you thought to yourself. But didn’t dare interrupt. 
“I got bit by a spider a while ago and I developed all these super human powers and it just sort of turned into this big thing, and pretty much every day I work hard to protect everyone in Queens and just be this friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man and I know I tell everyone I have this big Stark internship but it’s just I can’t tell people about this, not even Aunt May or else she wouldn’t let me do this anymore, and I just have to do this. I can’t just have these powers to help and look out for people and neglect to use them. And I’m so sorry about lying to you but it’s just…I couldn’t risk it. I really couldn’t,” he rushed out in one single breath.
You could see slight relief in his features as everything in his mind came out of his mouth. You felt for him a little bit, evidently having nobody to confide in about this major secret in his life. Before you could formulate a response you saw tears forming in his eyes.
“Oh, Peter,” you replied softly, pulling him into a hug. “Please stop crying, it’s okay, I’m not mad at you, you’re okay.” He was sniffling against your shoulder with his arms wrapped around your waist, as you stroked one of your hands through his hair. “Your secret’s safe with me, I promise.”
After a few minutes he had composed himself and looked at you deeply. “Thank you, Y/N.” You felt a shiver run down your spine at how genuine he sounded…but in a good way. Brushing it off, you wiped a few stray tears off of his cheeks.
“So…you actually know Tony Stark?” you asked, trying to change the mood. He laughed a little bit, causing you to laugh too. And the two of you spent the rest of the night talking about his Spider-Man lifestyle instead of studying.
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