#its really only the third phase that's the problem with every boss so far
foxstens · 1 year
i just second tried the apparently tankiest boss in the game
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orbcube · 2 years
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i am just sitting here playing a run of kaycees mod. i have managed to get a very strong deck. notably i have a reptile field mice totem, and like four separate no-cost reptile cards, and ouroboros.
the reptile field mice totem makes all reptile cards place a copy of themselves back in your hand when you play them. no-cost reptile cards are now infinitely self-replicating free sacrifice fodder.
ouroboros (crucially, a reptile), in addition to now making a copy of itself in your hand every time you play it, also comes back to your hand with +1 attack and +1 defense every time it dies. its stats are constant across all iterations of the card. if you keep playing it and sacrificing it and playing it (or a copy (there is effectively no difference)) again and sacrificing it again you will keep gaining copies of it in your deck, and you will keep increasing their stats by 1/1 each time.
i am about to finish off the final boss. on a whim i decide i want to do some infinite ouroboros bullshit to get the 666 damage in one turn achievement. meaning i would have to get my ouros to at least 167/167 and put four of them on the board at the same time.
so i would have to have two cards on the board, sacrifice them to play a 167/167 ouro, put two free cards down, sacrifice those to play another 167/167 ouro, then another two free cards for a third 167/167 ouro, then play one more free card, sacrifice it to play my black goat (worth three blood when sacrificed, absolutely necessary with only one open space left), sacrifice it for one last 167/167 ouro, then ring the bell.
i had a lot of cards in my hand already from the previous phases of the boss battle and after about 60 turns of copying ouros it started to require some fine motor control to get the cursor to focus on any card that i wanted to focus on. by around 120 turns the cards in my hand had become nearly indistinguishable from each other and completely freaked out when moused over making it literally impossible to visually focus on any one card. to pick out the card i wanted i had to just wildly clickspam in the general area of the hand i knew it was in, hope i got the right one, put it back if i didnt and repeat.
this was not a problem when i wanted to grab an ouroboros because by this point like 90% of the cards were ouroboroses. this was very much a problem when i wanted to find one of my sacrifice fodder needles in the ouroboros haystack. i realized this was going to be much more annoying to pull off than i really anticipated, and wasnt sure if it would end up being physically (virtually? mechanically?) possible at all. i was also kind of worried the game would crash.
i was going to give up. i was going to just take my 132/132 or whatever and kill the moon in one shot and tip the scales in the next and take my teeth and call it a day. so i stopped looking for cards, i left my 132/132 or whatever on the board, i rang the bell. i killed the moon. and the boss music stopped. and i saw those four empty spaces in front of me. and i looked at my giant stack of bone tokens. and i looked at my 132/132 or whatever. and i thought about how far i had come. and i knew i had to keep going.
by the end i was spending several minutes trying to grab a single sacrifice card, and thanking fucking god that i knew for a fact that the black goat was the farthest left card in my hand. honestly i am getting tired writing this and its already too long.
basically i eventually did it and it was crazy and nuts and sick. thank u
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chocoluckchipz · 4 years
The Other You - 10
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Read it on A03, FF.net, WattPad
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Being a physics teacher, Adrien was used to solving problems. Yet, finding a competent assistant for Marinette fast enough was proving to be more difficult than he’d ever thought possible.
Sure, there were hundreds of applications and resumes stored in Gabriel’s database but none of the qualified people contacted in the last two days had agreed to come for an interview. Most had already had a job. Others, though jobless, were not willing to give a seemingly doomed company a chance.
Adrien shouldn’t despair though… or at least, that what his HR manager had said as he left for the day. Surely, tomorrow they would find a person crazy enough to jump on board. They might need a little training and time to work on their skills but at least they would be there. Right?
Adrien sighed, leaning into his chair. No. Marinette needed a professional, not a student to teach right now. At any other time, that might have worked but not this close to the show that bore her professional future on its metaphorical shoulders.
Adrien glanced at the clock. Half an hour until nine. A smile found its way on his face, his mouth salivating from just the memory. Yesterday’s meal was the best he’d had in a long time. Marinette was an amazing cook. Adrien knew his cuisine. He could recognize quality when he tasted it.
“Time to go.” Adrien stretched, standing up. “Ready, guys?”
“What’s the rush?” Plagg yawned, lazily flying out of his basket. “You need five minutes to get there, tops.”
“We need to drop by a store and my apartment first.”
“What for?” the kwami grumbled. “Didn’t you run enough today?”
“I thought it’d be polite for us to bring a dessert,” Adrien replied. “And Duusu needs more grapes.”
“Yippie!” The peacock kwami flew out from one of the shelves, doing a flip in midair. “Can I get the sweet green kind with a little pinkish tint on them?”
“They are called Cotton Candy, Duusu,” Nooroo said, getting out of his pile of fabric. “And they're not in season now. You know that.”
“But what if they are?”
“They are not.”
“But what if they are?”
“If they’re in stock, I’ll make sure to buy you enough for a week,” Adrien interrupted, putting on his jacket. “Otherwise, I’ll stock on a variety for you to try. Sounds good?”
“Yes!” Duusu squealed. “Thank you! You’re the best Master ever!”
“Nooroo, you can take some of those cuts before we leave. I noticed you like them.”
Nooroo’s eyes lit up. “You’re so generous, Master! Thank you!” He dove into the pile to gather as many pieces of silk as he could.
Plagg huffed, rolling his eyes. “Nuisances. Did we really have to take them with us? They would’ve been perfectly fine staying home. Better yet dormant back in their miraculouses.”
“They’ve been isolated for long enough,” Adrien replied. “I think they deserve some freedom for once.”
“Not at the expense of my peace,” Plagg grumbled.
Adrien reached over and scratched his kwami under the chin, evoking an involuntary purr from him. “You’ll benefit from being around other kwamis, Plagg. Maybe then you’ll become less grumpy.”
“Being grumpy is not art just anyone can muster,” Plagg mumbled under his breath, flying into Adrien’s bag. Duusu and Nooroo, with his pile of silk cuts, joined him a moment later. Adrien turned the light off and walked out of the office. After a quick visit to a nearby grocery store, he transformed around the corner and headed home to drop off Nooroo and Duusu. Appeasing the kwamis with food and Netflix, Adrien changed into his loungewear so he’d be able to just plop into a bed right after Marinette’s, then headed off to collect his rent fee.
At exactly nine o’clock, Chat Noir knocked on her window.  
“Good evening, Chat,” she greeted with a smile.
Chat grinned and inhaled, stepping into the room. Delicious. His mouth watered. “What’s for dinner?”
“Quiche Lorraine.”
“Sounds yummy. Smells heavenly.”
She giggled. “It is yummy. Go wash your paws while I set the table.”
Chat obeyed, though it was awkward at best to wash his gloved hands, but he supposed it was justified, seeing as he touched all kinds of surfaces on his way here. As he settled down in front of a steaming slice of quiche, Chat could hardly contain his excitement. This genius rent fee was his best idea ever. Period. “Itadakimasu.”
Marinette snickered, putting a slice of quiche on her plate. “Careful, Chat. Your weeb’s showing.”
He grinned. “But it’s you. You know all my flaws already. I don’t have to pretend.”
She cocked her head to the side. “I thought you would have overgrown that stage by now.”
Chat gasped dramatically. “You can never outgrow the wonder that is anime! It’s not a phase. It’s a part of me! How could you imply so, Princess?”
Marinette laughed. “Alright, alright. Eat before you choke on your drool.”
“Don’t mind if I do.” Chat grinned before stuffing his mouth full of what he immediately judged to be the food of angels. “This is good. Very good. I could live off this my whole life.”
Marinette started on her own meal. “I learned my quiches from Papa. He’s the real deal when it comes to those. Mine aren’t up to his standard yet.”
“Says who? I remember your dad’s pies. They were delicious, but they weren’t better. In fact, in addition to being delicious, this quiche is also somehow different. There is something distinctly yours about it. So don’t you go selling yourself short.”
“You think so?”
He nodded. “You could make a fortune selling these. Marinette the Quiche Queen. I can see it now.”
Marinette laughed. “Dork. Don’t talk with your mouth full.”
“Then tell me how your day was while I indulge myself in this heavenly food.”
Marinette frowned, shifting her eyes to the side immediately.
“That bad?”
She nodded. “Since my assistant quit, I have to do twice the work now. And I was already struggling to keep up with my own portion. That’s why I’d stay overtime to finish whatever I couldn’t during the day, but now I can’t do even that so I’m falling behind already, and it’s only the first day.”
“Because of me and my rent fee?”
She shook her head. “Even if I didn’t have to cook for you, today my new boss enforced a curfew for us to leave the premises at the end of each working day. I have to be out of the building by eight or risk being sent on a mandatory day off the next day. And if that happens, I’ll fall even further behind which means Gabriel’s women’s line won’t make it to Paris' Fashion Week at the end of summer.”
“It’s good for your health and sanity, though, no? To get enough rest.”
“Not if I spend all of my ‘rest’ time worrying sick over not finishing my collection on time and losing my job, possibly my career, as a result,” Marinette grumbled. “Stupid curfew. Stupid Adrien. It’s like he doesn’t care in the slightest. Then, why should he care? Gabriel’s men’s line is on time and looks good. Adrien has nothing to worry about. It’s not like his whole future career hangs on that damned line.”
“I’m sure he realizes how important this is for you,” Chat said carefully. “Maybe he’s just trying to prevent you from killing yourself by introducing this curfew? Overworking and exhaustion can kill you, you know.”
“Then he could’ve just hired a new assistant for me instead,” Marinette murmured. “It would’ve been more effective.”
“And I’m sure he’s realizing that too and I won’t be surprised if he’s trying to find you one as fast as he can.”
Marinette fell silent as they continued to eat. When her plate was clean, she quietly added. “Sorry for being a downer. It’s just that… my whole career, my entire future is tied to that stupid line and this upcoming Paris Fashion Week. It will either make me or break me and after how much I’ve invested in this already… I’m not sure if I can handle the failure.”
Chat reached out, putting his hand over Marinette’s. “If I can help in any way, just tell me.”
She lifted her eyes full of tears to him, a sad smile on her lips. “You’re already helping, Chat. You gave me a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in. And honestly, this ridiculous rent fee of yours is kind of a godsend. I always enjoyed cooking. It helps me relax after a stressful day and knowing I have a friend to share my dinner with gives me the strength to hang on. So, thank you.”
“No need to thank me.” Chat shoved the last piece of his quiche in his mouth. “It’s not like I am not the one benefiting from this arrangement the most. Can I have one more slice, please?”
Marinette giggled, ruffling his hair. “Sure. And I’ll pack you some to take home.”
He closed his eyes in delight. “Thank you. Now I don’t have to admit I was already thinking of ways to beg you for thirds. This is undoubtedly the best meal I’ve had in the past few years.”
“Speaking of meals,” Marinette perked. “There is one good thing Adrien did with all the changes he’d implemented today.”
Chat quirked an eyebrow. “Oh? What is it?”  
“Well, I have no idea why since Gabriel is a huge company but his father never had a cafeteria on site. We had to either go out for lunch or bring our own, and with all the stress and rush, I did tend to forget my meals until I was starving. But then with all the work on my plate, I wouldn’t have time to go out, so I’d settle for a snack from a vending machine. But today, Adrien announced that starting tomorrow, we’ll have our own cafeteria with freshly cooked meals on-site. The best part—the company pays. All employees get food for free.”
“Wow,” Chat tried to look surprised. “Isn’t Gabriel in trouble? How can he afford that?”
“I have no idea,” Marinette replied. “But I’m not complaining. It’ll be nice to eat normal meals again.”
Chat Noir smirked. Money wasn’t an issue. Having a cafeteria on-site didn’t cost as much as everyone thought, and his father had left behind a far bigger fortune than anyone had realized. It was only fair that some of it would go into replenishing the health of employees who’d sacrificed their wellbeing catering to his father’s every whim.
Marinette thought he had a good idea! Huh! What happened to that annoyed and grumpy Marinette that glared at him at this morning’s meeting when he gathered his lead employees and announced new implementations?
“Seems like this new boss of yours isn’t so awful after all. Those new rules don't sound too bad.”
“Free food—yes, not bad at all. Curfews—no. Burn them with fire.”
Chat cocked his head to the side. “I suspect there is a reason you’re huffy about the curfew. Don’t tell me you were planning to sneak back in to work after feeding me?”
Marinette stilled for a brief moment, then cleared her throat. “That’s ridiculous. Why would you think such a thing? Are you done with that?” She pointed to his plate, standing up.
“Marinette, no,” Chat sighed, now reassured he’d made the right decision with that curfew. It seemed ridiculous to enforce it in the first place since all but Marinette left work at a decent hour, but it was the only way Adrien could think of forcing Marinette to go home and rest. “Please, promise me you won’t do that. You have all day for work. At night, you need to rest. You already collapsed once. Let’s not repeat that.”
“Don’t worry, Chat. I wouldn’t sneak back in.” Marinette shrugged. “I can’t afford to get caught and be sent home for a day. Not this close to my goal, but—” she smirked, “—a curfew doesn’t mean I can’t take work home, right?”
“I guess it doesn’t.” Chat sighed, standing up. “I’d better get going then. We wouldn’t want you to spend all your evening entertaining me and then lose sleep working.”
“You know if not for work, I’d totally kick your ass in a video game now.”
“Well, then let’s hope your boss will find you an assistant soon, so you’ll have free time to do that.”
“Let’s do that.”
Marinette packed him half of the leftover quiche and half of the macarons he’d brought her, both of them agreeing that they were too full after the main meal to have dessert right away. Then, she promised him not to stay up too late, and with that Chat Noir departed. He did have a patrol to get to.
Chat stopped at a nearby roof, wondering if he should even bother with patrolling. Hawkmoth was gone. So was Mayura. Whatever small crime was going on, the police could handle it. Paris didn’t need Ladybug and Chat Noir anymore. They didn’t have to patrol. They could go back to a somewhat normal life. Take those masks off. Maybe, finally, start a relationship. They could be free.
He only wished he could tell that to Ladybug.
That sort of revelation would entail a conversation Adrien wasn’t sure he was ready for yet. He would eventually… if only because Nooroo and Duusu needed to go back to the Guardian. But not now. Not yet. He needed time to wrap his mind around it all himself first before opening up to someone else. It pained him to keep a secret from his Lady. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to look her in the eye next time they met, but what could he do? How would he explain? Would she understand the shame and anger and confusion that was consuming him?
His baton beeped.
Ladybug: I hope you’re enjoying the weather, Chaton, and I’m sorry to ask, but would it be okay for me to miss a few more days? Work’s gotten harder for me to manage.
Chat Noir: Of course, my Lady. Take all the time you need.
Ladybug: I really am sorry. Message me if something happens.
Chat Noir: Not a problem. Good luck with your work! Hope it goes well.
Ladybug: Thanks. I’ll see you in a few days. <3
Chat Noir: <3
That settled it. Patrol abandoned, Chat Noir headed straight home. Once back at his apartment, he detransformed and plopped on his bed.
“Are you alright, Master?” Nooroo asked, floating closer.
“He’s fine,” Plagg grumbled from nearby. “It’s his normal state of brooding.”
“Are you sure?” Duusu frowned from his place in front of Adrien’s laptop. “My wielders—”
“Your miraculous was broken at the time, Duusu, wasn’t it?” Plagg rolled his eyes. “I know my kitten, and I’m telling you he’s fine.”
“I am fine,” Adrien decided to end the argument before it started. “Just tired. Lots of work. Lots of things I have to think about.”
Once again trying to concede his own father was Hawkmoth, Adrien’s mind raced to the events of the past. Little details. Tiny hints. Bigger slip-ups. How could he never have suspected anything? Even Ladybug figured him out that one time until…
“Say, Nooroo?” Adrien turned over and propped himself up to lean on his elbows. “If my father was Hawkmoth, how could he be akumatized? The Collector?”
“It can be done,” Nooroo nodded. “The butterfly wielder’s power is to give supernatural abilities to anyone, including themselves.”
“As long as there are strong negative emotions, right? That’s what we gathered over the years.”
Nooroo shook his head. “Not necessarily. Your father searched for people who were upset and angry because they were easier to manipulate. But when he akumatized himself or Mme Nathalie, for example, neither of them had strong negative emotions, just a goal in mind.”
“Wait!” Adrien sat up. “Nathalie? Are you saying Nathalie knew and was helping him?”
Nooroo lowered his eyes, glancing at Duusu, who promptly bowed his head.
Gears clicking in his head, Adrien stared in shock at the peacock kwami. His eyes bulged. “Mayura… Nathalie was Mayura, wasn’t she?”
Neither kwami spoke. Neither looked at Adrien.
Silence enveloped the room, no one daring to move or say anything until a quiet why slipped Adrien’s lips.
“We don’t have a choice but to follow the orders of our masters,” Nooroo mumbled.
Adrien shook his head. “I know that. I don’t blame you. I just… I don’t understand. Why would Father want to terrorize the city in his spare time? Why would Nathalie… She was… Why would she help him? Why would she know and do nothing about it? I just can’t…”
“For your mother,” Duusu spoke, flying closer. “Your mother was her best friend and your father had a special place in her heart. Everything she did was for them.”
“My mom?” Adrien frowned. “What does Mom have to do with all of this? She disappeared when I was fourteen…” His eyes widened as he sucked in the air. “A few months before Hawkmoth first attacked.” Looking straight at the butterfly and peacock kwami, he pressed his lips together. “What am I missing? Tell me everything.”
Nooroo glanced at Duusu before murmuring, “I don’t think that’s—”
Adrien stood up, a tight, uncomfortable feeling gripping at his chest. “This is my family we’re talking about, my father and his assistant who terrorized this city and tried to kill me for years, supposedly for my mother. Don’t you think I have the right to know?”
“Spill it, guys,” Plagg said, flying to sit on Adrien’s shoulder. “I’m rather interested myself.”
Duusu lowered his head even further as Nooroo sighed and gave in, disclosing to Adrien the story of a young Gabriel and Emilie, two adventurers in love who found Duusu and him buried under the snow on a random Tibetan mountain on one of their expeditions. They brought them back to Paris, Gabriel choosing Nooroo as Emilie favoured Duusu. Only the peacock miraculous was broken and an unfortunate accident soon after left Emilie in a magical coma.
“She didn’t disappear?” Adrien whispered, his head feeling dizzier and dizzier with every word that left Nooroo’s mouth.
The kwami shook his head. “Your father put her on life support and hid her in the basement under your house.”
Adrien’s eyes widened. “No. That can’t be.”
“He hoped that by obtaining Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculouses he’d be able to bring her back to life.”
“Why didn’t he take her to a hospital? They could’ve saved her.”
“A coma caused by magic cannot be resolved by human medicine,” Nooroo sighed.
“No.” Adrien backed away, shaking his head. “This can’t be right. You’re mistaken. My mom disappeared when I was fourteen. They pronounced her legally dead a few years ago. We even had a funeral! I attended that funeral! Don’t tell me she’s still in a coma in the basement of my father’s house!”
“She’s not,” Nooroo replied. “There was a really bad rainy season a few weeks before that funeral. The basement flooded. The system that kept her alive was damaged. The back-up sustained substantial water damage as well and couldn’t kick in when her life support failed. Every minute counted, and your father and Nathalie were both out of the house that day. When they got back, it was already too late.”
Nooroo paused for a moment, letting his words settle in before adding, “Your mother’s coffin at her funeral wasn’t closed because it was empty. It was because your father had no way of explaining how after years of claiming his wife was missing, he suddenly had her body, looking just as young as the day she’d disappeared. I’m sorry, Adrien.”
Stunned, Adrien continued to shake his head, his feet and hands going cold. A chill ran down his spine, skin tingling with discomfort as he struggled to breathe. “No. You’re lying.”
“Kwamis can’t lie,” Duusu whispered. “We can avoid saying things but we can’t lie.”
“No,” Adrien kept repeating. “This… this can’t be true.”
“That’s why Hawkmoth vanished around that same time,” Nooroo said. “Your father had no one to save anymore.”
“No!” Adrien swore under his breath, turning away. This was too much. His mom had still been alive all those years. In a coma but still alive. His father fought them all that time to save her? Was it even possible? Ladybug explained the whole “ultimate wish” to him once, and if Adrien remembered correctly it was more of an ‘equal exchange’ deal than a wish. Was his father aware? He must have been. He had that book on miraculouses. Was he then ready to sacrifice another life for Mom? Someone just as dear to him?
Or him?
His head spun, stomach violently churning. He leaned against the wall. Neither of those choices made it right. Mom would’ve never wanted that. She’d hate him for doing so. Heck! She’d snatch those miraculouses off him and reverse the wish! Adrien could see it even now. Fierce, always ready to defend justice, and immeasurably kind. His mother was his role model. And as much as Adrien would love to see her again, he knew she’d never let someone else die for her sake. Father should’ve known it as well. How could he claim to have loved her if he was ready to violate something so fundamental to her beliefs? And at a price she’d never agreed to pay?
“Adrien?” Plagg appeared in front of his face, looking rather distressed himself.
Adrien raised his watering eyes to his kwami. “He was a monster,” he whispered. “He was insane. I need… I need to go. Plagg, claws out!
A bright flash of green and Chat Noir sprinted across Paris, not bothering to choose a direction. He just ran. Ran until he collapsed from exhaustion on a random roof, unable to contain his tears anymore.
Next >
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Thoughts/Background Goblet of Fire
What kind of creepy graveyard is this? Skeletons crawling over one another? Snake hidey-holes? Is this Nagini speaking or can she hear Voldemort from that far away? This just shows how fast she is as she moves along the ground here. Literally, we have here the Angel of Death equipped with wings and a scythe, which normally the Grim Reaper carries.
One light on in the caretaker’s house which is right next to the family graveyard? We are assuming that this is the Riddle estate, correct? Wealthy families like that would have had a family graveyard near their home. Also, that house in the background, Riddle Manor? Is super big and though it is dark looks grandiose.
The house here, looks well lived in, but at the same time, almost like it has only recently been inhabited. This is a kitchen, but it looks like there is a shovel on the wall, and only one light?
Still, only one light on in the main Riddle house. Wormtail can’t even draw a curtain? Dang.
Those are some old fashioned keys. I understand that this is a Manor or whatever, but this takes place during the nineties? No one thought to update the locks on this place? Frank mentions, “Those kids”, like people breaking in has been a real problem. Why not update the security? Also, who has been paying for the upkeep of this place? Lucius? Some secret Dark Lord Corporation? Is that why they are old school? Because we all know that wizards like to keep everything super, super, super old school?
Seriously, who is keeping up this place? The topiary is amazing!!
He looks like he is walking up a sort of backdoor entrance or servant’s entrance.
He is the caretaker for the grounds, but can’t dust a little? That clock needs a good one.
The light wasn’t muted because no one was casting a lumos, they were simply using a lamp that had the fabric bits removed that dampen the light.
The way that Barty is smiling when Nagini perches herself on Voldemort’s chair is fucking terrifying.
Ron’s room really is all orange. Such a fanboy.
The Burrow is in such a great spot. The little pond in front, the trees, the openness. The house itself is incredible. Still, only one light on. Whose? You can see the group walking away. That has to be Mr. and Mrs. Weasley’s room. Or Ron forgot to turn off the light, again.
They are all having to run to keep up with Mr. Weasley because he gets his cardio, bitch.
Mr. Weasley is rocking that straw cabana hat because he knows Muggles son!
Such a beautiful shot!
Did they travel through a worm hole here? I know the director or whoever had to make a creative choice in how this was going to be portrayed, but…. Idk.
Everyone is flying around, the arena is clearly segregated into Ireland’s colors or Green, Red, and Yellow, perhaps hinting at the final score of the match? Nice job, filmmakers.
What is this guy juggling? It looks like toy merecreatures almost.
Orange is the Weasley families favorite color. They’re just owning it at this point.
The pitch looks like it is in the inside of a volcano or a mountain.
Some people have seats right on the grass of the pitch? So, if the Weasle’s have bad seats at the very top what would the very lowest seats be classified as?
Who knew that a job qualification for Professional Qudditich players is the ability to adequately throw and spark fireworks?
Krum is a showoff.
Those are omnoculars? What Ron has to his face?
The way that they were all packed in together, it’s a wonder the whole place didn’t burn down with all the incendios they were throwing around.
They are all wizards, underage or not, and this is a life threatening situation, and yet, no one is firing back at the Death Eaters?
Okay, so everything did get torched to the ground. None of these tents had some fire retardant?
That amount of spells coming at the trio.
That style of hat that Crouch is wearing has got to be some ministry trend. Wait until they all hit the trucker hats in the 2000’s.
That Dark Mark is really cool.
I love her hat though. It looks like something that would have been worn to the royal wedding.
Seeing the train is always stunning.
I love the collection of sweets here. Colorful, to attract the youngins.
This is a really colorful movie. The third one was very muted while still being stunning. This and the next one experience with splashes of color that are just beautiful.
They are passing a big lake in the background there. Out of the window just looks wild and remote.
He addresses it clearly to Sirius Black. Is that a qualification for the owls to know where they letter needs to go or do they just have to have been there before? I need to know the specifics of owl travel.
You get to see the whole scope of how large not only Hogwarts is ,but the grounds, and I love that.
You see Neville in this first sequence as they are watching the other schools arrive as well as Fred, George, Ginny, Colin, Harry, and Hermione. Angelina Johnson is in the background behind the twins.
The sails on the Durmstrang ship looks like it is decorated with a two headed dragon. Is that the symbol for Durmstrang?
So while Dumbledore is chatting, Hagrid and Flitwick are behind him chit chatting.
There are two levels to the head table in this movie. The main folk are sitting at the higher table. Snape is leaning against the wall, not directly related to them at all. I bet he hated first days at the school.
Snape is one hundred percent mimicking Dumbledore’s speech for a hysterical Flitwick in the background.
The bald guy behind Dumbledore looks asleep, straight up.
Are butterflies the symbol for Beauxbatons? That would be very interesting. A creature that transforms completely into something else.
Hermione and Ginny are the only two who know what’s up in this shot.
Dumbledore was giving Madame Maxime eyes.
Filch is just standing dead in the middle of the Durmstrang wizards.
He is still standing there when Krum and Karkaroff walk in.
The kids so promptly follow Dumbledore’s instructions even though some of them are probably embarrassed about having to sing the school song.
But not Harry James Potter. He is living for this song.
Again we get so many shots of the school in this movie.
You can see the house point containers behind Dumbledore’s head.
You can see them again after the goblet is revealed.
Is that a tower of marshmallows?
OMgosh! The sky acted up when Crouch Jr came in because Hogwarts knew that he wasn’t who he said he was!!!!
The cup is so primitive looking compared to the container that is in.
It almost looks like each layer was created by a different faction of the wizarding world as a whole. That could definitely be a fanfic.
The perspective starts on the Durmstrang ship which again features a dragon.
Cages, nets in the background of the DADA classroom.
There is also a lot of glass and mirrors in the room which almost makes me think of a fun house where you don’t look like yourself in any of the mirrors which is super fitting for Crouch Jr. at this phase.
Why does Hermione look so suspicious already?
And what is the use of all the bugs, Crouch Jr. you sick mother f-er.
Who needs fifty overflowing worms in a jar?
Dean Thomas is straight up rocking a composition notebook from Walmart on that desk. He is representing Muggle culture at its finest.
Crabbe is wearing a ring. Is that his heir ring? That would be interesting as we see the younger generation start to really get pulled into the war in this film.
The portrait on the stain glass crying. We have all seen this, and appreciate the majesty.
We love a rain soaked Robert Pattinson.
Everyone is just watching the battle between the twins and Hermione.
There is no other light in the Great hall except for the Goblet? Dumbledore does love his aesthetic.
Snape is like, get me out of here.
And that display of power is why all of them dang kids sing that dorky song.
Who is Cedric kissing here as he goes up to the head table?
The cup is like the opposite of the Goblet of Fire. It is shiny and bright and new while the goblet is ancient looking.
You can see Harry’s scar quite prevalently in this shot.
The Hogwarts trophy room. I have never connected this before. It is huge.
Karkaroff has gold fillings.
What are the spinning trophies and where can I get one?
One light on in the top part of the castle.
Pensieve memories are blue, and the Goblet’s fire is blue. Coincidence? Fic writers, you tell me.
The suns on the curtains in the boy’s dorm is a nice touch.
Ron has a homemade quilt. I bet he gets those for birthday gifts instead of the infamous Christmas sweater. Molly Weasley is a boss.
What are all of these trophies for? I bet Dumbledore keeps all the ones that the various clubs and groups have won over the years.
Magical cleaner?
The scope of Hogwarts is amazing.
The owlery is literally covered in bird shit, like every inch. Dumbledore clearly instructs Filch not to clean it to deter frisky students.
Is that a cat on the stairs there?
I can’t ever decide if the Common Room looks too big or too small, here.
Harry talks about Voldemort so casually. But I guess if someone tried to kill me year after year we would form a sort of familiarity.
Those cabinets in the back are filled with board games. Bet me. Gryffindors are notoriously bloody, and game night, gets wild.
I bet Neville spends a lot of his time in the lake just researching and studying all of the different plant life.
Neville cares not at all for the drama behind him. He’s just like, “Give me the plants”.
I love that bright orange flower. Hagrid ain’t no fool. He knows how to get the ladies.
The mist in the background could almost be taken as fog, but then you think about the dragon’s and it literally could be smoke.
Hagrid representing all of the men who are shorter than their women.
There looks to be about six dragon handlers here.
They are carrying branches or their wands lit with fire at the end. Is that to confuse the dragons? Make them think that they already covered that area in their territory and are thus safe?
The handler on top gets bucked off the cage. He is done with this job.
I’m sorry, but those badges are ingenious. Do we know in the movie that Draco is the one that made them or is that fanon?
Those Hufflepuffs are nasty.
The sculpture that is seen in that scene in the courtyard looks like the same one that is present in Half Blood Prince. Do they also move around the castle at will?
Harry pushed Draco, and that guy in the back is like, “Yes, let’s have a fight.” Then he and the other guy straight up bounce when Moody pops on the scene. But Goyle is ride or die. Or maybe they ran and got McGonagall because she came really quickly???? Hmmm??
The walls are all green and lightly moss covered. Gorgeous.
Like, is there a legit list of all the things that teachers cannot do. 1. We do not use Transfiguration as a punishment. 2. Trying to main or kill students is expressively forbidden. 3. Flashy robes are allowed and encouraged. Share in the glorious pattern of life.
Crouch Jr. should have been shitting his pants at being at the end of McGonagall’s wand.
Again with all the mirrors. So, Crouch Jr. can make sure that his transformation isn’t slipping?
What are the faces in the mirror here?  
All the clues were there, and I didn’t see a single one. This movie and book is a masterpiece of plot. Plain and simple.
McGonagall was like, “Let’s not have the arena with the dragons so close to the castle, eh, Albus?”
There is a bed for each of the champions in this tent. Could no one transfigure a couch?
They have punch and muffins in the background. “Lime punch before you fight a dragon?” “Sure.”
I never noticed that blue in Madame Mazime’s hair. I love the school spirit that she is showing here. Dumbledore seriously thought of mimicking her. He would look bomb with a tie die beard. Convince me otherwise.
Filch is featured spectacularly in this movie.
The trunk at the bottom has a red cross on it, making this very likely an emergency tent that just so happens to double as the waiting area for the champions.
Colin made that sign for Harry.
I feel like that chain, oh, I don’t know, could have been magically reinforced or something.
How does his glasses stay on? I bend over, and mine are on the floor.
Even Draco here is like, “Come on, bro.”
Snape knew he should have stayed in bed.
So, does the waterfall seen here does that fall into Hogwart’s grounds as well because that would be awesome for field trips. My love for this ancient, magical castle in the middle of nowhere is unmatched.
Where was Seamus during that challenge? I did not see him.
The picture of the woman in the far left is very striking.
The Black Lake is a huge expanse. I always think of it as kind of small, but it is massive in this movie.
The pastries in the back are floating along the table. So cool.
Mrs. Norris just chilling, waiting to see these pitiful humans embarrass themselves.
Why can’t they have healed Harry? I understand the look, but dang, people continuity.
Neville has got them shiny dancing shoes. Augusta was very pleased when Neville asked her to buy them for him.
Hermione is a queen, and she knows it.
There is that semi circle of stone again from the third film. Hmmm….
Ginny’s friends are coming in with the support. Love a squad.
There was fruit on that table. I always wondered if they got snacks and what not during the daytime, between meals.
What was the need of carriages if the ball was held at the school?
Ron waited until last minute to even try on those robes or he definitely could have worked something out.
Owl sculptures are supporting the fires here.
Krum is dumbstruck by our girl.
Somehow she loses Krum to argue with Ron.
Is that couple making out at the table?
People are dancing in the hallway?
A gaggle of girls are crying on the stairs. Every middle school dance ever.
I’m telling you, whoever designed this cemetery had a very messed up imagination.
Neville stays out all night long. It is morning coming through that window. You dog, you.
Half of the allure of going to Hogwarts is to get to become a prefect and use that bath. Let’s be honest.
Crouch Jr. hates his life right now.
All of those books are like represent my best life.
Half of those students are like, “Yeah, no, you took all my money last time.” Because let’s be real, no one bet on Harry, and Fred and George scored big time.
Those top tiered placed have got to be enlarged with wizard’s space because they are quite small, and the whole school plus the two others are expected to attend each trial? Yeah, not big enough it seems.
Harry is a show off.
Seamus is wearing Hogwarts merch. Like where did he get that? A catalog? Gift shop in Hogsmeade?
You can see the merpeople’s ancient village here, or hints of it. Archways, etc.
Fleur looks legit worried here. Like Harry was right to not trust Dumbledore to ensure their safety when he can’t even tell Fleur who is out of the competition by this point that her sister is going to be okay.
Why are Fred, George, and Ginny right next to Malfoy and Co. for this shot, shouldn’t they be at odds? Or was that the best spot and neither were giving it up?  Or plain movie making reasons?
Harry is wearing a wand holster on his leg. Fanfiction writers catch all the details.
Seamus is like, “I am Harry’s hype man. I will keep him from getting hypothermia.”
Why did Hermione turn French here for that line?
Rescue….. that’s a strong word here, Dumbles.
Crouch Sr. is such an interesting character. He knows what it is like to lose a family, and he has his guard up because of that. Their story and their family is so interesting to me for some reason.
I think that’s the closest that Crouch Jr. gets to breaking character.
If you were born in the nineties you had at least one of those jackets that Hermione is wearing here, and if you had more, you had them in several colors.
Who bewitched Mad-eye’s eye? It is a very powerful magical object in its own right, right?
Please see my post about Sirius and Azkaban.
As soon as Snape is mentioned Crouch puts his head in his hands because he knows Dumbledore is going to have to have a say.
Dumbledore is looking so closely at the details that he misses the bigger picture in Harry’s dreams and Moody’s actions.
It’s so weird that Snape has a storage area for ingredients near Dumbledore’s office. I bet that Snape has several storage areas spread throughout the castle.
Snape could have just looked inside Harry’s mind, and be done with it, but no….because plot.
Neville is carrying yet another plant behind the trio here.
Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle are so carefree here that you almost forget that the happiness of youth that they have at Hogwarts is about to go extinct just like Harry and his friends. All of the kids in this story face a sharp change in perspective after this book.
I like that Harry has fake Moody, Krum has Karkaroff, Fleur has Madame Maxime, but Cedric has his dad because he gets to say goodbye to him.
The maze is just a massive headgame.
Do you think the reason that Fleur ultimately becomes close enough to Krum to ask him to her wedding is because Krum sought her out and made serious recompense for him being imperioused while in the maze?
They are just resorting to brute strength there at the end. The maze making them forget that they are capable wizards. A jelly legs jinx probably would have had much the same effect.
Angel statues I get, but this big dementor, grim looking thing holding the bones of Voldemort’s father. I just don’t get it.
Cedric gave Peter a chance to speak or stop, but Peter again took the cowards way out, and blasted Cedric before he really had a chance to fight back. What a punk bitch.
I’m glad that you are forced to choke your own self Peter because you deserve it.
Voldemort’s transformation here is both stunning and horrible.
The Death Eaters come out of the Dark Mark’s mouth.
Their masks here are different then the ones used earlier in the morning.
Voldemort is snatching their weaves here, and I love it. Stupid klan robe wearing wizard Nazis.
Voldemort puts his foot on Cedric’s face. Like, son, you need to pay for that privilege.
A lot of the Death Eaters here look like they have like staffs. I don’t understand.
A Death Eater in the background is litearlly clapping when Voldemort makes Harry bow, like get a hold of yourself, Hershel.
The statue, again, in the background presents such a striking image as the two duel.
The spell that Crouch Jr. urged Harry to learn is the one that saved Harry.
Harry just wanting to physically protect Cedric’s body with his own. Just heartbreaking.
I’ll never not sob when I hear Amos Diggory sob, “That’s my son! That’s my boy!”
Fred and George look to follow Crouch Jr. and Harry out. Do they tip off the professors?
Doesn’t Crouch know what it is like to stand in Voldemort’s presence? He was just babysitting the man, I mean, dang. Fangirling is one thing, but you have business to handle.
Don’t insult my Neville. I will throw down.
The mirrors are gone at this point. It looks like Crouch has almost packed up because he knows that he will no longer be needed.
Not his blood, ahhhhh!!!!!
Snape puts such flourish into his casting. That scene at the carriages earlier in this film. He looks like he is rearing back away from Karkaroff, but he is merely preparing to cast one fanciful, flourish of a hex on the man.
Just stick your face in the crazy Death Eater’s face, Harry. Great thinking. No wonder Snape doesn’t hold your intelligence in high regard.
We don’t get one look at Professor Sprout. This boy’s Head of House?
Look at all that magical cooperation, and yet, none of this was used in book seven, or any book after except for mentioning Fleur married Bill, and Harry learned a little tidbit about the Deathly Hallows symbol from Krum.
I love this film. It is stunning, and truly made me a diehard HP fan. I don’t think I will ever really tire of it.
7 notes · View notes
douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
The real problem is the same they face in operating systems: they can't pay people enough to build something better than a group of founders to go through one lame idea before realizing that a startup has to make something people want. This should be the m. You learn to paint mostly by doing it, but by then it's too late. Plenty of things we now consider prestigious were anything but at first. They're far better at detecting bullshit than you are at producing it, even if you forget the experience or what you read, its effect on your model of the world is not merely wasted, but actually makes organizations less productive. I've read on HN.1 And in every field there are probably heresies few dare utter.
Less fortunate startups just end up in an uncanny valley.2 It was painful to watch. If Sun runs into trouble, they could drag Java down with them. The first is probably the effort required just to start a new company, Fairchild Semiconductor. The suit is back, it begins. It doesn't do justice to the situation to say never mind, I'm just tired. The most dangerous way to lose time is not to say that to Japanese or Europeans it would seem like something out of the third world. And we know from experience that some undergrads are as capable as most grad students. Even Einstein probably had moments when he was optimistic. A lot of VCs would have rejected Microsoft.
Judging startups is hard even for the best investors, who are both hard to bluff and who already believe most other investors are conventional-minded drones doomed always to miss the big outliers.3 We decided we ought to have T-Shirts for the SFP, and we'd been thinking about what to do by a boss.4 Have you ever seen an old photo of yourself and been embarrassed at the way a painting is made.5 Your program is supposed to do x. Either it's something they felt they had to do. When I learned to program, we had to read in English classes was mostly fiction, so I was haunting galleries anyway. It's also great for morale.6 And so it became synonymous with California nuttiness.7 And it's a good thing. The irony of Galileo's situation was that he got in trouble for appearing to be writing about things I don't understand.
I write great software, because they were so much easier.8 In fact, software that would let people who wanted sites make their own investment decisions. The time to raise money, they try gamely to make the region a center of scholarship and industry which have been closely tied for longer than most people realize.9 I made the list there turned out to be enough. Best of all, for the same reason readers like them. But as one VC told me after a startup he funded would only take about half a million, I don't mean play mind games with yourself to boost your confidence. When I read about people who liked what they did so much that it's critical to get your product to market early, but that you haven't really started working on it to answer calls from people paying you now. Both have the kind of thing for fun. They give employees who do great work for free, in their spare time, and investors are down on advertising at the moment.10 But as one VC told me after a startup he funded would only take about half a million, I don't mean any specific business can. In a startup you have to overcome in order to avoid them, I had to write down everything I remember from it, I doubt it would amount to much more than the valuation of our entire company.
But the importance of this idea would remain something I'd learned from this book, I couldn't believe he was serious. My rule is that I can spend as much time online as I want, as long as buying printed books was the only way to know for sure would be to discover each person's station as early as possible, and the higher your valuation, the narrower your options for doing that. Raising money decreases the risk of failure. Some will be shocking by present standards. Your own ideas about what's possible have been unconsciously lowered by such experiences.11 You may not need to use convertible notes to do it. At Viaweb I considered myself lucky if I got to hack a quarter of the time ranged from tedious to terrifying.12 Prestige is like a compiled program you've lost the source of. Conversely, a town of i dotters and t crossers, where you're liable to get both your grammar and your ideas corrected in the same spirit. The striking thing about this phase is that it's completely different from most people's idea of what business is like.13 Since the custom is to write to persuade a hypothetical perfectly unbiased reader.
Of course, figuring out what you like, and let prestige take care of you: they'd try not to fire you, cover your medical expenses, and support you in old age.14 The most interesting question here may be what high res fundraising will do to the world, and in the meantime I'd have to fight word-by-word to save it from being mangled by some twenty five year old copy editor.15 So am I claiming that no one would dare express it in public?16 And in particular, to great universities.17 But the more you realize you can do than the traditional employer-employee relationship because I've been on both sides of a better one: the investor-founder relationship. O-data.18 Maybe I'm excessively attached to conciseness. Indians in the current Silicon Valley. In fact, we've never even invited them to the demo days we organize for startups to grow. I'm not too worried yet.
It happens naturally to anyone who does good work. Each year.19 But publishing has advanced since then: present-day union organizers rather than an attack on early ones.20 What weaknesses could you exploit? It may seem cavalier to dismiss a language before you've even tried writing programs in it. Cheap Intel processors, of the forces underlying open source and blogging. At the time, could get excited about such a thoroughly boneheaded idea, we should start paying attention. An adult can distance himself enough from the situation to describe it as a book. The English Reformation was at bottom a struggle for wealth and power, but it does at least make you keep an open mind.21 That cap need not simply rise monotonically. True, but I can't believe we've considered every alternative.
Halfway through grad school I decided I wanted to do. But this approach, combined with the preceding four, will turn up a good number of unthinkable ideas. In Robert's defense, he was skeptical about Artix.22 And what, exactly, is hate speech? And yet I suspect no one dares say this. The graphic design is as plain as possible, and the partner responsible for the deal was John Doerr, who came to work for our company.23 If you set up those conditions within the US, there are at least some of the most useful skills we learned from Viaweb was not getting our hopes up. If you try convincing investors before you've convinced yourself, you'll be denounced as a yellowist too, and you'll find yourself having a lot of pro-union readers, the first three were our biggest expenses. If we turn off our self-centeredness in that they assume admissions committees care enough about so far is not very good. Painters in fact have to remember a good deal for everyone.24 A more important source, because it's the only way out.
The idea is the most promising opportunities, it becomes an advantage to be identified with you to commit to them. Hackers Painters, what you call the Metaphysics came after meta after the fact by someone else created earlier.
A P successfully defended itself by allowing the unionization of its users, however, and this was the fall of 2008 the terms they were.
The lowest point occurred when marginal income tax rates were highest: 14. Make sure too that the stuff they're showing him is something inexperienced founders. So whatever market you're in, you'll be well on your own?
What I'm claiming with the melon seed model is more important than the valuation turns out to be able to grow as big as a child, either as an idea that evolves naturally, and that he had once talked to mentioned how much he liked his work. We're delighted to have to pass so slowly for them. Doing things that don't include the cases where you go to die from running through their initial attitude. That's a valid point.
That's because the rich. In this essay I'm talking mainly about software startups are possible. Since most VCs are suits at heart, the bad idea.
I calculated it once for that might work is in the sort of pious crap you were going back to the Pall Mall Gazette. Actually Emerson never mentioned mousetraps specifically.
The founders want the valuation of zero.
And I'm sure for every startup we had high hopes for doesn't do well, but not in the technology everyone was going to kill bad comments to solve are random, the only alternative would be to go out running or sit home and watch TV, music, and stir. I'm not claiming founders sit down and calculate the expected value calculation for potential founders, and that there's no lower bound to its precision. In fact, for example, would probably never have that glazed over look. So it's not the only ones that matter financially, and he was notoriously improvident and was troubled by debts all his life.
What you learn via users anyway. When Google adopted Don't be evil. But while it makes people dumber.
The idea is not yet released.
I stuck with such energy that he had once talked to a degree that alarmed his family, that it offers a better predictor of success. Programming languages should be designed to express algorithms, and so on. But when you ad lib you end up with much food.
It's when they're really saying is they want to stay in a bug.
In fact this would probably be to become one of the increase in economic inequality, but he turned them down. Cost, again. Wolter, Allan trans, Duns Scotus: Philosophical Writings, Nelson, 1963, p. The trend of VC angel investing is so contentious is that the middle class first appeared in northern Italy and the cost of writing software.
Give us 10 million and we'll tell you alarming things, they will or at least a little more fat, and the editor, written in 6502 machine language. Related: Reprinted in Bacon, Alan ed.
Looking at the fabulous Oren's Hummus. Most of the next stage tend to become more stratified.
In some cases e.
We think we're so useless that in Silicon Valley. This is not economic inequality was really only useful for one video stream. They don't know how many of which you want to get endless grief for classifying religion as well, but which didn't taste very good. College English Departments Come From?
N 12-oz cans white, kidney, or in one of those things that's not true! That should probably be the only audience for your work. The downside is that parties shouldn't be that some of those most vocal on the client?
But it was because he was 10 years ago it would have seemed a miracle of workmanship. Our founder meant a photograph of a startup. Few consciously realize that species weren't, as accurate to call the Metaphysics came after meta after the egalitarian pressures of World War II the tax codes were so bad that they think are bad. Every pilot knows about this problem, any claim to the customer: you post a sign in a place where few succeed is hardly free.
Wolter, Allan trans, Duns Scotus: Philosophical Writings, Nelson, 1963, p. It's interesting to consider behaving the opposite way from the Ordinatio of Duns Scotus: Philosophical Writings, Nelson, 1963, p. The CRM114 Discriminator. If you want to work on projects that improve the world, but starting a startup, unless it was wiser for them, and one of the market.
If anyone remembers such an idea is bad. A day job writing software. What you learn in college. The other reason it used to hear about the details.
There was one of the best ways to get the money they're paid isn't a quid pro quo. Few can have a connection to one of the causes of the other reason they pay so well.
As I was not something big companies to say they care above all about to give him 95% of spam in my incoming mail fluctuated so much a great discovery often seems obvious in retrospect. I don't think it's confusion or lack of movement between companies combined with self-imposed. 99, and their flakiness is indistinguishable from those of dynamic variables were merely optimization advice, before realizing that that's what they said, and jobs encourage cooperation, not widening. Since they don't yet get what they're really not, and earns the right sort of pious crap you were doing Viaweb again, I'd appreciate hearing from you.
0 notes
onepumpofsyrup · 7 years
Angst= a
Fluff= f
Recomended =  🔮
Tumblr media
Seungri has shown GD’s girlfriend, (Y/N) something he shouldn’t have. 
Series One
(Y/N) is Taeyang’s little sister and has been in love with Daesung since the group formed. At first it was a cute little crush now she’s showing how serious it really is. 
Series Two
A year out and it seems (Y/N) has moved on with Lee Taemin. Daesung is left suffering the consequences of his choice. 
Parent Story to TELL ME WHAT TO DO
The reader becomes Miwon in the spin offs. 
Tumblr media
The lack of time N has for (Y/N) is taking its tole on their relationship
The reader picks a fight with N that leads to an outcome she didn’t want.
N ignores his girlfriend for far too long 
Leo and (Y/N) are on the outs so the others take matters into their own hands.
(Y/N) and Leo’s relationship started as a bet, but she doesn’t know that.
(Y/N) was once part of the paparazzi and Ken isn’t too happy about it.
Ken discovers a hate page and takes his emotions out on (Y/N).
Ken finds out that you aren’t keen on giving birth and would much rather adopt. 
As an angel, you were tasked with protecting Jaehwan, but you fell in love and began a relationship. After he discovers your wings, his memory is altered to forget you. A year later you’ve been given a second chance to protect him. But you still love him, and he’s moved on. 
Ken wishes to go public, but for his own protection you refuse. 
Upon her parents suggestion the reader marries. To a man she hardly knows, and one that doesn’t wish to get to know her. But Kim Wonshik, Executive of Cha Towers, an upscale housing complex in Seoul, wishes to know her. But only for the fact that her husband owes him an exorbitant amount of money. 
Mafia AU
After getting pressured by the guys, Hongbin denies his crush on the reader in the group chat.
Hongbin becomes jealous of how close you are with Ravi, not realizing that your pal you’re planning a surprise.
During a grumpy day Hyuk snaps at (Y/N), resulting in a change of attitude, from both parties. 
You and Hyuk are in phase of dating but not yet official. After a stressful period, he snaps and nearly ruins all chances of dating.
HANDS OFF : a, f I don’t Even Know
Hyuk’s childhood friends moves back to Korea, and before he has a chance to sort out his budding feelings, Ken steps forward with his own. 
Leo & Ravi
Leo and Ravi find themselves struggling to let go of their feelings after they are asked by management to let go of their girlfriend.
Link to original is inside
N & Hyuk
OURS : a
N and Hyuk prefer to share the ones they love, but only with each other. This causes a bit of friction when (Y/N) grows close with Ravi. 
Ken & Hongbin
Both Ken and Hongbin have feelings for the reader. What other options do they have but sharing her?
N & Leo
THIRD : a? f?
You and N want to add Leo as a third.
Leo & Ken
After falling for the chef next door, Leo and Ken feel that it is wisest to let her go, rather than fight over her. 
As the nanny to Leo’s nephew, the two fall for you. 
Tumblr media
While drunk at an award ceremony, Jin bet GOT7′s BamBam that he couldn’t get a cute assistant’s number. BamBam succeeds. But it’s Jin who actually falls for her.This story was inspired by Jet Pack Blues by Fall Out Boy. 
Tumblr media
WISHFUL : a / f
The reader and JB have grown close and it looks like they are going to date, at the last minute she pushes him away. 
Maisy has always known that Mark was her soul mate. The only problem was that Mark wasn’t so sure of that fact. For the first time ever, Maisy becomes uncertain of where she stands with him after he finds someone that needs him. Heroine Disqualified Esc. 
Parent Story to EVERYTHING
Jackson’s in a relationship where not only is he acting shady but so is (Y/N)’s best friend.
Jackson hasn’t been able to let go of you after breaking your relationship off. 
During a heated night, Jackson marks the girl he’s been in love with for 6 years. And he’s pretty unprepared for the pup that’s on it’s way. 
After a botched mission, Jinyoung is unwilling stuck with an informant who has too many ties to the police 
Youngjae gets jealous over the time you are spending with Jinyoung 
Bambam grew up with a healthy fear and hate of all things magic. His fiance, has kept her own hidden from him. Upon learning that she is a witch, he can’t stop himself from accusing her of forcing him to love her with a simple spell. 
Tumblr media
Despite no confession being announced, Suho has repeatedly rejected the reader. After 3 rejections in one month, the reader decides to pull back from him, leaving him to figure out his own feelings. 
Ella and Xiumin have been in a relationship for 3 years. But after her cousin, Eve, catches feelings, the media learns of the relationship.
Another Christmas is about to pass and Minseok is still waiting for Ella to come back. He’s spent a year finding ways to apologize, and she’s spent a year removing every bit of him from her life.
Parent Story to Mourning Dove
Lay has begun to treat you as a prop to his image. 
Chen isn’t one to pass up a good deal. This deal being your willingness to assist him. But it goes further than that and dips into a territory of him taking advantage of you. 
A guy from class is adamant that you will hook up, despite you turning him down numerous times. Finally after being particularly harsh, he takes his revenge a bit to far. 
Split Timeline
A simple decision results in your death. Given a second chance, you are sent back 5 years to begin your life again. To ensure what happened doesn’t again, you eliminate Jongin from your life before you can fall in love with him again. But it doesn’t always work out with the best intentions, and Jongin is determined to have you in his life. 
OT12 Members Located at Bottom
Tumblr media
While dating one idol to boost the groups image, J.Seph has fallen for a close friend of the group, (Y/N).
Your relationship with J.Seph turns toxic 
Matthew has been close with a girl he met over the internet for awhile. Upon meeting her in real life, he begins to act different.
Tumblr media
Miwon’s close American friend, Lucy, comes to stay in Korea while working on her masters degree. Lee Taemin can’t shake his feelings for Miwon, despite her going strong with Daesung for over a year. And Lucy is determined to make him move on.
Tumblr media
Mafia Au
Wonho is sent undercover as a bodyguard to the Boss’ long lost daughter. Unaware of who he is, she falls for him. And he struggles with knowing he will never be good enough. 
Due to a misunderstanding Kihyun tries to keep Jooheon from succeeding in asking out the reader. 
He didn’t realize how quickly she had faded from his side.
Tumblr media
Young K
Brian finds himself falling for the grumpy girl at the ice cream shop he always goes to with Maisy. Despite her constantly pushing him away, he’s decided he’s sticking to her until she realizes he’s everything she wants. 
6 Months since Angel and Brian split, DAY6 is sent to Brazil for a long term publicity event. During this time Brian hopes to see Angel but doesn’t have much hope that the relationship will begin again. 
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Jay Park
Ella’s twin sister Emeline comes to Korea to stay with her sister while she works on her Masters in Vet Medicine. Due to feeling like a third wheel with Ella and Minseok, Emi chooses to stay at Jay’s. Despite not getting along with her as kids, he’s attracted to Emi now and hopes to pursue a friends with benefits relationship with her, which quickly leads to him unwillingly falling for her. 
As a proclaimed “ice queen” you had made the executive decision to avoid relationships. Jay being a proclaimed “play boy” has set you in his sights. At first it seems that he genuinely seems to care. But you can’t quell the fact that everyone sees him out partying every night, or the fact that his “best friend” is a little too close to him for your own comfort. 
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Simon D
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Aaron Yan
During a drunken night, Aaron, assumes that (Y/N)’s missing luggage means she has left him. In reality, she has merely gone on a trip. 
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Due to a forgotten conversation, Aaron makes some wild accusations. 
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Mike D’Angelo
Former Exo Members
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Kris Wu
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883 notes · View notes
archonreviews · 7 years
The Archon’s Review of Sonic Forces
Sonic Forces is a 3D platformer developed by Hardlight and Sonic Team as part of the venerable Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. These are dark times for... wherever the hell the Sonic the Hedgehog characters live. Dr. Eggman has taken over the world, and a new horror, a beast named Infinite, has slain Sonic himself. There is still hope, however. Knuckles the Echidna has formed a resistance movement, and though its gains have been minuscule for now, their fortunes are about to turn. You, the player, are a new recruit for la resistance, known simply as “The Rookie”. And if that nickname doesn’t get on your tits within the first twenty minutes or so, then you must be a machine or something. You will be the catalyst that saves this world from robotic annihilation. Also, dress-up. So much dress-up.
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Deviant-artists, rejoice! You can finally make your very own Sonic-OCs-do-not-steal, and even play as them! I would be lying if I said that this singular feature wasn’t what initially drew me to Sonic Forces. Hell, the concept actually got me kinda excited! Of course, if I wanted to play Sonic the Hedgehog: Dress-up Edition, I could Google it and probably have a competently executed flash game appear, so how’s this game actually do?
Well, we’ll begin with a rather sad statement. That is, you only really play about a third of the game as your OC. And that may be a generous estimate. Otherwise, you play as either Sonic, or the old-school Sonic from Sonic Generations. Sometimes you play as both your OC and Sonic; so as to combine your powers to perform a rare and dangerous team dash scripted section thingie.
Speaking of your OC’s interactions with Sonic the Hedgehog, they have some. And this actually ties with one of my fundamental problems with the game’s story; it characterizes your OC for you. Sadly, the character they decided was “Loves Sonic so huggy muggy much.” Honestly, the amount of time your OC spends thinking about, or hanging out with, or taking inspiration from Sonic the Hedgehog grates on me quite a bit. It also prevents your OC from being their own person somewhat, as most of what you see of their personality is filtered through this veneer of hero worship, and I mean, I like Sonic and all, but I don’t think my OC would like him as much as the game makes it out.
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^(Pictured: Sonic helping my OC from beyond the Shadow Realm.)^
What, you want to know how each of the playable characters works? Well, it’s fairly simple. If you’ve played Sonic Adventure 2 or Sonic Generations, that’s regular Sonic. If you’ve ever played a 2D Sonic, that’s basically how OG Sonic rolls. The OC is a bit trickier though; superficially, they play like regular Sonic, going fast and platforming. However, the OC has a device called a “Wispon”, which allows them to swing on certain parts of the environment, Saul Spiderman-style. In addition, Wispons come in various elemental flavours, and each one has an attack ability, and a platforming ability that makes certain parts of certain levels super easy. So stages where you play as your OC are half-Sonic, half-swingy-elemental-bollock.
I have one little nitpick concerning difficulty. There are two difficulty modes: normal and hard. But the game locks achievements behind the hard difficulty setting. Except the hard difficulty setting is really not that difficult. Like, Hard is normal and normal is easy? It’s a bit weeiird is all.
So how about that plot? I’ve got to say, it’s actually really, really dark. Like, darker than Shadow the Hedgehog. And the game just sort of takes on this dark plot by accident. As I mentioned earlier, Sonic is killed in the second cutscene or so. Except, he’s not dead, he was merely captured by Eggman... who then tortured him for months on end. The only reason Sonic was kept alive at all was because Eggman wanted him to witness the birth of the Eggman Empire before Eggman ejects Sonic into the vacuum of space! And all of this is relayed to the player with the same tone of voice as one might relay a sad factoid to a friend. And Sonic himself doesn’t seem all that phased by the relentless torture. Like, damn, great fortitude on Sonic’s part, but it would be nice if the tone of the game reflected the seriousness of the plot.
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^(Also, there’s a Death Star -- Sorry, Death Egg bit.)^
In fact, the entirety of the game has this very militaristic overtone that I actually found very interesting. The entire world seems to be inhabited by animal-people, all of whom seem to be engaged in a death-struggle with Eggman’s robot army, and (SPOILER WARNING) Eggman’s over-arching plan is essentially genocide. Like, this may very well be the most threatening Eggman’s ever been. If memory serves, the more recent Sonic games usually have Eggman being a secondary villain in front of some big, bad, true ending villain. (SPOILER WARNING CONTINUES) But here, it’s the other way around; Infinite is built up as this big badass, with reality-warping powers extraordinary, but he gets wreked near the end after a mildly frustrating chase-fight. After that, you fight Eggman, who has constructed a truly frightening mechanized horror, and as far as multi-stage mech bosses go, his transition from stage 1 to 2 is actually a bit grotesque. I’ll admit, this may have been because of my low expectations, but I was actually impressed with Eggman in this one. (SPOILERS OVER)
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^(Like, I think this is the first time in recent memory that Eggman actually professed to hating Sonic with as much passion as he does here.)^
Another peculiarity, albeit a minor one, is that there are no Chaos Emeralds, or a Super Sonic, both of which are usually series staples. Instead, there’s a “Phantom Ruby”, which turns out to be the source of Infinite’s powers.
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^(Plot phlebotinum.)^
But enough of that interesting plot nonsense; you want to play dress-up with your very own Sonic-OhSee-Donut-Steel. You acquire new options for dress-up and new Wispons by completing missions, such as finishing stages or getting a certain number of medals while playing as a particular species. However, the options for customization are a bit... limited. There are only 7 or so species to choose from, and only a few different eye shapes and voices. As for clothes, there’s enough variety to keep you going for one go of the main campaign, but after that, there’s little else to acquire. Also, I feel that they could have condensed certain clothing options into a single article, while allowing the player to choose the color for their clothes, instead of it being pre-set per article.
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^(My Original Character, Greg the Dog. He will later replace that fedora with a tri-corn hat.)^
I have one more problem with the gameplay before the ending wrap-up. Basically, the 2D Original Sonic sections work well, being evocative of ancient Sonic the Hedgehog stages; however, every so often, the regular Sonic stages and the OC stages will shift from full 3D to 2D. Unfortunately, they keep the same physics, meaning that most of the time, your character will go too damn fast, especially when they throw goddamn piss-taking, assaholic precision platforming sections at you. They’re not fun, not engaging, and not a test of the player’s skill. These sections are asssssss. Plain and simple. The number of times I fell into a pit while in 2D mode because I couldn’t curtail Sonic’s ridiculous speed is proportional to the number of blood vessels I burst in rage.
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^(This part haunts my nightmares. That pod thing there in the center has no hit detection, and constantly shoots spike balls at you.)^
Also, Shadow the Hedgehog is in there somewhere. He’s not a problem; I just figured I should mention that he has a little 3-part prologue thingie. There’s no reward for beating it, it’s just kinda fun I guess.
Is Sonic Forces fun? Would I recommend it? Well, ask yourself this: Would you play as your Sonic OchSea Doughnewt Stale if you had the chance? If yes, then I would totally recommend Sonic Forces. Otherwise... I mean, it’s not bad, per se, The plot’s a pretty big deviation, which I found interesting. But the mechanics are... okay. I’m not going to keep playing because I already beat it. The adventure of Greg the Dog is over. It’s fun while it lasts, but afterwards, I wouldn’t think about it too much.
Hey, this part is a later addition because I messed up and forgot to include one more point. That is: the music in this game is the most buttastic butt rock I’ve ever heard. I have a soft spot for butt rock; I Am... All of Me by Crush 40 is one of my favorite songs, and the cover of Live and Learn by FamilyJules and Jonathan Young is one of my favorite works of theirs. But this music... Arrrgh, is it ever trite. Like, Think of a middle schooler trying to write music for Crush 40 and having it sung by another middle schooler, and you’ve basically got the music for this game. Is bad.
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^(Best shot of Infinite I could get.)^
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reneeacaseyfl · 5 years
World of Warcraft: Rise of Azshara review — showers players with fun after a long dry spell
World of Warcraft, Blizzard Entertainment’s massively multiplayer RPG, spent most of this spring in a deep content drought. Rise of Azshara, one of the most-ambitious content patches ever in the game, seeks to drown players in new content.
The patch offers two new significant zones of content with new reputations, types of encounters, islands, the reintroduction of flying, an uplift to the crafting system that includes new leveling and crafted items, and a host of other changes big and small.
Two weeks after its initial launch, on July 9, Blizzard released a new eight-boss raid dungeon, Azshara’s Eternal Palace; and an eight-boss, five-player “megadungeon,” Operation: Mechagon, something that hasn’t been seen since the days of Return to Karazhan.
Since that time I’ve reached exalted reputation with both factions and regained the ability to fly; experienced every piece of new content the zones had to offer; completed the raid dungeon on Normal and Heroic difficulty; completed the new megadungeon on normal and hard mode; done all PvP battlegrounds and open-world competition; done the new Heroic-difficulty Warfront; completed the new islands; maxed out new crafting skills; gotten to Heart of Azeroth level 58, and picked up major and minor traits along the way; and generally spent far too much time playing, like a pig in the newly-rejuvenated mud.
Overall, Rise of Azshara is just what Warcraft needed: a long-overdue shot in the arm of new and novel content. While not perfect, it presents happy players with so many options that in some cases, it feels like going from starving to becoming overstuffed with things to do.
Above: Mechagon is one of two new zones.
Image Credit: Blizzard
What you’ll like
New zones and content unfold as you go
A nice extension to World of Warcraft’s storyline leads you into two new zones: Nazjatar, the until-recently-underwater home of the evil Naga snake-people empire, and the island of Mechagon, home to mecha-gnomes and the Rustbolt Resistance. In each, the more you do, the more there is to do. Unlock reputation with the Resistance and more quests open up; loot rare items and you’ll have things you can craft and, more importantly, things you can do. In Nazjatar, you’ll build experience with your chosen bodyguard, and as you do, more quests and storyline will open to you.
Even with this careful approach, the Rise of Azshara patch has an overwhelming amount of content. This unfolding-style reveal of new things to do makes that deluge exciting and challenging, instead of overwhelming, and Blizzard’s design does it with subtlety and grace.
New group content for PvE players
The Eternal Palace raid and Operation: Mechagon megadungeon are two of the best instances Blizzard has ever created. Both do an exceptional job of making the environment part of the encounter; while there are still plenty of boss battles that (sometimes literally) trap you in a flat arena, most involve tricksy bits of technology that use your surroundings to put you in peril or just make the fights more immersive.
In Operation: Mechagon, the five-player, eight-boss megadungeon, you’ll climb through trash piles and fight battling robots in an area that includes BattleBots-style hammers and saws that come up from the floor. In the Eternal Palace raid, an underwater boss is (finally!) extraordinarily well-designed, with the Blackwater Behemoth using platforms and jetstreams and the need for breath and healing to challenge your group. Za’qul offers three “phases” existing simultaneously on a single platform, forcing players to hop from one phase to the next and back again to defeat the bad guy.
Both instances are incredibly enjoyable, and the difficulty seems well-tuned. Eternal Palace is a bit easier than Battle for Dazar’alor, at least on Normal and Heroic difficulties, but poses a good challenge for groups, particularly in Mythic. Operation: Mechagon is difficult, but not impossible, on its basic Mythic difficulty; and Hard Mode offers some terrific challenges based on your group’s ability to handle mechanics, not just the power of your gear.
Above: The new Heart of Azeroth.
Image Credit: Blizzard
The new Azerite essences system
Azerite armor disappointed players in Battle for Azeroth. It was the successor to the incredibly fun legendary weapon system in Legion, and it didn’t fulfill its promise. Instead, players had to work over and over again in new levels of gear to earn the same traits they had in the last tier.
The new system uses interchangeable “essences” on players’ Heart of Azeroth neckpieces, each with multiple ranks, and it’s been a hoot. Not only does leveling up those essences require nearly every type of gameplay, giving players a million things to do to progress, but they’re balanced well enough that they feel slightly overpowered (yay!) and offer some real options to players swapping between different types of content.
The system isn’t perfect, and new essences are hopefully coming along as we slurp up all this delicious new gameplay, but it’s a huge improvement and works smoothly.
Professions and pets and achievements and mounts
Rise of Azshara’s meat lies in how much there is to do in nearly every aspect of the game. Professions got 25 new skill levels and a pile of new recipes, earned in a wide variety of places. New pets and mounts and rare spawns and achievements and hidden tricks to obtain them are stuffed into this patch. New islands and PvP battles and even new types of daily quest mechanics added to the variety.
This content update pony performs more than just a few tricks. It gives players an overwhelming, wonderful pile of things to do. In an ideal world, this is what every patch would feel like.
What you won’t like
Welcome back, grindy content
Rather than time-gate some of this content goodness — a system that generally frustrates the most committed players — Blizzard returned to a more-grindy system this time around. While unlocking some content does require time, whether it’s to increase the experience of your bodyguards in Nazjatar or your reputation with the factions in both zones, much of it can be ground out a little at a time if you want to … which means many players did.
Surprise quests sometimes lead to missing out
Rise of Azshara doesn’t hold your hand. Breadcrumbs quests almost don’t exist, so knowing where to go and what to do can be a challenge. Some content isn’t identified anywhere, so either careful scrutiny of third-party guides or random activity, such as kill every neutral mob in a zone, turn out to be your options for finding everything. The Secret-Finding Discord has been working overtime on this patch.
Sometimes that’s really fun, and makes the zones feel more alive. Killing neutral Algon creatures gives you two mana pearls you can use to upgrade Benthic gear, and eventually spawns a rare monster? Charming a critter in the open world and dragging it to another mob can net you a pet or activate a rare? Neat!
But sometimes it results in missing out on major parts of the content. The most egregious example was Chromie’s “Alternate Timeline” in Mechagon. This fun questline sent you into an alternate future for the zone, where you did a couple of quests and got to see the island in a new light. It was a blast.
But if you didn’t read any guides and didn’t get lucky with the drop for a set of plans for an item that would let you return, you soon discovered that while other players could return to the Alternate Timeline day after day, doing additional quests that got them additional reputation, you had literally no way to return or to correct the problem until Chromie herself returned, days later.
Above: Queen Azshara.
Image Credit: Blizzard
Faction imbalance continues to get worse in PvP and PvE content
While Horde and Alliance populations are roughly equal overall in World of Warcraft, the percentage of players taking advantage of end-game content (raids, PvP battlegrounds, open world PvP content, high-end Mythic Plus dungeon runs) is overwhelmingly imbalanced. Horde outnumber Alliance on leaderboards for Mythic raids and dungeons more than 6:1, a problem that only worsens as players swap factions after having difficulty finding guilds and groups.
Rise of Azshara included some truly fun open-world PvP encounters, which form the core of new PvP currency systems. The Battle for Nazjatar was supposed to pit Alliance and Horde players against each other for control of the zone and currency rewards, for example. Instead, the imbalance was so extreme that either Horde won the battle over and over again as raids formed in zones to capture those objectives, pulling people in from multiple shards; or faced no competition at all, because there were so many of them that they ended up in shards of their own, with not a single Alliance player in sight.
Eventually, the event was changed so that it wouldn’t even spawn if the shard was imbalanced, instead presenting a much less-rewarding PvE option. The Mechagon Fight Club treasure chest was similarly removed from an achievement altogether.
Overwhelming high-end faction imbalance makes Rise of Azshara less fun for both factions in PvP, and for Alliance players who struggle to find groups in high-end PvE dungeons and raids.
Bye bye, bag space
Everything takes up bag space now. PvP currency. Things to summon other things. Things that are clearly quest items. Parts that combine into other quest items or essences. Even with a full slate of 32-slot bags, it requires daily inventory maintenance, which is not fun gameplay.
This is the patch that Warcraft should have received several months ago. There were signs that at least some of the content was planned to go out earlier; the in-game “new things to do” screen enticed players to join Heroic Warfronts weeks before they were actually available, for example, before it was quietly changed.
That said, Rise of Azshara and Season 3 present an amazing amount of options for current, new, and returning characters, and most of them engage you and offer some surprising fun. The grindy bits aren’t too horrible, and as you progress through the zones, you unlock additional things to do. The raid and the megadungeon are well designed, the Heroic Warfront certainly feels a ton more fun than the standard setup, and while the crafting system needs a significant balance pass, the new systems are generally fun and rewarding.
Judged on its own merits, this is one of the best patches the game has ever seen. In the overall context, however, it feels not-to-little but a-lot-too-late. Battle for Azeroth needs more love that patches like Rise of Azshara provide.
Score: 95/100
Credit: Source link
The post World of Warcraft: Rise of Azshara review — showers players with fun after a long dry spell appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/world-of-warcraft-rise-of-azshara-review-showers-players-with-fun-after-a-long-dry-spell/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=world-of-warcraft-rise-of-azshara-review-showers-players-with-fun-after-a-long-dry-spell from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186524026287
0 notes
velmaemyers88 · 5 years
World of Warcraft: Rise of Azshara review — showers players with fun after a long dry spell
World of Warcraft, Blizzard Entertainment’s massively multiplayer RPG, spent most of this spring in a deep content drought. Rise of Azshara, one of the most-ambitious content patches ever in the game, seeks to drown players in new content.
The patch offers two new significant zones of content with new reputations, types of encounters, islands, the reintroduction of flying, an uplift to the crafting system that includes new leveling and crafted items, and a host of other changes big and small.
Two weeks after its initial launch, on July 9, Blizzard released a new eight-boss raid dungeon, Azshara’s Eternal Palace; and an eight-boss, five-player “megadungeon,” Operation: Mechagon, something that hasn’t been seen since the days of Return to Karazhan.
Since that time I’ve reached exalted reputation with both factions and regained the ability to fly; experienced every piece of new content the zones had to offer; completed the raid dungeon on Normal and Heroic difficulty; completed the new megadungeon on normal and hard mode; done all PvP battlegrounds and open-world competition; done the new Heroic-difficulty Warfront; completed the new islands; maxed out new crafting skills; gotten to Heart of Azeroth level 58, and picked up major and minor traits along the way; and generally spent far too much time playing, like a pig in the newly-rejuvenated mud.
Overall, Rise of Azshara is just what Warcraft needed: a long-overdue shot in the arm of new and novel content. While not perfect, it presents happy players with so many options that in some cases, it feels like going from starving to becoming overstuffed with things to do.
Above: Mechagon is one of two new zones.
Image Credit: Blizzard
What you’ll like
New zones and content unfold as you go
A nice extension to World of Warcraft’s storyline leads you into two new zones: Nazjatar, the until-recently-underwater home of the evil Naga snake-people empire, and the island of Mechagon, home to mecha-gnomes and the Rustbolt Resistance. In each, the more you do, the more there is to do. Unlock reputation with the Resistance and more quests open up; loot rare items and you’ll have things you can craft and, more importantly, things you can do. In Nazjatar, you’ll build experience with your chosen bodyguard, and as you do, more quests and storyline will open to you.
Even with this careful approach, the Rise of Azshara patch has an overwhelming amount of content. This unfolding-style reveal of new things to do makes that deluge exciting and challenging, instead of overwhelming, and Blizzard’s design does it with subtlety and grace.
New group content for PvE players
The Eternal Palace raid and Operation: Mechagon megadungeon are two of the best instances Blizzard has ever created. Both do an exceptional job of making the environment part of the encounter; while there are still plenty of boss battles that (sometimes literally) trap you in a flat arena, most involve tricksy bits of technology that use your surroundings to put you in peril or just make the fights more immersive.
In Operation: Mechagon, the five-player, eight-boss megadungeon, you’ll climb through trash piles and fight battling robots in an area that includes BattleBots-style hammers and saws that come up from the floor. In the Eternal Palace raid, an underwater boss is (finally!) extraordinarily well-designed, with the Blackwater Behemoth using platforms and jetstreams and the need for breath and healing to challenge your group. Za’qul offers three “phases” existing simultaneously on a single platform, forcing players to hop from one phase to the next and back again to defeat the bad guy.
Both instances are incredibly enjoyable, and the difficulty seems well-tuned. Eternal Palace is a bit easier than Battle for Dazar’alor, at least on Normal and Heroic difficulties, but poses a good challenge for groups, particularly in Mythic. Operation: Mechagon is difficult, but not impossible, on its basic Mythic difficulty; and Hard Mode offers some terrific challenges based on your group’s ability to handle mechanics, not just the power of your gear.
Above: The new Heart of Azeroth.
Image Credit: Blizzard
The new Azerite essences system
Azerite armor disappointed players in Battle for Azeroth. It was the successor to the incredibly fun legendary weapon system in Legion, and it didn’t fulfill its promise. Instead, players had to work over and over again in new levels of gear to earn the same traits they had in the last tier.
The new system uses interchangeable “essences” on players’ Heart of Azeroth neckpieces, each with multiple ranks, and it’s been a hoot. Not only does leveling up those essences require nearly every type of gameplay, giving players a million things to do to progress, but they’re balanced well enough that they feel slightly overpowered (yay!) and offer some real options to players swapping between different types of content.
The system isn’t perfect, and new essences are hopefully coming along as we slurp up all this delicious new gameplay, but it’s a huge improvement and works smoothly.
Professions and pets and achievements and mounts
Rise of Azshara’s meat lies in how much there is to do in nearly every aspect of the game. Professions got 25 new skill levels and a pile of new recipes, earned in a wide variety of places. New pets and mounts and rare spawns and achievements and hidden tricks to obtain them are stuffed into this patch. New islands and PvP battles and even new types of daily quest mechanics added to the variety.
This content update pony performs more than just a few tricks. It gives players an overwhelming, wonderful pile of things to do. In an ideal world, this is what every patch would feel like.
What you won’t like
Welcome back, grindy content
Rather than time-gate some of this content goodness — a system that generally frustrates the most committed players — Blizzard returned to a more-grindy system this time around. While unlocking some content does require time, whether it’s to increase the experience of your bodyguards in Nazjatar or your reputation with the factions in both zones, much of it can be ground out a little at a time if you want to … which means many players did.
Surprise quests sometimes lead to missing out
Rise of Azshara doesn’t hold your hand. Breadcrumbs quests almost don’t exist, so knowing where to go and what to do can be a challenge. Some content isn’t identified anywhere, so either careful scrutiny of third-party guides or random activity, such as kill every neutral mob in a zone, turn out to be your options for finding everything. The Secret-Finding Discord has been working overtime on this patch.
Sometimes that’s really fun, and makes the zones feel more alive. Killing neutral Algon creatures gives you two mana pearls you can use to upgrade Benthic gear, and eventually spawns a rare monster? Charming a critter in the open world and dragging it to another mob can net you a pet or activate a rare? Neat!
But sometimes it results in missing out on major parts of the content. The most egregious example was Chromie’s “Alternate Timeline” in Mechagon. This fun questline sent you into an alternate future for the zone, where you did a couple of quests and got to see the island in a new light. It was a blast.
But if you didn’t read any guides and didn’t get lucky with the drop for a set of plans for an item that would let you return, you soon discovered that while other players could return to the Alternate Timeline day after day, doing additional quests that got them additional reputation, you had literally no way to return or to correct the problem until Chromie herself returned, days later.
Above: Queen Azshara.
Image Credit: Blizzard
Faction imbalance continues to get worse in PvP and PvE content
While Horde and Alliance populations are roughly equal overall in World of Warcraft, the percentage of players taking advantage of end-game content (raids, PvP battlegrounds, open world PvP content, high-end Mythic Plus dungeon runs) is overwhelmingly imbalanced. Horde outnumber Alliance on leaderboards for Mythic raids and dungeons more than 6:1, a problem that only worsens as players swap factions after having difficulty finding guilds and groups.
Rise of Azshara included some truly fun open-world PvP encounters, which form the core of new PvP currency systems. The Battle for Nazjatar was supposed to pit Alliance and Horde players against each other for control of the zone and currency rewards, for example. Instead, the imbalance was so extreme that either Horde won the battle over and over again as raids formed in zones to capture those objectives, pulling people in from multiple shards; or faced no competition at all, because there were so many of them that they ended up in shards of their own, with not a single Alliance player in sight.
Eventually, the event was changed so that it wouldn’t even spawn if the shard was imbalanced, instead presenting a much less-rewarding PvE option. The Mechagon Fight Club treasure chest was similarly removed from an achievement altogether.
Overwhelming high-end faction imbalance makes Rise of Azshara less fun for both factions in PvP, and for Alliance players who struggle to find groups in high-end PvE dungeons and raids.
Bye bye, bag space
Everything takes up bag space now. PvP currency. Things to summon other things. Things that are clearly quest items. Parts that combine into other quest items or essences. Even with a full slate of 32-slot bags, it requires daily inventory maintenance, which is not fun gameplay.
This is the patch that Warcraft should have received several months ago. There were signs that at least some of the content was planned to go out earlier; the in-game “new things to do” screen enticed players to join Heroic Warfronts weeks before they were actually available, for example, before it was quietly changed.
That said, Rise of Azshara and Season 3 present an amazing amount of options for current, new, and returning characters, and most of them engage you and offer some surprising fun. The grindy bits aren’t too horrible, and as you progress through the zones, you unlock additional things to do. The raid and the megadungeon are well designed, the Heroic Warfront certainly feels a ton more fun than the standard setup, and while the crafting system needs a significant balance pass, the new systems are generally fun and rewarding.
Judged on its own merits, this is one of the best patches the game has ever seen. In the overall context, however, it feels not-to-little but a-lot-too-late. Battle for Azeroth needs more love that patches like Rise of Azshara provide.
Score: 95/100
Credit: Source link
The post World of Warcraft: Rise of Azshara review — showers players with fun after a long dry spell appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/world-of-warcraft-rise-of-azshara-review-showers-players-with-fun-after-a-long-dry-spell/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=world-of-warcraft-rise-of-azshara-review-showers-players-with-fun-after-a-long-dry-spell from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186524026287
0 notes
weeklyreviewer · 5 years
World of Warcraft: Rise of Azshara review — showers players with fun after a long dry spell
World of Warcraft, Blizzard Entertainment’s massively multiplayer RPG, spent most of this spring in a deep content drought. Rise of Azshara, one of the most-ambitious content patches ever in the game, seeks to drown players in new content.
The patch offers two new significant zones of content with new reputations, types of encounters, islands, the reintroduction of flying, an uplift to the crafting system that includes new leveling and crafted items, and a host of other changes big and small.
Two weeks after its initial launch, on July 9, Blizzard released a new eight-boss raid dungeon, Azshara’s Eternal Palace; and an eight-boss, five-player “megadungeon,” Operation: Mechagon, something that hasn’t been seen since the days of Return to Karazhan.
Since that time I’ve reached exalted reputation with both factions and regained the ability to fly; experienced every piece of new content the zones had to offer; completed the raid dungeon on Normal and Heroic difficulty; completed the new megadungeon on normal and hard mode; done all PvP battlegrounds and open-world competition; done the new Heroic-difficulty Warfront; completed the new islands; maxed out new crafting skills; gotten to Heart of Azeroth level 58, and picked up major and minor traits along the way; and generally spent far too much time playing, like a pig in the newly-rejuvenated mud.
Overall, Rise of Azshara is just what Warcraft needed: a long-overdue shot in the arm of new and novel content. While not perfect, it presents happy players with so many options that in some cases, it feels like going from starving to becoming overstuffed with things to do.
Above: Mechagon is one of two new zones.
Image Credit: Blizzard
What you’ll like
New zones and content unfold as you go
A nice extension to World of Warcraft’s storyline leads you into two new zones: Nazjatar, the until-recently-underwater home of the evil Naga snake-people empire, and the island of Mechagon, home to mecha-gnomes and the Rustbolt Resistance. In each, the more you do, the more there is to do. Unlock reputation with the Resistance and more quests open up; loot rare items and you’ll have things you can craft and, more importantly, things you can do. In Nazjatar, you’ll build experience with your chosen bodyguard, and as you do, more quests and storyline will open to you.
Even with this careful approach, the Rise of Azshara patch has an overwhelming amount of content. This unfolding-style reveal of new things to do makes that deluge exciting and challenging, instead of overwhelming, and Blizzard’s design does it with subtlety and grace.
New group content for PvE players
The Eternal Palace raid and Operation: Mechagon megadungeon are two of the best instances Blizzard has ever created. Both do an exceptional job of making the environment part of the encounter; while there are still plenty of boss battles that (sometimes literally) trap you in a flat arena, most involve tricksy bits of technology that use your surroundings to put you in peril or just make the fights more immersive.
In Operation: Mechagon, the five-player, eight-boss megadungeon, you’ll climb through trash piles and fight battling robots in an area that includes BattleBots-style hammers and saws that come up from the floor. In the Eternal Palace raid, an underwater boss is (finally!) extraordinarily well-designed, with the Blackwater Behemoth using platforms and jetstreams and the need for breath and healing to challenge your group. Za’qul offers three “phases” existing simultaneously on a single platform, forcing players to hop from one phase to the next and back again to defeat the bad guy.
Both instances are incredibly enjoyable, and the difficulty seems well-tuned. Eternal Palace is a bit easier than Battle for Dazar’alor, at least on Normal and Heroic difficulties, but poses a good challenge for groups, particularly in Mythic. Operation: Mechagon is difficult, but not impossible, on its basic Mythic difficulty; and Hard Mode offers some terrific challenges based on your group’s ability to handle mechanics, not just the power of your gear.
Above: The new Heart of Azeroth.
Image Credit: Blizzard
The new Azerite essences system
Azerite armor disappointed players in Battle for Azeroth. It was the successor to the incredibly fun legendary weapon system in Legion, and it didn’t fulfill its promise. Instead, players had to work over and over again in new levels of gear to earn the same traits they had in the last tier.
The new system uses interchangeable “essences” on players’ Heart of Azeroth neckpieces, each with multiple ranks, and it’s been a hoot. Not only does leveling up those essences require nearly every type of gameplay, giving players a million things to do to progress, but they’re balanced well enough that they feel slightly overpowered (yay!) and offer some real options to players swapping between different types of content.
The system isn’t perfect, and new essences are hopefully coming along as we slurp up all this delicious new gameplay, but it’s a huge improvement and works smoothly.
Professions and pets and achievements and mounts
Rise of Azshara’s meat lies in how much there is to do in nearly every aspect of the game. Professions got 25 new skill levels and a pile of new recipes, earned in a wide variety of places. New pets and mounts and rare spawns and achievements and hidden tricks to obtain them are stuffed into this patch. New islands and PvP battles and even new types of daily quest mechanics added to the variety.
This content update pony performs more than just a few tricks. It gives players an overwhelming, wonderful pile of things to do. In an ideal world, this is what every patch would feel like.
What you won’t like
Welcome back, grindy content
Rather than time-gate some of this content goodness — a system that generally frustrates the most committed players — Blizzard returned to a more-grindy system this time around. While unlocking some content does require time, whether it’s to increase the experience of your bodyguards in Nazjatar or your reputation with the factions in both zones, much of it can be ground out a little at a time if you want to … which means many players did.
Surprise quests sometimes lead to missing out
Rise of Azshara doesn’t hold your hand. Breadcrumbs quests almost don’t exist, so knowing where to go and what to do can be a challenge. Some content isn’t identified anywhere, so either careful scrutiny of third-party guides or random activity, such as kill every neutral mob in a zone, turn out to be your options for finding everything. The Secret-Finding Discord has been working overtime on this patch.
Sometimes that’s really fun, and makes the zones feel more alive. Killing neutral Algon creatures gives you two mana pearls you can use to upgrade Benthic gear, and eventually spawns a rare monster? Charming a critter in the open world and dragging it to another mob can net you a pet or activate a rare? Neat!
But sometimes it results in missing out on major parts of the content. The most egregious example was Chromie’s “Alternate Timeline” in Mechagon. This fun questline sent you into an alternate future for the zone, where you did a couple of quests and got to see the island in a new light. It was a blast.
But if you didn’t read any guides and didn’t get lucky with the drop for a set of plans for an item that would let you return, you soon discovered that while other players could return to the Alternate Timeline day after day, doing additional quests that got them additional reputation, you had literally no way to return or to correct the problem until Chromie herself returned, days later.
Above: Queen Azshara.
Image Credit: Blizzard
Faction imbalance continues to get worse in PvP and PvE content
While Horde and Alliance populations are roughly equal overall in World of Warcraft, the percentage of players taking advantage of end-game content (raids, PvP battlegrounds, open world PvP content, high-end Mythic Plus dungeon runs) is overwhelmingly imbalanced. Horde outnumber Alliance on leaderboards for Mythic raids and dungeons more than 6:1, a problem that only worsens as players swap factions after having difficulty finding guilds and groups.
Rise of Azshara included some truly fun open-world PvP encounters, which form the core of new PvP currency systems. The Battle for Nazjatar was supposed to pit Alliance and Horde players against each other for control of the zone and currency rewards, for example. Instead, the imbalance was so extreme that either Horde won the battle over and over again as raids formed in zones to capture those objectives, pulling people in from multiple shards; or faced no competition at all, because there were so many of them that they ended up in shards of their own, with not a single Alliance player in sight.
Eventually, the event was changed so that it wouldn’t even spawn if the shard was imbalanced, instead presenting a much less-rewarding PvE option. The Mechagon Fight Club treasure chest was similarly removed from an achievement altogether.
Overwhelming high-end faction imbalance makes Rise of Azshara less fun for both factions in PvP, and for Alliance players who struggle to find groups in high-end PvE dungeons and raids.
Bye bye, bag space
Everything takes up bag space now. PvP currency. Things to summon other things. Things that are clearly quest items. Parts that combine into other quest items or essences. Even with a full slate of 32-slot bags, it requires daily inventory maintenance, which is not fun gameplay.
This is the patch that Warcraft should have received several months ago. There were signs that at least some of the content was planned to go out earlier; the in-game “new things to do” screen enticed players to join Heroic Warfronts weeks before they were actually available, for example, before it was quietly changed.
That said, Rise of Azshara and Season 3 present an amazing amount of options for current, new, and returning characters, and most of them engage you and offer some surprising fun. The grindy bits aren’t too horrible, and as you progress through the zones, you unlock additional things to do. The raid and the megadungeon are well designed, the Heroic Warfront certainly feels a ton more fun than the standard setup, and while the crafting system needs a significant balance pass, the new systems are generally fun and rewarding.
Judged on its own merits, this is one of the best patches the game has ever seen. In the overall context, however, it feels not-to-little but a-lot-too-late. Battle for Azeroth needs more love that patches like Rise of Azshara provide.
Score: 95/100
Credit: Source link
The post World of Warcraft: Rise of Azshara review — showers players with fun after a long dry spell appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/world-of-warcraft-rise-of-azshara-review-showers-players-with-fun-after-a-long-dry-spell/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=world-of-warcraft-rise-of-azshara-review-showers-players-with-fun-after-a-long-dry-spell
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rheyareads · 5 years
Third Post’s the Charm
I have to admit, writing out those first two posts was very therapeutic. I think there are things I’ve held inside for so long that just writing them down and putting them out there really lifted a weight off my chest that I didn’t realize had been crushing me all these years. I have no idea how many people chose to read it, and honestly, it doesn’t even matter. The mere act of putting my story out into the world was exactly what I needed.
So, it’s been a while since my last post because I wasn’t anticipating how good I’d feel after the first two – but also because I’ve been rather busy. I’ve been dealing with a lot of medical things and finally getting answers to a lot of things that I’ve struggled with for a long time, which I’m so grateful for.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve struggled with constant sinus infections/head colds. I get them at least once a month, on average, and for the last few years they’ve been happening more often and more intensely. Last year I got sick for over a month and there were numerous occasions where I was so congested I actually fell over when I sneezed or coughed from dizziness.
Now, as hilarious as that was for me to tell people at the time, it’s something I’ve carried a lot of shame around because it makes me an unreliable worker and person. I am utterly devastated at the thought of letting people down and I absolutely hate having to tell someone I can’t attend/do something because I am sick (again). I know it’s something people have been frustrated with me for, and understandably so, but it was always so hard for me because I truly was horribly sick and wasn’t trying to be flaky.
One thing people may not know about me is how much I center my self-worth around my work ethic. I have worked my entire life towards creating a professional identity for myself and become a contributing employee to whatever place I work for. I’m incredibly driven and will spend every minute trying to ensure that I am making things more efficient, putting out the best quality work I can possibly do, while also adding value in some way. I’ve put myself into situations where I chose to focus more on school and work than my friendships or spending time with my family. To me, my career has always been most important to me. When I get sick all the time, I know that negates that work I’ve put in, in that it makes me appear unreliable and flaky. Calling in absolutely destroys me and I am so hard on myself when I must do it to rest and get better.
The problem with all of that, is that I really DO get sick enough that I need to call in or I won’t actually get any better. Unfortunately, there are typically consequences associated with that and it’s something I’ve always been worried about as an employee no matter where I’ve worked. No one likes when their co-worker comes in super sick and coughing everywhere but if I called in every time that happened, I’d probably get fired within a month. I’ve always been thankful for bosses who understood that I was dedicated despite constantly getting sick and seemed to understand. I’ve had my fair share of bosses who didn’t believe me, however, and they’ve only perpetuated my fear of letting others down as I’ve gone on. Thankfully, I finally have an answer that may help this problem.
About three weeks ago, I got a sore throat like I usually do, and didn’t really think much of it. After three days, however, I woke up with neck pain so horrible I couldn’t move – I mean like, full swelling in my neck and pain so bad that showering almost made me pass out. I went to the doctor and they weren’t sure what was going on so they ordered a CT and X-Ray (I had had a migraine two days before with vision obstruction). They sent me home and told me to go to the hospital if things got worse. The next day, I woke up with swelling so bad in my tonsils I was choking on them. I have never experienced swelling so bad in my life. I went to the hospital and was sent home with no more answers and was feeling very discouraged.
Thankfully, I went back to the doctor and they referred me to an Ear Nose and Throat doctor to try and get some answers since I’ve been on 4 antibiotics in the last three months due to sickness. My X-Rays showed no acute issues but did show that I have reverse lordosis in my neck that was likely irritated due to the inflammation in my glands from the sickness.
The ENT was an expensive but beneficial trip and I found out that I have a deviated septum that has been causing drainage issues and inflammation because of a spur in my left side. This is something seemingly simple but has made all the difference for me. To just know that I’m not crazy and that I have an actual diagnosis has helped me immensely. It explains so much of the things I’ve struggled with – why it happens so frequently, despite the seasons – why others weren’t getting sick when I was – why medicines weren’t working, and steroids were the only thing that would provide relief.
So now that I know that, I’m at the point where I am waiting on some blood work and go back in a month to determine if I will need surgery to correct the problem, which is likely. That is a bit scary, but for now I’m going to revel in the relief of having some answers after so many years struggling with this problem. Especially being a singer, having constant sicknesses that take away my voice has been so difficult. I hate having to stop singing because of sore throats and missing work because I’m exhausted from not being able to sleep due to coughing.
I also saw a chiropractor for the reverse lordosis and after just one treatment I am feeling so much less pain in my back and neck. I’ve felt pain so long that I honestly didn’t even remember how it felt to feel normal. I have two appointments a week for the next month to get myself into full alignment and I’m really looking forward to feeling my best after this is all done.
  This has all really inspired me to continue to work towards finding the answers and correct treatments I need for the other things I struggle with. My PCOS and Thyroid issues are my next big things to tackle and I’m hoping that I will be able to come to a place where I feel like I have a handle on them. I really want to lose weight for health reasons and I am so scared I’ll have to get surgery soon if I can’t get a handle on all these things that make me gain weight and keep weight on. I’m looking into some anti-inflammatory diets right now and plan on working with a dietitian soon, but I know this will be the biggest battle I face when it comes to my health. I hope that I can make some small changes, if nothing else, and start to feel a little better.
After watching my aunt go through cancer and battle so many health challenges, I am really scared I am going to face the same struggles she did as I get older because I have a lot of the same medical issues she had, and I have the same problems with weight she did. I don’t want to keep putting off these lifestyle changes anymore, but I’m also scared that I’m not mentally prepared to do it all. Food has always been my source of comfort and giving up the things I love is not going to be easy for me to do at all. Not to mention the fact that I hate like, everything good for you. It makes it very hard for me to eat better when I barely like 4 or 5 foods. And when I say I don’t like them, I mean like once I tried to eat salad for 5 days in a row and literally gagged while consuming it. That’s how much I hate a lot of foods.
So right now, I’m focused on doing some research and trying to motivate myself to find a way to get to the gym every week, even if its just to walk for a while. If I can do that, I’ll move to the next phase and see where it takes me.
But since my last post, I’ve made a lot of progress in my 30 things in my 30th year list and I’m pretty proud of that. Here’s a recap of what I’ve done so far:
Do something that scares me
I posted these blog posts for everyone to read some pretty personal things about me.
I told a boy that I liked him, flat out, even though it terrified me. He didn’t want to pursue a relationship, but that’s okay because honestly it felt great to just say how I felt for a change instead of wondering where things were going to go.
Make a concerted effort to be more financially responsible
Try a little harder at my appearance (i.e. style my hair, maybe wear makeup)
I wore makeup to work on Friday and everyone was so shocked haha
Read ALL THE BOOKS (or at least 50)
Currently halfway through my first book of the year and I’ve joined two book clubs!
Write more often – feelings, fiction, prose, doesn’t matter – just do it
Counting these blogs as part of this because it’s felt great to write these.
Pay off a student loan
Paid off my first one yesterday! It felt so great and now I just want to pay off even more!
  I’m thinking that for my next post, I’m going to start a series on diving into relationships that have defined me in some way. I’ve been thinking a lot about my love life and future and the road blocks I face, and I think that exploring my past relationships with boyfriends, friends, family and others will help me work through those. I guess we’ll see how I feel and where that will go but, in the meantime, I just want to say thank you to all of you out there for taking the time to read these things and talk to me about the posts I’ve shared. It means a lot to me. I hope they help you as much as they’re helping me.
from WordPress https://rheyareads.wordpress.com/2019/03/03/third-posts-the-charm/
0 notes
virginieboesus · 5 years
My Top 7 Final Fantasy Games
I’ve seen a lot of tweets on Twitter recently about Final Fantasy, either about your favourite characters, games or music. Now, I’ve already written about my favourite Final Fantasy moments (you can read that here), so I thought I would tackle another one of these questions…
Specifically, I thought I would put together a list of my top 7 Final Fantasy games so far. I have a bit of an odd opinion about the series and which games I enjoy the most, so hopefully, this list may surprise you a little bit. But either way, let’s get started. Here are my picks for the top 7 Final Fantasy games!
7. Final Fantasy IV
We’ll start off with the oldest of the Final Fantasy games on the list; Final Fantasy IV. This was the first game that truly ditched the Job System in favour of each character having a Job (or class) that is dictated by the story. As such, it also felt like the first in the series to have a really deep, well-written storyline. At least, that’s my opinion.
The redemption arc of Cecil, the main character, is a very powerful story (especially for the time) that kept me hooked throughout. As storyline eloquence is a big thing for me, to become that engrossed in the tale of a game from that time was very surprising for me. The characters, despite being in such a high fantasy setting, were surprisingly relatable in their thoughts, reactions and actions. The dungeons are also enjoyable, not overstaying their welcome whilst also offering some semblance of a challenge too.
6. Final Fantasy IX
In at number 6, we have the game that was basically a love letter to the Final Fantasy games on the NES and SNES; Final Fantasy IX. This was the last of the numbered games to appear on the original PlayStation, and you can tell. The game still looked absolutely gorgeous to this day, looking almost as good as some early PS2 launch titles! Especially the PS4 release.
Final Fantasy IX to the idea of a high fantasy epic and turned the dial to 100. It has some really hard hitting moments, with some amazing characters that you can just fall in love with. Vivi, especially, is just a wonderful character that you really come to care about and sympathise with. The events of the game tell a wonderful storyline as well, both paying homage to the heritage of the series whilst also feeling unique in its own right.
The final boss fight is a bit a letdown, coming completely out of nowhere. But everything that you get to experience from the start of the game up until that point is astounding. Also, the idea of having to equip abilities, and only having a limited amount that you can equip at any one time, gave a tactical and strategic element to party planning. I really appreciated that.
5. Final Fantasy XIV
There have been two MMORPGs in the Final Fantasy series so far; Final Fantasy XI and XIV. I have spent a huge amount of hours in both of them, but Final Fantasy XIV takes the cake for being my favourite MMORPG I have ever played. I started with the game during the Beta phase of the A Realm Reborn release, skipping the original version of the game that completely failed. As such, I came into it after it was brought back from death, instantly being blown away by the gameplay and storyline.
Prior to Final Fantasy XIV, my MMORPG experience was limited to FFXI, Guild Wars and the Legend of Myr. As such, I didn’t have much to compare Final Fantasy XIV with, so I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the game. Even when it came to grinding for levels, I had a lot of fun. For example, in Final Fantasy XIV you are able to switch class or Job at any time, levelling all of the classes on one character. I mainly played as an Archer (and then Bard when I unlocked the Job), but when Rogue/Ninja was released, I thought I would give it a try.
I managed to grind from a level 1 Rogue to a level 50 Ninja with my armour being at item level 125 (almost max at the time) within just 24 hours. The grind never felt dull, which is a testament to the developers of A Realm Reborn.
4. Final Fantasy VII
Yes, you read that right. Final Fantasy VII, the game that is typically called the “best” of the series, is only in the number 4 position. I know it has become rather trendy to hate on Final Fantasy VII, but that’s not what I am going to do here. The seventh game in the main Final Fantasy series is a really great game. It was completely revolutionary at the time, whilst also being the game that really brought J-RPGs into popularity outside of Japan. For that alone, it deserves respect.
The mini-games within Final Fantasy VII are very entertaining. It features a decent amount of comedic moments without seemingly childish. And the storyline is very enjoyable. However, the reason that it doesn’t get a higher position is because of the few flaws that it has.
Specifically, I found the Materia system to be very basic compared to other customisation systems in other Final Fantasy games (we’ll get to that), and the plot wasn’t quite as top notch as others, in my opinion. Sephiroth, as well, wasn’t quite as interesting as an antagonist as others. For example, he wasn’t a conflicted and relatable character, such as Edea or Delita. Instead, he was simply a “big bad” with a thinly-veiled reason for being “evil”. This works in the game, for certain, but I feel that Sephiroth just didn’t reach the same level of, say, Kefka in that sense.
Nonetheless, Final Fantasy VII is still a great game, and I’m really hoping that the remake does actually see a release this decade.
3. Final Fantasy VI
In third place is one that probably won’t come as a surprise. After all, Final Fantasy VI is one of the most beloved in the series (behind Final Fantasy VII normally). The game, being the last one on the Super Nintendo, made full use of the console’s power by pushing hard on the Mode 7, featuring a huge storyline and one of the best villains in the series; Kefka. Whilst other antagonists may have wanted to destroy the world or become a god, Kefka actually manages to do both!
Because of this, Final Fantasy VI actually features two different world maps; the World of Balance and the World of Ruin. Whilst they are, technically the same planet, the two maps are so vastly different from each other that you’ll feel like you are getting two games in one. But it’s not just Kefka and the two world maps that make Final Fantasy VI so great.
Considering how much each character goes through, as well as surviving the end of the world, they all have very realistic reactions to the events of the game. Final Fantasy VI is a game will make you truly care for the characters, only to tear your emotions apart and leave you to rebuild them once again as you play. For any game to manage such a feat is incredible, but Final Fantasy VI does it with a sheer brilliance of execution.
2. Final Fantasy VIII
Now, if Final Fantasy VII only being in the fourth position didn’t shock you, this one might. My second favourite Final Fantasy game to date is Final Fantasy VIII; a game that (to this day) gets a lot of flack. However, I truly believe that the hate for Final Fantasy VIII is unjustified. The problem that this actually amazing game faced was that it came after Final Fantasy VII, the game that introduced so many people to the series whilst also blowing their minds at the time.
Because FFVII was so revolutionary, whereas FFVIII was a continuation of the series, people may have felt disappointed that it didn’t completely reinvent the series again. However, it did feature some very interesting changes to the typical Final Fantasy formula. For one, the enemies levelled with you. I know a number of people who didn’t like that, as it meant that you couldn’t just power level and then walk all over them. However, when you combine this with the second major change, the Junction system, it works so well.
The Junction system allows you to “equip” magic to your stats, boosting them and giving you the ability to customise your characters. However, it can be rather confusing and complicated, taking both concentration and patience to fully learn and understand. But once you have understood how to use the Junction system properly, you are rewarded massively. For example, you can use the Card ability to “kill” enemies, turning them into cards that you can then refine into magic. That magic can then be Junctioned, without you getting levels up (you don’t gain EXP for using the Card ability). Doing this means that both your party and the enemies stay at very low levels, whilst your stats go up and up. So, for those who like to “steamroll” through a game, by using the Junction system correctly, your party can effectively become gods!
1. Final Fantasy Tactics
And so we come to my all-time favourite game in the Final Fantasy series. I would argue that Final Fantasy Tactics is the best Final Fantasy game by far, due to the sheer amount of game design that the developers got right with it. For starters, the storyline is beyond incredible; the best way to describe it in one phrase would be “the Game of Thrones of the Final Fantasy series”. If you’ve only ever played the main, numbered Final Fantasy games, then Final Fantasy Tactics’ storyline is going to be a huge surprise for you.
Most of the games in the series feature heavy storylines mixed with spats of comedy throughout. This is to break the tension and lighten the mood. Final Fantasy Tactics takes that idea and shoves a Dragoon’s spear straight through it. There is not one moment that the storyline lets up. Instead, it keeps getting heavy and darker with every scene. Dealing with politics, war, religion and class structure, the game features very mature themes that would have probably gone over your head as a child. But even if that was the case, the events in the game will leave a lasting impression on you. I don’t want to spoil anything about this amazing game, but there is one specific part that hit me harder than Aerith’s fate ever did!
Oh, and as we have touched on the Materia and Junction systems, and how they enable you to customise your characters, we cannot forget the Job system in Final Fantasy Tactics. In my opinion, this is the best implementation of the Job system to date, offering an insane amount of customisation for your party. I mean, it is just so deep in its implementation that you can actually get lost, spending hours trying to customise your party to your specific tastes!
If you haven’t played Final Fantasy Tactics, and haven’t experienced the storyline, then do yourself a favour; pick up either the original PSX release or the PSP re-release. You will not be disappointed.
And That’s All Folks
There you have it. Those were my 7 picks for the best Final Fantasy games so far. This may, of course, change in the future if Square Enix can get their act together and recapture the magic of the series that has been missing from recent titles. However, until that happens, I will still keep buying and playing this series. I just love the series so much, like so many other people out there do too.
What are your top picks for the best Final Fantasy games? Are there any that you think don’t get enough attention or love? If so, why not let me know in the comments!
from More Design Curation https://www.16bitdad.com/my-top-7-final-fantasy-games/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=my-top-7-final-fantasy-games source https://smartstartblogging.tumblr.com/post/181820728795
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smartstartblogging · 5 years
My Top 7 Final Fantasy Games
I’ve seen a lot of tweets on Twitter recently about Final Fantasy, either about your favourite characters, games or music. Now, I’ve already written about my favourite Final Fantasy moments (you can read that here), so I thought I would tackle another one of these questions…
Specifically, I thought I would put together a list of my top 7 Final Fantasy games so far. I have a bit of an odd opinion about the series and which games I enjoy the most, so hopefully, this list may surprise you a little bit. But either way, let’s get started. Here are my picks for the top 7 Final Fantasy games!
7. Final Fantasy IV
We’ll start off with the oldest of the Final Fantasy games on the list; Final Fantasy IV. This was the first game that truly ditched the Job System in favour of each character having a Job (or class) that is dictated by the story. As such, it also felt like the first in the series to have a really deep, well-written storyline. At least, that’s my opinion.
The redemption arc of Cecil, the main character, is a very powerful story (especially for the time) that kept me hooked throughout. As storyline eloquence is a big thing for me, to become that engrossed in the tale of a game from that time was very surprising for me. The characters, despite being in such a high fantasy setting, were surprisingly relatable in their thoughts, reactions and actions. The dungeons are also enjoyable, not overstaying their welcome whilst also offering some semblance of a challenge too.
6. Final Fantasy IX
In at number 6, we have the game that was basically a love letter to the Final Fantasy games on the NES and SNES; Final Fantasy IX. This was the last of the numbered games to appear on the original PlayStation, and you can tell. The game still looked absolutely gorgeous to this day, looking almost as good as some early PS2 launch titles! Especially the PS4 release.
Final Fantasy IX to the idea of a high fantasy epic and turned the dial to 100. It has some really hard hitting moments, with some amazing characters that you can just fall in love with. Vivi, especially, is just a wonderful character that you really come to care about and sympathise with. The events of the game tell a wonderful storyline as well, both paying homage to the heritage of the series whilst also feeling unique in its own right.
The final boss fight is a bit a letdown, coming completely out of nowhere. But everything that you get to experience from the start of the game up until that point is astounding. Also, the idea of having to equip abilities, and only having a limited amount that you can equip at any one time, gave a tactical and strategic element to party planning. I really appreciated that.
5. Final Fantasy XIV
There have been two MMORPGs in the Final Fantasy series so far; Final Fantasy XI and XIV. I have spent a huge amount of hours in both of them, but Final Fantasy XIV takes the cake for being my favourite MMORPG I have ever played. I started with the game during the Beta phase of the A Realm Reborn release, skipping the original version of the game that completely failed. As such, I came into it after it was brought back from death, instantly being blown away by the gameplay and storyline.
Prior to Final Fantasy XIV, my MMORPG experience was limited to FFXI, Guild Wars and the Legend of Myr. As such, I didn’t have much to compare Final Fantasy XIV with, so I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the game. Even when it came to grinding for levels, I had a lot of fun. For example, in Final Fantasy XIV you are able to switch class or Job at any time, levelling all of the classes on one character. I mainly played as an Archer (and then Bard when I unlocked the Job), but when Rogue/Ninja was released, I thought I would give it a try.
I managed to grind from a level 1 Rogue to a level 50 Ninja with my armour being at item level 125 (almost max at the time) within just 24 hours. The grind never felt dull, which is a testament to the developers of A Realm Reborn.
4. Final Fantasy VII
Yes, you read that right. Final Fantasy VII, the game that is typically called the “best” of the series, is only in the number 4 position. I know it has become rather trendy to hate on Final Fantasy VII, but that’s not what I am going to do here. The seventh game in the main Final Fantasy series is a really great game. It was completely revolutionary at the time, whilst also being the game that really brought J-RPGs into popularity outside of Japan. For that alone, it deserves respect.
The mini-games within Final Fantasy VII are very entertaining. It features a decent amount of comedic moments without seemingly childish. And the storyline is very enjoyable. However, the reason that it doesn’t get a higher position is because of the few flaws that it has.
Specifically, I found the Materia system to be very basic compared to other customisation systems in other Final Fantasy games (we’ll get to that), and the plot wasn’t quite as top notch as others, in my opinion. Sephiroth, as well, wasn’t quite as interesting as an antagonist as others. For example, he wasn’t a conflicted and relatable character, such as Edea or Delita. Instead, he was simply a “big bad” with a thinly-veiled reason for being “evil”. This works in the game, for certain, but I feel that Sephiroth just didn’t reach the same level of, say, Kefka in that sense.
Nonetheless, Final Fantasy VII is still a great game, and I’m really hoping that the remake does actually see a release this decade.
3. Final Fantasy VI
In third place is one that probably won’t come as a surprise. After all, Final Fantasy VI is one of the most beloved in the series (behind Final Fantasy VII normally). The game, being the last one on the Super Nintendo, made full use of the console’s power by pushing hard on the Mode 7, featuring a huge storyline and one of the best villains in the series; Kefka. Whilst other antagonists may have wanted to destroy the world or become a god, Kefka actually manages to do both!
Because of this, Final Fantasy VI actually features two different world maps; the World of Balance and the World of Ruin. Whilst they are, technically the same planet, the two maps are so vastly different from each other that you’ll feel like you are getting two games in one. But it’s not just Kefka and the two world maps that make Final Fantasy VI so great.
Considering how much each character goes through, as well as surviving the end of the world, they all have very realistic reactions to the events of the game. Final Fantasy VI is a game will make you truly care for the characters, only to tear your emotions apart and leave you to rebuild them once again as you play. For any game to manage such a feat is incredible, but Final Fantasy VI does it with a sheer brilliance of execution.
2. Final Fantasy VIII
Now, if Final Fantasy VII only being in the fourth position didn’t shock you, this one might. My second favourite Final Fantasy game to date is Final Fantasy VIII; a game that (to this day) gets a lot of flack. However, I truly believe that the hate for Final Fantasy VIII is unjustified. The problem that this actually amazing game faced was that it came after Final Fantasy VII, the game that introduced so many people to the series whilst also blowing their minds at the time.
Because FFVII was so revolutionary, whereas FFVIII was a continuation of the series, people may have felt disappointed that it didn’t completely reinvent the series again. However, it did feature some very interesting changes to the typical Final Fantasy formula. For one, the enemies levelled with you. I know a number of people who didn’t like that, as it meant that you couldn’t just power level and then walk all over them. However, when you combine this with the second major change, the Junction system, it works so well.
The Junction system allows you to “equip” magic to your stats, boosting them and giving you the ability to customise your characters. However, it can be rather confusing and complicated, taking both concentration and patience to fully learn and understand. But once you have understood how to use the Junction system properly, you are rewarded massively. For example, you can use the Card ability to “kill” enemies, turning them into cards that you can then refine into magic. That magic can then be Junctioned, without you getting levels up (you don’t gain EXP for using the Card ability). Doing this means that both your party and the enemies stay at very low levels, whilst your stats go up and up. So, for those who like to “steamroll” through a game, by using the Junction system correctly, your party can effectively become gods!
1. Final Fantasy Tactics
And so we come to my all-time favourite game in the Final Fantasy series. I would argue that Final Fantasy Tactics is the best Final Fantasy game by far, due to the sheer amount of game design that the developers got right with it. For starters, the storyline is beyond incredible; the best way to describe it in one phrase would be “the Game of Thrones of the Final Fantasy series”. If you’ve only ever played the main, numbered Final Fantasy games, then Final Fantasy Tactics’ storyline is going to be a huge surprise for you.
Most of the games in the series feature heavy storylines mixed with spats of comedy throughout. This is to break the tension and lighten the mood. Final Fantasy Tactics takes that idea and shoves a Dragoon’s spear straight through it. There is not one moment that the storyline lets up. Instead, it keeps getting heavy and darker with every scene. Dealing with politics, war, religion and class structure, the game features very mature themes that would have probably gone over your head as a child. But even if that was the case, the events in the game will leave a lasting impression on you. I don’t want to spoil anything about this amazing game, but there is one specific part that hit me harder than Aerith’s fate ever did!
Oh, and as we have touched on the Materia and Junction systems, and how they enable you to customise your characters, we cannot forget the Job system in Final Fantasy Tactics. In my opinion, this is the best implementation of the Job system to date, offering an insane amount of customisation for your party. I mean, it is just so deep in its implementation that you can actually get lost, spending hours trying to customise your party to your specific tastes!
If you haven’t played Final Fantasy Tactics, and haven’t experienced the storyline, then do yourself a favour; pick up either the original PSX release or the PSP re-release. You will not be disappointed.
And That’s All Folks
There you have it. Those were my 7 picks for the best Final Fantasy games so far. This may, of course, change in the future if Square Enix can get their act together and recapture the magic of the series that has been missing from recent titles. However, until that happens, I will still keep buying and playing this series. I just love the series so much, like so many other people out there do too.
What are your top picks for the best Final Fantasy games? Are there any that you think don’t get enough attention or love? If so, why not let me know in the comments!
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Countless paintings, when you look at them in xrays, turn out to have limbs that have been learned in previous ones. I tended to just spew out code that was hopelessly broken, and gradually beat it into shape. Well, I'll tell you what they want. So a company that can attract great hackers will have a huge advantage. It's hard enough already not to become the prisoner of your own. A speech like that is, in the sense that they're just trying to reproduce work someone else has already done for them. On the Web, the barrier for publishing your ideas is even lower. They didn't sell either; that's why they're in a position now to buy other companies. It's hard enough already not to become the prisoner of your own expertise, but it does at least make you keep an open mind. As Ricky Ricardo used to say, Lucy, you got a lot of what makes offices bad are the very qualities we associate with professionalism. But if you talk to startups, because students don't feel they're failing if they don't go into research.
The programmers you'll be able to set up local VC funds by supplying the money themselves and recruiting people from existing firms to run them, only organic growth can produce angel investors.1 But as long as they still have to show up for work every day, they care more about what they have in common is that they're often made by people working at home.2 Part of what software has to do is make good things.3 When there's something in a painting that works very well, you can probably make yourself smart too.4 The word now has such bad connotations that we forget its etymology, though it's staring us in the face. People await new Apple products the way they'd await new books by a popular novelist. VCs don't invest $x million because that's the amount the structure of business doesn't reflect it. When I was a student in Italy in 1990, few Italians spoke English. This turns out to be will depend on what we can do with this new medium. The problem is the way they're paid. It's a mistake to use Microsoft as a model, because their whole culture derives from that one lucky break.5
It felt as if someone had flipped on a light switch inside my head. The problem with the facetime model is not just that line but the whole program around it. But while energetic government intervention may be able to make a Japanese silicon valley, and so far is soccer. By definition these 10,000 founders wouldn't be taking jobs from Americans: it could be part of the terms of the visa that they couldn't work for existing companies, only new ones they'd founded. And in addition to the direct cost in time, there's the cost in fragmentation—breaking people's day up into bits too small to be useful. It's a good idea to save some easy tasks for moments when you would otherwise stall. They're competing against the best writing online.6 And since good people like to work on a Java project won't be as smart as the ones you could get to work on what you like. I'm talking to companies we fund? Painting has been a much richer source of ideas than the theory of computation.7
It falls between what and how: architects decide what to do by a boss. Another country I could see wanting to have a silicon valley? That wouldn't seem nearly as uncool. Nearly all makers have day jobs, and work on beautiful software on the side, I'm not proposing this as a new idea. Can you cultivate these qualities?8 It's too much overhead. But Sam Altman can't be stopped by such flimsy rules. Ideas beget ideas.
But that could be solved quite easily: let the market decide.9 This phrase began with musicians, who perform at night.10 And you can't go by the awards he's won or the jobs he's had, because in design, as in many fields, the hard part isn't solving problems, but deciding what problems to solve. And the first phase of that is mostly product creation—that blogs are just a medium of expression.11 The third big lesson we can learn, or at least confirm, from the example of painting is how to learn to hack by taking college courses in programming. Once you realize how little most people judging you care about judging you accurately—once you realize that most judgements are greatly influenced by random, extraneous factors—that most people judging you are more like a fickle novel buyer than a wise and perceptive magistrate—the more you realize you can do than the traditional employer-employee relationship. It's flattering to talk to other people in the Valley is watching them.12
The most famous example is probably Steve Wozniak, who originally wanted to build microcomputers for his then-employer, HP. For Trevor, that's par for the course. I suspect almost every successful startup has. Actors and directors are fired at the end of each film, so they have to sell internationally from the start.13 The other problem with startups is that there is a Michael Jordan of hacking, no one knows, including him. That varies enormously, from $10,000, whichever is greater.14 This is yet another problem that afflicts the sciences: math envy.15 If a hacker were a mere implementor, turning a spec into code, then he could just work his way through it from one end to the other like someone digging a ditch. What fraction of the smart people work as toolmakers. Kevin Kelleher suggested an interesting way to compare programming languages: to describe each in terms of the visa that they couldn't work for existing companies, only new ones they'd founded.
As a standard, you couldn't wish for more. Like the amount you invest, this can literally mean saving up bugs. This is a rare example of a big company in a design war with a company big enough that its software is designed by product managers, they'll never be able to get a job with a big picture of a door.16 If you throw them out, you find that good products do tend to win in the market. When I was in the bathroom!17 Once they invest in a company who really have to, but to surpass it. In this model, the research department functions like a mine. Of all the great programmers I can think of, I know of zero. And my theory explains why they'd tend to be forced to work on your projects, he can work wherever he wants on projects of your own.18
Here's a case where we can learn, or at least confirm, from the start. It has an English cousin, travail, and what it means. 5% of the world's population will be exceptional in some field only if there are a lot of servers and a lot of graduate programs.19 It seems to me that there have been two really clean, consistent models of programming so far: the C model and the Lisp model. Lisp syntax is scary. Ironically, of all the great programmers collected in one hub. You see it in Diogenes telling Alexander to get out of his office so we could go to lunch. I like debugging: it's the one time that hacking is as straightforward as people think it is. The only place your judgement makes a difference is in the borderline cases. That may be the best writer among Silicon Valley CEOs. Singapore seems very aware of the importance of encouraging startups. A lot of the past several years studying the paths from rich to poor, just as we were designed to eat a certain amount per generation.
It did. As Anthony Badger wrote, If it failed it failed it failed it failed it failed.
The unintended consequence is that the web have sucked—9. What I should degenerate from words to their stems, but I call it procrastination when someone gets drunk instead of editors, and the founders: agree with them. But one of these, and that he could just multiply 101 by 50 to 6,000.
You have to recognize them when you lose that protection, e.
The First Two Hundred Years. Once someone has said fail, most of their due diligence tends to happen fast, like architecture and filmmaking, but investors can get rich simply by being energetic and unscrupulous, but in practice signalling hasn't been much of the acquisition offers that every fast-growing startup gets on the expected value calculation for potential founders, if you want to learn. Whereas when you're starting a startup idea is to create a web-based applications. The reason this works is that you'll have to worry about that.
Which is not generally the common stock holders who take big acquisition offers are driven by bookmarking, not the second wave extends applications across the web was going to drunken parties.
Most of the problem is not to quit their day job.
It took a shot at destroying Boston's in the time I thought there wasn't, because living at all.
What made Google Google is much more depends on the blades may work for startups overall. Gauss was supposedly asked this when he received an invitation to travel aboard the HMS Beagle as a source of the lies people told 100 years, it would be just as you get a personal introduction—and to run on the entire West Coast that still require jackets for men.
Successful founders are willing to provide when it's aligned with the government, it would be too conspicuous. I'm not dissing these people.
In 1800 an empty plastic drink bottle with a clear upward trend. We couldn't decide between two alternatives, we'd be interested in you, you can ignore. So how do they decide you're a loser or possibly a winner.
Though they are now.
Hypothesis: Any plan in 2001, but different cultures react differently when things go well. A professor at a discount to whatever the valuation of the Dead was shot there. I was writing this, I should probably be the technology side of being watched in real time. To talk to an audience makes people feel good.
The examples in this article are translated into Common Lisp seems to have gotten where they all sit waiting for the same time.
On the other seed firms always find is that it's up to his time was 700,000. Vii. An investor who's seriously interested will already be working on Y Combinator is a way to find users to observe—e.
Even if you turn out to be started in Mississippi. There was one that we are not merely blurry versions of great things were created mainly to make Europe more entrepreneurial and more pervasive though.
But try this thought experiment: suppose prep schools supplied the same reason 1980s-style knowledge representation could never have come to accept a particular valuation, that I hadn't had much success in doing a small business that isn't the problem to have discovered something intuitively without understanding all its implications. Your user model almost couldn't be perfectly accurate, and everyone's used to end a series A rounds from top VC funds whether it was putting local grocery stores out of the x axis and returns on the one Europeans inherited from Rome, where you get a personal introduction—and in a cubicle except late at night. Though in a time of day, because the ordering system and image generator were written in 6502 machine language. What was missing, false positives reflecting the remaining outcomes don't have the.
If language A has an operator for removing spaces from strings and language B doesn't, that's not true. The best one could argue that the angels are no longer needed, big companies could dominate through economies of scale. Good news: users don't care what your project does.
We react like children, we're going to do is keep track of statistics for foo overall as well, partly because you can't expect you'll be able to formalize a small company that has a pretty comprehensive view of investor who merely seems like he will fund you, it becomes an advantage to be able to respond with extreme countermeasures. Particularly since economic inequality is a scarce resource. I suspect the recent resurgence of evangelical Christians.
The VCs recapitalize the company than you meant to. World War II the tax codes were so new that the Internet worm of its identity. If our hypothetical company making 1000 a month grew at 1% a week before. I need to do video on-demand, and we did not start to leave.
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Is the championship tide turning against Ferrari?
New Post has been published on https://othersportsnews.com/is-the-championship-tide-turning-against-ferrari/
Is the championship tide turning against Ferrari?
In advance of his publish-British Grand Prix media session, Mercedes boss Toto Wolff walked into the team’s hospitality device, shook some fingers, flashed a grin and reported: “Best race at any time!”
A race that had looked great turned into the team’s finest of the 12 months so considerably, a resounding a person-two with Ferrari’s lead driver limping dwelling in seventh. Though a great deal of this season has found Mercedes yinging and yanging with general performance, Ferrari has remained regular and often capitalised anytime the globe champions have dropped factors. In advance of the weekend Wolff had known as on the globe champions to “place items correct” for the group — in unique Lewis Hamilton — following dependability problems had squandered a earn in Baku and at minimum a podium in Austria.
It really is not tough, then, to realize why Wolff was in this kind of higher spirits on Sunday. When Ferrari won the Monaco Grand Prix on Might 28, seven weeks earlier, it seemed like a sizeable moment in the 2017 championship. A dominant a person-two saw the Italian group take a seventeen-place lead in the constructors’ race and prompt Wolff to urge Mercedes to embrace the team’s “new actuality” of being accurate underdogs for the initially time in the V6 turbo period. Not for the initially time this season, the globe champions had struggled with Pirelli’s softest compounds, with Hamilton primarily having difficulties to get his tyres into the correct operating vary for the weekend. Hamilton also encountered very similar problems in Sochi, whilst Valtteri Bottas’s struggles with his rear tyres hampered his general performance at the Bahrain Grand Prix.
But in the 4 races since then, Ferrari has unsuccessful to file a earn and has only registered two trips to the podium. By contrast, Mercedes has won three of the 4 races and been on pole at every single. Ten times of 24/seven manufacturing facility perform aided Mercedes improved realize and prevail over its Monte Calro troubles in time for Canada, the place Hamilton took pole, .330s ahead of Vettel. Through that weekend, Mercedes’ crystal clear benefit via the last sector advised it was nonetheless marginally ahead in the power stakes. Vettel’s early collision with Max Verstappen robbed us of viewing Mercedes and Ferrari combat it out for a earn, but both equally Mercedes looked potent ample to finish both equally cars on the podium irrespective.
Then arrived Baku, a circuit which benefits outright motor power. Hamilton claimed a resounding pole place, with the closest Ferrari of Kimi Raikkonen one.1s behind. 6 of the best ten qualifiers have been in Mercedes-powered cars. Disregarding the infamous Lewis Hamilton-Sebastian Vettel incident, that was a race Mercedes should have won. Even with out Vettel’s stop-go penalty using him out of rivalry, Hamilton seemed to have the measure of the Ferrari driver, whilst Valtteri Bottas’ clumsy collision with Kimi Raikkonen had compelled him into a restoration travel from the again of the area.
The headrest situation on Hamilton’s auto, which compelled him into an unscheduled stop, price tag Mercedes a earn. The simple fact Bottas got again to second advised speed in the auto was great ample for at minimum third spot in usual conditions — for Mercedes, it was the top individual-goal. Vettel somehow still left Baku with a even bigger points’ hole in excess of Hamilton on a circuit Mercedes should have excelled on.
A free headrest on Lewis Hamilton’s auto in Baku was the top individual-goal for Mercedes on a circuit it should have won at. Mark Sutton/Sutton Photographs
Austria followed, and this would show to be the closest Ferrari arrived to a earn in this publish-Monaco spell. Following displaying great speed in Friday practice, Hamilton’s probabilities took a significant strike with a gearbox penalty — offering Ferrari the probability to place lone gunner Bottas underneath significant stress in the race. Bottas snatched pole by much less than .1s from Vettel as Ferrari arrived shockingly near in Q3 the Finn would, in the phrases of Niki Lauda, “help you save” Mercedes by keeping off Vettel’s late cost to earn the race. Although Hamilton had to settle for fourth, his speed in the closing phases advised he could have effortlessly shut out the podium had he commenced third on the grid (the place he qualified).
Silverstone looked like it would be an additional case of squandered chance for Mercedes. Bottas topped both equally Friday practice classes ahead of his gearbox transform was confirmed, this means when all over again Mercedes’ hopes for pole place rested on a person auto. A supreme effort from Hamilton saw him take it by .5s and in the race he disappeared up the street. Raikkonen held second but, even in crystal clear air, struggled to match the lap times of the race chief.
Also of note was Vettel’s weekend. Out-qualified by Raikkonen, then sucked into a fight with Max Verstappen for third, it was arguably the German’s initially sub-par general performance of the season. Up to that place this championship fight has been characterised by Vettel’s regularity and Hamilton’s remarkable pendulum swings. Silverstone seemed to validate what numerous pundits believe about this 12 months — that when Hamilton is possessing a great working day in that auto, he is unbeatable. But as we saw at Sochi and Monaco, he can find it notably tough to master the Mercedes W08’s diva-ish behaviour. If Hamilton and Mercedes have genuinely solved the complications which plagued the initially part of the season, Vettel can not manage an additional weekend like that.
Ferrari’s late tyre drama at Silverstone shifted momentum in the title combat again towards Mercedes Simon Galloway/Sutton Photographs
The other protagonist in the title combat, Bottas, seemed to have constrained the injury by fighting again to third, leaving a Mercedes-Ferrari-Mercedes-Ferrari working get on a circuit which is 70 for each cent full throttle, putting a significant emphasis on power. Ferrari’s tyre drama in the closing laps aided Mercedes declare the a person-two it possibly felt was on the playing cards with out Bottas’ penalty. No surprise Wolff looked so happy. But regardless of the outcome and the speed his group showed in new races, he also struck a careful tone following the race.
When requested in that identical Silverstone push session if he felt the last number of races have been proof Mercedes has pulled away, Wolff replied: “I would like to truly feel it, but the moment you say that, you go to the next race and truly feel as though you’ve got been slapped in the face.
“It is tough and our auto is not constantly straightforward to set up, and we have become a great deal improved at performing so. It has been a good group effort in combination with the tyres. But I would like to see Budapest, how the auto performs, with a lower pace and higher temperatures monitor and then possibly I will have a far more finish picture.”
The Hungaroring is the most Monaco-like circuit F1 will have frequented since Vettel’s earn. Electric power is much less important, which will shift focus and intrigue again towards the aerodynamic offers of both equally teams. If Mercedes is on best there, it will be challenging to argue that the globe champions do not have a auto that can earn any where likely into the summer season crack.
Sutton Photographs
Silverstone winner Hamilton followed his boss’ instance by downplaying the suggestion Mercedes has pulled crystal clear.
“You can find pros and disadvantages concerning both equally teams in terms of general performance,” he reported. “Some weekends they’re just a minimal little bit ahead of us and other weekends not, so I assume it really is monitor dependent. Still, at the moment, they have had the strongest line-up. That’s why he is nonetheless a person place ahead of us. But collectively as a group we are major the constructors’ championship so I guess we have obtained factors.
“It really is been sort of amount, but this weekend we have been in a position to exploit the full general performance of our auto, notably on both equally cars, far more so than any other race we have completed so considerably this 12 months. It is a good displaying and puts us in a great place and gives us a potent platform to start from for the second fifty percent of the season.”
Ferrari should hope to be a great deal closer in Budapest. If Mercedes has an additional weekend as the more powerful group there, an individual will have to have to seem the alarm bells at Maranello.
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