#maybe i should make an effort and try some other spirits
foxstens · 1 year
i just second tried the apparently tankiest boss in the game
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dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
DCxDP fanfic idea: Ecto-Specialist
Danny Fenton gets sent by his parents as a Fenton Ecto-Specialist at the request of the Justice League. They would have gone themselves, but unfortunately, every other Fenton had come down with the flu.
Danny was happy about his ghost immune system because this meant he could present Ghosts in a much more favorable light. He left behind all his parents' weapon blueprints and research reports.
He switched them out with his PowerPoint, ghost notes, and interviews he managed to obtain from the friendlier spiris. He arrived to the Hall of Justice, was given a special access pass and was told to set up in a board room.
He nervously plugged everything in, smooth down his suit, and practiced his speech. He's given presentations before, but they have always been school assignments. It was still nerve-wracking, but at least everyone else had to give the exact same topic for the same five to six minutes requirement.
Here, he was going to speak before some of the best heroes of the world to convince them that ghosts were sentiment. To prove they should have rights.
No pressure.
"Hello, I'm Danny Fenton. I'm going to speak about Ecto-beings and their vast culture within the Infinite Realms, " He says to the empty chairs. He pauses for a moment before, as if though he was gathering the attention of a audience before pressing the clicker abd watching his slide move.
"What are Ecto-beings?" He makes a gesture, that he once saw Tim Drake do on TV. It was a smooth wrist roll that he thought look sophisticated. "They can come in all shapes and sizes. Some are naturally formed from their environment, others are born to Ecto-beings and a few or deceased spirits. But they all share a core build from ectoplasm. That's what classifieds them as-"
"Maybe start but explaining what ectoplasm is" a voice cuts him off. Danny is not proud of the high pitch scream that releases from his throat. He is even less proud that he jumps so badly, he ends up tripping over his feet and falling over.
Bell-like laughter, fills the air, and Danny swings his head to the doorway only to further choke on his spit. Standing there looking like a Greek god is Tim Drake.
The very person he was attempting to imitate.
"Are you the Fenton Works representative?" Drake asks, strutting in with a wink. "I'm here on Wayne Enterprises behalf. We may be doing a joint charity effort for Ecto-beings rights. I'm Timothy Drake. And you?"
"I ugh, I'm Danny. Ugh- Danny Fenton. My parents own Fenton Works." He scrambles to his feet, flushing dark red when Drake smiles. "I'm presenting today. I was um practicing?"
"You're doing great" Drake assures. "Just remember to not stand in front of the screen. You want people to ready your bullet points."
"Oh." Danny drags his podium over. He cringes when he realizes that causes it yo scrap against the floor, leaving two long lines.
Drake's grin widens. "It has wheels. You just press the little lever on the right"
Danny wants to die "right. Sorry"
"Nothing a wax machine can't fix." Drake tilts his head, studying his face before asking,"Want to get a quick coffee to calm your nerves? They sell a great brand in the cafeteria"
Danny rubs his hands "Coffee makes me more nervous but thank you"
Drake's smile flatters before it switches back. "Icecream then?"
"No thank you. I run cold naturally and ice cream makes it worse"
".....how about afterwards? We could go watch a moive? Dinner?"
"I would, but I'm supposed to stay in the hotel my parents rented for me. They'll know if I'm not."
The other teen nods and looks a bit disappointed. "Alright, you can't blame a guy for trying . Well, good luck with your practice. I'll be back in an hour for the presentation."
Dannybwaves goodbye, trying to slow his fluttering heart rate. He just spoke to Tim Drake! He can't wait to text Sam and Tucker.
It's only after re-running the presentation once, about thirty minutes later, that Danny jolts in place "HE WAS ASKING ME OUT?!"
"Who was?"
For the second time that day, Danny released a high pitch scream. It's much worse to find Wonder Woman fighting a amused smile standing in the doorway instead of a Teenage Hearttob.
He hasn't even started. Maybe he should have fake being sick, too.
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helaintoloki · 1 month
hi can you do a ben hargreeves angst where klaus is still able to see him in season 3 and he sees how close y/n has gotten to ben sparrow you can do whatever you want with it
warnings: language, lots of angst
notes: okay i actually loved writing this you are a genius for coming up with this scenario
summary: Ben is forced to watch you fall for a completely different version of him
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Ben once thought having to watch the woman you love live her life without knowing you looked on as a spirit incapable of communicating with her was the worst fate imaginable.
But he was wrong.
Watching the woman you love grow close to another version of you while you can do absolutely nothing to interfere was more torturous than any other possible outcome.
Ben absolutely loathed the Sparrow with his entire being. He couldn’t understand why you would even consider trying to get to know the man- he was a complete jerk, absolutely hostile, and not at all understanding or compassionate to the dilemma your team found yourselves in. Ben also thought his haircut was stupid, and the Sparrow’s demeanor gave the ghost a sense of second-hand embarrassment every time he talked.
And yet you were drawn to the man like a magnet, and how could you not be? He looked and sounded exactly like what you imagined your Ben would have if he had survived the accident and been able to grown into an adult alongside you. Despite his callousness and his blatant lack of trust in you, you were eager to learn more. Did he like the same things your Ben did? Did they share the same interests? Were their mannerisms the same? You desperately needed to know, and the Sparrow did not deny you this. Though he held a certain sense of disdain for your team, he wasn’t prideful enough to turn down the company of a pretty girl who seemed to follow him around like a lost puppy. He took advantage of your kindness and your vulnerability, and your Ben hated that he could do absolutely nothing to stop this.
You sit on a lone bench and watch as the Sparrow completes his workout for the day. He’s allowed you to tag along so long as you don’t get in the way, and you agreed. You’re completely mesmerized by his toned arms and grunts of effort that escape his lips as he lifts weights, and Ben can only roll his eyes.
“Seriously? This guy?” He asks you in exasperation, but of course, you don’t hear him at all. This doesn’t deter him from continuing his attempt to persuade you to stay away from the Sparrow. “You are way too good for an asshole like him. He’s just using you to feed his ego!”
“Do you like to read?” You ask the man as he sets down his weights and reaches for his towel to wipe off the sweat from his brow.
“Read?” He retorts haughtily, almost offended by the notion. “What am I, a nerd?”
Ben knows neither of you can see him, and yet he flips the man off anyway in response to his answer. Your shoulders visibly deflate at his words, and the ghost can only frown and attempt to place a comforting hand on your shoulder. It goes right through you, the coldness prompting you to shiver involuntarily, but it makes him feel better to know you can at least sense him in some way.
“My Ben liked reading, so I just thought maybe you would too,” you offer meekly, prompting the Sparrow to roll his eyes.
“Alright, new rule. You wanna hangout with me? Then don’t bring up ‘your’ Ben. Got it?”
“Right, sorry,” you murmur quietly while awkwardly fidgeting with the rings on your fingers. You hover over the one on your index, the purple gem gleaming in the light. Ben knows that ring because he gave you that ring, and that’s why it nearly kills him all over again when he watches you hurriedly remove it and hide it away in the pocket of your sweater.
“You shouldn’t have to apologize for being you,” he gently reprimands you with a sigh before focusing his harsh gaze on his lookalike. “And you should stop being a dick to quite possibly the nicest girl you’ll ever meet. You don’t deserve her, and I’ll never understand why the universe decided you should get to have her.”
Of course, his lecture is unheard and has no impact on the scene that unfolds before him. He watches in gut wrenching agony as the Sparrow seats himself beside you on the bench, his rough hand coming to rest gently upon your thigh and squeezing to get your attention. Your eyes almost seem to sparkle as you look up at him in search of validation for your efforts to get to know him. There’s a shift in the air that fills Ben with dread, and despite all his efforts to stop it he can do nothing to prevent your lips from meeting the man’s in a purposeful kiss.
Your heart flutters in your chest as the Sparrow pulls away and carefully tucks your hair behind your ear, his voice coming out in a soft whisper as he says, “You’re with me now. Forget about him.”
And to Ben’s absolute horror, you obediently offer a silent nod in agreement to his command.
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mysticheathenn · 4 months
What Are The Lies You Tell Yourself?
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Hi, Hexlings!
This pick-a-card reading is about the many things you tell yourself to keep yourself small, stay in toxic relationships, make yourself feel bad, etc. Maybe even words of kindness to help dispel those lies.
This is a general reading, remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help. Tarot should be used as entertainment and not a for sure answer to your problems but as a guide, a sense of hope, and amusement.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
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Next Reading: Patreon (unless spirit says otherwise)
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Pile l:
What are the lies you tell yourself? Tarot: 4 Swords (reversed), 2 of Swords, Awakening, 9 of Wands, 7 of Swords (reversed)
Pile l you have two different messages so I will start off with the first message of those who like to self-sabotage their lives. You like to feed yourself the narrative that you are too busy and everything is hard because you are afraid of failure. You are afraid of the things that can come from actually doing the many things that you say you want and will do. This might be success, failure, or fear of losing those around you because you aren't sure if leveling up will cause a rift or if people will start asking for money but either way, you refuse to look at yourself with complete honesty and accountability when it comes to achieving your goals because you are always feeding yourself lies as to why you can't do them out of fear of the unknown and it's time you stop lying to yourself. This doesn't even have to be a fear of failure or success, etc this could just be you feeding into your imposter syndrome or for some of you feeding into your Lana Del Rey era where you fear if you aren't sad, stressed, or anxious you won't be loved, be a funny person anymore, whatever the reasoning is. You have to give yourself a chance to fly or else you will never know what you are truly capable of or even know if you can really fly.
The 2nd message is for those who identify with hyper-independence. You refuse to acknowledge the fact that the reason you do everything yourself is because you fear having the few people around you let you down like others have. So you continue to feed this narrative of "I like to do things myself." "I'm the only one who can do things right around here." While some of it may be true...you really deep down fear people letting you down again. You are prolonging the inevitable of letting people show you who they really are. Let others around you help you so you can have a break now and then, stop always trying to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. If someone messes up or doesn't come through...so be it. You can't control everything in your life...you are going to have to release some of that control and go with the flow and allow things to come and go no matter how lonely or horrible the feeling may feel. Better will come when you stop trying to control everything.
Extra Messages: Tea Trea Oracle Deck: June, Slowly but surely getting ahead, dissatisfaction with life, An exciting life, waiting for news/ package/ or letter, Do not back down from the opposition show strength and fortitude, solid foundation success with effort, feeling tied down or frustrated.
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Pile ll:
What are the lies you tell yourself? Tarot: 7 of Cups, The Star, Page of Cups, 8 of Swords, Queen of Pentacles.
Similar to how pile l has two messages so does this pile. The first message I would like to ask is who hurt you? Who hurt you enough to where it made you believe that you can't be loved, shouldn't be loved, nor seek love. You continuously keep yourself in a small corner...my own little corner from the Cinderella movie featuring Brandi is playing in my head (Link to Song). Long story short you feel small when you are around others like you have to change who you are in order to be and feel loved but when you are alone you are exactly who you want to be if not exactly who you want to be at least you have an idea or a sense that who you are currently is not who you want to be and it's sad love. I want to hug you and let you know that you should be around others who see you, for you. You are not hard to love and you deserve the best and purest love there is. Stop feeding into the narrative of others as your own, because it's not.
The second message is similar to the first message and a little bit of the first message of pile l. You like to tell yourself reasons why you don't deserve nice things or feed into the mindset that you will never amount to financial abundance. I feel some of this mindset has to deal with childhood/adolescent trauma others of you this may have developed because you kept feeling like every time you got a leg up life would knock you down a peg as to tell you, you aren't meant to have good things when in reality life was trying to redirect you or point you in a direction of something better. You were meant to shine and have many options of abundance in your life. This message is for a few of you but this also has to deal with your looks. You possibly feel that your looks are not up to par and that everyone you meet is always better looking than you. You may also have a fear that if you ever did decide to date that the person you are with would leave you for someone better looking or "better" in general.
Extra Messages: Tea Trea Oracle Deck: A path with money is waiting for you to find it, Getting together with friends, Take care or there will be a loss of material wealth, Opportunity of windfall, Stepping into a new experience, Work/success/achievement, Affairs with your family.
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Pile lll:
What are the lies you tell yourself? Tarot: 5 of Wands, Justice, 6 of Cups, 10 of Wands
This doesn't feel like a lie per se that you tell yourself like the other piles but more so of the delusion you feed yourself. This feels more of a victim mentality mixed in with entitlement and before you say nope not me....*David Beckham's voice* Be Honest. How do you feel when you aren't getting your way or dealing with small inconveniences. Be Honest. If the answer is you complain about life not being fair and you go into victim mentality mode that everything always happens to you and not for you or you just feel for whatever delusional reason that life must always cater to you without any kind of effort is....quite bold...I will applaud you for that love. You have the confidence of a mediocre white man, haha. I love to see it. This per se again isn't all that bad but it kind of is as it stems from your childhood of you parents always handing you gold stars for just existing or putting in "at least they did it" energy. You like to believe that you are doing hard work or you are doing a lot when really you self-sabotage or you do one little thing and expect life or others to bend towards your will because you "tried". This message doesn't even feel like a message to help guide you but more so to act as a mirror because it has been a while since you have been completely honest with yourself and your behavior. Some of you might be sick of yourselves and need this while others of you don't smell your own shit.
Extra Messages: None. You don't really need extra messages as your reading was all the message that you needed for a shift and clarity on how things are. Stop lying to yourself. Look in the mirror and ask if you really love what you see? If you really love the kind of person you are? If you really love how you move in your life towards things you want.
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Pile lV:
What are the lies you tell yourself? Tarot: The Tower, The Empress, The Sun, Queen of Cups
Three major arcana cards and one minor arcana say a lot about you, pile lV. At first because of the type of reading this is I thought maybe you might be afraid or lying to yourself about becoming successful or experiencing happiness but as I drew clarifiers for your pile it started to come together that you are not being authentic to who you are in your feminine energy. What I mean is that you are people-pleasing way too much to the point where when you want to say no, you say yes instead. This pile gives me the vibes that when a guy approaches you, you are on your "best lady-like behavior when politely declining the guy." Even when he keeps persisting and etc you refuse to act out of character and say listen my guy back the fuck up and fuck off. Take a hint. You can be in your feminine energy and still maintain boundaries, and say what you want to say without coming off as "hard, rough around the edges, etc. There was a YouTube short the other day that was from the Clock app where someone was making fun while also having a point when it comes to people pleasers. "Oh, you're such a people pleaser...how many people have you pleased?" So many people have stitched it not being able to answer this question because who have you pleased? Do you consider yourself a dog pleasing its owner for treats, shelter, and so forth. For some of you, this all stems from childhood because maybe you grew up in a transactional household where your parents or family didn't do anything for you without expecting something in return, or even romantic and friendships have done this. It's okay to say no from time to time. It's okay to not be this prime and prissy-like persona. Again you can be loving and kind while still painting boundaries and saying no to things you don't want to do.
Extra Messages: None like pile lll, you don't really need any extra messages as your message has everything that you need to hear.
Thank you for liking and reblogging my readings. I always appreciate you guys on here and on Patreon.
Stay safe and be blessed
Next Reading: Patreon (Unless spirit says otherwise)
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lauraneedstochill · 2 years
Make a move
summary: you think Aemond is too arrogant to woo you, but he’s got some tricks up his sleeve. pairing: Aemond Targaryen x F!Reader words: ~ 6000 warnings: a bit of bickering and teasing, it gets slightly heated (Aemond has a praise kink, but I doubt anyone is surprised), mostly it’s just silly fluff author’s note: this was inspired by “Crazy, stupid, love”, particularly the scene where Emma kisses Ryan (one of my favorite on-screen kisses!) and everything that follows. I recently rewatched the movie and had an idea for this story (also, I may or may not have a thing for men’s hands... you’ve been warned)
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You keep mindlessly tapping your fingers on the wooden table, your cup of wine untouched. You don’t really notice the movement, too wrapped up in your thoughts, until your friend Margaret sneers.
“If you don’t stop, I might bite your hand off,” she says, sitting across the table.
“Then I’ll use the other one,” you huff but pause your fidgeting. “Better bite my head off, it will do us both more good.”
“But I like your head very much,” she pouts. “Is this about Thomas again?”
You groan, hiding your face in your hands and thinking back to the conversation you had earlier today with said man. Your emotions are a mix of annoyance and embarrassment as you can’t stop thinking about his words.
“He said the meeting will be of great importance. What if he...? You know,” you mutter, and Margaret huffs.
“I hope he won’t.”
“Hey, you are supposed to be my friend!” you playfully pinch her hand, and she fakes a gasp.
“I am your friend. And as your friend, I think you deserve way more than that sad excuse of a man,” her face gets serious for a second, and you feel your smile waver.
“Mar, you know I don’t have much of a choice,” you breathe out, and your heart sinks at the thought. “He isn’t that bad, really. He’s always been kind to me.”
“Sounds like every girl's dream,” she rolls her eyes. “And you want to settle down for a kind man? Nothing else?”
“What do you think my options are? Please, enlighten me since I’m clearly missing something,” you cross arms on your chest. You know she’s right and she means good, but your frustration gets the best of you.
Luckily, Margaret catches it and gives you a sympathetic smile.
“All I’m saying is that for as long as I can remember you’ve always dreamt of something more,” she extends her hand across the table and lightly squeezes yours. “We’ve been friends since we were little kids, and you are the most loving person out of everyone I know. Should I remind you who taught me how to dance? Protected me against my idiot brothers?” you giggle at the memory. “You’ve got an adventurous spirit and a heart of gold. You deserve an epic love story,” there’s a hint of sadness in her voice.
For a minute you sink into your thoughts again.
“And you think Thomas is not the one?” you sigh.
“He’s epically boring at best,” Margaret takes a sip out of her cup. “I know he’s not the one — and you do, too.”
“My parents approve of him,” you try to argue, but she’s quick to object.
“They only care about your approval. And they mistakenly took your lack of protest for it,” Margaret gives you a gloomy look.
“You are aware that I can’t wait forever, right? I’m not getting any younger.”
“Nor smarter,” she snickers.
“Not everyone is lucky to meet the love of their life at the age of ten-and-two,” you frown. Margaret and Jamie got married three years ago, but they have been betrothed for seven prior to that.
“Fair,” she beams, and you can’t stay irritated for long. They are still ridiculously in love with each other, and you are really happy for her. You just wish to feel that, too. You crave that indescribable feeling of longing and wanting and caring for someone else — and being loved just as much in return.
“Maybe the concept of love is overrated,” you ramble. “It was easy to believe in when I was a kid but... As I am growing older, it’s getting harder to cling to hope, I guess. And I’m trying to make an effort and meet new people and... to show just enough character to not scare them away,” you quote your mother. “Yet all of them just make me feel nothing. At all. And I—” you realize that Margaret isn’t listening, her gaze is on something else behind your back. “Hey, I’m pouring out my heart of gold,” you hiss, and her sight shifts to you.
Before you can question her behavior, she informs. “Someone’s been keeping an eye on you.”
“Margaret, I’m trying to have a serious conversation about my future,” you fight the urge to turn around.
“Maybe this is your future!” she winks, and you grunt at her silliness.
“We are in a tavern out of all places! I’d rather take a kind man as my betrothed than a drunk one,” you’re about to scold her, but your friend’s eyes go wide.
“His hair,” her voice is barely above the whisper. “I can make out the strands of silver,” Margaret slightly leans towards you. “You know what that means?”
“That you had too much wine? Mayhaps we should head home,” you suggest, but your friend protests.
“Sit down!” she shushes. “He is coming over here,” Margaret puts on a smile that looks painfully forged. The never-ending chattering of people around you makes your head hurt, and you’re too tired to play along.
“Mar, it’s been a long day, and the last thing I want is to waste my time entertaining some man’s arrogance and...,” you don’t get to finish because he interrupts your train of thought. 
“What if a man entertains you?” his voice is low and cocky. You close your eyes for a second, taking a deep breath. You don’t want to make a scene in a public place so you pull yourself together, thinking that you can talk your way out of this ridiculous situation.
But when you turn to him, your eyes meeting his, your plan is suddenly forgotten.
He is taller than you, a black cloak covering most of his body and his head, so your attention is naturally drawn to his face. He wears an eyepatch, and you look over his sharp features — his prominent nose, high cheekbones that flow down to the curved contour of lips, plump and alluring. Margaret was right about the hair, but she failed to mention the color of his eye. Taking that into account, it’s not hard to guess that he’s a Targaryen. Which means that he definitely is arrogant.
Well, two can play that game.
You ignore his question and pointedly don’t stand up in his presence.
“To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?”
“I believe the pleasure is all mine,” he is only looking at you.
“We just met, you should not jump to conclusions,” you feel Margaret kicking your leg under the table but dismiss her warning.
“Sharp tongue,” he notes.
“Will this be a problem?” you challenge him.
“On the contrary,” it sounds like he’s actually enjoying it.
It is tricky to read his intentions. But when his gaze is concentrated on you, it makes you feel like there’s no one else in the room, and that sensation is thrilling.
“What brings you here, if I may ask?” you press, trying to ignore the unknown feeling creeping up on you.
“It is a nice tavern, wouldn’t you say so? Since you are here, too.” 
“No, I mean what brings you to our table. There are plenty of others you could’ve graced with your presence.”
“Something must’ve caught my eye,” he says, and you see a hint of a smile on his lips.
“Some thing? Well, the interior isn’t very eye-catching if you ask me. But we might have to disagree on that.”
“You aren’t being very agreeable, it seems.”
“That’s what servants are for, and I’m not one,” you’re being defiant yet it doesn’t bother him.
“Please, do tell me more about yourself,” he swiftly pulls up a nearby chair and sits right next to you, his eye never leaving your face.
“Should you pull another one? For your ego, since it takes quite a lot of space.”
He squints at your words, and the corners of his mouth turn into a grin.
“I think we have that in common,” he bites back, but there’s no anger in his voice. If anything, the man looks curious, and you have to admit that you don’t take offense at his wit.
“Are there any other far-reaching conclusions that you managed to come up to?” you turn your body to him, so now you two are opposite each other.
“I only got here a few minutes ago. But I am a great observer should you give me a little more time.”
“Am I supposed to take your word for it? You are not as convincing as you think,” you impugn, so he pauses briefly.
“You don’t trust people easily, do you? How’s that for an observation,” his voice gets quiet, but his gaze is piercing.
“Men,” you correct him. “I don’t trust men.”
“Any of them dared to break your trust?” he gets a little closer, and you instinctively gravitate toward him.
“That would’ve required them to gain my trust first,” you retort.
“And what would it take for me to do so?”
“Do you expect me to make it easy? That’s not very observant of you,” your grin matches his own.
“Nothing good comes easy,” he murmurs, and you involuntarily lay your eyes on his lips. “But I expect it to be worth it.”
You feel a pull toward him, something that’s hard to describe but oh so natural to give into. His confidence isn’t intimidating but rather attractive, and you can’t help but notice how his gaze warms up your whole body. He makes you feel wanted without even doing anything.
But then you think of Thomas. Of the upcoming meeting and your future that depends on it. And you know you can’t throw it all away for some silly conversation with a self-confident stranger. No matter how enjoyable it seems to be.
You bite your lip and look away from him.
“That is enough entertainment for today,” you put some distance between you two. When you give him a quick glance, you catch a shadow of disappointment on his face.
“Didn’t take you for a quitter,” the blond comments.
“You should manage your expectations.”
“Maybe I should manage yours,” he has some nerve. 
“That would be very time-consuming,” you suddenly realize that he’s sitting in your way, and it looks like he isn’t going to move.
“Are you in a rush?”
“I am” — “She isn’t,” you and Margaret say at the same time. You feel your cheeks heating up as you give her a death stare.
“Has anyone told you that you look charming when you are embarrassed?” he remarks, and you want to wipe the smirk off his face. Preferably with your lips. You mentally scold yourself and push that thought away.
“Does this usually work for you?” you get up, thinking of a way out.
“You tell me,” he leans back on his chair with a shit-eating grin on his face, clearly aware that he's blocking your exit.
“Cornering women in taverns is your way of courting?” you think how to distract him, but nothing springs to mind. “And then what, you just drag them into your man cave?”
“They come voluntarily,” it looks like your words struck a chord, but he keeps up the facade of indifference. “I happen to live nearby,” he notes casually.
“We both know that’s not exactly true,” you scoff with a tilt of your head. You are positive that the walk to the castle will take at least thirty minutes.
“Want to bet?” he sits up straight.
“And what do I get out of this?”
He looks you up and down before answering:
He’s pushing his luck at this point.
You glance around and take note that the tavern is packed with people, and no one is paying attention to you. You also realize that Margaret already sneaked out and is standing at the door. She raises an eyebrow with a silent question, as if asking what are you going to do.
That’s when you decide you can push some boundaries, too.
Your eyes are back on the man in front of you. Without giving it a second thought, you step closer to him.
“Was that supposed to make me weak in the knees?” you whisper, and his face expression melts into an amused one. Seizing the moment, you yank your dress up and throw a leg over him. He immediately looks down at the exposed skin of your thigh, his mouth is slightly agape as he’s now sitting between your legs. You see him tensing up, his fingers clenching into fists as if he’s fighting the urge to put his hands on you. You think that if he does, you are not going anywhere. You wouldn’t want to go anywhere — the realization makes you tremble, and you know that you don’t have much time.
You boldly place your hand on his shoulder, pressing him back onto the chair.
“I hate to break it to you, but you are not that impressive,” you say, throwing your other leg over him and successfully moving away.
When you get to the door, the look on Margaret’s face is priceless. You grab her by the arm and drag her outside in a hurry, merging into the crowd of passers-by.
“I need you to explain what the h—” she starts, but you interrupt her.
“Please, don’t,” you snarl. “Don’t say anything, just give me five minutes.”
You can’t even explain to yourself what happened back there and why you did that. You think of his gaze roaming over your body, the depth of his voice and the curves of his lips. You tell yourself that you need to get him out of your head as soon as possible. You fail miserably.
One week later, you are dining with Thomas at his house, and yet your mind wanders back to the arrogant one-eyed man. Aemond, as you’ve learned — and it wasn’t that you wanted to, but fate had other plans.
And by fate, you mean Margaret.
Once her five minutes were up, she couldn’t stop talking. By the time you came home, you got his whole backstory — the second-born son of the King, has two brothers and two sisters, rides the biggest dragon in the world. Overly confident, stubborn, wears an eyepatch because he doesn’t want to scare the ladies of the court. Usually doesn’t talk much.
Unlike Thomas who gathered his whole family and can’t stop blabbing. You struggle to participate in their conversation, giving polite smiles left and right. You don’t know what to expect of the evening, and it makes you nervous. And not in a good way. All of a sudden the possibility of marrying Thomas doesn’t seem to be the best.
From the corner of your eye, you catch him standing up, clearly readying himself for a speech. He has a manner of pursing his lips every time he’s agitated, and it looks weird. That’s also how it felt when he kissed you, which is probably the reason you haven’t done much kissing after that. You wonder what it’s like to kiss Aemond. Just thinking of it makes your heart rate speed up, and you nervously gulp half a cup of wine.
“I gathered all of you today to make an important announcement,” he starts his pompous monologue, “that may not come as a surprise to some of you.”
You cautiously look at the door.
“But, as of recently, I received inspiration to change the course of my life. And I decided to devote myself to the service of Gods.”
You nearly choke on your drink. In all the years you’ve known Thomas, he’s never been to the Sept once.
“And I wanted to grant you this privilege to be the first ones to know.”
You’ve got to be kidding me. You wait for any other announcements — literally anything else — but Thomas goes back to chattering, also accepting pointless congratulations. It takes you ten painfully long minutes to get a chance to talk to him alone.
“May I have a word?” you inquire, and the two of you move to the far end of the room.
“It is about your speech,” you clarify. “It might sound silly, but I thought that you were planning... Um,” you’re trying to formulate your concerns. “I was wondering, how would you describe our relationship? Or the prospect of it, I should say,” you give him a tight smile.
“Oh,” his face pales slightly.
Your facial expression mirrors his. Oh?
“I am actually glad you asked,” he awkwardly takes your hands in his, and you notice how sweaty his palms are.
“You know, you’ve been a great companion of mine,” his voice is as weak as his smile. “And I am forever grateful for those moments that we shared as they only brought me joy,” his hands feel like jelly, and you don’t want to hold them. Like, ever. “But now that I’m choosing to follow my destiny,” you do your best to suppress a chuckle at his dramatic phrasing. “I decided that... I need some time to figure out how I feel. About us.”
You look at him, dumbfounded, his words sinking in.
“You need... some time?” you drawl, feeling an emotion bubbling up in your chest. You are not sure what it is. “You? Need to think about us?” you repeat, and he nods, his brows furrowed at your reaction.
There is a moment of silence, and then you hear yourself laughing. You can’t control it as you’re overcome with emotion, your laughter only growing stronger, to the point of you tearing up a bit. The emotion is relief. There’s no way you’ll ever marry this man.
“I am the one who should be glad, Thomas,” you shake his hand while he seems wildly perplexed, all of his guests staring at you. “Thank you for your honesty, really. I hope you will be successful in all your endeavors, marriage included.”
He opens his mouth to say something, but you already turned around.
“Where are you going?!”
You stop for a second, your thoughts rushing back to the conversation with Margaret. To that evening in the tavern.
“I have a meeting, it’s of great importance,” you say and quicken your pace. You reach the tavern when it’s already getting dark, the weather is cloudy, and your coat is wet in the light drizzle. You walk in a daze as you’re torn between being excited and anxious. There is a chance that Aemond won’t be there. That he doesn’t remember you. That he’s with someone else. That he had a change of heart. That he...
You spot him almost immediately after you walk in.
Coincidentally or not, he’s sitting at the exact same table you were at the first time you met. You stay still as his eye absentmindedly wanders around the room and then lands on you. Aemond stands up — way too quickly — and you see a well-known grin growing on his face. Your eyes dart to his lips, and the question pops up in your head again.
You feel the pull — and before you can think, your body follows it.
He keeps his gaze on you, his brows rising at the speed of your approach. You cover the distance in a heartbeat, your hands reaching his face, and he slightly flinches, probably because your fingers are cold from being outside. And then you stand on your tiptoes and crash your lips onto his without any hesitation.
He gasps, surprised and frozen for a moment. It takes just a couple of seconds for him to melt into the kiss, and his hands are instantly on your waist, pulling you closer to him. Aemond’s lips are way softer than you anticipated — and it’s the only thing on your mind. His mouth on yours, warm and exploring, the slow pacing of the kiss that leaves you lightheaded and yearning for more.
He presses your body into his, lifting you up with ease, and your feet leave the ground. You tug his hood further down so it covers most of your face, too, and then you slide your thumb up the sharp line of his jaw. His tongue runs over your lower lip, and you feel a wave of heat rising in your stomach.
You pull away before you can take it too far.
“You remember me?” you ask him, panting.
He hums, his eye focused on your lips.
“Still believe that nothing good comes easy?” you mimic his words, but he ignores your jesting.
“Definitely,” Aemond looks you in the eyes, keeping his hands on your waist.
“Is the bet still on?”
“Yes,” the corners of his mouth curl.
“Lead the way, then.” By the time you reach the castle, the rain is pouring in full force, and your clothes are drenched. The two of you rush through the streets, your hands intertwined, and it feels like it only takes about ten minutes before you sneak into his chambers, both out of breath and giggling.
Only when you take a look around the unfamiliar settings, it suddenly dawns on you that you are all alone with a man you barely know, and your bravery starts fading away.
Whether Aemond notices the change in your mood or not, you can’t tell, but he respectfully keeps his distance.
“You need to get out of these,” he points at your coat and dress. “They’re soaking wet.”
“Is this your way of trying to get me naked?” you eye him suspiciously, making Aemond scoff.
“I just don’t want you to catch a cold,” he honestly states. “I’ll fetch you a shirt of mine.” Sensing your doubts, he adds, “Don’t worry, it is long enough.”
He brings you the shirt and politely turns away, going to the other end of the room to light the fireplace. On his way there, he removes the cloak and the jacket, his upper body only covered by the same piece of clothing he gave you. You watch him carefully, noting the movement of his back muscles as he bends down.
The sparkling glow of fire brings you back to reality, and you hastily remove your clothes, leaving the undergarments on, which are luckily dry. You put on his shirt, and it barely reaches your knees, but the material feels nice and comfortable. While Aemond is still busy with the fire, you glance over his room.
It’s spacious and simply furnished, and your attention is drawn to a couple of shelves nearby. You look at the tightly packed rows of books, some of the hardcovers are worn out from old age. You catch the familiar naming and pull one of them out, gently flipping through the pages.
“You take interest in philosophy?” his voice startles you. You missed the moment he came back, and when you take your eyes off the book, you see him leaning on the nearest shelf, looking at you inquisitively.
“I do, indeed,” you confess. “And I read this one so many times, my own copy pretty much fell apart.”
“You can take mine,” Aemond offers.
You notice that despite his cockiness, his presence is actually very calming. Everything is easy with him — striking up conversations, making jokes. Taking his hand in yours, running in the rain. Kissing.
Your heart skips a beat, and you sheepishly move on to another topic:
“Shouldn’t you change as well?” you refer to his shirt, but he shakes his head.
“No need.”
“Oh, was it the Targaryen’s dragon blood that helped you dry up?” you tend to jest when you’re nervous, and right now is no exception.
“My cloak is too thick for the water to soak through. But I like your version, too,” his lips ripple into a smile.
You can help but smile back. “Thank you for the shirt.”
“It looks really good on you,” the words smoothly roll off his tongue and ignite the familiar burning deep in your core. He keeps his gaze on your face, your eyes locking for a moment.
You look away first, letting out a timid laugh.
“I must admit, I like this way of courting better,” you place the book back. “But you can cut it short. What’s your move?”
“My... move?” Aemond gives you a quizzical look.
“Yes, your big move. Show me,” you request eagerly.
“Don’t know what you're talking about,” he looks down, his aplomb faltering.
“What do you usually do to impress a lady?”
“I don’t really need to do anything,” Aemond shrugs.
“What a humble individual you are,” you chuckle and give him a minute to think. “So what is it?”
“I just told you...,” it seems like he’s trying to dodge the topic, which only sparks your curiosity.
“Oh, come on! You princes always have a move. Let me guess, you speak to her in High Valyrian? Men like to talk big,” he snorts. “No? Try to win her over with your...,” you gesture at his bookshelves, “...precious collection? Although it’s risky because what if she’s not into reading, that would be awkward,” and then it hits you. “Wait, it’s the dragon, isn’t it? You show her your dragon? Got to make sure it’s well-fed, though, otherwise you’ll have a date with a roasted —”
“It’s my sword,” he cuts you off, and you swear you can see him blushing at the confession.
“Um, your sword? Is this a metaphor for someth—”
“Gods, no. I mean the actual sword. The one you grip with your hand and poke people with.”
“That description didn’t help,” you tease, and he groans.
“You know what I mean,” Aemond gives you a pointed look, but his face flushed pink, and you can’t take him seriously.
“I do, you just look really charming when you are embarrassed,” you say cheekily, which makes him huff. “My apologies. Please elaborate on the sword. How does it work?”
Aemond hesitates but then realizes that you will never let it go, so he gives in.
“I bring my training into the conversation. And then I... show them,” he talks with his hands when he’s uncomfortable, and you find it endearing.
“And that’s it?”
“Pretty much,” Aemond nods.
“They watch you train, and that’s what does it for the ladies?”
“I don’t know why, I never gave it much thought.”
“Well, someone should. Can’t imagine it ever working on me.”
You feel a sudden shift in the air as Aemond slowly looks up at you. You’re standing a few feet apart, and he’s yet to initiate anything, but once again, it only takes a look from him for you to feel a familiar flare-up of the tantalizing desire.
“I’m not going to take you to the training yard in the pouring rain,” he concludes.
“But it’s not about the place, is it? Must be something about you,” now you’re the one champing at the bit to see what the fuss is all about.
“I don’t have a sword on me.”
“Opt for something smaller, I am sure it will do,” you hint at the dagger that you’ve seen him carry, and wait expectantly for him to agree.
Aemond reluctantly contemplates your suggestion, then sighs and goes to get his dagger which he left next to the cloak.
You wonder if the ladies are attracted to his competitive spirit. If they enjoy the feeling of danger they get at the sight of steel, the cold shine of it, the clang of swords. Or maybe it’s the urge to take sides and root for the winner?
And then you see Aemond rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, — and your breath suddenly hitches.
The room is lit by fire, the warmth of it illuminating his skin, casting shadows that frame every muscle of his arms. He takes the dagger in one hand, the movement fast and honed, and your eyes follow it. You notice the scattering of his veins that go down his wrist and into his palm, the blue lines tightening with every swirl. The silver blade catches and reflects the light, but you are focused solely on his flexing muscles.
He’s maneuvering the dagger with ease, almost carelessly, yet you know that every motion is well-practiced through years of training. His long fingers grip the hilt, revealing the sharp outline of his knuckles. The steel silently cuts through the air, again and again, but your eyes are glued to his hands. The way they move, the power that he holds in them. The things he can do with them, with his fingers. The way they will feel on your bare skin and in your... You swallow, letting out a shuddered breath.
“Are you weak in the knees yet?” his words bring you out of your trance, and you blink a couple of times, trying to shake the feeling off. Your body is so heated, you’re surprised you are not sweating yet.
“Is this the point when the ladies throw themselves at you?” your voice is hoarse, and you take a deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself.
Aemond stops his movements. You feel your skin tingling with anticipation, waiting for him to finish what he started, but he doesn’t budge. For a short while, you’re taken aback by the change in his demeanor — and the realization strikes you.
“Wait, how many ladies were here before me?”
“I never said I take them here,” he puts the dagger back in its sheath, averting his gaze.
“But you told me that you do your... thing with the sword for them.”
“In the training yard, with other people around us, yes.”
“So then you just leave them all hot and bothered? Aemond, that is cruel,” his actions confuse you, but while you’re looking for an explanation, he turns back to you and finally meets your gaze.
“It would’ve been cruel to lead them on when I feel nothing for them,” he reveals, and you discern the raw honesty in his words. And you know exactly what he means. It’s the tiresome attempts to find someone who will spark your interest, to spot a connection, all of those efforts leading nowhere and making you feel like you’re the one at fault. But you aren’t — and he isn’t, either.
Aemond looks almost ashamed of letting out something so personal, but you welcome the intimacy of this moment.
“I shall consider myself lucky, then,” you say softly.
He gives you that same look that makes you feel like the world around you disappears.
“You are... something else,” Aemond mumbles.
You guess that he isn’t used to being straightforward about his feelings, nor does he know how to express his affection with words. You really, really want to kiss him again.
The boyish grin reappears on his face.
“Did you mean I left you all hot and bothered?” Aemond narrows his eye.
“I never said that,” you smile coyly. “Maybe you should’ve tried a little harder.”
“I happen to have some tricks up my sleeve,” he takes a step towards you and, before you can ask for details, you feel his fingers on your ribs as he starts tickling you, and you immediately burst into laughter.
His touches are light, fingers grazing against your clothed skin as he subtly moves you further into the room until your legs bump into his bed. Losing your balance, you fall on it, your back met with the fluffiness of thick blankets. Aemond hovers over you, and you can’t stop giggling, trying to wiggle away from his tickles.
Wrapped up in the moment, you make a careless move, your hand brushing up his cheek — and you suddenly see a bright gleam of blue on the right side of his face.
Aemond freezes at the spot, halting his actions, and momentarily flinches away. You are gawking at the sapphire, unable to form a coherent sentence.
He makes a move to fix his eyepatch, but you stop him.
“Don’t,” you catch his hand mid-air, your grip delicate but firm, and he doesn’t fight it. You would’ve been surprised by your own quick reaction if only your mind wasn’t completely occupied with the sight in front of you.
It looks like the gem absorbs all the light in the room, shimmering with various shades of blue. It’s cut in a way to imitate a surface of an eye, the sides of the sapphire polished and blending into each other. There is a depth to it, bright sparkles drowning in a color that’s close to black, and the spillovers are mesmerizing.
You bring your hand closer to his face, to the area that’s been left covered and unloved, and touch the skin with the tip of your finger. He lets you.
“Wow,” you breathe out, gently tracing his scar. “This is the most badass thing I’ve ever seen.”
Aemond looks at you in disbelief, his eye fixed on your face, and his lips parted.
“...What?” he manages to ask.
“You look like a pirate. A really badass... sky pirate?” you suggest, and he lets out a light chuckle, still not entirely sure he believes you.
So you shamelessly continue.
“A pirate with his own dragon. The largest one in the Seven Kingdoms as I’ve heard,” you can almost feel him swelling with pride. “He charms the ladies with his fighting skills — and has a gem for an eye? Incredibly irresistible,” your index finger circles the area around his sapphire.
He listens attentively, holding his breath.
“A prince who is as good with his sword as he is with his wit, fond of reading and isn’t averse to mischief. Any lady of the court would’ve been fortunate to get a hold of such treasure,” you remove the eyepatch and tenderly cradle his face. “Yet I am the one who’s been honored to see all of him,” you glance from the bright gemstone to his eye and back. “Honestly, it’s kind of hard to pick which one I like more...,” you are barely able to notice him sharply lower his head, and your words die down.
Without a warning, Aemond covers your lips with his, the intensity of the kiss pulling the air out of your lungs right away. He’s been holding back the first time, but he isn’t now, and the passion sets you ablaze. His tongue slips into your mouth, easily tangling with yours, and you moan at the contact. Aemond skilfully unbuttons your shirt, and the second his fingers touch your skin, you shiver, the quivering sensation washing over you. His hands slowly slide down your ribcage, tracing the curves of your body, making your back arch, your chest flush against his, your heart pounding. He contours the bend of your hips, then presses his palms there, his touches rough, claiming, burning. You move your fingers up the base of his neck and run them through his hair, and he releases a shaky sigh. Aemond relishes in the feeling of your compliance, the fervor of it, your body being so needy and welcoming, until you are both gasping for air.
“Was that impressive enough?” he rasps, and you look up at him through your lashes, spellbound and breathless. His pupil is dilated, gaze clouded with lust, your noses adjoin.
“Yeah-yes. Yes, very,” you utter, at a loss for words.
“Good. Because I’m about to outdo myself,” he tightens his grip on your thighs, picking you up and moving into the middle of the bed. Your head barely touches the pillow when his lips are on yours again.
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🔥 my masterlist
English is not my first language, so feel free to message me if you spot any major mistakes
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captain-hen · 6 months
What do you think are the fandom ~~classic buddie fics?
i think this is a very subjective opinion, but i can tell you which fics i really love and constantly re-read—and which, in my opinion, should be read by everyone in the fandom :)
Leave the Light On (I'll Be Coming Home) by @hmslusitania Rated M | 44k | Completed Summary: An accident on a call leaves Buck with custody of Chris after Eddie is... missing presumed. While they navigate their new family circumstances—and fight to stay together, despite Eddie's parents' best efforts—a John Doe wakes up in a coma ward with no memory of his own life beyond the knowledge he has a son named Christopher and, somehow, he needs to get home.
a bleeding sun on a silver screen by rarakiplin Rated M | 130k | Completed Summary: One day, Buck will tell an interviewer that he would be happy to make movies with Eddie Diaz until the day he dies. But first, years before that, he sees Eddie for the first time on the set of Chimney’s fifth movie. (or, the actors au)
i want your midnights by @littlespoonevan Rated T | 36k | Completed Summary: In which Eddie decides to rent out his spare room to help with mortgage repayments right around the time Buck decides to move out of Abby's place after some not so gentle prodding from Maddie. It's a coincidence. Or serendipity. Or maybe just really good timing.
maybe we'll make something by @buckactuallys Rated E | 76k | Completed Summary: On a road trip with Christopher, Buck and Eddie finally work through their various traumas, and Eddie faces his parents again.
what a heart can do by @bvckandeddie Rated T | 86k | Completed Summary: In which Buck becomes the guardian of the daughter he never knew he had. Together, they discover what happiness truly means to them.
Hot Ghost Problems by ebjameston Rated T | 40k | Completed Summary: Eddie is the newest firefighter at the 118. Buck is the ghost haunting the 118. Unfortunately for both of them, Eddie's also a witch and needs to put Buck's spirit to rest, because that's what witches do. Turns out, Buck's spirit? Super not interested in being put to rest. Very interested, however, in flirting with Firefighter Diaz, who is just trying to survive his candidate year. (Also turns out, Buck? Super not dead.)
Both Blade and Branch by @cal-daisies-and-briars Rated M | 62k | Completed Summary: The chances of being struck by lightning twice are incredibly minute, but Buck still manages to pull it off. During a double date with Marisol and Natalia, nonetheless. Eddie manages to resuscitate him, but as Buck recovers from yet another trauma, Eddie can’t help but notice there’s something very different about him. He’s not quite sure what version of Buck he got back.
we're not in love (but the sex is good) by elless Rated E | 15k | Completed Summary: Eddie is new to LA. Feeling lonely, he goes to a bar for a drink and meets a beautiful stranger that kisses like a dream. What starts as a one night stand quickly moves to frequent no strings sex. When circumstances lead to them spending time together out of bed, Eddie realizes he’s attached to Buck in a way he never planned for.
for all the haunts and homes of men by euadnes Rated M | 113k | Work in Progress Summary: The year by the old calendar is 2025. Home is gone. Home is a failed rescue mission and an echo of a memory. Home is a lost boy living in a wooden house by the sea. But first, there was a promise. Christopher, when it's safe, I'll take you back to your father. Buck had all but given up on keeping it after the world had died and everyone in it. But just as some oaths refuse to be forgotten, so the same can be said about the endurance of love.
things we shouldn't do by Ingu Rated T | 21k | Completed Summary: The one where Buck and Eddie accidentally get set up on a blind date with each other, and everything snowballs from there.
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wartakes · 3 months
A Duty to Protect
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Not gonna lie, I grappled with whether or not to do this one. I very nearly decided to trash it after having already written 99% of it. But, I've decided to share it anyway in an effort to talk about things going in Gaza (and elsewhere) right now while getting back to the roots of what I started doing War Takes content to begin with. Full essay under the cut.
Folks, I'm gonna be straight up and down with you: my heart hasn't fully been in it lately when its come to writing and posting and generally doing War Takes stuff.
That's not to say I didn't care at all about what I was writing about – whether its been in these essays, or in posts on social media, or what have you, but it definitely felt like ever since October 7th and the resulting Israeli War in Gaza, that I've been stuck in an ever deepening malaise (something that I'm sure many people who feel trapped watching events unfold feel). Obviously, what's going on in Gaza in particular and the Middle East in general not the only conflict I care about; I still feel very strongly about what's going on in Ukraine, Myanmar, Sudan, and on many other battlefields against fascism and brutally the world over, but what's going on in Gaza seems to specifically epitomize how the world feels right now. That there's a million fires burning, with innocents screaming in the middle of the flames, and the response of so many governments appears to be to hand gasoline to the person stoking the fire (if not pouring it on themselves) and then turning to you to say "actually, you're terrible for not thinking that this is okay" and yelling at you on Twitter for it.
The point of this long winded allegory is, I've been in a rut, the result of which is I've started to slip into becoming too focused on the here-and-now or the near-future in these essays, when one of the main reasons I started writing them is to try and think to the future, to a time when maybe, hopefully, we'll be in a better position to actually take action against the myriad of problems at home and abroad. Talking about the here and now is important, but you quickly become reminded of just how powerless we can be in the current moment, and then drive yourself insane by the perceived need for you to do something to fix all the world's problems right here, right now, when you quite simply cannot.
None of this means you should give up, nor give into apathy, despair, nihilism, doomerism, or whatever -isms you may be tempted with succumbing to. You can and should still do what you are able to make things better in the near term, but with the understanding that there are hard limits on what you can accomplish (barring massive, sudden, seismic shifts in society that you will probably only recognize once you're in the middle of them or on the other side). As one of my good online friends November Kelly recently said, you need to make your peace with powerlessness and keep your powder dry, while holding out hope and biding your time for the moment in the future when you and others will finally be able to make a substantive difference and change things for the better.
One of my ways I have always dealt with this feeling of powerlessness in the here and now, is thinking about how I would try to do things differently in my field in that hypothetical future where the United States tried to exercise its power in a more just, humane, and progressive manner. It was really the crux of why I started writing these essays, feeling that many on the Left were unprepared for a hypothetical, hopeful day when we'd be able to actually exercise power. Many of my first wave of essays dealt with thinking forward to that hypothetical better future, but I feel like in the last year or two I've gotten away from that for a number of reasons (the sheer hopelessness of some current events being one of them), so in this essay I'm going to try my best to try and get that mojo back.
In the hopes of tapping back into that original spirit of why I started writing War Takes essays, I'm going to try and link some thoughts for the future, to the ongoing event probably most responsible for my recent funk and lack of inspiration: the War in Gaza. In thinking closely about Israel's actions in Gaza since October 7th, and the response (or lack thereof, rather) of the Western world towards it, I managed to find some renewed vigor in considering how I would deal with the ongoing conflict and associated genocide if I was in a position of power.
Oh, but before we go any further, one quick housekeeping measure that probably doesn't matter but I'm going to do anyway just for the record because its been a while:
Hamas are not good and I don't support them.
I am focusing on Israel here because the scale and scope of what Israel is and has been doing to Palestinian civilians so utterly dwarfs the things that Hamas has done (which are also bad) and because the things Israel has been doing since long before October 7th set the conditions that caused October 7th to happen in the first place by making it inevitable.
Ok, that's out of the way. Let's get down to brass tacks.
Murderers Hate Him! Stop Genocide With This One WEIRD Trick!
After nine months of war in Gaza, I recently came to a realization.
I believe at this point, based on my own personal gut assessment, that even if the United States finally came to its senses and began to exert serious pressure on Israel – diplomatic, economic, and otherwise – that it wouldn't stop what its doing in Gaza and in Palestine and the Middle East in general.
I think even if the United States brought all manner of power to bear, enacting more stringent economic sanctions and arms embargoes, supporting prosecution of Israeli political and military leaders as war criminals in international venues, and so on, that Israel would not stop its actions.
Something in Israeli politics and society snapped on October 7th. To many of us who have looked upon the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict with clear eyes, we knew from the start what might happen and that what Israel is saying and doing now is not necessarily new. But while not new, Israel's actions against Palestinians and throughout the Middle East have reached new extremes, going into overdrive. The proverbial mask has truly come off, as the many videos and photos from Israeli soldiers documenting their numerous war crimes in Gaza have already demonstrated.
As a country that views any criticism what-so-ever as a borderline existential threat, if the United States and other countries actually chose to impose costs on Israel for its actions, it would go into absolute mental breakdown of derangement. After simply delaying one shipment of bombs (not canceling mind you, just “delaying”) while other arms have continued to flow, Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu recorded a video temper tantrum lashing out at U.S. President Joe Biden for only giving him 99% of what he wanted. A country only used to doubling down on its bad actions would triple if not quadruple down, fully embracing official status as a rogue state. Even if cut off from its primary foreign weapons supplier in the United States, Israel would leverage its own domestic arms industry and other like-minded partners (like Modi's India, for example) to keep its war – and accompanying genocide – going. It would not stop, because it would be even more convinced that it could not afford to stop lest it risked the very existence of the Israeli political project (something that may not really be that far-fetched given how the way things may go in the mid to long term).
Now, none of this to say that the United States and other countries shouldn't undertake the actions I laid out regardless of Israeli actions. I strongly believe there is an absolute moral imperative to do so, like, yesterday. But that being said, as I looked back on the history of such actions in the face of various forms of state violence of both the intra- and inter-state fashion, that they'd likely do next to nothing to stop the slaughter. It was that reflection on the past that reminded me of the only thing that can stop a genocide, or any kind of armed aggression, in its tracks: armed intervention.
Maybe I'll be proven wrong on this, but so far we haven't been an opportunity to see otherwise, as the few actions leveled against Israel so far have been so minimal as to practically be non-existent (not that its stopped Israel and its boosters from screaming bloody murder about them). And I think the longer Israel is allowed to continue its actions without non-military forms of pressure being levied against them, the less likely such actions would actually stop them if they were used.
This state of affairs leaves only one option as the last resort to stop the violence: large-scale military intervention.
Historically speaking, the only thing that has ever actually, conclusively stopped a genocide is military intervention. This was pointed out very clearly by the non-governmental organization Doctors Without Borders during the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, when they called for military intervention based on one simple reality: doctors can't stop genocide. What can be said for doctors can be said other forms of aid or action short of military intervention. If Israel chose to continue its actions even in the face of sanctions and embargoes and arrest warrants, none of those actions would likely stop them. Even if the world decided to send in all the food and medicine and more that Gazans would need to survive for as long as they needed it, none of that would matter if the IDF would be preventing it from entering in order to perpetuate the genocide further than its weapons were doing directly.
Such a military intervention could not, by definition, be limited either. It would almost certainly need to be extensive, and involve actual boots on the ground. Past perpetrators of genocide have continue to carry out genocide in the face of military intervention, even at the expense of their own war effort. Nazi Germany continued its execution of the Holocaust in the face of Allied advances from both the East and West, taking personnel and resources away from the war effort to do so and continuing to do so right up until its final surrender in May of 1945. In Rwanda in 1994, the genocide of the Tutsi ethnic-minority by the majority Hutus took place even as the Hutu-dominated regime and its military were pushed back by a successful offensive into the country by rebel forces. Not only is military intervention required to stop genocide, overwhelming, fast, and – more likely than not – complete and total to put a stop to the killing as quickly and completely as possible.
I realize such an action would not be without significant costs and risks, as well as almost certainly violating my own strongly held beliefs that I've stated before that regime change should not be imposed from outside and must come from within. To address the latter issue first, I acknowledge this apparent contradiction, and my only answer would be that I continue to stand by that view – to a point; and that point is the case of genocide. Once you reach that point, I think imposition of regime change from the outside not only becomes acceptable, but morally and ethically necessary to ensure that all the apparatus of state power in that regime are no longer being used to carry out genocide. In that sense, I see it less as a contradiction, and more of an order of priority.
To the point of costs and risks, I have less good answers other than I simply acknowledge that they exist and are hefty. In terms of costs, a massive military operation to put an end to a genocide in Palestine by way of direct combat with the IDF would cost a great deal in blood and treasure and would result in a long-term occupation that could potentially go very badly if not planned and executed properly. In terms of risks, aside from the risks associated with conventional warfare with the IDF, the issue of it specifically being a (undeclared) nuclear-weapons state is a necessary specter to raise – one that has given many a U.S. and allied planner sleepless nights envisioning a conflict on the Korean Peninsula ever since North Korea acquired its first nuclear weapon. Again, I have no good answers here other than, the risks are high and the costs could be just as high if not higher. But, it if we are truly to stand by our principles and not simply pay them lip service as others have, we have no choice but to accept certain risks and incur certain costs in the name of our shared humanity. Additionally, there is an additional cost imposed by the absolute imperative to ensure that one genocide is not simply met with another in response – something that cannot and must never be acceptable. The invading forces would be duty bound to go to great lengths to ensure that it prevented such a response and did not engage in one itself, working to set the stage for some kind of workable reconciliation in the end state to follow.
Of course, sadly, all of this discussion is purely academic at this stage, as such an armed intervention is in large part, impossible under the current geopolitical circumstances. Such an intervention would require the acquiescence, if not the active support and involvement, of the United States of America. Such involvement is completely unimaginable, given the United States' unshakable "rock solid" and "ironclad" support of Israel, even as its violence against civilians has grown more blatant, wanton, and brutal since the war began. Even if intervention was attempted without the United States, it would almost certainly engage all levers of national power – including its own military force – to prevent such an intervention from being carried out, having already utilized military force to protect Israel from outside attack after its own actions threatened to expand the war in Gaza into a true regional war (something that still, unfortunately, remains a very real possibility in the weeks and months ahead).
So, we find ourselves once again in a low point due to unwelcome and harsh truths about the reality we currently face vis-a-vis the ongoing genocide and other acts of mass violence and aggression tossing cold water on what may be the only real route to put a conclusive end to it. But, as always, we can't give into despair and give up. So, what can we actually do? It is that topic that I will close us out on (and hopefully maybe pull you up out of any funk I may have dropped you down into – sorry).
Never Again (But This Time, For Real)
Right now, as powerless as we may all feel, we can and must still do everything we individually can to try and help the people of Gaza – to say nothing of all the other peoples suffering from aggression or the threat of genocide, be it in Ukraine, Sudan, or elsewhere. As much as it may feel like a single lonely drop of water in a very large ocean, our actions do mean something, even if they aren't directly silencing Israeli guns or stopping U.S. bombs from being shipped to them. But while I'm not admitting defeat, I'm accepting, grimly, those previously mentioned limits on what we can do now with the way things are in our current domestic political system in the United States and the current international system.
With those aforementioned limitations in mind, I turn my mind to the future, as I've tended to in previous essays and have in some ways gotten away from. I turn my mind to a day when we have a government and a society in this country that has a different view of the world and our role in it. I turn my mind to a day when we as a country and a people view the world through a more just, progressive, democratic socialist, humanitarian lens. Quite frankly: I look to the day when we take all the truisms and platitudes and cliches of liberalism at home and abroad and actually hold ourselves to them – because at the end of the day, how much of socialism is simply taking all the nice fluffy things that liberals say that they want to do (both at home and abroad) but then actually, in good faith, doing them?
When that day comes – and I have to believe in my heart of hearts of that it will come – even as the world is better, it won't be perfect. There will still be forces that seek to do harm and commit grievous acts in the name of any number of causes. As long we exist as people, there will be those with the intent and access to the means to do harm that will be able to motivate some to do that harm in their name. To be blunt: there will still be "Israels", even if there is not still an Israel, and to that end: there will still be “Palestines” that they wish to subjugate and "cleanse" through violence; and when the opportunity presents itself, those who wish to commit another genocide will take their chance to do so.
When that day comes, it won't be enough to simple condemn those who are committing genocide or working towards it; it won't be enough to sanction them, embargo them, isolate them and turn them into a rogue state (if they aren't already). Likewise, it won't be enough to offer our profound apologies for our past inaction towards or active enabling of past genocides; it won't be enough to commit to various material ways to try and offer penance for our past sins towards those we wronged in the past, working tirelessly to repay a debt we will never be able to fully to repay. All of these things won't be enough (though to be absolutely crystal clear, we should do all of them anyway).
No matter what else we do in response to genocide, it won't be enough in the face of a new one emerging, unless we take actual, direct action to stop it – preferably in its infancy; and as has already been established, the only way to do that will be by force of arms, on the battlefield. If we are not prepared to do that, we will quite simply fall into the same "say one thing, do nothing" patterns of behavior that have been the norm for decades. Despite coming out of World War II and the aftermath of the Holocaust with a proclamation of "Never Again", the geopolitical competition of the Cold War provided cover to an assortment of mass-murder campaigns that we now only retroactively and belatedly recognize as genocides. When these became impossible to ignore post-Cold War in places like Bosnia and Rwanda, the developed world doubled down on "Never Again" with the "Responsibility to Protect" - but functionally very little changed. While in some rare instances, great powers and developed nations may do the right thing and intervene to stop slaughter of civilians, the reality is that what gets to be called a genocide and require action has depended on how politically convenient (or not) it is for those with the power to take action. If we do not take actual steps to break with this broken and heartless system when we are in a position o do so, we will become everything we have ever hated. We have to go further than a "Responsibility to Protect"; it must become a "Duty to Protect," one that is impossible for us to ignore or shirk no matter what the circumstances.
This need to be able to actually stop genocide by force reinforces the need for the democratic socialist project to be serious about actually achieving and maintaining power and accountability. Protesting (and even posting) is admirable and indeed necessary, but in the long term we still have to be serious about actually engaging successfully in politics and eventually being in a position to make and enact policy that is in keeping with our ideology and its core ethical and moral beliefs. We have to eventually be in a position where when the time comes, we have the means at our disposal – military and otherwise – to ensure "Never Again" is no longer a sad and infuriating punchline in history that is only selectively applied (if at all), but has meaning; "Never Again" won't ever mean anything, unless it comes from the barrel of the rifle and we are in a position where we have the will and ability to order a person carrying that rifle into combat to do so. Likewise, “Never Again” won’t mean anything if we don’t take such action in a way consistent with the ethical, moral, and legal principles we claim to be upholding, working actively to prevent another genocide in response to a genocide.
Time and time and time again, whether its in these essays, or on social media, or just in conversation, I talk about how I resist doomerism and strongly believe that we can, must, and will make things better both in this country and in the world. There are many reasons for that. One small, but not insignificant reason for it, is admittedly: cope; it helps me from falling into total dysfunctional despair in the here and now when I feel powerless. But the biggest and most positive reason I maintain hope that we can make things better, is simply because we're all worth it. We as people, all of us – ourselves and our friends and families and more – have value and worth and are worth fighting for. But that comes with the understanding that sometimes that operative word of "fight" will need to be literal and not just figurative. When it comes to preventing and stopping genocide, the literal interpretation will be essential if we are to be true to everything we claim to believe.
It is with that, I leave you once again. I hope with everything going on at home and abroad that you all find your own ways of fighting through the morass of despair and hopelessness and fighting on in the good fight. Until next time, keep your chin up and stay safe. Photo credit: Mikhail Evstafiev
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joyce-stick · 2 years
The Beef Stroganoff Song! (arbitrary subtitle discourse edition)
So, you may have noticed here that the subtitles in this clip (from Symphogear GX episode 3) are fairly different from what you're used to seeing when people post this video, and the phrasing in the subtitles is fairly different from what the associated memes often say
For those who don't know, Symphogear got itself released on blu-ray by Discotek, and with that came with a new translation authored by Noelle (@ulsairi on twitter ) who is notable for being the only trans lesbian anime translator I know of off the top of my head.
Her translation appears, in my opinion, really rather polished and very good, and I strongly appreciate the way it's written and how much character it adds to the dialogue by giving everyone distinct voices and adapting things into more natural English. It's also a fair bit gayer. I haven't encountered many people who've seen these subs, but I think most fans of the series would consider these a net positive change. There are some people who are mad about these subtitles, and they can die mad.
Anyway, let's talk about the different phrasing of the beef stroganoff song. I'm mostly going to compare to Crunchyroll's subtitles for reference since that seems to be what most others go off of. Here's a link to that version.
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So right off the bat we can see here that while CR's translation appears to be a lot more, for lack of a better word, functional, Noelle's translation tries to apply more dialectal force "it's beef stroganoff/Yes! It's THAT beef stroganoff!" And generally communicate through the tone how excited the girls are to get started. Additionally you'll see throughout that the latter is a fair bit more lyrical, there's a lot more punctuation and verbal tics and filler phrases written into the dialogue to express that they are singing, which makes sense since Japanese tends to omit a lot of the sorts of prepositions that Noelle threw in here,
Like, Yumi (yes I went and looked up her name on the wiki) just says "beef stroganoffu" because it's obvious from context that it is beef stroganoff, she doesn't need to spell it out, at least, not in Japanese
(We know like maybe ten hiragana and 1 kanji do not trust us on Japanese this is all just basic shit we learned from online guides)
So this probably leads to a rushed translator from Crunchyroll (they are notoriously crunched for time) who's just trying to Get It Done probably not really bothering to throw in extra additional connecting letters to express the tone of the character, only doing so when it's required to make basic grammatical sense in the target language. So they likely didn't think to make the subtitles have flourishes like this that aren't explicitly in the original Japanese. Noelle meanwhile had the time to consider things like this and take such liberties in order to attempt to convey the same tone that was arguably implied by the Japanese, even if not explicitly put forth
And that's about all the things I should not repeat I guess, TL;DR, these subtitles are more fun to read because the translator had more time to think about the best way to make them more fun while still being accurate to the spirit of the original dialogue, who'd have thought!
(In case you're wondering, the Commie subtitles say kind of the same thing here, and y'know, it doesn't seem like a wrong translation, but also I really dislike this subtitle styling, orange on pink with that font and that drop shadow is just kinda bad. I appreciate the effort but like. Come on. Please fansubbers, please think about if the font and colors you chose actually work with the image you're putting them on)
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Moving on!
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horizontal and middle rhyme with each other so you can almost actually sing this, actually let me take a moment to try it right now- never mind, I can't sing. Hahaha. I don't actually think it lines up that well with the melody But I thought it did! Didn't I? That's significant, that this actually reads like plausible lyrics to a silly song someone made up instead of a literal translation of a Japanese song
Anyway, here comes the first major difference!
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So in the Crunchyroll subtitles, Yumi says "it doesn't have to be beef" which in English (in my estimation) sounds a tad scatterbrained, like, "oh yeah sure beef but whatever really it doesn't actually matter," while Noelle's subtitles rather say "Got no beef? Don't you worry!" Which implies something different.
"It is recommended to use beef, but you may substitute something else if you are sorely lacking in beef" as opposed to "Oh the beef doesn't actually matter, zoinks lol!" CR's translation is kind of a bit funnier in how it sorta comes from nowhere without this qualification, which probably lead to this phrase's memeticness, but Noelle's translation seems more reasonable to me so yeah again, tada, yay for sensicalness.
Now here's another interesting change:
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Again, the flat manner in which the CR subtitles say "finish with salt" with rendezvous only being included because that's literally what they said, is sort of absent any stronger emotional implication,
Noelle's translation meanwhile going with "don't forget them, they need it" imparts personhood upon the salt and pepper. The implication being that the girls are saying, "the salt and pepper are in love, please reunite them, they must be in gay love together." Or maybe you think the salt and pepper cannot be forgotten and must be reunited because they are Only Friends.
Whether you choose to believe that this is the salt and pepper getting married, or merely subtext, or an interpretation, or salt and pepper shipping bait, this is a deeply important tonal indicator because it reminds you that these girls are ultimately playing with their food!
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"And there, now you're in for a treat!" I don't think I need to explain this one.
Now, here's an interesting one!
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In the Crunchyroll subtitles, it just says the memetic "boys don't know this." With no context, no elaboration, no clarity, no qualifiers. Boys don't know. Did the boys magically get their brains wiped? Are the boys biologically incapable? Who knows. Nothing is said but that.
Noelle's subtitles, on the other hand, qualify this statement by saying "Boys aren't taught to cook, so they may not know" (And note again how, it says "kno-ow" to emphasize, once more, that they're singing, and also this lines up with the long "ooooo" sound they make at the end of this lyric, so cool)
There is now context! Boys aren't taught to cook! Anime and Japan's culture in general still pigeonholes people into gender roles! And an anime translator just wrote you a hidden translation note about it! You might be a boy, you might know how to cook, but certain boys in another part of the world aren't traditionally taught cooking, so they may not know
They may not, but they could!
Trust a trans person to express gender facts with subtle nuances like this in anime translations.
And with that lovely bit of good translation and good writing and good localization of a thing to make it make sense to people
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buckybarnesisdaddy · 9 months
All is well Part 6
Summary- Decorating for Christmas brings out some naughty behavior and some big milestones. The New year brings some new promises and new games.
Pairings- Bucky × Daisy!Reader, Steve x Daisy!Reader, Stucky x Daisy!Reader, Ransom × Daisy!Reader, Ari x Daisy!Reader, Jefferson x Daisy!Reader, Jake Jenson x Precious!Reader, Frank Adler x Dutchess!Reader
Rating- Explicit, 18+
Warnings- polyamorous relationships, mentions of masturbation, sex (piv), anal (f receiving & m mentioned), rimming (f&m receiving), Oral (f & m receiving), spanking, biting, edging, metal arm play, Teasing, making out, lots of sex, aftercare, mentions of Daddy & Captain kink, creampie, slight cum eating, I’m sure I forgot something big. 18+ only!!
Word count- 13.7k
Author notes- I love this chapter. Stucky is heavily hinted at but never fully written. If that’s not your thing, it will still be okay to read because it’s not too in your face. Enjoy, comments are greatly appreciated, love you all!! Also once again some of these ideas were a team effort @rainydayandmondays & @theinheriteddutchess love yall! 😉❤️ Part 5 will be coming out soon and it will be linked when it’s out!! It will take place before this chapter!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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It’s beginning to look at lot like Christmas.
You hum as you watch Bucky and Steve haul the Christmas tree inside. Ari is holding the door open and Jake is walking around singing and dancing with just about anyone he passes. You laugh as he passes by and gives you a twirl. “Oh my Jake!” You laugh loudly as he spins you.
“Gotta get everyone in the spirit, Daisy!” You laugh and twirl once more with him. Bucky and Steve laugh and Steve teases Jake.
“Watch where you put those hands, Jakey boy!” Jake laughs and clearly shows one hand in yours and the other very cautiously placed on your waist. Precious walks by Steve and bumps him with her hip as she smiles.
“Oh Steven,” Steve laughs. “You know Jakey would never dare!” Jake laughs and twirls you away in into Steve’s arms. He kisses you and rubs down your back.
“I know, I just like making Jake sweat!” Steve teases as he continues to dance with you. Jake pulls Precious into his arms and they start to dance a little, his hands are definitely lower and not as cautious now. Precious giggles and kisses Jake as they dance. Bucky sneaks behind you and kisses your shoulder before he clasps yours and Steve’s hands and lays his hand on your waist and on top of Steve’s hand as you three start to dance. Dutchess and Frank watch from the kitchen as she sips her coffee. Frank shakes his head and then smiles at Dutchess. She rolls her eyes and can’t help but smile as he pulls her close and they dance in the privacy of the kitchen. Winter watches and smiles as they spin around. Ransom grumbles as he watches the ladies and their husbands dance around. Ari watches smiling before he starts taking each women, spinning them around and then moving to the next. Ransom rolls his eyes.
“Not you too?! Aren’t you Jewish?!” Ari laughs and shrugs.
“What can I say, I like Christmas too!” Ari answers. Ransom shakes his head and crosses his arms.
“Ransom! Come help us decorate the tree!” You call out as you move from Steve and Bucky’s arms, kissing them both before inviting Ransom over.
“Uhh I’m good.” He says with a little chip on his shoulder. You shrug and take Bucky’s hand. “Okay, suit yourself.”
Frank and Steve get the tree set up, Jefferson and Ari are untangling the Christmas lights, Jake is helping Precious get all the fun Christmas decor out, Bucky is in the kitchen making Christmas cookies and hot chocolate with you, his little helper. You end up licking the spoons clean and creating a little problem for Bucky with how seductive you are being without even trying. “Okay,” Bucky lets out a breathy laugh and sigh. “Maybe you should go help out the decorations on the tree. I think they are ready.”
“Okay!” You say cheerfully as you kiss his cheek and dash off. Jake and Precious grab everyone’s attention as they dig out the mistletoe. “It’s going right here!” Jake walks over to the door leading down the hall. “Everyone has to pass under and there is no getting around it.” He smiles. “Stay safe everyone!” He teases before he grabs Precious and lays a big kiss on her. You laugh and look at Steve and wink. Jake finally comes up for air and yells over to you “And don’t even think about hogging it, Daisy.” Everyone laughs and you blush a little. Bucky leans against the frame of the doorway to the kitchen as he joins in the fun.
“Ehhh we don’t need that one.” Everyone looks at him. “I attached one to our ceiling fan over our bed so we’re set.” He winks at you and everyone laughs and some of the guys wolf whistle. Steve wraps you up in a kiss and you giggle against his lips. You overhear Jake asking Precious if he could do that too, she says they will talk later. You pretend not to see Frank grab an extra mistletoe and stuff it in his pocket before he walks down the hall.
Ransom watches all this from the kitchen table, not helping and definitely not showing how much he wants to be involved. At this point Jefferson and Ari have left, Ransom thinks it’s to go visit Jefferson’s kid but he’s not entirely sure. Winter has had enough people for the day, Ransom can’t blame him for that, so all that’s left are the ladies and their husbands. Well and Ransom. He sits back and watches as You make plans with Steve and Bucky.
“We have ice skating on Saturday.” You say.
“Why are we going again?” Bucky asks.
“Because I’m Morgan’s Godfather and Tony asked us to come and visit.” Steve slings his arm around Bucky. “So we are going.” Bucky grumbles a bit. It’s not that he doesn’t like Tony or the rest of the gang, he does. He just doesn’t want to spend his Saturday at an ice skating rink with everyone else who decided to go on the weekend. With Just his Doll and Stevie? Sure! But not with everyone else in the world. Steve sees Bucky’s displeasure and laughs. “Cheer up and maybe there will be a treat for you later.” You and Steve both smirk at Bucky and he blushes.
“Fine. What other holiday plans do we have?” Bucky asks and you go over the whole list. It sounds exhausting to Ransom but he wouldn’t mind the exhaustion if he had someone to share it with. Ransom sees Dutchess slip behind Frank and wrap her hands around his waist and kiss his back. It’s inmate yet reserved, she moves away instantly but gives Frank a little look as she does. Ransom finds himself smiling at the thought of having someone look at him that way. Jake and Precious are talking nonstop about all the presents they need to buy and who they need to get them for, Jake forgets one of Precious’ friends and she corrects him as he is writing his list. Ransom laughs to himself, he hates shopping but if he had a pretty woman on his arm he could do it. Especially if she is half as happy as all three of you are about making your plans.
“Hey Ransom,” Steve says as he walks into the kitchen. “You’re looking a little too happy over there,” He teases “wouldn’t want anyone to think you actually enjoy it here.” Ransom fake laughs and Steve pats his back as he walks by. If Ransom was honest though, he’d admit he did enjoy it here. He looked forward to his time with each of you ladies and he really didn’t mind the guys. But lately he’s been hit with a sense of loneliness. Thats when the thought hits him, he wants to be a husband.
“Shit,” he sighs and grumbles quietly. “This place is making me too soft.” He quickly looks for an exit, anyway to help him not deal with the emotions bubbling up, it’s when he spots the mistletoe. “Oh that might do the trick.” He says quietly. He thinks or just make all of this harder.
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You are getting some ornaments from a box when you realize you left the hooks in the basement. You start to walk down the hall when Ransom appears in the doorway and under the mistletoe. He stops you there and just smirks as he looks up. He then shrugs “it’s the rule, Daisy Mae.” You blush at the sweet nickname and pull him in for a little peck and then you’re on your way. You didn’t think twice about it until you are on your way back to the living room and Ransom is parked right under the mistletoe, again. Shrugging and saying rules are rules, you roll your eyes and smile as you kiss him again, this time he slips his hands alongside your face and kisses you deeply, enough that you get a little lightheaded when he finally lets you go. Bucky eyes your flushed face as you walk back in and you just smile.
Precious gets a phone call and goes to take it in her room, with all the noise it as hard to hear. As she passes by Ransom takes her hand and pulls her in for a kiss. She is a little shocked at the quickness but her phone ringing loudly is what pulls her back to earth. “Hello?” She says as she walks away from Ransom and to her room. When she comes back and Ransom tries to pull her into another kiss she laughs and stops him. “Ran what are you doing?!” He kisses her and she gives his butt a smack as she walks away, smirking back at him.
Dutchess finishes up the lights over the stairwell and when she walks to the doorway she stops and looks at the progress everyone has made. “This looks great so far!” Everyone agrees and then gets back to work, she turns to go check on Winter and is met by Ransom’s chest and arms around her. “Hey chess, how’s about a little smooch for the mistletoe?” He leans in and kisses her lips. Dutchess smiles against his lips and then pulls back.
“Aww that was sweet.” She pats the side of his face and then goes to check on Winter. Frank walks by and stares him down, he doubles back and looks at Ransom.
“I’ve been meaning to ask, why do you call her Chess?” Frank crosses his arms. And Ransom smirks.
“Because it’s all calculated moves with her.” Ransom sees the anger start to build in Frank's face. Ransom calling his wife ‘calculated’. Ransom quickly explains, “Not in a bad way, Frank. So calm down. Just everything is on her terms and it’s one step after another. Also her name is Dutchess… chess is kinda in the name already.” He pats his shoulder and Frank calms down a little bit not by much. He walks away to help with the tree. When Dutchess slips back by she rubs Ransom’s back and then kisses his cheek before he can demand more.
Ransom stays there all morning, everyone one of you ladies tries to leave he demands you pay the toll. Precious when she was bringing up boxes of lights got a drive by kiss. Dutchess as she was walking by and stepped a little too close, he pulled her in and kissed her, saying those are the rules! It was funny and everyone was getting a kick out of it but then it got to be a lot. “Nope Daisy Mae, it’s the rules, you gotta give me a kiss.” You didn’t mind the first couple of time but when he stopped you on your way to the bathroom, or when you were simply chasing a run away ornament, it was a little much.
“Ugh Ransom! I just needed that ornament.”
“Then walk under the doorway, give me a kiss and then you can grab it.” You lean close and whisper.
“Are you feeling left out? Is this what all this is about?” You’re really trying to connect with him, about ready to offer him to put the star on the tree when He plays it off and laughs.
“No, I’m just getting into the Christmas spirit! You wanna get the ornament then you gotta kiss me. Since I’m under the mistletoe and all.” He smirks and leans against the frame. You look at Bucky and he looks at Steve, Steve nods and Bucky shrugs. They play rock, paper, scissors and Bucky looses. Steve pats him on the back and walks straight to Ransom bends down and grabs the ornament. He then grabs Ransom’s face and kisses him and it is not a little peck either. Ransom pushes him away and just glares at him as Bucky shrugs.
“Like you said, it’s the rules.” He walks away and everyone giggles and smiles as Ransom looks pissed. Jake walks up to him and stands next to him.
“What are you looking at, puppy?” He snaps.
“Ransom!” Precious says.
“Well I needed to use the bathroom and I know I need to pay the toll, so.” He puckers up and Ransom walks away grumbling. Everyone laughs and calls Ransom back, he turns around and you pull him into your arms.
“Oh Ransom we are just messing with you! It’s how you know people love you, when they mess with you a little. If we didn’t we’d let you walk away and pout. Now come help us with the tree. Bucky will make some of his hot chocolate for you.” Bucky nods and pats his shoulder as he walks by on his way to the kitchen.
“Fine.” He agrees and pouts as he walks into the living room to help. He begrudgingly puts ornaments up and rolls his eyes at Jake’s exuberance when his favorite Christmas songs come on. But you can tell the little glint in his eyes is because you invited him to join you all. Ransom continues to help set up the tree, it is 12 feet and it really is a group affair to get it set up and decorated. Once it’s done you step back with and look at it, it’s perfect. Green and red with silver all around.
“Dutchess put the star on last year so now it’s Daisy’s turn.” Frank says as he hands the star over to you.
“Thank you, Frank.” You thank him and then look at Bucky and Steve. “I’m gonna need help up there.” They both laugh and lean down so you can climb on their shoulders standing tall and praying you don’t take the tree down like you did the last time it was your turn. You reach and you’re still not tall enough, you sigh and pat their heads. “I can’t reach. I’m still too short.” They bring you down and you hand the star to Precious, “You’re a little taller, maybe they can get you up there.” Precious sees your disappointment.
“Nope it is your turn and the boy will just have to stand on,” she looks around sees what she was looking for. “This!” She pulls the coffee table from the corner of the room. It was shoved there in all the decorating. “This should work!”
Bucky and Steve look at one another. “I think you just want us to stand on here so when it breaks we have to buy the house a new coffee table.” Steve says and Precious laughs.
“No! Come on you two will be fine!” The boys climb up there and you magically climb up on their shoulders. You lean over and place the star perfectly. Climbing back down you kiss your husbands and hug your friend.
“Thank you, Precious.” Right as you pull back the boys step off the table and it collapses and breaks. You look at Precious and then Dutchess. “We will buy the new table.” You shrugs and they both laugh.
“Good! Here I have this one marked.” Dutchess hands you her phone and shows you the Amazon page she has pulled up. You shake your head and laugh.
“You two really were planning this, huh?!” You tease.
“No!” Precious exclaims. And then she smiles and shrugs. “I mean no one has used it since the whipped cream incident-” Bucky groans and Steve laughs.
“We cleaned it off-” Bucky sighs. “No one was suppose to be home- it was my birthday!!”
“We know,” Jake steps in. “We just can’t sit in here and use it without picturing what we saw. So if we got a new one then there would be no memories attached to it!” Jake smiles and explains in his normal peppy way. You are blushing and just agree.
“Okay we will get a new one! Let’s stop talking about it.” You say.
“About what?” Ransom asks. Everyone looks Ransom and then at you. Bucky shrugs.
“It’s up to you, Doll.” Bucky pulls you closer as you look at Ransom. You look at Bucky and you can tell what he’s trying to say. You’ve been talking a lot lately about make sure to include Ransom in things and to not make him feel left out. This is a perfect opportunity, especially given even Hydra Cap knows about this because it was brought up as an ice breaker once he was here. You sigh and shake your head.
“It was Bucky’s birthday and no one was supposed to be home for the night.” You glare at everyone and they snicker and hide their faces. “Bucky, Steve and I decided to have sex on the coffee table. That’s it!” You say and cross your arms. Ransom feels off at hearing that but he smiles anyway and looks at the others who are clearly hiding more of the story.
“Well that can’t be it. There has to be more because you run outside naked with Jefferson and the whole house can see and hear you. So? What else?” Ransom steps closer, wanting to know everything, hating being on the outside and not knowing something about you. Bucky can see the slight jealousy behind his eyes. Intrigued by what all you’ve done but mad it wasn’t with him. Bucky squeezes your shoulder in reassurance and you groan.
“And we had whipped cream and syrup and it was super sticky and messy and well it left behind some accidental pictures.” You explain. Ransom smirks motions for you to continue, this is too painful so you might as well get on with it. “And while we were cleaning up they all came home early so we had to rush.” You glare again and Precious and Dutchess just smile as they hide their laughter. “So we ran back to our room and left the coffee table as best we could for the night. The morning came and it turns out that there was a perfect outline of my breast and how spread apart my thighs were and you could even see the outline of Bucky’s balls because he was fucking me from behind. Okay?! Happy!” You look at everyone and they are all laughing, it’s in good fun and you know they aren’t being mean. Lord knows they all have had their fair share of sex mishaps. Yours just made a pretty picture that Jake then had framed as a gag gift for Steve’s birthday. Ransom’s jaw is a little tight. Making sex paintings out of chocolate and whipped cream?! How come he’s never thought of that! Maybe he can convince you to do it again. Still he makes himself laugh and he nod, then a thought hits Ransom.
“Well, Steve where were you in all this?” Ransom asks and Steve smirks. Steve moves in closer to you and Bucky, he’s actually kinda behind Bucky when he says.
“I was there, I was standing up though and wasn’t touching the table.” Ransom’s eyebrows scrunch together, he looks at how the three of you are settled. You leaning back into Bucky’s arms, Steve standing behind Bucky… that’s when it hits him. Bucky’s always been a little cocky and ready to show his strength, wonder what this will do to that so called strength.
“Oh! Well, damn Bucky I didn’t take you for a bottom.” Ransom teases and stares at Bucky, challenging him. For once you don’t notice and you just blush. Everyone laughs or just gasps. Bucky knows Ransoms just trying to get a rise out of him. Hearing about the fun he’s had with you is probably riling him up. Bucky takes the high road and decides to try and teach a lesson, although all he really wants to do is make a joke about how Ransom isn’t his type so his sexual position wouldn’t matter with him.
“I’m not actually. I’m a switch leaning top.” Bucky says. “Since we are getting into specifics.”
“Oh really? Huh, interesting.” Ransom says. Bucky nods, not affected at all by Ransom’s jab. Steve perfectly and discreetly gives everyone a little nod and they all disperse without Ransom suspecting anything. It’s just Bucky, Ransom, You and Steve. So Bucky continues his little lesson, hoping Ransom will catch onto his analogy.
“Seeing as you want to talk about sexual hierarchy I feel I should let you in on a little secret I learned a long time ago. A good top knows when to bottom. They know when to let others take care of them.” Ransom is about to interrupt Bucky, confused as to why Bucky is talking about his sexual experience to him. But Bucky puts an hand out and Ransom stays quiet. “And for my birthday my two, sweet as honey, switch leaning bottoms wanted to treat me, so I let them. It was amazing and we are closer for it.” Ransom’s face softens as he realizes what Bucky is saying. It’s not about sex at all, not really. “Letting that happen doesn't make me less of a man, that doesn’t make me weak, and it sure as hell doesn’t make me any less of who I am.” Ransom’s standoff body posture drops. “I let go and allowed them in and they didn’t disappoint.” He looks at you both, you blush and Steve smiles. “We are all letting you in, Ransom. You don’t have to be involved if you don’t want to but stop trying to hurt us when we let you in. And in turn, let us in. We will do our best to not disappoint you. We are different than how your family is, Ransom. Give us a chance to prove it.” Bucky walks closer and gives his shoulder a squeeze. “Now I believe I have some Hot chocolate ready for us all. And I promise I won’t try and kiss you as we go through the doorway later.” Ransom lightly laughs and shifts a little. He walks with Bucky into the kitchen and you and Steve follow behind.
Ransom gets his hot chocolate before everyone else piles into the kitchen and gets their own. The music still plays in the background and like scene from a movie the sky opens up and starts snowing. “Oh look!” You almost squeal and hop up out of Steve’s lap. You rush over to the window and peer out as the snow begins to fall quicker.
“Good thing Steve just did a grocery run.” Dutchess says as she takes a sip of Franks hot chocolate. He gives her a little get your own look but then smirks and lets her have the rest.
“No kidding, it’s really coming down out there!” Precious says as she leans against Jake. They all see you turn around and look at Bucky. He blushes slightly and then smirks as he walks over, pulling you into his arms.
“Oh no, everyone close your blinds tonight. Looks like Daisy and Bucky are gonna be naked dancing outside after bedtime.” Jake teases and you giggle and turn to kiss Bucky’s cheek.
“Can’t help that we are fun and adventurous.” Bucky jokes.
“I’m just glad we live way out here with no neighbors.” Steve says as he stands up and joins you two by the window. “Even Andy wouldn’t be able to help you two out of all the ‘indecent exposure’ charges you’d rack up if we lived anywhere else.” Steve kisses your neck and you smile and hum at the feeling.
“And you’d be right there with us, Mr. America’s Ass.” Bucky and you tease and everyone laughs and agrees.
“Yeah, you’re just as bad Stevie!” She says as a tease. You and Bucky laugh. “I didn’t need to know that your ass is that white.” Precious teases once more before she sips her hot chocolate. Everyone laughs, you giggle and give Steve’s ass a squeeze.
“Well, why are you lookin’, Precious?” Steve says with his Brooklyn accent slipping and speaking a little lower, a little more sultry. Precious laughs, seemingly not affected by Steve’s tone in the slightest, although you definitely are. Jake can tell though the tiniest bit of blush spread across her cheeks. If he wasn’t so close he would have missed it, no one else noticed but he definitely did.
“Yeah, Precious. Why were you looking?” His voice deep and a little authoritative. Precious gulps at the tone of his voice, throat a little dry. She blushes and then quickly pulls herself together.
“I needed some fresh air one night after Jake and I had finished 3 hours of tantric-,” she clears her throat, “anyway- when I opened my blinds and window I saw what I thought was the moon, but it was much closer and brighter than I expected. Turned out it was just Steve’s pasty, white ass.” Precious smiles having regained her composure even though Jake is even closer now and making sure she feels every inch him pressing against her.
“Oh I remember that night!” You says happily. “You missed the good part if Stevie’s ass was still white.” You tease and Steve blushes bright red. Bucky laughs and teases Steve some more as well.
“Yeah, we really turned his ass into the America flag that night.” Bucky smiles and you two high five, perfectly in sync. You didn’t even have to look at one another. Everyone, even Ransom is laughing.
“If the way Steve is looking at you two means anything it seems like your asses will be resembling the America flag tonight.” Ransom jokes and everyone busts out laughing. Not expecting him to join and definitely not expecting him to actually make a funny joke instead of a mean one. Steve laughs and nods.
“Very observant, Ransom!” Steve says. “And you are 100% right. So if Bucky and Daisy are wincing when they sit down tomorrow just know it’s because their asses are very patriotic.” Ransom laughs and you giggle and kiss Steve’s cheek.
“Ehhh we will see about that.” You alway have a way of getting out of your punishments. Steve is easy to break. When Bucky sets a punishment it will be followed through with. Most would think that it’s the other way around but it’s because Bucky is so soft and lenient with everything else, he doesn’t budge when it comes to punishment. And Steve is just the opposite. “Anyway, yes unless you want a free show,” you point at all of them. Frank shakes his head and crosses his arms. Jake is basically undressing Precious where she stands, and Ransom is gazing at you with pleading eyes, like he is asking for an invitation. “Close your blinds!” You shrug, “or don’t.” You wink at Ransom and he blushes. He quickly takes a sip of his hot chocolate to cover his face just a little. Ari comes walking in with Jefferson and they both settled at the table.
“So what did we miss?” Ari asks. Ransom stands up and smirks.
“Free show in the Backyard after dark. The cast? The lovey Daisy Mae and her boy toys.” Ransom smiles and winks at you. Ari and Jefferson nod and then look at one another as they play along.
“Well shit, did I miss the dress rehearsal?” Jefferson says.
“Yeah I must not be cast in this particular production. Maybe the next show.” Ari says and everyone laughs. Past everyone crowded
In the kitchen you see Winter lean against the doorframe. You smile and he shyly smiles back. You catch Dutchess gaze and lead her eyes to Winter standing alone. She mouths a quiet thank you and then slips away with him down the hall and to their room. Frank soon follows.
Jake takes this moment now that people are starting to disperse. “Hey Precious, come with me for a moment.” He puts his arm over her shoulder and walks her to their bedroom, the closing of the door is loud but not angry. You laugh and look at Steve.
“Look at you, your ass getting everyone in trouble these days.” You tease and Steve laughs loudly.
“What can I say, it’s a great ass.” Steve smirks as he sits back down in his chair, pulling you with him. You hum against his lips as you lean in for a kiss.
“That it is.” You kiss him. Steve looks at Bucky and Bucky laughs.
“You know it’s a great ass, stop fishing for compliments.” Bucky jokes.
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Despite the jokes you and Bucky don’t end up outside in the snow having crazy sex. Mainly because it started sleeting and then hailing and then snowing a full blizzard. So instead you end up snuggled between your two men on the couch as you watch White Christmas. You see Ransom standing in the doorway of the living room. Without saying a word you move Bucky to be between you and Steve, something he protests a little bit does once you give him your puppy dog eyes. You lay down and pat the couch and Ransom shuffles in, climbing next to you. Bucky scoots closer and you lay your head against his chest and in the crook of his neck. While Ransom lays his head in your lap, Steve cuddles beside Bucky and rests his head on Bucky’s shoulder. You hum in approval and press play on the movie. You start rubbing Ransom’s back out of habit, it’s what you do with Bucky and Steve, even Jefferson and Ari love it. So when Ransom pulls your hand away you are a little taken aback, you have to remind yourself that you are both still learning each other and he may not like that. Before you can apologize you realize he never let go of your hand, he is just moving it to his hair. You get the hint and smile to yourself, pushing away the tears that were forming from what you thought was his rejection of your touch. Curse your sensitive soul. You kiss behind his ear and whisper. “Okay, Ransom.” He settles more in you lap and that lets you know he appreciates your willingness to do something special for him. About halfway through the movie you notice that Steve is asleep on Bucky’s shoulder and Ransom is asleep in your lap, you playing with his hair put him to sleep pretty quickly. Bucky nudges your shoulder and smirks.
“We can’t.” You whisper. “He will wake up the minute I move. And Stevie will wake up when you move.” Bucky leans his head back and sigh. Despite your antics this morning and all the teasing about your sexual activity with your boys, you’ve been laying low these past couple weeks. In fact the last time you and Bucky had time alone was 3 weeks ago. Stevie? About just as long.
“Well we have to move to the bedroom anyway, let’s wake em up and then go to bed. Huh?!” Bucky leans in and kisses you. You smile and bring your hand to his face. You pat his cheek and agree.
“Okay, you take Stevie and head to bed. I need to talk to Ransom some, spend a few moments with him. I can’t promise anything but we will see once we get in bed, okay?” Bucky smiles and nods.
“Sounds perfect to me!” He kisses you and you whimper at his taste.
“I do miss you.” You say as you rub your thumb over his lips.
“I’m right here, baby girl.” He kisses your palm and then turns to Steve. “Hey Stevie, gotta head to bed.” Steve groans and sits up. His sleepy face is so cute, you lean over and kiss him. Bucky lightly laughs and ruffles Steve’s hair. “Come on bud, I’ll help you up.” Bucky pulls Steve up and Steve leans his head against Bucky’s shoulder as they walk to the bedroom. Once they are gone you start to wake Ransom.
“Ransom,” You rub his back and he hums as he starts to wake up. “I know, I’m sorry but the movie is over and we have to head to bed.” Ransom sits up and wipes the sleep from his eyes. “Hey sleepy,” you tease and Ransom gives you a sleepy smile.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” He looks around.
“It’s okay, Ransom.” You pull him back to the couch. “Let’s talk for a minute.” Ransom sits down and looks at you, the softness in your eyes and the gentleness in your touch. He can’t help it, he leans in and kisses you.
“Mmhmm Ransom,” he kisses you again and pulls you into his arms.
“Please, Daisy Mae. Do I have to ask?” He pleads with you. “I need-“
“Shhhh all I need is a simple ‘why’. Is it because you’re Lonely? Needy? Feeling frisky?” Ransom gently smiles. “Why?”
“Because I need to feel, Daisy Mae.” You look into his eyes and see the tears brimming. “You make me feel.” Ransom admits.
“Feel what? I want you to be specific.” You say as you straddle his lap and rub your hands up and down his chest. Ransom groans and sighs as he leans his head back against the couch. You wait, patiently. You know he will either open up or just call it quits and walk away.
“You make me feel like I want to-“ he stops. How can he admit to you that he wants to belong to someone? That he wants someone to look at him the way you look at Steve and Bucky or the way Precious looks at Jake and how Dutchess looks at Frank and Winter. How can he admit that? He sees your softness. He wants to tell you, today awoke something inside him, something he didn’t know he wanted and here he is about to admit it to you. He opens his mouth to speak and instead what comes out is, “You make me feel wanted.” The confession surprises him. It wasn’t what he wanted to say and it wasn’t what you were expecting.
“Oh Ran,” you lean forward and kiss him, taking his face in your hands and slowly moving your hips against his. He moans against your mouth. You pull back and rest your forehead on his and smile down at him. “You are wanted, Ransom.” You look over his face and let your hands drift back to his hair. “We said yes to you being here because we wanted you. We said yes to you joining our family because we wanted you.” You lean forward to kiss him, it’s a barely there kiss but it causes his breath to catch. “You were invited into my bed because I wanted you. And I still do.” You kiss him again. “You’d be surprised how many people in this house have actually grown to care about you. You are wanted,” you place a kiss on one cheek. “and you are loved, Ransom.” You place a kiss on the other. “Even when you’re mean and quippy,” Ransom smiles and laughs. You rub his chest and smile down at him.
“You don’t love me, Daisy Mae. I’m just a brat that you can tame.” Ransom lets out a sad laugh. “Not even my own family loved me, Daisy. I appreciate the sentiment but you don’t have to lie to me to make me feel better.” Ransom lays his head back and you sit a little heavier in his lap, wondering how you can get him to believe you. An idea comes.
“Well, do you believe that I love Steve and Bucky?” Ransom nods, “And do you believe that they love me?”
“Of course I do.” Ransom answers, starting to get frustrated with this line of questioning.
“Okay, good!” You stand from his lap and he reaches out to catch your hand, not wanting to lose your touch. “Now, I want you to stand up and follow me.”
“Yes ma’am, Daisy Mae.” He says as he stands and follows you, the sweetness returning to his voice and the emotion that was there before almost forgotten. “Where are we going?” Ransom asks as you two stroll down the hall.
“You are going to spend the week with me and my boys.” You say as you open the bedroom door.
“And why would I do that?” Ransom asks, crossing his arms and staring into the room. “Not that I’m opposed to a whole week with just you.” He smirks. You smile and pull him close and kiss him sweetly.
“Go to your room, make sure it’s clean, and think about what you want, Ransom. You are wanted and loved, no matter what you believe or what you’ve been told. Give us a chance to show you.” You pat his cheek and he sighs and nods.
“Absolutely not.” Bucky says as he crosses his arms.
“So he’s just gonna be here. Like leering in the corner and watching our lives?” Steve asks. He pulls you into his lap where he sits on the bed.
“No! Look he thinks no one loves him. He literally told me, ‘you don’t love me, I’m just a brat you can tame.’ That’s what he thinks of me- of us!” You sink into Steve’s arms. “I want him to see that I do love him. It’s not the same as the love I have for you two, but I do love him and I want him to feel loved. I want him to belong.” You rest your head against Steve’s chest and he sighs. He looks at Bucky who grumbles and sighs.
“Fine I guess. But he is sleeping on an air mattress!” You laugh and shake your head. “Yes he is. This bed is big but not that big and he hogs the blankets. Also I only have room for one man in my bed and that’s Stevie.” You look up at Steve who is blushing slightly but also agreeing and looking at you.
“It would be small for 4 people, Daisy.” You roll your eyes and agree.*
“Fine, but I’ll be on the air mattress with him.” You stick out your tongue and Bucky lunges forward and kisses you, capturing your tongue and all. You giggle and he spanks you.
“Just keep at it, baby girl.” Bucky smirks.
Ransom sits in his room staring at the wall, your words ringing in his mind. ‘Give us a chance to show you.’ He stands up and starts pacing, hands on hips and just talking to himself. “Show me what?? That eventually your words will fall short? No thanks.” He grumbles and crosses his arms over his chest. “I’ve been let down enough.” A sense of longing washes over Ransom for the second time in one day. Ransom feels something dripping down his face. He wipes it away and realizes he is crying. “Shit.” He says as he leans against the wall and slides down as he starts to sob, clinging to himself.
“I’ve been let down enough.” He quietly repeats, tears streaming down his face.
After about 15 minutes he knows you are gonna come looking for him. “She can’t see me like this” he says as he stands up and heads to the bathroom. He splashes water on his face and gets ready for bed. Stripping down to nothing he crawls in bed and waits.
Bucky lays on the bed and sighs loudly. “Wasn’t he supposed to be up here by now? I’m tired and I want to go to bed.”
Steve lightly laughs and ruffles Bucky’s hair.
“Go to sleep, grumpy. We will stay up.” Steve points to you and him.
“I’m gonna go check on him.” You stand up and leave the room and quietly slip down the stairs.
“Ransom?” You call out as knock on the door. It opens quickly and you see a naked Ransom standing before you.
“Daisy Mae,” he says as he eyes you up and down. You are taken aback.
“Ransom? I thought-”
“Oh you thought I was actually gonna come back upstairs? To join your little family and see ‘real love in action?’ No thanks. I was a little worked up after your teasing so I rubbed one out and was just about to fall asleep. Unless of course you want to join me?” His smug expression hurts. You thought the two of you had made progress, but here he is building that wall again. You can still see the tear stains along his cheeks. You simply nod and lean forward, you take his face in your hands and gently kiss his lips.
“Goodnight Ransom, maybe another night.” You say to his offer. Turning and heading back up the stairs you can feel his hesitation as it floats in the air. All Ransom wants is to reach out and stop you, apologize and pray you forgive him. But instead he says.
“Night, Daisy Mae.” His voice is small and sounds about on the verge of breaking. He quickly shuts the door and lays down in bed again, clinging to himself and drifting off to sleep as the silent tears fall fromHis eyes.
You sigh as you walk up the stairs. Shuffling to the bedroom, you open the door and see Steve sitting up in bed, drawing. Bucky lays beside him reading. They both look up and see your fallen face. “Daisy? What’s wrong?” Steve asks as he puts his sketch pad down.
“Come here baby.” Bucky says as he lays his books down and throws the covers back. “Come talk to us.” He says. You shake your head and start to cry a little. You move to the air mattress and grab one of Bucky’s hidden knives from under the bed. You stab the mattress and then toss the knife on the dresser before crawling between the two men. Bucky and Steve stare at one another, a little shocked.
“What did he do, Daisy?” Bucky asks calmly.
“He didn’t do anything different than what he’s done the past 9 months. But-“ you sniffle. “We had a nice talk before I came to the bedroom and then I sent him downstairs to think and-“ you burry your head in Steve’s chest as you pulls Bucky closer behind you. “He just can’t let people in, not really. He has moments where he softens and starts to let me in and then he slams the metaphorical door in my face.” You pout a little and snuggle closer to both men. “This time it just stung a little more than before.” Bucky kisses your head and Steve rubs your back. Bucky sees the look in Steve’s eyes and he knows what’s about to happen.
“Okay, Daisy girl.” He sits you up and hands you to Bucky. “I’m gonna go get you some hot chocolate. Huh?” You nod and sniffle. “Okay, I’ll be right back baby.” He kisses you gets up to leave. Bucky sees Steve turn towards the basement before he shuts the door.
Contrary to popular belief, Steve is pretty lax in his personal life, especially with You. He will defend you to the death but he also knows you are tough enough to fight your own battles. Bucky doesn’t hesitate to “put you behind him and fight your battle for you.” You don’t mind either approach and you appreciate it in different ways. But Ransom has crossed a line now and Steve won’t have it. When Ransom opens his door and sees it’s Steve, alone? Ransom is a little worried.
“Steve-“ Ransom starts.
“My wife isn’t your punching bag. You want to open up and have heart to hearts with her? That’s fine. But after the fact when you push her aside like you didn’t just cry on her shoulder?! I’m not having that.” Steve moves into the doorway and Ransom backs up a little.
“Like you have a say-“ Ransom starts and Steve stops him.
“I do. I know you think that us Husbands are just some cucks who can’t tell our wives ‘no’ when it comes to who they sleep with, but that’s nowhere near the case. Daisy and I decided to bring Bucky in. Daisy and I decided to let you in.”
“So Bucky had no say-“ Ransom tries to interrupt, tries to get a verbal punch in but Steve is quicker.
“No he does, he did, but in your situation he wasn’t a husband yet. So letting you in was still something that Daisy and I decided within our marriage. Now Bucky has a say. And we are both close to suggesting to Daisy that maybe she needs a break from you. She cares so deeply that she gets invested and it hurts her, Ransom.” Steve explains.
“Yeah, that’s what she has 5 different men in Rotation-“ Ransom quips, taking a jab at you. Steve’s had enough. He corners Ransom against the wall.
“I don’t want to hurt you Ransom but to protect Daisy’s honor, I will.” He glares at Ransom who gulps and Steve can tell is starting to crumble. “She ‘has 5 men’ because of how deeply she cares. She doesn’t just sleep with Jefferson, she helps him with his daughter and currently she is helping with his custody hearing. She doesn’t just sleep with Ari, she is a sounding board for him when he can’t sleep. When all the horrors he’s seen are too much, she is there to help him back from the edge. She doesn’t just sleep with you, you idiot. She is currently trying to get you to see how loved you are. How regardless of what your family told you, you are valuable, you are not a screw up, and you are able to let people in. Love and relationships are give and take and I am sorry that all your family did was take from you. But I will be damed if I let you ‘take’ from my wife. I don’t care if you ever have a big redemption moment but you sure as hell will start treating My Wife with the respect she deserves. And a part of that is not treating her Iike and object for your pleasure.” Steve stares at Ransom for a moment. “Are we understood?” He steps back and lets Ransom go.
“Yes.” Ransom answers. And for once it’s not a grumble, it’s not with an eye roll, it’s a genuine answer. “Steve I’m sorry, I don’t know why-“ he stops, he doesn’t know why but he does. He takes a breath and pushes through. “I don’t know why I do this.” Steve nods and squeezes his shoulder.
“You don’t have to know why, Ransom. You just have to start to do better. A little at a time. I am under no impression that you are gonna be perfect. In fact I fully expect to have a similar conversation in a couple months.” They both laugh a little and then they get serious again. “But it will not be about how you disrespect my wife. Will it.”
Ransom shakes his head.
“No, it won’t.” Ransom says, “And Steve I- I don’t disrespect her- i don’t mean to if I do. I actually respect the hell out of her. She just- she pushes me to be better and my initial reaction is to-“
“I know Ransom. I know.” Steve nods and they sit there for a moment. “Okay, I’m gonna go.” Steve goes to leave and turns back around. “And Ransom, just a tactical warning. Sleeping completely naked is not the best way to keep yourself safe in the case of an attack. You’d never want to end up in a fight with your junk hanging out.” Ransom sighs and looks down at his naked body. “Just a thought.” Steve says as he leaves and shuts the door behind him.
Steve returns to the bedroom with hot chocolate in hand. You sit up and wipe your tears as Steve discreetly nods to Bucky. Bucky nods back, knowing Steve did what needed to be done. “Hey Daisy girl. Here is some hot chocolate for you. How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine, just a little sad.” You take a sip. “You were gone for a while.” You say and Steve smiles.
“Yeah, the hot chocolate was cold, needed to heat it up. Then it was too hot so I had to get some milk- it was a whole process.” You nod and kiss his cheek.
“Well thank you.” You take another sip. “And what did you say to Ransom?” You look at him over your cup. Steve gently smiles and takes the cup from you, kissing your forehead and laying back.
“You know me too well, Daisy.” Steve says as he looks up at you, arm places behind his head and his legs spread out. You squeeze his thighs, urging him to tell you what happened. “Okay, okay,” he laughs and pulls you on top of him. “I told him that he has to start respecting my wife more or else he won’t be seeing my wife.” Bucky hums in agreement, having picked up his book again.
“Steve Rogers-“ you are about to scold him when he flips you over and pins you bellow him, his hips grinding against yours as he kisses up your neck and whispers.
“You are my wife and my job is to protect and care for you.” He kisses the other side of your neck. “He was disrespecting you and he made you cry. So we had a talk.” He nibbles along your jawline as he slips his hands up your shirt, drawing patterns on your skin. “I made sure he knows,” he palms your breast over your bra and moves to kiss along your collarbone. “That you are my wife,” he leaves a love bite on your shoulder. “That you are Bucky’s wife,” he licks up your neck as he grinds his hips against you, feeling him harden at his words and actions. “And that you will be treated as such.” He captures your lips in a kiss. You moan into his mouth as your hands move up his back, feeling his muscles move beneath your fingers. “You may be his girlfriend,” Steve says as he moves his hand down your body to the front of your pants.
“You may be his lover.” Bucky says as he moves you kiss up your neck and nibble on your ear. Steve teases you through your panties looks up to meet your gaze as Bucky slips his hand down your shirt and gropes your breast.
“But you are our Wife.” They both growl at you, possessive and all consuming.
“Yes, I’m yours!” You whimper breathlessly, clinging to them both. “Please?! Remind me-”Steve quiets you as he kiss your lips. Bucky kisses your neck before getting up from the bed. Steve pulls back and leaves you breathless and whining. They both stand straight up and rip off their shirts and rid themselves of their pants. Standing firm at the end of the bed and hard in their boxer briefs, their gaze and desire for you lights a fire of need, desperate and needy. You climb up to your knees and strip off your shirt and go to remove your bra but they stop you.
“No,” Steve says. “You won’t move a finger tonight.” Steve climbs on the bed and pulls you close. He tilts your head up to look at him.
“I love you, Daisy.” He kisses you and lays you back.
“Let us show you how much we love you, Baby girl.” Bucky says as he moves to your side. Moving a bra strap off your shoulder and kissing along the mark left in its absence.
You whimper as Bucky licks across the love bites Steve left moments ago.
“Bucky” you say Breathlessly.
“I know, Baby girl.” Bucky says as he kisses you. He looks at Steve who leans forward and kisses you before pulling back to talk to Bucky.
They share a look and instantly know how this is going to go, completely in sync and making sure you are never left untouched. Bucky moves behind you and pulls you between his legs. You lean back into his embrace as Steve lays and settles between your legs. He pulls your shorts off and settles back down, making his way up your lower body. Kissing up your thighs as he massages your calves, Bucky unhooks your bra and tosses it off to the side. His hands instantly replace your bra and he rubs and pinches both nipples as he kisses and tongues along your neck. Lavishing kisses and licks along the sweet spot on your neck. Steve smiles against your skin as he feels the goosebumps appear along your body. Steve kisses your clothed center and teases your entrance through your panties. “So good baby” Steve mutters against you.
“Stevie- please?!” You beg. He removes your panties and tosses them with the rest of the discarded clothes.
“I’ve got you, Daisy.” Steve says before he leans forward and licks you from ass to clit. Your eyes roll back and your legs fall open more. Bucky chuckles against your neck and whispers dirty, sweet nothings in your ear as Steve devours you.
“I know that feels good. Stevie eating that sweet pussy, making you ache. Huh?!” You nod. “Stevie’s gonna have his fill and then it will be my turn. We’re gonna treat you so right Baby girl. You’d like that? Huh?!”
“Yes,” you moan. “Please Daddy?!”
Bucky growls low and captures your lips in a kiss as Steve spreads you open more, eating you out and slurping up your juices.
“This is supposed to be sweet and you want Daddy and Captain to come out and play?!” Bucky asks as he presses Steve’s head against yours harder.
“Yes!!” You cry, Steve pulls off and smirks up at you, his beard wet from you.
“You haven’t even cum yet Daisy and you’re dripping!” You whimper and nod. “Mmhmm fuck!” Steve shouts as he looks at your pussy, clenching around nothing. “And as much as I’d like to go all ‘Captain’ on you tonight, that’s not what this is. I want to dote on you all night. Make you a whining and dripping mess from how blissed out you are and you are begging for your husbands to stop giving you orgasm after orgasm.” Steve kisses you, shoving his tongue in your mouth and claiming you once more. “How does that sound.” He smirks.
“Yes, Stevie. Please?!” You follow him up from Bucky’s lap and kiss him again. Throwing your arms around his neck and pressing your bare chest against his. Bucky boxes you in from behind and you whimper when his hands slip down your body, teasing your entrance before slipping two of his metal fingers inside. He curls them in the perfect spot bringing you close to the edge right then and there. “Oh Buck- Bucky!?! Mmhmmm yes!!” When he pulls his fingers from you, you whimper and cling to Steve while pushing your hips back to Bucky.
“I know, baby girl. Lay down and let Stevie get his fill.”
“Okay,” you whimper and Bucky smiles and kisses your cheek as he pulls you back between his legs. His hard cock pressed against your back and teasing you even more.
“Mmhmm wait!” You flip over on your belly and pull your knees under you. You scoot closer to Bucky and rest your head in the crook of his thigh. Pulling Bucky out of his boxers and taking him in your hand. “Okay, now go.” You smile. Steve and Bucky laugh.
“But poor Stevie! He isn’t getting anything!”
Bucky says. You give his tip kitten licks and he moans as his head falls back. “Ehhh never mind, Stevie will get his turn in a minute.” You giggle as you take his tip in your mouth and twirl your tongue around. “Mmhmm so good.” You smile up at him and Bucky about melts. “Tonight’s about you baby girl.” He moans and you start stroking him while you lick and suck his balls.
“I know, and I want to suck you off while I cum on Stevie’s face. Either of you have an issue with that?” You ask and look back at Steve he smirks and his answer is him leaning down and eating you out from behind. He spreads your cheeks as you slip Bucky in your mouth, he slips a finger inside side your pussy with no warning. You moan around Bucky and he fights the urge to shove your head down on his length. Steve plants a kiss against your ass cheeks and that’s the only warning your get before he is eating your ass as he fingers your pussy. He reaches forward and starts rubbing your clit as he curls his fingers against your sweet spot and you see stars.
“Oh Stevie!!” You scream as you pull off Bucky. You take your hand and start jerking him off as you gasp and try to catch your breath. “Yes!! Right there baby! Mmhmm fffuuuckkk!!” You scream as you squirt on Steve’s face and he keeps going. Your walls are clenching around his fingers as he keeps fucking you. Licking at your rim and moaning against your ass, Steve pushes his tongue against the muscle and it slowly starts to give way to him. Your eyes roll back as you feel the start of the stretch. “Mmhmm Stevie!!”
“You’re doing so well baby girl.” Bucky praise, bringing your attention back to him. You take him in your mouth and start bobbing your head up and down. Sucking him off just the way he likes. “Oh rr- right tthere- yyyeess!” Bucky moans as you tongue at his tip and his eyes roll back. You meet his gaze and nod as you grip his thighs. “You sure?” You nod. Bucky gathers your hair in his hands and places his hands on the back of your head, he then proceeds to fuck your face as Steve brings you over the edge again. “Yesyesyesyes!!! Fuck I’m gonna cum,baby girl!” That’s all the warning you get before Bucky is cumming down your throat. His taste is what sends you into bliss, squirting again and pushing back, riding Steve’s face. You are blissed out and are being moved around before you know it. Steve is kissing up your body, he tastes like you. Bucky is behind you, rubbing your arms and down your thighs. Steve kisses your forehead and waits for you to come down.
“Hey,” he says and you giggle.
“Hi, wow that was a big one.” You joke.
“Yeah it was.” Bucky laughs and kisses you.
“Still more to come, you ready?” Steve asks and you nod. “Where do you want us?” You think for a minute and then look at them both.
“Bucky behind me, Stevie in front. I want you both to prep me though.” You say as you sit up. Steve smiles and kisses you.
“I’ll grab the lube.” Bucky offers as he climbs off the bed.
“Condoms?” Steve asks. You gently smile and shake your head. “You sure?” You nod.
“Okay, I mean it was a silly question cause we never use them anyway Nd you’re on Birth control but I still thought I’d ask.” You laugh and kiss him while you wait on Bucky.
You find yourself on your belly again, ass in the air. Bucky is behind you and he is lubing up his fingers you look and see Steve laying back and watching. You smile and beckon him over. “You have zero refractory period, both of you.” Bucky and Steve smirk and blush. Bucky smacks your ass and you moan as you push back against him. “So get over here and give my mouth something to do while Bucky stretches me open. You’ll be hard again the minute you cum.” Steve laughs and agrees with a shrug. He sits on the bed and you position yourself the same way as before. You slowly suck Steve off as Bucky gently pushes a finger against your rim until the muscle finally gives in to the pressure. “Oh Bucky,” you whimper. Steve plays with your hair and the works you up and down his length as Bucky slips in another finger.
“Opening up so well, baby girl. Fuck, look at that and so tight!” He groans as he starts to scissor his fingers open.
“Yyyyeeesss!!!” Steve moans as you take him in, his tip hitting the back of your throat. You swallow a couple times and as you do you takes your fingers and wet them with some of the drool and precum dripping from your mouth. You move and press your thumb against Steve’s hole and his eyes shoot open as he moans and spreads his legs wider. “Oh fuck yes! Fuck me!” You pull off and take a big breath, smiling up at him. You reach back and Bucky hands you the lube. You spread some on your fingers and take Steve back in your mouth as you play with his rim. “Oh please Daisy!?!” You push your finger in and search for that spot, you know the minute you find it. “Right there!! Yesyesyes!!!” You finger fuck that spot as Steve fucks your face. Bucky slips another finger in your ass as he brings his metal hand around and rubs his vibrating fingers over your clit. Your eyes roll back as you cum. Hard. Your moaning around Steve and the pressure on his prostate brings him over the edge and he cums down your throat. Bucky smirks down at you both and watches as you two write beneath him. He pulls his fingers out, lubes up his cock and slowly pushes in your ass as you are coming down from your high. You smile and whimper at the stretch, reaching back to hold Bucky’s hand as he bottoms out. You pull your fingers from Steve and Bucky decides to be a fucking tease as he leans forward and blows air over Steve’s tip ���Oh Buck! Mmhmm” Steve moans from over sensitivity. Bucky smirks and pulls you up so your back is against his chest.
“Whenever you’re ready Stevie I got Daisy nice and wet for you.” He winks and Steve gives a weak and blissed smile. He takes a breath and calms down for a moment. Laying back and watching you and Bucky for a moment has him ready to go again in no time. Bucky moves you to straddle Steve and Steve bottoms out in your pussy.
“Oh Stevie! Yes baby,” you kiss him as Bucky starts to pull out and push back in. You start to ride Steve as Bucky begins to fuck your ass. Slowly building his rhythm and gripping your hips to thrust in harder. You whimper and lean back against Bucky, snapping your hips back against him. Steve sits up and starts kissing and bitting your neck. You wrap one arm around Steve’s neck to keep him close and one hand is wrapped around Bucky to grip the Back of his head and play with his hair. You feel them moving inside you, alternating thrusts and never leaving you empty. “Yes! Oh please! Mmhm I love you, I love you!! Mmhmmm” you moan as they both take over and let you relax in their arms. You balance on the edge of bliss as Steve slams against your sweet spot and Bucky’s hand reaches around and rubs your clit. “Stevie hold her up.” Steve does and Bucky takes his metal hand and makes his fingers vibrate before he presses them against your rim. “Cum for us, baby girl.” Bucky coos in your ear.
“Cum for your husbands, Daisy.” Steve whispers.
“Mmhmm make us proud, be our good little wife.” Bucky says as he nibbles on your ear and you whimper as their words tip you over the edge, you cum so hard you black out. You feel every moment of that breath taking orgasm and you feel your both your husbands cum deep inside you and then it’s just blissfulness and black.
You wake up to Steve kissing your cheeks and Bucky wiping a warm, wet washcloth along your skin. “There she is,” Steve murmurs against you ear. “We were starting to worry.” He teases.
“Mmhmm I’m okay. Just exhausted.” You smile. “But oh so satis- oh mhmm Buck-“ Steve looks down and sees Bucky has decided the best way to clean you up is to eat you out.
“Really Buck?” Steve asks, laughing. Bucky pulls off with a pop and he smirks.
“Yeah, I never got a chance to taste my Doll.” He is gentle and slow about it but he has absolutely no issue bringing you over the edge.
“Bucky!” You moan as you arch your back, cumming in his mouth. He drinks it all up, as happy as can be.
“Best taste ever.” He moans as he licks you clean and then sits up. Bucky takes the rag and wipes your thighs and along your center. Your puffy and swollen, but the warmth and Bucky’s hand feels so good.
“Careful Buck, she might start riding your hand if you keep that up.” Steve teases and you blush as he leans down and kisses you. “Let’s get showered and get to bed, huh?” You agree.
“You two go on, I’m gonna change the sheets and then I’ll join you.” Bucky says. He kisses you and then squeezes Steve’s shoulder as he passes by.
The water is warm and you let it pour over your body, humming at the slight sting it brings to your skin. “Daisy, you’re gonna melt.” Steve pokes your side as he reaches and turns the hot water down a bit. You laugh and turn around into his arms. You gaze up at him and melt. This man before you who chose you, who never hurts you, who takes every moment he has to tell you how much he adores you. You pull him down and into a kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and jumping to wrap your legs around his waist. “Mhmm Daisy- we- mhmm”
“Shhhh. I just want to spend time with my Husband. The one who made me a wife and demands I am treated as such.” Steve tears up a little.
“I just want the best for you, Daisy.” Steve’s voice breaks a little as he talks. You nod and pull him closer, kissing his deeply as you grind against his abs. “Mmhmm fuck- you wanna?” You whimper and nod, deepening the kiss as you push your tongue against his lips, urging for access. “Okay,” Steve moans, opening his mouth and you claim him as yours. Steve reaches down and adjusts himself so his tip is at your entrance. Slowly he pushes in and you gasp in his mouth.
“Yes, Stevie!” You smile and lean back, Steve moves to the wall to brace you. He pistons his hips back and forth, hitting your sweet spot every time. “Right there baby, mmhmm yyyeeesss!!” You cum around him quickly, milking him through his high. You smile a dirty little smile when you feel him cum deep inside you. Steve catches his breath and rests his head against your breast. When Steve looks up and sees your dirty gaze, he laughs and kisses you.
“Feel so full, huh baby?” You bite your lip and nod. Steve grinds up into you again. Smirking and squeezing your ass.
“Good. I love it when you’re dripping.” Steve rubs his finger against your entrance gathering his spend. He then does the same with your ass. He brings his fingers to your lips and you happily open up.
“Good girl, lick em clean.” He praises as he murmurs darkly as your tongue licks the cum off his fingers. “How do your husbands taste, baby?” You make a show of it, rolling your eyes back and moaning around his fingers before pulling off with a pop.
“So good, Stevie. Just what I needed.” You smile and kiss him. He pulls out and puts you down, kissing your forehead before he moves to actually start showering. Bucky joins you two.
“Hey, took you long enough.” You pull Bucky into your arms and kiss him. “I got the sheets changed and the room cleaned up. Then I wanted to give you two a moment alone.” He kisses you. “Did you enjoy it?” You nod and giggle.
“I did, very much.” You kiss him and then whisper. “You’ll get your moment too. Soon I promise.” Bucky smiles and kisses your nose.
“I’m not worried, baby girl.” He kisses you and then gives your ass a spank. “Now let us get our dirty girl cleaned up, huh?!” He backs you up into the water flow and into Steve. You giggle and lean back while pulling Bucky forward.
“I love you both, so much.” You look at Bucky and then look back at Steve.
“We love you too, Daisy.” Steve says before he kisses you and then looks at Bucky. “And we love you.” Steve says as he squeezes Bucky’s shoulder, you kiss his chest and then look back at Steve. Bucky leans forward and gives a little kiss to Steve’s forehead. It’s actually kind of cute. You giggle and lean back into Steve.
“And we love you, Stevie.” Bucky says.
The shower is fast because of how tired you three are. Bucky washes your hair as Steve washes Bucky’s. They both wash your body and then you tag team with the other to wash both of them. When you are done you are warm are tucked into a clean bed with your two super soldiers and nothing could be better.
The next few days feel a little weird. Ransom keeps his distance and Steve and Bucky are extra clingy. Touching you, pulling you close, making sure you know how loved you are. It makes you melt and you couldn’t ask for more. Christmas comes and you have a big gift exchange with the whole house. The gifts are sweet and you can tell everyone actually tried this year. Beats the year Jake gave you a book on ‘How to build a bomb’. You said thanks and promptly tossed it in the donate pile when you got back to your room. Mainly because you have Bucky and he definitely knows how to build one if you ever needed to. But the thought was there and that was nice of Jake. This year he just gave everyone in the house something explicitly from their list. Ari got everyone a gift from whatever’s country he had been to lately, and Jefferson made everyone new jackets. It was a wonderful Christmas. Steve pulls you and Bucky to the side and hands you both a little box. Inside is a new ring and a new vibranium Rolex with the date of the wedding etched on it.
“I felt it was about time I did this.” He smiles.
Bucky pulls out the watch and tear up a little.
“Did you-“ he asks.
“Yeah, I had shuri send some with a guard to the Rolex factory. Used the Vibranium and made one that wouldn’t react or mess with your arm. That way you can wear it. I know to help with questions and stuff you don’t wear a ring but-“ Steve is suddenly being kissed. Bucky pulls away and Steve blushes. “Well, I’m glad you like it, Buck.” Bucky nods and puts the watch on.
“I was wondering where my wedding band had run off too! I was too scared to tell you two that I had lost it!” You slip your pretty ring on. You have the engagement ring from Steve and Steve’s original wedding band, the engagement ring from Bucky and the wedding band from the wedding. Each of them complimenting each other and marking a completed stack. Thankfully Steve started the thin band trend when you two first got engaged or else you’d have to wear some on your left hand and some on your right. Though most days you just wear the wedding band from the joint wedding.
“Thank you, Stevie. It’s wonderful.” You give him a kiss. You look at Bucky and nod.
“Well our gift to you is,” Bucky pauses for dramatic effect before handing Steve an envelope. Steve laughs as he opens it and then he begins to tear up.
“Wait really?” Steve asks and looks between you two. You nod and he smiles as he pulls you both into a hug.
“I think it’s what we deserve right?! A late honeymoon in Wakanda. Away from the world and from all the missions. Just us three.” Bucny explains and Steve nods.
“Yes, god yes. Thank you both so much.” He kisses you and then pulls Bucky into a hug, kissing his forehead as he pulls back.
“Merry Christmas, Stevie.” You lean against him and he holds you tight. Out of the corner of your eye you see Ransom shifting around. He looks between all the couples gathered around and he looks so defeated. You look up at Steve and then Bucky, they both shrug and look back at you.
“It’s up to you, Daisy. If you want to, you can.” Steve whispers and you hold him tighter before letting go and crossing the room to Ransom.
“Hey Ransom.” You say politely.
“Daisy Mae,” he says sweetly. His face goes soft and he looks at his feet before saying, “I’ve missed you.” You pull him into a hug and kiss his cheek.
“I’ve missed you too, Ransom.” You say as you rub his back.
“I’m sorry, Daisy.” Ransom says softly into the crook of your neck. You hold him tighter.
“I forgive you.”
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The week between Christmas and New Years Eve is a blur. Honestly you didn’t leave the house much. You spent some time with Jefferson, helping him get ready for his hearing.
“No not the blue, the purple looks better.” You say as he switches jackets.
“I don’t know, Bunny. Is the purple too flashy for court?!” Jefferson asks worried.
“I think it’s perfect!
You spend some much needed time with Ari “Daze, damn when did you learn to do that?!” Ari says out of breath. You smirk and stand up.
“Bucky taught me.” You give Ari a hand and pull him up too. You had just laid him out on his ass. He asked to mess around a little bit you offered to spar Instead. He happily took you up on it.
“Well damn, maybe I need to train with Bucky. Although your pretty ass is much more fun to have in my face.” He teases S he gives your ass a squeeze. You laugh and squeeze his back.
“I don’t know, Bucky’s ass is good enough to eat.” You wink and Ari laughs and shakes his head.
You even spend time with Ransom, playing with his hair and letting him find comfort in you in a nonsexual way. You aren’t entirely ready to have him back in your bed yet so this is a close second.
“Thank you Daisy Mae. I know I’m difficult.” He mumbles. You smile and keep playing with his hair.
“It’s okay, Ransom. I don’t mind a challenge.” You tease and Ransom lightly laughs.
“As long as you know it’s gonna be a challenge.” He looks up at you, there is a hint of sadness in his eyes. He knows he is challenging and he hopes that doesn’t push you away. He hopes it doesn’t push the others away either.
“I know, Ransom. I’m still here, aren’t I?” He gently smiles and settles his head back down in your lap.
That night you decide to stay in. Jake and Precious were off at a party but decided to cut it short and head home. In passing you heard Jake say something about ‘banging into the new year’. Dutchess, Frank and Winter spend it on Frank’s boat. Ari and Jefferson have some drinks and then head to bed. Ari’s excuse is ‘he is too old for all that’, Bucky and Steve are sure to let him know that he is in fact a baby compared to them. So that leaves you three and Ransom. You get champagne and glasses, Bucky has made some fresh desserts, Steve has the ball drop on and Ransom sits on the couch waiting. You settle next to him Bucky and Steve on the other side. You spend the next few minutes talking about the past year.
“No seriously who is that in the basement?! He’s been here since I got here!” Ransom asks Steve and Bucky.
“You’ll find out when you need to know.” Bucky answers. You laugh and pat Ransoms cheek. You laugh over the memories of the year, some good, some sad. As it gets closer to midnight everyone starts to appear. Jake and Precious emerge from their room, looking very happy.
“Awww couldn’t make it till midnight, bud?” Bucky teases and Jake laughs and then tosses a pillow at him. Jake teases back.
“Couldn’t get it up in time for midnight, old man?” Bucky laughs loudly and starts to stand up.
“No! No demonstrations.” You and Steve are talking and pulling him to sit back down. Jake walks over and pats Bucky’s back and they have a good laugh. Jake looks at Steve and nods, Steve reaches back and they do their secret handshake, it’s a secret because it’s so complicated that no one else could remember it. Ari and Jefferson pull themselves from their beds at the sound of the laughter and Dutchess, Frank, and Winter walk in right at the countdown. The drinks are poured and everyone is standing up waiting. You look around and get a little teary eyed. All these people from different backgrounds and walks of life, together and finding healing one day at a time. You raise your glass and everyone follows.
“To growth and healing in the new year.” You say.
“To growth and healing!” Everyone toasts.
“3. 2. 1! Happy New year!!” You all cheer. You kiss Steve and then Bucky. They turn to each other and share a rare, public kiss. You turn and kiss Ransom and he smiles sweetly. Ari leans against the doorway and smirks at you, once you pull away from Steve and Bucky you make your way to him. He wraps you up and gives you a gentle kiss before giving your ass a smack. You gasp and he laughs. “First ass smack of the new year! Game on boys!” Bucky and Steve look and then start bickering with each other.
“Why didn’t you-“
“I thought you would-“
“Well I thought he’d give us at least a moment-”you look at Ari and shake your head
“Always causing trouble.” You tease.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. All I know is I am in the lead again.” He kisses you and you pat his cheek. You walk over to Jefferson
“Happy New Year, Kitten.” You kiss him and he holds you tight.
“Happy New Year, Bunny.” He smacks your ass and you laugh. “Watch out boys, you are already behind!”
“What’s happening?!” Ransom asks. Precious laughs and starts to explain.
“The month of January Daisy’s boys compete to see who can get the most ass smacks in.” Ransom laughs. “Whoever wins gets a night away with Daisy.”
“Obviously the boys made it up!” You chime in and walk back to Bucky and Steve.
“Ass smacks during sex don’t count cause no one wants to sit and verify each one.” Jake explains and Precious gives him a look. “What? I was just helping explain.” She laughs and kisses his head.
“So right now Daisy’s husbands are in last place with zero and Ari and Jefferson are tied with 1.” Dutchess explains.
“What stops someone from just sitting there and wailing on your ass?” Ransom asks you.
“Because if the smack hurts then you get negative points.” You look at Bucky who shrugs.
“You say it was a scream but I know in fact it was a moan,” he kisses your cheek, “and you liked it. A lot.” Bucky looks at Ransom “I was in the lead last year but I went a little too hard with my metal hand and ended up losing to Ari.” Bucky shoots him a look and he smirks.
“Well, I want in!” Ransom says. You laugh and the others groan.
“You can join Ransom, don’t listen to them. They are just mad that have more competition.” You kiss his cheek and he actually blushes. For his own sake no one mentions it although Jake definitely nudges Precious to point it out. She pays his cheek and rests her head on his shoulder.
“Well as fun as this was,” Frank stands up, “I’m gonna take my wife and her lover to bed.” He pulls Dutchess up with him and Winter follows. “Happy New year, everyone.” He looks down at Dutchess and smiles. “We love you all.” Jake calls after them.
“Love you too!!” He looks at Precious and whispers “he said he loved us.” She laughs and nods, taking his hand and dragging Nd very happy and enthusiastic Jake back to the bedroom. Ari kisses you goodnight and so does Jefferson. Steve and Bucky signal to you that they are headed to bed, you know they will get started without you and you don’t mind one bit walking in on that scene. You blow them kisses and watch them walk away. All that’s left is you and Ransom, you walk over and pull him closer.
“Happy new year, Ransom.” You kiss him.
“Happy New Year, Daisy.” His eyes flick from your eyes to your lips and then back again. He kisses you once more before he whispers against your lips. “I will be better, I promise. I’m trying.” You rub his cheek.
“I know, Ransom. You’re doing great.” You smile sweetly at this moment, just the two of you, in the silence of the night. What breaks the silence is the sound of Ransom’s hand slapping your ass. He smirks.
“I said Will be. I am still a brat after all.” He winks and heads off to bed. You make sure all the doors are locked and the alarm is on. You turn off the lights and head back to the bedroom to squish yourself between your two sexy husbands. As you get closer to the door you hear them, they definitely already started. You smirk and open the door, this is such a good way to start the new year.
Taglist: @rainydayandmondays @theinheriteddutchess @hisredheadedgoddess28 @cjand10 @janineb86 @georgiapeach30513
80 notes · View notes
number1jaymerrickhater · 10 months
Marble hornets driving headcannons
Can not drive for shit
There are not enough words in the english language to describe what an awful driver he is
He’s the type of guy to put on his turn signal 2 seconds before trying to cut across 6 lanes of traffic
One time he gave Alex a ride to set and Alex vowed to never get in a car with him again
“Shit this is where we’re supposed to turn, hold on.”
Proceeds to slam on his breaks, jerks the wheel so hard he almost flips the car and nearly causes a 12 car pile up
It is a miracle he hasn’t died in a car crash.
He is banned from borrowing anyones car ever
Despite all this he still says he’s not that bad of a driver.
“See guys! We made it here in one piece. I told you I’m not a shitty driver” meanwhile Alex is riding shotgun with his life flashing before his eyes, Tim is in the backseat trying to make peace with god, and Brian is squeezing the door handle so hard it looks like he’s trying to break it.
They all unanimously agree to take Jay off the carpooling rotation.
Surprisingly his car would be relatively clean. Other than some crumbs and a few half empty water bottles I don’t think his car would be that messy.
Two words. Road rage.
I hc that before Marble Hornets Alex wasn’t an angry dude 99% of the time
Yeah that 1% of the time is when he’s behind the wheel
Scares the shit out of everyone in the car when he’s driving
He just gets so mad that someone’s putting him and his friends in danger because they can’t follow the rules of the road
Has a lot of anxiety about driving which manifests in him yelling for 20 minutes when some asshole cuts him off in traffic
His car is super clean, he absolutely hates it messy
He isn’t just a backseat driver he is the backseat driver
The only thing worse than letting him drive is having him sit next to you while you drive
He gets possessed by the spirit of a middle aged dad teaching his teenage kid how to drive every time he gets in the car with anyone
“Hey don’t you think you’re going a little fast? Maybe you should slow down a little?” While aggressively holding onto the ceiling handle thing by the door type deal
Idk he just seems like the type to be very passionate about road safety
His car has a “back off grumpy driver on board” sticker bc Brian put it there as a joke and Alex just never took it off
He says he hates it but secretly he does think its a little funny
He just does not give a fuck
Like he’s not going out of his way to be super reckless but he’s also not giving himself a panic attack over road saftey
He just accepted it is what it is, if he gets into an accident then it be like that sometimes
“Buckle your seatbelts everyone, or don’t its your funeral I guess. Just be on the lookout for cops I don’t want a ticket.”
His car reeks of cigarette smoke
He’s not a heathen, he won’t smoke when other people are in his car, but he smokes so much it hardly makes a difference
His car is also an absolute mess
Empty soda bottles, food wrappers, random papers, flannels, his car is so messy he could have anything in there
He’ll make an effort to clean it if he knows he’s gonna have people in his car, but his definition of clean is “everyone has a space to sit and a relatively clean section of floor to put their feet”
Does not put up with Alex’s backseat driving, if he tries it he’ll just turn the radio louder to drown him out.
Brian is also a bad driver, but unlike Jay it’s intentional
I mean what’s the point in driving if you’re not going 20 miles over the speed limit at all times?
The first time he carpooled everyone to set, he scared the shit out of them because (besides Tim) no one had ever been in a car with him
Like you look at Brian with his dorky smile, get in his car that has a million stupid bumper stickers on the back, and you expect a normal drive
Then Brian starts blasting the worst music you can think of and tearing down the street like he’s the main character in a fast and furious movie
He was also voted off the carpool rotation
Has a playlist specifically for when he’s in the car with other people and its just the worst music you can think of
Think like the gummy bear song and crazy frog (did those exist in 2006??? Well now they do)
He has actually good taste in music, he’s just a massive troll and thinks its funny
Same with the bumper stickers, bro has a million “honk if you’re homo” and “my other ride is your mom” type bumper stickers all over the back of his car
Still he’s a bad driver in a fully intentional good driver kinda way? Idk how to describe it but unlike Jay he actually knows what the fuck he’s doing
The only time he’s been pulled over was when he was with Alex. He managed to convince the officer that he was only driving so crazy because he was trying to get his friend to the hospital because he was having an asthma attack.
The cop bought it both because I mean look at Brian he looks like an honest stand up dude, and because Alex was actually having a panic attack at being pulled over so he sold it pretty well
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hazsofties · 2 months
Velvette, Rosie, Lucifer, and Vox Help Gender Neutral and Neurodivergent Reader With a Low (Romantic)
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Minors & pro/shippers DNI!
Velvette notices right away that you're acting super down. "Who shit in your cereal?" she asks, sounding harsh but you've been dating her long enough to know that's just how she talks.
If you try to claim every thing is alright, she tells you that you look like you just got back from a funeral and to not bullshit her. If you just tell her, she listens eagerly.
You tell her you're currently having a low, a concept you've never had to explain to Velvette, as she was already aware due to her time on the internet. You found it relieving, considering the amount of times you've had to explain to others that a low is your brain being a jerk and not just you choosing to be sad.
She suggests that maybe an outfit change might temporarily lift your spirits, or at least distract you from how low you're feeling. She finds an outfit containing your favorite colors and with a fabric that you find comforting. It helps ease some of the stress of your low and you try to just melt into the outfit for a moment.
Afterwards, Velvette offers to watch some TV with you, promising you that she knows some very distracting shows full of twists, drama, etc. She's glad her suggestion is received well if you accept but, if not, she's willing to do whatever you usually do to help you with your lows.
Though Velvette isn't really one for mushy words of comfort, you can see through her actions that she wants to be there for you. Velvette's support makes the load of your low easier to handle.
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Before you started dating Rosie, you decided to explain that you sometimes have lows to her. You did your best to be clear that it's not just "being sad" and how trapped your lows make you feel.
Rosie was extremely receptive, assuring you that it wouldn't make you a burden and that you're free to come to her for comfort whenever you need it.
You end up taking her up on her offer, experiencing a low that has you desperate for comfort. Rosie can tell something is off when you approach her, listening intently to what you have to say. If you like physical comfort, she immediately offers you a hug. If not, she offers some comforting words, telling you it's not your fault and to not feel guilty. You can tell she's glad you came to her instead of bottling it up.
Rosie suggests that maybe you should lay down and take a nap for a while. She tells you, "forcing yourself through it isn't doing you any good, sweetheart. And I think we could all use a good nap every now and again".
If you still have things you need to do, Rosie is there to help you through it. I you enjoy music, she puts on whatever type of music helps make your low less daunting. If not and you accept the nap, Rosie finds a comfortable place for you on her couch, tucking you in and soothing you to sleep.
In the end, you feel so relieved you went to Rosie, appreciating all her sweet words and comforting efforts. You really are lucky to have her as a girlfriend.
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Lucifer (TW discussions of depression)
One of the reasons you started dating Lucifer was because he was so understanding of your struggles. He too has constantly been told things like, "why don't you just choose to be happy?". You've vented about it together and it's a major common ground between you two.
When you first tell Lucifer about your lows, he assures you that he understands and that he's been there too. Specifically, he tells you, "I know how much that sucks and how difficult that can be. It makes you feel so trapped and alone. Just know I'll always be here for you".
Lucifer immediately notices in the present that you're having a low. You don't have to say anything, Lucifer telling you, "I can see you're having a low right now. Tell me how I can help". He always asks, never forcing solutions on you, and you find that so refreshing.
If you ask for a hug or comforting words, Lucifer is glad to comply. If you're uncertain what would help, Lucifer suggests some of the usual methods you use for comfort. You find it touching he was paying so much attention.
Lucifer is there with you every step of the way, ensuring you eat enough and still take care of yourself. He's happy to do something with you like listening to music or watching a movie/show, and he offers to cook you anything you want, draw you a warm bath, or cuddle in bed.
Suddenly, you find yourself realizing you don't have to be alone in this anymore, and that is terribly relieving.
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When you initially started dating Vox, you tried to hide your lows from him, not wanting to be a burden and uncertain he'll understand.
Yet, this time, you simply can't hide it. You're trying to go about your day but your low is making it incredibly hard, dragging your feet the entire time. Vox notices and latches onto this shift in your attitude immediately, admitting he's noticed it before, but it seems particularly bad this time around.
Vox coaxes you into telling him what's wrong, promising you that he'll keep an open mind. When you explain you're having a low and what that means, Vox says, "Yeah, brains fucking suck like that sometimes".
He offers to help provide you some happy chemicals through physical affection such as kisses and cuddles, but is completely accepting if you turn this idea down.
Either way, he tells you he wants you to stay close to him. That way you can just relax and feel your way through it while he takes care of you.
Vox pampers you until your low is through, making it that much easier to bear.
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reverie-starlight · 1 year
I need to get some blood work done and I hate the experience so much, so to make me feel better, here’s some kuroo fluff. I don’t wanna hear anything about how soft this is. I don’t respond well to tough love or logic at all when I'm anxious, I need the softness.
gn!reader, no physical description. tw: blood, needles, hospital/drs office setting. slight anxiety/panic. very fluffy, maybe a little bit TOO fluffy tbh. extremely self indulgent, but what else is new on this blog? lowercase intentional. @emmyrosee I recycled a couple ideas from that one kuroo ask I sent you a while back, I hope that's okay :')
“I can take the day off of work, I don’t mind.”
you sighed into your mug, one that the man sitting on the other side of the table had gifted you. it was halloween themed, and (very ironically, considering your current situation) had vampire fang designs all over it, many with blood dripping from them.
“I appreciate that, but I would never ask you to.”
kuroo slightly frowned. “you don’t have to ask me, baby, I’m offering.”
he watched as your own brow furrowed, resisting the urge to lean over and smooth it out with his thumb. he tried again. “I know how much you hate blood work. I don’t want you to have to deal with it alone.”
a feeling of guilt started bubbling in your stomach. “tetsu, that’s exactly it, though. I don’t like it, but I’m old enough now to be able to do it alone…” you paused and shook your head before editing your sentence. “I should be able to do it alone by now without spiraling.”
he sighed and gave you a sympathetic look. “baby, there’s no expiration date on fear, or a set age that you’re supposed to get over something by,” he took your hand and rubbed his thumb over it. “you’re scared, and that’s okay. as your fiancé, I’m not going to let you suffer through that alone.”
you took your bottom lip in between your teeth and mulled it over. he tried to hide a fond smile as he watched the wheels in your pretty head turn.
truthfully, he already booked that day off work. you didn’t know yet, but as soon as you had told him the date of your appointment, he had reserved that as a personal day on his schedule.
he’d never call you predictable, but when it came to things relating to your fears, he knew you needed some emotional support- whether you voiced it or not.
finally you looked up at him again with a hesitant, slightly guilty expression. “you really don’t mind taking time off work for this?”
he brought your hand up to his lips and kissed your knuckles. “for you, my love? never.”
and a week later, on the day of your appointment, he did everything he could to prove it to you further.
your appointment wasn’t until noon, so he made sure to spend the entire morning pampering you, distracting you enough so that you didn’t even have time to let the anxiety build up.
any time he noticed a faraway look in your eyes, he’d lean over and kiss your face until you laughed, really making sure to exaggerate the noises to embarrass you a bit.
and you recognized his efforts to keep you in good spirits, trying to meet him halfway. usually when you had a big nerve wracking event approaching, you were used to isolating yourself and trying to calm down alone. pushing through and wishing you could stay in control of your anxieties long enough to get through it and beating yourself up when you couldn’t.
however, since meeting kuroo, you didn’t have to do that anymore. when you first got together, you rejected any help he tried to give you. but once he realized that you just weren’t used to people giving you the emotional support you needed… that you were used to the opposite- being shamed for those feelings, he was able to navigate things better.
and along the way you realized that letting someone in was much healthier for you. so in an effort to keep that up, you let him take the wheel, figuratively and literally.
on the way to the doctor’s office, he played music and purposefully sang along badly, all in an attempt to make your life a little easier.
and it worked, because your brain had completely rejected any thoughts of worrying about the bloodwork.
until you had to sit in the waiting room, that is.
he could feel the anxiety rolling off of you as you waited to be called, and despite everything, he couldn’t help but feel a bit useless. all he ever wanted to do for you at any given time was make sure that you were happy and stress-free. he felt his heart break a bit as he watched you try to keep a composed demeanor.
so he pressed gentle kisses to your temple and let you play with his fingers. he even clogged up his storage and downloaded a ton of games for you to play if you asked (he knew how fast games drained your phone’s battery, so he gladly sacrificed his).
but he could tell from your crumbling expression and bouncing leg that the nervous butterflies in your stomach were turning into something much bigger.
he noticed a nurse walking down the hall towards the waiting room and quickly whispered something in your ear.
you looked up at him with wide eyes, surprised at his words, which pulled a shocked laugh out of your mouth. “tetsu!” you whisper-yelled at him, not wanting to disrupt the other patients.
he just gave you a charmingly boyish grin in response, squeezing your hand when the nurse called your name.
she lead you both into a small room, and you started shaking a bit.
“please take your sweater off or roll up your sleeve.”
you did what she asked and kuroo settled beside you on the opposite side of the nurse, tracing the palm of your hand.
“oh my- you’re shaking! are you alright?” asked the nurse and you felt hot embarrassment shoot through your body on top of the anxiety.
“um, yeah, I’m okay,” you said quietly, obviously nervous. she seemed to understand and thankfully didn’t make a big deal about it, rather making conversation about other things as she cleaned your arm.
“is this your fiancé? I love your rings, and it’s so sweet that he came with you today… I wish my girlfriend was able to come with me to my appointments.”
you smiled politely at her, and tried not to watch too intently as she got her equipment ready. you didn’t notice the look she gave kuroo, or the nod he returned to her, understanding her secret message. distract them.
that was his plan all along- even if the nurse hadn’t told him to, he would have done everything in his power to get you to focus on him instead of the test.
once he felt you squeeze his hand out of fear and noticed the tears forming in your eyes as the nurse was talking to you about finding a vein, he gently cupped your cheek and prompted your face away.
“hi, pretty, just look at me okay?”
your lower lip wobbled as you nodded, wincing and screwing your eyes shut as you felt the nurse feeling your arm. “make a fist for me, please.”
your hand cooperated and you let out a small noise of discomfort as she got to work.
kuroo stroked your cheek comfortingly and smiled at you when you opened your eyes again. “have I told you that you look absolutely stunning today, baby? just jaw-dropping. incredibly gorgeous. so blinded by your beauty that I should actually be wearing sunglasses right now.”
if it were under any other circumstance, you would have scolded him for flirting with you in front of someone else so unabashedly, but in that moment you were honestly thankful for it. so you shook your head a little.
he gasped. “I haven’t? how awful of me, I’ll make sure to fix that right away.”
and so as the nurse continued to draw blood, with a small smile on her face as she listened to the near one sided conversation, your boyfriend made it his mission to throw every compliment under the sun at you.
"going back to our conversation last night, reason number three hundred and twenty six why I love you: you're so sweet, even if you're not trying to be. you're just a good person through and through, babe."
though it was mildly embarrassing to need a distraction of this intensity, listening to him talk was definitely having the desired effect on you. your eyes were still a bit teary, and your heart was beating fast, but the expression on your face told him that you weren't as focused on the test anymore.
the soft look in his eyes as he tried everything he could to help you was captivating.
he leaned over to give you a quick kiss on the cheek and you huffed in disapproval. he laughed. "don't get shy now, there's still six hundred and seventy four reasons left to get through. I can space them out if you need me to, though. wouldn't want to send your heart into overdrive or anything. I can feel your pulse, don't even try to deny it!"
you were about to respond with what was no doubt going to be an attempt at a snarky comeback, but then the nurse pulled the needle out and pressed a cotton ball over the puncture site. "you're all done! great job."
you blinked at the nurse in surprise and she just smiled in amusement before placing a band-aid on your arm and walking out of the room with the vial of blood.
as soon as she was gone, kuroo tilted your chin up to look at him again. he gave you a big, wide grin and you weren't sure if the lightheaded, dizziness you were experiencing was because of blood loss or affection for your fiancé.
and once you finally made it out of the doctor's office, back into the car, he immediately leaned over the console and pressed yet another flurry of kisses all over your face and neck.
you giggled at him and tried to shove his face away, but he didn't let you, and instead grabbed your hands in his. he slowed down just enough to leave a few lingering kisses on your lips, rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles.
once he was done, he smiled fondly and stared into your eyes as you tried to catch your breath. his expression was as soft as his voice. "I'm so proud of you, baby, that went so well."
you smiled at him in return. "thank you, tetsu, you really helped me today... I'm glad you came with me."
he shook his head. "I told you, it's no problem at all. I'm happy I was able to make things a bit easier for you. Now..." he straightened up in the driver's seat and started the car, but not before giving you one last kiss. "let's get some food in you, and maybe a bit of orange juice, too. I read it's good after getting blood work done."
you nodded and stole one of his hands away from the wheel to hold in your lap. you placed your cheek against his now extended arm and sighed contently.
thinking about the day and how hard he tried to keep you happy and safe... how he did his absolute best to take care of you throughout your panic... there was never a time you couldn't feel the soft, gentle love radiating off of kuroo tetsurou. everything he did was with good intentions, all for you.
after a few minutes of comfortable silence, he felt a pair of eyes on him. at the next red light, he glanced down to see you craning your neck and staring at him with an unreadable expression.
he sent you a sly grin once he deciphered it. "...and maybe tonight, if you're feeling up for it, we can do what I mentioned in the waiting room."
you were one hundred percent certain that the dizziness from earlier wasn't from blood loss now.
I'm not so sure how I feel abt his characterization or dialogue in this one :/
kuroo usually comes easy for me (...that's what she said) (I'm so sorry, I'll leave) but idk, the writing feels a bit off with this one, so I might do some major edits over time... I don't hate it enough to not post though, so I hope you enjoyed!!!!
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deadbydangit · 1 year
Hii! Congrats on 20 followers!
Could I request something masquerade themed in spirit of the event? Like, maybe the Entity throws a big party and the characters listed ask to dance with their S/o?
Something like that with Ghostface (I'm sorry I know you get sooo much Ghostface-), Knight, Trickster, Pyramid Head, and Oni?
That's so cute! I'm absolutely stealing this idea for the future. I'm going to make it where they come up and ask you to dance if that's okay. Please enjoy.
Dancing with the Reader. Killers.
Ghostface, Knight, Trickster, Pyramid Head, Oni
"Hey cutie. Those arms look lonely, would they want to meet mine?"
Every. Cheesy. Pickup. Line.
You might even gag they're so bad.
But he'll convince you.
You're dancing with him. End of story.
Slow dancing really isn't Danny's thing, but for you, he'll make an effort.
He'll even say that too, because it's an honor that the great Ghostface is asking you to dance.
He's a total show off.
Honestly, isn't too bad at it either.
Will he pretend to drop you?
Yes. Yes he will.
"I guess you're falling for me too, huh?"
That was planned.
He's the worst.
But, he's also the best.
No. No he will not.
Tarhos doesn't care if Alejandro and the others teased him.
He wasn't going to ask you to dance.
Doesn't matter how good looking you are.
Doesn't matter how much he admires how you carry yourself.
Doesn't matter- Okay fine.
He's going to trudge over to you and roughly grab your arms.
He won't say a word, you won't even know he wants a dance.
It isn't so much of a dance as him throwing you around.
And he's going to end up hurting you.
He'll bow to you after, chivalry and all.
He's still a knight.
Don't confront him about it later, he'll be even more irritated.
He doesn't like you, not in the slightest.
Okay, maybe a little.
Aren't you lucky?
"My dearest, I'm humbling you with a dance."
You don't get to say no.
This is Ji-woon Hak
You know, he's kind of famous and all.
You should consider yourself blessed by the Gods for this opportunity.
He's a really good dancer.
Any kind of dance he just kind of picks up and masters.
And by God he knows it.
You probably won't be able to keep up with his dancing.
But he'll be leading anyway, so try not to worry about it too much.
At the end he's going to kiss your hand and wink.
"I'll grace you with another dance. If you'd like~"
Pyramid Head
Well, he can't exactly ask you to dance since he can't talk.
And he has no idea what he's doing, but the others were doing so.
He'd approach you, point to the others dancing, then to himself.
That's the only way he can ask.
By watching the others, he realizes you have to put your hands around his neck.
But uh... He's too tall.
And he can't put his hands on your waist without kneeling down.
He has an idea.
He just scoops you up and holds you in his arms.
Now you can reach him.
It's just him kind of holding you the whole song.
But he's really making an effort. Give the poor guy a break.
Well this certainly isn't normal for him.
It's actually something completely foreign.
He'd rather sit next to you and talk.
It's not you!
It's a cultural thing.
Instead, let's leave the party area and find some flowers.
That's the best he can do.
Touching someone before marriage and planning was frowned upon.
He's still set in his feudal Japan views.
Don't push it too much.
Maybe one day he'll understand the activity of dancing enough.
But for now, sitting and talking with you?
This is nice.
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morgana-ren · 1 year
Hi i had an idea that popped into my head, because I (vaguley) remember that the game talks about a sacrifice in the forest lake someone did (me thinks its the church who sac'd someone) and they may have became the ivory wraith.
So you think the town is cursed, maybe something that amplifies lust or 'sins' because of it?
Oh, something is definitely wrong with the town. Something dastardly and dark happened and is currently happening, though I'm not sure of the extent that the lore goes into it.
The Ivory Wraith actually has a very interesting backstory, if you manage to get them to show you.
To make it quick, it seems like they were some kind of priest or priestess for an early facet of the Faith in ancient times, and they along with others of their ward were kidnapped by some dark, esoteric order and sacrificed in some blasphemous ritual involving monsters and tentacles and some heinous offences to God or whatever.
I don't know if their spirit was corrupted or perhaps consumed by some eldritch lord, but either way, the Ivory Wraith is trapped beneath the ruins of the lake, able to wander the town, seemingly only caring for two things: Its own rare offspring, which it can impregnate the player with, and the lovely ivory necklace that dangles gracefully from its pale neck.
Now lets take a look at the faith.
On the outside, it seems relatively benign, seemingly modeled after modern day Catholicism. Strict and unforgiving, to be sure, but basically just a mirrored image of what we know the more stern sects of Christianity to be.
But take a deeper look. The prayer room, where devout priests are known to go into fits of hysterics and speak in tongues, hallucinating for hours on end as the prayer becomes so intense and somehow, virginity stays intact even after the most defiling of carnal acts. The dark ritual that can take place to an unsuspecting and unconscious player should they pass out at the lake. The fact even the priests and nuns aren't immune to your charms, and will often try to have their way with you against your will and you are expected to be fine with it.
The fact that the church will whore you out against your will if your purity is weighed and found wanting during your chastity exam.
These are the good guys.
Now the town itself, something is very, very blatantly wrong.
On the outside, it's a seemingly normal little town. A little costal paradise that is surprisingly self-sufficient for a small-town community. A lovely little haven cut off from the rest of the world--
For a reason.
It's meta-implied that this town is wrong, and it knows that it's wrong. The people in charge make an active effort to keep their affairs secret from the outside world. There's this lovely facade of a normal society, but the rotting, seedy underbelly is the world's worst kept secret.
If you tell any outsiders what is happening, they don't believe you. It sounds so absurd and so outlandish that they just outright think you're a mentally unwell, attention seeking person. The 'innocence' and 'awareness' bar allude to the fact that people who don't indulge themselves in the darker parts of life in the town are purposefully kept in the dark, so much so that it just flies right over their heads, or they just accept what is happening as normal.
Sirris, for example. They very much love their child. Do you think they would ever raise their child here if they had any true idea of how bad things are here? Chances are that they think this is just life, or they're so kept in the dark about the truth of it that they don't understand what they're subjecting Syndey to.
The people who are unofficially in charge of the town, such as Remy, Quinn, Bailey, and to an extent, Leighton, all have a direct hand in the worst aspects of it. The underground brothel, the underground farm, the asylum, etc.
Every person that heads one of these awful facilities also just so happens to be the only person in charge of such affairs. Harper and the hospital, Remy and his farm, Leighton and his school, Bailey and his orphanage, and so on.
There's a titload of supernatural references here that certainly come into play. The moors, Blackwolf, all the hallucinogens that run rampant, the tentacles, the blood moon-- it all fits together somehow.
We don't have all the pieces quite yet, and your character is gaslit and made to feel crazy if they start to put them together.
Something very, very wrong is happening, and it all fits hand in hand somehow.
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bokettochild · 6 months
Febuwhump Day 19 - "Please Don't"
@1caru @sweetlemonad I believe you asked me to make Four suffer?
Rating: Teen(?)
Wordcount: 4,600
Summary: Four has been acting strange as of late, and it's making Warriors worry. Worry becomes anxiety as he watches the smithy, and it's quickly apparent that while the others don't see it, something is Wrong with Four, something very, very bad. Maybe too terrible to be fixed.
(WARNING!!!!!!! This fic does not have a happy ending! There's room for interpretation, but it does technically qualify as lead character death and a bad ending, so read with caution!
Four is weird about magic. 
They all have some hang ups of course, Twilight especially, which is odd considering the recent reveal of his own magic usage, but everyone has something they’re wary of. Legend doesn’t like the unknown as a rule, but if he’s allowed to learn about it, he’s less likely to avoid and more likely to just be cautious. Time grew up with magic, but he’s wary about anything that exudes large amounts of power, as the side effects are often weighty for the price of using it. Sky is still becoming accustomed to everyday magic use, whereas it’s part of Hyrule’s life, while still being something that’s a threat for the traveler. Wild thinks it’s cool, but mostly since it’s almost gone entirely by his time without great amounts of effort. Wind, like Legend, is wary of the unknown, but in the end, he’s just as curious as Wild is.  
As for himself, Warriors grew up without much more than old stories to tell him about magic, stories he’d pass to his little sisters later in life, still not aware of how prevalent the forces that he spoke of truly were in his world. The war had plunged him headfirst into a world of magic usage and its users, and like with swimming, he’d been forced to acclimate quickly lest he be pulled under and die. Now, he’d dare to say he’s the person least likely to react to sudden magic usage, provided it wasn’t too very bizarre. Shapeshifting is an outlier, since there’s no way to get accustomed to suddenly different forms, or any way to expect it, but still, blasts of magic or power from weapons? They’d gone off all the time from the fighters gathered across time, during the war. He’s used to strange new magics appearing out of nowhere. 
Four is odd about them though. Four is wary of anything he doesn’t understand, but unlike Legend who will poke at it, shields raised, Four will keep away at all costs. As far as the smithy seems concerned, magic and he can keep their distance, and while, unlike Twilight, he doesn’t object to others using it, he firmly rejects offers extended to him to let him try things as well. The Master Sword is their key example of such behavior, but there are others too; Legend’s items, Twilight’s crystal, and generally most magical weapons that are not their shortest’s own. 
So, seeing Four watching, listening so intently as they sit down and demand answers from their rancher, it’s strange. 
They’d all been a bit affronted at the secret of their wolf companion and the rancher being the same, but now that they have the opportunity to learn what, precisely, was the reason for it, how it happened at all, they’re all eager to have answers. By nature, it seems the hero’s spirit carries with it a sense of curiosity that can’t be dimmed no matter how many generations it has passed through. It’s less proficient at teaching, but that’s become a null point as Legend carefully handles the thing, asking questions rather than letting them all rely on Twilight’s abysmal attempts at explaining how the thing works or how he’d come to have it. 
He’s not sure how Legend hasn’t transformed, since, according to Twilight, it should change whomever handles it. Still, the vet seems to be taking advantage of his apparent invulnerability to examine the magical item and do whatever a magical collector and scholar like himself does with such sorts of new things. 
Four paying rapt attention though, eyes following the vet’s hands as Twilight explains that it is, essentially, shadow magic condensed, formed from a curse placed on him that a powerful magic user had lifted for him. 
“How does shadow magic not screw you over?” The vet is dangling the necklace before his eyes, making them cross as his ears pin back, a harsh scowl fixed on the crystal. 
Twilight shrugs, also watching the vet, but relaxed, mostly, as though he doesn’t fear what happens if the magic activates, but still would rather it not. Warriors wonders what would happen if it did. “It’s pure magic. Dark only in nature, but all ill intent was- wiped away I guess? She didn’t explain fully, what with us still dealin’ with the world nearly endin’ an’ all.” 
The vet flicks at the crystal with one finger, making it spin slowly, glinting oddly in the fading light of the sun, contrasted by the low burning flames of their campfire. “Pure dark magic...” he muses. “Not evil...just...hnnn....” 
“Ever seen something similar?” Wind asks, slumped across the rock the vet and rancher sit on, arms cushioning his head as he looks up at the two, blinking slowly like he’s maybe beginning to tire out after their long day.  
“Nope.” Twilight sighs. 
The vet tips his head on one side, nose shivering in a thought that’s not shared. “Maybe?” 
Four hasn’t blinked since the idea of pure shadow magic was presented, and there’s a glitter in his violet eyes that makes the captain uncomfortable. He’s not sure what it is, Four’s a good kid and rarely is any trouble, but something about that look in his eyes.... it’s worrisome. 
“Have you interacted with dark magic outside of Ganon‘s before?” Hyrule asks, staring at the vet as the other stops the crystal’s spin with one gloved hand. “I mean, at all?” 
“Some,” the vet says, and then hands Twilight his necklace back, although his eyes linger even as the rancher holds it carefully by its chord. A twitch of the ears and then the younger adds, “a lot actually. There are so many dark mages and whatnot that I’ve met personally, and that's just in my world.” 
“Your world?” 
“I’ve been to others, and yeah, one of them actually had dark magic as the norm. Light magic was...” his ears swivel back, “people weren’t keen on meeting light magic users. Still, they weren’t awful, just different.” Violet eyes a shade softer than Four’s lift to catch the rancher’s midnight blue. “Your magic user friend, was she from a place where that was the norm?” 
Twilight nods, tucking his charm back where he apparently keeps it, between his layers and around his neck. “Yeah. Not sure if hers was a ‘nother world or just...dimension?” 
The vet nods. 
“Whatever it was, her magic was what everyone had there, and folks good or bad could use it.” 
“So,” Four finally speaks, and there’s something, Warrior can’t name what, but maybe it’s the intensity of those dark eyes on the magic master and the rancher, “dark magic isn’t inherently evil, just... different? Is that what you’re saying?” 
The two exchange a glance, and by the prick back of the rancher’s ears, head lower but gaze staying locked with softer violet, he supposes the rancher cedes the right to answer to the scholar rather than speak himself. Legend accepts it easily though, titling his head on one side and fiddling with the bracelet on his wrist, not meeting Four’s eyes, perhaps because he’s thinking too hard, or maybe some other reason. “Here in Hyrule, as a rule, dark magic is just power clouded with impure intent and harmful nature. Anyone can wield it, anyone magically skilled that is, but it’s purity is determined by the purity of your actions.” 
“And you know this because...?” 
A flinch. “If one of us- those who wield magic- used our abilities with impure intent, it would take on a darker quality. If your goals start becoming selfish, or your wishes more violent, or even if vengeance or pride colors your actions instead of something else, your magic can alter to become more shadow like.” 
His focus on Four drops at those words, mind flicking back. Pride, Legend said, could color your magic to darkness. “Is that why our shadows end up as they are? They’re a manifestation of impure intentions coloring our magic?” 
A nod. “I think. Granted, they can also be fueled by other magic, if they gain enough sentience to be their own self. Then they can just draw on whatever magic is around them for strength, but they usually form as a result of selfishness and the like,” the vet’s shoulders hunch slightly, stiff with a thought that’s likely guilt if his experiences are at all like the captain’s. “That’s why they say the Master Sword might sometimes reject her masters. If your magic becomes corrupted enough by your thoughts and feelings, there’s no light magic to mark you as her intended wielder, and she’ll register you as a threat instead, making it impossible to wield or so much as lift her.” 
Twilight shifts uncomfortably, eyes darting to the blade. Has he experienced that too? Should- is that something warriors can ask him? Maybe such a shared experience could be something they could talk about, use to connect with each other in the wake of the shit show that their relationship has been of late. Later though, right now, in front of the others, such a thing wouldn’t be best. 
“But shadow magic is just magic with different intent?” Four pushes, “not it’s own type?” 
A nod from the vet, ears still pinned back. “As far as I know. As a rule though, I don’t tend to linger and study dark magic, so I only know a very little bit through observation.” 
“How then,” Time speaks up for the first time in a while, one good eye fixed on where his pup’s necklace lays, although it’s now covered with cloth and armor, “can it be pure?” 
A snort. “That’s what I want to know! So far though, my best guess is that other dimensions and worlds sometimes have the reverse; darkness being the safe and good things, and light being a piercing and dangerous thing to them. So ill intent would be light, and purity would be....” a frown and the screwing up of doll-like features, “like the moon in contrast to the sun? People say the moon represents purity in some cultures, so for those worlds where darkness is good, like night, the dark nature of magic might be seen like we see the moon, but light magic is cruel and harsh like a desert sun.” 
There’s nods all around, some with understanding clear on their faces, others with confusion, and some, like Wild, with cluelessness. Even for his frustrations with the kid, it makes him smile a bit to see Wild trying, but so clearly left out of the loop that anyone would know he’s just following their example and pretending to have a clue of what’s happening. It's a sure reminder that, for all the stress the boy causes, he’s still a kid under all those scars and wildly wielded weapons. 
“When we get to my era, I want a chance to look at that thing again,” the vet turns on their rancher, curiosity still glittering under furrowed brows. “There’s someone we might be able to ask for answers there.” 
He doesn’t say who, and Twilight doesn’t ask, but the rancher agrees easily enough. 
The conversation slips away after that, Wind pestering Legend about his experiences with magic, the vet pushing the kid out of his space with a smirk and refusals, and Time asking his pup a few questions while the rest of them drift into something more understandable for their group as a whole. Through it all though, Four’s gaze remains fixed on where the crystal lies, eyes unchanging even in the flicking light of the fire and the dying glow of the sun. 
Warriors has no clue why he’s watching the smithy, but the hair on the back of his neck standing on end and the shiver that creeps down his spine as he does so keeps him watching. 
Four is weird about magic, discussing it or using it. Unlike the others whose intentions are somewhat clear, he doesn’t let on at all why he’s the way he is, or how he feels, just that he won’t touch it.  
That night, as they settle to bed, Sky and Wind on first watch together and already chatting easily beside the fire, the captain’s mind won’t let the thought go. Resting his head on his arms, his mind flickers back to the thousand fairy stories he used to hear told by the village elders to smaller children when he was young, to the ones he’d picked up in bits and pieces when he was older, in Castletown, and even the few he’d learned during the war. There’s an irrational part of him that wonders if the reasons figures from the fairytales had treated magic as they did would match the smithy’s own, but there’s really no way of knowing. Even if the tales are based, in part, on the ventures of ancient heroes, there’s no way to know for certain what’s founded in fact or not. 
Still, it’s been a long while since he’s drifted off with a fairytale rolling about in his head, and he’d dare say he sleeps better for it. 
After that night, Four continues acting weird. There’s something wrong behind his eyes, something almost familiar, in ways that set off alarm bells in the captain’s head. Something about Four has changed, and while he can’t name what, the dark glint of eyes; eyes that, before, he could have sworn were changing color from time to time, but which are now always just a shade darker than the vet’s, now are glassy in their shine, absent, clouded. It’s not like a fever, he checks for that, and It's not anything that effects the smithy’s fighting, but there is a change. There's something Wrong, and Warriors doesn’t know what it is. 
The others don’t see it though; not most of them. Sky stares at him, worry creasing lovely features as he asks if the captain is feeling okay. Time nods it off but doesn’t seem worried. Twilight- he doesn’t go to Twilight, or Wild. He’s...he’s not sure how well talking over his own concerns with those two will go considering their aptitude for not sharing with the rest of the group about things. He’s convinced it won’t help him at all. Wind listens, but dismisses it after a time, after talking with the smith and apparently assuring himself all is well. When he brings it to Legend, the younger man looks grim, and he sees the vet watching Four with wariness, but that’s not entirely unusual to begin with; Legend’s always been more wary of Four than the rest of them, although he’s never said why. 
It’s nice to have someone take his concerns to heart, but considering Legend is a bit paranoid, that’s not saying much really. He’s sure if he’d said anyone was behaving oddly, in a way that the vet doesn’t have answers for, he’d still see walls rising against that person.  
Four is different though. He was quiet before, but now he’s very quiet. He was reticent before, but now he’s almost avoidant. Where advice came easily, now it’s slow if it comes at all, and where battle strategies could be formed with the thought that their small smithy could and would slip between them to watch their backs, now injuries fall for the absence of the youngster, who’s often fighting alone rather than with the rest of them. 
He gets that the others don’t notice, he does. Twilight and Time and Wild have each other, Sky is so often caught in his head or chatting with the vet, Hyrule isn’t close to most of them, but least of all with the smithy he shares little in common with. With Wind, the smithy seems himself again, in most ways, but the moment their youngest’s back is turned, it’s like a shadow falls over the smith’s face. 
It’s making him feel wary. He can’t name why, and he hates himself a bit for it, but he finds he’s checking randomly for the knife he carries, hand slipping to his sword without him even thinking of it, and there’s a hissing at the back of his mind when they make camp. On one hand, he’ll be wanting to settle far away from those dark eyes, but on the other, there’s part of him that can’t stand the idea of not putting himself between the smith and the kids in their group, between Four and even Time. He doesn’t even know why! He knows Four is a hero, and that the smithy has never done anything to harm anyone in this group, but he’ll find himself debating being close to or far away from the other more than he’d like, and it’s only when he wonders why that he even registers that somehow, he’s started seeing Four as a threat. 
Nothing’s been done, but a voice in his head whispers that something will be, and he needs to be ready. The feeling that wells in his chest is familiar, but he can’t identify it, just knows he’s felt it before, although when is unclear. It makes sleeping even harder than it was before, and he finds himself nervous as a result; lack of sleep mixing with the need to always be on guard to send him into a state of almost constant anxiety. 
The others start asking after his health. Time and Wind are demanding to know if he’s neglected his own injuries while treating theirs. Even Wild, who he’s never been close with, starts giving him slightly bigger portions. The champion never says anything to him directly, but when the kid thinks he’s not looking, heavy cerulean eyes will settle on him, worry pinching brows together and pulling at scarred features. The cook watches, making sure he’s eating, and then looks actually distressed when even food doesn’t seem to have any effect on the captain’s condition. 
How does he explain to them though that the reason for his state is a screaming anxiety that eats away at his mind and heart, it’s source unknown? 
He can’t even be mad at Twilight when the rancher approaches him as the wolf, settling at his side with all the ease he used to before they’d known. He knows now, they all do, but Twilight acts the same as usual and he can’t- he can’t deny that being allowed to stroke through rough fur does help, at least a little. The laughter when Wind pouts at being denied the same also helps, but it doesn’t stop the incessant fear building up within him. No, because the moment his eyes fall on Four, whose own gaze is fixed over small shoulders, the shiver rises again up his spine. 
Something is wrong, and he’s seen something- done something to know that he recognizes this feeling, recognizes something off about Four, but he can’t name it. He wracks his mind for the memory of what this is, but thinking of the war, thinking of everything that happened, the betrayals and Cia and- he can’t do it. He tries, he does, but it quickly becomes apparent that thinking about that, out here, while already running thin with anxiety, will probably send him into an episode. 
Zelda calls it PTSD. He doesn’t care what it is though- he’s not putting the kids through talking him out of it or seeing him like that.  
He gives up searching his memory for answers, but he keeps his eyes open. 
Maybe that’s why, when darkness has fallen over camp one night, and most of the boys are sleeping, Wind curled up against his side and the rest settled around the capfire, he’s seems to be the only one who sees Four slip from under his blanket, nearly silent, and creep towards where the rancher slumbers, back to back with his cub. 
Time is on watch with Sky, the two talking in low voices as they walk around the perimeter of camp, senses turned without, to where threats should come from, but not within, where the smithy’s hand slips between Twilight’s layers, emerging again with the crystal in hand. A small knife slips forwards, cutting the chord neatly and tugging it free, although for half a moment he almost expects it to drag across sun-kissed skin and paint the rancher’s throat scarlet with the man’s own blood. 
Somethings wrong. Something is very wrong. 
Alerting Four that he’s awake though, when the other is so close to the rest, armed and clearly guarded against being noticed, isn’t optimal. As long as no harm is being done to his brothers, he’ll bide his time, wait until Four is in such a place that whatever has gotten into him won’t be able to cause the smith to harm the rest without Warriors stopping him. 
Luckily, for them anyway, the purple-eyed smith doesn’t linger any longer than he needs to tuck his knife away. He’s creeping out of camp without a sound even as Time and Sky patrol on the other side, voices low and straining in what’s probably a very stilted debate that Warriors can’t bother to think of a subject for. His own eyes follow Four though, hands already rising to uncurl Wind’s fingers from his shirt. It's a process, because the kid is usually a light sleeper, but tucking his scarf around the younger seems to assure the unconcious teen that all is still well, and that the absence of the captain’s warmth is not cause for worry. He used to have to do this during the war too, on early mornings or when he needed to slip out for a leak or a drink or just to breath the night air for a moment. 
He escapes without any of his brothers waking. Sky and Time see him, it’s hard to not with his size, but he just tells them he thinks he saw something. He can’t name what, doesn’t want to worry them before he knows why his own heart is pounding uncontrollably, but he tells them to keep their eyes and ears open and stay with the rest as he slips into the trees, sword in hand, shield grapsed tightly in his other hand.  
If Four was going to do something to the others, he would have done it when he was still in camp. Time and Sky likely won’t need to tend to anything. He, on the other hand, is prepared for the worst. 
Even so, he’s not expecting what he sees. He can feel his very heart shatter, something like a sob buiding up as an all too familiar sightreaches his eyes when he finds the smith again. A shadow warrior standing beside someone he’d seen as a brother, embracing each other as those dark purple eyes lock with crimson. Four’s smile is’t quite right, and the crystal- the shadow- 
Dark magic, Legend said, comes from magic users whose intent becomes impure. A pure source of shadow magic though, condensed and palpable, easy to slip off with, to steal, would offer a far greater source of such power. Enough power to give form, as the scholar had stated, to a shadow. A threat. An enemy. 
An enemy Four greets with a sharp smile and a warm embrace, one that’s welcomed with the same as the thing rises from whatever spell or magic had been cast, the remains of Twilight’s crystal now broken on the ground. 
Now he understands. Betrayal is a familiar feeling, one he knows intimately, but of course he’d never wanted to think that- believe that he’d feel it because of the actions of a brother. He knows what it is to watch those he trusts slip off into becoming mere puppets for the enemy, a threat to those he loves.  
He also knows that letting puppets roam free, while waiting for a chance to fix them, leads to precious lives lost, to the death of innocent people, and more pain than just slitting a few throats would give him. He learned that the hard way, he knows it well. By the end of the war, corruption was a disease that’s presence was a death sentence for the victim. Better to kill them quickly, better to end the infection, better to stop the spread and the continued loss, the pain of watching so many innocent lies be claimed by a force that would take their agency. 
Yes, they were innocent. No, it was never their faults. Still, for the sake of all, their deaths had been required, a sacrifice to preserve everyone else. A neccessity to ensure the army of the enemy, the tools available to them, the pawns and skills thereof, would not increase. 
He’s killed a brother before, but it doesn’t make it less painful anytime he has to do it again. 
Hiding isn’t worth it anymore. He’s many things, but a coward that strikes without warning he will never be. Purple and crimson lift to stare at him, and fear flashes in one while aggression paints in teh unfamiliar ones. 
He doesn’t answer. Talking back to puppets, treating them like people, it makes it hurt more. Better to not see them as people anymore once they’re nothing more than pawns. Assigning names, memories, loe to the ones he’s had to slaughter for the safety of his people- all it does it kill what’s left of his heart. 
“Wars, what are you-” a swing of his blade has words cut off, the smithy ducking back, fear rising. 
The shadow lunges, and that, he knows, is the greater threat to him. 
“Wars, stop! What are you doing?” The smithy shrieks. It sounds like him, the flicker of red, of warm red like fire, not like blood, sends a foolish hope through him that maybe, beneath whatever magic has taken hold here, there’s a glimmer of his brother. Memories of another he’d had similar thoughts of, only to have a knife lodged in his guts seconds later, have him shaking the thought off. Dark magic is too strong to show any weakness too. The only hope in anything where it’s involved is if the source lies before him and easily destroyable, and the sharp clawed shade of the smith might not even be the cause of the strange nature he’s witnessed as of late. 
When the shadow lunges at him, he strikes back, unleashing every bit of power he’s got into the blow and sending the monster flying back, cracking against a tree trunk as the smith’s voice rises In anguish. “Captian, don’t! Please, don’t! He’s my friend!” 
Befriending evil? How- how long? Does he know Four at all? 
The shade bleeds red, somehow. Maybe it’s magic, meant to twist his mind, manipulate him, make him feel pity. He’s seen that before though. It won’t work, not on him, not on the hero who’s felled similar such monsters for hours on end at times. The color of the enemies’ blood makes no difference; it all spills the same regardless. 
“Warriors, please!” The shriek rises, and the smith flies at him, hand raised.  
His focus is on the shadow, rising again with crimson spilling from between grey lips. He can’t see what’s in the smith’s hand; if there’s a weapon, if there isn’t. He can’t spare a glance to see what color flickers in eyes that used to change with a blink. There’s no time. 
Instinct, born of years of fights, of endless battles and betrayals, has his hand moving without a thought. 
Four’s cry of pain as he crumples to the earth crushes anything that’s left of the captain’s heart. 
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mortalityplays · 11 months
Did you make more money in hospitality or office? 🤔 (asking just because I'm currently trying to get into hospitality because I've heard they make good money on tips and I'm broke)
that is the DEVIL TALKING. whoever is telling you that has the tongue of an asp and probably goat hooves and goose blood and the heart of one of those toads that secrete lsd in their sweat.
here's the shit: hospitality will break your bones and your spirit and pay you at best like 1/5th of what you should be making at minimum for the time, effort and skill involved in your job. you will be demeaned so casually and regularly that you genuinely start to believe you don't deserve sick days when you're sweating and puking, and that the least you can do for your boss is to cancel your plans and come in on a saturday with 30 minutes notice. You will find yourself apologising for only being 15 minutes early to the start of your paid hours and not 30 minutes like management wants. no they will not subsidise transport to or from work, even for the 19 year old girl who has to walk home alone along the unlit canal after midnight.
customers will abuse you wantonly because at least 10% of them consider that to be part of the service they're paying for. You will take pride at some point in being so accustomed to strangers yelling at you that you no longer want to walk into a cupboard and cry, and you will watch the new hires get upset that management are taking the drinks they dropped out of their paycheck and just think 'wonder how long they'll last'. you will sit through branded e-training about mutual respect and diversity and then listen to your manager use slurs from the 1950s about your coworkers. you'll listen to the line cooks use slurs from the 1950s about your manager, and you'll still know whose side you're on.
you will also learn very fast to do a lot of things you had no idea you were capable of. you will learn to deal with the worst kind of asshole, make the best kind of friend, and multitask like crazy. You will learn to suck it up and do dangerous, disgusting, frustrating, unfair things while your body complains and you fantasise that you're anyone else anywhere else. If you stick at it, you will attain a whole secret world of social skills and the lifelong confidence of a grizzly bear.
hospitality is boot camp that never ends. I think everybody should be forced to work hospitality for a year when they turn 18, like national service. I loved it, and I had to get out when I realised I was waking up in the morning wondering how badly I'd need to be hit by a car to get out of my shift. I still miss it, I'm never going back.
office jobs pay more, offer progression, and treat you like a person instead of livestock. on the other hand you will miss out on the technicolour upton sinclair underworld right beneath your nose. maybe that's good? I dunno. yeah, you might make decent tips.
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