#its so annoying like. just go home youre making life hard for everyone else
sodrippy · 2 years
stuck in auditory hell sat between a guy who eats handfuls of dry cereal all day and a guy who has a gnarly and WET cold 😭
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Saturn the father you always wanted and always have. Saturn in da houses, and why your life sucks. Im blunt here so don't complain don't read if you can't handle the reality of saturn. Saturn in the first house - okay you don't like to try when you present yourself, you think people should just instantly respect you because youve been through many trials in life... well people usually dont know how to talk to you because you have a stick up your ass. Saturn in the second house - everyones greedy, but when you are, its not cool. Well it isn't because when you are greedy you act like a goblin. be more mature its okay to be greedy but your acting like its a virtue stfu. Saturn in the third house - everyone thinks your dumb af, and you are only because you lack confidence to drive your points home. you just need to learn how to communicate better, your not dumb but you act like a dumbass. Saturn in the fourth house - sad boy/girl now everyone knows you had a rough childhood but would you grow up already, everyone else has but your still stuck being sad about how life has treated you (or your momma/dadda) grow up your not getting any younger you can't change the past stop wallowing. the past has taught you well, use it to your advantage or let it hold you back. Saturn in the fifth house - pretend players who get played everytime. Always gotta pretend like they are fun but whenever you do try to have fun with them they are annoying. yes you could be fun in the bedroom simply because everyone knows your too sensitive to break someones heart... because your heart is the most broken. Saturn in the sixth house - the real try hards always putting in 100%. suck ups to there boss or whoever is above them. but when there authority disrespects them they go rogue and try even harder just to spit in there boss's face. i respect it because i got cap here Saturn in the seventh house - if your a bad person good luck in this life, because your karma is received ten fold by your partners, they always like to complete your karmic cycle because thats just how it works idk. so better act right or your partner will ruin it before you ruin yourself.
Saturn in the eighth house - will do anything to get to the top. no pain is too painful. well it all is, but the ends justify the means. when they put there foot down the whole room shakes. so when your making a move make sure its the right one because your power plays are on display for everyone and itll make or break you more than the other placements. Saturn in the ninth house - lazy asses, always looking for an easy way out. they know what the right thing to do is, but the likelihood of them doing it is never. its because saturn restricts there luck/ mind and they just have woe is me energy and its annoying make better choices, and if you dont stop crying about it. but if they act right saturn blesses them the fuck up. Saturn in the tenth house - okay these people think they are better than everyone and deserve everything, but they never receive the applause they crave. its never enough even if the whole room is looking at them they suddenly don't want it anymore. there karma everyone can see, and if its too good it feels like a curse, and when its bad and reality comes crashing down they just want to hide but they cant. own your life or it will own you. Saturn in the eleventh - there community will give them there karma, always these people dont have a place where they feel safe. because they never make anyone feel safe around them, then cry when no-one gives them that favour. stfu and treat us better and maybe we will do you better. Saturn in the twelfth - okay apparently this is where saturn is in its joy, and i guess its because god/ spirits judge you. and i guess thats a good thing because if anyone should judge you its him. except the pain here is you have ultimate freedom, you rarely get signs on what to do. will you make the right choice or the wrong once? well they are lucky because they always get there karma quickly so they can always recover fast. but these people struggle to empathise because they don't feel the energy of the room. sooooo just grow up you got the best saturn, and your karma resides is in your empathy. disclaimer - saturn wants you to be the best. and no one is.... so i like to think if you want a sense of direction (where are you going wrong) look at the saturn house and if you are successful congrats your doing saturn right. but be careful he always thinks you can do better, and he loves to humble you. so be-careful out there.
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iznyangwoni · 2 months
EASY TO LOVE |chapter sixteen !
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“You come with me.” Jungwon pulls your shirt lightly to catch your attention. You were about to get in the car with Wonyoung and Moka, so you turn around confused to look at the guy.
His brows are furrowed again, and his jaw is clenched. You decide to not comment on that, and instead you sign at Jay to switch places with you. Jungwon is basically dragging you into his car. “Jungwon.” He doesn’t answer, he opens the door for you and then just gets in the car.
Everyone else has already left, meanwhile Jungwon seems to be distracted, and really, really pissed. It’s annoying you. It really is, but you don’t want to stay in a car with him for two hours in a bad mood, so you put your hand over his before he can start the car. “Is everything okay?” “I don’t know, you tell me.”
He says, before brushing your hand off and starting the car. You look at him as if he’s crazy, because he’s honestly acting like it, you turn around to face the window, your arms crossed. The first thirty minutes of the ride are so silent its killing you, especially since only a few hours ago you both were in your room doing all kinds of things. What the hell could’ve gone wrong in so little time?
“You know, usually normal people have a conversation about what went wrong.” Jungwon lets out a sarcastic laugh, and you know for a fact that its not an amused one. “Well maybe you should figure it out yourself since you like acting like a damn smartass.” If his words weren’t pissing you off so much, you would’ve appreciated his appearance this morning way more.
He’s wearing a white sleeveless top, his arms flexing while he drives are about to drive you crazy. but this is not the right time. Still, you try again to be gentle, thinking that maybe it would help him calm down too. “I told you i dont like fighting with you, Wonie..” “Y/n right now its not the time to talk to me like that.”
You didn’t really notice at first, but he’s going really fucking fast. “Tell me what’s it about then? I cant read your mind.” You’re trying to act calm, but its so hard with him acting like this, speeding through the street and not giving you any reasons for your attitude. “Did you fucking got Minji expelled?” You keep silent.
Oh. So this is what is about. Jungwon takes a look at you when you dont answer, he already knows its the truth. You did it and he couldn’t understand why you did that over just a picture of the two of you kissing. “Y/n!” He almost shouts your name and you close your eyes for a second, he hits the steering wheel while also going faster.
“Slow down!” You shout back, you look at the mirrors, the street is completely empty, but that doesn’t make it any better. You put your hand on the handbrake, not wanting to pull it, but at least he would get the memo that way. “Jungwon slow the fuck down.” He doesnt think twice before taking your hand and putting it on your thigh. “Don’t you dare.”
“Slow down, you’re scaring me.” Jay had told you how fast of a driver Jungwon is, but this still doesnt seem normal. The guy sighs, his hand still on yours as he slows just a bit down, if he kept going that fast you would’ve probably threw up somewhere. “We shouldn’t talk about these things when you’re driving.”
“Oh sure now you’re the one who doesn’t want to talk.” “Jungwon-“ “Did you do it, yes or no?” You keep silent once again. The answer is obvious but you still cant bring yourself to tell him the true reason for that. You don’t want to tell him how scared you are about that video being leaked, you don’t want things to go back how they were last year.
“Jungwon you wouldn’t understand..” You feel your voice breaking, you know he’s never going to talk to you ever again after this. “Yeah i honestly don’t understand ruining someone’s life for so little so maybe you’re right.” “It’s not something so little.” Jungwon parks on your driveway, neither your mother or brother are home at the moment, but you dont want him to get inside the house right now.
“What it is then? Y/n i tried to act like i dont care, i really did, but this is getting bigger than i thought and i need to know now.” You shake your head to say no, your throat is already hurting, you dont want to cry. He’s going to hate you either way, so might as well go all out. “I can’t tell you. Just accept it.”
“Y/n you just ruined Minji’s life, how can i accept it?” You can see the disappointment written on his face, and that honestly breaks your heart even more, so you break eye contact, your eyes on your hands, playing with the keys of your house. “And who the hell are Ricky and Jiyoon?” You panic as you hear those names, where the hell did he get those?
“How much more do you know?” “That is not the point.” “Just tell me!” Jungwon stays silent when you snap at him like that. He can see your hands shaking, but he doesn’t say anything about it, his voice comes out much colder when he speaks next. “Only that you got them expelled too.”
You nod, it’s still much more than what you’d want him to know, but at least he isnt aware of what actually happened. “Y/n just how much more are you hiding? I care about you, and if the fact that something happened to you is true, then i need to know what it is. But by the only pieces of information i have, you look like the villain here.”
You chuckle sarcastically, of course you’re the villain in this story too. So why would you tell him the truth? He’d probably find a way to blame it on you just how many others did. You shake your head again, taking off your seatbelt and opening the door. “Y/n.”
“I told you you were getting too attached, Jungwon. I am not a good person, i do shitty stuff and dont get consequences because of my surname. I’m a spoiled, evil, mean little girl who has never had a bad day. And everything else that people told you about me. I’m sorry you believed that i wasn’t.” and with that you get out of the car, slamming the door loudly before getting in your house.
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totaly-obsessed · 10 months
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Mary Earps x reader request
-> Mary gets jealous of the Reader for getting all the glory after an outstanding game -> requested by @michellelawrence222 under a different story - I hope you like it!
-> Cursing
a/n: I'll try to catch up with requests next week - Uni is killing me rn.
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Playing on the same team as Mary, your fiancé, was the best scenario there was for you. Not only could you play with your partner – but your job was your childhood hobby. Your life was a literal dream.
And so was Mary – she was your dream, your future.
She always paid attention to you, valued you and your opinions, and helped you find your voice and ultimately yourself. She was an angel sent from heaven – a much-needed sign of peace for you and your chaotic life when you had met her all those years ago.
But a side not many people got to see from your girlfriend was her jealous one. The goalkeeper was usually the calm and organized one in your relationship, but when someone got just a little too close to you? All thoughts went out the window.
You found it quite cute. Yourself not ever able to imagine yourself with anyone else than her, not even able to pay attention or able to think of anyone else than her. But Mary, sweet Mary tended to get jealous or as she liked to call it ‘protective’.
It wasn’t intense or overbearing. She didn’t make you change clothes or stay home or any of that cliché stuff you see in the movies. Mary just liked to know that you were hers and that she was yours.
Whenever she got jealous her cheeks would turn red, her brows furrowed and her cheeks would puff up, desperately trying to calm herself down.
But that certain day was a little different, she was jealous of you, not someone who got too close to you. You.
As a striker who scored as often as possible, you were often in the spotlight – seen as a ‘savior of the club’ – while Mary was the unsung hero. She worked hard. Day and night to get better and to be the best goalkeeper in the WSL. But the recognition got lost somewhere you could not understand – your fiancés's biggest fan.
On that unfortunate day, you had scored two goals in the second half after Nikita Parris had scored in the first, while Mary had scraped every ball off her own goal line, making this one of the best games of the season for Manchester United.
Yet the applause for Mary’s efforts fell short, all eyes on you and Nikita. Your fiancé had enough. How come she did everything she could to keep the score zero on their side, but no one cared? If she had let all those shots on goal in, this would be a very different situation and she would have been heckled by fans and critics alike.
After the game you were on a winning high, like everyone else on your team – it was a great game. But Mary was scowling in a corner, not even looking at you. Meanwhile, every interviewer there wanted to speak to you and you did your best to talk to each and everyone.
Once you finally entered the dressing room it was mostly empty, aside from your fiancé who looked busy sorting through her bag. “Hey, baby. You did so well! I’ll shower real quick and then we can go, hmm?” You pressed a sweet kiss to her cheek, a little weirded out by her jerking her head in the other direction, and letting out a grunt.
The drive home was tense. You had hurried so much that your hair was still wet and you were missing your socks, trying not to make Mary wait any longer – you thought she was annoyed with you because you took so long doing the interviews.
Her left hand which usually found its home on your thigh was clutching the gear stick. The silence was swallowing you whole at this point – and it felt like shit.
At home she stomped into the bathroom, getting ready for bed. Meanwhile, you did your best to cook up a decent meal out of the stuff you had left in your cabinets – it eventually came down to a pasta dish.
But Mary didn’t make her way down, while you waited patiently on the couch, your partner's favorite show already lined up on the TV.
You had already called out for her, texted her, and knocked at the bathroom door – but she never made her way out to you. Tears brimmed your eyes as you sat the meal in silence in the harsh kitchen light. The usual setting of the couch made it clear that something was wrong – so you avoided it.
Maybe she just needed to wind down by herself, just some alone time?
But after three hours and falling asleep on the couch twice, you decided to head up to bed, packing Mary’s dinner portion into a Tupperware box in the fridge.
The bathroom door was now open and the lights were shut off. At least she had left the room.
The blonde was already in bed, a book in her cramping hands as she ignored your presence. “Mary?” She didn’t even look up. “I left your dinner in the fridge. Do you want me to heat it up for you? I can bring it up and you can eat in bed if you would like?”
She still eyed the book, aggressively turning the page which nearly teared under the force she had used.
It felt like walking on eggshells as you got ready for bed – leaving the bathroom door slightly open, scared that she would just vanish from the bed. The silence nearly drove you mad as Mary’s tense jaw shifted from one side to the other.
Eventually, you sat down on your side of the bed, feet still on the ground as you had your back to your fiancé. Your hands fidgeted nervously. Had you done something wrong? Why was she so mad at you?
“You really put in a shift tonight baby, you did so well.” The scoff that left the goalkeeper's mouth was immediate. You could not really understand why – she really did play great tonight and while she was her own harshest critic, she usually knew when she did well. “No, you really did! That dive you made-“
“Will you just shut up?” Oh. So, you really were the problem here – good to know.
You nearly wanted to vomit with how sick to your stomach you felt but if you being quiet made her happy, you would be quiet. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you slid off your slippers, finally getting into bed, your back still turned to the love of your life.
Mary however didn’t care – in fact, she rolled her eyes at you. “Do you want praise for shutting up as well?” Her voice was cutting and you nearly didn’t recognize her. Gone were her soft eyes and lingering touches, instead you could feel a hate-filled stare hit your back as you remained quiet – sobbing into a pillow.
“Give me a second and I’ll post it for you: ‘Star striker good at staying quiet – she deserves a fucking Oscar’ Maybe if you beg you will finally earn a trophy instead of praise.”
Who was this person in your bed?
“I don’t understand what’s happening Mary. How c-“ The blonde started laughing like a maniac. Maybe she was just tired from the game and the stress. “Of course, you don’t fucking see what is wrong! Too busy bathing in the glory while I do all the goddamn dirty work!”
Mary had gotten out of bed, pacing up and down the open floor, pulling at her hair while mumbling to herself. “What if I hadn’t been there, huh?” she was shouting now, angrily gesturing through the air “Who would have stopped them from coming? No matter how many goals ya would have scored, still would have lost without me.”
You flinched as your cold feet hit the ground but your cheeks were still hot in anger, the tears on them nearly evaporating. “Where are you going now?” Mary looked well and truly out of her mind, crying as well. “I’m gonna sleep on the couch. Maybe you should just go to sleep and calm down. Drink some water as well, huh? I love you – good night.”
Your voice was curt as you pressed a short kiss to her cheek, tasting the salt of mixed tears. But you left your fiancé no place to argue as you left the room while she could just stare after you.
The couch was comfortable enough to spend a night as you desperately hoped that she would just come to her senses overnight. It felt like someone had body-switched the woman you loved so much, for someone really mean.
But Mary couldn’t sleep, lying awake in your usually shared bed, clutching your pillow to her chest – what had gotten into her? How were you to blame for the people not recognizing her efforts and work? You were the first to congratulate her on everything, always making sure to mention her in post-match interviews.
If there was anyone at fault it certainly was not you.
You could hear her trudging down the stairs before you could see her, as she stood still behind the couch, nearly standing like a ghost in the kitchen. “You wanna say something?” The nervous gulp showed you that the goalkeeper didn’t expect you to still be awake.
“I’m sorry – I fucked up.”
A sigh so deep that it nearly knocked out the rest of the air in your lugs, left your lips as you sat up again – your head would surely kill you, as a headache already forming from all the crying. Mary sat down on the spot that you had cleared for her.
“Say it again, to my face and tell me what has gotten into you.”
Gone was the scared woman from the bedroom, you’ve had enough. If she wanted to behave like a child you would treat her like one. Mary took your hands into hers, shocked at how cold they were. Her eyes met yours in an ashamed gaze, looking up through her lashes.
“I am sorry for treating you the way I did. I was angry that you had gotten all the glory after the game – but that wasn’t your choice and I shouldn’t have come at you because of it.”
Even in the dark Livingroom, you could see the frustrated tears making their way down her cheeks, wetting your hand as she pressed a kiss to it.
“I accept your apology, Mary.” She could finally breathe, pulling you closer to her and giving you the first of many kisses.
“Pull something like that again and I will kill you.”
You would always be her number one fan, and maybe you just needed to show her that bit more, tell her after more games how well she did – talk about her in more interviews because no matter how frustrating life could be – she was the answer to all your questions.
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astradelphia · 14 days
Some more Venus sign observations!
♈ Aries Venus- This is a very passionate sign and not just in love - they love the thrill of achievement or even the thrill of the chase. Straight shooters. Aries' tell it how it is but that's something I love about them, they're so honest that you always know where you stand. They hate when people don't do the same - they don't appreciate mindgames or silent treatment or passive aggressive behavior - just be honest!  They also get annoyed by people who sulk alot. They're pretty confident and might often make the first move. Aries love excitement and hate being bored. They also hate waiting around for people or relationships to come to them. Once they've decided they want something they want it NOW otherwise what's the point? They're not the most patient sign but being a fire sign they have a lot of drive and can be go getters. You'll probably have to go at their pace because they don't like being slowed down. They can be somewhat possessive, but they're also very independent and may not want to be tied down. They can react on instinct and might be a bit impulsive. Something I like about this placement is that they just truly love and give love without overthinking it. They let themselves feel all of it and let their emotions guide them. They're all in once they've found their person and will do anything for them. This can make them lose all sense of reason but you can't rationalize love anyway and Aries' understands this. Can be very physically affectionate or passionate and has a lot of drive 👀 they can also be feisty, hot-headed and competitive. If an Aries likes you they will have your back and fight for you no questions asked.
Love languages are physical touch and quality time.
Compatible with: Other 🔥 signs- Sagittarius, Leo or Aries. Or air signs - Libra, Gemini, Aquarius.
♉  Taurus Venus - Sensual, loving, dedicated. Could be homebodies but what a nice home it is - taurus is a venusian sign so they appreciate the finer things in life and all its pleasures. Taurus is an earth sign so their love is of the more grounded and steady kind. They can be very good at taking care of people. They can also be quite stubborn and set in their ways and quite slow moving. Sometimes they'll let someone come in and shake them up a bit and get them moving but they'd also benefit from someone who can be patient and flexible with them. They probably don't mean to be stubborn all the time they're just used to their way of doing things and that's how they like it. Taurus may love to be cooked for or to cook for someone else. Food is one of their love languages! Physical touch is a big thing for them. They love cuddles, hand holding, random caresses and just staying close to their partner to make them feel loved. They don't generally do over the top grand gestures of love - preferring simple, thoughtful or practical gestures maybe on a smaller scale but on a regular basis. They like to give people gifta without an occasion. They may be a little tight with their money but they also like to treat people. They express their affection in steady consistent ways and they value consistency in other people too. Taurus can be quite stoic with their emotions and may have a hard time opening up. They're  dependable and reliable but maybe being that person for everyone makes it difficult for them to feel they can depend on someone else because they're used to shouldering the responsibility. I've seen Taurus Venus acting like the 'mum' friend of the group. They value confidence and independence in their partners and are drawn to people with the drive to go after their own goals and who have their own lives. They may prefer staying in with their partner or a few good friends then going out too much. Downsides of this placement is that they can be too stubborn, closed minded, complacent or even lazy.
Love languages are physical touch and gift giving.
Compatible with: Other earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - and water signs - Pisces,Cancer, Scorpio.
♊ Gemini Venus - Being an air sign, Gemini are intellectuals and thrive on intellectual stimulation. They love to learn and may be drawn to people with different perspectives then them because they want to expand their minds and they love variety. They're a Mercurial sign so they love to talk! They like witty banter and getting to know people. This is a very curious sign and they probably ask a LOT of questions! They're very flirtatious and playful - sometimes childlike. They can have a hard time feeling their emotions as they tend to analyze them instead. Gemini like to mix things up and are probably always down to try something new. They like excitement and variation and don't want to be bored or too settled. Even if they are settling down they still want the relationship to be fun. You can keep them interested by keeping their mind active - lots of talking - This doesn't always have to be deep it can be lighthearted texts all day, sharing new ideas with them, or opening their minds to new things you've learnt. Gemini are naturally sociable so might do best with a partner who is the same. However, because they're so adaptable to change this could lead to them displaying different personalities in different groups to fit in, causing them to feel like no one really knows them. They want someone who will take the time to really understand them too. They're very versatile and could have a range of interests, they'll probably be willing to adopt yours too. This is the kind of friend you could take anywhere. Amusement park? Yep. Fancy cocktail night? Yep. Skydiving? Probably! They want to experience as much as possible so opening them up to new experiences- or letting them do that for you - is a great way to spend time with Gemini. Can be too changeable or even flighty for some signs to keep up with. May even be indecisive as there is so much to experience they can't settle on one thing. The type to change hobbies or even careers alot throughout their lives - or throughout the month lol.
They love playful physical affection but their main love languages are words of affirmation and quality time.
Compatible with: Other air signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Fire signs - Aries, Leo, Sagitarrius.
Disclaimer: I am not a professional astrologer, I'm still learning and these are just some of my observations so feel free to just take what resonates with you :) thank you for reading.
Please do not copy or plagiarize my work. Thank you.
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xq1zi · 1 month
nothing more, nothing less
warnings: angst no happy ending, rushed ,not proof read, and english not first language!
word count: 1.4k
A/N: hope this makes sense!
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you couldn't believe how quickly they let everything go to their heads. what would the point in staying if you obviously had no opinion on the matter.
once school was over you went down to the gym like you did every afternoon for the past couple months. but before meeting with the team you went to the girls locker room to go change. into your tracksuits to be more comfy.
you noticed that someone elses school clothes are there. didn’t have much time to dwell about it since you did have to go to the gym quickly. you left then heard some small commotion coming from the gym so you did a quick sprint to go see whats its about. when you got there, some of the team surrounded another person.
but of couse kenma did not join the group but just stood the side and kuroo following his lead.
“hey guys whats the big fuss.” they both looked at you and kuroo began to speak. “im pretty sure we got a new manger.” now the clothes in the locker room made sense. “ohh so who is she?” you replied. “not sure, haven't gotten a chance to ask since you see the team is very excited.”kuroo started to get just a little bit annoyed by now. “i'm guessing she's very pretty then. kenma doesn't look too happy.” you express.
“i just want this over with and go home already.” typically of him. so you call the team over to start practice. “guys!! come on we have to get to practice you can meet the new manger later on your own time.” the rest of them awed,and finally got started.
the new manager came over to the sideline and you two started a conversation. she was a first year student and named airi. she was a cute girl as far as you can tell. but also a very pretty girl. break time came, you went to go show how to prepare the teams waters.
“[name] wouldn't it be easier to make the teams waters all the same?” airi questioned. “yeah it would be, but i think as much they work hard so this is my way of just helping them” and it's true they work hard and you just wanted them to know that they care and sees them for the great team they are. as you go back to the gym to hand them their waters they are trying to get to the newly manager. even kuroo was joining in the fun.
“kenma, you’re not gonna go over there and try to intoduce yourself?” you asked him. “no not right now, they’re all gooning over her. plus i think you’re better no matter what.” he shrugged. you and kemna were mutuals growing up. you two didn't have anything to talk about when we went over to his house.
not like you wanted to be there. your mother missed her friend so you were at kenma’s house more than often. It was only the year before you and him went to middle school that you talked. thanks to kuroo who wanted to include you as much as possible. you two met by accident when he came over to drag kenma to play with him. but found awkward people dying of silence.
whenever you tried to ask kuroo why he even invited you to things when you barely knew him. and ever more so tried to make a friendship between two people bloom when there was a 50% of it failing. he just always said. “i just had a feeling and went with it” and you are glad he did because he and kenma are the most important people in your life.
break time was over and they resumed back to practice. before you knew it was over. everyone does their part and puts everything away. it seems as if they were trying to get it over with instead of complaining about it like usual. once they were done they practically trampled the new manager. “guys! how are you ever let her speak if you never let her get a chance too?” kuroo had yelled at the team.
“yeah, let the poor girl say something you vultures,” you pointed out. “haven't you noticed that she hasn't even gotten a sentence in.” they realized their mistake and let her talk. she had answered all the questions she could remember being basically being thrown at her. when all of them realized that she wasn't walking home in any of their directions they had all dramatically sighed.
“[name] lets go home already there is no point in staying any more.” kenma whined a bit just wanting to go home and play his games. “okay, kurro! come on, let's go home!” you waved him down as he was talking to the others. the three of you walked home like any other day.
“man, that new manger really has the team wrapped around her finger.” kurro stated. “yeah no kidding, poor girl she was helpless against the rest.” you laughed. to be far it took you some time for the rest of the team to warm up to you. you guess that they've been around you so much they didn't waste time getting to know her.
“kenma, whatcha think? you think she was that cute.” kurro teased him. “she’s okay i guess i wasn't really paying attention.” spoken in true kenma from. you and kurro talked the rest of the way back home and kenma saying a few words here and there. once you were home you went to bed and slept soundly.
it had been two months since airi came to the team and she fit in really well. a bit too well if you asked yourself. you noticed how everyone would treat you like you newbie almost. it was starting to become unfair. first, they had asked airi if she could make their water now on.
then, it was them only spending them with her. you couldn't help feel jealous, like who wouldn’t? the one that hurt most was with kenma. it had taken you years to get close to him.
now she's all buddy-buddy with him. to be honest you did start acting a bit rude. you just couldn't take it anymore. being treated like they barely knew you hurt.
airi had asked you if you would do something for her. you replied a bit harshly. “yeah, sure whatever.” kurro didn't like your little outburst and told you to be more nicely. how embarrassing being told off but kurro when you didn't do anything wrong? you're just in a bad mood, that's all. but that bad mood will stay for a while.
getting worse after kenma and kurro telling you they couldn't hang out because they were already out with airi. what a joke you’ve obviously been replaced. when you told your concerns to them once you three finally hanged out. they brushed you off and told you not to worry.
your breaking point had come and one day when airi came into the locker room you snapped. you told her off but nothing too serious. she left the room crying, you stood there thinking about what you just did. you ran after her but it was too late she had already told the team.
they all looked at you, you didn’t know what to say the air was heavy. “hey look airi im sorry..” you said sincerely. “[name] sorry isn’t enough is it true were you about to hit her?” kurro stopped you mid sentence. “what..? what are you talking about..” confused and scared about what they are thinking about you.
of course she blew it out of proportion. that’s not fair. nothing, it's fair. you guess all this time you were just a team manager. because they aren’t even letting you talk. when coach came he was filled in and unfortunately he had to suspend you from participating in team management. kenma went to go talk to you to see what even happened.
“[name], why would you even raise your hand at
her. she didn’t do anything.”
“kenma are you really saying that you believe her? i didn’t try to hit her! don’t you believe me?”
“well you have been acting kinda rude to her and us the last couple of weeks.”
“wow you don’t even know why i’ve been acting like this even when i told you too?” you were hurt at that statement.
“don’t be like that, you were just jealous.” he calmly replied.
“jealous?! no i’ve been angry that i’ve seem like i’ve been replaced! you know what kenma this isn’t worth my time.” and with that you left. you didn’t bother coming back after. your suspension from the team. it was clear to you who they believed.
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hey!! this is my first fic in a while sorry it’s rushed but i just need to get this out to get my motivation started.
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vasito-de-leche · 4 months
a little prompt, if you don’t mind
what about mercenary!reader and symbiote!Pavia? it’s just Pavia’s ult/wolves kinda remind me of Venom and i think it would be fun to imagine him being something like Venom
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;R1999 PAVIA - "under your skin"
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Symbiote!Pavia x Mercenary!Reader 2.5k words body horror What you and Pavia have is nothing more than transactional—you need him to make a living, and he needs you alive to ensure a comfortable life. It's taken some time to get used to these changes, to share everything you have with him for the sake of convenience: your home, your food, your job. And most importantly, your body. Perfect symbiosis, or dysfunctional parasitism? You've yet to figure out where you two stand. One thing is clear, though; he's the best at getting under your skin.
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i just want you to know that this prompt speaks to MY SOUL bc i love venom and pavia so fucking much. you dont understand how hard i think about the concept of a symbiotic relationship between symbiote and host. so I went extremely self-indulgent with this one <3
as usual, this is written to be read as platonic or romantic, whatever floats your boat!
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A clean kill.
The only reason you watch as the body drops to the ground is out of respect for the work you do, nothing else. You've done this a dozen times, and you will do it a dozen more -- the gun in your hand has become a reliable friend rather than a tool for mindless murder, its familiar weight a fleeting comfort in the tedious routine. A shame it came from the most annoying person you know.
Screaming ensues as everyone surrounding your target runs around in panic. You remain, eyes locked on the target. When someone moves their body, attempting to cradle that lifeless corpse, you see it; a bullet right between their eyebrows, the perfect shot.
You feel a tug, but it comes from within your chest cavity. Something squirms inside you, pulling you back, and you understand this as your cue to slide back into the shadows. It begins with a single step backwards, then another, until you feel the texture under your shoes shift -- what was once solid ground is now a dark, velvety mass, floating upwards and fading away like smoke. It licks at your ankles, providing an initially cold sensation that permeates your clothes, and then it continues upwards to your calves, your knees, your thighs. The gun slowly dissolves into slime, taking the shape of what you assume to be a hand, horrible and sticky fingers intertwined with yours, pulling you downwards.
By then, you feel that burning sensation, and then you're dragged into the abyss.
"That was a lousy shot."
A voice echoes in your mind, it is not your own. It feels like a thousand ants marching alongside your cranium. Or rather, what you assume to be your cranium -- in this current state, you can't separate yourself from the embrace of the void. The voice might as well reverberate all around you.
You scoff and insist. No, it was a perfect shot.
"Perfect my ass. You were off by 2 centimeters," the biting remark makes you clench your jaw. You don't reply. The voice does the same, it remains still, only a semblance of white noise, but you understand its silence as a smug victory.
Suddenly, vertigo takes hold of you. It only happens for a split second, always unannounced, but you know better than to brace yourself. Doing so, as you've learned, would only make you nauseous, dizzy and weak -- instead, you let go and the shadows gently coax you back into the light before dissipating in the air.
You find yourself in front of your apartment door, an odd and anticlimactic way of ending a productive day. What, no snack run today?
"Not feeling it today. So you either open the door on your own, or I'll do it myself. Get a move on."
Some of these threats tend to hold more water than others, but more often than not, they're just empty words and loud, useless barking. And so you've learned to ignore them all -- however, you feel a faint prodding inside your back pocket, like a tentacle in search of something. Right, your keys. The roll of your eyes and the slowness in your movements are the only means of rebellion you have against this annoying entity in your head, it continues to breathe down your neck, impatient as ever, until the door opens and you step into your safe haven.
"Finally! Guess there's some activity in that brain dead head of yours."
You're forced to make a bee-line for the kitchen and the fridge, puppeteered by a force much more stronger, much more ancient than every insignificant emotion you've ever felt: the damn parasite inside of you is hungry.
As you both scan the leftovers -- your leech of a roommate seeing through your eyes, smelling through your nose -- the voice returns, this time in a more playful tone, less grating than before.
"Scusi, what's with the silent treatment today?" You bite the inside of your cheek and it laughs at you. "Don't tell me, wolf got your tongue? Are you mad that I saw right through your poor, shitty technique?"
A suffocating presence crawls inside you, starting from somewhere below your rib cage and making its way upwards through your esophagus and trachea, shifting until you feel the prodding of cold, slimy fingers in your mouth. They are tasteless and you can still breathe, your body not even bothering to perceive this as an obstruction or an intruding force that must be coughed and spat out. They are careless in their movements, pinching the tip of your tongue and pushing against your clenched teeth in an attempt to get you to open up.
And the worst part is that this is nothing but a mocking gesture, you've come to understand this over the years. To you, this is no different than someone poking at your sides, childishly asking for your attention. You obediently open, enough for a single digit to slip out, one you recognize as the middle finger. It presses down on your lower lip.
And then you bite down, hard.
It dissipates instantly, it is absorbed back into your body through every inch of skin it makes contact with. There is a new sound in the back of your mind, one you weren't quite expecting. Your parasite laughs, amused, no trace of that usual condescending tone.
"Good, you still know how to use that petty mouth of yours. I don't have to worry about teaching you how to chew down your food."
This makes you stand up straight, turning your head and glaring at an empty space, where you assume this presence would manifest if it chose to stop taking residence in your body, "I'm not eating while you're still in there. If you want dinner, then get out."
There is a beat, a momentary silence. You don't give the parasite any time to bargain, "I'm serious. Use your own damn mouth if you're so hungry. I already have to do everything on my own, I'm not going to start spoon feeding you, too!"
The reply comes out faster than you expected.
For a moment, your vision doubles and your body feels like it's being painlessly torn apart. For a moment, you have two sets of eyes, two sets of arms, two sets of legs and two minds. You are both yourself and him, simultaneously. It is like someone is cutting your soul in half, shoving each part into two different bodies.
It is over in the blink of an eye, and there is a presence looming behind you, made from the same material that took you here, the same material that often travels in your veins and every other crevice, nook and cranny available between your organs and bones. The lights of your apartment flicker, and you take notice of his shadow cast over you.
His predatory gaze burns holes in the back of your head, and in the stillness of it all, you hear his steps, the sound his leather pants and the shifting of his shirt fabric as he steps closer -- until you feel his chest against your back. An arm slides into view, closing the door to the fridge and resting there, preventing you from escaping. It is decorated with all the useless, silver jewelry he's taken from your targets, a hand covered with tattoos you've often traced with your very own fingers in the past.
Oddly enough, you do not feel like prey. Not anymore. Your instinct tells you that you should, but truth be told, you could not care less. Especially when you feel his chin dig into the top of your head, his weight pressing lazily on you.
"…But in exchange, I'm cooking tonight. You got 10 seconds to get outta here." He shifts, and his cheek nuzzles into you as he yawns, like he's ready to move on from this conversation.
"Huh?" You slide from under him, finally looking at the parasite concealing as a man -- one you recognize as the bane of your existence, Pavia. "Uh, like hell I'm trusting you with the food! I've seen the stuff you put on your pizza."
"Like you're one to talk! You add too much salt to everything you make. If you wanted to ruin your liver, you should've just let me eat it from day one. 5 seconds left before I throw you out. C'mon."
"Do you even know how to cook? Any actual recipes that don't require winging everything?"
"Does pasta with a side of 'mind your fucking business or I'll make us eat rat poison' sound good to you?"
"I swear if you put anything funny in the food--…"
"Time's up. Out!" Pavia picks you up, manhandles you even, and tosses you out into the living room. As soon as you land on the couch, the door to the kitchen closes and you're left all alone.
It's easy to forget that you have no fucking clue as to who or what Pavia even is.
No last name, no records, no personal information at all. You've touched him before—he looks and feels just like any other person. If you didn't know any better, you could've sworn he bleeds the same way you do. But there are times when that outer layer of normalcy is peeled back just enough to remind you what you're dealing with. Sometimes, the outline of his form darkens, as if the light around him couldn't affect him in any way, and his eyes go dark, so very dark.
You've seen him in this form, unhinging his jaw to uncomfortable degrees and revealing endless sets of saw-like fangs and teeth. His nails have grown longer, thicker and sharper than expected in many occasions. You would find those on the ground, like a wild dog who has never known, let alone needed, a trimmer.
And most importantly, you've allowed him entry to every pore of your body, every piece of cartilage, every muscle, every vein.
That's when you get a small glimpse into the eldritch monstrosity living under your roof—sometimes, he's a thick fog. Sometimes, he's an oozing pile of slime. Sometimes, he's the big, bad wolf. Sometimes, you can't even understand what you're looking at when he manifests in front of you. Regardless, you're certain of something.
Pavia is darkness, eternal and haunting as the night.
He is also a huge, ungrateful, bastard.
"Hey! Where'd you leave the gelato!? This freezer's a damn mess!" His voice is heard, muffled. It doesn't carry the same cadence and weight as it does when you hear it from within your mind. He sounds more annoying, in fact.
It's a strange experience, to have him coexist right beside you as if he weren't some sort of parasite, one hair away from eating your organs. But at least like this, he cannot read your mind nor attempt to puppet your body like a moron in broad daylight. You don't answer, fully aware that he's only trying to piss you off and lure you into another argument -- as if he'd ever lose sight of his precious dessert, anyway. Instead, you busy yourself with the usual routine; finishing what is left of your work, contact your employers and whatnot.
Soon enough, the kitchen door opens and Pavia slides into the room with a single plate of warm food. You look at him, eyes wide in indignation. Oh, he wouldn't …
"Huh? What, I thought you didn't trust me to cook, so I just made something for myself. There's some leftovers from your poor excuse of a lasagna, though." The smarmy expression plastered all over his face as he licks the sauce off his spoon is unbearable, and you rush to the kitchen either to find the biggest knife to drive into his chest or to resign yourself and eat those leftovers.
And then you see it, another plate resting by the counter. Full of delicious looking pasta.
Son of a bitch.
"Bring me some of that orange juice you bought yesterday while you're in there, yeah?" Pavia never gives you time to settle down, demanding your attention and your frustration time and time again, unable to form a single coherent thought nor opinion about him.
He's annoying, that's all you've been able to figure out so far.
He's annoying, and he's made a mess out of your kitchen to cook this meal for both of you. He's annoying, and stingy when it comes to sharing his favorite snacks and desserts, but he never attempts to steal your own. He's annoying, and he offers you a power beyond your wildest dreams, to get rid of inhibition and embrace the abilities of an eldritch beast. He's annoying, and he hogs all the fucking blankets at night, planting his cold feet against your legs or back to add insult to injury.
He's annoying, and he's calling out to you once more, telling you to hurry or else you'll miss "that one stupid show" you like, that he'll switch channels if you don't sit down with him to eat. You sigh. The nerve, the hypocrisy. You know the things he likes to watch -- he has no right to criticize your taste like this.
"I'm coming, calm down! Christ …"
You notice that he never lingers nor invades any of your usual places, always picking the same spots for himself, and this is ironic in every way possible given his fickle nature. There's no doubt that as soon as you two retire for the night, Pavia will make a show out of sliding back into your body, to rest with the warmth of your blood and the soothing rhythm of your heart. And you will tell him to fuck off and sleep on the couch, reminding him of that one time he got a little too comfortable, clutching your heart in his claws, causing you to believe you were having a heart attack. Then, morning will arrive, and you will find Pavia either sprawled out or gone, but never truly leaving you alone. You will feel him, that inky slime, both cold and warm in your veins. You will go to work, and you will return home to start all over again. This is the routine, one you stopped questioning a long time ago.
This parasite who gets under your skin, both figuratively and literally, is annoying. He's annoying when he teases you, forcing you to admit that he can cook a mean pasta. He's annoying when he laughs, loud and boisterous, at those stupid moments he often criticizes in all of your favorite shows. He's annoying when he gets clingy, using you as a pillow because he can't be bothered to reach out for one of the many other pillows scattered around.
He's so very annoying when he looks at you with a curious gleam in his eyes, obviously noticing the way you've chosen to rest your head in the crook of his neck. Time stands still as you simply look at each other, as you lose yourself in those bright, sharp eyes.
You stick out your tongue at him, and Pavia blows a raspberry at you. Sure, he might be plenty annoying on his own, but together you're both insufferable and unstoppable.
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antiwhores · 2 years
You or Me - Bakugou x reader
“Its either you or Dynamight.”
The words rung through your head like an annoying song. This villain was gonna make you choose who lived and who died. You could die. And yet you almost immediately yelled out “ME!”
Angst, yandere Bakugou themes, violence, not proof read (when is my work ever tbh), etc.
I missed writing for angst.
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A notorious villain, a strong and feared one, had broken into the house and held you hostage. When Katsuki came home he could barely control himself enough to realize if he didn’t, you would die to the hands at your neck.
The villain tied ropes around his hands while you were being held by his friend, another infamous villain. They sat you both down with quirk destabilizers. Not that it would do really anything bad for you. You were a civilian, with a healers quirk.The hell were you gonna do with that?
And now you both were being escorted to a portal, which would leave to the lair of the villains.
You looked over at your husband, “Calm down, its okay Katsu.” The sound of your voice had him snapping out of his deathly glare for just a second.
This was probably the most upset he’s been in his entire life so you had to say something. Every fan knew that you don’t fuck with Dynamight. But every person knows you dont fuck with his family.
Katsuki has literally killed villains, despite the “kill only when needed” rule when they mentioned you.
He had murder on his mind and the bloodlust could be felt from blocks away. The mussle over his mouth stopped him from threatening the lifes of everyone they have ever loved.
“Do you need a mussel too bitch?” The red haired villain spoke. You think his name was Port. The more powerful one was Monro.
You spoke before you could stop yourself, “Do you need your ass beat?”
Port laughed at you, “Small fry ’s just like her husband.” “Stop fucking around.” The other one yelled.
Monro walked over and bent down, “I’m a very nice guy, so I wont kill you both. But ill let you choose because either way I’ll kill him in a way.”
Your eyes widened, you knew what he was going to say.
“Its either you or Dynamight.”
The words rung through your head like an annoying song. This villain was gonna make you choose who lived and who died. You could die. And yet you almost immediately yelled out “ME!”
All of a sudden you felt cold, terrified. Bakugou’s icy glare was now on you. And oh shit was he mad- no, he was seething, infuriated with such anger that his hands lit up even through the quirk cancelers. You met his eyes and flinched. His whole body shook with anger for not just the villains but you.
The villain laughed at your choice, saying something about this being what he wanted to happen. He said something else about giving you space to chat, because he is apparently such a nice guy.
But you could barely pick out anything through Katsuki’s glare. He was trying to make you submit to him and choose yourself to live.
And before you could even register you were moving, they threw you both into a quirk canceling room and pushed a button that took of all restraints.
He was on you in half a second, slamming you into the wall by your shirt. “What the FUCK do you think you’re doing.”
Tears welled up in your throat but you swallowed them down. You had to be strong.
You couldn’t look him in the eye, “I can’t loose you Katsuki.” He grabbed your face and snatched it so hard you gasped. “I’m your husband, the hero! I’m supposed die for you! Its my fucking job!” “Exactly why I can’t let you die. You’re more important than me. People value and NEED you. Im a civilian, I’ll just be another-“ “STOP.” He yelled.
You looked up to see his hand raised at you, balled into a fist. “I’ll hurt you. I’ll hurt you so bad you won’t be able to agree to anything he says. Ill hurt you so bad you’ll never wanna look at me again.”
You almost believed him for a second, but then you remembered. Katsuki would never in a million years put his hands on you. You’ve given him many chances but he never indulged. “You wont.”
He grit his teeth so hard that you worried for his dentist. He banged you against the way once more before letting you fall. “FUCK!” He yelled.
He screamed curses as he punched at wall until he bled. He made a large dent but it was no use. But he wouldn’t take that as an answer. He kept punching until you yelled his name and grabbed him hand.
“Stop it, your bleeding. Theres no getting out of here with just your fists. Your gonna need a tank and I doubt you have that up your ass.”
Tears bordered his eyes in fat clumps as he fell to his knees. He layed his head on the floor, “Please y/n.”
He was groveling to you. Bakugou fucking Katsuki, aka Dynamite, aka the #2 hero was groveling to you.
“Please.” He chanted. You grabbed his shoulder and tried to pull him up but he was too heavy. “Stop it Katsuki!” If he kept doing this you were gonna cry. He shook his head, “I can’t live without you.” His voice was completely broken. This was an unfair fight.
Suddenly to collars snapped back on and the mussle for Katsuki. He never stopped groveling to you even when the villains came in and laughed at him.
“What the fuck? Your think caught up over a bitch?” For just a second, Monro’s finger ran over your face. And in that second you bit him so hard that his finger came off like a carrot piece.
He kicked you to the floor as he screamed. “YOU BITCH!”
Now he was definitely going to kill you. He put his hand to your face and just before he activated his quirk, you looked at Katsuki. He was breaking out of Port’s grip and trying to get to you. You knew he wasn’t gonna make it, Magma’s quirk causes instant death.
So just before you closed your eyes for good, you whispered an “I love you, so much.” To Katsuki.
Then everything went black. You were dead just before Katsuki could reach you.
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halfmoondaze · 2 years
hiiii can you please right an angsty imagine where jack has a gf who is super talkative and rambles a lot and she’s super self conscious about because everyone in her life has complained about it and told her she’s annoying and what not so being called annoying by anyone is just super hurtful to her. maybe jack has a bad day or something and reader is trying to talk to him and starts rambling and he gets snaps and call her annoying and she just starts crying and goes and locks herself in their bedroom. jack apologizes and she says she forgives him but she’s not being her usual self and isn’t talking as much so jack has to find a way to prove to her that he really didn’t mean it and loves her talking
I Didn't Mean To
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Growing up, you were always shy and reserved, but after a while you would found yourself more comfortable with being yourself and you would show a side of you that was the complete opposite of that; which was very talkative to the point of just rambling all the time. It was something you very self-conscious about because in the past, family members and ‘friends’ have made you feel incredibly embarrassed about it, so because of that it was a side to you; you always tried to hide.  
Because of this, it always took you a while to open up and make friends, and that was no different when you first met Jack. 
You were introduced to Jack for the time at a party you were attending to with your best friend, whose father was a renowned music producer. You were awkwardly standing next to Y/F/N as she was surrounded by group of people as she lead the conversation, when someone bumped into you. 
“Sorry about that” he said. 
You quickly catched on to his Kentucky accent and looked up to see Jack Harlow smiling apologetically at you. 
“Oh its ok” you said lookind down embarrassed while playing with your hair. 
“Hey” he said. 
“I don’t I haven’t seen you before” 
“You haven’t. I came here with Y/F/N” 
He smiled. 
“I’m Jack” he said reaching out for your hand.
“Y/N” you said extending your hand giving him a handshake. 
“I guess this isn’t really your scene?” 
You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh.
“Is it that obvious?” 
“I’m pretty sure I was the only one who noticed” 
You were quickly interrupted by the DJ increasing the volume of the song to the point it became hard to hear each other. 
Jack then turned to you with an apologetic smile and motion the two of you to go somewhere else quieter. 
You nodded and followed him. 
That’s how you ended up talking for what felt like hours with Jack in the house backyard. There was something about him that made you feel at ease but you couldn’t make out what it was. 
“Sorry, I ramble a lot” you said with a nervous laugh  after you end up talking about a topic you felt really passionate aboiut.
“I think it’s cute” 
After he noticed you were a bit off, he turned to you. 
“You ok?” 
“Yeah, sorry I’m just a bit tired. I should get back home” 
“I can take you home if you want, besides by the look of it I think Y/F/N is having the time of her life” 
You turned to see her singing at the top of her longs and dancing with everyone to the song. 
You laughed. 
“Yeah, I guess so” 
When he pulled up to your drive way he turn to you and smiled softly. 
“I had a great time, and would like to see you again if that’s alright” 
“Yeah, I’d like that” 
After that, you went on your first date together. He took you to a lowkey diner and you spend all the time just laughing out loud at his jokes and just getting to know each other. Maybe it was the fact that it was just the two of you, but you found yourself growing rapidly comfortable with showing more about your talkative personality and he seemed to be very happy and enthusiastic about you showing that side of yourself to him. And even though you would sometimes apologize about it, he would be quick to reassure you that it was alright. 
That night when he took you back home, he kissed you for the first time. It was magical and sweet. 
Not long after, you started dating and it was like a dream. Until it wasn’t.
You would spend almost all your time staying over at Jack’s. 
One night, he came back from the studio evidently stressed out. 
“Hey, how was the studio session?” you put your book down and turned to him. 
“It was alright” he said in a way like he was trying to convince himself of that as he walked through the door. 
“You seem stressed” you said as he sat at the other end of the couch. 
“It’s nothing” 
“Are you sure everything is ok? You can tell me”
The truth was that Jack was the most stressed out he's ever been. Today while attending his recording studio session for his album, they realized a lot of the recordings the day before, which were about like 14 hours’ worth of recordings were somehow destroyed. And they spend most of the day trying to recover it. But ultimately, they decided to just call it a day and continue tomorrow and see how they can fix it. 
As Y/N started rambling about ways he could distress himself, he could feel himself becoming increasingly more and more stressed out and he didn’t think he was going to be able to contain himself. 
His face softened when he saw you silently crying as he realized what he had just done. 
“Babe, I didn’t mean that, I-”
Before he could say anything else, you walked past him and locked yourself in your shared bedroom. 
He followed you behind but didn’t managed to go past the door before you locked it. 
He let out a sigh. 
“Babe, please open the door I’m sorry” 
No answer. 
“I shouldn’t have snap at you…please open the door” 
No answer. 
At the other side of the door, you were laying in the bed crying your eyes out recalling the argument in your head over and over.
Up to this point, he was one of the few people in your life who had never made you feel self-conscious about your talkative nature until now.
Before you knew it, you had fallen asleep. 
It was sometime around 3 am when you woke up from your sleep. Then the silent sense of content disappeared as soon as you recalled the events from a few hours ago. 
Even though you felt really hurt, you still wanted to talk to him. So, you stepped out of the bed and opened the door, and to your surprise you found Jack asleep on the floor Infront of the bedroom door. 
You kneeled beside him and gently woke him up.
“Y/N. I’m so sorry, I-”
“I know. I forgive you. Do you want to come back to bed?”
He just nodded. 
The next day, Jack woke up to find your side of the bed empty. 
As he walked down the stairs he made his way to the kitchen, to find you making breakfast. 
“Good morning beautiful” he said wrapping his arms around you and kissing your cheek. 
You immediately went tense, and he noticed so he let go of his embrace. 
“Everything ok?” 
“Everything’s fine Jack” you said not looking at him. “Help yourself if you want” 
Before he could say anything, you walked to the bedroom. 
As went to grab himself some water, he started going through everything that he could’ve possibly done to make you so upset, and that’s when it hit him.
“Fuck” he said to himself as he recalled the horrible things, he told you last night. 
And even though he had already apologized, he knew that wasn’t enough. He immediately dropped everything he was doing and walked upstairs to the bedroom.
“What?” you said dryly upon seeing him while you put your hair in a ponytail.
“I’ve been really stressed out about the album and Ive been taking it out on you. Last night you were just trying to make me feel better and I just snapped at you. And you didn’t deserve any of that and I’m trully sorry” 
“You really hurt me you know that?” 
“I know”
You could feel you’re the tears threatening to fall down. 
“I guess I felt really comfortable with showing that side of me when I’m with you….the talkative side. And…..I was already kind of self-conscious about it, but last night……I just felt so hurt. Is that-” your lip quivered. “Is that how everyone else sees me, as annoying?”
“No, no, no” he said wrapping his arms around you. “You’re the most intelligent and interesting person I know. Like the fact you think of me everything you think about something you find interesting, makes me feel so honored. And I hate myself for making you feel insecure about it or doubt yourself. I was being an asshole and I promise it would never happen again” 
You nodded. 
“Don’t let anyone make you feel less of a person for being yourself. Not even me” he said wiping away your tears. 
You smiled at him. 
“I love you” he said. 
“I love you too”  
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dearestvante · 1 year
stars around my scars; kth. | 03.
pairing: taehyung x fem!reader genre: college au, goodgirl x badboy (sort of), angst, fluff warnings: lowercase writing, swearing, drinking, infidelity (not between you and tae), taehyung calls you 'angel', can be confusing at times (i'm a beginner and not a native english speaker), taehyung's "bad" reputation is slowly revealing, jungwon is a dick (nothing new), the end is kinda nice?? idk you tell me summary: people are not always what they seem. you learned that the hard way, when you caught your boyfriend cheating, the night that was supposed to be one of the best ones you ever experienced. but on the same night you also learned that in everything bad, there’s always a little bit of good. wc: 4.8k
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after that night you never missed a chance to hang out with your newfound friends. well, mostly taehyung. the two of you would hang out on campus, study in the library accompanied (correction: annoyed) by jungkook, or get together at his place. you found out that he has a dog, a cute ball of fluff named yeontan, with the meanest expression you’ve ever seen. it seemed like he hated you, but taehyung reassured you that he behaves like this with everyone except him, so you shouldn’t take it personally. you didn’t, but also didn’t stop trying to make the little pup like you. no luck so far.
as you spent more and more time with taehyung and the closer you got to him, the harder it was to see him as the “bad boy” everyone paints him to be. at first glance, maybe, he seemed cold, but all it took is to catch him smile to see how warm of a person he actually is. he was kind-hearted and comforting with a beautiful, box-shaped smile that would make anyone else smile as well. what you didn’t notice about him though, was the fact that he was like that only around you. for everyone else, he remained as the mysterious boy with a mean expression and a bad reputation. a reputation he didn’t even earn, but they didn’t know that. you did.
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november passed so quickly like this, and december was on the same track. by the time you noticed the fast passing of the months, it was time to pack for christmas break. usually, this time of the year was your favorite, but recent events weakened the relationship between you and your mother, so you weren’t so eager to go home. on the other hand, meeting her might be great opportunity to finally get on the same page.
as soon as you got off the train, the chilly december wind immediately made its way under your coat, making you shiver. you grabbed your suitcase with one hand and your bag’s strap with the other and carefully cut through the crowd, looking for your mom. passing a few overly emotional parents, you finally noticed her. she immediately made her way towards you, smiling wide. you didn’t realize just how much you missed her, until she appeared in front of you. differences or not, she was still your mom, the one person who was always there for you, no matter what. you dropped the bag from your shoulder on the top of the suitcase and greeted your mother with an embrace.
“i missed you.”
“i missed you too, sweetheart.” she replied, hugging you tightly. “how was the ride?”
“y’know, just the usual. loud, crowded and never-ending.” you said, picking your bags up as the two of you headed towards the car.
“why didn’t you buy a first-class ticket?” your mom raised an eyebrow as she opened the trunk.
“i did, but it’s christmas break, everyone’s coming home.” you explained, helping her pack your bags in the car.
“i’m glad you came home safely.”
on your way home, she asked you about your studies, which was one of her favorite activities. she never forgot to remind you that she had to go through the same experiences, always asking about her favorite professors - even though most of them already retired years ago - and giving you advice on how you should do this and that. you hated when she did that, trying to control your life, but now, as long as you didn’t have to talk about your ex, everything was fine.
stepping inside the house, you instantly felt your whole body fill with warmth, literally and metaphorically. it felt good, being at a place that didn’t feel empty and cold.
you unpacked most of your stuff and helped your mom with the last touches of the christmas decorations. ever since your dad left, you and your mom spent christmases by yourselves, decorating the house, and the tree, baking cookies, planning what you will make for dinner on christmas eve and giving each other personalized gifts. it wasn’t any different this year either, christmas passed pleasantly and peacefully, and you thought that your home’s atmosphere would stay at this state ‘til the end of winter break. but you were wrong. so wrong.
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your family had a tradition, to organize a dinner party between the two holidays. on december 30th, all your family friends would gather at your house for a fancy, champagne-sipping type of event. although the number of guests slowly decreased ever since your dad wasn’t part of these events anymore, your mom still decided to organize it every year. it meant a lot to her. and that’s why, no matter how much you wanted to go, you had to skip taehyung’s birthday, in order to support your mother. jungkook begged you to go, standing in front of you with joined hands every time he caught you alone somewhere. it took him a whole week to understand that you have to be there. you thought about going, you thought about it a lot, and you really wanted to but you just couldn’t let your mom down.
“so, who’s coming tonight?” you asked, stealing a cupcake from the tray while your mom was busy organizing the table.
“the lims and kangs will be present, haerin said they will have to bring nabi too, their babysitter quit again.” nabi had a new babysitter almost every month, not everyone could handle her shenanigans. but you were one of the few who did, so you were happy they’re bringing her along too.
“oh, and of course the parks. jungwon is coming too. maybe you two can work on your differences tonight.”
and there it was, the names you feared the most. you couldn’t believe what you just heard. it’s not enough that he’s coming here, to your house, your mom expects you to talk to him? talk to him and treat him like he didn’t just ruin your life?
“you are unbelievable. i thought you let this all go, that you finally believe me.” the gathering teardrops burned your eyes, but you were more stubborn than to let them fall.
“i do believe you, sweetheart. i just don’t want you to hold a grudge forever.”
you didn’t say anything, just turned around and went upstairs to your room. you were too angry to cry, besides, you promised yourself that no more tears will be shed for jungwon, cause he does not deserve it. instead, you took a deep breath to clear your mind and figured that if you’re stuck with this dinner, you might as well make the most of it. so you dug up the hottest dress from the bottom of your dresser, paired it with some high heels, did a full face makeup (not just the usual mascara and lipgloss duo) and styled your hair. adding the final touches, standing in front of the full-lenght mirror, you were quite pleased with the outcome. nothing was too extreme on their own, but the little black dress, the makeup and the styled hair together created a look that was rather eye-catching.
as the clock passed seven, tonight’s guests slowly started arriving. every time the door opened, you quickly found a chore for yourself so your mom would greet the guests instead of you. the kangs were the first, as always. they were a precise and meticulous couple, with no kids. they were too busy, plus mrs. kang is a neatnik, so it’s probably better it’s just the two of them. the next guests were haerin and soohyuk, and their adorable baby, nabi. they were quite the opposite of the kangs, never on time, always leaving or losing something, let it be nabi’s pacifier or haerin’s keys, something always gets left behind. they might have been a little bit chaotic, but their always bright and kind nature certainly made up for it. they were followed by the lims, the eldest of the bunch, and last, the park family. haerin was very happy when she realized, that this is the first time they aren’t the last ones to arrive. you, on the other hand, weren’t so happy they showed up.
you were in the living room playing with nabi when you felt a light tap on your shoulder. you turned around to see who is it, letting out a deep sigh when you faced them.
“hi.” jungwon greeted you with a smile. too bad you can’t return the favor. “you look pretty.”
“thanks.” you reply, and divert back your full attention to the baby girl, who seems just as annoyed by jungwon’s presence as you are, but you might have been just projecting.
“can we talk?” he was still standing there, not taking the obvious hints.
“no.” you answered, picking nabi up in your arms. you took her to the kitchen, which was, luckily, empty. she looked up at you, confused as of why you took her away from her toys, silently demanding an answer.
“sorry little one, the bad man was bothering me.”
“he is bad man?” nabi’s widely opened eyes suggested that you will need to elaborate on that statement a little further.
“don’t worry, he won’t hurt you” you said, softly pinching her cheek, as she smiled in relief.
since every one of the guests was here, it was time to start the dinner. you and your mom prepared a three-course meal for tonight, consisting of an appetizer, the main course and dessert. neither of you liked to brag about it, but both you and your mom were really great cooks, which was one of the key factors of tonight’s success. the dinner was quite delightful, when you weren’t helping out your mom, you spent most of the time talking to haerin and entertaining nabi, so her parents can eat in peace. you were in the middle of a sentence, when you heard your name from somewhere across the table. it was jungwon’s mom, trying to get your attention.
“yes, mrs. park. can i help you?”
“not me, darling.” she smiled forcefully, then turned to his son. “go on.”
you raised an eyebrow, not having an idea what is about to happen. does he want to publicly apologize?
“um, y/n i… i think you owe me an apology.”
you physically had to hold yourself back from yelling “what the fuck” in his face. after all, you couldn’t curse in front of a three year old.
“what do you mean?” you asked instead, clenching your fist so tight, you could feel your nails digging into your skin.
“your behavior towards me. it breaks my heart how easily you switched up on me, without listening to my side of the story.” he would be an excellent actor. so convincing that if you were just a little more gullible, you would actually believe that it’s you who is in the wrong here. he’s playing his part to perfection, making all the guests believe that what happened is actually your fault. suddenly the whole room is quiet, all eyes are on you.
“oh, how rude of me.” you say, dramatically touching your chest. he wants drama? well, he can get it. “i’m sorry for breaking up with you after you neglected me and our relationship for weeks. oh, and after you cheated on me while i was trying to fix our dying relationship. i am a terrible person for doing it, am i not?” you didn’t hold back, put your personal life all out there for everyone. you were tired of his lies, it was time to clear it all up. and that’s all it it took. you snapped him out of the act in seconds. you could see his eye twitch, his grip tightening around the utensils he’s holding. he opens his mouth to speak again, but your mom precedes him.
“you didn’t tell me that.”
“cause you never asked!” the awkward silence in the room made your voice sound even louder. she realized just now how wrong it was not to trust her own child. she opens her mouth, but closes it immediately, the guilt is stopping her from answering. there’s someone else in the room though, who’s guilt is not as strong, unfortunately.
“don’t try and blame it all on me!” jungwon says, out of nowhere, his whiny tone makes him sound like child. “let’s talk about that shady guy you left with during halloween, do you still hang out, hm? i’m sure your mom wouldn’t like you to be around such people like him” he glances at your mom to see her expression and when it’s what he’s hoped for, he continues “that’s why you didn’t tell her, right?”
“y/n? what is he talking about?” your mom, finally able to speak again, turns to you. you’re furious, eyes locked on the the loose-lipped guy sitting across you. your mind is in shambles, unable to think straight, so you squeeze your fists under the table even tighter, nails digging deeper and deeper into the soft skin of your palms, to prevent you from losing it. he’s enjoying it, that he has control again, diverting all attention from his wrongdoings back to your personal life. the other guests are shamelessly attentive, silently compelling an answer from you. when you don’t give one, jungwon turns to your mom and answers instead.
“kim taehyung. i’m sure it rings a bell for everyone.” he leans back into his chair, arms crossed, trying hard to hide how proud he is of himself. the room that was quiet until now is filled with gasps and oh my gods.
“are you out of your mind, y/n?!” your mom raises her voice to get your attention. “that’s the son of a criminal!”
all these people around you, acting like they know him just because they heard what his father did, made you even more frustrated. they had no right to talk about him the way they did, not when they don’t know him like you do. the picture they saw when they heard taehyung’s name couldn’t be more different than who he actually was, but none of them were interested in that. it was easier to place him in that box full of lies an misconceptions.
“i’m done.” you said, getting up from the table. you weren’t ready to have this conversation right now, when you knew that you can’t tell your side of the story nor change their minds anyways, no matter how hard you tried. thanks to jungwon, they already decided what the want to believe and clinged to it tightly. your mom tried to stop you from leaving, demanding an explanation, but you just shook her hands off yours and left, without looking back. you grabbed your coat and with the front door’s loud slam, you were gone.
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walking aimlessly on a cold december night certainly helped you to clear your mind. you weren’t angry anymore, but undoubtably disappointed. first in your mother, but mostly in yourself. all these years have passed, yet you still can’t stand up for yourself, nor for someone you care about. though you rarely gave up without a fight, there were two people who always overpowered you. jungwon and your mom.
walking long distances in high heels was never exactly your strong suit, so when you reached the “lover’s bench” just a few blocks away from your house, it felt like a reward. rumor has it, if you sit on this bench with someone, you will end up falling in love with each other and stay together forever, and it did work out for some. not for you, though. soojin and jungwon both sat on this bench with you, and, well we see how that worked out.
as you sat there, massaging your sore legs, you noticed a car, slowing down as it approached you. you grabbed one of your heels, ready to use it as a weapon if it comes to that. the dark window rolled down, and behind it, a familiar face appeared. someone you haven’t seen in years.
“y/n, is that you?” the man was squinting his eyes, trying to recognize you in the dark.
“dad?! what the hell are you doing here?” you asked, eyes wide open.
“it’s… complicated. get in, you must be freezing out here.” he opened the door from the driver’s seat, but you refused.
“no way. not until you tell me what you want.”
he took a deep breath, contemplating how to tell you. “i came to apologize. now get in.”
he wasn’t wrong about you freezing, so after a few seconds, you gave in. in the end, he’s still your dad, it’s not like he’s gonna kidnap you.
“you’re a a few years late with that, don’t you think?” you turned to him, after closing the door.
“i know i am.” he turns to you too, after pulling over. “i want to apologize for what i did. and for taking so long to do so. i was a coward and ran away instead of facing the consequences of my actions. i’m sorry, but i couldn’t look in your eyes after that. i was ashamed, and i ran.”
you’ve never seen your dad like this before. so vulnerable, speaking from his heart. this was the first time hearing his side of the story. up until today, all you knew was that he cheated on your mom and ran away with the other woman. but if what he says is true, the latter never actually happened.
“so.. you left us because you felt guilty and ashamed and not because you loved someone else and wanted to be with her?” you ask after a few silent moments.
“i never saw her after that night. it was a reckless mistake, nothing more.”
“that doesn’t make it right, though. it changes things, but only slightly.” you’re aware how harsh your tone is, but you don’t really care. what he did was still wrong, and you’re not going to forgive nor forget so easily.
“i don’t expect you to forgive me, but thank you for listening.”
you nod quietly in response, not knowing what words would be appropriate in this situation.
“do you think your mom would listen to me as well?” he asks after a few moments of silence.
“oh, yeah definitely. she’s quick to forgive cheaters these days.” you scoff, causing your dad to stare at you with a shocked expression, reminding you that he’s kind of out of the loop.
“my boyfriend cheated on me, but she insists that i forgive him or something, cause he’s her best friend’s son.” you explain it quickly.
“oh.. wow.” your dad is still in shock, hence the short response. “that’s why you aren’t at the dinner right now, cause he is there, isn’t he?”
“that dinner was a whole mess.”
“no drunk stories from kang?” he asks with a playful smile, remembering the times he used to be part of this event, bringing out mr. kang’s not-so-perfect side. your dad made him drink just a bit more than he was supposed to, and he turned into a whole new person, telling stories from his young adulthood, which were mostly true, but definitely spiced up a little, for entertainment purposes. he even made his uptight wife smile once or twice.
“no, not this time.” you smile faintly, as the memories return, and you have to admit - although, only to yourself - that these dinners weren’t the same without your dad. nothing was. your mom tried to make up for everything that was missing after he left, and you appreciated her efforts, but something was always missing, and even though you hated to feel that way, there wasn’t a day when you didn’t miss your dad. you surpassed those feeling during the years, but now as you’re sitting beside him reminiscing the moments of the past, they’re slowly breaking free.
“i figure that home is the last place you want to be right now, so you’re welcome to stay at my hotel room, if you want.” he offers after a very accurate observation.
“i’ll think about it, thanks.” you nod with a weak smile.
“is there anything else i can do to make you feel better? i might not know what happened, but i can see that it’s tearing you. and i hate to see you like that.” there he is. the man that always sees right through you, no matter how deep you hide your feelings.
“actually, there is something you could do..”
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before you entered the apartment complex, you took out your phone to leave a short message for your mom. sure, she was mad at you and you were mad at her, but you knew that she’s probably worried sick, cause you left a long time ago, and haven’t returned. you informed her that you’re fine, and told her not to wait, cause you’re probably not coming home tonight. after pressing ‘send’, you slipped the device back to your pocket and headed upstairs. the click-clacks of your heels were awfully loud in the quiet hallway, but luckily for the residents (and for you too, let’s be honest) you didn’t have to climb a lot of stairs to reach the apartment. you knock on the door once, no answer. you knock again, still nothing. you raise your hand to try again, but then the door suddenly whips open, revealing a furrow-browed boy behind it. his eyes widen at the sight of you, a grin forming on his lips.
“heeey, you made it. though you might be a little overdressed.” jungkook pulls you into a tight hug after scrutinizing you from head to toe. he did mention that this birthday party is not exactly a party, considering that it’s just him, taehyung and yeontan, so your appearance was, indeed, a bit too much. but your presence was appreciated anyway.
“yeah. change of plans. the birthday boy?” you ask, after quickly scanning the room.
“in the kitchen, preparing the goods.” jungkook imitates drinking from a bottle as he replies. “hurry up, hyung, your angel is here.”
“since when do you call me angel?” you look up at him, one eyebrow cocked, while taking off your shoes.
“can’t help it, fits so well.” jungkook says, helping you take off your coat.
as you approach the kitchen, you’re held off by yeontan, who’s sitting right in front of your feet. he looks up at you, tiny head tilted, his tongue peeking out. you bend down a little to pat his head, but as your hands gets closer, he growls, like always.
“tan, be nice.” taehyung appears behind him, handing you a glass of something as you straighten up. “i’m glad you could make it.” he says, smiling shyly.
“me too. happy birthday, taehyung.” you clink your glass to his, returning the smile.
the two of you join jungkook in the living room, who’s currently laying on the floor, for some reason. you stare at him, confused as you sit down on the couch, which he notices soon.
“it’s good for your back, trust me. well not yours, but mine.” he says, and sure, he is right, but right now you can read his behavior as a side effect of being tipsy. he downed the drink taehyung made technically in one go. looking at him do it, you decide it’s time you taste yours. you weren’t a big fan of alcohol, never understood how can people like something that tastes so horrible. you took a sip, and for your surprise, it tasted quite good.
“what’s in this?” you asked, pointing at the glass.
“it’s a secret.” taehyung and jungkook replied in sync, both of them having a mischievous grin on their faces.
you couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle at the sight. during the past few weeks you had a chance to observe the friendship between jungkook and taehyung, and the best term to describe it was partners in crime. they were always up to something, giggling and doing their own personalized handshake while doing so. it was, indeed an endearing sight, and you always caught yourself smiling whenever you watched them together. but between all the mischief and bickering, there was also love and caring. neither of them were the type to say it out loud, but it was there, in the small gestures. watching them sometimes made you feel something, deeply, in the innermost nook of your heart. that used to be soojin’s place.
the rest of the night went on quite pleasantly. thanks to jungkook’s shitty memory, in the end you could personally give taehyung his gift, - which he made you promise not to buy, but it’s not your fault that his favorite artist has an exhibition and you were lucky enough to get tickets for it. in exchange, he insisted you go with him, saying that jungkook doesn’t appreciate art and he would end up making fun of the displayed pieces, so you agreed. during the night you told the boys all about the adventures of the dinner and that your dad is back. their shocked expressions were priceless and a perfect representation of how you felt the whole night.
after a few more drinks, and jungkook passing out on the couch, you called your dad to take you home. well, to his hotel. it was really late - or early, depends on perspective - so you didn’t want to bother your mom with your late arrival nor your dad’s sudden appearance. he agreed, and after a short debate on whether leaving jungkook alone like this is a good idea or not, taehyung decided, he will walk you out anyways. you two walked down the sidewalk quietly, waiting to spot your dad’s car somewhere in the parking lot. both of you felt that something in the air, but none of you could break the silence, not even with all that liquid courage in your system. at some point you stopped, taehyung did the same, and without giving too much thought to it, you hugged him, wrapping your arms around his waist. you noticed his heart rate increasing, thanks to your impulsive act, but he was quick to bring it back to normal, pulling you closer, resting his chin on the top of your head. even with you high heels, you were still short next to him.
“thank you for coming tonight, it really meant a lot.”
“i’m sorry i couldn’t come sooner, it’s just, i had to be there for mom…”
“hey, it’s fine,” he cuts you off, lifting your chin, to look at him. “you still made it, that’s what matters.”
as you locked eyes with him, standing there in the pale moonlight, accompanied by nothing but the deep silence of the night, the whole world around you seemed to disappear, leaving just the two of you, standing there, wrapped in each other’s arms. at least that’s what it would’ve felt like if the sharp sound of your message notification wouldn’t have pulled you back to reality. you let go of taehyung, reaching into your pocket. it was your dad, informing you that he’s here. the moment you had disappeared in a blink of an eye, which made you believe that you were thinking too much of it.
“it’s my dad, i gotta go.” you looked up at him once again, though this time, with a little more distance between the two of you.
“sure. i should go check on jungkook anyway.” taehyung said, standing a little awkwardly now, with both hands in his back pockets.
“say goodbye to him for me. good night.” you smiled softly.
“will do. take care, angel.”
sitting in your dad’s car, now on your way to the hotel, you could still smell taehyung’s cologne on yourself. you weren’t complaining about it, though.
“so, who is the boy?” you dad inquired.
“that’s taehyung. it was his birthday.. well yesterday.” you replied, glancing at your watch.
“i mean, who is he to you?”
“oh.. he’s a friend.” you answered naturally, but your dad did not seem convinced. sure, you spent a lot of time together, you knew all things he likes and dislikes, or how he gets shy and fidgety when complimented. and sure, every time he smiled at you, you would get flustered, every time he looked at you, you felt like you could get lost in those chocolate brown eyes of his, and you loved how your name - whether ‘angel’ or your real one - sounded in his deep, velvety voice. and sure, you might’ve been fantasizing about how it would feel to kiss him, not even five minutes ago, but that was just a silly little thought, friends can still be like that, right?
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a/n. hello lovelies! here i present the third chapter. i think i worked the most on this one, but it's my favorite so far, even tho a lot of things happen at once lol. anyways, i hope you like it, and look forward to the next. likes, rbs, comments always appreaciated. take care ❤️‍🩹
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
What if Joe goes on a trip with reader their family and the whole time reader won't let him kiss her on the mouth or anything bc she doesn't want to do that with her family around and its driving him crazy bc she won't let him touch her or do anything else at all so he keeps trying when they have a moment alone or before bed and she just keeps refusing until one night she caves and let's him but her younger cousins (around their very early 20s) hear them and make little jokes only they would get infront of her parents
Pleassseee, I can just imagine Joe's face looking like this at reader when she denies him for the 50th time HAHA - this isn't my best writing, but I hope you enjoy :))
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Slight smut mentions so Under 18's DNI x
Thanks for requesting honey x
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You'd spent the last 6 days away at a beautiful quaint little city in Spain with Joe and your family, the word family being your parents, your auntie and uncle and your two younger cousins that were basically adults themselves. It had also been the most painful of situations due to the fact you were in a recently new relationship and Joe wanted full PDA with you all of the time and you were just not into your parents or any of them for that matter seeing such a thing.
Sure, the honeymoon period was a certainly a thing and when you were alone you were at it like rabbits, but you couldn't handle your overly horny and needy boyfriend wanting you at every stage of the day on this occasion. He'd always seem to try to kiss you, or edge his arms around your waist, the littlest thing you'd done was let him hold your hand, you weren't embarrassed you just had more respect for your family seeing you in that way, which you weren't exactly used to.
The night before you were due to catch a flight home, you and Joe left your family to go up to the shared apartment you were all in, he had stressed to you out on the balcony that he was getting annoyed by your lack of affection and needed you so bad, so you gave up in the end with his whining and decided to make out that you weren't feeling too good and insisted Joe would look after you and that they need not worry and to simply enjoy their last night. He gave everyone a thorough nod and bid everyone goodnight.
The minute you stepped into the apartment Joe threw a solid look and you had come to know exactly what that meant. "Thank fuck for that." he cursed under his breath, you barely closing the door as his lips caught yours in an instant. The kiss was particularly heated and sloppy due to the delay of letting it happen and the fact he was only receiving small pecks goodnight for the time being, every other time the kiss was this intense, it'd lead to you being bent over and fucked hard. Not that you were complaining in any way, your boyfriend was sight to behold during those times.
You'd been lifted up and carried straight into your room, kicking the door shut with his foot as he tossed you down onto the bed, your dominant man fully in play. He was aching for you. If you didn't know Joe, he appeared as a shy and very innocent person which at times was generally correct, but the dark horse in him came out every now and then and that was one of the many reasons you loved him.
You were both too busy to notice that your cousins had come back into the apartment to come to bed, leaving the other grown-ups to their conversations. They stopped in their tracks when they could hear Joe giving you the spanking of your life for denying him for almost a week, followed by muffled whimpers coming from your room when he was pounding the shit out of you and holding your head down into the pillow just incase anyone came back. Sure precautions were being met but you both weren't doing a very good job at being quiet.
You knew full well they had heard you that next day when you sat around the table eating breakfast. They kept making small whimpering noises and clapping their hands together loudly and sniggering at the both of you. You shook your head in realisation and gestured for them both to shut the hell up.
"Are you feeling better? Did you both get some good sleep last night, Y/N?"
You nodded, smiling sheepishly to your dad.
"Yeah, Joe made sure of that." One of your cousins piped up as you kicked your foot into theirs.
"What do they mean?"
Joe's eyes were firmly planted on his food trying not to look at anyone out of pure worry. Sure, you were both consenting adults and allowed to do whatever you wanted, but that wasn't the point.
"Nothing!" your dad carried on with his breakfast and the moment he looked away you shot your cousins a threatening look.
Of course, you'd get caught.
289 notes · View notes
ladyofsnark · 8 months
Garrus wasn’t jealous.
He liked Lex. He respected her–admired her, even.
And true, he also thought Lex was beautiful. He didn’t have a human fetish, but there was something about her that went so much deeper than appearances. The way she commanded attention. The way everyone turned to look at her. That kind of presence–that power–was intoxicating in its own way. He was cocky, but he knew what to be cocky about. He knew his strengths and played to them. Lex played to everything and anything with a devastating amount of self-assuredness. Or suicidality. It was hard to tell sometimes.
He glanced back out the windows that looked down into the shuttle bay. They’d created a makeshift firing range there to test their weapons and help the team blow off steam in between missions and long stints at the Citadel. It was Kelly's idea, since half of the ground team needed anger management lessons and this was as close as they would get.
There was no real danger to it. Nothing short of actual AA guns could pierce the Normandy's hull and they used soft-polymer rounds for safety in close quarters, so the most anyone was risking was a painful bruise. Of course, Lex loved it. She cared for her rifles like they were her children and she never wasted an opportunity to tinker with them.
But she was practicing with Thane.
Garrus sighed and pushed away from the window. It bothered him and it bothered him that it bothered him. Lex also practiced with him and with Grunt and Zaeed and she and Jack challenged each other to trick shots when they weren’t being supervised.
Hell, he liked the assassin. Respected him, even. It seemed like there was a sore lack of good people in the universe and few tried half as hard as Thane did to be one.
So why this? This irrational annoyance. This irritation. He couldn’t help but think back to Oraka in Chora’s Den moping over Sha’ira and it didn’t do great things for his ego.
Garrus was so distracted he didn’t even hear the elevator ping. 
“Hey, I was wondering where you’d gotten to,” Jon said as he stepped off. “I looked in the main battery and thought something must have gone horribly wrong to drag you away from your terminal. What’s up?”
Garrus straightened, looking away quickly from the shuttle bay. “Nothing,” he said. “I just came down here to talk to the engineers about the power draw from the new guns.”
Jon leaned against the opposite bulkhead and then glanced out the window, at his sister who was listening to Thane explain something to her with rapt attention. “Uh huh.”
It was more of a grunt than words, loaded with as much skepticism as the older of the Shepard twins could muster.
Before Garrus could make good his escape, Jon spoke again: “You two are a lot alike, you know.”
Garrus gave him a dubious look. “How?”
“Well for one, you’re both dumbasses,” Jon said, surprising a laugh out of the turian, who then reached up to rub the sore side of his face. The man smiled, only half apologetic. “My sister tells me everything and I can count on one hand how many times she’s said she loves me. So, if you’re waiting for her to make the first move, you’ll be waiting for a while.”
Spirits, they were so unmistakably related. Jon might have been the diplomat of the pair but that was only by default, because Lex’s idea of diplomacy involved a dictionary of curse words and probably at least one explosion.
Garrus glanced back down at the shuttle bay, at Lex. “I’m sure she wants something closer to home…”
“And closer to home is someone else with scales? And hallucinogenic saliva?” Jon snorted. “Garrus. Think of it like this. You’re up here pining for a woman who would have thrown her whole life–her whole career–away to go with you to Omega. I can tell you right now, Lex wouldn’t do that for anyone else. Maybe not even me. So the only thing in your way is you.”
He had a point. He usually did, but this was a particularly annoying example.
"You're her brother, aren't you supposed to be threatening me? Not trying to set us up?" Garrus asked, with humor.
Jon laughed. "When we were sixteen one of the Reds decided to cop a feel and Lex almost beat him to death with a datapad. I don't need to come to her rescue. Yours, maybe. But not hers."
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stardust-kenobi · 2 years
Part Seven
Read previous chapter here
Obi Wan Kenobi x Fem!Reader
Summary: With the arrival of the Empire after they tracked you from Batuu, you and Obi-Wan fight to get everyone to safety before your long lost friend wreaks havoc on the outpost.
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: canon typical violence, fluff, death (no major characters), lil bit of evil behavior from the empire
A/N: I am so sorry it took me so long to get back to this series, I missed it so much!! I hope you guys enjoy <3
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The rays of the sun above glowed warm against your skin as you joined Master Kenobi outside on the steps of the Jedi Temple. It felt good to breathe the outside air, it's only too bad that the air you smelled was some of the galaxy's most polluted. It was your first week with him, and things were going okay, but you couldn't help but feel the relentless tension pulling at you both every time you were near him. It must be just the discomfort of something new, you thought.
"Ah, there he is" Obi Wan spoke up, referencing the tall, young Jedi that walked toward you both. His black robes set him apart from the way the others presented themselves, and his hair fell to his shoulders, wavy and slightly unkempt.
“Y/N I’d like you to meet Anakin” Your new Master introduced you to his other padawan. Anakin had already taken on his own padawan, due to how advanced his skills were, and the fact that a new wave of younglings had thrown off the balance of masters and apprentices.
“Nice to meet you” You smiled warmly at him.
“You as well. I hear you’ll be training under Master Kenobi now” He stated, more to make conversation rather than actual wonder. Master Kenobi had already told him about you.
“Yes, I was reassigned from Master Ti” You clarified. You tried not to hold any embarrassment for being a ‘late bloomer’, but sometimes it was hard to hide.
“I see, well, it will be good to have someone else around to keep Obi Wan busy” Anakin laughed, his childlike humor coming out in conversation.  You giggled in response.
“Yes, because you don’t keep me busy enough with your antics” Obi Wan rolled his eyes sarcastically.
"I try" Anakin smirked.
The banter made you feel more welcome in their circle. It could be uncomfortable, being a new padawan in such a tightly knit group of Jedi, but Anakin's humor calmed your racking nerves during the first few days.
“Ah yes, and now there are two of you to question my teachings” Obi Wan laughed, his hand falling to rest on your lower back. He almost pulled it away, and you felt his uncertainty, but you embraced the feeling nonetheless. It was innocent, of course, at least that's what you'd both convince yourselves was the case.
"What system are you from?"
"Oh, um, Outer Rim. Jelucan" You cleared your throat. Jelucan was not known for tourism or visitors, especially considering how far away it was from all the major systems.
"Jelucan. I think I may have visited there before" Anakin pondered. Maybe he had, but you would've remembered seeing a Jedi if he had come anywhere near your village.
"It's very mountainous, but beautiful. Its been my home for my entire life. Until now, of course"
"We should visit it soon, I'd love to see it" Anakin suggested. You knew that was not a good idea. It was already challenging trying to detach yourself from your old life, but visiting would make that even harder. Most younglings or padawans don't struggle with this, because their training starts very young and they don't remember much from wh.
"Anakin" Master Kenobi scolded, reminding him to be mindful of his tendency to get attached.
"She's 18, Obi Wan, she spent all those years with her family and you really think she won't want to go and visit them?" Anakin scoffed, his tone growing annoyed very quickly. It was unsettling, at first, but you had to remind yourself how long these two had known each other.
"Let's go, Y/N" Obi Wan guided you, his hand still rested against the curve of your back, barely evident through the thick of your robes, but enough to give you butterflies.
You understood his concern, and he had every right to scold Anakin for his suggestion, but remembering the fact that you may never see your family again did put a sharp ache in your heart.
"I am sorry for him" Master Kenobi shook his head as he looked down to his feet while you descended the stairs together.
"Master Kenobi, its no problem" You assured him.
"I feel he is my responsibility. Especially when he is wrong. He loses sight of what's right sometimes, and I feel...I feel like I failed somewhere" He sounded so shameful and so vulnerable. You felt for him, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be telling you this".
"You cannot blame yourself, Master Kenobi. People have their own personalities and intentions regardless of who had any influence of their upbringing" You began, trying to make him feel better, "My sister came from the same loving parents that I did, but hated them, disowned us, left home at 16, and told us she'd never see us again. But there I was not too long ago, wondering if leaving my parents, the kindest people I've ever known, was the right decision".
"They are proud of you, Y/N. As am I," Obi Wan stopped with you at the foot of the stairs, making sure to make eye contact with you, so his sincerity was felt at its full capacity.
"I don't feel that I have had the chance to prove myself for you yet Master, but thank you" You smiled.
"I am proud of your resilience. It is so rare to start training this late in life, and it's not typically acknowledged how hard it is to part ways with the life you've always known when you're already an adult" He placed his gentle hand upon your shoulder. It warmed you, deep in your heart, to hear him say such kind words to you.
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There was no time to ask why or how that tracker ended up in the backpack. There was no time for anything.
The Empire found you and Obi Wan, Darth Vader’s most wanted fugitives, and you had a sinking feeling in your gut you couldn’t run from this. Not this time.
The sanded ground beneath you shook violently, accompanied by a loud wave of crashing. They were blowing their way into the base.
You turned to look at Obi Wan, and caught the sight of a frightened, traumatized man. A man who’d do anything he could to protect you, but feared his ability to do so was stretched thin.
“He’s here” He whispered painfully.
“Who?” You asked timidly.
He hesitated, as if any amount of time taken to think about this would’ve helped him fully process that he was really alive, “Anakin”.
The air was sucked from your lungs. It wasn’t that you’d forgotten such a shocking revelation, but you’d certainly tried to push it from the forefront of your mind as the reality of it settled in. In all the panic of the blaring alarms and fearing for your life, you hadn’t even considered that it was he who had tracked you down.
Obi Wan sensed it, as the force still bound them together, and without a doubt, knew he was near. Anakin didn’t send just his troops or inquisitors to come and find you, he came to get you both himself, and it sent a chill down your spine. Remembering the power and skill in the force that Anakin wielded even back when you were Jedi together, you shivered to anticipate how the dark side had only strengthened his power more.
“Obi Wan” You called to him, trying to get his attention.
Instead of saying a word to you, he rushed to you, and passionately pressed his keeps hard against yours, his body language telling you all you needed to know…he was scared, and so were you.
He held the kiss for as long as he could, never wanting to part his mouth from yours when there was even the slightest chance you never would again.
Obi Wan grabbed only his lightsaber while you grabbed the backpack. Turning the corner as you left your room, it was clear that chaos was already ensuing. The ceiling of this particular landing pad that opened to allow ships in was obliterated, shrapnel and debris scattered the ground below. The other refugees and volunteers of this outpost were already armed, awaiting the forced landing of stormtroopers.
“Stay behind me, Y/N” He instructed, his arm creating a barrier around you as you hovered closely behind him.
“We need to go” You pleaded.
“We’re not leaving these people to fend for themselves” he stated firmly, turning behind to look at you, “The Empire is here because of us. It’s our fault they’ve come to Jambiim”
“I know. You’re right” You admitted. It was selfish to want to flee, you knew it was, but you knew this wouldn’t end well for either of you.
Cal and Cere were already standing in a ready position, guarding those who were more vulnerable and more scared. With time fighting against you, Obi Wan turned around and gripped your shoulders, holding your gaze as if he may never have it again.
“If we are taken, I will find you” He assured you.
“And if we’re killed?” Your voice cracked as your eyes welled with tears.
“He won’t” Obi Wan quickly responded. He couldn’t know that. Anakin wasn’t Anakin anymore.
“Obi Wa-” You sighed at his delusion
“Hush now, we don’t have time. You are strong, and we will be fine” He assured you, before pushing you back behind him as you moved into the landing port.
“I love you” Your lip quivered as you said it.
“I love you my dear” He smiled softly before planting one last peck on your lips.
“Cal, get these people out of here” Cere yelled across the caves.
“Y/N, there’s a corridor around the back way. It leads to a civilian transport ship. We are getting the others out of here. Please, come with-” Cere begged, her trembling hands gripping yours tight.
“No, this is personal. This is our fault. We will try and hold them off” You began, "Please. Don't wait for us". Cere stared at you in disbelief and deep conflict within herself as to whether she wanted to take that as an answer. She gave up on her internal fight quickly, knowing that time was of the essence now.
Quickly she threw her arms around you, pulling you into her, “May the force be with you, my friend”, you hugged her back and nodded to her and Cal as they corralled the rest of the people who were not able to fight out the back, and onto safety. Those that stayed prepared for what was about to come.
The moments that followed were truly the ultimate test of how well your training had stuck with you all these years. Somehow, you were managing, dodging blaster fire and melee combat from the sea of stormtroopers that spilled from that previously sealed door to the landing pad they’d landed their ship on. You wished you’d had your lightsaber, but that was lost so long ago, all you had were your hands, your stealth, and the blaster given to you only moments before you were invaded.
Obi Wan stayed close, careful to defend himself, the innocent refugees, and most importantly to him, you. You were in awe of his ability to stay so focused. The lingering dread in his heart could be felt by you, and probably every force user in the outpost. They wouldn’t know why, only that it was a frightening situation. They wouldn’t know that Obi Wan feared looking in the face of the man he thinks he failed.
After some time, you were fully convinced that the army of troopers would never end. It felt like a constant loop playing in your head
Then, time slowed to a screeching halt as an ominous, black pair of boots peeked through the visibility of the ship ramp. You forgot to breathe, anticipating Anakin’s arrival, but instead, unmasked feminine features came to view. Only a split second of slight relief was felt before absolute sorrow overcame you.
But, how?
You could never forget her face. You were children together. She was a few years younger than you, but with your late start in training in the force, often you’d be in training together. She was kind, determined, and above all else, she was a leader. But no…she was dead. You saw her lay slain in the halls of the temple that horrid night. How is she alive? How did she end up here?
But, she’s here, she’s angry, and she’s just caught your gaze.
“You” She scoffed, pointing right to where you stood. 
“Reva…what…how are you alive?” You called across to her, the weakness of disbelief riddling your tone.
“I don’t know what you mean, Y/N” Reva smirked, raising her arms in sarcastic denial. She must’ve only been unconscious when you escaped the temple, that had to be the only explanation.
“Why are you doing this? Why have you joined them?” You cried. You felt betrayed, somehow taking her decision personally.
“Let’s just say…it’s for the greater good” She held her sadistic smirk.
In all your shock, disbelief, and denial, you didn’t even notice the stormtrooper that charged you from behind, knocking you to the ground. You countered him quickly, disarming him and taking his life with the very blaster he’d just held in his hand. Killing someone, even the enemy, never felt right. And it never would. What felt worse, is the possibility that some of these troopers may have been clones. That was a thought that you had to continuously push from your mind.
Reva had focused in on Obi Wan, taking advantage of your distraction, fully engaging in a lightsaber battle now. You believed in his abilities, but it did not make you any less scared to watch him go head-to-head with her.
As you pointed your blaster at her, your body was jerked involuntarily and dragged toward the opening of the ship, causing you to drop your weapon. You screamed from the startling feeling, which immediately pulled Obi Wan’s attention. Reva was unfazed, still working against Obi Wan, and it was clear that it was not her use of the force that pulled you and now held you still. You struggled to get your footing, wanting so desperately to fight the force and break the connection but you were too weak to fight it with your own abilities and how they’d weakened over time.
“Y/N!” Obi Wan yelled. With his guard down, Reva swung the blade of her saber over Obi Wan’s head.
“Obi Wan!” You screamed back, shortly before the voice was ripped from your throat by the force that held you. You'd alerted him just in time, his blade colliding with hers only milliseconds away from serious injury, if not death.
Nausea formed in your stomach from such a close call. Obi Wan was absolutely panicked, but would perish if stopped his fight with Reva. The conflict he felt within him was unbearable. Your heart skipped a beat but settled only slightly when you remembered that someone had a hold on you, and you had a terrifying suspicion that it was him.
A modulated breath, one that struck you as so familiar, came from behind you, heavy boots against the metal ship ramp accompanying the haunting sound.
You'd heard that sound in your nightmares...but how?
The motion of your limbs may have been restricted, but your sight was unhindered as you watched the life drain from Obi Wan's face when he put his eyes on Vader. Reva halted her attacks, turning now to knock Obi Wan onto his knees, and wrapped her force hold around him now as well, so he could only watch what would happen next.
Vader's voice almost shook you out of your own skin as he called to Reva from directly behind you, "I will take the girl. Leave him".
His voice was changed to something so bone-chilling, likely from the damage he’d taken in the last moments Obi Wan saw him. He’d told you in as little detail as possible how it all went down, and why he thought Anakin had died. He believed that no human, Jedi or not, could survive that.
But he did.
Nothing about Vader looked or sounded like Anakin, but it was the force that assured you both. It was him, not a doubt about it.
You feared for your life but feared for Obi Wan's even more. In all the chaos you hadn’t even noticed that the refugees and Jedi that had stayed, retreated and fled through the corridor and to the transport ship, but so many of them never made it. The bodies of the fallen lay cold and still beside from the armored men that attacked them. You swallowed your tears, trying so hard not to show your weakness right now.
Anakin…no, Vader’s phantom hold on you felt debilitating, wrapping tighter around your entire being, making it feel hard to breathe.
"Bind her" Vader commanded, and without hesitation, two stormtroopers moved to ensure your stationary position and wrap your trembling wrists in binders. The force released you. Now restrained only by the cold metal against your skin, you were pulled to your feet.
Obi Wan kneeled there, still restrained by powerful use of force from the Inquisitor, completely helpless, “I don’t understand”, He muttered, not comprehending why Vader would take you and not him, and why he was allowing Obi Wan to even live now that he’d found you both.
“He doesn’t need you Obi Wan. Not now, anyways. He only needs her” Reva smirked, gesturing to where you stood, bent over with your hands cuffed.
How vile and sadistic. Kidnap the one who’s most important to him, right before his eyes, and Vader will have him on a string for as long as he pleases. For a second, you wondered how much they knew about your relationship, and if they knew it was deeper than what it once was.
“Lord Vader, it seems your former friends have grown very…close” Reva insinuated, inevitably picking up on the bond that had fused the two of you together in the force. She felt that it was intimate, and was happy to discover that you just became so much more valuable to them.
“Is that so? Interesting” Vader’s tone was still cold, but held a hint of intrigue.
"Anakin” He faltered as he said it, feeling Anakin’s name leave his lips again startled himself, “Stop this. You know it is not her that you want" Obi Wan begged, his broken voice shattering as he knew his begging was wasted breath.
"Anakin is dead, Obi Wan" Vader responded with haste, ignoring his plea. 
It was frighteningly clear to him that there was nothing he could do to save you right now. Nothing that you leave you both unharmed.
“I’m sorry” He whispered to you, his face and voice broken with grief. He was defeated as he looked at your petrified and hopeless expression. For the first time in a long time, Obi Wan had lost. He could only watch as they dragged you away onto their ship. You felt your heart shatter into countless pieces as he finally disappeared from your view. It was at that moment that the same sinking, gut-wrenching feeling you’d felt the night you escaped the temple attacked you now.
You’d just got Obi Wan back, and now he was gone again, all in the blink of an eye, all because of Anakin.
You tried to look at him for as long as you could, but it was only fleeting as you were rushed onto their imperial ship. Panic washed over you, but you had to keep breathing. You had to stay strong.
The halls of the ship were dark and void of any feeling of life. The clanking of armor and metal filled the space as the only sounds you could hear, along with the dull roaring of the ship’s engine as it prepped to take you far away from here…away from Obi Wan. You could only listen as Reva threw him to the ground, releasing her hold, as she rushed to join you and Vader back on the ship.
There was a feeling of relief, knowing he was safe for now. You hoped he was able to join Cere and Cal on the transport ship before it launched.
The holding cell you were brought to was exactly what you expected. Cold, empty, and had one seat designed for your binders to attach to the back. As you were manhandled into the seat, you winced in pain as your cuts and bruises from fighting were finally making themselves known. You’ll adrenaline had subsided, no longer blinding you to the pain.
“Better get cozy, you’ll be here a while” one of the stormtroopers joked, finding your situation to be amusing.
Not exactly cozy, but you found comfort in your meditation. The constant lull of the ship’s sounds was slowly starting to fade. It may have been hours that passed before you heard heavy footsteps travel down the hall on the other side of your cell door.
The towering, haunting figure that was Lord Vader entered your cell. You stared him directly. You were afraid of the situation you were in, but you weren't really afraid of him. Your mind kept going back to the day you met him. You could never forget how kind he was to you.
“You’ll never find him again” You spat at him.
“We don’t have to. Obi Wan will find us” He paced the room slowly, “I suspect it won’t be long”.
“What have you become?” You scoffed, half angry, half heartbroken.
“What I’ve always been destined to become,” He said quickly, tired of your questions regarding the past, “I knew he always loved you. I could tell from the very beginning” He began, “which will certainly work in my favor”
“I’m not a fucking damsel in distress. You’re lucky I haven’t already gotten myself free” You were so fucking bluffing, but stars, you needed to convince even yourself that you didn't need to be saved.
“Without your precious lightsaber, you are nothing, Y/N” He snarled.
“We’ll see” You whispered, but had every intention of him hearing you.
You’d stopped believing in yourself the second that Vader had his hold on you and no amount of your own strength came close to fighting him. Obi Wan could train you, he could help you find your strength again, if you are ever able to be reunited. Seeing his face in your mind broke you, and you had to consider the serious possibility of never feeling his embrace again.
He wouldn’t want you to give up, so you would try to persevere…for him, but as Vader left the holding cell, all you were left with was your thoughts, and that was the most serious threat... yourself.
Tagged:@simplysolo@hotchslatte@marygoddessofmischief @notmyideia @meshlasolus@ceruleanrainblues @shylittlefoxx @infinity-witch @star-whores-a-new-hoe @howellatme,@cosmic-rainestorm, @multi-fandom-s, @homesweetrazorcrest, @sebsbee, @hypnoash, @modernmythic, @bellarkeselection, @vangoghoffiguess, @siidereeus, @morganas-pendragons, @scoobywoos, @downbythewestcoast13, @djarinvibe @alorika@theonethatlikeskpop, @lalalalemonade11, @ella-error505, @hofficoffi, @tamtam-go92, @mclemontine, @hugmekenobi, @sofiaconlaz, @dont-feel-so-good-peter, @grazieschillivera, @impala1967666 , @punkrogers-jerkbarnes@myswficlist @radspencerreid @emmamikaelson95, @punkpirate82 @friskynotebook @mandowhatnow @sherrybirkingirl @the-blueatlas @starlightelegy
I think I lost a few of you with blog name changes, I am so sorry! I was able to find some of you that had changed blog names, but not everyone. Its just been so long since I updated :( If you'd like to be added or removed, please let me know :)
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dark-elf-writes · 10 months
Hurt/comfort over Chrome thinking everyone just keeps her around because Mukuro is Tsuna’s mist guardian and they can only get him through her.
I meant for this to be Tsuna and the boys comforting her but Chrome decided she was going to be sad and Mukuro decided he wasn’t standing for that so 🤷🏻 if I ever expand this I’m definitely having the others involved.
“They care about you, dear Chrome.”
She does not look up from the ring on her hand, does not dare lift her eyes from the truth she had long since accepted.
“They care about you, Mukuro-sama. I am a means to an end.”
It is odd, feeling his anger and knowing it was not for her. Knowing, down to her bones, that he loves her as much as he is capable of loving anything. That he didn’t find her to be a bother. An interruption to his life. It went against everything she had ever known.
“I could kill them for you, dear Chrome. I would lay their heads at your feet.”
He doesn’t say who. He doesn’t have to. Even if their minds weren’t so entwined she would have known. He made this promise enough times.
(Funny how she found it comforting in its repetition where anyone else would find it a threat. Funny how this man who has killed so many was the only person to ever feel like home. Funny that someone so strong would call useless, annoying little Nagi sister.)
His voice is hard as it always is when her thoughts wander. A small, sad smile tugs at her lips. “Forgive me, Mukuro-sama.”
“Say the word and I will kill them.”
He would, she knows. Even locked away as he is he would find a way to kill her parents.
(Not her family. Never her family. Not like Mukuro and her boss and Ken and Chikusa)
“So you admit he’s family?”
“We are all Family, Mukuro-sama.”
The low chuckle makes her smile, even with the ache in her chest. She misses his laugh the most in those times where he is resting. She didn’t think she had ever made anyone laugh before him. At least made someone laugh that wasn’t mocking to cruel.
“If only you would show this side to the others. they would adore your sharp tongue as much as I do.”
Her lips turn down at the edges. She wants to argue with him. Wants to tell him he is wrong, but… It’s Mukuro-sama. She doesn’t think she can ever doubt him. Not really.
She does not answer. He does not press her. Instead his presence curls more around her mind leaving her warmer than she had ever felt before he found her drifting through dreams after the accident.
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shukufuyu · 3 months
[Event Story TL] Weeping Star On a Summer Night (Chapter 2)
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December: I’m glad you weren't April. I’d be annoyed if he was the one who came along.
Click below to read more
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December: …Cold
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August: You’re awake? Morning, December.
December: I’m glad you weren't April. I’d be annoyed if he was the one who came along.
August: Eh…
Haha, I guess, I’m glad you didn’t get annoyed——
August and December: ——!
Cat: Meow——
December: It was just a cat…
It’s good that April wasn’t the one who came along after all.
The cat’s leg looks like it’s injured, the fur doesn’t look great, Is it because of its age…?
…Ah, It slipped under the shade.
August: Perhaps, that child acknowledges that it will soon meet its death.
December: Eh?
August: Cats tend to hide their appearance from their owner when it's nearing its end of life.
Hisoka (put screenshot here): …
August: Let’s put it down over there, shall we?
December: Yeah——
December: Just now, there’s…
August: Hm? What’s wrong?
December: …A shooting star.
I almost mistook it with a plane…
August: It might be hard to distinguish it especially at this late in the night. Have you conveyed your wish yet?*
December: …I didn’t have the time to do it.
August: That makes sense. But then, if another star appears, what kind of wish do you want to make?
December: …..
I want to eat unlimited marshmallows from the sweets shops all around the world, all free of charge.
August: Well, then those shops would go bankrupt wouldn’t they?
December: I can’t think of anything else.
What would you want then?
August: Hmm, that would be…
“...I hope my family’s wishes come true”, something like that.
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location: dorm outside
Hisoka: ….Mm, a dream…?
(...No, It’s a nostalgic memory from back then.)
(I couldn’t decide on a wish in the end.)
(...that’s also the case for now though.)
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Chikage: I was wondering who was sleeping outside, I knew it was you.
Hisoka: Welcome back.
Chikage: Yeah, I’m home. This sheet of paper fell, was it yours?
Hisoka: Yeah. Everyone was decorating their papers for the bamboo over there.
Chikage: I see, it seems that Tanabata is getting closer.
Hisoka: Each person gets one sheet of paper, I haven’t come up with mine so you can take it.
Chikage: A wish, eh?
Hisoka: ….
Sakuya: Omi-san said that dinner’s already, let’s finish putting up our wishes!
Citron: I’ll stick mine on the higher place!
Itaru: They say the higher you put your wishes, the better chance of it coming true.
Wait, senpai, since did have you arrive?
Chikage: Just now. After seeing such tall bamboo, I couldn’t help but come over.
Citron: Ah! Are you two also going for the higher space!?
Hisoka: …I’m not.
Chikage: We’ll let you take the highest space, Citron.
Tsuzuru: See, Chikage-san also said it, let’s finish it up quickly. I’ll wrap up my decoration simply…
Masumi: You got one of the characters wrong.
Sakuya: “I want to improve more as a playwright”, Is so fitting for you, Tsuzuru-kun!
But I don’t think there are typos…?
Tsuzuru: “I hope we can achieve whiskery in the Manzai competition” …Wait, isn’t this Citron-san’s!? The typo is terribly written!
Citron: I wanted to add up to Tsuzuru’s wish. With me, we will take top position in the next Manzai Competition!
Itaru: By whiskery, it’s supposed to be “Victory”...
Sakuya: Those letters do look alike!
Masumi: …No it doesn’t.
Tsuzuru: The typo is just implausible…
Chikage: Wouldn’t it be better to rewrite it?
Tsuzuru: Well maybe…But my wish doesn’t seem to have a typo on it, so I think I’ll put it up as it is.
Chikage: Even so, God doesn’t always look at things upfront, and isn't always necessarily willing to fulfill both wishes in that case.
Tsuzuru: When you put it that way, it does make sense…
Chikage: Fortunately, there’s a sheet of paper left for you to use.
Tsuzuru: Isn’t this yours, Chikage-san?
Chikage: It’s fine, I’m still coming up with mine.
Itaru: Senpai, you’re not saying you’re not even intending to write anything, right?
Chikage: How could I? I need to keep up the quota as a member of society, no?
Hisoka: …
Someone worse than me when it comes to writing wishes exists.
※update: changed the title translation for consistency
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kyeop-tato · 12 days
A Knock on My Heart — 김선우
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summary : one of your bestfriend, yeri, just got dumped by her boyfriend so in order to cheer her up, you and your friends decides to go on girls trip together during your school term break, promising to forget any boys that come between you and your friends. however, certain someone (or might i say a few) came into your life and the promise yall vow to not break, might actually crumble any moment. would you go back home solo or would sunwoo managed to steal your heart?
warnings! : one word vulgar at the end :)
CHAPTER 6 : Karaoke Session
The tantalizing scent of spicy broth and grilled meat filled the air, wrapping around you like a warm embrace as the food arrived at the table in quick succession. Sitting in a cozy restaurant with three men you barely knew was definitely *not* on your 2024 bingo card. You couldn’t help but question how your friends managed to bond so quickly with them in the span of one night at a bar. And thank God your period wasn’t acting up today, or this whole scene would’ve been far worst.
As the conversation around the dinner table flowed smoothly, your friends trying to introduce you to the boys, it was as though your ears had tuned out the noise completely. For a brief moment, everything was muted, save for the occasional awkward laughter that snapped you back to reality. Natty, seated across from Sunwoo, was laying on the charm, and he was clearly taking the bait. Yet, you couldn’t shake the feeling that he kept glancing in your direction.
“What is this guy's problem?” you thought, shooting him an annoyed look before focusing on your meal, picking at your level-one mala, as you're not a fan of spicy stuff honestly. The conversation continued between why your group had traveled here and what brought the boys to the same spot, their stories punctuated by the usual “oohs” and “ahhs” from your friends. It wasn’t that you hated their company, but hanging out with strangers wasn’t your scene. You were far more comfortable with just your friends, and as the shy one, you were desperately trying to stay out of the spotlight. You just hoped the boys hadn’t noticed how hard you were trying to keep yourself out of the conversation.
Thankfully, tonight wasn’t a drinking night, so at least you didn’t have to endure any embarrassing antics from your friends—or worse, get caught up in them yourself.
After dinner, the guys suggested karaoke. Despite every fiber of your being wanting to say no, your friends were quick to agree. So, here you were, in a dimly lit karaoke room, colorful bokeh lights flickering around as everyone took turns singing. Everyone except you. No way were you going to embarrass yourself in front of your newfound "friends." Instead, you sat quietly in the corner, content to observe.
The karaoke place had a nice perks though. You could bring in outside food and drinks as long as you cleaned up afterwards. Though the venue offered its own menu, the group decided they wanted something else.
Yeri, ever the instigator, suggested a game. “Whoever loses rock-paper-scissors has to buy the snacks, and they have to pay with their own money,” she proposed, her eyes gleaming with mischief.
“Sounds fun!” Younghoon chimed in, clearly excited by the challenge. One by one, your friends fell out of the competition until it was just you and Juyeon. Naturally, luck wasn’t on your side, and you lost, earning a round of laughter from the group as they rattled off their orders. You sighed, annoyed, but went along with it.
Making your way out of the karaoke room, you were halfway down the hall when you heard footsteps behind you. “Hey, mind if I join? I need some fresh air” Sunwoo said, catching up to you. You shrugged, still unsure how to feel about him, but strangely, a wave of relief washed over you. As much as you wanted to be alone, the thought of walking the streets at night in a foreign country unsettled you. His presence was, at the very least, a comfort.
The walk to the convenience store was steeped in an almost eerie silence, broken only by the soft chirping of crickets and the occasional whoosh of passing cars. Inside the store, the atmosphere was no different—you mumbled to yourself, trying to recall everyone’s snack orders. Sunwoo hadn’t left your side, a fact that nagged at you, though you tried not to show it. But when he spoke after you paid for the snacks, his words felt like the final straw for you.
"I thought you were rude, but I guess you're arrogant too" Sunwoo sneered, putting heavy emphasis on that last word.
"Excuse me?" You froze just outside the store, staring at him, clearly offended by what he said. "You talk like you know me. We literally just met, and now you’re calling me arrogant? What's you reason, huh?" Your voice was sharper now, irritation bubbling to the surface.
Sunwoo let out a sarcastic chuckle. "You really don’t remember, do you? Miss Can’t-Even-Accept-An-Apology-and-Gave-Me-an-Irritated-Look?" His eyes flickered with annoyance.
His words hung in the air, and you stood there, stunned, as realization dawned on you. Your eyes widened. "He was that guy?" A silent scream echoed in your mind. You struggled to find the right words, but nothing came out. Sunwoo stood in front of you, clearly enjoying your speechless state.
"I can’t believe you don’t even remember me. I’m hurt" he said, dramatically placing a hand over his chest, feigning injury.
You rolled your eyes at his actions, finally finding your voice. "I had bad period cramps, okay? It’s not my fault you were in the way. And if I seemed rude, I’m sorry. That wasn’t my intention." You crossed your arms defensively. "Also, I only bumped into you for a second. How do you expect me to remember what you look like?"
Hearing your explanation, Sunwoo’s confidence faltered. His mouth fell open, and he stood there, speechless, as you turned your back to him and resumed walking. He suddenly felt bad that he had ill thoughts of you after that encounter.
This time, Sunwoo matched your pace, the earlier tension between you evaporating into the cool night air. After a sip of your sparkling apple drink, you couldn’t resist asking, "So, do you have a crush on Natty?"
Sunwoo nearly choked on his soda. "What?" he sputtered, eyes wide with shock. You laughed, amused by his overreaction. "Whoa, steady there! Guess I hit a nerve, huh?"
He coughed awkwardly, trying to regain his composure. "What makes you think that?"
"Well, I know her. She flirts when she’s interested, and she was definitely flirting with you. You didn’t seem to mind either." You raised an eyebrow knowingly.
Sunwoo scratched the back of his neck, sheepishly. "Is it that obvious?" You rolled your eyes again, earning a chuckle from him. "What’s so funny?"
"You really like rolling your eyes, don’t you? It’s cute." He grinned, clearly enjoying your reaction.
His playful compliment caught you off guard, sending a wave of butterflies fluttering through your stomach. No one had ever called you cute—at least, not to your face. Flustered, you quickened your pace, hoping to escape his gaze. But in your rush, you didn’t notice your loose shoelace. Before you knew it, you tripped, falling face-first onto the pavement.
Concerned passersby shot you worried glances, but you quickly scrambled to your feet, brushing off the dirt.
"Hey, are you okay?" Sunwoo rushed over, his voice full of genuine concern. He leaned in close, his face inches from yours.
"I’m fine. Really, it’s just a few scratches." You brushed him off, your cheeks burning from both embarrassment and his proximity. "Weren’t you about to say something?"
"Oh, right." You squared your shoulders, meeting his gaze. "If you really like Natty, make sure you’re serious about it. And if you’re just going to mess around, be upfront with her. Don’t be a jerk like... well, someone I know."
Sunwoo’s expression softened as your words sank in. "You really care about your friend, huh?"
Before he could say more, your phone buzzed with a call from Doyeon. "What’s taking you two so long?" she asked, sounding impatient. You assured her you were on your way, and as you hung up, Sunwoo trailed behind you, stealing glances when he thought you weren’t looking, silently admiring you.
When you finally arrived, Natty seemed to pick up on Sunwoo’s not-so-subtle interest in you, though she kept quiet, snacking on her favorite chips. Doyeon and Yeri, meanwhile, tried to drag you into a karaoke session, but you adamantly refused.
"Such a party pooper!" Yeri teased, throwing mock boos your way. "Girls, let her be. She’ll warm up to us eventually" Younghoon intervened, and you gave him a grateful look for getting the hint.
Sunwoo’s mind drifted back to what you had said earlier. "Why am I telling myself I like Natty, but can’t stop being drawn to her friend?" His silent musings didn’t escape Natty’s notice, though she tried not to dwell on it. Still, she couldn’t help but feel that something had shifted between you two, and she wasn’t sure how to feel about it.
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a/n : oh no kim sunwoo you gotta make up your mind bro or you gonna break someone's heart here. also, yay to double update for today! hope yall like it :)
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