#love having relationships with The Eldritch tm
vasito-de-leche · 17 days
a little prompt, if you don’t mind
what about mercenary!reader and symbiote!Pavia? it’s just Pavia’s ult/wolves kinda remind me of Venom and i think it would be fun to imagine him being something like Venom
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;R1999 PAVIA - "under your skin"
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Symbiote!Pavia x Mercenary!Reader 2.5k words body horror What you and Pavia have is nothing more than transactional—you need him to make a living, and he needs you alive to ensure a comfortable life. It's taken some time to get used to these changes, to share everything you have with him for the sake of convenience: your home, your food, your job. And most importantly, your body. Perfect symbiosis, or dysfunctional parasitism? You've yet to figure out where you two stand. One thing is clear, though; he's the best at getting under your skin.
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i just want you to know that this prompt speaks to MY SOUL bc i love venom and pavia so fucking much. you dont understand how hard i think about the concept of a symbiotic relationship between symbiote and host. so I went extremely self-indulgent with this one <3
as usual, this is written to be read as platonic or romantic, whatever floats your boat!
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A clean kill.
The only reason you watch as the body drops to the ground is out of respect for the work you do, nothing else. You've done this a dozen times, and you will do it a dozen more -- the gun in your hand has become a reliable friend rather than a tool for mindless murder, its familiar weight a fleeting comfort in the tedious routine. A shame it came from the most annoying person you know.
Screaming ensues as everyone surrounding your target runs around in panic. You remain, eyes locked on the target. When someone moves their body, attempting to cradle that lifeless corpse, you see it; a bullet right between their eyebrows, the perfect shot.
You feel a tug, but it comes from within your chest cavity. Something squirms inside you, pulling you back, and you understand this as your cue to slide back into the shadows. It begins with a single step backwards, then another, until you feel the texture under your shoes shift -- what was once solid ground is now a dark, velvety mass, floating upwards and fading away like smoke. It licks at your ankles, providing an initially cold sensation that permeates your clothes, and then it continues upwards to your calves, your knees, your thighs. The gun slowly dissolves into slime, taking the shape of what you assume to be a hand, horrible and sticky fingers intertwined with yours, pulling you downwards.
By then, you feel that burning sensation, and then you're dragged into the abyss.
"That was a lousy shot."
A voice echoes in your mind, it is not your own. It feels like a thousand ants marching alongside your cranium. Or rather, what you assume to be your cranium -- in this current state, you can't separate yourself from the embrace of the void. The voice might as well reverberate all around you.
You scoff and insist. No, it was a perfect shot.
"Perfect my ass. You were off by 2 centimeters," the biting remark makes you clench your jaw. You don't reply. The voice does the same, it remains still, only a semblance of white noise, but you understand its silence as a smug victory.
Suddenly, vertigo takes hold of you. It only happens for a split second, always unannounced, but you know better than to brace yourself. Doing so, as you've learned, would only make you nauseous, dizzy and weak -- instead, you let go and the shadows gently coax you back into the light before dissipating in the air.
You find yourself in front of your apartment door, an odd and anticlimactic way of ending a productive day. What, no snack run today?
"Not feeling it today. So you either open the door on your own, or I'll do it myself. Get a move on."
Some of these threats tend to hold more water than others, but more often than not, they're just empty words and loud, useless barking. And so you've learned to ignore them all -- however, you feel a faint prodding inside your back pocket, like a tentacle in search of something. Right, your keys. The roll of your eyes and the slowness in your movements are the only means of rebellion you have against this annoying entity in your head, it continues to breathe down your neck, impatient as ever, until the door opens and you step into your safe haven.
"Finally! Guess there's some activity in that brain dead head of yours."
You're forced to make a bee-line for the kitchen and the fridge, puppeteered by a force much more stronger, much more ancient than every insignificant emotion you've ever felt: the damn parasite inside of you is hungry.
As you both scan the leftovers -- your leech of a roommate seeing through your eyes, smelling through your nose -- the voice returns, this time in a more playful tone, less grating than before.
"Scusi, what's with the silent treatment today?" You bite the inside of your cheek and it laughs at you. "Don't tell me, wolf got your tongue? Are you mad that I saw right through your poor, shitty technique?"
A suffocating presence crawls inside you, starting from somewhere below your rib cage and making its way upwards through your esophagus and trachea, shifting until you feel the prodding of cold, slimy fingers in your mouth. They are tasteless and you can still breathe, your body not even bothering to perceive this as an obstruction or an intruding force that must be coughed and spat out. They are careless in their movements, pinching the tip of your tongue and pushing against your clenched teeth in an attempt to get you to open up.
And the worst part is that this is nothing but a mocking gesture, you've come to understand this over the years. To you, this is no different than someone poking at your sides, childishly asking for your attention. You obediently open, enough for a single digit to slip out, one you recognize as the middle finger. It presses down on your lower lip.
And then you bite down, hard.
It dissipates instantly, it is absorbed back into your body through every inch of skin it makes contact with. There is a new sound in the back of your mind, one you weren't quite expecting. Your parasite laughs, amused, no trace of that usual condescending tone.
"Good, you still know how to use that petty mouth of yours. I don't have to worry about teaching you how to chew down your food."
This makes you stand up straight, turning your head and glaring at an empty space, where you assume this presence would manifest if it chose to stop taking residence in your body, "I'm not eating while you're still in there. If you want dinner, then get out."
There is a beat, a momentary silence. You don't give the parasite any time to bargain, "I'm serious. Use your own damn mouth if you're so hungry. I already have to do everything on my own, I'm not going to start spoon feeding you, too!"
The reply comes out faster than you expected.
For a moment, your vision doubles and your body feels like it's being painlessly torn apart. For a moment, you have two sets of eyes, two sets of arms, two sets of legs and two minds. You are both yourself and him, simultaneously. It is like someone is cutting your soul in half, shoving each part into two different bodies.
It is over in the blink of an eye, and there is a presence looming behind you, made from the same material that took you here, the same material that often travels in your veins and every other crevice, nook and cranny available between your organs and bones. The lights of your apartment flicker, and you take notice of his shadow cast over you.
His predatory gaze burns holes in the back of your head, and in the stillness of it all, you hear his steps, the sound his leather pants and the shifting of his shirt fabric as he steps closer -- until you feel his chest against your back. An arm slides into view, closing the door to the fridge and resting there, preventing you from escaping. It is decorated with all the useless, silver jewelry he's taken from your targets, a hand covered with tattoos you've often traced with your very own fingers in the past.
Oddly enough, you do not feel like prey. Not anymore. Your instinct tells you that you should, but truth be told, you could not care less. Especially when you feel his chin dig into the top of your head, his weight pressing lazily on you.
"…But in exchange, I'm cooking tonight. You got 10 seconds to get outta here." He shifts, and his cheek nuzzles into you as he yawns, like he's ready to move on from this conversation.
"Huh?" You slide from under him, finally looking at the parasite concealing as a man -- one you recognize as the bane of your existence, Pavia. "Uh, like hell I'm trusting you with the food! I've seen the stuff you put on your pizza."
"Like you're one to talk! You add too much salt to everything you make. If you wanted to ruin your liver, you should've just let me eat it from day one. 5 seconds left before I throw you out. C'mon."
"Do you even know how to cook? Any actual recipes that don't require winging everything?"
"Does pasta with a side of 'mind your fucking business or I'll make us eat rat poison' sound good to you?"
"I swear if you put anything funny in the food--…"
"Time's up. Out!" Pavia picks you up, manhandles you even, and tosses you out into the living room. As soon as you land on the couch, the door to the kitchen closes and you're left all alone.
It's easy to forget that you have no fucking clue as to who or what Pavia even is.
No last name, no records, no personal information at all. You've touched him before—he looks and feels just like any other person. If you didn't know any better, you could've sworn he bleeds the same way you do. But there are times when that outer layer of normalcy is peeled back just enough to remind you what you're dealing with. Sometimes, the outline of his form darkens, as if the light around him couldn't affect him in any way, and his eyes go dark, so very dark.
You've seen him in this form, unhinging his jaw to uncomfortable degrees and revealing endless sets of saw-like fangs and teeth. His nails have grown longer, thicker and sharper than expected in many occasions. You would find those on the ground, like a wild dog who has never known, let alone needed, a trimmer.
And most importantly, you've allowed him entry to every pore of your body, every piece of cartilage, every muscle, every vein.
That's when you get a small glimpse into the eldritch monstrosity living under your roof—sometimes, he's a thick fog. Sometimes, he's an oozing pile of slime. Sometimes, he's the big, bad wolf. Sometimes, you can't even understand what you're looking at when he manifests in front of you. Regardless, you're certain of something.
Pavia is darkness, eternal and haunting as the night.
He is also a huge, ungrateful, bastard.
"Hey! Where'd you leave the gelato!? This freezer's a damn mess!" His voice is heard, muffled. It doesn't carry the same cadence and weight as it does when you hear it from within your mind. He sounds more annoying, in fact.
It's a strange experience, to have him coexist right beside you as if he weren't some sort of parasite, one hair away from eating your organs. But at least like this, he cannot read your mind nor attempt to puppet your body like a moron in broad daylight. You don't answer, fully aware that he's only trying to piss you off and lure you into another argument -- as if he'd ever lose sight of his precious dessert, anyway. Instead, you busy yourself with the usual routine; finishing what is left of your work, contact your employers and whatnot.
Soon enough, the kitchen door opens and Pavia slides into the room with a single plate of warm food. You look at him, eyes wide in indignation. Oh, he wouldn't …
"Huh? What, I thought you didn't trust me to cook, so I just made something for myself. There's some leftovers from your poor excuse of a lasagna, though." The smarmy expression plastered all over his face as he licks the sauce off his spoon is unbearable, and you rush to the kitchen either to find the biggest knife to drive into his chest or to resign yourself and eat those leftovers.
And then you see it, another plate resting by the counter. Full of delicious looking pasta.
Son of a bitch.
"Bring me some of that orange juice you bought yesterday while you're in there, yeah?" Pavia never gives you time to settle down, demanding your attention and your frustration time and time again, unable to form a single coherent thought nor opinion about him.
He's annoying, that's all you've been able to figure out so far.
He's annoying, and he's made a mess out of your kitchen to cook this meal for both of you. He's annoying, and stingy when it comes to sharing his favorite snacks and desserts, but he never attempts to steal your own. He's annoying, and he offers you a power beyond your wildest dreams, to get rid of inhibition and embrace the abilities of an eldritch beast. He's annoying, and he hogs all the fucking blankets at night, planting his cold feet against your legs or back to add insult to injury.
He's annoying, and he's calling out to you once more, telling you to hurry or else you'll miss "that one stupid show" you like, that he'll switch channels if you don't sit down with him to eat. You sigh. The nerve, the hypocrisy. You know the things he likes to watch -- he has no right to criticize your taste like this.
"I'm coming, calm down! Christ …"
You notice that he never lingers nor invades any of your usual places, always picking the same spots for himself, and this is ironic in every way possible given his fickle nature. There's no doubt that as soon as you two retire for the night, Pavia will make a show out of sliding back into your body, to rest with the warmth of your blood and the soothing rhythm of your heart. And you will tell him to fuck off and sleep on the couch, reminding him of that one time he got a little too comfortable, clutching your heart in his claws, causing you to believe you were having a heart attack. Then, morning will arrive, and you will find Pavia either sprawled out or gone, but never truly leaving you alone. You will feel him, that inky slime, both cold and warm in your veins. You will go to work, and you will return home to start all over again. This is the routine, one you stopped questioning a long time ago.
This parasite who gets under your skin, both figuratively and literally, is annoying. He's annoying when he teases you, forcing you to admit that he can cook a mean pasta. He's annoying when he laughs, loud and boisterous, at those stupid moments he often criticizes in all of your favorite shows. He's annoying when he gets clingy, using you as a pillow because he can't be bothered to reach out for one of the many other pillows scattered around.
He's so very annoying when he looks at you with a curious gleam in his eyes, obviously noticing the way you've chosen to rest your head in the crook of his neck. Time stands still as you simply look at each other, as you lose yourself in those bright, sharp eyes.
You stick out your tongue at him, and Pavia blows a raspberry at you. Sure, he might be plenty annoying on his own, but together you're both insufferable and unstoppable.
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raviollies · 3 months
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We finished up the tentacle forest adventure session - and it was a Lot.
So we decided to implement a friendly fire mechanic on critical failures. So when you're casting a spell or swinging a weapon, if there is someone in the trajectory, you roll a d100, and depending on the roll they get hit. Poor Arameia suffered both hits - Blythe's Eldritch Blast and Eirwen's Guiding Bolt
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Anyway we finally got to the fucking boss, a druid that corrupted The Matriach Tree (tm) for power.
I unfortunately discovered how weak Blythe's kit is when she can't cast Necrotic damage
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After beating his ass and approximately 20 Vine terrors, we finally finished the quest.
By the end, we were spell slot-less, tired, and absolutely with a burning hatred for plant life. Blythe decided to re-enact the scene of Sylvanas from Warbringers and set the whole damn tree on fire
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We went back to collect our reward from the Town guild, and one of the rewarded items was a magical cauldron...that requires you to salt a body to bring them back ... ?
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Also there was conversation on relationships, with Arameia asking how long Blythe and Raha have been together (about a decade) and there was this
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Love can bloom...on the battlefield...if that love wasn't a clueless lesbian meme.............
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that-gay-jedi · 1 year
Fics I'd want to write but already have too many WIPs to even contemplate adding more to the fucking folder (posting concepts in the hopes they stop haunting me from underneath the floorboards), mostly crossovers:
Fix-it that's just Jedi reading children's books to smol Anakin. It starts when some kind and wise soul lends Obi-Wan The Snow Cat to help him and Anakin talk about grief in the wake of Qui-Gon's death. They help him explore his relationship to prophecy/destiny via The Paper Bag Princess. Room on the Broom to challenge win-lose thinking. Etc. As an adult, he asks Obi-Wan to reread The Velveteen Rabbit with him if he ever gets self-conscious after losing his arm and then we all cry.
Anakin gets therapy but it's inspired by Poe's The Premature Burial, like, they carefully and repeatedly and with plenty of emotional support etc expose him to a simulated reality in which he experiences losing everyone he loves but structured in such a way as to reduce the fear of it rather than make it more frightening, and Anakin thinks his prophecy nightmares of Obi-Wan dying are just (a very ineffective and unpleasant) part of the therapy until he complains and somebody on his care team goes "Wait, what?" which leads to Sidious getting discovered.
The Happy Man's Shirt but make it Vaderwan. Emperor Vader just wants to keep Luke from dying of melancholy, but now he's reluctantly learned a life lesson from a shirtless Obi-Wan and it's making him rethink this whole Sith Empire thing. I'm insane and there's something wrong with me.
Crossover with Were The World Mine (movie). Same age AU with Anakin as Timothy and Obi-Wan in a similar ish role to Jonathan (yes I know Obi-Wan isn't a jock but hear me out), Ahsoka as Frankie and Rex as Max, utter fucking chaos, what Timothy does with the flower is already such an Anakin move tbh
Shakespeare's Tempest but make it Vaderwan, with Vader turning away from the dark side being like Prospero breaking his staff. All about Letting Go(tm). Darth Vader redemption but with so much Force philosophy you'll want to stuff a sock in my mouth.
Crossover w/ The Last Unicorn. Sidious or Dooku as King Haggard, Anakin and Obi-Wan as Molly Grue and Schmendrick or alternatively as Amalthea & Prince Lir, Maul as the Red Bull, honestly *slaps roof* this baby can fit so many reinterpretations/explorations of all our favourite themes in it
Crossover with Celia S. Friedman's Coldfire Trilogy (When True Night Falls, Black Sun Rising, and Crown of Shadows). Listen, are you someone who ever thought it's hypocritical of Christians not to pray for/forgive/empathize with the Devil? Would you go nuts if a fantasy-brand priest homoerotically did exactly that? Okay now what if Anakin was the fantasy-brand Devil (eldritch af) and Obi-Wan risked his own beliefs/moral purity/etc for him, and they were magically connected and intextricably linked, all while the rough equivalent of the Force on their planet was trying to kill them and/or trying to communicate with them (it's complicated)?
Sailor Moon but make it obikin, because we all want to see the horror of Artoo doing Luna's job lmfao.
Crossover with Steph Swainston's Fourlands series (The Year of Our War, No Present Like Time, The Modern World etc). This one would have everything. Obikin with anidala parallels, Anakin making morally objectionable choices, horrifying combat scenes, Star Wars galactic politics meets the weirdest worldbuilding you've ever seen, blasphemy and sacrilege, needless theatrics in the midst of apocalyptic threats, wingfic tropes, idek how else to describe it but we are so missing out.
I'm sure more of these are gonna come smack me upside the head at some point but luckily for all of us I'm only haunted by things I read/watched 5+ years ago and eventually we'll run out of those.
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lapetitechatonne · 2 years
Masterlist of Fandom Playlists
as a neurodivergent person, i literally can’t write if the vibes of what i’m listening to isn’t on point, so i thought i’d share a few of my fandom playlists down below! some of them are specific to fics, others are certain relationships, some are purely vibes. i’ve included links to all of them, just click on the title. welcome to the chaos that is my mind
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there was an idea
this one is just vibes tm. songs that i listen to when i’m picturing fights or action. i named it after the avengers because i liked the way it sounded, and i generally like the mcu’s music choices.
it's angst hours baby
these songs just put me in the mood to ruin someone's life.
ethereally eldritch
this one’s still under pretty heavy construction, but when it’s finished i want it to be a Danny Phantom inspired playlist that’s a bit spooky. i’m going for grungy, spooky, punk vibes.
i've learned to love falling
this one is a Dick Grayson character playlist. i just wanted to add some songs that remind me of him/his vibes. think abba, Britney Spears, and a little bit of punk pop.
i'm the most cutest girl in the world
a Paulina Sanchez playlist!!! i love her so much and i realized i didn't have many 'bad bitch' playlists, so it felt fitting. this is a lot of female artists, mostly pop and rap. however, i have thought about adding some 'bubblegrunge.' thoughts?
i’ve been bamboozled (into loving you)
an Anger Management (Jazz Fenton/Jason Todd) playlist <3 basically a lot of the songs that remind me of their relationship or that i think fit their vibes.
👑Space Princess💫
a Space Princess (Dani Phantom/Mar’i Grayson) playlist, because i am so soft for them. it’s a soft sapphic playlist that’s just as lovely as my favorite girls
🏹Trick Shot💘
i will admit, this one started off as Dani Phantom/Lian Harper, but at some point became more of a sapphic modern disco playlist. it still have light, fun vibes that i associate with them though.
👑 Crowns & Clowns 💗
now we’re getting into the fic specific playlists. this playlist is a BIG spoiler for my fic “The Princess and the Outlaws” so listen at your own risk. basically all the chapter titles for that fic are different Taylor Swift songs and they’re on that playlist. past those songs, we get into more vibes territory. this playlist in particular has a few different sections since it deals with the polycule Jazz Fenton/Jason Todd/Roy Harper/Koriand’r. the first section being chapter titles obviously, the next being songs about their relationship, then songs they would sing to/about their partners, then a girl power section because Kori and Jazz kick ass, and lastly non-romantic songs that give off their group vibes.
Blush Bobbin
this playlist is specifically for my fic "hitting pitch black streets with pink clad heart beats." it's mostly Panic at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, and Matt Maeson right now, but i want to add some more to it eventually. fun fact, i named the playlist that because a group of robins can be called a Blush or a Bobbin, among other things.
Bellflower Manor
this playlist goes along with a fic i'm cowriting called "Brides, Birds, and Batshit Family Matters." if you know, you know.
forgotten kids
this is a grungier Dani/Lian playlist for a fic i'm planning "Urban Legends are Warnings from the Dead." it's meant to be a bit spooky, a bit grungy, a bit hopeful---because what is Gotham if not full of hope?
Gotham Academy
this playlist is also specific to my fic “Wisteria” which is a dp/dc dark academia au. it’s a mixture between dark academia, dark forest, investigation, spooky, magical, grungy, gay vibes. it’s doing a lot right now, and i might go back and edit it sometime some.
❤️‍🔥let me show you power💋♟
this. playlist. okay, so it’s specific to the dp/dc leverage au i’m working on but bare with me. it’s punk, punk pop, angry feminine, anti-hero vibes. it’s about manipulation and being alluring, and falling in love somewhere along the way. i rather like this one as you can tell lol.
alt universe 
so, this playlist was actually made for a fic i started a long time ago “See the Light.” i’m not currently working on it, but i really like the concept so i’ll probably revisit it one day. it’s alternative, dark vibes, very much so focusing on the dark parts of the fic. it’s probably one of my favorite playlists i’ve every made, the songs just hit in or out of context.
this playlist was made specifically for my very indulgent Batfam/Charmed (1998) au. it’s based on the main pairing of the fic, Dick Grayson/Melinda Halliwell. it’s a lot of love songs, pinning and accidently falling in love vibes, as well as a generous amount of ABBA. 
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industria-adastra · 8 months
Romantic Horror Modern/No Vampires AU?
So the thing was that I wanted to challenge myself and incorporate the whole Kaname Kuran (Real) and Kaname Kuran (Ancestor) thing that was in VK alongside Kaname (Ancestor) telling Yuuki that he was basically the cause of her real brother's death in a modern/no vampires AU whilst also making it Yume. The idea isn't fully fleshed out yet but I have a few keypoints.
Kaname and Yuuki are not going to be related in this AU but I feel like I could make a similar/even more horror-like/dark romance thing if they were siblings - However I'd have to add the parental horror from Juuri and Haruka... Honestly both sound like pretty interesting paths I could take with this AU
The main thing is that this is based off the manga/manga oneshot "The Summer Hikaru Died". As the title says, "Hikaru" dies out in the woods/mountains and is thusly replaced by an eldritch being who basically uses his body like a skinsuit. One of the only people who knows this is Hikaru's best friend, Yoshiki...who was tragically also in love with him. It's not clear whether Hikaru liked him back, but this "Hikaru" definitely wants to keep Yoshiki around.
So I'll keep Kaname and Yuuki's close (enough) relationship in canon, by basically making them neighbours and childhood friends. (They're both named Kuran in this idea, but they're unrelated. Rido is Kaname's emotionally distant dad in this. Kinda like when two people both have Smith as a last name but are unrelated, or at least so distantly it wouldn't even matter.) Kaien still raises Zero (and Ichiru as well possibly? I'm not sure whether to make it so Shizuka becomes his adoptive mother or just make her the older woman he has a crush on but won't pursue).
Now, where does the real and ancestor Kaname thing come in? By ancestor Kaname being an eldritch being who now pilots the previous Kaname's body. Yuuki is obviously not happy about this but also wants to do her best to view "Kaname" as his own person and not as a replacement for the Kaname she knew - this being because he acts perfectly like the one she knew. She knows this "Kaname" is not responsible for Kaname's death (which in this AU is still by Rido's hand), but her best friend is still dead. And he's making it very hard not to do so, even as she tries to introduce him to new, different things in order to at least differentiate him from the Kaname she knew. She cares for him, but she's mourning too. Basically it's complicated(TM).
Ancestor Kaname is obssessed with her via a combination of the previous Kaname's feelings (which were never spoken out loud), and his previous lack of experience dealing with human emotion or even normal human experiences. And Kaname latching onto Yuuki leads to messed up things happening because I did say this would be a horror romance AU.
Would there be a happy ending for this AU.... Maybe a true happy one is possible, but a merry bad ending is also equally, if not more possible.
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kingxxlink · 1 year
With every "!!" I get, I'll introduce you to an OC!
Today's blorbo thoughts are all about my Final Fantasy 13 OC, Riona Cassel!
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(riona cassel, 14 years old; during ffxiii; art by @eldritch-goth)
So Riona's super tragic, as is to be expected of a Link OC (TM). At only 14 years old, she's a minor alcoholic and a major swordswoman, though I wouldn't say major in terms of how well-known she is. She's just unusually good for her age (due to immense amounts of practice to cope with a family loss).
She loves bonfires, candles, and playing rough with/teasing friends, but is also terrified of thunderstorms, crowds, and graveyards. She used to have a pretty good relationship with her parents until above stated family loss occurred, at which point there was a familial rift.
She's paired with Hope Estheim, but does not travel with him during most of the events of FFXIII. Instead, she goes on her own journey as a Sanctum L'Cie, tasked with ending the Pulse L'Cie 'tormenting' Cocoon.
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(art by bakawomans @ DA)
More info below the cut!
This is the history I wrote for her on her Toyhou.se profile:
Riona was born to Ayla and Renast Cassel in early spring, five years before her brother Eythil. She was a quiet child, often considered shy as she stuck to her mother's skirts and avoided contact with anyone outside of her family. Even her father struggled to get close to her. When her brother was born, she took to him more than she had anyone else. She was quick to learn how to hold him and was instrumental in raising him, despite how young she was. Her mother was so proud of them both, especially as they grew and grew closer, often finding ways to work at home just to be with them.
Their lives were remarkably mundane for years. The most excitement came from Ayla's job as a military engineer, but even that seemed far removed from the family's suburbanite days. Things were good.
And then the accident happened.
Riona was only twelve, left alone at home with her seven year old brother. Their father was, as usual, at the office, their mother called away for work on a confidential project. It wasn't the first time the two had been left alone, but there had never been an issue before, so no one expected one now.
Eythil was a curious boy, though, and prone to finding trouble. More often than not, Riona had been able to deter him, but she was distracted. She no longer remembers what it was that held her attention, she only remembers turning back to see her younger brother reaching for a pan of boiling oil. She remembers the moment it started to tip.
They'd called her little rabbit as a child, quick and jumpy. She proved it that night, leaping at her brother with such speed that she was able to knock him away before the boiling oil ruined his face. Little splotches hit his neck, his shoulders, but most of the oil fell on Riona's arm, burning it horribly. She was too busy screaming to realize where her brother had fallen, and it took her a few minutes to realize he wasn't moving or responding to her distress.
Eythil had hit his head on the way down, pushed so hard that his skull fractured when it hit the ground. When Riona finally came to her senses, arm burning and tears flowing freely, she scrambled for a phone, calling emergency services and then her parents, as she'd always been told to. It wasn't enough. Eythil died in the hospital shortly after arrival.
Things between Riona and her parents were never the same. Her father was home less than before, which hadn't been much, and her mother became a shell of a person. Any interaction Riona had with the two was hollow, lifeless, and often sprinkled with "it should have been you." Eythil had been the light of their life. It was all too easy to blame his loss on their remaining child, the one who should've kept him safe.
Everything started to fall apart. Riona was left home alone more and more, and soon she found her way into her mother's liquor cabinet. She'd seen enough media to know that alcohol made things feel "better", even if it was unpleasant to drink. She was desperate enough to try it, and...and the cabinet had been left unlocked. It was if the universe was daring her, seeing how far she could fall.
Between the binge drinking, she threw herself into swordplay, her first and only love. There was something about the gleam of a blade, its easy movement as it sliced through the air. Nothing else could replicate the powerful feeling it gave her, and god, did she need to feel power in a life as powerless as hers. She was good at it, too, and only getting better. She had to be good at something, she told herself. She had nothing else to live for.
It's been two years since her brother died. She'll be getting on a train to Bodhum tonight, to see the annual fireworks festival for herself. She's not sure if she'll come home again. But maybe she'll find a reason to live.
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(Riona full outfit ref during the events of ffxiii; art & outfit design by LockeOculus @ Twitter)
Long story short, after her younger brother dies in a tragic accident, her parents blame her for it. At twelve years old, she remembers that her mother always 'feels better' when she drinks, so she delves into her mom's liquor cabinet to 'feel better'. She practices her swordplay. She avoids going home.
None of it works.
At the Bodhum fireworks festival, Riona meets Hope Estheim and his mother, Nora. Both take to her immediately for different reasons, and Rio remembers what it feels like to be cared about by a maternal figure and what it feels like to have friends.
When the Pulse fal'Cie is discovered and the Purge begins, Rio narrowly escaped it unwittingly by leaving during the fireworks. She sees the news of the Purge on television but doesn't believe what the government of Cocoon says it is, unlike her parents, unlike everyone in town. She tries to go to what remains of Bodhum, but never makes it, instead making it to the outside of The Sunleth Waterscape, chosen by the fal'Cie in control of weather conditions, and inadvertently pushed into a group of Sanctum military folk with little instruction but plenty of imagery of unnamed folks dying beneath her hands.
She learns later that these unnamed folk are Hope Estheim's new friends, and that he is one of her targets as well. By the time the Pulse l'Cie group reaches Palumpolum, Riona has chosen to work against her Focus, despite the fate that her choice entails. She joins Hope and his group and fights against the Sanctum government and Sanctum fal'Cie to the end of that story (not given here for spoiler reasons, though you can go look it up yourself if you're curious!).
When the events of the game are over, Hope is returned to his father's care, but Riona is mysteriously missing. He wonders about her, but it isn't until Lightning goes missing (events of FFXIII-2) that he starts to search for the two women and try to bring them back from wherever they have ended up.
In truth, Riona hadn't disappeared like Lightning. She'd simply run away, in fear of having to admit to Hope or any of their friends what guilt she lived under (her brother's death and her initial Focus, now wiped clean by the events of game one), and chose to wander the world of Pulse alone. Throughout her teenage years, she occasionally gained new allies and worked with them for short periods of time, but the only person she consistently spoke to was Snow Villiers, living in New Bodhum on Pulse's surface. He kept her existence secret from Hope at Riona's insistence but constantly needled her to go to her friend.
Finally, one day, she did.
I've yet to finish writing this story to completion due to not finishing FFXIII-2 or Lightning Returns, but I do know that she and Hope end up marrying and having two children: Eythil Jr. and Nora, named after their deceased loved ones. Rio never makes up with her parents, who still choose to blame her for what happened to her brother, but she also develops a strong familial bond with Hope's father and Hope's friends.
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(Riona during the events of ffxiii-2; art by @eldritch-goth)
ty for the ask sadie!!!
and to anyone who made it this far: ty for reading!! I hope you enjoyed! <3
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pocketsizedquasar · 3 years
it’s been a bit now so. misc 200/end of mag in general thoughts? under a cut because this is a bit long, and i will preface this to say that i mostly enjoyed the episode but this is going to be mostly my criticisms, bc i feel like the good parts have already been well covered by people other than me. so yeah just a warning this is mostly crit
- it’s Still very hard for me to parse how i feel about this episode, but i think after sitting on it for a bit, i’ve come to the general conclusion that i am very satisfied plot-wise (in terms of tragedy/the structure of tragedies, the open-endedness of our ending, the general Writing TM), but not so much satisfied character-wise (in terms of arc and relationship resolution). I think we deserved more resolution on wtgfs -- i wanted more with them! more with melanie and jon; more with the melanie and georgie and basira’s side of the plan. more than that really small tidbit that we got at the end! and... honestly? a little bit more emphasis on the weight of Jon actually dooming other worlds in the end, and what that means for Jon and for wtgfs/basira. Especially with the context of the consequences re: the Web...won. no caveats or complications, the Web got. Exactly what it wanted.
- on that note,  From a uh. Critique against capitalism standpoint I’m not sure how I feel about the ending? And I don’t really want to. Read too much into what isn’t there? But I mean mag has long been a pretty explicit anticapitalist narrative so...? Yeah, I’m not a big fan of the implications of WTGFs and basira basically just being treated as narratively right in terms of letting the eldritch evil stand-in for capitalism have whatever it wanted and feeding it and doing exactly what it asked them to do. and having Little consequence as a result of that. Obviously they’ll still face loads of hardship, but that comes from the apocalypse, not from, like,.,, doing the direct bidding of the Capitalist Monster/System/etc to be clear, i’m not like...mad they made the “wrong” decision; there was no wrong or right decision here. but I am a little upset that for all they spent 199 discussing the various consequences of each choice, we got to see very little of that actual consequence playing out...none of the survivors seem to really be carrying the guilt or even the full understanding of what they did, because they never saw the suffering they could create as anything more than a hypothetical. i feel like we could have spent just a bit more time with them dealing with that. a bit more time even with jon dealing with that, a bit more time spent on jon changing his mind. other people have said as much better than me but. yeah
- i feel like there was a lot of character stuff brought up in s5 and especially act iii that i would’ve loved to have seen more resolution of. why have that whole thing about Georgie telling jon to give melanie his last words himself, if Jon was going to come back but then never bring that up again (full disclosure this is smthn that @pronouncingitwang​ brought up!)? Why have Jon say he was “going to go  apologize to [his] boyfriend”/Jon tell Martin multiple times that they were going to talk about their fight “later” and then not have that happen on screen? Why did we have two whole episodes of cultist interactions if they were just going to be removed off screen? Why have martin’s “I’ll get jon to destroy me like the others” decision if that doesn’t really come up? what about salesa!! why tell us melanie hating jon is a projection of her self hatred and then not bring that up again? why give annabelle all those juicy interactions with martin and then turn her into a monster when jon shows up, why give her so much character and backstory and then so thoroughly remove her agency? why have all these really cool parallels between jon and annabelle if annabelle is just going to be this monstrous and agency-less plot device with no follow-up? what happened to her!
- on that note...annabelle. They... really took this character who is a Black woman and who had so many parallels to Jon and who they could’ve like. very easily Actually made into a protagonist of color (because we only got one!! and she’s a cop!!!!) (or if not protagonist, at least smthn more sympathetic), (which wouldn’t have negated previous racial problems w tma, but would’ve shown growth from them) and made her a scary monster who just Serves her capitalist entity overlord without personal agency and then bows out when she’s no longer needed...you can have whatever diagetic/watsonian explanations you want for how 197 went, like sure she was just ~being dramatic~ and putting on a show for jon, but all that is still something the writers Decided to do in the real world, and the racial implications of her character arc are just. not great. and her character had So much more narrative potential. idk i will forever be salty about annabelle
- i Still Don’t Like the web being sentient!! i said this after 197 and i’m sayin it again! i think it makes it less frightening and less interesting! with the End being aware of its own, well, end, I actually thought that worked, and i really liked the corpse routes ep, but for some reason I didn’t with the Web? which seems hypocritical of me, I know, but, look: The embodiment of the fear of dying being aware of and welcoming its own dying emphasizes the inevitability and the truth of that fear. Which is why it works for the End. It’s still not recognizably /human/, because it is inexorable and certain, in a way nothing human can be. So its awareness of its own end DOESNT feel like flattening the worldbuilding. And using my own logic, I guess sure you could say the embodiment of the fear of manipulation and schemes being capable of scheming does the same thing but it. It rly doesn’t feel the same to me? Bc that’s rly a fear borne of human sentience & behavior. and so to give it that sentience makes it feel more human, and less interesting within the context of the horror. this is definitely just a personal taste thing as far as how i like horror and eldritch deities and such but yeah.
- i liked the statement a lot like, as a little self contained story? it was really nice to have jon give us one last story before the end. I thought that was sweet and i liked how the statement was written! on the same note though, i could’ve also gone without knowing like. the entire cosmology of how the fears came into being. again, just a personal thing, i don’t like my horror to be known, even at the end of it all when it doesn’t matter what we’re still scared of anymore. I just. I want my fears to be frightening and beyond comprehension and unknowable. it just leads me to have more questions than i really need at the Final episode? i would love to keep the jon giving us one final statement thing, and you know what? i would've loved: statement of the archivist, regarding jonathan sims. no idea what you’d do with that but it sounds cool in my head.
- very minor and very specific-to-me thing but i Don’t Like that basira got to be the Last Words...sorry y’all I just don’t like basira i can’t get behind trying to make me feel sympathetic for a cop who stood by and let people get murdered by the state for years and only felt bad about it bc fearpocalypse i just can’t. i don’t like her never have never will and also melanie and georgie are right there why didn’t they get to have the last words it would have been so much better ... why not have the person who loved jon and Knew very deeply his tendency to self-sacrifice say something or why not the person who is in-canon very similar to Jon and self-admittedly projecting her self hatred onto him say some sort of her own attempt at peace why not either of these two ahhhh
- i uhhhh. really liked jon killing jonah. jon for once getting to be angry for himself. that felt really nice. no ceaseless watcher nonsense either, just him and a knife and beating the shit out of this guy who even now continues to underestimate and belittle him. and i liked jon doing what he did in general -- i actually changed my mind on this; i really didn’t like it at first but i do now. i’m sad that it came at the expense of his promise to martin, but it makes sense and...i don’t want to say jon was right, because i again don’t think any of the decisions were right per se, but in terms of like... not doing what the “elder fear deity who wants to feed on fear and pain for literal eternity” wanted... yeah. i get it. he would never have been able to go along with that willingly. and he really shouldn’t have been, considering all that he went through being a puppet for said elder fear deity. and from a tragedy standpoint too, i actually think it’s a really really well written end for him. considering how my favorite tragedies are structured and how the way out has to be presented to us, but the tragic hero Ultimately will always fall back on their faults, yeah, this makes a lot of sense. hamlet is granted a way out and he doesn’t take it; he always always hesitates. captain ahab is granted the chance to turn and leave his chase and love instead, and he doesn’t take it. orpheus turns around. etc etc. I think it was also really lovely that jon got a twist on that, that in the end he did change, for just a moment, and chose love instead. even in the face of all the horror that that might mean. i really like that he and martin are together, wherever or however they are. that martin is allowed to feel (rightly) furious and betrayed and still so, so unconditionally in love. 
idk i have more thoughts probably but again they’re very hard to parse and mostly just getting into the super specific realm which i don’t think is particularly helpful
i have a lot of feelings for jon and martin and their ending i think it was the best possible ending we could’ve gotten for those two and i Am really. I just have a lot of feelings.
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citrus-cactus · 2 years
FrontierFest, Day 6
Favorite Villain
Y’know how I said Frontier was a lot like Sailor Moon? Well, it’s more than the sentai team dynamics and transformation sequences. It’s about the villains, too! Particularly for the “original” four of Cheribumon’s generals, with all of their internal bickering, evil-henchman politics, one-upmanship, and backstabbing. It’s very much in the same vein as the Shitennou/Four Heavenly Kings or the Ayakashi/Spectre sisters from Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon R, which was my first exposure to that sort of villain dynamic, and I loooove it. These people (or digimon, or what-have-you) have interests and goals and motivations and relationships outside of just doing whatever the big bad boss-guy says or being evil for evil’s sake. It makes their antagonism so much more dynamic and human and interesting to watch.
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Mostly, my love of this dysfunctional group of baddies is down to the choices made with Mercurymon and Ranamon in the American English dub. I LOVE Mercurymon’s pseudo-Shakespearean way of speaking, and how he can be poetic but surprisingly blunt. Everything he says is just so much fun (“Art thou blind? Thou art a TWIT!”), and you really get the sense that he is insufferably proud of being the smartest guy in the room, or at least he thinks he is. And I love Ranamon’s sugary-sweet Southern belle, who is incredibly vain and loses her composure at the drop of a hat (“How dare you insult me, Ah am a LADY!”). She’s such a brat! And then when you have Grumblemon being Angry(tm) and Arbormon only half paying attention, and Duskmon lurking in shadows being all aloof and competent, like… man, that is my jam. I LOVE that stuff and could have watched it play out for 20 more episodes!
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Slight preference for Ranamon as #1 fave, because when Sakkukamon was inert, he was one heck of an Eldritch horror, but his plan took way too long to execute for what it really was and his downfall was swift and felt a bit anticlimactic once he was more active. Bonus points for ShadowSeraphimon though, that episode was *chef’s kiss*. Calmarimon is quite intimidating and has a fun design/attacks, and other characters being repulsed by her appearance and her issues with control always felt like they tied directly to her personality flaws (plus obviously we're rooting for the good guys here!), so it's satisfying to watch, rather than frustrating. Another plus is that even though Ranamon TRIES to drag Zoe into her jealous rivalry thing, Zoe is just too good for that and only responds to Ranamon in defense, which… if you’re going to do the token-girl-hero vs. token-girl-villain thing, that’s definitely not the worst way to approach it. Ranamon is just so petty, and that makes her a really fun and memorable villain. Plus without Ranamon, there is no Toucanmon fanclub. Love those little doofuses who barely have half a brain cell to rub between them!
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somuch-4-stardust · 3 years
Day 10!!
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happy day ten everyone!! 
there r so many i am a walking stereotype, so a label-by-label list of my clichés below the cut!
aro: honestly there arent actually that many aro stereotypes???i think the main one that i think of is “aro people are bad partners” (which isnt true at all!!) and im not in a relationship, BUT if i was i would be a SHIT partner man. oh and (this one is also not true obv) but aro people are cold and unfeeling and bad w people! i feel little to no empathy and am very blunt sometimes. i dont understand people at all. ((its the neurodivergence))
ace: i like dragons and garlic bread, half the time i am very sweet and childish, also i love cake, and uhhh yeah! i honestly cant think of all the ace clichés rn but name one and i bet i fit it
pan: i do infact love everyone all the time people are so pretty holy shit
queer in general: cuffed jeans, bad posture, always in a hoodie, so mentally ill, sweater weather/GIR/cavetown/etc; any queer song or artist u name it and i listen to it, ranboo fan, SHIT at math, cant drive, short hair, finger guns, peace signs, shitty puns, dresses like shit all the time but if i had money i would look amazing, i love having rainbow everything, theater phase, and if i could i would totally be addicted to monster energy
trans/nb: i hate my body and mirrors, i only wear hoodies, Frogs And Weird Little Funky Creatures my beloved, just very weird and cryptic in general. wants to look like an eldritch being or a rock, get gender envy from everything, is the void TM.
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in-the-inky-black · 4 years
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Genres ~ YA, fantasy, comedy, adventure, horror
Features ~ cryptids, ghosts, folklore creatures, eldritch forest spirits, paranormal activity, alternate dimensions, magic (kinda), a cross-country trek to save the world, magical corvids, cornfield wormholes, a 9 ft trenchcoat, an LGBTQ+ diverse cast, visibly neurodiverse characters
CW/TW ~ parental neglect (may add to this list later)
POV ~ First person
Status ~ planning/outlining
Word # Goal ~ 65K (min.)
Synopsis ~ Every cryptid, eldritch being, and paranormal entity on Earth originated in the Otherworld, a thinly-veiled dimension that is attached to ours, essentially bleeding into it. The two dimensions rely on each other in a kind of mutualistic relationship. If the rift between them were to close, it would be catastrophic - the energies emitted by the Otherworld would dissipate, and everything from or influenced by the dimension (which includes a great deal of the human and animal population) would die. And the rift is closing.     Now, Cas Saxony, a teenager born with the ability to sense the Otherworldly, must travel across the country - accompanied by their best friend Tammy and a local antler-bearing forest entity - to open the rift back up - or risk losing their entire dimension.
Look under the cut for character info!~
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CAS SAXONY ~~ main protagonist / narrator
“What do you eat, anyway? Like...moss, or something? Bone marrow?”
~ A seer tasked with re-opening the rift ~
Pronouns ~ they/them (nonbinary)
Age ~ 17
Desc. ~ celtic/european heritage, dark unruly hair, hazel eyes, freckles, very pale, looks like they might be a changeling
    ISFP ~ charasmatic, witty, sarcastic, imaginative, curious, adventurous
~ always able to crack a joke, fidgets a lot, CANNOT sit normally
Likes ~ their friends, nature, walking in the woods, nighttime, sitting on their roof, moths, hoodies, chokers, seafood, skittles, classic rock, David Bowie, the color green
Dislikes ~ their parents, peanut butter, being bored, mosquitos, not having pockets
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TAMIRA “TAMMY” RIVERS ~~ secondary protagonist
“Yep. We’re gonna have to STEAL a boat. No other way around it.”
~ A fellow seer and Cas’s best friend since childhood ~
Pronouns ~ she/her
Age ~ 17
Desc. ~ hawaiian/african american heritage, dark naturally curly hair, dark brown eyes
   ENFP ~ energetic, creative, compassionate, spontaneous, fun-loving, can be chill when it's needed, deception 100
~ loud, talkative, expert at witty banter, very pansexual, never stops moving, can and will try to seduce the ghost
Likes ~ her friends, flannels, taking walks, reading, conspiracy theories, wisecracking, old movies, 80s music, any manner of small cute animal, ghost stories, fireflies, sunrises/sunsets, chinese food
Dislikes ~  people messing with her friends, her foster family, being ignored, bananas, having to sit still or remain quiet
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STAG ~~ secondary protagonist
“It’s begun. And so much sooner than I expected....”
~ A forest cryptid that befriended Cas and Tammy when they were small ~
Pronouns ~ it
Age ~ ????
Desc. ~ extremely tall (like 9 ft), cloaked from the shoulders down by a veritable cape of soft black feathers, stag skull for a head, limbs are rarely seen but very skinny, basically skeletal
    INFJ ~  quiet, intelligent, caring, angers easily, will f i g h t you if you threaten its friends
~ very cryptic (lololol), intimidation of the group, doesn't understand a lot of human devices (but refuses to admit it most of the time), tries way too hard with slang, Eldritch DadTM
Likes ~ the forest, bones, corvids, Cas and Tammy, potato chips (more about that later), humidity, nighttime, darkness
Dislikes ~  nosy humans, dry weather, excessive light
More info to come later!! Expect teasers and snippets in the future~
Feedback is greatly appreciated!
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raggydraws · 4 years
For the dnd character thing! 🔮🌺🐚
The seashell makes me think of a Triton but also a Tortle for some reason, I love both of them though so 2 race options!
Again, the flower and leaf emojis make me think of druids but I've done many druids already aaaaaaaaa
Although, a warlock tortle sounds really cool, especially with how high their ac is they'd be so beefy, hhhmmmmm. Warlock Tortle and maybe a Ranger Triton, with like, a really cool Halbert or like, a triton. Yeah
So, a tortle possibly making a pact with an old one or a kraken to feel young again or possibly patch up a hole in their shell that's never recovered? Imagine a Tortle with a hole in their shell that's been filled in with crystals or like, the void. You look into the tortle's back and lose your soul ohgosh- Yeah, an eldritch horror grandparent Tortle who is also just so sweet as they're sacrificing you to their patron, so nice. Honestly probably made the pact because they felt they had no other choice, thus they don't have the greatest relationship with them. For a kraken they may feel a kinship due to both being aquatic creatures who live for far longer than one should but they're still....weary of them. Krakens know far too much and they'd rather not dive any further into the hole they've dug for themselves. The background for this one is a little touch and go, but I'm feeling former, possibly disgraced Folk Hero? Hence the pact with an all knowing, all powerful being to attempt to regain their honor in the worst possible place. Or maybe they're just very old friends who enjoy each others company, and the Tortle has been in service of their patron for a looooooooooong time.
Meanwhile you've got your little mermaid Triton who's on land for the first time and is trying to eat things they shouldn't. They take surprisingly well to dry land and seem to be very good at killing humanoid races as it were, better hope you're party stays on their good side. They're also very good at the one of the following fighting styles, Druidic Warrior (they can learn two cantrips from the Druid spell list and replaces one with another as they level up) Blind Fighting (not being able to see the creature your fighting dosen't impose any disadvantage on your attack rolls against it, so long as the creature isn't hiding from you that is) or Thrown Weapon Fighting (+1 bonus to damage rolls when using a thrown weapon on a ranged attack, also just, chuck a giant spear at all your problems). Possibly on land for tragic backstorytm reasons or from just plain curiosity, both if it's morbid curiosity which could lead to a scientific or warrior like background for them! Maybe a Gladiator or a Guild Artisan (like an alchemist or researcher!), plus it could also for with their Conclave as a possible Hunter or Monster Slayer!
And if you want you can switch around classes and backgrounds for either of these guys!
Name: something sea related, Shore, Atlas, Maelstrom, etc
Race: Trion or Tortle
Class: Warlock (Pact of the Old One or Pact of the Kraken) or Ranger (Hunter Conclave or Monster Slayer Conclave)
Background: Folk Hero, Gladiator or Guild Artisan (alchemist or researcher)
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Tag yourself: King kids miniseries edition!
All of these characters are from the movie! versions of certain Stephen king books that I like (although I haven’t read all of them oops—)
There’s some teen! versions of Danny Torrance and Charlie McGee and kid! versions just to spice it up.
This fake 1980’s (1990’s?) miniseries idea has been bouncing around my head for a while. It would’ve been cool to some Hanna-barbera-sque mystery solving group with these characters! It probably would’ve been a lot scarier and edgier, and some of the actors wouldn’t have been old enough, but a eldritch being can imagine.
But have fun tagging yourself! I’m Corn child 2.
Captions for the words underneath:
- Pure, doesn’t deserve any of this
- Has an asshole dad
- Doesn’t really know how to use his powers, but he’s trying—
-please help him
Doc? More like traumatized tm:
- Tired 24/7
- teen ver. of Babe
- Being able to see ghost isn’t fun
- Scared of becoming like his dad, But would murder him in cold blood if given the chance
- Please help him.
- Will throw hands if you insult her friends
- Very soft, actually
- Mom friend
- Hates clowns, will punch it in the throat if she sees one
- Doesn’t want to fight
- Loves her parents
- Can set stuff on fire
- Very emotional
- “Fuck The shop. Me and my homies hate The shop.”
Carl’s Jr. :
- Teen ver. of Charles
- Hasn’t changed much
- Just became more emo
- Psychic buddies with Doc
- Angst, angst, angst
Corn child:
- Almost died from a eldritch god in a corn field
- Best friends w/ Corn child 2
- The most nicest person ever
- But don’t use that against him
- Anxious 24/7
- Has a demon inside of him
Corn child 2:
- Smol gremlin
- Would die for Corn child
- Would stab someone in retaliation
- Has a short temper, but doesn’t show it.
- Semi- feral
- Over-dramatic
- Was raised in a Christian household, but could care less about God
C a r :
- Was in a toxic relationship with a car
- He’s sort of doing better now
- Awkward, But sweet
- Lovable dork
- Heavily bisexual
- Small, But can kill you, if desired
- Just wants to be loved
Dancing Queen:
- Please give her a break, she’s been through so much
- Sweet bean + Dangerous cinnamonroll
- Also psychic lmao
- Been bullied a lot
- Just wants some friends
- Hates churches
- Loves romance stories
- Would play animal crossing 24/7
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storyteller-shealie · 4 years
🎵🎵 (I hope it's ok to ask for two ^^)
You bet it is! I may be slow at answering asks because of IRL stuff, but I love this ask game, so thanks so much❤️️
The first song, courtesy of shuffle: That’s Us — Anson Seabra
This was a hard one! For a few seconds there, I thought, “Wow, there’s a song in my playlist that has absolutely no relation to TF&tM,” but then I thought better. :D We’re in secondary character’s backstory territory here. This song does pretty great at describing Starlight’s failed relationship with a supervillain that led Starlight to spend more than half of the story very, very loyal to Coalition despite having almost started a rebellion shortly before. Well, that wasn’t the only reason for their sudden surge of loyalty, but it was a major one, and it kinda led to other reasons. If they didn’t have that short emotional phase of “this were the plans I made with my ex-girlfriend, and now she’s my ex-girlfriend, so maybe fuck these plans for a while,” they wouldn’t have become reckless, and they wouldn’t have slipped and made the Coalition suspicious of them, and a few more people would have been alive by the start of a novel. Also, Starlight wouldn’t have been literally brainwashed. Emotional break-ups suck. They may even be worse than the Coalition; the Coalition at least occasionally does some good by means of saving the world from eldritch aliens and space abominations.
Second: English Summer Rain — Placebo. This one’s actually absolutely 100% perfect for the start of the story. Not for any particular characters or events, but just as a background to the first couple of chapters, setting the mood. It kind of matches the vibes of that late summer in Hyperion City, big things coming into motion both in the “basement” and in the “sky,” seemingly totally separate but also very much interconnected and dependent on each other—just like the two main characters. Also, there’s the rain, of course. So much rain.
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