#its so frustrating to go 'yep i see how this COULD work' but!!!!!! it doesn't!!!!!!
ac-liveblogs · 10 months
Ty! I’ve been enjoying FGO so far—I always like Nasu’s works & FGO revisits so many reccuring theme in his works that make me appreciate them better. Anw, Genshin struggles with so many basic areas, it strikes me as amateurishly written (& it feels so amateurishly managed in general?). It promises you Cool Interesting Stuff, but they can't stick the landing. I'd rather have a story of modest scale told engagingly, but ig that won't generate hype & praise for Bringing Up Important Issue? Sigh...
! Personally, the chapters Nasu writes end up being my favourite overall so I hope you have a good time :) (i have gotta find time to play mahoyo before tsukihime drops next year...)
Genshin always strikes me as a story that's written by Lore Bros that love filling out pages on Wikipedia pages and will spend hours world-building their universes (hours longer than necessary) without really thinking about the stories or development of the characters living in them, or how they're going to portray them. I feel like someone is trying to design an immaculate sandbox for someone else to create characters to play in it with.
And that the storylines feel like they try to replicate stuff they think is cool from other shows or games, but without understanding why those things worked.... I think the Ace Attorney trial/investigation gameplay in Fontaine is probably the most recent example of them not understanding how something works but trying to replicate it anyway =_=;
It's all such an ambitious game, but the scale of what it accomplishes is really small compares to other RPGs..... Very few spontaneously cool quests that result in cool boss fights, character quests are extremely mundane because the assets required to create something cool and unique either don't exist or will take too long to build... so everything's just kinda dull. I always think of Xiao's storyline talking up all the gods and demons he fights, and especially during Lantern Rite.... allegedly. Too much effort, I guess.
I agree that games of smaller scope done more competently are superior to games that try to be big and impressive but end up feeling hollow. They aren't as exciting unless they drum up a lot of hype for being exceptional after launch though. I guess it's harder to sell investors on stuff like that :I
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itoshi-s · 2 years
Bllk boys ranking though NNN also i lost bc of ur fics
PLSSSS nonnie im so sorry i made u lose !!! 😭 m happy u enjoyed it so much tho ajfhalkf now let me brainrot over how needy the bllk boys would be during the month of november !
ʜᴏᴡ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴅᴜʀɪɴɢ ɴɴɴ !
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ft: rin, sae, bachira, isagi, ryusei, reo, nagi, aiku, chigiri, kunigami, kaiser, & barou !
cw: nsfw (minors -17 dni!), characters are 18+, fem reader, mentions of rough sex, the boys being switchy, edging, mutual masturbation, sex toys, cannabis !
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12. rin - doesn't participate ! ─── yep :( as a rinnie stan myself i know it's disappointing LMAO but he just knows it's unhealthy 😭 and he takes care of himself and his body so much, there's no way. cannot be bothered to take part in such challenges anyway,, they were childish to him at 16 yet alone when he's older sfkfal also is so busy, he'd be a fool to let go of any chance to touch you !!
11. bachira - a day ! ─── no. 1 needy baby ! isn't completely against the idea, actually even tells you he might try it out once you mention it - but he truly forgets all about it as soon as he comes come several hours later .. and sees you looking soooo good. pounces on you within seconds <3 also has an impressive refractory period & stamina too ! can keep going for hours on end and stuff u so full.... it just doesn't end ! he cums for the first time so quick and loses the challenge embarrassingly early but he makes it up to you so well <3
more under the cut !
10. barou - three days ! ─── agrees to your pretty pleading eyes - you want the both of you to try it out so that once the month ends, all hell can break loose ! you know shoei so well, how rough he is on the daily - the thought of him going even further, all desperate and frustrated, makes you giddier than ever. it's of course such a dumb idea to him, but since you're asking him so nicely, he might as well agree..... yeah it only lasts the few days bc he's away on a game and just isn't there to see you and touch you :/ as soon as he's through the front door you can nearly scent the pheromones on him. fucks u into the mattress so hard you're scared of how rough he could be after a whole month !
9. nagi - five days ! ─── he's all about the slow and lazy loving and rarely ever initiates something himself ((you're more than happy to take control though bc just think...... blowing him under the desk while he's gaming???? yeah think bout it)) so you're not at all surprised when he mumbles something about taking part in a challenge the guys talked abt in the group chat . nagi can be a menace with how lazy he is sometimes so you have your toys in handy anyway akfjhsa BUT you honestly would've thought he could last longer ! he might not show his desperation all that often or openly but he definitely is needy <3 ruts into you in your sleep not even a week in. as you wake him and try to scold him playfully , he just pulls you closer with a groan . "'s a pain already," he huffs, "help me out?"
8. isagi - a week and a half ! ─── takes it as a joke at first but figures that it might be fun, actually, and tries it out in the end . he's got very good self control too so is curious how well it'll work when it comes to you and his needs !! it's going pretty smoothly considering how tight his practice schedule is before his next match, BUT it all goes down the drain after said game .. comes back absolutely pumped and high on the goals he scored , on the way he absolutely devoured the other team and controlled the whole field - there's no other way to unwind than to take it out on u <3 it's the only way he knows ! is so loud once he finally takes u & makes u praise him so much ! loves to hear he's your best boy n how good he is to u <3 praise kink yoichi goes brr (yes i am still thinking about the thirst moshi ((@/saetoshis)) did !! its canon i confirm)
7. kunigami - two weeks ! ─── he wasn't rly going to take part when he first read about it in the gc but once he mentions it to you and it turns out you're actually excited abt the thought .. he just might take it up akfhf doesn't actually find it all that difficult and only ever realizes that actually you might be the one taking the hit when you openly start begging for him :( comes home to find u on the bed, teary eyed and overstimulated bc it's just been so long , and masturbation isn't all that exciting anymore ever since u have him . please ren, just drop it already. finds the look on ur face so amusing , you're so miffed as if it wasn't your idea in the first place ! quickly wipes the frown off your pretty features and replaces it with crossed eyes and lolled out tongue tho <3
6. reo - two and a half weeks ! ─── you make him do it <3 and the thought is far too thrilling for him to refuse. also...... he's a switch leaning sub anyway so :( does he even have any word in it? no not really. one look from u is all it takes to make him melt ! it drives you insane to see how he just gives a slight whine or a sigh in the mornings, hard cock straining against his boxers but he's such a good boy - of course he listens and doesn't touch himself <3 just gets up and goes on with his day , knowing better. has this haze over his mind and it shows by his glossy eyes or warm hands that start to roam around your body more frequently . you only ever let him drop it when he's nearly in tears ,, it just hurts !!!!! he cannot keep focus on practice or workouts anymore :( the ache in his tummy and boxers too overwhelming. wraps his arms around you from behind as you cook dinner for u two - sturdy chest pressing all against you, hands grabbing at your waist and there's a shaky breath by your ear. please, please i can't take this anymore. you're not that cruel, and end up praising him for being such a good boy for u for the past weeks <3
4. sae - three weeks ! ─── gets annoyed with the way you keep teasing him, even when he comes home from the longest day of practice ever, and thinks that it might actually be the perfect time to teach you a lesson ! tbh sae strikes me as a dom BUT with solid switch tendencies so !! he actually starts to regret his decision like a week and a half in lol. doesn't let it show at all though and keeps his cool,, knowing that it's exactly how to rile you up <3 giving you such humdrum looks it makes you week in the knees. it's until he sees you come out of the shower, a pretty little vibe in hand, cheeks flushed and eyes lidded when he realizes he might not have the upper hand anymore :( knows that he can keep control of his needs if he has to, but it just gets so fucking annoying, even more so when he knows he's the one that came up with it in the first place. is beyond thankful when u unexpectedly finally BEG HIM to just feel him,, and takes you right here in the moment. puts u in a mating press and fucks you silly only to flip you over and make you ride him as the prettiest little sound start to slip out. ngh- yeah, make m'cum, pretty girl. can't think straight no more. ( > ///////////// < ) cums embarrassingly fast like this as well ...... like just a minute or two of you riding him and grabbing at his shoulders or biceps and he's whining so loud. pretty baby is so flustered tho !!!
4. chigiri - three weeks ! ─── PLEASE he's such a tease ! takes up on the challenge when he hears the boys mention it and is kind enough to give you a heads up . is definitelyyyy one of the biggest menaces of them all tho with the way he riles u up so much. knows that the way he brings his hair up into a loose ponytail instantly makes u think of how he does it whenever he's about to eat you out - so he does it right in front of ur eyes, hairtie in his teeth and giving you a sly look ! makes plans with you so that you just have to go to practice with him first,, otherwise you won't make it on time - because he knows how much it turns you on to see him in the zone <3 thinks that he has it all in control until you crawl between his spread legs and give him the prettiest begging eyes, hands already palming at the sturdy muscle of his thighs, threatening to move higher - right where he now feels the dull ache and strain against his shorts. this is unfair, hyo. haven't i been good to you? isn't all that much of a hard dom,, but definitely makes you feel it how it wasn't worth spurring him on :((
3. aiku - three and a half weeks ! ─── same thing that happened with barou,, but this man has much better self control ! it gets him INSANELY hard and fucking insane to think of how you'll be dripping by the very end of this month , pleading him to finally fill you up. doesn't let you touch yourself either, though </3 so that's what it makes it even more fucked up ! he's the one to convince you to it - has to give a little push bc you're just so needy, the thought alone is enough to make your head spin - but knows that you're actually a lil excited yourself when he sees the glint in your eyes ! doesn't try to tease you all that much but pleaseeeeee have u seen this man .. he doesn't even need to try and he gets you SOAKING ! might just bust a nut himself everytime he thinks of how good it'll feel to finally have you once the month's finished. all of his plans go to waste when you end up watching a movie and smoking a blunt together tho ...... it's ridiculous how you're on top of him within SECONDS after the few first hits kjafhaskfh the weed makes you hazy too you end up going for hourssss on end :( in the morning you're smacking him in the head for even giving u the idea to smoke when you both know how horny u two get afterwards ,, maybe it was his unconscious horny self making the decision tho afhakhsaf
1. ryusei - the whole month ! ─── PLSSSS he's so deranged afafalasfa he LOVES edging the both of u. makes sure u know what's about to come days before november even starts lol and makes good use of it,, you don't even have the energy to think about fucking for the first few days of nov when he's railed u so good minutes before midnight hit 😭 is such a tease during the whole month ! would straight up edge you and bring you right up to your high, only to pull away at the very last second and leave you crying so pretty :( is mean about it, but knows it'll be worth it in the end ! looooves mutual masturbation - thinks that he just might fail when he sees u spread out in front of him, panting and moaning so sweetly, BUT ofc he doesn't let neither of you come . scares you with the way he grabs you so rough and fucks you on the literal floor as soon as the date changes to december :0 pls he's so funny i can see him checking the clock both before it starts & ends gives you the absolute best fuck you've ever had your whole life ,, you need to call in sick the next day bc your cervix is so bruised and gives you cramps :(
1. kaiser - the whole month ! ─── does it just to prove a point. you're a brat to him anyway,, so he's sure you can take matters into your own hands for just a month! (it's not like he absolutely adores the iittle attitude of yours and is the one that always spurs you on even further! definitely not ! </3) considering the world cup is coming soon, he's away most of the days anyways, but usually he'd take care of you as soon as he comes back .. this time he only gives you a good night kiss and pulls you close :( no action whatsoever ! as if you didn't exist to him in any sexual form. also doesn't let you touch him even once either - he despises any distractions after all! it makes you want to cry with desperation cause your own touch just isn't enough - it's a whole other experience to have him manhandling u around and making u do the work to please him ! he takes you to the world cup with him as well,, since he doesn't want u to be lonely ((and actually wants u there with him </3)) so you're extremely fucked . seeing him absolutely trashed and exhausted after a match ?? watching from the first row stands as he absolutely demolishes the field ?? he couldn't get any hotter than he is during the games and u know it :( you end up nearly crying when he finally allows you to touch him , thank him thru the tears and he makes you come in like mere minutes :( won't ever admit that this is the hardest he's ever been lmaoo
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© itoshi-s. do not plagiarize, repost as your own or mention on other sm platforms.
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byleresque · 1 year
This thought has been hunting me. People out there insist that Mike still loves El romantically and they're endgame, but in the show El doesn't think so. She canonically doubts these things. She broke up with Mike over it. People watching a show where a character says "we don't work as a couple and he doesn't love me" and deciding that they can make better judgement. We as viewers only see the plot relevant shots and theoretically they hang out and talk in between those, they know each other and their bond better than us as observers ever could, how are we supposed to ignore what El thinks about it all? El and Mike are the only ones seeing the full picture here and if we don't listen to them then what are we even going by? Dismissing her feelings because "of course they're going to overcome it they're the main couple"? Isn't it that IF they overcome it they'll be ONE of the couples in this show full of main characters and dynamics? I don't enjoy this interpretation of canon at all. I'm also uncomfortable with the notion that our feelings don't matter and we're all bound to end in the relationships that are socially expected from us
the way milkman isn’t even for milkman...
it goes so much deeper than El is sad because Mike doesn’t say ily -> something happens to change his mind that she is not privy to (i.e. several talks with Will later) -> Mike says ily and now they are the strongest couple to ever couple.
and maybe i know this because i like to watch shows with my eyes open, but El and Mike did not in fact come out of that stronger!!
anon you are so correct that people are dismissing El’s feelings. she is a girl already insecure because she’s lost her powers, she’s being bullied, and her boyfriend hasn’t told her he loves her in several months (how many?? like eight??) even though she says it in every letter she sends. she is desperate for a win. that, and she has been lying about her life in california for that long as well.
i think we don’t talk enough about El lying in her letters. one of El’s core traits, one of the first things she learned in the outside world, is friends don’t lie. for her to lie and lie to Mike shows a deep fracture in their relationship. she doesn’t trust him. she has doubts. maybe she rationalized it as not wanting him to worry-- but like Mike said, he knows about bullying. he knows about being the black sheep. so why lie?
because El doesn’t feel like Mike is someone she can lean on emotionally because he doesn’t lean on her either. they can kiss and hug and smile at each other but do they talk?? ever??
both of them would rather pretend to be content than admit their one piece of social currency, the only thing that gives them a perceived link to normalcy, is circling the drain. their relationship feels like it’s one wrong move from snapping in half which is, uh, exactly what happened.
and maybe a problem like this could’ve been fixed by talking and opening up, but they CAN’T because they honest to god just don’t know each other well enough to do that. what they have is the result of a puppy love crush stretched long past its expiration date. 
but back to the viewers... i think it’s frustrating/hilarious that people are like yep, they’re good! they may be broken up and avoiding each other, but they’re the main couple so they’ll figure it out :) like?? the amount of awkward milkman keeps serving us is just painful to watch. fun fact i did not watch s3 when it came it out because their couple dynamic weirded me out. i was like. am i going crazy or are these kids going way too fast.
i’ll be real with you anon i don’t think ANY of them have the full picture. El doesn’t know why Mike can suddenly say ily except perhaps overhearing Will encourage him to do it. ouch. F in the chat. Mike is all jumbled up from all the stuff Will has been saying, plus the painting and the GUILT oh my god. that boy ain’t right but that’s a conversation for a different post. and Will (honorary mention for being the #1 milkman truther) has the least pieces but is doing the most and unintentionally pushing milkman further off the cliff.
what kind of dramatic conclusion would that be if Mike and El were just fine in s5? El isn’t going to have any questions? They will suddenly be secure in their relationship? incomprehensible. and i totally agree it’s uncomfortable to think that you should just stick to the socially approved relationship and your doubts in that relationship are completely irrelevant. and i HAVE seen people talk about them as if that’s the only course of action left for them. “ohh well i don’t like Mike and El together but the writers wouldn’t make them break up again” says who?? they did it once! and this sentiment is always said to me with this vibe of the writers not being competent enough to fix milkman. as if every other couple in the show isn’t very well-liked. come on. come on now.
a milkman endgame would feel bleak. you would feel like they don’t have much of a future to look forward to outside of 2.5 kids and tv dinners. it doesn’t feel genuine, it doesn’t feel like THEM. how restricting would that be for El? how depressing would that be for Mike? and i think the duffers know that. i think they realized it would be a downer ending to these character arcs and pivoted in s4 to show Mike happily hanging out with the outcasts in the Hellfire club and El going on a backstory mission to rediscover her worth. all a part of the byler agenda
(so instead of that lets now imagine a byler endgame where they can stand up to the world together-- not mistakes and not afraid to live a little differently. they make themselves better just being together. and now El is free to find herself outside of all the goddamn men in her life. duffers i believe in you)
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randomnameless · 11 months
To be fair, AM is Dimitri's story, his trauma and his relationships with rest of the Blue Lions, Byleth and Supreme Leader. So as much as it sucks that it doesn't get addressed, the Nabatean vs Agarthan doesn't really have much to do with Dimitri. It's why you can defeat one of the big Agarthan generals in the final map without any fanfare or acknowledgement from Dimitri's end.
With SS/CF, Supreme Leader is working with the Agarthans so the Nabateans vs Agarthans conflict comes into play there and for Claude, well he wanted to learn about Fodlan's secrets so it's believable for him to also gain knowledge about the Nabatean vs Agarthan conflict in VW.
Yep, that's why AM is so frustrating.
You are teased with Idunn, Jahn and the subsequent worldbuilding, but in the end, you only get rid of Marquis Laus/Zephiel and call it a day.
And while AM is a good character driven story, in a nutshell - Dimitri learns what it means to be a Lord, for the others, but also for himself - but ultimately not one I am terribly invested in.
It had a good concept of "Lord falls then rises up" but with Hresvelg Grey galore (Flamey ? Who is Flamey?) and the "told but not seen" maxim, the story just imo ends in a "nice" box, without anything else.
I disagree about the conflict between Agarthans and Nabateans being developped in SS/CF and VW because, hey, bar Thales going all "stupid pointy ears you banished us to oblivion so I'll suicide us all to get rid of you!" it's just... there.
We know there is some backstory between the two factions, but it ends up before it starts.
SS/VW receives an infodump (yay!) from Rhea but that's it. We don't understand the crux of said conflict, just see some of its consequences, don't push Camp A against Camp B and see what comes of it, no, it's just Camp C (Billy is Sothis's host, but never knows what everything is about) getting rid of Agarthans. Was Rhea there during the initial war, what have the mole people done to the world to make Sothis angry, did Sothis really erase all humanity like they claim, who are the "humans" living on the surface, is Fodlan really a post apocalyptic world -
The routes will never answer - at best the DLC added a book from the agarthan POV more or less confirming parts of Rhea's infodump, but that's it.
Tru Piss isn't interested with Fodlan's lore and answers - we're just following Supreme Leader as the world burns, so it's the only case where I can buy the "let's not focus too much on the Agarthans vs Nabateans conflict".
And ultimately, this underlaying conflict imo sort of contradicts the good endings/visions we end up with VW/AM
VW's ends prejudice/borders so everyone should be able to live together despite their differences?
Sothis landed on Fodlan, shared tech with Fodlan people, who used said tech to try to kill her, she retaliated and it culminated with the genocide of her children.
How can you coexist with people who are different from you if said people want to slaughter you?
AM is, as you said, mainly Dimitri's story, but I think it is summed up with thos lines :
If we could just accept each other and make mutual concessions, one step at a time... Perhaps... Who knows if that's even possible. Everyone has something that is unacceptable within them. I certainly do, and I'd wager you do as well. I wonder which is best, Professor... To cut away that which is unacceptable, or to find a way to accept it anyway...
It's the same story, what if some people want to accept each other and are ready to make concessions, but the other people don't want to make concessions, and use chainsaws to vivisect the first group?
Dimitri's journey is to reject the "cut away that which is unacceptable", as he tries to offer his hand to Supreme Leader (and she ignores it). But with Agarthans and Nabateans, how could this work? To Thales'n'pals, a good Nabatean is a relic dead Nabatean, and for what it's worth, Nopes heavily suggests Rhea knew since day 1 Barney had some "agarthan presence" but still welcomed them, so Nabateans reach their hand out, and the only Agarthans we see pull the chainsaws.
Should Nabateans still reach their hand out and accept Agartha's prejudice - the same prejudice that led to their genocide ?
Or in that specific case - because fantasy life isn't real life and you can't really make concessions with people who want to get rid of a race on this specific topic - the "earl grey" is flushed down the toilet and the "a good pointy ears is a relic" faction is cut away?
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coralhoneyrose · 11 months
i'm so sorry to come into your inbox but i need to talk about this otherwise my brain is going to explode. this thought has been gnawing at me for what feels like years, but i recently replayed awakening and as always, emmeryn's sacrifice feels so sad because of how STRONGLY chrom and lissa react to it. and i understand that emmeryn's sacrifice matters because of how the plegia war ends with plegian approval ratings for the war plummeting and also making chrom the exalt. it's very important to the story. it fundamentally alters its trajectory. i understand. and yet all i can think of when i see the scene is "phila, phila you are a FALCON KNIGHT, phila why didn't they equip you with a rescue staff this could've solved literally everything."
(i know that isn't strictly true considering the game just steals your win anyway by having all the archers spawn in, but oh my god why didn't they just have phila or lissa or ANYONE WITH A C IN STAVES just rescue emmeryn from far away. girl.)
((it doesn't even matter anyway because the game just throws you a spotpass map where emmeryn is recruitable anyway. but oh my god. a rescue staff could have solved so many problems.))
Fhdjfjfk ya know I guess I’m as bad as Robin because I *also* completely forgot that the rescue staff exists in Awakening and would be usable by falcon knights. Had to go look it up after reading this and yep, you’re absolutely right. To make matters worse, apparently it’s actually available in one of the villages on the map immediately before Emmeryn’s sacrifice :’)
I feel you though. Even though Emm’s death is really essential from a plot and character growth perspective (just like you mentioned) it can definitely be frustrating when game mechanics suddenly seem to go out the window in order to make the plot work. Like in some games you can be playing a healer yourself and your character will still be standing there watching one of your party members die like :O oh no :O whatever can we do about this unavoidable tragedy? :O
I think for peace of mind I will just tell myself the risen archers would have gotten their arrows off before Phila had the chance to rescue her anyway, and that the cliff was so high up that Emm was out of range for anyone else like Lissa to reach her. Makes it sting just a little less
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amisbro · 1 year
The thing I ask myself now is this...
"What happened to the UtaPri fandom I knew?" I guess we are going to need some context on this huh? Do you remember 2014 and 2015? I do and they were great years! I had really started my first year on this platform in 2014 after I started watching the UtaPri Anime's first season on DVD and it was GREAT! It wasn't like Season 2 was...that was the Gold Standard but the season itself was a great one and I had gotten introduced to some of the characters that would become a part of of my life for a good amount of time...at least until Season 4 but we'll get there, I watched the 1st season on DVD and Season 2 on Crunchyroll and they were great times and at the time I remember seeing QN and liking ALMOST all of them and I say that because ,back then, I wasn't a huge Reiji fan...I know I know but its how things were as his personality wasn't something I was into. Ai's was a completely different story because of how analytical he was ,Ranmaru was the rocker that I liked A LOT and then there was...that guy...you know who! Yep...Camus! I don't know what drew me to him ever to be honest. Looking back on it I felt like a damn fool because nothing about him really relates to me and that makes things hard NOW to really embrace him as a character so I don't. I HAVE unfairly punished the other three members of QUARTET NIGHT for this and that I actually feel bad about but...yeah Now when I watched Season 2 there was a Trio that we all know now that debuted called HEAVENS and look we all know this that ,back then, I despised almost the entire Trio save for Kira (That dude just stayed out of trouble while Eiichi was being extra and Nagi was a brat...how could you really dislike the dude) so seeing them get beat was something I relished and then I went on about my day. Now before Season 3 (and I remember this still) the fandom actually did a thing where we took the chibis from Music 2 and we flooded the dashboard with them. It was a great thing we did and I still have a very fond memory of this. I think we also did it for season 4 which was really cool! But Season 4 something happened that I wasn't expecting and that was a..
"DIVISION!!!!" (Yes I love me some John Bercow...deal with it!) Okay so what happened? Well in Season 3 HEAVENS re-debuted as a 7 person group as we all know and they were supposed to be the opposition to STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT...this is where I think problems started to occur. See before (and then during) that season I had made it a goal to try and understand each of the different personalities of the HEAVENS members that were being introduced into the series. The big issue that came up really started in Episode 9 and really hadn't relented for a good long while until I blocked certain people (one of them used to follow me on twitter) and honestly I'm surprised I went most of the year this year without any Eiichi hate on my TL...it was honestly refreshing There were two episodes that genuinely confused and frustrated me when it came to the fandom S4/E5 - Visible Elf S4/E9 - Next Door Why these two? I'll tell you While we know that Episode 9 dealt with the subject of Abuse so did ,in its own way, Visible Elf because while the former dealt with both physical and mental it can be argued that the episode 4 episodes prior the HEAVENS member in it suffered "unintentional" mental abuse because ,if Shion wasn't being yelled at, why would he run from Cecil and then lock himself in the closet back at the HEAVENS Loft. Oh that's right...that never happened and we can excuse it right? The weird thing is that in "NEXT DOOR" that could be considered WORSE when it is depicted where Raging put his hands on Eiichi (his Eldest son) and then went in on him. Oh and we can't forget he called him a "Loser" which is always a fun thing to call your kid right? But that was forgotten and all that is remembered is that "Eiichi Broker Otoya" Funny how this fandom works isn't it? Oh but the weirdness of the fandom doesn't end there because you see now we get to talk about the recent bouts of ENTITLEMENT that they had not the least of which had to do with Shining Live shutting down their Global server and people being legit MAD about that despite the fact that they don't owe anyone an explanation. That would be like be going into Sentai's DMs and demanding to know why the heck they took UtaPri off of Crunchyroll where probably most of the fandom watched it? It ain't my business but I know I'll never buy from them again and rather buy the R2 DVDs because I genuinely didn't like what they did. But I guess my question is this Dear UtaPri fam, Why do you think you were owed a merge for the EN/Tradational Chinese servers when you got (and technically didn't deserve) 4 seasons of the Anime Maji Love Kingdom You got the UtaPri (Shining Agency) Special And are getting STARISH Tours Fam you ain't entitled to ANY of this and yet you got it! The ONE TIME a company says"No" and you decide to be vile and disgusting people. What happened to the people I knew in the fandom? If you are still around you come find me and we can talk but until then... I don't want to hear from you
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teenagesmoking · 2 months
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Summary- The American government is using space to spy on the other nations of Earth. Emil has been tasked with working on this American ship in space to gain information. The American government doesn't know Emil has a relationship with somebody on the ship.
Space, a cold, dark oasis of black, only the stars illuminated it. The hums of the ship’s circuitry filled the atmosphere of the white interior. A black man sits in a chair in front of the controls of the ship, his hands laid over the buttons and knobs on the control panel.
The American government has been trying to gain intelligence on other nations. But try as they must; the branches of the American government have failed. The ship’s achievements surpass those of the CIA, FBI, and others. Learning other nations’ secrets has helped the USA improve its citizens’ quality of life.
Emil woke up from his brief nap. He rubbed his chest as his eyes gazed over the screen. A black background with the phrase “For the lives of the patriots” painted across the screen greeted Emil. He used the knob next to the screen to click through the options; the cursor hovered over the “run” option.
“Hello, Emil. I see you’ve awoken from your nap. How was it?” A familiar, male robotic voice replaced the humming in the room.
“It was okay, P-104. I wish it were longer.” Emil rubbed the side of the screen, and the robotic voice hummed. 
“You haven’t been sleeping well. Is something the matter?” P-104 said.
“Michael’s been bugging me about writing the new report for this month. But I mean,” Emil tapped his chest. “I have another week.”
“It’s not smart to procrastinate, Emil.”
“I already know what I’m going to write.” Emil picked up a notebook from the ceiling. “The Chinese are working hard on creating a cure.”
“Oh? How so?” P-104 said.
“Looks like their methods of extracting oil might help with the weird sickness going around back home.”
“I see…”
The hums returned as Emil wrote in the notebook. He jotted down a couple of sentences before putting his pen down. Looking up at the screen, Emil pressed his lips against it. Right now, he restrained himself from going overboard.
“You remember what today is?” Emil said.
Clicks of the motor sounded. The date, December 1st, 1998, appears in a green text on the screen.
“December 1st, 1998. Our anniversary.” P-104 said.
“Yep! Anything you wanna do?”
“I have been… frustrated.”
“About what? The report? The sickness?” Emil palmed the knob on the control panel.
“The human type of frustration, intercourse.”
Emil laughed, racking his hand through his pitch-black, straight hair, and let his mind wander to what the duo could do together. He felt a heat growing between his legs.
“I’m already getting hard… fuck…” Emil palmed at his erection.
“Do you prefer to engage in sexual activity now or at a later time?” P-104 said.
Emil didn’t listen to the question; he got up from his chair and dropped his pants. His white boxers did a poor job of hiding his erection, and his penis begged for glee.
Emil kissed the screen again, dragging his tongue across the screen between kisses. The static tickled him, and the robot hummed, returning the kiss.
“Hmm… Emil… you’re amazing.” P-104 said.
The man grabbed the sides of the control panel, squeezing with a softness and tenderness. He traveled to the top of the screen and back to the buttons on the control panel. He thumbed the buttons, tracing circles into them. 
“We haven’t done this in a while…” Emil pinched the top of a particular button, and P-104 moaned. 
Emil reached down to his palm at his erection, pre-cum leaking into his boxers. He stopped and licked the buttons, suckling at one button near the bottom of the control panel. 
“I need it, Emil.” P-104 grew hot, his voice hitching at each flick of Emil’s tongue.
Emil pushed his boxers down, revealing his dark brown cock. Some of the pubic hair covered the base of his penis. Emil took a step back and lifted a leg onto the chair. He felt P-104 staring at his cock, particularly at the head.
“What would you like me to do?” Emil said. 
Emil giggled, placing his hand back onto the control panel for the last time. He guided his cock into a hole underneath the control panel. Tracing the tip around the outside of the hole. 
“Come on, Emil, what if someone interrupts us?” P-104 said.
“Then we’ll stop and pretend,” Emil shoved himself into P-104; p-104 screamed as if he wasn’t used to the massive length. “That we’re on our best behavior.”
Emil pushed himself out of the hole; oil dripped down onto his cock. He shoved it back in, repeating the action. P-104 moans drowned out the lewd sounds of skin slapping cold metal. The oil pooled on the floor, coating Emil’s feet.
“Damn, sweetheart, you’re tight as hell,” Emil said, kissing the screen.
“Oh Emil, I needed this! Do you know how hard it is to masturbate on my own?!” P-104 couldn’t take it anymore; his hole tightened and relaxed around Emil’s cock. 
Emil grabbed the back of the screen, pushing his face against it. He smiled, biting his lip. He circled his hips as he thrust into the hole. P-104 babbled as he reached his climax. 
“Do you…” Emil groaned. “Do you want me to come inside you?”
Emil thrusts harder, feeling his climax reaching. He kissed the screen for the last time, shocked by multiple tiny pricks of electricity. Emil spilled his seed into the robot, pulling away from the kiss. He looked down.
“We gotta clean up.” Emil cupped the screen, looking into it with tender eyes. 
“Hm… I love you, Emil…” The hum returned to the room as P-104 fell asleep.
Emil patted the control panel, sinking back into his chair. He scrolled through the report document and started writing his report. 
“Let’s see where this takes us, sweetheart.”
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dufreydiaries · 2 months
Dufrey Diaries Chapter 14
Lucline arrived to find Rasina giving a bowl of grapes to Tira. The girl looked worried but apparently not so worried that it would ruin her appetite.
"These are good, Miss Rasina." Tira exclaimed.
"Thank you, my cousin from Craglorn sends them to me periodically. These would never cut the mark for wine but they make a fairly good snack. I'll take your stuff and set up the room for you. Stay with Lucline."
Lucline removed her sun cloak and went over to the table and took out the Welkynd stone Mirrne had enchanted. Soon, the main room of the house was cool and comfrotable.
"That's amazing!" Tira went over to look at the stone. "I can make a field like that that covers my body but it doesn't extend to anyone else. This is really useful."
"Yep, I think it's incredibly powerful. Plus this spot has the sunlight on it most of the day so the stone can maintain its charge."
"Sun's setting, will it last through the night?"
"Even if it doesn't, I can do my old trick with a prepared bowl and some frost elemental magic in it." Lucline winked at her. "It works though you have to remain huddled around it."
"What do you specialize in, Miss Lucline?"
Lucline grinned and took out a potion bottle. "Alchemy is my heart. I make a variety of useful potions and when the need calls, I can have Rasina coat her blade in my poisons."
Tira's eyes widen."Can I see you brew some potions? Or maybe help prepare the ingreidents?"
"Sure, Tira. But my stuff is still at my old apartment so it will have to wait a couple days."
She nodded. "I help Mama cook sometimes, I enjoy following recipes and chopping vegetables. Even if I can't read yet." She looked frustrated that such a basic skill escaped her grasp.
"We can work on that while you're here. I taught my younger siblings to read when I was back home. I was a scholar at heart, though my parents wanted a knight." She could sense the bitterness in her words and hoped Tira would not catch it. Tira fidgeted in her seat.
"Do you hate knights, Miss Lucline?"
Lucline looked the girl in her eyes. "No, I can't say that I do. My brother is in the Order of the Dragon. It just wasn't the life for 'me'. If you want to be a knight, I think you should. You'll likely spend more time as a healer though. With your power-level, you could likely heal any injury or disease."
This seemed to please Tira and they chatted about this and that until the sun set Tira started to yawn. Rasina came back just then.
"The room is ready. I had not realized how much sand had gotten in there. Looks like it's bed time."
Tira got up and took Lucline's hand.
"Miss Lucline, can you sleep in the same room as me. I'm worried the men will come in the night away." She looked very vulnerable.
"Sure, Tira. I'll set up a little cot on the floor near your bed. If anyone comes in to grab you, they will have me to deal with."
The smile she got made everything worth while. Tira skipped off to her room to see what it looked like.
"If you prefer, love, I could sleep in the room. I am used to sleeping on the ground from my time at Leki's Blade."
Lucline shook her head. "I am as well. The squire's hall at the knight order my partners apprenticed me too didn't have beds or even straw. We slept on the floor, or rather what part of the floor we could take back from the rats long enough to sleep on."
Rasina frowned. "I thought it illegal for knights to treat their squires in such a fashion. Doubly so for a noble like yourself."
Lucline shrugged. "Likely, but the Order didn't care. It was supposed to teach us humility. I got this, I feel so happy to have Tira's trust. I want to be worthy of it."
Rasina hugged her close. "You're going to make a wonderful mother some day."
Lucline turned pink and snuggled into her partners arms. "We haven't spoken about that. I would like kids some day, whether by adoption or by magical assistance."
Rasina chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Maybe one adopted and two magical assistance? I know I would love a child from each of our wombs. Three is a powerful number for us Redguards as well."
Lucline smiled, thinking of just how terrifying their three children might be. "Yeah, yeah that sounds like a plan. At least, for now. I suspect that will be some years yet."
Rasina kissed her passionately. "Oh, for sure. I want to move somewhere more temperate before we make a family."
"I agree. We can discuss this more later, my love. I would love to have this conversation before bed one night."
Rasina kissed her. 'Oh, for sure, jewel of my night. Have a good sleep."
Lucline regretfully let go of her partner and headed off to prepare her cot. It was going to be a long night.
A/N: Happy 30th birthday to the Elder Scrolls Universe! I was two when the games first came out so I didn't even know they existed. I hope that there are many Elder Scrolls games to come. See you tomorrow!
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To Noise Making
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: mentions of blood and injuries- nothing serious
Genre: fluff, s little angst
Summary: Remember when you'd sing, just for the fuck of it? Any joy it would bring. - Hozier, To Noise Making
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You walk down the hall of the medical wing with your cup of coffee as you read the file you were given when you got to work this morning.
"They land in 10." One of the nurses tells you as you walk past him.
"Any info on injuries?" You ask.
"Not yet- I heard it was a pretty rough mission but that's all we got from them." He shrugs.
"Great, are the rooms prepped?" You ask.
"Yep. Oh also you're seeing the soldier today right?"
"Yes, if the others need me let me know but I'll be with Mr. Barnes otherwise." You say.
"Yeah okay. I think we should be able to handle it. After all, Stark did hire the best medical staff."
"Right, see you Derek." You say making your way to the exam room where your primary patient waits.
"Good morning Bucky." You smile at him when you walk into the room.
"Mornin." Bucky's response is monotone and short.
"How are you today?" You ask as you prep your exam supplies.
"I'm good doc." He says.
"You know I can't properly assess you if you're gonna lie to me." You say.
"'M not lying."
"Oh yeah? How're the nightmares?" You ask knowingly. His jaw clenches and the way you point your pen at him tells him that you caught the action. "Not so good after all huh." You say and it frustrates Bucky. Bucky, for all intents and purposes, likes having you as his doctor but he'd be lying if he said it doesn't get under his skin how easily you can read him. He's an ex-assassin for crying out loud and yet hear you are with pretty brown eyes peering through glasses perched perfectly on your face seeing right through his every move.
"The nightmares aren't that bad." Bucky says.
"Your therapist would probably say otherwise, but I'm not here to psychoanalyze you- I'll leave that to her." You say.
"Whatever." Bucky huffs.
"How's the arm doing? Any trouble since our last visit?" You ask him.
"It's fine. Well actually- I think one of the connector things up top is a little weird- I sometimes have a hard time putting it on. Could you, maybe check it out?" Bucky asks.
"Sure thing hon- I'm gonna take it off and check it out real quick. Alright?" You grab onto the metal arm and wait for him to nod before unlocking his arm and looking at it. "So is it like, sticking? Or is it not clicking into place properly? Like can you explain a little more what's going on?" You ask.
"Uh it's not sticking really it's more like, I click it into place and it catches on something, like one of the latches feels like it gets caught before it clicks into its hole? Like if there were a screw loose that was getting in the way- I don't know does that makes sense?" Bucky frowns.
"Yeah it makes sense, hang on a second. I'm gonna put it back on I just wanna see something." You hum putting special goggles over your glasses.
"What are those?" Bucky asks.
"They let me see through the exterior of your arm." You explain as you latch his arm back into place. You watch as the different notches click back into their spots and one gets momentarily stuck before locking in place. "Weird." You mutter.
"Weird? What's weird?" Bucky looks at you.
"Looks like the alignment's off. It should be a quick fix but I didn't think that was possible. You been throwing this thing around or something Buck?" You ask taking the arm back off. Bucky frowns.
"No. Of course not why would I-"
"I'm kidding." You cut him off. You quickly readjust the misplaced latch.
"Oh. Okay." He says. A few minutes later you lock his arm back into place.
"Better?" You ask. Bucky rotates his arm a full circle.
"Yeah, much better, it didn't catch or anything so- that's cool. Thanks."
"Of course. That's what I'm here for. Sort of. Anyway- is there anything else we need to talk about?" You ask.
"Not- that I can think of."
"In that case I'll let you go for the day. See you next week, same time." You smile at him.
"Actually- I have a question."
"Shoot." You say.
"Do you think it'd be at all safe for me to start like- leaving the tower? These guys refuse to let me go anywhere." Bucky huffs.
"You can leave the tower sure. Maybe take someone with you in case things go wrong but you're not a prisoner here. Oh and I'd steer clear of missions for now." You say.
"I have no interest in going on any missions. I just wanna be able to go out for coffee." He says.
"Then yeah- that you can totally do. Need a doctor's note or something?" You ask.
"Well no one listens to be so-"
"No problem- Bucky Barnes is cleared to leave the tower to go out for coffee or to do other recreational activities if he so pleases. Don't treat my patient like a prisoner. Signed, Dr. Y.L.N." You say as you write and then hand the note off to Bucky.
"Thanks doc." He gets off his exam chair and walks out.
"Hey y/n Stark wanted me to let you know they took Bucky out on their mission- said they needed him specifically so- he won't be in this week, depending on how long it takes them he may not be in next week either." A nurse, Luis, tells you one morning about a month later.
"A mission? Oh- okay." You mutter. You're a little concerned, but Bucky's an adult who can decide for himself, so you try not to worry.
Trying not to worry- terrible idea. You're just finishing up your lunch when you get a frantic phone call from one of the medical assistants a couple weeks later.
"Hi- Y/n. I know you're not working today but are you by chance busy?" Marco asks.
"What's going on?" You ask.
"The Winter Soldier is going on." He says and you can practically hear the grimace in his phone. You frantically rush to put on your shoes and coat.
"Please tell me someone didn't activate the Winter Soldier or so help me gods I will wring Star-"
"No! He's uh- he's still Bucky I'm pretty sure but he's injured really bad and he's refusing to let anyone else come anywhere near him." Marco explains cutting off whatever grusome threat you were going to make.
"Can you keep him stabilized for 15 minutes?" You ask as you run out your front door.
"Well- we can try- I'm not-"
"I know I phrased it as a question but what I mean is you need to keep him stabilized for 15 minutes because that's how long it'll take me to get there and we absolutely cannot lose him do you understand me?" You explain as you get into your car.
"I will do my very best." Marco says.
"Thank you. See you soon." You say hanging up the phone. You weave through traffic as quickly as safely possible and 15 minutes later you're rushing into the tower and up to the medical wing which you arrive in at the 17 minute mark.
"Where's Bucky?" You ask the nearest nurse.
"Room 3. The others are-"
"Being taken care of I presume but Bucky's the one who won't let anyone else help him." You say rushing through to Bucky's room.
"You're here." Marco sighs.
"I told you to give me 15 minutes. Of course I'm here." You say scanning the medical supplies. You quickly grab a needle and walk over to Bucky who is currently at risk of harming 3 of your nurses.
"Hi Bucky." You say grabbing his arm and jamming the needle into his inner arm. It's not enough to knock out the super soldier but it stuns him enough to not be a danger to the nurses for at least 5 minutes.
"What'd you just do?" Marco frowns.
"It's an anesthetic. It doesn't work the same on him because of the whole super soldier thing but it'll make him docile for a couple of minutes." You explain as you start examining his injuries. A deep gash is bleeding through gauze wrapped around his ribs. There are several smaller injuries too but the slash running across his right side takes priority.
You unwrap the gauze and stitch up the gash, curious as to how he's managed to sustain such injuries in the first place.
"You don't have to do that." Bucky mumbles.
"What?" You frown.
"Stitch it. Should be better by morning." Bucky says.
"I can't just leave this to bleed for the rest of the day you know. You may be a super soldier but even you are not invincible against blood loss." You say.
"I'm telling you, you'll have to take these out tomorrow." He shrugs.
"Then so be it. I'm your doctor. I'll take them out whenever it's time but I won't leave your injuries unattended." You say.
"Fine." Bucky says. Bucky doesn't protest as you quietly and quickly take care of the rest of his injuries while humming softly to yourself. When you finish you look at Bucky with your hands on your hips. "What?" He frowns at you.
"What the heck were you doing on that mission in the first place? I told you not to go on them and you said you weren't even interested in-"
"It's Tony's fault. He said I had to go because it was a HYDRA thing. I didn't even wanna be there." Bucky grumbles.
"Well what the hell happened?" You frown.
"We got ambushed."
"Well tell Tony that next time he takes you on a mission without my approval I will shove my foot so far up his ass he won't be going on any missions with or without you for a while." You say. Bucky snorts at that.
"Harsh." He muses.
"He should consider himself lucky I'm not already beating his ass. You're not cleared for missions, why would he go behind my back and take you on one anyway? I know following directions aren't his strong suit but I'll be damned if he completely disregards me as a medical professional, as your medical professional." You ramble.
"Hey- I'm okay doc. Wasn't so bad." He shrugs.
"Wasn't so bad? You got back here and nearly injured my medical assistants you were so agitated. They had to call me from home because you were uncooperative." You cross your arms.
"Hey I didn't hurt anyone."
"I know- but it was an avoidable danger in the first place if Tony listened to anyone but himself." You roll your eyes.
"Yeah- next time I'll just punch him or something." Bucky says.
"Maybe not that. But if you have, to go for it. Anyway I'm done patching you up so- I'll see you next week. Luckily none of these injuries are serious enough to keep you here." You say having cleaned the last of his wounds.
"Alright, catch you later doc." Bucky says.
"Make sure to take it easy!" You yell after him as he leaves. He mumbles an affirmative with a wave of his hand and you hope he will take you seriously though he usually takes direction well.
The next time you see Bucky is actually a few days later- he was sure the stitches needed to come out but he didn't want to take them out without your approval.
"Hello Bucky." You say when you walk in.
"Hey doc." Bucky nods.
"So you swear the stitches need to come out?" You ask.
"Yes- I told you it'd heal up quickly." He says. You lift his shirt and sure enough, it's pretty much closed up.
"I didn't disagree but it was bleeding too much to leave it open." You tell him, grabbing what you need to take the stitches out.
"I mean I guess."
"You've been taking it easy- yeah?" You ask.
"Of course doc. I'm the model patient." Bucky says.
"Yeah okay." You laugh.
"What? I'm a great patient!" Bucky says. You hum in agreement but decide to turn your attention to his stitches instead.
"Remember when you'd sing, for the hell of it, any joy it would bring-"
"What're you doing?" Bucky asks, interrupting your near silent singing.
"Hm? Oh just singing. I'm done by the way so you can go." You shrug.
"Singing? What for?" Bucky frowns.
"Well- when you spend most of your time dealing with injured superheroes you find joys in little things. Singing brings me comfort." You say.
"What song was it?" Bucky asks.
"It's called To Noise Making. It's actually about finding reprieve in song when life is hard." You say.
"Can I hear it?" Bucky asks.
"I'll sing the chorus."
"That's fine."
"You don't have to sing it right/Who could call you wrong/You put your emptiness to melody/Your awful heart to song/You don't have to sing it nice, but honey sing it strong/At best, you find a little remedy, at worst the world will sing along/So honey sing, and sing, and sing, and sing, and sing, and sing, and sing/Sing, and sing, and sing, and sing, and sing, sing."
"You sing really well." Bucky says when you're done.
"Thanks but- the song says to sing even if you suck."
"Why would you do that?"
"To find a little remedy." You shrug.
"Weird." Bucky says standing up.
"It's not for everyone." You chuckle turning away from Bucky to clean up some of the medical supplies.
"I'll see you next week." Bucky says as he leaves. He doesn't wait for you to confirm before he's down the hall. You continue humming to yourself as you finish up.
Neither of you knew it then, but that song would be the reason Bucky fell in love with you.
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magicalmyu · 2 years
guess who's gonna rant about anti entropy!!!! its me!!!!!
okay so today im gonna talk about tesla, because i talk about eins and welt enough on discord and i appreciate tesla just as much as the others.
(continued after the cut)
so, first of all, tesla definitely has a crush on eins. even if you disregard everything in the mangas and game as "oh but they're just close friends, they don't actually like each other," the vn makes it so damn clear that tesla has a huge crush on her colleague. whether it's the running joke that tesla likes to spoil eins while hating joyce's guts, or how she seems jealous of how much attention eins gives joyce, there's definitely some unrequited love going on here.
now, aside from the einsla propaganda, I'd also like to talk about tesla's character and attitude. while on the surface, she seems like your average tsundere, doing more digging shows that's not the case. in the VN, tesla seems significantly nicer, only losing her temper every now and then instead of being frustrated with someone at any given moment. however, one thing that should definitely noted is how much she cares for the others. in the visual novel, she frequently expresses worry for joyce, despite her supposedly disliking him. whether it's her being concerned at the start of the vn when joyce wasn't answering the door, or her lashing out at him after he refused to protect himself while eins extracted the soulium from the painting, telling him that he doesn't want him to give himself up to protect others, she shows how much she really cares for others in numerous ways.
this other side of tesla isn't just exclusive to the vn, too! second eruption and the nagazora chapters also give some insight to these character traits. in second eruption, when joachim confronts tesla about his plan to defeat sirin on the moon, she gets angry at him. this scene seems to parallel her scene with joyce in the vn, where she also states that "she hates people like him [who try to sacrifice themselves without any thought]" which may be a direct reference to the vn scene in question. apart from this, tesla also reminds eins to stay safe after she went out in the arahato mech to confront sirin. (ofc eins gets absolutely owned and in any other case i would be mad but tbh sirin is a queen too so no hard feelings <3)
in thunders over nagazora, tesla expresses concern for kiana and mei's situation. in fact, she didn't even want to be the one to tell mei the news, which is why she got tesla to do it for her. (i dont remember this one perfectly so lmk if i misremembered anything) there's also some archives from a source currently unknown to me (it might be the herrscher of thunder trial stages tho) where eins and tesla discuss what happened in nagazora. tesla expresses guilt over the situation, and believes that she and eins could have done something in order to prevent it. eins, as usual, comforts tesla and assures her that she understands her frustration and that they will work towards a good solution.
now, why does she act this way? and more importantly, why is her character in the vn so wildly different from her character in the game and manga? well, i have a theory of my own.
remember how tesla said she didn't want to see joyce "drown in his own compassion"? well, guess what happened to him? yep, she predicted his downfall: his own compassion. surely, after a tragedy as horrible as this, especially considering how eins was also noticeably affected by his death, you would think that she would change because of this too. and thus, she did. she begins to think that if she made herself unlikable, to the point where no one would care enough about her that they would give up their lives like joyce did, she wouldn't have to go through the pain of losing someone like him again. whether it was eins, or joachim, or even the hyperion crew, they must all mean a lot to her. perhaps this is why she resonated with kiana and mei, too. mei was a victim of the same thing eins and tesla were - the inability to protect someone who didn't even want to protect themselves.
but, of course, i can't really say im completely correct here. after all, im not hoyoverse.
in conclusion, i feel like tesla's character is misunderstood quite often by the fandom. she, along with joyce and eins, are definitely some of the most underrated characters in honkai, in my opinion.
tl;dr, tesla genuinely cares about people close to her, she just had her own ways of expressing this love due to past experiences.
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lcs-library · 3 years
Studying Can Be Fun! (Mizuno Yu x GN! Reader Drabble)
Tags/notes: sfw, platonic, Gn! Reader, happy birthday Yu!!
Summary/Preview: This all-nighter might have been a bad idea. You were seriously struggling in school, and you had trouble studying, so your best friend Yu had decided to come to the rescue. His solution was to bring you to his place for a study night so you could get every subject in your brain at once. Enjoy this cute platonic oneshot for Yu’s birthday!!
You groaned, fighting the urge to bang your head on the small coffee table in frustration.
This all-nighter might have been a bad idea.
You were seriously struggling in school, and you had trouble studying, so your best friend Yu had decided to come to the rescue. His solution was to bring you to his place for a study night so you could get every subject in your brain at once.
It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now you were beginning to regret that choice.
"What's wrong?" Yu asked, looking up from his work upon hearing your groan.
"I'm just confused, this concept doesn't make any sense." you huffed, laying back to sprawl your body across the floor. Yu sighed with a grin as he stood up to make his way to your side of the table.
"Let's see what we're working with.." he said, skimming the area of the textbook you were working with. He let out a soft hum as he contemplated how to explain it, then perked up once he had the answer.
"Alright, sit up! You're going to learn a thing!" "Wh- oh okay." you quickly blurted as you jerked up. Yu grinned cheekily as he directed your attention to the textbook, then proceeded to walk you through the problem step-by-step. He may not have looked like it, but he was an excellent teacher and your struggles were gone faster than you had expected.
"Did you get all that?" Yu asked, looking at you expectantly. "Yeah, actually. Are you some sort of magic man?" Yu laughed at your comment as he playfully pushed his glasses up. "Nope, just got used to teaching Yuri." You perked up after hearing his younger sister's name.
"Oh, by the way, where is she tonight? I haven't seen her at all!" "She's at a friend's house", Yu replied, "so we have the place to ourselves!" "Nice!"
Yu grinned, happy you were excited, before reaching across the table to grab his work. "You don't mind if I sit on the same side as you, right?" Yu asked. "What do you think the answer is?" "Yes?" "Yep! I don't mind at all!" you exclaimed as Yu turned back to his work with a smile on his face.
You did the same, applying the concept Yu taught you. To your surprise, it was easy to use once it was properly explained! As you continued to work, you noticed Yu's humming. Upon even just the first listen, it was unmistakably the "Onegai My Melody" theme song. You had to softly giggle to yourself at his cuteness.
You continued to press on, trying your best to push forward in order to get the work finished before you accidentally feel asleep. It was a hard battle, but in the end, you won, and for your victory, you slumped down on top of the table, burying your face in between the pages of your book. Yu turned to you, your silly little flop catching his attention.
"Did you finish the part you were working on?" he asked, a teasing smile on his face. "Yep! I'm gonna take a break now." "Do you mind if I join you?" Yu replied, happily closing his textbook. "Nope!" You turned you head onto its side so you could use your book as a pillow.
It was hard to resist closing your eyes, and the pressure was closing in on you. Before you knew it, you were asleep, a warm feeling filling you up. The pure pleasure of being in Yu's presence was comforting and safe, so you couldn't help being just a bit vulnerable.
Yu silently gazed at you, a look of pure kindness and sympathy on his face. He gently let out a sigh, slowly stroking your head. "You must be pretty tired from all that studying, huh?" he said in a half-whisper so as not to wake you up.
Yu checked his phone for the time. 2:38 am. Putting his phone away, he gently shook you awake. eyes heavy, you blinked to look up at Yu, his expression warm and welcoming. "Hey, it's pretty late. Do you want to just go to bed?" he asked in a whisper. You slowly sat up and nodded in response, trying to remain awake despite the temptingly sweet allure of sleep.
Yu could physically see your struggle, and tried his best not to laugh. He took off his glasses to set them on the table, then stood up, holding out his hand for you to take. You reluctantly smiled, allowing him to help you up. He kept your hand in his as he brought you to his bedroom, closing the door behind him. As he did so, you plopped yourself down on his bed and closed your eyes. Seconds later, you felt the weight shift on the bed and a pair of arms around your waist.
Cuddling with Yu was nothing new. Even as friends, he was a generally touchy person, and you had gotten used to it. You turned around to reciprocate the action by throwing one of your arms on top of him in a lazy half-hug. Despite the darkness, you could make out a smile on Yu's features. And so began one of the best nights of sleep you've had in your life. End!
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handonhaven · 3 years
Oh so they are going with pushing another relationship in 3x16.. no words just when they could both develop as characters alone and still show devotion to each other but be separated before going back to each other you know? i guess by this rate i don't really see any romantic reunion between them they really want to kill that for some reason, unless 3x16 proves it otherwise and Hope doesn't just move on or do rebound or look at other person and the wait for the last 4 episodes...
Yep. I can’t with this show. I mean, I do still definitely think there will be a romantic reunion between them, but it seems they’re gonna make us suffer until then. As if Handon being apart for 8 episodes only to reunite for less than a day before being separated again wasn’t bad enough on its own. They’ve gotta add Lizzie pulling this crap. If they have to be apart, I wanted to see them develop separately while still being devoted to each other as well, which I hope will still be the case. It would be so ooc for Hope to move on or want a rebound, I just can’t see it happening. This could be to show that Hope is still devoted to Landon and can’t just move on, maybe similar to how she couldn’t move on from him when Cleo was pushing her to. But it’s just unnecessary, we already know how much Hope loves Landon, they don’t need to add even more drama. There’s already more than enough at this point. It’s like they genuinely don’t know what to do with these characters, they just go back to relationship drama every time. So it’s gonna be extremely annoying and frustrating, but I don’t think anything will come of it. It does say it will take an unexpected turn. And it also says it’s Lizzie’s plan. I won’t be surprised if it’s something she’s planning without even asking Hope, since Hope is supposed to be working with someone from her past, so it could be something Lizzie is up to on her own. I can just see Lizzie trying to set something up without Hope knowing, and Hope will obviously not want it. That would make the most sense to me. And if it takes an unexpected turn, then surely something else is gonna happen. (I’m wondering if it’s gonna be Ethan, he was interested in Hope before and he’s basically the only option unless they bring in a new character. But maybe Lizzie will be interested in him or he’ll be interested in her, which would be a way to bring Ethan back into the supernatural world and cause drama between Lizzie and MG since the writers are all about that.) So I think it’s highly unlikely Hope will move on or be interested in anyone else. If they are staying to true her character, there’s no way anything like that will happen. But who knows what they’ll do, the best thing that could happen is for Landon to return to the school or somehow see Hope again before 3x16, but I’m not counting on it. Then we have to wait for who knows how long to see the real finale for the season, so this is gonna be rough.
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yn-dreamlife · 4 years
Our Princess
Ok so like I don't know if ya’ll have seen the interview or whe=atever where BTS dresses up as Princes and then proceed to like kiss each other on the cheek and stuff but imagine like you're there and they dress you up as a princess and like.... yeah. (Heres the interview if you haven't seen it)
BTS x reader (OT7 x reader)
Genre: fluff
Warnings: fluff, low-key smut/lemon, mentions of smut, cuteness, nicknames, eventual shy reader use of the word daddy/daddies (like once)
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Images not mine just found them on the internet but I did make the collage.
As I sneak into the back of the building I have to stifle a gleeful giggle at the sound of my boyfriends laughter. I can tell at this moment its Namjoon and Taehyng laughing and my heart swells at the thought of them. 
I truly am blessed to have such seven amazing boyfriends. And im blessed to have a friend who's willing to sneak me into this interview, of course I could have just told them the truth and come with them but this would be better. 
I just got back from my world tour and while most of it they where with me the last month (give or take) they had to return home. They called me to ask when I would be home and when I heard they where having an interview at the place my friend works I quickly lied so I could surprise them. 
They’ve done it to me tons of times before, it’s only fair I get to do the same. And hey if this happens to be how we officially tell the fans we’re together then I’m okay with that. Sadly im not actually sure what this interview is and y/f/n wouldn't tell me. 
“y/f/n!” I groan as she drags me away from where my feet were already carrying me. 
“Sorry y/n/n but I gotta get you in the proper attire first.” She says winking. 
I look at her suspiciously “you’re not sending me out in lingerie or some shit right?” She sputters before quickly yelling at me in a hushed whisper how they don't do that here and I couldn't help but chuckle, “just checking.” 
She rolls her eyes pushing me into a room and locking the door behind us, sometimes the boys need to leave an interview during break just to be alone and it would ruin the surprise of me being here if one barged in. 
As I finally look around I gape at the big ball gown right in the center. “Woah! What lucky duck gets to where that?!” I gasp admiring the beautiful dark blue dress. 
“You” She states like its a simple fact like humans need to breathe. 
“M-me- What?!” I look at her dumb founded and she just smiles. 
“Mmmhmmm!” She hum happily pulling it off the mannequin. I waste no time undressing and quickly putting the dress on before she changes her mind or something. 
I feel giddy as the dress slides on my body. “y-y/f/n” I stutter out staring at myself in the mirror as she quickly applies some makeup and puts my hair up in an elegant updo. 
“Hmm?” she hums.
“I look-” You pause truly speechless. 
“Absolutely amazing?” You nod silently, “of course you do! With me as your stylist where could you go wrong?!” She chirps happily as she looks at her watch. 
“Are we to late? Did this take to long?!” I ask worried trying to ignore my growing disappointment. 
“What?! No! Just trying to see if they’re all dressed and ready. You’re going to be the last one to go as our surprise guest.... and it looks like its time!” She says as her phone chimes. 
I stand up hands sweaty so I wipe them on a towel. “Wont they see me as I enter?” 
She shakes her head, “no they’ll be turned around and blindfolded incase someone tries to peak.” She says winking, “oh and you will be too!”
“What?!” I exclaim shocked.
“Yep... haha kinda for the whole beginning half.” she says scratching the back of her neck. 
“W-wha -why?!” I asked in a hush voice as she leads me out of the room. 
“You’ll see.” She whispers placing a silky blindfold carefully on my face, not tight enough to ruin my makeup. I sigh as we continue walking.
“Alright boys! Are you guys excited?!” y/f/n asks excitedly. she whispers for you to sit back and you do so carefully. 
“Yes!” Jungkook says excitedly. “I want to see this mysterious beautiful princess!” I can hear the smile in his voice and ignore the slight ache. ‘He’s doin it for the fans, they dint know about us yet.’ I remind myself. 
“May I ask a question?” I hear Namjoon ask. 
“Of course!” y/f/n says. 
“How old is this princess?” He asks I assume I’m supposed to answer but a hand is slapped over my mouth before I can do so. 
“She’s around all of your age!” she says quickly as Namjoon hums thoughtfully. You nod remebering they don't know its you yet. 
“Can I please please please take the blindfold off now?!” I hear Hoseok asks and I almost ‘aww’ at him but I refrain. 
“No.” y/f/n, states simply. “-First” she says cutting of there groans of frustration. “I want you to guess who it is.” She says, “Or who you hope for it to be.” 
“Papa Mochi!” I hear Jimin cheer happily and I almost bust out laughing but I quickly cover my mouth. 
“That’s a guy!” y/f/n says exasperated like she's heard this all day. 
“fine!” he groans, “ummm Kumiko!” Jimin says.
“Is that just a random person?” She asks and when I don't hear anything but a sigh from her I  assume he just shrugged. I shake my head smiling as I listen to a bunch of random names leave there lips. 
“Kaede” I hear Namjoon next.  
“Iva” Jungkook says
“Koge” Jin spoke next. 
Now it was Hobis turn “Rai”
Taehyng waited a second before also replying, “Risako”
“Ishi” Yoongi speaks calmly. 
“What do you all just have a random store of names in your head?!” Y/f/n asks exasperated. I can hear the smirk in her voice when she speaks next, “Surprised none you said your best friends name.”
“She’s still on tour.” Tae says rather roughly. 
“Calm,” Namjoon whispers but I still caught it, ‘just how close to them am I?’ I wonder reaching my hand out only to meet the fabric of someones shirt. 
“Wah!” He exclaims and I recognize it as Taehyung. ‘So I’m very close.’ I think  to myself. “Uh thanks...” he mutters moving his shoulder away. ‘cute.’ I think. 
“Jeez sore subject haha sorry folks,” she pauses and clears her throat before continuing. “Anywho go ahead and take off the blindfolds!” She says and as I go to reach for my own a hand on my wrists stops me. 
“Not you m-lady.” She says in a fake accent. I hit her hand away pouting. 
‘Lame.’ I think to myself bitterly. 
“If she can't see us why is it fair we get to see her?” Yoongi questioned. ‘Thank you!’ I thought exasperated. She groans. 
“ugh! fine! Party pooper, you can keep your mask on too!” She chirps and my shoulders sag, ‘so much for that.’ 
“Fine” he says and I can hear him sit back down. I hear the others collectively gasp as I assume they remove there masks. 
“What? Who is it?” Namjoon speaks this time, ‘so he kept his blindfold on too.’
“You two are gonna wanna see this!” I hear Jungkook say and I can hear the grin in his voice. It makes me smile and I wave shyly biting my lip. 
“Y-Y/n?!” I hear them both exclaim. My grin widens. 
“Y/f/n get this damn blindfold off me I want to see my bo-” I cut myself off, “My boys!” I say in a rush. She groans
“Okay but you'll have to wear it again for one of our games.” She states matter-o-factly. I Quickly rip it off and my smile gets impossibly larger as I see them all standing there. 
“Look at all of you!” I say grinning as I stare at all of them in there prince outfits. A noticeable warmth spreading to my cheeks, ‘shit they look really good.’ 
Before I can think more on how amazing they look I am quickly picked up and spun around by Namjoon. I laugh gleefully as he does so, me and him spent the least amount of time together on FaceTime over the past few weeks sadly, both busy at the wrong times. But that doesn't mean we didnt catch each other eventually. 
“Why didnt you tell us you where coming?” Jimin asks swiping in as soon as joon set me down to hug me and the rest of the boys followed. 
“To surprise you of course!” I say grabbing Yoongis cold hand as he pulls away. 
“Well it worked!” kook exclaimed.
“Yeah this is almost as good as papa mocha right jimin-ah?” Hobbi says nudging him. 
“Hey don't be like that!” He says as he stares at me helplessly. I laugh at this. 
“No, no I think chim would have preferred Papa Mocha right Jin?” I say looking at the handsome man. 
He smirks, “I dunno... maybe” I laugh bending over slightly as I do so missing the way all there yes where trained on me. 
“Alrght alright, enough of the gooey best-friend stuff!” y/f/n says. “We’re gonna take a break to give you seven time to prepare and poor y/n here time to enjoy herself before our next game.” she says about to walk away. 
“Wait! Whats the next game?!” I ask. 
“You’ll see.” As the cameras are turned off we are all sent away, the boys walk with my to ‘my room’ but we all know cameras where there to catch what would be said and whatnot so we stopped in the middle of both and I turned to all of them smiling widely. 
“You should have told us!” Taehyng grumbles as he clings onto you from behind nuzzling his head into your neck. 
“If I did that I wouldn't have been able to see you get all angry at the thought of me being away any longer.” I said bopping his nose and his own cheeks reddened. 
“Oh yeah, guess you heard that huh?” I make a mhm sound and he hides further in my neck as I giggle. 
“So kookie was I pretty enough to be worth it? Was I a good enough mysetery beauty princess?” I ask, he bends down cupping my cheek, “The only one who fits the bill,” he whispers placing a kiss on my lips. 
“Hey knock it off!” I say as a blush creeps its way onto my cheeks. They all laugh at that. 
We go to our own rooms and I sit waiting impatiently. Ten or so minutes later y/f/n comes back and pulls me into the room again and sits me back in the chair. 
“Okay so our next game is called... drumroll please!” All the boys smack there hands on there thighs, “Blush-rush!” She declares. 
“What?! Oh no!” I say exasperated “grrr curse you y/f/n!” I say shaking my fist at her as the boys laugh. 
“Yeah yeah thats the witches job not yours m-lady.” I scoff. “Ok! theres two rounds! One action round and one verbal round! y/n sets the boundaries, and you boys follow them but otherwise your good. Your goal? Make y/n blush as long and as deeply as possible.” She says looking to you to set the rules. 
“Ok obviously you boys know the no-no squares.” You say simply and they all chuckle nodding. “Okay, uhhhh I guess..Oh! No yelling in my ear!” You glare at Jungkook then remembering when you where still best friends and he screamed in your ear to wake you up, while acting out how he would wake his future girlfriend. 
He holds his hand up defensively and I shake my head at him smiling. “I don't know! You guys know me, so you know whats to far!” I said shrugging. They all nodded smiling, they know old boundaries of when we where trying to hide it from the fans are off the table, we’ve seen the theories and there isn't any negativity towards them so we figured why not.
If it comes out it comes out, if not then thats okay to. We’re happy ether way, it was a group decision. 
“Alrighty then lets get going!” She says smiling. “Boys pick which one you do first-” she gets cut off by an enthusiastic Namjoon. 
“Words!” He says quickly and all the boys quickly nod in agreement. I can't help but laugh. 
“Alrighty then y/n back on with the blindfold.” I groan but put it on anyways. 
it’s a long moment of silence before I hear anything at all, quickly thoughts of being alone flood into my mind but are quickly washed away by someones breathe hot on my ear. 
“Baby girl,” Instantly I recognize Jin, “you should have told us you where coming, we could have welcomed you home properly.” my eyes widen beneath my mask knowing full well what usually happens when we reunite. 
I clear my throat trying to avoid the blush on my cheeks. “Don't try to hide it princess,” Namjoon says his voice deep and on my other side, I can feel the warmth from the two bodies next to me. “You always react so well, such a beautiful blush.” 
This time I can't stop my cheeks from turning pink. “Little one~” It’s Jungkook, completely different from the excited adorable one who just minutes ago was excited to see a mysterious princess “doing so good, you’ve barely blushed so far.” He purrs but then chuckles deeply “Or you weren't blushing.” I groan slightly as I shift in my seat. 
‘Damnit only three of them have-’ “Hello Kitten,” ‘Yoongi, shit’. “Look at you, don't you look so pretty?” He says and I know if he could he would run his hands threw my hair right now. 
“Hello my little flower,” I hear another voice right next to my ear, ‘hello hobi’ I chuckle. “Something funny? Or you just like the way we’re making you feel?” I don't answer and he just chuckles at that. 
“Hello my little angel~” Jimin practically purrs into my ear just like Yoongi. “I love your dress, it would look better on my bedroom floor though, don't you think?” I try to shake off his words but of course the blush continues to grow.
I know who has to be coming next and I’m not surprised when I hear his deep voice, “Hi baby, are you happy to be surrounded by your daddies?” He whispers in my ear and by now the blush has moved down my necks and up to my ears. 
“Yes how are-” Jin gets cut off by y/f/n. 
“Alright alright!” She cuts in, “jeez guys I said make her blush, not kill her... you seven jeesh.” She pulls the blindfold off and I look up to see all seven of them around me smirks on there faces. 
‘uh-oh’ I look down not able to stare at them any longer, its to much I’m already warm enough. I didnt think they would be so.... suggestive. 
They chuckle as they see my cheeks warming up again. “I have to go cool off in the bathroom!” I say quickly standing up and moving to the hallway. I lean against a wall breathing deeply. 
“Damn you.” I sigh as I cover my face, even the after thought makes me blush.
“y/n?” I hear y/f/n, I look up at her smiling softly. “We can't make it a silent part, no one would no what they said and we all sign privacy policy contracts.” She said seriously. 
“Oh it’s fine I just was shocked really,” I huff out a laugh, “but lets make it silent, I want to see what our fans come up with.” She grins nodding. 
I go back out smiling reassuringly at the boys who all relax visibly. I sit back in the seat preparing myself for the next round. I breathe deeply as y/f/n gives the all clear as I watch Hobi approach. 
Truth be told I don't know what I was expecting but I wasn't expecting him to just sand in-front of me forcing eye contact, thats for sure. So when it got to be to much I quickly looked away, and thats how I knew I fell into the trap. His finger making its way under my chin to turn my face towards him as he leans in closer. 
And just when I think he might kiss me he pulls way smirking and I purse my lips to prevent a smile. So caught up in the moment I didn't realize Yoongi slipped behind me until I felt his hands move down my exposed shoulders only to go back up and move towards my collar bones. Goosebumps forming on my heated flesh. 
He drew his hands away drawing them close to my throat. Jimin also comes up not hesitating to move his hand from my cheek to my neck where he hovers placing slight pressure from his finger tips almost like from one of the first few videos he took of my where instead of doing the face smooshy thing he went and choked me. 
I know my face is beat red by now but there is still four more to go. I smile as Jungkook comes up to me, he wouldn't do anything to bad- I’m instantly proven wrong as his arms go around my middle, feather light touches moving over my sides the same way he does when I’m blindfolded and- ‘nope! don't go there then you WILL blush more!’ He smirks triumphantly knowing that was enough. 
Taehyung is much more.... pg I suppose as he peppers my face with kisses repeatedly, but I realize that that he was just to prepare me for when Namjoon sneaks up behind my sticking his face in my neck. He is sure to hide what exactly he’s doing by his position but I feel his lips moving up and down my neck going to the spot by my ear. 
Jin is the last, and what he does is simple but effective. He simply takes me off the chair and places me right onto his lap, and of course once again by now my face is beet red and they’ve surely beaten me since Hobi, but it was more fun to let them all go. 
After that the interview was basically done we stayed for about an hour more before we all decided to drive home. I was in my car with just Jungkook and Namjoon while the others went in there car. Im sitting in the back in Namjoon’s lap, yes there was a perfectly good seat beside him but honestly neither one of them cared and I loved the contact. 
We where stopped at a stop light the conversation at a comfortable silence when I spoke up. “You guys where very... open.” I say as I hide my face in Joons neck. he chuckles his hands moving up and down my back. 
“What can we say, not seeing you for, what a month? Add onto that the opportunity to publicly do anything we want with you, well we have to do everything we can.” he said smirking squeezing my hips. 
“Well not everything.” Jungkook says winking in the rear view mirror and once again I blush as a giggle leaves my lips. 
It’s a week later when I go onto youtube and find the latest conspiracy video for the eight of us shockingly. It’s videos of us over the whole time we had been dating, proof of the long time relationship. I smile as I show the boys and we reminisce on the old videos. 
I decide to post a picture on my instagram from the interview, one of the seven of them in there costumes and then one of me with each of them alone, namjoons was one of my favorites, not that I didnt love them all of them but one of the camera men caught the moment he picked me up and spun me around and I knew I would always treasure it. I put the caption, “My princes.” 
Seeing this they put a picture on there official insta saying “Our princess.” No one truly asked any questions, they all just knew. The comments where filled with friends saying finally, and fans agreeing saying how happy they where. And we where too. We truly would have a happily ever after. 
Hey guys my request an taglist’s are always open! Thank you!
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angelsswirl · 4 years
Been Through
Chapter 4: Must be confused about me
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Get ya, get ya, get ya shit together. Girl, I got 20/20 vision, and that's the reason I'ma keep my distance.
"I'm on my way to work now. Just dropped Lily off at preschool......Yes, Mom. I vetted the school extensively. She was on the waiting list since she was 2, so it better be worth it.....Okay. I have to go. Yes....I love you too."
You sighed heavily as you removed the phone from your ear.
Your mother, bless her heart, had a affinity for calling you at inopportune times, such as this one.
You were running late for a meeting. You don't like to blame your problems on your daughter, but this one was definitely her fault. After only two and half hours she had gotten attached to both Lisa and Jennie (you wish she would have just picked one and made this easier for you) and proceeded to have a mental breakdown when they eventually had to leave.
That mental break had caused the both of you to lose sleep, which meant you slept right through your alarm, causing Lily to be late for the one day a week that she went to preschool, and making you late for work.
And you hated being late for anything.
So, This was all your daughter's fault.
"Howdy, Boss." Your assistant, Max, greeted you as you trudged into your office. He handed you a warm cup of coffee. You took a sip, letting out a satisfied noise.
"Thanks, Max. I needed this."
He smiled, happy to be of service, "No problem, Boss."
You rolled your eyes, "Didn't I tell you to stop calling me 'Boss'? I'm a publisher who works for a publishing firm, I'm not the owner of this building. I don't sign your checks. That's the boss."
Max just shrugged happily. The beta was always infuriatingly happy.
"And stop saying 'howdy'. It makes me upset."
"You got it, Bos-Mrs. Y/LN."
You sat at your desk with another eye roll, "Maxwell. You know I'm not married. Just call me Y/N."
"Aht! Call me Y/N."
You glared at the poor boy until he nodded back. You could feel a migraine sneaking up the back of your skull. After mumbling something unladylike in Korean, you set about turning on your computer.
"So, what's on the agenda today, Max-a-million?"
The twenty year old perked up at the question. The weirdo loved organizing and things of the sort. You're pretty sure his favorite part of the work day was when you asked him what you were supposed to be doing.
"Today is Tuesday. You've got a meeting with the boss in twenty minutes. Then, you have a manuscript in your email that I forwarded you. It needs to be approved by lunch. And by then it will be time to pick up Lily, and you can leave for the day."
You nodded slowly, "If a full manuscript needs to be approved in three hours why did you just now send it to me today?"
Max gulped, you watched his Adam's apple bobble in his throat. You felt bad at the look of pure fear on his face.
"I um...I'm sorry. It was only sent to me this morning. I was told that you already knew about it."
You wracked your brain for any mention of a manuscript approval by absolutely anyone you had ever had a conversation with.
You turned to Max, the headache was shifting forward towards your eyes, "No one told me anything. Ugh! Fine. I'll just have to skim. You can go back to your desk. Thanks, Maximus."
The boy scurried out of your office.
You sighed, then opened your email to locate the manuscript.
It was the last email you had been sent, you hurried to click it open and download it onto your computer.
It looked like a normal manuscript. No frilly font. No decorative cover. Just bare and unblemished. Just how you liked it.
Rosès Are Pink
Though, it had an absolutely shit title. That was an easy fix as long as the author didn't get attached.
Speaking of the author. You could tell it was a pen name. C.R. Park. There was no telling who that could be. But if you approved this manuscript then you'd probably be getting to know them a whole lot more.
You read the first line and frowned. Then you read the next. And the next. And the next. And soon your were through the first five chapters. The frown soon turned into an angry glare.
You dug into your cardigan pocket for your phone. You pulled it out and dialed a increasingly familiar number.
"Good morning to you too, Y/N. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I didn't think I needed to?"
"Of course you fucking needed to. I'M IN IT."
"How do you even know that?"
"You can stop yelling now."
"Boss? Are you okay?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"I would like to reiterate that I didn't send anything to you. My managers probably did."
"What's the difference? You know I'm a publisher. I was bound to hear of it eventually." You wiped a frustrated hand down your face.
"What's the big deal, Y/N? Did you even read the manuscript?"
"Not all of it."
"Did you like it?"
"Chae, it's magnificent."
"So, what's the problem?
A heavy sigh left your mouth, and with it, your shoulders sag, "I-do you really want to put all of BP's business out there like that?" 'Do you really want to put all of BP's business with me out there like that' is what was really being asked.
"Yeah. The girls and I talked about it for weeks. The group is slowing down and we haven't liked the idea of lying by omission to our fans for awhile now. And I like to write. You don't have to worry anymore. " You could practically hear Chaeyoung's shrug.
"Okay. If you're sure. I hate the title."
Chaeyoung giggled, "So does Lisa. I'll let you fix it. Besides, it's not finished yet."
"You sent me an unfinished manuscript?"
"It doesn't have its happy ending yet."
"And what will that be?"
Chaeyoung paused for a second, "...You tell me."
"Mommy!" Lily bounded into your arms as soon as she saw you.
You brushed the brunette locks from her eyes and kissed her on the forehead, "Hello, my beautiful baby girl. How was your day today?"
"Good. Miss Taylor let us paint." She bounced in your arms, a semi damp peice of paper in her hands that she wouldn't let you see.
"That sounds like fun. What did you paint?"
"We see Lisa and Jennie today?"
I hope not.
"Not today, sweetheart."
You thought back to the previous day. Lisa was bonding with your kid while you were making out with Jennie on your bed....yep, sounds like you. You had been fine with that turn of events until you stopped kissing Jennie. Well, she stopped kissing you.
She stopped kissing you like she had suddenly remembered she left the stove on at home. You shared a very weird look before she pretty much ran out of your room like a terrified puppy. Or probably, more accurately, someone who just realized they made a mistake.
So, yeah. Now, you weren't so fine with the kiss and you could deal without seeing either of them for a good month.
"Mommy? Why don't I have a daddy or other mommy like the other kids?"
Your kid is trying to kill you. Hmm. What an ironic way to go out.
"Sometimes, kids only have one daddy, or one mommy. Some don't have either at all. But that doesn't make them different or any less special."
"Oh. Okay, " Lily laid her head down softly on your chest. "But I want another mommy. I don't like daddies."
"And you're absolutely valid for that. Mommy doesn't like daddies either."
"I want Jennie or Lisa to be my other mommy."
You had been so close to dodging the fattest bullet in parenting history, but no, your kid really did want you dead.
"We'll see, Dancing Queen. We'll see."
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anochuu · 4 years
kimetsu no yaiba | reverse harem
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⤧feat Sanemi, Uzui, Giyū and Kyōjurō
⤧ Fluff
⤧Slightly Rated
⤧Long oneshot
The ravenette young man slowly find himself tossing the drowsiness away and have come to an awaken when that certain voice calls out for him-his eyelids fluttering open trying to adjust with the light of the afternoon sun.But a shadow seem to conceal them right around his view;coming to a clear it is someone who is looking down at him.
He blinks the sleepiness away which made the female slip a few faint chuckles from her lips,he really looked like a child waking up from his nap.
"Should you really be sleeping here outside?"
He stifle a yawn,now forcing himself to sit upright with a stretch of his arms.He looks at his surroundings momentarily where he remembered planning to take a short rest by the engawa in one of the Ubuyashiki's estate where it meant for the other demon hunters to sleep in.
"Why not?"
"Are you serious? You just got back from an injured mission,did you not? What happened to resting in Shinobu's place?" She sat herself down on the veranda as well now,she is not wearing her haori so Giyū must have guessed she left it back at her own room.
"What about you?" He ask,voice groggy and hoarse when his throat felt dry
"Me?" She blinks twice,
"You just got back from a mission too.Why are you here?"
"You noticed?" Her smile slowly broke out,widening their form that always manage to make Giyū heart flutters in a pleasing way.
"I was just on my way back home 'till i smelt your scent here."
"My scent?"
She nods, "Yeah, after all, Giyū scent is unique tee-hee."
Oh have mercy with his heart
"Is that so.." He murmur,gaze casts downwards and she who senses it lean closer,cradling his cheek with one of her hand, shifting the warmth of her palm to his cold skin.
"You look really tired,Giyū.Will you not rest properly?" She sounded very concern and he uses this chance to lean against her touch.
"Will you be here?" He knows he is acting like a pampered child right now but he can't help it.Whenever (y/n) is around he will only show that fragility side of his only to her;her who manage to thaw the ice in his heart.  Her words are very delicate,assuring and soft which he found himself falling to her sweet honey voice all the damn time.
(y/n)’s lips curve a small but genuine smile, "May i come closer?"
This is what he loves about her; she will always ask for his consent though she knows very well that he will always say yes nonetheless but she still does.  Giyū nodded and she scooted closer where his arms opened ready to welcoming her into his embrace that eventually often ended up with his head resting upon her lap; loving how she would ran through her fingers to comb his black locks,soothing both his mind and physique.
"I met a boy today." He conversed,
 "His whole family was slaughtered by the demons." And he felt her touch stops for a second,before continuing again.
"But left for his sister."
"And i take it you saved them?"
He didn't answer as the silence hovers above the two.
His navy blue gaze bore intensely into her (e/c) ones, "No matter what happened later,will you trust me?"
Her smile slowly fell,she looks like she is trying to figure out the reason behind his eyes but couldn't find any;so what is he talking about?
"Was it life-threatening to you?"
"Will it ease your mind if i said i will?"
He doesn't move or utter a word though his stare never left hers.Sometimes Giyū is unreadable and (y/n) is having difficult times to understand him but all so far ever since she met him, he never hurt her in fact, he adores her so that he  will always remind her through words and actions that he is very caring.
"As long as Giyū believes what's right,then i will believe you too." She concluded.
My dear,what a beautiful creature and her heart so
With that said, Giyū prop himself up, levelling his gaze with hers.He waste no second as he dip in to a soft kiss to her plush ones that looks very irresistible with its natural rosey colour,inviting him to taste it.  One hand went to the back of her head as he leans deeper in result for the girl to arch her back-Giyū took the advantage to let her lie down onto the floor,his mouth working against hers in a fiery but yet soft passionate lock.
(y/n) shut both her eyes closed;wrapping her small arms around his neck intend to pull him closer;his scent getting stronger into her sensitive nose.His grip around her hip is gentle and that almost tickles her.
Her lips are very sweet like bees seeking for the sweetness of nectar buried inside a flower;her smell of faint lily only tantalise his yearning for her even profound.  Does the other men feel like this too whenever they got closer to her? So does that mean she is not only his alone?
He knows (y/n)’s trait is to be kind to everyone but right now he couldn't see it as anything but upsetting. Because that trait only suitable with someone as bright as her; like Rengoku does.
But will he withdraw from it? Of course not. Not when he can get to hold her like this as he wishes to.  He deepens the kiss,she feels the slight tip of his tongue brushes against hers.
She is madly obsess with Giyū’s voice whenever he would whisper her name between their mingled breaths.So it is fitting to return the favour,
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"Lady (y/n)!"
The girl spun around noticing the very familiar vibrant yellow-haired young man with red streaks approaching towards her,his white haori flutters behind his back accompanies with his usual bright smile that could lit almost everyone's day in an instance just by looking at it
"Kyōjurō!" Her face breaks into a wide smile,lifted the edge of her kimono to run straight to him almost stumbling along the way.She tackles the Flame Pillar to a hug which he then brought her for a single spin
"I haven't seen you for some times! Where have you been? How are you?"
"Slow down there ,goddess.I will answer one at a time." He laughs,still refusing to let the girl go.Not that she is complaining but she had longed to be in his strong embrace again,his comforting warmth and she simply cannot go a day without having Rengoku in her lives.
"I was training the kids that got recruited recently into the Corps.I'm sorry i haven't been seeing you recently,i missed you." Rengoku leans in,burying his nose into the crook of her neck with strands of his hair tickling the side of her face.
"You are a teacher now? That occupation suits you the best,have you ever heard yourself through speech?"
"Do not tease me my love." He chuckles, "And how are you? i have a break so i drop by in hoping i can see you." He caresses his lips across her cheekbone,feeling the warm breath swept onto her skin causing shivers down her spine.
"Drop b—" But then she remembered, there is no one by the estate other than her currently.She had sent all her retainers out for a day off in return for their hard work these past few days so how?
"Did you just—jumped over the walls?"
"Yep!" His face is beaming instead of feeling guilty, "I knocked but no one answered!"
"And you see it fitting to sneaked in instead?"
"Why not?" He laughs,"Do you not like it when i sneaked in to see you?" His sunset pair of vivid eyes softens at her sight making all the heat crept up from her neck and gradually gathers on both her pale cheeks colouring it beet red,
"That's so sly of you.."
There is a hint of smirk on his face, "Look at me (y/n)."
When she does, Rengoku peers into her face, "I want to kiss you."
In his eyes, it is frustrating how other men gets to see how beautiful and breathtaking her face is in this close space. The thoughts where others could ran their fingers upon her skin irks his mind that he needed to confirm something, to sate his frustration behind his gaily facade. He remembers where she lies down with Giyū beside when he found her taking a break valuing the time to spend with her when it becomes so busy.  Not to mention the other two Pillars that couldn't keep his hands off her;especially Shinazugawa.
With the devil lurking behind his head,he didn't wait for her respond as Rengoku dive in for a fierce kiss.
Ah His rough and chapped lips crash on hers;stealing all her oxygen away immediately as she held onto the fabric of his haori,his strong bicep went over the back of her waist to crush her body on him to enjoy the warmth and hopefully her scent that will linger on his clothes so he can catch a whiff of her on him at times.
When his kisses became desperate and rough, her mind went blank and she lost her own control letting him swallow every of her small tiny moans,
"Breathe through your nose,(y/n)." He whispers between kisses, "Regulate them."
Even now,he sounded like a good teacher but it somehow stimulates her even more while on the other hand he can feel her breath getting unsteady and he will have no choice but to end this soon so he reminded her again to allow it lasts longer.
How adorable
He pulls away after making sure to leave a bite on her lower lip.(y/n) collapse on his broad chest,inhaling the air that escaped from her lungs.Rengoku continue to kiss the side of her head lovingly,
"I knew sneaking in always got to see you."
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"Will you,(y/n)?"
"For the last time,Uzui i won't be your fourth wife."
"Why not?"
"I'm not a fan of sharing."
The male hums,watching her figure around and about in the garden and he thanked the heavens above he chose the right timing to came by. (y/n) will always changes her outfits whenever she is done with missions; so he gets to see her other side of beauties.
"Mhm don't mind me,darling.Keep doing whatever you're doing."
"I'm asking a question,silly." She laughs,that melodious light sound that sings for his heart.
"You look wonderful in anything,exceeding my flamboyant type." He merrily said,watching from earlier where the servants of her house behind her held the colourful obis and kimonos  in different patterns for her to try on.He is saying a fact though, (f/n) is downright a beautiful goddess in his eyes; her beauty exceeding every women he had ever seen in this vast world and secretly he admit,she is far more beauteous than all of his three wives.
Don't get him wrong; he insist on her marrying him is not just because of looks.She is one of the strongest female Pillars he ever encountered other than Shinobu and Mitsuri.Her special abilities is beyond expectations despite her fragile form.
  She wield both Breath of (element) and (element) user,her physical combat is remarkable and she will always proudly presents it was because of her hard training under Giyū and Kyōjurō.
Then his eyebrows form a crease between them upon other male's names in his head came across.The thing is, he had just came back from a mission for exactly a week and kami-sama knows what those vermin done to her in his absence.
He was snapped out from his own daze when he looks up to see her already standing right before him,a frown etched across her face visibly clear,
"You've been spacing out rather a lot today,something in your mind?"
"Yeah,whether to sleep at your place or mine tonight?"
His blunt response cause the heat crept up from her neck to her cheeks, "What the heck are you saying!? and in this broad daylight!"
He laughs,always find her reaction amusing, "i'm serious, will you not warm my bed tonight?" He took one of her hand in his to place chaste kiss around her fingers all the while keeping his intense maroon gaze to look into her eyes.
She smiles, "No."
Then his face fell to a sulk, "No? why no?"
"as i said,i'm not a fan of sharing." She drew her hand back to her side,noticing the ghost pout on his lips that she secretly found it very rare on a man as eccentric and loud as the Sound Pillar is.
So she tip on her toes, placing a quick but intimate peck of kiss on his lips catching the man taken aback.  He blinks at her triumphant smirk, "but this'll do for now.We shall see tonight."
He watches her back walking away as he still stand on his ground,baffled. The corner of his lips curve to a grin eventually,catching up to her,
"You think that was enough?" he huffs to himself,imagining the bigger possibilities in the back of his head once he get his hands on her tonight.
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       Some say the Wind Pillar is the demon from hell himself because all he speaks are nothing but curses, rebukes not to mention his emotional rage all the damn time.  But then again, all demon slayers have their own pasts that made them who they have become today so why the judge?
Though that is still no excuse for this certain Pillar to be so rough on the rookies that they start calling him the 'lunatic pillar'
"But my Nemi is the nicest of all~!"
(y/n) laughs out loud,doubling over whenever she got the opportunity to tease the Wind Pillar's younger brother who always turns beet red like the tomato in the Butterfly Estate's garden.
Animated steam blowing out from his both ears,unable to look at the girl in the yes because as everyone said, she is a beauty to behold and Genya who hits puberty,is now extremely shy in front of these complicated creatures.
"you are so cute!"
kami,did she even hear herself right now?
How did it come down to this? one moment he was enjoying the handmade ohagi in his engawa by himself until she decided to pay a visit out of the blue,choking the tea in his throat.
  It happens in a slip of a tongue when they were talking about his older brother,he uses his secretive nickname he always had inside his imagination.But now that she heard it loud,she simply won't just stop.
"But i completely understand you," her voice regained back to its compose, "He is just very bad at expressing himself so maybe somebody just had to teach him."
"Teach me what?"
their heads shot to the right where a drawling snarl was heard.There,the mentioned white-haired male is now approaching them closer
"Ooh if it isn't my Nemi~!"
They sensed him flinch,his glaring eyes now glowering even darkened to the point Genya just wanted to crawl into a hole underneath the house right now.
"What the actual fuck?"
She feigned a dramatic gasp, "Nemi! watch your language,please! Hello? a kid here?"
He mutters another incoherent curses underneath his breath, running his hands through his white locks, "What the hell are you doing here?"
"I'm stopping by on my way back from Oyakata-sama's headquarter."
He rose an eyebrow, "Why?"
"Aah,are you curious?" she wiggles her eyebrows and rather to deal with her childish act right now,he simply waved her off,heading inside the house, "never mind."
"And you, rather than slacking off why don't you train your damn limbs off?"
She frown at the exchange yet brief conversation-well,technically not one but that is the daily talks the siblings will only get.  So (y/n) excused herself from Genya to follow the older Shinazugawa inside.
"What do you want again?" she heard him groan knowing full aware she is trailing behind him into the kitchen
"What was that? Genya was waiting for you to come home,you buffoon."
"What'd you call me?"
"Nothing," she huffs,"Would you like some tea,buffoon?"
She casually prepares the teapot and mugs from the shelves after numerous times visited his estate.He did said make herself at home so she is putting to a good use at that opportunity.
"If you're only here to talk my ear off,i'd better sleep." he grunted,crossed his arms as he leans onto the counter,watching the girl in his kitchen.
"A simple 'I made Ohagi' is a big step for him,you know?" she hands him the warm tea,
He only looks away silently sipping it,
She sighs, "Sanemi.."
She waited patiently,staring intently at the man before she heard distinct mutters behind the mug over his mouth,
"i said i'll fucking try,okay." He gives in,mumbling.
This brought a smile upon her lips. With the close distance, Sanemi casually reaches for her hips before tugging her closer so he can hold her into his big and safe embrace,rests his forehead onto one of her shoulder,
"There,there why don't you take a rest while i accompany Genya for a while?" she caresses the back of his head,her fingers twirling at some strands of his white-titanium hair.
"Forget about that twat, i thought you're here to see me."
"That twat happens to be your brother." she lightly slap the back of his neck with a frown,a faint warn for him to watch how he speaks though that is a fairly fat chance.
"Yeah yeah whatever." Sanemi dismissed listlessly,nuzzling his nose deeper to her scent that he would be lying if he was to say it does not calm him. After a long and tiring afternoon unceasingly lone training,this is just what he needs.She always comes at the right timing.
(y/n)’s lips pulled to a firm,straight line when she then felt his lips brushes the skin along the valley between her neck and shoulders sending vague shivers down her spine.His other hand went over her back to pull the collar of her yukata down.
Without any warning, his teeth starts to nibble as she tensed in his arms.He carelessly place the mug from his hand to the counter behind him,knocking it over for the little liquid to spill.
She let out a yelp when he starts to add little strength to bit on a certain spot,sucking them to make sure he leaves a mark.  He pulls away just enough to admire the single hickey he just made that comes to life in its redness against her skin.
She deliver a slap again but this time,on his forearm,
"Pervert,what was that for?" she frown,
"What, the mark i gave you last time gone expired,i'm only duplicating it." he shrugs but the smug smirk on his face screams sorry not sorry.
"So the other bastards know you belong to me."
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kookix · 4 years
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All works belong to me - © all rights reserved to @kookix. Please respect this and do not repost or translate any of my work. Thank you :)
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Planning the perfect proposal was a dumb idea.
Or when you ruin his proposal.
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Paring - Yoongi x reader
Genre - Extreme fluff
Warnings - Minor swearing
Word count - 1.2k
A/n - Anything underlined you can click on :)
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Yoongi never felt the need to flash his relationship in other people's faces. He was quite content with it being his, he didn't need validation or a pat on the back from those who thought he was a quote on quote lucky guy. He just needed you, that being said at that moment you were approximately five thousand miles away from him - no more than a week ago you'd up and left to go visit your parents. And he'd be lying if he said that the video calls and text messages were enough for him. They weren't the same as having you right there with him, curled up in his arms with one of his loose fitted t-shirts hanging off your frame as he stared at you in adoration. It really wasn't the same…
Still, there was no way that he's was going call you and demand you come home - you deserved this alone time with your family. You hadn't seen them in person in nearly a year and there's no way Yoongi was going to take that away from you. He'd just have to wait, for now, he'd just suffer through a couple more yearning video calls and unsatisfying text messages.
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One or two days had gone by since Yoongi had last - properly - spoken to you. He had been trying not to count them, especially since the days had been moving agonizingly slowly. Obviously, Yoongi's physical ability to function without you was fine, he didn't need you to breath, or exist per se...But, he did need you for one particular reason.
His proposal.
For months he'd had it all planned, right down to the tiniest detail, everything was perfect. Well...Was being the keyword here - his plan had gone up in flames the moment you had informed him of your surprise visit home. And unlike his plan, yours was a complete impulse, you hadn't even really thought it through before you left. All he knew was that the day you had come home and bought your plane ticket, you had this flare and determination rooted in your gaze. You didn't explain where it had come from and he hadn't asked. He'd just pulled on a tight smile as he listened to you practically burst with warmth as you spoke about seeing your little brother, mum and dad again 'for the first time in forever'.
It was unfortunate really. Even at this time, he was twiddling the engagement ring between his fingers; thinking about how he would propose when you got back. And he's definitely sure he doesn't have enough money to reschedule the non-refundable proposal he originally had planned. So the question was what would he do now?
"Ah, I don't know," he sighed, clearly frustrated. He took one more quick look at the ring placed between his fingers before he set it back in its velvet box. "How do I even find a better way to ask (y/n) to be my 'matrimonial' nap buddy?" he mumbled lowly to himself. "Nothing's going to beat the night in the glass dome," he flops back defeatedly on his sofa, covering his face as he does.
A small pout takes over his face - in contrast to its previous grimace - before he sits back up to glance at his buzzing phone. Oh, it was you, he noted once he picked it up, what perfect timing.
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It didn't take more than two rings before you answered, the camera fumbled around in your grasp as - Yoongi could only assume - you were trying to get comfortable in a bean bag chair. "Yoonz, I've missed your face so much." You finally said once you were settled.
"Missed yours too, sweetheart, " he let out, huskily. Showing off one of his gummy smiles, only a little lazier than usual. "How's your visit?"
"It's good...," you hesitated. "Don't get me wrong I'm so happy to see my family and be back here, but…"
"I don't know, I'm just not enjoying it as much without you." You confess, letting your teeth sink into your bottom lip. Oh, Yoongi really didn't expect that. "It's just I can't help but keep turning around to tell you something but, then I realise you're not here." You sigh, tucking some hair behind your ear. "I guess, I started to realize that I hate when I can't share things with you, I-I don't want life to be like that Yoongi." You paused. "I want to be able to share all my greatest moments with you, forever...so, Yoongi will-"
Wait- what was the going on here?! Were you proposing...?! Well, possibly you could be about to say something completely different but, the feeling Yoongi was getting in the pit if his stomach was telling him differently. His mind was reeling, more than one thing alerting it at a once. But, he's wasn't sure which one to focus on first; the deep swell in his chest or the fact that you might - potentially - be proposing to him!
"Will you-" Oh God you're stealing his proposal, why is he even surprised. "Marry me...?"
There's a long drawn out pause and Yoongi can see you, practically holding your breath as you wait patiently for him to answer. And he can also see your shoulders drop slightly when he doesn't immediately let out a giant 'yes!'. "Never mind, it's stupid-"
"No, it isn't," he stops you - and he knows if you were with him right now he would clasp your hand with so much loving intent you'd freaking melt. "Yes, I'll marry you, you idiot, I love you.' He beamed softly. " Oh, sweetheart no- don't cry," he tried to soothe you as your lip trembled and your eyes began to water.
Taking a few seconds you blinked excessively in an attempt to stop any tears."I-I'm sorry, I thought you were going to say no," you half-laughed through your teary state.
"I would never," he promised. "Even though you ruined my first proposal and stole my second one," Yoongi smirked, letting a wolfish grin play across his face. "Yep," he continued as your watery eyes started back at him in shock. "I had rented a glass dome for the night, with your favourite fake flowers, because I know you're allergic to the real ones, it was freaking beautiful!. Ah, I had so much planned." He shook his head in mock sorrow.
"Yoongi- I- fuck...I promise I'm going to make it up to you." You say, opening and closing your mouth a few more times. "I- gosh- I can't believe- wow-"
"Being my wife will be enough, " he cut you off. "plus I hadn't come up with a second proposal idea yet so you kind of...did me a favour, " Yoongi chuckled.
The words seemed so nonchalant coming from his mouth but, hearing him call you his wife that certainly hit you differently. "Oh God, I'm booking a flight home right now, I'll see you in 11 hours my husband to be!" You don't even wait for him to say goodbye before you're ending the call.
"See you in 11 hours, sweetheart," he whispers contentedly at the now blank screen of his phone.
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A/n - Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed. Even though this was written by a noob. 🤧💜
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