#its so stupidly funny
kruinka · 1 year
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perereiii · 2 years
got a . got
got a switchcomb
also a hacky sack that will be exclusively used as a stim toy
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rox-of-iu · 10 months
ayo guys guess what time it is again :)) 💜💜
spoiler warning for cultivate ch 41-46
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hehe finally scrambled brain enough to be able to catch up and cultivate makes me go 🥰🥰😌🤗😊😊
cultivate of course by @neonghostcat beloved
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magpod-confessions · 2 months
I don't think tma or tmagp are scary. At times they can be uncomfortable to listen to but it's 100% a horror-comedy to me in the way that it's a comedy but with horror aspects. There was lots of suspense but... yeah
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2700k-moogie · 6 months
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Milk ref sheet done yaHOOOOOOOOOOO lookit my big beautiful baby they filled with joy and happiness
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vioqumin · 6 months
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im not normal about her thank you for asking ❤️ im gonna summon her when she's here even if it kills me, i need her your honor 😭😭😭😭
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whack-patty · 5 months
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Reporter asked if they were an ****item*****
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ego-sum-ex-altiora · 1 month
My Roman Empire is the fact that if my school offered Latin, I would absolutely take it (no matter how pretentious it would make me)
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poisonouspastels · 5 months
I need to talk about Minecraft AU for a sec and how the difference between our world and their world makes for some of the most humorous but also interesting differences in how people act about certain subjects.
Like the trans thing right. Steve and Rana are both trans I've talked about that before. And neither of them are on hormone replacement or anything (there is an in universe explanation as to why Steve has a beard though I promise I can talk about that if anyone wants) but like that's fine bc it literally Doesn't Matter to them or anyone else. Like as spawned players they already don't have any pre-existing gender roles or ideas of what something "should" be so gender and presentation is what they make of it and there's no real solid idea in anyone's mind about how a "boy" or "girl" behaves or looks like. These are labels that exist but they barely mean anything. It also helps that any preexisting culture that WOULD have ideas of this was almost entirely destroyed like 5000 years ago (thanks Groda) so it matters even less than it already did.
And its funny bc the only two people alive from that era, White Eyes and Groda also just don't care. Groda maybe asks why Rana's voice sounds deeper once and nearly gets torn apart by Alex bc of it (Rana isn't offended or anything she just has a defensive girlfriend), bc she doesn't really understand because she never experienced anything like this first hand but very quickly comes to understand it and accept it. And on the other hand White Eyes is just like "I've seen weirder things than this" which yeah. Yeah honestly I think the person who was previously one with the undead would not care about gender in the grand scheme of things.
And then u have Kai which I've joked before that they may as well have been spawned in nonbinary. They rlly just said "I'm not really anything" and everyone was like yeah makes sense I vibe with it. Good for u.
Steve and Rana are both fairly open about having been the opposite genders previously (because that's how they view their experiences and that's valid!) and don't really shy away from the subject but also never really have much reason to talk about it since there's rarely a need to. In the modern day pretty much everyone who met them had met them post-transition. Even Alex had met them just before Steve started growing in his beard. The only people who ever knew them as Adam and Eve were Efe and Sunny but they never really thought it was weird or anything. Like the weirdest part to them was Steve saying he got his epiphany from seeing some guy in the distance on a foggy day who looked vaguely like him but that's its own subject manner that they aren't going to pry on.
Also Steve did DIY top "surgery" previously with a sword but we aren't going to talk about how messy that was for everyone involved.
#minecraft#minecraft au mastertag#apologies for my trans ramblings. how i get to approach these subject matters in the AU is just fun#and i needed to get some thoughts out#unrelated fun fact that i think most people here dont know: Steve and Alex were actually the first two to be in a committed relationship#not Steve and Rana like most would (rightfully) expect#this is because despite the fact that the two have literally know eachother for their entire lives#they're both really bad at being honest with themselves.#for years it was 'i like this person but i dont know how to tell them'#to 'well maybe i only FEEL like i like them because i dont know anyone else that well'#to 'well maybe they dont feel the same and it'd be weird to bring it up now'#you've heard of slow burn now get ready for what those two had going on#Alex when integrated into the household and months had passed actually had enough confidence to ask#here's the funny part though. she had assumed that Steve and Rana WERE dating already (and was cool with it obviously)#they were not.#so u can imagine how funny it is for Steve to hear 'Your girlfriend is pretty' out of Alex's mouth bc of that#She's more shocked that they're NOT dating already they live in the same house they've known eachother for literally their entire existence#they are like so stupidly affectionate with eachother to boot#'And you've known her for how long??' 'I mean... about 10 years?' 'DUDE.'#its actually agonizing but on the bright side it is what got the polycule started eventually#I would not be surprised if Sunny and Efe placed bets on if/when it would eventually happen
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sirnavergi · 10 days
i want to revive my fnaf ocs (AGAIN) every few years. it just keeps coming back. i was so insane about fnaf as a child (i still am but more secretly) n i can never escape it
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kandidandi · 1 year
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hi this stupid meme has been stuck in my head forever
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hailsatanacab · 2 years
so good to see cetbwa back! here are some fun little memes to celebrate your return!
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thanks for the chapter!! love to see it
and i did not forget it was september i was not surprised by an update no sirree
Welcome back everyone, it's angst time!! 🎉🥳
for chapter 11 of cetbwa, thank you!!
#danny phantom#dpxdc#batman#danny phantom crossover#close enough to be whole again#cetbwa#tellmeabtspinos#hey look i actually remembered to tag you without doing anything rambly tags first!!!#this will never happen again haha#HEY HI HELLO TO YOU#i must admit it was very hard for me to sleep last night because i was too excited to see what you'd do with the chapter#and i woke up stupidly early - had to keep turning over and being like 'no get some sleep! you cant check yet!'#hey just a quick aside did you know that the comma to split up tags counts in the character limit???? isnt that fucked?#back on my bullshit with stupidly long tags haha#ANYWAY SIR YOUR MEMMEEESSSS LOOK AT THEM#my absolute favourite#that made me laugh so fucking loudly#was the pingu one (is it pingu or just a penguin? idk its funny tho)#i tell you the show is so stupid and childish on the surface level but if you actually think about what they go through#its all so fucked up#guess thats why the phandom loves it so much haha#the tom cat one - it was all going so well! there was so much laughter! and just like normal vlad comes along to ruin it haha#and the 'this is fine!' one!!!! would you believe me if i said that in the original version of this chapter (and version 2 as well!)#it was a way happier ending and everything was actually fine??? danny leaves the dining room filled with hope#and the certainty that he's going to tell damian because damian doesnt know about ghosts and danny can control the narrative you know?#like he was almost giddy with that happiness - knowing that he has a chance to be part of the family here#why would they hate ghosts?? they could accept him as he is they really could!!!#he's almost like excited to finally get it out in the open - and he plans to tell dami first and then bruce and then play a few pranks#on everyone else#oh gdi tag limit shit fuck THANK YOU FOR THE MEMES ILYSM I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE CHAPTER THANK YOU THANK YOU TYSM ILY
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hershelwidget · 1 year
i dont think we think about this enough
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WHY did tweak and inkling make this before it appeared. what on earth was the purpose of this thing before ?? did they sit down together and say “hey. what if we have to fight a squid.” and then made the single funniest thing i’ve ever seen in this show
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i’m not complaining though. he slays an ungodly amount in this thing i’m just confused really
here’s more
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sorry the netflix stuff gets in the way, might get clearer images later
i have DEFINITELY drew this before with my old inkling design so i might try that again
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the funniest thing about me writing a cute little shippy first kiss oneshot is that 1) i googled how to describe a first kiss, opened three separate sites and then never read a single one bc i declared them to be bullshit, 2) because it's me both characters are highkey anxious and convinced their crush is unrequited when i actually wanted it to just be a sappy present for a friend, 3) the characters do actually talk, which was highly improbable, but also refuse to say the word love out loud which i think is hilarious, and 4) i'm pretty sure i managed to be both ooc and incredibly accurate at the same time and no, i don't know how
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solcarow · 2 months
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cepheusgalaxy · 3 months
"Security for a theme park?" "Were rich and hot, ppl want our money and our bodies hon"
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