#its the fantastic drowse
fourmisfitz · 6 years
Drowse: Part 2 (Roger Taylor x Reader)
Part One
Summary: You had needed a quiet space to work, so you went to your best friend Rogers. You were exhausted and Roger took it upon himself to take care of you and get you the rest you so desperately needed. Now, you’ve woken up the next morning and the rest of your day pans out still at his flat…
Setting: Current year but London, England when Smile was still together and Brian and Rog were still studying together at Ealing Art College. Imagine whichever Roger Taylor version you fancy, I just chose the Ben!Roger gif to prime you with that look!
Word Count: 5.7k  sister snapped, but lots of little things happen, and I have big plans for part 3... 
Requested? ✔
Warnings/Content: Swearing, fluff, lil bit of smut *gasp* i was saving it for part 3 and i might regret it later because i knew how i wanted to end this one but I couldn’t help myself- I wanted to move things along...
A/N: Hello beautiful human beings, loves of my life, adoring supporters and lovers of Rogahhh Taylahhh - it took me a while to figure out how I wanted to end it off and I don’t know how much I like this but... Sending you hugs, I hope you enjoy :)
Ahem... and don’t forget, FEEDBACK ;)
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    You woke up at about noon to the smell of smoke. Your eyes still closed in a half asleep drowse you just groaned until you processed the scent. You jolted your eyes open and, to your surprise, Roger wasn’t on his side of the bed anymore. You reached out to feel the mattress and the sheet wasn’t warm; it hadn’t been occupied in awhile.
Taking a moment to think, your eyebrows furrowed as you aimlessly looked around the room, but you couldn’t remember if he had said he was going somewhere or anything.
The last thing you remembered was a brief content moment you shared a while ago between dreams. The shower wasn’t running, and you would have heard the TV if it was on. The bitter scent permeated even stronger now. Christ, what the ~hell~ was that?
“Rog?” You called out, loud enough that, had he been in the bathroom closeby, he would have heard.
“Rog!” You yelled a bit louder, urgency wrapping your voice.
You groaned in worried frustration and flipped back the duvet to free yourself from the trapped warmth. Instantly you were overcome by the cold air of the London flat as you scurried over to Roger’s wardrobe to grab something to wear over the band tshirt he had lent you.
When you opened it, the wooden doors released a fresh cedar scent mixed with a musky cologne as you bent down to pluck a folded sweater from the heaps of top garments. How many shirts does he need… There was something of every fabric, thickness, and colour, and he even had a section dedicated to denim.
You pulled a grey hoodie over your head and down your torso as you threw the bedroom door open and pursued down the hall towards the kitchen.
The smell was stifling, and it was much warmer in here. Your eyes were drawn to the gas stove, hissing a flame like a dragon underneath a pan that was sizzling and spitting oil around a pancake… or whatever that round charred thing was now. Found the smell.
Within the same matter of seconds your next hunt was to locate Roger. Glancing over to the island counter as you entered the room, you could now see an unkempt blonde. Putting the pieces together, you rushed to turn off the element, picked up the pan, and didn’t bother inspecting the contents before shuffling the pancake off into the garbage under the sink.
You looked up across from you to see Rogers head limp on his forearm, the other dangling from his torso, his long hair splayed over his arm and onto the counter. You sighed and walked around to him.
“You know,” rubbing a gentle palm in circles on his back, “there are easier ways to burn the house down.” You grinned, shaking your head, bringing your hand to lightly squeeze his shoulder. He groaned, scrunching his face and rubbing his eyes as they adjusted to the light filling the room. You reached into a cupboard for a glass and held a button on the fridge door to pour yourself some water, beginning to chug it facing away from Roger.
“What’s the fun in that? Slow and steady. Like sex-” he pinched your ass, both the comment and gesture instantly causing you to choke on the water you were gulping down, your shoulders contracting into a hunch as he continued, “-conflict is more entertaining when it’s implied.” 
Are you kidding me right now? Trying to suppress your coughs, a wrist held to your mouth to mute any sign of them, you squeezed your eyes shut, concentrating on calming down before he realized. But he realized.
You finally got the mini-convulsions to settle. You bit your lip, trying to get on his level, but for the life of you, you couldn’t really comprehend why that’s where he’d taken it.
“You would know.” You're congested voice peeped as you sniffled, turning around to face a very cheeky Roger, who was clearly trying to stop any laughs from bubbling up.
You shook your head as you opened the pantry to get out a loaf of bread.
“Now, why don’t you try some toast,” you held the bagged loaf in front of you, “or-” retracting it, “are you gonna burn that too?” you teased.
He didn’t say anything, his eyes just followed your hands with the bread and then rested his right hand on your hip while your eyes were stuck on his.
It was like he had all the time in the world, so calm, not rushed. He was still finding his way out of a haze.
His thumb snuck under the hem of your sweater and you felt it brush against your skin hidden beneath it before he looked to his hand and pinched the fabric.
“ ‘Don’t remember loaning you this?” he wasn’t upset in any way, in fact, he seemed a little flattered.
You paused for a moment, admiring his eyes and his lips from this angle, towering over him. When his gaze returned to you, not realizing you hadn’t answered, you quickly snapped out of your trance and smiled, lifting your chin as you walked out of his light grip and towards the toaster.
“Got cold… which, y’kn- now that I think about it, is ironic considering how hot it is in here”, twirling a finger gesturing to the room, turning back to face him. “How’d you manage to fall asleep? I mean, surely you slept all night, didn’t you?”
His lips parted at that, like he was the slightest bit caught off guard and registering something.
“Yeah… ‘course.”
He shrugged at both words, adjusting his position on the stool, looking down. You just observed his face, biting your the inside of your lip.
Shrugging it off, you went back to the pantry and grabbed peanut butter and honey for the toast, then got a plate from a high cupboard. Roger watched as you did, still trying to fully wake himself up.
When you reached up on your tiptoes, you could feel a faint cool sensation on your hips as your sweater lifted.
Roger noticed, and his elbow slipped off the counter causing him to jolt, eyes wide - that woke him up.
You retrieved the plate and placed it on the laminate counter top of the island, facing his direction now.
“Did youuu…” He trailed off, swaying his head, staring down in front of him, “have any dreams last night that you recall?” His curious, swell eyes found yours. 
You leaned forward on the counter, propped up by your elbows, giving it a lot of thought. He mirrored your motion, an innocent smile appearing.
“Hmm… perhaps.” You leaned into one palm, shifting your weight as you envisioned it. An imaginary thought bubble basically appeared, it was so vivid. He perked up.
“Yeah, I was watching you play at a gig in a bar and you were saving someone from getting roofied, like,” you looked back at him, impressed with dream Roger, “you literally threw a drumstick in the guys direction to draw attention.” He hummed, a short breath of air leaving his nose. “Yeah, didn’t know you were such a hero.”
“Do you know who the girl was? In your dream?”
“Nah, just some blurry silhouette. I could only make out your face.”
He nodded, eyes trailing away as he rested a fist in front of his mouth, chin on his palm.  “So no particularly bad dreams, then?” His voice low, inquisitive. Your expression turned slightly.
“Well… there was one, I guess…”
“Go on.” he encouraged.
“I… was running…” He waited patiently as you took a breath. “I was in a forest, and, I had headphones in, and some guy came up behind me… anddd, I didn’t hear him approaching,” All you could see were Roger’s stark blue eyes shadowed by his concentrated eyebrows, 100% focused on you, and then you looked back to beside his body as you continued, “he tackled me, I fell, there was a moment of struggle and then,” one of your hands opened up in front of you, still propped up, “you showed up - out of nowhere it seemed, and everything was inaudible but I just saw your face, shouting as you yanked him by the collar of his jacket, pulling him off… and then he was gone… and all I saw was a white sky. Your face reappeared, and then it ended.” Your eyes trailed back up to him as you finished the thought, he gulped, still staring. “You showed up and everything was fine.” You said simply.
His lips parted again and just then, the toast popped.
You took the slices from the toaster and began spreading generous amounts of the condiments across from him. Roger stayed quiet as you did so. Your eyes glanced up at him briefly. He really looked like he was thinking about something deep.
You recalled your dreams last night, all of them. It felt like there had been hundreds. There was one where Dean, your now ex-boyfriend, was hurting you, another where you were stranded in the ocean at night, and even one …or three... that starred Roger, the most memorable being where he was surrounded by girls, going along with their snide remarks towards you in a hazy, muggy back room of a club. You didn't want to tell him though, because you didn't want him feeling obliged to console you or possibly even see you as a weak little kid. He would never have to know.
There was an age difference of roughly two years, so sometimes people made fun of you for having a slight crush on him - the few people that knew, that is, or the smarter observant ones who could figure it out, though you're pretty sure Roger himself would never catch on. They teased because they saw that gap as a doomed relationship even though its not weird when married couples are two years apart so why would it be weird if you and this incredible guy-
 “YN!” Startling you.
You froze and realized you had been so lost in thought, you started to cut into the thin plate with the knife. He got up from the stool and made his way around the island.
“Oh Gosh- Roger, I'm- uh- I'm really-” He was behind you and took the knife out of your hand, his head beside yours as your eyes were glued to the plate in shock at what you’d almost done.
“Not sure toast is your thing either, love.” His blonde hair tickled your neck before he chuckled and threw it nonchalantly in the sink, eliciting a sharp clang. You frowned at your feet. “ ‘Least you remembered.” tearing a corner off the toast with his teeth, honey drizzling off the edges. Your expression lightened as you looked back up to him while he yanked off another bite. “Nope, you ‘on’t give yourshelf enough cre-it.” he nodded, examining the slice.
One last bite and he stole the next piece off the plate, smiling with chipmunk cheeks as he reached over the island counter to ruffle your hair. “ ‘anks for vuh tohst, sweets.” sending you a wink as he turned and disappeared into the bathroom. You didn’t take your eyes off him until the door closed. PB&H toast, his favourite. You remembered.
You thought about last night, about how good it felt to sleep next to someone again. You had a night like that once with Dean a month or so ago, but it definitely wasn’t anywhere near as special as Roger holding you. His bare chest was so warm against your skin, and he held you so close, like his life depended on it. You shook the thought out of your head, scolding yourself for thinking it was anything more than pity consolation. Marching over towards the living room you decided to get some progress done on your paper.
The research paper was for your psychology course in a humanities program. You had to construct an essay that thoroughly responds to the prompt: Could human civilization have evolved without the use of spoken language? You had begun it one way, but now wanted to take a completely different approach and argument. You started thinking about body language and social cues… how Roger winked at you a while ago and you felt your heart heat up. You could discuss how words evolved for a reason but… sometimes the way he looked at you, when two people share one little moment where words weren’t necessary, and then- gone. Slipped from your hands, but you know it was undeniable - that you both felt it and… focus! You started typing something your prof would actually want to read, after all, this wasn’t some fanfiction. You huffed and got on with it. Without spoken language, human civilization could have…
Before you knew it, you had a solid half of the paper down, though you spent a lot of that time scolding your wandering daydreams of the blonde in the shower… what was taking him so long, anyway? You got up and made your way to the bathroom. ‘Shower was still running, but you checked your watch and noticed it’s been about an hour and a half since you sat down.
You knocked, but when you did you accidentally pushed the ajar door open. Did I not literally see him shut this?! Shit.  Frozen with your fist still in the air, you walked - as if against your will - into the foggy, humid room. Behind the door to your left was the shower. You cautiously peaked around the door, and sure enough, a silhouette was moving behind the curtain - singing, even. Rog was performing Doing Alright for himself, and oh man was it adorable. It sounded like he was drumming against the shampoo bottles, too.
Phew. He wasn’t dead or anything with a mouthful of agua. You let out a sigh and laughed to yourself at his adorableness… and then immediately realized your mistake, because even over the water you’d have to be deaf not to hear that.
Abort mission, ABORT mission! But you only had time to spin on your heels before the acapella concert paused and the curtain was drawn, revealing the top half of a soaked Roger. His hair was clung to his skin, looking longer than ever as it’d been flattened against him. He was panting, blinking as the water poured over his forehead. He looked confused as ever, but you couldn’t part your gaze.
“You don’t give yourself enough credit.” You gulped, eyes locked on his body, lingering over every exposed part of him, from his collarbones to his arms, to his hands gripping the curled curtain before realizing you said that much louder than just under your breath, eyes widening immediately,
“Enjoying the show?” he panted as his lips formed a laugh, blowing droplets of water off his upper lip.
You have GOT to be kidding me. _____________________
When you and Roger had acknowledged each other’s presences in the bathroom, he instantly got a mischievous look of a little boy and started flicking water at you… which escalated to you turning on the faucet and cupping some revenge of your own. Just as you turned around though, he was holding the handheld shower head, pointing it down at the bathtub floor. Your “You wouldn’t dare-” got cut off by a spatter of shower water spraying down your face, soaking your hair. His mouth and eyes widened at instant regret and he yanked the curtain shut as a poor defense. Oh, it was so on. You grabbed an abandoned cup off the vanity and threw ice cold water over the shower. “That the best you’ve got, Y/L/N?” You laughed, surprised at how natural this felt, you almost didn’t even remember he was completely unclothed beyond that curtain. And then you did. You halted your next intention of ripping back the curtain, leaving the bathroom as your conscience warned you to not go too far for the benefit of your heart later. He was just your best friend. He didn’t see you that way. He stopped the running water when he realized you weren’t there anymore, and you went out on the balcony to get some air as he stepped out of the shower.
Meanwhile, Roger smeared away the condensation on the mirror to see himself clearly.  “At that rate, Taylor, you’re going to scare her off.” He huffed at himself.
After a moment, you returned to his room with a towel in hand. You decided this didn’t have to mean so much, you should stop overthinking it. He’s your closest mate and he just doesn’t think it’s odd for you to see him like that, plenty of girls have before… you have too when you’ve helped him get to bed after drunken, late nights, but you filed the memory in the back of your head. He probably just felt confident.
The bathroom door was open and you were sat on the edge of the bed with a little less exposed Roger in view now.
“ ‘ts not my fault you didn’t lock the door.” You shrugged, sounding a bit more confident than you felt, wringing your damp hair into a towel.
“Well it’s not mine that you pattered in and couldn’t help yourself.” he corrected, the two of you making eye contact through the mirror.
“Yeah and look where it got me.” You shook your head at the wet waves your own hair was gleaming. “I was just trying to make sure you weren’t dead or anything! I mean,” You quieted your voice down a bit. “I swore I saw you shut it...”
Your eyes trailed to the towel you lowered to your lap. He couldn’t help but grin at your reflection as you looked down. He liked seeing you get all frazzled and frustrated, it was kind of adorable to him.
“I’m sorry for walking in on you, though.” You added.
“Are you?” He challenged, swishing some mouthwash around now.
“Well I wouldn’t have  if you weren’t in there for ages… who showers for that long, anyway?” You couldn’t help but laugh at him. He spat the blue fizz into the sink.
“Hey, I care about how I look, a’right?” gesturing to himself defensively “And I don’t?” “Your a rightful mess, Y/N.” he concluded, something soft in his truthful tone. “You’re the reason I’m even drying my hair right now!” He just smirked and shook his head gently as he made his way over to the armoire of clothes in the corner. Yep, things didn’t have to be awkward. He bent down, opening his wardrobe in nothing but a towel draped around his hips.
“ ‘Often am the reason for girls requiring a towel.” “Roger!” “Ah sorry, force of habit.” he snickered.  “No, I mean your towel!”
The armoire door hadn’t completely blocked his whole body as his towel left his waist. You blocked your view out of courtesy with both hands on one side of your face, but you couldn’t help but giggle as you peaked and he-...wasn’t pulling it up. He wasn’t rushing out of shock and embarrassment to cover himself. You dropped your hands, sitting up. He rummaged between shelves for another moment before sliding on some boxers and hopping into a pair of jeans while your jaw practically lay on the floor, but it came unhinged altogether as you shamefully watched him - who you had to remind yourself, is your best friend.
His eyes met yours as he chuckled. “I’m certain,” he began as he swiped the towel up off the ground, tossing it at you and making his way to the bathroom - consider your attention piqued, “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before, either,  huh, Bunny?” A very cheeky smile spread across his cheeks as he shut the door and began drying his hair, you left with the widest surprised expression plastered on yours.
With that you trudged into the kitchen to fix yourself some tea and try and clear your head from yet another little flirtatious moment. He was your best friend, why was he doing this? You quickly realized he was out of your favourite tea as well as a few alternatives you searched for. You scribbled on a post-it note and stuck it to the inside of his bedroom door before hurrying out, the slam of the front door echoing behind in the flat.
You hobbled down the steps towards the main entrance of the apartment complex and skipped out, trying to recall which direction the nearest Tesco was in. After about two blocks, the clouds started rumbling and spitting. Great.
You weren’t too far now, the corner store now visible a few more blocks up ahead. On the last block you began jogging as the rain started pouring insistently, pulling the hood of the sweater over your head, even though your hair hadn’t even fully dried yet from your and Roger’s little rendezvous. You trudged inside, and breathed for a moment as you got a basket and began scouring the aisles.
Plucking various snacks from the shelves, you came across the tea section. You snagged a few boxes and on your way out, the ciders and beers caught your eye. You figured you weren’t going to go back to your own flat tonight, so you thought, what the hell? And grabbed a few cases of booze.
You paid and left the warmth of the store, instantly shuddering at the cold that had been plundering with the torrential downpour that had ensued. It was too close for a taxi service, so you sucked it up and began jogging back to Rogers flat, the plastic bag and cases waving in your hands.
Halfway there, you stopped running and figured you would inevitably get wet anyway. You never really noticed the cute little shops that lined the street here. Coffee shops, little boutiques. A particular one catching your eye; boys sat at a table inside playing board games together, boxes of what looked like comic books in the old bay window. You shuddered at the cold and decided to step in for a while to shield yourself from the rain pouring from the evening sky and let it pass before you continued your way back to Rogers.
Bells jingled as you entered, and vibrantly crafted origami figures dangled from the entirety of the old ceiling tiles. You wandered around for a bit, admiring all of the random things in the cozy shop. You found yourself looking through the endless supply of board games stacked on a shelf. After what seemed about half an hour, the sky wasn’t churning quite as loud, and you made a purchase and smiled at the old man running the shop, on your way again.
You shoved open the door to Rogers flat and toed your shoes off as you shut the heavy door behind you.
“Y/N? That you?”
You smiled to yourself and walked into the living room, bags in hand, panting. His eyes lifted from a book he had been reading and once they fixated on you, he couldn't help but chuckle.
“Find the perfect puddle to lay in for a bloody hour or what?”
“Ohh, shut it. I got us some things.” you tried to stifle your giddy grin.
He raised his eyebrows, placing his book on the table to give his attention as he pulled his legs from their outstretched position so you had room to sit. You dumped the snacks out onto the table and set the cases of ciders and beer beside them.
“We having a night in, then?” his grin grew.
“There’s one more thing.” You smiled sheepishly as you pulled a board game out of its bag and handed it to him to inspect as you took a seat beside him. “It was my favourite as a kid, I haven’t seen it since.” He looked up at you and an undeniable smile overcame his face. His eyes sparkled in the dimly lit room as he bit his grinning lip.
“Whose roll, first?”
Cracking open a bottle of a cider in the kitchen, you walked back and handed him one, clinking your bottle with his as you sat down, closer to him this time.
You both had a knee tucked under yourselves and played endless rounds of Candyland, making a mess of snacks, crumbs everywhere.
The two of you had grown more and more intoxicated, laughs trailing off of every sassy comment and joke.
“So tell me,” he began, “who’s been your best shag?”
You snorted as you took a swig of your drink.
“My what?”
“Well we’re best friends,” got that right, “and I feel I should know about my best friends love life - the details, and we didn’t really get the chance to catch up yesterday...”
You took another gulp of your cider and licked your lips, thinking about it. He had some point.
“Rog, I think you know everything.”
“I don’t know about Dean.” 
True, but you weren’t really up for chat about him right now, especially when all you could think about was Rogers hands and how they could make you feel, if the stories and talk from the other girls were true...
You laughed a bit.
“He was an ass, he cheated, and that’s all there is to him now.” You spoke, setting your cider down on the table and trading it for the dice.
His voice a bit more serious now as you rolled the die and moved your piece accordingly.
“I’m sorry.” He continued. You looked up at him. “I can’t picture someone being able to hurt you like that.” His expression was stern but sympathetic.
You took a deep breath and nudged him with a side smile as your way of thanking him and saying it was okay.
“Don’t look now Taylor but I think you’ve got some redemption to conquer.”
“Oh, it’s on.” He purred.
“Heyyy, you let me win.” he pouted, crossing his arms as you untucked your legs from under you. You shot the adorable childish boy a wink and went to the bathroom.
When you came back, Roger had his arms spread out over the back and arm of the couch. He looked so warm and inviting, the soft crackle of firewood being lit in the fireplace echoing nearby.
“Roger Taylor, did you move my pieces?” You faked a shocked look, hands on your hips.
“I would never.” he gasped, a hand to his chest, pretending to be offended at that.
You giggled as you sat down beside him, his arm warm behind you, your laughter quickly fading into a cough. You sniffled and instantly recognized the congestion in your stuffy nose.
“You alright?” His hand rested on your shoulder as you hunched into another cough in your sleeve.
“Here, have a sip of this.” He handed you a glass of water he had gotten earlier. You took a sip and leaned back into his comforting arm, feeling hotter by the minute. You leaned into his side, your head in the crook of his warm neck as you hummed in content.
The back of his hand met with your forehead.
“You’re burning up, love.”
You sighed, knowing all too well it was thanks to the stupid London showers. He stood up, pulling his arm out from behind your neck as you groaned.
“Where are you going?” you whined, watching him disappear down the hall. A moment later, he came back with a furry blanket in one arm, something else tucked under his arm, and a washcloth in the other hand.
He raised the small cloth for his mouth to hold while he grabbed a box of tissues off the coffee table. It looked so tiny as it fit so easily in his big palm, chucking it beside you, and taking the cloth back in his hand again.
“This-” he draped the blanket over your lap, “is for your shivers, because I know you’re going to get them…”
“Roger, you don’t have to-”
“Ah-ah-ah!” he warned, and you let out a small sigh, letting him continue. He dropped the other item to the floor as you watched his face. “And this,” he folded the towel, “is for your neck,” bringing his arms around you as he slightly leaned down to place it on the back of your neck,
“-because even if you’re warm now, you will get cold, and this will relax your muscles.” He said matter-of-factly, pulling back for a brief second. He furrowed his eyebrows at himself, taken aback by the seemingly out-of-character note he’d just made. 
“Wowww, Brian’s really rubbing off on you, huh?” You nodded. He just rolled his eyes in response.
“Guess you just bring out that side of me.”
Although a small comment to him, that meant a lot to you. He finished arranging it so it wouldn’t fall or unfold, his wristbands grazing your jaw. 
He bent down to pick up the item that had previously fallen by your feet.
Beary Potter, his teddy. You heart instantly felt so warm, and he bit his lip, looking hesitant.
“W- I just- didn’t know if...” he waved the bear in his hand as he started to think maybe that was a bit silly, but you reached out for him to give it to you with a smile.
Roger grinned as he handed him over and you instantly hugged it, giggling. He leaned back down and fixed the warm damp washcloth around your neck.
“Ruinin’ my work.” He laughed, adjusting it. Then your eyes met. A tiny grin appeared on his face, his hands frozen on the cloth.
His hair was all wavy and disheveled, and it didn’t look the slightest bit feminine at it’s length. Nobody could pull it off like him. The stronger features of his face were accentuated by the shadow-play in the room caused by the flickering fireplace, now the only light source besides a lamp. Your foot had reached out and slid up and down his shin, not noticing until now. You didn’t bother to move it, though.
“Rog, why do you do this stuff for me?” You asked quietly.
He frowned, confusion following.
“You just get so confident with me... I mean you didn’t even blink when I saw you totally naked earlier.”
He let out a laugh, “Y/N, I’m comfortable around you.” He corrected, and you felt a rush of reassurance roam you. “It’s a good thing.” He nodded.
“You know I know how to take care of you.” He moved to the record player beside the fireplace, setting the needle down as static began to resonate. You watched curiously as he came back over and sat with you, his hand back around your shoulder.
“So why don’t you just let me?” His voice quiet  and low, matching his eyes - lowered to your neck. 
The vinyl disc spun on the record player and you realized it was November Rain by Guns n Roses, your favourite. His warm nose grazed the side of your neck as the lyrics played out.
“Why this song?” you asked quietly, exhaling as a little warm feeling arose in your chest; surely it was just the fizzy ciders bubbling in your tummy.
“ ‘Been listening to it a lot lately. I dunno, just makes me think of you.” He nodded. “Do you know you’re beautiful, Y/N?” He was a lot closer now.
Nope, definitely not from the booze. And with that, his lips finally - as if you’ve been waiting for it for years - settled on the spot where your neck meets your shoulders. You closed your eyes.
  But darlin’ when I hold you,
  Don’t you know I feel the same
Your heart flickered with the flames of the fireplace, feeling a hollow tingly feeling in your chest as your breathing quickened. Roger placed his other hand on your thigh underneath the blanket, his hot breath on your sensitive skin sending shivers down your spine.
“Roger,” you breathed, swallowing the dryness in your throat.
“Let me,” his kisses moved up your neck to your jaw, he then gently turned your head to face him as you opened your eyes, “take care of you.” his voice low and secure. You looked back and forth between his eyes, much darker with lust now, and nodded in response.
His lips molded with yours, a sharp inhale through his nose as if he’d finally gotten something he wanted. He swiped his tongue against your bottom lip for permission and you granted, the kiss deepening. His grip on your thigh tightened, and he slowly slid his fingers in between your legs more. Your feet tugged the blanket down to make it a bit easier. His fingers finally reached under your...-his pants you still had on and ran over your underwear where you were practically dripping for him. A shy gasp left your lips interrupting the kiss and you could feel a smirk spread on his lips and his hand still held your face close. He began swiping them up and down ever so gently, driving you crazy.
“R-Roger” your breathing began to falter.
What were you doing? This is your best friend… you turned to face him, a bit of panic washing over your face.
“We shouldn’t-...” He didn’t look worried, just tilted his head at you awaiting whatever you were going to say next.
“We shouldn’t what, princess?” He cooed
You’d wanted it long enough, and here he was. He wanted you. He was your best friend but… the way he was kissing you, and the way you were reciprocating… the way he was touching you, his fingers dangerously close to where you ached most- told you it couldn’t just be that. It simply wasn’t.
“Screw it.” you breathed, kissing him back harder, your hands gently against his chest, pushing him to lay back on the length of the couch without breaking the kiss once. You yanked the cloth off your neck and tossed it to the table. You adjusted so you were straddling his waist bending down, and his hands found sanctuary on your hips. You began rolling your hips, feeling him grow hard underneath you.
  If we could take the time
  To lay it on the line
You kissed slowly in that position for a while, until he decided he couldn’t take it anymore and pushed you so you were laying back as he hovered over you. He bit his lip as you giggled and rushed back to press his lips against yours, the weight of him on your body now.
  I could rest my head
  Just knowin' that you were mine
Roger broke the kiss for a moment, pulling back so you could clearly see each other’s faces as he cheekily smiled and met the lead singer for the next lyric,
“All mine.” gently shaking his head as he sang quietly, his voice faintly vibrated through a whisper, while his eyes searched yours, smiling the happiest you’d seen him in ages. He tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear as the two of you admired the features in front of you.
  So if you want to love me
  Then darlin' don't refrain
And with that, your hands tangled in his hair, pulling him back to you in a passionate kiss. His lips were warm and soft, and just what you needed. You were 100% sure this was what you wanted, and you were even more sure, Roger Taylor wanted it too. Your kisses trailed off into the bedroom, abandoning the record player into the night. You didn’t want to give the potential thought of it being different the next morning any time, and you decided to live in the moment. 
He carried you to his bed and gently laid you back, which was a contrast to how he would be treating you in a matter of seconds. He was back to hovering over you, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You couldn’t get close enough.
A surprised gasp emerged in your throat when you felt his hand return to your core beneath the pants. He then slid his hand under your underwear and slowly drew circles around your clit.
“Oh my god, Rog,” you breathed.
He brought his fingers down and while his thumb took care of faster circles on your sensitive clit, he gently pushed a finger inside of you.
“God, you’re so wet, darling.” he whined, making you moan at his words. He added another finger and started pumping in and out of you faster.
“Who did this to you? Who made you this wet, angel?”
“Y-You did,” your head was dipped back and his free hand reached up to gently clasp around your throat for a brief second. You were rocking your hips to meet with his motion. 
“Speak up, or I’ll stop.” his husky voice right by your ear as he nipped it, trailing down your neck as he continued with his hand, while his other got to know the rest of you.
“You did, Roger!” you moaned.
“That’s a good girl.” He cooed next to your ear.
Endless moans escaped your lips, and each one was pure music to his ears as it went on for awhile...
When you awoke in the middle of the night after some long awaited time together, you remembered your dreams more vividly than usual. This time they involved Roger, but, with way less clothes than the dreams you had the night prior. Roger made sure you knew he noticed with his hands finding their way back to where you wanted them most all over again.
“Let me help you, love.” as he coursed you back into a pleasurable haze, helping you ride out your high until you were satisfied before passing out in each other’s arms again.
You were awoken again by a terribly unsettling dream. Shocker. This time you were awake and he wasn’t.
You sat up, clutching your chest as hitched breaths beat out of your airway. You held back sobs as not to wake Roger, but you felt a hand on your shoulder again. You mentally cursed yourself for waking him.
“I’m sorry, Rog, I just-” your breathing wouldn’t calm down.
You recalled your dream, Dean spitting horrible insults at you blaming you for the relationship ending, when he had been off shagging some other girl. Roger shot up when he registered the distraught state you were in and gently pulled you back to lay down again, holding you close as he lay on his back and pulled you into his chest. Roger hushed you as his hand lifted to your hair and he softly kissed your forehead.
“Don’t you dare apologize; it’s not your fault, bunny.” He assured, and instantly you felt a mix of utter pain for your dream and the relief Roger comforted you with, coincidentally related to the nature of your dream.
“I’m here, love. I’ve got you,” He shushed, rocking you gently in his arms as you clutched his sides. “I always have.” and like an elixir, that helped you release this big breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding and finally even out your breaths as you drifted off for good for the night.
This time, you felt it when Roger kissed your forehead, and you felt it when Roger smiled against your hairline. You smiled too.
You still weren’t sure what this whole thing meant, or what the morning would bring, but if anything, you knew you were glad you didn’t get to finishing your paper the other night.
Please let me know what you thought :”) I crave validation hehe I appreciate all the support :) xx 
Tag List: @screaminggalileochickenwrites, @dashlilymark, @antoouu, @blondyfel, @kazzys-queenblog, @myworldmysense, @g-0thic @wint-er-voices
(pssst there may have been some mishap w/ the tag list where i forgot if someone said they wanted to be tagged or not but the post got deleted, so if i tagged you and you want off, just let me know (: )
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sailawaysweetbrimi · 4 years
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Brian May lock screen I mad because its The Fantastic Drowse of the afternoon Sundays!
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im-happy-at-home · 6 years
So I just found out that it was recently the anniversary of the release of the masterpiece that is A Day at the Races and so I wanted to share a rant I wrote in the middle of the night, sleep deprived listening to the album. A fair warning: I am incredibly enthusiastic and easy to rile up when I’m tired, plus spelling will probably wrong, as well as grammar. So anyways here is me making a fool of myself on the internet. Notice I get louder and louder as time progresses. 
Anyways, enjoy!
A Day at the Races is so good that my brain cannot compute.
Tie your mother down, with that gong opening and guitar solo is like the beginning of an epic movie or something.
You take my breath away? Eerily beautiful and sad. “I get ever so lonely from time to time” stood out to me so much and omg I cry 
Long Away? Is like? Such an Underrated song? I felt like I was leaving home or something and about to go away on a long journey, both excited about where I’m headed yet sad to leave behind everything. But then it’s also like I’m stuck in a place on my way somewhere longing to get where I wanna be but also go back to where I came from? I’m here, somewhere in between? Nowhere to go? How could a 3 minute 30 second song do this to me???? BRIAN HAROLD WILLAM MAY YOU ARE A GENIUS (author’s note: I don’t think that’s his real full name)
Don’t get me fricking started on Millionaire Waltz. It’s fricking beautiful when the opening has Freddie’s piano playing in one ear and John’s bass playing in the other, then they slowly merge together with the opening lyrics? And like that says a lot about their friendship?? Freddie’s bouncy and flowery and energetic piano and Deaky’s chill but complex bass riff?? Merging together in perfect harmony???? Also Freddie is at his peak here I swear. 
You and I is a BOP! John really has a way with songs that get stuck in your head for fuckING DAYS “JUST YOOOUUU AND IIII LAUGHTER RINGING IN THE DARKNESS PEOPLE DRINKING TO DAYS GOOONEE BYYYYY” im soft i want a love like this OH GOD THE FEELS
Also, “You know I could never see the futile, you know I could never see where life is leading me, but will we be toGETHER FOREEEVER?” “i don’t know” is such a MOOD. Deaky marry me I love you I wanna be your best friend. 
Then the masterpiece that is SOMEBODY TO LOVE is on next. Of COURSE it is. From one FUCKING banger to the next. Do I even need to emphasize how much I fucking love this song????? The HARMONIES, the PIANO, the BASS, GUITAR SOLO, the CYMBALS, the “SOOOOoooommBOOOOddyyy to LOOOooooOoOoVe,” the Roger SCREECH, then, THEN......
“somebody TOoooooOoooOOOO...”
I fucking love this song. 
Alright here we go with White Man. I have actually never heard this song. Brian’s guitar is killing here. WOAH THE DRUM JUST JUMPING IN ON ME LIKE THAT IM SHIVERING I LEGIT GOT CHILLS OH MY THE DRUMS BANgING IN THEBACKGROUND THE GUITAR RIGHT IN MY EAR THE BASS IS TIGHT FREDDIE IS IN PRIME ROCK AND ROLL MODE HERE and boy this song got too real too fast and I am LIVING FOR IT YOURE KILLING IT BOYS THIS IS A BANGER “WHITE MAN WHITE MAN WHITE MAN WHITE MAN” SMASH THOSE CYMBALSSSSS ROGER YAS Freddie you’re voice and Brian’s guitar is just...music to my ears hehehehe lame joke. BOOM that drum ending though WOOH what a rush
This song is amazingggggg every single member is able to shine here. Piano, drums, guitar, bass, and all those extra quirks make this song this is so underrated UGH
“Wheeeeeeen I’m nooottt WiiThhhh YOooUuuu THINK OF ME ALWAYS love youuu LOVE YOUuuuuuu”
Drowse. What. A. Song. Roger has never sounded better in my opinion. I can totally get lost in his voice and the instrumentals in the back. Wow. I just feel so at peace
“It’s a fantastic drowse of the afternoooooon suuuuundays” awww yes life makes sense now
I think this is one of my favorite songs. With the quiet chatter as the song fades.....what a chaotic yet serene song I just cannot Roger Taylor you are so much more than a car fucker I’m sorry if I ever doubted you THE WORLD IS BLESSED TO HAVE YOU
Awww the final song. What is this? Teo Torriate? This keyboard is sick! 
Oooh my god Freddie!!! “When I’m goooone no need to wonder if I ever think of yoooooouuu” I ALWAYS THINK OF YOU FREDDIE 
Wow this song is —
I had to stop for a while and really listen to the song as a whole. This song is amazing, especially with the references Freddie makes about how when he’s gone, not to forget him and the lessons we have learned. The final part where it seems like a whole crowd is singing along is like for me as if the whole world is singing along and continuing the legacy of Queen. Plus I’m listening to this at midnight dead tired and hearing Freddie say “Close your pretty eyes and be with me” or something along those lines was an almost spiritual experience.This is such a powerful song it’s like Freddie’s singing about not being sad that he is gone and instead celebrate what we’ve gone through together. “Let the candle always burn, let us never loose the lessons we have learned.” I’m not crying my eyes are just sweating. 
Wow. I’m done. I’ve listened to the whole of A Day at the Races. Wow. I just can’t believe how this album isn’t as well known as some of their others. There’s a track for literally everybody, and a lot of these songs have such deep and meaningful lyrics and melodies. I have just reached another level of peace and enlightenment after this album. Queen, you make living life so much better. If this isn’t Queen at their best then I don’t know if I can handle them at their best.
So here’s the end of my sleep deprived rant. I’m sorry if it’s so long, I guess I’m just really passionate at 1 am. If you guys want me to pull another allnighter, let me know what album I should do next. Thanks guys!
I sounded so high and drunk at the same time. Gawd. High on Queen I guess.
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augustwstubbes · 6 years
The Wandering Frank & Mary: Entry III - Drowse - Part 1
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Mary’s awareness swam drunkenly back to the surface, sparse light shown through her eyelids, tinting the insides a dark red. She felt a ball of bubbling ache in the center of her stomach, crashing angrily against her intestinal walls. Attempting to ignore
 the roiling ball, she shifted in her seat, resting her head against something cool and smooth. The world shifted, bouncing her head off the glass with a head-splitting clatter. Peeling open her bloodshot eyes, she blinked painfully. She pressed her palms over her temples, only barely staving off the thrumming inside her skull. Trees zipped by the windows, blurred brown and green lines. Wind whistled through a bullet hole in the windshield, spiderweb cracks sprawling out along the glass, ruffling a few hairs of Frank’s beard. He squinted at the dirt track, eye bags a shade grayer than usual.
Frank’s grass-green eyes momentarily glanced up and down at Mary, then back to the track, “How’re you feeling?”
Mary stretched her back, her popping spine audible, her body felt like a boat about to capsize in a sea of molasses and her skull was undergoing a storm of stones that just happened to be raining on a procession of tin roofs, “Fantastic.” The truck hit another fallen branch and she turned a shade of green.
“Do we need to stop?”
Mary swallowed, hiccuping roughly, “No, that’s fine.”
Frank tapped the wheel with his finger, “How much do you remember?”
“That I’ll never drink again. That we were getting shot at. That… a lot of people... died.” She choked the last word out, it tasted sour as bile.
Silence ruled the truck for a time, save for the rumbling of the wheels beneath them, and the incessant whistling from the windshield. Mary’s headed pounded in time with the wheels.
Frank opened his mouth, but the truck interrupted him with a deathwale of sputtering, coughing, popping, and worrying grinding sounds. Black, acrid smoke leaked from under the hood, billowing through the bullet hole, filling the cabin. A loud, metallic snapping sound signaled the halting of the truck on its own, as if in protest of its new driver. They coughed and wheezed, pushing out of the doors into the fresh, pre-dawn air. The headlights licked the track ahead of them.
Frank swore, kicking the wheel. The truck puffed smoke in his face, in retaliation, coating him with black soot. He coughed.
“Fantastic.” Mary muttered, leaning against a tree, fighting and failing against the boiling sick in her stomach.
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babyuse04-blog · 6 years
Top Soul Cbd Secrets
This one featuring a great tasting raspberry lotion taste that makes sure to feel free to. The CBD oil ties to the fatty tissue inside the coffee grain and also is actually instilled at a one to one proportion to make it quick and easy to determine. There is a cluster a lot less CBD or disgusting cannabinoids in pot than within marijuana traces as much as expectation include THC. Their 5000mg full spectrum CBD Oil is priced at a challenging to be $. When you lease an agency, ye come the gain regarding grudging a mass concerning cutting-edge minds participating concerning your jobs. the style stylist Karla Welch, United Nations firm collaborates with Ms. Additionally, the CBD oil that is actually made use of was actually drawn out using an extremely effective CO2 process that delivers a pure item that is blended into each grain for the greatest influence. This brew of Ethiopian coffee has actually been quite prominent with the help of its one-of-a-kind taste and abundant palate. 20/mg) nonetheless they're the simplest quality conveniently. You can purchase the 8oz coffee bean bag for an acceptable cost and also appreciate each early morning with a flavorful cup of great tasting coffee that is actually boosted due to the CBD oil. What Does Vaping Cbd Oil Mean? They have an excellent selection of flavors to select from also, such as rum and coke, tea and the normal tasting white wine. There are actually already religious fans, some boldfaced, United Nations company are actually pulled to CBD contemporary product generally for his or her pain-relieving residential or commercial properties. You desire advertising and marketing products. Blue Spring Coffee Irish Cream Costa Rica. It depends on made media via social shops, additionally as unpaid star endorsements from Busy Philipps, Amy Schumer. This line of cold mixture coffees comes in bottles, therefore you may drink all of them straightaway. Since 9 conditions as well as therefore the Area of Columbia have legalized recreational weed, and along with several various conditions along with variable latitudes of get access to, cannabis has actually received a whole stack a ton of honed. - Idriss stated.
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- Duration. - Those are expensive. As CBD dark lantern looks for in counterfeit of pace mainstream, it's difficult to tell which items maintain according to scrutiny. For those that love Irish coffee in its non-alcoholic model, this is a fantastic coffee bean bag to acquire. - based Lord Jones, that functions with interior as well as exterior stigmatization consultants, has actually ne'er advertised. Media acquiring is reliable so it requires partial essential info or links. The agent decreased to specify why Target force back on such points, although professionals think it had been owing to CBD's stress and anxiety and lingering organization with weed. The concept came from blending cbd oil with also quality fermented grapes, as well as the outcome was a wonderful wine with a touch of cannabis. CBD has actually been received imitation of help manage day-to-day conditions as stress, clinical depression, yet trouble drowsing in conformity along with more great illnesses as seizures related to epilepsy (view that special functionality coming from NBC Nightly News regarding the topic). Absolutely no Coffee e Fluid.
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123designsrq · 3 years
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The call Mudita originates from the Sanskrit phrase which means ‘vicarious pleasure’ or the pleasure one receives from seeing others happy. Just like that, the employer tells us the entirety we want to realize approximately it. That their ardour lies in giving their customers pleasure, happiness, and contentment. Mudita’s home products to redefine contemporary-day tech commenced with the Mudita Pure, a smartphone designing across the factors of practical purity, instead of hyper connectivity and addictive UI styles. This ethos has grow to be a not common pressure for all of Mudita’s products, consisting of its watch. The Mudita Moment, its minimalist phone apps Launcher and Space, and its clocks, the Mudita Harmony, and the Mudita Bell. Now it would appear unnatural for a tech employer to make clocks, for the reason that your phone basically has one. However Mudita’s home products with the Harmony and Bell got here from attempting to interrupt your connection/dependancy on your phone whilst you’re entering into and out of bed. The clocks, one virtual and one analog, recreation a natural (count on to listen that phrase often) enjoy focused round cultivating healthful styles round sleep and wakefulness, and ensuring that your day doesn’t begin with a smartphone humming beside you. The clocks and their simplistic layout assist middle you, and hold you from being over-reliant on era that’s designed to addict. The Mudita home products is a purpose-constructed clock designing that will help you set up healthful bedtime conduct, enhance the best of your sleep. In addition to deliver you a feel of calm. The clock sports activities a compact, circular, pebble grey layout stimulated with the aid of using Japanese and Scandinavian minimalism. With an E Ink show at the front, and a easy knob and button interface at the top. Aside from being only a clock that still has an included alarm. The Harmony helps you to take energy naps, allows you meditate. Offers ambient history sounds to calm you or assist you sleep. Or even has a thermometer that helps you to degree the temperature of the room and modify it consequently. That will help you sleep extra peacefully. And as for the alarm itself, the Harmony comes with a sound-financial institution of enjoyable tones. That lightly coax you into wakefulness. Performed via the high-constancy Harman audio system constructed into the returned of the clock. The Harmony takes on a miles extra holistic technique than any ordinary clock (or maybe the clock app for your smartphone does. The E Ink show melds fantastically into the clock’s calming, non-intrusive layout. With high-assessment visibility that’s smooth to examine in the day. And a calming frontight that makes the clock seen at night time too. With out the display being too bright. The clock lets in you to prompt and deactivate alarms whilst additionally presenting a further snooze function. A sleep chime that stops you from going returned to sleep. And is possibly one of the most effective clocks to actually have a devoted energy nap placing. Studies with the aid of using NASA in 1995 located that a 26-minute energy nap boosted overall performance with the aid of using 34%. And application with the aid of using 54% – metrics that Mudita home products use to layout the Harmony’s energy nap function. The placing helps you to take a snooze among 10 to twenty minutes. However preferably now no longer longer than 30 minutes (to save you drowsiness). Additionally, the Harmony even allows you put together for bedtime. Providing you with a reminder primarily based totally for your waking alarm. So that you get the proper quantity of hours of sleep. Whilst additionally making sure you keep healthful drowsing timings/styles. There’s a timer for meditation too. Permitting you to time your mindfulness periods and providing you with the potential to disconnect from the arena and middle yourself. The timers function a gong on the quit that permit you to realize while the consultation ends. While Mudita Harmony is designing with functions to assist keep healthful drowsing conduct from the instant we awaken until we fall asleep. The Mudita Bell is a miles extra conventional bedside clock. That takes the alarm clock’s maximum primal characteristic and does it proper. It echoes the identical natural Japandi (Japanese + Scandinavian) fashion of layout. This time with an analog clock face. And 10 soothing melodies designed to wake you up in a sluggish way that helps you to experience nicely-rested. The Bell, similar to the Harmony, comes with a Harman speaker on its returned too. Both the Harmony and the Bell recognition on making sure you sleep and awaken in the healthiest manner possible. And put off the want to set alarms for your smartphone. Or actually have your smartphone round you. The compact clocks take a seat down nicely on any bedside table, and are rechargeable through USB-C. Permitting you to apply your bedside charger to fill up your clock’s battery each couple of months. Moreover, whilst the Bell makes use of an analog mechanism. The Harmony runs at the MuditaOS, their open-supply running device. That gets periodic updates to make certain you get the pleasant from your Mudita tool and ultimately, out of lifestyles itself. Read the full article
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fourmisfitz · 6 years
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...needless to say I got bored after my writers craft exam...
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Kaan Show Pattaya
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Kaan Show Pattaya
Experience Kaan Show Pattaya, One of the best show in Pattaya.One of the best experience in Pattaya city, must to see to a really amazing great spectacular show with advanced production performed in the world's first levitating theater. This Thai-literature themed show impresses you with the enjoyable story teamed up with modern stage, advanced lighting and audiovisual system.
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Kaan Show Pattaya
Tour Code: PTY49 Destination: Pattaya Start City: Pattaya End City: Pattaya Tour Type: Night Tour Duration: Half day Tour Departure: Daily Kaan Show Pattaya THE KAAN SHOW PATTAYA presented by using SINGHA CORPORATION : For the primary time in Thailand. A new hybrid of stay movement and cinema, stage overall performance and world-class technology. Inviting you into the sector of imagination inspired with the aid of conventional Thai literature, creatively tailored into 60 mins of ceaseless wonder. The display in an effort to make you forget each other display you’ve visible before. The awesome theatrical enjoy brings together an excellent cast and group of extra than six hundred creative specialists who together spent more than 3 years growing the undertaking and over 2 years in rehearsals to ensure that the 75 minute spectacular display thrills and enchants its audience. The Story of KAAN For a younger guy like ‘Kaan’, reading thick tomes of Thai literature in a library isn't any distinctive from taking drowsing pills, the historic narratives and drawings lulling him right into a slumber. But then the librarian arms him a e-book with Kaan’s name on the cover and tells him to study it. The young man opens the e book, and the sudden happens: he's warped into the story along along with his sidekick ‘Gabilpuksa’, and that they embark on a fantastical journey where the characters in historical literature come to life. They need to wager everything they have got and find a manner to go back to the mortal world. Trip Attractions Amazing live show 75 minutes Performed in the world's first levitating theatre World-class art lighting and audiovisual systems Seating Zones Of D Luck Cinematic Theatre Star Zone is VIP zone. It gives the final viewing enjoy with added more comfort, courtesy of the pricey fifty six cm wide seats. The sector is located within the center of the theatre, which offers the maximum entire all-spherical cinematic view of the whole degree and is taken into consideration the ‘candy spot’ for the excellent surround-sound enjoy. Ocean Zone,  boasts an intimate unobstructed view of the stage. The near proximity to the action offers an up-near-and personal enjoy that honestly makes you feel that you are a part of the show, as you sit in your comfortable 53 cm. wide seat. Cloud Zone, Situated inside the center of the theatre, offers similar viewing and audio studies to the Star Zone, but with deluxe fifty three cm. wide seats. The panoramic view encompasses the entire stage. Sky Zone, in the uppermost level of the venue offers spectacular views of our spellbinding show. You’ll get a bird’s-eye view of the action as you sit back in your comfy 53 cm.wide seat. Show Time 19:30 Pm. Opening Hour : 13.30 Pm. - 22.30 Pm.  Doors will open 30 minutes before show time. Close every Monday Tour Itinerary; 18.30 Pm. Check in at D Luck Cinematic Theatre counter check in 19.00 Pm. Theatre door open and welcome to to all guest in to the D Luck Cinematic Theatre 19.30 Pm. Enjoy to watching the great live show with world-class technology art lighting and audiovisual systems such as; The Wrath of The Sea Fiantess, The Colors of Himmavanta,The Underwater Abyss,The Cataclysm The Wager for the Ivory Kingdom 20.45 Pm. End of show, we hope you will enjoy to the amazing show of Kaan 21.00 Pm. Relax and take some photo with actors for your memories in out of theatre, you can buy some souvenir show also before returning back Dress Code Free style. Seating Map Ocean Zone,click to view seating plan 
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Cloud Zone,click to view seating plan
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Sky Zone,click to view seating plan
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Star Zone VIP.,click to view seating plan
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Ocean Zone Price/Person Adult : 1500฿
Cloud Zone Price/Person Adult : 1500฿
Sky Zone Price/Person Adult : 1500฿
Star Zone VIP Price/Person Adult : 2000฿
*Child and adult tickets are the same price Tour price included; Ticket fee Tour excludes Other optional or other tour & meal than mentioned in the program Any drinks or alcohol Personal expenses How to use this tour? After confirmed, we will get TOUR VOUCHER & Map to you by mail for guarantee booking Please present either a printed or show on your mobile to counter check in TOUR VOUCHER is valid only on the tour date and time specified
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 Booking here >> Read the full article
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barbietrip · 4 years
Type of Camping Tents
Once upon a time all tents were properly – no longer to put too pleasant a point on it – tent formed.  They had a pole at every cease and on occasion a go pole called a ridge maintaining up a tent-fashioned roof: Hence the call 'ridge tent'.
Ridge tents are remarkably solid and variety from tiny one-person tents proper up to large marquees. They are clean to pitch and nevertheless make fantastic shelters these days.
Their foremost disadvantage is in head peak – even in the largest gadgets there’s confined height in maximum of the tent. This doesn’t be counted whilst you’re the usage of the tent in basic terms for drowsing, however makes it less than best for a family excursion in the rain if you may’t stroll around inside.
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Together with tunnel tents, dome tents are one of the most not similar types of tents round. They are made up of  flexible poles that move at the top of the dome and bend to be anchored to the floor on each of the 4 dome corners. Sometimes the poles are at the out of doors of the rainfly, but typically the rainfly sits over the top of the poles with an inner tent clipped to the underside of the poles.
Many dome tents will have a small porch region, and a few designs have an additional pole to make the porch space bigger. Although available in many different sizes, dome tents are excellent appropriate to up to 4 humans, as the larger they may be the greater unstable they emerge as.
Tunnel tents
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These are top notch for larger companies and households as they offer lots of headroom and masses of habitable space. They are made from a chain of flexible poles that loop from one aspect of the tent to the opposite to form a tunnel shape for the rainfly to attach to. They depend upon guy traces to provide balance, and when put up nicely they can resist bad climate reasonably properly, in particular the bigger models as compared with dome tents.
Geodesic tents
Since the dawn of the dome tent, designers were continuously improving upon its basic shape to make it more potent and greater capable of rise up to the elements. The result is a geodesic tent, which is essentially a dome tent but with more poles. Generally talking, the more poles that cross each different, the more the stableness of the tent. So as you may believe, geodesic tents are higher suited to camping out in the desolate tract and for winter tenting, than casual car tenting. Because of this, they're commonly higher exceptional (and higher priced) in every thing.
Cabin tents
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Cabin tents are usually made from aluminum poles that healthy collectively to create the frame of what looks as if a cabin! A water-proof polyester, nylon or on occasion canvas rainfly encases the frame to form the partitions and roof of your cabin which presents loads of liveable area that you can usually rise up in. Cabin tents are often divided into rooms with internal dividers, making them the appropriate preference for family tenting.
Pyramid tent
These are the maximum easy tent form that commonly contain of a unmarried relevant pole with a rainfly draped over the top and staked down on the corners/edges of the fly. Guylines and stakes play a completely critical part in imparting stability to pyramid tents, and as with ridge tents, the larger they're the less stable they grow to be.
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400hours · 7 years
Warrior and Deconstructed by Kesha
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Then: I hate going to family parties. The older relatives are sexist, the younger ones don't share the same interests as me, and everyone is excessively loud.
There is, however, one yearly Christmas party I tolerate relatively well. I'm asked to fetch a beer only once, and small guest list means a reasonable volume. And did I mention the host's daughter makes red velvet cake? The old kind that derives its color from natural cocoa, not those new vanilla abominations with a bottleful of red dye. Her cakes may be more brown than red, but her desire for good flavor over aesthetics definitely garners my respect.
After one such Christmas party, I drowsed in the back seat of the car as Kesha sang about reincarnated lovers. Good food, no splitting headache from excessively loud chatter, and a romantic song. Not too bad.
Now: There are still a number of references to wasted party girls, but they're significantly reduced for Warrior. Rather than drunkenness and vomit, the upbeat songs are more about the emotional high people feel. Thank goodness, because I myself don't like references to regurgitated food.
Warrior is an adequate album with cheerful party music and nice-enough reflective ballads. Nothing particularly fantastic—the album relies too much on production and not enough on Kesha's voice. And when Kesha's voice can be heard through the synth, her emotional performance isn't quite convincing. “Dirty Love,” however, is a standout track. A boisterous rock song, Kesha joyfully sings and forgets the contractual burdens that had a negative effect on the album.
Deconstructed, originally a bonus disc to Warrior, is an interesting concept. Remix a few songs—but not upbeat club music since Kesha already does EDM, and not stripped down acoustics. Slowed down electronica was the answer. “The Harold Song” could have discarded a few more instruments, but “Blow” takes on a haunting, otherworldly quality that I find rather pleasing. Overall, not a waste of my time.
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webcricket · 7 years
I’m Fine
Characters: CastielXReader, ft. Dean Winchester
Word Count: 887
A/N: 1st Cas-iversary Celebration drabble request by @trinityjadec – “Hi! Could you write a drabble where the reader is feeling a little self-conscious, so Castiel just cuddles with her and makes her feel better? Super fluffy if possible?” Hope you enjoy!
“Good morning,” Castiel glanced at you over the newspaper he was reading, sitting up a little bit taller in his chair and straightening his skewed tie.
You didn’t respond to his greeting - too caught up in a negative spiral of self-conscious thoughts to notice the blue-eyed angel seated at the table.
Cas frowned, noisily folding the now forgotten paper into a disorganized heap, watching you grab a glass from the counter and mope to the kitchen sink to fill it, still seemingly oblivious to his presence. He cleared his gravelly throat.
Startled, you spun around, splashing water across the tiled floor in front of you, stammering, “Oh, uh, hey. I didn’t think anyone was up.” Persisting in its destructive goading, your brain snapped back, Well, that was a stupid thing to say – you know he doesn’t sleep.
“Hello Y/N,” Cas nodded politely, a concerned tilt to his countenance. “You seem,” he paused, eyes narrowing in thought, “out of sorts today. Is everything alright?”
“I’m fine,” you offered an unconvincingly cheerful smile in return, “fantastic, really. You know me - everything’s great, just great!” Clutching the glass of water to your chest, fortitude crumbling under the steady regard of those sparkling blue eyes, you sucked in a shaky deep breath and darted into the hall.
Castiel understood enough about human behavior to know when you so emphatically insisted you were fine that you were most certainly the complete and exact opposite of fine. What he didn’t know was why you were troubled, or how to help. As if they contained the answers he sought, he stared at the newsprint ink smeared hands entwined in his lap. He immediately dismissed the temptation to simply peek into your thoughts. If it were Sam, or Dean, he might have intruded – but you were different. It’s not that he didn’t care equally about all of you. No, he cared differently for you - wanting to protect you above all else, even from himself. He turned his focus instead to deliberate on the events of the last day to determine what could be bothering you.
Yesterday’s hunt had been a resounding success with the monster ganked and no one injured or worse. During the obligatory post-hunt celebration at a nearby dive bar you appeared to be in good spirits - laughing easily at Dean’s corny rehashed jokes, playfully arguing with Sam about the exactitude of Latin enunciation required when reciting spells, and smiling often at the silently observant seraph in the fond manner reserved only for him that made his angelic grace warmly tingle - a feeling which very much reminded him of flying. You’d drowsed peacefully, shifting in your sleep to rest your head upon the angel’s lap in the backseat of the Impala on the drive home with Cas ensuring the pleasantness of your dreams when he carried you to your bed, carefully removing your shoes, tucking you in for the night, lips lingering tenderly on your forehead before he bid you a whispered goodnight.
Dean wandered hungover into the kitchen, rubbing his aching temples, socked toes stepping squarely into the cold puddle of water you’d left behind on the floor. “Son of a-,” Dean lifted a sopping wet foot, punching at the air, “freaking animals! I live with freaking animals.”
Castiel pushed away from the table, ignoring Dean’s antic show, striding into the hall to find you.
“Well good morning to you too, sunshine,” Dean grumbled after him.
The angel found you curled up on the couch, tightly hugging your knees, face firmly buried in clasped arms. You clearly did not want to talk about whatever was nagging you. You had no injuries for him to heal. Yet perhaps he could speak to you in a language you were progressively helping him to learn and appreciate.
Although by no means fluent in its practice, the angel nevertheless knew touch was a powerful means of conveying what words could not express and for reaching wounded places in the soul only the comfort of contact could heal. He sank onto the couch beside you, awkwardly settling a palm to your knee to let you know you weren’t alone.
You peered up, sniffling, eyes puffy and red, cheeks flushed and streaked wet. Blinking the bleariness of tears from your vision, watery eyes met the angel’s concerned sapphire gaze.
He initially flinched, surprised, when you threw yourself against his chest before relaxing and cuddling you closer. Winding strong arms around your shoulders and waist, he drew you into his lap, rubbing small reassuring circles over your back.
Melting into the comforting radiant heat of his body, your tears abated, his closeness gradually overpowering the insistent self-conscious doubts worrying your mind, imparting a prevailing sense of love and belonging in the corners of your soul where your own self-confidence failed to support you. Inhaling his clean scent, hearing the regular beat of his heart, weary from internal struggle, you drifted off, eyes fluttering shut.
Castiel affectionately nuzzled his nose and chin into your tousled hair. Aspect softening, blue eyes gleaming contentment, a relieved smile traced the contours of his mouth at having been able to help you despite not knowing what ailed you. Perhaps someday you would reveal he succeeded that day in saving you from the most sinister enemy you’d ever encountered – yourself.
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What if fox!Hux gets seriously hurt (by a hunter, or by an accident, as in vets don't know if he'll make it hurt)? How would Ren care for him until he got well? :O (love this au!)
AHH I’m so glad you like my fox!Hux stories, my little slice of coffee cake, and what a great prompt! 
So in the universe of Shiver The Whole Night Through/The Neighbors Will Talk, Hux is very, very hard to harm or kill, what with being an ageless magical forest spirit and whatnot that can manipulate minds and objects and stuff. (Like how Ren’s gun jammed in Shiver, that kind of thing.) So just for clarity’s sake, this fill is disregarding those rules, and making him just a little shapeshifter friend who is susceptible to accidents and injuries and stuff.
The fox was wrapped up in Ren’s coat, his breathing shallow and his eyes wild, lying right where he’d been placed on the passenger seat of the car. 
“Hux,” Ren said, resting his hand on the seat when he stopped at a red light. There was an emergency vet’s office that was open 24/7, but it was on the other side of town, and Ren couldn’t believe he was hitting so many red lights this late. “Please stay with me. Please just stay with me.”
It had been a stray dog, one that had caught Hux when he’d tried to run. Hux had been digging up something he had buried in the backyard when the big shaggy dog hopped over the tiny brook that separated Ren’s yard from the woods and went after him. Hux tried running into the wooded area, but didn’t know it wasn’t a forest like the kind he was used to, just a scraggly area with a lot of trees that made the people living in the suburbs forget there was a fiberglass factory half a mile away, and he had been cornered against a chain-link fence. Ren had seen the dog give chase, dropped what he was doing and ran out after the dog. By the time he got there, he’d been able to shout at it and scare it off, but he wasn’t sure it if it was too late.
Part of him was hoping Hux could turn back into a human, just so he could try to get a verbal response from him, but it would have taken up far more energy than Hux was able to exert, and besides, the hospital would have a few questions about a man with no identity that could be proven. Vets Adidn’t need a photo ID for their patients, at least. 
Another red light. Ren was afraid to touch the fox, in case it made his bites hurt even more, but he put his hand on the coat that had been pulled around him as reassuringly as he could.
“This place is fantastic. I’ve had friends take their dogs and cats and they’ve always said it’s great–they’ll help you, they’ll get you just where you need to be, you’ll be back to yourself in no time–”
Hux nosed Ren’s hand, gave it just the littlest lick. Ren kept talking, just babbling, really, just to distract himself from how much his hands were shaking and how much blood was on the coat. It made his vision swim, the streetlights and red light and passing car’s headlights turning into damp blurs of color. He jammed his knee against the steering wheel so he could wipe his face without moving his other hand away from Hux.
“My friend had a dog that got hit by a car and all four of its legs were broken, and you know what? They took it to this office and they were so scared and–and it was just fine. It had four casts on, but it’s just fine now, they’ll okay–”
He did not know how too express how scared he was, how hard it was to keep talking and say anything that Hux would find reassuring but how hard it was to stop talking, just filling the terrifying cocoon of the car with white noise because otherwise all he’d be able to hear would be the hard-won wheeze of each of Hux’s breaths.
 One last red light, just as a fuck-you. Then the vet’s office, there. 
They took Hux right away, removed him from the bloodied coat and whisked him off somewhere Ren couldn’t see. It was terrifying, not being right there, unable to see what was happening, but also a relief, knowing the experts had him. They took him to surgery first and asked questions later.
“Was this a fox you found just this evening?”
Ren’s evident distress made that seem unlikely. Instead, he lied effortlessly to the vet, telling him that he had raised the fox from a pup, that it lived outside in his yard but he’d rescued it and bottle fed it. The vet listened attentively and then said:
“I’ll be frank with you. It’s about fifty fifty. If he makes it the rest of the night, there’s a good chance he’ll make it period.”
Ren set his jaw, nodding, wordless. 
“You’re welcome to stay. I’ll keep you updated.”
He stayed, wedged in the uncomfortable waiting room chair, a copy of Entertainment Weekly open in his lap but unread. He couldn’t stop thinking of how frightened Hux must be, wondering where he was–though surely he was anesthetized by now–wondered if Hux would know he’d done everything he could, hoping it was enough. How hard the little fox heart had been pounding when Ren picked him up, so careful, so precise. Keep going, heart. Stay, stay, stay…
It was close to four thirty in the morning when the vet he’d spoken with came back out, clearing his throat to wake Ren from his anxious drowsing.
“Your little friend is determined,” the vet said, and relief poured down Ren’s body like nothing he had ever felt before.
Hux was still in bad shape, but would recover. They let Ren come in to stroke the drowsy fox’s fur, the fox who was just now waking from the many many meds, and just seeing the tiniest flash of golden eye was all Ren needed to confirm that Hux knew, he knew that Ren had saved him. 
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Pick bigger than a net page from the orderly-prosperous and a success by reading the books they wrote.
The books on this listing consist of most modern releases, including "What It Takes: Lessons in the Pursuit of Excellence" by Blackstone co-founder Stephen A. Schwarzman. 
Work your blueprint by every of these 27 books to learn extra about how these recognizable folks carried out the seemingly very no longer going. 
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Whether you are making an strive to launch an empire or develop into the staunch on your arena, who higher to consult than other folks that fetch carried out the peak of professional and monetary success?
That's why now we fetch rounded up 27 books by self-made billionaires. From the enterprise insights of Invoice Gates to the management lessons of Richard Branson, the wisdom silent in these pages extends some distance previous the college room.
Be taught how these masters of enterprise carried out the very no longer going, of their possess words.
"What It Takes: Lessons in the Pursuit of Excellence" by Stephen A. Schwarzman
Avid Reader Press / Simon & Schuster
Schwarzman is, on the skin, a individual that took $400,000 and built Blackstone, an investment firm that has bigger than $500 billion sources below management as of January 2019.
The precise yarn goes deeper, into Schwarzman's power to cease that carried him from attending Yale to managing Blackstone. This book narrates his yarn, and the lessons he's realized alongside the course of success.
Schwarzman gives readers insights on deal-making, investing, management, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy.
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"The Tough Thing About Tough Issues: Constructing a Trade When There Are No Easy Answers" by Ben Horowitz
Ben Horowitz fills in the gaps enterprise college can't educate you by offering supreme recommendation on launching, scaling and running a startup. 
He has a lot of journey with this as co-founding father of Andreessen Horowitz, a VC firm with an investment portfolio that involves Airbnb, Facebook, GitHub, and Twitter. Horowitz is a rap fan, which plays out by the lyrics he involves on this book to enhance enterprise lessons.  For sure, there's an legal discussion of Horowitz's possess lope.
Overall, here's an internal peek on main and rising a enterprise, from somebody who's been by it. 
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'The Virgin Manner' by Richard Branson
Despite the proven reality that Branson confesses he's never learn a book on management, his merely about 50-12 months entrepreneurial occupation has taught him a thing or two about building a enterprise.
In "The Virgin Manner," the billionaire founding father of Virgin Community supplies lessons on management and entrepreneurialism, including the importance of listening to others and hiring the staunch folks. Branson is legal about his successes along with his failures, corresponding to underestimating Coke's affect when he tried to launch Virgin Cola in the 1990s.
Overall, the book is a compelling scrutinize into the lifestyles of somebody who's never shied away from a situation.
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'Onward' by Howard Schultz
After resigning as Starbucks CEO in 2000, Schultz returned to the submit in 2008, supreme as the company was struggling by a monetary crisis. "Onward" shrimp print how the billionaire brought the global espresso chain lend a hand to lifestyles.
Readers will learn the blueprint in which Schultz made tricky choices — fancy posthaste shutting down bigger than 7,000 US retail outlets — in yell to abet Starbucks develop with out neglecting its core values.
They'll learn, too, about Schultz as a person, as he weaves together his unparalleled enterprise strategy with anecdotes about rising up in Brooklyn, Unique York. Or no longer it's an legal and passionate recounting that will inspire entrepreneurs and all and sundry else to be dauntless in the face of adversity.
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'How to Internet on the Sport of Trade' by Mark Cuban
In "How to Internet on the Sport of Trade," Dallas Mavericks owner and "Shark Tank" investor Cuban fleshes out his most sharp insights on entrepreneurialism from his non-public weblog.
He writes candidly about how he stepped forward from drowsing on his chums' couches in his 20s to owning his possess company and turning into a multibillionaire. Or no longer it's a yarn of dedication and perseverance — Cuban writes that even supposing he didn't know worthy about computers, he beat his competition because he spent so worthy time discovering out concerning the utility his company bought. 
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'The Essays of Warren Buffett' by Warren Buffett
The 86-12 months-musty chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway is taken into chronicle one in every of the final word merchants in history.
This book is a chain of Buffett's letters to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders. Every person explains a undeniable aspect of his enterprise and investment philosophies. Whereas the topics could also appear complicated, the billionaire's writing is easy to learn, and he most ceaselessly explains concepts by non-public anecdotes.
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'Trade @ the Skedaddle of Conception' by Invoice Gates
With a earn price of $75 billion, Forbes estimates the Microsoft founder is the richest person in the arena. In "Trade @ the Skedaddle of Conception," Gates explains how enterprise and technology are inextricably linked.
The utilization of examples from companies fancy Microsoft and GM, Gates suggests that businesses watch technology as a system to pink meat up their operations. Whereas the book was initially published in 1999, a lot of Gates' insights remain staunch and relevant this day.
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'Bloomberg by Bloomberg' by Michael Bloomberg
Published in 1997, 5 years sooner than he grew to develop into mayor of Unique York City, Bloomberg's autobiography shrimp print how he built a media empire.
He guides readers by the highlights of his occupation: how he rose to success at Salomon Brothers, how he was fired from Salomon Brothers in 1981, and the blueprint in which he venerable fragment of his severance pay to originate the company that is now Bloomberg LP. The book is chock-crammed with treasured, legal insights on management and management, all in conserving with Bloomberg's non-public journey.
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'Zero to One' by Peter Thiel
"Zero to One" begins from the controversial premise that "competition is for losers" and that entrepreneurs could also soundless as a exchange aim to originate monopolies.
Thiel, a founding father of PayPal and the records-analytics firm Palantir, highlights the importance of building something fresh and taking over the market, moderately than merely adding to what's already accessible. Regardless of whether you resolve with Thiel's philosophy, the book is a clear learn with a lot of tips price discussing.
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'Call Me Ted' by Ted Turner
Whereas Turner has led multiple entrepreneurial ventures, he's presumably most sharp identified as the founding father of the predominant 24-hour cable-knowledge channel, CNN, and because the used owner of the Atlanta Braves.
In his autobiography, he outlines his unconventional course to success, from getting expelled from Brown College to running his father's billboard company to turning a shrimp knowledge situation into a media empire.
The book also facets non-public tales about Turner's relationship with his father and the actress Jane Fonda, all of which paint a full explain of the dynamic billionaire.
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'Think Cherish a Champion' by Donald Trump
"Think Cherish a Champion" is a chain of the president's essays on non-public and professional success.
Every person combines anecdotes from his possess journey with inspirational recommendation on all the things from discovering out out of your errors to confronting your fears. Acknowledging his possess tendency toward self-promotion, he tells readers to "toot your possess horn" must you deserve it.
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'The First Billion Is the Hardest' by T. Boone Pickens
"The First Billion Is the Hardest" tells the yarn of how the now 87-12 months-musty chairman of BP Capital Administration overcame non-public and professional challenges to cease abundant success.
The yarn takes readers the overall blueprint from Pickens' journey as a "company raider" in the 1980s to his unhurried-lifestyles rebranding as an point out for The usa's vitality independence. Every chapter begins with a "Booneism," or just a few words of wisdom on winning in lifestyles and enterprise. Instance: "I realized early on that you play by the foundations. Or no longer it's no relaxing if you cheat to exhaust."
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'Soros on Soros' by George Soros
That Soros survived the Holocaust to develop into one in every of the arena's most supreme merchants will not be any shrimp miracle. Readers learn about his occupation course in "Soros on Soros," which is technically two prolonged interviews that combine non-public anecdotes with theories on finance and politics. 
Soros is legal about his successes and failures as founder and chairman of Soros Fund Administration, and is no longer ceaselessly terrified about submitting controversial opinions. Or no longer it's a compelling learn, whether you are drawn to discovering out extra about Soros himself or global finance and coverage.
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'Say from Dell' by Michael Dell
Dell dropped out of college at 19 to chanced on PC Little, the enterprise that is now Dell Computer Corp. At 27, he grew to develop into the youngest CEO of a Fortune 500 company.
In "Say from Dell," the billionaire entrepreneur explains how he grew his enterprise and the hypothesis in the lend a hand of his unparalleled management model. Or no longer it's an intelligent rags-to-riches yarn that also supplies treasured management lessons.
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'Built from Scratch' by Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank
In "Built from Scratch," Marcus and Blank story how they changed their destiny and grew to develop into their dreams into actuality. After the 2 had been fired from a residence-development chain known as At hand Dan in 1978, they decided to pursue their thought of making a bargain store. It was known as The Residence Depot.
The book shrimp print the company's founding and bid, and the authors blueprint on their possess journey to produce meaningful lessons for any enterprise leader, including the importance of difficult your customer and giving lend a hand to the neighborhood.
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'What I Know for Decided' by Oprah Winfrey
Few folks fetch a nearer knowing of ardour and dedication than Winfrey. Born into poverty, she launched a occupation as a chat-say host, actress, and media prosperous person.
"What I Know for Decided" is a chain of her columns in O, the Oprah Magazine. Every person supplies a undeniable lifestyles lesson on topics including pleasure, gratitude, and energy, most ceaselessly in conserving with her non-public journey.
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'Ralph Lauren' by Ralph Lauren
Model designer Ralph Lauren grew up as Ralph Lipschitz, the son of Jewish immigrant other folks living in the Bronx. The muse for Polo Ralph Lauren was born when he attended a polo match as a young man and was captivated by "excessive society" model.
In his autobiography, he shares his non-public history, the inspiration in the lend a hand of his work, and stunning photos.
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'Guidance Decided' by Peter G. Peterson
At 89, Peterson has had a lengthy and storied occupation, which comprises stints as US secretary of commerce, chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers, and cofounder of non-public-equity firm Blackstone Community.
He's also the founder and chairman of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, which focuses on raising consciousness about fiscal challenges that the US faces.
In "Guidance Decided," published in 2015, Peterson makes the case that we have got to exhaust quick action to lop lengthy-time-frame debt in the US, projected to hit file highs in the shut to future. He juxtaposes prose with charts and graphs that illustrate the situation, and supplies capability solutions to the problem, including closing loopholes in the tax code.
Within the book's introduction, Peterson explains why addressing this situation is no longer supreme financial staunch sense: "This nation has given my family and me — and millions of others — unequaled opportunities to dream and to prosper. And together we have got a profound responsibility to exhaust a peek at to inch on the the same opportunity to future generations."
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'Merely Rich' by Richard DeVos
DeVos' rags-to-riches autobiography shrimp print his transition from Despair-period Michigan schoolboy to multibillionaire cofounder of recount-promoting company Amway.
The book weaves together tales about DeVos' non-public and professional lives, focusing in explicit on the system his Christian upbringing and values cleared the course for his success.
Impressions of Amway as an organization are mixed — or no longer it has been the arena of investigation for having a pyramid-fancy construction, regardless that the Federal Trade Price has dominated that the company's activities are legal. Nonetheless as one fan of the book says, "Whether you fancy the company or no longer, you cannot argue DeVos' intelligent yarn."
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'How Did You Function It, Truett?' by S. Truett Cathy
To many American citizens, Cathy's invention of the rooster sandwich and founding of posthaste-food chain Chick-fil-A execute him a contemporary hero.
In "How Did You Function It, Truett?" Cathy, who died in 2014, describes his rise to success, starting from the days when he labored in the lend a hand of the counter on the Dwarf Grill in Georgia.
At 95 pages, or no longer it's a comparatively immediate learn, and the book involves a different of inspirational enterprise and management lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs.
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'Charles Schwab's Unique Handbook to Monetary Independence' by Charles Schwab
In step with Schwab, founding father of Charles Schwab Corp., anyone could also very effectively be a realistic investor. All you wish to cease is learn the fundamentals and observe them in an investing strategy.
In "Unique Handbook to Monetary Independence," a revised model of a book published in 2007, Schwab teaches readers how to space investment targets, display screen their performance, and thought for retirement. His predominant argument is that, in the case of investing, doing nothing is the worst thing it's possible you'll perhaps presumably also cease.
Whereas the lessons in it are acceptable to anyone, the book is a helpful twin carriageway blueprint for starting merchants, breaking down complicated concepts into extra effective pieces.
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'Fooling About a of the Folks All of the Time' by David Einhorn
In this book, Einhorn tells his aspect of a six-12 months monetary saga.
That is the immediate model:. In 2002, Einhorn, founding father of Greenlight Capital, thought he'd uncovered flawed accounting practices at Allied Capital and started immediate promoting Allied's stock. That failed to work, as the stock climbed. Einhorn tried to screech Allied's unethical habits, even imminent the US Securities and Exchange Price, however the SEC ended up investigating him as effectively. Within the slay, Allied settled with the SEC in 2008 and the accusations had been never substantiated.
The book is heavy on detail, and one critic says that some ingredients learn fancy Einhorn's inflamed rant. Nonetheless it then another time supplies some compelling insights into the in model drama that often unfolds on Wall Avenue.
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'Margin of Safety' by Seth Klarman
In situation of succumbing to the most modern trends, Klarman, CEO and president of the Baupost Community, encourages readers to earn the foundations and common sense in the lend a hand of investing.
Particularly, he advocates and explains the reason in the lend a hand of observe investing, a strategy developed by Benjamin Graham that entails investing in securities procuring and selling at a observe lower than their intrinsic observe. The book takes its title from Benjamin Graham’s recommendation to step by step invest with a margin of security.
"Margin of Safety," no longer in print, now sells for as worthy as $1,000 on Amazon.
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'Made in The usa' by Sam Walton
"Made in The usa," by the founding father of Walmart, is one in every of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos' favourite books.
Readers fetch a scrutinize into each Walton's character and the hassle it took for him to blueprint what's now the most important retailer in the arena.
One reader calls the book "wonderfully folksy" — others swear or no longer it's actual inspiration for these having a peek to initiating their possess enterprise.
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'Shoe Canines' by Phil Knight
Nike cofounder Knight retired as the chairman of Nike in June 2016. In "Shoe Canines," published April 2016, he tells the charming yarn of how he built the arena's greatest athletic company.
Knight takes readers alongside on his non-public lope to success, starting from his pivotal decision at age 24 to inch the entrepreneurial route rather then joining the company world.
Longtime enterprise capitalist Brad Feld calls the book the "most sharp memoir I've ever learn by a enterprise person" and a "must learn" for any founder.
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'On the lend a hand of the Cloud' by Marc Benioff
This 2009 book shrimp print how Salesforce's founder, chairman, and CEO launched the cloud utility company, now price roughly $50 billion, in 1999.
Woven staunch by the yarn are some 111 of Benioff's management guidelines, from "integrate philanthropy from the starting" to "fetch the courage to pursue your innovation — sooner than it's some distance evident to the market."
In January 2016, Benioff urged in a Tweet that he'll be working on a sequel: "Previous the Cloud."
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'How Google Works' by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg
In 2014, Eric Schmidt, Google's executive chairman and used CEO, and Jonathan Rosenberg, used senior vp of products, published this compilation of insights from their journey building the company.
Readers learn the which blueprint and significance of "dapper creatives," and a few anecdotes from Google's previously untold history.
Trade Insider published a scramble presentation that Schmidt and Rosenberg achieve together highlighting the book's key takeaways. Those consist of: "We posthaste realized that nearly all the things we know about managing businesses was ineffective frightful," and "By no blueprint neglect that hiring is the most important thing you cease."
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Caterpillar Shares Atop Incomes Rhythm.
In December 2015, I started releasing quarterly updates concerning my reward development collection. If your cat's physical body is unable from absorbing a hefty carb lots as well as she is actually eating a pet cat food along with high carbohydrate information, she can potentially create digestive system health condition and also various other significant conditions, like diabetic issues as well as pancreatitis, pertaining to eating a diet regimen incapable for her varieties. The fact that many people remained in agreement that the old lady was in the incorrect just shows our point. Felines are going to eliminate your serpent concern; however you must be gotten ready for your cat to carry a dead snake in through its cat flap checking out you for appreciation. Satisfy aid - my 3 1/2 year old son was actually sound asleep and also around 430am beginning sobbing - I hugged him asking just what was wrong as well as he said I remain alone in the automobile. The small Loc8tor transmitter you place on a pet cat collar sends out a sign to a portable tool that functions like a lighthouse to zero in on your kitty. Red interna: Disk operating system más redes segmentos de la reddish conectados trick los dispositivos que funcionan en la capa 3 (la capa de la red") del modelo de los angeles referencia básica de los angeles OSI, tal como un hub. Certainly a feline can easily talk like a man as well as use a hat and bow connection - make an effort imagining the kitty in the hat with a totally different hat and also it doesn't operate. If you like films regarding poor teenagers, break-ins, or even a little bit of dosage of prestige, then this film is for you. Top Kitty time un gran fico (@Frost ho visto il trailer ... tristezza infinita, che porcheria!) e quoto los angeles parentesi su Gli Impossibili. When he was discovered torturing a neighbor's pet cat, Jesse Pomeroy was actually ultimately caught. I've in fact looked down at my feet along with the covers over all of them while feeling this movement/pressure as well as again assumed it was my pussy-cat that passed letting me recognize she was actually merely looking at factors, so I smiled and also went back to reading and turned in. Female colleagues could aid the male associates to spruce up like gals as well as stroll the pussy-cat stroll to win an award. The various other 5 people 3 gals 2 boys have brownish hair like my mommies and also 3 people with blue eyes and also as well as 2 (each man as well as girl) have eco-friendly eyes. That's not all bad news - you might have the possibility to get Diageo (NYSE: DEO) once more under $100/share. More than just a pet cat ... Ok, I'm going to exempt all the details listed here before my key-board splashes as well as shorts out from a flood from rips. Once more you performed an incredible job of investigating behind the beginning of a youngsters's book! SDY's third biggest hosting at 1.75% is Caterpillar (NYSE: FELINE ), which possesses an existing P/E ratio from 44.8 x and is actually under the gun coming from the Mandarin building and construction lag. I still perform, however have possessed much more drowse off from food items, and donations off initiatives, like the Feed a Cat for Xmas project, that truly help me out. Finally the pet cat ran out the bag. no one can claim ignorance about the seriousness of this social problem. Sophie Johnson, a black-and-white kitty owned through Jami Johnson from Oceanside, California, has the title for Pet cat Along with The Longest Coat. In browse this site , Pussy-cat Feeling, John Bradshaw writes that each kitty and also its proprietor slowly create a private 'foreign language' that they both comprehend, yet that is actually not discussed by various other pussy-cats or other proprietors." Therefore, yes, your cat truly performs understand you, and you her. Reddish del área del grounds (COULD): Se deriva a una red que conecta dos más LAN's los cuales deben estar conectados en un área geográfica específica tal como un university de universidad, un complejo industrial una base militar. Its own unsubstantiated that kids could be serial fantastics, or close to it, but they sure can be. Its regrettable that Mary Alarm was thus mistreated, no surprise. Del lotto gli impossibili è di sicuro los angeles serie migliore, a rjpta incredibly segretissimo, formica atomica e leading feline. If you possess bad credit scores, a no cosigner personal funding is likewise one more alternative as effectively as ensured lendings of all sort that you can obtain even. Several of the popular image resolution browses accessible to medical professionals feature X-rays, PUSSY-CAT scans (electronic central tomography), as well as MRI (magnetic resonance image resolution). If the technique had actually fallen short after that the kitty would not have actually glowed at night, but it achieved success as well as the gene is in every cat tissue. The facility of the galaxy has the primary of an intense celebrity, which ejected its own exterior effervescent layers in the ancient history, producing fantastic spheric frameworks. And in Mr. Brown Can Moo you possess orange along with a touch of reddish from the environment-friendly background. The feline may be preferring the affected feets or even limping, as this can become very unpleasant ... however certainly not always, particularly in early stages from the ailment. http://discreetbeauty.info would this make your household pet exceptionally unpleasant, however this also raises the likelihood that your canine or even cat are going to aim to eliminate the dog collar every opportunity this receives. As any kind of feline manager understands, acquiring them to perform also one method is hard, so 20 is actually really excellent.
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jreynoldsward · 6 years
Sense of place in the Goddess’s Honor Series
I've been wanting to write this blog for a while, but every time I sit down to write about this subject my thinking points go careening off into the glaciated (well, these days not-so-glaciated) peaks of the Wallowas and I decide that maybe it's a better use of my time to go ride the horse and then sew a quilt or work on a book. So I do that instead of writing the blog. Then, later, as I'm drowsing off, the points come galloping back, demanding my attention. Granted, the sense of place in writing isn't the only blog topic that wakes me up when I'm trying to drop off into sleep (or mugs me in the middle of a road ride), but sense of place in writing the topic I grabbed on today. My recent visit to Portland slammed home hard that awareness of how I use sense of place when we went skiing. These days I don't get up on the Mountain much, except to visit with my friend Phyllis or the occasional ski trip during the spring ski season. We've been holding out for the much less expensive spring ski passes the last couple of years, the ones that pay for themselves after two visits. Some years we go over Hood at least once during the summer to go back to Enterprise, or visit people in Bend before going to Enterprise, but last year wasn't one of those times. So when we drove up the Mountain and we got into the big cedars near Tollgate Campground, I immediately had the flash of "This is Medvara" when I drove through that grove of old cedars around the rocky point protruding into the Zigzag River. Ever since I started working in the Goddess's Honor world, that little section on Mount Hood has always been in the back of my mind when writing the Medvara sequences in the Goddess's Honor books, just like the big Ponderosa pine forests bordering the great grassy ridgetop flats and deep river canyons of Wallowa country inspire the Keldara and Clenda settings. That cedar grove has always meant Medvara, even when the nation had a different name. Alicira had a major confrontation with her nemesis Zauril there, nothing that's been put into the books (yet). Further down the river is where Rekaré kills her father Zauril and becomes Medvara's new Leader. Even though the grove had no influence or appearance in the new Goddess's Honor book, Challenges of Honor, it's still an influence. Of course no one real-world inspiration of a fantasy world setting maps 100% on that fantasy world. Even authors working in realistic fiction with real-life settings will fudge small details of a location to make the story work, though less so than someone working in fantastic fiction. I'm no exception to that rule, though my sense of place can be a bit bizarre and weird when I'm putting together a story. While most of the settings in the first part of Pledges of Honor are drawn first from Northeastern Oregon/Southeastern Washington Wallowa/Palouse country, there's one section with a hot spring that comes from a real-life hot spring visit in Southern Oregon many years ago, in similar rugged country. And the Dry Line is more than visible when you drive westward on Interstate 84 toward Portland, as you enter The Dalles. The mosaic of place in the new Goddess's Honor book, Challenges of Honor, is much more fragmented. While Challenges has some scenes in Keldara and Clenda, most of the action takes place in Medvara and then in the southern reaches of the Saubral lands between Medvara and Keldara. But most of the story takes place in Medvare-the-city, a location shaped not so much by places I've been as much as pictures. The Leader's House in Medvara is a rambling edifice made of wood, with several wings and courtyards that probably owe something to McMenamin's Edgefield Manor as much as anything else, perhaps with a nod to another McMenamin's property, the Kennedy School. It has gardens (hello, Rose Test Garden and the Ladd's Addition rose garden) and shrines as well as a Great Hall. Because it's on the confluence of the Saktrin and Chellana Rivers, and Challenges is a summer book, it is hot, muggy, and smoky from forest fires (and I should have emphasized that element more but alas, I just don't write summer settings well). Then events take another swing, and we end up in a horseback pursuit through the sagebrush desert, culminating in a battle fought in a small river meadow at the bottom of a steep canyon. I recently made a trip down to the area that inspired that setting, and got several pictures of some of the settings as they would look in the spring. That said, I also found more settings that will be playing roles in future writings--not just in Goddess's Honor but in my Oregon Country and other weird/alt-history Western fantasies. I've tried to find an appropriate label for what I'm wanting to do with this world, because it's definitely not classic faux-European setting. Ruling structures are one thing that I don't want to play around with too much simply because those changes don't fit the story I'm wanting to write. The settings, however, are flexible and fascinate me. I've been collecting settings and site impressions for years. They may not always come across in my writing, but I can travel somewhere that's inspired a story and had that sudden sense of place--this is Medvara--flash across my awareness like driving through that grove the other day did. Of all my works, I'd have to say that Goddess's Honor is the one most driven by place impressions, with the Netwalk series running a close second (at least the early books). We'll see what the books to come bring to the table. I don't know. What do you think? Apologies for the shameless shilling below, but I've got more work coming out soon and book babies need pretty new covers! Like my work and want to buy me a coffee? Ko-Fi link here: <script type='text/javascript' src='https://ko-fi.com/widgets/widget_2.js'></script><script type='text/javascript'>kofiwidget2.init('Buy Me a Coffee', '#46b798', 'I2I69R9Z');kofiwidget2.draw();</script>  New Releases Currently Available: Fantasy: Challenges of Honor: Change is coming eleven years after the events that transformed Katerin Healer into Katerin ea Miteal and catapulted Rekaré ea Miteal to the Leadership of Medvara. Katerin’s daughter Witmara grows stronger in magic while studying under Alicira, Katerin’s cousin and Rekaré’s mother. Rekaré struggles with her mixed feelings toward her leadership and her daughter Melarae. When a challenge to Rekaré arises from a recent Daran Empire exile, Chiral, as Alicira’s health fails, Katerin must choose between remaining obscure, or fully claim her role as a Miteal. The Seven Crowned Gods have their own agenda. What are the consequences of thwarting Chiral’s schemes, and why are the Gods meddling now? Katerin and Rekaré are faced with many challenging choices but not all are honorable—or wise. Books to Read Universal Link: https://www.books2read.com/u/3L9PN7 Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BYZZMSQ Science Fiction: Netwalk's Children: NEW EDITION WITH NEW COVER! The mysterious war machine device known as the Gizmo is getting restless and trying to use Melanie’s daughter Bess and her nephew Richard as a means of escape from its confinement. Meanwhile, problems arise with potential rogue Netwalkers tied not just to Melanie’s past but to her parents and the original capture of the Gizmo. Can Melanie work with her estranged Netwalker grandmother Sarah as well as Bess to stop the Gizmo and deal with past shadows that threaten to dominate Bess’s future? Books to Read Universal Link: https://www.books2read.com/u/b5nw63 Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017UZE03A Learning in Space: Bess and Alex: Bess Fielding and Alex Jeffreys are committed to a future in space with Bess’s family company, Do It Right. But that future comes with a steep learning curve in a place where the simplest mistake can be deadly…and not all those mistakes are naturally caused. Being a leader in new space technologies doesn’t stop sabotage from happening, however. As one of the leading production companies in space, Do It Right can be a target for the disgruntled and the ambitious. Nonetheless, Bess and Alex learn more about space and each other, until…good times come to an end…. Books to Read Universal Link: https://www.books2read.com/u/38gYVL Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077HDTPHP
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