#its time to STOP
froskii · 3 months
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my cool crossover, i miss when ppl would portray tony as a pizza fanatic jus cos he mentions pizza one time
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fuck-off-im-ace · 2 years
I’m so fucking tired yall. 
I remember when they killed off Lexa, and how it made me feel like i was dumb for ever believing that queer people could deserve happiness too.
I remember when they cancelled Sense8, and i remember the heartbreak of having a show that finally felt like true representation being cancelled for no good reason.
I don’t even know what to say anymore. I don’t even have the indignation i had with The 100, or the rage i had with Sense8. Warrior Nun stayed in the top 10 of Netflix for weeks, it’s the show with the best score Netflix has ever had. What more do they fucking want. 
I’m just tired of constantly fighting for representation with absolutely no results. I’m tired of feeling the guilt of “maybe if i would have streamed it more while i was at work or something it could have changed something”. 
I had to grow up with queer characters being killed off. I hate that the young queers of today have to grow up with every piece of media including them being cancelled. We deserve better.
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dailylowqualitycats · 8 months
Day 167
It’s time to stop cat
His name is Frank
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bloghrexach · 7 months
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🇵🇸 — Free Palestine!! — It’s beyond time!! — 🇵🇸
Art work by: @omarsomad …
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sophfandoms53 · 1 year
What will it take to end the agenda that Shadow and Sonic look alike and/or they’re like twins when they literally don’t look the same in the slightest.
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cherrytea556 · 5 months
Istg if I get flashed again of naked smelly booty in the asexual tag one more time-
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harleyquilt · 6 months
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bbqhooligan · 4 months
eminem gets on every track to say "you cant even say faggot anymore cuz of woke! but i can!" and people cheer crying screaming throwing up
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I only watched Scooby-Doo with my best friend and..
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anxietycheesecake · 2 years
The whole Ana de Armas saying Marilyn's ghost was present thing is awful because it either is true and she can't even rest in piece without these parasites using her name and image, or she's lying for attention which is even more ????
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secret-secret-secrets · 10 months
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A little something about my life for the past week-
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pepper-steam-milkshake · 11 months
someone please stop lu from simping so hard for heathers fyodor im begging
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
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coralvolatil · 2 years
un vinculo
cuando comenzamos una relación, ya sea de pareja o de amistad, a veces creamos un vinculo sin darnos cuenta, lo reforzamos, le ponemos amor, ganas, se va volviendo fuerte, ese vinculo se convierte en una vena mas en nuestro cuerpo, igual como fluyen momentos, felicidad, alegría por ese vinculo, fluye sangre por nuestras venas. 
un dia sin quererlo debemos separarnos de ese vinculo, por cualquier razón debemos romper el vinculo donde todos nuestros cables encontraron un puerto, donde nuestras preguntas tenían respuesta, donde nuestras miradas eran correspondidas, ese día nos quebramos en mil pedazos y pasamos por un duelo interno que no entendemos porque, pero duele hasta el ultimo hueso de nuestro cuerpo, se siente como que perdimos algo, claro que perdimos, perdimos una de nuestras venas, y repararla lleva tiempo igual que toda la sangre que perdimos cuando se rompió.
a veces estos vinculos son inexplicables, desafían distancia y lógica, por eso duelen tanto.
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nautilus1954 · 2 years
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*Continues punching table tops in visible frustration*
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roundtriptojupiter · 1 year
full disclosure i believe every member of the british royal family should renounce being royalty or die a thousand deaths
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