#iv I’m so sorry to laugh at your pain
tonguetyd · 9 months
Sometimes when I’m sad, I just watch the video of poor iv falling off stage, and then suddenly I’m not so sad anymore
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estrellami-1 · 2 months
How Steve Harrington Gets a Family
The first time it happened, Steve didn’t remember. He had no idea why Hopper was acting so weird until Joyce took him aside, sighing softly.
“Oh, honey,” she murmurs. “You don’t remember, do you?”
He frowns at her. “Remember what?”
“You called him dad, Steve.”
“I-” he gapes. “What?”
It goes like this.
He’d been hospitalized, after the Russians; he doesn’t know all the details, won’t for years, but Hopper had escaped from the reactor, thrown his weight—and title—around until someone had put Steve in a room, in a bed, gotten an IV into him, run whatever tests doctors run.
He was delirious with the truth serum still in his system and the adrenaline wearing off, groaning in pain and mumbling nonsense.
Hopper had put a hand on his head, said, “I’ve got you, Steve. You’re safe. It’s okay.”
“Dad,” Steve had mumbled, shifting into Hopper’s hand, and promptly passed out.
“Oh,” Steve whispers after Joyce tells him. He runs a hand through his hair. “Well, no shit he’s been acting weird, I mean why would he want me as a kid- shit, I need to apologize-” 
“Whoa,” Joyce says seriously, hands on his shoulders. “Slow down, Steve. You know Hopper loves you, right?”
Steve bites his lip on the snark that wants to come out, instead choosing to just blink at her.
“Christ,” Joyce laments, “I’m going back to school, everyone need so much damn therapy.” She takes a breath and looks Steve in the eye. “Hopper loves you, Steve. He’s considered you his kid for a long time now.”
Steve gapes at her. “No he hasn’t!”
Joyce raises a brow. “Uh-huh. And how many parties has he busted, exactly? And how many marks do you have on your record?”
Steve snaps his mouth shut. “Oh, shit,” he whispers, looking up at Joyce. “He- he does? Really?”
“Really,” Joyce confirms, pulling him into a hug.
“Oh,” he mumbles, before letting himself enjoy the hug.
Later, when he’s about to head home, he stops in front of Hopper, glancing nervously over to Joyce, who nods encouragingly. “Can I, uh. Talk to you? For a second?”
Hopper narrows his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
Steve’s eyes widen. “No, nothing! Just-” he sighs, runs a hand through his hair, gestures Hopper out the door and around the side of the house. “So, Joyce and I were talking, right? And I was wondering why you’d been acting weird around me, and I didn’t even remember what I said in the hospital, so Joyce told me, and- and I don’t expect anything from you! At all! And it- how I feel doesn’t have to change anything-”
“Christ,” Hopper says, but he’s smiling. “I think you’re worse at emotions than I am.”
“Well I’ve never had to tell anyone I think of them as more of a father figure than my own father before!” Steve blurts out, then freezes.
Hopper bursts out laughing. “Jesus, kid, do you think before you talk?”
Steve’s not hurt. Really. “Sorry,” he mumbles, looking anywhere but at Hopper. “I’ll leave.”
A hand on his wrist stops him. “C’mere, kid,” Hopper says, pulling him into a hug.
Steve stiffens. “What?”
“Boy, you’ve been my kid since the third time I didn’t write you up for one of those damn parties,” he grouses.
Steve relaxes into the hug. “So. If I, uh. Were to, maybe, call you dad again…”
“Just see what I’ll do if you don’t,” Hopper says gruffly, and it’s really not that funny but Steve’s just so relieved that he cracks up anyways.
They pull apart after a minute, and Steve has a giddy grin on his face as he backs up. “Bye, Dad,” he says, before turning and running to his car. Hopper’s laughter follows him.
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He’s been close to Dustin for a while now, but still refuses to call his mom Claudia. The most he’ll do is Mrs. H, even though every time she sees him, she tries to get him to call her by her first name.
He can’t do it. He can’t make himself. Maybe it’s the manners instilled in him, maybe he’s just awkward as fuck, who knows. But he chickens out every time.
That’s why, when she answers the door, he smiles. “Hey, Mrs. H.”
“Steve,” she greets him warmly. “Come in, come in. Call me Claudia. Oh, what is this? I told you you don’t have to bring anything!”
“Just some cookies,” he promises her, putting them down where she directs and falling into the hug she gives him.
“Dear,” she asks him later, when they’re sitting at the table with Dustin, “call me Claudia, please?”
Steve can’t look at her; passes the butter Dustin’s silently asking for. “Sorry, Mrs. H.”
“Jesus,” Dustin groans, buttering his roll. “If you can’t even say her name then at least call her mom.”
Steve’s cheeks are on fire. “That’s not exactly up to me, Dust,” he grits out.
“Oh, dear,” Claudia sighs. “I would love for you to call me mom.”
“Then we’d be brothers,” Dustin adds, “which we basically are anyways.”
Steve snorts. “I don’t think that’s exactly how it works,” he tells Dustin, but takes a breath and smiles at Claudia. “Thanks, Mom,” he says quietly. Claudia beams back at him.
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“I don’t give a damn!” Claudia yells at the hospital receptionist, who really just looks exceedingly bored.
Steve knows the look of someone who’s grabbing their pepper spray. “Mom?” He calls, wet and wobbly, and Claudia spins around, running to his side.
“Oh, Stevie,” she murmurs, gently cupping his hands. “Oh, goodness, your face- have you gotten looked at? Has someone come to see you? Where’s Dustin?”
Steve opens his mouth to answer and promptly bursts into tears. “He’s f-fine,” he manages. “Ankle. Getting- getting helped. But- Mom-”
She hushes him, pulling him down into a seat next to her. “Let it out, Steve, there you go. Mom’s here, I’ve got you.”
He finally composes himself enough to pull back and look at her. “It’s not good, Mom,” he whispers. “I tried, I really did, and I know CPR but he was losing so much blood-”
“Steve,” she stops him, “I thought you said Dustin was fine?”
“He is, it’s just his ankle, but Eddie, Mom… he’s back there, they’re doing surgery, but he- I felt-” he grabs at his own chest, and somehow Claudia knows what he means. “Oh, dear,” she murmurs, pulling him into another hug. “I’m so proud of you,” she whispers into his ear. “You did what you could, you kept him stable until the doctors could do their job, and now it’s their turn, okay? Let them take care of it. They’re gonna do everything they can.”
His eyes well up again. “He didn’t kill anyone, Mom.”
“Oh, I know that, sweetie. It’s okay. I never thought he did.”
“But they do!” He sniffs, wipes at his face. “And what- what if-”
She pulls his attention back to her with a hand on his face. “Did I tell you about the time a known serial killer came in?” She whispers. He shakes his head. “He’d been in an… altercation, with the police. Shots had been fired. We all knew who he was, but when he flatlined on the table, we got his heart beating again.” She grips his hand tightly. “Doctors take an oath, Steve. They’re going to do everything they can. Okay?”
“Okay,” he mumbles, letting her pull him into another hug.
“Y’wanna tell me about Eddie?”
“You know Eddie.”
“Mhm, from Dusty. I’ve never heard about him from your perspective before.”
“I didn’t really know him before today,” he admits. “I knew of him, in high school, a little bit, but then I graduated and he didn’t and then Dustin started raving about him and… I got jealous.”
“Oh, Steve.” She cards a hand through his hair. “You know Dustin will always love you. You’re brothers.”
Steve sighs. “I know, but… we’re also not. I love you more than I love the woman who birthed me, and I love Dust as much as I’d love any biological sibling I could ever have, but-”
“I know,” Claudia says. “It’s okay, dear. Keep going. Tell me about Eddie.”
“Right. So I got jealous, and then I really didn’t wanna meet him, ‘cause he actually sounded kinda cool and I’m just… me. And I know what you’re gonna say, but you’re biased as my mom.” Claudia just chuckles. “But then I met him, and… he’s really nice, Mom. He really loves the twerps. And he’s, like… kind? And I know nice and kind are synonyms but it’s different. Like he’s just… an inherently good person. That’s kind. Nice you can fake. But you can’t fake kind. Y’know?”
“I know what you mean,” she agrees.
“Okay, good. Well he’s kind. He-” Steve sniffs. “He called me a good dude.”
“Well,” Claudia says, smiling, “you are.”
Steve chuckles wetly. “I am now, maybe, but I wasn’t when we knew each other in high school, and I didn’t really expect him to say anything. And he’s so passionate, Mom, and he’s talented, and he’s selfless, but that backfired because it landed him here-”
Claudia hums, strokes a hand through his hair. “How long have you liked him?” He stiffens. “Oh, please, like I haven’t known this entire time. Honestly, Steve, I’m not an idiot. And I’m not some backwards idiot especially who thinks two boys who love each other are the greatest sin.”
“No, it- Mom, you love Robin, of course you’re fine with it, I just- I didn’t… I didn’t realize.”
“Oh, Stevie,” she sighs, running her hand through his hair again. “When he gets out, are you gonna do something about it?”
“I don’t know,” he says quietly. “Maybe. If- if he even wants to be friends-”
“Okay, now I know you’re talking crazy,” she teases him, grinning.
Just then Hopper walks in, looking around with wide eyes, stopping when he sees Steve. “Dad!” Steve yelps, standing and walking quickly towards him, stopping about three steps in. “Oh, fuck,” he mutters, because he knows the way the room is spinning and his vision is going out.
He’s out before he hits the ground.
He wakes up later to find he didn’t hit the ground, actually; Hopper had leapt forward and caught him the second he’d stopped walking and started swaying.
He blinks bleary eyes open and finds himself looking at a ceiling tile. “What-”
“Don’t move,” comes Hopper’s voice from beside him.
He turns his head to frown at him. “Dad? What happened?”
“You passed out. Jumped outta Claudia’s arms like she’d burned you when you saw me. Much as I love you, kid, the parent’s gotta go first this time, ‘kay? No more self-sacrificing bullshit and not getting medical attention when you need it.”
“M’kay,” Steve says. “Sorry, Dad.”
Hopper puts a hand on his head. It’s comforting. “Go to sleep, kid.”
When he wakes up again, he’s more lucid. He looks around, sees Claudia asleep in the chair next to him. Looks on his other side, and his breath catches when he sees Eddie. His eyes are closed, he’s still asleep, but he’s alive.
“Mom,” he whispers, tearing his eyes away from Eddie to look at her. He feels bad, a little, waking her, but only a little because he knows she’d tear him a new one if he didn’t. “Mom.”
She starts awake and tears up when she sees him. “Stevie,” she murmurs, cradling his face with her hand.
“Mom,” he says again. “He’s here.”
Claudia chuckles. “You can thank your father and I for that one. We raised hell.”
“I bet you did,” he says appreciatively.
“And you, young man,” she says, too full of love to really be mean, “next time you tell me when you’ve been half eaten, okay? Or have you forgotten I’m a nurse?”
“Didn’t forget,” he murmurs, nudging her hand with his face. “Just wanted to stay with you.”
“Oh, Steve,” she murmurs. “You beautiful boy.”
He falls asleep again.
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He wakes up again later and looks over to see Eddie also awake, and also looking at him. “Eddie,” he breathes.
It’s hard to tell from where he is, but it looks like Eddie’s blushing. “Looks like I’ve got you to thank for saving my life.”
Now Steve’s blushing. “Ah,” he eloquently says. “No, I mean, just- what anyone else would do?”
“Are you asking me?”
Oh, god, is he teasing? Steve barely survived the flirting before, but now there’s nothing else to keep his attention off Eddie, nothing else he can blame the blush on. “…I just didn’t do much,” he belatedly says.
“Bullshit.” He shifts and hisses in pain. “Fuck, those bastards got me good. But that- that’s proof, y’know?”
Steve blinks. He doesn’t know. “What?”
Eddie grins at him. The stitches in his cheek pull, but don’t tear. “That you saved me.”
Abruptly, Steve tears up. He looks away, up at the ceiling, wills the tears to stay inside. “Steve?”
“Are you-”
“No,” he answers quickly. Too quickly. There’s an awkward silence now. “Fuck,” he mutters. “I- I felt your heart stop, okay?” He looks over again, knows the tears are there, knowing they’re leaking into his hairline and across the bridge of his nose. “I wasn’t sure the doctors were even gonna try that hard to save you. And now you’re joking with me, and-” he takes a quick breath, holds it. Releases it slowly. “‘M just glad you’re okay,” he finally says.
“Oh,” Eddie says quietly. “I, uh. Didn’t think you really… cared. About me.”
“I think I care more than I should.”
Eddie takes a breath. “I’m about to say something way too brave, and I’m only saying it ‘cause we’re both in hospital beds and I’m assuming you can’t just, like, walk over and punch me.”
“Even if I could, I wouldn’t.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep. But, uh. Anyways. I don’t… people don’t care about me. My uncle Wayne does, sure, and the kids, but that’s different, and- well. I’ll take whatever care you wanna give me. It won’t be too much.”
“Okay,” Steve says, “well I definitely don’t want to punch you for that, what the hell, but I hope you know you’re gonna get hugged for that as soon as I figure out how to undo all this shit.” He gestures to the tubes in his arms, and Eddie starts to laugh, then stops just as quickly with a hiss.
“Okay, abs got eaten, no laughing,” he mutters, mostly to himself. “Shit, dude, stay in bed, you had like five people in here earlier who all told me specifically to not let you out of bed, though how I’m supposed to do that I dunno.”
Steve blinks over at him. “Five?”
“Well- four, now that I count. Dustin was here with his mom, he’s getting released later but was allowed out of bed for a minute and came to see us. Robin, and she looked angry, are you two, like, okay?”
Steve snorts. “Yeah, she’s just worried.”
“And then Chief Hopper, which- do you wanna explain why the actual Chief of Police was in here?”
“Ah,” Steve says, and blushes again. “He kinda, like… adopted me? Not officially, obviously, but he’s… well, I call him dad, so-”
“And Claudia?”
Steve hums. “‘S my mom. Dust’s my brother.”
Eddie snorts. “Jesus, Harrington, d’you just go around collecting people to call your parents? How many d’you have now, four?”
“Nah, just two. My parents fucked off pretty permanently by the time I was nine. And before that I had nannies when they were gone.”
Eddie blinks at him. “You- wait. Back up. You’ve been alone for the entirety of high school?”
Steve thinks. “I mean, I had Hopper, kinda, but that was before he became Dad, so… I guess?”
“Goddamn,” Eddie whispers wonderingly. “And you’re still sane?”
Steve snorts. “Jury’s out on that one, I mean I do willingly hang out with the twerps, so-”
“Fuck, don’t make me laugh, man.” He sighs. “I get it, though,” he says quietly. “Mom was an angel, but… Dad got to her, y’know? Tore her wings off, rubbed her halo in the dirt. Poured alcohol down her throat until she was dependent on it. And him. And when she-” he shakes his head. “Then it was just Dad, and he got sent away ‘cause apparently his new car wasn’t his, y’know? And I went to live with Wayne at twelve.”
“But now you’ve got Wayne.”
“Mhm.” He smiles a little. “Call ’im pops sometimes, ‘cause he’s my real dad now. Sometimes Wayne, sometimes Uncle Wayne. He doe’n’t care much.”
“What’s it like? Living with him?”
“It’s been a dream, honestly. He’s the nicest person I’ve ever met, and he’s got patience to rival a saint. Doesn’t care when I play my music loud, or forget to eat, or bring boy—uh, girls—over.”
Steve hums. “There’s still the house in Loch Nora, but I stay with the Hendersons most days. I tend to bring people I meet to Loch Nora, just ‘cause it’s empty, y’know? I mean, Dust’s a little shit, and he’d tease me regardless of who I brought home. Mom wouldn’t care. Hell, she’d probably give me a condom and lube,” he laughs. “And she’s teaching Dustin to be the same way. He���ll get there one day.”
“He’s a twerp,” Eddie agrees. “I didn’t know you, uh-”
“Mhm,” Steve answers. “Robin says I’m like Bowie.”
“Like Bowie- you’re bisexual?”
“That’s the one!” Steve says happily. “I can never remember the name.”
Eddie looks at him wonderingly. “Who are you, Steve Harrington?”
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Eventually they get out of the hospital, and eventually they stop circling around each other. Eventually they kiss, and fall asleep on the couch, and make each other breakfast, and do certain things behind closed doors that Steve still can’t think about without blushing.
Eventually they’re outside the Munson’s trailer, working in the garden that Eddie, surprisingly, loved.
“Imma go in,” Steve says eventually. “Get a drink.”
“Alright,” Eddie says, not looking up from where he’s pulling weeds near his tomatoes. “I’ll be here.”
Steve has a bit of a headache already, and he knows drastic temperature changes don’t help. He didn’t think the trailer was that big of a difference, but it’s cool enough he’s got goosebumps breaking out along his arms almost immediately. Then he’s hit with a blast of freezing air when he opens the fridge, and his head begins to throb. “Fuck,” he mutters, shutting the door and grabbing for a glass, hoping the sink water isn’t too cold.
It’s cooler than he’d like, but it’s all he’s got right now, and he knows if he doesn’t hydrate it’s going to end up worse. He chugs two glasses, sets the cup down, and goes to sit at the table, rubbing his eyes.
It gets worse almost without him realizing: one second his relatively fine, the next he’s groaning in pain, trying to block out all the light by laying his head on his forearm.
A hand on his back startles him. “Dee?”
“Wayne,” comes the gruff voice. “Not Eddie. Y’got a migraine?”
“Y’take anything for it?”
Steve waves a hand. “Had water.”
Wayne leaves for a minute, comes back and presses two pills into Steve’s hand. A glass of water is placed in front of him.
He takes the pills, squinting, and lays his head back down.
“Nuh-uh,” Wayne says, “up you get, c’mon, you’re sleepin’ this off.” Hands at his shoulders guide him out of his seat, shuffle him slowly down the hall to Eddie’s cool, dark room. Lay him down and pull the blankets over him.
Steve sighs and relaxes into the bed, cracking an eye open to look at Wayne. “Thanks, Pops,” he murmurs, then winces when Wayne freezes. “S’rry. Wayne.”
Wayne pets a hand through Steve’s hair. “Pops works just fine,” he says. “I’ll tell Ed you’re in here.”
“M’kay,” Steve breathes, and lets himself fall asleep.
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They’re at Hopper’s cabin, an annual We Saved the World semi-party that usually ends in at least one disagreement.
Eddie’s got most of the kids corralled away in the living room, with promises of an epic one-shot. The adults, Steve, Max, and El are in the kitchen.
He doesn’t know who started it, but someone teases him, and Hopper ruffles his hair with another jab. “Dad,” he complains good-naturedly, laughing.
“Steve?” El asks.
“Yeah?” He looks at her.
“Hopper is your dad.”
Steve glances at Hopper, who’s listening, but making no move to answer. “I mean… not, like, biologically, but yeah.”
“Me too,” El says. “Are you my brother, then?”
Steve flounders. “I- I guess if you want me to be?”
“You’re a good brother to Dustin,” she answers. “I haven’t had any good brothers besides Will, and we are the same age. I would like a good older brother.”
He smiles, tugs her into a hug. “I guess I’m your brother, then.”
She goes willingly. “Does that mean Joyce is your mom too?” She looks up at him, big eyes serious. “She is a good mom.”
“Uh,” Steve says, “that’s kinda up to Joyce.”
“Oh, honey,” Joyce says, because of course everyone had stopped talking the moment El had started. “Why don’t you call me Mama J?”
Steve smiles bashfully, accepting her hug. “Sounds good to me.”
When he tells Eddie later, his boyfriend laughs. “You really do collect parents!”
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moonstruckme · 2 months
Omg i love your Dr. Remus fics so much, i’m literally obsessed! I had this idea but idk if it makes sense…
Is there any way that you can write one where the reader is getting treated at the hospital and the IV that remus places causes a burst vein or has a bad reaction to some medication. Neither are Rem’s fault- how could he have known you were allergic to that medication?
Cue angst as remus stays by your side and comforts you, while you reassure him that you’re alright and there’s love and comfort all around.
thanks for checking this out bestie ❤️
Thank you for requesting my love
cw: hospital, mention of IV and anaphylaxis
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 465 words
Remus is emanating guilt. His thumb moves over the top of your hand, just short of your IV like he can protect you from it belatedly. You love him so much it hurts. 
“I’m feeling a lot better,” you say. Your voice sounds far less hoarse than it had. 
He gives you a smile that doesn’t meet his eyes. “Yeah? That’s great.” 
“Do you think I might be able to go home today?” 
Remus’ expression creases, guilt burrowing further into the indent between his brows. “I don’t know, sweetheart. I’d like to think so, but we still have to kick the infection and we may want to observe you overnight.” He kisses your knuckles apologetically. “You know I’ll stay with you either way.” 
You give him your own miniature smile. “Thanks.” 
He echoes it back, and you both fall quiet. 
“You couldn’t have known I was allergic to that stuff,” you say gently. 
Remus’ lips press together in a line. “I know.” 
“I mean, even I had no idea. It wasn’t on any records or anything.” 
“I know, dove. Thanks.” 
Another silence lapses. You watch your boyfriend, who looks down at the sheets of your hospital bed. You squeeze his fingers. 
“What are you thinking about?” 
Remus puffs out a sigh. Gives you a sad smile. “I guess I’m thinking that I’m rather selfish.” 
It pangs like an insult against you, right in the center of your chest. “What?” 
“I see people go into anaphylaxis all the time,” he says, thumb still running over your knuckles absentmindedly, “but it’s never been as scary for me as when it happened to you just now. I almost forgot what to do.” 
“You didn’t, though,” you reassure him, leaning forward to ask for a kiss. Remus obliges you, and his lips are warm and sweet against yours. “You fixed it. You always do.” 
He dots a kiss onto the bridge of your nose. “I never like seeing you in pain,” he admits, “and seeing how scared you were, too…it was hard.” 
Your gut twists. “I’m sorry,” you say. 
Remus tsks. “What’re you sorry for, sweetheart? You were the one having an allergic reaction that I gave you.” 
“Yeah, by using medicine to try and save me from an infection my stupid body gave itself.” 
“Well,” he says, tone warming with amusement, “that’s hardly fair.” 
“Yeah, doesn’t seem fair to either of us. Truce?” 
Your boyfriend rolls his eyes, lovesick even when he’s pretending not to be. “Truce,” he agrees. He gives your fingers a fond squeeze. 
“Good.” You smile at him. “I think our first act of allyship should be busting me out of here before anyone tries to make me stay the night. What do you think?” 
Remus huffs a laugh. “I’ll see what I can do.” 
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luveline · 6 months
Hi jade, I have a hurt/comfort request for Steve, maybe reader was there with the party for all the vecna stuff and maybe gets hurt, afterwards Steve taking care of her and staying w her in the hospital and stuff? Love your writing!
thank you for requesting <3 fem!reader
“Did you know there’s like, a concessions stand?” 
You moan at the pain between your shoulders, turning onto your arm. Steve lounges in the chair beside you with a paper plate of donuts on his chest. His legs are kicked up on your bed. He’s taken his shoes off, at least. 
“Free donuts, coffee, they even had flapjacks.” 
“Steve, I think you have to pay for those.” 
He puts the plate on your bed. “Well, they can’t send you to jail.” 
“‘Cos my back’s broken?” 
“‘Cos you’re too pretty for prison.” Steve sits up properly. “You need help?” 
He moves the donuts again onto your nightstand and hooks you under the arms to ease you into a sitting position. You’re back isn’t broken, for the record, but you fell funny coming out of the gate a few days ago and you haven’t bounced back yet. Worse, you've got an infected burn on your hand, wrist and arm from your Molotov cocktail. It’s out of commission, as are you while they pump antibiotics into the crook of your elbow. Steve’s careful not to tug your IV. 
You gasp, the twinge in your back turning to flame. “I know,” Steve murmurs, shockingly sincere, “I’m sorry. You’re not supposed to lie down all the time, or it won’t get better.” 
“I know.” 
“Yeah, of course you do. You know everything.” 
Insult or compliment, you’re unsure. What you do know is that Steve’s come to see you every day since you were checked in, he’s the one who checked you in, and he’s taken good care of you so far. He’s not even your boyfriend, you thought he liked Nancy— but he’s rubbing his hands down your shoulders and looking you in your face despite the horror he’s sure to be witnessing. Bruised eye, greasy nose, hair thankfully clean but completely untouched otherwise. 
“Better?” he asks, cupping your cheek. 
Is he gonna kiss me? you think. You glance down at his lips, then back up. Steve doesn’t notice or doesn’t mention it, his fingers drawing a gentle path behind your ear as his thumb aligns with your jaw. 
“Hey, don’t cry.” 
You shake your head. “No, I’m not.”
“Sorry, you just looked so sad for a second.” He laughs wryly. Though you don’t feel like he’s making fun of you, he teases, “Cheer up. What have you got to be so sad about?” 
“You keep harassing me.” 
“Oh, that’s how it is!” He tips his head back. “Nurse! I’d like to report a thief!” 
You gasp, laugh, and attempt to cover his mouth as strikes of pain nibble up your spine. “Steve, don’t–” He catches your hands to stop you from silencing him, but he doesn’t shout again, holding your hands together in his lap, smiling smugly and affectionately at once. He has nice eyes that are almost almond in shape and a lovely light brown. They glow in the slither of light that sneaks its way through the blinds, raw amber, stomach-achingly pretty. 
You can’t look at him for too long. You defer to your hands scrunched up in the sheets instead. 
“I did pay for the donuts, by the way. I’m just messing with you.” 
You try to laugh. “Why doesn't that surprise me?” 
“You act like I’m such a jerk,” he says fondly, pulling you in for a cautious hug. He’s tender when he needs to be, you’d never have thought it of him, how sweetly and softly he rubs your back, how he murmurs near your ear. “Do you need more meds? I’m sure they can get you another dose of the good stuff if you pretend your gummy arm is aching.” 
“Thanks, Steve, but I’m fine.” 
He hums. “Think I can get them to let me stay the night?” 
“Steve, I’m really okay.” 
“It’s not about you, I just don’t wanna go home,” he lies poorly, “they don’t have donuts at home–”
His hand leaves your back. “Are you eating over my shoulder?” you ask. 
He hugs you tighter with the remaining arm. “What? No.” 
You feel sprinkles falling down your back and ignore it for now. He’ll have to help you out of bed in a few minutes anyways. He can sort it out then. For now, you lean into his chest and close your eyes tight. 
“I’ll sleep better in the chair by your bed,” he promises. 
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jwanniie · 6 months
can i make a req for ive’s yujin x reader ? i’ll take anything as long as its g!p yujin please nd tysm <33
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Pairings: Stepmom G!p Yujin x Stepdaughter Fem reader!!
Part one, part two
Warnings: virgin reader, mutual masturbation, cheating, wlw marriage, pervert Yujin, unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap your Willy), breeding, degrading, pantie stealing, tummy bulge, reader gets called slut, whore, kitten.., step mom stepdaughter relationship, Yujin is kinda mean, p in v, not proofread,reader bleeds, painful sex and just very filthy smut!!!
Word count:1,8k
Jwans Note: hope you enjoy this love! I’m sorry I posted this kinda late, I’ve been so busy lately and life’s been too much!😭
If you were honest, which was something you always wanted to be, you don’t really trust nor like your new stepmom, Yujin. She always seemed off to you, she always was nice and kind towards you but you knew something with the whole marriage of her and your mom had something off.
Till now she has been treating your mom well and you don’t want to ruin their marriage and your moms happiness by some strange feeling you have, beside you don’t even know if that’s what you really feel. Maybe it’s just some thoughts that your brain is just trying to give you.
But deep down you knew these are not just some thoughts…she always seemed strange with you. You felt so exposed and uncomfortable under her predator gaze. The atmosphere immediately turning cold and your skin getting goosebumps at the way her bottom lip was nibbled by her teeth when you walked past her in the kitchen.
You confirmed yourself that those are not just thoughts when you saw her, digging all of the clothes that were in your hamper and when she found what she wanted, a pink pair of your panties with a ribbon. She took a deeep and loong sniff, that left her intoxicated. She smirked at herself and stuffed it in her pocket.
All of that and you were peeking your head from the small gap that was in your door. Something in you snapped and you barged into your room.
She flinched a little before her dirty smirk was on her face again. “What were you doing?” You hoped that you sounded intimidating or at least firm but the look on her face always made your knees weak and head spin.
“I was going to do your laundry, kitten” Her smug expression got replaced with a smile. Ugh, the pet name that left your skin alarmed. You don’t think that a normal stepmom stepdaughter relationship included the mom to call her stepdaughter kitten.
“What were you doing here?” She continued, acting like this is not your room in the first place.
“This is my room” you hoped that this conversation would end as soon as possible before you’d end up in your bed in your signature shrimp position that you always did when you felt uncomfortable tension. She gave a laugh before coming near you and patting your shoulder “Right!” And with that she left you here all alone with the mess of your dirty clothes.
You obviously can’t tell your mom, first she won’t believe what you are saying about your stepmom and second she’d think you want to take her happiness away from her and ruin the marriage that she’d been dreaming of. So Nuh uh!!
Hearing what your mom just said, you wanted to just go on your knees and beg her not to go. She has this urgent work trip that she would be spending the rest of the month on and you’d be here all alone….with your stepmom…Yujin.
When your mom was bidding you goodbyes you just stood there awkwardly. Your mom gave you a kiss on the cheek before she went on her tip toes to kiss her wife, on the lips. You just looked away, not wanting to see the awkward scene.
“Goodbye girls, have fun!” Your mom flashed her warm motherly smile, that never failed to make your heart fill with comfort. You suddenly felt a pair of arms wrapped around your neck and chest are from the side, it was Yujin. “Oh don’t worry we will!” The smug expression was again on her face, and you just stood there looking at your mom with puppy eyes, silently begging her to just cancel the trip. But no! Your mom said her last goodbye before walking out, and here you are alone with the devil.
The days were strangely going somewhat ok. It was just you rotting in bed all day, going out to grab something to eat here and there, sometimes spending some time with your friends outside or just simply doing skincare and relaxing.
“Y/n, I have a day off today, want to spend it together?” She asked, The smirk that was naturally carved into her face never leaving.
“Sure!” What did you just say? Your tongue said something before letting your brain actually process it. “Do you want to watch a movie?” The smirk carved into her face now even wider.
“S-sure!” You, as a people pleaser of course agreed, never wanting to let someone down even if that means watching a movie with someone you don’t like. And it’s just a movie nothing special will happen, you will just watch the movie silently and head back to your room…right?
Welll….No! You won’t just watch the movie and head back to your room…Yujin was sitting on the other side of the couch while you were cuddled on the other side, silently. But throughout the movie she slowly started coming closer and closer to your side, you shook it off, not thinking much about it. Until a cold hand was on your bare thigh, on your warm skin. You let out a yelp before, your reflexes slapped her hand away.
The inner side of her cheek was between her teeth, while her jaw was clenched, not pleased by your previous act. She looked straight in front of her at the movie and her eyes were burning with fire and anger.
Oh god how much you wanted to bury yourself now six feet under. The devil wanted to be extra evil now and the movie just flashed a hot steamy sex scene, like can this get worse? It wasn’t even censored, basically just straight porn.
And how much you hated yourself for getting aroused, your mind and body reacted differently. And now you couldn’t help yourself but to gulp at the sight in front of you, sinful moans from the actor while he fucked that woman’s brain out.
Your juices were like a pool in your panties and Yujin noticed. The next time her hand found its way to your burning thigh, you didn’t yank her hand away, in fact you moaned at that simple contact.
“Such a dirty whore, moaning at this” She let out an evil chuckle before rubbing your thighs. You let out another whiny moan before you grabbed her hand and guided it to your drenched core.
“You acted like a hard to get and look at you now, begging to be touched like the slut you are.” Her finger pads started toying with your sensitive bud, the sweetest high pitched moans left your lips.
You can’t lie, Yujin is way too good looking and you can’t lie, you’ve always imagined how good Yujin can fuck with her massive cock. You imagined how good and deep it would be buried in you, how easily she can split you in two and probably ruin your fucking cervix with one single thrust.
“Bet it’s easy to get you to cum!” She let out another chuckle before pinching your swollen pearl. A cry fell from your lips and you started grinding against her fingers, begging to feel more.
And suddenly all of that was gone. Her touch left your desperate body. She slid her pants along with her boxers down and pulled her shirt over her head and threw it somewhere in the apartment.
Her massive cock sprung out and it left your mouth watered, licking your lips. Your imagination was doing her cock so wrong, it looked better now that you see it, better than you have ever imagined. Girthy and the perfect amount of veins filling it. Her mushroom tip angry red with white substance painting.
Your hand had traveled down to your shorts rubbing your clit in desperation, while your other hands fingers started pumping in and out of your wet hole. She sat next to you before her palm started thrusting against her cock.
Your eyes were threatening to close in pleasure but you didn’t want to miss the sight in front of you.
“Spit on my cock!” The demand made you stop in your tracks, studying her expressions and you realized that she was dead serious.
Your head went closer to her cock before your warm saliva flew to her base, and she immediately started pumping it. Husky groans falling from her lips while you went back into stuffing your fingers into your now red pussy.
She grabbed your wrist and made you lay on the couch, before her cock was making its way to your hole.
“Are you a virgin?” She looked at you,brows raised, her bottom lip between her teeth. You forgot to tell her that she was actually the first one to put a dick in you.
You looked at her nodding your head and a low breathy ‘fuck’ came out from her vocal cords.
“You love the idea of your stepmom fucking you dumb, right?” She started rubbing your cheek, a fake pout formed on her face while her tip was rubbing your slit roughly.
And without warning she split you with the head of her cock, a scream escaped your lips and you held onto her shoulder for dear life.
“Y-Yujin” your eyes were shut tightly while you tried to bear the pain that came with her cock, blood dripped down to her balls. She looked at it, never knowing fucking her virgin stepdaughter would be this hot.
Her hips rutted against yours, her fat cock filled you up to the complete brim, her balls slapping against your ass with every pound. With every thrust it felt like she was rearranging your insides, you felt her in your stomach, and when you touched your lower abdomen, you felt the bump.
She put her other hand on top of yours. “You feel me baby? I’m right here!”
The squeeze of your gummy walls was enough to make her feel her climax. She gripped your waist harshly before fucking you onto her dick, your lower region meeting roughly. The way your boobs jiggled with every animalistic thrust she took was sending making her orgasm approach quicker. She obviously can’t cum before you so her hand found your clit and started rubbing its so sweetly but the pressure was enough to make your release splash out of you.
That was so fucking hot and thick ropes of cum shoot straight to your womb.
“Imagine your mom walking in on us! You’d like it, won’t you?” She gave one of her signature smug face, before pulling out. The way your cunt lips were spilling her cum and was now covering your thighs was enough to make her hard again, but she should control herself!
She grabbed a towel and cleaned you up, peppering every mark she left on your delicate skin with kisses before applying oil on it. She tucked you in bed, your naked back against her chest, and her nose in the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent!
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stylesispunk · 4 months
'I love you, it's ruining my life' | Part iv.
Joel Miller x f!reader
previous chapter
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Summary: You and Joel have your happy ending. w.c: 6,7k>
warnings: smut (sorry I'm not the best at writing smut), fluff, angst. time jump. Perhaps grammar mistakes because I didn't check grammar. Not the best piece of writing but now my mind is wandering on another story.
a/n: Part 4 and last one is here! Thank you so much for all the love you gave to this one, I'm really happy you loved it despite the messy writing. I may write for these two to clarify some things, or some details of their lives after this ending. If you have a suggestion, question, or want to talk to me, you can come to my dms or ask! Happy reading 💌 dividers by @/saradika-graphics
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"I promise, I'll do everything I can to make this right," he said softly, his thumbs gently caressing your cheek.
You nodded, a tear escaping down your cheek as you smiled up at him. "I believe you, Joel. And I want to try too. I want us to be together.
He pulled you into another embrace, his arms wrapping around you securely. "We will," he whispered into your hair. "We'll take it one day at a time, but we'll do it together."
For a while, you simply held each other, finding solace in the closeness. Eventually, you led Joel to the couch, where you both sat down, still reluctant to let go.
"I've missed you so much," you admitted, leaning to kiss his cheek. "Every day felt incomplete without you."
"I missed you too," he replied, his voice tender. "Every day I thought about you, regretting the decisions I made that pushed you away." Joel smiled—a genuine, heartfelt smile that made your heart swell. "Agreed," he said. "We'll make it right this time." He said, capturing your lips with a feverish kiss.
As Joel's lips met yours in a feverish kiss, a rush of emotions swept over you. It was a kiss filled with longing, passion, and the promise of a new beginning. In that moment, all the pain and heartache of the past seemed to fade away, replaced by the warmth and intensity of Joel's love.
You melted into the kiss, savoring the feeling of his lips against yours and the taste of his love filling your senses. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, conveying a silent vow to make things right and to never let go of each other again.
As you pulled away, breathless and flushed with emotion, you looked into Joel's eyes and saw a reflection of your own feelings mirrored back at you. He clutched your hips and pushed you against the door, shutting your mouth with his own for a hungrier kiss as if he wanted to devour you right here. Your fingers tangled into his dark locks, and he seemed to enjoy it because he released a heavy groan into your mouth, and you drank all those heavenly sounds with pleasure.
“I’m just gonna eat you,” he said, laughing, biting your bottom lip as you laughed lowly.
“That’s what I’m waiting for” you replied.
Both of you were out of breath as he cupped your face and brushed his thumbs against your cheeks like he was the most delicate thing he’d ever held.
Everything happened so quickly that neither of you realized how you'd gotten rid of your clothes, but you missed each other too much to even consider how this might have happened. He held you up against the wall, both of your legs wrapped around his waist so he could thrust fast into you while biting onto your collarbone. you were now moaning. Your head tossed back, and your nails left clear lines of red on his bare back, but this only fueled him, allowing him to pound his hips with greater urgency.
His hands were strong, but his touch was gentle. It was all over you including her face, chest, heart, and mind fantasies.
He was everywhere. You were battling to breathe while simultaneously feeling extremely lively. His fingertips touched your hot flesh, grazing with flames. Even as you burned, you clung to him like he was your lifeline.
He grasped your waist and continued to rock into you. The sound of your name slipped through his lips, mingled in with the groans and nasty words that made your cheeks flush and your eyes roll in delight. But in between the passion and filth, he expressed how much he loved and missed you.
You tried not to pay attention to those words as you tossed your head back, gasping for air, feeling your climax grow so close that your body began shaking against his. Your thoughts quickly went blank, and your toes curled as you shouted out his name, feeling his release not long after you ended. His thrust became sluggish and slow. It wasn't until he stopped that you fell back into reality.
He kissed the corner of your lips tenderly once you both had regained your breathing pace. He opened his eyes to yours. The gentleness of those brown eyes left a lump in your throat as he walked you over to your bedroom to lay you down on your bed.
“I love you so fucking much.”
Those words came again. He sounded out of breath when he spoke, and the raspiness of his voice sent a shiver down your spine.
“I love you,” he mumbled again, this time crashing his lips with yours for what felt like a thousandth time. You then lifted your leg to his hips as you reached down to take him in your palm, and that sudden movement made his breath hitch.
He closed his eyes and buried his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent, as if it could serve as a reminder that you were now each other's half.
He began caressing your breasts while inhaling fiercely into your exposed shoulder, dragging his hands down your hips to your stomach. You scorched your back, moaning his name, and he felt like he was going insane at the sight of you under his gaze, like this. His body between your legs offered him easier access to the image he wanted to keep in his thoughts every day.
Your breath caught in your throat as you felt his finger go down your body to the spot you wanted him the most. You were soaked, and he lost control of the sensation of you gripping around his digits. He attached your lips, groaning into the kiss, and began pumping his fingers, gradually increasing the pace as well. You had your hand behind his neck, panting for air but maintaining eye contact, watching him go insane at the sight of you.
"Joel, I…"
"I know baby… I know…" He breathed into your mouth and pulled out his fingers, causing you to gasp at the loss of his touch. In a short second, he managed to go down and kiss every single inch of kissing every inch of your body, till he reached your tights and placed his tongue on your core. You moaned loudly, arching your back and slowly moving your hips into Joel's tongue.
The bedroom swiftly became crowded with your moans and Joel's tongue lapping at your drenched pussy. He groaned beneath you.
Your fingers grasped his hair locks
"Good girl," he replied.
"Fuck! I'm.." You stuttered. He accelerated his rhythm and sucked as if it were his favorite thing in the world.
Soon after, you came. He licked you clean before slowly licking his way back up your body. Until your lips met in a wet kiss.
"You're my favorite person," he replied, a satisfied smile falling off his lips. He lay next to you in bed, and you both glanced at each other.
"Let's do it again sometime?" You made a joke.
"Why not now?" He asked.
You let him kiss you again, and your hands traveled to his neck once again.
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Waking up next to Joel felt strange, not for the wrong reasons or the rust that had grown between you after a year of no communication, but because this time you allowed yourself to be his. The vulnerability was both exhilarating and terrifying.
The smell of his cologne lingered on your pillow, a comforting reminder of his presence. You reached out to touch the space where he had been, but the warmth was fading. Fear crept within your body, a gnawing anxiety that whispered, "What if he regretted and left?"
Your heart pounded as you sat up, scanning the room for any sign of him. Panic began to settle in until you heard the faint clinking of dishes from the kitchen. You slid out of bed, the cool floor beneath your feet grounding you as you made your way towards the sound.
In the kitchen, Joel stood by the stove, his back to you, humming softly as he cooked breakfast. Relief washed over you, bringing tears to your eyes. He hadn’t left.
There he was, only in a pair of jeans, in the middle of your kitchen, preparing breakfast for the both of you.
He turned, a smile breaking across his face, when he saw you. "Morning, baby," he said, his voice warm and inviting. "I thought I’d make us some breakfast."
You walked up to him, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind and resting your cheek against his back. "I was scared you’d gone," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Joel turned in your arms, pulling you into a tight embrace. "I’m not going anywhere," he said firmly, tilting your chin up to look into your eyes. "I’m here”
Do you think I am a bad person?" You asked, your voice muffled as you hid your face against his neck.
Joel's body stiffened, and he gently pulled back to scan your face, his expression a mix of confusion and concern. "Wha—oh my god, what are you talking about?" he asked, his eyes searching yours for understanding.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady the emotions swirling inside you. "I mean, we both did things. Tess, my boyfriend...”
Joel shook his head, his grip on you tightening. "You did nothing wrong," he interrupted firmly, his voice leaving no room for doubt. "We were both trying to navigate a difficult situation, and we made mistakes, but that doesn't make you a bad person."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at him, his unwavering support and love bringing a sense of relief you hadn't felt in a long time. "I just... I feel so guilty," you admitted, your voice cracking. "For hurting others, for leaving you without a proper goodbye.” You paused for a moment. “I wasted a whole year, Joel.”
Joel’s gaze softened even more, and he pulled you into a tighter embrace. “You didn’t waste anything,” he said, his voice filled with conviction. “We both needed that time to understand what we truly wanted and to realize how much we meant to each other. That year apart was hard, but it brought us here to this moment.”
You sniffled, burying your face in his shoulder. “But it hurts knowing I left like that. I should have stayed and fought for us.”
He gently lifted your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes. “Hey, don’t beat yourself up over it. We both made mistakes. But what matters now is that we’re here, together, and we have the chance to make things right. We can’t change the past, but we can shape our future.”
You nodded, the tears slowing as you felt a sense of peace wash over you. “I want that, Joel. I want to build a future with you.”
Joel smiled, his eyes shining with a mixture of relief and love. “Me too,” he said softly. “And we’ll do it, one step at a time, together.”
You leaned in, capturing his lips in a tender kiss, sealing the promise of a new beginning. As you pulled back, you rested your forehead against his, feeling the steady rhythm of his breath match your own.
“Thank you,” you whispered, the weight of your guilt and fear beginning to lift. “For loving me,” you said, your voice steady and free from the guilt and fear that had once plagued you.
Joel's eyes softened, and his expression filled with warmth and understanding. “Always,” he replied, his voice a gentle promise. “Loving you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”
You both stayed silent for a while, savoring the closeness and the unspoken bond that had grown even stronger through your trials. The sun began to rise, casting a soft, golden glow into the room, and with it, a new day began—a day filled with hope and the promise of a love that could weather any storm.
As you nestled closer to Joel, you felt his arms tighten around you protectively. “Can you go back to bed, please?” he murmured, his breath warm against your skin.
You chuckled. “Why?”
“I actually planned to bring you breakfast in bed, and you kind of ruined my surprise,” he said humorously, a playful glint in his eyes.
A warm, genuine laugh bubbled up from within you. “Oh, did I now? I guess I can pretend to be asleep,” you teased, your smile widening.
Joel grinned, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “That’s the spirit. Now, back under the covers, and no peeking.”
You playfully rolled your eyes but complied, snuggling back into the warm bed. “I’m not peeking, promise,” you called out, feigning a yawn for good measure.
Joel kissed your forehead before slipping out of the room. You lay there, a smile lingering on your lips, feeling a sense of joy and contentment you hadn’t felt in a long time.
A short while later, you heard the sounds of clinking dishes, the faint aroma of coffee, and something delicious wafting from the kitchen. You closed your eyes, savoring the moment, knowing that this was just the beginning of a new chapter for both of you.
Finally, you felt the bed dip slightly as Joel returned, a tray in his hands. “Breakfast is served,” he announced softly.
You opened your eyes to see him setting a tray laden with pancakes, fresh fruit, and coffee on the bed. Your heart swelled with affection as you took in the sight.
“This looks amazing, Joel,” you said, reaching for his hand.
He sat down beside you, a contented smile on his face. “This is only the first breakfast of the million I’ll give to you.”
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Three years later, Joel and you were happily married, living a life filled with love, laughter, and countless shared memories. On the morning of Joel's 35th birthday, he woke up around 5 a.m., immediately noticing your absence. The usual warmth of your presence beside him was missing, and concern tugged at his heart.
He sat up, rubbing his eyes, and listened. The faint sound of retching came from the bathroom. Alarmed, he quickly got out of bed and headed towards the sound. He found you kneeling in front of the toilet, your face pale and sweaty.
"Hey, what's going on?" Joel asked, his voice filled with concern as he kneeled beside you.
You looked up at him with a weak smile, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. "Happy birthday," you said softly, trying to inject some cheer into your voice despite feeling miserable.
Joel frowned, his worry deepening.
Joel’s concern didn't waver. “Then can you go back to bed and rest?” he pleaded.
You shook your head. “No, I should start getting ready for work.”
Joel's brow furrowed with worry and frustration. “Can you find a substitute?”
“Sure, at 5 a.m.,” you replied with a weak chuckle.
Joel sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Please, just try to rest a little longer. We can figure out work later.”
You nodded, feeling the exhaustion creep over you. “Okay, I’ll lay down for a bit.”
Joel helped you to your feet and guided you back to the bed, tucking you in gently. He kissed your forehead, his worry evident but tempered by the love in his eyes. “I’ll make you some tea,” he said softly.
As you lay back down, you watched Joel move around the room, his concern for you touching your heart. Despite feeling miserable, you couldn’t help but feel grateful for his unwavering support. “Thank you,” you whispered.
Joel turned to you, his eyes softening. “Anything for you,” he replied.
Later that morning, you both woke up to the sound of Sarah yelling from downstairs. “Dad! Breakfast is ready! Come on, it's your birthday!” Her voice carried a mix of excitement and impatience.
Joel stirred beside you, groaning slightly as he rubbed his eyes. “Guess we better get up,” he said, his voice still heavy with sleep.
You bolted upright, suddenly alarmed. “Oh my God, I’m late for work!” You scrambled out of bed, panic setting in as you realized how much time had passed.
Joel reached out, grabbing your arm gently. “Hey, take it easy. You’re not feeling well, remember? Just call in sick today.”
You hesitated, your mind racing with the thought of your responsibilities. But Joel's steady gaze and calming presence made you pause. “I wish I could, but I can’t; I don’t have a substitute.”
Joel sighed, understanding the weight of your responsibilities but still worried about your health. "I know it's tough, but your health is more important right now. You can't take care of others if you're not taking care of yourself."
You bit your lip, torn between your sense of duty and Joel's concern. Finally, you nodded reluctantly. "Okay, I'll call in and explain. Maybe they can find someone to cover for me."
Joel smiled, relieved. "Good. Let's go downstairs and have breakfast with Sarah first, then you can make that call."
You both got out of bed and made your way downstairs, where Sarah was already seated at the table, beaming with pride over the breakfast she had prepared.
"Happy birthday, Dad!" Sarah exclaimed, bouncing in her seat. "I made your favorite!"
The smell of pancakes and bacon filled the air, making you twist and feel nauseous. Before you even realized it, you ran towards the bathroom.
Joel's eyes widened in concern as he watched you bolt towards the bathroom. He quickly turned to Sarah, giving her a reassuring smile. "Hey, sweetie, can you wait here for a minute? I'll be right back."
Sarah nodded, her excitement dampened by worry. "Is she okay? But she loves the pancakes I make."
"She does," Joel said, trying to sound confident. "Just stay here and enjoy breakfast for now, okay?"
He hurried to the bathroom, finding you hunched over the toilet, retching. He kneeled beside you, rubbing your back soothingly. "Hey, it's okay. Just breathe."
You gasped, trying to catch your breath between bouts of nausea. "I'm sorry, Joel. I don’t know what’s wrong with me this morning.”
Joel shook his head, his voice gentle but firm. "Nothing is wrong. Just rest, okay?"
After a few minutes, the nausea subsided, and you leaned back against the cool bathroom tiles, exhausted. Joel handed you a glass of water, and you took a few sips gratefully.
"I really think I wasn’t able to go to school” you admitted, your voice shaky. "But I feel so guilty."
Joel brushed a strand of hair from your face. "Don't. You need to rest and take care of yourself. I'll explain things to Sarah.”
You nodded, feeling the weight of exhaustion pressing down on you. "Okay.”
Joel helped you to your feet, and you slowly made your way back to the bedroom, where you sat on the edge of the bed while Joel returned to the kitchen to talk to Sarah.
"Hey, kiddo," he said, sitting down beside her. "Mom's not feeling well, so she needs to rest today.”
“I could stay to take care of her, you know?”
“Oh no. You’re not missing school lady”
Sarah looked a bit disappointed but nodded in understanding. "Okay, Dad. I just hope she feels better soon."
Joel smiled at her. "She will, thanks to your great breakfast. Now, finish up and get ready for school."
As Sarah ate her breakfast, the front door opened, and Tommy walked in, carrying a bag of groceries. "Morning, everyone!" he called out cheerfully. But his smile faded as he noticed the tension in the room. "What's going on? Is everything okay?"
Joel stood up, walking over to his brother. "Hey, Tommy, missus is not feeling well this morning."
Tommy's concern was immediate. "Is she okay? Do you need me to take Sarah to school?"
Joel shook his head. "As much as I would love to stay, we need to work Tommy “
Tommy set the groceries on the kitchen counter and turned to Sarah, giving her a warm smile. "Alright, kiddo, grab your stuff. We need to go."
Sarah beamed.
Joel watched them for a moment. He then made his way back to the bedroom, where you were lying down, looking pale but resting.
"Hey, Tommy arrived. We’re leaving” Joel said softly, sitting down beside you.
You nodded. "Okay”
Joel took your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Just rest now. Call me if you need anything”
As you closed your eyes, Joel stayed by your side. A short while later, the door creaked open again, and Joel looked up to see Tommy poking his head in. "Hey, everything okay in here?"
Joel nodded. "Yeah, she's resting.”
Tommy stepped into the room; his expression serious but supportive. "Anytime. Does she need anything else? I can stick around, run errands, whatever you need."
Joel shook his head, grateful for his brother's offer. "We're good for now. Just knowing you're around is enough."
Tommy smiled. "Alright. Let’s go”
As Tommy left the room, Joel turned his attention back to you. He brushed a strand of hair from your face, watching as you slowly drifted off to sleep.
Joel lingered by your side for a moment, his hand gently caressing your hair. He pressed a soft kiss on your forehead, whispering, "Bye, love. Get some rest." He stood up, quietly exiting the room to give you the peace and quiet you needed.
In the kitchen, Tommy was waiting, leaning against the counter. "You sure you’re, okay?" he asked, his concern evident in his voice.
Joel nodded, though he still looked worried. "Yeah, just trying to keep everything together. Let’s go.”
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In the afternoon, you and Joel found yourselves at the supermarket, browsing the aisles to pick up a few things for his birthday. You had insisted you were feeling better, but Joel remained cautious, frequently reminding you to take things slow.
"How about we get some of that fancy cheese you like?" Joel suggested steering the cart towards the dairy section.
You smiled, appreciating his thoughtfulness. "Sure, that sounds great."
As you turned the corner into the produce aisle, you suddenly came face-to-face with Tess. She looked as surprised to see you as you were to see her.
Tess's eyes widened in surprise as she spotted you and Joel, her gaze flickering between the two of you. She was holding a child in her arms, and for a moment, you felt a pang of insecurity as you noticed how fondly Joel was looking at the little one.
"Hey," Tess said, her voice tinged with awkwardness. "I didn't expect to run into you guys here."
You forced a smile, trying to mask your own discomfort. "Yeah, same here. How have you been?"
"I've been good," Tess replied, her smile genuine as she glanced down at the child in her arms. "This is Max, my son."
You couldn't help but notice how Joel's expression softened as he looked at the child. It made you wonder—had you and Joel ever talked about having children? Or how you ruined his chance of having children with Tess when you decided to confess your feelings those years ago.
Tess continued, oblivious to your inner turmoil. "I have been in a relationship for 2 years now," she added, almost as an afterthought. "Things have been going really well."
You nodded, trying to keep your composure. "That's great to hear."
Joel spoke up, his voice warm, as he addressed Tess. "Congratulations. I'm happy for you."
“I see you are still pretty close friends,” she said. A hint of venom taunted you as she looked at you, then back at Joel.
Joel's expression remained composed as he reached for your hand, responding to Tess's remark. "Actually, we are married.”
Tess's eyes widened in surprise, and you could see a flash of disbelief cross her face before she quickly composed herself. "Oh, I see," she said, her tone masking any hint of her true feelings. "Congratulations."
You felt a surge of relief knowing that Joel had made it clear that you two were more than just friends. But the mention of Tess's son and her long-term relationship stirred up a mix of emotions within you.
Joel glanced at you, silently communicating his support, before turning back to Tess. "It's been good running into you, Tess. Take care."
With that, Joel steered the cart away, leaving Tess behind in the aisle. You followed silently, feeling a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions swirling inside you. It was clear that seeing Tess and her son had brought up some unresolved feelings and questions, ones that you knew you needed to address with Joel.
The children, how could life have been if you hadn’t told Joel you loved him that night?
As you both walked back home in silence, Joel couldn't help but notice the weight of your silence. He glanced at you from time to time, concern etched in his features.
"Hey," he said softly, breaking the silence between you. "Are you okay?"
You looked up, meeting his gaze, and forced a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine," you replied, though the tension in your voice betrayed your true feelings.
Joel stopped walking, turning to face you fully. "You don't seem fine," he said gently, reaching out to brush a stray strand of hair from your face. "Is something wrong with you? Are you feeling nauseous"
“Are you sure?” he asked, once again.
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The evening was filled with laughter and chatter as friends and family gathered in your cozy living room. It was a celebration for Joel's birthday. The room was adorned with balloons, and the air was filled with the aroma of home-cooked food and the clinking of glasses.
Everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time, catching up with one another, and sharing stories from years past. But amidst the joyous atmosphere, you couldn't shake the feeling of being lost in your own thoughts.
As you moved from group to group, exchanging polite smiles and engaging in light conversation, your mind kept drifting back to the conversation you had with Joel earlier that day. The mention of children had opened a floodgate of emotions, leaving you feeling uncertain and apprehensive about the future.
You tried to push aside your worries and focus on the festivities, but with each passing moment, the weight of your thoughts grew heavier. You felt like an outsider, disconnected from the joy and camaraderie that filled the room.
Amidst the laughter and merriment, you found yourself retreating into the corners of your mind, grappling with the decisions that lay ahead. Would you and Joel be able to find common ground on such a significant issue? And what would your future look like if you couldn't?
As the evening wore on, you excused yourself from the lively gathering, needing a moment alone to collect your thoughts. You slipped away to the quiet solitude of your bedroom, hoping to find clarity amidst the chaos of your mind.
As the night wore on, Joel couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Despite the lively atmosphere downstairs, a sense of unease gnawed at him, fueled by the memory of your quiet demeanor earlier in the day.
Excusing himself from the gathering, Joel made his way upstairs, a nagging worry tugging at his heart. He checked each room, calling out your name in a hushed tone, but there was no response.
Finally, he reached the bedroom and found the door slightly ajar. Pushing it open gently, he stepped inside, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of you.
There, in the dim light filtering through the curtains, he spotted you sitting on the edge of the bed, your expression pensive and distant. Concern flooded Joel's heart as he approached you quietly, careful not to startle you.
"Hey," he said softly, his voice filled with warmth and concern. "Are you okay?"
You looked up at him, your eyes reflecting the turmoil within. "I'm fine," you replied, but the tightness in your voice betrayed your words.
Joel moved closer, taking a seat beside you and reaching out to gently grasp your hand. "You don't seem fine," he said gently. "Is there something on your mind?"
For a moment, you hesitated, the weight of your thoughts pressing down on you. But then, as you met Joel's gaze, you felt a sense of reassurance wash over you. You knew that no matter what you were facing, you didn't have to face it alone.
"I've just been thinking," you began, your voice wavering slightly. "About us and our future."
“Oh, please don’t tell me you want a divorce on my birthday.” He said this, lifting his hand to his chest.
You chuckled.
You shook your head, a small smile playing on your lips as you reached out to cup Joel's cheek. "No, not at all," you reassured him, your voice softening. "I was just... reflecting, you know?"
Joel's expression softened; a hint of relief was evident in his eyes. "Reflecting on what?" he asked, his voice gentle.
"On everything," you replied, your gaze searching his. “I mean, we ran into Tess today, and I couldn’t help but imagine that I stopped you from having a big family.” You paused. “What if I can’t have children, or what if you don’t want to have them with me?”
Joel's expression softened further; his eyes filled with understanding as he listened to your concerns. He reached out, gently caressing your cheek with his thumb. "Hey, listen to me," he said softly. "I understand why you're feeling this way, but I need you to know something."
You looked at him, your heart racing with anticipation of his words.
"I love you and Sarah more than anything in this world," Joel continued, his voice filled with sincerity. "And while I may have imagined a different path for us at one point, what truly matters to me is being with you, no matter what."
Tears welled up in your eyes as his words washed over you, soothing your fears and uncertainties.
"I don't care about having a big family or whether we can have children," Joel said, his gaze never leaving yours. "All I care about is building a life with you.”
You felt a weight lift off your shoulders and a sense of peace settle over you as you realized that Joel's love for you transcended any external expectations or desires.
"I love you, Joel," you whispered, your voice filled with gratitude.
"And I love you, more than you'll ever know," he replied, pulling you into a warm embrace as he cupped your face on his hands. “And if you want a baby, let’s make one right now, and I’ll send all these people away,” he leaned, kissing you softly.
"I love you too," you murmured against his lips, savoring the warmth of his embrace.
The idea of starting a family together filled you with excitement and anticipation. With Joel by your side, you felt ready to embrace whatever the future held, knowing that together you could overcome any challenges and celebrate life's greatest joys.
With a playful grin, you leaned in to meet Joel's kiss, feeling a surge of happiness coursing through you, but the smell of alcohol on his lips made you stand up and run to the bathroom, once again to throw up.
Joel's concern was evident as he followed you to the bathroom, his brow furrowed with worry. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with concern as he kneeled beside you.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself as the nausea subsided. "I don't know," you admitted, feeling a sense of unease settle over you. "I've been feeling off lately, and this just... I don't know what's wrong."
Joel reached out, gently rubbing your back in a soothing gesture. "Maybe you're coming down with something," he suggested, though his tone betrayed his uncertainty.
You nodded, trying to push aside the nagging suspicion that had been growing in the back of your mind. "Maybe," you agreed softly, though deep down, you couldn't shake the feeling that something more significant was going on.
As Joel looked at you, concern etched into his features, he couldn't help but notice a certain glow on your face. It was subtle, but unmistakable—a radiance that seemed to emanate from deep within.
A thought began to form in Joel's mind, one that he couldn't quite shake. What if...?
His heart skipped a beat as he considered the possibility. Could you be pregnant?
The idea sent a surge of excitement coursing through him, mingled with a hint of apprehension. He knew that starting a family was something you both had talked about, but the idea of actually becoming parents was both thrilling and terrifying.
But as he looked at you, his mind flooded with images of a future filled with laughter, love, and the pitter-patter of tiny feet. And suddenly, the uncertainty faded away, replaced by a deep sense of hope and anticipation.
Taking a deep breath, Joel pushed aside his doubts and fears, focusing instead on the overwhelming love he felt for you and the possibility of a new life growing within you. He knew that whatever the future held, as long as you were by his side, he was ready to face it with open arms.
With a tender smile, Joel reached out, gently cupping your face in his hands. "Hey," he said softly, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "I know this might sound crazy, but... what if you're pregnant?"
Your breath caught in your throat at Joel's words, the possibility hanging in the air between you. For a moment, you were speechless, the weight of the idea sinking in.
"Pregnant?" you echoed, your voice barely above a whisper.
Joel nodded, his eyes searching yours for any sign of confirmation. "Yeah," he said, his voice tinged with hope. "I mean, it's just a thought, but... you've been feeling off lately, and the way you've been glowing... I don't know; it just got me thinking."
You took a moment to process his words; the reality of the situation was slowly sinking in. The idea of being pregnant fills you with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. It was something you had hoped for and dreamed about, but now that it might actually be happening, it felt almost surreal.
“Let’s go to the pharmacy.”
“What?! Now?” you asked, widening your eyes.
“Let’s buy a test; consider it a birthday present,” he said, already walking out of the bedroom, but you grabbed his wrist.
“But what if it comes negative?” You asked; fear was already creeping in.
Joel turned back to you, his expression softening with understanding. "Then we'll try again," he said, his voice gentle. "We'll keep trying until we get the result we want. But right now, let's just take the first step and see what happens."
He grabbed your face delicately. “And if you think I’m scared for what happened before... I know Sandy will protect you from above because you loved Sarah as if you were her mother, and I will not lose you, never.”
His words filled you with a sense of reassurance, and you nodded, feeling a surge of determination washed over you. "Okay," you said, your voice filled with resolve. "Let's do it."
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The party was still in full swing when you and Joel returned, the sound of laughter and chatter filling the air. Tommy spotted you both entering and quickly made his way over, a curious expression on his face.
"What's going on with you two?" he asked, his brow furrowing with concern.
You exchanged a quick glance with Joel, the excitement and nerves bubbling up inside you. "We'll tell you later," Joel replied with a grin, his eyes twinkling with anticipation.
Before Tommy could press further, you grabbed Joel's hand and gave him a knowing look. "Let's go," you whispered, your heart pounding with anticipation.
With a shared smile, you and Joel hurried upstairs, the excitement building with each step. As you reached the bedroom, Joel wasted no time in tearing open the packaging of the pregnancy test, his hands trembling slightly with anticipation.
You followed suit, your heart racing as you carefully followed the instructions on the box. With bated breath, you both waited for the results; the tension in the air was almost palpable.
And then, finally, the moment of truth arrived. As you stared down at the test in your hands, your heart skipped a beat. Could it be? Was this really happening?
You exchanged a hopeful glance with Joel, his eyes shining with anticipation. With shaking hands, you picked up the test and examined the result.
“I can’t watch,” you said, pacing back and forth.
As you paced back and forth, the tension in the room palpable, Joel reached out, gently grasping your hand to offer you reassurance. "It's going to be okay," he said softly, his voice filled with confidence. "No matter what the result is, we'll face it together."
You nodded, trying to steady your trembling hands as you continued to stare at the test in your grasp. With a deep breath, you finally mustered the courage to look at the result.
And there it was—the moment you had been waiting for—the positive sign you had hoped for. Tears of joy welled up in your eyes as you looked up at Joel, your heart overflowing with emotion.
Joel's eyes lit up with joy as he pulled you into a tight embrace, his arms wrapping around you protectively. "I can't believe it," he murmured, his voice filled with wonder. "We're going to have a baby. My baby is having a baby”
Feeling overwhelmed with emotion, you melted into Joel's embrace, your heart swelling with love and gratitude. "Our baby," you whispered, your voice choked with tears of happiness. "We're going to be parents."
Joel held you close, his touch gentle yet reassuring. "I couldn't be happier," he said, his voice filled with awe and wonder. "This is the best birthday gift I could ever ask for."
As you and Joel stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, the sound of knocking on the door broke the moment of quiet intimacy. You exchanged a glance with Joel, both of you momentarily lost in your own thoughts, before realizing that Tommy and Sarah must be looking for Joel to sing happy birthday.
Joel gently released you from his embrace, his eyes still filled with wonder and excitement. "I'll go get the door," he said softly, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead before making his way to the door.
You took a deep breath, wiping away the tears that still lingered on your cheeks as you tried to compose yourself. The news of your pregnancy still felt surreal, but the joy and happiness it brought were undeniable.
As Joel opened the door, Tommy's and Sarah's voices filled the room with cheerful birthday wishes. But their smiles faded as they took in the sight of you and Joel standing together with tears in your eyes.
"Hey, what's going on?" Tommy asked, concern etched in his voice as he glanced between you and Joel.
Joel's smile widened, unable to contain his excitement any longer. “We have some news," he said, his voice trembling with emotion. "We're going to have a baby."
As Joel's words hung in the air, the room seemed to hold its breath. You watched as Tommy and Sarah's expressions shifted from confusion to realization, their eyes widening with disbelief and joy.
"We're going to have a baby," Joel repeated, his voice thick with emotion as he reached out to take your hand, squeezing it tightly.
Tears welled up in Sarah's eyes as she let out a gasp of joy, her hand flying to her mouth in shock. "Oh my God," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "That's incredible!"
Tommy's eyes sparkled with excitement as he pulled both of you into a tight embrace, and his voice choked with emotion. "Congratulations, you two. This is amazing news."
In that moment, surrounded by the love and support of your family, the reality of the situation hit you like a wave. You were going to be parents—a thought that filled you with a profound sense of gratitude and awe.
Loving Joel didn’t ruin your life.
With tears streaming down your cheeks, you exchanged tearful hugs with Tommy and Sarah, feeling overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. This was the beginning of a new chapter in your lives, and you couldn't wait to embark on this journey together, hand in hand, with the love of your life by your side.
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taglist 💌: @immywonderdefender @sarahhxx03 @powellssaturn @ifall4dilfs @harriedandharassed @skysmiller @missladym1981 @brittmb115 @guelyury @heartpascalispunk @ashleyfilm @loveisacowboyyy @southernbe @pedrolom @maryfanson @neganbestie
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0cta9on · 5 months
Can you do a fluffy smut fic of IVE's Wonyoung? In the fic, she is madly in love with her older manager whom has been by her side since her trainee days and loved her like his own little sister. Then she heard about his decision to transfer to another agency and began to panic. She begged him not to leave and confessed to him. However, OC rejected her due to the fear of destroying their close bond. WY eventually succeed in reassuring him of her love and both of them ended up making out.(OC is 5-6 years older than WY, hence the brother-sister dynamic relationship)
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For the past three years, you served as the manager for the girl group sensation IVE, and you’ve loved every single second of it. The girls are cute and almost immediately started treating you like an older brother, which you gladly accepted. You’ve been a shoulder for them to cry on when things get tough and thanks to the pretty decent Starship Entertainment check, you often bought them little treats to tide them over in between schedules. They were like your little family - six little sisters that you love like they’re your own blood. Unfortunately, you might be saying bye to your little family soon.
Your footsteps echo along the corridor of Starship’s building as you pace nervously back and forth. As your contract with the company runs out, others have been reaching out and offering manager positions to you. Nothing has interested you so far, mainly just offers from small companies looking for an experienced manager to take care of their rookie groups. That is, until this morning, when you received a ludicrous offer from a larger company that would set you up for the rest of your life. You would be a fool not to take it - but that would also mean leaving behind the girls you have cared for all these years. 
A sudden jab to the side of the ribs makes you jump. “Jesus Christ, what th-” You turn around to face the perpetrator, only to see Wonyoung laughing at you.
“You should see your face oppa, that was hilarious!” She exclaims. Normally, you would laugh along and scold her playfully, but the thought of having to break the news about your potential departure fills you with an overwhelming sense of dread.
“What’s wrong, oppa?” Wonyoung asks, noticing your uncharacteristically serious expression.
Out of all the girls, Wonyoung is the one you’ve known the longest. You first met her when she was preparing for Produce 48, and you watched her grow and mature ever since. To outsiders, she is the epitome of success, but you know better than anyone just how much pain she’s experienced to get to this level. With how strong your bond is, you can’t even imagine how much it would crush her to tell her that you’re leaving.
You relinquish a heavy sigh deep within your lungs. “L-look, I-” The words struggle to make themselves known, writhing inside your gut as you stare deep into Wonyoung’s concerned eyes. Without another thought, you pull her into a tight embrace, more for yourself than for her.
“Hey, it’s okay, oppa,” she soothes, rubbing your back. “You can tell me.”
You instinctively tighten your grip on her, afraid that this’ll be the last time you get to hold her like this. “I got an offer this morning… from another company. The salary they’re offering would help me out a lot, so I-”
“You’re leaving?!” Wonyoung pulls away slightly to look you in the eyes. It feels like a knife stabs you in the heart as you stare back at her teary gaze.
“Y-yeah, I am…” You utter regretfully. She fights back a sob as she hits your chest, hurting your soul more than it does your actual body.
“B-but you can’t leave!”
“I’m sorry, Wonyoung, but Starship-”
“Screw Starship! What about IVE? What about me?” Tears begin to flow uncontrollably down her cheeks. All those years of consoling her and being by her side, yet the one time she needs you the most is when you’re about to leave her. Being the cause of her tears hurts you more than you’ll ever know.
“Wonyoung, I-”
“I love you!” She exclaims, glaring through her misty eyes.
“I love you guys too, but-”
“NO!” Her voice echoes loudly through the corridor, pushing you back a few steps. Always the epitome of prim and proper, you have never seen Wonyoung scream like this. A deep, unspoken ache reflects in her eyes as you start putting the pieces together. 
“I-I… I love you… Like, really love you… I want to be with you a-and hold you tightly… I want to kiss you and feel like I’m the only woman for you… I-I just… I love you so, so much… You can’t leave me like this…”
You freeze in disbelief, unsure of what to think or feel about her sudden confession. You always made sure not to develop any feelings for the girls as that could end up badly for the both of you. However, you can’t deny that you’ve been seeing Wonyoung differently as of late. The way she carries herself with such professionalism and confidence, how hard she words behind the scenes for herself and for the rest of IVE, you can truly see just how beautiful of a person she is, both inside and out. Taking this job would be the chance of a lifetime, but a person like Wonyoung only comes around once in a lifetime. You would be a fool to let her go.
You gently cup her cheeks, wiping away her tears with your thumbs. “It’s okay, Wonyoung. I’m not going anywhere.” She breaks down and begins sobbing into your chest. Your mind suddenly feels lighter now that you’ve made up your mind. In fact, you almost feel ridiculous for almost choosing money over the family that you found three years ago.
“You’re really not going to leave?” Wonyoung asks you after calming down a bit. You shake your head, a hopeful smile growing on your face, before she wraps her arms around your head, pressing her lips against yours. Subconsciously, you have been waiting for this kiss for years and you aren’t about to let it go so easily. The scent of her strawberry shampoo combined with her soft, marshmallow lips brings you to a new high you’ve never experienced before.
As you break the kiss, the heartbroken girl is swiftly replaced by the bright and lovely Wonyoung that you’re used to. She giggles as you kiss her cheeks, getting rid of any leftover tears. Suddenly, Wonyoung takes your hand, a mischievous twinge in her eye further emphasized by an alluring bite in her lip.
“Since you’re not leaving anymore, I think we should celebrate. Come with me,” she says before dragging you along the corridor. She peeks through one of the doors before pulling you inside, locking the door behind her. As you look around the small room, you notice a bunch of foam padding lining the walls, along with a piano and a couple chairs.
“This is one of the solo vocal practice rooms,” she explains. “No one outside will be able to hear us, no matter how loud we are.” A lightbulb goes off in your head as you turn to her, both shocked and turned on. Wonyoung’s cheeks turn a light pink as you look her up and down.
“I-I mean, we don’t have to do it if you don’t want-” You stop her, bringing a finger to her lips.
“I want to do it. I want you,” you assure her. She smiles brightly as she pulls you in for another kiss, this one much steamier than the other. Your hands snake around her petite waist, bringing her as close as you physically can. Her gentle breath starts to get heavier, gracing your cheeks, and the warmth in your chest continues to grow until it threatens to burst from your skeleton. You want nothing more than to love this girl as much and as hard as you can, pushing her into the padded wall with the fervor of a new sun on an early morning.
Wonyoung strokes your cock over your jeans, teasing you with her fingertips. You respond in kind by grazing her thigh with your fingernails, causing her body to shiver beneath you. You break the kiss and rest your forehead against hers to catch your breath, the final look before the leap. She gazes at you with fondness and desire, and you feel lucky knowing you’re the only man that will ever receive that look from her. Tentatively, she unzips your pants, audibly gasping as she looks upon your cock for the first time, unintentionally inflating your ego. You watch with bated breath as Wonyoung kneels in front of you, slowly stroking you with her soft hands and placing gentle kisses along your length, staining it with her lip gloss.
“Does that feel good, oppa?” She asks, searching for approval.
“Yes, that feels so good, baby,” you moan, brushing your hands through her silky hair.
“Mmm, I like it when you call me baby. Keep saying it.” Wonyoung flashes you a smile before taking you into her mouth, making you shiver like the first time you step into a cold pool. Her thick, glossy lips eagerly sucking your cock combined with her big, round eyes looking up at you brings you to all new heights of arousal.
“Holy shit baby, you’re amazing,” you compliment. In response, Wonyoung plants her hands on your thighs, attempting to take your entire length down her throat at once, her gags filling the entire room. You almost feel bad for the people walking by who don’t get to hear this beautiful chorus reserved for you.
Eventually, Wonyoung stumbles backwards, choking for air as saliva drips down her chin. She reaches for your hand, and you gladly help her up, anticipating what will happen next. With a wink, she plants her hands against the wall, sticking her ass out towards you. Her warm yet seductive gaze pulls you in, promising a moment you’ll never forget.
“I’ve waited for this moment for so long,” she says, biting her lip. You flip up her skirt, revealing her cute ass for the first time, and peel off her damp panties. The scent of her dripping sex fills your brain, drawing you towards her even more. As you slowly insert yourself into her, you gauge Wonyoung’s reaction, making sure you’re not hurting her.
“Is that okay, baby?” You whisper into her ear. She nods, wincing slightly.
“S-so good, keep going.”
You hold onto her waist for support, eventually bottoming out inside of her. Her warm walls grasp you tightly, still adjusting to your size. After a moment, Wonyoung nods, prompting you to start thrusting into her. Slow yet firm at first, as her moans begin to escalate, you increase the power of your thrusts until it devolves into pure, unbridled pounding.
“A-ah! Yes! F-feels so g-good!” She groans in pleasure. “K-kiss me!”
You do as she says, capturing her lips into a sloppy kiss as you continue fucking her from behind. You exchange breaths, warming up each other’s skin, filling your nostrils with each other’s pheromones. In your mind, nothing else matters except making love to the woman before you. You want to spend the rest of your life loving her in every way you can, and when you’ve done it all, you want to invent new ways of loving just so you can show her how much she means to you. A familiar pressure begins to build up in your stomach as you gaze into Wonyoung’s eyes, half-lidded as she succumbs to your passion. You take her lips a final time before shooting your seed deep into her womb, cementing your bond forever. She follows soon after, nearly collapsing as her orgasm renders her legs into jelly.
“O-oh my god… That was better than I imagined,” she says. The two of you share a gentle laugh, holding onto her with no intention of letting her go ever again.
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kopilot-pop · 10 months
[Tired] pt.2
- Le Sserafim x 6thMember!Reader
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Summary: After a harsh criticism from one of your teachers, you started to fall into a bad habit again. You started staying overnight at the company, your knees are always bruised, and you probably shouldn’t have 3 cans of Redbull everyday… Thankfully, your bandmates have easily recognized your behaviors and decided to put it to an end.
Warnings: overworking, self-hate, depression, suicidal intentions (very minor), fainting, hospital, needles,
a/n: sorry for the long wait. This is a bit shorter than I expected, but I hope you guys still enjoy.
The horrendous amount of caffeine started to take a toll on you.
During one of the last practices for your comeback, Chaewon stared at you worriedly.
But you were too busy staring at your shaky hands to notice.
After chugging another can of Redbull, you finished the practice and finally turned on your phone. Several missed calls and notifications from your group’s chatroom covered your phone.
You didn’t have the energy to care.
You fell asleep on the couch in the practice room.
You have a comeback tomorrow after all.
Furious is an understatement.
Chaewon is absolutely mad.
The 6 of you gathered at the studio for Music Bank on the day of the comeback. While getting ready with makeup and outfits, you could tell the girls wanted to talk to you but were too busy to.
When you all finally got up to the stage, the jittery feeling became more intense. As the second verse started your stomach started to churn, your throat closed up - you almost missed your lines-
and once again you couldn’t stop staring at your shaky hands with bloodshot eyes.
Until you froze.
Your eyes met Zuha’s. And you watched in slow motion as she ran towards you, barely catching your body before it hit the ground, and the spotlight in front of your eyes shut down.
“…..ays-… y..… med…-”
You finally woke up with a pounding inside your head.
The moment you could blur out the bright light above your head, you could see Sakura’s face and feel the cool cloth on yours.
She was carefully wiping away the sweat on your head and quickly noticed your eyes open.
“Y/n! How are you feeling?”
At the same time, you could hear a loud crash on the other side of the room.
“Y/n unnie woke up?!”
“G..guys… calm down..”
The three younger girls ran up to you, seeming to have been lounging on the couch together.
Eunchae, with teary eyes, pulled you into a tight hug.
“Hey! She’s not stable yet!! Don’t push her around!!”
Your leader walked through the doors to pull down the three puppies from you.
After a few moments of awkward silence, Chaewon finally started.
“You passed out on stage Y/n.”
“Chaewon, don’t be too harsh.” Sakura tried her best to keep the situation calm.
“I know unnie- Y/n. You fainted due to malnutrition. When’s the last time you ate anything?”
“…I’m not sure..”
“Of course you’re not sure. The only thing you’ve been putting inside your body was energy drinks-”
“No- We were all thinking so I’m just gonna say it- We thought you were gonna die Y/n.”
She said it so matter-of-factly that you could almost laugh. Almost.
“Why would y-”
“You were barely home, working like a slave every fucking day, starving, and depending on pain meds- so yeah, OF COURSE WE THOUGHT THE WORSE!!”
You finally gained the courage to look up at her teary eyes.
“Do you understand the amount of fear I felt when I saw you drop to the ground yesterday?! How terrified we felt when you didn’t wake up when Yunjin screamed your name?!!”
“Kazuha carried you to the hospital because she was too scared that something might happen to you if she let go!! Can you even imagine being that scared?!”
You looked down at your lap, fiddling with the needle(IV drip) inside your hand. Sakura gently held your hand to stop you.
“That’s enough Chaewon.” She said.
She’s never stern, but this time she was. Sakura gave you this look, something just like the one your mother always gave you.
Worried, angry, but somehow warm.
“We were scared Y/n.. More than the fainting, I was scared of losing you just like last time…”
Last time? Oh yeah. You almost killed yourself during debut.
“We care about you. You know that. All 5 of us love and cherish you, sometimes even more than anybody else in the world. And watching you slowly fade away like that just…”
She started to choke up. It was rare to see her like that, so you instinctively shot out to pull her into a hug.
Holding onto you, as you might just fade away, Sakura softly sobbed into your shoulder.
When you felt another weight on your back, you turned around to see the youngest also snuggling into you. Probably the person you mostly didn't want to catch you in such a depressing state.
"I...I'm sorr-"
Yunjin, with the same teary face all the others choked out;
"It's not your fault."
She slid next to the edge of the bed, gently holding onto Sakura's hand right on top of yours.
"I wanted to be better. Good enough to stand by you guys. I just wanted to-" You felt the tears finally fall free from your eyes as Chaewon with the same frown (albeit a bit softer) held your face.
Gentle. God, they were all so gentle with you.
"You are. You are good enough. You are good."
Watching you sob out, Kazuha finally joined into the pile, right next to Yunjin as she dries your tears with her old sweater sleeves.
You let out another ugly cry as you feel the 5 girls' warmth trap you. You forgot that you were good enough. You forgot how loved you were.
But just like always, they were there to remind you once again.
"You're loved Y/n. By us, always."
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ramblingoak · 3 months
Am I the only one thinking about how much Copia regrets moving on stage whenever he feels his old man body hurts in protest the next day?
Definitely not, Anon! In fact you inspired me:
A Mouthful
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Papa Emeritus IV x Reader
Warnings: a bit of body worship and some suggestive teasing from Copia because he can't help himself hehe, otherwise this is just a soft moment with him, 600 words, sfw (thank you to @gothdaddyissues for the dividers!)
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“Right there, amore!  That’s perfetto.”
You bit your lip to hide your laugh at the overly exaggerated groan Copia let out while you kneaded the muscles in his back.  He was always a mess after performing, aches and pains quickly settling in after the adrenaline wore off.  While he often teased the audience about needing a “violent shower” nowadays he mostly just needed a long soak in a hot bath.
And you, of course.
“You’re good at this, I should keep you around.  Give you a job.”
“Oh?  And what would my title be?”
Copia turned his head to the side, his white eye catching yours.  There was still face paint caught in his wrinkles, you’d have to make sure to get that cleaned up before he fell asleep.  You raised an eyebrow when you saw the growing smirk playing at his mouth.
“Eh, non lo so.  Maybe something about the sibling in charge of rubbing down Papa?”  He grinned when you snorted, now turning his body to the side and capturing your hands.  “You don’t like it?”
“I don’t know, Papa.  It’s quite the mouthful.”  The gleeful look on his face at your words had you shaking your head, trying to contain your own smile at his antics.  “Don’t you dar–”
“Well, if it’s a mouthful you want I know just the thing.”
You both erupted in giggles, Copia tugging at your hands to pull you tightly against his body.  He groaned when he turned onto his back, an arm around your waist keeping you close to his side.
“Copia, let me finish.  You’ll be too sore to move in the morning if you don’t let me finish.”
“Just un memento, amore.  A few quiet moments before you work your magic again, bene?”
“Okie dokie, Papa.”  
You smiled when he pressed a kiss to your forehead and shimmied a bit so you were more comfortable.  This was your ritual with him after his ritual on stage.  A hot bath followed by an intense massage of his back and legs.  Sometimes it led to other things but it was also nice when it just led to you both cuddling against each other.  Copia sighed then and you looked up at him, blushing at the soft smile on his face.
“I’m not sure I’ll be uh…up for anything else tonight.  Mi dispiace.”
“Copia, you never need to apologize for that.  Okay?”  He nodded and you leaned up to give him a soft kiss.  “Let’s get you rolled over again so I can finish up.”
He slowly turned over and you grabbed the cream you used on him, rubbing it between your hands until it was warm.  You took a few seconds to admire his back, your eyes tracing the freckles and the sporadic bits of hair that Copia refused to believe existed.  The blanket had drifted down to the swell of his ass and you couldn’t stop yourself from staring, thinking of how good he looked in those tight pants he wore on stage. 
“Oh, sorry, Papa!  I got distracted.”  
You avoided looking up from his back as you began to rub the muscles again, the bastard would just be smirking at you anyway.  As your hands drifted down his spine you let them dip lower, right below the edge of the blanket so you could press them into the flesh it was hiding.  Copia let out a very different sounding groan then and lifted his hips to encourage you to press harder.  When you obliged he dropped back down, slowly beginning to grind his hips into the bed.  
Maybe you’d get a mouthful of your Papa later after all.
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If you'd like to be added/removed from the tag list (or if I accidentally left your name off) of this fic or any of my others please leave a comment or send me a dm! Thank you 💙
My Masterlist ~ My Archive of our Own ~ My Ko-Fi Tip Jar
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crappymixtape · 2 months
because of you • part five
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PART I • PART II • PART III • PART IV • EPILOGUE // REQ -> @sattlersquarry ❝ an enemies to lovers fic with Steve? 💙 maybe they have to put aside their differences to fight upside down stuff and realize they actually have a lot in common 👀 • 18+ | ( 2.5k – little bit of king!steve, mostly angst with a dash of fluff, enemies to idiots in love, steve x reader )
B E C A U S E O F Y O U • P A R T F I V E 🎶 silhouette, aquilo
Light fell through the open window in Steve’s parents’ bedroom, washing everything in a soft, eerie orange. Bright, hopeful rays of sunlight choked out by plumes of ash and smoke creeping out of the ground. The curtains billowed softly over the window ledge, carrying with them the all too familiar scent of decay and dirt, damp rotted leaves and thick vines. Demobat wings and the suffocating press of desiccated scales on your neck and–
You started with a gasp, hands fisting into the sheets as you turned in bed and found pain. Sharp and pinching. Freezing you on the spot and pulling a whimper from your lips as your wounds from the night before made themselves known again.
Death had dragged you so close you could touch it, had felt it wrapping around you like a dark cloak until…
Something warm and soft brushed against your waist, a hand moving gently over the sliver of skin there, exposed when your oversized shirt had shifted in sleep. The same hand that had shattered death’s grasp and pulled you back to live the rest of your life. A hand that had so carefully tended to each cut and scrape and gash, had so tenderly patched you up and held you through it all.
Brows knitted together in discomfort, you turned your head ever so slightly, lashes fluttering open to see another set of eyes looking back at you – burnt caramel, honey and brown sugar.
Worried, relieved, apologetic.
“You okay?” Steve asked quietly, voice scratchy with sleep and fingers still resting gently at your waist, afraid to move them, afraid you might disappear if he let go.
“It’s my leg,” you squeezed your eyes closed, wincing at the friction of the sheet against the stitches.
“Shit,” Steve whispered, quickly rolling onto his back and bending his knee to create a pocket of air between your body and the fabric. “Better?”
All you could manage was a small murmur of thanks and it pulled his gaze back to you, eyes searching for something. What it was he didn’t know, but he was sure he would as soon as he saw it.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly, his hand seeking you out, tangling his fingers together with yours.
The long sweep of his dark lashes brushed the tops of his cheekbones, freckles dotting along the bridge of his nose, twin moles pressed at his jaw, lips pulled down in concern. Pretty even like this. Even when he wasn’t smiling.
“Guess I couldn’t handle it last night,” you half-laughed thinking about the way you’d paled when he’d looped thread through the needle and it pulled a little grin out of him until you winced again.
“I don’t think I could have either,” he reassured you, “Six stitches, you took ‘em like a champ.” The look he gave you then set your heart skipping in your chest before settling between your ribs, warm and reassuring.
“Six?” you gaped.
Pulling the sheets up to look down at your leg for the first time since last night you expected to feel sick, but instead found something surprising. Six neat stitches, not quite straight, but clean and tidy and done with care.
“You…you did that?” you asked, eyes blinking back at Steve.
“What? Didn’t think I could?” he teased gently and it made the corner of your mouth pull up into a half-smirk.
“Well–no, but…” your cheeks warmed, heat creeping across your face as you bit your bottom lip in.
He studied you then for a minute, eyes mapping over your face and memorizing every little detail, every little piece of you, pieces he wished he could keep forever.
“Can I ask you something?” he said quietly, fingers still looped between yours and you answered with a silent nod. “Last night, before I went to the Creel house I wanted to ask you if–if I could take you out. You know, after we saved the world or whatever–” he huffed a small laugh and shook his head, “Guess we botched that.”
You almost laughed at the way he’d tried to soften the weight of his question, but his words were running on a loop in your head — take you out. They set something fluttering in your chest, your stomach flipping over and cheeks warming again.
“You want to take me out?”
“Yeah. I do. I really, really do.”
The way he was looking at you, like you held his world in your hands, had you breathless, heart hammering against your ribs and his palm pressed to yours under the sheets sent a flicker of heat up your arm, crept into your bloodstream and swam through every inch of you.
It had been survival, instinct how you hardened yourself against having to watch him walk away and how the sight of it put an ache in your chest more painful than the stitches on your thigh, but it all came back now when he looked at you. Washed over you like a wave on the sand, wearing down all your rough edges and smoothing them slow and sure – you realized you’d been carrying those feelings all along.
At Max’s trailer when he swore to stand by your best friend.
In the parking lot when he pulled you back from Vecna.
With your back to his chest and his hands pressed into yours over the handle of his bat.
The moment he all too willingly put himself between you and death without hesitation.
“Steve…” your throat squeezed around his name and his hand tightened on yours.
“What–what is it?” his brows pinched together, “Dammit, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked you—”
“No-no, it’s not that,” you sucked in a breath and squeezed your eyes shut against everything this boy, this man, made you feel. “I just…I hated you, so much. I didn’t believe Eddie when he said you’d changed, told him he was full of shit, but I was wrong. I don’t hate you. Not even a little bit and I’m sorry–”
“Hey, hey. It’s okay,” he hushed, bringing his free hand up to gentle brush away the tears that had started to spill quietly down your cheek. “Don’t be sorry. I’ve done a lot of shit I’m not proud of, so I don’t blame you,” he shifted closer to you under the sheets, careful of your leg. “I hated me too for a long time,” he chuckled a little under his breath and gave you a small smile. “And I know I have more work to do, but…maybe-if you want to-you could give me another shot? A do over.”
You were surprised at the laugh that fell from your lips, a small wobbly thing as you wiped at the rest of your tears. “A do over?”
“Yeah. Here–” he let go of your hand and scooted back just a little and the distance made your fingers want to reach for him again. Come back. “Hi,” he said, smile growing.
“Hi?” you said, more question than statement and a little confused and it pulled a full grin out of him.
“I’m Steve, Steve Harrington.”
You bit back a snort, who was he James Bond? And it made him laugh until his hands found yours again and your skin sighed in relief – finally.
“Nice to meet you,” you said and he shifted back into you, hip to hip, chest to chest, careful still of your thigh and the touch of your skin on his skin melted the smiles from both your faces. Laughs quieted into hitched breaths and racing hearts.
Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat, Steve’s jaw ticked as he swallowed down the nerves you’d pulled from his belly. “Would you–I mean…can I–can I kiss you?” he asked, unsure and unsteady, vulnerable and exposed, the real Steve and the Yes that fell from your lips came fast, sounding so much more like please, please, please, and you didn’t have to ask him twice.
His lips caught yours, fit them against his like two sides of a locket, perfect, and it made you lightheaded again, but this time when you opened your eyes you found his – honey and whiskey and liquid amber, warm like the sun and your heartbeat tattooed Steve, Steve, Steve on the inside of your ribs.
He smiled as you traced the curve of his cupid’s bow with your gaze, so soft, so lovely, so much more than you ever could have imagined and his gravity drew you back into him, pulling his bottom lip between yours – more, more, more – and he sighed, running his fingers through the baby hairs at the nape of your neck.
It was slow and languid, searching and curious, but heat simmered just under the surface. Waiting, patient, warm, and when Steve’s tongue traced the seam of your lips your reservations cracked, kerosene on the flames, and you both caught fire.
Grazing your teeth over his lip, you bit down softly and a groan rumbled in his chest, a low sound that made you press your thighs together, the want between your legs suspending your pain for a moment.
“Christ,” Steve choked, pulling away from you just enough to suck in a breath, chest heaving and eyes squeezed shut, wrecked already. “Sorry,” he half-laughed, “You’re gonna kill me if you keep kissing me like that, Princess.”
“Kinda defeats the purpose of last night,” you tried to joke, but when he opened his eyes again and looked at you it scattered all of your faux confidence to the wind.
“Yeah,” he breathed, inching closer and closer to you, running his thumb along your bottom lip and settling it at the corner, “But dying like this doesn’t seem so bad.”
And then he kissed you again, but this time it was heated, his fingers pressed into the plush of your hips while yours tangled into his hair and it pulled another groan from him. He swallowed the soft, sweet sounds you gave him and then begged for more as he tilted his head and deepened the kiss, your lips parting to let him in to taste you.
None of it felt real – lying in bed next to Steve as he sucked pretty, little, lilac marks onto your skin, not wanting it to stop, wanting him to be this close forever.
He nosed at your neck and your chin tilted up to give him more access, your hands leaving his hair to trace the muscles stretched across back through the threadbare fabric of his shirt.
“Y’okay? Gotta tell me, Princess,” he said, lips moving on your skin as you pulled in a shaky breath.
“Ye-yeah, yes,” your voice pitched up at the end in a whine as he kissed the hollow behind your ear.
He smiled against you and your mouth twitched with a smile of your own.
“What?” you asked wryly, chin still tilted and he pushed himself up on his hands, propped up over the top of you, so he could look down at you.
“You don’t hate me,” he beamed down at you, echoed your words from just a minute ago and it made you blush, your lips twisting. Caught. A little bratty and a lot enamored.
“I don’t hate you, Steve Harrington,” you said again, softening under his gaze and unable to help the way your heart skipped when he dipped down to press another kiss to your lips.
“Say my name again. Please,” he murmured, trailing his mouth down your shoulder, your forearm, your wrist – his hand gently taking yours to lift it and place a kiss to your palm.
“Steve,” you whispered, but it caught at the end when you felt his tongue on your skin. It pulled your gaze up to look at him and you found his brows pinched together, eyes squeezed shut. “Steve?” you said again, your hand turning his to tug it down and hold it close to your chest.
“I just–Christ. I thought you were gonna die out there and after all that awful shit I said to you–”
Leaning up you pushed your lips to his and swallowed his words, mumbling to him, nuh uh. “But I’m still here, make it up to me,” you told him, eyes locked on one another and suspended in time, held in the muddled, amber light falling through the window.
“How? Tell me.”
And you took his hand, the one still held in yours, and trailed it down your chest, over the soft plush of your stomach, across the thigh that wasn’t hurting and down between your legs.
“Fuck,” Steve hissed, eyes closing again for a minute at how wet you were, and he pulled in a shaky breath.
“I’m here–” you whispered again, “–and I want this, with you.”
Nodding he leaned down and pressed his forehead to yours, fingers moving slowly where you’d placed them, slipping in your slick and it make you gasp. “I’ll never let anything happen to you,” he said and god, you believed him.
He moved his fingers slow at first, a little tentative, a little shy, but the minute he pulled a moan from your lips he found his confidence again. Picked up the pace and moved over you at just the right speed in all the right places. Circled your clit with his thumb and slipped first one finger then two into you.
“Faster, Steve,” you gasped and he answered with the press of a kiss to your jaw, the corner of your mouth, pulled your bottom lip between his and sucked and you felt yourself sprinting to the edge.
“I’ve got you. Let go, baby, let go,” he murmured against the shell of your ear, fingers working you closer and closer. “Here, look at me,” he breathed, heart hammering in his chest, and when you met his eyes – warm honey, burnt caramel, safe, Steve – your hips stuttered.
Wrapping your arms tight around the back of his neck, you wanted – no needed – him closer, closer, closer until finally the coil settled deep in your stomach snapped and you fell apart on his fingers. Arched your back up off the mattress and pressed your body into his, the stitches on your thigh screaming, but the feeling of Steve between your legs was louder.
And there in that room, while the world burned outside the window, you made a promise to each other that even if everything was falling apart, even if you didn’t know what happened next, you’d be there. You’d choose to try again. Choose forgiveness and surrendered to each other. Let go of the past in favor of what was there in front of you. Beating hearts and handfuls of sheets, kisses dragged over skin and breaths taken away and Steve. Steve. Steve.
crappymixtape™ • steve harrington masterlist // stranger things masterlist♥️ reblogs and comments keep me going, friends! ily! ♥️
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highonmarvel · 9 months
hi hope ur doing well. i was thinking, could u do a buckyxreader where hes paralyzed and like needs a caretaker. through some means reader ends up as the caretaker and all is well. but actually bucky was just pretending and hes not realy paralysed and he just pretended to get closer to reader and reader start expresing the idea that she might have to leave for whatever reason and buck does not like that so like he kidnaps her or something. I rlly luv ur work this is the first request iv sent
this is so good, i’m upset i didn’t think of it first. i’m so sorry for taking so long to get back to you, i really hope you enjoy, and thank you so, so much for the love. okay, here it is:
Himalayan Salt
Bucky Barnes: You’re assigned to a notoriously grumpy war vet, but he’s different with you.
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content warnings here!
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You nod as your supervisor goes over your final notes: James Barnes, World War II veteran, quadriplegic.
You follow her from the overcast weather into a beautiful but modest home in a fairly quiet suburb to meet the man sitting in a wheelchair in the centre of the room.
“Good morning, Mr Barnes,” your supervisor calls, tucking her clipboard under her arm as she waits for him to turn around. When he does, you’re surprised. You hadn’t seen a photo of him beforehand as this had been a pretty impromptu assignment, but you’re sure you were told he was born in 1917, yet he sits looking like he’s in forties, and aging well, at that.
“Hi, Mr Barnes!” you smile warmly at him, and he returns a friendly smile, introducing himself as Bucky and insisting you call him that.
“I just need you to fill out the last of the forms quickly,” your supervisor mutters, waving goodbye to Bucky as she leads you back out to her car.
You’re leaning against the boot of her oldish, red car, pen scratching against paper when she says, “He really likes you.”
“Hm?” you offer, raising your eyebrows but keeping your eyes focused on the form.
She leans her back against the trunk and shifts down a bit, speaking to you but looking over at your handwriting, “He’s known to be grumpy. You see the left arm? I don’t think he likes being dependent, I’ve had to swap out a lot of people.”
“And you didn’t tell me this before I took the job?” you frown, still finishing off the document, “Didn’t think I could handle it?”
“I know you’re capable, but I thought you wouldn’t want it. But listen, the organisation needs this, I don’t know if there’s anyone else we can find for him.”
You complete your signature with a satisfied smile, handing back the clipboard, “Don’t worry, I can do this.”
She nods then gets in her car and drives away, leaving you in the driveway. You stretch your arms then make your way back inside. When you enter the living room, there’s a draft you swear wasn’t here a few minutes ago. Bucky hasn’t moved, but you notice an open window. You furrow your brows as you look down at him, “Can I close that? It’s a bit chilly in here.”
“Go ahead,” he nods, and you walk over, pulling the handle it, and ignoring the recent-looking fingerprint marks on the glass.
A few hours into your first day, you’re a little taken aback by how friendly he is; even despite your boss’ warning, you’ve never had a patient so willing to co-operate, especially not veterans — they tend to be angry they need help, or have episodes due to PTSD, but Bucky seems perfectly in his right mind and understanding of both his and your position.
“Did they tell you I was a pain in ass?” Bucky asks before opening his mouth for a spoonful of food.
You laugh as you pull the spoon back, scooping up more of the rice and curry you made to lift to his lips, “Kind of,” you admit, “Said you were grumpy, is that true?”
He smiles, “I tend to be,” he confesses, “But I can’t keep that brooding persona up around you,” he takes a spoonful.
“So that’s what it is?” you raise an eyebrow as you pile the last of the meal onto the utensil, “A persona?”
He swallows the last of it and shakes his head with a grin, “No, but I can’t not be amused around you.”
You have no idea why your supervisor said he was difficult, your next few weeks with Bucky are light and fun, and you feel you’re even developing a friendship. You don’t see to him at night, and he has minimal needs during the day — some days it just feels like you’re there to keep him company.
You’re doing so well, in fact, that your supervisor wants to transfer you to a veteran from Vietnam who’s apparently even worse than Bucky (by other people’s stories — to you, if he’s anything like Bucky, he’ll be nice to see), convinced you have some magic touch.
As much as you’re developing affection for Bucky, you have to put work first, and you’re compelled to leave him for the other man who clearly needs you more. Bucky seems to be doing well, you’re sure you can’t be that special, and you’re sure someone else could take care of him just as well, if not better.
“Hi, Buck,” you greet with a smile as you close the door behind you. You hear his motorised wheelchair come rolling down the corridor to greet you.
“Hi, why could you only come in at ten today?”
You usually come in at seven on weekdays and eight on weekends.
“Sorry, I had a meeting,” you sigh, setting your tote bag down as Bucky switches his chair to manual.
“A meeting?” he asks as you take hold of the handles and push him to the other side of the kitchen island.
“Mhm,” you nod as you open the fridge, rummaging around for something to make, “There’s this other guy my boss wants me to help,” you call with your head still in the cold, “A Vietnam vet, no one else in the org will take him.”
You emerge with some eggs and milk, shutting the door with your foot before placing the contents on the island, “Did you eat? I assume Carol made breakfast but I can make more.”
“Are you going to take it?” he inquires, ignoring your question, “The job.”
“I mean, maybe,” you answer, placing your hands on the counter and tilting your head as you think, “I’m not sure yet.”
“But what about me?”
“The other guy needs full-time care, I’d have to spend virtually all my days there, but if I leave, Carol can take over for me, she can go from night to day, she’s amazing, and she doesn’t complain about you, at least not as much,” you wink, but he doesn’t crack a smile.
“Bucky, I didn’t mean to upset you—”
“It’s okay.”
“It’s just that—”
“It’s your job, I get it,” he replies, and you can see the stoicism build up.
“Nothing’s final, yet,” you say as you walk over, “And you’re doing great either way,” you give him a kiss on the forehead, “We don’t have to talk about that, let’s just eat, I’m starving.”
He nods and attempts to smile, but you can tell it doesn’t reach his eyes.
You try to make conversation as you make yourself an omelette, but you can tell he’s not in it, giving short answers and not reacting to your jokes. When you reach to grab the salt, he stops you.
“Not that one,” he says, “Use the pink salt, Himalayan, I swear it makes everything tastes better.”
You grind some onto your food and sit across from him on the island. Digging your fork into it, you see something flash across Bucky’s eyes. Your first thought is hunger, but he’d just eaten and swore he wasn’t hungry. You ignore it as you bring the fork to your mouth, savouring the taste, though it’s not necessarily a chef’s rendition.
It tastes fine, but there’s something off. At first, you think it must be the salt, but it’s not the taste that’s off; usually when you eat, you feel that warmth in your throat and then your stomach, but now, it’s like it went to your head. You press a hand to your forehead, feeling like you’re burning up. Trying to stand, you immediately sway, only not falling by gripping the counter so harshly and hastily you bend a nail. You try to look to Bucky to tell him you’re not feeling well, but he’s out of focus. In fact, he’s not there. Just as you collapse and close your eyes, you feel a tall shadow over you, but you don’t have time to figure out where it’s coming from before you fall unconscious.
You groggily wipe at your eyes when you finally stir before turning over to reach for your phone, at first thinking you had had a dream, but your phone’s not there, and the nightstand isn’t yours. You shoot up in panic and look down at your sheets: Bucky’s sheets. Okay, maybe Bucky rang Carol and she came and set you in bed. Your head still hurts, and everything’s a little hazy.
When the door opens, you expect to see Carol, but it’s Bucky.
“Bucky!” you gasp as you throw the sheets off of you.
He gives a lopsided grin, and for the first time you notice how tall he actually is, because he’s standing.
“Christmas miracle?” he offers.
He walks over to you and sets a glass of water on the bedside table.
“That Himalayan salt is really exotic, isn’t it?”
You don’t even have time to process exactly what he means by that, he’s still standing over you, using his arms and legs just fine, in fact, like he’s been doing it every single day forever. You should have suspected something was up; how could a paralysed man stay in such good shape? The thought briefly crossed your mind once when you ran your fingers over his muscled arm, but you brushed it off.
“Bucky! You- you—”
“Are perfectly fine, I am, and you will be too, soon, those drugs just need to wear off. I know you’re having trouble understanding, just drink some water and sleep it off a little longer.”
He leans down to give you a kiss on the forehead, but you dodge him, nearly falling off the bed in the process.
“Woah, there,” he chuckles as he catches you with ease, his reflexes so sharp it’s nearly unnatural, “Now I’m taking care of you.”
You’re not sure if you can’t speak because of the drugs or if it’s because you’re in shock. He gently sets you back down and your head falls against the pillow as you struggle to keep your eyes open, spots of black blocking little bits of your vision.
“I’ve been needing someone, I’ve gone through a few, but you, honey, you’re special, and I knew it from the moment I saw you. You can’t leave me, I still need you.”
[taglist; @cjand10]
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luneariann · 4 months
idk if art requests are still open or if you've already drawn this but the ideas gettin silly so here's a few if ya wanna draw whatever you feel motivated to
1. Atsushi making dead eye contact with Kunikida and then slapping something off the desk like a cat (then apologizing while he cleans it up and Dazai laughs his ass off)
2. 16!skk; Dazai broken his jaw, Chuuya's post corruption or bullet wounds (basically just bedridden w/IVs) and Dazai's hooked up to a heart monitor insulting Chuuya in Wabun/Morse code (just- D: "Beep beep beep" C: *rips out IV* "TF YOU CALL ME YA LITTLE SHIT?!")
3. Dazai and Chuuya being compatible blood types and despite him hating pain he would gladly give up every ounce of blood and both kidneys if it meant that it saved (post corruption) Chuuya's life
Anyways, I LOVE YOUR ART SM ITS SO TASTY AND BEAUTIFUL AND THE CHARATAZATIONSHDHAHJXHA YOUR MY FAV ARTIST ON THIS APP/GEN Remember to love and care for yourself, drink water/eat if you haven't today and take breaks :]
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TY SM FOR THE KIND WORDS OMG 😭💕💕💕im so happy im your favorite artist on tumblr???? That’s huge dude I’m?? 💕💕💕Tyty I promise to take care of myself
Ive lowkey lost Interest in bsd so that’s why these took so long to make <///3 but they were too good NOT to make them, idk if you’ve ever considered it but you should defo become a comic artist! The hardest part of comic making is getting the ideas at all so considering you’ve got that down you should definitely give it a shot! These are rly good
I didn’t do the third one cuz I wasn’t sure how to represent it </3
Again tysm for the kind words you’re so sweet Anon🫶🫶 take care of yourself too!!
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uzurakis · 3 months
as a fellow nagumo lover, how about i request nagumo saving reader (who’s also an assassin) while she’s badly injured and teasing her as she recovers 🙃
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your eyes flutter awake, and you're greeted by the sight of yoichi nagumo lounging in a chair by your bed, his feet propped up on the edge. those dark eyes light up the moment he sees you stir.
"well, look who's decided to join the land of the living~!" he exclaims, a wide grin spreading across his face. awhile ago, you slowly regain consciousness, the beeping of the hospital machines faintly registering in your ears. the body of yours feels heavy and sore, memories of the mission flooding back; remembering the ambush, the fight, and then the pain. but most of all, you remember nagumo’s face, his expression uncharacteristically serious as he saved you. and you don’t see that often, never, actually.
you try to speak, but your throat is dry, and all that comes out is a croak. nagumo jumps up, leaning over you with an exaggeratedly concerned expression.
"oh no! have you forgotten how to talk? i guess i'll just have to handle all the conversation from now on," he says, feigning a dramatic sigh.
you roll your eyes, managing to croak out, "water."
he grabs a cup of water from the table, but instead of handing it to you, he holds it just out of your reach. "first, you have to answer a riddle. what has four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?"
"nagumo, seriously?" you rasp, your annoyance mingled with a slight, very tiny hint of amusement. man, i just woke up, you say in your head.
he only chuckles and finally gives you the water. "fine, i'll let you off this time. but only because you look like you’ve been through a meat grinder."
the cool liquid soothing your parched throat as you take a grateful sip. "thanks.. for the rescue," you manage to say.
nagumo waves his hand dismissively. "oh, don't mention it. just another day in the life of your favorite assassin."
don't mention it, he says with a casual wave of his hand, his trademark grin firmly in place. but beneath that easygoing facade, he's a whirlwind of emotions. the memory of finding you bleeding and unresponsive still haunts him, a gnawing fear that he might lose you forever. he can still feel the cold dread that settles in his stomach when you don't respond to his frantic calls, the way his heart pounds in his chest as he carries you to safety. every step is a desperate prayer that you'll hold on, that you'll survive. seeing you lying so still, so vulnerable, shakes him to his core. regardless of his lighthearted demeanour, he can't shake the residual anxiety of nearly losing you, the concern that one day his abilities may be worthless to keep you safe.
"favorite, huh?" you tease, a small smile tugging at your lips despite the pain.
"absolutely," he says, winking. "and you know, you gave us quite a scare. i mean, i had to carry you all the way back here. do you have any idea how heavy you are?"
you glare at him playfully. "maybe if you weren't so scrawny, it wouldn't have been a problem."
the guy laughs, the sound infectious. "touché. but really, you had us all worried. even sakamoto looked like he might actually break a sweat."
"i'm sorry," you say softly, feeling a pang of guilt for the trouble you caused. “i really thought it could handle them by myself. sorry..”
nagumo's expression softens for a moment, his usual levity giving way to genuine concern. "hey, don't apologize. i've got your back, and you've got mine. besides, it’s not like i’d let anything happen to my favorite partner, riiight? why are you looking at me like that?”
before you can respond, he suddenly leans in close, a mischievous glint in black pupils. "oh, by the way, did i tell you? i told the nurses you’re afraid of needles. so they might have a surprise for you when they come to change your IV."
your eyes widen in horror, and he bursts out laughing at your reaction. "relax, i’m kidding. or am i? guess you’ll find out soon enough."
"you rascal," you mutter, shaking your head.
"you owe me a box of pocky sticks," he says with a grin, leaning back in his chair.
despite the pain and exhaustion, you can’t help but smile. "i guess i do."
he reaches over and gently squeezes your hand. "get some rest. i’ll be here when you wake up. and who knows, maybe i’ll have another riddle for you."
"great," you say sarcastically, if it’s not for your injuries, maybe you’ve already thrown a pillow at his face. though, you know you can always count on him to be there for you, pranks and all.
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xoxoxkisses · 3 months
hii! how are you doing? I hope you're doing well and feel happy right now!
may i ask for a muichiro x reader angst coded?
where muichiro and the reader had an argument then muichiro accidentally snapped out and slapped the reader? afterwards the reader doesn't seem to reciprocate the affection muichiro was giving even though he's apologizing several times but the reader still loves him? just trying to make him learn his lesson!
it's okay if you can't do this request,goodluck!
୧⍤⃝💐flowers for you
Hi, I’m doing great! I will gladly do this request, it’s a bit similar to the other angst I wrote buttttt it is going to be very different! Tysm for requesting this! I’m sorry if it’s not exactly what you were wanting!
Unspoken Lesson
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Warnings: Angst->fluff, muichiro slaps reader, (that should be it!)
“Muichiro I don’t want you to be in the demon slayer corps anymore!” You’ve been trying to get your point across for around an hour. The two of you had been arguing over him quitting the corps, after you heard what happened to Rengoku and Tengen, you didn’t want your boyfriend to fight anymore. “Y/n, I want to save people, risk my life for the ones who can’t!” You didn’t want him to stop doing that, you just didn’t want him to fight. “What about me Muichiro? What happens to me if you die?!” You were crying at this point. He just wouldn’t listen. “You’d be taken care of by everyone else.” That wasn’t enough for you. You wanted your boyfriend to take care of you. “That’s not fair! How come you care for everyone else’s wellbeing and not mine?” You huffed at him. “I do care Y/n! You’re being selfish right now.”
“Selfish?! If it were me fighting you’d want me to quit-“ it’s like he snapped. All a sudden a sharp pain came across your cheek. Your tears instantly stopped, it’s like all of your emotions just stopped. He looked at you with wide eyes, realizing what he’s done. “Oh gosh Y/n, I’m so sorry!” He went to cup your face but you flinched. You turned to look at him and he almost started crying himself. Your eyes looked, dead.
Muichiro apologized profusely, but it was like you weren’t there. Like it was a ghost of you. You wanted to scream at him, cry, but you just couldn’t. He didn’t mean to slap you, he didn’t know what overcame him. You still loved him, but you couldn’t show him you did. ———————————————————————— 3 days.
It’s been 3 days since the argument. You still wouldn’t talk, your eyes still held the blank expression. Muichiro apologized over and over again, he tried so hard for you to forgive him. He bought you flowers, gifts, even told you he’d quit if it meant you’d talk to him again. You still did everything you normally did, just didn’t talk or reciprocate the affection he was giving you. He would hug you whenever, kiss you on the cheek, everything.
He regretted that day so much. Why did he have to slap you? He understood why you wanted him to quit, he really did. He just didn’t want to be reminded of how his brother shut his dreams down. He knew they were both for two different reasons, but it triggered him. He loved you, a lot. You were his everything.
A few more days went by and you still wouldn’t speak. “Y/n, I’m sorry. I love you.” He would tell you. You just stared at him. He was hoping one day he’d see a slight change in your eyes, but he didn’t.
You were making dinner when he came up behind you. He gave you a hug and spun you around where you faced him. He cupped your face and kissed you. You hadn’t ever hugged him back or blushed when he kissed you, but this was different. You felt it. He pulled back and noticed your eyes looked alive again. “Y/n, I’m sorry.” You still stared at him with the same stare you’ve had for days. “It’s okay Muichiro.” You gave him a slight smile. He let out a laugh, and scooped you up in his arms. “I’ve missed you.” He spun you around in a hug. “Ive missed you too Muichiro.” You whispered to him. He sat you back down, “Y/n I promise I won’t ever do something like that again.” You nodded at him, “I’m sorry for trying to make you quit your dream.” He ignored your apology and instead kissed you again.
Muichiro learned his lesson that day. And he kept that promise for the rest of his life.
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leossmoonn · 10 months
Hey, I don't know if you do Clapton Davis fics. But can you do one about one of the girls at school that makes it look like Clapton Is cheating on the reader and theh break up and then he does everything to get her back? They end up back together in the end ofc :D
Btw I love your writings 💕💕💕
thank you! full disclosure… i haven’t watched detention yet, but ive read a lot of clapton fics and i feel like his character is pretty understandable and simple (aka loser, lover boy). if this isn’t correct then ill just have to watch detention 😭
includes - reader is fem, mentions of sex (this was actually so painful to write bruh. it gave me relationship flashbacks ). there’s like so much mentions of murder idk why, gets kinda frisky at the end (nothing major). not edited.
“that calc exam was brutal,” your friend zoey groans.
you nod in agreement. “even with the extra study sessions peterson offered, i felt like i didn’t know anything on the test.”
“why do teachers do that?” zoey frowns. “it’s like they’re trying to make us fail.”
“they probably are,” you remark. you both turn the corner, your gaze falling to your shoes as you rethink every math problem you just did, hoping they were right. you don’t look up until zoey gasps. you barely are able to lift your head up when she grabs your arm, spinning your around in the direction you just came from.
“what are you doing?” you hiss. “trust me, you don’t want to look,” zoey says. you frown, “what happened? is someone like, pissing in the hallway?”
zoey laughs awkwardly. “not this time.”
“well, then it can’t be that bad.” you twist your arm out of her grip, walking back.
“stop!” zoey warns you, but it’s too late. your jaw drops at first glance. once your eyes settle on the situation, your heart sinks to your chest and you suddenly feel nauseous. right in front of you is your boyfriend, clapton, and the most popular girl in school, taylor fisher. she has him trapped up against a locker, pressing herself against him. they aren’t kissing, but if they both leaned in then they could. she looks like a predator zoning in on her prey. worst thing is that clapton doesn’t even look bothered. he doesn’t look uncomfortable. he’s smiling and laughing. he’s looking at her like he wants to fuck her.
zoey stands next to you, a sorry expression on her face. “i’m so sorry,” she whispers.
you swallow hard, feeling like there’s glass in your throat. the bridge of your nose burns and you feel droplets of water run down your face. the worst thing is about this is that he hasn’t even noticed you standing there yet.
“let’s get you out of here,” zoey says, grabbing your hand. you’re about to go with her when taylor’s hand touches his chest. he doesn’t push her away. he doesn’t grimace in disgust. he does nothing. taylor and clapton spots you a few seconds later. his eyes widen, like he just got caught committing a crime. to you, it feels like he did.
“look what the cat dragged in,” taylor grins maliciously.
zoey can’t help but roll her eyes. “that’s rich of you to say.”
“baby,” clapton says, sounding helpless. “don’t.” you say, clenching your jaw and fists. it’s now when he pushes taylor away, walking towards you. you shake your head. “we are done.”
you turn to zoey. “get me out of here?” she nods enthusiastically, gently grabbing your hand and leading you out the exit.
she takes you back to her house. you’re silent the whole way there and silent about the whole time you’re at her house. she puts on one of your favorite movies in hopes to cheer you up. but you just sit on her couch taking deep, shaky breathes. she pauses the movie with a quarter left, turning to you.
“you shouldn’t keep this all in, you know.”
you nod, acknowledge her words. you still don’t say anything. you’re afraid if you speak you’ll start sobbing. zoey places her hand on your knee.
“i don’t want to force you to say anything, but i’m here for you.”
“i know,” you say, your voice coming out like a croak. “are you hungry? i can make us some ramen,” zoey suggests.
you shake your head. you haven’t eaten since lunch, which was about six hours ago. but you have no appetite.
“how about some crackers? i have saltines,” she says.
“i’m okay,” you say.
“how about some water? or some soda?”
you think for a moment, slowly nodding. “okay. i’ll have water.” you only agree to a drink because you know zoey will something for you anyway. she gets up and goes to her fridge. she returns with a glass of water and some crackers with m&ms.
“zoey,” you frown. “you don’t have to eat these at all,” she says. “but if you end up wanting something, these are here for you. and you know you can have anything else you want while you’re here.”
you start crying now. you open your mouth to thank her, but it comes out in a sob. she rushes to hug you, holding you as you cry into her shirt. you pull away after a good 15 minutes of crying. zoey gives you some tissues and you blow your nose.
“out of every guy at school, she had to choose him? 90% of the guys at school are single, and he had to choose my guy?” you scoff.
zoey nods and pats your arm comfortingly.
“b-but he’s not my guy anymore,” you sob. your whole chest hurts as you cry. it feels tight and like you can’t breathe. your heart feels like it’s physically breaking. it feels like clapton took your heart out of your body and he and taylor smashed it all up with sledgehammers.
“taylor is a bitch, and not the one that she refers to herself as.”
“yeah, she is,” you nod. “she’s a disrespectful, evil, pretty, popular bitch,” you start to wail.
“just because she’s pretty doesn’t mean you aren’t either. don’t compare yourself like that.”
you snuffle, wiping your nose roughly. “and clapton — ugh! i let clapton-fucking-davis play me. that dumb, little, attention-seeking twerp! all he has to do it push her away and say no. he can’t do that because as soon as a girl gets close to him, he starts thinking with his dick!”
“boys are dumb,” zoey confirms. “yeah,” you nod. your crying comes to a stop and you look at zoey with a self-pitying expression. “i liked him a lot. i let him meet my parents. i’ve snuck him into my house. he’s made cookies with my mom and talked to my dad about cars. i… i thought he liked me.”
“he’s in love with you,” zoey says. you shake your head and laugh sourly. “no, he’s not. he likes the attention i give him. he likes the fact that because of me, he sees boobs and has sex. he likes the fact that he can call me his girlfriend.”
“well, i find it hard to believe that you don’t like all the superficial things he does for you. don’t tell me you forgot that you literally called me while he was still in your house, after had just given you, and i quote from you, “the best night of sex i will ever have”. you also love his muscles and his abs and the way he looks at you when you’re naked and when you’re all dressed.”
“yeah, but,” you huff. “i didn’t let a guy talk me up and basically grind up against him in the hallway.”
“you’re right,” she nods. “you are totally right. and i’m not saying to forgive him at all. in fact, don’t. i’m just… i do think that he’s in love with you. and he just made a terrible mistake.”
“i don’t want to forgive him,” you frown. “like i said, you don’t have to. i just hate to hear you talk so bad about yourself. you are a catch and you have your whole life to find the guy of your dreams!” zoey exclaims.
“what if i wanted him to be that?” you ask. she sighs, “if it’s meant to be, then it will be.”
the next day you feel like shit. you can only manage to drink half a cup of coffee and a piece of toast. zoey picks you up for school and you try to request sad songs, but she declines. she sings the most annoying, happy songs to your face. she almost catches you smiling, but you frown so deep it makes you both laugh. you almost forget about the unfortunate series of events until you show up to school and see taylor walking out of her car.
“how does she always look so perfect?” you ask. “she really doesn’t. she obviously didn’t put on makeup today and that orange shirt isn’t doing her any favors,” zoey says.
you scoff and turn your head to face her. “you’re joking, right?”
“did it make you feel better?”
“a little.”
“then no, i’m not.”
you managed to avoid clapton the whole day. you ate lunch in zoey’s car, got to your classes super early, and even was able to avoid using your locker — which you hated using anyways. you started to feel better as you begin to think about all the fun things zoey has planned for you this weekend. the happiness dissipates as you see clapton standing by zoey’s car.
“oh, my god,” zoey grumbles.
he’s holding a huge pink teddy bear and a jewelry box. he smiles brightly as you approach him.
“hey! i didn’t see you today. i thought that i would —”
“save it,” you stop him. “i told you we are over. what part of that isn’t clear?”
he sighs, “i know. but then i remembered that you liked this teddy bear that you saw online, and it was there at the store! so i decided to get it for you. and i also bought these earrings that i had already got you for our anniversary, but i figured you’d like them sooner.” he opens the box. “they’re the theme of your favorite book.”
you have the fight the urge to swoon. “i’m sorry you spent your money on me, clapton. please move so we don’t run you over.”
“please,” he begs.
“please what, calpton? please listen to your sorry excuses? please listen to you ramble on for ten minutes without even talking about what happened? please wait for you to apologize? no!” you shout.
he opens his mouth to speak, but you stop him.
“you hurt me, clapton. seeing you with taylor, that hurt.”
“i know, but i can explain. we weren’t doing anything, i swear —”
“yeah, that’s what hurts! you know, i wish that you kissed her and i caught you inside of her, cause that would’ve been so much more explainable. that would’ve been so much more acceptable. but no. you just stood there letting her sweet talk you. i know you’re not used to getting noticed. you’re known as the class-clown and people sometimes rag on you, but i thought you weren’t letting that bother you anymore! you told me yourself that you don’t need anyone’s validation anymore. but that’s obviously false.”
he blinks rapidly, jaw dropping and closing a couple of times.
“you can save this stuff for the next girl. or just keep them yourself,” you say. you turn to zoey who is trying to contain her excitement. “can we go to out to eat?” you ask.
“i was just about to ask you the same thing,” zoey smiles. you try to not look at clapton as she drives away, but you can’t help it. he looks like a lost puppy that just got his heart stomped on. he kind of feels that way.
he feels terrible. this is the worst he’s ever felt in his entire life. this outdoes the time he went to six flags and threw up all the popcorn and toxic waste he ate.
“hey, honey. did she not like your gifts?” clapton’s mom asks as he shows up with full hands.
“no, she didn’t.”
she frowns and gets up from the kitchen table. “did you apologize?”
“yeah,” he nods slowly. she narrows her eyes. “why can’t you boys say sorry?”
“girls can’t say sorry either!”
“not the point,” she says. “you have been talking about this girl nonstop for the last two months. your father has said you should just ask her to marry you if you like her so much. even if she hates you now, which is understandable, you need to give her a real apology.”
“i do feel sorry! i just… what if i say sorry and tell her how i feel, and she still rejects me?”
“then she rejects you. as long as you try and learn from this, it’ll be okay.”
clapton nods in agreement, trudging up to his room and laying down on his bed. he knows he messed up bad. he never meant to hurt you. he’s never dreamed of every hurting you. he know he doesn’t have a good explanation. he can’t even explain what happened between taylor and him himself. but what he does know is that he feels absolutely nothing for taylor, and his whole heart is yours. he steal for you, lie for you, go to jail for you. he would split the world for you.
he has to let you know how he feels about you.
clapton’s at your window, throwing rocks at it. he’s been there for half an hour. at first he thought you were ignoring him, but now he just thinks you’re not home. he’s correct when he sees zoey’s car pull up in your driveway.
“oh, shit,” he mumbles. he panics and looks around him for somewhere to hide. he jumps in a bush that’s on the side of your house, hoping you don’t see him.
“that was the best crab rangoon i have ever had,” zoey groans. “i might have to go back before i go back home.”
you scoff, “being me back some!” you’re about to walk into your garage when clapton lets out a sneeze.
“did you hear that?” zoey asks. “uh, yeah,” you nod. “hello?” you call out. there’s no answer. fear seeps into your chest. “you need to take me back to your place now. someone could be plotting to kill me!”
“okay, yeah,” she nods. “should we call the police? I’m going to call the police.”
clapton jumps out the bushes, scaring both of you to death. you both scream as he appears in front of you.
“it’s just me! it’s just me!”
“oh, my! fuck! clapton!” you groan. “you can’t do that? we almost just had a heart attack and died!”
“okay, that’s a little bit dramatic,” he chuckles.
“and you’re here!” you wave your hands in the air angrily. “why are you here! you are so annoying and creepy.”
“don’t you think me waiting here is romantic?” he asks, giving you a hopeful smile.
“you’ve been waiting on me? agh!” you scream. “get out of my house!”
“i’m technically not in your —”
“do you want me to kill you?” you ask. “no,” he shakes his head. “i mean, if that’s what you want. anything for you.”
“clapton,” zoey says. she grabs his arm, escorting him to her car. “i will drive you home so you don’t die tonight, okay? this is out of the kindest of my heart. even though i think you are a d-bag.”
“wait, wait, wait! please! i want to say one more thing. after this , i’ll never speak to you again. i promise,” clapton pleads.
zoey raises her brows at you and you shrug. she lets him go and he walks back to you.
“i am so sorry,” he says. “good start,” you remark.
“i… i really don’t have any explanation for what you saw. i know that doesn’t help, but i can tell you what happened. she was asking if i could get the physics homework answers from you to give to her. i was saying no, but before i knew it, she was saying funny things to butter me up. and then she trapped me against the lockers and put her hand on my chest to pin me down.”
“you expect me to believe that?” you scoff. “i know. i know it’s not practical, but,” he takes your hands into his and stares into your eyes, “i swear on my love for you that that is the honest truth. you can even ask her! you know taylor wouldn’t lie to you.”
you search his face. he looks so desperate, so pained. you really don’t know whether or not to believe him.
“i hope you know that you don’t have to forgive me. just know that i am so sorry and hurting you makes me want to eat shit while i’m skateboarding. i’ll leave now.” he let’s go of your hands. you feel so cold now, so lonely. “can you take me home still?” he asks zoey.
“i guess so,” she huffs. “see you tomorrow,” she says to you.
you nod and give her a small smile, waving goodbye to the two of them. you go up to your room after talking with your parents for a little bit. you spot the countless pictures you have of you and clapton. you’ve known him since freshman year of high school, but you’ve known him for only a couple of months. saying goodbye to him feels like a knife twisting into your back, bud that’s how you felt seeing him with taylor.
you never thought clapton would hurt you, not like this. but you know people can change and reveal a part of themselves you never knew existed. eventually, the truth comes out. but you find it hard to believe that this is the case with clapton. the way he’s treated you since you’ve started dating is like nothing you’ve ever experienced in other relationships.
he’s always been super sweet to you. always complimenting you, asking how you slept, carrying your backup, holding you accountable when you study. he’s never been good with words, but he’s never had to be. he always is holding your hand or massaging your back. he loves buying you gifts or making you stuff. he likes cooking for you, too, even though he’s quite terrible at it. he’s always protecting you against rude remarks you sometimes get at school. sometimes the girls will say something about your outfit, and clapton always has something to say to them. not to mention, he is a giver and always makes sure you get satisfied multiple times before he gets anything. which is super different from any other guy you’ve been with.
for you to be able to know the real truth, you know what you have to do.
“you don’t have anything sharp on you, right?” zoey asks. “no,” you say. “why?”
“in case you try and kill taylor.”
“what! i would never do that!”
zoey gives you a look and you roll your eyes. “the closest i would get would be cutting off her hair. which, to her, would be murder.”
zoey chuckles, “you so should do that.”
you shrug, “we’ll see what happens.”
“hey, taylor!” you plaster on the brightest smile ever. she turns to you, looking you up and down while smacking gum. “can i help you?”
“yeah,” you nod. “i was just wondering what you and mike were talking about?”
“why do you wan to know?” she asks. you fight the urge to roll your eyes. “i am just wondering. it’s not like you were discussing murder right?”
she glares at your cheap joke. “i asked him if he knew anybody with the answers to the physics homework. i tried to get your answers, but he just kept saying no. he kept saying how i should do my own work and how you’re not just some homework-giver, or whatever. i tried to seduce him, but for some reason it didn’t work. his brain must be broken or something.”
“really?” you ask. “yeah. he actually laughed at me. i mean, what kind of freak does that?” she scoffs.
you can’t help but laugh yourself. she frowns. “am i a joke or something?”
“no,” you say unconvincingly, turning around and walking to zoey who is waiting for you by your locker.
“what’s the verdict?” she asks. “i… i guess clapton was telling the truth,” you say. “i need to find him.”
“i don’t think he came to school today.”
you groan, “well, i can’t skip school.”
“i’ll drive you to his house right after school.”
zoey does so, leaving when you tell her clapton can take you home. you go to his backyard, finding some rocks and throwing it at his window.
“clapton! it’s me!” you shout. you see him at the window almost immediately. he opens it, sticking his head out. “i thought you didn’t want to see me?”
“can i come inside and i’ll explain?”
he leaves for a few moments, opening his back porch window. he leaves it opens for you and you walk in, sliding the door shut behind you. you follow him up to his shook, gasping as you see the variety of gifts he has on his desk. there’s the bear and earrings you’ve already seen. then there’s a bouquet of roses, a couple of books, some gift cards, and some of your favorite snacks.
“how long have you had these?”
“a couple of days,” he admits. “i saw this thing online about like, a love basket. i was going to put all these things in them and give it to you.”
“didn’t you promise you wouldn’t see me anymore?”
“i would’ve left it at your door. that way you technically wouldn’t have seen me.”
you laugh softly. you now know that he never would have given up on you. it’s kind of sweet. especially since you didn’t really want to never see him again.
“i spoke to taylor,” you say. “oh.” his eyes widen in surprise. “what, uh, what did she say?”
“everything that you said. you know, i actually feel bad for her.” you take a step towards him.
“why?” he asks. “cause it seems like you hurt her feelings when you rejected her,” you explain.
“well, she’s not the girl i want.” he moves closer to you and takes your hands into his. “i am so sorry, again. i should have walked away long before you came.”
“you should have,” you nod.
“and you are the best thing that happened to me. you make me so happy. you don’t make me feel dumb or worthless. you accept me and like me. you don’t think of me as some joke. you make me feel good. and i just want to make you feel good for as long as you’ll let me,” he confesses.
“i’ll let you for a long time,” you smile. he smiles back, leaning in and kissing you. you pull away after a few moments, giggling a little bit.
“what?” he asks. “how much money did you spent on me?” you look at his desk.
“uh, you don’t want to know.”
“you wanna take a look at them? they’re all great. i know you super well.”
he walks you to his desk. the books are form your book wishlist you’ve sent him. the gift cards are of your favorite shops. you awe, kissing him again.
“i think i know you super well, too,” you say against his lips.
“oh, yeah?” he breathes against your lips.
“let me show you.”
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christinarowie332 · 11 months
i win.
part 2 of : “i’d be an idiot if i said no to that”
matt sturniolo x reader
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warnings : vv suggestive ! drugs , swearing .
matt and y/n spend some quality time with his brothers . who would break first ?
(this is kinda slow so hear me out)
green text : imessage
my phone lights up vibrating from underneath my pillow . i peel my eyes away from “the vampire diaries” playing from my tv and notice the time displayed on my phone. 12:36am . jesus christ .
my eyes scan my notifications as my face id opens my phone . instagram, my group chat “whores.” (56). oops . snapchat , pinterest… oh ?
matt🤭: u up ?
my body shoots up from where i was lay . i frantically tuck my hair behind my ears with my free hand not holding my phone . i open the message , thumbs hovering over the keyboard ready to type before i hesitate. realising i have no idea what to say .
me: yeah i’m up ! what’s up ?
i type . then delete it .
me: hiyaaaa , yeah i’m up wanna do something??? x
me: yeah i’m up . whyyy wanna hang??
good enough idc
i press send with shaking fingers , allmost immediately he replies back .
matt 🤭: you know me so well , i’ll come pick u up .
me: no bother , i’ll come over . send me ur loc
matt 🤭: i’m at mine with chris and nick , we can all hang if u want?
*matt 🤭 shared his location with you*
me: oki! shall i bring anything??
matt 🤭: just yourself and whatever u need in the morning
me: i’m staying ??😏😏😏😏
matt 🤭: 😏😏😏😏
me: OMW!!!!!
matt 🤭: LMAO OK
i smile at the message and take a screenshot immediately sending it to my groupchat giggling , throwing to the middle of my bed and getting up .
after a few touch ups to my makeup i’ve left to marinate on my face a little bit too long .i change outfit into a pair of baggy light blue jeans , that fall on my hips , uggs and a tight fitted white baby tee . i throw on a hoodie that matches my uggs before realizing it’s literally boiling and ripping it off .i grab my phone and my bag , filling it with the essentials and start to exit my house .
in what feels like 30 seconds i’m pulling into what should be matt’s house . i turn my car off and look at my self in the mirror , obsessing over every little detail until deciding i look good enough .
me: i’m here !!
me: hello ??
me: matt are u home ??
after five minutes of waiting outside the door i decide to just knock it . my heart literally racing enough to hear it in my ears . after a few seconds of waiting i hear the door unlock and the handle go down .
his face drops at the sight of me and turns his head away but not taking his eyes off me , his blonde hair falling against his eyes before he swipes it away .
he smiles kindly and i return it . awkward .
after a few excruciatingly painful seconds i see a familiar face poke around the corner, his long and messy hair tucked into a backwards hat . it takes him a second to realize it’s me and his face lights up as he walks towards the door .
“y/n ? yo what are u doing here ? nick bro what are u doing??” he furrows his eyebrows at his brother before opening his arms towards me .
“nice to see you too chris” i roll my eyes and meet his hug .
“OH SHIT MB YOUR y/n ?!?! COME IN FUCK SORRY!!” nick rambles out grabbing me around my back and pulling me in the house .
i take the sight on his house in , the shoes shoved thrown into the corner near the stairs. it smells like autumn, a warm candle burning somewhere. i can hear music coming from what must be the room above . smiling at the familiar beat of mac miller .
“where’s matt? SORRY !!nice to meet you nick!!” i say while smiling , and turning to nick realising i haven’t even greeted the first brother
he laughs and goes to speak before we all turn around and the sight of matt speeding around the corner and skidding to a stop .
“SORRY IVE ONLY JUST SAW YOUR TEXTS” he defends himself before i can even mention it . i smile kindly and relax my shoulders at the sight of him . his hair has been cut , brunette falling onto his forehead in loose curls. the phone he had in his hand tucked in his oversized sweats .lifting his top slightly to find the pocket , showing the band of his boxers for a split second .
“you’re fine , don’t worry” i say , before letting out a breath i didn’t even know i was holding .
matt keeps the eye contact smiling slightly before turning his head towards his brothers and looking at them . “do y’all wanna smoke up?”
“allways” chris replies for both of them before leading us all to their small balcony .
it’s 2 am now , we all shared a joint around their table . chris let matt play his playlist (for once apparently) and we’re now all sat talking .
i’m sat on a bench with matt shoulder to shoulder , a blanket covering us both as the temperature dropped and we were all shivering by the time the joint was smoked .
“i don’t get it nick !! women are just confusing man…..” chris whines out , he has been talking about his girlfriend mia all night and and to be honest i stopped listening ten minutes ago . “no offense y/n/n” he says now looking at me .
i peel my eyes away from matt’s hand on my knee and meet his eyes “all good man i get it…” i don’t get it . i was completely zoned into matt’s hands , and how close he was to me that i wasn’t listening to a word chris was saying .
matt notices and puts his hands under the blanket , pulling it up to his shoulders .
“u wanna go inside matt???” i ask in concern , thinking he was cold .
“no i just got a chill , i’m fine” he says looking at me now with a tight lipped smile .
i mirror his smile and look away at chris who was waiting for us to shut up so he could carry on his rambling. he starts speaking and i keep eye contact with him , now fully listening to his words.
“as i was saying …. i just don’t get it ? taylor swift is mid as fuck , i tell mia that and she literally looks at me like i just murdered a litter of puppies , SHE HATES MY MUSIC TASTE??? i literally tried-“
and just like that i am now no longer listening to chris , as i feel matt’s hand on my knee again underneath the blanket . he strokes it slightly with his thumb and runs it up my thigh , covering it with goosebumps following his touch .
my breath hitches as he takes his hand higher , to rest on my upper thigh. leaving it there and warming it with his touch.
i glance up at him in warning but all i see is him looking straight forward at chris , smirking. little shit .
he must see my face flush in the corner of his eye because he moves his hand ever so slightly higher , his index and middle finger hovering over the seam of my jeans .
my hips move forward slightly and the touch and i gulp loudly , nodding my head at nick who’s now started speaking to me .
“what music do you listen to y/n . if u say some goofy shit like the imagine dragons i may have to throw you off this balcony” he asks me while laughing at himself .
matt apparently thinks it would be absolutely hilarious to start teasing me underneath the blanket , moving his fingers up and down the seam .
“i-um” i clear my throat trying to stay collected “i like all music really …. mac miller …” matt stops moving .
i turn my head towards him to see him smiling at me and nodding for me to carry on .
“ugh let me think” i drag my words as i move my hand on his inner thigh now i feel him flinch at the touch and go to move his hand off my thigh to stop me but i flash my head towards him and raise my eyebrow in warning .
my turn .
i mirror his actions before and take my hand higher . “i like anything really ….. mac ..torylanez…” i move my hand . he shifts .
“skies ….travis….hotel ugly….” i move my hand again over his sweats . he shifts and let’s put a huff of air .
“brent faiyaz…..dominic fike”
i move my hand again and he lets out a soft allmost silent noise . a whimper , only i hear it and i smirk .
“i like anything” i look at matt now , giving him an innocent look and shrugging my shoulders.
i remove my hand as i could feel him slowly becoming harder . and place my hand on his lower thigh , griping hard . saying exactly what i needed to.
“that’s fire as fuck…what’s ur fave skies song?” i hear chris say and i turn my head towards him .
i smirk knowing i won before continuing my conversation with chris , feeling matt sink into his seat more and putting his arm around me . manspreading and putting his palm over his crotch.
i win .
i am a vile and wretched woman .
LOVE YA !!!!
@mangosrar @sturnphilia @littlebookworm803 @lividnity @def-livv @daddyslilchickenfingers @sssturniolofart @soursturniolo @deatthmatch @biimpanicking @bluesturniolo333 @urmyslxt
i love u all 🤍🤍🤍
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