#ive been forgetting to post them to tumblr for some reason
(going off the theory that Lenore gave Annabel the flower ring)
What if Lenore broke Annabel's flower ring?
Haha jk jk.....unless
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noctiilio · 2 years
hi! why do you like LLS and Gengetsu so much? ^^
Okay so! I've already answered the question about the character of gengetsu in this tumblr post and this youtube video which yeah go check them out if you want to discover her and learn more about her personality, lore, behind the scenes design choices etc!
But if i were to answer this post, without paraphrasing anything ive said about her ? I'll have to talk about myself and the person i am, not her, to answer you properly.
We're about to get sad real fast this is an extremely vulnerable moment for me but everything about what makes gengetsu special to me IS vulnerable (which is why i never talked about it before but nows the time methinks)
1 - I'm also very reclusive and a bit of a dreamer
Dreams always are fascinating to me. Ever since i was small i'd get so caught up in my imagination i'd forget about the world around me. To extreme extents, may i add. Tripping over myself or running into poles may seem like exaggeration but it's not, i legitimately got sent to the nurse's multiple times because of it. My parents would get called to the teacher's office every year without fail because "nocti isn't there in class. Her mind isn't there at all, we're concerned about how well she'll perform". I did perform good, for some magical reason! But i was barely there. My mind is also very active at night. i tend to remember most of my dreams, which are all memorable in some kind of way. I always get excited to find out what i'll get to see when i'm going to sleep. I consider this some kind of entertainment! Sometimes I'll get dreamless nights, yes, and i wake up disappointed and just hope for better programming the next time i sleep. And the secluded dream world aspect, the whole "this is my place just for me" thing she has with Mugetsu also overlaps with what makes Flandre special to me, by the way. I'm also a little bit of a shut in and i like to bury myself into a pile of stuffed animals that take three quarters of the space on my bed, i have fairy lights, i like to be comfy. it's my little safe bubble. If you've seen my plush unboxing videos, like the custom gengetsu and the clownpiece i have, you'll know what my safe haven looks like! It's nice to put myself on my bed with my cat, burrowed under blankets and stuffed animals, and let my mind peacefully wander wherever it wants to. But yeah! This makes her being a dream denizen and the close knit purpose of her dream world really cool to me!
2- I have a similar personality.
I'm a little naive, believe it or not! It's probably another reason why i don't open up like this very often. You could tell me most things and i'd probably take them at face value. I'm just a little clueless. I'm curious, I'm cheerful, a little chaotic sometimes, well, if you follow me and my content you probably are aware of all that. I'm quick to protect the ones i care about. I'm usually the one who takes care of bad eggs in my friend circles. I'm not very confrontational, but when it comes to it, i'm somehow good at it…? But did you know at the same time i'm a HUGE crybaby? … I should not tell you this. WHY am i telling you this. ever since i was small i was always prone to the Weeeeeehhhhhh it's not faiiiiiir weeeeeh. It's not a bratty "things arent going my way" kind of WEEEH it's always been a "i am being wronged and i don't have the inner cool to express it" kind of WEEEH. But it WAS excessive. All it'd take was for my childhood friend (love you bestie btw) to get tiger face paint on and tell me she was gonna eat me for me to think it was real and start wailing. You know who else breaks into a frustration tantrum when you defeat her after lotus land story? You know, the stage where she hasn't done a single thing wrong to warrant reimu and marisa's intervention? YEAH.
3 - I, too, am an older sister.
This is probably the most central aspect that draws me to her, positive sisterhood is my favorite trope because it calls back to how I once was. I am the first born of my family, and i have four younger siblings, my uncles had children of their own which amounts to four little cousins. Counting me, thats nine children. I was between the ages of 3 and 13 when they were all born. I was always quick to get attached to them, I'd always show them cool older kid stuffs like showing my megabloks dragons collection to my infant brother who could not even sit yet. I gave it my all. And that applied outside of my family too i was everyones government assigned big sister as soon as i became verbal. We have vhs footage of 5 year old me at my mom's lord of the rings stage play (2003) cheering up a crying kid from my group because she had stage fright. I ripped that digitally for preservation so maybe one day i'll show you some bits of that it was neat.
Sadly it didnt last long and ive lost contact with two siblings and three cousins, because of adults taking sides in major arguments for good. I'll never see them again. I guess if you really wanna psychanalyze me there, little Gengetsu here resonates with my memories of before bonds began to shatter, you know?
The family kinship she has with Mugetsu is everything I wished I could've strived for but due to reasons outside of my control it never came to be, so that's why she's so special. She reminds me of the little nocti who still had her heart full.
Thanks for reading! I hope you, too, have a character that's just as special to you. Tell me in the tags who's the character that resonates with you! Oh! And if you're a fan of the twins too, let's be friends, yeah?
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oldmsgrimm · 6 months
HI! Starting new on here from twitter!
Today starts the day im gonna set my foot on tumblr as my main site of where i'm going to post art and other things to rather than twitter, of where i have been for four years so far
it was really hard to leave. four years and a lot of friends made on that site along with a decent following of around 200 people made it quite hard to pack up and leave because I felt grounded. but twitter wasn't doing me any favors
I had left twitter for a couple of reasons but one of the main ones was there was a complete and utter disconnect from myself as an artist.
posting art to twitter felt like a chore, a roll of a weighted, one sided dice and this made me forget what it felt like to be an artist. everyone was focusing on c0mm$ or creating the next big mona lisa and i felt...lost
art for everyone is a hobby. it starts out as a hobby, and for some stupid reason, i felt like because my art wasn't as good as theirs. I was anxious to post, anxious to draw. for months i really didn't want to even pick up a pencil. it was like a chronic illness. in this time, my depression and anxiety worsened because of everything ive seen on twitter.
when i say it began to effect me personally, im not exaggerating. this over-arching feeling of dread and hopelessness began to effect my outlook on life, my dreams of my future, my art, and myself
that's when i said to myself ive had enough. i know what my dreams are and i know what i needed to do to make them happen. I feel like a site like tumblr is more secluded, but thats not really a bad thing. like a library, it makes it like a quiet place of where i can just do whatever i want. Id also rather have a smaller following thats active than a following of 200 of where almost everyone is either dead or not active ;-;
so, here is to me, to doing what i want to do.
here is to being an artist! p.s. here is some art of mine to help boost this post a little
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boundless-n-bare · 1 year
audhd confessions - my own worst enemy
being active in this community as a neurodivergent individual (audhd) can be very challenging in unexpected ways. for me the hardest thing to deal with is the rsd - rejection sensitive dysphoria. i have this BAD. this doesn't strictly pertain to real or perceived rejection from individuals in the community although that can be part of it, but more broadly its like a very intense and painful feeling of fomo. having to miss NEST this year was a huge trigger for me - no one rejected me, but i still felt rejection because i couldn't be there. my brain told me i wasn't allowed. that no-one wanted me there anyway and i wouldn't be missed.
its also very hard seeing other members of the community being active and fulfilling their desires in a way i wish i could but very deeply feel and have been telling myself for years that i can't. this one honestly kills me, like it can be super debilitating to the point that it legit keeps me away from interacting in these spaces which i hate. its a huge reason ive been so distant - it sucks majorly feeling as though you're surrounded by people who have it all figured out, or at least seem to, while you feel lowly, alienated, and incapable.
for me, rsd is this ever present voice screaming "you're not allowed." woah see this community member posting about the really awesome session they had with this other community member? you'll never have that. they flew halfway across the country for that session, you're broke and will never be able to do that. they have social skills and you're a socially inept loser who no one wants to talk to. "they" are allowed to have those experiences, "they" are normal. but you are not allowed. you can be a spectator, at best. you get to yearn
the truly fucked thing is that i have had those experiences! i have been to NEST! i have traveled long-ish distances for sessions! i have had the good fortune of having multiple tickling experiences while many in this community may struggle to cement even one. yet i still look at myself and my experiences in this completely ass-backwards light that tells me that they are nothing special, its everyone else who is out there living the absolute dream and nothing i achieve will ever live up to what they're doing - it can't, it simply isn't possible because you are not allowed!
this shit has paralyzed me for far too long. it makes me not even want to look at tumblr, or reddit, or anywhere i might come across that sort of content because what if i see another post like that and then i get sad? then i suddenly have to wrestle with these feelings of inadequacy and isolation and who needs that? its easier just to ignore it all entirely... right?
well, no, because tickling is my passion and if i ignore it completely, to the point of not even letting myself engage with the community, then im depriving myself of not only the community and any potential support network therein but literally the pursuit of the one thing in life that bares any semblance of importance to me at all! when i tell you nothing else matters to me, when i tell you there is nothing in my life that drives me forward the way tickling does i am not fucking exaggerating - if i have learned anything over the pandemic and throughout the years that followed up until now it is that i forget who the fuck i am if i sever myself from my desires for too long. i'll put it all on the back burner and then wonder why im so miserable all the time. then i'll eventually come back, start getting into the hang of being active, then the asd starts surfacing, then i experience some sort of meltdown, then isolate for a few more months, then dip my toes back in and start the cycle all over.
i honestly dont know the best way to combat this but my plan is basically to kill this ideology with persistence - from now on i won't back down and dip out when im confronted with these feelings but rather i will challenge them and keep doing what im doing anyway. i will tell myself that with patience and persistence i can do any damn thing i want, and it might not happen immediately but sooner rather than later i will prevail and i will be content with my place here.
i intend to seriously challenge any assertion by my brain that im not good enough, moneyed enough, social enough, likeable enough, etc. to participate in this community. sure, there might be very real barriers to what i can and can't do compared to others but even still there's ultimately nothing i can't do! i have even told myself for the longest time that i could never be any sort of content creator... yeah, well guess what? im challenging that shit because the very act of my brain telling me i can't do it signifies that its obviously something i want to do, therefor i should! i've deterred myself from buying toys, bondage equipment, etc. because "you're not even active! you don't even talk to people! you're so socially awkward you'd spend all the money and never use it!"
fuck you, brain! the only thing truly getting in my way is you! im not making excuses to minimize myself anymore. im going to do the thing! the fuck is even the point of living if all you're going to do is keep yourself from the shit you want? its beyond fucking stupid
i doubt its going to be easy. i doubt that i won't slip up. but persistence means getting back up and doing it anyway when even when i feel like giving up, and hiding from or not interacting with the community is a sure-fire way to get absolutely nothing from it at all
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I know you already talked about but this I think the fandom has changed a lot. I am a shy reader so I stay on anon and I don't reblog much because my Tumblr is small. But I have been around for a few years and its not the same.
There was a lot more playfulness and silly posts. People reblogged other people's writing a lot more. I also had fun following how people talked to each other.
The kind of writing people wanted was different. You didn't have such a focus on how "good" the writing was or how much imagery a writer used. It was about the stories being told and it feels like that has changed. The fandom seems to only want that flowery writing, those blogs that write at a "elevated" level. I was just fine without it, to be honest.
I am sad that people are not liking things and that Prince is taking over more and more. There is no love anymore for Vamp or Sen or Rev (my beloved Rev 😭)
I don't know why I am reaching out to you except you have been here a long time, one of the best blogs in this fandom. And part of me is just sad that it feels like the fandom is dying.
Oh my god anon..... when i saw your ask last night i got overwhelmed with emotion and with all the things that popped up in my head that i wanted to say to you, but today real life gave me another portion of problems and I'm sitting here giving my screen a blank stare. i hate this, i really want to give you a better answer, but let me try. and thank you for sending it in this blog, i feel even more comfortable talking on here!
The thing you pointed out about the quality of writing and people's demands.... it's actually something i wrote in my last reply to you. and then deleted it. because i thought, "haha no it must be just me", but now that you say it, im prone to agree - your angle of things is actually very trustworthy in my opinion, being someone who's been here for so long and observed from afar. for me it's easier to forget how it was in the beginning, but now that you say it, you're absolutely right... the blogs i looked up to, the writers i admired, weren't put on a pedestal for their skills, it was purely in my head how great they were - to a point where it makes me sad that it feels like ive received more praise now than they did back then. some of them don't write as often anymore, if at all... it's not right. i wonder why did that happen and when, and if it's actually harmful for us writers or im being too cautious. i want to be just like you sometimes, to enjoy the fruits of this fandom from the comfort of being a small blog seldom interacting with posts but still appreciating them from afar - i've been that person in other fandoms, and it has its perks definitely. it's just some strange miracle that i became what i am right now and broke through the shell of being a shy reader! seriously! i appreciate you and people like you, because im glad that i can make more of those fruits for you to enjoy. it's an unpopular opinion but ive never been mad at lurkers all that much. everyone has their reasons to feel uncomfortable interacting, and other than that, i personally want to have a blog where people escape from the hustle of being seen and present. again, that's just me, and i'll encourage commenting and sharing work when it comes to my peers... we're getting off topic, haha. and i should make a paragraph break already
i want to comfort you somehow but without lying to you that "nooo it's alright we're still having fun around here and the fandom is totally not dying" and we could make what the musicians on titanic did, but hey, we're not in the middle of the ocean and i seriously cant be a pessimist 😭 i don't think that it's that bad - i did say that some writers are put on pedestal, but are they really? i doubt anyone is seeing those things so dramatically, well maybe that one anon. but that's just one case, and unfortunately it affects how we see things A LOT , because noone else allows themselves to point out things in such dramatic light, no matter if they're right or not. we're paying the anon a lot of attention, so this fucks with our heads to a certain degree. i think that you should rest assured that this mood around the fandom is temporary, same with the more fun postings that you mentioned - i have a theory for that too, and it's because ikepri is simply not allowing for as much goofing around as its predecessors. you still see your doze of cursed jokes but they're not realistic in the nature of the game's world like they would in ikerev for instance, or even ikevamp . but that's fine because, and this is something i actually thought about the other day, they can't keep making more and more dramatic dark and twisted all overly serious games (right? right?) , somewhere along the way a game with the carefree atmosphere of ikerev will come to existence again, and we'll heal again. and the hateful anons who dont see that we're just a bunch of people having fun without that made-up hierarchy , will get bored and go away eventually. i believe in that, and i really want to make you believe too
i enjoyed talking with you about this, and i hope i didn't gave any unnecessary seriousness to our talk because im trying very hard to stick to the belief that our time here should be purely just positive and fun... and hey, we might have not interacted much, but knowing that you've been here for awhile already makes me feel you close somehow hkhkhkhk is that weird??
now, let me give you this ticket: 🎫 that equals one xxsycamore request (from the valentines/1000 followers one) and i want you to think of the most self-indulgent prompt you can come up with and send it. you said ikerev my beloved so if you end up choosing that (seeing that there is a serious lack of those requested 😭😭) id be even happier to write it for you. dont worry to refuse ofc <33
im sorry that this was all over the place and thank you for coming here anon. have a great day ❤
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strangelockd · 2 years
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2022 Reflection
Sorry for this being so late. Ive had a lot of things going on…
I’ve been having fun with this journaling/gardening app. It’s giving me many opportunities to reflect on the positivity and the things I’m grateful for in my life.
As I pause and reflect on my first year of being back on this blog, I’ve realized how much has changed. Not just me, but in how I see things.
It reminded me of my first encounter with Tumblr back in 2012 when The Avengers came out. I’ll never forget the time I first set my eyes on Loki, the sexy god of mischief. I’ll never forget the time I became a fan of something that was more than myself, fast forward to 2023 and here I am with my two loves Loki and Doctor Strange.
How can I forget the reason I chose to come back to Tumblr was of course, for Doctor Strange.
He so much more then a character, he’s the embodiment of inner strength and rising above your demons. He taught me that no matter how damaged you are, you can always bounce back and reclaim your life.
Multiverse of madness destroyed me in a good way to the point that I just had this itch to come back and re-blog pictures of Benedict. Like I was some giddy 13-year-old girl all over again.
Next thing I know my phone is a collection of Doctor Strange in Benedict Cumberbatch photos.😆
Now I found myself in this loving community of writers and creators pushing out stories of my own.
I never thought of myself as a writer, It was never really a hobby of mine, but I found through conveying my thoughts…healing began to happen….
Now Im hopelessly addicted to writing and I don’t think I want to stop 😊
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I have some very special people to thank, bc if it wasn’t for these amazing humans. Im not sure were I would be.
@geeky-politics-46 not only is this woman, a bad ass super writer, but she is a bad ass woman warrior. She is the reason I started writing in the first place. She will always be my sinister sister through and through.
@purplefeathersandblackleather you came into my life when I least expected it, but when I needed it the most. I am forever grateful for our conversations that were able to have every day; you keep me grounded.
@lady-harvey for always being so loving and so kind towards me and my work. She never has anything bad to say about anybody. She’s just pure love.
@icytrickster17 how can I forget….easily I can never forget them. Their undying support for everything that I post good or bad I will forever be in debt with their love and support.
@dino-fart for her kind words and continuous support despite her hitting extremely hard times
 @bakerstreethound for proofreading my story, and always being there to support me with my Sherlock ideas
@marvel-writing I just met you. But, we have been unable to not stop chatting between each other. You are a breath of fresh air and the best person share photo of Ben with. 
Anyways as Forest Gump said, “thats all I have to say about that”
Hope I didn’t bore you to much. 😉
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oceanwithouthermoon · 9 months
have you ever considered some abstract-ass pairings? like the "how the fuck did you even come up with that pairings?
im not accusing you of doing it lol, but i personally do and am. curious to see if i am normal
IM NOT TOTALLY SURE, because i tend to have very specific reasonings for why i think two characters would be good together, but i definitely think that from an outside perspective some of my ships can be seen as pretty abstract..
(under the cut again sorry im nonstop yapping for way too long guys..)
BUT almost any pairing you think of in a semi-popular fandom like saiki k, SOMEBODY has probably made content about it.. and its more popular in japan, so you may not be able to FIND ur pairing but theres probably SOMETHING out there about it, just in a language you aren't searching in or something.. like, toritsuka x kuboyasu is one pairing i have NEVER seen an english speaking person post about, but if you go in japanese or korean speaking saiki k spaces, that ship is EXTREMELY popular! theres TONS of fanart!!
so yea, whats popular or even what gets any content at all can be surprising sometimes.. like, a few of my favorite tdlosk ships are arisu x rifuta, arisu x aiura, and rifuta x yumehara (+arisu x yumehara but this is kinda popular i think) (im just a lesbian with a bias towards sapphic ships, i see two pretty girls and i ship..) and i shipped them before i ever started looking online for content and when i finally did, i didnt think i would ever see any content of them but. there is. theres plenty of content of them. theyre rare enough pairs that i dont think they have ship names so it can be hard to actually find that content since theres no ship name ever tagged, but it very much exists!
if youd asked me this like a month ago i wouldve said that saiki x suzumiya is one of these abstract ships for me (if you wanna know why i like it, i just like the idea of instead of satou being so average he balances her out, saiki just like superhero-ing every other minute without her even noticing. i also like this as a polycule which ill talk about in a minute-) but somebody on here posted it around that time LOL.. theres also some other rare pairs i enjoy like mera x saiki or kuboyasu x yumehara, but though these are rare-ish pairs, they still have a notable presence so i wouldnt quite call them abstract.. (also yo damn well kubosai is my NUMBER ONEEEE ship, which you could call a rare pair if you didnt go on tumblr or ao3 cuz its VERY concentrated over here and doesnt really exist anywhere else.. except in the japanese fandom LOL.. but yea its definitely not a rare pair over here, its gotten way more popular recently too..)
the more abstractness comes when you start shipping polycules... then its way less likely for you to be able to find your specific ship.. lol.. like the ones i just talked about, you put rifuta x yumehara x arisu x aiura all together ?? no WAY am i gonna find that, it may exist somewhere but youll never find it, or at least i couldnt lol.. some of my fav rare (more like completely nonexistent except for some IVE posted about) polyam ships are the one i just said, kuboyasu x saiki x hairo x nendo, (also love kuboyasu x saiki x kaido but this one actually gets content hehe.. same with kuboyasu x kaido x yumehara.. LOVE that one..) mera x yumehara x aiura, kuboyasu x saiki x saiko (x kaido maybe), toritsuka x kaido x yumehara, mera x saiki x kuboyasu (x saiko sometimes and/or hairo) and probably more that im forgetting... i also really love the psychickers x satou and suzumiya which im actually not sure if theres ever been content of them, i think the only time ive seen it mentioned is someone being like "theyre dating hehe" on a pic of them lol.. its a funny ship for me because its actually one of my favorites even though some of the individual ships im not a fan of + i also hc that satou is very very straight but idk.. somehow this works.. i feel like maybe if he starts dating suzumiya and shes bi and polyam then it might accidentally give him a sexuality crisis because hes probably never even considered that he could be queer before.. idk.. whatever.. it just works..
idk, someone give me examples of tdlosk rare pairs that could actually work...
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cursedcreator-pat · 1 year
blog intro yippe
Ive been here for so long and never had one so i figured it was time to remedy that
This is a fanblog DEDICATED to everything @/poisonappletales makes!!! Their games are so cool and the webtoons too, if you've managed to find me and you dont know them please check out their stuff!!!
Anyway. Silliness under the cut
a summary of me and unknown
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summary over (lie)
fun facts about me:
i am 18 at present, my birthday is the funny 6/9 number (June 9th) and that is my claim to fame
i use she/her and i am pansexual but on this blog i will be 90% unknownsexual
I like weirdo freak fictional men SORRY.
My sona/self-insert's name is Creya, formerly spelled as Crea. (This is not my real name for clarification but it's what I prefer to go by online.) She is just me except you may notice my little sona is green. there's no logical reason for this, I made her using a color palette i found on tumblr YEARS ago and it stuck and now she's alien forever.
On top of the weird color scheme I also have long hair irl i dont know why i draw her with short hair.
I found poisonappletales through markiplier's playthrough of dttr when it came out. I have been obsessed with these games since and show no sign of stopping soon
fun facts about (MY INTERPRETATION) of unknown:
Please first consider these blinkies i made
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Basically he is so Weird!!!!!!!! But that's why I like him man!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I may ocassionally say "i wish he was real" and stuff like that but i can assure you im joking. Full serious right now. He would be locked in prison for life if he was real so instead hes confined in my brain. Anyway back to silly
I call him Antares! This is taken from the brightest star of the Scorpius constellation, which is also referred to as "the heart of the scorpion". I don't know i just thought it fit and i like it
I have also previously called him Blumiere (based off count bleck's real name from super paper mario - though i didn't use this name for long,) and Eros (based off the greek love god - this is the name i used the longest and you honestly might find fragments of it in places)
I draw unknown with the blanket hood off of his face a lot because 1) blankets are hard to draw and 2) handsome......... I also put him in clothes a lot because 1) im not drawing him NAKED and 2) handsome.......
Also here are the tags i use most frequently
#theory time (for theory posts)
#creya talk (for me just talking about whatever)
#unknown posting (for. You know. Unknown posts. This is also where my unknown art goes.)
Also the standard #reblog
I don't tag every post (i forget sometimes......) but this is generally how it goes
Heres some links to cool stuff (to be added more to later)
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trapton · 1 year
hows ur portrayal?? hows your portrayal???? do i even NEED to speak about my opinion of your portrayal. your will quite literally drives me insane in the best way possible. have i stated the fact that i was entirely indifferent about william afton before i stumbled upon you + your portrayal of him because its true. you singlehandedly made me so incredibly mentally ill about this man its not even funny. hes sosososo interesting i absolutely adore the way you interpret him i want to examine him under a microscope. i can tell youve put so much thought into him as a person past what most people in the community do and i just. i dont know how to explain it. ive said it before this blog right here is literally the reason i joined the tumblr rpc bc i was just . i dunno i was just in awe. every thread i have with ur will ( and all ur other muses ofc, ur will just drives me insane in a Very Specific Way that is difficult to replicate ) is sososo special to me. i specifically love our pair of fucked up guys i will actually never be over them.
tl;dr im picking up your william by the scruff of his neck and shaking him like a dog toy he is everything to me. i will forever be this fucked up little mans #1 fan i enjoy him so so much. thank you for making him the way that he is.
🔧 「   ASK MEME :   HOW’S MY PORTRAYAL?   」 / @nineliabilityrisk !
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i have to restrain myself so i don't end up hoarding this ask, because i ask for this expecting critique &. ofc some compliments but i'm notoriously bad at taking them, &. like! i always just end up complimenting the sender to deflect. so i'll try to do better at that, but i have to just say that i adore you &. your original characters are rich &. unique &. your canons are so thought through &. interesting, &. i am not doing you justice with this explanation or these compliments but you've just been such a good friend &. a lovely partner in writing &. i always adore getting replies / messages / memes or anything else from you. (also including seeing your posts). &. your smut writing (&. in general) is masterful it's art it is LOVELY. for being young you're just so advanced in your writing. ANYWAY
first off i have to give you a formal apology for making you mentally ill about willy. it's a terrible &. speaking from experience i hardly needed to add to my list. though, it makes me blush that i could take a character you were indifferent about &. make you like them &. see them differently. there's a lot of ways to interpret will / fill in his blanks, &. i admit i may have (definitely have) some hot takes, aka him not building spring bon or his design or art hobbies, though i stand by him. like, honestly i had so much in my mind about him i needed to make a separate blog for the first time in years. he just took up all of my brain-cells. it just means so much to me to know you like how i see him, &. that you think he's interesting???? to the point where you're here bc you saw one of my posts / my blog? IT'S TOO MUCH FOR MY LITTLE MIND TO WRAP AROUND <3 &. i could not be more humbled that you think that of me, i really truly appreciate all of our threads so much &. your writing is just so lovely &. i fucking adore everything we've done together. also please if you wanna ask me anything about him hmu <3 i'll talk all day if you need ahah. (ik ik sometimes i forget tumblr IM's exist) but IUHYGTFRDEDFGHUJIK YOU'RE TOO GOOD / NICE TO ME. thank you thank you thank you.. <3
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berryunho · 2 years
okay i know its already the end of january 1st but allow me to reflect on 2022 for a moment ! so ! if you want my sentimental ramblings feel free to read but LAKSJDFLKSJD
SO BASICALLY. the answer turned one year old in 2022. i started posting in april 2021. and thus she turned one in april. idk exactly what the stats were in april but i know that at the start of the year she was ~70k words and had ~3000 hits and like ~70 kudos. keep that in mind. KAJLFDKSJFJKL im really not like. a numbers person like. its motivating for sure when i know i have an audience but i dont let it get to me if things are down for whatever reason and anyways i thought that those numbers were CRAZYYYYY. like i was already out of my mind insane at the thought of so many people liking my fic and i was just so . thankful . and i still am !
but.... i felt that i was... missing something...... like ao3 is amazing and wonderful and i love it but.... i wanted more Connection! i wanted to be easier to talk to and more of a Real Person to my readers lol so i made my tumblr this year! and i waited a bit to start crossposting just bc i was such a huge chore and... i was really scared... but once i did the response was so immediate and so wonderful that i couldnt believe i didnt do it earlier !!!! like genuinely tumblr has been everything ive ever hoped for it to be and more and its so so so lovely to be here and i just !!!!! like sheesh . i had a blog long ago (like. 2014-2018.) and i just ... dont remember tumblr being like this then lol
and anyways. i feel like ive become a Real Fanfiction Writer now. like it is INSANE to me to think that there are people that look up to me like i used to look up to ff writers like .... YOU MEAN IM THAT PERSON TO SOME PEOPLE?????? I GET ANONS? I GET ASKS? REPLIES? DMS? PEOPLE WANT TO TALK TO ME ON THE MERIT THAT I CREATED SOMETHING THEY LIKE? holy moly baby. i still am so awkward w ff authors that arent my bffies bc i literally forget that i am ff authors. like i am in that crew now. KALJSDL;FKJSDLF so crazy so if you are a fellow writer reading this and we are moots and we've never spoken trust it is bc im just awkward i probably love you and your writing LKJALDSKFJLASDKJF
and like ... speaking of my bffies ... idk if theyll read this but hi if you do i cant say these things directly to you bc i have issues but. the 2 months that we have been friends have been very wonderful and i have very much loved getting to know you guys and i hope you like me bc you are STUCK w me now ! i wuv u or ... something ALKDSJFALKSDJ thank you tumblr for bringing us together KAJSDLFKJSLD
and ANYWAYS FOR REAL NOW the answer now is 144k. claps to me for doubling the length <3 and she has. 280 kudos. and 11,426 hits. and like i said. the numbers dont get me very much. what gets me is the fact that so many people have called the answer their favorite fanfic. people have complimented my writing style. people thank me for my work. people tell me that they hope im well out of the blue. people tell me that ive scared them people tell me ive made them cry people tell me their heart beats faster when they read people tell me they love my characters people tell me they love my writing and my mind and JUST ASKDLFJASDFJKLSLDFJ THAT IS WHAT GETS ME !!!! thats why i love tumblr and thats what im thankful for going into 2023 and i hope that this year i can continue to be a writer that you all love or at least enjoy and if not that ... tolerate ig ALKSDJFAKSDJ
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deathclassic · 2 years
i was tagged by @you-are-so-much-better-than-that​​ and @mikhailoisbaby​​ to do this fic writer/artist tag! ive never seen an artist version of this so this is exciting :D
1. Do you post on Ao3? If so, how many works do you have on AO3? If not, where do you post?
i dont post art on ao3 but i post fics there,,,,not gonna say my username though
2. What is your total art count?
we gotta be like 500+ by now
3. What are your top 5 pieces by likes/kudos?
they’re all dan and phil surprise surprise i was surprised that the first one has 12k notes for some reason. im just going to link them
spooky week sketches  amazingphil shop spon PHIL QUIFF DEBUT!!! black ‘n’ white dan phil is not on fire collection
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to but sometimes i forget and i also dont have notifcations on any social media turned on so i miss a lot of things
5. What is your current fandom, and what was the first fandom you drew for?
currently drawing for umbrella academy, shameless and stranger things. first fandom i properly drew for was one direction but i was drawing stuff for like panic at the disco and powerpuff girls and my little pony and my chemical romance when i was like 7
6. Have you ever received hate on any art?
tonnes lol, i’d say every 2-3 pieces i draw gets some kind of negative attention. recently there’s been an asshole in my asks accusing me of fetishising ian and mickey so thats something to look forward to every time i pose 
7. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t drawn for yet but want to?
i want to go back to shows i watched as a kid like total drama island and draw the characters in my art style, i did it with the winx club earlier this year and it was fun. i want to draw harringrove but im not mentally prepared to be like,,,sent death threats atm
8. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
i dont know tbh ian and mickey are up there i guess
9. Do you draw outside of fandom?
yeah im a graphic designer so i draw a lot of shit 
10. What’s the an art piece you’ve drawn that came out completely differently than you expected?
this one actually
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11. Do you draw smut?
12. Have you ever had any of your art stolen or copied?
yeah of course, someone sells my shit on redbubble and i have to keep reporting them
13. Have you ever collaborated on a piece?
yes! @mishervellous​ and i did that amazing comic together for gallacrafts and im so proud of that! also collaborated with a lot of dan and phil artists to make a calendar, a phil is not on fire poster and some general collabs for fun (if anyone wants to collab hmu bc im down)
14. What’s an idea you have that you have yet to draw?
i really want to draw drummer mickey for some reason
15. What are your drawing strengths?
people i guess, maybe like details on clothes and stuff?
16. What are your drawing weaknesses?
hands and feet lol
17. What’s your favorite art piece you’ve drawn?
im so proud of this drawing even though no one really liked it, like looking at it makes me so happy
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18. What is one thing you’d like to tell people about your art that they might not know?
like harvey said haha i also use the same colour palette especially skin tones and hair colours also i sketch a lot of the drawings traditionally and then trace over it on photoshop
19. What inspires or motivates you to create for fandom?
myself. i would still be drawing even if no one notices it. heck i draw so much stranger things stuff only for a top of 10 people across instagram, twitter and tumblr to interact with it. 
20. And finally, can you describe your process a little? Do you have a favourite place to draw? Do you play something in the background? Do you do research or just go for it? Give us a little insight
i sit at my desk and use a wacom tablet and my laptop. I have my other laptop open and im normally listening to a tv show that ive seen so i dont have to pay attention or a play through of a game or some creepy stories. sometimes i listen to music on my record player. i always spend ages looking at pose references and rage quitting when i dont draw it right the first time before coming back to it a few hours later. i draw mostly in the evenings, after dinner. sometimes i drink a hot chocolate if its late enough lol. 
im gonna tag @mishervellous​ @doodlevich​ @heymrspatel​ @adakechi​ 
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saffron-not-so-joy · 2 years
A Personal Reflection on The Action Button Review of Boku No Natsuyasumi
Genuinely the action button review of boku no natsuyasumi has unlocked something i have been trying to in my brain in regards to my whole outlook on how i create and reflect on life. I just finished it this morning and it has give me some kind of bewildering clarity that has allowed me to be more vulnerable with myself then i think i have ever been able. All because what tim rogers shared in that 6 hour review about a video game i will probably never play.
I cried for over 40 minutes of the last hour and a half or so of the video. I think ive never been so moved by something in my life. which is a lil weird to say about a review video but as someone who struggles to engage fully with much of the media and literature around me for multiple abstract reasons... it just felt so eye opening. I didnt felt seen in the ways i have felt reading some of the works of nagata kubi or mariko kikuchi, but it truely had me thinking and reflecting on my own life and that of another in ways i thought not possible, or atleast not truely attainable. The parts of himself he was sharing with us spoke to a part me that i struggle to communicate with in an earth shattering way.
It had me reflect on the person ive wished myself to be for so long, the person i wish i wasnt, the things i want to do, my childhood, my goals. It made me first think of how much i have been admiring his work, how microscopic it all is, early in the video i thought he must have just been one of those people that journal in minute detail, just to be thrown into the reality that he doesnt really have a choice in the matter of how much detail he holds on too. Its a bit selfish to say that point broke down a bit of a wall around my own inability to maintain that kind of information, allowed me to give myself grace in regards to the depths or lack there of i have known myself and the pasts buildt together with many of those around me. It made me feel lucky that i had a choice in what i do manage to hold onto. specifically i try to maintain what i can recall of certain thoughts i had as a child in school as deeply as i can so that i can use that to maintain a sense of the personhood and mental capacity of the children i work with. Since i find many adults forget all to easily how whole and how complexy children can understand the situations around them without you realising.
When he shared how his embarrassing memories would make him feel, it made me wish i could share this post i read here on tumblr probably over a year ago about the concept of religious grace being something you can apply without any religion really. im sure he has his own copeing mechanisms but it has been extremely helpful working through some of the anxiety induced delayed shame of my own embarrassing memories. Although my memories fade more in details over time then his do, these memories have definitely made me feel and think in similar ways to how he described he felt in the video.
The topic of grief is a central theme in the video, and grief is something i have not fully come into understanding within my own life as of yet. I dont think i have properly greaved for the lives and parts of people they leave behind in the way he has described, in part because of my tangible disconnect from some of my deepest thoughts, but also because i have been lucky enough not to many people within a close proximity of myself. The most major death in my family has been my grandfather on my mother's side, and i think most of my grief is similar to the grief i felt when tim said that his uncle who sounded cool as hell had passed away from covid and we would never be able to gain the part of tim's uncle that he would have shared with us. Which sounds kinda weird, but i was kinda in the head space of thinking about the parts of people we carry withus that are never apart of our lives, but can still effect us and change us through the words that they shared. Maybe thats why i burst into tears for the first time at that part. I think uncounously it hit a similar cord in my brain when i think about how unfamiliar and distant i was with my grandfather even though i honestly find much in retrospect that i could have connected with him on, and how that cant be changed.
Tim walked through his own missed connections, and talked about process which he dealt with the grief of his friend who had taken her own life. The little pieces of these people and so many others that he had to hold onto, the pieces of himself that he had no way to know of or control, the pieces that the family in boku no yatsunatsume shared with eachother and the players of the game. The pieces of people in my own life, the pieces of myself. All swirled around in my mind as the video closed. Im not sure if i have fully formed thoughts on the mater, but i cried all the same during his discussion mixed with my own internal interpretation and forming take aways.
Id probably have to watch the whole video again to actually have more complete thoughts on the themes of the game itself because of how much space the pieces of tim he shared with us have picked at my own interal walls. Right after watching i sent a message to my partner describing the game as "a microscopically truthful endeavor to capture the vibes of a summer well spent with those around you". Microscopic truthfullness is one of the things i find most endearing in works of media, i was tought about the concept by my father who although i do not have a great relationship with, i do appreciate what he was able share with me when not being a total dickbag. He said most of the best works of art imploys this level of emotional truthfullness, getting down to what you may have really felt in such a way that it cannot be denied as capturing a moment within the human condition. I have for many months considered this one of the best things about tims content, that he himself is so microscopically truthful in his depictions and explorations of games and the stories he tells of his life.
The truthful part of himself he shared within that six hour video essay has torn away at the parts of my own brain that wish to make creative works of many kinds, and allowed me to fully reflect on some of whats in my way. I have not been able to be truely microscopically truthful within myself, some of those reasons are very abstract to me personally, but one struggle that feels like such a road block in my progress is that i fear rereading any of my own writting. I have had issues with reading and writting since i was younge, i think its undiagnosed mild dyslexia and undiagnosed nerodivergence with neglectfuly done unschooling attempted by my parents until i was in 4th grade. My vocabulary was still higher then average, but i very clearly remember the day i actually retained the spelling of the word "the" and "are". There, their, and they're still triped me up whils i was old enough to be using this website and i dont entirely know how to sound out words properly so i make alot of mistakes reading outloud, or when i think too hard about the spelling of names that dont sound the way they look, and i do very badly when words are spelled out in songs. All of these combined with a bitch of a 5th grade english teacher, who i dont know if she understood what my deal was or not, shamed me about many things i did wrong. The major thing that stood out in my mind was when she told me to stop writting in cursive because my hand writting was so eligible, which would be fine if not for her tone and dismissiveness of the fact i was teaching myself how to write like that from scratch based of the cursive chart she had on the wall!!! I was proud and making an effort!!!
Even through all these issues i was still able to be in the top percentage of the grade when 6th grade rolled around because i had finally caught up in my ability to read, even if i wasnt actually retaining much of the information i could read what was on the pages. None of this mattered in the long run because by the time i was in high school and college it became evident that i could not read through my papers to do corrections, and thus even now i am writting this with the best formating i can on the first pass.
I mention all this trama because something about this video, and the pieces of microscopically truthful moments shared by the game devs of bokunatsu and tim have truthfully allowed me to maks emotional progress on this issue. I need to make an improvement here or it will continue to hinder any planning i want to do, any thoughts i dont want to run away from me. Im tired of living my life fearful of myself, my thoughts, and memories. The pieces tim shared of himself and share of those he carries with him unlocked some part of my brain and i just need someone else to know or ill continue to be locked in some ruminating cycle of my own making that i need not hold myself in. In writting this i hope i can take more steps into the light of writting, drawing, paintjng and creating truth for myself and others.
If you made it this far thank you for reading, i hope this part of myself i shared today helps you find kindness to give to yourself and others.
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obscuremechala · 2 years
testing testing 123
i just got here so i wanna test things out, probably won't keep this post in the long run but maybe i'll forget this is up or something idk
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this is my profile pic, i drew it myself real quick and i don't feel like elaborating why. the url is a tad different bc i was thinking of sharing it on instagram (i didn't tho) and tumblr doesn't allow underscores apparently
but i digress
i don't have much to talk about but that's 'cause i don't have a prompt or anything this was just meant to be a test
one day i'll ramble about my story stuff bc there's a lot going on there but there's still a lot i need to figure out
hmm maybe ill do an intro or something
but probably not here i don't think it'll fit
ill test things in the meanwhile
italics? oooh yes
[redacted] (huh would that be unredacted or what is this a paradox)
awelkhfas ooh different fonts too
point 1
point 2
there are no points
what am i doing
idk man
i just got here and want to learn and maybe interact
i tend to just lurk on socials but i am capable of interaction
i just usually don't
friends are nice, i wish i could interact with mine more
testing testing one two three
moths are cute, i like moths
one of my fantasy races/species are inspired by moths but that's for another time
i don't expect anyone to actually read this
tho i do expect it'll take me some time to get used to things here
ive seen a lot of posts on pinterest while looking for writing advice and character design inspo, tho now my feed is 1/3 transformers, 1/3 pokemon, and 1/3 misc. tumblr posts
i also like robots and transformers
what if moth robot
hmm lemme think
i could def make it work in my universe, i shall ponder
anyway more tests
ooo smol
wonder what this does
color text nice
this song is great i found it a few days ago and have listened to it several times on loop
however i don't have spotify i just have youtube music
sad that they deleted google play music, at least i could listen to music outside of the app and with my screen off without paying money
i haven't actually played undertale, i watched a neutral run playthrough and have played deltarune, if i get the game id probably do a pacifist run
undertale music is good tho
there is no 2
what did that do
i don't really get it
maybe it'll do something when i publish this
ooo i should post some art
i don't have a lot tho
maybe i should redraw my old art bc i looked at some last night and yikes
apparently i only recently discovered decent anatomy/proportions and that was via mostly guesture poses
i have recently been shown the way of shapes and im watching a lot of character design and redesign stuff along with my hermitcraft
i never really got into miraculous ladybug but for some reason watching people tear into it and redesign the characters tends to pull me in like a moth to a light
it's funny bc i have no investment in what people are complaining about but im interested in how they make things better/different
also taking notes on what not to do so
i wish i could draw my characters, a good chunk are robots and hard to design, 90% of the rest of them are homemade fantasy races/species i have to actually conceptualize, and then the humans are kinda just there
bc i do have humans there just arent a ton bc i must make everything hard for myself
dw its fun for me it just takes a long time to actually hammer out
i wanna talk more about them but im thinking of better ways to actually organize my thoughts that just vomiting words on a page that no one will see anyway
it's gonna take some tome to figure out this place
maybe ill make separate blogs for original and fandom stuff idk ill explore the features more and get back to
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lilaclaly · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 401 times in 2022
12 posts created (3%)
389 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 351 of my posts in 2022
Only 12% of my posts had no tags
#sw - 99 posts
#star wars - 56 posts
#kenobi series - 52 posts
#stranger things - 51 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 48 posts
#hotd - 38 posts
#stranger things 4 - 37 posts
#house of the dragon - 36 posts
#anakin skywalker - 34 posts
#obikin - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
#since 2011 ive been telling my pjo friends that i always like percy w rachel than annabeth
My Top Posts in 2022:
all i want in this season is main character protagonist gay™ william byers
and ofc byler
70 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
there is more than 24k fics of merthur on ao3, so there must be one where merlin just disappear for a long time and arthur freaks out and a lot of things happens in between and arthur realizes how in love with merlin he is
79 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
you know whats funny to me? people think that el is the main protagonist of stranger things bc shes the one with powers and that can stop the monsters from the upside down.
but for me is like not that at all. for me the real protagonis always was will byers. everything started bc of him. sure, el opened the portals two times, but thats all that she did. she opened the portals for the monsters (and that wasnt her fault at all.) but everything else that happened it was a consequence of will’s disappearance. el wouldnt have meet the party if it them went out looking for will. she would be probably capture eventually and went back to the lab.
the main clue for me its that how the fuck a twelve years old kid escaped and survived for a week on that toxic environment, and everyone else was killed right after they got there? 
for me, will always had powers but they manifested when he was in the upside down. i mean how did he communicated with joyce if the UD was stuck in time on the exact day that he went missing? the thing with the lights if i remember correctly was one or two days after he went to the UD. and why didnt the demogorgon attack and killed him right after they went to the UD? why it saw him biking and went for him when he wasnt even bleeding?
and then in season 2 when will was possessed by the mindflayer he said that the mindflayer didnt want him, but everyone else. i doesnt make sense if u want to use someone someone to get to others and let only him alive. most villans use and then get rid of the person they use. 
for me will byers was specifically targeted from the beginning bc he always had powers and for some reason the mindflayer wants him. its like what dustin said about vecna and the mindflayer.
vecna its the 5 star general and the mindflayer its the boss.
el is the 5 star general all this time and will is the real boss.
did yall get what i mean?
168 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
i think is actually quite funny that people are realizing just now that will is gay and in love with mike. just shows how much there are subtext throughout the whole show and people are not really watching it
384 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
forget about the romance aspect of byler and think about the platonic side of it. imagine hearing your best friend of 10+ years saying to a girl that the day his life started was after he met her and that was the exact day of your disappearance and that was the cause of your traumatic and tragedy childhood.
ngl i would stop being friends with him. that is just a shitty friend i would be pissed and cut him out my life.
582 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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luna7822 · 4 months
"""""GiVe SoMe SpAcE fOr H^Ts ThIs MoNtH cUz LeSbIaNs ArE tOtAlLy St^^^^Ht M^N dEsPiTe BeInG fOr GiRlS oNlY aNd Me BeInG hOmOpH0B1C oN pUrPoSe AnD ApH0B1C aS WeLl CuZ I MiSs ThE pOiNt Of BeInG aRoAcE aNd LeSbIaN aNd ThAt Im A cOmPlEtE iDiOt FoR sAyInG tHiS oN bE uRsElF MoNtH oF aLl ThInG nOw PlS gIvE mE dUmB cLoUt CuZ i SaId So LoL1!!1!11!1!1!1!""""""
says the one who missed the poibt of being aroace and lesbian and who proceeds to make it worse by being downright homoph0b1c and aph0b1c for no reason other than to be an ass and nothing more and reason no 23578833678743346884346644776423677533577 as to why i hate ^^s^^uals, b^t^h """""lesbians""""" being the most unoriginal thing to ever exist, ppl who still use slurs despite being problematic for no reason, aph0b3s, ppl who miss the point of being aroace like the dumb pathetic aph0b1c humans they are, and etc
also reason no 2356788642245678653325775 as to why i despise """"""tumblr culture"""""" sm cuz its boring af and an excuse to be problematic and get away with it for no fucking reason at all cuz atp who even cares when these ppl only exist just to be incredibly aph0b1c to ppl like me and also homoph0b1c to lesbians who are actual women instead of just being an idiot and missing the whole point of it in the first place and i just hate this shit sm since idc if any1s gonna go after me with dumb anon hate like the idiots they are since lesbians are women, aroace means hating l^^^ and s^^ as it should be instead of making it complicated for no reason at all, and ^^s^^uals can burn in hell for all i care since i hate st^^^^^ht ppl sm and that i wish it was never a thing in the first since humans are mostly just a bunch of lame ass dumbshit ppl in general who have no resemblance of remorse or sanity whatsoever and why be urself month shouldve never been too complicated in the first place since ppl really do like hating on aroaces for no reason am i right?????????????????
and also i really do wanna do smth original for once instead of rbing dumb crap 247 since its fucking boring as shit if u do it all the time and1 being vocal abt boring shit is dumb too since i hate ppl who call innocent folks like me """""zionists""""" for no reason without even knowing what the word means and mainly attacking us all cuz we dont wanna talk abt it all that much as if free fucking speech or whatever exists for a goddamn reason
u assholes might as well send me pointless anon hate all u want and i will gladly block u in an instant since ive already gotten like who knows how many blogs atp blocked already cuz of how fucking dumb they are when theyre nothing but complete boting idiots who spout nonsense 24/7 and nothing more
and also if ur an idiot then u better fucking not rb this for stupid attention to write me off as bad for no reason since if u really hate me so badly then the block button is there for a fucking reason as if ive hated so many dumb f^^d^^s already for a few years now cuz i wish they were never a thing in the first place and idc if tumblr has a history of being idiots anyways since its all stupid and pointless when all ppl do is say the exact same shit 24/7 to be extremely boring on fucking purpose like the idiots they are and nothing more
im sry to any followers who has to deal with this post btw since i hate how i got reccomended this stupid post thats incredibly homoph0b1c and aph0b1c in nature when they forget the point of be urself month in the first place and overall just another reason as to why i really despise st^^^^^ht ppl, ^^t^h """""lesbians"""" being the most unoriginal thing ever, ppl who call pearl and/or shiver """""^^t^h"""""" for no reason over the most minor things ever and being dumb, ^^s^^uals who are complete idiots for being part st^^^^^ht, aph0b3s, ppl who miss the point of being aroace and that idc if they think im """""wrong""""" since im right compared to them, and etc
anyway if ur an idiot then feel free to block me and not rb this post for dumb atention to spread lies abt me for no reason
and if u actually agree with me and make sense for once then feel free to rb and like too if ur one of those ppl who think that certain ppl who are idiots are idiots and nothing more :3
0 notes
justanotheradhdian · 6 months
For no particular reason: An unorganized collection of thoughts and incidents today March 27th from a stoned ADHD person.
Decided to make a Tumblr post while overthinking listening to jazz on Pandora, And ended up deleting the post by accident cause I forgot tags.
Techpunk on Spotify is wild.
Somehow managed to be more productive today while struggling to think straight, than had been in the last three months.
Realized Ive been like this since I caught COVID in January and my doc said things post COVID return to "normal" around 2-3 months.
It's over three months now and I've been feeling better the last few days.
Quality of life things are really worth investing time into. Cook your food instead of microwaving it if you can. On a related note, Country fried steak with country vegetables and gravy, Is stupid easy to make. Even for ADHD. You can literally get distracted during every part of the process and overcorrect every time and it still turns out fine.
How I abused the poor country fried steak meal:
Put too much water in vegetables and forgot to cover them.
Over thought about how I was making the gravy. Added more water than was necessary before it thickened cause I didn't think there would be enough.
Added more gravy mix but not more water.
Steaks had already been finished cooking by the point i was starting the sides.
Cooked the now 4 bags of gravy, with only a little more than what's recommended for 2-3 bags, for around 30 minutes on low.
When I say I overwatered the veggies? I put three times the suggested water to boil with the bag of FROZEN veggies.
Ended up forgetting about everything multiple times because I was also making sweet tea. Vanilla sugar cookie with cinnamon. A desert tea.
Gravy is like. Ultra thick and unseasoned cause, high still one of the best things I've ever tasted.
Update: Things I'm hyper focusing on or overthinking about this week:
Terraria's progression system is underrated. Confusing but underrated. I'm having a lot of fun going through blind in 2024
Cookie clicker.
Loose leaf tea.
Whether or not I have a predisposition to addiction due to a familiar connection.
Whether or not me feeling good and productive today was from finally feeling back to normal after COVID, because I took my ADHD meds, being high, Or some combination of the two.
Terraria has a drunk worldgen seed that Is literally everything I've ever wanted from terraria worldgen wise. All the ores, both corruption and crimson, And a laundry list of other things.
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