#i think about nevermore most of the time how did this happen-
(going off the theory that Lenore gave Annabel the flower ring)
What if Lenore broke Annabel's flower ring?
Haha jk jk.....unless
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myysaints · 2 years
𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐮𝐩 — x. thorpe
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XAVIER THORPE x f!reader
⌗︙・ summary — xavier’s into you. like into into you. but unfortunately, you aren’t quite on the same page.
contains — miscommunication, slight slight angst, fluff ending, pining from both ends... just dumb idiots unknowingly in love with each other <3
notes — i am so obsessed with this man and this gif you don't understand. also, requests are open!
You’re tired.
It’s been an exhausting past few weeks; Between helping Wednesday with her investigations, worrying about being a victim of untimely death yourself, and on top of all that, keeping up with your academics, you’ve hardly had the time to even so much as think about Rave’N.
“Wait, what do you mean you don’t have a date?!”
You shrug at Enid, who gapes at you in askance. “I just don’t. Really, Enid, it’s not that big of a deal.”
It’s a Saturday, and you, Wednesday, Enid, and Xavier are seated on a grassy patch - A brief respite from the flurry of school.
“I mean, it’s only one of the most important social events of like, the century!” Enid exclaims.
From beside you, Xavier snorts. “C’mon, Enid, it’s not that big of a deal.”
He turns to you now, eyebrows raised. “Though i am surprised that no one’s asked you out yet.”
Unbeknownst to you, satisfaction bubbles in the long haired boy’s heart. It's not that he’s happy nobody has asked you to the dance - It’s just that it means he still can.
But your nonchalant reply sends his heart racing. “I never said I didn’t get asked out. I just said no.”
Shit. Xavier frowns, avoiding your gaze. So people have asked you out. Of course, what was he thinking? You’re only the most beautiful girl in Nevermore. How could he even delude himself into thinking you didn’t have boys falling at your feet?
Of course, you’d turn him down too. Why wouldn’t you? You’re smart, you’re funny, you’re kind, you’re gorgeous… and him? Well, he’s just there. By your side.
Your best friend.
What would happen if you said no to him, like all those other guys? There’s no way your friendship could recover from that, no, not at all.
The only thing worse than not being your boyfriend was not being your friend at all.
“-I mean, I don’t… I don’t even know what to say!”
Xavier blinks, snapping out of his daze. He sees Enid shaking her head, at an utter loss for words as she says, “You turned down… all those guys? Why?!”
All you do is shrug, and Xavier swears you glance his way before replying, “I guess… I guess I’m just waiting for the right guy to ask.”
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You don’t see Xavier much after that.
If you’re being honest, you're a little disappointed. It’s only five days to Rave’N, and you still don’t have a date. Not that it matters much; After all, you’re perfectly content going on your own. It’s just…
Well, you were hoping a certain long haired artist would ask you to accompany him. But you’re quickly realising that that wish was going to stay that way - Just a wish.
A hopeless, desperate wish.
You curse under your breath as you leave yet another class without speaking to Xavier. It’s almost as if he’s been intentionally avoiding you, though for what reason, you haven’t the faintest clue.
Did you do something wrong? Was it something you said? Something you wore?
Come to think of it, he’s been distant ever since Saturday. Saturday. What happened on Saturday? God, all you can remember is that picnic with Enid and Wednesday, talking about the Rave’N, and… and…
God, what is it?!
You have half a mind to walk over to his dorm and demand for him to open up, but what good would that do? Xavier’s made it abundantly clear that he has no interest in conversing with you, so why should you be the one putting in all the effort when he-
Speak of the Devil and he shall appear.
You turn, forcing an unimpressed look on your face despite the fact that your heart is beating a mile per minute.
To your surprise, Xavier looks nervous. Perhaps the most nervous you’ve ever see him - You don’t even think he was this anxious at the Poe Cup. He’s holding something behind his back, you note. Something pink. And green.
You eye him warily. “Xavier, what is it?”
He walks up to you, hands still clasped firmly behind him. “Look, I… Fuck, this is harder than I thought it was gonna be-”
You feel a sinking pit of dread in your stomach. Your head spins, and your voice cracks as you stutter, “Xavier, are you… Are you friendship breaking up with me right now?”
His eyes widen, almost comically so, and he’s frantically shaking his head. “What?! No, no, of course not!”
He tugs his hand through his hair haphazardly, one hand letting go of whatever he’s holding. You must be dreaming, because you think you see a pink petal float to the ground.
You don’t mean for your voice to be so wobbly, but it is, as you say, “Xavier, I don’t… I don’t understand. You ignore me for days - No texts, no calls, nothing. You wouldn’t even look at me in the hallways! And now all of a sudden, you’re here… with flowers?”
He blinks, glancing down to the small pile of petals that have fallen off, and groans.
“Fuck,” he mutters lowly. “God, this is not how it was supposed to go-”
“hHw was what supposed to go?” you ask, perplexed.
“God, I knew this wasn’t a good idea, I knew it, I-”
“Xavier!” you exclaim, your heart lurching in confusion and exasperation and everything in between. “What is going on?!”
“I like you!”
And everything stops.
“I like you, Y/N, I like you so much it… it hurts, okay? And I wanted to ask you to the Rave’N with me, that’s what all these… The flowers, this whole thing was about. I just couldn’t stand being around you and knowing that you don’t have a date to the Rave’N ‘cause it - shit - it drove me crazy. But it was stupid, I get it, it was stupid of me to do this, and I understand if you wanna pretend like this never happened, but I just need you to know that I love y-!”
Your lips are on him before he can even finish his sentence. It feels like everything’s on fire; His hands are on your hips, and then they're moving around your waist, and you’re being lifted off your tiptoes, and he’s kissing you back, and it’s-
Xavier is breathing hard when you break away, his face flushed.
You smile, and he bites his lip, looking at you bashfully. “So... Is that a yes?”
You laugh, nodding as you thread your fingers in his. You blush when he raises your linked hands to press a kiss your knuckles.
“Yes, Xavier,” you mumble out, feeling him smile in between kisses. “A thousand times, yes.”
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snzhrchy · 2 years
Oh my god, I thought about this at school, okok so can I request a fanfic about Ajax having a crush on the reader (She/her if u can!) and his little snakes constantly trying to be affectionate with her and sneaking outside his little hat to try and touch you???? Thank you!
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ajax petropolus x fem!reader
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synopsis; Gorgons are usually told to keep their distance from the rest of the outcasts but Ajax and his snakes are a little too fond of you. notes; THIS WAS SOO FUN TO WRITE AND THE CONCEPT WAS CUTE TOO OMG taglist; lmk if u wanna be on it !!
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The first time you encountered Ajax's snakes acting oddly around you was when the both of you were studying for your upcoming exam. When this happened, neither of you were aware of each other's feelings towards one another and didn't think too much of it:
Usually, Nevermore's library is rather quiet with no signs of life but not today. Today, the library had been filled with dozens of students trying to cram the entire biology syllabus in less than an hour.
Exam season was upon the students of Nevermore and they were all rest-less, including you and Ajax.
You both were near the end of the library, sitting across from one another as you both were helping each other revise for your upcoming exam. Yet, none of you could get anything done since there were far too many distractions for the both of you.
'Right so, what are the adaptations of a Dionaea muscipula plant?' you asked Ajax looking up from your deck of flashcards that were strewn all over your textbook.
Ajax remained quiet as he tried to think of his answer to your question while you began to scan your textbook again, re-reading all the material in it.
After a while, you turned to Ajax, again, wanting to ask him the question again but were immediately stopped by Ajax, who cursed and shouted: 'Y/N, close your eyes!'
You quickly shut your eyes tight and for good measure, covered them both with your hands. You really didn't want to turn into stone merely hours before your final exam.
Once the gorgon informed you that it was safe to open to your eyes, you slowly obliged. You saw that he looked rather embarrassed as he had his face covered with both of his hands. 'Sorry. I'm really sorry about that, I don't know what's happening to my snakes right now. Usually, they behave quite well,' he apologised.
You shook your head and reassured him that it wasn't his fault that his snakes attempted to stone you. You didn't think too much of this interaction but little did you know that the reason for this was due to the gorgon's major crush on you.
The second time Ajax's snakes attempted to touch you was during Outreach Day at Uriah's Heep. You both had gotten that shop for volunteering and you were very glad to have been there with a friend:
Outreach Day was probably one of your least favourite days of the school year. Yes, you were going out to Jericho and finally having a change of scenery but the entire concept of volunteering was tedious to you — why were you working at a place when you weren't going to be paid?
However, it wasn't all doom and gloom since your best friend Ajax was volunteering there too!
Most of your time spent at that creepy shack involved you both just quizzically staring at the rows of shelves that were filled with the ( nicely dressed ) roadkill or with cleaning out all the dusty old shelves.
Every now and then, you both would crack jokes but would get immediately shushed by the only clerk present in the store.
While you cleaned out a shelf that was right at the back of the store, you were interrupted Ajax standing a little too close to you as he watched you clean out the shelf.
‘Want some help here? I’m done with my side so—‘ Ajax stopped talking when he noticed that a few of snakes were roaming near your small figure.
All your movements stopped when you felt the weird feeling of scales on your head and neck. Your breath hitched. You were unsure of how to proceed; any wrong movement and you’d be a stone.
‘Ajax?’ You called out. 'Yeah? Sorry, give me a minute...' he said as he began to shove the snakes back into his beanie.
The rest of your day spent with him involved you countlessly reassuring him that the snakes were no big deal while he apologised to you endlessly.
Ajax was terrified of the idea of his snakes ever turning you to stone.
The third ( and last ) time his snakes escaped his beanie to affectionately touch you was during the Rave'N - it was a night you both won't ever forget:
The Rave'N was a rather lively and remarkable evening. It started out rather wonderful as well.
Ajax had come to pick you up at your dorm at around 7. He was already dressed in a white suit - he even had a beanie to match. You'd be lying if you said he didn't look attractive.
The entirety of your evening was spent with the both of you dancing to all the songs, drinking and eating.
As it started to near midnight, the songs started to get slower - perfect for ballroom dancing.
Even though your legs were sore and you felt like you could hardly stand but when Ajax asked you to dance with him one last time, how could you say no?
You both spent the last hours of the night in each other's arms. The entire world around you both was a blur and the only thing you could focus on was Ajax's arms around your body.
When the night ended and everyone was leaving; there were barely any people present except for a few other students and you both.
Ajax and you sat at one of the round tables, doing absolutely nothing - just sitting with one another, enjoying each other's company. It was a comfortable silence, to say the least.
The raspy yet comforting voice of Ajax calling out your name, snapped you out of your thoughts as you turned all your attention to him. You hummed in response, urging him to speak - you were too tired to say a single word.
'I...' he began, 'I had a great time here, with you.' You smiled upon hearing his words, 'me too.'
You both sat in silence again until Ajax began another conversation: 'hey, listen... I don't know how to properly say this but...' he trailed off, it was as if he was trying to form the right words in his mind. 'I really like you - I like you a lot, in fact,' he bluntly said.
Your eyes widened in shock; you couldn't believe your ears - your best friend and crush, Ajax had confessed to you. It was too surreal.
You were unaware of how to properly tell him that you harbored feelings for him as well. So, on impulse, you crashed your lips onto his.
Ajax was taken a back by your action but he kissed you back nonetheless. He'd been wanting to do that for so long.
His hands cupped one of your cheeks while the other travelled down to your waist whereas both of your arms were wrapped around his neck.
Unfortunately, you both pulled apart once Ajax realised that his snakes had escaped, again. He frantically apologised to you on behalf of his snakes while you chuckled.
Atleast now the snakes would attempt to escape a little less.
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blacknedsoul-blog · 9 months
The divorce of the White Raven was the chronicle of a foretold death
Now that the White Raven divorce officially begins tomorrow. I wanted to do a little review of why I've been looking forward to this moment for over 40 chapters and the delicious drama to come. 
The chapters of Annabel and Lenore talking in the greenhouse are wonderful for many reasons, but mainly because they lay the groundwork for what the conflicts in their relationship will be from now on, simply put: these two just aren't on the same page. 
Annabel wants to save them both, Lenore wants to save everyone.
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Annabel calls Lenore "my favorite," "my darling," and "my petal"; Lenore understands "my companion animal" (and Annabel doesn't bother to clarify). 
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Lenore says they are friends; Annabel clearly knows they were a couple.
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Annabel tries to kiss her goodbye on the lips; Lenore kisses her hand. 
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As the comic progresses -and especially with the last chapter released by the Freepass- the more fundamental root of this problem becomes more apparent: the White Raven don't really know each other, they think they do and, incidentally, insist on not listening to each other.
The Annabel Lenore Knows
The "disappointment rooms" are a Victorian myth (I say "myth" because there is no evidence that they were a widespread practice, although there are cases like Blanche Monnier's, they did not seem to be particularly common. But they exist in this comic, so they will be treated as real in this essay) were isolated rooms where a family member with a mental illness or physical deformity was kept isolated from the world, making him or her an outcast. 
We don't know the real reasons why Annabel wanted to get close to Lenore (this scene make it clear that it was of her own free will, something Lenore knows), but anyway, this was extremely strange at the time, the kind of thing that could severely damage someone's reputation if it became public.
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In other words, for Lenore, Annabel not only pulled her out of the spiral of madness she was in, made her feel alive again, and treated her like a person (something that hadn't happened since Theo's death); she also put her reputation on the line to get closer to "the crazy woman in the attic". 
Add to that the fact that Annabel, like Lenore, is someone with an extremely protective personality, albeit in a much more subtle way: containing Lenore's outbursts by trying to distract her, complimenting her when she doubts herself, trying to give her a sense of purpose by asking her to write her a song, and automatically containing her own panic attack when she sees Lenore's horrified expression. 
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To Lenore, Annabel is someone who would rather destroy something that makes her happy and be hated than let Lenore suffer for her absence.
This is a gigantic contrast to the Annabel readers know, yes, the basics are there: she is seen to genuinely care about Prospero, and gratuitous violence against someone who cannot defend himself infuriates her. But Lenore does not dimension how Annabel's methods of survival (shaped by her trauma of not being heard, reasons why she machines her way through people) make her a Machiavellian, manipulative and cold-blooded person. 
The last time Lenore saw Annabel in a situation where she could do nothing, she saw her give up. But readers know that this time, Annabel is willing to burn absolutely everything down to get them both out of it.
That is why the Duke affair takes her by surprise. Never mind that Annabel has said she's willing to destroy or trample anyone to get out of Nevermore. The Annabel Lenore knows would not be capable of that.
The Lenore Annabel knows
This part is more difficult to analyze, because unfortunately Annabel's memories are tied to big mysteries within the plot. On the plus side, this comic is excellent at dropping large amounts of information at the point of detail. 
The most obvious: Annabel is carrying around the ring Lenore had when she burned down her house, in other words, "Leo's" charade worked so well that the two of them got engaged. In other words: Annabel has seen this woman burn down a family home (perhaps with servants inside), fake her own death, steal, take a continental trip, change her identity and pose as a man, all to save her from an arranged marriage. 
A very "you and me against the world" situation. A scenario Lenore made possible by lying to basically everyone, even Annabel herself, who must have spent at least a few months believing Lenore was dead until "Leo" knocked on her door. 
Add to that these two scenes: in the first, Annabel seems pretty convinced that Lenore has a good idea of what's going on here...
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And in this one, Annabel thinks Lenore is doing this out of guilt.
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Again, this is a huge contrast to the Lenore we readers have seen throughout the comic: a person who desperately wants to show others the affection and security that no one (except Theo and Annabel) has given her. A mix of a naturally vivacious and caring personality with traumas from which her need for control stems from anxiety and a terrible fear of abandonment. 
In this light, Annabel putting Duke in danger to keep Montressor away from Lenore was something that was informed, known, and something that Lenore would agree with, because the Lenore she knows would be willing to sacrifice anything to achieve her goal. 
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In that sense, that scene is foreshadowing. Not only did Lenore trick her into using a memory that Annabel does not have, but it comes right after Annabel confidently says that "no one knows Lenore better than she does.
The masks
One of the most painful tragedies of the White Raven relationship (besides the fact that it ended with both of them dead) is that one of the two has had to wear a mask on both sides of it: Annabel pretending that this relationship isn't as deeply ingrained in her as it really is, and then Lenore doing the whole "Leo" thing to be "the perfect fiancé" in everyone else's eyes.
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Their divorce is imminent because both of them (especially Annabel) are projecting onto the other the expectations they have that are a product of the few memories they have been able to recover, rather than really looking at the person in front of them. 
I'm going to enjoy all the beautiful character development that comes from here on out, because they both have a lot of unpacking to do separately from this divorce arc. And, I hope that, when they can finally reconcile, we also get to see how, for the first time in the history of their relationship, Annabel and Lenore can actually see eye to eye.
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cobaltperun · 3 months
Woe out the Storm (10) - Crying Lightning
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Wednesday Addams x female Reader
Summary: It took some time, but eventually you came to realize only Wednesday Addams could look at the raging storm of chaos and destruction and make a home out of it. Only she could listen to the cacophony of the roaring thunder and hear a melody.
Story warnings: Wednesday Addams, violence, slow burn
Story Masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
Word count: 4.4k
-Uninviting, but not half as impossible as everyone assumes you are-
“Are you going to tell me what happened two nights ago?” Wednesday’s question made you lower the book you were reading.
You sighed and got up from your bed. The lights in Wednesday and Enid’s part of the room were already dimmed as Wednesday set up candles and whatever else she needed to hold a séance. “I got attacked,” you knew better than to try and keep silent. Frankly, you were surprised Wednesday didn’t bring it up sooner.
She just turned to look at you, obviously not impressed by your very detailed explanation.
The look in her eyes made you look away as you leaned against the wall in her part of the room. “I went to mayor’s office, I thought I could dig up some information on all of this in the archive. Maybe figure out how all of this connects? Crackstone, the Gates family, that message burned onto the lawn, that monster, it can’t all be a coincidence, and then when I typed in ‘Fire will rain’ I felt that…” you still didn’t know how to describe whatever or whoever you saw.
“The one that attacked you,” Wednesday spoke up, causing you to nod.
“Can’t you give up? I don’t want that to happen to you as well and I’m not dumb enough to think it was an accident,” you finally looked at her again, hoping that maybe, just maybe, she’d let this case go. But she didn’t see that. Those eyes. The chill… it felt as if you were one moment from dying, as if your entire existence was left to the mercy of the one who attacked you.
No. Attack would imply actual effort. You didn’t even see it coming, you were effortlessly, utterly defeated and outclassed in every possible way.
Your dad was stronger than you, faster than you, had better range and control over his lightning. Being a raiju meant you were more dangerous than most outcasts, but as far as other raiju went, you weren’t even average.
You could still follow your dad. You could still understand and somewhat quantify the difference between the two of you.
You couldn’t even comprehend the difference between you and the one who attacked you.
“I’m not going to give up just like that,” yet Wednesday remained stubborn.
“Why do you even care about Nevermore in the first place?” you still couldn’t understand why it mattered to her to stop the school’s demise. She hated this place when she came here, saying she was forced to be here, she planned on running away and now she wanted to save it?
Wednesday paused for a moment. “It’s a challenge, I’m not backing away from one. You are free to stop involving yourself with me. In fact, I would prefer it if you did that,” she began lighting the candles and from where you were you couldn’t see her face.
Well, that stung. It stung way more than you were willing to admit to yourself. It wasn’t like you needed Wednesday’s approval, but her all but telling you to leave her alone just like that didn’t leave you entirely unaffected. “Right, I’ll leave you to,” you motioned to the candles and the Ouija board with the name ‘Goody’ written on it. “this,” maybe she just wasn’t in the mood.
Well, if that was what she wanted, maybe you really should give her some space. So, with that in mind, you went outside through the window and zapped to the roof. It was a nice, slightly cold night, with clear skies, meaning there wouldn’t be any storms tonight. Hell, you might even spend the night there.
You didn’t think you were delusional. In fact, you thought you had a fairly acceptable read on people, even ones as closed off as Wednesday. She cared, in her own way, and maybe she only showed it when you couldn’t see it, but she did. She stayed by your side the whole night, and for Wednesday that was huge. And the dance, and letting you keep her knife, and all the other small ways you managed to catch her showing you she cared.
You frowned, glaring at the stars and the Moon. Tomorrow was thirteenth, Wednesday’s birthday, and somehow, something just shifted between you two and there was a rift you weren’t sure how to deal with. Wednesday preferred being alone, sure, and you figured she wasn’t used to caring about people. Maybe it was just wishful thinking, but a part of you thought that maybe, just maybe, she was trying to push you away because she wasn’t sure how to deal with those emotions. Or maybe you really were being delusional and were coping with the possibility that Wednesday plain and simple didn’t care and that she found your presence in her life annoying.
But she showed she cared. Thing said she cared!
You couldn’t help but groan, closing your eyes in frustration.
Why was she so complicated?!
That’s what Wednesday was right now.
A surprise birthday party? A complete waste of her time, though an impressive subterfuge by whoever came up with this plan. Why were all these people here, anyway? They were Enid’s friends, well, most of them, she was sure Xavier was there because he liked her for whatever reason.
Still, she should have realized something wasn’t right when she saw the magazine cutouts used for the message. She didn’t pay enough attention to all the possibilities.
You not being there threw her off. Since it was Cracstone’s crypt going there would mean taking the boat and you wouldn’t approach that much water to save your own life, let alone for a surprise birthday party. So, despite Thing missing and suspicious invitation, she assumed you’d be there as well if her birthday was the reason behind the invitation.
Perhaps that was the logic behind your absence as well. That you being there might tip Wednesday off. Or perhaps she was giving whoever thought of this too much credit and you simply refused to face your greatest fear just to attend a party you probably knew Wednesday would despise.
Either way, her time was wasted, she was pushing you away successfully, and while that should have made her happy it was actually making her feel very irritated, and people she couldn’t care less about expected her to celebrate her birthday with them. If Enid absolutely had to throw her a surprise party, couldn’t she have done it in your own room, with just the four of you there. Wednesday might have even tolerated that enough to cut the cake.
Writing on the crypt caught her attention. “Wait, that’s Latin,” she knelt on one knee to take a better look. “Fire will rain, when I rise,” she translated.
“Okay, that’s not really a wish,” Enid said, but Wednesday was already too focused on the phrase to consider that. Maybe this wasn’t a complete waste of time after all.
“The first part of that was burned onto Nevermore’s lawn, it can’t be a coincidence,” she reached forward, touching the stone with the tips of her fingers and then it happened. The same sensation as her other visions overtook her and she found herself on the ground.
“Crackstone is coming,” she heard as she opened her eyes and realized she was in front of a gate she didn’t recognize.
“Goody,” she recognized the woman behind the gate and now that she wasn’t focused on other things happening in her vision, she realized it was almost like she was looking in a mirror. The only actual difference was the blonde hair. The height, the face, the resemblance was undeniably disturbing.
“You’re the Raven in my bloodline,” she spoke and disappeared. “Wednesday,” she appeared next to Wednesday.
Wednesday turned to her, finally she could ask what she wanted. “I was told you could teach me how to control my ability,” maybe that way she could at least predict when a vision would happen.
“There is no controlling a raging river. You must learn to navigate it without drowning. Time is not on our side,” she turned to the gate. “To stop Crackstone, this place you must seek.”
No teaching then, the dead were as disappointingly insistent on wasting her time as the living. “Do you always speak in riddles?”
“Do you always seek simple answers?” Goody replied immediately.
That irked her, for more than one reason. “Like using a raiju? I won’t do that,”
“You have no time for other solutions. Raiju is your best weapon,” there wasn’t even a hint of hesitation, just because Goody more than likely used her raiju. Not even her mother telling her many believed Goody was in love with him persuaded Wednesday to understand Goody.
She wasn’t in love with you, yet she refused to use you, to put your life in danger. “Y/N isn’t my weapon,” she wasn’t budging on this, she was adamant on standing her ground on this, no matter how unreasonable it would sound to Goody.
“She will be, when you realize this is bigger than one life,” driven mad by her desire for vengeance, Goody couldn’t stop herself, she couldn’t stop even if stopping meant she could keep her raiju by her side.
Wednesday glared, not only did Goody say she couldn’t teach her, but she also spoke as if Wednesday should just throw you into danger and Wednesday wouldn’t do that. No matter what Goody said.
“Do not grow attached to your raiju. The path of a Raven is a solitary one. You end up alone, unable to trust others, only seeing the darkness within them,” Goody warned her.
“Is that supposed to scare me?” she could already only see darkness in most people. And being alone was the best outcome for Wednesday.
“It should,” she vanished as if she was made of smoke. “Use your raiju,” her last words echoed and Wednesday despised how Goody went from saying ‘a’ raiju to ‘your’ raiju.
Wednesday’s attempts to push you away seemed to be failing miserably, as you casually approached her first thing in the morning with a long black box in hand.
“Hey, birthday girl,” you offered her a cheeky grin, confidently striding over to her table. At least you didn’t wish her happy birthday or open with the song, though being called ‘birthday girl’ was nearly as bad.
“Don’t call me that,” she warned, causing you to raise your hands in mock surrender.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you set the box on her table and took a step back. “I know things have been a bit, awkward, I guess, between us, but it’s your birthday, so I figured we can set it aside?” maybe she misread your confidence, because now that she properly looked you in the eyes she saw a hint of weakness, an uncertainty you were trying to cover up.
Her attempts were working, it wouldn’t take much longer to break your resolve.
It still didn’t feel as good as she hoped it would.
“Thank you,” she still thanked you as she carefully took the box, feeling the weight in her hands, it wasn’t too heavy, it was definitely lighter than it looked, so likely something that couldn’t be packed in a more convenient package. She glanced at you once more before opening the box. When she saw what was inside it not even she could hide her surprise.
“I did take one of your own, so I figured this was only fair,” you rubbed the back of your head sheepishly as she pulled the knife out of the box. It was a work of art, its weight perfect and handle perfect for a firm grip regardless of the intended use of the knife. The sheath was made of leather, light gray with black stripes. Wednesday pulled the knife out of it and slid her fingers across the side of the blade. The pitch-black steel looked sharp and the handle, decorated with light gray stripes, similar to those of a tiger, looked as if it was personalized. Was it one of your own knives? Wednesday knew you had your own collection, because you used them to zap around so you naturally developed an interest in knives, at least that was how you explained it when she asked.
“Was this your own knife?” she asked.
“It felt like the only gift worth giving,” you still wouldn’t look her in the eyes, and you clearly weren’t going to explain any further, so Wednesday didn’t push, at least this time.
“Thank you,” she said sincerely, setting the knife next to her typewriter.
You smiled, as if realizing how sincere her gratitude was, and took a couple of steps forward before crouching down and resting your forearms on her table. “Okay, I’m not going to ask you to confirm this, but I’ve been thinking, and I think you are dealing with something in your own way, and I might be wrong, but I feel like I should give you space.”
Somehow Wednesday’s cold dead heart sped up, hammering nails into her chest from the inside so hard she nearly looked down to see if nails were really coming out of her.
“I’ll give you all the space you want, but I’ll be right there,” you pointed your thumb behind you, toward your part of the room. “So, if you need or want me to go somewhere with you, I will,” you paused, or finished, but it sounded like you were just pausing. Still, you got back up so maybe you were done. “Just, if you think it might be dangerous, please let me come with you,” you requested, your gaze so soft Wednesday was now absolutely certain nails were about to pierce through her chest.
She needed to put a stop to this, because she had no control over what was happening between you two and that disturbed her, and not in a good way.
“Oh, yeah, uh, I shouldn’t say this, but heads up, Enid’s gift is… something, yeah, let’s go with that,” you chuckled uncomfortably, and that was the only warning Wednesday would get. Granted, it was more than enough for her to mentally prepare, but nothing could have prepared her for what Enid called a snood.
Not even her composure kept her jaw from dropping.
She wondered what kind of threat or blackmail you managed to use to avoid wearing one too, since the blonde werewolf clearly complained about you refusing to wear your own.
Wednesday Addams was a constant source of worry and you were just fully realizing that. “Did you just say she was in the back of mayor’s car when he got hit by a car?” you repeated what Enid just told you with your head clutched between your hands. How could one person go through so many things? That would probably remain a mystery to you.
“Wednesday!” Enid exclaimed when Wednesday came back, looking like nothing happened. Like there was no need to worry about what she saw. “How are you holding up?”
“I’m perfectly fine, in fact, it was on my bucket list,” of course it was. She met your worried gaze just for a moment and then made her way to her table to, soon enough, start her writing time. You figured you could give her some time, just like how she gave you some time after you were attacked.
You knew it wasn’t entirely fair to make a fuss about Wednesday sneaking out, when you did the same thing. Still, you were a raiju, in theory you could have dealt with almost anything, or at least escaped if needed. Wednesday was, aside from her vision, almost a normie.
So, you decided to give Wednesday a day to process every thought she had regarding what she saw.
You didn’t expect the next time Wednesday would speak to you would be while she was in the bathroom, calling you to come inside. And then, just as you stepped inside, the world went black.
You woke up to the feeling of excruciating pain as your body instinctively held the lightning in from bursting through. “Damn it, Wednesday!” you yelled, feeling the anger rise as you realized you were tied up in a bathtub filled with water. At least she placed you there in a way that didn’t allow you to drown.
She should have. Because you were going to be beyond angry when you got out. That is if you could. Sure, you could probably damage the ropes, but Thing was right there, guarding you and making sure you weren’t capable of bursting through with lightning. He was too close for a burst of lightning to actually work and set you free without hurting Thing in the process.
“Thing, buddy come on, get away so I can get free,” you pleaded, gritting your teeth as the pain increased. You were submerged up to your chest, and it was getting increasingly more difficult to stay in control over your lightning. If it continued like this you might actually shift right in the bathroom. Thing, however, refused, leaving no space for arguments as he confirmed his loyalties were primarily to Wednesday.
“Wednesday when I see you again,” you didn’t intend to give her space like this! How could she even do this to you?! Knowing full well what leaving you in water would mean for you! Insistent knocking on the window made your eyes widen. Maybe this torture could end.
“Wednesday!” Xavier called out, clearly from within the room. Usually, you’d complain about his nerve, but now you really didn’t care.
“Xavier! Get over here and grab Thing for me!” you yelled back and took a couple of deep breaths to make sure you were still in control over your lightning as he came in with his eyes covered. “You kinda need your eyes, and I have my clothes on, you dumbass,” you rolled your eyes, no longer having patience for any of this.
He opened his eyes and rushed outside the bathroom right away. You were expecting too much. “How did you even end up in that situation?!”
“Wednesday happened to me!” you snapped at him, glaring at Thing since he was the next best option with Wednesday gone for now. “Thing probably knows where she is, so go ahead and deal with that, just get him out of the bathroom,” you demanded.
You could hear Xavier taking deep breaths before rushing in and trying to grab Thing. Thing easily dodged him, but Xavier remained persistent and a few minutes later you could set yourself free. Now all that was left was to deal with Wednesday.
Thing gave in and revealed to Xavier Wednesday’s location, and you couldn’t help but glare at Thing. Seriously? Xavier got to know and you didn’t?! “I’m going after Wednesday. Do you want to come with me or-“ he stopped talking the moment he saw your glare. “I guess not. That’s fine! I’ll leave you alone!” he raised his arms, surrendering as he back away as quickly as he possibly could.
Xavier left you alone, knowing better than to stay close to you right now, especially since you were seething. Pushing you away was one thing. This? This was a whole other thing. You nearly tore your clothes off before grabbing a towel to dry off. And then you sat down at your table, your anger not fading even a fraction by the time Enid came back into the room, clearly distraught.
“What happened?” you were honestly surprised with how calm you sounded.
“Wednesday happened! She took me and Tyler to the Gates mansion and the monster was there! We could have died, Y/N! Tyler got hurt! Wednesday doesn’t care, she just wants to solve her mystery!” Enid cried out, and any other time you would have comforted her, you would have tried to calm her down, this time you just left the room, nearly slamming the doors behind you.
Somehow, Wednesday managed to avoid getting expelled, and she managed to avoid getting Enid and Xavier into trouble. It was a close call, and Tyler could have died, but she was one big step closer to solving this case. That was all that mattered, and she’d figure out how the mansion got cleared of all the evidence so quickly, she just needed to sit and think about it.
“Wednesday!” she froze near the top of the stairs. This was the first time she heard you that angry. Thing warned her you would get angry at her over what she did, she just didn’t realize just how angry you’d get. She didn’t see this kind of anger even when you faced Rowan.
Wednesday guessed your eyes were red and she was… wrong. They were flashing between red and orange.
“What the fuck were you thinking?!” you stopped right at the top of the stairs as Wednesday climbed up the rest of the way.
“I was making sure you were giving me space,” she wasn’t going to show weakness to you. She wasn’t afraid, but she didn’t feel good either.
You snorted at that, clearly not happy with that response. You turned away from her, perhaps not even able to look at her with how angry you were. “It that how you call it? First you put me through pain and nearly forced me to shift and now you put Enid in danger! Both of you could have died!”
“No one died and-“ before she could finish her sentence you spun around and pointed your finger at her, nearly jabbing her in the chest.
“No! This is where you shut it! You’ve seen what that monster did to Rowan, you’ve seen what happened to me, yet you chose to take a normie and a werewolf that can’t wolf out with you to a place that is clearly connected to this entire mystery of yours,” you stopped yelling, but your words were still laced with so much rage you didn’t even need to yell for Wednesday to feel it. “And you might as well be a normie as well, since all you have are those visions. Why am I even trying, you won’t listen to me no matter what I say,” you took a step back, getting closer to the stairs. “You know what? I’m done. You win, Wednesday,” you pulled out the knife she threw at you, the same knife you decided to claim as your own and pushed it toward her. You waited just enough for Wednesday to figure out what you meant and wrap her fingers around the handle. “At least try not to die.”
You turned around, intent on going down the stairs. Against her every instinct, against her dislike for being touched or touching someone, she reached out and grabbed your hand. “Where are you going?” didn’t you hear the rain?
“To my shed,” at least you were still answering her questions even if the way you glared back at her made her uncomfortable.
“It’s raining,” she couldn’t look at you, yet she couldn’t let go of you either.
You pulled your hand away, yanked it out of Wednesday’s hold and for a moment Wednesday dared to think she would have preferred it if you electrocuted her. “Don’t,” you warned and you didn’t need to finish that sentence. She got the message loud and clear, she shouldn’t even think of interfering. Not after what happened tonight.
The words she should have said remained stuck in her throat, as if someone wrapped them in a barbed wire and forced Wednesday to swallow them. “Wait,” it wasn’t enough, you were already halfway down the stairs by the time she managed to force even that one word out.
And it was just the start. Not even ten minutes later she was left entirely alone. After you, Enid left as well, not as angry as you were, but upset nonetheless.
Wednesday couldn’t blame her. She didn’t ask for friends, but Enid became that to her regardless. And you… it felt different with you, it felt different than anything she ever felt before, and it was a powerful feeling she couldn’t even begin to handle.
For the first time in her life being alone didn’t feel so good and Wednesday curled up against the window, right at the middle of it. She shouldn’t feel like she was feeling right now, she should have been fine with this, happy that she got what she wanted, at least with you.
Enid leaving hurt as well, even if the kind of pain wasn’t the same, but that hurt as well. Wednesday realized far too late that somehow, the two of you tore your way into her heart and now your very absence hurt her. Thing came up to her shoulder, offering a comforting pat. Telling her that he was right would have hurt less than his compassion and reassurance that both you and Enid would come back.
Wednesday pulled her knees to her chest, hiding her face as she curled up as much as she could. The rain hitting the window, and lightning in the distance made her cover her ears. You were out there in the storm and it was all her fault. Abruptly, Wednesday got up and went to your part of the room, hoping that some distance from the windows would let her ignore the storm outside.
She wasn’t entirely sure how it got to that point, but in one moment she was standing in front of your bed and then she was taking her boots off, leaving them next to your bed and lying down, not even in her usual position. She just curled up once again and clutched your pillow.
She should have been honest with you, she should have told you about what her mother told her, she should have told you she wanted you to stay.
Somehow, she kept doing everything she shouldn’t have with you, or in some way connected with you. She shouldn’t have fallen asleep in your bed, but she did it anyway, and she didn’t wake up even when Thing pulled your thin blanket over her. And there, completely alone yet more surrounded by you than ever before, she remained for the rest of the night, her senses and emotions overwhelmed.
A/N: Four chapters in roughly a week? Honestly, I’m very happy with that. Please tell me what you think about this chapter, I’d really like to know if you think I’m making Wednesday seem OOC? Especially with the last scene.
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vastill · 8 months
Blue petals
Larissa Weems/fem!reader
warnings: 18+, NSFW, oral, fingering, sex pollen, pet names, swear words
words: 2000+
My requests are open!!
English is not my first language!!
A/N: hello darlings💚 im back and im back with a smut! i finally finished it and i think im happy with how it turned out. i hope you guys will enjoy it!!💚 let me know what you think!!
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Principal Weems found solace in the quiet company of flowers whenever she felt overwhelmed. The plants in Nevermore’s greenhouse always were well-groomed and in the easiest way possible beautiful. She refrained from disturbing the botany teacher, so she would often venture to the greenhouse after her work hours.
However, a new plant had appeared in the garden. You were unsure how it got there and didn't have time to identify its species. Being a Nevermore teacher consumed most of your time. You decided to examine it over the weekend and, for now, simply transferred it to a pot and hid it at the back of the greenhouse to keep it out of sight.
On a Friday night, you were in your office studying the newfound plant. Searching some information in books and on some discussion forums for botanists. There was very little information about it, but it wasn’t poisonous. That’s comforting. You were scrolling through some articles and found the photo of said plant. It said sex pollen. You didn’t need more information to start sprinting to the greenhouse, hoping that no one got close to the plant.
How wrong you were.
While you were in your office, Principal Weems wandered into the greenhouse. There, she stood admiring the new plant you had acquired. It was remarkably beautiful, captivating her attention with its small size and vibrant, shining blue petals. She had never seen anything like it before. Curiously, she leaned in to sniff the plant, and its strong aroma awakened something within her, although she didn't think much of it. As soon as she heard footsteps approaching the greenhouse, she quickly left and returned to her office.
You rushed to the greenhouse to take care of the plant and started wondering whether you should inform Principal Weems about it. After all, some students might have interacted with the plant while you weren't watching. Yes, you should tell her. And with that, your walk to the principal’s office began.
Larissa didn’t know what happened, she was horny. She felt an intense urge to satisfy herself immediately, fearing that she might explode if she didn't. Her hands instinctively began to explore her body, starting from her neck and moving down to her chest. Her breasts were never this sensitive, and she was touching them through her blouse. She couldn't help but wonder how she would react when her most sensitive area was touched. Unintentionally, a moan escaped her lips. Just as she was on the brink of climax from the mere touch on her chest and neck, her blissful moment was interrupted by loud knocking. She quickly composed herself, making sure she appeared presentable and invited the person at the door to come in.
You walked into the office, Larissa seemed off, something was different in her, and for now, you couldn’t grasp what exactly.
“Principal Weems, hello, I’m sorry for the interruption but I need to inform you about a plant that was in my greenhouse.” You said quickly. You looked at her but she wasn’t saying anything, she was just staring at you. Her dilated pupils scanned over your silhouette. Were you dreaming? But the plant didn’t do anything to you. No, it didn’t, you were sure. So what is going on?
“Principal Weems? Did you go to the greenhouse today?”
“Hmm?” she shook herself from daydreaming.
“Did you go to the greenhouse today?”
“Oh yes, this new flower is exquisite, what kind it is?” Larissa said with a dreamy voice.
“Oh my, did you touch it? Or sniff it?” Please say you didn’t, please, please.
“Yes, I did. Why are you so tense up Y/N? Something happened?”
“Principal Weems, Larissa if I may, this flower produces something like, well it’s called sex pollen.”
“What?” That sobered her up a little. A sex pollen flower, that’s why she was feeling this way. “Oh my god, please tell me you are joking.”
“I am not, I’m sorry that I didn’t take care of it earlier. I just figured out what it is and walked straight to your office.”
“Fucking hell. Can I do something about it?” Larissa asked, her voice holding hope.
“Um..from its name, it only comes out of the body with..um intercourse or masturbation. You need to relieve yourself or someone needs to do this for you.” You told her, embarrassment visible on your face. You didn’t think you would be having this conversation with your boss. “I’m sorry I will leave you to it. If there will be some complications or something like that you know where to find me.” And with that, you left to your quarters.
Larissa was left alone, horny, and frustrated. She tried and tried. But anything brought her relief. She was left with only one choice.
Find you.
After you left, your mind wandered to the tall blonde and wondered how she was doing, specifically what she was doing. The images of Larissa pleasuring herself lingered in your mind. As you were getting ready to go to sleep, a knocking sound interrupted you.
You opened the door to see extremely angry Larissa.
“What happened? A-are there more difficulties? I don’t have an antidote yet.” You asked with worry in your voice, but when she looked at you with her eyes full of lust, you knew that wasn’t the problem.
“Can I come in? I don’t think it’s a matter I want to discuss where anyone can hear me.” She said nervously, fidgeting with her fingers. “I tried Y/N, and tried and nothing helps. I don’t know what to do now. I think I might combust in a moment if this feeling won’t disappear.” She told you, her voice whiny, you never hear her like this.
“I’m terribly sorry Principal Weems-”
“Larissa, please Y/N, we are over it.”
“Okay, so I’m sorry. Larissa, I don’t know how to help you. I wish I could but I don’t have any medicine or solution yet.” You said hanging your head low.
“I think I have an idea,” she said as she came closer to you. “Y/N, I will be honest, and you can do anything with it,” she said, taking a breath. “I find you very attractive, not just in looks, but also in your way of thinking. I would never tell you this, but the situation is extreme. So, darling, would you do me a favor and have sex with me? Please?” She looked gorgeous. How could you deny someone like Larissa? She was perfect in every aspect, especially when she looked at you with those ocean-blue puppy eyes.
You grabbed her chin and kissed her hard. Her lips felt soft and warm against yours. As your lips met, they parted effortlessly, inviting your tongue to explore. Your lips moved in sync, filled with urgency. When you needed to catch your breath, you nibbled on her lower lip before parting. You took her in, her hair messy, pupils dilated and full of desire, and her lips swollen. You couldn’t take your eyes off her, a slight blush crept on her cheeks from your stare.
“Come here.” You led her to your bedroom, keeping your mouths locked together along the way. When you felt resistance behind her you lightly pushed her torso. She landed on the mattress with a soft sound. Wasting no time you straddled her lap and attached your lips to her jaw. Moving lower to her neck, you searched for her sensitive spot. And when you kissed behind her ear, she moaned, so you stayed there, leaving light marks for her to find later.
“Y/N, please. I need you dear.” She moaned, her hips bucking beneath you. You quickly undressed her, starting with her shirt. Taking a moment to admire her, you gawked at her beauty.
“Larissa, you are so beautiful. The most perfect woman I have laid my eyes upon,” you said before attaching your lips to her neck again, but this time going lover. “Lay down for me,” you instructed, standing up and ridding yourself of the T-shirt and pants, leaving only your panties. You could feel her eyes roaming around your body.
Once again, you straddled her, your lips finding their way to her neck while your hands massaged her breasts. She was a moaning mess under you. You kissed around her nipples, never exactly touching them but when you did she let out a scream. And you were thankful for soundproof rooms in Nevermore.
“Oh, please, please Y/N. That feels so good,” she breathlessly pleaded, her hips rutting against the air. “I think I might cum only from this, please don’t stop.” So you continued, taking the other nipple in your mouth, sucking and biting it. The sounds that escaped from her mouth were heavenly. You wanted to hear them for the rest of your life.
“Fuck, fuck, yes! Oh darling, please, I’m so close!” She screamed, and with that she orgasmed. You never brought a woman to her peak solely by devouring her breasts. Her chest heaved as she took deep breaths. You moved away to give her a moment, but she grabbed your neck and pulled you in for a kiss. Her mouth hungrily met yours, teeth clashing together. The kiss was clumsy yet filled with desire and tongues.
“How are you feeling darling?” you asked with a voice heavy from lack of air.
“Better, but still Y/N I need more from you. Please touch me.”
“But I’m touching you, don’t you see?” you said with a smirk.
“Y/N, I want your fingers inside me. I need your tongue all over me bringing me to orgasm after orgasm. I need that so much. Please give it to me.” Larissa begged you.
“Your wish is my command. But for the record, I never took you for a begging type,” you said, lowering yourself to her stomach, and leaving a few kisses and marks in your wake. Her stomach twitched when you lowered yourself. “Can I take these off?” you asked.
“Yes!” she said quickly.
You nestled between her legs, her glistening folds in front of your face. Her scent overwhelmed your senses. You started by kissing her thighs, getting closer to her center. You gently kissed her clit, causing Larissa to whine as her hips bucked into your face. You began licking and sucking on her clit, listening to the moans that escaped from Larissa's mouth. One of your hands grabbed her hips to prevent her from moving while the other slowly approached her entrance. You slid your fingers inside her, feeling her wetness and heat. Curling your fingers, you continued to move them in and out of her, building a steady rhythm.
“Harder, please!” Larissa let out between her moans.
You added a third finger, pumping them faster and deeper, making her moan and writhe with pleasure. Her hips trying to match the rhythm of your fingers. She was lost in pleasure, her moans freely leaving her mouth.
“Oh fuck-” you could feel her tightening around your fingers. Her fingers tangled in your hair. Larissa's hips moved of their own accord, using your face for her own pleasure. “Please, don’t stop! I’m so close!” You could only emit a low growl.
Her movements grew sloppy, and she was on the edge of orgasm. You worked harder than ever to give her what she desired so desperately. And with another curl of your fingers, her body stiffened, and she let out a scream. Her thighs clamped around your head, and you allowed her to ride out her orgasm. When her movements slowed down, you gently removed your fingers, earning a whimper from Larissa.
Glancing at her blissed-out expression, you admired her beauty. Her face was flushed, her lips swollen from kissing and biting, but what fascinated you the most were her eyes, filled with emotions. “Are you okay?”
She looked at you with tired eyes and smiled gently. “Yes, I feel better. And I can assure you that we are going to do it again in the near future.” You chuckled at her response. She grabbed you and pulled you closer.
“Take a lady on a date first!” you giggled as she attacked your neck with kisses. “Maybe I will, but right now, I want to return the favor.” Your eyes widened as she smirked at you.
You didn't need any more encouragement. The two of you spent the rest of the night rather occupied with each other. It was a night neither of you would soon forget, and it was only the beginning of a passionate affair between you and Principal Weems.
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ornii · 3 months
Could I request Wednesday with a male reader who's invisible? Maybe she's lamenting about not being able to actually see him.
Funny Enough I have something like this! They’re somewhat invisible but it would be better to call them a—
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Wednesday Addams X Male Reader
The sky was dark, blacker than usual. It was most likely due to the blood loss. Nevermores ground was seeped in your blood, You lied on the hard cold ground of nevermore, dying. A single stab wound to the stomach. You felt numb, cold, the rain slowly began to land on the ground and begin to welt on the earth, you slowly began to fade into the dark, before your eyes locked into one person, you couldn’t remember his name, only his last name is what was screaming into your brain.
“Gates.” You barely mutter, before it all went away. Death is an experience very very few can tell you about, due to how complicated it all is. But one thing is for certain, it isn’t always the end. As it was made plainly clear to you, 32 Years later.
Wednesday Addams. She sat in a dark room, dimly lit by candles around her as she held onto a black stone, reciting a dark chant into a hushed whisper. Her room door opens suddenly, knocking the candle lights out and calmly illuminating a single being beyond the door, Wednesday’s vision was limited by the smoke and dark but it sees she has her answer. Expecting her spectre, she was very disappointed to see it was her bubbly roommate, Enid Sinclair. Enid noticed that she was interrupting.. whatever Wednesday was doing.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt your… Uh, do I even want to know?” Enid flatly gave up.
“I was reaching into the black maw of death to contact a relative.” Wednesday explained in her calm but deadpanned demeanor.
“Feels very on-brand for you.” Enid replies, walking over she noticed a name etched to the wood. Goody.
“You have a relative named Goody?” She inquired.
“She was one of the original outcasts.!Been attempting to summon her, but she seems to be ignoring my entreaties.” Wednesday explains.
“Oh, you thought about using one of my!scented candles? The aroma of steak tartare is to die for.” Enid offers and Wednesday folds her arms.
“Very.. hard pass. I just need to keep knocking, she will answer.” Wednesday said, confident, Enid was less so.
“Well, you might think you’ll invite someone you.. don’t want?” Enid said.
“Like you?” Wednesday always had. Knock for antisocial behavior.
“Funny. But I’m being serious, I heard from our Divinity teacher that opening a door on the other side might be hard to close.” Enid was obviously concerned for Wednesday, but little did she know, the door has already been breached.
In the void, an Empty darkness, You had awoken back up, but you could only see darkness, touching your face you felt nothing, as if you were and weren’t there at the same time. As this happens, night has crept up on Nevermore and the students are all sleeping in their dorms. Enid wasn’t, as the idea of a ghost haunting her room has kept her up, Wednesday was absolutely unbothered.
She peers from under her pink bed sheets to look around again, Enid hears the crack of a door and her eyes quickly dart over to the balcony door they have, a miasma of blue mist slowly emulated from the door, pouring in and Enid immediately was tossed into a panic, she hides under the covers, and then peeks out to a shadow, somehow standing outside. She covers her mouth before she could scream. She peeked over to Wednesday in a toss.
“Wednesday!! Wednesday!!!” She said, in fear and a whisper. Wednesdays eyes opened like a reanimated corpse.
“Enid, if you are waking me up at this time for something trivial—“ Wednesday started but Enid, on the verge of tears points to the balcony, Wednesday looks over as the shadow silenced her anger, it worked.
You rubbed your nonexistent eyes into the shadows began to fade, and you stood on the balcony of Nevermore, ironically enough it gave you the perfect view of where you died. In that ground, and for a moment your friends eyes flash before you. You looked at your hands, translucent and a loss of color, as if you came out of a photo from the 70’s. You had no real feeling in your body but you could sense someone’s presence. You calmly put your hands in your nonexistent pockets and turned around to face the approaching figure, your eyes lock with hers and you came face to face with a girl who looked almost as dead as you, pale skin, oddly deep black abyss eyes, and the cutest nose, but you pushed that last part to the back of your head. She was a mystery girl to you, it was obviously pretty awkward for the both of you. You decided to break the ice by asking arguably the dumbest question you could.
“Can I help you?” You said, the moment the words exited your lips you realized how dumb that sounded. She didn’t acknowledge your screw up and eyed you up and down.
“Are you meant to lead me in my ethereal conversation with Goody?” She asked, you had idea what the hell she was talking about.
“Goody?” You asked, confused. The girl looks away giving you a side eye.
“I suppose this is what Enid meant.” She then turned back to you, “I suppose I’ll be forced to exorcise you back to the depths of Hell.” She said plainly as if that isn’t going to be an absolutely painful experience.
“Or you don’t do that.” You suggest.
“Why not? You serve no purpose on helping me contact Goody Addams.”
Addams. That last name clicked something off in your brain, and it began to work its magic, you noticed that the girl is, oddly familiar looking. You leaned in as she took a step back, your translucent eyes glaze all over her.
“Hm.. you do look familiar.” You said, and she squints.
“That’s particular, because I do not know you.” She responds defensively.
“Yeah, you look like Morticia.” You said snapping your fingers, you knew you recognized the nose. “It’s the button nose and hair. I knew it looked familiar.”
“I unfortunately share the same genetics with my mother.” She admits, and the word mother hit you in the face like a baseball bat through your skull.
“Mother? You’re…” you trail off, unsure of how to feel. “Is your dad.. Gomez?” You asked, actually afraid of the answer.
“Yes.” She replies, and you for a moment for an odd psychosis of reality bending. You caught yourself and was in disbelief.
“I can’t believe those two.” You stammered. The girl raised an eyebrow. “What has you so enamured?” She slightly pouted.
“Because I know those two. They’re alive.” You jaded relief in your heart, happy that this wasn’t the end for them. The Mystery Girl was becoming less of a Mystery now.
“You knew my parents? How?” She asked and you showed your Old Nevermore uniform, and it clicks for her.
“Classmates.” The muttered.
“Long Story, but I know them.. I was just worried about what happened to them after…” you thought hard about it, after The Gates planned such a heinous crime.
“That’s not important… if you want to exorcise me, so be it.” You said, the girl hesitates before answering.
“Actually you might be of… some use.”
“..Huh..” you thought. “Okay.. how?” You asked.
“I could use an extra pair of eyes..especially ones that cannot be seen. Wednesday Addams.” She said, you gave her your name in return and accepted.
“That’s.. fine by me.” You mutter, you offer a handshake. “Deal?” You said, smirking. She doesn’t go for it. “I’m not an idiot I know you’d just phase though my hand.” She said blankly.
“Heh, your dad always thought it was funny.” You said, putting your hands in your pockets. “So… should I introduce myself to the girl cowering in those pink bedsheets?” You asked.
“Why bother with Enid?”
“Because she can see me, and it would be more civil.” You said and walk past Wednesday, you step into the room and hear the cowering in the bed. You stroll over and hear whimpering under it. “Oh, I must have startled you.. I’m sorry.” You knelt down to her bedside.
“Excuse me? Could, we talk?” You asked.. you waited as she slowly opened her covers to see her beautiful blue eyes. You smile and trying to look the least bit intimidating.
“Hello there, I’m sorry if I scared you.. didn’t mean to. I promise I’m not here to haunt your room or your roommate.” You reassure her, the girls eyes looked you up and down and she slowly sat up out of her bed.
“So, you aren’t gonna possess us?” She said. You raised an eyebrow wondering if you can even do that. “Of course not. I promise. I’m a family friend of Wednesday.” You said, The girl looks more relieved.
“That makes more sense.” She says, and leans in to whisper, “Shes.. really unique.” Enid said, which made you smile. “She definitely is.” You turned back to Wednesday who was a bit unsure about you, but now more confident.
“So.. what do you need help with exactly?” You asked, and Wednesday gave you a pretty harrowing answer.
“What do you know.. about the Gates family?” She said, a flurry of dark painful emotions poured into your soul and although you had no physical body the anger you felt was human, it was real.
“A lot.. and good riddance to them, because they’re the reason I’m dead.” You said in a haunting whisper.
“Interesting, we’ll have to converse more about this tomorrow, but tonight I must sleep, you may leave.” She orders.
“Leave.. where?” You reply. “It’s not like I can go back. And why would I need to leave anyway?” You ask, Wednesday looks past you.
“Because you’d be creeping late at night in a dorm with two girls.” She responds, which You didn’t have much of a response to.
“Well.. when you put it like that… fine.” You give in and walk to the door, calmly phasing though the door and sitting at the other side of the hall. You stare at the door, knowing that when it opens the next morning that this will be an adventure that you would have never expected to be a part of.
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vxntagedior · 1 year
So could you do a, Xavier x fem!reader , where she's Wednesday's cousin and has a crush on Xavier. When Wednesday goes to Xaviers shed and thing pushes the blanket from over the painting, could it be a painting of the reader, and Wednesday thinks its creepy and she tells reader and you can decide how it ends. (idk if that made scenes but I thought it would cute.)
picture of you
summary | after discovering a picture of you, wednesday can't keep her mouth shut
pairing | xavier thorpe x fem!addams!reader
warning | fluff, friends to lovers, xavier has a crushhhh,
word count | 1.3k
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Wednesday couldn’t hold a single ounce of love to anyone, except her cousin, and you really couldn’t call it love. The two of you grew up together with your father constantly on the run, staying with your aunt and uncle and cousins most of your life. 
You were the blunt end of Wednesday’s emotions, trying to make up for her lack of. 
Unlike your cousin, you were excited to start at Nevermore. Since you were little, your aunt would tell you the stories of her time there hoping that one day you and Wednesday would attend. While you basked in her stories, Wednesday just rolled her eyes at her mother, sick of hearing about her marvelous time at Nevermore. 
Standing next to Enid as she showed the two of you around, Ophelia Hall did not have enough room, leaving the three of you together as roommates. 
Starting to think in your head, Enid’s voice had drowned out as you scanned over the quad before your eyes stopped to stare. 
Turning, Xavier saw you looking at him, giving you a little half smile before turning back to his painting which was ravens, you think.
The rest of your day at Nevermore wasn’t much, taking your own route while Wednesday took hers but you didn’t expect to be sitting in the infirmary already. 
Sitting on the other side of her bed, both you and Xavier watched her quietly. He was the one to find you after bringing Wednesday to the nurse, explaining about what happened. 
“Thank you again, the two of you are even now.” You smiled softly. 
Xavier looked up at you, his eyes slightly wide, “You aren’t talking about my-”
“I am.” You laughed quietly. 
“Can never leave that in my past.” He looked down, smiling. 
Since the two of you have grown closer but once Wednesday started her journey to find the Hyde, you knew you couldn’t leave her on her own, going with her and keeping all of it from Xavier. 
Wednesday kept most of her theories to herself, especially that she believes that Xavier is the Hyde.
Heading out to the woods towards Xavier’s shed hoping he could clear out some answers for her. 
Once arriving, Thing could sense something, running from Wednesday, walking around Xavier’s shed, looking over to see the canvas, covered. 
Pulling down the cover, Xavier looked over, letting out a sigh watching Wednesday walk over towards the painting.
“Look, listen.” Before he could even explain, Wednesday spoke.
“You drew her.”
The picture was you during the Rave’N walking down the stairs, your dress swaying as you stepped down each step. Standing behind her, Xavier lifted his hand, letting the painting come to life, your self painting following your steps walking down the stairs. 
“I-I couldn’t stop thinking about her.” He confessed. Xavier truly didn’t know what Wednesday was going to do with the information, probably knowing that you were going to find out soon enough. “Just let me tell her first.”
“I make no promises.” Wednesday spoke. 
Coming back into her dorm, Wednesday contemplated what Xavier told her, knowing he probably would never tell you, and after hearing Enid gush about you and Xavier potentially being together, Wednesday thought it was best to let you know. 
Upon entering the room, she saw Enid sitting on her bed watching a movie, looking up, you saw your cousin coming into the room. 
“You finished what you were looking for?” You asked her, pausing the movie, turning your attention to Wednesday. 
“No, my dream didn’t help.” She concluded, finally turning to look at you. “Xavier drew a picture of you.”
There was a moment of silence before Enid let out a loud squeal. Both of you turned to see Enid, practically shaking in her spot. 
“Oh my god!” She gushed, grabbing onto your shoulders, shaking you back and forth, “I told you he liked you back!”
You couldn’t barely comprehend what she said, still shocked that Xavier drew a picture of you, you always thought he saw you as a friend, a friend wouldn’t draw a friend would they?
For the rest of the night you had to listen to Enid go on and on about you and Xavier, saying that the two of you needed to get together immediately, along with that, saying that the two of you could go on double dates with her and Ajax. 
“Enid.” You said calmly, “He doesn’t know that I know.”
“Right.” Enid nodded her head slowly, “You’ll have to tell him tomorrow then.”
You knew Enid was right, you needed to talk to Xavier eventually. 
Seeing him in classes the next few days, you tried to plan it out as much as could, speaking to him after class but something always got in the way of you getting to him. 
Finally gaining the courage, you made your way towards his dorm, frowning when he didn’t answer, after the 3rd time trying you gave up, but still on a mission to find him. 
Going out into the woods, following the familiar trail towards his art shed, knowing it was the only other place he would be that wasn’t his room outside of class. 
“Xavier.” You knocked on the wood, opening the door slightly, poking your head in slightly. 
Seeing that his headphones were on, you slipped in quietly, slowly making your way next to him, “Hi.”
Jumping, Xavier tried to hide what he was hiding while trying to answer back to you. “Shit, you scared me.”
“I’m sorry.” You apologized, “I knocked, but you had your headphones on, and I was wondering if we could talk?”
Finally looking at what he was drawing, your eyes widened, seeing the couple on his canvas.
“That looks beautiful Xavier.” You confessed, letting your eyes soak every spot. “Who did you draw?”
Feeling conflicted, Xavier didn’t know what to say, he knew that it was time to tell you about the other painting, and along with that, telling you how he feels about you.
Feeling his mouth dry, Xavier muttered up a small whisper, “It’s us.”
Closing his eyes, Xavier was waiting for the worst, saying that you now hated the painting, or that you didn’t think of the two of you like that.
“Really?” You smiled, “I kind of came to talk about us.”
Xavier let out a small sigh, looking up from his lap, looking at you, waiting for you to continue. “Wednesday told me about your painting.”
Letting out a hough, Xavier knew that Wednesday couldn’t keep her mouth shut, always wanting to know everyone’s drama. 
Silently, Xavier stood going back to your painting, pulling down the sheet. You stood on his side, letting out a quiet gasp. It was, you couldn’t even form into words about what you thought about it. 
“I know it’s kind of weird but-mmpphh!”
His words were cut off when he felt you grab ahold of his collar, pulling him down towards you. Feeling his lips on yours, Xavier greedily grabbed your face practically forcing his lips any farther on yours. 
Humming, you smiled into the kiss, feeling your bottom lip being sucked, pulling away slightly, looking out a quiet moan. 
Pulling away, both your lips swollen, you shyly looked up at Xavier. 
“I guess you liked it.” He murmured. 
“I think I liked it a lot more.” You smirked, “I have to thank the artist properly.”
“Another kiss should be sufficient.” He smiled, pulling you closer to him. “And maybe a date if he’s lucky.”
“I think I could make that happen, he seems really cute and my friends are constantly telling me that the two of us would be perfect together.”
“I think they have the right idea.” He smiled, gazing down at you, silently thanking your cousin for giving the two of you that final little push.
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talesofesther · 1 year
sweet calamity | ch 1
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Series Summary: It was something people described as the sweetest pain, the feeling of when the soul that's destined to find yours is closer to you. Wednesday saw it as a curse, promised herself she would hate whoever was chosen for her; but it's easier said than done.
A/N: And so the soulmate au begins (I'm a sucker for those and we all know it), anyways, I know this first part is small, but think of it as a prologue of sorts. I also can't promise that updates are gonna be super fast, because I'm kinda figuring things out as I go :') so please, let me know what you think, and especially let me know if there's anything in particular that you'd like to see happening in this series.
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There were bumps in the road; small holes and cracks on the tree-surrounded path that lead to Nevermore. It became a familiar one, given the number of times Wednesday has already passed through it.
Today was the first day of the new semester, the return of boring normalcy after Crackstone's defeat.
Wednesday's dark eyes looked out the window, counting the trees as they went by, shadowed by the cloudy day. Her thumb was pressing over the inside of her right wrist, sometimes scratching the skin there in disdain for the faint birthmark she was cursed with.
Many people — most of them — saw the existence of soulmates as something good, the world's compensation for its cruelty with humanity; they see it as a reason to look forward to the next day, a reason to believe in a happier future.
Wednesday had a clearer vision. She knew, from the moment her parents broke the news to her that there was someone out there who had a soul that complemented hers perfectly, that it was just another devious move of this universe. A trojan horse that presented itself as salvation only to torture you — for some people to the point of insanity. Because the world doesn't give you anything on a silver platter and this was no different.
The thing about soulmates, is that each one of the pair is born with an identical mark on their skin; a mark that aches the closer you get to your soulmate, resembling the burn of a lighter on a bare finger. However, once you touch the other person for the first time, that ache is gone, never to happen again.
You could be on a train, walking a busy street, or watching a concert in the middle of a raging crowd and simply bump into the one who bears the other half of you; only to never cross paths with each other again.
So really, if anything, Wednesday respected the boldness of the universe, to come up with something so enticing, so desirable yet so out of reach.
She heard stories of people who felt the burning ache, ever present as they chased it more and more, and then suddenly… nothingness. The realization slowly sinking in as they looked frantically from one side to another and watched the people walk by, along with their chance at a happy ending.
Over time, the number of people who found their soulmate started slowly decreasing. If you did, you could be considered one of the lucky ones.
Wednesday considered herself lucky that she hasn't ever felt what others described as the sweetest pain.
The Addams girl stepped out of her car, backpack in one hand and a small suitcase in the other as Lurch unloaded the rest of her belongings. Nevermore stood in front of her in all its glory; the grey stone walls high and partly covered by climbing plants as the trees around it changed their leaves to vivid yellows and oranges.
Many students were arriving and walking through the gates, chatting animatedly and making Wednesday scrunch her nose at the unsettling noise. She spared her peers no glances, unwilling to indulge them in pleasantries and gossip about the time spent away.
It was strange how some of them still glanced at Wednesday from the corner of their eyes, whispering in each other's ears as she walked right past them, as if she wouldn't notice. She sometimes caught on to some of the words;
She's that girl who killed the evil pilgrim. That's Wednesday Addams, she saved the school last year.
The attention was not something Wednesday enjoyed, it only gave people more opportunities to disturb her peace.
As she walked through the main doors of the entrance hall, she heard it; excited steps approaching without abandon until her body was engulfed in a sea of blonde and pink.
"Enid," Wednesday said her name as a warning, though if you squint, you could say she half returned the hug.
The werewolf pulled back with a smile that Wednesday could only describe as bruising. "Hi roomie," Enid greeted, her joy dripping from her words, "it's been so long I even started missing your gloominess."
"It's barely been six months, Enid." Wednesday raised a pointed eyebrow, her features impassive as she held her roommate's gaze — until she relented; "but I did notice the absence of your obnoxious music and incessant texting."
It got Enid grinning, and with a skip on her step, she followed suit by Wednesday's side as they both walked up the stairs that led to the quad, "felt like six years to me, I didn't think I would but I actually missed school, staying home with my brothers could be considered torture."
"You can always torture them back, the possibilities are endless," Wednesday suggested.
Most students were gathering on the quad in order to hear principal Weems' speech for the beginning of the semester, including the newcomers. All tables were already filled with outcasts, some of them even sat on the ground due to the lack of space.
Wednesday huffed as she looked around, annoyed with the commotion she was forced upon; she spotted Xavier, sitting against a stone pillar with his head buried in his sketchbook; Bianca, who sat cross-legged on top of one of the tables, chatting with the other sirens; and Eugene, who was slowly walking on the opposite side of the quad, he gestured animatedly as he talked with a girl Wednesday had never seen here before, most likely giving her the Nevermore welcoming tour.
"There are even more people than before," Wednesday commented.
"I heard that a few new students transferred this year," Enid spoke after following Wednesday's gaze, "Nevermore has become quite popular…"
But the werewolf's voice faded slowly, becoming background noise to Wednesday's ears. Her dark eyes, usually sharp and attentive, lost their focus. Her burgundy-painted lips parted with breaths that came too shallow; because all of a sudden, Wednesday could only focus on one thing.
It felt like touching the tip of a lit candle with your finger, barely there, so faint that someone less aware could miss it. But Wednesday would never. Right on the pulse point of her wrist, on top of the mark she was always trying to scratch out; it burned.
The hand Wednesday had around the leather strap of her backpack tightened its hold until her knuckles turned white. She hasn't blinked since Enid started talking and she could feel the back of her eyes stinging, but her body was stuck in time. Stuck in a moment that shouldn't exist.
Only when the feeling faded, did Wednesday let out the puff of air she'd been holding. She didn't turn her head, but her gaze skimmed over the quad against her own volition, finding Xavier and Bianca and… Eugene was gone but who cares, Wednesday's so-called other half had just been close enough for her to feel them.
For a second she could feel strings pulling at her heart, willing it to match someone else's beat; her skin got littered with goosebumps and she hated every second of it. Hated whoever it was that was inciting it upon her.
It was sadistically ironic, really, that the only person who loathes the idea of having a soulmate, will most likely be studying with them.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Read ch 2 here
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I'd appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Wednesday’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242 @heelaechan @imagine-reblog @gayestfeels26 @sakurarukas @bluetreecloud20 @the-night-owl-blr @imlike-so-gaydude @user284747 @dreifhraniquo29 @emeraldevan @witchyhs-blog @tobylikesfire @simp4nat @boobabietch @impossibleliv1031 @deadpool-in-a-snood @rainbow-love4ever @maria-403 @pompompuri @halleest @wandaromanova
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eufezco · 2 years
I DID IT FOR YOU – Tyler Galpin x fem!vampire!reader
Summary - Wednesday's plan for you to stay away from Tyler after she found out that he's the Hyde.
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—Wednesday, don't —. Enid said very seriously. More serious than Wednesday had ever heard her before. The blonde girl thought her friend's plan was merciless. Even for her. —I'm sure that if we talk to her... She'll understand.
Wednesday knew you wouldn't. She had spent enough time with you to already know how you would react. Dramatic, skeptical, and on the defensive for sure. Even if she'd tell you that she had seen it. That she had seen him turn into that monster. You'd never believe her because that's what love does. It blinds you. And Wednesday was completely fine and grossed at the same time with you being head over heels for him because not only it was reciprocate (which was even more disgusting) but also because she thought he was a nice one. And he would never hurt you. So she would have to do it for him.
—Wednesday, please —. Enid begged while her friend prepared her bag to go to Jericho.
—There's no other way.
Once Wednesday arrived in Jericho, Tyler was getting things ready at the Weathervane to close the cafe. It had been a long day for him and he could only think about when you would arrive. He would drive you both to Nevermore and he would sneak into your shared dorm room. Enid would say that she was glad to see him again, and Wednesday would just hum at his presence. You four would talk for a bit before going to sleep, him sitting in your bed wearing the pajamas you kept in your room for him and you by his side, playing with his big hands as he talked with your friends. Then you would fall asleep with your head on his chest after he peppered all your face with kisses. He'd hug you tight against his body, not letting you go at any moment of the night, and checking on you all the time. Were you hungry? Were you having a nightmare? Were you feeling sick? He was there.
—We're close —. Tyler announced to the person going into the Weathervane at that time of the night.
—Then you should lock your doors.
Tyler turned around to see Wednesday. His expression changed after knowing that it was his friend. —Actually I was waiting for y/n.
—There are some real sick people out there, Tyler. You should be careful.
—Yeah, my dad told me what happened with Xavier. Pretty nuts —. After mentioning Xavier, Tyler noticed how Wednesday's posture became tense. —Are you okay? I know you and him... Well, had this thing–
"We had nothing. And yes, I'm fine. Perfectly fine." She said with her eyes locked on the boy in front of her. "It has made me revalue things." Wednesday walked slowly around the cafe. By the time she stopped, she made sure that Tyler had turned in on himself so he had his back to the door. The perfect position so he wouldn't see you coming.
"Like what?"
"Like who I can trust."
Wednesday took a step towards Tyler. He frowned at her sudden approach. "And I've come to the conclusion that you are the only one worth of my trust." The girl moved closer to Tyler, and none of them said anything else. Wednesday stood on her tiptoes and connected her lips with Tyler's. Then, she moved away from him to see his reaction.
"Wednesday..." Tyler murmured against her friend's lips right before the girl stood on her tiptoes again and kissed him one more time. This time the kiss was longer, Wednesday didn't separate and Tyler was glad that she didn't. His head told him to push Wednesday away, but instead, he cupped one of her cheeks and kissed her back. Your heart felt heavy inside your chest as you watched the scene, your knees felt weak, and your vision was blurred thanks to the tears in your eyes. You wanted to run but your eyes were locked on Tyler and Wednesday kissing. Your brain was telling you to burn that image in your mind so you would always remember you had a reason to hate the person you once loved the most.
Wednesday's eyes met yours when she parted ways with Tyler, her cold stare making you feel small. Tyler frowned in front of Wednesday and immediately after, he turned to see what she was looking at. He could feel his heart beating so hard against his chest that he even thought would stop. Tyler tried to get out of the cafe when he saw you leaving, but Wednesday quickly blocked his way, knowing that his instinct would make him follow you. "Stay away from her." She stated, her black eyes staring deeply into Tyler's, her lips pressed together, a sign of how serious she was being. They both shared a face of mutual disgust for each other; him because of what he just did, and her because of whom he had become. Tyler bumped into her shoulder but Wednesday was not going to give up so easily. She tried to stop him one more time by grabbing his arm, but she barely had him in her hand when with a sharp movement Tyler managed to escape her.
Wednesday followed Tyler outside. You were walking down the street in the middle of the road, hot tears rolling down your cheeks, and your body shaking because of your shorts and rapid breaths. Tyler called your name a few times and even had to do a little run to catch you. Wednesday was walking slowly behind you two. Her attention was always on Tyler and on what his next move could be.
"Y/n, wait, please."
You didn't listen to him and kept walking, with your fist clenched so tight that you could feel your long and sharp nails sinking into your skin. His hand grabbed your arm and made you stop and turn around to look at him. "Explain what?" You yelled to his face. Your eyes were dark red, the veins under your eyes that appeared only when you were really hungry or when you were really mad were decorating your skin, and you were fighting to not let your fangs out.
"She was the one that kissed me. I promise. She–”
Your jaw clenched. "I don't fucking care about who kissed who!" You snapped his hand off you and you threatened him with your index finger, pointing directly at his throat with your long and sharp nails. “You were kissing her back." Tyler craned his neck. Your lower lip was trembling while tears kept running down your cheeks. You didn't expect him to say anything else, and there was nothing he could say that would make you feel any better.
"I'm sorry, y/n–"
"I fucking hate you, and I hope I never have to see you again." Your words echoed inside his head. You lost interest in Tyler, who stood in front of you with glossy eyes, completely numb to everything that happened after what you said to him. You focused on Wednesday, who was a few steps behind him, watching the scene from the distance.
"You got what you wanted?"
"I did not want this."
"Of course you did. You know, because of things like this are why you are alone, and because you fucking deserve it." You said to your friend. Wednesday swallowed but showed no other reaction. It was enough to let you know that your words affected her. You looked at Tyler one last time, his face was pale and he couldn't make eye contact with you because of how ashamed he was. The next thing his eyes saw was you running as fast as you could so neither he nor Wednesday could catch you. You ran so fast that your legs started to burn from how weak they felt, ready to give up at any moment. It was strictly prohibited to go to the forest since Eugene got attacked by that monster, but at this point, you wouldn't mind about the Hyde finding you.
"You planned this." Tyler said to Wednesday. He didn't turn to look at her, just thinking about her face was making him feel sick. It was a very big coincidence that she kissed him and a few seconds later you appeared. He told her that he was waiting for you, but Tyler was pretty sure that Wednesday already knew that you were coming. "Why would you do this?"
"I want you away from her."
Tyler's lower lip trembled as he watched you disappear. Wednesday's words turned into the most annoying ringing sound in his ears, and then, all of a sudden, his breathing was out of control and he could feel that familiar pressure on his head as all of his muscles and bones writhed. You got lost running into the woods until you tripped and fell to your knees. You sobbed loudly as you blamed yourself for not have listened to Xavier when he warned you about Tyler. A part of you wanted to never see Tyler again. The other part of you wished that he would've gone after you, hugged you against his body when he'd found you lying on the ground, and allowed you to cry your eyes out on him.
At the end of the day, you expected Tyler to comfort in you the same way you did that night when you found him in the same forest you were. With blood covering his body and dripping from his mouth, extremely confused, and with that hiker's body completely dismembered by his side.
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douceurrrr · 1 year
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paring(s): xavier thorpe x fem!black!reader
summary: you’ve told your friends you sexual desire about your crush but you friends have a big mouth.
warning(s): dirty talk, doggy, humiliation kink, smut, oral(f), riding
“I would suck his dick so good he’s stomach would cave in.” you choked on your sandwich when your friend next to you declared that. all of your friends bursted out in laughter, hands over their hearts, trying to breathe. the boy they were talking about were xavier thorpe, the most good looking boy in Nevermore. you heard your friends dirty remarks one after one until your friend said something to you, "what about you y/n? I know you have a big crush on him." she said smirking at you. god you didn't even know where to begin, you had so many dirty stuff to say about him.
"god I would let him do anything thing he wants to me." you replied, daydreaming about it. all your friends smirked at you because they knew you had a fat crush on him. "yeah I bet you would." your friend next to you snickered. you playfully shoved her, knowing she was making fun of you.
moments after lunch you went back to your dorm to study for a bit but you end up not staying focused, all you can think about was xavier. I mean you and him were kinda friends so it would be impossible for him to think of you as anything other than a friend, but god you wish he did.
the next day you woke up with a strange feeling in your stomach and your phone was buzzing like crazy. you picked up your phone to see all these messages but you tapped on enid's contact
enid 🐺🌸
omg girl I didn't know you was like that😏
you had no idea what she was talking about but you got up from your bed and got ready to face the day. when you were outside you noticed a lot of people looking at you weird or smirking at you and you didn't know why. then suddenly you felt a tab on your shoulder, you turned around to see xavier, your mind instantly went blank. "oh h-hey xavier." you quavered.
"meet me in my dorm, now." he says demandingly before walking away. you were so confused as to why he was acting like that but you just shrugged it off and headed to his dorm with a burning sensation in your heart of nervousness. when you go there you tapped your fist against the door two times. his door swings open to reveal his tall frame but a mad face. you walked inside the dorm and stood there confused. "what's this about xavier?" he doesn't reply for a little while then he finally speaks.
"you know I really wish you would've told me sooner, it would've saved me the headache." he spoke, eyes staring into yours. you furrowed your eyebrows in more confusion then you had before. "xavier what are you talking about." you huffed starting to get frustrated with him. he chuckled in amusement. "so the god i would let him do whatever he wants to me meant nothing?" you stood there in confusion until it hits you, you gasped.
"h-how did you- where did you?" you stumbled over your words as you grown dumbfounded by his words. you wanted to know how he knew what you said that day and who told him. "let's just say your friends have a big mouth." he says lowly, inching closer to you with each word that comes out of his mouth. when he got closer you felt his breath on your face as you looked down, eyes meeting your feet in embarrassment. "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, i-it was a stupid thing to say I'm sor-" your words were cut off by xavier's fingers touching your chin, making you look at him.
"i would be lying if I said I didn't let a little hard when I heard that, just wished that I could hear it from you and not someone else." he mumbled, fingers caressing your cheeks. your breath hitched at his words.
"now tell me, are you going to let me do whatever I want to do to you?" he says, looking from your eyes to your lips. you couldn't speak, you were too blind to see that this was really happening to you. "come on sweetheart, where's all that boldness you had back when you were with your friends, huh?" he taunted, smirking a bit.
"yes." you said finally replying to his question. "before i start, if i do anything you don't like just tap me two times okay, princess?" you nodded in response, he nodded back. he smashed his lips onto your receiving a moan from you.
his hand roamed to your back then to your ass as your hands were tangled in his hair. he squeezes your ass, pressing you against him and his bulge making him groan in your mouth. moments after you two broke the kiss and xavier walks you towards his bed and gently pushes you down on the bed. he then takes his shirt off before climbing onto of you. he reconnected his lips on yours while his hands work to take your pants off. you couldn't wait any more so you helped him take your pants off, discarding them on the ground.
his lips move to your neck as he slips his hands in your underwear making your breath hitch. right when his fingers we're about to touch the place where you needed the most he pulls them out your underwear, you huffed. "i want to taste you instead." he says then scoots down to meet your clothed cunt. he then pushes your legs on your chest then hooks his fingers under your underwear band and pulls them down.
"been dreaming about doing this to you for the longest." xavier murmured, gently spreading you apart to reveal the pink skin underneath your brown skin. your breath stuttered at his touches, he chuckled while noticing your reaction. he then finally flattens his tongue against your clit, swirls around it.
"shit." you moan with a little arch in your back. you slide a hand down to his head, tugging on the brown strands. he groaned, feeling you fingers tugging his hair. you rolled your hips against his tongue, chasing after your release. he then pulled away from your cunt replacing his tongue with his fingers, rubbing the sensitive bud while placing his lips on yours in a heated kiss.
his fingers went faster than before as he kisses your neck. "holy shit." you whine as his fingers rub in the right places. "close, princess, huh? you like when i do that?" he says adding more pressure on your clit. you lean you head back with your eyes squeezing shut as you reach your release with a big moan. he walks you through you release, rubbing your clit slowly.
"ready angel?" he says followed by a yes from you. he took the rest of your clothes off along with his. he made you squeal in surprise when he flips you over on your stomach. "on your knees, sweetpea." he says and you comply. he then enters without hesitation, instantly making your knee buckle. he starts to thrust in and out of you. at first he gentle but moments after he starts pounding into you. you groaned as xavier pulled your hair making your head go back and your back arch as his pelvis claps against your ass in a powerful thrust.
"fucking slut, talking dirty about me to your friends." he groaned, raising his free hand to smack your ass earned a surprised squeal from you. "god you're so good." he says, head leaning back and eyes rolled to the back of his head.
then suddenly he pulled out making you whine. "ride me, sweetheart." he says laying down with you on top. you took his cock in you hand and place below your cunt, sliding down on him, slowly.
"fuck, princess." he groaned as your slid down.
you started to bounce up and down on him. "fuck yes, bounce on my cock, princess." he says, hands squeezing your hips, desperately. you place your hands on his chest with your head leaning back in ecstasy. his pubes rub against your clit bringing more pleasure to you.
"god, you feel so good," xavier groaned.
after a couple of seconds he started to thrust up into you, taking some control. "shit, keep doing that." you moaned in a high-pitched voice. he kept thrust up into you as you grip his shoulders tighter. "oh shit, m'gonna cum." you whined.
"cum on my cock, sweetheart." he said a little bit above a whisper. "oh fuck fuck fuck" he eyes rolled in the back of his head. you were right behind him as he fingers starts rub your clit. "oh fuck, shit!" you finally release over xavier's pelvis, making it wet and slick.
"god, you're so fucking perfect." xavier said breathlessly.
you then flop on the side of the bed next to him. he reached his hand over to your face, caressing the side of your face, you melted into his touch. "i don't want this to be a one time thing, soo." he says dragging out the last word.
"so what?" you said, encouraging him to finish.
"will you be my girlfriend?" he finished.
"yes, of course." you said without any hesitation.
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toournextadventure · 1 year
oh wait nvm sorry my thing lagged i didn’t see your bio 😭 can i req a Wednesday x fem! reader whos oblivious and can’t take a hint and enid is trying to help and enid says that wednesday likes her and she’s like “no she doesn’t” and leaves and maybe she’s hanging out w wednesday and she’s like “maybe we can be more than friends” and readers like “oh, like best friends??” and everyone’s like OMFG
I'm obsessed with a dumbass reader. Just absolute pure of heart, dumb of ass, no thoughts head empty
you idiot
“Because Wednesday likes you, you idiot!”
You froze with the most stupid look on your face, and Enid wanted to slap you. She has had to listen to you go on and on about Wednesday for months without you ever making a move. Normally Enid would admit that Wednesday was pretty outward about her feelings, but she would hand it to her roommate this time. Wednesday had been very honest about how she felt for you.
And you still had the audacity to say she didn’t like you?
“Nuh uh,” you said with a shake of your head.
“Oh my god,” Enid groaned and fell back onto her bed.
Why were you like this? Why were you so infuriatingly blind to Wednesday’s clear attempts at telling you she liked you? Okay, maybe it wasn’t the most clear to everyone, but she was trying! She loaned you her books, let you skim her novel, and even threatened you less than anyone else! What part of all of that were you not understanding?
“Just get out,” Enid finally said as she pointed to the door.
“You’re still wrong,” you called out from the doorway, just narrowly avoiding the pillow Enid threw at you.
It was days later when you agreed to go out to coffee with everyone. Wednesday had originally only asked you, but then you had turned it into a whole group affair. Enid nearly felt her heart break at your obliviousness. How one person could be so utterly clueless, she had no idea. And if Enid was saying it, then you knew it was serious.
Wednesday had effectively ushered you off to a corner of the coffee shop, glaring at anyone who dared to get too close. Not that anyone would, they were all in agreement that Wednesday liked you and just needed to let you know. As in, word-for-word tell you she liked you and wanted to ask you on a date. And she had to use the word date!
It was cute to see you and Wednesday just talking and enjoying being together over in the corner. Everyone at Enid’s table was… less than conspicuous, she would admit. They were all staring, pointing out how cute you both were, only really looking away when Wednesday noticed.
Because of course you didn’t notice.
“I need to confess something.”
The entire coffee shop fell deathly silent at Wednesday’s words. Every Nevermore student within the vicinity froze in their tracks and listened with bated breath to what Wednesday would say. Would this be it? Was she finally going to tell you to your face that she liked you?
“Don’t hold it against me,” Wednesday stated, “but I would like us to be more than friends.”
No one moved, no one ever breathed. This was the moment they had all been waiting for, and it was finally happening. All of their dreams were finally coming true. Wednesday had said the words, there was no way you could-
“-you mean like best friends?”
Every Nevermore student at the coffee shop let out a chorus of “oh my gods” and groans of frustration. You jumped and looked around at everyone, confusion evident on your face. Wednesday let her head fall to the table with a loud *thud.* Enid stood up and pointed at the both of you.
“Wednesday, you need to raise your standards,” she complained. Wednesday never even lifted her head.
“Oh shit, did you lower your standards for someone?” You asked as you turned back to face Wednesday. “That’s pretty embarrassing.”
“You think?” The whole group shouted at you once again as they all settled and started grumpily drinking their coffee once again.
Enid gave up. You were utterly, completely hopeless.
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v3nusxsky · 8 months
Hey Mars! How you're doing well!
Would you feel comfortable with doing a mommy/lactation kink with mommy Larissa and sub r? Totally open to whatever situation/story you come up with!
Costume 18+
*Authors note~ sorry this is taking me such a long time to get around to but Larissa for gwens birthday and this prompt wouldn’t leave my brain*
Trigger warnings~ lactation kink mommy kink dom l sub r  lingerie spanking admission of feelings implied smut
Prompt~ see ask^^^
Nevermore’s staff always throws a Halloween costume party away from the students prying eyes. After all they deserve to celebrate the holiday too, Larissa Weems however, would always wear a costume that covered everything up until this year. Over her years as Principal of Nevermore she’s witnessed sexy police officers, firefighters, play boy bunnies, slutty killers, pole dancers and everything else you could imagine for a costume, she’s probably seen it. That’s why she knew this had to be something you’d never seen before, to grab the attention of yourself.
Her outfit took days of planning but once adorning her tall frame she had to admit, she looked good. Opting to be a ghost rider, she was clad in black lace lingerie with a thin layer of opaque covering to hide her bare skin. Her prompts for the night being a black cow boy hat and a riding crop. Her make up done perfectly to add to the look of a ghost rider. This was the most out there thing she had ever done and truly she was thinking about not going, but instead she pulled on her floor length coat and made her way to the party.
Arriving at the party she immediately spotted you, of course dressed as an angel. And to Larissa you were the most beautiful Angel to ever exist, your outfit was fairly skimpy yet still modest which happened to be driving the principal mad. The way your cleavage was popping out of your corset and the little white skirt barely covering your ass set her plan in motion. She had to have you, tonight.
“Larissa” you cooed as you approached the tall woman happily, “what’s that in your hand?” Your innocence shone through as the principal twirled the riding crop in her hands, “Only the best thing to spank sweet Angles with like yourself of course” she purred watching your eyes darken with lust. “Thou mustn’t sin, for im an Angle of God Larissa” you giggled before stealing the woman’s hat and placing it on your head after removing the halo. “You little minx! Darling let me have my hat back or you wont like your punishment, I’ll ride you into the afterlife and keep you as my pet.” The teasing word’s effecting you more than Larissa knew you decided to keep the hat, after all, it’s just a little fun right?
As the night continued you both mingled but some how always found a way back together where you teased one another some more, only when a teasing smack with the crop landed on your ass did you start to catch on, “much too short for an Angel of god isn’t it y/n? Everyone can see what’s mine” Larissa purred gently rubbing the sting of the crop. “I don’t believe I belong to you Ghost rider, in fact there’s no proof.” A dark spark of lust clouded her eyes as the crop landed on your other ass cheek, “then be mine pretty Angel, I’m tried of loving you from afar.”
Her lips cut your whimper off as she slammed yours together, immediately falling into a dance as if it was centuries old, her hands coming to rest on your round globes before giving them a squeeze and pulling away from you to rest your foreheads together. “I-“ you whimpered before slamming your lips to hers once more in a needy kiss, one that stole both your breaths and left you hungry for more. “My angel now” Larissa purred before pressing a sweet kiss to your lips and dragging you back to her office.
“Mommy!” You squeaked as your back hit her office door. “Mommy hmm?” The blonde teased once more, “what can mommy do for you little Angel?” Without a second thought you began to tug at the top half of her outfit in an attempt to free her beautiful breasts from their lace confines. “Want my mouth on them!” You whined unhappily as you struggled against the fabric. A chuckle filled the room as Larissa helped you undress her just enough to give you what you desired. From there you happily suckled on her exposed breast, going boneless in the blondes arms as she basked in the sensations you provided her with. “Oh my sweet Angel, you could’ve told mommy you had this kink, you would’ve been getting this very thing a lot sooner” Larissa couldn’t help but tease you, truly you were both fools for not admitting feelings for each other sooner, but now, you have all the time in the world to discover what each of you likes in this aspect of life. Little did you know Larissa had a raging breeding kink that you would tease her for later on.
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snzhrchy · 2 years
I have a request!! Ajax x reader who is really outgoing and people see her as super annoying so they’re mean to her, one day Ajax catches her crying bc she’s fed up with it, and he confesses/they kiss.
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ajax petropolus x fem!reader
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synopsis; just how you and your best friend's relationship developed into something more.
notes; think i projected here a lot haha.
taglist; lmk if u wanna be on it
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You were just trying to be nice. You didn’t know how you ended up like this. One minute, you’re trying to have a conversation with Bianca and the next? You’re crying under the Edgar Allan Poe statue.
It’s always been like this, you thought. People would always mistake your kindness for something else — most would either take advantage of it or make fun of it. Today was your last straw.
You had had enough of the vampire boys and the siren girls constantly torturing your mind; it was getting exhausting. And for once, you finally broke down today.
You were never the one to run away from a fight but today was different. You actually ran away from them. From their constant remarks. Today, you finally let the tears fall and you finally freed your emotions — the emotions you’d been trying to bottle up for so long.
Ironic, wasn’t it? Being treated as an outcast in a school that was made for outcasts.
It hurt. The constant insults and slandering of you behind your back; you never truly knew how anyone ever felt about you. When was the last time you ever had someone to call your friend? You couldn’t even remember.
Well, one person did come into mind: Ajax Petropolus.
From your first day at Nevermore, he’d been the only person who’d shown you any type of kindness. Hell, he was the only person who didn’t treat you like the rest.
With Ajax, you felt at peace. You felt like you could talk to him about anything and everything without the fear of ever being ridiculed. You trusted him very much.
The sound of boots clicking across the dirty marble floor caused you to jump and quickly wipe off all the tears that streamed down your face. You tried to prevent the tears from falling but were unsuccessful. You didn’t want anyone to see you like this — crying.
The sounds started to get louder, they were nearing towards you. In a panic, you aggressively cleaned your face and attempted to make yourself look presentable.
‘Knew I’d find you here!’ The person spoke, their voice was raspy yet comforting — it was Ajax. The only person you wanted to see right now.
You weakly smiled at him and gave him a small wave as if to distract from the fact that you have been crying. Yet your attempts were futile once Ajax noticed. He cursed as he walked over to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him.
‘Were you crying?’ He asked, turning to look at your face which has really noticeable tears stains; ‘wait — that’s a stupid question. I mean, how are you feeling?’
You chuckled at the first part of his statement — he really knew how to cheer you up or atleast, make you forget about your problems.
‘I’m better now,’ you slowly told him as he traced his fingers across your arm. ‘That’s great — who made you cry? Maybe I can stone them,’ he suggested.
‘Oh y’know — the same old people, nothing to worry about.’
‘They fought with you? Again?’
‘Yes but it’s no big deal, it happens all the time.’
Ajax turned to look at you, he had a stern expression on his face. ‘No big deal? C’mon, Y/N, they’ve been doing this since you arrived here and—‘ ‘and that’s why I’m used to it,’ you stated, ‘trust me, it’s nothing.’ He sighed, ‘well, if you say so.’
You both sat in silence for a while, just enjoying each other’s presence. Your tears had stopped falling a long time ago — the entire situation had been forgotten; you just wanted to be with him right now.
‘Hey, listen…’ Ajax began, grabbing your attention, ‘don’t listen to them, they’re wrong about everything they’ve ever said to you.’
You removed yourself from his embrace and sat up, looking at him bewildered. ‘What do you mean?’ you questioned.
‘Well, they make fun of your looks and mock your personality but they're all wrong,' he continued, 'you're beautiful and you're not annoying at all — far from it. You're the best thing to have happened to me.'
The ends of your lips slowly curved into a small smile, 'thanks,' you managed to respond. He turned his head to face you, 'I really mean it,' he stated as one of his hand gently touched your face and wiped off a tear that you didn't know had escaped your eyes.
You both stared into each other's eyes for a while until Ajax finally closed the gap between you two. You slowly shut your eyes tight as you kissed him back.
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oklotea · 2 months
What’s your few headcanons when it comes down to dexven?
Daammnnnnn I don't share head canons too often so this'll be interesting
When they started dating, and spending more time together, nevermore and Mr. Cottonhorn started hanging out together as well!!!!! AND THEY WERE ALWAYS CURLED UP NEXT TO EACH OTHER, nevermore being a source of warmth for cottonhorn, and all around just being the cutest little guys in the entire world, and everytime they did something cute, Dexter and Raven would be experiencing cute aggression together, basically melting together at how adorable their pets are, they would be holding onto each other, jumping around like a bunch of giggly little kids, and they would take 100 pictures of their children. They share tons of moments like these
Kareoke is popular with these two, wether it's in an actual booth, or listening to an instrumental online, or if their voices are accompanied with raven's stellar guitar playing, they like singing together. They can't help but make each other laugh when they're doing it. They also wouldn't care if the singing was perfect or not, they're just glad they're together.
Raven is taller than Dexter
T4T bi4bi I think most of us agree right
I think there have been at least a couple times in their relationship where Raven gives Dexter a goth makeover. Idk for what occasion but it happens!
They like meeting up at the library! And simply just, exist in the same room together, doing their own things.
Dexter can't help but be wary about raven's well being. It always seems like people are out to get her, or against her. But Raven always assures him that she is a lot stronger than he thinks. And besides, despite everything at least she can be sure that he's on her side.
They slow dance together.
They sometimes cannot believe how absolutely beautiful their partner is.
They definitely talk about how gay apple is. Actually! I think when they start getting more comfortable with each other they discuss thoroughly about all the different ways so many of their fellow classmates are messed up. Trying to make more sense of the world around them.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Hello! I hope you are well, can you do a Wednesday x fem reader
The reader is injured but but she hides it and doesn't tell Wednesday. The injury is pretty serious and when Wednesday finds out she's angry that the reader didn't tell her (basically because she's worried), angst with a happy ending :)
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A/n: this is quite heavily divergent of the request but still I hope you like it. 🦦
You cursed as you stumbled out of the woods, taking the chance to gauge the cause of your incessant throbs of excruciating pain. The dread that encapsulated you as three rather large and quite deep gash marks that took up your entire left side stared back at you, bleeding periodically with your breathing. Earlier that day you had caught sight of Eugene being bullied by a werewolf named Brad; You course came to the poor boys rescue but in turn your row with the werewolf somehow lead you to the outskirts of Nevermore and into the neighbouring forest, where you gotten yourself grievously wounded by his claws.
You didn’t regret sticking your neck out for your little hummer buddy but you knew that Wednesday shouldn’t hear about this. Ever. Primarily for the reason that she would hunt Brad down, skin him and then use him as a pelt to be put outside her dormitory as a cautionary warning. Afterwards she would then proceed to scold you for your active stupidity and recklessness concerning your own health and well-being before dragging you off to the School’s medical facility. Instead of doing the most logical thing that was demanded of you in this sort of situation, you had decided in your delusional state that it would be best to keep your deadly encounter with Brad a secret until you were fully healed.
However due to having everything within your body hurt so badly to the point that walking even an inch more started to became a problem; On top of that you were so beyond the point of exhaustion and your perception of reality having became blurred as a result, your mind had yet to catch up to the fact that you had been slumped against some random shed for the past five minutes. You had even started to believe that you were on the precipice of death when a silhouette appeared before you, calling out your name, panicked. Unfortunately the rest of their words only came across as muffled or incoherent to you.
Making it near enough impossible to understand who it was speaking to you and what they were trying to say. Your breathing were ragged as though you had just completed a marathon and your situation was only made worse as your subconscious was fighting a loosing battle in remaining conscious and falling unconscious; However in the end your subconscious gave out and as your vision faded to black the only thing that left your lips before your eyes closed was, “don’t tell Wednesday.”
Xavier was having a late night in his shed when he heard something hit one of the walls of the shed outside. Curious, he wiped his hands clean of paint before venturing out in following where the sound came from only to come across your slumped figure. “Y/n?” He called but got no response, as he got closer to you and the clearer you became in his vision did he see that you were clutching your side, murmuring gibberish into the air. “Y/n.” Xavier called again though this time a little sharper but still received no response from you whatsoever which only made the pit in his stomach grow three times the size; Your eyes were distant as they stared off elsewhere whilst your breathing was ragged and raspy with exhaustion.
Seeing as how nothing was progressing, Xavier moved so that he was knelt in front of you when his breath hitched at the reason why your hand was clutched so adamantly to your side. Blood was seeping out from between your fingers, staining your clothes and your hands in an deep crimson colouring. “Y/n, what happened to you?” He asked, scared as all logical thinking was thrown out in favour of anxiety riddled panic; You were too far gone to answer him and given how sickly and ghastly you started to look with every passing second didn’t exactly help in making matters better for him either.
“Don’t tell Wednesday.” Was all you manage to said before being rendered unconscious, your hand slipping away from your side, resting limply on your lap to reveal the massive gash marks. Xavier felt sick and swore that if he were to look into a mirror, he’d probably looked pale on top of that. His mind was still running rampant on the what, when, who and how you got into this type of predicament to begin with and why you were so adamant in not telling Wednesday. She deserved to know but even if he did tell her, how was he meant to explain how you got those wounds without raising suspicion within her?
Xavier knew you were stubborn in reaching for help but this was borderline stupid of you. He was lucky enough to have been able to have found you when he had because had you been elsewhere, you most possibly would’ve been proclaimed dead by the next morning. Not wanting to waste anymore time, Xavier cautiously brought you into his arms before carrying you off to the nurses office in hopes for help and that he wasn’t too late.
When you came round it was already further within the day that there was no point in attending any classes you had scheduled. The school nurse had strictly told you the moment you regained consciousness that you were to remain in bed until you were fully rested as to prevent opening up your stitches. “Your extremely lucky to have been alive,” she said as she finished changing your bandages, making sure they weren’t too tight nor too loose for maximising your healing progression. “How did I get here?” You asked, voice rough with dryness, the nurse sighed, “Your friend, he carried you in his arms but he looked haunted whilst doing so, almost as though you had already died.”
You tried recalling events of the night before but nothing of value to the conversation came up when all you were met by was a dark canvas. Plus it hurt to think of anything about now without having a headache soon after; The last thing you remembered was the feeling of your back being pressed up against as hard, wooden structure. So it was safe for you to assume that Xavier was the one to have found you bleeding out, seeing as the only thing that laid beyond the school grounds besides the woods was the old abandoned shed. You hadn’t realised that Xavier had renovated the thing for his one usage but you thanked god that he did or else you still would’ve been slumped there right now. Dead.
Once the nurse had finished up her work you cautiously sneaked out of the bed of which you hand been occupying and out of the door, though not before taking the pain medication and stuffing it within your back pocket. It still hurt to move as your side would flare up but not as badly as it did last night; With your first course of action being to go visit Xavier and thank him for not letting you die because Wednesday would most certainly kill you for picking a fight with a werewolf had Eugene not already informed her of what happened. Seeing as the boy didn’t seem the type to being able to hold his tongue during torturous interrogations.
However it seemed as though life had other plans for you as you saw Wednesday down the desolate hall, watching as she stopped in her footsteps and looked in your direction before changing course and started walking towards you with intent, that you desperately hope wasn’t murderous, as you meekly smiled at her as she approached. “Hey Wednesday, I wasn’t feeling too well so I decided to pay the nurse a visit-“ your words were cut off in your throat when Wednesday pulled you back into the nurse office - which by now was empty- before uncharacteristically pulling you int her arms. She unfortunately made the mistake of brushing against your bandaged side as you immediately winced and sharply inhaled which didn’t go unnoticed by someone as observant as her.
“What’s wrong.” She asked monotone but with a slight hint of worry within her voice as her eyes began to scan your face for any crack within your expression. “What’s wrong? Nothings wrong, I’m just…surprised that you’d hug me somewhere that someone might walk in and catch us.” You replied, hoping that she would buy your silly lie but when you thought she did, she counter argued, “you flinched when I hugged you. You never flinch when I hug you. So tell me truthfully y/n, what’s wrong.” You winced again this time but this wasn’t pertaining to your wound but more so at the fact of being caught in your own white lie.
You hated spewing falsities to Wednesday but it was better then to look at her when she’d inevitably finds out that you were on death’s doorstep last night. “You’re right,” you sighed, “I don’t normally flinch when we hug but that’s when we’re in your dorm after school when Enid’s off doing whatever with Yoko and or Ajax.” You brought your hands to her shoulders, smiling at her softly through the pain when her hands pressed against your sides, trying your hardest not to wince away again. “I just don’t want be viewed as a weakness to you should someone should someone start spreading shit.” Wednesday seemed to still be a tad suspicious as she noticed the subtle changes in your expression whenever her hands came to your sides, more specifically your left side.
Testing this theory, she applied only the smallest of pressure and watched as you practically scampered out of her hold to grasp at your left side. “Fuck that hurts.” You cursed under your breath, peering down the head of your shirt to see if any stitches were out of place. Thankfully they weren’t but you’d be sure to double check with the nurse when she came back from the break room to be certain. “Your hurt, how?” Wednesday said matter of factly but you swore you could detect a hint of worry or hurt within her voice. You sighed and lifted your shirt to show her your heavily bandaged side, watching the shift of emotions within her eyes as she found herself almost transfixed and her jaw clenched with silent fury.
“I got into a fight with a werewolf last night, he caught me off guard and I payed the price in defending a friends honour.” You admitted, dropping the shirt as you moved to sit down on the lukewarm bed you awoke in this morning; intentionally skipping out the part where Xavier found you almost half dead outside his shed and how he had to carry your deadweight to the nurse. You looked down at the ground as you clasped your hands on your lap, “go ahead. Yell at me for lying to you.” You uttered softly, knowing that you were justified in being reprimanded for your actions.
“Lying to me is one thing but to lie to me about your injuries, thinking I wouldn’t find out sooner or later is delusional of you.” Wednesday snapped, feeling her eyes water at the fact that you could’ve possibly been in an even worse state then you were right now; You had gotten lucky but on her eyes parts of you might’ve already died that night. “How do you think you would feel had I pulled the same shit?” She asked rhetorically as she stepped closer to you, lifting your head by your chin so you could see her every reaction. You shrugged, feeling even shittier at the fact that all this could’ve been avoided had you placed an ounce of faith in her like she did you; However you weren’t certain that her faith in you will stay intact after an event like this.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked, barely above a whisper and in a way that made your heart clench at how badly you must’ve scared her. You couldn’t bring yourself to speak at first with how your throat seemed to have clamped itself shut, making it difficult for you the swallow the guilt that ate away at you but in the end you managed. “I didn’t want you to worry about me. You already have enough on your plate with the monster lurking within the woods and the mystery behind you visions that I didn’t want to be another burden on your shoulders.” You told her, feeling tears well up in your own eyes as you looked at her. Your hands finding home at her waist, pulling her closer to you as you rested your head against her collarbone.
“I’m so fucking sorry for lying to you, Wednesday.” You whispered, not trusting your voice as it brims with even more emotion. “I understand if you never want to see me again nor speak to me again. I deserve it for betraying your trust. After all I’m a fuck up right? An idiot who can’t do anything right without hurting the people I love in the process. In my attempt to protect you…I was hurting you just as badly simultaneously.” You felt her sigh as she pulled herself away from you but before you could pull her back into you, she already had her arms thrown over your shoulders as she held you tightly against her whilst her head rested against your own. “Don’t ever do that again.” Wednesday said as tears streaked down her cheeks for the first time in a long time that they came flowing like an never ending river. “I can’t loose you. Never. I refuse to you leaving me.”
You didn’t felt the need to say anything as you held her just as tightly, closing your eyes as you basked in her embrace; uncaring of the fact that Xavier and Eugene were watching from the doorway with soft smiles, glad to see that you were alive and healthy, and content with the reassurance they felt in knowing that yours and Wednesday’s bond was still strong as ever.
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