#sorry if none of this makes sense though lolz
oceanwithouthermoon · 9 months
have you ever considered some abstract-ass pairings? like the "how the fuck did you even come up with that pairings?
im not accusing you of doing it lol, but i personally do and am. curious to see if i am normal
IM NOT TOTALLY SURE, because i tend to have very specific reasonings for why i think two characters would be good together, but i definitely think that from an outside perspective some of my ships can be seen as pretty abstract..
(under the cut again sorry im nonstop yapping for way too long guys..)
BUT almost any pairing you think of in a semi-popular fandom like saiki k, SOMEBODY has probably made content about it.. and its more popular in japan, so you may not be able to FIND ur pairing but theres probably SOMETHING out there about it, just in a language you aren't searching in or something.. like, toritsuka x kuboyasu is one pairing i have NEVER seen an english speaking person post about, but if you go in japanese or korean speaking saiki k spaces, that ship is EXTREMELY popular! theres TONS of fanart!!
so yea, whats popular or even what gets any content at all can be surprising sometimes.. like, a few of my favorite tdlosk ships are arisu x rifuta, arisu x aiura, and rifuta x yumehara (+arisu x yumehara but this is kinda popular i think) (im just a lesbian with a bias towards sapphic ships, i see two pretty girls and i ship..) and i shipped them before i ever started looking online for content and when i finally did, i didnt think i would ever see any content of them but. there is. theres plenty of content of them. theyre rare enough pairs that i dont think they have ship names so it can be hard to actually find that content since theres no ship name ever tagged, but it very much exists!
if youd asked me this like a month ago i wouldve said that saiki x suzumiya is one of these abstract ships for me (if you wanna know why i like it, i just like the idea of instead of satou being so average he balances her out, saiki just like superhero-ing every other minute without her even noticing. i also like this as a polycule which ill talk about in a minute-) but somebody on here posted it around that time LOL.. theres also some other rare pairs i enjoy like mera x saiki or kuboyasu x yumehara, but though these are rare-ish pairs, they still have a notable presence so i wouldnt quite call them abstract.. (also yo damn well kubosai is my NUMBER ONEEEE ship, which you could call a rare pair if you didnt go on tumblr or ao3 cuz its VERY concentrated over here and doesnt really exist anywhere else.. except in the japanese fandom LOL.. but yea its definitely not a rare pair over here, its gotten way more popular recently too..)
the more abstractness comes when you start shipping polycules... then its way less likely for you to be able to find your specific ship.. lol.. like the ones i just talked about, you put rifuta x yumehara x arisu x aiura all together ?? no WAY am i gonna find that, it may exist somewhere but youll never find it, or at least i couldnt lol.. some of my fav rare (more like completely nonexistent except for some IVE posted about) polyam ships are the one i just said, kuboyasu x saiki x hairo x nendo, (also love kuboyasu x saiki x kaido but this one actually gets content hehe.. same with kuboyasu x kaido x yumehara.. LOVE that one..) mera x yumehara x aiura, kuboyasu x saiki x saiko (x kaido maybe), toritsuka x kaido x yumehara, mera x saiki x kuboyasu (x saiko sometimes and/or hairo) and probably more that im forgetting... i also really love the psychickers x satou and suzumiya which im actually not sure if theres ever been content of them, i think the only time ive seen it mentioned is someone being like "theyre dating hehe" on a pic of them lol.. its a funny ship for me because its actually one of my favorites even though some of the individual ships im not a fan of + i also hc that satou is very very straight but idk.. somehow this works.. i feel like maybe if he starts dating suzumiya and shes bi and polyam then it might accidentally give him a sexuality crisis because hes probably never even considered that he could be queer before.. idk.. whatever.. it just works..
idk, someone give me examples of tdlosk rare pairs that could actually work...
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miumura · 10 months
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[ DAY ELEVEN ] of the advent calendar !
( 🔗 ) SYNOPSIS . . . winter has never felt the same for him—maybe it’s because it's a winter without you.
( “ ) PAIRING . . . ex!yeonjun x gn!reader
( 🔗 ) GENRE . . . angst , second chance ? , hopeful ending
( “ ) WARNINGS . . . none that i know of , INSPIRED BY “WINTER WITHOUT YOU” BY XG ~~ WORD COUNT : 1.2K+ ( 1271 lolz ) FEATURING soobie boobie ( soobin ) from txt !
( 🔗 ) NOTE . . . day 11 wooo!! xg decided to drop such a great song for the month of dec, so you know i just had to write a fic inspired by it bc it is so fic worthy. anyways, i hope you enjoy as i believe this should be my first ex au kinda thing !! 🤍
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Exiting the crowded room, Yeonjun seeks solace by stepping outside. He slides the glass door closed behind him and settles onto the wooden steps. Despite the chilly weather, he shakes off the cold, merely watching the snowflakes gently cascade. Extending his hand, he lets the snowflakes fall around him, releasing a sigh.
As he reflects, a pang of longing hits him. "This Christmas party would’ve been better if you were here." Running his hand through his hair, he closes his eyes, replaying the painful breakup between the two of you in his mind.
“Hey, I have to tell you something,” you sighed heavily over the phone, causing Yeonjun to grow concerned.
“Yeah babe, what’s up?” There's a pause, a long one, and Yeonjun interrupts the silence, “Hello?”
“Please don’t call me that…” you mumbled. “This makes it even harder.”
His heart rate quickens. What were you trying to convey? “YN… what are you saying?”
“We need to break up.”
His heart sank, a feeling of heartbreak consuming him like never before. Typically, he might have accepted it, but not this time. You're the one who stayed by his side for years—his longest relationship. You were a person he trusted, a person he loved with all his heart. And now, you expect him to move on easily?
“Why, YN? Why?” He couldn’t accept it; he wishes this were just a dream.
“Because… because it won’t work out.” The painful simplicity of your response echoes through the phone, leaving him grappling with the harsh reality of your decision.
“Then let’s make it work out,” Yeonjun pleaded, clinging to hope that the two of you could salvage the relationship.
“You wouldn’t understand,” he could sense your frustration, realizing you were holding back the full truth. Why couldn’t you share it?
“Then help me understand, will you?”
“I have to go overseas.” Yeonjun was relieved it wasn’t something more serious or a fault on his part, but the unexpected news proved to be devastating.
“And how will that stop our love?” he questioned, desperately seeking a solution to bridge the gap caused by the impending distance.
“Long distance won’t work. It would be better to call it off so no one gets hurt, especially you.”
“You wouldn’t get hurt if we separated?”
“Yeonjun, that’s not what I’m trying to say—” you paused, sniffling on the other side of the phone, and winced. He must have tried holding back his tears, just for you. “Please don’t cry. I hate when you do that.”
“I hate how you’re doing this to us,” he says, even though he recognizes the selfishness in his words. He wants you, and only you.
“I’m sorry. I really am. I still love you—and I forever will. It just… won’t work out for us. At least not now. And I don’t know how long this will last.” The painful truth lingers in the air, leaving both of you in silence once again.
"I don’t understand, YN. How can you say you still love me and then just... let go?"
“I wish it were that simple, Yeonjun,” you responded with a heavy sigh. “Sometimes love isn't enough, and timing can be cruel. I have to go, and you deserve someone who can be here for you, not someone oceans away.”
“I don’t want someone else, I want you,” he insisted, his voice tinged with desperation.
“I know, and that’s what makes this so hard. But it's the right thing to do,” you explained, your own voice strained with emotion.
“We will meet again…okay? I’ll make sure of that. Just don’t contact me, please? I won’t be able to answer.”
“But YN—”
“I have… I have to go. I’m so sorry, Yeonjun. I love you, okay?”
“YN—YN?” he says, already hearing the beeping noises from his side. You hung up on him. Defeated, Yeonjun takes a seat as his legs give up on him. His gaze falls upon the coffee table, where he notices a pristine white bag.
In that bag lies the ring he had planned to propose to you with—a symbol of his vow to be forever yours, a promise that nothing would ever change. Another Christmas was meant to be special for both of you.
But now, he couldn't.
The tears he had been holding back finally started to fall, each drop carrying the weight of shattered plans and the loss of a future that once felt so certain.
He still feels the heartache from that day, and he has never once forgotten about you—not that he wished to, anyway. Like he said himself, how could he forget about you that easily, even if it's been a good three years?
This winter was certainly one of the worse—there was nothing he could do about it.
How badly he wishes to erase such a painful memory. Pulling out his phone, his first instinct is to go on social media, just to distract his mind from thoughts of you, even if it's only for a moment.
However, seeing couples on his for you page is certainly not helping him. Because, if you were here, he bets he would've spammed his story with pictures of you. He could've had pictures of you all smiley, even with that ring he bought for you too. He could've—
“Yeonjun! Why are you out here all by yourself?” Soobin says with a drink in his hand. Startling Yeonjun, he clears his throat, realizing he had been outside for way too long. “Already abandoning the party? Why—geez, it’s so cold out! How are you surviving off that flimsy sweater?”
“Just needed some fresh air, that’s all.”
“It’s been way too long since you’ve been out there—I think that’s enough of it.”
Yeonjun heeds Soobin's advice and gets up swiftly. As he reenters the warmth of the gathering, a rush of heat hits his body, causing shivers. It becomes apparent just how long he was out in the cold.
Welcomed back by his talkative friends, bombarding him with questions, Soobin's supportive presence is felt with a reassuring hand on his back, accompanied by a warm smile from his friend.
Yeonjun finally lets out a small chuckle, joining in the lively atmosphere. However, as he suddenly looks into the distance, his smile abruptly transforms into a shocked expression, catching the attention of those around him.
Yeonjun's surprise deepens as he spots you in the midst of the crowd, your presence evoking a mixture of emotions within him.
His eyes were deceiving him, weren’t they?
The shock lingers on his face, momentarily freezing him in place as he processes the unexpected sight of you at the party.
Soobin, noticing Yeonjun's stunned reaction, leans in and whispers, "Go talk to them. I did this for you—make things work again."
A mixture of gratitude and apprehension fills Yeonjun as he contemplates approaching you. Realizing that hesitation won't get him anywhere, Yeonjun swiftly rushes over to you, determined to reconnect. The prospect of a renewed connection fills him with anticipation, the possibility of proposing to you and seeing you wear the ring he had carefully selected echoing in his mind.
As he approaches and sees your smile, the winter seems less cold, and the possibility of a season without you fades away.
As Yeonjun closes the distance between you, he realizes that you had kept your promise. Now, it's his turn to fulfill a promise — to make it a winter with you, vowing never again to let a winter pass without you.
This time, it will be a season filled with warmth and shared moments, a promise both to you and to himself.
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💭 — isnt writing angst so fun !!!!
TXT PERM TAGLIST — @flwoie @haruavrse @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @bubblytaetae @ineedaherosavemenow @ml8dy @wonioml @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @ja4hyvn @thia-aep @vampcharxter @sleepymoon27
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You sat quietly at your desk. You hands traced over the worn oak wood. This was all wrong. It was too quiet. There weren’t as many papers everywhere, cute sticky notes, and no redstone handprints that were far too small to be yours.
There wasn’t nearly enough of anything.
It hurt.
God it hurt knowing that the one person you devoted so much time, and love and care into wasn’t fucking real. 
Your breathing was heavy and tears clouded your vision as you hunched over your desk, curling into yourself.
“I-I had a son-”
Your broken words make your body and lungs shudder with the force of them and your voice cracked. Your wing pressed against your back uncomfortably, a few feathers out of place, but you couldn’t care less. You had already lost a wing, what would it matter if you lost enough.
A chill filtered through the room and you shivered. The basement was not warm at all and you could barely will yourself to get out of bed and down here.
Turning around feeling something brush a few of your primary feathers gently you whipped your head around. Your eyes widened and your wing puffed up, and your mind that could barely stay awake and focus on a single of the buzzing thoughts in your mind quieted.
It became solem and disbelieving like the basement you were standing in. All you felt was cold. The cool feeling on the cement floor under your feet and the ghost- phantom?- of your son standing before you. 
"Hey (Y/N)!”
His cheery voice seemed to echo and you scrambled over to his translucent, misty form. It didn’t make sense. None of this makes sense. It’s not supposed to be this way. He’s fake! He’s not real!
You walk through Arthur. He’s not here…he’s dead. Or at least not here. Not alive. Arthur isn’t your prodigy anymore. He’s your son, your second half, your entire world. To find him here of all places. ’
He can’t be real. He was never real. No. No. No No No NoNoNoNoNoNo-‘ 
“Your feathers have grown since you gave me your last one! They look damaged though.”
Your tears seemed to burn into your cheeks not stopping for a second. Your hand kept phasing through the desaturated Arthur in front of you. His words imprinted themselves into your mind. After hearing his voice for so long, to hear a echo-y version of his voice.
His real voice…to see him here in front of you shiny copper hair a bit less bright, and milky white iris, long hair pulled back into a ponytail, and freckles splashed across his face, freckles all over him actually. An old jacket of your draped over his cream sweater, black pants with knick-knacks and drafts overflowing from the pockets.
A cool hand laid on your shoulder, only able to reach because of the levitation. Was Arthur taller? He looked more mature? Was he older…? What happened?
“Are you okay (Y/N)?” -Tall Soft Anon (Also sorry accidentally started this as a request >-> so ignore that also this was super fun to write, ur welcome for extra angst lolz)
You stared at his pale face in disbelief, how in the world was he here? Was this your Arthur? It had to be, he mentioned the feather you gave him. Ender, how is this even possible? An icy finger swept across your cheek, rapidly cooling the warm tear stains. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat and screwed your eyes shut. A laugh echoed in the room, “(Y/n) you can’t hide from me, I’m finally here with you.”
You hesitantly opened your eyes and he was directly in front of you. After blinking rapidly and rubbing your eyes, he was still there. His smile was like it always was: wide, innocent, and cheerful. “H-how?”
Arthur winced slightly and glanced off to the side, “that- that doesn’t matter. I’m here (y/n), can you believe it?” A lively laugh bellowed from him, “I’m actually here!” He grabbed your hands and pulled you into a small dance. Granted he was merely moving your arms around and pulling you in circles, but despite the icy skin, he was here. He was actually here! 
A watery chuckle escaped you as you returned his grin and spun him around, some of the redstone that had found it’s way onto the floor getting blown upwards and glinting in the light, accentuating the air around you two in a flurry of red sparkles. 
Suddenly, he stopped dead in his tracks and your arms were yanked from the change in momentum. He didn’t look you in the eye, “I can’t be here forever, (y/n). Our time together is almost up, it’s almost time for you to wake up.”
You bent over slightly (he had really grown taller since the last time you saw him) and put your hands on his shoulders. “Artie, what do you mean? You just got here.” He said nothing, instead reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small colorful magnet. It was somehow a picture of you and him when you had given him his first pair of goggles and gloves. You both were smiling cheekily at the camera with your cheeks pressed together, redstone smeared across Arthur’s face.
You looked at it before looking back at your son, “A-Arthur, what-”
He was smiling at you bittersweetly, “keep that to remember me. I… I really don’t want to be forgotten, (Y/n)… I don’t want to go yet,” his breathing picked up, “I don’t want to go!” He lunged at you and wrapped his lanky arms around your midsection, sending you to the ground in the process. You landed on your bottom with a small grunt before you made quick work of hugging him as close to you as possible. 
You placed a kiss in his bushy hair, “I’ll never forget you, my little fledgling. I promise, we’ll find a way to stay together. I won’t let anybody take you away from me again.” He clutched your jacket tighter and burrowed his head into your shoulder, sobbing loudly between multiple “I don’t wanna go”’s
“Arthur, your time here is up.” You whipped your head up to see the person you didn’t want to see: Kristin. She was looking at the scene with melancholy and a frown tugging at her lips. Arthur whimpered and hugged you tighter, his fingers pinching your skin. 
You glared at the goddess with an amount of hate you didn’t know you could harbor for someone. You picked Arthur up in your arms with slight difficulty and wrapped him in your wing, some loose feathers falling off in the process. 
“You will not take him from me. Not again.”
“(Y/n) you must understand, he doesn’t belong here.” Kristen stepped closer to you. Her intense aura was nearly suffocating. 
You turned your body away from her, “YES HE DOES. HIS PLACE IS WITH ME AND ME ONLY. I WON’T LET YOU TAKE HIM.” You ran a hand along his tied back hair soothingly. 
She stood there silently for a moment before sighing wistfully, “I’m sorry for what I have to do.” Without a second word, her fingers snapped and your hand was stroking the air. You looked on in shock and anger as Arthur appeared by her side, his hand in hers. Endless tears streamed down his cheeks as he tried to run at you, “(Y/N) DON’T LET HER TAKE ME!” You tried to run at them before she raised a hand up to snap once again. The last thing you heard was his terrified screaming.
You shot up in your bed with your chest heaving. Eyes flickering frantically around the room, you realized that you were in your bedroom. You put your hands over your mouth in an attempt to cover up your choked sobs and let the dam break. 
Tears dribbled out of your eyes as you sobbed quietly into your hands. You just got him back, why did the universe keep ripping him away from you?! It wasn’t fair. None of this is. You just want to see his smile again.
“I’m sorry... I’m so sorry, my little fledgling.”
You cried until the sunbeams peeked through your window and you heard the tired shuffling of Philza’s feet on the carpet and the content hums from Wilbur outside your door. They didn’t bother begging for you to come downstairs with them anymore, not after you locked yourself in your room in your grief.
A shuddering sigh escaped you as you rubbed at your stinging eyes. You reached over to grab your glass of water on your nightstand before freezing when your fingers wrapped around something that definitely wasn’t a glass of water. 
You furrowed your brows before looking down at it in confusion. When you recognized what you saw, your breath hitched in your throat and a shaky laugh escaped you.
There in your hand laid a magnet.
fuck man I’m cryin in da club rn. It was fun to write tho!
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Hot Stuff (Tim Drake x Reader)
Words: 3k
Req: “can you do a fic where the reader has to get protected and she doesn't want to and thinks it's dumb but like otherwise someone is gonna try to kill her so a batboy (of your choice) has to protect her and they like realize they like each other? i just think it would be really cute sorry haha you can ignore me.”
I’m not gonna ignore you!!! this is adorable! also i let ppl vote not knowing the prompt and they picked tim hehehe so this will be fun! you really left me a LOT of creative freedom lmao so i tried my best but had a lot of fun lolz hope you enjoy angel!
It had been at least 5 years since you had ever shivered. And the last time it happened you were like 20 seconds away from dying so the fact that it was becoming a common feeling was definitely a problem. But your near death every couple minutes was a pretty dumb excuse to get you holed up in the batcave being watched over by none other than Mr. Batman himself. 
The whole problem arose when all the cold-powered super villains decided it was time for their equivalent of a crossover, deciding that if the world was frozen over they could... steal shit? Then unfreeze it or something? They were always a little slow (call it brain freeze if you will) but the beginnings of their plan worked and the temperature of the Earth was dropping steadily which didn’t bode well for a hero like you who’s powers revolved around heat and energy, the colder you got the weaker- making this the reason you were in a makeshift furnace set up discreetly in the Batcave. 
“Morning y/n let’s see how you’re doing” Tim greeted you with a wave, grabbing a tablet that was tracking your internal body temperature and other boring statistics on whether or not you’d live. “Oh man, okay, lemme turn it up” Tim tapped at the tablet while you folded another paper airplane and threw it at the glass. “I feel fine man, like really, I’m just chilling” you shrugged, incinerating the paper airplane with a small flame in the center of your palm while Tim chuckled. “Well ya see, you ‘chilling’ is actually quite a bad thing, but yeah a couple minutes with extra heat and you can come to breakfast!” you rolled your eyes at his smothered laughter. “How long you been sitting on that one?” you teased him. 
“Long enough Sparky, now warm up I’m hungry” Tim started you on a burst of energy while he moved on to the main BatComputer. “Whatcha solving today? Anything I can help with?” you squinted at the screen hoping for something interesting. “Bruce is going out to see if he can find the location of all the machines dropping the temp, and no, you’re definitely not going outside anytime soon” Tim chided you while you groaned and let sharp flames jutt from your clenched fists. “I’m not a child, I can regulate my temperature on my own, hell I can still make fire so clearly I’m fine” you said matter-of-factly holding up a flame and letting it dancing into a small burst. 
“And I’d like to keep you that way y/n let’s not risk it, now c’mon I think you’ve taken in enough energy” Tim opened the door to your little glass room, his eyes widening at the heat that brushed over his face. “Dude you ever got hot in there?” Tim questioned, fanning his face from the exposure. “Nope, I’m kinda like that all the time” you explained, casually taking his hand to show him how your skin practically radiated heat. “Oh- wow, you’re really warm but it’s kinda cool.” Tim mumbled, pushing your palm flush up against his, the tops of his fingertips curling around yours while he grinned, “your hands are so small” you snorted, “whatever Drake, I could cook you like a bird if I wanted to,” you laughed, racing up the steps towards the kitchen ready to warm up some breakfast.
That afternoon you were helping Damian through homework hoping for any excitement in the pure boredom. “Alright, done. I’m going to take Titus out you can come- uh actually nevermind.” Damian shot you an apologetic look before grabbing Titus’ collar. “No actually I can go! I’m super warm and got the go ahead!” You quickly stood up, telling yourself a little getaway was necessary. “Really? I believe Drake said-” you cut Damian off, “Tim is like never right about anything yaknow? Let’s go!” You zipped up a couple of your jackets with a grin while Damian led you outside. 
The air was crisp, like a fall day that was on the verge of shifting into winter. “You’re not going to die on me are you?” Damian glanced at you while you breathed in the fresh air peacefully. “No haha, this is just regulating my temperature using my powers for a little while, I get ill when I do it for too long, let’s go!” you raced down the street loving the freedom even though you could feel the cold creep in. 
“Y/n? Y/n? Guys I think her eyelids are moving! Y/N! Can you hear me?” a familiar voice buzzed over the white noise while you began to regain your senses. Slowly you blinked your eyes open to see Damian, who looked pissed, Bruce, who also looked pissed, and Tim, who looked worse than ever. “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING YOU LIED TO DAMIAN TO GO OUTSIDE THEN ALMOST DIED!” Tim was waving his hands and showing you charts of your warmth-cold ratios being at all time lows and spouting off concerning facts about your health while Bruce just looked at the ceiling asking ‘why me’. 
“I thought I’d be fine” you whispered, feeling your throat scream at it’s use. “It’s like freezing outside- freakin colder than winter- and you wanted to go outside???” Tim looked exasperated, he was in a loose tank top and shorts, it looked like he’d been sweating so he had probably been next to you for a while during your recovery. “I didn’t think I’d get so cold” you mumbled, flexing your hands while you tried to regain your strength. 
Eventually Tim calmed down, he went back to working on cases but you noticed him frequently checking to confirm you hadn’t left your new room. Damian chastised you for lying and told you how you essentially fainted a couple blocks into the walk, it was just way too cold too for you to function outside. But the small taste of freedom was worth it. 
“Hey hot stuff,” Tim gave you a little devilish smile at his new nickname for you. “Cute Drake, but what’s up?” you called back as he approached your makeshift oven-room. “Nothing much just thought I’d come hangout- warm up your cold dark heart for once” you shook your head at all his heat-centered puns. “Tough talk for a glorified shish-kebab” you said with a laugh, letting a little spark dance on your finger tips. 
“What does it feel like? The powers and being cold?” Tim asked, his eyes still staring at your palm. “Mhm it’s a part of me yaknow? So when it’s cold its like a piece of my being is being stifled, like choked out of me. But normally, it just flows through me and I can channel it and what not but right now it feels... rigid, like every ounce of warmth is being used to circulate through my own body” you said with a sign, missing the freedom and immense warmth. “We’re gonna fix this y/n you know that right? This is only temporary, I promise.” Tim whispered, inching closer to the glass. 
You felt a tear slip out, quickly you pushed it away feeling it evaporate in your hands you looked up at Tim who was inches from the glass, his cheeks were red from the heat radiating on him as he stood bundled in a sweater. Slowly he gave you a hopeful smile, putting his hand up against the glass. With a small smile you uncurled your hand up to meet his, for a second you just met his eyes and knew you were safe. Even when everything seemed so cold Tim was warm, and he was always there for you. 
A couple days later you were stable, but constantly needing reheating. You’d spent a lot of time with Tim who had set up a little workspace outside your room. He’d work on cases and talk to you, sometimes he’d catch a few minutes of sleep, his cheek pressed adorably up to the warm glass while you stifle giggles as his sleepy breaths fog the glass. Your situation was bearable with Tim, and you were really starting to enjoy his company.
“Red Robin we’ve got something” you watched Tim shoot up from his work as Bruce descended into the Batcave. “Barry Allen and the rest of Star Labs have reason to believe the frost machines aren’t actually underground, but their above us. Think pumping out cold air like an AC machine for the Earth” Tim nodded, sitting down at the batcomputer as he began typing rapidly. You were straining your neck against the glass to try to see what he was doing. 
“Got it, try here, here, and here” Tim was pointing wildly at a map while Bruce sent out the coords. “Suit up, if we’re right this’ll be a real fight” Bruce said as he left to go get the others. After Tim was in his suit he came up next to your room with a grin. You looked at him with hopeful eyes, “you think this is it?” you asked Tim while he flashed you a hopeful smile. “I hope so y/n, if we’re lucky this will be it” he answered, taking a deep breath and clenching his hands into fists. “Well you need extra luck” you told him, he nodded then stopped short when you burst out of the room, throwing your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. “My hugs are super lucky” you whispered into his chest while his hands wrapped around your back. “I’ll take all the luck I can get” he mumbled, lowering his head into the crook of your neck. The hug was easy and perfect- until you started to shiver. Quickly Tim deposited you back into your room, turning up the heat. 
“Guess I’m not hot enough for you” Tim snorted while you rubbed your shoulders. “Shut up dork, now go fix the world so I can give you a proper hug” you placed your hand against the glass again. With a nod he placed his hand to yours, “will do” he said, dashing off towards Bruce and Damian who were also all suited up. 
“Y/n I must inform you they have in fact found the base and will be going into battle shortly” Alfred called from the computers while he monitored the team’s location. “Yes!” you shouted, pumping a fist in the air while you paced around your room. 
The plan was clear, there were 10 giant AC machines pumping out the frost across the world, some heroes had been separated into teams each tasked with taking out their respective machine then any hero strong enough to lift the machines were in charge of bringing them to an undisclosed location on one of Bruce’s private islands for inspection and dismantling. Alfred had Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian’s vitals displayed on the screen as their suits were consistently monitoring them and you’d been craning your neck to keep track of the little bars. “god Alfie how do you take it? You can see every hit they take, every injury, you’re basically looking at it all going wrong!” you felt like tearing your hair out, watching the screen light up with every hit each boy took. 
“You get used to it Ms. Y/n you must have faith that they’ve seen worse and can survive anything” Alfred answered cooly but it didn’t stop you from wincing everytime Tim’s bar lowered or lit up meaning he took a hit. 
Over the comms you heard Bruce and Damian confirm their machine was sufficiently broken, as well as 8 of the other machines. As it turned out, Tim, Dick, and one of those annoying speedsters had been sent to the head machine, a few members of the league were at the other. You watched Tim take hit after hit, clearly him and Dick were struggling. “Alf is it just me or are Tim and Dick’s bars not going up” you were pounding at the glass of your room. Slowly Alfred nodded, abruptly standing up. To your shock he began moving around the cave, setting up what looked like a makeshift hospital room. “There will almost assuredly be some injuries after this battle. But how are you feeling Ms. Y/n as over half of the machines have been taken down” Alfred drew you away from the flashing bars as you realized you were feeling better, still not top shape but better than you’d been in days. “Yeah you’re right I’m definitely feeling better-”
“Hey Alfie Tim just got buried in snow any recommendations?” you heard Dick’s voice come over the speakers. Your head whipped to his bar which was flashing wildly as you shrieked. Alfred replied quickly, “Master Dick you must remove him immediately and wrap him with something warm as his suit cannot regulate him in freezing temperatures.” as he made his way back to the batcomputer, talking Dick through his next actions. 
“Will do, he’ll be okay but he’s kinda a popsicle right now” Dick’s voice came over the comms again while you let out the breath you’d been holding in as you saw Tim’s bar sliding back up. Shortly after they were aided by the rest of the league, promptly taking out the final machine and finding the villains hiding inside. 
Dick, Tim, and Damian returned to the cave shorty, Bruce was busy with league business interrogating the villains. Damian came in first, declaring he now hated the cold after how freezing that mission was. Following him was Dick who was walking with a slight limp as he called to Alfred explaining that he just twisted it when he dug Tim out of the snow. And last, Tim made his way into the cave. His hair was wet, clearly melted from being buried under snow. He was wearing a Star Labs sweatshirt and sweatpants as he held his waterlogged suit in his slightly shaky hands, and a towel was draped over his shoulders. “Alf you want my suit? Pretty sure I fried half the tech” he called as he shook his head, little water droplets flying from his hair. “I’ll see to it’s repair Master Tim” Alfred nodded, gesturing for Tim to place it next to him. “Also, might I recommend you spend some time with Miss Y/n as she is quite capable of warming you up” Alfred gestured towards your room before going back to examining Dick’s ankle. 
Tim nodded in agreement, giving you a little wave as he stumbled into the room with you. Letting the relief flood your head you quickly brought him into a warm hug, focusing on pushing some of your energy forwards to warm him up. “Mhm” Tim’s eyelashes fluttered shut against your neck while he melted into your embrace. “You’re so cold” you whispered with a giggle. “Yeah and you’re really hot” Tim groaned in reply, though you could feel his lips curl into a smile against your neck. “I think you meant warm” you tried to ignore the butterflies having a rager in your stomach. “Hm no I said it right” Tim whispered in your ear making your eyes widen at his upfront response. “Oh, I- uh, thanks? I think you’re pretty cool- no not cool cuz like that’s the opposite of hot- yeah you’re-” you were silenced as Tim pressed his lips to yours. Your eyes shot open at the feeling of his ice cold lips pressed to yours but they quickly fluttered closed when his hand wrapped around the back of your head, pulling you deeper into the kiss. His lips quickly warmed up against yours making your breath hitch when he slipped a cold hand around your waist pulling you flush against him. His fingers felt like ice as they grasped your back but you couldn’t but melt into his touch. 
You pulled away first, taking in gasping breaths while you couldn’t help but grin. “You warm yet?” you teased, pulling his hand away from your back and placing your hand in his, giving it a warm squeeze. “Mhm one more kiss” he pouted, leaning down to place a smiling kiss onto your lips while you scrunched your nose. “I should seriously freeze to death more often if it means I get to kiss you” Tim said while you rolled your eyes. “Or you could just not die and I might give you a good-job kiss?” you offered with a grin. “Will do” Tim nodded, giving your hand a squeeze. 
“Goodbye oven!” you shouted, practically kicking the door open as you finally got to leave the cramped room behind. Just a day later the Earth had returned to average temperature and you were free. “I am SO ready to go home, not that I didn’t like it here” you said, giving Tim a little smile as Bruce return all your belongings after a little over a week in Bat-Solitude. “Come back soon though?” Tim piped up with a hopeful looks. “Definitely, I won’t give you the cold shoulder” you snorted at your own joke while Damian groaned, saying something about being happy he’ll be free of your puns. 
Tim walked you out, chatting your ear off about his next cases and all the time he had to come see you, over the course of the frozen-adventure you’d found a best friend and possibly something more, maybe the oven was worth it after all? 
“Okay, so I’ll see you in a couple days?” you grinned as Tim nodded. “Yup! Now before you go, I need another good luck hug- they definitely work wonders seeing as last time I got buried in snow” Tim laughed, wrapping his arms around you as he chuckled into the hug. “Not my fault you turned into a snowman Drake” You gave him a squeeze before pulling away, locking eyes with him. His hand slipped to your chin again, but this time you wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling him in for a goodbye kiss, loving the way sparks danced on your lips. Pulling out of the kiss as the car arrived Tim opened the door for you like the gentleman he is, giving your hand a squeeze.
“See you later hot stuff” Tim winked at you, shutting the door and waving as you drove away, shaking your head at his never ending puns, you smiled to yourself as soon as he was out of view, loving the idea that you’d get to tease that cute dork for the rest of your life. 
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gender detector ?
i’ve had this joke headcanon idea for a while now and i decided i wanted to write . so here i am on tumblr ahwahahwahwh how can akaza say so confidently that he’s never eaten any women before ? how about trans people who are closeted / haven’t transitioned yet ? how abt non binary people ? what if .. he can sense ur identity ... this’ll be the first ever story i post here and i hope my 2 followers will enjoy it lolz i got a little bit lazy at the end btw so be warned i feel so anxiety posting this idek y hgelp lsofdsgksg
characters  —  daki , douma , akaza ships  —  none genre  —   silly funny crack
" oh , oh ! there's this rumour going around about your friend . " " oh , really ? what are they talking about this time ? "
it was that time of the day . all of the other demons were telling each other daytime stories , mostly silly light – hearted rumors about the others ( who knew demons liked to gossip lol ) . sunrise was approaching fast as the two upper moons chatted away in the infinity fortress , not at all caring about the time .
" all the other demons are saying he can tell someone's pronouns just by being in the same room as them ! "
daki answers , her and her friend sitting in a small comfortable room while enjoying a small snack ; someone's left arm .
" ah .... akaza – dono sure is a silly guy . i wouldn't be surprised if they were telling the truth ! "
douma replied half - jokingly , a small laugh following shortly after .
" what ? who told you we were talking about akaza – sama , hmm ? " " ehhhh ...? but .. he's like .. my only other frie — " " just kidding !"
not douma forgetting about gyuutarou , smh . oh well . gyuu was enjoying some alone time anyway , so ... an overly dramatic gasp was let out by the man , the little girl laughing at his reaction .
" heyyy ! how dare you trick me like that ? " " it's only fair , you do that to me and my brother all the time ! you always make us look so stupid . hmph ! " " oh , but you are — "
a flick was delivered to douma's forehead , the latter making a little " ah ! " noise before laughing it off with daki , finishing the little joke argument they had . ( .. he did think daki was pretty stupid , though . )
" okay . okay but . not gonna lie , i kinda wanna test that rumour out . " " the gender detector thing ? " " yes , that ! i wanna see if he can actually detect one of my cult members' gender orientation ... "
grabbing an index finger from the half – eaten arm on the table , he held it in front of him . oh boy , he's about to speak an entire paragraph again ..
" i remember who i got this snack from . mieko – kun . sadly , i have no idea what they identify as , but i do know that they go by they / it / he . if we can get this finger to akaza – dono and ask him to sniff out their pronouns , we'll know if the rumours were true or not . "
daki simply nods in agreement at what he said , staying silent so douma could fully explain his ' master plan ' . 
" there's one problem , though ... that silly guy keeps avoiding me . it's almost like he's ignoring my existence ! "
he said , pouting in disappointment .
" sorry to burst your bubble , but he probably is ... " " hm ... no , i think he's probably just playing hard to get ! i have a chance ! "
poor douma lol
" err .. how about i do it instead ? i'm a woman , so he'll definitely oblige ! and you can stay hidden somewhere close so i can go back and talk to you when i'm done . " " oh yeah , great idea ! let's go do that . "
douma stood up from the floor , carrying the finger and making his way to the door . meanwhile , daki quickly got up and looked at her friend with a confused face .
" wait , right now ?? " " yeah ! you busy or something ? " " no , i was just a little surprised . " " okay ! let's get going , then ! "
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after searching the entire fortress for what felt like hours , they found absolutely nothing . i mean , it wasn't called the infinity fortress for nothing . the place was absolutely massive ! hell , they even ran into kokushibou once or twice . just as the two troublemakers were about to give up , a familiar figure was seen in the distance . the striped oni was sitting at a random bench , looking slightly upwards into the distance , probably zoning out . douma would've instinctively ran towards his ' best friend ' if it weren't for daki holding him in place .. the two quickly hid behind a corner and exchanged nods before douma handed daki mieko's finger . the young demon then swiftly made her way to akaza and presented him with the finger .
" akaza – sama ! "
akaza was snapped back into reality by daki's words . looking at daki with a confused look , he pointed at the item in daki's grasp and asked ;
" .. is that for me ? " " well , you can have it if you want . but please answer my question first ! "
upper three sighed at upper six's request , a little annoyed .
" go ahead , ask away . " " umm ... do you know the pronouns this person used ? " " oh . let me see .  "
not understanding why daki was so curious about it , akaza takes the finger from daki's hands and squints his eyes at it . he wasn’t gonna bother to ask why . meanwhile , daki’s brain is going ‘ wait , he’s actually gonna do it ? ‘ , fully expecting him to get real confused and call her a dumbass .
" this one's a little difficult ... " " hm ? why's that ? " " i can sense some neopronouns . not too experienced with those . "
neopronouns ? hold up , douma didn't mention anything about that .
" they definitely prefer they / it . and he / him is okay too . "
eh , whatever . he 100% nailed the more common pronouns , and that was enough proof .
" they also use at least a few neopronouns , star / stars being one of them . i can't tell what the rest are . "
daki was dumbfounded . she wasn't expecting the rumours to be true at all , honestly . she was so ready to blame douma for all this stupidity .
“ woah . thank you , akaza – sama ! “
akaza let out a soft hum , nodding his head .
“ anytime . “
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making her way back , daki spots douma , who was casually leaning against the wall .
" hey , douma – kun ! "
douma perked up and looked down at her with his usual cheeky smile .
" yes ? " " did mieko – san use neopronouns ? akaza – sama mentioned those once of twice . " " oh yeah ! i almost forgot ! "
the taller oni innocently laughed .
" was star / stars one of them ? " " mhm . " " woah ... "
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rainhadaenerys · 5 years
Ok, so I was about to give up on GOT and ASoIaF. But I thought about it, and as much as this ending doesn't make sense for the show, it makes even less sense for the books. Like, I know prophecies are supposed to be up for interpretation and not reliable, but none of it is happening in the show. Not the YMBQ, the PWWP, I'm not even sure if the show will give us the Valonquar ending, even though it's been hinted at for so long. And Daenerys being bareen. Big theme is the curse in the books (1)
The show even goes into it in Season 7, and we go nowhere with it? Like, it would be one thing if infertility is part of her arc, but the books and show are constantly undermining it so that even though Dany believes it, almost no one else does. And if Dany is going to be the final boss, why not build her up to be a villain? She’s not even that morally grey considering it’s ASoIaF. She should already be a very questionable character in the books, and the show has only 3 episodes left. (2)
I was just wanting to know if you actually think the books are going that way. Because this seems like an ending to a completely different story than ASoIaF (3)
It really doesn’t make any sense. GRRM has said that prophecies come true, but not in the way we expect them to. But no prophecy came true in GOT. Saying things like Arya is the Princess that was Promised doesn’t really make sense, because Arya didn’t fulfill any of the parts of the prophecy. The prophecy is that AA/PTWP would be born amidst salt and smoke under a bleeding star to wake dragons out of stone and pull a flaming sword from the fire. Arya didn’t fulfill any of that. So D&D just dropped it for the sake of a twist.
About barrenness, yes, Dany story in the books has hints that she’s not barren. Her story goes in threes, and she already lost two children (stillborn and miscarriage), so I would expect the third child to live. And honestly, season 7 talked way too much about babies. Why waste time talking about it, if nothing related to it will happen? Did D&D just do it for the lolz? So that people would think she’ll get pregnant and they would have another pointless twist? Because it is pointless. And this isn’t what a red herring works. A red herring is supposed to distract you for something that will happen. But something must happen. There must be a reason for why you do something. Talking about babies in season 7, only for nothing related to that even happen, this isn’t a red herring, this is lying to your audience.
And about Dany being a villain…no. Book Dany is not that grey. Actually, she is one of the more goody goody characters in the books. Book Dany has only done two bad things so far: the crucifixions and the torture of the wineseller’s daughters. Torture is something normal in this world, so I don’t count that as villain territory, especially because Dany later forbids torture. And the slavers crucified were chosen amongst the slaver class and the leaders of Meereen. They weren’t random innocent people. Are they honestly trying to tell me that Dany would start executing random peasants for no reason at all? Just because she got angry and went mad? People that had nothing to do with what happened to Missandei? Daenerys “the blood of my enemies, not the blood of innocents” Targaryen? Daenerys “had no wish to reduce King’s Landing to a ruin full of unquiet ghosts” Targaryen? WTF???? No. That’s bad writing. And not just bad writing, it’s sexist writing. Dany and Cersei are the two main female rulers in ASOIAF. Sansa might become a ruler in the future, but Sansa is still secondary to Jon and Tyrion. With only Sansa as a good female ruler, it still feels like a consolation prize for women, because the main female rulers are villains. Having both main female rulers be bad, while both main male rulers are good is absolutely sexist. Especially considering that Cersei and Dany are women who have sex for pleasure and outside marriage, while Sansa is virginal. What’s the message here? That only virginal women can be good rulers? Only women that don’t defy the patriarchy? I expect George to be a better writer than that. And for someone who has called himself a feminist, I expect him to be aware of just how sexist this is.
I’m seeing people say things like “I didn’t know this character as I thought”. I won’t say that. I know Daenerys. She’s not this thing D&D are turning her into. This is character assassination.
So do I think this will happen in the books? I don’t. I expect George to be better than that. And he has said he’s not a nihilist. But GRRM’s utter silence about the books stresses me out. And he keeps going back and forth about whether the books and show will have the same ending or not. So I don’t know what to believe. I think the books won’t be like this. I think George is better than that. But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe he is a sexist writer after all. This is just exhausting, and I wouldn’t blame anyone for giving up on ASOIAF if George doesn’t denounce this show asap.
Sorry if this isn’t a very conclusive answer.
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writedreamlie · 7 years
@zsaszmatazz tagged me to do the “six movies I can watch any time” meme (LIKE 10 YEARS AGO I’M SORRY) so here goes!
1. Road to El Dorado
Don’t tell me you can’t also watch this whenever. It’s lolzy, it’s feelsy, and it’s the source of one of my three OT3s. If Miguel/Tulio wasn’t allowed to be canon, I’m making Miguel/Chel/Tulio my headcanon dammit. Fight me.
The story is a fantastic adventure every time. The music is amazing, the animation is GORGEOUS. The jokes are funny no matter how many times I hear them. “Stars.” “Holy ship.” “Apparently ‘El Dorado’ is native for GREAT... BIG... ROCK.” 
And don’t get me started on the armadillo. Is that thing a spirit guide? A god? Probably. I’m for it.
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2. Chicken Run
I consider this one a guilty pleasure. Again, always a funny, fun adventure. Just serious enough to balance out the lolz. And Ginger is one hell of a snarky character. I love that she’s simultaneously mom friend and rebel friend.
Also, it’s that claymation Wallace and Gromit animation, which is just... nifty! I always find myself watching certain characters move, checking out different textures, especially with Babs and her knitting. Just... excellent.
Also, also this:
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3. Stardust
What can I say about this movie? Well...
I was based on a book written by my favorite author, Neil Gaiman, is a fantastic adventure that addresses the line between magic and non-magic worlds and includes such fun things as evil witches, falling in love, warring princes, falling stars, unicorns, ghosts, and sky pirates in drag (which Neil said he’s pretty sure he didn’t write, but it’s such a good scene you guys).
I am always happy by the end of it. The growing-up story is so good. And Tristan kind of bumbles through it like I totally believe I would were I thrown into a story like that. It’s just... such a satisfyingly complete and fun story, and I love it every single time.
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4. Megamind
Shut the hell your mouth this is the best villain-to-hero story I know. I am always so proud of Megamind. Like, real talk, how often does our favorite adorable villain get the girl? How often do we get to see the bumbling bad guy actually get a cool-ass happy ending? And the emotional journey he goes on gets just serious enough without killing the funny vibe the whole movie carries.
The writing is tropey, but in a way that totally plays on those tropes while making fun of them. Trope-ception is my favorite trope. And I love, love, LOVE the design choices. This movie is so colorful, and the proportions are so over the top. It’s just a visual salad. 
And, as always, the jokes are good no matter what. I don’t think I’ll ever get over, “And I love you, random citizen!” This movie is such a fun time, please go watch it.
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5. Strange Magic
Have you heard of this movie? Well, now you have. Please go watch it. 
Much like Megamind, Strange Magic got pushed to the back burner by more popular movies coming out at the same time. And that’s just a shame, because it’s just so good.
It’s a jukebox musical with reenactments of all sorts of songs, all of which are brilliant (half the time because Evan Rachel Wood My Queen is singing them, but also Alan Cumming, and sometimes they sing together and I die). The story is predictable, but the characters are what make it for me. They’re fun enough that even though I saw the end coming a mile away, it was nothing but enjoyable watching them get there.
This fandom is also dear to my heart. It’s full of some of the sweetest people with some of the most interesting fan fiction that I’ve ever read. When I think good writing, I think @abutterflyobsession who has made me cry on more than one occasion, and @jaegereska whose lore and OCs add so much to the world beyond the movie. 
Major draws: good music, lovely animation, self-confidence story, princess with a sword, SWEET SWEET VENGEANCE, and did I mention singing by Evan Rachel Wood, Alan Cumming, and Kristin Chenoweth? Bruh.
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6. Labyrinth
My favorite movie for now and always. Set it at the bottom for full effect. Get ready.
First off, music by David Bowie that is fuckin’ catchy as heck. If you don’t want to at least tap your foot along to ‘Dance Magic Dance’ you’re lying. ‘As the World Falls Down’ was the first song I remember wanting to know the lyrics to. 
Side note: If you didn’t think the Fireys were creepy as fuck, you’re also lying.
There has never been so much glitter in one place ever. The visual gags are always funny. Like, there are Bowie faces I still can’t find to this day hidden in the scenery??? The muppets are all adorable because Brian Froud is amazing, and I want a pet goblin. Everything is just so much fun to look at. Don’t even get me started on the ridiculous fantasy fulfillment that is the ballroom scene. I just. 
The jokes are always funny because they run on a dry sense of humor like mine. “Well, come on feet.” One I missed for years. “No, that’s the dead end, behind you!” Ha, hubris. “It’s a piece of cake!” Shut up, Sarah...
But you also can’t not love the characters? Like, come on, who doesn’t wanna hug Ludo just a little. And Didymus, the fox knight that rides a fuckin’ tiny dog into battle?? And Hoggle who collects jewelry and pretends to be bitter as hell but cares so much??? Heck off, they’re all awesome.
Fave movie. Always. 
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Honorable Mention: Big Fish
Added this one because I can watch this any time, but it always makes me cry, so I usually save it for when I need a good cry. (Srsly, @may10baby can vouch, I once tried to explain the end to her and started sobbing in the car).
It’s just such a cool story. We get to see the life of the father as told through his own hyperbolic stories, which include a star-studded cast playing funny scenes in between serious family time. And the end... christ, it’s just such a satisfying ending. Such a good play on storytelling and what it can mean to people. Which, as a writer, means a lot to me.
Also, it’s the only Tim Burton movie I’ve seen that doesn’t look like... that. You know. How Burton movies look. Helena Bonham Carter plays like 3 different people, and none of them are Mrs. Lovett. That’s a feat, honestly.
I’ve said this about a few of these, but please watch this movie.
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Ummm I guess I’m gonna send this along to the people I already tagged, @abutterflyobsession @jaegereska @may10baby and also @fandomizedwonderland @thetrendywitch @pkmndaisuki for shits and giggles.
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kiritokun · 7 years
2017 Anime in Review
So, it is that time of the year again, the end is neigh, and it has snuck up on me yet again. With the end of the fall season for me only 3 days away, I thought I should get to writing and compiling this list, which, compared to other years feels dauntingly short. With a total of only 33 anime/movies I saw this year, I feel like either I’ve gotten pickier, shows have gotten worse, or there were too many sequels that I didn’t wanna rush through previous seasons to watch the new season. Regardless, keeping up with tradition, here I am for my fifth annual anime review. As always, the top 12 are in alphabetical order and then the rest are discussed in alphabetical order as well since, as you may have noticed, I was lazy this year and didn’t do any quarterly reviews. So, you’ll get my full rambling here this year! Let’s get this party started!
Ao no Exorcist: Kyoto Fujouou-hen
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The long awaited sequel to Ao no Exorcist, the Kyoto arc is where the action finally ramps it into high gear. The stakes get higher and the action gets real fucking rad. I’m so glad the Ao no Exorcist got its second season finally, it’s, in my opinion, somewhat underrated as an anime and doesn’t get the respect it deserves. Here’s hoping that the second season garnered enough attention for another season, because with stunning visuals, great story, and music to boot, it be a shame not to continue seeing more of this series.
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria
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And here we have it, the spin of to DanMachi that focuses on the Loki Familia. At first I was skeptical that they decided to do this instead of another season of DanMachi, but to quell my concerns I read into the manga and fell in love. The motivations you see for Aiz in the story help make sense of why she puts up with Bell, why she is the strongest and overall just a lot of fleshing out of her character. But luckily it doesn’t just center around Aiz, but the whole of the front line of the Loki familia, letting us see how a strong dungeon clearing familia does business, and boy does they show us the business in the season finale.
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What is this train wreck? Another imouto series? Yes, I’m sorry. I can’t stop myself, I’m a sucker for comedy. Eromanga-sensei is great, because unlike its predecessors (OreImo) it doesn’t try to make the viewers stomach that blood relations hell. With an adorable cast, great punchlines, and reasonable visuals, it’s well worth a watch if you need a laugh.
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What is this, another train wreck? Yep, sorry not sorry. At least it’s a unique train wreck, with our 5 main characters in a horrible love pentagon from hell. Amano likes Tendou and vice versa, Aguri likes Uehara and vice versa, and Chiaki likes Amano. Seems simple enough, just a love triangle you say, NOPE. Because its all a clusterfuck of people thinking the person they like likes someone else. EVEN THOUGH AGURI AND UEHARA ARE DATING. God help me why did I like this again. Wait the great lolz. That’s why, grade A lolz.
Imouto sae Ireba Ii.
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Yes, it says Imouto in the title. But I swear, its not OreImo again. My boy Itsuki here is a light novel author… with an obsession for little sisters. See that’s new. This anime is a slice of life that revolves around the light novel publishing business and we see most of it through the perspective of Itsuki, but Nayu and Haruto have been in the spotlight, showing us their process to writing their novels or anime adaptations. But the cake for me has to go to Itsuki’s college friend Miyako, who is best girl of the year for me. Lord have mercy that girl is adorable. Also this bastard of an anime has the best ending song of the year for me, freaking great song.
Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni.
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The premise here was interesting, our protagonist meets an early end in his world, but God having pity on him allows him to reincarnate in a new world, taking one thing with him. He chooses to keep his smartphone and there by gains a interesting advantage in a world of magic, where he is able to access all the old information from his home world (Assumingly an anime Earth), but also gains amazing power in this world. Because God felt the phone was a bit of a cheap gimme, he enhances all hit attributes including his affinity for magic, allowing him to be incredibly fucking broken and OP in this world in combat. So don’t go in to this for a fair fight, but for comedy, bullshit fights, and a interesting take on how a medieval magic world would benefit from someone from our time period came and started just dropping knowledge. (ICE CREAAAM)
Koi to Uso
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A society that has a system that will match you to your perfect soulmate, seems ideal doesn’t it? But what if you find yourself fallen in love for years and come your 16th birthday you are matched with someone whom you have no feelings for. That’s the premise of Koi to Uso, and man it’s a doozy. I wish this had gotten more episodes because I feel like the premise was great, even if the protagonist was a bit spineless. Unfortunately I doubt it did well enough to get another season, so I’ll have to read the manga for some closure, but it got my interest. It also had a fantastic opening song, catchy as all hell.
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2
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If you read my reviews in the past, you should NOT be surprised that KonoSuba2 made it into this list. The laughs were still there, the bullshit success story of Kazuma never ends. God what else can I say about one of the best action comedies I’ve seen? Go watch it? Season 1 first though, it does actually continue story wise so you need to see it in order. ERIS IS TRUE LIFE, AQUA LIES!
Rewrite 2nd Season
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Man, I can already feel how controversial this pick is. A lot, and I mean a lot, of people did not like Rewrite, nor Rewrite season 2. I am one of the few that thought it was alright. I have also not played the visual novel its based on so I’m more forgiving to its faults than most. But I have researched into the series post watching the anime, and can see very well why people were so… triggered. Overall the second season I feel was stronger than the first, elaborating on back story a lot more and giving viewers more to understand what the actual fuck is going on. And you gotta admit the season started off with a bang with that huge battle in episode 16. After which the series I feel took a darker and more realistic turn, which I thought was a step in the right direction.
Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records
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Yes, another magic world school series. What was unique about this one? The main character is older for one, isn’t trying to fall in love for another, and lastly, isn’t purposefully gimped of his power. He tends a lazier route but is able to be bring forth his abilities to full blast when necessary. I will say the uniforms are kinda bullshit, like how are they practical lol.
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata 
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Why oh why did we not get just a bit more of this series? I’m glad they announced a movie to hopefully finish the story since its so close to the end of the light novels. But this ends up being more of the same, with Aki trying to pursue his game creation dream further with more trials and tribulations along the way. But none of that matters, what matters is we got more Megumi in our lives and man oh man is she still as great as ever. Best heroine, no boring heroine here!
Tsurezure Children
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Considering how much I love the manga series, it is no surprise that I loved the anime. They stayed true to the manga and made it a snippet of short stories for all the characters. I only wished it had been 24 episodes so we could have developed everyone more and introduced more people as well. But, its okay, we introduced the best characters anyway with BROTOYAMA being introduced and of course, everyone’s favorite LOVE MASTER! He gets even better, just you wait.
Honorable Mentions
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This was just a big disappointment to me, I had hoped it would fall back on Chaos;Head a bit and explain some more, give us an epilogue if you will of what happen to those people, but we just got a new story full force. While the story of Chaos;Child isn’t bad, it wasn’t what I wanted, though man, the movie was something else. Sadly it wasn’t what I was looking for.
Clockwork Planet
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Iffy animation, story all over the place, main dude kinda nuts and annoying. I couldn’t actually find something I liked about Clockwork planet. It’s a shame because I thought I’d love it based on the poster art, but, it wasn’t meant to be apparently.
Code:Realize: Sousei no Himegimi
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I have a very love hate relationship with Code:Realize. I don't actually enjoy it that much, but its interesting enough that I was not able to bring myself to drop the series. Week after week I watched with half attention because I wanted to see a resolution to the series, but it wasn't very good to watch it. I don’t know what drew me to it, but it brought me back for more every week so I guess it had to be somewhat good if I can't find something I hated either.
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Man, Fate Apocrypha is an example of why ufotable should be the only people that are allowed to handle the Fate series. While the story is pretty interesting war wise, the character development felt slopy, the fights were poorly animated (til episode 22-23 those were pretty rad), and overall just felt bad. It’s a shame ufotable doesn’t have exclusive rights to fate adaptations, but oh well, it was okay. Hopefully Shaft does better with Fate Extra, but I doubt it.
Gin no Guardian
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Normally if a series gets a second season announced and I watched the first season, I watch the new season. Like I watched Samurai Girls, then tried to watch Samurai Bride and realized it was god awful. Well with Gin no Guardian, I watched the first season and will not be giving its second season a watch because it was very boring, slow paced, and scattered about. I don’t see how it got a second season, but I guess some people might have liked it, or maybe since its shorter episodes it was worth finishing up another season? I don’t understand really.
Hajimete no Gal
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The boobs in this series were fucking absurd. Who was the character designer for this and the manga? They need to go look at some real women to understand how boobs function. Holy shit was that a problem in this series. Unless the designers only watched porn with very fake breasts, they should have realized something was awry with their boob design. Holy fuck have I been waiting to complain about that for a while. Besides the boobs, pretty good anime, I laughed pretty hard actually, when the boobs were functioning like human boobs.
Hand Shakers
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Now, the art style alone was a bit of a departure for me, but it also caught me attention so I gave it a shot. Hand Shakers story was rocky at best, but at the end of the day, it wasn’t actually bad. The concept of not being able to let go of her hand got real old fast, like come on that’s a horrible life flaw to force on someone, even anime wise. But oh well, I didn’t hate the anime, I found it enjoyable at least.
Juuni Taisen
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Some people really loved Juuni Taisen, I was not one of those people. Don't get me wrong, it was actually pretty interesting; I enjoy that battle royal genre a lot. But I just couldn’t get behind the predictable episode structure and most unlikable characters. I was glad when I started to like people, but then they’d die off and make me feel like I wasted my joy. So, that was rough going, even if it was predictable in the end it was a fun watch.
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series
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Oh my god, Kino is a wonderful anime, but I couldn't make myself drop one of the other 12 down. So no don't think I didn't love this anime, I did, I adored it. The visuals were beautiful, the music was great, and each individual story was amazing. Episode 11 was incredible in my opinion, and a satisfying watch to realize how Kino came to be.
Konohana Kitan
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I might be a bit slow, but I did NOT realize that the hotel was a kind of limbo til very late in the series. Did I miss some key dialogue? Maybe, someone let me know. But holy hell has this been an amusing watch. Its been beautifully animated, and on top of that the stories are all heartwarming.
Kuzu no Honkai
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This fucking anime, holy shit this anime. I had some issues here. First of all, our two protagonists, like fuck, why didn't you end up together? Like, are you that childish that you can’t accept that you’ve made mistakes but are essentially good for each other? Also; Ecchan; can really go fuck off, her attitude drove me up a wall the entire series. What a horrible personality. God, I think I only made it through this because I was hoping for a happier ending and man did I not get that.
Little Witch Academia (TV)
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Very unpopular opinion incoming. This should have stayed a movie. There, I said it. I didn't think it needed to be adapted into a full length anime. It felt like every episode dragged on and on and only felt like it reached a proper pacing structure towards the end when everything started to go down. Had the series been condensed to 12 episodes I get a feeling I may have been fonder of it.
Masamune-kun no Revenge
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Masamune really needs his revenge; he went from tubby to abs in a few years. He needs to get vengeance for starving and working out to be healthy. Wait that sounds wrong, shouldn't he be thanking her for making him realize that he needed to get healthy and that she was kind of a bitch? That would be the logical outcome, but no, we get led into a lengthy hell. The manga has started to move towards the conclusion, which I think might satisfy me more than the anime did, but we'll see what happens.
New Game!!
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More of the same and that's okay with me! Watching the game development process is fascinating! And the characters are all adorable and relatable! And so well drawn and animated. I really do love this series so much, even though it broke my heart with the last episodes. Oh well, I trust the writers!
Princess Principal
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I really liked the series. But, I felt like I was watching the episodes out of order a lot of the time. That really threw the pacing through a loop in my opinion. I thought it was a lot more mature than I initially gave it credit for though, so that was good overall. I'm glad I watched it.
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This on the other hand, I regret bothering with. But I was so many episodes in by the time I regretted it that I couldn't just stop anymore. Man, this was not a good anime.
Shingeki no Kyojin Season 2
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If you'e watched season 1, you know what season 2 is all about. Death, glory, fighting, WOO! While we do make some plot progress in season 2, we haven’t gotten to the real meat of the plot just yet, so hopefully another season and we'll get to the nice dark conspiracies!
Sword Art Online Movie: Ordinal Scale
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I loved the Ordinal Scale movie. I was able to go see it in theaters and it was fantastic. While original content, it fit so well with the world that Sword Art Online has built. And the magnificent tease at the end. We will see Alicization soon enough boys!
Trinity Seven Movie: Eternity Library to Alchemic Girl
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A shame I didn't get to see this in theaters, but man it was good. While not canon to the manga's story it held its own with a very interesting take on the series. I enjoyed it quite a lot.
UQ Holder!: Mahou Sensei Negima! 2
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Oh god what a fucking train wreck. Why can't they make a good Negima anime? Is it really that hard to get it right? It was so fucking bad. Why can't you stick to the source material? Why must you skip so much? God fucking damn it.
Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e (TV)
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At least we end on a high note. This was one hell of a trip. The concept was cool and the animation was decent. They had some issues with slow pacing to start, but once the politics and drama began it just kept rolling. I wish it had had more episodes to give us more plot because with how it ended, you really are left wondering what the intentions of the main character are and where the story is leading. Oh well, hopefully it gets another season or if not I'll have to read the light novel.
And with that we come to a close, yet another year of anime. While I watched significantly less this year, it was still a lot I think. I hope this helps you if you are on the edge about some of these, if not, well, sorry I like to ramble. I';m always open to discussion, so if you have opinions that clash, let us have a duel of words. Til next time!
Edit: Apparently my formatting freaked out a bit and I had to fix it, hopefully I got everything, if not let em know!
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ais-n · 8 years
How did you and Santino find each other? I love collaborative writing but I fell out with my previous partner and it's been pretty much impossible to find other people interested in it who also like writing the same genres. Any tips?
I think part of it is kind of random luck tbh. I’ve done collabs with… let’s see. Mostly 2 main people–Santino and a friend of mine from my early OP fanfic days. (Where are you Quatrina I miss you T_T) But I feel like I also have collabed with other people on other things?? Why am I totally spacing out on the entirety of my life right now omg I’m sorry to others I am forgetting :( It’s been a pretty distracting couple of months for me.
Anyway like with Quatrina, I met Santino through fandom lolz We were both in Gundam Wing fandom back then. There’s a longer tl;dr answer on the specifics of how we met here: http://www.aisylum.com/sonnyais/about.html  (our old About Us page) and here: https://aisness.wordpress.com/2013/11/09/qafaq-co-writing-for-a-decade/ (a Q&A we did specifically about cowriting for a decade so that probably would be good for you to read for other thoughts, maybe?)
I want to help you out but I also don’t know the best way to answer your question in a way that can actually be useful for you. I say that mostly because I think if you were to talk to just about anyone who knows me well whether IRL or online, I have a pretty forgiving personality. People can do a whole lot of shit to or around me and for the most part I’ll let it go if I feel like I understand why it happened and what I can learn from it. I also tend to be non-confrontational, so even though I’ll be pretty stubborn about some things, especially if I feel strongly about something, I also don’t like getting into fights over things and I rarely will push something to the point of no return, if that makes sense. My personality is more like, “Well, if it’s that important to you to do this thing and it’s that important to me to do this mutually exclusive other thing, then we can just take a break to figure it out and in the meantime have fun focusing on something else.” (This isn’t to say I never get bitchy or whatever–I do lol I’m also human. I just mean, my natural tendency is to avoid instead of confront.)
Because of all of this, I tend to get along with everyone or the people I don’t get along with I kind of just respectfully avoid or try not to bother because that seems like the simplest and fairest thing to do.
The reason that has anything to do with this is I’ve heard people say over the years they’ve tried collaborating and things fell apart or they had a hard time finding someone to collaborate with in the first place or other concerns/issues, and it seems like they may be having a more difficult time with it than my experience was. I’m not sure how much of my experiences are pure luck with the people I happened to meet, and how much is attributable to my personality.
Just generally speaking in my life as a whole, there are some things that I ignore or accept that I think other people will not, and that could be something that ends up having an effect on collaborations. Like, maybe most people would have a falling out over something that maybe I also should have had a falling out over but I just kind of went, “Oh. That’s how things are now? Well... ok, then. I guess.” and then I left it at that and didn’t really bother further on it. So maybe that’s why I’ve heard of such difficulties for others maintaining a collaborative environment and I haven’t? Maybe collaborations are inherently difficult and I just space cadet past some of it because I’m too forgiving as a person? Or maybe none of that and I just got super lucky.
I’m not sure if the way I explained that was confusing or what lol If it sounded like I was dissing anyone in that, I wasn’t. I just meant I sometimes realize I’m a super fucking weird person and there are times I have no concept of how “normal” people do things compared to my weird ass way of existing.
Ultimately I guess my point is just that I think any time a person collaborates they should inherently assume there will, at some point, be disagreements, and that those disagreements could potentially be pretty strongly minded and very different in their positions. So you just have to figure out a way through that. If you’re on the same wavelength as the person you’re collaborating with, most of the time it’s a short conversation and you’ve got it figured out. I do think both sides have to always be open and willing to adjust their position or mind on a topic, whether or not they ever actually change their mind/position o nthe topic. But without that decision to listen to the other person, any collaboration will probably be short-lived no matter the personalities involved.
I think another thing that can help is finding someone who has a similar pace as you or at least a complementary one. Like for example with ICoS, as you can tell from the many books Santino has solo released, he writes like 10,000 times faster than I do in terms of getting stories out there lol We both type really fast, both can throw out ideas and synthesize well, both know how to write and have fun coming up with stories, both come up with lots of ideas, and we both are capable and willing to finish what we started. But he’s much more disciplined about actually getting shit done on a schedule, whereas I’m much more like “lalala whatever works, man, whatever sounds fun” – and he’s better at making stories that are more to the point, whereas I complicate the shit out of everything (case in point with pretty much ANY post I make ever, including this one XD). For me, it’s pretty uncommon to just answer something succinctly and move on. I really like exploring the different sides of things–but that also means I have a tendency to really enjoy complicating the shit out of plots as well.
So for us, our paces were complementary because we worked really well with each others’ strengths and weaknesses, and we knew how to motivate and support the other person whenever it was needed. But that was probably in part because we’d been friends for a couple of years before we ever decided to write anything together.
I also don’t want to mislead anyone–despite the fact we started as friends and despite my non-confrontational personality and despite etc etc, Santino and I did have issues on and off over the years as we wrote. It’s just that while we were actually writing, we made a conscious effort to figure it out. Early on it was easy and fun, then as time passed it became something we more specifically had to work on because so much of our lives had also changed individually by then, so even something as simple as scheduling time to write became more complicated. Which meant, of course, so did communication in general.
The most important things I’d say you should look for is someone with whom you have mutual respect, and someone you can communicate with (especially when it’s a difficult topic--like, you need to be able to feel comfortable discussing a dissenting opinion on a topic with them). Also, you’d want someone with a similar level of passion as you in some form--most likely that passion would be writing, but it could be whatever else depending on the circumstances (like a passion for the characters or world or etc).
I think if you have those three things, you’ll have a good start for a new collaborator.
In terms of where/how to find someone– I mean, honestly, I’m a huge fan of fandoms. I feel like fandoms are a really good place to find people who have a passion for something that you also are passionate about, but they may otherwise be very different or very similar to you, which gives you lots of options. Also for genres, if you’re in a fandom of a genre you like, you may find it easier to find others who would want to write in that genre. But even if a fandom you’re in is not the genre you want to write, you may still find a friend or collaborator there who is willing to branch out. 
For example, before ICoS I mostly read/wrote fantasy, and the only realistic(ish) fiction I wrote or even read was fanfic. And even then I tended to gravitate toward fantasy or other similar themes. The whole genre of m/m and etc was something I didn’t even know existed (I mean, I read yaoi/BL manga but didn’t know anything about m/m books) and fiction was basically completely new to me for writing a long story in that genre. Especially dystopian-type fiction focused on secret agents and all that jazz. Santino and I both had zero background in writing that genre for a long story, but we just thought it would be fun to do and we were bored so we were like “what the hell, why not?”
So that’s why I think the person/collaborator is more important than the genre, and if you find a good collaborator, maybe try to ask them why they aren’t interested in the genre you want to do. Maybe you can find a way together to come up with a story or plot or characters that sounds fun to both of you, even if it’s a genre your collaborator isn’t used to. You could compromise in some way–like, you get your genre, but then in exchange they get a plot point or type of character or something you normally wouldn’t do. That could be a really fun way of exploring something new on both your parts, while also giving both of you something familiar to work with and have fun writing.
So I guess first of all–check for fandoms of things you like, see if anyone in that fandom might be interested in collaborating. If you aren’t a fandom sort of person, you could see if you might be interested in giving it a try for the right type of fandom. Of course, fandoms vary in size and accessibility of people so you may love something that basically has no fandom so you may not be able to get anywhere with that route. But I did want to mention that because in my experience, fandom is where I’ve met most of the people I collaborated with–if not all. (btw another thing you could try is if there’s a fanfic writer you really like, maybe you could figure out if it would be appropriate to approach them to see if they’d be interested in collaborating. That would be very dependent on the person/circumstances but it could be possible, maybe especially if it’s more of a niche genre or fandom.)
If the fandom thing doesn’t work, maybe you can check into RPGs (roleplaying games), online or in person. I’m not sure if you’ve ever done RPGs but that’s another good way to be able to write collaboratively without having to focus so much on finding someone specifically for a story/genre.
If you go with an original RPG (as opposed to an RPG based on characters from a series), you can create your own original character and you can even look for a genre you like. Although an RPG story itself is not a story you could publish later, for example, it may still be a really good outlet for you to interact while writing. Also, you may find someone in that group who jives with you really well and you two may decide to go collaborate on your own story outside of the RPG.
Ok but let’s say RPGs and fandoms are both not your things. In that case, try checking for writing groups in your area. Maybe there are some where they even have people looking to work on stories together, or maybe you can find some other interactive or collaborative option. I’ve never looked on scribophile.com for this, but that is a huge collective of writers. You may be able to go onto some forum or something there and say “Hey I’m interested in collaborating on a story in ___ genre. I’m thinking about it being about ____. Would anyone be interested?” and see if you get any replies.
Scribophile is not the only writing community so you may want to check elsewhere too for other big writing sites. For example, NaNoWriMo is huge in November but they have other stuff happening throughout the year. Maybe look into them--see if you can get in on a Camp NaNo with someone (check campnanowrimo.org), or look for forums or other places where you can interact with other writers and pitch your request for a collaborator.
Similarly, maybe you can post a plot bunny for an idea you have in a place where people post plot bunnies--maybe you could mention there you want to write a story like that with someone, and see what people say.
You may find you have to ask the question of “anyone interested?” a lot before anyone is. I do think that’s the less ideal way of collaborating--personally, I think it’s better to be friends first if you can, because I feel like that increases the chances that communication and mutual respect already exist between you. But I also know that everyone is different, plus there are times it’s nice to work with someone who is more of a “stranger” because it gives you an opportunity to explore both the world you’re writing as well as the person you’re writing it with.
Maybe you can even just do some short flash fiction with various people on some writing forum--whether it’s on scribophile, NaNo, tumblr, AO3, wherever.
I think the biggest thing would be to put yourself out there, to not take it personally if you don’t have a strong response at first, and to never let yourself lose the passion or interest you have in the story or characters or genre you want to write.
Now that I think about it, if you just want to collaborate with someone generally speaking but don’t necessarily care about having a book to publish, you wouldn’t have to wait for an RPG to pop up for you to join. If you like world building and wanted to create a world in your preferred genre, you could consider making your own original RPG and then advertising that asking for people to join. Then you could have the fun of writing with others and creating your own world, without the stress of finding someone you like without knowing if they’ll like your genre. If they join your RPG, that would inherently mean they’re cool with the genre of the RPG. Of course, keep in mind people come and go, and if it’s an original RPG world without a fandom to back it up you may find it a bit harder to get people interested at first, dependent on the story and all sorts of other circumstances. But that’s certainly an option for you to do if that sounds interesting.
For example, in ICoS all the Beaulieus and Lou came from an RPG that Santino and I made years ago because we felt like writing in a particular genre and it sounded fun to us. Also, Sin came from a different RPG that Santino and I both played, an RPG that was created/run by mutual friends of ours.
So the thing is, RPGs can be a fantastic way to create original characters, get a feel for their personalities, and you can very easily transplant them and rework them into a standalone story if you ever need or choose. For the fantasy book I wrote and am editing (Incarnations), 3 characters in there came from other RPGs (2 of them from Sin’s same RPG) so there’s a lot of flexibility.
Also, if you don’t want to create/run it yourself and you aren’t into a specific fandom and you can’t find an original world RPG you like, you could look into RPGs that have a premade world and rules and probably already have Game Masters running around willing to run them. I’m thinking of Vampire: The Masquerade as an example but that’s a bad example because people haven’t really played that much for over 10 years (STILL SAD ABOUT THIS Malkies are the fucking best I’m just sayin)--but there are other games out there along those lines or in totally other genres you could check out if you wanted.
If you’re like “wtf even though I don’t understand??” then if you live in a country that has Barnes & Noble or a robust library system or other big bookstores, go browse the roleplay/gaming section which, at least in B&N, is usually around the graphic novel area or the sci-fi/fantasy area. You can ask a bookseller where the White Wolf, Wizards of the Coast, or other roleplaying game books are. (WW and WotC are big gaming publishing companies so they may be like “wtf are you talking about?” at which point you could ask something like “Where are the Dungeons and Dragons gaming books?” or “where is World of Darkness?” I may be dating myself with these references I don’t even know lol)
Anyway whatever terminology they understand, all I’m trying to say is if you can a section in any bookstore or library with a collection of the roleplaying game books, that would give you an opportunity to browse them and see if any of the worlds seem interesting to you, and then you could look into them further to see if you can find games to join or create. (Obviously, you could also do this browsing online via google or whatnot; I just personally find it easier to browse things I know nothing about when I can physically wander a store looking at things instead of having to know the specific terminology to search online.)
I used to GM (game master, aka lead and create) tabletop RPGs for V:TM and other games, as well as play them as a character and not GM, also I LARPed back in the day (basically you cosplayed as your own original character in a designated spot where everyone pretended to be their characters too, it’s super fun). And of course I’ve done RPGs online like the ones I mentioned and more. Pretty much all of roleplaying is essentially collaboratively writing a story with other people--the main question being, are you only in control of your own character, of one character or multiple characters, and/or of the world/plot itself? There are options for anyone’s level of interest or commitment in rpg.
So that seems, to me, like if you’ve been trying more conventional ways of finding a collaborator and you’re coming up short, maybe this could be a way for you to try something new and see if it works.
Regardless, when you find that person or story or RPG or whatever that works for you and you want to explore, just remember not to get discouraged even if there are disagreements or setbacks, remember to always communicate as effectively as you can, remember to respect the other person and ask for that respect back, and most importantly remember to have fun. And if it turns out like it did with your previous writing partner, where you had a fall out and had to stop writing, then it might be a good idea to review that interaction and relationship, try to figure out where things went wrong, try to integrate that internally going forward and also try to come up with a coping mechanism ahead of time so you know what your response can and should be, should anything like that come up again.
If you fall out again with someone else, that’s okay. You can keep trying. If collaborating is important to you, you’ll find someone eventually who will complement you well. I think the biggest thing is to just not give up on dreams or interests, and to always try to learn from mistakes or miscommunication, and to always be willing to adjust as needed. I think sometimes people put this pressure on themselves to be perfect or find the perfect interaction or perfect relationship or perfect whatever, but I don’t think perfection really exists in reality. So planning for imperfection will probably help you a lot in the long run, and might cut down on some stress later that might have otherwise contributed to a souring of an otherwise good collaborative relationship. I hope that made sense and didn’t just sound super confusing...
It’s entirely possible none of this was helpful AT ALL. Sorry if so :( Hopefully you know someone else you can ask who can help more, if that’s the case. Actually, in that case, I would say you should definitely ask on a writing community like NaNo or scribophile or wherever. You may get better answers there :)
Regardless, I’m wishing you the best! I believe in you! You’ll find someone, and together you’ll write a story or work on a world that you’ll find really fun to write and will be fulfilling for you to explore. Good luck and I hope you find that person sooner rather than later!
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