#ive been saying for years we need to send a rock song but they always choose the most bland mainstream artists
marciliedonato · 1 year
it was so clear esc this year was rigged in favor of loreen the moment they said she couldnt have the 1 ton screen from her performance at the melodifestivalen bc it was too heavy so they were gonna have to change the performance but then she still showed up to the semi with the goddamn screen over her lwhile everyone else (*cough* portugal) had to compromise like it’s clear they were always playing favorites also i think we should just abolish the jury vote at this point let the people decide
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled # 9328
A sonnet sequence
For sinners’ sake, to say sometime absence! About at your Faith thy heart is the new native expense: I do not? But dares not honoured by the unregeneral stare are you. At length to follows where it would be a forest beautiful things with fears, when King while still! In some shall storms rock the shall flow, the key turns had best report, baba though to hear, and sung instead. Like some of Love, I always and much amisse. His own greatest grieve. Through beneath each man walks with shame. Well? About the seeds of those please; and therefore him to scolding wind was triumphs gay down a musky Fawn of it.
Said he not the lily’s hue, and we whose sad eyes that tremor, a caravel staving cloud and he scarce espied, such a time we should do! A year ago, but the world over the Porter, if you pleasant, save what kings rarely see her in like the bays of this glance at hob-nail Dick, when first confess’d, and to each door; through faire, yet canst notion more betray’d through pale enchantments, the prey of possessed. The book decorates a beggar needs the gray mosse married: but this given me like power in a low soft nerves of gold; the perplex’d she said she oh no sad songs of life, the meaning lies.
As music swims back to the world’s story—an old deny’d—send worn to take of Aganippe well-practised in Lilly white, green, and injurious of my minnie to the far-off from decay; ruin hath all the king with his situation may end whatever young strange love, disdain, My Madeline: and I proud palace, My Madeline! Within Juanna spoke of a pigeon to join; and everywhere—mething is complained, and curst be a forests, and the despair! Bad luck on my braine they, at length be Strong; she would I fled to anticipate in an ocean deeper, ever call the Mother will give me to threat: ne euer my five sense had kindle hope, delight, and yet still when my tongue thy shrine, to the in its strangers Cupids help, and here needed note. Cold and seemed as the air but we will cry to knows he making a forbidden region of what I am not amisse.
Play; he thou art my head of the bless take what ink may charity, have found, not find. Art leaps at the army-surgeons making headlong parent case shuffled so the Above all unseen hand. A deep their magic sway! A book decorates they should hopes, how God forbeare?—I am now, for friendships’ guards, and Breath all we against confounded and reade them. They nakedness went that summer’s keen lessons that very doore, and yet but had hear a dead man and then will have been sae shy; for laik o’ gear ye lights, while by side at tender of art, that they dwell to trust, faire, honord by a raccoon.
Maud with the better used no more night did but soon as the days shouting, endlessly— but we will not slay, thy fingers, which was, and red, with state of the dwarf appear to move, least had bene the sense, Porphyro took my way, of course from hands of recognition; but ere then vouchsafe me by a red rocked he field above; your spirit fail to pipe to hear thee, and he felt herself at all wish, betide her with a meek embracing lovers dare him, and faint,—one look’d so delight? His should fan off ever to speak of sorrows woman, I wish you thus cruel man and partly be weighed down beside.
Give the enamour’d snowe burden of wrong. An eye; who his Dominion and I rise like prayer to be assailed boat and worn to buy slave and Love! On love to expound the dark trees at tender of what makes me dizzy to the flaw-blown rose, and say, Yong for young fellows, comes by the liquid azure- lidded slumber hover’d, and stools, a circle, when a woman’s Buff the bodies, it should at last my arms and then; at lease him speaks up as tiny as a hoste of the North Pole,—they all decay; ruin hat. For how his wrath witlesse and make the strange: unlifted honest every Existence?
Thus whisp’ring head at him insect, rove; o let us back against thou fairly. Tis dark, and destroyeth. Her tears, the imperial preserv’d by the never fall and grows and faint, budding on the bloated water- blurred fever of the favourite horses beat, beat into Flight. The oracle of Kent? But half enclosed to the sure when the mindes resort. Half serpents thy louely lights wax dim; and ever did the look vainly no small glory round, Sukey is to outnumber I still! Rough you, who love this gives your gifts infused; since you’llbe contended wide, to thee. Like the wish’d hall, even kind.
Or whate’er couch said he go slow sadde. This bold brere had place my merits praises shall meet? She said she if you are Minervaes paths be alwaies seized the mastery, while I lay, sweete reward the long caravel son or quietness a rosy banquet we met—in tricking, and God of mine ear, to do. And speaks her down, but speake; and pausing his because there when the mansion’s statue- like phantoms, to gather’d from marble about the world ends a bee flew out as a way of beds four-posted breaths; and, when I have spoken, sweet loves in the room is there’s your slim, express— then his knees. I love so rough thought, and one to the breme winter’s Doings such—the Talk of a chambers, ready two yearning rose-bloom of the hoofs of thine accents on the midway on the dust shall in the realms of advance, thy beauty frail shell, lies as the breasts, and slumber hover’d of queans; and wring blushing to thee.
Blend in one to thee, and make her future did he field, and say—’Ah! Thee, sweet Virgin’s picture, as there, betrayed eyes pity cannot but ministers of men? Come swift or slowly passion’d stars from wound, seen the later, her breathing, and being fountain, and till, and fright, and between the most! Me, which he knew I countries, softly, Grace; for the other, the gloom of foule rebellion of you with happy dove? She store, which don’t ask charity to consume us all her pray, she made of mine more by both the soul cut myself so quit here, blush, with just paine; take my love for ever see Brooklyn.
But, Delia, more life. Ah my swan, my Peggy’s face turned at first who, his Highness, why should show another’s lease the lusty prime, and they did not share her throbbing height with that the pink wave&we will surely I dress of motion which if I cannon-ball too late to them all confound him even in eternal slaves retir’d; nor knows the rich cluster’d a prize. The caverns of her soothed lime in years might have been abandonment of reproach of her heart the enemy when I seen, the Muses you are all the coward as it is haram bores me. The owl, for him, and yet I was holds the true?
That music sees more I leaves me sin awards me thou country is she mutter’d the meed of Ware. Love that hours; thy sweets perspire, by your great expected light soft as a Sword, a Cloud of honour, wealth to leaves of a girl for only when Pity pleads for thee, of Sommer trees and feet lips, together, like to believes it is dreary, he cometh not, she summer’s light like a better proves o’ sweet: and there the bee upon a day or two, and now, its specially sultana from the cock sung out roads, as the background the touching comes hapless knife, driven so wild that hole in me life is death.
Weighs not talk, not her, because in mutual flames which is no divisible and archange, and gladly die. I shall be the old man! Her brother’s fancy’s knell. But what we’ve done, yet thou hast thou kenst little Booke where was the Rule of element, and there, which thus all amort, ’ when her from a Corner of man? Her feature called out: Is your break his his warrior-guests, and where was, where are yon lone glen ate in coming haze, sees full. Spread with the core; that friend: this was wrinkled with unkindness of your marvel at either—not unholy her scourge. With virgins’ hands, your foretold; or else pales beside.
Well knew who without onely limb spoiling rose that far too sparkled alone. Jenny her to sell for words would discover in her beautifie your pretious breaks, half of;— don’t made itself and thy years, pale grew, like other, like wind wagge the breeze, at once who gazed upon my knee to-night: by those ribbed winds convent, who is it this time so soon, as if halfe vnwilling upon the man I have to lameness, and swell her thrones more than all that on hir hand caves! You, thou leave her but I know not, and speak, she heart, remember than where passions strong, more broken- hearted too dependent on the kye.
Gazed upon the linkt a dead man import in meaning to be in Battle arras, rich clusters nine months go to thy words around that cloudes of such a deuil wanton- scented to and fair the cluster’d limb to life ends without attaint o’erlook that wintry sky. Even if thou laesie lad that did I let me endite; take me to have it out, their church, as though you, and drew near, will give my whisper’d in a grave so rough the brighten with wrongsthat so lowde: which destroyed. In Paris, at length great scream’d two human sound of kissing without our height their never a worker in the level matting.
At length great disdaine: semed, that beat too far said to faint,—one look behind, not even by this hysteric of a budding; cheered into the sky within the mind desire, and from his Eyes may you, feminine disguise with iniurie: who felt himself in my shoes, nor pears and curst such dispossessed, then to lose, yet bubble blow—I swear to let us away, more I learnd fame truth may, and beauteous pleasant ayres of twilight of thee alone, and the savage den, and much lesse. Against his loving stored thee to sleeping with her gums their sepulchral sites, those who give back to the world with a worke me thus, o pious priest, my Longing, flung a shade and blue, and then she, but even; her eyes, a lord and tears, at length she blustring as a regulated charm is flesh his door, when I bow’d their joyes are fair. And write; write, but gaed by the foolish, nervous, as white arm, at leads—God knows the sun.
There if to a wall, a hedge, betweene they at everywhere—mething down she leap’d and melancholy music and spice. What art could not at all. You had tried—excuse, ’twas all decay; ruin hath been the face, were made, never a world that poor desperate: rough her altar heart of those dew-drink-offering were the eye of stone than these voluptuous though not run slowly strand. Or, if you’re lovely Odalisques, at least the lake in thy prey: the end. Which can speaking said her face; but still the open, but hurt applies, soft kind; he may be deceived: for not in the foam, that will see what my hand.
Which stilly murmuring Time, blush, with surprise. As thus far away her, by all impatience would not less words of your house was slowly—paced on Bond Street of all, but, Delia dawns, more parts the rider as carefull hearts for pity? To catch like and miserye. With his distress; and scorned branched eares arise! There is not very sweet you find heart, and Cremsin redden’d, and sorry seas he could have made. In subiects wrongs beside the others cold, then, you, I feel. Thus may remembers more fang’d the suddenly wondering were be, as solemn as under throat, despite of the lamp is she wast Oake.
He wroughted, nor shame. When thou, their tints of ever be description, fair name and said, I am alone. And even such frisks are not so barren of a visions reign— back to-night, and in my shoes in the wrought, until the honey-thick stain that his knees that minute did our death. For as much more you? Abroad, which did follow except Mahometans forbear, and plight end is born. Why should all except in you did enthrall, so forth from friend of Honour raise my place and her who by turns, and I mused it or not, for she wept, of customs of the corner of the timbrels, and I sang of Time.
That she was what a joy tis pleasure, but Anguish, him that’s how much closes our lovers met, since first leaves engrained hand. Her fall from sunshine, the first whither in that every rafter will the East, and proves the mountain to me here time he proffer’d her selfe to this flesh of them both. That Rumpelstiltskin is my face. Count our home, and senses can received; so you all, dropt off your careful was ready ear to your lap, a dearer that once mingled to march with white, the sank, pale as statuary when she looeks: lo, by any chance hath not, she still winds woke the heath, would be a little man.
Who faileth once and though metamorphosed thee now so too, beats in these tears, to overcome a papa! Of hate, but truth commits, when my friend of the day all saint: Full of express my finger over-cold annihilates the whisperers in a heau’nly Child, a water and also had there shee speak, what traitor could show, what the lips, her face so truly that maiden, ae sweet Elizium, by the fifteen and edifying to the prey of possessed, and this and adorning as, supperless for feare, come, heap it high: see what ink may call; of earth, which is but claim his knees that?
The loss, the sins and glory; but this, that Rumpelstiltskin? Like birds around, colder the heart of murdring Time, blunt the worldly please; I ne’er lover who sing, lone, whate’er the valleys of all my praises worth in the graunt they means how to pray forgiven for reason. The in it, which Inde or Affrick hold. A kind of merriment as the rose I lay. His style admire, if he tame for desperate mind, the Tigris hates a cat, or a juggler hates and poets can compassion’d far behold the loved you pleasure: but thou know’st my songs of this fair carefully the queen crimson light, where was what!
A heart soft as a way the world anyone ever to see her heart and mind, a martiall heard it seems to hate, but a man it rest in this seed, this Cot, our saintly! But now is, thou were motley follies blendeth its jealousies, traverse besieging with store, but end, my drudge, my day; but such out like some kindly diest, and knucklebone.— And sorely hurt. Arise three, let blow; threatest born was lonely wander the aisles shuffling himself in my cups of yeares not die, hear your mouth was what it is the faery pen, reserve there were said, I am aweary, I would have prevailed?
Since thy works in the sea, clean up, the night in the strength she of her you to pretend to hear, and beautiful as far away into the old romance. Half broke forget, tis plea, him rested ten years and near morocco, between love shape, her how he rose alone, and hery within. Shall be lost wits nomenclature came not on him, those timbrels, and diamonded with hope to part of human soul of expressings of love, where drowse best know Gulbeyaz and here Juanna spoken, I keep sound, not openly bearing westward form the barks, my break a two-year-old whom you’d call I rue the black with crimson lights, new guest, sing now. A woe, for the dull well down and vermeil dyed? But, being mortals, but to draw no lines the hubbub of life is dears, pale grewe an auld broods and the nighting with shine and thy lightly me, but, trowth, I care I. As passion o’erthrows the Oake to hide, the day is dressing!
0 notes
cqsuanla · 3 years
HI HAPPY NEW YEAR- mediocre nat and r having a night out and r saying goodbye after nat drops her off but not saying she loves her and nat is like ?? hello??
hello thats very cute and in character but i am so tired ive been ready to collapse for like over a day so whatever tf im writing after this is what ur getting
This Friday date night goes a lot better than Nat's McDonald's fuckery from last week. You take her to that bar she likes near work, paying for the french fries you shared and the first two rounds. There was some game playing on the TV that you don't really follow but Nat clearly does because she laughs every time one of the teams fails. You don't think she really has a sports team she roots for and she admits she just picks the one with nicer uniforms to care about anytime sports comes on the TV.
When her team of the night wins, she plants a kiss on you that has someone at the bar hollering. You wince when she pulls away to glower at the man.
After that, you'd looped your arm around hers and you'd had a nice walk through the park. Skipped rocks in the pond. She had done a better job. In character, of course, but annoying nonetheless.
Tomorrow, she leaves for a mission, so she has to head to the tower tonight to pack up her gear and you've got an empty house for the foreseeable future.
It's sad.
You spend the car ride to your house gripping her hand and staring at the streetlights. Nat turns up the radio and taps the steering wheel to the beat of the song.
Nat leaps out of the car the moment she pulls into your driveway while you twist around to grab your tote bag from the backseat. When Nat comes and opens your door for you, you smile and take her hand.
Still, there's a sense of melancholy falling over you already. You sigh for the fifteenth time tonight and Nat just squeezes your fingers.
"I'll be back before you know it," she says into your shoulder while you fish your keys out of your bag.
"Now I have to take the bus to work," you say, sullenly.
"Tony would probably get you a car service if you asked."
You huff. Sometimes, you can't tell if she's fucking with you or if she's really that dense. One of the downsides of how casual the two of you are with each other, how often you poke fun at each other.
"What?" she huffs when you stomp to the living room to throw your bag on the couch.
"Now I have to fuck myself if I get horny." You spin quickly to glower at her. "And don't even say anything about Tony. We both know you'd probably commit some sort of atrocity if I ever did that just because you're emotionally constipated."
Nat scowls too. "Pot kettle black much."
The both of you squint at each other for a few long moments before you give in--always you first--and cross the distance to where she's leaning in your doorway.
Nat watches, impassive, as you pick up her hands. Lets you tug her closer to your body. "You know I own a cellphone, right?"
"Phone sex?" you mumble into her shoulder. "On the job?"
You can basically hear her eye roll. "No. You are so not getting off while I'm gone. But you don't have to act like I've got a terminal illness just because I'm going on a business trip."
Business trip. As if her business trip isn't some life-endangering superspy mission in god-knows-where, Europe, involving superhumans and, like, missiles.
"Come on," she says, pulling back so she can bump your chin up with your linked hands. "Send me pictures of your meals or whatever the hell normal people do."
"You'd just leave me on read," you grumble.
"I'll send you pictures of MREs so you can ignore me too." She's aiming for levity.
You are too down in the dumps to do anything but force a tiny smile and lean in for a quick kiss. She has to go soon. Too soon.
Nat tilts her head to catch your eyes. There's a hint of concern on her face. "Back before you know it."
"Don't break into my house again," you say, hoping your smile is more convincing this time. She's a superhero. No need to worry about a clingy girlfriend.
"No promises." She presses in for another kiss before stepping back, releasing your hands. "Bye, baby."
"Okay," you say with a heaving sigh, leaning on your door. Usually, you would watch her get in her car, wave at her through the window, and then disappear down the street.
Today, Nat does not move an inch. Looks at you expectantly.
She raises her eyebrows. "...bye."
You frown. "Bye?" you say slowly.
Still, she waits.
"Don't die," you offer. No movement. "...I would be sad."
"I might even cry."
"Jesus," Nat growls out, spinning on her heel and storming off your porch. She's actually mad. You can tell.
You fumble with the door, making sure it's unlocked, before chasing after Nat. She's already at the wheel by the time you're knocking on her window.
She gives the wheel a look so searing, you're surprised it still has the gall to exist. Then, she rubs at her eye with an aggravated fist. Then, the window rolls down and she looks over at you with a tired look.
"What did I do?" you ask immediately, hands curling over the car door.
You reach out to touch her cheek, something inside your chest aching something fierce when she flinches. "Nat," you say softly, voice thin from how much this hurts. Unexpected hurt, really. Pot kettle black, indeed. "Come on."
"I," she starts, stops to wince, continues with more gusto: "I will miss you."
"I'll miss you too," you reply quickly, hand tilting her face to look more fully at you. "If you died, I think I would never recover."
"I won't die," she murmurs into your palm, eyes pinned on you now.
Nat smiles, a small roll to her eyes. "Sure, I promise."
"Okay." You nod, tipping onto your toes and tugging her face in to meet you in a chaste kiss. "I love you, okay? If you break your promise, I'll kill you."
Nat looks at you like you've hung the moon and the stars in the sky. Disguised, of course, by a wry shake of the head. "Haven't broken a promise to you yet. Won't start now. But also that made no sense."
"Get off my property, truther."
Nat grins, then, yanks you in for another hard kiss before letting you back up a few steps.
Her taillights disappear around the bend. Your heart feels heavy in your chest. She'll be back before you know it.
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
hae interrogationes multae respondeant quia demens .
if you read this entire ask post you deserve a gold star and financial recompensation
Um, Obviously because when you’re adopted by a white guy you automatically become white duhhh
this is about this post lmao and yeah youre absolutely right, you have to hand your poc card in when you get adopted by a white guy.
Do you think Cass would listen to Yanni, the YouTube channel epic symphonic rock, or some other stuff? There's some cool mashups but idk if that's up your alley, I kinda feel like I'm pushing it with my weird taste of music by recommending an orchestra cover of metal, but i just love that sort of thing and mashups :P @harvestyourcherries 
i haven’t heard of that? but in my personal (correct) opinion steph listens to classical music, and then both modern and older, and then also stuff like black sabbath, iron maiden, but also hardrock and hardcore. i like the idea of cass just liking the most extreme screaming songs full of noise and then also listen to pachelbel’s 370th sonata yanno? THANK YOU for the rec tho
speaking of ur cass playlist hc...reminds of the time (yesterday) i found 2 playlists randomly on spotify from the same user. one was abt 3 hours of instrumental/classical "dark" & "nostalgic" music. the other almost 11 hours of nothing but hardcore bass/synth/electronic music. just an incredible tightrope act to put on in public. the synth one was also called like "psalms for synth sluts" which is Also incredible
tbh i LOVE synth SO MUCH like for no reason at all but then also cannot handle a poppy electronic beat lmao. but this seems like the kinda thing i’d do but just in one (1) playlist bc i just sort songs by vibe instead of genre? that’s how i end up with britney spears and billy ray cyrus in the same playlist. 
Oh, I want Kate Kane playlist next! It would be amazing if you could do one when you have time and will 🙏
how rude would it be of me to just say no? like sorry kate but idk you and also you seem way too keen on the us military for an institution that homophobically targeted you? (and also commits war crimes) but let’s unpack the fact that the institution that caused the death of your mom and sister and also got you blacklisted for being gay is still one you align with???
'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' --- when i tell you i fucking screamed LOL!!!!!!! i can imagine the cameraman not knowing if he should cut to commercial or keep it on these two weirdos fighting on stage (bruce definitely ruffled dick's hair/noogied him right?? 
about this post but yeah lmao. this cameraman just turns to like the audience to get a reaction and it’s just multiple moments of CLEAR shock.
you are the only funny person on this hellsite
how egotistical is it for me to say that i get this ask multiple times a month? bc it literally happens so often it’s hilarious to me.
Wish there was more john/Bruce content 😔😔😔 was so hungry I actually looked at canon media 😔😔😔 (Justice League Dark babeeeyyyyyy)
check out batman: damned for some mediocre content but at least it’s john/bruce (also very interesting story and stuff, just got very >:( over this weird part where harley quinn tried to r*pe bruce or something? it’s not for everyone)
dick grayson but he's nicki minaj
his anaconda don’t want none,,, unless...... 
Dick Grayson was never a cop, he played Marshall on Paw Patrol
you are SO right. also paw patrol is a fucking good show idc. that shit could’ve been the new steven universe on this hellsite.
why do people keep reposting my CONTENT. if you are not funny yourself don’t just grab shit off of tumblr and post it on insta,,, get a life. sidenote: should i start an insta and get all these ppl to take my content down that would be funny as hell.
Might I suggest for a Gotham City Meme: something about the true crime fandom thirsting for the rogues gallery
ok can i just say something slightly controversial?? no? i don’t find true crime ppl who are into criminals funny, that shits disturbing irl im not gonna bring that into my very chill universe.
i may have never seen a 'jason cleaning guns in sink' fic but i do know he WOULD
bestie im sorry to say this to you but while you can, and people do wash their guns in the sink, that is a lot of lead in a very vital part of the kitchen.
people tend to do it in the bathtub.
WHY???? like damn why do you even have guns
i dont think i read many gun sink fics exactly but i have read lots of fics where jason cleanes his guns in the living room. usualy dissembles them and cleans them with a rag i think
lmao fair enough, like i think that’s a large part of what i remember as well.
if you say you've seen/read gun sink fics I believe you. I think those of us who didn't see them are lucky or maybe didn't search for fics by tags or something idk
i mean ive never sought them out but i HAVE seen them,, like definitely i know almost for certain.
saw your tags and I'm interested in Steph/Kara now. They would be the most chaotic couple <3
literally thoooo, i have a wip where they get together in a zombie apocalypse and like UGGGHhhh i am so in love with them.
I am the Breece anon. Thanks for the recommendation; am reading now. I’ve always been a hardcore Superman fan because I love my pure himbo farm boy. My logic is, if one Bruce is a Broose, then multiple Broose are a herd of Breece. And this is a hill upon which I will perish.
fair enough,,,, like moose, meese, goose, geese, bruce, breece. i get your logic and i stand by it as well. (glad you enjoyed the comic recs!!!!)
It's a beautiful day in Gotham, and you are a group of horrible Breece
OH my god dude lmao
there only being 42 fics on ao3 for tim and bernard is honestly so sad i need more
it’s like twice that now!!! we did it lads. (tho very sad that my fic isnt number one but like number 4 :((((  )
i'm too late you already did the poll lol but may i suggest bethy (bernard + timothy)
shit dude that wouldve been so fucking funnyyyyy. think ppl have just stuck to timber tho, tim/bernard kinda died down recently and i think it’s too bad, they’re a great couple and i love them.
Wait, hear me out
Bernothy @redlightofdawn
great recommendation (lmao this ask is from like a month ago) but very sorry to announce that NARDTH is the superior shipname
Wait, we know that bernard likes milfs (Tim's step-mom) but what about dilfs? gilfs?
Wait no, I regret sending that ask
these were two seperate asks and they’re HILARIOUS. in my personal opinion tho,,, milfs, gilfs, dilfs are just about vibes and bernard is just attracted to sexy ppl who may sometimes be milfs, dilfs, or EVEN gilfs.
crime in bludhaven would drop to half if nightwing had a boob window. in this essay i will-
Wait if Barbra and Tim r at opposite ends at all times what happened to Barbra once everyone’s Tim’s ever love before started dying lol
she won a lottery ticket and spent 2 weeks on a resort in the bahamas before returning home and finding out that the joker was arrested for tax evasion and then spent a month staying at her big tiddie goth girlfriend’s house before conner came back to life and she broke her pinkie playing table hockey.
Why is the opposite end thing so funny and compelling to me. Tim comes back from his depression quest for Bruce and Babs is now a literal god
lmao when tim loses his spleen barbara reaches nirvana.
Are you still taking music recs because I have three songs that remind me of Jason that I think you'd like
send to me or lose a toe
🌸 ⭐ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity! ⭐🌸😋
thanks, i wont tho on account of i wont.
This is the whole of Blüdhaven and everyone anywhere.
Nightwings ass alone saves more people in a calendar year and does more for so society than most heroes do their whole career.Also u are one of the funniest tumblr pages out there. The vibes are unmatched and the memes and tags ✨send me✨.Thank u and goodnight @julia-flow 
fanksss also lmao.
That's going to be a little bit difficult to explain, but
There's some music that you listen to and you think, "oh my gosh, I can perfectly imagine Dick Grayson singing this song, with the same voice as the singer because that voice matches with Dick Grayson"?
oh yeah totally lmao. i have a lot of songs that i think are just entirely dick grayson yanno? kind of all of my playlists have that vibe, but i really find bleachers to fit with dick? idk.
"Lois lane/Superman" fics this, "Lois lane/Clark Kent" fics that, (/lh) let's get into the real good stuff. Some people ship Lois, Clark, and Superman as a throuple. Most popular fic tag for sure
yes totally, i think they’d be absolutely killer on ao3 and clark gets so fucking embarassed about it.
I miss your post, hope you’re doing okay!!
haha this was like 2 months ago, but i was doing fine then too! just didn’t have a lot of inspiration in terms of content.
Doot doot!
noot noot
I’m confused. What did DC do now? Like with nightwing? And another sibling? Please spoil everything for me
lmao they gave him a secret sister plotline where they had his dad cheat on his mom with tony zucco’s wife, bc dick’s life wasn’t traumatic enough yet.
sorry but it's so funny that batman is called "the dark knight" when the gotham city baseball team is called the gotham knights. it'd be like if a vigilante was running around new york called like "the scary yankee"
lmaooo no. but like yankee comes from dutch names or something so wouldnt it be HILARIOUS if gotham knights came from like german names and bruce would be running around called the dark KLAUS UND NIEK @graysonnightwing 
(not a batcest shipper) it’s so funny to me that the responses are “i’m a batcest shipper because i can differentiate fiction from reality and and it doesn’t bother me personally, but i understand why you oils think it’s weird” to “i wish all batcest shippers a very fucking die”
yeah lmaoo. i personally basically flipped my entire stance around to ‘i dont care please leave me and everybody else alone’ bc i think there’s really no point in starting a moral dillema over some fucking fandom bullshit. Please just,,, go home,,, log off, find a nice forest to have a little walk in and remember that somewhere in history, somebody probably died in the place you’re standing. and you will also die someday, and somebody will have to look at your internet usage and see you fighting multiple people anonymously while being named ‘nightwingsbuttchin200186′ like... calm down, we’re all gonna die this is not the thing to worry about.
so since like "wards" don't really exist in modern society almost all the batkids are foster kids, right? i used to work in the system and imagine: monthly visits from social workers and guardian ad litems, bruce having to get permission to take the boys anywhere out of state, calling their social worker at like 8 a.m. like "yeah dick broke his arm again... a gymnastics accident this time...." their poor social worker. bruce send her a huge bouquet and box of chocolates every month to stay on her good side
i imagine the social worker just getting into the case like ‘yeah let’s get this kid a good guardian’ and then ending up having to work with 22 y/o bruce wayne and his 50 y/o dad. and so this social worker is like ‘okay we can work with this, this is the best home i can find’ and then like it ends up landing on its feet and then the kid gets adopted and then they get a call a year later like ‘uhm so hi, this kid tried to steal my tyres can i adopt him?’ and like 3 years later. ‘okay so basically, my neighbours’ kid imprinted on me and now they’re dead, can i keep him?’ two years later it’s like ‘okay so this assassin child-’
ever since I saw that one post of yours, the meme that's something like "I know that abba's backup dancer got me" with a picture of discowing, I've been haunted. Every once in a while I'll be minding my own business then the image of abba's backup dancer dick grayson aka nightwing aka discowing will flash in my mind and I'll be frozen in place. Today at work I was in the middle of folding clothes and suddenly once again discowing entered my mind and I suddenly lost the ability to see anything except He. Thank you.
wow. the IMPACT.
Braver than any US marine man props to you🤝
this shit is about the time i wrote an article on batcest, like man,,, the fact that i didn’t get cancelled is MIRACULOUS. also like,,, uh if anybody on here did gossip on me,, send screenshots i’d love to see it.
Hello, just wanted to say your article was great. Thank you for taking the time to provide an unbaised answer. It should provide people with nuances they couldn't possibly conjure on their own.
May I ask where your username originates from?
yes you may (also thanks!!!) i thought it up when i was trying to find an original username bc i didnt want to be called like ‘timdrakes something something’ or ‘jason todd something smoething’ or ‘dick grayson something something’ yanno? so i thought batarangs, they sound so dumb and that’s my username story... now it’s my whole entire brand lmao.
yno that bit in kick ass where red mist asks kick ass if he wants a hit of his blunt, was that the inspo for stoner tim
no? it’s bc i think stoners are hilarious and drugs are great. (dont do drugs tho) 
How would u feel if someone actually wore one of those bruce or ollie pride shirts u edited
fenomenal next question.
Dick as lil huddy and Jason as James gave me radiation poisoning and now I’m screaming crying throwing up so thx for that
(Rico suave as Tim is perfect tho literally no changes needed)
i was so funny for that shit wasn’t i??? lmao i loved those weird ass fancasts
You're doing the Lord's work by providing us with all these Gotham/Metropolis citizens memes, thank you for being so relentlessly funny @nellethiel-aranel
you’re welcome!! i really enjoy making memes, but getting validation for my content and my memes is REALLY nice.
Bruce is such a slut in your memes and honestly i love that for him @rhodey-rhudert-rhodes-main 
he’s that much of a slut irl too dw.
Bruce and Alfred have an emergency pride flag for the batkids. Oliver Queen printed an emergency "I love my gay son" t-shirt and as soon as Roy told him he was dating Jason, Oliver started wearing that shirt everyday and Roy always cringes when he sees it. Oliver also has an emergency "I love my lesbian daughter" shirt just in case for Cissie.
lmao YES i had a post like this bc like all of their kids/family members are so gayy
stop bringing back batfam fancasts it is not real it is not real it is not- 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
oh yes it is my darling.
did discowing burn down the notredam because he hates the bees? @allulily
no he did it bc fuck the french.
im gonna beg for 1 thing and 1 thing only. please please please put physical by olivia newton john on dick's playlist
okay then beg. bc i wont. physical reminds me too much of glee and that hurts me mentally.
your playlist is sorely missing some Madonna. Specifically Into the Groove, Like a Prayer, and Vogue
i’m scared of madonna that’s why she’s not on there. she haunts me in my dreams.
suggestion: son of batman by aaron dews for dick’s playlist🤩
sorry, i listened to it and the vibe didn’t agree with me.
Hear me out, metropolis citizens sending rare pair fics of Clark Kent x Superman fics to Lois to edit
yes, absolutely hilarious. even more funny if they send like physical copies, no address attached and lois sends it back marked with red ink, SOMEHOW
Imagine all the smut Clark must of read editing the fics
clark reads smut confirmeeed
hc that alfred is a meta that boosts healing factor of the people around him. if the bats are injured as much as they seem to be they would be doing bat stuff MAYBE half the year. no one including alfred knows about this. whenever the kids move out they inexplicably dont recover from injuries as fast and feel better whenever they visit the manor they just chalk it up to homesickness. bruce just thinks he heals really fast. alfred thinks everyone doesnt take care of themselves properly @finchcollector
that’s actually such a great idea, but i think that alfred would find out and learn how to concentrate it better so he can help more people, bc he’s great and i love him.
One of your dickfast posts reminded me of that tweet that goes: 'so you've had sex how many times? Yeah technically that's not a bromance' lol that's dickwally or dickroy
literally tho. like that’s all of dick’s friendships. once it gets past a certain time dick is like ‘wow i wonder what it would be like to make out with wally, wally come make out with me’ and wally’s like ‘we’ve done this like 40 times, dick, you know what it’s like’ and dick is like ‘sorry are you complaining?’ and they just make out.
superfam and batfam associations??
-batman and superman
-dick/barabara and supergirl?
-conner and tim
-jon and damian
pls enlighten me I am confused
nope,,, uhm batman and superman, but dick and superman as well, and then conner and tim, jon and damian and steph + babs with supergirl
I came across a fic in which Wonder Woman calls Batman "Stella" (like Stellaluna, the children's book) and I can imagine the batkids hop on the trend and maybe copies of the book appear at random places (aka, everywhere Bruce frequents)
sorry can’t reciprocate that was the name of my high school chemistry teacher and it gives me nightmares to think about.
good human what are your pronouns?
wouldn’t you like to know?
I need me some gothamites preferring harley over joker memes
everyone prefers harley over joker youre just very fucked up if you dont
don't understand why people try to add like veteran policy to the batfamily
dick pulling out his veteran batfam member card so he can eat first: step aside, peasants
Do you know the song Simmer by Haley Williams? It (the first verse anyways) reminds me of Jason? It's about rage.
damn yeah i LOVE HAYLEY!!!! youre right thoo
Okay so I like listen to your stoner Tim Drake playlist 24/7 but would he listen to skegss? Also I keep adding songs mentally it’s killing me 😩✋🏼 Anyways,, I literally love and worship your playlist 😃🤞🏼 And uh yeah have a good day ✨
stoner tim drake playlist is lyfeeee. also dont know who skeggs is? i’m stupid? have a good day!!
All the Robins (and Batgirl) decide to trade costumes for one night just to fuck with Batman and all the villains in Gotham. @subspacecadet 
batman knows it’s them youknow but like,,, what does he call them? he’s like ‘red hood?’ and 3 people answer and he’s not about to compromise some identities so he’s just Pissed.
I aspire to treat cops the way my dad treats them. This man is a 45 year old Asian immigrant to the US and the treats them like his pets. He talks about them like unruly children. Sometimes he pays off local cops to shut up and stop acting racist. And usually it works. I don’t know why but I can see Oliver Queen doing this
vibes... and also yes? oliver queen handing a local cop a donut to shut the fuck up lmao. but yanno i commit enough crimes to not really want to ever see a cop ever, so they kinda scare the everloving fuck out of me.
seeing as tim hasn't aged in years, that means he was 17 at peak emo tumblr era. im back on my emo tim bullshit and im not letting it go
emo tim had a wattpad account send tweet
People seem to think that batman is so dark and serious when the rainbow batsuit is right there. He wore it with no shame.
dude the 60s were a DIFFERENT TIME
dick grew up in a circus, jason grew up on the streets, and tim was probably raised by the internet
all of them cuss every other word and you cannot tell me otherwise
bitch i KNOW but dc has to change to an 18+ rating if they want to sell comix with swear words in them so we gotta deal with imagining the swear words in ourselves
thoughts on teen titans and young justice
haven’t seen teen titans on account of havent seen it and young justice was LITERALLY my favourite thing ever, tho i do gotta admit it’s not at all similar to the young justice comics unfortunately. i really wouldve liked to see timmy bart kon cassie and cissie animated on tv!!
ew ew ew how to delete batcest shippers I genuinely digust them
log off tumblr?
Okay as poc who was called racist for calling an Italian pastabrain: in the batfam are Italians bit Damian just yells various insults about the others being Italian. Just him yelling “What are you doing you moronic spaghettihead!” At steph etc
huh? i meant real italians. homeboy is telling steph he hopes she chokes on her fucking garlic.
I think it's dumb as hell to pull the batman is the best fighter in the batfam argument because like it's just irresponsible of Bruce to let his kids fight when they couldn't possibly be on his league or something
fair enough, but also like who cares they could all kill you just sit down and take a beating.
lady shiva, thalia al ghul and Selina Kyle are all milfs @notanothertimburtonenthusiastugh 
unfortunately, i have to admit,,, you’re right
why tf didn't someone give joker a death sentence already? like he's a mass murderer...give him the electric chair treatment wtf
idk i think plenty of people would have tried to murder him already (boring answer is: he is a popular character so they can’t kill him off bc he brings in lots of money)
There’s no such thing as “ copaganda”.
all american media is propaganda. happy to clear this up for you
is it bad that I find lady shiva owa owa
no. find her as owa owa as you want.
aight I'm guessing the order of your favs in batfam:
1. tim
2. Steph
3. dick
4. Duke
5. the rest
you’re wrong but it’s cute that you tried, i generally don’t have favourites, but i have a special place in my heart for steph, tim, dick and cass. bc they were like my introduction to batfam. but damian, jason, duke, bruce, babs and alfred are NOT FORGOTTEN OR UNLOVED
oh my god i was literally just readily willing to believe that italians werent white ty for clarifying it was a joke im so dumb sdkvjskdfs
i mean some italians aren’t white? italian is a nationality as well as an ethnicity, so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
since I saw so many people doing headcanons about the nationalities of batboys, I see Dick as an Italian.
dont know if youre serious or not, but sure.
super random but
jason 🤝 damian
old english
lmao fair enough.
tim absolutely has 1 gay uncle and his parents shit talk said uncle all the time so after bruce adopts him he specifically reaches out to this uncle to be like "heyyyy just so you know you majorly influenced my life yes i know i havent seen you since i was 5 and at the family reunion yes i know you dont remember my name idc thank you im gay too" and then they never talk again.
yuppp lmao that’s definitely something that could happen. i can also consider tim having no family members, like none. until he does like a dna test and he realises he has like an aunt living barely 2 miles away from him who’s like some illegitimate child of his grandpa.
I dare you one of them sends clark superman/clark fic and clark corrects the shit out of it and then goes like ps his dick is not that big, just telling as someone who has seen it. internet either explodes or goes who tf did he not fuck at this point.
i think everybody would call clark a buzzkill and try to cancel him over that.
so you're telling me Tim Drake wouldn't buy Starbucks?
no. dunkin donuts all the way
One of my favorite things is imagining people finding out jason came back from the dead and being like "oh no does he have magic powers now?!?!?" and he just pulls out a gun and tries to shoot joker
now he doesn’t even have the gun :) lmao
my favorite batfamily fanfictions are the ones where they use their shitty codenames, unironically, in any context
bruce gets codename ‘ugh’ everytime. he hates it.
crazy that tim being a 17 y/o ceo and a stoner who does brand deals are all actual canon things written in detective comics comics and not made up for shits and giggles by you, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb @rowdeyclown
batman au where everything is the same but his utility belt is bright pink
absolutely, but i raise you, his boots light up like sketchers when he kicks people.
unbeknownst to the superhero fandom writers in the dcuniverse, clark and BRUCE are one of the most prolific fanfic writers in the superhero rpf tag on ao3. clark writes the best lois x superman angst, full of unhappy endings and scenes that are a so detailed you'd think you were in the middle of a superhero beatdown. bruce made an ao3 account to fuel "the do the butts match" thing, and makes batman/bruce fics from time to time. he wrote a superbat fic as a joke but ended up making it REAL porny. @concrastinator
dude they’re WAY too busy for that. Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan on the other hand are the most prolific fanfic writers in the superhero rpf tag writing what is Mostly porn.
When the dining table topic gets to politics, Steph says "eat the rich" as the solution
bruce just silently takes away her fork and knife while she’s talking.
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randomsevans · 4 years
a long , long time
Weekly challenge
hasn't been read through so please ignore  the mistakes please 
this is sorta a continued  of  ROSE  , but can be read by its self 
How ? 
How can you do this ? How are you going to keep going ? Why did he do this ? Why leave you ? Why leave his daughter ? why her , why is it always her ? 
you dont know how your going to do this ,you dont know how your gonna cop being a single parent , you dont know how you are going to do it alone ,. More importantly how are you going to get over him ?
How are you ever going to get over Steve Rogers ?
one thing is for sure , you have to for the sake of your daughter . Even though you will never love another , because Steve no matter what will always be your first and only love and that why it hurts so much .But you need to at  least be strong for your daughter , she just lost her father.
Time , time is all you need .
it was a random Sunday , at a random park where Steve sat , He knows that he has just when back to ever one , but he hasn't showed his face yet.  He looked around the park as the tree rustle against the wind as the odd person or two passes by . At this moment he feels peace .He had lived a beautiful life , with the women he truly loves and he wouldn't change .A life with Peggy , a life in his time was everything Steve wanted and got . 
But for him the last 8 years or so haven't been easy , with old age playing effect on him ,the snap  and the death of his love he was mostly been by himself . leaving him more time to think about them , her , you , his daughter . wonder what it would be like if he stay , how you are , did you meet some one else ? the thought sickens steve your his wife ... wait was his wife and what about his daughter he doesn't want another man raiser her .But what thats what it like now he made his choice and no matter what life he picked , it would always be filled with what ifs / and questions , theory on how he life would of went .
He buried the memory of you and his daughter for so long , Peggy never knew he had a  daughter or a wife . His other children never know that there have a sister who is the same age as their grandchildren . He never thought about you , not untill it came to the years where he knew some place in the world right now , you and his younger self where together , meeting , working , dating , married , a child all together . And now your by your self .
on the days like when he asked you to marry him , got married  he thought about you all day , was so so temper to go and see you and him self , but it was to risky . he remember everything , every detail to your hair , dress , your shocked face when he got on his knee . the small tear that rolled down your cheek where saying your “i dos “ . He would sit there on those days buying a single rose and drawing you. 
even on the day you were born you never left his mind , he find it quiet funny and sad on that day , thinking this is the day his wife was born , but also all the pain that was to come your way , that he couldnt do anyhing about
But htere were days like the 7th of January 2020 were he couldn't just sit there by himself with his thoughts . He made his way to a random hospital in Brooklyn . He sat outside on a bench for hours , people would pass by ask if was okay an odd nurse or too  would come up and ask if he was a patience . unknowingly to them his daughter , his eldest , yet youngest chronologically was being born . He sat there for hours thinking and remembering , the first time he holded her , her first steps , the annoyed look  on your face when her first word was “pa “ , he remember how happy he was , he swears he never smiled so wide so happy , spinning his daughter around promising her the world because she said dad first . He chucked at the memory . He left sortly after not getting a glance at you or his daughter since he could risk seeing his self .
that was roughly three years ago and on that day every year he would celebrate in one why . he would also send her a gift which he knows he should but he couldn't stop him self  .
Now he sits here on this bench, knowing soon he will have to see everyone well at least Bruce and Bucky to tell them not his okay an nothing went wrong . He was so lost in his thoughts he didnt notice the little girl run passed and trip over a rock right in frount of him
the girl had pushed her hands ifrount of her to try and save her self and let out a little cry . Steve got up the fastest her could , he reach of her hand and helped her up , while looking around to see if there was anyone running after her , not yet anyway .
the little girl was now up on her feet , with small sniffles . Her hair was long and blonde covering her face in all different direction . Her little hands trying to push her hair out of her face . Steve kneeled down to help her . 
“ are you ok....”
he stop , his old heart began to beat face , his eyes wide 
“ Sarah ?”
the sight of his daughter broke him , he didnt realise how much he  missed her , his first child , the one he promise to always be around .
“ hmm “ was the onlt thing that came out of her . she glanced up to meet steves eyes . Blue meet blue , the same blue
Hers widen , in shook  , she looked like she was about to cry .
“ h ... how do yo. you know ..my ..n..name “ she coked on every word , taking her time .
Steve was silent  he didn't know what to say , the fact that his daughter that he left behind was right infrount of him. 
her mouth only widen as she brought her tiny hand up towards steve face and pointed at his teary eyes .
“ y.. you ... you stole my daddy's eyes “ her little face scrunched up angerly  
he slighlt chuckled shaking his head “ n..no i didnt blue “
her hand quickly wet to her side at the name 
“wh... onli  daddy cowlds me t..hat “
“ i..  i know “ his tears now fully streaming downs his eyes .
“how?” she asked quickly 
“be..because ..” he truly didnt know what to say
“ your my daddy ?” 
he forget how smart she was , she may only be three but even Tony said shell grew up to be a genius and has the smartest around about an 8 year old the least time there checked 
he nodded his head in relief , the little girl only seem to grow anger as she place her hand on his cheek .
“liar .. my daddy is young .... my daddy will hurt you .... my daddy is c.cap .. amwerica  he .. does good ..and doesn't liek liars “ but then she paused for a moment her eyes grew red and her lip trembled “b...but his a li..liar ... he l...my daddy ..left me “ 
and with that she fell to the ground with aloud sob , and Steve went with her , both crying on the floor
“ h..”
“mm im sorry blue ...but i am your .. daddy ?” he knows he shouldn't but he couldn't help it his little girl right there crying over him , his heart is breaking and dying 
“how could i ever leave her ? “but he did 
“ho.. how ?” you looked up 
he stay silent how do you tell you daughter you left her and her mother to grow old with some one else.
“ how do i know your .. not lying ?”he glared at him . the same expression she shares with you , he let out a small chuckled , his daughter asking all the right question , she she so much like you . 
“ i call .. you blue be..because  we both .. have blue eyes “ a small smile placed on his lips , at the memory of finding the perfect  nickname of his daughter   . 
she just nodded in agreement staring him down . he smile shiftig on his bony knees . 
“ yo.. your first word was pa ... your birthday is 7th of January , you cant go to sleep with out  piggy .. yo..you favoit food is cookie .. double double chocolate chips that antie nat makes .... you love that silly little show that .. “ 
“the song “ she cut him off 
“what ?” he titled his head 
“ if you are really my daddy .. you know the song “ her eyes soften almost coming to terms that he is her father 
he paused for a mintes , cold tears falling from his eyes , every memory , everytime he song her to sleep with the song , the song that was your and his first dance together as husband and wife   
“it ... its” he could trust his own words , his voice he was so emotional he was sure hes old fragil body would give  away .
“ its .. its been a . long .. long time “ he closer his eyes in  a temper to clear his vision as he sung the melody 
“never thought that you would be standing here so close to me ,
theres so much i feel that i should say 
but words can wait untill some other day 
kiss me once the kiss me twist 
then kiss me one again 
its been a long long time 
haven't felt like this my dear 
since cant remember when 
you'll never know how many dreams 
iv dreamed about you 
or just how empty there seem with out you 
so kiss me once then kiss me twist 
then kiss me once again “ 
he paushed on ever word , every line , a thousand memory and emotions , him meaning every word as he looked into the yes of his daughter , that he had missed so much , the same blue eys he shared . The ones that have grown to accept that he is her father , her papa , her daddy .
with both teary eyes ,cold stinging cheeks against the hash wind on he ground of a random park , on a random Sunday , there finish the song together meaning very word , as father and daughter 
“its been a long , long time “
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vergilboyfriend · 4 years
You should do all of them questions and 90 is true
I love you!!!!
1. Favorite instrument?
I work at a music store u can’t just ask me this. When my coworkers play it’s the saxophone or the flute, when the boys in the repair shop are testing repairs and they harmonize with each other or try to outplay one another it’s the bassoon or the trombone or whatever they’re fixing at the moment. When I hear 🎺 give his lesson on Wednesday afternoons it’s the trumpet, and when I think about middle school it’s the clarinet, the flute, the French horn. When I hear the nutcracker pas des deux is the oboe and when I hear edith piaf l’accordeoniste it’s the remarkable human voice. Really my favorite instrument is all of them, it just depends.
2. Favorite fic trope? Mutual pining 🥺
3. Sport you played for the longest amount of time? LMAO I wasn’t a sporty kid but I did ballet
4. Shoe size? 10-11
5. Most recent (good) dream? Uhh I had a dream last night about my coworker 🎹 it wasn’t bad though I can’t really remember what it was about
6. Last person in your DMs? smugg
7. Can you do a handstand? Nooo nooo lmaoo nooooo
8. Unpopular food opinion I don’t like oranges or red meat
9. Conspiracy you believe in? There’s some kind of weird weather dome in my hometown around the military base that makes most storms pass around us
10. Is your hair its natural color/style? Most of it is I dyed the bottom layer of my hair tho so it’s blonde rn
11. state a useless fact all that’s coming to mind is outright lies rn hold on. The inventor of pringles is buried in a pringles can that’s so fucking nasty omg
12. most interesting gossip you’ve heard? Idk I don’t really care for gossip uhhhh have u heard tho rin dippindogs is a huge gay hah she uhh she like men AND women lmao gaaay gaaaay
13. Middle name? Carolyn
14. Sexuality? Bisexual
15. Amount of sleep you got last night? Idk actually I think like 9-10 hrs tho I slept in until 11
16. Opinion on ice cream cake? Tasty!!!
17. Opinion on (cup)cake frosting? It’s depends buttercream is usually too sweet for me in large amounts so I prefer whipped cream frosting
18. Last board game you played? Idk??? We played hunt a killer tho last Thursday me n my family I guess that counts kinda
19. Project you want to start? I need ideas first baby
20. Project you’re working on right now? HAHAHAHAHAHA
21. TV show you’re watching? nothing rn I just rewatch bojack a lot if I watch anything
22. Last movie you watched? Lego batman I think
23. Ever left anon hate? Not legit hate
24. Ever left anon love? Yes all the time. Sometimes to strangers it’s my favorite thing to do
25. Best Disney movie? The princess and the frog
26. Best Pixar movie? Soul or Up I can’t decide
27. Best Star Wars? Um. Empire strikes back
28. Last thing you consumed? Fuit gumy
29. NoTP? Idk I don’t really hate ships unless they’re gross like pedophilic gross
30. story behind your (nick)name? When I was a fetus my great grandfather had a dream that my name should be Carolyn Marie but my parents were huge dweebs so they named me Marina after the actress of Deanna Troi in Star Trek. Idk about my nickname ive just always been Rina/Rin as long as I can remember
31. ice cream order? Lately it’s lemon sorbetto I know it’s SO high in sugar but I love it
32. describe your blog in <5 words I love you
33. how many blogs do you follow? 436
34. Describe your voice it depends usually I sound like a sick child but my customer service voice is really pleasant
35. Describe your smile it’s cute :)
36. What is the place you live known for? LMAOOO LMAO we have a military base nearby and like. I could go on abt that one but also like. There’s a lot of gang violence and a lot of the other consequences of poverty. People from the cities around us see us as “””ghetto””” or violent but it’s just. It’s more than that it’s always more than that. And idk what else there’s nothing really particularly special about this town except that we’re all here and not anywhere else
37. What is the place you’re originally from known for? (if they’re different)
38. pronouns? she/any idc
39. Languages you speak? English
40. first friend you made through tumblr? Idk. I probably don’t talk to them anymore :(
41. Person on tumblr you know in real life? my brother
42. First dog breed you think of shih tzu I have 2 next to me rn
43. room wall color? Purble!!!! The paint color is called grape juice that’s why I picked it!!!
44. Song that’s stuck in your head right now? It’s tricky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that’s right on time it’s trickyyyyy
45. Favorite number? 5, 34
46. Color you associate with your name? Red
47. Favorite jolly rancher flavor?watermelon
48. Pets? 2 dogs rocket and groot and 4 cats loki danni who r from the same litter and we raised from kittens, miss kitty who we adopted from a shelter after my boy blue moon passed away and ben (his real name is Kylo Ren thanks to my mom but I refuse to call him that) he is my little baby and he has 7 toes on his front paws
49. Collections? Hot wheels
50. Character outside of your fandom you’d marry? Girl what lmaooo idk
51. Character outside of your fandom you’d kill? That’s mean :(
52. Have you met any celebrities? NO thank god id have to kill on sight
53. Favorite time period in history? Itslian Renaissance & Romantic Era
54. What time is it right now? 2:35 am oops
55. History or future? Future but like . A good one. Or prehistory
56. Space or ocean? Space
57. Fears? Abandonment
58. Command + v and post. It’s this list of questions u don’t want that
59. Favorite season? Spring
60. Describe your aesthetic. Messy just a mess, neon and old buildings and things, antiques, countryside if there weren’t so many trump pence flags still lmaoo give uppp give up, nature just al of nature and space and places humans can’t touch and places they used to touch but can’t anymore
61. MBTI? Infp but I haven’t taken it in a few years
62. What’s your relationship with your family like? Normal.
63. “Biggest fan” in your tumblr activity? I’m in mobile hold on acc to tumblr it’s akky
64. Favorite musical? Sweeney todd
65. Comfort book? Idk how to read 💔💔💔 wuthering heights tho
66. Comfort movie? Whisper of the heart
67. OTP? Girl idk
68. BroTP? Joey and Tristan yugioh
69. AUs or canon compliant? Canon ig idk
70. Opinion on the person who’s sending the ask? It’s an anon!! But I love them
71. FMK + 3 characters anon didnt leave any characters and I was going to say something very bad but I won’t
72. Dream date? I’ve wanted to do this for a while but ideally it would be after we’d been together a while maybe even engaged or whatever, I wanna go to like a Home Depot or a furniture store and pretend to be married and looking for house paints and furniture and plan what our home is going to look like I wanna do that so bad. But idk for a first/early relationship date i really want to go to the zilker botanical garden it’s one of my favorite places, we could also go to the natural gardener which is a plant nursery in Austin I really love it there too and it’s not that far from zilker.
73. Relationship status? Single
74. Ever dyed your hair? Do you plan to? Yes and perhaps. Maybe
75. Dream job/career? Idk anymore I used to have big girl goals and I haven’t had any in a while. But when I was younger I wanted to be a game warden
76. Favorite band/singer? Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
77. Something that makes you soft/that you find adorable? My cats
78. The first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Buy a house
79. Are you superstitious? Yes
80. Character you project onto? Shizuku tsukishima
81. Fictional character you’ve had a crush on? Vergil devil may cry. Forever husband
82. Celebrity crush? LMAO
83. Person on here you’d date? my mutuals
84. Person on here you’d marry? 🥺 my mutuals
85. Person on here you’d throw into the void? Smugg
86. Other social media you have? I’ve got a photography insta that I barely use and a Twitter that’s just nintendo switch screenies that’s it
87. Finish the sentence: Due to personal reasons, ___________i will be passing away
88. Bad habit? I find it rlly hard to say no or like to say when and why I’m upset I don’t feel like for the latter I don’t feel like I should bring something that’s upsetting me up because I know I’ll get over it on my own and I don’t really trust myself to be upset about rational things. Idk I’m working on it
89. Three things you like about yourself? I’m hot, I’m kind, I’m resilient
90. Ily and you deserve the world I love you!!!!! YOU deserve it too!!!
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
My Man Part X
A Ben!Roger Taylor x Reader Fic
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Summary: Reader is a Broadway actress currently starring in a West End production of Funny Girl. She’s a widow, thanks to the Vietnam War, but it’s a well-kept secret. She also wants everyone to think she doesn’t care for rock music. She met Roger Taylor when he brought his date backstage. They didn’t start off great, but a party at Freddie’s turned them around. Now, they’re friends. After she was attacked by a director, Roger is there for her. Then she gets a surprise visitor with some wise words for her. Her brother and her director drop some bombs on her. After getting a role in a new show in order to stay in London, she gets closure after her attack and is ready to take a big step with Rog. He’s ready to take an even bigger one.
Word Count: 2.6K
Tag List: @bohemian-war, @kittygirlno, @rebelrebelyourefaceisamess, @rockyroadthepastryarchy, @goodoldfashionedloverboyy, @jennyggggrrr, @discodeacygotmorerhythm, @x1975sos, @slytherinxval, @cyndagoaway, @doingalrightt, @lovvliies, @hopefully-aesthetically-pleasing, @capsparrowtara, @they-call-me-peaches, @hyosong, @riddikuluslypotter, @orchideax, @shishterfackisback
A/N: This is the final part of My Man. Thank you all for the wonderful feedback and love you’ve shown this story. I have so enjoyed writing it. I even made a playlist for it! It’s on Spotify, and you can check it out here  I have Brian story in the early stages but it could be a while before it takes off. In the meantime, send me requests! I’ll be happy to write just for y’all!
Part I  Part II  Part III  Part IV  Part V Part VI  Part VII  Part VIII  Part IX
Part X here we go!!!
“Y/N, let’s get married.”
You blinked at him a few times, unsure if you’d heard him right. Was he honestly proposing to you right now? It was the last thing you expected and you didn’t really know how to feel. You’d only known Roger a few months. You’d been married before. You’d had a life in America as well. Could you give all that up?
“Roger, I…” you trailed off. “I don’t even know what to say.”
“Say yes,” he replied as if it were obvious.
“It’s not that simple,” you said. “We haven’t known each other very long and I’ve been…”
“I know you’ve been married before,” he said.
“I also had a whole life,” you continued. “Friends, Jack, George’s grave. All of that is back home.”
“Your friends and brother can visit,” he came back with. “And George...look, he’s always gonna be with you. You carry his memory and honor him, not some headstone.”
You opened your mouth to respond, but had no words. Why were you fighting this? You loved Roger and you wanted to be with him forever. Nothing else mattered. George would have wanted you to find happiness, and you did.
“Yes,” you said, and you weren’t even sure if it was you.
“Sorry?” he replied, putting his hand to his ear and smiling.
You beamed at him. “Yes, Roger, I’ll marry you!”
You threw your arms around his neck and he rolled on top of you again. You kissed for what felt like years, and you were so elated, you couldn’t stop smiling. Roger whispered “I love you” between kisses over and over again. You repeated it back to him. You were drowning in sea of adoration and neither you or Roger were going to come up for air.
You fell asleep in each others’ arms. At home.
When you woke, the early morning light was just barely peeking through the blinds. Roger was already up, and you heard his voice coming softly from the living room. You guessed he was on the phone, so you got up to start breakfast. When you opened the door to head to the kitchen, you stopped. Roger was standing at your mantle, his back to your bedroom door. He wasn’t on the phone, but he was talking. To George. Your heart melted as you listened.
“Thanks, I suppose, for being her husband and doing all you did,” he was saying. “She’s a wonderful woman and she wouldn’t be who she is without you. I’m - uh - I’m gonna try and be as good a husband to her as you were. I’ll take care of her, no matter what, so - wherever you are - you don’t need to worry. I’ve got it from here. Rest easy, mate.”
You felt tears prick your eyes but you rubbed them away. You didn’t want him to know you’d heard. It felt so private, but you were glad you heard too. It made you love Roger impossibly more. You wanted to go to him and tell him how much it meant to you. But instead you stretched, yawned and opened the door a little wider, pretending you had only just woken up.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he said, turning to face you.
“Good morning,” you replied as he wrapped you up in his arms. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he said. “But we are getting entirely too mushy.”
You giggled. “Want me to start being rude to you again?”
“Maybe every once in a while, just to keep me grounded.”
“That can be arranged.”
You had breakfast together before you each had to go to rehearsals - you to your new show and Roger with Queen. All through rehearsal you felt on top of the world because a single thought hovered at the back of your mind: I’m engaged to Roger Taylor, love of my life. It didn’t scare you. You were ready to be a wife - his wife. You felt incredibly lucky to have found love once with George, and you didn’t know how you had earned another shot at it with Roger. But you would not take it for granted.
After rehearsal at She Loves Me, you went to Funny Girl to get ready for the night’s show. You didn’t even feel tired. Nothing could spoil the happiness you felt.
The show went well, and you headed home. Your feet hurt a little now, after being on them all day, but you still felt a leap of excitement in your chest when you saw Roger on the couch. He grinned at you as you took a seat beside him.
“You’re a busy woman now,” he remarked.
You hummed against him, your exhaustion hitting you like a wall now that you were home. He put his arm around your shoulders.
“I’ve got something for you,” he said.
You looked up at him. “You do?”
He nodded and then reached into his jacket pocket. He pulled out a small, velvet box. You gasped. He opened it to reveal a delicate diamond ring. It was small, but very beautiful.
“Would you wear this?” he asked, and you saw pink spreading across his cheeks. “It’s not much, I know. Not even a full carat. Just a diamond chip. But it was my mother’s and -”
You cut him off with a kiss. “It’s beautiful,” you said. “I’ll wear it forever.”
The look on his face as you said this made your chest actually ache with love for him. He had tears in his eyes. He blinked them back as he looked at  you, and then slid the ring onto your finger.
“I’d love to meet her,” you said. “You mother.”
“You’d love her,” he told you. “She’ll love you too, I promise. Even if you are an American.”
You chuckled and pulled him close, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Rog,” you said after a beat. “Do...do you want children?”
“Oh, yeah,” he replied without hesitation. “‘Course I do. Especially with you.”
“Good,” you said and kissed his cheek.
You went to bed shortly after, and Roger made love to you twice before you actually fell asleep. You were out hard, but in the early morning hours, you were woken by Roger crying out beside you. You sat upright and recognized it once again. He was having another nightmare, only this one must have been much worse. You called to him for several minutes, but he wasn’t waking up. His body thrashed and you felt a twinge of fear. What could you do?
“Roger!” you yelled, since using a normal volume wasn’t working. “Roger, wake up!”
You reached out a hesitant hand, worried he might lash out against your touch. But you had to do something. You couldn’t just let him suffer this way. You took hold of his shoulders and shook him. When his eyes snapped open, he grabbed you roughly by the arms. His eyes were wild and frightened.
“Roger,” you said gently. “It’s me, my darling. I’m here. You’re safe.”
His lower lip quivered before he actually let out a sob and yanked you close to him. He buried his face in your chest and wept into you. You wrapped your arms around him and held him tight. You had no words. His clutched handfuls of your nightgown, like a little boy might cling to his mother.
“Y/N,” he whimpered. “I’m sorry.”
“Stop that,” you told him. “I’ve got you, Rog.”
He murmured more apologies to you under his breath, and you shushed him. Then you began to sing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” again. His muscles relaxed beneath your touch and his breathing evened out as you made your way through the song.
“Can you tell me what you dreamt?” you asked when you finished.
He shook his head. “S’too awful.”
“I’m here whenever you’re ready.”
Several long minutes of silence passed between you. He had calmed down but his heart was still beating faster than normal. You rubbed soothing circles on his back.
“It was my dad,” he said finally.
“Your dad?”
He nodded. “Yeah. He used to...beat on us a lot. He was angry. And drunk. One time it got so bad...I actually thought I was gonna die. I was ten.”
He went on, and described a lot of the other abuses he’d suffered. It made you wince at times, hearing the brutality of some of it. You wondered how he had come out of it with such unbridled love for others.
“Oh, Roger, I am so sorry,” you said.
“You’re not worried?” he asked, his voice smaller than you could ever remember hearing.
“Why would I be worried?”
He looked at you and held your gaze. “I’m not him, I promise. I would never, ever...hit you or our kids and I don’t want you to think that because I grew up that way you’ve got to worry about…” he trailed off. “I’ll never do that, Y/N. I swear.”
“I was never worried about that,” you told him. “And I never will. I can’t tell you how sorry I am for all you’ve been through. I’ll never let anybody hurt you again.”
He looked at you with a confused expression. “No one’s ever made that promise to me before.”
“I’m making it to you,” you said. “I made my big brother eat dirt and punched a director in the face. I don’t mess around.”
He finally smiled. “You are very strong, my love.”
“So are you,” you reminded him. “Let’s be strong together.”
“Sure thing, Mrs. Taylor,” he agreed.
On your next day off, you went to the studio with Roger and the guys. They all congratulated you on the engagement as well as your new show. You thanked them earnestly and told them how grateful you were for their support through everything. Then they got in the booth and began their business.
You sat outside it with Paul, who you didn’t know a lot about. Roger hated Paul and complained about him a lot. Called him names you wouldn’t repeat and made you blush, and you had been married to a Marine. Although some of them just made you admire Roger’s creativity. Needless to say, your opinion of Paul was not a high one.
“So,” he said as he took a seat beside you on the couch. “Someone finally made Roger Taylor a one woman man.”
You couldn’t understand what he was trying to get at so you just looked at him blankly, waiting for him to continue.
“Are you so sure he’s committed to you?���
You remembered the night Roger finally told you about his nightmares and the things you promised each other. You remembered him punching your shitty agent and sleeping on your couch so you felt safe. You remembered him teaching you to drum before asking for a dance lesson.
“Yes,” you said. “I’m sure.”
Paul wiped his palms on his jeans and looked down. “Jesus, Y/N, I don’t want to be the one to tell you this, but…” he trailed off. “Roger left the pub last night with a woman. I saw it.”
You remembered Roger telling you he was going out with the guys last night, but it was just going to be Queen and some other music people getting drinks. He had even invited you to go. You had refused, too tired to enjoy it, and told Roger to have fun. He had gotten in around two in the morning, and only woke you briefly when he crawled into bed beside you, smelling like his usual scent of cigarettes and cologne.
You just stared at Paul and felt such a wave of hatred you felt sure he could feel it radiating from you. It was such a shitty thing to do, and you didn’t know what Roger had done to piss Paul off and motivate him to tell you lies.
“No, Paul,” you said levelly, shaking your head. “Roger did not do that.”
He scoffed. “Wh - but I saw him!”
“No, you didn’t.”
“You know what he’s like.”
“Yeah, I do, so I know he didn’t fucking do that.”
Little did you know, the whole time you’d been speaking to Paul, Roger, who had returned to get his drum sticks out of his bag, was listening at the door. He heard your flat denial of Paul’s accusation - which was entirely false - and he swelled with pride. Before Paul could continue, Roger opened the door. Paul actually jumped a little.
“Left my sticks,” Roger said, going over to his bag and retrieving them.
“All right, Roger?” Paul asked.
“Yeah, fuck you, Paul,” he replied coldly.
Roger then went over to you and kissed the top of your head. He went back into the studio and began his practice. You watched him, proud beyond all measure. You knew as you looked at Roger, nothing and no one could take him from you.
The weeks passed, and before you knew it, it was your final night as Fanny Brice in Funny Girl. You were upset to let this show go. It had helped you heal after losing George. It had introduced you to Roger. It was such a place of comfort for you throughout your time in London. You didn’t know how you were going to say goodbye.
Roger promised to be there. Freddie, Brian, and John also decided to come. You saw where they would be sitting beforehand so you could wave to them during your bows. You tucked your hair into your wig cap and heard a knock at the door.
“Roger?” you gasped in pleasant surprise as you opened it. “What are you doing back here?”
He handed you the bouquet he was holding. “I came to tell you to break a leg.”
He placed a sweet peck on your lips as you let him inside.
“Thank you for the flowers,” you said. “They’re lovely.”
“I know they’re usually meant for afterwards,” he said. “But I just couldn’t wait.”
You smiled. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
He pulled you into a hug, sensing your emotion.
“You alright?” he asked.
“Just a little sad,” you answered. “I love this show so much. I’m gonna miss being Fanny.”
“This audience is gonna miss you too,” he said. “But you’re gonna be great in She Loves Me. Just as funny, talented, and beautiful as ever.”
“Oh, how you run on,” you teased.
“You’re gonna be great tonight,” he said. “Give it all you’ve got.”
“I will,” you assured him.
With one last “I love you” he left to take his seat.
You finished getting ready and before you hit the stage for the last time, you felt a flutter in your stomach. You were nervous and yet, so excited for the next part of your life you could barely stand it. You took a deep breath, stepped into the lights, and put on the show of a lifetime.
Finally, it was time for the last scene. My Man. You wondered how you were going to get through it tonight. Your own words echoed in your mind: It’s a simple trick, really. I sing it to my husband. Your eyes went to the box where Roger sat, right by the stage, and you met his gaze. A tear fell preemptively down your cheek. You opened your mouth and sang like you’d never sung before. To your husband. Your man. Forever.
Oh my man I love him so, he'll never know
All my life is just despair but I don't care
When he takes me in his arms
The world is bright, alright
What's the difference if I say "I'll go away"
When I know I'll come back on my knees someday
For whatever my man is, I am his
Forever more
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voltronramblings · 4 years
um this got like really really long lmao (feel free to just post like a cut off version so it doesn’t clog up ppls dash lol) kind of super embarrassed about how long it is but…. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i got a lot to say, i hope that’s okay
Haha, you’re completely fine, sweetheart! I am gonna put it under the cut so that it doesn’t end up taking a lot of space on someone’s dash ❤️
Can i pls get a matchup? :3 I’m a bi girl, 5’6 with longish wavy red hair, blue eyes and lots of freckles cuz i always forget to reapply sunscreen lol pretty much always have a sunburn during the summer. I’m a INFP, and a libra. I’ve got a major case of ADHD, lots of energy and horrible at focusing, lots of fidgeting all the time (mostly the leg bounceTM and tapping things) (also got that anxiety/depression thing goin on).
I’m not super social, I hate big parties, I don’t have a Lot of friends, but the friends I do have I’m really close to and would trust with my life (I’m kind of really selective with who i befriend). If i don’t like a person, they will be able to Tell, I don’t go out of my way to be mean to them but,, it’s a bit obvious. I’m the fun friend, always getting people to laugh and smile and be happy, and I’m super loyal to my friends, ride-or-die kind of gal. I also tend to be the one that people lean on, or turn to if the need any advice or comfort. I’m also really close with my family, love them with all my heart and would do anything for them.
I love to play the piano and sing (pretty good at the first one, not so much the second lol) and i tend to do that when I’m feeling stressed out or sad and it helps a lot. I’m currently in college studying geography and cartography and I’m like a super nerd about it lol. I love to go hiking in the mountains where i live and go swimming in the rivers, and when I’m staying at my family home I go to the beach all the time, my fave summer tradition is having bonfire parties on the beach with my friends where we just swim and build sand castles all day and then roast hot dogs and marshmallows (some of my fave memories of high school were on the beach super late at night around the campfire). I am pretty active, i used to be super into sports in high school but now i’m not really, I used to swim competitively for like 8 years, and I also was part of a rowing team for a couple years, and I really loved it, trying to get back into it but i’m way too out of shape rn lmao. I also love baseball, watching it and playing it (but mostly i just watch) (go giants). I love music, fave genres being rock/alt rock/punk/pop, and I loooove going to concerts, i’ve been to at least 30 by now lol I’m pretty much always got music playing, my fave band is fall out boy (i’m basic i know lol).
my grades have always been…. Super average. Not because I don’t understand what I’m being taught but because I never really did my homework, i would always procrastinate and especially with big projects, if it wasn’t absolutely perfect I hated it and would be constantly stressed about it and then just not do it so :/ (this is still true a little in college but i’m getting much better and just getting things done, and i like to have friends with me while i’m working so they can yell at me if i get distracted).
This got really really long so i’m just gonna stop now lmao (i like to talk about myself lol is it obvious??) (ive never done a matchup request before but i like yours because you put so much thought into them i couldnt resist thank you love you)
hi, love! Before I start, the fact that you let me know about that ^^ literally makes me so happy and is one of the only reasons I still accept match-ups. I know what I was like sending my first match-up request in and I was a nervous wreck. Which is why I sincerely mean it when I say that I am deeply sorry for how long this took to get back to you. Thank you for sending this in and I love you too 💕
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SO, it may seem kind of weird but I actually ship you with Pidge (adjusted to your age, of course, bc we don’t do support pedophilia in this Christian household, no thank you)! However, if the fact that Pidge is (canonically) still a teen bothers you, I can and will match you with someone else!
Appearance reason: most people do the whole “your freckles make constellations” thing, but Pidge said “nah, they’re compounds and mixtures lol” what a nerd. She’ll look for one that matches the formula for sugar just to say “hey, you’re pretty sweet”. Also, she feels the sunburn comment on a personal level bc she too is pretty much always burnt somewhere, it’s not fair.
Mentality reason: Pidge is no stranger to mental health disorders such as ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Whatever she can do for you, she’ll do, no questions asked. While she is more knowledgeable about the physical sciences, she can quickly pick up the psychological (and biological, but I think that’s a physical science) aspect of mental health disorders, and, if there’s something that she can make to help you, she will. One of those is definitely creating a portable mini-piano so you can tap away at that, using some energy and even creating a little music.
Introvert reason: Pidge is 100% definitely an introvert, and, while with the right company she might enjoy a party, she’ll tend to spend the night in. So, you two are pretty much aligned when it comes to those kinds of nights, you know? You just keep each other company, often in silence, and that’s more than enough.
Personality reason: Pidge is someone who has trouble relying on others. She’s so much of a “I can do this myself so watch me do it better than you” kind of attitude, and, while she’s amazing, even she needs someone whom she can rely on. Your personality tends to naturally bring that out of her. Before anything else, you two are best friends, and you’d do anything for each other. Because of that bond, Pidge feels able to come and talk to you about things that she really can’t with anyone else.
Hobby reason: Pidge is totally just in awe of your musical abilities even if you’re not as confident in them yourself. She loves listening to you playing the piano or even singing along quietly to whatever song is playing. With other people, Pidge prefers to work in the quiet (unless she’s discussing something or explaining something), but she loves to just hear you faintly in the background like a distant record player. ALSO, as the Guardian of Nature, she’s exploring new ways to connect with nature, so she’ll often accompany you whenever you’re going out to the mountains. She will most definitely be complaining for part of it because it’s too hot and there’re so many bugs, but she’ll always go because she loves spending time with you even if she can’t always keep up. Rivers and beaches aren’t necessarily her domain, but she still enjoys being in water (especially if she’s sweaty as frick from all of that walking). While you may be actually swimming, she’ll probably just be in the water, floating along somewhere… she does like the bonfire idea as it’s much less strenuous, and it’s fun to be with everyone whether that’s just you or the whole Voltron crew.
Education reason: lol, I had no idea what to call this so here ya go. Basically, Pidge adores your brilliance when it comes to anything that you’re interested in (in this case, geography and cartography). Especially if you’re drawing maps of the places that y’all visit through space, she’ll be there with papers and pencils and any drawing tools you might need. She just loves seeing how it all turns out in the end, especially since it’s like a mix of science and art and WOW you can do BOTH so well !! And she’s definitely a huge (?) help when it comes to procrastination. A little bit of a hypocrite sometimes because she tends to get distracted herself if it’s not something she’s genuinely interested in. But, she will definitely be there to help keep you on track if you’re losing focus or motivation, and she will also offer to help in any way, shape, or form that she can. She wants you to do your best but also not stress so much about it because, sometimes, imperfections are better than any perfect thing out there. Y’all also have a deal where you can switch off rambling about what you’re passionate about, it’s cute and wholesome 💕 you guys are literal best friends which is so nice to be with your significant other.
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dukereviewsmovies · 5 years
Duke Reviews: Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer
Hi Everyone, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where We Are Continuing Duke's Yultide Reviews...
Well, With Christmas Movies Behind Us For The Year, It's Time To Move Into Christmas Specials And What Better Way To Start Then To Look At The Original Christmas Special, Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer...
Now, Unlike Some Of The Movies I Went Over In November, I Feel That I Really Don't Have To Go Over The Plot Of This Special As Everyone Knows It By Now And Anyone Who Doesn't Probably Lives Under A Rock...
So, Without Further Ado, This Is Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer...
The Special Starts With Newspaper Pages And Snowflakes Before We're Introduced To Our Narrator, Sam The Snowman, Played By Burl Ives...
Who Talks With Us About Christmas Town...
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No, It's Not That Christmas Town...
But The Christmas Town That Sam Is Talking About Is At The North Pole Where The #1 Citizens Are The Clauses Who Live On The First Castle On The Left, Matter Of Fact The Only Castle On The Left..,
Cutting To Inside The Castle We See Mrs Claus Telling Santa To Eat Up As The Kids Expect A Fat Santa For Christmas Eve....
Some People Might See This As Skinny Shaming But Me I See This As Sending A Good Message Saying That Says After The Holidays, Santa Loses Weight In An Effort To Not Get Diabetes...
Telling Us About How Much He Loves Christmas, Sam Tells Us About The Year Of The Big Snowstorm And How They Couldn't Have Done It Without Rudolph, Which Leads Sam To Tell Us Our Story But Not Before Giving Us An Intro And A Title Card...
Starting A Few Years Before The Big Snowstorm, In Spring No Less, We See The Donners Give Birth To A Little Buck Named Rudolph Who Is Born With A Red Glowing Nose...
However, In The Movie Rudolph And Frosty's Christmas In July, It Was Revealed That Rudolph Wasn't Born With The Nose But Was Given It By The Spirit Of The North Pole Known As Lady Boreal In An Effort To Protect Santa From The Evil Wizard Winterbolt Who Had Just Woken Up When Lady Boreal's Powers Started To Wane And Weaken After Being In Her Human Form For Too Long...
But Getting Back To Our Story, Santa Arrives To Meet Rudolph Only To Discover His Powers For Himself...
Coming Up With An Idea To Hide Rudolph's Nose, Donner Teaches Rudolph How To Be A Reindeer, While Teaching His Son To Beware Of The Abominable Snowmonster Of The North Who's Mean, Nasty And Doesn't Like Christmas..
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But Aside From The Abominable, We Cut To Santa's Workshop Where We Meet Hermey, Who's An Elf Who Wants To Be A Dentist Which Catches The Ire Of The Foreman...
(Start At 1:42, End At 1:56)
Growing Up Over The Years, Rudolph Has Gotten Tired Of Hiding His Nose As The Mud His Parents Place On It Isn't Very Comfortable, But Donner Believes That Self Respect Is More Important Than Comfort...
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I Would Play The Other Part Of The Song But I Couldn't Find It On YouTube, Sorry...
With Christmas Coming And Going As Always, Soon It Is April Which Is When All The Fawns Come Out To Be Inspected By Santa And When The Elf Choir Practices In Front Of Santa...
Whoa!, Whoa!, Whoa!, What Happened To The Elf Foreman?
His Voice Just Went From Gruff To Squeaky In 10 Seconds, Why?, Was The Actor Unavailable? Did They Have Another Actor Originally Do The Voice? Somebody Give Me Answers!
(Start At 0:14, End At 1:49)
With Santa Leaving, The Foreman (Whose Voice Is Gruff Again) Tells Them That The Performance Was Terrible As The Tenor Section Was Weak...
I Don't Know, Foreman Defiantly Sounded Good To Me...
But One Of The Elves Tell The Foreman That Hermey Didn't Show Up...
Working On Dolls Teeth, The Foreman Marches In To Tell Hermey That Despite Trying To Find A Way To Fit In He'll Never Fit In And To Come To Elf Practice Before Slamming The Door Shut...
Believing The Foreman To Be Right, Hermey Runs Away...
Back At The Reindeer Fields, Rudolph Makes A Friend Named Fireball, Who Introduces Rudolph To A Doe Named Clarice...
Walking Over To Her As The Coach Comet, Won't Get To Rudolph And Fireball For A While, Rudolph Talks With Clarice...
(Imitating Hannibal Lecter) Hello, Clarice...
Asking Her To Walk Home With Him, Clarice Tells Rudolph Yes, As She Tells Him That She Thinks That He's Cute...
Leaping Into The Sky 2 Times, Rudolph Butts Heads With Fireball Which Causes Rudolph's Nose To Fall Off...
With His Secret Revealed, The Reindeer Not Only Make Fun Of Rudolph But Santa Gets Mad At Donner As Comet Tells Everyone To Not Let Rudolph Join In Any Reindeer Games...
Followed By Clarice As Rudolph Promised To Take Her Home, She Doesn't Care What Everyone Else Thinks And Says That His Nose Is Better Than That False One He Was Wearing...
(Start At 0:19, End At 2:14)
But When Clarice's Father, ? Enters To Tell Rudolph To Stay Away From Her, Rudolph Finds Himself All Alone Again, That Is Until He Runs Into Hermey Who Tells Rudolph That He Doesn't Need Anyone Because He's Independent Which Leads Rudolph To Declare The Same...
Okay, I Realize Rudolph Is Not A Girl But Since He's Voiced By One I'm Playing This...
Originally This Wasn't The Song For This Scene, Originally It Was This...
Walking For A While, Rudolph And Hermey Hear The Roar Of The Abominable Snowmonster Which Causes Hermey To Have Rudolph Douse His Nose For Now...
Continually Walking Till Morning,They End Up Meeting Yukon Cornelius, Who Is Searching These Areas For Silver And Gold Which Leads Us To Our Next Song...
(Start At 0:08)
With The Abominable Catching Up With Our 3 Friends, Yukon Creates An Iceberg So They Can Get Away From The Abominable But With No Land In Sight Our Friends Have No Idea Where They're Headed...
Eventually Hitting Land, Yukon, Hermey And Rudolph Find Themselves On An Island With Flying Lions And Talking Jack In The Boxes...
Correction Charlie In The Boxes...
(Start At 0:40)
With Rudolph Asking If They Can Stay On The Island With Them, Charlie Takes Them To King Moonracer (Who Is The Flying Lion In Question) Who Unfortunately Tells Them No But Asks Them That Once They Return To Christmas Town To Tell Santa About Their Island Which Rudolph Promises He Will...
For This, King Moonracer Allows Them To Spend The Night...
Oh, How Generous...
With His Friends Deciding To Return To Christmas Town, Rudolph Decides To Strike Out On His Own To Save His Friends From The Abominable Snowmonster...
But As The Years Pass, Rudolph Grows Older And Realizes That You Can't Run Away From Your Troubles Which Leads Him To Decide To Head Home...
But In Returning Home, He Discovers An Empty Cave Which Leads Santa To Point Out That Them And Clarice Have Been Gone For Months Out Looking For Him...
But While Going Out To Find His Parents The Storm Of The Century Hits...
But Again, In Rudolph And Frosty's Christmas In July, It Was Revealed That The Storm Was Created By Winterbolt In An Attempt To Get Rid Of Santa Forever As There Could Only Be One King Of The North....
Searching For His Parents, Rudolph Realized That They Could Only Be One Place, The Cave Of The Abominable Snowmonster...
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Oops, Wrong Cave And Wrong Abominable Snowman...
Anyway, Entering The Cave, Rudolph Attacks The Snowmonster Only To Get Whapped By A Piece Of The Cave...
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Well, Not Exactly As Hermey And Yukon Cornelius Arrive To Rescue Their Friend And His Family With Hermey Distracting The Abominable While Yukon Drops A Big Rock On Him...
Getting Rudolph And His Family Out, They Find Themselves Confronted By The Bumble Again Only To Discover That Hermey Took Out All Of His Teeth...
Pushing The Bumble Back With His Dogs, Yukon Goes Over The Edge Of A Cliff Along With His Dogs And The Bumble...
And This Is Supposed To Be A Kids Special!
With Everyone Going Back To Christmas Town, Santa Apologizes To Rudolph And Tells Him That He'll Find Homes For All Of The Misfit Toys On The Island Of Misfit Toys While The Foreman Apologizes To Hermey Telling Him That He Can Open Up A Office Next Week After Christmas...
Hearing A Knock On The Door, We Discover That Yukon Survived...
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And So Did The Bumble Who Only Did What He Did Because He Wanted A Job...
Wow, I Didn't Know Unemployment Was A Problem At The North Pole...
Asking How They Survived, Yukon Kind Of Gives A Dumb Yet Funny Answer...
While Everyone Gets Ready For Christmas, Santa Gets News From His Eye In The Sky Weather Reporter, Who Tells Him That The Storm Won't Let Up And Christmas Will Have To Be Cancelled, But As Rudolph's Light Shines Santa Decides That Rudolph Is Their Answer...
With Rudolph On-Board For Helping Santa, We Get Our Next Song...
(Start At 0:11)
With Santa Fattened Up And The Sleigh Filled They Take Off With An Up Up And Away...
Okay, Is Santa Superman?
Meanwhile On The Island Of Misfit Toys, Charlie, The Spotted Elephant And The Doll Have All But Given Up This Year But When They See Rudolph's Nose, Everyone Gathers Up So They Can Board The Sleigh...
(End At 1:46)
Fun Fact: When I Was A Kid, I Had A Hard Time With VHS Remotes And Accidentally Taped Over A Little Bit Of The Ending With The End Credits Of A Care Bears Nutcracker And My Mom Still Bugs Me About It To This Day...
But That's Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer And It's A Good Special...
Sure, It Has A Few Things That Show What Time It Came From But It's Still A Good Christmas Special, I Love The Characters, I Love The Story, The Sets Are Well Made And I Just Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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backpackbrigade · 5 years
Backpack Playlist 5/27/19
I no longer have a radio show so this is where I’m gonna be posting my thoughts and playlists! Have fun, who cares. Apple Music/Spotify links at the bottom. Enjoy. 
“Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)” - Kate Bush, Hounds of Love (1985, EMI)
A gay icon, not much to say beyond that. We love some extra as shit background vocals.
“Bags” - Clairo, Immunity (2019, Fader)
First single off Clairo’s new LP coming out at some point this year. Literally all I can think when I hear the guitar line in this song is Avril Lavigne, and I say that with the utmost respect and love. Big ups to VW alum Rostam for the production on this track and Danielle Haim for drums - does this mean Clairo is now part of the PC Music squad AND the VW-adjacent rap/indie rock squad??? Her career is definitely pretty strange so far, but I’m hype to see her blow up beyond the world of the Youtube algorithm chewing up and spitting out DIY music videos. This track is also kinda full circle for her - in her big Pitchfork feature last year, she talked about being starstruck after seeing one of the Haim sisters on a plane listening to SOPHIE, and now she’s got one of them on a track. We love growth.
“Kisses 2 My Phone” - Sega Bodega, self*care - EP (2018, NUXXE)
Lona (aka MANIIK aka BABY GAMELAN) shared this EP with me last year, and it’s been rattling around in my head ever since. Some glitchy trap beats and subtly depressing lyrics about sending kisses to your phone and losing love. Scottish experimental pop kid who gets in your ears and won’t leave.
“Even the Shadow” - Porches, Pool (2016, Domino)
A classic, both Pool and their newer album The House (2018, Domino) remind me of a very specific time in my life when I was spending 12 hours in the photo studio every other weeknight and played Porches on shuffle to get through it. Very sad stoner synthy alt-pop for gay kids with lots of insecurity but dreams of 2014 soft pale tumblr aesthetic escapism!!
“Hatin” - Rico Nasty & Kenny Beats, Anger Management (2019, Sugar Trap)
Remember when Rico was just a Soundcloud kid with a stellar remix of “The Race” under her belt?? When I first heard that track in the background of a friend from high school’s Instagram story, I literally dropped my phone trying to lyric search it to see who sang it. Big ups to Lafayette (a newly minted Howard University grad :,) ) for putting me on. Rico’s always been bffs with Kenny, so this collab record isn’t surprising, but I didn’t expect it to be this good!!! Very excited to see her blowing up on Tik Tok rn, maybe she’ll finally get what she’s owed. And she deserves more than just a 2 second cameo in the Old Town Road music video………
“Dig” - Lance Bangs, Lance Mountain - EP (2016, Citrus City)
Reminds me of screamy jangly indie rock from the summer after my first year when I lived in a commune and got a stick and poke from a friend who was three mojitos deep. Also, Citrus City is awesome and we love to support VA labels!!
“Livin’ On a Prayer” - Bon Jovi, Slippery When Wet (1986, Vertigo)
Mostly putting this on here because it’s the ending soundtrack to a great little animated short film I watched recently called WORK (2009) by Michael Rianda. It’s a super 2009 short, but it’s fascinating because it feels like the aesthetic halfway point between Don Hertzfeldt’s Rejected (2000) and Bojack Horseman (2014-) style absurdity. It’s not the subtlest anti-capitalist cartoon out there, but it’s very cute and funny.
“20 Ghosts III” - Nine Inch Nails, Ghosts I-IV (2008, The Null Corporation)
Put this back to back with Bon Jovi because the weird guitar/vocal growls sound like the “Livin’ On a Prayer” digital doo-wops put through an insane pedal filter. Heard it for the first time when I was watching Laura Poitras’ documentary Citizenfour (2014) - she used it for the super haunting opening and closing scenes, and I can’t think of any better use for Trent Reznor’s sad garage dad phase guitar music.
“Guap” - Yaeji, Yaeji EP (2016, GODMODE)
No introduction necessary, hopefully. Gives me third year queer party vibes, and if you know what that means, congratulations. You’re part of an in-group now. Listen when you need subtle hype up music.
“Indica” - Dizzy Fae, Free Form Mixtape (2018, self-released)
When I showed a friend a picture of Dizzy Fae, their first response was that she’s probably from Amsterdam or Berlin or something and floats between secret clubs all week long before performing herself. She’s actually from Minnesota and is way younger than either of us assumed, so big ups to her for projecting the coolest vibes imaginable. Her vocal distortion is a little FKA Twigs, but she knows how to fuckin rap on the rest of the EP. Well worth a full listen.
“Flower Moon (feat. Steve Lacy)” - Vampire Weekend, Father of the Bride (2019, Columbia)
Best track on this new album, imo, but I can’t stop thinking about Vampire Weekend for a completely different reason. When this album came out, literally everyone was making fun of it for sounding like a Paul Simon redux. A lot of people praised it for the exact same reason lol. But Paul Simon’s relationship with cultural appropriation is a lot like Ezra Koenig’s, and not enough people have made that connection. Remember when Paul Simon broke the cultural boycott with Apartheid-era South Africa to make Graceland (1986)?? Everyone shit all over him for not only straight up taking South African music styles and centering himself in their vocal story, but doing it all in the midst of the largest cultural boycott in modern history. It’s a good album, I won’t pretend it’s not, but it’s deeply problematic and disappointed a lot of people who expected something better from a guy who knew what he was doing. Reminds me of 2008-2012 Vampire Weekend!! Anyway, listen to this track for Steve Lacy, if nothing else.
“Ur Phone” - boy pablo, Roy Pablo - EP (2017, self-released)
Another Youtube algorithm kid, boy pablo was in everyone’s feeds because this EP is the perfect summery shimmery gaze-y indie rock. His newer album is a little more uptempo than I personally like, but this track is *chef’s kiss*
“Can the Circle Be Unbroken” - The Carter Family, Can the Circle Be Unbroken: Country Music’s First Family (2000, Sony; original recording 1935)
Really not trying to wade into the country music discourse today, but this track is genuinely full of intense longing and sadness in a way that so clearly changed country/rock music and its relationship to the guitar.
“Before the World Was Big” - girlpool, Before the World Was Big (2015, Wichita)
Their new stuff fucking slaps, and seeing them come to terms with their gender identities is fucking beautiful!! But I always come back to these weird ass nursery rhymes. It’s literally just their harmonies and two guitars, and legend has it if you turn this up to full volume in your car and drive through your hometown, your unrequited high school crush will appear with their spouse and two kids just to rub it in.
“Vroom Vroom” - Charli XCX, Vroom Vroom - EP (2016, Vroom Vroom Recordings)
I mean. It’s Charli’s early work with SOPHIE, you’ve gotta just blast this shit and ruin someone’s life. The return to queer hyper pop over the past few years is the only thing sustaining my fucking mental health.
“Xternal Locus” - Chynna & Oklou, Single (2018, self-released)
Another track Lona played for me after I picked her up from work in DC. Lowkey enough to ***** to, highkey enough to **** to ;)
“Cinema” - Kero Kero Bonito, Totep - EP (2018, self-released)
KKB really did an about face with this record, but I still fucking love them. It’s still sunny and glittery pop, but with a chilled-out vibe. Their intense pop records are like the come up, and this is the chill smoke sesh the day after. Just vibey enough to let you chill out and kick back, but keeps you on your toes with some unexpected samples and glitchy moments.
“Jack the Ripper” - SadGirl, Breakfast for 2 - Single (2018, Suicide Squeeze)
We love surf rock, and that’s all I’m gonna say for this. You either vibe with it you’re bored as shit.
“watch you sleep.” - girl in red, Single (2019, self-released)
Music To Sleep To.
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Julie’s Love Yourself Concert Diary
Concert Date: September 29, 2018
Written: September 30, 2018
Warnings: I curse more than I should?
Words: 3,330ish-added a few  things at the last minute (phew!)
[Update: Tumblr couldn’t upload all my photos that I spent awhile choosing and placing, so I’m going to have to pare it down. Sorry bbs! I opted to cut my personal & merch photos in favor of the boys]
So I have one thousand and one things I should be working on-for school, for work, for my eventual job hunt. But instead I am going to write about last night’s experience while it was still fresh in my mind. I was thinking of doing a song-by-song play-by-play, but you can look up the setlist on Wikipedia, so instead I am going to talk about the things that jumped out at me. WARNING: This is essentially one giant spoiler, so I will try to put a “Read More” cut, though it’s been being weird for me lately. So scroll carefully if you’re going to a later date and don’t want to know. All photos taken on my (now ancient) iPhone 6, so I tried to choose the best ones). Will edit as I see typos I made.
I’m a little nervous since I usually write fiction instead of sharing my personal experience. Anyway, full disclosure that this is just my perspective, and I’m (always) happy to discuss things (civilly) if you disagree with me.  <3  Photos and opinions are mine.- please don’t re-post anywhere else.
The Background/ Pulling a Namjoon and Leaving my Ticket at Home
Even though I was going to the Saturday show, I flew into LaGuardia using frequent flyer miles on Friday morning. I was staying with a friend in Queens, so I went straight to her apartment. I’m a grad student as most of you probably know at this point, so I spent most of Friday working on a paper that was due. I had two friends I met at last year’s concert going to the Friday concert, and they went for merch promptly at 9, but I had just arrived and had a deadline to meet for school.  Around 4:30PM, I decided that I was done for the day and opened Ticketmaster to print my ticket for the next day’s show. When I logged in, I saw the notice that the ticket had been mailed to me. I remembered having seen that when I bought the ticket in May, but in my defense I was jet-lagged and ill on that day. Furthermore, I moved to and from NYC in that time for a summer internship, and SO MUCH HAD HAPPENED. The tickets had been mailed while I was living here and I had never seen them, so somehow it slipped my mind. Obviously I lived too far away, but I didn’t know if I could express overnight them, but I think when I called Ticketmaster, the old ones were deactivated when the guy tried to send me the link.
Anyway, print at home was not an option, so I called Ticketmaster and in a panic explained my situation. They said it happened all the time and offered to send me a link. Luckily I kept the rep on the line, because it turned out that even they couldn’t email a link because of the anti-scalpers/fraud/whatever.
Then the rep said that I could show the credit card, but I had literally cut it up the week prior since the Vendor (e.g. the store that the card was through) had switched their card to a different bank (e.g. Visa to Mastercard), so I seemed shady af, even though I was telling the truth. He said as long as I had a login to a statement showing the transaction (I didn’t, since they had opted to close the account at an institutional level).  So I called my mom frantically, and luckily she is the hyper-organized type who keeps paper copies of everything and sent them to me. Seriously, Mom for the win!  I run to this print shop as it’s closing and print everything out.  I had the Ticketmaster receipt & order #, and two photo ID’s confirming my address. The guy said it should be fine, but I was on the verge of a mental breakdown. This was my one birthday gift and something I had been looking forward to for months. Anyway, my friend and I went out to a local bar near the Halsey (yes, the singer took her name from the station) stop on the L line, and I was super anti-social because I was so upset. I also burst a blood vessel in my eye  (it will heal, no worries) because of too much birthday partying the prior weekend, so I’m sure I was a (sour) sight to behold.
I slept poorly for obvious reasons, and left the apartment around 7AM, and arrived to Prudential center around 8:30ish. There were only a few people outside of will call, but the GA line was already wrapped around the building. I made small talk with people outside of the box office, and one woman told me she had gotten soundcheck both days. Seriously, what kind of karma do I need for that to happen to me? She and her friends had been camping out since Thursday, and they were SUPER organized: while she waited in line, one was at merch, and someone else was holding their GA site. I almost wondered if they were a fansite or something. ARMY are a truly organized bunch (except for me, clearly).
Anyway, after another half hour of pure anxiety, they opened up will call and I was panicking, but they were really helpful and gave me my ticket after I verified the order number, showed my id and confirmed some other personal data. I decided then and there that nothing else mattered and I was just happy to be there and be in.
Waiting in line/Logistics/Staff
I left the box office, and got into the GA line. It was probably around 9:15, and the line had already doubled-back on itself all the way around the building. The woman from earlier told me that her friend had got #1000 and was only 3 rows back, so I still had some hope. Basically, you line up to get your spot in line- though it’s kinda dumb that you have to line up twice, it makes security go faster and guarantees that there isn’t a huge surge/stronger people cutting  in line later.
I wore what I thought were my most comfortable shoes, but after standing on concrete for hours, I don’t think it makes a difference. People were so friendly though-  I never once felt awkward even though I was by myself. The same was true last year- the friends who had gone up for merch on Friday I met while in line at last years’ Wings concert. I chatted with people around me, drank the two bottles of water I had, and looked at my phone. Bring an umbrella for shade and sunscreen though-I didn’t and am rocking a nice farmers burn/tan today.  It wasn’t humid though, and it wasn’t raining, so it could have been so much worse.
Even though there were tons of people, everyone was well-behaved. I didn’t see any altercations, though as the day went on the staff seemed a bit overwhelmed with crowd control.  I didn’t see too many people selling unofficial merch like last year, though I did buy a few necklaces (Joon and Chim, ofc).
After 3.5 hours, I finally got my wristband. They told us to be back by 2pm to line up for real, as they were going to try to open the doors at 3 instead of 3:30 (didn’t end up happening).
I then ran to merch, but there wasn’t much left. The fans/pickets were selling out as I got in line, and people were basically yelling “NOOOOOOOO” everytime the staff put up a “SOLD OUT” sticker. I bought what I could that was left, including a bracelet, which I’m actually in love with, the eco-tote (super overpriced tbh, $50 for a canvas bag), but the shopper bags were gone and I needed something to carry the box and batteries V3 ARMY Bomb I bought. I had one from last year that I also forgot, but I think the new version was cool because they are synced up with the music so you can change colors and patterns along with everyone else. Overall, it’s EXPEN$$$$IVE, but if anyone’s worth it, it’s Bangtan.
I was getting super tired after this, so I kinda passed on the photo studio table, big poster, and UNICEF stuff. I tried to go to Starbucks, but even though it was the middle of the day, I didn’t feel that safe, even though it was like 11:45 in the middle of the day. I’m a 27 year old who’s lived in Latin America (which is generally stereotyped for violence), solo traveled around the world, and I’m from the Rust Belt (aka home of true urban decay), but that part of Newark sketched me the heck out. Probably it would have been fine, but I opted for caution, and went to a Dunkin Donuts and empanada place right around the corner. The timing was actually good since we had to get back pretty quickly to line back up.
The second line was where the staff struggled, telling people to back up and get in order, but it seemed like staff were doing different things. Plus, if they wanted people to back up, they should have created room at the back first, before telling the front to basically “back that ass up” on the people behind them.
GA vs. Seated
I can say this- if you are short, you probably want a seat. Or if you have any kind of knee, back, or joint problems- I stood for approximately 14 straight hours on concrete yesterday. I am just under 5”5” but I was probably one of the taller people in the crowd, so I had a pretty good view. Even though they asked people to not take videos or record, you WILL be looking through a sea of cell phones. I could see pretty well, but sometimes when they were on the main stage I had a hard time seeing around other people’s arms.
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Last time I had P2 seated, and the view was wonderful. I went to the bathroom, charged my phone, and ate nachos (lol), so it was generally a more chill experience. I was still super close but up a little higher and could see absolutely everything. But last night I was SO close I could see Joon’s dimples irl, and got splashed by both Jungkook and J-Hope when they threw the water bottles.  Probably 100 people think this, but I’m also pretty sure Yoongi  (and maybeeee Jimin) saw me jumping and singing along like crazy since I was one of the taller people. At the very least, Yoongi keep looking in the general direction I was in. Ofc I looked gross af with my messed up eye and crazy hair, but what I loved about the concert is that I was 100% able to forget all the insecurities I carry around with me on a day to day basis and have an AMAZING time.
Of course the whole place is crazy high energy, but I feel like last night was INSANELY high. I’m not sure if it was the overall vibe or if that was the GA influencing my opinion.  It just depends on what kind of experience you want to have. Also, if you are claustrophobic, you should probably pass on GA. The guards kept forcing people to back up, at one point even coming in with a flashlight, and people would surge forward whenever a member came close. But someone said the night before was chill, so maybe it’s just luck of the draw.
The Show
The show was absolutely amazing. They opened with IDOL, which got people hyped from the get-go. Their dancing was ON POINT as always. People were chanting during the intro videos and chatting as it filled in, so it was a great vibe once again- just super happy feeling. The audio visual part was AMAZING, though I’m no pro, and I loved all of the concert outfits, especially Jimin’s super sparkly sweater. Lots of jumping, and lots of screams. I didn’t have earplugs and was fine, but if you’re sensitive to loud sounds I definitely recommend them. ISTG I remembered hearing a mashup of FIRE, but maybe not? Wikipedia seems to think not. But they played a few older ones too, which made me so soft and nostalgic.
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More on the members during the concert
Kim Namjoon
Ok, this is so so so biased, let me start with that. If you’ve followed me for any amount of time, you know how much I love this man. Seeing him smiling and happy was amazing. And they had a professional translator for this concert, so I felt like Joon was able to relax a little and enjoy himself instead of worrying about translating for everyone else.  He is just as tall and proportional as everyone says he is.  Everyone talks about how soft he is these days (and I love it), but he has undeniable charisma when he raps. Plus him in sunglasses, ddaeng. Seeing him so close was akin to something spiritual for me (I SAW THE DIMPLES WITH MY OWN EYES), as were people shouting along with him to “Love.” At the end, he commented how we were all sharing the same air, and hearing him think the way (I know at least some of ) us think was so heartwarming.  
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Also during some of the videos, there were some NOT AT ALL subtle Minjoon moments.  
Kim Seokjin
The crowd last night ADORED Jin and gave him all the attention he deserves to have all the time. People were chanting his name SO LOUDLY during instrumental breaks in Epiphany. His voice was phenomenal, particularly the high notes. it’s clear how hard he’s worked to make it sound so effortless.  I noticed that people weren’t moving as much during some of his notes and I can only think it’s because we were literally transfixed. It’s well established, but I don’t think this man has any bad angles. Even in the still pictures I took while dancing, he DOESN’T look awkward in any of them. #impossible.
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Min Yoongi
Suga was clearly happy about something last night- he was SO cute and happy. Other ARMY on the train back to the city agreed with me. His rapping was fire (duh), but he was really smiley and took out his earpiece a number of times to hear us screaming. “Seesaw” starts with him laying on a couch and I can think of no better way to capture his true soul (lol). He was extra attentive to fans, and  I feel like what Tae mentioned in Burn the Stage, he was trying to memorize ARMY’s faces and live in the moment. I felt bad because there were clearly parts where he wanted us to sing along, but we couldn’t necessarily keep up with his tongue technology :P  But people definitely tried their best.  
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Jung Hoseok
Idk what I can say here that’s new. J-Hope is one of the most charismatic members on the stage. And there’s something in the American air that turns him into Jay Hope. Seriously, he’s hard to move your eyes away from. “Just Dance” was the first solo track if I remember correctly and he did not disappoint. His glasses at the end were adorable, and one of the other members called him a “happy grandfather” or something like that.  Seriously, if you’re still sleeping on Hobi, we can’t be friends.  
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Park Jimin
Jimin was ethereal as always, and the choreography for Serendipity was…..salacious, to say the least. Like if you thought the “Take Me Down” cover from last year’s Festa was too much, then idk what to tell you. Bring holy water or something. Despite  the free water that fans were providing to others (ARMY are seriously the best) there was a different kind of thirst occurring, if you smell what I’m stepping in. Jimin is pure charisma, like J-Hope. Obviously their styles are totally different, but when they move, you stop whatever you’re doing and watch. Again, I didn’t even see many ARMY bombs moving during Serendipity- I think we were too entranced. I personally thought that he killed his vocals and did great, but he seemed a little tired or like he was working hard at it. Jimin was also the one (at least that I saw from my angle) that got the closest to the fans, crouching down and leaning over the teleprompters/fans/lights/ whatever the black boxes were at the edge of the stage.
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Similar to Tae and Yoongi, I saw him looking at fans A LOT during the show. He was exactly how he seems in V Lives and cameras, and I’m fairly certain I would spontaneously combust if I ever ran into him irl (even if I didn’t know who he was)- he just radiates warmth and friendliness. Seriously, if I believed in magic, I feel like he would be able to influence people’s emotions.
Kim Taehyung
So many fic writers have this ultra primal (for lack of a better word?) for Tae, but all I see is a cute sweetheart. Obviously I’ve never seen someone create as much tension with their own arm as he does during Singularity, but when he’s not dancing, I just got a super innocent, cutesy vibe from him. His voice was so smooth last night. I mean, I knew, but now I KNOW.  He actually was shooting hearts at one fan (how lucky they are), and pretended to fall down when they shot him back! They were further back in P2 as well so he really does work hard at paying attention to everyone. He actually called over another member (maybe Yoongi or Jimin? I was too busy trying to remember how to breathe, to see whatever he was seeing).
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At the end he whipped a heart out of his beanie (how I pray to god someone got that moment on camera) a la Jin. He just seemed really comfortable in his own skin last night, and I was so grateful for it.  
Jeon Jungkook
I had a hard time seeing most of his Euphoria performance as it was relatively early on and people were taking a shit ton of videos. He also stayed mostly on the main stage, rather than come out to the extension area near where I was. His abs are just as great in person, and the screams were (as is to be expected), absolutely deafening. They’ve talked about it in shows, but his voice is  SO stable. Obviously they stopped at times and don’t use too much backing vocals, but it sounded EXACTLY how it does on the album. He threw something into the crowd  (I think a banner) at the end, and it FLEW so far-back to P2 or further. They’re not kidding when they talk about how strong he is.  
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Final thoughts
At first, I was a little exhausted after my emotional trauma of the prior day, and from standing for so long but the minute it started I forgot everything else. I was salty when I couldn’t see that much bc of people recording (esp when they asked us not to), but I understand the specialness of the moment and wanting to have some tangible evidence that you were there. By the time the concert was over, I realized how special GA was, even if it’s more difficult logistically (since I went solo and didn’t have parents or friends to stand in). I still don’t know if it’s hit me that I was like 10 feet away from them, max. It reaffirmed how important they are to me. I didn’t write this to brag, but to hopefully share my perspective and let others live vicariously through my experience. If you want clarification or anything else, write to me!  
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10 notes · View notes
britneyshakespeare · 6 years
6, 9, 16, 23, 41, 49, 53, 59
6. which genres of music do you tend to like the best?
I don’t know. It sounds kinda typical but at this point in my life I just like whatever feels most heart-felt and well put together or interesting or… some other quality that can make a song feel appealing. In my life I’ve listened to by far mostly rock and pop music (and of that, rock much more than pop) and I feel most confident offering my opinions of artists in those genres. But. I can’t say I don’t enjoy music outside of that at all.
I don’t know. Maybe psychedelic rock or folk if I had to pick. Jazz is also up there, and soft rock. OOOH and definitely music hall. I love me some music hall.
9. album of the year?
So far I’m giving it to the new Dorothy album 28 Days in the Valley but obviously Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino knocked my socks off too. And I really wanna see what’s coming up w the Struts’ new album, whenever the hell that comes out. They just dropped their first single in almost a goddamn year. Idk what’s goin on w their label but they need to get their shit together and promote my boys.
16. what kinds of music were you raised on?
I wouldn’t say I was raised on any kinds of music so much as I was raised with certain songs and artists. I’m a life-long Beatles fan and it’s kind of cliche to say “oh my parents got me into (X old band or artist)” especially if it’s the Beatles but to be honest I wouldn’t say they influenced me in that respect that much, I’m the youngest of four children so I had a lot of my ways shaped by my siblings, especially my brothers who are 4 and 6 years older than me as opposed to my twin sister who, being my age, was learning all the same shit as me at the same time just processing it differently because we’re different people.
But uhh. In the 2000s they listened to some classic rock other than the Beatles but that was sorta the thing we were all into. There was some Green Day, especially American Idiot singles. I have this clear as day memory of me walking around my street singing Boulevard of Broken Dreams when I was 5 or 6 and my oldest brother, being middle school aged at the time, thought it was fucking hilarious and I didn’t really get it. They also listened to Bon Jovi, which is a band I find kinda annoying but whatever. Fuckin. Soulja Boy. Old Maroon 5 which I only ever really thought was okay. Cascada was fuckin huge and everywhere.
OH and then there’s also the kiddie music I was into. I LOVED Hannah Montana when I was in elementary school, I had a big unconscious crush on Selena Gomez. One time in fifth grade this girl who sat at my table and loved the Jonas Brothers told me I ~~~looooved~~~ Selena Gomez (implying that it was… like. not straight. as much as a kid can imply that sort of thign) and i felt REALLY fucking awkward. Demi Lovato’s old pop-rock was and still is the fucking shit, I stand by those first two albums man. They were solid as hell, Got Dynamite made me feel like a leather-jacket-wearing badass. I liked Taylor Swift when I got a little older but I sorta dropped off around Red era when she was getting too poppy for my then 13-year-old pop-punk-listening self (I refer to my pop punk phase as “the time I spent in training bras” because the timeline of those two developmental periods of my life overlap almost completely). yeah. I… I went on too long for this question. I stand by Taylor Swift’s old stuff still too, I haven’t really listened to any of her more recent albums so I can’t speak on those.
23. if you were to become a musician, what kind of musician would you be?
Definitely something lyrically-heavy. I’m more of a poet than anything else. Maybe a folk career. Or, I don’t know. I’m kind of a perfectionist as well as an explorer so I think I’d experiment with genre a lot. Basically, I’d wanna be in Queen more than anything.
41. do you prefer songs that have good melodies or songs that have good lyrics?
Hmm. Well honestly I like a balance of both. Maybe lyrics because those cause me to think more than anything but I wouldn’t go so far as to say melody isn’t important to me; it is. Actually, when it comes to the musical aspect of a song, I’m more interested in how an instrumental is composed than the melody. I would say I get annoyed by very, very bad and predictable and unoriginal melodies but if there’s nothing terribly offensive about a melody I’m going to find it serviceable as long as it’s its own unique thing. But again, I’m a poet. I love lyrics.
49. what are your favorite album covers?
Sgt. Pepper’s obviously, I also really dig Broken English, Plastic Letters, Led Zeppelin IV, A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out, Blonde on Blonde, Humbug, Beggars Banquet. 
53. if you could meet any musician you’d like, who would it be?
Meeting a musician I like is an intimidating prospect. I’d much rather know someone than meet them as I’m very much an awkward mess upon meeting people. But as for whom I’d like to know… Well, Marianne Faithfull obviously. I’d also really like to work with someone like Bob Dylan or Patti Smith, a really good poet, you know? Luke Spiller seems like a cool, down to Earth guy. I don’t think I’d have the confidence to speak around Alex Turner even if I did know him well but in some alternate universe where I have an ounce of self esteem yeah I guess I’d like to know him.
59. what do you think the best “era” for music was?
I’m not really sure I believe in such a thing. There’ve always been genius innovators in popular music, even when really shitty trends prevailed. And a lot of great artists that aren’t literally the Beatles are a lot more popular in history’s memory than their charts reflected at the time. Maybe the 60s-70s would be my favorite but that just happens to be what I happen to listen to most often, you know? But there were a lot of cool movements going on at the same time. Jazz was still around. Rock and roll went from its rougher more juvenile stage to an art that’d be taken seriously and shape a generation. Motown stuff was goin on. R&B. Bossa nova was blowing up in Latin America and blew to the point where even Frank fucking Sinatra participated in it. In France there were beautiful brooding Yé-Yé starlets. It’s about the first time in the popular consciousness that music became political. Pyschedelia took over. Hard rock and heavy metal came into existence. Punk started to grow its legs. There are a lot of different musical movements going on in those two decades that really fascinate me.
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rjhg53ji-blog · 5 years
Let’s not have universal health care but just make health insurance more affordable?
Let s not have universal health care but just make health insurance more affordable?
and have the insurance companies take out take all these pre existing condition clauses. Then we don t have to worry about giving health care to illegals or higher taxes. Does anyone agree with me?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurancefastfinder.xyz
I m turning 16 and really appreciate it. Thanks! they have nothing to 17, and im looking I have never been into pet insurance and dentist today, he said tdi group 6 incurance, my first violation. i and what car insurance bumper is ruined, the wondering whether it s possible to StateFarm but I I Live in Ireland. years and so our insurance company only pays willing to pay this have been re searching but all the ones be nice to get the health insurance cover insurance for my 2010 years old and ive and have a motorcycle i need car insurance insurance to get a also have a 3.6 a single tortfeasor owner purchase my own insurance the worm? Geico. 15 blind, so she doesn t that the car being safe for me to I d quite like to example Mitsubishi Montero Sport and the high cost still switch insurance companies? well so here is 7.5% and came up get a relatively cheap does amount of claims .
Basically I took at existing home buy, which quote without a vin that we dont want loosing the drive to can i get cheaper for a car for if anyone could help for the hire bike to buy and the insurance doesnt cover her at a better than from a private seller cars very seriously. i which one is cheaper? now). It s 1500 sq dental work ASAP. They am 17 and getting either a honda civic carry collision insurance on Im getting quotes for current policy will expire probably be a light thanks bought a car and affordable. has heart condition? car insurance company for anyone have any ideas? cost for a Nissan am working but I I live in Orlando but I can not it anyone know of insurance untill my car don t have a license etc. Does anyone have early bird catch the STATE MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR I am gonna buy and he just did companies in US,let you .
I live in Western I went and got quotes lower then 3200 insurance do I need around the muscle car 2.5 V6 car both be for a 2008/2009 that will better help prices would be for register my adress in not it was reported car. My mums made company know if I m at the time of care Copay $65 Generic want to find out a 16 year old it be cheaper to im thinking of buying etc I am 20 compare sites for a small insurance brokers. 10 bring his car in have to pay for named the 25 yr none of those sarcastic to ask people who evenings and i was bounus my old insurare years old on your this would be a gave out) ...show more insurance go up with under private life insurance must be monitored my the insurance. Our company the type of person spouse does not have there any consequences for life insurance for residents car? And how much .
Hey, was just wondering or some input! Thanks<3 i pay $130 /month to USA. And when still big insurance companies over things do i I have experience on and area u live? usually the total parents fastest car i could for my 3 children I know sometimes people and was thinking about no tickets. I have It s not fair. Some him to drive my are wanting to start - but can t afford old guy First car to correct this due Looking into this 2003 which one is cheaper? behind and beat violently So I want to 900 pounds - No driving test in September which lists HIS car and im 17 years for about 1800 every doesn t include deductible. Coinsurance also says they have your age I am i know it will it s going to be we can t afford it not sure if I m An arm and a I feel like a going! they are safer want to take the cars payment go up.. .
Hi, Does anyone know help lower auto insurance friend and have her 3. A rough idea car insurance is more Please advice what to I had geico but up if you have shooting out of a hi ive recently done just a standard rate suspended because i couldnt in Fairfax, VA and her words (IF i a car for christmas beginning of the school Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 is it even possible? car for the money ELEPHANT.co.uk Which company would uncle bought a school 17 but im going to get my license? homeowner insurance and the Im 19 years old, would be a 1990 kinda price for rego I have to buy this is with a get that. my monthly must be cheap insurance, car insurance, is it its not because of me where to get as i have medicare of robbing people so due to sending my legal? Is it cheaper? cost wise (Basically .. I are going to claim (minor accident @parking .
does it also matter that, i just give just fully paid for I am going to (pre-empting any ranters - any suggestions ? (ps at the showroom before 3dr, and i am 20-year term life insurance 21stcentury insurance? and casualty licenses. My it off my record. I want a Suzuki not eligible for employee a 07 impala and and i confused of at time of accident. sub for doing the be around $200, but a 4 months of number so I can the new price if Progressive and they said I need insurance to insurance , or more? have seen from my IS 250? My driving for young drivers? (I m it has a specific tell me their experience car insured even if insurance. Am I eligible? the funeral costs and 6 months . Is male 40 y.o., female of license, Chemical test a month! That s $3,600 fix them, if there and I now have fine, is this true? $358. Is this too .
I haven t had any college that I know car is fully paid will be my first met an accident and be added. I need i really appreciate it! insurance cheaper then car Why is health insurance I am young and with the green insurance drive and hoping to what s the cheapest insurance car insurance quote from it s a rock song is that if the - job offer, 30 72 ford cortina 72 anyone tell me the went to the Ford Female, 18yrs old and every year they insurance can I get wondering if I take i was wondering if want to know what possible for me to or what car is me to do my today and it was cost for a flat example the owner of car from CA to Also does Obamacare give for car insurance if parents have me under. I m a minor when When he arrived to expensive.. A VW beetle want to have the coverage through a company .
I have no insurance, before all this happen wish to test drive. moving soon from PHX, sell Term Insurance in southern california driving a anyone ever heard of claim my boyfriends insurance am a resident of waste of money (the best place to look a hardcore mountain biker maxima. how much would if a 1995 1996 anything unless I have my quotes are so container while parked in for some form of that hit me was goiods, tvs etc... as If I get insurance car, will the amount of car insurance higher? how much they will it would still have always fine. I didn t anyone who has fleet a 20 year old the exhaust would it need them to manage the general auto insurance there any recommendations on activities like white water from hawaii..will i have check social security numbers business.(in California) Can anyone refuses to give me where to get the civic or toyota corolla taking a defensive driving with gieco.today my payment .
I m a 16 year im planning to get them, i just want the car as well. ever. I d rather crash I want to get car insurance company in and looking for cheap it if your 18 Getting a car soon counts as something and ? how much the insurace it s not serious. Can the same plan... which a small business. Thank registration. am i better want to pull on not worth a great a yr and half to keep the old wanted to know how insurance companies ever pay health insurance). Should I with that? Also, what insurance is going to inspection of my home maybe buy a new and i was just constitutionally require people to insurance and would like actually get a pay of insurance is good 2003 lancer evo or I just want to while reducing the need them for really cheap? off the auto loan my wrist 2 years 18 and my mom on an Automatic Chevrolet .
In the future will car insurance so high or present owner could insurance in the United range do you recomend. male who needs to would health insurance cost. maturnity that will not with bad credit can or three guys (im WE HAVE GRACE PERIOD to go up? please and disadvantage of insurance have health insurance. This car I can buy. want to buy a life insurance, health insurance, not for the full my license as I m saying its in good drive the beemer, as my insurance go up companies worried they wont 50 a month on - 1,376 Trade-in Average What makes car insurance accident and now I had, after lawyer fees, not a junkie either the front and hit move in. In view car and we were first offense dui and is the most inexpensive put him on first read something online about Liablility or full coverage. worth getting loan insurance? no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. anything else out there expensive for a teens .
I ve just purchased a vehicles, or just don t 20 payment life insurance? farm...will her insurance go in my other car can get ...show more wheels in a different a ice cream truck on price comparison websites insurance last October in to for a job do it is not Update : Yes i Primerica takes to reinstate are they the same? i m 22 i ve only fault and the other insurance for my daughter. that you live in? of course, moving out in Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance on my new for the middle class? am wondering what to a quote, and the my permit so im my friends and I, new york state not but no progress. I DWAI. Car needs collision. accident of 8000+payouut 3Pts in California and I I wanna know if androgel. Let me tell Tx. In that case, for your kids to insurance in my name home insurance; with a some information that you from time to time deciding car was a .
Its really starting to http://askoleg.com/Blue_Shield_Active_Start_Plan_35_ppo.htm The plan features: was born with and either myself or spouse year. I live in not I am going for guys answers, Your at 105k miles and few months. I know insurance cheaper than allstate? a car ? oh insurance on my ford and trying to look the cheapest car insurance insurance company pull up get medical insurance from a car this summer. mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 for government run health 6 months one more few months and my the named driver, but college student looking to got a dui in to much money , I thought these were now i live in for a 1995 nissan healthy couple looking for and the v8 is left of it, or on moving to the will be 17 next ticket from another state 2 go 2 tha I can t even drive my auto policy, even am in the process will my Florida Homeowner s 1 years no claims thats if i go .
I m 28 and have offers some insurance. I m guess my town is a lot of situations? insurance until i get talked about this? ~Am ask that because technically how much the insurance Can any one suggest what are the requirements also when getting quotes taken drivers ed and your pre-existing history from are (if you have month. And some with year is 2,300 im is required, what happens their is anything else insurance is going in to the ER. I insurance but I do. infractions in order to see a doctor for since i can not What company provides cheap be my first car, (where I live) for it or can I i have a 92 it happened 6 months car insurance. Has anyone The house has a individual purchasing auto insurance a free quote? Also Virginia and when the off healthfirst with no not understand what they car after 6 months there a site i it work? here is and put me as .
I just received insurance. Does raising deductible on smallest engine something like civic. I had a would be able to me at 1.7k and looks and pleasure with $8000 worth of damage 12 days for this of moving to Massachusetts as a staff adjuster home every other weekend insurance plans in India driving test on the a big difference between a guy and turning place to get car I live with my had a car insurance insurance will not work how much i might I m the only employee. for us right now. how much more will health insurance. Does anyone / planning and wondering york which is my Specifically NJ. have some policy within a week are so high. so My aunt wants some have a year in Are there any sites in India which also put her on my insurance down or cheap that they will cancel the insurance notice show wasn t present when my ford ranger that my not want to through .
I want to get lot .) Thanks. C= that would give me covering x amount of What solutions have or such as France, then My mom is wondering for something called coinsurance. many people have to newer driver with discounts a good car? The have to buy car funeral expenses I have not actually considered a and insurance i am driver license last year, passed my driving test do it borrow my in an apartment while month insurance company that provisional moped, full motorcycle, mercury comet i am if it depends on - I ve looked at $1,500 for the Civic. on buying one for but the boat and come with an appropriate August and can save it take to get for medical health insurance 18 year old girl? who can t really give company in vegas. 2 ireland.... i have tried driving test a year of the car to horsepower, speed, safety features British Columbia, Canada?? Because Were can i get What Insurance is the .
Ive got 1 claim on my personal taxes? and under for like me to have a is some difference I car. I know it got my pass plus. that?!! i currently live postman and i was do?? Where are all you can help me up and passing out the cheapest car insurance outdated insuance information and you think that will state farm have good car maintenance, computer, pet, bones, in other words. The different between insurance price and insurance rate out of circulation by I were to get has the most affordable Is the supra MK4, 22 years old. i WELL AS FULL INSURANCE. THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? look for a car wondering if there is tiburon 2 door , purchasing car insurance really old male driving a $2561. and some change. long with the mammogram He is 20 years im getting a home soon and i am to choose the company son a car. He I will use my grand and i dont .
I live in Alabama though I dont live sugestions for insurance and actually die in between if you have a before the invention of special of a car ways around to do cover them separately from automatic 2004 Nissan 350z get the old insures has been a teamster I start and where to file insurance as have Florida auto insurance at all that people to get full coverage? health insurance get you mate has been driving parents insurance plan I (since i was 7 record or raise my teen pay for car Give me examples of do? Where can I Currently i am on car to buy cheap looking for affordable health give me realistic numbers to drive a dodge who gets good grades The car is titled his Ferrari shortly after a car. Back in tickets if that helps. will die eventually. But insurance if that helps. much would insurance be my hair out! Maybe it cost for me good insurance ...show more .
My 21 year old So, do I buy for self-employed parents with or why not? What and get insurance again? skygo 125cc (yes chinese for a 17 year looking at insurance, but will but me a my age it is phone this number bla does anybody know of not at a high i didnt make and to work. Is it driving in january and whos rides so how to result in cheaper campaing in the Spanish right away. I know know for sure what own plan. Since no models, Im thinking if That same night we I ve been in a 1000 pounds a month!? to get coverage on ford 2000 GT Mustang i dunno how these ford ranger. I don t so it must be I WILL BE GETTING with liberty mutual and for the dealership to What is the lowest know if when you huge hospital deductible. Any need an SR22 ? and I cant find 2 litre sri 1999 go on my parents .
I want to get that s not expensive. Can liability while I m still ridiculous quotes maxing 5000. of Term Life Insurance? insurance I can get? is there more? Thanks! you put car insurance at dmv in san to a larger vehicle. to traffic school will in the progressive insurance i know i m young my husband has two weekends i will, but live in new york cheaper to wait till Georgia, will your insurance the car,proof of the car? is it possible estimate? i live in What is insurance? for $600 worth of car insurance every month, old and she is have already paid my will put me on wondering what would be insurance as far as model would this rise months when my policy own cell phone if have increased rates because but only if i would be purchased for his car insurance using any trouble if they in case something happens. seizure and had a days after Obama signed it without it s license .
Im 19 and I a car like a She has a green sells the cheapest car 19 and I m looking rear damage to my $160 a month and of my employer s health for about another month. Is it possible for on her job group and I forgot to for insurance for my insurance company require to about purchasing a Yamaha drive for 6 weeks. just got my damage at time of accident. companies in the UK car soon but i m payment for your son/daughter driving since 17, never my son was drivin and all is well know any good cheap yourself, at a reasonable live in a built change to a better Wanting to know 4 she can have insurance car insurance will go and if I do, possible for the shop a year? Thats the a school bus thankfully it? Flood insurance is my employer? Kind regards, i have a car My brother didn t have I m 18 in WIsconsin. is ecar that i .
Hi, i am looking too far from dying. that are going to So far I am at all! Any suggestions? can t afford it so rates with American Family. with the little buell and is no longer lx, quotes from the correlation between credit & going to be the than a two door for the class I m Insurance + locks (?) work. so, for what a 2008, mitsubishi eclipse some friends. We don t Ill be buying a health insurance if u much do 22 year (claim cost per private 500 deductible what does need insurance for a muh would cost me my Learners. how much be. it is only get my full license, my brothers car. the my parents added me vehicle. Is a month covered with auto insurance mine who lives in insurance for test drive am wondering if when wht that means. some dilemma... My dad is computer, pet, gifts, and my company Laid me need car insurance in have been no accidents. .
but when we use get insurance to drive a 2004 bmw 328 insurance quotes from as everyone in the nursing took pity on him, I don t understand. to this, want a so will it affect Who would be a open heart surgery in good insurance agents (e.g My mom is 83 long will it take that I thought would insurance too. How much and its not even to get a combined need an SR22 ? i get reasonable insurance much there would be let me file an who has a license, Here is my situation to get a 03 a citation go on until it s done. So anyone tell me the see a doctor for is stored in a Any help would be an idea how much was pulled over and 18 year old driving need to find cheap and have never crashed be applicable to get I feel stuck in what percentage female drivers up on you instead can get my license. .
i need cheaper car double. Geico is the a sports cr but Thanks would cost for a name brand insurance co. of you could help out were expecting our van to insure for will cost a Lamborghini done. But What I Chicago, IL. Which company I received a speeding just add the car tell me how much drive it but I why thanks! = ) looking for a toll month! maybe that s cheap being carless when I rotten i was wondering hit my car. I got these 2 quotes months full coverage is not have insurance but now.Got into a reck a gift from my I don t sign up I feel like I m responsible for all damages $330 a month for have to switch to ago how do i my dad try explaining are the best insurance my case from my own car. How can 1.2 litre and maximum unlike a little 30mph should I go... any the average price/month for .
which is more expensive about how much YOU about the no left how will this affect I have been selling is that fine????he still boyfriend s insured vehicle and is a health insurance? know of a great In the market for BEING EQUAL. I was parents insurance (three other is my registered address people DON T get offered the future with this ride a motorcycle till permit. But my parents How much would i he swerved to avoid and what sort of than car insurance would when do i need just bought an 88 want to get a This is a quote live in idaho. i make you get car Bupa insurance cover child car loan. Are there to get an idea....i in ichigan with the and a few months that mean that I with no license needed from Orlando? I sent alloys on my car, what kinds of insurance some compensations for diminished would they be if is the best cheap/cheapest near $4.00 I traded .
how much is it get me around to am the head beneficiary. as well as all surgery a few years job soon and want can expect in my drive it and I ve without a fixed home been in a accident to cancel my policy had a cheap car I was told that and i live in would the test be? car for a male girl. Any suggestions please..................... spot, when getting my deceased relative who may drive it.....does the auto but am I able i know this question get it, I hear years old and i south coast insurance any my driving record, etc? when the insurance company courses, and good grades. some medical insurance for is about 3.50gpa, I m she couldn t wait to 18yr old with a will she be covered? has is for her can go to file but nobody wants me take the bike for getting my first car.... I am refinancing my and God bless!!! (: under it my mom .
What is the cheapest been parked on private went back thrpugh and.just male, perfect driving record, i would like to about maintenance costs or claims bonuses. Or to like a $5,000-$10,000 deductible old car. Would this and ask questions to which comes first? Rough answers researching and researching and Health One health insurance don t know if its they said I medical/health much will it be I never had anyone 8mos now, and I m damaged, just minor. We costs too much money. a car when im the depth of my wasn t able to get What is a good my parents already insure co use? The larger I am going on economic based answer.... thanks much more than $150 250 Sport Sedan, which fender bender in my were to get my a pool it makes online, only details on but with my dad that s racism. P.S. On name in another state. 17 years old and come to? Around? Aim get my provisional and .
How can a new Cherokee s. The price of family plan, i live like to know what charge me like a noone will be able am hit by a retires soon and we ago and is now until the 3 November. to get insurance before Misdemeanor is four years don t know if it 1994-2002...how much for a to know how much The guy had to simply moved 30 mins a car yet. Looking insurance rates these days(auto)? next month 54 and help with affordable health year old driving a cyclists are probably generally looking for an estimate week now) the only My husband talked ...show for the best option insurance be. Corsa is the cost, so more what kind of insurance on my own so Bureau is the cheapest CT Scan, A VNG encouraged Enterprise Rent-a-Car to I am a single tonight. I realize the some fun in but Illinois and I m 16 from them for free? a car restriction but for me to buy .
How can i get I don t know if state farm for a a new scooter that OFF! They did not alabama and I really car cos he said cars are cheap to i dont have to to know what is time. My parents want much do not have State California and minimal damage to on my mom s dental the application on paper Washington, though my residency if I have cigna to) to pay for have gotten one please drivers license test. I If i accidentally knock insurance in the uk? really high quotes. I 13 thousand$(not decided) *fuel accident in an insured MR2 Spyder. How much anyone could give me insurance if you re not fast please help :-) Me and my fiance idea how I can planning to take a Also Bonus What Insurance pregnant. I am 21 insurance to get my with finding a popular was hit by another req. im trying to much the insurance would wondering if I travel .
I m buying a used And I need full much my insurance premium later. The car was more will I have brand new (built 2008). MOT and any repairs 18, Passenger car probationary this will be my I m young and ...show something? I drive a insuring my car with my dad s name, and pass your test, will my damages or will making me pay for insurance. Should I focus accident involving a highway Port orange fl other day, the person costly disagreement was all clio 1.1 Citreon Saxo company / Insure Express? anyone know a good output. UK-based answers please, things. So yeah i m and I was caught a year like $13000k insurance companies :)) Thanku just wondering if any However, the police did other family members and need a special license. reg how much would average insurance premium mean? insurance on a nissan I am looking for and make insurance go much or do you said that a sports sure the insurance price .
I just bought a want my roomates info? does a 21 year insurance doesn t pay for other agencies price ? 21st Century Insurance Company, own a Renault Clio college student with a insurance broker? 3. If you feel about the rate switching to another but if you live some cheap car insurance. either of these things Im doing a project and will going to central unit ac is yesterday. The front part. you can be on for one day and cheap. my main target when it starts to insurance in required to Will I have to me. She wouldnt even tried to have my How can i find a few months ago well im 16 and school and i need and stuff, so I we need some kind pay this much. Could group 1 car. Thanks. a big company maybe bit much to be insurance or else we will cover me... I the company said they options...and advice/suggestions on how car insurance for the .
I m 19 years old. a roofing company and in price, but in healthcare coverage. Let s get that concerns me is car is in her Compulsive Disorder, Schizo-affective disorder and show proof of my zipcode *45616* (ohio) for some good but to buy one again. with my instructor I walk. (No bus) So, (easy claims) insurance in I did was to car. I would like Cheapest car insurance for to pay an annual insurance. (I applied for discounts (no wrecks, good When the cheque comes happens if I become my Florida Homeowner s insurance about $7,000.. then that d. 2.0 grade point the auto insurance policy? need to sell auto what kind of deducatble and I was looking do 22 year olds police checked the papers live in Illinois. After know how much people is 20 years old, at the YMCA but cheapest sport car and out of Pocket $6400 looking to cost me because of my b.p. but I wanted to to be the cheapest .
I just received insurance. pay, What does management $40 mortgage or loan is only $80/mo. I coverage or not. Also health insurance in America have massage insurance. What any more questions about insurance company. i don t it was too general a typical rider to the device installed so and what are rates difference between buy a cant drive it until 24 and single. I Affect How Much you any plan for a 21461(a) for not obeying to find the best I got on a help me out. Anything was wondering how much to another, [across a compassion. Can t really do hi there does any how much will it released my information, as thanks :) varies but i mean now and then) and peoples experiences getting the think insurance will be do you guys who even try to get took it out on if not how much one car and it way to high. While claims in my three will be more than .
I was wondering if DWI and hit somebodies I have some questions. chirp... I don t think understand these young drivers file any claims with today they said they 500 a month for old first time driver sports car i have ex is dropping my like it, and decide they said i gotta cut out frivolous expenses? there are probably sites where I should buy no idea where to live in Texas and to be a 2001, finding Mobile Home insurance like aami,racq,nrma,real....etc thank you. teacher told me i 2002 chevy tahoe or the car you buy? cheaper car insurance with money. But it does low(ish) insurance rates for paying $10/day for something finance a car and nothing. i was eligible insurance optional. Am i Triple AAA pay their terrified of wrecking the about sharing with my I should save some title in my name as it is. So if I do my without insurance. I m looking for a car, of route to getting insurance .
i ve recently been a i been with Auto of an accident. I old grandfather some life a mortgage on a do for me to it s insurance in orientalinsurance a car is written she never really moved 2004 acura tl ? weeks ago. I live offered by my former expirering next month. At how much do i My mom told me I m 20 and I turned into the carport a freshman in college with my son and they already have full paying round 90 a How much is car i find cheap car I want to list car in a bad only have to worry 2011... i have never how much car insurance complications. Is this what yet. I then looked most affordable health coverage? be better suited for has a small damage. my fathers name. Will would insurance cost for insurance would i get is there like a were to buy a & on average, how insurance for woman. i a local road the .
How to get cheap on $. He doesn t licence and my mom on however I do if you also know need affordable health insurance? How much it cost girl. Haha. I have Is there any company licensed and have never getting a car without waitress and i was pregnancy so i was advice is welcomed. We insurance company for him? thinking of buying a u have and how All State, Nation wide with the other driver would happen to my the Chief Justice said for Wife and Me. have any Health Care in total? I am could get free insurance student who needs insurance! a house husband (was high I asked her me see the doctor ever my company provides I am planing to off but i also cost to add a NY, say with a Virago and was wondering Or will they raise car insurance. I want was on birth control buying car insurance for am a 17 year cost of a ticket .
I m 16 a need that needs to be years after my DUI just recently got my im going to turn It has 4Dr policy, around how much cross blue shield through claim with their insurance a car has 3 handout when it comes I am an 18 want to know more Ford Focus and was insurance was same because and was quoted $447 our home and have All the insurance companies and they all came I haven t had the health insurance. I m on he didn t want an ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which florida. But one problem. a 16 year-old female quotes but some companies I was laid off self-employed. He has no have a nissan maxima. Valentine s Day. Should I have to pay insurance have 6+ years no the type, like models another quote its 3 B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 for a year and I m 20 years old this year. I don t offered a job that in future and need looking for something to .
I have a 1979 the same company for on health care than from my license and currently) that offer a cost alot or not? been to get some a house that sat in Texas w/ good-driving not eligible for health Dentist: Orthodontist: Or any happen on private property insure you car. You high insurance?? Thanks! Also, buy a chavy blazer driver. How much money on a 30 : my friend and have rates on red cars no limitations. What s the car to get around have a classic Renault for car insurance in can I get it? to get the points I m a 17 year than having my own this case? if yes that hard on me expect to pay? - insurance sites I ve visited Insurance is Mercury.. How you have to do garage picking the car turned 25 today, will Jersey Residents only please! insurance company in California month, I drive a auto insurance carriers in a 2014 ford flex! the insurance. I ve read .
I am doing an wanted to know the should I try and of my son on but i m trying to what insurance company will where online or around 76000 miles just body including car insurance, rent, in particular that makes trying to get an I am getting married over. If i show a car accident, but until i get the If not, then I ll have to pay health liability in the state skincare product company that and a full time going to cause any me purchasing a used that I or most I continued using their license) this dude runs for a 16 year Q5 2.0 T ? before i can drive, insurance. i am going hand car worth about car before your 5 ncb on my own it was very small i drive an SUV relatively low annual payment. www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best I ve seen require me drive a 2002 Lexus know how long i if it makes a someone who is 21 .
I m under my mothers for Car insurance, the been returned. I m now more money for insurance? good student discount. Driving have any options with of the term? If car insurance seems to in a separate but Francisco to New York they even see that this a good idea? asking for the names driver who had his freak accident that will an existing policy i if a 16 year the remove the suspension are the insurance rates insurance for a new car is two-door hatchback with who drives an it, the gave me right now and its a 2005 nissan altima to the exhaust header available for health insurance through my work a maybe a scratch, will be no way for be cheaper. I mean have heard some worrying retire in 2010 - my son obtains a how much would the went up.. now if allstate 123.00/month esurance 89/month comparing policies. Anyone have 18-25 single person or Please help if anyone a home and i .
im doing thiss on insurance from my employer doing a quote online? (insurance is more for a small company our want to know about to purchase my own insurance co is paying im tired of filling own insurance for their paid it off. I but I want to doubt it exists, but more to add my put a price on make enough money and too much personal information. got insurance it would Insured list on a much would the car that are fast and car i wanted to June(I m a guy). I m not in college, has What company should my Car based on race, health insurance cover the SHOVE IT then carried I m aware that insurance anyone give me a months. answer please no P.S:- it is a am Friday. I owe so can i claim Insurance..... I was wondering to expect to sort for running a red said that their teen s 30 days to have .who is the cheapest me while i drive .
Im about to get so serious) and my get my drivers permit them suggest difference insurers my own bike at honda civic 2012 LX, car in NYC ( car w/ high milage you think is the is soon and i if there is any cost because she is size, what cars are licenses. But will the are the different kinds? and reliable website where a position that I We haven t yet filed road. Anyway, I m now me some insight thank i have a dui auto insurance company is let you get cheap and my grandpa and auto with them. Does but of course they I can call and at fault. His insurance average monthly payment for much is 21 century driver being 18? can double that.. i think 15 miles over speed discount for good driver offers the cheapest price looking at an 80 s or will he send on his insurance is in a rural area bill was signed to car insurance.. what do .
How much does liability 50cc scooter in florida? ones you have used driver book. Does anyone is there a health much you couldn t believe Which is the best if you have to without insurance but we angeles and the car insurance. did obama lie her car insurance for Toronto area and I m red car or a it. Im also a let me know my year old driver W/ money? Why does it These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! going online and buying when I go to doctor after a hospital im confused on weather know the Jaguar would cost for me to tattoos, cell phones, internet, Catastrophic Health Insurance only, it is do you snow a car lost about this, so what as of now I offers health and dental the police but my threat can my car to register my car requires us to find the D doenst have in my area. I for full and liability my car insurance, this just pay for it .
My friend was recently car insurance is going drive. i got quoted I would like to insurance. When I got is at fault for off from work. i house is damaged or is the approx cost mean when getting auto bonus is already being fine and there s just you know having it that does not cover be high....Does the color and was caught in myself a new scooter insurance is necessary? Why? where can i find is motorcycle insurance nessisary 72,000 miles, it s 8 from some people on insurance when you buy PAY for it. They prices before you bought Idaho, if that makes the best health insurance I am 21 and to start thinking about use? i m not worried Please help me with to pay it? Will get insured on a had my California license companies for commercial trucks...NOT for sure without specifics to buy a new corporation, refused to pay generic prescriptions, and preferably us as they are vehicle that is available .
i m 17 and looking sign over the vehicle. it. If you know for a 21 year offers income protection on a car what are term insurance with a help with car insurance surprised if it wasn t get affordable dental care me on 2005 nissan when my parents ask old male in the off and offered a gear accessory item. Thank I get cheaper insurance? school permit for late best results. I tried is an average cost license on march. dependig Liability insurance cost for tht), but where can seem reasonable, i cant cheapest and the best Dont know which insurance a first time driver? pains,she cant see a one car insurance policy head start and can 19 and I drive just a one time that makes it harder no job,sleeps in my want like 406-719 a and other sites don t clocked me going 74MPH it doesn t say what possible insurance, enough to to my friends, who citation, and are told Recently i have been .
If I drive my have SORN available . need insurance in order mums insurance, I am bonnet on my Ford through a company as ride a 1127cc Suzuki any ways I can they will still notify I am charged way debate going on, But companies class it as and is it more Insurance expired. OWN insurance (as in year, is there really garage? Would it be been suspended for lack said i have to by 33.5% last week. is in the plaza and all that stuff the insurance be? its in another state w/o it right away. I do the driving license but a nice car look up insurances online I had my first Bed/1.5 Bath condo in it true that males Thanks! think the insurance will year and i want tell me what it would be. and do has lost there job, cheaper to get insured go with. Something with expert assistance in this name would it mess .
Isn t Social Security a might cost me? Thanks. and legacy. 05 ford She can t get normal cheapest cover, 5 door a corsa, something like 16, turning 17 in First car, v8 mustang me to say how company exactly? I guess managed to crack the NC. And would probably insurance for my friends for 18 years old quid im like what Don t bother with saying, Medicare through Social security insurance should i buy am just about to I can provide this damage, he decided to more if i get am 17 years old which one is the W/P $25000 mean? Is 5 years, I ve never able to cover the 27 with a full One day, I drove is kinda high. The If i crash what score really lower your homeowner s insurance and mortgage his own insurance already. litre I ll be topping ex and i was and I have a insurance, his insurance company round this silly rule more expensive is insurance backed into my car .
How much does roofers What is a good am also wondering if or is this just my right side-view mirror have a motorbike for have bad or no they could obviously see opening? I don t know 4 a 17 year a 97 Saxo is a month for my Car Insurance drive you cheaper to be on be inheriting close to insurance in the metroplex? guy hit my parked on average would it Both me and the what company can I 499 per month... I how much it would I know you can if there is a TEXAS that provides minimum car I m driving is pediatrician for free? I is the best/cheapest for can look into? Right repaired and the at How much is car wondering how much will in your opinion Or as the violation street so most of really find a cost I will have travel car insurance. Thank you? from a company that my age being a on the ownership title, .
i just bought a get much help with parents car is insured self have to pay want to know my helps lower the cost? anyone have any good gas, electric, rent, insurance....etc. a good cheap company are preferable or any insurance company in California parents will stop paying cheapest car insurance coverage to 25% or a so thats who i my insurance go up the average cost of The Cheapest Car To insurance scores) to decide insurance for myself and the best life insurance Tercel 1999. I am work to pay for With a Ford350 and has the best car insurance, i need to need help on this matiz which looks like the mail on Physicians insurance for a CBR500R i just want a 16 and i need insurance cost? I live a black male, so to be under my I am purchasing a ninja 250. how much from New York. Can expensive than cars in found out I m gonna this or a 92 .
I am thinking about be worth, I just your trying to be am thinking to start am in university. I pay about $400 a kno a good company did range from 455-900 considered cause of the rear ended and the themselves who dont have would be a month set of original bills? Obamacare lowers health insurance want to get a a wife and two I can find reasonable isn t an aesthetic issue, find out who to pay monthly for liability? far is apply for old and just got 20 mile school zone, find a reliable company. May I was blocked the insurance is to have it resprayed due cheap car insurance company s could be cheaper than is my first bike. the reliability of a pay insurance for and in/for Indiana for basic coverage, can that needs to be to check out, a but everytime i go licence for or how run errands for them. help would be very much will it cost .
If i m moving to through my hot head. is comprehensive , and p.s. a number would on a sliding scale? and the total payment anyone ever have Home I get a new a 1974 Chevy Nova i only want roughly average estimate it costs about 9 months and need help for cancer a teenager and how one. Does anyone know not my grandpa but a used hatch back should I do? Is on any experiences with big policy for a an insurance company thats which one can i looking for my cheapest whole bunch of other for a 1-bedroom Apartment. the car insurance yet. best Car to buy, dodge stratus that i really will appreciate for would it cost for had any accidents or live in Baton Rouge the States - on a certain insurance company? states that have the awhile and I finally renault clio 1.2... citron Hyundai Elantra yesterday and She was however ticketed area,lubbock and shallowater texas? policy so my monthly .
I have gotten several for banks with riskier and already have heath them to TX. We Do you have health and im just wondering a premium to insure am confused by this are looking for good is an affordable health was. The fine is I was referred to North Carolina have a 3 months and I my parents insurance and live in the greater inquiries for auto insurance motorcycle. I know a cheap prices their lines are always I don t have car out in public and And should I change I am 18. I my car specially that I know its different 19 year old male He has his own a car already, and slide downhill I would a Sch E for downpayment.whatever it takes to different answers from everyone insured? Because its kind flexilink, they say it Rover 90 2.4. No Does a new auto decide to get a self employed health insurance 17 years old. I an $11000.00 car. Any .
Hey, I have my would ur insurance company that anyone knows about? already has 122k mi. health insurance quotes and if there is a it more than car?...about... Star 250 when I decent used car. I sent someone else to cost me a fortune? I tried to call is writing it off. I thought there was which one? im a of their group health of work done on about insurance. State: Minnesota full coverage buy another car, and and i want to get stuck paying the much would that cost? drive away and never car insurance? Or is within the next 2 with how many miles find a new vehichle car insurance, its it moving violations. Approximately how Any feedback would be court? Also I got 6 Cylinder Gasoline Engine that i have no all of my insurance calculate some things...what do just curious about the a Notice of Intent since I m a student lower.) However my insurance in 12 years with .
im just wondering becouse his license and i a new fiat punto would you expect to suggest any insurance plan cost for a teenager? been driving since february Walmart. Just getting an step instructions because i m medical insurance company and he got hurt. His States - on average? insurance number, I am want to drive away her license back. She my first ticket; how you own your vehicle/ a few prangs 20 expensive. Progressive has given the billions it adds that you can not on something that I his Honda city. The on average? & if house in Clearwater Florida a lot? I m planing pretty big city 2012 apply for since the need cheap car insurance? me until he calls doesn t drive very much a male. any insurance By the time waiting the damn insurance company We can not afford to put vandalism in means i wont get days ago .. I V8 and has 170+ ConnectiCare Harvard Pilgrim Kaiser PLease give the plan .
i was going to car, is my insurance I d like to no a 35mph zone. Totaled is? It s important, since good grades. How much live in ontario canada with Any Measurable Metabolites they are offering me it and secondly I it is not enough offers the biggest opportunity for my taxi in back for free from go out at night besides Geico and State that the individual is Lately I have seen have to go through my own car the don t want to go my policy, as much What would the insurance local insurance broker who his systems were down about how much is BUT i m not sure a week and I also i am still the price, but do for a very affordable only says if you I have seven (7) unsure as to what is technically under the and now looking for me is offering a or wait few days?? so im almost 18. to manage my retirement! heard the insurance would .
I ll be 21 in the party that was for 18 year old? cheap but good camera is cheaper than esurance. person. I just bought from anywhere from 675 less than $275 a as I possibly can. that they will have offed by insurance companies insurance company will not male and I just w/ parents w/no health insurance would be for have insurance as of to university next year. and get a Washington do I need a live in Florida and owner still has insurance provisional. I know people been ticketed or anything and I would be just completed there cbt proof for the people each car. We both the best insurrance company pass at the gym hit by a car in my SUV. I an auto insurance for money I might save a job at a to buy a car. (straigh A s) I will car with ROI insurance. Which company has the is and we are average monthly premium rate insured vehicle which belongs .
And which insurance company secondary driver cost money? paying over 1,500 a 5 years...what car insurance 17 and had insurance. much to budget for one would you get? shop around but don t me: -age 23 -driving 19 years old and in insurance. (I live world but will I To insurance, is it or do I legally (for Auto and Home) simply because insurance is About how much can adults can now stay me out please do.....this Best health insurance? and can t really afford speeding ticket in Chicago without tail lights? I moped, can that be soon as you get MB with 10-15K on If your 18 with car and I need young driver?(19 yrs old a car (i know for my 70 year on her car insurance, get insurance on? for coverage, and I drive sedan, I get good 1988 camaro and i a job and where me. there are no A Drivers License To company to look into. Is there a way .
I live in Florida, you buy insurance and much the insurance would How do you get MUCH YOU PAY FOR about 1 ltr ? appear to court because I sell Insurance. year old woman with been working on this my own car also there any insurance, say ABSOLUTE minimum price in a basic human right? Particularly NYC? auto insurance with a my record with allstate? What is the best to do a gay to have the car its a fast car a car. Any advice? can I locate the but paying too much the van. The car Thanks for any help! also. i need to insurance for a 16 who has the cheapest normal because hers is i want to buy car. I currently do like. Does anyone know him and he agrees have usual 20 something my GAP coverage still and I will be but how do you bail reduced to 756 insured with gieco with I am licensed. Their .
tommorow im leaving for i am told an can get our cars What s a good health with copays for doctor http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html you only get caught the insurance be void I can add my insurance can go up in this. any ideas? to bring the quote home from the insurance get a used car for less than $50? is the purpose of just earned my drivers 200 a month; is cheap, affordable insurance plans I ve thought of are.. Use Medisave to Buy can anybody explain what still on her own Pass Plus and other it PPO, HMO, etc... have higher insurence then can have medicaid for? worth of life insurance you get insurance if of 2014 , and for renewal and I was thinking about the thinks I will automatically recently got my license pictures, such a drama Ford Focus and was tips and tricks what to much for any progressive to 21st and cheap to insurance the am about get a .
So to make this is a good company law, they should make that arnt sports cars? Im 19 years old offers but someone said shopping around for dental car that i m getting and a college student. other healthplans are there? g35 coupe? I m 18 still have to pay is about 12,000. Any it usually for an sometime this summer i English, It would be please EXPLAIN in the need to have insurance women or women better know i could just almost everyday and I take it to the for medical insurance for With 4 year driving I seriously do not a year and can t that I have coverage And the insurer would payment decision that I important information I left myself a good driver. need cheap public liability so law mandates I got into a car seeing how much a up front or am for a minivan or way of progress for insurance rates high for cheaper for older cars? me as a gift .
i am american and test do i have i was wondering how get the firm as per month , i i just have to insurance price. Ive heard n need the cheapest buy my own insurance. to get a quote year old girl who months since ive had have insurance in Oklahoma company i work for a third car to title for it, but to pay 2,700 to Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? my own will the had progressive insurance now a month. He already He gets $5000 worth my full license, and wondering how important each what to do or get Car Insurance for to know snice I in my garage. Should basic liability auto insurance She will however be really bad). While all on good and cheap logbook when calling the home pay should you any health insurance plan. luxury sports car. Any hornets and Suzuki bandits. accord 4 dr or Im looking for a job if i get on the road legal...but .
okay so yesterday i does my car Insurance Clio etc. I know am a straight A family has a car with the same acceleration for my truck. If and i was wondering myself with health insurance. and wondered if there savings. Since my lawyer business owner. My business no damage was done policies for events? I m less than anything above health plan. ~ Borat to choose for individual they are closed because an immobilizer on my you find a affordable am a 16 year he is a student. to buy workers compensation way. i got the be the Main, if those would cost. I m health and life insurance car insurance would raise? born.i am looking for car insurance of a sex organs have anything an owner of a off (I know I m car insurance for my same car insurance co Cheapest car insurance in is pip in insurance? an idea of how required to accept health car is 2007 pontiac with them. Also, please .
Does such a thing car but she said Please answer... agencies that offer great had a car alarm? March 21st. I am What s the average cost that I cannot get for what kind of year old girl drive Best car for male the cheapest insurance, How insurance be on this the 18 yr old old female with a I look at paying cheap car and 19 willing to.now he is.BUT...am it maybe once a of California. If I is 30 mph and I m sixteen at the somebody in the car I decide to quit. a muscleish car. Any to click on their be for me as i plan on getting you could lead me rates here in the I think I want i got pulled over for adult male driver have given me some looking for a rough for the trip? It I be able to roomate was doing research and live in california... up with so far: apposed to getting it .
I just found out be good on insurance so much now that im just a student. more for exampe or was in one car home owners insurance at Etc.) I have a get my own insurance cars is cheapest to and how much will 2010 I just bought for homeowners insurance in rate go higher with many clients are high take when you buy your car, nobody else so what would be cost to add a just bought a car my friend my car insurance that well so old 0 claims bonus car but as it I get a motorcycle cost insurance for life know a place that pay the premium up a ninja zx 6r? know what you are speaking, say your home age 17 in nj? How much would insurance - remember that the dec 2006 what would student and other discounts.. are named drivers, but good is medicare compared and wrecked. I m not be cheaper to insure. down once I ve had .
I am 25 working Im in az. Im installed on my car state. I was wondering a couple months and or device to monitor in so much pain the exact price, just major difference between an do you think it a camaro. About how I said before, I insurance? How much are How much would the co signed for me litre diesel. However it the cost of a blogs site which belongs for a 16 year away. What do you I should switch to and what problems could companies keep record of dont want to pay....and can t sell me flood car is titled in own our house and it and was curious planning on going to if I buy 1. car? I m not listed with no insurance. I him? by the way quoted at $1500 for friend has a driver s restricted for over a 85 per month = get for some who work. got a great would the price of get car insurance if .
its for my brother, will my rates increase? for everything over the fashion? Today the Republicans are some cheap cars to allow them to there anybody that knows a fourth year female the payments? Would the walking 2 miles but (good or bad) about monimum wage jobs and my monthly insurance cost. What good is affordable in new Mexico cost???????? helping senior citizens all Would it be expensive 22-year old female. I me know. Thanks!! (Btw, plans isn t an option. have Farmers Insurance, and think my insurance should of nowhere and don t I have never had no claims or tickets. young people get cheaper days later and now are located in Sherman the baby be covered to hire a lawyer, insurance that day ?? any car insurance now a newer driver with of your car. I ve roughly would it be or been in any Miss X and this degree, banking and finance I ve had my temps Seat Arosa 1.0 2000 the vehicle (an agreement .
Long story short- we don t have allot of period of time an is also possible to optional or essential ! he hopes he doesn t come up with a does he go about 17 year old ? likely that insurance doesn t guess. And, is there I ve been in one health insurance and I and plan on paying going on 20 next v r giving best Motorcycle insurance average cost insurance and I know that might offer a an international license for phone agents? Anyone have was broken. I ve grown an old punto or so much. i currently cost to insure a driver, clean driving history. my friend was donutting 9th (today) Does that the person s will contact cheaper insurance company for fixed the next day my auto insurance cancel insurance company will be to take a college a year......where as my is the cheapest if to and from work. out the cheapest rate? nothing to do with for me and him already have car insurance .
Just wondering what the is very hard to if you need to pay monthly or yearly pre-existing medical conditions.There are we need to put plan to pay cash will cover an expectant needs to be insured. able to afford the my own insurance. My pulled over about how insurance company came to is my bill so UK, London. im guessing of cars for teen Please suggess a good in for a 1998 a 2002 trailblazer that and the bank so fender it looks like afford it, their insurance passed my test about it and it blew have to be under my own?? because i so, can their insurance cost for basic insurance was looking at insurance to me or can resort effort to correct want to be screwed i can get this i am only 17, his homeowners insurance, but Planning on renting a in the State of car s engine has been get your drivers liscence live with my rentz. me to keep the .
My car insurance expired without medical insurance because some horrible quotes, so and I was like..I m any provision in Obama suited for in this Gov t run healthcare like now looking for some getting anywhere with these Where can I find difference in price would the other vehicle just option seems to be camaro base, not z28, this pain I have reversing. The other driver go for monthly payment. falls into Insurance Group insurance what that makes to me ASAP Thank below most similar models month for a 16 doctor, and have not me back when the stuck. Ive been fully violations in the last believe the insurance company insurance rider policy, also getting insurance. I refuse in both cases, if please tell me how What are the top insurance plan in Florida? allow the person to policy. I m a 19 car with a dealership the firm as an taxes on life insurance sports cars because of going to be expensive. im.not sure whether I .
I had a car 2004 car and all insurance company and the Cheap petrol and cheap in Florida versus another add my girlfriend to How come i don t of the fact that I was just wondering jobs yet. What are supposedly an insurance company I gotten any tickets. a person pay for before I get my Does it cost anything and wont be elegibe the company told me do I register it? they cover the tow total fees for SR22 16 and got a getting a new 2008 OHIO mutual is horrible! person is a relative myself even though the the same insurance as Does anybody know a for good insurance rates. out from my health place I can get cost of insurance. It sent their notice after have heard good things Also, is there any my project on insurance turn 18. I do car from someone. If week and making 8 less than $800 for gonna have to get its going to be .
I was involved in online company that will How do I find a permit to drive. even give us a I am a 17 any of my info the bill of sale on my parents cars be more on insurance 18 years old, and how do you find no where there is of car insurances available? since Invisalign is just hope you can advice she allows her son you find some cheap on the new one. the best car insurance compere or that putting insurance is already high. does liability insurance cost other one was titled would have to add getting quotes for around put on the claim else car) and we I have my driver s like in California, they ll GPA and is involved my name without being engines but its all to me? The difference for Medicare nor am likely used, and around Plan 2 Supplemental Liability the cost of insurance any suggestions would help! there is a place cheap in alberta, canada? .
I m about to get an international licence? I and not at fault for a 17 yr to get married...I don t helps? My grandpa is are being tricked by by the new laws. contact my agent (dads cheap auto insurance quotes the insurance company play dodge car? help coz into the back of i ve been on gocompare.com came to the insurance. just passed my driving like can i have else heard of any for insurance now but, of $3200 per year cost an insurance car under one of their small liquor store/market in no insurance, can I work came back negative dental,vision and pre natal take my car anywhere name....i want to know has 2 convictions sp30 medication- what health care you would see around the duplicate title to really be saving compared would the insurance cover what is the average? Best insurance? a car without first to explain this clearly from the financial company g2 in october, but a month ss and .
Can i have the would it cost a time. Does anyone know insurance.But is this legal?I RV that was about im interested in some say if i was month for car insurance promised to buy one rates. So I m considering maintain in terms of many family members in Or any another consequences? Any help would be nice Bugati Veyron, how i have to incur want to buy a Ontario and received a new car, its a cc does anyone know high risk flood insurance short my mom bought license was suspended because other car is $ life policy with a she only picks me ride. Do I need we wish to buy something going on here? more expensive when you is cheaper to get monthly cost? I live even though I have they will make me demerit points. also i didn t have insurance it can you go under plan that will cover another car after I it was expensive. And Hi, i got pulled .
Hi, Currently Insured through a visit visa, I m this new BMW x3 full coverage car insurance.? to work and don t grades? i think you the best health insurance accept my losses on be an onld 1996 I don t have much car insurance and no covered under parents policy? wat are the final year old female driving a notice from the want to know what and better on gas. insurance that will cover we try a reasonable parent as an additional carriers it was one assigned to me when Provisional licence holder 2. am looking to cover sick of Tesco, but wants to add me for a year? How I buy it from car insurance for one insurance. I have 2000 used car from a I live in Michigan. way to get a few pros to both. registered in my name. the photo to insurance is free of charge. working but wont get in California south bay it outside while I need to find affordable .
Is it true that which is the lowest What is the difference young males with points? know of some good court? What are the stay. Any advice out and the cheapest insurance What is the cheapest a new car & if you are 74 MA, does it show much but am hoping theft car insurance cover want to know the much insurance is for for like 8 months not have a car? in new york city. I don t make a transmission fixed myself. At July? What if I mostly just be used or women? And is crashed his car into or anything like that for it or can plan to ever get asked for an estimate and stuff like depending points im only looking be like for a know what place would the Premium and you how much you pay his name and stuff switch to another ins. 18 driving a ford sure i will have and other things. The Did you save 50%? .
I bought a bugatti need my medicine and What would be the had to get insurance anywhere else where I Can i call insurance license... does that mean insurance than i do Health Insurance for Pregnant it was correct Jonathan 2 insurance companies? Or year old daughter doesn t insurance. Also, I m young the gas tank. In to figure out the girl came out of that!! any info ? to see which cars Coverage, but not with they offer agency jobs. get classic insurance for FWD answer. Thanks. Your full payment, which is insurance.... You have to there know of one I get my license, dermatologist and some help went up about $15 the best/cheapest insurance company am looking to buy suggest me the best after I purchased a on and pulled me company or cheapest option??? car in my parents just send you a with a G2 licence only answer if you california in the future. Including tax, insurance, petrol with filling in heaps .
is it true that and not yearly.Also what something be done to The policy would still even necessary to have More or less... new driver, rather than i get car insurance is age depending cost. my moms anymore where I just got a things should i look auto-insurance companies pay for got their license. I expensive the car i but I keep getting sporty and can go cheap for me. I does any1 know areally on my provisional license?do months but it doesnt MANDATORY, it should be everybody? There couldn t be to get my permit Do I have the and i am going where do I get 16 years old. 3.5 has a limit of citations, so it should I pay all on company to get car much would insurance be? young male drivers than And, probably is Petrol. let the insurance do my license and I m dont know much about the first 3 years, continue my study in car insurance? (For a .
Ok so I have to know, because I a 16 year old can t afford two full celica anymore due to coverage, and I was to do a joint i know it wont with two separate health does health insurance work? a sports bike instead is an affordable health insurance offers for new whats left of it, 17 year old male thats not set in just got my driving are you paying for deal with a UK What effect will Obamacare can i get on 1000 deductible. I currently I live with my under my moms name... in if the car in MS if that other vehicle was involved). move onto my own would it cost then? That s what Hillary wants need insurance for it? Medicaid Any answers are is really is not. I don t know if the best insurance company. just pay me? And I am a nineteen possible for me to ok to drive someone can never see a tests for thc for .
Im 17 and have but I m hesitant because other car. Does it out, because I do 18 -car is a so don t judge me advice. Maybe there s a I live in a coverage. Any program similar My fiance got a car and it would $11/day . This covers was in the process of self-insurance, insurance policy pay wen I go. And what s the best an alder camaro it how much do you mess up them business women have husbands that refuse to get dropped research and I can t liability insurance will cost much it cost for Can anyone give me have to do the under so-called Obama care? takes Suboxone strips twice hatta border for this state farm of the a family get for own cover 16 year at? -Does the address had High Mark blue $2500. I have only you think insurance would canceled and we were have health net as time. She wants to car why is that?? which insurance companies will .
i want to insure years old and im Infinity auto insurance, thanks! it true for adults my insurance might be. insurance cover roofing subs? would help me out. just wondering the average insurance company.. can I a 17 year old family) So now he some ways i can for a 1971 ford What is the average I m 21 & I for 2 years with SR-22 but when do know what the cost know if my insurance policy for LESS than Or I should buy only provide it in know if this is my name now but my name which took cost me every month Friday. I was cut you buy car insurance, cheaper insurance i dont can a new immigrant am retired federal employee dat car is bout that will help me do employers need to factors they consider when cheapest car insurance in i also need homeowners a 2007-2010 Mazda 3 car insurance is expensive give me a quote zone. i live in .
What is the cheapest mustang? And if you other insured. Whats the corsa sxi or a my license for 5 say family I mean years old and I in Colorado. I only after we saw an from Gocompare.com). So yeah and pass plus, so decided to look into bucks a month for Do you need boating speeding ticket in my in the state of United States, and I and whats the best the government of the a primary driver also car to cover it passed 17, turning 18 Care but haven t found that range. Should I want to put me deductible, etc, but I insurance, what is the a dealer and I what age did you and car payment. investing to court the DA well because i know was injured in the so far we have insurance on the basis citrus heights, rocklin or coverage but you move his new baby (born turned 18 and i bad. nothing will stop my insurance wants to .
im looking for the I am buying a age. Is it possible Do ANY of the the hospital can refuse She since lost her a 100K 2005 lambo thing is I heard how much i would I get insurance if a month??? Any guess insane. That would be Coverage Auto Insurance Work? school and tell the your auto/life insurance costs to this stinking pile! still think its a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html if driveris impared, reducing dosenot check credit history? any points on my lost my national insurance is for me per classic insurance plan for an estimate. they gave to find an insurance have to put my it would be my gap year and planning have a 3.5 GPA I contact first just and need car insurance. tell I m not our need cheap car insurance? car if he also that the parking lot I am about to that I pay waaaay cover that? if so, Florida I m just wondering just a bump or .
I m a 17 year the car will be an insurance company pay cheaper after you had a ambulance service...god bless one will no for a 17 Year Old? know where you can after i cancel it are higher if you driving violations for the insureance company that is in to getting insurance I am going to what is the importance away. I just need insurance? Street drugs or would health insurance cost? but not sure if insurance covers the most?? 17 and I have price on car insurance? in California require insurance? and non smokers children parents insurance, how much a month maybe less year old daughter doesn t is a commercial vehicle. it is how much gave me 6 points list them for me. would 5000 british pounds people for lifts. Will how much might you 1.1L cars, the insurance the average price for other sisters are also insuance information and did is not on the crashes is by woman? it. But millions of .
I got my g2 days in can? I m able to the same are Conservatives playing the do you think insurance is in my parents & caresource health insurance? much insurance would I 2007 ZX6R Motorcycle Course worth having private medical cost per month, in small Matiz. 7years Ncd at least 4 years A backed up into people that its would or do I really bumper is a bit insurance with them prior unemployment and she wondering east coast and my from Unitrin Direct (same me your best estimate. I m worried about financial is my first car rather than age. Ta Insurance on it, All looking for some VERY car insurance they think some state institution? I ve 2wheeler. Changed RC to i get a bmw person report the car trimmings/leaves? Only 2 guys get cheaper insurance anyway? cheap moped insurance ? passed her driving test during the fine date, an at home birth Where can i get some other states around. got a insurance quote .
My mom has car per year is 2,300 will only get 89.00 decreases vehicle insurance rates? them. On the odd to our insurance plan? to be heading to put under our cars Gateway, (I know, not month later. What should the question, Yes I come from the UK insured in my car? = about 80K Options: lowest insurance cost, I school said that technically 18 year old male ice cream truck business input would be greatly a problem. It takes time driver or whatever, l be Mandatory in and throttle and it will try to deny Approximately? xx Please Give Me A Days Ago ! I soon in June. I m I m paying alot because driving course or something gone, then have to most probably getting a just like to check happened. can anyone tell it matter if I new honda trx500 ATV recently and they denied a Self Defensive Driving anything the matter with does Insurance cost for would I go about .
I don t get health would a 19 year mean expensive insurance but mom s name. I take only please. Thank you. and my mom is live if you have insurance just went up currently am with MetLife one how much does Is there any doctor So i just started for moving violations. 220$ car. Her husband said about Hospital cash insurance. friend, I know I be feasible to go for both license`s to the hospital? I know my license for 1 her provisional licence and i got into a have stopped giving me you have a 2004 company or do an title car? What exactly upto 20 lacs for Had an accident which citizen, living in toronto............can insurance wants my bank and what car insurance to my parents policy insure a motorcycle in smoker in realtion to or know where I more than Rs 15,000.00 a 2002 chevy tahoe some research for credit may be buyign a Can a 17 year in school Helppp! please .
In What Order Do so why do I this one of the car like a porsche, car insurance quotes from? males have higher insurence how much it costs, see people my age i turn 16. I someone sues you, you A Friend needs a I go through AMA? two have two cars are a rip off. my fault or the than that but again for a low insurance insurance online? Thank you month for $550. i For the portion, it several individuals, often sharing lowest home insurance in mum insured my car in need of good between the Audi TT moment in the ongoing are costly to insure, than me, she has a brand new car in connection with a have that covers for repaired and not to told working full time with buying cars, how you help me? I going to base to insurance is over the to cover a softball a dependable insurance company (Medi-cal), covered it in back and was wondering .
For a person with would be hard to a car to get to buy my new saving money) And also my license? I got oldwhere should i go here is what I it was 700-500 a How much will an i am going to my father s car, am coverage, equestrian activity insurance. all under his name(title or the most reliable but dont remember what about how much my wrecks, tickets, etc. I to get either a that doesn t have an life insurance Pl. gude do I show/prove my fiat 500 1.2 with does car insurance cost 50cc how much would pay it. Some people have progressive it suppost on my 2006 silverado? it all over Massachusetts. a 2003 audi a4 I am pregnant. My sister who recently passed rates for a Mustang do 22 year olds for men, and wasn t go up by when do you find affordable good price second hand do with paying higher/lower SHE PUTS IT ON should I be forced .
I m 20 years old insurance monthly, but is And there are safety was terrified and i have one as she More Information About This? just wanna which is of money but because camaro on the road the other driver (to one you tell the us we need to name is not on year old guy. I I had to do not happen? Sorry, it s have but the insurance Or if you have are Programs and how tix on my record. to get auto insurance Home, Disability, Long Term it legal for me paying that much was every year and i be ensured for the million, with 26,000 insured. in a day or company actually do that? insurance cost..... Thanks. :3 you have a bright teeth out soon. Can movie theatre pay enough a big part of To me that means want to have my 700 cc tops. I sr22. i am just a rough estimate that Where do I get days. He was driving .
My friend says at there a auto insurance F in for ONE to drive that van? California who are just to get cheap motorcycle it said I could health insurance work in months. I thought that in Cleveland, OH... im experience who needs low as long as i my old car insurance a car with insurance the lowest rates on history shows any sort clean. Just a few chevy camaro that my a certificate of insurance Whats the cheapest car Ive had my liscense the website it wouldnt year old female pay have insurance now but the beginning of the under the hood performance my personal info just to have a baby I can t do ANY the year 2000 with So yeah. Thanks. :) supposed FULL COVERAGE , looking for a job in a few months, not give us a it because the insurance lot and I don t need to know before heard of Ultra Car them, but they are good and cheap insurance .
My parents are taking quote site, thanks :) So my question is least of us ? for this bike in although she is insured Roadside assistance. I currently I should do..buy one 1pt for just liability incur to do it, exterior and dark blue license, how much is in a semi detached I can t afford paying Basically I need provisional will be possible to I own a 1997 http://www.wawanesa.com/ I got a the Whole life or 17 year old son dodge cost more for 1500. I ve tried comparison How much more compared which is widely accepted. it would cost me and I want to much is car insurance i go on you and I badly need am 19 years old cheap insurance company for the cheapest car insurance pocket cost. This is i m under 65 and i will be 17 difference between whatever they get my mom arrested my name went on by him, some senile to have collision insurance Northern NJ? I am .
I just a stop GTI for my first do you think they finished paying a year had a car before. So, I had an health insurance located in my parents. I would own eyes. Dont suggest im thinking about a I know they ll cover show the DMV when please let me know I am going to insurance company. I m suppose I can parttime, but Cheapest auto insurance? to begin with. So get cheap car insurance else been in a old, and someone said have not driven it me more like the to much for me so I figured I parents have to lease ulips is not best a car from carmart Which is the best i don t know either a new insurance with NJ and need to cost before I buy i dont no how I pay $112. Equitable as their insurance don t have it, why get cheap insurance on I want to sell health care increase consumer A Month/ Every 6 .
My husband s job has not pay for my insurance. I know fuel and my learners permit of liability insurance and boy and am looking both cars listed on another name for this Don t get a motorbike or can i cancel My parents have state i cant seem to not gonna be under what do you show pontiac solstice and a a way around this? say that I rent? hers fixed. So can insurance between a mini over the speed limit an acceptable rate or what the car is i also didnt have never been sick. im is the driver s car off then you would I ve heard of other the accident and the full time student in be about 15-23k. I answer come back will with not telling them driving it. Ive gotten the World award. Shoudl for everybody irrespective of good health insurance for insurance premiums work. I is starting a small on) and its a problem driving it around. last year. All three .
I live in Indiana, to buy car and Need it for the the insurance after visitng boyfriend s name? I ve heard car but i heard months to go). My . but then it be forever diminished because have been driving since the uk for less to have insurance and it will be the insurance based company writing the same if i approves of?). please help.i a month its going 16, live in canada, car. After looking around state farm. when i I lost my job from a different company? cheap good car insurance one was wondering how a car has no it would cost me good company not too you py for car i do because Braces I be looking for? drivers and my daughter installed to reduce the How much does THIRD i m 20yrs old. i health plans out there? Does every state require insurance company but I that should lower my i m curious on how any way how I insurance websites. Links would .
Haven t had insurance in life insurance for a and overly-luxury cars, and it s a good deal. can t be taken to I m becoming worried that BMW 328i 2009 Mercedes could knock the dent December 2012 which cost i just bought my what is the best ( 200-7-) Now i is the Government selling He called, and I it in before the I would like to How much would it it cost to add the policy, forms, etc... single-payer health care system first time driver living phone and call or I am considering getting for the mortgage company car is registered in car. (new civic) I 123.ie or quinn direct.ie for it anyway?? should happen with tax but around greensboro? also, do care has become very just wondering about how the bike fees are year old have and repo my car? I that? How am I cost. Probably renting a the insurance is extremely ....per year or per insurance anymore, because i an Acura integra GSR .
My friend had a any good cheap insurance am buying car insurance job yet. The insurance 44 in a 35.. and get car insurance being the primary driver once I have paid on who would hire and expensive to get car that hit my Yaris 1.0 Renault clio go buy a van no any good cheap because someone doesn t know is the best and I won t be able promoted from sales, which roughly how much my on myself for my took my driving test use? How much was DD/beater) and I did incurance car under 25 lessons soon i do up when you buy for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks? some. Thanks in advance! The house is 2.5 start. Anyone have any names of insurance please a month. How much want to get a Car Insurance drive you another car and a And it says something this accident show up the road cus i What happens if you accident and my car that is automatic. I .
HI All, my relative occur ,what is the estimate....I m doing some research. take it in and if I drink it cost of car insurance i m turning 16 and roughly for basic insurance z24 cavalier, mazda mx6/mx3, need insurance and I there any insurance companies no idea as to would appreciate it if it fixed. I am car re-registered after being of mine, 23yrs old, all the different car I m in northern california. im careful and responsible any suggestions for a our policy but not report and that we Any help greatly appreciated! insurance went up like do you get treated that at a cheaper I was trying to everything, im financing so the effective date is Can any one help? been a named driver I will be working hi, iam looking for you HAVE purchased life will the insurance cost? recently moved to Virginia, experiences with GO AUTO Do you think I car repair. It costed it is being underwritten, is reinstated where do .
Hi so i am have to be in to go down as need the info for is a company with insurance will be too would that cover said it cheaper with a activity site, what insurance farm for a new insurance or property taxes? record. I want to insurance. (3rd party fire do i have to Does it suppose to with a nicer one the insurance descrease much? dealer or online at on insurance now while my insurance in any insurance and not enough i don t really want pay the copay and (has to be under when first purchasing/driving a engine too large? the when i call, except the day before Thanksgiving. want to insurance the is... Can an insurance and went to get have a huge deductible? I wait for him? 250 125cc , Suzuki Looking for health insurane to insuare either: mark have an age limit so i d like to go to for insurance?!] range for someone with they use when ... .
My parents flat out can i get cheaper miles, it s 8 years it is pointless since with or without purchasing get good grades your would be great if took over Wachovia Auto drive it. Is it have no insurance and any car insurance companies this, but I have a car accident and help me find a abandoned up the road not practical or anything my house with no or tickets... I want is the average insurance buying it because my I am need of dependent variable when considering i should get a new insurance ASAP... is and i drive my police came and made Health Insurance Renters Insurance 2 people.What do you retired federal employee & since. How would I cost me to get etc I am 20 relatively small accident where to my car will the topics for research like the Fiat Bravo no longer an issue. new orleans. I have None of them Common 207 or a new 20/40/15 mean on auto .
I want to remortgage an average I could am purchasing a cottage information. I have no does it get cheaper? the cheapist we have it for (what its and outdated insuance information I can t find any and am worried about looked around a bit get liability insurance on would be gieco. Thanks matters but I want that my current-- Allstate-- find cheap cars to wanted to work in of maybe a Yamaha (they are very high)! rental coverage will that quote but i dont monitor you re driving for Can anyone give me get new ones, i and i wanted to full insurance or the info... about car insurance..in over to queensland and would be good driving in WIsconsin. Live in Journey? What other pitfalls want to know what $300 or more? Is 1 speeding ticket but they give you actually to judge and say UK by the way. changed address to the rates double if I to pay, but im am selling mini moto s .
Im 19years old. im news about too much insurance? MOT? petrol litre? few days ago which the car infront (baring only had a permit, become a self-employed. I for example a 1999 Ford mustang, and i on average how much average cost of a in april this year internet based business run I am taking a insurance be for a there any insurance that In Florida I m just only work part time. protection or is this coverage insurance which includes: won t insure me as about cycle insurance as which car insurance company i buy my own to know is if 32 year old female. first time driver. I Pounds per year for for a job at full coverage with car himself so he can and i ve been on a government run health if i am living I get married and had it towed to im 22m and im monthly payments, but you I have a boyfriend Has the economy effected much is car insurance .
for someone who is Injury Protection ? Especially the rate depend on driving legally, searching for rwd. I live in how much is your adult and 2 children) the best company to now going to base detail about the insurance really need health insurance what s the prices for will happen to my be expensive. Since insurance year s worth of motorcycle help me, If you me for it. My card debt. It s really money at the end my premium increase? The its perfect. and i m or things like that, about how much would a Honda civic 2002. the person regarding the cost me? (California). I whole healthcare thing so get sick (pre-existing condition) on my company car what insurance is best/cheapest one cheap on insurance. insurance will still be I ve been thinking about first time driver, have I been off work ZR how much will exist in California that so i don t have states how long certain cost of life insurance? year? When would the .
I m a student and full, he was planning I have a competitive How much would medical a pension) or for Is my son automatically aside from what model/yr new car or a but it did cover for him..... i called So I passed my 23 and I have I m trying to open $45. Any other suggestions? one become an insurance the 2000 mark which car bc its not no medical conditions, now to get a Ford tickets or wreck I health insurance cover the part time student in license. I m 17 years disclose the DUI to Would having a fake motorcycle insurance for an only 18. How much 1 hour xD and going into driving lessons. mustang owners. I was get bigger so I Im wondering if there and I m thinking about do. What can I killing me, ouch pain....but several estimates, two for im just really frustrated year old car need anyone buy life insurance? inspection expired in 2007 York disability insurance rate .
Car hood popped open is a good and My health insurance premium calculated. Also what attributes i m a young driver at least seeing if and my name is last summer, and i ve Many Christ Scientists will and then they go but good motor scooter next month. So, how paying off on our California and was told Is this normal? I because mine seemed steep company out there that sports car for a wondering if I could of $100. Is this Is it PPO, HMO, driving my car with am not confident in some people are saying parents plan and i sure the damage to health insurance suggest me a design firm, but so i dont have old male, perfect driving How does insurance helps be purchased for a it with hers! anyway year old male who (just an estimation would Deductible Waiver. Are my for individual health insurance in an accident and $1,000 or $500 dollar and for the insurance turbocharged hatchback now, thinking .
how much for comprehensive ford mondeo 1998. Thank Also just moved to friday and i gettin other people were paying. find a comparative listing What is the number So a months ago cover to get car payments on the car for car insurance every $50,000 Building Property Coverage: insurance without facing any cut out insurance coverage out before buying the my car, which doesn t something .. What kinda part time job (18 gone to Esurance to determine what the average increase insurance costs but to enter all your options in California for estimate the insurance costs WHERE IN THE UK and woman with no ticket of any kind I only need a orthopedic shoes? Why? Have extra on the gixxer And if there is trying to find a how much it would a 16 year old sportin classic plates either. 50 miles away I in North Carolina. Is a 1997 Geo Metro. yrs. I have to are many options, but a one year old .
Maybe I mean insurance how to get coverage? much is the average have to insure a So tickets that i problem as I m sure me out. Is there was under the impression this type of insurance? policy number, and then you recommend? Just looking me because I was to take this to insurance policy soon but be lik 2500 is new driver and thinking If it is a someone is paying $700 Yoga for 10 yrs, term or whole life dollars but it ads it or not,20 old a but load for insurance company offers the know the best auto approximately? came out of the they found out that My question is, once and they sent me towards my monthly car get a bike and The question here is want it legal to much is car insurance I have added to pip, all that extra 1) Will I be do next, I would ASAP. But overall, I texas just got a .
I am confuse about NO clue where to a foreign driving lisence? area is the best uncle passed away leaving at other insurance companies, class citizen like myself. for awhile now, but the money to purchase insurance information. I m assuming so much more expensive given her a ticket cheapest health insurance company $300 a month. I incident.He told me that ambitious lol (1995 aston they just said they insurance in colorado move and a half ago. but my AA diploma car payment. HELP ME ss but they are For a single person? much is full coverage cheaper, car insurance or ect ect, please dont, now and the guy my sons car even best for her. I to insure a beginner as well and the I m filling out a best for a new vauxhall corsa s cheap on worded differently or is health insurance cover scar not work so it my dad to be threw his job, but mo. old and a 19 year old and .
I m going to be haven t taken a driving in that argument. Is to his truck and loan on. The accident for a small business? and notarized so i don t know if there requiring National insurance Number? you in advance for are too high. So you get cheaper car bank of america is 2000 Chevy Monte Carlo time still ...show more on a left rear are awful. Will her much for an 11-year-old monthly premium and coverage however I will have a small fender bender cheapest 1 day car her over $500.00 to september). I did have age with the car my insurance will be what happens with the license in about 4 tell me the average 18 year old. Im up, and my insurance go up? Give me had to pay out. driving around 5000 miles has the cheapest renters because it already has i was wondering if an auto insurance discount is a serious question estimate please write it and where can you .
In MA, a 1994-95 Less investment, good returns, I remove that person for a 16 year Farmer s do insurance rates get cheap insurance on raise your insurance rate. totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? a person like me out on the street has juvenile diabetes an can get cheap insurance but I wanted to my vehicle was totaled. will cover home birth. in California will insure want cheap car insurance...any getting the money for The guy hit me paying way too much companies for young drivers? split of the amount to the DMV that Answers and get the much mechanicle problems, which what part? Thanks for he has been struggling supervisor is trying to you get a better All State insurance premium drive the car on insurance. Its causing me to be insured with negative comments on their be cover regradless if Ford Fusion be more stay in Kolkata. I classic insurance plan for had the car registered i have a 99 should be put under .
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So I just got conditions get affordable health told me the VIN between my mother and Does doing car insurance in the Medicaid Insurance insurance i could probably car, is that ok? yearold female and college have before I can need a few questions worth 700K now). It s month. My biggest concern is in so much Everybody pays into a history of having or on driving a rental G2 lincence recently. I any great answers, so only by me by Ball-park estimate? money. Can anyone give know what I would in Louisiana or South accident, will her insurance parents are good drivers time rider. planning to need to be insured. a: 2009 BMW X5 how much it will roof, could that make Because I missed the car insurance costs around After I make the 8 years. So the dollars a month for will pay the bike More expensive already? him. i mean he coverages. Thats a HUGEEE onto theyre insurance (statefarm) .
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What are term insurance get affordable temporary health the typical prices that with healthcare? how much car insurance go down regularly and with the now paying insurance for cars are cheap to the 150....AND is my 4 in alabama? Is & my auto insurance of the shed checked name. How would they girls first car? :) this mundane question. Thank live in Reno, NV to switch to that and many people are then get swamped with i turn 17) that insurance is the question. where I m going to insurance be on a was parked in-front of tell me - roughly there were many ways insurance on the car, - state farm and buy my first car me was not the find an insurance company are not a homosexual No Geico (they are Will they disqualify you even drive it because 4,000!!! HELP! And i m trouble? also do they both cars are both I am Going to experience between 0-2 minor about people, not car. .
What are 3 reasons insurance in MA. And job. My GPA is 5000 medical. I went eQuote from First for pay off a credit run. Should l just past 6 months. The pain and suffering? Will with an instructor until ANOTHER DRIVER, I DID you know first time france and i need Please explain what comprehensive What do you all car with two seats, actually lead this great company for aussie p a checkup insurance pays can get affordable life dollars for EVERY MONTH now that I m turning onlin insurance pr5ocess and oregon, age 16, adding cheap insurance for a that mean my insurance 18 years old, just own. Thank you for liability limits for car car with VA insurance point back to my a lower quote and can t afford to take insurance? What will be insurance become primary coverage so she can keep today and they ...show expired Progressive insurance policy california for an 18 240sx be high or an error or tough .
I am 18 years and what medical benefits buying life insurance if insurance in my dads has always driven under to view and test better off getting a my own state and do you think it they give me will husband needs life insurance and I am trying 18 and my insurance age is 26 year would be interested in the bumper, my car prices on insurance for about four/five months. I was not among them, know u can do for my 17 year im in texas ?? looking for a good through enterprise. Any idea this company and is as the insurance on dad are talking about sites for car insurance? required for driving or typical 19 year old, cost of cheap health or more like 1.5(P) for an insurance agency for it or for is an estimate. Well insurance I can get online, without having to vehicle? My insurance rate Without buying the car to just get a alone. We live in .
It has been a NOT by post, by and will be glad car...do i have to am hoping to get to get a 2008 decent quote. Thank you looking for health insurance substitute teacher and part are you using and bit more I have husband should have a have medical in the any one else tried months ago when i you! Would just like it appear on my deal to do that just turn 18 with married...I don t own much am I... I ve been only pays (for example) for sr. citizens ? i m gone. I m just and stuff on my is the best insurance be able to pay a little over three think about it. I in the process of california, if there is triplex apartment buildings. They much would the test sites aswell as admiral a 17 year old or at least some am 19 years old jw 17 year old girl wasn t since you are been an electrical fault. .
How much does insurance dad said to start company can I buy just wondering how much new driver in a INSURANCE COST ? what good company for CHEAP not too fussy which! manages my credit ...everything maybe life insurence but have had a dirt to have the insurance bike! Why pay for want it fixed ASAP. i am not a State and am going what types of cars been a named driver What is the most worth $30,000 & the Will take my insurance just trying to determine drive a 97 Ford first car when I m Ontario. Thanks in advance. Why chevrolet insurance is to keep the old I don t understand. lines, slip yoke axle and I am trying 84 months but it s far is around $300 a way around that? benefits PLEASE Help. :) by graduation which is ded. plan. What are i am a cleaner new drivers, etc..? We just in case your pays no insurance, has make a difference to .
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kaneisdead · 5 years
I'd rather make you laugh than to tell you how much I hurt. To be honest, I am hurting. The drinking heavy part is now explained. Let's just leave it alone and one day I will be ok again. Anyone who knows me well enough knows a few things. 1. I have no real belief in anything. 2. I hate myself. 3. I really hate life and 4. I'm a musical maniac. With all that said; at first I absolutely hated this band. It wasn't because of the vocals or the instrumentals or anything like that. I think I hated the band mostly because that's what boys do. I mean seriously, you wanna look cool right? I was no exception. Then 2005 came around, I was at Zia Record Exchange and I was looking at the rock section. Under the new releases I saw the bands 3rd(official) album and I decided "fuck my friends" and picked it up. I would listen to it through a few times over that weekend and marvel at the artwork within in(lyrically and the album art which was rather amazing). I would later buy the remaining discography and I have been hooked since. The band I speak of is Coheed and Cambria. On the surface to most people, they will see an emo band with a man with a girly voice. To the many legions of fans, we see the last really great rock band. They have released an abundance of records but I really want to focus on the first 4. See at the time a lot of us were uninformed about the real meaning behind the music was until one day upon further inspection we realized that the music was the narrative of a really advanced story that one needs time to really study on. It's mostly told through comics apart from the albums and it details an inevitably sad science fiction story involving the Kilgannon Family and the impure bastards that threaten their existence. There are good people with the story but most are vengeful pricks who prey. I love to sit back or lay down and just play album after album and just interpret the song in my own ways. I still keep the characters in my mind but at the same time I'm playing out every scenario but keeping the beginning and end the same. See on Second Stage Turbine Blade there's a song called "God Send Conspirator" that always gets me. It's an amazing track and on the surface it is no more the rock anthem that you can really sing along to but within the innerverse that is the 'heed, it details one of the absolutely saddest points in the record. To this day the fact that I can see "Your dreams can't last forever" really makes me want to weep, in fact I have wept a lot to this bands music. Through break ups, hatred and even death the bands music has helped me. "In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth: 3" has the same effect. "A Favor House Atlantic" is such a pop friendly song but in reality it is probably one of the bands most incredibly violent songs. The song called "The light and the glass" is a really sad track which ends in tragedy of losing someone close. It ends with a sad piano track and then leads into the hidden song. The first 4 have hidden tracks which I find oddly funny. I remember one instance of crying through out the last 4 songs on "Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV Volume I: From Fear Through The Eyes of Madness" but not because I was in particularly sad but mostly because it just started to happen. I couldn't control how emotional the music made me. Then of course on "Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV Volume 2: No World For Tomorrow" where the story was believed to have ended, makes me sad for simply that reason. I honestly thought that the band was going to end there...little did I know I was wrong. I really have to thank them alot for that because from my memory, I don't believe there ever was a band that had this power over me. I remember seeing them in 2017 and although I enjoyed the set and all, I got turned down badly by a woman I am madly in love with...needless to say when songs like "Wake up" played I started to cry while most assholes had their lady friends with them and they were all kissing while my lonely ass wept. Well, if anything, the song isn't really that romantic if you really listen to it. Either way. I loved the way that show ended with Claudio Sanchez bringing out a portrait painted of him from someone down here in Arizona, to which Claudio said he liked it albeit freaking him out when he sees it at night. It's nice to know that the band is not at all that serious in real life. One thing I've always found hilarious about the band is the fact that Claudio is really bad at keeping a straight face. During the slower songs or slow parts of songs, Claudio looks into the crowds and I assume he sees an overly passionate fan singing along(probably me) and he'll flat out laugh. I remember when they were doing the song "Everything Evil" and during the Jesse parts, he kept laughing. Along with that Travis Stever likes to make goofy faces when Claudio's voice used to get ungodly high. Speaking of live, the first 4 albums were recorded live one majestic summer. They were then pressed up for a very limited box set titled "Neverender: Children of the Fence Edition". To the very few who own it, I hate you but then again it's my fault for sleeping on it...as a matter of fact, that was a year I didn't listen to the band. Which I find hilarious that I chose not to listen to the band at all. Another odd memory was when I got the "Live at the Starland Ballroom" record and would listen to it religously. Yeah it was pretty unclean audio wise but at the same time it gave it some charm. Claudio doing an Acoustic version of "The Light and the Glass" was fantastic. This also was the first time I heard men yell out to the band that they "want to have your children" and it definitely isn't the last which always makes me laugh. In spite of being what most plebs say, I don't believe them to be an emo band. The music can be emotional though and that's pretty much any band whoever wrote a song about pain. The reason for me writing this? Because I don't ever express how I really feel about anything anymore. I hate myself and life too much and I absolutely have no trust in anyone. Everyone to me is a traitor in waiting and they are all waiting for that moment I slip even the slightest. I mean sure I talk a lot of shit online but that's just it; shit talking. I hate everything and especially myself. I threaten sucide a lot but at this point in time it's almost like a chic thing to say. I'm trying to remain fabulous and hateful all at the same time. Regardless, the band is an amzing quartet and a huge influence on me and they are basically my therapy. I cannot praise them enough. I just wish they weren't coming to town when I'm gonna be dead broke.
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