#ive written fanfiction for a fanfiction what am i supposed to do with myself
lbhslefttiddie · 2 years
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sword son sword son sword son sword son
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admirableadmiranda · 2 years
my first fandom experience is with MXTX but i'm kinda confused as to why fandom spaces tend to convoluted their version of canon with actual canon as if the canon written by the author is false. fanfiction is transformative content since it explores and expands canon. it's been bugging me because i really dislike OOC depictions lmao it has no effect on me but ive been disliked by an irl friend for shipping wangxian because chengxisn is obviously what was supposed to be written since (1/?)
(2/?) since apparently jc is so fuckable but it's a pity it wasn't. i just thought of @jiangwanyinscatmom but still,,,, it just bugs me because i feel like my current interactions with fandom or stan culture has put me in this mindset where i care more about what others are doing with their toys (I.e. characters) but still,,, i guess these interactions leave a bitter taste. it feels so whack to me that people think mxtx deliberately didn't put their ship as if wwx or lwj would ever choose anyone
I don't know if there was more to your ask, anon, this is where it cut off! Anyway it seems like you had some frustrations to get off your chest and I hoped this helped. I do question your friend's take on how apparently Chengxian was supposed to be the endgame pairing, but then I've learned after a whole year here that some things simply can't be explained.
To answer your questions about fandom and attitudes, I've been in fandom for fifteen years now and I've gone through really caring and really not caring and I've pinned it down to it really depends on the source material. The tighter the source material and the more dynamic the characters, the more annoyed I am when fanworks deviate as opposed to works that play fast and loose with characterization in the source material or the ships are just plain boring. Modaozushi is incredibly tightly woven so I find myself being much pickier here and it's only my vast experience that lets me decide that I'll be picky in what I choose to consume and I'll just ignore (for the most part, I still get into a lot of fights with JC stans) takes that do not mesh with mine. We can live and let live for the most part.
I will say that Modaozushi has one of the more volitile fanbases I've been in. It definitely depends on the average age of the fanbase and how big it is, but my previous one, Good Omens, was for the most part very calm and relaxed and most debates tended to exist in the gray spaces of canon where there was a lot of room for debate. I highly doubt that wherever you end up next will be just like Modaozushi, every fandom has its own idiosyncrasies and you'll find your spaces every time.
Also @jiangwanyinscatmom is fantastic and deserves all the love. She is the only one allowed to determine JC's fuckability level and I can't wait to hear what she says when I graciously bestow this privilege upon her.
Thanks for the ask, anon!
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Captain Georgiou January - February Day 3′s scheduled creation is by Al @dykekeit​. Thank you to Al for sharing this essay!
Here’s the thing: this story isn’t about me. I’m white and Jewish―not exactly lacking for representation in Star Trek, even if I am a lesbian―not with the ta’al itself coming from the Kol Nidre service, not with Benjamin Sisko’s character more closely resembling Moses than any other religious figure. How many times have I seen myself, loved myself, in Trek? I’ve taken heart in Leonard Nimoy’s Yiddish, in Jim Kirk’s Tarsus IV backstory, in Benjamin Sisko the reluctant prophet and in Kira Nerys, fighting for her traditions amidst pressure to assimilate or die.
And yet, the first time I saw the trailer for Discovery, I almost burst out crying hearing Michelle Yeoh’s voice—her accent, the way she pronounced Shenzhou, seeing her in the captain’s chair—because it felt so much like home.
Like I said, this story isn’t about me. This is a story about my sensei.
I still don’t know what name she was born with, growing up just outside of Hong Kong. When she arrived in the United States, there was no large Chinese community on the east coast in those days; she didn’t speak English, and no one around her spoke Cantonese. She was alone, totally alone. I still can’t fathom the sheer amount of chutzpah it took for her to stand her ground and carve out her place the way she did, but I know what it took: a skill for organization, a love of scheduling, a gift for disdainful silences, and an intense, rigid sense of etiquette. When you stand barely five feet tall, it’s all necessary.
Sensei loves gardening and darjeeling tea, and hates anything sweet to the point that I have gone out of my way to buy her chocolate above 70% grade dark. Oh, and did I mention? She loves Star Trek.
Sensei gravitates towards characters like Spock, like Data: immigrants, constant strangers among new and adopted cultures alike, repeatedly explaining their differences and saving face and proudly, wholly themselves, no matter if people understand them or not. They are characters who defy expectations and use every difference as a strength, no matter if it’s supposed to be a weakness. I wonder, sometimes, as she’s teaching me about the protective properties of jade bracelets and how the good Jewish delis she knew used to serve thinly sliced beef tongue for sandwiches, but not any more—were the stars visible in Hong Kong, growing up? Did she want to escape to the dark sky, to the other side of the world—anywhere?
How did I meet her? Well, when she was thirty-nine, my sensei took up kendo, the Japanese martial art of fencing, and almost twenty-five years later, she had reached fifth-dan (that’s fifth degree black belt!) Into her dojo I stumbled. Picture this: me, a clumsy, skinny Jewish lesbian, never worked out in my life, thought swords were kind of cool, walking into a dojo and finding a sixty-something Chinese woman who, though she barely came up to my chest, could kick the butts of every single much-younger six-foot-plus male student she had.
I guess it’s not surprising I stayed.
Over the next six years, my sensei taught me everything, and not just about kendo. In between correcting my wrist angles, my posture, my follow-through, my footwork, my uniform, my dojo etiquette, and anything else she could think of, there were moments of life coaching: how to focus, how to be disciplined in everything I do, how to help, how to put other people first. When I burst out crying during practice, she reminds me that the dojo is a safe place for emotions. She introduced me to Hong Kong-style diner food, showed me real dim sum and how to order and eat and share it properly, cultivated a lucky money plant for me to bring home and instructed me where to put it in my house for best feng shui, advised me to begin acupuncture for stress, told me to take more initiative when pouring tea for other visiting sensei. On the worst day of my life, I wanted her advice. Once, I managed to get a signed copy of Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club addressed to her personally. When I presented it to her and she learned I hadn’t read it, she turned around and gave it right back to me, insisting with a smile that I read it first so that we could talk about it together.
In the middle of all of it, a new Star Trek show, called Discovery, was announced, and soon, a new trailer dropped. The captain’s name was Philippa Georgiou, and she was played by Michelle Yeoh.
I did nearly burst out crying. It was Michelle Yeoh, but all I could see was Sensei, in command and speaking her accented English, proof of a past beyond a Starfleet that demanded “standard” English for assimilation.
Captain Georgiou was concerned with etiquette, both social and honor-bound: Starfleet doesn’t fire first. In the dojo, I am to bow respectfully, I am to shake hands and thank my opponent after every match, I do not hit just to hit or shy away in fear. The only way a kendo match works is with mutual communication; an opponent is not a faceless thing to be beaten so much as a partner to create opportunities. We may strike first, but we are not aggressors.
Captain Georgiou said: the best way to know yourself is to know others. Take care of those who are in your care. I still remember the time I watched a fellow dojo member rush across the tournament floor because someone had the wrong-colored tasuki to change it without a thought—because he had noticed a problem, therefore he must help. I sat there, frozen. I told Sensei this story later with absolute wonderment and shame and she just smiled, patted my hand, and shared some of her favorite raisin walnut bread with me. She knew the lesson had stuck. Other times, she has snapped at me for forgetting to hold a door open for other people, but—
Captain Georgiou: disciplined, teasing, dedicated, setting stars and valuing candor: your confidence is justified. My shock when Sensei first told a few of the other girls and I some dirty jokes late at night before that same tournament was only matched by how funny it was, and how it was immediately followed with a discussion of our weaknesses in shiai combat, and what our approach both physically and mentally would be for the tournament the following day.
I wonder, through fanfiction and fanart and discussion with others, what Philippa shared of the universe with those around her—with Michael, with Saru, with all those under her care.
I once told Sensei that reading The Joy Luck Club and trying to understand all the Chinese cultural nuances from an outside perspective was like looking through a waterfall, or trying to see through a beaded curtain—seeing outlines, but not being able to grasp details. She smiled, and nodded, and said, “yes.” What she meant was, of course I couldn’t, and no one would be able to explain every detail to me―not if I didn’t live it, but more importantly, not if I didn’t ask questions. When Captain Georgiou brought Michael Burnham to the bridge for the first time, she said, “This can be your new home, if you want it to be.” She asked for little but trust and mutual respect from a certain Vulcan-raised human who needed to re-integrate into an all-too-familiar but still foreign culture. The dojo is foreign, and it is my home, and I must always ask questions.
A human who had seen a life of loss, but still chose hope. A mentor who saw everything as a lesson, full of expectations both written and unwritten. And I, or Michael Burnham, watching her set a star.
Sensei: 谢谢, I love you, and I hope to see you in person soon.
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ad1thi · 3 years
6, 7, 9? I'm curious!
6. Name three stories you found easy to write.
I’m picking from my ao3 just because I really don’t want to be going through my tumblr writing tag, but probably:
1. the things we tell ourselves in the dark - this entire fic was written, edited and posted within the span of an hour because i wrote it literally the minute i finished this emh episode. it was my first stevetony fic in a while, and im really happy w the reception i got
2. in sickness and in health - similar to the things we tell ourselves in the dark, i wrote this immediately after i finished this h50 episode and the entire thing was written in one sitting. it was actually initially only supposed to be on tumblr, but it became so much longer than i thought it would be, and im super proud of it
3. (a currently unpublished samtony fic that is approx 5k and i wrote the entire thing today sitting in starbucks and im super proud of it and i’ll link it here when it’s published!!)
7. Name three stories you found difficult to write.
In no particular order:
1. just friends (?):  i was never expecting to finish this fic. like ever. i’d even taken it down from ao3 because i just never saw myself finishing it. it’s actually still wild to me that this fic is finished. ive been writing fic since i was 13, and this is my first completed multi-chapter. how wild is that.
2. 1000 lives (for you): my worst fear when writing multi-chapter fics is that i’ll lose steam or lose my initial train of thought, and i think both my betas @omg-just-peachy and @redsridinghood can attest to how much work i put into this fic, and how careful i was that everything fell into place and i tied everything up properly. the final chapter went through three (??) revisions before we were all completely happy, and just because im so unaccustomed to long fics and tend to prefer small drabbles within 1000 words, this was a big challenge for me.
3. one kiss (is all it takes): i think if i had a fic that “defined me”, it would be my greek gods AU, and i had SO many plans for this that i felt super bad when i lost all interest in this. of all my fics, this is probably one of the very few fics that i wrote for my readers rather than myself, because i had literally no interest in this AU but i felt like i owed some sort of closure for the people who’d been reading this from the start. the AU only three instalments long, and this particular instalment is only like 2k - but im not exaggerating when i said it took me a whole ass year to write that 2k. another testament to why multi-chaptered fics of any kind terrify me
9. What do your fic bookmarks say about you? 
(eyes my 2186 bookmarks surreptitiously) that it is a damn miracle i am managing to complete law school with the grades that i have because i spend way too much time on ao3. and that my 13-year old self who swore by canon ships and hated any other type of pairing would not recognise me at all (and also that i probably should’ve realised i was queer SO MUCH sooner with the amount i project on my comfort characters)
fanfiction asks
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snivellussnoop · 3 years
Fanfiction Year in Review
thanks to @glowstar826 for the tag! I am honored to hear that my looking up to you was your proudest moment of the year, and I’m glad to say this is still very much the case. here’s my response:
Fics completed in the order of which they were completed:
There are just a few of these since most of what I write is novel-length, but here are the little things I did!
He Wished a Lot of Things - AO3 | Wattpad
The Memory Cabinet of an Alchemist - AO3 | Wattpad
Fics updated this year in the order of which they were published:
Philophobe - AO3 | Wattpad
Arrested Development: An Unnecessary Continuation - AO3 | Wattpad
Delocaponum - AO3 | Wattpad
Number of words written:
roughly 200,000. terrifying.
Most popular fic:
On Wattpad: Not Gay! (please don’t read this. I mean I’m not going to stop you but when I plead like this I am solemnly warning you)
On AO3: He Wished a Lot of Things
Personal favorite:
Delocaponum, with He Wished a Lot of Things as an honorable mention.
Favorite scene:
in Delocaponum, I love writing the banter between the characters. one of my favorite parts so far was in chapter IV: A Warm Unwelcome when Severus is trying to get Remus out of his office after making fun of his monthly “predicament” by giving him a tampon, and Remus keeps ignoring his warnings as he verbally lists a multitude of crimes that he sarcastically is asking Snape not to commit while he’s away. It eventually ends in Severus calling him a slut and finally getting the door to shut.
A close second to this is from chapter VII: Charming Consultations when Snape goes to see Flitwick, who is overenthusiastic about his presence. Severus reminds him not to treat it like the coming of Jesus Christ, but Filius ignores him and congratulates him on being hired (although not specifying that this was the reason for congratulations), and Snape asks, “For what? The coming of Christ?”.
Something that challenged me:
My addition to Arrested Development challenged me a lot because I had to adopt the humor and writing style they achieved in the show, which is incredibly difficult to embody, especially in book form. I grew so much and am still growing thanks to my decision to write this.
Delocaponum also is a challenge as a whole. The chapters are longer than I’ve ever written before, the plot is slower, the writing style is richer, and it’s supposed to be canon-compliant, which has led to a lot of study on the plot points of Snape and Lupin’s lives in the eighties, along with researching the dates of full moons and planning accordingly. This work also plays a lot with grief, growth and healing, which can be difficult to harness all at once, but it’s going well and I’m constantly adapting to be able to write it as well as I can.
A part of writing I’m proud of:
(Delocaponum, chapter VII: Charming Consultations)
“He spent all of last night lying insomnolent, urging himself to just go to sleep, beseeching his own instincts to let him alone and leave him to fall into his own dreams. But he couldn't do it. Thoughts kept running around him, hissing against his ears in the fashion of the unforgiving snake like which he himself is described. Hypotheses. Dubiety. Complete uncertainty. And all this, inopportunely, orbiting tight round the memory of Remus Lupin standing out in the rain, and the sensation of his hand laying itself gently on his unsheltered shoulder.
He's decided that he shouldn't be letting this affect him in such a way. Absolutely so.
He's decided that he shouldn't remember Remus going out of his way to make him tea the way Albus said he liked it, or the pleas to offer him assisting services in compensation for some very free Wolfsbane. He won't pay any notice to how he likes Bruce Springsteen and house plants and accents his entire home with greens and reds. He won't think any longer about his soft handwriting on half of the bottles in his classroom, or how all of his suits and vests are tailored in colors that match each possible shade a leaf revolves through, green and dark mustard and deep mahogany and many, many browns.”
A comment that touched me:
All of them touched me. Really.
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Something that inspired my writing:
The Picture of Dorian Gray, J. Edgar, my secret Pinterest boards, Gregory Alan Isakov, the different hues and shades of brown, George Orwell — specifically 1984, nature and seasons, Sweeney Todd, The Hobbit, Knives Out, Braiding Sweetgrass, Hello from the Magic Tavern, Ozark, Steven Wilson, a collection of old vinyl records my grandfather gave me a few months ago, David Bowie, The Phantom of the Opera, the dynamic between myself and this girl that I’m either in love with romantically or platonically (I legitimately cannot tell as I’m ace and the lines are blurred as hell), The Mysterious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, unisex first names, The Imitation Game, Latin roots, mythology, and lots and lots of Shakespeare.
My proudest moment:
calculating all my works together and finding out that I’ve written close to 350,000 words in the last two years. i also feel incredibly rewarded when i finish a long writing project. the longer i’ve worked on it, the better i feel when it ends.
My writing goals this year:
Finish as much as I can with the busy time I have. I hope to finish Philophobe at least, and ADAUC next. Delocaponum I’m hoping to get out as quickly as I can, although this may take the rest of the year or longer.
I’m pretty new to the writing community of tumblr so I don’t know any people off the top of my head that write and haven’t been tagged already. if you see this and would like to participate, please have a go! indirectly, i’m tagging whoever is reading that wants to join in.
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grasslandgirl · 4 years
For the ask game F G H R T please!
tysm anna 🥺🥺💖💖
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
ahhhhhh this is SO hard, you’re getting top three sorry not sorry
in no particular order:
1) from I’ve waited and watered my heart ‘til it grew (the magnus archives, jon and martin):
“Georgie told me once- before the Unknowing, before… before we really understood the gravity of everything- that I needed people around me, to anchor me, as it were. To talk to- to all of you, but I think she also meant you, Martin, specifically. You were always there to anchor me, to listen to me, even when you were neck-deep in Lukas’s business. Even- even when I didn’t think I deserved it.”
Martin looked down at Jon, met his inscrutable and unwavering gaze. “You always deserved it, Jon,” he said, with all the conviction he had.
[i just ahhhh i think i really nailed jon’s voice through all of this fic but martin’s line here specifically. that’s it. that’s the crux of all of it i think.]
2) from my unfinished juno steel amnesia fic (the penumbra podcast, juno and rita):
“Amnesia?” Juno mumbled, looking at Rita for confirmation. “I lost… two years?”
“I mean, yeah, Mister Steel, if the last thing you remember was the Robertson case that was two years ago. And that means you don’t remember anything about Mister Ex-Mayor Takano-Flaherty or the THEIA’s or Mister Ransom or- OH!! This reminds me of that one stream we watched, Boss, with the guy who had his brain sucked out by aliens only they weren’t aliens they were actually a super secret government agency taking away people’s memories; but oh, no, I guess you can’t remember that either, because we watched that one after the case where that lady’s cat exploded after you lost your eye and you were still all sad about Mister Glass again- we should watch that stream, Boss! Especially now that you don’t remember anything either, even though-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, back up, Rita,” Juno said, waving his hand vaguely, “what was- any of that, if I’m being honest. Ransom and the mayor? We blew up somebody’s cat?”
“I mean technically, the cat blew itself up, Boss.”
[did i mention that i LOVE rita penumbrapodcast? cause i LOVE her and i love to write her she’s so fun and her dynamic with juno is So fun to write, she just talks and i get to run away on my keyboard and let her say whatever her salmon-crunchie flavored heart desires <3]
3) from my bad kids fantasy au unposted wip (dimension twenty, fabian and adaine and gorgug):
Fabian frowned at Gorgug, considering. “Gorgug, we need to duel more often. If I’m going to be Captain, I need to know all my competition- even if they’re my best friend.”
“Aww,” Gorgug smiled down at Fabian, “I’m your best friend?”
“What?” Fabian blinked in confusion, before noticing Gorgug’s widening smile. “You dick-” he punched Gorgug in the shoulder- “you nearly got me! Of course we’re best friends, Thistlespring-”
“What about me?” Adaine asked, watching her boys’ friendly scuffle.
“You’re my best friend, too,” Gorgug said eagerly, “I can have more than one best friend.”
“Well I have dozens of best friends,” Fabian said, never one to be out done. “But, uh, I suppose you two are the- the top of the list. Of my many friends.”
[i simply think.... they!! their dynamic is SO choice if i do say so myself, i just think that old childhood best friends is one of the Best dynamics out there and is sorely underutilized and i am taking it upon myself to solve that problem. you’re welcome, world]
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
i HAVE to write my fics in chronological order, from start to finish bc there are always scenes that i really Want to write and if i write those first then i have No drive or focus to write the Rest of the fic or the context that goes with it, so i make myself write chronologically and use the scenes that im really excited to write as a goal and a driving force to get myself through the other, equally important scenes, that i’m less excited about, otherwise the fic sits half-finished and abandoned in my wip folder, never to see the light of day......
H: How would you describe your style?
truly i Could Not Tell You. ive been told i write how i talk which. yeah. but idk how true that is for my fic/fiction writing? i truly don’t know tell me about my writing style im begging you i don’t know what my style is i just write its just there
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
there aren’t any specific writers that i draw regular, constant inspo from, really? i’m lucky to know and be friends with multiple incredibly talented authors (you, anna grace, chief among them of course) and sometimes when i read a really good fic or story ill get inspired by the author’s style or tone and work off of that; but those beats of inspiration aren’t super common and tend to just lead to short little spurts of writing, most of my longer ideas and wips are products of plot and character inspiration, drawing from my life or the original media itself and less from fic or other writing (shoutout to @nojoyinmudville and @cauldronoflove both for writing SO good that it made me write fanfiction for THEIR fanfiction sfjvnksjfbd)
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
uhhhhhh not off the top of my head? im a sucker for coffeeshop and bakery aus but they always sort of infuriate me bc you can always tell when theyre written by people who have Never Worked In Food Service nor have they KNOWN anyone who’s worked in food service bc they’re always “im the owner of a very popular, well-trafficked bakery and i’m the owner and also the ONLY EMPLOYEE. I BAKE ALL THE BREAD AND PASTRY MYSELF. AND I RUN THE REGISTER AND THE COUNTER. AND I CLEAN THE WHOLE KITCHEN. AND I DO ALL THE FINANCES AND ORDER FORMS AND LEGAL TAPE. I ALSO HAVE TIME FOR A FUFILLING SOCIAL AND ROMANTIC LIFE. SOMEHOW, I SLEEP SOMETIMES.” plese. im begging u people. use your critical thinking skills. or, if all else fails. GOOGLE HOW WORKING IN A COFFEESHOP WORKS. YOU DON’T WORK 6AM- 8PM SHIFTS SIX DAYS A WEEK WITH ONE COWORKER. YOU HAVE SHIFTS. MORE PEOPLE IN THE RUSH HOURS. YOU HAVE DAYS OFF. ahem. anyway. yeah.
this got. so long sorryyyyyy ksjbskjf but thank you a million anna grace ilyyy 💖💖🤧🤧
send me a fanfic ask!! (my ao3 acc is @/grasslandgirl and is linked in my bio!)
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aletheiawriting · 4 years
tag game
I haven’t done a tag game in an eternity but here I am! I was tagged by @wyldlynx​ - thank you so much!
i. do you need to have anything specific in order to write? (certain playlists, a favorite drink, a time of day)
I can’t really write anywhere else than on a computer, most of the time I need background music (I have a specific playlist for my wip Eurhyi!), and lately I’ve been writing mostly at night, to the point that I think I’ve conditioned myself to get inspired only when it’s dark out; oops.
ii. have you ever written fanfiction for books/tv/movies you like?
I have! I used to write fanfiction for an “otome” game, as well as Harry Potter and BBC Sherlock and... probably something else I’m forgetting.
iii. if you had to pick one trope to always write into a book, what would it be? why?
I want to say either the found family trope or the reluctant hero, if that’s a trope?
iv. describe the aesthetic for your current wip
Hhh I don’t know... Dark and mysterious and Foggy, if that makes any sense, but also, like, flowers! Magic! 
v. if you had to add any kind of animal to your book, what animal would they be, and why? 
I have a dog-like Beast in my wip that’s very relevant to the plot, so that!!
vi. if you could turn your book into a different medium (tv, movie, game) what would it be, and why?
Ideally, I would have Eurhyi adapted into a perfect, beautiful, very long tv show, because a girl can dream. I feel like a movie wouldn’t leave much time for the story to breathe and I doubt a game would be the right medium for it, though it would be amazing if it were a possibility
vii. post one of your favorite lines
It may have nothing special but through my multiple rewrites this paragraph (actually more than one line, yes, I’m cheating) stays pretty much the same and remains one of my favorite bits! Here it is in image format because I deleted it the minute I translated it and I’m too lazy to transcribe it :(
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viii. do you prefer to write in a notebook or on a computer?
For some reason, actual writing on a computer, ideas and brainstorms in a notebook!
ix. what character archetype do you always seem to have (or your favorite if you don’t have one)
Ooh I don’t know! Probably a grumpy one who turns out to be kind and sweet real quick
x. what genre of book do you like to read?
Many, but mostly fantasy! 
I guess I’m supposed to write my own questions but I can’t come up with anything, and I really don’t know who to tag! I haven’t done a tag game or... generally been here In A Long Time! and I feel Shy! If you see this you can say I tagged you if you want to do it, though! 
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The Reylo Fanfiction Anthology St. Valentine’s Day Love Fest
This year, to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day, we wanted to show the Reylo Writing Community a little bit of love by hosting a Reylo Fanfiction St. Valentine’s Day Love Fest. 
We will accept recommendations for this project until the end of February.  You can find details about how to submit a recommendation to the project here.
Love Fest List #1/?
Reylo Community Recommendations
all true lovers are by addictedtoacertainlifestyle
Summary: She might seem lonely, but Ben can sense that this forest is her faithful audience, and she is nothing but alone. The birds chirp a symphony to her, and the greenery around her bows, grateful to be blessed by her beauty. She truly is beautiful, but that’s not the entire reason he is so drawn to her. It’s her Magic.
Recommendation by @politicalmamaduck and dearly: “This fic epitomizes everything I love about Reylo, and my favorite AUs (historical/fairytale/mythology). It's basically a fic that I wish I had written or was capable of writing. The writing is just gorgeous and evocative.“ and “a lovely fairytale au one-shot with a slightly dark Rey.”
Eidelweiss by aionimica
Summary: Captain Kylo Ren hires Rey, a postulant from the local abbey to be a governess for his adoptive children. As time goes on, music grows in the Ren household and the Captain and Rey must choose: love or duty?
Recommendation by crossingwinter: “Because it is the Sound of Music AU I didn't know I needed until I read it!”
A Reylo Christmas by Biekewieke
Summary: Complicated situations call for intricate solutions... So when Leia Organa asks her Personal Assistant Rey to join her on a family vacation in Mon Torri for the holidays and highlights a big bonus, what is she to do? Only catch... Leia's son is coming along...Ben Solo is the enfant terrible of the family. Broody, sullen and with a huge chip on his shoulder, the young man is notoriously difficult. Combine this with complicated family dynamics, and you'll end up with one very interesting holiday.
Recommendation by @noppoh: “It's the perfect, Hallmark-type, Christmas fic. It has all the elements -- the misunderstandings, the secrets, and covert looks -- without it becoming cheesy or cliché. I absolutely adore it.”
running on empty by Jessa
Summary: Rey's on Jakku. Kylo's about to land. Something intrigues them both.
Recommendation by tehanufromearthsea: “This is a set of six drabbles. I love it because I think Jessa makes Kylo and Rey's characters very real. She has a way of grounding them and their environment in vivid, telling details.”
You're Sick, I'll Humor You by LoveThemFiercely
Summary: Just a short, silly, sickfic from @glitzescape's Tumblr idea.  It wedged itself into my brain while I was supposed to be writing something else, so here it is.
Recommendation by @nuanceismyjam: “It's short and simple and maybe a little silly, but it's also so so so sweet. I love the vulnerability of strong Ben Solo being a total baby when he's sick, and I love Rey shifting from her impatience to taking care of him. And the fact that she knows what movie he's going to ask for to the point that she loads it in the player before even asking which one he wants to watch? That makes me melt. I love me some soft!Ben, and we get that here in spades, even if it's because he's sick.”
miles we'll wander by meritmut
Summary: “I saw—a place,” she says, hesitates, forges ahead: “a planet. We were there. Both of us. I think—I think the Force was telling us to go there.”Her eyes are full of the stubborn faith that’s becoming so familiar to Ben: it draws him in.“I saw it too,” he breathes.
Recommendation by dearly: “Beautifully written canon divergence where Ben and Rey run off together.”
RFFA Writers Self Recommendations
(you’ll remember this) by addictedtoacertainlifestyle
Summary: A steady heartbeat; one look given, one returned. Again, and again.  They are the waves, together in motion until the universe collapses or the Earth dries out. After that, they continue, orbit around one another like celestial bodies, perihelion and aphelion, closer and farther in a never-ending dance. Again, and again.
“I’m very proud of how it turned out. it’s my favourite fic I’ve written, because I didn’t hold myself back and wrote exactly what came to my mind. It has a very poetic outlook on things, but is still realistic in a beautiful way. It’s vague enough for people to make their own interpretations what is going on outside of the fic, but the moments described in the fic itself have that kind of mundane beauty that I love.”
Event Horizon by Arwen_Evenstar
Summary: The old, decrepit body has fallen, finally. Wasn’t that expected? After all, there was a long tradition in the Dark Side of students bringing death to their Masters. This was no different. The intent, the resolve, was there. It only needed that extra push. The girl. He felt the conflict stirring within his pupil. And, slowly, the conflict became too loud for him to ignore. Kylo would be forever marred by the Dark, there was no going back - he made sure of it. The girl could try as she might, she would never succeed in full. He would be condemned either way - there was too much Solo in him, but he carried a heavy legacy. 
“It was my first solid, full story written for RFFA. It was an adventurous, exciting, tragic, love story, which ties with other stories that I am currently writing. I know its long, and perhaps its a wrong bet for me to propose it, but…I think it has so much of me in it…I had to propose it. Thank you for the opportunity.”
Syrup by cuddlesome
Summary: Rey offers Kylo her blood in an effort to get him to stop feeding on other members of the First Order.
“I love this fic because I really enjoy the idea of there being classic monster elements mixed in more with the main Star Wars canon. Vampires are really fun and Kylo is just perfect for it. I like to think about the logistics of having a terrifying bloodsucking commander in the First Order, how Snoke might control him, and Rey’s reaction to it.”
It Feels Like a Thousand Eyes by jitterygummy
Summary: "I lie awake and watch it all; It feels like thousand eyes" - Thousand Eyes by Of Monsters and Men Even with the thousands of eyes watching Rey and Kylo Ren, they find each other each anniversary. But a great deal can change over the course of a year.
“While it's an older fic, I still love how the style shows how much can change over the course of the year, and I think people might enjoy the dynamics of what could happen if Kylo had betrayed Snoke.” 
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1358456 · 5 years
Review Response, June 16-22, 2019
Got a lot of stuff! ... Thanks to one person, mostly!
... Really missing those single line breaks...
Wings #004
1) Heyo, I saw your responses to my reviews. I forgot my password when I read Wings and I didn't want to go through the whole resetting password thing, so I went in as a guest. I didn't really intend to come back to FanFiction, hence the random keyboard smashing username, yet here I am again to read your stories! Haha. I suppose I'll just keep my original username here.
Anyways, back onto the review! I really found this chapter to be amusing and engaging!
I should have realized Black was there! Rereading the last chapter, I missed the "loud" voice. Oops! And as much as I would love to see familiar faces meeting our lovely protagonist Y here, I like how you're going at a steady pace so the introductions won't be rushed. It makes the eventual meetings better, and I'd look forward to them more that way. (Highkey looking forward to Diamond to appear!)
Crystal as the soccer coach is so, so fitting. And the more I read about Y's struggles to do well, the funnier it gets when she fails due to her own recklessness or other people's mistakes. And when she had enough, she reminded me of a Rhyhorn stampeding through the field, bashing away any poor soccer players that were in her way. She's definitely going to join the soccer team now. ...the team is filled with hotheads.
Oh, hi Gold! Fancy seeing you here! I wonder if he's a teacher as well? Maybe another coach? ...is he and Crystal a thing yet? Asking for a friend.
Hey, you’re back to the old familiar ID! Hehehe.
Ah yes. Black’s inclusion was a subtle hint in the last chapter. The only hint being the italicized “loud”, indicating that he was in the soccer team somewhere. And yes. Y is going to be meeting the other familiar faces slowly over time. I mean, my favorite Dex Holder Platinum hasn’t even been mentioned yet, and it’s been 4 chapters. I’m taking things quite slowly in that regard, because it makes sense. A 1st year student is not going to be meeting all sorts of 2nd and 3rd year students right off the bat, you know? And oh yes. Diamond is definitely going to be in Wings. I think he’ll be the first Sinnoh Dex Holder that Y will meet.
Yep! Crystal as soccer coach! Definitely! And oh, Y. She’s like a rampaging Dragon when frustrated and pissed off, plowing through everything in her way, whether it’s her teammates or the opponent. Hehe. A soccer team filled with hotheads. Oh dear. Hahaha.
Nah. Gold is no teacher. What could he possibly be teaching in Wings? No, no. He’s there for a different reason that’ll be covered later. And yes, Gold and Crystal are in a relationship. They are “a thing”. Obviously it’s not going to be getting a whole ton of focus, but it’ll be there.
Destiny #007
1) Its confirmed, eh? This entire thing was orchestrated by Peter. Not that I'm surprised, it's just nice to have clarity on that part. Anyways, I can definitely see Blue doing something she'll regret later. I mean if it says that Blue will probably help, then she just might. But I don't think she would help knowing it'd hurt the other dexholders. If she helps Peter it'd be because he somehow tricks her into doing it. But hmm, there's only one way to find out. And that's to read more chapters. Also, that small little tidbit about Black's feelings on the whole light stone matter I thought was really nice. I'm not exactly sure how, but it tied that entire part together. And it definitely made everything seem more real. I feel like I'm just being dramatic, but that's how I feel on the matter. And just wanted tp congratulate you on that part 'cause it was wonderful written. Well, the entire chapter was wonderfully written, but I can only hope you know what I mean. Speaking of Unova dexholders. That particular scene with Ruby, Sapphire, and White; I thought although great to read, was not how I imagined it going down. I think I explained this in one of my previous reviews, or at least predicted it. But now that I think about it, it's completely plausible. And one last thing before I end this review. I just realized that it's been quite some time since we've seen Green. Haven't read anything in his point of view since he found out that Blue left and set out to look for her. Which makes me wonder. Will you write his perspective while he's searching hopelessly for her? Or right before he spots her somehow? Cannot wait to see things from his perspective again! Makes my urge to smack him lessen. Fucking asshole, I know he didn't mean to do that especially in that way. But god was that a jerky move. Low-key wanna punch him senseless, but oh well. I'll just have to read his P.O.V. in order to be satisfied. Again, thank you!
The continuation!
Yes. Blue, despite wandering off on her own and thus being led astray, is still a good girl at heart. She wouldn’t willingly help in hurting her former friends. She would more likely simply walk away and not interfere than actively hurting them. But... there really is only one way to find out, eh?
I guess Black escaping the Light Stone in that fashion is kind of amusing in hindsight, now that he’s actually free. Hehe. ... And is partly plot relevant later on :) And yes. A part of my “headcanon” with Black & White is that Black is forever fated to be indebted to her. Nothing serious, but enough that he’d be more compelled to care for her. Something stupidly sweet like that. Hehe.
The meeting of Ruby and Sapphire with White? This is basically the easiest way for me to drag Black and White, who are completely unrelated to the whole Mega Hunter shenanigans, into the plot! It’s a natural conversation that leads to White tagging along for the sake of meeting the others. Hehe.
Heh. Green ain’t going to find Blue. He doesn’t even know that she’s not in Kanto anymore. He said it himself too. If Blue doesn’t want to be found, she’s going to just disappear. And it’s his fault. Unintentional, perhaps, but his fault anyways. Because compared to Red, he’s a dick. Hehe.
Destiny #008
1) WHAT. THE. FUCK. HE JUST TOOK OUT A FUCKING ULTRA BALL AND THEN BRAINWASHED THIS POOR, UNSUSPECTING CHILD? HOW TF DID HE DO THAT? WHY CAN'T THIS MOTHERFUCKER JUST KEEL OVER AND DIE? I am legitimately raging right now. He's too goddamn powerful. How are the dexholders going to defeat this dude? I mean it was 27 vs 6. That's insane. How the hell did this dude even get his hands on such powerful pokémon anyway? You don't actually need to answer these questions, they're just rhetorical. And I know I'll get my answer later on. Also, speaking of that battle. When Green and red joined in, I swear to god I started clapping. The relief was immense. And reading that scene the only things going through my mind was that this was where Y and Ruby are going to die. Thank god that they didn't. But with those wounds? They can't battle him at his full power, not when they only have three days to recover. And they're not going to spend their days completely recovering. They'll have to pull themselves together and practice. That is, unless Yellow could use her healing power on humans. But I don't think that's the case. And how tf are they going to get that strong in three days? I know somehow they'll pull it of—as that is the way of stories—but as to how exactly they might go about doing that? I'm clueless. Speaking of which... it would be nice to have a story that doesn't go the same path as so many others. Where, somehow, the hero always prevails! Why? Because they're the hero. And, I mean, I guess it makes sense. They're the hero for a reason, but isn't it unrealistic for the hero to always win? To err is human after all. That is, if the hero was human. Don't get me wrong, I love stories with happy endings. It's just sometimes I ponder whether that was the realistic outcome. But anyways, I'm getting off-topic. I'm sure that in your story if the dexholders win, it would be for a very good reason. And it excites me to think of the ways of how you'll surprise me! This has been a long-ass review. I spent forever writing it, and I'm terribly sorry. But I thank you for writing this. Anyways, on to the next chapter!
Assimilation successful. ... It’s a phrase that you would’ve seen immediately in Destiny. I think the first chapter pretty much begins with that.
Hehe. How is he so strong? GAME MECHANICS!! The power of RNG abuse to get shiny IV 31 all things with the desired natures, and then EV raising them for max efficiency! And to make things worse, TEAM SYNERGY! ... And level 100! Because the Mega Hunter and his Pokemon are all based on a real life friend and his HUGE pile of RNGed Pokemon. ... I also have a similar sized pile of level 100 RNGed Pokemon, but I didn’t want to put myself in. That’d be weird! ... Heh. So. How are the Dex Holders going to win? ... I don’t know.
... “As that is the way of stories”... OTHER people’s stories, perhaps. Heh. The “power of bullsh*t” doesn’t work in my stories, you know. None of that “I have the willpower, I will succeed!” nonsense, or “the power of friendship!!”. Heh. “I am the main character, so I can do everything!” ... Nope. Not in here, bud. Hahaha.
2) Oh fuck I got so into writing that review that I forgot to put my name. Yeah the last long-ass review is Mel's.
Don’t worry, I figured! :)
Destiny #009
1) Oh god oh fuck. So soon! The scouts are coming... which brings me to another topic. How tf did this dude get so many scouts? How is he seeing what they're seeing? And who exactly are these scouts? 'Cause if they're just little children as the scout who got caught, then the dexholders will have no problem. But this dude isn't that stupid, or he is and he's planning on winning because of numbers. Which, I guess, isn't a bad idea. Numbers certainly help, but I mean come on. What a horrible thing to do to brainwash children. This dude is such an asshole and my ahem for him grows with every chapter. What even is the point in causing so much chaos? How will this benefit him? (And coming from a lazy person) Why tf would he go to such lengths? It sounds like too much work tbh. Fuck that, I'd rather stay at home relaxing. But I guess each to their own. Also, the writing in this chapter was sooo well done. It is envy chapter, but this one I loved the uncertainty it exuded, because of the uncertainty in the dexholders. What I guess I'm trying to say is, is that your writing reflects the emotions and thoughts of the dexholders in a way. This might just be me, I felt it was like that. It wasn't too overtly noticeable, but it left me with that feeling. Oh, and also some things I forgot to mention in the last review. I think I might've mentioned this before, but it just made me really happy to see that you kept the characters in... well... character. Incorporating things such as Pearl shouting the moves that the pokémon were going to execute really excite me. That's because so many times writers forget these things. And in the end product, you read something that resembles a character, but isn't quite actually like them. Actually, now I'm sure. I did say this another review. I'm sorry for the repetition them, it just amazes me. Another thing that amazes me, the strategies! You did really well in planning out the strategies in the battles. They were intricate, but easily understandable. And they sounded really effective. Really nice job on coming up with those. Oh, and before I end this. I just wanted to say that the interaction between Gold and Crystal at the beginning of this chapter was great. Still staying on the matter at hand, but also delving a bit into their history. Their relationship... they've broken up... made me sad ngl. But oh well, It's to be expected of that certain relationship. It can either be a really good one... or one that ends in heartbreak. It's definitely complicated for them. But one thing that made me chuckle was when Crystal retorted with "You were the one begging for me to come back to you." or something like that. Like it's so true. That's exactly what would happen, and of course Gold would try to play it so that he was the cool one. But we all know that he was the one begging lmaoooo. Also, the way you wrote in Green's concern for Blue in the chapter made me cry because of how beautiful it was. You didn't touch on the topic, but you made it so clear by his actions and things he said. It reminds me of this one thing C. S. Lewis once said, where it was something like, "Show, don't tell.". And that was a good example of that I thought. Makes me think there's hope for their relationship. Also, I know I talk a lot abut how you're work makes me cry. But goddamn are you also good at writing fluff. And it's incorporated a lot in your stories, even your more tragic ones. It's nice, because it's always good to have a balance. I mean, having a completely tragic story without any elements of happiness isn't a good read. So while some parts are sad, there are so many others where I smile or clap or laugh and the list goes on. I never realized how expressive I am when I'm reading lmao. Anyways, thank youuuuuu again.
How did the Mega Hunter get so many scouts mind controlled? ... Well, there are a lot of fodder class trainers that’ll get stomped in like 0.5 seconds and then get taken. Given established time gap, it’s certainly plausible to have mind controlled a crapton of nameless fodder! ... Well, that’s the excuse, anyways. You always need some fodder, you know?
Heh. Imagine if the villains were lazy. “Aw man. I don’t want to plant bombs in all those places... it’s rush hour...” Why is he stirring up chaos? Hehe. You’ll see later~ ... ... Well of course, you’ll see later. It’s the PLOT. ... Real subtle there, 135. Well done...
Aha, Pearl’s Detector trait in use! It’s often hard to do given just how many Dex Holders there are, but I try to think like “in this situation, what would this group do, and how would the members react?” So in the case of a battle, Pearl would be the first to detect which attacks are incoming since that’s his whole shtick.
The... battle strategies... well, they’re mostly just recreations of what I went through in XY/ORAS battles with the guy who the Mega Hunter is based on. That freaking Eruption, man. ... More of the “asshole combos” later.
Hehe. Yep. Gold got dumped, begged, and is trying to maintain the “cool guy” outlook by pretending that she was the one begging. ... Poor dude. But hey, now’s the chance for him to show just how reliable he is! After all, there’s something about destruction and devastation that brings people together!!
Green’s concerns for Blue that has to be put under because of ensuing chaos. Hehe. This is a loose reference to something that happens in SA, and what Blue says to him: “Can’t you put me on the top of your priorities just once?” Almost a year after that story ended (Dec 2013), Destiny began (Sept 2014), and... sure enough, Green is forced to put something else on the top of his priorities, over Blue. It’s because of his personality. Task first. Personal problems come after the public ones. ... But it doesn’t mean he likes that.
Yes. BALANCE. I write a ton of cutesy, fluffy stuff, along with horrific doom hammer strikes. But the fluffy stuff don’t stand out in memory because they don’t have shock value, but doom stuff do. So the common misconception is that I always write doom. No, I do not. BALANCE! Especially much further on where a chapter is half fluff, half doom. BALANCE. ... That said, I think you will cry a lot though. Hehehe... But hey, you’ll be laughing and clapping, and even shuddering at the pure cute fluff later on as well!
2) Also I meant to each their own kek.
To each their own indeed. In a lot of ways.
Heart #001
1) So I'm just going to say this before actually reading so I, don't forget.
So Platinum has to pick between the boys...?
OK, but *grabs a mic* WHY NOT BOTH?
*drops mic*
Seriously though, consider the ot3 as a viable outcome, please. Don't just... tease me with the ship 'tag' I guess dunno how to call it in FF
Yes, Platinum has to pick one or the other. Why not both? ... This is a PAIRING. A pair has two members. And forcing all three Sinnoh Dex Holders into a single “pair”ing does not work out for anyone.
The “tag”...
Tumblr media
I assume you mean that? I only did that because I couldn’t add Platinum twice. My original intent was to put Platinum with Diamond and Platinum again with Pearl. But I couldn’t put up Platinum twice or have her be in two different pairings at once. And it’s not like I could isolate one of the boys either, because... well, that’s a little... on-the-nose, isn’t it? But to avoid “teasing”, I could just give one of the boys the boot and spoil the ending, which... well, I’m sure everyone who reads my stuff will know anyways.
All three of them together is not a viable outcome. As friends? Certainly. I’m not breaking the Morning Sound trio. In a love relationship? Nope. Not happening. One is going to be accepted and experience pure bliss. The other is going to be rejected and experience bitter heartbreak. It’s inevitable and meant to be. ... Just delayed for as long as Platinum doesn’t realize the situation.
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pulchrasilva · 3 years
Have *I* Grown?
i know im a bit late, but after the latest sanders sides episode celebrating how far the show has come, I figured there was no better time to celebrate how far i, as an individual have come thanks to this fandom
i first started watching sanders sides somewhere between DWIT and ATHD being released and was sucked in pretty immediately (this was about 2 years ago, since that was when i joined ao3 - it feels like much longer than that). while id become invested in shows and books before, it was when i discovered sanders sides fanfiction that i really started taking part in fandom in any major way
the characters and the plot mean so much to me. they’ve been there through my best days and helped me through my worst, ESPECIALLY through the pandemic. i cant tell you how many times i’ll quote the series, or use advice in the show to help guide myself or my friends. truly, a huge part of my development to where i am now is in large part due to sanders sides
but ultimately, it was the community that really got me as invested as i am now. dont get me wrong, this fandom is not perfect, but that doesnt mean that it cant also be a wonderful place a lot of the time. there are people on this site who i would now (tentatively) call friends, who i only know thanks to sanders sides. ive found people irl (both fanders and not) who are willing to talk to me about this interest of mine. there are people who i consider massive inspirations to myself and my writing, who most people in the wider world dont even know, who i would never have heard about if it wasnt for the fantastic coincidence of us both enjoying the same content at similar times. i cant even imagine not having these people in my life. even those people who just leave a single comment on one of my works mean so so much to me (as in, i read the comments when im having a bad day and the world immediately feels so much brighter)
and then theres how my creativity and skills have developed too. the main example would be writing: the first fic that i ever wrote was Remus Fights the Dragon Witch, which... while i love it, i can definitely see a vast improvement in my writing since then, particularly in dialogue, which i’ve always found a challenge. also i now use actual titles for my work. i now have a better understanding of my own style, and what i want to write. That first fic was (at least, supposed to be) a comedy, and it was mostly action-based. now my fics are usually angsty hurt/comfort with a focus on character relationships. (not sure if that one is a reflection of a shift in myself or in how the series is going tbh lol). the favourite fic of mine that ive written so far is Arachne, which i love with all my heart. i think it really demonstrates my skill now, which, while i sometimes struggle to recognise it, is pretty damn good i think.
and ive recently been branching out into other mediums too - the first piece of art that i made for myself in a long time was of Virgil, and ive been considering creating (and maybe posting) some more art in the future. this doesnt sound like much, but ive struggled a lot with insecurities about my drawings in the past, so this is a massive step for me. ive started doing a little bit of cosplay, even, and so far have a full remus one which i wore for halloween and the start of a janus one. plus, ive been branching out a little into other fandoms too, and while sanders sides will probably stay as my comfort zone, its definitely nice to dabble my toes outside of it a bit more.
it can be difficult at times, but we should all take some time to just be proud of ourselves sometimes, it can really make a world of difference. idk how many people will see this, but fellow fanders, i encourage you to recognise your achievements too!! you can go ahead and add them under this post, or make your own! or just do it privately in your own mind if you’d prefer - lets just spread some positivity! even if its just me who uses this opportunity for self-love, i still think thats meaningful. nobody’s perfect, but we’re always growing and changing, and we should all remember that <3
0 notes
gontagokuhara · 7 years
I honestly can't stand you. You are so rude and you are what discourages people from writing. Because you bash things into the ground. Stop acting like you're gods gift to fanfiction. You're not.
ive been staring at this ask trying to figure out how i want to answer it.
my initial thought was to make a dumb joke and dismiss it and go back to laughing with my friends but. im genuinely curious about your anger, i suppose.
i imagine this ask is in response to the ask i answered previous about my fic? and if thats the case then, im aware it was really bitchy of me. but that was kind of the point?
i got the ask and i was a bit surprised because. well. i talk about jump a Lot. and anyone who has been on my blog for any amount of time would know that?
i was actually talking to my friends about the ask, and (i cant recall what i said verbatim) i said i was going to respond in the pettiest way possible.
and. well. we all know my response.
the wording of your ask confuses me though? like it was spurred by the posting of the other ask but you wrote as if there was more to that to disliking me? and i honestly dont understand i dont think.
i wouldnt consider myself a consciously rude person? and looking back at my asks ive answered about jump my impression is mostly bashfulness and sort of stunned gratefulness at all the attention? if ive been rude i. dont think i really understand where (that one /faq ask, maybe, but other than that…?)
as for that ‘youre what discourages people from writing’ bit…ouch. i think thats what stung the most in your ask. thats the last thing i want; i love writing so much and hearing ive inspired people to write their own fics or draw fanart or write based on my posts fills me with such pride and joy because? ive influenced someone to do something creative?
but that part of your ask is a bit unfair i think. i think that might be the part most borne out of anger, so im going to be honest and say until i have something more…concrete, saying that i discourage people from writing, im going to take it with a grain of salt.
the part i dont understand is the 'you bash things into the ground’ part. do i take things too far? or? i dont understand that part, and if youd like to clarify im more than happy to respond.
and the gods gift to the world part…i feel like thats incorrect and based on that one singular post. if im being honest, i am still insecure in my writing and seeing the attention its gotten doesnt really make sense to me. i still dont think ive wrapped my head around it.
because; why me? what is so special about jump that it has the most reads, and kudos, and bookmarks in the deh tag? its nothing special at its core. its incredibly special to Me because its the first thing ive written that i am genuinely proud of producing and have fun making, but when put up against the desperate type or ykttylr its nothing out of the world amazing.
did i take advantage of its status to make a stupid joke? yes, and to be honest i dont think im sorry because it hasnt done any harm.
but do i think im 'gods gift to writing’? no, i dont. not by a longshot. accepting praise everytime a chapter goes up makes me uncomfortable still. hearing people say i inspired them is, while flattering, also horrifying because /why am i an inspiration? what did i do thats so special?/ and while i love all my readers i feel so genuinely…undeserving of them that it leaves me feeling stuck.
sorry this got so long, but i wanted to give an actual response instead of just writing you off. feel free to send an ask clarifying your points, or dm me if youre comfortable?
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fortitudesouth · 7 years
2016: In fanfiction
I did this last year for my own amusement, and procrastinated this year. But here it goes. Same stuff as last time, a variety of fandoms, and the stories weren’t necessarily written in 2016, but that’s when I read them. Also, I’m addicted to h/c and angst, so fair warning, these range from fluff to heavy topics. So without further ado:
Boku No Hero Academia
I. Sharp Eyes by PitViperofDoom  
 Aizawa gets an unexpected visitor with a strange but earnest request. 
This author has done multiple stories in this fandom, I am a big fan. Midoriya looking out for his friends, you know? It gets me. Warning: heavy themes referenced.
II. the storm comes quietly before it shakes the entire world by Tatsumaki_Sama   
Midoriya's “Fearow” did not want to come out of its Pokeball.
With the popularity of Pokemon Go this past year, someone had to write out this story. And Tatsumaki_Sama does it extremely well. 
III. Barology by MissAquarius  
  Barology: the study of gravity.
So if you’ve hung around for a while, you might know that I’m a big fan of friendship stories. This is an excellent one. It is a H/C story, so be forewarned.
IV. Among the Ashes by AliFyre 
Raised by his hero and older brother, the famous firefighter Iida Tensei, Iida Tenya has always had a bright beacon in his life inspiring him and drawing him forward. However, when Tensei is grievously injured in a fire set by a serial arsonist, his life is turned completely upside down. Suddenly his brother’s caretaker, Tenya must learn to cope with a slew of new responsibilities and find a new place to lean on in his time of hardship. Being unable to rely on his brother for emotional support, he must find other ways to cope with the drastic changes in his life -- something which Midoriya Izuku is all too happy to help with. Meanwhile, the fires in the city keep burning, reminding him every day of the pain his brother is suffering -- and his own desire for revenge.
So if you didn’t read all that, then let me tell you this: heavy themes. But a very good story.
Harry Potter
V. when in doubt, go to the library by LullabyKnell 
The Hogwarts Library saves the Wizarding World through the power of reading.
Sighs. Yes. 
VI. THERMOS!, or, How a Muggle-Born Brought a New Age of Spell-Making to Hogwarts (Entirely by Accident) by susieboo
Muggle-born witch Phoebe McDevitt just wanted her tea to stay warm during class. She didn't expect to accidentally start a spell-making craze among her classmates.
[Oneshot. Next generation. Based off a Tumblr post, which I will link to in the notes.]
Had me giggling. The next gen we need. 
VII. Wish by someonestolemyshoes
Kageyama Tobio wished upon a falling star.
He would learn, in due time, that stars do not grant wishes, for stars do not fall: they float, many millions of miles away, and there they always stay, keeping themselves very much to themselves.
No, the little ball of falling light on which Tobio cast his wish, was a fire demon.
And fire demons don’t grant wishes either.
But they, at the very least, will listen.
The right amount of fantasy and angst. Sad, but in a melancholy way with a nice ending. 
VIII. Jump Start by Esselle
"You came to see how I'm doing?" Kageyama asks blankly. "Why?"
Daichi shrugs. "Why not? We're both in this scene, right? So I know how it is. You had some rough luck, so from one racer to another… I guess I just wanted to come wish you the best."
"…Oh," Kageyama says, looking no less confused.
In retrospect, Daichi supposes that this is kind of weird. But the nurse had said no one had been up to visit. Where is the kid's crew?
He doesn't pry. Instead, he says, "I'm Sawamura Daichi. It's nice to finally meet you in person." '
Daichi visits a racing prodigy in the hospital after an accident and finds, in place of a hardened champion, a bedridden, frustrated boy. Injured and friendless, Kageyama is wary of opening up to anyone. But Daichi, Suga, and Asahi know that crew is family; if Kageyama has neither, they'll try to be both.
No you guys don’t understand I need Karasuno supportive family it’s my jam
IX. sister's day by Interconnected_3
When he was five, she cut her hair, and kept cutting it.
Tanaka loves his big sister. Tall, cool, smart, dependable, and also the biggest liar he’s ever seen in his life.
Parental loss AU: On a certain May evening, Ryuunosuke finds an unfinished letter written to Saeko when he was six. To celebrate ‘Sister’s Day’, he decides to fill in the blanks in more ways than one.
I’m not crying you’re crying. Warning: Many heavy topics. Please read the tags, folks. 
X. A Split-Second of Violence by maychorian
Hinata is loud. Hinata is annoying. Hinata is also passionate and sunny and bright, and so full of joyful energy that he brings out the best in everyone around him, even if they occasionally want to slap his head to make him shut up for awhile. When a split second of violence threatens to take all of this away, Karasuno responds with a fury.
Okay. So. Last year a KnB story by maychorian was on my list. She writes such good stories she single-handedly dragged me into the haikyuu fandom. Yep. This is where it all started. Possibly my favorite h/c story of all time. Heavy themes, lots of medical hurt, and bullies. 
XI. Like Butter (Scraped Over Too Much Bread) by Umecchi
Alaude had known it was likely an inevitable confrontation. Daemon wasn't one to ignore people who were annoying him or getting in his way, and Alaude had always been magnificent at accomplishing both of those things at the same time.
So he'd known. Didn't mean he was happy about it.
This is a really, really great story. Just to warn though, violence and *spoiler* character death. But it’s just...so good?
XII. Sidelines by esama
The world ended and Tsuna survived.
This kept me fascinated, even though I generally avoid dystopian futures, I love time/au travel stories, and this was well done. Warnings include violence and Byakuran. Peripherally. 
Voltron: Legendary Defenders of Earth
XIII. Enduring by prettyshiroic (AnalystProductions)
Keith is made of fire.
Resolve burns through his core, like molten rock churning its way through the lava that courses through his veins. Hot and raw and fiery. It’s not quite anger. It’s just fire, and it spreads into everything he does so easily and chaotically. The starry sea they fly through becomes ablaze when he’s piloting - sometimes literally when he and Red unleash the firepower. His eyes flicker and fire dances in them when Pidge says she wants to leave the team. There’s the dulled dwindling embers longing to be rekindled when the group are sat together in the morning, when Keith takes the risk to melt into the moment and squeeze himself into scenes he’s never been a part of before. And then there’s sweltering infernos that are unyielding and untamed as he charges into enemy lines, fights to protect and defend.
Keith is made of fire.
So when the flames turn against him suddenly, it never fails to come as a surprise.
This is yet another fandom you can blame maychorian for me involving myself in. Geez. Anyway, heavy themes like chronic illness. Plus Keith’s generally sucky backstory. 
XIV. Child Soldiers by birdzilla
Allura knows that her paladins are young, but not how young. It turns out to be a difficult revelation.
And so it goes. War- even intergalatic war in space lions- isn’t a pleasant thing. Dragging kids into it without realizing that’s what you’ve done- well. 
And that’s it for 2016! Hopefully nice things will continue to come out in 2017 as well. Enjoy!
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