demonslayerscript · 28 days
Episode 13 : Something More Important Than Life / 第十三話『命より大事なもの』
竈門炭治郎「俺は今までよくやってきた!! 俺はできる奴だ!! そして今日も!! これからも!! 折れていても!! 俺が挫(くじ)けることは、絶対に無い!!」
Kamado Tanjiro “Orewa ima-made yoku yatte-kita!! Orewa dekiru yatsuda!! Soshite kyomo!! Kore-karamo!! Orete-itemo!! Orega kujikeru kotowa, zettaini nai!!”
Tanjiro Kamado “I’ve done a good job until now! I have what it takes! And not today… or any time in the future! Even if I’m broken… I’ll never give up no matter what!”
Zen’itsu (Tanjirowa doko-dayooo. Kimochiga warui otoga mada hibiite-kuru. Bujide iroyo, Tanjiro.)
Zenitsu (Where are you, Tanjiro? I can still hear that creepy sound. Just be safe and sound, Tanjiro!)
Shoichi “Ano, Zen’itsu-san. Nanka onaji took mawatte-nai-desuka?”
Shoichi “Um, Zenitsu, is it just me, or are we just going around and around in circles?”
善逸「やっぱり?! そんな気がしてたんだよね!さすが正一君、頼りになるね!じゃあ、こっちの部屋、大丈夫か見てくれない?」
Zen’itsu “Yappari?! Sonna kiga shitetan-dayone! Sasuga Shoichi-kun, tayorini narune! Jaa kocchino heya, daijobuka mite kurenai?”
Zenitsu “I knew it! I was getting the same feeling! That’s my boy, Shoichi! I knew I could count on you! All right, could you check to see if this room is safe?”
Shoichi “Aa…”
Zen’itsu “Nan-dayo! Wakatta-kara, sono mewa yamete! Jibunde yari-masuyooo.”
Zenitsu “What the heck? All right, all right, just stop giving me that look! Fine, I’ll do it myself!”
Zen’itsu “Uu…Hiii…Daremo inai. Kocchi itte miyo“.
Zenitsu “There’s nobody around. Let’s go this way.”
Zen’itsu “Tanjiro, dete-oideee. Wa, he…heyaga mawatta! Uwaaaa!”
Zenitsu “Tanjiro, please show up! Th-The room…just flipped!”
炭治郎(俺はやれる!! 絶対にやれる!! 成し遂げる男だ!骨折していようが何だろうが俺はやれる!! 戦える!!)
Tanjiro (Orewa yareru!! Zettaini yareru!! Nashi-togeru otokoda! Kossetsu shite-iyoga nan-daroga orewa yareru!! Tatakaeru!!)
Tanjiro (I can do it! I know I can do it! I’m a guy who gets things done! Broken bones or not… No matter what… I can do it! I can fight!)
炭治郎(折れてる炭治郎も凄いんだというのを見せてやれ!! うっ!うわっ!うわっ!うわっ!)
Tanjiro (Oreteru Tanjiromo sugoindato-iu-no’o misete-yare!! U! Uwa! Uwa! Uwa!)
Tanjiro (Show him how unstoppable you are! Broken bones or not!)
炭治郎(駄目だ!! 全然状況が変わってない。気合いだけではどうにもならない。頭だ!! 気合いと共に頭も使うんだ)
Tanjiro (Dameda!! Zen-zen jokyoga kawatte-nei. Kiai dake-dewa do-nimo naranai. Atamaa!! Kiaito tomoni atamamo tsukaunda.)
Tanjiro (It’s no good! Nothing’s changed at all! Spirit alone isn’t gonna get me anywhere! Your head… Use your head, not just spirit!)
Tanjiro (A! Atama! Atama! Ata…uwa!)
Tanjiro (Think! Think! Think!)
炭治郎(危ない!! 今のはギリギリだった!!)
Tanjiro (Abunai!! Ima-nowa giri-giri datta!!)
Tanjiro (Close call! I barely survived that one!)
Kyogai “Kuso, imaimashii. Hayaku marechio kuwaneba naranto iunoni!”
Kyogai “Damn! This is so annoying! I gotta consume marechi! There’s no time to lose!”
Tanjiro (Uwa! Atama tsukau hima naizo.)
Tanjiro (There isn’t even time to stop and think!)
Tanjiro “Kimi! Namaewa!”
Tanjiro “Hey you! What’s your name?”
Kyogai “…Kyogai.”
Kyogai “Kyogai.”
Tanjiro “Kyogai! Kiyoshi… Marechiwa watasa-nai! Orewa ore-nai! Akirame-nai!”
Tanjiro “Kyogai! I’m not handing over Kiyoshi…the marechi to you! I’m not gonna cave! I’m not giving up!”
Kyogaino shi “Akirame-nayo.”
Kyogai’s master “Just give it up, will you?”
Kyogai “Shoseiwa, marechio ete… Juni-Kizukini modoru-noda!”
Kyogai “I’m going to get my hands on some marechi and reclaim my place among the Twelve Kizuki!”
Kyogaino shi “Akirame-nayo. Tsumara-naiyo. Tsumara-nain-dayo, kimino kakimonowa. Subeteni oite gomino-yoda. Utsukushisamo, hakanasamo, sugomimo nai. Mo kaku-nowa Yoshi-tara do-dai. Kamito man’nen-hitsuno muda-zukai dayo. Saikinwa hiruma mattaku sotoni dete-konaishi, aa, sonna-fu-dakara kimiwa tsumara-nai-nosa. Shumino tsuzumi-demo tataite-tara iinda. Kono ieni tojikomotte. Soremo maa… Hitoni oshie-rareru udemae-demo naiga.”
Kyogai’s master “Just give it up, will you? It’s so boring! Your writing is just so boring. Every last word is utter trash! No beauty, no fragility, no impact. Why don’t you forget about writing? It’s just a waste of paper and fountain pens! You never even step outside anymore these days. So no wonder you’re so boring! You should just enjoy your hobby, playing the tsuzumi as long as you’re shut in here. Not that you have the skills to teach that, either!”
Kyogai “A…Ku…Uu…Uu…”
響凱「消えろ、虫けら共!! 尚速鼓打ち!」
Kyogai “Kiero, mushi-kera-domo!! Shosoku-Tsuzumi-uchi!”
Kyogai “Out of my sight! You damn insect! Rapid Drumming!”
Tanjiro (Moshika-shite, mada hayaku tsuzumio uteru-noka!)
Tanjiro (Don’t tell me he can strike that tsuzumi even faster!)
炭治郎「ぐああああ、うああああ…!目が回る!! この回転の速さ!! まずい…すごい技だ!しかも爪が三本から五本!あっ…」
Tanjiro “Guaaaa, Uaaaaa…! Mega mawaru!! Kono kaitenno hayasa!! Mazui… Sugoi wazada! Shikamo tsume-kara tsumega san-bon-kara go-hon! A…”
Tanjiro “The speed of these rotations is making me dizzy! This is bad! What an amazing skill! Not only that, but now he’s got five claws instead of three!”
Kyogai “A.”
Tanjiro (…Wakatta. Kamio fumanai-yoni yoketa okagede, kegaga itama-nai karadano ugokashi-kata, kokyuno shikataga wakatta!)
Tanjiro (Got it. Because I dodgedhis blows without stepping on the papers, I now know how to move my body without aggravating my wounds, and how to breathe!)
炭治郎(呼吸は浅く、速く!その呼吸で骨折している脚周りの筋肉を強化する。そして、爪の攻撃の前には、黴(かび)のような匂いがする!! 来る!! 爪の攻撃!!)
Tanjiro (Kokyuwa asaku, hayaku! Sono kokyude kossetsu shite-iru ashi-mawarino kinnikuo Kyoka suru. Soshite, tsumeno kogekino maeniwa, kabino-yona nioiga suru!! Kuru!! Tsumeno kogeki!!)
Tanjiro (Take shallow breaths. Quickly! Use that breathing technique to reinforce the muscles around your broken leg! And right before the claw attack, there’s the scent of mold! Here it comes! The claw attack!)
Tanjiro (Ue! Hidari! Migi! Ushiro!)
Tanjiro (Above! Left! Right! Behind!)
響凱(ぐっ… 攻撃を全て躱(かわ)している!! くっ…)
Kyogai (Gu… Kogekio subete kawashite-iru!! Ku…)
Kyogai (He’s evading all of my attacks!)
Tanjiro (Zen-Shuchu, Mizuno Kokyu, Kuno Kata. Suiryu-Shibuki, Ran!)
Tanjiro (Total Concentration… Water Breathing! Ninth Form, Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent!)
Tanjiro (Chakuchi-jikan, chakuchi-mensekio saishogenni shite…)
Tanjiro (Minimize the landing time and area as much as possible!)
Kyogai (Heyano kaitenni taio-shite-iru.)
Kyogai (He’s adapting to the room’s orientation changes!)
炭治郎(行け!! 入れ!! 間合いの内側へ!! 前へ!! 懐に入り込め!! 見えた!! 隙の糸!!)
Tanjiro (Ike!! Haire!! Maaino uchi-gawae!! Mae’e!! Futokoroni hairi-kome!! Mieta!! Sukino Ito!!)
Tanjiro (Go! Get in there! Within striking distance! Forward! Get right up in his face! I see Opening Thread!)
Tanjiro “Kyogai! Kimino kekki-jutsuwa sugokatta!!”
Tanjiro “Kyogai! Your Blood Demon Art was incredible!”
炭治郎(は――――――!!! いだだだだい!! 深く息を吸ってしまった!! うう…俺は長男だ……長男だ!!)
Tanjiro (Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Idadadadai!! Fukaku ikio sutte shimatta!! Uu…Orewa chonanda……Chonanda!!)
Tanjiro (Ouch, ouch, ouch! I took a deep breath by mistake! I’m the eldest son! The eldest son!)
Kyogai “Kozo…”
Kyogai “Boy…”
Tanjiro “A…”
Kyogai “Kotaero. Shoseino…kekki-jutsuwa……sugoika……”
Kyogai “Answer me. You think my Blood Demon Art… was incredible?”
Tanjiro “……Sugo-katta. Demo…Hito’o koroshita kotowa, yurusa-nai.”
Tanjiro “It was amazing. But… I can’t forgive you for killing others.”
Kyogai “………Soka.”
Kyogai “I see.”
Tanjiro (Soda, chio tora-nakya…)
Tanjiro (Oh, wait. I gotta get a blood sample.)
Tanjiro (Chiga toreteru. Sasattara, hontoni jidode chio totte kurerun-dana. Konnano tsukutte, Yushiro-sanwa kiyoda…)
Tanjiro (It extracted the blood. So, it really does extract blood automatically if you stick it in there. That Yushiro sure is skilled, creating something like this.)
Chachamaru “Nyaaaaaaa.”
Tanjiro “N? Wa, neko? A, kimiga… Tamayo-sanno tokoro’e todokete kurerun-dana? Yoshi-yoshi, arigato. Korede yoshi. Jaa, kio tsukete.”
Tanjiro “A cat? So, you’re the one who’s going to deliver this to Miss Tamayo, huh? There, there. Thanks! Now you’re all set. All right, take care now!”
Chachamaru “Nyaaaaaaa.”
Tanjiro (Yushiro-sanno jutsude, naku-made hitono me-niwa miezu, mo-ichido nakuto mata sugatao kesu-towa kiiteta-kedo… Honto nan-dana.)
Tanjiro (I was told that under Yushiro’s spell, it would be invisible until it meowed, and then vanish again when it meowed a second time. So, it’s true, huh?)
Tanjiro “A, ano ko-tachiwa……Sagasa-nakya.”
Tanjiro “Where are those two? I gotta search for them!”
Kyogai (Shoseino……kaita monowa……)
Kyogai (My…writing…)
Kyogaino shi “Tsumara-nain-dayo, kimino kakimonowa. Subeteni oite, gomino-yoda. Utsukushisamo, hakanasamo, sugomimo nai.”
Kyogai’s master “Your writing is just so boring. Every last word is utter trash! No beauty, no fragility, no impact.”
Kyogai (Gomi-nado-dewa nai. Sukunaku-tomo ano kozoni tottewa, fumitsukeni suru-yona mono-dewa nakatta-noda.)
Kyogai (It wasn’t trash at all. At the very least, not to that kid. He saw fit not to trample on it.”
Tanjiro “Jobutsu shite kudasai.”
Tanjiro “Rest in peace.”
Kyogai (Shoseino kekki-jutsumo……tsuzumimo……mitome-rareta……)
Kyogai (Both my Blood Demon Art…and my tsuzumi playing…have been recognized.)
炭治郎「清、てる子!清、てる子!清!! てる子―」
Tanjiro “Kiyoshi, Teruko! Kiyoshi, Teruko! Kiyoshi!! Teruko!”
Tanjiro “Kiyoshi! Teruko! Kiyoshi! Teruko! Kiyoshi! Teruko!”
Teruko “Kyaaaa!”
Tanjiro “E.”
Kiyoshi “Uwaaaaaaa!”
Tanjiro “Uwa! Gyaa!”
Teruko “A…”
Kiyoshi “Tanjiro-san…”
Kiyoshi “Tanjiro…”
Tanjiro “Nande mono’o nage-tsukerunda!”
Tanjiro “Why are you throwing stuff at me?”
Kiyoshi “Gomen-nasai! Tsuzumiga kiechatte konran-shite……”
Kiyoshi “We’re sorry! The tsuzumi vanished, so we panicked.”
Tanjiro “Soka. Demo yokatta, bujide.”
Tanjiro “I see. Well, I’m glad you’re safe.”
Teruko “Uwaaaan!”
Tanjiro “Yoku ganbattazo. Kiyoshimo.”
Tanjiro “You did a good job hanging in there. You, too, Kiyoshi.”
Kiyoshi “Un.”
Tanjiro “Saa, sotoni deyo. Senakani notte.”
Tanjiro “Come on, let’s head outside. Climb onto my back.”
Tanjiro “Ashiwa daijobuka?”
Tanjiro “Is your leg okay?”
Kiyoshi “Hai.”
Kiyoshi “Yes!”
Tanjiro “Mo sukoshino shinbo dazo.”
Tanjiro “You just have to be brave a little longer.”
Tanjiro “Zen’itsuto Shoichino nioiga suru. Sotoni deteruna. Futari-tomo buji…”
Tanjiro “I’m picking up Zenitsu and Shoichi’s scent. They must be outside. Both of them safe―”
炭治郎(あっ!! 血の匂いだ!)
Tanjiro (A!! Chino nioida!)
Tanjiro (I smell blood!)
Kiyoshi “Doshitano?”
Kiyoshi “What’s wrong?���
Tanjiro “Iya…isogo.”
Tanjiro “Nothing. Let’s hurry.”
Hashibira Inosuke “Ora! Doke! Oraa! Katana’o nuite tatakae! Kono yowa-misoga!!”
Inosuke Hashibira “Take this! Move it! Take this! Draw your sword and fight me! You spineless punk!”
Tanjiro “A……!”
善逸「炭治郎…俺…守ったよ…… お前が…これ…命より大事なものだって…言ってたから…」
Zen’itsu “Tanjiro…ore…mamottayo…… Omaega…kore…inochi-yori daijina monodatte…itteta-kara…”
Zenitsu “Tanjiro… I protected it. Because you said…this was more important to you than your life. The thing is…”
Zen’itsu (Orewana, mukashi-kara mimiga yokattan-dayona. Neteru aidani hitoga hanashita koto’o shitteru tokiga atte, kimiwaru-garare-takke. Onino otoga kieta… Tanjiro, oni taoshitan-dana. Tanjiro-tachito, ato nanka henna urusai ashi-otoga suruna……)
Zenitsu (I’ve always had really good hearing. One time, I knew what people said while I was asleep, and that creeped everyone out. I’m not hearing any more demon sounds. Tanjiro, you defeated that demon, didn’t you? I can hear you guys, and also these weird-sounding, loud footsteps.)
Shoichi “…itsu-san! Zen’itsu-san! Zen’itsu-san!”
Shoichi “…itsu! Zenitsu! Zenitsu!”
Zen’itsu “A…”
Shoichi “Aa, yokatta! Daijobu desuka? Heyaga kawatta tokino ikioide, sotoni tobasare-tan-desu. Nikaino mado-kara ochi-mashita.”
Shoichi “Thank goodness! Are you all right? When the room spun around, we got thrown outside. We fell from the second-story window.”
Zen’itsu “A… So-dakke?”
Zenitsu “Did we now?”
Shoichi “Zen’itsu-sanga kabatte kureta-node, bokuwa daijobu desu-kedo…”
Shoichi “You were protecting me, so I’m totally fine. But…”
善逸「それは良かった。で…なんでそんなに泣いてんの?ん?なるほどね?! 俺が頭から落ちてんのね?!」
Zen’itsu “Sorewa yokatta. De…Nande sonnani naitenno? N? Naruhodone?! Orega atama-kara ochiten-none?!”
Zenitsu “I’m glad to hear that. So, tell me, why all the tears? Now I get it! I fell right onto my head, didn’t I?”
Shoichi “Hai……”
Shoichi “Yes.”
Zen’itsu “Ore shinu? Ore shinuno? Aa…nanka atamaga kura-kura shite-kita.”
Zenitsu “Am I gonna… Am I gonna die? My head is starting to spin.”
Inosuke “Uhahahahaha…!”
Zen’itsu “Nani nani, nani nani, nani?”
Zenitsu “What’s this? What’s this? What’s this?”
伊之助「猪突猛進!! 猪突猛進!!」
Inosuke “Chototsu-moshin!! Chototsu-moshin!!”
Inosuke “Comin’ through! Comin’ through!”
Zen’itsu “Gyaaaaaaa! Mata deta! Bake-inoshishiiiiiii!”
Zenitsu “There it is again! The monster boar!”
伊之助「アハハハハハ!! 鬼の気配がするぜ!!」
Inosuke “Ahahahahaha!! Onino kehaiga suruze!!”
Inosuke “I’m getting a demonic vibe.”
Zen’itsu “A, Aitsu… Ima, koe kiite wakatta. Go-nin-meno gokakusha… Saishu-Senbetsuno tokini, dare-yorimo hayaku nyuzan shite, dare-yorimo hayaku gezan shita yatsuda!! Sekkachi-yaro!!”
Zenitsu “It’s him! I was able to tell from this voice! He’s the fifth survivor! During the Final Selection, he was the first to rush up the mountain, and then he came down from the mountain before anyone else! Mr.Impatient!”
Inosuke “Hahahaha, mitsuketazoooo! Uoo!”
Inosuke “Hey, found it.”
Zen’itsu “Yamerooooooooooooo!”
Zenitsu “Cut it out!”
Inosuke “Nanda, temeewa? Soko’o doke!”
Inosuke “Who the hell are you? Get out of the way!”
Zen’itsu “Orewa Agatsuma Zen’itsu, omaeto onaji Kisatsu-Taida!”
Zenitsu “I’m Zenitsu Agatsuma! I’m with the Demon Slayer Corps like you!”
Inosuke “Aa? Kisatsu-Tai? Nara wakaru-daroga! Sorewa shimatsu shinakucha nanneenda. Hayaku soko’o doke!”
Inosuke “Demon Slayer Corps? Then I shouldn’t have to tell you! We gotta get rid of that thing! Now, get the hell out of my way!”
Zen’itsu “Dokanai! Korewa Tanjirono…”
Zenitsu “I’m not moving! This is Tanjiro’s―”
Inosuke “Gocha-gocha urusee! Nara soitsumo hakomo matomete shimatsu shite-yaru. Sassato doke!”
Inosuke “Don’t argue with me! In that case, I’m gonna demolish him and the box together! I said move it!”
Inosuke “Temee…”
Inosuke “Why, you…”
Zen’itsu “Kono hako-niwa, tedashiwa sasenai! Tanjirono daijina mono nanda!!”
Zenitsu “Inside this box… Inside this box is something I’m not letting you touch! Something precious to Tanjiro!”
Inosuke “Oioioi, nani ittenda! Sono naka-niwa oniga iruzoo, wakaranee-noka?”
Inosuke “Oh, hey, come on! What are you talking about? There’s a demon inside that box! Don’t you get that?”
Zen’itsu “Sonna kotowa saisho-kara wakatteru!!”
Zenitsu “I’ve known that from the very start!”
Zen’itsu (Onio tsureteru-nowa wakatteta. ‘Onino oto’wa ‘ningenno oto’to mattaku chigau-kara. Demo… Tanjiro-karawa, nakitaku-naru-yona yasashii otoga suru. Ima-made kiita kotomo nai kurai yasashii otoda. Ikimono-karawa tonikaku otoga shite-iru. Takusanno otoga kobore-dashite-iru. Kokyu-on, shin-on, chino meguru oto. Soreo chui-bukaku kikuto, aitega nanio kangaete-irukamo wakatta. Demo orewa hitoni yoku damasareta. Orewa jibunga shinjitaito omou hito’o itsumo shinjita. Kisatsu-Taide arinagara, onio tsureteru Tanjiro. Demo, soko-niwa kanarazu jijoga aru hazuda. Sorewa orega nattoku dekiru jijodatte shinjiteru.)
Zenitsu (I knew he was traveling with a demon. Because the sounds of demons make aren’t anything like human sounds. But…I can pick up a sound so gentle and kind from Tanjiro, it makes me want to cry. So kind, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything like it before. All living creatures constantly give off sounds. The world is full of all these sounds spilling out. Breathing, heartbeats, the sound of blood circulating… By listening closely, I could tell what someone was thinking. But I’ve been deceived by others time and time again. I’ve always believed in whomever I wanted to believe in. Tanjiro, despite being a Demon Slayer, is traveling with a demon. But I’m sure he has a reason for that. And that it’s a reason I can accept! I believe that!”
Zen’itsu “Orega…”
Zenitsu “I…”
Inosuke “Aa?”
Zen’itsu “Orega chokusetsu, Tanjironi hanashio kiku! Dakara omaewa……hikkondero!!!”
Zenitsu “I’m going to ask Tanjiro directly myself! So, you… You can just back off!”
Inosuke “Hanashi-yagare! Uzeen-dayo! Oo!”
Inosuke “Let go of me, dammit! You’re so annoying!”
Zen’itsu “Sore-niwa sawarase-nai. Sorewa Tanjirono…daijina monoda!”
Zenitsu “You’re not laying a finger on that! That’s something…precious to Tanjiro!”
Zen’itsu “Aitsuga modotte-kuru-madewa sawarase-nai!”
Zenitsu “You’re not touching it until he gets back!”
Inosuke “Kusoga! Oraa! Doke!”
Inosuke “Damn you! Take this! Move it!”
Zen’itsu “Iyada!”
Zenitsu “I won’t!”
Inosuke “Ora! Doke! Oraa! Katanao nuite tatakae! Kono yowa-misoga!”
Inosuke “Take this! Move it! Take this! Draw your sword and fight me! You spineless punk!”
Tanjiro “A……!”
Zen’itsu “Tanjiro… Ore, mamottayo. Omaega…kore…inochi-yori daijina mono-datte…itteta-kara.”
Zenitsu “Tanjiro… I protected it. Because you said…this was more important to you…than your life.”
伊之助「威勢のいいこと言ったくせに、刀も抜かねえ、この愚図が!! 同じ鬼殺隊なら戦ってみせろ!!」
Inosuke “Iseino ii koto itta-kuseni, katanamo nukanee, kono guzuga!! Onaji Kisatsu-Tai-nara tatakatte-misero!!”
Inosuke “After all that bluster, you won’t even draw your sword, you dumbass? If you’re a fellow Demon Slayer, then let’s see you fight!”
Tanjiro “Ha!”
Inosuke “Tatakawa-nee-nara, sassato doki-yagare! Oraa! Dokee!”
Inosuke “If you’re not gonna fight, get the hell out of my way! Move it!”
Inosuke “Mo ii. Kore-ijo oreno jamao suru-nara… Omae-goto hako’o kushi-zashini shite-yaru!!”
Inosuke “Enough! If you won’t get out of my way, I’ll just have to skewer you along with that box!”
Tanjiro “Yamero!!”
Tanjiro “Knock it off!”
Inosuke “Aa?”
Tanjiro “Yamerooo! Uoooo!”
Tanjiro “Knock it off!”
大正コソコソ噂話 ―Taisho Secret―
Tanjiro “Heyaga kaiten shite kogekimo dekiru-nante, sugoi kekki-jutsu datta.”
Tanjiro “That was some Blood Demon Art to make the room spin around and still attack!”
Tanjiro “Kibutsujini chikai oni-hodo, sarani kyoryokuna kekki-jutsuo tsukatte-kuru. Orewa hontoni kateruno-daroka?”
Tanjiro “Maybe the closer a demon is to Kibutsuji, the more potent and troublesome his Blood Demo Art will be. I wonder if I really have a chance of beating them.”
Tanjiro “Kokode, Taisho koso-koso uwasa-banashi. Yashikini ita, onino Kyogaiwa “Satomi Hakken-den”ga sukide, jibun-demo denki-shosetsuo kaite-ita rashii desuyo.”
Tanjiro “Now, it’s time for a Taisho secret! Kyogai, the demon in that house, is a fan of ‘The Legend of the Eight Samurai,’ and I hear he was writing a biographical novel of his own.”
Tanjiro “Oreteru baaija nai-yona. Jikai, dai ju-yonwa, ‘Fujino Hanano Kamonno Ie’. Niichan ganbaruzoo! Aitatatatata! Hone oreteruno wasureteta…”
Tanjiro “Right, this is no time to be banged up! Next, Episode 14, ‘The House with the Wisteria Family Crest.’ Your big brother’s gonna kick some butt! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I forgot about my broken bones!”
(Continue to episode 14)
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supercurlygurl · 6 years
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I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become! 🌺💋🌸 🌈Day 14 of #GravityIssues @cyogalife #blackgirlyoga #yogamom #iyoga #vibratehigher #highfrequency #yoga #yogalife #yogalove #yogafun #yogi #yogini #igyoga #blackyogagirl #blackyogamom #flexiblemoms #momswhostretch #momswhoyoga #yogaaddict #yogagrowth #grateful #thankyou #yogaflow #yogadaily #imamom #imamommy #momlove #momof4 #wheelpose (at North Bethesda, Maryland)
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fitnessmantrago · 4 years
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Did You Know 🤔 🚨 FOLLOW 👉 @fitnessmantra.go 👈 for more daily amazing health and fitness content 💚 Credit 📷: @healthyyoutips #asanas #asanasyoga #yogilifestyle #yogilife #upliftandliftheavy #iyoga #yogafamilia #yogafamily #yogaeverywhereyougo #aloyoga #aloyogachallenge #yogafitsyou #outdooryoga #yogacommunityfl #yogadailypractice #yogaphotoshoot #flexibilitygoals #flexibilitytraining #gyanmudra #yogatime https://www.instagram.com/p/CErW_-0gtOY/?igshid=8tnbkbbz3thy
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shankargallery · 5 years
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#iyoga #yogaeverydamnday #boulderbikramyoga (at Boulder, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/shankargallery/p/BwkkxX2FSAy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1n1ef07l0i8zf
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lolita79 · 6 years
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Day 30 Is my Tiger Pose for #doyoutransform @doyouyoga Still exhausted from the trip! Still feeling stiff, but slowly getting back to the routine. This pose has helped though with the stiffness of my back! my balance always needs works due to my ALC smh🤦‍♀️ Breath In! Breath Out!!!! ❤️🙏 Bisous xo . . . . “Yoga means Addiction, Addiction to Energy, Strength, and Beauty to body, Mind and Soul.” - unknown . . . . . . #igyoga #yogaliving #hello2019 #instayoga #yogachallenge #iyoga #yogaposes #yogaasana #yogapractice #yogaaddict #yogachallenge #tigerpose #vyaghrasana #happymonday #selflove #selfcare#healthylifestyle #healthyliving (at Inner Sunset) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtSldisleV_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=194u6kz6depdl
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yogabysinda · 7 years
Volume up! It feels like a fun day today! Who's with me. Mor play on Friyay, hey! TODAY! 5/12 @exhalespa Stamford 12pm for Exhale flow yoga, you'll be glad you did! 😘😘😘 #headstand #tripod variation #yogalove #yogafun #yogismakebetterlovers #igyogafam #igyogacommunity #iyoga #yogini #yogimom #instagood #instahappy #inspired @beautiful_yoga0_0 @yoga_snaps @yoga.vids @yoga_digest @yogachannel @namaste.tv #yogaart #yogaposes @mantramagazine @nyyogalifemag @sindaanzovino top: @aloyoga bottoms: @lululemon video cred: @yogininurse44 (at White Plains, New York)
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ryantyler2-blog · 5 years
Join Sue Everett for a general yoga workshop exploring what it means to live with a practice, how we move with it over a lifetime and how we can sit in stillness with it.
Sue has extensive knowledge of the body gained from her background in classical & modern dance in Australia and Europe that informs her practice at a deep level. Following a spinal injury, Sue returned to Melbourne and was introduced to the healing qualities of Iyengar Yoga.
Sue began teaching yoga in 1991 and enjoys traveling within Australia and overseas to teach & train yoga teachers. She is the director and principal teacher at Yoga Jivana in Melbourne and has previously served as president of the B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia.
Fully qualified directly from Geeta S Iyengar, Sue is a Senior Intermediate 3 Iyengar Yoga teacher, Teacher Trainer, and Assessor.
Sue’s interest is to promote a deeper understanding of how to support and nurture a holistic and disciplined yoga practice while incorporating the fundamentals of yogic philosophy. Sue’s teaching style, while welcoming and encouraging to all, emphasizes a rigorous and challenging approach to the practice of yoga asana and pranayama. Sue is known for her clarity in teaching the intricacies of yoga practice and teaching.
Friday 6:30 -8:30pm Saturday 12:00 – 5:00pm Sunday 8:30am – 1:30pm
VENUE Yoga To Go Studio, 106-108 Crystal Street, Petersham
WHAT TO BRING 1 x Mat, 2 x Bricks, 2 x Straps
A $50 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit secures your place. The balance should be paid in person at the start of the workshop.
Early Bird Before October 1: $250
General Fee: $300
To make a booking please Tamar at Iyoga Project via email  tamar@iyogaproject or visit the website www.iyogaproject.com
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#stretching #flexibility #plans #yoga #poses #pilates #exercise #workout #trainer #sworkit #mobility #static #dance #health #back #pain #mindfulness #iyoga #sport #bodygoals #2019 #2019goals #perfectbody #healthylifestyle #stretchedears #stretchedlobes #stretches #flexible #flexiblegirls (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsN0o1mFnlU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1anf1pukg6bb0
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supercurlygurl · 6 years
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I’m having so much fun here at #beachbodysummit2018. Thank goodness I was able to take a yoga shot before traveling because I’m way to intoxicated to have taken one now. Have a great weekend everyone! Wait a minute...it’s Wednesday! Hahahahahahaha. Well it totally feels like the weekend to me. #coachlife #GravityIssues @cyogalife #blackgirlyoga #yogamom #iyoga #vibratehigher #vibratehigherfitness #yoga #yogalife #yogalove #yogafun #yogi #yogini #igyoga #blackyogagirl #blackyogamom #momswhostretch #momswhoyoga #yogaaddict #yogagrowth #grateful #thankyou #yogaflow #yogadaily #imamom #imamommy #momlove #momof4 (at Indianapolis, Indiana)
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zentubecanal · 4 years
3 HORAS música relaxante. Relaxe o corpo e a mente durante este fundo acalmando composição instrumental. Use-o para a meditação Zen, Reiki, Yoga, spa, sono, massagem e estudo no fundo. 
Música de fundo (Gênero Musical), Meditação (Idéia), Música instrumental, Música longa Música relaxante, Música instrumental, Música de meditação, New age, Zen Music, Música relaxante para dormir, Canções relaxantes, sleep, spa, therapy, zenreik, iyoga, massageм, узыка для медитациии, música de massagem, ikusicare, música para ioga, para alívio do estresse, 3 Horas, Música relaxante, música relaxante para meditação
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ov-counselling-blog · 6 years
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Repost @yogi_therapy Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” - Dr. Seuss ❤️ #staypresent . . . . . #yogitherapy #staywoke #drseussquotes #lajolla #drseuss #sandiego #staypresent #selflove #dreambig #yogagirl #yogainspiration #yogi #yogaeverydamnday #yoga #yogateacher #yogadaily #iyoga #fitnesslifestyle #yogapose #yogalove #meditation #manifest #awaken #setanintention #instayogi #instayoga (at West Kelowna) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpFMQgBFpUR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=148p5bu1ls1zy
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simba-slippers · 6 years
Imma get this handstand down god damn it !!!!!!! #handstands #yogaposes #yoga #blackfitness #blackyoga#balance #chakras #reflection #blackmenyoga #iyoga #yogaposes #yogaeverydamnday #yogainspiration#yogamenofcolor#yogiofcolor#namaste #posititivity #yogi #blackyogi#blackyogis
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shankargallery · 5 years
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#iyoga #yogadaily #yogaeverydamnday (at Boulder, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/shankargallery/p/Bwj6slZl37j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uoblc3fthqbg
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yogabysinda · 7 years
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Play in the company of Ganesha! Join me today Sat 4/22 @ 11am @crunchgym WP for Vinyasa! #yogalove #yogafun #spiritjunkie #springishere #hotyogi #badass #inversionjunkie #lotus #headstand variation bottoms by: @kiragraceyoga top by: @aloyoga #yogismakebetterlovers #igyogafam #igyogacommunity #iyoga #yogini #yogimom #instagood #instahappy #inspired @beautiful_yoga0_0 @yoga_snaps @yogaposeweekly_by_letsglo @yoga.art.pics @yoga_scoop @yoga_digest @yogachannel @namaste.tv #yogaart #yogaposes @yoga.pics (at White Plains, New York)
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davar · 7 years
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#iyoga #sphynxcat #newman #yogamaster #nyc (at New York, New York)
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