#jack lowden x ofc
daydreamgoddess14 · 13 days
The Ties that Bind - Chapter 3
River and Seren work on avoiding each other 👀
Thank you for reading, hope you're enjoying it!
CH 1 | CH 2
My first taglist - let me know if you need adding! 🙌 @thomasshelbyswife
Chapter 3
Avoiding him had become torture. In reality, they were avoiding each other, which was somehow worse. Seren made sure she was gone on the evenings he was expected and tried to avoid going over during the weekends when she knew he was more likely to be around. Their previously friendly text exchanges had been reduced to a schedule of their planned whereabouts, and River’s evening calls to check in had all but disappeared. It wasn’t always possible to avoid him, but she tried. David had gone to bed early, poor sleep and his whirling mind often exhausted him, it exhausted Seren too. She slumped at the kitchen table, head resting in her arms. Just a little bit of quiet before going home. The bright lights of River’s car outside lit up the kitchen and a few seconds later, he clattered noisily through the door, bringing the cool autumn air with him. Seren shivered and pulled the hoodie she was wearing tighter around herself.
“Shit, sorry. Fucking door.”
“Keep it down, he’s in bed.”
“It’s been… a day,” she sighed, rolling her eyes.
“You’re here late?”
“I just needed to sit for a minute before I went.” She mumbled into her arms. 
“Yeah, thanks.” He retrieved them from the fridge and sat a few seats away from her at the table.
“You ok?” He asked, watching her curiously. She shrugged. “That’s my hoodie.”
“Oh. Sorry, I was freezing and spotted it in the sitting room. I’ll leave it and bring mine tomorrow.”
“No, it’s… it’s ok.” He took a long pull of his beer, keeping his eyes on her. The hoodie swamped her, wrapped all the way around her and the sleeves far too long. “So are you?”
“Am I what?”
“It feels a bit like I’m in an episode of Upstairs Downstairs.” River frowned. “The servants live downstairs while the grand family live upstairs? He’s very much the lord of the manor.” She explained. 
“Ah…. yeah. He is a bit.”
“Not always, but sometimes… I feel very much like ‘the help’.”
“I’m sorry-” He started, she brushed him off.
“It’s fine, I see it a lot. It’s an age thing usually. Don’t worry, I’m not going to suddenly go all ‘would you like to take your tea in the library, sir?’” She sniggered. When he didn’t respond she looked up sharply. “Oh shit, that hasn’t just unlocked something in you has it?” 
“Depends, is there a uniform?” Seren shook her head, laughing, and threw her bottle top at him. 
“Stop it, I'm trying to stay out of your way.”
“Same. But let’s not rule out a uniform just yet.” They drank their beer in silence. “Explain it to me again?” He asked suddenly.
“Explain what?”
“Why… this, whatever this is, is such a bad idea?”
“I don’t want to confuse him. I also don’t think he’d approve. And,” she hesitated. 
“Go on?”
“River you literally pay my fucking wages. Tell me that's not a bit weird?
“I mean… Ok I'm going to skip over the last one-”
“Convenient.” She rolled her eyes. 
“But my grandfather? It’s not up to him what happens between us?”
“No, but he’s your grandfather. And notice how you didn’t correct me? On any of my points? You know he wouldn’t approve. Like I said, I’m ‘the help’ and you're the one paying me.”
“You’re not the help.”
“I mean, I kind of am? Just in less of a Victorian sense.”
“That's-, it's not like-” He tried to find the right way to get his point across.
“See. Look, I know you don't see it like that-”
“Then isn’t that all that matters?” He interrupted. “Why does it matter that I'm the one paying you? I wouldn't expect you to do this for free.” She didn’t answer him. “I need you here as much as he does. I’m not sure how to handle it when he’s not himself, when he doesn’t know who I am.” He said, changing the subject. 
“I know. I usually take my cue from whoever he thinks I am. Sometimes he thinks I’m his wife, sometimes he thinks I’m his daughter, sometimes he’s really pissed off when he thinks I’m a total stranger.” 
“How do you get through it?”
“I just talk to him normally, try and be patient.”
“I’m not very patient.”
“I hadn’t noticed.” She raised an eyebrow.
“Well how do you separate it then?”
“6am body combat class.”
“Are you a fucking masochist?”
“A dark room, stupidly loud, brain frying music and punching shit all before breakfast? Works a treat, don’t knock it til you’ve tried it.”
“Is punching shit a technical term? Don’t think it’s for me,” he grimaced, recalling being on the receiving end of most punches.
“Throw yourself into something else then, find a distraction.”
“I just don’t know if I’m doing this right. I’m forever going to be the bad guy for making decisions he doesn’t like.” He rose from the table, adding his bottle to the recycling bin. She could feel her resolve crumbling, the urge to comfort him was overwhelming. She stood to join him and before she could bottle it, she closed the gap between them and wrapped her arms around his waist, anchoring herself to him. She felt his body slowly relax under her hold, leaning into her and bringing his arms around her. He dropped his chin down to rest on her head. His breaths deepened to match hers and as he relaxed she closed her eyes. 
“You’re doing really well.” She promised. He let go first, clearing his throat and stepping out of her embrace. Embarrassed, she moved away from him. “I’ve got to go. Combat at 6. I’ll sort this door tomorrow.” She gave it a pull as it stuck in the frame again.
“It was good to see you.” He said softly, catching her hand in his and holding it.
“You too.”
“Can we agree that avoiding each other is a stupid idea?” He pulled her gently towards him. 
“Can we agree that this is evidence enough that we should avoid each other?” She countered, gesturing to the minimal space between them.
He shook his head, “I haven’t done anything?” He leaned down, pausing millimetres from kissing her.
“Yet?” She whispered, getting there first and kissing him, her hand snaking up to the nape of his neck.
“What am I doing? Hmm, you started this.” He told her, not daring to move his mouth from hers. He kissed her back with a fierceness she hadn't realised she was so desperate for. Her hands worked fast, pushing his jacket down his arms and onto the floor with a thud, and pulling him back by his t-shirt. Seren found it impossible to disguise her reaching hands. Tangling in his hair, slipping under his t-shirt, she ached to feel his skin against hers. “What happened to this being a terrible idea?” He asked, kissing along her jawline.
“It’s an awful idea.” She moaned, her body arching to meet his. 
“So stop?”
“You stop.” She muttered, the sigh tumbling from her lips. With great restraint, he did.
“Really?” His forehead rested against hers while they caught their breath. 
“Yes,” she groaned sadly, “No. Fuck, why is this so hard?” He went to reply, “do not make a joke.”
“Wasn’t going to.” He kissed her again lightly.
“Yeah, you were.”
“Yeah I was. Really stop?”
“Yes, really stop.” She kissed him back.
“Seren,” he groaned, “I’m getting very mixed messages.”
“You’re right,” she leaned back away from him a little, “you’re right, I’m sorry. This isn’t fair, it’s not about what I want.”
“So this is what you want?” He asked.
“River,” she sighed, clearly torn.
“Fuck, Seren,” he kissed her again, “ please don’t say my name like that again.” 
“I’m trying not to, but you-, ohh-” his teeth grazed the sensitive skin under her ear and her hips canted towards him in response. “God, you are not making things easy.” 
“And you are?” He let his head drop onto her shoulder, breathing her in. “So. Are we stopping, or are we not stopping?”
“We’re stopping.” Seren said, hesitantly. “This will get too complicated, and we’re dealing with enough as it is.”
“No, no or.”
“Hear me out. Or, this is a distraction.” His voice was still muffled against her neck.
“A complicated distraction. River, I’m trying to keep my hands to myself but I need you to help me, please ?” She pleaded. She felt his sigh against her neck, making her shiver against him. His hands moved from her waist to take her hands, and he stood up straight, putting some space between them.
“Ok.” He acquiesced. 
“I’m going to go home now.” She said firmly.
“Ok. Goodnight, River.”
“Goodnight Seren,” he placed a quick kiss on her lips. “And just so we’re completely clear, I don’t want you to keep your hands to yourself.” He smirked. She shook her head and let go of his hands. “I’ll call you tomorrow to check in.”
The previous tactic of avoidance had given way to pretending to completely ignore the tension between them and act as if nothing had happened at all. There were still the sly remarks he liked dropping into conversation to fluster and frustrate her. He much preferred the gentle teasing and flirting, and sharing the mental load of looking after David had helped them both lighten up. The nightly phone calls had resumed, to River’s relief. The routine of picking up the phone on his way down the death stairs of Slough house to hear Seren’s voice practically powered him through the day. He hadn't seen her since their previous encounter in the kitchen weeks previously, every time he found himself alone in there, the memories flooded his senses, the warmth and softness of her skin, the smell of her perfume, her shampoo and the sweet taste of her. He'd turned up late the previous day, annoyed and frustrated. His car had been in the garage all week so he'd suffered the bus or tube to work and hadn't faced the train to his grandfather's house until the weekend. He'd missed Seren, she'd been and gone again, leaving a note about homemade pie in the fridge. He and David had eaten the lot along with a bottle of red wine and a handful of gin and tonics. David had not only recognised and remembered him, but he'd been in the best mood River had seen for weeks. He sang Seren's praises, as did River after a few drinks, and told stories of work that River had heard a million times previously but listened as if it were the first time. He was terrified of the day David would remember the stories for the last time and they'd never be told again. 
“Car alright?” David asked. 
“Should be now, they've had it all bloody week. I can collect it tomorrow.”
“I keep telling Seren that her car is no good, spluttering down the lane. You can hear it from a mile away.” 
“I might get her to drop me at the station if you'll be alright for half an hour?”
“Of course I will. I'm no invalid, River.”
“I know, I know. I just don't want you to be pissed off.”
“Story of my life.” David muttered as the unmistakable sound of Seren's car turned into the driveway. “Go on then, I'll see you in a few days.”
“Take care, grandad.” River embraced him briefly and went out to meet Seren. She peered over her sunglasses at him, the window down. “Can I have a lift?” He asked. 
“Depends, are you going to take the piss out of my music?”
“I would never do that. Obviously.”
“Hmm. Get in then.” She swung the car around on the drive and headed back in the direction she'd come from. “Where's your car?”
“Technical term?”
“Something like that. How was combat?” He noted the gym bag in the back seat. 
“Fucked.” She mimicked with a smile. “Did you have a good night?”
“The old man got me pissed and we ate the pie you made.”
“It was, thank you.” 
“You'll have to let me know what you like and I'll make it next time.” At the traffic lights she shoved the car into gear and made the turning for the train station. She pulled into the nearest space. “Seems I've been upgraded to driver.”
“Not going to call me sir this time?” 
“After last time? Absolutely not.” He watched her watching people going to and from the station. 
“I'm glad we're talking again.” He told her. She turned to look at him, taking off her sunglasses. 
“Me too.” She watched his face screw up into a frown. “What's up?”
“Nothing. I'll let you go.”
“River?” He reached across the gearstick between them and weaved his hand into her hair, pulling her to him. He sighed, lips millimetres from hers and reluctantly let go. 
“I'm fine, Seren” he nodded, “thank you for the lift.” It wasn't until the car door had slammed that River let go of the breath he'd been holding. 
“Have you spoken to Lamb about taking more responsibility yet?” David questioned.
“No,” River sighed. “He’s not exactly approachable is he?”
“But he’s the only one who can get you out of Slough House.” 
“I’m aware of that, grandad. It’s just not that easy.”
“Nothing good ever came from being easy, boy. You have to work at it, show that you can handle the responsibility of more work, better work. Prove that you want to actually leave Slough House?”
“I am working at it. I am.” River argued. He’d been arguing for the whole weekend. Seren had walked in during breakfast, heard the raised voices and had backed out of the room with wide eyes and a questioning look to River who’d just rolled his eyes. Over twenty four hours later David was still on the same topic of River’s commitment to work, commitment to the service and why on earth he was still allowing himself to be kept with the Slow Horses.
“You need to push harder, no outside distractions. Your grandmother didn’t see me for weeks on end, she knew the toils of the job. No distractions, no half arsing it.”
“Things have changed, people don’t work like that anymore.”
“Pfft,” David countered, “of course they do. You think Jackson Lamb couldn’t put you back at the Park? Course he bloody well could, if he wanted to.”
“Well then there’s the problem. He doesn’t want to.”
“So make it worth his while. Make yourself useful. Can’t you reach out to old friends and do some work for them on the side, make Tavener see that you’re an asset?” River frowned, not sure that either Lamb, or Tavener would ever see him as an asset. Plus working at Slough House allowed a little more autonomy than he suspected those at the Park got. Some of the things he was working on were interesting because they were separate from Tavener and her ironclad grip. Eventually, worn down by criticism, River agreed that David was right. Maybe he wasn’t working hard enough? Maybe he was distracted.
“He’s just frustrated because he’s had a rough few weeks.” Seren reassured him while he made coffee,  “he’s taking it out on you because he knows he can.”
“Does he do this to you?”
“Did you forget the whole housekeeper conversation?” She asked.
“We never said housekeeper,” he grinned. “There was definitely talk of a uniform and I was picturing more of a maid than a housekeeper.”
“Piss off. I’m being nice to you!”
“I know, I know,” he laughed, dodging the water she flicked at him from the sink.
“It’s hard for him, someone who’s used to being at the top of the tree. I don’t know what on earth he used to do for work, but I can tell it was something important. Something where he was very important. And now his mind is holding him hostage and stealing everything he knows.”
“You’re right.”
“So we just need to be there for him and ride out the bad bits. There’s still time to sign up for combat class?”
“There are other distractions I’d enjoy a lot more.” He nudged her on his way back to finish the game of chess he was losing to David. He watched her from the doorway without her knowledge for a minute, enjoying the flush in her cheeks and shy smile that lingered after she thought he’d gone. He worked hard to not let the distraction of Seren affect his work, took on board David's advice and to Lamb's annoyance, made himself overly helpful. 
“So how’s it going with your grandfather now?” Louisa asked, stirring him from his thoughts days later and handing him a cold beer bottle.
“S’good. He gets on with the woman who looks in on him so that helps.”
“And his memory lapses?”
“Happening more often, and he gets angry. Really angry, when he can't remember.”
“Shit, I'm sorry.”
“He thinks he's being watched.”
“Is he?”
“Who the fuck knows. We probably all are.” 
“Has this got anything to do with this fucking annoying mission that you're on?”
“I dunno what you're talking about?” He blustered.
“Oh don't give me that,” Louisa laughed, “you are literally the most irritating person in that building at the moment - and that's saying something! ‘Anything I can do, Lamb?’, ‘shall I collect your takeout?’, ‘any errands need running?’. It's gross. And it's not you.” She pointed her bottle at him. “You are the least helpful person I know, please don't change now.” He fell silent, peeling the label off the bottle. 
“He keeps on at me to get out. Be more helpful, no distractions.”
“There's nothing distracting about Slough House except the smell.” She watched him curiously. “Ohh. Is it her? The woman who looks after him?” He downed his beer without answering. 
“C'mon, I'll walk you to your car.” 
“Nooo, come on! Let me live through your love life!” She teased. 
“I don't have a love life, Louisa. I barely have a life.” He grimaced, opening her car door for her. 
“Fucking saddo.” She pinched his cheek and then slapped it gently. “Night night.” He watched Louisa drive off away from Slough House and then jumped into his own car. He'd already told Seren it would be a late one and though she'd offered to stay, they both knew that David was still perfectly capable of being alone from time to time. He hit redial on his car display and called her. 
“It's me.”
“Good night?”
“Long day. How was he?” River could hear tinny splashes in the background. “You're not still there are you?”
“Nooo, no. I left an hour ago. I'm… y'know what, nevermind.”
“Oh.” It dawned on River where she was, the tinny sound, the unmistakable sound of water. The bath. “Oh.” He said again trying to banish the mental image accompanied with hearing her voice. 
“He's fine, by the way.” She said, her voice taunting. 
“Good. I'm on my way.”
“Don't forget, be clear about who you are, don't raise your voice.”
“Got it. I'll leave you to it. See you soon?”
“Yeah, soon. Bye, River.”
Seren was resilient. Able to bend and sway to adapt to the harshest conditions and people, she had no problem sticking up for herself when required. But against David at his worst, her patience was wearing thin. Since his evening with River, his cognitive capabilities had taken a turn for the worse. Seren had bared it and been his constant throughout. She picked up the phone and went to stand out in the garden while David had lunch.
“It’s me.”
“Hi.” She could hear the smile in his voice, “Everything ok?”
“Not really. Another bad day. I need to get some more mugs. And plates. He keeps throwing them at me.”
“Fuck. Seren, I’m sorry. Are you ok?” She tried not to think about the way he said her name. How she wanted him to say her name.
“Don’t worry, I’m getting good at dodging them.” She kicked at the weeds that had taken up on the driveway, making a mental note to do something about them.
“Yeah that doesn’t really fill me with confidence.”
“At least it’s only a mug, not a gun. And when he’s back, when he’s himself again, he’s so apologetic. It’s just been a hard few weeks.” Neither of them acknowledged that this was the case for all of them, not just David. “Anyway, I just thought I should let you know before you get here later.”
“Yeah, ok thanks. Will I see you later?” He asked. The silence dragged on so long he had to check the call was still connected.
“I… I don’t know.”
“I'd like to? Might be good to catch up.” He suggested. 
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” She stared out to the open fields before her. “I’ll still be here,” she said finally. She watched a figure in the lane, watching her. “There's someone….” She frowned.
“What’s happened?”
“Nothing, I can just see someone.” A dog appeared in the lane only a few feet away from her. She flinched. “Shit!” The dog gave a short bark and ran back up the lane to the owner. 
“Seren?” She held up her hand and gave the figure a little wave, embarrassed that the dog had made her jump so much.
“It's ok, it was just a dog.”
“Yeah, course. He just came through the gap in the hedge. You sound like David, he keeps saying the dogs are out to get him. Silly sod.”
“If you’re sure?” River skipped over her previous comment.
“Yes, River, I’m sure. I’ll see you later, you can bring some dinner.” She told him, hanging up. She watched the dog walker retreat down the lane, occasionally looking back at her, and turned back to the house. The afternoon went on far longer than Seren wanted it to, the anticipation of seeing River grew by the minute. The afternoon fell away to nightfall and when River arrived with a bag of takeout, Seren and David were playing cards. 
“This is a ridiculous game.” David grumbled.
“It's a great game, you're just a sore loser.” Seren grinned wickedly as she put down another card from her hand. “Oh! Shithead!” She slapped down her last card. “Good timing, River brought dinner.” David looked at River for a long few seconds. 
“Right, I'll get washed up then,” he said, his voice small and distant. 
“Are you ok?” Seren asked, watching him carefully, cards halfway into their box. 
“Fine dear, fine. Boyfriend of yours is he? Handsome chap.” He left the room muttering to himself. Seren froze at the table. She could hear that River had stopped opening food containers and turned slowly to face him.
“I'm so sorry,” she said softly, “he was right here, I didn't think he wouldn't recognise you. We've been talking about you all afternoon.” She could see the sadness and resignation in River's eyes. He shook his head a little. 
“S'alright. I expect it now.”
“That doesn't make it alright.” 
“Dinner's getting cold.” He stated. She frowned, wanting to say more but it was clear that the conversation was over. She took over opening the food while River moved it to the table, his hand lingering in the small of her back as he passed between her and the table. “You taught my grandad a card game called ‘Shithead’?” He asked, his voice teasing. 
“How long have you been courting Seren then young man?” David interrupted, taking his seat once again.
“I wouldn't say I'm courting her, she's very stubborn.” River blushed. 
“As she should be,” he chuckled. “A smart girl like her shouldn't be won over by the first handsome man that comes along and shows an interest.” Seren rolled her eyes and snapped her chopsticks apart.
“I think you've got the wrong end of the stick here, David.” She warned, taking a dumpling from River's plate. “There's nothing going on between River and I.” 
“Oi, that’s my dumpling and you’re still wearing my hoodie.” It was true. In the last weeks and months, River could have counted on one hand the number of times his hoodie was where he left it, or available when he needed it in the draughty old house. Whenever he could find it, Seren’s perfume surrounded him.
“Ah but it's high time River had his attention caught by a pretty girl.” With a glance between them, Seren confirmed to River that David was back again. 
“Eat your dinner, old man,” River told him, Seren could see the relief in his smile. She watched the Cartwright gentlemen barter back and forth, noting how tired David looked. 
“Are you ok?” She asked him, concerned. 
“Just tired.” He admitted quietly.
“Shall I save you some food for lunch tomorrow? You could take the newspaper to bed, I saved the crossword for you?” She asked while River watched their short exchange.
“That's thoughtful Seren but I think I'm too tired. We'll do it tomorrow over breakfast.”
“Deal, I'll bring croissants.”
“She's good to me,” he told River, “I might have to admit that I'm grateful for you bringing her here.”
“I'll take that, and I won't even say I told you so.”
“See the cheek I put up with, Seren? River forgets when to stop talking sometimes, I think.”
“You're definitely right on that. Come on, time for the old man to go to bed.”
“Why do I feel like you're both as bad as each other?” He muttered but didn't argue. 
“I'll see you up there.” River offered.
“Come on then, make sure I can remember my way around my own damn house.” River followed David up the steep old stairs of the cottage while Seren packed away leftovers. 
“Need me to do anything?” River asked when he came back down. He watched Seren potter around the kitchen, making sure everything was cleared away. 
“Nope, all done.”
“And are you…” he shrugged, fidgeting with his hands, “sticking around? Or going home?” He asked, the question hanging in the air between them.
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ohstardust · 7 years
Jack asking y/n to move in with him
Jack had surprisingly felt really calm about asking his partner move in with in, like really calm. It probably would have bothered him just how nonchalant he was feeling about it if he hadn’t have been in such a good relationship, but he was and he was also about 98.4% sure she’d give a positive reaction when the time came for him to actually ask. He’d asked her over dinner that evening, around a mouthful of fettuccine, whilst she sipped her wine.
He was overcome with the feeling of how natural she looked in his flat and how much he wanted to see her there over breakfast each morning, falling asleep on the sofa in the evening, carrying her to their bed in the small hours of the morning. Jack wanted to binge on boxsets with her when he came home, lamely dance around the living room to an old 60’s record after a few glasses of wine, watch his space begin to fill with her belongings - or rather more so than there already was.“You should just move all of your stuff in,” he rolled his eyes and laughed, spying her shoes tossed next to his by the kitchen wall, her socks and sweater on the sofa.Her eyes lit up and she poked her fork in his direction as she chewed, “That’s a good idea, kick you out and then I can live here, it’s way nicer than my place.”“Yeah ‘course, that’s clearly what I meant. Obviously I want to be homeless whilst you live in my flat.” That earned him a swift kick in the ankle.“Alright pissypants, tell me more about your proposal.” She crossed her cutlery across the plate and leant back in her chair for a moment, trying to mask the giddiness she felt.“There’s nothing to it, just move your stuff in.”She stood from the table and took hold of their empty dishes, dropping them into the sink and turned the water on, “That’s the least romantic way of asking your girlfriend to move in with you, I’m horrified.”He swivelled in his seat and looked over at her with a grin, his arms folded over the back of the chair and his chin rested on his hands, “I could have done worse if I’d really tried.”“You just want me to move in so you don’t have to pay full rent,” she teased, pointing her finger at him whilst clutching the dishcloth, “I’ve got you sussed, Lowden,”Jack clutched his chest in faux indignance and gasped, “I’m really that transparent? Shit, and here I was thinking I was being subtle.”“You’re about as subtle as a squirrel on a bike.”He narrowed his eyes and quirked his eyebrows, “A squirrel on a - you do talk some shite.”“And you’ve just signed up to put up with it day in, day out until you decide to kick me out.”“I take it back.”“Too late now, you’re stuck with me.”
20 notes · View notes
takemedancingmaine · 7 years
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“Did your brother change the code or something?” Piper huffs beside me, holding a bagful of decorations, a bag containing our wrapped presents, and a tray full of Charlie’s favorite treats: Parkin.
Not a fucking joke either, my nephew has terrible taste in sweets. I almost didn’t make them as a form of protest, but realized that my nephew was only turning six today and my protest would be unjust.
My brother, ever the technological homeowner, has one of those electronic code door locks. You type in the four digits and the deadbolt is set to click back or whatever. He did have to change it quite frequently, but my struggling to push the buttons correctly has nothing to do with the code being wrong.
“No,” I blow out a breath of frustration and try again. I’d had a rough night last night. Being in a broadcast newsroom rather than a print one was proving to be stressful. Granted it was a good stressful, but yesterday felt like nothing was working for me.
I’ve had days like that in my print job, but after the slight success I’d had on Thursday, I was a bit taken back by how each day is so very different.
I was knocked down, but not out, I remind myself as I get the code correct on the fourth try.
I grin up at Piper triumphantly and she just kicks the door open and unceremoniously plops the tray of treats into my hands.
“Rude,” I roll my eyes playfully as she walks past me into my brother’s house, her long strides carrying her to the kitchen much faster than my own after I close the front door behind me.
“Look how big you are!” Piper gasps. “Happy birthday, Charlie!”
As I enter the room I see Charlie stood at the kitchen counter beside his father, as they place dough for biscuits on a tray. They may not look alike aside from their hair colour, but their mannerisms are scarily similar. It’s like watching Liam when he was younger stood beside Liam now. As Liam’s little sister I’m constantly spooked by how similar they can act and react. It’s almost like going back in time.
“Piper!” Charlie yells. Without cleaning his hands, he runs around the table to hug her while I sneak over to my brother’s side as he finishes up the tray.
“Chocolate chip biscuits?” I ask, smirking as I place the tray of Parkin down beside a  small cake. That, I can tell, is store bought.
“Your recipe,” he nods.
“Mum’s recipe,” I correct him.
“You stole mum’s recipe?” He asks in disbelief and mock horror.
“She gave it to me you numpty,” I bump his shoulder and watch Piper and Charlie as my nephew tries to guess the gifts we’d gotten for him.
“I caught the broadcast last night,” my brother says now as he places the tray in the oven and sets a timer. “Did you get anything in?”
I nod slowly as I plop a grape into my mouth. Both small, both mentioned in the F block, but hey, I got something out, I have to remind myself.
“That bit about the reporter in Pakistan and the other about cod fisheries,” I shrug. “I didn’t have a cracking day like I did my first day there,” I add.
“Some days are just about making it through,” Liam wraps his arm around my shoulder and squeezes me a bit. “I watched the clip about the debt ceiling,” he adds. “You did brilliantly.”
“Thanks,” I nod against his shoulder and close my eyes. “Not every day is breaking news,” I say. “I keep having to remind myself that most of the time, that itself is good news.”
“At least you know they really like you,” he teases. “I mean, they haven’t sent you back downstairs yet.”
“You’re such a pillock,” I shove him and plop another grape into my mouth.
“I’m serious,” he tries. I shoot him a look and he only smirks in response.
“Right,” I nod and don’t buy that for a second.
“She should be here for this,” Liam’s tone suddenly slips and becomes somber.
“She’s in his heart,” I wrap my arms around my brother and hold him close, even if it’s a bit awkward when we’re stood side-by-side. “And yours,” I squeeze him.
“Wren,” my brother sighs.
“Fuck,” I sigh back. “I know,” I pinch his arm. “I know that’s not what you meant. I know it’s not how it should be,” I add. “It’s the best you’ve got though. I was just trying to keep her here with you somehow.”
“She’s always with me,” he whispers, his voice breaking a bit before his catches himself and clears his throat. “Always there in my fucking mind.”
“Charlie’s physically here,” I point out. “He’s still part of her. You’ve still got her with you and not just in memory,” I remind him, looking toward the now six-year-old and my best friend who are arguing over which German footballer is better.
“I know,” Liam whispers again. “I miss her. This stuff,” he gestures toward the trays of food and snacks, “this stuff was all stuff she loved to do.”
“You’re a good dad for doing this for him,” I rub his arm comfortingly.
“Thanks,” he lets out a breath he’d held for a bit.
“Mm. So how long before this shindig starts?”
“About an hour,” my brother looks at his watch.
“Well,” I look over at Piper and our bag of decorations. “We’re fucked,” I remember at the last moment to whisper the curse.
“What else is new?” Liam laughs and we catch the attention of Piper and Charlie.
“Wren!” Charlie yells and runs over to hug me.
“D'you just notice I’m here, too?” I ask.
“No,” he shakes his head violently. “I ran for Piper first because she has presents.”
I look up at her. “Bribed my own blood and kin away from me,” I feign disgust.
“Gotta do what I gotta do,” Piper laughs and grabs the bag of decorations.
“Happy birthday, bug,” I kiss Charlie’s cheek.
“Thanks,” he giggles.
“How long until-”
“An hour.” I cut Piper’s question off.
“Speed decorating it is,” Piper declares as the three adults present shift into high gear and work to make this home and experience much more festive.
Liam, as he’s needed on decorating duty because of his height, has left me in charge of the kitchen stuff in his absence. Charlie is trying–and failing–to successfully sneak cookies and Parkin while I’m otherwise occupied.
I have something of a sixth sense when it comes to this kid, and when it comes to treats. I don’t think he even gets close to taking a treat in the final hour before the party.
The doorbell rings while Liam and Piper are outside trying to quickly finish up, so I wipe my hands with a hand towel and with Charlie on my heels I open the front door. I’ve actually just finished getting everything in order, only just finishing the sandwich prep when the bell rang.
The moment I crack the door even an inch, Charlie is yelling. “Michael, you made it!” The two boys are running off into the living room before I even open the door fully.
“Hi, I’m Janie,” the woman I assume to be Michael’s mother reaches her hand out to me. “I’m Michael’s mum.”
“Wren,” I shake her hand and then gesture for her to come inside. “I’m, erm, I’m Charlie’s aunt.”
“Pleasure,” Janie smiles. “Right,” she looks down at the bag in her hand. “We’ve got these for Charlie.”
“Follow me and I’ll show you where to put everything,” I close the door and lead her into the kitchen and direct her to where everything goes, even pour her a small glass of wine before Piper and Liam come inside to join the adult conversation and more children, friends of Charlie’s, arrive and make a ruckus throughout the bottom floor and backyard.
Charlie’s swing set is getting the first use it’s seen in ages. I remember the weekend that April and Liam put it together, how stressed Liam was and how calming April had been. It’s funny thinking back. While her husband, my brother, was passive-aggressively mumbling about the directions the two of us, and Charlie–who’d been a baby at the time–were just sat inside in the kitchen talking and drinking wine.
Charlie was obviously not drinking any of the wine, but April and I had been very giggly and flushed by the time Liam came back inside.
Today, we happen to get quite lucky with the weather. Although the sky is grey and quite ominous looking, the rain holds off and it’s not too cool for the first weekend of October. It’s the perfect weather to be outside as long as one dons a cozy jumper or cardigan.
I notice, throughout the whole ordeal, that Liam is very genial. Piper is off playing with the kids, building things and running about, and I’m in charge of watching over a bit of everything. My older brother though is handling the parents very well.
He doesn’t seem phased by the excessive amount of interaction. I suppose I shouldn’t be confused by that. I know my brother has friends at the law firm and he had friends growing up and in uni. Still, it’s weird to me because I know just how much of a homebody my brother is, nose always stuck in a book, studying something or other rather than interacting with others.
He’s handling the uncommon territory well today. It’s quite comforting to see him just going through and participating. Especially after the week I’ve had just worrying about him.
“Whiskey neat.”
“Scottish or Irish?”
“Comin’ right up, love,” the bartender nods and takes off down the bar to prepare my drink.
Piper had gone straight home after the party, having to be ready for work early tomorrow, and so I am out alone.
I normally wouldn’t be out in a pub to drink, but after helping to put Charlie to bed and then all the cleaning Liam’s massive house required, it was late enough that the stores had closed, and I was out of whiskey at home.
My solution ended up being a pub a few blocks over from my flat.
Not my finest moment, but last night had been late to bed for me because of all the birthday prep on top of what I knew I’d be doing today and after the week I’d had I really wanted to just sit a bit without any obligations or chores. Not even my Netflix queue could serve to calm me down tonight. So, alcohol is where I find my solace right now.
Just one drink and then it’s off to bed for me, to sleep until noon, hopefully.
I’d frequented this pub before. Some of the bartenders recognized me and some didn’t. This one, in particular, knew he knew me, but wasn’t sure how. He was relatively new. I definitely have been coming around less, but those who’d been around longer had seen me here in my earlier twenties, fresh out of uni with a medium wage job, before anyone had plucked me out of a crowd for their newsroom and I became ‘serious’ Wren.
Even with it being a Saturday night, and even with the post-football match crowd still lingering, the pub isn’t too crowded. This is quite a surprise to me, the relatively steady room amount, but I tell myself not to question it any longer and accidentally change it by the will of thought.
“Three pounds fifty, love,” the man places the glass down in front of me. I sigh in relief just seeing it before handing over the correct change.
“Cheers,” he nods and heads off to serve another person just arriving at the bar.
The glass is heavy in my hand as I pick it up and twirl the amber liquor to release the aroma, inhaling the heavy scent, before I manage to take a small sip.
The warmth immediately spreads around my mouth and down my throat, having a calming effect on my nerves as I close my eyes and enjoy a moment of peace.
A moment that gets interrupted.
Slowly I open my eyes and turn my head. It’s Mr. Lowden. Oh. Fuck.
Shit. What is his first name? Oh my god. My peaceful, relaxing drink just turned into a pop fucking quiz. I feel like I’m back in school again: it’s sickening. I can’t remember his first name. Fuck sake, Wren.
In my defense, despite my thinking he was cute, I never expected to see him again aside from, maybe, picking Charlie up from school.
So now, I’m sat here, faced with this incredibly attractive man, and I can’t remember his first name. If the only solace I can take is that Piper isn’t here to witness this embarrassing moment, then I’ll take what I can get.
“Hi,” I force a smile on my face despite how fucked I feel. “How’re you?” I ask, trying my best to come off as friendly.
“He’s quite stressed,” a voice from beside him speaks. I glance toward the woman and I feel like I’m looking at Mr. Lowden but in female form. The blonde hair, the calming blue eyes, the freckles. They have to be related. I mean, she’s even Scottish.
“Hi,” the woman reaches an arm forward in an offering. “I’m Jack’s sister, Lily,” she smiles. Her smile is just as welcoming, albeit mischievous, as her brother’s.
It is Jack! His name is Jack. Bless you, Lily.
“Wren,” I smile back at her genuinely as we shake hands. “Why’s he a bit stressed?” I ask, looking back at Jack. The name suits him.
“He just had dinner with his big sister’s boyfriend,” she shrugs, clearly not at all bothered by his disgruntled behaviour.
“In my defense,” Jack butts in, a frown on his face, “you chose my birthday dinner as the night to introduce me to him for the first time.”
Right. So, Lily is his big sister.
“And you are just a grumpy bugger,” she ruffles his hair, and he closes his eyes and groans in indignation. “Now c'mon, let’s get a proper birthday drink in you to calm your worried little head,” she condescends.
As if by chance, the bartender appears just then.
“Scotch,” Jack says quickly.
“And I’ll have a pint of Guinness,” Lily smiles at the man and with a nod he’s off to fetch their drinks.
“How was Charlie’s party?” Jack asks me now as he runs a hand over his beard and pulls on his ear a bit. It seems like a tick of his. Just by seeing it now, it feels like it’s something he’s grown accustomed to. He doesn’t even seem to notice he’s doing it.
He stares at me when I don’t answer. I feel my cheeks flame. “What?” I ask.
“It’s all he could talk about yesterday,” Jack explains. “Barely got him to focus on his lessons.”
I roll my eyes at my nephew. “It was fun,” I shrug. “Lots of children filled with lots of sugar running about,” I sip my whiskey. “I erm, I only just left Liam’s a half hour ago. With all the cleanup that had to be done, I thought I’d never escape.”
“Are you a mum to a student?” Lily asks now.
It’s a logical question, given that I’m talking to a teacher, but I sputter and choke on a sip of my drink at hearing it.
“Oh, erm, no,” I shake my head. “No. No, I’m not.”
“Her nephew is in my class,” Jack explains as he hands over some cash to the bartender who places their drinks down. “We just me when she picked him up the other day.”
“Oh,” Lily nods and reaches absentmindedly for her drink. “Right,” she smiles and then puts together our conversation. “He’s the one with the same birthday as you?”
“The very same,” Jack nods and downs half his scotch in one go. He’s clearly on edge.
“The one who’s mum-” she cuts herself off before going any further and shoots an embarrassed glance at me. “Sorry,” she mumbles into her pint glass as she takes a large swig, trying to occupy the silence.
“It’s… it’s alright,” I wave away her concerns and shoot her a reassuring smile. “It’s not like it’s not true. Please don’t… don’t beat yourself up for mentioning it.”
She gives an appreciative smile and nods once.
“What brings you out alone?” Jack asks. I can feel his gaze on me, looking me up and down.
“I um, I just needed a drink,” I bite my lip. His eyes are still trained on me, still looking me up and down. “It’s been… it’s been a bit of um, a bit of a stressful week.”
His eyes send shivers down my spine as he continues to look me over, smirking a bit as he does so. I could pass out right now and wouldn’t be surprised at myself.
As it is, I have to focus hard on maintaining a normal breathing pattern.
“What is it that you do?” Lily asks.
“I’m an associate producer,” I say, still getting a tinge of excitement at saying the words. “I work in the BBC newsroom,” I explain.
“That’s bloody brilliant,” she smiles.
“I um, I only just got promoted to it this week,” I say. “I was, erm. I’d been working as a print journalist since uni until now.”
“That explains the stressful week then, don’t it?” She asks rhetorically with a laugh.
I join in. “Absolutely,” I manage to say.
“D'you like the new job?” She asks.
“I love it,” I smile wide. From the corner of my eye I can see Jack smirking at me, his dimples popping and my stomach flipping at the sight. I take a deep breath and when that doesn’t work I take a large sip of my whiskey, finishing it off.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t work either. I’m still on edge.
Lily’s phone goes off in the middle of her story about her boyfriend and Jack actually getting along despite the circumstances of the night. Jack is grumbling under his breath, but I get the feeling he’s very protective of his older sister, even if he likes her boyfriend. He’d never admit that to her.
She’s got some One Direction song set as her ringtone and Jack laughs at her as she glares back at him.
“I’m going to take this outside,” she tells us. “I’ll be right back.”
With that, she’s off in a flash of blonde hair flying out behind her.
“Sorry 'bout her,” Jack gestures toward her retreating frame.
“What?” I ask, knitting my eyebrows together in confusion.
“She can be a bit brutal,” he shrugs. “Lily never really mastered the art of subtlety. Or manners, really,” he adds.
As he brings his glass up to his lips I find myself almost hypnotized by the motion. I find myself unable to look away. I watch as his pale pink lips part and the amber liquid drains past them and into his mouth. I see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows, watch as his tongue licks the remains of the alcohol off his lips when he removes the glass.
My cheeks tinge pink just watching him.
It’s then that I realize I’m caught. He’s smirking at me, that very same smirk I recognized the first time I met him. The one that tells me he knows what he’s doing, what his effect is on me.
That’s when he winks.
My already flushed cheeks flame, and I feel the blush all the way down my neck and chest as well as I bite my lower lip and lower my gaze to the floor in embarrassment. Purposely avoiding Jack’s gaze.
“This isn’t how you typically spend a Saturday night, is it?” He asks now.
I shake my head and raise my gaze to my empty glass, still refusing to meet his blue eyes. “No,” I say. Surprisingly, my voice is rather even. “I’m usually at home curled up with a book and a brew, but I felt I needed something stronger tonight.”
“At least you get to chat with me,” I can just tell from his tone that he’s smiling. “You can’t get that at home,” I chance raising my eyes to his face and catch him biting his bottom lip, his own cheeks tinged pink.
“No,” I shake my head. “I can’t,” I agree.
His lip, freed from his teeth, twitches and he looks down at his glass, swirling the amber liquor, his second drink of the night, around and around.
“And that would be a right shame,” he says. “To miss out on my company and my humour,” he adds.
I’m vaguely aware of people around us, of the fact that his sister is probably on her way back to us by now, of the fact that I’m apocalyptically nervous around him but I also don’t want him to leave. But none of that is what I’m thinking about.
Instead, what I’m thinking about, focused on, is the fact that his appearance, while a coincidence, and at first, a surprise, is welcome. I’m thinking about the pink color his cheeks turned under his scruffy beard just a minute ago.
“Is this a big birthday for you?” I ask.
“No,” he shakes his head. His hair looks impossibly soft.
“No big four-oh?” I ask, teasing. “No mid-life crisis going on underneath the surface at the moment?”
“I’ve only turned twenty-eight, you little…” he trails off, seemingly unable to find the appropriate adjective. His smile though lets me know he’s more than fine with my teasing. Not at all affronted. “No mid-life crisis for me quite yet.”
“I’m sure it will hit you sooner rather than later,” I keep going, surprising even myself.
“I’ll let you know when it does,” his eyes alight with humour as they watch my face.
I blush again and bite my bottom lip.
“I suppose that means you’ll be sticking around for a while?”
He smirks at me. “Aye,” he nods. “’m always up for making a gorgeous woman blush.”
I don’t have words. I’m actually speechless. And for the first time in my life, it’s not just because I’m shy.
“Hey!” Lily reappears at our side, saving me from having to come up with something to respond with other than sputtered noises and more embarrassment.
“I was considering sending a search and rescue team for ya,” Jack teases his sister.
“I wasn’t gone that long,” she rolls her eyes. “But anyway. We should probably get going soon if you want to make it back home before the tube stops. Because I’m not made of money. I’m not paying for a cab.”
Jack glances at his watch. It’s eleven thirty, I note by looking at my own quickly. I’m grateful I’m only two blocks from home.
“Shit,” he curses. “Alright, cheapskate,” he loops his arm and Lily threads her own through it. “Let’s get going.”
“How are you getting home?” He asks when I slip my own jacket on and make to follow them to the door.
“I’m walking,” I gesture down the street with my thumb as we break through the crowd and hit the sidewalk.
“Alone?” Lily asks worriedly.
Jack doesn’t say anything, but I see a look in his eyes that tells me he’s worried as well. He looks ready to argue with me.
“I only live two blocks over,” I explain with a shrug.
“I still don’t think that’s-” Jack gets cut off.
“Here,” Lily releases herself from her brother’s grasp and digs through her coat pocket before she thrusts her phone toward me. “Text me when you get home so I know you’re safe.”
“Oh… okay,” I stutter. With fumbling fingers, I type in my number and send a message to myself so that I’ve got hers as well.
“It was lovely meeting you,” Lily pulls me into a hug after I hand her phone back to her.
“You too,” I tell her truthfully as she releases me. Despite what Jack has said about her being mannerless and unsubtle, I rather enjoyed talking with Lily tonight.
“Goodnight, Wren,” Jack sends me a smirk. It doesn’t reach his eyes. His eyes are still clouded with worry.
“Goodnight, you two,” I give a small wave and then start off down the street in the opposite direction from them.
When I get home only five minutes later and quietly let myself into my flat I realize that Piper is already fast asleep.
All of the lights are out and when I pull my phone out to use the torch, I stop and send a message to Lily telling her that I made it safely home.
It doesn’t even take me the length of time to walk from the front door to my room before I feel my phone vibrate in response.  
Lily: Great news. Thanks for letting us know, love.
I turn my phone off after reading it and then kick off my shoes and strip out of my jeans before crawling straight into bed and promptly falling asleep.
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lowdenglynnstyles · 7 years
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AN: Hey guys, Happy New Year! This is a little something that I’m thinking of starting, a Jack x OFC. Let me know what you think! This is the first chapter! Also thanks to @prettyboytgc, @glynnecarney and @tomgcsglasses for the help.
Sweeping a brown lock of hair behind her left ear, Freya wipes down the surface of the bar, occasionally humming to the music that plays in the dimly lit pub. She flickers her green eyes to the particularly rowdy group of men near the pool table, cringing, when she realises it will be a nightmare to clean their mess.
Pausing, she looks up when she hears a Scottish accent resound near her.Freya takes in his appearance, fairly built, bright, blue eyes and a flop of blond hair. She recognises him as one of the men from the pool table.He gleams, clearly tipsy having consumed several beers and the shots contributing to his flushed, rosy cheeks. Freya had to admit, he was handsome,but he and his friends seem to be enjoying the night just too much.
Maybe it was because it was New Year’s Eve and she was stuck serving people, when instead she could be drinking with her own friends and family. But no, her master’s degree in psychology needed her at Glasgow University and her job meant too much to her.
He clears his throat, amused by Freya’s frowning face. Looking up, she tips her head towards him, signalling she was awaiting his order.
“Oh, c’n I get some more beers, please.” He asks, proceeding to wink at her. Making Freya unintentionally blush, she rolls her eyes, taking out some pint glasses and filling them with Guinness.
Sliding them over to him, she expects him to pay and leave, but he doesn’t. Glancing over at his friends and back at her, he sits down at the bar stool, feeling extra cheeky with this much alcohol in his system.
“You not gonna join your friends?” Freya asks.
“Nah, they seem entertained…” Nodding her head, she continues to clean the bar.
She tries ignoring his wandering eyes, but she can’t, not with his cute nose and cocky demeanour.
“What?” She hadn’t mean to sound so rude, but she couldn’t understand why he was so fascinated by her cleaning the bar.
“Nothin’, ye just look so happy, love.” 
He’s still sitting there, six beers placed in front of him, grinning cheekily at her. She scrunches her eyes up, huffing at him when she drops the cloth on the bar.
“Well thank you, Jack-ass, it’s not like you’re working New Year’s Eve!”She widens her eyes at her outburst, thankful that no one bothered to hear.
She half expected him to start shouting at her lack of customer service, but he doesn’t. He grumbles, letting out a hearty laugh, clutching his chest he leans forward slightly. Confused she watches him with wary eyes.
“Why are you laughing at me?”
“Nothin’ lassie, just me names Jack.” She lets out a small smile, playfully glaring at him.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to have a go at you. It’s just…”
“You read my mind.” She says. He’s stopped laughing now, cheeks puffy and bright red.
“Seein’ as ye know me name, was yers?” He glances at her hopefully.
“Freya, my names Freya.”
“Beautiful.” She blushes, noticing his friends have now taken it upon themselves to watch their exchange.
“Erm, your friends are staring…”
“Oh, don’t mind em, bunch of idiots.” She laughs.
“Well they might be waiting for those beers.” He heaves a sigh, disappointed because he wants to spend some more time with the pretty bar maid.
“Suppose I should get o’ er there.” He places some money on the bar,taking two trips to put the beer at the table with his friends.
Freya carries on working, also slightly upset that he had disappeared.Until she hears the same voice behind her. She looks back, smiling.
“And what can I do for you Jack?”
“Wat time de ye get off?” She glances at the clock.
“In an hour, why?”
“Fancy a drink?”
“Sure” He grins, saying that he will be waiting at his table when she finishes.
“And another thing…” He requests, still dazed by her smile.
“Your number?”
“Maybe. Gonna have to see how that drink goes first.” She winks at him,he laughs, nodding at her, before retreating to his friends.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 3 days
The Ties that Bind - Chapter 5
Anyone fancy a bit of Monday heartbreak? 😢
So I'm fairly certain this is the penultimate chapter, I've got an insane week at work this week so I wanted to get this posted so I could start fresh once I recover from real life 😅
Enjoy, let me know your thoughts!
Tagging: @thomasshelbyswife @cillmequick
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CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4
Chapter 5
What appeared as twilight from the safety of the kitchen, was more like the depths of night outside. The air was cool and they’d both left the house in only the clothes they were wearing. Seren still had sneakers on, but David was in slippers. They ran into the nearest field, the grasses were as high as Seren’s shoulders in places and the ground uneven. The crops slapped her face and neck as she ran, feet pounding into the soft ground. Deep in the field, David pulled her down.
“I need to get hold of First Desk. Do you have your phone, did you call him?” He asked. Seren felt her pocket, her face ashen in the moonlight.
“Shit. Shit, it’s gone. Oh god, what the hell do they want? What the hell is First Desk?” She hissed. 
“They want me. I’m afraid River and I haven’t been entirely honest with you. But there’s no time for that, we need to keep going. You know the furthest barn?” Seren nodded. “Get there, don’t wait, just go.”
“I’m not leaving you behind.”
“You will if I damn well tell you to.” David instructed.
“I will not and you can’t make me. Let’s go.” Seren gripped the iron poker tighter in her hand and rose to her feet. They both moved off as fast as they could, the barn a few hundred meters away. As they ran further and deeper into the field, David struggled. His feet slipped inside his slippers and the ground got more boggy. She took his hand and pulled him with her. “Come on, come on,” she begged. “I've got you.” She could hear voices behind them, keeping their distance on the edges of the field. 
“You must go, get the First Desk and tell them we're compromised. Tell them to send that new chap, Lamb, I've heard he's handy in a sticky spot.” Seren's heart fell as she realised she'd lost him to the confines of his mind. 
“We can get there together,” she cringed as she attempted to play along, “First Desk are way out of my league.”
“True enough. You don't have clearance anyway.” Clearance? Her mind ran, desperately unable to keep up with wherever David was and their actual situation. “We need dogs here as soon as they can, and likely a clean up team.” Seren felt her breathing shallow and her eyes filled with tears. She swallowed and tried to regain control, tried to inhale fully and steady herself. She could feel the creeping terror of a panic attack trying to edge its way into her mind but was determined to keep it at bay. 
“Let's keep going, we're nearly at the barn.” She half dragged him the last hundred metres and pulled at the door. The barn was filled with hay bales at various heights, Seren breathed a sigh of relief that there were no unruly farm animals. They pulled the door closed together and she tucked David safely behind a stack a few rows in. She went to check how closely they'd been followed. She hoped the thieves hadn't bothered giving chase, a ransacked house was one thing but she wasn't sure how she'd explain to River if David was injured - or worse. As she rounded the corner to see if there was a way to barricade the door, it swung open. Seren hid behind the nearest hay bale and held her breath. The man whistled as he entered, casually peering around the large barn as if he had all the time in the world. Seren held the poker tightly in her hands and she moved silently deeper into the barn. The man started to lunge around corners, trying to catch her out, make her jump. 
“No point dragging this out, get out here and bring the old bastard with you.” He taunted. Seren's blood ran cold. She could hear him closing in on the stack she hid behind and felt a desperate need to get him further away from David, as far away as she could. As he rounded the corner, she aimed the poker at his midsection, swinging it like a bat. The impact sent vibrations through her hands and up her arms. The poker dropped to the floor alongside the man who dropped to his knees. Seren ran for the door. If she could lead him out and away, she could keep David safe. Or safer. She flew past him, feet pounding on the dusty floor, he wasn't far behind though and as she reached the wide space in front of the open doors, he grabbed her ankle and she hit the ground face first. Winded by the fall, she groaned into the dirt. She rolled onto her back and scrambled to her feet, balling her hand into a fist, she threw a punch to his jaw. She quickly realised her error as pain shot through her hand and the thumb she'd captured between her palm and fingers. He shook off her punch and grabbed her by the throat, lifting her high enough that her tiptoes scraped the floor looking for purchase. Black started to creep into the edges of her vision as his hand tightened and her breathing was more constricted. She could feel her consciousness slipping away, and then she heard a female voice. 
“Oh for god's sake Duffy, put the girl down. I thought we were going for low key?” The man brought her down a fraction.
“Put her down now!” David bellowed, hitting the man on the back of the head with the handle of his pistol. Seren tumbled to the floor, the man dropping her as he clutched at the back of his head. The woman spoke up again. 
“Gun down please, David.” She said sternly. Seren clutched her throat, still unable to drag enough air into her lungs. The panic attack and hyperventilating she'd managed to stave off were beginning to take hold. Somewhere in her semi consciousness she heard more voices and an overhead light came on. She hid her face in her hands, blinking away the bright light. 
“Isn't this all a bit much Di?” 
“Fuck off, Lamb, we had this under control.”
“Grandad, please put the gun down.” 
“Don't make me laugh, you can't control your own bowel movements, Duffy. Diana, this is an overreaction and you know it.”
“Can you both stop bickering, I do not have the energy for this.” Nestled amongst the raised voices and arguing which she could barely hear over the sound of her ragged breathing and the blood rushing in her ears, Seren heard a familiar voice. A body crouched down next to her, lifting her to sit more upright. 
“Come on darling girl, sit up.” She saw two David's in her eyeline and shook her head.
“Two of you,” she croaked, her breathing still not under control. 
“That'll be the lack of oxygen, can you breathe more deeply?” David placed his hands on her upper arms and tried to encourage her to slow down. In the corner of her eye, she saw the man who'd choked her with a gun pointed at David. 
“No, no,” she tried to shout. She shuffled to her feet and tried to put herself between the gun and David. 
“Fucks sake, can we decide what the fuck we're doing here?” The man growled, the gun firmly aimed at Seren. 
“What the fuck, Duffy? Put the fucking gun down.” Seren soon had River's body between her and the gun and found herself looking at the rough pattern of his jacket. He had an arm pushed out behind him, keeping her hidden by his body. She swayed on the spot and felt David gently guide her back to the floor. With her eyes adjusted to the light and her breathing steadily becoming more even, Seren started to pay more attention. River still had his back to her, David sat by her side. 
“Let's put the dog back in his cage eh, Di? Seems the old bastard has his faculties for now so shall we try and talk like grown ups?” A bedraggled looking man standing near River spoke up. 
“Suddenly the voice of reason, Lamb?” The man they called Duffy sneered. 
“Well yeah, actually, I'm bloody hungry. A man's gotta eat.” 
“Shut up both of you.” The woman said sharply. She was dressed impeccably, despite their location. She looked around the standing bodies to David. “Are you with us, Cartwright?”
“I am currently, Diana, yes. Though I can't guarantee for how long. I assume you're here to kill me?” David patted Seren reassuringly on the shoulder and got to his feet. The woman hummed. 
“It was my intention, yes. It's becoming increasingly apparent that you don't have the mental capacity to keep certain things quiet any longer.”
“It's true, my mind is not what it once was. But I've given nothing away, the girl is evidence of that. She's completely in the dark.”
“Until now.”
“Yes, well, blame your dogs for that. Watching us for months, putting us on edge.” They fell silent. 
“Where do we go from here then?” The scruffy man asked, lighting a cigarette. “Would you like us to shoot you once you've had it, Di?”
“No I bloody would not.”
“Bit of a dick move expecting the old bastard to get it then? And I don't even like him.”
“Your opinion is noted, Lamb.”
“Ma'am, may I-” River started.
“Fucking hell Cartwright, we were just getting somewhere.” Lamb interrupted. 
“Let him speak, River has my power of attorney, I trust him to speak for me.” David said wearily. The woman rolled her eyes and gestured for River to continue. 
“He's right, he's not given up any information even on his worst days. Please,” he pleaded, “please don't kill him. Can we have a service approved carer? Regular reviews, anything?”
“Don't look at me, I want fuck all to do with this.”
“But you agree with the suggestion?”
“If you kill him, you're setting a precedent for how you or I will be treated when we lose our marbles. I for one want to die drunk in bed covered in Chinese takeaway, not shot by this moron.” He pointed at Duffy. The woman looked at her watch impatiently.
“Fine. But if anything goes wrong, it comes back on you, Cartwright, and he,” she pointed at David, “won't be able to save you this time.” River nodded obediently. 
“Yes ma'am, understood.”
“I think we're done here. Clean up the fallout Cartwright.”
“No more dogs?” Lamb asked. The woman hesitated and he looked pointedly at her. 
“No more dogs, you have my word.”
“Glad we're all in agreement, now fuck off Duffy.” Lamb clapped his hands and shooed the other man toward the door. The woman and Duffy left, leaving Seren with the two Cartwrights and Lamb. 
“The girl needs hospital.” Lamb told River. 
“‘m fine,” she shook her head, making it ache again. He knelt down in front of her, Seren could see his sallow skin and greasy, lank hair. He looked at her neck, mottled with purple bruises, and her hand, swollen and misshapen. River watched over them, he still hadn't spoken to or approached Seren himself. 
“You need x-rays. Your thumb is broken and you need your wrist strapping up. Go alone,”
“She's not going alone.” River stated.
“Want to be arrested for beating up your girlfriend?” Lamb asked, “cos that's what they'll think.” He turned back to Seren, “you go alone. Tell them you were mugged and a police liaison officer will be taking a statement tomorrow. Then get yourself off home, plenty of painkillers and some sleep. Cold water for your throat.” He stood back up. “We, gentlemen, have got some shit to work out.” 
“Can I at least take her to the hospital?” River asked. Seren could feel the anger bubbling up, sick of being called ‘girl’ and ‘her’.
“Drop her at the door, you'd better come back with food.” 
“I'm not going anywhere until someone explains what the fuck just happened?” Seren said as loudly as she could manage. The men fell silent. “River?” He looked between Seren and Lamb, loyalties torn. “This is ridiculous,” she turned to David who looked exhausted. Despite her anger, she couldn't help but want to help him. “Come on, let's get you home.” She took his arm with her good hand and led him slowly outside. River's car was abandoned outside with the doors wide open and the engine running. She helped David into the front seat and sat in the back waiting for the others. It was a matter of seconds back to the house along the gravel track. With River trying to catch her eye in the mirror, Seren wished she'd put David in the car and walked. She needed time to process what she'd heard and seen, but her anger was too great to ignore and she had too many questions to walk away. In the house, Seren assessed the damage. The back door had been kicked in and the route from the back door to the front door looked like the path of a tornado. Lamb started opening cupboards. “There's food in the fridge.” She told him, sinking into the armchair in the kitchen. She was freezing, so she pulled her hoodie (River's hoodie) from the back of the chair and slipped her arms into it, pulling it around her. David came in from the sitting room with the whiskey decanter while River followed with glasses. He handed her a tumbler with a few generous fingers of single malt in the bottom but she couldn't bring herself to look at him. She stayed in the armchair, legs pulled up like a shield while the others sat around the table. Lamb tucked into the pie she'd made earlier. 
“So, what do you want to know?” David asked. 
“Everything. How long have you been lying to me?” Her throat hurt, her voice was low and husky. David shook his head.
“It wasn't a lie,” he stressed. 
“We're MI5.” River told her. Across the table Lamb leaned back in his chair and threw up his hands. 
“So much for anonymity.” River ignored him. 
“This is my… boss.”
“The woman? And the thug?” 
“Everyone's boss. She's interim head of MI5. He is actually just a thug, we call them dogs. They're usually carrying out her dirty work.” Seren stared at him. 
“The dogs? You brushed me off when I told you what David said-”
“I know. I was wrong.”
“Fucking hell, Cartwright, it must be love if you're admitting you were wrong about something.”
“Love?” David queried. 
“Do you mind?” Seren snapped at Lamb. “I think we've more important things to discuss.”
“I like this one, she's feisty.”
“Fuck you.” She glared. 
“Got a bit of heartburn, better not.” 
“So what, why was she here?”
“They thought it easier if I were dead. I once had Diana Taverner's job. I have a lot of information, a lot of secrets that they don't want escaping as I deteriorate.”
“That's true? They came to kill you?” She was incredulous, it sounded too far-fetched to be true. “And you knew? You knew we were in danger?” She turned to River. He went to speak but she got there first. “So what the fuck was I? Collateral damage?”
“No! God, no. Seren I didn't mean for you to be in any danger-” Seren stood up abruptly and downed her drink. Already unsteady on her feet, the alcohol didn't help. “Wait, you can't drive, let me take you?”
“I'm fine.”
“Seren, please?”
“I'd listen to him. I don't tend to, but I can't see you making it to the hospital on your own steam.” Lamb pointed out. Her shoulders dropped, she knew he was right. “Get back here sharpish. No dawdling.” He warned River. 
In the car, Seren sat as close to the door as she could get and stared out of the window. River watched her carefully, only taking his eyes off her when the road demanded his attention. 
“I'm sorry,” he said quietly, grateful that they were finally alone and he could speak freely. She didn't respond. She cradled her bad wrist in her good hand, she was shivering so he turned up the heat. As she turned slightly to acknowledge the extra warmth, he could see the tears in her eyes. She swallowed thickly, trying not to let them fall, but the pain in her throat made her grimace. They pulled up at the hospital, the bright lights of the A&E department bursting through the darkness. He reached out to place a hand on her thigh and when she flinched, his heart sank. “I'll pick you up when you're done?”
“I don't have my phone-”
“Here, take mine,” he scrambled in his pocket. 
“I don't want your phone, or a lift, or anything to do with you.” She finally turned to look at him. “Don't contact me.” She looked completely betrayed.
“If that's what you want-” the car door slammed and he watched her slowly make her way to the entrance. He dragged his hands over his face and up into his hair, trying to shake off the desperate heartache of watching her walk out of his life. He sniffed and nodded firmly to himself. Time to clean up the fallout, like he'd been told. At the house, neither Lamb nor the elder Cartwright had made any attempt to straighten out the mess Duffy had made. Under duress, David had agreed to a service approved and chosen carer who would report weekly to Lamb and Taverner and daily to River. He would no longer be assessed by his own GP, but by a private MI5 doctor and he would undergo rigorous bi-monthly tests to track his health more closely. By the time Lamb left, River wasn't sure David had an ounce of privacy left - something he knew Seren would have advocated for. He wondered if he'd given up David's freedom too easily but decided, in the absence of Seren's guidance, that it was either this or give up David's life. He knew which he preferred.
“I'm proud of you my boy.” David told him as River helped him into bed. 
“I didn't do anything.” 
“You came when we needed you. How's Seren?” River shrugged. 
“She doesn't want anything to do with me. With us.”
“She'll come around.” 
“I don't think she will.”
“You like her?” River looked away, “I may be old but I'm not stupid. I heard two people climb the stairs a few weeks ago. And I heard that bloody car of hers leave at some ungodly hour. The way you look at her, I used to look at Rose like that.”
“Sorry grandad,” River sighed.
“I'm not angry. She's good for you. For both of us.”
“Yeah well, not anymore. We start again with someone new.” David frowned. 
“We'll see about that. Get some rest.”
“You too old man. G'night.” River closed the door quietly and set about clearing up the mess. He wedged the back door closed as best he could, swept up broken glass and righted everything that had been knocked over. He found Seren's phone in the front porch, her bag in the kitchen, her book in the sitting room. She was scattered around the house, hair ties by the kitchen sink, a notepad on the coffee table, her favourite chocolate in the fridge. He left everything where it was, apart from the phone which he put by her bag, then he fell into a dreamless sleep on the sofa. He was woken by shuffling sounds from the kitchen and hushed voices. Bleary eyed, he wandered in to see Seren handing a taxi driver a tenner from her purse. The man thanked her and left, raising his hand in a wave to River as he did. Seren spun around to face him.
“Thought you'd be asleep.”
“How are you?”
“Sprained wrist, broken thumb, bruises.” 
“Your body combat teacher will be chuffed.”
“I dick around in a dark room pretending to punch stuff. I've never actually hit anyone before.” She muttered. 
“You look tired.”
“Thanks, you look like shit too.”
“Why don't you get some sleep in my room?”  Seren raised an eyebrow, “alone, I mean.” She shook her head. 
“I need to go,” she took her bag and keys from the table, shoving her battered phone in her pocket. “Tell him I said goodbye.” Her voice cracked and he reached for her, placing a gentle hand on her arm. 
“Seren-” he said softly. By the time she turned back to him, she'd regained her composure though the tears she'd tried to hide rolled down her cheeks.
“Don't say my name like that. Don't speak to me like I mean anything to you. You've made me a fool. I knew I shouldn't have let you win me over, I knew I should have stayed out of your way. I don’t want to see you again, goodbye River.” She pulled her arm out of his grasp and left him on the kitchen doorstep as her car spluttered to life and roared down the drive.
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The Ties that Bind - Chapter 6
And what if I maybe decided that this isn't actually the last chapter?
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Don't ask how my work week is going, I stupidly wrote this instead of the draft report I need to submit on Friday.... Incidentally, the report has a shorter wordcount than this chapter so technically, technically all I need is some actual ooomph to go ahead and write it!
CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4| CH 5
Tagging: @cillmequick & @thomasshelbyswife
Chapter 6
Weeks had passed since Seren had left. She made her way around the aisle of the supermarket with her new charge, not too fast and not too slow. Heaven forbid she get the speed wrong. 
“That jam there, on the middle shelf.” The elderly woman in the wheelchair said suddenly, pointing vaguely at approximately 80 jars of jam variations.
“This one?”
“No, down.”
“No left a bit, the one that looks like cherries.”
“Cherry jam then?”
“No, the one next to it.” Seren resisted the urge to smash every jar on the floor. She held up another jar. “That’s the ticket, love. Now, eggs.”
“You don’t like eggs?” “I want you to make a cake. Coffee and walnut.” Seren hesitated, her last coffee and walnut cake had been demolished in the space of about four hours by David and River.
“How about a vicky sponge instead?” She suggested, scanning the shelves.
“Too sweet. Next to the eggs, there, the walnuts.”
“Coffee and walnut, my favourite.” Another voice chimed in.
“Mine too! She’s refusing to make it though.”
“I’m not refusing, I just-” Seren turned back to the lady, eggs and walnuts in hand. Alongside her stood River.
“Fine Mags, I’ll make coffee and walnut.” She dumped the stuff in the basket on Maggie’s lap. “Excuse me.” She said politely to River and went to push the wheelchair on. “Seren, wait, please?”
“Who’s this young man?” 
“River, nice to meet you.” He shook her hand, Maggie blushed.
“Seren, you told me you were single!”
“I am.”
“I think I’d remember if you’d told me about this fella. He’s very handsome,” she turned to River, “you’re very handsome.”
“That’s because I haven’t told you about him. There’s nothing to tell. This is an old… acquaintance, that’s all.” Maggie’s bark of laughter turned into a hacking cough.
“Old acquaintance. Do I look bloody daft?”
“Come on, we’ve got to get a move on. Senior swim time.” Seren turned the wheelchair away from River and started at speed down the rest of the aisle.
“Bet he’d love to see you in a cossie.”
“Margaret Monroe!” 
“I’m only saying, love. If you’ve got it, flaunt it.” As they rounded the next aisle, Maggie turned in her chair to Seren, “he’s still there.” She whispered loudly enough to be heard by the entirety of the store. “Corrr and he’s looking at you like you hung the moon.” 
“Give it a rest, Mags.” Seren could feel the heat in her cheeks.
“It’s rude to ignore people.” The older woman said sternly.
“It’s a long story. We’ve got to go otherwise you’ll miss swimming.” Maggie raised her hand and waved to River who caught them up easily with no wheelchair to manoeuvre around. 
“How do you know the lovely Seren then?”
“She looked after my grandfather.”
“Oh!” She said brightly, then her face fell a little, “did he die? I’m so sorry.”
“No, no. He’s… fine. He’s his usual self.” River confirmed, noting the relief that crossed Seren’s face.
“Why’d she leave then? Why’d you leave?” Maggie looked back and forth between them.
“I told you, it’s a long story. Do you want to go swimming or not?” Maggie huffed. 
“It was nice to meet you, love. We’re off to the leisure centre for a swim. She keeps telling me it’s good for me.”
“Sounds fun. It was nice to meet you Maggie, see you again.”
“No you won’t.” Seren interrupted.
“Can I call you?” He asked quickly, before the opportunity to ask had disappeared.
“No, please don’t.”
“You should! God knows this girl needs to smile more. Either that or she needs a proper good-”
“I smile loads.” Seren scowled, interrupting quickly to stop Maggie from saying something less appropriate. Maggie rolled her eyes. As she went to push the wheelchair through the checkout, River dropped Seren’s favourite chocolate bar into the basket.
“For after swimming.” He shrugged. “It’s really good to see you. Still wearing my hoodie though?” He smiled faintly. Seren nodded at the unexpected gesture and to her surprise, River was the one to walk away. As Seren watched him leave, Maggie chattered away next to her.
“Well you kept him quiet, what a lovely man Seren! Bet he’d show you a good time,” the older lady sniggered.
“Stop interfering, you old perv.” Seren teased her gently. “I’m going to stop getting you those smutty books from the library.” She threatened.
“Don’t you dare. I deserve to get my thrills from somewhere young lady.” Seren let her talk, her mind drifting to River. He’d done exactly as she’d asked and not contacted her in weeks. A week after the confrontation in the barn, she received a small box with her book, phone charger, chocolate and various other things she’d left behind at David’s house. It had been hand delivered to her house, she hadn’t sent a thank you message. As the weeks had gone on, she found her anger giving way to sadness. She still felt foolish for having trusted both River and David so completely, she began to feel more betrayed than angry. She’d fended off nosey questions from Maggie when she’d first started looking after her, her bruises still visible and her hand still tightly wrapped. She was so easily distracted by a tall flash of dirty blonde hair in the corner of her eye and now, with the unexpected meeting in the supermarket, she found herself wondering if she’d been right all along and he had really been there, she hadn’t imagined it or wished for it. With Maggie safely back at home, Seren poured herself a glass of wine and tried to settle with a book. A light tap at the door stirred her. River.
“I told you not to come here.” “You told me not to call.” She rolled her eyes, holding the door so it was clear he wasn’t going to be welcomed inside.
“I told you I didn’t want to see you again.”
“I know.”
“So? Why are you here?” She looked at him properly for the first time. Stubble longer than normal, a mournful look in his eyes and dark circles underneath. She knew she didn’t look much better, Maggie told her daily how sad her eyes were. Her resolution to not let him in was wavering. With a sigh, she pulled open the door fully. “Come in. 5 minutes, that’s all you get.” He slipped past her gratefully and she could smell the soap and aftershave he used, scents that had long deserted the hoodie she continued to wear.
“I wanted to apologise. Properly, I mean. I didn’t get a chance really that night, or when you came back to get your car. It was… fucked up. You should never have been caught up in it all.”
“You should have told me the truth.”
“How could I?” He asked, desperately. “I had to keep you safe.” 
“Safe?” She scoffed, closing the space between them and moving the neckline of her top to one side, “I still have the bruises!” Barely visible to the naked eye, River could see the faint marks which still littered her neck. Without thinking, he brought his hand up and traced the outline with his finger. He could make out her pulse, her heart pounded, and the movement of her nervous swallow. She took a step back, shaking her head, “don’t touch me.” She pleaded. His hand and his gaze dropped down to her hand where she still had a bandage.
“Still not healed?” He asked, his voice hoarse. He lifted it gently, holding it in both of his hands.
“They had to align the fracture. Two more weeks and I can take this off.” She felt a warm tear drop onto the exposed skin on the palm of her hand and looked up at him. 
“You got hurt because of me-” he started.
“I got hurt because I stupidly thought I could punch a grown man. I was an idiot, trying to protect David - who apparently can handle himself just fine.” 
“No, you were incredible. If you hadn’t been there… I wouldn’t have been there in time. They’d have done it, they’d have killed him.” She knew she should take another step back but the warmth of his body was intoxicating and she was struggling to hold onto her anger. He released her hand and wiped his eyes.
“How is he?”
“Pain in the arse. Hates everyone they send to look after him. He misses you.”
“Don’t do that. Don’t make me the guilty one.”
“I didn’t mean to, sorry. It’s just… he was better with you, I think.”
“He went through a crazy evening, finding out your old workplace wants you dead is a bit mental.”
“I was better with you.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry again.”
“Stop apologising, you’re doing my head in. You look like crap.” She muttered, wrapping her arms around him. 
“Yeah, so grandad keeps telling me.” He let his head drop into the crook of her neck and breathed her in.
“It’s just a hug, that’s all you get then you can fuck off.” She felt him nod against her and the soft huff of his breath on her skin. The proximity and familiarity made her heart flutter. She reluctantly released the hug, for her own sanity. He watched her intently, the conflict in her eyes clearly visible. He brought his hands up to cup her face and she leaned into his touch, a trembling sigh passing her lips as he met her in a soft, uncertain kiss. She pulled away first, placing a hand on his chest to push herself back. “No. No, I’m still so angry, River.” She paced back and forth in front of him. “I feel like such an idiot for trusting you so implicitly.” She told him, the accusatory tone to her voice gave away the anger rising in her again. She backed further away from him. “You should go now. I asked you not to come.” She marched past him and flung the door open wide. “Go now please, I can’t… I need to stop thinking about you, and the only way I can do that is to not be near you.” She trailed off weakly. He paused as he passed her. 
“I can’t stop thinking about you either.” He admitted cautiously. Seren reached for him first, her traitorous body overruling her mind and all sense of reason. She caught the edge of his jacket and pulled him down into a far less hesitant kiss than the previous one. He kicked the front door shut again and pressed her back against the wall. She led him down the short hallway, dropping his jacket and her (his) hoodie along the way. River pulled off the oversized t-shirt she wore, surprised to find nothing underneath and enveloped her in his arms. He walked her backwards through her open bedroom door, both of them tripping on her discarded shorts, his t-shirt. She pulled him with her onto the bed, hissing in pain as she realised she'd used the wrong hand. He slotted between her open thighs and turned her hand gently, kissing the slither of exposed skin between the thumb and index finger. Seren wanted to hold onto the anger she felt was justified, but she couldn't deny how much she wanted him. He stopped suddenly and she held her breath, waiting. She felt a kiss at the base of her throat and then at each ghost of a fingertip bruise on her neck, faint, but he found them all. She choked back a sob.
“I hate that I need you so badly.” Her whisper turned into a low moan as his long fingers teased a path through the thin layer of her underwear, already soaked with her need for him. She bucked against his hand, holding it in place tightly with her good hand. 
“Show me, Seren,” he demanded quietly, “show me what you need.” He slid the underwear down her legs. She covered his hand with her own and guided it to where she wanted him most. River thrust his fingers into her torturously slowly, building her orgasm from so deeply inside she could hardly breathe. "I've got you," he murmured through kisses, "I've got you." His thumb brushed against her clit and she rocked into him. She grasped at his shoulders as she got closer and closer to the edge. "I want this… want you, always." He kissed her hard as she came, swallowing her moans as she clenched around his fingers, his name on her lips. He worked her through the orgasm, watching her with a mix of pride and lust as she fell boneless into the mattress. 
“I’m not sure this is an appropriate way to earn forgiveness, River.” She whispered, a giggle bubbling in her chest for the first time in weeks.
“Thought I was never going to see you smile again,” he half joked.
“‘M not smiling.”
“Yeah you are.”
“It’s the endorphins. Totally out of my control.” She sat up to look at him, covering herself with her arm. “How do you still have clothes on?” She gestured to his jeans.
“I was more bothered about getting yours off,” he admitted. 
“Some things never change.”
“I’ve missed you so much, Seren.” His head dropped to his chest with a heavy sigh, the tension between them finally cracking. She moved her hand from where it covered her chest and brought it to cup his face, her fingertips running over the stubble. “Everytime I sleep, I see Duffy pointing that fucking gun at you.” He said hoarsely, laying bare his helplessness. Seren closed her eyes, trying to blink away the tears.
“Oh, love.” She sighed. Removing her hand from his face, she got off the bed and pulled on the closest item of clothing, his t-shirt. Then she set about closing the bedroom curtains and switching off the light in the hallway. He watched her from the edge of the bed until she stood directly in front of him. “C’mon, clothes off, we’re going to bed.” She nudged him. “I’ll be back in a sec.” She disappeared to what he assumed was the bathroom and came out a few minutes later in a t-shirt of her own. She put the one she’d taken off with the jeans he’d left by the bed and pulled back the covers of the bed. She folded her body around him, tucking her knees behind his and pressing her chest to his back. He could feel her warm breath on the back of his neck and her hand curled around onto his chest and for the first time in weeks they both fell asleep straight away. Seren woke on and off through the night to soft caresses and kisses until they succumbed to sleep again. In the early hours, fuelled by a restful night, she felt River curl around her, pressing hard into the soft flesh of her thighs. She rolled onto her back and pulled him to cover her body, pressing her heels into the back of his thighs to guide him into her. It was still so dark in her room that she could hardly see him. She let her hands guide her, trailing up his arms, over his broad back, down to squeeze his thigh, back up and into his hair. He matched with each roll of her hips, slowly and languidly. The darkness made everything quieter, his whispered affirmations, praise and moans were dizzying. Seren clung to him like she never wanted to let go, holding him to her as they both came. When she woke again, she was alone. If it hadn’t been for the ache between her thighs, it could have easily been a dream. 
River clattered up the stairs to Lamb’s office with more energy than he’d had in weeks, though his face did not share the same spirit.
“Blimey, you’re positively sprightly this morning. What’s wrong with your face?”
“It’s just my face. Ewelina has walked out on the old bastard.”
“Was she the Polish girl?”
“Yep, he insulted her cooking.”
“How many is that now?”
“He’s gone through eight, I think? He didn’t like Glenys-”
“No one fucking liked Glenys.”
“Or Debbie, Sarah, Pete-”
“What was wrong with Pete?” Lamb asked, incredulous.
“He couldn’t play chess. Shame, he left some decent IPA behind.”
“Is there anyone left?”
“Dunno, guess we’ll have to ask Taverner.” Lamb laughed,
“No, no Cartwright, you will have to ask Lady Di. Not me.”
“Go on Lamb, please? She’ll kill me.”
“While I would pay to see that, I’ll settle for watching you make the call.” He sniggered. With a heavy sigh, River took the outstretched phone.
“Umm, hi? It’s Cartwright? River Cartwright?” Lamb couldn’t hear the other side of the conversation to his disappointment. “Yep, another one. No, he just says they’re all shit. Great, thanks.” He hung up and passed back the phone. 
“Sending someone else?”
“So she says.”
“Y’know Cartwright, I’m quite enjoying the inconvenience all of this is causing for Lady Di. I feel like it’s a bit of vindication for us.” Lamb said decidedly.
The cause of the inconvenience tutted into his coffee, his mind wasn’t playing ball and the crossword was giving him more trouble than he deemed necessary. Outside, he heard a car far larger than River’s arrive, accompanied by a neat knock on his back door.
“David. Seems I have a reason to be here again?”
“Diana, to what do I owe this pleasure?”
“Well the pleasure is certainly not mine, I assure you.”
“Hmm,” Diana Taverner looked around David’s kitchen while he pottered around making her a cup of coffee. “You’ve declined another approved carer?” “They weren’t suitable.”
“None of them?” She scoffed. “I do find that hard to believe. You’re becoming a nuisance, David. I’m starting to regret not letting Duffy shoot you.”
“You don’t mean that,” he smiled.
“I actually do. I want this resolved, I want this off my desk, and the next time I hear your name, I want it to be when I find out that you died peacefully in your bed. Do I make myself clear?”
“So what is it you want?” David hesitated.
“I want Seren back.”
“The girl from the barn?” He nodded.
“I got on with her, she understood me. We had an agreement.” Taverner frowned.
“Cartwright, you know she’s not service approved. Our agreement was that you would have someone who was service approved.”
“So employ her? It’s not that difficult, surely?” She drank her coffee in silence. 
“Will it shut you up?”
“There’s a good chance of that, yes.” He held up a finger, “but I don’t want River to know, not until it’s done.”
“That’s making the very big assumption that I’m going to do this for you?”
“You want it off your desk. That’s how it goes.” 
“I don’t like being held over a barrel like this.”
“Should have shot me when you had the chance then.” Taverner laughed,
“Yes, well - touché. Very well. You won’t hear from me again.” She left her half drunk coffee on the table and David went back to his crossword.
Seren hadn’t heard from River at all. She sat with Maggie side by side in a brightly lit corridor, like naughty schoolgirls waiting to go to the office.
“I don’t like this.” Maggie grumbled.
“I know, but Daniel and Penny think it’s the right thing for you.”
“We’re coping perfectly fine, aren’t we?”
“Of course we are, but you’ll have a lot more friends here?” She held out a leaflet, “look, they go to senior swim as well? And trips to the cinema and Kew Gardens - you love Kew Gardens.” Maggie huffed.
“I like living in my own bloody house.” Seren didn’t respond. Maggie hadn’t taken the news of moving to a care home well at all. Her daughter and son-in-law were in the office finalising the details of her new ensuite room. “Will you visit me?”
“Of course I will, Mags. Try and stop me.” Seren took Maggie’s hand and kissed the back of it. 
“You’re a good girl, Seren. What will you do?” She shrugged.
“No idea. Maybe a holiday? It’s been a weird year so far.”
“Somewhere sunny. Get that swimming cossie out again.”
“I’m starting to think you’ve got a thing about my cossie, Mags.”
“Maybe in my younger days darling. Don’t tell Penny.” Seren smiled.
“Your secret is safe with me.”
“Mum? Shall we take you to see your room?” Penny emerged from the office.
“I’ll go and have a look at the garden,” Seren told them and then dropped down to talk to Maggie, “be nice!” She warned her. She wandered around the extensive garden of the very exclusive - and expensive - care home. She wondered whether David had gotten the fence painted before the weather had turned, whether the plants they’d chosen were thriving. Her phone rang in her pocket and she pulled it out, the screen still cracked. She really needed to get that fixed. “Seren Harrison?”
“Ms Harrison, I have a call for you from Diana Taverner at Thames House. Can I connect you?”
“Uhh-” Seren’s response was a very undignified stutter and the call was connected before she could accept - or refuse - it. “Hello?”
“Ahh, hello. We weren’t introduced previously. I’m Diana Taverner, I hope you don’t mind my calling?” Seren stumbled over her words and formed some sort of non-committing answer. “Good. I was with David Cartwright a couple of weeks ago, has he been in touch?”
“No, why, what’s happened to him?”
“Nothing at all, more's the pity. He’s been getting through designated home assistance at quite a rate,” Seren couldn’t help but smile at the comment. “It’s becoming very frustrating. Apparently, he will only have you helping him.”
“You got along, did you not?” Seren recalled numerous plates and mugs she replaced but the memory was quickly overruled by ones of doing the crossword, drinking tea in the garden and learning how to play chess.
“We did,” she said softly.
“It seems the ties that bind you both mean a great deal to him. He would like me to make you an offer of employment.” Seren held her breath. “If that is acceptable to you?” Seren could almost hear David’s voice in her ear ‘don’t give in easily, make them work for it’. 
“Well, I’d need to know the terms of the contract, of course.” She stammered. Taverner sighed.
“Yes, yes. I’ll have someone send it over to you by courier. They will wait for an immediate return or dismissal though?”
“I’m sure that’ll be fine.”
“I certainly hope so. I do not want to have to deal with this any longer. I must go, I have a meeting with the Prime Minister shortly. I trust the contract will meet your approval, it’s likely you won’t hear from me again so you have both my admiration and commiserations for managing the Cartwright’s. You deserve a bloody damehood.” Seren nearly laughed at Taverner’s exasperated sigh.
“They’re definitely hard work.” She agreed.
“Indeed. Goodbye Ms Harrison, and thank you.” The call rang off before Seren could respond and from the conservatory, Maggie called and waved to her.
She parked in her usual spot. The revolving door of carers hadn’t bothered with the weeds on the driveway, she noted. She knocked and waited patiently, her hand had barely moved from the woodwork when the door flung open.
“Can I help you?” He asked impatiently. Seren sighed.
“Mr Cartwright, it’s Seren. I umm, well you see -” she tried to think of the best way to explain, the best way to re-introduce herself when she saw the corner of David’s mouth pulling into a smile. “You old git!” She scolded him with a grin.
“Couldn’t help myself my dear.” He beamed. “May I?” He held out his arms and she hugged him warmly. “It’s good to have you back.”
“It’s good to be back. I take it you’ve been quite the troublemaker?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Seren dear. It’s been quite an ordeal, really.”
“Hmm. Why don’t you offer me a proper apology over tea? I brought cake.”
“Coffee and walnut?”
“Of course. Chess?”
“Naturally. Come on in.” Seren followed him into the house, the familiarity of it washing over her. Despite the break in, she felt safe and calm there. They caught up over cake. Seren found that she was no longer angry. Knowing that she was a fully paid up Park employee, David spoke more openly about his past. She knew there would always be things he would keep from her, but he was able to articulate fully what had happened when they’d been in the barn. He told her of his worries about River not sleeping properly, eating junk and his overall desolate attitude.
“I take it he doesn’t know I’m here?” She asked carefully. As he went to respond, the sound of a car turning on the driveway filtered through from the kitchen window.
“I suspect he does now.” He mused as River came to a stop quietly in the doorway.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Full Masterlist
My Masterlist is sorted by fandom and then by main character.
AO3 and Tumblr links are included for each fic once you click through.
My inbox is open 📫 please feel free to message me, request pieces, send prompts etc. I'd love to hear from you 😘
Finally, thank you, thank you, thank you for all of the likes, reblogs, comments - everything. I think when we're all so busy, and we consume so much stuff every single day, it's a wonderful thing to show that we've engaged with something, and send that little hit of serotonin to the author which might seem insignificant but makes their day 💜
Current ships:
River Cartwright
Roy Kent x Reader
Josh x Donna (West Wing) - no list yet
Garvez (Criminal Minds)
Jonah x Amy (Superstore) - no list yet
Happy to give any others a go if there's any in particular you think I should try?
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Slow Horses Works
God, Jack Lowden is just 🥵
River Cartwright / OFC List
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Ted Lasso Works
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This show has my heart, always will 💜
Despite the ending - sshhh!
Ted Lasso / Rebecca Welton List
Tedbecca nation unite! I have loads of Tedbecca works which I'm always adding to.
Ted Lasso / Reader List
Just the one story in here for now, but will always consider adding more.
Roy Kent / Reader List
My latest obsession, ngl. Roy Kent is everything right now.
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Criminal Minds
Luke Alvez / Penelope Garcia List
New list! Will be added to because these two are so cute!
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The Bear
Carmy Berzatto / Sydney Adamu List
Yeah sure, just suck me in to another platonic besties relationship why don't you?! As if I'm not still grieving Tedbecca! 😫
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RPF Works
Currently containing Jason Sudeikis works.
Jason Sudeikis / Reader List
Whatta man 🥵
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91 notes · View notes
lavidademarimar · 7 years
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~ Catch up on Praia, the first part of the story of Jack x Elena ~
~ Masterlist ~
Elena opened the door to her flat and it seemed no one was there. She rolled her suitcase into her room, and fell with a thud on her bed. Her phone vibrated. She grunted and took it out of her pocket. 
Jack: Did ye make it home all right?
“Does he have a GPS on me?” Elena wondered out loud. 
A knock on the door brought Elena back to reality. “Jell-o? You back?” a man’s voice came from the other side. 
“Yeah, come in! I’m here.”
Carlos, Elena’s roommate made his way into the room. He is also Venezuelan, and considerably taller than her. He hugged her and put his hands on her shoulders.
“You’re so fucking tanned. I’m so jealous.”
“The beach life is the best life. Shame we left home.”
“Yeah, but we escaped communism, so we kind of won.”
He sat on the sofa in Elena’s room. “Did you just get in? How you feeling? Do you want to get fries and you can tell me all about your trip?”
“Give me an hour to shower. I should also unpack,” said Elena, pointing at her messy suitcase.
“I’ll go get the food and we’ll have it here,” Carlos said. 
“Ugh, even better. You’re the best.”
Carlos and Elena were the best of friends. They had been since 2006. Elena was sure Jack would hate his guts. 
“So, you’re dating a Scot that lives in London?” Carlos asked, sceptical. They were sat in their little dining room table.
“Pretty much,” said Elena, dipping a fry in Samourai sauce. 
“And in a couple of days his best friend is staying with us because he has work here?” Carlos really had no idea what was going on. Every new information made his question the entire trip, even more than Elena had done on the flight back.
“I’m sorry. Did you get married and didn’t invite me? Because I will fucking lose it right now,” Carlos was dumbfounded. 
“Yeah, I guess when you say it like that it sounds weird,” Elena shrugged. 
The door to their apartment opened and a shorter man walked in. This is Andres, their other best friend.
“Hey! You’re back!” He walked over to Elena, gave her a kiss on the cheek and a hug. 
“No, dude, and wait until you hear what she has to say. She got married in Portugal and didn’t invite us.”
Andres grabbed a chair and sat next to them. “What?”
“I’m seeing this guy,” said Elena. 
“I met a Scot in Portugal and we had two weeks of fantastic sex. We didn’t want to leave it, so we’re going to try and see if we can manage seeing each other.”
“Yes, that will most definitely work,” said Andres, deadpan, not believing a word Elena said, standing up and grabbing a beer from their refrigerator.
“What makes you believe he doesn’t have a girlfriend back in London?” asked Carlos.
“He’s the insanely jealous type, so I doubt he likes to share with anyone. This includes himself.” The words came out of her mouth before she could truly grasp what she was doing. Elena had been surrounded by boys her whole life, and they always got possessive about her. These boys, their group from high school, were the worst. By saying Jack was the jealous type, he immediately became a target. 
“Oh god, Elena, seriously? Are you going out with a prick? Again? Can we let you go on holiday in peace?” Andres shook his head, annoyed.
“Let me guess, Olivia encouraged this,” said Carlos with a hint of disdain. Those two had dated in Venezuela before everyone went their separate ways, and it didn’t end very well. 
“She would have actually married me if Lucy hadn’t intervened,” Elena laughed. 
“His best friend is coming next week and staying here with us,” Carlos announced to Andres, who clearly did not approve of everything he had heard for the last hour. 
“Guys, I have absolutely no faith in this, okay? I honestly don’t think this is going to work, but he’s great and the sex is amazing, so if I can get some regular dick without the commitment of having to see someone once a week, I’m going to take it.”
“I am absolutely unconvinced. When is he coming to introduce himself?” Carlos asked. 
“I told him I’d tell him when he could come. I wanted to settle back into my real life before he’d show up.”
“A sensible choice,” said Andres.
After what felt hours of Judgement Day, Elena was finally on her bed, naked. Summer in Brussels was awful, and the heat unbearable. She was glad she’d bought a fan when they were still cheap and that made it less horrible. She was reading on her iPad when her phone vibrated again. She knew who it was.
Jack: Birdie, I haven’t heard from ye all day. Are ye okay?
She had another one that made her giggle.
Tom: Mate, could you please just tell him you’re fine. He’s been making us miserable with his shitty mood. 
Elena: Joke’s on you for living with him. 
Tom: Fuck off! 
Elena: I dare you to tell him I replied to your messages but not his. 
Tom: No thanks. I need to be alive next week. I hope you’re cleaning the sofa I’ll be sleeping on. 
Elena: Yes, I hope you’re keeping the allowance they gave you because you’re taking me out to dinner.
Tom: of course, love. I’ve the money on me. I arrive Thursday morning. 
Elena: fantastic, just in time to mingle with the young adults and get drunk at Plux. 
Tom: Plux?
Elena: You’ll see what I mean. Let’s talk tomorrow. I’m going to reply to your friend now. 
Tom: See you soon xx
Elena: Hey, made it home okay. I was catching up with Carlos and Andres. How was your day?
The phone vibrated almost immediately. 
Jack: This is yer roommate and your neighbour, no?
Elena: Yes. Best friends from school. 
Jack: My day was less than thrilling. Coming back to this fucked weather made me miss Portugal already. 
Elena: How’s settling in with your new flatmates?
Jack: I have no idea why the bloody fuck I thought this would be a good idea for all of us. 
Elena: LMAO that well?
Jack: I am going to murder Harry before the year is over. Remember this.  
Elena: you’ll go to jail :(
Jack: would ye miss me?
Elena: who would I tell that I’m naked right now in my empty double bed?
Jack video-called Elena. She picked up.
“Very smooth. Very very smooth,” said Elena laughing loudly.
“Let me see ye, please.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t want you to get used to this happening every night,” she said sternly.
“Birdie, please,” his voice begging made Elena close her thighs to create a bit of friction but was cut off by a muffled sound that came from Jack’s door and some banging. 
“What’s that?” Elena asked. 
Jack let out an exasperated sigh. “Let me show you.”
Jack switched the camera and the door opened to reveal Harry with a bottle of wine in his hand, wearing nothing but boxers.
“Mate, what are you doing? Come drink with us.”
“I’m on the phone.”
“Who are you talking to? Is it Elena?! BIIIIIIIRDIEEEEEEEEE!!!” Harry screamed, grabbed the mobile and left Jack’s room. “How are you? How was your flight back? Are you knackered? Boys, say hi to Elena!” Harry was bubblier than usual. How he always managed to have that amount of energy was beyond Elena’s belief.
Fionn waved and laughed at how angry Jack was behind Harry. 
“I’ve spoken with her today, I don’t need to see her again,” said Tom.
“Hey, Thomas, I resent your tone,” said Elena, stifling laughter. 
“Sorry, love. I don’t want to get sick of you. I’m spending a week with you next week.”
Harry whined. “I’d forgot Tommy gets to see you next week! When am I going? Why are you ignoring me? Why is Tom your favourite?”
Elena laughed. She knew Harry loved to push Jack’s buttons and he was unbelievably successful doing so. “I am not ignoring you! I’m talking to you right now. Tom is my favourite because he’s not bloody drunk all the time screaming ‘More wine!’ every five minutes.”
Harry put his hand on his chest, acting as if he were hurt. “Mate, that fucking Portuguese wine is delicious.”
“Harry, mate, could I please have my phone back?” Jack was seething. 
“Yeah, yeah, it’s fine. See you soon, love. If you don’t tell me when I can go, I’ll just show up at your doorstep. I’m sure Jacky would love it.”
Elena shook her head. “Jacky can love whatever he wants. You’re his friend, not mine, babe. It’s his poor choice in friendships being judged here, not mine.”
The boys laughed loudly. 
“You see why I love her? See you soon.” Harry handed the mobile back to Jack, who ripped it from his hands and locked himself up in his bedroom. 
“Why did you move in with them? You can afford a place of your own,” Elena laughed. She didn’t understand why Jack insisted on torturing himself like that in the first place. He loved his uni mates but he was very much his own person at that point, being the oldest of the bunch. 
“I know, but I spent a lot of my savings in Shanghai, so I want to get that money back and then get me a place of my own.”
“Ah, the expat bubble. A true gem,” said Elena, deadpan.
Jack laughed. “I miss yer smart mouth.”
“Where do you miss it?”
Jack coughed. “What?”
“Where do you miss my smart mouth?” Elena repeated. She turned on her pink nightlight, an IKEA cheap purchase that made her room look like a weird 80s porn movie. She flipped the camera so Jack could see her body. “I could show you where I miss your mouth,” Elena said as she caressed her thighs and moaned softly. 
He stood up and locked his bedroom door before making his way onto the bed again. 
“I don’t want to risk Harry coming in to me wanking to ye,” huffed Jack.
Elena laughed. “You don’t have to apologise for that, babe. Now… where were we?”
“Show me where ye miss me.”
“Well, my boobs don’t really miss you because they can move freely now, so I won’t show you those.”
Jack laughed. “Best pillows in the world. How do ye make Skype sex funny and arousing?”
“I am a girl of many talents, as you know.”
“Show me yer talents. Touch yerself.”
“Ye know where.”
“I think you’re going to have to… guide me…” her voice trailed off and Jack started grunting. 
“Circle yer clit.”
“I want to see your cock now.”
“Yer wish is my command.” Jack flipped the camera and he was already naked from the waist down. His member hard just by the sound of Elena’s voice. 
“Ughhhhh hi babyyyyy I miss you so much already. My mouth is not the same without you in it.”
Jack laughed and squirmed as precum leaked out of him. “How the fuck do ye manage to turn me on so much?”
“I want to see you wanking. I don’t want to see your cock by itself if I’m not there taking care of it.”
Jack started pumping himself and Elena teased him until both released in a calm but necessary orgasm. Skype sex would never be the same thing. 
“I miss ye already.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Jack sighed. “Yer regretting it already, aren’t ye?”
“Why do you think you can read me like an open book?” Elena said defensively.
“Because ye are.”
“I just don’t see it working out.”
Jack sighed again. “Birdie, why don’t we try one day at a time? We’ll be fine. Just… don’t overthink it.”
Elena sighed. “Good night, Jack.” 
She hung up. 
Jack had forgot he had made a mess earlier and stood up to clean himself up. After changing and a cold shower, he unlocked the door to his room and faced his new flatmates, who were in a circle, laughing and drinking the wine Harry had brought back. As soon as they saw his face, Harry stood and got another glass of wine. Jack sat next to him and shook his head. 
“It’s okay, mate. I’ll talk to her when I see her,” said Tom. 
“Mate, you knew it wasn’t going to be easy, knowing how she is,” said Fionn. 
“One day at a time, mate. She’s the most challenging bird you’ve been with to date, but don’t worry. We’ll help you get on and be victorious!” Harry put his arm around Jack’s shoulders and gave him a kiss on his temple. 
For a minute, Jack had remembered why he had decided to move with his mates. 
Day one back had proved challenging already, and he wasn’t going to Brussels for another two weeks.
NEXT: Casablanca Picnics
A/N: This would be the first instalment of the Praia sequel. I’m not really sure how many parts it will be, even though I have a general idea where I want to take the story. Let me know what you thiiiiiink :) <3
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lavidademarimar · 7 years
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~ Masterlist ~
Elena turned so quickly to her right that she got dizzy and grabbed the kitchen counter for support. Jack stood leaning against her door frame, looking like a fucking snack with his hair dishevelled and a brown leather jacket. 
He smiled cockily, his tongue a bit visible. Elena’s mind went blank, remembering what that tongue did to her. Her body was betraying her mind. Seeing him like that made her want to kick herself in the face because why the fuck would anyone rethink dating this man was absolutely beyond her.
“Wha—?” Elena asked. 
“I bought the ticket before we even left Espinho,” said Jack. 
Without saying anything, she started blowing out the candles, one by one. Jack stayed where he was, studying her. He was right to doubt. She looked different. The colourful pink boots, the tights, the patterned trousers, the tight black shirt with the black blazer and a gold necklace. She wore makeup. He thought she was beautiful then, a mix of nerves and surprise, darkening the room to give herself more time to pull herself together to face him. He said nothing. He only observed her movements. 
The last candle was next to Jack. Elena walked over to it and she was stood in front of him. He, too, looked different. His cologne was strong, involving her. She didn’t want to look into his eyes because she knew she’d lose all the willpower she’d mastered up to this point. 
Reading her mind, Jack put one hand on Elena’s chin and tilted it up so their eyes would meet. He put out the candle with two of his fingers of his free hand.
“Is it weird that I found that hot?” Elena whispered, the room now fully dark. 
She didn’t smell like sunscreen, sun, and sand anymore, but having her so close made Jack’s jeans become a little bit tighter.
Jack smiled and took her bag out of her shoulder and put it on the floor. Elena petrified at Jack’s touch. Her pulse quickened. He reduced the space between them until their chests were touching. He cupped her face and smiled again. 
“Hi, Birdie,” said Jack, licking his lips. 
“Jack… if you don’t kiss me right now, I swear I will kick you out of my flat,” Elena huffed. 
Jack chuckled while he tilted his face and moved closer to her. Her entire body was ablaze. She was no longer tired. She was ready to do whatever he wanted of her. 
“Do ye know how much ye’ve tortured me since we left? Maybe…” his voice trailed off. “Maybe… I should do the same to ye,” said Jack, slowly, while his lips ghosted her neck and collarbone. His husky voice overwhelmed Elena.  
Elena took deep breaths. “I’m…” she panted, “I’m sorry.”
“Yer what?” asked Jack while his hands traced along Elena’s covered figure. 
“Ah!” he exclaimed, “I know how ready ye are and I haven’t even kissed ye yet. Your body remembers me well.”
“I’m going…” Elena couldn’t think coherently, “I’m going to kick you out of my flat.”
Jack’s hands lowered, grabbed her ass and lifted her off the floor. Elena’s legs had more memory than she’d care to admit, and quickly wrapped themselves around Jack’s waist. He then made his way into her room. 
He lowered Elena on the bed and she was a nervous wreck. Jack hovered, refusing to kiss her. He was slowly faltering and she caught on to Jack’s willpower fading away. She touched his beard and pulled it a bit. He winced. 
Elena giggled. 
“I missed that sound,” said Jack.
“Well, I’m going to kick you out of my flat, so don’t get used to it,” Elena was trying to be smug but failing miserably.
Jack laughed and then furrowed his brows together, his face serious, staring at her. “Stop putting walls between us, Elena. I’m here.”
He was there. 
In her flat. 
On her bed. 
Elena took a deep breath and kissed him.
It ignited both of them. Elena’s mind raced, feeling things she wasn’t sure she should be feeling; her heart screaming this is how things were right in the world. Her hands slid onto his shoulders, taking his leather jacket off. He straightened up and shook it off. 
“Isn’t that going to wrinkle it?” Elena asked.
“I really don’t care about that right now, Birdie.”
Jack wrapped an arm around her, flipped her over, and pulled her upwards, crashing again into the mattress.
“Oi, these pillows are so bloody comfortable! Where did ye get them?” Jack moved his head playfully from side to side, smiling.
Elena fell to her side and laughed. “You can’t be serious!”
Jack moved over and kissed her neck and collarbone. “I am very serious. Do ye think I should buy one to take back?”
“You’re not even going to use them this weekend. I recall you don’t have a thing for pillows,” Elena smirked.
Jack’s eyes darkened, his hands slid under her shirt and settled on her bra, giving her breasts a light squeeze. “I do have a thing for pillows, ye have the best ones,” he kissed her neck, slowly, lingering. “Let’s take this off now,” he whispered in her ear, pulling her shirt up.
Elena sat up and took it off. She was grateful she’d wore the black bra instead of the horrid beige she had on the day before. She put her hands behind her neck to unhook the necklace but Jack stopped her.
“Leave that on,” Jack said firmly.
“Ah, a jewellery kink, Lowden. You are filled of surprises,” Elena giggled. 
Jack grabbed her and pulled her closer, his hands pressing themselves onto her skin, their mouths almost touching. “I want to see if ye’ll still have that cocky attitude once yer filled up with me.”
“Try me and find out,” Elena bit his lower lip and tugged it towards her. 
Jack unclasped her bra quickly and slid the contraption off, throwing it out of the bed. “On second thought, the necklace might be a bad idea.”
Elena smirked and took it off. “Now I’m taking everything off and you’re still perfectly dressed, as always. Fix it!”
He laughed, remembering the first time she’d said that to him, with her hand in his shorts, caressing his cock. Elena pulled his shirt off and she sighed once she saw him bare chested again. She missed this so much. Why didn’t she allow herself to bask in his body? Jack’s body deserved to be worshipped and right now she was its most devoted disciple. 
Jack settled in Elena’s breasts, biting, sucking and squeezing them. She squirmed and moaned softly.
“Yer being quiet on me,” he huffed.
“You can hear a lot, even though Carlos’ room is on the other side of the house.”
“He’s not coming in tonight.”
“What?” Elena pulled away to see Jack’s face.
“He said he’d spend the night at a friend’s house so we could— how did he say it? ‘Reconnect appropriately’,” Jack let out a deep laugh. 
“What?” Elena’s mouth was wide open.
Jack kissed her jaw. “Come on, let’s put that open mouth to good use, yeah? Ye’ve been mean to me and I know the exact way ye can make it up to me.”
Elena’s hand slid down to feel the bulge in Jack’s jeans. Jack hissed to Elena’s touch. The tension was too much. He needed to be set free appropriately. “First you have to make me come.”
“Yer being a bit demanding, aren’t ye?” Jack smirked at her. 
“Bet you’ll forget about it once I’ve swallowed all your come. Maybe, if you’re really good to me tonight, I’ll let you come all over my chest,” Elena said looking into his eyes without blinking, licking her lips.
Jack growled, possessed. Having her that close again, with that fucking attitude again, just made him want to break her in half and do ungodly things to her and her body. 
“When I’m done with ye, Birdie, ye won’t be able to sit down for a week without feeling me,” he said, between kisses.
“Challenge accepted.”
Jack’s hands unbuttoned her trousers, and she kicked them off with ease, they were a size larger than her actual one. 
“For fuck’s sake, I hate these many layers!” He exclaimed. 
Elena laughed and slid her tights down to her ankles, Jack pulling them off and throwing them elsewhere. He grabbed her knickers and did the same. She was finally naked, just like he remembered her, squirming while he hovered over her. 
“Get naked now,” Elena ordered. 
Jack took his jeans and boxers off, his cock finally released from his clothed prison. Elena stared at it and bit her lip. It had been too long, indeed. 
He grabbed one of her legs and kissed her ankle. He made his way down slowly, feeling the heat she was emanating. She was going to lose her bloody mind over this slow-burn. 
“I need to feel you. Now,” Elena ordered.
“What do you mean ‘No’?”
“I mean…” he said, kissing her inner thigh, “ye have to stop being so bloody impatient and wait. Don’t worry, Birdie… ye will be thoroughly fucked and satisfied this weekend.”
Hearing him say that just made things worse. 
“I want you inside me!” Elena whined.
Jack laughed as he kissed her stomach, then kissed her other thigh, taunting her. 
Elena’s hands took over Jack’s hair and pulled it. He sighed. He came back up and kissed her lips again, a sloppy one, filled with need and want. Her hands went to the back of his neck to lock him in, and he slid two fingers inside her unexpectedly. 
“Ah!” Elena exclaimed. Her walls clenched around him. 
Jack’s thumb circled her clit while he pumped in and out, taking Elena into a frenzy she had missed out on since they’d got back from Portugal. Elena’s legs wrapped around Jack’s hips while they kissed. 
Even though they’d only known each other for a little over a month, their bodies were so familiar with each other, synchronised to the point where words weren’t necessary at times. Right now, tossing and turning on Elena’s bed, they needed to find each other again, beyond the snarky attitude and the desperation. They were both looking for something in the other that would reassure them that being there, in that room, was the right choice. It didn’t seem like the healthiest scenario, but that was something to ponder over after the high they were both on. 
“Ja… Jack, don’t… Don’t st—“ Elena was barely able to get the words out before her body betrayed her. The guttural moan that came out of her mouth was something she’d never experienced before. She panted heavily while he bit her left nipple, not allowing her to come down from her high. 
“M… My turn,” Elena was barely able to speak as she tried to reach Jack’s cock.
Jack looked at her, his pupils blackening his eyes, and smiled the evilest smile he could make. “No. I’m not done with ye,” and his face disappeared between Elena’s legs. The feel of Jack’s tongue made her arch her back and move abruptly, but Jack set his large hand on her stomach and pushed her down to keep her still. 
“You… turn me on… so… so fucking—“ Elena moaned without being able to finish her sentence.
“I’m going to make ye come with my mouth because I am done with ye and yer attitude, and then I’m going to fuck ye until ye live up to that Jello nickname yer friends gave ye. Understood?”
Elena nodded without saying anything, her legs shaking. 
She reached a new high once Jack played with his tongue and fingers simultaneously. Her moans turned to screams of pleasure, and she was grateful Carlos wasn’t in the house so she could allow herself to feel openly.
Jack kissed his way back up to her lips, Elena tasting herself in the process. She flipped herself over and pushed Jack down. He looked at her that way again, and she still couldn’t describe it. She kissed his jaw, neck, and collarbone slowly and let herself be guided by his erratic breathing. 
Jack shook his head. “Need to be inside ye right now.”
"No blowie?" Elena asked.
"I will bloody explode if I'm not inside ye in the next five seconds.”
Elena jumped on him again and he laughed. 
“Starting on top, Birdie? Doesn’t seem like ye,” Jack was trying to be funny but he stopped laughing when Elena grabbed him and slid down onto him. “Oh, for fuck’s sake!” Jack grabbed Elena’s hips so hard, she actually complained.
"I'm going to bruise, you wanker!" She slapped his arm.
Jack thrust inside her without any apology. "I'm the only one that will see them, and I don't care.”
The mood changed. He felt her drift away from him.
"You're such an idiot,” Elena scowled.
Jack sat up and pulled her close, his arms trapping her. “Elena."
She tried to free herself from his grip. ”You’re going to suffocate me.”
"Elena, look at me. Look at me," said Jack with a twinge of desperation and frustration. 
She did with a frown. "What?"
His blue eyes pierced her soul. She knew she'd break if she stared at them too long. He melted her. "Why the fuck are ye still putting up a fight with me? I am fucking inside ye right now and yer acting like ye don't want me here. Do ye want me here? Because I will get off this bed, wank myself off, and leave," Jack’s tone was stern but impregnated with confusion and sadness.  
Elena put her head on his shoulder, breathing unevenly, wrapping her arms around him. She needed him. She needed to be one with him again. It was the only thing she wanted. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't want to be like this. I want to stop doubting everything," she let out a small sob. 
Jack really likes them complicated. He felt himself soften and his balls ache. He flipped her over and moved her hair out of her face. 
"Let's stop.”
Elena grabbed his arm. "No! I don't want to stop. I'm so happy to see you. I truly am. God I want to fuck you for days. Why am I so fucking bipolar?"
"I would love to have the answer to that question," Jack laughed. 
Elena laughed too. She was surprised by how her crazy had spun out of control. "I'm so sorry."
Jack lied down next to her. "I knew what I was getting myself into when I asked ye to continue after the holiday.”
"Did you really?” Elena snuggled up to him.
"Well, no, but I knew ye weren't going to be easy,” said Jack, wrapping an arm around her.
"I'm surprised by your faith in me,” said Elena, refusing to look at him out of embarrassment. 
"You said you bought the ticket while we were still in Espinho.”
"I did.”
"How did you know I wasn't going to flip out and block you everywhere?"
"I didn't know that, but here I am with a half erection and pain in my balls, so it certainly hasn't been boring,” Jack was trying to be funny so she’d loosen up, but he had no idea how she’d react.
"I will fix that immediately," Elena bent over and licked Jack's balls. His cock immediately sprung back to life and Jack moaned. 
“Do— Ye don't have to do this right now. W... We can wa— Oh fuck off!" he said as Elena fit him in her mouth. Jack slapped her ass and inserted a finger inside her.
She moved gracefully back and forth, using her tongue in the best way she knew how to do it, paying special attention to his head; she knew it sent him over the edge. Jack was desperate, pulled her upwards and kissed her. He needed to feel her close. He needed to feel her changing her mind. He needed to be sure this is a good idea. Before his mind could declutter, his body betrayed him and he came on his stomach and parts of his chest, making an absolute mess of himself and Elena. 
"Shit! Shit! I—”
Elena laughed. ”Jack, I've had your come on me before. This doesn't faze me one bit."
Jack shook his head and kissed her again. If she didn't care about being splattered in sperm, he sure as hell didn't give a shit. 
"Do you think you can raise the flag again for an official round one?" Elena asked, flipping herself over and her hair flying everywhere in the process. 
"Give me a couple of minutes," Jack kissed her again. 
The intensity grew, their bodies finally in sync. Words disappeared and they were finally involved in themselves and what they did to each other. They had forgotten how to enjoy each other and needed to find their way back. Beads of sweat crowned their foreheads and in a different scenario,  with different people, they’d be absolutely disgusted with every bodily fluid smeared on them, but right now it didn't matter. Elena sought to create friction to wake Jack again, grinding herself and moving her hips onto Jack's penis while he moaned into her mouth. It was working. In a swift move, Jack took hold of himself and pushed himself into Elena. 
"Jack," Elena said, barely audible, her emotions completely in control.
He wasted no time picking up the pace, partly because he wanted to come again, but there was a part of Jack that wanted it to be over before she went crazy on him again. He didn’t really want to spend the weekend wanking himself off in his room in London. He didn’t want to be defeated. 
“Hey, hey, are you there? Come back to me,” Elena lifted herself off the bed and kissed Jack’s chest. 
Jack snapped out of it, grabbed her face and kissed her. These were slower. He took his time savouring her. She smiled and flipped him over. 
“Oh!” Jack chuckled.
Elena moved her hips back and forth, a bit rusty with how her body resisted to the amount of exercise she was getting. She thought briefly she needed to get back to yoga. She felt her knees buckle and she knew it wouldn't be long before she reached her peak. Her body was shaking too much. 
"Come for me, birdie. I want to feel ye again... I want to feel ye all the time," said Jack, as he pressed his thumb against her clit and rubbed it, knowing that would make her explode. 
Her legs spasmed, moans bounced off the walls, and she fell with a thud onto Jack's chest, sweat and come and everything in between splashing, her breathing uneven. Jack thrusted one final time and came right after, finally having the release he had wanted for weeks. Elena couldn't even move, let alone speak. Jack caressed her back and gave her small kisses on her neck. 
"Ye all right, Ellie?"
Elena nestled her face in his neck. "You never call me Ellie," she said, whispering.
"Only when I'm worried about yer health," he said chuckling. 
"My health is fine right now," she giggled, "I am worried about sleeping in these sheets though. They’re a wee bit gross,” she said in his accent.
"Do ye have another set?" 
“Do you know me? Of course I do.”
"Well, how about we shower and then we change them and sleep until noon?"
“Ugh, that sounds brilliant but I don't think I can move,” Elena whined.
"Yeah, moving seems to be complicated,” Jack laughed.
Elena propped herself up and got wet again just by seeing the just-fucked look Jack had on his face and his hair all over the place. She sighed. "You look like a snack right now."
"Ye hungry, Birdie?"
She giggled. "I actually am hungry. Are you?"
"A bit, aye.”
"Shower, change the sheets, food, sleep?"
"Shower, food, sex, sheets, sleep. Let’s be realistic,” Jack winked.
Elena felt her face burn up and laughed. ”Sounds about right. Let's go.”
Andrea was walking home after a lousy date and called Elena. She didn’t want to get home, defeated over a lousy date. She wanted to get drunk or at least bitch about men thoroughly before calling it a night. 
“Yo,” Elena picked up on the first ring.
“Hey,” said Andrea, defeated. 
“What happened? How was the date? Was he awful? Do we have to kill him? Do you need a hug?”
“I need a drink to stay awake. Remind me to never use Tinder again.”
Andrea stopped to see where she was. Jourdan was a bit far but she was almost in Place Flagey. “I’m a bit far from Jourdan. Flagey? Meet at Belga?”
“Okay, great. I have a surprise by the way,” Elena giggled. 
“Jack’s here.”
Andrea stopped walking again. “What?!”
“He surprised me,” Elena said it taking a deep breath, looking at him wash his face. 
“Did you screw it up?” Andrea knew her friend very well. 
“I thought I did but I didn’t. So far, so good. We were going to go eat. Meet us at the pasta place I like?”
“Okay, great! Can’t wait to meet the Scottish prince!” Andrea was suddenly energetic. She was excited to meet the guy her best friend had been pining over for weeks.
“See you later!” Elena giggled again.
Andrea hung up. 
“Everything all right?” Jack asked.
Elena was blow drying her hair while Jack brushed his teeth. 
“We’re going to meet my friend Andrea,” said Elena, shaking her hair.
“That’s the one Harry wants to shag, no?”
“Yes, and I’m not going to let him if his intentions are dishonourable.”
“Ye know Harry,” Jack shook his head.
“More wine!” Elena said, imitating Harry. 
Andrea stood outside the pasta place, the wind picked up a bit. She felt lonely after that shitty date and wondered exactly what needed to happen for her to meet someone that wasn’t the most boring human being to ever exist or a douche that would mistreat her just because he projected his mommy issues onto her. It wasn’t her fault moms were overbearing or didn’t pick their sons up enough when they were younger, but she was sure made to feel like it. 
She heard her before she saw her, as it usually happened. She turned to the street and smiled and holy fuck, she did not expect Jack to look the way he did. What was it about that brown leather jacket? He was casually dressed but looked so put together. Andrea thought he probably smelt good. She analysed them as they walked towards her and the first thing she confirmed was how they had obviously had sex before coming here. The way they walked in perfect sync was something you couldn’t fabricate. They held hands and she walked a step in front, leading the way. Elena saw Andrea first and waved. Jack looked up and smiled. 
“She’s so fucking Harry’s type. I can’t believe it,” Jack laughed to himself.
“Don’t say anything about Harry. He needs to earn it and she’s had a bad date. We’re not going to drag her into something she might not want,” Elena was always protective of Andrea.
“Of course, whatever ye say, Birdie. I will be on my best behaviour. I’m meeting another best friend.”
Elena hugged Andrea. “Andie, this is the Scot. Jack, this is Andrea.”
They shook hands. 
“Lovely to meet ye, Andie. Elena talks about ye all the time.”
“Oh you two actually talked before coming to meet me? I’m shocked!” said Andrea, full of herself because the joke was pretty funny. 
Elena mocked her. “Food?”
“Yeah, I’m hungry. I didn’t eat on my date,” Andrea shrugged. 
“As soon as we sit down, you tell us what happened,” said Elena, rubbing Andrea's back.
Jack took out his mobile and messaged Harry. 
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Jack laughed and didn’t realise Elena was waiting for him with the door open. “Hey Jack-o-lantern, are you going to keep me waiting? Come on! I’m hungry.”
“Ye really need to improve the nicknames, Elena,” Jack laughed and walked over to her. He kissed her cheek and went inside. 
“Jack, are you allergic to shrimp?”
“No, why?” 
“Just making sure you’re worthy of dating my friend.”
“Babe, you can get the pasta with the chicken mushroom sauce that’s pretty good or the shrimp, which is obviously my favourite because everything with shrimp is exponentially better,” Elena wrapped her arms around Jack’s arm. She was trying.
“It is also an aphrodisiac, but I know that’s not necessary for you two,” Andrea laughed. 
“Ye have good banter, Andie. I like ye already,” Jack was enjoying meeting Andrea more than he would reveal, just because he knew Harry would drool over her and she’d be very hard to get. Finally, his sweet revenge.
“You see? He calls it banter when it’s you, but with me it’s attitude,” Elena rolled her eyes and laughed.
“Yeah, because ye have shit attitude when things don’t go the way ye want them, Birdie.”
Elena turned around in a huff and ordered three shrimp creme pastas. As she paid, both Jack and Andrea objected. 
“Oh fuck off! You had a bad date and need pampering, and you can pay me later, wink wink.”
Jack shook his head in disbelief and huffed out a laugh. She was crass and didn’t care if she was inappropriate. He was happy he’d seen her with her best friends right when they started, the people she could be the realest version of herself, so he could see who she was before the walls came up. 
“I can’t believe you just said wink wink,” said Andrea, deadpan.
“I’m that cool.”
“The jury’s still out on that one.”
“Ugh, you’re being so snarky tonight. I’m getting you drunk as soon as possible.”
“I’m not snarky. You just had a lot of sex and it’s clouding your judgement.”
“That could also be true,” Elena shrugged.
“Why don’t ye two wait outside? I’ll stay here for the food.”
Elena laughed. “Come on, we’ve annoyed him,”
Jack rolled his eyes. “She has a bad date to tell ye about.”
Andrea got tipsy after two beers. She was tired. They were at a crowded bar across the square. Elena sat across from Andrea and Jack had his arm on her chair. They were a bit more sober but Elena refused to have any additional physical contact in front of her friend after having such a lousy night. He understood. He liked that Elena was so fearlessly loyal to her friends. 
“I’m going for a wee, I’ll be back. Refill?”
“Yes, please!” The girls said at the same time. 
Jack left. Andrea turned to Elena, who was still staring at the door. 
“Wow,” Andrea breathed out.
“I know.”
“How did you even doubt this? I’m baffled,” Andrea shook her head.
“I’m an idiot. He’s so…” Elena sighed.
“He is very so. Wow. He’s so hot, Ellie, seriously, and he looks at you like you’re the reason he even exists in the world.”
Elena gave her a weak smile. “I’m going to ruin his life if I keep this stupidity up.”
“You’re going to ruin your own life as well. Please, I know you never pay attention to my advice, but could you just try to this time? This is a good thing. He is a good guy.”
“Look who’s talking about not listening to advice, Ms. I only listen to Patricia and Anna.”
“You’ll never let me live that down, will you? That happened years ago! Years!” Andrea laughed. At this point in their lives, it was a recurring joke. 
“I’m in the mood for fries. Do you want some?”
“I do! Do you want me to go with you?”
“No, it’s okay. Jack’s gonna get worried if he doesn’t see us,” Elena stood up and crossed the street.
Five minutes later, Jack came out with three beers. 
“Oi, where’d Elena go?”
“She went to get fries for all of us.”
“Oh, that’s nice. So, how long have ye known her?”
“Since 2013. We go way back.”
“Ye do. Has she always been this stubborn?”
“She was worse,” Andrea laughed. 
Jack laughed loudly. “What a bloody nightmare.”
“She’s worth it though,” Andrea wasn’t going to let any guy think less than the fact that Elena was an incredible woman. 
Jack smiled. “I know. That’s why I’m not going anywhere.”
“Are you?”
“I’ve put up with worse, and none of them made me as happy as she does. I really can’t explain it. It’s insane that we only spent two weeks together but I’m so sure of her,” Jack smiled so genuinely that Andrea sighed a bit louder than she would have liked.
“Here she comes. I like you, Jack.”
Jack turned around and his face lit up again. “Oi! Is that for all of us?”
Elena placed two cones full of fries on the table. “Trust me, it’s not going to be enough.”
Jack scooted closer to her and kissed her temple. She settled next to him, and gave him a quick kiss on his neck. 
“You two are so cute. You make me want to throw up,” said Andrea with her phone out, snapping a pic of the two.
Elena laughed and pinched Jack’s cheek. He kissed her cheek. 
“Babe, you were so nice to insist walking Andie home,” said Elena, taking off her shirt.
“She was very drunk, had a difficult day... Better make sure she was home safe,” said Jack, doing the same.
“I love the fact that you’re trying to get my friends to like you,” Elena giggled and kissed his neck. 
“It’s all part of my master plan to get them to force ye into dating me when ye start having doubts about me again,” said Jack taking off his jeans.
Elena stopped what she was doing and stared at him. 
“What?” asked Jack. 
“That’s a bloody brilliant plan,” Jack’s accent was rubbing off on her more than she thought. She laughed. 
Jack was smug. “I know.”
Elena took her knickers off and laid on her side of the bed. Jack followed and wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. 
“Just because ye’ve a double bed doesn’t mean yer going to sleep like ye have an empty bed,” Jack whispered in her ear.
Elena smiled. “I knew you weren’t going to let me breathe.” 
Jack flipped her over, lied Elena on her back, and kissed her chest. He settled his head on her right breast and she huffed. 
“Why are you like this?”
“Best pillows ever,” said Jack, dozing off.
NEXT: Serendipity
18 notes · View notes
lavidademarimar · 7 years
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~ Masterlist ~
Elena and Jack walked holding hands through Oxford Circus after watching The Lieutenant Of Inishmore at the Noel Coward Theatre. 
“How’s yer Irish accent now?” asked Jack. 
Elena laughed. “I held my ground.”
“What do ye want for dinner? I know yer going to get hungry soon.”
“You spoil me,” Elena wrapped her arms around Jack’s and kissed his bicep. 
“Ye get cranky when yer not fed every six hours,” he laughed, “yer like a bloody bairn.”
Elena shrugged. “I am growing. I need my food.”
Jack swung his arm around her and kissed her temple before holding her hand again. “How do ye feel about ramen?”
Elena gasped and clapped. “I feel fantastic about ramen!”
“Good. I know just the place we can go.”
“You do spoil me.”
“Only because ye know how to spoil me too,” Jack winked. 
Elena giggled. She felt herself get hot and blushed. She shook her head and stared into the shops they were passing by. She stopped when a red dress caught her eye. She was almost salivating. 
“Do ye want to try it on?” Jack asked.
Elena shook her head. “I’m going to wait for H&M to copy it so it’s cheaper.”
She didn’t move though. He’d remembered how good she looked in red at the beach. Maybe he should buy it for her. 
“I’d recognise the back of that head anywhere,” a female voice made Jack immediately stiffen and he grabbed Elena’s hand tighter than before.
Elena didn’t pay attention to what had happened. She was still staring at the dress. “Ouch, Jack! You’re hurting me.”
The female voice made her presence known once again, putting her hand on his shoulder and sliding it down to his arm, where she settled it. “Jackie, how are you? I haven’t seen you in ages!”
Elena came back to the real world and was confused. Who was this woman?
“Hey, Steph. How’s it been?” Jack was still tense. 
The woman, Stephanie, still had her hand on Jack’s arm. “I’ve been good, sweetie, how are you? Please introduce me to your friend.”
Elena’s face revealed nothing. Normally, she hated when women fought other women for the attention of men. She thought it was beneath her, but she was still a Latina who would fucking cut a bitch if she came too close, and right now, esta perra maldita está buscando lo que no se le ha perdido y maldita mamahueva agárrate que te espero en la bajaíta.
“Elena, Stephanie. Stephanie, Elena. Girlfriend, ex-girlfriend,” Jack said with special emphasis on the ex. 
Elena didn’t move an inch. She just stared at her and gave a quick nod of acknowledgement. 
“I didn’t know you liked brunettes now, Jackie,” Stephanie laughed.
Elena gave a fake smile.
Jack was surprised Elena was so restrained, which worried him about her reaction in the future. 
“How are the boys? How is Harry?” Stephanie asked. Why the fuck was she asking about Harry?
Jack’s Adam’s apple bobbed more than usual. “They’re well.”
“How was China? Your pics looked amazing, I’ve always—“
Jack cut her off. “Steph, we’ll be off,” Jack took a step forward and Stephanie blocked him. She put her hand on his chest and Elena felt she would have a stroke.
“Don’t be a stranger, Jackie. Nice meeting you, Ilana.”
Elena said nothing. She walked at her pace, which frustrated Jack. 
“Could we walk a bit faster?”
Elena let out an angry sigh, refusing to look at him. “Jack, can you let me regroup for a second? How I didn’t snap that bitch in half is something I need to process. I am very angry right now and I need to…” she took a deep breath, “I need to pull myself together. I’m not angry at you. I just…”
Jack saw the hand she wasn’t holding was twitching. He tightened his grip around her and slowed his pace. “Ramen?”
Elena shook her head. “I want to go home. Ask Tom and Fionn if they want dinner.”
Jack wasn’t in the mood to fight. They would have ramen tomorrow.
Andrea appreciated many things about living by herself, but one of the things she loved the most was being able to scream her lungs off and no one complaining. And that was exactly what she was doing right now. 
Harry had her pinned to her bed, his hair stuck to his forehead, his face between her legs. Andrea’s body was drenched in sweat; they’d been going at it for a while. Unsurprisingly, it turned out Harry had loads of stamina. His tongue and fingers never waned, even when his cock needed some time to reload. She’d been moaning nonstop for the past half hour and Harry seemed to relish in it. 
After Andrea’s legs trembled under his grasp, he stood up, his sculpted body looking like something Andrea was sure she’d dreamed about at some point.
“Okay, I’m ready again,” Harry stood, his cock at half mast, waiting to be taken care of. 
Andrea panted. She couldn’t cry defeat. She tried to sit up but her body betrayed her and she fell back with a thud. Harry laughed and Andrea thought it was the loveliest sound she’d ever heard. 
“Did I wear you out, love?” Harry lowered himself onto Andrea’s body and started kissing her neck, moving slowly upwards, nibbling her ear, and kissing her jawline. 
Andrea was squirming. She felt her cock harden on her thigh. She turned to him and kissed him. 
The past couple of weeks had been nothing less than dreamlike. The McDonald’s first date had gone wonderfully. Andrea found out that Harry liked to share food and steal her fries when she wasn’t looking, and Harry realised this girl would change his universe. 
He didn’t go back to Elena’s at all.
Two weeks after that, he was back at her flat devouring her. She’d never felt this way: so satisfied sexually but so full emotionally. She knew it had only been a short amount of time, but Harry made her feel like a queen. 
Hearing no reply, Harry smiled. “Don’t worry, you won’t have to do much.”
His thumb went straight to her clit and he could feel her throbbing and soaking. “You’re always so wet. I love it’s all for me,” he lined himself up, now fully hard, and pushed himself into her. 
She lifted her hips because she knew Harry would hit all those places easier and she dug her nails into his shoulders. She was so overwhelmed with feeling that she couldn’t speak, but Harry was getting to know her body, her moans, her pants, and her quickened breaths quite well. 
He applied pressure on her clit and felt her legs jiggle under him. She stiffened and then fell back to the bed, breathing heavily. Harry thrust inside her a couple of times before falling with a thud, crushing her. They knew they wouldn’t be long this time, especially when they’d been going at it, on and off, for the past three hours. 
“You’re so heavy!” Andrea whined. 
“Now, love, be nice to me. I’ve made you come six times in the last three hours.”
Harry moved to be next to her, wrapped an arm around her and moved her closer. She swung her leg around his and settled on his chest. 
Andrea sighed. “I like this.”
Harry smiled. “Me too, love.”
“I wish you didn’t have to leave,” Andrea caressed the butterfly tattoo on Harry’s stomach. 
“I don’t want to leave, but I’m happy you’re coming to London next week. I can’t wait to show you around. Maybe do this in my studio? I want to paint you, sculpt you, photograph you…” he sighed, “I really like you, Andrea.”
She didn’t hesitate to respond in the same way. “I really like you too, Harry,” Andrea moved her hand to his chin and she tilted her head upwards. 
Their faces met halfway for sweet kisses before they fell asleep in each other’s arms.
“We saw Jack’s ex-girlfriend today,” said Elena to Tom and Fionn, who were preparing dinner. They had been adamant in the fact that Elena wasn’t allowed to do anything since she was the house guest. She’d been quiet since they got back from the play. Jack has decided to give her space by volunteering to go buy wine. 
Tom and Fionn stopped what they were doing and stared at her. This is the reaction she’d been expecting. This woman had been a big deal. 
“You saw Stephanie?” Fionn asked.
“Yeah, we were window shopping at Oxford Circus. We wandered there after the play, and I was looking at the cutest red dress… I should go back and get it…” her mind wandered off, “Anyway, Jack stops walking and I feel him get stiff like a board and then she comes up, touching him and calling him Jackie, and how she still is alive and walking this earth is beyond me. Fucking bitch called me Ilana when he said goodbye. I will cut your stupid white face, Stephanie.” That last sentence she said in a valley-girl Laguna Beach American accent.
Fionn and Tom laughed nervously. 
“So, you’re not going to say anything even though it’s absurdly obvious by his reaction and yours right now that this person was clearly a big deal in Jack’s life?” Elena crossed her arms, annoyed. 
“Maybe you should talk about it with Jack first before we say anything. I know he’d be angry if we talked about it with you before you asked him anything,” said Fionn, calmly. Tom looked like he’d been saved from a sinking ship and shot Fionn a sympathetic look. 
Elena sighed. “You’re right. I should be mature about this.”
“I can’t believe she called you Ilana. That’s so fucking like her,” said Tom, putting the pasta into the boiling pot. 
Jack opened the door with a tote bag and three bottles of wine. “Oi, I’m back!” He settled the bottles and the bag on the kitchen counter. He took a bag of Haribo gummies out of the tote and put it in front of Elena and kissed her on the cheek. 
She smiled. “Yes! Thank you. I’m going to wash up before dinner. Be right back,” she said, walking to Jack’s room. 
The boys stopped what they were doing and turned to Jack.
“You saw Stephanie today?” Tom asked.
Jack hit his fist on the counter. “What did she tell ye?”
“She wanted us to talk about her,” said Fionn. 
“What did ye say?” 
“That she should ask you,” said Tom, “Fionn saved that spectacularly.”
“Bloody woman called her Ilana, I thought she was going to combust. She was actually shaking.”
“She did mention that,” Tom laughed nervously. 
“Mate, why don’t you get this out of the way? Go talk to her,” said Fionn. 
Jack sighed. “Aye, yer right. We’ve been so good, mate. I don’t want to ruin it over something as irrelevant in my life as Stephanie.”
Elena splashed water on her face, dried it, and found Jack waiting by the door when she opened it. 
“Oh! What are you doing here?” She stumbled upon the words before meeting his gaze.
“Ye’ve been a bit quiet today, and I know it’s because of us running into Stephanie. I figured we could talk about it? I could tell ye what happened?”
Elena didn’t expect this. “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to, Jack. She came before I did.”
Jack kissed her cheek and grabbed her hands. “Yeah, but Birdie, let me be clear on something: she came before ye but no one’s going to come after ye.”
She took a deep breath and said nothing. 
They sat on Jack’s bed and she turned to him, an eager look on her face and she dug her thumb nail to her index finger in a repeated motion. He let her, even though it mortified him. He knew what that meant. 
“I broke up with Stephanie a little over a year ago. She is a horrid, evil person. She cheated on me throughout our relationship and well, finding her with one of my mates shagging in my toilet was the breaking point. I ended it and I took the Shanghai offer. This all happened in less than two weeks.”
Elena had a hard trouble understanding what she was hearing because she’d made a mental image of Jack and being whipped around by a woman certainly did not fit any of those categories. 
“I had such a hard time letting her go, El, because I was bloody obsessed with her. She was like every woman I’d ever fantasised about humanised into this one snake human being.” 
“Good that we can agree she’s horrid.”
“She is, and she knows the power she wields on other men. I froze today because I didn’t expect to run into her again, London being so bloody massive, and let alone having to introduce ye two, because ye’re the furthest thing from her in the world. The only thing that is remotely similar between the two of ye is the fact that neither of ye can go unnoticed whenever ye walk into a room.”
Elena sighed. “Would you still be with her had she not cheated on you?”
“I don’t know. It’s weird to speculate, Birdie. Can ye imagine if I’d never gone to the beach?”
“I’d probably be dating Tom or something,” Elena flipped her hair. 
Jack laughed, cupped her face and kissed her forehead. 
“Thank you for telling me,” said Elena. 
“Oi! Lovebirds, pasta’s done!” Tom’s voice came from the other side of the door.  
“It… it wasn’t Harry, right?”
Jack looked down to the floor. “Harry was the one that found them, actually. We kicked the living shit out of that guy together.”
“Okay, good,” Elena let out a sigh of relief.
“I met Jack’s ex,” said Elena typing away. 
Andrea stopped what she was doing and turned to Elena. “How much do we hate her?”
“She’s the reason we even feel hate to begin with,” said Elena, not looking away from the screen.
“That bad?”
“You have no fucking idea. How I didn’t snap her in half is absolutely beyond me.”
“Have you stalked her yet?”
“I only skimmed through her first pics. She’s the kind that puts inspirational quotes in bikini pics.”
Andrea rolled her eyes. “Did you talk to Jack about it?”
“I did. He told me why they’d broken up and everything. He wanted to make sure I was all right.”
Andrea sighed. “I can’t believe how this guy drools over you.”
“Yeah, I know,” Elena smiled a weak smile.
Andrea knew better. “Are you being mature?”
“Seriously, Elena?” She got defensive.
“I can’t help it,” said Elena.
“Dude, the only thing Harry talks about is how different Jack is since he met you and since you guys are together. Why do you still continue to doubt this?”
Elena stopped typing and turned to her. The tension between the two was palpable. “You know, you should be supportive of me! You always take his side!”
“Yeah, because you’re a crazy ass bitch that is borderline delusional. Listen to me, I love you so so much. You know that. We’re a team. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to let slide this clearly damaging behaviour. Jack fucking worships the ground you walk on. He literally is the happiest he’s ever been when he’s with you. He’s made so much of an effort for this to work and you just keep putting walls and barbwire and buts and, quite frankly, it’s exhausting and disheartening to see you sabotaging the greatest relationship you’ve had in a while just because you can’t keep your insecurities in check. I won’t let you ruin him.”
Elena felt tears well up in her eyes and turned away. She wiped her tears and shook her head. The walls came back up. 
Andrea sighed. “I’m sorry.” 
Elena said nothing.
“Ellie…” Andrea’s voice softened.
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” said Elena sternly. 
The conversation was over.
Elena laid on her bed in her pyjamas. She called Jack.
“Birdie,” Jack’s voice made her smile.
“Hi, babe.” 
“Hi, yerself. Are ye all right?”
“Nothing. Just wanted to hear your voice,” Elena knew what she was doing. A little more and she’d have phone sex.
Jack chuckled. “Yer lovely… I’d love to chat longer, love, but I am working overtime and I need to go. I’m sorry, I’ll make it up for ye later.”
Her attempts were frustrated by Jack’s job. “You better get creative,”
Jack’s voice deepened. She knew the exact face he had on. “Oh, I’ll get creative. Don’t worry, Birdie. Have a good night.” 
He hung up.
“Skype sex?” Elena flirted.
A husky sigh came from her mobile screen. “Why are ye torturing me like this? Ye know I’m working like crazy this week. I’m still at the office.”
“Still? When does this end?” 
“Never, apparently,”
“We haven’t spoke at all for the past week,” Elena pouted and whined.
“I know. I know. I’ll make it up to ye when I get back from Moscow.”
Jack chuckled. “Don’t be angry, Birdie. I miss ye too.”
Jack had no qualms about his relationship. He was finally so sure of them. He made a mental note to fuck Elena’s brains out the next time they saw each other as a way to make it up to her he’d been working so hard.
Jack’s work was causing Elena’s anxiety to bubble up frequently. She had a weird feeling in her gut since they’d ran into Stephanie.
She grabbed her mobile and opened Instagram again, this time she went for Jack’s profile. His Instagram was pretty standard: photos of the Scottish countryside every time he went back home, a nice looking plate of food, him and his mates being stupid, and him and Elena. 
There was one particular photo she liked, a close-up of her face, squinting her eyes and smiling, with the wind blowing her hair in every direction. The caption read “My favourite tornado”. 
Jack was adorable. 
She sighed. 
Andrea was right. 
She scrolled down and stopped when something caught her eye. 
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Esta maldita por favor sálvenme
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There’s no fucking way she did that. Elena felt herself spiral out of control, but she knew she couldn’t do it alone. If she was going to go crazy, she was going to go fully crazy and with all the help she could get.
“Hello, my teddy bear. How are you?” Olivia’s familiar voice warmed her heart. 
“I need your help. We need to find out everything we can find about Jack’s ex,” Elena’s fingers trembled and itched at her iPad.
“What’s her name?” 
“Stephanie Smith. Her Insta is @stephsmith and she commented on one of Jack’s pictures of me.”
“What?” said Olivia with the same tone Elena had thought about it. 
“Yeah, she’s a fucking bitch. Called me Ilana when we met just to piss me off and holy fuck did she manage.”
“Holy shit.”
“I know. I swear to God I was shaking.”
“How did you not snap?”

“I don’t know. I guess I was trying to make an effort. Jack’s been so splendid to me and we had such a wonderful time in London.”
“Oh god I hate her already. What are these pics?”
“Ho pics. I know women aren’t supposed to hate women, Oli, but this fucking bitch called me Ilana to make my blood boil. She’s an evil woman.”
“Oh my god. It gets worse,” Olivia’s voice chilled Elena.
“What, Olivia?”
“She’s commented on every recent picture Jack has. I’m not overreacting. Check out the first one, the stroopwafels.”
And she did. And she had commented every. single. one. 
The stroopwafels:
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A lads night in with Harry playing the guitar while they ate pizza.
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A photo of his parents’ dog in Scotland
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Jack getting an award at work
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A pic of the table of that ramen place Jack took Elena
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A throwback of the boys playing volleyball in Espinho
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Elena dropped her mobile on her bed and went straight to the toilet to throw up. She took deep breaths to try and quell how she was shaking again. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Olivia was worried. She’d heard. 
“I need to go back to boxing. I’ll talk to you later.”
She got dressed in workout gear and left for the gym. She needed to return to her healthy coping mechanisms. After getting her ass kicked in boxing for an hour, Elena returned home to a hot shower and went to bed.
Jack called but she had left her mobile charging away from her bed. She didn’t want to continue dealing with people today.
“That’s weird,” Jack shook his head.
“What, mate?” Tom asked.
“Elena has called me almost every single day this week to talk, but I’ve been full at work. I called her just now and she didn’t pick up.”
“Did you talk to her about Stephanie?” Fionn asked.
“I did. She thanked me for clearing the air.”
“How much did you tell her?” Harry asked.
“What she needed to know,” said Jack, dryly.
“So, not everything,” said Tom, eyebrow raised. 
“What are ye implying?”
“Mate, we all lived Stephanie enough to know that she just doesn’t make an appearance and then vanishes. Has she popped up anywhere?” said Harry.
Jack pulled out his mobile and scrolled. He shook his head. “Some rando comments in my Instagram pictures, but nothing out of the ordinary.”
“Mate… don’t let Stephanie ruin you and Elena,” Fionn warned.
“Mate, Elena’s fine. She’s so bloody self-assured. She couldn’t care less about any of my exes. She told me so at the beach.”
“Yeah, mate. That’s why you only told her about Emily. You don’t think it’s suspicious to her that you never mentioned Stephanie?”
“You weren’t doing long-distance at the beach. We’ve seen her be more demanding now. Hell, you just said it!” Tom couldn’t believe how Jack was acting like a moron.
Jack shook her head. “Thanks for yer concern, but we’re fine. Beer?”
His newfound bliss clouded his judgement. 
Boxing had helped. If sex wasn’t making her sore, she needed another outlet for it. She arrived home every day absolutely knackered.
After a particularly demanding day at work, and getting her ass kicked to the bone at boxing, she sat on her bed, almost too tired to undress. 
She got a notification that Jack had tagged her in a new Instagram post. It was the sunset from the pier in which they’d agreed they’d be together after the holiday. She hadn’t wanted any pictures that day because her face was still swollen from the panic attack. She remembered when they had gone and how insecure she had felt. But her heart and her gut had told her Jack was worth the effort. 
And they’d been right.
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When she clicked to comment, someone had beat her to it.
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Elena almost snapped her mobile in half.
That was it. No more acting nice. No more pretend. She was livid, hysterical, angry, fuming, combusting. Every single emotion in her body was multiplied by ten.
Jack saw the notification pop up on his mobile and sighed. The boys were right. He knew they were right. That’s why he had activated them again and he’d seen all of them. 
He picked up the phone to try and mitigate what was sure to be damaging. One thing was to comment on his old pictures, but the ones he had with Elena was Stephanie making herself known and he knew it.
She started shaking when Jack called her. She knew she couldn’t pick up in that state. She knew she was going to say things she’d regret later but she also knew Jack wouldn’t stop calling until she picked up.
“Who the fuck does that bitch think she is?!” Elena shrieked.
Jack sighed. 
“Jack, I am seriously losing it!” Her tone of voice was erratic. 
“Because she is fucking taunting me! Have you realised that she has commented on all of your instagram pictures since the day we saw her?”
“I had not realised that. I don’t have notifications activated. Were you stalking my Instagram?”
“She has also liked all your tweets and some of your Facebook posts. Have you seen those?”
“Elena, why have ye been monitoring my social media? Why the fuck?” Jack was defensive.
“Because I knew she wouldn’t quit!”
Jack let out a nervous laugh. 
“Fuck you. I don’t think this is funny and I can hear you trying not to laugh.”
She was telling him she didn’t trust him, and that was something he was not going to tolerate. He was angry too. His voice was loud enough so that everyone in the flat knew something was going on. Fionn and Tom shook their heads. Harry and Andrea paused the film they were watching in Harry’s room.
“Why do you feel threatened by her? I genuinely don’t understand. She is nothing and has been nothing for ages.”
“Why do you still have her on all your social media? What the fuck is that shit?”
“What the fuck is what shit? Elena, I’m 28 years old. I don’t need to block women I used to date from social media. Grow the fuck up.”
“Grow the fuck up!? You want me to grow up?!”
“Yeah, you’re acting like a bloody teenager, Elena.”
“Really? This coming from the guy who beat up his best friend because he called me ‘love’ one too many times? You’re telling me I should be mature,” Elena brought the sharpened knives to this fight and she would take no prisoners. She was seething.
“I apologised for that, Elena. Don’t bring things from the past into this. Don’t be that person.” Jack was losing his patience.
“Well, if you don’t want to bring up the past, tell that to your little whore of an ex girlfriend who can’t seem to get over you and you think it’s perfectly fine!” 
“In fact, why don’t you take her out to dinner and then fuck her in the toilet? Get some revenge sex for old times’ sake?” Elena’s rage couldn’t let her think straight. 
“Elena… Go to hell.”
The line went dead.
“What the fuck just happened?” said Harry, his ear against the wall he shared with Jack. 
“Nothing good,” said Andrea. “How bad do you think this is?”
“Very bad,” Harry shook his head. 
“Jack wasn’t himself after Stephanie. He became very closed off and he was constantly angry all the time. We all thought him leaving to Shanghai for a year would do him good, and it did, at first. But he just didn’t know how to be himself anymore. Until we went to Portugal.”
Elena called Jack back over 10 times. She was sobbing and couldn’t control herself. It all went straight to voicemail. 
An hour later, she received a text: 
Jack: I can’t listen to yer voice right now. I thought I could handle it, but you’re so bloody difficult. I’m tired of having to prove myself to ye all the bloody time. I don’t know what else to do. I’ve tried everything. I never wanted this and I don’t have the strength to see ye. I can’t deal with it anymore.
The shock of that text had triggered the first panic attack she’d had since they had returned from the beach. 
Andrea and Harry opened the door to Harry’s room and found Fionn and Tom waiting for them. Fionn signalled them to go to his room. 
“Lads, what are we going to do? This is not okay,” said Tom. 
“Why didn’t he listen to us? We knew she was going to do this,” said Fionn, shaking his head.
“Should we go?” Harry asked.
“No, mate. Not while Andrea’s here. He’s going to feel we’re attacking him,” said Fionn. 
“They’re right. I don’t know what to say to her. Should I write? She knows I’m here,” said Andrea.
“Yeah, love, but you said you’d fought before coming here. I don’t know if it’s the best idea,” said Harry.
“Okay, let’s do this. Tom gets first contact, as usual. Me and Harry will keep our distance, and I think it’s best if he doesn’t see Andrea if he ever decides to leave his room,” Fionn made the final call.
“Sounds solid,” said Tom.
Jack: Elena, I think it’s best if we end it before we continue hurting each other. We thought we could make something work that’s clearly damaging us in the process. I’m sorry I don’t have the balls to say this in person. I hope ye have a happy life with someone who doesn’t make ye doubt as much as I do.
Elena: Don’t do this, please. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I lost it. I’m so sorry. Please pick up the phone. Please, let’s talk about this.
Jack: There’s nothing to talk about, Elena.
Her sobs echoed through the flat. Carlos and Andres stood outside her door, heads down. 
“What do you think happened?”
“I think it’s something to do with an ex. We’ll find out more when she decides to leave her room or when one of the girls writes to us.”
“Well, tell me if you need anything. I’m going home.”
“Sure, bro.”
She felt defeated. Carlos left her tea by her sofa but abstained of speaking to her because he knew he would scold her. He’d listened to the whole conversation. She had gone overboard. 
She was wrong this time. 
And she knew it.
Elena: Hi, I know we fought and I wanted to apologise. I’m so sorry for being such a moron and for being so selfish. You’ve always been by my side no matter what, and being my best friend means so much more than agreeing with me on everything. I’m assuming you know, but Jack broke up with me last night. I’ve never felt like this, Andie. I am in so much pain. I need you because I don’t know what to do. I know you’re in London, but if you could come by when you get here, I’d love it. I’m sorry again. I love you so much. I need to stop pushing people away.
The group in London was having breakfast. 
Andrea sighed. “Well, it’s confirmed. He broke up with her.”
“He did?” Tom asked. He was sad for both of them. He loved Elena too. He loved them together. He wanted to help them find their way back.
“Yeah, she just texted me. I’m going home. I need to be with her,” said Andrea, putting her plate in the sink.
“I understand, love. Let’s see how this week plans out and then you can visit again. We can go somewhere else maybe? See the English countryside?” Harry nudged Andrea and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“I’d love that,” Andrea kissed Harry.
“Hello, my sweet. I hadn’t heard from you in a while,” said Olivia, folding her clothes.
Lucia’s voice was sharp and stern. “Olivia, why the fuck did you encourage her to go through the pictures?”
“What? She called me to do it!” Olivia stuttered.
“You needed to say no! Now he broke up with her!” Lucia was furious.
“What?!” Olivia made no effort in hide her scream. 
“You heard me. They got into a fight last night and he broke up with her. Told her he was tired of trying. Andrea called me. It’s bad.”
Olivia sat down. “Oh my god.”
“Oli, you know how she gets. You know she has these peaks of extreme behaviour. Why the fuck did you do it?”
Olivia started crying. “I didn’t see it was that bad. She seemed fine with it. The woman is a fucking bitch. She commented in every single photograph.”
“We know that, but you never know how she’s going to react! We need to watch her!”
“What are we going to do now?”
“Andrea is on her way back from London. She’s going to tell us how bad is it.”
Elena texted the group chat with the screenshots of what Jack said. 
“Oh my god. This is so heart-wrenching,” said Olivia.
“I’m going to handle it. Okay? You don’t say too much,” said Lucia. 
Only the cool heads needed to handle this. There was no space for mistakes now. 
“I’m so sorry, Lucy. I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t worry. Let’s focus on this being as less damaging as we possibly can.”
Andrea knocked and Carlos opened up. His face was distraught.
“Thank god you’re here. I’ve never seen her like this,” said Carlos, running his hand through his hair, “she hasn’t eaten since 4 pm yesterday.”
“I’m handling it,” said Andrea.
“How is he? I heard… she said some pretty horrible things.”
“He said some bad things too. Reports say he hasn’t left his room.”
“I don’t want to hate him. I really like him.”
“Me too. I hope they’ll fix this at some point, but today, our focus is all about her.” Andrea knocked on Elena’s door. “Ellie? It’s me.”
Elena opened the door to her room wrapped up in her duvet and her eyes were almost squinted shut after all the crying. 
Andrea sighed. “My poor baby.” She hugged her and Elena started crying again. “Come on, let’s get you back in bed, okay? You can tell me everything once you’re laid down.”
Tom knocked on the door and opened it. “Mate?”
A grunt came from Jack’s bed. He was alive.
“How are you, mate?”
Another grunt. 
“Okay, I see that. Well, I figured I should tell you Andrea left, so we have the flat to ourselves again, if you want to talk to us about anything.”
Jack made another sound that Tom could have sworn it was a sob, but he didn’t want to pressure Jack. He knew him too well already. 
“All right, mate. I’ll see you when you’re ready.” Tom closed the door behind him.
“Did he say anything?” asked Harry. 
“He made some grunts, so he’s alive. I don’t know if he’s coherent, though.”
“Why don’t we order in? I’ve a feeling he’ll come out sooner rather than later,” said Fionn. 
“Let’s do Chinese,” said Tom. 
Jack’s bedroom door opened and he came out in a t-shirt and boxers. His eyes red and blotchy, his hair dishevelled. He knew he had three pairs of eyes on him that studied him. 
“What did I do wrong?” Jack asked, his voice breaking. 
Harry pat the spot on the sofa next to him and Jack slouched to it. He couldn’t stop running his hands through his hair. Tom opened up four beers and handed them out. 
“I have never felt this way about anyone. Why won’t she believe me? What do I have to do to make her believe me?” Jack shook his head, trying to avoid crying. 
“Mate, this one is her, okay? She should have mentioned sooner that Stephanie was acting the way she was acting and that it was causing her some problems, yeah? You were right to end it,” said Fionn. 
“But I don’t want to be without her. I just… maybe if we spend some time apart? Maybe? I don’t know.”
“Mate, why don’t we take it one day at a time?” said Tom.
“One day at a time. Yeah… I guess,” Jack couldn’t even look his mates in the eye.
“You’ll get through this, mate, don’t worry. We’re here for you,” said Harry, with his arm wrapped around his shoulder. 
“Should I call her? I was such a bloody coward. I broke up with her via text. I’m a poor excuse. I couldn’t even hear her voice. I knew she’d break me. I knew I’d get on the first plane to Brussels and apologise for something. I’m not really sure what it is or what I did.”
“Mate, it’s all right. You handled it the best way you could,” said Fionn. 
“Stay here, mate, we’re going to order Chinese. Why don’t you pull a sickie tomorrow?” said Tom. 
“I want to see her,” said Jack.
“Jack, that’s not the best idea. We think you two need to cool off for a bit? She needs to come to you, mate. She needs to call you,” said Fionn.
Jack shook his head, knowing perfectly well waiting for her was a dead end. 
His phone never rang. 
NEXT: Bravery
A/N: SURPRISE! I know I usually post every Wednesday but I’ll be travelling next week and I’m not sure I’ll be able to stick to my schedule. 
I apologise for the feels. 
12 notes · View notes
lavidademarimar · 7 years
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~ Masterlist ~
Elena was stood at the bus stop where Tom would arrive. She wore a yellow sundress and sunglasses that took up half her face. As the bus pulled over, she got giddy, and started looking for him. She found him quickly, a bit disoriented, with his mobile in hand.
“Oi! Glynn-Carney!” Elena shouted. 
Tom’s head shot up in Elena’s direction, he flashed her the biggest smile he could, ran over to her, and wrapped his arms around her waist. They hugged for a while. Elena couldn’t believe how attached she felt to him already. Tom felt like a friend she hadn’t seen in years.
“Did you make it okay? Was everything the way it should have been?” Elena asked, smiling.
“Yeah, I had no problem. Love, I’m starving and craving a pint, please feed me.”
“That’s exactly the attitude we need. Let’s go to mine to drop off your things and then let’s go eat our feelings because we will get drunk and then I’ll sober you up.”
“Mate, are you flirting with me?” Tom winked. 
Elena laughed. “Do you really think that I would go for you? I would obviously go for Harry,” Elena scoffed and started walking down the street. 
Tom shook his head and followed her. Jack was playing with fire.
After eating burgers and starting on the pints, Tom and Elena headed to Place du Luxembourg, where they’d meet her friends to drink. Elena had told Tom that this was a regular occurrence when the sun was out, and every young professional who wanted to network and meet people was usually there. It was all part of the Brussels bubble. 
Carlos was sceptical of Tom when he met him, but he soon relaxed when he saw he was a good lad. Andres was also with them with his girlfriend Valerie, who lives with him, and Andrea, one of Elena’s co-workers and her best friend in Brussels. 
“Another round on me?” Tom asked. 
The group agreed and clapped for Tom, who laughed and left. They all turned to Elena, who was waiting for it. 
“Okay, if the Scot is like this one, I could be more open to this new boyfriend you have,” said Carlos.
“They’re a bit different but Tom is his best best friend. I think that says a lot, no?”
“Still doubtful,” said Andres. 
Elena took their apprehension lightly because she knew they were just looking out for her. That school group was like a big, dysfunctional family, and Carlos and Andres were the closest thing she had to an older and younger brother, respectively. 
“I, for one, can’t wait to meet him. He seems super intense and super into you,” said Andrea, sipping the last bits of her beer.
“Oi! Elena!” Tom called her to help with the beer but Andres volunteered instead, to show how they wouldn’t be total idiots this weekend.
The group scattered at about 10 pm, and Tom and Elena went to get fries and more beer before calling it a night. They were in Place Jourdan, a quiet but busy atmosphere, because the famous Maison Antoine fries were there. 
“Mate, how are these fries so good?” Tom asked, devouring the fries with Samourai sauce.
“Witchcraft,” said Elena, tipsy. 
Tom stared at her and knew it was now or never. 
“Why are you playing hard to get so stubbornly?”
Elena figured the topic would come up at some point, better now that she was drunk. If she said anything stupid, she’d apologise tomorrow and blame it on the beer.
“I’m not a monster. I just... have some intimacy issues that are my fault only and he’s…so…bloody…keen, mate,” Elena slurred those last words to create impact, but Tom just found her amusing.  “I mean, I would have to be mad not to be all over him because he’s fucking gorgeous, is totally smitten with me, and is a fantastic fuck, but we’re going at two different speeds with this. I don’t want to hurt him.”
“Well, there were bits in what you just said that I really didn’t need to know, but I understand. Jack’s very intense in general with everything he sets his eyes on. It’s why he’s where he is. He was the only one of his class to graduate with a full-time serious non-internship job, it’s why he got transferred to Shanghai, it’s why he’s living with us instead of by himself when he has the money to do it. He’s always been a long-term lad.”
“He said he was living with you because he’d blown up his savings in Shanghai,” said Elena suspiciously. 
Tom laughed. “He’s bloody frugal. He travelled through South-East Asia for two months before moving back to London and he called it blowing up his savings. Mate, those countries are bloody cheap, yeah? He didn’t blow up anything; he may have dented his savings, but I would strongly doubt that.”
Elena laughed. “You really are the best mate he could have ever asked for.”
Tom shrugged and smiled. “Jack’s my boy. I love him to bits. Now, how the fuck are you going to sober me up because I need to be dashing at 9 am tomorrow.”
“Kebab and water, let’s go,” Elena stood up. 
Tom followed her and Elena grabbed his arm and wrapped hers around it.
“I don’t want to continue drinking more water. I’m going to be sick,” Tom was pouting. 
“One more glass, then shower, then bed,” said Elena gulping her fifth glass of water. She grabbed her phone and opened Jack’s chat. “Come on, let’s show him how sad we are without him.”
Tom smiled at her and turned to the camera and put on a pout. Elena beamed. She texted ‘We miss you! Tom is a whiny bitch who’s going to be hungover tomorrow if he doesn’t listen to me’.
Her phone vibrated with a reply. 
“He’s been probably waiting all day to hear from us,” Tom shook his head and headed into Elena’s room.
Jack: He looks done for. Doesn’t he have a meeting early tomorrow? Yer a bad influence. Elena: Hey, if the lad can’t hold his beer, it’s not my problem. Jack: hahaha that is a problem. Elena: How was your day? Jack: uneventful. Had a late work day and got home to Harry covering one of the windows with a sheet so he could paint without distractions. Elena: you should stop overthinking everything Harry does. He’s your flatmate. You need to learn to live with him and his personality. Jack: haha I like that ye separated the two. Yer right. Yer right. Elena: why don’t you work out to blow off steam? Jack: I should shag ye to blow off steam. Elena: lmao Shakespeare, I don’t think Skype sex has the same effect that punching an actual man in the face. Jack: Skype sex is awful compared to the real thing. Elena: I know. Jack: when could I go? Elena: we just got back, Jack. I’m only just getting my workload back. When you come, I want to take some days off. I can’t take them after being gone for two weeks. Jack: how about I go a weekend? Harmless. Ye don’t have to take days off, we don’t leave yer room, and then we plan a longer trip. Elena: tempting. I need to sleep. Goodnight xx Jack: Goodnight x
Tom's firm was looking into creating alliances with Brussels post-Brexit, and had sent Tom's charm and hard wits to captivate his audience before the tough negotiations began between partners.  This was also a test to see if he was a solid investment or not. Having just finished his LLM, Tom knew he had to make an impression. Elena had no doubt that Tom had swept the room off its feet as she waited for Tom outside the building he had the meeting. She was fidgety, playing with her hands. 
Tom came out with a smile on his face. "Oi!"
"I'm guessing the meeting went well?"
Tom lifted Elena and spun her around. "It went bloody amazing, mate! I was in charge of that shit. We have to celebrate."
"Your wish is my command. Our plan is: eat, go home and rest a bit, then pregame with Andie and we're going partying."
"Solid. Let's do it."
To say the night was going to be different was an understatement. Elena had drunk a bottle of wine by herself and was electric. The Massive Party Spotify playlist blasted out of Elena’s room. Andrea arrived half a bottle into the pregame and caught up quickly. Carlos saw the girls getting ready and shook his head. "I wish you good luck. You're going to need it. Don't let her lose her mobile." and left for a date. Tom laughed nervously.
The first stop was a club in the City Centre. 
"Watch your things, there's loads of pickpockets here," warned Andrea as they walked in. 
Shots of tequila ensued. Elena and Andrea followed the music with their hips and soon enough, they were surrounded by vultures. Tom got in between the girls and started dancing with them to shoo the men off. He was drunk, but he was on duty. 
When one man tried to cut him off, Elena stopped him. "We don't want to dance with you. We're together."
"Well, you can be with me," the man smiled. 
"I think it's pretty obvious that we have a thing for blondes," Elena smiled and kissed Tom in the corner of his mouth and then Andrea did the same.
"Yeah, mate, back off. They're taken," said Tom, wrapping his arms around the girls' waists.
Fortunately, he did leave. 
“Ugh, I hate having to do that shit,” said Elena, “But I do have a thing for blondes,” she giggled.

After a few hours there, they got bored and ended up in a salsa bar. The team was so drunk at this point that they didn't care they were making fools of themselves with their wannabe dancing. 
"This is the only place in Brussels where people don't automatically think I'm a good dancer because I can move my hips," she yelled in Tom's ear and laughed. 
It was 5 am when they left.
“This is so much fuuuuuuuuun!!!!!” Andrea screamed running barefoot in the street while Tom and Elena laughed at her.
The three of them landed on Elena’s bed with a thud.
Tom awoke by the sound of cooking in the kitchen. His limbs were mixed with Elena and Andrea's. The girls were spooning. He slid off quietly and went to the sink to splash cold water on his face and opened the door. Carlos looked at him and laughed. 
“I guess I should have warned you a bit more. Coffee?” Carlos was making pancakes. 
“Oh god, that’d be amazing, mate. Thanks,” said Tom, sitting on a chair so everything would stop spinning. 
He poured Tom a cup of black coffee. “How do you drink it?”
“I’ll do that, mate. Don’t worry,” he stood up again slowly to fetch milk and sugar.
“Did Andrea come back with you guys last night?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Trying to see how many pancakes I have to make,” said Carlos.
“Mate, that’s so kind of you,” said Tom.
“Yes. But, it’s also kind of part of our agreement. Elena makes our food for the week with the condition that I take care of the weekends if we’re both in.”
“What? That’s an amazing arrangement. You are aware you won, right?”
“I am aware I won. Besides, there’s no arrangement for desserts, and she loves baking.”
“Mate, you’re a bloody role model. Cheers to you.”
“Thanks, man.”
“So… what about this Jack person? He’s your best friend, no? What’s his deal with Elena?”
Tom laughed. “I figured this would happen sooner or later.”
“Sooner, because she’ll tell me off if she hears me.”
“Mate, I know it seems strange and that they’re mental, but I’ve never seen my mate like that. He was absolutely head over heels for Elena. I understand it, obviously, because she’s great, but I never imagined it would be that intense, that quickly.”
Carlos was trying to decide if he was satisfied with that answer. “I don’t know.”
“I understand.”
“No, dude, I don’t think you do. Jack’s your friend from university, no? I’ve known Elena since 2006. I’ve seen the parade of morons. One right after another. And we’ve always taken care of her, and lately she was making sound choices again, but she goes away for two weeks and now she’s dating some guy that she knows nothing about? I don’t know. She’s like my sister. You have to see where I’m coming from.”
Tom nodded. “I do see where you’re coming from, and I can see why you would suspect, but just give him a chance, yeah? He’s a great lad. If you don’t think he’s worthy, then she’ll dump him and it’ll be a funny story later. Just don’t tell him I said that.”
Carlos laughed. “I think you’re a good guy.”
“Thanks, mate. I appreciate it. Now, should I wake up these women? I’m starving.”
"Ellie, Andie, wake up. Brekkie's done," Tom's voice was soft. 
The girls groaned. They were rough. Really rough.
Carlos laughed as soon as he saw them leave Elena's bedroom. 
"I take it was a fun night," he said.
"You had better made all the bacon we had," said Elena, looking disgusting, honestly. Her mascara smeared, her hair, greasy, and in a bun.
"I did. Sit. Eat."
The group ate slowly, trying to savour the food and not get sick afterwards, but it would prove to be a challenge. 
Elena had mysterious bruises in her legs and Andrea's feet were filthy. They agreed that a shower could do them good. Andrea used Elena's and Ellie went to Carlos'. 
Tom had, unsurprisingly, texts from Jack.
Jack: how was last night?

Jack: bloody hell I saw her Instagram stories. How bad was it?

Jack: should I be worried?

Jack: should I just try to forget her?

Jack: this is unhealthy.  

Jack: I'm losing my bloody mind.
Tom rang Jack. 
"Hey," Jack sounded defeated.
"Mate, you have got to stop. It is unhealthy, but because you're not keeping it together. You knew this would be difficult. She has a life here. Nothing bad happened last night. We partied and the three of us collapsed on her bed at 5 am. She could have had any guy last night and she turned them all down. Give her a break and stop pushing her. You're going to end up driving her away."
A heavy sigh was heard on the other end. "Yer right."
"Of course I'm bloody right. We have to talk when I get back, but you have to trust me when I tell you that you need to stop pushing so much," Tom said, shaking his head, concerned. 
Andrea turned off the water. 
"Mate, I've to go before it gets suspicious. We'll talk tomorrow."
"Aye, all right," Jack said.
Andrea, Tom, and Elena, all showered, were lied on Elena's bed watching Casablanca. 
"This is such a bloody amazing film," said Elena.
"A great way to do hungover Saturdays," said Andrea. 
"After we're done, would you like to get some air? Walk around?" asked Tom. 
Andrea and Elena looked at each other and nodded. 
"Nothing too extreme, though," said Elena. 
"Maybe walk around and settle in a park somewhere?" asked Andrea.
"That sounds pretty good," said Tom as he reached for his mobile, "Selfie to prove we made it."
Elena and Andrea turned and smiled. 
"You can send that to Jack so he sees the people I've slept with this weekend," said Elena, half-joking, half-serious.
Andrea laughed and Tom shook his head. Elena knew Jack as well as he knew her. 
"I'll leave it in my Instagram," said Tom. He tagged the girls and captioned it 'Barely alive in Brussels thanks to these two. #DidISalsaLastNight'
His phone vibrated immediately. He immediately assumed it was Jack, but he was surprised.
Harry: Mate. Harry: Mate, who's the fit bird that's with you and Elena?
Tom shook his head. He knew where this would go.
Tom: Elena's best friend here. Her name is Andrea. Harry: I am going to Brussels next week. I need to meet her. Tom: Mate, please don't come before Jack. Are you mental? Harry:  Shit, you're right. When's he going? Tom: I think late next week? You can ask him. Harry: I don't want to get punched on a Saturday. I'm rough as fuck. Tom: Don't be a wanker then. Wait for him to come. Harry: What's she like? Tom: She's well cool, mate. I like her a lot. Harry: Are you going to take her from me? Tom: See you tomorrow, Harold.
Harry kept texting Tom during the day, and Tom ignored him. 
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Tom and Elena were stood waiting for the bus that would take Tom to the airport. 
“When will you come visit?” Tom asked. 
Elena shrugged. 
“So, you’re not going to come to London until you and Jack have figured out what the fuck you’ll be doing?”
Elena shrugged. “Can you see me going to London and not seeing him and just visiting you?”
“Well, you’re my mate, so yeah. Harry and Fionn would love to see you too,” Tom hit her playfully on the shoulder.
“Do you know your friend?”
The bus parked and its doors opened. 
Tom turned to Elena and smiled. “Mate, I’ve absolutely loved this weekend. Please, think about coming soon. I have to get you pissed now and run barefoot on the streets of London,” Tom smiled the most genuine smile ever and Elena’s heart melted. He was a cutie.
“Enough with your charm! Go away!” Elena pushed him away. Tom laughed and came closer for a hug. 
“See you soon then?” Tom kissed her cheek, grabbed his bag and got on the bus. She smiled and waved.
Tom made his way into the flat and Harry and Jack were waiting for him. They stood up quickly and Tom groaned.
“Let me at least go to the loo,” said Tom, shaking his head. 
“A brew, mate?” asked Harry.
“Make it a beer if you are going to harass me,” said Tom as he closed the bathroom door. 
“A beer sounds nice. Jack, you want one?” asked Harry as he made his way to the refrigerator and took out two beers.
“Aye, please,” said Jack.
Tom came back to the living room/kitchen area wearing black shorts and a white t-shirt. “All right. We’ll start with you because I have more information.” “What did she say?” asked Jack, almost in pain. 
“She did admit she had some intimacy issues, but she said she likes you. You just need to realise that you’re not going at the same speed. Back off a bit. You said you wanted to try long-distance, so bloody try long-distance, not ‘ohmygodIneedtoseeyounowimmediatelywhencanIgo’, because you’re going to drive her off. I invited her to come here and she doesn’t want to until you two have reached some sort of balance, whatever she meant by that.”
“Maybe she’s not as into me as I am her,” Jack sighed. 
“Well, mate, that’s obvious,” Harry laughed.
Jack punched him in the shoulder. “Why are ye here again?”
Harry smiled. “Elena’s fit friend.”
Jack rolled his eyes at Harry. 
“She said you’re gorgeous, smitten with her, and -this is a direct quote-, a fantastic fuck, but-.”
Harry jumped on Jack. “That’s my boy! Well done, my good sir!”
Jack laughed nervously and loosened up a bit. “So, back off a bit. Should I cancel the ticket?”
“No, mate, I don’t think you have to. That’s in two weeks, no?”
“Ten days.”
“Well, I’m thinking that if you play your cards right starting today, when you go you’ll have the desired effect.”
“Okay. So I back off.”
“You back off, just a wee bit, mate. Let her miss you. Let her come to you.”
“Okay. I can do that.”
“Mate, if this goes well, you can fantastically fuck her brains out when you go. It’s a win-win,” Harry smiled. 
Tom turned to Harry. “Okay, what do you want to know?”
“Does she have a boyfriend?”
“Great, because Harry Styles is going to be her boyfriend. What’s she like?”
“I told you, mate. She’s well cool. She’s our age, younger than Elena. They work together in DG CONNECT. Real easygoing, sharp brain. I don’t know if she’ll go for you.”
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?” Harry faked indignation. 
“Well, you two decided to set your eyes on women smarter than you, eh? Deal with the consequences.”
“I’m going to go to Brussels to sweep that girl off her feet,” Harry said confidently.
“If ye go to Brussels before I do, Harry, I swear to god…” Jack couldn’t even finish the sentence.
“Relax, mate. I’m your boy, yeah? If anything, I need you to go first, so you can meet her and start throwing compliments my way as I know you can,” Harry smiled at that last bit. 
Jack laughed and shook his head. 
“Lads, I’m starving. Pizza?”
“Mate, I’ve left the game recording. Want to watch it?” Harry asked.
They agreed.
NEXT: All bets are off
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lavidademarimar · 7 years
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HEYA! Here’s the pretty masterlist with all previous days. Talk to me and let me know what you think <3 
Summary: Jack won the battle but hasn’t won the war.
Warnings: none
Day Thirteen - What if we’re making a mistake?
‘I am so excited!!!!!!!’ Oli screamed. 
Lucia and Elena looked aghast. 
‘What is the purpose of me whispering these things to you if you’re going to shout it from the roof?’ Elena was annoyed. ‘I don’t even know how to whisper properly! I am making a huge effort!’
The girls had gone a little further away from the group. Fionn and Harry were taking their mid-afternoon naps.
Oli hugged her. ‘I love this so much. Finally. This guy is crazy about you. This has so much potential to be life changing and amazing. Can you imagine what you’ll tell your children?’
‘Whoa. Stop right there,’ Lucia finally intervened. Olivia’s madness needed to be reined in. ‘No one is going to have children anytime soon, especially the one that’s been fucking a guy for twelve days only.’
‘You two take me way too seriously. I was only joking,’ Oli huffed. 
Elena and Lucia stared at Olivia, knowing perfectly well she wasn’t joking. She never joked about marriages and parenting. 
‘Anyway… If you’re sure this is what you want to do, then I support it. I really like these guys, and Jack has proven he’s worthy. I just think you need to address the Harry thing at some point,’ said Lucia, being the sound friend, as always.
‘Yeah, that was a bit of a red flag. And it should be a red flag for you because you have so many guy friends. Who says this doesn’t happen again with one of your friends? With your roommate?’ Olivia sobered up from her motherly high and went back to business.
Elena almost cackled. ‘Jack has no life against my friends.’
‘Does he know that?’ Oli asked.
‘Well, he’ll find out when he meets them. Poor thing. He must think you two are the most intimidating friends he’ll have to deal with,’ Elena giggled. 
Elena actually hadn’t thought about Jack meeting her friends. She hadn’t thought about anything regarding going back home. She sighed, her new reality kicking in. She’d said she and Jack would give it a go. Jack had no idea how hectic Elena’s life in Brussels was. There it was again. The doubt. The voice. He’d leave her after a month of begging to see her, to talk to her, to have her give him just a few minutes of her time. It just wasn’t sustainable. They’d both end up hurt. 
Elena didn’t realise she’d stopped talking and stared blankly ahead of her for about five minutes. 
‘Hey? Hello? Come back from Saturn,’ Oli slowly waved a hand in front of her. 
‘I’m sorry. I…drifted.’
‘Are you okay?’ Lucia asked.
‘I’ll be right back.’ Elena stood up and walked towards the ocean. It had been two days since she almost drowned but she needed to clear her head. 
She was alone again, but walked carefully. The waves were manageable and soon she dunked herself and started swimming. The beach made her sound. Her time was up. Tomorrow they’d leave around noon to their regular lives, and Elena had a knot in her stomach. How the fuck was she going to balance her real life with this pseudo-boyfriend? Jack was time-demanding and possessive. How was that going to translate into her mobile? She had so many fucking questions that she wanted to answer herself, and she might have managed to get ahead had not a pair of large hands grabbed her waist and wrapped themselves around her. Jack’s beard was out of control at this point and her neck was ticklish even before he’d started kissing it.
‘I know why you’re here and you don’t have to worry about me. I’m way better. I’m okay,’ said Elena without even turning around. 
Jack laughed in her ear. ‘Ye know me too well already.’
She smiled. ‘I can’t believe we leave tomorrow.’
‘I know. I feel we’ve been here for months. I don’t really want to go back.’
‘Me either.’
She still didn’t turn around. She was staring at the ocean; how vast it was. How endless. She took deep breaths.
‘Are ye okay, Birdie?’ Jack started to worry. 
‘Yes, I’m fine. I just want to take all this in.’
That didn’t reassure him anything. He didn’t let her go. They stood in silence for a bit. Jack rubbed Elena’s neck softly, as if he knew her mind was in another dimension but her body was still there, and he needed her to come back. 
‘What if we’re making a mistake?’ Elena blurted it out. 
Jack sighed and almost chuckled. He knew. As soon he saw her by herself, he knew her mind was poisoned with doubt, and he cursed whatever or whomever had made Elena seem unworthy of having a man devote himself to her. If there was a person in the world who deserved it, it was Elena. 
‘I think the mistake would be if we go our separate ways tomorrow and leave it at that,’ Jack spoke softly, avoiding all type of confrontational tone that could put Ellie off. 
‘You’re going to hate me. You don’t know what my life is like in Brussels. I am overworked and underpaid and it’s hectic.’
‘Ye just described the life of any person of our generation that’s in the labour market, Elena. Do ye think I wake up and wank all day?’ He thought she was amusing at this point. He was no longer mortified by her. 
She faced him laughing and put her head on his chest. He felt warm and the smell of salt water had stuck to him. 
‘I am an idiot, aren’t I? Elena asked. 
‘Aye, ye are, but I want to be with ye anyway, so that makes me a bigger one.’ He wrapped his arms around her and put his chin on her head.  
Everyone had picked up on the change in Jack. It was too obvious how he just let the façade drop and been quite pleasant to be around. No more beard scratching and fidgeting and obsessively hovering over Elena. It was like he could finally relax completely. Jack wasn’t an arsehole, but he was the one that had made less of an effort to include himself in the group. The girls had noticed it, but hadn’t said anything because he made Elena happy, and that was more important than having an extra card player after dinner.
Olivia and Jack were the only ones in the house, watching a film. The others had gone to make last-minute purchases and get dinner. A barbecue to remember. Jack was surprisingly upbeat and chill. After that moment at the pier, he knew the war wasn’t won yet, but he was in high spirits anyway. He would see her soon in Belgium and he’d prove to Elena they could manage it. 
‘When are you going to Brussels?’ Olivia asked. 
‘In a fortnight,’ he said, not even looking at her. 
‘You’re ignoring what she’s asking.’
Jack pondered briefly exactly how much Elena had shared, but dismissed it quickly. He realised he didn’t give a fuck. He shrugged. ‘I’ll say it was impulsive and I just had to see her. Can ye give me her flatmate’s mobile so I can have some backup on what I want to do?’
She smiled. ‘Sure.’ 
‘Are ye going to tell her?’ he asked.
‘No. She deserves to be surprised,’ she grabbed his arm in a rare show of affection and approval. 
‘Aren’t ye going to threaten to kill me if I do something to yer girlfriend?’ He was doubtful of how Olivia was on his side. He’d also learnt by now how the dynamics were between them. If Adam found it funny that Elena and Olivia said they were girlfriends, he wouldn’t have a problem with it either. It was funny.
‘You’ve seen me handling knives. I don’t need to threaten you. Just know that it won’t be just me when we come for your head,’ she said calmly but with her crazy eyes very much out of orbit. 
He nodded. ‘Understood.’ 
Olivia would never be on his side.
Olivia grabs her phone and Jack’s vibrates. ‘There. I sent you Carlos and Andres’ contacts. She lives with Carlos but Andres and his girlfriend live in the same building and they’re always together.’
‘Thanks, Olivia,’ he said, hugging her unexpectedly.
‘You better be nice, Kevin McKidd.’ 
‘Did ye lot google Scottish actors just to spite me?’ he asked.
‘Of course we did,’ she smiled.
Tom opened the door and Elena came in carrying grocery bags. Jack took them out of her hands quickly.
‘Why are ye making any effort? I told ye to not let her do anything!’ he told Tom off.
‘Mate, you try telling the bird she can’t do something, yeah?’ said Harry, carrying a box of wine. 
‘I am fine!’ Elena was annoyed. 
Jack grabbed her face with both hands. ‘Let people help ye, Elena. Please. Yer not 100% okay yet.’
‘I’ll be the judge of that,’ she gave him a peck and followed Harry to make the sangria pitcher. 
He shook his head. 
‘You wanted to date the bird, eh? There you have her,’ said Fionn, shaking him back to reality. 
Jack laughed and scratched his beard. ‘I’m in way over my head, mate.’
Fionn put his arm on Jack’s shoulder and pressed it. ‘You are, but we like her more than we like you.’ 
Jack pushed him and Fionn almost fell to the floor. They laughed.
Harry and Jack were sat outside with a couple of beers. Whatever had happened previously was forgotten. It was always like this. Fionn and Tom were playing Heads Up! with the others, but these two weren’t in the mood. 
Jack also wanted to give Elena some space. He didn’t want her to feel smothered, but there was also a part of him that knew he needed to start preparing himself for the goodbye. She was right. It wasn’t going to be easy. Two weeks of sex and wine and laughter and overwhelming joy were now coming to an end, and he really wasn’t ready to wake up to an empty bed again. 
‘So, you’re going to go to Brussels even though she asked you not to go until you figure out how everything is going to go along between you lot?’ Harry shook his head.
‘Olivia gave me her flatmate’s number so I can tell him when I’m going,’ he said, looking into the house. 
Elena was sat on the floor, trying to guess something Tom was mimicking.
‘Well, if the girls approve, then all right. If not, you can ask her new best mate Thomas for any insight,’ Harry pointed at them. 
Jack laughed. ‘I bloody know, mate. Even if I’d done nothing with Elena, they’d still been best mates. It’s absurd. Ye want to know the worst part?’
‘What?’ Harry asked.
‘That fuckin’ walloper is going to Brussels next week for work, and guess where he’s going to stay?’ Jack shook his head. 
Harry burst out laughing. ‘Tom is going to see Elena before you are? What the fuck?!’
‘I know, mate. He’s the reason I’m not there next week.’ 
‘What about the flatmate?’ Harry asked.
‘She lives with one of her best friends from school, who is a lad,’ Jack shrugged. 
‘Another one that’s not going to get his nose broken,’ said Harry, shaking his head. 
Jack punched him in the arm. ‘Ye keep asking for it, mate. Anyway, I’m treading lightly there, I’m trying to wrap my head around that fact.’
‘Why don’t you ask her?’ asked Harry, stifling a laugh. 
‘Ye bloody arsehole. She said yes to dating me. I don’t give a fuck about anything else,’ said Jack proudly.
‘Sure you don’t, mate,’ Harry was sceptical. And he should be. He’d been on the receiving side of Jack’s jealousy to think that this was an on and off switch. 
‘Doesn’t she have some friends she can set me up with?’ Harry winked. 
‘I am very sure she could set ye up with a friend of hers.’
‘I may go after you get back then. I’m tired of London girls,’ Harry laughed.
NEXT: Part Nine
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ohstardust · 7 years
Still Wish You'd Speak Your Mind
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A/N: I just want to write a short drabble before bed, she said. Only something short to keep the account active, she said. 1848 words later I’ve finished it and I’m so bloody shattered. My bad. Go big, or go home. Clearly. This is A N G S T with the slightest fluff in there if you squint extra hard. I had to get some real angst out there. I’m not 100% happy with the ending but I’m just going with it anyway. Also not a reader fic, I’ve written an OFC. Title: We Need A Word by We Are Scientists  (Strongly recommend listening to this whilst reading) My Jack playlist can be found on Spotify (x)
“What are you doing here?” All it took was the rhythm of his footsteps and his presence, at this stupid party, to know it was him. She hadn’t dared to glance back him. Her eyes focused on the setting sun of the late summer’s evening, the horizon a bold fusion of multiple pink and purple hues. It would have been beautiful if she wasn’t tired, pissed off and frustrated.
Amber placed the cigarette between her lips and inhaled, her eyes unfocused before softly closing and she exhaled. Jack’s throat cleared and she could hear him nervously licking his lips, mouth dry and nervous, sounds she was all too familiar with, “Tom invited me, I’ve just finished filming.” His voice stuttered out small and it made her heart clench slightly until she quickly reminded her heart that he was to blame, he was the one who ruined everything. “Right, it’s probably me who shouldn’t be here,” she flicked the ash onto the ground below her and settled firmly against the railing on the building’s communal roof terrace. “I didn’t say that.” “You thought it though, didn’t you? Thought how I shouldn’t be encroaching into your personal life anymore than I already have done, thought that I should have cut ties with all of our friends because you knew them first?” She began chewing on her thumb, a horrible habit she couldn’t shake when nervous, just another bad habit in her ever-growing list. Like smoking, a habit she’d picked up from Jack many moons ago. “You know I’d never expect, or even think, of that.” “I’m not sure what I know anymore, everything I thought I understood, and believed, turned out to be utter shit, didn’t it?” “I never lied to you.” His hands scrubbed over his face, missing his beard that he’d shaved off yesterday and feeling bare without it. “The whole thing was a lie Jack, it had to be. You couldn’t just do that to someone you loved.” “Don’t make it past tense.” Amber’s voice raised in annoyance, sure that there must be some hidden agenda or he was just playing with her for fun, because this was beyond cruel, “Don’t you dare, you didn’t mean it then and you don’t mean it now.” “Will you at least look at me?” She wasn’t sure whether she was too furious to face him, or if she knew herself too well, knew that her resolve would break and she’d crumble. He’d always had that effect on her. Amber had known him for eight years and she caved every time he asked her to do something, or say something, or to even look at him. Her problem had always been being unable to say no to him. Blinking out into the diminishing skyline she took another drag, she squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head, her teeth working furiously over the skin around her thumb and she was so sure she was going to throw up. She didn’t want this, not today, not after a few glasses of wine, not when she’d spent all evening chain smoking his favourite cigarettes. Her heart was pounding in her ears, so loud that she jumped at the contact of Jack’s skin touching hers, his footsteps unheard. Amber’s first thought was to snatch her hand away from him, perhaps slap him and bruise his face like endless nights of crying and heartbreak had bruised her everything. Leave him with marks that matched the purple beneath her eyes that came from lack of sleep some months ago. It was the least he deserved. Instead she left it there for a few moments, curled with his and she gripped tight, those feelings flooding back to her of happiness, of her world that was once so consumed by him. Jack nudged her with his shoulder, unsure, and she briefly turned to meet his gaze. Amber’s first observation was how utterly tired he looked, she knew what long filming schedules looked like on him, the toll it took, but this seemed different, he seemed wrecked. And she despised how much she wanted to wrap him up her arms and hold him, let him rest on her for a while, because in this light, on this night, he looked like the Jack she first knew, the one she fell in love with. He looked so young and definitely not all of his twenty-seven years. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, if she hadn’t been paying such close attention, she’d have missed his words. “What are you apologising for?” “Us - everything. I’m sorry for being selfish and thinking I was making the right decision.” “And wasn’t it?” “We both know it wasn’t.” “I really don’t know that, it was your call to make. I didn’t ask you to choose, you gave yourself an ultimatum and you chose the outcome. I was the innocent bystander who got her world thrown upside down in the process.” “I know that, I really do.” “What hurts me the most is that you clearly didn’t trust that I’d stand by you. You thought I’d run at the first sign of trouble, you stupidly thought that I - what? Didn’t love you enough? Was me thinking that I was going to marry you not enough commitment and faith? Because that’s what I thought, I was so fucking naive Jack, I thought one day we’d be a family, we’d expand and we’d be happy.” Amber’s voice choked on the end of her sentence, her eyes were watering yet she refused to acknowledge the few tears that had slipped. She wanted him to know how much he’d hurt her, because apparently he didn’t realise how much she’d valued their relationship, and him. He raised his hand to her face, thumb jutting out to wipe away her tears, but she turned her head away from him. She wasn’t ready for that. “My parents have been asking about you,” she bitterly laughed, “think we’re still friends, didn’t have the heart to tell them otherwise. I couldn’t bring myself to tell them that you didn’t choose me, that I wasn’t good enough.” His heart shattered as he heard the sobs she was trying so hard to suppress, “You were always good enough, too good. I was failing and I couldn’t give you what you deserved.” “Yet you thought I deserved all of this? C’mon Jack, that’s the oldest line in the book.” “I’m so fucking sorry,” he didn’t care that he was crying on his friends roof, or that he was breaking down in front of his ex-girlfriend, he couldn’t cope with what he’d done, how he’d absolutely ruined her. “You didn’t deserve any of this.” “Then why did you do it? I keep asking myself the same question and every time it’s my fault because I can’t imagine why else you’d have thrown four years away. Was I just good enough to keep the bed warm for the beginning of your career, until you’d advanced enough to get an upgrade?” Jack shook with his hurt, his tongue licking away his tears and he grabbed hold of her hands to make her face him, he had to tell her, “That night, the one before It all ended, the dinner and candles and everything, I was going to propose to you -“ a strangled sob escaped her throat, and if Jack hasn’t been holding her, she’d have buckled. “I was going to ask you to spend the rest of your life with me.” “I don’t understand, you just - you don’t - you don’t go from being ready to settle down with someone to ending the relationship twenty four hours later. Why didn’t you do it?” He’d spent countless nights going over this conversation in his head, over time there were multiple outcomes, some he could foresee and others not, right now he had no idea where he was going with this, or how she’d respond. He just knew that she had the right to hear this. “I received a film offer that day, and you had been telling me how nice it was to have me home for a while, and how much you’d missed me. I was so close to turning it down for you, and I suddenly panicked, I realised that I’d turn down any role for you, I’d end my career if you asked me to, and that terrified me. I’d worked so hard to get where I was and it felt wrong to view my career so flippantly.” “That’s not fair, I’d never have asked you to do those things, all I did was support you!” Jack flinched as Amber banged her hand down on the railing in anger, or rather frustration, she wasn’t quite sure how she was feeling at this moment, but whatever it was, it was strong. “I know! But what if more offers came through? If I spent more time away from home? If I hardly saw you? You can’t say that you wouldn’t resent me for that.” “Be that as it may, I loved you and that would have been enough for me. Now I just resent you for choosing your career over me, for thinking that we couldn’t all co-exist together. You and acting are a package deal, that’s what I signed up to the moment I met you.” The Scot audibly swallowed and lowered his tone, ashamed, “I thought it was the right decision for both of us.” “You never should have made a decision on my behalf, you didn’t have the right to do that when it concerned my future too.” Jack was exhausted and he reluctantly rested his forehead on her shoulder. Against Amber’s better judgement, she raised her right arm to loop around his neck and pull him closer. She hated how he’d made her feel the past eight months, how wretched life without him had been, but her mind couldn’t stop playing out all their best times together, the laughter, the kisses, the sex, the love. Every positive thing their relationship had created in her mind. “I wish I could turn the clocks back and stop from making the stupidest decision of my life, but I can’t and I have to live with that.” “You do, and so do I,” her sigh was weak and void of any weight but she was tired of fighting, tired of hating him, or at least convincing herself that she did. Slowly she was beginning to understand why he did it, even if she didn’t agree, and it still infuriated her, “but maybe we can live through it together as friends.” “We’ll never be just friends again.” He briefly pressed his lips to her neck and dropped his head down again. “We can for now, I’m not saying you’re forgiven or that we can pick up where we left off, but we can be friends. If the future has different plans then so be it, but for now we can at least try to gain some semblance of normality because I really fucking miss you Lowden.” “I really fucking miss you too, Thorne.”
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lavidademarimar · 7 years
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~ Masterlist ~
Andrea was hardheaded as they came and couldn’t see beyond her own stubbornness that Harry was begging her to let him in. He wanted to be a part of her life. 
He wanted to feel everything with her. 
Since their last argument, they had kept their distance. They settled into a cold routine of once-a-day texts, Harry secretly yearning Andrea make the first move to fix things, and Andrea knowing she had to do it but had no idea how to begin. They had argued again before she left London and hadn’t returned since. 
Andrea, Jack, and Elena laid down on Elena’s bed, Andie’s computer open on Google Maps and Elena writing down things on her notebook. 
“Okay, so first kiss was were?” asked Elena.
“Outside the McDonald’s at Bourse,” said Andrea, putting a red pin on it.
“Harry was always the romantic,” Jack enjoyed being there, watching the girls plan Harry’s Christmas present.
“Listen, Lowden, leave your cheeky remarks to yourself. I’m mortified enough as it is.”
Jack laughed. “I’m sorry, Andie. I won’t say anything else. Ye don’t have to worry, Harry will love this.”
“Do you really think so? Does it say ‘I am committed to this relationship’?” Andrea was jittery and anxious, a sight to see after how everything had happened. 
“It does. Now, why won’t ye make me a scavenger hunt? Are ye not committed to our relationship?” Jack pinched Elena’s cheek. 
Elena smirked. “Babe, you’d literally arrive to the second clue and call me like ‘Birdie, I can’t be arsed. Could ye give me my present now?’” she said imitating his accent, “so that’s why you get a normal present, and new lingerie.”
“Ye know me too well,” Jack pecked her lips and laughed into the kiss.
“Enough you two! Can you keep your hands off each other for one minute? I know I’m asking a lot of you, but I’m losing my mind here!” Andrea freaked out.  
“Sorry, sorry, I’m focused. Next step is what?”
“Jack, did you talk to Tom and Fionn?”
“Aye, Fionn said he can go to Heathrow to give him the clue but asks for a dinner in return.”
“Okay, fine. I can buy him dinner.”
“No, no. He requested a homemade dinner. I may have mentioned that Elena is an amazing cook and now they want to try her food.”
Elena rolled her eyes. “Seriously?”
“Birdie, it’s for yer best friend and her boyfriend. Ye don’t want them to break up, do ye?”
“You are a manipulative arsehole.”
“But ye love me,” Jack kissed her cheek.
“Enough! You two are the worst people ever to ask for help!” Andrea grabbed her computer and went to the sofa. 
“Andie, Andie, come back! Let’s send Jack to buy food and we can keep planning.”
“I know when I’m not wanted,” said Jack.
Elena rolled her eyes. Jack pecked her, ruffled Andie's hair and left. Andrea moved back to the bed and stared at Elena. 
“Your face right now makes me want to throw up,” said Andrea.
“You wanted me to get back together with him.”
“You are in a better mood,”
Elena sighed. “I am so in love with him, sometimes I think I’m going to go crazy. Like I want to marry him and have his babies and grow old with him and have sex with him even when he has to use Viagra, and have kids and grandkids and…” She sighed, “I would start that today if he asked me to. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my entire life. I’m so angry it took me so long to get to this place when he’s been waiting for me since August.”
Andrea shook her head. “I never thought I’d see the day.”
“Me either. So, after the McDonald’s what do you want to put?”
Andrea: Harry, I know we’ve been off lately, and I know that it’s mainly my fault. You have been nothing but amazing. I want to show you how much I want to be with you. Come this weekend? I’ll buy you the ticket. Please say yes. Please come see me.” Harry: I can buy my own ticket. Andrea: Let me. Please? Harry: Fine. Email it to me.
Harry arrived to Andrea’s flat and knocked on the door. He was surprised to see Valeria there. 
“Valeria? What are you doing here?”
Valeria handed him an envelope with a huge 1 written on it. 
“See you later, Haz,” Valeria grabbed Harry’s luggage and closed the door, leaving Harry very confused. He opened the envelope and saw Andrea’s handwriting.
“Hello! Welcome to Harry’s Christmas Scavenger Hunt. You must collect all envelopes before you see your Christmas present. In each envelope there will be clues and additional things you must keep. Now, your first destination is the romantic restaurant where we had our first date.”
Harry was confused but smiled to himself. He had no idea just how extreme the planning had been to this. He turned around and went to the McDonald’s at Bourse.
Carlos, Andres, and Elena had set up shop at the McDonald’s, buying food to keep them distracted before Harry showed up. They had hidden strategically so no one would see them. Andres was the one to see Harry. 
“Guys, guys! He’s here!” said Andres.
They peeked out of the wall and watched one of the cashiers give Harry the envelope with the number two on it. He smiled and bought himself a big mac.
“Well done! This is your second clue. Now you have to go to the first place I took you to drink beer. You will find a picture to help you narrow down the place.”
Harry found a picture of the two of them at the lake near Place Flagey. Cafe Belga. That’s where he had to go. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw three people running out of the other entrance of the McDonald’s.
He knew he was being watched.
Harry spent the entire day jumping around the city, collecting clues, falling more in love with Andrea than he thought. She had put so much thought into the whole thing. Maybe that was her way of saying she was in?
He arrived to Elena’s house and Carlos was there. He gave him his luggage, another envelope and closed the door.
“Hi! Welcome to your sixth envelope. I’m so proud of you for remembering all the fun we’ve had here, but now it’s time to jump a little. You have two hours before your flight leaves. Call an Uber!”
Inside the envelope was the ticket. That’s why she’d insisted so much. He got the Uber and went to the airport.
He’d arrived to Heathrow at half seven, confused as fuck about the whole thing, and right by the arrivals gate was Fionn with another envelope. 
“Have fun, mate.”
There was a special show at Hyde Park, and Harry stood there, listening to the band perform. He’d thought he’d seen them before but he couldn’t figure out where. When the singer hit the high notes of the song, it came to him. He’d seen them at a concert they’d gone with the boys. They were the opening act for Noel Gallagher’s band. 
“Now, before we continue, I have to ask,” said the lead singer, “Is there a Harry Styles in the audience?”
Harry stiffened. No fucking way. 
“Harry Styles? I have something for you?” The singer took out an envelope with an eight on it. 
He raised his hand. “I am Harry Styles! I am!”
The crowd opened up and let Harry through. The band laughed. 
“You have one hell of a bird, mate. Good luck with the rest!”
Harry opened the envelope, laughing, absolutely overwhelmed by Andrea’s efforts. 
“Did you know ‘Elementary, my dear Watson’ was not in any of the Sherlock Holmes books?”
Harry laughed even more, knowing exactly where he had to go now. 
As he arrived to the Sherlock Holmes museum on Baker Street, there wasn’t anyone there. As he entered the museum, Tom was there, waiting for him.
“Ah! There you are! Here is your ticket in.”
“You didn’t think she’d put it that easy?”
“Mate, I’ve been to two different countries in less than a day. This hasn’t been easy.”
Tom patted Harry on the back. “Well, this is the second to last.”
“Thanks, mate. See you later,” said Harry as he made his way into the museum. He opened the envelope and in it was one of Harry’s favourite pictures of Andrea, one he took while she was waking up, half-smiling, half-awake. Then, another piece of paper.
“From the first day I met her, she was the only woman to me. Every day of that voyage I loved her more, and many a time since have I kneeled down in the darkness of the night watch and kissed the deck of that ship because I knew her dear feet had trod it. She was never engaged to me. She treated me as fairly as ever a woman treated a man. I have no complaint to make. It was all love on my side, and all good comradeship and friendship on hers. When we parted she was a free woman, but I could never again be a free man.
Harry, I am so sorry about everything. I am so sorry I took you lightly and played with your emotions. You don’t deserve anything less than absolute devotion and love and someone who you share your wonderful mind and your crazy adventures with. I would love nothing more than to be that person. The last envelope is waiting for you. Come get it.”
Harry wiped the involuntary tear that rolled down his cheek and ran out of the museum.
Jack, Tom, and Fionn were watching the telly when Harry pushed the door open and ran to his room. The boys laughed. 
“I have to say, he did better than I thought he would,” said Tom. 
“Aye, not bad in time. Andie was probably going mental,” said Jack. 
“We did good, lads, Harry was insufferable. Worse than Jack when he’d broken up with Elena,” said Fionn. 
“That’s never happening again.”
Tom and Fionn stared at Jack, who smiled and shrugged.
“Where’s your treasure hunt?” asked Tom. 
“Mate, the bird knows I can’t be arsed. I’m getting a regular gift and some lovely knickers I get to take off,” Jack smiled. 
The boys laughed. 
“She definitely knows how primitive her boyfriend is,” said Fionn. 
Jack pushed Fionn. “Wanker!”
Harry had in his hands a collection camera and an empty photo album. During the day, in every envelope, were photos of Harry and Andrea doing things they loved together. The camera was cool, but Harry knew the meaning behind the album: let’s document our life together. 
The answer was obviously yes. 
He put the gifts on the table in his room and grabbed Andrea so tightly, she was having trouble breathing. As soon as their bodies touched, both started crying. 
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, Harry. I’m so sorry,” said Andrea. 
Harry pulled apart and kissed her desperately. She climbed him with ease, securing her legs on his back and him moving them towards the bed. 
“I’ve,” Harry kissed her neck, “missed you,” her collarbone, “so much, Andie,” and her lips again. 
“Take me, please. I am yours. Always. Always.”
Harry’s face changed and the spring green disappeared from his eyes. He unzipped Andrea’s dress and it pooled by her feet. He grabbed her and threw her on the bed. “We’ve missed a lot of sex, baby, but we’ll catch up, don’t worry.”
“Is that a challenge?” said Andrea flirtatiously, unclasping her bra. 
“It’s an order and a fact, whichever makes you wetter.”
“You make me wet.”
Harry stopped and pressed his forehead against hers, not breaking eye contact. “Say that again.”
Andrea was intimidated. She felt Harry's fixed stare could see into her soul. 
“Y—You make me wet.”
Harry’s fingers felt Andrea’s dampened knickers and she took a deep breath. 
“Say my name, Andrea.”
Harry never called her by her full name. 
“Harry,” said Andrea, her breaths uneven. 
His fingers pulled the fabric to the side and felt her wetness before rubbing her clit. He refused to break eye contact. 
“Again,” said Harry, as he inserted two fingers inside her.
Andrea moaned and tried to tilt her head back but Harry’s hand trapped her neck, their foreheads still touching. 
He picked up the pace.
The sensations overwhelmed her. She felt completely bare with Harry, regardless of the fact she had no clothes on. They hadn’t broken eye contact in ten minutes. 
“Say it, Andrea.”
“Ha—Ha—I— I ca—“
“Say it!” said Harry in a menacing tone, pressing his hand harder against her neck. 
“Harry! Harry! Harry!” Andrea screamed into her orgasm. 
Harry kissed her and jumped back on the bed with her, undressing quickly while Andrea grabbed the condom from the drawer and ripped it. She slid it onto Harry, who hissed at her touch. He lifted her up to kiss her and then shoved her back on the bed. She was used to Harry being rough when he wanted to get his way. He snickered while lining himself and slowly pushing himself into Andie, feeling her walls adapt to his girth. 
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of your tight pussy, baby.”
Andrea would never admit it in public, but she loved Harry’s dirty mouth and how he called her baby. 
“More,” said Andrea, shaking her head, possessed by pleasure.
“More what, baby? Do you want more of my cock inside you? You know I like to go slow, it helps me last longer… Or do you want me to talk dirty to you?”
“Baby loves when I’m filthy to her innit?”
“Yes,” she let out in a pant. 
Harry kissed her jaw and made his way to her neck and collarbone. “I’m going to make sure you can’t walk straight for days after me and my cock are done with you, baby. I want to make you scream my name over and over and over…” he said kissing between her breasts, “and then I’m going to choke you with my cock until you’ve sucked off my cum completely,” he grabbed Andrea’s nipple between his teeth and pulled it.
“Ah! Oh my God, Harry. Harry. Harry. Yes. Yes. Yes.”
Harry started picking up the pace and Andrea’s vision blurred.
Jack and his mother had been screaming at each other for over twenty minutes. The past week had gone without a problem, but a comment in passing about Jack and Elena’s future made Jack’s mother enrage. She’d asked Jack to stay behind to help her with something and soon enough the screaming started.
Elena was in Jack’s room and the quick Scottish accent made it a bit difficult for Elena to understand, but she knew she was the reason. 
“Ye don’t bloody understand!”
“Of course I don’t understand how yer so bloody smart for some things but yer a walloper for others. Ye’ve been seeing this girl for hours and yer going to marry her.”
“Yer bloody right I am!”
Elena sighed and slid the door to the balcony open. Jack had a little terrace in his room where he had told Elena he spent most of his teenage years sulking and snogging girls when he snuck them into the house. The cold wind hit her face and she cuddled into herself. She sat on the floor, her legs dangling in the air. 
She heard the front door slammed shut and Jack’s car starting. She felt this overwhelming need to cry that was quickly covered by a tiny knock on the sliding door. 
“Bit cold innit?” Calum, Jack’s brother, came and sat next to her. 
“Aye, but I don’t mind right now,” said Elena, covering her mouth and laughing, “oh my god, what the fuck is going to be my accent when I get back?!”
“The right accent, love,” said Calum, amused. 
Elena laughed and shook her head. “You people are going to kill me.”
Calum took a deep breath. “Don’t pay a lot of attention to what ye overheard. Mum worries too much about everything. Jack was really off after Stephanie, and he’s very invested in ye, she just doesn’t want him to be hurt again. It doesn’t hurt that they’re the same bloody person. This has always happened.” 
Elena smiled. She knew Calum had been the peacemaker. Jack always said he was. 
“I would be the same way, honestly. I just don’t like when people fight with their mothers.”
“Didn’t ye fight with yer mum?”
Shit. Calum, mate. 
Elena shook her head. 
“Never. My mum was my best friend. My step-mum and I though…” she laughed, “that’s a whole different story. My house was a battlefield for six years. My dad literally sent me abroad just to shut me up.”
“Didn't work, I see,” said Calum with a big smile.
“Cheeky shit!” Elena pushed Calum. 
Calum got serious again. “I’m very sorry about yer mum.”
“It’s all right. She was just something else. There wasn’t anyone in the world like her,” said Elena, trying to keep it together. 
Jack’s car coming back into the street broke the moment. 
“I’m going to talk to him before he comes lookin’ for ye. I’ll see ye in a bit.”
“Sure. I actually think I’m going to take a nap? Could you tell him that?” Elena stood up as well. 
“Aye,” Calum left the room. 
Elena took off her coat, shirt and bra, then put her shirt back and one of Jack’s delicious jumpers and tucked herself in bed. She dozed off quickly but overheard when Jack came into the room, sighed, and kissed her cheek.
About two hours later, Elena woke up and the sun was setting. Jack was outside on the balcony, lost in thought. Surprisingly, Elena didn’t immediately jump to the conclusion that Jack thought about breaking up with her to avoid fighting with his mother. It had been an intense day, that was all. However, something unusual surprised Elena. She slid the door open quietly. 
“Jack, are you smoking?” said Elena.
Jack was startled, dropping the cigarette. “Bir—El— Elena—I can explain.”
His reaction amused Elena, who walked over to him and kissed his chest. She stared at him with a smirk. 
“I’m waiting.”
“I’m a… casual smoker? I mostly do it when I’m stressed at work, ye know, during weekdays.”
“How have we been together for five months and I did not know this?”
“Well, Birdie, I’m not stressed when I’m with ye, ye know?” said Jack, wrapping his arms around her waist. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Well, ye made a comment once to yer friends about the smoke when we were out so I just… avoided doing it when I was around ye. I’ve noticed ye and Andie are the ones that don’t smoke.”
Elena was moved. Jack thought of absolutely everything to make her feel as comfortable as possible around him to avoid giving her any reason to doubt their relationship. She thought it was cute but it worried her he was keeping other things from her.
“Are you hiding anything else?”
Jack read her like an open book. He cupped her face and looked into her eyes to reassure her. “Nothing. I promise.”
“You can smoke when we’re together if you’re stressed about something. But not all the time, I don’t want our clothes to smell like smoke. I like your cologne a lot.”
Jack shook his head. “I’ve taken up gum.”
“Jack, you chew gum all the bloody time. Are you always anxious? Should we talk about it? Do you want to talk about it?” Elena was starting to lose it.
“Birdie, I promise I’m okay. Sometimes when I’m with ye I miss it so I chew gum instead. It’s not a big deal. If it were, I’d talk to ye about it.”
“Would you really?”
“Of course. Ye are the only person who I want to share everything with.”
“Don’t think you’re buying me with that charm and those words.”
“I’m doing a great job so far, innit?”
“When were you going to tell me you smoked? When I was pregnant with our child?”
“Yer pregnant?” Jack was taken aback by that comment. 
“What? No, but I will be someday.”
“With my child?” He was still confused.
“Well, that’s the plan, no?”
“That’s the plan?”
“I’m going to go to bed and forget this conversation happened.” Elena had had enough of him. He was teasing her too much.
Jack pulled her to him again. He kissed her. 
“Have ye thought about those things with me?”
Elena blushed, looking to the floor, a bit embarrassed. “Yeah, of course. More so after my dad’s visit.”
“Me too. Especially after yer dad’s visit.”
Her face shot up to meet his eyes. His smile was warm. Elena loved him more than she could handle it. The intensity of her feelings overwhelmed her at times.  
“I won’t smoke when yer pregnant.”
“Ok,” Elena smiled. 
“What have ye thought?”
“About what?”
“About the future.”
“What have you thought?”
“I asked ye first.”
“You hid the fact you smoked for five months. I win this argument.”
Jack laughed and nestled his face on her neck, peppering her with small kisses that made her giggle. She wrapped her arms around his neck. 
“I’ve thought about everything, Elena. How many bairns we’d have, what they’d all do, how they’d all have to like rugby, how perfect ye’d be as a mum, growing old with ye… I’m serious about ye,” said Jack, inches away from her, smiling when Elena’s eyes got glossy.
“We have to make a list like my parents did.”
“Aye, of course.”
“I can’t believe we’re having this conversation. We’ve been dating five months.”
Jack laughed. “We’re both very intense, Elena, it doesn’t surprise me.”
Elena shrugged. “Have you thought about baby names?”
“Oh god. We’re going to break up over that, aren’t we?”
Jack laughed. “No, we’re going to get a divorce if ye don’t think they should watch rugby.”
“I’m fine with rugby.”
“I’m baby name negotiable,” said Jack, pleased with himself.
Elena giggled into a kiss that was interrupted with Calum clearing his throat. 
“Mate? Mum wants to talk to ye.” 
Jack huffed annoyed. Elena grabbed his face. 
“Go talk to your mother. She’s the only one you’ve got.”
Jack understood Elena’s discomfort and nodded. He kissed her forehead and left. 

“I’ve never seen him like he is with ye, ye know?”
Elena nodded. “His mates have said the same thing.”
“I’d love one, thanks.”
“Jack, I’m sorry. I’m just worried about ye, love. I think Elena is lovely and ye look lovely together, but I just want to make sure ye know what yer doing,” Jack’s mum sat next to him, her hands on his knee. She was trying.
“Mum, I understand. I really do. But ye can’t compare Stephanie to Elena. She’s not even worthy of being mentioned in the same sentence. Elena is… the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. Aye, I understand it sounds crazy because we’ve been dating for five months, and it’s been long-distance, which at some points has driven me mad, but I intend to fix that because I’m going to ask her to move in with me when we go back. She’s going to stay some days with me in London before heading back to Brussels. I don’t want to keep doing the trains and the planes back and forth. I want to wake up next to her every day for the rest of my bloody life. Thank ye for yer concern and yer worries. I love ye, ma, but I know what I’m doing.”
Jack’s mum stayed still, processing everything his son had just said. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “I hope yer happy, my love. That’s the only thing I want.”
“I am. Very happy.”
“Good. Are ye staying here for dinner?”
“Aye, I think we were going down to the pub for some early pints but…” Jack looked out the window of the back door and saw Elena and Calum laughing over beers, “it seems they have started without me.”
She turned around and saw Elena laughing at something Calum said and she smiled. “She’s a good one innit?”
“She’s the best one, mum,” Jack kissed his mum’s cheek and went outside.
“Oi! Ye wankers started without me!”
“Did ye just call yer bird a wanker, mate? Break up with him, Elena. Ye don’t deserve this disrespect.”
Jack pushed his brother, who laughed and pushed him back. Elena wrapped her arm around Jack’s. 
“Did you fix things with your mum?”
“I did.”
“I love ye,” Jack whispered in her ear.
“Me too.”
“What a lovely couple, eh,” said Calum with a smirk. 
“That’s it!” said Jack. 
Calum, knowing his brother, started running away and Jack ran after him. Elena watched them and laughed. Jack really was a different person when he was with her. He was the softest human, always with his heart on his sleeve, always trying to connect emotionally with her, but when he was around other people, mostly British ones, he’d put a wall around himself. A startling cultural difference between them. 
Jack’s mum came outside and walked over to where Elena was.
“They used to do that all the time when they were younger. Calum has always known how to rile Jack up.”
Elena laughed. “It’s not too hard to do that at all.”
“Not at all.” 
Elena couldn’t take her eyes off Jack running around with his brother and laughing at him. She only broke contact when her phone started ringing, her dad calling on FaceTime.
“Hey, Dad,” said Elena, jealous of the obvious tan Tomás had acquired.
“Chiqui! How is Scotland? Dreary cold?”
“Manageable. Say hi to Jack’s mum!” Elena moved the mobile to her and she waved. 
“Lovely to see ye!”
“Lovely to meet you! We must get together sometime, considering how serious those two are,” said Tomás.
Jack’s mum laughed. “Of course! I know you’ve seen it first hand as well.”
“Your son is magnificent.”
“Your daughter as well.” 
Elena stopped breathing for a second.
Both boys ran back to where the women were, panting and taking deep breaths. 
“Who are ye talking to?” asked Jack.
“My dad! Come say hi!”
Jack hurried and stood next to Elena. “Oi! Tom!”
“Oi Jack! How’s she behaving?”
“Surprisingly well. I think she’s earned an invitation to come again.”
Elena punched Jack and everyone laughed. Rosa came into the screen. 
“Hello everyone!”
“Hi Rosi!” said Elena.
“Merry Christmas, Chiqui!”
“Happy Christmas!” said Jack. 
“Listen, we need to talk about your birthday, but let’s do it when your father’s not tipsy.”
“Hey! I am fine!” Tomás slurred a bit.
“Sure, dad.”
“Tom, we’ll leave ye to talk to Elena by yourselves. Happy Christmas and we’ll see ye when ye get back.”
“Great seeing you! Lovely to meet you, Mrs. Lowden and Calum.” said Tomás. 
The Lowdens waved their goodbyes and made their way inside.
“How are things? Are they being nice to you?”
“They are. Jack got into an argument with his mum because she thinks we’re going too fast and doesn’t want Jack to get hurt.”
“Is it?”
“Yes, Chiqui, of course. You can be intimidating when people meet you for the first time, and that includes boyfriend’s mothers. You said as well he had a traumatic ex? It’s normal she’s nervous, but I’m sure you’ll be fine. And quite frankly, nothing is going to stop Jack from being with you. Not even you.”
Elena laughed. “I would roll my eyes if that wasn’t true.”
“But it is! Listen, why don’t we go on a trip for your birthday?”
“A trip where?”
“I don’t know! Let’s plan something! A cruise over the Adriatic? The Baltic? A road trip over little towns in France?”
“Dad, my birthday is in January. Cruises are impossible because winter and global warming.”
“Think about what you want to do and we’ll plan it.”
“Okay, fine. I should get back.”
“I love you. Happy Christmas!”
“I love you too! Have a wonderful holiday. Enjoy Hogmanay!”
“Elena’s parents seem like lovely people.”
“They are. Her dad is one of the smartest people I’ve met and her step-mum is an amazing cook, and was my date everywhere when Ellie and her dad got too in their own world, which happens a lot.”
“Where’s her mum? Are they divorced?”

Jack’s face changed. “Her mum died of cancer when she was 8. Her dad remarried when she was 10.”
Jack’s mum face dropped. “Oh no, that poor girl.”
“She’s a fighter. Always has been.” 
“I like her a lot,” said Calum, proud of himself. 
“I’m going to get her,” Jack opened and closed the door behind him.
“Everything all right?” said Jack, from a distance.
“I really like the view your house has.”
“It’s something, innit?”
“It is.”
“Do ye miss yer dad a lot?”
Elena nodded. “I don’t think we’re going to spend Christmas apart again.”
“I think that too.”
“Well, next year will be easier.”
“How so? What’s the plan ye’ve already drafted?”
Elena pushed him. “Piss off.”
Jack wrapped his arms around her waist, her back against his chest. “Tell me.”
“We’ll spend Christmas with my parents, and New Years with yours. I wouldn’t be surprised if my dad and Rosa came for Hogmanay, he fucking loves it.”
Jack laughed. “That’d be amazing.”
“Do you really think I’d be a good mum?”
“I think yer going to be the best one.”
“You’re a charmer.”
“Hey, hey. None of that. I am absolutely convinced of that. I know I’ll have to spend a lot of time convincing ye of it, but I think I’m prepared.”
Elena smiled. “Maybe I’ll believe you sooner than you think.”
“Maybe ye will.”
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