#jack x ofc
dreaminonao3 · 11 months
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The first chapter of Holiday Spirit is up now!!!
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faellain · 1 month
Xmen fans aren't ready for the fact that Scott Summers IS the perfect candidate for a cherik lovechild. That traumatized orphan could have fixed their marriage if Erik helped raise him.
552 notes · View notes
writingonleaves · 4 months
don't wanna scrape you off the pavement (i can't be your savior) - jack hughes
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pairing: jack hughes x original female character (reckless driving au)
warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, hopeful ending (bc its me), possibly inaccurate dynamics of the 2020 - 2024 umich hockey squads but i tried, some biphobia (not from any main characters), an awful lot of talking about michigan for someone who’s never been there (the college or the state)
inspired by + title: "reckless driving" by lizzy mcalpine and ben kessler
word count: 23.7k
author's note: after about 7 months in the making, it’s Finally here lol. this piece means a lot to me, and not only because it took so long. a labor of love, if you will. i'm very proud of it, so i sincerely hope you all enjoy it as much as i loved writing it! please do let me know your thoughts <3 takes place the summer of 2024
day one - amelie
Amelie Fishel has a love-hate relationship with the state of Michigan. 
She loves it enough that she stayed in the state she was born and raised in for college. But even she knew she would’ve been an idiot if she denied the offer four years ago when University of Michigan offered her an academic scholarship that ended up covering her full tuition. She enjoyed her time at college enough, making a smattering of friends that she really does want to keep in contact with for the rest of her life and developing a solid foundation academically with various experiences that will hopefully help her out to get her dream job, which is on the horizon.
It’s a dream job because it falls in line with what she enjoys doing. But it’s also a dream job because it’s taking her the fuck out of this state. That’s the only request she’s had when trying to close in on an NHL photographer offer — it can be in any state except for Michigan. 
But despite her feeling that she’s outgrown this state, she’s sticking around for one more summer. One more summer of no internships or responsibilities before she has to be a working adult for the rest of her life. A few more months to enjoy the few perks this state does have before getting to leave.
Currently, she’s sitting in the backyard of her grandparents’ new lakehouse. It’s admittedly beautiful and in a wonderful location that offers the tranquility that they’ve been searching for. The lake in their backyard glistens under the sun and the sunsets are stunning. 
It’s a hot day in mid-July and she spent her first full day catching up with her grandparents in the backyard. After she had graduated, she splurged on a trip to Europe with some friends that definitely made a dent in her bank account. When she voiced getting a job for the summer, her parents and grandparents immediately said no. Enjoy the summer, they said. 
After dinner, when the sun’s rays are barely peeking out, she volunteers to walk Susie, her grandparents’ golden retriever that is far too energetic for Amelie’s liking. Amelie grabs the leash, beckons Susie over, and they’re on their way to a walk around the neighborhood. 
She forgoes her Airpods for whatever reason and shoves both her hands in her sweatshirt, walking leisurely behind Susie. She’s so lost in her own head that she almost misses the sound of her own name. 
She blinks, stopping at the end of someone’s driveway. Susie trots happily to the guy who’s holding his hand out to pet her. “Luke?”
“Yeah,” Luke clears his throat and bends down slightly to pet Susie, who is loving the attention. “Hey buddy. What’s your name?”
“This is Susie.”
Luke chuckles as Susie’s tail wags crazily. “Hey girly. What a cutie.”
Amelie gently tugs the leash. “Easy, Suz. We don’t wanna kill him.”
She watches for a few seconds as Luke keeps petting her. Yankees hat atop his head and wearing a white t-shirt and swim trunks, it’s been over a year since Amelie’s seen Luke Hughes. The last time she saw him was after the devastating loss against Quinnipiac at the Frozen Four. He had jetted out to Boston that night, but not without giving Amelie an unexpected but genuine hug goodbye. 
As a photographer for the Michigan Athletic Department during her entire college career, she became at friendly with many athletes, especially the guys on the men’s hockey team, since her boss put her on assignment with them a good amount. But she hadn’t expected Luke to remember her or recognize her.
“You live around here?” Luke asks, standing back up as Susie calms down.
“My grandparents just bought a place a few houses down and I just got here. You live here?”
“Kinda,” he gestures to the house behind him. “My brothers bought this place a few years back.”
“Small world,” she remarks. 
He nods with a small smile. “It sure is.” 
“Who’s your friend, Moose?”
She turns her head to the open garage to see a shorter, tanner version of Luke. This guy is wearing a black t-shirt with sweatpants, his hair less curlier than Luke’s. He must be one of his brothers, and even if Luke didn’t just tell her it was his brothers’ place, she would’ve put it together. They both have the same half-smile. 
He’s also beautiful. Almost annoyingly so.
(If her sisters were here, they’d immediately point out that Jack is exactly her type. Well, Charlotte would point out that he smiles similarly to Cooper and Colette would immediately scold Charlotte.)
The guy walks over and Susie gets excited at a new presence. He also bends down to pet her. “This is Amelie,” Luke says. “She photographed a lot of the games back at Michigan.” He turns back to Amelie. “Did you just graduate? Or do you have one year left?”
“I just graduated.”
“Congratulations,” the guy stands up and sticks out his hand. “I’m Jack. Luke’s brother. Well, one of them.”
She shakes his hand with a polite smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Jack. And thank you.”
“You said you’re gonna be here for the summer?” Luke asks. 
“Most of it, yeah.”
“Where do you live?” Jack asks.
“My grandparents are a few houses down. 118.”
Jack perks up. “Stanley and Ruth are your grandparents?”
“Yeah,” she narrows her eyes. “How do you know them?”
“They ran into our parents golfing last week. And I’ve waved at them a few times driving down the street.”
“That sounds about right,” she chuckles. “They love their golf and they love sitting on the front porch.”
Luke straightens up, and with Amelie’s previous interactions with him, that means that he’s about to suggest either a great or horrendous idea. “You should come over for dinner this week. You and your grandparents. Our parents are still here for a few days and we’re going a bit stir-crazy with each other, I think.”
So it’s a horrendous idea this time. She immediately tries to deny the offer politely. “Oh no, that’s okay. I wouldn’t wanna intrude your-”
“We’d love to have you. And your grandparents,” Jack says with an air of finality. “And I know our parents would say the same. They’re sick of also just having us around.”
“I still have your number from when you used to send me pictures after games,” Luke says. “I’ll text you details and we’ll find a time that works?”
“Okay,” she says after a few seconds. As if Susie understands, she barks. 
Jack gives her one last pet with a grin. “This floofer’s welcome as well.”
After one last smile, she and Susie are on their way as the brothers head back into the house. Once they’re out of earshot, she sighs. 
She has no idea how she feels about this. 
day three - jack 
Jack Hughes is convinced he’s going insane.
Well, that’s not exactly true. He’s perfectly fine, great, even. Recovery is going well. He’s back with his family in one of his favorite places in the world. Even in July, the season still seems so far away. Some days he itches to get back to The Rock in front of the fans. But most of the time, he’s enjoying his off-season rehab and training, being on the water and being on the golf course. 
But Amelie – which first of all, an incredibly beautiful name — and her just as beautiful dog Susie have been at the back of his mind for two days straight now. That’s weird. Jack doesn’t usually think about girls like this, especially girls he’s barely met.
All he’s gotten from Luke so far is that she’s a year older than him, which makes her a year younger than Jack, she photographed a bunch of the Michigan games during Luke’s two years there and she’s a bit quieter than some of the social media team’s counterparts Luke knows she worked with. 
And she’s so, so cute. But Luke didn’t tell him that one. 
A few hours before she’s supposed to come over with her grandparents, Jack’s lounging on the boat, as Quinn, who’s in the driver's seat, and Luke are talking about…something. But he’s deeply focused on his phone, trying to do what every Gen Z person does when they see someone cute. Find their Instagram. The fact that he’s held off for over 48 hours is already impressive. 
He finds it relatively easily, as some of Luke’s former teammates who Jack follows follow her, and Amelie isn’t a common name. She’s private, but linked in her bio is her photography account, which is public. While there’s no pictures of her on there, it proves to him that she’s an insanely good photographer. Not just hockey, either. There are some beautiful shots of divers, gymnasts, soccer players, etc. You name the sport, it seems like Amelie’s photographed it. 
“Whatcha lookin’ at?” Quinn asks. 
Jack quickly locks his phone. “Nothing.”
Luke, like the pest he is, narrows his eyes. “Sure.”
“Don’t make me push you into the water, Moose.”
An empty threat, Jack knows, but he starts leaning forward and Luke yelps. “Quinn!”
Quinn rolls his eyes, “You’re both annoying. We gotta head back though. I wanna shower before dinner.”
Dinner. Right. Amelie. Coming into him and Quinn’s home. Great. 
Something must change on his face, because a shit-eating grin grows on Luke’s face. “Oh. That’s what this is about.”
“What?” Jack feigns cluelessness. 
“Amelie’s pretty, isn’t she?” Luke says. Jack just shoves him and Quinn chuckles, catching up. 
“If you think she’s pretty, why didn’t you make your move first?” Jack retorts back. “You had two years.”
Luke shrugs. “Just because she’s pretty doesn’t mean I’m interested. She’s cool though. Way too cool for you.”
“Is that a challenge?”
Luke rolls his eyes, “For once, no.”
“Was she friends with the guys?” Quinn asks. And Jack’s silently grateful that he doesn’t have to be the one to dig for more information.
“I don’t know if I would say friends, but definitely very friendly with everyone,” Luke says. “I think she was a TA in one of Rut and Adam’s classes or something. She seemed to get along with them the best. And I feel like she had a soft spot for Eddy, for some reason. I think it’s that thing where we just all are around each other all the time and the more we saw of her at the rink, the more we got to know her.”
Huh. Interesting. He doesn’t know anything about Rutger McGroarty except that he went to the program a few years after Jack did and was drafted to the Jets. Ethan Edwards is one of Luke’s closest friends from Michigan and could be signing with the Devils organization this upcoming season, and Jack likes him. Adam Fantilli trains with the guys in the summer so Jack’s gotten to know him decently well. That one might say the most. 
Luke gives him a pointed look. “I’m serious. Don’t mess with her. She’s too nice for that. And she can put you in your place.”
And Jack’s downright offended that Luke would even insinuate something like that. But as Quinn guides them home, he thinks. Luke’s never given an opinion on any girl Jack’s dated or had a thing with. He’s spoken maybe three sentences to Amelie, didn’t even directly express his interest and Luke is already all up in his ass. 
He hears when Amelie arrives hours later, Susie barking and the sounds of Stanley and Ruth talking with his parents. He tries to be nonchalant as they all come out into the backyard, when he sees her conversing with Luke, instead making himself busy by introducing himself to Stanley and Ruth. 
But her pink linen pants match her headband and her smile is dripping with gold and Jack is going insane. 
They have dinner outside surrounded by the sound of the rippling lake, the view of a cotton-candy sunset, the feel of light breeze and the warmth of easy laughter. Jack sneaks a few small pieces of chicken to Susie and Amelie catches him, glaring at him from across the table. Jack just smirks as she rolls her eyes, chomping away at her corn and tuning into whatever conversation is going on. 
His parents ask about her background and her time at Michigan and he can’t help but smile when she talks about her double degree — communications and design — and how going to an activities fair turned into working as a photographer for the athletics department. She talks about her first time photographing a hockey game and how hockey is the fastest and in a way, hardest sport she’s ever photographed. But it’s become her favorite. That puts a smile on the faces of the entire Hughes family. 
She gets asked what her plans are post-grad, and she just breezes through it casually, saying that she’s been talking to US Soccer and the NHL but nothing finalized yet. She says it so casually that Jack’s almost in awe. 
Jack never believed in love at first sight, and still doesn’t, thank you very much, but the sound of Amelie’s laughter has him feeling so nervous and stupid and ridiculous. 
Whatever. He’ll unpack this later.
day six - amelie
Amelie’s cameras and her camera equipment are her babies, which, duh, considering her passion and career. Which means she’s very excited to take out the vintage 35 MM film camera she got for a graduation gift from her parents. 
After lunch, she takes one of the many outdoor chairs her grandparents have, plopping herself decently close to the lake to fiddle with some of the settings. She has her trusted DSLR camera next to her as well, the sounds of the birds and a Michigan summer her soundtrack. One of her neighbors must be playing the guitar outside and Amelie finds herself at peace. 
The peace is slowly shattered as she hears a motor coming from the lake. She rolls her eyes to herself. Fucking boats and boatowners who think they’re the shit. 
She does point her camera towards the boat though. It’s a cool shot. 
She doesn’t realize it’s slowing down until it practically stops. She squints and sees someone waving their hand maniacally. She tentatively walks a bit towards the lake. 
He nods enthusiastically and Amelie kinda finds it endearing. She quickly takes note of Quinn at the helm and sees Jack’s head popping up from behind Quinn. The boat slows to a stop and she comes to the edge of the lake. 
“Morning. Or afternoon, I guess.”
“Hey,” Jack says with a friendly smile. “What are you up to?”
She holds her camera. “Testing this out. I actually just got a pretty cool shot of the boat.”
“Is that a special kind of camera?” Quinn asks. 
She nods. “Mmhmm. It’s a vintage 35 millimeter film camera, which is the exact opposite of what you want when photographing any sport. What are you guys up to today?”
Luke shrugs. “The usual. Probably gonna be on the boat for a few hours.” He lights up. “Do you wanna come on?”
She opens her mouth to say something but Jack pushes on before she can get a word out. “Yeah, come on!”
“If you don’t already have plans, that is,” Quinn adds. 
She closes her mouth and thinks. She doesn’t have plans today and hasn’t ever been on a boat. Plus, even though she partially chose to spend time out here to reflect on herself and be by herself, she knows it’s good for her to be talking with people that aren’t her grandparents. And, they’ve been nothing but nice to her so far. 
“On a few conditions.”
Jack tilts his head. “Which are?”
“I don’t have to get in the water and I get to bring my cameras.”
“Deal,” Jack says quickly. 
Amelie gives a close-lipped smile. “Give me two minutes.” She sets her cameras down carefully by the chair side and jogs back into the house. She grabs her favorite Michigan crewneck in case it gets cold and grabs her tote bag which has sunscreen, sunglasses, her keys and wallet. When she comes back out, the boat is docked as close to the edge as possible. Without hesitation, Amelie takes off her flip-flops, wades into the water and hands Luke her bag and cameras carefully before Jack pulls her up into the boat. 
She wobbles a bit and Jack’s hands hover behind her back in case she falls. “You ever been on a boat?”
“Not in awhile,” she says, settling down in a seat next to Luke. “I prefer having my feet on the ground.”
Luke’s eyebrows furrow. “You can swim, right?”
“What?” Amelie jokes quietly. “Are you planning on pushing me in?”
“No one is getting pushed in,” Quinn assures, sending a light glare at his two brothers as he starts steering them deeper into the lake. “Especially with those expensive cameras on board.”
“Are you really the one responsible for every photo of Luke playing hockey taken at Michigan?” Jack asks. 
She blinks, absolutely taken aback. “Not every photo, I’d say.”
“Definitely a good amount though,” Luke says. “I feel like you were always at every game.”
She shrugs, “Well, my boss started putting me on hockey more because I’m pretty sure I was the only one who could do it well.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Hey, it’s a tough sport to photograph. It’s fast and unpredictable and you have to have a sense of where the puck is going before it gets there.”
Amelie internally cringes at that last part. She sounds like a coach. 
“Did you like hockey before?” Quinn asks.
“Not really, to be honest. The first game I ever watched was at Michigan when I was shadowing.”
“You must’ve figured out pretty quickly where the puck will go, then, if you didn’t know much about hockey before,” Jack says with something like respect in his eyes.
Amelie smiles. “I guess.”
Quinn nods to the film camera that Amelie had picked up the second she got on the boat. “Can we see the picture you took of the boat?”
“I wish. I’m gonna get the film developed at the end of the summer and that’ll take a few weeks.” Quinn hums in understanding. She takes out her regular camera and pops off the lens cap, shoving it in her back. Luke’s eyes light up in recognition and she can’t help but chuckle. “You recognize this one?”
“How could I not?”
She points it at three of them. “Smile. All of you.” She snaps a couple before putting down her camera and playfully glaring at them. “Geez. At least act like you guys like each other.” She looks quickly at the photo with a satisfied nod, before turning her camera towards the brothers so they can see. 
They continue chatting, talking about various things from Michigan (the state and the school) to one of their cousins who just got engaged to where Amelie’s parents are (they also live in Michigan, though further south, but are currently visiting family in France that Amelie had seen last year when she studied abroad in France) to the upcoming season. Amelie mostly keeps quiet on that front, because she doesn’t need to let them know that she got a call yesterday with news that the NHL is closing in on a job offer that will determine where she spends the next few years.
The thought that she could be seeing these three multiple times throughout the season when she’s currently on their boat right now is just downright weird. She just met Quinn and Jack six days ago. She hasn’t seen Luke in two years. 
This whole thing is just weird. 
But whenever she feels too much in her own head, she just picks up her camera and points it at one of them or out at the lake, fiddling with lighting and focus settings. Sometimes she forgets that photography isn’t just going to be her career and that she can love it differently with no pressure and in a different light, no pun intended. 
With time, she gets more comfortable, sunglasses perched on her nose, chin tucked on her knees and laughter flowing out lighter and easier. It’s easier to pick up her camera when they start taking turns wakesurfing, her eyes widening when Jack jokingly tries to drag her out, and she’s either semi-impressed at their ability to make it look easy or laughing her ass off when they flail and fall. 
As she’s shutting off her camera — contrary to popular belief, she does need to put it away after a certain amount of time — Jack plops down next to her. Quinn and Luke are entranced in their own conversation towards the front. 
Jack runs a hand through his damp hair, “Do you mind handing me my shirt next to you?”
She hands it over with a weary look. “It’s boiling out.”
“Oh, so you want me to keep my shirt off.”
The smirk on his face has Amelie rolling her eyes. Boys. “You’re gonna wanna take it off again in like, 5 minutes. I just think you’re being dumb.”
Jack puts a hand over his heart in mock offense. “Ouch. That might be the harshest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“I met you six days ago.”
“And my point still stands.” She scrunches her nose a bit when Jack shakes out his hair and some water droplets land on her. He just smiles that half-smile that she’s not sure if she likes or hates. “Are you sure you don’t wanna get in the water?”
“I’m not wearing a bathing suit. And even then, I’m not a huge fan of being in the water.”
“Well, then, what are you a huge fan of? Besides being behind the camera.”
She tilts her head so that it’s leaning against her seat, turning to face him completely. “I used to dance competitively and continued dancing a bit in college. I read a lot. At school, I used to love just camping out at a cafe for hours for the vibes.” She shrugs. “Nothing much else though.”
He nods, before looking at the cameras in her bag. “Why photography?”
She smiles, like she always does when talking about photography. “Taking photos is really cool, I think, because you’re the middle man. You frame the story. And if you frame it well, people will look at the photo and know exactly what’s going on. With sports, it’s all about the timing and the moment. You can write an article describing a game with quotes from the players or whatever, and no disrespect to that. I have a good amount of friends who are journalists. But photo is different, because you can see it, you know?”
Jack nods. “I think I get what you mean. You got a boyfriend waiting for you somewhere? Or a significant other?”
Her eyes widen and a sharp laugh erupts out of her. That’s random. “What?”
Jack just shrugs like he didn’t just completely throw her off. “It’s a valid question, no? Don’t wanna assume or give off an unwanted vibe if we’re gonna be hanging out all summer.”
“Well, uh, no. No boyfriend or partner of any sort like that.”
“I don’t know why that surprises you.”
“Because you’re pretty. Nice. Talented, clearly. Surely the guys and gals and pals at Michigan aren’t stupid enough to turn you down.”
She bypasses all the compliments because that’s too much to think about right now, instead focusing on the latter half of his sentence. She wraps her arms around her legs to clasp her fingers together. “I dated a girl for a bit freshman year. Nothing happened. It just fizzled out. We’re still decent friends. And then I dated this guy for about a year. But that fell to shit pretty extraordinarily.”
“Most of them do, don’t they?”
Amelie unintentionally chuckles. “Oh yeah? And what about you? How’s your love life looking?”
Jack looks out into the distance, breaking eye contact for the first time this whole conversation. “Was in a relationship around two years ago. It didn’t work out because of distance. Nothing much since then.”
Amelie highly doubts that, but she keeps her mouth shut, leaving it alone. “Fair enough.
“So why Michigan? Anything in particular draw you in?”
“Well, I think Michigan is on anyone’s radar who grew up in this state,” she twists her ring around. “And then, uh, when I got offered a full ride, I knew I would’ve been an idiot to turn that down.”
His eyebrows shoot up his forehead. “A full ride? You serious?”
“Yeah. Academic scholarship.”
He lets out a low whistle. “Jesus. You’re smart smart. Even I know full academic scholarships aren’t given out easily.” Amelie ducks her chin down. She can feel herself blushing and she hates it. “Was it your first choice? Going to Michigan?”
“No,” she admits softly. And she knows she’s talking to someone who may not have gone there, but who might as well have. He might love the college more than she does and she’s the one who actually is an alum. “NYU was my top choice. And I got accepted, but I couldn’t afford it.”
He nods, and then Quinn asks Jack to take over so he can go on the water and the moment passes. She does move closer to the front partially so she’s under the sun again, mostly so she can be closer to everyone. Luke tosses her a bottle of water and she chugs a good half of it, shooting him a thankful smile.
Amelie’s missed this, to be honest. Despite deeply cherishing her alone time, she’s always enjoyed being around a small group of people, observing them and their dynamics to evaluate what kind of people they are. It reminds her of when she used to tag along with her two older sisters and their friends. 
And these three are easy-going. They don’t allow Amelie to get in her head because they’re always talking about something and asking for her two cents. In Amelie’s 22 years of life, she’s become quick to notice if people are being nice to be nice or being nice to be kind. 
The Hughes brothers are being nice to be kind. And Amelie hates herself a bit for thinking it would be the other. 
She sits back and relishes in their company.
day seven - jack
Jack’s had a great day. 
Practice this morning went well, he beat Quinn at ping pong (though that’s not hard to do) and the three brothers have confirmed who’s coming to the lakehouse in a few days after they’re back from their mini trip to visit their grandma for her 90th. There’s gonna be quite a few of the guys and Jack’s pumped. He always likes combining different groups of friends. 
After dinner, he’s feeling a bit restless, so he decides to go out on a drive. Maybe he’ll grab some ice cream, though if he comes back with ice cream and none for Luke or Quinn, they’re gonna bitch about it. He puts on his summer playlist, which is filled with country, and rolls down the windows before backing out. 
He’s probably driving too fast for what’s acceptable in a residential neighborhood, so it’s at the last moment does he stop when he recognizes Amelie in front of her grandparents’ place walking Susie. He slows down, and she looks behind her as he rolls up. 
He leans his head out of his window just as he hears her say, “Hey Char, I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? Yeah. Bye. Love you.” She takes her phone away from her ear and shoots him a small smile. “Hey Jack.”
“Hi. Was that one of your sisters?”
“Yeah, that was Char. Or Charlotte I guess. The middle one.”
Susie paws up to the window and he scratches her head. “Hey cutie. You’re such a good girl, aren’t you?”
“She’s been off the rails the whole day, so she actually hasn’t been.” Amelie says dryly, making him snort. 
“You up to anything right now?”
She narrows her eyes. “Why?”
He nods to his car, “Get in.”
“You sure?”
“Of course.”
“Gimme a second to let Susie back in. Pull into the driveway.” Jack obeys, idling the engine and unlocking the doors as he waits for Amelie to come back. 
While he’s waiting, he thinks back to yesterday, being on the boat for hours with Amelie, learning more about her. Jack’s been told that he can be pretty excitable and eager, which is probably how he has acquired so many friends throughout his life. But, despite what a lot of people may think, he isn’t that stupid. He’s been around Amelie the last week enough to know that she’s a tougher nut to crack. And he knows there’s more to her than what she’s shown so far. 
So he’ll take every chance, every moment, to get to know her better. Because September will come around sooner than he thinks. It always does.
She comes back out and climbs into the passenger seat, buckling her seatbelt as he backs out of the driveway. She’s thrown on a Michigan Hockey sweatshirt over herself, settling her small bag on her lap. “You’re not gonna kidnap me and bury me in the woods, are you?” She asks. 
Jack turns down his music with a chuckle. “No. I don’t have the brainpower for that. Have you eaten?”
He nods, starting to navigate them towards his favorite ice cream place around here. “Where’d you get the sweatshirt?”
She looks down at herself, as if she didn’t realize what she threw on. “Oh. I don’t remember, to be honest. Either it was given to me or one of the guys let me borrow it and I never gave it back.”
“Luke mentioned you were a TA in some of the guys’ classes?”
She leans back in the seat, leaning her head on the seatbelt so that she’s facing him. “Yeah. I was a TA my junior year for one of Adam, Rutger and Gavin’s classes. Senior year Luca and Nick, who I think came in after Luke left so you might not know him, took the class.”
“Were they good students?”
Amelie snorts. “Good enough. Though one time Rut tried to bribe me into extending an assignment since they had a big game away that weekend — I think it was Ohio State. I also had to go on that trip and I had to grade all of their stuff plus deal with my own classes, so I told him, in polite words, to fuck off and submit his fucking paper on time.”
Jack laughs. He can picture it in his head, Rutger with his good looks and childish smile turning on the charm to 100 to a skeptical Amelie, bored but amused eyes as she watches him plead his side. Maybe she’s wearing a headband. Maybe she’s not. 
(She’s wearing one right now. A tiny white one that you’d miss if you weren’t looking) 
“Those boys…were they good?”
“You’re the hockey player. Shouldn’t you know?”
“No. I mean, like, were they good to you? Nice to you? Because if they were dickheads…”
“No!” Amelie is quick to assure him. “They were great. Honestly. During my entire four years working with the team, I never really had a problem with any of the guys. And I can’t say that about every team I had to photograph.”
“Oh?” Jack sneaks a look over to her as she’s looking at her hands. 
Jack wants to dig, but he doesn’t. He just doesn’t like the idea that people could be outwardly rude to Amelie when she’s just doing her job. He doesn’t like the idea that people could be outwardly rude to Amelie at all. 
They climb out of the car and he locks it with a click as they walk side by side to the counter to order. He smiles to himself as he lags behind a few steps, watching her bounce on her toes to try and see the flavor options. 
His attention is brought back into the moment as he feels Amelie tug the sleeve of his sweatshirt. “Is the Chocolate Delight good?”
“That’s Quinn’s favorite. It’s super chocolatey.”
“Perfect.” They both step up to the window. Jack orders himself a small Strawberry Cheesecake in a cup. Amelie orders a small Chocolate Delight in a cup and before the girl at the window can even finish listing out the total price, Jack practically shoves his credit card into her hand. 
Amelie gives him a scathing look. “Jack. Come on. You didn’t even give me a chance.”
“Precisely.” Her glare stays on her face. “It’s not a big deal. My treat for kidnapping you on our boat yesterday and kidnapping you tonight.”
“So you are kidnapping me,” she says, referring to her earlier comment. She relaxes and Jack calls it a win as they’re given their ice creams. They snag a high-top table that’s a bit away from the other crowded tables. He watches as she digs in, a small satisfied smile on her face, turning sideways to look at the sunset.
He’s not the photographer, but he wishes he could take a picture of her right now. 
They eat their ice cream in relatively comfortable silence, and he feels satisfied when he plays with her foot under the table and it causes her to chuckle. She does kick him back hard enough to make him flinch though.
20 minutes later, they’re sitting in the back of Jack’s car at a lake lookout catching the last streaks of the sunset when he pipes up. “Colette. Charlotte. Amelie. Very French.”
“Well, that’s what happens when your mother is French.”
“What do they do?”
“Col’s doing some cool stuff with fashion merchandising in New York. Just got engaged and getting married sometime next year. Char’s at Stanford getting her PhD in…something that involves physics and is over my head.” 
Jack chuckles. “I feel that. My sister’s doing her residency at NYU and no matter how hard I want to understand, when she gets on her tangents, I can never follow.”
Amelie’s eyebrows furrow. “Sister?”
“Oh, well, not actually. It’s Clementine. One of us must’ve mentioned her yesterday,” Jack says. “She’s not my sister by blood, but our parents have been best friends since forever and we all grew up together, so she might as well be. Went to UCLA and then, also Stanford, actually. So for eight years, I didn’t really get to see her that often.” Jack digs out his phone and flickers through his photos before clicking on the one his mom took of him, Quinn, Luke and Clementine in New Hampshire earlier in the summer.
“She’s pretty,” Amelie remarks softly. 
Jack smiles. “I don’t think I’d be the same if I didn’t have her growing up. We actually live together in Jersey now. Me, her and Luke. It’s a fun time, even if she pretends it’s not.”
“She’s doing her residency, you said?”
“Yeah,” he takes his phone back. “This I do know. Combined residency with pediatrics and the ER. Just finished her first year out of five.”
Amelie whistles. “Good for her. So she’ll be in New York and Jersey for the near future?”
“Yup,” Jack’s smile seems to always be permanent on his face when talking about Clementine. “Though now she’s dating Hisch so that’s a whole thing.”
“She’s dating your captain?” Amelie chuckles, eyebrows raised in amusement. “I sure hope you like him.”
“I love Nico,” he defends himself. “I was rooting for them to get together. They were tiptoeing around each other all of last season. But now that they’re actually dating I just like being a bitch about it to give them a hard time.”
Amelie shoves her hands in her sweatshirt. “That’s what siblings do.”
“I can’t imagine you being a bitch to your sisters’ significant others they’ve brought home.”
She shrugs, “I don’t think I am. I’ve been told I can be a bit closed-off when you first meet me though.”
“Hey. Nothing wrong with taking time to feel people out.” 
“Some people don’t have the patience for that, though.”
“For what?”
“I don’t know. A lot of people just assume people who aren’t outwardly charismatic aren’t worth their time.”
Jack blinks, thinking about her words over and over again like a broken record. “Well, then they’re missing out.”
She looks at him and he’s momentarily distracted by the way her white headband creates a sort of halo around her. She lets out a small smile. Jack wants to frame it and put it on the wall of his room back in Jersey. She chuckles, and Jack feels defensive all of a sudden.
“What?” He asks, trying not to sound indignant. 
“Nothing, it’s just…I don’t know. That’s such an interesting thing coming from someone who I imagine is exactly just that.”
“Just what?” He’s not doing a great job today at keeping track of where a conversation goes. 
She huffs. “Outwardly charismatic. You’re telling me you’re not?”
Jack’s hands suddenly start to sweat. “I mean, I guess. But that doesn’t come easy to everyone. I still don’t think it comes easy to me. I’ve just been forced to be okay at it because of what I do.”
She starts swatting at bugs so they hop out of the trunk and start driving back. She doesn’t miss a beat in their conversation. “That’s another reason why I love photography. No one expects anything out of me or pays attention to me.”
Jack can’t help but laugh, thinking back to his rookie year and all the damn expectations that were placed on him that he didn’t surpass. It’s water under the bridge now, but he would be lying if he said that he doesn’t think about it once in awhile, especially when the draft bust comments come back after a stretch of bad games. 
“I don’t know what that’s like, having no one expect anything out of me,” he admits, carefully pulling out on the main road. 
“Do you like that? Having a chip on your shoulder?”
“Yeah, in a way. Definitely lights a fire under your ass and motivates you. But, I don’t know, it can get to be a lot, I guess. But I’m used to it. People have been expecting things out of me since I was 16. Younger, even.”
Amelie hums, adjusting her headband. “Must be a lonely place to be at times.”
“The top.” 
Jack mulls over her words in his brain. Once. Twice. A third time. He clears his throat. “I’ve never thought about it like that.” 
When he’s about to sleep that night, he replays their conversations in his head until he finally drifts off. 
day twelve - amelie
Amelie’s a bit glad to have had a few days away from Jack — from any of the Hughes brothers — as they went on a mini trip to Canton to celebrate their grandmother’s birthday. She’s been filling her time by taking walks with Susie, tagging along to help Ruth with groceries and humoring Stanley when he wants to go sit at his favorite diner for hours to talk. Retirement’s pretty nice, Amelie thinks, but even she’s starting to get a bit restless. 
So when she gets a text from Jack after finishing her morning coffee — she forgets when they exchanged numbers or if they ever even did. Luke could’ve given it to him — she’s actually excited.
Weird. When’s the last time Amelie has felt excited to get a text?
Jack Hughes
amelie my amelie 
we just got back last night
and a bunch of your boys are here for a few days 
you should come by and say hi
Amelie furrows her eyebrows as she responds. 
Amelie Fishel 
my boys?
Jack Hughes
beniers, briss, blankenburg, fants, brindley and eddy 
i might be leaving someone out but you get it 
Amelie blinks. She hasn’t heard some of those names in years. And they’re just all over the house right now? 
Hockey players are weird. Their friendships and circles and how they overlap are even weirder. 
Amelie Fishel 
that’s a lotta boys 
Jack Hughes 
yeah and that’s not even all of them 
luke mentioned that you’re nearby and they’re kinda harping on me to get you to come over 
i also just wanna see you 
“You should go,” Amelie jumps out of her seat. Luckily, Ruth isn’t directly behind her. She doesn’t particularly want to be nursing her grandma’s injuries. 
“Don’t eavesdrop on my conversations, Grandma.”
“You should go,” Ruth repeats. “Those boys were sweet and polite over dinner. And you know their friends?”
“Yeah. Photographed quite a few of them at college throughout the years.”
“Then you should go.”
“Aren’t we about to go to lunch with some of your friends?”
Ruth tuts. “They’d perfectly understand you ditching us old gossips to hang out with your friends.”
“I’m going to lunch with you. I haven’t seen them in awhile either and I like your friends,” Amelie says firmly. One look from Ruth and Amelie relents. “I’ll go see the guys after dinner. If they even want me.”
Amelie Fishel 
won’t be around until after dinner
dunno if that changes your invite
Jack Hughes 
see you after dinner 🫡
i’ll try to hold off your fan club in the meantime 
(As Amelie goes upstairs to change, Ruth chuckles to herself. She remembers the middle Hughes brother unable to keep his eyes off Amelie at dinner that night.)
After dinner comes, and she shuffles through her dressers before reminding herself that it doesn’t matter what she wears. She throws on her favorite pair of jean shorts and tosses on a Stanford sweatshirt she stole from Charlotte ages ago. She grabs her tote bag, kisses her grandparents goodbye and pats Susie on the head before walking out the door. 
As she approaches the Hughes home, she rolls her eyes at all the cars parked in their driveway and lining down the street. Exactly how many people are here? 
She hears voices coming from the back and decides to forgo the front door and paddles over through their side yard into the back. Amelie pauses at the sight, taking in what must be at least ten people by the firepit. She tries to be discreet, figuring out where or who she should head to first. But a voice calling out loudly stops her. 
“Mimi!” Before she knows it, Adam Fantilli crashes into her body. She grunts into his chest as he lifts her up. 
“Call me that one more time and you won’t have a season to get back to in Columbus.”
Gavin chuckles from behind Adam, before reaching out for his much tamer hug. Good. “Nice to know some things don’t change.”
She huffs, but her heart does feel lighter. “I saw you, like, three months ago, Brinds. No one changes that much in three months.” She lets the two boys each swing an arm around her shoulders and gets smushed in the middle, both simultaneously talking her ear off. She’s not really catching what they say, and she thinks they don’t actually care, but it’s nice to be around them again. Really nice. Familiar. 
She’s led to the fire, and feels her smile grow as Nick Blankenburg, Brendan Brisson and Matty Beniers all bounce over and give her enthusiastic hugs and greetings. God, it’s been so long since she’s seen them. Even though she was younger and more naive when photographing them her freshman year, they were on her first roster. And there’s always something special about the first one.
“The fact that you decided to stick around the boys for four years says a lot,” Nick says with a smile. “Did you like them as much as the guys during your first year though?”
“You never forget your first!” Matty chimes in and Brendan throws his head back in laughter. Amelie’s sick of them already, rolling her eyes as she greets Luke with a tight side hug. 
She beams at Ethan, whose smile is just as big. “Hi Eddy.”
“Hey Ami,” She lets out a laugh as the smiley Canadian smothers her in a hug. “I didn’t think I’d be seeing you so soon. I’ve missed you.”
“Me neither,” she mumbles into his chest before pulling away. “Missed you too.”
“Well, we obviously know who the favorite is.” Someone pipes in and her eyes track toward the voice. This guy definitely didn’t go to Michigan, but has one of the most contagious smiles she’s ever seen. “I’m Trevor. Friend of Jack’s. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Ah, yes. She remembers Jack mentioning him a few times. “Nice to meet you, Trevor.” She turns to the last person she doesn’t know. Dark brown, curly hair and pouty lips. “You must be Alex.”
Alex’s eyebrows shoot up and Amelie kinda likes that he doesn’t hide his surprise. “Yeah. Jack talk about me too?”
“Yeah. Mostly Ellen though. Said that you’re the favorite.” Alex grins as Trevor howls in laughter. 
“He is,” Jack grumbles from behind her. “Even to this day, It’s quite annoying.” Jack shoots her a quick smile and Amelie smiles back before thanking Quinn quietly as he passes her a cider. 
She looks around to see that all of the guys have beer in their hands. She had mentioned off the cuff on the boat that she hates beer. She’s touched that they remembered. She takes a seat in one of the adirondack chairs, Jack on one side and Adam on her other. 
“I saw Luke’s story. How was golfing?”
“Good,” Quinn says. 
“You a golfer, Mimi?”
Again, Amelie glares at the young Blue Jacket. “I think I’d rather do anything else.”
Brendan chuckles. “I recognize that glare. I’ve almost missed it.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Amelie says, sipping her drink and wrapping her arms around herself. Jack tosses the large blanket over both their legs and she nudges his foot with hers as a thank you. 
The boys are loud and talk over each other and Amelie can’t remember the last time she’s rolled her eyes this much. She takes the bag of chips that Ethan passes her and finishes it off, much to Luke’s dismay. And of course, true to herself, she takes out her camera to snap a few photos. As the sky darkens and fire blazes, Amelie feels warm, chiming in occasionally when she sees fit but mostly listening. 
Amelie’s attention is pulled back to the present with Ethan asking her a question. “You mentioned at the end of the season that you were looking at jobs with some different sports leagues.” She doesn’t remember telling him that, but if there’s anyone she would tell, it would be him. “Did any of that, you know, go anywhere?”
Amelie smiles. “I’m in the final stages of, uh, figuring out something with the NHL.”
Jack’s eyes widen. “No US Soccer anymore?”
Amelie shrugs. “Maybe in the future. But no, not right now. Least not full-time.”
“Wait,” Ethan pushes with wide, excited eyes. “Ami. Are you gonna be-”
“I don’t wanna jinx it,” Amelie says with her hand up, but a smile peeks through. “It’s not a sure thing yet. They’re trying to figure out with what team or area of the country. Or that’s what they told me.”
Cheers erupt and she kinda wants to hide her face behind her hands. Popcorn is thrown at her and she swats it away. She turns to look at Jack, who smiles and picks a kernel out of her hair. 
It’s a beautiful smile. She wishes she saw it more often, instead of the half smirk half smile he always does. 
“Any chance you’d be in Jersey?” Luke asks as Ethan grins and Jack nudges her elbow.
“Columbus also works!” Adam calls out, high-fiving Nick and Gavin.
“California sunshine is nice,” Trevor sings out. 
“Just the west coast in general,” Quinn adds as Brendan, Alex and Matty all nod emphatically. 
“Your pitches all need some work,” Amelie snorts, before shrugging. “Honestly, I’ll be fine anywhere. Just not Michigan. I need to get out of here.” Everyone laughs, but she catches Jack’s inquisitive look. She quickly lets herself get dragged into a conversation with Quinn, Nick and Adam instead. 
She eyes the pool table through the window of the sunroom and Jack catches her, challenging her to a game. She, along with Jack, Adam and Ethan decide to go in for a quick game. They split up into teams, her and Jack on one, Adam and Ethan on the other.
She eyes the chalkboard and grimaces at Jack’s less-than-desirable record. “Do I really want you on my team?”
Jack follows her eyeline and rolls his eyes. “Ignore that.”
“Kinda hard to,” she squints. “Damn, I should’ve dragged Quinn in here.” Jack pouts as Ethan snickers, her waving at Adam to break. 
What Amelie failed to voice when she saw the pool table is that she is pretty damn good at pool. During the few times she went out in college, it’s how she and her friends liked to get free drinks. She would challenge a few of her overconfident guy friends or acquaintances and bet a free drink or two. Though actually, she remembers she played against Adam at least once and absolutely destroyed him. She’s surprised and amused that he doesn’t remember, if his wide eyed indignation at her sinking a seemingly-impossible shot says anything, much to Jack’s amusement. 
“Holy shit,” Jack says, impressed. “Who taught you to play? Can you give me their number?”
Amelie shrugs with a small smirk, watching Adam take his turn. “There was a diner I grew up nearby that had a table. I honestly can’t remember who taught me. I just played against my sisters a lot.”
“We should’ve placed a bet on this. You two didn’t know about this secret talent?” Jack says, directing the question to the former Wolverines. 
“Yeah, Adam,” she eggs on, laughing as his shot misses. “You should remember. I got you and Truscott to buy me a drink out of it once.” Adam curses in realization as Ethan cackles. 
“Wait, I remember that,” Ethan says. “I was even shocked that you were out and about, considering all the times you turned our invites down. Imagine me hearing that not only are you out, you also just single handedly took down the two best pool players on the team.” 
“Turning down invites to parties, huh?” Jack chuckles.  
Amelie rolls her eyes, watching Jack take his shot. “No. They were all just up in my business when I was trying to be professional.”
Ethan scoffs. “Professional? Yeah, okay.”
“Professional,” Amelie repeats. “I was working for you guys, technically.”
“Ew, no you weren’t,” Adam says, crinkling his nose. “Don’t say that. God. You were just as much part of the team as we were.”
“I don’t know about that,” she watches Jack mess up his shot and just rolls her eyes. “All I did was take pictures of you all.”
“Part of the team,” Ethan emphasizes, also messing up his shot. God, Amelie thinks. These boys are bad at pool. “Stop pretending we weren’t your favorites to photograph.”
“Yeah, admit it!” Adam chimes in. “You were easier on me when grading papers too.”
“I was absolutely not,” she says. “The fact that you treated pre-game as office hours made me grade you harder.” They just wave her off and Amelie huffs. 
“Look where being professional got you,” Ethan smirks. “Some fun friendships, eh?” She smacks his shoulder. 
“You’re lucky I like you,” Amelie warns, before sinking in the 8-ball with a smirk. Adam and Ethan groan as Jack cheers, placing an overzealous kiss on her cheek before going to the chalkboard. “You’re welcome for the win.”
When the fire starts to die out and more people start yawning an hour later, Amelie decides to call it a night. She gives everybody a hug, promising more than once that she’ll see everyone at least one more time before they leave in five days. Jack offers to walk her home and she doesn’t even bother fighting. 
They start walking. Amelie flips her hood up and Jack shoves his hands in the pockets of his shorts. “You lied to me.”
She furrows her eyebrows. “Huh?”
“Said the guys were just nice to you. They love you.”
“I don’t know about that.”
“And you love them.”
Amelie stares down at her shoes with a shrug. “Like I said, they’re good guys.” She looks back up and tugs at his sweatshirt sleeve. “Thanks for the invite.”
“Of course.” Jack says. “You’re always welcome.”
“I don’t think you mean that.”
“I never say things I don’t mean,” he says lightly. “Waste of time and energy.”
Amelie swallows, Jack’s woody cologne filtering through her nose and all of a sudden, it feels like he’s too close, but she can’t pull herself away. “Thank you though. Seriously. You’re right. I-I’ve missed them.” 
She lets him pull her into a side hug and doesn’t say anything when he keeps his arm swung around her shoulder. “Do you have any plans tomorrow?”
Amelie chuckles. “What are you thinking?”
“Well, turns out some of the guys want a rematch because they’re mad I beat their asses so we’re golfing again tomorrow, but we’re starting early.”
“I’m not going golfing. Even the best bribe couldn’t bring me out there.”
“I’m not asking you to come golfing,” Jack laughs. “It’s just, contrary to what you may believe, I’m kinda annoying in the morning and need caffeine and fuel to deal with that many people, especially before going on the course.”
“Jack, what are you-”
“Do you wanna grab breakfast tomorrow? Just the two of us? Those fuckers never get up in time.”
“So you’re gonna let them starve?”
“They can figure themselves out.”
They stop at her front door and she turns around. Him being on the step below causes them to be at the same height. “Sure.”
The left side of his lips quirk up. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah. Though subjecting me to your pre-caffeine self seems like you’re trying to sabotage me.”
He rolls his eyes. “Does 9 work?”
Despite herself, Amelie grins. “See you then.” She reaches behind her to twist the doorknob. “Thanks for walking me home. Goodnight Jack.”
She watches through the window until he walks out of sight. She then looks at the lone light still on in the kitchen and has an idea. 
day thirteen - jack
Jack’s not an idiot, despite what his brothers and teammates may tell you. He knows this isn’t a date. 
But it sure feels like one. 
Jack’s looking at the suitcase he probably should’ve fully unpacked by now, figuring out what to wear. It’s literally just breakfast with a girl he met not even two weeks ago, so he shouldn’t really care what he’s wearing. 
Breakfast. With a girl he met less than two weeks ago. A girl whose company he really, really enjoys. 
He shakes his head at himself, pulling out a black t-shirt and khaki shorts. He decides to clasp on a watch before he can overthink himself out of it. 
At 8:57, he quietly paddles downstairs and grabs the keys off the hook before jumping into his car. He barely pulls into her driveway before her front door opens. A smile spreads across his face at Amelie, her floral pink dress flying behind her as she rushes out, quickly checking she has what she needs in her tote bag before opening the car door. 
“Good morning,” he says. 
“Hey,” she breathes out. She scans him up and down really quickly. It makes him swallow. “You look nice.”
He backs out of the driveway. “You do too.” When he gets to look at her again, he notices the matching hair scarf hanging from her ponytail. “I like the thing in your hair. You look like a fairy.”
“A fairy?”
She blinks. “Oh. That’s…really nice, I think? Thank you.”
“Definitely a compliment.” He bites his lip to stop his smile from growing too wide. She hums along to the song on the radio and looks out the window. He rolls it down for her and watches her lean her elbows at the edge, her head peeking out. 
Jack has to drag his eyes back to focus on the road. The sight of Amelie sitting shotgun while he’s driving brings a feeling in his stomach he’s never felt before. At least not to this depth. 
She turns to him. “Where are we going?”
“Sunny Side Up right off Beecher Ave.”
She chuckles. “That’s Grandpa’s favorite place. We might catch him come in as we leave.”
He freezes a bit as he slows the car down with a stop at the light, at the thought of Stanley coming in to see him with his beloved granddaughter, both semi-dressed up on a Wednesday morning, just the two of them. 
When they arrive, he holds open the door for her, and breathes in the smells of coffee and eggs and everything good coming out of the kitchen of Sunny Side Up. The place is emptier than he expected, but he also knows the typical brunch crowd rolls in a bit later. The hostess tells them to sit wherever they like and he follows Amelie to a spot by the window. They barely slip into their seats before he hears a familiar scratchy yet comforting voice. 
“Amelie!” The woman then turns her head and doesn’t even hide her surprise as her grin grows. “And Jack Hughes. What a nice surprise.”
“Hey Sherry,” Jack nods with a grin.
He sees Amelie’s eyes light up, even if it’s subdued. “Hi Sherry.”
The older woman that Jack has seen here every summer since he moved here sets two menus down. She offers Jack a pointed look that looks awfully like his mother’s. “I haven’t seen you here this summer as often as past summers. You cheating on us with some other cafe?”
“I’m a loyal guy, Sherry,” he charms. “I would never.”
Sherry narrows her eyes, “Mmhmm. I’ll get you two some coffee while you decide what you want.”
Amelie nods and flashes a warm smile. “Thank you.” They watch Sherry scurry away. The sound of Amelie’s gentle laugh pulls his attention back to her. “You come here often, huh? Well, clearly not often enough this summer.”
“Hey, you can’t even say that,” Jack whines. “Clearly you come here often too.”
She shrugs, “Like I said, it’s Grandpa’s favorite place. I come here with him at least once a week.”
“Do you have any friends around the area?” Amelie’s eyebrows shoot up and Jack immediately backtracks. “Not that-I didn’t mean it like that. I just-”
Amelie snorts, leaning back in her seat. “Chill Jack. I know what you meant. The ones who are in Michigan aren’t close by and the rest are spread out across the country. I came to my grandparents’ knowing that I wouldn’t see a lot of my friends. Kinda purposeful on my end, in a way. But then Luke saw me walk Susie and now here we are.”
“Don’t pretend like you haven’t enjoyed our company.”
“It’s definitely made my summer more eventful.” Their coffees come and neither of them look at the menu before ordering. Jack orders the french toast with strawberries and blueberries and she gets the house omelet. Jack ignores the pointed look that Sherry gives both of them, because he’s right with her and kinda has no idea what to make of this but is trying to enjoy it while he can. 
He feels her nudge his feet under the table. He snaps his focus back to her as she nods to the cup of creamers next to him. “Pass me two?”
He nods, obliging. “Sugar?”
She shakes her head. “I’m good. Thanks.”
Jack watches her stir the creamer in before a sudden thought pops up. “Yesterday, when you said that you don’t care where you went as long as it wasn’t Michigan, what did you mean by that?”
Amelie, to her credit, doesn’t seem surprised by the sudden question. “Exactly what I said. It’s nothing against the Red Wings. I just need to get out of here.”
She stares at him for a few seconds, and Jack gets nervous. Before he can take back the question, she answers. “When you haven’t really gotten the chance to travel or live anywhere your whole life and a job offers you to go anywhere, you take the chance.”
Jack nods slowly. He’s gotten to travel to a lot of places through hockey, but he still considers Michigan his home and often feels an urge to come back during the season — as much as he thoroughly enjoys living and playing in New Jersey. It’s hard for him to wrap his head around the fact that someone could want out of Michigan. 
She smiles and chuckles a bit suddenly. Jack raises an eyebrow in question. She just shakes her head. He thinks she’s adorable. “Sorry, I’m not laughing at you. I just thought of something.”
“Do share with the class.”
“I’ve been so excited at the prospect of leaving Michigan, but it’s so clear you and your brothers love it and I don’t know. It’s nice to be reminded of the good parts of this state.”
He shrugs, “I don’t know. I guess throughout the season I don’t really get to be around Quinn or my friends and family that often, so when all of us have the off-season, we all naturally gravitate towards home, which nowadays, is here.”
“You don’t have to defend yourself about why you like this state, Jack,” she says with a small chuckle. “I get it. My family’s technically all here too, so I can’t escape it completely.”
Their food arrives soon after and they spend a few silent minutes just digging in. He cuts a piece of his french toast for her and she in turn cuts him a portion of her omelet. He’s hoping that she’s not catching the fact that he can’t keep his eyes off of her. 
When they finish, Jack shoves his card into Sherry’s hand when she grabs the check, they’re walking out of the diner, full and content. The sun is beating down but not too hard that Jack feels gross. Hopefully it stays that way when he and the boys go out golfing in an hour. 
“Do you have a second to come inside?”
Jack’s eyebrows immediately shoot up his forehead, killing the engine. “Yeah. Why?”
“Just come inside,” Amelie rolls her eyes. “I’m not gonna kill you.”
“Reassuring,” he deadpans, following her through the front door and immediately bending down to pet Susie and prevent her from running out. He watches Amelie disappear into the kitchen for a moment before she comes back out with a tupperware container filled with…cookies?
“For you,” Amelie hands him the tupperware. “And the other guys.”
“What are these?”
“I kinda got a burst of energy after I came home last night and wanted to do something with my hands. You’re gonna tell me you guys are gonna turn down fresh cookies?”
“No,” he says, looking back at her. “Thank you.” 
She smiles. “You’re welcome.”
Jack opens his mouth and then closes it. He wants to ask why she made the cookies. Why she’s giving a large container of them to him and their friends. If it means anything.
Instead, he backs towards the door. “See you around?”
“Yeah,” she says. “Have fun golfing with the boys. I don’t want to hear a single thing about it.”
He laughs. “I won’t subject you to that. Promise.”
“I’ll hold you to it. And thanks for breakfast.”
“Of course.”
“Stop paying for me though.”
She playfully shoves him out the door with an eye roll. He thinks he could see that eye roll for the rest of his life and feel content.
day fifteen - amelie
As she’s pouring herself a second cup of coffee, she hears someone knocking on the front door. Ruth’s out walking Susie and Stanley’s out golfing with friends the day, so Amelie trudges over to the front door. 
It’s Quinn, in a Canucks sweatshirt and basketball shorts, his hands shoved into his pockets.
Amelie smiles easily, albeit confused. “Hey Quinn.”
“What’s up?”
He shifts on his feet. “Are you busy?”
“Not really,” she opens the door wider for him to come in. “I was just editing some photos. Coffee?”
“Anything in it?
“A bit of milk if you have some.”
She hums, preparing his coffee and carefully sliding it over to him as he rests his forearms on the island. “Where are the rest of the guys?”
He shrugs. “Either asleep or just hanging out. We had a tough practice this morning.”
“And you decided to come here?” She teases. She doesn’t want him to think he’s not welcome, because she actually really likes Quinn, despite spending the least amount of time with him compared to his brothers. 
“Kinda wanted some peace and quiet, to be honest, which is hard to find in the house when there’s so many people,” he admits, before nodding to her open laptop. “You said you were editing photos? What for?”
“Partially to update my portfolio. Partially to brush up on my skills.” She moves the laptop so he can see it. Pulled up is a picture she took last year at a Michigan swim meet. “See how it’s a little too bright here?” She clicks on the dodge tool in the open Photoshop tab and quickly edits. “There.”
“Do you do this with every photo?”
“Sometimes I switch between different softwares, but it’s generally the same process. The big differences that I have to be aware of are lighting and composition when editing.”
Quinn nods. “This is sick. Like, super cool.”
She quickly saves her work before turning her full attention back to Quinn, smiling. “Thank you.”
“Do you have any photos you’ve taken of us the last few weeks?”
With that, Amelie scoots herself closer to him and slowly scrolls through a bunch of photos, starting from that day onto the boat and then to the fire the other night and other miscellaneous ones inbetween. Quinn lingers on a picture that’s one of her favorites, one that makes her smile everytime she sees it. It’s of Jack the night of the fire. The light from the fire is illuminating the front of his face while the dawn of the Michigan sky behind him casts him in a subtle light. 
He’s looking away from the camera — at Gavin, if she remembers correctly — in the middle of laughing. His hair is all tousled over his forehead, some loose strands going over his eyes. His blue eyes are bright and if she showed this photo to anyone who didn’t know Jack Hughes, she’s sure they would be able to hear his laughter anyways.
He looks radiant. Everything like the bright and intense first-overall draft pick he was projected to be. As she watches Quinn’s eyes flicker over the photo, she thinks there’s something incredibly intimate about the way the camera captures the middle Hughes brother. 
(“The subject of the camera makes up less than one percent of the photograph,” Professor Yang, one of her most trusted mentors said to her once. “The majority of the beauty of a photograph comes from the photographer themself and how they see the subject.“
It’s always at the most inconvenient times does Professor Yang’s voice ping through her head.)
She watches Quinn click through other photos, some edited, most of them raw. He makes small comments here and there asking about the mechanics of photography and how she knows when and what to shoot her lens at. She tries to explain in a way that would make sense to someone who knows little to nothing about photography and Quinn, to his credit, is keeping up the best he can. She goes to pour Quinn another round of coffee as Ruth comes back in through the side door, Susie trotting over to Quinn happily, who pets her. Ruth merely smiles as she’s sliding off her shoes at the sight of the eldest Hughes brother. 
“Good morning, Quinn.”
Quinn grins. “Good morning. Sorry for interrupting.”
Ruth waves him off, coming to kiss the top of Amelie’s head. “Not at all. I see Amelie here has offered you some coffee. Would you like some chocolate chip cookies? Also courtesy of Amelie.”
“Not on the meal plan, I’m sure,” Amelie comments dryly. 
Quinn laughs loudly. “No, but it is the summer.” He reaches into the container in Ruth’s hands. “Thank you. I actually had some of the ones you gave Jack last night. They’re really good.”
Amelie ignores the look she knows her grandmother is giving her. “Thanks. I could teach you how to make them, if you’d like. My, uh, an old friend of mine taught me a trick his mom taught him that make it extra gooey.”
She, again, ignores the look her grandmother is giving her. Quinn doesn’t need to know that old friend is her ex-boyfriend. 
(Humans are interesting in the way that they’re mosaics, made up of the pieces — people, in this case — they’ve encountered in their lives. Amelie hates what Cooper did to her, but she will never forget the methods he taught her about making the perfect chocolate chip cookie)
Quinn grins. “I’d love to know, actually. I’ve been wanting to figure out how to bake simple things to, like, bring to events and stuff. I should, right? Being captain and all.”
Amelie snorts as she starts getting ingredients. “If you say so.”
Quinn and Ruth start chatting inbetween Amelie telling Quinn what to do. She can tell her grandmother is absolutely charmed by Quinn’s politeness and overall presence. And to be honest, she is as well.  
It makes sense that he’s captain, in the way he speaks, listens and guides. Amelie thinks if she were on a sports team, she’d ride into battle with, for and alongside him. 
Quinn spills a bit of flour on the counter and Amelie just snorts, waving away his apologies and telling him to crack the eggs. She just eyes him to make sure he isn’t fucking that up while listening to Ruth talk about something Charlotte told her on a call the other day. 
“You know,” Ruth starts and Amelie immediately doesn’t like where her tone is going. “My granddaughters are pretty great people, present company included. Colette’s engaged, but Charlotte’s single.”
Amelie bursts out in laughter as Quinn starts blinking, no doubt trying to think quickly about how to respond to that. “Grandma, at least try to be subtle about it.”
“Why? I’m too old for that.”
“With all love, I don’t think Quinn is Char’s type. Char only dates assholes, remember?”
Quinn laughs in surprise as Ruth taps her chin with a small smile. “I suppose that’s true. The boy she brought back last summer wasn’t too bad.”
“He told me photography wasn’t a real career and that I was wasting my time,” Amelie deadpans as the oven beeps. She nods at Quinn to put in the trays. “I get that he’s in academia like Char, but what a shitty take.”
“Maybe introducing Quinn to her will break her streak,” Ruth suggests. 
Amelie rolls her eyes to humor her. “How do you even know if Quinn is single?”
Ruth eyes him. “Are you?”
Quinn clears his throat, “I am. Newly single though.” 
Amelie didn’t know that, and it’s not her place to pry. She grimaces as she pulls him into a side hug. “That settles it, then. I’m keeping Quinn to myself.” Luckily, that gets him to smile.  
Just as the oven beeps and Ruth moves to start preparing lasagna, (“Sit down, Quinn. You’re not going anywhere.” Ruth had said with a firm voice as Quinn was trying to leave, not wanting to intrude for lunch), the doorbell rings. Amelie blinks. She has a feeling she knows who’s on the other side of the door. 
It’s a slightly smaller group than the night by the fire. Jack, Luke, Adam, Ethan, Alex and the sweet smile of a guy who wasn’t here last time. But Jack has shown her enough pictures and he’s talked about Cole Caufield enough that Amelie is 99% sure it’s him. 
“Hey Mimi!” 
“Don’t call me that,” she automatically responds to Adam. “You all here for lunch?”
“Ruth invited us,” Luke pipes up. Well, that explains why she was taking out such a large portion of lasagna sheets. “Susie saw Jack getting the mail and kinda mauled him. 
“Of course she did,” Amelie steps aside as one by one, they greet her with a quick hug. She hugs Cole for a bit longer. “Cole, right? It’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Cole beams. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
She chuckles softly as they follow everyone else. She tries to ignore Jack behind them, knowing he’s listening in. “Anything Eddy says about me is 100% true. The others you can take with a grain of salt.”
“Even when Jack tells me he thinks you’re one of the prettiest and talented people he’s ever met?” 
Amelie’s eyebrows jump up as she looks at Jack, who doesn’t even look ashamed. He even shoots her a quick wink and she’s for sure blushing. She turns back to Cole with a shy grin. “I don’t know about that.”
They walk towards the kitchen, where Ruth is shooing everyone out with the plate of cookies Amelie and Quinn just made. Amelie leads them all outside, squinting against the sun as she quickly grabs a few chairs so everyone has a place to sit. She leans her head on her chin as she focuses on what seems a continuation of a previous conversation about relationships, or lack thereof. She rolls her eyes. Typical. She’s honestly surprised this didn’t come up at the fire the other night in the Hughes backyard. 
She munches on a cookie and merely smiles as Jack finds his way to the seat next to hers. He nudges her knee with hers and she bumps him back.
“Hey,” he says softly so that only she can hear him. 
“I like your bow. You look pretty.”
Amelie reaches up to touch the black sheer bow clipped atop her ponytail. “Thank you. Sorry Suz attacked you earlier.”
Jack shrugs, the sunshine painting his cheeks an endearing rosy pink. “Gonna get lunch out of it, aren’t I?”
“You flash your smile at Grandma and I’m pretty sure she’d bake you a cake everyday.”
He only smirks before they both tune back into the conversation. Though from where Jack is sitting, Amelie has a perfect peripheral view of him. He has a Yankees cap on backwards, his curls peeking out at the ends. His summer tan is obvious against the white t-shirt he’s wearing with light-washed jeans. 
It’s not the first time that Amelie has noticed how attractive he is. It’s the first time that she has to swallow and force herself to focus on Adam’s voice because she wants to…kiss him. Shit, she really wants to kiss Jack Hughes. 
“What do you think, Amelie?” Her head whips at the sound of Luke’s voice. 
“What are we talking about?”
Luke smirks and Amelie wants to slap him. “Past relationships, to sum it up. Mostly Adam’s.” And Quinn’s, Amelie fills in in her head, because it’s true, even if it’s unspoken. 
“What about them?” 
The air suddenly feels a bit heavy, the most solemn it’s been since Luke saw her at the end of his driveway two weeks ago. 
“Do you think it’s a thing to lose feelings for someone? Like is it real?”
Some sort of noise erupts out of her mouth before she can stop it. If the guys weren’t intrigued before, they are now, as they fall silent, waiting for her next words. She chooses her next words carefully. 
“I think it’s more of an excuse that people use when they don’t want to justify or dig into the real reason why they’re feeling the way they are.” Someone whistles. She thinks it’s Alex, but she’s not 100% sure. Amelie winces. “Sorry, did I just attack someone?”
“Just my ex,” Adam says. 
“Oh good. No one here then.” Amelie offers him a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry though. I know how much that sucks to hear.”
“It does.”
“I had to learn that it’s rarely your fault that they supposedly lost feelings. It took me awhile to figure that out, but I did.” She turns to Adam and tries to give him a reassuring smile. “It sucks. Agonizing over everything you could’ve done better and asking yourself why you weren’t enough for them to stick around. At least that’s how it was for me.”
“That’s…kinda exactly how it felt,” Adam admits. “Feels, even now, sometimes.”
Amelie shrugs. “There’s no set timeline for the process of moving on. And it ebbs and flows too. Also no fault in that.”
“You seem awfully knowledgeable about breakups,” Luke states. Amelie catches Ethan’s subtle but pointed glance. How much does she want to tell them about that part of her life? 
“A story for another time,” she says with a dry smile. Cooper Volt and his douchebag ways are not a conversation she wants to have before noon. Or really ever. “But I’m serious, Adam. And whoever else needs to hear it. Feelings can shift and feel and look different overtime, but losing them completely? I don’t know. It’s heartbreaking to hear from someone who used to be such a big part of your life.”
“Commitment is scary,” Cole pipes up. “And it’s hard. Especially, I feel like, with what we do.”
It’s like getting a bucket of ice cold water dumped on her when she suddenly remembers who exactly she’s surrounded by. 
“Do you even want commitment?” Amelie blinks. “Sorry, that’s harsh. That’s not fair of me to ask.”
“It’s a fair question though, I think.” Jack says. Amelie suddenly feels her hands clam up. “I mean, for me at least, I think it’s changed throughout the years. You know, at the start, like five years ago, when it was still chaotic and still an adjustment period, a relationship probably wasn’t on my mind.”
“But now?” Cole presses. 
Jack shrugs. “I think so. But you can’t force it, you know?”
“A relationship would do you well, Jacky.” Luke says, taking a sip of his water. “Don’t know who’d want to deal with you though.” Jack throws his half-filled water bottle at him and Luke squeaks as everyone laughs. Jack nudges Amelie’s knee with a light smile and she has absolutely no idea what to make of that. 
“I didn’t know you were dating someone, Adam,” Amelie comments.
Adam shrugs. “It was for most of last season. Met her through a mutual friend of a mutual friend. I thought it was going well. Clearly it didn’t work out.” 
“But you tried your best?”
“Of course I did. Well, what I thought was best at the time.”
“Then that’s all you can do,” Amelie curls up in her chair. “Sometimes our best isn’t enough. It sucks to hear, but it’s true. And that’s not on you.” She avidly avoids Jack’s eyes that she can feel boring into the side of her head. She should probably stop talking before she reveals more than she wants to. 
Luckily, the conversation steers elsewhere with courtesy to Jack. “Well, what do you look for in someone, Amelie?”
Amelie snorts. “You trying to matchmake for me, Hughes?”
Everyone laughs and she puts her chin on her hands in thought. “I mean, tough question.”
“One thing. That shouldn’t be hard.”
“It’s not. Just give me a minute to think. I wasn’t prepared to be talking about our love lives today.” Amelie bites her lip, staring out at the lake in thought. But in reality, it’s an easy answer. “I think, honestly, the biggest thing for me is someone who’s just, kind. Kind to the point where they care about the people around them and how they treat others and the world and….I don’t know. It sounds dumb.”
“It’s not,” Jack says. “Being kind and considerate is underrated, I think. It’s hard to find people like that.”
“Or maybe you’re not looking in the right place,” Alex adds.
“That too.”
Amelie summons some courage. “Well, I’ll flip the question back to you then. And anyone else who wants to answer. What’s one thing you look for in a partner?”
It’s like Jack makes sure she doesn’t break eye contact before answering. “Honestly? Someone I can have fun with and feel completely comfortable around. Which I know isn’t a real trait, but I think if I feel like I don’t have to pretend at all with somebody then they’re worth keeping in my life.”
“That’s quite sweet, Rowdy,” Quinn comments, Jack just shrugs, her eyes still on hers. 
Okay, yeah. Amelie needs space. Or water. Or three shots of vodka. 
The universe listens to her, because Ruth is suddenly calling them all in. Amelie bolts out of her seat and rushes in to help set up utensils. Thankfully, no one outwardly calls her out on it as they all trickle in after her. The conversation shifts to easier topics, and she relishes in being more of an observer than a contributor. 
Along with the delicious lasagna, Ruth somehow found time to make some brownies which Amelie is almost sure is not allowed in any of their diet plans. Nonetheless, she watches them devour the gooey treats and shower Ruth in praise. She herself has one before standing up to put dishes away. She and her grandmother stop any of them, either with their eyes or words, from getting up and they all reluctantly sink in their seats and continue their conversations. Ruth asked them about going to Michigan a few minutes ago and they’re still on that, with Cole and Alex talking up Wisconsin even though no one asked. 
Amelie’s putting the last dish in the dishwasher when someone’s voice in the kitchen causes her to yelp in surprise. She whips around to see Jack’s wince. “Jesus, Jack. Warn a girl next time.”
“Sorry,” he comes around the counter. “I just wanted to see if you needed any help, but it seems like you got it covered.”
“Grandma let you get away?”
“I might have told her I was gonna use the bathroom,” he admits. 
Amelie snorts, shutting the dishwasher. “Why lie?”
“I wanted to see you without everyone’s eyes on us.”
When someone just says that, so honestly, almost rushed out as if he wasn’t thinking of saying it in the first place but it just slipped out, how is she supposed to react, really?
She resorts to what she knows best. Apathy. “Well, here I am.”
“Here you are. Quinn told me you taught him how to make those cookies.”
“I did,” a smile peeks out at that. “He did pretty well. And we made a lot, so please take them with you when you guys leave.”
“Kicking us out so soon?”
“No,” she sighs. “But as much as she’s gonna pretend not to, Grandma doesn’t have as much energy anymore, so I will at some point in the near future gently kick all of you out so she can rest.”
“No worries,” Jack says. “We have plans to head out on the boat anyways. You wanna join?”
She actually does want to, but she already had her own plans to have a day for herself, and those days are important. “I think I’m good. I’ll leave you boys to it. But thank you for the offer.”
“Anytime.” They’re practically touching now, but Amelie doesn’t mind. She doesn’t ever feel like Jack is encroaching on her space. “Earlier, outside, when we were talking about relationships…”
“What about them?”
If he catches her clipped tone, he doesn’t take note. Instead, he tilts his head to the side in curiosity. “You mentioned wanting someone that’s kind.”
“I did.”
“A bit of a low bar, no?”
She scoffs, leaning her back against the kitchen counter. She crosses her arms and looks him straight in the eye. “Well, maybe I’ve just dated some shitty people.”
He holds the eye contact steady. She’s not sure why it surprises her. “Maybe you have.”
Despite herself, she’s amused. “You’re awfully nosy sometimes, you know that?”
“Not the first time I’ve heard it.”
“Does it usually work for you? Being nosy?”
“I call it just being interested.”
She swallows, deciding if she wants to push. She takes note of the voices in the other room. If she wants to push, she needs to do it fast. 
Amelie’s 99% sure this is where her and Jack are the most alike. They’re stubborn and can never back down from a challenge. 
She steps even closer to him where she thinks she catches a whiff of his deodorant. Jack’s eyes are still trained on her, passive, but with something in them that she can’t quite read. “I did, by the way.”
“Date someone shitty.”
“I’m sorry about that.” He sounds sincere about it. 
“Not your fault.”
“Not yours either.”
She chuckles, “Debatable.”
“Nah,” a smile curls at his lips and she thinks it’s beautiful. “Don’t think you’ve done anything wrong in your life.”
“Does the charm usually work for you?”
He lets out a loud laugh. The sound of it spreads warmth on her skin. “You tell me.”
Oh. That’s a challenge if Amelie’s ever heard one. But even with his close proximity, this building tension of sorts that’s been present ever since they’ve met and his watchful but kind eyes, waiting for the next move, she’s still not sure. 
Fuck it. 
She kisses him anyway. 
Jack responds immediately, his hands finding a home on her hips in a way that has her smiling into his lips. She thinks he’s smiling too, but she pulls away too quickly to really know. He is grinning when she pulls away though, a sparkle in his eye she hasn’t seen quite yet.
He pouts playfully and she wants to kiss him again. But she restrains herself and glares at him instead. “What’s the pout for?”
“What’s the glare for?” He shoots back, squeezing her hips lightly. “You kissed me yet I feel like you’re about to accuse me of killing Suzie.”
“Suzie would probably kill you first,” she replies absentmindedly, before stepping away. Mostly so she doesn’t lose control again and kiss him. 
Amelie might be starting to question her decision, but Jack’s smile is easy. Light. “You gonna let me kiss you again?”
She snorts, but it’s more fond than anything. “Next time.”
He sticks his bottom lip out in displeasure, but he backs away. “I’m holding you to that.” 
She follows him back to the kitchen with a light pep in her step paired with an alarm bell in her mind.
day twenty - jack
Jack automatically smiles when Clementine Sandoval’s face appears on his phone screen. “Hey Clee.”
“Jacky!” She exclaims. “You look tan.”
He gasps in delight. “Really? Thank you.”
His pseudo-older sister rolls her eyes, “Nevermind. I take it back. How are you? What’s up? How’s Michigan? Where are Q and Lukey?”
He chuckles at her onslaught of questions, a pang of guilt in his heart because he hasn’t called her that much since he left New Jersey mid-June. To be fair, he didn’t want to interrupt her trip to visit her new boyfriend in Switzerland — Jack still has to remind himself sometimes that his captain is dating someone who he’s considered a sister ever since he can remember. He loves it, but the fact that Nico could basically become his brother-in-law is a fact he still hasn’t wrapped his head around.
But that pang of guilt washes away quickly, like it always does, as he looks at her warm smile. “I’m good. Michigan’s great. Quinn’s out getting groceries and Luke’s probably still napping. Are you busy?”
“Not at all. I’m just making dinner. I actually do miss you guys at the apartment a lot.”
Jack grins. “We miss you a lot too, Clee. Wish you were here.”
“So what’s up?”
“You’re chewing on your drawstrings. You only do that when something’s on your mind.”
He lets the drawstrings fall from his mouth as he narrows his eyes. “How do you know that?”
She snorts, “Because I know you, Jack. What’s going on?”
The sound of her sink water running fills the air as Jack takes a deep breath. “I met a girl.”
He snickers as Clementine, with her back towards the camera, freezes. Slowly, she turns back around. “You met a girl?”
“Okay,” she starts chopping some garlic. “Tell me about her.”
“Her name’s Amelie. She’s a year younger than me. Just graduated from Michigan. She knows Luke, actually, used to photograph the hockey games.”
“She knows Luke?”
“Yeah. Her grandparents just bought a place two houses down from us and she was walking the dog one day and…yeah.”
Clementine hums, clearing the chopped garlic off her knife and into a small bowl. “What’s she like?”
“She’s a bit quieter, but quick and sarcastic as hell when you get to know her. She’s creative, because, you know, photographer. She’s really pretty. Hang on, I’ll send you a picture,” Jack does just that, sending one he took of her and Adam the other night, waiting for Clementine to look at it before he continues. “She’s always saying something really interesting and cool. I don’t know. We’ve been hanging out a lot the last two weeks and she’s just, really great.”
“You met two weeks ago?”
“More or less.” Jack bites his lip, trying to read the abnormally-unreadable look on her face. “What?”
“Nothing. She just graduated? Any plans after post-grad?”
“Said she’s talking to a few NHL teams for a photographer gig.”
Her eyebrows shoot up. “For real?”
“Damn,” Clementine says. “That’s awesome. So what? You like her?”
“I think so?”
“It’s a yes or no question.”
“Fine. Yes. I do.”
She smirks. “That wasn’t so hard, was it now?” Jack glares at his phone as she giggles. “Okay. Does she like you back?”
“She kissed me the other day.”
“Oh,” Clementine’s eyes sparkle and Jack feels bashful for some reason. “Did she now? So she must.”
She gives him a look. “Jack.”
“You’re being annoying on purpose.”
“I’m not being annoying,” Jack responds instinctively. Okay, maybe he is. “I just, I don’t know. I haven’t felt like this in awhile. Maybe ever.”
“Felt like what, exactly?”
And this is why Jack called the older brunette. She pushes him in a way that isn’t overbearing, but just the right amount where she’s not gonna take getting brushed off. Sometimes, Jack thinks he gets away with brushing things off too easily. Blame it on growing up with two brothers. Luckily, Clementine doesn’t let that happen. 
“Felt this excited about someone.”
“That’s a good thing, Jack.” She says. 
“Yeah.” Suddenly, it’s like a dam breaks. He hasn’t really talked to anyone about how exactly he feels about Amelie yet. “She’s…..I think I really like her, Clee. Like, I just want to be around her all the time. When I’m around her, I just, I don’t know. I can’t stop smiling. 
“She must be some girl.”
“She is,” he responds confidently. 
“So now what? You two have kissed. What’s next? Labels or no?”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know.”
“No. I don’t.” Silence. Clementine stops the movement on her end and looks at Jack. He swallows. It’s the kind of look that she only pulls out when she’s about to say something he might not want to hear. “What?” He says defensively. 
“Nothing. Well, that’s not true. It’s okay to not know. You guys literally just met. Really. Just…be careful. I’m sure she’s lovely, but I don’t..you seem to really like her. I’d hate to see you get hurt over this.”
“I won’t,” Jack says confidently. “Clee, you know me. I don’t get my heart broken.”
“You also don’t get like this about girls,” Clementine points out. “And you know how I know that? You’ve known Amelie for two weeks and you’re already telling me about her. It took you three months for you to even mention to me that you had a girlfriend last time. Just…be careful, okay? You’re only in Michigan for so much longer.”
“I will,” Jack says. 
Clementine only nods, before they switch the conversation back to her trip to Switzerland. But the rest of the conversation, Jack can’t help but keep seeing Clementine’s worried look in her mind. 
Clementine’s usually right. He hopes she’s wrong this time. 
day twenty three - amelie
Amelie takes a deep breath before accepting a good luck hug from her grandparents and shutting the front door. She smiles at the sight of Jack’s car and slides over into his passenger seat with practiced ease. 
“You really didn’t have to do this.”
“We’re literally going to the same place.”
Jack backs out of her driveway with an easy smile. “You nervous?”
Like, yeah. But she shrugs. “Even if I am, nothing I can do about it now.”
“You’ll get the job,” he says confidently. “I know it.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” she chuckles. “Where are Quinn and Luke? Don’t you all practice together?”
“Yeah. I forced them to take another car.”
“You didn’t have to kick them out.”
“I think I did.” She just gives him a look. Jack smiles easily. “Don’t worry about it. Remind me of the address again?”
She wordlessly connects her phone to his car and puts in the address of the cafe she’s meeting Heather at. 47 minute drive and she has to be there at 10 a.m. sharp. She’ll have around ten minutes to spare. 
It’s clear they both woke up not long ago, content to spend most of the drive in comfortable silence with her occasional humming to whatever song she has playing from her phone. It’s mostly softer tunes to accompany the earlier hour, Maggie Rogers, Lizzy McAlpine and Noah Kahan appearing the most frequently. She’s 99% sure this isn’t close to Jack’s style of music at all, but he doesn’t seem to mind. 
As he turns off the highway, she takes a deep breath, smoothing down her silk navy short-sleeved blouse she’s deemed her good-luck shirt — she wore it during her first interview with the NHL months ago. Luckily, it’s different people this time. 
“I’m serious,” Jack says. “You’re gonna be great and you’re gonna get that job and get the fuck out of Michigan.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I am.” They pull up to the cafe and she turns to face him with a grateful smile. “Thank you for driving me.”
“I’ll come by as soon as practice is done.”
She waves him off. “Take your time.”
He leans in to kiss her cheek sweetly. “Good luck. You’re gonna kill it.”
Her stomach is flipping now for a whole different reason. She quickly opens the passenger door and looks at Jack’s sweet smile one more time before shutting it. 
The interview goes…so well. So well that she has a job by the end of it, with a promised contract being sent to her email within the next hour. But she barely has to answer any questions before they’re asking her if she’ll take it. It catches Amelie by complete shock and happiness that it takes so much for her to keep her cool in front of Josh, her possible future manager, and Sasha, the recruiter she’s been in touch with this whole time. 
All of her hard work has accounted for something? She wants to pinch herself as she shakes both of their hands and watches them walk out. 
But something settles in her stomach when she looks down at the notes she took. In her cursive-like handwriting. 
Main coverage teams: Rangers, Islanders, Flyers, Devils 
Staring at the last word on the page, she swallows. The Devils. She’s gonna be photographing Jack. 
Realistically, she knew that this always would’ve been a possibility. But she never let herself entertain the idea. 
But now it’s real. And it’s terrifying. And she kissed Jack eight days ago. She wants to throw up.
With shaky hands, she texts Jack that she’s done. He doesn’t respond right away so she takes a deep breath, tapping her fingers against her coffee cup, her brain going a million miles an hour. 
She’s responding to her family’s texts before Jack’s name flashes through with the alert of a call. “Hello?”
“Well?” Jack’s voice echoes through her ears. “Did you get it?”
“Come pick me up and find out,” she tries to tease. She hopes he can’t detect her shaky voice over the phone.
“Amelie,” he whines. “Come on. You can’t leave me hanging like that.”
She lets out a quiet chuckle. “Do you think I’d be this happy if I didn’t get it?”
A pause. And then, “Let’s fucking go, baby! I knew you had it in the bag.”
“Come pick me up so I can tell you more about it,” she mutters 
“You got it.” 
11 minutes later, she sees Jack park by the curb and she walks out of the cafe, willing her hands to stop sweating. He quickly comes around the car and gives her a giant hug. She laughs as he lifts her up. 
“So,” he sings as he starts the engine. “Do you know with what team? Or teams?”
Amelie hopes her poker face is intact. “Actually, not yet. That’s the only thing they haven’t fully settled on yet. And I might not know until, like, a month before I start.”
He tuts. “That’s a bit annoying. They just expect you to move to wherever on such short notice?”
She swallows roughly, hoping he doesn’t notice. “I guess. They said they can help me find housing though, which is helpful.”
He hums, before shaking her thigh with a laugh. “Amelie. This is amazing. You should be so proud of yourself.”
“Thanks, Jack.” Instead of turning onto the highway, Jack takes a right. “Where are we going?”
“Do you have anywhere else to be today?”
“Not until like, 4.”
She has to laugh out loud when the USA Hockey arena comes into view. “You forget something?”
“No,” he says simply. “Have you ever skated before?”
“I photographed your younger brother at Michigan.”
“But that doesn’t mean you’ve skated.” 
Fair. “I have. I’m not very good though.”
He kills the engine and flashes her a charming smile. “Come on. To celebrate.”
Amelie lets Jack charm the person working the rentals and watches him tie the skates on her feet, smiling softly as he does it carefully, making sure they’re tight enough. She takes his hand as she steps onto the ice, wobbling a bit but quickly gaining her balance. There’s no one else at this particular rink, which she’s thankful for. People would have questions, and she doesn’t have any of the answers. 
She lets herself laugh and have fun as Jack spins them around. She takes a deep breath, letting the smells and sounds of an empty hockey arena fill her senses again. 
This is gonna be her future for the next while. If she thinks too hard, she can picture herself in Newark, in the Prudential Center, with Jack across from her, just like this. She swallows at the sight of Jack’s bright eyes. 
Main coverage teams: Rangers, Islanders, Flyers, Devils 
“You’re amazing,” Jack says a bit later, as they’re gliding in the middle of the ice, her hands in his, facing each other. “I’m serious. You’re going to crush it.”
She tries not to tear up, looking down at their skates. “I’m really excited,” she says. “This is, kind of, everything I’ve been working towards.”
“I know,” Jack smiles, tugging at her hands lightly. “You nervous at all?”
“A bit. Is that weird?”
He snorts. “No. I was scared shitless my rookie year, despite trying to act like hot shit.”
“I don’t doubt that.”
“But you’re not me, because you’re healthily humble and you have the talent to back up your skill. It’s okay to be nervous, but it’s all gonna work out just fine.”
She hums, hands boldly reaching out to cup his face. She only has so much time left. She swears he softens into her touch. “Quite good at the pep talks, huh?”
“Not usually,” he murmurs, leaning closer as his lips ghost hers. “But, I don’t know. You seem to bring out a different side of me.”
“That’s sappy as shit.”
“I can be sappy.”
“Sure you can.” She hums as he presses a delicate kiss on her lips. She chuckles airily as he pulls away only to start peppering kisses on her cheeks. 
For a bit, Amelie squashes her overthinking and just breathes in everything Jack Hughes. 
(Unbeknownst to both Amelie and Jack, Jim sees them from the offices upstairs. He smiles to himself, as he watches his son spin the brunette girl around the ice, the joy palpable on both their faces)
day twenty five - jack
He doesn’t even bother to come up with an excuse anymore when he shows up on Stanley and Ruth’s front door the next morning. He accepts a cup of coffee when Ruth tells him Amelie’s in the shower, chatting casually with them both about the weather, golf, his family and the upcoming season. 
When Amelie comes down the stairs, she doesn’t even look surprised, simply waving before tossing her hair up and grabbing her bag. She mentioned over text that she just had to run some “boring” errands today. He jumped at the chance to join her. 
With some argument, she relents and lets him drive. He has to stop himself from looking over at her, overwhelmed at…her. Just her. 
The grocery store first to get groceries for Stanley and Ruth, which causes Jack to swallow because God, the way Amelie takes care of the people in her life reminds him of Clementine, who always saw the best in Jack before he was anything. 
Then a stop by at a farm to table place for lunch where Amelie says she’s been dying to try. Then Target, then CVS, then the bank. They never really hold hands, but they’re always in each other’s orbit comfortably. That’s enough for him.
Before being done for the day, a quick detour to a small beach that Amelie claims has “incredible sunsets.” He follows her obediently as she jumps out of the car with her film camera. The sunset is beautiful, but, and it’s so cliche and gross and he would get chirped to hell if his friends could read his mind, Amelie’s prettier. 
He can’t help but take out his phone to take a picture of her back against the cotton candy sky. He always posts some sort of a summer dump on his Instagram. Maybe this picture will go in there. 
day thirty two - amelie
“Who’s gonna be there again?” 
“Honestly, who knows at this point?” Jack’s voice floods her ears through her airpods as she takes Susie on a walk and Jack’s driving back from who knows where. 
“And this is tonight?”
“Yup. Because it’s someone’s birthday? Ethan’s, maybe?”
“Not Eddy,” she responds automatically. “His birthday’s in June.”
“I forget how close you two are.”
“To be fair, the only reason I remember is because he’s like, five days older than I am,” Amelie shushes Susie, who’s barking at a squirrel. “And you’re all gathering at some sort of sports bar at fucking Ann Arbor of all places to… celebrate? Reminisce?”
She can practically hear Jack’s pout. “You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”
“That’s not what I’m saying,” she chides gently. “I, just, I’m just confused about-”
“Confused about what?”
“About why you’d want me there.”
“Why wouldn’t I want you there?” Jack says softly. 
She swallows, playing with Susie’s leash. “Okay.”
“Awesome,” she knows Jack’s smiling through the phone and she can’t help but smile as well, even though she feels a pit forming in her stomach. “I’m DDing because I lost a bet against Luke on the course yesterday, so you can go as hard as you’d like.” A rustle on his end of the phone. “I gotta go, but I’ll see you later?”
“What time are you coming?”
“Around 7:30?”
“See you soon.”
Amelie hears him pull up at 7:23 as she’s scrolling on her phone. A deep breath before opening the door and she doesn’t expect Jack to be walking up her steps. 
“Oh,” she blinks. “Hi.”
Jack smiles up at her. “Hey.”
She looks beyond his shoulder and sees some movement in the backseat of the running car. “You didn’t have to step out.”
“Feels impolite just honking.” She lets him wrap her in a quick hug before she slips into the passenger seat. She turns around immediately to smile at Ethan, Luke and Dylan. “Hi boys. You sure none of you wanna take the front seat?”
“We are under strict orders from Jack that as long as you’re in the car, we will be banished to the back,” Luke snickers. 
Jack blindly reaches back to smack his brother’s leg. “I’m already driving you losers. Don’t make me regret it.”
Luke gasps. “I’m not the one who lost the bet.” Another slap to the leg from Jack and another yelp from Luke. 
Once they reach the bar and Jack somehow finds street parking, the boys pile out quickly and head to the bar. Her and Jack stray behind, and he locks the car before swinging an arm around her shoulder, sneaking a kiss to her temple. 
She shouldn’t, but she leans into it. Leans into him. The bustling bar is coming into view and she’s getting nervous. 
He pokes at her side. “What’s wrong?”
He offers her a skeptical look but lets it go. “You’ll know most of the people there. No need to be nervous.”
“I’m not nervous,” she lies. 
He snorts, but doesn’t respond. He does pull her closer to his side though. 
Immediately when they walk in and Amelie realizes she has been here before. Not many times, maybe only three or four, but enough for the environment itself to not be unfamiliar. She surveys the scene while letting Jack steer them both towards a corner where both people she knows and doesn’t know are gathering. The first person she makes eye contact with happens to be Carina Scholl, a girl she went to high school with. Because of course. This state is so damn small. Before she can spiral over it, Amelie’s quickly distracted by the sound of Mark Estapa’s voice.
And then it’s like a floodgate opens. Members of the Michigan Men’s hockey team, present and past, greet her, standing in a sort of messy line, almost like they’re queuing to hug her. It starts with Mark, then Rutger and Kienan and Luca. Then Mackie and Nolan, who she hasn’t seen in far too long and didn’t realize she missed until now. 
She feels quite touched that they all seem so excited to see her, wrinkling her nose when Rutger pulls her ponytail lightly.  When everyone calms down, Jack slides her favorite cider towards her. She smiles at him in thanks and he just winks before being pulled into a conversation about hockey that honestly has Amelie immediately tuning them out. 
She ventures to familiar territory — a booth housing Ethan and Luke — and they happily let her slide between them, introducing her to the faces she doesn’t recognize as she politely nods. She does brighten up when one of the girls, Sarah, she notes, says she recognizes her from her photography. (“I was on the gymnastics team. My family might have one of your photos framed in the house.”). 
Photography and Michigan. Those are topics Amelie can talk about. 
After a bit, the boys slide out and she finds herself gravitating towards Sarah and two of her friends Amelie doesn’t know, content with sitting back and listening into their conversation, with some comments here and there. She spots two more girls she went to high school with — Shannon and Abby — and swallows roughly. She’s pulled back in the conversation with a call of her name from Madison. 
“I saw that you came in with Jack Hughes,” Madison says. Immediately, Amelie wants this conversation to end. But Madison’s smile is curious, not malicious. “Are you two…you know?”
Amelie blinks, stomach suddenly dropping. “Are we…”
“Together,” Sarah finishes with a teasing eye roll. “I don’t know why you didn’t just say it, Maddy.”
“I didn’t want to be impolite!” Madison exclaims as Ellie, the third girl, laughs. “I mean, we just met. It’s none of my business, really.”
“We’re not,” Amelie says, softly but firmly, even though she wants to crawl under the table right now. “Friends through Luke, I guess. Found out my grandparents live by him and Quinn’s place just a few weeks ago.”
“You hadn’t met beforehand?”
“Huh,” Ellie says. Amelie follows Ellie’s eyeline to where Jack is talking to Adam. With a High Noon in one hand, the other shoved into the pocket of his jeans and that stupid backwards cap on his head, Amelie can’t look away. “I wouldn’t have predicted that. It seems like you’ve known each other forever.”
Amelie laughs shakily. “He’s like that with everyone.”
The girls let it go, but Amelie can’t. Is it that obvious to people? Should it be? Is he like this with everyone? It wouldn’t surprise her if he was. Just because they’ve kissed, doesn’t mean she’s anything special. 
After a bit, she excuses herself to go grab another drink. If Jack is also at the bar as she approaches, that’s just a coincidence. 
It’s interesting. She simultaneously wants to be away from him, especially because it seems like “Main coverage teams: Rangers, Islanders, Flyers, Devils” is flashing through her mind at all times. But she also wants to be around him because he makes her feel at ease
She nods at Luca, who Jack was talking to, with a wry smile. “Luca.”
“Amelie,” he sings in the same tone. Amelie considers herself closer to the younger Fantilli, but Luca’s constant positive energy was always a welcome sight when she entered Yost. “You look beautiful.”
“That’s kind of you to say.”
“I feel like you’re about to yell at me for not answering the question again.”
“That was one time,” she says dryly. “Let it go.”
Jack looks between the two of them with interest. “Amelie being a strict TA? That doesn’t surprise me.”
“She wasn’t strict, perse,” Luca teases. “Just didn’t want to deal with our shit.”
“Because I dealt with it enough at the rink,” Amelie says. She brightens up momentarily when Jack shoves another cider in her hand. Without thinking, she presses a quick kiss on his cheek as a thank you. Luca, to his credit, just raises his eyebrows before Gavin beckons him elsewhere. 
She pokes at Jack’s chest. “You trying to loosen me up? You didn’t have to buy me another.”
“I told you to go crazy, didn’t I?”
“I think I’ve spotted three people here who went to my high school.”
Jack just raises an eyebrow casually. “No shit. Did you say hi?”
Amelie snorts. “No.”
“Why not?”
She gives him a look and realizes he doesn’t understand. She doesn’t want to get into it. “I just don’t feel like it.”
“You sure?” He nods at something behind her and she turns around, making eye contact with Carina. 
She turns back around to face Jack again. “I’m sure.”
(She’s not. She’s not sure about anything all of a sudden. It’s starting to feel like too much for her. But that’s not Jack’s problem to deal with)
“Okay,” he stops pushing. “Who should we tackle talking to next?”
“Didn’t know this was a team effort,” she teases lightly, the weight on her shoulders deflating by the second. 
He readjusts his hair under his hat with a roguish grin. “Hey. I dragged you here. And these are mostly Luke’s friends. Of course we’re in this together.”
She rolls her eyes. Because he’s a liar. But she humors him, nodding over to a group consisting of Rutger, his girlfriend Kayleigh, Nolan, Mackie and Mark. “They seem safe.” Jack snorts, but obliges, letting her lead the way. 
More time passes, and Amelie’s buzzed. Jack mutters in her ear that they’re probably gonna head out within the next 20 minutes or so, which she could’ve predicted, as their crowd is getting smaller and smaller. Adam already smacked a kiss on her cheek as a farewell. She figures she should probably go pee before the drive back. 
After a quick trip to the bathroom, she walks out and pauses suddenly in her tracks. She watches a girl blatantly flirt with Jack, which is fine, it is. The frog she has in her throat isn’t anything. The prickling she feels in her spine is because of the heat, not because of the girl’s hand placed on his bicep. She can’t even let herself feel any sort of satisfaction when Jack casually shifts himself a bit away from her politely. 
It suddenly all hits her in the face. It’s like the bubble she’s been living in for the last however many days has immediately popped. 
Of course he’s being flirted with. This probably happens everytime he goes out. How could she be so stupid?
Jack’s never going to be anything more than a friend. He’s based out of New Jersey for most of the year — which, to be fair, Amelie might also be in a few months, which he still doesn’t know — and Amelie’s 99% sure it just wouldn’t work. They’re too…he’s him and she’s who she is and this isn’t how it all works. 
Sure, she kissed him first. But she didn’t mean for it to go this far. And sure, he kissed her back. But he’s one of the biggest up and coming superstars in the league that she’s about to work for. To some degree, she knows how this is gonna end. She’s lived through it. 
(Sometimes, she’s relieved that MLB never got back to her. The idea of having to photograph Cooper almost makes bile creep up her throat._
She has to stop this before it crashes at their feet.
Amelie takes a deep breath and straightens her shoulders, before making her way back to Jack. He looks towards her and brightens up, excusing himself from the girl before jumping off his stool with her jacket she asked him to hold while she went to the bathroom. 
“Ready to go?” He mutters. 
Amelie nods stiffly. “Where are the others?”
“I told them to wait by the car. Do you need to say goodbye to anybody else?” 
She looks around. “No. I did my rounds before I went to the bathroom.” He hums and she follows him out of the bar. ignoring his outstretched hand. 
(She misses the flash of hurt that passes by Jack’s eyes. But it’s gone as quickly as it came) 
“Thanks again for coming with me,” Jack says, his voice suddenly sounding so loud contrasting with the quiet Ann Arbor air. “Really. I know it’s not your scene but I appreciate it anyways.”
“You’re welcome,” she says, hoping he doesn’t pick up on her sudden change of mood. 
He does, furrowing his eyebrows. “Is everything alright?”
“Fine. Everything is fine.”
“You’re lying to me.”
She doesn’t quite snap back, but it’s close enough to it. “How would you know that?” 
He blanches slightly, but they’re at the car. So he just wordlessly opens the door for her. She smiles softly at Ethan, who ruffles her hair from the back and snorts at Dylan and Luke, who are sleeping with their mouths wide open. 
The drive goes by extremely quickly yet painfully slow at the same time. Amelie actively avoids eye contact with Jack, busying staring out her window and making mindless conversation with Ethan. If he feels the tension. he ignores it. 
Jack pulls up to his place first, rolling his eyes as Luke, Dylan and Ethan clamber into the house. As soon as the door shuts, Jack turns to her. She reluctantly turns to him.
“Are you okay?” His eyes hold so much concern. It makes Amelie bite her lip. “And please be honest with me.”
“I’m fine, Jack,” she croaks out. She’s a bit tipsy. She’s very tired. Her resolve is crumbling fast. She feels like she’s running out of time. “I think I’m just overstimulated.”
“I’ll drive you home,” he says softly. He places a gentle kiss on her forehead and it takes everything in Amelie not to let her eyes tear up. 
He’s barely backed out of his driveway when she can’t take it anymore. “Rangers, Islanders, Flyers, Devils.”
Silence. “What?” He says.
“Rangers, Islanders, Flyers, Devils,” she repeats, trying to keep her voice steady. “Those are the teams I’m covering.”
He parks in her grandparents’ driveway, killing the engine. “Did you just find this out today?”
She squeezes her eyes shut. “No. I’ve known since I got the official offer.”
The silence washes over her like the most destructive tidal wave. “You lied to me?” He whispers. 
“I’m so-”
“Why did you lie to me?” He asks in a hurt voice. 
“Were you ever gonna tell me?” She snaps her mouth shut. That gives him his answer. He swallows roughly, running a hand through his hair. “So what? You were gonna just walk in during media day and pretend we haven’t met before?”
“That’s not fair,” she manages to get out. 
“Pretend we haven’t kissed before?” Jack presses on.
That makes the fire in Amelie’s stomach flame. “We’ve known each other for like, a month, Jack. I don’t owe you anything.”
He scoffs. “You don’t think so?” She flinches at his harsh tone and he softens a bit with a sigh. “I just don’t understand why you didn’t tell me.”
There’s plenty of reasons why. Many of which Amelie doesn’t want to say out loud. She settles for: “I mean, would it have mattered?” Her voice cracks. “You were always going to go back to Jersey and I was always gonna leave Michigan and whatever this was would’ve only lasted for so long.”
“Whatever this is?” Jack repeats, tilting his head back against the headrest in frustration. “So what? You thought that we’d go back to our regular lives and all of this would just…be forgotten?”
“I don’t know,” she says, frustrated. 
“But you clearly thought about it.”
“Of course I did,” she squeezes her eyes shut. “Jack, you’re…you’re Jack Hughes. I don’t necessarily care about it like that but I know you have a franchise on your shoulders and you’re the best of the best and we met under weird coincidences and I’m glad we have, believe me, but this always had a timer on it.”
“What exactly is ‘this?’” The roughness in his voice has Amelie simultaneously feeling like she wants to cry and scream. Jack laughs humorlessly. “And it’s funny you bring up all that shit now, considering you never for once cared about who I was and all of that since the day we met.”
“I don’t care,” Amelie insists. “In fact, it’s probably the thing about you I care the least about, in the nicest way possible. But whether we both like it or not, it’s a huge part of who you are. And I don’t know if I…”
“If you?”
“If I have a place in your life when it comes to that.”
“Because of what I do? Because of my job?”
Amelie scoffs. “Stop trying to underplay what you do and the impact you have on the league, Jack. I may have just met you a month ago but I, in some way, work in the same fucking industry you do. I’m not stupid.”
“I know you’re not stupid,” he rolls his eyes. “You’re probably one of the smartest people I’ve met in my life. I’m not trying to underplay anything. At the end of the day, hockey is just my job. LIke photography is yours. I don’t see how that has anything to do with us.”
“Well, maybe that’s exactly the problem.”
Jack huffs. “It’s my life. Shouldn’t I have a say in if I want you in it or not?”
And sure, Amelie thinks, Jack has a point, but so does she, even if she’s not explaining it well. She turns in her seat to fully face him and tries a different angle. Tries to get him to understand. “Have you thought about this at all? Like, sat down and really thought about what’s gonna happen when we both leave Michigan? Jack, you know I don’t want to come back unless I have to.”
“What does that have to do with us at all?”
“Jack,” she deadpans. “You love this place. You feel the most comfortable here, you told me that yourself. All I want to do is get out here and all you want to do is stay.” She deflates. “You really didn’t think about the future of any of this?”
“Yes! No. Maybe?” Jack raises his voice in frustration. “I just-I enjoyed, enjoy, spending time together. You kind of make me forget how to think when I’m around you in the best way possible. And I want to be around you all the time. Isn’t that enough?”
“I still don’t even know what we are! Friends? Friends who kiss sometimes? Dating? Hooking up because it’s convenient?”
He blanches. It’s the most hurt he’s looked this whole conversation. “Amelie-” he whispers.
“I know I’m being unfair, but please try to understand my reasoning,” she wipes her tears with the sleeve of her top. “I was already up for this job before I met you. And then I met you. And then I thought, oh, maybe I do care about where I end up. Wouldn’t that be nice and convenient? But we’ve known each other for a month. And I’m not gonna let someone I’ve only known for so long dictate the start of this really important moment for me.”
“I wouldn’t have ever asked you to do that,” Jack says meekly. “I know how important your career is to you.”
“And I believe that,” Amelie softens with a swallow. They’re not getting anywhere productive. “I-I’m sorry, Jack. I shouldn’t have lied to you.”
“But you did,” he says. He runs his hand roughly through his hair again. The curls are beginning to become very unruly.  “Was this whole month just, I don’t know, were we not on the same page?”
“Maybe we weren’t,” she bites her quivering lip. “I like you, Jack. I do. But I can’t…I can’t do this. Us. Whatever this is.”
Silence, before his voice cracks. “Now or ever?” 
“I don’t know,” she sniffles. “I’m sorry.” She cries, rubbing her eyes roughly with the palms of her hand. She knows this is all her fault. She knows this isn’t the only thing he kept from him. She knows that she’s been cautious telling him important things about herself this whole time, where he’s been nothing but fearless and honest. She knows she fucked up. 
But she can’t say any of that out loud. He wouldn’t get it. And maybe she doesn’t really want him to. Isn’t ready for him to
She feels his hand on her cheek, which causes her to cry harder, her tears falling cascading onto his fingers. Through blurry vision, she can see him swallowing roughly. “Can I say one last thing?”
She can’t help but let out a weak laugh. “Sure.”
“A few weeks ago, you asked me if the top was a lonely place to be. And you know, it can be a lot,” he admits. Her heart aches at how vulnerable he’s being. “My brothers and teammates and friends understand mostly, but it’s not the same. Y-you’re the first person in a long time who's made me feel like it doesn’t have to be lonely.”
That causes Amelie to cry even harder. Every part of her is fighting her to fight for him. To keep groveling, even though it doesn’t even seem like he wants that, which is somehow even more heartbreaking. To fill in the gaps for him about why she can’t fully let go and let him in. But she can’t. “I-I’m sorry I lied to you. And I’m sorry it had to be this way,” she croaks out.
“Me too,” he says, backing away slightly. She misses his touch instantly. “I-I’ll give you some space and n-not contact you for awhile. Um, you have my number. When…if you ever wanna reach me, you know how to.”
Her heart splices in half completely. She’s the one who lied to him and he’s the one offering space. Amelie knows she’s selfish for asking her final question, but she does it anyways. “And you’d pick up?”
Jack laughs with a watery smile, “Every time.”
It takes all her willpower to not kiss him one last time. She unbuckles her seatbelt and rushes into her grandparents house. She closes the front door and leans her back on it, sliding down and muffles her cries into her hand. 
day thirty three - jack 
Everything hurts. 
That’s the first thing Jack thinks when his eyes blearily open with the sun. His eyes hurt from crying too many freaking times the last few days. His ribs hurt from where Luke checked him into the boards yesterday. It wasn’t even a particularly hard hit, but Jack’s head was anywhere but the ice and he didn’t see it coming until it was too late. 
And his heart just…hurts. 
Luckily, they have the day off today so he can sulk without feeling too guilty. Maybe he’ll take the boat out into the water by himself and just lay there. He hears some voices downstairs and squeezes his eyes shut to try and decipher them. Quinn, Luke, Dylan and Ethan. The latter two obviously don’t know him as well, but Jack knows them well enough that they’d probably actually be really nice about Jack’s situation. Especially because Ethan’s close to…yeah.
Jack launches himself out of bed, quickly brushes his teeth and splashes some water in his face before stumbling downstairs, his pace faster once he smells a fresh pot of coffee. 
“Mornin’” Jack croaks out, nodding at Dylan and Ethan who are sitting around the island with Quinn, who just slaps his shoulder in greeting. Luke wordlessly pours out a mug for him and Jack smiles at him gratefully. 
“You look like shit,” Luke says bluntly. Jack would face wash him for that if he had the energy. And if he was wrong. 
“Luke.” Quinn chastises. 
Jack waves his older brother off. “It’s fine. He’s right.” His eye catches the sight of an envelope at the end of the table. “What’s that?”
It’s silent for a few seconds too long until Ethan clears his throat. “Uh, Amelie said she developed the shots for her film camera. Dropped some by that she said you guys might want.” 
Jack swallows with a curt nod, chugging the whole cup of coffee in one go. He nods at Luke to pour him more. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Quinn asks tentatively. 
Immediately, Jack wants to shoot that down. But then he looks up, and he sees all four of them looking at him with varying degrees of worry in their eyes. Jack shoves down the instinct to avoid — like he’s been doing the last few days. “I don’t even know where to start.” He whispers.
“Anywhere that makes sense to you.” Quinn suggests, because Quinn’s always been the one who directs. Who guides. 
So Jack lets it all out. He talks about how he purposefully didn’t want to cling to her all night because he didn’t want to come off that way but how he couldn’t take his eyes off her no matter where she was in the room. He talks about how beautiful she looked (“I mean, you guys aren’t stupid. That top with her eyes? Lethal combo.”) and how he had a moment where he felt like all was right in the world. He talks about that subtle shift in her mood after he lost her for a bit and how quiet she was in the car ride home. 
That’s the easy part. 
Jack inhales a muffin from a box that someone must’ve gotten this morning from the local bakery before continuing to recall him and Amelie’s conversation in the car after he dropped off everyone. When he drops the revelation that Amelie’s actually going to be around the Tri-State area covering the Rangers, Islanders, Flyers and the fucking Devils, all four of them look shocked, but don’t say anything. He talks about how his initial reaction was that he was hurt that she hadn’t told him because he thought that they had something going on between them. He talks about how he felt like the conversation escalated so quickly but also calmly because Amelie doesn’t raise her voice and Jack is not a yeller and how it almost would’ve been easier had they been screaming at each other. He talks about how he can’t really remember when Amelie started crying but how he can remember how he felt his stomach dropping to his feet when she did. He can barely remember how they fucking got there in the first place. 
Jack sniffles, hastily wiping his tears away before they can fully fall. “All I know is that I fucking made her cry and whatever we had is probably ruined, which is extremely fucking convenient considering I’m gonna be seeing her around during the season.”
“It’s not ruined,” Ethan speaks up after a few seconds of silence. 
Jack snorts. “No offense, man, But how would you know that for sure?”
“I know you two have gotten close in the last month or so, but besides that, I would argue that out of everyone here, I’m the closest with her.” And Jack swallows, because shit, Ethan has a point. Ethan continues. “Despite her lying to you and everything falling to pieces, it’s not ruined. Amelie isn’t like that. You have to really fuck up for her to cut you out.”
And like, yeah, Jack knows that, to a degree. But, “I don’t think she’s ever gonna wanna see me again.”
“Well, did you say anything that was particularly horrible?” Luke asks. 
Jack swallows. “No? Maybe I was snappy at some points, but I don’t think so”
“I mean, it’s fair,” Quinn says. “Even though it’s harsh, you were right to be mad about her lying to you.”
“Did I give off that impression that she couldn’t talk to me? Like yeah, we practically just met, but I feel like, I don’t know. I just don’t really get why she’d hide that from me.”
“I might have an idea,” the guys turn to Ethan as he swallows and debates something in his own head. “Uh, this is random, but hear me out. Did she ever tell you about her ex?”
“Which one?” Jack asks.
“Cooper Volt. Baseball player at Michigan. Drafted to the Mets, I think.”
“A bit but not much. Why?”
“Look, I’m not trying to, like, spill her secrets or anything. I think it just might put things in context.” Jack nods and Ethan sighs. “So basically, she was dating him, right? Pretty serious. Lasted for a little over a year. Anyways. I don’t know the details, but I know that the break-up wasn’t pretty. Or, I just assume it wasn’t, because I only found out they broke up after I saw Cooper with another girl on his arm and was confused and literally asked Amelie about it. Apparently, it had only been two weeks since they broke up and he had already gone out and found someone else?”
“What an asshole,” Dylan says, his first verbal participation in the conversation. He’s been munching on cheerios, intensely listening. Quinn’s eyebrows are furrowed in a way that only appears when he’s concerned or really pissed off and Jack’s kinda fuming that someone put her through that.
“Right? Yeah, so that’s that. And typical Amelie, you know, said she was fine and I knew that she had her own friends checking up on her.” Jack’s nodding, following on to his every word, even if a bit confused on where Ethan is going with this. “Okay. So, this is, our sophomore year, so her junior year. The seniors are hosting a party and we convince her to come for once. You know how those parties go. They get big. People are filtering in and out. I just remember coming to the kitchen to refill my drink and seeing Amelie looking so fucking dejected as Cooper and his new girl are talking to her.”
“Did you hear what they said?” Luke asks. 
“No, but I didn’t need to, not with that look in her eye,” Ethan scoffed. “I caught the tail-end of their conversation though, which, like, I don’t even wanna repeat, but it was basically Cooper just saying shit about how he never liked her anyways and he took a shot at her being bi? I don’t think I remember it quite accurately to be honest because the second I heard him say that shit I just saw red.”
“He threw the fact that she’s bi to her face?” Jack asks sharply. He’s trying his best not to throw his cup at the wall.
“Something like it,” Ethan says. “Yeah, I know. Absolute piece of shit. I kicked him and their friends out of the party, because, like, there was no fucking way they were staying.”
“How did I not know about this?” Luke asks. “I’m pretty sure I was at that party.”
“You were. If they had refused to leave or whatever or put up more of a fight, I would’ve gotten backup. But they didn’t. And you know Amelie. She begged me not to make a big deal out of it. So I just kept an eye on her for the rest of the night.” 
“That’s so shitty,” Quinn says softly. “Putting that against her. With his new girlfriend there too.”
“Yeah, but…anyways. The point is, a week or so after that I kinda caught her after a game or something and I drove her back to her place and she kinda exploded. Went on a whole rant about athletes and sports culture from what she’s observed and all that, which I’m not saying isn’t true, but basically, I think the situation with Cooper was kind of the nail on the coffin.”
“That what?” Luke asks. “All athletes suck?”
Ethan clears his throat. “I think getting fucked over by Cooper, and then meeting Jack and realizing she has feelings for him then thinking back to the last time this happened and how it ended…can you blame her for being a bit scared?”
“She should’ve told me she was covering the Devils when she found out where she was gonna be placed.” Jack says firmly, and he stands by it. 
“Probably,” Quinn agrees. “But Jacky, think about it. Even just some of the guys we’ve played with. Not saying they’re all assholes like this guy…it’s just, even if it’s unfair she might place you in the same category, that might be how she feels.” 
“She should’ve told me,” Jack repeats. He squeezes his eyes in frustration. 
“But did you tell her you were serious about her?” Luke says. Immediately, Jack wants to snap back at his younger brother, because he’s a pest and who is he to doubt Jack about his own fucking relationship, or lack thereof. But then, Jack realizes and a whole new pit appears in his stomach. 
“She kept interrupting me,” he whispers. As he puts his head in his hands, he misses the sympathetic looks the other guys exchange. “Fuck. I never-I should’ve been clearer.”
“I should’ve made that clear from the start,,” Jack says as Luke immediately shuts his mouth. “She had to have known. She had to.” Jack swallows roughly. He’s not the smartest, but he knows now. She didn’t know. And he never clarified what she meant to him. 
“I’m sorry, Jack,” Ethan says softly. Jack just waves his apology away. This is all on him. He excuses himself, putting his dish and mug in the sink. 
“We’re heading out on the water later. You should come,” Quinn gently urges. Jack just nods, before clamoring up the stairs to take a shower or do something, anything to get rid of the feeling in his stomach. 
The feeling that he’s fucked it all up. 
day fifty six - amelie 
Amelie’s at the Prudential Center by 6:30 a.m. The players start rolling in just after 8, while she’s finishing up helping to set up equipment and lighting. She has two cameras on either shoulder and one hanging by her neck and she has a headband in her hair and she feels happy. She feels at home. 
She gets introduced to the guys that she’s been researching for a month now. All of them are pleasant and patient. She does let out a genuine smile when Luke reaches out for a hug in greeting. What happened between her and Jack has nothing to do with him, and she hopes he knows that as she gives him an extra squeeze before pulling away.
When she introduces herself to the captain, she swears there’s a spark of recognition that flashes through Nico’s eyes, but it leaves just as quick as it came. Within their first few minutes of conversation, she concludes that Nico is almost unfairly kind. No wonder Jack loves him. 
It’s 10:19 a.m., and she still hasn’t seen Jack yet. She knows he’s scheduled in for his on-ice media shots sometime in the late morning. She purposefully didn’t grab herself a second cup of coffee after finishing her first one. She can’t be shaking when she’s trying to get pictures of him. 
Jack comes in and shakes everyone’s hand. He just waves at her with a polite smile and she waves back, her stomach dropping. They can play it off as Amelie being across the ice and too far, but in reality, she’s not sure if she would try to fake a handshake and pretend they’ve never met, hug him and never let go, or do something incredibly fucking stupid like kiss him. 
He looks so handsome. He must’ve cut his hair recently, in a shorter style that makes him so carefree and young. 
His stuff takes around 20 minutes, and she doesn’t really have to talk to him, instead just taking direction from Mira, head photographer / videographer.
He’s not directly interacting with her, but she feels her stomach swirling and her palms sweat, causing the camera to almost slip out of her grasp multiple times. She wants to smile at the comfort he brings her just from being near him and wants to cry at how they left things in her grandparents’ driveway. At how bad she still feels for lying to him. At how much she’s missed him, as pathetic as it sounds.
It’s neither of their faults that things fell to pieces the way they did. But now, as she snaps a silhouette shot of Jack, she’s deathly afraid that this is just what it’s gonna be. 
Jack’s the last one before lunch, so while everyone is taking their lunch break, Amelie takes a few moments to head to an empty room. She braces her hands on a table and takes three deep breaths. Her heart is beating fast. Her mind is starting to get away from her. She needs to focus. She cannot fall apart at work.
“Amelie?” She whips around to see Jack, dressed back in his Devils hoodie and shorts, looking at her in concern. 
She wipes her sweaty hands on her jeans. “Jack. Hey. Can I help you with something?”
“No,” Jack shuffles into the room. “I just heard your sighs. I- I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
It feels like she has molasses in her throat, but she manages to respond. “I’m okay. Thanks.”
“Okay. Good.” 
He’s about to walk out of the room but her brain thinks before her mouth. “Jack!” He turns back around and she takes a breath.
“Yeah?” His face is unreadable. 
She forces herself to keep eye contact. “Would you wanna maybe grab dinner or something?”
Jack blinks. Amelie wonders if he’s ever been rendered speechless. His voice doesn’t give anything away either. “Like, on a date?” She nods. Her stomach is dropping and she feels shame cripple up her spine until-”
Her stomach drops, but for an entire different reason. “Really?” She asks in a small voice
“Of course,” His eyes glow and the light smirk on his face doesn’t feel arrogant. It feels light. Fond, even. “That sounds..perfect.”
“Oh, okay.” She whispers and her throat closes up as he steps closer. 
“I’ll text you?”
“I’ll text you.”
He smiles brightly, and she can’t help but smile back. She’s missed that smile so much. “Okay,” he whispers. “I can’t wait.”
“Thank you,” she croaks out. “I’m sorry about…well. I’m sorry.” 
Jack chuckles, and it makes her heart feel a bit lighter. He gingerly grabs both her hands, looking right into her eyes as he brings them up to his lips and kisses them softly. She bites her lip, overwhelmed. “Nothing to be sorry for,” he says. “Promise.” 
“Jack,” she whispers. 
He walks backwards shyly, but his eyes stay on hers stubbornly. “You know, with you, it’s always gonna be a yes.”
He just winks. Amelie’s breath hitches. “I’ll see you later, Amelie.”
She smiles as he walks out of her sight. 
tag list (lmk if you wanna be a part of it!): @ru-kru
366 notes · View notes
gracethyomen · 7 months
An Ode to Jack Murdock:
- Jack Murdock who raised Matthew Irish Catholic and built the foundations of his faith.
- Jack Murdock who never treated his son as a burden or a problem despite being left with a son to raise alone.
- Jack Murdock who not once made Matt feel weaker or inferior after he was blinded.
- Jack Murdock who spent money he didn’t have on braille books because Matt loved to read.
- Jack Murdock who never taught Matt to hate Maggie because she left them.
- Jack Murdock who, even beaten to a pulp, made sure Matt did his homework because he wanted him to do well.
- Jack Murdock who sacrificed his own comforts to clothe, feed, and educate his son.
- Jack Murdock who willingly became a well-known loser and let people beat him up to give Matt a better childhood.
- Jack Murdock who was his son’s biggest cheerleader.
- Jack Murdock who loved his son with every part of his soul.
- Jack Murdock who believed that he could better help his son if he was dead than if he was alive.
- Jack Murdock who won the fight because he knew Matt wanted to see him win.
- Jack Murdock who decided to win the fight knowing he would die.
- Jack Murdock who signed up to die because it would give Matt a better chance at life.
- Jack Murdock who never valued himself even half as much as he valued Matthew Murdock.
- Jack Murdock who made Matthew Murdock the man that became a hero.
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264 notes · View notes
sootrootdoot · 7 months
Will Jack accept a hug ( or a kiss even 👉🏻👈🏻 ) from me?
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162 notes · View notes
avoteforme · 6 months
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132 notes · View notes
𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 - 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
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PAIRING : dean winchester x original female character
STORY SUMMARY : in series masterlist
CHAPTER WARNINGS : age-gap. pining. teasing. underaged flirting. language. violence. gaslighting. gun play. murder. description of death.
A/N: i've had this series replaying in my mind for over a year. i'm so happy to share with everyone and i hope you enjoy it as much as i do. i've got big plans for this story! thank you all for your support, feedback (preferably good) is always appreciated!
check out the teaser if you haven’t already.
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Maricela's POV
I've known the Winchester brothers for four years now. I was fifteen when they visited Kenosha, Wisconsin, on a hunt for a Lamia. I remember hearing the roar of the Impala's engine pull into the gas station before it drove to the opposite side of the pump I was using. The motor's purr cuts just before the driver's side door creaks open, freeing a tall and handsome specimen. Once he reappeared from behind the pump, I did a double take. I couldn't help but stare at the man who wielded the most beautiful green eyes, trying to place where I'd seen them before. The longer I studied his chiseled face, the more familiar it seemed.
The man noticed my gaze and turned to look at me. He gave me a small smile, and I realized what I had been doing. I tear my attention away while my cheeks begin to heat, embarrassed.
"I'm sorry," I say, focusing on the ground. "You just look really familiar."
"Oh, I don't know about that," his deep voice responded. "I'm not from around here."
I nodded, taking in his words, but felt in my gut that he wasn't telling the entire truth. Instead of thinking too hard about it, I push it to the back of my brain and look at his sweet ride.
"Pretty nice car you got there." I compliment.
"Thanks," he says before flashing me a charming smile.
I was instantly mesmerized by him. I had no intention of ceasing our conversation in hopes of becoming closer to him while I had the chance. Who wouldn't do the same? Regardless of any age difference.
He looked away and stared into the distance, getting lost in his head. I clear my throat before speaking again.
"What year is it?" I ask, trying to keep the conversation alive.
"'67." He answers proudly.
I ask, genuinely curious, "What kind of engine does it have?"
A slow smile spreads across his face as if the question doesn't get asked often. He nods for me to follow him, and I smile as my plan succeeds. He pops the hood from inside the car before walking towards the front of the Impala. As I pass the driver's side door, the man sitting inside gives me a tight-lipped smile. I give him one in return, then turn my attention back to the gorgeous man as he props the hood.
"Impressive. Let me guess—this baby pushes out 460 hps." I comment, staring at the redone engine.
"461. How did you...?" He trails off. I catch him staring at me in my peripheral vision. I turn to the attractive man and can't help but smile even wider at the amazement shining bright in his eyes. He thrusts his hand out and says, "I'm Dean."
I take his hand and squeeze, giving him a firm handshake. "I'm Mari."
"Ma-dee...?" He repeats in question.
I giggle at his uncertainty and nod at the correct pronunciation of my Spanish name. "Yes, sir."
"What's a girl like you know about engines?" He smirks, leaning against his now-closed hood.
"I know a thing or two." I shrug nonchalantly. I heard the gas pump jerk, indicating that my tank was full. "I should get that."
I turn to walk back before his voice stops me.
"Hey, uh—you wouldn't happen to know where the nearest motel is, do you?"
"Wow, Dean, I'm flattered, but I like to be 'wined and dined' before we sixty-nine." I causally joke.
His eyes widen with shock as the blush rises to his cheeks, his jaw dropping slightly. I found it arduous to keep my smirk hidden after his overt reaction. His head shakes violently, his hands rising in defense before speaking.
"What? No, I didn't mean—I don't want to—Not that you're not—" His green eyes quickly skim every inch of my body. "I'm not saying you don't look good 'cause wow—but I just—"
This man, who exudes confidence, getting so flustered over my words was unexpected. I couldn't help but stop his self-torture with a laugh.
"I'm just fucking with you."
Relief washes over his features before letting out a large breath. After a chuckle, he says, "You're good, really had me going there."
"Well, if you're this easy to rile up with words, I can only imagine how well you'd respond to actions." I smile at the vulgar things I had in mind.
To say I surprised even myself with my comments is an understatement. I have never been confident enough to speak to any guy like this. Let alone one this jaw-droppingly sexy, but he definitely brought that side out of me.
A mischievous smirk plays on his lips as he gets closer. "You've got a dirty little mouth there, sweetheart."
"You going to clean it out for me?" I say seductively before sinking my teeth into my bottom lip.
Dean's eyes widen again, but he tries covering it with a huge grin. He opens his mouth to reply but gets cut off by the man in his car attempting to mask the words "jail bait" with a cough. I can't help but laugh; he wasn't wrong. The man standing in front of me turns red once more.
"Why don't I give you those directions?" I offer, hoping to ease the awkwardness.
He nods, giving me a shy smile. He thanked me after I gave him the information.
"No problem." I walk to my car and grab the nozzle from my gas tank. I put it back into its machine while he does the same. "I hope to see you around."
He winks before I slip into my front seat. I smile at his small but powerful gesture and pray the last words I spoke to him become true.
And they did, just not in the way I would've imagined. What I didn't expect was to see a monster—a real monster—attack someone important to me. Two FBI agents tracked me down in my hometown for an interview. And just my luck, the agents happened to be the gentlemen I met earlier. Their faces were just as surprised to see me as I was them.
A knock sounded on the front door. I pause my movie before surreptitiously peeking out of the living room window that faces the street. My eyes widen as I see a familiar classic car parked outside my house. My heart rate spiked, knowing that the Impala could only belong to the man I met just the other day. Panicking, I push myself off the couch and run to the bathroom.
I look in the mirror and see a nightmare staring back. My eyes were red and puffy, and my hair was in shambles. I heard another knock, but this time louder. With no time to run a brush through my bird's nest of hair, I groan in frustration. I drag myself out of the bathroom before the rapid pounding begins against the front door.
"Coming!" I yell while combing my fingers through my thickly tangled brunette curls.
I stand just before the door and take a moment to breathe. After straightening the sweats I chose to lounge in, I curse myself for not being presentable at a time like this. I suck in a breath before reaching for the door handle, bracing myself for the judgment and embarrassment that was guaranteed to come my way. In one quick motion, I swing open the wooden door to see the two familiar, tall, handsome men standing before me.
Their eyes became wide as they recognized who I was. I self-consciously sink into my hoodie, shy from their attention.
"Mari..." says Dean, just as surprised to see me.
"What are you guys doing here?" I ask, confused.
"We're uh, we're FBI agents. Just came to ask Maricela a few questions." The gentleman with long hair answers. "Is she home?"
"That's me," My eyebrows knit together. "Wait a minute, you're FBI agents?" I ask, not believing them as I eye up their suits.
"Yes." Dean and I locked eyes, and I could tell from his facial expression that he was hiding something.
"Let me see your badges." The words spilled out of my mouth.
They exchanged a look as if they didn't know what to do. They fumbled over their words before I cut them off.
"Well," I cross my arms. "Let's see it."
"Look, I don't think we need to—" Dean starts.
"Then you're not coming in. Plain and simple." I sass, standing my ground to the suspicious strangers.
Sighing in defeat, they pull their badges from their inner suit pockets. I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose before taking their badges for a closer look. My eyes thoroughly examine their IDs, noticing an off detail, realizing why they were, or at least Dean was, hesitant about showing their badges. I hand them back before recrossing my arms.
"So... Jimmy, huh?" 'Dean' looks at me in confusion before the realization dawns upon his face. "I recalled you introducing yourself as 'Dean.'"
"Well, uh..." I see him struggle for an excuse. "I go by my middle name. Each time someone called for 'Jimmy,' my dad and I didn't know who they were referring to. So yeah, I—uh, I go by Dean."
I give him a 'you've got to be joking' look. He clears his throat and smiles, trying to play it cool.
"Right..." I stare at his face, hoping to magically remember where I knew him from—other than the day we met. Knowing my luck wasn't great, I brushed it off once again.
"May we come in?" Mr. Robert Plant asks.
With the faintest nod, I step aside to let them pass. Once they were in, I closed the door and led them to the living room. They settled on the couch and nervously smiled at me as I sat across from them.
"Are your parents home?" 'Dean' asks.
I shake my head. "No, they're not. But I'd rather get this done and over with, so please make this quick."
They nod before starting. "All right, tell us how you knew the victim. Then, walk us through what you saw last night."
I take a shaky breath, trying to steady my nerves. "Luke and I had been friends for a while. I had the biggest crush on him. I figured he only liked me as a friend, so when he asked me to dinner, how could I have said no? He wanted to drive down to Kenosha and try this new restaurant."
"So, it was a date?" 'Dean' questioned.
"I guess you could call it that. Everything was going great until I stepped away to use the restroom. When I came back... Luke was with another girl." I replay the awful memory. "She was all over him. I was furious! Why ask me out, then allow some random chick to finish our date? It just didn't make any sense. But I refused to stay and watch, so I left..."
My voice began to waver as the emotions I felt the night before came rushing back.
"I called my best friend to come pick me up. While I waited, I decided to go back and confront him, giving him a piece of my mind. That's when I found him..." I hesitate, fearing they wouldn't believe the truth of what I witnessed.
I didn't expect them to, especially since the local cops didn't. For two sole reasons: One. Who ever listens to the crazy person who says monsters are real? Two. I was a minor, and no one takes you seriously if you're under the age of 18—even then.
"Found him..?" 'Dean' asks, sitting at the edge of his seat. My eyes found his, and just for a moment, I felt safe in the comforting pools of green.
My lips part, contemplating what to say next. Hesitation got the best of me, so I settled on; "Dead."
They nod, taking in my statement. "You told the police you saw a monster kill Luke."
I give a dry laugh before nodding in agreement, my gaze wandering. "Yeah, I did."
"Is there anything more you can tell us about this so-called 'monster' you saw?" Robert questions.
"What's the point? You're not gonna believe me. No one else does." I shrug.
"Hey," 'Dean' made it a point for me to make eye contact with him before saying, "We just want to help. So, try us."
I bit the inside of my cheek while frantically searching his beautiful green irises for clarity. His brows furrowed, woven with hope yet silently pleading to trust him. So, with a deep breath, I confessed. "When I went back, he—uh, he was on the ground, and she was... eating him. She looked human, but her face—it changed."
"Changed? Changed how?" Robert eagerly inquired.
"I swear it warped into something snake-like."
The men exchanged glances before fixing their attention back on me. "How did she escape?"
"She heard other people coming near us and ran off. I tried running after her, but she turned a corner and was gone. I called the cops but not before seeing the huge gaping hole in Luke's chest." I numbly say as I stare off into thin air, as his lifeless and mutilated body flashes behind my eyes.
"All I know is whatever that thing is, ain't human. She's a monster, and I swear, she's gonna get what's coming to her." I seethe.
After persuading me to tell the truth, they tried convincing me what I witnessed, what that monster did to my friend, wasn't real.
"Look, Mari," 'Dean' started. "Forget what you think you saw, all right? Cause monsters aren't real. The sooner you realize that the sooner you can cope with your loss."
"My partner's right. It's easy to think that some—" Robert lifts his fingers to add air quotes. "—'monster' could be responsible for your boy friend's death, but the FBI can assure you, there's no such thing. In certain traumatic events, the witness can alter reality the more they try to remember what happened. It could just be that you have an overactive imagination. It happens all the time, especially in kids. I think that's what's going on here."
I glare at them in disbelief. How dare they come into my house and feed me lies—telling me I have an 'overactive imagination.' As natural as breathing, I begin expressing my anger.
"I don't care who you are—I know what I saw. This thing will continue to kill people until it's caught. So why don't you quit wasting your time selling me something I ain't buyin' and find the damn thing!" I say each and every word louder than the last, anger fueling the fire they only fanned higher.
Silence fell between us. It was evident that my outburst caught them off guard, but I couldn't care less. Time and energy were being wasted by trying to convince me otherwise. I take a deep breath and collect my thoughts before getting up from the couch to walk out of the living room.
"Now, if there's nothing else you need from me—" I say while opening the front door. The men take my hint and begin walking towards me. Robert delivers a stiff smile before walking out of the house, leaving me alone with 'Dean.'
"Thank you for your time." He mutters before exiting my home.
"Hey, Page," I called just after he walked down the porch steps. He pivots to meet my gaze. "If you don't find this thing, I will."
With a nod, he turns back around and heads for his car. As soon as they drove away, I threw myself into research. I couldn't shake the feeling that I knew these two from somewhere.
I soon found myself down a rabbit hole.
"Oh shit..." I murmur, finding what I was looking for but not what I expected. Then, it all dawned on me.
Sam and Dean Winchester.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. That's where I knew them from. They came in January of 2007 and took hostages in a bank before escaping, dressed as SWAT agents. They were a huge story, especially since they were wanted for other heinous crimes. Those of which included—credit card fraud, breaking and entering, disturbing a crime scene, impersonation of law enforcement, assaulting an officer, breaking out of jail, mass murder, kidnapping, arson, grand theft auto, grave desecration, and lastly, desecration of corpses. I felt sick to my stomach, knowing I was alone with them. Yet, all I could think about was what they wanted and why they didn't hurt me if they had such a rap. My mind kept racing and racing until I made a plan.
After an hour, I had a theory on what kind of monster killed my friend. So, I decided to confront the mystery men and pray they really were here to help. After changing, I traveled down to the city where they stayed.
I pulled up to the motel and braved myself with a deep breath before exiting my car. I clutched the gun in my purse as I walked over to their room. With determination, I knocked on their door. My heart hammered against my rib cage, wondering if what I was doing was a mistake. Dean opened the door, and his eyes instantly widened. I brush past him and walk into the middle of the room while taking a quick scan, ensuring it was just us three before turning to face them. Without wasting a beat, I jump into business.
"I know who you are," I assert with as much confidence as my voice could muster. "Sam and Dean Winchester."
Their faces dropped at the mention of their real identities.
"Now," I begin. "I want the truth. Who are you."
"Well, if you know our names, you should already know who we are," says Sam.
"I read what the articles wrote about you, even what law enforcement officials have tried charging you with before you were 'killed.' Yet, here you are: alive." I take the loaded gun out of my purse and aim at the brothers. "So tell me, who are you."
The men raised their hands in surrender, no doubt startled to see me wield a deadly weapon. What'd they expect? That I'd walk into the lion's den unarmed? I might be foolish, but I'm not stupid.
"Woah, woah. Mari, put the gun away. It's not a toy." Dean said, taking a step closer.
"No shit, Sherlock." I steady my trembling hands. "Now, somebody better start talking, or I'll start using this thing."
"Okay! Okay!" Dean shouts after hearing the click of the safety release from the trigger. "We'll tell you. Just please, put it down."
I hesitate but lower the weapon at a 45-degree angle, not ready to put it away completely. "You're right. I'm Dean Winchester, this is my brother, Sam. But we're not what everyone says we are. We're... we're hunters."
My brows narrow in confusion. "Hunters?"
"We hunt monsters. We try to save as many people as we can. It's our family business."
I take a deep breath before saying, "I thought you said monsters weren't real."
The brothers seemed to relax when I put the safety back on before shoving the gun back into my purse.
"We had to. It was for your own good. You're too young to learn about the things that go bump in the night." Dean says before sitting at the table near the window, across from Sam.
"I appreciate it, but I can make that decision on my own."
"If you really want to know, it was a Lamia that killed Luke," Sam says, trying to ease the tension between his brother and me.
I nod. "Yeah, I know."
Sam furrowed his eyebrows. "You know?"
"Yeah," I pull out the folded paper I printed earlier. He gets up from his chair, walking closer so I can hand it to him. "I did some research and came across it. Figured it could be a possibility."
"So why did you come here?" Dean asked.
I shifted my eyes to meet his. "Because if those allegations were true, you would've killed me. And you didn't... You came to me, looking for clues to—to help. Bad guys don't do that."
I watch as his eyes soften. He gives me the tiniest smile before nodding.
"Now, how do we kill this thing?" I ask.
"No, no, no." Dean gets up from his chair and walks over.
"What? I'm going to help you kill it." I declare.
"I don't think so, sweetheart." He quickly towers over me. "Leave it to the adults."
"You don't scare me, Dean Winchester," I say confidently.
The truth is, I was—just a little. His lips parted as if he was going to say something back but he didn't.
"I think it's best if we take care of this," Sam interjects.
I fought with them long and hard until I finally wore them down. They agreed I could come with them as long as I stayed out of the way.
We ascended the steps of the church and pushed the heavy doors open. The men led the way before stopping in front of the altar. I gasped once I saw the priest's dead body lying on the floor with his throat cut open.
"Damn it!" Dean cursed. "She got to him first."
"What do we do?" I ask, frightened.
"Call Bobby," said Sam before the Lamia made her way from the back room.
Dean whipped out his phone and dialed whomever Sam referred to.
"What's another way to kill a Lamia?" he eagerly asks. He looks to the priest lying at his feet before saying, "It didn't pan out. What's Plan B?"
While Dean took instructions, the Lamia charged toward us. She dodged Sam's punch before grabbing his clothes and flinging him across the room. He hit the pillar before shouting for his brother. Ignoring me, she runs over with supernatural speed and snatches him away from the column that kept him upright. Dean sprints to the back room just before the Lamia throws the tall man to the floor like he was nothing.
She then straddles him, wrapping one hand around his neck before hissing. Her fangs and forked tongue were on display, just like they were the first time I saw her. Fear freezes me in place, trapping me in the memory of Luke's murder. She uses her unoccupied hand to press her fingertips against Sam's chest as if she were going to plunge it into his body. He tries prying her hands away with no luck. The monster begins to dig her quickly, growing claws into the man, forcing out a pained cry. The sound of his torture pierces through my comatose state, snapping me out of it.
Without second-guessing, I feel my body rush towards the monster, tackling her off the youngest Winchester. I quickly crawl over and grab the knife near Sam. I stand, holding the large blade in front of me. She pants heavily as a slow smile spreads across her face. The same one that burned in my memory that fateful day.
That was enough for me to lunge the large knife at her. She quickly dodged and tried attacking back, only for me to do the same. I finally land a strike on her arm, slicing her skin open. Yet, just as fast as it appeared, I watched her heal. The sudden realization that she couldn't be weakened easily had hit me like a truck. She took the opportunity to jump me, knocking the knife out of my hand. We wrestled on the floor before her strength dominated.
"I remember you." Her voice spoke. "You're the girlfriend."
"Shut up." I hiss while trying and failing to push her off of me. Her taunting laughs echo off the church's walls.
"I've got to say, your boy toy tasted amazing." She adds to the torment. A fresh set of tears fills my eyes. I turn my head and see the knife not too far away. I look at her again while I reach for the knife. "Don't worry, sweetie. He didn't suffer... that much."
My fingertips lightly grazed the edge of the handle. With one last stretch, I grasped onto it, and with one swift motion, I jammed the blade into the monster's throat.
"I said—" Her eyes widen in shock before I yank the knife out. "Shut up!"
She stumbled off, allowing me to get away. I push myself off the ground and run towards Sam, still lying on the floor.
"C'mon." I pull him up with all my strength before shifting some of his weight onto me.
We stumble to the back room where Dean was with the Lamia on our asses. Once we were in the kitchen, Dean tossed what seemed to be herbs out of the bowl he held at the evil creature. She flinched as if it had stung while Dean pulled the stove away from the wall. The monster fixed her eyes on the older Winchester, ready to pounce. I threw myself in her path before she—very easily— flung me out of the way. I groaned in pain as I tried to sit up. Sam followed my actions, only for him too to be cast aside.
"Fire in the hole!" Dean shouted before lighting the gas that seeped out of its line.
We watch as the Lamia burns to a crisp while listening to her violent shrieks. Once she was dead, Dean cut the gas, putting out the fire. My chest rises and falls, trying to calm down yet attempting to register everything that just happened. Dean walks in front of me and offers me a hand. I hesitantly accept before he pulls me off the floor.
"Are you all right?" he asks.
I nod with reassurance before Sam walks over to us. "I'm fine."
"It's over now." Dean rubs my back. "She can't hurt anybody else."
After the hunt, they took me out to dinner. It was less eating, at least for me, and more them giving me the talk about all that is dangerously real in the world. It goes without saying I became a hunter that day. Once I turned 18, I made it a full-time job. As much as Dean hated the fact that I fell into hunting and as much as he tried to stop me, I would help them on cases if we were near one another. After hunts, we always found time to hang out. They became my closest and most trusted friends, family even. We were always there for each other, especially at our lowest. Sam was the big brother I never had, while Dean was the crush I never seemed to get over.
Since the day I met him, my feelings for the older Winchester have only grown stronger. Each moment spent with him was bittersweet, knowing I was so close yet so far away from where I craved to be. But anything was better than nothing at all. Even with Sam's year-long encouragement, I refused to tell his brother how I felt in fear of rejection. The timing was another reason I hadn't confessed my undying love as each Big Bad became worse than the last. Things got a little more complicated when every angel fell from Heaven only to receive worse news when I called Dean to question 'The Global Meteor Shower.'
"Mari," Dean's hoarse voice spoke. "It's Sam... He's in the hospital."
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LEFT A MARK TAGS : @k-slla
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: do not steal, plagiarize, translate, and/or republish any of my works* on here or another platform
*beside my writing, my works include : all banners, headers, dividers, and gifs that i use (which were made by me,) unless otherwise stated.
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emeritusemeritus · 6 months
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"Jack was like a Chinese finger trap most of the time, you had to carry on playing, delve a little further and accept your fate before you were able to pry yourself away."
Captain Jack Sparrow lands in Port Royal on that fateful day and finds more than he bargained for when he meets Elizabeth Swann’s cousin, Lillian Swann. Canon compliant with a hint of fix-it. Timeline runs through films 1-4.
61 chapters, 189k words.
Read onAO3 here
Alternatively, you can read on Wattpad [@RebeccaEckerstrom]
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miss-madness67 · 9 months
Mistakes (Jack Kline)
The mistakes that brought you closer to him.
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The first mistake you made was to accept working with the Winchester brothers. You should have never broken your habit of working alone. The second mistake you made was turning your back on that witch bitch. She sent your way a curse that was powerful enough to knock you off your feet. The third mistake you made was opening your eyes after you fainted. You should have known better than to believe the spell was purely physical. So when you stared up into the blue eyes of the Nephilim, you know you’re fucked, and you don’t care.
“God, you are beautiful.” You emphasize each word, your gaze remains locked, not caring about the rest of the world. Jack looks positively puzzled by your statement, but it is not him who speaks.
“You must’ve hit your head harder than we thought.” Dean’s voice comes from your right, and it’s only then that you realize you’re no longer in the witch’s hut where the battle went down. Instead, you’re back at the Winchesters’ motel room.
“What?” You wonder out loud, your eyes shifting to Dean for a second, before looking at Jack again. “It’s not my head hurting, but my heart.” Your following words are dramatic, “Jack, I’m sorry I didn’t notice before. You are the most beautiful Nephilim I have ever seen.” If heart eyes were a thing of reality, you’re pretty sure you would have them now.
“Thank you?” Says Jack, and although he put space between you to move further back, your grin doesn’t falter.
Sam murmurs your name softly, “are you sure you’re ok?” He inspects back and forth between you and Jack. Maybe it’s the way you’re staring at the Nephilim, or maybe the fact that a witch did throw a spell at you, realization quickly dawns on his face. “A love spell?” He chuckles, “I was worried about that bright red light she cast on you, but it’s just a love spell.”
For the first time since you woke up, you pay attention to Sam. “Love spell? What are you talking about?”
It’s the eldest brother who answers this time. “Right, the witch put a love curse on you and that’s why you’re looking at Jack as if you wanna take a bite out of him.” The smirk on his face is all too know-it-all as if he had solved the mystery by himself.
“Curse?” your voice is low, threatening, all directed at Dean. “You think my love for Jack is a curse?” You stand from the bed, being mindful of pushing Jack back gently. Fortunately for Dean, your gun is far away from your reach. “I might have met Jack just a handful of times, but my feelings for him have grown stronger by the second.” Your next words are for Jack, “There’s a part of me that has known you my whole life, Jack. Can’t you feel it too?”  Your smile is all too bright as you place a hand on the Nephilim’s chest, right above his heart.
As it turned out, your confession only further convinced the siblings that you had been hit with a love spell. They decided that the only answer was to kill the witch -who got away earlier- for the curse to lift. Of course, with your hazed thoughts, you were no use. So, to prevent you from doing anything reckless to stop them, they all agreed to leave you in the motel with Jack.
Leaving you alone with Jack was both a good and a bad idea. It prevented you from screwing up in the field, but it also gave you what -who- you desired most: Jack. “Don’t worry,” you tell him as you sit across from him on the small table. He has been tense ever since the brothers left. “Even if they kill the witch, my love for you will remain the same.” Jack smiles awkwardly across from you. “You don’t believe me?” You challenge.
“I- you don’t really know me.” He whispers softly, but still, there’s a blush on his cheeks that spurs you on.
“And I told you that doesn’t matter.” You grin at him. “I’ll prove it to you!” You stand up from your chair and walk his way with determination.
Instantly, he jumps from his chair. “Wow, what are you doing?”
You continue walking his way until his back collides with the wall. “I’m proving to you that our feelings are real.” You place your hands on his chest once again, the crazy beating of his heart brings a smile to your face. “If you didn’t feel at least something, I’m sure you would control yourself better.” Despite his lack of encouragement, Jack doesn’t push you away. “I mean, you’re Nephilim, you could overpower me easily.”
Jack seems to be considering his options, and for a moment, you believe that he might actually push you away. Instead, he grabs your hands to hold them in his. “I think you’re very attractive, and I would love to get to know you… but maybe we should wait until the witch is dead, don’t you think?”
Rationally, you should accept what Jack is suggesting. You should step away and give the boy some space. It’s safe to say that you’re not very rational right now. With an angelic grin adorning your face, you pull Jack by the hands and closer to you, your faces only inches away. He is too stunned to do anything when you close the distance between the two of you.
Your lips touch his experimentally, first. The contact is almost delicate, timid, and innocent. Nothing too passionate, unlike the words you uttered before. Perhaps you’re afraid he’ll run away. Once you’re sure that he won’t, your body relaxes. Your hands let go of his and travel all the way to the nape of his neck. The Nephilim’s hands fall by the sides of his body. He doesn’t know what to do with them. It is then that you start to move your mouth on his. Jack’s follows your rhythm insecurely, almost as if it were his first kiss. He sighs and doesn’t step away, your chests pressed together, molding perfectly. You melt into the feeling of him, but you don’t dare to push further. You want to eat him whole and more, just like Dean said. But Jack is too sweet for that, so you control yourself. What you have right now is too good to be true. It is definitely worth pretending you are hexed by a witch. The last mistake you made, was falling in love with Jack Kline for real.
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random-of-random · 4 months
The Pirate Queen
Chapter 7 - At the End of All of This
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Author’s Note: Thank you for the reviews and the comments. For every single like! You guys are awesome!
The person sent to escort her to the ship was none other than Lieutenant Groves. He seemed shaken by her, even after the hours had gone by.
“Please…” he asked as he held out his arm and Alice realized they didn’t want to see her shackled as they headed toward the ship. They walked out side by side, as if two courting would go for a stroll. If it weren’t for her dress, no one would be the wiser that anything was amiss.
As they walked he kept a strict eye on her, worried she would sprint at the first chance. However, Alice had no plans for that. It wouldn’t do any good. She would just be stuck on Port Royal.
The ship was deserted, they were the first ones aboard. Of course, she thought, Norrington would not want the men to even see her if he could help it.
She expected Groves to lead her to the dungeon, but was surprised when he led her to the main cabin on the ship. The double doors were accented with opaque windows. The room was, in a word, beautiful. There was a lush bed on the far side. A desk against the wall to her left, behind it a few literary books.
“What is this?” She asked, stunned.
“The Commodore’s quarters.” Groves answered her and she looked to him in surprise. “The Commodore will have other arrangements.” Alice had to give a small chuckle to which Groves raised his eyebrows.
“Did you think I would expect him to stay in here with me? Ravish me, as it were?” She asked.
A hint of pink colored his cheeks. “We will set sail when the men have finished her preparations.” He couldn’t even look at her.
“Thank you.” She said quickly. Groves gave a polite nod before leaving. The locked clicked behind him. In that moment a wave of exhaustion seemed to overcome her. Alice had not slept the night before, her concern for her crew and more had kept her pacing. Sitting down on the bed she took another look around.
Everything about the room was distinctly James Norrington and she feared it would haunt her to madness. More so, she didn’t know what she could offer to help them in anyway. She had no idea how to get to the Isla de Muerta. Even if they managed to catch up to them, she was sure Barbosa and his crew would destroy the entire ship.
In that moment she thought about the things she would miss in life. The laughter with her crew, the smell of the sea air after a storm, the way James’ eyes would light up when he smiled at her. Her thoughts were interrupted as footsteps echoed on deck. They were preparing to leave. There was nothing more she could do as sleep overwhelmed her and the idea of being in Norrington’s bed was more comforting than she expected.
You should never wake a sleeping pirate. They are always ready for a fight. At least, Alice tried when the door opened and she reached for the pistol that should have been at her hip. She grabbed at air and shook her head to wake her senses.
“Well, I am certainly glad I had your weapons taken.” Norrington commented as he shut the door behind him. She shook her head of the sleepiness that remained in time to see him set a plate on his desk. Bread, cheese, meat. Everything to keep her going, as well as a pitcher filled with some liquid Alice could not make out.
“It’s water.” He said, seeming to read her mind. “There is some whiskey in the bottom left drawer of the desk, should you prefer.” He turned to leave.
“Commodore…” Her voice caught him, he couldn’t have left if he wanted. “I’m still me.”
“You’re a pirate.” He said turning to face her. His voice seemed to have lost some of its bite. James tried… he tried so hard to stay as angry as he could, but when he looked at her…. That fire halted. Still, his mind remembered that she had lied. “I know so many of the things you have done.” Alice’s reputation seemed to proceed her - as she have carefully cultivated it to do.
She let out a small laugh before slowly standing. “Most of that has been exaggerated.” She started, her eyes connecting with his. This time he couldn’t look away. “Legends and stories have a way of helping people…. Why am I here? You know I can’t do anything to really help you.” His eyes seemed to darken as she connected the dots. Alice was a pirate Captain. Maybe not as famous as some, but well known none-the-less. “You mean to trade me…” It hit her in an instant. Norrington, at least, had the courtesy to look ashamed. “You think Barbosa will trade Elizabeth for another pirate Captain.”
His words seemed to fault him. “I..I-“
“You don’t understand. You should have just strung me up in Port Royal because Barbosa will want nothing to do with me.” She sat down in the desk chair and let out a harsh breath. “What is going to happen if we manage to catch up to Barbosa and he doesn’t want to make a trade?” Norrington stood quietly, watching her. In that moment Alice opened the bottom left drawer to his desk and took out the bottle of whiskey. She opened it and took a long sip. “You mean me to die anyway.”
“I don’t want you to die!” He shouted before taking a deep breath. “There was nothing I could do.” Norrington admitted. He felt helpless and he absolutely hated feeling helpless. “The Governor found out who you were. I did not tell him.” He needed Alice to know that. Needed her to know he didn’t - wouldn’t - betray her. “Had I not arrested you, he would have gone over my head. It would have happened anyway, but you and your men, would not have made it out of Port Royal.”
“So you made a deal…” she guessed and he nodded.
“I said I would bring you with us to find Elizabeth.”
Alice took another long sip of the whiskey. Her mind reeling.
“If you don’t mind, I only have a few days before I see Sam Bellamy again, so I would like to maintain a nice drunk.” It was as if her words actively moved him. In an instant he was next to her, pulling her out of the chair. He grabbed the whiskey and set it harshly on the desk before putting one arm around her and the other hand to cup her cheek. Just listening to her speaking of how she wouldn’t be there… be somewhere that he could hold her… that was enough for him.
“Alice…” her name on his lips made a her let out a small gasp. She could feel her body shaking, but she was not afraid.
“Have…” she thought about her words for a moment. “Have you regretted that kiss yet?”
His eyes softened as his thumb brushed her cheek. “I told you, that’s not possible.” His forehead rested against hers. He let the moment linger before he stepped backwards and after a longing look, left.
It was late in the day, the sun setting, when Norrington came back. He carried two plates and one of his men shut and locked the door behind him. Alice moved so she was sitting on the edge of the bed as she watched him.
“I thought you would like some dinner.” He offered, setting the plates on his desk.
“Thank you, Commodore.” She stood. He sat behind his desk and her across from him. They were both quiet as they began to eat. Alice risking a glance up at him. He had take his hat off, but not his wig.
“Is it customary to eat with prisoners?” She asked and he finally looked up at her. A handsome smirk crossed his features.
“No.” He answered. “Though it’s not customary to allow prisoners to sleep in my quarters either.”
Several jokes ran through her mind, but she kept them to herself. “So, Commodore-“
“James…” He said softly. “When we’re in here, please call me James.” Alice felt her jaw clench in an effort to push aside emotions.
“James then, what did you tell the Governor about you eating in here?”
“That we were discussing strategy.” He said before taking a small bite of meat.
“And what strategies would you like to discuss?”
“I…” he seemed to think about his response for a few seconds. “I would like to know about you.” Warning bells seemed to go off in Alice’s mind. Was this just his own strategy? A way to find out more about her crew, about her men? Better leverage in how to hunt them down.
“I’m not going to tell you about my crew.” She said quickly and his eyes studied her. It occurred to him - too late - that, while he wanted things to be the way they had before, they couldn’t. James was sitting at a desk as a Commodore, and Alice was his prisoner.
“I don’t want to know about your crew.” He assured her. “I am not trying to get information out of you to use against you.” He watched her amber eyes study him curiously. “You said everything was real except the name and the background. So, I want to know you.”
Alice took a ragged breath. At that moment she really didn’t have a lot to lose. “My name is Alice. It’s Alice Buckley.” She said carefully. “I was born in Ireland, but raised in the colonies in a town called Boston. My father worked on ships and my mother was a seamstress.” Alice couldn’t help but smile at the memory of her parents. “My father died when I was 11. I was their only child. His friends took pity on us and taught me to work on boats, help out where I could.”
“Your mother was alright with that?” James asked.
“She was grateful for the extra income. Plus, I don’t think she could have stopped me if she tried. She got sick when I was 14.” Alice’s eyes misted over. “She died a few months later.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Thank you.” Alice took a sip of her water. “When I was 15 I made my way to Cape Cod and that’s where I met Sam Bellamy.”
“The infamous pirate.” James said with a roll of his eyes.
“Sam wasn’t a pirate then.” Alice explained. “He was recruiting to go look for missing Spanish gold. He didn’t want to take me at first - wary of having a woman on board. But, I impressed him. I knew what I was doing, so he gave me a chance.”
“He didn’t find the Spanish gold though.” James recalled.
“No, he didn’t. We looked, but it wasn’t happening. Then, we figured out another way to get money.”
“Piracy.” She could see the annoyance and fire in James’ eyes.
“Despite what you may think, James, pirates are not all like Barbosa.”
“Is that so?”
“You’re sitting here with me right now. Am I eating with my fingers? Do I have no respectability? Am I not a decent person?” She called back to the night of the party at the Swann house and James leaned back in his seat. “On a Pirate ship, we all are equal. It doesn’t matter what family we were born into, what religion, what race. We become family. We vote for our Captain and our Quartermaster and-“
“You vote?” James asked.
“And if a Captain is not satisfactory?”
“He, or in my case she, can be replaced.” James seemed to scoff. “Look, I am not saying that every pirate is civilized. I am saying, we respect one another - at least on the ships I’ve been on. You may say Sam Bellamy’s name with disdain, but those were his rules that I still follow. I would rather be a pirate a millions time before following the laws of the crown.”
“You are resolute, I’ll give you that.” James poured them both a glass of whiskey.
“You have never had a good encounter with a pirate?” She asked and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Present company excluded.”
James leaned back in his seat and took a small sip of his whiskey, letting himself collect his thoughts. “My father… he hated pirates. Hated them with everything he had. In fact he delighted in tracking them down and handing out the punishments. He was… particularly brutal.”
“I’m sure he would have loved me.” Alice said with a wink before taking her own sip of whiskey. James just stared at her. “James? What is it?”
“My father made me come on a voyage with him once I was around the age of 6. He was tracking down a pirate - had been for a while, but we finally caught up to him.” James eyes seemed to gloss over as he remembered the battle. “We had them, but his crew came to rescue him. I was knocked into the sea and… the pirate, he saved me.” James took another sip of whiskey. “My father was ashamed of that. He yelled that he would preferred to see me die of drowning than be rescued by a pirate.”
“He told me it was my duty to carry the banner of civility and order and eradicate the slime from the seven seas. And now here I am, having dinner with you - a pirate.” He didn’t say it was disdain.
“Who was it? The pirate that saved you?”
“Edward Teague.” He said simply.
“Jack Sparrow’s father.” Alice voiced.
“It is mighty funny how the world turns, is it not?” James asked.
“I’m glad he saved you.” Alice added.
“Isn’t it against a pirates very nature to want a Royal Navy Commodore to be saved?” His tone was now playful.
“Well, you already told me you don’t want me to die, so I’m just echoing a similar sentiment.”
“How did you get your nicknames?” He asked.
“Do you always have to wear that wig?” She countered. To her surprise he let out a small laugh and immediately pulled the white wig from his head. His brown hair was tied at the nape of his neck.
“That suits you.” She remarked and he leaned forward, grabbing her hand and holding it tenderly.
“I promise you, Alice Buckley, at the end of all of this I will not let them harm you.”
“You shouldn’t make that promise, James.” She said softly. “Aligning yourself with a pirate could make some people call you a pirate.” A small smile crosses his features as he brought her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on the top.
A small knock at the door made James stand and replace his wig and hat.
“Rest well, Alice.”
“You too, James.” He gave her a small bow before leaving and Alice leaned back in her chair, trying to stop the tears from coming.
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aaronsguccitie · 22 days
*taps mic* hello <3 humbly asking for Aaron with a baby prompts <33 if anyone’s got any <333
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sassyandclassy94 · 3 months
Well That Was Unexpected…
Don Hume x Original Female Character
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Part 2 of “He’s Progressed and She’s Impressed”
Summary: Don’s first kiss. That’s it. That’s the summary
Word count: 6,618 (ALAS AND SORROW OF THE WORLD! It’s a LITTLE shorter than I had originally planed)
Rating: Teen and up
Author’s note: Hey, Siri! Play “Speechless” and “Stronger” and blare it from the mountaintops!
Tags: @solo-pitstop-vibes @fentybucky @i-am-a-lost-girl16 and @groovin2beats because I wouldn’t be writing this series if it weren’t for y’all’s support 🫶🏻
Part One
“You seeing Kate again tonight?” Bobby asked Don after crew practice.
A smile teased at the corner of Don’s mouth at the mention of his ‘lady-of-interest’, Kate Barlowe. “Yeah,” he nodded.
“You two have been spending an awful lot of time together lately.” He smirked and delivered a side-eye as he followed his boys to the showers.
Don simply blew off his comment and continued on his way. Bobby was right though; he and Kate had been spending a good amount of time together since their first date a couple of months ago. And he would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy every evening that he’d spent with her; with each outing leaving him feeling more and more attached. So much in fact, that he was seriously considering asking her to be his steady girl on their next date. Which was tonight.
“Have you kissed her yet?” Bobby asked in a lower tone that was almost a whisper when they got to the showers.
Don looked down at the floor and blushed before shaking his head.
“What?!” he almost exclaimed. “You two have been going out for what? Four and a half months now and you haven’t kissed her yet??” His eyes were wide as he looked at his friend in disbelief.
“No…” he shook his head again slowly.
Bobby shook his head. “I cannot figure you out, Don.”
More on AO3
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ladamedusoif · 1 year
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Header - and slogan - by @agentjackdaniels
Hi there! I’m Rose (she/her/they), I’m 40 and I write fics - described with complete accuracy as “ethical porn for nerdy types” - for Pedro Pascal characters.
This is an 18+ blog so, for safety’s sake, minors should not access the content below.
I love hearing from readers! All comments, reblogs, likes, DMs, and asks are very much appreciated.
If you’d like to be notified about new fics and instalments, please follow my writing blog @ladameecrit - taglists aren’t working well at the moment so this is the easiest way to keep up.
I also cross-publish to AO3 if that's your preferred reading platform.
I do block empty/untitled/ageless blogs so, if that’s you and you’re a real person, just drop me a message - or, better still, populate your blog (you don’t need to be totally specific about your age) with a few things. If you’re not sure how, just ask! I’m happy to help and I’m sure others will be too!
Thank you so much for reading!
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Visiting (Professor!Ben College AU - in progress)
Pairing: Professor!Ben x OFC Lydia (reader POV/2nd POV)
Summary: Seeking a change of scenery after her life falls apart, European art historian Lydia crosses the Atlantic and arrives in the small New England college town of Barrow. She’s planning to spend a year there on leave of absence from her permanent job at home, expanding her intellectual horizons as a visiting professor at Barrow College, a small liberal arts institution. Her growing friendship with Ben Morales, professor of Hispanic Literature, forces Lydia to confront the fallout from her past - and raises unexpected questions about the future.
Rating: Explicit (18+)
See the main Series Masterlist for specific warnings and content notes.
Tempered in the Fire (Blacksmith!Din Djarin AU short series - in progress)
Pairing: Blacksmith!Din Djarin x F!Reader
Summary: Ireland, almost a decade after the rebellion of 1798. You are an unusual woman: married, but alone; a widow, with no certainty her husband is dead. When your local blacksmith is badly injured in an accident and unable to work, you have no choice but to travel to the next forge, run by a man of few words whose uncertain origins and dark complexion make him stand out among the locals. You are immediately intrigued by this mysterious, taciturn figure - and the striking little boy he’s taken as his apprentice.
Rating: Mature (series); Explicit (18+, later chapters)
See the Series Masterlist for specific warnings and content notes.
Gentleman Thief - The Heritage Crimes Universe (The Thief (Casillero del Diablo) - in progress)
Pairing: The Thief (Casillero del Diablo) x F!Museum Professional Reader
Summary: He stole a priceless ruby after your first date. You reunited after the museum's winter ball. And now? Something keeps pulling you into the orbit of the world's greatest (ethical) gentleman thief.
Rating: Explicit (18+)
See the Series Masterlist for specific warnings and notes.
A Merry Fic-Mas - a Pedro Boys Holiday Fic Calendar
31 days. 31 stories (hopefully). 12 Pedro characters.
Inspired by this set of December/holiday themed prompts.
Rating: Teen/Mature/Explicit (see individual chapters for warnings and content notes).
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20/20 - no outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
Pairing: No Outbreak!Joel Miller x Optometrist F!Reader
Summary: After months of pestering from Sarah, Joel finally concedes that he might to get his eyesight checked and makes an appointment at your optometrist practice. He really doesn’t want glasses, though.
Rating: 18+; not explicit as such but implied; see the warnings on the original story
Café Crème - Javier Peña x f!reader
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: Your boyfriend Javier likes mornings at your place for more than just coffee.
Rating: Explicit (18+, MDNI; see more notes on the original post)
A Cup of Kindness, Yet - Javier Peña x f!Reader
Part of the brilliant @pickled-pena writing challenge - check out the blog for the whole masterlist.
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Summary: Another Auld Lang Syne in Laredo, twenty years after your first with Javi.
Rating: Teen (see notes and warnings on the original)
My Kiss, Only For You - The Thief x Museum Guide f!reader
Pairing: The Thief (Casillero del Diablo) x Museum Guide F!Reader
Summary: You’ve noticed a regular attendee on the guided tours you offer as part of your job at the museum - and one day, he decides to ask you for more information on his favourite exhibit.
Rating: Explicit (18+, MDNI; see more notes on the original)
For the Night - Special Agent Ortega x F!Sex Worker Reader
Pairing: Agent Ortega (The Sixth Gun) x F!Sex Worker Reader
Summary: You might not be one of the “sweet young things” in the whorehouse any more, but a seemingly reluctant special agent helps remind you of your worth.
Rating: Explicit, 18+ (see specific warnings on the post).
Silvered - Detective Tim Rockford x F!Reader
Pairing: Tim Rockford x f!reader
Word count: ~ 800 words
Rating: Explicit (18+; MDNI; see specific warnings on the story)
Summary: Tim Rockford’s talented silver tongue has a reputation, in more ways than one.
Gentleman Cowboy - Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x F!Reader
Pairing: Jack “Whiskey” Daniels/Agent Whiskey x F!Reader
Word count: 3500 words
Rating: Explicit, 18+ MDNI; see specific warnings on the story
Summary: A solo getaway, a whiskey for one, and a very charming cowboy in the big city.
Able - Joel Miller x Disabled F!Reader
Pairing: Joel Miller x Disabled F!Reader
Summary: "I just don't think she'll be able for patrol". But then it's just you, Joel, and your trusty walking stick in the middle of nowhere...
Rating: Mature; 18+ MDNI; reader is disabled; see more specific warnings on the story.
Word Count: ~3.7k
Room Service - Dave York x F! Reader
Pairing: Dave York x F!Reader
Summary: You’re at one of those generic conference hotels to meet a man you know only as Dave.
Rating: Explicit 18+ MDNI; more specific warnings on the story
Word Count: ~2.3k
Coup de Foudre - Lucien Flores x F!Reader
Pairing: Lucien Flores x F!Reader
Summary: Caught in a sudden storm on a break in Paris, you and Lucien race back to the hotel room.
Rating: Explicit 18+ MDNI; specific warnings on the story
Word Count: ~1.1k
Part of the April Showers Challenge organised by @undercoverpena
95 notes · View notes
writingonleaves · 8 months
and all at once, you’re all i want (i’ll never let you go) - jack hughes
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pairing: jack hughes x original female character
warnings: literally nothing. fluff! some minor worship of nina hischier (the goat), a little love letter to my alma mater
title: "king of my heart" by taylor swift
word count: 10.3k
author's note: first fic in the new year is for @wyattjohnston 's winter fic exchange 2k24!! i had the absolute pleasure of writing for @wildrangers <3 taylor, i hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed putting it together and demi, thank you for your endless hard work for putting this on!!
four times where jack hughes and ashley grassie showed up for each other and one time where everyone showed up for them
one - two months
“Jack, are you sure about this?” Ashley asks, fiddling with the silver rings on her fingers. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He responds confidently, sparing a look at her from the drivers seat before turning his eyes back on the road. “Everyone’s expecting you.”
“You told them?”
“That my girlfriend was coming with me to a New Year’s party? Of course.” He squeezes her thigh lightly. “They’re excited to meet you. And not while we’re working.”
“I’m excited to meet them too.”
“You sure?” He teases lightly. “You’ve been quiet all afternoon.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry about.” They stop at a red light, and he leans over to kiss her cheek. “Ash, baby, they’re gonna love you.”
“But you don’t know that,” she protests softly. 
“I do, actually. Because everyone loves you.”
She rolls her eyes. “You can’t promise me that everyone’s gonna even like me.”
He shrugs. “I’ll prove you wrong. You’ll see.” He tugs at her gold sweater. “Is this new?”
“Yeah. Seems fitting for the occasion. Sparkles equals New Years, right?”
“I like it a lot.”
“I know what you’re doing,” she deadpans. 
He smirks. “And what might that be?”
“Distracting me.”
“Maybe so. You’re so smart, Miss Columbia Grad.”
“Jack,” she whines, making him laugh. 
He picks up her hand and kisses the back of it. “Trust me, okay? It’ll be great. And I’ll be with you all night.”
Ashley swallows, before forcing herself to nod. 
The thing is, after two months of dating officially (she’s not counting the month beforehand when there wasn’t a label on things even though there should’ve been), there are still important parts of each other’s lives they have yet to experience together. She’s gone to a few of his games, but has never met any of his teammates (except for Luke, but he doesn’t count), choosing to meet Jack back at his place after instead of waiting for him at the rink. She also doesn’t count that one Devils game she had to fill in for, which is how she met Jack in the first place. The few times he’s invited her along when he does go out with them, she’s been busy with other things. 
New Year’s is kinda a big time to be meeting new people. People that mean a lot to Jack. But that could just also be all in Ashley’s head. She’s never really done this before. The last serious boyfriend she had was in high school where everyone knew each other. There was no need for introductions. 
Jack squeezes her hand. “Thank you.” 
“Coming with me to this. Taking off work early. I appreciate it a lot.” 
She shrugs casually. “It’s about time, right?” She pointedly ignores the look he shoots her, because she doesn’t want him to know how nervous she really is.
Before they know it, Jack’s pulled into the driveway of the Toffolis and her hands start sweating again. She gathers the flowers on her lap and the wine bag as Jack rounds the car and opens the door for her. He grabs the bag, presses a kiss atop her head and hand in hand, they walk to the front door. She lets Jack take the lead as he just walks in. They walk into the kitchen area, as Cat pulls her into a hug and thanks them graciously for the flowers and wine.
It turns out that Ashley really does have nothing to worry about. Getting thrown into a whirlwind of introductions and new names is a lot, but she doesn’t mind. A wave of comfort crashes over her as Luke practically hauls her into a hug. 
She finds herself besides Nico after he hands her a glass of wine. “You’re a journalist, right?” He asks.
“I am.”
“Do you ever watch Jack’s media interviews?”
Ashley giggles. “I do once in awhile. Trust me, I have my thoughts. I also met him for the first time from that. And you, technically.”
“Right, right. Will we ever see you in the locker room again?”
“Probably not. I was just filling in for Danny. On the rare chance I do sports, it’s usually for the Jets. Besides, better to watch and support you all without any stake professionally.”
“What do you usually report on?” Nico asks with genuine curiosity. 
She perks up, like anytime she gets to talk about her job. As she talks, using her hands animatedly despite one of them holding a drink, Jack looks on from a distance with a lovesick look in his eyes.
“She is way too cool for you,” Dawson says, fixing his cap.
Jack rolls his eyes. “Shut up.” But Jack knows his teammate’s right.
Jack’s not clingy, perse, but it’s hard for him to watch Ashley just…be and not be touching a part of her. Even if it’s just sliding up against her so her body is pressed alongside his, he just wants to be near her all the time. 
(Quinn once sent some random thing he found on Instagram about love languages a few years back and Jack had remembered absolutely roasting him. But maybe he had a point)
“So,” Nicole starts, refilling both their glasses up with champagne a bit later in the evening. “Why Jack?”
Ashley snorts. “Your guess is as good as mine.” From beside his girlfriend, Jesper barks out a laugh and from next to Ashley, Jack pouts. Ashley laughs, leaning into Jack’s side. “I’m kidding. Mostly. I was hesitant at first though.”
“Oh, yeah. He told me about this,” Jesper says. “Said he chased you down the hall after post-game media and asked you out?”
“Sounds about right.”
“And you said yes to that?” Jesper asks. Jack whacks his teammate in the stomach. 
“Not right away,” Ashley admits. “He gave me his number and told me to text him if I was interested. And I ended up being interested.”
“Lucky for him,” Nicole chuckles. 
Jack squeezes Ashley’s waist fondly. “Lucky for me.”
She listens on in interest as Nicole talks about how she and Jesper got together. Somewhere throughout the conversation, she can’t help but let her mind drift. They’ve been together for years now, been living together for a bit and are looking to move into a house. She literally moved away from Sweden full-time for him. 
Ashley swallows as Jack asks about how their house search is going. There’s a very little chance that Jack will be leaving Jersey anytime within the next half decade. But her mother warned her that his career could take him places in the future unexpectedly. 
And in a way, so could Ashley’s. But it’s not as easy. 
She scolds herself for even thinking this far. They’ve been dating for literally two months. That’s nothing in the grand scheme of things. They’re celebrating entering the new year today, but she has no idea if they’ll even be together for all of it.
She’s hoping they are. God, she really fucking hopes so. But she could hope until the end of the world and have it fall short. She smoothes her sweater out with her suddenly-clammy hands, chugging the whole glass of champagne before putting the flute down on a nearby table. She excuses herself politely to use the bathroom, which she does, before getting some air. 
She definitely looks a bit crazy outside on the Toffoli’s porch in the dead of winter, but she doesn’t mind the biting edge of cold. It’s grounding her, actually. 
“Was looking for you.”
Ashley doesn’t even look at Jack, humming as she hears him walking out to stand next to her. “Did my sparkle sweater give me away?”
“No, Neeks did, actually. Said he saw you walking out.” She finally looks at him with his eyebrows furrowed. “You’re not cold?”
“Don’t even think about offering me your jacket,” she warns. “I know you’re only wearing a t-shirt underneath.”
“Then come back inside so we both don’t die.”
“In a minute,” she promises. 
He huffs, rubbing his hands up and down her arms to try and generate some heat. “Everything good?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Just, you know, minorly freaking out at her boyfriend’s teammate’s place about the fact that she might be falling in love with him even though it hasn’t been that long and what a future could look like for them and how that future could fall apart in an instant.
So regular New Year’s Eve thoughts.
“Unlike you, I don’t have a college degree, much less two,” Jack grins. “I can’t read minds.”
“And you think I can?” She jokes back weakly. He just chuckles. She continues. “Your friends are nice. I like them a lot.”
He lights up anytime someone he loves gets brought up in conversation. “Yeah, they’re cool. They like you too.”
“That’s good,” she says softly. 
He taps her forehead with his pointer finger. “Countdown’s soon. Come back inside?” He laces their fingers together. 
“You gonna kiss me at midnight?”
“Think so.”
“You only think so?”
Jack smirks, kissing her deeply. “Shut up.”
Ashley is absolutely floored.
two - one year and one month
Cam’s wedding crept up on her. 
Of course, Ashley knew it was coming, but still. Though she was surprised when Jack told her that he was free of games on that particular early November weekend somehow, only having to miss an optional practice and that he would notify the coaching staff far in advance. 
It’s not the act of bringing Jack that she’s nervous about. Cam and Amanda, his fiance, came into the city a few months ago and they all grabbed lunch before heading to a game at The Rock that night. She’ll never forget how ultimately “traitor-like to the Bruins” Cam felt, Ashley and Amanda finding it hilarious. They both had a good time though, and that’s all that matters, and Cam, who has always looked out for her even before she had ever asked, subtly gave his approval. 
(“I’ll admit my assumptions about him were wrong,” Cam had said. “He’s awesome, and he really cares about you. If he’s the one, I won’t be mad about it. He’s very lucky.”)
It’s more of a particular person that’s going to be at the wedding. 
Weirdly, when she and Alex broke up way back when, one of the thoughts that circled her mind months after was exactly this. If and when the day of Cam’s wedding came, and they were both still close to him, they’d both be there. And here they are. 
She’s over him — obviously, considering she’s in a happy, long-term relationship and it’s been four years — but how do you prepare to see your ex-boyfriend when the last time you saw him you had just broken up and you were in tears?
She and Jack drive up to Cape Cod early the day of the wedding and she feels a bit bad that he’s driving after he had a game last night and has one in just two days but he doesn’t mind, happy to be driving as long as she’s in the passenger seat next to him. They’re switching off anyways, and she had driven the first half. Cam and Amanda rented out a bunch of rooms at a few inns for their guests so her and Jack will get ready there before heading to the venue. 
From a quick rundown Cam gave her a month ago when they caught up over the phone, she’ll at least be familiar with a good amount of people at the wedding. She’s excited to see them all again and catch up, those memories that were bittersweet at some point, all water under the bridge so many years later. 
It’s what you get for dating within a friend group. Ultimately, at some point, sides are chosen.
At the end of the day, it’s Cam, someone who has always been there for her since they were 16, even when she didn’t necessarily do the same. He’s given his friendship selflessly to her for over a decade. The least she can do is come to his wedding to celebrate. 
And she has Jack with her. Nothing can go wrong with Jack by her side. 
“You okay?” Jack’s voice breaks her out of her thoughts as he squeezes her thigh, sneaking a look before focusing back on the road. “You’re quiet. You’re rarely quiet in the car.”
“It’s a 5 hour drive, Jack.”
“I’ve been playing country nonstop for the last half an hour and you haven’t chirped me once.” She starts playing with his fingers and his eyebrows furrow. “Alright. What’s going on, baby? What are you thinking about?”
“You know what I’m thinking about.” She shoots back with no malice. 
He sighs, linking their hands together and bringing them up to his lips to kiss her knuckles. “Yeah. I got you though. I’ll be with you the whole day.”
“It’s dumb, really. Four years. And I haven’t thought about him in a long time.”
He shrugs. “He was your first heartbreak, and you haven’t seen him since. This is gonna be some sort of closure, even if it’s four years later.”
“You seem awfully cool about this, considering, you know, your current girlfriend is lowkey freaking out about seeing her ex again.”
“I’m not worried,” he replies easily. “You need this closure. I wasn’t smart like you back then and actually saw my exes probably way sooner than I should’ve. Besides, I’m the one on your arm now. Not him. I’m not pressed.”
She scoffs at yet another country song playing and skips it, snorting when ‘Suburban Legends’ by Taylor Swift comes on. How fitting. “I’m definitely hyping it up in my head. It’s nothing. And Cam told me that he purposefully put us at separate tables, in case Alex says some questionable shit while drunk.”
“No worries about you saying anything questionable?”
“Compared to Alex? No way.” He snorts, amused. But he knows enough about his girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend to not push it. “I wonder if he’s bringing someone. God, I hope he is.”
“Why? Don’t want to rub it in his face that you’re happy and in love?”
“That’s mean,” she says airily. “No. I hope he’s bringing someone because I want to know what kind of girl can tolerate his ass. I did, but I was 20 and stupid. I wanna see what kind of girl can tolerate him at 26.”
“Does he know I’m coming?”
He snorts. “No. Alex.”
“Who knows? Even if he does, he probably doesn’t care and isn’t overthinking it like I am.”
“I think you’d be surprised,” she looks at him, confused and he bites his lip. “Even if they play it off, guys are affected by that stuff more than you’d think.”
“What is there to be affected by?”
“You,” Jack says simply. “Not that I’m biased or anything, but you leave quite an impact on everyone you meet. And that lucky ass got to date you. As someone who also has had that privilege, I can relate a bit.”
Ashley chuckles before squeezing his hand. “Thanks for coming with me. I know your schedule is really busy with the season and everything-”
“You don’t need to thank me. Isn’t half of having a significant other just bringing them as plus ones to weddings?”
“Fair.” She leans her head on his shoulder momentarily as he pushes the sunglasses on top of his head to his face. “Thank you, though. I feel bad that you’re missing practice.”
He snorts. “Don’t.”
“They didn’t give you a hard time?”
“Not really. It’s an optional, anyways. Nico just told us to have fun and I think Lindy has a soft spot for you somehow. I’m excited. I like Cam. And I’m happy to be here with you.” He smirks, adding. “Come on, baby. Did you think I was gonna leave you to dry when your ex is gonna be there?”
“You don’t know anybody at the wedding. And Cam grew up in a hockey-loving family from Boston. There’s bound to be people who recognize you.”
“So I’m the arm candy for the night. That works perfectly for me.” 
They arrive at the inn just past 1, and decide to stop by a nearby cafe to grab a quick bite. Jack decides to take a short nap before they have to start getting ready and head out while she scrolls on her phone and plays with his hair since his head is on her lap. Occasionally she finds herself staring outside the window at the water with a smile. Even if not in the summer, the Cape is beautiful.
Once it hits 4:15, she figures that she should start getting ready, but she can’t move without disturbing Jack since he’s still sleeping soundly on her lap. She gently whispers his name and presses a few kisses on his forehead as his breathing changes, groaning a bit as he stretches and opens his eyes. 
“Time to go?”
“In like, an hour. I need to start getting ready.”
He hums, puckering his lips and she takes the hint, kissing him soundly twice before ushering him off her lap. She lays out the few makeup products she has, moisturizing her face before putting light foundation and concealer on. As always, she focuses more attention on her eyeshadow, deciding to add a bit of gold glitter to compliment her pink dress. She clips a matching pink bow in, liking the way it blends with the natural brown of her hair. She decides to save the lipstick for right before they leave and turns to Jack, who’s buttoning his shirt. 
“What do you think?” He looks up as he’s buttoning his cuffs. “Too much glitter?” She asks.
“Never too much glitter. You look beautiful.”
She looks at his blazer and tie that he’s laid out on the bed, looking at him with minor confusion. “Since when do you own that tie?”
“Since last week when I bought it.”
She looks at where her dress is hanging. “It matches my dress.”
“Yes it does.”
She looks towards him as he tucks his shirt in, a sudden wave of love rushing through her heart. “I love you.”
He looks up and immediately walks over to her, placing a hand on her waist and kissing her. “I love you too.”
She puts on her dress quickly, smiling when she doesn’t even have to ask Jack as he comes over to help her zip it up, pressing a chaste kiss on her shoulder. His phone ringing interrupts and she brushes her hair before she puts on her accessories. 
“Sup Quinny?”
Quinn’s voice crackles through Jack’s phone. “Where the fuck are you going all dressed up on a Saturday? I know for a fact you don’t have a game today, considering Luke just sent a snap of him playing Chel with Dawson 10 minutes ago.”
“I’m in the Cape, asshole. One of Ash’s friends is getting married.”
She peeks into the view of the camera and waves after putting in one earring. “Hi Quinn!”
“Oh! Hey Ash. You look beautiful.”
She beams. “Thank you!”
Jack scoffs. “I’m here too.”
Ashley leaves the brothers to catch up as she starts gathering her things and puts on her lip tint before sitting at the edge of the bed since they still have 15 minutes left before they have to head out and she’s mostly all ready to go. She chimes in once in awhile, always happy to talk to Quinn as Jack shrugs on his suit jacket, ties his matching pink tie and clasps on his watch.
“Looking good, you two.” Quinn says as they both stand in front of the phone. “Matching tie, eh? Good move, Jacky.”
“We look good enough to make an ex jealous?”
She just rolls her eyes as Quinn’s eyes lights up, immediately catching on. “Absolutely.”
“Don’t encourage him, Quinn.”
Quinn just laughs and bids them farewell as Jack smooths down his tie. She puts on her jacket and grabs her boots and slips them on. As she’s about to bend down and tie them, Jack ushers her to sit on the bed and kneels down. He does it too quickly for her to dwell too much on how much she loves him, but he probably knows, if him gently rubbing his thumb over her ankle and the kiss on the inside of her knee tell her anything. 
It’s only been a little over a year, but she really does think she could spend the rest of her life with him.
They end up running into Nick in the lobby and even though it’s been…four years since she’s seen him, she corrals him into a tight hug. She introduces Jack and Nick introduces Melanie, his fiancee. The only indication from Nick that he knows who Jack is is a subtle comment that’s delivered in a way that’s so Nick it makes her heart ache — “Jack Hughes. Only Ash would show up after almost five years in the flesh with a professional athlete at a wedding where her ex is gonna be at. Always gotta do some out of pocket shit.” — and makes Jack laugh as she slaps him.
The four of them walk the short seven minute walk to the venue together, with Ashley and Nick mostly leading the conversation. She can’t remember where they left their tentative friendship in their late teens and early twenties when the world was shut down and the future looked the most uncertain it had been. Even though they don’t immediately pick up where they left off, years of rust littered in their interactions and memories, she’s extremely happy to see that he’s doing well. 
(Jack’s just happy to be there, holding his girlfriend’s hand as she leads the conversation. It’s nice not having to lead for once. There’s not many situations where he’s the one tagging along) 
As they enter the ceremony space, Ashley immediately sees plenty of other people she recognizes. She chuckles to herself as she realizes many of the guys are from the soccer team. It’s touching to know they still keep in touch. Logan, one of said guys, greets Nick goodheartedly, before wrangling her into a hug. As pleasantries are exchanged and people are introduced, she does feel a bit out of place. But that’s natural, reconnecting with people after so long that clearly still hang out with each other and only hear about her through sporadic updates through Cam when they ask. 
Sides were chosen, even if not intentionally. Ashley’s learned to be okay with that. Even if she thinks it’s unfair that Alex got to keep a lot of their mutual friends and she didn’t.
As everyone settles down in their seats, she squeezes Jack’s hand, opening her mouth to apologize for…something. Not preparing him in giving the whole lore of how she knows all these people? How the only reason she knows the sport of soccer is so well is because of Alex? Not explaining clearly the mixed feelings of her coming to the Cape this weekend? 
But Jack’s enraptured in a conversation with Logan, and she smiles. Of course. Logan played hockey back in high school as well. 
(Out of instinct, Jack does squeeze her hand back though, even placing them in his lap even though he’s not looking in her direction at all)
When Alex comes into view, a pretty redhead’s hand around the crook of his elbow, Ashley starts sweating. Thank goodness she has deodorant in her bag. Jack, who’s still talking to Logan, notices, and she’s about to apologize for her clammy hands as he sends her a confused look but the nearby exclamations of Alex’s name answers his question. He just presses two kisses to her temple.
Logan, to his credit, grimaces. “You gonna be good, Ash?”
She waves his kindness away. “Of course. It’s been so long. And it’s Cam’s day.”
And it is Cam’s day, as everyone falls silent watching both sets of parents and the groomsmen and bridesmaids walk down — she chuckles when she sees Sean walking down, forgetting that he and Cam got closer in college even after going to the same high school — before grinning as Amanda walks down in her beautiful A-line, ball gown of a wedding dress. Ashley wipes a tear away watching Cam do the same and she thinks if only 16 year old them could see themselves now. 
(She has a moment when she looks at Jack where her stomach flips, thinking of the day they could be the ones at the altar. She quickly focuses her attention back to the front)
Cam and Amanda are pronounced husband and wife and she cheers as he dips her and kisses her, beaming and tearing up and laughing as she hears Nick wolf-whistle. People start dispersing, the large heated patio hosting a cocktail hour before the doors to the reception hall open back up again.
While she’s sipping on a glass of wine, she hears a familiar voice calling her name and she beams, carefully making sure she doesn’t spill any wine on Sean’s tuxedo as he towers over her and hugs her tightly. He introduces himself to Jack and she watches in slight amusement as they talk. 
Sean and her never really were friends, more friends by association. He was more in the popular crowd in the school that Ashley herself was never inclined to push her way through. Her and Sean shared plenty of classes together though, and always got along when forced to work together. And in another life, sometimes Ashley thinks that she would’ve had a crush on the blonde boy. 
Instead, she dated one of his teammates. And, well, that turned out the way it did.
(Ashley rolls her eyes when Sean makes a comment about how it “makes complete sense that you’re the one who ended up dating a professional athlete” because sure, Sean. Sure.)
Jack may be among many Massachusetts natives who live and die for the Bruins and are not hesitant in chirping him within 5 minutes of meeting him, but he smiles genuinely as his hand instinctively finds a way on her lower back. After dating Ashley for over a year, he’s used to the good-intentioned bluntness of New Englanders. She only starts rolling her eyes when high school gets brought up and stories about her start piling up. In contrast, Jack loves this and just eggs them on, eager to hear the stories. 
With a quick glance at the seating chart when they’re all starting to filter back into the reception hall, she finds that the high school crowd is split between two tables, and that Cam kept to his word and put her and Alex at different ones. The tables next to each other, but still. She won’t have to worry about making accidental awkward eye contact with him across her chicken. She’s the slightest bit surprised she hasn’t crossed direct paths with him yet. But there’s enough people that they wouldn’t ever be forced to interact. And maybe that’s for the best. 
Dinner passes by without incident, Ashley squeezing both Cam and Amanda tight as they come around to toast every table as Jack gives Cam a tight bro-hug and Amanda a polite kiss on the cheek. The dance floor starts to open up, and as usual, Ashley’s one of the first ones on, dragging Jack and practically their whole table out. She feels light on her feet and happy as she leans into Jack with a big smile. He ditches his suit jacket at the table and his pink tie is loosened and she thinks he looks so handsome. She’s happily tipsy enough where the curious glances and whispers from probably the entire fucking reception hall about why an NHL player is here don’t bother her. She knows he’s used to it. She doesn’t know how.
(Jack may not know everything of the lore and context behind Ashley’s relationship with the people she knows here, but he knows her and how deeply she feels and nostalgic she can get and how that can change her perception of her own memories and how that in turn, can make her extremely self critical. 
So this whole evening, he’s tried to make it as easy as possible, talking with her old friends and classmates — which isn’t much of an ask, they’re nice enough — and just squeezing her hand or waist or kissing her temple or cheek when he feels her focus trailing off. If she talks to Alex and wants him there, he’ll be right next to her. If not, he’ll make himself scarce. Whatever she wants)
Ashley’s resting at her chair while Jack’s in a casual conversation with Cam as Alex comes up behind Cam, tapping him on the shoulder. She swallows and sits up straight and Jack automatically places a gentle hand on her back. Cam and Alex exchange a few words she can’t hear before Cam turns his attention back to her and Jack feels a surge of gratitude towards Cam, who looks extremely apologetic. 
Jack watches as she stands up and steps towards Alex with a small smile. “Hey.”
Alex blinks. “Hi.” She gives him a quick hug before stepping back next to Jack as he stands up. “Alex, this is Jack, my boyfriend. Jack, Alex.”
“Nice to meet you, man.” Jack says with a firm, polite handshake and he doesn’t really see (or care about) Alex’s reaction before turning back to Ashley again, trying to read her. She gives him an almost imperceptible nod. Jack’s eyes flicker to Cam, who also nods behind Alex and he clears his throat. “I’m gonna get a refill. You two want anything?”
“All good, man.”
“Rum and coke, heavier on the coke?”
“You got it,” Jack presses a quick kiss to her hair before he and Cam walk to the bar. 
Jack waves to the bartender for a whiskey sour for himself as Cam gets a gin and tonic. They both lean against the counter and Jack sighs, watching Alex take Jack’s previous seat. “Was that a good idea? Leaving them alone?” Because he knows her, of course, but Cam’s known her longer. And he had a front row seat to her and Alex’s friendship before they got together, their relationship when they got together, and the fallout of their breakup. 
“Honestly? I don’t know. But they’re both 26 year old mature adults.” Cam’s eyes flit over to a redhead woman a couple seats away from the bar and waves her over. Jack’s trying to remember if he’s met her tonight
“Hi Cam,” she says lightly. 
“Hey yourself,” he nods over in the direction of her and Alex. “You initiate that?”
She snorts, “Of course I did.” She perches herself on a stool and sticks her hand out to Jack. “I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m Francesca, but please call me Fran. I’m Alex’s girlfriend.”
Jack gives her a small smile. This is something. “Jack. Ashley’s boyfriend.”
“I’m aware,” she teases. “I grew up in Jersey and my brother’s a huge hockey fan. I’ve been to a couple of your games throughout the years.”
“Always nice to meet a fan,” He responds smoothly and genuinely. “Especially in a room filled with Bruins fans that could honestly poison my drink at any moment and I wouldn’t be surprised.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re lucky there are no Rangers fans here.” Cam waves him off as Jack and Fran laugh. 
“What a way to meet someone for the first time,” Fran says.
“While our exes are talking for the first time in over four years?” Jack says and Fran and Cam both snort. “You could say that.”
She turns to Cam, “Cam, you can go off and mingle, you know? It’s your wedding. Jack and I will be fine here.”
Jack opens his mouth to agree but Cam just shakes his head. “It’s fine. I need a second to breathe anyways. And also make sure this doesn’t go downhill.”
“Ashley seems like a smart girl and Alex isn’t that stupid,” Fran says. “They wouldn’t make a fuss at your wedding.”
Cam sighs and Jack thinks about how thankful he is that Cam has been there for his girlfriend way before Jack even knew her. Jack then turns to Fran and asks how she and Alex met and the conversation starts there, all three of them turning to the two exes from time to time to make sure there’s no flames or glasses being thrown. 
Fran talks about how she and Alex met at work and laughs in amusement when Jack explains that it was the same with him and Ashley, talking about how Ashley had been filling in for a colleague for an interview and Jack practically fell in love with her the second he saw her and had to tell himself to not sound stupid in front of the pretty girl. 
And honestly, as Jack talks to Fran, he laughs to himself a bit ironically. She reminds him a bit of Ashley. A bit too much for him personally and harsh in a different way than his girlfriend, but decent company nonetheless. So maybe he and Alex are more alike than they think. 
Meanwhile, the conversation happening merely 20 feet away between two exes is not as casual. Not as comfortable. 
“Been a long time, huh?” Alex remarks. 
Ashley tries not to scoff. “Four years.”
Alex curses under his breath. “Yeah. How are you?”
What a loaded question. She goes along with it. “I’m good.”
“Cam mentioned you’re in New York?”
“I am. Moved out there about a year after college for work. Then went to grad school there.”
She shrugs. “More or less. The title’s changed a couple times throughout the years but all in that field.”
“That’s awesome.” He runs a hand through his hair and it looks so familiar yet unfamiliar. “I still remember when you told me you got into BU. Seems like the path was always laid out for you, huh?”
She’ll have to unpack that one later. “Guess so. How about you? I heard you were in Portland. Real estate, right?”
He nods, “Yeah.”
“That’s great. I’m really glad you’re doing well.”
“Thanks.” A moment of silence there. “For what it’s worth, it is really good to see you again.”
Ashley lets out a genuine smile. Small, but genuine. “Same.” 
The sound of his laughter kinda aches a bit, but not in a way that has her sad. Just nostalgic. There is some easy banter, and somewhere in the back of her mind, Ashley’s remembering a bit of why she loved him in the first place. 
There’s a pause in the conversation, before she continues, “I haven’t gotten a chance to meet whoever you’re here with yet, but-”
“Fran, right.” she says. “But I’ve heard a bit. How long have you two been together?”
“Are we really going to do this?”
She swallows the urge to fire back, shrugging instead. “Why not? And don’t pretend like you’re not curious about Jack either. I figured I might as well just go first.”
Alex laughs. “Around three years for Fran and I.”
“You love her?”
“I do. A lot.”
She smiles. Genuinely this time. “Good. I’m glad to hear it.”
“How about you and Mr. NHL Superstar?”
Again, she swallows down her instinct to fire back. “A little over a year now.”
“You happy?”
Alex nods once and doesn’t quite smile but has a pleasant expression on his face. “Cam said that he likes him. Which is a lot, considering I’m pretty sure he used to think that he was a cocky asshole.”
Ashley knows it’s not meant in that way because she knows that her boyfriend has somewhat of a reputation, but she gets defensive. “People aren’t always what they seem. Even if he’s a pest on the ice sometimes, he’s a wonderful guy.” You should know, she wants to say. You were the exact same way in high school.
They’re trickling into dangerous territory. She wonders if he’ll take the bait. If he does, she wonders if she’ll be strong enough not to fall for it. She wonders if he’ll apologize, not because she needs it, but because she knows she deserved one all those years ago. 
Alex leans back casually, putting his arm over the empty chair next to him. “From me to Jack fucking Hughes. I don’t know if I should be flattered or offended.”
Ashley doesn’t know at all how she’s supposed to take that. Like everything he’s always done, he says it casually, taking a drink of water as she’s figuring out how to respond. She doesn’t. For the first time, she feels like she doesn’t have control of this conversation.
He notices she has no response and keeps going. “Hey, he’s a decent player and the money can’t hurt. I’m glad you’re happy.”
She swallows. A gold digger? Is that really what he’s hinting at?
Ashley almost sighs in relief when she catches sight of Jack, Cam and a woman who she presumes is Fran walking back towards them. Immediately she plasters on a smile and introduces herself to Fran, because it’s not her fault that her boyfriend still has the ability to get under her skin even so many years after their break-up. Jack presses a rum and coke in her hand silently and she thanks him quietly before making small talk with Fran. Just having Jack next to her has her blood pressure lowering. Soon enough, they all but shove Cam back into his own wedding and bid farewell as Fran excuses her and Alex and heads over to chat with someone she doesn’t recognize. 
Jack leads her outside of the main reception hall into one of the hallways, where there are people sporadically chatting and also getting away from the music for a second. 
Jack grabs her drink and faces her with a concerned look. “Ash? You okay? It seemed to get a little…tense at times.”
Ashley shrugs and chuckles. It’s bitter though, and he knows it, immediately placing a grounding hand on her waist. “I was how I always am to everyone.”
“Sure,” he responds skeptically. 
She sighs. “It was fine. I’m fine. It didn’t go badly. I don’t know if it was good. It just…was.” She squeezes her eyes shut. “It was fine. It’s not a big deal. It’s been four fucking years and it’s not like I love him anymore. I shouldn’t-”
“Hey. Stop. None of that,” Jack says softly but firmly, leaning in closer and kissing her forehead as she bites her bottom lip harshly. He holds her hand gently and presses it against his chest. “Open your eyes, baby. Take some breaths with me.”
She obeys, looking into blue eyes that have become another home for her and taking deep breaths. “Thanks.”
“Always. Wanna talk about it?”
She debates in her mind. “No. It’s a wedding. Let’s go back and have fun and dance.”
“You sure?”
She nods, before placing a peck on his lips. “I’ll probably be more in my feelings tomorrow about it. Or the next week. But for now, come dance with me.”
“Lead the way.”
Ashley doesn’t even look at Alex’s direction for the rest of the night, instead looking at Jack when she feels like the floor beneath her is gonna get pulled away. The stupidly romantic thing is, she knows he’ll catch her everytime.
three - one year and nine months
“What do you think?”
Jack looks up from where he’s sitting on her bed and his eyes pop open, jaw dropping with it. He tosses his phone to the side. “Ash. Holy shit.”
Ashley twirls around in the yellow ruffle dress. “I like this one the most, but I don’t think it’s fancy enough.”
She looks up to see him biting his lip, eyes scanning her body. She blushes as he beckons her to stand inbetween his legs. “Don’t care. You have to wear this one, please. It fits you perfectly.”
She smoothes down the ruffles. “Are you sure it’s fancy enough?”
“Honey, most of the guys probably won’t even be wearing ties,” she settles her hands in his hair. “Wear this one. I know you love it and you look beautiful in it.”
She lets out a breath. “Okay, yeah. I can pair it with those flower earrings and matching bracelet and I think Scarlett has white heels I could borrow and-”
“Woah there,” he chuckles, rubbing his thumbs on the fabric at her hips. “Did you have too much coffee today? You’re talking a million miles a minute.”
“No,” she drawls out. “I’m just…nervous? This is the first thing we’re going to that’s so…”
“Public?” He finishes for her. She nods. He pushes her gently so that she’s sitting next to him. “I get that. I’m a bit nervous too. But I’ll be there the whole time. And you’ll have my parents and Quinn. And Nico will be there too. Besides, you’re great with people. I’ve seen you in action.”
She shrugs modestly. “That’s not what I’m worried about.”
“Then what is it you’re worried about?”
She swallows at his tone, because she doesn’t think he gets it. Why would he? He’s not the one that’s going to be scrutinized by his fans. At least not to the degree she would be. “Everyone else’s thoughts.”
Jack nods slowly in realization. He leans in to kiss her lips twice. She has to admit it makes her feel a bit better. His kisses usually do. “You know no one else’s opinions mean anything. Besides, it’s very clear to anyone that I’m happily taken.”
And he has a point. She’s made an appearance on his Instagram with two photos in his annual summer dump — one was just of her in the city and the other was of the two of them by the lake in Michigan — and he hadn’t tagged her, but it was clearly a message to the world that he wasn’t a single man. Social media doesn’t matter and it never will, but it had been a decision they both had come to, Jack approaching her gently and asking if he could post them. 
But having it through a screen and having it in real life is different. 
“I know it’s stupid,” she says. “But you know me. I don’t particularly enjoy being out of my element.”
“I know, I know,” he bumps her knee with his. “It’ll be fun though. We’ll get drunk the night before and maybe I’ll be hungover the next morning and you get to tell Luke if I do anything embarrassing.”
Ashley laughs. “That does sound fun.”
“Exactly.” He cups her face in his hands. “I gotcha, baby. Always.”
She trusts in that when she lands in Boston a few days later. She trusts in that as she gets swept in a world she’s not quite comfortable in, but finds there are a lot more similarities than differences compared to environments she’s been in. She’s a journalist after all. It’s her job in a way to blend into different lives in order to get the best and most impactful stories. She trusts in that as she’s rolling her eyes fondly at Jack, who’s chatting with practically everyone at the bar. She doesn’t think she’s ever seen this many hockey players in one room. She trusts in that as Jack then always drags whoever he’s talking to so that he can introduce her. 
For someone who has always valued their privacy, Jack is making it pretty obvious that the “stunning girl in the floral shirt” is his. Ashley can’t say she hates it, even if it’s a little bold for her particular taste. 
“He looks happy, doesn’t he?” Ellen asks as they both watch Jack across the room with Auston Matthews. Ashley’s cousins in Toronto would be freaking out right now. 
Ashley snickers. “Drunk or happy?”
“Both?” Ellen raises her glass up to knock it against Ashley’s in a toast.
“I’ll drink to that.” 
“Thank you for coming. I know it means a lot to Jack that you’re here.”
“Thank you all for having me,” Ashley responds, suddenly a bit shy. “It’s, been, uh, a bit overwhelming, to be honest.”
“I can imagine,” Ellen smiles sympathetically. “All this hockey stuff, business wise, is more Jimmy’s scene than mine.”
“Really?” Ashley thinks to all that Jack’s told her about his mother and all the warmth Ellen has emitted since they’ve met, not to mention how everyone they’ve talked to — player, coach, agent — has gravitated towards Ellen.
To her credit, Ellen chuckles. “That’s fair. Jack tells me that you know how to work a room, which is something that Jimmy’s always said about me.”
Ashley traces the rim of her glass. “I think Jack gives me too much credit.”
“I’m not sure about that,” Ellen says with a knowing smile. “I read your article the other day. The one about the family who’s had to travel across the country to get care for their child. Quinn sent it to me, actually.” Quinn read it? She doesn’t remember sending it to him. Did Jack send it to him? “It’s an incredible piece of work. How long did that take you?”
“From start to finish? Around two months.”
Ellen grins, placing a motherly hand on her shoulder. “You’re so talented, honey. I try to keep up with everything you write, but you do so much that sometimes I lose track.”
"You really don’t have to do that. But thank you, Ellen. T-that means a lot to me.” 
“What does Mom not have to do?” Jack asks, squeezing himself next to his girlfriend.
“Read my articles.”
Jack grins. “Why not? They’re so good. Our family group chat is filled with them. Dad always loves your profiles.”
Ashley swallows. She’s pretty confident that the Hughes family likes her, but the fact that they all keep track of her published articles is a bit too much for her to handle right now. She downs the rest of her beer and waves Jack away when he opens his mouth to ask if she wants his. Instead, he asks the bartender for a ginger ale. Ashley’s grateful. 
The next day, Ashley smiles as Jack’s walking the carpet. He’s up for the Hart trophy this year and as he squats down to greet a little boy and sign his jersey, Ashley can’t help but let her love and pride for him soar. She’s as out of the way as she can be, trying not to get overwhelmed with all the voices and flashes around her. It helps that Ellen and Jim seem to always be nearby and she makes fast friends with Nina and Luca, who are watching Nico do similar things. 
She gets pulled out of her own world with a familiar hand on her waist. “Hey,” Jack murmurs into her ear. 
“Do you wanna jump into a few pictures with me?” Jack asks softly. “It’ll only take a few minutes. No pressure if not.”
“Uh, yeah. Sure.”
He beams, offering an arm as he leads them over to where the photographers are. She tries not to blink too much as the flashes hurt her eyes and hopes she and Jack are looking in the same direction. 
“You look beautiful,” he pairs his sincere compliment with a squeeze of her waist. 
She smiles at the cameras for a few seconds before turning to him slightly. “You already said that.”
“I know. It’s worth repeating.”
Thankfully, it’s only about 30 seconds before everyone else — Quinn, Jack’s parents and Nico’s family — are being ushered in for a group photo. She finds herself inbetween Jack and Nico and giggles as Nico tries to blow his hair out of his face. She takes pity on him after a few tries and she reaches up to fix it for him quickly, Nina laughing on the other side of her brother. 
“Stop messing with it,” Ashley scolds lightly through clenched teeth, smiling for the pictures. “You’re gonna make it worse.” She giggles when Nico pokes her side a few seconds later. 
When Jack wins the Hart, Ashley leaps out of her seat in excitement. To her, he’s always going to be the best player she knows because she sees firsthand how hard he works, but it’s nice that his peers are recognizing it too. He places a quick kiss on her lips before going up on stage and Ashley’s clapping and laughing to herself. He was dreading having to make any sort of speech. 
After the ceremony, she just follows everyone to whatever swanky rooftop seemingly the entire NHL is gathering at. She finds herself flocking towards Nina for a lot of the evening as they both exchange fun stories and memories of their own lives over drinks. Ashley thinks she could keep talking to Nina for the rest of her life. She’s just so damn cool. 
The next day, she drags Jack around the BU campus and is happy pointing out buildings that she had classes in, cried in, cheered in and lived her life in. They walk from one end of Com Ave to the other, Ashley dutifully pointing out Agganis Arena (“I’m sure Trevor has some good memories in this building”), their starting point.
She stands in front of the College of Communication building and stops. Jack dutifully stops next to her. “This building kinda looks like shit.”
Ashley snorts. “Yeah, I know. Especially compared to all the science buildings.” She bites her lip. “It all started here.”
“What did?”
“The dream.”
And yeah, maybe that’s a bit dramatic. But Jack said similar things when he brought her to Toronto earlier this year, so she knows he understands. 
Almost two years together now, she’s convinced that no one will really ever understand her like Jack does. 
He nudges her hip with his, the breeze blowing comfortably through her hair and rustling the plants around them. They watch as a student walks through the front doors. “Wanna go in?” 
She shakes her head. “Nah, I’m good.” She tugs at his hand while sipping the lavender lemonade from Pavement in the other. “Come on. I’ll show you Bay State. I lived there my junior year after I came back from studying abroad in Dublin.”
Bay State Road is beautiful as always in the Boston summer, Ashley’s hand in Jack’s. She drags him out into the middle of the road and only squeals once when a car is coming and he pulls her to the sidewalk. 
Campus isn’t the same when classes aren’t in session, but she hopes Jack can still feel some of the magic in the air through her stories. 
“It suits you.”
She turns to Jack. “Hm?”
“This city. It suits you.”
“Oh,” she blushes for some reason. “Thanks.”
“Do you miss it here?”
“All the time,” Ashley admits. “New York is great, but Boston will always be home.”
“Would you think of working here? If given the option?” Jack asks. 
“Maybe,” Ashley squeezes Jack’s hand, “But I also have reasons to stay in New York.”
He smirks, but it quickly transitions into something gentler. “Yeah?”
She could throw something snarky back at him, but she looks around the brownstones and lets out a deep breath. This is home, but flashes of Hoboken and East Village flicker in her mind and that’s also home. 
She looks at Jack and feels overwhelmed. Oh. It’s Boston. It’s Hoboken. It’s East Village. It’s him. Jack is home.
four - two years
“Big day, huh?” 
Ashley just smiles at Carissa, nudging her side. “We’ve come a long way since that phone call at 2 a.m.”
Carissa just snorts. “That phone call got us here.”
“True,” Ashley squeezes her arm as they make their way to their assigned table. “Love you, girly.”
“Love you more. I’m proud of us.”
Ashley grins, looking around as everyone is mingling amongst each other. There are past award winners here and Ashley’s already done some of her internal fangirling, especially when Lynsey Addario came up to her and wanted to talk to her. 
She’s still decently new in this industry and knows she has so much to learn, but it’s comforting to see that all of her hard work has paid off. 
People are starting to take their seats and Ashley looks around at her colleagues. Everyone’s dressed up and looks so lovely and Ashley smiles, looking down at her midnight blue dress. When Jack had seen her walk out of the changing room in it a few weeks ago, his eyes had popped out. 
(“Fuck,” he had said. “Now I’m even more pissed I can’t make it to the dinner.”)
And yeah, it would be nice if he was here. But the Devils are playing the Islanders tonight. It sucks that he’s so close but so far away, but after two years now, it’s just part of the gig. And they make it work. So Ashley isn’t too upset about it, even if Jack is. 
She’s a bit confused when there is an empty seat next to her, as it seems like the ballroom is filled. There’s no nametag there either, but her attention soon drifts off to the front. She has to bite her lip to stop herself from smiling too hard. 
The Pulitzer Prize Awards Ceremony at Columbia University, also her alma mater in a way. Her 18-year-old-self who was sitting in the front row of Introduction to Journalism in Boston could’ve only dreamed about this day. 
Opening remarks start and Ashley really does try to listen, but her eyes glaze over as her mind drifts off. She claps as the first few awards are being presented. She thinks about all the hours that it took to get this piece down, but also all the hours before — in her classes, at her college paper, in her internships, during her job search. The times she wanted to throw in the towel and just do something else. Anything else.  
“I didn’t miss too much, did I?” She blinks, turning to the voice next to her. She freezes. 
“Jack?” She breathes out. She hasn’t been sleeping much this week, so this could very well be a hallucination. 
He beams and she reaches to place her hand on his cheek and she realizes as she scans her eyes up and down.  Oh. He’s in her favorite suit of his. And he’s here. 
“Oh my god,” she wraps her arms around his neck as her whole table cheers. Thankfully, there’s a lull in the ceremony where the whole room is blanketed in a low buzz. “What the f-don’t you have a game?”
“Technically,” Jack says, nodding at her coworkers with a charming smile. “Took a personal day.”
“What? You can do that?”
“Yeah,” he shrugs, like he didn’t just skip a game to be here. He rubs his thumb on her shoulder as he kisses her temple. “This is a huge deal, baby. I wasn’t gonna miss it. I’m so proud of you.”
“Lindy’s not mad? Nico’s not mad?”
Jack snorts. “The second you won, I told Lindy to count me out for the game so he can do what he wants with that. Nico’s lowkey pissed he also can’t be here.” He turns to Carissa on the other side and beams. “Hey Care. Congrats.”
“Thanks, Jack,” Carissa beams. “Surprised you pulled this off.”
“Surprised we pulled this off.”
Ashley looks at Carissa. “You knew about this?”
“Of course. Who do you think made sure he would have a seat?”
She looks between her colleague and her boyfriend. Something creeps up her throat that feels a lot like love. 
When her and Carissa are recognized and they have to go up to accept the award and give a short speech, it’s kinda a blur. All she remembers is Jack’s kiss on her cheek and receiving a standing ovation as she and Carissa walk up together. So many hours with her eyes glazed over glaring at the laptop. So many hours interviewing with people and reconfirming facts. So many hours dedicated to this one piece. 
She wouldn’t have it any other way. 
As Carissa is speaking, she locks eyes with Jack. He’s beaming and his eyes are actually sparkling. His hair tousled and he’s so handsome and he’s hers. 
(She almost trips walking back to him) 
He chuckles, pulling her into another tight hug. “You’re amazing, baby. Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” she chokes out. “Thank you for calming me down all the times I was freaking out.”
“Of course. I’m sure all those glasses of cold water helped,” he jokes. She always said the ice cold water he would place next to her laptop would wake up her brain. 
She laughs into his shoulder. “They did.”
He pulls away and just stares at her, smile still on his face. Their attention is taken away by someone who wants to congratulate Ashley and has no recognition on their face when looking at Jack. 
(Jack looks on with pride)
plus one - three years and four months
Stanley Cups are interesting. Even some of the best athletes of all time have never gotten one. And some that are only slightly above average perhaps were just placed on the right team in the right season. 
But this Stanley Cup, in Ashley’s completely unbiased opinion, this one was fully deserved. By every single person on the team. 
She doesn’t think she’ll ever forget the absolute joy in Nico’s eyes as he lifted the cup in the air to a roaring crowd at The Rock, or how long the hug between Jack and Luke was when the final whistle sounded, or seeing Ellen cry as her two sons beckoned her in for a picture with the cup, her other son and husband standing close by with pride in their eyes. 
The picture of her and Jack by the cup as he’s kissing her cheek as she smiles so widely her eyes are shut might be her favorite picture of them of all time. 
Ashley had wondered if Jack was going to bring the cup to Toronto or Michigan. He ended up bringing it to Toronto while Luke brought it to Michigan. It ended up being all the same, since they were both present at both. 
Jack winning the Cup is obviously a huge celebration. But he’s not the only one with something to celebrate.
Yesterday, when they were out to lunch with some of his extended family, Ashley had found out by phone that she was just promoted to be a director of her team. After her phone call, she had just covered her mouth in shock as she sat down on a nearby bench. It wasn’t until a few minutes later when a concerned Jack came up to her and asked what was wrong, before she told him and he smothered her face in kisses. 
The parade around his pseudo-hometown is absolutely insane. Ashley doesn’t even know how she has a voice by mid-afternoon, much less how Jack has one considering that he’s been yelling all day. At some point, she forces him to sit down and chug a giant water bottle. 
But she can’t overthink too hard. Her phone’s filled with pictures of Jack with his loved ones and she just feels proud. 
Some of Jack’s extended family who still live in the area offered their home to host a party that night with just friends and family. Ashley did all she could to help prepare, which included coming over to decorate the night before and parking herself in the kitchen the second they got there to offer a helping hand. Well, she tried, before every single person pushed her away and insisted she go join the celebrations. 
She finds herself in a long, in-depth conversation with one of Jack’s younger cousins who’s thinking about working in media when she notices it suddenly becomes quiet. Suddenly, the light flickers off and Ashley is confused.
Jack then walks in with a circular cake with candles lit paired with his beautiful smile. Ashley blinks in confusion as everyone’s eyes fall on her and before she can ask what the hell is going on, Luke bounds over to her and swings an arm around her shoulder, shaking her. 
“Congrats on your promotion, Ash!” Luke exclaims. 
Her mouth drops open and she looks around as everyone in the room cheers and shouts out their congratulations. She chuckles in shock as Jack walks closer. And then suddenly, all she can focus on is him. 
“What are you doing?” She whispers, suddenly wanting to cry. 
“Come on,” he says with the softest smile. “You didn’t think I’d just keep the news to myself, did you?”
“But this is your day,” she chokes out. 
“My day. Your day. It’s all the same, eh?” Jack nods at the candles. “Hurry up. My arms are getting tired.”
A watery laugh from her before she blows out the candles at everyone’s cheers. Jack places the cake on a nearby table before smothering her in a tight hug. Ashley’s heart could burst right now at the love she feels from the people in the room and the person in her arms. She gets a chance to really look at the cake, which is white and sage with “Congratulations Jack and Ashley!” in beautiful script at the center. The lights turn back on and Quinn’s the first one who comes up to hug her. As Ellen is giving Ashley a kiss on the cheek, she sees Jack over Ellen’s shoulder, smiling at her. 
She swallows as she pulls away, before glancing at the ring on her left finger. Ashley’s never let herself want much in her life. But if someone asked her what she wants with her life, she would just place them in this room. Right here. Right now. 
(They cut the cake together. Ashley feels a buzzing joy throughout her bones)
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daydreamgoddess14 · 10 days
The Ties that Bind - Chapter 3
River and Seren work on avoiding each other 👀
Thank you for reading, hope you're enjoying it!
CH 1 | CH 2
My first taglist - let me know if you need adding! 🙌 @thomasshelbyswife
Chapter 3
Avoiding him had become torture. In reality, they were avoiding each other, which was somehow worse. Seren made sure she was gone on the evenings he was expected and tried to avoid going over during the weekends when she knew he was more likely to be around. Their previously friendly text exchanges had been reduced to a schedule of their planned whereabouts, and River’s evening calls to check in had all but disappeared. It wasn’t always possible to avoid him, but she tried. David had gone to bed early, poor sleep and his whirling mind often exhausted him, it exhausted Seren too. She slumped at the kitchen table, head resting in her arms. Just a little bit of quiet before going home. The bright lights of River’s car outside lit up the kitchen and a few seconds later, he clattered noisily through the door, bringing the cool autumn air with him. Seren shivered and pulled the hoodie she was wearing tighter around herself.
“Shit, sorry. Fucking door.”
“Keep it down, he’s in bed.”
“It’s been… a day,” she sighed, rolling her eyes.
“You’re here late?”
“I just needed to sit for a minute before I went.” She mumbled into her arms. 
“Yeah, thanks.” He retrieved them from the fridge and sat a few seats away from her at the table.
“You ok?” He asked, watching her curiously. She shrugged. “That’s my hoodie.”
“Oh. Sorry, I was freezing and spotted it in the sitting room. I’ll leave it and bring mine tomorrow.”
“No, it’s… it’s ok.” He took a long pull of his beer, keeping his eyes on her. The hoodie swamped her, wrapped all the way around her and the sleeves far too long. “So are you?”
“Am I what?”
“It feels a bit like I’m in an episode of Upstairs Downstairs.” River frowned. “The servants live downstairs while the grand family live upstairs? He’s very much the lord of the manor.” She explained. 
“Ah…. yeah. He is a bit.”
“Not always, but sometimes… I feel very much like ‘the help’.”
“I’m sorry-” He started, she brushed him off.
“It’s fine, I see it a lot. It’s an age thing usually. Don’t worry, I’m not going to suddenly go all ‘would you like to take your tea in the library, sir?’” She sniggered. When he didn’t respond she looked up sharply. “Oh shit, that hasn’t just unlocked something in you has it?” 
“Depends, is there a uniform?” Seren shook her head, laughing, and threw her bottle top at him. 
“Stop it, I'm trying to stay out of your way.”
“Same. But let’s not rule out a uniform just yet.” They drank their beer in silence. “Explain it to me again?” He asked suddenly.
“Explain what?”
“Why… this, whatever this is, is such a bad idea?”
“I don’t want to confuse him. I also don’t think he’d approve. And,” she hesitated. 
“Go on?”
“River you literally pay my fucking wages. Tell me that's not a bit weird?
“I mean… Ok I'm going to skip over the last one-”
“Convenient.” She rolled her eyes. 
“But my grandfather? It’s not up to him what happens between us?”
“No, but he’s your grandfather. And notice how you didn’t correct me? On any of my points? You know he wouldn’t approve. Like I said, I’m ‘the help’ and you're the one paying me.”
“You’re not the help.”
“I mean, I kind of am? Just in less of a Victorian sense.”
“That's-, it's not like-” He tried to find the right way to get his point across.
“See. Look, I know you don't see it like that-”
“Then isn’t that all that matters?” He interrupted. “Why does it matter that I'm the one paying you? I wouldn't expect you to do this for free.” She didn’t answer him. “I need you here as much as he does. I’m not sure how to handle it when he’s not himself, when he doesn’t know who I am.” He said, changing the subject. 
“I know. I usually take my cue from whoever he thinks I am. Sometimes he thinks I’m his wife, sometimes he thinks I’m his daughter, sometimes he’s really pissed off when he thinks I’m a total stranger.” 
“How do you get through it?”
“I just talk to him normally, try and be patient.”
“I’m not very patient.”
“I hadn’t noticed.” She raised an eyebrow.
“Well how do you separate it then?”
“6am body combat class.”
“Are you a fucking masochist?”
“A dark room, stupidly loud, brain frying music and punching shit all before breakfast? Works a treat, don’t knock it til you’ve tried it.”
“Is punching shit a technical term? Don’t think it’s for me,” he grimaced, recalling being on the receiving end of most punches.
“Throw yourself into something else then, find a distraction.”
“I just don’t know if I’m doing this right. I’m forever going to be the bad guy for making decisions he doesn’t like.” He rose from the table, adding his bottle to the recycling bin. She could feel her resolve crumbling, the urge to comfort him was overwhelming. She stood to join him and before she could bottle it, she closed the gap between them and wrapped her arms around his waist, anchoring herself to him. She felt his body slowly relax under her hold, leaning into her and bringing his arms around her. He dropped his chin down to rest on her head. His breaths deepened to match hers and as he relaxed she closed her eyes. 
“You’re doing really well.” She promised. He let go first, clearing his throat and stepping out of her embrace. Embarrassed, she moved away from him. “I’ve got to go. Combat at 6. I’ll sort this door tomorrow.” She gave it a pull as it stuck in the frame again.
“It was good to see you.” He said softly, catching her hand in his and holding it.
“You too.”
“Can we agree that avoiding each other is a stupid idea?” He pulled her gently towards him. 
“Can we agree that this is evidence enough that we should avoid each other?” She countered, gesturing to the minimal space between them.
He shook his head, “I haven’t done anything?” He leaned down, pausing millimetres from kissing her.
“Yet?” She whispered, getting there first and kissing him, her hand snaking up to the nape of his neck.
“What am I doing? Hmm, you started this.” He told her, not daring to move his mouth from hers. He kissed her back with a fierceness she hadn't realised she was so desperate for. Her hands worked fast, pushing his jacket down his arms and onto the floor with a thud, and pulling him back by his t-shirt. Seren found it impossible to disguise her reaching hands. Tangling in his hair, slipping under his t-shirt, she ached to feel his skin against hers. “What happened to this being a terrible idea?” He asked, kissing along her jawline.
“It’s an awful idea.” She moaned, her body arching to meet his. 
“So stop?”
“You stop.” She muttered, the sigh tumbling from her lips. With great restraint, he did.
“Really?” His forehead rested against hers while they caught their breath. 
“Yes,” she groaned sadly, “No. Fuck, why is this so hard?” He went to reply, “do not make a joke.”
“Wasn’t going to.” He kissed her again lightly.
“Yeah, you were.”
“Yeah I was. Really stop?”
“Yes, really stop.” She kissed him back.
“Seren,” he groaned, “I’m getting very mixed messages.”
“You’re right,” she leaned back away from him a little, “you’re right, I’m sorry. This isn’t fair, it’s not about what I want.”
“So this is what you want?” He asked.
“River,” she sighed, clearly torn.
“Fuck, Seren,” he kissed her again, “ please don’t say my name like that again.” 
“I’m trying not to, but you-, ohh-” his teeth grazed the sensitive skin under her ear and her hips canted towards him in response. “God, you are not making things easy.” 
“And you are?” He let his head drop onto her shoulder, breathing her in. “So. Are we stopping, or are we not stopping?”
“We’re stopping.” Seren said, hesitantly. “This will get too complicated, and we’re dealing with enough as it is.”
“No, no or.”
“Hear me out. Or, this is a distraction.” His voice was still muffled against her neck.
“A complicated distraction. River, I’m trying to keep my hands to myself but I need you to help me, please ?” She pleaded. She felt his sigh against her neck, making her shiver against him. His hands moved from her waist to take her hands, and he stood up straight, putting some space between them.
“Ok.” He acquiesced. 
“I’m going to go home now.” She said firmly.
“Ok. Goodnight, River.”
“Goodnight Seren,” he placed a quick kiss on her lips. “And just so we’re completely clear, I don’t want you to keep your hands to yourself.” He smirked. She shook her head and let go of his hands. “I’ll call you tomorrow to check in.”
The previous tactic of avoidance had given way to pretending to completely ignore the tension between them and act as if nothing had happened at all. There were still the sly remarks he liked dropping into conversation to fluster and frustrate her. He much preferred the gentle teasing and flirting, and sharing the mental load of looking after David had helped them both lighten up. The nightly phone calls had resumed, to River’s relief. The routine of picking up the phone on his way down the death stairs of Slough house to hear Seren’s voice practically powered him through the day. He hadn't seen her since their previous encounter in the kitchen weeks previously, every time he found himself alone in there, the memories flooded his senses, the warmth and softness of her skin, the smell of her perfume, her shampoo and the sweet taste of her. He'd turned up late the previous day, annoyed and frustrated. His car had been in the garage all week so he'd suffered the bus or tube to work and hadn't faced the train to his grandfather's house until the weekend. He'd missed Seren, she'd been and gone again, leaving a note about homemade pie in the fridge. He and David had eaten the lot along with a bottle of red wine and a handful of gin and tonics. David had not only recognised and remembered him, but he'd been in the best mood River had seen for weeks. He sang Seren's praises, as did River after a few drinks, and told stories of work that River had heard a million times previously but listened as if it were the first time. He was terrified of the day David would remember the stories for the last time and they'd never be told again. 
“Car alright?” David asked. 
“Should be now, they've had it all bloody week. I can collect it tomorrow.”
“I keep telling Seren that her car is no good, spluttering down the lane. You can hear it from a mile away.” 
“I might get her to drop me at the station if you'll be alright for half an hour?”
“Of course I will. I'm no invalid, River.”
“I know, I know. I just don't want you to be pissed off.”
“Story of my life.” David muttered as the unmistakable sound of Seren's car turned into the driveway. “Go on then, I'll see you in a few days.”
“Take care, grandad.” River embraced him briefly and went out to meet Seren. She peered over her sunglasses at him, the window down. “Can I have a lift?” He asked. 
“Depends, are you going to take the piss out of my music?”
“I would never do that. Obviously.”
“Hmm. Get in then.” She swung the car around on the drive and headed back in the direction she'd come from. “Where's your car?”
“Technical term?”
“Something like that. How was combat?” He noted the gym bag in the back seat. 
“Fucked.” She mimicked with a smile. “Did you have a good night?”
“The old man got me pissed and we ate the pie you made.”
“It was, thank you.” 
“You'll have to let me know what you like and I'll make it next time.” At the traffic lights she shoved the car into gear and made the turning for the train station. She pulled into the nearest space. “Seems I've been upgraded to driver.”
“Not going to call me sir this time?” 
“After last time? Absolutely not.” He watched her watching people going to and from the station. 
“I'm glad we're talking again.” He told her. She turned to look at him, taking off her sunglasses. 
“Me too.” She watched his face screw up into a frown. “What's up?”
“Nothing. I'll let you go.”
“River?” He reached across the gearstick between them and weaved his hand into her hair, pulling her to him. He sighed, lips millimetres from hers and reluctantly let go. 
“I'm fine, Seren” he nodded, “thank you for the lift.” It wasn't until the car door had slammed that River let go of the breath he'd been holding. 
“Have you spoken to Lamb about taking more responsibility yet?” David questioned.
“No,” River sighed. “He’s not exactly approachable is he?”
“But he’s the only one who can get you out of Slough House.” 
“I’m aware of that, grandad. It’s just not that easy.”
“Nothing good ever came from being easy, boy. You have to work at it, show that you can handle the responsibility of more work, better work. Prove that you want to actually leave Slough House?”
“I am working at it. I am.” River argued. He’d been arguing for the whole weekend. Seren had walked in during breakfast, heard the raised voices and had backed out of the room with wide eyes and a questioning look to River who’d just rolled his eyes. Over twenty four hours later David was still on the same topic of River’s commitment to work, commitment to the service and why on earth he was still allowing himself to be kept with the Slow Horses.
“You need to push harder, no outside distractions. Your grandmother didn’t see me for weeks on end, she knew the toils of the job. No distractions, no half arsing it.”
“Things have changed, people don’t work like that anymore.”
“Pfft,” David countered, “of course they do. You think Jackson Lamb couldn’t put you back at the Park? Course he bloody well could, if he wanted to.”
“Well then there’s the problem. He doesn’t want to.”
“So make it worth his while. Make yourself useful. Can’t you reach out to old friends and do some work for them on the side, make Tavener see that you’re an asset?” River frowned, not sure that either Lamb, or Tavener would ever see him as an asset. Plus working at Slough House allowed a little more autonomy than he suspected those at the Park got. Some of the things he was working on were interesting because they were separate from Tavener and her ironclad grip. Eventually, worn down by criticism, River agreed that David was right. Maybe he wasn’t working hard enough? Maybe he was distracted.
“He’s just frustrated because he’s had a rough few weeks.” Seren reassured him while he made coffee,  “he’s taking it out on you because he knows he can.”
“Does he do this to you?”
“Did you forget the whole housekeeper conversation?” She asked.
“We never said housekeeper,” he grinned. “There was definitely talk of a uniform and I was picturing more of a maid than a housekeeper.”
“Piss off. I’m being nice to you!”
“I know, I know,” he laughed, dodging the water she flicked at him from the sink.
“It’s hard for him, someone who’s used to being at the top of the tree. I don’t know what on earth he used to do for work, but I can tell it was something important. Something where he was very important. And now his mind is holding him hostage and stealing everything he knows.”
“You’re right.”
“So we just need to be there for him and ride out the bad bits. There’s still time to sign up for combat class?”
“There are other distractions I’d enjoy a lot more.” He nudged her on his way back to finish the game of chess he was losing to David. He watched her from the doorway without her knowledge for a minute, enjoying the flush in her cheeks and shy smile that lingered after she thought he’d gone. He worked hard to not let the distraction of Seren affect his work, took on board David's advice and to Lamb's annoyance, made himself overly helpful. 
“So how’s it going with your grandfather now?” Louisa asked, stirring him from his thoughts days later and handing him a cold beer bottle.
“S’good. He gets on with the woman who looks in on him so that helps.”
“And his memory lapses?”
“Happening more often, and he gets angry. Really angry, when he can't remember.”
“Shit, I'm sorry.”
“He thinks he's being watched.”
“Is he?”
“Who the fuck knows. We probably all are.” 
“Has this got anything to do with this fucking annoying mission that you're on?”
“I dunno what you're talking about?” He blustered.
“Oh don't give me that,” Louisa laughed, “you are literally the most irritating person in that building at the moment - and that's saying something! ‘Anything I can do, Lamb?’, ‘shall I collect your takeout?’, ‘any errands need running?’. It's gross. And it's not you.” She pointed her bottle at him. “You are the least helpful person I know, please don't change now.” He fell silent, peeling the label off the bottle. 
“He keeps on at me to get out. Be more helpful, no distractions.”
“There's nothing distracting about Slough House except the smell.” She watched him curiously. “Ohh. Is it her? The woman who looks after him?” He downed his beer without answering. 
“C'mon, I'll walk you to your car.” 
“Nooo, come on! Let me live through your love life!” She teased. 
“I don't have a love life, Louisa. I barely have a life.” He grimaced, opening her car door for her. 
“Fucking saddo.” She pinched his cheek and then slapped it gently. “Night night.” He watched Louisa drive off away from Slough House and then jumped into his own car. He'd already told Seren it would be a late one and though she'd offered to stay, they both knew that David was still perfectly capable of being alone from time to time. He hit redial on his car display and called her. 
“It's me.”
“Good night?”
“Long day. How was he?” River could hear tinny splashes in the background. “You're not still there are you?”
“Nooo, no. I left an hour ago. I'm… y'know what, nevermind.”
“Oh.” It dawned on River where she was, the tinny sound, the unmistakable sound of water. The bath. “Oh.” He said again trying to banish the mental image accompanied with hearing her voice. 
“He's fine, by the way.” She said, her voice taunting. 
“Good. I'm on my way.”
“Don't forget, be clear about who you are, don't raise your voice.”
“Got it. I'll leave you to it. See you soon?”
“Yeah, soon. Bye, River.”
Seren was resilient. Able to bend and sway to adapt to the harshest conditions and people, she had no problem sticking up for herself when required. But against David at his worst, her patience was wearing thin. Since his evening with River, his cognitive capabilities had taken a turn for the worse. Seren had bared it and been his constant throughout. She picked up the phone and went to stand out in the garden while David had lunch.
“It’s me.”
“Hi.” She could hear the smile in his voice, “Everything ok?”
“Not really. Another bad day. I need to get some more mugs. And plates. He keeps throwing them at me.”
“Fuck. Seren, I’m sorry. Are you ok?” She tried not to think about the way he said her name. How she wanted him to say her name.
“Don’t worry, I’m getting good at dodging them.” She kicked at the weeds that had taken up on the driveway, making a mental note to do something about them.
“Yeah that doesn’t really fill me with confidence.”
“At least it’s only a mug, not a gun. And when he’s back, when he’s himself again, he’s so apologetic. It’s just been a hard few weeks.” Neither of them acknowledged that this was the case for all of them, not just David. “Anyway, I just thought I should let you know before you get here later.”
“Yeah, ok thanks. Will I see you later?” He asked. The silence dragged on so long he had to check the call was still connected.
“I… I don’t know.”
“I'd like to? Might be good to catch up.” He suggested. 
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” She stared out to the open fields before her. “I’ll still be here,” she said finally. She watched a figure in the lane, watching her. “There's someone….” She frowned.
“What’s happened?”
“Nothing, I can just see someone.” A dog appeared in the lane only a few feet away from her. She flinched. “Shit!” The dog gave a short bark and ran back up the lane to the owner. 
“Seren?” She held up her hand and gave the figure a little wave, embarrassed that the dog had made her jump so much.
“It's ok, it was just a dog.”
“Yeah, course. He just came through the gap in the hedge. You sound like David, he keeps saying the dogs are out to get him. Silly sod.”
“If you’re sure?” River skipped over her previous comment.
“Yes, River, I’m sure. I’ll see you later, you can bring some dinner.” She told him, hanging up. She watched the dog walker retreat down the lane, occasionally looking back at her, and turned back to the house. The afternoon went on far longer than Seren wanted it to, the anticipation of seeing River grew by the minute. The afternoon fell away to nightfall and when River arrived with a bag of takeout, Seren and David were playing cards. 
“This is a ridiculous game.” David grumbled.
“It's a great game, you're just a sore loser.” Seren grinned wickedly as she put down another card from her hand. “Oh! Shithead!” She slapped down her last card. “Good timing, River brought dinner.” David looked at River for a long few seconds. 
“Right, I'll get washed up then,” he said, his voice small and distant. 
“Are you ok?” Seren asked, watching him carefully, cards halfway into their box. 
“Fine dear, fine. Boyfriend of yours is he? Handsome chap.” He left the room muttering to himself. Seren froze at the table. She could hear that River had stopped opening food containers and turned slowly to face him.
“I'm so sorry,” she said softly, “he was right here, I didn't think he wouldn't recognise you. We've been talking about you all afternoon.” She could see the sadness and resignation in River's eyes. He shook his head a little. 
“S'alright. I expect it now.”
“That doesn't make it alright.” 
“Dinner's getting cold.” He stated. She frowned, wanting to say more but it was clear that the conversation was over. She took over opening the food while River moved it to the table, his hand lingering in the small of her back as he passed between her and the table. “You taught my grandad a card game called ‘Shithead’?” He asked, his voice teasing. 
“How long have you been courting Seren then young man?” David interrupted, taking his seat once again.
“I wouldn't say I'm courting her, she's very stubborn.” River blushed. 
“As she should be,” he chuckled. “A smart girl like her shouldn't be won over by the first handsome man that comes along and shows an interest.” Seren rolled her eyes and snapped her chopsticks apart.
“I think you've got the wrong end of the stick here, David.” She warned, taking a dumpling from River's plate. “There's nothing going on between River and I.” 
“Oi, that’s my dumpling and you’re still wearing my hoodie.” It was true. In the last weeks and months, River could have counted on one hand the number of times his hoodie was where he left it, or available when he needed it in the draughty old house. Whenever he could find it, Seren’s perfume surrounded him.
“Ah but it's high time River had his attention caught by a pretty girl.” With a glance between them, Seren confirmed to River that David was back again. 
“Eat your dinner, old man,” River told him, Seren could see the relief in his smile. She watched the Cartwright gentlemen barter back and forth, noting how tired David looked. 
“Are you ok?” She asked him, concerned. 
“Just tired.” He admitted quietly.
“Shall I save you some food for lunch tomorrow? You could take the newspaper to bed, I saved the crossword for you?” She asked while River watched their short exchange.
“That's thoughtful Seren but I think I'm too tired. We'll do it tomorrow over breakfast.”
“Deal, I'll bring croissants.”
“She's good to me,” he told River, “I might have to admit that I'm grateful for you bringing her here.”
“I'll take that, and I won't even say I told you so.”
“See the cheek I put up with, Seren? River forgets when to stop talking sometimes, I think.”
“You're definitely right on that. Come on, time for the old man to go to bed.”
“Why do I feel like you're both as bad as each other?” He muttered but didn't argue. 
“I'll see you up there.” River offered.
“Come on then, make sure I can remember my way around my own damn house.” River followed David up the steep old stairs of the cottage while Seren packed away leftovers. 
“Need me to do anything?” River asked when he came back down. He watched Seren potter around the kitchen, making sure everything was cleared away. 
“Nope, all done.”
“And are you…” he shrugged, fidgeting with his hands, “sticking around? Or going home?” He asked, the question hanging in the air between them.
17 notes · View notes
majesticwren · 5 months
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here we go. I am not even ashamed. this thing was rattling in my brain and I needed to put it down and I LOVED writing this. perry coming back to aew ruined my life, I am a punk stan for life no matter what that man does but uhm I am also loving what they are doing with the elite end jack so ✨hi✨ hello, I am a reformed woman with a new boo, don't come for me :) enjoy 💕
Trigger Warning/s: smut, hate sex, revenge sex if you squint, unprotected sex (as per usual, don't take this as example, follow your sexed! peeps), they call each other names a lot, swearing, chocking, pleasure play, ofc slaps and scratches jack repeatedly, daddy kink? (not really as such but still included), buckets of angst
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He pushed her rudely against the wall, flattening himself against her back. His arms were like tight branches caging her, making it impossible to move and to resist him. Not that she had any wish to do so. Not really. 
Jack pushed a hand through her dark hair, grabbing a handful and pulling, making her bend for him only so he could push his face into her neck. The way he inhaled her scent like he was a bloodthirsty animal, made her shiver. JJ had to bite down on her tongue hard not to melt and whine. She wasn’t ready to give him the satisfaction of knowing just how much she liked it. 
He was a greedy motherfucker though, and was clearly taking it as a challenge. If she wanted to put up a fight, he was ready to take her on. His other hand travelled freely under her skirt, where he pushed his fingers unapologetically between her legs. 
This time, JJ couldn’t hold back a hiss. She hated herself for the way her body easily reacted to him. She rolled her hips on him, arching her back under his hold, welcoming his touch with pure heat. JJ resented the pool of hot desire gathering in her lower abdomen, making it so obvious to them both how much the fight she was pretending to pull was already won. 
She felt his damn smug grin growing on his lips, as he pressed it on her neck. “You want this, don’t you, little one?” 
“Fuck you,” she spitted out, only prompting him to shut her up biting down on her collarbone, immediately suckling on her soft skin, already making her see stars. Again, she found herself thinking how pathetic she was when she had to suffocate the need to whine and beg to have more.
He wasn’t done though, just like he could read her like an open book, Jack followed the column of her neck with his tongue, collarbone to her ear, where he pressed his cocky smile. “No, baby. But I’ll gladly fuck you,”
Deep down, she knew he was only doing it to stick it up to her dad. And she wished she was strong enough not to care. She may have hidden it well, but she hated how her heart broke anytime she remembered how things were. In all the hypocrisy of her behaviour, she resented knowing he was only using her and being fine with it because being with him that way was better than getting nothing at all.
How she wished it could be enough to let her move on and forget about him. 
They had something going on throughout the summer of last year. It was still a new thing and they hadn’t gone public with it, but whatever they had it was real. She had fallen for him. And then it was over just as quickly. 
She fought like hell against the magnetism pulling her towards him. She tried to suppress every emotion connecting her to him for months now, and it worked as soon as she didn’t have to see him. When they were worlds apart, no matter about the drama, no matter about the gossiping, no matter about the tight position she was constantly being put into since her father was fired and she chose to stay in AEW, it was easy. As soon as she was safely tucked in America and he was in Japan, it was ok – she managed to ignore it. But everything fell apart as soon as their paths crossed again.  
JJ only needed to see him once. It was a quick instance through the backstage. Just a glance from across the empty corridor and her entire world fell apart. 
She wanted so desperately to hate him. She wished to cancel from her memory everything they had going on back through last summer. But she couldn’t. She was only a hypocrite. 
And Jack knew exactly how to exploit it.
Jack let go of her hair and wrapped his hand around her throat, making her bend against him almost unnaturally, enough so he could look at her in the eye. His hold was surprisingly tender. Before she could even think to talk back, he started massaging her cunt, easily finding her clit through the thin material of her panties. His egomaniac grin was large and annoying, and so pretty it made it hard for her to stay sane. 
He tutted, shaking his head slowly only for the satisfaction of being patronizing. “Look at you,” the way he was looking at her with his sharp, dark eyes made her want to smack him. “You are such a mess already,” JJ rolled her eyes in the back of her skull, pushing her hands on the wall, desperately clawing at it to find support. “Soaked,” he hissed slowly, letting the letters roll on his tongue. He proved his point by pushing a finger along her slit, gathering her slick on his digits like it was a prize he just won.
She tried with every inch of her strength not to moan, still shivering against and clawing her fingers on the wall, as if she was trying to dig her nails into the plaster.
She was enslaved by the pleasure he was giving her so effortlessly. And it wasn’t enough. Not even remotely. Her body desired so much more, aching for him, responding to him like she did for no other. She couldn’t even hide away from the memory of the connection they once had, it was printed all over her skin, all over her face, all over her heart. The edge between what was good and proper and what was bad and forbidden was easily forgotten now. She needed to have everything he had to give, to be used until he was tired and done with her. And then she was ready to beg for more.
“How disappointed would daddy be to know you are such a little slut for me, uh?” Jack whispered into her ear, fishing for a reaction that JJ didn’t miss to give.
“You are an asshole,” anger fired through her, “I hate you.” 
As soon as she tried to oppose him and fight her way off his hold, she realised she had just fallen deeper into his trap. He was ready to catch her just like a spider watching a bug getting tangled in his web. 
He took her attempt to push him off herself as an invitation to handle her. Jack turned her around so they could face each other but before he could do or say anything else, JJ reacted without thinking clearly, only responding to the situation with the adrenaline shooting through her. She slapped him like she meant it and enjoyed seeing him turn his head, taking the hit.
Jack stood still only a second, and then he was on her once more. He pushed her against the wall and, releasing an angry grunt, he grabbed her wrists and trapped them both with his hand, pushing her arms above her head. 
“I will say this only once, little one,” he began looking down at her. JJ was crossed by a shiver, lost in the moment, distracted by the way his little eyes glimmered and how his lips trembled. He looked dark, handsome and desperate in a way that made her skin crawl. She didn’t respond to him with words but raised her chin, inviting him to continue. “I’ll give you the chance to say no and get away. But you’ll have only now. Tell me to fuck off now. Tell me you hate me now, and I’ll believe you,” for a moment she thought to see a more fragile side of him, hiding behind the sharpness of his gaze. “After, I won’t take seriously any of your attempts to fight me after this moment, understood?” 
She knew exactly what he meant and what he wanted from her. He wanted her consent to do whatever he wanted and to make sure he wasn’t overlooking the fights she might put up. His words were supposed to sound somewhat threatening, and yet JJ found it so hot it made her abdomen tremble.
That was the point of no return. 
She was getting lost in the eyes of a man who was singlehandedly able to ruin her career and her life. Crossing that line meant everything she stood for and all of her integrity was to be destroyed just to be with him one night, everything that would come tomorrow would have been a consequence she would have to face alone. And yet, doing otherwise was out of the question. 
She loved her father. She had fought so hard to defend him from everyone and never once she thought to turn her back on him. He had given her everything and did his best to raise her properly. And she was proud to be his legacy. JJ Punk was a warrior just like he was and she was just as opinionated and inconvenient at times. But she was ready to turn her back on him to follow her silly little heart just because she couldn’t take yet another fight. Not that fight, anyway.
She acknowledged Jack’s wish and remained silent and docile, flattening herself against the wall, waiting, looking right back at him.
“Damn it, baby,” his tone was now a relieved whisper. He dived on her in a second, catching her lips in an impatient, famished kiss. JJ immediately melted against him and released a pleasureful sigh, welcoming his pressing tongue into her mouth with ease. She didn’t even try to fight him. He let go of her wrists only to wrap his hands solidly around her hips, squeezing her into his hold just to feel her. “You are mine now,” he huffed into her mouth. Tasting his breath on her tongue gave her a hot shiver that rippled on her skin and through her body, nesting right into her core.
As soon as her hands were free, JJ pushed them both into his hair, giving in to the craving to feel his soft, wild curls in between her fingers. Loosening his manbun was easy enough and she enjoyed watching his hair pop around him, making him look like a glorious lion. She then followed his jawline, caressing his thick, dark beard with her index, watching him raise his chin for her.
JJ smiled, imitating his smug grin. “I like this new look,” she then pushed up on his chin, making him bend his head and expose his neck only to toy with him. “It makes you look even more despicable.”
He hissed. “As soon as you like it, little one, I don’t care what you think of me.”
“No?” JJ pulled on his chin so he could look at her. “You don’t want to know? Not even a little curious? That’s not like you to mind your own business. My daddy must have taught you how to shut up.”
His nostrils flared. She knew how sore that wound still was, just as much as she knew he couldn’t stand her dad, and she was ready to exploit his spite, again, just to toy with him like a cat with a mouse. He wasn’t the only one able to exploit situations in the room.
“Don’t mistake my compliancy, little one,” he warned her, “I only care to fuck you until I have strength. I plan to make you come until you’ll beg me to stop. And then some more. Until I make you scream my name loud and clear, making you like it so much you’ll crawl back to me for more even despite your stupid daddy wishes.”
JJ’s lips twitched. “Son of a bitch,” his words still had the intended effect on her, making her knees weak “You are disgusting,” she started as her hands slid under his leather jacket, “so full of yourself it's embarrassing.” Her words didn’t match her actions as she pressed her palms on his chest, greedily feeling his muscles under her palms, “I hate you.” Jack nodded and helped her remove his jacket, pressing his lips on hers in a quick kiss. He wasn’t trying to shut her up. He was proving a point. 
“You need a humbling lesson,” she continued as soon as he left her mouth only to follow her jawline. He only replied with a small hum and latched to her neck, sucking hard on her the sensitive skin under her ear. 
JJ rolled her eyes and released a sigh. Instead of fighting him off, she hung on his shoulders, willingly accepting the hickey he seemed determined to mark her with. “The shit you pulled in Chicago was ridiculous,”
“You didn’t like it?” He wondered, pushing her skirt up around her hips. “And yet I put so much attention in the show I put up for you. Chicago certainly did.” He cupped his hands around her ass, squeezing her soft flesh into his palms.
“Bullshit,” JJ spit out, “that’s my city. My father’s city. You do not get to come back all so suddenly and shit all over that on a whim,”
“Hardly a whim, your sweet daddy almost ruined my career.”
“Because you can’t shut up, ever.”
“Thank god,” Jack pulled back to look down at her, a large grin printed on his lips making his dimple pop. “If I did, I wouldn’t be here about to fuck Pepsi Phil’s sweet, little daughter, would I?”
“Shut up.” JJ grabbed the collar of his t-shirt and pulled him into a kiss, deciding to suffocate their bickering because there was no winner in that argument. She was done talking. She was done thinking.
Jack pulled her off the wall and they both stumbled across the room removing various pieces of clothing from each other. JJ let her jeans mini-skirt pool at her feet and then accepted Jack’s impatient hands removing her top. She did the same with him, almost ripping his t-shirt off him only so she could dig her nails into his chest, willingly leaving marks.
He then pushed her down on the mattress, proudly standing by the edge of the bed, fiddling with his belt, looking down at her. He looked so pretty it was hard for her to remain sane. But, after all, what did she need sanity for when she had just betrayed every drop of her integrity?
She stretched underneath his gaze, letting him feast on her naked skin, basking in the hunger that consumed his dark eyes. “Fuck, baby, you are just as beautiful as I remembered.”
“I bet you spent all your time thinking about me,” she teased him pulling a presumptuous smile.
“You don’t know the end of it, little one,” he began. The way his gaze softened, looking at her like she was a precious thing he had lost and just found, both surprised and terrified her.
“Shut up,” she quickly barked back, not willing to accept his sweetness. That was an entirely different level of temptation she just couldn’t take on. Opening that door would have only dragged her down deeper into the waters she was already drowning into. “You should put that mouth to better use, scapegoat.” 
Any trace of softness he may have had looking at her was gone in an instant. His features hardened and his gaze darkened as he looked at her like she was his prey. 
He leaned on her and gently pulled her underwear off, hinting to her to raise her hips for him. She damned his soft, attentive touch. And more than that, she damned herself for finding it so exhilarating.
“Open those pretty legs for me, little one,” he hinted tapping on her knee, “let me see how much you want me.” She wished not to be so lost under his spell, but there was nothing she could do. JJ did as he asked, fighting against the slight awkward shyness of knowing to be completely naked underneath his attentive dark gaze. 
“Such a desperate, lost, little girl,” he continued, standing above her.
The cold air that hit her hot, soaked core gave her a shiver, making her hiss. She felt exposed and harmless under his dreadful look and yet didn’t have the strength to fight against his wish. He wanted her so bad his greed was clear on his face. 
Jack licked his lips looking at her without shame. “Such a pretty pussy,” he cooed slowly getting on his knees. “Now, let me taste it. You want it, don’t you?”
JJ knew what he wanted and didn’t give him the satisfaction. She broke eye contact and rolled her head to the other side, facing away. That only seemed to amuse him as a soft chuckle vibrated through his chest. “Don’t be rude with me, baby. I’ll make you regret it,” his words were a soft threat. He pulled her closer to the edge of the bed by her ankles and then, still dissatisfied, he didn’t let go of her. His hands hooked around her right leg, softly pulling it closer to his face, just so he could kiss her ankle, brushing his lips across her joint. “You know I will,” he continued, rubbing his nose on her calf following her leg up and pressing his lips just above her knee and then again on the inside of her thigh. His beard tickled her sensitive skin, making her twitch.
JJ grabbed the sheets, biting down on her lower lip and deciding to be stubborn. 
“You should be nice to me and I’ll be nice right back at ya,” he followed her other leg with a hand, his touch barely there, just enough to make her crave it and not enough to let her feel it. “But if you continue this way, I’ll make you beg me until you cry,” as he kept nuzzling his face on the inside of her thigh, JJ was crossed by a shiver that shook her deeply, making her hips buck up even before she could think to control herself. 
Jack pressed his grin into her sensitive skin, hovering so close to her centre and yet, not enough, tracing back along her leg, torturing her. “Look at you, baby,” he cooed, “I could have you begging in a second, right? You know it too, I can tell.”
JJ was crossed by another shiver, fighting against everything not to look at him. It was a game of principles now. A challenge. She knew he was getting more and more impatient with every second she made him wait for it, and she may have had to pay for it later, but she liked the idea of annoying him. She wanted to slip under his skin just as much as he did with her.
“Don’t be this way,” he still cooed, this time, as his lips crossed the inside of her thigh, he bit down on her soft skin first branding her with a bitemark and then he latched to it, sucking hard on her only to leave another red mark on her skin. JJ couldn’t contain a whimper, as her hands automatically travelled to his hair. When she bucked her hips up again, desperately trying to find release, Jack guided her to throw her legs around his wide shoulders and wrapped his arms around her waist. 
“I do not need your words to know you need me so much,” he huffed raising his head to look at her. “It’s so clear, you aren’t hiding anything from me, little one.”
“Then why do you need me to say it?” She wondered between gritted teeth, finally looking down at him. 
Jack’s grin was infuriating. “Because I wanna hear it,”
“Fuck,” JJ let her head fall backwards, only feeling his hot breath crossing her most sensitive skin was making her lose her mind. 
“Just say it, baby,” he lulled as his palms opened on her abdomen, caressing her belly. “Say it for me, no one else needs to know, just me.”
His voice was tempting and inebriating. Feeling his touch and his breath on her skin was enough to condemn her. JJ hated herself, she wished to have more integrity than that. Maybe some more control. She was convinced her pride would have lasted longer, instead of crumbling right in front of her to his first demand. She was so pathetic she thought she deserved it. 
She bucked her hips up, hissing avidly and then she gave up, nodding. “Fine. I do. I want it. You. I want you,” she couldn’t even think straight anymore. She looked away, trying to hide how confessing that made her blush. “And now shut up,”
“Oh, I’ll shut up,” a low, satisfied chuckle grew from his chest and rolled over her, giving her a shiver as she felt him positioning himself. “Look at me, JJ,” she obeyed even before she realised what his words meant. Jack whipped out a sharp grin, looking up at her from in between her legs. God, he looked so pretty and wild. No one needed to know how weak she was for him. His dark eyes glimmered like the ones of a feral animal. “Don’t take those pretty eyes off me, I want you to watch the way I’m gonna eat you out, a’right?” 
She had no strength to nod but kept her eyes on him and watched the way he fixed her legs around his shoulders. Jack’s smile didn’t disappear. “Use your words, little one, tell me you understand that if you look away, I will stop.”
“Yes, I understand,” she huffed impatiently, feeling her body stretch and tense under an invisible force pressing on her. “Jack, please,”
He gave her exactly what she asked for. Exactly what she needed the second he heard her whisper his name. He leaned in on her and pressed his cocky grin on her cunt. As soon as she felt his mouth on her, JJ’s mind dissolved completely. She melted away in a stream of pleasure that spread across her like warm honey. 
Everything else disappeared. All the time, all the things that had happened, nothing mattered but being close to him right now. And JJ found it freeing, like a boulder had rolled off her chest.
Like he was starved, Jack sucked and licked avidly on her tender, hot flesh, cleaning up her slick and demanding more. His hands were solidly wrapped around her hip and thigh, but not to cage her. If anything, he was guiding her to buck her hip and fuck his face. His dark eyes never let go of hers as he eagerly watched the pleasure shaping her face, welcoming her soft moans like music. 
Quickly, pleasure started to gather in her stomach, heavily pressing down on her making it hard to breathe. As her body stretched like a rubber band, JJ found it impossible to control herself and forgot about her stipulation with Jack, letting her head fall backwards.
He immediately lifted his face up, not willing to show mercy. “What is it, little one?” 
A shiver crossed her as cold air hit her, making her hiss like a snake. The sudden interruption made her go feral as she looked down at him, exposing her teeth like a rabid dog. It didn’t last long though, she quickly melted into submission as soon as she noticed the way he was studying her. He ate her up with his gaze. His cheeks were blushed and his beard covered in her slick, making her chest rumble with pride.  “Please, don’t stop,” she begged softly.
He shook his head, pressing a kiss into her inner thigh, squeezing her soft flesh with his fingers. “Then look at me,” his beard tickled her, giving her a shiver that made her head roll back once more. 
“I am sorry,” she explained trying to find some lucidity, “It’s only your fault.”
Jack chuckled, genuinely amused. “You are close, aren’t you?”
“Fuck yes, I am,” she caught her breath, “please, I won’t look away. I promise.”
Since her words were followed by her locking eyes with him, again Jack was ready to reward her. “Good,” he lowered himself on her, “I wanna watch you come on my face,” he mumbled latching on her clit, sucking her flesh into his hot mouth. No mercy showed. His hot breath and tickling beard first and then his mouth left her breathless. 
This time, JJ fought against the need to let herself go completely and looked at him, not letting his gaze go. If he wanted to watch her, she would have given him a show. She pushed her hands into his hair, tugging at his curls as pleasure quickly mounted inside of her, wilder than before. 
There was something eternally damning her soul about the way she loved to see the pale skin of her thighs contrasting with the golden tone of his shoulders. The satisfaction of having his face pressed between her legs was intoxicating, just like the idea of how beautiful he was, with his big loose hair falling softly on her skin. It wasn’t only that, it was also in the way he held her and how his fingers dug into her flesh, making her wish he left marks. It was in those dark eyes she wished to drown into.
She wished she wasn’t that weak – but she was discovering to be an entirely different person from what she always believed. And she wasn’t proud of it. But she couldn’t stop.
Following the rhythm of her hips and the quickness of her breath, Jack read her body language confidently and traced two fingers to her slit, pushing in only one at first and then both. JJ welcomed his digit with a whimper, biting down on her lower lip. 
“Fuck, you are so tight, baby,” he grunted proudly against her sensitive flesh, not losing any more time and fucking her with his fingers and mouth following an incessant rhythm until she came undone against his face.
JJ cried her pleasure out loud, digging her fingers into his hair and pulling at it, only encouraging Jack to continue, guiding her through her highest and right into overstimulation, ignoring the way her body was shaking and trembling. This time, when she tried to escape him, Jack pushed down on her hips, immobilizing her under his torture.
“Shit,” she huffed pulling his hair, “Jack,” whimpering his name only got him to grunt into her cunt pumping his fingers in and out of her relentlessly. “Stop,” her voice was shaken and weak, just like her attempt to get him off. And the longer it took, the more pleasure started to grow inside of her again, and the harder it was for her to remain sane. This time it felt more erratic and violent. She had the irrational fear she wouldn’t survive this new wave hitting her. JJ had to press her feet into his shoulders to get him off her and, even then, he didn’t seem at all willing to follow her wish. His gaze was completely lost in his selfish desire. 
Jack rudely wiped her slick off his face as best he could and then climbed across her, still fucking her with his fingers. His thumb took the place of his mouth as he massaged circles on her clit. 
“Give me another, little one, I know you have it in you.” He pushed her under him on the mattress avidly watching the way she bent and stretched for him, all consumed by the pleasure he was giving her.
JJ had nowhere to run and there was nothing she could do and, even though she wasn’t going to be grateful, part of her was loving it. She had the tools to make him stop. She knew she only needed to look away, and yet she couldn’t. Not anymore.
She came again and this time it was her the one riding her own pleasure on his fingers. 
“Yes, baby,” he cooed, “such a good girl. So hot for me, uh?” He kept praising her in words that got easily lost in between the waves of pleasure he just gave her.
She dug her nails into his shoulders scratching him some more as she pulled him down on her, suffocating her louder moans into a famished kiss. Tasting her own flavour in his mouth made her tremble, making her wish to mark him more, in every way possible. He was hers. 
This time Jack helped her ride her highs allowing her to come off it, slowly easing her. However, as soon as he was done, his hand traced her leg, guiding her to hook it around his waist as he pressed his hips impatiently against her, ignoring how uncomfortable the rough material of his jeans could feel for her. A small whimper left his chest as he rubbed himself against her.
JJ’s mood changed quickly. She surely wasn’t done with him but he didn’t need to know the extent of how desperately she needed him. Not just yet. His ego was already massive and she had just fed him enough to let him think he had won her over.
Pushing him off her, she dug her nails into his chest, scratching him with the intent of leaving a mark. Jack grunted and, as he tried to catch her hands to stop her, JJ slapped him once more only to feed on his annoyance. She laughed in his face as Jack grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head, pushing her underneath him.
“This little kitty needs her nails trimmed, uh?” His grin was quick to pop back on his lips. He used it like a weapon, knowing it was annoying her.
“Fuck you,” she hissed, only playing to fight his hold. The rest of her body spoke louder as she bent her legs around Jack’s sides and stretched underneath him. 
“What are you trying to prove?” He looked into her eyes, “That you don’t like me?” His hold on her wrists came loose as he pressed his open hand across hers, “that you despise me?” He crossed his fingers with hers and JJ found herself holding onto him like a lifeline. She held her breath, hanging from his lips. “That you hate the way I make you feel?”
“Yes. All of the above,” she hissed at him, raising her head closer to his. 
Jack’s lips hovered across her mouth. “Sorry,” he began, brushing his lips against hers, making her taste their kiss, “If I could be someone else, I’d give that to you. But you gotta settle for what I’ve got instead.”
There was an underline of disappointment in his words. Something sounded off as if he was genuinely hurt by her. And it tore her heart into pieces. 
Their game was supposed to be that they hated each other and were about to have some good angry sex and forget about it right after. When did he decide to change the game? 
She could deal with the shame of having sex with him. It was easier to accept. Everyone had needs, after all, right? But JJ couldn’t deal with the idea of still having strong feelings for him. How could she look at herself in the mirror knowing that deep down the only thing she wanted to do was to cancel out everything she had said just to pull him to her chest and cradle him softly, whispering to his ear that everything was ok.
Fucking pathetic. Especially since she was convinced it was still a stupid game to him. He was proving a point to her and to her father.
“Just don’t make me look at your face again,” she hissed letting her head fall backwards, distancing herself from his lips. “I can’t stand you.”
She hoped her words would hurt him. Part of her wanted to hurt him just to reflect the way she was hurting. Pretending to be a cold, selfish bitch was easier than having to deal with being aware of how deeply she was betraying her own pride and her father.
Jack nodded, granting her wish. The calm sadness in his eyes came and went in a second. One moment he accepted defeat and the second he was back being feral. His eyes burned with a new desire for conquering. “Don’t worry, little one,” He pulled her and turned her over on her belly like she was a lifeless doll, pressing her down on the mattress, not caring for her comfort. “You won’t have to look at me for long,”
Jack wrapped his hands around her waist and, again, squeezed her in between his palms only to feel her body. He then prompted her hips up for him, pushing a hand across her lower back, making her bend for him. “Good girl,” he still praised softly as she moulded underneath his touch. “Let me see that ass.” His words were followed by a slap. And then another. He hit her harder the second time, enjoying seeing her flinch. Her soft gasp encouraged him to then massage her tender flesh, squeezing her ass into his palm. “You still like it, don’t you?”
JJ was already grasping at the bedsheets, keeping her chest pressed down on the mattress just like he wanted her. “Yes,” she sighed softly, bending her back even more for him as her lower abdomen grew heavier with expectation. The cool air hitting her most sensitive, exposed skin was torturous, bringing her to bite her lower lip not to pathetically whine. 
“That’s my girl,” he cooed softly. He leaned in above her kissing her back. JJ shivered feeling his lips tracing her spine. She may not wanted it, she may not liked it, but it felt so intimate and so right she was ready to give everything up for him. 
She already did.
She heard the jingling noise of his belt coming undone and shivered when she realised what was coming as he took off the last clothes that were left.
Jack grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her up just so he could press his face by her ear. “I’m gonna fuck you now, is that ok?”
“As soon as you do it hard,” she teased popping her ass back, pressing herself against him. A satisfied smile crossed her lips as she felt his heavy shaft pressing against her hip.
He hissed against her shoulder and then pulled back so suddenly she found herself missing the feeling of his hot skin on hers. He gently pressed a hand in between her shoulders and guided her to press her chest back on the mattress. Once he had her positioned like he wanted, he guided himself to her core, holding his hip solidly with his other hand.
They both moaned as he rubbed his cock against her wet folds, letting her have a taste of how hard he was for her. “You are so fucking wet, baby,” he huffed and kept going, coating himself in her juices, teasing her.
“Just for you,” she admitted, hating herself for it a second later.
Jack rewarded her by positioning himself and slowly pushed the tip in, going at torturing her some more. The whimper he released slipped across her, giving her a shiver. It was a pretty sound she had no intention of forgetting. He then proceeded to go all the way, moving still excruciatingly slow, but filling her up and stretching her so deliciously JJ couldn’t contain a victorious smile.
“Yes,” she praised, receiving a pleasureful huff in return. 
Jack squeezed her in between his hands and took longer than a moment to enjoy feeling her underneath him. She felt his dark eyes cruise her body, studying every inch of her tattooed skin.
“Baby, please,” she whined, not entirely sane anymore. She didn’t even care about fighting him anymore. Her pride was forgotten. Now, she only wanted him, nothing else mattered.
“Fuck,” Jack huffed and then grabbed her hair, pulling it to make her lean up so he could press his face in her neck once more. “Call me baby again,”
JJ melted into a smile and bent under him, giving him free access to her neck. “You like that, don’t you?”
At first, Jack replied bucking his hips against her in a quick thrust that hit her suddenly and deeply, leaving her breathless. Then, his hand slid around her throat, squeezing her softly. “Call me baby one more time, little one, and I won’t leave your side ever again,” his lips were so close to her ear that it made it hard for her to remain focused.
It was supposed to be a threat. Part of their game maybe. But JJ didn’t find it scary. She didn’t perceive it as yet another confrontation. It was a dangerous declaration that left the ball in her court. And she had already decided she was going for eternal damnation.
“Baby,” She purred, stretching against him. It was the sex. She wasn’t thinking clearly. 
A soft grunt shook his chest as he finally gave in and started moving his hips, starting to fuck her just like she demanded. He slipped in and out of her with ease, quickly finding his rhythm, and JJ was ready to take him on. The way he moved inside of her, hitting the right spot every time, made her thoughts fog up. She was pure emotion now, burning only for him. 
Jack’s hand stretched around her jaw, pushing her head to turn, making her bend underneath him, enough so he could have access to her lips and steal a kiss. She was ready to match his hunger, devouring his lips. JJ suffocated her moans into his mouth, only prompting him to squeeze her more solidly underneath him as the rhythm of his thrusts quickened.
“Call me daddy,” 
“You are disgusting,” she huffed, deciding to try and resist him, only for the pleasure of contradicting him. Only to fight him some more, just enough not to give him the satisfaction right away. She craved his reaction. She craved the fight.
He chuckled into her ear. In response, he grabbed her throat in his palm, “C’mon, little one, do it for me,” the way he was begging her made him both so pathetic and so hot JJ couldn’t take it.
“And let your ego grow some more?” A sharp smile grew on her lips, “No, sir.”
Jack’s hold on her throat became harder. He squeezed the breath out of her, pushing his face into her neck. His thrusts were incessant, taking her breaths and linear thoughts away. “JJ,” he sounded like he was begging at first, “I’ll make you regret it if you don’t,” she felt his grin pressed on her jaw, “you know I will.”
“Fuck you,” she wheezed, keeping her fight up.
Jack wasn’t done either. His hand moved from her throat to grabbing a handful of her hair as he pushed her down on the mattress rudely. His other hand was firmly grabbing her hip, guiding her to bounce off him following his frenzied rhythm as he proceeded to fuck her even harder. From that angle, JJ felt his cock so deep inside of her that she felt its hits shake her stomach. She pressed her face into the mattress, suffocating the loud moans he ripped out of her.
It was supposed to be torturous; he was using pleasure to make her pay, but it wasn’t making her want to give in even an inch.
“C’mon, baby,” he was back begging. His hand moved from around her hip all the way across her abdomen and in between her legs where he started to massage her clit skilfully. “Give it to me once. I want to hear the pleasure I’m giving you bend your voice.”
JJ hissed. She couldn’t think clearly, pleasure had completely taken over her. Part of her registered his words and knew exactly what kind of twisted, dirty bastard he was being, but she would have lied if she said she cared enough to actually find offence in it or consider it crossing the line.
She pushed herself up, finding him ready to catch her and help her move. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her to his chest, finding his rightful place into her neck socket, as JJ pushed an arm back, grabbing on his hair, he suckled on her skin, only enhancing her pleasure. His small whimpers didn’t help.
“You are sick,” she spit out. It was supposed to be an offence but the way her voice bent under a moan gave it a different vibe.
Jack nodded against her. “Yes, baby. Just for you. You drive me insane.”
“Not me,” she huffed, “you are fighting a war against my father,”
“Yes. I am. But he isn’t here. It’s you and me now.”
“Fuck,” JJ rolled her eyes, letting a wave of pleasure take over her body, wiping away her thoughts entirely. She didn’t know the extent of the consequences of what he just said. He had such a way with words, knowing what to say to make her do what he wanted. She couldn’t trust him. And yet she was ready to sing for him. She didn’t want to think about how much her heart was sealing around the feeling she had tried so desperately to forget. 
“C’mon, babygirl,” he lulled softly, his soft voice brushed on her ear, making her go insane.
Pleasure-bent words started forming and common sense escaped her mind. JJ clenched her jaw, trying to fight the desire to give him anything he wanted, but she was too high and too lost in her pleasure to keep it up for longer than a moment. 
She let go of the act as soon as another powerful wave of pleasure shook her body and senses. 
“D-daddy,” she whined, scared to say at first. Then, immediately finding the way he approved of it with a deep moan so rewarding. “Fuck me, daddy,” 
Jack pressed a gloating smile into her shoulder and gave her exactly what she craved.
Her pleasure was growing fast, mounting inside of her with such violence JJ had absolutely no control over herself.
“Hold on,” she huffed unsure how she managed to put words together. “J-Jack?” she wrapped a hand on his wrist, both trying to find something to hang on and to get his attention.
He was ready to catch her. “Tell me, little one,”
“I need-” her words were broken by a whimper as he didn’t miss a hit on her already shaking body. “Oh, fuck,” she hissed, digging her nails into his skin, “I need to look at you.” She continued, gathering all her strength to produce sensed words. “Let me look at you, baby,”
Jack seemed surprised by her words just as much as she was. She was aware she had just contradicted what she had ordered him earlier, but they both seemed not to care about any of it anymore. 
He obliged her wish and helped her turn around and climb on his figure. JJ straddled him and, hanging on his shoulders, she slid back on his cock, welcoming him with a sigh. A content smile appeared on her lips as she looked straight into his dark eyes. There was nowhere to hide anymore.
She kissed his cheeks, the tip of his nose, and then again, his lips, as Jack closed his strong arms around her figure, guiding her to ride him to the rhythm he had decided, fucking her quick and hard, burying himself deep inside of her every time, just like she had asked. 
With every hit, she was pushed closer and closer to her edge, to the point she found herself hovering over insanity, completely lost in the pleasure he was giving her, making her feel like she was drunk.
JJ pushed her hands into his hair, bringing him to bend his head just so she could have the impression of towering over him, diving into his eyes full of lust. “Don’t hold back,” she warned with an encouraging nod.
He didn’t. He gave her exactly what she asked for, exactly what she needed. As soon as he felt her stretch against him, gasping for air, Jack pulled one of his smug grins looking proudly as pleasure morphed her face. “Come for me, little one,” he cooed softly, ready to hold her tight the second she was hit by her orgasm. 
She called for his name as pleasure washed over her, leaving her breathless and senseless. But Jack had no mercy for her and didn’t allow her to have a moment to breathe. She fucked her right over her edge and kept going, selfishly chasing his own peak.
When he started to reach his own edge, his fingers dug into her skin, making her bounce on him relentlessly, Jack nuzzled his face into her neck socket, suffocating his softer pleasureful whimpers against her throat. His voice vibrated through her, making her lose her mind. 
JJ was nothing but welcoming. This time she was the one holding him and when his strength started to weaken, she took over riding him and pushing him over his edge, avidly taking everything he had to give, milking every drop of his pleasure.
When the waves of their pleasure calmed down and the fog dissipated, they still held on to each other, catching their breaths. Jack softly brushed his lips on her neck praising her as his hands cruised on her back all the while JJ pressed soft kisses on his forehead. 
Jack laid her down on the mattress, tenderly assuring she had a pillow under her head and then rolled on her side. They were both still shaken and clearly not done with each other, but she was grateful to take a break.
“Good?” He wondered looking back up at her. For once, his egotistical self was gone, leaving space for a sweeter version looking to be reassured.
JJ smiled, nodding, still catching her breath. “So good,” her mind still felt hazed, to the point she purred and melted into a smile under his eyes, without thinking about the consequences. “I need a tall glass of water, though.”
“I’ll take care of you,” he pulled a sweet, sharp smile and winked flirtatiously, making her mind go completely blank and her heart pitter-patter in her chest. Damn him. “I just need to ask you something first,” he wondered as he toyed with her hand, looking at the way their fingers crossed. She suspected it was a way not to face her.
“Did you mean it?”
“That you hate me.”
JJ huffed, feeling suddenly so uncomfortable she couldn’t sit still. Her eyes shot to the ceiling as she retracted her hand from his hold, feeling fear slither under her skin. 
There was no harder question to be asked.
She did. And she didn’t. 
She resented him because she considered him the reason why her heart was broken. And she resented herself because, despite everything, she couldn’t stick to her own anger. She was angry all the time; at herself, at her father, at the world, and at fate or God, even. But now she didn’t feel powered by that same fire that allowed her to continue going, now she felt pathetic.
“Why are you so committed to humiliating me?” She wondered with a tired sigh. She knew she was about to lose that war. “Have I not given you enough already? Can you not just accept me being here with you as assurance enough to feed your ego?”
“Is that what you think this is?” He sounded heartbroken. Jack cupped her face softly, making her look at him even when she didn’t feel like she had the strength to face him. “You think I’d be that cruel, little one?”
“Yes,” JJ looked into his eyes and got lost in the man she met, surprised to find him willing to show his more vulnerable side. This wasn’t the Jack she had learned to despise over the last few months. This wasn’t the smug motherfucker willing to burn the world down to get his revenge. This was the man she left months ago, as they broke off things without a word. One moment they were together, enjoying the idea of everything that could have been, and the next they were strangers.
God, his eyes. JJ was burning underneath his dark gaze. Jack had such sweet eyes, hiding perfectly all the emotions that laid underneath. They were the most beautiful, most dangerous eyes one could have. 
“I think you want to win me like a prize,” She continued, knowing her words would hurt him. This time, she didn’t like it. “I think you wouldn’t mind me if I wasn’t JJ Punk. Can you blame me?”
“You are dead wrong if that’s what you think,” he caressed her cheeks, “I hate your father’s guts and yes, this,” he pointed between them, underlining their connection, “it is done in spite of him. But baby, hell if I’ll let him take the merit of the ways I’ve missed you.” Jack still hung on her before she could look away, trying to find something to say. “These past few months have been the hardest of my life,” he continued, hooked into her gaze, “I had to rethink everything about myself. And I had to do it alone. I thought I was done. I thought this dream of mine was finished. I have lost people left and right. For a time, I thought I was left completely alone. Everything changed for me. I sometimes can hardly recognise myself in the mirror. But I am who I need to be, now. I am who I was made to be,”
“I,” JJ took a small pause to breathe, finding it hard under his gaze and the weight of his words washing over her, “I understand that,” 
“I am not finished,” he corrected her, “In all of this, I had only one constant to grasp. Only one thing didn’t change, and that was you. The way I felt about you. And I grasped to it. It kept me sane. It kept me close to who I used to be, even if I can’t be that man anymore.”
“Jack,” JJ gasped, suddenly terrified by his words, feeling a knot sealing her stomach. She tapped her fingers on his lips, trying weakly to shut him up, but he didn’t let her. 
“I need you, JJ. I need you here, I need you always.”
“We can’t,” she gasped, her chest was shaking violently. His words and what they made her feel meant so much more than giving up her dignity to have sex. It was different. It was much more serious. Much more complicated. Prohibited. “Jack,” she grabbed his chin, trying to find something to hold onto before she could spiral into absolute panic. “I can’t betray my father.”
“I am not asking you to.”
“Being with you is already a pretty big ask,”
“But never once I dared to ask you to change your opinion about me or your father, did I?” He looked into her eyes, “I’d never do that. I just need you. We can keep it a secret forever, I don’t care.”
She wanted to believe his words. She wanted to get lost in him and forget about everything else. Her heart was still aching for him and now, more than ever, she felt it skip out of her chest and dive into his to find anything to latch on and keep the illusion of what they were sharing alive. 
But she couldn’t let herself get lost in that feeling. He was going to stab her in the back, she could feel it.
Yet, instead of putting her fears into thoughts and sensed words, JJ silenced them both, pulling him into a kiss. She had sold her soul that night, she just knew it. Nothing would have made sense ever again, she was the first betrayer. And she was ok with that. Sex had consumed every drop of her anger, leaving her exposed and defeated, hostage of all the feelings she never took the time to heal.
“I don’t hate you,” she then confessed against his lips, kissing him softly. She hated herself for it. As soon as those words came out of her, she regretted it just because she knew that even though she liked to pretend it wasn’t the case, she had just condemned them both. “I can’t love you either,”
“I know,” Jack nuzzled his face into her neck, hiding from the world. “I would never ask that of you.”
Jack rolled on top of her, his hands already finding their way across her skin, their bodies moving attracted to each other by a silent magnetism. 
JJ mirrored his movements and welcomed him, ready to bury all those feelings somewhere deep, hoping not to find them ever again. But she wasn’t quite ready to let go of him. She wondered if she would ever be. And she had her answer even before she could form the thought, as her arms branched tight around his shoulders. 
Sex was the perfect compromise for them both to let them find each other and pretend to believe whatever made them feel better.
JJ pushed herself up and kissed him. It was a sad kiss. A desperate one. “I can’t trust you,” she whispered on his lips. 
“That’s ok,” He kissed her back, this time deeper, stronger, making her feel it. “You shouldn’t.”
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