oneknightstand-if · 6 months
Man the Charlemagne ask made me giggle because I HC my PC is little cloudcuckoolander maniac who's arthurian knowledge level is jacksquat but knows the 12 paladins like the back of their hand. They had (silently and fervently) praying that they could be orlando/roland just to run around in anger screaming about lost love naked or go "you must gangnam... Like I have" and talk about beef sandwiches which is a double layered reference to orlando.
MC: I'm Roland the Valiant, one of the Twelve Pala--
Merlin: NO YOU'RE NOT.
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But there actually is a few crossovers between the Knights of the Round Table and the 12 Peers/Paladins (such as Bradamante meeting Merlin at his tomb and Ogier the Dane going to Avalon and meeting Morgana & Arthur). Nothing with Charlemagne or Roland, however.
Although there are plenty of Knights of the Round Table available if you want to run around buck naked wailing about lost love.
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otogariado · 2 years
hey pst. do you like tasty animation? musical scores that make you feel very immersed? do you like space? what about mechas? what about sapphics? go watch the new gundam. if you don't live in SEAsia use a vpn or summat
^^^ all free on yotube babey
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elainemorisi · 2 years
still cannot believe that all it really took was my inherent laziness + cheapness wrt food to be given fully free rein to get so vegetarian that meat's starting to look unappetizing
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khruschevshoe · 7 months
The problem with the handling of Ed's season 2 arc on ofmd is that it sets up the cycle of abuse so well. Demonstrates the way it destroys both Ed and his victims in the first two episodes so well. Shows the ways the trauma can keep destroying people and their relationships in episodes 2-4 (Lucius, Izzy, Jim, etc.). And then just...shames Lucius for trying to open up and shames him for being traumatized and makes fun of him for trying to talk about what happened to him. Makes Izzy apologize to his abuser for one comment he made what is implied to be months ago after the man he is apologizing to CUT OFF HIS TOES AND SHOT HIM IN THE LEG. Doesn't allow Jim (or for that matter, Archie) to be righteously pissed off for longer than episode 4. And then has the audacity to say that Ed making a "Youtuber apology" and using the loot that he blackmailed/threatened/forced the crew to steal in the first place to buy them party decorations somehow...makes up for everything he did?
Like, am I missing a part of this arc? Am I missing the part where he reconciled with literally ANYONE but Fang? Am I missing the part where Stede apologized to Lucius for telling him to stop talking when he was telling him about the severe trauma he went through? (Or even, as much as I love him and their relationship, Pete apologizing to Lucius for dismissing his trauma and wanting to move on before Lucius was ready because listening to Lucius' sa/abuse story was uncomfortable?) Am I missing the part where Archie and Jim found a reason to forgive Ed (and don't tell me that the Izzy-the-unicorn helped them forgive Ed- that was about the crew coming together to help IZZY to recover and had jacksquat to do with Ed)?
The set up was brilliant. Episodes 1-3 killed me. Episode 2 was my favorite episode of the show (bar the bit where Stede ran away when Lucius was unloading his trauma, and even THAT could have worked if he apologized later and allowed Lucius to talk). But the lack of payoff makes me feel sick. Because I understand this show is a comedy, but you don't introduce themes like that and give them that kind of ending.
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bloofbloofbloof · 2 months
People wonder why I don't list my identity or jacksquat in my bio, let me just tell you I mentioned my sexual identity once in 2018 and people reblogged my account listing my identity as the reason I made it and that my content was specifically catered for people who identified that way. I promptly deleted all posts mentioning my sexual orientation.
Ya'll can't handle yourselves.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
What exactly is a "leftist" and why are they the only ones saying that making food for your neighbours is ableist?
The kind of "online leftists" I am critiquing are the often-young/Gen Z people who are very active on social media and at first glance, hold very leftist/liberal positions on things such as climate justice, women's rights, LGBTQ rights, income inequality, etc. Except on further inspection, a) a lot of their beliefs about these things rest on weird puritan-esque logic little different from conservative fundamental Christianity (see the anti belief that if you read Bad Fanfiction on AO3, you will become a Bad Person in real life) and b) they're so obsessed with nitpicking and judging everyone else’s language and behavior that they never do anything at all to contribute to the better world they supposedly want. The "Making Food For Your Neighbors is Ableist" discourse iceberg that ghosted past yesterday is a prime example of this. Brainrotted Twitter users can write a whole nonsense thread on Why This Is Ableist (A Bad Thing!) And Thus You, Moral Exemplar, Should Not Do It. While the act of making or bringing food for your neighbors has functioned throughout human history as one of the most basic examples of friendship, outreach, and community-building. These "Leftists" talk endlessly about the Big Revolution that will magically fix everything, and then do literally less than jacksquat to engage with the people they would need beside them, in the real world, if anything about their social movement was to succeed. Let alone a revolution, which has, uh, never worked before as an instrument of long-term and more equitable social change. Never.
These people are often likewise some of the biggest promoters of anti-voting rhetoric, for similar reasons: on paper, no flawed human candidate can possibly live up to their impossible standards, so it's actually better not to participate at all, lest you unduly morally sully yourself. (Since evidently, their personal purity is more important than the welfare of society-- as I said, conservative evangelicalism, which isn't a surprise since this movement is primarily American and English-speaking). They make arguments completely unmoored from any historical, social, or political context, they're aggressively anti-intellectual but they sure can spout those buzzwords, and come up with endless pretentious claims about why actually helping your neighbors is bad, or come up with straw men as to why that's actually disrespectful on your part! (What about say, food allergies or dietary restrictions? Well then, you would have to talk to your neighbors in real life, not in echo-chamber social media, and find out what they like and can eat! Horrifying!)
I know many of these people are young and want to fit in and have time to learn and grow and do better; we are all idiots at a certain age. But because their rhetoric has been egged on and actively encouraged by large-scale bad actors (as in, end global democracy bad) and taken on a life of its own, it has become outrageously harmful and needs to be called out and confronted wherever it appears. So yes.
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the-empress-7 · 1 year
That was one of my worries about Invictus. How do they parachute Harry out of the foundation and Games. His star power and pull tanked and that had to have a direct correlation to their numbers. It disgusted me that at the last games he really merched BetterUp on them. Btw it made me laugh when I looked up the name BetterUp and Harry as its Chimpo (chief impact officer) - apparently Chimpo is Japanese slang for “penis”- how appropriate 😂.
BetterUp is on the same trajectory as Theranos IMO. They have amassed a ridiculous amount of investment capital but almost jacksquat is translating into their bottom line.
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theomnicode · 2 years
I feel like there's a definite hint somewhere here
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About Saitama being lonely and the fix being found somewhere in a place of social function where you need a partner, but he's just procastinating. King naturally, has the best and most truthful advice in the series how Saitama can better his life. Not having friends is not the reason he feels he's lonely, especially when he has real friends now.
Many forms of social dances are in fact, partner dances. Like ballroom dances or something like competitive dancing. If anyone has seen competitive dancing...that shit is downright intimate and you definitely need a partner you can trust. Not saying Saitama is gonna go down competitive dance route. Dancing is definitely something he wouldn't do on his own. Classic waltz is a fair amount of intimate on it's own.
Now...if someone like Amai-mask pressured him to learn how to dance because of some high social function that he's demanding Saitama go because reasons and then he needed a partner for practicing...Genos would 100% be his partner in crime.
"Life is a journey with no destination."
If Saitama actually stopped procastinating, looked around, stopped being stupid and allowed himself some good things, he could notice that the answer to his loneliness has been living with him for the past 3 months. Because he's been craving for intimacy with another human being for quite some time, like he says in cd dramas, but he's slow to open up and realize what he wants and what he has coincide.
I understand the feeling all too well: low self-esteem, so you think you're not good enough or attractive enough for partner. Feeling like if people get to know you better, they would judge you and your eccentric hobbies to hell and back. Thinking you probably won't find anybody you yourself might find attractive and them liking you back. Because you're an oddity of the society and outcast, weird in some way, nerdy or otherwise. Then having similar hobbies to even spend time together. But still thinking at the back of your head how it would feel like to be intimate with someone and craving that human contact.
Saitama is self-conscious, has low self-esteem and struggles with expressing himself, his emotions, has problems with his humanity and doesn't let people close either. Trying to find a partner that would fulfill the above quotas and would also understand him would be like finding a needle in a haystack. Even worse, said partner would legitimately have to be S-class to even be able to survive Saitama's lifestyle of being a hero and practically facing god-level threats when OPM God for instance does not hesitate to use the people he cares about against him and kill them.
Yet ironically, he found exactly that kind of person, that one person in a million, someone who constantly gets stronger too but he keeps wallowing in self-misery anyway and doesn't do jacksquat about it. Ain't nobody gonna be able to say Genos is not practically obsessed already and isn't constantly trying to change himself to be more attractive choice. Either because Saitama's in denial, not openminded enough, thinking it's somehow inappropriate like perversion or he thinks intimacy is strictly romantic/sexual and he can't have platonic intimacy. Hugs between friends exist and it's toxic masculine way of thinking he can't do things like hug Genos cuz they're both guys and it's not manly enough or it could be seen as too homoerotic.
Now, my wish fulfillment scenario is for them to stop skirting around the issue and do something about it. They both need it and want it and I would die for some cute canon saigenos. Saitama cares about Genos a lot and he was practially getting shaken this last few chapters roughly to "bloody do something about it before that chance goes away, you dumbass." He can protect people he loves if he actually initiates physical contact with them and wants it hard enough, like he did with Genos' core. He won't be able to properly protect people he cares about if he never initiates proper physical contact.
My Saigenos shipper wish fulfillment scenario is to have Genos and Saitama dance and Genos actually dip Saitama. I want to see that entire bald head flush bright red.
Genos needs to be more bold if he wants to make Saitama figure out things inside that head of his and get some cogs turning. Sai takes too long to figure out shit.
Saitama getting together with Genos would solve about half of both their problems lol.
Now, if Z-city has an actual city station left though, after Tatsumaki and Psykorochi fight, to hold any dance classes in...oh well, it could be some other location anyway, since Saitama won't live in Z-city anymore anyway.
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Honestly, reflecting on some of therapy from yesterday the day after, but I run by a lot of principles. I don't really deal in morality because good and bad are lies and just ways of shaming and control (save for a few situations where I think there are objective bad) but I have some very very firm values and principles I run by which mean a lot to me.
One of the top of top principles I as a part live by is that I absolutely refuse to intentionally lie to myself. If I can and the second I am aware of anything fraudulent to who I am (which is not a solid and defined thing but a very fluid and ever changing thing based on who I am in the moment) to myself I will bite whatever bullshit I have to to get my life and myself back on the same page.
And so in therapy, when I am there specifically because I have a job to do to make sure the system gets where they deserve to be (charged by my top principle value but thats another story) I really don't put any resistance to any topic that will get us closer to that
And I've made that clear, break my bones so I can mend them I don't care and what not. And so our therapist had asked me what sort of stuff I actually remember as I am a trauma holder and honestly, I really do forget it a lot beyond the label cause as I've mentioned before, I'm a very atypical trauma holder in this system and since I've been around again, I haven't really had large periods of which I have had my trauma shit triggered cause the system honestly accommodates me extensively to the point I forget I do.
Not really in a proper dissociative amnesia manner or anything, but just a "it's been a while since it was directly relevant to be thought about" manner. It took me a bit to actually pick it apart because honestly, I try not to fester in the past and I am a fan of turning all my weaknesses and hurt into things I own and use for my own strengths and all
But honestly, my shits and cackles aside, the reason I'm the way I am is because of a shit ton of neglect, a shit ton of competition in the house, and a shit ton of a need to intimidate and kick the ass of a lot of people growing up all combined and resulting in complete confusion in operating in societies based on attachment and comraderie and with people. A lot of that is easy to flip into a strength cause its largely the function I was made for (not necessarily as a part, but as my sister's attack dog) and honestly, it brings me a lot more strengths than weaknesses currently imo so I am not inclined to do much to change it, but there are times and moments where it would be honestly really nice to genuinely and authentically care about what people think of me and have that actually mean jacksquat.
Cause the shit came up in terms of Gender Dysphoria and sexuality with that shit, and a thing that never ceases to annoy me and frustrate me is that almost everyone always approaches it in a "well things that can be said from someone else" "well this and that" "well they feel" and all that shit and all but like
I literally don't care. I literally do not care. I literally can not care because for better or worse, how other people in this world perceive me literally means nothing to me because I never experienced the soft care or attention or any of that garbage family and friends shit, nor have I ever experienced the need or desire beyond our own system which HARDLY counts cause that's still fucking me.
The only opinion I really fucking care about is my own which is GREAT a lot of the time, but when it comes to shit like this I literally can't be pacified by anyone and its so fucking frustrating when all the support, resources and advice you go to for help like this assumes you have that ability to actually understand and process attachment and support and care or whatever.
This is not as absolute in terms of within-system dynamics but whenever it comes to people outside of the system I just really don't understand and can't understand it as a part because it literally just is not in my lexicon even after getting a taste and understanding of it within the system.
Issues like gender dysphoria related shit I wish there were more advice on how to address issues that aren't dependent on "well social conditioning" and "well others can say and do this" and "well others think this" and "well some people dont have this" cause I Dont. Care. About. Other's. Opinions. And. Experiences. On. This. All that shit just feels so fucking irrelevant cause like
I know.
What the fuck does someone else existing and thinking in one way relate at all to my situation? And yeah yeah "blah blah this fits in because ideas of this and that are inherently social in nature and blah blah blah" I dont fucking care.
It's so fucking annoying and I'm not asking for advice or anything. But its just so frustrating navigating a world where people actually make attachments to people and actually seek out approval and acknowledgement from people as someone who just does not compute it.
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sashthesloth · 2 years
What's witch hat atelier about?
it's about this girl Coco (who has always had a passion for magic after a chance encounter when she was younger but never expected that she could learn magic) who ends up becoming a witch (because of Reasons) and learning magic in order to find a way to save her mom after (things) happen! ft. really amazing art, beautiful costume designs, and a great cast of characters (I love love love the relationships between all the apprentices and their teacher, and I adore the character development that happens to a lot of them)
I jumped into this knowing jacksquat except that the art is pretty but oh boy I got sucked in so fast I can't stop reading it, I need to find out more
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oneknightstand-if · 2 months
Do the ROs have a birthday? like, assigned bday date?
in ch1 when mc talks about how lucky they would be of dying of pest A.R.S.E, they mention engraving their tomb with the classic "i told ya i was sick" and there was 2005-2030, well obviusly since mc is 25 yo
i dunno if im being delulu but i think maybe i saw a birth date (maybe Adrian´sss?????) somewhere in the game while playing, dunno xd
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Note... some of these are outright lies.
Merlin: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Adrian: March 25, 2005
Arthur: June 21, 445 (the equivalent of)
Percy: April 1st, 2005
4̵0̷4̸ ̷E̷r̴r̶o̵r̵ ̴N̸o̵t̷ ̴F̵o̵u̴n̸d̴: 🤨
Cassandra: December 21, 2005
Gwen: May 8, 2005
Vivian: You know that's rude to ask a fae, r̸i̸g̷h̵t̷?
Lorelei: June 20, 2005
Broderick: He's not telling you jacksquat.
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phoenixwrites · 2 years
I've seen a couple of complaints on how Chrissy is characterized in fanfic--which is a wee bit frustrating to me, because one of the fun parts about Chrissy is every fanfic writer gets to choose how to characterize her and it's all kinda valid. I love a Chrissy who discovers a love of metal as much as I love a Chrissy who never gets into it and sticks with Madonna--I love a sexually experienced Eddie Munson who gets into fights regularly and a virgin dork Eddie Munson--both are perfectly valid headcanons to have about them. We simply do not have enough canonical information to make firm judgments. Chrissy gets, like, fifteen minutes of screentime total, which gives us leave to make choices about her. Which again, is part of the fun.
So I want to impress a few thoughts on WHY Chrissy is characterized so often as unhappy in her life or her relationships.
A lot of us project our own unhappy adolescence onto Chrissy. Perfectly valid thing to do.
We know that Chrissy was emotionally and likely physically abused by her mother--Vecna's visions for both Fred and Max were based on actual memories, it's not a leap to assume the same for Chrissy.
We know jacksquat about Chrissy and Jason's relationship, except that Chrissy's smile is rather fixed when Jason calls out to her during the assembly (compare to the scene where Eddie makes her smile--it's just an obvious difference.) And we also know that Mason played up Jason's jealousy of Eddie--he's said so in interviews, which is why he was so angry when Lucas tried to tell him that Chrissy went to Eddie for help.
Chrissy did not go to her friends or her boyfriend for drugs. Popular 'queen of Hawkins High' probably had any number of friends who could've gotten her drugs--but Chrissy chose to go to Eddie and to keep it private. Why? There are a number of possible reasons, but Chrissy being unhappy and not feeling safe enough to go to her friends is a large reason as to why writers characterize her as so isolated. I was a good girl in high school too, but if I'd wanted drugs, there were a number of avenues I'd have pursued before tracking down the "school freak".
Was Jason abusive? We simply don't have enough information to say so definitively. I can see it going either way. He was perfectly fine with his friends physically assaulting an 11-year-old girl and nearly killing Lucas--even in the throes of grief, that makes me pretty suspect of him as a character. Some of us are projecting onto Jason and that's fine--but at the same time, I've seen plenty of writers redeem Jason and give him pathos--more pathos than the show ever did, frankly.
My point is, because Chrissy, Eddie, and Jason don't have enough canonical screentime to make definitive judgments about who they are as characters. Which is where fandom comes in and it's one of the most fun parts about it. So even if you're not a fan of a fandom drope, it doesn't mean there isn't REASON for it to be there.
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devil-baker · 1 year
Celestial War timeframe?
Heads up, I was raised by atheist hippie scientists so I know NEXT TO JACKSQUAT about the Bible. Those of you who know more about it are entirely welcome to correct me.
So, the year that Jesus is supposed to have ascended to heaven is 33 AD, right? There are some sources that also say that the War in Heaven took place when he ascended.
By that logic, Lilith would have died-not-died during or a little after that time frame, yes? Ergo, the brothers have been demons for a tiny bit under 2000 years.
Are there any instances in the game that allude to whether they've been down there longer?
I'm trying really hard to come up with a timeline for all the shit that's hit the fan and it's hard when there's inconsistencies between game lore and what I find from Bible sources🥲
Correction: Solomon was born in 990 BCE. I’m not sure but I think the brothers (it might have been Asmo) mentioned already being demons around the time Solomon began making a name for himself.
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ladyelainehilfur · 2 years
webtoon charging 7 coins to fastpass for no reason other than they can
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I'm not paying jacksquat.
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alchemsol · 2 years
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-- @doldoldolcetto​ asked: ‘”would you rather drink milk or stay short forever?"’
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| In theory, drinking milk once doesn’t sound terrible. But he just doesn’t like dealing with it. He always points at the concept of it being because it’s just... cow juices, and he’s drank it before, but he really just doesn’t like the taste. He’d prefer not to drink it if he could.
| And he’s not... extraordinarily-- extraordinarily! short, he wants to point out. Not entirely. He’s... teetering almost to an average height scale of what he’s considered, of what he can help, but average heights mean absolutely jacksquat and they do the exact opposite to give him any sort of euphoria.
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“...My height’s not changin’ any from what it is now, pal. I’d rather prefer to stay the way I am, thanks.”
| It’s not a terribly difficult question when he (almost doesn’t, but does) think about it rationally. It’s more a question of whether or not he’d be willing to wrestle with an unnecessary hurdle when doing the one thing won’t give him a magic spurt in height.
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ohnonanobots · 10 months
 iOS voice memo app audio files
They are faint AF. You will have to put your speaker up to your ear and listen to multiple times. It helps if you know what is being said, in the cadence of how it is being said?... otherwise you won’t hear jacksquat.
O-kay Sa•bri•na!?
Say it like you’re Kim Kardashian that is slowly shocked and that’s the cadence?
Twitter thread:
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Absolute garbage quality video?
{will have video of the iOS memo app playing each one as well}
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